#i tried to include all the bosses that had some sort of build up to get to them
manofthepipis · 1 year
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clericsong · 3 months
sunday and robin ramblings 🕊
long post ahead containing some thoughts on sunday and robin because i'm really obsessed with them.
to start this, i want to talk about how self-sacrificial sunday is. even going past his plan where he literally intends to suffer to create paradise in true jesus figure fashion, robin mentions that while she confides in and receives support from sunday, he doesn't tell her anything. in her letter, we see her being concerned for him because she knows he's so overworked as well, taking on so much on his own, and from the robin pc, we see how much he tried to bear his loneliness in her absence. it's clear he didn't want to worry or burden robin, but i also believe he was doing this to prepare for his role past a certain point.
i headcanon that this self-sacrificial nature comes partly from witnessing his mother's death and having a survivor's guilt reaction to it, as well as a protectiveness for his last living family, robin- feeling guilt perhaps that his mother could not be saved, he's determined to protect robin from the same fate, at the cost of his 'unworthy' life; (once again, this is mostly inferred) the belief of this unworthiness may stem not only from wishing his mother had been saved instead, but also the way his inability to effectively protect robin as he wants- from her audience, from getting shot, then 'murdered'- is dangled over him time and time again, thus highlighting his failure properly parent her in their mother's place. this nature of his is then further cultivated by gopher wood to fit his agenda; i am also of the belief that he purposely encouraged the divide between the siblings, specifically robin's differing philosophy (it's shown he was indoctrinating sunday specifically with the teachings of the order as opposed to robin who was taught the odes of harmony), then her career and absence from her brother's side, in order to further isolate sunday so he could groom him.
and building off of that, i think it shows a paradox in sunday's sense of self-worth: with his monologue on it against the individualistic philosophy of the strong exploiting the weak, sunday is collectivist to the point of self-effacement, and yet he's extremely isolated in that he cannot trust in or rely on anyone, not even his sister. he's so ready to throw himself under the bus for "the greater good," and yet he also cannot believe in a world that isn't under his control.
and that brings me to robin, who embodies the very contradiction in sunday's logic: hope and kindness, the humanity in helping one another that ties us all together in true harmony. robin, who even in opposing sunday, cares for him so much that she asks him to reconsider his plan bc she does not want him to compromise himself. who embraces him in his defeat, and searches for him afterward. it feels as if when she challenges him during the boss fight is the first time it occurs to him that there's someone who would wish for his salvation and happiness as well, that robin loves him too much to let him do this to himself. he was ready to make a perfect world for her where she wouldn't need his support, a paradise where she would forever be shielded, but robin's core is helping people; she wouldn't be satisfied with an escapist fantasy where she's detached from the people she wants to help, and that includes him. she never stops reaching for him.
we have already heard countless times how despite robin's caged bird imagery, sunday is the truly caged bird in his isolation and ideology, along with the sort of world he seeks to create, emphasized further by his design elements (especially in contrast to robin): pierced wings, a set of wings that can't be spread, a more covered up, stiff, confined design, etc. but i'd like to add another inversion: in robin's teaser, we see that sunday is the one crying between them. i like to think this detail was intentional: even if sunday tries to be strong, and does everything to protect robin, he is resultantly the more vulnerable of the two siblings, or rather "the weaker": restricted by his position in the family, isolated without a support system, exploited by the strong through gopher wood's grooming, and made to suffer for the sake of a paradise for others. meanwhile robin is the stronger of the two: she comes out of her trauma with her own wounds, but rises from them with a renewed will to help others, she questions the role she's put in, she breaks out of her confines as an idol to do humanitarian work, and even wakes from ena's dream on her own. and once again, she never stops reaching out for sunday, embodying her very philosophy, whereas sunday contradicts his own philosophy in that to create his paradise, "the weak," in this case being himself, must suffer.
but sunday also contradicts his philosophy in a different way. he believes in a cruel world where the strong and individualistic take advantage of the weak, and yet there's someone who wishes to help others so much he is ready to damn himself for their happiness, someone who, despite being misguided, feels so much responsibility over helping the weak, someone who has unconditionally supported his sister without seeking anything in return. perhaps robin has such strong convictions in people helping each other because she witnessed it from him.
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quinloki · 2 years
Some Direction
Fem Reader x Roronoa Zoro
26 Chapters - 58,485 words Version with images can be found here.
CW: Language, stalking, violence, sexual themes and situations, ptsd -- surprisingly fluffy despite it all. 18+ only
Summary: This is a time where a new world government has taken over. While the world is now at peace, marriage and reproduction are in decline. This New World Order has stepped in and forced the population into arranged marriages. You've been matched with Roronoa Zoro.
Inspired by Lyndsyh 's Closure series - Which you should read! The world building and character usage is really well done! (It is *very* angsty, especially compared to my piece, but I wanted to do something more light hearted while I enjoyed Lyndsy's hard work =D https://www.wattpad.com/story/151287153-closure-trafalgar-law-x-reader )
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Chapter 1: Meeting
You had been at work in the library when a man in an ill-fitting government issue suit and tie had approached you with a package. Everyone knew what it meant, these sorts of notices weren't sent through the mail, but you were a little upset you were being notified in the middle of work. You weren't exactly fond of being the center of attention, unless it was during a presentation for the library, and even then you weren't leaping for joy at the prospect.
Your boss, an older gentleman with a slim build, an impressive afro and an exceptional love of tea came over to you as you turned the envelope over in your hands.
"Oh-hohohoho, your fate has been decided I see, (Y/N). You can take a break and review it in the back room." He offers, taking a sip of his tea. "I can watch your section for a little bit, oh-."
"But your eyes don't work anymore," you mutter with a sigh. Normally you didn't dislike his jokes, but you were in a soured mood now. "Mr. Brook, your sight is amazing given your age."
"You mustn't deprive an old man of his jokes, (Y/N)." He pouts. You often teased him for being older than most of the books in the library, but there wasn't a fleck of grey in his hair, and despite his slim build, he was in good physical condition. You wouldn't be surprised to see him performing in a circus or some other equally high energy venue.
"Mm." Smacking the envelope against your palm you turn toward him. "Thank you, I think I will go in the back and open this."
Sitting down in the mostly private back room you opened your Match Book. Match Books had a lot of information in them, part of why they were delivered by hand, and that information included things like pictures, phone numbers, addresses, work information, blood type, interests, family situations, and other bits of data to help make a first meeting go smoothly. Matches had 48 hours to meet after receiving their Match Books, and six months to arrange their weddings.
You always felt the process went a little too quickly, but it worked more often than not. Even if part of that had to do with the law itself, the punishments for breaking fidelity and the fact that there was a robust system in place to offer marriage counseling. The whole point was to make people stable enough and happy enough to bring the population numbers back up. As well as the Government could hope to facilitate such a thing, they had done a socially accepted good job of it.
Your first look at your match made your face twitch. He looked like a hoodlum! He had three piercings in one ear, a scar that was only impressive because you weren't sure how he survived getting it, and every picture seemed to have caught him with a scowl. There wasn't one image of him smiling or laughing, and he had a sword in his hand – sometimes in both hands and one in his mouth – in almost every shot.
Match Book photos were candid images, but it seemed like your match had two settings: wielding swords or sleeping.
First impressions could be poor, so you tried not to let it drain you, but you had really expected your match to, well, match you. At the risk of being cruel, you weren't entirely sure this Roronoa Zoro even knew how to read. The data did show he graduated, so he was educated. As you read more details your initial concerns melted away a little and you started to understand how you were both matched.
You and Zoro were both orphans, you had both gotten through school quietly. While your grades were higher, they weren't that much higher. You did martial arts to keep in shape, but not competitively, and certainly you could see how they'd connect that with his passion. The dojo he attended was owned by his adoptive father, and it wasn't far from where you lived and worked.
You heard a low whistle behind you and let out a long-suffering sigh. Nami was looking over your shoulder.
"I did not expect you to get matched with such a -."
"Muscle Head?" You prompt.
"I was going to say hunk, but that works." She sits down across from you, a mischievous grin on her face. "So?" Nami was looking forward to her match adamantly. Though, knowing her as well as you did you imagined it had more to do with her desire to get matched with a rich man, as opposed to any romantic reasons.
You shrug. "Match Books hardly spark a connection on their own. I guess we'll see how it goes. I'll give it a couple hours before I reach out. I don't want to contact him before he's had a chance to flip through whatever they gave him about me."
You didn't want to make too many assumptions, and you didn't even want to read the whole Match Book. There was just something too clinical about getting to know a person from a government provided dossier. You'd rather get to know him through conversation.
Time for a change of topic. "How're things going in the sea chart restoration project?" You ask Nami, pulling your eyes away from the book.
Nami smiles. "It's been a real pleasure. Thanks for telling me about it, it's the most fun I've had with old sea charts since I was a kid."
"Yeah, sorry you gotta deal with the old man."
"Oh don't be, I've already made a few thousand berries off him."
You freeze. "Nami, you did not."
"Of course I did, it's just underwear, (Y/N)."
You put your head in your hands and sigh. There's a pat on your arm as another of your coworkers, Nico Robin, is closing your Match Book for you and giving you a look that already has you worried. The older lady was still young by conventional standards, just older than you and Nami. She normally had the most impressive neutral expression on her face and in her voice, but not right now.
"You'll want to go to the study desks, (Y/N). There's a young man with green hair looking through a Match Book, and, well..." She tilts her head toward your Match Book.
Your eyes go wide. "No way." You grab the Match Book and go out into the library proper, heading over to the study desks. There was no running in the library, so you were half-a-pace away from jogging.
You didn't have to look around long to catch sight of him. Green hair was pretty easy to spot. You walk toward him automatically, not really thinking about what you would do or say. Of all the places he could end up reading his Match Book, it would be your library. It wasn't like you'd spent your life looking forward to meeting your match, you had a more practical outlook on the whole thing. Something about this felt a little overwhelming though, and you realize as you are reaching out toward him that he might need space.
Stopping short of reaching him by a few feet, you stand there in silence for a moment trying to decide what to do.
"Need something?" He questions, and you feel a shiver run up your back. Match Books couldn't tell you what someone else sounded like, and his voice was pleasant, if not a little irritated at the moment. What catches you off guard the most was the fact that he hadn't even so much as twitched his head in your direction. There was no way he could've seen you, and you didn't wear hard-soled shoes, so you hadn't made any noise despite the speed in which you approached.
How in the heck did he know you were there?
"No, er, yes. I mean. I'm sorry, it was quite rude of me to approach you this way." You bow, as you usually do when giving an apology at work, and hear the chair slide across the floor as he turns toward you.
"What do you mean," he starts to question as you straighten back up, "by... that." His eyes go wide as realization dawns on him. "Gah! I thought you were at the library by the dojo! What're you doing here?"
You blink at him blankly for a moment. "But... this is the library by the dojo."
Next Chapter
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Some Direction
CisFem Reader x Roronoa Zoro
26 Chapters - 58,485 words - COMPLETED
CW: Language, stalking, violence, sexual themes and situations, ptsd -- surprisingly fluffy despite it all. 18+ only
Summary: This is a time where a new world government has taken over. While the world is now at peace, marriage and reproduction are in decline. This New World Order has stepped in and forced the population into arranged marriages. You've been matched with Roronoa Zoro.
Inspired by Lyndsyh 's Closure series - Which you should read! The world building and character usage is really well done! (It is *very* angsty, especially compared to my piece, but I wanted to do something more light hearted while I enjoyed Lyndsy's hard work =D https://www.wattpad.com/story/151287153-closure-trafalgar-law-x-reader )
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Chapter 1: Meeting
You had been at work in the library when a man in an ill-fitting government issue suit and tie had approached you with a package. Everyone knew what it meant, these sorts of notices weren't sent through the mail, but you were a little upset you were being notified in the middle of work. You weren't exactly fond of being the center of attention, unless it was during a presentation for the library, and even then you weren't leaping for joy at the prospect.
Your boss, an older gentleman with a slim build, an impressive afro and an exceptional love of tea came over to you as you turned the envelope over in your hands.
"Oh-hohohoho, your fate has been decided I see, (Y/N). You can take a break and review it in the back room." He offers, taking a sip of his tea. "I can watch your section for a little bit, oh-."
"But your eyes don't work anymore," you mutter with a sigh. Normally you didn't dislike his jokes, but you were in a soured mood now. "Mr. Brook, your sight is amazing given your age."
"You mustn't deprive an old man of his jokes, (Y/N)." He pouts. You often teased him for being older than most of the books in the library, but there wasn't a fleck of grey in his hair, and despite his slim build, he was in good physical condition. You wouldn't be surprised to see him performing in a circus or some other equally high energy venue.
"Mm." Smacking the envelope against your palm you turn toward him. "Thank you, I think I will go in the back and open this."
Sitting down in the mostly private back room you opened your Match Book. Match Books had a lot of information in them, part of why they were delivered by hand, and that information included things like pictures, phone numbers, addresses, work information, blood type, interests, family situations, and other bits of data to help make a first meeting go smoothly. Matches had 48 hours to meet after receiving their Match Books, and six months to arrange their weddings.
You always felt the process went a little too quickly, but it worked more often than not. Even if part of that had to do with the law itself, the punishments for breaking fidelity and the fact that there was a robust system in place to offer marriage counseling. The whole point was to make people stable enough and happy enough to bring the population numbers back up. As well as the Government could hope to facilitate such a thing, they had done a socially accepted good job of it.
Your first look at your match made your face twitch. He looked like a hoodlum! He had three piercings in one ear, a scar that was only impressive because you weren't sure how he survived getting it, and every picture seemed to have caught him with a scowl. There wasn't one image of him smiling or laughing, and he had a sword in his hand – sometimes in both hands and one in his mouth – in almost every shot.
Match Book photos were candid images, but it seemed like your match had two settings: wielding swords or sleeping.
First impressions could be poor, so you tried not to let it drain you, but you had really expected your match to, well, match you. At the risk of being cruel, you weren't entirely sure this Roronoa Zoro even knew how to read. The data did show he graduated, so he was educated. As you read more details your initial concerns melted away a little and you started to understand how you were both matched.
You and Zoro were both orphans, you had both gotten through school quietly. While your grades were higher, they weren't that much higher. You did martial arts to keep in shape, but not competitively, and certainly you could see how they'd connect that with his passion. The dojo he attended was owned by his adoptive father, and it wasn't far from where you lived and worked.
You heard a low whistle behind you and let out a long-suffering sigh. Nami was looking over your shoulder.
"I did not expect you to get matched with such a -."
"Muscle Head?" You prompt.
"I was going to say hunk, but that works." She sits down across from you, a mischievous grin on her face. "So?" Nami was looking forward to her match adamantly. Though, knowing her as well as you did you imagined it had more to do with her desire to get matched with a rich man, as opposed to any romantic reasons.
You shrug. "Match Books hardly spark a connection on their own. I guess we'll see how it goes. I'll give it a couple hours before I reach out. I don't want to contact him before he's had a chance to flip through whatever they gave him about me."
You didn't want to make too many assumptions, and you didn't even want to read the whole Match Book. There was just something too clinical about getting to know a person from a government provided dossier. You'd rather get to know him through conversation.
Time for a change of topic. "How're things going in the sea chart restoration project?" You ask Nami, pulling your eyes away from the book.
Nami smiles. "It's been a real pleasure. Thanks for telling me about it, it's the most fun I've had with old sea charts since I was a kid."
"Yeah, sorry you gotta deal with the old man."
"Oh don't be, I've already made a few thousand berries off him."
You freeze. "Nami, you did not."
"Of course I did, it's just underwear, (Y/N)."
You put your head in your hands and sigh. There's a pat on your arm as another of your coworkers, Nico Robin, is closing your Match Book for you and giving you a look that already has you worried. The older lady was still young by conventional standards, just older than you and Nami. She normally had the most impressive neutral expression on her face and in her voice, but not right now.
"You'll want to go to the study desks, (Y/N). There's a young man with green hair looking through a Match Book, and, well..." She tilts her head toward your Match Book.
Your eyes go wide. "No way." You grab the Match Book and go out into the library proper, heading over to the study desks. There was no running in the library, so you were half-a-pace away from jogging.
You didn't have to look around long to catch sight of him. Green hair was pretty easy to spot. You walk toward him automatically, not really thinking about what you would do or say. Of all the places he could end up reading his Match Book, it would be your library. It wasn't like you'd spent your life looking forward to meeting your match, you had a more practical outlook on the whole thing. Something about this felt a little overwhelming though, and you realize as you are reaching out toward him that he might need space.
Stopping short of reaching him by a few feet, you stand there in silence for a moment trying to decide what to do.
"Need something?" He questions, and you feel a shiver run up your back. Match Books couldn't tell you what someone else sounded like, and his voice was pleasant, if not a little irritated at the moment. What catches you off guard the most was the fact that he hadn't even so much as twitched his head in your direction. There was no way he could've seen you, and you didn't wear hard-soled shoes, so you hadn't made any noise despite the speed in which you approached.
How in the heck did he know you were there?
"No, er, yes. I mean. I'm sorry, it was quite rude of me to approach you this way." You bow, as you usually do when giving an apology at work, and hear the chair slide across the floor as he turns toward you.
"What do you mean," he starts to question as you straighten back up, "by... that." His eyes go wide as realization dawns on him. "Gah! I thought you were at the library by the dojo! What're you doing here?"
You blink at him blankly for a moment. "But... this is the library by the dojo."
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formulauno98 · 2 years
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Once Upon a Time in Silverstone | Chapter Six
Word Count: 8k
So it was official. You were dating your boss. Not the ideal circumstances but sometimes you had to follow your heart instead of your brain. Ever the sensible pair, you decided to keep things lowkey, until one day they weren't.
Warnings: Eating out (and not the kind you do in a restaurant) 🌶
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
You’d been in the UK for the last week, the longest you’d spent in your home nation since Winter break. Having found a permanent home during the last Summer break, you were almost there in furnishing the place to the point where it felt homely. It was a modern barn conversion, with lots of exposed wood and glass with plush cream furnishings. You’d been so busy with work it had been a true labour of love and you had just one room left to tackle. The house had three bedrooms so naturally, you’d allocated the third to be a walk-in closet, a vision that was yet to be fully realised.
As you stepped over the multitude of shoe boxes that lay scattered across the floor to get to the temporary rail that housed your clothes, you figured it was time to do something about it. You hated the place but there was only one store where you’d be able to find the shelving you needed. Ikea.
You spent the morning browsing their website for the multitude of options that were on offer and decided to bite the bullet and order some shelving units. You would keep the rails for now but you could at least get your shoes and bags off of the floor. Surprisingly they were able to deliver the next day so you pressed the order button and set about clearing some space.
While you were busy tidying, your phone buzzed. Looking down you saw that it was Toto. You hadn’t seen him much since your return to the UK as he’d been in London ironing out some deals while you held the fort in Brackley. In a surprisingly sweet gesture, he’d texted you every day to say good morning and goodnight and had suggested you meet over the weekend.
Morning Y/N, I hope you slept well. Are you around tomorrow morning? I thought we could go for a walk in the country and get some lunch if you’d like? 
Smiling at his surprisingly formal text, you typed out a response.
Hey stranger, I’d love that. The only thing is that I ordered some furniture and it’s supposed to arrive tomorrow morning. Could we have lunch and then a walk?
You returned to your sorting, grinning away to yourself that you were finally going on a date with Toto. You’d started everything backwards so it was nice that he was making the effort. Your phone buzzed again.
Sure. To be safe shall we do a late lunch? I can pick you up at 2?
Sudden panic set in, Toto was coming to your house. He was notorious for being a neat freak and kept everything hidden away in his office. You tried to echo this but you always seemed to accumulate clutter in your office. Your house was even more relaxed as you were always tired when returning from race weekends and often left things lying around.
Sounds good, I’ll share my location so you can find me, my address is not always on GPS. Looking forward to it. x
You followed up with your location as you knew he would never find it without the exact pinpoint. Numerous taxi drivers had failed to find it so you’d taken to just sending coordinates.
Thank you, I’m looking forward to it too. Enjoy the rest of your day! X
You smiled as he signed off with a kiss, something he’d never done before. 
You’d spent the rest of your Saturday frantically tidying and pampering. Even though you knew he’d likely step foot inside your house for all of two seconds and you’d be having a casual lunch in a country pub you wanted everything to look nice, yourself included.
Waking up at eight, you hoped that your furniture would come early so you could perhaps build a unit or two before you needed to get ready. The tracking from Ikea told you that you were the next stop so you busied yourself hoovering the fluffy cream rug in your living room while you waited.
Sure enough, it was not long before the doorbell rang, meaning your shelves had arrived. As you directed the delivery man to leave them in the spare room, you clocked the long boxes and were worried you’d taken on more than you could handle with this build. As soon as he left you set about opening one of the boxes and reading the instructions. It seemed easy enough so you fetched your tool kit and set about building the first of the four shelving units.
To your dismay, it was not as easy as it seemed. You’d got as far as screwing the sides together but no matter how hard you pushed, you couldn’t slide the back panel in. Frustrated, you decided to come back to it and opened the second box, repeating the process and again reaching a sticking point. Huffing you looked at the time and realised with horror that it was past one o’clock and you really needed to get ready. 
Pulling out a black crochet sundress and tan leather gladiator sandals you quickly got ready, hoping this was the right vibe for a first date. Silly as it sounded you had butterflies in your stomach, something you’d not felt for a long time. You took extra care in doing your hair and make-up, trying to go for the no-effort look which of course took double the amount of time and effort. With one final hair tousle and shake you were done, with two minutes to spare.
Punctual as ever, your doorbell rang for the second time that morning, only this time you opened it to a casually dressed Toto, holding a big bunch of pale pink roses.
“I’ve missed you,” he said, leaning down to kiss you chastely. “Here, these are for you.”
Taking the flowers from him, you beamed, “I’ve missed you too. Thank you, they’re beautiful, that’s so sweet, let me go and put them in some water and I’ll be right out. Do you want anything to drink before we go?”
“I’m fine thanks, I’ll wait here,” he said, curiously peering around your entrance hall. You had put up some large art pieces, leant a huge arch-shaped mirror against the wall facing the stairs and had topped a console table with several small frames with family photos. 
As you made your way through to the kitchen your heart was pounding. Toto was a handsome man but you always thought he looked particularly good when he dressed down. Contrary to most, you found the white shirt and black trousered Mercedes uniform a little corporate for your taste.
You carefully placed the roses into the small stoppered section of your sink, turning on the tap and making sure they had enough water. Grabbing your handbag you made to go when Toto came through the doorway to the kitchen.
“I’ve just been admiring your photos, you were a very cute child. I don’t know what happened,” he said with a grin.
You edged closer to Toto, “You are so cheeky, let’s see your childhood photos.” 
“You’ll have to come to my mother’s house for those I’m afraid,” he said, glancing down at you as you set your handbag down on the kitchen island and wrapped your hands around his hips, pulling him closer.
“I’m willing to make the trip,” you said, reaching up to kiss him once more. 
“Good to know,” he replied, breaking the kiss. “Before we go, can I have a tour? I’m curious to see the rest of the house, you never talk about it.”
“Sure why not. So this is the kitchen, where I do the cooking.” You gestured around you at the bright kitchen space with white wooden shaker cabinets topped with light grey marble.
“Oh really, I never could have guessed that.” he said dryly, “I like it. It’s very well finished.” He ran his hand along the marble countertop on the kitchen island, “Did you choose this?”
“Sadly no, this was a large selling point of the house, the kitchens and bathrooms needed nothing changing.”
“Ah that explains why it’s so tasteful.” he said, slipping his arm around your shoulders, “I can’t believe I’ve never been here.”
“Shh.” you said, wriggling playfully out of his grip and turning to face him, “I’ve never been to your place to be fair and I have only had Rosie and George over a few times.”
“George has been here?” asked Toto, surprised.
“Of course he has, he and Rosie are joined at the hip these days and she lives just down the road.”
“I suppose.” Toto said, “I’ve not had many people come over to mine.”
“Ooh, so I’ll await my invite with bated breath,” you said.
“I’d love to have you over, I can cook for you if you want?” said Toto.
“You cook?”
“Of course I do. I enjoy it, it relaxes me.”
“How have we never discussed this?”
“How have you never told me anything about your house?”
“Fair enough, want to see the rest of it?”
“Please, lead the way.”
You made your way out of the sunny kitchen to the dining nook. The back wall was panelled with glass that opened onto a small patio and garden.
“This is nice Y/N,” said Toto, “I like this,” he said, gesturing at the huge blue Ed Ruscha print that hung at one end of the room.
“Ah, thanks, my Dad got it for me years ago. It’s travelled everywhere with me,” you said, surprised Toto was interested in your art.
“Your father sounds interesting, you should bring him to a race one day,” Toto said.
“Funnily enough I was thinking about inviting him to Mexico. I know it’s a few months away but I think he’d love it,” you said.
“You should ask Lara and she will arrange tickets.” Toto said kindly, “I’d also like to meet him.”
“You’re a braver man than most,” you laughed, knowing that your Dad would not be thrilled about you dating a man more than twenty years your senior.
“I’m sure I can win him over,” said Toto hopefully.
“Hmm let’s see,” you said unconvinced, “Do you want to see the rest of the house?”
“Of course,” said Toto, lightly brushing your hip.
You made your way back into the hallway and through another doorway to the living room. This was the most impressive room in the house as it had a double-height ceiling and again, an entirely glass back wall. You’d bought a vintage mid-century blown glass chandelier to fill the space and artfully arranged a cream boucle sofa and two armchairs around the cosy fire. 
“Wow,” exclaimed Toto, “This is amazing.”
Pleased as punch you smiled at him, “It’s alright I guess.”
“I love it, I need your help to redesign my place.”
You smiled, “Of course, for a fee.”
Toto laughed, “It’s always business first with you.”
“I’ll even give you a family and friends discount since I kind of like you.” you teased, “Want to see upstairs?”
“You’re too kind,” said Toto as you grabbed his hand and led him upstairs to the galleried landing. There was a small open section that looked down into the living room before it turned into a corridor with various doors on it.
You started to lead the way down the corridor, purposefully skipping the door to the third bedroom that contained your mess from earlier. Not missing a trick, Toto tugged on your hand, “What’s that door?”
“Oh, nothing special, just a cupboard,” you said, hoping he’d let it go.
“You forget Y/N. I know you well enough to know when you’re not telling the truth. Is it a cupboard full of all the mess like Monica in Friends?”
“You’ve watched Friends?” you asked incredulously.
“Of course I did, I’m not that old.” Toto replied, “It is definitely that, you’re blushing.”
“No I’m not!” you said, knowing full well that your flushed cheeks were betraying you. The effect this man had on you was quite something.
Toto reached out and grabbed you by the hips, grinding yours into his. “You’re sexy when you blush. It turns me on.”
Your hand found his chest as your lips met, your stomach doing backflips.
“Why don’t I show you the bedroom?” you said seductively.
“Nice try, I want to see the cupboard first,” said Toto, continuing to run his hands up and down your hips, exploring your curves as if for the first time.
“You are relentless,” you said, before turning around and pulling him towards the door, “I must warn you, it’s a mess.”
“I knew it!” said Toto smugly.
You opened the door to reveal your two half-built bookcases and empty boxes strewn across the carpet, power tools laid down and abandoned.
‘That’s not what I was expecting. I didn’t take you as the DIY type.” said Toto, disappointed not to find something weird and wonderful.
“Now that’s the thing, I thought I could be, but turns out I’m not,” you said, blushing deeper than ever before.
“What happened?” asked Toto, bending down to inspect your handiwork, “Surely you just slide this back piece in and it’s done?”
“Easier said than done. I tried but I’m not strong enough so I gave up,” you said exasperatedly, crouching down beside Toto.
“How are you planning to finish them?” he asked.
“I hadn’t thought that far ahead.” you shrugged.
“Do you want me to try?” Toto asked, turning to you.
“No, honestly don’t worry I’ll figure it out. We should go.”
“Don’t be silly, it will take two minutes, grab that end and I’ll slide it in,” he said, standing up and rolling up his sleeves. You couldn’t help but gulp as the veins in his arms flexed.
“That’s what she said,” you replied with a smirk.
“You are so dirty, I’ll slide it somewhere after this,” growled Toto.
With Toto’s help, you made quick work of finishing the two shelving units, even propping them up and fixing them to the wall. As he finished screwing the second one in, Toto looked behind him and saw the two remaining boxes. “Jesus, are there more?”
Guiltily you replied, “Yes but don’t worry, two is enough for now.”
“Nonsense,” Toto said as he set about unboxing the third unit. You watched in awe as he managed to connect the panels without as much as a glance at the instruction booklet.
“How are you so good at this? As if you have ever even set foot in an Ikea,” you said, crossing your arms as you watched him screw the panels together.
“Of course I’ve been to Ikea, who hasn’t?” Toto said, leaning back on his heels to admire his work.
“You’re full of surprises today,” you said, bending down to kiss him softly, forgetting that he’d get a full view of your bare breasts in your sundress. You’d opted not to wear a bra as the straps were thin.
“Mmm, no bra? Now you’re the one full of surprises,” said Toto, pulling you down into his lap, your back flush against his chest, his large hands wrapping around your waist in a way that you’d fantasised about many a time. He ran his hands up and down your torso, kissing your neck in exactly the right spot.
Just as things were starting to heat up and you could feel Toto hardening behind you, his pocket started vibrating.
“Ooh that feels good,” you joked.
“Not as good as I’m going to make you feel later,” said Toto, nuzzling your neck as he pulled out his phone, “It’s George, mind if I take it?”
“Of course not, shall I leave you in peace?” you asked.
“No, stay right here,” he said, a strong arm swooping around and trapping you where he knelt, his now prominent erection pressing into you from behind. “Hello, George.”
You could hear murmurs from the other line, George loved to chat so you resigned yourself to being stuck on Toto’s lap for a while. Wanting to rile him up, you ground up and down as he tried to keep a level tone with George, who’d called with some kind of problem.
“Look, I’m sure it’s no big deal, let me call them first thing tomorrow.” said Toto, his breathing getting heavier,, “I am sorry to do this but I need to go, I’m in the middle of building furniture.” More murmurs followed before Toto said his goodbye “Don’t worry about it, any time George. And don’t panic. Talk later.”
As he put down his phone, he growled once again, “You are so bad, so where were we?” his hands now running up your torso towards your breasts.
“I believe you said you were going to slide it in?” you said breathlessly, the grinding turning you on a ridiculous amount.
“I did say that, didn’t I?” he said, running his hand back down to where your pussy was starting to throb. With a deft movement, he flicked the bottom of your dress up, revealing your skimpy mesh thong. “Fuck me, no bra and this?” he exclaimed as he took in the barely-there fabric, his long fingers getting tantalisingly close to where you needed them the most.
“You’re fucking hot, you know that right?” you said, breaking free of his grip and turning around to straddle him where he sat on the carpet.
“Not as hot as you,” he replied, catching your lips with his as his hands wandered closer and closer to the sweet spot. Kissing you deeply, his fingers suddenly delved under the mesh and found your clit, drawing slow and careful circles.
It wasn’t long before he found a rhythm that got you moaning. “You like that?” he asked as you closed your eyes in pleasure.
“Mmm” was all you managed as he slipped a long finger in, testing you out before adding a second.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he smirked, pumping his fingers in and out a few times before curling them in exactly the right spot.
“Fuck me,” you exclaimed breathily, his fingers filling you most satisfyingly.
“Don’t mind if I do.” he said, withdrawing his fingers and swiftly removing you from his lap, flipping you over and laying you gently on the floor, opening your legs and settling between them, “But first I want to do this.”
Before you had a chance to ask what it was he wanted to do he proceeded to kiss down your neck, his hands exploring every inch of your body as he pushed your dress up. He quickly divested you of your underwear and brought his mouth to your dripping wet pussy, his tongue bringing you to the edge embarrassingly quickly. Trying to grab at something and finding only carpet, you decided now was the time to ruffle your hands through his hair, something you’d been wanting to do for a long time.
You moaned as every lick brought you closer to the edge, his strong arms squeezing either side of your thighs as he bobbed up and down.
“Fuck!” you exclaimed as you got there, your pussy clenching hard as you came.
“Record timing,” said Toto as he came back up to kiss you squarely on the lips, your heart pounding.
“Why is everything a competition with you?” you laughed, feeling very warm and fuzzy as Toto lingered on top of you.
“Not everything, just things I care about,” he said, kissing your neck gently.
“Well, it’s only fair if I try to beat your time, no?” you said, grabbing at the waistband of his chinos.
“No, no, I wanted to do that, we have plenty of time later, it gets me off to get you off.” he said, batting your hand away, kissing you one last time on the neck before propping himself up to a kneeling position, carefully rearranging your dress,, “Besides, I have shelves to build.”
“For real?” you asked.
“Of course, I’m a man of my word,” he said, flashing you a charming grin.
– – – 
True to his word, Toto helped you build the remaining two shelves and fix them to the wall. It was almost annoying how easily he slotted everything together, but you guessed he had the size and strength advantage on his side.
As he bolted the last shelf to the wall, he stepped back to admire his handiwork. “Not bad.” he smiled, slipping an arm around your shoulders, “What are you putting on these shelves anyway? Are you turning this into an office?”
“Well… not exactly, I got them for my shoes and bags,” you said, feeling like a bimbo.
He chuckled, “Of course you are, the woman of many bags.”
You laughed, “I’m surprised you noticed.”
“I notice everything,” he said, glancing down at you fondly.
“I feel really bad that you planned this nice day for us and then spent it indoors building furniture, do you want to go for a late lunch?”
“Well I already ate,” he said very seriously before cracking up and laughing at his own joke.
“Hilarious,” you said with a poker face.
“You know you love it.” 
“Maybe,” you said, reaching up to caress his face, “Let’s go, we can beat the rush.”
“Sure. Let me just find my phone, I put it down somewhere.” Toto dropped his arm from around you, searching around the room before spotting his phone, on the floor in the corner. Bending down to pick it up, his eyes widened, “Scheiße!”
“What’s up?” you asked, concerned that something bad had happened.
Toto stood up, muttering under his breath as he stood up and passed the phone over. “Look.”
You glanced down to read the notifications, all from George.
14:42 Toto, I don’t know why but it won’t let me hang up. Is that Y/N with you?
14:46 Don’t think I’m supposed to be hearing this. 
14:48 Right so I managed to turn my phone off and break the connection. Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone.
14:50 Well Rosie is with me but she won’t tell either.
14:51 I’ll leave you to it.
“Fuck.” you exclaimed as you finished reading the thread of messages. “How does that even happen?”
“I don’t know, I thought I had hung up.” said Toto, horrified, “I don’t know how much he heard but it was enough for him to say that.”
You grimaced, cringing as you tried to recall what you might have said to each other in the throes of passion. “I can’t believe Rosie was there too, maybe we just have a quiet word with them both tomorrow? I take Rosie, you take George?” you suggested, trying to think how to make this situation less awkward. Rosie of course knew a certain amount but you weren’t about to let Toto know that.
“No, I think we talk to them together.” said Toto, “It’s better that we put on a united front. I don’t want them to think we’re fucking about.”
You raised your eyebrow, “But isn’t that exactly what we were just doing?”
“No, we are more serious.” Toto said, his expression neutral, “I know it is early days but I know that I want to make this work long-term.”
Surprised by his admission you wrapped your arms around him, gazing up into his chocolate-brown eyes, “I do too.”
“You do?” he said.
“Why would you think I wouldn’t? I wouldn’t risk it all for a one-time thing. I like you Toto, a lot. Christ knows we spend enough time with each other.”
Toto smiled, dimples forming, “I’m glad you say that. I like you a lot too.”
“Well, glad that’s settled then, shall we go and get a bite to eat?” you suggested.
As you walked into your office on Monday morning, you felt nervous for the first time in a long time. You’d discussed with Toto a game plan on what to say to George and Rosie, making your mission first thing to put some time in with them. Sophie, your ever-helpful EA, had been curious why you, Toto, George and Rosie had needed to urgently meet on a Monday morning as you didn’t normally call meetings first thing, let alone with such a random assortment of people. You were grateful for her but sometimes she asked too many questions for her own good.
“Toto wants to discuss George’s participation in Drive to Survive.” you lied.
“But why does Rosie need to be there? Surely Emily should be there too?” asked Sophie. 
She had a point as Emily was George’s press officer. You quickly thought on your feet, “No, just Rosie for this one, she has been assisting me closely on the scripts for the talking heads.”
“Oh, I see, that makes sense. Are you sure you don’t want me to add Emily? Or I can take minutes?”
“Honestly, it’s fine Sophie, Rosie will take minutes,” you said, trying not to get annoyed as Sophie was only trying to help.
“No worries, I’ve just checked with Lara and ten thirty works for Toto.”
Feigning surprise, you thanked Sophie, “Great, thank you for sorting that out.” Of course, you knew full well that Toto could do ten thirty as you’d discussed it last night over a glass of wine.
“No problem, is there anything else?”
“No, that's all for now, thank you Sophie.” you bid your assistant goodbye as she left your office.
Rosie had of course texted you last night. You were close and you felt extra awkward as you had outright lied to her before.
Y/N, did we hear what we thought we just heard? 
You hadn’t wanted to reply without Toto so left it at that.
Hey Rosie, let’s catch up tomorrow. I’m so sorry. X
Ever the understanding friend, she had replied with a simple.
Oh God, I hope you are okay! I’m sorry if we ruined anything. Speak tomorrow x
Ten-thirty came around quickly and as you made your way next door to Toto’s office you were relieved to see that he was sitting at his desk alone. As you shut the door behind you he looked up and smiled at you, peering over his round glasses.
“So…” he said awkwardly, “How did you sleep?”
Taking the seat opposite him you grimaced, “I won’t lie, I didn’t have the best night’s sleep, how about you?”
“Four hours tops.” he sighed, taking off his glasses and leaning forward to look into your eyes, “You still look beautiful, how do you do it?”
Shaking your head you replied, “I really don’t but I’ll take the compliment.” Aware of Toto’s glass-walled office you discreetly reached out for his hand across the desk, “Don’t fret, you’re his boss, what’s he going to say?”
Toto looked worried, “I worry that he will lose respect for me…”
“Hey, am I that hideous?” you said.
“I’m not going to warrant such a silly question with an answer,” he cooed, “What’s the saying? You don’t shit where you eat?”
“You and your analogies,” you rolled your eyes, dropping his hand as you spied George walking towards the door out of the corner of your eye.
Toto stood up to greet George, gesturing for him to sit down on the chair beside you.
“Hello George, how are you today?”
Looking incredibly awkward, George managed a quiet “Good thank you, and yourselves?”
“Good.” you and Toto replied in unison.
Trying to break the tension Toto fussed around pulling up another chair to his side of the desk, “Y/N, do you want to come here so Rosie has a seat when she comes?”
“Sure,” you said, offering George a sympathetic look. Poor guy was probably scarred for life. Thankfully Rosie came in, looking less worried than her boyfriend.
“Morning Toto, morning Y/N,” she said chirpily, taking your recently vacated seat next to George.
“Good morning,” said Toto, sitting back in his chair and folding his hands in his lap. “So I don’t want to make this too painful but we have the elephant in the room. First of all, I wanted to say how sorry I am, I don’t know how it happened as I am certain I hung up, but you shouldn’t have had to hear what you overheard. I hope you don’t think lowly of us.” he paused, “Secondly, this is not the way we wanted you to find out but recently Y/N and I have become romantically involved and would appreciate your discretion on this. It’s new and I’m hoping it will be something long-term…”
“Eee,” Rosie squealed, barely containing her joy.
“Rosie!” you hissed as Toto looked rather taken aback.
“Well that’s not the reaction I expected, thank you for your blessing Rosie.” Toto smiled. “Like I was saying, we’re hoping to go the distance but it’s new and I would appreciate this not going beyond this room.”
“Of course,” said Rosie. “For what it’s worth, I’m really happy for you. Y/N helped protect George and me in the early days and we’ll obviously do the same.”
George had still not said a single word and you saw Rosie give him a not-so-subtle kick under the desk.
“We won’t tell anyone,” he said blankly, less enthusiastically than his girlfriend.
“Thank you both,” said Toto curtly, his brow furrowed as he tried to scrutinise the young driver.
“Toto,” said George quietly.
“How long has this been going on?”
Toto looked at you for guidance on what to say before you sighed, knowing it was time to fess up. “Not long, since Montreal. It’s very new.”
George and Rosie exchanged a look, before George answered carefully, “I see, did it happen by any chance when you both missed the team dinner?”
You smiled weakly, “I don’t want to scar you with the details but yes, we got talking and one thing led to another.” You shot an apologetic glance towards Rosie but you needn’t have worried as she couldn’t have looked happier at your admissions.
Toto blushed, clearly casting his memory back to that night. It had been unexpected but certainly memorable.
“Knew it. And you being weird to each other on the plane, were you trying to hide it?” George continued his line of questioning.
You both nodded.
“I see.”
You exchanged a glance with Toto, not sure what to make of George’s interrogation.
“George, I am sorry you had to find out this way, and Rosie too,” Toto said, sighing.
“It’s okay,” said George, looking down at his feet before looking up with a glint in his eye and adding “You sounded like you were having a great time.”
It was your turn to blush, you still struggled to recall what you’d said in the moment but you knew it had to have been spicy. For once in his life, Toto was speechless and his mouth dropped open at George’s cheeky comment.
“George!” exclaimed Rosie, playfully slapping him on the shoulder, making him break out into a wide smile.
You smiled gratefully at Rosie for breaking the tension and decided it was time to wrap this meeting up, “Well I’m glad you’re not too scarred.”
“Oh no, I am,” said George, “I need therapy and ear bleach.”
“Very funny,” said Toto.
George grinned away at his boss, content with making him squirm with embarrassment. “It’s okay Toto, we’re all human and to be honest, I wasn’t that surprised. Everybody has been saying you two should get together.”
Toto’s eyebrows shot up, “Who’s everybody?”
George exchanged a panicked look with Rosie, “Um, just a few people.”
“Which people?” you interjected.
“Well…” George started to talk but was interrupted by a knock on the door. It was Lara of all people.
Toto looked a little annoyed but called out, “Yes, come in.”
Lara opened the door and strode in, greeting you all with a nod, “Good morning all, I am so sorry to interrupt but I have Ola on the other line. He says it’s urgent.”
“Fine, I’ll take it,” said Toto.
“Great, I’ll put him through,” said Lara, making an exit.
“We’ll leave you in peace then.” you said, turning to Toto, “Glad we talked.”
“Thank you Y/N, and thank you both for being so understanding.” Toto said, sighing as his conference phone started to ring, “I had better take this.”
“Thank you, Toto, see you later,” said George, getting up.
“Yes thank you, Toto,” said Rosie, “See you soon.”
You met Toto’s eyes softly and smiled as he picked up the phone and mouthed, “See you.”
As you made your way out of his office and into yours, you caught up with George and Rosie.
“Thank you both,” you said kindly, “We appreciate it.”
“Honestly it’s fine.” said George, “If anything it gave us a laugh yesterday. Our Sunday was very dull compared to yours.”
You blushed again, “Jesus, you’re never going to let us live this down are you.”
“Nope,” the young couple said in unison.
“Right, well I’d better go and get some work done, I’ll see you both later,” you said as you opened your office door.
“Yes, and we’ll have a full debrief later,” said Rosie.
You sighed, “Of course.”
– – – 
The rest of the morning was filled with meetings and it wasn’t until later in the day that you managed to catch up with Rosie. You were strictly supposed to be meeting to discuss an upcoming media day but inevitably the conversation began with the morning’s meeting.
“I’m sorry about this morning, Toto was mortified and so am I. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner, it was brand new...” you began.
“Honestly don’t worry about it, we’re all adults and I understand why you didn’t want to spill yet. I just want the juicy details. From what we heard he sounds good.” said Rosie, a grin forming,. “When you say you got together in Montreal did you sleep together? What we heard didn’t sound like the first time.”
You paused, knowing that Toto wouldn’t want you to share too much, “You are awful. For the record, yes, I spent the night in his room, yes we had sex and no you are not getting any further details.”
“Oooh.” said Rosie, “But I bet he’s good, no?”
“Jeez, you are not going to let this go are you.” you groaned, “You have to swear to me that you’re not going to tell a soul, and if you do I will assign you all transcription duties from now until the end of next season.”
“Deal,” said Rosie.
“Okay, well yes he knows what he’s doing.” you said, “Happy?”
“Knew it.” she said smugly, “I wish I could get George to do what I think he was doing.”
“Rosie!” you exclaimed, “Thank you for that vision.”
“Sorry, just saying though,” said Rosie.
You laughed, “You are terrible, you know that right?”
“Yes, it’s why you love me.” said Rosie, opening up her notebook, “So about this media day…”
As your office was so close to Silverstone, the weekend so far had been well and truly a home Grand Prix. The media day on Thursday had been busy, as had Free Practice on Friday but it was nice being able to go home and sleep in your own bed as opposed to a hotel. By the time Saturday rolled around you were feeling refreshed and ready to tackle whatever challenges the day threw at you. 
Unfortunately, qualifying had been somewhat of a disaster with Lewis’ engine blowing out and the garage scrambling to get the car ready in time for the race. He’d managed a paltry P14 and ran the risk of a penalty if too many parts were changed. George hadn’t fared much better, barely scraping P8. Toto had been inundated with post-qualifying media requests, all wanting to be involved in the drama.
Finishing up one last interview with Sky, you both returned to Toto’s office for a debrief. As Toto sat down opposite you, he bowed his head and ran his hands through his hair, something you now knew meant that he was feeling stressed.
“What a fuck-up.” he said, frustrated with the outcome.
“Don’t say that, we’ve come back from worse,” you said, trying to reassure him.
“This is bad Y/N, we can’t afford to fuck up like this.”
Getting up out of your chair you made your way across to Toto, putting an arm around him and stroking his shoulder, trying to ease out the tension, “The team is working on it. Yes, we might be here all night but they’re a brilliant bunch of guys and they’ll sort it. You have the best driver in the world in the car tomorrow, if anyone will make up the points it’s Lewis.”
Toto looked up at you and smiled resignedly, “You’re much more optimistic than me. I have to think about the worst possible outcome.” 
“There’s my little ray of sunshine,” you laughed, bending down to kiss him gently. Just as you were mid-peck, Toto’s door burst open to reveal a harassed-looking Lara.
“Oh.” said Lara, “I can come back, I didn’t know you had company”
You leapt up, taking a wide step away from Toto. 
“Well, that’s a bit late now, isn’t it?” said Toto bluntly.
“Indeed,” said Lara, her expression unreadable.
Feeling incredibly awkward you shuffled around to the other side of Toto’s desk, unsure of what Lara was going to say next.
“Look, I know that you are well aware that Y/N are close but there have been recent developments…” Toto said, pausing as if choosing his words carefully, “We have grown very fond of each other and we’ve started seeing each other outside of work.”
Lara raised her eyebrows, “Oh, I see.” She turned to you, shooting you a particularly dirty look before muttering under her breath, “Now everything makes sense.”
“What makes sense Lara?” you said, immediately ready to unleash your temper. Lara was always full of snide remarks to you and your team but was always sneaky enough to refrain in front of her boss. 
Looking annoyed, Toto stood up, using his imposing height to his full advantage,, “Sorry, I did not catch that.”
Lara turned back towards her boss, seemingly oblivious to his bubbling anger, “I don’t want to misstep here Toto but everyone says Y/N only got the job because she’s young and pretty.”
“Who is this everyone?” said Toto, a vein starting to pop in his forehead.
“Everyone in the paddock,” said Lara, folding her arms smugly before turning back to you “They’ve seen the way she flirts with everybody, wearing the tightest uniform she could find.”
Toto took a step forward, “Get out.”
“Excuse me?” said Lara, taken aback.
“You heard me, get out.” said Toto, “Never insinuate that about Y/N. We hired her because she was a good fit for the team. I have never been so insulted in my life.”
“Toto, that’s not what I was saying,” Lara said, now desperately trying to backtrack.
“I know what you were trying to say,” Toto said, his tone level but his eyes narrowed with anger.
“Look, whatever this is, I didn’t see anything,” said Lara holding her hands up.
“Okay.” said Toto flatly, “Please apologise to Y/N.”
“Why?” said Lara indignantly.
“Lara, you are on thin ice. I am this close to going down to HR and telling them what happened. I don’t seem to remember you being so judgmental when I caught you sucking Ed’s dick on the beach in Zandvoort, but maybe you’ve forgotten that?”
You were stunned, Toto had never told you this story. It explained Lara’s strange attitude, knowing that your boss had witnessed you going down on one of the mechanics would definitely throw the dynamic out.
“Toto, that’s low.” said Lara, “It was a one-time thing. I thought we agreed to never bring it up, especially not in front of company.”
“I am not going to have you chastise me for doing something when you did something ten times worse. And I’m not going to stand by and let you insult someone who I care very deeply about” Toto came to your side, resting his arm behind you.
Sensing she was defeated Lara conceded, “Fine, you do whatever you want, I won’t judge. I think you could do better though Toto, she’s not all that.”
You could now feel Toto shaking with rage behind you, “What did you just say?”
Lara shrugged, “I just think you could do better. Why would you want this short thing that looks like she’s been around the block and then some?”
At that it was your turn to fly off the handle, “I’m sorry Lara but what the fuck is your problem? Do you have a thing for Toto?”
“Of course not.” Lara hissed as there was suddenly a knock at the door. “Fuck, that’s Lewis and George, that’s why I came up here. They wanted to talk to you.”
Toto dropped his arm from behind you and took a step back, “Lara, we will pick up this discussion later.”
“Fine,” she huffed.
“We will talk. Well, why are you just standing there, let them in,” commanded Toto.
“I’m going to leave you in peace,” you said, trying to edge out past Lara as she opened the door.
“Hey guys, everything okay?” said Lewis.
“Yes thank you, I was just leaving, I’ll be next door if you need me, with Lara,” you said firmly.
“Fine,” said Lara, still sulking.
“Hi guys,” said George cheerily, his smile dropping when he clocked the stony faces in the room. 
“Hello.” said Toto, very seriously, “What can I do for you?”
As you closed the door you took one last look at Toto, who looked positively livid, with not a trace of the warmth that normally danced across his face. He had a scary temper and you were always glad to not be on the receiving end. You silently wished Lewis and George luck knowing that he was not going to be receptive to whatever they had to say.
Making your way out into the office outside of yours and Toto’s, you turned to Lara, “Lara, look I’m sorry about that. I really am, it was unprofessional of me but he is stressed and I was just trying to help.”
Lara huffed, “I have to deal with him when he’s stressed but I tend to not shove my tongue down his throat.”
“For fuck’s sake, it was a quick peck Lara, calm down,” you said exasperated.
“Oh that’s interesting, who else do you do this with?” she said sassily.
“What is your problem? Honestly, do you have a thing for Toto?” 
“Of course, I don’t. Better you than me on that one.”
“So why are you so upset?”
“Because you don’t know the amount of shit he has given me for the Ed incident.” she said, suddenly lowering her voice, “He has held that above me for three years, one fuck up and I just know he’ll go to HR.”
“Toto’s not like that.” you said, shaking your head, “There must be more to it.”
“Ed’s married, Y/N,” she said. “Toto said he’d tell his wife if he ever went near me or any other woman in the team again.”
Your eyes widened, “Oh.”
“Oh indeed,” said Lara, “As I said, it was a one-time thing, you know how drunk everyone gets in Zandvoort. We went to the beach in the evening and one thing led to another and you know… and then who the fuck takes a beach walk at night alone. Toto scared the hell out of us, coming looming out of the dark. I get why he was angry but he got personal when he shouldn’t have stuck his nose in.”
“I see,” you said, still trying to figure Lara out. Now it made sense why she was not particularly friendly with the rest of the team, “Look, we all make mistakes. I’m sure he was just trying to protect you.”
“But it’s so chauvinistic, I don’t need protecting. And now I find out he’s a filthy hypocrite. The lecture he gave Ed and me about not starting relationships with co-workers and I find out he’s doing it.”
“I understand why you’re upset. Let’s let him cool off and we’ll talk again later? For now, I’d really appreciate you keeping things quiet.”
“Who am I going to tell?” said Lara, shrugging her shoulders.
– – – 
You woke up early on Sunday morning, thoroughly exhausted having stayed at the track until four thirty, waiting for the car to be repaired and everyone to be happy. You hadn’t needed to stay but thought it best to diffuse the Lara situation as soon as possible. When you’d finally gone back to speak with Toto he was much more relaxed and had even apologised to Lara for his previous behaviour. More shockingly, Lara had returned to your office at eleven o’clock at night with a hot chocolate as a peace offering and apologised profusely. You still couldn’t figure her out but it seemed that she was willing to keep quiet for now.
It was a bizarre situation, you barely knew what Toto’s intentions were but had found yourself defending your fledgling relationship twice in the first week. You hoped it wasn’t an omen for things to come as you were starting to fall hard for the man.
As you made your way through the paddock you felt uneasy seeing how well-rested the other teams looked. No one else had had car issues like Lewis and you couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy towards your fresh-faced Ferrari counterpart who probably enjoyed a good eight hours of sleep. When you finally made it to your office you poked your head around Toto’s door to find his office empty. 
Morning, are you down in the garage? X
You’d barely put your phone down when it buzzed with Toto’s reply.
Morning beautiful, yes, they asked me down for some final tweaks. Let me know when you need me for Sky. x
You smiled, he was a very diligent Team Principal and it wasn’t a rare occurrence for him to be down in the thick of the action. His first media appearance wasn’t until noon so you had plenty of time to push on with your work for the day.
The afternoon’s race had been a stark contrast to the previous day’s disaster. Lewis had put in a heartstopping drive and had fought his way all the way to P2, with George not too far behind at P3. You watched from the edge of your seat in the garage as the laps ticked over, Lewis edging closer and closer to the race leader, Max Verstappen.
Against all odds, your team were in for a double podium finish and the mood in the garage was electrifying. It was lap forty out of fifty-two and things were on the up, however, little did you all know that they were about to get even better. 
Verstappen had pushed his tyres to the absolute limit having gone on a different strategy to Lewis and George, relying on an undercut that never came to fruition. Lewis and George were gaining on him and fast. The battle that ensued was one that would surely go down in the history books as Lewis spectacularly overtook his arch-rival on the second to last lap. The applause from the home crowd was thunderous and you couldn’t believe your eyes as George perfectly executed the same move on the last lap. From P14 and P8 to P1 and P2 at their home Grand Prix. You couldn’t have dreamed of a better result and everyone in the garage was beaming. As the chequered flag was waved, Toto leapt up and scooped you up in his arms, lifting you in the air and spinning around, unable to contain his joy, much to the amusement of all those around you. As he put you back down on the floor, you saw a few bemused faces behind Toto and Lara smirking away as she clapped for her team. Maybe she wasn't so bad after all.
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spider-mar2004 · 3 months
🕸❤𝕎𝕖𝕓𝕓𝕖𝕕 𝕊𝕔𝕒𝕣𝕤💙🕸
Hints leads the Danger
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Pairing: Kaine Parker X Marlette Saravia [Canon x OC]
Characters: Kaine Parker, Ben Reilly, Marlette & Miguel O'hara
Summary: During the event of Miles Morales' escape, The searching began, But seems like Kaine felt something that won't end really good...
Warnings: Discussions, Swearing, Spanish Dialogues and swearings [Translated], Mild Mention Of Injury bruise, Empathy from Kaine [Not in love, empathy on Ben and Marlette], (Mild?) Mystery Tension and Slowburn.
[Includes Flashback]
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After the event of Miles Morales being chased by thousands of Spider-Persons, it was some sort of "sucessfully" until he unfortunately ended in another universe which was Earth-42, and still... He would be more like searched by mostly the boss O'hara.
A cold night, dark and covered of dull clouds, having a rain of cold droplets falling from the sky, lights on, slight breeze on the ambiance. All happening in Miles' world, Earth-1610. On a building with intense red lights, three spiders appeared from the portal, who were Jessica Dew, Ben Reilly and obviously Miguel O'hara. The search would start now, separating each one on go different locations so it could be easier and faster for find.
Let's for now focus a lil on Ben Reilly, being loyal with the tall boss Spider-Man, he would be on a building, crouched down and guarding, looking around with his eyes under his mask and feeling his suit slowly get a bit wet by the rainy weather, trying to make a plan during this journey. Meanwhile then, his sibling clone Kaine Parker, would be in the society pensative, not understanding almost nothing about how "everyone" chase a poor teen. He was one of the very few who didn't chase, or well better said listened to Miguel.
By some coincidences by the life, as he began to walk, looking down with his masked face, just overthinking of the situation just happened, he tried to understand but How...? Why...? He would wonder. Anyways, since he didn't have spider-sense he accidentally would bump on... Marlette? Ohhh great.
The big lady's spider-sense tingled but didn't give really time for dodge, but yes quickly grab his neck and growl, her shoulder spikes raised up in defensive. But as he noticed it was Kaine, she dropped him. The scarred Spider-Clone felt his own heart stop for a second as he didn't expect that.
"What the fuck happens with you!?"
"Argh, it's you..."
Marlette snorted, she was some sort of annoyed, or bad mood let's say. Kaine slowly got up, clearing his throat.
"Uh, whatever. You wouldn't be on that... Miguel's shit right?"
"What do you mean exactly? Oh wait, that mission on hunt that poor kiddo?"
"Yeah, Since you listened him in that stupid lizard event we had."
Kaine crossed his both arms, these two didn't have actually communication, which was great, i guess.
"Not really, Okay yes i listened him on that moment but is nothing really about i support him or anything, after all the one who can be only bossy with me is myself."
Marlette Explained, the spikes from her shoulder slowly bended down as she calmed herself down. Kaine listened, unsure about that.
"If you say so, I wouldn't listen him to be honest, we never... Got along by some reason. But i wouldn't really... reccomend, or is just me. Miguel might possibly use you, who knows, i mean since you had potencial shit. Plus that mission of chase that young dude wasn't like to be agreed, which i don't see something good there."
Kaine looked away as he warned for a second, then by the word "deal" he remembered something, Marlette said that she had a deal with Miguel, so he decided quickly ask about it.
"Wait... You once told me about you also had a deal with Miguel, may can i know what was that thing exactly?"
Marlette's mask disappeared in holografic as she heard that question from him, her face was showing some slight confusion, why did he say "use her" by her potencial? Yes she mistrust Miguel, but a huge mistrust like Kaine had? Not really, but since she was also kinda mistrusting, she wouldn't listen the half of his opinion, but well she just answered the simple question.
"Uh,huh. The deal we did was just about he-"
The phrase she was saying was interrupted by a call from Miguel, she sighed annoyed and rolled her blue eyes for then accept the call. Miguel's orange-ish hologram appeared.
"Dígame, que quieres ahora." [Tell me, what do you want now.]
"I need you go to the universe Earth-1610. Is not for hunt Miles, i clearly know that you won't do it, but i would need a big favor. If is that fine just come, we have something to talk."
Miguel said, At the start Marlette wasn't really sure about it, Kaine also listened, that bad feeling from him grew even more. Marlette snorted softly, what exactly Miguel wanted?
"The favor is come, but could you give me at least few more details, please?"
"I think you would be so interested of a plan i got about deal with her."
Her...? Who's her? Marlette clearly knew what he meant, her pupils would contract slightly, Kaine was even much more confused, not understanding this, and even really unsure if ask what's going on.
"I'll come now."
She would cut the call, her face serious, her mask formed on, typing the earth's name, a portal opened as she finished, then before enter, she turned to see Kaine, just like him did that to her when they met each other.
"If you want, i can talk to you after this. I feel you are drowing into the ocean of the confusion."
She serious said, after then leave. Kaine just stared, pensative, what's wrong with her... He doesn't feel good now, something in his mind is telling him this will not end good. But for calm down a bit himself because too many questions could just make him explode mentally, he went to Miguel's control center, Toochae! With that, it could help Kaine for understand what's going on! And take the moment where Miguel is not there.
Kaine as he arrived to the control center, he would start checking all around of it, staring at the orange bright screens, there was some numbers, information and... a hidden opened archive? Kaine with his finger touched on that, which it opened and would reveal a video which was recorded, about Miguel and Marlette meeting eachother in this place.
[Video on, a time ago.]
It started with Marlette coming to the place, her mask disappearing for reveal her face which was kinda bruised by a fight she had in her own universe, Miguel would be there, hands behind, masked face, on the screens until he saw the precense of the big woman. He activated the plataform to put him down slowly... Like he usually likes according to Peter B. Parker.
"Huh, why the fuck did you bring me here? What is all of this?"
Marlette stressed asked, she wasn't happy, she was in her more hostile moments after fights, reasonable for a mistrusted and fierce lady.
"I'm Miguel O'hara as you see, so i know are you Marlette Saravia Giulianni, a Spider-Woman from the Earth-809070, futuristic world like here but of course different and a bit less avanced as i see."
". . . Correct... And where's the reason why i am in this place?"
"The answer for that question is, i studied a lot about you and your world, you seem to be... Interesting, Your history and canon events seems a bit different from others, Aswell being so powerful thanks by the avanced holografic suit, your abilities and... Bio-electricty from your organism that kept the crime stats low, keeping that city safe with risking your life a lot, and more rough, huh."
"Seems like also you know my private life, don't you?"
Marlette annoyed raised an eyebrow, not liking this situation.
"Well... May i sound rude, but unfortunately for know, yes. But is okay, i respect it, it was your events so nothing too bad will happen next, plus already in the past as you almost completed them, past just like the electric scars from your back."
Every more sentence O'hara said, Marlette felt a wave of mistrust, and surprise, Miguel knew it all, he knows because the concept and studies he had about the multiverse.
"Don't even tell me you saw me nak-"
"No señorita, i am not focused on that, i focus about the story and current events of you, your universe. And is nothing bad, more like... I have something that possibly you could accept."
Marlette stayed silent, listening Miguel with all of her attention.
"You've passed rough times since you got your abilities, and still going on, i know is your duty, and sometimes, you feel tired from problems already. Is understanding for all us Spider-people, but i can offer you can stay here, we have anything, i know you are from also the future but like i said, a bit less avanced, but anything you need, is here. Take a rest maybe, Which also i can help you with that, stay away from those problems which are... Stuck in your mind, but in change could be... You can help me on do missions defeating stronger anomalies here, entiendes?" [You Understand?]
Miguel explained, giving her some deal offer and trust. At the start Marlette wasn't feeling agreed with that but... The fact of have a rest after the rough moments she had, the dealing with powerful villains everyday or well, better everynight by her nocturnal habits, made her think, wouldn't be too bad idea Miguel just help with that.
"Hmmm... I need clarify you first, that i won't be a fucking slave to you. Second, i can be boss of myself instead you, someone like that doesn't go with me. Not sure if i can accept what you say, but i warn you that i won't follow all your rules, got it?"
She said with a low hiss at the finale, Miguel understood, of course he wasn't a dumb.
"Well, seems fair, but also... What about exactly if i can also help get rid of her? I see you struggle a lot with the White Terror there."
Okay, Marlette would be now conviced, with a distant look she gave, she nodded slowly. White Terror... That name sounded about a very powerful villain. But thing that she didn't know actually Miguel lied, because if he do that, he could break the canon of her universe. Geez, this man had a such knowledge about the multiverse, he already broke a canon so.
". . . Y'know what? Whatever you win, i can accept, but if you cheat this shit, i swear i'll snap your neck."
"Rélajate dama, How a Spider-Man dare betray his people? Well in some from the multiverse but, i am not those. Now, you are allowed to leave." [Relax lady]
Marlette quietly nodded again, then she left the room, leaving Miguel alone. Lyla, the AI assitant would pop appearing on the boss' shoulder.
"Registering her... Seems like she is potent, she is very powerful!"
Lyla said, as Miguel turned to see the screens where there was videos of her fighting, defeating villains, she indeed seemed powerful but obviously not a over-powered heroine. Miguel hummed quietly agreed
"We would need her join to our team, but don't worry. I know exactly how tame this wild spider to belong with us, so thanks by her and our team we're going to keep the humanoid arachnopolymultiverse safe, so none of these miseries of anomalies will escape from us."
Miguel serious said, his mask disappeared, his eyes became bright bloody red.
[End of the video]
Kaine, without words his eyes widened a bit, his face was unmasked as he started see the video, then his expression changed into a really annoyed one. How did Miguel dare... Of course he was known as to be a great hero this universe as his duty, help and save others, and of course keep the multiverse in order. But sometimes Miguel's ideology escapes from his hands, or well clawed hands. Is okay defeat anomalies, Because by them them can damage other worlds but... He destroyed a world when he got contact with his daughter Gabriella.
Analizying the things, Indeed Miguel would no just use Marlette as some tool for keep the multiverses safer, there was something else there... The feeling wouldn't never leave. Not just Marlette... Aswell Ben? Okay Ben although he had his random crisis, he was pretty good at combat. But... There risks, what if... Oh no, what if Ben and Marlette accidentally breaks a canon? They can become anomalies by accident, and Miguel could even... Kill them just like he nearly did with Miles?! Without think twice, Kaine with his stings from his wrists destroyed Miguel's keyboards and controls!?
"You fucking Bastard Miguel!"
Kaine angrily stabbed the devices violently, then he stopped as he saw them destroyed and leaving some sparks. He unlocked something... A sentiment towards his brother, which wasn't new, he was evil before in the 90's but then he had to change for Ben and Peter from same earth. But the new one would be towards Marlette, having an empathy take over him. He put on his mask and then, with the device universe-traveler, enter in a portal and in action.
Scarlet Spider-Man's new Mission, on.
Coming back to Earth-1610, the small team of three members would be in their action. Miguel would be traveling to building each building, stepping on the rooftops. By the other hand, Ben Reilly would be also helping, going around the city swinging with his webs, until he was caught by someone from the darkness. It was Kaine! They fell together rolling on a rooftop from a smaller building, defending themselves as then Ben noticed him.
"K-Kaine!? What are YOU doing!?"
"Who even cares Ben, drop this already!"
When they stopped and jumped back into a backflip for give each other distances, Ben tlited his head in confused, why Kaine was here? What's going on? He wondered.
"What do you mean!? I am busy Miguel can kill me!"
"That's what could literally happen to you! If you make the mistake!"
"What mistake!? I am trying to help!"
"Helping about to kill someone!? Without any reason like he tried disappear a kiddo with his claws? Slamming him on a fucking train!?"
"This is not killing! Is just stop him! You know what Miguel did all for us!?"
Ben slightly yelled, breathing a bit heavy. Kaine snorted.
"You are being such a dog to him... How pathetic..."
"Being his dog? Really? Kaine, brother. This is all for our goods!"
"I don't see any logic on chase a young dude and kill him just because he broke a canon and might break another one after all."
Ben growled, he was too loyal with the Spider-society's leader.
"But by him he made a powerful multiversal villain!"
Kaine's voice sounded now yelling and firmly, Ben stepped back and stayed silent, widening his eyes a bit.
"Fucking bastard, are you Blind? Deaf? Or what? The fact Miguel keeps us in a society made by him doesn't mean that we are safe, we are also in a higher risk. We did our canon shits, now who cares? Being his slave now? For hunt more anomalies that would after all destroy universes anyways because the fucking time decides it!? Following the rules of an idiot that thinks he is the boss of every universe? Dude, you can die by this! There is always a chance of make a mistake!"
"If you are enough for avoid them,it won't happen!"
"Even if you want AVOID them, will always still happens-"
"WHATEVER! This is what you say "Is MY bussiness" ! Get back to our world or something now!"
Ben yelled with the first word, he didn't really want listen due the royal nature he had but... After hear the clone, he just would be lost in his mind, two sides, each one with different concept and opinion... Who to listen? His clone brother? Or his universal boss? Poor of him, he would be tangled mentally now.
"Okay, as you wish then."
Kaine coldly mentioned, not wanting listen and discuss anymore. Then he silently after he left swinging with his webbing, Ben watched him leave, with a frown on his expression...
Where's she...
Enough now of these guys, Marlette arrived, she felt the cold breeze and rain slowly start to be stronger, the blue details from her suit glowed, until she saw an intense red glow on a muscular man silhouette standing there. She crawled at it, noticing Miguel, she got up and walked to him.
"I arrived, what do you need."
Miguel without say anything, he disappeared his mask and turned to see Marlette, fingers with his claws out.
"Now explain me the stupid plan you got."
"Actually the plan i had in mind, i've decided somwthing. Bring Miles Alive here, because i feel he's not in this universe."
"Miguel, i already told you, that i won't follow that command."
"But is obligatory, he should be here because this is his real home, but i clearly assume that he went to another universe somehow by the come-back home machine shit."
"For then you murder him hm? Mira aqui, y escucha. I won't be responsable of that. I wouldn't be fair for him." [Look here and listen]
"Look i promise that i won't harm him, all i'll just is help him on avoid mistakes that can destroy and kill a thousands of lives."
"Save his father is not a Mistake Miguel. Plus what changes could happen if he does that? Let himself do his story differently, why mines and others were also different?"
"The main events for become a spider-man doesn't matter how the dynamic of the story has, it always follow a one timeline. Just, try bring him here, at his original home."
"Eres un hijo de perra de verdad..." [You're a son of a bitch indeed.]
Marlette spat, her mask disappeared she would growl, not even wanting listen like a wild animal she was.
"Ah con que eso? What about the deal, hm? Would you love be in your universe, carrying all the pain, stress and responsability on dealing everything there? What about also deal with that someone who seem to be stronger than you? And fact you are good at combat skills." [Ah so is with that?]
Okay, Marlette would shut up her mouth but her expression would be nearly explosive of rage, she didn't want this! But the spider-sense interrupted this and saw someone approach.
Kaine Parker finally arrived and would land infront Miguel, taking off his mask.
"O'hara! You don't have the rights for force her do this shit!"
"Argh este pendejo de nuevo... Is an important mission Kaine, She will bring the kid here AND not for be KILLED, just bring him home and we'll talk with him about it." [Argh this dumbass again]
"Then search him by yourself then! And DO NOT drag Ben into this anymore!"
Kaine's eyes turned into red, in rage while snarling. Miguel's eyes became also red too but this time a slight blooded tone.
"Kaine, i don't have time for this bullshit, go back to the Society, or else..."
Miguel also growled, the two fierce spider-men stared at each other's eyes, having a strong tension, Kaine knows it, he knows what could just happen next.
Marlette didn't hold anymore this, so she ran off and jumped off from the building, she opened her arms, holografic blue webs appeared being gliders, so she would glide leaving the scene very stressed and upset.
Kaine looked back at her leave with a small frown on his face but changed into an angry one after see the taller spider, he wanted to follow her running but Miguel used his red lazer webs for tangle him and then put a net with the same material. The clone growled intensively, struggling to be free, Miguel crouched down, with that death stare.
"I'll see what i have to do with you, Kaine Parker."
The both pair of red eyes stared. The rage to Miguel, and empathy to Ben, and Marlette from the failed clone raised up even more.
He just wanted... Protect. Free the both spiders from the red claws of the "multiverse protector" spider...
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Rewritten the chapter 3! Okay i like this one even much more! Thanks by @fatigueeestici for help me and give the energy to do this better!
Hope yall like! 💙
God got so tired writting this-
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popculturebuffet · 2 years
Top 20 Animated Episodes of 2022, Part 2: 10 to 1
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Happy new year all you happy people and welcome back to my best of the year list. If your just joining us ..
To breifly recap for those who didn't go click that link
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Now your all caught up, let's get to the list itself.
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10. Who Violently Murdered Simon S. Salty? (Smiling Friends)
"And none of you are leaving until we solve this!" "You didn't need to raise your voice man"
Look i'm a sucker for restraunt based shows, humor and what not. I just love food, and love stuff set around it. I'm an easy orangutan resembling a person to please. So a fast food based mystery with a bunch of weird mascots ranging from the more understandable (A ketchup packet, a mustard packet and a drink cup), to the slightly abstract (Said drink cup being a man horrifyingly poured into it, a pile of salt and a pile of pepper) to the smilng friends of it (A pile of grease who cheerfuly wants to be included, two manic eyeballs and a century egg), and having all have various quirk (Mustard being a femme fetale who ends up taking too long with the build up, salt and pepper liking to kiss in the closet ("that that's beauitful), said cup talking WAY too loong about his doodies or whatever the fun twins were up to), it wasn't a hard sell. But the episodes still a nice break from form as the police have outsourced to our heroes so when Charlie and Pym find the head of Charlie's faviorite restraunt murdered after undergoing a menu change, it's up to them to solve it. It's just a densely packed, wondreful little joke fest, cumilating in EVERYONE having tried to kill him while no one actually didi t and our various supsepcts being free to run riot in the streets.. somehow. Pure comic magic.
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9. The Circus (Helluva Boss)
"Son Cease this bitch crying"
Helluva boss had a BIT of a rough time getting to season 2: it took half the year, the intended season finale , a one off special that wasn't plot relevant was held up in some sort of legal trouble Vivinzie likely can't talk about legally, and in general it was just a headache inducing wait for the fans.
Said wait was well worth it though as we go tthe Circus an episode that gave a suprising backstory for both Blitzo and Stolas, and their relatoinship. It also gave us Jonathan Freeman, aka Goddamn Jafar as Stolas dad and got him to say Jafar's signature catch phrase"cease this bitch crying". Good times.
Said bitch crying is because as many fanas guessed, Stolas really had no choice in his relationship with Stella, and given Paimon's never had to actually.. you know get his sons to agree with more than that, he bribes him with the circus… the same one Blitzo grew up in.
I honestly didn't see the two being something resembling childhood friends coming.. well friends is pushing it, to Blitzo he's just a kid who was kinda neat and who he robbed a bit because his dad is the worst and sold him for an ultra slim condom and 5 bucks. Honestly it's hard to tell which father is worse, but it's clear his time with Blitzo is one of the only times Stolas was ever happy. Which is just sad. It also explains a lot… part of how stunted he is emotoinally.. is that he was kept in these palace wals never really allowed to grow or taught how and stuck in a loveless marriage.
Said marriage is somehow WORSE than it appeared.
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Yeah really. Stella holds a still not divorced party and talks shit while he's right there. I'm mixed on this.. not on her being awful, given she's willing to scream in front of her daughter on a DAILY basis, treats Octavia more as a prop to get back at Stolas than an actual daughter, and called out a HIT on stolas, we knew she was bad. We just didn't know how abusive, selfish, or cruel she was. It shows why Stolas clings to blitzo so much: Sure they have actual chemistry.. but around him he can actually be himself and any demaning stuff.. is simply Stolas not realizing how much it hurt Blitzo to be treated like a toy. He can be himself for the first time instead of having to drink all the abysnth just to function.
We also see that Blitzo.. forgot any of that happened and in typical Blitzo fashion his plan for the grimiore was just to.. steal it and no one would eve rknow.. and gets caught almost instanlty. The only reason he's not dead is Stolas is horny for him, though we do see Blitzo's barb wired, land mined, and set on fire walls go down a sec as he plans to just abandon stolas in bondage.. only to realize Stolas really needs this and a few or so hours later
It shows the story of two deeply traumatized people who badly need each other.. but don't really know HOW to communicate that. Blitzo probably needed it as much as stolas did, he's just been hurt enough and it took seeing him vunerable to see past the rich asshole to the vunerable manchild underneath.
We also get ONE HELLLLL of a cathartic ending as after singing out his misery Stella barges in, berates stolas.. who finallys tands up to her. While his adultry isn't great and I do like that the series dosen't hide the effect the divorce has on octavia even if it's LONGGGGG needed, we get the sense that like so many failed marragies he tried. He tried to love her, he tried to make it work but it's clear any attempts at that are long past.. and given Stella tries to hit him when he declares their divorcing, damn the consequence,s he catches it. He's finally free, for whatever that costs him. And god it feels glorious. HIm breaking her things next episode helped even if the timing was fucking awful. I cannot wait ot see where this goes.
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8. Whispers At the Zigguarat (The Legend of Vox Machina)
"I broke the world for us"
You heard me gush about Vox Machina plenty in part one
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This was one of the two best shows of the year, and it knew how to close things out. We'll get to the second part of this finale later, as it's enough of it's own thing to warrant two slots, but after a season of well done storytelling as Percy shot his way through the list of people who wronged him, found out his sister was alive only to seemingly loose her again, and the party as a whole fought it's way through jail cells, half assed solo fancy mansions, crotch lightning duels, silver tounged Stephen Roots, and naked acid baths… it finally comes down to this. Vox Machina versus the Briarwoods and a brainwashed Cassandra and Vax, all to stop the power couple from destroying the world.
The episode is almost entirley one long fight scene, with the party nicely divided up: Pike and a silenced Scalan take on Necromancer supreme Deliliah, Percy tries to fight both his possed gun and his sister to snap her out of her possesion, Vex tries to hold off vax, Keleth tries to reawake the suntree and Grog gets his rematch with the vampiric brute with the cool sword that's TOALLY not going to be a problem in of itself next season, Silas.
The resulting fights are gorgeous and well built up: We've seen how much Vex relies on vax and thus her forced to fight to the death with him destroys her, we see Percy fight his need for vengance and growing possesion to save the only family he has left, and pike and grog's fights nicely give both payback for the party's first fight with the briarwoods: After getting utterly curbstombed in his first fight, Grog uses all his wits
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Which amounted to fighting blind and using the fact Silas coudlnt enchant him to empale and suplex the fucker, then pull a raditz when Keyleth used sunburst.
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While after Deliliah breaking her phalicry (and Ashley filming a tv show in the original stream), left PIke mia and nearly killed her future husband, pike got to strike back and show her just why Delilah was wise to take her out. The resutling fight is just one long brutal climax as the Brirarwoods get what they deserved and deliliah is left without her husband, her attempts to summon her god seemingly futile, with her sheer brokenness DESPITE being such a huge monster, amazingly conveyed by Grey Deleise in one of her finest voice acting roles. She was the crews first and top choice and their faith was ENTIRELY justified. She's left at the mercy of percy.. whose looking a little shadowy there buddy.. percy.. percy.. ohs hit. We'll get back to this later just.. hold on pal alright?
7. Thanks to Them (The Owl House)
"Dear diary: All I ever wanted was to be good at something, to be around people who also liked that something. And when I found the Demon Realm, I thought, 'Wow, I found it. I can learn magic. I can be a witch! I-I won't have to be the dummy in the principal's office anymore!' But I messed up too much, and put everyone in danger. Mama said I have to learn from my mistakes, so… I know what I have to do now. On Halloween, after the Hayride, I'm telling everyone I'm staying in the Human Realm. Permanently." So after a 6 or so month hiatus, the Owl House returned for the first of it's three finale movies, which hopefully won't be the last as said movie…is on the cusp of breaking FIVE MILLION views on youtube.
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Yeah i'm proud and this episode easily shows why. Like the other owl house episodes I did a whole review on this but in shor tit finishes the rehabilitation of Camilla's character, both giving an in character reason for her hating conversion camp.. and ocne she has context fully accepting the isles as a part of her child;s life: she accepts her coming out with pride (As we all expected), basically adopts the kids temporarily (Except Hunter, he has a foreve rhome now), and most importantly outright walks Luz back from trying to abandon her friends and the isles. It's a story about forgiving yourself, something I struggle all too freaking often to do, and thus related to heavily. But quality wise it's just objectively good cramming at least a four or five episode arc into two episodes of special.
We also get great hunter moments, Veesha, and Belos back, which helped my only gripe about the collector: Given the entire series was set up with Belos as it's true antagonist and even the collector being free was his fault, i was worried about him being a quick boss just for this special.. and while his possesion of hunter was horrifying if smelling of
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It still gave us a tense fight scenes that leaves our heroes going into the next fight with TWO villians to worry about, the fate of two worlds at stake and a dead bird corpse freshly baked into a teenager. It's… it's going to be a lot and I can't wait to see it in two weeks. As for it leaking.. yeah i'm stayin away from that so if you need me
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6. The Feast of Realms (The Legend of Vox Machina)
Yeah i've never seen a show go from excellent to HOLY FUCKING SHIT so fast, so soon but after a two episode pilot that set a lot up, had david tennat playing another money hoarding creature of legend, and was generally good, the next episode is where the series really stepped up it's game now everything was in place and set the arc of the season in place.
In this case our ragtag bunch of heroes have just found respectablility as the protectors of emon, a new house, and a rousing round of ball tag. Seriously the joke shoudln't work this well, much like the literal pissing contest from final space, but the combination of Vax wincing "I didn't even agree to this stupid game" despite already having a point meaning even with that he's still participating, to his later revenge sucker elbowing Grod in his balls of many sperm for a three pointer and of course scalan knowing all the ins and outs apparnetly having become referee for hsits and giggles.. it's beautiful.
The real meat though is on our heroes having to mingle with high society…. which while not going how percy planned (Scalan accuses a noble of hitting on him for shits and giggles while Pike and Grog pound wine flutes like shots, as is custom), they get infintely worse when the Briarwoods, our big bads and the ones who murdered Percy's entire family show up and send him into ptsd. He opens up and our team heads on the offensive, with Vax sneaking out to go investigate while the rest of the heroe sput their apperance in at dinner.
Naturally.. none of this goes well. Percy has an outburst after Dellilah, clearly recognizing him, gleefully blames Percy's family for their own downfall while Silas enchants the kings mind, and Vax quickly gets caputred after. While he barely survives, it leads to a massive brawl, which not only puts the already awesome dragon fight to shame.. but shows our heroes arne't quite ready yet in a way that dosen't diminish their badassery: they had no ieda what they were expecting.. and thus while they fight the briarwoods well enough, they still mostly get laid out and Deliliah taking pike out early means an easy loss with the team minus a healer and the team dropping like flies, with Delilah cheerfully telling percy to stop by any time. Grey's performance as Delilah, as I said, is one of her best and this clinches it, the way she gives the necromancer plenty of personality and charm.. while still conveying she's pure evil to be stopped.
The scene tha tclincehs this episodes spot though is a draastic turn that, due to not having done any research on the campagin at that point, something I was NOT prepared for: Percy's response is to snarl "You let them get away'". While the entire main cast and our two main villians (Including Critical Roll dm and master voice actor himself Matthew Mercer as Silas), are fucking amazing, Talisen Jaffe does the legwork as percy and I was impressed to learn later that a LOT of Percy's most cutting lines and moments in this season were entirely just Talisen improvising. His various backstory monlogues are taken from the game, as is this moment as Percy SNARLS as he confronts what's clearly an innocent coach driver the briarwood left, leaves the poor man crawling.. THEN SHOOTS OFF HIS HAND as he puts on a creepy bird mask radiating shadows, while his teamate sna the audience look on in object horror. While Percy was no nonsense before he had a noblity about him, and not just because he rich.. and seeing his tightly put together mask of civlity peel off as a combination of possesion and his own need for vengance consumes him. The chillingly calm "Your soul is forfeit!' never ceases to amaze me and it' sonly our heroes getting arrested that stops him. It's one hell of a moment that sets the stage for 9 great more episodes of television and leaves the first batch of three on one hell of a cliffhanger, all thanks to good ol No Mercy Percy.
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5. Fire and Ice (Craig of the Creek) Kelsey pondered her literary predicament. Was Kelsey… truly like Fire? Was Stacks truly like Ice? Were Kelsey and Stacks like… Fire and Ice? W-would that… be okay?
Another episode I reviewed, as part of a decent sized middle finger ot the don't say gay bill, and another classic. It also cements that had I gotten my act together Craig of the Creek would've had a place high on this list for some time, but even with a show this high quality that essentially serves as the spirtiual sequel to Recess, updating it for modern times with way more diversity and having it after school instead of during to allow for more creative freedom, this show is an absolute delight and this is easily one of it's best episodes.
See the show had long hitned at Kelsey being gay with her subtext with a blatant crush on wildernessa nad plenty of muttual ship tease with Stacks. The show didn't really make a bit deal out of it it was just clear she was likely into girls. The creators even just casuallyr evealed she and stacks were both gay via word of mouth. But the clever trick here is that just because the audeince could tell to the points the creator sdidn't bother waiting to confirm it.. dosen't mean the CHARACTER knows their gay.
As such this episode is one long coming out story for Kelsey and even then only the first, most important, and most nervewracking party ESPECIALLY for a young child: admitting it to yourself. Like Kelsey I ha dcrushes on men before realizing I was bisexual, but just.. never relaized it was more than appricating a man looks good. And I was about twice her age when the wave of terror of realizing hit me. So all these feelings of realizing this is real, not knowing what to do.. are hard.
It's doubly hard on Kelsey who has this relization in front of a target and is crushing on someone who not only may like her back, but is one of her closest friends. Kelsey's friendship with Stacks steadily grew over the series, the extroverted kelsey suprisingly meshing well with the introvert who prefers to stay in the library. The two even shared their love of reading with a secret society/book club that's progressed into writing their own books, all set up by previous episodes.. for the payoff here. Kelsey writes an adventure story reminicent of she ra with obvious avatars for her and stacks.. that are into each other. The problem is Kelsey and Stacks, being childrens, didn't realize their avatars were each other nor what that meant till Craig blurted it out for everyone. In his defense he both ENTIRELY doesn't realize what this means for both of them or the pain it would cause and as we see later in the same season wit his own love life it took him MONTHS to realize Wildernessa liked him after flat out confessing during capture the flag, and the obvious tension during breaking the ice. Craigy Boy is many things, most of them good.. but oblvious is very much one of them.
So this leads Kelsey into a panic as she realizes what this means and avoids stacks worrying about both destroying her friendship and how to progress the story… knowing it could mean progressing her relationship. We also get a nice moment as Craig misses the point.. but in a nice subtle bit JP POSSIBLY dosen't. It's left nicely vauge: my surrogate son is entirely dense… but there are little cues int eh animation that tell me him taking Kelsey to Kat, his sister Laura's girlfriend who turns out ot be a writer, wasn't just for writing advice.. but to help his friend sort out her feelings with people who not only likely had been there but who can ease her into it.
What follows is a truly great scene as Kat helps guide Kelsey, not only praising her writing.. but helping her realize that these feelings, while panick endusing are a bad thing.. and she should embrace htem. That having your feelings come through in your work isn't bad.. and said feelings are a good thing. ONe generation helps the next.. and through that Kelsey's able to not only finish the story.. but tell Stacks how she feel, leading to adorable handholding. Granted the story.. is far from over and hopefully we have enough time in season 5 or later this season to continue this before the series ends because damn you zaslav, as there's still a few steps in her journey to go but I can't wait to see the
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4. Screech Leeches (Tuca and Bertie)
"Bertie you weren't a creep, you were a high school girl with too many hot wet sloppy high school feelings to know what to do with. Be kind to that creepy baby bertie, she wormed her way into my heart. " "Awww i'm your heart worm"
Another show bows out of this list though unlike Close Enough, where it comes off as JG Quintel has moved on… eeriley well at that, it's clear Lisa Hanawalt hasn't given up yet and the show might find yet another home. And given Season 3 was as good as ever and left with a lot of places to go, i'm hoping for. For now though the show left with a stellar season and one episode in paticular sucker punched me in the emotoinal gut. And while it sadly lacks Matthew Rhys using his belos voice as a sexy tree, speckle for more than one cameo or Tuca giving literal birth to bertie
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It was easily the best of the season. Screech Leeches is really a stand alone, focusiong on Bertie as she spirals over her high school friend Muriel making a jordan peele style horror film that she feels is about her. What follows is a very long very painful flashback that shows just how lost Bertie was after her molestation: Her parents, as already establisehd didn't want to talk about it, her counciler was useless and her friends were worse than useless, none of them realizing what they did wrong or that it wasn't scoring… though one did go professional at being a bitch so… good for her..
Bertie does find a friend in Muriel who for the moment is what she needed: someone willing to lash out, who also had been sexually asaulted and gotten no help, and who helped her be angry. It's the kind of friendship we've all had: where you find someeone cooler than you and latch onto them.
And as we see while Bertie does start copying Muriel not only did muriel encourage it.. but then lead her on by kissing her. While Bertie then became a bit.. too obessive, it's as Tuca says at the end: She was a little creepy.. but also awash in 80 pounds of hormones, at a loss of any directoin. It makes Muriel rejecting her and tearing the poor girl apart so painful and there's no real cathariss: the film wasn't about her, and there's no real indication things would ever get solved. And that's how life is sometimes. Sometimes one of the worst moments of it. .is just an object lesson more than something you'll ever get real closure on. Hopefully the same won't be said for this series
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3. The Beginning of the End/All-In/The Hardest Thing (Amphibia)
"Change can be difficult, but it's how we grow. It can be the hardest thing to realize you can't hold on to something forever, sometimes you have to let it go. But of all the things you let go, you'd be surprised what makes its way back to you."
Amphibia came to a close and while as I mentioned last part, the last batch of episodes was more.. okay.. the finale.. was true magic. While it's first part, The Beggining of the End was part of WHY that batch was okay, having the assembled army just go
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When Anne was captured, which made little sense and felt like we just wasted a good chunk of build up building these armies when it amounted to fuck all. It's why this one didn't score higher, despite making it all the way to #3: it felt like an insulting waste in a series that really wastes little.
Thankfully what followed is easily one of the best tv finales i've seen, a masterful hour and a half (While the hardest thing was seperated it's basically one big movie) of payoff. And one of the first things it does once our heroes escape the floating castle, is make something I disagreed with, Anne's Parents staying behind, into something badass as they've become trained badasses in super suits and Mr. X, having done his face turn we all knew was coming now he realized that not all aliens are bad, just the one with floating final boss castles.
We get the epic battle we were promised.. as well as three excellent payoffs to each of the calamity trio's arcs: Anne shows how far she's come whil epunching a dictator in the face, Sasha fights her own self doubt and Darcy, and Marcy herself rejects what she's always wanted after realizing what other people wants matter and she can't just avoid reality. We also get abuses of goverment property, the Plantars conquering the very beings that took the kids parents so long ago, and k-pop, which is better than I ever thought it'd be. Yes i'm old. I know.
The final part dosen't let up with one final battle with the Core (Who I felt ended up underdeveloped , another small crtique), with an utterly epic version of no big deal.. and a truly tearjerking goodbye as our heroes have to accept amphibia is gone.. and instead of feeling like a copout.. it worked. I didn't like all the seperation.. but it worked for the theme matt was going for: Sometimes you have to say goodbye, nothing lasts forever.. but what the people you met taught you does.. and maybe just maybe they'll come back to you. And all live in a house together and be gay with each other. one can only hope. it was a truly fitting end to a truly amazing cartoon that became so much grander than I ever imagined and will stick me with me for some time. It's hard to let it go.. but this ep made it so much easier.
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2. The Darkness Within (The Legend of Vox Machina)
"I know your in there. Darling, take off the mask…
See I hadn't forgot Percy getting ready to murder his tormenter. I did however didnt' mention things were even worse as Keyleth tearjerkingly took the bullet for Vex, who had been absolutely terrible to her all season worrying she'd loose her brother if he shot his shot with the ashari. Oh and Pike is gone, her astral projection she'd been using having run out
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So it's not the best time for Orthax, the shadowy demon Percy unknowingly made a pact with and who increased his bloodlust for those who wronged him, to fully posses percy as Delilah taunts him, wanting him to finish the job.. so he can take full root in the man's soul and full control of the metaphorical demon he's unleashed, the creation of the gun. It's Percy's long dark knight of the soul and while it's clear Orthax nearly has him at this point and he knows he's being controleld by something.. he's not resiting at first. After all Deliliah destroyed his life, killed almost everyone he's ever loved, tourtured everyone in his home town, done countless other attrocities.. why not put one between the eyes? And the answer is simple: he does.. and that's it. Percy is gone.
So it becomes a tense battle between a possed no mercy percy and vox machina, who both don't want to hurt him and have to play keep away with depowered deliliah. While the fights in whispers were gorgeous, ther'es a reason it's on the list it's this fight that honestly compells me more. The fight there had plenty of character but this is the real climax: Percy versus his need to fill the void left by the briarwoods genocide of his family, versus the literal and metaphorical demon inside him, a living representation of vengance and how even if done for the noblest of reasons.. it only keeps going. As The List adds vox machina to each barrel it's clear this will never end if Percy isn't stopped.
It's also telling that what stops Percy isn't the fighting.. but a plea from Vex, love of his life and the only person able to get through to him so far. It's risking her life to stand up to him that finally get shim to relent if only for a second, taking the mask off.. and the animatoin is stunning as it is horrifying here as we see percy SOBBING with fear as he tells her when she asks him to put down the gun "I .. .can't it wont' let me".. and his solution is equally heartbreaking.. to put the gun to his chin and as Vex and Cassandra both beg him not to his response "I don't know what else to do"
Thankfully the shadowy demon puppeting him intervends then suggests him to psychological torment to try and get him to continue doing his bidding.
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What we get is a truly gruelingly long nightmare as Orthax reveals himself, that he was there all along.. and uses hallucinations of Percy's family to torment him as he attacks unknowingly attacking his firends. Once again wha tfinally wins the day.. is love. This time the love of family as Cassandra takes her own turn, at vax's urging, begging him, getting him to let go… and let a round into his hand, freeing him from orthax.
The rest of the episode is largely wrap up, but well done: Percy apologizes for his actions, Scanlan wisely decides to just throw his gun in acid instead of dealing with it expense sbe dammed (Which Percy is righ tpissed about.. until a shadowy bird demon made of acid pops up as it screams it's hopefully last scream.. then he's a bit cooler about it), and Delilah gets hers… courtsey of cass. While Percy forgave her for his own soul.. she didn't have to.
Our heroes survive, whitestone has a chance to rebuild, Cassandra a chance to lead them, and our heroes are free to prance off to clear their name, taking a few days off.. which was good because the next shit show is literally around the corner. That dragon they killed.. was one of FIVE. and the others are bigger, meaner, smarter.. and heading right for Emon. See in you in a few weeks boys and girl! For now though it was an excellent way to end the season as Percy finally gets to breathe.. can he forgive himself? Can he move on? Will it take as long as it did in stream fo rhe and vex to see their menat for each other? All good questions.. but he's now free to answer them on his terms.
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Hollow Mind (Owl House)
"Do me a kindness would you and call me by my real name?
After only making it to second place last year, Owl House wins top honors this year. It also FINALLY gives me a defending champion, as the last two years the winner was either on it's last season (BoJack Horseman ) or took a year off (Invincible), so while Owl house only has one more year to it, it has a very good chance of giving us our first two time winner!
For now though, it's gladly won top honors. It wasn't easy, I went back and forth between the top two a lot.. but in the end while both have some waking nightmare in there, the tight plotting, horrifying reveals, and sheer nightmare of Hollow MInd won out. In 22 brillaint mintues, we're taken inside Belos head… and neither Luz , Hunter nor the audience come out of there okay.
The setup is simple: Hunter barged in on the future CATS trying to get into Belos head, and not having fully been deprogrammed yet, tried tos top them. Luz trie dtos top him.. and so both ended up in his brain. It's a nice tense build up as the various flashbacks and a ghost child show us how Belos got here: We know he's phillip at this point, Elswhere and Elsewhen made that very clear, but we see that indeed his connection to the titan is bullshit
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And in actually shocking news.. the sigils, while always figured to be something bad.. are designed to MURDER the participants. There was a lot of speculation as to what belos was planning, what his end goal was. And finding out he was phillip
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So the reveal.. is painfully terrifying, and shockingly realistic… while he's using magic to do so and it's fantastical enough to slide by disney censors. .his end goal is still plainly, clearly, nakedly.. genocide. He wants witch kind dead.. nothing left and feels as a witch hunter that' shis job. That's all he's eve rwanted, why he made a pact with an elder god all of this.. was just pure bigotry in it's most gastly form. It's a simple motive.. but one that makes Phillip that much more horrifying as an antagonist. We all thought there was more to it.. but that's really all he wants and what all this was for and it suddenly changes the game: we needed to stop him.. but now if he's not EVERYONE who has a sigil dies. Every adult character we know except Eda is marked for death.
The reveal itself is chilling coming shortly after we find out Hunter.. isn't the first of his kind. Every one of the guards has died because Belos simply coudln't accept his brother was a bigot.. including the original Caleb as seen in some background flashback paintings. Belos has killed dozens of beings just for the crime of not being what he fooled himself into thinking his brother was. It's utterly chilling and Matthew Rhys gives the performance of his career as he gladly reveals everything, coldly tries to kill hutner, then gleefully tells Luz her paret in aall this.. I feel her not getting he was phillip soone rwas denial.. and finding out hits her hard. She helped cause this.. everything she loves is going to die.. and the guy responsible has the gall to ask for her help. She says no, he "can't reason with crazy" and luz BARELY surivives… it's a truly horrifying, long walk that ends with our heroes now having a short time to save the world, hunter runing and both our main heroes for the season utterly broken. It's a majestic half hour of television, the finest episode in oen of the finest shows i've ever seen.. and it firmly deserves this honor. A true masterpiece if there ever was one.
Thank for reading all of this. if you want more of my nosense you can find me HERE on twitter, and here's to another great year of reviews. Thank you all so much for your support. I love you all.
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marinaiguess · 2 years
SONIC HEROES BRAINROT TIME (pros and cons :) )
The physics are terrible to deal with. I can’t blame sonic team, they tried their best in the time they had but,,,try playing casino park without rage quitting I DARE YOU. or rail canyon. or final fortress. okay, you’ll find yourself rage quitting a lot. and most of the time, yes, it is not your fault.  
You are obligated to go through the same stages 4 DIFFERENT TIMES. 14 stages. 4 different times. all teams have the same objective, except for team chaotix and that’s: reach the goal. 
You can’t unlock the last story unless you collect all chaos emeralds. Which is fair. But how exactly do you collect them? You have to acquire a key (there are a few scattered around the stages) but only on the second act of each “zone”. And, dont even dream of getting damaged. One wrong move and you lose all your rings and the key. So, you have to restart the stage or move on. 
Bonus stages. You thought the physics in the regular stages were a problem? Try this one. You move the joystick like 1mm and you’ll be thrown in the air and by the time you’re back on track the chaos emerald is like 67 miles ahead of you or your time’s up. If you switch to fly type during this by accident? Good luck reaching that emerald. Oh, and say goodbye to your thumb, it’s gonna get wrecked from how fast you are supposed to smash the button to boost. And the chao sections are horrible.
 Did i complain abt the physics enough? Did I analyze how attrocious and unforgiving the rail system is? I did? It deserves an extra bullet anyway. 
Ah yes, the boss fights. The ones with eggman are ridiculously easy, you spam one button, then wait till that energy fills up and lastly, do the blast attack thing (rinse and repeat the last steps) and done! They get quite repetitive and most feel like a mini boss rather than actual bosses. 
Dont get me started on the team fights. These are either too easy or unbelievably hard. That thing is COMPLETELY broken, I cant explain how frustrating it gets. 
While in this topic, the fights between the teams had absolutely no reason to happen? Everyone was in a bad mood and didnt want to socialize and thought fighting was the best option lol. 
Moving on to the story, Amy, no, you are not supposed to throw Sonic from a fucking building/arena because YOU WANNA MARRY HIM? Also, youre 12, the heroes manual states it, you SHOULDNT wanna marry anyone girl. 
Shadow why are you here? Weren’t you supposed to be dead? Oh, you lost your memory, awesome. *cough* fan service *cough* Okay but seriously? The fuck did they add Shadow for? My boy didnt even turn into super shadow in the end even though HE WAS RIGHT THERE. 
Also on that note, no super tails nor super knuckles. They get some fancy, glowing, bubble shields that make them fly alongside super sonic. No seriously, thats it.
There’s idle chatting in the pc version but you’ll never hear it cuz you have to stand still to trigger it. And thats a shame cuz its really good and interesting. 
Voice acting did not pass the check.
Many playable characters! 4 teams, 12 characters, each with their special abilities (seriously, their abilities are cool, Espio literally turns invinsible) You can switch to whoever you want or whoever you need so you can proceed. Fun mechanic to include many characters.
The chaotix! They’re back! (sort of) Omega’s debut! Cream is here for her first 3d appearance!
The stages are quite a lot and there are a lot of interesting environments for you to traverse through. Starting from the classic valley, passing through a casino, an industrial area, a forest and ending up in the sky.
Also, you do go through all the same stages with the separate teams but there are a few differences. So, Team Sonic is a regular gameplay, Team Dark is a harder version of Sonic’s, usually longer stages and harder robots to deal with. Team Rose is very easy and each stage is quite short. Also features an extra tutorial stage in the beginning. Then there’s the Chaotix. You need to do a mission for each stage and there are a lot for you to do. 
Getting the key in the first act gives u the ability to go to the bonus stage and practice! Also gives you extra lives if you get enough points :)
The bonus stages are a reimagination of the bonus stages of sonic the hedgehog 2! The idea is really cool and it’s the first instance of sonic boosting in the entire franchise. 
Getting that A rank won’t be easy. You have to earn it. Idk, thats a good thing imo. The ranking system in some cases is a bit meh (team dark ocean palace im looking at you, 90,000 points in less than 4-5 mins? it’s just the 2nd stage, gimme a break) but overall it’s just right. 
You have a level system! It makes the game more interesting, trying to level up in each stage so you can unlock the better utilites of your character and make your job so much easier. The blast attack is a bonus as well! You earned it. Now kick robutt with just a push of a button. 
The music is literally iconic? So good? 11/10
Actually solid cutscenes.
Drummond on his best performance ever. 
Story-wise, the plot is pretty good for the most part. Every team is doing their own thing but ultimately they’re chasing the same thing (for different reasons, sure). Sonic and co. need to save the world, Dark try to catch eggman so they can get info abt why shadow cant remember shit (why did no one tell him he was supposed to be dead btw?), Rose are after chocola and froggy (in reality, theyre after sonic LOL) and the chaotix are trying to pay their rent. 
METAL SONIC IS THE REAL VILLAIN? WHAT DO YOU MEEEAAAAAAN? that was a cool plot twist (even if it was predictable after a certain point, it was still pretty cool okay?)
The interactions between the characters are very very interesting. You should check the idle chatting for everyone, really sums up their characters. 
okay that was a lot, but yeah, had to write this down. i think you need to try it to be pleasantly surprised :)
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dollopheadedmerlin · 2 years
Things that have happened at the job I just lost
Got promoted to Quality Assurance Manager
Had a sexist co manager start getting people fired if he didn't like them and bribing coworkers to lie for him to back up his claims - we'll call him M
M refuses to listen when I bring up quality concerns, and then blames me for all quality issues (which is very easy to do, as I am Quality Assurance)
Our boss - we'll call him B - hires an outside general manager to mediate - we'll call him S
S immediately takes Ms side on things because they are similar ages and both a lil bigoted tbh
They are so bad at making our product that when I was out for a week, our reject rate was 40%. When I returned, within two days, I got it lowered back to 2%.
M starts to make rumors about S as well, using the fact that he is Christian to insinuate that he is a predator of some sort, with no evidence (we had issues in the past with S making people uncomfortable by talking as though Christianity was the default)
S suddenly starts taking my side, so M uses the fact that S has anger issues to poke the bear until he snaps and threatens M, causing one of our other bosses to fire him
People start to complain to me that they are uncomfortable working with M, I tell my boss, but at this point it is my word against M's and M has been guilting/blackmailing/bribing people to lie for him
One day, we are understaffed, and having trouble reaching our goals for an order that is meant to be picked up that day. B texts us saying that no one is to call him unless it is an emergency because he is very busy
I tell M that I need everyone to work on the goals for the pickup and that the people who come in layer in the day must join in on those goals. He agrees, but once they come in, he takes them to work on a different task and refuses to allow me to borrow any of them
The person comes to pickup the order, and we are not finished and he angrily demands that I call B. I do so. He says that I "should have told [him] about this hours ago" and then hangs up. But there is a delay between when he hangs up and when his phone actually stops transmitting, so I hear him scream "FUUUUCK!"
So I am sobbing and the guy for the pickup starts blaming me for everything, including not being able to find a box that I didn't know he was supposed to take that wasn't where our boss said it was left, pointing at all the bad product and saying "someone isn't doing their job" (like I said, my manager was ignoring my quality concerns), and just all around telling me off
M catches wind of how bad the situation is and tells me that he has to leave early for an emergency
B texts us with a photo of a product that was taste tested and says how horrible it is, telling us that we have to discuss the issue and find a solution before the shift ends
I reply with this (the breakage thing was false, he just did not like the change because it took longer)
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I realize that this is the FIRST time that M has not been in the kitchen with me (he never called out) and one by one most of the employees come to me to tell me that M touches then inappropriately whenever I am not there
I tell B on my way home, and encourage everyone else to contact B directly so that it is not solely word against his
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I come back the next week to find that M had tried to put in his 2 week notice that day, but B told him not to come in
I am the only manager for a while and it is hell
I find out that M had been telling other people in the building that he was my boss (we had the same level position) and that I was after his job, wo a lot of the other companies we worked around hated me after he was fired/quit
We finally promote this one coworkers who has been "in training" for manager for half a year (M didn't like her so she never got promoted) - we'll call her R
My boss hires another outside manager, who promptly goes missing - we did a wellness check and found out she is, in fact, alive but we never heard from her again
R starts calling out very often because her bf is in a coma with tuberculosis
I am the only manager most days again
I recommend two people for promotions. R rexcomends four (including my two). I advise against one of her suggestions. That is who gets promoted to assistant manager - we'll call her A
She immediately starts to try and change the culture of the kitchen, being ableist towards our autistic coworkers, as well as just straight up not doing her job
I warn my boss that she is escalating, to little support. I say that I am comfortable sending her home if something happens but ask what I should do if she refuses. B just says "call me"
Haha it escalates
I ask for to step off the floor and speak to me and she immediately starts screaming for whatever reasing (idk what she expected that to do) so I switch from "I need to speak with you off the floor" to "you either need to step off an talk with me, or you need to go home"
She freaks out, turns around, and elbows me as hard as she can in my chest
I switch to "you need to get off the floor, you need to go home"
Her friends finally get her into the lobby and I call my boss
B comes in, talks to A, talks to A's friends, and then talks to me
I tell B what happened and he says "that's not what I heard" and proceeds to reveal that A and her friends lied about what happened and A had manipulated one of the autistic employees to lie for her as well, saying I came after he and someone had to "break us up"
I am sent home
I ask if she is also being sent home and my boss says no. I say "I don't think it is appropriate for her to go back into the kitchen after that" (note that I never asks to stay in the kitchen, I just expressed that she should also be sent home), but he insists that she will stay
Ha, I get this email a few hours later
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And then this one the next day
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I go back in on Tuesday and he gives me a teary eyed apology, I think to myself that this is the last chance I give this job (it's the most I've ever been paid and I am good at it)
He says he is going to hire another outside general manager
This last chance is looking sour already
B has J (one of the people I suggested for a promotion) take over some of A's duties. I get my hopes up thinking he will get promoted, but he doesn't even get a pay raise
R resigns because her bf woke up from his coma and she wants to work closer to him
Another person resigned because she was friends with A
The new GM arrives and I decide to give him a chance because it's not his fault that B hired outside
Spoiler: he sucks - we'll call him K
I leave for two weeks to help my bf with a medical thing and when I come back, I found that they have fired someone for messing something up, despite the fact that they had made her do something she hadn't been trained to do. They hired K's cousin. And changed my position
I am no longer Quality Assurance manager because I fixed all the Quality Issues so well that product consistently turns out great without troubleshooting. They say I will now be facilities manager, and be in charge of equipment and tool maintenance and such. This does not come with a pay raise (despite me finding out that three people have independently suggested to B that I get a raise)
K is continuing to be ableist towards our autistic coworkers as well as lie about me and I am so tired of playing social warfare with all these people B panic hires/promotes that I don't say anything because I plan to give the information to B as I resign so that it is his responsibility
I decide to finally start job hunting
We move from our communal kitchen to our own building
I set things up, help them map out where everything is supposed to go, and whatnot.
I get a job offer from an interview
I finish typing up our recipe and process in full (it's never all been written in one place before) and make a detailed list of all the things that they will need to be restocked/maintenanced now that we are responsible for our own building, including links on where to buy compatible brands and replacement parts because I wanted to set them up all nice before I left
The DAY I send those documents over, they ask to catch up after the shift
B stands behind K and has K fire me
They didn't know I was going to put my two weeks in on monday
The reason for firing was "negatively impacting morale"
That's rich since M was far more than "negatively impacting morale" for months and I was forced to put up with that, A and K were both ableist, which I'd say puts a pretty sour damper on morale but alright
B doesn't even have the decency to say it himself, can't fire his oldest and most loyal employee with his own mouth
I had only been back for two weeks and they never brought the issue up with me beforehand
I just say "okay" to everything and then get my stuff
As I stood by the door, I turned around, waved goodbye, and said "good luck guys :)"
I texted our coworkers that I got fired and everyone reacted with either being pissed off or confused as hell. One person thought I was playing a joke on her
I know of at least two people who plan to quit now that I am gone
Good luck, indeed
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kitsunesfandomtime · 1 year
Treasure Vault - CH 3
Characters: All for One, Yoichi Shigaraki, Original Character, Dr. Garaki
Relationship: All for One & Yoichi Shigaraki
Warning: Platonic Yandere, Disturbing behavior, Vault time, Force Feeding, self-imposed starvation, AFO being surprisingly nice with kids
Summary: All for One has had enough of his little brother's rebellious nature. He can't afford to risk his little brother's life by letting him continue this. If he has to commit cruelties to keep his brother safe, then so be it. What's one more sin on the pile?
All for One was watching for any signs.
The government tried to get rid of him subtly while pretending to be some paragon of humanity. The hypocrisy was even worse as it involved an ordinary man to become a would be assassin. But it seems he got the message got across since instead of just some street fight this time was a direct mark.
"We are LIVE after this morning a dead body was found in front of the Diet building by Security." A young reporter was on the TV in front of the diet building there was a huge ruckus but that was no surprise. "Unfortunately the culprit escaped but not before we learned it is a message from the growing crime boss All for One! The rumored monster of Tokyo that has been terrorizing the streets and the dead body is of a small traditional resturant in Tokyo's little alley-!"
He turns off the TV. It was no surprise they would hide the letter but seems not well enough since it made it clear someone saw who it was address from.
"How long can you keep up this charade," All for One muses in amusement at how everyone is stirred up. It was likely the government was going to be trying to do damage control to avoid anyone finding out what they did. It would look quite bad if someone happened to leak that the government involved innocent civilians to take out a 'terrorist' that they originally claimed didn't even exist.
It's amazing how they keep trying to gaslight a whole country at how everything is fine while dead bodies collect in Japan's streets.
At least Yoichi doesn't have to see this already imagining him screaming at him for murdering the guy. Even if did try to explain that the man tried to kill him first after months of being trusted.
Yoichi just wouldn't understand, especially not right now in his vault room but it was still better then him running off into this mess... And he can imagine the boy would have ate the man's food without hesitation to since knew him prior to being captured.
"...He still hasn't eaten my cooking," the biggest tragedy. A small sigh escapes him as he moves a hand to cover his face.
Allowing it to slide down as there was just so much stuff he has to deal with these days. That is something he needs to deal with now least his brother drops dead in their rebellious state.
He had thought of just shoving food into the childs mouth in annoyance but his little brother was a twig right now. While his brother has never been the picture of health at least he was eating and now was refusing every step of the way.
"Guess I better get up and get to work," All for One huffs as he goes to visit the doctor fixing his coat wishing he could just rush into the streets. Have a good time and stir up trouble.
Though he is surprised to see a little girl already sitting on the doctors table. Before snapping out of it remembering that he had asked his men to bring her to them since knew the government would try to 'take' her.
As well as making sure she is in good health before they hand her to the fostercare they needed to get her papers in order which included a doctor's check up. Garaki may be considered a mess of a scientist but at least his papers still worked.
Who knows what nonsense they might do if they think even a CHILD is involved in this so the sooner its sorted the better to get her out of here.
"Ah, All for One you came just in time I just did her check up," the doctor pulls back from whatever he was doing to greet him. Though All for One's eyes were trained on the little girl looked absolutely miserable.
Maybe even a bit scared but then probably had no idea what was happening though he's sure was told her father was deceased. His men weren't exactly good at keeping their mouths shut when it came to stuff like that. It's why can't trust them with his brothers hide out to even help and he had in fact considered it.
The girl seemed to shrink when she saw him and Hisashi remembers compared to most people he was a giant. So likely he was a terrifying figure just coming in suddenly in the middle of the check up.
"That's good, Miss Hamaguchi right?" he speaks softly before kneeling down beside the table to make himself smaller so he can be at her level. "It's very nice to meet you. I'm All for One, you won't be here long but you are safe."
The little girl still had slight tears but it seemed she felt a bit more comfortable as she nods her head. He couldn't help but smile softly as gently pets her head to show he was friendly.
It likely would have sounded like a lie to most. But he planned to make sure this exchange won't just be a one time benefits.
He had already seen more then his share of terrible orphanages and foster care to know he preferred struggling on the streets. So he had prepared a way to make sure she never comes to hate him or at least can live content.
The doctor snorts a bit as if couldn't believe the scene he was looking at and frankly he's lucky is such a good doctor. As All for One shoots a harsh glare at the doctor wondering what the hell was so humorous.
"What is so funny?" He questioned as he was trying to help a little girl not be so terrified of her situation.
"Oh excuse me it isn't funny." The doctor tries to assure holding his hands up defensive, "I'm just impressed how serious you were about FOUNDING an orphanage when talked to me about it. Not many 'crime bosses' just find the right people to make a orphanage to care for kids they accidentally make for their crimes."
The doctor points out and he guessed it was odd as if he was admitting some kind of guilt. Though Hisashi didn't exactly see what was so WEIRD about it when every other orphanage was a piece of shit. At least his would at least try to have happy kids and hey if they end up wanting to work for him great if not also good.
"Don't say that in front of the kid," Hisashi wondered where this man got off in trying to be overly familiar toward him and was trying to avoid the little girl knowing he's a criminal. Able to feel the small girl girl looking at him intently as if there was a burning question.
"Are you a bad man?" she questioned and honestly Hisashi couldn't figure out how to answer. Her eyes lingered with sadness unaware if the man in front of her was her fathers killer but also understanding he wasn't good either.
"...Yeah, I'm bad." There is no point in lying but he gives a small smile, "But... Bad men are the very people that get society to change. Where you're going I promise you won't feel so alone, that's the least I can do."
Even if he can't replace the void he left.
"...I miss my daddy," those words hung heavy in the air as her eyes welled up with tears as if pleading with him, "I miss the resturant I miss his cooking. I know I always said it was dumb but I didn't mean it I just wanted him to spend time with me."
The small girl's crying got heavier as her whole body shakes from the reality that her father was truly gone.
"I want my daddy," That he was never coming back that she was completely alone in this world. Because nothing can replace the love of a family and his own heart ached thinking of what if he had been the one to learn of his brothers death.
The void would be unbearable.
"I know little one I know..." he watches the poor girl cry in front of him knowing this is why didn't like involving kids. Able to see his little brother in her when he would cry at him getting hurt or scared something might happen. He's seen many kids on the streets who cry for love but all they received were sneers.
"I'll never be your dad I know this. I'm terrible and a bad man but..." he isn't sure what he is saying as he takes a deep breath thinking about the things to say.
"If you ever want to restart your dad's buisiness just tell your caretaker and you can, you want to go to college? I'll help you," he whispers promises to the small girl as he gently holds her hand to assure her.
The little girl wasn't crying grew softer and All for One didn't rush her as waited for her body to calm down.
"Please... Visit me," her voice was soft. Little kids were so pure and innocent as well as much too trusting. But he nods his head making a promise to visit during the orphanages grand reopening. The government still can't prove he is actually All for One after all.
"You're quite good with kids surprisingly," Doctor Garaki noted the little girl finally left the room. "You had the most genuine smile I ever seen I feel blessed."
All for One felt himself straightening up feeling almost defensive wondering if he really had been that relaxed. Reminding himself of the last time he got a bit too 'relaxed' with someone he nearly got poisoned.
"Enough flattery," he scoffs not about to let this guy think he can butter up to him as he knows the guy probably just wants more research money. "I only came because you said you would help me with Yoichi. His condition has been getting worst and I been tempted a few times to force feed him but he is as thin as a twig and I rather he not end up in a cast."
The Doctor seemed to hum in thought not seeming bothered by his patrons sudden defensiveness. It made All for One wonder what was with this man's lack of fear but then you don't get a reputation and become a pariah unless you have some oddities to you.
"Pity... I guess I came a bit too late to enjoy your real smile," the doctor noted with a sigh. All for One isn't even going to entertain this statement with a comment simply scoffing at it wondering who this man thinks he is. At least the doctor had the sense to not push, "I prepared something the moment you told me of your little brother's predicament."
With those words the doctor goes to a fridge looking through a slightly disorganized mess. Then again while All for One did have money from illegal means he was kind of being careful at the moment. So guessed the man didn't have too many options for storage, though he made a face at the yellow mush plastic bag.
"It's a sample one since I have limited materials but this should be more then suitable for your little brother to digest. Especially if hasn't eaten in a while," the doctor offers seeming to be trying to hint at a need for more funding. All for One takes the item guessing he should be a bit more lenient, he doesn't know much about science with the whole world gone to shit thing.
"I'll send you the fundings after the first trial," he noted and sniffs it hating that he had to do it unable to help his paranoia. But there was no malice from the doctor nor any bitterness from the object.
"It's not poisoned, I'm no idiot that bites the hand that feeds me and it isn't even for you. The government already threw me out and the science community made me the laughing stock of society, it's why you trusted me right?" The doctor questioned with a smile and honestly... It is why All for One felt like he could possibly trust the good doctor. But it was better safe then sorry.
"You have a point you be an idiot to trust the government again after what they did to you," he muses. The Singularity was seen as a joke and the term for quirks has been growing a bit after some incidents. Now called quirk singularity, but to All for One it was all inconsequential to him. "I'll be going, expect the money and if you have request for specific items make a list and we can see what we can find on the 'market'."
It was a fair exchange taking the items he needed as he went to visit his little brother making sure to compose himself. Doing his usual inspections so that knows no one followed nor were there any 'surprises' around.
Everyone knows he has a little brother because he was so careless he didn't consider the dangers when he started his organization. Though while he realized this his little brother of course was a bit more dense.
And he wishes that resturant owner had been the only assassin attempt but he just happened to have been the closest. Why after that incident had some thugs have some insane audacity of thinking they could take him. Everyone on all sides were wanting a piece of this man who came seemingly out of no where.
As he stares intently at the vault in front of him he moves his hand through his white hair and puts on a smile. He can't show weakness not even to his little brother not if he wants to win their spat. Entering the room it was no surprise to see once again the food left to rot.
"Still starving yourself, little brother? I swear you're being a child," Hisashi sighs already making it clear his disappointment right out the gate. As he goes to take his lovingly crafted work and dump it in the trash.
In the corner of his eye he notices his little brother jolt awake from his little corner apparently he hadn't noticed him come in fast enough. How cute.
Though he is greeted with a steeled look from those bright green eyes the male looks ready to fight. Hisashi can only assume it's because he was remembering the threat he made if doesn't eat this meal. To think he knows and yet still refused.
"I guess that just means I have to force-feed you. You're only making yourself weaker," there was disappointment and annoyance in his voice. Wondering why the other couldn't just cooperate for once in his life.
Of course Yoichi was already about to bolt or at least he would if his nutrient deprived body wasn't clearly against him.
His hand reaches out quickly to grab the male and shoves him back against the wall. Staring intently at the younger male squirmed and hissed at him almost like a wild beast.
"Leave me alone, just let me out of this place. Dammit..." the others voice was weak despite trying to act strong.
Hisashi is able to feel that if put under anymore pressure could end up breaking him. What did Yoichi plan to do? Just die out of spite? If he were released what would he do then?
He wouldn't be allowed to live free, the government would pounce to use him against All for One and thugs would kill to get at AFO baby brother. And those small growing little 'rebel' groups? He isn't sure how to handle those just yet but he's sure they aren't any better knowing they have killed just as many as his own.
There WAS no Justice. Every side has killed and involved innocence, regardless of why none of them had clean hands.
"Still going on about that," he was exasperated at this point as his brother truly acted like a prisoner. "You have nowhere to go and knowing you. If I let you out you would join those opposing me just out of spite. I am not fighting you."
He refuses to let himself be put in that position.
Though he has to reel in his emotions and remind himself his little brother at this point was likely delirious from hunger. His little brother was starving and Hisashi knows he will continue this until he dies.
Hisashi knows he was simply allowing himself to be distracted but he doesn't have the time for this. Once he does this there will be more harm to their relationship but he would rather his brother be alive and spiteful then dead and buried. So enough fooling around.
"Enough you're distracting me," that is likely all this conversation was. A way to distract from the inevitable that was to come but then he has been crossing every line. Doing things he never imagined he would have to just to keep his little brother alive.
Pulling out the bag it felt a bit more luke warm rather then cold able to hear the liquid inside sloshing around as he shows it to his sibling. Able to see his brothers eyes dilate with abject fear of what was about to happen. The realization of what exactly his brother was holding.
He has to admit to himself he sort of enjoyed the reaction his brother would have at times. So strong, so over the top, his little brother was something else.
"What is that?" the others voice was quiet at first as Hisashi lifts it up hirer taking off the plastic that kept it sanitized. Watching Yoichi shrink back and thrash under his grip. "Brother, what is that!?"
A part of Hisashi wants to point out that he had literally warned him several times this would happen. That he shouldn't be surprised that when his brother makes a threat he MEANS it. But he guessed he should humor the boy with a response since is really getting into the damsel in distress bit.
"Isn't it obvious?" he allows a pause as he shows off the liquid package the tube attached to it was so long. Already anticipating his little brothers fears growing as he shows it off, "I just asked a friend of mine for help. Don't fight it, and do try to swallow. Don't want it going down the wrong tube after all."
He felt his little brother's hand move instantly to grab at his arms trying to push him away. It was stronger then before as if his fight or flight response has finally kicked in as tries to run out of his grasp.
This only made Hisashi hold him tighter, pushing Yoichi against the wall rougher with his free hand. Forcing him in place as has to press his brother just hard enough to hold him but not break him.
"Please let me go Hisashi this is insane-" Yoichi's protest gave him the perfect chance to force the tube into his mouth. Prying his jaw open he can see those eyes widen and fill with teeth as the tube presses against his throat. A wheeze and a gasp as he tries to turn his head but all Hisashi had to do was force his head back more.
"Now swallow," it was a command and his brother couldn't even stop if he wanted to.
All for One watches the tube slowly move down the way the male's throat distend just a bit for the tube was quite a sight. Drool began to fall down the side of his brothers mouth as his mouth was kept open. Those hands that had tried to stop him now dug into his arm like claws fruitlessly trying to inflict pain in the vain hope that he would take it out.
He doesn't give him that mercy as once the bag touched the others face is when he began to squeeze the concoction. Ignoring his brother's struggles and pain as finally got food into the stubborn boys stomach. It didn't take long to finish and it was clear couldn't eat any more if could pulling the long tube out of the male's gullet.
Gross and yet surreal. Unable to look away as he watches his little brother collapse the moment he was released. Spittle and drool falling onto the floor from his mouth as if somehow can just eject the food he just ate.
Tears were running down the male's face and it was enough to even make him apologize for the pain. He didn't enjoy making his brother suffer even if he had no issues with the act itself. His hand reaches out to gently rest on his little brothers back gently rubbing circles like he used to do when Yoichi was sick.
"I'm sorry that it hurts. It was for your own good," his words were curt but sincere as he knew his brother was going to die. They both knew he was about to die so he-
Only to feel his little brother smack at the hand that had just been trying to ease his pain. Those teeth were bared in a fine line as green eyes looked up from underneath his bangs. Betrayal, hurt, and rage was clear in those eyes even in this pitiful state his brother was still acting strong.
"Where do you get off trying to act kindly when you forced that shit on me," Yoichi snapped at him making it clear he wasn't forgiven for this. All for One will always be the one in the wrong, "I'm not your damn lackeys or one of your victim."
It struck a chord. Feeling a slight pain in his chest as he stared at his brother who seemed to think he did this for lackeys or victims. When he is trying to save his life!
He is prolonging it not trying to snuff it out despite how he's sure many thought he should! Hisashi takes a deep breath knowing he can't let himself get flustered then he sighs. All for One was able to regain his composure as he reminded himself they expected this result. It at least meant he will be alright.
"Taking it so 'personally' I did it because you weren't giving me a choice," as the alternative was simply allowing Yoichi to die. A fact they both know he wouldn't accept, "I am not releasing you untill you join me and you were willing to starve to death. If you would at least eat while being stubborn I wouldn't have done that."
That answer wasn't enough. It will never be enough to justify anything he does because it was already predetermined in Yoichi's mind who is right and who is wrong. But as long as he lives and survive there is still a chance to fix-
"You can't live forever, and neither can I! You're no god or demon lord." Hisashi is stunned, what? But his brother wasn't done as looked him in the eye, "You're just a stupid human being like me, and you can't keep me here forever!"
Yoichi's voice rang to the heavens despite being hoarse. Despite the pain he screamed it loud so his brother can hear every word...
The smile he had on his face to keep his composure vanished as if a kind of unpleasant feeling took over. There wasn't anger or frustration it was as if he had just been hollowed out by those words scooped and twisted in a way he can't describe. In this moment wishing, just for this moment, that he didn't love his brother like he did now.
That he could just reach out his hand and wrap it around his brother's fragile neck like the young man seemed to want. To snap his neck and just be free of it all but all he can see is that little boy. That little boy who cried to him when things went wrong who looked at him with concern and said how he loves him.
It seems that was all he could do today. He doesn't know what might happen if he stays.
Picking himself up Hisashi doesn't even feel like giving his brother a good bye right now least he says something he doesn't wish to speak. Hoping the nights alone drive him insane that he begins to miss and long for him as leaves him so long.
"Hisashi...?" Yoichi's voice is so small. He shouldn't be allowed to sound like that after everything, "Hisashi wait!"
He refuses. He was selfish. He was fine with that.
His little brother reached out to him and All for One yanks his hands away from him as he stares at his little brother with disgust. Watching the hurt show on his little brothers face he doesn't even try to assure him.
"You made your point very clear, Yoichi," the deep rumble of All for One was firm as he turns to leave the room...
For the first time he doesn't leave to the sound of his brothers screaming. But to silence that seemed to burn so much louder then anything before as the vault shuts.
And the numbness slowly turned that burning into his chest clawing and eating at itself. A kind of hunger desperate to run away from this very feeling that is hard to comprehend. Afraid? Of course he was, it normal to be afraid.
How can you inflict fear if you don't even know fear. But death? Death is something different then just a normal fear, it takes and takes and takes without remorse.
Death is something he deals with and has been surrounded by for so long. But he did not wish for those he loved to experience it in any form. He wishes for them to be safe, to be secure, if he could have he would wish for them to be happy.
A deep breath as he clenches his fist feeling a wave of frustration wondering why he can't control his emotions.
This is unbecoming of you, All for One.
A reminder of who he is trying to be. Slowly he straightens himself up knowing he can't linger on this. Not now. Not when the government saw his declaration, not when small groups wished him dead. Not while his brother is still unsure about the world...
He needs to become stronger.
Bury those feelings deeper, All for One.
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thessalian · 2 years
Thess vs Lack of Update
I am ... very tired. I could do things, but honestly, I don’t want to. I have no spoons. I need spoons for tomorrow.
And Sunday.
And oh dear gods Monday because Monday I am going to have to GO THE FUCK OFF on some people.
So, continuing the saga of getting my work-from-home bullshit sorted out. This morning, I checked my work email before the long commute, just in case there was anything else IT guy’s boss wanted me to do. (He didn’t get anything done yesterday because a server in the other building horfed or something.) There was an IT-related email. It was not from IT guy’s boss. It did not even end up copied into IT guy’s boss. It was, however, from IT guy. And while it was addressed to me, it was attached to a whole bunch of email correspondence that I had not been a part of. Which I guess is fair, honestly, because I didn’t include IT guy into the stuff I sent to IT guy’s boss where we actually made some semblance of headway into the actual problem. IT guy’s email included zero apology for vanishing without warning at a time when he had committed to calling me to sort out some stuff. It consisted of one sentence: “Can we schedule that call for tomorrow?”
Keep in mind, this was sent yesterday, about 40 minutes after I leave the office. Because apparently three separate emails outlining the fact that I leave at 4pm have not got through his thick skull yet.
Anyway, the forwarded email correspondence was actually a lot more interesting. It was my Head Honcho emailing IT’s Head Honcho going, effectively, “You people have been jerking my staff around for months! This is a health and safety issue! Sort it out!”, and then IT’s Head Honcho saying, “Okay, I don’t have any of the details on this but IT guy has some EXPLAINING to do”. So it’s probably no surprise that I sensed a certain amount of desperation in IT guy’s one sentence.
I emailed him - and everyone else in the correspondence chain, and added IT guy’s boss for good measure - before I even left the house. Explained, again, what my hours are. Explained that this is not something a call can sort out because it’s an issue with the transcription software install, but that IT guy's boss had been immensely helpful and that IT guy should liaise with him for further details. Basically business-speak for “I went over your head, you ass; fuck off”.
Of course, now I feel bad about that on the grounds that once I got home today, I kind of expected something to have been done? But as far as I can tell? Nothing. Transcription software still doesn’t work. I’m going to have to drop an email on Monday morning - and probably a text to IT guy’s boss as well - going, “Look, I literally cannot get to the office on Tuesday. This needs sorting out now. Or at least some kind of update”. The email’s a necessity because Scruffman’s in the email list and he needs to be aware of what’s happening on Tuesday. Either I’m working from home or I’m not working, because I can about manage a train strike and I can ... almost, kinda, sorta, maybe manage a Tube strike (though honestly, given last one I tried to get through, maybe no), but a bus strike? At least that bus company? Nope nope nope. So Scruffman has a choice - he can shake IT until they do the fix, and I can work from home ... or I can stay at home and play video games. I know other IT shit is going on, like, all the time, and people get busy. But IT guy’s boss knows what the problem is and knows what the fix is; either he hasn’t done it, or he has and it didn’t work. Either way, an update would be really nice.
I’m really glad I treated myself to some gummy sweets on the way home today. I mean, I kind of am. Just ... don’t get me started on the autumn budget statement in this country. Basically we’re all pretty well fucked. But I’ll talk about the budget later, when I have more spoons. Right now, it will be painkillers and video games.
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phytoremediator · 2 months
Shadow of the Erdtree review
PC, 2024, DLC for Elden Ring, $40
Verdict: Not worth $40. 7.5/10
Elden Ring was my first soulslike. After a couple of false starts a few weeks after release I settled into a strength build and achieved the Age of Stars ending (Ranni's) and got all remembrances. A year later I even filled out my inventory with missing items like obscure talismans and tried a new dex build and didn't get very far. In between, I played Dark Souls (even streamed it), Bloodborne (loved it), DS2 (worse than 1), DS3 (best of the trilogy - haven't played the DLC), Demon's Souls remake (good, but faithful copying of esoteric and clunky mechanics detracted), Sekiro (not for me, i.e. "too hard"), and Lies of P (excellent soulslike. Got all achievements. Some quests a bit annoying).
In the lead-up to the DLC I was mostly debating whether or not it'd be worth the steep price tag despite really wanting to play it. I can talk about value but I don't want to sound like Marx in this review. I'd probably lean towards the value being $25. Far less to do than the base game, which is $60 (less if you get it on sale). It's sort of worth playing, but the content duration is only extended by virtue of needing to retry bosses like Radahn, Consort of Miquella over and over again.
DLC content that requires a significant portion of gameplay to get to and in turn requires choices or includes points of failure can be a headache for blind playthroughs. I ended up following a basic side quest guide after accidentally (?) slaying a member of the forager brood and angering Moore, locking myself out of some recipes. This helped somewhat but I still missed out on Ansbach's bow due to siding with the Hornsent who promptly invades me in Rauh. Whatever. I could copy the nonsense pathed absurdly named save file into a backup folder like I did to get the last two achievements I was missing (Elden Lord and Lord of Frenzied Flame) but that seemed like too much work.
There are a few side areas and overall the exploration was fun. Once you grab the first few easy upgrade materials it becomes easier to get the rest. The handful of dungeons were well put together but generally relied on lethal falls as a threat. Bayle the Dread was kind of gimmicky in that you needed a blessing and an ally to defeat him. The furnace golems were also the essence of gimmick and had insane damage. Midra was easy but I tackled him at 20/10 upgrade level. The uh, Putrescence Knight? was easy enough, though I really expected sleep to be more of a threat in Stone Coffin Fissure/Cerulean Coast, while it was actually absent. Shadow Sunflower wasn't too bad and thematically interesting, although I like my plants alive, not undead or shadowy. The boar rider guy caught me off guard but I defeated him second try despite his ridiculous hitboxes. Metyr and its side quest was probably the most enjoyable of the side quests, though it felt a bit empty. Mostly I was like "welcome back Bloodborne" because of the cosmic horror and motherhood.
The main quest was fairly enjoyable - I defeated Divine Beast Dancing Lion first because I watched SGDQ 2024 and that's what the runner did. Anyway, the NPCs each had their little goals that changed a bit after defeating Rellana and approaching the Shadow Keep, but none I agreed with. Leda has the archetype of golden zealot, whose gleaming armor belies a bloodthirst. Ansbach wears his bloodiness on the outside and allies with you if only to give Mohg a proper burial. Thiollier is pathetic yet probably the most agreeable character. After slaying Messmer, whose design is targeted towards people vulnerable to evil blorbos, you go through another area and fight another boss. After a bit you make your way to where Miquella is doing some very weird necromancy (hashtag toxic yaoi) and eventually slay him and Radahn. Well, I would have. I got him down to 10% but didn't feel like grinding the rest of the way. Also it seems that asking Ansbach and Thiollier to help actually makes the fight significantly harder, for some reason. So I'll just have to imagine Miquella being very sad about dying.
Many fans were blinded by some of the antagonists being pretty, going so far as to romanticize Miquella's divine power of coercion. Messmer was the subject of evil blorbo-ing from the moment of his reveal. His crimes are self-evident and yet he is upheld as a tragic figure who impaled and burned for love.
The DLC is very self-contained. You access it after defeating Mohg, which is usually the last remembrance boss players defeat in the main game. The Shadow Realm is an entirely different map. The story and lore in the main game barely makes reference to anything happening in the DLC, save for Marika, Miquella/St. Trina, Radahn, and Mohg. Much of the DLC builds off of the existing lore (+3 talismans, anyone?), though it emphasizes the motif of light and shadow. This is a familiar and ubiquitous concept but I would like to make special reference to the twin trees of Valinor in The Lord of the Rings lore, as the Erdtree and Scadutree may well be inspired by these two. I would have liked some stuff retconned into the main game and the DLC content be more integrated into the main game lore and world. I replayed from the start prior to the DLC and found nothing new to suggest the existence of pretty much anything in the Realm of Shadow. I always side with Ranni but there wasn't really a way to play the DLC in a manner befitting this, though you do end up slaying Messmer and Miquella and also some fingers (Metyr) anyway.
Overall, pretty enjoyable. If I had to give it a score I'd probably say 7.5/10. Point off for bad difficulty scaling especially after hitting a wall with the final boss. Point off for not tying in with the rest of the game enough and being a bit empty in places. The main quest feels especially pointless since Miquella's grand plan is only revealed fully at the end and you promptly put a stop to it. Half a point off for combat gimmicks that require abnormal gameplay (Bayle, furnace golems, aging untouchable, Radahn). The bulk of the Realm of Shadow was well executed and pretty (and gross), most of the bosses and enemies were engaging, and some of the new equipment was worthwhile. Pick it up if you're really into Elden Ring but if some of the negatives are glaring you can wait until it goes on sale.
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kosher-martian · 6 months
Garvin and the Technicolor Jury Summons 
Work has been stressful. Really stressful. And because I'm constantly having to save my PTO for religious holidays, I can never take a vacation outside of the normal workplace holiday schedule. (Yeah yeah discrimination, but I'm a public-sector employee in a red state... My boss just had to sign a legally-binding pledge effectively saying he is not now, nor has he ever been woke).
So imagine my surprise and delight (?) when I received a jury summons. This was my first jury summons in a long while and my first for federal cases. I had to work some crazy overtime to ensure division-wide projects could continue and I wouldn't have a mountain of work upon my return.
I told my boss about the summons a few weeks ago to prepare him for my absence. He said (copying directly from our work chat): "That's the solar eclipse day, my dude. What sort of omen is that? Good or bad? Def an omen of some kind."
I arrive at the courthouse at 7AM per the summons. Already there's a long line of people outside. It's cloudy, muggy, and threatening to rain. Following the lengthy instructions included with my summons, I have come wearing my only suit (purchased when I was 80-90 pounds heavier) and my most formal kippah (black velvet). The doors open and the line of people ahead of me slowly enters the building. I pass by through security, argue with the bailiff that my kippah is religious headwear until a kind US Marshal corrects him, and make my way to Jury Selection.
There are nearly 60 of us in the room. College students to retirees, all races, quite a few religions, and several income brackets were represented. A strange fellow walks in, 20 mins late. He's at most 5'3". Ginger, with pale skin, freckles, and bright orange hair. He's bald on top, but has let his hair grow long  enough to form a rat tail. He has a well-trimmed beard but no moustache. His eyes are so close together he's basically a cyclops. Unlike the other men, he has shown up in a T-shirt that reads "I am Garvin". He's also wearing a "hello my name is" name tag. I personally believe he arrived with it. I did not receive a name tag, and no one else was wearing one either. Garvin sits alone by himself.
We watch a long, boring video about the importance of being a juror, featuring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor (from when she was on the bench). Afterwards, we are asked to line up at the front of the room and receive our Prospective Juror number. We are then reseated according to our number. I am seated between a philosemitic pentecostal (long hair, jean skirt, the whole nine yards) and - you guessed it - Garvin.
Before I go much further, I should probably explain I have an unnatural ability to provoke unsolicited opinions from people. There's something about me which leads to people from all walks of life to share whatever unhinged manic word salad is bouncing around in their heads. I've had deranged incels explain the plot of Attack on Titan to me umprompted at the post office. I've had little old ladies give me their gardening podcast recommendations while standing in the cereal aisle at the grocery store. Random MAGA guys have tried to make me their token Jewish friend so they can win arguments in middle of an Arby's. And I have been asked (at least three times in the same Best Buy parking lot) to join the full spectrum of radical political movements by men driving hatchbacks with Dragonball Z vinyl wraps. It's a blessing. Or a curse.
Mrs Pentecostal leans over and assures me she will not, as her appearance would indicate, proselytize. She respects my people's beliefs (but still can't help referring to them as "misguided"), and in fact she loves Jews. Jesus was Jew, don't you know? For the remainder of the day, she quizzes me on various Jewish celebrities. She tells me with confidence that she doesn't drink alcohol because it "makes Jesus weep" but that she always encourages her friends and family that do drink to try Manischewitz. "Manischewitz," she says, "is doing the Lord's work."
But we're not here to talk about Mrs Pentecostal. We're here to talk about Garvin.
We leave the jury selection waiting room and proceed to the courtroom. Along the way, Garvin introduces himself. His name, I correctly ascertain from his shirt and self-funded name tag, is Garvin. Garvin sprays for mosquitoes. He'll also help you trap vermin as long as you agree to catch and release methods of pest control (ironic for a man WO sprays for mosquitoes). He has insomnia, but takes medication for it. His name, he reminds me, is Garvin.
We each have to tell our names, occupations, hobbies, and favorite color. Kosher Marty, IT, vintage electronics and Muppet discourse, green.
We are asked to wait in the hallway for 10 mins. Garvin asks if I know any programming languages. "COBOL", I answer. I explain what COBOL is. Garvin says I'm "one of the few capable of understanding the truth: Programming is just higher-order gematria." He does not elaborate further. (He also pronounces "gematria" as "jim-atria". This is the least of my concerns.) 
We return from our recess and continue the work of jury selection. A few hours later, we number less that 40. We are lead into a jury break room. Mrs Penetecostal is speaking with an elderly black man. Garvin sits next to me and asks if I'd like to continue our conversation from earlier. He continues without waiting for my reply.
"As an interpreter of higher order gematria," he asks, "would you say you agree that the US Constitution is divinely inspired?"
"Uhhh," say Kosher Marty
"Of course, that isn't to say it hasn't been perverted by man's corruptible nature. The 18th amendment was a satanic pact." says Garvin.
"Alcohol is regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives. Right?"
"Yes, but-"
"The ATF is a subsidiary of the Department of Justice, as is the DEA, who regulate illicit substances such as cocaine, crack cocaine, fentanyl and the like, and of course crystal meth. These are all intoxicating substances, like hooch."
"Well the way they intoxicate you is different, I think, but sure????"
"HA! I knew it! So you see it too! The 21st Amendment is just a recontextualized rendering of the Book of [incomprehensible gibberish] of the Apocrypha! It reverses the satanic pact of Prohibition and upholds our God Given and Constitutionally Protected right to consume meth-amp-phetamines!"
"Not to say that I would EVER imbibe such a chemical myself, but rather that God and Thomas Jefferson always intended us to have that temptation available. It's all there in the Constitution. That's why the age of majority needs to be 15. At 15 you need to be able to drive, drink, smoke, and snort your way across this great nation as long as you are willing to fight to defend it! Ergo summa cum laude: Meth-amp-phetamine Dispensaries are not only a good idea, but a necessary evil for society and western civilization."
"Are you really suggesting-"
"Of course the real question is why Prohibition was passed in the first place! It wouldn't have, had the Catholic Church not hidden the Apocrypha and burned down the Library of Alexandria. Herbet Hoover was the one that found an English translation in Jefferson's Presidential Library. It's all in the good book. Isn't that what you guys say? But more to the point, Prohibition was a Faustian pact between Lucifer, the Pope, and Susan B Anthony. But why would the Pope do that? Irish and German immigrants loved their pubs and beer gardens! Italians to! That's how the mob started! Kennedy was a rumrunner! That's why they killed him! Prohibition would hurt the very people the Pope claimed to intercede for! Do you know why he'd create Prohibition? I know why."
At this point, Mrs Pentecostal interjects: "Because the Pope worships the sun!" Mrs Pentecostal returns to her conversation.
"Precisely!" says Garvin, with a self-satisfied smile. He did not elaborate further.
We are ushered back into the courtroom, where jury selection continues until Mrs Pentecostal, Garvin, and I are all excused. On my walk back to the parking garage, Garvin stops me and suggests I look into the Waco Siege and "ATF-Vatican connections".
I did not get selected for jury duty. I have to go to back to work tomorrow.
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dinofelissnow1985 · 1 year
Of Birds and Butterflies
by DinofelisSnow1985
Chapter 6
Two days later the three Sanses sat on the Couch to watch some stand up comedy show.
A knock on the door, Saphy hurriedly putting on her shoes while calling out "comin'," door opening and slamming shut, and she was gone, giggling greeting whoever had knocked.
Red turned his head to Blue. "She really takes afta ya. If she had more from Sans' side of da family, she would've used da opportunity."
Blue looked at him puzzled. "What opportunity"
Red exchanged a look with Sans and both began to grin as if sharing an inside joke. Then they both looked at Blue at said unisono, "Who's there?"
Blue stared at them, stunned into silence.
"No matter how much she likes you, i will personally make sure that she won't spend too much time in your Nest, Red. By the way, we should get you the materials, so you can build one before Miss Toriel starts treating your old Injuries."
Red gave Blue a confused look. "The fuck are ya talking about? Why would i need ta build a Nest? 'M a Skeleton, not some bird."
Blue furrowed his brow. "But...you are an Omega. Every Omega builds Nests. It's in their nature."
Red gave Blue a blank stare. "I have no fuckin' idea what'cha talkin' 'bout. Whattefuck's an Omega?"
Blue stared around Red at Sans, looking for help.
Sans took a moment to get his thoughts in order before starting slow. "Buddy, you know about the whimsums and moldsmols, right? I mean, you know how Kids happen."
Red nodded slowly. "Yeeeeaaahhhh, dat's how i got mah lil Butterfly. So what?
Wait. Izzat 'bout 'Heats' an' shit? Tori told me ta ask ya 'bout tha' when da babybones isn't 'round."
Now it was Sans who wrinkled his forehead. "You... don't know what a Heat is? How?!"
Red shrugged. "Dunno. Mebbe if ya 'xplain this ta me, we can find de hangup."
Sans took a deep Breath, Blue was blushing like an Echo Flower.
"Mkay," Sans finally said, "let's sort out where you stand with your knowledge. You obviously know what sex is, how to form male and female Ecto and how to make a Baby. *Red nodded* Have you ever heard of Mating Cycles? *Red shook his head no* Alphas, Betas and Omegas? *Headshake* Hmmm, ever felt...weird? Y'know, hot and bothered and needy, for more than just a horny instant? *Headshake* ...Okay. How do we start? First the Heat or the second gender?"
Red tilted his Head. "Wazzat?"
Sans inhaled long and slow. "Okay, storytime. Listen.
After Blue popped up in this Universe i tried to repair my Machine to send him back home. Sadly all i managed was to get readings on the other Universes, including Blue's. The readings showed different informations like the Name, Number of Timelines, the progress of the respective human, and certain things about the nature and dynamics. Our Universes, this, Blue's and yours are located in the A/B/O Cluster. All Universes in this Cluster have some kind of Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics.
Meaning, everyone born in such an Universe is born with a second gender which is either Alpha, Beta or Omega, and starts to show with the beginning of puberty, the time when most Monsters grow out of Stripes.
Alphas are big, strong and protective. They can send out Pheromones to project their aggression and dominance or subdue or calm an Omega. Their Cycles only consists of Ruts and they might hump the first person they set their eyes on, they also most of the time have a knot. In bad Universes they get pretty aggressive and possesive." Red wrinkled his forehead. "Sounds familiar...Boss got...weird from time to time. Was more likely ta dust some poor bastard and wouldn't stop ta fuck me until he passed out. Always thought 'e would kill me during such a frenzy."
Sans nodded. "Betas are kinda inbetween, in some Universes they don't have any Cycles, in others they can go into Rut as well as into Heat without control over what they go into, it's everytime by chance.
Omegas are usually small and weak. They are naturals when it comes to handling Children, be it their own or not. Omegas have an instinctive urge to care for the kids and tend to their home, they yearn for the protection of someone stronger, to feel safe and cared for. Omegas always have Heats. They feel the urge to build a Nest to create a safe space and become all cuddly and clingy, in the later stages of their Heats they feel the need to have their partners close by to take care of them. Omegas also emit Pheromones to soothe potential aggressions that might be directed towards them, and to find a mate."
"Are Heats always like tha'?" Red asked. "Mostly for Omegas," Blue chimed in. "In the majority of Universes without A/B/O Monsters in Heat are entirely sexdriven."
Red thought for a while.
"So... ya said Omegas have a need ta feel safe? An' der Heats are allabout feelin' safe? Mebbe dat's de hangup. I never felt safe. Mah Universe isn't a place to feel safe ...or cuddle up in a Nest...If ya show weakness ya're dust. I never...was able to...be soft..."
Sans and Blue exchanged a look. They already knew Red's Story, but now, under the light of his status and needs as an Omega, his world had really been cruel to him. To have to suppress your body's needs and instincts in order to survive, without any kind of break...That thought was horrible for the two of them, yet Red had to live like that!
"Uh...by the way, what are you?" Red Interrupted the heavy silence that had settled between them.
"Betas. Both of us," Sans answered. "Blue has a Cycle, i don't."
Blue scooted closer to Red and put his arm around him. "What do you say? Let's turn your room into a fluffyland."
Red blushed and smiled shyly. "Dat...ah fuck, actually dat sounds really nice."
"Okay," Sans said, "how about you go back to your room to choose the best place while Blue and me ransack our closets for blankets and pillows and bring 'em upstairs?"
Red looked uncertain again. "...izzat really 'kay? Dun wanna inconvenience ya..."
Now Sans put his Arm around Red as well and rested his chin on the crown of Red's skull. "Don't worry about it, Red. We want you to be comfortable and feel safe with us. Maybe it's just your scent, us Betas are receptive for it too, even if not as much as Alphas are. Just humor us and let us take care of you for now. Please?"
Red's skull glowed like a traffic light while he couldn't help but snuggle into the double side hug and purr like an oversized cat.
Blue and Sans looked at each other over Red's head and shared a gentle smile. They both realized in that very moment that they were about to fall head over heels for the small Skeleton between them.
When Blue gave Red a small innocent peck on the temple, Red startled to awareness of what he was doing and the position the three of them were in.
As soon as they felt Red stiffen, Blue and Sans loosened their grip on him so he could leave if he wished.
Red relaxed slowly before getting up and nervously clearing his throat, declaring he'd go then and wait for them in his room. Then he limped to the stairs awkwardy, ascended them and went to his room, leaving the door ajar.
"Do you think we were too straightforward and scared him?" Blue frowned.
Sans shook his head. "Nah, don't worry, Blue. I can imagine that he's just a little overwhelmed and need a minute or two to cool down and process everything.
C'mon. Let's gather those blankets and pillows for his Nest.
If i think about what he just told us, he maybe never ever built a Nest before...poor little guy."
Blue seemed to think about something. "In my AU it's common for Omegas to have stuffed toys in their Nests to cuddle with, especially when they don't have a partner."
"That's actually quite a good idea. Somewhere in the attic has to be some boxes with Paps' old plushies. If we put them through a round in the dryer they should be as good as new."
And so, while Blue emptied the closets and gathered all the spare pillows and blankets they had, Sans teleported into the attic to look for his brother's old plushies.
With three boxes, bursting with fluffy childhood, he ported straight to the laundry room and started sorting through fluffy toddler blankets, knitted dolls and different kinds of stuffed toys and plushies.
First he put the blankets aside in case Blue might decide some of the stuff from the closets needed washing or to be put in the dryer as well. Then he put the first load of stuffed toys into the dryer.
After starting the quick program he left the laundry room to check if his mate needed any help.
He found Blue in the living room between seven piles. One contained all the pillows and blankets he could find, three were made of pillows and three of blankets. Blue sorted the materials after 1) ready to use, 2) need to be put in the dryer and 3) need to be washed since the stuff had been too long in the closet without being used.
Sans helped Blue to finish sorting the remaining materials and took what needed to be washed to the laundry room to start the first load. He started with the pillows since they were the base for most kinds of Nests.
In the meantime the first load in the dryer was done and Sans took it out and started the next one, before returning to the living room to get the other piles. After that he helped Blue bringing the pillows and blankets to Red's room.
Red had chosen his (almost empty) closet as a good safe space since he would be hidden in there and with some blankets and pillows it would be pretty cozy. So he had cleared out the few things on the closet floor and put them under his desk for now so the room wouldn't look messy.
He was sitting on the bed, thinking, when Blue, followed by Sans, entered, with lots of soft and fluffy looking pillows in their hands.
Red looked up and his Eye Sockets widened when he saw the big soft pillows. He felt drawn to them by instinct. "Are 'dose really fer me?"
"Indeed," Blue chirped in his energetic way. "We have a lot more if you wish."
Red lowered his gaze nervously and like he was ashamed of something. "I...never did...this. Like i said, never had da chance nor were i ever allowed ta...show ...weakness. Have no idea how ta do this..."
Blue and Sans exchanged a heartbroken look. "Don't worry, Red. We can look up everything we want online. That includes tutorials for Nest building. Bluebird, can you look it up with Red while i take care of the materials?"
Blue quirked a brow. "You offer, voluntarily, to do the more strainous task? Who are you and what have you done to Sans?!"
Sans snorted and rubbed sheepishly the back of his head. "My phone died somewhere during the night. I... somehow...forgot to charge it."
"Again?! Sans, you are worse than my brother, when it comes to such things."
"Heh, sorry Bluebird. Guess we can't all be as magnificent as you are. I've put it on the charger as soon as i noticed, don't worry, hon.
Welp. Guess i'll go back to the laundry room. Later."
With that he teleported away and left Blue and Red alone.
Blue rolled his Eye Lights and turned his attention on his Smartphone, muttering under his breath. "This guy is unbelievable. Sometimes i wonder why i chose him as my mate."
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good-prog · 2 years
FF9: understanding the makings of a "comfort game"
Main campaign date: 2023/02/06-02/12 Playtime (Steam) to roll credits: 48.9 hrs Playtime (in game) to roll credits: 43.3 hrs Total playtime: 59 hours
I loved Final Fantasy IX; I'm worried about my upcoming playthroughs of FF8 and FF12 because I know that I'll be (un)consciously comparing them to this game throughout. It was a charming game with solid gameplay, with a cute (and well deserved!) romance to boot.
Spoiler warning etc etc. Less polished rambling than usual; I could talk about this game for hours.
The combat didn't feel particularly difficult or especially in depth, but was still enjoyable. Each character served a set role that complemented the rest of the party, with later characters and more advanced abilities adding more support options. Notable challenges/areas of interest included:
Early game:
I was fairly invested in the story, so I didn't hit as many random encounters as I usually do during a typical FF playthrough (wandering around, checking all the nooks and cranies).
I was unable to finish the festival of the Hunt because I ran out of potions (oops); learned that potions are less effective out of combat the hard way.
Faced the Gizamaluke's Grotto boss at ~level 10, which took several wipes to beat (and subsequent casual level grinding)
Oelivert: I liked how I had to creatively use support players and passive abilities due to the magic restriction; I only wish that there were similarly restrictive challenges that forced the player to think beyond a "standard" party composition (with a healer). The pair/shrine battle was a good example, though I had no trouble with it since Quina had learned most of their spells by then.
Side note: I wish there was combat associated with each of the pairs that got sent to the shrines, (though we got to fight each of the guardians in Memoria, which made up for it somewhat))
Hades: after beating him (after about an hour), I read that ideally, one kills before his super destructive Doomsday move. Unfortunately, I was greedy and wanted to steal all of his loot. (I ended up only being able to survive his Doomsday casts with pumice equipped on Eiko + shell/protect on all allies)
Wiped to Necron a couple times. Like Hades, I tried with the original party (Zidane/Steiner/Vivi/Dagger) but couldn't keep up with outgoing damage; I ended up swapping to Zidane/Steiner/Quina/Eiko. Crand Cross -> zombie/death -> Phoenix Downs rendered ineffective
Ozma was an rngfest (Doomsday / Curaga spam as it dropped to low health) but I ended up beating him on a pull I just tried to extend as much as I could (with just Steiner alive, spamming Climhazzard)
I liked how I was incentivized to steal; since that was Zidane's job and he was usually in the party, I made use of it more than, say, in FF7 where it was an afterthought. I also enjoyed the ability system, since it promoted upgrading/changing gear as soon as abilities were learned, unlike most RPGs where I tend to hold on to the cheapest/weakest armor/weapons until I get better drops. The passive abilities were interesting to re-equip for bosses that took multiple pulls, though I ended up running a mostly defensive build by the end to minimize status ailments. The storytelling through some of said abilities was amusing, though; early in the game, Zidane's "protect girls" ability would often get himself killed in the process.
Chocobo Hot and Cold isn't the greatest minigame, though after the midpoint of the chocographs I sped up the game (i.e., more pecks in less time) to make it more bearable. There's something amusing about watching Choco zoom around that makes the grind more interesting.
Other minigames/puzzles (e.g., sword battle during I Want to be your Canary, sorting out the Fossil Roo switch puzzle) are cute and added more interactivity to the more story-heavy parts of the game.
I didn't play too much Tetra Master, and am thankful that it didn't play too much of a role in the story (beyond the required card tournament.) I wish the card strengths/weaknesses/rock-paper-scissors rules were more comprehensible; I used an external source to understand what each of the four digits on the cards meant.
Overall, the plot felt tighter and more coherent than most other Final Fantasy games I've played so far. It felt like each of the supporting characters had their major development take place over the course of a zone/dungeon, which made it more tidy (but also not as in depth).
The world felt whimsical in its absurdity: of course Dali's black mage manufacturing factory was chocobo powered (and of course black mages were made with some convolution of chocobo eggs + mist). Of course giant gargants carry passengers between Treno and Alexandria. And of course Cid would get turned into a mustached oglop for cheating on his wife.
The characters are incredibly charming, and I feel like it was easy for me to fall in love with their personalities and their journey to save the world and understand themselves and in the process.
Side note: character design-wise, I liked how the main party wasn't necessarily "conventionally attractive" (I use quotes because other Final Fantasy parties seem to adhere to a more refined/"cool" aesthetic, though their body types may not be mainstream).
Impressions of the characters:
Zidane: embodiment of found family, whether it was as a member of the Tantalus troupe or as the leader of the party. In retrospect, he starts off more emotionally mature than some of the more broody protagonists in the franchise (which makes the You're Not Alone segment on Bran Bal hit even harder when he finally lets his friends help him). During the ending, of course he would go back and try to rescue Kuja—nobody is beyond saving, and he's family after all. And of course he would show up as 'Marcus' in the play to surprise Dagger/Garnet (he's a theater kid!)
Garnet: I assumed she would be a damsel in distress, but she's the exact opposite from the opening act, where--coinciding with Tantalus' mission--she asks to be kidnapped! Throughout her journey, she asserts her autonomy in numerous ways: she chooses a new name, uses her own position as princess to (somewhat naively) attempt to change her mother's mind, escapes in a bag of stinky pickles, pilots the cargo ship to Lindblum, and so on
stuffy knight in rusted armor Steiner: starts off not even using Zidane's name / insisting on rigid loyalty to the queen as rationale for the way he treats "princess" Dagger like a child -> making sure that Zidane promises to return safely at the end (almost like a surrogate parent for Dagger)
ultimate woobie Vivi (but incredibly perceptive for a being so young): starting off throwing fire spells at walls in the Ice Cavern, learning to help his friends with his magic, then coming to terms with his own mortality
unintentionally adorable / hilarious Quina: as the oldest character in the party, they impart a lot of wisdom through their food-related shenanigans. In Madain Sari, they teach Eiko to always "make more than you need" when cooking for a group. There's a certain kind of satisfaction by exploring the world to find different people, values, and of course, food.
Freya: I wish that she moved on from Sir Fratley by the end of the game, but I admired her care for her homeland as the party picked up the pieces of Burmecia and attempted to protect its refugees in Cleyra.
Amarant: felt like I could relate to him at some points becuase he was fundamentally unable to understand how kind Zidane was. I loved the scene where instead of flagging down a Gargant, he decides to take matters into his own hands and carry the kids up the Iifa tree himself.
Eiko: super sassy (calls Mikoto a bimbo!) and the ongoing gag of her crush on Zidane was cute. But she also understands loneliness: she's the last of her clan, without friends her age (or any non-moogles, really) growing up.
Beatrix had a change of heart, but also we don't get more information about whether she was the one that caused Sir Fratley to lose his memory (and she never has a chance to repair her wrongdoing, in the same way Queen Brahne only lived long enough to apologize to her adopted daughter). That said, the romantic gags between Beatrix and Steiner were hilarious.
Necron showing up at the end was a bit confusing at first, but I assumed that like a good deal of other Final Fantasy games, it was the embodiment of entropy / despair / etc. It (he?) demonstrates the theme of coping with ephemerality: how characters respond to being created with a limited lifespan/for a nefarious purpose (we're all going to die anyway; what we do with the limited time we have with each other is what matters).
This game is so romantic; I don't recall the last time I was so invested in a fictional relationship (maybe since reading The Left Hand of Darkness and speculating on the nature of Ai and Estraven's connection, but I digress). Sure, it might have been a bit too saccharine in the way it works out for all of our protagonists at the end, but it felt deserved. I can't stop thinking about the scene in Madain Sari on the boat, where Zidane recounts the traveler Ipsen's tale. The simplicity of the sentiment is so heartfelt ("Why did you come with me?"/"only because I wanted to go with you").
Music highlights
Obligatory "I haven't met a Final Fantasy game soundtrack I disliked" disclaimer, but here were some highlights. If I ever do an Excalibur II run, I might consider doing it without music, since so many of the tracks invite the player to stop and listen for a while:
Burmecia: capturing the sense of foreboding
Dali's theme feels so nostalgic
quiet melancholy of Esto Gaza
Terra/Bran Bal's theme: somber, mysterious
obligatory mention for YOU ARE NOT ALONE. I loved how it replaced the battle theme throughout that dungeon, almost as if Zidane was ruminating on his own reckless march and impulse to push his friends away
Necron's theme (Grand Cross): feels a bit like The Extreme from FF8, in that it starts off with a haze of vocals (in this case, the groans of the damned) and kicks in in a frenzy an ATB gauge or two in
It took some time for the art style of the characters to grow on me. At first glance, I wasn't the biggest fan of the exaggerated chibis with giant hands. Though the FMVs felt cinematic, the art sometimes reminded me of a Veggietales episode in the textures and exaggerated physics. Graphics-wise, I played with the Moguri mod, which enhanced an already good-looking game's prerendered backgrounds among other QoL improvements.
I liked being able talk to NPCs between major story events and seeing how their lives are affected (e.g., Lindblum spectator during the Festival -> mourning about the destruction of the town -> commentary on rebuilding). My favorite was probably seeing Part-Time Worker Mary at the cable car station, then seeing her together with Part-Time Worker Jeff staffing the Dali item shop by the end.
I also appreciate the FF9 references in FF14 more:
Ark boss moveset / design is similar to Cruise Chaser (there was a spark of recognition followed immediately by panic as I saw "propeller wind" being cast without the clear-headed ability equipped)
Perfect Alex in TEA has wings
5v5 PVP mode uses arrangements of FF9 soundtrack.
Weirdly personal aside on Eiko:
(Apologies in advance for the "we live in a [capitalist] society" sentiment.)
The more I thought about Eiko as a character, the more I could relate to her fear of loneliness.
I love (romantic) love, in the way that it is impossible for a starving gremlin to not drool while staring at a chunk of raw meat! I will eat up any story in which people grow closer and learn to care for each other.
And yet—like Eiko—I fear it. She sees love as a source of security, so she wants to get "between" Zidane and Dagger and get Zidane to fall in love with her instead! Because society encourages the atomization of "community" into nuclear families, I feel like I have lost friendships to it. It becomes all consuming: turning down plans to spend time with a significant other, or letting them take over the topic conversation when they aren't actually there. I can't help but be happy for those friends (who wouldn't be excited for their well being?) but feel conflicted about letting them go and our friendship change.
It's weird, sometimes, seeing old friends on social media living photogenic lives (now with an additional pet or child) while I hunch in front of my computer monitor in my metaphorical basement. I have to resist the urge to comfort myself with platitudes: it's not a bad thing, just different, or perhaps reaffirm that things were temporary, anyway: we were bound to evolve and change and grow apart. I am grateful for the time we spent together, and have to learn to appreciate it and move on. It's not a lose-lose situation, of course; the amount of love in the world isn't finite, though time might be. (One of the perks of living in the 21st century is that I can reach out and reconnect easily!)
next steps
I was able to get all the non-grindy ultimate weapons (besides Quina's Gastro Fork, or Steiner's Excalibur II.) I don't plan on attempting an Excalibur II run immediately, since so much of what I enjoyed was the story, not necessarily the gameplay. But going in with better knowledge of the game might make for an interesting challenge in the future.
I can definitely see myself revisiting this game in the future. I don't have many pieces of "comfort media" that I turn to, but the hope the characters have in the face of identity- and world-shaking revelations and the happy ending definitely make it a candidate.
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athletickat · 4 years
Top Reads 2020 Fanfiction
I started reading Harry Potter fanfiction this year (thanks to Tik Tok) and these stories I’ve read keep me up at night because I cannot stop thinking about them. 
#1- Manacled by @senlinyu
This is story is a MASTERPIECE. I cannot express how many times I’ve read and thought about this story. The way Hermione loves Draco and Draco loves Hermione is unbeatable. Hermione is a literal boss bitch in this story and my favorite Hermione in everything I’ve read. The build up, the tension, the CHEMISTRY; it is the best thing I have ever read. I could write a whole damn brook report on this story and be proud of it. This story is just... ugh *ultimate chefs kiss*.
#2- Rights and Wrongs series by @lovesbitca8 
The Right Thing To Do, All the Wrong Things, and The Auction are my absolute favorite pieces of writing ever. Draco Malfoy in this series is my horny king, and the best Draco in everything I’ve read. The Auction has a special place in my heart because of hard Hermione works to stay alive and keep the Malfoys alive, as well. All the characters in each story are so well written, especially the Malfoys, and I cannot express how in love I am with each little plot detail and connection between the stories.   
#3- Remain Nameless by @heyjude19-writing
I recently read this story and I cannot get enough of it. This is first fic I’ve read with a wedding scene (two scenes!!) and I cannot put it in words of how perfect it is. This story is all about the love Draco and Hermione have for each other, and it has set such unrealistic expectations for me...ugh. Every chapter had me smiling like an idiot and I could not put it down. 
#4- Cruel and Beautiful World by Lena Phoria 
I am so happy that Lena Phoria turned this fanfiction into a book, but nothing beats the original characters in this story. The way I fell in love with all the characters (except Voldemort, gross) is immaculate. This story deals with a lot of trauma and heavy topics, but the plot and the characters are just too good. Draco is a sweetheart and absolutely whipped for Hermione, but they need each other. I have never laughed so hard while reading a dark AU fic, and this story made my abs hurt. Definitely one to read.
#5- All You Want by @senlinyu
Holy shit. This story has the best smut I have ever read. The way senlinyu describes what's happening to Alpha Draco and Omega Hermione during sex makes me laugh out loud. It is so so good and so so sexy. It is such a fun story to read, and that’s why I love it so much. 
#6- Breath mints / Battle Scars by @onyx-and-elm
This story is the definition of toxicity, but honestly, it’s still so good. Both Hermione and Draco are changed after the war, and they fall in love by rage, sex, and protection of one another. Hermione does not give a single damn about what people may say about her, and Draco just wants her to be happy (although it does take a while for him to see what that really means). Plot and characters are amazing, and the ending is *chefs kiss*.
#7- Isolation by Bex-chan 
The first Dramione fanfiction I’ve ever read, and it has a very special place in my heart. I didn’t think I would like reading Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger fanfiction, but this story changed my mind and led to my spiral of reading such amazing stories. Such an amazing read, and I love seeing Draco grow into a man that Hermione deserves and loves. This story is iconic.
#8- Hunted by Bex-chan
Another superb story by Bex-chan. A Romance/Mystery story after the war and Draco and Hermione fall in love... hard. They are great together and the plot is amazing. This story is another iconic one for me.
#9- Love and Other Misfortunes by @senlinyu
Another great piece of work from the Queen herself, senlinyu. Draco is so stubborn it hurts, but it’s okay because Hermione is there to save the day (duh). Love these two and the romance between them in this story. Also, Veela Draco with wings and fangs is too much for me. Not that it’s important or anything, but the smut level is through the roof. Love it.
#10- Bring Him to His Knees by @willhavetheirtrinkets
Auror Draco and Auror Harry are an iconic duo. I love how intricate Draco is in this story, and how his past still very much affects his present, but Hermione helps him a lot, and it shows just how much they care for each other. Hermione and Draco dance around each other until they realize *wait* they have feelings for each other! It is not complete yet, but I do check every week or so for updates because it has a good murder mystery plot and a fabulous Dramione. 
#11- The Risk-Reward Ratio by MissiAmphetamine
War fic, and honestly one of my favorite ones. Draco sucks up his pride and goes to the Order for help, and Hermione is the only one who truly excepts him. Draco is a stubborn bastard in this story, but he makes up for it. The scenes are so real, and neither character is perfect, but you’ll see how far they are willing to go for each other. 
#12- The Just World Fallacy by MissiAmphetamine
Sequel to The Risk-Reward Ratio, and this one is tough. Still so good, but deals with torture, PTSD, rape, and more heavy topics. The love that still stands between Draco and Hermione even after all that they have been through together is beautiful. I love this story, and I love seeing how each character grows into their own person while during a war.
#13- Broken by @inadaze22
I have never cried so much while reading a story. This story made ME feel broken because Hermione is quite literally shattered, but so is Draco. It’s a story that makes you feel so many things at once and it is beautiful. Super slow-burn, but in the end, Hermione and Draco are meant to be together. 
#14- This World or Any Other series by @olivieblake
Clean and Marked are incredible stories with a rollercoaster twist. I love each character in this series, and the love that Hermione has for Draco, and vice versa, is the most powerful thing in this universe. The relationship starts with a potion assignment and just extends through there. I love their characters so much alongside the secondary characters and it makes the story so interesting. 6th year Hogwarts and continues with the war, but Draco and Hermione are always there for each other no matter what. 
#15- The Eagles Nest by HeartOfApsen
Ravenclaw Draco and Hermione, 8th year, and Alchemy. This story is so complex, and I couldn’t stop reading it. I love both Draco and Hermione and how they work to settle a problem together. Also seeing all the secret rooms in Hogwarts was another compelling aspect of the story that I loved. They know they need each other, and them being nerds and all, school is what brings them together in the end.
#16- Almost Perfect, Almost Yours by BelleOfSummer
I could not put down this story. No matter how much it angered me, and no matter how much I wanted to throw my laptop at the wall, I couldn’t stop reading. The plot is so interesting where Hermione is raised by a Pureblood family, but she was adopted from muggles, so she is Muggleborn. All the while her and Draco fall in love through their teen years and go through a war together. Hermione is a bad bitch and Draco is whipped (maybe not in a good way). They experience so much together, and in the end, you learn to love them for who they are.
#17- The Green Girl by @colubrina
Hermione is sorted into Slytherin and makes all new friends that do not include Harry Potter or Ronald Weasley. I freaking love this story because Hermione is a literal Queen, and the story itself is so well written. I don’t usually read T-rated works, but I could not put this one down because it has such an interesting plot.
#18- Erised Effect by @adaprix
Smut, smut, and more smut with such a cute plot. I love little Hermione as a bad bitch and big dick Draco as a little softy. I was hooked from the first chapter and it was so crazy. The sex scenes in this are just... *fans self*. This story is a rollercoaster of smut, but Draco and Hermione are my all time favs in this.
#19- Every Day, a Little Death by @lovesbitca8
Draco tries everything to satisfy Hermione, and when I say everything, I mean everything. Such a cute story with such a cute relationship. Hermione doesn’t mean to fall in love, but alas, Draco is a sex God and it was inevitable. I love this story!
#20- Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan
A dark AU where Draco is mesmerized by Hermione and her will to stay alive. Their love is so strong, but alas, Draco is a stubborn bastard. This story is an emotional rollercoaster and another story where I could not put it down. Also *spoiler* some family drama going on throughout the story. 
#21- Bond by MrBenzedrine89
*fans self* again because this story is incredible. Love the smut, love the club, love the love between Draco and Hermione. Super interesting details in this story with Draco, Hermione, and the infamous Bond club. Loved reading this story.
I fell down a rabbit whole of Dramione stories this year, and it made me ignore everything I had to in my life just to read them. I can’t wait to see more stories this year and procrastinate my life by reading these stories!
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