#i try my best to fill the void in all our hearts
yuutasdream · 2 months
how would yuuta be when he realizes hes fallen in love with u ⁉️⁉️
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: ̗̀➛𝕬𝖒 𝕴 𝕱𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖎𝖓 𝕷𝖔𝖛𝖊 ꨄ︎
Yuta and you started off as friends, your bond growing stronger with each passing day. You shared laughs, inside jokes, and countless memories, forming a connection that felt unbreakable. Yet, you couldn't shake off the growing feelings you had for Yuta.
One day, unable to contain your emotions any longer, you mustered up the courage to confess your feelings to Yuta. Heart pounding, palms sweating, you poured your heart out, laying bare the depth of your affection. "Yuta, I... I have something to tell you," you stammered, trying to find the right words. "I've developed feelings for you. I really care about you, more than just as a friend." you held out a chocolate as a gesture to show appreciation.
Yuta's expression softened as he listened, his eyes reflecting surprise and perhaps a hint of uncertainty. "I... I appreciate your honesty," he replied, his voice gentle yet conflicted. "But I need some time to think about this. I value our friendship so much, and I don't want to do anything to ruin it."
With those words, Yuta's response hung in the air, leaving you with a mix of hope and trepidation. Though his rejection stung, you respected his need for time to process his feelings. “also... I'm leaving the next week..” yuta noted adding salt on the scar. “oh it's okay... Have fun at your trip” you both parted away each one on his own.
Yet even after all or that yuta kept in touch with you even after what happened not wanting to make things awkward nor break the friendship he loved the most. The friendship between you and him.
As Yuta continued his journey, he couldn't shake off the growing feeling of emptiness without you by his side. He missed the jokes and your vibes. The picturesque landscapes and exciting adventures seemed to lose their luster in your absence. Each passing day felt like a struggle, a constant reminder of how much he longed to share these moments with you.
Then came the fateful day when he received the message from his best friend toge telling him about your broken phone. It hit him like a wave, leaving him feeling stranded and disconnected. Suddenly, the simple act of hearing your voice or seeing your messages became a distant dream, leaving a void in his heart that nothing else could fill.
Days turned into nights filled with restless thoughts of you, of the conversations he could have had, the jokes you could have shared. It was in those moments of solitude that Yuta realized just how much you meant to him, how your presence had become an important part of his life.
Unable to bear the separation any longer, Yuta made a spontaneous decision to cut his trip short and return back to jujutsu high. The place he knew that he'll find you there. The journey back felt like an eternity, each passing mile fueling his determination to see you again.
Arriving at your dorm's door unexpectedly, his heart pounded with a mix of nerves and excitement. When you opened the door, surprise etched across your face, Yuta's breath caught in his throat. But as he looked into your eyes, all his fears melted away, replaced by a sense of purpose.
"I missed you," he confessed, his voice barely above a whisper, yet filled with raw emotion. “miss me..? It's been only a couple of days” you said flattered not knowing how to express your feelings looking at all of the souvenirs he got you to express his love.
You welcomed him inside, and as you sat together, Yuta poured his heart out. "Being away from you made me realize how much you mean to me," he admitted, his gaze never wavering from yours. "I can't imagine my life without you, and I just had to come back and tell you... I love you." the way the words poured out of his mouth you were still in shock.
Tears welled up in your eyes as you listened to his heartfelt words, feeling the weight of his love enveloping you. "I love you too, Yuta," you whispered, a smile breaking through the tears wrapping your arms around him. You were really happy that he finally realized his feelings and got certain about it. “next time I promise to book you a flight with me..” he said giggling, “I want nothing to break us apart”
In that moment, surrounded by the warmth of your embrace, Yuta knew that no distance or obstacle could ever diminish the love he felt for you. And as he held you close, he knew that home wasn't a place—it was wherever you were, in your arms.
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akumakosuke · 27 days
†Our cursed love†
★Chapter two- Your infinity.★
{soooo I finally wrote another damn chapter! Yay! Motivation is a very hard thing to come across but I have so many fucking ideas and a bit of motivation so I'll be updating hopefully every week or two}
No warnings just fluffy fluff
~Three years later ~
The sky is dark. The seemingly endless void of inky blackness only outshined by the brilliance of the full moon and the countless twinkling stars accompanying her. The calm, serene silence of the night and low whispers of the gentle breeze, rustling of the unkept grass at the border of the Gojo property, rhythmic chirps and noises from the creatures that call the moonlight home, makes for a perfect night…
Two young, lonely souls meet atop a hill, both guided to each other by an unexplainable pull. Two young Gods under the night sky, unaware of how they’re slowly falling.
“Hurry up idiot! We don’t have all night!” A 13 year old Satoru spoke with annoyance as he runs ahead of his best friend.
“Geez, I’m coming! Why do have to run huh!?” Questions an equally annoyed M/n, having to speed up to keep up with the energetic Satoru.
The two boys soon start running at the same pace, the wind whipping against their faces, making their hair dance with the breeze. Wide, carefree grins adorn their faces as the run turns into a race.
The still night air is soon interrupted by joyous laughter, so pure, so happy.
M/n speeds up, overtaking Satoru, he turns back to look at his counterpart with a smug grin.
“Too slow Satoru~” he teases, sticking out his tongue.
Satoru scowls and speeds up, easily catching up.
“Slow? Who me? You’re the slow one M/n, try to keep up~”
Satoru ahead, leaving M/n in the dust as he heads to the tree on top of the hill. He runs and runs, the crisp air filling his lungs, his feet making no sound as he steps. He can’t hear M/n but he knows he’ll show up soon so he can’t slow down.
He finally gets to the tree, yelling victoriously. He turns around, expecting to see the defeated face of M/n but he sees nothing. No M/n. He frowns, crossing his arms over his chest. He couldn’t be that far behind right?
Satoru tries to sense his cursed energy but unfortunately M/n has been training to hide his presence completely and apparently he’s gotten really good at it. Not even his six eyes can find him, Satoru really needs to train more.
He sighs, brilliant blue eyes that shine as bright as the moon scanning the fields. He quickly spins around, hearing a faint sound in the tree. His eyes examine the treetop, a playful smirk etched on his face.
“Oh so you want to play games my dear, M/n? Alright I’ll play your little game.” He muttered playfully as he slowly approached the tree, his six eyes active, using this as an opportunity to hone his skills.
As expected he gets no reply. He chuckles softly, his heart beating faster, excitement buzzing in every bone. He hears another rustle making him snap his head in that direction. He hums softly.
“You’re bad at hiding, you should just give up now.” He jests, hoping to rile M/n up and make him make a mistake. He stands directly beneath the tree, looking directly up into the foliage, thin streams of soft moonlight poking through the leaves but no M/n.
Satoru freezes, his heart leaping out of his chest when he hears that soft voice behind him. When he feels his warm breath fanning his ear, when he finally senses that familiar presence.
M/n’s voice is as soft as the breeze and Satoru becomes hyper aware of their proximity causing a blush to creep up on his face.
He spins around and striking blue orbs clash with bright crimson ones and like every time the world seems to come to a stand still, everything fades into background noise and he finds himself drowning, like the air was stolen from his lungs.
M/n smirks, relishing in that dumbfounded expression he’s come to like so much. He loves catching Satoru off guard, slipping past the infamous six eyes. He notices the blush, confused at first but then it dawns on him how close they are. His heart speeds up, his breathing coming to a stop and he finds himself drowning, like the air was stolen from his lungs.
~M/n POV~
‘What’s happening to me? I feel frozen, like time stopped entirely. Why is my heart beating so fast?’ My thoughts race as we have a staring contest, neither of us saying a word.
Normally I would be able to read Satoru like an open book but I can’t read him now. That’s not his normal annoyed or shocked look. What is he thinking? Why isn’t he saying anything?
~Satoru POV~
‘My heart feels like it’s going to explode. His gaze, why does his gaze make me feel like this… this warm fuzzy feeling in my chest. When I’m near him it’s like my senses are dulled, like everything else becomes a blur… what is this?’
I feel goosebumps forming on my skin and I don’t think it’s because of the breeze. My heart pounds in my chest like a drum and I finally snap out of my daze and quickly turn away with a very awkward laugh causing M/n to do the same.
This has been happening more often, both of us just getting lost in each other’s gaze but we never address it. We just laugh and move on. I sometimes wish he didn’t move on, I sometimes wish we would address it but it’s probably nothing really.
~3rd POV~
M/n shoves Satoru’s shoulder, the awkwardness quickly dissipating into the blissful calm of the night.
“Come on, we don’t have all night.” M/n says as he walks to their spot on the hill and sits down in the grass.
Satoru glares at him playfully, making a mental note to get back at him for the push, but also mentally scolding himself for getting distracted. He approaches M/n and settles down beside him,
They both lay down, nestled in the soft embrace of nature. The grass is cool, their backs supported by the earth beneath them. They both gaze up at the celestial canopy that seems to stretch infinitely, adorned with a myriad of twinkling stars that paint the night sky with their radiant glow.
They settle into a comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other’s presence. A calm retreat, a break from the busyness of their lives. In this moment they forget their destiny’s and simply exist. Their curious eyes trace the constellations that have adorned the sky for eons, they seem so small and insignificant compared to them but they known how significant they are, as significant as the stars themselves.
Like the stars they will both be shining beacons of hope, hope for humanity, hope for sorcerers.
“My father increased my training today, it was exhausting.” M/n’s whispers, his soft voice carrying a tiredness no 13 year old should have.
“Really? Again? Didn’t he increase it last week?” Satoru asks, his sympathetic voice providing a sense of comfort for M/n because Satoru understands.
“Yeah, he says I need to be stronger to face the evils of the world. He’s always going on about how special I am, how strong I can be. My potential. It’s annoying.” M/n’s tired voice has a bitter edge, the deep resentment he has for his father shining through.
M/n has never had the best relationship with his father and Satoru knows everything in great detail. He knows what a harsh man (f/n) Goto can be. He trains M/n to the point of collapse every day, claiming to be doing this for his own good.
“I’m sorry.” Satoru whispers, turning his head to gaze at M/n. He doesn’t need to say anything else, those two words spoken with such understanding and sincerity nothing else needs to be said. M/n knows he means it wholeheartedly.
M/n turns to gaze at Satoru, a grateful smile on his face. All the tension leaving his body when he gazes at those eyes. “It’s fine, I’ll get through it. How’s your training, I’ve noticed you using your infinity more often.”
Satoru smiles. “I’ve been learning how to keep his active for more than a few hours, I can manage it for around 3 hours without breaks. You should have seen my mother the first time I did it, she told everyone in the clan.”
M/n scoffs. “Of course she told everyone. You’re her little miracle after all.”
“Hey, I am a miracle and three hours is a long time, it still makes me exhausted.”
“Well mister miracle, I never said that it wasn’t impressive, it actually is.”
“Mister miracle? Really?” Satoru asks with a deadpan expression that soon breaks as he starts laughing at the ridiculous nickname.
Satoru’s laughter is contagious, making M/n burst into laughter as well. Both their laughs blending together in the purest of sounds, a symphony of joy.
Their fit of laughter slowly dies down, the echoes carried off by the breeze.
“You are terrible at nicknames M/n.”
“What? Would you prefer if I called you something else? Like Gogo, or jojo, maybe Jogo! Nah, Jogo sounds stupid.”
“Firstly no, secondly why are they all my last name?”
“Alright fine~ and they’re all your second name because I like your first name just the way it is, it’s perfect!”
Satoru looks at M/n like a deer caught in headlights, not expecting that. It’s stupid, those words don’t really mean anything yet they make his heart skip a beat. Perfect, his name is perfect…
M/n gets confused by the blank stare and silence, raising an eyebrow. He tries to tap Satoru on the shoulder but is stopped by a force. He frowns, looking down at his hand that’s mere inches away from Satoru but will never reach. Infinity.
“Oi, why is your infinity on? We aren’t supposed to use our techniques tonight. You’re gonna exhaust yourself and leave me to carry you all the way home… again.” M/n said in an annoyed tone, sitting up and crossing his arms over his chest.
Satoru also sits up, quickly pulled out of his fantasy. He smiles sheepishly, looking down to avoid M/n’s gaze. “Ah… well i just wanted to see if I can do it subconsciously… it is actually taking a lot out of me… even my six eyes is draining…” he mumbles nervously, knowing how M/n gets when he pushes himself too much.
M/n’s frown deepens, he scans Satoru from head to toe, noting how his infinity is still up, seeing the slight bags under his eyes, he was also running slower than usual. He didn’t even bring his glasses, he always forgets his glasses.
M/n doesn’t like Satoru’s infinity, when it’s on he feels like the gap between them suddenly grows and Satoru is out of reach, untouchable. M/n feels a spark deep within his soul, that same pull he felt when they first met. That voice in the back of his head, the one that told him to turn around, it’s telling him to reach out.
A part of him is telling him the gap between them isn’t as big as he thinks. All he has to do is reach out. M/n knows he can bypass Satoru’s infinity, it’s part of his inherited cursed technique. The Gojo and Goto clans are intertwined, and have been since the Golden age. They are extremely similar, both techniques bending reality in some way.
M/n knows of the technique to bypass Satoru’s infinity but he’s never been able to use it, he’s tried but alway failed because it’s too much of a strain on his eyes, his eyes like Satoru is an integral part of his clan. His eyes help control his inherited technique, without the Atomeye he could never hope to control his cursed technique. The cursed technique he’s been struggling with, Distortion.
M/n can distort the laws of physics, permitting the user to violate any physical law displaced in the universe. Everything that composes physics including space and time. Satoru’s infinity doesn’t actually stop things, it slows them infinitely, M/n can distort the space and time around himself, creating a barrier of complete nonexistent, nothing can pass this barrier because nothing can exist within it, not even Satoru’s infinity.
M/n takes a deep breath, concentrating his cursed energy into his hand, by focusing on one part of his body he could maybe sustain the technique for a while. He focuses on the feeling of non-existence, clearing his mind of all thoughts. He slowly reaches out, his movements slow and unsure.
Will he be stopped again? Is the gap between them only growing larger? Just a year ago they were on the same level. Now it feels like he can’t catch up. He can’t fall behind. He can’t be left behind. Not even infinity can stop him.
Satoru freezes when he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. The touch feels like fire in his veins, it burns with an indescribable warmth, making his skin prickle with goosebumps. He is absolutely sure he had his infinity up, he was using it. Nothing can get past his infinity, only-
Satoru slowly turns his head towards M/n. That soft, gentle purr of his name compelling him, drawing him in. Like a damn sirens call and he’s helpless, unable to resist.
M/n forced himself to steady his voice, trying not to react when his technique finally works.
Their eyes meet and Satoru can feel his infinity slipping, exhaustion slowly creeping up on him and the way M/n looks at him isn’t helping. That soft look in his eyes that tells him he’s safe, that he can relax. It always manages to disarm him.
“Turn it off.”
Satoru finds himself nodding, offering no resistance as he turns his infinity off. His eyes slowly start to droop, a yawn escaping his lips without his consent. He doesn’t want M/n to know how exhausted he is and he doesn’t want to fall asleep when this is the only time they have together.
M/n sighs softly, turning his own technique off. He can tell how tired Satoru is so he won’t pester him with a lecture. Instead he slowly pushes Satoru back down on the grass, lying back down beside him. Satoru once again offers no resistance and quickly succumbs to his exhaustion.
He didn’t realise how tired he was until now. Satoru’s eyes flutter closed and he unconsciously scoots closer to M/n, craving his warmth. He lays his head on M/n’s shoulder, draping one arm over his chest, curling up to his side.
M/n’s breath hitches in his throat and he looks down at Satoru with wide eyes. His heart thumps wildly in his chest it feels like it’s going to explode. He tenses up slightly, his arms hovering awkwardly in the air because he doesn’t know what to do, this is the first time this happened.
The longer M/n stares at Satoru’s peaceful expression the more relaxed he becomes. His arms slowly lower, one wrapping around Satoru’s waist and the other under his head. His heart calms down and he sighs, feeling the gap between them disappear.
M/n knows they can’t stay out here for long, both of them having to be home before anyone figures out they’re gone in the first place but he can’t bring himself to disturb Satoru and he’s also a bit tired himself. His eyes slowly flutter closed and he allows sleep to overtake him.
Two God’s lay atop a hill, wrapped in each other’s comforting embrace. The infinity between them now non-existent. They slumber under the moons watchful gaze, separated from the complexities of their existence, shielded from reality even if just for a moment.
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agi-ppangx · 7 months
him (hwang hyunjin x fem!reader)
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warnings: mentions of alcohol, both reader and hyune are a bit tipsy but everything is consensual, heavy make-out but nothing explicit !! also the reader wears a skirt and make-up
author’s note: i know its different from what i usually do and its also not my best work, but i really like this drabble so please bear with me !! also remember that feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated🫶🏽
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the muffled sound of music reached your ears as hyunjin broke the kiss to take a few shaky breaths. you studied his face expression, his furrowed brows and rosy cheeks making you all giddy. “do you think they wonder where we are?” you asked him breathlessly, smiling. “i don’t care,” he mumbled and kissed you again. you grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, trying to bring him even closer to you. the alcohol in your veins made you hyper aware of his touch - his fingertips dancing delicately on your exposed knees, on your waist, your neck; he was everywhere and your sanity was nowhere to be found. lust completely fogged your mind, craving only him. him, him, him. you were entirely suffocated by his presence, completely forgetting about the world behind the bathroom door, about the party and about the fact that your friends probably were looking for you, getting worried because it’d been too long since the two of you disappeared. but you only cared about him. nothing mattered as he deepened the kiss, his fingers now caressing your thighs and you grabbed a fistful of his hair, completely messing his ponytail.
you know you shouldn’t be doing this. it’s wrong, your mind tells you. but as hyunjin kissed you you wanted more of him, knowing that forbidden fruit tastes the best. it’s not like you were together anyway, just casually making out to fill the void in your hearts.
your phone started buzzing on the sink next to you. you tried to break the kiss, but hyunjin was too lost in it to care about the call. you opened one eye and grabbed your phone, trying to find out who dared to break this precious moment between you and him. “shit,” you mumbled into hyunjin’s mouth and it was only then when he glanced at the screen. “hyune, i think we should go back to them,” you said, your mood changing drastically. “why? we’re grown ups and they aren’t our parents, right?” he reasoned with a smirk, placing his hands on your waist. you sighed loudly, dropping your head. “you know what i mean, she’s your-” “yeah, she’s my ex, so what? it’s a closed chapter, i don’t have to limit myself anymore,” he interrupted you, leaving small kisses all around your cheek and lipstick-stained jaw. “you’re the only one i care about, okay?” you knew he said it mostly because he was drunk and didn’t think straight, but so were you. that’s why you grabbed his collar once again, thinking fuck it, and crashed your lips with his, tasting the forbidden fruit once more. the world around you disappeared again, letting you lose yourself in his soft, pillowy lips and strong, toned arms. you let yourself lose in him.
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taglist !
@lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n @ggsez31 @laylasbunbunny @like-a-diamondinthesky @axel-skz @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @l3visbby
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sonnetsoncanvas · 1 year
Mess it up
Summary: Years ago he had let you go for your own good. But this time, he isn’t sure he can
Part of the Mess it up series
Pairing: brother’s best friend rock star Bucky x fem reader (Steve’s sister) (dual pov)
Warnings: modern AU, angst, second chance, eventual smut, brothers best friend trope, implied cheating, self-deprecation, happy ending?
Inspired by: Mess it up by Gracie Abrams
Notes: This is the first time a fic has made its way from my laptop to the internet. So please be kind and do leave your feedback. Happy reading! 
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Chapter 1:  How could I think that all that I gave you was enough?
Bucky Pov:
Walking down the street, he heard a group of teenagers screaming his song on the top their lungs. A small smile tugged at his lips as he pulled his cap down over his silken brunette locks.
After all, if anyone recognized James Buchanan Barnes, the lead singer of the Avengers, in the middle of the farmers market…. Well that would be another headache to deal with.
A tabloid on the newsstand with his face plastered on it caught his eye. The headline, "who is the muse behind our heartbreak prince’s chartbusters. Is there a special someone in the Avengers heartthrob’s life?"
He scoffed, knowing all too well what would be written in the article. They would have papped him with yet another woman, and casted her as his girlfriend, or even fiancé.
It didn’t bother him anymore. These made up lies, these speculations, only helped in building the enigma around him, the quiet, reclusive rockstar who kept a tight leash on his personal life.
As long as they didn’t know the truth behind the inspiration for his songs, the reason why he wrote and sang songs so emotive, that they earned him the misnomer of the heartbreak prince. As long as everyone remained oblivious to his own heartache, he was unconcerned.
And oblivious they were. nobody knew. Not even his best buddy, his bandmate and flatmate, Steve. And Bucky couldn’t ever let him know too.
Because if Steven Grant Rogers ever knew that it was his childhood best friend who broke his precious little sister’s heart, he would leave the band and Bucky with it, 30 years of friendship be damned.
And so Bucky carried this secret in his heart for years, well hidden from the rest of the world, about his first and only love.
Because he could never even try to deny it. It was you, had always been you.
Even if he had to let you go, he could never bring himself to fill the void that you had left behind.
He carried the shopping bags into the spacious penthouse that he shared with Steve, dropping them off at the kitchen counter. “Thank you for helping me carry these bags inside punk” he sassed at the blond mass of muscle glued to the television. “Especially considering the fact that your lazy ass nagged me into going to farmer’s market early in the morning. On a Sunday. To buy mangoes. ALONE.”
“well, A. if you don’t go early all the good produce is gone. My ma told me that. B. Farmer’s market is only there for Sunday. And C. I did not come cause I was injured.” Steve pointed to a small cut on his pinkie with a cheeky smile.
“bullshit! You once went for a concert with a dislocated shoulder. Do not give me that crap. And since when did you start eating mangoes?”
“they aren’t for me.”
“you’re telling me Nat gave up whatever stupid diet she’s on?” Bucky was referring to Steve’s on again off again girlfriend Natasha Romanoff, a supermodel, whom he’d been dating since college.
“like that’s gonna happen” he chuckled, “the mangoes are for Y/N”
Bucky froze in his tracks.  It wasn’t like your name wasn’t mentioned around here. You were Steve’s sister after all , and he did keep sharing your latest achievements and tit bits from your life time and again. But that didn’t mean his heart didn’t skip a beat every time anything remotely related to you was mentioned.
“you got mangoes for Y/N ?  are you planning to visit her in Boston ?” he asked
“Yeah, about that man, I told you that she graduated top of her class at Harvard, Right?”
“yeah” Bucky said, secretly proud of you. Your convocation was a few weeks ago, he didn’t attend for obvious reasons, but Steve did, and he heard everything he had to say about it.
“So of course lil peanut got a lot of offers but it all comes down to these two jobs, one in this firm at Manhattan and other one in San Francisco. So she’s coming here to interview and then stay here for a week, cause I literally begged her to. She’d already interviewed for the San Francisco one online, but between you and me, I'm tryna get her to stay here, its been too long………”
Steve kept on rambling, but somewhere in between Bucky’s brain stopped comprehending his words. All he could think was you.
You are coming.
To New York.
To stay.
Under the same roof as him.
He will see you.
After 4 years.
He stayed in his room for the rest of the day. Reminiscing with his eyes closed. Of his life back in Brooklyn, of the happiest year of his life, of falling in love
Of the last time he saw you. tears marring your beautiful face. Pain and betrayal in your eyes. Your shoulders sagged with defeat.
“I can never stop loving you.” you’d said.
He opened his eyes with a long, suffering sigh. He has no idea how he’s going to survive seeing you again.
Because he couldn’t stop loving you either.
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gxthicwxrm · 2 years
Steve Harrington Finds Out You Are Pregnant.
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x fem reader
Warning: pregnancy, angst, some cursing
Summary: Steve finds out his girlfriend is pregnant.
Word Count: 1,818 words
MINORS DNI! This is an 18+ account. You'll be blocked! 
Please don't translate or copy my work! You do not have my permission to copy or translate my work. Not Proofread. Feedback is always welcomed! Requests are open! Enjoy!
*not my gif*
You stare down at the stick in your head, your stomach feeling like an empty void, but also heavy like a massive rock rolling around. 
Wetting your lips, you try to let yourself think about how this happened to you. Steve has always let you know about his big dreams with the house full of kids and white picket fence. Hell, hearing him so happy about it made you yearn to give him a child, just not barely out of high school. Currently, you are sitting on your brother's bed, waiting for him to come home from work. The thought of telling your mom without your brother terrified you more than you'd like to admit. 
Suddenly, the front door clicks open followed by it shutting again causing fear to wrap its hand around your throat, squeezing, choking you. The bedroom door swings open, revealing an exhausted Jonathan.
"Hey, what are you- Y/N, are you okay? Why are you crying? Was it Steve? I'll fucking-" At hearing the mention of Steve, who you still haven't told, you stop holding back all the tears that were waiting to fall,  like a dark cloud over Hawkins. A sob crashes through you as you feel your brother's arms wrap around you.  What surprises you, is two more sets of arms wrap around you as well. Looking up through blurry eyes, you see Will and El looking at you with the same worry as your older brother. 
"Oh damn. I didn't know you two would be home too. I'm sorry." You wipe the tears off your face as Will shakes his head. 
"Don't be sorry. What's wrong? Did Steve do anything?" El questions, hand resting on your shoulder as she sits beside you. Ever since your mom took El in, you two have become close as you were the only girls. She felt like you truly were her family and to you, she is the best little sister you could ever ask for. As you take the time to look at her now, you find yourself hoping she is never in this situation. 
"I don't know how to say this. But…" Pausing, you decide to just rip the bandaid right off. You toss the test that you kept hidden in your hand onto the bed between the four of you, and your three siblings all gasp. Will's hands fly to his mouth in shock, looking between you and Jonathan, gauging his older brother’s reaction.
"Huh?" El questions, barely knowing what the plastic stick in front of her is. Your older brother just stares at the test, stunned, with tears falling over his waterline. 
"I don't even know what to say." He continues to stare at the plastic between you. 
"Does…Does Steve know?" You shake your head. Not being able to gather the courage, you've been avoiding him for the last three days, terrified that you'd slip up and tell him but also unsure as to why you won't tell him.
"I've been trying to figure out how but I'm so scared, J." Tears coat your cheeks. Will moves behind you, hugging you and El as she was still by your side. 
"It's going to be okay. Steve loves you. He loves kids. It will be okay because if he changes his mind, we will never change ours. We love you so we love this baby too." Will confesses. Your heart melts at your younger brother's words leaving you speechless as you look between the three curious faces surrounding you, all filled with love despite their worry. 
“Yeah, I have to tell him today.”
“Do you want our help?” Will questions. 
“No, thank you and I love you guys but this is something I have to do myself.” They nod, understanding.
“Well, if you change your mind, we are always here for you.” Jonathan reassures you, El chiming in with a soft ‘yeah’.
"You got to tell Mom tho. We don't love you that much." Jonathan jokes while he and your siblings get up, deciding to give you some space to process.
“Okay, but let me decide when to tell her.” You reply.
“Okay, but you have to do it soon.” His voice is stern, his features sharp and serious. Nodding, you agree.
“Tomorrow. Okay?” He nods before you ‘shoo’ them out. Closing the door behind them, you let yourself slide down the cold door.
How were you going to tell Steve?
How will he react? Would he hate you? Does he even want kids? It was something you two have never talked about. The relationship between you and Steve was still fresh, you two have only been seeing each other for ten months, even though you have been best friends. You loved each other but were still so new, way too new for a baby. It felt like there was a gaping hole in your chest when you think about telling Steve. Deciding to tell Steve tomorrow, you move to your closet and grab your pajamas to take a shower before bed. 
Today was the day you were going to tell Steve that you were pregnant. Sitting in your car staring at the doors to Family Video, your boyfriend’s job. Instantly, you regret coming to the shop to tell him, fearing that it was the wrong time. As you entertain the idea of leaving and telling him after work when you see his floof of hair pop out from between the glass doors, waving at you. Sighing, you gather your purse, throwing the test into your bag as you get out of the car and drag yourself to Steve who holds the door open for you.
“Hey, baby girl. What are you doing here?” He asks, putting his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side. 
“Just came to see you.” Pressing a kiss against your temple, he winks at you with a soft ‘oh’. Robin waves at you from the front desk as you and Steve make your way to the back.
“Hey, you got the store?” He asks Robin who nods silently, watching as her crush, Vickie walks into the store. Turning the corner, he gently pushes you against the wall, arms resting over your head with a smirk all over his gorgeous face.
 “So, You missed me, huh?” His voice is like velvet, smooth and sultry. Leaning over you, you felt dizzy and intoxicated with him, it almost made you forget why you came here.
“S-steve, we need to t-talk.” Stuttering, you stare at his feet, terrified. His smile drops as a confused look passes over his face like a dark cloud over a sunny sky, it makes your heart break seeing his mood change so drastically.
“What? Is everything okay? Has something happened? Are you okay?” Rambling, he throws out questions at you, anxious that you were hurt. Staring at him, you try to find the words but am unable to. 
“It’s okay, baby. Whatever it is, we will get through it, I promise.” His voice is soft and genuine, trying to get what was wrong with you. Tears fall down your cheeks at his words, unable to keep it to yourself any longer.
“I’m pregnant.” Whispering, you cry, falling into his chest. Shocked, Steve hesitates as you fall into him. Quickly snapping back, he wraps his arms around you, holding you as you cry. Processing what you said, it hits Steve.
He’s going to be a father.
A dad.
Joy lights up in his chest, spreading over his whole body. He never told you, but this was always his dream for you two. He has planned his future with you since the moment you said you loved him back. You were it for him and he knew it. Loving you was something he never questioned or doubted for the last two years he's had a crush on you. You matter the most to Steve and seeing you crushed like this killed him.
"Hey, hey. It's going to be okay. Whatever we decide, we got this." He whispers in your ear, brushing your hair out of your face. 
"I'm not leaving your side. If you want to keep this baby, I am here. If you want to look at our other options, I'll still be here. I love you." Wiping your tears away, he smiles down at you causing your tears to fade and a small smile of your own to form. 
"I love you too, Stevie. I'm sorry. I just. I was so scared you'd be mad at me or that you'd hate me." 
"What? That would never happen. I would never do that to you. You mean so much to me. And if you want this baby, they will mean so much to me too…..Do you want the baby?" Timidly, he asks, wide-eyed. Thinking about it, you allow the thought that you so desperately pushed away since you got that positive test. You knew.
"Yes, but only if you are there the way you say you will be, I would love to have this baby with you, Steve." You cup his face as a wide smile cracks through his anxious demeanor. 
"Oh my god. We are gonna do this. Holy shit, we are about to be parents!" Steve holds your shoulders, jumping up and down like a kid himself. Reaching for his shoulders, you hold him firmly 
"No, we are parents, Steve." Grabbing his hands you press them against your stomach, holding your belly. Then he kneels on his knees, leaning his head against you.
"We are." He says, humming against your tummy, fingers drawing patterns into your skin. As you look down on him, running your fingers through his luscious hair, you realize that this is all the baby needs. Yours and Steve's love and determination to make it work. 
Hearing the doorbell rings upfront, you look around the corner, Steve lost in his little world, hugging your stomach. Seeing Robin talking to a customer, you laugh loudly as something hits you. 
"You have to be there to tell my mom." Steve's face shoots up, eyes darting around your face to find any signs of a joke. Realizing you were joking, he stands up holding your face.
"Then you have to tell Robin." Your smile drops. Of course, Robin would love to be an amazing aunt, but Robin tends to ramble when she gets nervous, and babies make her nervous. With a sigh, you shrug.
"Fine. It'll still be easier than telling my mom." You laugh. Steve shakes his head and he leans in, connecting your lips. 
"I love you so much, baby," Steve says, leaning his forehead against yours, nose rubbing together. 
"I love you so much too, handsome. We got this."
"We do." He agrees, pulling you close.
You both were terrified, but together you can face anything thrown at you two.
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testrella · 6 months
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ american wedding ࿐ྂ s.gojo x reader
𝘀𝘆𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘀𝗶𝘀: you and satoru fall in love so young but it falls apart so quickly. heavily inspired from american wedding by frank ocean.
𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺: jujutsu kaisen ⌗ gojo satoru x female reader 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀: mild cursing, angst, manga spoilers, spoilers in general, conservative gojo family, marriage, divorce / annulment, arguing, slight mention of death, SFW.
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: listen to american wedding by frank ocean to get an idea of where i was coming from loll
‘to be loved is to be changed..’ 
this saying was passed down for generations within the gojo clan. though they held no significant meaning to him. only 15 and already head of his own clan, he had no interest in being with someone for love. 
 the first time he's ever laid his eyes on you was the very first day of attending tokyo jujutsu high. both of you are first years, and so very naive. being enchanted by his gorgeous blue eyes, you strike the conversation first. 
“you're first year here? please tell me i’m right.”
he expected you  to be a much older upperclassman, possibly taunting him for being a newbie. come to find out, you’re his age. as pathetic as it may have sounded, gojo has never had friends his age, or friends at all. 
“was i that obvious? i tried my best not to look lost but this school sure is big.” you chuckle softly at his own self pity. 
“i’m y/n, i’m also a first year here. if it makes you feel any better, i also have no idea where the hell our class is.” it didn’t take long before gojo found himself at comfort within you. he quickly adapted to being around the kids his age. 
it also didn’t take long for the both of you to lose someone special. the loss of haibara, a very good friend of yours and his loss of geto. the two of you suffered greatly but he’d constantly remind you that you still had each other. but that was in the past, many years ago. 
gojo saturo, the world’s strongest, finds himself stumbling on a street. he’s too drunk to function but manages to use his very two legs. only God knows where he’s headed. gojo stares at his ring finger that once held a special wedding ring. 
his right hand wraps around his left, trying to recreate the feeling he once had on his left ring finger. there was nothing there. when he had taken off the ring, there was a noticeable mark. a small bruising from where there was once a symbol of his undying love for you. as months went by after you left, he watched as the markings slowly faded into nothing. no sign that you were ever his. 
being so young in love, he made it clear he wanted nobody but you. it had only been a year since geto betrayed the both of you. maybe it was because he loved you so much or if he had an overwhelming fear you’d leave him as well. he proposed that the two of you get married. to fill the lonely void that crept up into your heart late at night, you naively agreed to get married. you and gojo had been dating from the beginning, what could ever go wrong?
the two teenagers giggle while writing their vows. perhaps they were rushed but it came from ‘true love’ as you liked to put it. his heart flutters at the sight of you. being across the library from him, giggling and trying to hide your meaningful words that would later be said to him. across from him was his future wife. he continued to write his vows.
to my teenage wife, we’re both so young but so in love. from the moment we crossed paths, i for one knew we were meant to be together. you were my greatest supporter during my hardest times. today i will willingly go against my family wishes, and marry not for social gain but for love. it doesn’t matter to me that my family will disown me for this or that they’ll never speak to me again, as long as i cherish you in my heart and have this ring on my finger until the day i die.
his eyes fluttered up only to make eye contact with yours. there was no doubt that you loved him just as much as he did. the awe in your eyes was enough to make his heart flutter and feel lightheaded.
yet there he was, years later, sitting alone on the edge of the sidewalk. right in front of him was a beach that held too many memories for him to bare. he thinks about how different things would’ve been if you stuck around just a little bit longer. how much you would’ve adored his students, you would’ve loved yuji especially.
a white mustang pulls up in front of a courthouse in tokyo, japan. what the people in the courthouse didn't expect to see was two young teenagers. oh how much they wanted to yell at them, to tell them to slow down, how it was going to be a bad idea. it didn’t matter if they did or not, the love they had for each other was enough for them. gojo watched you walk down the small courtroom in a pretty white ball gown. it wasn’t as big or lavish as a regular wedding gown but enough for anybody to assume that it was.
as you make your way in front of gojo, you don’t fail to make a funny remark towards him. “you look very handsome, almost like richard gere in a tux.” he jokingly rolls his eyes as the judge begins the ceremony. shoko is there of course, in all support for the both of you.
before you knew it, you were officially y/n gojo. you signed the official documents, the beautiful cursive writing marking you officially as his very own wife. the kiss the two of you shared as long and breathless. he refused to let you go, never wanting to part his lips from you. young love was the best love in his mind. 
with shoes in hand, gojo’s feet make contact with the warm sand on the beach. his toes wriggly around the particles of sand, trying to find some type of comfort that his shoes gave him. you loved the beach, which is why he hates it now. the waves seemed to be mocking him, crashing together to replicate how the relationship crashed.
“you want a what?”
“an annulment.” your voice was barely audible. he didn't say anything, only stared you down. perhaps he didn't know what it was. “an annulment just means our marriage was never-”
“no, i know what it is.”
the cabin, that gojo had bought with his restricted remaining money, was filled with a choking, thick tension. there was no way around it, no sugar coating it. before the two of you knew it, an argument ensued. 
“after everything i’ve sacrificed for you?? i- i left my damn family for you, y/n. i watched my mother cry and beg me to stay but i left everything behind for you!!”
“i never asked you to do anything, satoru! i never wanted you to leave-”
“I DID IT BECAUSE I LOVE YOU Y/N! everything i’ve done was for you, everything i do is for you!!” he raised his voice to the loudest he could ever reach. your body naturally flinches at the amplitude of his voice. it was the first time the two of you got into an argument.
“satoru..” you refused to ever raise your voice at him, no matter how angry you are, “i’ve had one hell of a summer, so baby please-”
“don’t you dare ‘baby’ me. don’t you fucking dare.”
a few weeks later after the argument, gojo finds himself in front of his clan’s entrance. there was an aroma in the air that taunted him. he was ashamed to go back after ignoring all their warnings and threats. what awaited him in front of the house was his father, who was filling in for gojo’s position, and the rest of the higher ups in his family. 
he sits in a well decorated living area. it was all familiar to him, he grew up here of course. he watches as his father sat across from him on the opposing couch. 
“so what happened to the girl you loved so much? did it not work out just like i predicted?”
gojo opens his mouth but his throat dries up. there was no denying that his father was right, and he had no room to argue. “i did love her..and i’m sure she loved me.”
“i told you that woman was after our family’s wealth, now how much do we owe her from the divorce?” gojo’s father sighs aloud. the disappointment of his family starts to seep into Gojo. 
“she’s not like that. plus, the white mustang is all i have in my name..”
“i still cannot believe you’d taint our family name like this. getting married for ‘love’ and not even a proper wedding but a courthouse one! not only that but getting a divorce? are you out of your mind satoru?” his mother scolded him.
it was still considered extremely taboo to do any of those things when you’re in the top three clans of japan. there was reason to be angry within the family. 
“you might as well have had an American wedding from how brainwashed you have been from the western media for you to think this was ok. you’re lucky you wield the six eyes curse technique. if you were anybody else, you’d be left out to die.”
gojo gets up and makes his way to the doors. before leaving the living area, he mumbles a saying the gojo clan knows all too well.
“to be loved is to be changed..”
gojo satoru sits on the shore of the beach that his past lover loved so much in hopes to see her again. even if she moved on to another man and have his children. he'll forever cherish her in his heart, for he didn't lie in his vows.
𝗮𝘂𝘁𝗵𝗼𝗿'𝘀 𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲: this is the first actual drabble i've written on tumblr so pls pls pls get recognition. i spent my entire school day rough drafting it.
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cassiaslair · 4 months
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from i prevail's album, trauma ( 2019 ). slightly modified to fit dialogue prompts. if it's in parentheses, feel free to omit it.
bow down.
get on your knees & bow down.
i come alive, i'll survive, take on anything.
so paint a target on my back, let 'em come to me.
i'm on another level that you'll never reach.
if you seek forgiveness, you'll get nothing from me.
you will never know, it's the price i pay.
look into my eyes, we are not the same.
i'm in control, & you'll know my name.
i gave my life, gave it everything.
the best of your best ain't good enough.
keep running your mouth, & i'ma call your bluff.
so... i had this dream, it meant everything, & i watched it come alive.
i let you in, underneath my skin, & i learned to love the lies.
now i lay awake & i contemplate... have i become what i hate?
would you go to war? would you die for it?
something isn't right, i feel it in my bones.
every time i look around, it follows me home.
i get so stressed out when my head gets loud.
all this emptiness inside, i can't fill the void in my mind.
sometimes i just wanna die (wish that i could tell you why).
is it all inside my head?
i just can't escape the noise.
i think i'm paranoid.
every time you leave.
all i ever wanted was to find someone.
holding it together is the hardest part.
every time you leave, i lose a little piece of me.
every time we speak, words don't do it justice.
it's just us from here.
finishing the puzzle is the hardest part.
everyday wishin' you could stay, 'cause our minds may change, but our hearts remain.
i can't believe you gotta go away again.
if you ever start to hesitate & you feel the weight, it starts to break.
we're not the same; know that this means everything to me.
no one said life gets in the way.
rise above it.
i've been patiently waiting, tying my stomach in knots.
i've been lost in the moment, going to war with my thoughts.
if you're feeling the pressure, the pressure's all that i got.
so if you think you're ready, i'm here to tell you you're not.
you're in over your head.
i'll be damned if i ever let you get me again.
i will stop at nothing 'cause i was made to rise above it.
one of these days, everyone will know (but for now i stand alone).
i count my enemies like trophies.
i've got nothing left to prove.
when i look at you, all i see are trophies.
i'm not afraid to put it all on the line (like it runs in my veins).
you cannot stop me, so don't even try.
breaking down.
i think... i think too much.
i'm a little bit paranoid.
i think i'm breaking (down).
maybe it's in my blood.
hate every single second, minute, hour, every day.
everybody's out to get you.
every time they ask me, i just tell 'em that i'm fine.
i try to hide my demons, but they only multiply.
everybody fucking hates you.
i say i'm feeling hopeless, but no one's listening.
i don't really like myself.
on our knees, we pray as we waste away.
we dig our grave, dead on arrival.
i close my eyes & contemplate on why i chose to be great.
i find myself trying to escape from where i'm supposed to be safe.
maybe i should pray like i'm supposed to be saved.
sometimes i feel like getting even, but i choose to behave.
i'm mentally locked in a prison (& i need bail).
i wish i was more flourished. i wish i had more courage.
i wonder if it's all worth it (i wonder...).
dead is the land of the free.
am i not worth saving?
let's burn it fucking down.
back from the dead to tell you that i'm alive.
killed the old way (but i survived).
fuck the blueprint.
death or exile, you decide.
tell 'em all that i made my name.
now it's mine to send up in flames.
this right here is as far as you go.
this right here is where i lose control.
burn it all down, i don't give a fuck.
fuck what they say, fuck everything.
kill it all (kill everything).
nothing but red inside when i close my eyes.
break or bow down, you decide.
tell 'em all that you can't be saved.
tell 'em all that you dug this grave.
learn to live in this mess you made.
tell me i was never good enough.
remind me of the demons that i've been running from.
tell me who the hell you thought i was.
just blame it on the person, the person i've become.
lately, i don't give a fuck.
i can't be myself when i'm with anyone.
(&) maybe, i'm already gone.
i'll never be the same.
it hit me like a hurricane.
i don't know why i drown my mind (in everything they say).
it got the best of me.
tell me that i'm lost inside my mind.
i reach out, but it's pulling me under.
remind me i've been searching for something i won't find.
tell me i was never worth the time.
just blame it on the person you think i left behind.
look into my eyes.
believe me that the storm is coming.
let me be sad.
i'm holding back right now.
('cause) i'm numb to what's around.
i miss the life i used to have (with you right here).
now everything is turning grey.
i'm blacking out the shades for now.
let me be sad.
let me be sad, even for a little while. just a chance to catch my breath.
let me be sad, even for a little while, 'cause it's all that i have left.
can you see it in my eyes, i've been distant?
i can't tell if it's the end or the beginning.
i know i haven't been myself, i'll admit it.
i put up walls so if i burned any bridges, just know i'm doing everything i can to try & fix it (but knowing me i'll probably miss it).
these voices get so vicious.
feels like i'm ripping stitches.
i wish some days i could go back (before life changed, it was so fast).
that time is gone, & i know that (so please, let me be sad).
when all i see are memories, i don't wanna lose a thing.
i'm so damn low.
i can't lie, i'm falling (the floor gave out again).
the walls are caving in.
i've got these voices in my head.
i don't know why i'm broken.
my world is sinking in.
they tell me that i'm not enough.
is it my time?
even when i'm high, i still feel low.
voices in my head won't leave me alone.
i keep falling.
i'm in over my head again.
i'm on my own, i know it.
i think i'm too far gone to save.
i can't let go. i'm holding, i feel it slip away.
the more they say, the more they cut.
i'm hanging by a thread (don't know if i let go).
i'm doing everything i can to fix the problem.
this is how it feels when you hit rock bottom.
i'm cutting out the deadweight.
let me take a second to get this through to you.
it's time you get put in the rearview.
cut ties, there's nothing left to your lies, i'm seeing right through.
let me lay it out so it's clear for you to see.
i'm done with the ones that don't believe.
i'm cutting out the ones who drag me down.
all this negativity weighing down on me.
admit it's so pathetic to think i'd carry you.
i'd rather watch all the lows you sink to.
now i can see what you're really all about.
turn your back & run your mouth.
i laugh at all the time you wasted.
you're bitter, i can fucking taste it.
so if you think that you can drag me down, it's gonna come back around.
keep it up, motherfucker (i'll cut you out).
i don't belong here.
'cause i don't belong here.
those days, it was all i wanted.
nowadays, it feels all the same.
used to stare at my bedroom ceiling wishing everything would change.
now it's hard when you're always searching for the life that you left behind.
time disappears, year after year.
how the hell did i get here?
i feel so far away.
minutes turn to hours & the hours into days.
i gave up everything.
you don't know what you got until you throw it all away.
looking back on the past, all the time i wasted...
i'm running from everyone that tells me that i'm fading out.
must be mistaken 'cause i don't feel anything.
you know i got this brain, it drives me insane.
some days i feel i can't take the pain.
i can't explain it 'cause i don't need anything.
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nekatto · 6 months
Given that this is my first adoption advert, I decided to go with something basic… Basic white girl basic.
Without further ado, I present you the MeowBucks baristas: Madeleine, Mary Jane, Fontina the Big Cheese, My Little Pierogi, Gruyère, Bordeaux, and Artemis.
Accepting applications from residents of South Carolina and neighboring states only.
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Bios for each cat as well as a link to the adoption form are under the cut.
logo (c) wafflestash on Etsy, used here with their written permission.
If you can’t adopt, but would like to support us, I have a cashapp ($kpao69) and PayPal ([email protected]). I’m an independent foster and all food, litter, and vetting is paid for out of pocket. Any help is appreciated.
Adoption fee is $85
10/10 but she bamboozled me.
The one who started it all. I was walking my dog when this sweet mama approached me and meowed sadly at me. From that moment on, she had me hook, line, and sinker, and I ended up returning to the spot I met her and started feeding her, quickly gaining her trust and bringing her inside… Along with her seven relatives she had hidden in the bushes.
Despite being the grandma of the family, I believe she’s still a fairly young cat, possibly around three years old or so. Since her spay surgery, it’s almost like she’s trying to make up for the kittenhood she never got to have. She loves nothing more than batting toy mice across the floor and playing chase with her granddaughter Pierogi. When not zooming around, Madds is quite the cuddle bug and loves a warm lap to lay in.
Mother of Fontina, Gruyère, and Pierogi. Now that her kittens are grown, Mary Jane is beyond done with wild kitten antics and looking for some place calm and quiet to settle down.
All in all a pretty chill cat, though not particularly social. Out of her relatives, she most prefers to spend time with her daughter Gruyère.
They say the key to a man’s heart is food, and that’s doubly true for Fontina! While he can be shy at times, add food to equation and he’s putty in your hands.
He’ll do just about anything for food and so far has even trained himself to go inside his carrier on command. Would make an excellent trick training candidate.
Ideally would prefer a home with his best friend and wrestling buddy, Bordeaux.
**Fontina has displayed a propensity for eating non-food items. Please be mindful of this and take appropriate precautions.
When she first came here, Pierogi was a bit shaken by the overnight transition from living outside to living in a home and spent her first few days inside hiding. But now she’s come out of her shell and blossomed into the sweetest little girl, albeit still on the shy side. Loves churu, head-butting feet, and playing with wand toys.
**tentative. if no applications look promising I miiiight end up keeping her.
No, you’re not seeing double, though very different in personality, Fontina and Gruyère are our loveable void twins!
The princess of the group. Gruyère demands you provide her with your undivided attention at all times… or else.
Out of her siblings, she has the closest relationship with her mother, Mary Jane, and the mother-daughter pair can often be found grooming one another.
**though she’s never broken skin, Gruyère can be mouthy, and we'd recommend applying for a different cat if you have young children or elderly people in your home.
Sweet little Bordeaux had a very rough start to life. At just a few weeks old, Bordeaux lost both of his siblings and was briefly separated from his mom during a particularly nasty winter rainstorm. It was only through a stroke of luck (and his cries) he was found before it was too late.
But none of that has dampened his spirit! As you can undoubtedly see, Bordeaux is a silly young man who loves having fun.
Without fail, he turns everything into a game. You thought you were going to mop the floor? Nope! Time to play wrestle the mop away from the kitten for the thousandth time!
10/10 but you’ll never get anything done with home around. But with a kitten this cute, who can stay mad?
When he’s not being a menace to society, he can be found palling around with his best friend and brother from another mother, Fontina.
The odd one out of the bunch. I’m unsure how, or even if, he’s related to the rest of the colony. All we know is that he was buddies with the other adult male of the group, Apollo, and they could often be found huddled up together for warmth.
Artemis is a sweet boy who wants very much to be someone’s one and only. Always the first to greet me when I come in. And don’t think he’s content with a simple pat on the head. He DEMANDS all the love and snuggles. Like, I’ll sit down to relax and next thing I know he’s climbing up on my shoulder and nuzzling me.
*would prefer a home with no other cats.
**Apollo will be going up for adoption separately as he needs to have a specialist vet preform his neuter due to some neurological issues.
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 3 months
Somewhere Between Hello and Goodbye | Ch. 4: Strangers With Memories
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a/n: more angst but at least they aren't as awkward, however, after this chapter, I fear it's only going to go downhill for my babies :(
The dreadful No Contact Rule. Difficult not to break when the relationship is over and even more so when the relationship comes to a sudden halt but the feelings are still brewing inside. When the distance is forced and fueled by the guilt of losing that person again. However, I would be lying if I said that Jungkook is no longer part of my life. That I have somehow completely barricaded myself from his presence. How could I, when not even a conscious stream of thought can overcome the yearning of a broken heart? One that still longs for his touch, his sweet smile, his laugh. One that has been holding on to the memories of our past despite the lack of recollection in Koo’s eyes. To him, we are simply picking things up from where they were left off. Not a complicated task in nature until you realise that our story left off with his first and last “I love you, Mira”. So, no matter how hard I try to push him away, the heartstrings of my own soul seem to pull us back together. Even if he sees me as just a friend, I am willing to fight for everything we could have been, until one day he finally remembers it all. Remembers me, remembers us.
Unfortunately, with school starting, everyone has been getting back into their routines, leaving little time or opportunity to actually hang out. Despite this, Jungkook has made a special effort to “build back what he can’t remember”. So, seeing him has actually become part of my daily ritual. Whether that be going on a morning jog or grabbing a quick coffee after class. Like the good old days, we are connecting as close friends, since everything began that way. Before anything, Koo was my friend, one who somehow filled the void of my family when we were separated by an ocean. For that, I will forever be grateful to him. 
Today was like any other. Tae and I met our new cohort leader, the head of the ER department in the local children’s hospital, who was this older gentleman who wasted no opportunity to crack one of his dad jokes. He absolutely adored Tae, said that he saw his younger self in him, and unless he was a sleep-deprived, broke college student, I’m not sure what the correlation was. To be honest, Tae hasn’t been having it easy either. His grandma was recently diagnosed with pneumonia, so he spent the entire summer working three jobs to send as much money as he could back home. Being the only man, and thus, the breadwinner in the family after the passing of his father, he constantly tells me about the guilt he endures being far away from his mom, younger sister and grandma. The three women in his life he would give up anything for. And, as I’ve watched him slowly run himself thin, I have grown to be protective of Tae myself. Although he is older, in my eyes he will always be like a little brother to me. One whose shoulders carry the weight of a whole lineage.
Packing up our staff after class, Tae recommended we try the new pastry shop that opened by our dormitory. One that he first mentioned when Jungkook was admitted into the hospital in hopes of cheering my numb self. However, during that period the aching pain in my heart wanted nothing more than to be by Koo’s side. So, seeing that this time Tae was the one in need of support, I made sure to take him up on the offer as we indulged in our daily debrief. At the end of the day, we might not know how to properly give an IV but you best believe that we know how to run our mouths. In the span of half an hour, we managed to cover every possible topic known to men, ranging from the rise in the cost of eggs to the hideous new haircut the grumpy librarian decided to debut today. Our conversation could have gone on for hours until it was abruptly interrupted by the buzzing of my phone. 
Koo: Will 20 minutes be enough for you to get ready?
Mira: Depends … where are you taking me? 
Koo: It’s a surprise, just wear something comfy ;)
“Who got you smiling like that?” Tae chuckles teasingly, seeing that his words have lost my attention.  
“Oh nothing, I’m sorry, it’s just Jungkook,” I say, nibbling on my lips to suppress the urge to keep smiling. 
“What did he say?” he leans forward taking a sip of his Americano. 
“I think he wants to go somewhere?” my words drag on as he searches my scattering eyes. 
“Well, no you’re right, I’m just gonna tell him that I’m busy,” I try to comfort Tae with a smile, sensing the guilt of leaving him alone.
“No, I mean, don’t you want to freshen up? How much time do you have?” he mumbles, gaze softening at my flustered state. 
“Oh, are you sure? I hate to pause our little hangout,” 
“There’s always tomorrow,” Tae assures with a boxy smile. 
“Okay, I’ll see you at breakfast, alright?” I say, packing up my stuff before we wave each other goodbye.
Thank God, the pastry shop was a short walk away from the dormitory as I suddenly realised how valid Tae’s suggestion of a shower was. Let’s just say that today’s clinical was one for the books. Not only did I spill a whole IV bag on my scrubs but I’m pretty sure that there are still some pieces of dried cream in my hair as one of the older patients refused to cooperate. So, as I finally managed to open the front door, I headed straight into the shower, washing myself free of the chaotic aftermath. 
Debating between a woven sweater and a cashmere pullover I settled on the one Koo loved the most. “Peaches, you’re so soft,” he used to say, pulling me into a tight hug as his hands caressed the delicate cashmere. I wore it on our last date before the incident, the one we spent on Oceana Beach talking about the future, our future. Miraculously, after all this time, it still had his scent, the sweet vanilla musk lingered like the memories of our past. I remember crying sleepless nights, holding the cashmere close to my heart as if it were the only thing left of Jungkook. With my eyes closed, I could almost feel his warm embrace. 
Beep Beep 
My reminiscing, however, was interrupted by Jungkook’s arrival. Quickly touching up my makeup, I grab my purse and phone before locking the door behind me. Maybe it’s from the actual physical rush or the fact that I get to see him again, but my heart sure is beating hard. I could practically feel it in my throat. And, the appearance of his bunny smile as our eyes finally met certainly did not help it either. 
“Sorry to make you wait,” I say out of breath, tucking some stray pieces of hair behind my ear. 
“No worries, I just came,” Koo assures softly, leaning back on his car. 
“So, where is this mystery destination?” I grin teasingly, folding my arms in front of my chest. 
“Surprise, remember? Ladies first,” he grins back, opening the passenger door, before helping me buckle up. And, just like that, my heartbeat went through the roof again. 
Driving down the bridge, we were in awe of the beautiful sunset that covered the sky in warm tones. Blasting our favourite song, Jungkook rolled down all the windows before pausing his phone just in time for the high note. And, as silence filled the car I could feel the flush rise up my cheeks from the sheer embarrassment that was my singing. It wasn’t just a voice crack, it was the complete demolishment of my dignity. 
“Yah, how could you betray me like that?” I scoff in disbelief, rolling the windows back up to shield myself from the passing cars. 
“I couldn’t help it, you looked so concentrated,” Jungkook chuckles, mimicking my singing face. 
“Okay, relax, eyes on the road bunny boy,” I smirk, turning the music back on.
“We’re here,” he says, turning into the parking lot. Looking around, chills run down my spine as I realise where we are. The Oceana Beach. This means that while I was fully immersed in our karaoke session, Jungkook unknowingly drove past the exact spot where he lost consciousness on that cold, winter night. All this time, I’ve been trying to avoid this place in hopes of erasing the image of Koo’s frail body lying on the side of the road. Now, I have to act like none of that happened, since he doesn’t remember any of it. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Jungkook’s voice pulls me out of the spiral, as my chest heaves up. Feeling his hand on mine, my body almost jolts from his touch, unable to hide the fear rushing through my veins. It all felt so surreal, to be looking at him alive in flesh but knowing that the Jungkook I once knew was no longer there. 
“Yeah, I … I just remembered something,” I lie with a nervous chuckle, unbuckling myself. Helping me out of the car, Jungkook looks concerned, eyes searching mine. 
“You sure, you’re alright? I can drive back jus…” 
“No, no don’t be ridiculous. I swear I’m all good,” I interrupt his sentence with a reassuring smile. Reaching for my hands again, only this time with slight hesitation, his worried eyes meet mine as his thumb caresses the back of my palms. 
“Mira, you’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” his words are layered with a tone of fear, uneasiness, and genuine worry. But, there’s a short period of silence, as my mind filters through possible replies. 
“Of course,” I manage a small chuckle, swallowing down the lie. With a nod of acceptance and a soft sigh, he intertwined his fingers with mine, taking the bags from his trunk before walking us toward a small spot by a campfire. Setting everything up, I was commanded to just relax, covered under a woven blanket.
“I used to love making smores when I was little,” Jungkook smiles, handing me a bag of marshmallows, before covering himself under the same blanket. Jimin was right, he could still remember the earlier years of his life, but nothing of the recent events. 
“Can’t relate, I somehow always burned mine,” I frown as he can’t help but laugh, scrunching his nose and letting that bunny smile come on full display.   
“Hey, don’t laugh,” 
“I’m sorry, but how does one mess this up?” he leans closer, nudging my shoulder before looking back at the sparks. If only time could stop and we could stay this way forever. If only he could feel the way my heart ached at that moment. 
“So, Mira, do you have a boyfriend?” his sudden question brought me back again, as my eyebrows visibly furrowed from the bluntness of his curiosity. 
“Why? Are you trying to pitch an offer?” I chuckle, leaning closer to the fire to warm my hands, before looking back at his teasing grin. 
“Just trying to figure you out,” he replies softly, eyes searching mine. 
“I used to,” 
“Oh, yeah? What happened? 
“He moved away. Long distance didn’t work out,” I reply slowly, allowing the fake story to play out without succumbing to the tears. 
“That sucks, you guys don’t keep in touch at all?” Jungkook’s curiosity is innocent in nature but naive to our past. I can’t even get mad at him for digging deeper, even if it hurts.  
“I’m not sure he remembers me anymore,” I sigh, replying almost defeated. 
“That’s a lie. Who could forget you?” he laughs, shaking his head in disbelief, blind to the irony of it all. 
“Yeah …” a little chuckle escapes me as well, as my eyes dissociate into the distance. “I'm pretty unforgettable, aren't I?” 
“Pretty and unforgettable,” Jungkook replies with a quick wink, covering my shivering body with his share of the blanket before taking a bite of my half-burned marshmallow.
Replaying our last conversation in my head, I felt bad for snapping at Jiah at the mall. It was totally uncalled for and simply a projection of the thoughts that haunted my mind. Not a fibre of my being meant it as we rarely ever fought or even came to a slight disagreement with each other. To be quite frank, during that time it seemed like every interaction I had was like walking on a minefield. With one wrong move, I was destined to blow up and take everyone else down with me.  
Not being able to talk to her freely pained me, as I grew to miss my best friend with each passing day. And if one thing was for sure, then it was that Jiah deserved an apology as she fell victim to my self-destruction. So, after a few hours of crafting a well-developed apology, I made my way to her apartment, which was literally a level below mine. Nonetheless, the walk there seemed never-ending, most likely due to the sheer panic I was experiencing. It wasn’t fueled by the fear of her reaction but the shame I felt from how I treated Jiah. However, none of it mattered anymore, as I stood in front of her door, hand ready to place a few knocks. That is until it suddenly swings open and our eyes finally meet again. 
“Jiah,” I mumble before she pulls me into a tight hug as tears stream down both of our faces. No words needed to be said. Everything was understood through the emotions we were experiencing. Melting deeper into her embrace, my face dug deeper into her hair as the sweet smell of coconut filled my senses, reminding my body of her aura. I missed her so much that I could physically feel the void in my heartache as my teary eyes searched her sad gaze. 
“Jiah, I’m so sorry,” I manage to let out as she gently wipes the tears off of my face. Holding onto her hand, I keep it close to my chest as my heart beats faster. 
“It’s okay, love. I’ve missed you so much,” she says softly, tucking a few pieces of stray hair behind my ear. And, just like that, we were back in each other’s embrace, making up for the lost time we were apart. Catching up, we spent the whole afternoon discussing everything that happened since our falling out. She showed me the emerald jewellery set Jimin gifted her for their 1 year anniversary and the pictures they took following their celebration. They looked so happy that I couldn’t stop smiling. If they ever break up then I’ll know that love isn’t real, because in my eyes they were destined for each other. No one understands Jiah better than Jimin and no one cares so deeply for Jimin more than Jiah. Simply put, they’re soul mates. 
Feeling lightheaded from all the tears we’ve cried, I suggested we go out to grab some late lunch, or early dinner before going on a walk around campus. Jiah was quick to agree as she changed into some jeans and a hoodie before grabbing her purse and keys. Stopping by my dorm, I quickly touched up my makeup in hopes of not scaring innocent civilians from the aftermath of my mental breakdown. And, as we rode the elevator down to the main lobby, Jiah and I were inseparable once again. That is until my eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook standing by his car, shuffling in place to keep himself warm.  
“Oh? Jungkook? What’s wrong?” I stutter, worried eyes searching his. 
“Sorry Jiah, but could I steal her from you?” he asks softly, as Jiah's face turns to mine. Hiding the way her chin was trembling, she didn't know how to reply before taking a deep breath. 
“Call me when you get back?” she nods, separating her hand from mine as I pull her into a hug.  
“I’ll bring you some pastry from the new shop Tae recommended,” I say with a reassuring smile before waving her goodbye. Making sure she got in safely, my eyes turned back to look at Jungkook’s bunny smile. 
“How did you know I was here?” I ask with a skeptical tone, slowly making my way towards the car. 
“You really don’t think I pay attention, huh?” he says teasingly before opening the passenger door. 
“You mean to tell me that you’ve memorized my schedule?” I scoff, looking up at his softened gaze. 
“Pretty much,” he replies with a grin, leaning onto the door frame before caressing my cheek with the back of his palm. 
“Hey, were you crying?” Jungkook asks, concerned, as I cover my red cheeks with my hair. Way to not be obvious, Mira! I guess, my attempt to hide the fact that I’ve been sobbing for hours failed miserably since he managed to notice it after one glance. 
“Oh, yeah, it’s nothing. I promise,” I shake my head with a soft smile before looking back up at his worried eyes. 
“Mira, you know you can always talk to me, right?” his words are followed by a deep sigh as he crouched down before my still form. 
“Of course, I know that, Koo,” I manage to let out a giggle, patting his head in hopes of making him feel at least somewhat at ease. In all honesty, however, I knew that he wasn’t fully convinced, but I also didn’t necessarily hate that. Because a small part of me hoped that maybe, his curiosity would somehow help him regain the memories he once lost.
“Anyways, where are you taking me this time?” I try to change the subject, as his eyes look back at mine. 
“I need your help,” he replies, buckling my seat belt before heading to the driver’s side. 
“May I know with what?” 
“A song. A love song,” his voice is abrupt, but still layered with tease. 
“I beg your pardon, a love song? Jungkook If you think I’m going to sedate you with some vocals then you are greatly mistaken,” I scoff with my arms folded in front of my burning chest. A love song? As if seeing him again isn’t hard enough. Now, he is giving me yet another reason to cry at night. 
“Shhhh, I’ll explain everything when we get there, just sit back and relax,” he assures me with a sly wink. 
“Mmhhm,” I nod, loosening up the seatbelt before crossing my arms over my chest. Navigating through all the turns, my mind is trying to piece together our destination, until we finally stop at a brick building near the campus gymnasium. 
“Koo, where are we?” I ask cautiously, scanning the premises as he opens the passenger door. 
“It’s a studio my buddy owns. Don’t worry the inside looks more welcoming than the outside,” Jungkook grins, locking the car as we make our way up the stairs.
“Be careful here, they’re still under construction,” he points to a hole in the wooden floor, grabbing my hand as I tip-toe behind him.
“Right, and this buddy of yours, you know how?” 
“He used to produce for the band the guys and I were in. The Bulletproof Boys,” he replies proudly until I burst into a cackle, which promptly faded the smile on his face. I couldn’t help it, I was still not over the first time he mentioned the infamous band name. The Bulletproof Boys. Peak comedy if you ask me. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you,” I try to regain my composure looking at his pouty lips. 
“I’m not laughing,”
“Okay, then I’m laughing at you,” I tease again, poking his side as he opens the door to what seemed like a small recording studio.  
“Hey, guys! Come on in,” a man’s voice welcomes us into the dimly lit room. 
“Hi hyung, thank you again,” Jungkook shakes his hand, before looking back at my flustered face. I’m usually not as awkward but something about being in a room with a stranger, Jungkook, and a hypothetical love song just did not sit well with me. 
“This is Mira, she’s going to be our female lead,” Jungkook smiles, giving me a sly wink. A lead? I really do hope he is kidding. Is today April Fool's or something? Where are the cameras? 
“Sounds good to me, who wants to go first?” the man asks the both of us, as I try my best to avoid his eye contact. Fiddling with my thumbs, Jungkook could sense that I was becoming more and more uncomfortable. So, he suggested that we go in together since it is my first time doing something like this after all. 
“Just follow me okay?” he says softly, helping me put on the headphones before handing me the lyric sheet.
“Alright, let’s just see how the melody plays out, okay? Jungkook, if you want to jump in with your vocals now, by all means. But, Mira, you can just use this take as practice. I want you to get comfortable with the lyrics,” the producer explains, giving me a thumbs up as I nod okay. 
Following Koo’s lead I tried to mumble the words under my breath, getting the feel of the song. And, to my and probably everyone’s surprise, everything was going somewhat okay? We were able to finish recording the intro in under an hour and have just gotten to the pre-chorus. After some practice, I was beginning to feel capable of managing this project, until my ears were pierced with a sudden “I love you,” projecting from Jungkook’s microphone. 
“Oh?” I let out a loud gasp, covering my mouth as my eyes shot up at his form across the booth. Searching my flushed face, he grins, pointing to the lyric sheet on my stand. Furrowing my eyebrows I begin scanning the lines with my finger, realising that he was singing one of the adlibs. However, what came after almost made me sick. Suddenly, it all felt a bit too real. Shutting my eyes, I tried to regain my composure, and within a second, I was back in that hospital room, sitting across from Koo’s frail body as his thumb caressed my palms. 
“I love you, Mira. I’ve been loving you this whole time,” his sweet words played in my head, as tears rolled down my face. Feeling the knot in my throat, I was practically screaming, but nothing came out. I couldn't do it, not then and not now. I couldn’t say the words he desperately deserved to hear. And just like that, I was back in the booth, only this time, my heaving body was plopped on the floor surrounded by both Jungkook and his producer. But, before they could ask me anything, I rushed out of the room, virtually sprinting towards the nearest washroom, where I hoped to lock myself from the outside world. Closing my eyes, all I could see were the replays of that scene before they were suddenly interrupted by the knocking on the stall door.
“Mira! Mira, open up, it’s me,” Jungkook’s voice is heavy, almost breathless. 
“Are you in the women’s washroom?” I yelp in disbelief, wiping the tears off of my face. 
“There’s no one here, come out, please,” he pleads softly, moving back as I slowly open the door. Lowering my gaze, I fold my arms over my chest before leaning back on the stall as if I didn’t just pass out in front of him. Taking a deep breath, I tried to explain myself before feeling his arms wrap around my shoulders as our bodies melted into a tight hug. Oh, Koo, if only you knew how much I missed your warm embrace. 
“Mira, please tell me what’s wrong,” Jungkook whispers, burying his face in the curve of my neck, as I feel his breath on my skin. 
“Koo, I told you, I’m fine,” I managed to lie, placing my hands on his shoulders to create at least some distance. 
“Fine? You dropped to the floor and were unresponsive,” he shouts, furrowing his eyebrows from frustration as his hands grab mine. 
“I … I think my period is coming soon. The days before are always killer,” I explain, trying to convince the both of us, before feeling his worried gaze search my scattering eyes. 
“Your period?” he confirms. 
“Mmhm,” I give him a few nods, feeling his grip on my hands slowly loosen. Tucking the stray hair behind my ear, Jungkook leans closer, tracing the trail of dried tears on my face before letting out a soft sigh. 
“Okay, I believe you. I’ll always believe you, Mira,”
Please, don't.
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dreichrainbow · 8 months
I'm not quite sure what happened here.. I was a woman possessed and wrote 736 words on my tablet because I couldn't sleep. I was actually enjoying writing some nonsense smut for the first time in years. But I needed to get this out of my system..
This fandom is going to end me.
I just need to shout this into void okay? Thanks.
No Nightingales
“You idiot, we could have been… us”
Aziraphale turns away from his best friend because it’s too much to bear and so he doesn’t realise that Crowley has strode over to him for one final desperate attempt at becoming an us. The angel barely has time to gasp in shock before Crowley grabs him by his lapels and slams their lips together.
Aziraphale vaguely wonders if the demon stopped time, because everything seems to happen in slow-motion.
No. Yes. Wha- what is he doing? Kissing? Is he kissing me? No, this can’t be happening. Stop.
Aziraphale grimaces and stares at Crowley through half-open eyes. He falters, his hands flailing at his side. Crowley pulls the angel impossibly closer and the blonde unintentionally closes his eyes and lets himself be drawn in.
I can’t. We can’t. Heaven and Hell will.. This is dangerous! But Crowley is right here. With me. Us.
For the briefest of moments, Aziraphale loses the battle inside his head and he melts into the kiss. His hands try to grip at the demon’s shoulders but they find no purchase. His hands instead press uselessly into Crowley’s back as Aziraphale leans into the serpent’s warmth.
Closer. More. Please. No! We mustn’t!
He lets go of Crowley’s back, but doesn’t have the willpower to push him away completely.
Selfish. Greedy.
But then Crowley roughly pulls himself away, his obscured eyes filled with pain. Aziraphale gasps, opening and closing his mouth to say something, anything, to make this all okay.
His mouth is moving but no words come out. Crowley looks at his best friend with such profound sadness that Aziraphale wants to take him in his arms and fly them both away to the nearest star and never look back.
The universe needs me to be in heaven.
Why would Crowley do this?
Aziraphale feels dizzy and confused. His lips still burn from the sudden onslaught.
We can’t be together. Not like this. The planet, our planet, is in danger.
He knows what he needs to say now and every fibre of his being is telling him not to.
Crowley will never come back.
He steels himself and looks at the demon with a mixture of heartbreak and resolve.
“I forgive you.”
Crowley sighs and Aziraphale nearly breaks down at the sound of utter hopelessness.
“Don’t bother.”
Crowley turns around and starts walking towards the door. They both feel the finality of 6000 years of companionship being torn apart. Aziraphale can’t breathe. His chest heaves as his eyes fill with tears.
Did Crowley really just...
The angel brings his hand up to his lips, trying to memorize the feel of Crowley’s bruising lips on his own. He is already struggling to remember and his heart shatters.
“Do that again.” He whispers when tears begin to fall onto his creased lapels. “Please, right now.”
“Do you mean that angel?”
Crowley had one hand on the door when the barely-there plea reached his ears. He’d spun around but not released the doorknob, which meant he stood in an uncomfortable twisted position. His serpentine spine could cope though as he stood frozen staring at the angel.
I can’t. Selfish. Greedy. Dangerous.
Neither of them moved. Neither of them could. The tension and emotion weighing them down, overwhelming them.
Thick tears continued to stream down Aziraphale’s cheeks.
We can’t.
The word had barely left Aziraphale’s lips before Crowley’s were on his again. Aziraphale grabs the demon’s shoulders this time and pulls him so close they could have been one entity. Maybe they were.
Fresh tears start falling on Aziraphale’s cheeks and it’s like a knife to his already battered heart when he realises that these are Crowley’s. He breaks their kiss to look at his kind, vulnerable, demon. The curly-haired angel gently kisses the tears away, one-by-one, before placing his hands on either side of the black sunglasses.
“May I?”
Crowley nods.
Slowly, Aziraphale removes the spectacles to reveal red-rimmed yellow eyes.
He places a feather-light kisses on each eye, desperately trying to take away some of his demon’s pain.
“Angel..” Crowley says again.
“Yes, my dear?”
The serpent’s eyes fill with new tears and Crowley’s voice breaks.
“I know.”
Because he does. Some part of Aziraphale has always known. He and Crowley are parts of the same whole. Meant to be together. Meant to work together. Meant to safe the world they created, together.
“Me too.”
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miam0re · 1 year
Could you please write the brothers reacting to this scenario following Season Three's end (fully SFW, please!):
After they arrived in the human world to visit, MC had started acting secretive. They were hiding something from their partner, and would readily admit it. "It's nothing bad!" They would assure the brother, refusing to let it slip.
As it approached the time for the brothers to return to the Devildom, MC seemed more and more excited, talking about their own inevitable return once they have learned more magic.
Then the farewell party came and the brothers gathered together to ask Diavolo to let MC marry into the family. We all know how that ended. Diavolo saying marriage between a human and a demon was not -had never been - an option left MC stunned and quiet for the rest of the night.
The next morning, as they say their goodbyes, MC takes the brother's hand and whispers in his ear. "Wear this to remember me by," they say as they place a ring in his palm.
Back in the Devildom, the brother takes the time to look at MC's gift. It's an attractive band, etched with designs inspired by the brother and MC's symbolic animals on the outside and their names on the inside. The brother can't help but think that it would make an excellent wedding ring.
Thanks for your time!
By 'season 3' I assume you mean the 3rd arc in game...ie ch41-60
I still haven't reached there cuz my deck power is absolute shit
Looking at your request(and interpreting what I think you want to ask), I was a bit stumped on the kinds of reactions that the demon brothers would have for such a thing so I turned to a friend for help haha.
Gets a little angsty so well 👀
A Ring to Remember | Demon Brothers
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The one who spends hours at his desk, holding the ring with a restrained grip, lest his emotions get the best of him and the diamond shatters into a million tiny pieces. “Why are you making this so difficult for me?” He scoffs to himself, heartbroken as he stores the ring into his desk drawer, unable to look at it and remember your beautiful face and the memories made together…
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The one who can’t bear seeing the ring, yet he wants to keep you close to his heart at all time. He cared for you so much, so why did the universe have to keep you away? “Nah! I don’t miss the human at all! I’m better off!” He convinces his brothers (or not) as the ring hangs on a golden chain around his neck, hidden from sight as he hides his agony from the world…
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The one who think you’re probably out there already with someone else, someone better than him and in a fit of jealousy tosses it out his bedroom window. “Pfft, I don’t need any stupid ring as a reminder of you.” Regrets how stupid he was being and spent hours looking for it, tearing the garden apart, sitting on his knees and wailing loudly when the ring is nowhere in sight…
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The one who lets his wrath get the best of him, shaking with rage as he lets fists fly, crashing into the bookshelves and dropping books all over the carpeted floor. “This is not fair! None of this is fair!” He screams into the void, knees weak as he joins the pile of books, sobbing while clutching the ring close to his chest, hoping some magic would let the two of you be together…
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The one who accepts fate as it is, smiling bitterly while slipping the diamond ring on his finger, admiring how the light catches in the carved edges. “The beauty of the diamond ring can never compare to ours when we’re together.” Plays with the ring constantly, sometimes pouting to himself about how he’s being deprived of vitamin U and hoping he can see your smile a few times more…
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The one who no longer feels an appetite for food, but only a longing to have you in his arms and fill the space in his life. “Food just doesn’t taste the same without you around.” Spends hours in a stretch in bed, staring at the ring and trying it on his ring finger, till his emotions spout out uncontrollably, crying into the pillows about how much he misses you…
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The one who stays in the attic and talks to the stars about his day, imagining that the star was you, his dearest. “No matter what happens, you will always remain in my heart.” Always wears the ring and thinks of the two of you stargazing and spending moments together. He spends even more time sleeping, resting on the fluffy pillows with scents that reminded him of you…
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biasbuck · 20 days
BiAsBuck’s ficrec Fridays
Happy Friday everyone! Back again with another round of the fic I've been reading this week. You can find previous rec lists here.
A reminder I'm here for all buddie/bucktommy/buddietommy configurations, enough love to go around!
17 May 2024
through the fire and the sound by @kirkaut 'It all starts when Tommy has to cancel their plans for Friday. Or: Evan Buckley and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day.' The reason this week's rec list is coming a little later in the day, was because I was absolutely immersed in this 10k one shot and couldn't stop reading! I really loved the Buck characterisation in particular in this one, his voice rang out so strongly, supported, teased and cared for by the 118, and just ready to take those next steps with Tommy. Loved how their relationship was developed and showcased with the depth of love explored. After a series of bad calls end in injury, sometimes you have to embrace the moment!
you’ve got too much to wear on your sleeve by @try-set-me-on-fire apparently I was in the mood for some good ol' hurt/comfort this week, because in this one Tommy’s helicopter goes down, and whilst Maddie reassures Buck he'll be ok, in an effort to distract himself from worrying on the job, Buck concentrates on fixing the station AC unit. I really enjoyed the structure of this one, how Buck's work continues even once he knows what's happened because he still has a shift, and Tommy sending Maddie updates to reassure Buck was just very sweet.
prescribed burn and aerial ignition by @wakeupnew is a brilliantly crafted 7x06 coda, in which 'Tommy's busy fighting a wildfire at the edge of the Angeles National Forest, but every time he checks his phone, he has an increasingly unbelievable series of text messages.' I LOVED the text messages added in to this fic, such a great mix of sweet and drunken and funny and charming and appropriately alarming. Continuing the trend of them showing concern for each other, I also just loved Tommy's appreciation of clipboard Buck, drunk Buck, worried brother-in-law Buck and safe in his arms Buck. And the follow up is a beautifully soft and sexy morning after epilogue.
give your heart and soul to charity by @exhuastedpigeon is a buddie fic with background 'keeping things fluid' bucktommy, and crucially in which 'Eddie dumps God, gets some more therapy, accepts parts of himself he was taught to hate, loves his best friend, and loves himself.' With gorgeous evocative writing, lots and lots of Eddie introspection and some very pleasing healing Catholic Guilt to joyful unrepression arc, there's emotional ups and downs along the way that made my heart ache.
To Build a Home We Deconstruct Our Rituals by @letmetellyouaboutmyfeels was another buddie fic I was recommended from a few years ago to read to get inside Eddie's head and is my favourite of tropes - fake marriage of convenience with co-habitation and mutual pining and very real feelings they've yet to articulate. Post-shooting, Eddie has concerns about the legal strength of Buck being Christopher's guardian in case of his death...so he totally marries him about it. My favourite thing was just nobody really batting an eye, until it became undeniable. And Maddie's reaction.
i could be the one (or your new addiction) by @bucktheally 'Five times Buck had to put a dollar in the Mentioning Tommy jar during 7x07, and one time nobody was around to catch him.' 118 firefam team banter my beloved!! As fun as this season has been I am MISSING ME some firetruck team conversations allowed by a longer season, and this fic fills the void magnificently.
PS - once again sending out the signal to ask if you have any henren authors/fic recs I should check out PLEASE let me know! I love them!
Also it's my birthday tomorrow and you know you want to point me towards any of your buddietommy fics that I missed!
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rowdyhughesy · 1 year
Luca bringing you flowers because you both got into an argument and it was his fault
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Luca knew that he stepped over a line, you both knew that. He burned that invisible line that was a silent agreement to never speak about between you.
It hadn’t started as this huge fight, you had just been hanging out in your dorm room while your roommate was away. Sharing kisses and cuddling as you watched a show on your laptop. When Luca had the brilliant idea to ask the question of when he was going to meet your mother. Your whole body froze at the words coming out of his mouth. You haven’t talked to her in months, let alone seen her. Blinking away the moisture building up in your eyes you shy away from his hold.
“No Lu, you know you won’t. Why would you ask?” Furrowing your brows you bite down on your bottom lip. “I don’t know maybe because I’m your boyfriend and it’s your mom? I’ve met everyone else and you’re like best friends with my mom?” You can feel the annoyance radiating off of him at this point as if the furrow of his brow didn’t already give him away.
“It doesn’t matter Luca! I don’t want you to meet her and that’s it.” Rising up from the bed you start pacing across the carpeted floor. Fingers tugging at the hair tie around your wrist.
“Why?” Throwing his arms up as if to make a point he stares at you. His eyes feel like they’re burning your skin and your air pipe is closing in on itself.
“Get out Luca.” Swinging the door to your dorm open, head turned down, frustrated tears running down your cheeks. Your exhales are shaky as you listen to your boyfriend gather his things before brushing past you and out the door. As soon as he’s out the door you slam it closed behind him, pressing your back to the wooden surface. Why did he have to break that one promise?
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The oldest Fantilli could feel his heartbeat in his throat as he stood outside the door of her dorm. Flowers held in a death grip in his hand and the other raised, mentally preparing himself to knock.
It’s been four days since she kind of kicked him out of her room. The image of her glassy eyes and hurt expression haunting him.
He knew he was in the wrong, Adam and Johnny had made that clear as soon as he told them about what had happened. His younger brother scolding him for thirty minutes as soon as Luca uttered the words ‘I brought up her mom’.
So here he stood, cold sweats from anxiety and heart on his sleeve. Ready to beg on his knees if it meant she’d forgive him. He did not need to knock though because the door creaked open before he had found the courage to actually do it.
Standing eye to eye with his girlfriend it felt as if time stood still again. Mouth open and closing like a fish out of water trying to find his words but nothing comes out. So he settles for thrusting the flowers toward her chest. Y/N just blinks at the blonde hockey player before she grabs the outstretched bouquet.
“I’m stupid.” He blurts out before his brain has the chance to connect with his mouth. A small smirk tugs at the corner of her lips at his words.
“Yeah you are.” Tugging on the sleeve of his sweater she leads him inside her dorm. “I know you don’t like talking about your, you know. I shouldn’t have said anything and it’s not my decision if you want me to meet her. She’s not a part of your life and you’re happier without her. You have me, Adam and our parents so you don’t need her. We’ll have your back even if she never has. You’re part of us now.” She doesn’t say anything in response. Settling for wrapping her arms around him in a hug as a silent thank you.
She doesn’t have a mom present in her life but she has her dad and she has her chosen family in the Fantillis along with the rest of her friends and that’s all she could ever want. They fill the void left from her mother, heart doubled the size from all the love they give her everyday.
She just hopes they know how much she loves and appreciates everything they do to make her feel love.
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pleasantangelpaper · 6 months
To Run From the Sky (Part 1)
Hi!!! So, this fic is sort of a new thing I'm trying out on my wattpad. It's a William Afton x Reader that is a little angsty! I'm curious to know how tumblr will react to it, so here it is! Feel free to check out my wattpad account if you would like to read there! My user is the same on both platforms! :)
William Afton x GN! Reader
Warnings: Angst, mentions of cheating
   Just last month I was swimming in the clear waters of Malibu beach, and now I'm moving back in with my parents in Hurricane, Utah. Where did I go wrong? How could this have happened to me? I remember, but I still don't understand...
 The air was cold for California as I navigated alleyways, weaving in between sheds and cars to find my friend and roommate, Bethany, who had invited me to her boyfriend's house party. Upon finally finding the house, by ear rather than eye, as crappy pop blared through the enormous living room sound system, I stumbled up the lawn, trying not to trip over various red solo cups. A few boys stood watch outside the door, joking around, and obviously getting very drunk. Walking past them, I entered the house. Loud music and bright lights flooded my senses, bringing me to a very alert state. "Bethany!" I yelled into the void of party-goers. No response was heard. I journeyed on through the group of people, pushing my way past several drunk guys. I then saw a familiar taller gentleman. "Stu!" I yelled at him. "Oh hey Y/N! Have you seen Bethany anywhere?" the puzzled man questioned. I sighed in discontent, "No, I'm looking for her too,". "Maybe you could go check my room? She might have went in there to sit down for a minute," Stu stated. I nodded my head and walked towards the spiral staircase that adorned his second floor balcony. Stu's house was quite lavish. As I found Stu's room I could hear some strange noises from inside. My brain told me to stay out of it, but my heart feared for Bethany. The door opened, and my throat closed. There was my boyfriend, Billy, and my best friend, Bethany, kissing. My mouth stayed open as tears filled my eyes. "How........ how could you do this to me...... how could either of you do this to me.....". The two struggled to find words as they pulled apart from one another. I stood heartbroken in the doorway. My tears started to drip off of my face, creating a puddle on Stu's floor. "Hey Y/N, was she in th-" Stu began to question before he noticed the tension in the room. "What happened?" he asked, a slight tinge of anger becoming evident in his voice. "Stu, baby, he just started kissing me, and I just couldn't fight back," " Bullshit, you kissed me first" The two argued at each other trying to come up with some sort of story that would get them out of trouble, but it was too late. Stu's eyes welled with tears as he screamed for them to get out of his house. I don't remember much after that. It all feels like a blur. I move out of the shared apartment I had with Bethany, and now I'm here, in Utah. 
   I set my last box down on the floor of my childhood bedroom. Waves of emotions hit me as I stare at the corkboard full of memories. Memories of Bethany and I before we had moved to California tainted the room. I felt my soul fill with rage. I tore down  the pictures with tears in my eyes. As I fell to the ground, a soft knock was heard at my bedroom door. "Come in," I grumbled out to the unknown visitor. "How you doing, honey," my mother gently walked into the room, avoiding the pictures on the ground. I just silently cried as she patted my back. "Y'know, I hate to do this to you, but our neighbors, the Aftons, are coming over for dinner tonight, they've got a lot going on as well, and I wish we could reschedule, but this plan has been going on for some time now... we would love it if you would join us, dear," my mother spoke quietly as if any loud words or sudden movements would cause me to spiral again. I sniffled and wiped my tears with my cardigan sleeve, "Thanks mom, but I would rather finish unpacking first," "That's okay honey, take all the time you need,". And with that, my mother left and closed the door, leaving me to my own devices once again. I began to unpack the boxes around me, sorting what I could into the drawers of my old dresser, and organizing a desk space. I set up some stuffed animals on my bed to make it seem more inviting, and I fluffed the pillows that had gone untouched for some time now.
By the time I was finished, I glanced at the clock on my wall and noticed it was 10 o'clock. "I better get something to eat I guess," I spoke aloud to myself. The hallways were dark as I creeped down the wooden stairs to the kitchen. I noticed the smell of burnt coffee as I walked forward, but thought nothing of it, that is, until I noticed a figure that definitely was not either of my parents. "I just can't get this damn thing to work right," the man proclaimed. His purple button-up sleeves were rolled up to his elbows as he prodded at buttons on the old coffee machine. His glasses were on the tip of his nose as he stuck his tongue out in thought, his brows furrowed in frustration. My cheeks turned a bit rosy as I stared at the attractive man in front of me. I finally put two and two together and noticed this man must be Mr. Afton. "Do you need any help, Mr. Afton?" I sheepishly spoke. The man spun around in surprise, "Oh! You must be Y/N, I had no idea anyone was still up, your parents told me that I could stay over for the night," he got quieter as the sentence went on, clearly embarrassed by needing a place to sleep. "Don't feel ashamed, I'm also freeloading here right now," I half-joked at my predicament. The older man's face softened as he turned his attention back to the old coffee maker. My family had had this coffee maker for as long as I had been alive. I walked over and grabbed the pot as I hit the button to brew. "Yeah... this thing is so old that if the pot isn't sitting in exactly one place it just doesn't go," I sighed at the fact that we were still using this thing. Mr. Afton chuckled at the piece of old tech and ran a hand through his hair. "Wow, that's something," he said in disbelief. Once the pot was done brewing, I pulled down two coffee mugs, one a pale blue with white bunnies dancing across it, and the other a pale yellow with the same design. "Sorry Mr. Afton, I think these bunny mugs are the only ones clean," I laughed a little at the cute designs in contrast to this grown man. "That's fine, I love bunnies," he smirked. "Also, please don't call me Mr. Afton, you'll make me feel older than I already do... call me William," he half-grunted at the statement. I giggled at him as I poured the cheap coffee into the cute bunny mugs, spilling a bit onto the peeling linoleum of the counter. I handed him the yellow mug in silence and took a sip of the warm drink. I noticed William make a face as he drank it. "Nothing like the taste of off-brand coffee made in a cheap old coffee maker, huh?" I joked. "Oh yeah nothing like it," he chuckled back. We stood with small conversation as we finished our drinks. The interaction made me smile, and I felt a bit warmer inside, like I wasn't alone in all of this. As we both finished off the coffee pot, I gently set our mugs in the sink. "Goodnight William," I said, as I walked towards the stairs. "Goodnight Y/N," 
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starrycosme · 3 months
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Entre Sobras y Sobras, me Faltas
A Good Omens oneshot
(Warning: This is pure angst, read at your own risk)
Nos faltó una noche de franela
De pijama feo y calcetín por fuera
Of course his pajamas were tartan. Old fashioned, comfortably worn things, and soft looks on his sky blue eyes. Softer than his tartan blanket on his tartan couch. Softer than locks of hair like clowds in a sunny day. Softer than Crowley's voice could ever hope to be, though it would never stop trying its best.
"I didn't take you for a sleeper, angel."
"Well, I do indulge in sleep from time to time... I'm afraid you managed to convince me in the end."
Oh, but that laugh, that laugh was softer still. It melted when its silky touch grazed Crowley's face, seemed to know how to aim to his exposed eyes. How to use them to filter down to his chest and fill in the gaps.
"I'm glad I did."
And it was inescapable, that softness that came with the darkness of the night and settled where the wine glasses were missing. It was all worth it though, to see that smile.
Oh, how he wishes they hadn't always drank the softness away.
Nos faltó una mentira entera
Una falsa espera y una tarde fea
"Tell me you said no."
"I did." And that softer than life smile was back. "To the world, wasn't it? Our world. It was always us, Crowley. My dear."
And this time, hope and gratefulness took the place of desperation. Crowley didn't grab, he didn't pull, he just fell. He fell onto Aziraphale, and his angel was there, also falling into their embrace. Their beating hearts, the warmth of their bodies, it was all theirs. As theirs as wine, and books, and the Bentley.
"Sh... It's okay."
And the words echoed on the gaps in his chest as he waited, and Aziraphale turned around and left him. No soft looks, or smiles, or laughter to hold him together anymore. Only memories floating around and leaving him to drown.
So drown he did.
His imagination was gentler than reality. It tended to bend and twist things together.
Nos faltó una sabana de Ikea
Un viaje de cartón, un despertar de seda.
Aziraphale's forearms were bare, his strong arms carried boxes, heavy with both of their lifes on Earth. Soft hairs and unyielding muscles, a physical form to hide his light. Never enough, tough. Never enough. When their eyes met, that light seemed to shine through.
"You could help me, you know?" Aziraphale joked.
"Sure thing, angel."
A snap would have been enough, but just like they both enjoyed a walk through the park, a story read aloud or a live concert, it was all about enjoying the process. They settled in.
"You can't leave this bookshop."
The cottage's walls are covered in bookshelves. They no longer live in London. They don't need to, don't care about having left. Home had always been where the other was, after all.
Crowley was woken up by the Bentley's radio. Don't care about the date. Don't listen, don't listen, don't listen. He imagined waking up to soft sheets instead of leather seats, soft touches and warmth. Company, instead of this utter, swallowing loneliness. A loneliness that fed the gaps, let them grow and spread in an uncontrollable web of fragile, empty voids, like cracks spreading through a carelessly dropped teapot.
The softest touch would break him, now. There was no love to knit the cracks together. Not from above. Not from below. Not from Her. Not from his angel.
Un día remolón y una caricia vieja
Un vámonos pa' allá y un sea donde sea
Soft, careful fingers caressed locks of hair cascading down a lap. A soft sigh, the rustle of a page being turned, the joyful songs of birds filtering through an open window. Then, a hand reaching out, brushing fingers that hold an old, loved copy of a Jane Austen novel.
"Little demonic miracle of my own." He remembers saying.
And it's a miracle in and of itself that he's allowed to touch, to caress, to hold. He's never forgotten that particular touch, though. He could never. Not when it was the first time his angel looked at him like he understood. Like he cared to reach out, too. Oh, but how caring scared him.
"You go too fast for me Crowley."
"We're on opposite sides!"
"I forgive you."
They all blend together. Now, Crowley is scared too. The walls of the cottage dissolve and leave behind a familiar steering wheel and a sad song on the radio.
"We could go off together."
"Oh, my darling, we already have."
Aziraphale smiles, and it's blinding. His voice flickers and goes out. The illusion of a happy future flickers with him.
Crowley drives off.
The title and verses used throughout this oneshot are from an Antonio Orozco song with the same title.
I've had this thing in my notes app for a while, and now I'm back in the fandom, I figured I could post it. This is just me still coping with season 2. It was meant to be kind of fluffy, but it came out like this.
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ohnoitstbskyen · 1 year
i was wondering what happened to boss design of elden ring?
and on the other note, would you like in hades 2, depiction of aphrodite as patron of cosmic/maternal love? with more body fat etc?
The semiotics of body type in character design is always such a thorny thing, because it's this constant push and pull between calling on existing meanings and associations in culture, vs pushing boundaries and trying to redefine those meanings and associations.
Aphrodite isn't really associated with maternal love I believe (classics nerds can correct me in the replies), more like erotic and romantic love, pleasure and passion. I think her design is well served by simply Being Hot™ in whatever way most readily communicates that "this character is meant to be hot" visually to the audience. It is annoying and shitty that "hot" almost always means "skinny" to a general audience, but that's those troublesome semiotics.
I cite Dionysus as a character who's a natural fit for a soft body, too. To me, it sort of doesn't comport that he of all gods has a gym jacked physique - specifically because of the amount of self-denial and struggle it takes to achieve that kind of physique. Again, not to say that Dionysus HAS to be fat because fat = hedonism (it does not), but I think it is a flaw in his visual storytelling to make him Gym Ripped because my man in a party boy who likes his drink and his food and his f... rolicking, and does not like getting up with a hangover at 6am to run 5K and do a crossfit regimen. That's more Ares' or Hermes' kind of style. Dionysus, at least in Hades, is more about softness and self-indulgence and letting loose and being cool about things, letting stuff slide and just having a good time.
Zeus or Poseidon, with their affable patriarch / unreliable uncle characters, also would make good fits for dad bods. Specifically, the bodies of dudes who used to be extremely gym fit, but who have gotten comfortable and gone a bit softer around the edges now that they no longer have to show off and prove themselves all the time. Zeus perhaps along the lines of a powerlifter, Poseidon more like a former competitive swimmer.
For Hades himself, on the other hand, I think it DOES make sense to keep him muscled up, low in body fat and jacked, because the man, as a character, is such a self-denying, self-punishing workaholic. He fills the emotional void in his heart with Fulfilment Of The Duty, which includes being the final gatekeeper of the underworld who must be ready to defend it. Like, yeah, he WOULD have a rigid, inflexible diet and exercise routine optimized to keep him in peak shape to do battle if the duty should call him to it, because he does not think he deserves to take a rest, he does not think he deserves softness or pleasure or joy. That's part of the resentment he keeps taking out on Zagreus as the game opens.
Anyway, the semiotics of body type in character design is inherently problematic from literally every angle, there is no perfect or morally pure way to do it, we live in a complex web of conflicting meanings and cultural assumptions and we all just have to do our best with it.
EDIT: Oh, and Elden Ring will be back Soon™
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