#i wanna draw your blorbos! pls!
clambatch · 1 year
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hey guys i opened up some kofi commissions! 4 slots open, go check them out!!
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fanaticsnail · 20 days
i have to pick one? i have to pick one?!?!?!?!? -papers fly into the air and scatter down around me as i scramble to make a decision- asdlkjglkjgklfdsjgl oh. oh man. oh boy. oh boy howdy. oh man boy howdy. -begins pacing-
-comes back ten minutes later, a visible conspiracy-board-meme level of writing and string behind me- okay! a decision! has! probably! been made!! asldkjglkfdjg it totally didn't end up with carefully flipping a coin nine times between luffy, law, and kid. totally didn't involve. I 100% guarantee that no coins were not flipped in process >w> anyway
may i request. a luffy keese pls uwu (ALSO! CONGRATS ON THE MILESTONE!!! You well and truely deserve it; you bring such joy to the community with your presence and your writing just!!!!! Congrats!!! (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) ) - @remisloves
The Kissing Booth: Luffy for Remisloves
Word Count: 700+
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Notes: Hi @remisloves It's so hard picking one blorbo to come and kiss us. He's so fun to kiss, and I'm glad he's kissing you! Thank you so much for your beautiful compliments. I've adored getting to know you. Without further adieu, your kisses from the Straw-Hat man himself.
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Back stiffening firmly and upright, you grip onto the base of the barstool for support in response to the immediacy of the events occurring in front of you. All you have are your four other senses, the shroud covering your eyes prohibiting your ability to see the situation occurring on the vacant barstool. 
Straining to hear the circumstances sealing your fate, a fistful of berry flung itself deep into the glass jar beside you as the individual laughed enthusiastically. A high pitched voice called out in front of you, behind the individual who sat themselves down at your booth.
“You’re gonna spend your allowance here?” the angry, feminine voice called, “I thought you’d spend it on meat, Luffy!” Your guest laughed a playful snickered hiss through their teeth in response before gently reaching forward and clasping their hand around your wrist. 
"Robin said she's payin' for dinner tonight," the voice called out over their shoulder, "And I wanna have a kiss! How cool is this? It's like they're here just for me!" You were taken aback by their enthusiasm, but attempted to collect yourself to remain as professional as one can be sitting on a booth made for kissing.
Your brows sprung up to the middle of your forehead as your eyes attempted to widen behind the mask to no avail. Expecting your lips to be immediately ravished and tainted by the mouth belonging to your guest, their actions seemed to halt as they gently rub a circle on your wrist with their thumb.
“Can I kiss you now?” his voice gently coaxed you in closer, “I just wanna make sure before I do. Don’t wanna do somethin’ you’re not comfy with or nothin’.” You cocked your head inquisitively to the side, a slow smile drawing up your features in response to his inquisition of your consent.
“You paid your Berry?” you asked him, prompting him to hum a huffed "mhmm" in affirmation. You grinned wider, adding a soft humming, “Then, I’m all yours.” He chuckled again in response, scooting the stool in closer towards you.
“Oh, that’s great!” you felt his hand travel up to cup your neck and draw you in closer, “Right, I’m goin’ in!”
That was all the warning you had before his lips eagerly sought out your own. He hummed in glee, his smile physically plastered against each skillful oscillation he drew against your mouth. He angled his chin in a soft circle, parting his lips and tasting your mouth with his tongue. Brushing against your own, he swirled the morsel within your mouth and retracted it to deepen his sultry and hungry kisses. 
You were shocked at the intensity of his lips, but you kept up with every inch of his passion and matched his energy with ease. Gently reaching out your hands, he caught your wrist and drew it up to place against his shoulder while slipping closer towards you. His eagerness and enthusiasm never ceased with each passing moment. 
His lips were partially chapped, his mouth tasting a combination of sweet and savory from the last assuming barbequed meat he consumed. He snickered into the kiss, slowly hooking his arms around your neck and coaxing you to leave the stool and join him on his feet. 
“Luffy!” the voice again called behind him, “You can’t take them with you. They have to stay here!” 
The individual pouted against your lips before growling in agitation, eagerly consuming your lips with a hungrier desperation than moments prior. The voice behind him again called out to you both.
“Luffy,” she sounded irritated, her sigh falling from her lips the longer yours were attached to this so called ‘Luffy’, “Zoro is still missing. Can we go get him? You can come back if they’re still here?” The person growled into your mouth, prompting you to laugh into his lips. 
Finally breaking away, his hand gently caressed your cheek before his thumb caressed your bottom lip. Your lips parted in response, and you heard his breath exhale another soft snicker. 
“I’m Monkey D Luffy,” he uttered in a soft, husky voice, “I’m gonna be king of the pirates some day.” You nod in response, your grin again growing and revealing your teeth at him. He huffed out a soft growl in response.
“Come find us at the end of the pier when your shift is done,” he ordered softly at you, gently caressing your hand and giving your fingers a gentle squeeze, “I’m the one in the straw hat, red vest, and likely eating a piece of meat.” 
“I’ll find you, Monkey D Luffy,” you nod do him in confirmation, scrunching your nose playfully, and wave him off as he goes to find whoever ‘Zoro’ must be. He snickers at you in response, waving at you before looking between his hand and your eye covering: noticing you'd likely not see him do it.
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foxlin-fantasia · 11 months
ffxiv blog > looking for others / mutuals !
hihi! ❀
my name is linny & i have a twitter that i hate because i have no idea what im doing that you can also follow me at!
pls like / reblog / interact with this for so we can find each other!
some things about me:
queer & mentally-ill, 26 yrs old, aries sun / aquarius moon / cancer rising
username is bc my name is linny & i like foxes 🦊 ( more of a glam / alt addict than a fantasia addict tbh )
i like to make oc's & lore ( i have a lot of alts... wanna see their pinterest boards? )
wolships / oc x canon are my fav, pls show me your oc x npc ships!!
lets scream about our blorbo's together on discord or in-game, idc
writing is my hobby, idk if i'll ever post anything, but yeah...
i want to RP so bad but im so scared pls someone help
i also draw occasionally
my main account is Hanaka Houjou; she has her own blog & carrd ( still wip but pls follow if you want )
( i will probably also make side blogs of my other oc's )
do you want someone to spam your ask box with questions? let me; i will do it in 30 minute sprints lol
i have two cats named egg and klouse, & my gf, jae ( its almost our 10 year anniversary! )
❀ my askbox is open if you wanna reach out; let's be friends! ❀
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squishosaur · 7 months
anyway good morning guys i wanna draw something that isn't the same 4 guys over and over again. beloved followers and mutuals pls tell me about your fav ships or blorbos and i will draw them for you 💞
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monstersinthecosmos · 3 months
13. If you could draw effortlessly and as much as you wanted, what scene (s) would you draw for this character?
18. Do you prefer to see this character suffer or know peace? Angst or comfort? Both?
(character asks!)
but wowie like
suffering alone in his cell
suffering alone in the Shrine
suffering alone while he paints his house even though the house is full of mortals but he's apart from them and can't really connect
suffering when he spends big sleeps in the shrine and wakes up dusty and disoriented
crying his eyes out in the garden after pandora leaves
but ALSO like, in general I would love to see more ancient memories because we don't get enough! I want to see him and Pandora in Antioch! Him and Mael the night the met! Him and Avicus! MAYBE THE MAEL'S HEAD SCENE? Him being groomed for his own murder! Him crying on the floor trying to clean Eudoxia's blood! Cuddling into the sarcophagus with Pandora! Making out with Avicus!
I was just thinking yesterday that next time I have money to waste I wanna commission art of him and Mael when they'd sit together and Mael would try to teach him songs. :(
18. I LOVE SUFFERING but i do like the contrast of hurt/comfort. We need the comfort to make the hurt gooder. But like I think !! Sometimes in different fandoms, you'll see that the themes of the source material pop up over and over in fics and stuff, and I think with VC it's such a huge theme that people just want to be loved, and how monsters can still be loved, and how we are not our worst deeds, that we can fuck up and still have value.
And it's a theme that I think gets applied unevenly in the canon, especially in the later books as Anne was just like keyboard smashing the blorbos and having fun. So like, since the POVs are so Lestat-Heavy we get a lot of Lestat knowing he's a bastard and still desiring love and goodness, and then other characters are loved unconditionally and we never really acknowledge that they're bastards, or I think steps get skipped where Lestat essentially winds up being the flawless Mary Sue character who is never accountable for anything he does--we still make it from Point A (fuckup does something terrible) to Point B (he is still loved) but I think it becomes less nuanced in the later books and we don't really spend time with the redemption arc. (An example is like, TOBT is ALL about how he fucks up and we really look closely at it and work through it, vs in the PL trilogy when he like noncon bites David and it's all fine and we don't even talk about it.) And using Lestat as an example because he gets the most screentime, but Marius is exactly the same, and it's further complicated that we never get POV from characters who dislike him LOL.
So to answer your question like, I love seeing him suffer because I love angst LOL but I root for him, I want him to know peace, and I think the story has a lot more potential for nuance than what we got in the books, which is why fandom is here. THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT OF TRANSFORMATIVE FICTION LOL. (To me lol, that's my mission here.) But if he doesn't suffer first there's no real value in his being at peace, that's boring LMAO where's the FLAVOR where's the CONFLICT; let him fuck up and suffer and destroy his entire life first so that we have a puzzle to work out to make his way back.
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cubedmango · 4 months
hi!! i just wanted to let you know that i started reading cherry magic in july last year after seeing the anime announced on toyota-sensei's twitter! i couldn't even rlly translate the announcement myself without the help of google translate LMAO but her illustration of them looked so sweet i had to snoop around. more than half a year later. i am no longer normal and my brain is fully rotted over and i think of those two nearly every waking moment!! your art, along with so many others feeds me and your translations are So Appreciated thank you for doing gods work. i usually don't get super involved in fandom or w/e other than consuming fanart or fics so the fact i find myself actually drawing them is so new to me...idk cherry magic really is so refreshing and it's just nice as an adult to see a mature relationship between two working adults. there are callbacks to childhood or childlike behaviors or interests sprinkled throughout the manga's dialogue and i always appreciated how they weren't seen as embarrassing or immature to embrace or learn from as an adult, but encouraged or seen as a valuable part of balancing work, life, and love. idk it's def one of the more subtle and less expanded upon parts of it but i love how adachi's and kurosawa's love of manga, though seen as a children's activity (from how kurosawa thought people saw it) was actually one of their first mutual hobbies. it's also interesting to see how many things about kurosawa's psyche are remnants of ideas probably for a lack of better wording, were taught to him from an early age. his self-image, how he tries to uphold certain societal standards, etc etc. im glad he found refuge in adachi that way. im sorry for rambling for so long but i've just been thinking about these two so much ldks
anon pls u never have to apologize for rambling abt my fav guys of all time, u should actually talk w me about them more i want to hear ur thoughts !! the eng speaking fandom isnt that big (or at least i dont get to interact w a lot of ppl personally) but its fun making art and doing the translations for my blorbos so im happy other ppl enjoy it too 🥺
and yess everything u said abt the childlike/immature stuff krdc enjoy like the fact that their interest in manga and stuff is never made fun of or anything (which would be ironic anyway since theyre In a manga themselves fdkjskf) but actually one of the things that gets them closer is So good augh?? (also spoilers for the radio drama if u havent seen it yet, but to me one of the best changes they made was changing the port scenes setting to an anime con instead like Yeah!! theyre little nerd guys of course theyd attend a con!!!! that plus how they both like watching animated movies and playing games too like its a very specific thing to Me but that relatability w stuff i do myself makes them both feel a lot more human? if that makes sense)
also w kurosawas whole deal its Definitely a longterm thing hes had for a while, and in canon its mostly been his friendships/relationships that affected him (probs the most clear in ch45 my beloved) but from the way the meeting w his parents went theres for sure a lot of parental/family pressure involved too?? this is going into hc territory but i have like a whole Thing brewing in my head about kurosawas and maris relations w their parents and how that affected their self image and all growing up too and i rlly wanna make stuff for it someday (idk if anyone would be interested but id probably do it regardless so fkdjksjfk)
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cherrywperson · 1 year
idk if ur still doing this but uhh the tawog discussion thing... gimme ur thoughts hcs everything abt ocho pls my absolute blorbo
IM STILL GOING WITH IT!!!!! i want my inbox to be flooded /hj (okkay no but srsly i like getting these asks i like tawog anddd i wanna talk a bit abt it cuz im insane)
uhhh anyways anyways ocho!!! gamer guy he wears those silly gamer shirts that say stuff like "i paused my game to be here" etc etc etc
do you think he pirates games sometimes ? like he plays emulators ? maybe . i think he would . lol wouldnt that be silly ?? uhhhh what else uhh ohh alright . libramasculine bisexual demiromantic hes got those he/it/they + videogame related neos pronounces in bio (i hc a lot of tawog characters as trans sorry not sorry <3)
ohh and he might have sleep issues cuz yk gamer 24/7 . he would try calling a friend at like 3 am for whatever reason and get mad at them for not answering idk . . also maybe hes a discord user OMG I JUST HAD THE SILLIEST THOUGHT he could be the "everyone has uno dipshit it came free with your fucking xbox" guy HELPP THATS SO FUNNY
uhhhhhh okkay i think thats it OKKAY WAIT maybe he eats raw pasta like.. idk eats them dry sometimes .......
ohh also also uhhh okkay this might be off topic dont know if you wanna hear this but like . okay im planning on making more gijinka tawog art right? yeah i kinda wanna simulate the artstyle a bit okay maybe not too much just as much as i can yk? so yeah i wanna draw ocho in a pixel art style if do ever do draw them ^__^ just gotta practice that a bit yk yk
okkay does are all of my thoughts gootbye
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mymhameme · 1 year
AMKSMDJSNJD WHAT A SURPRISE TO WAKE UP TO!!!! Oh my goodness, they are the most precious beans!!!! Op I am shaking and wailing and lovingly cradling your art this needs to be framed in a museum!!! 💖 they've been through so much angst but that brief moment they get to be kids and just have fun trying to dance and they're so awkward and silly PLS 🥺 Tenko's little giggle because I guess the music and atmosphere got to him and he couldn't help but do a little tappy tap and Keigo's all :0 heck the whole art has an element of surprise like they aren't expecting their reactions and are shy and awkward about it, the spinning around dance is so very much "testing the waters for the first time + super curious about actually being able to dance" the one on the bottom sob their smiles are so precious, protect themmm (or don't because the comfort after the hurt is delicious) that's the first time since the incident Tenko's been able to laugh so purely and openly, the way Keigo is hiding his face with a plushie, this is new for you too huh?
the trope of "It's you and me against the world and we'll always be together" as you hold onto your friend's hand, never letting go and race into the light of the morning sun, THE DESPERATE MID-AIR FLY CATCH HUG, aw yeah Keigo being as fast as he is makes for prime "I need to get to Tenko right away" angst, and "I haven't seen you in so long, are you really real?" also wings!!! you draw them so huge and fluffy, imagine the protective hugs. And the orphanage escape! Lmao, whenever I read a plot like that I think to myself "I should've written this fic four years ago before Hori gave that entire plot line to Dabi, people are gonna think I copied-" 😔 whatever it's fun!! access to much plot relevant locations and info and secrets!! Lol and also rip at Kai just dragging Oboro like that. Is he half-sentient Nomu already or a corpse mid-revival? We shall see. More desperate flying, love Keigo holding Tenko and something about most of Tenko's face hidden by his hair so all you can see is that one intense eye looking dead ahead is creating SOME kind of energy I wanna make a joke about but I've got no words 😭 Maybe it's his Transcendent Princely Villain Energy poking through, maybe it's the youngest sibling energy, if Prince Tenko wants to be carried he will, also the way he's clutching onto Keigo, the TRUST even with his quirk, he will get them out safely and swiftly. Maybe it's the lingering trauma from AFO encounters, gosh whatever, between this and that and all your art, I am asking for hand in marriage for your spectacular ability to display emotions and expressions with such intricacies!!! Op lock your doors, I am kidnapping the blorbos from your drawing table because they're just too darn cute 🥰
I've been reading this over and over today and smiling like a goon while trying to figure out how to respond because MAN this was so nice of you!
I'm so happy that you noticed all the small details and nuances I try to convey with my drawings (especially the dance one it's like you were there when I made it lol) Expressions are some of my favorite things to draw so I'm happy the intended readings came across so well! I had so much fun with Tomura's face in the rescue scene as well, he's so intense!
Them relying on each other because they are literally ALL they have and they would do ANYTHING for that person is just a trope I like way too much lol ngl. The unquestioning trust that can both build somebody up while knocking them down at any moment is just--
Thanks again for reaching out! There was so many kind words and I don't know how to articulate the emotions it gave me QAQ
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klqrambles · 2 years
I'me drawing your blorbo :D can you give a link to the musical pls?
If you mean Henry, unfortunately there’s little to no actual content for him from the musical :’]
This is pretty much all I have in terms of videos
And most of this isn’t even his solo stuff. There’s a song in the highlight reel (감각의 완성) that I desperately wanna listen to but I can’t find anywhere :’]
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indigo-scarf · 1 year
002 tell me YOUR perspective on my boy harry? 🪄
Oh damn, Harry scholars pls don't hate me 😳
ask game here How I feel about this character: 
I feel like I don't know him and, as you can see by my fear of "Harry scholars", I have this strange insecurity that he's not my character to play with? He's not my boy like he is yours and other people's.
I've written him in two fics, and 90% of it was about him supporting Draco. The 10% that was actually Harry-centric felt like dipping my toes and not knowing how to go deeper. Sometimes I think I should try to just embrace using him for my selfish blorbo purposes, because he is a fictional character ffs, but it feels disrespectful/not permissible lmao
But also I think it's cool that he's an antipunitivist king wanting to help Voldemort's weird baby soul etc, and maybe we could bond over similar "orphan with toxic caretaker" trauma.
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
Draco, Ginny, Luna, Cedric, Cho, Ron.
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
Hermione, maybe? But I could probably like that romantically too, so I'll say Sirius as a father figure.
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
I don't feel qualified to have one.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
I wouldn't trust JKR to do anything I wanted, I'm happy to read fanfic. But canon/fanon divide aside, I don't like Auror Harry, I'd rather he had a cosier job — wars have been fought over what Harry would prefer and idk who I think is right, but that's what I prefer.
my OTP:
I don't wanna have to pick only one out of the above list, but if I had to pick it'd be Drarry, because blorbo.
my cross over ship:
Hmm... Viria made him talk to Percy Jackson in a drawing once, and if two hot guys talk it's a ship (I've never even read/watched Percy Jackson).
a headcanon fact:
I don't feel qualified to say anything other than the cooking thing.
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lastoneout · 2 years
I love your blorbos pls i wanna read their stories
me too T_T jk I'm working on it for sure, I do want to write(or draw? I kinda envisioned this as a comic and I do like drawing comics...) the whole story especially cuz I've got a handful of new characters I also love very much, but it's slow going
dw tho I'm gonna keep posting and drawing stuff about them bcs I love them and also I crave validation <3
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popsicletheduck · 2 years
Tumblr has denied me a notif about you answering my ask. Very rude. Anyway i Big Care Mosca and Ash now and ending on Ash calling Mosca kadan took me Out. Pls tell me about their one-sided enemies-to-friends speedrun (or anything else you wanna), I'm all ears (P.s. it doesn't matter when you answer this, could be a while from now and I'd still be interested, i don't wanna drag you into typing up essays for me if you've got more pressing things to put your energy towards!!)
haha, my evil plan to inflict my blorbo feelings on my friend has been a success!! I am an evil genius!! (also, I appreciate the concern, but don't worry, I'm doing exactly what I want to be doing. this brainrot is terminal)
okay, the one-sided enemies-to-friends speedrun, aka the first week or so Mosca and Ash knew each other. I'm gonna try my best to make this readable and coherent and not go off on long tangents, but where the story of the first udaak fight took place mostly over a single session, this story spans many, and draws a lot more on both characters' backstories, so it's probably gonna be a bit more scattered. and longer. definitely longer.
So this story actually starts many months ago (both in and out of game), when Ash first got pulled through a portal from his home world of Thedas to... somewhere else. See, this game is a multiverse game, with characters drawn from a variety of different worlds who ping around the multiverse working to stop chaos on the behalf of a strange group of mutiversal entities called The Quanta. Now, I wasn't there when the game started, so all this information comes courtesy of my good friend who plays Ash. Ash took this transition outwardly pretty damn well, but inwardly... he'd been raised in an anti-magic cult (which is a gross oversimplification of things, but a full explanation would be long and complicated, so this will do), taken from the only home he'd ever known, was now stuck with people who he previously would've considered purposeless things, didn't speak the language particularly well (apparently even worse than currently) and was constantly surrounded by unsettling, fucked up magic. There was a lot going on for him that he lacked the ability to express or anyone he trusted enough to express it to. So he kinda just... sat with it, until slowly things got better. He learned to trust and care about the people he was with, he learned to be less scared of magic (some of the later involved talking to a Skyrim dragon which I wish was a joke but is not).
So time goes on, and we jump forward to the moment Mosca joined the party. See, Mosca also unexpectedly got pulled through a portal, but Mosca got pulled through a portal in the middle of a fight. As in, they were fighting, and a portal appeared and swept towards them, and then on the other side of the portal the party was also in a fight. Which means their introduction to Ash is watching him in a rage use the skull of an undead to kill another undead. It was... memorable to say the least, but not necessarily in a good way (yes Mosca also killed a bunch of undead in that fight, yes one of those kills involved violent decapitation, I never said they weren't a hypocrite).
So Mosca is introduced to the multiverse, and let's just say they don't take the change gracefully. They're not as scared of magic as Ash was (or is), but they don't like it and they don't trust it, and they are suddenly surrounded by it. They had also spent the last six months without seeing another living person, and the change to suddenly being with a party at all times is jarring to say the least. By their second day they're curled up outside a tavern having a panic attack. And the one who ends up sitting with them is Ash. See, Ash understands what it's like to struggle with the transition and sees a lot of himself in Mosca. It's cathartic for him to have someone else who doesn't trust magic, and he has a lot of empathy for them.
Mosca, on the other hand, does not trust him in the slightest. Ash is Big and Strong and Very Clearly A Threat. This is unfortunately and accidentally only amplified by an interaction maybe two days into knowing each other? After another fight in which Mosca is triggered to hell and back by the smell of gunpowder (backstory thing), they end up screaming at Ash to fuck off when he attempts to help. Ash actually takes this fine, but Mosca, once they calm down, is afraid they've made him hate them, which they need him not to do only because their patron is starting to make it clear that they're going to be stuck with these people for at least the foreseeable future. So Mosca goes to apologize. Ash waves the apology off, but in the process of trying to explain why an apology isn't necessary because he understands what they're going through, he ends up explaining what happens to mages in the cult that he was raised in. I'm... not going to explain here because it's... uncomfortable and a bit graphic, but suffice to say, Ash does explain. And Mosca, who previously had been hunted for having magic, takes this very, very badly. In their mind now Ash is a ticking time bomb, that will explode into violence the moment he figures out that they have magic (which they have been attempting to hide... poorly).
So this is where the one-sided enemies-to-friends comes in, because Mosca is convinced that there is a very real possibility of Ash killing them at some future date, while Ash could not be more chill. Mosca is in the corner plotting way to try and fight him if necessary while Ash is just like "neat, new companion, they seem like they might be cool". He is completely unaware that Mosca is terrified of him until...
Well, while traveling the party found a massive, and massively magical, skull, and some of the party decided to fuck around inside said skull and then came out with funky colored eyes and temporary magical bonuses and Mosca, well... kinda snapped.
"Grave of the gods, you're all insane! The only one here who has any sense is him" pointing to Ash, "and he-"
And there they very abruptly cut off, suddenly aware that you shouldn't accuse someone of plotting to kill you. Because either you are right, and they will, or you are wrong, and because of the accusation they then might.
"And he what?" Ash asks. Mosca makes no reply at all, just silence. The party eventually moves on. That night at camp Ash tries again.
"Do we have a problem?"
And Mosca, in one of the worst lies in their life, just says, "No."
Ash is, of course, not fooled by this, but understands there's no trying to talk to them about it now. He's patient. He can wait.
He doesn't have to wait long, because this is where the speedrun comes in. I can't remember the exact timeline, it might've been that night, it might've been a few days later, but not long after all that, Mosca has a dream. They've had a few interactions with the patron, but up to this point their patron hasn't been particularly direct, not since the making of the pact. They are, after all, dying. Their communications have been sparse to nonexistent. But Mosca gets a dream from their patron, where they end up in a cabin sitting across from them, as their patron explains that there are no more living people in their home world. The only thing left are the undead. That's why six months passed without Mosca seeing anyone else. There was no one else to see. Mosca's quest to save their world from the undead has unequivocally failed. And their patron does set them on the path to fixing thing, pointing them in the direction of, essentially, time travel. Reverse time to a point before the undead curse happened and then make sure it doesn't. But in the moment, Mosca can really only focus on the overwhelming weight of their failure and being the last survivor from their whole world.
After this dream they spend two hours alone on watch, stewing in all these feelings. And then the end of their watch comes, and they wake their replacement, who happens to be Ash. And they should just go back to bed, but. They can't. How in the world do you even begin to process something like that?
Well, for Mosca, they ended up spilling it to Ash, just to say it out loud to someone. It's disjointed and awkward and not at all the whole picture, but they tell him they can't go home. That they're the only one left. And he responds by telling them he can't go home either. The cult he grew up in would kill him on sight if they ever found him. And when Mosca explains that they never hated him but that they were scared of him, that they've been running for years from people who want them dead, Ash says that they're part of the group now, so he's going to protect them, and that their problems are the group's problems, and if those people show up, they'll take care of it. And Mosca, in the grip of grief and desperate for any comfort or reassurance, believes him. Maybe not fully, maybe not completely, not yet, but enough to understand that he's not a threat to them, and that he understands what it means for them to have lost their home and be surrounded by magic they're uncomfortable with. And they stand with him on watch for the next couple of hours, but they do so not wearing their mask. The symbol of their paranoia and lack of trust.
Because no matter what else happens (and so much has happened since then) Mosca and Ash's trust in each other is complete and unshakable. For all that Mosca doesn't trust themself, and for all that they believe that Ash shouldn't trust them, he does. And for all that Mosca is a terrible, suspicious bastard who trusts no one, they trust Ash. That, more than anything else, is the foundation for all that has come since, and no matter how often they argue (and boy have they argued), that trust still stands unbreakable.
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dedkirsch · 2 years
1 &9 for everyone you want to talk about please ^^
Tee hee :3
Kirsch (my beloved <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
Because my brain saw Zora/Kirsch and decided to hyperfixate. /lhj
but like apart from that. He's just such a fun character! He's a ridiculous idiot and I want to fucking smoosh his cheeks and kiss him and uushshjajssjdja <33
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
this depends because from an artistic standpoint, OUT OUT OUT OUT I HATE DRAWING THAT STUPID FUCKING ONESIE WHY MUST HE TORTURE ME LIKE THIS 😭😭😭 but apart from that it's pretty cool and he pulls it off really well!!! so it's about 50/50. Hell to draw but MAN he looks so pretty I can't fault him for it too much 😭
Zora (Kirsch’s beloved <33)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
I've always liked him tbh, his attitude is really fun to me and I love how he basically came into the Royal Knight exams, disrespected everyone, proceeded to kick their asses and managed to get in. ITS SO FUN IDK WHY
and of course I can't talk about him without mentioning his boyfriend (zorsch is canon guys it's true they kissed in front of me /hj) who my brain just said "BLORBO"
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
He's... he's definitely got the "I hate you for making me draw that" factor. I can't draw it that well. And why all the leather????? Man I feel bad for him in summer??? It's also kinda weird because his legs are entirely covered by like, 3 different layers, and then he just has "lol no shoulders" with an ENTIRELY exposed chest and- huh??? /aff he's gonna be sweating on his lower half and fucking freezing on his top half 😭
I gotta say though I like the aesthetic. And how he modelled it after the doll his dad made for him. So it's like... 50/50 as well. Torture to wear but man I can't hate it 😭
Henry (my other beloved <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
FERAL BARKING HES SO CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND I WANT TO GIVE HIM SO MANY HUGS AND SO MUCH LOVE 😭😭 I just!!!!! HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE HIM?!??!?! He's a lovable little (not really little he's TALL) skrunkly and I want to hug him and brush his hair and GOD JUST LET ME BODY SWAP WITH MERCY FOR A DAY SO I CAN GIVE HIM A HUGGGG😭
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
In. Gotta respect the pyjama grind. If I could I would also walk around in pyjamas 24/7. He looks cute in them and they're easy to draw. There is nothing wrong with his outfit. (gives him a kiss for having the best outfit score)
Snatcher (beloved #3 <3333)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
HES JUST SO COOL MAN like you're telling me he got fucking murdered by his girlfriend and just became a fucking loveable asshole ghost?!?#*(@(@ Also his neck floof looks so FLUFFY I WANNA BURY MY HEAD IN IT AND UGHHHH <33
He really just said "if I can't live, neither can anyone else" and started stealing souls for his breakfast THATS SO FUCKING?????? i would like his claw in marriage pls
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
See now this is awkward because he technically doesn't wear anything uhhhhhh lmaoooo he's just a noodle ghost
I did once draw him in a pink princess dress and that was a 100/10 he rocked it
Moonjumper (stupid smug bitch /aff)
1.     Why they are your favourite?
Because he got cut and it pains me to see his potential wasted. Plus its so fun to insert him into fanfics because he's so freaking fun to write! He's essentially a blank slate apart from a few bits of trivia from the beta version of the game and it FASCINATES me. I love researching about him and finding out about what COULD have been if he didnt get cut! Wasted potential to its HIGHEST (possibly even more than my boo Kirsch 😭)
9.     Is their outfit in, or out?
In. I love how he kept his Prince outfit. He looks so cool, especially with the broken monocle and the chains. Which is like a super fun nod to his past (monocle because he studied law, and Subcon Kingdom was likely around when monocles would be in fashion; and chains because he/the Prince died chained to the wall). He rocks it!! It fits so well with the rest of his design, too. He just gives off super weird vibes in a good way and YES
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
hi krys!!! nobu hideyoshi and mitsun from ikesen? vincent and arthur from ikevamp too? 👀
Character Opinion Bingo!
So, I may have misread Mitsun as 'Mitsus' and thought you meant both of them, so I did both, bc I'm overachieving like that. Whoops.
Also, am not careful at all when it comes to route spoilers, so spoiler warnings for all of the above-mentioned characters.
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So Cool Looking: idk, something about that black and white color scheme with the pop of red just does it for me.
Afraid of him: Warlord that takes and does what he wants. There is a reason he's feared. His photographic memory is also terrifying.
In a handbag: I wanna carry all of them in a handbag, this should have been a free space for me.
Wow! He's a Horrible Person!: Is a warlord so it comes with the territory, but I also hate that in his ms (it happens in his act 2 too) he does not explain his reasonings to MC at first for why he has to kill a guy that was trying to kill her in the hot springs chapter (that he took her on, forcibly so). Not even a 'hey, that guy was trying to kill you, I had to act fast before he could do just that.' And let's not forget the 'Drink from your lips' scene when we first meet him. And the Strip Go.
Better as a Dynamic: Not that he can't function on his own, but he's a lot more fun when he's playing off of others, esp when it involves konpeito escapades, like in Hideyoshi's route, or in one of his bday events where he was in a three-way horse-mounted battle with Shingen and Kenshin over trying to reach a village with the last supply of the sugary treat. Or really any event where all the warlords are gathered together to do stupid shit. That's always fun.
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Marry them: He's really nice and helpful, I'd be cool with entering a romantic partnership with him.
Blorbo: If cybird won't love him, I will <3
Deeper than they seem: Momsona on the surface, deep underlying insecurities about hurting others when (not if, definitely when, in his mind) he has inevitably to leave them behind because of his loyalties to Nobunaga and his cause. Plus a past he isn't proud of despite it helping to mold him into the person he is today.
Projecting my own issues: Yeah, that.
Got done dirty: Pls stop writing him off as 'Team Mom', both y'all. Not cute.
why they look like that: Sensei has too many details on him that are a bitch to figure out when drawing. Also, yes, he has complementary colors, but he's got Christmas colors in his casual clothes, sheesh.
Better as a dynamic: Team Mom has to have kids to parent after all. He's usually a part of gossip groups with MC, Masa, Ieyasu, and Mitsun, calling out Mitsuhide on his shit, Nobu worship but still parents him too.
Done nothing wrong in his life: Hideyoshi is a good boy and I stand by that statement.
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Like a blorbo: He pretty much is a blorbo.
Projecting my own issues: Also, that.
Don't have much to say: He's a sweet boy that's got some insecurity issues. Not much deeper than that.
Literally me: Yeah, getting lost in certain tasks to the point of oblivion is also me.
Never done anything wrong: Precious boy that can do no wrong <3
(surprise Mitsuhide)
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Wasted potential: His route could have been a shit ton darker and his MC could have been better if she had been written more as his equal.
Afraid of him: Too much anxiety about teasings and pranks.
Blorbo: I will mold him how I want to, because I say so.
Projecting: A few, yes.
Got done dirty: A stronger MC probably would have helped, someone that could stand more toe to toe with him, more on equal footing. Much as I love him finding her after Yoshiaki is mean to her scene, all the guy did was say some mean words to her, really. Could have roughed her up a bit more, imo. (ikeromantic does the scene better in their ongoing Mitsuhide fic, imo). The scene with Hideyoshi after MC sees Mitsu doing dirty deeds still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Really, all this could be solved if he was allowed to kiss Hideyoshi He's full of good ideas but just needs some help on the execution.
Horrible person: See above-mentioned scene with Hideyoshi and MC. And how often he does the self-sacrifice thing when he's told not to do that. And stop being a jealous ho with Yoshimoto, you know MC only has eyes for you, dumb butt.
Better as a dynamic: Really, all this could be solved if he just kissed Hideyoshi already. Or Masa, I'm sure he'd be down for it.
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Wasted potential: Please let him experience negative emotions. Friend threatening your girlfriend usually means friendship over, I'm sorry bro. Plus there could have been more interaction in Will's route too because you're supposed to be close friends, right?
Marry them: Sweet darling dear, I'm cool with a romantic relationship with you.
Done dirty: See Wasted Potential.
Literally me: That's up to personal interpretation.
Never done anything wrong: No, he definitely hasn't. <3
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Blorbo: I will mold him how I see fit and have fun doing it.
Projecting: Somewhat.
Done dirty: Pls give more sweetie Arthur than horndog, pls I'm begging.
Horrible person: All good for character development but I still hate Chapters 1 and 4.
Better as a dynamic: Like Nobu, he can work well on his own, but it's also nice to see him interacting with others.
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dawnlotus-draws · 2 years
Ayo folks I’ll take some doodle requests! Idk I wanna sketch a bit :>
I’ll draw Blorbo from your shows or OCs (with desc pls) just nothing uncomfy of course
I prolly will only draw a couple but I appreciate every ask! Also it may be a bit before I go and post them n stuff. I have never used the ask/inbox function before so this is also a test run I guess!
These won’t be highly quality :P expect like margin of your hw like stuff
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