#i used to have an ask blog for the small mythicals
birdcatt · 11 months
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realized i havent drawn the small mythicals in years so heres a couple of them from memory. im gonna go see how right i was about them now
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artsekey · 4 months
I really hate how ads have taken over the internet. On one hand, I know that hosting a website costs money, right? And ad revenue is one of the simplest ways for free-to-use websites to cover their operating costs.
My question is-- and I would genuinely love an answer-- is this ever going to stop? Tumblr ran for a long time without ads. So did Youtube. I know that the cost of hosting so much media has gone up, but there are a lot of users on these websites that make the content that drives people to use the service that don't see any of the money generated by this revenue. On Youtube, there's at least a way for creators to make some money from what they do. For most, it isn't much, but the opportunity is there. On Tumblr, well... the ability to convert the visibility of my blog into any financial gain practically nonexistent, though they did at one point promise that users would be able to make money from ads run on their blogs (whatever happened to that, Staff?).
"You can pay to avoid seeing ads!" Tumblr says, as if the views on my main blog alone over the past few years have not generated more than enough ad revenue to cover the price they're asking me to pay, the person who is actively making content that brings eyes to their ads.
I'm not mad at Tumblr for hosting ads. I get that it has to happen because it's the easiest way to keep the site free, and honestly, I imagine Tumblr's staunch opposition to monetization has been a real obstacle for the team building Tumblr. But at the same time, it feels like yet another small concession in the usability of the site. I'm tired of ads that auto-play with blaring audio while I'm scrolling. I'm tired of adds that, if I touch them while trying to scroll past them, take me to an external site. Outside of tumblr, I'm tired of looking for information online only to get a webpage that's 95% ads and otherwise illegible. Hell, I recently got an ad on Discord. Was it unobtrusive? Maybe. But it was there, for the first time, and I know that won't be the end.
I know the first reply I'm going to get on this is "use adblock", and yes, that's a solution, but think about how much the landscape for media has changed in just ten years.
Popular forums are basically gone outside of reddit.
Youtube, without Red, is ad hell. You can't watch more than 3-4 minutes of video without getting sent to marketing hell.
Instagram, Tumblr, Twitter-- it's terrible. I firmly believe they've manufactured a worse experience through the implementation of ads to convince you to buy into their premium services.
Just Check out this video of Penguinz0 trying to watch a video on a third-party site.
There's discussion of putting ads into video games.
Remember when games didn't include micro-transactions? Blizzard is charging $70 for one mythic skin. You could almost buy Overwatch 1 twice-over at that price-point.
Influencers make a living by making their lives into advertisements.
Youtube has retaliated against users using ad-block on non-chrome browsers by artificially inflating the load times of it's videos.
What can we do about this? I imagine companies see it as an infinite money hack; users can't stop companies from hosting ads, and the action they could take to voice their displeasure-- leaving the site, using other competitive services-- has been all but obliterated thanks to the homogeneity of popular social media outlets. If someone is truly so incensed about ads, well-- it isn't like they have to engage with them, right? They can enroll in a cheap, auto-renewing service to get rid of ads entirely. Well, wait, the price of premium might just have to go up. Don't worry, it's auto-renewing! You won't even notice it. Oh, no, it's got to go up again, you won't even notice it.
There's no incentive for them to cap this behavior, and no way for us as users to pressure them to do so. We create these spaces; we fill them with color, art, activism, community, and the companies that ride on the tailcoat of the spaces we create tell us to give them more. What comes next?
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A (not) so small philosophical interpretation of Odysseus in epic
Disclaimer: I'm doing this analysis for fun, please don't take everything I write as truth, because this text is based on my interpretation and, even though it took some academic research to do it. It's worth remembering that I don't have a degree in philosophy yet, so I can still make mistakes on some points. Another point I want to highlight is that I wrote this text in a language other than English, and there may be some translation errors by Google, so I apologize if anything is confusing or if you have any questions about something, feel free to comment or send an ask, I'll do my best to explain.
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(Notice that's basically me as far as you decide to read this blog)
EPIC:the musical is a work that is very present in my life and in the lives of many other people who are reading this little fan outburst; And if you've just stumbled upon this craze and are hearing about it for the first time, a brief summary is that it's a musical, more addictive than drugs, that tells the story of Odysseus, that guy from Greek mythology who spent 20 years trying to get home after the Trojan War, also known as Simp by his wife Penelope. We have moments of joy, sadness, introspection and many fan outbursts caused by the owner of it all, Jorge Rivera-Herrans, who is not only the creator but also the lead singer of this masterpiece, playing Odysseus and a few others.
But let's get back to the analysis here because I could talk about this for hours without stopping.
A few months ago, when the Underworld saga was released, I remembered the phrase:
"If you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
This phrase was written by Nietzsche in the book Beyond Good and Evil, and it reminds me a lot of the Odysseus we see in EPIC, although the phrase is incomplete in the previous quote, even though it is the most common one we see being spread around. The original is:
“Whoever fights monsters should take care that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.”
And I also remember thinking about that phrase by Heraclitus, which I think everyone has heard, probably incompletely, at some point in school:
“No one can step into the same river twice, for when he steps into it again, the waters are not the same, and the being itself has already changed. Thus, everything is governed by dialectics, the tension and the alternation of opposites. Therefore, reality is always the result of change, that is, of the struggle between opposites.”
In my opinion, I think that both phrases fit well with the version of the character that we see starring in the entire musical, since most ancient myths and poems have different versions and translations and of course Jorge took some artistic liberties; Odysseus is a Greek hero who fights against many monsters, both mythical and internal, taking into account his ethics as a person while trying to survive and return home.
I think it's interesting to point out that from here on I'll use some different terms, but I'll do my best to explain them.
We can see that throughout all the sagas Odysseus is describing the line of what it is to be human and how one can easily slip off it; this line is located between the definition of gods and monsters/animals and is known as Metron, which gave rise to the word measure, and here we will use it as a synonym for limit for something. It's also good to say that metron has nothing to do with a person's morals/character, because it's a question of ethics.
Morals are the set of rules that concern good and evil, right and wrong. These standards refer to values ​​that are passed down from generation to generation and guide the conduct of individuals in their daily lives. (personal)
Ethics is a field of philosophy whose object of study is the principles that guide morality. In this sense, ethics is a philosophical reflection on morality, approaching the universal principles that govern the common good and coexistence between human beings in general. (common sense)
In my opinion about the musical, the issue of gods and monsters is not so different. For me, in that context, monsters and gods are the same thing, since they are outside the ideal of humanity, but this point may be mentioned later.
Metron is not a knowledge, it is, above all, the limit between impossibility and weakness.
We can see in several Greek myths that human beings like to cross this line, most stories end in tragedy because of this, human beings can also be called “Hybris” which is an excess, it is being hybrid, having two natures, acting in two ways, it is being in the Metron and trying to be something that one is not, because thinking that we can be more than men is arrogance, and arrogance is a human emotion, another story that exemplifies this well is the myth of Oedipus who tries to overcome his destiny given by the gods and ends up fulfilling it anyway.
Hybris is a Greek concept that can be translated as "everything that goes beyond the measure; "immoderation" and which currently alludes to excessive confidence, exaggerated pride, presumption, arrogance or insolence (originally against the gods), which often ends up being punished.
It is worth noting that hybris would in no way be a sin, in the concept of the word and the ideal current translation for it would be "Hamartia", which by chance is also no longer used in its original meaning because of the Catholic Church.
Now going to the interesting part because I was just giving context of terms.
In The Horse and the Infant, we 'meet' our beloved version of Odysseus, where during the Trojan War he states that everything he is doing is for his wife Penelope and his son Telemachus, using this as a way to inspire his men to carry out the massacre that he himself did not want to participate in, I think because of his moral nature, the proof is so much that in Homer's original Odyssey, he pretends to be crazy so as not to show up when called, unfortunately he is unmasked and forced to go.
We also see here that up until now Odysseus is still a very moral character, he has his reasons for being there, he, like the other warriors, has a family and his deepest desire is to return to them. So with this we can conclude that he is still just a man, he is human.
In the same song we see how far his morality goes, as he receives the divine mission to kill the young Trojan prince, Astyanax, who is just a baby, due to the threat that one day he will want revenge on him and his kingdom.
All of this creates doubts in Odysseus, about the morality of gods and men. Here we see him crossing the line and this whole text begins to be about ethics, as it is common sense that killing a child is a monstrous act, but for him not to kill means that his family will die in a more horrendous way later and he cannot let that happen.
Then we have the monologue in Just a Man, the best song, where we can really see the doubts mentioned earlier. And one detail that I find very interesting and that will be important for this text is that in Gigi's animatic, we can see Odysseus' "monster" being 'born' and its source is the baby and his doubts about whether he would really be a monster just for that, even though at that moment the baby is still just a human, the mission to kill him little by little makes him a monster due to the possibility that one day he himself will commit several atrocities.
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It's fun for me to think that representing 'the monster' as a tree could be an allusion to the fact that trees take as long to grow as a monster takes to be formed by man.
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I think you now understand part of Nietzsche's quote. Odysseus looking at his own reflection and not recognizing himself, seeing the monster he will become if he crosses the metronome is very well treated in several animatics, but the most visible is in Gigi's where he is not only referenced but shown as a completely different being both in attitudes and thoughts.
I'll just pause to say that I love how Gigi did the work of showing the tree growing in the shape of a skull, which could be the deaths that the monster will bring or that it is a macabre thing to do, I don't know, I just love this detail for some reason.
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And also how I think that makes a point of showing that the real problem is not the baby but rather Odysseus' unethical thoughts developing because of his doubts.
Ok, end of the pause and start of a mini explanation.
I didn't think this analysis would be so long and in my original thought I was only going to end up mentioning a few songs and focusing more on "No Longer You" and "Monster" but it ended up getting out of control and listening to the musical again it seems like I can make a lot of connections that I hadn't thought of before but now I can't express them properly, so from now on there will be a gigantic gap in content that I might fill later in another post or by editing this one, but at the moment thinking too much about it is giving me a headache and I really wanted to be able to post this now along with the Wisdom Saga because it's something I did for fun from fan to fan and I know that now the fandom is busier. One day I swear I'll do a complete analysis relating song by song, but not today for the sake of my mental health.
End of explanation, subject change.
Going through his entire journey, Ody goes to the underworld after Tiresias who reveals that he will never return home, which makes him indignant, I think any human would be, how much he suffered to get there for nothing. Here we can see how Heraclitus fits into the prophet, and as much as I hate cutting philosophical phrases in half, I don't think I need to use the whole thing to make sense of it here, because the most well-known part of it is enough to get to the point discussed here, since it really won't be him who returns to Ithaca, but rather another man, a man haunted by his own past and by the ethics of his people.
There is no way a man who spent 20 years away from home, suffering for the divine and for his own mind, can be the same, because this is a human characteristic, humans are hybrid beings, which implies that we can change our own nature while gods and monsters will always follow the same line of thought, since they are perfect they do not need drastic changes to live as they are.
That's it. So finally we have the mental breakdown where Ody begins to accept that it doesn't matter if he is a monster to everyone, he did what was necessary. He looked into the abyss and was looked back. He becomes the monster, even if he compares himself to the other divine creatures, which I think he never really learned to differentiate from humans, because Ody my friend there is no way you can really reach the level of a cyclops or a god with a wounded ego, or a traumatized nymph, time makes things very trivial for them and let's face it you will not live even half as long as they do because you are just a mortal.
And I don't know how to make gifs so here are some prints to illustrate the last paragraph. But before that I wanted to thank you if you read this far, I know the ending was kind of bad but I'm emotionally tired, I hope I at least conveyed the idea that was in my head. Thank you and stream the new saga!!!!
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(All arts belong to gigi!! go check out this amazing work!!!)
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Hello! Welcome to my Pokémon poll blog!
Hello and welcome to the blog! Feel free to submit some team members for your favorite and not-so-favorite characters to the submission link above.
Currently the only restrictions on what may not be submitted onto the blog is no OCs or real life politicians since I don't want to drag in that part of Tumblr. Other real life people are allowed unless I feel submissions are getting mean spirited. The ban list is subject to growing but I'd rather try to keep it small.
RULES OF SUBMISSIONS AND INTERACTING WITH THE BLOG 1) One Pokémon per submission please 2) Use the form to submit for polls. If you use the askbox or ask in reblogs, your request will be deleted. 3) Anyone can have any Pokémon. This includes legendaries, mythicals, ultra beasts, paradox of past or future, and whatever other categories the series introduces that most common trainers probably won't have. It's more fun that way. If there's art of the Pokémon, it can be submitted. I also have stuff from Home to allow for forms that don't have official art including shinies. 4) If the character already has the Pokémon, whether because they're in Pokémon already or through crossover, then the request will be deleted. This will only count for the exact form of the Pokémon in said crossover so other forms including shinies are allowed. 5) Please be specific if the Pokémon in question has multiple forms, for example saying just Lycanroc instead of Lycanroc midnight. 6) Be kind on this blog. Do not bully others for voting either way in a poll. Propagandizing is perfectly fine but the second you get mean to an individual is when you get the ban hammer. 7) There is absolutely no rule against a character being banned once they get one Pokémon. Even past the point they have six "yes they would"s, keep sending more in. I mean Ash has more than six in just Tauros alone, no reason another character can't have more than six polls.
Currently accepting requests :3 Queue is filled up to October 19th
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prayers-to-hyliarceus · 9 months
Hello! I am working my way through the internet in order to gain a broader perspective on life; your blog interested me, so I hope to ask you a few questions, if you wouldn't mind.
First, and I am itching for an answer to this, your relationship with time seems fascinatingly bizarre! I wonder if you might elaborate under how such things happened; unsurprisingly, I have only ever experienced time as a matter of linear cause-and-effect, not a potential tangle of timelines. I have, however, heard many posited theories as to how such travel through time would work, and its consequnces! The most robust, to me, seems a stable time loop, but with your experiences with non-linear time I thought you may be able to bring a practical perspective to my theoretical musings.
Second, you have earned the companionship of a Mythical Pokémon! It appears to have been a mere matter of happenstance, so I don't think there is much for me to gain in asking how, but I am curious as to what it is like; I understand you do not seem to have comparative experience, but merely explaining your relationship would be, if not enlightening, at least interesting!
Third, you have travelled between universes, correct? What was your home dimension like? How is it distinct from this one, and how is it similar? Do you have a particular preference? How are you adjusting? I understand this is many questions all at once, so you may ignore some if it would help you from being overwhelmed, but I am deeply curious as to how universes could potentially differ!
I hope this is a manageable amount of questions! I will admit, my perspective on how much text a person can manage at once is skewed for several reasons, and I have much to say and ask, so I hope that you are not overwhelmed. I look forward to your response!
Oh, this is a lot. Apologies - this will probably take a while to answer!
Well... my relationship with time is... complicated? The whole story is a bit of a mess, and I'm not sure if it will answer any of your questions, so I will try to be concise. Some time ago in Hyrule, I was sent far into the past via secret stone amplifying my apparently already-present time powers (I was completely unaware of them - and secret stones are artifacts that only amplify the powers of their wielder. They cannot create powers). For personal reasons, I really hate dwelling on the following events, so I will skim over this - I managed to return to my present time, but not... immediately. That is why my... technical age is so high. As for what my secret stone does - again, it amplifies my time magic, and I can recall objects through time by making them follow the path they just took. Say for example, I throw a pebble. If I activate my time powers, I can recall that pebble into my hand by making it go back in time. That's all I can really tell you - sorry if this doesn't help.
Celebi is honestly... just like any other Pokémon, based on my observations. She is very powerful and is to be adequately respected, of course, being able to harness the use of strong Pokémon moves and manipulate time as well, but she has simple needs too. Like having a constant craving for spicy food (I will never understand that), or wanting to socialize or play, or having a bit of a mischievous side to her. I notice similar things among other trainers playing with their own Pokémon.
Hyrule Kingdom is my home dimension. To start... well, it is quite distinctive from this world due to the complete absence of Pokémon. The closest things to them are probably the monsters, but I don't think you would want to try to tame a Lynel with a small metal ball anytime soon. Notably, weapons such as swords and bows don't seem to be very commonplace here, as opposed to where every wandering traveler in Hyrule knows it's common sense to carry some kind of weapon to defend against monsters. I could go on all day about how Hyrule is like - but I think that's making me a tad bit homesick. So I won't. Preferably, I would like to be back home in Hateno Village, yes, but I've only been in this world for a couple weeks and I love so many things about it already. Despite living in Hyrule all my life, I think I would be rather sad if I were forced to leave soon (that won't be happening anytime soon because I have no idea how I would be able to travel across universes at all!). I am adjusting... rather fine, honestly. I think my above sentiments suggest that.
I'll admit, I'm a little flattered that you're so interested in my experiences! I must thank you, actually - it was fun answering most of these questions.
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svsaskbox · 1 year
Hello everyone!
Welcome to the SVS ask box! We are a small group of SVS members/creators where you can ask our OCs all sorts of questions!
here's an introduction to all the individuals behind this blog:
@bamjammy - Hi! My name's Jammy, pronouns he/they, and I like to make OCs and never use 'em!
available characters:
Tarty Hart - Evil scientist smarties
Wizz Fizzy - chaotic pixy stix
Teri Chang - famous sour(?) singer/actress
Valentina Velvet - red velvet cake killer/bakery owner
Carolina Carrot - carrot cake detective
Toast - innocent marshmallow taffy kid/Tarty's somewhat son
@toastygal666 - a gal whos toasty, with only girl OCs cause men are hard to draw :>
available characters:
Delicie - jawbreaker girl
Hecate - pumpkin witch
Vemp - vampire mermaid
@jynxiejinx - I’m Jynxie! I’m a 19 y/o character artist, and your local chill hippie enby. any pronouns are cool!
available characters:
Penny Sucre - peach tea fruity guild leader
Bianca, Barry and Huey Poppins - bubblegum triplets
Fable Frosting - mythical animal cracker unicorn centaur
@kitn3x - Hi hi, I’m Kit, your genderless fool of an artist!
available characters:
Paddie (Rainbow paddlepop ice cream) - sweet local robin hood who eat the rich and feed the poor situation
Milly (Milo nuggets) - a bittersweet member who dream of becoming a mechanic
Bannie (Bandung drink) - A sweet singer who dream of peace between sweet and sour nation through music with her fellow friends and members
Hex (Sparkling honey drink) - ur avg waiter who works in a honey pot tavern in coco cabins
Isbert (Ice shaved dessert) - An ex-knight who now works as a lumberjack to take care of his remaining family member and ensure there's no harm on them
Peps (Hot cocoa Pepsi) - Shark boi who friends with a sweet and dreamt of becoming a famous swimmer
Aurora (galaxy cocktail) - Once a child actor, now a pop singer in the sour nation! She have fallen in love with a famous sweet underground singer
Killian (c1000 drink) - William Fishbert's beloved husband who works in a military with him before the incident :)
Aiden (hot hot pop foot lollipop) - Father of a certain shark boi who works as a bartender at Gobstop! Also his appearance may scare you if its a curse thing or bless you or maybe blursed
@seanthejester - Hi! I'm Sean (he/him)! I'm 19 years old and like drawing silly little guys.
Available characters:
Brandy Butter - He was almost the pastry guild leader and he's all about advocating for peace and integration. He's currently working on creating a peace organization in the Sweet Kingdom
@minibigboy - I’m Fin / MiniShark (he/it). I’m a bit funkee and tired, but I have art and ocs :)
available characters:
Ananas - piña colada
Lucius Sandía - watermelon flash pop
Angel Cake - …angel cake…
Girlypop - sour rainbow strips
William Fishbert - the fishbowl
Joe Cupp - black coffee
@jacket-pigeon - Hi! I'm Pigeon (they/them) and I like making OCs too much
available characters:
Pomelia (Peppermint) - Grumpy ex-soldier
Moxy (Bubblegum poprocks) - Playful troublemaker
Jambo (Sour belts) - Eccentric TV show host
@itayati - Hey! I'm a 19 yo artist (she/her) and an enjoyer of cute things and the colour pink
available characters:
Pea O'Sour (Peach sour rings) - Cheerful photographer
Minty Drop (Mint drops/landrines) - Quiet jewellery maker
Malina (pierogi with blueberries and strawberries) - a bit socially awkward fruit seller
@ikeaunderscorecat - Yo, im ikea (she/they) and i am here also! hopefully you enjoy my funny fellows as much as i do
available characters:
hedron - red velvet oreo, very angry arms guy
@asrielcipher - Hey I’m Ace (they/them), please enjoy my ocs
available characters:
Bea Flutters (Butterfly Pea Tea) - a doctor with no self preservation, who wants to help others at her own expence
Moon Flutters (Ramune) - an influencer and Bea’s younger, meaner sister
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tanaka-hiroki-rotmblr · 7 months
Hello, I am Hiroki, 16, he/him. I have an account so that I can contact my parents when I explore.
I wander through forests with my companions. The other main reason for this blog is so that I can ask questions about them and other creatures and places I find. I understand that this covers many different dimensions or something, yes?
I apologize for any odd seeming posts, I typically use the dictate software I have acquired, as I am usually hiking, and therefore background noises can be transcribed oddly.
Attached is a picture of myself and my companions. I also have what I believe is a mail system? connected.
I apologize, as I do not know the names for many things, and will often have questions.
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Kanon and Hoshi are girls, and Itsuki doesn’t seem to know or care so we use they/them pronouns for them.
Pelipper Mail+Malice: On
Sentient/Sapient Pokemon: Allowed
Legendary/Mythical Pokemon: Allowed
Musharna Mail+Malice: On
(ooc info below the cut)
//Hello! A friend is on rotumblr, got me into this so much I made an oc, but I genuinely have no clue about pokemon so me and the muse will learn together.
I’m actually luckyofthelawnvariety, as my main. pronouns any for me, but I usually use they/them. I’m a legal adult, also Hiroki is a minor, fyi, and I’m generally pretty quiet so this is a surprise development. I won’t be doing romance, just shows of affection on occasion.
Hiroki isn’t actually from any specific universe or time? He’s from a small village on the edge of Ilex Forest in Johto technically, but he grew up with recluse parents in the forest. He’s been exploring the forests and wilderness from a young age, and...accidentally time travels and universe hops sometimes? He doesn’t care about much beyond chilling in the wilderness, so he wouldn’t know what’s going on in “his universe”.
Let me know if you ever want Hiroki to wander into your universe/timeline, I’m happy to help out plotlines, etc!
Hiroki is an accidental creation, but I love him and hope to learn more about pokemon through him 🤟
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wandering-spaghetti · 6 months
Cheap Adventures & Elusive Prey
Picture it, 2016, a couple of poor young people move in together just starting out our independent, grown up (or so we thought) lives and a fish we didn't know existed.
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We were both working blue collar jobs and not making a lot, but also putting a teenager (my cousin) through school, including JROTC and FFA . Money was tight and we didn't have a lot extra to go out and do your typical fun things like movies or eating out. What we ended up doing in most of our free time was riding dirt roads on our way home from work. Ths evolved into stopping at every creek along the way to see if we could catch fish. You wouldn't catch us without fishing poles in the vehicle that summer!
And there we discovered one of our favorite things to do. Even now, eight years later and a lot better off you can still catch us creek fishing multiple times a year, especially in the summer. Fishing was fairly cheap for us to do and it was always so much fun because you never knew what you would catch. And finding new fishing spots was a challenge when we had the extra gas to ride around.
Several weeks into our fishing adventures I was talking to a coworker about some of our fishing experiences and he asked me if we had caught any Redfin Pike. I had never heard of such a fish so I was intrigued and asked him what it was and why they were special. According to him, Redfin Pike is a special kind of creek fish that is really hard to catch. They are elusive and don't bite just anything that drops into the water, they are also big fighters when you hook them despite being a small fish. They only get about 12 inches long. According to my coworker and other old timers I have spoken to apparently they are quite good to eat, talked about as a "chicken of the creek". He talked about them like they were almost a mythical fish. A unicorn, so to speak.
Part of what makes them hard to find is that they only thrive in running water, so many of the streams and creeks they used to flourish in have dried up or have been redirected to the point that they don't flow enough to be a suitable habitat for Redfin Pike.
My coworker also told me that they were bloodthirsty fish and that to catch them you would want to use a lure or other bait with red on it to resemble an open wound.
That was all it took, we were on a mission. A mission to find a unicorn. I mean, a Redfin Pike.
Armed with our favorite fishing gear and some new things we splurged on for this special fish, we headed out to some of our favorite spots. It took us a few weeks but eventually we did find a good fishing hole that was, if not teeming, then definitly well stocked with Redfn Pike.
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What surprised us though is that we did not catch the first ones off anything red as we had been hearing that Pike loved. We caught the first ones on a blue crappie grub while we were trying to catch Warmouths at a creek that ran through a friend's property. We were so surprised that it took us a minute to realize that we had finally caught a Redfin Pike!
They were everything we had been told and so much fun to catch. We went to that same fishing spot several days later and were able to catch a few more on a lure that is a favorite of my husband's, he has caught everything from Largemouth Bass to tiny Breem, and yes, Redfin Pike.
Picture below of my husband, so proud of catching a fish we had spent weeks trying to find, and our biggest catch to date.
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To this day we haven't eaten one of these so I can't speak for the taste but they are every bit as fun to catch as they are reputed to be. If you ever have the opportunity to fish in a creek in Georgia, be sure to keep an eye out for our elusive friend the Redfin Pike.
If you liked this post please visit my blog. The clicks really do help my self esteem :)
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ruvviks · 7 months
🐉🍎 💘 🍔 🤔 and 😞 for any oc of your choice!! or two ocs if you're feeling up for it [:
oc asks! / preferred ocs!
🐉 DRAGON — what is your oc's favorite mythical creature?
rafiq is a big fan of mythical creatures in general and loves watching shows and videos about it, or listening to podcasts during slow days at work. he's an avid reader of the revenant (a blogging site for paranormal investigators) and used to keep up with posts of the conspiracy group known as the hive, before they seemingly vanished at some point in time and stopped updating regularly. he loves the idea of bigfoot specifically but isn't in the right state of the country to investigate himself :( if he had the chance for it he 100% would though
since teddy works for CALAMITY which is an organization specified in monitoring and sometimes capturing strange phenomena all over the world, this is exactly the kind of thing that he works with. which is also exactly the reason why he HATES them LMFAO if anything they're all just troublemakers to him and he would like to get some rest. back when he still worked an office job for the organization he got very attached to some dustcatchers which are basically just little puff balls that cause chaos in the most dusty place of your home. that's about as close to a favorite mythical creature as it gets for him
yancey LOVES zombies. probably a little bit too much but i can't blame him because honestly same. he's watched every zombie media he's managed to get his hands on and will continue to do so for as long as he lives. it's funny because in this universe zombies do in fact end up as a thing somewhere but that's still a couple of years away so yancey doesn't know that yet. don't even worry about it
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
rafiq was born in san francisco! very far away from where he lives nowadays and he does miss it a lot more than he likes to admit, but also wouldn't wanna go back there even though he is still very much welcome with his parents who still live there. the place has too many bad memories and rafiq wouldn't be able to live there comfortably at all anymore
teddy was born and raised in raleigh, which is not all too far away from blightwood crossing. he moved to the west coast at some point when he went to join CALAMITY and ever since he's been on the move, visiting towns all across the united states and sometimes even to another country to do jobs for the organization. he's been in blightwood crossing for a while now; the job he's doing there hasn't been going well at all and he's lost contact with CALAMITY, so he's just stuck in town without direction
yancey is from atlanta and only recently moved to blightwood crossing, after a series of events caused him to no longer be welcome at home. despite his mixed feelings about the town now, he does still really love the place and its energy and often wishes he hadn't been forced to leave; but there's not much he can do about that now and he knows he's better off far, far away from there
💘 HEART WITH ARROW — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
rafiq loves his parents to bits and misses them a lot. he also has a small group of friends in blightwood crossing, mainly his coworkers from the diner he works at, and he cares a lot about them too :^) eventually during the story he gets together with teddy and yancey and he loves them soooo much. btw. if you even care
teddy is very lonely in town. he doesn't have contact with his family anymore since he's not allowed because of CALAMITY and their rules, and he didn't really have many friends at the organization either; so he's stuck in a strange town where nobody likes him all that much and no one's out there missing him either :( during the story he grows closer with the other main characters and he ends up ride or die for them, being a very loyal guy in general
yancey is hesitant to make new friends in town despite it coming naturally for him, and he does end up caring a lot about the other main characters. he's very scared to have all of them ripped away from him in one sweep without warning, just like what happened before with his ex friends and family back in atlanta, but also knows there's no way to predict or prevent that from happening if it were to happen one day so he tries to ignore it as best as he can and not let it get in the way of enjoying the time he has with them
🍔 HAMBURGER — is your oc good at cooking? are they good at baking? which one do they prefer?
rafiq is decent enough at cooking. his father sends him a lot of recipes to try out and he can follow them well enough on most days, but often has to simplify them a little. baking is also not his expertise but he still loves doing it! usually does it with friends so it's a group effort (and a group failure if it doesn't go well) and it's more to have an excuse to hang out with them
teddy is a very good cook but just doesn't do it :/ he's living on instant noodles, microwaved rice, pizza, any meal he can get from the diner and then leftovers of that for the next day, tater tots, questionable quality dry bread with cheese, and sometimes he will pensively have a vegetable. he doesn't like baking all that much but also does enjoy hanging out with rafiq so he will bake with him. just this once (<- said every single time)
yancey is a GREAT cook which is why he ends up as a cook at the diner :^) he loves experimenting with cooking and coming up with his own recipes and while it doesn't always work out for him, he uses the knowledge from that to make something that DOES work out next time. also pretty good at baking but does that significantly less because he's stuck in the belief that baking is mostly sweet stuff and he prefers savory things. clearly this man has never had a pizza muffin before
🤔 THINKING FACE — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
rafiq is very expressive and a very active listener, which can take some getting used to when you're getting to know him. he likes actively adding his thoughts into a conversation and is good at relating to other people, which always makes for a very lively conversation :^)
teddy is basically a brick wall. you can't tell what's going on in his head you can't tell how he's feeling and sometimes you may even wonder if he just fell asleep standing up with his eyes open (it's not the case but with how far away his brain has zoomed out it may as well be). he's very easily distracted and gets lost in his own brain a lot which causes him to speak slowly and sometimes he just doesn't finish his sentences. he also cracks his knuckles a lot
yancey can be very witty at times but his brain lags behind when there's too many people talking so he doesn't control WHEN he gets to be witty. he does finger guns at people a lot or a little thumbs up because he never knows what to do with his hands so adding in a little gesture like that gives him something to focus on. it's very endearing :^)
😞 DISAPPOINTED FACE — does your oc attract others, or do they tend to be left alone?
rafiq is a people person and loves to chat with people, which is why customers at the diner tend to stay a lot longer when he's on the workfloor because he'll just end up talking with them for hours. despite being surrounded by people a lot, he can still get very lonely easily because actually connecting to people in a deeper way takes a lot more effort for him
teddy is probably the loneliest man in blightwood crossing at the start of the story. he mostly just stays at home and goes to a nearby bar and the diner and that's IT. sometimes the grocery store. he mostly just talks to the diner's waiters rafiq and yukiko and then the bartender and cashier and he's a regular in those places so they would recognize his face but they wouldn't even know his name. he's always been a bit lonely and just focusing on the task at hand by himself so it doesn't really bother him, but also just isn't aware of just HOW lonely he is so once he starts talking to people more he's like "ohh so my life was just really fucked up before. ok"
yancey makes new friends very easily because of his fun and kind nature and he's good at making other people feel at ease with him :^) he values his alone time a lot but also knows when it's time for him to get out of the house and hang out with people again, which is why his new job at the diner is very good for him. it gives him something fun to do that he also gets paid for AND he gets to hang out with his new friends because they all work there :D easy right? what could possibly go wrong
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swanmaids · 1 year
if u are still taking characters for the ask game, Earendil? <3
Always happy to ramble about The Boy!!
one aspect about them i love
He, together with Elwing, is really the climax of the whole Silmarillion. Feanor kickstarts the exile of the Noldor and Earendil ends it. Then, as if that's not enough, he plays a pivotal role in the war of wrath, and then he leads the edain headed by his son to Numenor! And he continues to be remembered and revered, and influences the events of Middle Earth, the world he loved, throughout the ages as the star of high hope. Mythic Hero swag on point <<33
one aspect i wish more people understood about them
Related... he's a hero. He's a good person. He has the moral strength to ask for forgiveness for the exiles - which includes the people who he believes have destroyed his home (correct) slaughtered his people (correct) and killed his children (incorrect). He's like... operating on a different plane of ethics to almost any regular person lol
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have about this character
The light of the silmaril is turning him blind over the centuries. When Elrond finally sails, he won't be able to see him - but he'll know him all the same.
as well as
one character i love seeing them interact with
glances at entire blog Elwing!!!! I mean I think you said it best with your post tbh.
one character i wish they would interact with/interact with more
Based on that one little note in BoLT 2 that haunts me... I'm fascinated by Galdor taking small Earendil (then still Earendel) back to see the ruins of Gondolin! I'd love to see literally any fanwork about that journey. It really speaks to both how much Earendil loved Gondolin and its people and was loved by them in return, and how much he had ripped away from him as a child.
one (or more) headcanon(s) i have that involve them and one other character
Went to Balar with Elwing one summer to assist in the building of Earrame and get useful tips TM for building Vingilot. Proposed to Elwing there and had a ring set with a pearl from the waters of Balar (a helpful mermaid told him where to find it).
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Hi there, have a question in mind : How do you think the accuracy of the interpretation of Asteroid astrology?
Eg asteroid in houses / signs / the meaning of asteroid based on the Greek goddess stories
second ask:
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i was a literature major in college / at uni. does that make me 100% correct with astrology *shrug* probably not because astrology and literature is open to many interpretations (critical reading requires people to interpret written forms in many ways). but mythology has been around a very long time, it's the very origin of astrology. during ancient great antiquity, it was the documented method for predicting shifts in the seasonal cycles. if the stars and planetary/luminary shifts could predict changes, of course, one would deem them representatives of the gods.
asteroids have stories as i emphasize here. mythology has its roots in oral traditions, so it is often that older cultural groups may know a different story. often there are pieces of literature written to make claims of what the masses believed (click here for examples - because i do reference sources that predate all of us here by centuries). sometimes the translations of the piece differ - because we as humans do make mistakes. i am not without my flaws, but i do correct myself when i do make mistakes. when i entered the community, about a year ago now, i didn't know what the term "closed practice" was nor what it included and tried to share what i had been taught by a college i attended regarding an aboriginal myth and a hebrew myth. both communities corrected me, and i made a public statement about each as to where and why i was wrong (because the versions i had access to were appropriated and groomed by christian point of view). the aboriginal one was strictly oral in tradition, thus no accurate and publicly agreed upon source had been made like i was lead to believe. and the hebrew one was catholic propaganda, which i had been feed at a young age through only small fault of my own. but i never faught that i was correct and they were wrong because i went back and looked at my sources for each post and saw they were weak.
the posts that are not blacklisted on my blog i know are strong because they come from centuries old literature that are widely accepted. if there is conflict, it is because of historical or interpretational differences, but that is why i provide a story with my posts so everyone has a chance to see something different that maybe i didn't see. that's also why i never just list one interpretation with an asteroid because from a literary perspective, i have been taught to see what i read from multiple angles.
haha, i will never forget when i walked to my modernism class and i was ready to hear about "the rocking horse winner" being about the great depression and classism, but my professor talking about oedipal complexes and sexuality for multiple class periods regrading this short piece of fiction.
that's just it as well, mythologies fall into the realm of fiction, so it is up to the reader to decide if they believe it is possible or not. if it holds up and means anything to the topic at hand. but in astrology, i find it good practice to use the mythical resources regarding who/what the asteroid is named after/for.
as for sign, degree, house, and aspects - it is mostly extrapolation on my part. i blend what i know about the myths and about the preexisting planetary/luminary symbolism to produce my opinion on what they may mean. i never claimed that what say for interpretation, regarding any placements, is fact - it's too bold to claim that. but i do believe that if there is common evidence that supports my argument that it does hold some accuracy. for example: someone who claims that pluto is about how fast someone speaks is just wrong there are plenty of people in the community and plenty of books that will prove them wrong. but if i hypothesize that mercury in the 3h likely makes someone a fast talker - i could argue why. and i can do that with every one of my posts, which is why at the end, and sometimes the beginning, i state that people can forward their questions to me.
as long as you can support (your source better be good though - not another blog with no sources) what you say, you can say it, as my professors say.
thus, i am always open to hearing what others have to say if the conversation remains respectful and open to new ideas and interpretations (i will mirror the energy). but everyone should remember: i will block you if you begin bullying anyone - i do not tolerate bullying (click me for example) or the disrespect of others.
hope this cleared some things up.
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7serendipities · 2 years
The Otherworldly Tides of the Great War
When I first saw the title of Irene Glasse’s most recent blog post (which you should go read now before continuing if you haven’t yet), I immediately thought of the Otherworldly Wars that I’ve been on the edge of, these past few years. That was not Irene’s main focus (seriously go read that first), but it’s a parallel stream of mythic awareness. While no words really convey the fullness of the conflict, I generally agree with Irene’s choice to label the two sides as “Pain” and “Hope”. They’re succinct, and cut into the importance of this struggle, at least on the human side. The Great War between these two is a story, a narrative, a Myth that we’re watching play out as a bloody struggle on a battlefield. Irene goes on to explain the ways we can help join the fight on the side of Hope, and some of those ways are things I have heard from the deities in my life - and some of the messages I’ve heard are things I have shared, like the messages from Na Morrigna or Bast and Sekhmet that I’ve been asked to pass along to my community. Irene’s suggestions are good and helpful ideas, ways to make our lives a little better, ways to perhaps make the future a little brighter, and for the most part they are solidly grounded in mundane reality. This is one of Irene’s strengths that I most admire: she’s a beacon of light and guidance in our community, a mystic and cleric who always has a good answer when people turn to her in tears and ask, “What now?” There’s not really anything I can add to that besides repetition or emphasis, so I’m just going to suggest you go read that! (For the third time, lol!)
Instead, my thoughts turned to the Otherworldly battles I’ve witnessed, so if you’d like to hear more about that, take a side step with me, pass beyond the hawthorn hedge and walk beside me down the thistle-lined path of my UPG, into Fairy. All of the following is my experience; none of the following has any claim on being The Only Truth, but I share in case there is one reading who might find it helpful. Still with me?
In the watershed I live in, the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, it is my experience that the European Fairies seem to be organized into courts or territories that follow streams and rivers, with small courts around small bodies of water existing under the domain of the larger courts from the larger streams, and the rivers seem to have their own courts in attendance to the River Divinities (who existed here long before the first humans of European descent arrived), and there is something like a territorial Monarch, though my experience with them is that there are two, who share power and change with the seasons at the equinoxes. I can (and may well) explore that in more depth later, but that’s sufficient background information to explain my own relationships, I think. My local stream court (that is, the watershed within which I reside) has a queen that I call the Rosegay Queen, as she indicated to me that the wild roses growing along the stream in a place near to my house were Hers, and she uses roses as her symbol in her dealings with me. Out of necessity, she and I have become allies, and part of our agreement is that she will ward away and warn me of any incoming forces with clear malevolent intent against me, and in return when she is under attack from other forces, I am required to help defend her territory when she asks it of me.
When we made that agreement, I did not expect it would be asked of me as often as it has. While humanity has been fighting the pandemic, and in the US (and elsewhere, but I speak only for myself) we’ve been fighting against destructive cultural forces (the forces of “Pain”) , the Otherworlds have been embroiled in their own Great War, and while I do not have a wide enough field of vision to see the whole picture (even more so than in the mundane sphere, this is a conflict on a large timescale), from what I have seen, it seems to run along similar lines, though I might perhaps name them “Extinction” and “Evolution”. I have come to understand that there are beings and forces that believe Humanity is a lost cause, or not worth preserving, or that have no interest in us at all, or dislike for our species at best. There are also beings and forces that live in something like symbiosis with us, and have done so for a long time - whether it’s because they wish to guide us or (perhaps more likely considering the folklore) because they find us to be useful pets and tasty snacks, they would prefer to assist in our preservation, and our transformation if that’s what it takes to avoid extinction as the worlds change around us. I think of it more as a cultural evolution, not a physical one, where we will hopefully learn to live in better balance with our environments before climate change and our own conflicts push us to the brink of extinction, but the two words make a poetic mirror.
I’ve been taught some battle sorcery by both Gods and Fairies, and I’ve been using it to the best of my abilities when called upon, and the beings and forces I have seen on the other side of the battles make my skin crawl with wrongness. It’s difficult to describe, but I’ve been using the term unhael, meaning “unwhole, unhealthy, unsound” but it also seems to have that same connotation of wrongness, in a Heathen context. They’re not meant to be here, wandering our world; they’re inimical to humanity but also I believe to the biomes we inhabit. Their magic feels like contagion, and I don’t think it’s entirely a coincidence (though who can say whether it’s cause, effect, or correlation) that the first battles I witnessed occurred as my local area was shut down in the early stages of the pandemic. I’m no theologian or philosopher - I don’t have a well developed and concise theory about all of this. I can only describe what I’ve experienced, I have only half-developed thoughts to share.
But I think the Great War of Extinction vs Evolution is the challenge of Tower Time, the battles of the Storm that John Beckett was warned of, and the initiatory challenge Gwendolyn Reece has spoken of for about a decade. A Great War, in which not only human people are participating, and I think it’s likely that the fate of our species hangs in the balance - though the timeline here is longer than most of us are used to working with, because even sudden climate change isn’t going to destroy everything all at once. It’s how we react to it that really matters, I think - we may survive through natural disasters only to fight over resources and then escalate into a nuclear conflict, which may well mean the extinction or near-extinction of our species (and thousands if not millions of others). I’m not trying to be alarmist and there’s no call to take this idea and run straight into fascism or eugenics. I’m thinking about the conflict on a Mythic scale, with the protagonist being our species, and I hope that we survive the challenges along our Hero’s Journey without losing sight of Hope. Not every individual human will survive, but each of us should be trying to help out our communities as much as we can, because the local communities are the real crucible for cultural and societal change, and if Hope is to prevail over Pain, to continue prevailing over Pain along down the winding road of the future, things need to change.
So: figure out what you can do to help, in small ways. Not everything has to be big, and while we should not put off the work, there is no fast-approaching deadline, either. Rest when you need to. Fight when you can. Support others when they are the ones fighting. And I’ll leave you with this quote from The Fellowship of the Ring by JRR Tolkien:
'I wish it need not have happened in my time,' said Frodo.
'So do I,' said Gandalf, 'and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.'
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professoraluminum · 2 years
Might as well introduce myself, hm? Greetings, I am Aluminum. I am a Pokémon Professor and researcher based in the fairly small Inscii region. I use he/it pronouns, as well as they/them on occasion. I don't research one thing in particular, as I enjoy pokéology as a whole. Though, I mainly research Insciian Pokémon and mythical Pokémon. Currently, I am researching Inscii's unusual legendary Pokemon, with the help of..... other "researchers". I'm not very into catching Pokémon, however, I do have a few myself: - Volt (Jolteon) - Pory (Porygon) - Cogsworth (Klinklang) - Liz (Cyclizar) - Fuecoco [unnamed] My ask box is always open, and I am more than happy to receive questions, or to chat. I am also legally obligated to state that I am a rotom. Not that it matters. [Important OOC under cut. Warning for long post.]
---------------------------------------------- Hello there, I am Lemon, and I (of course) run this blog. I use any pronouns, though, I keep a list of my preferred pronouns here. Any posts made by me will be tagged as "#ooc", and asks will be tagged as "#mail for the mod". This blog is based upon my Pokémon AU for the game "Inscryption" By Daniel Mullins. The blog follows an adapted version of it taking place in the regular Pokémon universe, rather than Inscryption's. Any material will be based upon or inspired by Inscryption, rather than directly pulled from it. Knowledge about Inscryption is absolutely not required. I do recommend playing it, though. Good game. This blog will mostly go by game lore, but will use some headcanons as well. Some of the more notable headcanons include:
Rotoms do not naturally age past maturity, and therefore do not die from old age. You have to kill a rotom for it to die. Like crabs.
Pokémon eggs have the pattern of the species within, much like how they're depicted in the anime. Certain circumstances can lead to eggs having the spotty pattern seen in the game, however, this is quite rare.
Professors primarily write Pokédex entries, though some often have teams who do it for them.
Catching legendary and mythical Pokémon is highly illegal without explicit government permission. Though, permission is only granted for research purposes and requires caught Pokémon to be released afterward.
Disguised Pokémon living among humans is a commonplace thing, however, there are laws surrounding it, as it is deemed dangerous (since, you know, wild animal). Any Pokémon that are found out are usually released into the wild, or dealt with in other humane ways. The law allows for some exceptions to continue to live among humans, though the qualifications are quite slim. Some reasons may include that the individual was important in some way, or that they have human children that are too young to live alone.
Mutations such as melanism, chimerism, vitiligo, heterochromia, etc. that cause cosmetic differences can happen in Pokémon. Of course, they are as rare as their real-world counterparts.
Most version-exclusive content from duos/trios are both canon, though only the events of one game happen. For example, both Naranja and Uva Academy exist, however, the protagonist and their friends only go to one of them. (Yes, yes I know this one goes against canon, but canon is not real and cannot hurt me <3) This list may be updated in the future.
Some other important info about the blog:
Terfs are not welcome here. I will block on sight.
I (Lemon) am a minor. Please do not be weird in my ask box, and feel free to block me if you don't feel comfortable about interacting with minors.
You may send me asks to answer OOC if you'd like. Just specify somewhere that it's for me and not Aluminum.
I have quite a bit of experience with Tumblr RP, most notably with the bus driver blogs (Bus Driver Universe)
Please do not send me spoilers for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. I, unfortunately, know a decent amount about the game and it's ending, but I would like to have SOME surprises left for when I play myself.
This blog will mainly take place on social media, as an in-universe Tumblr blog, though, roleplay of events "offline" is allowed.
Aluminum's posts will be tagged as "#research notes", and asks will be tagged as "#questions & observations"
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multifandomsimagine · 2 years
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I posted 102 times in 2022
That's 36 more posts than 2021!
78 posts created (76%)
24 posts reblogged (24%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 101 of my posts in 2022
Only 1% of my posts had no tags
#yoshino writes imagines - 41 posts
#birthday event 2022 - 25 posts
#kc the masochistic sadist - 24 posts
#birthday event - 22 posts
#yoshino answers - 21 posts
#cantstoptheimagines - 21 posts
#yoshino reblogs - 21 posts
#💞 - 16 posts
#anonymous - 14 posts
#julie and the phantoms imagine - 9 posts
Longest Tag: 112 characters
#but seeing you guys like it and sending me messages about how much you like my writing makes me so happy💕💕💕💕
My Top Posts in 2022:
Being a mortal and dating both Annabeth and Percy would include…
Author’s Note: No one requested it but for some reason, I got hit with some inspiration for Percy Jackson so here this is. I haven't read the series in a long time so forgive me for some OOCness. I just wanted to get this out before the inspiration went away lol
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It’s because you can see through the mist that allowed you to meet the two of them
The two had been on a quest and as they were fighting the monster, you were able to see the whole scene in all its glory
But it also gave you a front-row seat to the action - the battle had strayed close to where you were hiding and one sword swing from Percy led the monster to get near you and take you as a hostage
The monster gave you a nice big but shallow cut as it taunted Percy but that was the distraction Annabeth needed to come from behind and finish it off with her Celestial bronze knife
After it was defeated, they came over to you to help you. Annabeth helped wrap up your injury - she had to learn some first aid with how much trouble Percy gets himself into - while Percy profusely apologized to you
The two offered to take you to a child of Apollo to heal you cause what if the wound has some mythical side effect. There was no way any ordinary doctor would be able to heal that plus it was the least they could do as they accidentally dragged you into this mess
And it was through that you began talking as you asked them questions about this other world you had no idea existed while the two tried to get your mind off of any pain you felt
This led to you all exchanging contact information where you three continued talking to each other until your relationship blossomed
I didn’t want just to focus on the meeting so I’m ending this here. Sorry you guys
Because demigods attract monsters, the two of them would teach you self-defense so that you know how to protect yourself
Percy would teach you how to use weapons though it is primarily the sword and even gift you a celestial bronze made by his brother Tyson
Annabeth helps you build up your agility and with hand-to-hand combat
Percy is there to offer advice though he can't help but tease you two when Annabeth pins you down and makes suggestive commentary which makes the blonde shake her head and try to hide a grin while you grow flustered
"Seaweed Brain, get your head out of the gutter!"
One of the first things Percy wants to do after he and Annabeth introduce you to their world is take you on a pegasus ride
"I don't know, Percy."
"Blackjack would never let you fall off, [Name]. You'll be flying with an expert here."
"It's safe, [Name]. If I thought this knucklehead was putting you in any danger, I would have been the first to stop him."
"Ouch Annabeth. Nice to see you trust my judgment."
"Well, your track record isn't the best."
"[Name], Don't agree with her! That was one time!"
Dating these two means you're going to learn first aid. Though they can eat ambrosia and nectar to heal themselves, it feels nice to be doted and fretted on by you so they come to you for small and non-serious injuries. Though they do get scolded a bit for being reckless - Percy more than Annabeth - they'll take it cause it means you care and worry for them.
You kissing their injuries better is a plus too
If you're not afraid of bugs, then Annabeth has gained another person to kill spiders for her which gains you a kiss of gratitude each time she calls out for you or Percy to kill one.
"Thank you, [Name]!" She tells you as you wrap the dead spider in a napkin and throw it away. Pressing a kiss to your cheek when you walk back to her side, she explains: "Spiders and children of Athena don't have the best history."
But if you are, then you and Annabeth hug each other for support in the farthest corner of the room as you both yell for Percy to come to save you two.
"Percy!" You both yell, standing on the couch and holding each other's hand as you keep a trained eye on the spider. You two slowly move further away but you and Annabeth let out a shriek of terror when it began walking toward you. "Percy, it's moving!"
The son of Poseidon hurries into the room with his shoe in hand as his eyes jump around the room trying to locate it. "Your hero is here!"
See the full post
359 notes - Posted June 28, 2022
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See the full post
363 notes - Posted September 6, 2022
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Imagine dating the twins and them never letting you pay for the things you get at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes
Going to shop at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes was always amusing yet chaotic. Though you had helped the twins test their products - and on the rare occasion come up with an idea - it always amazed you to see the inside of the store. There was never a dull moment as there were always things whizzing and swirling through the air along with the chattering of all the customers as they looked around to see what they would purchase.
Waving at classmates who you brushed upon as you made your way to the register, your arms full of sweets and joke products. Smiling as you saw that your friend Verity was manning an open register, you hurried over and dropped everything onto the counter. "Hey, Verity! How are the twins treating you here? Like working here so far?"
She nodded as she grabbed each item and began placing them inside a bag. "It definitely beats working at Magical Menagerie. I would not want to be cleaning up after all those creatures no matter how cute they are. Plus Fred and George treat me better than some of my old bosses so win-win."
"That's good. If they ever give you any trouble let me know and I'll give them a good talking to." After finishing placing everything in a bag, she placed it onto the counter for you to take. "How much will it be?" You asked as you began pulling out your wallet.
"Oh no," She told you, shaking her head. "Fred and George told me that anything you get is free of charge. I can't accept any money."
"Verity! This at least adds up to a good amount of money. Let me pay!"
"Bosses' orders. There's nothing I can do about it."
380 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
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Imagine dating Korra and Naga always being excited when you visit
It wasn't the knocking that told Korra that you were outside her door. In fact, you didn't even have the chance to knock before Naga perked up from her relaxed position beside her owner and raced toward the door. Sitting beside the door, her tail thumped wildly against the floor as she eagerly looked back and forth between Korra and the door, a silent plea for her owner to hurry up and open it which caused the avatar to shake her head with amusement before doing what her pet asked. Grabbing the doorknob, she had just twisted it and opened the door a tiny crack when Naga pushed past her and the door to jump onto you. No time to react or adjust to Naga's weight, you were pushed to the ground where the polar bear dog began licking your face.
"Naga!" Korra shouted as she raced toward the two of you. Grabbing her harness, she pulls her off of you before helping you up. "At least let her into the house before you jump on her." She scolded her companion making the dog whine in sadness.
You shake your head with a smile as you go over to Naga and began threading your fingers through her fur. "It's okay." You told your girlfriend while continuing your petting and cooing at the dog. "I'll always accept Naga's love. Huh, Naga. You were just trying to share your love."
"Let's see if you still say that when she knocks you off the bed as she tries to cuddle you," Korra laughed.
484 notes - Posted January 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
May I request a Cleo de Nile x female!Reader romantic headcanons?? I need more fanfic w the monster high ghouls Ty sm!!
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As the daughter of a pharaoh, Cleo loved being spoiled by you. It doesn't matter what your love languages are, she just wants to know that you love and treasure her
She can feel insecure at times due to her father pressuring her to be the best and being shadowed by Nefera and her achievements, so please show her some TLC!! Tell her how much you care for her and what an amazing ghoul she is. She's more than her family name and you can see how much she's accomplished despite their insistence for perfection. She has people who love her and who will always have her back with you first inline
Cleo's love languages are gifts and physical touch. The first seems kind of obvious because her family has money and she's not ashamed to use it to spoil you. Saw something you liked when you guys went to the mall, considered it yours! Cleo sees something that she thinks you would like, she already has it bagged up and ready to give it to you the next time she sees you. But she loves physical touch because it's an intimacy she craves. These physical signs of affection let her feel your warmth and comfort which she greatly appreciated and needs
Becoming popular adjacent due to your relationship with Cleo. There's no way that dating the most popular ghoul in school wouldn't put a spotlight on you
But this doesn't mean that this light is all positive. There's no way that Toralei wouldn't use your relationship to try and get under Cleo's skin. Either by insulting you or playing a prank on you but Cleo will get her back from doing anything to you. Giving you her earings to hold, she wastes no time getting in a catfight with the werecat to defend your honor
She loves bragging about you and your achievements. Even if someone already knows about it and congratulated you on it, she recounts the story as if this is new information. Of course, she needs to hype you up
You will have to be patient with her and have some thick skin because despite being in a relationship with her, she will still be a bit arrogant, sassy, and stubborn with you. Not as much as with others but that's still a core part of her. If she ever takes it too far and you need space, it's kind of a toss-up to see who makes the first move. Sometimes it can be Cleo. After venting with Ghoulia and having the zombie talk to sense to her, she will seek you out. It's kind of hard for her to apologize cause I'm pretty sure her dad was probably one of those 'saying sorry is a sign of weakness' type of people, but she will try! She doesn't want to lose you just cause her ego got the better of her. But probably many a lot of times it will be you. After getting your emotions in check, you go to her and explain calmly how what she said hurt you. She will listen and take that into account and try to change. But it won't be a fast process but those baby steps mean a lot.
Would try to convince you to join the fear squad so that you two could spend more time together. The sport takes up a lot of Cleo's time since she's the captain so your joining would mean that you get to hang out more but she totally understands if you don't. It's a demanding sport after all
But if you can't join then please come to her competitions/the school's games. Her seeing you in the stands cheering her on means the whole world to you.
Hissette loves you. Whenever you hang out at the De Nile place, the snake love slithering up your arm and hanging around your neck. She sees how happy you make Cleo which makes you a good person in her eyes plus the gifts you sometimes bring her aren't too bad either
705 notes - Posted February 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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onewomancitadel · 2 years
Oh I never thought about any of that. That was a really great point about Cinders world view. Holy crap that would basically make Jaune the same as her so there no way it can happen. Thats genius! Thank you! I think I understand this theme stuff a little better. but I dont understand what you mean about Jaunes sword though. Is that supposed to have some deeper meaning or somethign?
Original anon ask and my response about Jaune, Cinder and Penny.
I'm glad to have been of some help, that makes me happy more than anything. <3
Holy crap that would basically make Jaune the same as her so there no way it can happen.
Exactly. That's the farce of that type of analysis in the first place. He can't validate what she believes because then he's just like her (well they are like each other in a fundamental way but bear with me here), he's got to challenge it, and I'm not sure why their characters would be connected unless that's supposed to be a big deal. As I mentioned in the reblog:
tl;dr As if the ultimate resolution of him failing to heal Penny wouldn't be him going to any ends to help someone if he can, even further than he conceived of before.
I think I understand this theme stuff a little better.
You probably understand themes intuitively. Themes are the thesis statements of a story. Characters are expressing and exploring those ideas and are tools of the story. This is a rather linear, mechanical view, but it will get you there. When you see people say the themes of a story are abstract ideas like 'innocence' or 'climate change' that's really not the best way to describe it, because it's a statement about innocence, it's a statement about climate change. A full thesis statement is something like 'It's not about fighting what you hate, but saving what you love'. In mythic stories you will often see the statement said in full by characters, or you will see it made fun of (or realised in an ironic way) by villains.
but I dont understand what you mean about Jaunes sword though. Is that supposed to have some deeper meaning or somethign?
Oh I put that in partly because I wanted an image to go with it and partly to demonstrate what is being visually conveyed to us about the Penny conflict; the blood on Jaune's sword was Penny's, and when it broke fighting with Cinder, only a small part covered in blood remained in his hand. By it breaking fighting Cinder, it visually, partly, absolves him of the act, but also breaks the sword of family lineage - a fissure in his identity. The sword is symbolic.
Take note that Cinder's swords also break frequently and just as easily, so it's even weirder that one of his breaks just like hers.
I was just demonstrating that if they intended to make killing Penny 'right' we wouldn't have him partly absolved, because why would you absolve someone of something he's supposed to do and evolve darkly through? It doesn't really hold. What I do think it's doing is that the act has connected him and Cinder again for a reason, and yes, he may struggle, but he's not going to be permanently disillusioned.
It's not like Jaune needs much disillusionment. He's a cynic for a reason. This isn't really about him realising his ideals are broken (of always being able to help and save) alike to Ruby and Cinder - this is about who he is as a person and what he's capable of.
I wouldn't expect Penny to be signalling what he must eventually do at this point in the story either; it's a challenge to him of how far he can possibly go and trying to identify what the real pain is. The healer does have the bloodiest hands; they are intimately connected and acquainted with violence; they do have to find where it hurts and fix it, and Cinder's right there!
When I talk about Jaune's role in Cinder's redemption on my blog, I need to stipulate that Volume 6 or even Volume 8 Jaune is not in the position where he can see what his destiny is yet. He's not perfect right out of the box, just made for her. His character arc is happening in tandem with hers. Volume 5!Jaune did not want to help Cinder; he wanted to die giving time for his friends to do what they needed to do. How do you get him to a point where he starts to sympathise with her? Or ask further questions at all? The mercy kill is something meant to fundamentally disturb him to disrupt the comfort he had settled into, because the story isn't just about helping the Good People until all the Bad People are dead and then nothing bad happens ever again. He's got more work to do than that and so does Cinder.
The wound is where the light enters. 🥰
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fallenfortheniche · 2 months
So the Poll is Completed…
While we didn’t get as many replies as I would have preferred, the bigger the sample size the better, it was still an AMAZING turnout considering I stated this blog like 4 weeks ago. And I want to thank you all for taking the time to respond.
Now luckily for me we got exactly 100 responses which makes determining the amount of people who voted for each option much easier for us.
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Now due to the small sample size and not knowing when people started shipping this poll will not be able to really help with determining the mythical Scriddler origin point, but it does show us some interesting information nonetheless.
Firstly, it does potentially support something I’ve suspected in relation to Scriddler. Which is that it has survived and thrived for so long due to all of the wonderful fan works that have been made for the ship. Scriddler exists as the (relatively) popular ship it is now based on the works of artists within this community.
Secondly, Rouges! The Podcast/Codot Verse appears to have had a decent influence on bolstering the number of people getting into shipping Scriddler. This is honestly not very surprising, despite the ship not being canon to the show/universe, the show essentially revolves around their begrudging and growing friendship. It’s also the most substantial fan work and work in general to feature both characters in a protagonist role. Considering its popularity and reach there is a reason that despite it being fan work I separated it out from general fan art/fan writing.
(It could also be that this poll just got around the Rouges! Podcast community more than any other fan base, which wouldn’t be surprising considering I’m assuming most of you found me due to the Scriddler Dissertation which was in response to someone who was watching Rouges! The fact that Rouges! Started on tumblr and has decent sized fan base here also probably helps. Good Representative Data collection is hard guys)
Thirdly, we have the significance of the Arkham Games series. This has been discussed which is just how much of a boost the audio logs/interactions from Arkham games got people into shipping Scriddler. Hell if I go back in my mind far enough, I’m pretty sure it got me into shipping Scriddler (combined with lovely lovely fan work in that setting to really solidify it)
We did get five people who said Other, but did not give an explanation. So unfortunately there’s not much to look into there.
Shout out to the one person who found Scriddler through Audio Adventures. I’ll confess that I have not finished listening to it (I know heresy), but I added it as a figured it was likely that someone made a connection in that continuity.
Addendum: Now you might have asked you self about why I pick those years for Scriddler comic characterization/interactions. Doesn’t it seem a bit arbitrary. I’ll be honest it is a little bit. I divided the years based on the earliest comic interaction between them I could find up until before the first, most, and only significant comic interaction they’ve ever had, which was the library conversation in Batman 23.3 - Scarecrow #1
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