#i want a guy to push me around in a shopping cart in a parking lot. do u understand me.
poems-of-a-lover · 1 year
i have a crush on all the silly boys in the world
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pucksandpower · 1 year
Grid Kids: y/n pregnency!!
Grid Kids: Bun in the Oven
Sebastian Vettel x wife!Reader x platonic!drivers
Summary: moments with the grid kids during your pregnancy
Series Masterlist
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Kicking Up a Storm
“Did the little one just ...” Charles’ eyes widen as he pulls back his hand abruptly from where it had been resting on your stomach.
Lando, lounging on the other side of the room with a video game controller in hand, smirks, “Did what? Tried to escape? Can’t blame it, considering the rest of its siblings."
You swat playfully at Lando as Max and George, engrossed in assembling a nursery chair, look up in anticipation. “Come on, let us feel!” Max pleads, abandoning the chair pieces on the floor.
As everyone gathers around, taking turns to gently place their hands on your baby bump, you feel a flutter, a gentle kick responding to their touch. The room fills with gasps of wonder and joy.
“Feels like a future driver if you ask me,” George grins, looking at Sebastian, who chuckles, already imagining another Vettel on the tracks.
Lance, feeling a tad left out, decides to jump in. “Can it hear us? Hello in there, it’s your brother Lance! Remember to pick me as the fun brother, okay?”
Mick, who has been reading every pregnancy book he could get his hands on, chimes in, “You do realize the baby can’t differentiate voices yet, right?”
Lance waves him off, “Details, details.”
Cravings Are No Joke
“Pickles and chocolate? Seriously?” Max raises an eyebrow, holding up the two seemingly mismatched items as he stands in the middle of a grocery store aisle.
Lance, pushing the cart, shrugs. “Don’t question the cravings, just go with it.”
Charles, scrolling through the list on his phone, adds, “Oh and don’t forget the spicy ramen, blueberry pie, and ... pineapple pizza?”
George groans, “Pineapple pizza? Come on! Anything but that. I’m not even Italian and I’m still offended.”
Lando, with an impish grin, quips, “Remember when she wanted the mango gelato at 3 am? That was a fun drive.”
Mick chuckles, “Or the time we went to five different bakeries just to find that particular lemon cake she couldn’t live without.”
Lance pauses, looking thoughtful, “And wasn’t there a phase where she only wanted foods that were purple?”
George nods, “Yep, aubergines, purple potatoes, grapes ... I still can’t look at a plum without laughing.”
As the grid kids continue shopping, picking out items based on the rather diverse list you gave them, they share more anecdotes of the past months. The store’s other patrons watch in amusement as the young men navigate the aisles, often debating the merits of various brands or flavors, all to ensure they get it just right for you.
Later, back home, your grid kids proudly present their haul. You and Sebastian look on with affection as they lay out the eclectic mix of food.
“Did you guys get everything?” You ask, trying to hide your laughter.
Max feigns offense at being questioned, “Of course, we’re professionals.”
Sebastian leans in to whisper in your ear, “I’m just glad they didn’t try cooking this time. Remember the schnitzel incident?”
You giggle, recalling the disastrous attempt. “Of course I do. I was cleaning flour off the cabinets and ceiling for weeks. But hey, it’s the thought that counts.”
It’s a …
The preparations for your gender reveal are in full swing at the local park and your grid kids are at the heart of it. They’ve split into two factions: Team Girl, led by Charles and Lance, and Team Boy, spearheaded by Max and Lando.
Charles and Lance have laid out a series of pink challenges, including a three-legged race where participants wear pink tutus. “It’s going to be a girl, no doubt about it!” Lance proclaims confidently.
Max and Lando, on the other hand, have a blue-themed obstacle course, complete with a mini kart race. Lando, wearing a blue bandana, shouts over the ruckus, “I have no idea what you’re talking about because it’s definitely a boy.”
George has taken on the role of referee. Dressed in a striped shirt, whistle in hand, he’s ensuring that the competition remains friendly. “Remember, it’s all in good fun!” he reminds everyone, though his “Team Girl” badge suggests where his loyalties lie.
Mick, though undecided, has tie-dye patches of both blue and pink on his shirt. “I just want a healthy sibling for all of us,” he says with a gentle smile, standing back and enjoying the antics.
Sebastian, watching the chaos unfold, leans over and whispers in your ear, “Did we really think letting them plan this was a good idea?”
You laugh, “It’s a bit crazy but look at them. They’re having the time of their lives!”
The moment everyone’s been waiting for finally arrives. At the center of the park, a large, sealed box waits. As you and Sebastian approach, the grid kids form a circle around it, their playful banter coming to a halt.
With a shared look of excitement, you both pull on the ribbon. The box flaps open, releasing a cloud of ... green smoke?
The park erupts in a mixture of laughter and confusion.
Max looks baffled, “Green?”
Charles chuckles, “Guess neither team wins today!”
Lando, trying to waft away the smoke, jokes, “Alien? Oh my god, you’re having an alien!”
Mick wraps an arm around you, “Like I said, as long as it’s healthy.”
You smile, nestling into Sebastian’s side, “We thought we’d keep everyone guessing for a little longer.”
False Alarm
“Sebastian! The baby! I think it’s happening!” You exclaim, feeling a sudden tightening in your abdomen.
Sebastian, who was in the middle of mediating a lively debate with Max and Charles over who will be the baby’s favorite brother, nearly trips over the rug in his rush to get to you. “Okay, okay, okay. Deep breaths, in and out.”
Lance, eyes wide as saucers, frantically begins googling “how to deliver a baby” on his phone while George starts making a list of things needed for the hospital. “Towels! We need towels, right?”
Lando is somewhere on another planet, muttering to himself, “This isn’t happening. I am not ready to see a baby being born. Nope, nope, nope.”
Mick tries to restore some order. “Calm down everyone. Y/N, are you sure it’s really labor?"
Before you can respond, Charles bursts through the door, holding a bucket of ice. “I read somewhere you might need ice. Here!”
You laugh through the discomfort, appreciating the chaos ensuing because of your grid kids’ concern. "Actually guys, I think it’s just Braxton Hicks. False alarm.”
A collective sigh of relief sweeps the room. Sebastian, still slightly pale, pulls you into a hug, “You sure know how to keep things exciting.”
Lance looks up from his phone, “What’s Braxton Hicks?”
“It’s like a rehearsal for the real thing,” George explains, folding up his hastily made list.
Max, trying to regain his cool, smirks, “Well, if that was a rehearsal, the main event is going to be epic.”
You chuckle, patting your belly, “Guess the little one just wanted to see how quickly you all could jump into action.”
Putting the “Student” in “Student Drivers”
As you and Sebastian sit on the couch, going over your prenatal class schedule, a curious George peeks over. “What’s that? Are those the birthing classes?”
You nod, “Yep! We’re starting next week. It’ll help us prepare for the big day.”
Suddenly, Charles pops up beside George, eyes widening in interest. “Can we come?”
“That sounds cool! I’ve always wondered what those classes are like.” Lando chimes in from where he’s keeping an ear out in the kitchen.
Sebastian looks a bit overwhelmed, “I thought it was just going to be the two of us.”
Lance joins the group, scrolling through a magazine article about celebrity dads attending birthing classes. “Look at this! It’s a thing now. We could all go and support you both.”
Max adds, “Besides, we’re family. We’ve been there through everything else. Why not this?”
“Do they even allow so many people to join?” Mick ponders.
You can’t help but laugh at the eager faces in front of you. “I never thought I’d have to bring an entourage to a birthing class.”
Sebastian rubs his temples. “Okay, how about this? We’ll ask the instructor if it’s okay. If they allow it, you guys can join on one condition.”
Lando bounces on his toes, “What’s that?”
“No teasing or making jokes during the class. We’re there to learn and be supportive.”
Charles nudges Max, “That’s mainly directed at you.”
Max fakes innocence. “Me? I would never!”
You shake your head, “Alright, I’ll call tomorrow and see if our little ... or rather large group can attend.”
Your grid kids cheer, excited about the new adventure. As they scatter, already planning and discussing among themselves, Sebastian leans over to whisper in your ear, “This baby is already turning our world upside down and they’re not even here yet.”
You smile and squeeze his hand, “With this family, every moment is an adventure.”
The birthing center’s usual tranquil ambiance is slightly offset by the excited chatter of the grid kids as you all enter. The instructor, a calm and composed woman named Clara, raises an eyebrow at the large group but doesn’t comment. After all, it’s not every day that half of the Formula 1 grid walks into her class.
The session starts with everyone introducing themselves. Most couples share sweet stories of their relationship journey. When it's your turn, Sebastian starts, “I’m Sebastian, this is my wife, Y/N,” he pauses, motioning to the group, “and these are ... our sons.”
The room erupts in chuckles. One of the expectant mothers quips, “That’s a lot of kids! You two have been busy!”
Clara moves on with the class, demonstrating breathing techniques. Everyone’s earnest attempt to follow along results in a mix of deep breathing, snorts, and a few stifled laughs. At one point, Max, struggling to get the rhythm right, looks over at Lando and mutters, “I feel like I’m preparing to go underwater.”
When it comes time for practicing labor positions, the grid kids enthusiastically volunteer. George and Charles end up demonstrating a position, with George playing the supporting partner and Charles the laboring mom-to-be. The sight of Charles leaning into George, pretending to be in labor, has the room laughing, especially when Charles exaggerates with dramatic moans.
Lance and Mick take a turn next and when Lance offers words of encouragement to “pregnant” Mick, saying, “You’re doing great, sweetie,” you almost fall off your chair laughing.
Towards the end of the class, Clara demonstrates the use of a birthing ball. Lando decides to take a leap onto one only to bounce off, crashing into Max and sending both of them tumbling to the ground. The room is in stitches.
Despite their hilarious antics, your grid kids genuinely try to grasp the concepts, asking thoughtful questions and engaging in the exercises.
As the class wraps up, Clara approaches you with a smile. “I must say, this has been the most ... lively class I’ve ever taught.”
You grin, “That’s one way to put it.”
She chuckles, “But it’s clear they all care deeply for you and want to support you both in any way they can.”
Sebastian nods, wrapping an arm around you, “We’re very lucky to have them.”
For Real This Time
Lando and Charles are in the middle of a heated argument over the best way to make a sandwich (complete with props and charts) when you suddenly feel a warm sensation. Looking down, your eyes widen. “Uh, guys?”
“What is it?” Sebastian jumps up right away.
You swallow, “I think my water just broke.”
For a moment, there’s stunned silence. Then … mayhem.
Max yells, “To the car! Now!” while Lance scrambles to grab the pre-packed hospital bag.
George accidentally knocks over a vase in his attempt to find your phone. “Sorry! We can clean that up later, right?”
Mick tries to maintain calm, “Everyone, deep breaths, remember the class?”
Lando, eyes wide, mutters, “This is nothing like the class.”
Upon arriving at the hospital, the reception area becomes a scene of organized chaos. As Sebastian wheels you in, the grid kids follow in a flustered procession.
A nurse at the reception desk blinks in surprise. “Is there a convention in town?”
Mick, panting slightly, replies, “No, just family.”
Lando adds, “The biggest family you’ve ever seen.”
Another nurse, recognizing some of the faces, chuckles, “Formula 1 drivers in the maternity ward? Now I’ve seen everything.”
Inside, as the medical team preps you, the grid kids stand outside, pacing and nervously waiting. They take turns peeking through the small window, offering waves and thumbs-up.
Sebastian holds your hand and doesn’t complain once as you grab back hard enough to break every bone in it, “You know, I’ve faced pressure on the track but this ... this is on another level.”
You chuckle, squeezing his hand, “Just remember, I’m doing the hard part.”
Soon enough, after what feels like both a minute and a lifetime, the beautiful cry of your newborn fills the room. Your grid kids, hearing the sound, cheer loudly, causing several nurses to hush them.
Charles, tears in his eyes, says, “We’re big brothers now. Like, for real.”
“Wait,” Lando interjects, “aren’t you already a big brother?”
“Shush mate, let me have this moment.”
Max rolls his eyes but smiles, “Welcome to the family, little one. We’re a bit crazy but we already love you so much.”
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hotnbloodied · 3 months
Hiyaaaa can I request a stalker yan x enabling gn reader🪼could it be smut if possible
I went a little haywire with this one, I hope it meets your expectations dear~
I'm still not too sure about how to feel about writing smut (I'm actually not a big fan of it) but as long as everyone enjoys it thank you ^^
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Stalker!Yan X Pushover!Reader (!!SMUT!!)
!Warning! This post contains yandere themes and topics that may be uncomfortable to people who are sensitive to the topic, read at your own discretion. I do not support or encourage these destructive behaviors in real life.
CW: not proof read, yous/yours used, gn reader, SEX, sloppy lewd writing, implied stalking, saliva, yandere behaviors, delusional thoughts, dub-con, obsessive behavior (LMK if I'm missing anything.)
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It all started with a simple act of helping him pick up the paperwork that you accidentally knocked out of his hands. No one had helped him before, much less make conversation with him due to how he looks and holds himself. Perpetual hunch, unkempt hair, deep dark eye bags and a slight stutter. This guy was a mess, but the company kept him because his work ethic is near perfection. Back to the papers you were helping him pick up, you offered to carry half with him to where he needed to go and he offered to treat you to lunch, “i-it’s the least I can do for helping me,” he reasons. You couldn’t turn down, “well, if you’re sure, I am getting pretty hungry since it’s lunch time already,” you reason.
Though, you didn’t expect him to get so chatty during lunch. It felt like he was asking your ear off with questions. “How’s work been for you?” “How is your family?” “Do you have any hobbies?” “Favorite shows? Movies?” Admittedly, you couldn’t wait for lunch to be over but even when you wanted to say goodbye, to get back to work, he asks for your phone number. Wanting to just go already you hurriedly gave it to him.
Little did you know that he would be texting you everyday, perhaps even every hour. Not wanting to be rude you responded when you could. Soon you were seeing him outside of work, not willingly but whenever you would be trying to run errands or even just out and about. Grocery shopping? He suddenly appeared and offered to push your cart and even load your bags into your car. At the mall? He just so happened to be needing to get a birthday gift for a family member so why don’t he shop around with you, even though when you were leaving he walked you to your car with his hands empty. Just taking a walk in the park? What a coincidence, he loves this park! A walk is better with someone else right? You didn’t bring up how weirdly coincidental it was that he happened to be wherever you were, you didn’t want to deal with confrontation. Which led you to the state of you and his relationship as it is these days.
He started hanging out with you in your apartment, he had one day asked if he could come over to your place to hang out for the weekend. “We could hang out and watch a movie, I’ll even make dinner for us. Unless you want to come over to my place?” You weakly try to give the excuse that your apartment is a mess but he even offers to clean it and you didn’t really want to go over to his place so you agreed to hang out with him at yours.
True to his word, he cleans your apartment but it wasn’t even that dirty in the first place since it was just an excuse. He goes on to make dinner, it was exactly to your taste like he knew and even cleans up afterward. When it came to the movie it was whatever looked good on the streaming service, you’ve been wanting to watch a certain movie that was recently released so he agreed to it too. Not too long into the movie you notice him moving closer to you, your heart rate raises with each proceeding inch until finally your shoulders are touching. Even if you wanted to scoot away, you were already on the edge of your couch. In a fluid motion he rests his arm on your shoulders causing you to look at him. He looks you in the eyes and leans in for a kiss. You instinctively used your hands to stop him from leaning closer and he looked at you with wide eyes.
“Do you not want this?” He asks with a bit of hurt in his voice. Flustered, you replied, “I just think it’s too soon for this.” He smiles and takes your hands in his, “it’s okay, we’re just having a little fun after all. No strings attached.” Something about the last statement didn’t feel right but you don’t say anything so he takes it as you agreeing with him and leans in for a kiss again. You close your eyes as your lips connect and you can feel him sigh as he continuously pecks kisses on your lips. Soon after you feel something wet probing at your lips and it surprises you enough to open them. His tongue invades your mouth and you feel his grasp on your body tighten as he explores your mouth with his tongue.
Breaking from the kiss only for air, it doesn’t stop him from tasting you like he was a thirsty man and you were an oasis in the desert. His tongue rolls over your cheeks and jawline working down to your neck leaving you covered in saliva. He sucks and licks the sensitive skin of your jugular making heat form in your lower regions. He nudges to take off your top and you allow him a full view of your chest. He wastes no time and continues to suck on your collarbone area, the whole thing feels weird and warm and slimy but you didn’t want to stop him since you believe it was too late for that. Suddenly you feel your nipples get pinched and you jerk backwards. “You’re so cute, and so sensitive just for me,” he coos. He continues to suck and play with your nipples until your brain seems to go fuzzy from the pleasure and all that’s escaping your lips are sounds of moans, whines and whimpers. He chuckles, “you’ve been grinding against me for a while, do you want it?” Did you? You didn’t even notice until he said so. “Let’s go ahead and get these off okay?” He nudges at your pants now and he watches as you slowly take them off.
He gulps at your completely nude form now, “you’re everything I dreamed off and more.” You flushed at his words. Before you could say anything he went down on you causing you to yelp. He licked and sucked and slurped like his life depended on it. He almost got you to cum but stopped much to your dismay. “No need to pout darling, we’ll be coming undone together.” It was his turn to undress, his member stood proudly over your entrance. Something in you knew deep down that if you let him go the whole way that there would be no turning back even if he said no strings attached, but another part of you just doesn’t care. He turns you around and slowly enters you from behind and you gasp as you grip your sofa cushions from the intrusion. It doesn’t take long for the speed to pick up and he’s pounding you into your sofa making an absolute mess of you. Soon the both of you climax and he’s covering your back with his seed.
You’re too exhausted to move but that’s okay! He already knows where you keep your towels so he goes and gets some to clean you up. After doing so, he guides your arm over his shoulder and leads you to your bedroom. You fall asleep, too tired to stay awake. “You’re more ethereal in person when you’re sleeping than a screen could ever capture,” he kisses your forehead before drifting off to sleep himself, with you finally in his grasp.
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Part 2
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hi hi hi! so i was wondering if you could possibly write a little johnnie Smut and fluff where maybe johnnie invites his gf (reader) to be in a video with him and Jake (possibly a Halloween type video) and jake making his silly little comments about johnnie being a virgin and getting no pussy and reader makes a lil comment agreeing w jake. Johnnie being salty the rest of the video and it leading to smut w a lil choking maybe 😜🤭🤭🤭
(i love your writing, feel free to tweak this however u please!)
𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐯𝐢𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐧? - 𝐣𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐱 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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contains: dom! johnnie x f sub! reader, fluff, smut, p in v, choking, fingering, spanking
word count: 1.5k
this request is mmm i needed some dom johnnie
story below the cut
emo guy:
baby wake up
mmmm whats up
emo guy:
wanna be in a vid with me and jake pleease
ok only bc ur so cute
y didnt u tell me this in person?
we live together
emo guy:
oh shit i forgot
johnnie opens the door to your shared room to find you sprawled out in the bed. you see he's already ready to attack the day, which is surprising, considering he normally doesn't wake up before 2 p.m. you stare at him for a few moments, not saying anything, before playfully pretending to fall back asleep. he takes this as a challenge, walking over to the curtains and yanking them open, almost blinding himself in the process.
"aughh johnnie it's way too bright" you yawn, the light hurting your eyes. he walks back over to you, leaving a quick kiss to your forehead. "c'mon you have to wake up, jake wants to film a video." you sigh, "what are we gonna do?" he looks at the ceiling before looking back down, "i don't know, i think he wants to buy some halloween stuff or something." "okay tell him i'll be ready soon," you say while stretching your limbs. scratching your head, you get up. "we're gonna leave soon, don't be too long babe." johnnie says, walking out of the room.
you finish your light makeup, as you had already styled your hair and put on some clothes that consisted of johnnie's shirt, no name pajama pants, and socks with birks. it wasn't too much, but it was still so cute on you. johnnie watches you finish your makeup, coming up to the vanity. "how did i manage to get the prettiest, loving, and sweet girl ever?" he says, peppering kisses on top of your head, putting his arms around you. "ooh someone's feeling lovey dovey today," you say, pulling him in to a longer kiss. jake bursts through the door, "i- ew, okay guys stop licking on eachother. mama bear needs some candy in her system right now, and i don't need to see all that." he says in a funny southern accent, leaving the room. you laugh a little with johnnie, as you see jake grab his keys, heading to the garage, which is a signal for you guys to get your butts out of the house.
this time, you were the designated camera man, so you held it while they walked through the parking lot. "-and this time we actually have a special guest," you turned the camera around on to yourself and waved, "hey guys, i'm gonna be babysitting these nerds because they got kicked out last time!" johnnie makes an offended expression, "um excuse me it was actually jake who got kicked out because he wouldn't stop screaming" "guys stop ganging up on me" as you film them walking in the store, jake loses spatial awareness, crashing into the metal racks behind him, causing a laugh to come from you and your boyfriend. "oww what the hell johnnie why would you push me like that?" "yeah johnnie why would you do that to poor jake?" "okay how is that fair-"
the video continued like normal, just you three being idiots and making dirty jokes. the shopping cart is almost full to the brim with junk food, random costumes, and halloween decorations. "oh my god johnnie, we have to get you this." jake says, as he holds up a really stupid costume. "that's definitely something a discord mod virgin would wear." "yeah that's exactly my point." "seems pretty realistic." you and jake say at the same time, making fun of johnnie. bursting into fits of laughter, the two of you take turns roasting him. "what do you mean dude you get absolutely zero pussy" "okay y/n help me out here-" "yeah the only girl johnnie hangs out with is you jake." you say, following up his comment. "hey!" johnnie rolls his eyes, looking away and scoffing. you and jake didn't notice, continuing to joke around about johnnie's lack of action, which obviously wasn't true because he was dating you.
typically, you guys wouldn't get mad at eachother when you took turns embarrassing the other, but for some reason he actually seemed slightly pissed. "anyways.." jake continues talking about anything he can think of. for some reason, your boyfriend still looked salty, making snarkier-than-usual comments towards his friend. you guys ended the video, as jake drove home. johnnie stayed quiet on the ride home, and you were thinking if you genuinely might've hurt his feelings. even though it was unintentional, you were determined to find out. jake walks back to his room and shuts the door, presumably going to take a long nap. you turn to johnnie, "are you okay? i'm sorry, i was just teasing you if anything." not saying a word, johnnie grabs your hand, tugging you back to your shared room.
when both of you get inside, he immediately locks the door and pushes you on the bed. "wha-" he puts his hand over your mouth, leaving you unable to speak. "so you wanna embarrass me in front of the camera huh? i really don't get any pussy, right?", he says while pulling down your pants. you moan out, feeling the friction of his hand against your crotch. "look at you, you're already so wet. do you wanna tell them how much of a slut you are for me, or should we just keep that between us?"
johnnie starts rubbing your throbbing heat through your panties, not letting you answer. he attacks your lips with a passionate and lustful kiss. you kiss back, moaning into it and easily giving into his control. he starts marking your jawline with bruises, as he slides a finger into your soaked pussy. he groans, feeling a tent grow inside his pants. "m' please.." you whine, as he forcefully adds another finger, speeding up the pace. he takes off your lacy panties leaving you completely vulnerable. as you feel yourself getting closer, he removes your shirt. you're finally about to cum until he removes his hand, leaving you practically whimpering for more.
"only good girls get to cum, but you've been really naughty, haven't you? now you have to hold it in." "shit, please johnnie," you say, climbing on top of him while taking off his shirt. he unclasps your bra, quickly sucking on one of your breasts, making you arch your back. while he does this, you get yourself situated on top of his crotch. he takes both of his hands as he gropes your butt. being as horny as you are, you start grinding on his hard-on through his jeans. you whine his name as you start having an orgasm on his pants. "i told you to fucking wait. now you're gonna get it rough whether you like it or not." he moves you off of him, taking off his jeans and his boxer briefs. he flips you on your stomach, and pulls you hips up leaving you in a doggy position. johnnie teases you, rubbing his tip on your now sensitive and overstimulated clit. with that, he takes his hand and gives you a harsh smack on your ass, making you groan loudly.
instantly after, he pushes his full length into you, making both of you moan out. you dig your face into the nearest pillow, trying to deafen your sounds. he starts his pace, getting himself adjusted while groaning. "don't do that, i want to hear your slutty, pretty noises." "w- what if jake hears?" you manage to whimper out. he is attacking your pussy at this point, slamming into you. "then he can hear how no one can fuck you as good as i am." he slaps your ass again, and this time you fully release a moan. "mm fuck" he holds your neck, slightly choking you as he pounds into you. both of you are close to your climaxes. "cum on my dick baby." johnnie groans as he starts rubbing his fingers on your clit, helping you release. while shaking, you shudder out and squirt all over his dick. he follows after you, cumming inside you. (you're on birth control)
he takes himself out of you and stands up. you're so dead at this point that he puts on his boxers, and heads to the bathroom. johnnie comes back with a wet hand towel, cleaning you up and puts a new pair of underwear on you. he also holds you while putting one of his t-shirts on you. "thanks baby." you tiredly say, laying back down on the bed. he crawls right next to you and you cuddle up into him. "so... are you gonna stop making the virgin jokes?" you both laugh, soon falling asleep.
you're eating cereal for breakfast next morning as johnnie is pouring himself a cup of water. a tired jake comes out of his room, the first words out of his mouth being; "okay guys what the fuck was that?" you look at johnnie, obviously embarrassed as he has a smirk plastered all over his face.
thank you for requesting! i've been sooo so lazy and it was hard to finish this one but i did it to feed you guys xoxo
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jmdbjk · 1 month
All things Walmart, poo, ticks and inspiration...
Spoiler alert but to hell with it, I know y'all have watched it all already.
Things I cannot relate to and will never happen to me:
• Pushing my cart down the snack aisle at Walmart and running into Jungkook searching for Tostitos and a sponge.
• Going out to the mailbox to gather the day's junk mail and two guys on a Harley drive by and wave at me and me not know it was Jimin and Jungkook.
• Hiking through the forest and not realizing that guy way up ahead swatting at mosquitoes is Jimin.
• Enjoying my lobster mac & cheese at a restaurant and not know Jungkook is discreetly (not so discreetly) staring at my food trying to decide if he wants to order what I'm having.
I didn't have time today to spend on this like I wanted to and I feel like everyone has already talked about the finer points they're most interested in so I'm going to just drop a few things that made ME laugh, smile and cherish the fact they even started this thing, this show. Episode 3 will be here tomorrow night (for me) so I don't want to delay this anymore so I'll be brief for Ep. 2.
Saturday, July 15:
They left the campsite and Jungkook got to ride the motorcycle. Jimin said he looked like a proper American.
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They stopped at a park and hiked a trail. Jimin fought mosquitoes. It was brutal. I've seen people worried about ticks. And snakes. Jimin pointed out a spider on a tree. Jungkook fantasized about alligators. Tick inspections occurred all around later on I hope.
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We didn't see the transition from woods to marina. Maybe they had to make a bathroom stop for Jimin. Or urgent care to get him some meds. Who knows. Poor thing was suffering.
On the yacht, Jimin was still feeling puny but he tried. He ate though he knew he was risking it all.
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He horsed around with Jungkook with the beast still rolling around in his guts.
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I really wasn't expecting so much poop talk during Are You Sure but here we are.
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I think this summed up the yacht trip. Especially after how it all started with the excursion being leaked by the boat captain himself. Perhaps the editors did this on purpose.
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FYI those concentric ripples in the images are my camera trying to capture the screen in a different frequency than the monitor refreshes or some tech mumbo jumbo. Apologies and please ignore. It's Disney's fault for not letting us screen cap using an app.
I think Jungkook was looking for ticks. He would take something like that seriously, don't you think?
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But Jimin mostly slept on the yacht. He had a rough night before. They still salvaged what they could and they still seemed to enjoy the experience.
A trip to Walmart. On the way they have one of those rambling conversations where Jungkook, who is not the most talkative type, decides to talk Jimin's ear off. They talked about making music and what drives them personally in their choices about their work.
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We'll visit that thought again in a minute....
The whole Walmart visit is surreal to me. I go to Walmart at least once a week so to see Jimin and Jungkook browsing the aisles just blows my mind. NEVER did I EVER dream I'd see them looking for bacon at WALMART.
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They look just like anyone else pushing their shopping cart going down the cereal aisle past the boxes of Cinnamon Toast Crunch and Sugar Pops.
Jimin was a tad testy when JK disappeared. He even cussed him out. HAHAHAHAHAAA. BEEN THERE DONE THAT!!!
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I know Jimin-ssi, why are men like that? I swear to god...
I saw someone say this sums up their dynamic perfectly: Jimin calculating in his mind how to work the self-check out while Jungkook does the helicopter cam above him.
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You gotta give it to Walmart though, they do know their customer. The self check out is pretty self-explanatory.
The content of their cart:
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TWO boxes of Twinkies???? And both Prego AND Ragu...
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Getting to the AirBnb accommodations. Cooking. Chilling out before bedtime and Jimin lets Jungkook hear Who.
Horsing around in bed. You know, all these years, I've wondered how they keep the toothpaste spit inside their mouths while brushing their teeth? We've seen them brushing their teeth backstage, in the bathroom, walking around the green room, outside practicing choreo... HOW DO THEY NOT DROOL ALL OVER THEIR CUSTOM MADE OUTFITS? And now wrestling on the bed...
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Waking up, JK and his frosted flakes. Jokes about abandoning Jimin...more horsing around on the bed. And then they doze off again. I know they did. Hard to tell but Jungkook is glued to Jimin's back.
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Jimin gets to ride on the back of the Harley with JK. It starts to rain. I guess they were bringing it back to the rental place.
Going back to the store for a sponge.
I think Jimin was feeling much better. Looked like he slept better.
We see the Army who said they met Jimin and Jungkook last year. When I first heard about it I thought how lucky and random and what kind of stars need to align for that to happen??? What a great experience!!! When will it be our turn???
And then the next idea for Run BTS (the show)... hide and seek while shopping for specific ingredients to cook with and the twist is they're in a foreign country. WORLD TOUR RUN BTS!!! BIGHIT I HAVE IDEAS!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!
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Its raining, dancing in the rain as they exit the store. They leave in the Jeep and head back to the house to eat their pizza.
Army in Connecticut won in life.
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Then they start their journey back to NYC (I'm assuming) so Jungkook can go on to London and Jimin can head back to Korea. They stop one more time for lobster rolls and lobster mac & cheese.
That's when we see Jungkook contradict himself...
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In the Jeep just a little while ago you said nothing inspired you. Was it the rain or the beer that was inspiring you? Or was it the head full of new memories and ideas about the next trip that were swirling around in there?
By the end of this trip, they are back in sync.
Their closing interview: JK wants to keep doing this until they're 50, 12 more seasons! JK said "practice being better variety show entertainers so the two of us can continue doing this" as motivation to continue doing this type of thing way into the future. Jimin found humor in that. And that's where we fade to black.
And during the credits, Jimin is eating again, spicy ramen, possibly the next day. Apparently his stomach is back in order as he readies to fly back home.
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What a trip.
Deeper thoughts:
Jimin and Jungkook wanted to spend time together. We knew that. It didn't seem to happen when it could have. They even said so in the Jeep. But JK concluded the discussion succinctly:
Finally they were spending quality time together. Though their talk was brief, we have no idea if there was more to it before or after what we saw of it. The editors showed us that much enough to explain the situation and why it had not happened. The end result of it all was: finally.
Finally, after wanting this. Finally, after saying we would. Finally... doing something together that we loved doing before and we've wanted to do again. Finally.
Jimin pushed for it. He knew. He made it happen. Finally.
They are two distinct personalities and their journeys through this solo era leading up to their enlistment were different.
Jimin is a leader and doer. He is the initiator. Jimin said if he hadn't pushed for this show to happen it would not have gotten done.
There were a few moments in these first two episodes where Jimin brought up MS. Jungkook didn't seem thrilled to talk about it.
They truly didn't know what they were going to film for this show. They got in the car and started to make it up as they went. I can see how that would be awkward.
They don't understand that just them being themselves is what we want to see. They don't have to try to make something happen. Its the spontaneous moments that make the best content (see kayak dump and Walmart trip). Maybe Jimin was more in tune with this than Jungkook was but he is the one who turns on a live and sits there and watches Netflix while eating chicken. They had to get back in sync and they did.
So the first episode was a little slow, a little cautious, a little quiet. Reserved. That first day they were finding their groove, getting 're-acquainted' if you will, finding the slots and spaces in each other that fit and feel the most comfortable to them. You could see them relax as the day wore on.
But, they still had challenges. JK's head cold. Jimin's stomach bug. You want some TMI's? Watch Jimin run to the bathroom for the fifth time.
We may see a little bit of this quiet re-acquainting when BTS does its first group live next year. And yes, I am 100% confident we will see this first live shortly after Jimin and Jungkook are discharged. We will see them in a way we've never seen before.
After both episodes... my conclusion is we saw about 2 hours out of the roughly 3 or three and a half days Jimin and Jungkook were together. Thursday evening, July 13 through Sunday evening, July 16. I'm not exactly sure when JK left for London but Jimin went back to Korea on July 17.
I wonder if the plan was to create hour long episodes or if there was so much they wanted to show the episodes just ended up being that long. They could have easily hidden Jimin's stomach issues from us. They could have edited a lot of it down. But in making the episodes this long, they showed more and more of their dynamic in play.
I didn't put everything into this post that I wanted to but we've got six more episodes coming and I still haven't had time to watch Run Jin.
Hashtags arent working... I'll add them later.
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spideystevie · 1 year
single thread of gold (tied me to you)
word count: 1.2k
a/n: tell jesus...that the bitch is back. HIII have had insane amounts of writer's block lately but have been getting into the groove again and thus, this was born. truly just overly "poetic" fluff with, like, no plot. i've missed steve and i've missed YOU guys!!!! i hope you like <3
Fate wasn’t an idea you bought into. Invisible strings, serendipitous meetings, everything happened with cause and effect. 
Then, you met Steve and fate seemed to be something that had a lot more pull in your life than you ever realized. How else could you explain a mini version of your Steve pouting in the background of a childhood photo of you at the park? Or the distinct color of the green jacket you wore all the time in the corner of a picture of Steve on vacation his junior year?
You’re sure there had to be signs you were oblivious to. Twists of fate tugging on the respective end of the string that tied the two of you together, pulling this way and that until you fell together. It seems like the stars aligned the day you met, everything slowly starting to fall into place the more you wove your lives together.
It’s a pretty thought now, the idea of fate and serendipity. 
A tethering thread, thin as fishing wire and painted gold, is wrapped snug around your hearts. It’s naked to the eye but you can feel it give your heart a gentle squeeze whenever Steve smiles, each time he brushes his thumb over the curve of your cheek, down to your jaw. 
It digs into the flesh even now, sets your skin alive as he stands behind you, arms wrapping around your shoulders and holding you close against him. It’s instinctive the way your hands come up to hold onto his forearms. Your head lolls to one side, nearly resting against the pillow of muscle in his bicep near your ear. 
You wonder if this is too much for the grocery store on a Sunday. After all, you’re just trying to pick out a new cereal to try for breakfast. Steve wants anything chocolate and your nose crinkles, unsure if you agree. He tries his best to smooth the wrinkle along the bridge of your nose away with a kiss. 
It works, though his kiss presses more so to the skin beneath your eye than your actual nose. You don’t mind. You never mind when it comes to Steve’s kisses on your skin. 
He talks you into cocoa puffs, keeps one arm wrapped around you as he reaches to grab the box and put it in your shopping cart. He spoon feeds you a couple mouthfuls when you get home and all the groceries have been put away. When he kisses you it’s almost artificially sweet like the chocolate from his cereal. 
You push his hair back from his forehead, dipping to press a kiss between his brow. His eyes close on contact and a wispy smile creeps onto his face. When you straighten, his hair falls back into place and you ruffle it with your hand. He swats it away with a playful scrunch of his nose that makes you laugh. 
“I was thinking tonight we could go out for dinner, see a movie maybe,” you say, leaning against the counter. Steve swivels on the barstool, his knee nudging your thigh. The spoon clinks against the bowl, stirring up the last few lonely pieces of cereal floating in the milk. 
He reaches for your waist, pulling you to his lap with an ease that’s grown over the years. You sit on his thigh, back against the edge of the counter and both legs dangling in the space between his. Like some kind of magnetic force, your hand comes back to his hair, pushing the loose strands of fringe away from his forehead again. 
A gooey admiration pools like honey in his eyes as he looks up at you. He smiles, a little dopey, when your nails scratch against his scalp. 
“Hmm, do I get to pick the movie?”
“I think that can be arranged,” you murmur, a smile etched on your face. You seem to do that a lot you realize, a near permanent upturn of your lips whenever Steve’s around. You can’t help it, a reflex after this many years together. 
Steve feels the tug of that thread around his heart right now, with your hand fallen against the back of his neck and the sweetest lovesick smile on your face. He can’t get enough of you, not that he’d ever want to. Steve loves the insatiable feeling that comes with loving you. 
“Then it’s a date,” he responds, the insides of his body feeling heavy and warm from the amount of adoration coursing through him. He’s not sure he’ll ever get used to it. Like he can’t take it anymore, he pinches at your side and relishes in the giggling squeal that escapes you as you fold at the side and lean away. 
“Steve,” you try to go for chastising, your hand smushing against his face and pushing him away when he tries to pinch again, but it comes out half-hearted and through a laugh. It mixes with his, a hearty melodic sound that you never tire of hearing. 
You move to stand, your feet just barely touching the ground before you’re pulled back tight against him. He noses against your neck, lips ghosting against the skin there. You twist your neck to face him as his face comes up from its spot against your neck. 
Steve’s eyes scan your face, redrawing each feature from memory each time he blinks. His nose nudges against yours, squishes against your cheek when he presses his lips to yours. A feeling like coming home, a mutual squeeze around your hearts that comes each time you kiss. 
When you pull back, he steals one, two, three more kisses from you until you’re left a giggling mess, smile wide and blinding and eyes shining like the stars. He’s never seen a prettier sight. Another kiss is stolen, this one silencing your giggles with the intensity of it. You blink hard, a little dazed when he pulls away.
Steve’s nose brushes against your hairline, his lips ghosting over your temple. That same cheek-aching smile returns to your face, a bit softer this time, fuzzy around the edges. Your whole body feels that way, a whole gaussian blur of a lover as you look at your boyfriend.
His eyes soften and his head tilts in question, “What?”
“Jus’ love looking’ at you,” you say, voice a gentle hug. I love you is what it means, til the end of time and then some. Steve understands, of course he does. Your serendipitous, fated love. His eyes crinkle at the corners from how big his smile grows, your favorite sight. One of your hands reaches to hold his face, thumb brushing against the wrinkled skin.
“Funny,” he muses, voice dripping with fondness for you, “was just thinking the same thing ‘bout you.”
Your heart soars and you can feel yourself sinking further into the deep end of the pool of his adoration for you. Positively lovesick, you bring his face down to yours again to kiss him silly. 
That tethering string wraps almost painfully, suffocatingly tight around your hearts. If you could die from so much love, well, it wouldn’t be such a bad way to go.
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xotication · 28 days
im actually obsessed with ur writing😫could u write about domestic things with kaneki? (idk if that’s the word) like slow mornings, going out to shop, etc!!
of course i can
i personally feel like slow mornings with ken come after having a night of fun.. ifykwim.
that being said though, he’s always extremely soft with you. & he’s doing any & all work so you don’t have to move all that much.
you guys spend almost two hours just laying in bed, talking, rotting.. well you’re mainly doing all the talking but ken is listening intently. he could tell exactly what you were saying ten minutes ago, without any fail. it’s so cute.
when you finally decide you wanna get up, ken makes his way to the bathroom first so he can put toothpaste on both of your guys toothbrushes.
ken will also fully try to speak to you as he’s brushing his teeth, it never makes any fucken sense but he refuses to stay quiet.
after teeth brushing, he’ll help you wash your face & then he’s on his way to make you wtv you’re feeling for breakfast.
trust, he literally wants you doing NOTHING.
“do you need help, ken? i can make the eggs”
“NO. just go sit down..”
“oh- ok you don’t have to YELL”
LMAOO like he’s so passionate.
you have to stop him when he’s tryna spoon feed you your entire meal.
“i got it ken, thank you..”
“just say you hate me & want me to die.”
on to shopping, most bfs don’t really like going shopping with their gfs because only god knows how long they’ll actually be shopping for.
but nonono. NOT KANEKI.
this man would be your personal stylist if he could be. you’ll be searching through the racks of clothes, mf waltz on over with at least 5 hangers & a big ass smile.
“here, try these on! i think they’d look good on you”
“ken, i can find my own-”
“SH. dressing room. you. NOW.”
& much to your surprise, his selections always do end up looking good on you. he’s making sure every color is gonna go with your skin tone. making sure nothing will stand out too harshly, & taking into account the things he already knows you don’t like.
not to mention, this man doesn’t let you pay for like, anything?
one time you guys were out thrifting & you kept finding the cutest pieces ever. only to reach into your purse & realize you’d forgotten your entire wallet.
“ken.. i forgot my wallet.”
when i tell you, the pure disgust written on this man’s face is OTHERWORLDLY.
“so..? who said i was gonna let you fucken pay for anything anyway? put everything you want in the cart & keep it pushing.”
“but ken.. that’s so much money”
“my money belongs to you”
your jaw dropped internally. it took all your willpower to not drop to the floor, roll around, & start giggling.
also! ken is a very big fan of matching or coordinated outfits. he loves loves loves being able to show that you guys are together. by any small or big means possible.
i’d also like to kindly remind you that ken absolutely does have a ring with your name on it :3
oh & he most definitely shares his clothes with you! he thinks it's so cute when he finds you in his closet, "what're you looking for, pretty?"
"erm.. i dunno, i really liked that one shirt you wore like 2 days ago."
"this one?" he's holding up a plain black shirt. on the back side there's angle wings, & the shirt itself is a little faded out from when he first got it, so you love the aesthetic of it.
"all you had to do was ask, honey."
i think one thing ken really enjoys doing with you is taking walks. like no matter the time nor weather. he loves a good walk & yap session with his favorite girl.
“baby, can we go for a walk”
“what’re you, a dog?”
“no.. i just wanna walk & talk.. well, hear you talk”
“we can talk in here..”
“but i wanna talk outside, get some fresh air.. yk?”
you guys end up walking down to a park nearby, & you're of course telling ken about the most of random things you've been seeing & hearing lately.
the two of you are gossiping about your workspaces, friend groups, social media drama & so on.
ken ends up picking like a million flowers & he puts them in your hair, you don't even stop him because you know it's making him happy, "you're so beautiful, y/n." he says when he's finally all done.
"i know."
"yeah? & how do you know?"
"you tell me everyday"
ken has the biggest, stupidest smile on his face when you say this. he feels like he's doing his job right. he opens insta & takes a picture of you in that moment & captions it, "my flower girl" & hits share.
ken most definitely reads you books. it is the best bonding time ever. especially if it's a really good book too.
he loves to fucken slam the book down & debrief anything & everything with you.
if something crazy happens, ken will fully throw the damn book across the room as he's reading it.
"boy go pick the fucken book up! i didn't even hear what happened yet!"
"oh, right."
& then he's scrambling to get the book & sitting you in his lap so you can read the tea too. when you finally do, you gasp & he's all in your ear lie, "MHMM, i told you!!"
one time you bought 50 shades of grey without telling him what it was about & when he finally got to the spicy parts, his jaw dropped to the ground.
"y/n, what the hell am i reading?!"
"a book!!"
"let's recreate?"
you two most definitely recreated.
this is so random but i’ve been thinking about kaneki playing dress to impress SMMM.
when he sees it trending all over his tiktok & insta, he’s absolutely itching to play with you.
one day you come home from being out with a couple friends & ken is on ft with hide, practically screaming.
“CHAT WHERE TF ARE THE SCARVES?!?! there’s only a minute left!!”
you peer over his shoulder to sneak a peek at his screen & low & behold. it’s dti.
you lean down to kiss his cheek & he’s like “oh my god, babe! go get your laptop, you have to play this shit with us”
it’s been only 2 rounds & ken is whining about how you placed podium TWICE when he’s been trying for the past hour.. or two.
“baby.. this isn’t fair.”
“kaneki this is so rigged.” hide chimes in.
you’re cackling in your spot, “just fucken try harder?!”
you look at ken’s screen & see the worst possible outfit for “ghosts vs ghouls”
he literally made their skin green & thought he was eating the competition UPPP.
not to mention the fully purple outfit he put on, & random black top hat? with bulky black boots, & a makeup look that looked BUTCHERED.
“ken, my love. that outfit is horrible.”
he’s just about ready to put his mac through a wood chipper. there’s a pout on his face.
“okay well- can you play on my computer so i can get at least one win.” he says in the softest voice ever & you feel like it’s taking all your might not to laugh.
ken just wanted his dti win. :p
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i’m so sorry this took so fucken long. ☠️
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
steddie fluff , theyre all grocery shopping together fem
Hehe I love this. Tiny blurb of three idiots in love
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Y/N was sitting at the kitchen counter, writing down the million things she needed from the store. Her and her boyfriends were hosting Dustin's birthday party and she needed everything to be perfect.
Within seconds she heard feet pounding down the stairs, racing into the kitchen. Out of breath as he stood next to her
"whatcha need?" Hovering over her shoulder to look at what she was writing
"what kind of cake does Dustin like?"
"ice cream"
" He's lactose intolerant Eddie!"
"okay, well I still think we should do ice cream" Eddie argued
She rolled her eyes. Knowing he only wanted it for himself
"Steve honey" she called, Steve coming around the corner with a smile
"yes love?"
"what kind of cake for Dustin?" She asked
Eddie was quietly chanting ice cream in her ear
"he likes chocolate" Steve answered. Eyes watching as Eddie threw his head back and groaned
"perfect, one chocolate cake and a mini ice cream cake for Eddie" she said, smiling as Eddie cheered and wrapped his arms around her
Y/N sat in the back as her boyfriends screamed at each other. She planned to go shopping alone but Steve and Eddie insisted they needed to go with to help carry all of the bags.
After a 10 minute argument of a parking spot, the three finally made it in the store.
"only stuff on the list you two!" She demanded, pointing her fingers back and forth
"yes ma'am"
"yes baby"
Steve pushed the cart, Eddie and Y/N holding hands as they walked through the aisles.
"okay we need eggs, milk, not that!" She snapped as Steve threw in a box of condoms
"hey we always need these" he defended, Eddie nodding
"yeah unless you want some little Eddie and Steve babies running around" Eddie joked, but the longer the joke sat in the air, the less it was funny
"actually we don't need them" he said, grabbing the box and throwing it on the shelf.
"okay Dustin asked for a new hat. Which one?" She asked, holding two different hats, eyes looking between her boyfriends
"here we go" she sighed, in seconds the argument began
"Eddie you are going to hurt yourself. Get off of the cart!" Steve snapped as Eddie stood on the metal bar
"I'm fine. Live a little!" Eddie laughed. Preparing to race the cart down the aisle
"Edward don't even" Y/N demanded as she rounded the corner
"sorry" he blushed, getting off of the cart, pinching Steve's arm when he laughed
They somehow survived the store, bringing in the countless bags of groceries
"did you guys throw in extra stuff? I don't remember having chocolate on my list" she questioned, eyeing as both boys refused to look at her
"definitely not me" Steve said instantly
"hey it wasn't me!" Eddie defended
She rolled her eyes and threw it in the fridge. Unpacking the rest of the groceries
"okay who got the flavored lube?"
"he did" Steve pointing at Eddie the same time Eddie pointed at him
"he did"
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
I'm still not feeling great, but I really needed groceries. So I forced myself to go last night, which was a really bad idea considering I hadn't recovered from post-exertional malaise as it was.
But I didn't have much food due to stalling for so long. I know I could do delivery or have someone pick stuff up, but I really need to walk around and pick things out. If I am not in the mood for something I won't eat it. I can be picky that way. And then it spoils and I have to throw it out. It's just better if I go to the store and find things that my brain has a craving for.
It just seems like whenever I have the least energy and I try to do a short, simple trip out of the house, I have all of these mini-adventures that make it not as short and simple.
In this case, I didn't even make it out of my driveway before the adventures began. I got in the car there was a warning my tire pressure was low. And usually it isn't that bad and I can just fill up the tires when I have more energy. But one tire was extremely low, so I didn't want to chance it.
I wish I knew why my tires lose air so fast. Seems like I fill them every week or two. I read it could be bad valve stems. But like, on all the tires? I'll save that mystery for another day.
Unfortunately putting air in my tires is just about the hardest task for me specifically. Even if I sit on a stool, I have to bend down in a way that pushes my belly against my lungs. I run out of breath very quickly and so I have to go up and down many times to finish filling the tire. By the end of filling all 4 tires, I was sweating, exhausted, out of breath, light headed, and nauseous.
I really need to find a better way to fill my tires. I could try sitting on the ground, but standing up from the ground is not always easy for me and I'd have to do it 4 times.
I wonder if there is a place I can tip someone to do it.
I digress.
I make it to Sam's and I am struggling before even walking in the store. And they have gigantic shopping carts that take much more energy to push around. Schnucks has these little baby carts that are great for when you need a few items. I guess Sam's assumes if you are going to a bulk store you are going to buy in bulk.
I get my sushi and my brownie bites and everything else and head towards checkout. I have a bit too much stuff for self checkout to make sense, so I get in line.
On one side of me was a guy who was impulse buying a 65" TV. Which is a really bad idea. You should never buy any electronics without researching it first. (Or ask me. Everyone should always ask me before buying technological items.) He was buying a TV that was made to be thin. And if he needed a super thin TV, and he couldn't afford an OLED, it was an okay choice. But for the same price he could get a thicker TV with much better image quality. There was a part of me that wanted to take him back over to the TV aisle and help him make a better decision. But my anxiety thought of about 30 ways that could have backfired and I was barely standing.
And then there was this cart in front of me...
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Is there a midwestern hurricane headed this way or something?
I don't even understand how they did this.
This isn't Tetris. This is... overstuffing a turkey.
I'm a little worried about those eggs too.
Thankfully a new lane opened up and I didn't have to wait 30 minutes for them to figure out how to deal with that.
I did try to use my amazing Tetris skills to arrange my items so the bar code was visible for each one. (I probably could have done self checkout, I guess.) Last time the lady thanked me for making it so easy for her. So I was waiting for this lady to pull out her laser shootie price gun and start zapping my stuff.
But she unloaded everything in my cart onto the conveyor.
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My shopping cart Tetris skills went unnoticed and she had to do 3 times the work.
Then I get out to the parking lot and a bunch of carts are all blocking the disabled parking space for people with rear-loading wheelchairs.
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I tried to move some of them as I went by. I just didn't have the energy to put them all in the receptacle. But even if they are in the yellow zone, that is where they need to unload the wheelchair. I'm just so tired of people being inconsiderate like this.
And I also see a lot of disabled people without wheelchairs using this space. I suppose if it is the only one available, but this is such a great accommodation for wheelchair users. It is much safer to unload away from traffic. I would rather park in the back of the lot than take this option from someone.
Oh, and Schnucks has one of the disabled spots reserved for police and that makes me so mad too. They can double park if there is an emergency. I never see a cop car in that space and so many people could be using that.
Sorry, after pushing my dad around for a year I have become very sensitive to this.
I really wanted to drive straight home, but I still needed some soup and black cherry soda from Schnucks. I probably should have gone back a different day, but sometimes a different day isn't for weeks. So I just got it all done at once. Plus I really wanted to try that Vess black cherry.
Sorry, RefresCoVesScnhucks™ Black Cherry Soda.
I've been pretty sore all day. And I'm still not prepared for the second house auction. And people are coming to pick stuff up from the first auction on Friday. The house is a mess again. Half the groceries aren't put away.
I'm going to need to pull my lantern battery out of the pocket dimension to charge myself back up.
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sleeping-in-the-sky · 7 months
what're your favorite headcanons about the infinite blue boys
asdfghjkl thank you for the ask! Apologies this took so long, I love wanting to do multiple hobbies and subsequently not making progress on any of them
Anyway I'm a sucker for domestic mundane things, like the list of random facts VelvetFox posted in this ask, so here are some headcanons for the boys with that same vibe:
(I had some scraps of IB dad headcanons so those are mixed in here too)
Infinite Blue LIs x Reader. No mentions of reader pronouns or gender. Also posted on Ao3 here.
Has journals full of thoughts and observations about anything and everything. Some of his writing is illegible and other parts make no sense to anybody but him because it's literally his runaway train of thoughts dumped onto paper. He sticks post-it notes with diagrams between the pages, jots down excerpts from Wikipedia pages, and overall it's not an aesthetic read... But flipping through can give you an idea of how this super genius's brain works.
He also writes about you in these notebooks, albeit they're written in between stuff like the thirty-seven fun facts of siphonophores and his favorite part of last night's dinner. Many of them are things you’ve never even noticed about yourself like the way you hold the steering wheel while driving. This is also where he'll stick date memorabilia, like movie tickets. (this hc was inspired by this fic by @sailxrmxrs <3)
If you two own a saucer chair or some other small round comfy seat, he'll probably fall asleep in it at least once. He curls up, all 5'10" of him tucked in that tiny space. Naturally, his body hurts when he wakes up and therefore he gets a bit grumpy. So next time if you see him dozing off maybe lead him to the couch or the bed so he can stretch comfortably.
I want to imagine that he has a closet only for his clothing irons and ironing boards. Like a fucking broom closet and you open it to see that there's those four boards and a dozen irons. These include vintage clothing irons, restored and repurposed. He knows how to use them and take care of them too. Why does this make me laugh so hard.
Clothes shopping. Take this man clothes shopping. Yes, he'll buy you anything but honestly? Even disregarding that it’s a fun time because he would enjoy discussing outfits, and if your taste isn't the same as his business-academia-formal style he could be convinced into trying an outfit you styled, or vice versa. Also he's a total simp every time you step out of the changing room. Need fit pics? He's got you covered.
Something tells me Brooklyn would enjoy snacks and desserts from around the world. He'd love to make them himself (and with you!), but you could just come home with some mitarashi-dango because your local Asian supermarket was having a sale and he's already cracking open the container for the ceremonial-grade green tea leaves.
Leo's our favorite gamer guy, but I think he also enjoys jigsaw puzzles whether they be with his friends or you or both. These are the quiet nights where everyone is focusing, intently staring at the puzzle sitting on the coffee table while aimlessly chatting. It's super peaceful, though sometimes time slips by unnoticed and by the time you all finish it's two in the morning.
Does that thing where you put someone in a shopping car, sprint across the parking lot while pushing said cart, then jump on it while it's moving. He does it with his friends, you, and his future kid (albeit with a lot more caution). He really wants to kiss you while he’s doing it too, but maybe not because what happens if he hits a car, or worse, someone else?
While we're on the topic of transportation and kisses, every time you're sitting shotgun and he pulls the car in reverse he'll put his hand on your seat and lean in to kiss you. Every. Single. Time.
Kiss him first. It'll get him flustered. Do it.
I want to believe he really likes having his hair brushed. If you ask him about it he'll never admit it beyond a quick affirmative, but anytime you sit behind him and start to gently run the bristles through his tangles, he could feel himself relaxing. It's soothing. He might fall asleep like that.
Milo would own a 3d printer. I have no definitive reasons why. Vibe check says he owns a 3d printer and will print out cool little knickknacks and give them to you without a word because they either help you in a mundane way (like a toothbrush holder), or he'll print out something cute like a tiny frog with a mushroom hat because he likes seeing your face light up.
Or he'll print out something cursed, like that Thomas the Tank Engine bottlecap where the liquid streams out of the eyes. It's a coin toss every time.
Was that one kid reading with a flashlight under the covers. Even now that he's older, he likes to get a bed light and read before bed. Sometimes he gets super engrossed in it and you gotta peel that book off him. He’ll complain. Stand your ground. Otherwise he'll be super sleep-deprived and cranky the next morning.
If his future child also turns out to be an avid reader, he'll secretly change out their flashlight batteries. Or get them a night light with some half-baked excuse of, "so you don't turn on all the lights when you get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and wake the entire house up." Sure, Rory.
Speaking of sleep-related things, he really likes it when you fall asleep next to him/on him. His expression melts into the softest smile and he'll pull you in tightly. If he falls asleep on you, he's the kind to unconsciously hold onto you/must be touching you at all times. He gets really embarrassed about it if you mention this to him. I recommend taking a picture and making it his contact photo.
Has terrible handwriting but an impeccable signature. Don't ever ask him to write the grocery list because it takes forever to decipher his chicken scratch, but he'll sign stuff for fans in one fluid stroke, and that shit looks clean. And yes, he'll offer to sign something for you too.
Loves it when he's chilling on the couch after a long day and you flop on top of him. He'll happily be your teddy bear and let you lay there for hours, the two of you chatting and watching TV while he rubs soft circles on your back. Feel free to fall asleep like that too.
He's the type to enjoy flashy, expensive dates. He takes you out in his sports car to get dinner at a fancy restaurant, followed by spectating sports games from the VIP seats. But I also think incredibly mundane things, like the two of you going out just to grab ice cream in sweatpants and hoodies give him a special kind of happiness.
Seeing you sleepily rubbing your eyes as you come to pick him up from the airport is enough to make him giddy.
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wonopia · 3 months
THE PHOTOBOOTH | 001. photobooth guy
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[WC] . 1600 mlist ! next
by the time misaki arrived at the local mall, it was 9:05. the parking lot was not near getting filled up. the building was oddly almost empty and quiet, some shops hadn't even opened yet. as she reached the dead zone of the mall, she could see the revisions and the new shops getting built in on the first floor. they were adding in a couple of retail shops. followed by that, a mini arcade. she walked towards the escalator before letting it bring her to the second floor.
she immediately remembered that her friend wanted her to check out the pricing for a photo at the new photobooth. as a good friend she was, she decided to check the prices now since the mall was basically empty.
once she saw it, she sprinted to the booth before pulling on the black curtain to reveal a boy in a white sweater- a boy she'd never seen once in her life.
"last pose! 3.. 2.. 1.." the machine spoke, catching her attention, he just looked at her. his face was clearly flushed with embarrassment.
"oh sorry," she apologized while closing the curtain and speed walking toward jamba juice, her workplace. she opened the side door and walked inside.
she had one question, why was he at the mall so early?
she attempted to walk it off, reaching for her apron and tying it on before tying her hair up in a ponytail.
"misaki?" a voice called out from the storage room, "is that you?"
"yeah, riku asked for me to fill in."
a head poked out into view from the door frame with curious eyes.
"taesan?" she questioned, "since when did you start working early shifts?"
"ever since i switched to afternoon classes in uni," he answered, walking over to her with a bag full of bananas and strawberries, "can you go grab some of the fruits laid out in the back and bring them here?"
"sure," she smiled, walking to the back room. picking up a bag of mangoes and dragon fruit, "why are there a bunch of shoe boxes back here?"
"oh yeah, don't mind those, i'm gonna bring them over to footlocker. the UPS employees keep dropping them off here every other morning. they said they have to change their tracking system asap," he told her, she walked back over to the counter and set it down in the corner next to the open cabinet.
"i don't mind dropping it off later," she said, since taesan worked the morning shift and he had to deliver all those boxes to foot locker everyday- she decided why not do it for him and let him off the hook for one day. especially since footlocker is across the entire mall, it must've been tiring.
"really? thanks," he thanked, "you can start now if you want, it'll probably take a while."
"okay," she nodded, pulling off her apron.
the security office lended her a moving cart that held about 20 boxes at a time which was very helpful. once she filled the cart for the first time, she pushed it all the way to footlocker with various breaks in between.
when she arrived in front of the shoe shop, she called an employee over to load the shoes in the back while she went to talk to a worker at the desk.
"hey jay," she waved as she walked over to the counter top, leaning on the counter a little bit, "some of your guys' shoe boxes were delivered at jamba juice again, so i came to deliver it."
"thanks, i hope they fix it soon. its making us run all over the place," he told her. misaki nodded in agreement.
"i agree, but this is just the first batch so once you guys finish loading these in your storage room, i'll bring over the rest."
he nodded, "okay," before turning around to face a familiar guy, too recognizable.. he was looking right back at her before giving her an awkward smile, she smiled back before walking off.
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"dude!" sunghoon hissed, "that was the girl."
"who, misaki?" he asked, while tagging all the boxes of insoles.
"that's her name?"
"no no no, you cannot like misaki," jay stated, turning away from the boy, while reaching for an empty shoe box.
"what why?"
"cause.." he stopped himself before he could spill the beans, sunghoon gave him the eyes but jay shook his head, "too many people liked her. if you seek for a relationship, don't attempt it."
"too many people?" he questioned, a little suspicious of jay, "did you like her?"
"hoon!" he exclaimed, "i'm at work, please let me be."
"i'm gonna take that as a yes."
"no, i didn't," he answered, "my friend did and.. he's stuck in the friend zone."
"she hasn't met me yet though," sunghoon pointed out, "i might have a chance."
"a chance at rejection, yes."
"why are you being such a debby downer?"
"i just don't think it's a good idea, especially for you. i mean come on, how long did it take for you to get over that one girl in eighth grade?" jay asked.
"oh come on, i thought we were over that. plus, i did move on."
"and then you got stuck up on another girl. in my opinion, you should wait for a girl to come to you- not the other way around," he told the dumbfounded boy. sunghoon frowned at the memories.
"okay fine. i won't go for her."
"i swear," sunghoon swore.
"you promise?"
"i promise, come on jay," he reassured his best friend.
"hi ma'am, what would you like today?" taesan asked, taking over order #57.
"order #56!" misaki called out, a woman and a young girl walking over to show their receipt, "here are some straws and a spoon for the acai bowl."
"thank you," the older woman smiled, misa smiled back before walking over to the second cash register to take the next order as taesan finished taking his.
"hi, what would you like to order?" she asked while unlocking the register, she looked up to see jay and 'the photobooth guy'. she held her smile and looked over to jay who started to talk.
"a medium white gummi please."
“with the vitamins you normally get?” she added.
“oh yes please,” he nodded, misaki tapped in his order before looking over to the familiar boy from earlier, "order what you would like, ill pay for it."
"it's okay, its my treat. um and can i get one mango-go-go and strawberries wild," the white sweater boy assured, eyes observing misaki's face little by little.
"both mediums?"
"um.. make the mango-go-go a large, do you want to make yours large?" he asked his best friend.
"no, it's okay," jay politely declined before going off to find a free table, "i'll go find us a table to sit at."
"will that be all?" misa asked, locking eyes with the boy.
"yup," he mumbled, looking everywhere except her face.
"so one medium white gummi with vitamins, one medium strawberries wild, and one large mango-go-go,” he nodded, “your total will be 10569 ₩," she calculated, "can i have a name for the order?"
he tapped his card before answering her, "uh sunghoon?" he answered although he sounded unsure.
"'uh sunghoon'?" she asked, grabbing a sharpie to write the orders down on the designated sized cups. he looked at her upon hearing his name being called.
"oh no, its just sunghoon," he corrected shyly more than awkwardly.
"got it," misaki assured him with a warm smile, "it'll be ready in a couple minutes."
she handed him his receipt before walking off to make they're smoothies.
“thanks for picking me up on such short notice, wonnie,” misaki thanked her best friend, “my cars in the shop at the moment.”
“wait so how’d you get here this morning?” her best friend asked.
“oh i took a bus to the subway and walked from there.”
“you could always call me if you need a ride,” wonyoung reminded her.
“i know, i know but i cant always ask you for a ride.”
“fine, its up to you but.. who was that guy you were talking about on your spam?” wonie curiously asked as she drove out of the parking lot, “did you get his number?”
“no,” she sighed, “but i did get his name.”
“really?! how?” she gasped, not expecting that answer.
“well his name is sunghoon, i'll search his name up on twitter,” misaki informed the brown haired girl as she started to search him up on social media.
“why does that name sound so familiar..” wonnie mumbled to herself.
“huh? does it?”
once they stopped at the street light, misa showed sunghoon's profile. wonyoung observed the page before gasping.
“wait, wait, wait him?” she exclaimed, more in a worried way.
“what, why? you're scaring me," misaki retracted her phone away from her frantic friend.
a horn honked from behind them, catching wonyoungs attention, she pushed on the gas to turn onto the freeway.
“you cannot date him and i'm serious about that,” her voice was stern and serious.
“why?” misa asked.
“well when i tell you, you wouldn't want to date him either,” the girl's ears perked up at her words, “his sister is park sara.”
for those of you who dont know, park sara is misaki’s number one enemy which automatically makes sunghoon second on that list.
“no fucking way,” misaki cursed under her breath, leaning back in her chair but she still couldn't stop herself from looking through his notes on twitter.
as much as she tried, she couldn't stop thinking about sungh- she couldn't even say his name. she's been calling him ‘photobooth guy’ and before she knew it, she was spamming wonyoung.
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note: okie lets spice it up :O
© wonopia 2024
open TAGLIST. @coffeeprincejaehyun @hoonatic
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trash-monkey · 2 years
Little Brother
Chapter 3
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Once finished eating brother throws away our trash into a bin while Takashi settles me into his arms, not really wanting to risk me getting lost on our way around the mall before we finally walked through the sliding doors of a child store and Takashi sits me into the seat of a chart.
"Cold." I gasped when my bear legs touched the cold metal of the shopping cart causing both to chuckle before Takashi started pushing the cart down a clothing aisle with brother tailing behind, Takashi takes a look at the tags on my clothes for size since brother didn't know when asked.
"There's goes my wallet once again." Brother muttered at watching Takashi put things into the cart, pairs of three long sleeve shirts, short sleeve shirts, pants, shorts, underwear, shocks, one pair of flip flops, sandals and shoes are put into the cart with the thought of getting more at a later time.
"Which one do you like?" Takashi asked me while holding up two different colored pacifiers after we moved on from the clothes, I point at the baby blue one before I noticed brother has disappeared.
"Bu?" I muttered while searching around causing my already attached heart to drop at no sight of him, I turn to Takashi with glazed eyes and bottom lip in mouth trying to stop myself from crying but unwilling a tear rolls. With a 'oh no' expression Takashi quickly removes me from the carts seat and settle me into his arms where I nuzzled my face into his neck, the only thing he hears are sniffles while trying to clam me down with back rubs.
"What's wrong?" Jerking my head towards brothers voice, I immediately reached out to him and give his shirt a death grip once in his arms.
"He got upset when he didn't see you and I guess he thought you left him." Takashi replied, brother sighed through his nose as he rubs my back and lean his head next to mine.
"I'm sorry, I'll never abandon you." He whispered to me while giving me a light squeeze before turning me in his arm to show me a light teal colored stuff dragon in his other hand, wiping the water out of my eyes I give brother a pout and side eye basically say 'you scared me with your disappears for this?'.
"Sorry. I just went to take a look around and saw this little guy, thought you'll like him." He laid a kiss on my head, I sniffed one last time and accepted the stuff dragon as a apology before laying my head back on his chest to listen to his heart beat. The rest of the shopping went smoothly as I stayed in brothers arms the whole time and before I know it we're standing outside the mall a few blocks away saying bye to each other.
"Bye bye, Ashi." Takashi laughed at my nickname for him before he says he's own byes to us and we parted ways, I realize once we're back in brothers room in the brothel that he's strong since he carried me and the multiple bags all the way back here. While he puts everything away I noticed a large dumbbell sitting next the shelf after searching around the room for something to do, I crawled over from my seat in the center of the room and give it a experimental push which it easily rolled since the weights are acting like wheels. Brother smiled softly when he takes a glance to see me pushing his dumbbell around the room as a imaginary car causing him to stop mid way of putting the last few of my newly bought things away to remove his phone from his pocket to take a short video of me crawling throughout his room with his dumbbell.
"We're going to another friend of mine." Brother revealed after he stick the new pacifier into his pocket before we left the brothel once again but this time we head twords the parking lot and approach a Kawasaki Zephyr 400 motorcycle with a similar design as brothers tattoo.
"Cool" I gasped which he smiled at my excitement of the bike before sitting me onto it with him getting behind me.
"Hold on tight" He ordered which I immediately followed before he started the engine and we're off, brother stops at a old japanese style house with what looks like a dojo near. Slightly scared I take a hold onto brothers pant leg once we're off the motorcycle and I trail behind him while walking up to the house.
"Mikey!? I got your dorayaki!?"Brother calls out after we step through the front door and pulled our shoes off, I hide behind brothers leg when I hear running and see a short blond teen slid around a corner towards us when taking a peek around the leg. Brother hands the bag of pastries over to the blond he got on our way here and the teen quickly caught sight of me when I hide again while putting a pastry into his mouth causing him to ask who I am.
"Little Brother" Brother simply answered while the blonde kneel down to my level but for some unknown reason I find myself not liking him, I hold back from my face turning into discomfort.
"Wook ovr there!" I gasped in fake shock while pointing in a random corner of the house to distract him which luckily worked and I immediately went into run away mode, my feet slap against the wooden floor are the only sounds of my escape. Leaving the short blonde to pout while brothers face shows he's unamused but finds it secretly funny, I take a turn into a living room to find a older black haired man sitting on a couch with another on the opposite couch.
"Where did you come from, little man?" He asked once he takes notice of me and lay in his arms after being sit on his lap when I hold my arms up to him.
"Hey" Brother calls out when he steps into the room with the still pouting blond teen beside him.
"Is this little man with you?" After confirming brother once again tells what our mother did causing the man to be angry but it quickly dispell when he sees it causing me to squirm.
"Well Ren, I'm Shinichiro and this man over here is Wakasa." The older man introduced himself and his friend which I responded much to my brothers surprise, I've been quite so far unless spoken to.
"Helwo, Shin and Waka." I yawned in tiredness which Shin committed on but brother tells him that I have already taken a nap earlier causing the man to sigh in realization.
"The reason why he's sleeping so much is probably because he wasn't being fed enough by the way he's almost on the scary side of skinny, clearly that woman didn't want him." Before Shin could said anything a old man walks in and said what he was going to say instead, everyone welcomes him.
"Hello I'm Mikey, can you say Mikey?" The blond teen kneels in front of me while Shin watches Mikey interact with me as brother and the elderly talk in a different part of the room but I turn away from him to hide myself under Shins shirt causing him to laugh at my action and probably at Mikey's pouty face. I can hear Mikey ask Shin why I don't like him and he responded with that he doesn't know but to give me time to get use to him.
'This body is weak and gets tried so easily but hopefully once I started eating regularly it's be solved with time.'
I thought as another yawned escape from me before wrapping my limbs around the lean body of Shin like I did this morning with brother and stick my head out of the shirt to lay it under Shins chin.
"Me so sweepy." I mumbled while hearing Shins calm beating heart through his chest which is slowly putting me to sleep as my eyes drooping.
"It's ok, you can sleep I'll wake you for dinner." The last thing I heard before sleep taking over is his voice vibrating through his chest when he chuckled.
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askthechronoverse · 26 days
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Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
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Sleeping in the bushes of the house was a terrible idea. It wasn't like she could sleep well in the first place, but the lack of comfort found in the bushes made things worse. Dreams gave way to nightmares where her father and dad told her they were disappointed in her and they were glad they didn't have to face her mistakes. They morphed into monsters, creatures far removed from the people she loved. They gave chase, mouths spewing vitrol and disappointment like a fountain. She tried to run and hide, but the twisted forms of her immediate family were joined by similar avatars of her cousins, her aunt, even Queen Unikitty. Their features contorted as they circled around her. They all sang the same cacophony, demanding Kit make the situation right.  Within all of the negativity came a single voice, one cut through like a refreshing summer breeze. 
“Hey. Miss? Are you OK?”
She jumped from her sleep and saw the boy from the previous day, standing over her dressed far better for the weather than she was. He held out a mittened hand to help her up. Kit took it, but mostly used her own legs to help her up. 
“Kinda. Uh… I'm gonna ask you the same thing. Are you OK? I saw the van and I want to help.” The boy thought in silence, but the debate in his head went on for no more than a moment. 
“Well, I really don't know you that well. Not supposed to talk to strangers. But if you help me get some groceries, I'll tell you some things.” He tilted his head and waited for the reply. 
“Why not?” She wiped her eyes with her sleeve, tears from the night before frozen into tiny ice balls. She walked down the road with the younger child, following close behind him. “I'm Kit, by the way.”
“I'm Kevin.” He said after heading for a street corner. “I haven't seen you around town. Are you here to visit family?” 
“I…” She wondered to herself if telling him about the portals and the foundation elements was even a good idea. She shook her head. “I'm doing something important.”
“Important?” Kevin scratched his head. “What's so important?”
“I'll tell you after you tell me about the van.” Kit stated as the two walked into the store parking lot. Kevin turned to hold out his hand.
“Deal.” The two children shook hands then Kit grabbed a cart. “Just stay by me. I know what I'm doing.” Kit nodded and followed Kevin into the grocery store. 
The grocery store reminded her of the stores from her world so there wasn't much wonder in the trip around the aisles as her younger travel companion looked for items she knew, but were from brands she didn't recognize. She and Kevin passed by family after family and the hole in her heart felt deeper and deeper. Kevin didn't notice her slowing pace and her downward glance, since he was too busy checking his mental shopping list for everything he needed. Kit's thoughts were broken by his voice.
“Do you think this frozen dinner is any good?” He held a box up to Kit, one that had a realistic photo of a steaming plate of a turkey dinner on it. Kit took the package and turned the box over in her hand. The brand didn't look familiar to her but the concept of a frozen tv dinner made her mind wander to lazy winter afternoons.
“My dad eats things like these all the time. I'm sure they're fine.” She handed the box back to Kevin, who threw it in the basket and pushed it forward. The two moved in silence for the rest of the trip, Kit let Kevin handle talking to the cashier, who questioned the two of him on being alone. Kit didn't pay attention to this exchange. Instead, she looked out the window and watched a father pick his daughter up and take her into the store. She could see herself as the child and her dad as the dad and she wanted to cry again. 
“Come on, sis. Mom's waiting.” Kevin grabbed Kit's arm and dragged her away, pressing a bag of groceries in her free hand. The boy waited until they got far enough from the store to talk again.
“The guys in that van want to break into my house.”  His semi-confident tone hid panic. The confidence was certainly disarming. “I gotta stop them.”
“Have you tried going to the police? Or asking your parents for help?” Kit adjusted her headband.
“The police won't help and… my family is gone.” Kevin whispered the last part and looked down as they approached his house, then turned to Kit with a face that screamed out in some kind of deep guilt that she was shocked to see on a child younger than her. 
“Gone as in… they moved on to the next adventure? “ Kit watched Kevin's expression turn to confusion for a second, but he didn't elaborate. He turned the key to his back door, kicked it closed when Kit walked through, and started to put groceries away. Kit put the bags in the trash as they had ripped on the way over. He looked around and sighed, relieved. 
“So I gotta do some laundry. If you see two weird guys outside, call me. I think we have leftover pizza in the fridge if you like mushroom or sausage” The boy kept his eyes on his basement doorway as he spoke, disappearing down the stairs. Kit used Kevin's words as an invitation to look around the house. It was larger than any home she had been to or seen in the Unikingdom. Her family's A frame cabin was like a small shack in comparison and that intimidated her. Signs of a large family having been in the house recently peppered the area. What happened to them to leave Kevin all alone? Her heart hurt for him, but she couldn't help but wonder if this was because of Master Apocalypse. 
She found a photo of Kevin with a red haired woman on a bedside table and she pulled out her phone to see the photo of herself and Richard. Master Apocalypse had said he was also hiding information, but not just from her. Was it about the kingdom before the Unikingdom? She tried to remember the history as her sister had taught her. Before the Unikingdom was Cloud Cuckoo Land, a world in the clouds that was destroyed when Bad Cop and his men had stormed it in search of the Special, her Uncle Emmet… and she guessed her dad. That was something she doubted she would ever fully wrap her mind around. Her father once alluded to a lost kingdom before that, but never explained further. People said the rules of the Unikingdom also came from a lost civilization, but her father tended to laugh those theories away. Was there weight to those theories? 
“Good thinking. Didja find them hiding out?” Kit jumped with a yelp. She turned to see that Kevin was on the doorway of the room she was in.
“Nope! I found nothing.” She held the framed photo in her hand still, but her phone was quickly stashed in her pocket. “Who's this?”
“That's my mom.” The pang of guilt was visible in the boy's eyes. Kit urged him to go on with hers. “We had a fight before she…” Kevin looked down. “Before I wished she would disappear. And she did. Everyone did.” He then began to list off his family members in rapid fire succession.
“That happened to my dad, too. That's why I need to find the important thing.” Her shoulders sank. More than likely something else happened to Kevin's family. The chance that the family disappeared because of a change in the dimensions was a chance that she couldn't ignore, however.
“Then, I think I gotta let you in on my plan.” He beckoned her to come closer. “I know a guy who can help us. We'll go later.” He paused and bolted down the stairs, leaving Kit alone again. She put the photo back where she found it and followed Kevin down the hall at a far slower pace.  By the time she got downstairs, the boy had set off firecrackers in a red metal pot and started playing a black and white movie where an older man was shooting at someone with a tommy gun while laughing. She watched a man with frizzy brown hair  run away from the front door. Kevin was huddled in a corner with his fingers in his ears. 
“Was that one of the van guys?” She asked as Kevin sprang up. 
“Yeah.” He nodded, cleaning up the pot in the sink. He was silent for a moment as he washed. Once the pot was clean, he spoke again. “Wanna help me decorate? We didn't want to decorate a tree this year because we were going to go to Paris and we weren't gonna be home or anything. But since you're here and I'm here…” 
“Sure.” She nodded. Kevin took the cue and ran off. He returned surprisingly fast with a box labeled “Christmas ornaments”. Christmas? What was Christmas, Kit thought as Kevin led her to his living room. He had put the box down by the time her focus went back to the outside world and he was kneeling on the floor, opening the box  “Hey, wait.” The boy paused. “What do these guys even want?”
“They wanna break in and steal stuff.” Kevin began to pull items out of the box and put them aside on the floor: string lights, smaller containers full of ornaments of all kinds, lengths of shiny garland. He nodded after a moment and got up. “OK. I need a tree and we usually get the real ones. I can cut one down in a little bit. Since you're helping me and I said I'd help you… what are you looking for? I know it's special, but what is it? “ Kit thought about this for a moment. 
“I'll know it when I see it. It's old and powerful and supposed to have been around forever.” 
“I think my guy would be able to help you. Once we get the tree up, we'll go see him.” He looked out the window, then headed outside. Kit watched the boy chop down a small evergreen with a saw in the dark. She had to admire Kevin's strength. She was older than him and she could barely face her mission alone. Kevin, however, was comfortable with the cards he was dealt. He returned with the tree, Kit rushing to the front door to help him bring it in and put it in place. Kevin turned on some music that spoke of the spirit of a holiday she was still unsure about and passed her part of the light string. 
The two children fell into a comfortable groove of tree decoration. It was hard to tell from looking at them that they were in any real distress or danger until you looked at them from the outside. As Kevin handed her the various baubles and decorations, she could feel a power coming from the box. She couldn't tell what it was and wrote it off as an energy that came from the lights and the warmth of the moment.
Suddenly and part way during the decorating process, the face of a balding man in a cap pressed into the window. Kit was behind the tree and unable to see the window, jumping when Kevin called out to his dad and headed to the window facing wherever the bald man went. Kit followed, but by the time she got to Kevin, he had already closed the window. 
“OK. So the bad guys are coming at 9:00. Let's go for a walk. I'll show you my guy.”
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leagueofdccm · 1 month
❝  stop—  it’s okay.  they’re not worth your anger.  just kiss me.  ❞ / starlight to homelander, runaway verse
clearing out memes || @nghtmarish
" ---- OKAY ? That was okay ? It's- I should have broken his fucking neck, Annie. Twist his head off his body like a FUCKING LEGO ! Laser the shit out of him until he was charred and nothing more. Okay ? It's not fucking OKAY. Nothing is okie-dokie about that shit. " THE OLD HIM, THE HOMELANDER, WOULD HAVE ANNIHILATED those little bastard; he wouldn't have blinked or hesitated. But... he wasn't Homelander anymore; he was John. And every time he was out and about walking among these humans, he would have to remind himself of that. John wasn't violent or vengeful. He was just some average guy with an average life. Supporting his now-pregnant wife and being a hard-working citizen.
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And it was working up until now. They were shopping for baby items for their little bundle of joy, the two of them loaded with excitement as they roamed around the store in search of things they liked-- well more so what Annie wanted, which seemed to be a lot. The cart was filled with baby clothing and baby accessories; their little girl would be SPOILED, and that's for sure. while Annie was piling up more baby clothing for their little one, John excused himself to look at the cribs. He wants something sturdy, safe, long-lasting, and cuddly for the baby. While searching through the different selections of cribs, aggravated with just how many they have and also how none of them are perfect enough for his little baby girl, as he turns towards another aisle, he stops then, his eyebrows knitting together, head turning slightly to the side as his ears begin to pick up Annie speaking to someone, a conversation that made his BLOOD BOIL.
USING HIS EX-RAY VISION THEN, JOHN CAN SEE ANNIE in the baby aisle where he had last left her, but while she belonged there, the two men who had no business being there definitely did not. But that's not what sends the once greatest superhero charging towards these men, no... it's what they say to her that makes AWAKENS HOMELANDER, EMERGING FROM DEEP WITHIN HIM. The way they spoke to a MOTHER-TO-BE ! Those little shits commented on her breast, speaking vulgar things about his wife. HIS WIFE. Fuck he gets it; they've grown quite a lot over the last couple of months, filling themselves with milk for their baby and him if she needed him. And these men think they can approach and dare say such things to her ? THE LACK OF RESPECT, THE GAWKING, THE WAY they squeeze the air as if mocking grabbing her breast, fucking fuck. He's there behind them within a second, nostrils flaring as he clutches them both by the back of the neck and forces them down with all his strength, pushing their faces down against the floor. John's teeth clenched as a growl escapes, eyes BLAZING RED.
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" The fuck did you say to her, you motherfuckers ! I will fucking kill you, rip you apart ! Do you fucking hear me ? You don't fucking disrespect my wife. You don't fucking look her way ! " John thrusts their face down harder against the ground, moving his hand to grasp the back of their heads, so close--- he can hear it now--- skulls cracking with the pressure he's applying, heads busting open like watermelons. He needs this, he NEEDED THIS. But--- He can hear Annie's voice and feel her hands around him. John looks down at the terrified men underneath him, he wants to slaughter them, but instead, he lets them go, glaring down at them-- a bunch of fucking mud people, all of them. " Get the fuck out of here before I kill you two.... "
THEY'RE SITTING IN THEIR PARKED CAR WHEN ANNIE tells him it's okay, that it's not worth his rage, and he wants to believe that, yes. But when it came to her, he just... couldn't help himself how he felt. John looks out the window for a second, just not really convinced. " Homelander would have killed them for saying those things to you. I should have-- " But he doesn't want to stress her out enough as it is. He would then turn to face his lover, baby blues locking with her dark irises as he reaches to cup her cheek in his hand and kiss her gently on the lips, hoping she knows that what he did was because he loves her and that he can still protect her, even as John. 
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
I Don't Need Your Help P2
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Media The Queens Gambit
Character Benny Watts
Couple Benny X Reader
Rating Adorable
Concept Foster Parents
Requested 'I don't Want your Help' Sequel
I hummed my little tune as I pushed the cart along the alise of products every so often glancing to the signs above each alise and then to my shopping list to cross reference between the two, I felt a small tug on my dress so I glanced behind me seeing little Lisa in her clean dress her hair in the pigtails I did for her this morning
"Ohh yes?" I asked she simply pointed to the shelf where the the chocolate chip cookie dough sat in its logs "I think that's a great idea Lisa" I smiled I let her choose which ones we got and helped her add them to the cart "okay next is orange juice, you think you can grab that for me?" I asked her and she nods and runs off happily to find it. I went around and got the rest of the groceries we quickly paid for and loaded up the Lincoln heading through the busy still drizzly New York streets back to the beautiful house I now called home. I pulled into the driveway and parked up helping lisa out the car and she happily came and helped me unload all the groceries into the kitchen, once everything was away I started on the rest of my chores for the day sorting all the beds, all the laundry everything I needed to do when I heard the phone so I bolted downstairs grabbing it before it rang off
"Watts residence?"
"Hi y/n" her voice smiled
"Oh hi carol" I smiled "what's up?"
"I know we were talking and you mentioned you have an open bedroom"
"Yes we do, now Alice has gone home we have an open bedroom. Why do you ask?"
"I've got a young lady here, it's an absolute shit show of a case and I need somewhere for her to go and I know just how well you guys do with these kinda cases"
"Absolutely what's her name?"
"Mable she's just turned eleven, she's a very sweet girl been thought one hell of a time"
"No problem well we are more then happy you can send her and her file along as soon as you get chance"
"Thanks y/n you're a lifesaver" she says before she rang off
So I put the phone down and I grabbed a little cream basket from the cupboard, I headed upstairs making sure to peek in on Lisa on her room playing with her rag dolls so I went on past the other rooms to the last free bedroom I opened the door revealing the fairly bare bones room, it use to be Alice's room when she lived here but she left a few weeks ago with a wide smile happy she finally was able to live with her mother again, I made the bed with some fresh clean sheets and made sure the room was free of dust and spiders, I set the basket on the bed and made sure to fill it from the airing cupboard with a fresh new fluffy towel, some clean brand new PJ's, some snacks, some colouring stuff, a stuffie, some fresh blankets for the bed, a new toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo and conditioner and even a bath bomb all of them fairly mini travel sized ones ready for Mable to arrive I even made her a little card up to put on the basket for her. When I checked the time I rushed myself down to the front door watching out the front window as the yellow bus pulled up outside the house, I opened the door up and smiled widely as I saw them all get off the bus so I smiled and waved As Jessi ran over dropping her backpack on the doorstep to give my legs a hug, I smiled and patted her head "Hi Jessi, How was school?"
"Good" she smiled 
"Alright, go on then make sure you get on that maths before dinner else you won't want to do it after bath time" I told her 
"I Will" she smiled happily running inside 
"Afternoon Harriet" I smiled to her 
"Hi," she smiled nicely 
"How was your day?" 
"Okay," she nods 
"Okay, make sure you eat some dinner okay" I told her as she headed inside, and as soon as she was in Dani came to the door too "Hi"
"Hi, how was class?"
"Good" she smiled giving me a tight hug 
"Awww, lovely hugs come on then we have cookie dough for tomorrow"
"Great" she smiled heading inside too, I waved the driver away and headed inside to start on dinner for the girls, making sure everyone was okay given everything had had happened during the day at school and what they wanted to do over the weekend 
"He's home!" Jessi smiled as she was at the window I laughed and set the dishes down and went towards the front door but I didn't even need to open it as the door opened and immediately I saw benny as he came though the door and dropped his duffle bag on the floor, in his jeans and black shirt 
"Hi Benny" I smiled 
he didn't bother to reply simply taking me into his arms and lifting me up giving me a spin "I've missed you little lady"
"I've missed you too" I smiled giving him a sweet kiss as he set me down on the floor again "Happy Anniversary" He smiled handing over some roses clearly from the gas station but still 
"Thank you benny, a week late but thank you" I smiled giving him a kiss 
"Better late then never, you know I don't like going off over our anniversary" he says "Where are my girls?" He asks and immediately the girls all bolted to give him cuddles even Harriet everyone coming to give him a cuddle and to tell him about everything since he was gone, and of course he came to have his own dinner all while listening to the girls tell him everything he missed and of course he told them all about his time away until they headed up to their rooms, "How has everything been?"
"its been okay, Harriet's struggling but I hope it'll cheer her up to have you home again. Jessi is struggling with her maths so I've been looking into a tutor for her. Dani's missed you a lot, and I know Lisa has been feeling a lot better since she's gotten settled" I explained "Ohh and we got a letter from alice"
"we did? didn't you open it?" he asks as I handed over the letter
"Course not I was waiting for you" I smiled "Ohh and we have a young lady coming tonight for the spare room."
"Ohh her name?" he asks opening the letter
"Lovely, how old?"
"we know anything about her?"
"Not much but carol is bringing her pack when she brings her"
"You made her a bed up?"
"Made a bed, and a basket for her"
"Good, I'll have a chat with her when she gets here, we'll give her pack a look though one she's settled in her room"
"Absolutely, and Lisa helped me pick out some nice cookie dough logs as a nice activity for tomorrow"
"Ohh that sounds lovely the girls will love that" He smiled "you wanna read?"
"Of course" I smiled sitting with him and leaning my head on his shoulder holding his arm tightly 
"Dear Benny and Y/n Watts,
I wanted to let you know I've settled down into the new house and my new room. 
My mother has made lots of promises since I moved in, I'm not sure if I should believe her or not but I'm going to give it time, I know she's put so much work in already. 
Even thought its nice to be back with my mother, I do miss you all terribly. 
I still keep the blanket you gave me on my bed at night and I've been using the lessons you taught me in school.
My grades are good, and I'm waiting to here back about a summer internship which will be amazing, 
I know I've told you both a hundred times but I can't thank you enough for everything you did for me and I'm sure I'll be able to see you at some point again. 
I hope everyone is okay and things are going well, and I'll send more letters as soon as I can. "
"Awww she's such a sweetie" I smiled 
"I worry about her"
"I worry too. I know she doesn't trust her mother"
"Can you blame her? she's let her down before" 
"I know, well I always told her she has a bed here if ever she needs one" 
"We'll write her back tomorrow" I smiled 
We caught up about benny's tournament until the door knocked so we fixed up a little and went to the door seeing carol with her folder
"Hi carol" I smiled 
"Hi, Ohh I didn't know you where home benny"
"Only got back tonight, So about Mabel?"
"She's in the car" she says indicating behind her to the car on the street "I've got her file, not sure how long she'll be here"
"she can be here as long as she needs" I told her "School?"
"Not at the moment we can give her a week see how she settles," she explained 
"Okay" I nodded "Shall we meet her?"
Carol Happily walked us down to the car and their sat Mabel, with a trash bag of her belongings, her hair matted and messy, her skin dirty she was clearly nervous. we were slow and careful but we helped her out of the car and into the house up to the bedroom I set up 
"So, this is your room its your space completely to can do whatever you want with it , we have a three day weekend so over this weekend we can help you unpack and take you to do some shopping to get some nice things for your room" I explained "Everything in this basket is yours its all for you"
"To keep?" she asks
"To keep, absolutely" benny told her as he leant on the door frame 
"All of it is for you, and if there is anything specific you'd like, maybe a type of plush or blanket you'd like we can get you them. These hygiene things are all yours and when we got out this weekend we'll get you whatever larger ones you'd like to keep in the bathroom, You're welcome to go and have a bath or shower to make yourself feel more comfortable" 
"And your welcome to ask for anything you want, if you'd like to go to the hairdresser, maybe get your nails done, go get some plushies anything you'd like"
"Just let us know, is this bag all your stuff?"
"Yes" she nods
"Okay is there any clothes you'd like me to do any laundry for you? anything you'd like us to wash before we put away?"
"Ohh... uhhh yes please" she nods handing the whole bag over 
"Everything? you sure?"
"Yes please, could I go have a bath?"
"Of course you can, and if you need anything that's benny and I'm y/n you need anything at all just let us know"
"we hope you can get comfortable, and enjoy your time here" benny told her
I went and ran her a bath with bubbles and some bath bombs leaving the towel in the bathroom for her, and I took her clothes down cleaning all her clothes and toys in the machine 
"she seems okay" Benny says as he came into the kitchen flipping though her file 
"she does, hopefully she can relax over the next couple of days and maybe spend some time with the other girls"
"Absolutely, Ohh got another nut allergy" 
"Ahh like Harriet, no problem" I nodded sitting with him to go though the file about her history and her issues to make sure she's comfortable, once we sorted all the girls for the night making sure to give them all privacy and we headed up to our own bed room 
"Yes benny?"
"You ever get kinda... upset we can't have our own kids?"
"Sometimes" I admit "But we have lots of kids to look after, all the girls we have here all the girls we've helped before who are so much better now then they were before they came here"
"Yeah its nice to help them all out, its nice to help them all"
"It is, besides, Carol's been trying to convince us to adopt Lisa for years now"  
"I know, I'm thinking about it, come on lets get to bed" 
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maeleelee · 1 year
𝒯𝒶𝓀𝑒 𝒶 𝓅𝒾𝒸𝓉𝓊𝓇𝑒, 𝓅𝓁𝑒𝒶𝓈𝑒
This will be a story following the life of Wooyoung and his sister Y/N. They're the next King and Queen of Utopia. They don't want anyone knowing though, so they go to college and hid the fact that they're royal from everyone but their two best friends Mae and Cassi. Everyone finds out about them being royal after a new article comes out saying Y/N getting married. She doesn't want to marry this man she's been arrange to because she's in love with her brother's best friend, Yeosang. Who gonna get's the happy ending?
warnings: they are really tipsy, kissing, stealing a shopping cart,
You and Kayla walked with Seonghwa and Yeosang into the crowd. You were all giggling messes. The alcohol had hit harder than you all thought it would. 
You four had found a spot to all dance in. Yeosang was spinning you around with the biggest smile on his face as you giggled. He never thought he’d fall in love with his best friend's sister, but here he was, slowly falling down the rabbit hole. Everything you did made him smile. You had the biggest heart, the kindest smile, the prettiest laugh. His heart would speed up when you’d look at him with those gorgeous eyes. 
Seonghwa was spinning Kayla around as well. He just wanted her to forget about the guy who stood her up earlier. He’s had it happen to him before and as embarrassing as it was, his friends save the day, running in and telling him they’re sorry for being late. He knew it was working by the smile on her face, the giggle rolling off her tongue. 
Yeosang nodded toward Seonghwa and they spun the girls to each other. Seonghwa dipped you and smiled as you laughed. Yeosang grabbed Kayla and chuckled as she giggled. Soon Jongho walked over and smiled at the group. 
“Finally people I know. I’ve looked around for everyone.” He told the two boys. 
“Hongjoong and Woo dipped with their girls. I haven’t seen the others at all.” Yeosang told Jongho as he spun Kayla around in a circle. He spun her to Seonghwa and he caught her in his arm with you on the other one. 
“Wanna go for a walk?” He asked the two girls. They nodded and looked at the other two. 
“You two coming with us?” You asked as you stepped away from Seonghwa. The two nodded and you all headed out the door. 
You were all walking around, just giggling and wandering around with each other. You all stumbled around and laughed at each other. You and Kayla skipped ahead and found a shopping cart and looked at each other. No words were said, you both just ran over and you climbed in as Kayla pushed you around the parking lot. 
The boys watched you both closely so you didn’t get away from them. They promised to keep an eye on you and they needed to keep that promise. They followed behind the girls, just talking nonsense with each other. Soon you wanted out of the cart and made grabby hands to Yeosang. He walked over and lifted you out of the cart and put you back on the ground. You went back over to Kayla and started dancing around the parking lot, giggling. 
“They’re going to get hurt.” Jongho mumbled, mainly to himself. 
“You two, come on. We gotta head back to the apartment.” Seonghwa called out. You two skipped back over to the boys. You slid your hand into Yeosang’s. This was normal. As the group of you, Mae, Woo, and Yeosang always hung out, you’d all hold hands. However Kayla didn’t think much of it when she laced her fingers with Seonghwa, who smiled at the touch. Jongho walked ahead to the group, trying to balance on the white line on the road.
The girls walked next to each other, talking about what they should do for the next hang out. “Thank you guys for letting me join in. I know it wasn’t the best way to meet, but I’m glad we did. I’ve had a great time, and feel at home with you guys.” Kayla told everyone. 
“Girl, you fit in so quickly, you’d think we would have been friends forever.” You said as you smiled at her as you grabbed her hand and swung them back and forth. You all kept quiet as you walked down the street, really taking in the air, the night sky. The stars were out tonight, shining bright in the sky. As they continued down the road, they heard the music from the bar. You giggled and started singing the song, dragging Kayla with you to get closer. You started dancing to the song, when it started sprinkling. You looked up at the sky, clouds had rolled in, covering the stars. You smiled as the rain hit your cheek. 
“Come on, we’re not too far from the apartment.” Yeosang told the girls. They got to the light post and you smiled, and climbed on top of the block, pulling Kayla up with you. “Take a picture, please.” You asked Yeosang, who signed but did as asked. He took out his phone and took a picture. You and Kayla were both giggling at each other. Yeosang helped you down and sighed. Kayla went to get down and squealed when she slipped. She closed her eyes and readied herself for impact. However, it never came. She opened her eyes and saw Seonghwa looking at her. 
“I really need you to be more careful.” He mumbled to Kayla, as he was bent down, holding her. She blinked at him and they stared at each other. Yeosang went to say something but you stopped him. You shook your head at him and put your finger to your lips. Kayla watched Seonghwa's eyes move down to her lips before moving back to her eyes. Kayla put her hands on his face and pushed her lips against his. She pulled away and giggled. 
“You’re really pretty.” She smiled as she told Seonghwa. He stood up and placed her feet onto the ground. “Come on, let’s get you to bed goober.” He smiled at her, as he lightly pushed her towards the others by her lower back. It was still lightly sprinkling. He thankfully got everyone inside before the bottom fell out. “I’ll be back with some clothes.” Yeosang said, as he walked towards Mae’s room. He was their best friend. He’d walked in on them before and just shrugged. Nothing phased him anymore. Not with those two at least. He opened the door to her room and smiled as the four were all cuddled up together in the bed. He opened her closet and pulled out two shirts and jp bottoms for the girls and found some pj pants for the guys in Woo’s little section in her closet. They had movie nights often so he even had clothes here. He grabbed his and quietly shut the closet door. He walked out the room, closing the bedroom door quietly this time. He walked back towards the living room and handed Jongho the pj pants. “Hope you’re okay with just pant’s. I couldn’t find any of Woo’s shirts.” Jongho nodded and headed towards the bathroom. You yawned and nodded towards the bedroom. “Yeo, Jongho, and I are gonna crash in the bed. Are you two okay out here?” You asked Kayla and Seonghwa. They nodded at you. You walked into the bedroom and changed real quick. Jongho came in afterwards and landed on the bed, groaning lightly. Soon Yeosang walked in and nodded towards the bed. You climbed into the bed next to Jongho and watched Yeosang lay down beside you. He kissed your head and pulled you to him. 
“Good night babies.” You mumbled out at the two boys, slowly falling asleep to Yeosang’s heartbeat. 
Seonghwa took a deep breath after finally getting Kayla to lay down. “You are a handful.” He mumbled to her even though she had finally fallen asleep. “A cute handful though.” He told himself. Kayla didn’t want to go to sleep, she wanted to talk, even though she couldn’t keep her eyes open. He listened to her breathing and smiled to himself as he closed his eyes. He was totally going to ask her out after tonight.
Hope you enjoy! <3
Masterlist Royals / friends <- || ->
These are the two choices so the arrows are them.
Tag list: @life-is-glorious @mxnsxngie
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