#i wanna fuck men so that means i should want to die for your stupid communist utopia
bisexualfaggotry · 28 days
funniest thing so far today is being told i should long for the Glorious Revolution because i’m a faggot
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talaok · 1 year
I just saw the video of the interviewer and Pedro where she called him daddy and asked how he was doing and his response was, “I’m alright, mama.” And I am in DESPERATE need of a fic. Wherever you want to go with it.
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pairing: Pedro Pascal x interviewer!reader
a/n: This wasn't supposed to go like this. It's much more fluffy than I expected, but oh well, hope you enjoy.
You were nervous, as always.
The two years you'd been doing this flew out the window each time you knew you had to interview him.
It was such a stupid thing, a schoolgirl crush, but as much as you reminded yourself just how idiotic it was, the feeling never quite faded.
You had no idea what it was, the way he shook your hand the first time, the way his eyes never left yours, the sweet sound of your name rolling off his tongue...
It was all in the back of your mind, locked and loaded for you to remember.
You try to be calm with him though, playful even, but god if he doesn't make it hard.
He and his handsomeness and what you firmly believed was involuntary flirtatiousness.
You were taking a deep breath when you saw the flashes on the carpet starting to die down.
It was time.
just like magic, he appeared before you in a few moments, followed by his assistant.
They exchanged a few words and you saw Pedro's eyes focus on you while the men beside him explained to him something to his ear.
You swallowed thickly, his gaze draining all the breath out of you.
God, he was beautiful, even his outfit fit him to a t.
Before you had gotten enough time to properly freak out, he was walking towards you.
"good evening Pedro!" you said cheerfully.
"good evening to you too Y/n"
You had to remind yourself his assistant had probably just reminded him of your name, and that he didn't just know it on the tip of his tongue.
You knew what you needed to say next, but the pit in your stomach informed you it wasn't a good idea.
You forced the fear down.
"so how're you doing daddy?"
He chuckled, and you couldn't help but stare.
"I'm alright mama" he grinned, and you swore you could feel your brain leaking out of your ears, as it had melted.
"you don't like that?" he noticed the expression on your face.
"I-I do" you blushed "maybe a little too much"
What the fuck
Why the fuck did you just say that?
He laughed softly, a smirk tugging at his lips " That's interesting" he spoke, and you felt like you were about to die, so you decided to change subject.
"so, if you remember-"
"I remember" he interrupted
"let me ask the question first" you laughed
"I don't have to, I remember every interview with you" he smiled "You're not easy to forget"
If you were having troubles breathing before, your lungs were now completely useless.
"I-" you gulped, your eyes glancing at the expecting man behind the camera.
"It's alright sweetheart, what was the question?"
You were as red as the blood flowing beneath your skin.
"You really wanna get me fired, don't you?" you joked.
"that's the last thing I want" he shook his head "how else would I get to see you?"
"well there are other ways," you said before you could stop yourself.
He smirked, and you noticed his eyes scanning your face "I know there are" he said "Maybe I should get to work on those"
and just like that, your heart stopped.
did he mean...?
You couldn't think about it, not now, you had an interview to carry on, or you were actually gonna get fired.
"You have to stop"
"stop what?"
"I can't interview you if I have a heart attack, Pedro" You smiled, and he reciprocated, his eyes playful and yet somewhat... adoring.
"You're right, I'll stop," he said "What's the first question, mama?"
this bastard.
__ __ __
"thank you very much," you said, ending the interview.
"thank you" he smiled, as the camera shut off and the cameramen slipped away after murmuring something to your ear.
You could hear all the other interviewers shout and call for him, but for some reason, he didn't move.
"You should go," you told him "They're all waiting to interview you"
"I know," he said as if it physically pained him "but first I wanted to do something I've been thinking of for a while now" 
"what's that?" you asked
"ask for your number"
You froze. Every molecule of your being stilled in shock.
"I-" you stuttered "a-are you serious?"
"Why wouldn't I be?"
"b-because you're Pedro Pascal"
He grinned "And you're y/n y/l/n, the most beautiful and charming woman I've ever met"
Your mouth couldn't help but to break into the dreamiest of smiles, and according to Pedro, the most breathtaking too.
he frowned
"Where do I give you my number?"
he too, broke into a smile, relief washing over him as you accepted "here" he patted his pockets "Put it in my phone" he said, handing it to you.
You did, your fingers threatening to type wrong as they trembled.
"done" you said, giving it back
"I gotta go now" he sighed "but..."
your eyes shot up to his
"please don't change your mind sweetheart" he begged
"wouldn't dream of it" you promised, earning a big smile, as he backed away into the crowd on the carpet.
You put your hands on the metal fence in front of you, exhaling deeply as you let your head fall between your shoulders.
did that just really happen?
Did I finally go completely crazy?
And then, just as you were about to accept your fate as a soon-to-be psychiatric hospital patient, your phone dinged.
Two new messages from an unknown number lit up the screen.
-hey mama
-so do you have plans for tomorrow night?
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gunthermunch · 2 months
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[Transcript under the cut]
Max: Billie Billie: shhh Michel Cera is about to say he’s gotta pee on her Michael Cera: I gotta pee on her Billie: aahaha! Max: I suggested Scott Pilgrim once and now it’s all we watch Billie: you should’ve suggested something less good then Billie: oh this reminds me! What did Elsa say that left you so emotionally distraught the other night Max: …how did ‘’I gotta pee on her’’ lead to that Max: sigh She made an excel sheet to help me pick a guy to date. Because she thinks that’s what I should do instead of whatever I’m doing right now Billie: oh my gosh Max: I know, she’s sick Billie: she’s a GENIUS! Max: what Billie: Max! you NEED to get a boyfriend! Max: I said DATES I- Is it that bad to prefer one night stands?? Billie: it’s not about the one night stands, it’s about you! Max: that makes it even worse. Billie: I mean, there has to be a reason you don’t contact those guys after fucking around, right? Right?? Do you GET it!!! Max: …I’m not letting an e-dater question my love life?? Billie: I’m just saying, Max! if I was you I would totally think about it. and do it. Because it could help me out. Just go on some dates and experience something different from what you’re used to Michel Cera: You once were a ve-gone, but now you will begone. Max: christ.
Ale: Maximiliano! I was just wondering ''what could that gorgeous little imp be up to tonight'' so WHAT have you been up to?! Ale: it’s rhetoric, I really don’t wanna know haha! Max: hey uh… yeah, it’s been a while. Sorry about that. I swear I really wanted to text you Ale: you don’t say Max: I’m trying to be honest you moron Ale: ooh. oh. can we leave it for some other time? Over some brunch maybe? My girlfriend is here Max: excuse me Jackie: hi Max! I’m Jackie. Big fan! Ale: she means that Max: I’m sorry when did you get one of those? Jackie: he’s so funny Ale: like a week ago. Ain’t she adorable? Max: oh yes she’s a sweetie. Totes. Ale: i think you two would adore each other, for real Ale: anyways! What have you been up to? Hangin’ there?
Billie: he’s with child Max: he’s with WOMAN Max: how- WHY didn’t he tell me?! We were JUST seeing each other a a couple months ago Billie: BABE babe calm down. Why did you call him anyways? Max: because he was head first on Elsa’s sheet, now I’ll need to phone this OTHER dickhead that meets most of my standards and I kinda have a thing for. Stupid fucking Jackie I hope you die Billie: hey… let’s detox. Take my word, no more men for the rest of the week. Max: no more men. You. Billie: If there’s something I love more than Pierce, is my hunger for sistership Max: you know I’m not a woman right Billie: No boys, only us. And Michael Cera. Max: … Billie: trust me, I’m your girl.
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goodnightmemes · 8 months
❛ I'm sorry for your loss, your...your losses, rather. ❜
❛ Nobody gets away with anything. Not really. ❜
❛ Don't lecture me about family values. You're just as shit in that department as I am. ❜
❛ That day was the last day we were all in the same place. Alive. ❜
❛ They will love you because I love you, and the only thing stronger than love is how scared they are of getting cut out of the will. ❜
❛ And most people go their whole, wasted, stupid lives without one minute of true resolution. Not me though. ❜
❛ You know what a resolution is? It's a deal you make with the future. ❜
❛ The people in charge of making us healthy make us sick. We cheat the dying. We fleece the poor. Promote the racist. Let the demons run amok. This world needs changing. ❜
❛ You're supposed to be shadowing me. Shadows don't fucking talk. ❜
❛ This is beneath you. And you're going to kill it. But you're better than all of this. And the minute you figure that out, you're going to be unstoppable. ❜
❛ There's no such thing as a step back. You go forward. If you hit a brick wall, you don't go back, you go through. ❜
❛ Nearly realized is the sweetest. It's better, I promise, in the moment just before than in the moment after. ❜
❛ You are consequence. And tonight, you are consequential. ❜
❛ You are a pretty, pretty little thing. ❜
❛ You wonder why people hate us. This is why. ❜
❛ Everybody knows that edible arrangements are what you send to people you hate. ❜
❛ If you start thinking this is reality, you'll just slip into the abyss. ❜
❛ We can talk about it after because I've had a shit day and I really just wanna starfish and forget the world. ❜
❛ Don't talk to me until I've come at least twice. ❜
❛ I love how deliciously, pointlessly mean you lot can be. ❜
❛ You still didn't need to come here though. It could have happened quiet. Peaceful. In bed. But I guess it's got to happen like this. ❜
❛ It's amazing how far you can get on denial. You know why so many people use denial to get by? Because it really fucking works. ❜
❛ You can't enhance this image? You see it all the time on TV. They hit a button, it enhances it. ❜
❛ I don't even own anything funeral black. ❜
❛ Satin is silk for poor people, no one should wear it to a funeral, unless they died in it. ❜
❛ Nobody knows they're the fall guy until they're falling.❜
❛ Women are the natural leaders of the species. Ancient Egypt had it right. ❜
❛ Okay, just because the door's open doesn't necessarily guarantee you a seat at the table. ❜
❛ You're not who I thought you were. ❜
❛ I really didn't want to think it, but...you're all fucking monsters. ❜
❛ Watching you shit on your principles would have been worth every fucking penny. ❜
❛ The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. And I wouldn't wish their sting on anyone. ❜
❛ Don't have to be smart to be dangerous. I'm not scared of rattlesnakes 'cause they're so smart. ❜
❛ You're so out of touch with your human side...you can't even listen to anything outside your own head. ❜
❛ I haven't seen you sleep in like...I mean, it's been a fucking long time. Like, horror movie long. ❜
❛ Life is insane. It is madness. The sooner you understand that, the better off you'll be. ❜
❛ The world might not be safe but listen to me, and listen carefully. I won't let anything happen to you. ❜
❛ All these terrible things and I thought, that's when people come together. But we've never been further apart. ❜
❛ Tell me it's worth it. Tell me you know the risk and I'll be there with you. I'll back you up. Just tell me. ❜
❛ Shut your mouth, get your shit together. The fuck is wrong with you? ❜
❛ Men, when they think they're immortal, all they want to do is fuck. When they figure out they're going to die, all they want to do is fuck. ❜
❛ It just makes you think, you know, life is so fucking short. ❜
❛ You don't have to be a tyrant, but if you don't want to be consistently cruel, then you have to be sufficiently brutal at least once to establish authority. ❜
❛ I thought it was an act. I figured you just played the housewife so you could keep a roof over your head. Spread your legs or suck his dick twice a week and you're set. You never have to work a day in your life. And I thought, "Good for her, she found her angle," but...this is really you. Isn't it? ❜
❛ Words got us into this, words can get us out. ❜
❛ You're a collection of impeccable, elaborate masks in orbit of a stunted heart. ❜
❛ There are certain things one shouldn't have to face in life. Time enough for self-reflection after. ❜
❛ I don't normally like to get my hands this dirty, but honey, you earned it. ❜
❛ I see you now. I look at you and I see... You. The poverty of you. ❜
❛ The real world is Darwinian. Survival, chaos, power. Leverage. ❜
❛ You feel it. In the air. We're sitting outside of time and space. ❜
❛ This is the moment luck meets opportunity. ❜
❛ In the ancient world, we'd seal this with blood, or spit. And then later, papyrus. But, a deal's a deal all over the world. ❜
❛ We're a... virus, I think. People, I mean. ❜
❛ But everyone loves something. And in that love there's collateral. ❜
❛ I say this with love. Let it go. Let it all go. ❜
❛ So I say, we stand tall and proud. Bill's come due. Let's not hide here in the basement like we've got something to be ashamed of. No. Not us. You and me against the world. ❜
❛ It may not have been perfect, but you can't say we didn't change the world. How many people can say that at the end? ❜
❛ I knew I would climb to the top of the tower on a pile of corpses. ❜
❛ It don't matter in the end why you did any of it. I don't fucking care why you did it. We don't want your confession, or your rationale, or your explanation. ❜
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bloodykora · 9 months
If you’re still doing Buggy headcanons: Sooo I always actually thought big noses on people are INCREDIBLY attractive. Give me men with noses that look just a bit too beaten up, women with noses that are big and wide, give me Roman noses and hawk noses and any unconventionally attractive nose and I am SWOONING.
… I feel the prompt almost writes itself at this point, what would Buggy think of someone who sees his funny looking nose not as a flaw but a mayor charm point and just constantly gives it kisses, traces it affectionately, boops it or comments (in all honesty and absolutely genuinely) how handsome and distinguished it makes him look, how it really suits him etc?
Wanna read about that man bluescreening because he hasn’t even treathened them yet to not make fun of his nose and they are already at the „flattering him to save themself“ stage? What do you MEAN you’re not saying that to safe yourself?!
This fucking anon/ask made me giggle so much, I literally showed it to my friends. I hope I did you and the prompt justice!
Enter the moment in Annie where Ms. Hannigan sees Warbucks’ diamond and goes “Oh my god, is that thing real?!” in shock but also delight. Me at that dude’s honker. (I want to be put on his nose like he has gangrene and I’m a leech who sucks on it to get the blood flow going) Also enter the Doja Cat quote of liking big noses.
- At first, dude is fucking weirded out. People have made comments and jokes about this stupid little red thing on his face and you… you think it’s attractive??? Huh.
- Definitely thinks you’re lying at first (and for the next few months), you’re literally the only person who is able to shut him up.
- Curtain drops, spot light is on, the blue haired clown walks in. Blabbering on about how his entrance should be more enthusiastic, but you got your eyes on your own prize, bright big red nostrils. If he wants an entrance, you’ll give him one by starting to clap loudly, getting so giddy that you start slightly hopping.
- “Oh my goodness, that is just.” Loss for words. “Are you making fun of me?” He approaches you, you hear him but his words don’t really seep into your brain at the moment. “It’s gorgeous, literally the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.” Your eyes are locked with his eyes and before he can even reply you reach up to brush your fingertip against his nose.
- Wants you dead first, no one has gotten close to touching it in years. And you, a low life nobody insults him like that. You get strung up immediately, your arm stretched so your fingers are out.
- “For that little ploy, I’ll take your fingers first and then your life.” Yes you’re scared but really could you regret it? This was the pirate’s life. “Oh, darn. Well, I’ll at least die happily. My eyes set on the most lovely nose I’ve seen in my years of life.”
- Thinks you’re still making fun of him until a few compliments later it clicks in his head that you mean it, with no hint of sarcasm or mockery. He lets you down, immediately ordering his crew to take care of the others you came with while he returns (runs) to his quarters. He’s a little intrigued by you, willing to die for a graze of his face. He keeps you as well, not that you’re upset by it.
- Crew thinks you’re hilarious, stopping a task to gaze longingly at the captain until either he realizes in which he shoos you back to work or he walks away. You boost his ego a ton though.
- From a distance he can ignore the thoughts he knows you’re thinking but up close, when they’re said in front of the crew, other pirates, hostages. He’s been known to cover your mouth with something so he doesn’t freeze up. When yall get together though, its game over.
- The first time you licked it, he almost saw some form of god. The angel's chorus was in his ears and he couldn’t help but say a little prayer in his head about you.
- Kissing it at least 3 times a day for good luck, rubbing up and down the bridge to soothe him to sleep, nipping at it when you feel playful. Not to mention he now has your voice in his head if he ever insults it going: “That’s not true! It is like one of the top 3 of the things I love about you and if you are mean to it again then I’m gonna cut it off and keep it all day!”
- Laying in his bed just watching him go about the day when you drop a “If my memory was wiped tomorrow I hope I’d get to keep at least the picture of your nose in my head.” before just turning over and going to rest. You hear him physically stop in his tracks and then a thud, he had let go of a boot.
- He doesn’t ever want to ask for praise about his nose on the days where he feels more insecure but you can tell by the way he rubs it on your collarbone and shoulder. You immediately pull out the good old “Have I told you how dashing attractive your nose is today? I seriously would just hop on and ri-” he doesn’t let you finish the sentence, cutting you off with a kiss knowing where it’s going.
- If anyone comments on his nose, you are the first to bite back. Threatening to cut out their tongue and string it up for future people to understand their place. Then squish Buggy while speaking highly of his stunning feature and how lucky they are to see it in the first place.
- You’re kinda crazy but hey, so is Buggy and he loves that you’re insane about him and his nose.
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onsunnyside · 2 years
✎ 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧
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𝗣𝗮𝗶𝗿𝗶𝗻𝗴 | Lloyd Hansen x stripper!reader
𝗪𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | possible DARK undertones but it’s really just Lloyd being Lloyd: toxic relationship, manipulation, power imbalance, mean!Lloyd, threatening/blackmail. sex worker!reader, SMUT - minors DNI, dirty talk, daddy kink, degradation, dumbification, gunplay, choking, dom/sub undertones. implied: oral (f), somnophilia, reader with other men. 
𝗦𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | Lloyd comes to take you back home. Based on these asks (1) (2) and written for my I Can Fix Him Party.
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𝗔/𝗡 | ahh I saw the gray man today and can’t wait for all the Lloyd love !! He’s super fun to write hehe, I hope you all enjoy this little thing I wrote half asleep, there’s bound to be mistakes but as always, all mistakes are my own. this was written for my ❤️‍🔥 𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐱 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
˗ˏˋ𝐌𝐚𝐢𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭ˎˊ˗ ⋰˚ 𝐂.𝐄. & 𝐂𝐨. 𝐌𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭
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“Say it, or I blow your brains out—not that there’s much up there anyway.” 
“Eat shit and die, asshole.” 
The safety clicks off and you clench your teeth, pressing your bare back against the jagged brick wall. Your ankles get a little weak, either stupid fear or the seven-inch heels. 
“You wanna run that mouth again? Or should I get a little trigger happy?” Lloyd cocks his head, and his moustache twitches with his sly smile. 
Although your heart thumps against your chest, you refuse to show weakness—for however long you can last. It’s already longer than you thought, but as soon as he brought out the handgun, you knew it was only a matter of time. “Do it, I dare you.” 
Lloyd, the fucking sociopath, points the gun past your face and fires, the loud shot booms through the empty alleyway and rattles your brain. A ringing resonates in your ears, and a painful sharpness blooms from your temples. 
“A few weeks in another city and acting ballsy isn’t going to change the fact that you’re right back where you started.” He brings the smoking muzzle too close for comfort, “Say, I’m your whore.” 
You open your mouth for another snide remark but are cut off with a quiet whimper. You slump against the bricks when Lloyd traces the muzzle down your chest, so delicate that if it weren’t freezing cold steel and still smelling like gunpowder, you’d mistake it for his strangely soft hands. 
Just a simple touch and you were his pathetic girl again. 
“Say, I’m just your dumb whore, daddy. I can’t think for myself, I’m all yours.” His tone drips with smugness. All along he knew that little touch would break down your final walls, but he enjoys your banter, watching you squirm and get all heated up. It makes him rock hard. “Say it, sunshine.” 
You refuse, shaking your head and turning away. Setting your glare on one of his men stationed at the end of the alley, their mere presence a brutal reminder that wherever you go, Lloyd won’t be that far behind. There’s nothing and no one able to stop him, not moving cities or even countries, changing your name and transforming your entire appearance. 
Admittedly, you didn’t do much of that, you couldn’t since life had been hard enough. All you could do was move to another city for a few weeks before coming back when cash got too tight—and you found yourself in the same city you escaped from, and working at the fucking rival club of your first. 
You were back at the beginning with the same name, same look, same job, same problems, and the same man sniffing you out like a dog. 
Worst of all, you don’t even think you hate him anymore—or if you hated him at the start, and maybe you enjoy the chase that always leads to you getting caught. Maybe you liked him, no, you definitely liked him, regardless of how much you didn’t want to. 
Lloyd tsks in disappointment, tapping the muzzle on your hard nipple. “I guess I’ll just find that one friend of yours again, has her nose healed from last time?”
Your face falls, “Please—don’t, please, Lloyd. Please don’t drag her into this again.” 
He raises a brow, “oh, now you’re being sweet? Are you gonna be a good girl for me now, pumpkin? Or does daddy have to put this gun somewhere else?” Lloyd taunts, licking his lips as his eyes trail down your scantily clad body, eventually landing on the tiny black thong. “Someplace tight, wet, and fucking delicious.” He growls, lewdly rubbing over the bulge in his pants. 
Indecent memories of shiny steel, sodden fabric and bruised skin flash through your mind. 
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Lloyd has you pinned against his desk, the tray of breakfast long forgotten since you walked into his office as he was polishing his guns.  
“My pretty girl in a pretty apron, I must be doing something right.” He snorts, “Maybe I’ve been forgiven and blessed for all that shit last week, hm?”
You can’t answer him, all too lost in the pleasure as he rubs the barrel of his gun between your folds, paying special attention to your sore clit. Your hips jerk upward, meeting his slow motions as you grasp his bare shoulders, digging your nails into the muscle.
“You’re real sensitive,” He observes, tightening his hand around your throat, “Aw, did daddy treat your button too rough this morning? I just couldn’t help myself, you’re so beautiful when you sleep, could practically smell you all ready for me. It was a good wake-up call, right baby?”
Since you’re too fucked out to do anything, he forcibly makes you nod and hooks his fingers in your mouth to move your lips.
“Yes, daddy, I’m just a little whore who wants to be fucked while I sleep, and bred until I cry.” Lloyd says in a high-pitched voice, then gasps, “Oh, that can’t be true. I never knew my girl was such a whore.” He presses the weapon harder against you, even dipping the muzzle to your drippy hole, nearly fucking you through your panties. “Let’s see if I heard you right: you want to be used, fucked stupid and pumped full?”
“Daddy—I, fuck.” You gasp when he pulls the cotton to the side, harshly rubbing your swollen clit with the cold steel. 
“Still can’t speak? That’s okay, I know what to do.” He proceeds to slide the hard barrel up and down your slit, alternating between speed and pressure, bullying your button until you cry out. “If only you could tell me how much you like my gun on your pretty pussy, I’d let you come.” 
You whine at that, eyes squeezed shut as his hand returns to your neck, keeping you upright. 
As the weapon pulls away, he prods the muzzle at your bare hole, “Look at that…” He trails off, holding the gun inches from your face. The steel is gleaming with your arousal, “I guess you are a whore, sunshine.” He smiles widely, bringing the handgun to his mouth for a small taste, “You did way better than I thought you could, pumpkin. You gonna polish the rest of daddy’s guns like a good girl?”
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Your thighs clench tightly, an unmistakable wetness soaking through the fabric. “I’ll come with you—just leave her alone, please.”
“You’re so sexy when you beg,” He groans. “And, as much as I love watching you flaunt your body, my bed is cold. So, gather whatever shit you have,” he nods over his shoulder at the back entrance of the strip club, the music flowing into the night air, “And, tell your sleazy boss you’re going home.”
“And, if he stops you, we’re going to have some fun and the pervert can finally get what he’s been wishing for.” 
You know that look, it’s all too familiar. It’s the same shadow that made you notice him in the first place. 
After giving a client a private show, doing far more than was professionally ‘allowed,’ you spotted a man in the next room. Immediately, there wasn’t a doubt in your mind that this stranger knew what you did. 
He was clad in a patterned shirt and white pants, slowly sipping from a glass cup as he gestured you over with two fingers. When you didn’t move, he brought out a wad of cash, then another and another until there was a healthy stack of bills on the table. Far more than what you made in the last two months. 
“I want you for the rest of the night. Don’t mention other men, don’t leave my sight, and you can walk away with double that.” He points to the cash, spreading his legs wide as you try to ignore the intimidating bulge in his pants. “Hopefully, that guy prepped you, if not,” He chuckles to himself, “I guess you won’t be walking away—more like, crawling.” 
Lloyd tucks the gun into the holster and his gold pinky ring gleams, “I’m going to fuck you in front of your boss, let him see how pretty you are getting split open on my cock—then I’m gonna cut off his boner, and shove it in his mouth so he can taste what dirty, slimy, scumbag he is.” He cups your cheek, darkness clouding his blue eyes when he swipes a drop of some bastard’s cum from your skin. “And, when we get back home, you’re going to give me the name and description of whoever you just blew.”
“Lloyd—it’s confidential.”
“You think I care?” He spins you around, steadying you with his big hands on your hips before patting your ass, squeezing the flesh. “Off you go, and be quick, I have work tomorrow.” Lloyd silently praises the paper-thin garment on your lower half. “Remember you don’t have to worry about a thing, baby. Daddy’s gonna take care of everything.” 
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𝐄𝐧𝐝𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞𝐬: well Lloyd is definitely one of my faves atm !! he’s so 😵‍💫😵‍💫 pls know I wrote this half asleep and it’s 4am so goodnight !!
𝐒𝐩𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞! This was written for my ❤️‍🔥 𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐅𝐢𝐱 𝐇𝐢𝐦 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲
As always, I hope you all enjoyed this and I’d love to hear your thoughts/feedback !! <3 — ☼ 𝐃𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐦𝐲 𝐊𝐨-𝐟𝐢 ☼
I don’t do taglists anymore. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ 𝐅𝐨𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 & 𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧 𝐨𝐧 𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐢𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐦𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲: @𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐧𝐲𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐫𝐚𝐫𝐲
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skeletonqueen06 · 1 year
Listen I wanna read a Post Tournament of Power fic where:
1. A week after the ToP, Goku feels bothered somewhat leaving the Zenos behind. (kind of)
2. So, Goku suggests to hold an after-party event (picnic-style) where everyone is invited. Everyone means EVERYONE. The Zenos, participants who participated in the ToP, each universes Kaioshins and their respective Gods of Destructions, like literally everyone, including the Z gang too.
3. When he first proposed the idea to Beerus and Whis, Beerus goes like "Hell naw, not on your fucking life" while Whis goes like "Sounds interesting, maybe I should call my Father and see what he thinks about this." After lots of pestering, beerus and the kaioshins finally agreed and miraculously everyone from other universes are fine with it as well.
4. Then Chichi and Bulma got busy preparing for the after-party.
5. When the picnic finally happen, everyone from other universes were so tense because the Zenos will be there too. The gang from the U7 on the other hand literally excited for the picnic.
6. Goku formally introduced the Z gang and his family members to the Zenos.
7. When Chichi finally met the Zenos face to face, she was instantly on grandma's mode, and said, "Now that I see you up close, you're so small. Here lemme fix you up something real quick, so you'll grow big and strong like my husband.
8. Everyone excluding the Goku's family was hella sweating at this point. Beerus and Champa just kept on eating thinking that they might as well die with full stomach.
9. Goten and Trunks asked the Zenos to play with them. Goten and Trunks taught the Zenos lots of fun games.
10. Pan on the other hand fly around the Grand Priest's head while trying to touch his hallo-thingy. Bulla was crawling around his feet trying to get his attention.
11. At this point, other people from other universes thinks that either the people from U7 have the nerve of steel, or they just literally bunch of crazy bastards.
12. Many fun things happen in the party. Kame Sennin let his perverted nature loose, the Saiyans and other warriors have an eating contest and all. Bonus point if Chichi and Bulma bonded with Kale and the others over how stupid Saiyans men can be while Cabba docilely sitting as he heard their complains wishing it won't be him they go to.
13. Anyway in the end, everyone enjoys the party.
14. Before leaving back to Earth, Goku said to the Zenos that if they ever felt bored again, might as well come to earth and have some fun there.
Sorry for the bad grammar. English is not first language, you see. But I really want to put this idea out there hoping that someone will write the fic or something.
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sparatus · 7 months
Sparatus? 🙂
Sexuality Headcanon: painfully bisexual. somebody please stop surrounding this old man with hot people his heart can't take it. also very much not xeno in the slightest
Gender Headcanon: turian gender stuff is complicated and doesn't fit into human binaries, so while he's generally understood to be and is fine with being perceived as a cis man because he's perfectly happy with the body he was born with, a closer approximation is masculine nonbinary, just... not the way humans understand nb to be
A ship I have with said character: i mean. [gestures vaguely to entire internet presence] do i even have to specify teia at this point.
aside from the obvious, sparatus/quentius is also a fave, i do so love boss and loyal dragon dynamics, and the two of them are that plus a flip side out of work where they're just best mean girl friends hanging out being catty old men together. plus for bad end it makes it so much juicier that not only was sparatus quentius's friend but also a sometimes-lover, bad end hurts but it's so so deliciously messy
plus also @thetrashbagswasteland put sparatus/desolas in my head and it bops around from time to time, just like, suave but chaotic military man with the personality of a mob boss "you wanna fuck me so bad it makes you stupid" vs prickly by-the-book law boy "i hate that you're actually as charming as you think you are you charismatic asshole" i think it would be fun okay someday ill write it teia and abrudas can also get in on it for fun or they can bang on the side it's fine
A BROTP I have with said character: sparatus & quentius, for reasons listed above. the more i dabble around the more sparkyteia and quentilea are becoming just a platonic polypile, oopsie, they're all good friends. also quite fond of sparatus & saren, because saren is very well-trusted and the council's golden boy and not every spectre is going to have shepard's experience with the council so it only makes sense for saren to have that sort of loyal right hand kinda dynamic with sparky. sparatus & valern is also fun for my usual political intrigue reasons but we don't have time to get into the complicated bullshit fueling the turian-salarian alliance rn
A NOTP I have with said character: sparatus/shepard, for reasons i should hope are obvious by now. guys idk how to explain this but sometimes characters just hate you without secretly wanting to fuck you. he has legitimate criticisms of shepard and ill die on this hill, there's no ust he isn't into you and mad about it he just doesn't like your fucking attitude. and you can't convince me your shepard somehow turns it around into genuine love, i don't fucking believe you, it's ooc some characters will simply never grow to truly Like you more than respecting your ability and that's fucking okay and normal
also sparatus/saren, because while i adjust saren's age in my work to bring him up to 70 in me1 (and closer to sparky, 76) the main works i know of for that ship have sparatus more than twice his age (in his 60s while saren was EIGHTEEN) and taking advantage of the age gap and saren's emotional turmoil after his brother's death to groom him into the perfect partner, which... oh my god no. and it was presented as romantic! as saren's first real love before nihlus!! i am calling the police!! and pretty much everyone ive seen who talks about that ship got it from that fic so. yeah that author is my parasocial enemy
A random headcanon: despite how closely they have to work together, and sparky being a prosecutor pre-politics (thus allegedly on the side of the cops), he and pallin have a rather... antagonistic relationship, mostly because of how sparky responds to pallin's complaints about spectres ("i'll let them know" which usually means nothing will be done and the spectres will continue treating civil misdemeanors and traffic violations like a game) but also because sparky himself has personal beef with like 7 different prominent cops, is from a "fuck the cops they're imperial shills we can police ourselves" background, and is so so good at being pedantic and annoying when he's feeling petty which is any time pallin isn't talking about an actual serious issue. he wants pallin to stop bothering him about traffic stops. pallin wants to fuck the smug look off his face. they're not allowed to have face-to-face meetings without quentius present because they WILL go straight to childish squabbling.
General Opinion over said character: he's my grandpa. he's Me. nobody in this fandom deserves him y'all need to remove the main character pov blinders and think about shit from his perspective and stop just assuming he's racist and stupid because he tells you no. the man has his position for a reason, and if you listen to what he's actually saying he's DEEPLY empathetic and concerned with how the public at large will be affected, he fucking cares about people it's canon it's canon it's CANON he literally goes behind his colleagues' backs to try to help you save palaven and stop the war right away that's not what a selfish heartless bureaucrat who only cares about his own small circle does i have ESSAYS dammit
.... oops i care about this old man So Much
send me a character
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theshippirate22 · 2 months
Eliza pushed her salad around with her fork and leaned mischievously over the table toward him. "I like her," she whispered conspiratorially.
Hunter cocked an eyebrow. "Okay."
"No," She emphasized. "I like her."
He froze. A million thoughts went rushing through his head simultaneously and caused some sort of delay. Eventually, he said dejectedly, "C'mon, E."
"I'm serious. She's fun and she's cute and she can put up with your bullshit-"
He shook it off instantly. "I am way too old for her. She wouldn't want me."
Eliza smirked. "Have you told her that?"
He rolled his eyes and scrubbed his face beneath his glasses. "You're... I'm not... No, that's ridiculous. That's stupid to even think about."
"Have you? I mean, you should hear the way she talks about you... It's not ridiculous or, or stupid to her."
"I don't want to talk about it."
"Well, I do, so shut up and listen." She set her hands down authoritatively on the table. "You know, most men would kill for what you've got. You've got a girl that really likes you, she's young, she's pretty, she's smart. Fuck the age gap, she doesn't care, I promise. It's really not that bad."
"I am nine years older than her. I was born in a different century. I have played video games older than her."
Eliza rolled her eyes this time. "You're right. Why would she ever want your stubborn ass? Fine, die alone and give up the best thing that's ever happened to you. See what I care." She pushed away from the table and stood up.
“Eliza! Come on, don't..."
"See you later, Hunter." She put her hands on his shoulders long enough to kiss his temple before she went off.
Hunter rubbed the tense spot between his eyebrows beneath his glasses.
And, in his annual moment of obedience, texted Lyn.
Wanna get Panda and watch Beetlejuice?
The response came almost instantly.
Can’t tonight :) I’m going out with Ben
Hunter wasn’t sure what he wanted but it wasn’t that. His stomach dropped.
“Fuck,” He mumbled, flipping his phone face down so he didn’t have to look at it another second.
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rayinberkeley · 2 years
You think I’M the monster?
So, hi everybody. Um, yeah..... I guess you all saw the massive explosion that I got stuck in, that leaves you thinking I'm a giant monster, wishing cancer on a poor, innocent lady who was swarmed by hate from a mob of evil people you think I'm a part of.
Alright, well... no. I’m not. And no, I don’t just go around wishing people die of cancer. You'll probably ignore this and go, "tl;dr lol" at me, but I'm gonna show you some shit anyway. Because there really is a lot more to this than you think. And I don’t mean about what really started that drama. In fact I still don’t even know what caused it. But you need to know, this is the entire exchange, and the reason why I was angry enough to say so.
And yes, you can be driven to that level of anger, and yes, by a poor lady you think did nothing wrong (but totally did).
First, because I just want to get this out of the way, here's a little about your girl Gamma. Some interesting pertinent tidbits in here... because since then, I've seen ALL this said about your girl:
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Do I know anything about these incidents? No. I don't know her at all. So if you wanna defend the poor little thing against these accusations, take it up with the people who said it, not with me.
My entire point here is to show you want happened with ME. What drove me to saying what I said, and why I'm not sorry.
I was told it's always wrong to say what I said. Like nobody else has ever been driven to saying something ragey. And that there’s no justification just because I was "having a bad day." Actually my day was just fine. I'd just seen Book of Mormon on stage, enjoying my coffee and a football game, and while upset that five gay men were murdered in a nightclub the day before, I was doing just fine.
Again, I don't know her and didn't follow her. I only know for some reason Twitter saw fit to put her tweet, the one that started it all, on my feed, just like they do a billion rightwing motherfuckers I don't care about. You've seen me scream at Twitter about that multiple times.
And here it is. And this should be enough, because apparently many of you need to be informed of this fact: it is offensive as fuck.
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This screenshot was taken as it appeared on my feed. A million of you told me, "Well he started it!" and that it isn't what I think it is. As you can see, whatever she was Quote Tweeting is not visible to me. If I want to look at WHY she said it, I'd have to tap on the quote-tweet and scroll up to what led to it, but I can't do that if I’m "unable to see this tweet because..."
What I see is a woman yelling at a gay man about not doing something for the wrongly imprisoned Japanese. I didn’t even know what Greg she was talking to. Just that she’s got a gay kid, and she’s not homophobic at all and fights for the gays, but...... on the day after five of us are murdered, she wants to know what this one gay person named Greg did for Japanese internment.
What. The. FUCK?
What I don't understand is, how do you even justify this? You all had a chance to tell me why it's justified and you instead chose to yell at me. I could get no answer from any of you other than rage and stupidity, and I damn sure didn’t get anything from her.
Are you not aware why it's offensive? 
Would you listen to me if I told you? 
Because I'm going to tell you.
Tit for tat, she says. On the day after five murders of gay men, somehow gays were supposed to, "tit for tat" do something about..... what? Something from a century ago? So random. So off the wall out there, and I'm hardly the only one to think so. Lots of people expressed how bizarre this was:
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This has the smatterings of the incident recently with Sarah Silverman. You may remember, as it JUST HAPPENED RECENTLY (unlike Japanese Internment from FDR) that Silverman accused people of not saying anything about Kanye's antisemetic remarks, and she was demanding we do so. You all swarmed her, as did I, that she must not have been following good folks if she hadn't seen the outrage Ye received. Not just then but for quite some time now.
But for devil's advocacy, for no reason other than to demonstrate a point, let’s just say: what if nobody WAS saying anything about his antisemetic remarks? She'd have been right to say so. She's not, cuz we did, before you have a kneejerk reaction to that. My point isn't that. My point is that at least she’d have a point if she were right.
What Gimble (or whatever her name is) said... was worse. Way worse than Silverman’s statement. No, not just because Japanese Internment wasn't nearly so recent. But because there's no way for her to be right even if no gays did anything about Japanese internment.
Why didn't we gay men just put on our thparkly little thuperhero tights and rethcue those poor Japanese a century ago? I want you to think about that for a second. Why didn’t we?
(And one of you decided to come at me and go, "Um excuse me, it wasn't a century ago. It happen in the 1940's which is less than I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, CHAD.)
But no, just why?
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Well it might be because WE WERE IN FUCKING HIDING!!!!!!!!!! This little point didn't occur to a single one of you as to why what she said was INCREDIBLY FUCKING OFFENSIVE? Not a single one of you?
Gays were in terror, hiding in speakeasies, drinking watered down cocktails that the mafia sold us because those were the only places we could feel slightly safe. How do you all not know this? Our hangouts would be raided by police with batons, who'd then shove us into the back of police trucks, all while reporters would shove cameras in our faces to catch the fags. We had to try to hide our faces with handcuffed hands, because if our face was recognized our entire life was ruined. Because the people of America were shown such wonderful things about us, that we were praying on little boys, much like we're being attacked and labeled as "groomers" every single fucking day now. We are under attack RIGHT NOW, not just by murders like at Q or at Pulse, but by nonstop rightwing radio and media, and with legislation and groomer propaganda. Right now. Not (slightly less than) a century ago. Oh, even the raiding of gay bars wasn't just a thing of last century. Ask the Atlanta Eagle. Oh you can't. It was shut down.
You wouldn't hear George Takei blame gays for not rescuing him from that camp. Maybe you should have a talk with him about it.
Jesus fucking Christ, what the fuck is wrong with all of you that you didn't see how offensive that was? 
Oh, but you ALL screamed at me, that’s not what she MEANT!  And "She's not homophobic, how dare you say that!" except I didn't. I don't reach for low-hanging fruit like that, and I don't need yet another motherfucker telling me she didn't mean that, because there it is, her saying exactly that, and her demanding some fucked up "tit for tat" from a gay man.
Yes, she did, motherfucker, it's right the fuck there and stop saying it isn't.
But you think she’s being “attacked” and “for no reason”? I don’t even know why I’m cropping the person’s name out who said this, because he damn sure didn’t give ME any courtesy:
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You all instead kept yelling at me that I can't be offended by that. Every one of you would have said, at least at one point in your life, that you don't get to tell someone what can and cannot offend them, and yet you DON'T afford that to me. You do realize that, don't you?
No. Apparently I've no right to tell her that horrible thing I did, no excuse, no reason could possibly justify it. I’m not trying to justify it. I’m explaining why I said it. Because you all think I just right out told her to die of cancer ‘for not reason.” You DO know I didn't just say that, right? 
No, in fact my reaction was simply this:
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It could've ended there. She could’ve recognized that I was offended, if she’d had any sense that what she said might’ve been even remotely wrong, or at the very least come across wrong to others. If she’d been thinking about anybody else’s sensitivities. (I remind you in the tweets above she had no sensitivity to the man with PTSD wanting a trigger warning). 
But instead of that, she had to go and do this:
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I don’t get why I’m not allowed to see my own tweet, but it’s my tweet she’s quoting there. As she makes a joke out of this whole thing.
And that's where things really began. You see, you should all know how Twitter works. You can reply easily enough. She could apologize. She could explain she didn't mean what she said that way. Or..... you can quote tweet someone so as to say, "Hey everybody, look what this person said to me!" because you wanna fish for attention. 
And that, I hope you realize, is exactly what she did. As you can see, she quote-tweets my comment, which was supposed to be, "Take your tit and go" except my phone keyboard decided to "autocorrect" it to tits by adding an s. Having already outraged me, instead she's all, Hey everyone, look what he said to me, How do I take them off? LOL... like this is a fucking joke to her.
Alright, well..... if she wants to talk about removable body parts..... I just suggested she do whatever she did to detach her brain before she said that offensive as fuck thing she did. And.....
Hey everybody, look what he said! Those are words! LOL... laughy emoji!
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Does it look like she’s someone who cares a damn about other people? It sure as fuck doesn’t to me. I’m obviously gay, it’s obviously the day after the murders, and she’s obviously making all the fun about how outraged I am at her comment.
And I’m outraged at her “for no reason at all.”
This is the second time she pokes the bear that she’s already just offended. And now, I'm fucking livid. So, “Becky with the fucked hair” (and no, I’ve no fucking idea why her hair looks so fucked, and I don’t CARE!)
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One more poke, and this one with an added attempt at acting like, “I’m on base!” cuz of some victimhood thing she pulls out of her ass. Now, she's already hidden behind her gay kid which is despicable enough. 
I have a gay kid so I can't possibly be homophobic, BUT...
You all know what it's like when someone says, "I'm not racist, but..." and this was no different. And apparently she said this about Japanese internment because she claims some Japanese heritage, so she's using that as well. Now she's using chemo, like I’m supposed to fucking know that about her.
And I've had my last ounce of chill at this point. Cuz she’d do anything to protect gays, except you know, not joke about them after murders. NOW I drop my rage bomb. I don't JUST say horrible things to poor, poor women. I have to be driven very, VERY far before I'd lose my shit like that, and she took me all the way there:
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And I blocked her. 
Okay, NOW I'm having a bad day. 
So no, I didn’t just tell her I hope she dies of cancer because I’m a big careless misogynist meanie and a monster. I was pushed there. And I am not some fucking child that needs your reprimand about what you don’t say to people. Especially people too stupid to see why I was offended. 
Don’t fucking insult my intelligence.
By this point, I wouldn't give a shit if she tried to tell me she has a week to live. I'd have probably said Then speed it the fuck along, because as far as I'm concerned, this person, I don't even know, is yet another Twitter troll who'll throw up anything to excuse their shitty behavior. You know exactly what I’m talking about. You've seen them. First name bunchanumbers, jumps in, says something that pisses you off, and no matter what you come back with, they throw up something they make up, entirely out of their ass, to insist you “assumed” something about them, and finish off with an obligatory “lol” instead of punctuation. They always try to disarm you with random and irrelevant shit, and you know anybody can say anything on Twitter. And it’s already real clear to me, she’s not taking anything seriously.
So I don't even fucking CARE. And I shouldn't have to. Because this was some serious bullshit. And if you can't see that, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Did I overreact? Well you would probably think so because this woman, who kept quote-tweeting me for your attention, had just been given the MOTHERLODE of sympathy-getters to get all she wanted from fools like you, who wouldn’t even give it a second thought to condemn me. Why? Cuz I lost my fucking shit, and I couldn’t even think straight. The crime is not that I said it, but that she got me there. 
But you don’t care, cuz she shows you, you saw red, and she gets exactly what she wants. Ta dah! This is how Karens work.
If I have one more finger-wagging, pearl clutching, self-righteous person come at me with, "Now Ray, you don't wish someone dead of cancer!" like I don’t fucking know you don’t, I was gonna fucking lose my goddamned shit worse. I particularly like "Do better!" Better? Okay fine, she can die of cancer AND the clap. How's that for better?
As you can see, I’m not sorry. I didn’t ask for this shit.
All the excuses ya’ll made for her! I got to see them and they were so insane. Oh but that's not what she meant, you said, and But HE started it (whoever HE is), and my favorite: But the poor thing was just being swarmed! 
Oh please. Hello, welcome to fucking Twitter. You have all participated in swarming people who say offensive shit, yet you’re clutching your pearls cuz I wasn't nice to her for saying whatever the fuck that was? Nothing justifies what she said. And it doesn't even have to be JUST that she said it on the day after five gay murders, but also that she not once, not twice, but three times tried to use me for her entertainment. She was using me for cruel fucking jollies. Do you not see that?
And don’t act like saying that is new just because lady tears activated your heart strings. Do you have any idea how many of these Bernie-or-Bust little brats have told me they hope I keep smoking my cigars and die of cancer? Did any of you defend me? No, and I didn’t need you to.
Did any of you have anything at all to say about the esteemed “Mr. Weeks”?Maybe you don’t know, because I didn’t cry and beg for your attention. But he blocked me and told me to STFU because he's offended by the word "cisgendered," and when asking what it even meant, I simply told him the Latin meaning, and why it's really no different than "HETEROsexual." Well to let you know, he and several of his followers insisted (and these are not my words)  that their Black ass don't need no more words stamped on them, sending actual trans people on here to feel absolutely abused. I was there for them, but I don’t remember a single one of you. 
We LGBTQ truly cannot trust any of you.
Ya'll saw what you wanted to see, and just snapped right into your little narratives about men being monsters to women, and tossing me right on that pile without hesitation. And I might expect that from people who know nothing about me. But those of you who coddled her, ignored her offensive as fuck thing, and fell for the Karen tears, I have to say, I honestly thought you knew better.
Oh yeah, and I saw a certain lesbian activist's little diatribe about "toxic white gays" and their misogyny, and how they use the term "Karen" wrong as though they don't know what it means. I mean you had to fall right into your little script of your hate for the gay boys, didn't you?
Gurl please. See if I don't know what a Karen is. 
A Karen is a woman who throws herSELF onto the hood of your car and then screams at people, "He's trying to run me over!" to get sympathy and bring unjust harm onto the accused. A Karen pokes a bear and then tries to get you to hate the bear because she got her ass bit.
I've even said, a time or two, that while the blood of Jesus is supposed to wash away your sins, the tears of a Karen washes away your humanity in the eyes of the fools who fall for her shit.
Goombah, or whatever her name is, cried her little Karen tears and showed you all what I said, supposedly for no reason at all, and not a one of you saw any humanity in me whatsoever. No reason to hear a word I said. No reason to consider my case when I provided receipts. No reason to wonder why I might have said it. Just run to comfort the poor little thing that the big meanie attacked for no reason at all. How could she possibwy be wrong in any way at all? Why, she was just being all innocent and defenseless and minding her own widdle business, and along came one of those tOxIc wHiTe gAyS, right? Who needs to know any more? I don't have feelings. I am not allowed to be offended. I'm nobody. Toss my ass in the garbage and go help the crying little thing. Guilty because well I just am and that’s all there is to it.
Hopefully you understand, that's how she treated gay men the day after the murders, and the rest of you gave us, in this supposedly evil mean monster swarm you all told me about, exactly zero consideration. Exactly zero agency. Exactly zero humanity. Zero benefit of doubt. Zero reason to care at all that she just said, and yes she fucking did, that gays should "tit for tat" have done something about Japanese internment in the 1940s as though that’s perfectly okay to say.
Every. Single. One of you.
I honestly cannot believe how, in a split second, in a beat of a heart, you ALL fell for this shit, and my entire standing goes up in flames. That’s fucked up.
Gays are always used by straight women who want safety, and then when they’re done we are disrespected, and so damned disposable that even those of you who should know better toss us aside the second we're not useful. Oh hello, it was just a week ago or so that a story came out of a bachelorette party in a gay bar got out of control and some woman bit the fuck out of one of the gay male patrons. I said something about when Jack on Will & Grace said, "Grace honey, I'm not like the other men in your life. I... WILL slap you." Because in that moment I totally would if you fucking bit me.
And oooooh some of you did not like that. And I don't give a fuck. I have a right to defend myself, against any Karen. We have to learn to be. The abuse from straight girls is unfathomable. Some of you might not know this, but in fact gay men are being shamed into giving up our spaces constantly to women because if we don't we're oh so misogynist and mean, even to the point where women are supposed to be allowed (I'm not making this up) to compete in MISTER Leather events, but there is no tit for tat there for MISS. Leather events. You didn't know that, did you? We have a lady Mister San Francisco Leather recently and men were made into monsters if they were against it, because how dare they be!?
Me? I get that gender isn't binary, and I stayed all the way out of that quagmire, because I've already been made aware I am not allowed to have a thought on that. But I do feel for how ripped-to-fucking-shreds some of my friends have been over that. Because like gender, it's complicated.
I don't honestly know how much more I am expected to take before I'm allowed to be mildly annoyed, let alone excused for snapping. Five more of us murdered? Called faggot a two hundred more times? A few more million tweets insinuating we're all groomers? Before I'm allowed to have even the slightest ounce of humanity, that you don't all toss me the second some Karen tears fly, as though all I do is just abuse women all the time, so that the Man-hating Lesbo Lady can have another lengthy lecture to nodding bobblehead people about what monsters we are.
That's what I've just gone through. Thanks to Gumby or whatever she's called, and every... single... one of you. In an instant I still can't believe happened. From a woman who apparently has beaten up on PTSD people before. Remember, I have been quite open about my own crippling PTSD. My own difficult journey not just as a gay man, but as a disabled one, that has me constantly tied up in knots. So that all these little shits on Twitter who call me boomer and wish me dead from cigar smoke think they're "punching up." Like fuck they are. My PTSD is flaring up real bad right now. Defending myself is NOT easy, because every single time I did as a kid, I was abused harder, AND condemned by nearly everyone around me for fighting with women. Because I was male, and my abusers were female--my mother and sister. Never mind I was a little disabled boy and they were older, evil and used that relentlessly against me.
There is nothing more horrific than knowing you can be abused and beaten and have absolutely no right to defend yourself or run. It's why as a child, who shouldn't even know WHAT a complete nervous breakdown IS, I'd had multiple instances of them before I'd even reached the age of ten. I'd feared for my life many times even from a death threat from my own mother. You want to know why I can identify with the terror Black folks must feel with dealing with police abuse? Why the videos are traumatizing to me in a way I couldn't even put into words? That's why.
But no, I'm an unfeeling monster who just abuses women, huh?
What all just happened, condemnation from all of you because of Karen tears, because I dared defend myself, is resulting in a category 5 PTSD maelstrom right now, but you think I don’t feel. All because of your innocent little Googlymoogly, or whatever her name is, wanted some sympathy attention, and every single one of you gave it to her. And every one of you coming at me to tell me, "Now Ray, it was wrong of you!" have no idea.
When I get to the point I’m saying DON'T COME AT ME I don’t say it because I'm a mean person, but because I don't WANT to be mean, and I’m on the edge, and it feels like more internal torture than I can take. I’m not prone to being mean. In those instances I’m actually prone to curling up and crying. The fact I lashed out in defense isn’t because I’m some toxic white male, but that I finally learned I do deserve to defend myself. It was not easy for me to get to that state of self-pride. You did not know that. Now you do.
All I know now is that I can never again trust any of you. I know where I really stand with you. And I guess all this time I've been there beside you fighting the Bernie-bitches and the RoseMAGA motherfuckers means absolutely nothing. I never demanded your attention or "a cookie." I just enjoyed making you laugh and supporting you against those little demons, because for a brief moment I didn't feel alone. I never asked for anything from you. Just being seen as a person meant everything after how I'd been treated by the Right for so long, and then by the Left because I didn’t hate Hillary like they wanted. I’d fled the east coast to get away from my family’s abuse, from Obama haters who threatened me because I had the audacity to say he wasn’t a Muslim who’d behead women he didn’t like (seriously, deep south Georgia in 2008 was scary), only to get to the west coast and see representative get shot (Tucson, 2011), to see my Pride parade sabotaged by extreme Leftists in San Francisco each year, to see Russia turn my side of the political aisle into crazed haters.....
After all that, I thought I'd found safety with you on here, and clearly I was mistaken. I didn't even expect you to defend me. I just didn't need your finger in my face and your insult to my intelligence. I just needed the allowance to have the agency to decide what should offend me.
But you didn't even give me that. 
Far as I'm concerned, you can all die of fucking cancer with a side of butt herpes and some scabies on the side. You know, because all I am to you now is someone who said that one thing that one time to that one person “for no reason,” and I’m nothing more.
Thanks a fucking lot, folks. 
Really thought ya'll were smarter than that.
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Incorrect Encanto: Isabela and the ‘Twins’
Mirabel: That’s one of my biggest fears. Like, if I ever woke up as a donut...
Camilo: You would eat yourself?
Mirabel: I wouldn’t even question it
Mirabel: Ok, maybe playing ‘whose family is most dysfunctional’ wasn’t the best idea we’ve had. Camilo's been crying in the bathroom for an hour. We can’t get them out...
Camilo: You're right.
Mirabel: That's... That's an unusual phrase for you. Did you just learn it?
Camilo: I think I'm having a mid-life crisis.
Isabela: You're like 15 years old
Mirabel: I MIGHT DIE AT 30!
Trying to con some random guy
Isabela: Um, Mirabel, why am I flirting with this guy again?
Mirabel: We need money!
Isabela: You're scamming him?
Mirabel: I was thinking more like flat-out stealing from him?
Isabela: What?! No way!
Mirabel: Why not? We already stole Camilo!
Camilo: Hey guys
Isabela: No, we didn't. Camilo can think and talk for themself, they can do whatever they want!
Camilo: I wanna steal
Mirabel: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container.
Camilo: The cow???
Mirabel: What?
Isabela: Camilo, W H Y?
*Pepa finally takes Camilo to get a haircut
Mirabel, texting Isabela: Isabela! Help I’m being kidnapped
Isabela: Where are you?
Mirabel: I’m with some strange person. In a car. Help.
Isabela: I’ll call Camilo.
Camilo, answering their cell: Y’ello?
Isabela: Where’s Mirabel? They texted me that they were being kidnapped.
Camilo: Mirabel? Whaddya mean, they're right next to me-
Camilo: I’ll call you back. *hangs up*
Mirabel: WHO ARE YOU?!
Madrigal Family Dinners are always chaotic
Isabela: Mirabel, can you pass the salt?
Mirabel: *Throws Camilo across the table*
Mirabel: Tell Camilo about the birds and the bees.
Isabela: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Isabela: WHY. why did you give Camilo a KNIFE?!
Mirabel: I’m sorry. They said they felt unsafe.
Isabela: Now I feel unsafe!
Mirabel: I’m sorry.
Mirabel: ... would you like a knife?
Isabela: Would you stab your best friend in the leg for 10 million gold?
Mirabel: You stab me, and then when my leg gets better, we buy a big-ass house.
Camilo: You can stab me too, then we'll have 20 million.
Mirabel: Good thinking.
Camilo: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time?
Mirabel: The car takes a screenshot.
Isabela: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Mirabel, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him
Isabela: You did WHAT–
Camilo: William Snakepeare
Store Worker: Would a Ms. Isabela please come to the front desk?
Isabela, arriving at the desk: Hello, is there a problem?
Store Worker: points to Mirabel and Camilo
Store Worker: I believe they belong to you?
Mirabel and Camilo, simultaneously: We got lost :(
Isabela: I didn’t even bring you guys here with me-
Isabela: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me.
Mirabel: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you?
Isabela: Yes!
Camilo: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you
Isabela, driving Mirabel and Camilo: So how was your day?
Camilo: We almost got surprise adopted!
Isabela: What?
Mirabel: We almost got kidnapped.
Isabela: Oh, okay.
Isabela: *slams on the breaks* WAIT WHAT?!
Mirabel: Why are you on the floor?
Camilo: I'm depressed.
Camilo: Also I was stabbed, can you get Isabela, please.
Isabela: I told Mirabel their ears flush when they lie.
Camilo: Why?
Isabela: Look.
Isabela: Hey Mirabel! Do you love us?
Mirabel, covering their ears: No.
Camilo: Oh ok
Mirabel: Who thinks I can fit 15 marshmallows in my mouth?
Isabela: You’re a hazard to society
Camilo: And a coward. DO TWENTY.
Isabela: You have to apologize to Mirabel
Camilo: Fine.
Camilo: 'Unfuck you' or whatever.
Isabela: In your opinion, what’s the height of stupidity?
Mirabel: *turning to Camilo* How tall are you?
*after Mirabel told Camilo that she doesn’t like men*
Camilo: You should like men!
Mirabel: Ew, no, women are hot!
Camilo: *under his breath* No they’re not
Mirabel: 😦
Camilo: WAIT-
Isabela: Dear lord-
Mirabel: If you were a Disney princess, which one would you be?
Isabela: I’d probably be Sleeping Beauty, with her whole rose thing
Camilo, chugging a cup of coffee: I’d be Tinkerbell cause without attention I die
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hallelujahmeatgod · 3 years
+Keisuke Baji x reader
+Baji seeing you cry for the first time.
+warning/s: lil' angst, cursing.
+word count: 2723
You tapped your pen anxiously against your desk, more than ready to sprint the fuck out of the classroom.
You kept looking back and forth to your phone, your teacher and the clock. No control at all over the anxiety creeping into your system as time passes by.
Earlier, when you were just about to answer an exam you received a message from Mitsuya. You almost ignored it because you want to be as focused as you can be on the exam because you're not one to take studying lightly.
But thank goodness you did peek at it, but when you did your heart literally fell to your stomach and the whole world felt like it crashed down on top of you, full weight all on you, crushing you.
The message goes: Hey, you're probably taking an exam right now so I don't want to bother you, but I know for a fact you wouldn't forgive us if no one informed you about this right now. Baji, he's badly wounded right now. He confronted the men from the other gang that had disrespected Mikey, and he got beat up, pretty badly. It's so bad we needed to take him to the hospital. I can't really tell you not to panic or worry, but please try to stay as calm as you can. We got him. We'll look after him until you can come.
So there you are contemplating whether you should be relieved that you had read it right away or maybe you should've just read it after the exams so that you wouldn't feel like just fleeing right now. You never answered an exam so fast in your life.
After what seems like an eternity, the papers are finally submitted and you're dismissed. You fled the classroom in a flash, not even bothering to put your stuff back in your bag properly.
You power walked to the hospital, your heart pounding hard through your chest as if it's about to jump out. On your way there, there is nothing on your mind but Baji being in a fucked up state right now, because they don't usually have to be taken to the hospital. Even if they're all messed up they never really get patched up in the hospital, so Baji being admitted to the hospital means he's just NOT OKAY. He might just be in a gruesome state.
"You better be fucking okay or I'll beat you up even more." You mumbled through gritted teeth, sniffling, holding back the tears threatening to fall.
When you finally got to the hospital and got that hospital scent, shivers ran down your spine. You hate hospitals.
When you got to the floor he's in you saw the members all waiting outside the emergency room.
"Y/n!" Emma called, ushering you.
"He's in there right now. He's in really bad shape, I'm gonna be honest with you. He could barely breathe on his own when we saw him. But thankfully, we got to him quickly so we were able to get him here right away. You okay?" Mikey filled you in, holding you by the shoulders. You looked back at him, nodding, not really showing much emotions because honestly you're lost right now. You don't know which emotion to feel.
He could barely breathe. That played in your mind nonstop, making you just want to drop down to the floor and weep. But you can't be a weeping mess when he's fighting for his life inside. You have to be strong, so you can punch him in the face when you get to him. How stupid to confront those men by himself.
You looked around the guys, some of them giving you worried looks in which you returned with a weak smile, nodding at them to assure them you're fine. You're fucking not. You're far from it.
Your eyes fell on Chifuyu who's sitting on the ground, head hanging low. He's the only one who didn't greet you, when usually he'd be the first one to do so. You walked to him and sat beside him on the floor.
"Are you okay?" You asked the blonde who's literally burning holes on the ground by how intense he's looking at it.
His features softened when he heard you. He slowly looked at you, giving you a defeated look. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I wasn't able to protect and help him. I should've been there with him. I didn't know." He said, almost choking as he fought the tears.
You brought your hand to his head, caressing it lightly. “Nobody knew, so don't beat yourself up for it. Let’s be strong and beat him together when he’s better, then let's share peyoung noodles by ourselves, how about that?” Chifuyu instantly lit up, nodding his head like an excited puppy who’s owner just came home.
You guys waited for hours, which felt like an eternity. Some guys were eventually dismissed by Mikey though they didn't want to leave, since you guys were cramming the waiting area.
You just sat there in silence, not being your usual loud and talkative self. I mean, how could you? That very stupid, hard headed guy who you love so much is in the emergency room in whatever fucked up state he's in.
"Who are the relatives of Keisuke Baji?" A doctor finally came out, looking around the room.
All of you stood up, looking at the doctor expectantly. The group made way for Mikey, Chifuyu, and you to step up to the doctor. "We all are." Mikey answered for all of you.
"Well" The doctor cleared his throat. "He was in such a bad condition when you admitted him, which is why it took quite some time to tend to him. There was a moment when he couldn't breath by himself and his pulse was too weak."
Every single one of you looked down, Emma and some men including Chifuyu started tearing up. There's really nothing you can hear but the doctor flipping through the pages on his board and their sniffling.
"H-how is he now?" You found the courage to speak up. Your voice never sounded so low, so weak, and fragile. Lord knows you're more than ready to have a breakdown right now. But you just have to find out this instant how he's doing, because one more moment of not knowing might just make your head explode.
"He's not in the best condition." The doctor announced. If your heart had already sunk earlier, now your heart feels as if it's just been shattered.
"He's got bruises all over his body as well as broken bones. He's probably not gonna be able to move or do very physical activities for quite some time. But he's a lucky guy. Though bruised up and fractured, we didn't see any serious problems that might put his health at risk, and that's because you were able to admit him here right away. He just needs to rest up and let his wounds and injuries heal."
There it is, the rainbow after the storm, the light at the end of the tunnel.
A breath all of you unknowingly had been holding was released all at once. The sad cries are now replaced with happy ones. You engulfed Chifuyu in a warm hug, keeping him up for his legs had given up on him. You eventually felt a tap on your shoulder, and when you looked back it was Mikey.
"Doctor said we can go check on him now. You should go." He smiled at you and you gave him back a smile, understanding what he's trying to say.
"Fuyu, wanna come with me?" You looked back at Chifuyu just as you were about to enter Baji's room.
"You should go" Chifuyu gave you a knowing smile. You smiled weakly at all of them and they returned it with nods of encouragement and reassurances.
You took a deep breath, trying to clear your mind before entering fully.
There he lies, whole body, from head to toe wrapped in gauze. If this were any other occasion that isn't serious you would have probably even joked that he looked like a mummy.
He instantly felt your presence so he whipped his head towards your direction, briefly forgetting that he's in no good state so he ended up wincing from the sore neck.
"Take it easy there" You made your way to him, voice filled with concern.
He just gave you one of his strong stares, almost like a glare, not saying a word.
"A-are you feeling much better--"
"I am, stop worrying." He said in an almost annoyed tone, turning his head to the side to avoid your gaze. Which confused you. Why's he acting this way? Is he in any position to even act this way?
"What's the problem, Baji?" You asked as calmly as you can because the last thing you want is to fight him in his current situation.
He clicked his tongue, confirming that he was annoyed. "Just leave me alone" He said in a very dismissive way that really made you stare at him in shock.
You didn't move. You don't even feel like you're breathing. You just looked at him trying to decipher the situation in front of you, trying to decipher him.
All the emotions you’ve been trying hard to control have just sprung free, not giving you any more chance to control them. You’re starting to get so overwhelmed that you didn't even realize that tears are falling down your eyes. You only realized it yourself when you heard your own sob escape your lips.
Baji looked at you in a flash when he heard that sound. A sound he's never heard from you before. When he looked at you, you were dropping to your knees as you sobbed uncontrollably.
This is the first time he's seeing you cry and he hates it already.
All the attitude, annoyance, and frustrations he has was suddenly washed away with panic. He tried propping himself up but he physically just can't. The sound of your sobs is so painful that it feels as though he's being stabbed in the heart.
"Y-Y/n, w-why-- I-I" He stuttered, unable to speak properly.
You looked up at him from the ground, vision cloudy because of the tears pooling on your eyes. "D-don't ask me to leave you alone, Baji. Not wh-when I felt like I was g-gonna die when I found out y-you're hurt." You sobbed harder. "I was w-worried sick, Baji! When I found out about you being beaten up there's nothing else I want to do but be where you are and save you. I wanted to leave everything earlier, it took everything in me to not storm out of the classroom to get to you. My fucking world COLLAPSED, I was scared as shit, just imagining you fucking beaten black and blue. Imagining you heaving for fucking air while you lay on the cold, hard concrete fucking broke my heart. I was shattered completely because there's a small voice in my head that says I can lose you. AND I DON'T WANT TO FUCKING LOSE YOU. You're the only one I've ever loved like this, so If I were to lose you how am I going to continue living? I don't want to be in a lifetime without you in it, because then I'd just be existing, not living." You looked into his eyes, tears still falling from yours. He's also got tears running down his cheeks as he laid flat on the bed, can't really do anything because his body wouldn't let him. All he could do was cry out as he felt the guilt creep up his chest, swallowing his heart whole.
No words were said nor exchanged for a while after that. The only sound to be heard in the room are both of your small sobs, sniffling, and the beeps from the monitors connected to him.
“Come here.” Was the first thing he said when he managed to calm down a bit.
You slowly looked up from the floor, wiping your tears as you blink the remaining tears on your eyes away. He just looked down at you waiting for you. You didn’t ask anymore, you just stood up and walked to the side of his bed, towering over him.
He patted his chest looking at you with guilt. You didn’t put up a fight and gently laid your head on his chest, carefully wrapping your arms on his torso. This is what you’ve been meaning to do ever since you laid eyes on him. This is what you’ve been wanting to feel, his warmth and his beating heart giving you the reassurance that he’s right here.
“I-I’m very sorry” He breathed out, voice shaky. “I shouldn’t have acted like that, it was very immature. I just hate worrying people and I saw it all over your face when you came in. But what I hate even more is seeing you cry, and knowing that it’s because of me broke me even more. I’m so sorry for worrying you, for making you feel helpless, and for making you cry. I love you.”
You just sobbed on his chest, nuzzling more onto them as he wrapped one of his arms around your torso and the other to your head. Feeling his gentle breathing and the beat of his heart under you instantly washed all your worries away.
“I love you too.” You said, lifting your head, kissing the hand he has on your head before resting your chin on his chest so you can look at him. “Don’t do that shit again, Baji. You’re in a gang for a reason, you have like a hundred other guys with you so you should’ve asked for their help or talked to them about it first. I know you got offended on behalf of Mikey but I'm pretty sure he didn’t want you ending up in this state for him. This is seriously a stupid stunt. You even made Fuyu cry, you jerk!” You fully stood up, hitting him lightly on the chest. Light but hard enough for it to hurt, because you want that shit to hurt.
“OWWW!” He yelled. You just rolled your eyes at him, but then brushed some hair out of his face.
“I’m serious, don’t do that again.” You said, looking deeply into his deep dark eyes. He nodded at you leaning on your hand that’s still brushing his hair. “Promise?”
He tugged on your hand and connected your lips. Your lips danced slowly yet passionately. Everything else that he can’t put into words you completely felt through the kiss. “Promise” He breathed out. You gave him a warm smile and stood up straight.
“You better keep that promise because if you don’t expect me to beat you up, and I know Chifuyu wouldn’t think twice helping me”
“You guys are mean” He pouted.
“And you’re stupid” You retorted. Before the conversation could turn into a full blown argument, Chifuyu’s head popped inside the room.
“BAJI-SANNNNN~ Nice to see you’re still intact, considering you’re a dumbass.” Chifuyu chirped, standing beside you making you laugh.
“So everyone’s really gonna slap it to me that I’m stupid huh?” Baji groaned.
“Oh for sure. You’ll probably even get an actual slap from Mikey, maybe even a kick, who knows?” Chifuyu shrugged while lifting a plastic bag. “Y/n, look what I got!” He said fishing out the content inside. You snickered when you figured out what it was and you gave Baji a devilish look.
“You know how we plan to share one after we beat him up when he’s all good? Well since it’ll take time for us to beat him up, might as well eat now since he did exhaust us” Chifuyu grinned and you pat his head, giving him a proud parent look.
“Good call, Fuyu! Let’s eat!” You chirped.
“You guys aren’t seriously going to eat that in front of me right?” Baji gave you and Chifuyu a desperate look but you two just shrugged.
“ITADAKIMASU!!!” You and Chifuyu exclaimed, digging into your shared peyoung noodles.
“I’d rather be beaten up by those guys again than endure this torture. You spawns of the devil!” Baji groaned.
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nighthaikyuu · 3 years
Hi! I was wondering if I could request akaashi, iwa, and/or atsumu kissing their best friend, please and thank you💕 I really liked the oikawa, kuroo and bokuto one!
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— synopsis:  haikyuu boys x y/n; kissing their best-friend 
— characters included: akaashi, iwaizumi, & atsumu 
— genre: soft boi hours! fluff! lil angst! 
— author’s note: while the previous one was based off the tiktok, this one will be just general made-up plots to keep things different! (hope that’s okay!) 
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when you found out akaashi liked someone, you experienced your first heartbreak. 
you knew falling in love with your best-friend was all on you, but you couldn’t help but just hope that maybe one day he would return your feelings. 
but yet here you were, hopes and heart shattered. 
you almost wanted to breakdown the moment he told you, but you held it out as much as possible, your tears falling only once you were away from him. 
“y/n, I wanna tell you something...” he started slowly as he held the volleyball in his hand tightly. 
chuckling softly, you removed his hands from the ball, taking it from him, “you’re going to bust this if you hold it any tighter.” 
blinking, he stared at his empty hands before laughing lightly. taking a deep breath, he turned to look at you, a soft smile on his face. 
“I like someone.” 
this time it was you whose grip tightened on the volleyball. 
unsure if you heard him right, you stammered, “y-you what?” 
scratching the back of his head, he repeated shyly, “I said I like someone.”
“oh.” you responded, voice lower than a whisper. 
you quickly realized just how dejected you sounded, and if anything, that was the exact opposite of how you should’ve sounded. 
throwing on a bright smile on your face, you giggled, “ooh keiji has a crush~” you teased lightly. 
flushing, he laughed, “yea, I guess you could call it that.” 
“who is it?” you asked almost immediately, the curiosity getting the better of you. 
at that, akaashi stiffened. chuckling nervously, he averted his gaze, “um, it’s someone you know.” 
since that day, akaashi had never told you who his special someone was. you didn’t know why he was hiding it from you, after all it was better to peel the bandaid off completely rather than bit by bit like he was doing to you these last few weeks. 
it started with him telling you how amazing she was. how she was the funniest person he knew, how strong-minded she was and how beautiful she always was to him. 
then it went on to how she made him feel. how she always made his day, how he felt butterflies whenever she would touch him and how he just wants to hold her hand in his. 
and just like that, week by week, akaashi would talk about nothing but her. 
to make things worse, it appeared that most of the volleyball team knew. every day at volleyball practice you would hear their teasing remarks, bokuto’s being the loudest. and in response, his cheeks would flush in embarrassment, the sight making you only hurt more. 
should you quit? you wondered to yourself. it was hard enough on you to hear akaashi telling you his feelings, but it was a whole other thing having several people support him, reminding you every single second of every day that your best friend had fallen for someone else. 
you really loved being fukurodani’s volleyball manager. after all, it was one of the biggest excuses for you to spend more time with akaashi. but even aside from that, you made a lot of great friendships and memories with the team. 
but you really didn’t know if you could go like this anymore. 
sighing, you pulled your bag closer to you as you walked home with akaashi. 
“what are you thinking about?” 
shaking your head, you mumbled, “nothing important really.”
brows furrowing together, he asked, “mm you sure? you looked super serious for a second.” 
“dunno, just thinking about quitting being manager.” you muttered, before realizing what you had just confessed. shit. you didn't know how you were going to get out of this one. 
stopping in his tracks, akaashi’s eyes widened in surprise, “w-wait, you’re thinking of doing what?” 
muttering a soft damn it under your breath, you quickly threw on a nonchalant facade. giving him a shrug, you said casually, “it’s not that big of a deal keiji, there’s still the others.” 
turning back around, you started to walk again while akaashi stood there, fumbling for words. catching back up to you, he pressed, “but why? I thought you loved being manager?” 
biting the inside of your cheek, you knew he was right but you had to come up with some excuse, something to throw him off at least for now, “I just, school’s getting pretty busy—” 
“is that really it?” he interrupted, his voice slightly turning accusatory. 
your eyes narrowed at him, “what does that mean?” 
out of the both of you, akaashi was always the calm one. but today it was almost like you were seeing another version of him. where his eyes shook slightly, filled with an emotion that you couldn’t identify, his hands bundled into tight fists at his sides. 
“i just—” akaashi started, struggling to find the right words to say, “i feel like you’re not telling me something y/n. you’ve been off the last couple of weeks and I don’t know why—” 
you let out a bitter chuckle. 
“you’re kidding right?” 
if your reaction wasn’t enough to shut akaashi up, the words that followed definitely was. he watched as you shut your eyes tightly, your grip on your bag tightening, voice trembling, “I just, I can't do this anymore keiji.” 
akaashi’s eyes softened; moving closer towards you, he started to reach for your hand when you flinched away, the motion causing akaashi to blink in surprise. 
“d-don’t.” you whispered, blinking back the tears. “you won’t understand keiji. you won’t get what I feel and there’s no point in me telling you so please, just don’t ask me why.” 
“y/n, you can’t shut me out without even giving me a chance.” he reasoned softly to which you shook your head. 
“no, you don’t get it. e-everything will change and I just, I can’t handle that—” 
“I promise, nothing will change.” akaashi started, “you’ll always be my best friend—” 
“I don’t want to be your best friend anymore!” you finally exploded, the word starting to make you feel sick. your voice echoed through the empty street, each word coming back to haunt you when you realized what you had finally done. 
but there was no going back. 
“I want to be more than that...” you trailed off in a weak whisper. sniffling, you realized you had been crying without even knowing. brushing your cheek with the sleeve of your sweater, you added, “b-but you like someone else and that’s not your fault, it’s all mine. so just, give me some time keiji. i-i’m sorry.” you finally choked out before turning around on your heel and walking away quickly, the tears only falling faster at this point. 
shit shit shit shit
just then you felt something tug at your wrist, spinning you around as a slight yelp escaped your mouth. finding yourself being pulled towards Akaashi your faces just millimeters apart, you gasped, “keiji—!?” 
without uttering another word, akaashi closed the distance between the two of you as he grabbed your waist, pulling your frame flush against him as his lips enveloped yours in a soft kiss. his other hand cupped the back of your neck, his long fingers threading themselves into your hair as he pressed his lips tightly against yours. 
you felt like you were dreaming. 
before you could comprehend what was happening, akaashi had pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours as you watched his chest raise up and down with every breath. 
“keiji...” you whispered softly. 
“it was you.” he confessed quietly, “it was you, this whole time.” 
blinking furiously, you stared at your best friend as you slowly registered his words, “w-what, what do you mean?” 
lips quirking up into an embarrassed smile, he grinned, “the girl i said i liked? it was you y/n...that’s why i didn’t tell you who it was.” 
"oh.” you said as your cheeks flamed up in embarrassment, a shy smile appearing on your face, “it was me?” 
cupping your face in both his hands, he pressed another kiss to your lips before saying, “yes, it was you. it always has been.” 
as he gazed at you in complete adoration, you laughed softly to yourself, shaking your head in wonder. you were so preoccupied with the idea that the person akaashi liked wasn’t you, you didn’t even pay attention to all the signs and signals he had been giving trying to tell you that it was you. 
oh, how the world worked. 
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“hajime! come on!” 
turning around to look at you, he rolled his eyes at you before saying the same word he had been for the last several minutes, “no.” 
crossing your arms across your chest with a slight huff, you retorted, “but why not?! it’s really that not that big of a deal, you’re just my best friend.” 
snorting, he turned his attention back to his laptop, “what kind of best-friends do you see kissing each other y/n?” 
“you make it sound crude, it’s not like I’m asking you to be my fuck buddy.” you grumbled, “I just said to teach me how to kiss, just once. It’s literally driving me crazy that I haven’t kissed anyone yet and then there’s the absolute fear of kissing someone and then realizing I suck and being utterly embarrassed for the rest of my life.” 
“then just find someone who hasn’t had their first kiss either. bam, both of you suck.” 
your narrowed your eyes at him, “do you have a list of men who haven’t had their first kiss? I can barely find one at this stupid university who has yet to sleep with someone, find someone who hasn’t kissed yet?! impossible.” 
iwaizumi chuckled softly under his breath as he heard you continue to grumble about how you were going to die alone since you would be too afraid to get intimate with anyone since you “sucked” at it. 
did he want to kiss you? always. 
but did he expect this to be the way? definitely not. 
he knew exactly how this would go, there was no way of it happening any other way. iwaizumi was always better at showing how he felt through actions than words, and after being best friends with you for so long, he knew you’d be able to tell the instant his lips met yours, just how fucking in love he was with you. 
“hajimeeeee.” you started to whine again, interrupting his thoughts. 
sighing, he turned around on his chair so that he was completely facing you. 
his first mistake. 
there you sat cross legged, plush lips pulled together in a small pout as you  stared at him with your soft wide eyes. 
“please haji...” you urge softer this time, a hint of desperation laced within your voice.
iwaizumi’s grip on his jeans tightened. the way you were looking at him was enough to set him off as his heart fluttered at the sound of his name from your lips. 
“you do realize you’re still going to be kissing me right?” he pointed out, “you're okay with that? ” 
nodding quickly, a smile quickly appeared onto your face. was he being convinced? you waved your hand about nonchalantly, “totally okay, you’re my best-friend, I trust you.” 
best friend, iwaizumi winced. the word stung a little more than usual today. 
after a while, iwaizumi finally said with a sigh, “look y/n, I don’t know...” 
your smile quickly dropped. 
“alright, it’s fine.” you said casually, although Iwaizumi could clearly hear the disappointment in your voice. getting up from his bed, you grabbed your bag from beside you and slung it over your shoulder. 
“hey, do you where tooru is?” you asked as you made your way towards his door. 
at the sound of his best friend’s name, iwaizumi’s ears perked up. brows furrowed together, he looked at you in slight curiosity as a bad feeling erupted in his stomach, “practice, why?” 
shrugging, you said, “i'll just go ask him instead, i’m sure he’ll do it.” 
oh, hell no.
before he could even think through his actions, iwaizumi pushed himself off of his chair and found himself reaching past you and closing the door with a thud! his arms caged you as you turned around and stared at him in complete shock, eyes wide and lips parted. 
chest rising up and down, he stared down at you, eyes swimming with an emotion you had never seen before. your own heart started hammering in your chest at the sudden change in proximity as you could feel iwaizumi’s breath fan your flushed cheeks. 
“h-hajime?” you stuttered out, blinking furiously as the boy simply stared at you. iwaizumi felt his brain completely short-circuit. this wasn’t like him at all. he was always the cool-headed one, whether it was keeping oikawa in check or being the supportive one for his friends. but with you, you had always managed to bring out parts of him he never knew existed. 
standing there, his gaze dropped down to your lips; it was as if being this close to you activated a magnetic field that he was unable to escape. leaning in towards you, his forehead rested against yours before he mumbled lowly, “a kiss is what you wanted right? then here.” 
slipping a hand beneath your jaw, his fingers tilted your face upward before closing the gap and pressing his lips to yours. 
what started as a butterfly touch, slightly nervous and afraid, quickly changed as iwaizumi pressed closer, deepening the kiss. feeling your back hit the door, your eyes fluttered to a close as you found yourself melting into his embrace, sighing against his lips as you kissed him back. 
iwaizumi’s grip on you tightened. he knew he should stop now before things got out of hand. before you caught on. before you realized how much this kiss meant to him. 
teeth tugging at your bottom lip, iwaizumi pulled away reluctantly, resting his forehead against yours. eyes fluttering open, he waited for your eyes to open and when they did, he felt his entire world stop. 
upon meeting his gaze, your eyes softened. you didn’t know what you expected when you asked iwaizumi to kiss you. while you were serious about wanting to experience kissing, you couldn’t help but admit that you always wanted your first to be iwaizumi. 
“w-was i okay?” you murmured softly. 
nodding, he chuckled softly, “yea, you were perfect.” 
at his words, your grip on his shirt tightened. a sudden surge of courage coursed through your body when you leaned closer towards him and added, “i think i need more practice.” before crashing your lips onto his. 
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“wow, they should make a rule to not let short people work at libraries. you’d need a stool everywhere you went.” atsumu snorted as he watched you try putting a book away on the highest shelf.
it was a friday afternoon and you and atsumu were both at your local library, volunteering after school.
granted you have to drag him there every week but hey, community service was important to you. 
turning around to shoot him a glare, you retorted, crossing your arms, “for your information, I am perfectly capable of doing this.
chuckling softly, atsumu raised a brow, lips twitching, “Oh? Really now??
letting out a huff, you turned back around, standing on your toes as you tried to reach the top, even holding on to the shelf as you balanced yourself. watching you from behind, atsumu simply shook his head and chuckled, finding your stubbornness absolutely freaking adorable. (even though he'd never tell you that)
moving behind you, his hand shot up past yours as he whispered, “just let me do it.” his breath fanning the back of your neck. as he took the book from your hand, his fingers grazed yours ever-so-slightly, enough to send your heart into a frenzy.
get it together y/n! you told yourself.
somewhere along the line, the boundary of friendship between you and atsumu started to blur. nearly everyone around you could see the way both of you slowly fell for each other.
but of course neither of you could, choosing to remain silent in fear of ruining your childhood friendship.
however you weren’t about to simply give up as you turned around to retort back, but instead, it was a decision you were quick to regret. your heart suddenly skipped a beat when it noticed the distance between the two of you was almost nonexistent. and if that wasn’t enough, the way atsumu was smirking at from above as you were completely backed up against the bookshelf, had you holding your breath.
waving the book in the air, a good couple feet above you, atsumu teased, “here, all you have to do is reach for it y/n”
for a split second, you forgot the position in which you were in, a sudden drive of competitiveness within you focusing on only getting the book atsumu dangled above you. 
pouting, you complained, “atsumu—! just give it to me!” as atsumu laughed at the concentrated look on your face as you endlessly tried grabbing at the air above you.
reaching upwards one last  time, pushing yourself up onto the very tip of your toes, you quickly realized you made a mistake when a mini yelp escaped your lips, your hands clutching the thing nearest to you.
which ended up being?
you guessed it.
wide-eyed, your hands tightened around atsumu’s shirt as you quickly regained your balance. looking up nervously, you saw atsumu’s smirk slowly disappear as it turned into a nervous smile, his eyes gazing down at you with a look that was indescribable. blinking, you found yourself staring at atsumu’s lips, his soft red lips that just seemed oh-so-inviting, yet the thought of them on you had you flushing scarlet red.
“y/n?” atsumu’s voice rasped softly through the thick air, your grip on him tightening as the way his name rolled of his lips had your knees going weak.
but before you could respond, all you could feel was the softness of his nose brushing against yours, his hands that slowly cradled your waist as he pulled you closer into his grasp, and finally his lips following right after. his lips soft as clouds enveloped yours gently, nervously, tenderly, as his mouth caressed yours while you stood there stunned, unable to move as much as an inch.
sensing the hesitation in you, atsumu quickly pulled away, a look of panic flashing across his face. his cheeks went flush under the dim library light, as he looked at you, completely flustered, “fuck—I'm sorry, I don’t know what came over me—”
“I didn’t mind.” you suddenly squeaked, your eyes widening as the words slipped past your lips, making you look away in embarrassment, internally cringing.
you did not just say that y/n!!!
atsumu’s face mirrored yours, a look of surprise on them before the corners of his lips quirked up into a smile, the very smile he would always give only you, the very smile that would always have your heart skipping a beat just at the sight of it.
tilting his head to the side, he raised his brow as he teased, “hmm, you didn’t mind?”
this time, it was your turn to be flustered as you hit his chest lightly, avoiding his teasing eyes as he beamed down at you. chuckling, his forehead fell upon yours, his lips yet again just centimeters away.
“then you wouldn’t mind if I did it again?” he whispered lowly, his eyes falling back down to your lips.
“i wouldn’t,” you said softly, finding yourself inching closer to him, slowly closing the gap. 
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general taglist: @cinnamonrusts @postsfromthe6 @lady-snavely @02hhsailor@killuaking @rae0fsunshine1317 @sugawaaras @voids-universe @yams046@visaintes @simpforsaeko @honeybacon @kuroosbabie @verblueht @captain-janeway @misssugarless
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Ch. 14)
Chapter Summary: Hearts are broken.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 3.5k
Warnings: angst, “The Mandalorian” reference.
A/N: One more chapter after this and we’re done. Thank you, incredible Suz, @bucky-the-thigh-slayer for having my back. Love you. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated.
Tag list for this story is closed.  
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There’s that annoying little chilling feeling running down his spine while Bucky parks his bike on the nearest parking lot to your building and steps towards your place. Not the dreadful feeling he gets on missions when his life or others’ are in danger. No, not that one. Is that feeling he gets when he knows something’s up, something’s out of order, not necessarily bad, but something that he needs to put his focus on…
He’s been trying to hold himself from going to your place, he knows that it may sound like he’s imposing himself in your personal space, in your life, but he’s been trying to call you in the last few hours, sent a few messages but you haven’t answered  and then that annoying little feeling came to say hello.
And in his long ass life, he’s learned better than to ignore that feeling. He knows you’re not at work because it’s a Sunday and maybe you just went out somewhere without your phone and he’s just being paranoid or something… But he’ll just check if you’re ok, see those pretty eyes of yours and leave. That’s it.  He may seem like a fucking stalker, but if that is going to assure him you’re ok, then so be it.
And God knows how much he would appreciate a glimpse of you right now.
The little hairs on his neck stand in attention at the sight he catches from the corner of your street and brings him to a full stop. That short little asshole of your ex, dragging a big suitcase with one hand and holding a couple of boxes with the other.
Bucky’s heart races and he frowns, watching when that Eddie guy lets go of the suitcase and balances himself to not let the boxes fall while he types the code to open the front door, getting into your building right after, dragging the suitcase with him.
The air catches in Bucky’s throat before it comes out in short little breaths. His mind runs with all the possible scenarios that would explain that scene… he desperately searches for ones that don’t have to mean what his jumping heart is telling him it means.
He’s not thinking clearly through the mess that his mind has become, but he decides he needs to see it for himself, as dreadful as he is of what he’s going to see.
In a few long and quick steps he’s at the building’s door, typing the numbers he’s just registered the douchebag typing and in a second he’s in the elevator up to your floor.
Once he’s at your door, ready to knock on the wood, his hand stops midair, before it drops to his side while he sighs. Deeply. This is madness… he shouldn’t be here. He doesn’t need to see anything, he can wait and talk to you some other time, when he’s less… anguished… anxious… He knows what he’s thinking, but it doesn’t mean that’s the case. You and the guy had lived together for years… maybe he’s just returning some of your stuff… maybe… damn… he brushes his hand over his face, harshly. He should leave.
And he’s about to do exactly that when the door opens.
Bucky has been calling the guy a short little asshole all this time and, while he still may be an absolute jackass and Bucky surely and easily beats him in height, somehow he feels like the smallest person on earth standing in front of the man right now.
“Can I help you?” Eddie asks, hardening his face after an immeasurable moment of stunned silence between the two men.
“Ahm,” Bucky clears his throat and keeps his voice firm, “Can I talk to Y/N?”  
Eddie lets out a small puff and God knows how much Bucky needs to hold himself back from punching that stupid little face, “She’s not home, she had a call for something at work,” Eddie answers plainly.
Bucky feels when his jaw tightens painfully and his chest puffs, “Then what the hell are you doing here?”  His voice comes out dangerously low as his chin tips up.
A little and annoying smirk twists Eddie’s lips and… fuck, Bucky has a terrible feeling about that. “Not that I need to give you any explanation but I’m moving back. This is my home again.” He regards Bucky for a second after adding, “Our home.”
The words punch the air out of Bucky’s lungs and, looking behind Eddie’s shoulder he sees the numerous boxes… your place… where he had you in his arms so many times now filled with that guy’s stuff next to your things… His stomach churns violently.
“Are you… are you and Y/N...” he can’t even finish the question, the words getting stuck in his throat, choking him like a deadly poison.
“Listen, dude…” Eddie bursts out, “What Y/N and I have isn’t some kind of fling or deal or whatever one small time apart can destroy, we belong together.” He huffs and bites his cheek before continuing impatiently, while all Bucky can do is stare at him, frozen in place, ”I have no time for this. If you have questions you can ask her whenever you want, if she has anything to explain to you, she will. Now if you excuse me.” He gestures towards the elevator.
Bucky would rather die a thousand times before he would allow himself to continue showing a single more minute of vulnerability in front of that guy… so he sucks it all down his throat and, holding himself in the excruciating pain rushing up his chest like it’s an anchor, he puts on a hard face and just nods, stepping away while he meets, for the first time, the ache he knows is the feeling of his heart breaking.
 At the sight before her, Natasha sighs and remembers the time when she would find much different scenarios when she would burst into Bucky’s place. Where she would usually find different underwear tossed around the floor and small parties in his room, now she sees a metal armed dude sprawled on the sofa, face deep into not one, but two huge pints of Stark Raving Hazelnuts from Ben & Jerry’s, while Home Alone plays on the TV, and an Alpine lays comfortably on his lap.
Her little head perks up once Nat’s steps into the room. At least one of them acknowledges her presence.  
“Jesus, Bucky...”
He then moves his gaze to her direction, showing off his puffed eyes while shoving a huge spoon of ice-cream in his mouth, “What?” He speaks with a mouthful, “Breakfast?” He makes an offering gesture with the pint.
“I see you at least put on your uniform,” Nat ignores the offer, stepping towards him, kicking aside the many remains and open packages of junk food on her way. She slaps his leg off the sofa so she can sit beside him. As he grumpily adjusts his position to give her room, an equally grumpy Alpine jumps off his lap and aims a gaze of sheer contempt at Nat, before sauntering towards her plate of food in the kitchen.  
“Well… Show must go on, right?” Bucky answers while his saddened gaze fixes on the tv again.
Nat just stares at him for a moment, her heart twisting in sorrow at his miserable demeanor, “Listen…” she says, with a softer tone, “I checked, she really is on a mission.” At that, she spots the twitch on his jaw, but he doesn’t look back at her, “Apparently it was some last-minute thing about Thor and earthly technology.” Nat frowns and shrugs, “That’s probably the reason why she’s not picking up your calls or mine for the last couple of days. She’s just busy. You can talk to her when she comes back.”
“Why?” He puts the pints of ice cream aside as his face snaps at her.
Despite the initial harshness on his tone, there’s no trace of anger there on his expression. Just… sadness… and, honestly, Nat would deal better with the anger. She’s never seen Bucky like this… not after he came back from Wakanda.
Bucky breathes in a shuddering breath, like it’s painful for him to even do that before he continues speaking, “The guy is back to her place, Nat… all his fucking boxes and clothes and shit next to hers. They’re back together. That’s it. I honestly don’t wanna listen to her telling me how much that guy matters to her…” His voice cracks, but he goes on talking, “That she and I was fun, I was a good fuck and all but not good enough compared to ten years with that…” He huffs, “That douchebag. I don’t wanna hear her saying he’s the real deal and not me.” He bites on his cheek, looking at Nat with eyes becoming glossy, “I just don’t think I can.”
“Ugh, no, seriously Nat, fuck,” he growls while he narrows his eyes and his jaw tightens, “Seriously, that guy… if he only… shit… he doesn’t deserve her.” Indignance pours out of his voice, which comes out through his teeth while his hands clench into fists, “He doesn’t appreciate what he has… ugh…” He groans, and lets himself fall back into the sofa, “But…” He sighs, and nods, licking his lips, “If that’s what she wants… I’m not gonna try and take it away from her. I won’t.”  He shrugs.
Like she’s sensing the distress in her human, Alpine materializes on the sofa, between Nat and Bucky, and lets out a meow before curling herself against his thigh. Bucky absentmindedly starts petting her neck, staring up to the ceiling.
Nat could hear the pain of his heart shattering through his words. As for her… regret creeps up inside her. Regret for starting this between Bucky and you. She had a feeling that things could go south, but in all the scenarios she pictured for that, Bucky being the one heartbroken definitely wasn’t one of them. And yet, there he is. Devastated. Completely fucked. In a way she never thought she would see him for… love.
“Are you guys ready?”
The three of them turn towards the voice, spotting Steve there, in his full gear and his signature worried and yet soft look that belongs to Bucky.
“Yup,” Bucky taps on his thighs and grabs Alpine in one hand, who meows loudly, and two suitcases, one bigger and one smaller with the other one.
“Are you seriously taking her with us?” Nat checks, following him towards the door.
“Wherever I go, she goes,” he answers, his voice as down as his face.
“Buck,” Steve puts his hand on his friend’s shoulder, stopping him at the door, “Are you sure you’re ok to go on the mission, I can-“
“I’m fine, punk,” Bucky cuts him off, “I’m a grown ass man, I can handle my feelings.” 
As Bucky walks past his friend and moves to the elevator, Nat exchanges looks with Steve. She’s heard Bucky saying that exact sentence numerous times lately, after he acknowledged the way he feels for you.
The difference is that the usual confidence is just not there anymore.
You’re frowning while looking down at him. His words making their way into your senses. 
You free one hand of his secured hold to reach over and cup his smiling face.
He leans into your touch.
You make a decision.
 Your heart and mind are finally set together in what you now know you want. Hell… you think you know this for a while, but now… with Eddie bringing all those memories and telling you all of that, it did help you get through the split in your heart and mend it back into one. A whole new heart.
One that is all his.
“Eddie,” your voice is soft, while he smiles up at you, “I remember all of that.” You smile, too, referring to the box of memories next you, “Every single memory… everything we shared… those ten years… they helped me mold me into what I am. There’s no me, there’s no what I am today without them,” you state, while, with your thumb, you caress his cheek.
Eddie nods, “There’s no me without you, either, that’s why I’m here.”
“But, Eddie…” you sigh and lick you lips, “Remember how you’ve told me a couple of times I seem different?”
The smile on Eddie's face slowly drops.
“That’s because I am… I’m not just… I’m not just that anymore.” You nod towards the box, “I found out there’s more in me, and honestly, I think there’s more in you, too, that just doesn’t fit to what we used to be anymore.”
He blinks repeated times, staring up at you, and you lean even closer and cup both sides of his face. 
“I’m sorry. This is all part of who I am. You’re part of who I am. But I can’t go back.” You shake your head, “I can’t.”  
He keeps his stare on you and, after a moment, like he’s been processing what you said to him, he lets out a huff, “Are you serious?” he harshly pulls your hands away from his face and gets up, “Are you fucking serious? Is this because you’re fucking that guy?” He raises his voice, gesturing away.
“Eddie…” You tilt your head as a warning sign.
“No, seriously, you’re trading me, you’re trading us for what?” He spits and points to his chest while his face contorts into something ugly you’ve never seen on him before, “A player who will throw you in the trash for the next nicer piece of ass he sees? For what? A good fuck? An eight pack? A few more inches of dick? Come on…”
“Hey,” you snap, rushing up from your seat to level him, “What the fuck, Eddie?” You curse, as he stares back at you defiantly, “First of all you don’t get to talk to me like that, you lower you goddamn tone.” You point a finger at him, “And, honestly? Bucky is not just “that guy” to me. He’s not a player. You don’t know him, and you don’t know who I am with him, you could never know.”
Through the anger bringing red blurs to your vision, you see when his Adam bone bobs, but he keeps an insolent chin lifted up and he has struck something in you by talking about Bucky and your feelings for him in such a belittling way.  
“I didn’t want things to end like that,” you continue, shaking your head, “I really didn’t, but if you’re talking shit you don’t know the first thing about… ugh… fuck that,” you let out a harsh breath, “In one month or so Bucky respected and appreciated me more than you did in ten years. With him I don’t have to pretend I like or don’t like things just not to upset him or whatever, I learned I can be fun and honest… and…  and he fucking eats my pussy, for God’s sake,” you burst out in a rush of spite.
Eddie takes a step back, completely stunned by your words and outburst, while a dead silence settles in the room.
“Wow,” he mumbles nodding his head and looking away from you.
You shut your eyes and breathe in deeply, letting your head drop for a moment, while reason starts to come back to your senses, “Shit… shit…” You curse under your breath, looking up at him again, “This is not about that, Eddie…” you say, being honest with him and yourself, “I loved you, I really did, you are so important… I appreciate our time together so much… but now…” You press your lips in a taut line and shrugs, “It’s over…And, yeah… Bucky may be in my life now, but-“
He snorts, crossing his arms in front of his chest. There’s pure scorn in his gaze for you, but you decide to ignore that. Eddie really matters a lot to you and you don’t want to end it in such a bad note. You want closure for the two of you, so both of you can accept what you had is over and move on with your lives. 
“But this is not about him. Not completely, at least,” you continue, “It’s us Eddie.” You plead, taking a step closer to him, “Our relationship meant the world, but… but I think we outgrew it-”
“You speak for yourself,” he spits.
You sigh at the anger that is still there, spilling through his voice, but you nod, and speaks softly, “Ok, then… I outgrew our relationship, but even if you think you haven’t, that doesn’t mean it would be good for you to insist on something you realized at some point it wasn’t what you wanted anymore. You can’t deny that.”  
You gasp and try to keep your balance when he drops on his knees and latches himself at you, hugging your waist tightly, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I know I caused all this, but please don’t leave me, don’t give up on us,” he begs, his voice breaking, pressing his cheek on you, “Please… please.”
“Eddie… Eddie…” You try catching his attention, as he keeps his chant of remorseful and begging words,  “Stop... stop, Eddie, come here.”
You reach down for his forearms, adding some force to pull him up, to which he lets you. 
When his weeping face levels yours, you gently wipe the tears falling down with your fingers, “You ended this because you weren’t happy, either, and it’s ok. It’s ok to let go,” you say, gently, before cupping his face and fixing your gaze on his, “Let go, Eddie. Let go.”
He exhales, his eyes shutting. While you keep gentle hands on his face, he brings his forehead to yours.
“We’re gonna be ok,” you whisper, wishing that he would understand that moving on is the best thing for the two of you.
At that, he harshly parts himself from you. Hurt and rejection plastered all over his face while he averts his gaze from you.
“Eddie… I don’t know what else to say,” you heave a sigh.   
Before he gives you the comeback he’s about to give you, which you know it wasn’t gonna be a nice one, your phone rings. Nick Fury’s ringtone.
“Shit,” you curse, “I’m sorry, I need to pick that.” You rush and reach out for your phone on the center table, “Yes, Sir… of course… absolutely. I’ll gather my team and will be there in one hour, tops. Alright.”
“It’s work…” you tell Eddie, looking down as you turn off your phone.
“On a fucking Saturday night?” Eddie scoffs, not looking at you.
“Thor is on a solo mission and needs assistance from my team. Fury asked me to lead it. I…” You look at him, but he doesn’t look back at you, “I need to go change,” you say, defeated by his refusal to engage with you or with what you’ve been trying to tell him so far.
Once you come back from your bedroom in a hurry and ready to leave, Eddie is there in the living room, now sitting on the sofa.
“Are you sure?” He asks once you walked over the sofa and met his dull gaze.
He nods slowly, biting his cheek.
“I’m gonna need to go now, Eddie,” you tentatively say. You step closer to him, but he turns his face to the other side and you take the hint. Stopping on your track.
“What of this place?” He gestures around.
You look around the place you two got together and as from that moment, you don’t see yourself in it anymore. Satisfied with your decision, you walk towards the key hook on the wall and he watches as you come closer to him again and take his hand from his lap, putting the keys in his palm.
“This place is not mine anymore,” you give him a tight smile.
You hold his hand a little longer while his gaze lingers at where you’re touching him.
“Goodbye, Eddie,” you say.
When he doesn’t give you an answer or even spares a look your way, you sigh, deeply. If that’s how he wants it to go, so be it. Letting go of his hand you walk to the door.
As soon as you step aside from your now former home, you realize you’re also walking towards a new phase of your life and you take in a big and refreshing breath before a loose smile forms in your lips. There’s only one thing in your mind, now. Or better, one person.
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
Word count: 1.3k
Warning/s: this chapter is pretty tame ngl. very toxic relationship dynamics, bit spicy, references to sex, dark!bucky x dark! reader, obsessive/manipulative tendencies, cyber and irl stalking (usage of tracking device), food and eating were mentioned several times
A/N: thank you @unsaltedalmonds for the idea of IT!Bucky wearing this shirt lmfao
follow the CTRL series:
i - .exe
ii - .avi
iii - .raw
iv - .png
v - .zip
CTRL playlist CTRL moodboard
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The lunch rush is starting to pick up when you came into the restaurant Bucky had told you. The chitter-chatter of the patrons along with the live acoustic band drones on as you sit by the bar waiting for him.
It’s nice. The mood is casual and the atmosphere is light. Maybe if the al-fresco dining area isn’t too crowded, you’d pick a sunny spot.
Catching your reflection on a glassy surface, you fix your appearance, hoping that it isn’t too much or too little.
“You look great, don’t worry.” A voice behind you perks up and you turn—Bucky.
A genuine smile finds itself on your lips, “thanks, Bucky. How long have you been here?” You let your eyes gaze upon his form. Black bomber jacket, zipped up all the way, tight skinny jeans, and scruffy boots. He swapped his dress shirt with something casual and it’s somehow driving you nuts already.
He gestures backward to a free table a few feet away, “long enough to get a seat for us.”
Bucky then sees your eyes flick outside by the restaurant’s patio, “unless you wanna go al-fresco?”
“Oh my gosh,” you almost even give yourself an eye roll for that, “no—no, it’s okay. We can stay here.”
“C’mon, it’s okay. I’m sure someone would be willing to switch with us.”
Before you could protest further, Bucky already flagged down the hostess. Giving his best smile and a minuscule head tilt, he speaks, “Do you think we could get a seat out there? I think fresh air would do us good.”
Like any other woman—hell, even men—wouldn’t be able to resist Bucky and his charm, “yeah! Of course, anything for you and your girlfriend.” The hostess looks at you and beams, prompting you to smile back.
Do you even try to dismiss that claim when you caught how Bucky reacted?
Peals of laughter slip past your lips as Bucky unzips his jacket, revealing a tasteful shirt underneath, “Bucky, oh my god!”
He throws an apologetic look around as you keep laughing, your hands hitting the table repeatedly.
“Can you keep it down?” Even he was chuckling a bunch, “in my defense, I need to do my laundry.”
You calmed yourself down only to laugh again, happy tears springing to the sides of your eyes.
Bucky wants to relive this is forever. Making you laugh and cry from laughing too much.
Is this what love feels like?
Your presence to him is like ecstasy.
He never wants to leave your light.
Everything about you is addicting.
And the way you didn’t even try to dismiss when the hostess called you his girlfriend—you want him as much as he wants you.
Lunch turned into afternoon snacks and snacks turned to dinner.
You and Bucky almost went and turned every food place upside down, the waistbands of your pants getting snug as the sun sets by the avenue.
“I’m so full, oh my god.” You jokingly rubbed your tummy, sipping boba as you walked side by side.
“Says the person drinking boba tea?” Bucky smirks, his hair fashioned into a low bun, showing off his side profile, much to the delight of people passing by.
He’s a walking Greek statue and you’re with him.
Bucky makes you feel loved. Enough. Seen. Validated.
Is this what love feels like?
You in his presence feel like a warm hug.
Bucky changed you forever.
A rather rushing pedestrian knocked shoulders with Bucky, causing him to stumble back and you to hold him steady, “you good?”
He seemed pissed, the crease between his eyebrows prominent, “yeah. Sorry, I’m okay.”
And then there it was: the tug of something unknown yet strangely familiar. The sound of the traffic ceases as you and Bucky both gaze upon each other’s eyes, only drifting to the other’s lips.
The moment has never been this perfect. Fuck all your romantic comedies starring Kate Hudson, this is your story now.
“Can I kiss you?” Bucky asks tenderly. His hand brushing your hair away from your face.
Without a moment’s notice, your lips met.
Hand in hand, you walked the streets feeling like you’re on the clouds. Sweet smiles, bashful giggles. Normally, you would protest against stealing kisses but not when it’s him.
“This is my place,” Bucky says, pointing towards a mid-rise apartment complex. The neighborhood wasn’t new to you; you often find yourself walking these very streets early in the mornings.
You haven’t had the moment to appreciate his art pieces when Bucky suddenly pinned you against the door, shutting it roughly as soon as you stepped into his apartment threshold.
His lips finding yours, nibbling. The kiss was anything but sweet—all teeth and tongues.
“You have no idea how much I’ve waited to do that.”
“Like a month?” You quipped, tugging the collar of his tee. Your arms draping past his shoulders as his hands rest on your hips.
“Yeah, sure, let’s say a month.”
Having you in his studio apartment was meant to be. You in his space was written in the stars. He can almost see you waking up on his bed with him cooking you breakfast. Making you a cup of coffee now that he knows how you like it: with cream and two sugars.
You took a seat on his large office chair and a vision of you riding him suddenly floods his brain. Hey, now’s not the time.
Him shaking his head into resetting sent the wrong message, “oh. I can’t sit there, or…?” You pull yourself up, metaphorically hitting yourself in the head for making such a presumption.
Maybe he’s that kind of person who doesn’t like someone all up in their space. Then why would he take you here?
“No, no, it’s fine. I just—don’t you think it’s a bit late?” Bucky forces a smile, rubbing his palm across his nape. The warm feeling was suddenly pulled out of him. Now he’s just standing in his house with an acquaintance.
You suddenly felt small, minuscule, and very, very stupid. “Oh. Yeah, uh, I should probably get going.”
“What about a drink?” Bucky’s internally panicking now, he didn’t mean to insinuate the intent of leaving.
You shook your head, straightening your posture as you gathered your thoughts. “I can call a ride, it’s no worries. Got tons of stuff to do anyway.”
“I’m sorry.” Is all Bucky said. He wasn’t really sure why he’s apologizing or what it is for.
The door clicked closed and Bucky bolts to his workspace, closing down the applications that will implicate him.
He closes all applications but one, a tracking dot. He installed one on your work phone just in case you needed his help and can’t reach out. You’d never know who’s a sick fuck in these days.
Bucky shoots you a text but instead, he got a phone call.
The sound of the road was muffled on your end, but nonetheless, the car was moving in the right direction.
I’m so sorry for earlier. I didn’t mean to...intrude. I just—I really like you, Bucky. I’m sorry I was too forward.
I… Bucky tries to play with time as he chooses his next words carefully, I like you too but I think we’re going too fast.
Your end was quiet, save from the ambient noises.
I guess so. Let’s keep things professional and friendly first, okay?
I gotta go, I’m at my place.
The line went dead without as much as a goodbye.
Liar. Why would you lie to him? You have at least fifteen minutes more to go.
Why would you lie to him? Didn't you just say that you liked him? The way you said it was so casual—like it didn’t bother you that you were lying to him. Raised like a liar, die like a thief.
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Porcelain Doll
A/N: My first Steve story on Tumblr! And I think my first every Mafia AU for Steve ever... lets hope this goes well. Enjoy! Pairing: Mafia!Steve x F!Reader Word count: 2,909 Warnings: Mentions of weapons, swearing, angst.
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(I don’t know the owner of this Gif, but it’s not mine. Just wanted to mention that.)
Being weaved within the world of mafia was a choice that you had willingly made.
When you said 'I do' you vowed to be with Steve til death do you part. Literally. Divorces were not only unheard of within the culture of bosses, it was a death wish. No secret could be leaked by an unhappy wife.
Granted, you had never dreamed of leaving Steve. The perfect man, who was stubborn at times, but you could always break past those barriers of ignorance he occasionally put up. In fact, you could bulldoze right through.
And you were the only one that could. Not Bucky, Sam, or Nat could compare to your ability to have that man breaking down every little secret he had stored in that mind of his. At the snap of your finger with him, your wish was his command.
You only had one duty to do, other than be faithful and loving to your husband: you had to oblige by mafia rules that were set for you. They weren't too overwhelming, it was a very limited amount. But it was enough so Steve could watch you like a vulture, if he wanted to.
And technically speaking, you could play his puppet whenever he pleased, and you wouldn't have the option to say no. He never enforced such power, always honoring your freedom and independence. But right now, he didn't have a choice.
"Babe, I need you to do this." He begged from behind his large wood desk, his study lit by antique lamps which cascaded their light onto polished mahogany surfaces.
"Steve, I will not be in another man's arms." You stated, fighting right back. Your arms over your chest, bottom lip easing out of it's hold with a pout.
"Sweetheart, you have to do this!" He elaborated, on the verge of defeat, his face now looking at the floor as his blue eyes scanned over his two feet, contemplating his next move.
"Do I have to though? Why not Nat, or- or someone else!" You threw your hands up in frustration. "I mean, seriously Steven, you cannot be for real right now-"
"Enough!" He rose his voice, the lion's roar booming through the room and ricocheting on the books and stained glass right into your chest. "You will be doing this. And you do not have an option." He emphasized, slamming his fist down. You flinched at the 'thump' that came as a result of the impact. He took a deep breath settling down, his gaze still facing downwards.
He took a few more breaths, moving his head up to meet your face. His eyes filled with a black void of heartlessness and atrocious intentions transitioned into a wave of calming blue, his pupils frantically searching your face as he realized he had scared you beyond your wildest thoughts. "Baby I-" He began but you stopped him soon after.
"I- I will do it." You choked out, your voice barely above a whisper, eyes filling with warm tears that began to fall gracefully down your cheeks, smudging your perfectly done makeup. You took a deep breath yourself, sniffling just a bit, before turning around and walking out of the study, arms now crossed tighter across your chest, and your feet setting off small pitter patters as you hurried yourself across of the rustic hardwood flooring.
Closing the grand doors behind you, Steve let out a sigh and a huff, turning around "Damn it!" He yelled, taking his large fist to the wall. He never intended to hurt you in any capacity, just like he never intended to punch that now crumbling hole in the plaster wall behind his desk, but mistakes happen. Only this was a grave mistake on his part.
You were rushing to your shared bedroom, quiet sobs leaving your mouth. Covering your face as best you could to try and prevent anyone from knowing, your ran up the glass stairs and to the second floor. "Y/N/N?" You heard Bucky's voice coo. You chose to ignore him and moved even faster than before to your room, where you locked the door. Crashing on the Egyptian cotton sheets, which swallowed you in great warmth and comfort, you sobbed into one of your sleeves, choosing not to subject your pillow to such a burden.
"What the fuck did you do?" Bucky marched into Steve's office, uninvited but not giving a thought to it. Looking behind where his boss and best friend sat, head in his hand, was the very hole in the wall Steve had just caused. “You idiot!” He scoffed, walking over and leaning over his desk. “Why was Y/N just running down the hall sobbing?” Steve took a heavy sigh, not looking up.
“I fucked up, big time.” Steve explained. Bucky rolled his eyes.
“So you told her?” He asked and Steve nodded. “How did you do it?” “How do you think, Buck?” Steve fired back.
“Judging by your crying wife and the whole in the wall, you fought.” “Yes, I fought.” He clarified, “I yelled at her. She fought back saying she didn’t wanna do it, I lost my patience.” “You stupid Punk.” Bucky laughed a bit, Steve looking up with a confused look, “You thought she would react any differently?”
“Well, maybe more cooperatively-” Steve began, but was interrupted.
“You’re asking your wife to go and flirt with your rival in a sleazy little dress that’s basically lingerie with a few pieces of fabric connecting it.” He sighed, “You’re asking the woman who loves you, who would literally die for you to go out with another man, and you expect her to be on board? If she reacted positively I would be more concerned.” “Well I didn’t think she would react positively, per se.” Steve rebutted, “Maybe just a little more willingly.” “You still don’t know a damn thing about women.” Bucky sighed, “You have the most loyal, loving, beautiful wife probably sobbing in bed right now because you scared the shit out of her. And you’re gonna sit here and just act like a fool?” He asked, “Why don’t you go apologize? That would be a good place to start.” “I probably should.” Steve leaned back in his chair, getting up and marching out.
He powered through your spacious and modern penthouse, making haste knowing the time was ticking. Approaching your bedroom door he took a deep breath, standing outside and giving it a soft knock. “Baby?” He cooed outside, leaning into the door to hear you soft sobs, “Doll?” He twisted the knob on the door, noticing it was locked. He sighed with annoyance. “Baby, c’mon now let me in.” “No.” You responded, holding your pillow in your lap like a child.
“Baby doll,” He softly said, “C’mon now, I just wanna apologize.”
“I said no.” You repeated again, this time more aggravation in your voice. He took a sigh.
“If you don’t willingly open this door up, I’ll open it up for you.” He warned. You huffed, still firm on your decision. “Fine.” He murmured, running back downstairs and into one of the side rooms, where he went in one of the drawers, picking up a key. Running right back, and up stairs, he placed the small metal object in the key hole, turning it and letting himself in.
You groaned, sitting back on the back of the bed, rolling your eyes. “Fuck you.” You spat out at him. He scoffed.
“C’mon babe, we both know you don’t mean that.” “Please,” You scoffed right back, “If I didn’t mean it then why did I say it?”
“Baby doll,” He sighed, smirking at you, “I love you. And I came here to apologize.” You pouted at him, keeping a straight face.
“Do you mean it?” You questioned, raising one of your eyebrows, looking at him. He nodded. “How do I know?” Your husband walked over to you, laying in bed on his side. You scooted further over to yours, trying to expand the space between you two.
“Baby,” He said softly, his words sounding like music to your ears, but you refused to look at him, “Sweetheart.” He said again, you still refused to move. He took your chin, softly in his large, warm hand. Moving your head to face his, he bent down and kissed you softly. Fireworks of tenderness exploded in your chest, as you hummed out of instinct. He smile lightly into the kiss.
“Because I love you, more than anything in this world.”
“Fine.” You reluctantly sighed, “I forgive you.” You stated, swallowing roughly. “I’m sorry I fought back, I should have gone with the plan.” “No, I understand why you did.” He nodded, “I shouldn’t have lashed out at you and let you see that side of me. You don’t deserve anything near that.” You nodded, leaning your head onto his shoulder. He tenderly kissed the top of your head, taking your smaller hand in his.
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“How do you feel?” Bucky asked with a heavy sigh of disapproval as you looked in the mirror at this tiny black fabric that was a disgrace of a dress.
“Exposed, slutty, sleazy, whore-ish, should I continue?” You turned back to he and Steve, your husband clearly enjoying the view, taking his bottom lip in his mouth, “Hey!” You snapped at him, to which he escaped his trance, “Eyes on mine, not my ass.”
“C’mon now.” Bucky got up, sighing again in frustration. “We gotta go.”
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms and walking out feeling beyond embarrassed for this apparel. A lot of mafia wives wore similar outfits to the one you had on, borderline stripper. You preferred classy and elegant, this was far from your cup of tea.
Getting out of the solid black car, you took a final deep breath, stepping out to begin playing your loose persona. Black pumps pattered on the ground as your walked into the mansion, your red lipstick curling up into a nice smile as you began greeting people.
The women were green with envy, their eyes filled with both red flames of jealousy and blue waves of fear. The men acted like dogs and pigs, looking you up and down like the cheap piece of meat you were acting out. You hated it, you truly did. Everything about the ordeal was already wrenching enough.
You were greeted by one of the server’s and a glass of much needed champagne. You wanted to down it, let the pain simmer away, but you slowly sipped as a proper lady would. Ironic with the outfit.
Looking around at the large ball room of people chatting, you finally found your target. His ridiculously untamed black hair, barely shaved face lined with wrinkles and harsh eyes were enough to let you know that was Brock Rumlow.
You walked over to him, a small smile on your face despite the pure growl underneath it. Making sure to jut your hips out a bit more, you immediately caught his attention.
“Well, well, well,” His voice echoed to you, as you kindly smiled now across from him, his suit not fitted well you noticed. “If it isn’t Mrs. Rogers.” “Please, Mr. Rumlow.” You played your character, “No formalities needed, Y/N, is just fine.”
“Hm,” He hummed with brief thought, “I thought the Rogers’ clan always took great pride in the name.” “Well,” You sighed, taking a sip of your drink, “Some things change.” “Oh?” He asked, “Like what?”
“Loyalty, trust, one’s pleasure.” You smirked, he clearly caught on. Fast.
“Pleasure, you say?” He inquired.
“You heard me right.” You sighed.
“So why’d you come to me?” He asked again, trying to act dumbfounded.
“You know why, Mr. Rumlow.” You stated. He hummed and nodded once.
“Follow me.”
He guided you through the winding whirlwinds of people, up one of the various grand staircases. Down the darkly lit hallway and into one of the bedrooms.
You didn’t want to jinx yourself, but so far this was too easy. Granted, it was Brock Rumlow. He was a loose cannon, the opposite of Steve. Steve ran a tight ship, the organization was established with concrete and stone foundations. Rumlow was some sticks put together. He left paper trails and greasy fingerprint all over his business, leaving Steve a laundry list of reasons to get rid of his rival.
His hands grabbed your hips, and as much as you wanted to pull away, you had to let him have you, if even for the next minute. You pretended to be okay, but no enjoyment was very much visible. He didn’t seem to notice. His hands reached down along your curves, moving and grabbing your ass. You could feel his breath reach your face, his lips inches away from yours.
It all happened so fast. One moment you were about to engage in a kiss with a man you despised, the next you were held at gunpoint in a headlock by the very same man. You opened you eyes calmly, looking around to see a dozen of Steve’s men from all angles, guns pointed at Rumlow’s head. The cool point of the weapon was on the side of your head, your hands tightly at your sides. “Let her go, Rumlow.” Steve walked in, staring at him. “If you wanna make it out alive, let her go.”
He harshly laughed, “Oh please,” He stated, “It’s not like I’d want to make it out alive by your dirty hands anyways.” “I’m pretty sure I’m not the one stealing other peoples property.” He barked, “So stop touching mine.” You remained calm, keeping your breath steady just like Steve had always told you to do.
The room fell silent. You could feel Rumlow’s fingers move on the gun ever so slightly, prompting you to know he was cocking it. With one easy move, you took your left elbow, smashing it into his chin behind you. He fell back with a groan, gun being thrown which you managed to catch with ease, like Nat had taught you. Cocking it yourself, you pointed it at the man now on the ground.
Looking back, Steve stood in partial awe and confusion at the site. You with the very gun you were threatened with now pointed at your attacker. “Take ‘em.” Steve stated, as numerous men went and grabbed him up, tying him with duct tape as he wailed for help. You walked over to Steve as he walked over to you, his fingertips tracing your jawline, “Are you alright?” He asked, face turning to concern. You nodded.
“Yeah, I’m okay.” He grabbed your waist, giving you a deep kiss, using one of his hands to run it through your once perfectly done hair.
“Where did you learn that?” He muttered, you lightly laughed.
“Nat.” You smirked into his ear.
“Doll you could’ve hurt yourself-” “Steve.” You insisted, placing one of your hands on his chest, “I’m not a porcelain doll. I married into mafia, I can’t be.” He sighed, looking away only for a brief moment of thought before turning back to you.
“I know you’re not.” He muttered, “I’m just worried.” You nodded.
“I know.” You caressed his cheek with your hand, “You always are.” You both lightly laughed, smiling at each other and lost in each other’s passion for one another despite little to no conversation taking place.
“Uh, hey boss.” Sam walked in somewhat awkwardly, knocking on the door. Steve turned around, hands still placed on your hips as your attention was now on Sam as well, “We might wanna go, like, now, so no one suspects anything.” “Yeah, right.” Steve dropped his hands from you, grabbing one of yours to lead you out one of the secret back doors and into one of the cars. You squeezed in next to Steve, him placing a hand on your thigh lovingly.
“So, when do I get a raise?” You gazed out the window at the various cars passing by.
“Your raise?” Steve scoffed, “What raise?” You sighed heavily.
“I did most of that job for you.” You rolled your eyes. “Got the target, took his weapon, got him on the ground.”
“Doll, it wasn’t that easy-” “It seemed that easy.” He sarcastically laughed.
“You’re insatiable sometimes.” He rolled his eyes.
“Using big words now, are we?” You turned to him, “I could use a bigger pay too.” “Fine.” He gave in, “What do you want.”
“A long weekend, just you and me, no work, in Napa Valley.” He gave you a confused look, “You heard me.” “Doll that’s a little much don’t you think-” “Four days.” “Sweetheart-” “Five.” “Honey I can’t-” “Six.”
“There’s not even that many wineries, I-” “One week.” “Fine!” He huffed, “One fucking week in Napa, no work no nothing. Excluding emergencies, where I will make it up to you somehow. Good enough?”
“Nat and Bucky need to be there too.” You retorted, “Staying at a different house, keep in mind.” “Babe, where will they stay?” “Steven, you have three houses out there, figure it out.” You scoffed.
“Fine. But that’s it.” He began, “This is your reward for your hard work.”
“Hard work? I would describe it more as flawless.” He eyed you, shooting a glare. “I love you.” You kindly smiled, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “Now when we get home you’re gonna plan that trip, right?” “What do you mean I-” “Well, it’s not like it’ll plan itself.”
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