#i tried green eye fanart i really did....it always hit wrong
transgenderboobs · 9 months
id love to hear ur thoughts on using red to represent jon and the eye if the christmas parade can stfu for five minutes
hehe ok so
my reasoning for this is a little bit pretentious former art student and a little bit sappy gay losercore of me
so ok. the lonely to me is blue (a desaturated gray/blue but blue nonetheless. which i think comes from naomi herne's description of it in mag13) and ik jon says the eye and the lonely are close to each other, and like i get what he's saying and i don't inherently disagree, esp since the fears are amorphous and bleed together and cannot be separated so the eye and the lonely ARE inherently intertwined. but to Me the true antithesis of being alone is being truly and deeply seen and known. to have someone you are so at home around you can let them truly see and know every part of you, even the parts that made u feel apart and othered from people in the past
SAURRRR since the lonely is blue i picked complementary/contrasting warm colors to represent the eye, to juxtapose the colors of the lonely. so jon and martin have. diametric but complementary palettes in my brain ! and ik orange is the true complement to blue, but red is the Vibe i get from jon when i listen to the podcast so in my heart. the eye is red
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castiel-barnes · 3 years
Pairing: Ice Hockey! Din Djarin x Reader.
Summary: Yourself and Din adopt a little one, who Din teaches to skate. Ice Hockey AU.
Wordcount: 1.9k
Warnings: Slight mentions of injuries. Soft Din. Swearing mentions.
A/N: This is based of @shanediomorrissey Hockey Din AU fanart, which is absolutely amazing and you should totally check out their work.
Tags: @phoenixhalliwell @scribbledghost
Your husband had been part of the Ice Hockey World since he was very young. That was one of the first things, his adopted father taught him. Now he was on a professional team, in the Intergalactic Hockey League (IHL). His team.
The Mythasours.
One of the best teams in the entire IHL. Home to the late Jango Fett, who's career ended far too soon in a deadly incident. After the incident, the Fett memorial was created and gifted to the Most Valuable Player.
You felt Din move in the double bed, his arms detaching from your waist where they had been for the majority of the night. It must've been 05:35am. Run time. His routine was pretty much the same every day. Run. Shower. Get breakfast ready for you both. Gym and then the training session at the rink.
You groaned as you felt his warmth leave you, and you wrapped the blanket up around around your head.
"Hey Cyar’ika, it's gonna be a good day at the rink today. Wanna come?" He asked as he got his running clothes on,
"What's happening at the rink?" You groaned peaking an eye open. You smiled slightly as you saw the V cut at the bottom of his abs.
"There's uh a charity thing going on today. We're teaching kids from the orphanage, how to skate and play. I just thought you'd like to come with, you're usually really good with kids." Din explained giving you a small kiss to your head,
"Yeah, I'll come with. I like watching you teach little ones." You replied smiling tiredly. You laid in bed for five more minutes, before getting out and showering then changing into warm clothes. No matter what time of year it is. The rink is always cold.
For a change today, you made breakfast and let Din take his time in the shower and getting ready. After breakfast, you packed a few snacks into your bag.
You always took a book with you when the boys where in the gym, although you did sneak glances at Din every now and then.
Before the kids from the orphanage came into the rink, The Mythasours and their opposing team The Twin Sun's skated onto the ice.
As you and the other sat down, you over heard a girl 'bragging' about being Din Djarins girl to her friends? Oh you could not have this.
"Excuse me, I think you should reconsider before you brag about something you're not." You stated standing up,
"And who might you might you be?" She asked in a sneering way.
"I just so happen to be his other half." You replied calmly,
"Oh yeah? Then prove it. Otherwise your just another bitch who wants attention from my hubby." She tried to continue to pretend.
"I'm Y/n Djarin. I'm married to Din Djarin, the Captain of the Mythasours and our anniversary date is March 7th. Now why don't you go before I have to call security." You stated slightly seething, and standing straight to gain height advantage.
At this she backed off and went to the other side of the rink, whilst her friends abandoned her. Din witnessed this whole confrontation, and you went over to him as he called you over.
"What was that about baby?" Din asked holding your hand gently,
"Just another fan who thinks they can get what they want. Don't worry about it din." You replied giving his cheek a sweet kiss.
"Hey look the kids have arrived." You continued smiling. Din turned and smiled as all the kids filed in. He noticed out of all the kids with black, brunette, ginger and blonde hair. There was a kid with white hair, who was slightly smaller than the rest and seemed to shy away from the rest.
As the kids oogled at the professional hockey players, each player got to know the kids individually. Din decided to speak to the little white haired kid that had caught his eye.
"Mr Djarin." Peli Motto stated smiling at him. "It's so nice to see you again." She continued,
"Please Peli, there isn't much for formalities on the ice. Please call me Din." Din replied smiling awkwardly.
"Very well Din. I see you spotted our youngest here today." Peli said as the little white haired kid looked around scared,
"Yeah, what's the little guys name?" Din asked curious.
"Grogu. He is a selective mute we think. He hasn't talked since we got him at the orphanage." Peli explained with a sad look,
"Just sad that a cute one like that can be left with no parents." Peli continued.
"Do you mind if I.. like if I go over to him?" Din asked,
"Of course I don't mind. It's what we came here for." She smiled. Din smiled and skated over to Grogu, he wasn't really standing with anyone else. As he got to Grogu, Din kneeled down and smiled.
"Hi Grogu, my name is Din. How are you today?" Din asked,
All he got from the considerably small kid was a shrug and a nervous glance. But it was better than nothing.
"Do you wanna learn how to skate?" Din asked, at that Grogus eyes lit up like seeing a festival for the first time. Grogu nodded and smiled, causing Din to smile. You watched as Din helped the child, putting the skates on and trying them properly.
Grogu was a little hesitant at first to go on the ice, but Din was there to help him.
"It's okay buddy. I'm gonna help keep you steady." Din said quietly to Grogu. Grogu looked up at him, his big green eyes finally losing some of the fear he had earlier. Din smiled and held Grogus hands, as Din skated backwards.
"You're doing so good buddy. Do you wanna be a professional one day?" Din praised,
Grogu nodded and continued to concentrate on keeping balanced. Din smiled brightly and looked at you for a brief moment, and you were smiling right back at him. After a while the kids had their break, and watched the professionals skate around for a bit.
"I see you got a new best friend baby." You stated giving Din a kiss,
"Yeah, his name is Grogu and he's a mute. But he is so kriffing adorable." Din replied smiling ear to ear.
"He's adorable, you two look so cute together." You said quietly, earning a blush from Din.
After hours, it was finally time to go back to the orphanage. For Din, letting Grogu go back felt wrong. Grogu reminded him of himself when he was about that age, before his adoptive father found him.
When the two of you got home. You could feel something slightly off with Din.
"What's wrong baby?" You asked wrapping your arms around him,
"I just feel kinda bad for leaving Grogu at the orphanage." Din said quietly burying his head into the crook of your neck.
"Well baby, we could always maybe adopt him. If you wanted. Cause seeing you and him earlier. I honestly couldn't of thought anything better." You suggested nervously,
Din whipped round with one of the biggest smiles on his face.
"Really?" He asked, trying to gauge if you were serious or not,
"Yeah. I mean, you'd make a great dad. Watching you with Grogu was amazing. Maybe we could speak to Peli." You replied. Din continued to smile and hugged you tightly.
The next day, you and Din went to the orphanage. You could tell he was nervous but that was a good thing. After some discussions with Peli, Din went by himself to Grogus room.
"Hey buddy." Din smiled kneeling down,
Grogu turned around and smiled brightly. His white hair tousled slightly.
"What do you think about coming home with me and Y/n?" Din asked,
Grogus face went into an expression of disbelief. He nodded and launched his tiny body into Dins. Din laughed as he hugged Grogu back, and helped pack the few belongings Grogu had. The two boys came out into the main area, Grogus small hand in Dins. And the two of them smiling brightly.
Time skip:
Grogu had been your adopted son for many months now. His skating ability increasing significantly, and starting to become one of the best on the kids Death Watch team.
9 times out of 10, Grogu watched Dins games.
This one game though was very different. The Twin Sun's had a new player. And even Cobb Vanth and Boba Fett had their queries about this player.
The game was heading towards a victory for the Mythasours. And this didn't settle right for the new comer. He saw his opportunity as Din skated forward with the puck, and the new comer shoved Din into the boards.
Din grunted falling to the floor hard, hitting his head against the ice. The game was called to a stop and IG-11 the medic, came onto the ice.
Boba went up to the new comer and got right in his face.
"What the fuck do you think you were doing newbie?" Boba growled,
"I was stopping him. Just cause he is the mighty 'Din djarin' doesn't mean he has my respect." The new comer explained. Boba was about to punch him, until Cobb stopped him.
"It's not worth it Boba." Cobb whispered.
Din was helped out, and Grogu was extremely upset trying to follow.
"I know buddy, I know. We'll go see your buir in a moment I promise. He's gonna be fine buddy." You croaked out trying not be scared for Grogu.
The two of you followed the ambulance to the hospital. And waited in the waiting room for almost an hour. You sat with Grogu and tried to distract him for a while.
Finally the doctor came out, and you stood up with Grogu in your arms.
"Is he alright?" You asked quickly,
"He only has a mild concussion and some slight bruising on his side. We'll have to keep him observation for the next few hours, you're able to go see him if you would like." The doctor spoke, showing the way to Din's room.
Din opened his eyes slightly, and smiled as he saw the two of you.
"Hey baby, how you feeling?" You asked quietly,
"My head hurts. A lot." Din replied. He smiled at Grogu and watched Grogus hands as his signed.
'Are you okay papa?' Grogu signed,
"I will be buddy I promise. Its just a part of hockey." Din replied ruffling Grogus white hair.
After a few hours Din was able to go home, and get sleep. For the next few weeks, Din rested making sure to listen to the doctors.
He eventually went back to the rink, slowly getting back into the swing of things. Din attended a lot of Grogus training sessions, sitting on the sidelines giving him tips. He did stay for the Mythasours practice and watched.
When Din finally returned playing, everyone including Boba and Cobb.
"Din! My Vod how are you feeling?" Boba exclaimed smiling and hugging Din,
"A lot better than I was, that's for damn sure. What happened to the kid who gave me a concussion?" Din asked.
"Got kicked out. Turns out he's done this in a bunch of other teams just never been reported properly." Boba returned.
Din's first game back was amazing. Everyone, even the Twin Sun's fans showed their excitement of the Mythasours captain making his return.
The game went to the Mythasours.
At the end of the game, Din done a speech giving his thanks for the support.
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Wait For You (Good Omens One-Shot)
Summary: An angsty songfic for these ineffable bastards. I’m bad at summaries but it’s much better than it sounds.
Word Count: 1.8k+
Taglist: @bhmay @briarrose26
Ask to be on my taglist! Let me know if it’s for a specific fandom(s) or not. All of my fandoms are in my bio.
Warning(s): general angst, swearing (I think)
Inspirations: Wait For You by Tom Walker, the fact that Good Omens is my new obsession and is promptly taking over ever waking moment of my life, Great Omens (The Big One) by falsepremise on AO3, A Lot Of Love And A Little Bit Dumb by LollipopCop on AO3, Only A Bad Dream by Bookwormgal on AO3, This Fanart by @whiteleyfoster
A/N: Yeah so I write for Good Omens now, what are you going to do about it? I have nothing else to say other than enjoy and please let me know what you thought because every single comment makes my day and that is not an exaggeration in the slightest.
“Angel, I-” Crowley’s voice broke before he could even think of what he was going to say, but there was something in the way the pearly eyes of the angel in question shot up to look at him, something that understood everything that Crowley himself didn’t.
Aziraphale had known that this was going to happen at some point, but that didn’t make him any more prepared for the conversation he knew they were about to have. He nodded deeply, taking great care to not show any hint of annoyance or irritation, knowing that consciously or not, Crowley was looking for any sign that told him his feelings weren’t valid and that he should shut up right there and then. He moved so that he was sitting opposite Crowley instead of straddling him, pulling him into a hug that almost glowed from the love he poured graciously into it. He took it gratefully, throwing his arms around Aziraphale’s neck and burying his face into the crook of his neck. He held onto him for dear life as he sobbed, trying to be as quiet as possible from instinct. The angel cradled the back of his head as he did so, the painful break in his heart deepening with each second that passed; he wasn’t sure if it was from the tiny sobs that escaped his mouth or the fact that they were barely audible. He didn’t even want to think about why he felt the need to stay silent.
Once he’d started, he just couldn’t stop, no matter how hard he tried. Every time he thought he had his emotions buried down, they would resurface when he was reminded of how soft Aziraphale was, and he meant that both figuratively and literally. He couldn’t silence the voice in his head that screamed at him that he didn’t deserve this he didn’t deserve this he didn’t deserve this, repeating over and over again like some morbid mantra.
Despite everything that he was, there was something inside of him, something fuzzy and warm and alien, something he hadn’t felt any remnant of since before the Fall. It terrified him because deep down he knew what it was. It was the sensation of butterflies in your stomach, and your heart racing at a greyhound’s speed, and the sinking realisation that hit you like a ton of bricks that you only got when it was far too late and you were in too deep. It was quite possibly the only thing that united each and every human on God’s green earth.
Or the closest thing a demon could experience. And that was exactly what terrified Crowley so much, demons couldn’t love, shouldn’t love. He knew that, Aziraphale knew that, everyone knew that. It was one of the only things both Heaven and Hell agreed on, and they were few and far between. For millennia, it had been cruelly drilled into his head, and everyone else’s heads for that matter. So how the Heaven could Aziraphale be so blind? His angel was oblivious at the best of times, but he wasn’t an idiot. Was he just playing dumb for the sake of a love that couldn’t happen? Or was this all some sick game, carefully fabricated to mess with the demon’s head?
But Crowley held on tighter to his angel and the squeeze he got in return destroyed all of those fears in an instant. How could he ever imagine Aziraphale being that cruel? Sweet Aziraphale who never questioned, just acted as he saw best. No, this wasn’t his fault.
“Crowley,” he murmured, voice soft as the nonchalant clouds above them but still managing to make Crowley flinch slightly. Aziraphale must have felt it for his next words were even gentler, even slower, “Darling, you need to talk to me so I can help you.”
Crowley swallowed thickly as he felt the tears begin to subside slightly, “What if you can’t help me, angel?”
Aziraphale pulled away so he could look him in the eyes, any remainders of his heart shattering when he was met with a despair so intense, he struggled to maintain eye contact. However, he persisted; he wasn’t going to give up on him that easily, “Don’t be silly,” he carefully stroked the side of his face, brushing his hair out of the way, “Of course I can help you. I might not be able to fix everything, but it’s worth a try, isn’t it?”
“It’s not your problem to deal with, that wouldn’t be fair on you,” he cast his eyes down as he smiled sadly.
“It became my problem when I realised how much this was hurting you,” he said as firmly as he could without startling Crowley, “I can’t guarantee that I’ll understand, but we can figure this out together. You don’t have to be on your own.”
Even though he didn’t need it, he took a deep breath and, after a moment or two, he said, “This terrifies me, whatever this even is. We’re an angel and a demon, how is this ever going to work? I don’t want to put you in danger because I’m too selfish to stop this before it starts. Because if it does, I don’t think I’ll be able to stop.”
“Who says this needs to be stopped?” he suggested.
“Heaven! Hell! I don’t know what they’ll do to you if they find out. For your sake, I can’t risk it.”
The angel shook his head at his defeated tone, “I don’t understand how you can call yourself selfish when you’re putting yourself through all this just to protect me,” he sighed, “You do realise that it scares me too, right?”
Crowley looked up at him in confusion, “You’re scared?”
“Of course I’m scared, darling,” he said sympathetically, “But that doesn’t mean I want to give this up,” he paused for a moment, “If you think about it, everything happens for a reason. The Almighty wouldn’t have let us bump into each other over and over again for millennia, and She wouldn’t have let us get to where we are now, if She didn’t want this to happen.”
“So, are you saying we were meant to be?” he raised an eyebrow sceptically, looking as though saying those words caused him a great deal of discomfort.
“Perhaps,” he shrugged, infinitely relieved that Crowley was starting to revert back to his usual self, “But there’s something else, isn’t there? I know you better than you know yourself sometimes. Something else is worrying you, what is it?”
Crowley found himself almost cursing Aziraphale’s intuition, but deep down he knew that he’d much rather do it this way than having to bring it up himself. “You’re right. Of course, you’re right, you almost always are.”
He let a small smile appear but quickly wiped it away, “What is it, darling? And take your time, I’m not going anywhere,” he added when he saw the hesitancy on Crowley’s face.
“I don’t deserve you,” he admitted quietly, “Whatever you’re trying to do for me, I’m not worth it.”
“Whoever told you that? Who’s made you feel like you’re not worthy of being loved…” he trailed off as the realisation sunk in. Maybe no one had ever outright told him he didn’t deserve good things, but the prejudice that Aziraphale himself had carried all these years, every little comment or snide remark; that amounted to a great deal. “Oh, Crowley, I’m so sorry-”
“No, no, no, no, no,” he rushed to assure him, pushing his own pain aside, “Angel, don’t apologise, it’s okay, you were right.”
“But I wasn’t right, Crowley,” he cried, “I’ve never been more wrong! Especially after everything you’ve been through, you deserve all the love in the world,” he paused for a moment before whispering, “I’m sorry that I ever made you feel like you were unworthy of being loved.”
“Angel…” he murmured as he felt the stinging tears well up in his golden eyes again, desperately trying to brush them away.
Aziraphale clasped his hand around Crowley’s wrist gently, bringing his hand away from his face and kissing it lightly, “That prejudice I carried, I promise that it was never really aimed at you. You’ve always been different, deep down I’ve known that since Eden. Something’s always been different about you. I haven’t quite been able to put my finger on it for a long time, but I know what it is now. What separates you from everyone I’ve ever met.”
“What is it?” he asked softly, listening intently to everything his angel had to say.
“Love, my dear. The love I sense from you isn’t quite like anything I’ve ever felt before, but it’s familiar somehow. Homely might be a better word for it,” he mused, more to himself than to anybody else.
His brows furrowed in confusion, “But I’m a demon,” he countered, stressing on the last word as if that explained everything perfectly, “Demons can’t love, I thought that was the whole point of – well, you know…” he said, leaving Aziraphale to fill in the blanks; the last thing he needed right now was to be reminded of The Fall.
“Yes, well, your aura says otherwise. I’ve no idea if it’s just you or not, but I think the important part is that it is you. You’ve had love in your soul for six thousand years, you’ve shown it every time you’ve stopped me from getting discorporated or just stopped by for lunch. I think that makes you deserving of being loved in return, don’t you?”
Crowley looked at him blankly for a second before coming to his senses, “You’re just saying that to try and make me feel better.”
“Am I? Well how about this,” he contemplated what he was about to impart for a second, “What if I was to tell you that I too have had that love for six thousand years? What would you say then?”
“You deserve the world, angel,” he said immediately.
“Has it ever occurred to you that I would feel the same way about you?”
Crowley didn’t say anything to that, his mind had completely given up on trying to conjure up a response or at least rationalising everything that he’d just heard. His head was at a loss but his heart? His heart was swelling with each passing second with love for the angel sat opposite him, so he did the only thing that made any sense at the time: he kissed him. It lacked the passion and the drive from earlier that evening, but adoration and a strange kind of relief stood in its place, towering above any other feeling he’d ever felt. It sealed the deal between the two of them, surrounding them with a love that shone brighter than Aziraphale’s own halo, that burned harder than the fire behind Crowley’s eyes, that beat louder than their hearts would if they had them, synchronised and perfectly in time with one another. It was the bond that had kept their souls intertwined since that first conversation in the Garden of Eden. It was an all-encompassing love that almost made anything in its near vicinity bask in its glow, warm and welcoming and oh-so-familiar.
It was the overwhelming realisation of yes, this is where I’m meant to be, this is what I’ve been searching for.
It was home.
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aurorasilverthorne · 4 years
Total Misunderstanding Part #1:
Disclaimer: I OWN NOTHING!!! Esteban, Shuriki, Armando and Fiero belong to Disney.
Note: Elizaveta, Aléjandro, Llorona and Esperanza all belong to me. If you use them in fanfiction or fanart, please remember to give me proper credit as their creator. Thank you.
Esteban wasn't prone to sleeping late. He'd been an early riser all his life, but he'd spent the night entertaining the queen, and had indulged in one too many glasses of wine.
I should've stopped at three...
But Shuriki had been in such high spirits and invitations to her bed were rare these days. Esteban had begun to believe Shuriki was losing interest in him altogether. The previous evening had assured him she still desired his touch.
Esteban groaned. His head kept throbbing like a pulse as he tried to go back to sleep and not think about the day ahead.
Dame Elizaveta Kapeka of the Northern Islands was going to arrive later that afternoon and that was troublesome. Shuriki always viewed other women as competition. Esteban should've been worried, but all he could think about was the noise their constant bickering would make.
I'm starting to sound like Shuriki.
Shuriki was probably still in bed sleeping off her hangover. He sat up slowly so as not to irritate his already nervous stomach.
Had he even eaten anything? He couldn't remember. Esteban was debating on whether they should just forego their meetings for the day when his bedroom door flew open startling him so bad that he fell off the bed. When he opened his eyes, Armando was standing over him, his expression that of a man on the verge of panic.
"Dame Elizaveta Kapeka is here!"
Of course she is...
Esteban hauled himself up off the floor. "Where is the queen?"
"Sleeping," Armando answered sheepishly.
Esteban gave the steward a half-hearted scowl then snatched his coat off the back of a chair as he headed for the queen's personal chambers. He managed to make it halfway down the hall before pausing to retch in a gilded vase.
Apparently he'd eaten something after all. Carrots, or corn maybe? Esteban didn't really care and he wasn't going to stick around to find out.
The drapes were closed and the previous night's candles burned down to the wick when Esteban stepped into Shuriki's bedroom. He nearly tripped over a pile of clothing before pulling back the curtains on the massive canopy bed.
"Your Grace?
Shuriki groaned.
"Elizaveta Esfir Kapeka of the Northern Islands has arrived."
"Who?" Shuriki asked her voice muffled by the blanket covering her head.
Esteban could tell she was still half asleep elsewise she would have launched into a tirade.
"Elizaveta? Older lady, silver hair pulled back in a braided bun? Green eyes? Any of this ring a bell?"
Shuriki pulled down the blanket to scowl at him. "Seriously, Estéban? We've met a plethora of women that could fit that description."
The chancellor sighed. "La Monstrua de Ojos Verdes."
The Green Eyed Monster.
Shuriki had thought she was being clever when she had given Elizaveta the cruel nickname. He wasn't about tell the queen most of the palace staff called her that when she wasn't within earshot.
Shuriki scowled. "Ugh, not her."
The last time Kapeka had come to Avalor to talk trade, she and Shuriki had almost killed each other due to an argument over negotiations. Shuriki refused to say why she detested the other sorceress so much, but she and Elizaveta were always vying for dominance any time they had to interact with one another.
Shuriki wanted nothing to do with it. "Leave me here to die."
Esteban huffed. "It's customary in Avalor for the ruling monarch to greet visiting dignitaries."
Shuriki buried her head under a pillow. "I really don't care about proper decorum."
Esteban folded his arms and began to tap his foot impatiently as he tried to figure out a way to rouse her. Then it hit him like a runaway carriage. "Well, if you aren't feeling up to it..."
"-Oh, thank Maru-"
"I'm sure Doña Paloma wouldn't mind helping with the dame."
"That money hungry hussy?!" Shuriki grabbed his cravat and yanked him towards her. "Estéban, I told you to stay away from her!"
"Mamá...? Papá...?"
Esteban and Shuriki both turned to see their seven year old twins, Aléjandro and Llorona, hovering in the doorway.
"Oh, my little darlings..." Shuriki cooed.
She released Esteban and held out her arms to the pajama clad children. "Come here..."
Esteban knelt to steal a hug from the little ones before helping them up onto the bed.
"Why are you fighting? Did Papá do something wrong?" Alé asked.
"We weren't fighting, were we, Estéban?"
Esteban shook his head. He couldn't help smiling when their children were around. "No, just having a discussion, that's all."
"About what?" Alé asked.
"Oh, nothing important," Shuriki answered, giving Esteban a warning glare to drop the subject. She smiled softly at the twins. "What are you two doing out of bed so early, hmm?"
"I don't feel good," Aléjandro replied.
Shuriki frowned. "You don't? What's wrong?"
"My nose is stuffy and I keep coughing. It makes my throat hurt, Mamá."
"My poor, sweet boy..." Shuriki pressed a hand to his forehead. "You're running a fever. Estéban, cancel everything that's on my agenda for today. If Elizaveta throws a fit about rescheduling, tell her to go eat sand. And have breakfast brought up. The children need to eat, especially Alé or his illness will worsen."
Shuriki was adamant about not using vulgar language in front of the children. She would've been spewing obscenities at Elizaveta by now if not for them. "Yes, querida."
"Can we have ice cream for breakfast?" Aléjandro asked, giving her the cutest look he could muster.
Shuriki quirked an eyebrow feigning displeasure, but her facade cracked, and she gave him a smile. "Oh, alright. The cold treat will help with your sore throat, but you'll have to finish the real food first. Only then can you have the ice cream."
Aléjandro nodded and smiled. "Si, Mamá. Gracias!"
Shuriki chuckled. "You're very welcome."
What she didn't tell the child was that she'd be lacing his treat with a medicinal potion to combat his illness. Shuriki had learned early on that the best way to convince a child to take medication was to hide it in their favorite desserts and not tell them it was in there elsewise they wouldn't eat it and she'd have to force it down their throat which was something she didn't enjoy doing.
Esteban knew it was probably a bad idea to make Elizaveta wait, especially given they intended to reschedule, but his son was sick, and he felt like it had been ages since he'd enjoyed a warm meal with his lover and their children.
Esteban even made breakfast. He cooked them guava-cheese empanadas and pão de queijo with atole and avena because they'd do less damage to Alé's sore throat when he ate them. He prayed the fruit he'd put in the oatmeal would strengthen the boy's immune system and speed up his recovery. He also prepared some green tea with honey and lemon in the hopes that it would keep Shuriki safe from the illness while she was caring for their son.
Shuriki was waiting for him when he brought in the food. She'd retrieved four year old Esperanza from her crib so she too could enjoy eating with her parents and siblings.
Esteban blocked young Aléjandro's view of the ice cream bowls so that Shuriki could stir a vial of healing potion into the already half melted treat then feign resignation as she handed the child the bowl.
Aléjandro ate every bit without questioning his mother's motives. If he'd asked, Shuriki would've just fibbed and claimed she'd let him have the sweets first due to him giving her the puppy dog eyes. They couldn't risk him getting too full off the empanadas or the potion would upset his stomach.
The boy was half way through his second empanada when he began yawning and rubbing at his eyes. "Mamá...I'm tired..."
Shuriki bit her lip to suppress a triumphant smirk as she pulled him close and stroked his hair. "I know, child. Close your eyes. I'm here. No harm will come to you."
Alé tucked himself up against her side and buried his face in her shoulder. At first, she thought he'd fallen asleep, but then the boy lifted his head. "I can't sleep, Mamá. Sing for me, por favor?"
Shuriki groaned. She wasn't a fan of music or dancing due to having a problem with sensitivity to noise. She'd gone so far as to ban both from Avalor, but had allowed Esteban to keep a guitar. Shuriki had also let him teach the children how to dance. She'd even sung a lullaby or two back when they were infants in the hopes they'd fall asleep. She'd been in desperate need of rest herself, of course, elsewise Shuriki would've taken a dagger to the throat rather than be heard singing or seen dancing around even if it was for her children who were the only people she loved more than Esteban or herself.
"Why would you want that?" she asked. "My voice sounds terrible when I sing."
"But I like when you sing, Mamá."
She quirked an eyebrow. "You can't be serious."
"It helps me sleep and makes me feel better." He gave her another one of his puppy dog pouts. "Por favor, Mamá?"
Shuriki sighed. "Fine..."
The sorceress closed her eyes trying to gather her thoughts. The Northern islanders didn't have too many lullabies as music, dancing and art were all considered nonsensical frivolities. There was a song she did remember from back when she was a child. Her mother had sung it to her on the rare occasions when she was ill.
Now is the time for the wolves and thrushes, to sing to the moon from the forests and rushes.
Sleep, my love. Sleep my only dear, in the dark.
Fragile and magical shadows will suddenly start to appear, lovely and lyrical, a frightening miracle, within your ear.
Carefully raising their voices, in a chorus loud and gracefully clear,
Over and under, the multi-toned, wonder of dreams endear.
Why are they singing, calling, and braying all night long?
What are they trying so hard to convey with their haunting song?
Sometimes when somebody loves you, they say and do things you don't understand.
And there in the harsh truth lies the proof of a parent's love.
Aléjandro fell asleep midway through the song. Esteban sat and listened to Shuriki sing while she stroked their eldest child's hair.
He tended to forget just how hard her childhood had been. The Northern Islands was a dark, cold place with authoritarian laws and an intolerance for failure of any sort. It was a miracle that she'd survived what with the horrid weather and the unrealistic expectations heaped onto her by her parents, peers, and the royal family she'd once served.
Shuriki laid Alé down beside her and curled herself around him to cuddle and protect the child while he slept.
"Put Esperanza back in her crib, and make sure Llorona gets back to the nursery on your way out, would you, Estéban?"
Esteban nodded. "Si, mi amada."
"But I want to stay with you," Llorona pouted, "I don't want to go back to the nursery. There is no one there for me to play with."
"Nonsense. You've more than enough toys to play with," Shuriki said, "And the last thing I need is for you to catch whatever it is your brother has. Now run along..." Shuriki was only half listening or she would've realized it was the lack of playmates not the quantity or quality of toys upsetting her eldest daughter.
"But, Mamá-"
"I said no," Shuriki snapped.
Shuriki hadn't meant to be so harsh towards the girl, but the damage was done. Llorona recoiled at the sharpness in her tone before retreating over to Esteban who was putting Esperanza down for her midmorning nap. Shuriki wanted to tell Llorona to come back, that she was sorry for having lost her temper, but the girl had bypassed a preoccupied Esteban and already left the room before she had the chance.
Shuriki sighed. "Estéban, would you-"
"I'll check on her on my way back to my office," he promised, pressing a quick kiss to her temple. "You just focus on Esper and Alé right now and leave everything else to me."
"Thank you."
"You're muy welcome, mi corazón."
"I didn't mean to shout at her," Shuriki admitted. "I just...it's so frustrating at times..."
"I understand what you mean," he assured her. "Llorona is going to be fine."
"Are you sure?"
Esteban nodded. "She's always been a resilient child. Give her an hour or two and she'll have forgotten all about it."
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cutegirlmayra · 5 years
In Sonic Generations, Sonic was very rude to Amy (he put his hand in her face and it made him look like a jerk) so what if Amy tried to dismiss how hurt she felt because of that gesture, and after Sonic saves the world and stuff, and she sees him face to face she finally snaps(? And she can’t stand to look at him anymore and starts avoiding him??? ;-; I love u
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(This preview image is by Lostydragon
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but their account has since been deactivated after I already asked if I could use this image. Please let me know if they have another account so I can properly link them with this image :)b)
As all should know, I freakin’ love Amy avoiding Sonic plots and would more than welcome this one! Once again, thank you for your adorable fanart of my Sonic OC, now account mascot, Lavinya the Red Fox!
Also, even SEGA of Japan said they wanted to cut out that part because Sonic wouldn’t be rude to his friends, so yeah, you right lol
PROMPTS ARE ON SHUTDOWN, don’t send me any till they reopen, okay?
At first, she understood.
It was a little frustrating, but she was just too hyped up about the party and seeing him again after so long that she didn’t care if she was all up in his face.
But maybe he did care…
As he spoke to Tails–his hand shoved up in nose–she silently hated the fact that after all this time, he still wouldn’t let her get a kiss or two in.
And his hand? The texture of his glove smelled like pine, not sweat. Funny, she thought it would smell like sweat, has he properly been taking care of himself?
She could imagine him sliding his hand across branches and grabbing bristles of pine as he scaled forests, rushed through forests, and woke the wind in his strides.
He was marvelous in her dreams… so now…
She shook her bundled hands, ‘Darn it!’ she cried out in her head, hearing him speak further to Tails, ‘Why is it always me that has to forgive him? And so quickly too? Yes, I’m excited to see him, but this is too much… But it’s his party… I wanted to be apart of the surprise… I’ll scold him later.’
But before she could, her eyes turned to the purple monster and time portals and she was whisked away…
When she was saved from her stone-like state, she tried to make a joke, hoping to lighten the mood.
But then… he turned away, smacking his hand to his face and shaking his head.
‘…Did I… do something wrong?’ a spiral of emotions hit her.
Back at the party’s previous location, Amy sat under a tree, watching Knuckles and the others who were saved mingle and eat and tucking her legs up close to herself.
She sighed, worried and longing for Sonic. The sun was warm though, better than that awful, stuck feeling she had when she was nothing more than a statue.
Her eyes bent, blinking in solitude, the worse state to be in.
She’d rather be frozen stiff than completely alone without Sonic…
Then… she wondered about little Sonic, was he always this way with her?
Her disillusion of him as a perfect hero suddenly started to morph as she thought about how little Sonic reacted to her, he acted similar to his older self, just… slightly different it seemed.
She also tried a joke with him, but he still remained distant and didn’t even even slap his knee.
She sighed, letting her legs drop to the brushing of the grasses green and cool surface…
She closed her eyes, leaning her head back to the tree’s trunk and hearing the noises around her.
‘Do I talk too much? Maybe my sense of humor’s timing was off? Maybe I should just let him come to me… will he come to me? Or… will he really just forget about me?’ she shook her head, ‘No! Stop this, Amy Rose!’ she smacked her hands together and got herself to smile, standing up. ‘Sonic would never forget you! You’re his-! His…’ Her cheer, pick-me-up attitude suddenly began to crack in her expression… ‘Ohhh… Nevermind.’ she slumped a little, ‘I’ll just try a different approach.’
When Sonic returned, everyone cheered! She did her best to remain cheery, getting annoyed with Knuckles as she wanted to shower Sonic with praise, hoping to have his demeanor change to be in favor of her. At least… this time, for sure!
He seemed like he was keeping something from his little self, as Classic Sonic looked over to Modern Sonic as he just scratched his head.
Amy took note of that, ‘Is he apologetic… about me? Or is he saying it’ll all make sense later, as though having to explain me? Why do I feel so… suspicious of him all of a sudden?’ she backed off after that, but retained a smile on her face.
When the party was being cleaned up, Cream and Cheese were helping store the extra food away, amazed that there still were leftovers. Team Chaotix were also busy moving the bench and picking up litter that may have scattered around.
Amy was in charge of the picnic blanket, shaking it off as it rippled through the air with her constant shaking.
She liked working, but she hated the fact that her thoughts were so abundant today…
Usually, especially with others, she wouldn’t be so quiet and to herself… something clearly bothered her, but at this point, she was desperately trying to let it go.
Tough luck, she couldn’t shake the feeling.
She folded the blanket neatly against her chest, sighing as she hugged it and let its smooth, thin sheet of fabric bend to match the shake of her head as she rubbed her muzzle against it.
“Why is it so cold..?” she looked up into the sky, speaking out loud as though not really realizing it.
Maybe she just longed to hear her own voice, maybe it didn’t feel so lonely when she did?
As though on cue, right at the moment she was about to slump down into her thoughts and sorrowful feelings again, someone important seemed to overhear her cry for help.
“You feelin’ chilly tonight, Amy?”
Her body had begun to sink before flicking upright, her ears were the first to turn towards the familiar, peppy sound.
She twisted her torso and excitedly sparkled her eyes at her hero, “Sonic!”
He smiled kindly to her and walked over, standing behind her before gesturing to the sky, “It’s gotten dark too quickly, hasn’t it?”
“Emm. It was only starting to be dusk moments before. Where did the time go?” she mused, making a joke.
Then she silently scolded herself for trying to make another joke.
she half-expected to see him mime a groan, but when she looked, he was snickering.
“Man, I love a good, ironic pun.” he stretched, reaching for the sky with one hand and crooking the other to latch around it. “But after a long day of running, it sure feels nice to feel the breeze again… at least, in the present time, anyway.” he smiled to her, and for a moment, she forgot everything she had been pondering about.
She just smiled back, engrossed in his carefree style.
“Yeah. I bet you worked hard. Thank you so much, Sonic!” she bundled her fist and held them up to her, nodding to the side and tilting into the effect, making it look very innocent and girlish.
He gave her a thumbs-up, winking. “My pleasure.”
She looked away then, growing self-conscious all of a sudden.
He tilted his head, not sure why she suddenly distanced herself again.
‘Maybe she’s playing coy..?’ he thought, and joked a feigned moment of shyness too before glancing out at the meadowed view in front of them. “Must have been awful, so I’ve heard… being locked in your own body like that.” he also looked away, another way of trying to get her interested.
It worked, of course. Amy’s head and eyes shifted easily toward his turned expression.
He smiled, lowering his eyebrows in a sly fashion as he saw her staring again.
A faint blush crossed her cheeks at realizing her blunder, and she looked around before down at the ground again, fiddling with her hands down by her dress’s trim. “Y-yes. It was.” she muttered, before unable to hold back a slight giggle, “Imagine having to pee or something like that…”
With that, the two laughed.
“Ah, why am I like this…” she wiped a tear from her eye, or at least, something moist from the corner of it. Maybe it was just the breeze blowing dust…
“Huh? What is that supposed to mean?” Sonic gestured a hand out, talking casually but seeming to pick up on an unusual turn of phrase.
His smile caught her, it held her in a loving lasso that she knew would feel betrayed if she mentioned her doubts about his behavior.
“O-oh, it’s nothing!” She waved her hands out by him, trying to restrain further, overly spacious actions. “Just rambling on like I do… I apparently shouldn’t be like that…” she turned her body a bit, but didn’t realize his expression snap to a sudden offense.
“What do you mean by that?” he looked almost appalled to hear her say that. “Who said you shouldn’t be you, Amy? And what’s wrong with just talking to someone? You’re enjoying yourself, right?”
His defense of her made her smile, but it also ached at her heart. Like a little annoying pin pressing into the same hole it created in her heart, just making the wound last longer.
“It’s nothing.” she waved it off again, this time, keeping her head down and kicking her legs along the indent of the hill’s slope she was treading on. “Forget I said that. I talk too much.”
Again, something negative, which set Sonic into a ball of fury energy.
“Amy, you can’t just say that.” he began to walk after her, amazed in a horrifying way that she was actually walking away from him.
“I’m not much for limitations or rules, but you gotta talk better about yourself. I’ve never seen you like this before.”
That really snapped her.
That really made the pin that kept poking into her heart suddenly bend its metal and get itself stuck. Now it tugged, trying to continue its rhythmic stabbing but unable to due to the new crook in its needle.
She stepped hard down by her side, legs straight, head fully down and arms shaking by her sides.
“I don’t know, Sonic, maybe the actions of a certain hedgehog made me think he didn’t want me being so up in his face and instead, turn passive-aggressive unknowingly upset at the fact that I might have annoyed my friend today!” She pivoted and sharply rotated herself back towards him, speaking directly into his face, causing him to stop advancing and quickly retreat with his ears bending back and his arms slowly retreating themselves away from her.
She suddenly stopped, breathing hard, and her eyes softened from their frustrated bent angle.
“Oh my gosh!” she breathed out, plugging her mouth. “I… I…” she snapped. She had never snapped at Sonic before.
To his credit, he remained silent, studying her features and sorry expression as his own became very careful and sincerely worried.
He had leaned back, but stopped withdrawing when she pulled back, her eyes darting around in amazement at how out-of-hand her emotions and parade of thoughts had gotten her too.
“I’m… I’m so sorry.”
“Amy…” he straightened himself out, reaching for her.
His face was serious, but there was legitimate concern there.
“Don’t… Don’t. Stay back…” she whispered, “Don’t come any closer…” she remembered that hand. That hand that used to hold such a kind image to her. Now… it seemed to length from Sonic’s arm and create an even bigger distance than before.
That hand… placing itself to her face and holding her back. Holding her away from her beloved and darling Sonic…
It was his unbreakable will, right? He wouldn’t dispute it, he wouldn’t lie to her and tell her that wasn’t the case…
She turned away, ‘Quit acting like it doesn’t bother you!’ she shouted in her head, bolting off around him and grabbing the picnic blanket she had placed down when he startled her.
‘I’ll keep myself away if that’s what works for you… Just don’t pretend you enjoy my company if you don’t. Just tell me. I’d change. I’d-…’ she felt the tears and barricaded them back with her cheeks rising below her eyes. The tension in her face made her muzzle turn red, seeing Vector hoisting up the table with Espio as she jumped over it.
“Wo-oa-ah, Hey!” he cried out, making the table heavier with her forceful step but she kept running, throwing the blanket to Tails who stumbled back.
 “Woah! Geezes!” he was more than startled, but practically assaulted by the folded-square fabric. He shoved it out of his face and breathed out, able to breathe now, and looked to Amy. “What was that about-Eee!” he was blown slightly forward by Sonic’s wind pushing against him as he rushed by.
“H-huh? Sonic? Why’s he chasing Amy down?” Tails fixed his three hair bangs and then looked stumped, “And why is Amy running from Sonic?” he saw Sonic slow down and just trail a little ways away from her. “He’s acting awfully careful.” Tails’s eyes matched the ticking clicks of electrical pulses being sent by his brain, squinted his eyes and crunching his shoulders a bit to think about what the new drama was all about.
“Did he say something to upset her? This late?” he looked up at the sky. “Amy shouldn’t be rushing off all alone like this… Well, I hope they resolve their differences and he takes her home soon.” Tails shrugged it off, it wasn’t his fight, and he picked his battles wisely.
Besides, he trusted Sonic and Amy’s friendship, he wasn’t too worried but also knew Sonic had it covered.
It wasn’t his first rodeo, after all…
Amy continued to run, slowing down some to breathe before looking back and gasping, kicking her heels back into gear and dashing forward again when she noticed Sonic was keeping a fair gap between them.
‘Oh, now he’s persistent?’ she moaned inside her head, looking back over her shoulder and seeing him keeping a relatively decent pace up behind her, avoiding trees and rocks but generally keeping his eyes on her.
“OOooohh…” She thought that kinda sweet.
She shook her head, ‘Hmph!’ she puffed a cheek up and looked forward again, ‘Not this time… He isn’t getting away that easily!…. then again, I’m the one running…’ She ducked her head down, “OooOOOooohhh…”
“You gonna whine about something I don’t know all day, Amy?”
“Ugh!” she slammed her foot down and quickly skidded to a halt, turning on a dime back to him again as he jogged to a halt as well, jumping a little to kick up more dust than her.
“Why are you following me!?” she called out.
“I’m not…” He folded his arms, “I’m just headed this way too.”
“That’s not the truth, and you know it.” she retreated her voice a bit and dipped her chin down towards her neck, puckering her lips as if he was treating her like a child.
“Well, how would you know? You can’t read my mind.” he tilted his head, “Speaking of minds… what’s on yours, Amy? Seems I may have given off the wrong impression. My bad.” He put his hand up to his face, straight out and dipped his head a bit in an apologetic ‘sorry’ stance. “These things happen between old friends, though. So I’m not too worried.” he shrugged with his hands and spoke with them as he talked, distracting her from noticing his fast-paced walk towards her, closing the distance.
“S-stop that… you know what you did today… don’t you?” she was distracted, seeing his arms flinging around, but suddenly looked up to his eyes, also trained to fixate on his arms, but immediately moved away as he came closer. “You pushed me away… remember? I’ve been trying to figure out what I did wrong… and it’s been driving me crazy!”
She gripped her head, not liking herself. “I hate this… I hate this, I hate this, I hate making you upset with me!”
He stopped.
“Not possible.”
“Don’t be sweet, I know you were upset today! Even when thought I got a little too excited during your party… you shouldn’t have pressed your head into my head like that… It wasn’t very respectful.” she pouted, retreating her voice again in a cute way and tugging on her dress, embarrassed to be admitting it. “Ooohh… You’ve never pushed me away before… It’s been eating at me all day, Sonikku…” that adorable nickname always seemed to melt his heart, maybe it would work again?
Sonic let out some air from his nose and smiled, looking fondly to her. “Is that what this was about?”
“Hmph. You also didn’t laugh at my joke when I got freed.” she puffed up the side of her cheek, but closed her eyes and positioned her head more towards his direction. A clear sign that she wanted him to make amends.
“Oh… My, my… Looks like our humors don’t sync up much, do they?” He gave in her antics and also acted charming, using words and a tone he knew she’d find playful.
“You’re not making this any easier to forgive you.” she remained stubborn, but didn’t notice his quiet steps towards her.
“Amy… You’re too sensitive.”
“Ha! Says the boy who never spoke as a child!” she puffed out.
“… Hard when most of your words would be taken offensively.”
“Seems that trait hasn’t grown out of you.”
He stopped.
She suddenly opened her eyes and looked knowingly shocked at her own cruelty. “I… I didn’t mean that, Sonic. You’re very kind. Honest, you are! It wasn’t your words that made me feel isolated today… I’m sorry.”
He slid his mouth to the side with a slanted frown.
“I… I took that too far.”
“Don’t we all.” Sonic shrugged, letting it go before holding a hand out to her arm.
The small touch… instantly made her look to it.
She knew what the hand smelled like, how it felt, its stern push… but now… it was a gentle, comforting hold that left her swimming in love for it.
She wanted it to her hold more… bring her closer to him… but…
“You pushed me away.”
“I’m sorry, Amy.”
“You didn’t laugh at my joke.”
“It didn’t really sound like a joke at the time, Amy…” Sonic sweatdropped.
“…I’m not annoying.”
“No. Not in the least bit.”
“Okay… and I’m funny.”
“Cute too.”
She turned her head shyly back up to his own, feeling his hand do–for once– exactly what she wanted it too.
It brought her in closer.
“I’ll never push you away again.” his eyes peered into the very depths of her soul.
It reached for that crooked pin in her heart.
“Promise?” she cooed, like a child.
He ducked his head to her own, smiling and closing his eyes as he felt her give way and come closer to his chest. “Em. I promise.”
His hand gently turned the pin, softly bringing it out from its deep hole it kept creating.
She leaned her chin against the side of his shoulder, feeling the warmth by it. “And you’ll call more, too?”
“Heh,” he chuckled a little, “Maybe.”
“Ohhh… We have Miles-Electrics for a reason, Sonic…”
With delicate and precision operating, Sonic’s hand figuratively took his thumb and pointer finger, flaring his effort with his wrist and other fingers a bit to finesse the pin completely out of her heart, and pull it up and away from it.
“How about I give you the detour home and we call it a good day, huh?” he leaned away only to see her face better, seeing it break into a smile but trying to still sound pitful.
“But I’m still sad…”
“No you’re not~” he wiggled his head and slightly bent in towards her, making her giggle at his charm.
“Yes, I am.” she faked a whine, turning her head away, holding a bundled hand up by her cheek.
“No, you’re not. You silly girl.” his hand tapped her own, as though shoveling lightly to see her lying expression. “You’re horrible at lying. Plus, it’s not cute on you. You’re much prettier when you’re smiling with the truth.”
She blushed, unable to hold it back. “Lair…” she squeaked out. “If I was cute, you’d have already married me by now.”
“Ah-ah. I know a trap when I hear one.” He wiggled that infamous finger out with a devious wink. “I won’t fall for that, rascal.”
“Ooohh..! I gave into you!”
“As it should be.” he started to walk back.
“You-!” she charged after him, but there was a huge, open smile grin on her face.
He dashed off, but just enough so she couldn’t reach him, giving her ample space to still track him though.
“Let me have a go!”
He laughed.
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twomanyideas · 4 years
The Search for the Supreme Scent - Chapter 4 (Final)
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Fanart used with permission from @x-thekid​. Once again, please take a moment to let her know how much you liked it. You can see her post here!
A collaboration by @mdelpin and @oryu404 with @x-thekid​
This chapter is the one that touches on what is happening in the art. We had a lot of fun writing it. We hope you enjoy it!
AO3 | Ch 1 | Prev: Ch 3 
Chapter 4
The first thing Natsu registered when he came to was the heavy perfume of the flowers, immediately followed by a sharp pain in his chest as he inhaled it. He hissed, rolling over carefully so he could look around. He found himself in a green, grassy field, sheltered from the sun by the shade of a large tree, and surrounded by the very flowers they’d come to collect.
Gray sat next to him, leaning against the tree trunk with his arms crossed over his chest. His shirt was nowhere to be found, as usual.
“Wanna tell me what that was about?” he cocked his brow at Natsu.
“What do you mean?” Natsu answered, his voice sounding a bit shaky, “I took them out, didn’t I?”
He wasn’t sure what else to say. That whole thing had been unexpected. Just as it had the previous day with Juvia, he’d felt his control wavering, as if some deeper instinct had surged forward and taken over.
“Yeah, but that was overboard even for you,” Gray pointed out, his eyes never leaving Natsu’s face, “You turned those golems into gravel. Was that Dragon Force? I didn’t think you could do that on command yet.”
“I can’t. I saw you were in danger and-,” Natsu shrugged helplessly, embarrassed by his admission.
“Did you forget Porlyusica lives nearby?” Gray reminded Natsu, making him feel idiotic for overreacting the way he had.
Natsu looked away, not knowing how to respond. He didn’t understand what was happening to him, but one thing he felt sure of, it wouldn’t have made any difference. Even if he had consciously thought about the healer’s proximity, that rage he’d experienced wouldn’t have been satisfied by any other course of action.
“I was trying to protect you, you dimwit. You’re the one who's hurt,” Gray continued, pressing his lips in a slight frown. “Not that that’s ever stopped you from doing something stupid,” he added with an exasperated sigh.
“Yeah, well, we managed to stumble onto the one creature that’s immune to ice, I had to do something.”
“Since we’re here, we should have Porlyusica take a look at you,” Gray suggested, clasping his hands over his head as he took in Natsu’s strained breathing. “you’ve probably made your injuries worse.”
“Hell no!” Natsu immediately protested, sitting up to show he was fine, even though he felt like throwing up just from that. Getting home was going to be a bitch.
Gray’s eyes narrowed as he examined him, “You gotta give me more than that, Pyro. Why would you want to walk home like that when there’s a healer nearby?”
“You mean you weren’t going to carry me?” Natsu feigned a pout.
Gray snorted, “Not likely, maybe if you passed out and looked all pathetic again.”
“You ungrateful bastard,” Natsu tightened his hands into fists in mock anger, “I should have let them turn you into mush.”
“Natsu,” Gray startled him by using his name, “I know things have been weird between us since you got back, but despite what I might have said at Avatar, I’m still your friend. I know when something is bothering you. And sure, we can sit here and trade insults all day, but wouldn’t you rather tell me what’s wrong?”
He’d rather not, but he could tell by the way Gray was looking at him and the serious tone of his voice that he refused to be kept in the dark any longer. The combination was enough for Natsu to cave. He didn’t like keeping secrets from Gray, and if he was honest with himself, he did want to talk about what happened, despite dreading the reaction he was sure to get.
“Wendy needs to be the one who heals me,” he explained, quickly adding, “and I'm not just saying that because I don’t want to see the old hag. After what happened yesterday, well…let’s just say it will help give her closure.”
“Closure?” Gray puzzled, “What are you talking about?”
“If I tell you this, you have to promise not to freak out, or go crying to Erza,” Natsu insisted.
“Yeah yeah, do you need me to do the needle in my eye thing?” Gray rolled his eyes at him, “We’re not kids anymore. I can keep a secret.”
Natsu closed his eyes, preparing himself mentally to go back to that plaza. When he opened them, he could see Gray studying him closely. Feeling his cheeks heating up, he quickly looked away.
“We did a job at Worth Woodsea yesterday, and when we were done training, we stopped to pick some rare mushrooms. Sting had liked them and wanted to take some back to Sabertooth for Minerva.”
“Wendy asked to stop by the Cait Shelter guild building to pay her respects, and we agreed. Everything was quiet, and we just hung around waiting for her, but then a giant monster pack appeared out of nowhere.
“We fought them off easily enough at first, even though we were already tired from training but more and more kept coming. We think it was the mushrooms that attracted them. Anyway, we’d soon run out of potions to help keep us going.” Natsu tried to swallow back the lump that was forming in his throat as the images flashed through his mind once again. “Sting was hit bad, and uhm...well, Rogue died.”
“HE WHAT?!” Gray’s eyes nearly popped out of their sockets, his skin paling from shock.
“He’s at the hospital now, he's going to be okay,” Natsu assured him, “but it was close.”
“He’s going to be okay?!” Gray challenged, “How the hell do you go from dead to okay?”
“Do you remember that book Porlyusica gave Wendy before the Games?”
“Sure, it had spells her dragon left for her, right?”
“Yeah, well, this was one of them. Wendy had learned it, but she’d never used it before. She was determined to give it a try if it could save Rogue, but she was terrified.”
“She’d been fighting alongside us and providing support all afternoon, and that spell- it used up all of her remaining magic,” Natsu turned away, not wanting to see Gray’s disapproval. They were protective of all their teammates, but none more so than Wendy, who was still young.
“She managed to save him, but the monsters wouldn’t let up, and we got pretty beat up in the process. She couldn’t heal us, and you know how she is,” Natsu lifted his shoulder in a half-shrug, “If anyone else does it, it will reinforce what she feels is her failure.”
Natsu attempted what he thought was a reassuring smile, “It’s not so bad. If she could go through all that, I can certainly bear this for a bit longer.”
“You’re full of it, but I get what you’re saying.”
Gray remained silent for a few minutes, eyes blinking slowly until he suddenly peered at Natsu, his brows furrowed in thought, “Wait a minute, how exactly does a pack of monsters manage to get the drop on five dragon slayers?”
Natsu gazed up through the tree branches, trying to catch a glimpse of the sky as he worked himself through what had happened, putting together the situations that individually wouldn’t have been such a huge deal, but together proved to be lethal.
“It was the rain,” he muttered, “it dampened our sense of smell, and it screwed with my magic. Probably made their movements quieter too.”
“What are you talking about?” Gray frowned. “It didn’t rain yesterday.”
“It did in Worth Woodsea,” Natsu countered, “started right as we got to Cait Shelter.”
Gray’s expression once again became thoughtful as he considered Natsu’s words, his hands suddenly balling into fists for no reason Natsu could see.
“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Gray roared, “I thought we were done with that nonsense!”
“What are you going on about?” Natsu wondered, unable to make any sense of Gray’s outburst.
“Don’t worry about it, it’s not important,” Gray dismissed his question, but Natsu could tell he was still angry.
Gray drew in a long breath, looking away for a moment before focusing his attention back to Natsu.
“I get that whatever happened yesterday was some kind of a freak occurrence,” he remarked, “but it’s not the first time you’ve come back all beat up from one of these things.”
“Look, I know you want to get stronger, I do too,” Gray’s eyes bored into Natsu with a concern that shook him, “ but the fact is, I don’t trust these guys to have your back.”
Natsu was about to argue the point when Gray followed up with something he hadn’t been expecting.
“That’s something you and I have always done, even back when we were fighting all the time,” Gray reminded him, his mouth twitching into a crooked smile.
And as much as it was in his nature to disagree with most things that came out of Gray’s mouth, Natsu had to admit this time he was right. Even though they bickered and fought often, there had never been a job or brawl where Natsu hadn’t been watching the stripper’s back, and he’d always taken it for granted that Gray did the same.
Regardless, Natsu didn’t think it was fair for Gray to compare their dynamic to the one he shared with the other slayers. The two of them had been training together for years, moving like a well-oiled machine and fighting together flawlessly. In comparison, he’d only known the other slayers for a short time. They were still learning how to work together as a team.
“Do you remember when we fought at Avatar, and you told me you’d been waiting for me?” Gray interrupted his objection, not saying anything else until Natsu nodded in acknowledgment.
“Well, I couldn’t say it at the time, but I’d been waiting for you too. That whole year you were gone,” Gray confessed, “So much had happened, and I couldn’t really talk about it with anyone else.”
Natsu scanned the field they were sitting in, too nervous to meet Gray's eyes when he continued.
“You’ve always understood me better than anyone, and I had hoped that when you got back well... nevermind that now. The point is there’s no one I trust more. And I know there’s been a few times when I went too far or pushed too hard, but that’s because you’re important to me.”
Natsu's heart was racing. Was Gray going to say what he thought he was going to say? He'd been ready to make the first move himself, gathering up his courage and his thoughts, and trying to form them into sentences that hopefully wouldn't sound completely ridiculous, but now it seemed like Gray was going to beat him to it.
Natsu forced himself to look at Gray, feeling the weight of his gaze, but not able to hold it for long, too flustered by the earnestness that had replaced his friend’s usual scowl. He considered Wendy's advice once again as he looked at the flowers growing around them.
“We make a great team, and that’s why I want to ask you something important.”
For the first time since he’d started talking, Gray sounded unsure, and Natsu looked up to see his friend had curled his fingers around his sword pendant, fidgeting with it as he worked himself up to ask his question.
It only served to feed Natsu’s anticipation and excitement. He looked for the prettiest flower he could find and picked it, determined to give it to Gray as a token of his love. He couldn’t believe this was finally happening!
“Would you be my partner for the S-class exam?”
“Yes, I’d love to!” Natsu answered excitedly, the hand that was holding the flower thrusting out like a piston before Gray’s words had even had a chance to sink in.
“Wait, what did you just ask me?”
Natsu felt the blood rush to his face, and the temperature around him rise as his magic responded to his emotions. He was humiliated, but that was nothing compared to the disappointment he felt at having reached the wrong conclusion.
He should never have listened to the other slayers. Their well-meaning optimism had made him believe that Gray would ask him out or, at the very least, admit to some sort of feelings for him. What a joke that turned out to be.
Natsu realized with growing horror that his arm was still outstretched, offering that stupid flower, which of course, his magic had now set on fire, the tiny flames working away at the once perfect petals.
What had been a beautiful offering now looked utterly wretched, but there was nothing he could do about it. It was his fire. So he hid his face in his scarf as best he could, looking straight ahead and desperately hoping that if he ignored it, Gray would somehow not notice.
“I asked if you wanted to be my partner for the S-Class exam,” Gray repeated, taking in the spectacle that was Natsu with barely a raised eyebrow. “Since we don’t have to compete against each other this time around. I thought we could do it together.”
Gray calmly coated the flower in his ice, putting out the flames and dousing the rest of Natsu’s hopes along with it.
Natsu did his best to act enthused, “Yeah! If we teamed up, there’s no way we could fail!”
He thought he’d done a good job until he noticed Gray studying him intently.
“What did you think I was going to ask?”
“Nothing!” Natsu answered a little too quickly, leaving Gray to frown at him in disbelief. However, in a remarkable turn of events, the stubborn stripper seemed content not to question him any further. “Speaking of teaming up,” Gray changed the subject, “I want in on the slayers’ team. If you thought you could just run off and get stronger without me, you were seriously mistaken.”
“I’d have to bring it up to the others,” Natsu answered honestly, not having any idea how the other slayers would react to having Gray be a part of what they were doing. “It’s not up for discussion,” Gray replied, his jaw set in an arrogant scowl that Natsu was all too familiar with, “It shouldn’t be a problem. In case you’ve already forgotten, I’m a slayer too.”
He gestured towards Natsu’s ribs, “That wouldn’t have happened if I’d been there. Besides, lately, you’re with them all the time. At least this way, we can still get some training in. Not to mention, someone needs to watch out for Wendy.”
Natsu sighed in defeat, wondering how a love confession had turned into this. He watched as Gray got up and began to pick some flowers to fulfill their request and decided to do the same.
“Don’t bother,” Gray called out, much to Natsu’s relief as the little movement he’d managed had been incredibly painful.
That was until the ice mage snickered, “I wouldn’t want to risk another flower upsetting you.”
“That was an accident!” Natsu whined, growing ever more irritated as Gray only laughed harder at his protests.
“It was hilarious,” Gray snorted, his laughs finally ebbing into fond chuckles, “I really did miss you, Flame Brain, it just wasn’t the same without you.”
“I, uh, missed you too,” Natsu replied honestly, watching Gray collect the flowers for Ichiya as he lay back down on the grass to rest for the long walk home. 0-0
Gray wasn’t at all surprised to find he’d been right. Natsu had put too much stress on his healing injuries during the fight, making them even worse. It was easy to tell by the way his breathing turned more shallow with every step he took, and the sweat he’d worked up just from walking. It didn’t take long before Gray decided he couldn’t stand to watch the stubborn idiot suffer any longer, and despite Natsu’s loud protests, he’d picked him up and kept walking.
Natsu fell asleep soon after, leaving Gray to consider everything he’d seen and heard- Natsu going into Dragon Force against the golems, Rogue’s “death”, Wendy’s spell- but he soon decided these were all things he could tackle at a later time.
For right now, he just wanted to savor the feeling of Natsu’s warm body pressed against his back, the weight of the arms draped over his shoulders, the strength of the legs wrapped around his sides, and the sound of ragged breaths in his ear. All of which helped to reassure him that Natsu was alive, injured but ready to fight another day.
His features worked themselves into a scowl as his mind drifted back to Natsu’s insistence that the rain had weakened the slayers’ senses and hindered their efforts. All the rage he’d tried to contain resurfaced, and he could feel the inky tendrils of his devil slayer magic trying to grab purchase, just as they had earlier. His flaring emotions making it harder for him to control this new magic his father had bequeathed him.
Natsu’s fire magic was powerful. There was no way a little rain would give him any trouble, which meant it must have been a storm. One that somehow managed to miss Magnolia completely despite its proximity to Worth Woodsea. Only one person he knew of was capable of such localized weather, especially when she let her emotions take control.
His eyes narrowed as he remembered the flyer he’d been holding when Juvia had approached him the previous morning. It had been a monster request in the Great Plains, an area located closer to Worth Woodsea than Magnolia. And Gray was very familiar with Juvia’s tendency to follow him on jobs.
It wasn’t hard to put two and two together. Juvia had probably gone to the Great Plains looking for him, determined to get him to agree to be her partner for the S-Class exam, or talk about his outburst that morning. Either way, the result had been the same. She must have overreacted when she couldn’t find him and set off a storm around the Great Plains and Worth Woodsea. And while Gray knew that she would never purposefully put their friends in danger, it did nothing to change what had almost happened.
He would just have to make Juvia understand his feelings once and for all. He’d meant to talk to her ever since they’d returned to Magnolia but kept putting it off, knowing it would be uncomfortable and would only lead to conversations he’d rather avoid. That had been a mistake, one that had nearly cost him his friends.
He spent the rest of the walk coming up with what he would say to her, trying to determine the best approach, even though he knew all would be received poorly. By the time they arrived at Natsu’s cottage, Gray’s back was screaming in agony, and he was grateful for the distraction. Finding the door unlocked, he managed to get them inside without incident.
Happy was nowhere to be found, and Gray figured the Exceed must’ve gotten bored and headed for the guild. As Natsu was still fast asleep, he carried him into the bedroom, carefully lowering him onto the bed, thinking that he should get as much rest as he could before seeing Wendy. He’d take care of delivering the flowers and reporting back to Erza himself. Not knowing what else to do, Gray got ready to leave, and that’s when Natsu grinned, his eyes still closed, “I knew you were going to carry me, Ice Princess.” “Pfft! Well, that’s because you did look pathetic,” Gray retorted with a smile, amused to learn that the protests he’d received were all faked. He thought back to how excited Natsu had been right before he’d asked him to be his partner for the exam and wondered if maybe, just maybe, Natsu offering him that flower was supposed to have been a confession of some sort.
But that didn’t make any sense. He wouldn’t have burned it to a crisp and almost set off a forest fire if it was, right? No, Gray was sure it was just wishful thinking on his part. Still… Natsu had gone into Dragon Force to protect him from those golems, that had to mean something. Didn’t it? He quietly molded his ice into a perfect replica of the flower, creating a vase to put it in and placing both on the bedside table. He wasn’t sure if he’d ever be brave enough to express his feelings with words. But maybe, if he let his magic speak for him, he could get his feelings across just as well. Gray quickly let himself out of the house, knowing he might chicken out if he stayed any longer.
He wondered what Natsu would think of his flower once he woke up and hoped he’d understand what it meant. You never knew with the Flame Brain.
But even if he didn’t, Gray was heartened by the knowledge that they’d be spending a lot more time together soon. And with that single thought in his mind, he headed off to the guild, in a great mood for the first time in weeks.
A/N: While this is the end of this particular story, it is not the end of their story in this world. We are currently working on a story for Sting and Rogue where it goes into more detail into what happened in Worth Woodsea and how it affects them, so if you like this world keep an eye out for that one as well, as other stories that are currently in the planning stages.
Thanks for reading and letting us know you liked it! 
Maria and Burrito
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artistic-writer · 4 years
The Paradox of Light :: CS AU : Rated E :: part 6
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Title: The Paradox of Light by @artistic-writer​ Summary: Imagine having one person, one constant, one love in your life that holds your head when you go under the surface. They will be there forever, holding your hand through everything life can throw at the pair of you, but what happens when a crack forms? What happens when it grows into something neither of you can control? What happens when the one person who was there to guide you becomes an obstacle and rather than hold you up, they pull you down? How do you find your way out of the darkness without your light? Rating: E Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, alcoholism/alcohol abuse, sexual addiction, domestic violence, fighting, choking, erotic asphyxiation (use in a non-informed manner), depression, death of Liam Jones, panic attacks, PTSD, attempted rape/non-con/dub-con, stab wounds, bar fights, rehab/AA meetings
- but there is a happy ending to this story, i promise.
Author’s Note: I missed this ficversary because of everything that is going on in the world right now, but its been in the plan to re-release it as a multichapter for some time.  It’s A LOT otherwise and whilst I initially always intended this to be a one shot, because I wrote it in one go, its not logical to expect people to stop and read so many words in one go.  The lovely fanart by @itsfabianadocarmo​ features in all chapters, so go show her some love!
PLEASE HEED THE WARNINGS!!  This fic has a lot of them for a reason.  If you want to ask about any, please don’t be afraid to message me.
Part Six [ below the cut ]
One Month Later
“Where are you going?” Will asked in a sing song voice, his legs bumping the edge of Emma’s bed as he swung them against the divan base. He fiddled with one of his cars on his lap, his focus on the wheels and how fast they could spin rather than the frantic way his mother was trying to desperately pick an outfit.
“I told you, baby, Mommy has a date,” Emma said nervously. She hadn’t said the words out loud yet, especially not to her son, and as she pulled hanger after hanger from her wardrobe, she felt a little bit hopeless.
“What are you doing?” Will asked innocently, switching his position and rolling the car along the edge of the duvet.
“Trying to pick an outfit,” Emma frowned to herself, discarding yet another on of her dresses aside. She didn’t want to wear anything that would give off the wrong sort of information. She and Killian had met up twice since she had come home four weeks ago, him travelling to New York both times, but they had only been to dinner and a movie, holding hands and agreeing to take it slow. They wanted to start fresh, as odd as it seemed, because they both felt like brand new people with a new outlook on life that they both respected about each other.
“Why?” Will sang, extending the syllable out with a cheeky grin. Emma turned and looked at him, the small child hiding his cherub like smile behind a clenched fist. She pointed an accusing finger his way and narrowed her eyes.
“So I can look good for my date, lightning bug,” she approached him and held out two of the dresses in her hands, laying them over the front of her body one after the other. “Which one looks good? This one? Or this one?” Emma flicked the dresses one after the other, pulling a funny face and twisting her body dramatically until Will was in fits of infectious giggles.
“I don’t know!” He laughed, falling back on the bed and then wiggling upright almost instantly.
“Well, you have to help me pick! How will I know I look pretty if my favourite guy can’t help me decide?” Emma teased playfully.
“You always look pretty,” Will beamed, his rosy cheeks squishing up his eyes as he grinned at her. Emma softened and hugged the dresses to her body, an audible squeak escaping her mouth as she made a cooing noise. She closed the distance between them and sat beside him on the bed, ruffling his hair and brushing his wayward curls from in front of his eyes.
Those eyes. They were the bluest eyes Emma had ever seen with a sea green tint when the light hit them from any angle. They were not like hers, or like his father’s, but instead a whole new shade of azure that she could get lost in for hours, full of kindness and love that she knew would never leave him. He tilted his head back and let her fiddle with his hair, the car on his lap clutched in his hands as he gave her an angelic smile. “Are you okay, Mommy?”
“Yeah, lightning bug,” Emma nodded sweetly, wrapping her arm around his skinny frame and pulling him to her. “I’m perfect.”
“Mommy?” Will asked her, his voice muffled and a little strangled from how hard she was hugging him.
“Yes, baby?” Emma let him right himself, tugging his shirt back into place for him.
“What’s a date?” Will frowned.
“Oh, well…” Emma began but the sound of the doorbell made them both look towards the doorway at the shrill sound echoing through the house.
“I’ll get it!” Will screeched, hopping from the bed and pounding his rubber soled shoes on the hardwood floors as he made his way to the top of the stairs.
“Be careful!” Emma warned him, racing after him and making sure he was grabbing the spindles of the staircase banister with every step. She knew who it was at the door, so she wasn’t worried about Will answering it. She knew he would stop if she had told him to, but she also knew he would be so excited to see who was on the other side she let him go.
“Hey, buddy!” Graham fell into a crouch, arms wide open at the doorway ready to receive a hug.
“Grah-Grah!” Will screamed, the old mispronunciation still sticking with them both and a kind of in joke that only they understood. Will had never called him dad, daddy or dadda, but through listening to his mom he had managed to form the sound of a ‘G’ and, ever the genius, put his own juvenile twist on it. The kid was smart, and sometimes it was scary.
Will threw himself into Graham’s arms and he picked him up with a growl, rubbing the stubble of his beard into the soft skin of Will’s neck and making him laugh. Will stiffened in his arms, struggling to escape as Graham tickled at his side at the same time, the boy finally turning floppy and dangling upside down.
“What are you doing upside down?” Emma teased him, turning her head half sideways to ask the question when she had finally caught up with them at the bottom of the staircase. Will just laughed, clutching Graham’s hands, his face turning bright red. “Thank you for doing this,” Emma told Graham sincerely, straightening herself back up and pushing her hair from her face.
Graham let Will slip from his grasp and watched him run off, his little legs stumbling over his feet more than once as he giggled and dove onto the couch. “No problem,” Graham smiled at her, pulling his shirt back into position and sucking in a breath. “We are going to have fun,” he announced a little louder so that Will peeked at him over the back of an overly large cushion.
“Really,” Emma reiterated. “I can’t thank you enough.”
“Just promise me you won’t bring anyone back here,” Graham said quickly, his voice a little darker. He looked away from Will for a second to meet her gaze and sighed. “I don’t want random men around Will.”
Emma stepped back from him and swallowed hard. “What business is that of yours?” She snipped, folding her arms over her chest and straightening her back until she seemed taller.
“Do I know him?” Graham prodded, ignoring her question.
“Again, what business is that of yours?” Emma repeated with a sarcastic tone, her eyes flitting to the twitch of the muscle in his jaw.
“It’s Killian, isn’t it?” Graham sighed, looking down at his feet and planting his hands on his hips. “You wouldn’t be this defensive over anyone else.”
Graham was right and Emma hated that he knew her better than she gave him credit for. Emma looked over her shoulder to make sure Will was not listening but when she was intent he was otherwise occupied with something on the television, she whipped her head back to Graham with a rage she hadn’t known she was holding in.
“How dare you,” she barked, her voice so low only they could hear it.
“So it is him,” Graham smirked triumphantly. “I knew it.”
“What gives you the right to tell me who I can go on a date with, huh?” Emma poked him hard in the chest until he looked back up to meet her eyes. “We are not together anymore, Graham, you know that. Will knows that. I thought we were past this.”
At the mere mention of Will’s name, Graham ground his teeth and held back the words he really wanted to say. He leaned forward and extended an arm towards the lounge, pointing at the small boy sitting on the couch, eyes transfixed on the TV in front of him. “That boy in there gives me the right, Emma. I’ve been there for him, for you, and I’m sorry that was never enough for you but I love Will and he deserves to know...”
“He knows,” Emma spat, interrupting him and making Graham move back in surprise. She knew exactly what Graham thought he could use as some sort of leverage, but it wasn’t going to work. The second she had found out she was pregnant Emma had vowed to never lie to the life growing inside of her about anything and he might be young, but Will was smart. He understood more than Graham gave him credit for.
“Forget it,” Graham shook his head and held up his hand dismissively. “I tried to be understanding about this. I tried to be the bigger man, for Will, but there has always been this disconnect between us, Emma. I will never understand why, after everything he did to you, you love him so much.”
“No, you won’t,” Emma said stiffly, her entire body rigid with determination. “Now go. If you can’t handle this, then walk away,” Emma told him calmly. She reached behind him and yanked the door open, the wooden door jumping free from the frame with a squeak she had never fixed.
“Fine,” Graham growled. “I hope you enjoy your life, Emma. I won’t be around to pick up the pieces this time.”
When he slipped out of the door, Emma knew it was for the final time. She had expected too much of him for too long, and just like any normal human being, Graham had not been able to handle the friendship that followed a failed relationship. They thought they could be friends, for Will, but it seemed Graham was of the jealous ilk and would never change, only hold a grudge. That wasn’t the sort of person Emma needed in her life, and it was not the sort of role model Will needed.
“Mommy? Where did Grah-Grah go?” Will looked confused, his tiny frame standing in the doorway of the lounge with sadness plastered on his face. Emma pushed the door closed and sighed, turning to face him with a forced smile.
“Grah-Grah had to go,” Emma told him softly, moving to scoop him up in her arms. She held him tightly, kissing his temple and inhaling the scent of his children’s body wash that made him smell like candy.
“He’s not coming back, is he?” Will pouted sadly. Emma hugged him tighter, shaking her head with a sigh.
“It’s just me and you now, lightning bug. Me and you.”
Without a sitter, Emma was stuck. Graham was her last chance to actually go on a date tonight, and since he had decided he couldn’t handle seeing her with another man, she had no choice but to call Killian and cancel. Unfortunately for her, Killian had taken an earlier flight to New York and was already in town, so instead they had decided to spend the evening in and order a pizza.
He had arrived earlier than expected and she was just putting Will to bed. After agreeing to give her a few minutes, Killian had perused the lounge, taking in the decor and looking at the photos that Emma had adorning the mantlepiece. Most were of Will, a small wisp of a boy with barely any body fat who had a brown surfer style hairdo that sat in a heap of curls on his head. His eyes were almost emerald blue in colour, darker than Emma’s but not quite as green as hers and Killian figured he must have inherited them from his father.
As he moved along the photos, there were a few of a trio that caught his attention. Emma was cuddling Will on her lap as a toddler, his hair much blonder back then, and a tall, handsome man had his arm around the two of them. He had a short, cropped hairstyle but his mousy brown locks were unmistakably curly and his eyes a deep blue. Killian felt a pang of jealousy invade his heart, the happy family photograph something he had always dreamed he would have with Emma.
“That’s Will,” Emma said from behind him and Killian jumped a little, mouth open like he was about to say something. “And Graham,” she said a little more darkly.
“I was just looking,” Killian defended his snooping immediately, the warmth of a blush creeping up the skin of his neck.
“I should take them down,” Emma said idly, moving through to the kitchen and pulling a drawer open to fish out a few takeaway menus.
“Did you get Will to bed okay?” Killian offered a change in subject and moved to the couch. He heard Emma clattering around in the fridge, jars and bottles clinking together in the door as she pushed the door close with a click. He heard the twist of a bottle and as she appeared with two beer bottles in her hand, he stared at her in shock.
“Don’t worry,” Emma assured him with a grin. “They are alcohol-free.”
Killian grinned at her, taking the bottle, the outside wet in his palm. He scooted sideways on the couch and Emma dropped into the space beside him with one leg tucked under herself. “And Will went off without a hitch, thanks for asking.”
Killian took a swig of the non-alcoholic beer and savoured the taste on his tongue, the familiar bitterness of hops and bubbles coating his mouth and offering him instant refreshment. He hadn’t had a drink since Emma had left, alcoholic or not, but he had learnt that it was never the taste he had been addicted to in the first place but the freedom to get lost in the effects of being drunk. He didn’t ask why Emma had non-alcoholic beers in her fridge but he figured it was just to avoid the constant reminder of their past from her life.
“We can go out another time,” Killian suggested softly, turning his body sideways so he was facing her. His elbow dug into the back cushions of the couch and he rested his hand to her hand, smiling at her sweetly. “This is nice actually,” he said, reaching out to tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear. “Just the two of us.”
“You forget the little person upstairs,” Emma rolled her eyes towards the ceiling and pointed to the floor above them, earning her a chuckle from Killian who couldn’t stop his hand tangling in her hair. Their little touches had become more frequent and left her with a greater yearning each time that grew stronger and stronger each time he was in town. Emma nuzzled her face into his hand and turned her face until she kissed his palm.
“Are you okay?” Killian asked her gently.
“Just tired,” Emma assured him. “It’s been a long week.” Killian arched his eyebrows at her in agreement, holding out his bottle until she bumped hers against it. They both took a sip of the ice cold beer and smacked their lips together afterwards.
“It’s over now,” Killian told her in case she had missed the start of the weekend. “And I’m here now, so you know, it’s a million times better.” He grinned boyishly and gave her a wink, earning him a pathetic slap to the chest.
“My hero,” Emma mocked, instinctively leaning into him like old times. He felt softer than she remembered, his chest aged and changed with a weight gain that she didn’t find unattractive at all, and she moved her hand until it was resting against the edge of his open collar. She spied his chest hair jutting out from his shirt and couldn’t stop a giggle as it tumbled from her lips.
“What’s so funny?” Killian wrapped his arm around her, holding her to him and letting his thumb stroke the side of her arm. It was nice to hold her again, her skin so familiar under his touch and yet so different, changed by years of hardship and courage. He tried to look down at what she was seeing, but he couldn’t look past the jut of his chin.
“You’ve gone grey,” Emma teased, plucking at the white hairs erupting from his shirt.
“Not only there,” Killian laughed. “Things are a bit snowy down south too.”
“Oh my god,” Emma cackled, burying her face in his shirt to hide her amusement. Killian laughed with her, unashamed by his admission because it put a smile on her face which was what he pretty much lived for nowadays.
The last three months had been a lot of long distance texting and phone calls late at night, a lot of flirting and even more innuendo that when they were together got pushed aside for a more subtle and intimate time together. They held hands and they snuggled, enjoying the warmth and security of each other’s embrace, something they had never had before. They had agreed to take things slow, much to Emma’s aggravation, but she respected his reasoning and reluctance to make love to her again so quickly.
However, she felt like she was drowning on dry land and if the rains didn’t come soon, she would most certainly would do something drastic.
“I’m scared I am going to end up looking like a polar bear,” Killian said, his thumb poking into the top of his beer bottle.
“Want me to do a quick recon of the situation?” Emma cooed sweetly, lifting herself out of his embrace and taking stock of his almost school boy look of panic. “Purely professionally,” Emma shrugged with a wink.
“But you are the sheriff,” Killian narrowed his eyes at her and tried to force himself not to smirk too excitedly.
“I’ve had special training,” Emma purred, pushing herself up onto her knees and moving to straddle his lap. Killian reached beside them and set his beer bottle on the table beside the couch before planting his cool hands onto her hips and holding her in place across his lap. They had already got to this stage last time, stopping themselves from going all the way like some horny teenagers abstaining from each other, but this time she was ready.
“Are you okay?” Killian asked her softly, resting his head back on the back of the couch.
“I’m ready,” Emma whispered against his face, cupping his scruffy cheeks in her hands and smirking against his parted lips. They were so close, breathing the same air and she felt the heat on the tips of his elfen ears under her fingertips.
“You are?” Killian gulped, his cheeks turning crimson and his hands increasing their grip on her hips as his eyes flitted between hers and her mouth. His tongue darted out to moisten his lips and he sucked in a breath when he felt Emma grind down onto his lap.
“I am,” Emma nodded, rolling her forehead against his. Her voice was deep and scratchy like she had been shouting all day, and she let her hands slip from his face and began to unbutton her blouse.
Killian shivered, his stare glued to her hands as they nimbly worked the buttons through their holes. His heart took off in his chest, racing to keep the blood flowing to his extremities. He flexed his fingers against her hips, thumbs rubbing over the jut of the bone and felt himself get hard as he watched Emma undress. She was going so slowly that Killian had to shift his weight to relieve some pressure in his pants, her weight rubbing the solid length of him through his jeans and making him groan low in his throat.
Emma kissed his mouth, lips sliding sideways across his face and over the apple of his cheek. Killian’s head lolled backwards, his eyes fluttering closed as Emma’s kisses were seared into his flesh, the skin under her lips igniting with every touch. She kissed his ear, nuzzling the skin behind it with her nose and then trailed her tongue down his neck, kissing back over the same area to wipe away the wetness she had left. Emma sat back a little, tugging her arms out of her blouse and Killian gasped, sucking in a quick breath that made Emma stop suddenly and pull back.
“Are you okay?” Emma asked him gently, her finger hooking under his chin and lifting his eyes to hers once she had discarded her blouse. Killian was almost despondent at losing the sight of her ample cleavage, but he did not resist her, nodding with a warm smile.
“Aye,” he croaked.
“We can stop at any time,” Emma told him, her hands moving to the buttons of his shirt. She pulled and twisted the buttons through the holes until she was at the bottom, pulling the edges apart and gasping at the sight she had missed so much. He was just as hairy as she recalled, scattered white hairs intermingling with the black just like on his head, and she felt her core clench at the sight. Killian sat forward and helped pull his arms free from his sleeves, both of them settling back into their original position sans their shirts and hands brushing against bare skin that had been calling out for the other for years.
“I just want us to be happy,” Killian whispered against her lips, their faces almost touching once more.
“I’m happy,” Emma smirked flirtatiously, arching her back so that her breasts were cradled at his eye level once more, the flesh heaving in her bra with each ragged breath she took.
Killian shot a glance down between them to where his jeans were painfully tighter and he chuckled shyly. “So am I,” he growled.
Emma surged forward, grabbing his face and pulling his lips to hers. The kiss was slower than before, soft lips and languid tongues massaging each other as they groaned into each others mouth and hands roamed over every patch of exposed skin they could find. Killian pushed his tongue deeper into her mouth, the vibrations from her groan sending a shiver down his spine and causing his stomach to fall away from him.
“Bedroom,” Emma mumbled and looped her arms around Killian’s neck as he grabbed her ass and lifted her up into his arms as he stood. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pressed her body into his, the planes of his chest and the tickle of his chest hair just as delectable as Emma remembered.
“Which way?” Killian stumbled towards the stairs, almost falling over when he tripped on some discarded toys at the the side of the couch. Emma laughed in his arms, shaking her loosely curled golden locks over her shoulder and sucking on her bottom lip. Killian looked at her, flushed and wanton and knew he needed to hurry before he came from her sultry teasing alone. “Which way, Swan?” He demanded with more haste, his fingers snapping her bra open and pulling the material down her shoulders.
“End of the hall,” Emma panted, holding on to him for dear life as he ascended the staircase, cursing under his breath when he stood on a squeaky floorboard and Emma hushed him midway along the landing. “Careful!” she giggled, burying her face in his neck to try and stifle her laugh.
“Shhh!” Killian paused outside of her bedroom door, slamming her into the wall with a force that made her squeak in pleasure. He dipped his head, kissing the underside of her jaw and leaving hot, wet kisses in his wake as he travelled lower, tongue darting out to taste the swell of her breasts.
“Mommy?” Will called out groggily from his room and they froze. Killian had managed to shake his jeans half way down his thighs and his erection was poking Emma in the inner thigh, the adrenaline rushing through both of them with the fear that Will’s bedroom door was about to open. Emma grabbed Killian’s shoulders and made him stop moving, pressing her finger to his lips as he gave her a wide eyed stare.
“It’s okay, L-Bug,” Emma called out in a soft whisper. “Go back to sleep.”
They paused, waiting for the sound of a small child walking across the bedroom but no sounds came from Will’s room. Killian’s arm muscles burned with the burden of holding Emma aloft, but he couldn’t help himself and pulled one of her nipples into his mouth. The nub pebbled instantly against his tongue like it had never been anywhere else, the taste of Emma’s skin making Killian growl.
“God, Killian…” Emma whimpered, eyes fluttering closed.
“I think he’s asleep,” Killian whispered into the valley of her bosom, sliding his tongue over the plump mounds as he moved for the other nipple. Emma pushed her back off the wall and encouraged him to suck harder, fingers carding in his hair and gently tugging on the soft, dark mass between her fingers.
“One more second,” Emma pleaded, her body betraying her words.
“I don’t think I have a second,” Killian laughed, his voice hoarse and his legs shaking from staving off his release. “I need you. Now,” he grunted into her ear, rolling his hips against hers and pinning her to the wall.
Emma knew as soon as they crossed into her bedroom things would change. They were no strangers to each other’s bodies, knowing each other more intimately and emotionally than anyone could ever have known. They had been through so much, shown each other the worst that they could be and driven each other into the lowest depth of despair, but that would never happen again.
Killian was falling in love with her all over again. The way that she moaned under his kisses, the shiver in her muscles and the breathless way she called his name like only he could make her. They fell into each other, hardness and softness combining in the sweetest ecstasy, their bodies pressed together so closely that Killian wasn’t sure where he ended and Emma began. He would never forget the sounds she made as she came, her fingers clutching the comforter above her head and the gentle waves of contracting muscles rippling up and down his length sending him into the light directly after her.
They were giving each other a second chance to right their wrongs, starting with tonight.
Killian stayed the night, which was odd, waking up with Emma asleep across his arm again. At first he thought he was dreaming and last night hadn’t happened, but then she stirred and raked her fingernails down the expanse of his chest hair, her toes curling over the shape of his calf, and he smirked to himself. There had been no frenzy to the way they made love, each savouring the other like a fine wine or a culinary delicacy that they would only experience once, and with a content sigh, he knew it wouldn’t be the last time.
“What time is it?” Emma mumbled against his chest, her eyes rolling around behind her eyelids.
Killian smiled at her groggy state, craning his neck to press his lips to her hairline. “It’s just after six,” Killian said, whispering because of the early morning. Emma’s eyes flew open in a panic and she scrambled to the edge of the bed, leaning over the edge with a grunt and grabbing his shirt. She pulled herself back onto the bed and tossed the material at him, brushing the hair from her eyes with a heaving breath.
“Get dressed!” Emma screeched in a hushed tone, clutching the comforter to her chest and covering herself up. “Quick!” She urged him with wide eyes, waving a hand towards the en suite.
Killian frowned at her and his hand jumped to the patch of skin behind his ear. He was blushing and he couldn’t hide that it was because she was naked, even more glorious in the rising light of day than he had remembered. “Why? What’s wrong?” He fretted, pulling his shirt on hurriedly and searching the floor for his boxers. They had been discarded in a hurry last night and he wasn’t exactly sure where they had ended up.
“Will!” Emma said quickly, locating his boxers and tossing them across the bed towards him.
“Will?” Killian caught his underwear and hopped from one foot to the other as he put them on. “What does your son…” Killian began but just as he had managed to pull on his boxers, the door flew open and a rather sleepy child barrelled into the room. He was dishevelled from sleep, one of his pant legs caught up around his knee, and he was missing one of his socks. He rubbed his eye with one hand and dragged his bear with the other seeming to ignore Killian altogether as he clambered onto the bed.
“Hey, L-Bug,” Emma chimed nervously, pulling on an old t-shirt she had found in one of her drawers. Killian looked at it hard, recognising it as one of his old college tees that he had lost a long time ago but Emma brushed off his puzzled expression with a nudge of her head towards the door. “Did you sleep well, sweetie?”
The only sound Will made was a grumble, the sleep unsuccessfully rubbed from his eyes as he crawled into Emma’s bed and snuggled down into the duvet. He nodded into her pillow, clutching it in his tiny fingers as he sighed. Killian padded barefoot from the room, mouthing the word ‘coffee’ to her with a smirk. Emma nodded thankfully and perched on the edge of the bed, stroking Will’s hair as he snoozed.
“So, Will sleepwalks?” Killian smirked, fully dressed now and pouring the steaming hot coffees into two mugs he had found in one of Emma’s cupboards. “Right into your bedroom.” Emma let out a breath, settling at the dining table and hanging her head in her hands with a giggle. She was still wearing his college shirt, her pajamas pants hanging low on her hips and exposing a tiny bit of the flesh of her stomach. Her body had changed with pregnancy, her hips a little fuller and her skin a little loser, but Killian found it endearing, like he was getting to know a whole new Emma.
“Every day at six,” Emma nodded once in agreement. “Every day since he was three.”
Killian made a sound in his throat and handed her her coffee, cream and two sugars, just the way she liked it. He stood beside her and laid a comforting hand on her shoulder, rubbing the curve of the bone through the tee. “I thought I’d lost this,” he said idly, plucking at the grey fabric.
Emma turned and smiled at him sweetly, her eyes still heavy from their lack of sleep and her hair a mess. She looks beautiful, even more than before they broke up, her cheeks still the same rosy softness and her lips still the same, perfectly curved and kissable. Killian matched her smile, his lips turning up on one side before he bent over and gave her a sideways kiss. It was soft and gentle and so slow that Emma couldn’t ignore the ache low in her stomach and the hum of content on his lips.
“What are you doing to me?” She sighed happily, wrapping her hand around his arm and tracing the outline of his bicep with her fingers. Killian simply quirked a brow, a modest smirk on his face. “I mean it, Jones. I’m so confused right now.”
Killian grabbed the chair beside him and slid it across the tiled floor until he could sit closer to her, his coffee sitting next to hers on top of the wooden surface between them. “What do you mean?” He asked her with a frown. “Do you regret last night?”
“God, no!” Emma said with a smirk, recalling the way she had felt with his head between her legs. Killian caught her reminiscing and poked his tongue out to lick at his bottom lip agonizingly slowly, the taste of her still lingering on his lips, his eyebrow jumping up on his face once more. “No,” Emma said firmly when she caught him watching her. “It’s just…”
“Talk to me,” Killian pleaded gently, leaning forward and pulling her hands into his. “We can’t do this again if we are not honest with each other.” His fingers were hot on hers and her palms a little sweaty from clutching the steaming hot coffee mug for so long. His fingers danced up and down her forearms, his touch almost soothing her and chasing away her worries. “Whatever it is, I’m sure we can…”
“Mommy?” Will’s voice interrupted them and Killian jumped back, sitting back up in his chair and clearing his throat.
“Hey, baby,” Emma cooed, twisting her frame in her seat and reaching with open arms for her son.
“What are you guys doing?” Will looked between them, eyeing Killian suspiciously. He had only met him briefly before now and Emma wasn’t completely enthused by the idea of him knowing too much at the moment.
“Well,” Emma started, looking to Killian and extending the syllable to give her a little more time to come up with an answer.
“We were talking about breakfast,” Killian offered casually, giving Will a small smile. “What does a growing lad like yourself eat for breakfast?” Killian took a sip of his coffee and awaited Will’s reply.
“Pop tarts!” Will declared with a squeak.
“You do not,” Emma declared, aghast. Will looked at her and hunched his shoulders, hiding his face in his hands as he giggled nervously. Emma jabbed her fingers into his side and he wiggled on her lap as she tickled him. “Nice try though.”
“Oh, you are a scoundrel,” Killian noted, pointing a finger at Will who just gave him a grin. Killian winked at her knowingly. “How about pancakes?” He offered and Emma looked at him surprised.
“Can we have bananas on top?” Will asked excitedly. “And chocolate sauce?” His voice jumped and he almost fell from Emma’s grip when he shuffled to the edge of her knees in his eagerness. Killian looked at Emma who nodded at him, but when he looked back to Will he gave a look of feigned disgust.
“If you must,” he sighed with a dramatic eye roll. “You ever made pancakes before?” Killian asked him and Will shook his head shyly. “Well, in that case, how about I show you?”
“Can he, Mom? Can he show me?” Will screeched excitedly, bouncing up and down in her arms.
“Okay, okay,” Emma conceded and Will shouted gleefully, slapping his hands on the tabletop. Killian leaned forward on his elbow and held out his hand, his palm flat and open. Will grinned cheekily and slapped Killian’s hand with his own followed by a bout of his infectious laughing.
In the time it had taken Killian to rise, Will was at the other side of the kitchen and dragging his stepping stool towards the counter so he could be the right height. Killian gathered the ingredients, some he had discovered earlier whilst looking for the coffee mugs, and some with Emma’s help. Will awkwardly pulled up his sleeves and bobbed up and down on the stool. “Yay!” He sang like he had never been so happy.
“You don’t have to do this,” Emma told Killian on a whisper, snaking her hand around his waist and pressing her body into his side.
“I want to,” Killian beamed at her, cracking an egg into a plastic bowl. No sooner had the yolk settled in the curve of the bowl, Emma’s phone rang and she sighed with a groan. It was her work phone, likely something important even if it was the weekend, so she had no choice but to answer it.
“Do you mind?” Emma asked sorrowfully, nudging her head towards Will. The youngster was watching Killian with a fascinated stare, tilting his head like a puppy at the way the eggs sat side by side in the bowl but did not mix.
“I think we’ll be okay,” Killian nodded reassuringly and Emma gave him a little wink.
“I’ll make it up to you,” she promised, walking backwards from the kitchen and turning at the last second to answer her call. Killian turned back to Will, handing him a sieve. Will took it, twisting it in his hands and inspecting it with a frown.
“What’s this?” Will asked innocently.
“That’s a sieve,” Killian said with a smile.
“What’s it for?” Will looked up to Killian hopefully, genuinely intrigued.
“Ah, well,” Killian began, moving the bowl of eggs in front of Will and helping him to rest the sieve across the top of the bowl. He reached for the bag of flour and shook some of the fine, white dust into the curved sifter, watching intently until he was sure he had emptied enough flour into it. Killian and Liam always made pancakes and he rarely needed scales to make sure his amounts were spot on, instead using his eye and a confidence in cooking he had learned from his brother. Once satisfied with the amount, Killian rolled the top of the bag down and set it aside, giving Will a wooden spoon and pointing to the bowl. “Tap the side of the bowl,” Killian instructed with an encouraging smile.
Will look confused for a second but when he hit the spoon on the side of the plastic and a layer of flour drifted through the sieve onto the eggs below, he shrieked in delight. He tapped again, and again, until the entire amount of flour had fallen through, looking up at Killian with a proud boyish grin. “I did it!” He declared, clutching the spoon in his hands tightly.
“Good lad,” Killian nodded, giving Will a thumbs up.
“What next?” Will asked excitedly, peering into the bowl.
Killian added a pinch of salt, a glug of milk and then he began whisking the mixture, making sure to beat the lumps out with the most effort. Half way he stopped and offered the bowl over to Will, helping him grip the whisk properly and showing him how to hit the side of the bowl repetitively to create a light, fluffy mixture. Will’s tongue poked out as he worked, his little arm tiring quickly and his whole body sagging with effort.
“Come on,” Killian encouraged with a laugh. “I thought you were strong?”
“I am!” Will laughed back, his shoulders sagging as he gave Killian a pleading glance and pushed the bowl towards him. “But you are stronger,” he noted. “You should do the most work.”
Killian couldn’t help but laugh again, the feeling of genuine innocence at Will’s words doing something inside of his heart that he had never felt before. There was a short pause with him just looking at the boy and seeing Emma’s cherub cheeks and her wonderful smile duplicated on the face of her son, the gleeful glint in his eyes the same one his mother had when she was a teenager. “You are a clever lad,” Killian told Will softly, resuming his whisking, checking the batter for lumps periodically.
Will leaned forward on the counter, head propped up on his elbow as he watched the bubbles in the batter pop. “Are you my new daddy?” He asked sweetly, not looking up as he did.
Killian’s face paled instantly and he swallowed a hard lump down his throat. It must have been hard on the boy to see Emma and Graham separate. He remembered how confusing it was for him when his parents decided to divorce, and how he had his older brother to see him through, guide him into adulthood without his father figure. Will didn’t have that, being an only child, and Killian stopped his whisking to turn and face him.
“I’m afraid not,” he told him sadly. “Do you miss your daddy?” Killian asked him softly, dipping his head to catch his eye.
Will nodded without taking his hand away from his face. “Mommy said he had to go away.”
Killian’s heart decided in that moment to split in two, the sadness laced in Will’s tiny voice, not yet old enough to realise how much of an effect what he was saying could have on anyone. “We can be friends, if you’d like?” Killian offered, letting the whisk roll against the side of the bowl and extending his hand out to Will. “I’m Killian,” he smiled with a nod.
“That’s a funny name!” Will chortled, covering his mouth with chubby fingers.
“Well, what’s your name?” Killian looked at Will with narrowed eyes.
“I’m Will,” the boy chirped, taking Killian’s hand and giving it an exaggerated shake. “Nice to meet you!” His antics made Killian chuckle inside and he suppressed a giggle.
“That’s a great name,” Killian told him. “I have a friend called Will. Good people are called Will.” Killian let his mind wander to the number of times Will Scarlett had been there for him. If it wasn’t for Scarlett and his friendship, Killian may never have come home from service, and he would certainly have drunk himself to death by now.
“Thanks,” Will sang, poking at the whisk like he wasn’t supposed to touch it. “It’s short for William, but Mommy never calls me that.” Will picked up the whisk again, poking it through the thickening batter. “I was named after my uncle. Mommy says he was a good person too, like my daddy, but Daddy is away right now because he was sad about Uncle Liam going to live with the angels.”
There were no words to describe the feeling of when the world falls out from under you and envelopes you at the same time, but Killian was pretty sure he had just felt it.
He felt the blood drain from his face, a slight dizziness washing over him as he felt his heart rate pick up in his chest. His breathing became laboured, his armpits turning suddenly hot and damp and every hair on his body standing on end at the same time.
Will was oblivious to how his words had struck him, the finality of what his brother’s death really meant to him hitting home once and for all, and the boy continued to prod the batter in the bowl. Killian frowned at the boy, watching the profile of his face, flashes of Graham from the photographs playing over in his mind. Graham had a round face whilst Will’s was much thinner, and his nose was different, curved rather than pointed. His lips were Emma’s and his cheeks were hers too, but his eyes were a sea green that he knew ran in his lineage. Killian reached out and brushed his hand through Will’s hair, parting the curly brown locks and revealing the soft point of an elven ear, the boy unaware to what he was searching for.
“Uncle Liam?” Killian croaked, his voice breaking a little, his fingers lingering over the back of the boys head tenderly.
“Yep,” Will said with a nod, standing up and turning to rest his behind against the counter. He fidgeted his feet, bumping them together. “William is like Liam, but not the Irish version.”
“How old are you, Will?” Killian asked, forcing a smile. “Do you know?”
Will gave him a wide, toothy grin and nodded confidently. “I am four and a half years old,” he declared happily, holding up four fingers and pinning half of his pinky finger back down. “That’s this many!”
“Okay, boys, I’m done,” Emma called out as she walked back into the kitchen, head down and fingers tapping at the screen of her phone as she set it back to the menu screen. She looked up, Will giving her his best boyish smile that reminded her so much of someone else she knew, but the contrast in his rosy cheeks to the panic and paleness in Killian’s made her freeze. She didn’t have to ask, she knew.
He knew.
“Will, honey, why don’t you go and play with your dinosaurs?” Emma encouraged him, not taking her eyes from Killian’s who was staring at her scandalized. He tore his gaze away the second Will jumped from the stool obediently and ran to his mother, hugging her legs and looking up at her with hopeful eyes.
“Can I help Killian flip the pancakes later?” He pouted, looking back at the man behind him who had turned his back on them both and was hunched over the bowl of batter once more.
“Sure, L-Bug,” Emma ruffled his hair, watching the ripple of muscles in Killian’s back flex each time he clenched his fists and then stretched out his fingers on the countertop. Will ran off, thanking Killian for teaching him how to make pancakes as he thundered up the stairs one step at a time, all the while singing to himself about his dinosaurs.
“Killian,” Emma said softly, his name on her lips full of silent apologies.
“It’s okay,” Killian turned to look at her, his mind reeling. “I mean, I think it’s okay,” he shrugged, moving to sit at the table once more and burying his face in his hands.
“I didn’t know how to tell you,” Emma joined him, grabbing his hand as she sat down beside him. He was in shock, she knew that, staring blankly at nowhere and the muscles of his face twitching with thought. “I wasn’t sure how you would react, if you would even want a baby,” Emma said, the back of her throat swelling a little with emotion. He didn’t answer her, mouth agape and eyes fixed on the wall in front of him.
“Did you know?” Killian said, his voice breaking a little as his own tears threatened to put a crack in his voice. “When you left, did you know?”
Emma looked down at her lap and sighed. “I was eight weeks pregnant that night,” Emma swallowed hard, her voice echoing with the hurt she felt that night. Killian pinched his eyes closed, a tear finally rolling from his eyelids. He was ashamed beyond comprehension. Not only had he attempted to take Emma’s dignity by force, but he was absolutely sure that back then, the life growing inside of her would not have stopped him even if she had said.
“You did the right thing,” he gulped, finally turning his head to look at her with a nod.
“I wasn’t going to raise a child in that toxic, destructive environment,” Emma justified with a squeeze of his hand. “I wanted to change, being pregnant made me see that, but I wasn’t convinced that you could put a child above everything else.” Her voice broke, the tears finally spilling from her eyelids and the tingle in her nose starting as her sinuses become inflamed.
“I wouldn’t have,” Killian agreed. “I was selfish and despicable,” Killian spat, his words so full of venom for his former self that he could hardly believe how far he had come. “I didn’t even recognise that thing I was, Emma. I don’t hate you for leaving, and I don’t hate you for not telling me about Will. You did what was right by our son, and that is all that matters.”
Emma sucked in a breath, her lips quivering. “Our son?” She beamed at him with watery eyes, her fingers gripping his harder.
“I wasn’t ready to be a father,” Killian shook his head, reaching out to cup her face in his hand, his thumb tracing over the curve of her chin and wiping away her tears.
“How about now?” Emma asked hopefully.
Killian’s breath hitched with a nervous laugh before he moved forward to kiss her, lips shaking against each other, their faces so close that their tears mingled together against their skin. Emma shuffled forward on her chair, her knees bumping his and Killian tangled his hands through her hair, the softness caressing his fingertips and making him feel warm once more.
“Pick a partner who knows what she is doing,” Killian whispered against her lips as he broke the kiss and nudged her nose with his.
“What?” Emma chuckled, stroking the side of his face tenderly, still in a little daze from his kiss.
“Parenting,” Killian clarified, sitting back in his seat. “You know what you’re doing, right?”
“I’d like to think so,” Emma smiled sweetly.
“Then I choose you. I pick you. And if we falter, I’m sure we can work it out.” Killian gave her a happy grin, winking when she playfully tapped his hand with hers. They were the same words he had used when she told him she loved him over a decade ago, but now they were very different people and so much had happened between them. And they had a son, who needed them both to be the best people they could be and make sure he did not stray from the path, like they had.
Emma’s lips twitched into a small smile, the image of Killian in his prom tuxedo still fresh in her mind. He was just as handsome, if not more now, with a silvery edge to all his body hair that she absolutely loved. “Together?” She teased, echoing her teenage words.
“Together,” Killian nodded, squeezing her hand in his. It was the second time he would make the promise, but it would be the last time. Nothing could tear him away from his family now that he knew he had one, and as if on cue, the sound of Will’s footsteps hammering down the wooden staircase roused them both from their loving stares.
“Mommy!” Will called out as he ran into the kitchen. He was waving a piece of paper that depicted some figures drawn in front of a house, one with yellow hair and green eyes, one with black hair and blue eyes and between them a shorter figure who had brown hair and darker blue eyes. “Look!” Will chimed, slapping the paper to the table between them.
“Oh, you drew a picture,” Killian observed with a tilt of his head and a squint. “Of…” He began, struggling to see what he was actually looking at.
Will looked up at him with a frown. “It’s us!”
“Of course it is!” Killian declared, just as jovially and Emma smirked at him over Will’s head.
“That’s Mommy,” Will continued on, pointing to the yellow haired figure who was wearing blue pants and a red sweater or jacket of some kind.
“So pretty,” Killian whispered, keeping Emma’s gaze.
“And this is me.” Will didn’t even stop between breaths, or notice Killian’s attention had changed from his drawing to his mother.
“I thought you were taller,” Killian teased, tearing his eyes from Emma long enough to cock his head to one side and make Will laugh hysterically. “And who is this handsome fellow?” Killian tapped a finger to the tallest figure with blue eyes, black hair and what looked to be cocktail sticks shooting out of the bottom of his oval shaped face.
“That’s you!” Will told him proudly and before Killian had time to question his appearance, Will clarified his thought. “With your spiky beard!”
Emma couldn’t hold her laughter anymore and when Killian screwed up his face, clearly uneducated in the ways of children and how they had no filter, the sound sprang from her mouth making them all jump.
“You did a great job, L-Bug,” Emma said politely, covering her mouth as more giggles threatened to escape.
Killian smoothed his hand over the drawing, the crayon waxy under his touch, until he reached the bottom corner where there was a name. His brow knitted together. It looked familiar, an initial and a surname that made Killian’s lips spread into another smile and his heart swell with pride. “W Jones,” he breathed, not even realising his words were out loud.
“Yup!” Will shifted closer and his tiny body pressed into Killian’s knee, his warmth like a calm that Killian had never felt before. “William Jones,” he smiled up at Killian, both of them looking almost identical with their wide, boyish grins and slightly rosy cheeks. “I can’t write William yet though, so I just draw a ‘W’.”
“L-Bug, do you remember when I told you your daddy went away for a while?” Emma leaned forward, grabbing Will’s shoulders and pulling him into her embrace, hunching over and resting her chin over his shoulder. Will nodded, staring at Killian. “And do you remember how mommy told you that your surname was Jones, just like your daddy’s?”
Will nodded. “That’s why yours is different,” he said confidently.
“That’s right,” Emma said proudly. She kissed the side of his cheek, much to his disgust and then pointed over at Killian who was fidgeting nervously. “Why don’t you ask Killian what his last name is?”
Will paused, looking over the man in front of him. His fingers twisted together, not through nerves, because he was the most confident child Emma had ever met, but because he wasn’t sure how to say what she was sure he had already worked out. “Is your last name Jones too?” He asked softly, hand reaching up to scratch the patch of skin behind his ear.
“Aye,” Killian nodded.
“That means yes,” Emma whispered in Will’s ear. “Killian is your daddy,” she told him softly, the redness around Killian’s eyes unmistakable when Will’s face erupted in the largest of smiles.
“Daddy!” Will screamed, pulling free of Emma’s embrace and rushing forward. Killian was ready, arms open in a second and he pulled the boy into his embrace, holding on like he would never let go. Emma had never lied to Will about his father, skipping over details that a child didn’t need to know, but she had always encouraged him to love his father and if she was completely honest, she had hoped this day would come. “You came home!” Will cried into Killian’s sweater, his voice breaking as his emotions overtook him.
“I’m home,” Killian sobbed, his breath hitching a little as he held his son, tiny arms grabbing onto the material of his sweater and holding on for dear life. “I promise I am not going anywhere ever again.”
There was nothing else left to say that hadn’t already been said. There were no more tears left to cry after that day, only bridges to build and hearts to mend in the only way having a child could. Killian doted on Will and made sure that he felt loved more than anything in the world, giving him everything he could possibly afford and then some. Will returned the favour ten-fold, even if he had no idea how simply being himself had such an effect on his father.
Their journey had been long and the road laid out in front of them had no clear end, but two years later when Killian cradled their newborn son in his arms, he had a different story to tell when he attended each meeting, and he would make sure this one had a happy ending.
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maxdark158 · 5 years
This is chapter two of my fic based on @ozmav ‘s Damian Wayne x Marinette Dupain-Cheng au that I LOVE, please check them out.
Angel in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Part 5 ~ Part 6 ~ Ao3
Demon in Gotham: Part 1 ~ Part 2 ~ Part 3 ~ Part 4 ~ Ao3
Fanart for AiG: Riddler ~ Joker thank you @thegreysman
Please tag me in any fanart you draw for this guys ^^
“Marinette, seriously?” The annoyed voice of Marinette’s once-best-friend Alya Cesaire was grating to her now. “You need to stop running away just for attention, it won’t work.”
It had been a long day for Marinette. It started off well, even after being forgotten by her class, because she got to hang out with Damian. But The Riddler kind of spoiled that. After her talk with the police, Damien waited with her for a teacher to pick her up from the station. They parted when her teacher arrived, Marinette promising to text him when she got to her hotel room.
The teacher that picked her up was Professor Mendeleiev. While the science teacher’s strictness had unnerved Marinette for years, lately she had begun wishing she was in her class instead of Ms. Bustier’s. Ms. Bustier’s tactics of being a better example for a bully were starting to wear on her. Professor Mendeleiev wasn’t perfect, but Marinette would have taken being in her class over being in Ms. Bustier’s now.
When the teacher asked why Marinette had been away from the group in the first place, Marinette told her that she had been forgotten by Ms. Bustier and her class. Professor Mendeleiev went silent after that.
The rest of the ride was silent too.
It was silent until Professor Mendeleiev dropped her off at her room where Alya was waiting to rip into her about being attention-seeking and rude.
“Hello?” she sounded angry now. “Are you even listening to me? Do you think if you ignore us we’ll believe you were ever nice again? Lila told us the truth about who you are, you-”
“Alya!” her teacher snapped. “Your classmate was caught in a villain attack today. Leave her alone.”
Alya gaped. “But”
“That was not a request,” Professor Mendeleiev growled. “Do you think you can escape my detentions because we are on vacation?”
Alya squeaked and ran off to her room.
Marinette blinked, not quite sure what just happened. Relief was the cool feeling applied to a headache, stopping the pain.
“Thank you,” she mumbled. Professor Mendeleiev nodded and stalked off, mumbling something about having a long overdue talk with ‘Caline’.
Alya must have gone back to her hotel room, as Marinette didn’t encounter her or anyone else on her way back to her room.
The relief hit again, but the hint of sadness was like mint in her mouth and wetness on her cheek, despite her not actually crying.
It was hard to remember that Alya used to be her best friend. It got harder every time Alya got after her for bullying or lying or anything else that she didn’t actually do. Marinette almost wishes they hadn’t ever become friends, the betrayal would have hurt less.
It seems some wounds take years to heal.
Marinette arrived at her room and unlocked the door with her room key. She entered and immediately flopped on her bed.
“Marinette, are you alright?” she heard Tikki ask.
“I’m just tired,” she mumbled. “I’m more used to akumatized villains, not insane people with riddle obsessions.”
She felt Tikki brush aside some of her hair. “I’m just glad you’re alright. You scared me for a moment, Marinette. I don’t know what I would have done if I lost you.”
Marinette smiled. “Thanks, Tikki.”
“It’s simply the truth! Also, didn’t you tell that boy you would text him?”
Her eyes widened. Marinette rolled over and got her phone out of her purse. “Thanks for reminding me!”
Tikki giggled out a, “no problem,” and rested on Marinette’s stomach.
Angel: I’m at the hotel now.
Damian: That’s good Damian: Did you get in trouble?
Marinette smiled to herself. It felt nice, being worried about… Even if she didn’t want him to worry. But the fact that he cared felt like a warm hug.
Angel: Professor Mendeleiev must’ve been tired or something. Angel: She didn’t leacture
She frowned. That had to be wrong.
Angel: Lecture?
Damian: *lecture
Marinette rolled her eyes. In the two days she had known Damian, she knew he was a stickler for grammar. Though he wasn’t harsh about his corrections, as he knew English wasn’t her first language, it was a tad annoying. Marinette was much better at speaking and reading in English than she was at spelling.
Angel: Quiet, English is hard
Damian: Understandable. Damian: In my original question I meant any of your classmates btw
Angel: btw? Angel: Oh by the way
Damian: yeah
Angel: I’m good at text slang in French, okay
Damian: I don’t doubt you
She rolled her eyes and smiled. Annoying, but the banter was nice. It wasn’t like with Chat Noir when he was trying to flirt with her.
Angel: Anyway Alya tried to bother me but I’m good now Angel: Professor Mendeleiev told her off for bothering me after my ‘traumatic’ encounter with a Gotham villain
Damian: Speaking of, are you SURE you’re alright Angel
Ooh, capital letters. He must be really worried. Guilt rested on her shoulders again on that day.
Angel: I’m fine Angel: I’ve survived akuma for three years, I’m not about to let some riddle fanatic with terrible clothing choices ruin my day
Damian: His clothes are that bad?
Good, subject change. Maybe she can get him to stop worrying.
Angel: Too much green, for one Angel: Green shouldn’t be used in large portions when it’s that bright of a shade Angel: Also the cloth itself was cheap, but the kind of cheap meant to look expensive if you don’t know cloth good
Damian: *well
Marinette smiled. She hoped her little intentional mistake would make him stop worrying.
Angel: Whatever Angel: Also his hat didn’t match the type of suit he was wearing Angel: If he wants to go old fashioned he should at least match the time period Angel: Longer coat, more layers Angel: He is an atrocity
Damian: he is
Angel: If I had time to cry then my tears would had been blood
Damian: *have
“Seriously,” she grumbled to herself. The guilt had long since lifted but Damian’s need for correct grammar was going to drive her mad.
Angel: istg
Damian: It appears you’re learning
Angel: Yepp
Damian: Also the Gotham news posted an article online about you Damian: “Unnamed Teenager From France Holds off The Riddler Until Batman Arrives!”
Angel: Wait what? Angel: But we both held him off?
Damian: I was kind of useless, you did most of the work Damian: I left shortly after you solved his riddle because the Robins had arrived
Marinette breathed a sigh of relief. She had been scrolling through the article Damian had mentioned, realizing that it did not have any mention of her throat punching The Riddler. It did say she took him down with physical force, but it was in self-defense and she was okay.
She just didn’t want Damian to find out she punched someone in the throat. It would make him think she was violent and he’d hate her forever and never talk to her again and she’d loose the only friend she’s made in the last three years and-
Her phone, which had fallen asleep, buzzed again.
Damian: You there?
Marinette sighed, mentally reining her anxieties in.
Angel: Yeah. I was just reading the article Angel: The Riddler was bad at hand to hand combat. It was easy to take him down with the practice I have from Paris
Damian: I bet. Damian: It’s getting late, Angel. We should go to bed. Damian: Goodnight
Angel: Goodnight Angel: Also I’ll find a chat name for you soon, promise
Damian: lol okay
Marinette smiled and put her phone away. Hopefully, she would get to spend more time with him tomorrow.
This was day three of their trip to Gotham. The entire trip lasted nine days. She wanted to make the most of her trip by spending time with her friend until she had to leave.
While the thought brought a brief sadness, she put it out of her mind and continued to get ready for bed.
Marinette managed to get up on time this morning.
Meaning, she woke up from a nightmare at around four am and couldn’t go back to sleep after that because she started fully sketching out some of her outfit ideas she had yesterday. She even made a few based off the Gotham heroes, coloring those ones in.
Despite all the designing she finished, Marinette was still the first one ready and in the lobby where the class is supposed to meet every morning.
Marinette was wearing her messier clothes today. After yesterday where she confronted The Riddler in leggings, she decided to stick to pants today too. She loved the dress she brought but it would not work if she managed to confront another villain.
Besides, the dress code was more lenient today. Marinette had on a white crop top with her signature flower pattern and dark gray overalls on. She had her hair in a French braid so it was out of her face. Her tennis shoes were the same pink as the flowers and as always, she had her purse for Tikki.
When the teachers came down to wait for the class, they saw Marinette there. Professor Mendeleiev gave her a nod, to which Marinette smiled. Ms. Bustier looked conflicted for a moment before ultimately deciding to sit down away from both her and Professor Mendeleiev.
The class began to filter in. Marinette made sure to stay out of sight from everyone but the teachers. They grouped together, talking about mindless things. Mostly about what they’d do with their afternoon. Today they were going to the Gotham City Heroes and Villains Museum in the morning, then after lunch the rest of the day was free until 5:30 pm.
Lila arrived last. Marinette knew that she likely did it so everyone noticed her entrance. She also realized that Lila arrived a few minutes before everyone had to get on the busses, so people had time to talk to and about her.
The designer simply tuned the liar out. She didn’t care anymore.
Well, she didn’t until she heard a certain name.
“Damian is such a sweetheart,” Marinette glanced up from her phone. “We might get back together again soon, I’m not sure though. I hope so.”
“I forgot that you’re on and off,” she heard someone else say, though who didn’t matter.
“Did you say Damian?” Marinette asked before she thought out the action. Her voice was loud enough that suddenly everyone was staring at her as if they forgot she was there in the first place.
They likely had.
“Uh, yeah,” Alya scoffed. “Lila and Damian Wayne are an on and off thing. You’d know that if you weren’t skipping the field trip for attention.”
“Alya, it’s alright,” Lila sighed. “We keep it out of the tabloids and Marinette doesn’t like me, it’s not her fault she didn’t know.”
“That sounds like it’s her fault! Marinette just needs to get over herself!”
Marinette was tuning her classmates out. She felt like an idiot. But at the same time, he never told her. He must have had a reason for telling her.
But there was no mistaking it. The Riddler called him, “Wayne.” They met when she was trying to get into Wayne Enterprises. His first name was Damian and he knew the tour guide…
She tuned back into her classmates’ conversation.
“Anyway, Damian and I went and got ice cream last afternoon. That’s why I was gone, you see. He would have walked me back, but we would have attracted a crowd. Plus he got a little chocolate ice cream on his shirt, he’s so messy.”
Marinette closed her eyes. Rage is hot and fiery, her nails dug into her palms.
Calling Lila out does nothing.
But she couldn’t help but remember Damian telling her that chocolate ice cream was among his least favorites when they went to get ice cream yesterday.
And he isn’t messy.
Marinette found the museum interesting. It gave her some anxiety, learning about everything villains did to the city was nerve-wracking.
She wondered if there would ever be a Paris Museum for Akuma.
It also gave her some ideas. Learning about the Gotham Hero’s greatest feats and how they accomplished them was eye-opening.
She was doing this whole battling-Hawkmoth-thing wrong! Instead of a case by case akuma battle, which are much less frequent nowadays, she should partner with the police! There were cameras all over Paris and, unlike Kwami, corrupted butterflies appeared on them. Hawkmoth may only be attacking around once a month now, but he still needed to own up to the terror he reigned on Paris and the world.
Marinette felt a little stupid for not realizing all of this before, she realized as she whispered her ideas to Tikki in the bathroom. She could have ended it sooner if she thought to get investigative about her enemy.
But as interesting and terrifying as the museum was, the trip only took the morning. By lunch, her classmates were waiting for the teachers to decide who to take where, as no restaurant had enough room for all of them.
She pulled out her phone and opened her text chat with Damian.
Angel: Kill me now
Damian: What’s wrong?
Angel: We have to all get lunch as a class before I’m free Angel: I’m in the group with Liar Rossi Angel: Death would be sweatier
Marinette mumbled a curse under her breath. She meant sweeter! Stupid autocorrect.
Damian: *sweeter
Angel: Rude
Damian: Anyway Damian: You can’t die yet Damian: We still technically didn’t get ice cream
She managed to smile. Damian made her do that a lot now that she thought about…
Her phone pinged again.
Damian: Also you’re at the Gotham City Heroes and Villains Museum right?
Angel: Yes I am
Damian: I’m nearby
Marinette’s eyes widened. What?
Damian: I can pick you up for lunch
Angel: OMG really? Please do I’d really really like that
Damian: omw
She looked up, seeing that her teachers were still discussing. She walked up to them, waiting until they saw her.
Ms. Bustier did first. “Marinette! What did you need?”
“My friend invited me to eat lunch with him,” she looked at Professor Mendeleiev as she spoke, not Ms. Bustier. “May I go?”
“After what happened yesterday? I don’t thi-” Ms. Bustier was cut off by Professor Mendeleiev.
“Is this the friend you were at the station with?” she asked, voice sharp. Marinette nodded.
Professor Mendeleiev hummed, contemplating. Ms. Bustier gaped at her. “You can’t be considering allowing her to go!” she said, “Not after how mad you got at me-”
“Caline, I got mad at you for forgetting her. Allowing her to go is not the same thing,” Professor Mendeleiev glared at her, “We’re allowing you to go on your own after lunch anyway, as long as everyone has a buddy. Finding you a buddy in this class, however, is likely going to be difficult…”
She trailed off before digging into her bag. “We got trackers for this free afternoon, though we couldn’t afford them for everyone,” she brought out a black bracelet that looked plastic. “This will only give me your general location. We will still have enough for everyone else as long as they’re in pairs. If you take one, I will allow you to go to lunch and such with your friend.”
Ms. Bustier’s brows furrowed. “You’re giving her special treatment? But-”
“Caline, you forgot her twice,” Professor Mendeleiev sounded patient, as if she were an adult talking to a toddler. “Marinette earned this and she will be with a friend from Gotham, something nobody else in this class truly has besides her.”
“This is my class,” Ms. Bustier was beginning to fume. “You accompanied because two teachers were needed, but these are my students-”
“Caline,” Professor Mendeleiev sounded more annoyed. “I am allowing her to go. Since I’ve been teaching for longer and because you told me to hand out the tracking bracelets, my decision overrules yours. Your argument is pointless.”
Marinette stared as Ms. Bustier tried to find words to retaliate with and failed. She took the bracelet from Professor Mendeleiev and thanked her.
It felt nice to have someone stand up for her again.
In the corner of her eye, Marinette noticed Alya walk toward the teachers and her. She looked angry and upset, a face she nowadays wore often around Marinette.
She remembered what she thought last night, about Alya’s betrayal. How it hurt remembering the good times they shared. Marinette took a deep breath.
It still hurt. It still hurt remembering the good times they had as friends, but she had to be fair to herself. She had to remember the bad times too.
She had to remember the times Alya demanded every detail, said friends tell each other everything. She had to remember the times Alya pressured her into things she wasn’t comfortable doing. She had to remember the times Alya took her for granted, the time Alya decided she wasn’t worth as much as a liar.
She has to remember what Alya is doing to her now.
“Where is the liar going now?” Alya scoffed. “Getting permission to run away this time?”
Marinette rolled her eyes and slipped the bracelet on. She would be okay. Alya wasn’t her friend anymore, she had better ones to look out for her.
“I don’t owe you anything.”
Alya gaped.
Luckily for Marinette, Alya didn’t have time to think of a response. A car drove up, and Marinette saw Damian wave to her from the backseat. She smiled.
The door was unlocked, so she opened it and got in. She didn’t look back at her classmates faces as the driver, an aged man in a suit, drove away.
“Where would you like to eat, Angel?” Damian asked.
Marinette shrugged. “I’m not sure, I don’t know what’s here.”
Damian frowned. “Angel, you okay?”
That’s when her previous realization hit. He was Damian Wayne, son of Bruce Wayne. He was one of the celebrities Lila liked lying about the most. And he was her friend, currently best friend.
“I’m okay,” she mumbled. “I’ve got a lot on my mind right now.”
Damian looked like he wanted to press the issue, but decided against it. He told his butler to take them to a restaurant she didn’t recognize the name of while she took deep breaths. She felt Tikki press gently against her hip, trying to reassure her.
Alya was a bad friend. Marinette wanted to be a better friend to Damian. He already made her so happy! Warm fuzzies and smiled and giggles were rare in the last few years, but she experienced them all with Damian. He kept a secret from her, likely for his own reasons, and she found out what it was behind his back.
Damian deserved better than that.
“I know,” she blurted out. “I know you’re Damian Wayne. I just want you to know that doesn’t change anything. You’re still my friend, and I don’t care who your dad is and who you are.”
Damian gaped at her for a moment before shaking his head. “I’m sorry you had to find out on your own. I should have told you-”
Marinette interrupted, “you didn’t have to. You don’t owe me that.”
He looked confused. She chose to elaborate.
“As a stranger or even a friend, you don’t owe me any details about who you are. Ever,” Marinette told him. “You’re allowed to keep secrets and not tell me things you aren’t comfortable sharing. It isn’t fair of me to demand you tell me everything.”
She was going to be the friend she needed to Damian. It was the least he deserved.
Marinette pushed down any disappointment that came with the word friend, not knowing why it was there. Maybe it was left over from her classmates’ treatment of her.
Damian was staring at her. She wasn’t sure what his expression meant, but it looked… Awed?
“Thank you,” he said earnestly. “I… nobody’s ever said secrets are okay…”
Marinette shrugged. “I can’t help if I feel left out, but forcing you to tell me everything isn’t how friendship is supposed to work. If you don’t want to tell me, it’s okay.”
Damian’s smile was small, but it made Marinette feel warm. Was he the sun?
“Perhaps instead of a restaurant, I can take you both to the mansion for your lunch?” the driver said, his accent different from Marinette’s.
“You sure Alfred?” Damian asked.
She saw his nervousness. “You don’t have to if you aren’t comforta-”
“No, it’s not that,” he assured. “My brothers can be… rambunctious.”
Oh. Marinette smiled. “I can handle them if that’s the only reason you’re nervous.”
Damian thought for a moment before sighing. “Alfred, please talk us to the mansion.”
“My pleasure, Master Damian.”
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ediemunster · 6 years
“What is wrong with that?”
- Musings on being a semi-closeted femme nonbinary person - 
I was 16 years old. I woke up at 5 AM and started the process. I contoured my face with makeup to make it look more angular. I painted speckles of stubble onto my jaw. I dressed as my favorite character from a show or movie I was obsessed with at the time and took a few photos of myself as him.
I would wash it all off and put on my other makeup before school started at 8. The whole process started and finished before either of my parents were awake. I have never told them about it. It seems silly now, to tell them about an activity I did in the dark of my bedroom a couple times a week for a few months.
I regret the lack of sleep I suffered through my adolescence. Most of it was a voluntary need for privacy. The impacts of sleep deprivation are real though!
I was 17 when I realized that most of my attraction to men in my life was born of a different type of desire. I was always attracted to men who sort of look like me: brunettes with strong jaws and sad eyes. Bonus points for piercings.
Attraction is a strange thing. Do I want to be with you, or do I want to be you?
The realization hit me like a train. Looking at a photograph of a cis man and thinking without reservation “That’s what I want to be.” My hands metaphorically slapped over my mouth as my eyes not-metaphorically widened.
“I’m going to have to deal with this one day.” I thought…..and then I continued on with my afternoon as if nothing had happened. As if my heart wasn't racing. As if a floodgate of feelings hadn’t just been opened.
I chose to ride it out, see if this feeling would last. 
5 years later and I’m dealing with it. I’m almost impressed with myself, but I’ve always been slow to make a decision and great at keeping secrets. 
Procrastination, however, does not lead to my best work.
Do I actually want to change my body or just how others see it? My answer to that changes on the daily.
I haven’t painted on stubble in years. When I was 18 my cat destroyed my beard makeup sponge. Now the act of becoming him feels like bullshit. Like child’s play. Like I’m faking it.
There was a time, shortly after I started thinking of myself in terms of they and them, that I tried to be taken seriously as they and them. I kept my hair short, I focused really hard on how I walked, how I talked. Some time in the past four years I just got too tired for it. I did all of the work but felt none of the payoff.
When I was 19 somebody reposted one of my photos online and put in the caption things like ‘Middle class white girl trying to get attention’ and ‘how can you be nonbinary with long hair and 6 inches of cleavage’. The second part pissed me off as I don’t do cleavage, and my hair was not even jaw length at the time. Strangers started sending me messages standing up for me, telling me not to mind the trolls. But this troll had hit me right where it hurt.
Am I just faking this for attention?
Nevermind the fact that next to nobody knows, and I don’t have the guts to correct people when they use the wrong words to describe me.
I feel like a fool a lot of the time. I am a series of outfits, each tried on with increasing frustration at not being able to put something together that works.
There was a long time that when people posted images and videos updating the world on their HRT that I would get mad. Not at them, not at society, but at my situation. It was anger born of jealousy. I was jealous of their beauty, of their access to hormones. Of their courage.
The jealousy was worse if the person looked even remotely like me.
I buried the jealousy deep, knowing that solidarity with the marginalized is more important than my own sickly green feelings.
My threshold for discomfort has gotten smaller as I’ve gotten older.
At my 21st birthday party I drunkenly giggled as I told my friend that I look like my favorite fanart of those favorite characters from years ago. How cringey is that?
“What’s wrong with that?” My friend slurred.
She was dead serious in the face of my joking self-deprecation.
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jkfortunekookies · 7 years
Tumblr media
Fanart made by @fetus-jungkook / @ohneul-eun (Do not edit/ Repost) : My amazing friend Haneul made this fanart for my story. Please support her art . She’s really talented.
Genre : Vampire au!,Fluff,romance,comedy,implied-smut, implicit/explicit language,sexual innuendos  Pairing: Jungkook x reader Length: 12 258  words
Summary : Jungkook, a softhearted player who’s majoring in the Earth sciences, finds himself oddly getting attracted to a strange girl who’s attending the same University as him. Her purity is what attracted him, but what if she was something far more dangerous than what he thought?
Tell me your thoughts in the ask box/ comments !!
© Jkfortunekookies
Do NOT repost , plagiarize or translate. I’m watching YOU.
You sighed for the third time as you saw him making his way to you. You knew him too well and his tendency to never leave you alone. Whether it was on campus or even at work, he always had his way to find your whereabouts. Why was he so obsessed with you? He somehow always had the indecency to follow you just to nag you about anything. Stalker, perhaps? Even a stalker wouldn’t be as annoying as him. Hell, even stalkers weren’t as specialized as him when it came to finding where you were.
This time, he managed to find you through a crowd, in a club. God only knows how he always knew where you were. It was as if he had a GPS stuck onto you 24/7. You could call him a stalker but the term stalker might have been a bit too much to describe the relationship you shared. At least stalkers make sure to not get noticed when they follow someone, but he, on the contrary, tried everything to get your attention. You always gave him a reason to end up following you.
You roll your eyes as you feel his presence right next to you. His toned back leaning against the wall in his usual stylish way. A hint of his masculine cologne hit your nostrils right away as the scent of his apple flavored hair conditioner hit you right in the feels. You might have hated him, but you were addicted to his scent, that was for sure.
You didn’t have to turn around to be already aware of the fact that he was wearing that black leather jacket he was so obsessed with. The peculiar scent of leather mixed with the manly scent of his aftershave only made shivers run down your spine. His raven luscious hair, looking so soft, you caught yourself fantasizing about raking your fingers through it. His dark piercing orbs, always ready to make your knees weaken at their gorgeous sight. You knew he was eyeing you up and down. It wasn’t long before every nerve on your body felt threatened when he suddenly opened his mouth to shout something you weren’t expecting.
“OH SWEET PAPRIKA. WHAT THE HECK IS WRONG WITH THAT OUTFIT?!”  His manly voice rang in your ears  
You hold onto your heart for mental support after hearing the unusual sound of his masculine voice, being so loud. It wasn’t long before the boy made his following comment.
“Did you dig through my grandmother’s outfits before showing up at the club? What the  F*ck, are you wearing? This is a CRIME AGAINST FASHION” His eyes rounded
You restrain yourself from punching his perfect face as you snap your head around to stare at him with that perplexed gaze. The fact that he was shouting at you made no sense. You were ready to take your claws out and fight him and his humongous Jeon Cena body built. His hair was disgustingly perfect as it usually was. Revealing that shining forehead that you hated so much.
“Oh, hi Jungkook, How are you, Jungkook? I’m doing very good, Jungkook, Thank you Jungkook.” you replied sarcastically “This is how people start off a conversation, you son of a worthless plant” you scoffed
The boy let out a small chuckle as he almost scoffed at your response. Even the way he chuckled had an effect on you. It made those foreign vibrations run through your veins.
“Yeah, nature gave birth to me. I’m so organic, anyone would want me inside their bodies” Jungkook replied, giving you his infamous smirk
“Look at you going” you stared at him in disgust “I can’t believe you’re majoring in earth sciences” you shake your head “That’s not even the point! Why are you doing here, again? Can you please take a hint and stop following me like a stalker, I’m tired of seeing you everywhere I go”
“You wish I had that much free time” he scoffed “As if I have anything better to do than to spend time bonding with a boring girl who dresses like my old aunt Clara” he rolled his eyes “ Even aunt Clara dresses better than you, at least she’s 65 and she actually had a husband” he eyed you in an arrogant manner
“Then, why do you always happen to be somewhere around me? I wouldn’t even be surprised to find you in my closet, after finding you here”
“Look here woman, the club is my place to hang out. You’re the one who isn’t supposed to be here. The last time I recalled, you were the one who refused going out after 10 pm for god knows why” he rolled his eyes “ Maybe you finally got your wakeup call and realized that the fun really starts after 11 pm? So stop trying to paint me into something I’m not. I may have had a lot of girls but I don’t chase random women. Especially not if they’re you. So for the record, you’re the one who’s stalking me. Mother Nature is watching and she knows it.”
“I hate you and your green ways to paint my accusations” you glare at him
“Why do you hate the nature so much?” he quirks up a brow “Don’t hate on the beautiful green beings! What did they ever do to you?”
“I wonder if you like the nature because it provides you all the drugs you’ve been consuming”
“Might as well move to Canada if I really wanted that” he commented “I only eat vitamins, for your information and they’re really helpful. At least I don’t look like I’m on verge of a midlife crisis like you are.”
“What about all the girls you slept with? I bet that had something to do with nature as well.” You smirked back at him
“Of course it does, it’s called sexual intercourse, and it happens when two individuals feel sexually attracted to each other and want to get rid of their urges and frustrations, but I guess you don’t know how sex works either?” he stared at his glass of wine “No matter how you perceive it, everything has to do with nature and beautiful green beings”
“Whoa, so you had a kink for Shrek all this time” you chuckled “ I never thought you’d be into bestiality, Jungkook”
“The only beast here is me and you know why” he winked at you
“Oh … so your dick is green?” you cringed your face before staring at his crotch area “Is it because you’ve been eating so many vegetables? Or because you f*cked too many girls majoring in earth sciences? Oh wait, I have a better one!” you gasped “Is it because you f*cked too many girls in the wild forest?”
He froze a few seconds, eyes glued to you before slowly bringing up his gigantic palms together to clap in celebration at your cleverness. You were a very straightforward specimen, as he’d usually call you, and he seemed to love your responses to his acts.
“Brilliant! Y/N, you never fail to impress me with your amazing theories” he chuckled before his facial expression became serious again “Of course, what a clever way to say it. My dick is ORGANIC” he emphasizes the word before grabbing his drink and swirling the cup with his fingers
“I pray day and night for this planet to be saved and you’re going to pollute it with your dick” you pout while staring at the shiny floor
“You must really want my dick” He chuckled, harboring his sexiest grin
Can grins be sexy? Was there such a thing? Could it even exist? Jungkook, the earth sciences Major God could make anything come true. You gulped on your saliva as you heard those words easily leave his sinful lips. This man was the definition of sinning behind an innocent façade. He seemed so innocent at first sight, yet he was fooling everyone with his sweet smiles. He was the kind of kid who smiled while cursing. As if cussing wasn’t already much, Jungkook had a history of several issues surrounding women and other doubtful happenings that made you want to stay away from him.
There was a reason why you were alone in a club, dressed like Jungkook’s grand aunt Clara, in the first place. Jungkook never failed to make you choke on your breath with his flirty yet naughty comebacks. The boy was so despicable and cocky that you wanted to smack his face with his own dick.
“You wish anyone would want your wrinkly overused dick” you rolled your eyes
“Overused? Did you mean experienced perhaps? My dick knows its way to the right spot” he raised his infamous brow “You wish I could hit that spot” he shot you a side smirk before chugging down his cocktail
You hit your fist on your chest in response as you felt the heat invading your cheeks. It wasn’t the drinks that were making you feel that way, nor was it Jungkook’s sexual comments. Anyone would have had failed to notice it, but Jungkook’s body warmth and bloodstream were what caused you to heat up. His sexual comments weren’t helpful either. The real question here: how could you feel his warmth in the first place?
You slowly grazed your sharp canine over your bottom lip, before you caught yourself in the act. Your fangs were started to slowly appear as they usually did around this hour of the night.
F*ck! Why am I such a klutz?! What if he noticed my teeth! you scolded yourself
“Are you blushing? You’re so cute.” he chuckled “I was obviously messing around to get a reaction, seems like it worked pretty well” he clicked his tongue
“The day you hit that spot is the day I’ll hit your face” you glare at him before turning your body to the other side
“Why are you so serious?” he nudged your arm with his warm bicep
“D-Don’t touch me!” you grabbed your hair to hide the bottom of your face, to avoid any form of eye contact between him and your fangs
“Relax, grandma! I’m not the kind of guy who bites on the first date. Not that this is even a date but a coincidental meeting.” He gave you an adorable smile “Now that I’m here, I might just as well give you some advice as your best wingman.”
“Wingman?” you raised a brow
“I’m an angel after all” Jungkook nodded to himself
“You mean Seagull” you laughed at your own joke “Baby, you’re still from Busan, no matter how much you try to deny it”
“I never denied I was from Busan. Seagulls ARE SEXY AND ORGANIC!” He replied in a sassy tone “and how did you know I like it when girls call me baby?” he raised a brow “Did some research perhaps? Because you love me” he clicked his tongue playfully
“In your wildest dreams,” you laughed heartlessly “As if I’d ever spare a glance at you or be interested in you”
“Ouch, was that your way to shatter my confidence in three seconds? Because it almost worked” he clenched his hand against his chest
“Aww, is Jungkookie hurting?” you said in a childish tone “Need a kiss and a hug to heal your wounds too? What a good boy you are!”
“Well, maybe I do feel hurt from time to time, just like everyone else and sex can’t solve everything” he muttered under his breath in a sad tone
“What?” you blinked as you caught on what he said
“I was just saying…” he cleared his throat before faking an excuse “I love kisses and hugs. Just like you said it, I slept with everyone after all!” He replied sarcastically “You’re always right, grandma” he nudged your arm
“You’re so full of yourself. Organic Boy” you stare at him from the corner of your eyes
“ Yeah, maybe I really am” he kept his act on “Or maybe I’m not full of myself and I’m just stating facts” Jungkook replied seductively   “I have the face of an angel, but I’m called the Lucifer of temptation in bed.”
The word Temptation set you off guard as you felt your lips pulsating with desire. Jungkook fanned himself with his phone as he made a comment about feeling too hot. You stared at him as he slowly removed his jacket, exposing his arms. His toned biceps were perfectly on your radar. You almost licked your bottom lip.
“I rock very hard in bed, for your information” he nodded to himself “Organic things are good for energy” he winked at you, trying to mask his previous heartbroken words
“Too much information, Jungkook” you cringed your face “Why, can’t we have a normal conversation without having you talking about your sex life every second?” you internally fanned yourself
“Because you’re not getting laid and I enjoy rubbing in your face how enjoyable sex can be” he nodded
“Wow, how mature Jungkook” you clapped your hands “Well sorry to disappoint you, sir, but I don’t feel the need to get laid”
“Well, that’s tragic.” Jungkook eyes rounded
“Thirsty much?” you tilted your head to stare at him
Thirsty my butt, I’m the one who’s craving every inch of him, you internally screamed as you felt his amazing scent spread around you again
“Planning to become a nun anytime soon?” he commented
“Yeah, I’d rather become a nun and pray God to exterminate you from this earth” you nodded
“You’re so mean” he pouted as you choked internally, watching his pink delicious lips jut out cutely “I wonder how it’d be to get laid with a nun though?” he tapped his chin
“JUNGKOOK” you slap his arm “For the love of Jesus, can you stop talking about getting laid” you rolled your eyes trying to fight the temptation
The fact that this specific human was tempting into the wrong at such a late hour of the night - when you were on the verge to transform - was making this Friday a hundred times worse. You tried your best to avoid Jungkook at all costs, but there was no way out of this mess. Once Jungkook targets you, he sticks to you.
“What?! “ his eyes rounded “ I’m trying to tell you that it’s not late for you to get some, even if you become a nun” he adds “ I’m always down to f*ck in a church If you want to roll that way”
“What an unholy son of a bitch” your jaw dropped ten floors down
“I was always that way” he smiles at you “Doing it in a church sounds pretty interesting though” he nods
“YOU’RE INSANE” you cup your mouth
“Not as insane as your outfit” He stares at your knit sweater “Look at me Grandma, this is a club, not a place where you meet your friends to play bingo”
“Why are you so concerned about my fashion anyway?” you scowl “I could wear a trash bag if I want to and it still won’t be of your business”
“You dress like a homeless man at school and you dress like a grandma, at the club” Jungkook sighed “Girl, I’m saying this for your benefit. Why are you hiding all of your best assets?”
If all jokes were to be put aside, Jungkook was indeed very right. The assets, or should we say the unrealistic glistering smooth skin you were hiding under those ten layers of clothes, were a way to avoid the sun. You even took those special red pills every morning to ensure that you wouldn’t vanish into thin air while attending morning classes. Living in the human world was a challenge you were willing to take, and it was the same reason as to why you always stayed away from people. The fear of being discovered and treated like a monster was your biggest weakness.
“There’s no assets to hide, jerk”
“Oh~ I get it” he nodded “You want to keep them hidden so that I can be the only one to see them” he replied with a proud look on his face but it wasn’t long before he felt your hand slap the back of his perfectly round head “ OUCH!!” he squeaked
You unconsciously cover your chest in protection
“Stop perving on a girl you just called grandma AND TELL ME WHY YOU’RE HERE” you glared “I hate your face”
“My face is too handsome for you to handle?” he ran his tongue across his teeth in a sexy manner
His indecent tongue made you swirl your own tongue inside your mouth and poke your cheek from the inside. An act that boys usually do when they’re jealous, but it had a different meaning when you did it.
You tried avoiding his face at all costs. You could smell his addictive scent every time he took a breath or a sip of his drink as you tried fighting against the temptation. Your biggest problem was your transformation. The transformation would usually take from two to three hours as you’d be in your full form after the clock hits 12:00. It was as sad as Cinderella’s story, yet the difference was that you weren’t a poor girl dressed as a princess, you were a monster hiding behind an innocent face.
“Ew, SIR. Keep that tongue in your mouth” you replied nonchalantly  
Jungkook stared at you for a few seconds before shrugging his shoulders and rubbing his temples in frustration at the view of your outfit
“Why did you even come here in the first place if you’re not planning to dance or to get laid” he adjusted his black leather jacket on his sturdy body “I’m giving you advice as a good friend” he lowered his face to whisper in your face “You need to take advantage of this situation and expand that circle of friends.”
You blinked frantically as his breath hit your philtrum. You pressed your palm against his chest to keep a safe distance between your bodies, which was a huge mistake on your part. You could clearly feel each and every beat pulsating from his heart. Jungkook’s heart’s pace was so calming yet fueling you up with temptation. You could feel his blood so well and you could only imagine how amazing he could taste. He had that rare addictive scent that you never smelled anywhere. This was also the main reason why you always tried to avoid him.
“I’m not here to make friends.”
“Then what are you here for?” he grabs your cold wrist with his warm fingers but you wasted no time to slap his hand away “Damn girl, you’re so cold” he furrowed his brows and you panicked at his comment “You always hurt my little heart” he pouted as you felt relief hit you. He wasn’t referring to your body temperature after all.
“I came here to have an anti-social night and drink on my own” you crossed your arms over your chest
“Sounds very pitiful” Jungkook replied in a disappointed tone
“Why would you do such a thing to yourself? You have a healthy body! You should be jumping around and dancing like everyone else, yet you prefer to drown yourself in alcohol.” He grabbed your shoulders “Do you really want to die as a virgin old lady who owns 13 cats?!”
“There’s nothing bad about owning cats” you frowned at him “I have three cats at home for your information!”
“Oh, saint mother of the holy Jesus Christ.” Jungkook put his hands in a praying motion “Please help me save this child from the grandma abyss”
“No need to dramatize” you rolled your eyes, “I think you should pray to prevent your future aids”
“There’s that thing called protection” he scowled “But I guess that you never even saw a condom in your entire life”
“And who said that I was virgin?” you smirk back at him
“W-What? You’re not?” His jaw dropped as he gulped on his saliva  “You’re telling me that some guy other than me,  saw the potential in that body that you’re hiding under twelve layers?!”Jungkook stared at your ponytail and the frame of your nerdy glasses in fascination
If the truth was to be told, Jungkook may have been the f*ck boy who had girls at his feet but the main reason why he was spending so much time with you, was because he wanted to help you make more friends. The vibe you gave off compared to the previous girls he met was different. The boy grew attached to you as you tried pushing him away. He was curious about you. Maybe you weren’t like these other girls who only perceived them as a way to relieve their sexual desires. Maybe you could somehow like him for who he really was? The boy may have had given off the f*ck boy vibes you wanted to avoid at all costs, but what if he had a deeper side? What if he wasn’t the player everyone perceived him to be? What if he was seeking for love, just like everyone else?
He naturally grew fond of you as you naturally hung out around school. Not because he liked you, but because he wanted to help you. Well, that’s what he liked to pretend.
“Shocked?” you chuckled soullessly
“Who’s the bastar—uhm… I mean GUY!” he coughed
“Is it that important?” you sighed
“EXCUSE YOU, BUT it’s SUPER MEGA EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!” he scoffed “I ABSOLUTELY NEED TO KNOW WHAT KIND OF DUDE TOOK AWAY VIRGIN MARY’S FIRST TIME!!! It’s something I need to know f-for science p-p-purposes …” he coughed
“Science? Are you going to integrate that shit in your future master thesis as well?” you chuckled “but Wow, Jungkook” you giggled at him and he felt his breath hitch at the tone of your girly laugh “You’re so gullible” you tapped his nose “You almost believed me”
Jungkook blinked nervously as he felt the cold tip of your index brushing against his warm nose. He never initiated any physical contact with you and this was probably the most skin to skin contact you ever initiated towards him. The sudden thrilling feeling of having your skin brush against his own made him fantasize about how it’d feel to have you in his arms. Your purity was what got to him in the first place. He was intrigued and he knew that you were hiding something.
Playboy or not, Jungkook was still vulnerable under your fingers. You might have been unaware of it, but you had Jungkook wrapped around your little finger.
“O-Oh, so you’re still v-virgin?” he gulped on his saliva
“Why are you stuttering” you chuckled
“I’m not stuttering! Pfttt” his eyes rounded in panic “and you’re out of your mind if you thought I believed your stupid lie” he rolled his eyes “You never got laid and THAT’S A FACT. I’M A SEX EXPERT” he coughed
“Sure, Sex expert who got an organic dick” you put your fingers in a quotation manner
The boy cleared his throat before striking his usual handsome pose to regain his confidence. He was a panty dropper, yet you had your ways to make him lose it momentarily. He always wanted to get a positive reaction out of you, yet you always rejected him and his organic dick. If truth was to be said, you were his new challenge.
“What about you? Does sleeping with every attractive girl you find on campus, really makes you happy?” you stare into his deep eyes
“O-Of course, I-I mean… any guy would kill to be in my position” Jungkook stuttered
“Or maybe you’re just lying to yourself?” you tilted your head
“Or maybe it’s just not of your business” you replied sternly
“Sure, then stop asking about me then” you frowned
“I can’t do such a thing” he stared at his shoes
“Why? Jungkook, I don’t get what’s your deal? You always try digging through my secrets, but when I get curious about you, it’s suddenly a completely different story!” you furrow your brows “Just tell me the truth”
“What if I actually cared about you? Would that answer your question?”
“You know as well as I know, that this option is scientifically impossible.” You avoided his eyes
“And why not?” he furrowed his brows
“You’re not the kind of guy who’d care about someone like me. You’re just blinded by the idea of entertaining yourself by annoying me” you rolled your eyes
“I’m not that heartless” he sighed “You’re having the wrong idea about me. I’m way more complicated than what you think” he sipped on his wine “
“Of course Jungkook, you’re as complicated as a girl.” You cracked a smile
“I’m amazing” he nodded “That’s more like it”
“And arrogant as well” you chuckled
“Confidence, we call it” Jungkook scowled
“It still doesn’t explain why you’re here” you stared at him
The boy suppressed a slight groan at your avidity to keep on asking him the same question since he showed up. Why didn’t you enjoy his presence? That was what always rubbed him the wrong way. He was wanted by all girls after all. How was it that you weren’t giving in to his seduction?
“To cut to the chase” he sighed before running a hand through his luscious dark hair “I heard somewhere, that you apparently have the hugest crush on that weird senior guy” he swirled his cocktail cup in his long fingers “What was his name, again? Oh yeah!” he snapped his fingers “Jung Hoseok from the Arts department” a satisfied smirk was stamped on his perfect face
You cursed as you almost choked on your drink and died on the spot at his sudden comment. No one was aware of your crush on Hoseok except your best friend Jenna. It was a one-sided crush that was meant to fade away with time and be forgotten. Jungkook always had his way to dig into information and find out some stuff that no one knew.
“F*ck, don’t tell me that Jenna told you” you raised a brow
Jenna, your one and only friend who actually knew about your real identity, simply because she was the same as you. That one friend who grew up with you, who witnessed you biting your first victim, the one who drinks blood from cherry juice boxes, just like you do. The one who buys Wine and alternate the actual wine to blood, because she thinks it’s bloody smart.
“Yeah spilled the beans after I teased her “Jungkook leaned his back on the wall in a handsome manner
It took you a few seconds to proceed the information through your brain before you understood the situation.
“D-Did you--” your jaw dropped “YOU GOT LAID WITH MY BEST FRIEND?!”
Jungkook coughed before tapping on his chest as he stared at you in puzzlement
“Laid is a big word!” Jungkook furrowed his brows
“Says the guy who f*cks a different girl every other day” you whisper to yourself
“What was that?!” Jungkook scoffed “My organic dick didn’t get near her if that’s what you want to know” he cupped your chin in his long fingers
“Organic? “You scoffed “What the f*ck is organic about your small dick? Can it feed plants? Can it save the planet? You must really love the environment a whole lot, or maybe you love your dick too much? I can’t believe you keep on calling your dick organic” you shook your head   “Can we stop talking about dicks, please?!” you facepalmed
“I didn’t get laid with your friend” Jungkook smiled “In fact, I hooked her up with one of my friends and she told me right away. Maybe you should make new loyal friends, like me for instance”
“You wish” you smiled at him sarcastically “I’d rather not hear your sexual adventures every second of my life”
“I’m a sex god who’s majoring in Earth sciences” he swirls a strand of your hair in his fingers sensually “Maybe I can rock your world and we can create a new universe together”
“Oh my lord, you even flirt with your friends?” your jaw dropped  “I hate plants” you glare at him “I hate you as well”
“Why do you hate the nature so much? Let nature do its natural process” he stared at you “Mother Nature created you for all the right reasons. You may not look like a yummy snack at the time we’re talking, but we can work on that and turn you into something sexy. Just like caterpillars turn into butterflies!”
“Why do you always have to turn into a smartass whenever I complain? Don’t you get it, Jeon Jungkook! I hate plants and vegetables” you stick out your tongue in disgust
Being a vampire, the one thing you despised the most were fruits and vegetables, the two things that you had to pretend to eat to make your entire existence more real to humans. After all, not eating would make them suspect your identity. Therefore you hated broccoli and green plants, they’d always get stuck in between your teeth and especially on your sharp fangs. You weren’t digging the whole environmental thing as it always reminded you of these awful things you had to eat when you didn’t have your daily reserve of blood in storage.
“You’re such a stingy little brat” Jungkook scoffed “Eat your vegetables to grow” he messes up your hair on purpose with his large hand
“Vegetables failed me” you commented “AND I HATE THEM” you sighed
“They failed you?” Jungkook blinked “I don’t see where they could fail you if you actually gave them a chance”
“Look Jungkook, I’m not pro-vegetarian like you are and I LOVE MEAT” you stared at him
“Yeah sure, I can understand that you like to bite onto that piece of meat” Jungkook chuckled sexily before sipping on his drink
“I-I mean, Vegetables are just not my thing” you blinked, trying to regain your cool even though you were cold enough to make Jungkook shiver if he was under your touch
“I noticed that” he raised a brow
Your eyes rounded as you felt your fangs suddenly sharpening and becoming pointier. It was only a matter of time before your eyes would change colors and your skin would start taking that shiny form it took after midnight. You stared at your watch before gulping on your saliva. 10:50 pm. it was only a matter of minutes before your true form would take over.
“I’m leaving soon” you get up from your seat
“Sit back down, baby” Jungkook grabbed your wrist “We’re not done here”
You scowled at his way to hold you back. You never asked for this life, nor did you ever asked for these vampire-like instincts to take over your body and obey the owner of the blood you craved for.
“I thought you didn’t want me to remain here and drown in alcohol, Jungkook” you stared at him “I’m actually following your advice”
“Stay a little bit with me, will you?” He caressed your wrist through the fabric that was separating you and him
“Ugh… Sure” you growled “But why do I have to stay with you?!Why am I following your orders” you sighed “I have other things to do”
“Because you love me” he poked your cheek
“D-don’t poke my face” you glare before slapping his hand away
“So stingy” Jungkook stuck out his tongue “It’s not like I tried pulling you into a kiss” he stared at the ceiling
“I’d like to see you try” you almost smirked as your vampire thirst was slowly showing up
Jungkook was awakening all of those unwanted feels through your body. Your metamorphosis was to be delayed for the night as you tried your hardest to remain in your human form, yet something about Jungkook, made you feel this sudden heat rushing through your veins. You were indeed cold as ice, but Jungkook made your body temperature rise as if you were slowly transitioning into a human, which made no sense.
Jungkook made you feel human. The fact that your transformation was happening around the same time as you were talking with jungkook, made the heat fight the cold. You were about to turn into a thirsty beast in an hour yet Jungkook was triggering all of those pulsations through your cold veins. Your vampire form was battling the fake human form you were in.
Something about Jungkook was so alluring and so seductive, that even you, as a vampire, could feel it very well. You wanted to see him try. Your inner beast wanted him to make a move yet you didn’t want to admit it to yourself. You probably wanted him to pull you into a kiss, but you knew that pressing his warm lips against your cold ones, would make your true form would take over you. This was simply how it worked for vampires. Sensuality and temptation were what made vampires awaken and take their real form.
“Pardon?” Jungkook’s eyes rounded in response
“Uhm, no nothing” you nodded
“You’d like to watch me try?” Jungkook quirked up his infamous brow
“I was just joking, Organic boy” you rolled your eyes “Calm your dick for three seconds. Are you going to keep on acting like a hormonal brat?” you scoffed
“You just gave me an invitation” Jungkook stared at you “Do you expect me to ignore an open invitation like this one?” he slowly leaned closer to you
“You better not come near me!” you pointed at him with your shaky finger
“But I want to be near you” Jungkook pouted cutely as he raked a hand through his black raven luscious hair
You could smell his amazing aroma from the way he just ran a hand through his hair, you were killing yourself to keep your fangs from showing. The way he was jutting out his juicy red bottom lip only triggered up desire through your body. Your body was aching to firmly press your lips to his delicious ones. Jungkook smelled like a delicious midnight treat that you could easily bite in an instant.
This asshole!!Why did he shower with stupid apple scented shampoo?!!! I HATE HIM A2$$%$^#$^@$@
You firmly clenched your fists to not let your wildness take over you.
“Stop pouting you dumb idiot!” you replied
“I wanted a kiss” Jungkook kicked the ground cutely
“But you just promised me a kiss” he gently tugged on your sleeve, giving you his puppy eyes
“Come on Y/N! This isn’t fair play! You tempted me. You started the game by saying you wanted to see me try” he stepped an inch closer to your face
“I was just talking” you push his forehead with your knuckles “I wasn’t serious”
“Ah” Jungkook stepped back obviously disappointed by your response “I was looking forward to knowing how the lips of an untouched girl felt like.” He sighed in a heartbroken manner “I thought…maybe a little bit of purity could tame the bad side of me”
Purity?! Is he talking about me? I’m the danger here and you’re the victim here, Jeon Jungkook.
“Such a perverted bastard…but so f*cking poetic that I can’t even argue” you shook your head in disbelief “You really have an evil agenda where you know to say the right things in the right moments, don’t you?” you raised a brow
“My first girlfriend was older than me, so she kissed a few guys before I happened” jungkook played with his thumbs “ And the girls I hooked up with, were not that… pure either” he lowers his head in shame “ I always wondered how it could feel to be lov-- n-no! I mean…how it could feel to kiss an angel” his shiny eyes gaze into yours
“Don’t sugarcoat it, Jeon” you frowned “I know you’re trying to be seductive and it’s oddly working, but I don’t want to get involved with you like this” your cheeks turn a crimson red
“And why not?” his eyes softened “Am I that dangerous for you? I’m probably not worth the risk to give up your purity” he sipped on his wine “Wise decision. Rare, you are, but your decisions never fail to make me want you more than I did before”
“You don’t want me, Jungkook, stop being delusional! You just called me grandma earlier” you rolled your eyes “All you want is the idea of purity and it’s blinding you. What if I’m not what you think? “
“The idea of purity comes to life when it’s you… that’s why. It’s not the fact that you’re untouched, it’s your genuine personality that makes it seem that way. You’re selfless and you don’t care about what anyone else thinks.”
You soften at his sweet words. What if he was different? What if Jungkook really wanted to be a nice guy to you? Your only answer to these questions would be to avoid him. If Jungkook really did like you, then you had to protect him from your real self at all costs. Pushing him away was your one and only option.
“Maybe you just want to taint my lips, just like you did with your other hook-ups” you added
“I wouldn’t taint them! My LIPS ARE ORGANIC! ” He crossed his arms over his chest “It’d be extremely beneficial for you to kiss me!”
You facepalmed for the nth time as you heard Jungkook’s favorite word again. Organic
Oh, sweet lord…should I just bite him and leave him to die on campus? Sounds like an AMAZING IDEA.
“Yeah, so organic, you’d probably kiss your own self if you could.” You pretended to barf
“Not to brag, but I’m apparently as good kisser” the boy winked at you “I’m sure your first kiss wouldn’t go to waste with lips like mine”
“But who said my lips were untouched?” you stared back at him
Jungkook’s jaw dropped again for a few second at the scandalizing thought of imagining you kissing another man. It wasn’t long before he collected his thoughts and was ready to attack you again.
You looked at him with a perplexed gaze as he narrowed his eyes at you, by analyzing your lips. It wasn’t long before his thoughts were exposed.
“Look here, Virgin Mary, I won’t believe your lies a second-time” Jungkook pointed at you “your lips are as virgin as the olive oil Jin hyung bought last night”
“Did you just compare me to olive oil?” you raise a skeptical brow
“Yeah, because Olive oil is organ—“ he replied but you cut him off
“Organic” you mimicked him
“Exactly! Now you’re starting to sound like a decent girl “he nodded proudly before taking advantage of your dazed state to make a move  “Can we get over this and kiss now?” he slides his manly hand near your waist to pull your bodies closer
“There’s NO F*CKING WAY WE’RE KISSING” you pushed his chest
“A kiss on the cheek then!” Jungkook pleaded
“Good lord! Jungkook PLEASE BEHAVE!”
“I wanted some love” he glared at you “Forget it, I’ll go Tell Jung Hoseok that you want him in your pants”
“You better get the f*ck back here” you grab him by his collar “I don’t even like him that way” you rolled your eyes “I just thought he was sexy! That’s all!” you gulp on your saliva
“In other words, you wanted the D” Jungkook nodded
“She wanted the D” Jungkook nodded again “What a sad life” he sighed “Being deprived of the D as a college student at such a young age, what a poor unfortunate soul” he patted your shoulder “Too bad Hoseok’s dick isn’t that organ—“
“I might AS WELL BITE OFF YOUR DICK IF YOU SAY THE WORD ORGANIC AGAIN!” you throw your fist next to his face
“Damn, feisty” he chuckled sexily “This is getting wilder by the second you’re talking” his manly hold slides back onto your waist to firmly press your body against his “… and I’m getting into it.”
Your body melt against Jungkook’s firm holds on your sensitive waist. You could feel the thirst and the desperation slowly growing through your icy veins. Jungkook’s body was hot, to begin with, and you could feel it from far away, yet this time you could feel the heat through his body, precisely through your chest pressed against his. His heart was racing at a faster pace and you could feel his hormones playing with his level of temptation. Jungkook badly wanted you because of his delusion of kissing an untainted girl and you knew it too well. You had enough strength to push him off and bruise his face for approaching you like this, yet your own body was weakening under his touch. You liked the way he was holding you.
“Don’t t-t-touch me you perverted asshole!” you try to pry his hand from your waist, but there was nothing you could, as it was one of your weakest spots.
Jungkook smiled as he noticed the way you were defying him once again. He was relieved to hear you denying this kiss once again. It confirmed his belief. You weren’t like these other girls who only wanted him for his body. All of this was his way to get a reaction from you. The boy would never force himself on a lady and was simply acting like he was about to kiss you, to make you flustered. He knew your attraction towards him as your friend Jenna might have spilled the beans during their latest conversation.
His other hand takes a hold of your chin as he tilts your face up with his warm masculine fingers
“I’d like to see what kind of deal is hiding behind these twelve layers” he stared at your lips while alternating and staring into your eyes “What kind of beast is hiding in there, huh? Baby girl?” his sweet smile suddenly turned into a side smirk
The boy licks his bottom lip and you feel your fangs poking against the inside of your cheek. Your eyes round as you feel your transformation being quicker than it usually is. Jungkook was tempting you and you were being lured by the impossible amount of sensual pheromones Jungkook’s hormones were sending you. Sure, he was the one to be turned on, but it directly had an effect on your thirst, since his hormones were changing his blood’s usual composition. Jungkook’s blood was slowly making its aroma yummier by the second he’d be aroused over you.
“J-Jeon J-J-Jungkook” you slightly pushed his chest away from yours as you licked your bottom lip
“Did you call my name, baby girl?” he tilted your chin again to get your attention
“No Jungkook, this is not happening” you turned your face to the other side
Jungkook smiled as he let you go of his hold on you.
“And I’m relieved it didn’t” he smiled cutely
“W-What?” you stuttered
“It means you’re different” his soft eyes gazed into yours “You wouldn’t jump on my advances to get a piece of me like everyone else does… that’s what I mean.”
“How does that make me any different?” you blink as you recall awfully wanting a piece of him
You stepped back at the contact of his skin on yours once again. Jungkook was triggering your inner vampire to come out sooner than it usually would. You quickly grabbed the extra pill you had in your pocket.
The boy stepped back from you with a very confused gaze as he watched you. His hand dropped from your waist and his eyes were now focused on the red pill you just took out of your pocket.
“What is that? Y/N?” he furrowed his brows “don’t tell me...”
“What?” you blinked innocently before popping it into your mouth
His eyes round in panic as he watches you gulping down your martini along with your pill
“DID YOU JUST EAT PILLS WHILE SIPPING ALCOHOL?!” he shouted “Are you f*cking insane!” he grabs your wrist “What the f*ck is wrong with you?!”
 “Whoa there! Why are you shouting” you throw your palm over his lips “What if they kick us out?!”
“Are you a dumb idiot?! Taking medicine while drinking alcohol?!” he replies angrily “Do you want to kill yourself?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?”
“Kill myself?” you tilted your head
I can’t die, even if I wanted to…But do humans die from this?
“You dumb piece of shit” he buried his face in his hands
“Uhm, excuse me?!” you frowned “Did you just called me a piece of shit?! You son of a--” you attempt to hit his head again but he blocks your hand by wrapping his fingers around your wrist
“You better spit it out right now” he stared at you “There’s no way I’m watching your ass die”
“I can’t spit it out even if I wanted to” you replied
“What if you die?! What am I supposed to do then…?” Jungkook whispered under his breath “We’re going to the hospital.” He grabs your arm
“Hey!!! Where are you dragging me?! There’s no way I’m going to a hospital!” you pushed him away as you were afraid to get discovered
Why are humans so damn sensitive to everything? Can’t they chill for a bit? This kid is way too nervous for nothing *sighs* let’s comfort his ass a little bit.
“These pills aren’t harmful when they’re combined with alcohol!” you blurt out an excuse to make him calm down but the latter doesn’t respond and you suddenly feel the guilt eating you up “H-Hey” you poke his arm “Jungkook…”
“Look here Organic Boy, you get to have control over your emotions. Don’t blame your outbursts on me” you stare at him
“This girl, I swear to god” he facepalms before sighing and acting like your parent “What kind of pills are those?! Y/N! Don’t tell me you’re taking drugs”
“Calm down” you punched his arm and he winced in pain “O-Oh sorry, did I hurt you?” you blinked before patting his arm
“Y-yeah a little” he rubbed on his bicep painfully “But that’s some amazing strength you got there! I want to try wrestling you one of these times”
“Trust me, you’d rather not try this with me” you chuckled sarcastically
“Is this a challenge?” his competitive side was surfacing again
“No, Jungkook, It’s not a challenge, can we please talk about something else now?”
“Don’t change topics! What was that weird red pill?!”
You paused and choked on your words after this deadly question was thrown at you. Jungkook was a straightforward man and he wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
“I-I-It’s… uhm…I-I...”
“Are you on the pill?” Jungkook stared at you
Pill? Well yeah, I’m taking pills…? Let’s just say yes and maybe he’ll leave us alone.
“Y-Yeah” you nodded with a very skeptical look on your face
You didn’t know what Jungkook meant by being on the pill, but you thought it was the safest way to get out of this noisy situation. Vampires didn’t have periods or menstrual cycles after all, and moving to the human world barely 2 years ago, wasn’t long enough for you to figure out how women in this world survived.
“O-Oh s-so you’re really on the pill” Jungkook blushed at your response
“Why are you blushing?” you could feel the beast inside you raging at his masculine sensual pheromones calling you.
“I wasn’t blushing” he cleared his throat “I was just taken aback because you don’t seem that way.”
“Yeah?” you raised a brow
“Why are you on the pill though? Is it because you’re seeing someone?” he kicked the ground with his shoes
What is he talking about? Seeing someone? Well Yes, I take those pills because I see humans every day and I don’t want them to discover that I’m a vampire.
“Well, yes? I mean, why I would take them if it wasn’t for that?” you stared at him “I’m seeing you right now” you raised a brow
“You’re seeing me?!” Jungkook’s jaw dropped “You’re taking them for me?!” he felt his heart drop out of his chest
“Why do you seem so nervous? Did I say something wrong?” you blinked as you could feel his heart race accelerating
F*ck, why is he so damn nervous, now I’m getting hungry!#@#$@%@ why must his blood smell so damn delicious
“L-Let me sit for a few seconds, I feel very flustered right now” He moistens his bottom lip nervously
You let the boy breath a few times as he sits on the nearest chair.
“Y-Y/N?! Are you for real? You’ve been taking pills because of me?” Jungkook’s breath hitched at the thought of you taking contraceptive pills in case he’d get intimate with you
“Uhm…not necessarily just for you, but for people in general” you nodded awkwardly
Jungkook felt panic invade his body as he heard your last few words.
“For people in GENERAL?!!!” Jungkook shouted “Y/N, What did you get yourself into?!” he grabbed your shoulders “Is it because you don’t have enough to pay off college?!” His soft eyes laid upon your neutral ones before he pulled you on his sturdy chest, where you had your face buried in his good scent. You could feel his heart racing frantically as his masculine scent was invading your senses, making you slowly drunk in ecstasy “Don’t do those things!! I’ll pay for you! Please don’t sell yourself for college!” he ran his long fingers through your soft hair as he held you tightly in his arms.
So delicious, you lick your bottom lip as you could hear his bloodstream and his heart, f*ck, this is not the moment to be lured by temptation! The pills won’t have an effect for that long, and they’ll only delay the transformation! Better find a way to keep him away from me.
“Selling myself?” You slowly pushed his chest before staring at his eyes “How does that work?”
“Don’t say anything” he pulls your body closer in his embrace before muttering a few words in your ears “Is that why your skin is always so cold? You don’t even have a heater at home! And you wear a thousand layers because you feel cold, right?” Jungkook separated your bodies as  guilt was taking over him “I was such an asshole for criticizing you over your clothes all this time, I’m such a jerk, I’m so sorry” he buried his face in his hands
“Jungkook, come on, don’t cry like a maiden and get over it!” you rolled your eyes before patting his well-endowed arm
“I just made fun of the poor without being aware of your situation Y/N! This is not a matter to shrug off easily!”
I’m not even poor in the first place, but yeah… let’s leave him confused as he is already. It’s better to make him believe that I’m broke rather than make him discover that I’m a monster.
“Oh please, drama queen, get over it! I’m not offended, nor am I feeling hurt!” you ruffled his luscious hair “I may hate plants, but I believe that you’re not that bad”
“You may have cold hands, but you have such a warm heart for accepting my apology” he grabbed your fingers in his large palm
You gulped on your saliva at his sweet words. Jungkook was a known to be a playboy and you knew that his comment wasn’t being flirty but sincere this time. His warm hands and personality might be the reason why your cold heart was slowly melting for the past few weeks. You sure felt different when he was around you, but the events of this night were bound to make you look at him differently.
“Is that another lame pick up line” you rolled your eyes “Maybe I should just leave you to rot in the club and go back home?” you nodded to yourself as you were about to walk away
“H-hey! Let’s go together”
“Why do we need to go together?” you scowl “Are you planning to follow me to my place or something?” you reply
“Why? You want me to drop by your place?” he smirks
“Not in a million years” you sighed
“But on a more serious note! Please, keep me company! That’s what friends do in those moments” he walks next to you
“Why me?” you crouch your shoulders
“Why do you hate me so much?!” Jungkook stomped his foot “I have girls lining up, do you realize that I could be somewhere else, with a hot girl yet I sacrificed my Friday night to be a good friend!”
“What an egocentric piece of shit” you chuckled soullessly “Then go find your hot girl”
“Nah, I prefer spending this night examining you” he gives you that lopsided smile
“You’d rather not “you point at him
“Now that you say it, I’m curious” he comments “You don’t live on campus like the other students?”
“You’re being very fishy and disturbingly creepy Right now, Jeon Jungkook. You know that?”
“W-what?” the word Offended was written all over his forehead “Creepy? FISHY?! ME?!”
“Yeah” you burst out into a fit of giggles
“ I rarely ask girls where they live, but I was asking because I thought you might want me to walk you back home because we are friends!, but I GUESS WE CAN FORGET ABOUT IT, since I’m CREEPY” he glared at you “ I feel hurt, right here” he points at his heart like a lovesick fool
“Come on Jungkook, grow a pair, I was just teasing you” you smile
“My heart can’t handle you” he pouts
“Was this meant to be a cute pickup line?” you raised a brow “You’re working your way there, I see improvement “you give him a thumbs up
“O-Oh?” he blushed taken aback “I-It wasn’t a pickup line though” he muttered under his breath
“Idiot” you chuckled “You’re still not stopping by my place” you tapped his nose
“Why the f*ck not?” he frowned
“Who would want to drop by Virgin Mary’s place on a Friday night? Definitely not you” you commented
“I beg to differ. I want to see those three cats you own” he nudged your arm
More like 2 cats and a hybrid asshole called Park Jimin
“Yeah, well maybe another time” you smiled awkwardly
“Okay, okay” he stepped back “I just wanted to stop by and talk a little more with you, because my friends are out of town tonight, so I felt a little lonely” he sighed
Why is he acting so cute?! I just want to punch him for making me so weak.
“Mother nature should’ve thought twice before creating humans like you” you rubbed your temples “Well, I don’t live alone either, so if we’re bothering the other tenant, you’re kicked out right away, okay?” you flicked his forehead
“R-Really? I can drop by?” Jungkook’s eyes lit up
It wasn’t long before your phone started vibrating in your pocket. You hushed Jungkook as you grabbed the phone and stared at the screen for a few seconds before realizing that your hybrid probably transformed again.
Back to his human form, huh? I thought he turned into a cat every twelve hours, why is it lasting longer?
“Hey, are you coming back tonight?” Jimin mewed on the other line
“Chimney” you replied, “Is everything fine with your body changes?”
“Body changes?” Jungkook gasped from the side
“Everything is under control, apart from the fact that Jenna just showed up earlier. Can you tell your annoying friend to stop petting me?! I’m a hybrid, every time she flips me around and rubs my tummy, I feel like dying! Those are my abs she’s touching!” Jimin whined on the other line
“Is it that time of the year again” your eyes rounded
“Well no, but look! I never asked to be a cat with a human mentality” Jimin sighed “What about you, honey? How was your day?” he purred  
“Don’t honey me, you pussycat” you rolled your eyes
“Did you find a yummy treat? Or am I the one getting bitten again? Just a reminder that I’m your cat. You should be loving me not the other way around” Jimin commented
“You should be happy I’m not kicking you out! Two cats were enough, why did you had to show up and look like a homeless little bastard” you sighed
“Because my old tenant flipped her shit out when she learned I could talk” he replied “You see, I’m not judging you for being a vamp and you’re not judging me for being a hybrid. This is what we call cohabitation”
“Not really since I pay for everything”
“You get to be blessed with my presence though! Buy me some milk and tuna on your way back, kitten” he mewed “But baby, is there a boy with you?” Jimin commented “Tall, black hair and handsome eyes?”
“How the f*ck do you—“
“My ears are amazing. I suggest you hang up now because I swore I just heard him mutter the words: is she really not on drugs?”
“What?” you turned around to stare at Jungkook “I’m not on drugs!”
“How did you even hear me” Jungkook blinked
Jungkook became more and more perplexed as your conversation went on
“ I’ll be deserting the place to go woo a few kittens tonight, who knows, maybe I’ll find my match made in heaven?” he replied dreamily “ Take advantage of that time to properly lure him and bite him, I’m sure he’ll love it”
“Are you INSANE?!”
“Not insane, just stating facts. As a hybrid, I can tell you that humans find unusual things quite thrilling, which is why I was excited when I learned you were a vamp”
“But that’s not the same thing! You’re a cat!” you whispered
“Whether I’m a cat or not, men are still the same, no matter what’s their nature” you could almost feel his smirk through the phone “They will bite onto what they think is sexy”
“Bite?!” you blinked furiously as you eyed Jungkook and his delicious looking figure “I might as well take a bite first. I f*cking hate you, you know that?”
“Oh~ Have I awoken the inner beast?” Jimin giggles on the other line
“Should I castrate you later?” you reply in a threatening tone
“Castrate who?!” Jungkook blinked furiously “Damn Y/N, who are you talking with?!”
“N-No one” you stuttered “I’m hanging up now” you hung up on Jimin
“Perhaps your boyfriend?” Jungkook raised a brow as you exited the club venue “Not that I believe you have one”
“Very funny, Jeon Jungkook” you glared at him “It was my cat” your eyes round as you realize your honest reply
“Your cat?” Jungkook titled his head “Are you sure you’re not on drugs?”
“I-I meant, m-my friend Jenna! She said she would be out of town tonight” you blink “Don’t ask more questions” you put your index over his lips
“I won’t, geez, why are being so mysterious?” he gently removed your finger from his lips “and why are your hands are so cold?” he stared at your soft hand before interlacing his hand to yours
“W-What are you doing?”
“Maybe you can warm up to me, like this?” he grabbed your interlaced hands and shoved them in his jacket’s pocket
“W-Why are you acting like this? It’s not like we’re an item of anything” you blushed
“Well, maybe I want us to be an item” he replied shyly
“Or maybe you’re out of your mind” you removed your hand from his hold
“And Maybe you’re just avoiding the truth, Y/N” he stood in front of you
“What truth? The truth where you learn who I really am and you feel disgusted? I don’t want any of that, Jungkook.” you paused in front of your house’s door
“Why would I be disgusted? You’re by far the only genuine girl I encountered in this stupid university. You’re the only girl who didn’t throw herself at me when I asked her for a kiss. No, you’re the only girl who openly admitted not wanting me for her personal gain!”
“You won’t understand even if I tried explaining it to you. I’m not what you think I am” you stared at the door
“And what exactly are you? Why are you so afraid of telling me the truth?”
“I-I just can’t tell you” you turned your back to him as you opened the front door of your apartment before blocking him from getting inside “ J-Just go away”
“I’m not leaving until you tell me what’s going on!” he blocked the door “I would never think you’re disgusting nor would I ever turn my back on you, no matter what it is about”
“That’s what you believe you would do, but I know well enough that people like you aren’t like that” you stared at him “Just leave before it’s too late” you stared at your watch.
“What is it? Are you going to transform like Cinderella before midnight? I’m sure it can’t be that bad. Why can’t you trust me?”
“It’s not you, Jungkook! It’s me! I can’t trust myself.” You stare at the ground as your fangs were slowly growing
“Why would you be afraid of being true to me? I trust you so please trust yourself” he gently grabbed your wrist
“I can’t, Jungkook. I’m dangerous for you and y-you don’t know what you’re getting yourself into” you yanked your wrist away from him “Just please, stay away from me. I don’t want you to get hurt”
“I won’t get hurt Y/N. I trust you”
“I came this far. I’m going inside and I’m going to see what’s going on, no matter what it takes. Try stopping me later, but I’m not backing away from you. ” He pushed you inside your apartment before closing the door behind both of you
“W-why did you do it”
You bury your face in your hands as you sense your transformation taking place. Your eyes turning from their usual color to a dark wine tone of seduction, your hair turning into long and shiny locks of beauty, your lips turning red just like your eyes, your skin glistening like a rare diamond and your teeth turning into fangs.
Jungkook’s eyes rounded as he watched your transformation. The boy was in awe, unable to process the situation. You looked unreal and so beautiful, he could not close his mouth. Never had he ever thought being so intrigued and excited about a vampire. You made him vulnerable and weak for you. If he previously liked you, then his feelings got confirmed after seeing your true self, as he felt like it was love at first sight.
“Whoa…” he blinked “Is this a dream? Or am I just going insane?” he rubbed his eyes “Never have I ever seen anything as beautiful as you” he walked closer to you “This is what you wanted to hide from me?! Are you insane? How dare you shield such beauty from me?!” he grabbed your wrist, locking eyes with your sensual ones
“Oh please, spare me the dialogue, Jungkook. I know you only think I look hot.” you sighed
“Feeling attracted is an understatement. I think I fell in love.” His mesmerized eyes stared into your wine colored orbs
“Y-You’re being delusional, Jungkook” you yanked your wrist away from him “I’m a disgusting beast” you buried your face in your hands “I could hurt you”
“Disgusting? You?” he stared at your skin in amazement, gently touching your soft locks “You’re the reason why I can’t focus on anything right now, yet you call yourself disgusting? Y/N, are you insane? I’m here, having a midlife crisis over how amazing this transformation was and you’re calling yourself disgusting?” he grabbed your hand once again “You wouldn’t hurt me and I’m not afraid of you, okay? Please have a little faith in yourself. You look stunning and I’m the only disgusting one here because I can’t help but drool because of your ethereal beauty”
“Just face it, I’m a monster” you hid your face in your palms again “Please don’t look at me”
“Hey” Jungkook grabbed your wrists “Don’t say that!”
“Go away!” You try pushing him away “You don’t know what you’re getting into!”
“You’re actually...” he bit on his bottom lips “Kind of… sexy”
“Jungkook?!” you scoffed “Is this a f*cking joke?! You’re locked in a room with a monster and those are the first words you mutter?!”
“But you’re not a monster” he replies “You’re my friend Y/N and you look…” he licks on his bottom lip “I can’t believe that you were hiding these goodies under twelve layers! I feel hurt now!” he tries easing the mood “You should’ve had shared the goods with me!”
“Jungkook please” you facepalm “I have fangs and I drink blood to survive! Can’t you understand that this is getting dangerous?!”
“So what? Who gives a flying f*ck about your fangs and your shiny skin?!” he grabbed your wrists “They’re what make you into the girl you are, and they make you beautiful”
“N-No they’re not!” You hung your head low “They’re what turn me into a monster”
“Look at me” he tilts up your chin “Girls are all different. Some are thin, some are curvy, some are fair, some are darker, and some are short, some are tall….and you?” he stares at you in adoration “ You just happen to have a little extra, and I like that” he caresses your upper lip to reveal your fangs “You’re beautiful, okay? Never let anyone tell you otherwise”
“You’re just trying to make me feel better”
“No I’m not” he slides his warm soft fingers on your arms “Your supernatural shiny skin is gorgeous and you shine like a diamond! I never thought I’d say that b-but… I kind of dig this kind of thing. Your fangs are the sexiest thing I ever saw on a girl before!” he stuttered shyly
“You’re such a weird guy, organic boy” you shake your head in disbelief “Anyone would have thrown garlic at me at this point and you’re still here trying to convince me that I’m beautiful?”
“Then those people are the biggest idiots on this planet.” Jungkook chuckled “They’re idiots, for passing a chance to be friends with a cool girl like you” he brushed his thumb on the side of your cheek “Your eyes are so gorgeous”
“S-Stop” you replied shyly
“They’re dark red, my favorite color” he whispered against your ear “It’d be sexy if you had a pair of matching lingerie to go with these tempting orbs of yours” he leaned closer to your face “ Girls usually wear red lipstick to attract, but your eyes alone, can kill all other girls.”
“Yeah Jungkook” You nodded “My eyes can kill people, I’m a monster” you sighed “Just leave before I kill you as well”
“Why do you keep on labeling yourself as dangerous? Stop saying that” he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear “You’re perfect the way you are and I…I will keep on liking you even if you’re different” his ears turned a shade of red
“You like me?” stared at him from the corner of his eyes “As if this thing couldn’t get any worse” you stood up “You can’t like me, Jungkook. This isn’t right! Just like you always talk about natural processes and Mother Nature. This is against the law of nature. Therefore, we must stay away from each other, Organic boy”
“Well for the first time in my life, I don’t feel like following nature’s law. You always hated my knowledge of earth science and I always loved calling you out for hating it, simply because I wanted you to spare a glance at me. Now that we’re here, I could care less. All I want is you”
“This isn’t some sort of game, Jeon Jungkook” you frowned “This could really get dangerous and the last thing I’d like, is to hurt you by accident”
“Aw, look at you being all sweet and caring towards me” Jungkook smiled sweetly, “You’re adorable, Y/N. That’s all there is.” He stepped closer to you
“I drink blood, Jungkook. Why can’t it get through your head? Did you let your brain cells die or something?!”
“First of all, my brain cells can’t function around you because you’re so damn ethereal I can’t focus. Second of all, I trust you and you should probably do the same.”
“I’m just a monster. When will you get it?” you hid your face in your palms
“Hey, little monster” he poked your waist and you hissed at his soft touch on your waist “Did you just hiss at me?” he chuckled
You felt your cheeks turning red in embarrassment at your sudden protective mode. Jungkook was having the time of his life and you just wanted to crawl and hide somewhere in a corner.
“What kind of vampire hisses cutely like you do? It’s confirmed, you’re no vamp, you’re a cute kitten” he nuzzles his cute nose in the crook of your soft neck
Jungkook nuzzles the crook of your neck, sending shivers down your spine. You were a vampire, yet the boy managed to make you feel things you never felt before. You were cold, yet you were feeling shivers on your skin.
“Maybe I’ll be the one biting you for the rest of the night” he licked your ear
“B-Bite m-m-me?” You stammered as his hot breath was near your ears “W-why are you so warm?!” You flinch at the feeling of his wet tongue against your sensitive ear “This is getting so weird” you suddenly sit up
Jungkook’s predatory acts were making you surrender. The boy had his own ways to make you forget that you were dangerous to him. His presence and love were reassuring.
“I’m feeling very weird right now” you cup your cheeks
“That’s just how humans do it, sweetie” you could feel him smirk next to your ear
“You lick people’s ears?” you suddenly slide your cold fingers on Jungkook’s biceps “This is how humans seduce their mates?” you furrowed your brows in utter confusion
“You’re such a curious one, aren’t you?” Jungkook let out a breathy chuckle “It feels like I got myself a new pet or something” he chuckled as he sensed your glare before regaining his cool
“A new pet? Should I crush your balls too?” You smiled sarcastically
“Or maybe not. I was joking, obviously” he blinked nervously “J-Just tell me what’s wrong with kissing your ears?”
“Humans are weird” you furrow your brows at the new sensation
“How do you guys do it then?” Jungkook raised a brow
“We bite the neck” you blinked innocently
“Then why don’t you bite me?” Jungkook cupped your cheek
The need to seduce and the satisfaction to have Jungkook at your mercy would take over you. Vampires would seduce the prey they like and suck them off, as racy as it sounds, the sucking part is a bit more horrid than the word humans use it for. You’d suck off his blood and Jungkook would either be stuck to be your prey-mate, or stuck to transform into a vampire just like you. As much as the options sounded delicious in your perspective, you still didn’t want to involve Jungkook in your matters. Jungkook was a cheerful bright young man and there was no way you were going to take his youth away from him by transforming him or keeping him as your mate for the rest of his life.
“I-I can’t possibly do that! What if I end up killing you?!” you shouted
“Relax, I trust you” he landed a kiss on your shoulder “Don’t you want a sip of me?” he raised a seductive brow
“I’d rather smack your face all night long” you rolled your eyes
“Oh, I like it when you talk dirty, Y/N” he replied sarcastically
“Shut up, Organic boy” you rolled your eyes “Unless you want us to get laid in a coffin, I suggest you remain silent”
“I said I was okay with doing it in a church, not in a coffin!!” His eyes rounded “Vampires are on another level.” He blinked as he stared at you one last time “How about we take things, slow? I don’t feel like having sex in a coffin” he made a meme face
“Awww, Organic boy is scared?”
“What’s next, a threesome with a bat? Yeah, sounds like something vampires would do” Jungkook blinked “Please tell me I’m wrong” he shivered “No, please tell me you’re not into threesomes that involve bats” he faked a sob against your shoulder
“You’re hilarious” you laughed “Let’s just sleep, Jungkook.”
“Please tell me we’re not sleeping in a coffin?!” he scowled “What am I getting into?” he stared at his surroundings “The kind of things I do for love” he sighed one last time before staring at you in adoration “but she’s worth it”
Tell me your thoughts in the ask box/ comments :) 
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twinkiplier · 7 years
AntiSepticEye: Explained
Alright, I’m going to sit down and clear up anything and everything I can think of about Anti right now, so I don’t end up random-spamming for no reason and hitting my post limit again. This is going to be long, but I want people to read it, so hang tight. 
What do we know about AntiSepticEye?
- He is an entity that shares a body with JackSepticEye. - He has proclaimed his purpose is to take over Jack’s channel. - He was named by the community, not by himself. - He alludes to drawing power from the community noticing him. - He has taken over Jack three times now. - Each time has been slightly different, for different reasons. - Each time, he has taken over something new that belongs to Jack. - He has knowledge of, and interacts with, at least one of Jack’s other Egos. (Doctor Schneeplestein) - Doctor Schneeplestein, and himself, have both alluded to him being an outside entity that gets inside a person’s brain to take control. - Jack, on multiple occasions, has referred to him as a demon. - He has explicitly stated that he has killed Jack. - He wears different clothing than Jack; specifically dark green hair, a black tee shirt, and gauges. Occasionally has black eyes or one ‘septic’ eye (green/blue). - Always has a slit throat. - Prefers to speak/type in glitched Zalgo text. - Has associated himself with childrens’ laughter.
So what does this mean? What is AntiSepticEye?
Many have speculated that Anti may in fact be a demon whose sole purpose is to kill Jack and take over his channel. But have you noticed how he acts?
- Giggles almost incessantly. - Twitches and glitches. - Smiles almost constantly. - Makes broad movements, sometimes violently. - Points a knife at the camera. - Holds a knife to his own/Jack’s neck. - Reaches towards the camera. - Directs all speech towards the camera. - Whispers in the background.
How he speaks?
- Speaks with confidence, usually in absolutes. It’s all mine. There’s nothing you can do. - Places blame for his existence on the viewers. This is all your fault. You just watched. - Talks almost always about Jack. You can’t save him. He’s gone forever. - Acknowledges social media. They all follow me now. - Talks about the others (Jack, Schneep, Chase) as if they’re less than he is, but also acknowledges that they’re precious to the audience in a way that he is not. - Talks about how ‘weak’ Jack is, specifically his body, and how that allowed him to take over.
All of this is attention-grabbing, it’s made explicitly to get us to pay attention to him, to Anti. He does everything in teasing trails, cliffhangers, hints and messages that get everyone talking about him and he seems to love it. But when things go wrong, he gets angry. He gets upset because he’s not receiving the attention he craves.
- I’m tired of pretending. - How many times must we... keep fooling around? Over and over, fucking circles! - I’m. In. CONTROL. This is MY world. - Has become upset enough to actually swear. - Shows extreme distaste for the mocking name of “Glitch Bitch”. - Lashes out some with his knife. - Talks much more grandiose than usual, especially about himself. - Stresses that he cannot be gotten rid of. - Thumps his chest, gets closer to the camera to stress that he is the center of attention. - Sarcastically uses the words ‘favorite boy’ in reference to his next victim, who is slightly unclear at the moment - likely Jack or Chase.
He hates that he has to pretend to be Jack for so long in order to wind up the perfect amount of tension to get everyone involved. He hates that he had to ‘go in circles’, that he had to wind down so that he could explode again. He hates that if he stays, the hype will eventually die. He absolutely hates that people are rooting against him, with their #septicsave tag and theories of how to destroy or get rid of him. He hates that the attention may be on him, but more of it is on his victims. He hates what his hype has become. That’s why he’s upset.
So did Anti kill Jack?
Jack himself said after Say Goodbye that no, Anti did not kill him. This, according to Anti, was him pretending. So you can see why people would be skeptical of the vlog after Kill JackSepticEye stating almost the exact same thing. Anti didn’t kill me.
The thing is, this is a vlog - there is no intro of ‘Top o’ the mornin to ya laddies, my name is JackSepticEye.’ This isn’t Jack. This is Sean. Yes, there is a difference between Sean and Jack, if you think about it he’s ‘in character’ for almost all of his videos. Same for Markiplier, for PewDiePie, for any other gamer that goes by a pseudonym or nickname. They don’t always act the way they do on camera in real life, because they’re playing a character and they’ve become comfortable in that. 
So from this, we can infer that it could technically be possible for Anti to kill Jack. Because Jack is another persona of Sean’s. But did he kill Jack? Well, Schneep stated that he has almost lost Jack once before, and had to save him. We can infer that this incident took place during Say Goodbye, where Anti first took over, and Schneep must have saved Jack just after. In Kill JackSepticEye, though, it’s implied that not only did Anti kill Jack, but he also killed Schneep. We’ve seen, though, that Anti seems to be able to function perfectly well with Jack simply incapacitated. After all, if he hadn’t been killed during Say Goodbye, then what says he was actually killed during Kill JackSepticEye? Again, what Anti does is all for attention. If he really kills Jack, then he can’t ‘kill’ him again at a later date for more hype. Then again, with his frustration, he may have been forced to take drastic measures.
As far as we know, this is a ‘Schneeplestein’s Jack’ equation - Jack is either alive or dead, and we won’t know until Sean or Anti opens the box on us, revealing everything.
You didn’t answer my question. What is AntiSepticEye?
I know, you needed that information first.
It’s implied that Anti is a demon, yes, but what kind of demon? Some have speculated that he’s a Bill Cipher sort of demon, able to make ‘deal with the devil’ sort of trades, and that’s how he killed Chase. We have no evidence for this, but it’s a nice theory if you like angst. Another thought is that he’s not a demon at all but some sort of sentient virus that takes over a brain via the blood and corrupts it. Working off of the virus theory is that he’s able to take over electronics instead, although it doesn’t explain why he’s able to take over Jack’s body. These are all good theories, and mine is just one of them, but I think it has enough merit to warrant a read:
AntiSepticEye is part of Jack. Part of Sean, and his collective of Egos. He always has been. This would make it impossible for him to actually kill Jack without killing a part of himself, thus making his own form weaker. Why does Anti want to kill Jack? Because he wants to take over his channel. Why does he want to take over the channel? Because he wants attention.
But why does he want attention in the first place?
This is something I’m not sure anyone has actually covered, at least not that I’ve seen. Anti’s been constantly referred to as a demon, but if he’s part of Jack, then what does that mean? He’s one of Jack’s demons. His internal ones. In my mind, he’s less of an Ego like Markiplier’s, and more of a Side like Thomas Sanders’. He’s the embodiment of Jack’s greediness, his want for more attention and more views. It’s something that definitely helps him, likely motivates him to make sure he gets videos out and stays on schedule, but when left unchecked it does things like make hype over sudden, unexpected merch.
The thing is, Anti feels frustrated. He feels ignored because he tried so hard to make this happen, to build up to his grand finale of actually killing JackSepticEye, and the community ruined it for him by defending Jack, and Chase, and Schneep, and even the Egos he hadn’t even targeted. They made him upset by using the #septicsave tag, which by a large majority was used to separate him from the rest of the egos-- from the rest of himself. It was used to make him seem like an outsider, something other, something evil. They wanted to save the others from him, but they stopped caring about Anti himself.
The first time he surged, everyone was focused entirely on him. They drew fanart, made theories, but it was all about him and that’s what he wanted. He wanted to feel heard and feel like he existed because before then he’d never been noticed. Jack had never put him out there to be noticed. He loved it so much he appeared not too soon after, introducing Jack at PAX East. The results were still positive, but not so much so, and he decided he needed to step up his game and go into hiding for a whole lot longer than that.
But when he started back up again, the short burst of hype was filled with people saying things like, ‘he’d better not come back again’ and ‘I hate this’ and ‘just get it over with’. Like people didn’t want him to show up again. Like they didn’t appreciate him. And that’s probably what upset him the most, the fact that we didn’t seem to want him around anymore. The effect was multiplied when people started making assumptions about Chase, bringing him into the equation and shoving Anti further into the ‘bad guy’ role without him doing anything. That’s not what he wanted, he wanted the attention to be on him, not his supposed victims. And because he felt ignored, felt pushed aside and dismissed in favor of the more ‘important’ sides of Jack, he got mad.
In almost all of the pictures Anti posted, even where he’s smiling, he looks pissed. His expression is tight, less of a smile and more of a grimace or snarl. He’s not smiling at all in the other two, glaring into the camera. We made him angry, we didn’t give him the attention he wanted, and so he had no choice but to yell and scream at us, to make us listen. But we didn’t listen, we just yelled back and begged him to ‘post the next video and get it over with’. Not because we wanted to see him again, but because we wanted him to be done and go.
So he did. He never posted the next video. He went back to his Jack facade (or possibly let Jack go) and left us alone, because that’s the only way he’s going to get attention. And he hates it. He hates being excluded like this.
So what do we do about it?
I propose that the next time Anti shows up, if he shows up again, we give an overwhelmingly positive response. Anti is a little messed up in the head, he may be psychopathic or sociopathic to some extent, but that doesn’t mean he’s not looking for our attention, our approval. He’s always watching us, watching us watch him, looking at our reaction to see if he’s doing it right, if he’s doing what we want him to do.
If we give him loving responses, tell him how happy we are to see him again and draw fanart of just him, put the spotlight back on him, maybe he won’t be so upset. Maybe that’s how we apologize for hurting his feelings. For making him mad. We give him what he wants, and maybe he’ll see he’s just as important to us as the other parts of Jack are, and that he doesn’t need to threaten them get our attention. He doesn’t want to be Jack, he doesn’t want to kill Jack. He wants us to love him just like we love Jack. He wants the attention, the love and support Jack has, that Chase and Schneep and Jackieboy Man and Marvin the Magician and even SepticEye Sam have. He’s always treated as a demon or a monster, or some outside virus.
But he’s not. He’s part of Jack. And I think we need to show him that we understand that.
We love you, Anti. Please come back. <3
tl;dr - Anti is a part of Jack, and we need to love and respect him.
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littlejedii · 7 years
Long Exposure flower shop AU. This was written off this fanart by sadcooki WOW it’s just so good GO LOOK AT IT please. Made me think of the song Bloom by the Paper Kites. Maybe probably to be posted on ao3 someday maybe? Idk. Story under the break!
It’s a Wednesday, their slowest day of the week. Even worse yet it’s a chilly, windy Wednesday; the clear sky and bright sun deceptive of the dropping October temperatures. Everybody’s bought their Mums for the fall season and the Sunflowers in their greenhouse are starting to wilt a bit.
First thing Mitch does is check on the Indian corn, then the dried Sumac his mom wants to make wreaths with. The heat is on, he’s sure of it, since the warm gust of air that had welcomed him in the early morning had made his eyes tired and heavy.
Regardless, he checks the thermostat, then makes his way back to the greenhouse. It’s barely the size of a backyard shed, lined with damaged plywood shelves on all sides. He starts at the bottom shelf, gently moving each pot out just slightly to check on the plant’s growth.
October is his least favorite month for succulents, but he checks each and every one all the same.
The bottom shelf is the chilliest, populated by small terracotta pots of cold-hardy Senecio Haworthii Cocoon Plant. He runs his fingertips over the fine hair of the plant. They won’t produce their pretty yellow flowers for some time, but they’re sprouting up happily ahead of schedule.
Next shelf up is his favorite for the month, Kalanchoe Tomentosa. For now, these are the smallest, but they’ll grow nicely. The little buds will mature to become alluring, but dangerous; he doesn’t sell them to people with cats or kids or anything likely to eat it, because it’s super poisonous. Which is pretty killer, if you ask him.
Top shelf are his pride and joy, the Echinocereus Reichenbachii. The cacti are growing thick with mean spikes despite the poor conditions, and he grins. It’ll be hard to sell these beauties.
He never actually made it far enough in science classes for their technical names to mean dick to him, but he still calls each and every one by its given name. Writes them down, knows how to pronounce them, makes an effort to remember them. It’s a respect thing. It’s probably why they grow for him even in the cooler weather with only the protection of their shitty, ramshackle greenhouse.
He turns away, crouching to check the bed of soil on the floor. Heavy leaves and thick vines twist and curl through the dirt and onto the floor, yellow flowers dotting the green. A few yellowish pumpkins cling to the vines.
The bell on the door jingles, alerting him of his Mom’s arrival.
That, and her shrill voice rings out, “OH brrr, it’s cold as a witch’s tit outside! Feels so nice in here, huh, Mitchy?”
“Yup,” he calls back, trimming the dead leaves from the pumpkin plant and carefully shutting the door to the greenhouse to amble his way back inside.
“Gonna be a slow day, huh?”
“Mm,” he grunts. He’s not exactly looking forward to being here all day, yet again, just like every other day.
But supporting his mom’s dream is worth it. So it’s okay. As Henrietta pulls her hair up into a ponytail and lights her first cigarette of the day, he sighs. It’s gonna be a long one. Winter sales are painfully slow this time of year. Too far from Halloween from pumpkins, but they can’t grow that many anyway. Too wintery for gardens, because everyone’s content letting their summer flowers die off. Far, far off from the holiday season of holly and berry and poinsettia.
Flower shop limbo. What purgatory feels like, probably.
Henrietta busies herself all morning, humming and smoking while she makes pretty wreathes. Burlap bows and twine wrap her creations, brightened by the Indian corn and Sumac Mitch had fetched for her. He moves their larger plants and bushes around at his Mom’s command, and in no time he’s caked head to toe in dirt.
“I changed my mind, put that Little Henry on the top shelf and move the Brandywine out to the front, so people can see it.”
“In the window?”
“No, next to the doors! And look,” she holds up one of her creations happily, “so cute. Would this be nice on the door?”
“Yeah, I think it’d be perfect,” he responds, smiling a bit. Her excitement about the little things makes the terrible mundaneness of this place bearable. He lugs the Brandywine out to the front, shivering as a large gust whips down the narrow street. A shirt with sleeves probably would have been a good decision today, he thinks as he hangs Henrietta’s decoration on the door. As he’s lugging the second, inexplicably heavier Brandywine over their doorjam, he hears the quick shuffle of footsteps interrupt the silent morning.
Must be 9:30 already. The morning really flew by. Pretending not to look, he stares from the side of his eye at the figure ambling down the street. The boy wraps his jacket tighter around himself, ducking his head as the sharp winds blow his wild, chocolate brown curls around. The sun’s doing that thing it always does around this time, becomes bright and golden as the boy walks down the street, illuminating all the shop windows and catching the mailboxes.
Almost like the dark-haired boy himself is the sun, brightening everything for a single glorious moment before he ducks into the cafe across the street. Mitch sighs. Another day, another opportunity to talk to him passed because he’s too goddamn chicken. How long had he been watching him from afar? Maybe something like 8 months now. He’s thought about going into the cafe, ordering something for the chance to talk to the guy, but that’s too... forced. Lost in thought, he barely hears his Mom calling him from inside.
She’s hand-painted them a sign, “Freddie’s Flowers” in happy blue letters on white, and it’s his job to hang it above the stained red awning on the front of the building. He teeters on the very top step of a rickety ladder, his knees wavering as he grips nails between his teeth and hammers the sign into the wood siding. Another big gust of wind and he’s shaking, from cold and the shuddering ladder.
“Hey up there,” he hears a musical voice call. He looks down, squinting against the sunshine. Big green eyes and a shy smile greet him. The air is knocked from his lungs.
It’s the boy.
Mitch nearly inhales a nail as he drops the hammer, fumbling it in his hands and getting far too close to dropping off the ladder. He scrambles down, awkward, gangly limbs barely catching the rungs before his ratty sneakers hit the pavement.
The boy’s so small. Even prettier up close. A smattering of freckles adorns him, from the expanse of his smooth forehead, down the curve of his neck, then disappear under the collar of his sweater. His teeth are pearly, perfectly straight below his lips, and he’s still grinning. His curls are loose, wild, look like they feel so incredibly soft. He smells amazing.
Mitch hasn’t said anything for almost a solid minute, and the boy is starting to look slightly unnerved.
“Hi. Hey,” Mitch breathes.
“Hi,” the boy’s smile grows, “Are you Freddie?”
“Ah, no. I’m Mitch,” his words falter only slightly. It’s been years since he’s been called his brothers name.
“Oh, nice to meet you. I’m Jonas, I work- like, right there,” he finishes with a soft giggle, pointing across the street.
“Yeah, I know,” Mitch says automatically. “I see you- I see you most days, walking in,” he prattles, trying to recover as his face flushes red.
“I usually see you, too,” Jonas smiles softly, “but you’ve never come in, so I thought I’d bring something to you.” He raises a white cup, stamped with a picture of a Magnolia flower, and extends it out to Mitch.
Goddamn he fucking hates coffee. But he takes it, his freezing fingers brushing against Jonas’ as he takes it and knocks back a swig.
I mean, at least the boy tried to make it drinkable. There’s probably cream and sugar in it, but fuck, it’s still so disgusting. He keeps his face straight as the bitter liquid sits on his tongue.
“Thanks, it’s good,” he lies. “I needed this.”
“Yeah, I just thought you looked hot- COLD. I thought you looked cold. I thought you needed something hot. To drink. So I brought you coffee,” a blush is rising from Jonas’ neck, over his cheeks and up to his hairline as he sputters the words out.
“No, it’s perfect, I did,” Mitch responds quickly. “Thanks, thank you.”
They stay quiet for a moment, Jonas staring into the window of the shop, Mitch staring at Jonas.
“I’ll see you around then, right?” Jonas asks, cocking his head to the side and looking painfully cute.
“Yeah,” Mitch answers back far too quickly, then clears his throat. “Definitely.” They smile at each other for just a second before Jonas nods and turns away, walking quickly back into the cafe across the street. His heart is beating rapidly.
So that didn’t go amazing. He wasn’t smooth or flirtatious or charming like he had always dreamed he’d be when he finally got the balls to talk to Jonas, but it could’ve gone worse. He stares through the window of the cafe and takes another sip of coffee, using everything in him not to shudder at the taste. Through the window he catches Jonas’ green eyes on him again. They widen in embarrassment as he looks down and away, shuffling away from the glass. Mitch grins.
Yeah. That definitely could’ve gone worse.
The next day he comes in late, lugging a heavy box of plastic pots from their garden supplier and grunts his way through the backdoor. He’s in a shitty mood. Their supplier got them the wrong size pots, it had started to pour as he was loading them into the truck, and worst of all he didn’t see Jonas through the cafe window. He slings his apron over his neck lazily as he pushes his soaking wet hair back. Henriettas’ chattering away to a customer at the counter, but he doesn’t bother paying attention, standing on his tiptoes to pull a heavy Oakleaf Hydrangea from the top shelf someone had ordered earlier.
“Hey up there,” a familiar voice rings out, and he can’t control how fast he spins around with a grin.
“Hey! It’s- it’s Jonas, right?” Mitch asks, making like he hasn’t been repeating the name over and over in his head since the moment he heard it.
“Yeah. I needed some flowers for the tables, so of course I’d come here. I was... wondering where you were,” Jonas finishes quickly, staring intently at Mitch’s exposed arms then darting his eyes away to the bush.
“I had to pick up a delivery,” Mitch says, bending to place the plant down, “so what’re you thinkin’ for the tables?”
“Gosh. I have no idea,” Jonas lets out an embarrassed, breathy laugh. “Something... Fall-y? Yellow, or oranges maybe? Reds? I’m terrible at this stuff.”
“I have an idea. C’mere” he nods, leading Jonas to their fridge and bending to gather some stems. “I’ll do it. Just some sprigs, yeah?”
“Yeah, the vases are really small, and we have five tables,” Jonas leans down to watch what he’s doing, and Mitch stops breathing. He smells like warm bread and vanilla, and his hand lays softly on Mitch’s shoulder to balance himself.
“How’s, uh, how’s this?” he asks, raising a small arrangement. “Antique Rose, Foxglove, Agonis and some Privet Berries. It’s not really what you asked for, but-”
“No! No, it’s perfect. But how much-”
“Nothing. Consider ‘em payback for the coffee,” Mitch says, red face turned away from Jonas as the small hand squeezes his shoulder. His long fingers waver a bit as he wraps the arrangements with twine.
When he stands to hand them over, Jonas beams up at him. He’s breathless when Jonas’ fingers graze his, sending electricity down his arms as he thanks him for the flowers. The smaller boy walks out with a shy wave, and bids goodbye to Henrietta. Mitch watches him walk the entire way back to the cafe. His mom clears her throat and he looks over to her. She’s got a Cheshire grin.
“He’s cute as hell.”
“So ask him out!”
“Him? He’s way outta my league. I’ll just... keep givin’ him flowers. And drinkin’ that nasty coffee,” he makes a face. Henrietta shakes her head, smiling as she plucks a stem of Thistle from his t-shirt.
Jonas brings him a coffee the next morning.
And the next one.
And the next afternoon, when he comes in late again from delivery. He does the cafe’s flowers once a week as repayment. Months since their first meeting, Mitch still hasn’t gotten the courage to take anything further than a shy smile, a familiar hello, a kind favor. Though they don’t talk much, their encounters are always filled with touch. A soft, small hand on his bicep. Fingers grazing his and remaining on them just a second too long. Once he had even pulled a leaf from Jonas’ curls, knees weak at the silkiness of his hair.
One rainy day, when Jonas brings him a drink and turns to leave, Mitch catches his arm.
“Wait,” he says, and he swears when Jonas turns back around he looks hopeful. “I’m about to take a break. Do you... Wanna sit down with me?”
“Sure,” Jonas breathes back. Mitch drops his arm and leads him to the back, pulling out a folding chair and gesturing to it as he leans against the potting table.
“Sid’ll probably wonder where I am,” Jonas muses, but plops down in the chair as his eyes scan the ribbon wall, the bouquet wraps, the filler flowers in the cooler. Their knees are almost touching in the close space. He doesn’t stay seated for long before his eyes widen and he rises, brushing past Mitch to the cooler and pointing at a wedding arrangement.
“This is gorgeous!” he grins, and Mitch comes up behind him.
“Yeah, can’t take credit for that. That was my Mom... but I’ll make you one like that. If you want it.” One of his long arms is caging Jonas in against the cooler, the other places the coffee down and shoves into his pocket.
“I couldn’t ask you to do that,” Jonas waves noncommittally and glances back at him.
“You... I dunno. You wouldn’t have to. Ask, I mean,” he’s fumbling and blushing.
“Why not?”
“Well,” he starts, his eyes on the back of Jonas’ neck as he stares into the cooler, “I like doin’ flowers for you. You appreciate ‘em.” Jonas laughs and turns, his back pressed against the glass and his front nearly pressed against Mitch. Bravely, Mitch doesn’t back up or retreat. He keeps close.
“That’s how I feel about bringing you coffee, too,” Jonas says almost dreamily, then hums out a laugh. “Feels nice.”
Jonas’ gem-green eyes are locked on his, and he’s melting. His skin sears as Jonas shifts against him, their torsos so close to touching, their hands knocking intermittently as Jonas moves and he feels a knee brush against his. It’s electric.
“I dunno... I feel kinda shitty,” he says honestly, staring down with adoration. Jonas’ eyes become alarmed.
“What? Why?”
“I mean... I’ve kinda been lyin’ to ya,” the words are said with a sheepish grin.
“About what?”
“You won’t get mad?”
“I hope not,” Jonas retorts with a cocked eyebrow. Mitch snorts.
“I... don’t like coffee.” He looks away, rubbing the back of his neck and casting his eyes down as Jonas inhales. He hears giggling, bubbly and musical but slightly muffled. Jonas’ freckled hand is over his mouth. He shakes his head as he brings the hand to run through his curls.
“I don’t believe it,” he says, still laughing softly, “I- I’m actually really allergic to flowers.” Mitch bites his lower lips and snorts, chuckling through his teeth as they both turn bright red.
“I like your coffee, though,” he says after an extended silence.
“Your flowers don’t bother me that much, either,” Jonas grins, so bright and gorgeous that Mitch can’t stand not touching him for a moment longer. He brings his hands up to cradle Jonas’ cheeks, reveling in the warmth of them under his cold fingers. Jonas’ smile drops, but his eyes brighten as they grow closer, close than they’ve ever been.
Mitch closes the gap quickly, his eyes slipping closed as he softens into the warmth of Jonas’ mouth. Arms wind around his neck and pull him closer as they kiss slowly, the world seeming to disappear. He could spend forever like this, only focusing on Jonas and his lips and skin and smell. He intends to, actually.
He teases Jonas lower lips with his teeth, tastes his tongue and presses them firmly together. Small steps close the gap between their bodies, and suddenly he’s pressing Jonas into the cool glass while hands stroke the back of his neck gently. Jonas’ panting is one of the most magnificent sounds he’s ever heard, that along with the soft whine which escapes him.
“Oh, Mitch,” Jonas moans, just above a whisper. He was enamored before, but now he’s beyond smitten hearing the sound of his name on Jonas’ lips.
“God, Joey baby, that sounds nice,” he sighs between their kisses, his heart fluttering as Jonas’ hands make their way into his hair. They’re in heaven, wrapped up in each other for what seems like an eternity, shutting off everything but the parts of themselves dedicated to the other.
A loud bang makes them jump and instantly they’re feet apart, wiping their swollen lips and blushing furiously.
“Mit- Oh fuck, shit, sorry! Keep goin’, sorry!” Henrietta raises her eyebrows, waving her hands and backing out of the door. Their breathing is heavy as they look back at each other.
“So. D’ya wanna... go out sometime? On a real date?” Mitch says, swallowing thickly.
“That sounds pretty great,” Jonas flushes with a smile, still out of breath. “We can go for coffee.”
“Yeah. I’ll bring flowers.”
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gutter-guy-100 · 8 years
And There Were Daffodils in Her Eyes
Read chapter 5 here on AO3
Summary:  Asigiri Minori is going to change.
Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 - Chapter 3 - Chapter 4 - Chapter 5
I would like to thank you all so much for the overwhelming support I’ve recived while writing this fic, I’d also like to bring attention to some fantastic artists who have created fanart for the series: teruki-terugay, hybridshadzart, ilee-font, And malengold made two pieces! (If you make a piece tag it with 'And There Were Daffodils in Her Eyes' so I don't miss it!)
Thank you again, you can read under the cut or at Ao3!
Days turned into weeks and weeks quickly turned into a month. An entire month Minori had spent at Salt Middle School. Though time didn’t move fast for Minori. Her days started with her rolling out of bed in the morning from sleepless nights and ended with sweat and tears after long training sessions with Teru. In Between were tiring classes and failed attempts to have any sort of casual conversation with Mob.
Lunch had quickly become one of the only nice parts of Minori’s day. Everyday Minori ate lunch with Mezato in either the newspaper club’s room or the courtyard. Mezato was great to be around. She was chatty and knew everyone in the school, she was nice and was genuinely interested in things Minori had to say. It felt strange, having a real friend, someone who didn’t know about her wealth, or that was using her for her popularity, or that was just plain terrified of her.
Thanks to Mezato she had been able to meet other students too. Emi was one, a sweet, if not shy, girl with brown hair and a lovely smile. She hung around the newspaper club room often to try and get her short stories published. Mezato always argued that the school’s newspaper wasn’t for works of fiction. Minori had offered to read Emi’s novels and she thought they were pretty great.
Minori also had the honor of meeting Tsubomi, a girl who Mezato had described as “Salt Middle School’s idol”. It was obvious why, Tsubomi was beautiful and sweet and friendly. And she was so damn nice. Tsubomi is everything Minori could have been. Tsubomi had rose to popularity because of her own kindness, not because she was rich or manipulative, she was popular because she was nice and pretty and everything Minori could never be. Still, Minori couldn’t even hate her because she was just so damn perfect . It made Minori sick .
Minori had learned that a lot of things made her sick now. Bad dreams and big tests and large groups of people and sometimes when she saw a stray cats walking alleys she could feel her stomach twist. She wasn’t always like this, in fact it was all very new, she just figured it was a side effect of her new powers or a reminder of her past self. She did know that she wanted it to stop.
She wanted to be anywhere but here, On her hands and knees in a restroom stall staring down at the toilet water. What had triggered it this time, she doesn't know. Was it the volume of the classroom? The fact that she had a math test today that she had skipped out on studying for? It could have been the way Mob had looked at her when she had said good morning to him, a vacant stare and a monotone ‘hello’ that once again reminded Minori that just maybe, this was a horrible idea, and just maybe, he doesn’t give a shit about her.
Whatever the cause, it didn’t matter right now. Because right now she felt her stomach lurch and her throat grow hot and the taste of acid spread through her mouth. Her hands pulled her hair back tight as her entire body contracted. Chunks of her lunch and breakfast from the day hit the water, some splashing back and hitting her cheeks. She retched until there was nothing left in her but dark green bile and spit. With the vomit came tears that streamed down her face and dropped into the toilet bowl with all of the garbage that had just left her body. She clutched her stomach and heaved one more time before hugging her knees to her chest and leaning against the wall of the bathroom stall.
She felt low. Lower than ever. Nothing but her now-stifled sobs echoed through the air.
A loud knock on the bathroom stall interrupted her. She let out a quiet gasp when she turned to see someone's shoes from under the crack of the bathroom stall. If she hadn’t just emptied her stomach she probably would have thrown up again.
"Um," it was a boy’s voice, "Doing okay in there? You know this is the boys bathroom, right?"
An almost silent "oh my god," left Minori's lips. She didn't even think to look at which bathroom she was entering before she ran in.
She reaches her hand to flush the toilet and grips the toilet paper dispenser to help her stand to her feet. "S-sorry. I didn't realize." She wipes her mouth with the palm of her hand and then wipes the spit and acidic residue off on her skirt. It leaves a gross green stain behind that won’t be fun to wash out later.
She opened the stall door to be greeted by a taller, brown haired boy. He wore an unreadable expression that almost reminded her of Mob. Her face flushed red with embarrassment and she focused her gaze to the floor. She sidesteps past the boy and goes to the sink to wash her hands and face. She wished that she had a toothbrush or a mint or anything that could mask the stench of vomit on her breath.
"I think you should go to the nurse."
"I'm fine, re-"
"No, seriously." She’s almost taken aback by how serious the boy’s tone is, "You should go to the nurse. I'll take you."
Minori decides that it's best not to argue with him. She agrees with an almost silent, "Okay."
With that the boy turned to exit the bathroom. Minori followed closely behind him, peaking her head out of the bathroom door nervously and checking the hallway for other students.
The boy looked back at her, "No one is in the hallway, don't worry."
The two walked down the hallway together in silence. Minori stared at the back of the boy’s head as they walked. She wasn’t sure if she had ever seen the boy on campus, he didn’t look too familiar. There was something that felt off about him though. The closer Minori was to him, the more she felt the familiar warmth of an aura that she had only found in other espers, 'Is he...?'
The boy stopped so suddenly the she almost ran right into his back. "This is the nurse’s office."
"Oh, thank you so much, um..."
Minori twitched into a small smile, "Thank you, Takenaka-kun."
Takenaka turns to meet her eyes, his gaze concentrated. For just a moment, the air feels almost a little too uncomfortable for Minori. When he finally responds, it's somewhat quiet, "You shouldn't overwork yourself."
"What... what do you mean by that?"
Takenaka let's out a sigh and shrugs, "You just looked like you needed to hear that." Minori isn't sure how to take that, but he isn't exactly wrong. "Anyway, feel better."
Minori watched the boy walk down the hallway until he disappeared behind the corner. 'Ah, I forgot to tell him my name,' she thinks. She hopes that she'll catch him in the halls someday so she can properly introduce herself.
She turned to look at the door to the nurse's office and for a split second contemplated turning around and going back to class. The angry growl her stomach made swayed her decision.
The nurse had insisted that she go home early. Her father, in his usual overly dramatic fashion, called off the rest of his meetings for the day so he could pick her up himself. Minori was glad that she had insisted on making her father let her take the train to and from school. The sleek black car with tinted windows that pulled up to the school gates really did seem to stick out against the ordinary atmosphere of Seasoning City. The driver’s side window opened and Minori locked eyes with her father’s chauffeur. ‘He could have just driven himself,’ she thinks as the chauffeur opens the backseat door for her. She slides into her seat and smiles at her father who’s sitting in the seat next to her.
“How are you feeling, sweetheart?” Worried was plastered all of her poor father’s face.
“I think I’m okay.” she leaned back  and rested her knees on the back of the empty passenger seat, “It might have just been something I ate.”
“Alright, as long as you’re feeling better now.” He rests a hand on her shoulder, “I’m proud of you, Minori. Transferring to a new school, making good friends, doing well in your classes, I feel like you’ve grown up so much.” Minori can hear her father’s voice beginning to choke up, “You’re doing great.”
Minori smiled, “I’m just doing my best.”
“And how’s that Kageyama boy doing?”
“He’s… fine. He’s a really nice boy.” Minori avoided her father’s questioning gaze and turned her attention to her cracked fingernails.
“I’m sure he is. The next time you see him, I want you to tell him and that master of his that we still owe them the world for what they did for us.”
Minori’s brows furrowed as she looked back at her father, “Master…?”
“Yes, I haven’t been able to contact him since back then, but Kageyama was brought to the exorcism by another man. Some self-proclaimed psychic.” Her father let out a soft chuckle, “I wouldn’t just invite a kid to preform exorcism, I’m no madman!”
Minori doesn’t ever remember seeing a ‘master’ with Mob, she’s not even sure that he’s ever mentioned having a master. He has mentioned having a job before though. A part of her wants to think that maybe, just maybe, she could get Mob to take her to meet his master so she can meet him. The other part of her thinks that it is a horrible idea that will only bring more friction between her and Mob.
“I’ll stop by his workplace tomorrow after school and thank him.”
When they get home Minori makes sure to take some medication to soothe her stomach pains and nausea. Her father tried to convince her to see the doctor, but she reassured him that she just needed to sleep it off. And that’s exactly what she did. When she wraps herself up tight under the fluffy blue covers of her bed she’s asleep almost the moment she hit the pillow.
It doesn’t feel like long though, before she’s woken up by the sound of incessant ringing. In a groggy state, she groped her sheets to try and find her phone that had gotten lost between blankets and pillows. By the time she finally has it in hand the ringing had stopped. She clicks the home button and squints her eyes as they adjust to the brightness. ‘4 missed calls from Teruki Hanazawa’
“Shit!” Minori shoots up from her bundle of blankets and pillows, ‘I didn’t tell him,’ She thinks as she quickly scrolls through her contacts, ‘he’s going to be pissed.’
The phone only rings once before Teru picks up. “Where are you?”
“Teru-san! I’m so, so sorry! I got sick at school and I forgot to tell you that I wasn’t coming today. I’m so sorry, I-”
“It’s fine.” The tone of his voice indicated that it was absolutely not fine. “Tomorrow we’ll just train twice as hard.”
Minori swalled hard, “Um, actually… I’m doing something after school tomorrow, so I…” She trails off her sentence when she hears an exasperated sigh come from the other end of the line.
“Asigiri-san, I’m starting to think that maybe you don’t take this as seriously as I once thought. I’m not going to waste mine time on you if-”
“No, Teru-san! I am taking it seriously, I’m sorry. Friday we’ll train three times as hard, I’ll try to lift the building of you want me to!”
She hears a breathy laugh coming from Teru, “No need for that. I have something special planned for you, don’t worry. Now, if you're sick then you should get some rest.”
“Thank you, Teru-san. And once again, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s fine, just remember to let me know ahead of time. I’ll let you go now, tell Kageyama-kun that I said hi.”
“I will.” Minori lets out a sigh of relief as she ends the call and drops the phone back onto her bed. She was half expecting Teru to be a lot harder on her. Teru was a little scary, to say the least. He worked Minori until she was on the verge of tears sometimes. Having her lift and throw things and levitating herself and testing every boundary of her powers. It was paying off at least, Minori finally had a pretty good grip on reeling in her powers, no more accidentally exploding objects or floating her bed up two feet in the air every time she had a nightmare.
Minori laid back down in her mess of pillows and blankets and closed her eyes.  In her head she rehearsed what she would say to Mob tomorrow until she drifted back to sleep.
Mob had kept his distance from Minori since the day he took her to train with Teru. To him, he had done his job in helping her and saw no need to offer her any further assistance. It was impossible to completely avoid her though, especially when she was in the same class as him and had started making friends with the people he knew. No one is completely avoidable. But he had kept his distance.
That's why when she had suddenly approached him near the school gates at the end of the day, he was not-so-pleasantly surprised.
“Mob-kun!” Mob turned around to see Minori jogging over to him, waving her hand excitably on the air to catch his attention. She slowed her pace and smiled as she approached  him, “Hey! I um, I wanted to ask you something,” Mob gave her a slight nod before she continued, “I know this seems like it’s coming out of nowhere, but I’d like to meet your master.”
Mob answers Minori with a confused look, furrowing him brows and curling his lips together, “Um. Why?”
“I just,” Minori reached into her schoolbag that was hanging off of her shoulder. She dug around for a moment and then pulled out an envelope, perfectly white with a wax seal holding it shut, “My father wrote this thank you letter, I wanted to hand it to him directly. I have a lot to thank him for.”
Minori didn’t know what answer she was expecting, but she was pleasantly surprised when she heard Mob mutter a quiet “Okay,” and started to walk.
Minori followed close behind Mob. After a month of attending school in Seasoning City it doesn’t feel like such a foreign place anymore. She recognized buildings and streets and could probably navigate her way around town by herself now.
Minori tried to break the uncomfortable silence that had grown between the two, “So, what exactly do you do at your job?”
“Exorcise spirits, give consultations, things like that. Master Reigen does most of the work, really.”
“Wow, are there really that many spirits out there?”
“Well, there are a lot of dead people, so.”
Minori felt her face flush, she made a mental note to not ask anymore dumb questions. “I haven’t seen any spirits yet, do you even think I have the ability to?”
“All espers do.” Mob slowed his pace as they approached a building, a large sign hanging from the side read “Spirits and Such Consultation Office”. They make their way up four flights of stairs before they reach an office door with a small plaque next to it reading the same Spirits and Such name that was on the sign outside.
Mob opened up the office door and flicked on the lights. The office was small and had an almost a homey feeling. The smell of incense and lavender fill the air as Minori walked inside. Mob headed over to the desk and started shuffling through papers and folders that were strewn all across the wooden surface. "Master Reigen is probably out right now, you can go ahead and sit down while you wait for him." He motions over to two chairs that sat adjacent to each other in the corner of the room. She walks over to one of the chairs and goes to sit down, but she jumps back when she sees someone was already there. Something between a gasp and a yell gets stuck in her throat, and she can only make a distressed sound as she practically scrambles backwards.
"M-Mob-kun! There's someone in here!"
Mob doesn't even look up from the desk he was organizing, "It's just Suzuki-kun. He's a friend."
"Oh, okay..." Minori looks down at the boy, curled up like a cat on the small chair. The way he was curled up, practically contracting his entire body, looks painful to Minori, but he seems to be in a pleasantly deep sleep. He almost look a little too eccentric to be a friend of Mob’s. Bright red messy hair, a face dusted with freckles, and a warm aura that Minori could feel from where she was standing.
Mob walked over to the chair and gently nudged the boy, "Suzuki-kun, its late in the afternoon. You should get up."
There's a moment before the boy starts stirring. He let out a loud yawn and stretches out his body across the small loveseat. "Hmm, thanks for waking me Shige." The boy sits up and stretches his arms over his head, letting out one last yawn before he finally notices Minori. “Oh, hey. Sorry Shige, I didn’t realise you had a client in right now.”
“She’s not a client she’s a… friend. She’s here to meet Master Reigen.”
“Hi,” Minori extends a polite hand towards the boy, “I’m Asigiri Minori, it’s nice to meet you.”
The redhead stands up and grabs Minor’s hand, shaking it a little too enthusiastically, “Suzuki Shou, nice to meet you too!” Minori can’t help but to smile, the energy Shou gives off is almost refreshing. He looks past Minori’s shoulder and over to Mob, “Reigen is out meeting someone, but he left a while ago so I’m sure he’ll be back soon.”
“Alright, thank you Suzuki-kun.”
“No problem,” Shou made his way over to the open window behind the desk, “Well, I’m out, I’ll see you later, Shige.” He flashed a smile to Minori, “Nice meeting you, Asisgiri!” And with a wave of his hand, he climps up and jumps out the window.
Minori watches in horror and slight confusion,“Why didn't he just use the door?! We’re four stories up!”
Mob shrugs, “That’s just the way Suzuki-kun is.” Mob makes his way back over to the desk, “Um, I could make you some  tea, If you’d like that.”
A smile blooms across Minori's face, “Yeah, I’d really like that.”
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