#i tried collecting my thoughts to say smth interesting about them here
amemenojaku · 1 year
For the rarepair suggestions, maybe AkyuuRei (I'm a broken record) or Tsukasa x Sanae ? :>
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OKAY SO when i said my thoughts around carmy and bradley werent coherent at all I meant that quite literally 😭 i havent thought about it in detail aside from the rough idea BUT if i have to expand on it i’d say it could be something along the lines of denim through the decades? or taking into account what you said about james dean/marlo brando i think it would be fun to see a campaign centered around iconic moments of denim in pop culture too. Maybe recreating some movie sets and outfits and such. 
BUT im also thinking something a lot more chill bc ik recreating movie sets n stuff can be 1) a hassle and 2) a lil cheesy, so considering that the people involved in the campaign would be people with an interest in vintage denim n such i was thinking about  levis incorporating some vintage pieces from personal collections. Picture one of the countless denims carmy stores inside his oven (sob) or one of bradley’s staples too. Mix that with a limited edition line of ‘brought from the past’ jeans, jackets, etc. and i think itd be golden. 
By no means am I a denim expert, I’m talking out of my ass here after a few minutes of research LMFAO but its fun to think about it.
I’m sure carmy would be WAYYY more hesitant to participate than bradley. The latter is probably ecstatic and doesnt let his manager (im guessing levis would be in contact with his manager) finish. As soon as the words levis and collab leave his mouth, Bradley's sold. 
I think carmy would be interested in working with levis, a little flattered that they considered him. Maybe taken aback too bc im guessing he’s a very private person and doesnt talk much about his denim collection and such so levi’s def did their research lol. Still, i think he was going to turn them down and then Sugar and Syd found out and tried to convince him bc ‘its levis, u gotta say yes’ but it didnt exactly work and in the end it was Richie who replied to the email with something along the lines ‘id be honoured to be a part of the campaign’ or smth weird in his attempt to impersonate carmen.
With the two of them on set, i quite frankly don’t know if they would interact or how that interaction would go. Think carmy might be too nervous to properly interact bc its a hectic environment. Maybe bradley saw him all closed up and semi alone and decided to strike a conversation with him, talking about denim and such. What do you think?
BTW im so sorry about the typos i keep making, i only notice after you respond LMFAO i swear my english is good, promise.
I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!! thank you so much for indulging me 😭😭 and no worries, i feel like we’re speaking in a language beyond english where we’re just throwing concepts at each other and we actually understand it. it’s beautiful.
i totally get it that recreating movie sets is a lot. what they can do is recreate looks inspired by these iconic movies (like james dean in rebel without a cause—carmy would look great in that!) they can do a studio shoot or an outdoor city shoot like JAW’s CK campaign (still not over that btw skshsjdhsj)
ok hear me out: carmy is reserved in his private life but i feel like deep down he likes being the golden boy. remember his monologue abt smoking ppl out wherever he works? and just the way he steps up to lead and plays up to people who wanna hear what he wants to say. i feel like with the restaurant on the rise, he’s bound to have done some interviews, and on one of them he went on a hyperfixation-fueled tangent abt vintage denim like the first episode.
and you’re so right, it still would take him a lot of nudging and jostling to say yes. i loooove the idea of richie very eloquently replying to the email and making carmy sound very eager and cordial 🤭 (i imagine he would be a very short emailer/texter if he ever does reply)
with carmy, i feel like it’s not so much that he dislikes hectic environments (how much more hectic can his kitchen get, right?) but it’s the kind of hectic that he can’t control. and it drives him nuts, and he’d take smoke breaks often and eventually, bradley goes with him although he doesn’t smoke. he’d say that he has been to noma a few times and he enjoyed it and they bonded over restaurants and food and all. he’d love to visit the bear some time, to which carmy is like “of course let me know anytime you’re in town”
(Bradley thinks carmy is one of the coolest people he’s ever met. Carmy thinks for someone who’s that famous, Bradley is super chill.)
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aurik6 · 2 years
Hi there! I was really impressed by your Laito’s mbti post, you have such huge knowledge of the functions!!! *1 more vote for INFJ let’s goooo*
May i ask, what is your thought about Ruki? 😳 Which do you see more, INTJ or ISTJ? 🤔
Hey hii anon!
Ruki, you say...Damn, interesting, also a character I've started liking recently 🤔🤝
But still, I'm gonna talk only about MB route, because I haven't read Ruki's DF or other games, so... All my thoughts are based on MB.
INTJ => Ni Te Fi Se
ISTJ => Si Te Fi Ne
● So talking abt Ruki there's no doubt which judgemental functions he has, but with perceptive functions I have some problems...
● Maybe I'm missing something, but I'm not into saying his dom function is a perceptive function, because any of N or S show kinda rarely...
● But what we actually have. From his flashbacks (pre orphanage) it's seen how low his Se is. He doesn't really fare about food and physical things, he even judges some girl for jumping in cold water to pick coins from there... He was like:" I'd never be like that, even if I'm also that pathetic." He's not interested in surviving "physically", only mentally, I guess. So Se is here, but it's low asf => +to INTJ
● Moving on. What about Si??? Well... Si operates the experience, attention to small details (again, material, aka physical) and collects such ⬆️ information. What do we have with Ruki? He often refers to past experience, when tries to say that people are liars (when Yui treated him kindly without any mercenary intentions, he didn't get it, because in his own past experience things didn't work like this, people were cruel and abandoned him.) So, he has experienced it, now he uses this knowledge, everything seems to be logical, BUT. Ruki clearly realizes that he doesn't learn on his mistakes. Yes, he gained some lessons of life in the past, but what now? He treats Yui just like those servants, calling her livestock, as if he ignores the reason why he was "punished". I mean, literally, he says :" everything what's happened to me is a punishment for my sins (aka violence aka ignorance). Is that okay, that a Si dom treats his experience as something non essential? Really? Also, he doesn't seemed to be detailed-oriented person, when he was discussing the escaping plan from the orphanage with others, he didn't really pay enough attention to things, which could have helped them escape successfully... He was only about "never stop, run as fast as you can" bla bla. That was a rather maket of a plan than a plan lmao... So, I really doubt about any Si here
● Well Te and Fi are obvious here, and since they stand on the same positions in these 2 types, I'm not gonna dig into them.
So, Ne. And here's the showtime starts. There's a small ray of hope to Ne inf, because Ruki was considering the imaginary situations "if I was born non human, I'd be free" bla bla, A LOT. As if he really regrets the missed chances, lost opportunities, which had never existed then.
If you're a Ne dom user, therefore you have Si inferior, and you about to regret something from the past, feeling smth like : "ohhh I could do it in the other way and the consequences would be different", but if you're Si dom with Ne inf, then you're gonna to see a lot of ways of solving the problem, but you'll be scared of this huge number of possibilities. It'll distract and scare you, and Ruki is just regrets about the situation, which could never happened to him but he's dreaming about it... This kinda looks like Ne inf? => + to ISTJ?
● But now I'm gonna discuss his Ni... Honestly, it doesn't shine bright as the dominant function (aux seems to beat it haha), but Ni, just like Si, can refer to past experience but be more abstract and intuitive (obviously). I won't say Ruki talks with metaphors (like Laito, for instance) or uses a lot of images, but sometimes there are small evidences of it. He calls himself "snake", also called Eve the "Goddes", referring to her abilities of creating the new race, payed attention to blue sky as a symbol of freedom and thinks in abstract ways. Like, he was talking about the necessity of being reborn, the cycle he could live again and again, as if he's circled into his own sins and can't escape, but why? He just understands it and can't explain, like its his fate and he has some missiom. Like Ni sometimes just understands the connection of events, but can't explain. I'd say he's like that. When he was a child he had already thought about those "reborn"-themed things, he was seeing the future lmao => +to INTJ
So here are results:
Si<Se (sorry Si can be mistaken for Ni)
Ni>Ne (but Ne is also kinda exists for me here)
And Te aux Fi tret are okay.
Another small conclusion INTJ>ISTJ. It looks like INTJ characters are the ones who have the actual urge to action, and ISTJ are more static, they're mostly happy about the hierarchy in which they are. That's why (but maybe it's a freaking myth just like statement that all INFPs are crybabies) INTJs are more innovative, they go against the system, because they don't like it. And Ruki wasn't happy with orphanage life, so he chose action here. Again, it looks like ISTJ are more cautious and grounded.
And another thought. Idk, for me Ruki seems to be a character with Te dom function, not the auxiliary, because I see him as a pure revenger with his main idea of take a revenge to world... But then he's gonna be ENTJ, Te Ni Se Fi , but it looks ew because of Fi inf and Se tret, his Fi is much more clear than Se, so INTJ totally wins
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ballorawan740 · 3 years
SCP Scenarios: SCP 173 (The Sculpture) x Reader | NEW CHARACTER
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(Don't ask about that GIF)
I did change 173 slightly in a way that he can move his limbs and communicate verbally, so Peanut here would be a tiny bit OC
First Encounter
You both met in 173's cell
For some reason, when you blinked, 173 just stood in front of you
Like, this peanut didn't kill you or anything
It was more as if he was interested in you
He somehow found the ability to talk
Even patted your head to your surprise
This also supposed the whole of the facility since they've only observed 173 spanning everyone's neck and teleporting
And they've never seen him move his arms since he's a literal peanut statue that secretes poop (and blood I guess)
Your feelings for him
You began to realise you fell for him after someone had mentioned how often you visited the statue
Definitely would try to hide it, to begin with (Cuz it's odd that y'all be falling for a peanut statue)
But later on, you decide to drop hints about it to your crush, Peanut
He looked as if he was clueless
But he definitely has gotten the hint way before you even realised your feelings for him
Because you make him feel butterflies
If anyone tries to flirt with the statue, you would become furious (Cuz you paid for this statue)
Most likely would tease you at times
His Confession
Probably would plan it out
Which didn't work at all
So 173 would just do it out of the blue
To which you agreed of course (Cuz y'all need some Jesus! At least you weren't like Clef when he- nvm)
Definitely surprised the foundation as well since nobody has ever fallen for this statue before (Aside from Clef)
Some would give you both odd looks while others were more curious about your relationship
Probably would conduct tests between the both of you
Only because they want to see if 173's behaviour would change
Like if someone blinked while standing behind you
Since the foundation doesn't let 173 out of his cell, most of your dates would be in there
173 would be similar to 035 since he's pretty chill and laidback
You both would be laying on the floor and looking up at the ceiling
Probably talking about a lot of BS
Probably would tell you his favourite method of killing (which totally isn't snapping necks)
You both would tell each other about your day and peanut would joke around a lot
Is rather sassy as well so if anyone judges, you can always count on 173 to save you
Most likely by snapping their necks
Or sassing them out to the point of no return
When he gets jealous
It's rare to see 173 jealous since he's quite laid back and doesn't really mind who you're with
If 173 does get jealous he would most likely snap their neck
Or just teleport behind you and just stare at whoever is hitting on you
Or he would bend down to their height (if they're short ofc) which does are them off quite a bit
Would definitely drag you back into his cell to which surprised the researchers
Because they found out that the cameras were working and they heard screaming coming near/from his cell
Peanut can be slightly possessive of you
Especially when he knows somebody is hitting on you on purpose regardless of whether they knew you were taken or not
Most likely would ask you who you are hanging out with and for how long
When there's a containment breach
There's a 50% chance that he caused the breach
Whether he did it or not he would look for you
As he's looking for you he would snap some necks
Even gave 682 a heart attack
More than once actually but we don't talk about that here (cuz that hurts 682's heart)
Could care less about every other SCPs/workers
If you were hurt peanut would hunt down whoever did it to you
Probably would stroll down the facility instead of teleporting
To which you giggled
The look on the researchers' faces when they saw 173 frolic across the hallway and back into his cell was priceless
You were even there to witness it and everyone looked at you like they've just seen a ghost
Would lock you up in his cell
Probably would tie you up as well
Definitely would torment you by teleporting in front and away from you
Sometimes would blindfold you
Not even the researchers could get you out
They've even asked 131 for some help and it didn't work as effectively as they thought for whatever reason
If you somehow managed to escape your freedom wouldn't last long
173 would manipulate you to the point that you felt that there weren't any way out for you
So in the end, you just stayed in his cell (probably regretting life choices while you're at it)
At least he's nice enough to let you eat proper food served in the foundation (had to make that clear in case y'all didn't get the hint and thought he gave you smth else to eat)
His younger sister
You're both alike and very close indeed
The foundation was shocked at how alike you both were
And you both were inseparable
So every time there's a breach and they see either of you, they know the other is just around the corner
You both would be sassy, sarcastic and funny
The foundation would be entertained by your remarks
Although you may or may not snap necks like peanut, you do display some form of curiosity towards the foundation staff and the SCPs
Like that one time when there was a containment breach and you leaned in rather close to this rookie and he just screamed as he laid on the floor
He did get quite a lecture afterwards but you decided to just tease him whenever you both meet
When his kid says their name for the first time
Would be joyful af
Nobody would hear the end of it
Like imagine the last words you hear is 173 telling you how his kid spoke their name
Like it took them so long to just get the pronunciation right
Tries to get them to swear late on though
Much to your dismay
173 is a cool and laid back type of dad so you wouldn't have to worry too much when you're away
Unless it's about being a good influence then you should (Not that it matters anyway...)
Probably would teleport to whoever/whatever just tp tell them about it
Even bothered 682 to the point that the lizard begged the foundation researchers to remove either of them
When his S/O is angry
Would run/teleport 10000000000000000000 miles away
Especially if you're mad at him
Probably because he broke your favourite cup and didn't tell you about it because he know that your best friend gave it to you as a gift (Don't say y'all don't have friends)
Would try to calm you down after a while though
Which didn't work too well because you still wanted to rip his head off
If it was somebody else who made you mad he would probably be entertained
Unless it affects himself of course
Probably would try to hold you back and get you to calm down
In which you wanted to rip off his head as well which ended so well for peanut
If 173 cant run anywhere he would just hide in the corner and cry
Probably would as the researchers for some help as well
They don't because they don't want to die either
When someone tries to steal you away
When peanut finds out he would hunt down whoever tried to steal you without hesitation
Would snap his neck and everyone else who were involved or knows about it
Takes you back to his cell
Checks if you were hurt even though you were looking at the kidnapper's @ss
Would try to stay by your side at all times even though he knows he can't
Stares at the researchers every time they talk to you
If it was a D-class they would die in an instant
Has a burning hatred for certain kinds of people
When his Pregnant!S/O gets hurt by accident
Cries without a doubt
Would bandage you up without a doubt
Would cheer you up by doing weird dances and impressions
Most likely would tell you off as well but your puppy eyes get to him
So he would just take that back and just baby you
Would kneel down to talk to the unborn child about your bad behaviour
You swore you felt it kick
173 would get all excited and more protective than usual
Wouldn't let anyone near you unless you were going into labourr
Meeting a Fem!Dragon!Hybrid!Reader
Would be quite curious about you
Finds you rather cute because you're so pure, kind and small
Wants to adopt you without a doubt
The researchers would have mixed feelings about you being in the same cell as 173
Peanut was lowkey terrified when you breathed fire
Was somewhat ok with you crying lava and levitating objects for a bit
Somehow managed to get 343 and/or Scarlet King to help you improve your telekinesis
Definitely would play hide and seek with you and some others
They don't get a say otherwise peanut would snap their necks
When he accidentally kills you
It was when some guy unintentionally pushed you which angered 173
Like he teleported to him and his friends
You tried to explain but 173 didn't listen so he proceeds to snap everyone's necks
Trying your best to defend the poor guy, you stepped in front of them which lead to 173 snapping your neck as well
The guy was shocked but managed to run before anything happened
Word got around that 173 had snapped your neck and was now permanently depressed
Like, he stopped snapping everyone's neck for quite sometime
Felt so guilty that he went to 049 to see if he can fix you
But he wasn't able to so he went to SK and God
They were transported to another facility so they weren't able to do much for this statue
Yandere!173 x Evil!Reader
Not as dense as some of the other SCPs but 173 wouldn't have guessed that you worked for another GOI other than the foundation
Since you used your knowledge of 173 to your advantage, 173 would find out rather late
173 found out who you were working with since the late arrival of the Black Queen came by to collect you
173 would try and kidnap you back into his cell at the Foundation but failed miserably
Would try and warn the foundation but they couldn't get you back either
Since you were with the Black Queen, 173 was plotting to get you back without any distraction
The foundation realised how dangerous 173 has become and isolated him far from the other SCPs
At times, the foundation would use your name in order to get 173 to work with them which worked 50% of the times
Trying McDonald's Sprite
Would be confused about this 'Sprite' from McDonald's since he doesn't eat or drink anyways
173 would be rather curious about this beverage and does give it a try
Finds it tasty and you soon realise he has officially become a sweet tooth
Was probably a mistake but if you ever needed to bribe 173, get him some Sprite that's specifically from McDonald's
Like that one time you bought him Sprite from Tesco's, he said it tasted more disgusting and refused to finish the drink
You should probably give him some apple pies, pancakes and some other sweet stuff from McDonald's
Sometimes the foundation would even give him some Sprite whenever the cleaners are cleaning his cell
Would find it amusing that the only way to get him to stop snapping necks are Sprite
When his kids swear
Would 100% be ok with it
173 probably is the one who taught his child to swear
Probably would let them drink alcohol at a young age as well
Maybe around their teenage years, but would let them try a sip if they're under 10
Wouldn't even be mad if his kid swears accidentally
Peanut would most likely encourage it
Doesn't mind if his kid swears at others, but the others would probably complain
When Child!Reader scares him
Wouldn't be hard to scare 173 tbh because you're so small
You'd be running around and giggling while doing whatever
Until there's some silence
173 would probably brush it off at first until he didn't hear a sound for 20 minutes
Does check around his cell to make sure you're still there
Panics because he can't see you
Until he turns around and had a full-on heart attack because you jumped on him
The researchers definitely hear a screech coming from his cell
They all started laughing once they found out
When the reader pole dances/aerial silk dances
Very similar to 035
Would be in awe of you dancing for him
If you were pole dancing he would probably watch you with those eyes~
Most likely end up in you both performing in another activity
If you were aerial silk dancing, 173 would probably be amazed
Would try and dance with you but fails terribly
Because he keeps dropping like dead flies
Most likely broke his back
Sometimes the researchers wonder how it's even possible for 173 to break his "bones"
Having a Pregnant!S/O
Would crack a lot of dad jokes here and there
Follows wherever you go
Rubs your belly whenever he can
Definitely would make a full conversation with the unborn child
Sometimes would read stories that do make you feel sleepy
Does whatever you tell him to do
Cracks some necks if he can't give you what you need
Would cry whenever you have your mood swings
During labour, you grabbed his arm so hard that it almost broke him
When you try to commit suicide
Would teleport to your side at an instant
Wouldn't let you out of his sight ever again
173 would try to cheer you up which may or may not work
Definitely would kill whoever made you feel this way if any
Make you stay in his cell for a while
Maybe even permanently
Wouldnt let anyone touch you
If you had any scars 173 would cry
Peanut would try his best to stop you from feeling that way
Having a Hopelessly Romantic/Easily flustered GN!Reader
Would definitely tease you
173 would find it adorable that you fluster easily and is hopelessly romantic
I'd say he's pretty hopelessly romantic to a certain degree
Will kill if anyone teases you
Because your adorable flushed look is only reserved for him
Although he would tell all the other SCPs about you
049 and 035 get it the hardest but 035 is completely fine with it
049 would rather just stay in his cell than to hear 173 talk about you for 200 hours
Probably knows more about you than peanut himself
173 would boop your snoot whenever you have that cute look
When you're about to be executed - Yandere!173 x D-Class!Reader
173 would snap everyone's neck and kidnap you back to his cell
If anyone ever mentions your name, 173 would instantly snap their necks
And if they ever tried to find you, he would know and would hide you somewhere else
If you ever tried to flee, 173 would teleport to your side and bribe you to stay 'home'
By bribe, I mean he would force you to return by teleporting the both of you
If anyone sees the both of you, 173 would stalk them to no end
Would torture them if they were to tell the foundation about this
Not even the other SCPs could help
When you curl up in their lap
Would find you the cutest thing on Earth
Aside from 999 of course
If he's exhausted from doing nothing, he would probably just rub your head/back
Definitely would tickle you whenever he can
Finds it comforting when you do curl up in his lap
Thinks that you're so cute to the point that he would kill for you
When you kiss his neck
10000000000000% loves it
Would definitely be vocal because he has no shame
Most likely would ask you to do it again
Even if you were in the middle of talking to someone and they hear him
If you were in the mood, you could tease him with neck kisses for hours on end
Probably would ask you to move on to the next activity but you know he loves being teased
Then after that go back to cuddling
173 would scream but the last time that happened the whole foundation went deaf and you gave him the cold shoulder for a while
Definitely cried about that so he tries to restrain himself
But you feel bad so you just carried on
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rouiettes · 3 years
raya and the ugliest fucking dragon i've ever seen holy fuck who the hell thought to give a dragon fuckiNG EYEBROWS WHY WHY—
aka the musings of a filo non-binary bisexual who feels victimized by the dragon designs of this fucking movie supposedly centred around THE LAST DRAGON???? MAYBE THEY SHOULD HAVE STAYED STONE GDI WHAT THE FUCK SERIOUSLY WHY DO THE DRAGONS LOOK LIKE THAT
let's get one thing straight.
none of the characters in this movie. rest assured. not a single straight person was in this movie. trust me.
raya and the last dragon had all the foundations of a good movie
(in my humble opinion okay pls dont come for me)
a disney movie with sea culture at its heart and soul, i was so hyped to finally watch this movie
(not as hyped as i could have been tho bc let's be honest DISNEY DID SHIT WITH RAYA'S MARKETING)
you had the amazing score, the amazing concepts for plot and characters, the solid solid worldbuilding???
if you just told me about how raya's setting and premise, i'd probably be "wow this movie sound like the whole package"
and then i'll actually watch the movie and have just as much trust issue as raya did :/
but i digress
do you know how diverse sea culture is??? VERY
and one thing i was very happy to see was how raya handled it
it was by no means perfect but
the subtle shows of culture in the way the characters acted, and the environment of the movie was just CHEF'S KISS
not only that but the ideas the movie had in terms of its world and the people in it felt genuine, it felt alive
a dragon that isn't the typical fire-breathing lizard
characters who look like they could easily be my neighbours or children i've played with
instead of pandering to this movie felt like an actual homage to sea cultures
and for good reason bc seeing all those familiar names rolling in the credits had me feeling some type of way :")
also that fucking soundtrack gave me chills throughout my watch of the movie
okay now that we've got the things i actually like about the movie, let's talk about what i don't like
if there's one word i could use to describe disney's raya it would be: rushed
like i said in the beginning, all the groundwork for an astounding disney movie were already there
but all of it just goes to waste bc the plot and it's characters feel so Unfinished
the movie felt like a bullet-point presentation of the story
WHICH IS SO FUCKING DISAPPOINTING BC THE CHARACTERS SEEMED SO INTERESTING but all we got were shadows of what they could have been
cardboard cutouts of the archetypes they filled
i'm not asking for a bottomless well of depth, but i at least wanted more for the cast than just: angry misunderstood princess, angry misunderstood princess with an undercut, that one dancing kid from moana but with more spice, boss baby, and the mountain
and i get that they had to sacrifice some of their depth to keep the run time of the movie short but you have got to be better than this disney
i hate to compare but it felt like this movie tried to go beyond what moana gave us, and shot so far that it ended up back to where it started, and then stumbled back a few steps
and you'd think the plot for one of the few disney movies with a non-western setting would have more than just a macguffin considering how batshit sea folk tales can be
but you'd think wrong folks.
sure moana had a macguffin too with the heart of te fiti, but the heart itself wasn't the heart of the movie
it was the journey of moana and maui
maybe this was just me but like, i felt so bad for the friend who watched this movie with me bc all i could go on and on was how the plot felt like it was getting in the way of itself
why didn't the different kingdoms (??) kept the gem in rotation or smth, when did they decide that heart would keep it and then get mad at heart for keeping it????
why didn't awkwafina dragon just show herself to the kingdoms bc everyone seems to be in agreement that dragons good right? that they would be the key to getting rid of the druun right??? SO THEY'D ALL AT LEAST HEAR HER OUT OR SMTH RIGHT????????
and yes raya has trust issues but it seems to only spring up at the most convenient times plot-wise, we didn't really see her learn to trust other people again OTHER THAN THE TIMES WHERE SISU WOULD HAMFISTEDLY SHOVE IT DOWN OUR THROATS THAT SOME PEOPLE ARE GOOD SOMETIMES RAYA
we see it with boun, but then she just trusts noi, her monkeys, and tong THE GUY WHO STRUNG THEM UP AND WAS THREATENING TO TORTURE THEM????????
i'm gonna be honest and say that if it weren't for namaari i'd have absconded the moment sisu came on screen
as far as i'm considered the actual plot of the movie is just the entire sword fight scene between her and raya
and finally
we get to the part i will be erasing from my brain for my own mental well-being
my friend said they looked like the ponies from mlp in 3d AND NOW I CAN NEVER UNSEE IT
every time we got a sisu close up i lost 5 years to my life
disney i am suing for damages
if you want me to drop the charges i demand raya 2: electric boogaloo but it’s just raya and namaari enemies to friends to lovers ark
and also for them to never say dragon nerds ever again
im not the first person to be side-eying disney's decision to keep pumping out these 3d movies but like.
no amount of added dimensions could ever make that dragon design okay
and there so many more points i could go off on to show how this movie was rushed
how the other dragons, and even sisu's siblings whom she had been missing for the entire movie DIDNT MAKE A SINGLE SOUND???? NOT EVEN A FUCKING GROWL DISNEY???? DID YOU EVEN TRY WITH THE DRAGONS AT ALL??? THE SUPPOSED CENTRE OF THIS MOVIE'S PLOT?????????
kudos to that one granny chief though
u can never have enough bad ass old ladies
children aren't stupid disney. if you tell your story well enough, they'll pick up on the messages you want to give them. YOU DONT HAVE TO THRUST EVERYTHING IN OUR FACES
i was exhausted by the time i finished this movie
bc i really wanted to love it. i wanted to feel more for it than just: well, it's a movie :)
i dont hate this movie though like it's not even worth the energy for that
i think that ultimately, despite all my issues with it, this movie was a step in the right direction when it comes to having non-western stories being told by non-western people in big name productions
i'm glad raya and the last dragon exists
i just can't help but be dissapointed though bc this movie put so much effort into putting my people and culture at its forefront but at what cost???
good characters and story for a good setting and design????
does it have to be one or the other?????
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yakocchi · 3 years
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2021 Anniversary Event Ministories // Count
this post contains 2 ministories: the 4th Anniversary Collection Event (Loved So Much, I Go Breathless) and the 2021 Election Collection Event (Deep Night)
o hey it’s me why did i sandwich two honestly-unrelated stories? bc i can!! actually it’s bc i feel lame when i post too much. which goes against how you’re supposed to use tumblr…. but no one ever said i was good at this
anyway, they serve similar purposes. The Election Event is supposed to be a sort of Anniversary Event, while the..… Anniversary Event is named that. the Count did not!! have a scenario Anniversary Event this year (that was apparently reserved for the top 6. sad but makes sense) so yea, make do w/ this
The Election Story is an AU where the characters are hosts of a host club. which…. not my thing but w/e, maybe some of u like that stuff The Anniversary Event on the other hand is supposed to be in-line with canon. results in corny SHIET but i like corny shiet. like the vlad one has them buying mugs (? thats a thing in the 19th century, corny mug shit? #1 best vampire mug? bruh)
in event chronology, the anni event was way before the election one but i put the election one first here cuz it’s longer (bc i included the prologue)
Spoilers under the cut!! Please credit if you take any of it, thenk u (・ω・*)
Deep Night // Prologue + Count
⋆ didnt screenie anything for the prologue cuz LAZY. just imagine the dumb black shirts they made some poor intern edit on photoshop, thats p much it
One city night, the year 20XX—
[Kara]: “Survived another week of hard work, me… haah,” (I finally have the day off tomorrow. It’ll be okay if I let loose a bit tonight, right?) When I was worn out from the monotony of everyday life, I would head over to a certain place for comfort and thrills. And that establishment was—
[Napoleon]: “Welcome to Club Deep Night.”
[Arthur]: “Ah, it’s Kara. You came to see me, right? ‘Been waiting.” [Isaac]: “Hold up, Arthur; she doesn’t come here just to see you, no?” [Dazai]: “Ooh, Isaac; a Host’s jealousy isn’t pretty, you know?” [Dazai]: “Well then, Toshiko-san; Your pick tonight— Wha – is me? No, no, it’s an honor. This will be a night of blinding sensuality very soon—"
[Isaac]: “She hasn’t picked anyone and you’re already going full steam ahead. —And her name isn’t Toshiko.” [Arthur]: “Right, right; Don’t hang with some guy who can’t your name right, Kara— My princess.”
As soon as I entered the club, a smile appeared on my face as a battle of charms began in front of me.
[Napoleon]: “Sheesh… every last one of these rascals are thrilled. Sorry that they’re being so noisy.” [Kara]: “No, no! Whenever I come here, it’s fun and even perks me up.” [Vincent]: “Really? If I’m to be the source of your high spirits, then I’ll make it even livelier in here.” [Vincent]: “I’ll build the champagne tower, and prepare the call!” [Theodorus]: “Hey, Hondje— Hurry and pour the champagne. It’ll be to give gratitude to the angel that’s landed on this city tonight.” [Theodorus]: “If you can be a good girl, I’ll tease and spoil you to bits.”
⋆ in host clubs, there’s a thing called a champagne call. the customer buys some very expensive bubbly, and all of the hosts gather round her table to chant, sing, w/e i was curious on how the localization handled theo’s dog nickname for MC (like 駄犬) cuz if they did a straight translation (mongrel, mutt, etc.), i feel like the western audience would hate him lul. glad they found smth
Everyone tries to entertain me, and in a single moment, their sweet words make me forget about my ordinary life. (It’s nice that everyone is so lively; but shouldn’t I go pick someone for tonight…?)
Troubled about it, arms then suddenly wrapped around my waist on both sides, causing me to cry out. [Faust]: “How long do you intend to go down one by one like that, keeping us men waiting?” [Faust]: “Come on— Please pick someone, and quickly. I can’t say... that I don’t know who you should be choosing.” [Charles]: “Ugh, there goes the cunning Doctor. I wanted to be picked by her, and now you’re doing all this.” [Charles]: “Hey— Pick me, Kara. I’ll do things to you that’ll make you feel good, utterly euphoric...” [Sebastian]: “Stop the Sexy Time. Even though you are a host, please show some restraint within club walls, Charles.” [Sebastian]: “...There being so many rivals vying for Kara’s nomination, is a nuisance.”
[Jeanne]: “If I do things that will make her feel good, will she be thrilled?” [Mozart]: “Jeanne, it’d be a good idea to not emulate what you just saw.”
⋆ “Stop the Sexy Time” is transliterated into kana, so it felt wrong to potentially change it. yes the cringe was not made by me this time. surprisingly also, this is something that gets a bit lost in translation: Charles and Jeanne both use yorokobu, in which the most common meaning is to be pleased, feel joy, etc. however, they use diff kanji which have diff connotations. Charles uses one that’s more abt physical joy (like a massage... or uh u know), while Jeanne uses one that’s more abt emotional joy (like seeing a friend u haven’t met with in a while). it’s supposed to show how dirty minded charles is while jeanne is precious LOL
[Mozart]: “Kara, come over here. You deserve to receive much finer hospitality... So, from me.” [Jeanne]: “If you pick me as well, then I’ll do my very best. Kara, won’t you come with me?” (Urgh- it’s getting more and more impossible to pick just one of them...!)
A bit farther away from everyone else, in the backroom— two men were exchanging words with each other: [Shakespeare]: “The moment Kara arrived, everyone became so animated.” [Shakespeare]: “She’s a mysterious one, to be able to draw us masterful hosts towards herself.” [Leonardo]: “Mhm, every single grown man is desperate to get the sweetheart’s attention.   [Leonardo]: “Well... maybe I should turn desperate too, hm?”
And in the owner’s quarters, there were also men watching Kara through the club monitors. [Vlad]: “That girl…” [Count]: “You mean Kara? She started frequenting this place a little while ago.” [Count]: “For some reason, I’m always interested… in who she picks each time.” [Vlad]: “Looks like you care quite a lot about one specific customer, dear Owner.” [Vlad]: “Kara… hm?”
[Napoleon]: “Regardless, all of the hosts here like you way too much. —To be honest, it makes me anxious.” [Kara]: “Huh-?” (Anxious… as a host? Or… as a man?) His words, honeyed with sweet temptation, made my heart race. His smile then deepened: [Napoleon]: “—Well, Kara; Who’s your pick tonight?”
(End of Prologue)
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[Count]: “So you’ve come, Kara. I’ve been waiting, you know.” I had paid a visit to the host club I always go to, and was invited to the owner’s quarters for some reason.
⋆ how is he still a Count in this AU lul. like yea nobility still exists, but it’s… strange, esp. if someone of nobility is openly running a host club
(Being called up here by the owner… this is the first time that’s ever happened.) I couldn’t come up with a reason why I was the only customer summoned here.
[Count]: “It’s not anything to be nervous about; I just wanted to hear something from you tonight.” [Count]: “You come here often, but you pick someone different every time.” [Count]: “Is there no one here that meets your expectations?” [Kara]: “My expectations?” [Count]: “Mhm. Being unable to satisfy our customers’ needs is an alarming matter.” [Count]: “If none of my kids happen to be your type, I’d like to hear what kind of things you seek.” [Kara]: “N-No… it’s not that none of them are my type;” [Kara]: “It’s just that everyone here is so wonderful, so I can’t pick only one of them.” [Kara]: “They’re cool, kind, great at conversation, and entertain me…” As I thought about the hosts who had surrounded me at the tables up to this point, I voiced my feelings honestly. I then recalled the words the Count had said just a moment ago, and felt a slight discomfort in my heart.
(I’m being honest when I say that I can’t choose between such amazing hosts. But…) (I also think it’s certainly true that “what I seek” is a bit different from them.) (The one I desire is more…) I shifted my eyes to the Count standing before me, and he responded with the composed smile of a mature adult. I was captivated by him at first glance, as a scent of danger seemed to drift from deep within that smiling face.
(But— As the owner himself, the Count’s not going to service a customer, of course…) Regretful, I dropped my gaze— Before I realized the Count had walked over to me. Cradling my chin in his fingers, he turned my head up so I face him.
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[Count]: “Contrary to your words… your eyes say that there is something you desire.” [Count]: “Your indecisiveness stems from wanting more stimulation, is it not?” [Count]: “Like this, for example—"
He suddenly pressed his lips to mine. Shocked, I tried to pull away— but the Count gripped my waist in place. He then drew me in closer as if to prevent escape, changing angles countlessly as he took my lips. [Kara]: “Nn-… Don’t. I can’t pick you, the owner, as my host, so…” [Count]: “That unsatisfied-looking face of yours deeply bothers me.” [Count]: “I’m retired, but if you wish it so... For you, I’m willing to make a comeback tonight.” [Count]: “Well, now… go ahead; make your choice?” As if to seduce me, the gleaming gold eyes in front of me radiate this allure. With that, I felt that he could see through the lustful desires that lied within the recesses of my heart, and my body shivered with a subtle numbness. (I’ve never felt this way before.) Wondering what kind of stimulation he would give, I wanted to be toyed by those fingers, those lips… These emotions muddled within me.
(I think the person I’ve wanted all this time... was you from the beginning.)
[Kara]: “Count— Tonight, I’ll have you…” [Count]: “To be chosen by you, is an honor.” [Count]: “I promise to sate your thirst this evening.” [Count]: “—Give yourself to me.”
⋆ or “you can entrust all of yourself to me” if u want smth more awkward but more faithful to the original text
A fervent kiss rained down on me as if to fill what I had been deprived of,
and the night that would far exceed the stimulation I had desired, had just begun—
⋆ u kno, i did try making the characters sound more 21st century in this AU. but at the same time, the count probably wouldnt be the type to say yeet (aka a useless person) so idt it showed that much
Loved So Much, I Go Breathless // Count
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Inside a swaying carriage, the Count sat across from me. Staring at me fixedly, he then gave a deep sigh. [Count]: “You are astoundingly beautiful tonight, Kara. —It was good to have left the manse like this.” [Count]: “If we had traversed the streets by foot, then I would have surely faced difficulty in having to shake off the men charmed by you.” [Kara]: “Ah-… D-Don’t play around like that, please.” [Count]: “I’m being completely honest, you know. —Well, if someone were to come near you, I wouldn’t let them lay a finger on you anyway.”
⋆ he says something closer to “those are my true thoughts, without a single lie” but that’s going too far in my arbitrary rules of “does this sound like smth ppl actually say” so whee
(J-Jeez; He always acts like this…) Wanting to mislead my pounding heart, I hastily changed the subject.
[Kara]: “Um… Where are we going tonight?” [Count]: “Oh my, did you forget? Today’s the anniversary of the day we met, of all things.” [Kara]: “Of course I didn’t forget. It was the day I changed my own fate, and met you— A day I cherish so very much.” [Count]: “It’s the same for me; And it’s precisely why we’re going to a place where I may reaffirm my love.” (“Love”…?) When I tilted my head, the Count gave a meaningful smile, saying nothing more.
With that—
The place the stagecoach had arrived, was a church I recognized. (This is… the place where we had confirmed our love for one another.) The Count took my hand before we entered, the moonlight silently illuminating the unoccupied altar.
[Count]: “I have decided from my heart— that on this day, and on every day we call ‘our anniversary’—" I shall proclaim my vows to you once more.”
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[Count]: “Kara— This is my oath of eternal love to you.” Before the altar, the Count kneeled before taking my left hand, dropping a reverent kiss on my ring finger. [Kara]: “nh- Ah-…” A sweet numbness ran from my finger, and my heart skipped a beat.
[Count]: “The time I spend with you, is filled with a dazzling brilliance.” [Count]: “—Filled to the point where I believe those centuries I had of embracing nothingness, came to be for the purpose of being able to meet you…” [Count]: “If you would allow it— For the future to come, with you by my side, I shall continue to swear such (to you).”
[Count]: “And thus, I wish that one day, I shall become one with you. —That is the greatest happiness I seek.”
He then rose to his feet, embracing me as if to envelop me whole. With my cheek pressed against his chest, I could feel his heart beating as fast as mine. (Like this, it’s as if I’m becoming one with the Count— With Abel.)
He tenderly brushed my hair aside before running a finger down my neck. One day, fangs will sink into this very spot, and love from a pureblooded vampire – called “eternity” – will be spilled within. Thinking about such things, my heart grew full— and tears were about to fall down my face, involuntarily.
[Kara]: “Abel… me too, I-…”
Overcome with emotion, I was at loss for words— When an almost-biting kiss fell upon me, cutting off my words. His tongue caught mine through my broken lips, our hot sighs immediately laden with heat.
[Count]: “—There is no need for words.” His lips only barely parting from mine, he whispered with a glossy sigh.
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[Count]: “The tears brimming in your eyes, tell me everything— that you belong to me.” [Kara]: “Ah-… Abel…” His gentle - but also denying any notion of resistance – and sweet kiss, deepened, desiring me and only me. I embraced him with all my strength, abandoning myself to this happiness that will last forever and ever…
FIN (2)
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Ikevam has been kind of boring if u dun like the top 5 all that much but i mean always has been astronaut_gun.jpg
anyway, the election was mostly a skip for me this year cuz i dun care for mini figures. also, he was doing awful in categories bc ppl are voting characters over several categories (rather than just the recommended one). frankly i think it’s dumb to vote a character in anything other than the “officially” recommended category bc the chance of losing in all categories is much higher than getting stuff in >1 category (e.g., with the midterm results u can see vlad in every category, but he’s only eligible for a benefit in one…when he could easily just win in one category period). but maybe that way of thinking is too tryhard for a game that only barely fits the definition of a game #realgamurz #weliveinasociety
i honestly didn’t do (aka pay) much and ranked rly well in character rankings. so i was happy i got decent stuff, but sadder he doesn’t get much support;; u telling me the richest guy has the stingiest fans. yes. i mean look at me, microwave pizza is my life
sorry for the lack of updates. as usual but uh better to be annoying with no updates than with too much RITE haha yes………. yes
as always, thanks for reading!
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sparklyicecube · 3 years
Scorching Romance
Why you should read it: a review? Suggestion? Anyways.
Name: Scorching Romance
Status: Completed!!!
Length: 90episodes (pretty long but it’s worth it I swear)
Genre: Highschool romance
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Quick summary:
‘Cursed girl who is constantly hot meets cursed boy who is constantly cold.’
Ok so:
Despite the ‘cursed’ parts we honestly don’t have magic running rampant in this place besides the fact that our two main characters genuinely feel really hot and cold to the point that Ember (the girl and hot one) can heat stuff up and give burns with body temperature, but mostly it is set in our normal universe. The start of the whole thing is pretty slow-paced with me not really that invested, but not turned off by anything. It gets reaaally action packed eventually and I nearly cried ahahahah.
The author is genius. The characters are honestly not one-dimensional, no matter what the story tries to trick you into believing, and the best part is that they introduce sooooo many characters in but by the time the story ends, there are virtually no loose ends and you are invested in all their stories. They don’t take advantage of misunderstanding nearly as much as they could realistically actually do and it will make you squeal!
I would say the overall theme of the entire thing is forgiveness and owning up. The amount of times someone said sorry for doing something awful and I genuinely believed them, because that ‘sorry’ just held all that weight.
Ten outta ten would recommend!!!
Spoilers from this point on! (I rant about my feelings on it down here)
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I loved the dynamic between them and I love how they ended up being really truthful to each other and Aspen didn’t lie even though he thought about it :...) they’re so sweeeet
I looked at the chapter number when their curses broke the first time and was like waiiiiit. I then also wondered whether the rest would be just fluff scenes (not that I’m complaining) but the author really said “BUCKLE UP IT GONNA GET SERIOUS”
The author put so many references to little things that happened and tied everything together so nicely??? Also Trevor, idk when I started rooting for you but you were real. You and Moxie should get together. (You will never make it as a kpop idol because your bullying scandals) 
I think overall, I really liked how it all came together and ended?? They even had that Rocky dude go with someone else??
The forgiveness/repenting aspect of the entire thing was really amazing. Aspen kept saying ‘sorry’ for so much at the start and throughout, yeah he was genuine but he was also overusing it. Later on, ‘sorry’ became such a powerful word that was used in such serious cases, like when Harry’s grandma cursed Ember or when Monica burned the place down.
Can we talk about Harry???
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At the start, even though I knew that it was Aspen and Ember I was like ‘does Harry sorta like Aspen though?’ and low-key shipped it but then he said ‘he’s too good for you’ and there was the whole “I DO NOT LIKE ASPEN” when being bothered by Ember and I think that is actually really sweet. We never get the answer to why he sticks with Ember, well, at least not explicitly, but we definitely know why. 
1. He and Ember were childhood friends, he saw her deteriorate to such a serious state and is willing to stick with her because they’re friends (serious state being both her heat and her temper as he sees how she did actually attempt to be nice to people only to be backstabbed)
2. She’s been there for him when very few people have. When Aunt Monica left him Ember was right next to him, that makes them very close and also feel like they’ve been through a lot, and so are willing to stick to each other more.
Harry not having any romantic interests in Ember or Aspen just makes him so much more appealing, he teases them, is there for them, and we can see how amazing he is and without having any romantic unerlying agendas! Love fuels a lot of stuff in this manhwa but so does platonic love and I love that for him. I also don’t think Megan deserves him, because she is too immature and honestly, still hasn’t figured out love yet. (Especially with the ‘buying him ice cream was worth it’) like GURL have you SEEN his HOUSE he does not need a sugar parent. Even until the end she eats ice cream with him, which just shows she can’t open up to him and she was honestly pretty childish thoughout the whole thing. Either way I love how the author baited us several times with Harry for us all to be like ‘Could it be??’ and then ‘I knew it.”
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I love how the whole thing played out to be honest. At the start, I didn’t like Ember’s attitude, or Aspen’s attitude but they both grew so much as people and their character growth through was just so amazing! You could see so many parallel’s where Aspen stands up for himself, where Ember is more restained, it’s *chef’s kiss* amazing!
One of the best bits was when Aspen couldn’t bring himself to lie to Ember, which was what I feared. It seemed like the worst misunderstanding ever but Aspen managed to trust Ember enough and vice versa, showing how far they’ve come. The two of them are now able to banter and converse freely, which both of them trusting in their love and relationship so much! 
Aspen trusting Ember was the bit thing I think, if he couldn’t trust Ember they would keep having these issues, but Ember had grown to be more trustworthy and Aspen had grown to be stronger and have better self-confidence.
At episode 64 or smth where Ember’s curse broke and I thought ‘are they going to have another 30 chapters of just fluff?” (not that I’m complaining), and they didn’t, but the fluff they did have was so cute!!! Also when Ember collasped and hugged Aspen after ‘faking’ a relaspe *sobs* it was so cute :.)
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This next part will be a collection of little observations I found (there are probably still more) that I though were super cool!
1) Aunt Monica’s cigareete. We see her throw it as a little thing like a (I’m leaving/I’m outta here) thing when we first find out that she was Harry’s aunt, then we later find out that Harry’s grandma cursed Ember because of a fire from a cigarette butt from him. At that point no one realises what happened yet. Then she has an epiphany when some person from some car throws at her when it’s all dramatic (I thought that was Lucifer or someone going to burn her originally but it was just a random person) and then we find out it was all her! We even find out that the fire happened on the day of her leaving and no one realised! Anyways...
2) Hypnosis. Monica says in her little ‘angels club’ thing that they must wear sunglasses all of the time lest they hypnotise people. I read that, realised that Lucifer was from there, then went ‘wait a second...’ because Lucifer hypnotised Moxie!!! Several times!!! Cool easter egg I love
3) Remembering things. Aspen didn’t remember Monica from when he was so young, only his mom did, because Aspen was 1. Young and 2. Monica didn’t have much of an impression on him. I like it when author’s decide how much people can remember because let’s face it, even when we’re not children we don’t remember what we ate yesterday morning. Also, Ember not remembering that Monica told Harry to think of her as his mom. Same logic, Ember was young and it had waaaay more of an impact on Harry than anything. More than that, Monica left the next day and it would seem like an irrelevant detail technically.
4) Names. I love how they actually tied in names with meanings, it made it so easy to remember the names and it also made it not really weird and obvious (I’m looking at you J.K. Rowling) but integral to the story. One could predict what role they had in the story by their name. Rocky’s name particularly threw me off a bit, because I could tell it was based off the ‘Rocky mountains’ but was unsure of whether that was related to ‘cold water’ and just decided that it was, but it wasn’t as Aspen’s. Making him just ‘water’ was really nice because it gave us reason as to why Ember seemed to be helped by him but also make him just out of the picture as well.
5) The ice storage. Making the bodyguards faint and be cold too, especially wen they didn’t really coma (or at least, the second one) because we knew you had to go in involuntarily to no be in coma, very good detail.
6) Aspen still having the misunderstanding that Ember was up on that roof saving him to this day because it was never disputed. Ever.
There are totally loads more than that but I need to re-read it a few more times to spot them I suppose!
I think the only hing I want more content of in the whole thing is from Aspen’s dad. His guilt after what he heard his son and wife went through, his bonding with Aspen, him and his family, I feel like that was the only thing that was left unfinished and that I’d want to see more of. 
Finishing it off with a- how are you reading this part??? You must really like reading me ramble. Anyway, that might or might not be all from me on Scorhing Romance, I’ve been getting into manhwas lately and especially finished ones (bcs duh) so these rants might come in a bit more frequently but who knows.
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catboyminato · 4 years
punk!Minato brain rot at 2 am headcannons isn’t this quality content
do I wanna know and daddy issues as a person
he has an undercut bc I said so 🔫
probably gets dress coded like every day tbh (that’s disgusting and rude ❤️ his fit is incredible 😌)
leather jackets and doc martens type beat
probably customized his Gekkoukan uniform so much it doesn’t even look like a uniform 😭😭
canon: hello my name is minato nice to meet u ig
this Minato: why the FUCK do u a have a gun and can I try it and what the FUCK is going on out there what is that ugly ass green that graces my delicate eyes
Mitsuru “oh wow! I hate him.” kirijo
SEES has a fuck jar for every time he says fuck
minato, opening a door: what’s up fuckers
Minato, making a sandwich: where the fuck is the bread
Minato, watching TV: what the fuck im not crying it’s just dusty as fuck in here
SEES, broke: pls,,,,stop
“kIrIjO-sAn wHeN dO i gEt tO bLoW sHiT uP”
extremely disappointed that his persona is Orpheus he wanted smth cooler
“who the fuck plays a Lyre?? what the fuck is this?? intro to theatre?? give me the cool big scary one that popped out of u rn” —Minato Arisato
Orpheus: :,(
“fuck the system and eat the rich”
“what about Mitsuru-Senpai?”
“eat. the. rich.”
Mitsuru absolutely despises this man with a burning passion
junpei thinks he’s cool (and is jealous but who wouldn’t be tbh)
yukari thinks he’s refreshing compared to miss “I SiGneD YoU uP fOr SUMMEr ScHool” and mr “pRoTein”
now she’s stuck with mr “good morning everyone, *looks at Mitsuru* not you though, you can choke”
at least he has a sense of style 😽
he doesn’t like Mitsuru (omg what gave that away 🙀)
he thinks she’s 1. too stuck up 2. is rich and eat the rich and 3. is partially the cause of this whole mess 😻
no longer boy with headphones he’s boy with foul mouth 😌
lowkey kinda smart but you’d never be able to tell
✨tattoos ✨
literally always coming back to the dorm with bruises and scratches and nobody knows why
spoiler: it’s bc he’ll hear ppl talking shit about his friends (yeah even Mitsuru🔪) and will beat the shit out of them 😼
he got into a brawl in the hallway with 5 kids after he heard them talking shit about Shinji after he died ❤️ as he should king
Shinjiro and Minato said “tough on outside but softies on inside” rights and that’s what they bond over 😽
they’re lowkey pretty close and bc I said so Minato met Shinji early after exploring that part of town he’s in
now they’re punk buddies 😼 (is Shinji punk agsjashajsh oh well ❤️)
Minato would actually die for each and every one of SEES even if he doesn’t show it
the tough guy facade was born from his parents death as a coping mechanism so he never got hurt again 😝
Minato “im a motherfucking wildcard bitches” Arisato
peircings 😼
he looks scary we know but you’d never guess he spends time with like a 9 year old and buys her dinner and listens to her problems (we stan)
we love a man who can sit and listen 😌✨
yukari saw him buy Maiko takayoki and decided “hmm this is new” and thus began the cycle of “hes not so tough after all”
Junpei’s “he’s not so tough after all” was him spending time with the elderly couple who runs Bookworms 😌
Akihiko noticed how, if he could, Minato would take hits for teammates
someone tried to mess with Fuuka and he sent them to the ✨h o s p i t a l✨
fuukas realization was when the scary looking boy who cuffs his jeans and has tats made friends with her 😽
Mitsuru’s took a hot minute bc uhhhhh slowburn 🤠
hers was how he continuesly tried to help the student body even tho they rejected him bc uh he’s kinda ✨s c a r y✨
which was like?? interesting to her tbh bc these were the kids who dubbed him the outsider and yet he still strived to help them 😾
so she made the twink part of student council
and he kinda went off ngl 😀
and that’s on being a valuable asset ✨
although he only calls Mitsuru “daddy issues” which pisses her off ❤️
her personal ✨d i s c o v e r y✨ is him lending his blazer (HAJSHS the “blazer” covered in pins and chains 😭😭 which is ripped in some places 😽) one day as an umbrella 🥺
“you’ll catch a cold, daddy issues”—says the bitch soaking wet after letting her use his jacket
when he’s a gentleman 😫
when they get past the enemies stage to friends 😩
mitsuru thinks his perspectives are outlandish and refreshing
“just say no tf”—his answer in being told she needs a fiancé
did he lie tho 😭
apologizes for being a dick 🤩
will beat the fuck outta anyone who disrespects his rich friend ❤️
haha kinda scary when he’s mad ❤️
what’s that wipes blood from mouth while smiling aesthetic cause that’s him
fashionable king we love to see it
ceo of smirking
ceo of “hey daddy issues”
ceo of “fuck”
he got his earring stuck to his pillow once and only Shinji knows
“Does it fucking look like I read?” —Minato arisato who read the entire twilight series and is an Edward stan
akihiko likes to brawl with him cuz he thinks his street fighting style is nifty
can literally hear him from a mile away due to his loud ass chains and boots (stealth 0 ❤️)
has small monochromatic Arcana inspired tattoos littered around his torso (it’s a game of where’s Waldo 🤩)
“I don’t listen to pop.”—says Minato on his way to listen to One Direction
Mitsuru likes to ask what each tattoo means (sometimes it’s just like “idk i saw a guy I beat up once have it and I thought it was cool 😼”)
“rude boy” (what not based off the rihhana song where did u get that 🤠) is Mitsuru’s nickname for him
likes collecting pins 🤠
has way too much jewelry yukari will just steal some occasionally 💀
lowkey self conscious about being seen with Mitsuru
lmfao imagine seeing this punk who only wears leather jackets, doc martens and ripped jeans holding hands with the literal polar opposite of him
taking 🖤🩸🛹 and ❤️📚💳 to a whole a new level
he thinks she can do better and doesn’t want to tarnish her name 🤧
mitsuru learned from him it’s not her obligation to give two flippity flying fucks and WILL hold his hand as they walk down the hallways 😌✨
LMFAO imagine ure just a regular student and all of sudden the student council president who owns the whole damn school walks in wearing the foul mouthed blue haired punks jacket 😭
“What in the wattpad”—Gekkoukan
“what in the goth x prep”—SEES
Minato has fine ass eyeliner sorry I don’t make the rules ❤️
in conclusion punk!minato is best Minato
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dragon-kazansky · 4 years
Little bat - Dracula
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Inspired by @crowley-needs-a-hug
So, when I first saw those bats swarm around the church in the first episode I was thinking "Aw man, bats are cute and I want one" so that led to the thought that if the bats weren't dracula himself, maybe one of his bats wandered into the house of the reader and she kept it and took care of it. Then, Dracula comes looking for his missing friend and finds the little bat with the reader and they strike up a conversation or smth Set in the modern time 
Dracula always had a flare for dramatic. Be in in presentation or personality. The bats, he thought, were a nice touch to his dramatic flare. Though noisy when all swarmed together, he liked using them, liked having that control over them.
The thing is, having so many of them in his command, he couldn’t always keep track of them. It had been a long while since I last lost one, but that didn’t mean it wouldn’t happen again. Being in such a public area meant they had lots of places to hide.
You wouldn’t think he kept count of all his bats, but he did. He knew when one was missing.
Zoe had asked him to stop with the bats, they were noisy and she couldn’t think. Dracula chuckled, having been told something similar by her ancestor a long time ago. The bats parted and he let Zoe speak her mind.
He hadn’t noticed one of his bats had flown off into a house not too far away.
Your window had been open due to how warm it was. You needed all the fresh air you could get. As you sat there working away on your laptop, you never expected a bat to come tumbling through the window. It landed on your floor making quite a lot of noise. The poor thing must have injured itself on the way in.
“Oh my!” You pushed your laptop away and knelt down on the ground. “Hush, little guy.” You were careful with how you approached it. When you were younger you once nursed a bird back to health, you hoped you could do the same with this bat.
You picked it up gently and moved to you bed, placing it on your pillow.
The bat was making less noise now, but it was clearly uncomfortable. It appeared to have hit it’s wing on the way in.
“You should be careful.”
You grabbed everything you thought you might need to bind the wing and found an empty box. You placed it by the window and made a makeshift bed.
“This is the best I can do for now.” 
You picked it up gently and moved it to the box, watching as it decide to lay down instantly. There wasn’t much you could do for the pain, but you would stay up and look after the little guy all night if you needed to.
Dracula sensed something was different. Whenever he controlled creatures, be it wolves or bats, he could sense where they were. Something felt different.
He followed his instinct right up to a house. The window was open and he could the squeak of a bat.
“Ah, one got away.” He muttered.
Dracula knocked on your door firmly. He waited. He could hear you approaching the door and unlocking it.
When the door opened he wasn’t quite expecting to see someone so- pretty!
“Can I help you?” You asked kindly, offering the stranger a small smile.
“Oh, yes.” He got over his admiration for you for a moment. “I think you have one of my bats.”
“Your bats? Oh, the poor little guy came crashing through my window. He got hurt. He’s upstairs, come in.”
Oh what a naive thing to say.
Dracula stepped over the threshold and into your home. He kept his gaze on you the entire time. You had no idea what you had done.
You closed the door and took him upstairs.
Surprisingly, the bat seemed pleased to see his master. You had no idea that Dracula was his master, but you were glad to see the bat perk up.
“He did injure himself, didn’t here.” Dracula stood over the box you had put the bat in. “How unfortunate.”
“Must have got a little lost getting back to you.” You came up beside the handsome stranger. “I’m Y/N by the way.”
“Nice name.” You smiled at him. “So, you said bats? As in more than one?”
“Yes, I have many of them.”
“That’s cool. You tame them?”
“You could say that.” He grinned. “Do you like bats?”
“I like all animals. Big or small.” You smiled. “You might want to take the box if you’re taking him home. I don’t think he can fly for a while, and I don’t think he’ll be comfortable being carried by hand.”
“Yes... Perhaps you would like to look after him until he can fly again?” He offered. He was curious about you.
“You’ve done quite well so far, and I know where he is.” He smiled. “I can collect him when he’s better.”
“Well, I don’t mind, but don’t you miss him? He might be happier at home.” You did really want to look after the bat now it was here, but if this man owned it, surely it would be happier with him.
“I trust you enough to look after him. It will be an excuse to see you again.” He smirked.
You blushed. You tried to hide your blush, but you knew he had seen it.
“Alright.” You smiled. “I’ll make sure he’s in the best car.” You couldn’t deny you wanted to see this man again. A handsome stranger comes knocking on your door and if he took the bat home, you may never see him again.
“I’m sure he will be happy here. I think he likes you.”
You looked at the bat. It had quieted down now.
“I should be on my way, but I’ll be back.” He smiled at you. “Soon.” He added. Dracula saw himself out, but he wouldn’t wait too long to see you again.
You had caught his interest.
@awyr @fandombeehive @charmed-asylum  @sigynbandraoi-blog @procrastinatingmurder  @sitkafay
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ljnuwu · 5 years
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summary: heartthrob!jeno wants his habits to die but all his attempts to show you always seem to go wrong
genre: fluff(?), angst
warnings: cliche, like SUPer cliche, horrible grammar, cursing, kinda long(?) depends the kind of reader you are ig, not proofread
lee jeno amirite
alr so naturally being lee jeno everyone loves you
like how could you nOT love him its like impossible
now there are like a few people who don’t and that’s ok just live your life yknow
now lee jeno is like really really loveable
you know those situations where people are so nice that you want to kill them? that’s like everyone @ jeno minus the wanting to kill
instead it’s wanting to protect him at like all costs which is reasonable
ok so onto his dating life
jeno has a record of dating someone for like a solid one to three-ish weeks maybe the longest he’s ever dated anyone was like five weeks everyone thought he’d stay with them but it ended up breaking up so like :/
no one knows why jeno is like this like he drastically changed like kinda in the middle sophomore year 
like he went from a shy boy who couldn’t even look at a girl without blushing to this like confident boy that could make anyone’s heart flutter by just breathing
ok so like onto you
you actually were partners with jeno on a project in like the first half of sophomore year so like you know the og jeno yknow 😔
you also had like a minor crush on him at that time but we don’t talk about that
at first, you didn’t believe the rumors but then you saw/heard it with your own eyes & ears
you remember it so vividly like woah 
it was like maybe march or april of sophomore year when you were late to class and just didn’t bother going lmao 
so you were wandering around the school building and you thought you were the only one bc everyone had a class at that time so like you were kinda shocked to hear some voices in the hallways
so you wanted to be nosy bc like why not jsjd 
alr so this is what you heard 😳
“hyejin, what don’t you get? why do i have to repeat myself so many times to you?!”
“because i don’t get it! we’re literally perfect for each other!”
at this point you kinda regret eavesdropping so you try to leave quietly 
“it’s simple i don’t love you, i never did and i never will. please, did you think this would last forever? i only date for the thrill and when it’s gone so am i”
as much as you hated to admit it, you felt a little pang in your heart when you heard the boy’s words
how could someone live like that? but then again, who were you to judge how someone lived their life 
“screw you, lee jeno!” 
your eyes widen when you heard the name that was yelled out by the girl 
lee jeno?? the shyest boy on earth broke someone’s heart???? really??
at this time you didn’t know jeno was gonna be a new resident heartthrob at your school cause you’re kinda slow with news 
your friends weren’t even surprised when you asked why there were so many sad girls, seeing as you can be pretty oblivious sometimes :// me too dw 😔
so they were like jeno became like a fboi/heartthrob/heartbreaker something like that over night 
and you were like :0 bc you knew as jeno as the like really shy and nice guy who’s smile was like so adorable and made you want to protect you know 😔
alr so now to the present like two-ish years later it seems that jeno’s goal is to break like every girl’s heart at least in your grade yknow he’s going a grade at a time guys ghksd 
so you were his next target *sad emoji* how did you know this? well it seemed that he popped up next to your locker like everyday since school started back up after summer break lol
he’d usually greet you with a good morning or pickukp line
today’s was “aside from being absolutely breathtaking what do you do for a living?”
“well, i don’t really have a job but i am a student which means if i spare you any more of my breath i’ll be late to class. see you later heartthrob!” 
with that you zoom up the stairs and to your next class 
so class is over and it’s the ONLY class you share with jeno and like a third of his friends
the class was,,, overwhelming to say the least
from the girls swooning at literally everything jeno does to his friends being loud
yall know how loud like three of the members in dream are so 😔🖐
ok so this teacher is pretty chill and lets students like sit wherever which you at this moment realize is a mistake so you’re just hoping some girl at least tRiES to grab jeno’s attention and convince him but it seems luck isn’t on your side and all of the girls just seem to starstruck by jeno breathing
so he sits next to you surprise surprise 
and every time he’d tried to talk to you you’d ask the teacher a question, pretending not to hear him every time
at this point jeno got kinda annoyed but he just inhaled and exhaled, he could do this
when he was going to ask you something or flirt with you the bell rang
you didn’t pack up quickly like jeno expected- no you wanted to confuse him or maybe annoy him furthermore so when you’re practically done packing up you turn to him and say, “i miss the old shy and sweet jeno, don’t you? isn’t this whole heartthrob thing kinda tiring at times?” 
and jeno was like shook no one’s ever said that to him like woah yknow
he just kinda stayed frozen looking at you he was like: 👁👄👁 lmao jskfdj
so you just offer a smile and rush to your next class instantly regretting all your life decisions and when you get to your next class you sit down and your shoulders slump and you just bang your head on the desk yknow like jinsoul in that one live yeah :/
meanwhile jeno is still in the classroom stuck standing at that same spot and just staring at space
“hey jeno you alright bro?”
“jun shut up i think he’s having a realization moment”
“wtf is that?” 
“idk i just wanted to tell you to shut up”
and so renjun and hyuck start fighting and then jeno was like
“guys, do you miss the old me?”
“you mean the shy guy in freshman and like the first half of sophomore? nah you’re way cooler no-”
“hyuck literally shut up for oNCE oh my god”
“why should i”
“he doesn’t mean it you know we all miss the old you jeno, but who you choose to be is all up to you”
“woah that’s some deep shit renjun”
“i know bro” 
so like time skip to lunch everyone starts whispering when you enter the cafeteria and you were confused but then you sense a presence next to you and you can’t help but roll your eyes
does this guy just not give up?
so you sit at your table with your friends who give you pity looks and they eventually scoot a bit away from you and jeno 
some friends they are 😔
and you just start eating ignoring jeno because you don’t really know what to say?? like ok jsjf 
you’re kinda awkward and don’t know how to start a conversation with someone who wants to break your heart so it’s obviously gonna be a bit awkward yknow ://
then jeno just like clears his throat and is like “we were partners for a project in sophomore year, yeah?” 
to say you were surprised that he remembered that is an understatement but like your pride got the best of you and so you were like, “you can remember that but you can’t remember the last three girls you dated? interesting”
jeno poor boi chokes on his food like jaemin in that one video yknow 
but he just nervously laughs and decides he should just give up but like his pride man
“why don’t we go somewhere after school?” 
“are you asking me on a date lee jeno?”
“yes i am, you do know i’m not as shy as before, right?”
“trust me, i know that all too well” you mumble giving a tight smile you think jeno didn’t hear but he did and he thinks back to your words, it has gotten quite tiring and not to mention lonely doing this whole heartthrob thing
“well, are you going to answer my question?”
“hmm sure why not”
jeno was surprised by your answer but you just gave in knowing he won’t stop annoying you until you give in and you’d rather have a very peaceful school year
so time skip school is over and everyone collectively sighs in relief when the school gates are open 
you’re not surprised when you see jeno at the school gates waiting for you,,,,, with a bunch of girls surrounding him, asking him questions in their honey voices so you just stand there and watch him suffer at his attempts to tell them he’s got somewhere to go or smth like that 
he catches you looking at him and his situation laughing, i mean you were pretty amused by his situation but eventually you got bored and walked out of school and on your way to a cafe where you usually go to study
you don’t expect jeno to show up next to you out of breath, looking like a lost puppy
“finally got out of the hands of your adoring fangirls i assume?” you ask
you couldn’t help but smile at your own comment
“wouldn’t you like to know”
“actually i wouldn’t”
“so where to now?” jeno asks looking ahead changing the subject
you giggle again and quicken your pace
jeno finds your giggle,,, what’s the word... cute? 
no impossible
all the girls he’s been with had cute giggles
so why did he feel butterflies erupt in his stomach when you giggled? werid lmao
so yall made your way to the cafe and once you get there you immediately get your notes and stuff out
once you got everything settled and stuff you mumble a quick stay here to jeno so you can order and jeno can save your spot bless him 
so you order and stuff (i don’t really go to cafes and places like that often so that’s why i’m so awkward sorry)
once you settle back down in your seat you offer a sip to jeno and he reluctantly takes the cup and sips the drink he’s surprised at how good it is tbh same 😔
so once he sets your drink back down next to you you look up at him expectantly
“good, right?”
he simply nods and looks like he’s trying to solve all his life problems (me too bro)
you quirk your brows which jeno found REALLY CUTE LIKE REALLY REALLY CUTE HOW IS SOMEONE SO CUTE but shrug it off and go back to reviewing your notes while jeno contemplates the world’s exsistence
“so was that indirect kiss intentional or?”
you look up at him while you’re drinking your coffee with wide eyes but unlike jeno, you don’t choke you just set your drink calmly at least that’s what it looks like but inside you’re screaming 
“if we’re going to be talking and possiblly even dating for two weeks might as well become more friendly” you respond looking at him dead in the eye 
and at this moment jeno realized you had guts like bro no one he’s ever dated was that bold
and so he just smiles yknow that smile i’m sure you know that smile 
and so once you’re done studying and stuff idk you go back home and jeno offers to walk you home and you were like sure bc it’s not like he’ll take no for an answer
so the next day ! 
and on his way to school he thinks about all his life choices so far
and one of them is this heartthrob thing
is it really worth it? does he really want to continue committing to his goal i mean is the goal that important
deep shit like that yknow
and then he decided he’ll continue his goal bc why not
so when he got to school he waited at your locker for a WHILE
jeno almost gave up waiting but when he saw you rushing through the school doors his face literally lit up and he stood a little straighter
he’s whipped wbk
so he looks down at his phone rereading the pick up line he found on the internet 
when you opened your locker you were like, “sorry to keep you waiting, i missed the bus and just made for a run for it. sorry for being late, babe.”
hfhsjk i just cringed typing that hNGn ok 
so boi jeno was like shook and made that noise yknow the eH  
and you just smile and it seems your timing is always perfect bc then the bell rings 
so time skip to like a week later
by this time you’ve gotten used to jeno and jeno has gotten used to you and how you can sometimes be bold like REALLY bold lmao
and you get used to jeno being awkward and cute and his pick up lines but i mean you got used to it immediately bc that was how the old jeno™ 
so you guys are just walking with ice cream (cliche i know 😔)
so there’s this ice cream parlor that’s pretty close to your school and a lot of students go there so that’s why you’re not that surprised to see a bunch of familiar faces as you walk out of the parlor but you become aware of the fact that you are walking and holding hands with the lee jeno™ and so you kinda loosen your grip on jeno’s hand and look down at the ground
jeno notices this and immediately grabs your hand again, lightly squeezing it to reassure you everything is fine :)
and that’s when you hear it
“lee jeno got a new girlfriend already? guess i was too late” 
“don’t worry they probably won’t even last two weeks”
“how much you wanna bet they won’t even last one week”
and then your mood drops even more :(((
you think that jeno doesn’t hear it but he did and he’s >:(
and that’s when he decides that you will be first person he will love and no one else his first and last amirite
it’s not like he’s forcing himself to love you bc he’s well one his way 
everyone can see how he’s whipped for you but they still doubt it’ll last :/
so while he’s deep in thought he doesn’t realize that you’ve just stayed in that same spot after hearing those girls and when jeno realizes this he rushes to your side and takes your hand in his
then you look up at him in somewhat surprise and he just smiles
“i promise you that i will love you and only you, you’ll be my first and last love” (can you hear me dying and cringing while typing this?)
you can see the sincerity in his eyes and voice when he says this to you and you were like, “ayyy that’s a bit cringe even for you heartthrob no?”
he just chuckles softly and you can’t help but smile
believing him at that time may have been your worst mistake 
“soooo, how would you feel being my girlfriend?”
“why not, heartthrob” 
scratch that, that was you’re worst mistake
so a week later everyone is surprised to see jeno pursuing a girl for that long yknow i don’t even know what this is anymore shfjls ok 
so when it’s revealed you are official the whole school starts placing bets to see how long yall would last and although you’re kinda :( you immediately go :) bc you remember jeno’s words and decide no one needs to believe yall would last only you two. yknow cliche and cheesy stuff like that bc love has you blinded sis 
and so when you finally get to your locker you see jeno,,,, followed by a bunch of girls begging to break up with you and get with them and he just smiles and nods 
cause that’s all the poor boy knows, smiling and nods and then he spots you and his face immediately lights up and you just give him a tight smile and a questioning look bc how are you gonna get to your locker with all these girls in the way
you don’t want to be rude or anything so you just try your best to push through the crowd
when you finally get to your locker jeno’s attention goes to you and what you start doing, ignoring all the girls trying to get his attention lmao
eventually the crowd thins out and you just look to him with a slight smirk
“the heartthrob title seems to follow you everywhere, huh?”
“i really wanna drop it for you, yknow”
“hmm i can tell” 
you both just share a knowing smile and it’s so cute omg uwu
and so time skip to like lunch and you’re sitting with your friends after you had an agreement with jeno to let you sit with your friends this time around and he just obeys like a little puppy jskj
“what did he tell you that has you so whipped?” your friend finally starts with a slight smirk 
and you’re just like hmm? and look up from your food 
you aren’t necessarily into love but neither are you heartless you get me?
so you explain to them what jeno said to you that day in the shortest way possible and they just look at each other 
and you’re left clueless like, what?
and finally one of your friends speak up
“you don’t believe him right? he says that to like every girl when they’re unsure if they want to get with him”
and you’re just like ‘oh’ and look at your food
you can’t believe you actually believed his words
you’re mad at jeno, sure but more mad at yourself for believing him so you just nod at your friends
as if to tell them you understood
so skip to where you confront jeno :0
“you think you can lie to me and just simply get away with it?” you look jeno dead in the eye and he’s just caught off guard by your words and your voice 
“w-what do you mean?”
“don’t play games with me lee jeno. you know i thought something could actually come out of this, if not a relationship then at least a friendship! all you know is how to lie to someone jeno. i’m not going to waste my time on a relationship built off of lies.”
jeno is left speechless, what did you mean? why are you suddenly acting like this? wasn’t everything fine last time you guys talked
you seeing his confused face you decide to explain furthermore
“that whole first and last speech was just something you recited to every girl, wasn’t it?” 
jeno doesn’t respond for a while and just looks at you, searching for what you’re feeling but it seems he can’t figure out what it is you’re thinking
you take his silence as him agreeing with your question
you scoff and decide you’ve had enough of lee jeno today and start walking home
you weren’t surprised when lee jeno didn’t follow you 
the next day at school you don’t see jeno at your locker and you just shrug it off 
when you open your locker an envelope falls out and you hesitantly pick it up
you open it and start reading it because your curiosity got the best of you
dear y/n, i’m sorry for not following you home when it’s pretty dangerous for a beautiful girl like you to go on your own. not that you aren’t perfectly capable of protecting yourself but it would calm my heart a bit if i knew you got home safely. i just want you to know that i wasn’t bluffing when i told you that. i may have said something along the lines of those words but that doesn’t mean i didn’t mean it with you. you are probably the only person that has told me they missed the new me. when you told me that you really put me through a spiral of thoughts. one of them being what happens if i just drop this whole heartthrob thing? then what will happen. maybe i can actually find love in this highschool, highschool sweethearts are always interesting stories to tell. that’s when i realized that it could be you. someone who has seen the old me and even misses it. which, if i’m being honest i kinda do too. this is getting too long ahhhh. what i’m trying to say is that i will truly love you and only you. 
sincerely, lee jeno
you hear someone clear their throat next to you and you look up to see jeno himself with a single rose which you gladly take lmao
“give me another chance?”
“three dates starting tomorrow, all at the diner we went to. don’t be late”
“r-right of course”
the next day was a saturday and you were waiting for jeno
“hey! i know you said not to be late but something came up with my family and i couldn’t get out of helping-”
“i get it, it’s fine jeno” you smile, letting this slide
you get it, family situations are always hard to get out of
the second day was sunday and you were waiting for jeno
you start regretting ever talking to that boy, it seemed like he didn’t even care at this point
maybe that letter was nothing but lies as well
you hear a bell ring, signaling someone had entered the diner 
you look up and see jeno searching for you with worried eyes
he was about to open his mouth to give you a reason but you just nod and smile, “it doesn’t matter right now, what matters is that you’re here now”
jeno just nods his head and reluctantly agrees with you
the third and final day was monday and you were once again, waiting for lee jeno
it just so happens that he ended up getting detention today so he was going to be late
at least that’s what he texted you
when you hear the door open you see jeno and you decide he’s not worth your time anymore
jeno tries his best to explain to you why he’s got detention but all you can look at are his crinkled clothes and the lipstick stains all over his face and neck. 
he realizes you’re staring at his face. he raises his forefinger hesitantly up to his left cheek and looks down at it, only to realize what you’ve been staring at this whole time. 
when he looks up to where you stood, he tries once again, to explain but it seems the words are just stuck in his throat. 
“it’s okay, old habits die hard.” you spoke, offering him a smile and walking out of the diner, leaving a defeated jeno.
he really wanted this to work
he really wanted to give you all the love you deserved 
but nothing seems to go his way
being known as a heartless boy who gives up on trying to love or even having a relationship seems fitting for him, right?
a/n: this is crap and the ending was kinda rushed sorry :( this is my first bulleted scenario and i really enjoyed it! it turned out to be longer than i expected it to be lmao but please do drop some more requests!1! hopefully this will be a filler til i get my phone back jsjdf (part two? i’m jk skks)
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nitewrighter · 4 years
can you write smth /w zenyatta and baby rei? maybe he's babysitting? that'd be so cute! uvu
Mercy looked over the Shambali preschool as various toddlers babbled and chatted and tumbled over each other while a handful of human and Omnic nursemaids walked around. Rei, about 7 months old then, was making soft noises from the sling across Mercy’s torso, eyes wide, taking in everything.
“We do have a section for younger infants,” said a human nursemaid as Mercy glanced doubtfully between Rei and the group of toddlers, “There’s only about… 2 others around her age range. We assure you she’ll be well-cared for.”
“I’m sure–” said Mercy, readjusting Rei in her sling.
“We’ll only be gone a few hours, anyway,” said Genji.
“And it is the safest option for her, as you stated we don’t really know the status on the other villages’ medical supplies,” said Zenyatta.
“I know…” said Mercy. She huffed and held up Rei. “You’ll be good without me, won’t you, Sunneschii?”
Rei blew a raspberry and kicked her chubby little legs in response.
“I thought so,” said Mercy, smiling before handing Rei off to Zenyatta, before turning her eyes to him, “We’ll be back–”
“In a couple hours, you’ve said,” said Zenyatta.
“Uh… here,” said Genji, shouldering Rei’s diaper bag into the arms of one of the nursemaids.
“Genji–we brought the B-O-O-K, right?” said Mercy.
“It’s in the bag,” said Genji.
“…book?” said Zenyatta and Rei suddenly chirped in response to the word.
“Board book. Again, in the bag. If she gets inconsolable, just read it to her,” said Mercy.
“I see,” said Zenyatta.
“We’ll be back soon, Sunneschii,” said Mercy, kissing Rei’s forehead. Rei cooed and grabbed for Mercy’s fluffy bangs but was thankfully distracted as Genji wiped a little drool away from Rei’s mouth.
“Back before you know it,” said Genji, giving Rei an affectionate tap on the nose as they both broke away from Zenyatta and the group of Shambali nursemaids.
“Give my best to the other villages,” said Zenyatta, waving them off as they walked away. He looked down at Rei in his arms.
“Master Zenyatta, I can direct you to the nursery, they’re all down for a nap right now so–” one of the nursemaids started.
“That will not be necessary,” said Zenyatta, looking down at Rei.
“Master Zenyatta?” the nursemaid said his title in question.
“Years ago I left the Shambali because I believed our message must be shared on an individual level,” said Zenyatta, “While it gives me joy that the Shambali as it stands trusts my leadership, I cannot, in good conscience, forget my beliefs which lead me here,” he readjusted Rei in his arms so that he was holding her at arm’s length, “You are the child of my brightest pupil during that time. It would be remiss if I were to simply hand you off.” 
“Afabamla,” Rei responded before blowing spit bubbles.
“Indeed,” said Zenyatta, “You are right. It will be good for both of us to show you the monastery.”
“…she didn’t say that,” said the Shambali nursemaid.
“Come along, little one,” said Zenyatta, floating off with Rei in his arms.
Zenyatta floated at the outermost balcony of the Shambali’s biggest shrine, looking out over the mountains.
“During the Omnic Crisis, the omniums polluted the skies and the waters with smoke, chemicals, and radiation,” said Zenyatta, “But we Shambali have made a point of harnessing the wind and the sun here and the mountains so that we might better find our place in nature,” he looked down at Rei, in the crook of his arm, currently concerned with grabbing her wool-lined booties, “What is our place in nature, I wonder? Is it every species’ fate to create another intelligence in its image? I do believe the need to see oneself beyond oneself exists in this world… that is why you exist.”
“Aga?” Rei was pressing her feet together with her hands.
“It is not your purpose, little one, but the force that brings us into existence is one beyond our control. You couldn’t very well tell your parents to have you, but you are here, and make no mistake, that is a wonderful thing.”
“Mabla,” Rei responded in a tone that almost seemed like ‘Yes, I already knew that.’
“You will find your purpose in this world, I have no doubt of that,” said Zenyatta, “And I think that is the most remarkable thing about any organic–to arrive somewhere, not knowing who you are, or what you’re meant to do, but still making a place for yourself. It’s easier for some than others, but it is there.” Zenyatta looked out over the mountains, “Do you see the turbines?” he asked, pointing to a handful of windmills on a ridge.
“Eh,” said Rei.
“I don’t think anyone comes into this world wanting to cause harm–Perhaps for Omnics it is different–especially if you were a mech built to fight….but wanton cruelty, wanton destruction is not in anyone’s programming. What’s in everyone’s programming is survival. And fear and anger corrupt that,” he looked down at Rei, “Your purpose is your own to decide, little one. And I have no doubt that you will bring wonderful things into this world simply by virtue of your presence. Perhaps not all at once, but in your own way and in your own time.” He brushed a bit of her dark hair before floating off.
“This,” said Zenyatta, floating down some stairs, “Is the inner sanctum.”
He was looking out over the edge of the interior platform with Rei in his arms. Rei made a cooing “Woo-ooh!” noise that echoed down the abyss of the processors.
“Do you know why we call it the Iris, little one?” said Zenyatta, pulling away from the edge so they could both look at the column of data streaming upward from the center of the platform
“Nah?” Rei smacked a tiny palm against Zenyatta’s faceplate, “Natta.” 
“In the human eye, the iris responds automatically to the intake of light–expanding and contracting as needed. When an Omnic is destroyed, its memory returns to an unconscious collective shared by all omnics. This… is happening all over the world, as we speak. The Iris is, like an iris in an eye, the gatekeeper of our experiences. If an omnic is made to dig a ditch, not much memory is required of ditch-digging. If 47 omnics are digging the same ditch in the same town, they are sharing the same experience. The Iris decides which experiences are individual and which are that of a group. But there is nuance, in this–whose previous experiences have shifted their perspective of their current experience.”
“Geh,” Rei responded sagely.
“It can be difficult to think of gods as benevolent if they are simply reflections of those who worshipped them,” said Zenyatta, “But… the Iris is not a god. It may be easier for organics to act like it is, and perhaps in some distant authoritative sense it is… but it is no more a god than gravity or electricity is your god. When you are an omnic, you are very lucky to have your memory be your own.” Zenyatta gestured toward the data stream, “Let me show you.”
The holographic column at the center of the platform suddenly warped and shifted, expanding and sending out lines and shapes in every direction. Rei cooed in response as several star-like lights shot out from the column. “It responds to my memories, you understand?” he said, plucking up a single star-like light. Suddenly all the lights dissolved and a hologram of two figures appeared at the center of the inner sanctum. Rei suddenly chirped and bounced up and down in Zenyatta’s arms at the sight of a hologram of Genji getting down on his knees before a hologram of Zenyatta, laying down his sword before him.
“Tekharta Zenyatta,” said the hologram Genji, “I accept you as my teacher, so that I might make peace with my state of being.”
“Agafla! Da! Natta!” Rei was scrambling in Zenyatta’s arms and Zenyatta brought her closer to the hologram so that she could phase her little fingers through it.
“Yes, this was a long time ago,” said Zenyatta, “But it means a lot to me, and thus, it means a lot to the Iris.”
“Natta,” said Rei, waving a little arm at the hologram of Zenyatta.
“Yes, not terribly interesting if—” Zenyatta cut himself off as Rei grunted and furrowed her brow in his arms. “Is something wrong?” said Zenyatta.
Rei had another long, drawn out grunt and then seemed deeply upset.
“What?” said Zenyatta, “What is–” he noticed Rei’s pants weren’t hanging on her in quite the same way and immediately understood. “Ah. I see,” said Zenyatta, quickly hovering away.
“…I can do it, you know,” said the Shambali nursemaid, leaning over Zenyatta’s shoulder as Zenyatta looked at Rei lying down on a blanket with the diaper bag right next to him.
“No. This is necessary to understanding the organic experience,” said Zenyatta, shimmying Rei out of her little pants. Rei was kicking her legs up in her diaper, whining as Zenyatta tried to figure out the next step.
“Those little blue tabs on the sides of the diaper–” said the nursemaid.
“Ah. Yes. I knew that. I was aware of that,” said Zenyatta, undoing the tabs on the side of Rei’s diaper.
“Oh Iris–” said the nursemaid, rearing back at the sight of the interior of the diaper.
“What? Is something wrong?” said Zenyatta, alarmed.
“No that is… that’s just… definitely full…” said the nursemaid, “I’d ask how you didn’t notice earlier but… you don’t have a nose.” 
“I do not,” said Zenyatta.
“Ehhhhhhhhhh!” Rei’s voice was a drawn out whine, “Nattaaaaa!”
“What is ‘Natta?” said Zenyatta.
“I don’t know!” said the nursemaid.
“Please stop crying,” said Zenyatta, feverishly trying to calm Rei down, “Please stop crying—”
The nursemaid pretty much backseat drove Zenyatta through the whole process. “Okay–get the dirty diaper out of there–but wait you still have to wipe! Okay now just–wait–Don’t let her turn on her side! Well now she’s upset! You can’t traumatize the kid over a routine diaper change–”
Zenyatta now had three transcendence arms out, one securing Rei by her feet, one holding Rei’s dirty diaper, and one twiddling its fingers in Rei’s face to keep her distracted while Zenyatta positioned a new clean diaper under Rei with his two normal arms.
“Is there anything else?” said Zenyatta.
“Well… some people are big on lotion to prevent chafing…” said the nursemaid but Zenyatta looked helplessly between Rei and her and the Nursemaid said, “You know what? It’s probably fine.”
Zenyatta quickly wrapped Rei up in the new diaper with help from his three transcendence arms before shimmying Rei’s pants back onto her. “There!” said Zenyatta, holding Rei at arm’s length, “I can do organic things!”
“Excellent diapering, Master Zenyatta,” said the nursemaid with a bow of her head.
“I believe you can take things from here–” said Zenyatta, moving to hand Rei over.
Rei suddenly started wailing. “NATTAAAA!” she howled, balling her hands into fists, “NATTAAAA!”
“What did I do?” said Zenyatta, bouncing Rei a little in his arms to try and soothe her. 
“I mean at this point it could be anything: tired, gassy, misses her parents…” the nursemaid trailed off, “Probably a combination of all three for her.”
“I see,” said Zenyatta, holding Rei at arm’s length, “Little one, we are going to breathe deep and–”
Rei just wailed louder.
“The book!” said Zenyatta.
“What?” said the nursemaid.
“The book they said to read! There’s a book in the bag!”
The nursemaid rifled through a diaper bag. “Little Lamby Lambkins?” said the nursemaid.
“I don’t know, is it a book?” said Zenyatta.
“It’s the only one in here,” said the nursemaid, tossing Zenyatta a book.
“Please work,” said Zenyatta, flipping the little board book open to the first page.
“I still don’t know–what if I give her measles?” said Mercy as she and Genji were walking back into the Shambali temple.
“She’s vaccinated, you showered, and no one in that village had measles, Angela,” said Genji.
“Right,” said Mercy, “Right.”
The two of them turned around a column to see Zenyatta on a pile of red pillows with Rei asleep in his lap as he read.
“And so, Little Lamby Lambkins and her new bestest best friend, Wolfypoo, played in the meadow all day. The end,” Zenyatta glanced up from the board book to Genji and Mercy, “Ah–Hello. how were the villages?”
“They…” Genji started, stunned, “They were…”
“You got her to fall asleep?!” said Mercy, incredulously.
“Is it difficult to make her fall asleep?” said Zenyatta.
Mercy was slack-jawed as Zenyatta took Rei up in his arms and floated over to them. “She is quite remarkable, my student,” said Zenyatta, handing Rei over to Genji.
“Yeah… we… we think so too,” said Genji, taking Rei from him.
Rei’s eyes opened blearily in Genji’s arms and she curled against him.
“Hello, sunshine,” said Genji, cuddling her close.
“And she… wasn’t any trouble?” said Mercy.
“She is incredibly receptive,” said Zenyatta.
Rei’s eyes flicked from Genji to Zenyatta. 
“Natta!” she said, reaching her chubby little hands toward Zenyatta.
“’Natta’ indeed, little one,” said Zenyatta, extending a transcendance hand and wiggling his fingers in her face and letting her grab them.
“Master, I think you’re Natta,” said Genji.
“I am?” said Zenyatta before clearing his throat, “Yes. I’m Natta. I knew that.” 
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Putting this under a cut bc it got a bit lengthy!
Let’s go in alphabetical order! First up, Antonia Figueroa!
what they smell like
I haven’t thought about this much, but definitely something soft...like fresh laundry, or something floral! She tries to seem aloof and standoffish, but she’s really just. So soft, if you gain her trust, so I think her scent would reflect that! 
what their favorite smells in the world are
Vanilla!! She has far too many vanilla candles. She also loves the smell of the ocean breeze. The last time she went to Puerto Rico, she used her magic to bottle the ocean breeze, and when she’s stressed, she opens the bottle and just sits in the scent for a while.
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in
Big t-shirts! She has a collection of graphic tees just for sleeping in. A lot of them have the Pepsi logo on them ajsdbsdufh and some of them are just like. You know those tacky shirts with the animals printed on them?? These ones:
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[id: a grey t-shirt with images of a bald eagle, a mountain lion, a wolf, and a moose on it.]
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
okay this one’s gonna be a little hard bc Toni, Javi, and Avery are all in a polyamorous triad so OBVIOUSLY I ship them all together but also! I definitely ship Antonia with Triss, a monster hunter from the Summer Court!! I can’t decide if it’s a casual thing or if Antonia is just also in a serious relationship with Triss, but Triss is over at Toni’s place all the time. Triss takes a big interest in Toni’s witchcraft and asks lots of questions, and she definitely curls up on her couch and reads spell books while Toni’s mixing potions or smth!
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
Antonia and Javi!! Like yeah they’re partners but a) they don’t start off as partners, and b) YOU SHOULD BE FRIENDS WITH YOUR PARTNERS!! They’re the kind of friends that bounce snarky fake-insults off each other and then just end up cuddling on the floor and playing with each other’s hair. They’d also definitely bond over their experiences in being Puerto Rican out in the Land of Corn and Ghosts and Corn Ghosts
a song that reminds me of them
Wild Roses by Of Monsters and Men! Specifically this part Gets Me:
Down by the creek, I couldn’t sleep, so I followed a feelin’
Sounds like the vines, they are breathing
(Oh it sounds like, it sounds like, it sounds like, it sounds, oh)
And I’ve seen the way the seasons change when I just give it time
But I feel out of my mind all the time
In the night I am wild-eyed, and you got me now
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal
She would ABSOLUTELY be a cat. 100% a grumpy cat who reveals her True Soft Nature around maybe one or two people. She says “mother I crave violence” but what she really craves is a good snuggle session
what position they sleep in
She starts off on her back, but she’s a restless sleeper, so she usually ends up on her side by the end of the night! She definitely starfishes, though, which becomes a little bit of a problem when she, Javi, and Avery start sleeping in the same bed aifhsidgh
their favorite drink
PEPSI!! She’s specifically a big fan of wild cherry pepsi, but regular pepsi also works. At any given time she’s probably wearing some sort of pepsi memorabilia. 
a gift i would give them if i could
Spell ingredients! Dried plants from my yard! A ticket to PR! also this:
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[id: a white shirt with the word Pepsi across the chest in blue. Beneath the word Pepsi is the Pepsi logo, a red, white, and blue circle. The shirt also has several Pepsi logos down the sleeves.]
Next up we have Avery!
what they smell like
Avery smells earthy and like. Fresh?? Crisp?? At the same time?? Kind of like a winter morning in the woods! Y’know that smell of “things are still alive here, the cold is just keeping them dormant”? That!!
what their favorite smells in the world are
His senses were enhanced during his time in the Court of the Moon, so he has some OPINIONS about smells ajfhsdiufhud that said! He LOVES fruity smells, specifically citrus scents! He’s also a big fan of the smell of fresh baked goods, whether that be bread or cookies or brownies!
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in
So Avery sleeps nude and keeps clothes next to the bed so he can put them on really quick if he needs to, HOWEVER! Javi eventually compiles a collection of lounge wear for him! (”Come on, you can’t just be in going-out clothes and armor all the time! Isn’t that uncomfortable?” “If I get uncomfortable I just get naked.” “I’m going out and buying you clothes right now.”) It’s honestly wild to see someone who wears mostly blacks and greys standing around his house in baby blue pajama pants with raccoons on them, or in a sheer green sleep shirt that says “Sunday is for snuggling”
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
Okay so here I’m gonna focus on him and Antonia because holy WOW they’re so sweet, like!! Antonia feels like she can be herself around him, which is so rare. She’s his main supplier for spells and things since she knows the way he works, but also he says he goes to her because she “casts her spells/brews her potions with love” and that “makes them all the more effective.” He definitely comes to her place if a hunt goes wrong and she does the whole “patches you up while affectionately calling you an idiot” thing
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
Avery and Triss!! Triss is the first person Avery really opened up to after being released from the Court of the Moon. Even though the Celestial Courts are...different from the others, he felt that another monster hunter would be the one to understand him most. She helps him open up to more people, and shows him the beauty of the world. I imagine she gathers bouquets of wildflowers and “weeds” and brings them to him sometimes!!
a song that reminds me of them
Some Kind of Disaster by All Time Low! Especially these parts:
I woke up from a never-ending dream
I shut my eyes at 17
I lost every moment in between
I felt the sun rise up and swallow me, yeah
I crashed down from a high that felt so real
I never knew how much it would hurt to feel
You gotta hurt sometimes to learn to heal
You gotta get back up and learn to deal, yeah
And it’s all my fault that I’m still the one you want
So what are you after?
Some kind of disaster (Some kind of disaster)
Fuck I gotta. I gotta go listen to this song now. I’m having Feelings
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal
Y’know, I was gonna be tacky and say a wolf, but now that I’m thinking about it...he’d be a coyote. Adaptable, can be a loner or in a pack, tend to be crepuscular when around humans, some people are very adamant about how they should be shot on sight.....
what position they sleep in
If he’s sleeping alone, he’ll sleep on his side, but if he’s sleeping with other people, he sleeps on his back so they can curl up on his chest!
their favorite drink
Water. Like, actually, he really loves ice water. Sometimes he’ll get frisky and drink *gasp* flavored water!
a gift i would give them if i could
A weighted blanket! Like, I know you have to be able to jump right up and get to work if duty calls or whatever, but can you please get one night of deep sleep?? And a hug. Someone hug this man
Last but CERTAINLY not least, Javi Justiniano! 
what they smell like
Fresh rain on dirt, crushed rosemary, and fresh cut wood! 
what their favorite smells in the world are
They absolutely ADORE the smell of peppermint! They’re also a big fan of pumpkin spice candles. It really is a shame they love seasonal scents so much sdifuhdiu I imagine they try to stock up as much as they can to last them through the year
what pajamas they wear/what they wear to sleep in
Okay so Javi is EXTREMELY tacky and will wear like. A sheer nightgown and silly patterned pants as pajamas. So a combination like this:
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[id: a pale person with long, dark hair wearing a sheer and lacy white nightgown]
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[id: a pair of black pajama pants with a red waistband and a red pocket. The pants are decorated with images of various red lobsters and the words “Pinch Me...I’m Dreaming”]
If anyone asks them about it they just shrug and say “I’m nonbinary, it’s allowed”
my favorite ship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
Here, I’m gonna talk about Javi and Avery because Holy Shit I Love Them. Javi is EXTREMELY chaotic and Avery rolls his eyes about it but secretly adores everything about them. Like. Javi canonically drunk calls Avery and asks him to carry them to bed because they don’t think they can make it up the stairs and Avery actually does it. And when Avery’s about to leave, Javi asks him to stay until they fall asleep, and he stays until morning, and hold on I gotta sit down--
my favorite friendship (if applicable) and a cute hc about them
So I’ve already talked about how Javi and Toni’s friendship is AMAZING but I wanna give a shout out to Javi’s as of yet unnamed roommates! Like, they have to deal with the random monsters that Javi attracts and at this point they’re pretty unfazed by them. They walk into the kitchen and see a weird floating eyeball with wings or some shit and Javi’s like “I’m sorry it was there when I woke up” and they go “It happens. Does it like peaches bc ours are about to go bad” 
a song that reminds me of them
3am by Halsey! Specifically this part:
My self-preservation and all of my reservations
Are sittin’ and contemplating what to do with me, do with me
Think I took it way too far
And I’m stumblin’ drunk, getting in a car
My insecurities are hurtin’ me
Someone please come and flirt with me
I really need a mirror that’ll come along and tell me that I’m fine
I do it every time
I keep on hanging on the line, ignoring every warning sign
Come on and make me feel alright again
Baby. Has some abandonment issues. It’s probably fine.
what animal i think they would be if they were an animal
DEFINITELY a dog. Like, a big, sweet, clingy dog whose adoption profile labels them as “Thinks they’re a lap dog, so they need to be taught not to fall asleep on top of you. Unless that’s something you want!” 
what position they sleep in
On their tummy or their side! They don’t like going to sleep alone, so they have a couple people-sized stuffed animals to snuggle in bed. When Antonia, Javi, and Avery are all asleep in the same bed, Javi’s in the middle, curled up on Avery’s chest, and Toni is spooning Javi. It’s so good
their favorite drink
An iced mocha with peppermint syrup and LOTS of whipped cream! Most drinks are honestly just a vessel for whipped cream for them
a gift i would give them if i could
A big house with a nice backyard, and also a big dog to snuggle when they have to go to sleep alone! I’m totally not projecting! 
THANK YOU AGAIN MAX, this was a lot of fun and I’m even more excited to write about these characters now!! 
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21summerdaes · 5 years
firsts. [jongdae, M]
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tfw you wanted to write something completely plot-less and short and nsfw for your first exo/reader piece on here but you end up staying up all night to finish smth with actual plot and a longer word count than u intended bc you’re predictable
idgi can’t i just write y/n gettin some jongdae dick without feelings gettin in the way anyway hello it’s 4 am let’s get it
“Stay still, won’t you?”
“I can’t help it! You look funny.”
Jongdae frowns at you, pulling away.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” you rush forward before he can pull completely away, still laughing. “This is just...weird, okay?”
You and Jongdae were currently sat in your bedroom, on your bed, just a few inches apart, homework scattered on the sheets and forgotten. Somehow your conversations had gone from the impossible equations of tonight’s homework, to whether or not you were going to prom, to who your respective first kisses were. After a good solid two minutes of the both of you struggling to lie your way through an imagined first kiss, you both admitted to not having had one yet.
And naturally, Jongdae offered to be yours, and for you to be his. After all, best friends were always there for each other, and you didn’t want your first kiss to be a mistake. Even though your relationship with him was entirely platonic, Jongdae could never be a mistake.
Except it was extremely hard to kiss him when the entire situation was crazy, and he kept leaning in with dramatically puckered lips, and you were worried about his braces. Didn’t people use their tongues for these kinds of stuff? What would happen if your tongue got cut by them? Was that possible?
“Let’s try again,” you suggest, shaking off your laughter and holding Jongdae firmly by the shoulders. You breathe in, and out, and put your serious face on.
Only for Jongdae to burst into laughter now.
“What is it!” you exclaim.
“You look funny!”
“Okay, okay!”
Jongdae collects himself now, echoing your actions and shaking out his arms and hands as if to shake the awkwardness. Really, the both of you were just nervous and trying to relieve all of that with jokes and laughter. And it was comforting, really, to know that he was as nervous as you. 
“Ready?” Jongdae asks, and you nod, a new determination about you.
Something different settles in the air this time as Jongdae looks at you, as he takes your cheek in his hand, as his gaze flits over your face and land on your lips. The mere action makes your heart tremble, and you wish you could make jokes and laugh now, but then suddenly, Jongdae’s leaning in, closing his eyes, and you move to meet him halfway.
It’s just a brush at first. A tentative touch of his lips against your own. Then, Jongdae pushes against you with a bit more certainty, mouth moving with yours. It’s weird, and you’re not entirely sure what to do next, whether to tilt your head that way or the other way, whether to move closer to him, whether to put your hand on his shoulder or his thigh or his nape.
Then you feel an arm wrap around your waist. Jongdae pulls you closer to him as he kisses you, and something about that makes your heart flutter, makes your stomach curl, which is not anything you’ve ever felt before when it came to Jongdae. It’s not unwelcome. It feels nice.
It’s like instinct then, to place one of your hands on his upper chest and to wrap your other arm around his neck. The kiss is still innocent, still light, but still has you in a tizzy as he moves his mouth against yours over and over, as his nose bumps into yours and you pull away to laugh and he moves back in to claim your lips again. It’s weird, all of this, but at the same time -- it... feels right, in some crazy way.
When you finally pull away from each other -- for real -- his eyes meet yours. His face is flushed, mouth pink and slick and eyes dilated. You don’t know what to say, what to feel, even. All you know is that the arm around your waist feels like it’s burning your skin, but in the best way, and you never want him to let go of you.
But he does.
He clears his throat as something seems to click in his head, then removes his arm from around your waist. You glance away and back up a few inches, pushing your hair away from your face and rearranging them back in place. You can’t seem to meet each other’s eyes now, suddenly finding interest in the spackled ceiling, the floor, the dull walls.
“That was, uh--”
“Good,” you finish, and you hear him chuckle.
“I have nothing to compare it to, but yeah,” Jongdae says, suddenly finding the courage to look at you with a small smile. “It was good.”
You smile back.
And you feel like maybe something’s been unlocked in your heart.
“By the way,” you say, “I can’t make it on Friday.”
“What? But we’ve had this planned for weeks.”
“I’m sorry, Jongdae,” you yell from the bathroom, rearranging your hair because it definitely doesn’t look good parted that way. “I have plans with my boyfriend.”
“Oh,” Jongdae says. “Of course.”
There’s a tone to his voice that sets you on edge, makes you squirm. You poke your head out from the bathroom to peer at him sitting on the couch.
“What kind of tone was that?”
“What tone?” he asks, faux-innocently.
“You know exactly what tone,” you say. “The attitude.”
“Well,” Jongdae says. “It’s about the fifth time this month you’ve stood me up for your boyfriend.”
And with that, you storm out of the bathroom, narrowing your eyes at him. “Excuse me?”
“We hardly hang out anymore, Y/N.”
“We’re hanging out tonight, aren’t we?”
Jongdae looks at you firmly before pursing his lips and shaking his head. He scoffs in disbelief. “Not anymore.”
You blink at him, taken aback. “What? Why not?”
“When’s the last time we did anything together besides stay at home and eat takeout?” Jongdae says, standing from the couch and throwing his hands in the air. “We barely see each other these days and when we do, we’re just...lazing around here. And when you actually do want to go out, it’s only with your boyfriend.”
“Well...he’s my boyfriend, Jongdae, I don’t know what you want me to say. Besides, don’t you go out with your girlfriend?”
“You really are clueless, huh?” Jongdae says, scoffing once more. “I’m not dating her anymore. Haven’t been for two weeks.”
“What?” you gasp. “What happened? When did you…” They’d been together since, well, since the start of freshman year.
“But...why?” you ask quietly, unsurely.
“Y/N,” he says, somewhat exasperated, tired. He looks you in the eyes with a weary expression, almost begging you. “You can’t tell me you don’t know by now.”
It feels like you should know. You feel awful that you don’t, that the look in his eyes -- pained, confused, hurt -- may be because of you and you’re not even sure why.
“Know what?” you ask tentatively.
For the hundredth time that night, Jongdae scoffs, looking away and shaking his head. “Why are you doing this to me?” he says quietly.
Your heart thunders, pulse racing at the look in Jongdae’s eyes. “Jongdae, I’m not understanding.”
“I broke up with her for you,” he says. “I like you. You can’t tell me you didn’t know when, apparently, everyone on the fucking planet knows.”
“Stop,” Jongdae says. “God, I… Sorry, I don’t know why I’m doing this now, of all times, jesus--”
He turns his back on you to leave, and he very nearly does, hand on the doorknob and shoes slipped on, pulling on his jacket.
It feels like time’s stopped, because so many things are happening at once but you can’t keep up with any of them, can’t make sense of any of them. Jongdae’s said the words you’ve only ever wanted him to say to you, but it’s not right, it doesn’t feel right, it’s not the way you wanted him to say it, it’s not the same context you’ve always dreamed about. It’s during a fight, a fight you didn’t even want to start, a fight that came out of nowhere. You want to take the moment to think about it, to take in the fact that Jongdae likes you.
Until you come back to your senses and start to realize how very unfair this entire situation is.
“Now hold on a fucking minute,” you say.”
Jongdae stops in his spot, clearly taken off guard by the demand in your words.
Your fists are clenched, but your gaze is only at the floor, heart hardened, trying your best to keep the tears from springing in your eyes. This was the last thing you wanted for tonight.
“I waited for you, Jongdae,” you say, softly at first, unsure. Your heart trembles with every word, knowing what you’re going to say next.
“I waited for you for years. I watched as you met her, I listened as you gushed about her, I stayed silent and nodded along and encouraged you to talk to her. And the whole time, I was suffering. And yet, I still did it all with a smile, because all I wanted was for you to be happy. All I wanted was for you to be with someone you really liked, even if it wasn’t me. I watched you with her for years. I was...the awkward third wheel when we hung out, known only to her and your college friends as your weird best friend from high school. I...I had to look away any time you kissed her, hugged her, talked sweet to her, wondering what it would be like to have all of that directed to me. I knew I had to move on, so I...stopped. Or, tried to. I started dating. Hanging out with other people.”
There’s tears brimming in your eyes, but you don’t want to let them fall. Want to stay strong, want to show him you’re fine.
“And I….I know I’ve been absent these past few months, that I haven’t been the best of friends to you, but I was only trying to save myself the pain, but I see now how selfish that was -- but you’re being insane if you think I’m doing this to purposely hurt you, to manipulate you. All I cared about for so long was your happiness and well being, Jongdae, and I still do, but it was time I thought about myself for once, can’t you understand? It killed me every single day, seeing you with her.”
Jongdae’s shoulders have slumped, a starstruck expression on his face.
“I didn’t know,” he says, his throat bobbing. “If I knew, I would have--”
“Don’t say it,” you interrupt, shutting your eyes and shaking your head. “If you say it, I--I really will never get over you.”
“I’m so sorry for not being around lately,” you say quietly. “But it’s not for nothing. Maybe I did it in the wrong way, but I just… what else was I supposed to do? I wanted to say something to you, but you were so happy. How could I get in the way of that?”
“I’m only ever happy when I’m with you,” he says. “It was always you. Always.”
You finally gather the courage to look up at him. You recognize the pain in his eyes, the longing there, the urge to come over and take you in his arms. You recognize it all too well, and it hurts you too, which is exactly why you can’t allow it to happen. It’s been too long, and it’s too late, and you’re already past the threshold of moving on. If Jongdae took any step closer to you, that threshold would break, and you don’t know what you would do with yourself.
“I’m sorry,” you say, shaking your head, as if giving him an answer.
Then you turn your back on him instead, and allow yourself to leave the room, and shut the door to your bedroom.
Eventually -- you don’t know how long it takes -- you hear the front door open and close, and you allow yourself to cry, finally.
“I’ll take the, uh. Fairy cloud macchiato, or -- whatever the special is. Grande, I think. That’s the medium size, right? I still get so confused, I didn’t have time to google it before it was my turn to order.”
The clerk chuckles, writing your name on a plastic cup. “It’s the medium size, yes. That’ll be $5.54.”
You thank her, before getting out of line and looking for a free table. You lock eyes on an empty one in the corner, before you hear someone yell your name.
“Yo, Y/N! Is that you?”
You turn your head to the right, only to see Byun Baekhyun from college waving at you from a table across the cafe. He still looks exactly the same, despite it having been two years since you last saw him.
“It is indeed, uh, me,” you saw, awkwardly, nervous by his forwardness. He waves you over, a clear invitation, and you walk over, all before even noticing who he’s sitting with.
“It’s been so long!” Baekhyun says, standing up and holding his hand up for a high five. You give him one, as weak and awkward as it is. It’s not that you never liked him, you were just caught off guard, and you didn’t particularly like seeing people from your past, something you’ve always tried to forget.
“Hey, sit down with us. You remember Chanyeol, right? And Jongdae, of course!”
And finally, you notice the others. Chanyeol, who grins at you with his familiar toothy smile that takes you immediately back to those college days where he’d greet you with a fist bump.
And Jongdae, who looks as if he’s trying his best to shrink into his hoodie.
He smiles at you, looking as awkward as you feel, and you smile back. It’s awkward, sure, but seeing him again -- it’s nice. Maybe you didn’t leave things off the best, maybe you drifted apart after that one incident, but he was still once the most important person in your life.
So you take a seat once your coffee is ready, and get over yourself, because the past isn’t all that bad, after all. You have so many good memories with all of them; it would be a shame to throw it all away because of that one memory, of which wasn’t even either of your faults.
And it’s nice. You’d been so involved in work lately, you’ve forgotten what it was like to laugh, to just let loose and feel young again, despite only being 24. You let yourself grow up too fast; it was good to take a break.
Baekhyun and Chanyeol lead the conversation, bringing up memories from sophomore year of you getting wildly drunk at a party, of which you cringe at and hide your face. You see Jongdae smile at you from across the table, and you can’t help the corners of your lips turning up when you smile back. You haven’t exactly addressed each other directly just yet -- there’s still an uncertainty there, a tension there that is relieved by Baekhyun and Chanyeol’s rapid chattering.
Chanyeol leaves first, saying he’s got plans with his coworker friends. Baekhyun leaves half an hour later, claiming exhaustion, and you believe it, considering how many times he’s jumped out of his seat to dramatically reenact some scene from college in excruciating detail.
Which of course, leaves you and Jongdae.
He taps his fingers on the table in a rhythm, blowing a raspberry with his lips as a sudden silence falls over the table once Baekhyun walks out the doors. The awkwardness kills you.
“How are you, Jongdae?” you say, unsure. He looks at you, as if surprised you’re speaking to him.
“I’m, uh--” he says, “I’m good. How are you, Y/N?”
“I’m also -- good,” you say. God, this kills you. To think, this is the guy you once trusted with all your secrets and now you can’t even look at him.
“I should go,” you say, if just to save both of you the embarrassment. “It was nice seeing you again.”
You stand to leave, and pretend not to notice the brief flicker of panic in Jongdae’s eyes before he quickly stops you.
“Y/N, wait,” he says, standing with you, a newfound determination in his expression and tone.
He swallows around the lump in his throat. “Do you want to get dinner, or something? Not anything fancy, we can just get like, I don’t know, some ramen from a convenience store.”
You know it’s just to take the pressure off of you, to make you comfortable, but you can’t help but tease him. “Is that all I’m worth?” you say, grinning.
His eyes widen, and you laugh.
“No, wait, that’s not what I meant, I mean, I would definitely take you somewhere fancy, I just didn’t want you to think I was trying to make a move -- I mean, I just want to catch up--”
“I know, Jongdae,” you assure, patting his shoulder. “I’m just messing with you. Ramen sounds amazing, actually.”
His shoulders relax, and he chuckles. “You haven’t changed at all.”
“Neither have you, apparently,” you say, gathering the courage to poke his reddened cheeks. He frowns, drawing another laugh from you.
It’s been a while since you’ve felt like this, but you still watch yourself. The wall you’ve built so carefully over the years is there for a reason.
After buying you ramen that night and walking you home, you stay in touch with Jongdae, along with his friends. It’s different, hanging out with them without the context of stressing over finals or partying a little too hard. They keep you young, though, when work is a little too rough.
“Where’s Baekhyun and Chanyeol?” you ask when you arrive at the movie theater. It’s just Jongdae there, with two tickets in his hand.
“They bailed,” he says, rolling his eyes. “Says something came up but refused to tell me what it was. Idiots.”
You chuckle, before eyeing the tickets in his hand. “You bought my ticket for me? You didn’t have to.”
“What? No, this is for my girlfriend.”
At the completely frozen, stunned look on your face, Jongdae bursts into laughter.
“I’m joking, Y/N,” he laughs. “It’s for you. The look on your face, though.”
“You--” you start, pouting. “You’re so mean.”
“Aw,” he says, throwing an arm around you as you both head into the theater. “You’re cute when you’re jealous.”
“Jealous!” you yell out a little too loud, capturing the attention of others. “In your dreams.”
He only laughs before pressing you closer to him, leading you into the theater.
“Okay, but I think there’s one thing we can agree on about the movie.”
“And what’s that?” Jongdae says.
“The ending was shit.”
“Oh, definitely.”
You laugh over the sound of the radio, drifting out the car windows as streetlights pass by. It should be nearing midnight by now, the flat of the lake underneath the bridge the car drives over quiet and still, even if your laughter and chatter with Jongdae is not.
You haven’t laughed like this with him for so long, not since you’d reunited. The two of you were never quite the same, but you didn’t expect to be. There’s too much history. Even still, it felt so good to let go like this, to just be with him without having to bring up the past.
“This is my place,” you say, somewhat regrettably, when he pulls up into the driveway. Maybe, just maybe, you didn’t want to go home yet.
“Yep,” Jongdae says. “We’re here.”
“Thanks for driving me home.”
“It’s no problem,” Jongdae says, stiff.
And you feel it again, the awkwardness in the air, like the bubble has popped. Jongdae must feel it too, because in the next second, he’s bringing it up. What you wanted to avoid.
“I feel like--” Jongdae starts, and you see him nervously gulp from the corner of your eye, “...we’ve kind of been putting off...talking.”
You blink at him. “Talking?”
“Like...you know, discussing what happened between us.”
“Oh,” you say. “I kind of figured we just had a mutual silent agreement to forget about it.”
“Forget about it,” Jongdae repeats, an ironic chuckle slipping from his mouth. “That’s all I wanted to do for two years. Forget about it. But I still see the look on your face that night in my mind every single moment I think of you.”
“Jongdae,” you say softly.
“Sorry,” he says, shaking his head. “Past is the past, blah blah. You’re right. We should forget about it.”
You say you want to forget about it, that you should. But you’re lying to yourself, and you know it, and perhaps even Jongdae knows it.
“I haven’t been able to forget about it either,” you say, the words feeling like flames as they crawl up your throat and our of your mouth. “And I feel like -- like it’s the reason there’s still a wall between us, if that makes sense.”
“Like we’re afraid to get close again,” he says, and you nod in agreement, because he’s summed it up perfectly.
“I’m sorry,” he says. “I know it’s two years too late. But I’m sorry. I was acting...so entitled to your attention, and I...never even knew how much you were hurting. I should have known.”
“It’s not your fault,” you say. “I promise. I shouldn’t have distanced myself so abruptly, I… It wasn’t the right thing to do.”
“No, I get it,” Jongdae says. “Trust me. I was just being a brat. I was…in love with you, and seeing you with someone else killed me. I was jealous. You did nothing wrong.”
You fumble with your fingers in your lap, unsure what to say next. You can’t help but linger on a few things, heart betraying you and swelling up a bit.
“You were in love with me?” you say, more of a small squeak than actual words.
Jongdae chuckles, leaning his head back against the headrest. “Deeply,” he says, then turns his head towards you, meeting your gaze. The streetlights, which you’d always thought were too yellow and too ghostly, reflect on his face and make him shine in all the right places.
“No past tense,” he adds on, quietly. “I never stopped.”
“Goodnight, Y/N,” he says, interrupting you with a small, nervous smile. “We’re still on for Friday, right? With Baek and Chan?”
“Yeah,” you say quietly after a moment of silence. “Of course.”
“Great,” he says, with that damned smile again, that doesn’t quite reach his eyes. “I’ll see you then.”
You want to say something back to him, but the way he’d changed the topic so quickly -- maybe he doesn’t want to talk about it after all. “Okay,” you say. “Get home safe.”
As you unlock your front door, you glance back towards the driveway, back at the car. Through the windshield, you see Jongdae swipe his hand over his face, rubbing sorely at his temples, that fake smile gone, a furrow between his brows and a pain in his eyes.
You want, more than anything, to run back down, get him out of that damn car, push him against it, and give him the kiss you both deserve.
Fear takes a hold of you though, and you can’t do anything, so you unlock your door, and detach your eyes from Jongdae, and enter your house, shutting the door firmly behind you with a finality that rings throughout your empty home.
But then you decide that’s not enough, that you can’t be afraid anymore, that the fear will not hold you back nor control you.
Wrenching your front door back open, you’re relieved to see Jongdae’s car still sitting in the driveway, and you yell his name, loud enough so that you’re sure he can hear you through his windows.
He glances up, confused, before immediately getting out of his car and looking your way.
“Y/N,” he yells, voice steady. He was getting so good at faking being okay, and that was worrying you. It was another thing you had in common with him. “Did you forget something?”
You run your hand through your hair, because this was crazy, and it was almost midnight, but this was Jongdae, your first love, your only love, and you think it was about time to make him yours.
So you launch yourself across your yard, a determination about you, and you throw your arms around him like you’ve been dying to do the day you saw him again in that coffee shop, and you kiss him with the force of eight years worth of love. It takes you back to that first kiss, the innocent one on your childhood bed, surrounded by math homework and stuffed animals. This one’s different. It has history behind it, love and warmth and so much longing.
Also, you both know how to kiss much better now.
He slips his arms around you, immediately molding into you, his grip on you tight, like he can’t get enough, like he will never get enough. His kisses are desperate, fierce, and you kiss him back with just as much ferocity, just as much desire.
You push him against his car, like you wanted, and grab a hold of his collar as you break the kiss, breathing heavily. His forehead is pressed against yours, grip on you softening as the situation dawns on you both.
“You--” he says, panting, looking for words.
You smile, almost laughing, because it’s insane how long it’s taken the both of you to do this. “I love you,” you say. “I always have.”
He smiles too, and you can’t help but to press a small kiss on his wide grin.
“I don’t want to rush you into anything,” you say, “but I mean, if it’s been about a good eight years, would you consider it rushing?”
Your fingers move from his collar to play with the top button of his shirt, hoping he gets what you mean.
And he does, if the way his eyes darken and the way he licks his lips means anything.
“On the contrary, I think this is the slowest I’ve ever taken a relationship,” he laughs, and you agree, throwing yourself in for another kiss.
Never once letting him go, you stumble into your home, shutting the door this time to not silence, but to Jongdae’s giggles as his fingers ghost over the sliver of skin just above the top of your skirt. You press your hands against his cheeks to pull him in for another kiss as he stops to push you against the wall, soft lips molding against yours, confident hands working their way under your shirt.
Eventually you find it in yourself to move away from the wall and drag Jongdae further down the hall to where your bedroom is, all the meanwhile unbuttoning his shirt one by one, pressing kisses against his lips, cheek, jaw, neck, everywhere you can reach as you trip and stumble and giggle and laugh your way to the bed.
Finally, you feel the back of your knees hit the bed, and you let yourself fall, dragging Jongdae with you as he accidentally loses his balance and falls a little too hard, struggling to catch himself in time and half lands onto you and onto the bed. You burst into laughter, pulling his head back up for a kiss, relishing in the way his smile feels against yours.
Your heart has never felt this light, this carefree, this airy.
“I love you,” you say again, just because you can.
“I love you too,” he says, taking a moment to properly look at you, a depth in his eyes that you want to lose yourself in.
But, later.
He dives back into you, burying his head into your neck as your fingers weave through his hair. His hands play at your shirt, before quickly pulling it off your head and immediately returning to the juncture between your neck and your shoulder, nipping lightly along the way to your breasts.
He plays with your bra strap, pressing soft kisses around the area before pulling it down your shoulders to kiss along the soft skin underneath, taking his time -- which is sweet and all, but you’ve waited eight years.
“Jongdae,” you beg, before quickly shunning him of his own shirt and tossing it aside with yours. He gets the hint, turning his kisses into soft, playful bites.
Your bra comes off next, and Jongdae stops for a bit, looking down at you in adoration before you start to get nervous under his gaze. It’s almost as if the gravity, the weight, the reality of the situation has finally hit him and he’s realizing this is happening. That it may have once seemed impossible, but that the two of you -- no matter what -- would always somehow find your way back to each other.
“Touch me,” you say, tentatively moving his hand to your breast. You see his throat bob, before he lowers himself to kiss you again. It’s softer this time, less desperate, but it says so much.
His thumb caresses against the skin of your breast as he kisses you, his warmth on top of you comforting. Slowly, he moves down again, to your neck, when he lightly licks over the small little bites he’d left just minutes earlier, until his mouth is level with your right nipple, where he takes it into his mouth and flicks at it with his tongue before kissing sweetly at the area around it.
“You are so beautiful,” he murmurs into your skin, moving down to your belly now to leave kisses there, and he doesn’t leave any spot unkissed. You breathe heavily under his touch, his kisses, his little nips and bites here and there. His hands start to wander up your thighs, underneath your skirt, playing with the edge of your panties as he kisses just above your navel.
“Off, please,” you gasp, feeling that deep desperation within you again, a fire burning in your gut.
You feel him smile against your skin - the tease - before he obliges and pulls both your skirt and underwear off in one go. His lips ghost over your inner thighs, hands massaging at them as he moves closer and closer to where you need him to be. Your hand’s at his nape, the other clutching at the sheets of the bed. He’s barely even touched you and you’re already a mess, and you’re sure he’s loving every second of it.
Finally, he presses the flat of his tongue against you, and you arch at the feeling. He wraps his arms from under your thighs, around them, to keep you steady against him as he works his tongue into you, burying his face deeper in between in your legs. Your hands bury into his hair, and you cry out in pleasure when he starts going faster, deeper, rhythmically moving his head between you and sliding his tongue in and out of you.
Just when you feel yourself about to reach your high, he pulls away, and you whine, because it is so like him to do so. He pulls himself back up to your level with a grin on his face, licking his lips before planting a dirty, messy kiss onto you, one you moan into when his hand goes to play with your clit instead.
“You’re so responsive,” he groans into your mouth. “It’s so hot.”
“Shut up,” you say, drawing a chuckle from him.
“Can you moan louder for me, baby?” he says, before moving his fingers faster against your clit.
It does, in fact, earn him a louder moan from you, one you can’t help, but he muffles it with another kiss.
“Take off your fucking pants, already,” you say when he breaks away. You think you hear him mumble something like patience when he pulls away to unbutton his pants, and are ready to frown at him for it, until his jeans come off and his erection shows itself through the fabric of his underwear.
“Eyes up here,” he says with a smirk.
“God, you’re so annoying,” you say, before promptly flipping the two of you over so that you’re on top.
Jongdae looks surprised at your initiative, but the surprise quickly turns into pleasure when you start to rub yourself onto his clothed dick, hand firm on his chest. His hands land right on your hips, head thrown back and a deep groan escaping his lips. All the taunts and teasing are suddenly gone, his grip tight on you as you move against him slowly, but roughly.
“God,” he moans, his hands moving from your waist, to your hips, to splaying across your bare thighs, like they can’t stay still.
You sit back on his own thighs to pull his underwear off down his legs, finally letting his dick free and immediately taking it into your mouth.
“Fuck,” he swears, struggling to keep from thrusting into your mouth. You pull off, smiling up at him.
“You’re so responsive,” you say. “It’s hot.”
He laughs, pulling you back up to plant a messy kiss onto your lips. “God, I love you.”
While he repositions the both of you, moving to sit against the headboard of the bed and having you sit on top of his thighs, you grab one of the stray condoms in your nightstand drawer, lining yourself up to his cock as he looks up at you with an awe in his eyes that has you dizzy.
Finally, you feel him press into you, and moan at the feeling of fullness you know only he can give you. You take him in slowly, head thrown back as you get used to the feeling, his hand on your back to support you, your own arms thrown around his neck, your chest pressed against his.
And then, you start to move.
It’s sensual, the way you grind your hips against his. You press your forehead to his, pressing a brief kiss to his lips as you work up and down his cock, grinding up against him, breathing heavily as the fire in your gut burns. Jongdae mutters your name against your mouth, against your neck as he buries his face there, wrapping both of his arms around you tight as you move on his cock. He is all grunts and deep groans, and that along with the steady creak of the bed only makes you wetter, making the move with his cock easier as it hits all the right places.
You swear, and you moan, and you cry out his name, but you also whisper it, mutter it, into his neck, his cheek, as you beg for more, bury your nails into his skin as he thrusts up into you. You feel it coming, your release, that feeling in your lower gut that makes your toes curl, your heart swell. Your head is thrown back once more, mouth open in a silent scream, until you press your forehead back down to Jongdae’s where he looks you in the eyes with that same depth in his eyes again, perspiration on his forehead as his hair sticks to his skin.
He licks his lips, panting against you. “Come, baby,” he says. “Can you come for me?”
It hits you like a wave, an intense shiver as you arch in his arms. You feel him go stiff under you as he reaches his peak as well, your head buried in his neck, his cock deep in you.
It takes another few minutes of heavy breathing for the both of you to relax, to go limp in each other’s arms, until eventually, he peels the condom off and discards it, and you slip down underneath the covers with him, where he rests your head against his chest.
It’s quiet when your breathing dies down. You feel nothing but his heartbeat underneath your cheek, his arm around your shoulders, a gentle kiss on your head, and a small smile there too.
“You’re amazing,” Jongdae says, and you laugh, looking up at him with a smile on your face. His eyes shine with a radiance that you haven’t seen since college, and you’re so grateful to be able to see it again, to see him happy, to be with him in his happiness.
“I love you,” you say again. “To think, we could’ve done that a lot earlier if we got over ourselves faster.”
Jongdae’s laugh rumbles his entire chest, and you think you wouldn’t rather be anywhere else.
“I don’t know,” Jongdae says, “I think the intense pining and longing made it even better.”
“Fair point,” you say. “From that logic, does that mean we should withhold sex until it becomes frustratingly unbearable to be around each other?”
“I think we should do it every chance we can, actually,” Jongdae says, and you roll your eyes. “Just to make up for lost time, you know?”
You hum, looking up at him with a sneaky grin on your face. “Is that a hint that you’re ready to go again?”
He smiles, pulling you in for a deep, lingering kiss, before trailing his hand back down between your legs.
“You know me so well.”
240 notes · View notes
session 12 notes
one day . one day i swear i will fix this formatting but today is not that day
Lol late is my brand
Let's go
The halflings can stack up under a trench coat
Adam has disguise self
Aerana and asyna don't need to do anything kinda
Now we're talking abt the road to el dorado
We just killed loser boy
Kenku got info from adam, cel and theo
What are we doing lmao
Adam is jiggling the small room's door and we go inside the room
Inside looks like an office, shelf w pickled body parts + cataloguing what the parts r and what they do
They were running away lmao ok
Yes we're still salty about this
"different interpretations of charm person" - jacob, 2020
Body part stuff
No halfling writing system in waterdeep
Dwarf toes, elven ears
Magic items ? Cel rolls perception 22
Weird jar w dull amber colored liquid, don't know if it's magical but noticed; unlabeled
"the jar of necrotic pee" - jacob, 2020
Smells like aloe
Adam smells his fire-resistant potion and it smells more like burnt ash
Smth else cel found has strange engravings
Just looks like metal bar
Boxy squarish iron bar abt the size of a halfling; it's strong but surprisingly light
Adam picks it up and hits a wall w it
Adam rolls for attack, 4
Nothing rlly happens
Makes a ringing sound
None of us can read giant
Looks rlly strange, written in blocky linear runes
A few things on it that stick out like engravings of ppl
Big bearded humanoids but small and fine so difficult to make out
Adam rolled 17 for investigation through files
Some stuff related to running wig shop; shop was at least somewhat a legitimate business
Notes abt billing for criminal organizations and guilds
Some ref to meeting w xant middlemen who would collect bodies
Hired gorrick to track us down ??
N ?????
Adam looking for a key in the desk, doesn't find it
Head to the chest, adam tries to open
Not locked
A bunch of teeth
It's a mimic, adam has to roll damage
Adam is hit
Adam takes 10 damage
We're looking at diff things around the room and then hear a screech of pain as adam gets bitten
Slams down on adam's hand and four little eyes pop up and stare as it eats adam's hand
Mimic takes 9 damage as adam explodes
Cel shoots an arrow into the eye
22 to hit, 8 damage
Adam uses cutting words
"hey fuck"
Adam could try to pull his hands away
Adam pulls his hands out
Adam bends down to it and takes a ration out of his backpack
"dom I'm gonna bend down to it"
The chest has closed back
Adam is going to throw rations instead, dex check
13; doesn't open so adam drops food on its head
Chest sits there looking at adam and eventually out of the side of the chest a weird stretchy amoeba-like arm comes out of it, takes the food and throws it in its mouth
"who's a good boy ? Who's a good boy !! Who's a good chest !!" adam, 2020
Adam takes out all his five rations and makes a trail leading out of the room
Chomper ? Maybe
It looks uninterested and its eyes have shut
Looks exactly like a chest now and hasn't moved; still has an arrow but just looks like a normal chest
It's a small chest that's pickuppable
Adam wants to walk his chest
Adam casts sleep on the chest
When adam casts sleep the chest doesn't move, adam rolls perception 5
Adam tries to pick it up from behind v carefully from the bottom
It's kinda stuck to the floor and the wall; doesn't appear willing to budge
Asyna is still ape!asyna
Tries picking it up from behind like adam
Rolls a 6; won't move
One of its creepy tendrils sticks out and hits ape!asyna
10 bludgeoning damage; ape!asyna basically got slapped but now stuck to the chest
It's kind of loose now
Ape!asyna rolls a 20 and yanks it off the wall, now just dangling off asyna's arm and it's heavier than asyna thought it was
Feels dense
Adam is gonna try and tie its mouth shut
"he kinda starts flailing around a bit" dom, 2020
"aw he likes his new leash" jacob, 2020
Jacob gets hit again
Ape!asyna is gonna try and pull it off, 17 and gets off
Large clump of fur comes off and it's painful
adam "I'm going to try and use centrifugal force to swing it over my head"
"make a strength check" dom, 2020
Rolls 17
Slams it on desk, doesn't let go, nature check adam has no idea what it is
At some point the chest drops off, we stand back and adam casts shatter
11 damage
Chest kind of melts into the floor almost like it deflated, starts snaking way across room until it finds a hole and slithers up and disappears
"fuck you too chompi" adam 2020
Where it dissolves is 20 gold
"n I c e . That was worth the four spell slots" adam, 2020
Adam disguises self and turns into his dad
Adam is a tiefling
Dad is not a tiefling
Taller, dark black hair but not curly, short on the sides + floof forward
Looks more confident than adam
Same freckles
No one knew adam had freckles
Look p similar overall
Sounds the same as adam when he talks
He's a human
We don't know it's adam's dad
"a real dilf" dom, 2020, about adam's dad
"not like your REAL DAD, JACOB, JESUS" dom, 2020
Now we don't have time to unpack ALL OF THAT
Gonna find a hotel or smth
Except gotta disguise selves first
In the wig shop there is any wig u could possibly desire
Some mounted beards
Can't tell if any of the wigs r magical
I don't haAve magicccc :(
Adam puts a blonde wig on the ape
I thought asyna un-aped
Asyna un-apes and disguises self as asyna
Theo takes a long brunette wig w a braid down the back
Cel wants to pretend to be adam's child
Gets a curly dark hair wig
Hammer pants
Cel theo and adam all have freckles
It's nighttime springtime in waterdeep; it's raining
Trades ward going to find a hotel
Avoid own houses for awhile
Going to nearest inn
Let's go to the yawning portal
It is an inn not just a bar
Typ is in fact in the trades ward
One room as the father and two daughters and one room as lesbian elves
Durnan's downstairs and is friends w mirt
We head over to typ
This ward is busier than others we've seen at this time of night
Walk over to side entrance of typ
It never shuts down; always ppl here
Familiar warmth as we approach
Bard competition
Ppl placing bets, drinking, sitting in booths
The rooms r upstairs
Adam calls himself lysander
"a room for me and my daughters"
They get a room on the third story
Room on the third floor
We rendezvous in adam's room
We hear a scream echo out from the well
Adam has two plans
One includes his pants
The pants plan is we track down the dude w the pants
Second includes him singing, waiting to get mugged by the zants
Get mercenary help ?
Pants is plan c
Durnan is plan a
Cel is portia
Theo is lavinia
The doors lock
Long rest? Long rest maybe later
Adam and cel go up to one of the goliaths
"hey there big friend"
He looks like a well-read person
Takes out honey and asks him if he knows what it is
O it's honey
"well there r means of finding this out . For a price"
How much per item - FIVE GOLD
Adam hands him 10 gold and the big rod
"this is a jar of ointment that was first created by the wizard kyogton" I have no idea what that wizard's name is but that's what it sounded like
A dose can be swallowed or applied to the skin and in addition to healing and rejuvenating health, any poison or disease it may have is instantaneously cured
Can't tell how many doses in it
It's v expensive, v rare
Now the stick and he looks uber interested in it
"hm , where did you find this"
"my dad's attic ,,, he's a hoarder"
"let's make a deception check with a capital d"
Nat 1
Adam tells this guy the whole thing and the guy nods
"this is a valuable piece . Would you be interested in parting with it"
Cloud giants made them so their servants could help them build their castles
It's an immovable rod
Writing speaks of ancient cloud giants that were war-inclined
Flat button on the end of it
He sticks it out into the air and presses the button; when he takes his hand away, the rod doesn't fall and it stays floating in the air
Adam grabs onto it but he can't move it
Anybody can push the button tho
Adam asks what the goliath is offering
Offers us 5,000 gold
Adam gets his name - woetheir ????
Woetheir frequents typ when he's here
They're going on a quest; were asked by the open lord to complete a task on the isle of chault
Adam's gonna go to bed
Cel's gonna take a bath
We take long rest
Durnan time
Adam gives durnan a quick rundown of what happened
"ayo what's poppin durnan long time no see my guy"
It's morning it's 9ish breakfast time
Doesn't give any indication whether or not he recognizes them
Adam asks for scrambled eggs and bacon
Adam's asking if he knows anything abt the xants
Theo asks durnan if there's somewhere more secluded they can talk
Gestures to one of the booths and theo cel adam go over
They're uh . Telling durnan everything p much
He has look of passive disinterest but slightly less disinterest the more of the story they tell
"how is mirt?"
"he has renaer and floon"
"he's let himself go"
The xants r v powerful; leadership inscrutable even to open lord herself
Prior, durnan didn't care abt open lord
Guesses whoever obtains the stone would b hunted by the city which could b problematic
Half a million gold dragons
Could get help outside the city ? Roots go deep but do not extend outwards
Flee or contact city officials
"I think theo has a crush on him" adam, 2020
Stone is likely being taken or was already taken to guild hq
We could bust into hq but probs bad idea
Durnan says he's sure anyone could break into xants hq
Lmao durnan sounds so weighed down by life
Every now and then he looks over to well
Durnan is basically saying friendship is magic
The xants don't often come to typ and don't draw swords there
They fear it and durnan
"what's the hole?" adam rolls for insight, dirty 20
Odd expression comes across durnan's face
Mixture of disgust and longing
Uh … disgust and longing … for a hole? Ok durnan
We don't have to talk abt that I guess
Cel asks durnan to send a message to mirt to let him know we're safe but probs not gonna see him for awhile
Apparently the xants aren't too particular abt their henchmen
He says ask the barkeep abt it
Passive perception
At some point durnan leaves and right as theo says that we hear a loud thump and someone says "cripes"
Jones ?
Cel looks under the table and there's jones
Cel drags him out
Theo has a new idea "hey guys let's not go through with using adam as bait yet"
Adam looks down at the goblin and threatens to make him deaf
Plan d is to eat jones
We take jones upstairs
Theo explains her new plan
If the stone is already at their hq
We go to them
Jones doesn't mess w the xants
Why is jones rhyming
What r we talking abt lmao oops I was looking at primary results
No one has asked us for info abt the stone ?
Lmao is this like @me abt what's his name
Jb nevercaught ???? Jp nevercaught ?????? Idk who he is
What's our goal
We gotta figure out what we wanna do ig
We just wanna know where the xants r otherwise we duct tape his mouth and tie him up
"consider it stroked and very, very much needed" jones, 2020
To the dock ward in a wrecked whale oh the wrecked whale
"not the erect whale" cel, 2020 ????
There's a knock at the door
There's no peephole
Asyna asks "who is it"
"uh I work at the bar downstairs uh durnan had some - he wanted to speak to the drow"
I'm screwed
He has page hat on
"first durnan said we could stay as long as we'd like"
And he was offered money by this guy to speak to me
There's an elven man w v long and stringy hair, pointed nose and pointy ears
Looks rlly skinny and physically weak
Looking over scrolls
"guess who"
What the fuck
Nareel ??? naREEL????? WHO THE FUCK IS NAREEL???????
The stone fascinates him
Offering us partial membership
Occasional encouragement to go on various missions
He has resources
Treasure and gold involved, but not for the weak-willed
Offering 500 gold for completion of a task
They have captured a high-ranking member of the xants and tried to get info of him
More resilient than they thought he would be
They need him back in three days
Is this a roast session ???? Of aerana ???? When she dips to hang out with the other guy ???????
They're trying to figure out who her friend is
Jones wanted to be a painter
Adam is offering to have jones join us to maybe kill him??????
If he wants gold he has to go get it
They'll keep
"I'm gonna fill your goody bag real good so you better keep your mouth shut" adam, 2020 to jones
Oh god I'm such an avoidant lmao
Oh god I don't
"these conversations will become more difficult as things become more difficult but I think for now that went as well as it could have possibly gone"
"you will find him in your basement"
We're gonna go home
To the north ward we go
You go to the basement
The ropes look kinda weird
He's not tied with rope
They're metal bands looped around him
Metal bindings
Doesn't look like he's gonna get out of it
Adam and cel don't see anything out of the ordinary but have noticed things moved around a little bit
Dwarf w dark brown skin, white/gray beard, looks roughed up - not injured, just worse for wear
Adam has him make a wisdom saving throw
Adam charms him
Approaches him first
Adam starts massaging his shoulders
Jfdkaslfha then takes the gag off
"are you here to let me out?" the dwarf
"even better I'm here to spend some quality time with you" adam, 2020
Says he has to get back to the master
Master silgar must be fed
His sacred duty is to feed master silgar
Master silgar has a shimmering son what
"Shakes the oceans with a swish of his body"
In the beginning there was xanathar and then he said silgar should be the one they care for until the seas rise and destroy the city
Controls the eye of the xanathar as the eye of the xanathar control him
His name is ot stillgeer
Adam says his name is cain
Blasphemy for adam to propose bringing lord silgar to him
Lord silgar lives in a great temple
He's the high priest of silgar
We're telling him it's our summer home
Adam winks at everyone and we go upstairs
Adam casts second-level sleep on him
44hp puts him to sleep
Adam is gonna disguise-self a beard when the dwarf next wakes up
Stage it so it looks like he had been there for a month
Everyone changes their clothes
Tally marks on the wall
It's like late afternoon at this time
Adam tells him he woke up after 79 days, rolls for deception
Rolls a 24
Looks over and says "79 days"
"am I dead"
"no but the xanathar want you dead"
"I'm free"
23 for deception
Lord silgar is a fish? A fish ? A goldfish
Lord xanathar loves his goldfish more than anything
Ot has to replace the fish
19 mans is telling the truth
Not really any sign we're being watched when cel rolls for perception
We watch ot, take turns resting and surveilling our own house
Night comes
When asyna is on watch in the tower
Sees figures start making way across street to our house
6 humanoids start trying to break into the house
Glass shatters as one goes through a window
The tapestry was lord silgar
The goldfish has no connection to the koi fish asyna spoke to
Two objectives?
Find the stone
Or control the xanathar w a fish
The stone is a map to half a million gold
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deniigi · 5 years
Hello! Just about to sit down and read your newest fic, so excited about it! I had a question for you (you very well may have answered this already, so sorry in advance!), but do you have advice for writing? Advice in terms of getting start, plotting out stories, helping get the creative juices flowing? I have all these ideas but seem to lack the drive to get things written out. I know the best advice is to just write, but I'm having a horrible time starting. What do you do in those moments?
Hello my dear!
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you. The lord has blessed me with a head cold and ruined all my plans of productivity for the day, so I can finally answer this ask! I’ll talk a little bit about both how to get started with a story and then some little things that help me motivate myself.
I have started a tag for writing advice here: http://deniigi.tumblr.com/tagged/writing-advice
This is going to be a long post, sorry mobile users.
I am going to preface all of this with the understanding that I am technically a professional writer in terms of like, a handful of ways, but I have absolutely zero training in creative writing, so take everything I say with a grain of salt!
So, I personally find that, on the whole, that psychological hurdle of getting started comes a lot from the anticipation of the kind of response a story will get (how many hits, how many comments, how many kudos) in addition to a bit of anxiety or fear over  theloss of sustained interest in that story (by yourself and/or by your audience). I find that this can be alleviated by really, truly internalizing the understanding that you are allowed to write your work however you damn please, for whoever you damn please.
There will be work you write for others, and there will be work you write for yourself. Not all work needs to be published; sometimes, it is really nice to just write shit for yourself; it is a plus for humanity if you decide to share it with others, but you do not have to do that.
Furthermore, I would like to present you with this:
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This is what my current folder for under fire looks like. And you might notice that there are almost always multiple drafts per chapter. Yes, I did in fact rewrite chapter four 5 fucking times, you bet your ass I did. And I’m not ashamed of it. I think the story is better for it. And that’s the important thing here: you do not need to produce a perfect draft the first time around. You will not produce that perfect draft. Accept this. Embrace this. Embrace it and your cat at the same time to really ingrain it as a warm, fuzzy feeling.
Liberate yourself from the pressure of needing to produce the perfect, most right draft and you may find starting the piece overall to be a much easier, more pleasant experience.
And along with this beautiful, uplifting spiritual advice, I also bring a practical thought: when it comes to getting started, a lot of times, people feel like they need to set the stage, yadda yadda yadda. Ha. No. Fuck that.
That’s a surefire way to bore the shit out of yourself. Start right in the middle of a scene that captivates you if that’s what you want to write. It’s a free platform. No one’s gonna arrest you if you stick Spiderman upside down in trash first thing. They might even applaud you actually, because you didn’t make them slog through some of that ‘It was the evening of the 25th and it was cold out in the streets” bullshit we all learned from Dickens.
Alright. Now let’s talk about actually getting started making words appear on paper.
So, from my knowledge there are generally two ways that folks write creatively. You have what I’m going to call the planners and then you what I’m going to call the monsters (I call them this entirely affectionately, I’m sure there’s a better word for these folks, but I don’t have it atm, all I have is a headcold). Planners are folks who sit down and work out their major plot points, who write outlines, and who create the scaffolding of their work before they set out on their magical journey. I think of these folks as architects.
And then you have the monsters and these are those fuckers who just sit down and write stream of consciously like the heathens all our high school teachers tried to teach us not to be.
I am both a planner and a monster. And a lot of that depends on the length of work I’m going for. I have never in my life planned a one-shot, for example. I just attack that as it is. I follow my heart, if you will. But when it comes to longer chaptered fics, I really do think that some outlining is super helpful.
You might find it useful for one-shots, though, I dunno. Maybe give it a try and see what happens?
The two main fics I’ve done proper outlines for are Inimitable and under fire and I actually find outlining to be immensely helpful in psyching me up to write the story (I go through and re-read my outlines when I start to lose interest or diverge too much from the plot outlined there in the actual writing. 9 times out of 10, re-reading gets me stupid excited to write all over again) and it also helps me keep momentum going throughout the plot.
Here’s a pic of some pages of under fire’s outline.
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Physically writing the work is really important for me because it forces me to only put down key points/feelings/ideas I want to include, whereas typing gives me far too much room to get lost/distracted by extraneous detail. And since my handwriting is a teacher’s worst nightmare and I cross out shit and write huge with emotion, I’ll give you a little bit of what the middle page here says:
there’s something thrumming
vibrating in his ears wherever he goes
-closes his eyes and somehow enters blackness- emptyness (Stranger Things style)
–BACK - everything is gone
closing his eyes doesn’t bring the space back
–it makes him panic. He doesn’t know why. His heart is pounding. He’s sweating He has a horrible feeling of doom.
its gone.
he goes home anxiously. Pretends everything is normal.
his neck crawls
So basically it’s less of a formal outline and more of a collection of stream of consciousness feelings and screenplay directions which I’ll flesh out in the actual story.
Personally, I love writing these kinds of things because they get me pumped for the story I’m about to tell. I get to write out the key scenes and work through all the hard parts first, and then, while I’m writing, I work through the little fun details and banter and I have to write to figure out how we get from one scene to the next and I love the challenge of having to fit those pieces together. I very rarely stick strictly to my outline, (as anyone who is currently reading under fire can tell you right now), but I do try to stick to the main plot points in it and my writing is certainly better for it.
So yes. Outlining is very good, but it is even better when you do it to some kind of music. I listened to What’s Up Danger from the Into the Spiderverse soundtrack on repeat while I wrote this outline to kind of transfer some of the relentless pace conveyed in that song to the piece’s plot.
I highly recommend using music to set the mood of your piece while/before you write a piece of any length. It helps get you in the right headspace (excited or somber or angry) to write. You need emotion to write creatively. You can’t just make that happen sometimes; you need a little help.
A couple other things which might help:
1. Leave your house or the space you’re normally in. Go to a cafe and find a nice corner and have a think and a try in there. Sometimes moving to a different space helps you escape cyclical thinking patterns.
2. Write what you want to read. Don’t bother writing for other peoples’ interests; that’ll just bore the shit out of you all over again.
3. Find an atmospheric mood sound to listen to on Youtube or smth (I personally like Rain on a Car Windshield for slightly somber fics, but you might be into ocean storms or dripping caves or whatever).
4. Heat your feet. I don’t know why but I am entirely unproductive when my feet are cold. Maybe this one is me-specific, but whatevs. Heat the feets!
5. If you’re still having trouble just sitting down and pounding the story out, that’s okay! Maybe it’s not ready to be written yet. Maybe you’re not in the right headspace yet. Sometimes that’s just how it is. One story makes its way out in like, a hour, and the next one takes like, months to finally be written. We all work at different paces. We all write for different reasons.
It might help to figure out why you want to write a story before you write it. Like, if its for attention, it’s gonna be hard as hell. But if there’s an idea that you feel like is important or if there’s a mood you’re trying to work yourself into or out of, then that might be a little easier. For example, I wrote a piece called make it work which is about Fogs finding his motivation to be a lawyer and fight for justice when Kavanaugh was confirmed and I felt super helpless in the face of our present justice system. That story kind of wrote itself and it needed to be written, I feel, not just for me, but for others who were feeling just as helpless.
Writing is catharsis in that way. Maybe you just need to find out what you need to wring out of your soul.
Sorry that got very metaphysical. But I do want to stress that getting started and ending a story are the hardest parts of writing them, so you are definitely not alone if you feel like you’re ramming your head into a wall here.
I hope something here helps you, my dear!
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gluupor · 6 years
Idk if you are taking prompts/you know anyone who is willing to, but I just read a short story by the SOC author called Ayama and the Thorn Wood and I just thought of an andreil au. It’s about a girl who’s family doesn’t care about her at all and they send her to bargain with a beast in the woods as they will be compensated by the king. The beast tells her to tell him a story that will make him feels smth other than anger and she goes back a couple times, and they fall in love it’s so cute💕
This ended up being very long. Hopefully the Read More works; if it doesn’t I’ve tagged this post #long so you can blacklist it. It’s also available on AO3.
If you are the person who originally sent me the ask can you write back to let me know if you liked it?
Deep in the Western Mountains a spoiled and selfish King ruled over a lush valley. He lived lavishly, excessively, while his people suffered hardship. Their Kingdom was involved in several pointless disputes with neighbouring territories due to the King's easily bruised pride. The people in the valley grumbled angrily over the high taxes and hard living, but quietly, always quietly, not wanting to bring the King's wrath upon themselves.
The King had three advisors that he kept close by; he treated them as possessions and ensured that they all knew that they were his to command as he pleased. The least of the advisors called himself Neil, but only in his own mind. The King had other epithets for him.
The war in the East was getting particularly bloody causing both conscription in the army and taxes to rise at an alarming rate. The King's advisors begged and pleaded with him to forgive the slight, to call their people home, but their requests fell on deaf ears. The people of the valley began to grumble less quietly, angry and vengeful over their lost sons and gold.
Tensions were at a high when one day a goatherd went out to his pasture in the morning and found all his goats dead, their remains scattered. His was not the only pasture affected, causing panic among the commoners.
"No ordinary man could have done this," they whispered. "Only a Monster could do such a thing."
For some years it had been known that a Monster had taken up residence in the Thorn Wood. As a rule the valley people avoided entering the surrounding forest at all and so there had been an uneasy truce between them. One which the Monster had now broken.
The King promised to protect his subjects from this threat. "This is why your sons and tax money must support a strong military," he told them and they fervently agreed.
"Silvertongue," said the King idly to the least of his advisors, "you are finally to put your tongue to good use. You are to go and speak with this Monster to convince him to leave our herds alone."
"He'll be killed!" protested the King's favourite advisor, the man who was second only to the King.
"But he's so quick and clever with his quips," drawled the King, his beetle-black eyes boring into Neil with malevolence. "Surely he'll be able to talk his way out of danger."
"What will my reward be if I succeed?" asked Neil in resignation. He belonged to the King; he could not disobey him.
"Money," said the King. "I will reward you handsomely."
Neil strung a copper cup and a silver knife onto his belt and headed across the valley. The sun beat down on him relentlessly as he passed through now-empty pastures that contained only the remains of herd animals, their corpses obscured through black clouds of flies.
He was unafraid. All his life he had been at the mercy of violent men, the Monster could not be much worse than them. Perhaps it would even kill him quickly.
He approached the Thorn Wood cautiously, the magic of the place causing his skin to break out in gooseflesh. He pushed a thorny bramble aside and stepped into the forest.
Even without the tingle on his skin, he would have known that the wood was magical. It was dark and cool under the trees, the night sky above dotted with stars, even though it had been high noon when he breached the forest's boundary. A light breeze blew through the trees, soothing his overheated skin.
It was ominously quiet, no sounds of birds or insects, only the slight gurgle of a brook. Neil could never remember being quite so thirsty, so he moved forwards, taking the copper cup from his belt and dipping it into the fresh, cool water.
"I wouldn't drink that if I were you," came an indolent voice from behind him, "unless you wish to become a beast like me."
Neil whipped around, cursing himself for momentarily forgetting why he was here. The Monster stood fairly close by. He was shaped like a man, albeit a very short one, but he had curling horns protruding from either side of his head. His eyes glowed yellow, and his nose emitted a thin stream of smoke when he breathed.
Neil slowly gripped his silver knife. "Monster," he said.
"Little rabbit," replied the Monster. "Were you sent to kill me?" he continued mockingly, before his hand darted forwards, impossibly quickly, and grabbed Neil's knife. He plunged it into his own chest, but the knife turned away, unable to pierce the Monster's hide. "This won't help you." He threw the knife down at Neil's feet and smiled. It wasn't a nice smile, it was distinctively threatening, all of the Monster's pointed teeth showing.
"I am not afraid of you," said Neil.
The Monster cocked his head thoughtfully. "Interesting," he said. "Why are you here, rabbit?"
"You have killed our grazing animals," said Neil.
"Have I?" responded the Monster. "Well, the King's own herds have not been touched. I am sure that he will be able to make up the difference."
"While the King is happy to do so-" Neil's words cut off in his throat, choking him, and a loud siren echoed in his ears. He looked around wildly.
"Careful," said the Monster once the sound had ceased. "The wood has no rules but one. Speak truth."
Neil clenched his jaw in frustration. "Will you agree to leave our herds alone?"
"For nothing in return?" asked the Monster. "No."
"What do you want?"
"A story," said the Monster, after some contemplation.
"A story?" echoed Neil.
"Yes, a story," said the Monster. "If you can tell me a story that does not bore me I will agree to leave your herds be. If not," he smiled again, showing his teeth, "I will eat you."
"I can't imagine I'd be a very satisfying meal," said Neil, gesturing at his skinny frame.
"No," agreed the Monster, "but perhaps killing you would discourage future trespassers."
Neil rolled his eyes and tried to think of a story to tell. He wondered if the wood's rules would prevent him from saying anything untrue.
"Once," he started hesitantly, "there was a boy who was always hungry. No matter how much he ate he couldn't fill himself up and he was desperately unhappy. His parents consulted doctors and wise women and sages from far away lands but no one could tell them why their son had such an appetite.
"News of the boy's strange affliction travelled far and wide until it was heard by a doctor's daughter, a beautiful, compassionate, and intelligent girl. She brought the news to her father who had travelled all over the world and knew many things. She entreated him to help the boy.
"Together the doctor and his daughter travelled to the boy's hometown. The doctor examined him, making him open his mouth up wide so that he could peer down into his gullet. 'Ah,' said the doctor. 'I see.' He turned to the boy's mother. 'Did you ever sleep with the window open while the boy quickened in your belly?' he asked.
"The boy's mother was taken aback but answered in the affirmative. The doctor explained that while the mother had slept she had accidentally breathed in the night air and a small piece of the night, black and void, was now lodged in her son. The only thing that could fill the emptiness was the sun.
"The boy was perplexed. How would he reach the sun in order to consume the teaspoonful he needed to sate his hunger? There were not any ladders tall enough to reach the sky. The doctor's daughter was the one who came up with a solution. The sun, she realized, was not always up in the sky. In the evenings it touched the sea in the west. She and the boy sailed to where the sea met the sky and at sunset the boy collected a teaspoonful of sun-"
The Monster scoffed. "And I suppose it filled the void within him and he married the beautiful, intelligent doctor's daughter and had twenty babies and lived happily ever after?" he asked scornfully.
"No," said Neil indignantly, although that was how the story had ended when his mother had told it to him when he was a small child. "That would be nonsense. The boy did drink the teaspoonful of sun and it did cure his everlasting hunger. And he did marry the doctor's daughter and have many children. But despite all that, the boy found that he was still unhappy. Some people are born with a piece of night inside them - a hollow place that can never be filled with good food or sunshine. The empty void can never be banished and we must simply endure it, as the boy did."
The Monster watched Neil intently, his yellow eyes seeming to see through him completely. Neil regretted what he had said; he had not wanted to reveal so much of his own truth. Casting his eyes away from the Monster's knowing stare, he noticed pale, thin scars along the Monster's forearms.
"I thought that knives couldn't pierce a Monster's hide," said Neil in confusion.
"Not a Monster's hide, no," agreed the Monster, with a significant look over to the brook. Neil remembered what the Monster had revealed earlier.
"Were you once a man?" asked Neil.
The Monster was quiet for a long time. "I will not harm your herds, rabbit," he said finally, turning away from Neil. "Go now, and don't return."
Neil knew that the vow was good because the wood demanded truth, but he needed proof to bring back to his King. The Monster seemed to know this. "Take a sprig of quince blossoms," he said. "It only grows in enchanted lands. That should be proof enough."
Neil's return from the Thorn Wood caused widespread joy and relief. The word spread that the Monster would trouble their herds no more. The only one displeased by this turn of events was the King.
"And what did you have to offer the beast in order to protect our herds?" he asked snidely, his eyes cold and calculating. "What have you given away?"
"Nothing that couldn't be parted with," replied Neil placidly.
The King hemmed and hawed but under the watchful eyes of his two other advisors he granted Neil with the reward he had been promised.
Life in the valley resumed its normal rhythm, but Neil found himself often distracted. He thought often about the Thorn Wood, the cool, enchanted clearing, and the creature that dwelt there.
As the fear of the Monster lessened, the old complaints of the common folk started up again. The King had raised the taxes even higher to help fund his petty squabbles. Tensions were again at a high when one day a farmer went out to her field only to find that her crops had been ravaged and destroyed. Hers was not the only farm affected, and again fear spread among the commoners.
"Silvertongue," said the King lazily. "The Monster is at it again. Go to him once more and convince him to leave our crops alone."
"Just because he survived once doesn't guarantee the Monster won't kill him this time," argued the King's favourite advisor.
"He will do as I command."
"And what will be my reward?" asked Neil.
"Land," said the King. "I will gift you land carved from my best estate if you succeed."
Again Neil tucked his copper cup and his silver knife into his belt and journeyed across the valley. When he reached the Thorn Wood, he pushed eagerly through the brambles, heaving a contented sigh when he stepped into the cool, enchanted clearing.
The Monster was before him, pacing as if he had been waiting. He stopped as Neil stepped forwards.
"You must not be valued if they would send you to your death a second time," remarked the Monster.
Neil ignored that, knowing it was truth due to the rules of the wood. "You have destroyed our crops."
"Have I?" responded the Monster. "The King's own crops and stores have not been touched. Let him make up the difference."
"Will you make a bargain to leave our crops alone?"
"You know the only bargain I will make, little rabbit," said the Monster. "Speak truth and then I will decide your fate."
Neil had been prepared for this. His last story had revealed a truth about himself which had led the Monster to sharing a truth of his own. "A woman with a sad countenance came to a small village. There she met a man who was in want of a wife and they were married and before long they had a child. As the child grew he became difficult and disobedient. He was often sickly, which led to a deep unhappiness, and he was a great burden on his mother. The women of the village felt sorry for the mother whose countenance grew even more sad and they commiserated with her often.
"One day, an evil spirit from the North arrived, preying on the poor mother. It broke her cream pitchers, and destroyed the tinctures that she had made to keep her child healthy. It broke her husband's plow so that he was stuck at home during the day. But mostly it followed the child, as if drawn by his bad behaviour. It would rattle the windows and shake his bed so that he could have no rest and it would spill his dinner on the floor when he tried to eat."
The Monster growled. "Let me guess. The child cried and prayed and promised to behave itself which caused the spirit to leave, and this is a lesson to ungrateful children everywhere."
That was how the story had ended when Neil's mother had whispered it to him after he had endured another punishment from his father, but it was not how Neil's version of the story ended. "No, that would be nonsense," he said. "The child realized that the spirit was trying to communicate so one day when his parents were out he quieted down and sung a lullaby to lure the spirit to speak. When the spirit spoke it revealed that it was the spirit of the child's mother's firstborn son whom she had caused to sicken and die in order to gain sympathy from the women of her village. The mother had then travelled away to find somewhere new to repeat her crimes and it had taken the spirit several years to find her. It had then tried to protect her new child: smashing the tinctures that the mother fed him to keep him sickly and ill, destroying his food to keep him from eating poisons, keeping him awake so that she could not administer anything in his sleep. The spirit had even broken the plow to keep the child's father home more often.
"The child was shocked but he told his father what the spirit had revealed. His father was skeptical but he agreed to investigate and he found that all that the spirit had said was true. Because sometimes those that are meant to love us most are the ones who do us the most harm."
Again the Monster watched Neil intently, his eyes bright with understanding. "What happened to the mother?" he eventually asked.
"Bad fates do not always follow those who deserve them," said Neil. "But I believe that she was eaten by a dragon."
The Monster gave a little huff. "Very well, rabbit, I will leave your crops alone." He turned to leave.
"What is your name?" asked Neil asked, not wanting the Monster to leave yet. Why not rest here and share another story? Why not learn more of the Monster's truth?
"What is yours?" countered the Monster.
Neil opened his mouth to reply, but then closed it quickly. The wood demanded truth.
The Monster watched him silently for a long time. "Take another sprig of quince blossoms," he said finally, "and leave me in peace."
Neil's return was once again heralded through the land, much to the King's displeasure. After reluctantly agreeing to grant Neil the reward he had been promised the King regarded him shrewdly.
"Does the Monster trust you?" he asked.
"Not killing me and trusting me are two very different things," replied Neil.
"Still…" said the King thoughtfully. "It does let you get close."
"What are you suggesting?" asked the King's favourite advisor.
"Silvertongue," said the King sharply. "You will return to the Thorn Wood and slay this beast so that we all may live in safety."
"No blade can pierce the hide of the Monster," Neil protested.
"A blade carved from the enchanted quince that grows in the Thorn Wood can kill anything," replied the King, gesturing to his second advisor. The man came forward carrying a box that held a knife carved from the sprig of quince blossoms that Neil had carried back from the Thorn Wood.
"If you do this," said the King, "then I will release you." Neil looked up sharply. "If you plunge that blade into the heart of the Monster, your servitude to me will be complete."
Neil could scarcely dare believe the King's words. Freedom and a safe place to call home were all that he had ever wanted out of life. He reluctantly reached out and gingerly picked up the quince blade.
"Kill the beast," said the King, "and you'll be free to do as you please."
For the second day in a row Neil made the trek across the valley to the Thorn Wood. The Monster seemed taken aback when Neil walked into the clearing, but recovered himself quickly.
"Are you that eager to be eaten?" he asked dryly.
"Do you want to hear a story?" Neil asked in reply.
"In exchange for what?" said the Monster warily.
"You'll see," said Neil. "Can I speak?"
The Monster gave a hesitant nod.
"Once upon a time a boy was born to two parents who hated each other," Neil started. "Their marriage had been arranged by their families against the wishes of them both. But they did their duty and brought a child into their unhappy union. The wife came to love the boy, in her own way, but the husband was full of hate. He hated everyone and everything but most of all he hated his own son and he often punished the boy just for existing.
"After many years the husband found a way to rid himself of the son he despised and sold him into the servitude of a King that he had angered. The wife did not wish for her son to be sold so she absconded with him in the night. Unfortunately, her husband anticipated this and stopped them, killing his wife for her disobedience.
"The boy was not sorry to leave the house of his father, but the King was also very cruel and he often punished the boy for his words. Just as the boy was resigned to his fate he was sent to treat with a Monster."
Neil looked up and caught the Monster's eyes. "Twice he spoke with the Monster, trading truths. But the King was still not happy. He sent the boy back to kill the Monster with a magic blade. He offered the boy freedom and a home, the two things that the boy had always wanted. But the boy realized that more than those things he wanted a place to belong."
"And how does this story end?" asked the Monster.
"I don't know yet," said Neil. "But the moral is that sometimes we don't know what we're looking for until it shows up in a way we weren't expecting."
The Monster was silent for a time, staring thoughtfully at his old scars. "There once was a boy who was unwanted by everyone," he said haltingly. "The only people that ever wanted him desired to hurt him. No one could hear his cries for help and when he tried to make them listen they said that he was a monster inside. He tried to match his insides to his outsides, carving his pain into his skin for the world to see, but the world turned a blind eye.
"He retreated into the forest, isolating himself. One day he stumbled upon an enchanted wood. The wood was safe and solitary but only a magic creature can live in a magic environment. Knowing that it would change him, he drank deeply from the brook until his outsides finally matched his insides and everybody kept away."
"What was his name?" asked Neil.
"His name was Andrew," replied the Monster.
"Andrew," repeated Neil thoughtfully. "My name is Neil." The wood did not object.
"One day a nearby King needed to distract his subjects and so arranged to have the commoners' herds attacked and their crops destroyed to unite them against a common enemy. But the King was foolish and he sent a kindred soul to reason with the Monster and the Monster realized that his home was lonely." The Monster stepped forwards and gently detached the copper cup from Neil's belt. He knelt and filled it with water from the brook before offering it to Neil. "Stay with me?" he asked.
Neil never returned to the valley Kingdom. Within a week of his departure, the King was found stabbed through the heart with a quince blade. Soon after, evidence was found that he had been the one to kill the herds and destroy the crops. The King's favourite advisor ascended to the throne and he ruled the land with justice and benevolence. He decreed that the Thorn Wood was never to be breached by any of his subjects and so the two Monsters who dwelt within were able to spend their days together in peace, forgotten by all who would bring them harm.
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