#i want company like a ray of light shining through a window on an early summer day
theevilicecreamsoda · 2 years
One day I’ll be able to be free and I won’t be as lonely. I can make my living space what I want it to look like. I can have my alone time. I don’t have to worry about other people’s parents making me anxious and scared. I can actually decide what I want to do and how I look and at least a bit more of what I want my life to be
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eviescottage · 1 year
Flashback: 1989
Is it strange that most of my childhood is a blur yet, for some reason, 1989 as a five year old is more vivid than anything else to me? Nostalgia is a tricky thing and I heard once that we often remember tragedy over brighter times. For me, 1989 was the opposite of tragedy. It was hope, it was optimism, it was life in freedom without being forced into a mold. Just one year later I would be given more strict gender roles by both society and my parents being pressured by said society. I could go from liking things "not meant" for my assigned gender at birth to hiding those same toys away. I would be in elementary school as the calendar changed over to 1990. I'd have to pretend to be a boy and fake every smile I made.
I'm not saying that a pity party should be coming my way or that my parents did something inherently wrong. To be fair, I didn't even know being transgender was a thing until I hit my early 20's. Being raised in a Catholic neighborhood will shelter you like that. The only people who had computers and the internet made way more money than my family did. I couldn't just Google my gender dysphoria so spent most of my childhood misunderstanding what it meant. Not in 1989. In 1989 I felt safe.
Lady Lovely Locks hit the television and the toy stores at the same time which meant, as a child who adored falling into a world of magical princesses and fairy creatures who became friends, I wanted everything to do with it. I remember reading her books avidly while brushing the luxurious hair on my dolls. The tiny pixietail toys would clip onto the doll's hair or my own if I wanted to pretend like I was Lady herself. I often slipped into imagination and my parents were kind enough to let me. There was no concern because I was five years old and it was just one cartoon. Just one set of dolls. I didn't have to fit into the mold of what being a boy was. I could be one of Lady Lovely Lock's friends and daydream my time away.
There was a toy store in my local mall - now having been abandoned and bull dozed to the ground thanks to internet shopping and economy - that featured those Lady Lovely Locks dolls prominently in its window. I always begged my mom to go in and help me look through them all. It was the end of the 80's and anyone growing up in that time will tell you that companies would market new toy lines constantly. None of them mattered to me. I had one hyper focus: the world of Lovely Locks and her magical pixietail friends. I ran by other shelves, including the ones stocked with traditional toys marketed towards boys at that time, and went right up to the Lady herself to see what new installments in her world I could bring home. It was magic. It was warm, it was comfort, it was a memory edged in a golden sheen.
Something happens as an adult when that nostalgia is encountered again. I always go back to 1989 and the seeds of that nourishes my wounded heart. I've come out now, I've transitioned, and I think the world still hates me for it. We are becoming a more hateful society and any innocence I once had has long been lost. Still, I go back to that mall window or my bedroom with the warm rays of light shining on my toy box. I'm sitting on the carpet and humming a song to myself as I play with Lady Lovely Locks. On guard on my dresser is Teddy Ruxpin, and in the Lady's kingdom the Care Bears are always welcome. The hand on the clock stops. I'm safe.
The thing about nostalgia is that you can't stay in it forever. You can only go back to visit it once in a while when you're really wounded, when you really need to recover from a world that keeps screaming to end your life. But once in a while I slip back to 1989 and I live in the golden framed state where I was most freely myself and safe because of it. No one forced me to be anything I wasn't. I was just a little girl playing with her dolls, heart full of hope that one day I would enter the kingdom of Lovely Locks and would be as beautiful as any princess.
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har-rison-s · 2 years
mask & seek: 11
batman x fem!reader
based on: Hello! May I request Battinson x SpiderWoman!Reader fic where she's from the MCU but then she ends up in Battinson's universe and meets him? Maybe he doesn't trust her at first but once she saves him from something, he relents then begins to trust her and maybe then a relationship ensues?? Thank you so much and have a great day!! ❤
author's note: woohoooooooooo. have you guys seen moon knight??? I’m kinda only watching for steven, cause with the third episode the show lost its quality to me. but all the episodes haven’t been released yet, so I’ll try and not to judge it as much until then. but! I do love steven. and it’s taking such a huge effort in me to not abandon this story and start writing for him. god, it’s so hard. but I love bruce. I should also finish visitation hours… and finally update your good will bcs st4 is coming out in more than a month but omg. I just can’t, I can’t tap into steve. christ. I hate my procrastination and not finishing stories. im sorry for it all. happy reading!
main masterlist
bruce wayne masterlist
part ten
word count: 4.7k
warnings: nothing really i think
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gif credit goes to owner!
“so, y/n, what do you do? besides the vigilante night shifts.” alfred asks. ah, the usual question she was just waiting for. sat around the very table bruce said he and alfred have meals at usually in the beautiful hall, y/n feels welcome in the company of these two men. though she can’t escape the feeling that she’s having a very important, formal meal with them, and that this is a test of some sort.
the sun up right at its mid-day peak shines through the gothically-decorated windows of the hall, breaking through in yellow and orange rays, which tickle her skin and eyes. she scoots over to her left on the very fancy chair and clears her throat as she does so, not wanting to raise an alarm in either alfred or bruce. “i’m a barista,” she answers nonchalantly, a light smile on her face, “at, uh… saint jeremiah’s.”
alfred nods. suddenly y/n feels awkward about her workplace. she doesn’t know what bruce and alfred do as work that pays all their extremely expensive bills for living here, but it must be something that pays big time. they can’t just live in an urban mansion like this, make all these weapons, tools and vehicles, and suits for bruce and now her, too, without a well-paying job. and it’s hard to find those in america if you don’t get lucky.
but, as she found out from bruce, his father was a rich and well-known man here in gotham, and bruce inherited all the money and, she guesses, reputation from him. so perhaps it was just his luck to be this… wealthy. she can’t say she’s not a little envious of that. if her parents had been rich and she could have lived in a mansion like this, woah, her life would have been a lot easier. and she appreciates all that bruce has done for her so far, she sees now that he does it out of the good of his heart. he really cares for her.
but taking her background, her life, her family circumstances, she still feels weird about it. partly she feels like it’s all not serious enough, partly she feels that she doesn’t deserve it, and another part of her thinks bruce is doing too much, and perhaps he even wants something in return. but it doesn’t seem that way. after she told him the truth about how she’s wound up living in gotham, there’s no asking in his eyes anymore. there is curiosity, but not the kind egoistic and ill-meaning men have. best believe y/n knows that look well.
“ah, the one right by the courthouse, is it?” alfred asks, his voice full of genuineness, and y/n nods. “must be a pleasant crowd that comes there, then?”
“mostly yes,” y/n answers, “though, because this is gotham, mornings are much better than the evenings. not to say we’re all morning people, but there’s less of the dangerous types around in the early hours of the morning.” she explains. alfred nods again, and bruce feels like he’s entered the conversation once again. he’s been coming to and fro, slipping in and out of talking and listening. not that he does that on purpose, his thoughts are just racing all the time. and watching y/n converse with alfred is a sight he never knew he couldn’t get enough of. two of the most important people in his life, and it’s safe to say they’re getting on well. it makes his heart swell.
“there should be some security with the courthouse and everything, no?” bruce asks her, slightly worried.
y/n looks at him with her bright eyes, feeling his concern by the look on bruce’s face. “well, there is, but they’re mostly looking after the courthouse,” y/n tells him, “since there’s always demolishers and trouble-makers around, they’re pretty busy.” she sighs, her eyes now falling to her plate and the fork she keeps moving around it. “if i wanted the attention of the world on me, i’d just put my skills and abilities to use when those types come around, but since that’s the last thing i want, i don’t.” she admits.
alfred hums. “must be hard to keep that restraint,” he says and y/n nods along, “bruce tends to forget himself in that aspect, he especially did at the very beginning.” alfred looks to bruce, and he gives his godfather the look of annoyance and disbelief. y/n chuckles, but seriousness remains like a veil across her face.
“i can imagine,” y/n says and glances at bruce momentarily before continuing. she knows that alfred’s put him on the spot, sort-of, and he doesn’t enjoy being exposed like that. so she continues, “i used to have that when i first had my powers, it was in high school.” she feels comfortable enough sharing with alfred. she looks to the older man, finding the look in his eyes very comforting. “used to hate P.E. with all my body, and i still do. hated the entire concept of it, couldn’t do anything properly, hated myself for it, you know.” she leans with her back into the chair. bruce admires the look in her eyes while she talks. “but as soon as i got my powers, i could do anything. i suddenly had incredible reflexes, coordination, strength, speed, agility—everything,” she reminisces of that time, memories playing back in her eyes like a slideshow of pictures, “and suddenly i could get good grades in P.E., i could even excel and be top of the class, even go on competitions. but i couldn’t, couldn’t i? it would have been wrong.” y/n sighs and looks to her plate again. “so i stayed little ole, helpless, weak me. had to put on quite the performance for the last two and a half years of high school.” she sits up again.
bruce feels for her. it’s not like his skills in fighting came over night, it was alfred who taught him everything, but he knows what that’s like. he knows people probably assume two things—either they assume he is good with his fists and is sporting quite the figure underneath the suits he wears on those rare occasions out in public; or they assume that he’s just a weak man hiding behind his father’s power and money who couldn’t raise one fist to fight for injustice or himself. but he can’t exactly show those skills in combination with his public persona, can he? he and alfred would be exposed immediately once people connected the dots.
“i guess it’s different for you,” alfred says kindly, matter-of-factly, and y/n picks up immediately on how he means that. she nods, “high school’s a tough time, as i hear it.”
“you didn’t go?” y/n asks in wonder, thinking how that would be possible for a man of his character and knowledge. alfred chuckles.
“oh, i did,” he says, “just not a public high school.” he clarifies and sends y/n a wink. she chuckles at herself and bruce grins at that faintly.
“me and alfred went to the same one,” bruce butts into the conversation again, turning y/n’s attention to him. she raises her eyebrows in a tell-me-more manner, “blackheath high school in england.” oh? bruce keeps getting more and more interesting with each thing that he says. how interesting, y/n thinks.
“your father did, as well,” alfred adds, “that’s how our families got to know each other. me and your father were close as brothers then already,” he makes a smile at bruce. his godson nods at him, feeling a bit on the spot again, as he always does when his father is the topic of any conversation. even in light-hearted situations like this one. he always feels some sort of pressure or loom hanging over his head at the mention of him, “what about you, y/n? your father have any friends he still keeps close contact with?” alfred looks to the woman, but she looks away, her eyes widening for a few seconds as she thinks of the best way to handle this answer.
“oh, i wouldn’t know,” she says with a slight shake of her head. bruce’s ears prick up more at her words. she’s never talked about either of her parents before, and neither has he asked about them. the topic’s never really come up before, and now it has. her eyes have a glaze over them that bruce can’t exactly place, “never knew my father.” she shrugs.
alfred feels awkward. “my apologies. i didn’t mean to bring up anything you don’t want to talk about.” he tells her immediately. y/n shakes her head fiercer now, she doesn’t want the man to feel bad about his innocent question.
“it’s fine,” she assures him, “it’s not taboo or anything.” she clarifies. “a lot of kids have grown up without a father, and i’m just one of them. i only ever had my mother.” y/n sighs, and her posture changes again—bruce notices—she sinks into her chair as though to close off from the two men, from this conversation. it’s not exactly intentional. “up until a point, she was working a lot of… different jobs,” y/n continues, and bruce sees her eyes and face having a certain expression. he can’t place it, again. perhaps because it’s emotions he’s not had to encounter before, “to raise me, to pay rent. hasn’t always been easy.”
she’s not telling him everything, obviously, it is her intention, and he realises that. he respects it. but there’s something about her mother, something really integral that she’s not revealing to him yet. perhaps she never will, and perhaps it should stay like that. if it’s truly too troubling or painful for her, he won’t push it. but something—perhaps that sense he’s picked up from her—is telling him it’s important to the character.
and now he also realises why her attitude towards money is what it is. she feels awkward and imposing to accept his money, his kindness, his gifts to her. and no wonder. she did tell him “because of how i grew up, and some other things”, if he remembers correctly. that conversation happened just over an hour or two ago now. and their conversation last night, about the clothes and underwear, and even the ice cream. it’s hard for her to accept all of that for free. perhaps she feels undeserving of such kindness and gifts free of charge—bruce would disagree; in his eyes she deserves much more, what he’s given her already is the very least of what she deserves—perhaps something in her doesn’t let her enjoy things free of charge that come to her out of the good of someone���s heart.
to conclude, she’s just as fragile and embedded with sufferings and a tough life as he is. though he has always had the money to do whatever he wishes—that’s what makes them different. and perhaps bruce has had a better support system than y/n, but he doesn’t know that.
“she’s done quite the good job of raising you,” alfred tells y/n in an almost congratulatory tone of voice. she gives him a half-smile. the man didn’t really know what to say at first, because he’s never been in that kind of situation, so he does what he does best—offer her some comforting, encouraging words, “we’re not blind to those horrible things happening here, in gotham,” alfred says, “whatever we can, we do. but bruce is always busy with something else to look through and accept any real deals.” he points out.
bruce sighs. it’s true, what alfred says, and bruce wants to help the city and its very weaklings more every day. but his mind is always miles away. and he believes that batman does some, if not most, of that already. help those who cannot help themselves. y/n gives him a look, wondering what alfred means, wondering what reasons bruce has for that absence. “gotham doesn’t like to stand up to all the crime and injustice that goes on every day,” bruce finally says, and his voice has changed to that of his vigilante persona. y/n nearly sighs. it’s strange to see him in regular clothes, without the dark circles around his eyes, speaking in that voice, “i’ll get more involved, i promise, alfred.” he looks to his godfather, who nods.
“no need to justify yourself to me, dear boy,” alfred tells him, and y/n nearly melts. alfred’s fatherly affection to bruce comes out beautifully whenever it does. but it’s not alfred that bruce was justifying himself in front of, or for. it was y/n, who bruce’s eyes flick towards with meaning in them. y/n gives him a light smile and nod.
“maybe i can help,” y/n suggests half-seriously, “accept those deals instead of bruce and get things going.” she says, and shoots bruce a playful wink. he is amused, too, but not quite as much as she is. she’s sort of made him look a little incompetent in his role in wayne industries, but he doesn’t take it to heart.
alfred smiles wide, “you know, i like you enough to accept that,” he tells her, which gets them both laughing. bruce makes a grin in the midst of their laughter, “to the eyes of the public, you could be the visual for wayne enterprises, and bruce could take a long, long vacation.” alfred adds on.
“oh no, he’d be my assistant,” y/n corrects alfred and shoots bruce a wink again. he shakes his head, “my translator, business language to english.” she says and laughs again. alfred chuckles, and bruce eventually cracks up and utters a chuckle himself. he doesn’t know how seriously these two have taken y/n’s suggestion, but if it’s serious to the very brim, bruce wouldn’t know a better person besides y/n to take his place as the leader of wayne enterprises. only alfred, but he made it clear long ago that he has no desire or intention to be that public, be that important to the company. though he already is more important than bruce, with all the work he’s doing already.
after lunch, it’s safe to say y/n and alfred get along very well. just like bruce expected and wanted them to. while one of the kitchen boys was clearing the lunch table, alfred took y/n up to his study and the library—which bruce had already shown her, but that didn’t matter to either of them—and showed her around more. did a better job than bruce could have, because he’s not that informed with the placement of everything in the library, in the study, or in the vinyl collection.
the most beautiful moment of the day, perhaps, one of bruce’s favourite moments in his entire life is when alfred put on voices of spring waltz, op.410 by johann strauss, and asked y/n for a dance. bruce never knew she could dance—another topic that hadn’t come up in their countless conversations before—and he couldn’t stop watching them dance. how alfred kept playfully switching between the regular waltz and the vienna waltz, the faster one, every once in a while, keeping up with the rhythmic changes of the composed piece.
how she twirled, and how her hair swayed along with her. how she smiled and laughed at alfred and his movements and how he turned her here and there, sometimes unexpectedly. in contrast to the sadder conversation the three of them had held during lunch, about her parents and her childhood—quite a sobering conversation for bruce—she looked happier than ever. so contagiously happy that bruce could not keep away, and joined their waltz dancing. of course he knows that it’s a two-person dance, but with the men’s agile movements and y/n’s instincts and ability, they made a three-person waltz work. twirling and turning y/n here and there, making the dance steps side by side and in a circle instead of directly facing each other—it all worked and made the three of them laugh a lot.
bruce already reminisces of those beautiful moments now, hours later, as he lays with his head in y/n’s lap on their shared riddance bed, y/n reading a book in silence and bruce drawing or writing in his notebook. uncharacteristically so, y/n hasn’t said a word since they entered the room. well, apart from some necessary for companionship few words. but she hasn’t said anything about how the lunch was for her, what she thinks of alfred, how she feels—absolutely nothing about that matter. and it’s kind of worrying bruce.
what also worries him in her behaviour is how reluctant she is suddenly. no hands in bruce’s hair, neither of her hands are touching him at all. she hasn’t made a move to kiss him, hasn’t made a move to get closer to him. and it’s not only bruce’s touch-starved nature that raises worry about this in him. it’s also the aspect of how well he knows her in general. she likes to be touching him, more than he allows himself to touch her, regularly. bruce always feels awkward about initiating it, but maybe he should. perhaps that’s what she expects of him now, having gone into this weird behaviour of hers.
maybe she’s just too exhausted to socialise, even with him. even though she’s usually the sociable person out of the two of them. maybe, which bruce hopes to be untrue, she’s upset with him, or mad at him for some reason, for the time being, unknown to him. what could it be? he can’t recall anything that he said or did was wrong. and it’s so hard to read her. perhaps it’s because he’s gotten to know more of her, that the parts he still doesn’t know, are a complete mystery to him. it’s strange. bruce doesn’t exactly know what to do.
he doesn’t know that her brain and heart are nearly bubbling over the edge with all her thoughts and feelings. he can’t possibly feel or sense that, even with how well he knows her. but y/n’s been an active, rumbling volcano ever since that door of this room closed behind her and bruce. one question, one word put in the wrong place, could cause an entire eruption of that volcano. and neither of them need that. but she can’t help her rushing thoughts.
private high schools. a well-known philanthropist, surgeon father. a gothic mansion in the outskirts of gotham. more money than anyone else. tools, weapons, instruments, vehicles, devices for anything he might need. impenetrable suits that intimidate those without one. gifts without end. it’s an alien world to her. and she can’t quite place how she ended up here, inside it.
“are you… tired?” bruce interrupts their silence that grows more and more tense with each second. his voice in a guessing tone, as if he doesn’t know if that question is the exact right one to ask. bruce lays on her stomach with his chest now, looking up at her through her book, even though he can’t see her face. he’s sure he knows it well enough to know where her eyes are, though.
y/n doesn’t move her eyes off the book she’s reading as she answers, “a little.” she admits to him. short, colder than usual. something’s definitely off, and bruce’s heart falls to the pit of his stomach as he realises that. it’s definitely something to do with him. only what? and maybe asking her what exactly it is in him, or in anything he’s said or done that upsets her so much—because he’s willing to change; for her, if for anyone at all—will be worse than what he’s feeling between himself and her right now. how can he know without trying it out?
it’s killing him, this not knowing of what’s wrong, of what’s behind her stale mood. but he doesn’t want to make her uncomfortable. he wants things to be better between them, and he can’t guess why they’ve grown so tense and unbearable now. he doesn’t know what to do. scared to take the first step, scared to leave things how they are because they might escalate, scared of the matter she’s upset about being unchangeable. he’s stuck.
bruce lays his cheek on her clothed chest now. “did i do something wrong?” he finally asks her, having gained enough courage and also having realised that she means more to him than having an argument, in the most fragile voice she’s ever heard him speak before. she can hear fear, anxiety and self-doubt in his voice, even in those very few words spoken.
y/n stares ahead in her book, taken aback by his question, and taken aback once again in how well he knows her already. he knows something’s up, and she appreciates that. but can she bring herself to tell him what’s up with her, and why she’s feeling the way she is? y/n sighs courtly, and keeps her book as a shield between her and bruce, realising that’s an easier way to talk to him about her feelings than if she would be looking right at him. why has she become so closed-off to him all of a sudden, though? she doesn’t know. “no,” she says with a gentle shake of his head, her voice quiet.
really? then why is she not talking to him at all? not telling him how she feels? “then what is it?” he asks her. bruce rests his chin on her stomach again, she feels its pointy character digging softly into her skin. she sighs. he’s relentless, and she knows that about him. perhaps this is the first time she really notices that because it’s expressed directly towards her. and he doesn’t ask these questions like he does when they’re both interrogating a criminal at night. this is different. because this issue is much more personal to him.
y/n closes her book and places it at her side, now greeted first and foremost with bruce’s anxious, caring face. not so far from her own, and she feels even closer to tears now. she hates feeling like this. bruce laying in her hold is bugging her, bothering her for the first time ever. his eyes on her are suddenly too much, and she doesn’t know why. everything was fine with him just a few hours ago. her attitude has changed so suddenly, it bothers her to no end. she doesn’t want to be upset, doesn’t feel entitled to be so, but she is. and perhaps, after all, she should be.
she tries to keep her tears at bay. she doesn’t need to cry now. “nothing that you can change,” she tells him in a shaky whisper, only meeting his eyes for a fleeting second. she turns away then, pulling her legs up and away from under his weight. but bruce places his palms on her thighs and stops her movements. she looks at him again, slightly frightened, “bruce.”
“tell me what’s wrong,” he tells her and hopes the words didn’t sound like a beg. his eyes are sure, they’re set on her as he is set on uncovering the secret behind her change in behaviour, “please. if there’s anything i can do or change, i w—”
y/n shakes her head and rolls her eyes, “there’s nothing you can do,” she says, slight fury in her voice, “already told you. even with… everything that you have, especially with it, you can’t change it.” she says. you can’t change, she thinks to herself. but even in her upset mood, she knows that would be said too much. she damns herself for even thinking those words and their meaning.
“then talk to me, please,” bruce doesn’t care anymore that he sounds like he’s begging, he doesn’t care how desperate his voice gets. this is important to him. she is important to him, “just talk to me.” his voice grows quiet, to the volume of a whisper, and he feels himself on the verge of tears suddenly. he gulps as he looks up at her still, just pleading for her to understand that he’s here to help, that he doesn’t mean her any harm.
y/n shakes her head, runs her hands over her face, all to keep herself from crying out, and just sighs. the tears are coming, but she won’t let them take over. she won’t. she can’t. “not now,” she tells him finally, her eyes looking away from his—anywhere, the ceiling, her hands, her book to the side—and he can hear her fragility in her voice. he feels for her, “tomorrow. i’m… too tired now.” she tells him finally.
bruce nods. he wants to get to the bottom of it as soon as possible, now would be the perfect time. but if she’s asking him for tomorrow morning, he will respect that, and he will wait. so he nods and lays a kiss on her hand out of pure affection. her eyes fill with tears suddenly at that gentle gesture, and her lip quivers as her emotions take over and want to unleash their full wrath on her. but she won’t let them. she mustn’t. bruce kisses her hand again, kisses all over it—her palms, her fingers, her knuckles—and it really brings y/n over the edge, her lip quivering further and further until tears spill out of her eyes, over her cheeks.
she loves him. it’s the first time she admits that to herself. she loves him, she knows she does. she doesn’t want to push him away, she doesn’t want to hurt him. she wants to be close to him as possible at all times, know him more and more, bare her entire self to him. and yet she can’t help but feel out of place. she can’t help but feel like a complete alien with him, in his world, in his home. so different from hers.
night begins to grow across gotham like a big, dark cape, the darkness creeping into every inch of bruce and y/n’s room—curtains, walls, the floor, the bed and its accessories—and so bruce turns off the bed-side lamp, puts the book on the nightstand, and crawls over y/n again. her form trembles as she makes quiet sobs in the dark now, hiding her face in her hands, and bruce doesn’t shush her now. he lets her let it all out, because he can tell she needs it.
he doesn’t intrude on her personal space anymore with questions or words at all. he just holds her, pulls the covers over them both, knowing that it’ll be too hot with both them underneath, but also knowing that when y/n cries, she tends to grow cold all over. the warmth will be good for her. he caresses her hair with his hand and just listens to her soft yet intense cries. on one hand, he hates to hear and see her cry—it breaks his heart. but then again, he can tell she needs that release. pent-up emotions, perhaps frustrations with herself and the world, need to be let out sometime. and so it’s soothing for him that she seemingly gets that relief now. at least he thinks she’s getting it. in reality, he doesn’t really know.
at some point in the darkness growing ever-present and unavoidable in the room, y/n cries fade to silence, and bruce discovers she’s fallen asleep. being tired himself, and being with her, bruce soon falls asleep, too, with her still in his arms. he’s glad about how peaceful she is in her sleep, even if the problem between them is unresolved, even if he doesn’t still yet know the reason she cried so hard, and why she cried at all.
y/n knows bruce is a heavy sleeper, and she adores it. she hates to be taking advantage of that now, in the night hours, when she slips out of his heavy hold and gets up from their bed. she bids herself not to cry any tears as she picks up her few stuff and wraps it up in a ball she can easily carry. she ignores the tears that fall as she opens and closes the bedroom door in the quietest way possible, and she hates causing that sharp pang in her heart that happens as the door quietly thuds closed behind her.
she doesn’t want to leave him, and least of all wants to hurt him with her leave. but this is so not her world. this is not her place. there's too many differences between him and her. and she can’t bare it any longer.
permanent tag-list: @gabiatthedisco​​​​​​ @v0idbella​​​​​​ @works-of-fanfiction​​​​​​ @ur-gunna-h8-ths​​​​​​ @betweenloveandfire @but-legendsneverdie​​​​​​ @deardeacy​​​​​​ @thewinchesterchronicles @mavieesttriste16​​​​​​ @intrrverted​​​​​​ @the-freak-cassie-131​​​​​​​​​​​​​ @gasbomb69​​​ @xoxobabydolls @corallyink​
series taglist: @blue-aconite @captainbarnes@chiliiscereal@miniflower93@scorpio-echo @faithsreviews@buckysjuicyplums@legendaryfishdreamexpert@eucalyptrus @matchesarelit@daphne-bloom@aestheticpisces @baybay123455@measure-in-pain @spookysins@calumspupils@prettygirlpattinson@johnisonlysleeping @bedshrooms@mischiefmanaged71 @is-this-a-febreze-commercial @siriuslydestiny@strawberriebabbles @katemusic @angelicadiabolus@musamusing @fatherfigured@tojisprincess@eriklensherrschild@uraritychain@philiasoul @violetsthought@srryxmate @frozenhuntress67@underdarkcityskies @brthofafish @mistasbae@uncle-eggy​ @daryldixonstorm @tshuuls (i’m sorry if someone’s @/s aren’t working, idk why!!)
if anyone wants a tag next time, please let me know :)
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thiccchurro · 3 years
Saturday Afternoons
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⋘ 𝑃𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑒 𝑤𝑎𝑖𝑡 – 𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎… ⋙
█████████ 100%
Pairing: Izuku Midoria x reader
Warnings: none
Sunlight shined in through cracked windows, a soft breeze stirring through the room. The golden rays of light danced across Izuku's groggy form as he curled up, then stretched out reaching for the place where you usually lay cuddled up beside him.
He peeked an eye open as he felt around for you, wanting nothing more then to spend his Saturday afternoon cuddling together. But you weren't in your usual spot beside him. The blankets were warm where you had been sleeping last night and he pulled them to himself, inhaling your scent for a second as he blinked away the sleepiness.
He could vaguely hear the sound of the electric mixer on in the kitchen, and the soft tones of your voice as you read, then re-read a set of instructions to yourself. He sat up, flinging his lower body off the bed.
He slipped his feet into the matching pair of dinosaur slippers you had bought for the two of you last Christmas. His pair was all by itself on the floor, without yours to keep it company and a frown tugged at his lips at the fact that you and your slippers had left them so early on in the day.
Reluctantly, he trudged towards the kitchen with a sigh. He shoved his hands in his pockets and leaned over your shoulder to get a peek at the recipe you were chanting, his warm breath fanning across your neck.
"Brownies? For Breakfast?"
You giggled and scooped up a spoonful of the batter, before turning around and squishing his cheeks to open his mouth. You shoved the batter in his face and let go. You watched him taste it thoughtfully, before giving you one of those 'deku is in pure bliss right now' faces.
"So are you saying you don't want my delicious brownies?"
He began flailing his arms around like the more wind he created the more likely you were to forgive him "No! I didn-"
You cut him off, grabbing his hands and standing on your tip-toes to give him a quick peck.
"Then how bout you help me with these?"
his face was tinged pink, but he nodded and started digging around for an 8x8 dish. You grabbed the cooking spray and a spatula, moving the bowl of batter closer to the stove top.
"Can you hold the bowl while I scrape the batter in?"
You sprayed the dish before reaching to scrape the batter out in ribbons. You placed one hand on his and scooted closer to get the last bits of brownie out. Once you finished he set the bowl down.
You searched through a few drawers until you found what you were looking for, and then went to place the brownies in the oven.
"You know you don't have to wear oven mittens if the pan isn't hot.. right? Especially not two of them."
Your face heated up a bit at his calling you out.
"Yeah.. of course i do! Better safe then sorry!"
Izuku chuckled at your response and came up behind you, sliding his arms around your waist while you set a timer for forty-five minutes.
He buried his face on your hair and started walking back to your room without letting go.
"Zuku... I have to clean the kitchen..."
"You can do that in forty five minutes, after the brownies are done. I need cuddles."
His words were muffled by your hair, but you could hear him perfectly.
"No, if the brownie batter hardens in the bowl its gonna be hard to wash ou-"
It was his turn to cut you off as he moved to pick you up bridal style, marveling at the little gasp you let out with the quick switch of positions.
"If it's to hard for you, I'll use a lil' bit of one for all to get it off. Okay?"
He leaned down to give you a quick peck, and you sighed , letting him carry you back to bed.
"That's what i thought."
He dropped you on the bed gently and tucked you in, before squeezing in beside you.
"Alexa, set an alarm for forty five minutes from now" You mumbled
Izuku wrapped his limbs around yours, and buried his face in the crook of your neck. He took a deep breath, and his eyes fluttered shut, tickling you a bit.
"I love you."
You sighed, melting into him.
"I love you too."
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srose-foxfire · 3 years
Damirae Week 2021- Day 4
“Tale as old as Time” Day 4: Masquerade Ball
“I have a gift for you.”
Was all Damian had said to Raven one early winter morning. She couldn’t help but lift up a brow as she noticed his short black tail kept swishing back and forth. Damian was unusually pleased with himself as he explained her gift would be ready for her till midday. Raven couldn’t fathom what he had planned for her and agreed to stay in her room so the surprise wouldn’t be ruined. All morning Raven found herself walking in circles, she kept biting her lower lip with anticipation to what was in store for her. She looked up through her bedroom window noticing how the sunlight pierced through the white puffy clouds. Raven went ahead and opened the window all the way to allow the soft cold breeze of winter to enter her room.
The coldness did sting her for a bit, but Raven felt strangely delighted to be enveloped by it. She continued to gaze how everything was covered in perfect white snow. Raven hadn’t mentioned it to anyone, but this had been her first-time seeing snow, she had read about it in her books but seeing it in person was truly a marvelous sight to behold with one’s eyes. The forest surrounding Wayne Castle were all blanket in white, making everything seem like a frozen white sea.  
Something Raven was just noticing was that her bedroom window had a view of the castle’s main gates. This made her recall when she had fled, the day she had seen Damian’s true beastly form for the first time. She winced at the memory thinking she truly acted like a fool before him. She had kept that memory suppress since the rest of the day that followed, she had been unconscious. Raven remembered she had had just passed the gates; she entered the forest when she heard a strange sound belonging to a creature she never met.
Raven had stopped and stood still, hoping to blend with the pine trees. Whatever inhabit the forest gave her a low growl and stayed well hidden in the trees. Raven carefully took a few steps back, hoping to give herself some distance from the creature. She darted her eyes through the trees’ thickest trunks and manage to see a black form dart between the trees. It looked huge, much bigger in body than Damian’s beastly form.
Raven continue to back away, lifting her hands in surrender, she prayed that her body would show she meant no harm. Taking another step back, Raven lost her footing as she hadn’t realized the small cliff behind her. Raven screamed, frantically swigging her arms hoping to grab hold onto anythingto lesson her fall, she continues to roll down as branches and rocks poked her whole body. In the distance the creature howled, Raven managed to catch the glimpse of black fur running down the hill faster then she, she felt her body slammed into it. She whimpered in pain, her head was throbbing very painfully, she carefully turned her head and looked up. The sun shined brilliantly, blinding Raven for a moment, all she could make out was a dark form over her, as it panted and watched her. Its eyes were black and it too like Damian’s were sad.
That was when Raven blacked out.
The next thing she knew was waking up in her bedroom with Damian’s sisters looking after her. Raven scanned the area from her window, hoping to catch maybe a glance of whatever lived beyond the castle. Damian or his family didn’t speak much of the creature but did label it to be some sort of monster that guarded the castle. Just another ‘addition’ the witch’s curse held. They believed she summoned some monster to make sure no one entered or even allow Damian to leave the castle. Not that Damian would ever leave, he felt there was no place for him beyond the castle.
A light knock on her bedroom door brought Raven back from her thoughts. She called out and Damian timidly entered her room.
“I have something for you, if you would please follow me.” Damian said as he bowed and extended his left paw towards her.
Raven couldn’t help but smile, at the gesture, she truly wanted to believe they had become somewhat the strangest of friends. She walked slowly towards him and wrapped her arm around his large arm. Damian smiled and Raven could had sworn she had seen a very faint blush cover her dark fur cheeks.  
Damian guided her out of her room and took her through hallways and rooms around the castle. It always amazed her how hugethe castle truly was since she hadn’t really explored every bit of it. Raven only walked through the hallways she already knew, she believed if she venture further into the castle, she would be lost in the maze of hallways and chambers. Since their celebration a month ago, the castle was always kept clean, Damian’s siblings did all the work. Raven offered to help but Dick insisted that they had it under control, though he was always to stay away since most of the time it was him creating the messes they had to clean up.
Damian led Raven to which she assumed was the East wing of the castle. The hallway they were walking through had many glass windows lined to allow sunlight to illuminate the halls. Raven couldn’t help but gaze out and see the gardens now adorned with snow and ice crystals. In the distance she saw an ivory pavilion in the center. Raven then saw the hallway was nearing to some large wooden marble doors with golden swirl-like handles. They were opened and she quickly scanned the open room, it was very grand, bigger than any other room in the castle she had visited. It must be the ballroom, Raven thought to herself as she noticed the room held somewhat a circular shape and as a single grand golden chandelier lit it ceiling. She took a mental note on how to get to the room for she wanted to examine it more.
Down the hallway were a vast case of stairs which led to a to entrance of another large wooden doors. They walked up, Raven waiting for Damian to open the doors but he stopped and looked at them for a long moment before letting go of Raven’s arm and turning to face her.
“Before we enter, I must ask you to close your eyes.”
“It’s part of the surprise.” He added with a smile.
Raven lifted her brow but closed her eyes either way. She could hear as the doors slowly creaked opened, Damian carefully grabbed her hands and slowly guided her inside. Though her eyes were shut, Raven had to squint as she could feel the room was illuminated by the sun’s rays as her eyelids turned a crimson red.
Damian let go of her hands and cleared his throat, “You may open them now.”
As Raven did, she gasped and widen her eyes in amazement. Books covered the entire walls of the two-floor room. A library, she thought. Raven turned and turned as she study each shelf, marveling at every ancient texture that slumbered here, waiting for her to read and study each of them. Never in her life had Raven seen a collection like this, she had only every dreamt it. To add the library had a ceiling painting, it was a beautifully drawn art piece depicting the time-lapse of a rising sun, to it setting, and finally the sky decorated with small stars.  “It’s beautiful.” Raven managed to finally say.
“Do you like it?” Damian questioned her.
Raven couldn’t help but scoff at him, “like it? I love it! This place, I never seen anything like it. I can’t imagine someplace like this ever existed.”
Damian didn’t hide his huge grin as he continue to watch her circle the room, “then it’s yours. No one has ever entered this room since the curse was placed. My father treasured this room for many of the books you see belonged to my late-grandmother, Queen Martha. I believe you will value this library and every book the same way she did.”
Raven couldn’t find words to express how much she was grateful for this and the only thing she could do in that moment was wrap her arms around Damian in a tight hug.
“Grayson, care to explain what you are doing?”
Damian growled at his brother as he watched him float around in his bedroom rummaging through his wardrobe. Annoyed and overly frustrated with his older brother’s meddling, Damian crossed his large fury arms across his chest and started tapping his foot on the ground rather loud.
Dick laughed happily, disregarding Damian in the room as he pulled out some clothing and bundled it up in his hands. “This will do nice,” Dick commented in a very low voice but still loud enough for Damian to hear. “Do you mind if I take this?”
Damian opened his mouth to protest but Dick continue, “No? Good. I will bring this back later today, make sure to bath extremely well and put on some cologne. The family and I have a little somethingplanned for later this evening.”
Damian let out an annoyed scoff, “And what if I don’t want to attend?”
“Oh, but you want to attend. Lady Raven has requested your company.” With that Dick exited the room leaving Damian with a dumbfounded face.
Raven had asked for his presence?  After his mind had finally wrapped around to what his brother had meant Damian immediately went to his personal bath and soaked in a rose petal bath and washed his fur. For good measures he washed himself four times. Throughout the day, he had to wonder what his family had planned, what Raven had planned for them. Damian had to admit, since he gifted Raven the family’s library, they had been spending more time together. When out strolling with himself, Damian would find Raven on the floor, reading a book before the fireplace. He would then join her and ask if he could listen to her read. She had the most beautiful voice. Damian would think to himself as he listens attentively to Raven as she brought every passage she read to life. Sometimes Damian would sit next to her, resulting in Raven leaning up against him as she read.
It was times like these Damian would notice his own heart would beat much faster and his insides felt like they were in a whirlpool. Damian was content to the moments he was allowed to be by her side. Though he would look at her and couldn’t help but wonder if she was truly happy to be with him and his family. He did treat her like his prisoner when they first met, he grimaced at the thought of how harshly he had treated Raven. Damian had treated her like a thief wanting to rob his family’s treasures. Not once since she stayed in his castle had Raven ever tried to steal or wanting to take anything to claim as her own.
Damian sighed heavily as his heart started to ache of the times, he could had been kinder to her. Perhaps he could had shown her his true form much earlier, so she hadn’t gotten hurt that one time. Though revealing himself was the last thing he wanted to do, she was so damn beautiful, almost as if she were a goddess brought down to the Earth share her beauty with mortals. Raven was truly a kind-hearted person, while he was a beast. Though now under these strange circumstances, Raven didn’t seem to mind at all his form, but was this truly a place for her? As much as he may want it, Raven wasn’t bound to the castle like everyone else. She was allowed to leave and go back wherever she had come from. That sudden thought of saying goodbye to her, hurt Damian greatly. He felt a sharpen pain compressed his chest, thinking of never seeing her sprawled before a fireplace reading.
A small gentle grunt shook Damian awake from his thoughts as he looked to his door, Dick’s body halfway through the door. He had a huge grin across his face, “You ready Dami?”
Damian only nodded.
Dick had brought Damian an outfit he would only wear on special occasions. An emerald tailcoat with golden accents on the seams, over a black button dressing shirt, and a pair of black trousers. To finish his attire, Damian had been given a black domino mask to cover half his face. Yesterdaythis outfit would had not fitted him, but Damian could conclude that his brother had his suit tailored by Kori. As Damian followed Dick along a hallway, the young prince had to wonder what Raven was wearing. If he was dressed like this, then perhaps she was…
“We’re here.”
Dick commented softy as Damian looked up and in the middle of the ballroom, there she stood. Damian couldn’t help but gasp softy at the sight before him. Raven was there standing in a light strap lavender dress. It wasn’t extravagant as gowns he knew from centuries ago, instead the bodice was covered in lilac laces design to look like vines and fallen leaves. It hugged her carefully showcasing her beautiful curves. At the dip of her waist the dress was lightly fluffed. It wasn’t exaggerated puffy, instead it looked like she could walk calmly well and wasn’t weighed down as it lightly feathers over the ballroom floor. To compliment her gown, Raven wore long silk lilac gloves and a pearl-white feather mask.
Dick bowed and exited the room, leaving both his brother and Raven alone. As he closed the doors, an old phonograph started to play a soft melody. Damian cautiously walked towards her and for the first time in years he became aware of his steps. Damian briefly glanced down to look at his shadow, assuring himself he was taking careful and beautiful strides as he was once taught when he was a prince. He kept one arm behind his back while the other was folded across his chest, when he stood tall before Raven, he bow slowly toward her. “My lady.”
Damian peeked under his thick lashes to notice a small blush over Raven’s cheeks before she courtesy to him, lifting her dress as she did. “Your highness…” then she slowed rose back up and locked his gaze with her amethyst. “May I ask why we are dressed… like this?”
“Pardon? I was told you requested me tonight, I would-” Damian stopped himself long enough to realized what had occurred. This was a set-upplanned by his annoying family. Damian let out an annoyed sigh and wonder how he could make sure his family would stop putting him and Raven in uncomfortable circumstances. “It would seem we been played; I am sure my siblings planned for all of this, what I don’t understand is why here.”
Raven gave a half-hearted chuckle as she turned and study the decorated room. “Probably I am at fault, I was here earlier; readying, when your sisters came to check-up on me. Then I asked them what the ballroom had been like before the curse. They explained that every month there was a party and told me stories of the Annual Masquerade Ball, your family held for your people to celebrate the beginning of autumn.”
The ball, how did he manage to forget that?! “Yes, actually my father was the one who started the ball in order to give everyone in Gotham a chance to be something else, allow them to dream of the wonders outside their lives. Needless to say, that was how Koriand’r met my brother.”
“Yes, she was just a simple seamstress from the village. She came dressed in this brilliant crimson dress, one she made herself. Grayson fell hard for her; she was invited to the castle multiple times to fix our garments and create dresses for my sisters. After a few months Grayson proposed to her, and they were to be wedded when-”
When the cursed happened.
Damian didn’t want to tarnish the mood reflecting on what the curse had taken from them. They all been living under a blanket of sorrow for much too long. Though if it hadn’t been for the curse then Damian would had never met the beautiful woman who was standing before him.  
The music from the old phonograph started to play rather loudly, making Raven lift her hands as they clasp Damian’s paws. “It would be a shame to waste this music.”  She never once left Damian’s gaze leave hers as she carefully placed one large paw behind her back and the other held her hand. “Please lead me, my lord.”
Damian couldn’t suppress the smile in him as he lifted her hand higher and swept her off the dancefloor.
Let this dream never end.
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cl-01-kestis · 4 years
Dismay - Grand Admiral Thrawn x Rebel!Reader | Part 9
Summary: As you adjust to living with Thrawn from now on, you share some of your memories of your birth and the things he missed out on.
Warnings: a detailed description of Thrawn’s morning routine lmao, menstruation, pretty long chapter
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It was dark, cold but somehow warm in the place where you were lying. This felt much different compared to the prison floors, instead of hard concrete you were lying on fresh, cotton sheets, and a mattress that made you believe you were sleeping on a cloud. You shifted with your eyes still closed, your consciousness and awareness returning to you and making you realise that you were inside Thrawn’s chambers.
You remember the small incident that took place before you fell unconscious, you weren’t quick to forget that Thrawn specifically told you he’d take you to his chambers so you didn’t suffer Pryce’s punishments, you were grateful for that.
Opening your eyes, you realised it was dark, very dark. For seconds, you saw nothing but pitch black but soon your sight adjusted to the dark surroundings and you turned your head around to see a window, the Lothal moon shining through and giving the room a bit of light for you to see where you were sleeping at. You turned your head back around and jumped slightly when you realised you were lying a meter away from Thrawn, who’s back was turned to you as his body lay almost at the edge of the bed. For a minute you stayed put, looking at the back of his head and noticing some long strands that needed cut. He was wearing a white vest from what you could see, the rest of his body covered up by the thick quilt which you were also lying under.
From where you were lying, you could feel Thrawn’s body heat. You, right now, were freezing cold. Your top half wasn’t covered by the quilt and you were cold as you shifted in your position.
Sitting up, you very carefully and silently removed your jacket whilst moving your feet, coming to the realisation that Thrawn had taken off your shoes. You smiled, feeling the cool air of the chamber hit your bare arms and neck and sending a ray of shivers over your skin. Wincing, you returned to your spot underneath the covers and wiggled yourself closer to Thrawn without waking him up, keeping your arms and legs to yourself but trying to get as much warmth as you could.
You closed your eyes once more, shivering slightly due to your lack of body heat and trying to warm yourself up by rubbing your hands together quietly, breathing hot air on your fingers and letting out a tired yawn. You sighed, head against the pillow and limbs achy as you let out another yawn.
As you were about to drift off to sleep once more, the man lying beside you turned his head very slightly and noticed that you had moved closer to him. He’d heard your shuffling but wasn’t sure what you were doing, he hoped you weren’t escaping if anything.
Thrawn looked at you from the side with a hidden smile, eventually shifting his position so he was facing you, your head level with his chest and hands cupped idly against your chest. The Chiss wrapped an arm around you and pulled himself close to you, tangling his legs with yours and using his other hand to cradle the back of your head against his chest. Still awake, you wrapped an arm around his waist and nestled into his touch, the corner of your lips curling up ever so slightly.
This felt like home to you in every possible way.
Thrawn felt your soft breath plush against the skin where his vest didn’t cover, slowly breathing and completely at peace as you dozed off back into sleep. Very delicately, not wanting to wake you up, he brushed his lips against your hair and planted a small kiss on your strands, closing his own eyes when he felt the familiar sting of exhaustion.
By the time it was the early morning, and Thrawn had to wake up, the two of you were tangled in each other. Your legs were locked with his, both of your arms engulfed him in a warm embrace and somehow you had shifted to lying on your back in your sleep, Thrawn’s head resting on your chest peacefully. The Chiss man woke up naturally before the alarm on his bedside table went off, he was quick to cancel the alarm before it woke you up. He didn’t want to disturb your sleep, you needed as much of it as possible.
Thrawn stayed for a moment longer after he turned off the alarm, his knuckles stroked your cheek as you slept and stayed completely still. He smiled, feeling his heart beat terribly fast inside his chest the more time he spent looking at your beautiful face.
With a silent huff, he pushed himself up from the messy bed and patted his palms on his knees, his eyes felt heavy even though he slept well. Rubbing his eyes, he finally stood up and walked out of the bedroom, peering over to his window and noticing that the sun was coming up. Quietly, he walked over to the window and pulled down the blinds so you wouldn’t be woken up by the sunlight.
Thrawn returned to the main office outside of the bedroom and yawned to himself, turning to a door opposite his chambers on the other side of the office, dragging his feet as he entered what appeared to be a small kitchen. Turning on the light, he prepared himself a Caf, and also made you one as well whilst he was at it. He remembered the way you liked your Caf, he never forgot. You always used to complain that his was too strong and he needed milk, the memory made him chuckle as he stirred some sugar into your Caf.
Walking back to his office, he propped himself down on his chair and pulled up his inbox on his holopad, checking if he received any urgent messages for missions he had to tend to. To his relief, there was nothing sent, only the emails that had been viewed already from the days before. He scrolled through the news in boredom, sipping elegantly at his Caf cup and blowing softly on the dark brown liquid, he didn’t want a burned lip at this time of the morning.
There was nothing exciting happening in the galaxy, only reports of rebels and the different wanted warrants that were up. Thrawn kept scrolling until he eventually landed on a current holo video tape from a very familiar face. His daughter.
“-been kidnapped by the Empire, I need help, anyone’s help, to get my mom back... please-“ And the message was quickly cut out by Imperial protocol, covering the message with a jurisdiction sign that prohibited the rest of the message from being played.
Thrawn sat in his chair for a few tense seconds, scratching the back of his head, and guilt started pouring through. He wanted to let Omani know you were safe and not being tortured in some interrogation dungeon, he wanted her to know he cared for you, just as much as he cared for her. You were his family, and he told you already, he wasn’t going to let the rules of the Empire stop him from protecting you both. He swore by it.
With a quiet sigh, he switched off his holopad and rubbed his hands over his face, pulling down his eye sockets slightly before frowning and standing up from his seat. He had to get ready for the day, it was already getting a bit tight for time.
Before Thrawn went for a shower in his refresher, he collected his clothes from the bedroom very quietly and also tried not to get distracted by your beautiful sleeping form. He admired you as you tossed in the messy sheets of his bed, your jacket off and chucked on the floor beside the bed and abandoned.
Usually, he would be much more quick than this. By the time he got in his refresher, he would’ve been getting his Admiral uniform on by now if it weren’t for the fact he was taking care of someone, and that someone was a person he loved very much.
Thrawn winced as he thought of his hidden feelings for you, scrubbing the shampoo through his strands of wet navy hair and ducking his head under the water to rinse it out. He hated this feeling, the feeling of denial and secrecy. For years he kept his feelings towards you bottled up and he never once let it slip that he wanted to be fully with you instead of sleeping with you and letting you stay, on the odd occasion, for the night.
You had a somewhat relationship whilst you were at the Empire, but there was never much exchange of any feelings, the two of you avoided saying the three words as much as you could because the both of you were afraid of rejection. But the fact you knew Thrawn for your entire life was proof and valid reason as to why you fell in love with him so quickly. If anything, you always had a thing for him even if he was years older than you. It wasn’t until the Empire that those feelings started mixing with lust, then everything went south.
Sighing, Thrawn kept his head under the water for a long minute, his eyes looking at the floor but they were unfocused. All he thought about was you, You plagued his mind constantly, and the interaction he had with you last night left a lingering sensation on his skin that he could still feel. Thrawn couldn’t deny it at this point, he missed you, so much. Holding you last night made him realise that he longed for your attention and company for so long, yours and no one else’s.
You were so important to him, and as a 47 year old man, he could honestly say that he loved you. Back when he was younger and more unfamiliar with the feeling of love, he saw it more as a negative than positive. He didn’t want to get distracted by his work, or having the fear of something happening to you and having his heart broken. But now, things were different. You were here, in his chambers on Lothal, protected, safe, and sleeping in his bed with little to no anxiety. Yes, you were inside an Imperial base, but no one knew you were in his chambers apart from Pryce and her men. He didn’t need anyone else knowing.
Thrawn got out of the shower with an empty expression, brushing his teeth at a quick pace and spitting out his toothpaste in the bathroom sink where the tap was turned on. After rinsing out his mouth to get rid of the foul taste of morning breath, Thrawn wrapped a towel around his waist tight and opened his refresher doors, a cheeky yawn escaping his lips as he stretched out his limbs and walked out into the office once more.
As he done that, the door to his chambers opened and you walked out in all your loveliness, but also tiredness. Messy hair, tired eyes, wobbly legs, and wearing the same clothes you had on yesterday. You rubbed your eyes, opening them up and immediately freezing up when you saw Thrawn wearing nothing but the white towel over his hips.
“Maker- I’m sorry” You spluttered, covering up your eyes with your hands and turning around to avoid the chances of peeking through your fingers and looking at Thrawn’s almost naked form.
The Chiss smirked, leaning on the side of his desk and folding his arms over his chest as he noticed how tired you looked. The sound of the shower had obviously woken you up, either that or you had just woken up naturally.
“Pardon me for making such a brash comment, but you’ve seen worse, Rcati” Thrawn’s cool voice called out to you in the tense silence. Rolling your eyes underneath your hands, you let out a long sigh and felt your cheeks glow with embarrassment. He was right, but now wasn’t the time to be talking about that stuff. You had literally woken up minutes ago and one of the first things you see is the near naked body of your past lover. Great.
“Fair point, but I’ve just woken up” You chuckle, avoiding staring at his body as much as you could as your hands covered him from your sight. Thrawn kept the smirk on his face, tilting his head to the side and raising a brow as you turned around to head to his kitchen, obviously needing a Caf. As you stepped into the kitchen, you uncovered your eyes and looked back at Thrawn, this time without a blush and more of a casual way.
“You prepared me Caf?” You asked with a smile, the corners of your lips widening as Thrawn nodded his head and took a sip of his own Caf. You headed into the kitchen and came back out with the Caf cup in your hands, a joyful expression on your pretty face. Thrawn couldn’t help but stare, he was in awe at the way you delicately sipped at the scolding hot liquid, flinching back quickly as you cringed as your lip got slightly burned. It was the smallest details he payed attention to, even the way the wrinkes on the outer corners of your eyes deepened as you narrowed your gaze. He loved that he was able to experience you in all your Grace once again, this time in person and instead of the blue buzz of the hologram.
“The refreshers free for you to use, I have to get dressed and attend the morning briefing so I might not be here when you come out” Thrawn spoke with an unmissable disappointed tone, but you didn’t mention anything about it.
“I’ll get some clothes for you, I’m not having you wearing those rags all the time” He leaned off from his desk and walked towards you as your back pressed against the arch of the kitchen door. You tensed, going in to sip your Caf but immediately freezing as Thrawn came up to you, looking down at you with his piercing fiery gaze, and smiled.
“These aren’t rags, you Imperials are just too pristine” You defended, looking down at your white T-shirt and khaki combat trousers which were far from rags. Either way, Thrawn’s smile widened and he shrugged, crossing his arms over his bare chest and making it nearly impossible for you not to stare. Desperately keeping your eyes glued to his, You sipped your Caf through a clenched jaw until Thrawn made his next move.
“Well it’s either the clothes I give you, or nudity, and I’m sure you don’t want the second one” He bit back a grin as your eyes widened at his words, a flustered state consuming you once again as you spluttered out a small ‘the first one’ with a hot face. You felt rather agitated though, it was barely 24 hours since you had been captured and Thrawn was already having a form of authority over you. It pissed you off but at the same time, it made you feel taken care of. Your independence was irritated.
“I’ll leave you to get dressed then, don’t let me hold you back” You murmured, finishing off your Caf and placing the cup in the kitchen sink before scurrying past Thrawn who was still standing against the door frame with a coy expression on his handsome face.
“Do you still keep the towels in the bathroom?” You asked quickly, turning around to him once more just as you were about to enter the refresher.
“Of course, and feel free to use one of my shirts if I’m not back in time with the clothes. Also, if anyone comes in, just stay in my bedroom with the door locked and wait until they leave” Thrawn explained, nodding to you curtly before walking across the office and back into his room, sending you one last smile before he closed the door to get dressed. You stood alone outside for a few seconds, your face hot and eyes burning at the image of Thrawn’s bare chest and his biceps.
It was too early to be thinking of this stuff, in terms of time, and the amount of time you had been reunited with him. You were moving too fast, barely a day ago he saved you from definite torture and now all of a sudden he’s shirtless and wearing nothing but a towel, good Lord.
You entered the refresher and locked the door, undressing yourself from your rebel clothes and leaving them in a pile on the black bathroom floor. This felt so foreign, but at the same time you had been in this room before, a long time ago, many many times. So you remembered how to navigate your way around his refresher, the shower was in the same place and so was the sink, the interior was all the same.
As you stepped inside the shower, you felt a flush of relief wash over you as the cold water glided over your skin. It was a bit of a shock at first, but you remembered that Thrawn always had a cold shower in the morning to wake himself up, which was a pretty smart move.
Adjusting to the temperature of the water coming from the riser-kit shower head, you drenched yourself completely before grabbing hold of the bottles beside you on a small shower shelf. You stayed in the shower for about 10 minutes, mostly thinking about the strange situation you were in and not so much washing yourself, but you at least scrubbed your body and the places that needed to be washed.
When you came out, you wrapped your head and body in two large towels, larger than the towel Thrawn had around his waist. You looked at yourself in the mirror, face flushed at the memorable images of the man you once you used to sleep with, and they weren’t leaving your head anytime soon. You heard nothing outside of the refresher door, either Thrawn was still getting dressed or he left, and it was certainly not the first option.
You hoped he would at least bring you a tooth brush, you couldn’t do anything but swish some mouth wash in your mouth to keep your teeth as clean as you could for the time being. You warily walked out of the refresher, it wasn’t as cold as it was when you woke up but that was due to the cold shower. Walking to Thrawn’s room, you made sure he wasn’t in there before taking a step inside, looking around and noticing he had made the bed and layed out a shirt for you to wear. Your feet lead you to the side of the bed, picking up a small note beside the shirt which read in Cheunh:
‘I don’t have anything that might fit your hips or legs, but I hope this does you well till I come back, you can borrow my briefs as well if you’re uncomfortable wearing nothing on your legs’
Smiling at the letter, you placed it on the bedside table and dropped the towel from your body, tensing at the cool air but quickly covering yourself with Thrawn’s black T-shirt which was rather baggy on you and draped down to your thigh. Taking his offer, you, without looking as much as you could, went through his drawer and took out a pair of black briefs for you to wear. Practically everything Thrawn wore apart from his admiral uniform was black, he had the same taste in fashion as he did 14 years ago, but it was mostly clothes to suit the Empire.
You had a lot of time to waste, especially if Thrawn was away getting you clothes and attending morning briefings. You knew how long those briefings took, so you didn’t need to worry about him turning up randomly any time soon.
Tip toeing around his office in his baggy shirt and briefs, and you sat in his chair, feeling the arm rests with your palms as you nuzzled into the comforting internal cushioning against your back. You looked at all the things he had collected over the years, Sabine’s spray paint art being one of the most noticeable things. You stood up from his chair, moving slowly towards all the things stacked neatly on shelves and figuring out where to start.
On the shelf in the middle which was level height with you, a fairly large bag sat slumped on the shelf, looking deflated and like a half sack of starfruit. You, curiously, pulled it off the shelf and sat on the ground with it in your arms. Setting it in front of you, you unzipped the bag, quick with anticipation as your fingers fumbled with the zipper. You looked inside the bag, eyes concentrating on multiple pieces of clothing, photos, small trinkets and notes.
All which belonged to you.
Gasping, you eagerly pulled out most of the thing from the bag, small trinkets spilling from your arms and falling beside you. You looked at the clothing in your arms, identifying it as your old Commander uniform. As surprised as you were, you set the uniform on the ground, grimacing as you wiped your hands against one another before returning your gaze to the stuff in front of you.
You picked up a few of the notes lying about, all of them spelt in Cheunh or Sy Bisti, so others couldn’t understand you apart from Thrawn. You wanted to stop reading but you didn’t, drinking in the words you forgot you wrote years ago and realising just how obvious you were about your emotions. There was all sorts you talked about in your letters, from Thrawn’s welfare, to you talking about your day. Passing notes was a sentimental thing to you and Thrawn, it always had been. Instead of sending each other holo messages, you would deliver small notes and slip them underneath each other’s doors. Passing notes was also a thing you done back on Csilla, when the two of you couldn’t see one another as much. You picked up a few things you remember you had left behind before you escaped the Empire, things like small hair clips to keep your hair in place and also a hairbrush.
Shifting your attention to a bunch of photos at the bottom of the bag, your hand instinctively reached out and picked the small pile up. Your eyes greedily looked over the photos, a cold sweat raising over your skin as your eyes peered over the faces of your parents. A photo which was at the front of the pile was of you and your family before you were sent off to the Royal Imperial Academy, your mother on your left and father on your right. You had just turned 25 when that photo was taken, hair luscious and full of colour and your face free of wrinkles.
You sat for a long time looking at the photo, no tears in your eyes due to how shocked you were. You didn’t expect Thrawn to keep photos of you and your parents for so long, he must’ve collected the things you left in your room after you disappeared. The thought of him doing that made you smile.
Placing everything back inside the bag, you stood up and moved it back on the shelf where you originally found it, trying to make it look untouched.
You pressed your palms firmly on your back and leaned back, scrunching your face up as small cracks erupted from your spine had made you sigh in relief. Unbelievably, you let out a tired yawn and rubbed your eyes, walking to the kitchen to get yourself another Caf as you bummed a soft tune to yourself. The Caf machine buzzed as it poured the bitter hot liquid into the cup you used before (and made sure to clean out before using again). You picked up a sashe of brown sugar and yawned once again as you stirred it into the full cup of Caf. Leaning your lower back onto the edge of the kitchen counter, you continued humming softly as you sipped carefully on the piping cup of freshly made Caf.
For a while it was quiet, not much noise apart from the birds chirping outside Thrawn’s chamber windows. You trailed outside of the small kitchen and walked back into Thrawn’s neat and tidy bedroom, Caf in hand and bare feet padding against the black floors of the chamber. The sun was now fully risen, and by the looks of it, the day at the Imperial factory had started. Your eyebrow twitched, looking at the tall towers of smoke and wishing you could destroy it all if you had the power.
As you hunched yourself up onto the windowsill, which was wide enough to take your weight, you brought a leg up and let the other dangle. You felt quite listless, looking at the factory of grey and feeling like the energy was draining from you. You wondered if Omani was okay, you at least hoped she wasn’t panicking to the point of a panic attack about your imprisonment. You wish you could tell her Thrawn was taking care of you.
Resting your head on the windowsill, the sound of the chamber door opening echoed in the distance and alerted you out of your relaxed state. Just as you were about to hide under Thrawn’s bed in case it was an Imperial officer, Thrawn came through and looked around before spotting you.
“Oh, sorry, I should’ve announced first that it was me” He smiled awkwardly, holding a pile of clothes that he set down on the bed before standing back up and holding his hands behind his back.
“Don’t worry, I’ve not been up to much” You yawned, cradling your cup of Caf and taking continuous sips of it as Thrawn walked over and looked out of the window with you, being careful not to get too close and make sure no physical contact was possible. You frowned a bit at his caution.
“I’m afraid the Empire doesn’t offer much leisure, but I’ve sent your device to be repaired, so hopefully you can get in touch with Omani” Thrawn stated, returning his gaze to you and feeling his chest tighten as you smiled, your eyes gleaming.
“Really?” You sounded in disbelief, but Thrawn simply smiled more and nodded his head.
“T-thank you” You felt yourself heat up in the face but you ducked your head before Thrawn got a chance to see anything.
“It’s not an issue, Rcati,” Thrawn bowed his head very slightly. “I hate to cut chatter short but I’ve got multiple messages coming in, can I trust you to keep yourself occupied whilst I’m working?” The Chiss asked, an eyebrow raised.
“I swear you still treat me like a 4 year old, I’m a grown woman. Just as long as no lousy officer comes through the door, then I’ll be fine” You chuckled. Thrawn grinned, nodding his head and saying nothing before turning around and making his way out of his bedroom. Watching him until he was out of sight, you returned your gaze to outside, your Caf cup clutched close to your chest as you let out a small sigh of emptiness. You should probably get some more rest.
Looking at Thrawn’s bed, you smiled to yourself before landing on the ground with a soft thud from the window will. Placing the Caf cup onto the bed side table, you sat down on the comfy quilt and got yourself underneath it, silently apologising to Thrawn for messing it up after he made it barely an hour ago. You fell asleep smiling, head smushed between two feather-light pillows and body limp underneath the covers, staying like that for a few hours.
When you woke back up, there was a horrible pain in your abdomen. You didn’t sit up, immediately recognising the pain and cursing to yourself in Cheunh before cranking your head up and opening your legs whilst still lying on your side. You let out an agitated sigh, carefully launching yourself up and off the bed whilst still regaining consciousness. Thankfully there was no blood on the sheets or mattress, thank the maker. But Thrawn’s boxers weren’t so lucky, they stuck to you and the moment you stood up, it was as if a pool of water erupted.
“Fuck” You groaned, holding a hand underneath your crotch to make sure no blood spilled on the floors as you waddled over to the chamber door and grabbed onto the arch. You looked around the corner, spotting Thrawn working at his usual office chair. A sharp pain stabbed its way through your womb and you let out a cry of distress, immediately alerting the working Chiss who snapped his head up and saw you crouching on the floor with a scrunched up expression.
“Rcati! Are you okay?” He stood up from his seat and walked over to you at a faster than usual pace, his eyes wide and searching all over to see what was wrong. You nodded your head, reaching out to him and pulling yourself up as you breathed in.
“Period, do you have any towels?” You asked awkwardly, mouth curling up slightly to try and diffuse Thrawn’s worry but he knew exactly what you were talking about and breathed out a sigh of relief.
“I thought you were having a heart attack” He frowned.
“I might as well with all this pain” You replied sharply, clutching onto his white uniform and returning your hand to underneath your crotch.
“I’ll have someone send something” Thrawn nodded, helping you over to the refresher politely and staying by the doorway as he commed someone to bring sanitary products without a single shadow of embarrassment. You know he would get questions, why would a man who lived alone want sanitary products? Either way, you felt flattered.
“Are you feeling alright?” Thrawn asked, his back turned to you as you removed the boxers from your legs and slipped them off, sitting down on the toilet just for support so you didn’t fall over.
“I’m fine, you don’t need to be so polite about my modesty, you’ve seen me in this position before” You chuckled, looking up at Thrawn who smiled before turning his head to look at you, at your face and nowhere else as you sat hunched over, so there was no chance of him seeing anything else.
“That’s true, and you give me a heart attack every time it happens” He rolled his eyes, arms folded over his chest as he smiled down at you. You winced quietly as another cramp hit you, clutching your knees and doing your best to stay quiet.
“I’ll get you some medicine” Thrawn suggested, but you knew you wouldn’t get a choice in what he done. If it was to do with your health care, he wouldn’t waste a moment to help you feel better. He still showed that.
Thrawn returned with a glass of water and two tablets, without hesitation you took a mouthful of water and swallowed the tablets into your system, hopeful that they at least ease the pain off for the time being.
“I’d be lying if I said this was the worst pain I’d ever felt” You commented, leaning your elbows on your knees and looking at your feet.
“What do you mean?” Thrawn asked curiously, crouching down to your level and sitting on the ground with his back against the archway of the door.
“Birth was 100x more painful than this” You explained, eyes going unfocused as you remembered visions from your time in the hospital ward on Yavin, Ahsoka by your side as well as rebels who were waiting outside in anticipation.
“Could you maybe tell me about it? If it’s okay” Thrawn asked curiously, tilting his head to the side as he looked at you with gleaming eyes. He was glowing.
“It’s a long story” You sigh.
“I’ve got time” He smiled, nodding his head to you which made you let out a silent laugh.
“Alright... well, I was in my room with my roommate at the time when my water broke, I put up with 13 hours of contractions after that before I got the chance to go to the hospital,” You frown slightly, scratching your knees for no reason.
“I can’t remember much apart from the time Omani arrived, all I can remember is the pain. But it was all worth it, even down to the tear I got after I pushed her out. Through all the stitches and anaesthetics, needles and cramps, and she was so beautiful” You felt yourself tearing up and your voice cracked slightly as you continued talking to Thrawn.
“She was a pretty heavy baby, she cried a lot, but as soon as i held her, it was as if a switch was flicked... it got so quiet, she just looked up at me and knew I was her mama, she even lifted her head up a few times” Your smile widened as a tear rolled down your cheek, but you quickly wiped it off and swallowed down your feelings as you looked back at Thrawn.
He was enchanted by you, eyes wide and mouth pulled into a smile. You felt joyful just looking at him but the familiar feeling of reality dawned on you once again when you almost forgot that you were on opposite sides and this type of peace wouldn’t last forever.
“What did your parents think?” Thrawn asked. Your smile dropped and for a second you were close to crying.
“They loved her” You said through a broken voice, wiping the corners of your eyes as your lip quivered. Thrawn’s smile seemed to fade as he watched you struggle to keep in your tears. Something was up.
“They only got to see her a few times though” You sniffed, hands shaking as you clutched your knees once more and breathed deeply.
“How so?” Thrawn frowned, looking as though he was trying to figure out the answer himself before hearing yours.
“They... died” Was all you said before falling completely silent, avoiding Thrawn’s shocked gaze as he opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He was startled by your answer, but he didn’t keep in touch with his family therefor he wouldn’t have found out from them. But it was still unfortunate, your mother cared for Thrawn like he was her own at times and he respected her and your father a lot, almost more than his own parents.
“I’m so sorry” He sounded genuine and sincere, his tone comforted you because you knew he wasn’t saying it just to pity you. He knew them just as well as you, and you knew this came as a shock to him.
“It was a ship crash, 5 years after Omani was born. Neither of them were angry I ran away from the Empire, if anything they supported me with everything I did. They even visited the place I was living in to see their granddaughter,” You wiped a tear.
“Tell you something though, they were really surprised that Omani was Chiss, they asked me so many questions about who the father was... but they pieced it together themselves and my mom literally started crying” You allowed yourself to laugh, your tears brushing away as you cleared your throat and returned your sight to Thrawn who was blushing.
“She said to me ‘(Y/N), I had a dream this would happen, this baby is a true blessing to our family and his, it unifies us’” You spoke, wincing slightly as another cramp creeped up on you.
“She’s right” Thrawn spoke up after what seemed forever. “Our girl is a blessing, and I don’t care what side she’s on, rebel or not” Thrawn leaned forward, shuffling over to you and taking your hands with his as he looked up at you from his sitting position on the floor.
“You’ve given me a great gift, and a gift I never thought I’d have the privilege to have” He looked scared, not as in a bad way but rather a fear that he’s not yet had the chance to meet the gift he speaks of. You understood what he was feeling and turned your hands around to hold his securely.
“And you’ve given me this gift as well, Thrawn” You smile, looking down at him as his scarlet eyes flickered from your eyes to your lips. You weren’t close enough to kiss, but you could tell he was thinking about it.
Just as either of you were about to do anything, there was a buzzer at the door and you jumped out of your skin as soon as it went off.
Thrawn chuckled, standing up and brushing his hand against your cheek before walking out of the refresher and towards his door, opening it to see the deliverer who was sent to his chambers.
“Just as you requested Sir” They said sternly, almost fearfully. You sat on the toilet with not much thought, only listening into the conversation as the deliverer was dismissed and Thrawn closed the door, returning to you. Where he wanted to be the most.
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
hi! can i request the guys realising they’re in love with you/mc? how would they react to it and when would the realisation happen? just something a lil cute for the quarantine ✨
SUGAR SWEET not really, this got really dark
Warning: Backstory spoilers (with some alterations!)
MLQC Headcanon - When I First Realized
He still remembers the day when you first walked into his office
He hadn’t thought much of this new producer (just that she seemed like a dummy)
A few more meetings with you, and he realized that his initial impression of you was wrong (something that doesn’t happen often)
You didn’t seem like a dummy, you were a dummy
He’s never seen someone so all over the place, barely able to collect herself sometimes
At one point, he found himself almost looking forward to your visitations
As a CEO, he’s learned to control his emotions quite early on in his life
He forbid himself from showing any weaknesses (but he knows everyone else’s?)
So when he realized he was acting like a human being abnormal, he became irritated
He assigned more tasks, and required more proposals from you
By giving you more work, he eventually gave himself a chance to divert away from you (drowning in paperwork meant distracting his mind)
But for some reason, he just couldn’t seem to forget you
Maybe it’s the way you act tough
Maybe it’s how you avoid his eyes, but glare at him when you think he’s not looking (Victor knows everything)
Or maybe it’s your smile, and how you never show that in front of him
So he started wondering, what could he do to make you not so afraid of him?
As he got lost in his thoughts, his eyes gravitated to the pile of papers on his desk (he hasn’t so much touched those yet)
“Huh, unbelievable” (he then quickly passed off any interferences with his work)
A considerable amount of time has gone, and he’s escaping an abandoned building with you
He can feel the tension in the air, as the currents electrify his surroundings
Victor looks over to you, weary and frail from constant running, and clenches his fists
Whoever is behind this, they’re aiming for you
Before he could think of a plan of action, he suddenly catches you as you leap out in front of him (you’re writhing with pain as the bolt lashes against your back)
In his arms, you’re there, limp without consciousness, unaware of the turmoil inside his heart
He thinks back to when he was just a boy, and that brave girl who jumped to save his life (he had made it his lifelong goal to find her, but to no avail)
Now he knows it was you all this time, and he won’t let anyone hurt you ever again
Even if he has to break through time.
He was a celebrity for as long as he can remember (one of the most popular child stars of his day!)
But it’s not like he desired to be in the spotlight for fame
He needed to find her (and that was his mission since the start)
“For you, I’ll reach even greater heights”
This was the only way he could possibly search the entire city to find her
By stranding himself in the public eye
He has never forgotten about her (she was on his mind everyday)
Whether he wants to or not, flashbacks of the experiment table run across his mind
He can picture the little girl next to him, seeming to be about his age, her eyes closed into a peaceful slumber
The red thread connecting the two of them continued to circulate, and he was forced to watch it all
If only he could rip out the needles binding him and escape this orphanage with her (he eyed the room for any possible routes)
She was so close to him, yet unreachable
He tried to grab hold of her hand, so as to stop this nightmare from consuming her
But one of the masked figures noticed his activity, and nonchalantly increased his dosage
The boy tried so hard to keep his eyes open, to fight back, but what power did he have?
He was only five
Many years passed, and Kiro returned to Loveland to boost his career as a superstar
He was now known as everyone’s sunshine, radiating with bright energy and beauty
Friendly with all, it’s not difficult to disclose your personal information with him (but no one really knows the darkest parts of the sun’s shadows)
Even now, he was still trying to find her
She must be around my age (but how would he know what she looked like now?)
With doubts in his mind, he takes a walk in his disguise to momentarily hide from the flashes of cameras
There was no destination in mind, just a desperation to be somewhere
He felt lost in this world where everyone knew who he was (but who would be able to rescue me?)
His eyes drift towards a supermarket, with a young lady stationed near the chips aisle
She should be around her age, maybe the height too?
As he walks past the store, he got a good look at her face (his heart nearly stopped beating)
Although the features were more mature compared to his memories, it was still the same shining smile as the little girl’s
How could he ever forget that smile? (the sole ray of light that shone on him in the darkness)
Without hesitation, he marches towards the market, nearly slamming into the automatic doors
He grabs the bag of chips she was reaching for, in hopes of getting her attention (in a relatively gentle way)
As she was about to yell his name, he quickly covered her mouth, allowing him to look clearly into her eyes
Ah....it was really her
“Shhh...I don’t wanna get noticed”
In his world, everything was ordinary
Bland, boring, and lifeless
It has been this way for as long as he can remember, and he’s grown accustomed to this lifestyle
There was nothing he could do about it, nor did he want to waste efforts trying
It was easier to ignore the impossible, and focus on more important matters at hand (and this continued for years)
He had heard that a producer from a company was looking for him, and that she should be arriving any minute now
He had no plans to involve himself with television, so he decided to politely decline the offer to join her
Lucien wandered around his office, organizing his desk to welcome the unwanted visitor
He looked at his bookshelf, colored with a dull grey all around
It wasn’t anything new, just a little depressing at times
He noticed a butterfly floating past his windows (colorless like everything else in his sight)
Then he saw her, the visitor
Suddenly his eyes began to burn (his muscles started pulsing at the temples)
There was no explanation that he could think of
He trusted his eyes enough to know that this was not a dream, yet can he see color?
What makes her so different?
His original plan was to refuse her offer at the door, but instead took out his china set and began to brew some tea
Meanwhile, you arrive at the floor Professor Lucien should be on (you ask around, but no one knows where he is)
You ask a younger-looking gentleman, who leads you to an office a few doors down
You enter cautiously, but the professor is nowhere to be seen
As you’re about to leave, the gentleman pushes a cup towards you (it’s steaming with freshly poured tea)
As she grabs the cup, her touch reveals its true colors, never-before-seen
It puts a smile on his face at the sight of the extravagant change
....how beautiful
“Um, do you know when Professor Lucien will be returning?”
“I can go ask the researcher next door, if you’d like”
“Oh, that would be great!”
He can’t help but let out a chuckle as he calls his colleague next door, to which she replies with absurdity
“What are you talking about, Lucien?” (he can’t help but feel amused at the producer’s shocked expression)
He peers curiously into her blushing face, his first time seeing such a flattering hue
He wasn’t always sure about when he first fell in love with you
He just knows that he did
At one point, you were the only thing on his mind
“Bro, you’re in love with her!”
Despite Minor’s annoyed words, he just couldn’t understand (love? what a joke)
He was sure that this wasn’t love, just a fleeting spark of a moment’s interest
He shielded you from the rain with his umbrella, but it’s not love
He stared at the picture of you in the school newspaper for hours (Minor had to take it away from his hands), but it’s not love 
He goes to your every recital (on the roof so you don’t notice him), but it’s not love
No matter which way he looked at it, he WAS NOT in love with you (Minor is slamming his head into the table)
But looking back, he does have an idea as to when this interest started
It was late spring, just on the border to becoming autumn
He was starting to lose conscious, surrounded by knife-bearers
Gavin was cornered on the school roof, blood flowing out at a dangerous rate
Then, he heard a soft melody encompassing the air around him (piano...?)
As he tried to locate where the sound was coming from, one of the gang members pushed him off the edge
His world spun around as he outreached his arms, desperately trying to grab onto anything available
All energy left his body, reverting him to a corpse (maybe my next life wouldn’t be so bad....)
Suddenly a heavy, rapid, surging melody sounded (taken from Campus Date!)
Gavin’s life flashed before his eyes, and the next thing he saw was the entire city beneath his floating feet
“....! What...is this..?”
While he was trying to collect himself, the roaring notes of the piano continued, as if they were in agreement with his adrenaline rush
He quickly regained control, letting the booming wind merge with this foreign power inside him
He gravitated towards the window, where the school’s music room was located
His ears soon landed on a beautiful voice, accompanied by the rhythmic taps of the keys (it was her!)
He still wasn’t sure how this Evol awakened inside of him, and is still wondering if this was love, but one thing’s certain:
He, for all eternity, would dedicate his life to protecting her (cue the Minor squeals!)
He never thought of himself as a stationary being
Too much of a hassle
With his skateboard, he cruises around the city at his own pace, looking for any amusements in the area
Unable to find anything worth pursuing, he returns to his alleyway to finish the graffiti piece he was working on earlier
He recalls the time when he briefly met his brother, at the airport a while back
He laughs just thinking about that moment (he’s never seen his brother so furious)
Come to think of it, he was protecting a girl that day
Determined to make his day fun, he decides to go find her himself
You waited in the bus, hoping that your precognition doesn’t come true
“If we just get past this block, it’ll be fine”
You’re almost sent out of your seat as the driver brakes at the bus stop, one before your destination
A tall guy, occupied with his headphones, steps in
Shaw immediately is able to spot her, and promptly places himself in the seat next to her
The bus was nearly empty, yet he chose to sit next to you instead (just why..?)
As for why he sat there, Shaw couldn’t think of a reason either
He simply thought whatever happens next might be fun
He glanced over at the girl, who fidgeted nervously next to him
He cracked a silent smirk as he adjusted his headphones (he could feel her gaze on him)
“Wanna listen?”
You couldn’t get your head around this guy, and exactly what he was planning
But you had your own problems to worry about, and it arrived much sooner than expected
Shaw noticed the girl was clutching onto her dress tightly, and glanced at her face
She looked like she was in pain for some reason, but there was nothing he could do to help (Do I wanna help in the first place?)
He jolted as she suddenly got up and yelled for the driver to stop the bus
The driver, of course, passed her pleas off (the bus wasn’t at the stop yet, anyways)
He inquisitively looked at his surroundings
There was nothing off, which means there was no reason for her to get so panicky
He became very interested in what she was going to do next, so he willingly gave her a hand
In the blink of an eye, the sky became dark and rain started to pour outside
Your eyes go wide at this unusual happening, but waste no time in rushing out the door (the driver gave up on running the bus in this weather)
He discreetly follows the girl as she runs towards the crosswalk
He’s a little taken back as she plops down on the cement, a sigh of relief across her expression
Without saying anything, he hands her a transparent umbrella (he tries hard to not laugh at her conflicted face)
“You’re welcome”
He decides not to ask her what that was all about
He could sense that they will be meeting again in the future soon
WOWZERS. This took me a lot longer to complete than expected.... (it’s so long!!!!) I did alter some details, just to fit what I want more.
I guess I took this a different route than what the request was, so I hope anon who submitted this is okay with it
I went for a more “when was an important turning point in their relationship” compared to “when did they fall in love” (because I think it captures the essence of the game better)
Hope you enjoyed. I’m now going to cry at all the hurt ;_;
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hannybkpop · 3 years
Dancing Dreams
Chapter 1
(I would love some feedback especially since i decided to start writing again, I will also be working on re-writing My Han Fanfiction and making it better, Thank you)
Synopsis ..... As a 20yr old born and raised in Busan South korea, you finally moved forward in your life and managed to Join The Best Dance company out there. You make Friends you could never forget and so many memories you will cherish in your life. Your love Life will blossom and the sturggles of life will finally reach its peak. Will you manage to get through it or get overwhelmed by evrything and everyone ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It was an early Monday morning, the sun rays were shinning through the cracks in your curtains perfectly lighting your face. "its too early for any of this" you groan and turn over to the other side where the sun dont shine. "Y/N get up youre going to be late!" your mom yelled at you from the kitchen. You turn back around and sluggishly sit up right, criss-cross apple sauce still half asleep and slouching forward. "Thats right" you thought to yourself, "Todays the first day of my dance class" you check your phone and time reads 7:34am. You get up and start making your way to the bathroom still dragging your feet, but you couldnt help but feel butterflies in your stomach. you make your way to the bathroom and brush your teeth, then your face and you apply lotion " you cant forget to take care of your face" you say as you laugh. You walk towards your closet wondering what to wear. your closet was full of black and white, not really any other color because brights just wasnt your thing. you decide to go with some black sweats, a white crop top and some white Filas. you decide to keep your hair down, kinda wavy and grab a hair tie for later. you head down stair and you can hear the sizzling of possibly bacon or sausage and the smell of toast. Your mom had breakfast ready for you, two eggs over easy just the way yiu love em, two strips bacon and some white toast. " Thank you, if you wouldnt have made me breakfast i would have gone on coffee for the whole day" you say wiith a moutful of toast. You tend to live off of coffee, not a day goes by without it. once you finished eating, you grab your keys and head out "Bye mom, ill see you later" you say as you turn around and wave good-bye.
You hop in your car, plug in your phone and start listening to some of your favorite tunes. The first song that plays is Enhypens Given-taken "Wake up in day one, cheonnare achim jomyeongin bichweo taeyange nunbit" you sing, using your vocal chords to their full extent. Next played Aespas- Next level which lead to ITZYs Mafia. You pull up to a starbucks and lower your music, "Hello welcome to starbucks, what can i get started for you today?" The employee asks cheerfully this morning. "Hello can i get a Venti Iced caramel macchiato with 2 extra shots of espresso and extra caramel" It was your go to drink, just the perfect amount of espresso and caramel mixed together. "Of course, is that going to be all for today?" she asked, "Yes ma'am, thank you" she tells you the price and you pull up the window, you grab your drink and head off straight for the dance studio. A couple more songs played through, you jammed out to Nct, Exo, A.C.E, Oneus and so many other groups and then you finally arrived. Your heartbeat accelarated slightly just at the thought that you finally get to start your dance classes.
When you were just ten years old you found k-pop, it was music you had never listened to but your curiosity got the best of you. From finding TVXQ you were slowly dragged down the K-pop hole but it was possibly the best thing that had ever happened to you. From then on 3yrs went by, you were finally 13 and you thought to yourself that you wanted to be a dancer and that someday you would be a back up dancer or a choreographer for the idols you look up to. You asked your mom to sign you up for dance classes , she agreed and signed you up for modern dancing, from then on you moved on to hip-hop, contemporate and breakdancing which was honestly possibly the hardest to learn, who knew breakdancing could make you feel like you could break yourself in a heart beat. And thats how you got here, you auditioned to join Dream Team dance studio, one of the hardest to pass and yet you managed to make it through, but the price for this dance class was pretty high so you also planned on getting a part time job.
You finally turned off your car and started heading towards the building, since you were still new here you had to follow sign procedures and which classes you would be available for and suited for. You headed towards what seemed to be the front desk but didnt see anyone there. "Hello?" you called out, and then a girl peeked her head out the corner of her office "Hello sorry i didnt hear you walk in" she said very sweetly " what can i do for you today?". You open your bag and pull out the paperwork you had to fill out Prior to your first day "Oh, i am new here and today is going to be my first day starting my dance classes" you hand her the papers and she goes through, she tells you to give her a quick minute and she walks back to the office, she comes back with a lanyard and keycard attached " Welcome to DT, Heres your badge" she hands the item over to you and you seemed kinda confused " oh, sorry let me explain. So we do get certain people who come thorugh to practice at times and we use this badge so that any unwanted personal dont just barge through wihtout permission. we really do want our dancers to feel safe and comfortable in this enviroment" its like she read your expression. So many questions came to mind of who could possibly come to this studio, Idols seems to cross your mind but you just push it away because it only happens ever so rarely. "Thank you so much, ill make sure not to lose this", you start to head towards the doors and turn around because it totally slipped your mind to ask what room your class was in. “im sorry, but what room will i be heading to?” you ask. “ oh, right i guess we forgot, you will be headed to  floor 7 room c” - she chuckles. You start to make your way back to the double doors then you hear her say " if you lose the badge, its a $100 fee to replace it", You grab the badge tighter knowing that thats alot of money just to replace it. You excitedly scan your badge and make your way through the double doors, as soon as you walk through you see a cafeteria  to your right and a mini market to your left. You walk towards the cafeteria and see that they also have a cafe in the corner. “oh hell yeah, i can grab myself some coffee anytime i want now’” you think to yourself as you sip on your starbucks.   You turn around and starts making your way to the elevators, as you walk back you overhear a group of girls chatting about floor 7, you stop in your tracts to listen in a little more, you werent trying to eavesdrop but you were still new here and wanted to know what they had to say about the floor your class is in.  They started talking about how the rumor about idols showing up at the dance studio was true but the only floor they ever go to was floor 7, since floor 7 was were the best choreographers were located. You start to walk away slowly picking up your pace because in your head that was impossible, you werent notified exactly of who the special personal was. You thought maybe you should have asked more in depth questions, but you didnt because you were so excited. You finally make a stop at the elevator doors almost running straight into them,you push the up arrow button and the doors open. When you head inside you push level 7 but on the mini screen it says Please scan badge. You grab your  badge slightly shaking and scan, you get approved and the doors close.  The  elevator starts to go up and you are so deep in your thoughts you start thinking out loud. You start pacing back in forth asking yourself if what the girls were saying  was true. The last thing you needed was for an artist to show up and make a fool out of yourself, at this point you have your arms up in the air and you dont notice that the elevator stopped on floor 3. As you turn around you see three different males standing infront of the levator staring at you, all three were in black masks and some sort of hat making it hard to notice their faces. You make eye contact with one and the realise your arms are still up in the air. “oh my god, i am so sorry” you say as you are still panicking. The one on the left giggles to himself, the one on the right is unphased but the one in the center kept eye contact with you. You  could barely utter another word, but you manged to scoot over and make room for the three of them. You are so embarassed you face away and place your head against one of the elevator walls. You see that one of them goes to push floor 7 as well but they realise that floor number 7 is already chosen. They look over and notice that you also have a badge that lets you in the top floor but they leave it at that. The ride from floor 3 to floor 7 seemed like it was taking forever, and you couldnt believe that on your first day you managed to make a fool out of yourself. You finally reach floor 7 and the elevator doors open. You make your way out first   and walk as fast you can to room C, the  boys follow behind. With your mind still racing you walk straight passed room C  unknowingly that you almost run into a window at the end of the hall.  As soon as you come to a stop you hear, “ You do know thats a window, and not a door right?” he says with a mocking tone. “ oh yeah, i knew that, i just wanted to take in some sun” you say as you turn back around and go straight for room C.  “Hyunjin, youre going to be late for our dance class” han says  after opening the door to room A, “Sorry, i just wanted to take in some sun” he giggles to himself.
You have eyes looking at you from running in and closing the door shut, your face lights up red "I'm sorry". You continue to walk in and the dance room catches your eye, its so spacious, the walls painted an oxford blue, and a set of two clear window that reach from top to bottom on the left. "First time here i see" one of the girls calls out to you, "oh yeah, this dance room is nice" you are in complete awe. "i was the same way the first time i walked in this room, by the way if you dont mind me asking, what was that all about earlier?" she cocked her head to the left. "oh that~, so i made a complete fool of myself infront of these guys who were on the elevator with me, i guess i was so nervous that i also almost walked into the window at the end of the hall until one of them called out to them" you say with a slight laugh as you look down on the floor. "Oh geex, i would have probably done the same. So whats your name?", "my name is Y/N, whats yours? you ask, "Oh my name is Elizabeth but you can call me Eli, i hope we can be good friends from now on". As soon as she finished the doord behind us opened, "Hello, it seems like everyone here seems aquianted, well lets get started from where we left off. Hello you must be y/n, i have heard alot about you from our scouts who were at the auditions." She says with a very curious tone, you can feel all eyes on you. "He-hello" you tense up slightly just at the thought the teacher knows who you are. The class officially starts and everyone seems to have gone to their places, you make your way towards the back of the class to watch the dance everyone one learned last semester. You watched them practice a couple times before you joined in. After going through the dance a couple more times Eli looks at you in awe "I can see why you were accepted into classes in the 7th floor, youre really good"
  Classes proceeded for the rest of the day that time went by so fast, it was already 7pm and it was time to go home. "So i believe i will be seeing you tomrrow?" Eli asked, "Definitely, i had so much fun today and im so excited for the rest to come. I might stick around to practice just a little more" You say with enthusiasm in your voice. Eli leaves while waving back and youre the only one left in the room. You walk up to the radio and plug in your phone through the aux chord, you scroll through your playlist you are debating between Enhypen- given taken, TXT- Puma and Starykids latest release Thunderous. You decide to go with thunderous since you just had decided to change the end because you crouched down and walked foward by yourself it would look funny. You finally finished making the end and finally remmebering it so you decide to finally run through the whole dance. After dancing Thunderous a couple times you finaly drop down tired, you hear the door open behind you and turn around to see who could possibly still be here and to your suprise its the 3 mysterious men from earlier. "You're really good, did you make the ending for Thunderous?" asks the one with the medium length black hair, his voice sounds so familiar but you cant seem to remember who it could be. "Oh uhm, yes i did. i kinda figured if i danced it alone i would look stupid" You giggled to yourself "Like imagine crouching down and doing this?" you start to do the ending of the dance, "Youre right, haha it would look kinda funny" Says the one on the left, and again his voice also sounds very familiar but you really cant remember. " I guess we should introduce our selves, My name is Changbin, Seo Changbin" Your eyes widen, "Hi My name is Jisung, Han Jisung. But don't tell anyone you saw us" He shoots a wink. "Well i guess it my turn, My name is Hwan hyunjin, and if you ever feel like Getting some sunshine again Make sure not to try to run out the window" He laughs to himself. Youre face flushes red, You barely manage to even Speak. Did i really just make a full of myself infront of STRAYKIDS?!?! Is the only thought running through your head.
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infinites-chaser · 4 years
today, this is the whole universe (and that’s okay) | mlqc | gavin/mc | domestic fluff
Gavin and MC spend a sleepy Sunday together.
The first rays of warm, buttery dawn light are  barely brushing the edges of the half-open blinds when Gavin stirs, eyes blinking open, mouth stretching wide in a quiet yawn, MC still fast  asleep in his arms, her hair like a soft silk blanket across his chest. Carefully, trying his best to not disturb her, he reaches over her head  to grab at the top of the nightstand, where both their phones sit,  charging, hers quiet, his buzzing softly but insistently with his morning alarm.
With an easy, practiced swipe, he silences it, placing it next to hers once more. He brings his hand back to caress her cheek, then begins the slow process of freeing his body by gently shifting her onto the bed itself. At his touch, she murmurs something. Soft and unintelligible as it is, it still manages to bring a small  smile to his face.
For a moment, he lets himself lie there, thumb tracing the curve of her cheekbones, the edge of her lips, lets the warm rise and fall of her chest and the beat of her heart in time with  his complete him— she's the only peace he’ll ever want, the only peace  he thinks he’ll ever need.
Another alarm sets his phone off, and the moment’s over. But as he reaches to silence his phone again, MC stirs, turning her head just the slightest so her lips brush the tip of his thumb.
“What time is it?” comes her sleepy mumble.
“Just past five.”
He  lets his phone fall back onto the nightstand, pulls her close as she wriggles around in his arms to bring her face to his, their noses a breath apart.
“I was about to go on my morning run,” he explains. “Didn’t mean to wake you.”
“You didn’t. The sun did.”
As  she shakes her head, their noses bump. He laughs, and feels the gentle  tremor of her laughter, too: warmth and light given voice, given music.  He presses a kiss to her forehead and she smiles, eyes curling into little half-moons, then slipping closed.
“Go back to sleep,” he says, stifling another laugh. “You had a late night.”
“Did not.”
Her eyes are still closed, but she’s grinning. He scoffs.
“Did too.”
He’s expecting another, more indignant did not, but a long minute passes, and her breathing evens out, the grin on her face softening to a gentle smile as her head pillows in the crook of his arm.
Good, he thinks, even as he’s trapped by her again. She needs the sleep more than he needs to run.
She’d been up past midnight the night before, despite it being a weekend— the company had wrapped shooting for the next installment of City News late Friday night, but Minor, who was slated to edit the footage, had come down with a cold, and she’d volunteered to do it instead. Twenty-five hours and many a frustrated moment later, she’d finished, with Gavin doing his best to support and not hover the whole while (Though in his defense, even if he hadn’t actually had a case report to work on at the table, too, she’d appreciated the constant supply of coffee he’d provided her, and had eaten the meals he’d tried to make for her).
He’d chastise her for it, a short, well-intentioned lecture about how she really should consider herself and her own health before taking on even  more work and responsibilities, but he’s sure the same could be said  about him, too. And, exhausted as she may be, he knows she’d have been equally stressed had the work gone to someone else, and now she’s  finished, and satisfied with the work she’s done, so really, more than  anything else, he’s proud of her.
Now she has all of Sunday to rest— and even if it means sleeping half the morning away, he’s glad to  be with her while she does it.
The sound of her breathing, slow and even, lulls him back into a light sleep until seven am, when the summer sunlight streaming in through the blinds is blanketing the  bottom half of the bed, too bright for him to ignore. He drops a kiss on  the top of MC’s hair before carefully sliding out from under her, and  this time she’s sleeping so deeply that she doesn’t stir, not even when he settles her head atop a pillow, and pulls the sheets a little more tightly around her to make up for his absent warmth.
Despite how  bright it is outside— too bright, and therefore too hot, he decides, for  a run— the kitchen floor’s cool under his feet, even through the soles of his slippers.
Hot coffee it is, he thinks, filling  up the well-used coffee machine, then poking around in the pantry for  the jar of grounds, only to find it’s nearly empty. There’s enough  coffee for two more cups, maybe three, but he makes a mental note to buy  more the next time they’re out shopping.
While the coffee brews, he crosses the kitchen to open the fridge, then frowns at its contents. Shopping will have to be soon, there’s not much left in it, either, but  for now, it’ll do.
The coffee machine beeps, satisfied after filling the first mug to the brim. He takes it, though the first cup’s  normally for MC, gulps down a few sips with a grimace, then stirs in two sugars— it’s how she likes hers, he’s used to taking his black, but it seems her sweet tooth’s contagious.
In the time it takes her to finally wake up, he manages to prepare brunch with whatever’s left in the fridge. The cornerstone, of course, is the coffee, in the second of their matching mugs, as sweet as she likes it, two sugars, no milk. There’s a blueberry muffin he leaves her, and he fries up a couple  of eggs, puts them on some toast with butter and jam as options for spreads, then adds the last of the strawberries, tries to make the whole thing presentable, or at the very least, vaguely cute, if only because it’ll put the brightest smile on her face when she sees it.
It  does— her sleepy eyes widen as she first takes the sight of the laden tray in, then comprehension lights her whole face up, and her lips stretch into a still-tired, but broad grin.
“Gavin,” she protests even as he slides back into bed next to her, stealing a kiss, “you shouldn’t have!”
He smiles, tapping the rim of his mug to hers as she takes a big sip, then sighs, content.
“It’s only because you went to sleep so late last night. I had to.”
“It wasn’t that late! And it’s only because it was a lot of work that I didn’t wake up ‘til now.”
‘Wasn’t that late’ is two am and ‘now’ is one pm, and he points both out with a chuckle. She pouts, hiding behind another sip of coffee.
“I’ll go to sleep earlier from now on!” She vows.
“How early?”
“Um, one am?”
“That’s not early enough.”
He flicks her forehead and frowns, but she only laughs.
Despite his worry and gentle admonition, though, he can’t say he minds this at all: a weekend afternoon spent in bed, no deadlines or stress to think  of, just her smile, her warm laugh and the bright summer sun in the  window, a universe they’ve created between the folds of the covers, a universe of breakfast smells, soft pillows, and coffee, a universe just for them.
Dinner, a few lazy hours later, is takeout oden hotpot. His excuse is that there’s nothing left in the fridge, and possibly, also the fact that he’s uncertain his cooking skills are  passable enough for a good Sunday dinner, but he’ll take any reason to  treat MC to her favorite, so he does.
Her eyes flick from the familiar logo on the takeout bag up to his when he sets it on the kitchen table. He can read the ‘Gavin, you shouldn’t have,’ in them a heartbeat before she says the words.
“Eat  up while it’s still hot,” is his only reply, and with a smile, he hands her a pair of disposable chopsticks after breaking them apart with a small snap. She looks from him to the steaming pot of food. When he doesn’t move, she picks up a fish cake and a piece of vegetable, and holds it out to him with an answering smile.
“You first. You really like the fish cakes from here, right?”
He nods, fighting another smile and the smallest blush, then takes the bite, gesturing for her to eat, too, as he chews and swallows.
While she’s busy filling her own bowl, he takes his own chopsticks and picks out a few choice pieces, then holds his first bite out to her, too. She takes it without protest, but then tries to give her second bite to him, and he counters by trying to give her both his second and his third—
The hotpot’s finished, in that manner, within the next hour and a half. When the pot’s full of only broth, they take a look at each other, then MC begins to laugh.
“My stomach’s stuffed— are you prepared to take responsibility for this crime, Officer Gavin?” she manages, between laughs, trying and failing to put on a pitiful expression as she rubs her belly.
“Only if you start eating proper meals regularly,” he replies after a heartbeat, clearing his throat, and she huffs, but there’s a matching spark of amusement in both their eyes.
They wash the dishes from the day together, MC with the sponge, Gavin behind her, his arms not quite around her, taking each dish and drying it with a towel before putting it to rest on the dish rack. Once the last bowl is scrubbed and shining, nestled firmly in place, they settle together in a comfortable tangle of limbs on the couch.
It’s a gentle sort of quiet for all of five minutes before someone tickles the other— Gavin’ll swear up and down it wasn’t him— and it turns into a full-scale tickle war.
He gets in a few good ones, her breathless laughter mingling with his,  warm and loud and bright, but then her elbow slips, (“it wasn’t on purpose!” she claims later) devious, into his gut.
“Do you surrender?” she asks, perched atop his chest, mischievous glint in her  eyes. He starts to raise his arms, thinks better of it, then settles for a resigned nod.
“You got me,” he replies, then smiles when she leans in to brush her lips against his.
He doesn’t use the opportunity to tickle her again— he’s far more mature than that. He doesn’t.
And if they collapse into giddy giggles later, sides aching, breath spent, the couch pillows strewn across the plush white carpet, the coffee table askew, well, that's both their faults, not just his.
The sun’s long since slipped below the horizon by the time they’ve cleaned up the living room and taken a seat again, tired out. The room's wide windows give them both a glimpse into an otherworldly dimension, one made of night and stars and the soft glow of city lights far below, a universe at their feet, though the only one he cares about is right beside him, chin on his shoulder, the rest of her stretched out on the  sofa while he sits on the floor.
“Play something for me?” she murmurs into his ear as he fiddles with his guitar, the two of them illuminated by the glow of his lamp of stars and the moonlight.
He  lets his fingers dance across the guitar strings until it turns into  music, a soft, warm melody that somehow tugs on the edges of his memory though he’s sure he’s never played it before in his life, and he’s humming along before he even realizes it, the notes familiar, nostalgic, like coming home.
MC’s head tips up, eyes wide, and his fingers slip from the strings. The music stops.
“Play that again?”
He  nods, obliges instinctively, and there’s the melody again, chords like  his life given new meaning, breathed alive in the spaces between the  start of one note and the end of another, slow and quiet at first, then  building, gently lingering.
“Do you know the song?” he asks. “It feels familiar, somehow—”
His voice trails off. The words, once spoken aloud, seem almost silly. It’s more than familiar, it’s something deep, significant, more than he could ever put into words.
She shakes her head with a slight frown. At her silence, he picks through the notes again, humming them, memorizing their sound, their shape, their feel until the snippet’s over again, fading, a song left unfinished, perhaps because its (his, their) story hasn’t yet come to an end.
“I think I’ve heard it before,” she says at last with a small, wistful smile, then leans over the guitar to press a kiss to his lips. Reflected in her eyes, he fancies, is not just the lamplight, but the light of  all the universe, a hundred galaxies, a thousand stars.
“Maybe it was in a dream.”
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toasty-coconut · 4 years
Proposing a Proposal (Chapter II: The Deliberation)
Summary: While Akko is visiting England for a 5-year graduation reunion being held at Luna Nova, Diana begins to wonder if she should take their relationship to the next level. However, every factor that surrounds them leaves her second-guessing if it’s the right choice to make. Rating: G Words: 5791 Pairing: Diana Cavendish/Atsuko Kagari Notes: Second chapter in a three-chapter story!
Soft rays of morning light crept through the open cracks of the curtains in Diana’s bedroom. Though, it wasn’t the orange glow against her eyes that caused Diana to stir from her slumber—but rather, the gentle touch of fingers on her cheek.
Furrowing her brows, Diana groggily opened an eye. “Hm?”
It only took a moment for Diana’s vision to come into focus, and as it did her chest flooded with warmth. Akko hovered inches away from her, propped up on an elbow—the back of her hand caressing Diana’s cheek. Her hair was tousled with bedhead, and the light that seeped in through the windows almost made her skin shine.
“Sorry,” Akko smiled sheepishly, retracting her hand. “I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Diana shook her head, placing a hand to Akko’s wrist, beckoning her to continue. “No. It’s fine,” she managed, with a tired smile. “What are you doing up?”
Akko shrugged, pressing a kiss to Diana’s knuckles. “Just am.”
Akko’s crimson eyes were inviting, tender, and above all else, loving. Everything about the way Akko looked at her made the warmth in Diana’s chest spread throughout her entire being. Her smooth lips on Diana’s knuckles felt too good to be true. It was almost hard to believe having her in bed beside her wasn’t a dream.
It had been less than 24 hours since Akko had arrived in England, and she and Diana had spent practically every second together since. While the majority of the day prior had involved Akko getting settled instead of being out and about, they had still thoroughly enjoyed each other’s company well into the late hours of the night. That being said, seeing Akko up this early—earlier than Diana, no less—came as a bit of a surprise.
Diana let out a breathy laugh, slipping her hand out from Akko’s grasp and wrapping her arms around her neck. “I thought you would be exhausted.”
Akko leaned in, rolling on top of her and nuzzling her nose into the crook of Diana’s neck. “Nah.”
Diana sighed blithely, tangling her fingers into Akko’s hair. “You should really sleep more.”
Diana laughed, holding Akko closer. She was so warm and her skin was so soft that Diana could have sworn this was heaven. She combed her fingers down through the end of Akko’s long brunette locks. “You are insufferable.”
Akko smiled against Diana’s neck, peppering it with kisses. “I know.”
Diana couldn’t remember the last time she had woken up so content. She had grown so accustomed to waking up in bed alone, that finally having Akko there with her again left her feeling weightless as air—even this early in the morning. She was rejuvenated.
Every kiss that Akko placed along her neck and jaw made her heart flutter. The sensation of her hands on Diana’s waist was something she hadn’t even realized how much she missed. A part of her was left wondering if she really was still dreaming. But the very presence of Akko’s scent, touch, and voice were enough to assure her that this was as real as it got.
She wanted every morning to be like this.
Read it all on AO3.
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nikibogwater · 4 years
Home Away From Home--a Tales of Arcadia fanfiction
"She was trying to make the best of it--after all, it wasn’t like Douxie had much else to choose from when he brought her here. But a creature of sunlight and nature could only stand the dank, grey-lit quarters for so long before she began to wilt. "
Nari is struggling to adapt to New York City, but her family is there to remind her where home truly lies.
The companion to The City Never Sleeps. Very, very, VERY extra special thanks to @poetryinmotion-author for both beta reading and talking me through two encounters with writer’s block. This story would not exist without her.
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Or under the cut:
A rundown studio apartment in New York City with drafty windows, moth-eaten carpet, and no air-conditioning was probably the last place one would expect to find an ancient woodland sorceress. Yet this was in fact the very place that Nari of the Eternal Forest had to call her home for the time being. She was trying to make the best of it--after all, it wasn’t like Douxie had much else to choose from when he brought her here. But a creature of sunlight and nature could only stand the dank, grey-lit quarters for so long before she began to wilt. 
Douxie had done everything he could to make it bearable for her, bless him. He bought her a score of houseplants to brighten up the place, subscribed to a gardening magazine, even gave her the only available bedframe so she wouldn’t have to sleep on the floor (which smelled strongly of cigarette smoke and made her sneeze every time she walked in). Winter was just around the corner, and they were lucky to have a roof over their heads at all. At least she had the balcony, where she could easily soak up the sun’s rays for a few hours in the afternoon. And the plants were good company, their spirits always shining with gratitude whenever she tended to them. Archie stayed with her most days as well, and they whiled away the hours together as they waited for Douxie to return each night. Really, it wasn’t that bad, she told herself.
But she was miserable all the same. 
She missed the spacious halls of Camelot castle, the feeling of grass beneath her bare feet, the smell of a forest glade drenched in morning dew. She missed the freedom of roaming wherever she pleased without burdening another with the task of watching over her. She missed having long discussions with Merlin about magic, missed the way he would pat the top of her head gently and call her “my dear” whenever he was in a particularly good mood. She missed the sounds of birdsong in the early morning, missed the days when magic could be felt flowing freely in the wind, missed everything about her life before the Order ruined it and forced her to go into hiding in this dusty mousehole on the top floor of an ugly and dilapidated old building. 
Today was especially bad. It had been cloudy all day, but a dry sort of cloudy, without the promise of refreshing rain. She felt sick and tired, but didn’t want to sate herself on cheap human fare. Archie had been out all night before hunting rats and checking the stasis traps Douxie had set nearby, and though he’d made a heroic effort to stay awake and keep her company, he was now sound asleep on Douxie’s mattress. Her plants were sad today too. Some of them were getting too big for their stands, and she could sense their longing to grow more freely, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask Douxie for bigger pots. So she simply sat on the floor beneath one of the drafty windows, in the only patch of dull grey light that was managing to seep into the room, watching the dust motes drift hazily around her. It would be dark soon, but not the pleasant kind of dark, with stars shining above and moonlight stretching across the landscape. The heavy, hazy dark of a city whose lights never dimmed, that never bothered to peer into the beyond and search the stars for their magic. 
She could sense Douxie was happy today, even without having him nearby. His soul was flickering brightly, thrumming with quiet excitement. He had managed to find a better paying job at a bookstore nearby, and was able to come home most evenings now. Yet another reason she couldn’t tell him she felt like she was suffocating here. She didn’t want to ruin the first good thing that had happened to him since he’d gotten stuck with her. She could feel him approaching the apartment now, sense him on the other side of the door, before she heard the jingling of his keys as he undid the magic seals on the door. 
“Good evening, comrades!” He burst into the apartment with all the bravado of a knight fresh from slaying a dragon. Archie groaned and put a paw over his ears. “I come bearing gifts!” He held up a large paper sack in one hand and replaced the seals with the other. Nari plastered a smile on her face and joined him in the kitchen area, where he set his burden down on the grease-stained counter. Archie followed behind her begrudgingly and jumped up on the wizard’s shoulder. 
“A new succulent for the fair forest goddess,” Douxie said brightly, pulling a tiny potted plant out of the bag and presenting it to Nari with a flourish. “A can of tuna for our resident reptilian feline.” 
“It had better be white,” Archie put in as Douxie placed it on the counter. 
“And of course, dinner for the master wizard,” he finished, removing a microwavable lasagna and tossing the bag to the side. 
“What’s got you all excited?” Archie asked, jumping from Douxie’s shoulder to the counter in order to inspect the can of tuna. 
“The assistant manager at the bookstore is being sacked for swiping quid from the cash register and there’s a very good chance I’m going to be taking his place. Which means I’ll be able to drop the part-time gig at the cafe and have Saturdays off.” He ripped open the box in his hand and pulled out the slightly damp-looking lasagna. 
“Every week?” Nari asked, perking up. “For the whole day?” 
“Every week,” Douxie replied, flashing her a grin. “Well, apart from any special circumstances that may arise.” He shoved the tray of lasagna into the microwave and scanned the box for heating instructions. “I can finally take you to Central Park. You’ll love it there, Nari. They say it’s like the forests back home in Camelot. We might even find a Kelpie or two living in the Pond.” 
“Don’t be absurd, Douxie. Kelpies only live in Europe,” Archie said, pawing impatiently at the tuna can. Douxie merely shrugged as he punched the time into the microwave. Nari smiled and looked down at the plant she held in her hands. She doubted any park could compare to the forests of Camelot, but it might be nice to feel real grass beneath her feet again...
...Or perhaps it would only make things worse. A taste of what she was longing for, just enough to reawaken her drooping soul, only for it to be locked back in this birdcage of an apartment. 
Douxie opened the can of tuna for Archie and left him to enjoy it on the counter, while the wizard dropped onto the tatty sofa nearby to wait for his food to finish heating. Nari joined him, still cradling the succulent, clinging to the sensation of Douxie’s aura pulsing and swirling next to her. Archie had an aura of his own, being a wizard’s Familiar, but comforting as it was, it wasn’t the same as the latent power of a true magic-wielder. So she treasured the moments Douxie was nearby, when she could feel a piece of the home she so desperately missed. He leaned back with a satisfied sigh and stared up at the ceiling, leg bouncing impatiently, as his eyes darted from one crack in the plaster to another. 
“...We need a TV,” he said suddenly. “There’s nothing to do here. How do you two even stay occupied all day?” 
“Talk to the plants,” Nari answered. 
“Enjoy the peace and quiet,” Archie put in around a mouthful of tuna. 
“Discuss magic.” 
“Recount embarrassing anecdotes about you.” 
“You what?” Douxie picked his head up off the back of the couch and shot Archie a judgemental look. The Familiar looked up from his tuna long enough to respond with a smug grin, while Nari smothered a giggle with her hand. The microwave beeped before Douxie had a chance to say any more about it, but the wizard did flick Archie’s tuna can out from under his chin as he passed the counter. 
The smell of cheap microwavable pasta burst into the room as Douxie opened the microwave, and Nari had to swallow a gag. It was truly amazing, the kinds of garbage humans could eat without qualms. Douxie even looked eager as he pulled a fork out of a drawer and dug into the tray without bothering to get a plate. He gave a satisfied hum as he chewed and flopped back down on the sofa, balancing the floppy tray on the palm of his hand. Nari shifted further down the couch and tried to focus on her new plant friend instead of the rubbery cheese Douxie was winding around his fork. 
“Nari, did you eat t’day?” he asked through stuffed cheeks. “There wasn’t any sun this afternoon.” 
“I was not hungry,” she replied, not looking up from her succulent. She could feel Douxie stop and stare at her. “I’m fine.” She flashed him what she hoped was her most convincing smile. “Just didn’t have an appetite today.” 
“You should still eat,” Douxie insisted. “Lasagna?” He offered the tray. “There’s enough for two.” 
“No thank you.” She gently pushed his hand back. “I will eat something later.” Douxie continued to scrutinize her for an uncomfortably long moment, hazel eyes fixed determinedly on her face. She was tempted to shapeshift into a flower and fall between the couch cushions. But he would definitely know something was wrong if she started hiding from him. So she went back to gently stroking the leaves of her new friend and ignored him. Finally, he sighed and leaned back, digging into the lasagna once more. 
“What’re you going to call that one?” he asked, gesturing to the succulent with his fork and dripping cheese onto the sofa. 
“It looks like a Beauregarde to me,” Nari answered, relieved that he was letting the previous subject drop. “But I will not know for sure for a few days yet. You have to really know a plant before you can name it.” 
“Whatever you say,” Douxie chuckled, stuffing another bite into his mouth. Silence fell between the three of them as he practically inhaled the rest of his dinner. He dropped the empty tray on the floor at his feet and sank back into the couch with a satisfied groan. “I’d forgotten what it was like to eat dinner before eleven pm.” Archie had emptied his tuna can by now and was lazing contentedly on the counter, washing his face. Douxie stared at the ceiling again for a few minutes, before sitting up again and summoning his guitar. Nari perked up and set the succulent aside, scooting closer to him on the sofa. He strummed a few experimental chords, and Nari could feel his magic rolling and turning with the sound. 
“Douxie, has it occurred to you that perhaps using your staff for band practice could lead to magical accidents?” Archie said from his place on the counter. 
“It’s fine,” Douxie replied distractedly, still focused on his instrument. “I’ll be careful. Besides, I broke my last non-magic axe on a Gumm-Gumm and I can’t afford to replace it yet.” The guitar gave an electric whine as his fingers danced on the strings, drawing a raucous melody from it that sparked like lightning within his aura. Nari could sense his ease and familiarity, the energy with which he played, but she also sensed a touch of melancholy. He’d played in a band back in Arcadia, hadn’t he? That was one of the many things he left behind when he fled with her. He plunged into a series of particularly high chords that made Archie wince and cover his ears and felt like a barrage of icicles striking her ears. 
“I am still not sure if I like this ‘rock music,’” Nari admitted, once he relaxed back into lower, less screechy chords, his aura unwinding from the tight knot it had twisted into and swirling contentedly around him. 
“It’ll grow on you,” Douxie assured her. “Even Archie’s acquired a taste for it.” Gradually, the music lost some of its electricity, and began to flow like water as he coaxed an ancient melody from the strings. 
Suddenly, Douxie’s magic wasn’t just around her; it was inside her. She took in a sharp breath as the familiar tune he was playing opened a door in her mind and flooded her head with memories. She knew this song. She’d heard it back in the days of Camelot. She could see the city now, clearer than in her dreams, see the mother gently swaying her child as she hummed, feel the thatch beneath her bare feet where she was crouched on a rooftop, watching, observing, waiting--
“Douxie!” Archie barked suddenly, and just like that, the image shattered as the music stopped and Douxie looked up at his Familiar with confusion. Archie wasn’t looking at him, however, but was staring fixedly at Nari, who could finally breathe again. “I think you should stop,” he said to the wizard. 
“...No,” Nari pleaded. “Don’t stop...” Her mind told her to stop, to retreat from these memories, but she was like a creature slowly freezing to death desperately grasping at searing flames in order to feel something besides the cold. She looked up to see Douxie giving her a sideways look of concern. “I am fine. Please keep playing.” 
Douxie shifted uncertainly, but readied his fingers on the strings once more. Nari clenched her hands as the song began again. The wizard’s magic rushed out in tandem with the music and slammed into her mind, scraping and digging until all of her most cherished, painful memories were exposed. She could see the wooded glens and meadows blanketed with wildflowers, feel the raw, untempered magic drifting on the wind around her, feel the sense of home, of belonging pounding on the inside of her skull. As though from the end of a long tunnel, she heard Douxie’s soft, untrained voice quietly singing the lyrics in the ancient tongue, and hearing it again felt like wonderful burning knives digging into her heart. 
Burning. Camelot was burning. She could see it now, see the blood spilt around Killahead Bridge, feel the heat of Bellroc’s merciless flames, hear Skreal’s cold cackle mingling with the screams of their victims, feel the dirt and ash beneath her fingernails as she mowed down legions of Arthur’s knights as though they were nothing more than an army of ants beneath her heel. It was too much. Tears were burning beneath her lashes, and she could feel her chest heaving, but there was too much smoke, she couldn’t breathe, she couldn’t--
“--ri! Nari!” A firm hand on her shoulder jolted her out of her vision, and she heard a tremendous crash and the sound of leaves shuddering, as though a great wind were passing over them. She sucked in a gulp of air, feeling the chill of tear tracks on her face as she opened her eyes. The apartment was in complete disarray, as though someone had come through and ransacked it. Several dishes were lying in pieces in the cupboard, and Douxie’s mattress had been tossed clear across the room. She could feel the spirits of her beloved plants trembling in their pots, and the weight of slowly dissipating magic in the air. “Nari? Nari, what’s wrong?” Douxie was clutching her shoulder frantically, his staff lying forgotten on the floor. “Archie, what happened to her?” 
“This is exactly why I told you not to use your staff for common music-making!” Archie berated him, coming out from behind the counter where he had taken cover. He had shifted into his dragon-form, which meant he must have been startled pretty badly. “Your magic and your music are intertwined. While you are using your staff, there is no separating them, and there is no predicting how they will affect your environment or the people around you.” Douxie snatched his hand from her shoulder as though he’d been burned. 
“Y-you mean I...?” he stuttered, a look of horror dawning across his face. Archie ignored him and leapt up onto the sofa, placing a gentle paw on Nari’s leg.
“Nari, my dear, are you alright?” She heaved a gasping sob and frantically shook her head, hugging herself and trembling as though she had just stepped out of a freezer. 
“What h-happened?” she whispered.
“You’ve had a magical outburst,” Archie soothed. “Douxie’s magic broke open one of your emotional pools and you lost control for a moment. But you’re safe now, and no one was injured.” 
“I’m sorry, I’m s-sorry!” she wept. “I’m so sorry!” 
“H-hey...Hey, Nari, it’s alright. No harm done,” Douxie murmured, hesitantly reaching for her shoulder again. She shook her head again and sobbed.
“B-Bellroc always used to l-lash out like that a-and I hated it, they always killed so many a-and destroyed so much just because they were angry, and I n-never wanted to be like--”
“Nari, this was nothing like that,” Archie said firmly. “You were reacting to an unexpected magical stimulus, that’s all. You were not lashing out in anger or fear.” 
“B-but I feel so...” She stopped short, swallowing the words that were rising in her throat, suddenly acutely aware of Douxie’s shrunken and paled aura. He was already feeling guilty for his part in this incident. She couldn’t tell him why his music had shaken her the way it did, that it wasn’t only a reaction to his magic, that the problem went far deeper than that. 
“...You feel what, Nari?” Archie encouraged softly. She looked down into his steady golden gaze with tear-blurred eyes, and felt the words smash through the barrier and come tumbling out of her mouth. 
“I feel so sad!” she burst out. “I hate it here, I feel like I am suffocating every minute of the day! I want to go home, back to the forest, I want to feel real grass again, I want--” She choked and couldn’t finish the sentence. She could feel Douxie’s aura twist sharply, as though she had struck him, and it sent a new wave of tears cascading down her cheeks. 
“Nari...” he breathed. “I...” She didn’t let him finish. She could feel his aura pulling away from her, feel him closing off because of his guilt, and like a starving animal whose only food was about to be taken away, she lunged at him, wrapping her arms around him tightly and burying her face in his shirt, refusing to lose the one of the few pieces of home she still had. He stiffened, but she only clung to him tighter, muffling a wail in his jacket. A moment later, she felt his arms tentatively settle around her, his left hand coming up to cup the back of her head. “...Alright, easy,” he whispered. “Easy, Nari, that’s it...I’ve got you.” She sniveled furiously against his chest, wishing she was a more delicate crier. “Um....Archie, put the kettle on, will you?” he spoke over the top of her head. His hand moved from her head to her shoulder, where his thumb rubbed a few gentle circles. “That’s all you need, a good hot cuppa.” Nari choked out a half-laugh, half-sob. 
“I’m sorry,” she whimpered. “I’m sorry I am not happy here. I know you are doing your best.” She felt him shrug. 
“Frankly, I’d be a bit concerned if you were happy in this dustbin. I know this isn’t the best place for you, and I’m sorry we’re stuck here. But this isn’t permanent, I promise. Soon as I have enough stashed away, we’ll get a nice little place in the suburbs somewhere, with a garden. I can’t...I can’t bring back Camelot for you.” She felt his aura dim slightly, and heard the unsaid I wish I could. “But I will make things better for us. I promise.” 
“Kettle’s on,” Archie said as he strode back over to them, returning to his cat form. “Douxie’s right, Nari.” He hopped up on the sofa beside her, and she felt him nuzzle against her elbow. “This isn’t permanent. You’ll be out in the sun again soon.” Nari gave a long, drawn out sniffle and nodded. “I think perhaps in the meantime it would be best if you practiced out on the balcony, Douxie,” Archie continued. “At least until you can acquire an instrument that won’t channel your magic.” 
“No,” Nari said suddenly, pulling back. “I wasn’t ready the first time but...I want to hear that song again. It...When I heard it, I could see home, really see it. And it hurt but...” She paused, looking between Archie and Douxie. “...but it also helped. I do not feel the sorrow pressing down so heavily now.” 
“...Are you sure?” Douxie asked. She nodded, scrubbing away the last of her tears from her cheek. “Well...I can never say no to a free audience.” He picked up his staff from the floor, and it shifted back into his guitar. “I’m not as sensitive as you are, so keep your hand on me so I can feel your aura,” he said. “If I feel your magic starting to overflow, I can stop.” Nari nodded and placed her hand on his shoulder. Archie climbed into her lap and settled there with a purr. Douxie sent her one more questioning glance, and she responded with an encouraging smile. 
The chords were gentler this time, and Douxie’s magic moved slowly, almost timidly, around him. His eyes darted rapidly between the strings and Nari’s face, watching for any sign of distress. But she leaned against him and closed her eyes, letting the images of home dance behind her lids as his airy and somewhat wobbly voice hesitantly joined guitar’s. The fields, the lakes, the city, drifted in and out of her mind like friends passing by, and though she felt the ache of homesickness, it wasn’t sharp or burning like the first time. It felt...bittersweet. 
Then, a new image joined the old; a boy, far older than he looked, in dark clothing, with a black cat on his shoulder, both smiling down at her as they started their new life together. 
Camelot may have been her home once, but now it was gone. Yet she wasn’t lost. She had a new home right here in her arms. And as the kettle on the stove began to whistle and Douxie reached the end of the song, she felt certain that this home was far better than the last.
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catte-bard · 4 years
Flufftober Prompt #6: Pillows
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Morning sunlight peeked through the curtains, shining rays into her face. Bellona grumbled at the rude awakening, turning over on her side to escape the brightness. Though much to her annoyance with the morning light came the morning noises.
Birdsong chirping outside the window. Distant dogs barking. The Toll stirring to life with the sounds of merchants and adventurers starting their day. By Solus’ Beard it was louder than Vesper Bay here!
A groan of protest slipped from the woman and she draped an arm over her face in attempt to block out the noise. Longing for the sweet clutches of sleep again. However, her mind was now awake and it would not let her find sleep.
Sighing in defeat, Bellona opened her eyes to greet the morning. It was probably time for her to get up anyway. The earlier she got her busy day down the sooner it would be over. And the sooner she could relax...that is until some other crisis arose…
Savoring the comforts of a soft bed for a heartbeat longer, she moved to sit up in bed. However, a possessive arm snaked around her waist, bringing her back down. It seemed she wasn’t the only awoken by the morning clamor.
“It’s cold this morning.” Came a sleepy protest. “Come back to bed.”
“ Thancred. ” She laughed. “I have to get ready for the day.”
The man had been clingy since the liberation of Ala Mhigo. After returning from the Far East the two had barely gotten any time alone with each other. Duty being given priority as always. And Thancred seemed intent on making up for that lost time.  
A sleepy grunt. “No you don’t.” He murmured, pulling her close to him. “There’s nothing important going on today, is there? Stay here and go back to sleep.”
She looked over at him, his eyes were still closed. “You know, the Alliance is holding a meeting in Ala Mhigo today. Did you forget about that?” She reminded him. “The Scions are expected to attend—that includes you. And I don’t think the Alliance leaders would appreciate our tardiness.”
If she were being honest, Bellona was never fond of such meetings. Just the mere thought of it had her grimacing. It always descended into mind-numbing political talk. And it made her role at such meetings feel like nothing more than an ornament to make things look nice.
But they wanted the Warrior of Light there, and it would seem improper to deny them.
Thancred seemed to have other opinions. “Tell them we are ill and unable to attend.”
“The both of us?” Bellona smiled and ran a hand through his messy, bed-raggled hair. “And you do not think that will be at all suspicious? I thought we were trying to keep things secret?”
Perhaps, playing hookie was something one of them could get away with, but with the two of them it could start rumors.
A dismissive and unconcerned grunt came from him.
“I’m sure Alphinaud will try to cover for us.” He opened his eyes.  “The boy can be too kind for his own good.”
“I’d say that’s hardly fair to put on him.”
“Neither is letting the rest of Eorzea have you when I just got you back.”
“Well you can’t keep me all to yourself.”
“I most certainly can.”
And a strong arm pulls her against his chest. And Bellona let out a yelp, for his hand had been right on her bottom when he did it. The smirk on his face was completely unapologetic and mischievous.
“You’re going to get us in trouble, you know.” She told him. But Bellona knew the rogue cared little about any consequences.
“All I ask is for a few extra minutes in bed. I promise you we won’t be late to anything important.” He hummed. “Let go of duty for once and allow yourself a few moments of selfishness.” The Archon purred and nuzzled her neck, soft breath tickling her skin.
She shouldn’t. She knew what a terrible distraction he was for her. A few minutes with Thancred could easily turn into hours. With his gentle touches and his sweet nothings whispered in her ear. He could keep her tangled in the sheets with him well into the afternoon.
And a part of her did want that. To simply sink back down into the softness of the bed. Curled underneath the covers and in Thancred’s arms. Resting just for a few bells longer and ignoring the calls of the Alliance.
Afterall, it was so rare that she got to rest in her own bed. Having a soft pillow to lie on instead of something hard and stiff. Usually, she had to bed down on an old bedroll or in some dusty inn.
“Stay.” He mumbled through a sleepy kiss pressed against her cheek. Making it even worse. “Stay awhile longer.”
Another sweet kiss against her lips. Gentle, tempting hands roamed along her body. Thancred cleverly distracting her as he shifted to hover over her. His warmth pressed against her, enticing her even more to linger in bed.
“Mm... Thancred …” She felt herself slowly relaxing into the softness of the bed.
Any other protest was silenced by more stolen kisses. Any other scold on her tongue melted into sighs. Thancred tempting her more and more with everywhere his lips touched, everywhere his hands roamed. Spreading delicious warmth through her body.
And for a moment, she allowed herself to be drawn in. Let her fingers playfully carded through his messy hair. Let her hand run along his broad, strong shoulders.
Sweet, sweet nothings were whispered along her skin. Lovely promises given...as well as naughtier ones. His breath sending goosebumps along her body. Oh no. If this kept up they certainly would be missing the meeting.
“Ah!” Thancred suddenly cried out. A pillow striking him over the head. “What was that for!” He complained.
“You’re misbehaving!” Bellona scolded. “And being a terrible influence!”
“I thought you liked it when I misbehaved?” He smirked and dipped his head back down to kiss her again.
But nay, he was an incubus in the flesh of a man! And Bellona refused to allow herself to be pulled back in. Once again she brought the pillow over his head. And Thancred gave a very overdramatic yelp.
“Thancred Waters, get up and get dressed! I mean it!” But the command was delivered with a laugh and very difficult to take seriously. “We have important stuff to do today.”
“Fine...fine…” The man grumbled. “But...just a few more for encouragement?”  He murmured and pressed more kisses to her face.
Bellona laughed, trying to shoo him away. And when she held the pillow poised for another reprimand, he yielded. “No more kisses until you get dressed!” She declared.
“Mm I’ll hold you to that.” He grinned and the awful rogue stole another quick kiss before quickly dodging out of her reach. “But will I be expecting your company in the shower at least? It is only fair if you intend on dragging me out of bed so early while denying me morning indulgences.”
“Only if you promise to keep your hands to yourself.”
“I can promise nothing, my dear.”
Bellona flung the pillow at him as he hopped out of bed. But it missed him by mere ilms as he dodged it. Winking, he flashed her one of his charming smiles and ducked out the room to get ready for the day.
“Don’t make me wait long!” He called back.
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inkedsoldier · 5 years
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A/N: Here it is – chapter four of the AMOR VINCIT OMNIA series! Grab a handful of tissues and sit down, because we are going on an emotional ride. The original chapter was way longer than anticipated, so I had to split it in two. Chapter five will now be the second part of this chapter. I hope you enjoy & please let me know what you think about the series so far! Thanks for all the support!
Y/N = Your name.
Y/F/N = Your first name.
Y/L/N = Your last name.
Characters: Sam Drake, Nathan Drake, Elena Fisher, Jameson, Y/N.
Warnings: angst.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Four 
Unlocking the Past
 New Orleans, November 2015
(15 years later)
It was a fine day in New Orleans. The week long storm had washed every sidewalk and gutter clean. The vibrancy of the city had bounced back in the instant the clouds cleared, and already the parks were a hum of activity again. You enjoyed feeling the warmth of the brilliant rays of sunshine on your face as you walked towards the docks. Around three years ago you and Nate took on a normal job after you found the lost the city of Ubar, the Atlantis of the Sands. Jameson, the owner of the salvage company Jameson Marine, hired you both instantly after getting knowledge of your “qualities”. Nate was already in doing some paperwork for today’s job and smiled when he saw you entering the small office, “Hey you! Had a nice weekend?” You chuckled as you answered Nate’s question, “Well, let’s say, I’m glad it’s Monday! I can’t wait to put on my wetsuit and look for some wrecks.” I walked over to him and gave him a warm hug. “So, your date didn’t work out then?” he asked while you sat down behind your desk. “Oh, hell no! I’ve never met such an uneducated pig as him. Damn. It was awful, Nate!” you replied to him with a disgusted look on your face. Five years after Sam’s death you tried to start dating again, but nothing took you further then some drinks at a local bar. “Ah, seriously? There must be someone out there perfect for you. I’m sure about that,” Nate told you before he left the office to check the equipment for the dive.  
 Later that day “If you don’t find it soon, I’m calling it,” Jameson said through the communication system. You had been looking for the wreckage for almost twenty minutes, and the tanks were already down to a quarter. “We’ll find it,” Nate answered. “Ah… there you are. Found it! It’s beat up, but intact. A lot of the crates is still strapped down, but by my count we’re shy two,” you said before starting your search for the other crates. It took a few minutes before you and Nate found the other two and the cargo was accounted for. With the help of Jameson you lifted the wreck out of the water and cleared the river of just another piece of rust. “I’m gonna stink like fish for a week,” you chuckled as you walked towards Nate and your boss with your tank in hand. “…look at that. We struck copper,” Nate said with an unamused look on his face. “Well, you’d be surprised how much this stuff is worth. Client’s paying good money for the full recover,” Jameson told you as he closed the crate again. “Well, I’m going to freshen up a bit and finish the paperwork for the client, so they can pick up this treasure,” you laughed as you walked off towards the locker rooms.
 The day went on and the paperwork was piling higher and higher. “Save the trees, huh” you sighed as you picked up the next file. The clock ticks on the wall and time seems to slow down again. Sitting here makes you think over the choice to live a normal life. Jameson told you about the news from one of his contacts about the Malaysia job earlier this afternoon, but he had to get Nate on board. Not having any permits made that task pretty difficult for him. Jameson wants to take on the job to finally be able to retire, but you want the job purely for adventure; you missed the action. You finished the last paperwork for today and closed the office. Nate had already left, because he promised Elena to be home early for dinner today. When you headed back home your hair fluttered in the air, as the cold wind stroke your skin. You owned a car, and a motorcycle, but some days you loved walking; it cleared your mind.
 As you lay down on the couch, covered by an old checked plaid, you could hear the gentle tapping of raindrops against the window. These were your favourite kind of nights, where you didn’t have to feel bad about not leaving the house to be social. You already cleaned the kitchen and took some time to read one of the books you recently bought in a local bookstore. Absorbed in the historical theme of the book, you transported to another reality. Reading was like an escape from reality; it takes over your imagination to fantasize about whatever you want without the worry of being judged. Unfortunately, the sound of your phone took you out of the world in your mind. You move around the room, and almost trip over the boots you kicked off a few hours earlier. “Where the hell is that stupid thing?” you mumble as you try to steady yourself looking for your mobile phone. A few moments later you find it still in the pocket of your jacket. As you swipe through the notification, you notice a text from Elena and start typing.
 Lena: Hey! You want to come over tomorrow for dinner?
Y/N: Yeah, love to come over. Shall I bring something from the bakery across the street?
Lena: Oh, god! Yes, please! Loved the cappuccino brownies from last time.
Y/N: Deal! See you tomorrow. X
 You loved spending time with Elena and Nate; you would always talk about adventures and yet unlocated treasure. Elena was still a reporter and wrote a lot of articles about hidden fortune and beautiful uncharted destinations. You smile as you put down your phone on your desk as you spot one of your favourite finds from one of your adventures; a small silver jewellery box. It was one of your first finds in the jungle when you were looking for El Dorado with Nate and Sully. You didn’t know how old it was, but the carvings made it special. There was a little heart on top of it with the letter S engraved in it. When you discovered it, it felt like it was meant to be found by you. Even after all these years you still missed Sam. Nate eventually stopped talking about him and so did you, but you were still broken hearted; maybe that’s why dating didn’t work out for you. There are things in your life that you did give up, but Sam wasn’t one of them. The little jewellery box kept two things safe for you. One of them was a silver necklace with a little heart, which Sam gave you on one of your first dates. “I think it’s time to wear you again,” you spoke softly as you hang the piece around your neck. You took it off before one of your diving jobs a couple of months back and totally forgot to put it back on. When you take the other valuable out of the box you need a moment to catch your breath – your eyes start to water as you unfold the little piece of paper. It was the print of the ultrasound you had taken less than a week before you lost the baby. “You would have been a teenager by now, little one” you mumble as you touch the heart on your necklace.
 The next day Before the day has started for most of the people in the neighbourhood, you’re already in your kitchen, fully dressed and ready to start a busy day at work. Outside it is still as black as night, and only the clock tells you the difference in time. These are the days you live for; waking up before the alarm and getting ready while it’s still dark. You lock the door behind you and walk towards your motorcycle, which is parked next to your old jeep. The lights of the bike shine as smudged stars, the thick mist cold upon your skin. The asphalt was like charcoal under the early morning sky, only the white lines gleamed under the headlamps. Here and there were dark patches where potholes had been filled. The bridge near the docks arched elegantly over the green river. It was the only way to cross from one side of the city to the other. The moment you arrive at the docks you see Nate’s car parked in front of the small office. “Hm... he probably couldn’t sleep,” you chuckle as you make your way towards the small space.
 “Hey, early bird, did you have problems sleeping again?” you laugh when Nate appears in the opening of the door. “I… I…” Nate stuttered as he walks outside. “Hey, you okay? You don’t look so good,” you say as you wrap your arms around him. “You are scaring me, Nathan!” Just as he is about to answer you another person comes out of the office space. This can’t be. Sam steps from the shadows, stealing your breath; your heart starts to beat erratically as you struggle to process what’s happening. Before he can say anything, you run away as fast as you can towards the end of the dock. Sam wants to run after you, but Nathan holds him back guiding him to the nearest bench. “Give her some space, Sam. She needs it.” “Yeah, of course,” Sam nods. “But I didn’t expect…” “Yeah, me neither. She is often early to start with paperwork, but I think this is a bit too much to digest in the early morning,” Nate explains to him as he catches a sight of your figure standing at the other side of the dock. “I want to hear about you, huh?” Sam says as they finally sit down. “About me and Y/N?” Nate answers, clearly still trying to process what happened in the last thirty minutes. “Yeah, I called some of the old contacts and they tell me some pretty crazy-ass stories of you,” Sam explains. “Jesus… what crazy stories?” “Gut-shot, hanging from a derailed train in the Himalayas?” Sam continues. “Yeah, that ah… actually happened.” Nate confirms as he thinks about where to start. There is so much to tell. So much he and you experienced during your adventures abroad. “Okay, um… Do you remember the theory that we had that Sir Francis Drake faked his own death?” “Yeah, sure.” “Okay… He did. Y/N and I found the coffin.” Sam shakes his head in unbelief. “Off the coast of Panama?” Nate starts to laugh and confirms.
 Your eyes fill with tears. The walls that hold you up, that made you strong, just collapsed. They break down by the second. Salty drops fall from your chin, drenching your shirt. You press your face in your hands, while you try to stop trembling. Why can’t I stop crying? Brick by brick the walls came tumbling down. You broke down; it was a moment of unlocking the past. All the emotion that you had hidden away in the last fifteen years came at you like a freight train. For so long you had thought that he was gone; never to be seen again. And now Sam was back, out of nowhere he appeared in front of you. You didn’t know what to say, or how to handle this situation. Emotions came to your mind like waves meeting land.
  “I mean, what can I say? Another lost city destroyed, and uh… we made it out alive… barely,” Nate told Sam as he finished the story about the adventure in Arabia. Sam was quiet, in total disbelief. Nate looks towards where you were standing and noticed that you sat down against one of the wooden pillars at the end of the docks. “I think it’s time for you to talk to her, Sam” he speaks softly as he points towards you. “You think so? Do you think she is mad at me?” Sam asks as he tries to find the guts to walk to you. “No, she is not mad at you. She is just terrified. I haven’t told half of what happened in the last fifteen years, Sam. And I think it’s up to Y/N… when she is ready… to tell her side of the story.”
Tag list: @kiara-arts​ @wintermuteway​ 
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“I’ve had worse scratches from my sister’s kitten”
*Set between season 3 and season 4*
"Can I slide in a small request?" Michonne said quietly, her face stern. You turned to look at her, eyebrows furrowed.
"What is it?"
A moment of hesitation passed before Michonne finally spoke, the seriousness of her voice making you slightly nervous.
"Snickers. Kit-Kat. Butterfinger, whatever you can find. Please. I'm begging you." Desperation filled her voice as if her life depended on her single request for a candy bar. A laugh bubbled from your lips as you shook your head.
"I'll try my best, though I can't guarantee its freshness," you stated as you made a mental note to look for any form of chocolate on your supply run.
"As long as it has sugar and has more than a hundred calories, I don't care if it's decades old," Michonne retorted and offered you a small smile.
"Be safe," she instructed finally before turning away from you.
Daryl leaned against the car with arms crossed, waiting patiently for you. Tyreese already had the engine running, and soon the three of you were exiting the prison grounds. The sun was fresh and sharp having just risen, and the blinding golden rays streamed through the windows. From the backseat, you watched as golden strips of light cut across Daryl's skin, almost making him glow. He looked beautiful. He absentmindedly chewed on a fingernail while he and Tyreese exchanged quiet conversation.
An aura of tiredness filled the car. It was early, and runs weren't a fun part of surviving - though they were necessary. The prison ran out of food quickly despite the rationing, so scavenging for supplies became more frequent. Most of the time it was you and Daryl out hunting for food. The two of you worked exceptionally well together - your bubbly yet sarcastic disposition paired well with his hostility and dryness, and you found yourself enjoying time with Daryl. He was cold and stern, but beneath the tough exterior was a heart of gold. You'd clearly seen that throughout the months. This was occasionally reinforced by meaningful conversations shared between the two of you on late night watches, or laying beside a fire in the woods. He was a good person.
"Y/n, you still awake?" Tyreese said loudly, making you wince.
"Am now, asshole," you joked with a small chuckle, and Daryl glanced at you out the corner of his eye, his lip tugged up at the corner.
After a few more minutes, the entered into a desolate town and the three of you stepped out, weapons ready. Everything looked ransacked. Windows were smashed in, and walls were covered in graffiti. The end is here. Repent and get saved. They're coming. We're all dead. You're dead.
A small chill ran down your spine, and the two men also seemed unsettled by the writing on the wall. It was hard to get used to things like that. It added to the feeling of impending doom that always seem to loom at the back of everyone's minds. Walkers snarled in the distance. None of them seemed nearby, but everyone knew it was best to get in and get out before they became a problem.
"There," Tyreese pointed out a large building with a faded sign - what once was presumably a Walmart. Quickening up the pace, you headed into the building.
Daryl stepped protectively in front of you, crossbow raised. He scanned the massive room before walking forward towards the shelves.
"Let's split up," you suggested in a whisper. The large man nodded before Daryl interjected.
"No, no way. Ya stick with me," he instructed, making you roll your eyes despite the warmth that filled your heart.
"I can fight. It'll be quicker if we split up," you motioned to your gun and knife.
"She's right," Tyreese agreed, earning a glare from the archer. After a moment he reluctantly agreed, and we went different ways.
The shelves were not entirely empty, but most of the canned goods were gone. The only things left were the things most people didn't want to eat - beans, tuna, clams, vienna sausage. You placed the available tins in your backpack before heading to the candy aisle. Your heart sunk when you saw that it was totally barren. All the racks were empty, save for a single bag of marshmallows that had been ripped open and spilled all over. Defeated, you dropped to your knees.
"Why the candy?" You muttered bitterly to yourself, letting out a huge sigh.
"Ya say something?" Daryl called out from somewhere else in the store, and you shook your head stupidly before realizing that he couldn't see you.
"Just talking to myself," you called back. In a last effort, you bent down to scan the deep dark depths beneath the metal shelving. Shining you flashlight underneath, all there was to be seen was an ungodly amount of spiderwebs and dust. Then something glinted in the artificial light. Desperately you crawled forward to reach for the shining object. With a crinkle, you pulled out the dusty bar. Baby Ruth. Hell yeah. A big smile plastered onto your face and you pocketed the candy bar - Michonne was going to be happy. She hadn't asked for anything since arriving at the prison. All she did was help out as much as she could and stayed out of the way. The two of you had become close friends in the short time that Michonne had been at the prison, but it might as well have been years of friendship. It sure as hell felt that way sometimes.
"Guys we got company!" Tyreese yelled, snapping you out of your daze. Raising your gun you shot up off the floor and headed towards the sound of his voice, now noticing hungry growls.
"Holy shit."
A steady stream of walkers flowed through the single open door of the Walmart, while dozens more were pressed against the large window panes, blocking your exit. Arrows fired from beside you, and you glanced at Daryl. He was focused. You and Tyreese followed suit, firing your guns at the grotesque and hungry walkers. Their jaws snapped loudly. With a sudden shatter, one of the large window panes gave in under the pressure of the walkers, allowing them entrance.
"Shit," Daryl muttered. Fear pulsed through you as you kept firing, though it seemed pointless. The unmistakable click of an empty mag sent frustration coursing through your head. You flung your gun towards a biter with only half a face, then pulled out your knife. Rushing forward into the oncoming creatures, you stabbed them relentlessly in their decaying heads, one by one.
"We gotta go," Tyreese said breathlessly as he motioned towards the rest of the building. There had to be another exit. You nodded as you turned away from the creatures and hurried towards Daryl, who placed a warm hand on your arm.
"Ya okay?" He asked quietly, his low voice rumbling through your chest. His eyes were simultaneously cold and warm, paradoxical like him. Soft and hard. Cold and warm. Where his fingers touched your skin sent waves of electricity through your body, making your stomach tighten.
"Yeah," you breathed softly, your eyes staring straight into his.
"Seriously guys, not the time. We gotta go now."
With the moment broken, the three of you ran through the array of shelves. In the distance was another loud shatter. Then another. Then another. No more glass. Panic rose in your chest along with the increasing sense of urgency. They were coming, fast. Tyreese fired his last few rounds at the herd of walkers that just rounded the corner, and Daryl continued to fire his arrows - which would eventually run out.
"Tyreese, find the exit. We'll hold them off," you barked as you stabbed your blade through a half-exposed temple. The man paused for a moment, contemplating arguing, then nodded and headed out of sight. One particularly gross walker had been split up the torso, and its bowels hung out of it like putrid sausage. Its jaw hung limply from its rotting face, tongue lolling out like a smelling slab of meat. Bile rose in your throat and you shut your eyes.
It was a stupid thing to do.
Suddenly you were down on the ground. Fingers clawed at your ankle and a new set of nails clawed at your stomach, ripping open your skin. A small scream erupted from you as you shoved your arm forward, blocking the thing from chewing your face. A series of other pains burned their way onto your body like fire, and tears streamed down your face.
The walker by your face suddenly stilled, as did the other ones surrounding you. In one swift motion, Daryl pulled you up into his arms and sped towards a small, dingy bathroom. The fear in his eyes seemed to scare you more than the intensity of the situation.
He threw down his crossbow and instantly surveyed your wounds, paying attention the scratches on your abdomen. Blood seeped out of the slits and onto the beige tiled floor, making you feel slightly sick.
"Shit, y/n," Daryl's voice was laced with panic. His hands pressed against the wounds to stop the bleeding.
"It's not so bad. I've had worse scratches from my sister's kitten," you joked, though your attempt at humor failed miserably. Anger flashed across the man's face.
"This ain't a joke, y/n!" He yelled, making you flinch. Black spots danced into your vision and you shook your head slightly. It only made you more dizzy.
"You're right. The joke is you focusing on the scratches," you said lazily, staring into Daryl's fearful eyes. A puzzled expression crossed his face. Sighing, you pulled yourself into a half-sitting position before pulling off your tattered shirt. Daryl blushed heavily before turning to a deathly pale shade when he spotted the fresh bite in the side of your torso.
"No, no, no. No," he said repeatedly, his hands suddenly by the bite as if he could heal it. he couldn't. His head shook repeatedly, shaking free a few teardrops which spilled onto your blood-soaked skin.
"'S okay, Daryl," you said softly, gently placing your hand on his warm arm. Death was inevitable. Everyone knew that.
"Don't you dare say that," Daryl growled.
"It really is, it's okay. I'm not afraid of dying," you reassured him, though it was a lie. Everyone is afraid of dying. Especially when they have to die in front of the person they loved.
"Ya ain't gonna die. I'm not lettin' that happen. Ya gonna be fine, y/n. Ya gonna be fine," the archer's voice was now thick, choked by tears. Your own tears spilled onto your face as you watched him stare helplessly at your dying body.
"Don't let me turn."
Daryl looked at you, and for the first time you saw that he was broken. His mouth was turned down at the corners, and tears spilled down his cheeks in a steady flow, hair covering his face. Your hand found his blood-covered one as you passed him the Baby Ruth bar, also covered in blood. Your blood.
"Please give this to Michonne," you whispered and your eyes slowly fluttered shut. You were tired.
"Open ya eyes, y/n. Stay with me. Stay awake," Daryl pleaded as he gripped your hand, his other hand on your overheating face. It was now a battle whether you would die from blood loss or from the infection. This was one competition that you wished neither would win.
"I'm just tired," your voice was barely audible, sending blind fear through Daryl's body.
He never got close because he knew this day would come, but now it was here, he wish he did. He wished he'd told you how he felt. He wished he'd spent every single waking second with you, rather than attempt to distance himself. But now it didn't matter, because you were dying and it hurt all the same. God, how it hurt.
"Stay with me," Daryl pleaded finally, before he did it. Heart beating so fast he thought it would explode, Daryl place both hands on the side of your face and gently placed his lips against yours. All the times he wanted tell you how he felt, all the times you'd shared watching the stars, all the moments of ineffable feelings between the two of you filled that single kiss. His lips against yours felt like his heart growing warm and his heart shattering at the same time. It was warm because he loved you. It shattered because he knew that he would never be able to kiss you again. He would never be able to have more moments with you.
"Finally," you muttered weakly when you broke apart. Your heart would have been beating fast if it weren't pumping slowly and thickly from blood loss. New tears lined your face as you stared into Daryl's swollen eyes. Your heart broke at the sight.
"'S okay, D."
He shook his head and squeezed his eyes shut, placing his forehead against yours. He felt your warm, slow breaths against his face. The words were about to leave his lips; those three words that he'd been itching to say for the longest time. But then he realized it didn't matter anymore, because he no longer felt your breaths on his face. They had stopped. You were gone.
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hell-bound-stories · 4 years
Curraway woods- The room
Diana walked Max threw the small cabin, which consisted only of a few rooms. Right when you walked in was the living room, with a small set of stairs to the left. To the right not separated by any walls was a small kitchen. It had everything you needed, nothing more, nothing less. Adjacent to the kitchen as a small dining area with a large table and some chairs surrounded by bookshelves. The table had Jamack’s small lectern on top, along with other witchy items. 
They walked through the living room to the set of stairs, making their way upstairs. Upstairs was a small hallway with three doors, two leading to small rooms, and one leading to a bathroom. 
“Wow” Max exclaimed, “I didn’t think this place was so big”
“Big?” Diana questioned, “what on surface are you talking about?”
“It's got like layers and so many rooms!!!” Max explained, clearly in awe of the cabin.
Diana shrugged, “I guess” she half agreed. To her this cabin was tiny. That wasn’t bad at all, far from it actually. She enjoyed the simpler home compared to the ones she had lived in before. 
Diana walked up to one of the doors in the hallway, “anyway this can be your room!” she said, opening the door.
“WOW!!” Max was overjoyed at the sight.
Inside the small room were piles of junk and boxes, much like a storage room. It was dusty with some cobwebs scattered about. At the far wall was a window, with the moon's light now flowing in. In the state it is right now there wasn’t much room for anything, which wasn’t good because it was missing one important thing. A bed.
“You are easily impressed” Diana said quietly to herself while watching Max explore the messy space, “I know it’s not much and it’s full of my junk but tomorrow we can clean it up and make it yours” She cheerfully said. 
“Wait, mine?” Max asked, running back to Diana in the doorway, “like all mine?”
“Yes?” She said, confused.
“Wow, I’ve never had my own room before” Max said, looking around the space, taking it all in.
“Really? Didn’t you have a room back in Hell?” Diana asked.
“I did but I had to share it with like 15 billion others” Max explained, while starting to dig through some boxes, like she was looking for something.
“Oh that must have sucked”
“It did!! No one ever listened to me!!” She said, pulling a couple of old soft looking coats out of a box and tossing it on the floor, then she moved on to another box. 
“Huh, well come tomorrow we’ll have this cleaned out and it will be all yours!” Diana excitedly said. 
Max yawned, “That sounds great!” sleepiness clearly present in her voice. She was getting more and more tired with each passing minute. She kept pulling soft things like pillow cases, old blankets, some stuffed animals, old bed sheets, and old clothes out of boxes and tossing them all into a pile. Diana found it strange, but didn’t question it. She didn’t care about any of the things she was tossing around. 
“Oh” it dawned on Diana how late it had gotten, “Here I’ll go get you some pillows and blankets and you can sleep here”
“Ok” Max groggily replied, again throwing something else into the growing pile, as if on auto pilot.
Diana left to grab a pillow and blanket from her room next door. Not even being gone a minute she returned to find Max sleeping comfortably on the pile of soft things she had made. It was almost like a nest and Max was right in the middle, resting peacefully like a cat. 
“Ooooooooh my coven you’re so cute” Diana quietly said, but very much internally screaming at the sight. She walked over and carefully placed the blanket and pillow on the pile. She felt bad having Max sleep in a room full of junk but in her defense she didn’t know someone would be moving in today, even if some of these boxes are from when she moved in a couple of years ago. It's ok, tomorrow they’ll clean it out and make it an actual living space. 
“Good night Max” She smiled, turning the light off and softly closing the door. Just then her own wave of tiredness washed over her. It wasn’t that late, 10 o’clock at the latest, but today felt so long with everything that had happened before.
She made her way downstairs with full intent of just switching off the lights, however her simple plan was foiled from that awful familiar voice. 
“Ugh why are you letting her stay?” Jamack whined, “it's already crowded enough with you around” 
“Ok first, ouch” Diana spoke, walking over to the table, “and second, she has no were else to go. She was being hunted down by some other demons in the woods” 
“Eh the Hell guard will chase down anyone that goes to the surface unauthorized” Jamack explained.
“Well she was still running for a reason, besides aren’t you the least bit happy we have some new company?” She asked.
Jamack scoffed, “I was perfectly happy with the company I already had” 
“Aww does somebody actually tolerate me?” Diana teased.
“No” He said flatly, “besides you don’t know anything about demons, how do you expect to take care of a child one?”
“Uh” Diana hadn’t actually thought about that, “I'm sure it will all be fine, and if I need help I can call this guy” She held up the small business card she had gotten from the letter earlier that night. 
“God no, don’t call him, just ask me your demon questions instead” Jamack quickly said.
“Why? What’s wrong with him?” “Nothing. I just hate him.” 
“Oooooookay not going to touch that, i'm going to bed” She walked over picking Jamack up from his lectern.
“Wait it’s not even that late, I had so many more insults to-” He was cut off by Diana sliding him into the bookshelf, effectively putting him to sleep. After that she went around switching off the lights before finding her way to her room.
She quickly got into her nightly routine, changing into her pajamas and going into the bathroom to brush her teeth. Once done she walked back into her room to find Max sleeping in the corner on top of her soft pile of things, like she had pushed the whole thing in here just to sleep again. 
“Oh coven your adorable” Diana didn’t think anything of it, getting into her own bed and turning off the lights. 
The morning air was everything she had dreamed it would be. It felt cool on her skin and fresh to breathe. Max loved it. She sat on the roof taking in every single moment of the morning. The birds sounded beautiful, the morning dew gave everything a brilliant shine, and the sun rise was just awe inspiring. She watched as the rays of the sun turned everything they touched into a soft golden colour as it consumed all in its path. She loved how the clouds danced in pink tones and how the sky’s dark blue slowly washed away to a lighter shade with every passing second, til the sun had finally fully risen. 
Max could stay here all day, watching the sun do its daily walk across the sky, but she had things to do today.
“Max!” She heard someone shout from inside the house. She quickly got up and climbed back through the open window into Diana's empty room. She walked downstairs to find Diana leaning at the kitchen counter in a simple robe and slippers with a cup of coffee in hand.
“Ugh” jamack groaned, already back out on his lectern for the day.
“See I told you she didn’t run away” Diana declared, in a proud ‘I told you so’ way, “where have you been?” She asked, taking a sip from her mug.
“Uhh” Max panicked in fear of getting in trouble, “around” she stammered, trying not to sound suspicious. 
“Well how long have you been awake?” Diana couldn’t really care what Max was up to, just as long as she didn’t get hurt. 
“Uuh” she had to think again, “I dunno, it was still kinda dark out”
“Oh wow” Diana said, clearly surprised “I didn’t think you’d wake up early”
“Yeah” Jamack chimed in, “I’ve never seen a demon wake up before noon” 
“Yeah well” Max was starting to get embarrassed, “It's just what I do” 
“It's ok, however I can not drag myself out of bed earlier than like 9:30, so you’ll probably have most mornings to yourself” Diana explained. 
“Oh it's ok, I'm used to that,” Max replied.
“I used to have every day alone” Jamack started, “those were the days”
“Well i'm going to go get dressed” Diana said, completely ignoring Jamacks comment, “Then we can get started cleaning up your room”
The two girls soon went to work, going through and sorting the contents of the boxes and the other various things around the room. Deciding what to keep in storage, what to take out of storage, and what to throw away. Though Diana was the one doing most of this sorting. Max was more or less in charge of taking out the trash, and over all just cleaning up. Cleaning out the cobwebs and relocating their inhabitants. However that didn’t mean Max wasn’t periodically looking through some boxes too, and one box in particular caught her eye.
“What’s this stuff?” She asked, digging through the contents.
“Oh” Diana walked over, “It’s a bunch of old toys of mine” She said, reminiscing about all the old stuff in the box.
The box was full of old toys such as wooden building blocks, a black stuffed cat and owl, and a small fake wand with a matching small broom, along with some high quality pieces to a doll house. With some other various toys sprinkled it, overall it was very unremarkable.
“You can have them if you want,” Diana offered.
Max’s eyes lit up, “Really?!” 
“Yeah, I’m not using them anymore” she smiled
“Cool!!!” Max moved the box to the corner of the room away from everything else before the both of them went back to work.
By the time they were done it was around 4 in the afternoon. While it had taken most of the day, and a few breaks, they had succeeded in cleaning out the room. The leftover stuff was now in Diana's closet or somewhere else in the house as decoration and the trash was gone. The only things left in the room now was Max’s nest of soft things, a simple rug, and the box of toys. However it was still clearly missing something. 
“You need a bed” Diana flatly stated. 
“What’cha mean, I got a bed!” Max said, pointing over to her nest pile. 
“No like a real bed, hmm” Diana began thinking, then it hit her. She walked over to the box of toys and began digging through it before pulling out a small wooden bunk bed a moment later.
“Uhh” Max was confused, “I know i'm not that big but even I think that's a little small”
“I know I know, hold on” Diana left, going down stairs, then returned a moment later, now with her wand and a bottle of some orange potion.
She walked over and placed the small bed on the ground against the wall, then dipped her wand in the potion bottle and began drawing some sort of symbol around the toy with the liquid. Once she was done she backed up next to Max, “Ok now watch”
A moment later the liquid on the ground began glowing, a second later the bed instantly grew in size, becoming a full usable bunk bed. Max ran over in excitement, and Diana was just relieved that it had worked first try. 
“That's so cool, how did you do that!?!?!”  Max questioned in awe while climbing all over the bed.
“Oh you know, just comes with being a witch” Diana said trying to seem cool as she wiped off her wand, but ended up dropping it on the floor instead. “Here” she said while picking her wand back up, “I’ll go get some bed sheets” 
Diana returned a moment later with the item in question only to find Max once again sleeping on her nest of soft things that she had now moved onto the lower bunk.
“Ooooohhh sweet Salem, why are you so cute” She quietly said to herself. She placed the sheets on the top bunk with intent to put them on later, so Max could rest. She made her way downstairs to watch TV and relax for a bit. Before she could even find the remote that annoying voice just had to speak.
“Where’s Max?” Jamack asked, “oh wait don't tell me, she ran away!!”
“Ugh no” Diana rolled her eyes, “She’s upstairs taking a nap”
“Really?” I’ve never seen a demon that needs naps”
“Yeah well she’s also a kid and kids need sleep” Diana said, sitting down on the couch and switching on the TV.
“Ooh whatcha watching?” Jamack asked.
“Real housewives of none of your business” Diana snapped back.
“Oh! Is it the new season? Can I watch?” 
“UGH” Diana got back up, grabbed Jamack, and set him on the couch next to her.
“Aww wow does someone actually tolerate me?” jamack was quick to tease.
“No,” Diana said while shoving the book off the couch onto the ground.
Diana burst out laughing. 
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natashasbanner · 5 years
Prompt: "My hero," Bruce chuckled.
My Hero 
Also on AO3
Bruce’s eyes started to itch hours ago, but he needed to finish this. The calculations for the suit Tony wanted to build had to be perfect if it had any chance of standing a chance against the Hulk. They’d talked about having a remote operated suit, like the Iron Legion, but Tony thought the reaction time would be quicker with a suit that fit over his Iron Man suit.
Bruce wasn’t so sure about putting anyone in the Hulk’s path if he truly lost control, but he was in favor of having a contingency plan just in case. That’s why everything had to be perfect, from the satellite that would hold the parts, to the pieces themselves. If there were any miscalculations, his friend’s life would be in danger and he couldn’t live with that.
After finding yet another mathematical error, he sighed and shut down the holographic display for the time being. He took of his glasses and let out a sigh as he dropped them onto the counter.
He ducked his head and rubbed at his dry eyes. He should have gone to bed hours ago, but his brain wouldn’t rest until he finished this task.
When he looked back up to open the hologram again, he was surprised to see that he wasn’t alone anymore. He wasn’t surprised, however, by who was leaning against the wall near the door of his lab.
“How long have you been standing there?” He was almost too embarrassed to ask.
Natasha was a frequent visitor to his lab, at all hours, and there had been a few instances when he hadn’t even noticed she was there.
“Not long,” she said with an amused smirk. “I didn’t expect anyone else to be up this late.”
Bruce glanced at the time on the display and let out a short chuckle.
“Don’t you mean so early?”
Natasha just smiled and pushed off the wall to sit in the stool across from him.
“What are you still doing up?” He asked, sliding the hologram to the side a little to look at her as he spoke.
She shrugged, her eyes on the calculations hovering between them as she answered.
“I just got in,” she said. “What are you doing?”
Up close he could see that her hair was wet and there was a bruise peeking out of the collar of her shirt. He learned early on not to ask about the missions she still went on, even if she did seek him out to take care of her injuries. She’d get defensive and shut him out.
“Tony and I are working on a suit,” he answered. “I’m going through all the calculations.”
“What kind of suit,” she asked, reaching out to swipe through the hologram.
His calculations gave way to the rough drawing Tony had done a few days ago. The dimensions were scribbled beside it and her eyes widened at the sight of them.
“What are you guys planning on fighting in that?” she asked, swiping back over to the calculations.
“It’s just a precaution,” he said, closing down the hologram completely. “In case I lose control.”
“Oh,” was all she said.
They settled into an almost awkward silence until she broke the silence when the first rays of sunlight began to shine through the glass windows in the living room.
“You look like you could use a break,” she said. “There’s a diner not too far from here that isn’t half bad.”
Bruce shook his head and picked up his glasses, straightening a little on his stool. “I should finish it.”
“Bruce,” she said and he looked up to see her watching him with a raised eyebrow. “I’m not going to leave you here to pass out on this table.”
“I guess diner eggs don’t sound bad right now.”
Natasha smiled and bounced off of her stool and rounded to his side of the table.
“Come on.” She nodded her head toward the door. “I’ll even pay.”
“My hero,” Bruce chuckled and rose from his chair and followed her from the lab.
The lights dimmed as they left and Bruce let out a sigh as they walked to the elevators. The weight of the project they were taking on temporarily lifted with the promise of a decent breakfast and even better company.
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