#i want to ask if another PM can post her stuff but also i know that will just make her even more angry
six-of-ravens · 9 months
lol update: hashtag confirmed the Boss-Boss (as in, the Top Boss not just the project managers' boss) yelled at the Errant PM today. apparently he went through her task list with her and....did not like what he was seeing lmao. and trust me, this guy has always been very helpful when you're overwhelmed and will go out of his way to help you out, so if he's yelling that truly means there's not a problem with her actually having too much work or unreasonable clients, and it's just her scatterbrained-ness and disorganization.
we abandoned developers are scratching our heads trying to figure out what the hell she's doing if she's not posting tasks for us. like, a) we know she's not doing 8 hours of meetings all day and b) tasks are not going to get off her list if she doesn't give them to people to do.
anyway I'm at the point of wondering if I could ask one of the other PMs to post Errant PM's tasks for me, bc I have nothing to do and also I'm on vacation in a week and a half and I'm getting worried about getting everything done before then 😬
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kigozula · 1 year
300th Chapter Celebration Weekend
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All readers!!
We prepared a new fun event for Gladiator.
17th - 18th June
After 10 years we officially reach the 300th chapter. This event is not only to celebrate the 300th chapter, but also for appreciating and revisiting the second part of the story. The other two events from the past took place before part 2 even ended.
Below (under the cut) are different kind of questions. Most of them are part 2 focused.
If you want to partake in this event, all you have to do is answering the questions, choose and guess. The last part contains a guessing game and a quiz, which is new. This event is more expanded than the previous ones.
Feel free to reach my askbox or message me if you do have any questions. I will be posting my answers early that day or even one day prior. You can take a look if it might help you with ideas.
CHANGE: The correct answers of the quiz will be posted on Sunday before the event ends!
Doesn’t matter if you have a Tumblr account or not. Everybody can participate. You can post it on your blogs or submit it to me here. I will post it then.
Another change:
A friend just brought to my attention that tumblr does not allow people without an account to send asks or submissions anymore. I didn’t know that.
If anyone wants to take part, feel free to send your entries to my fanfiction account if you have an account there, I am also Kigozula there.
My account on FF. Net
If I had known this new policy I would have thought about something else... sorry guys. If you see this after this weekend, you can still send your entries ;)
Don’t forget to tag us @kigozula & @seyaryminamoto and use the tags #sokkla & #gladiator300thchapter (and any more you feel like). We can find the posts and try to reblog everyone’s entries.
We wish you fun and hope for many participants!
Important note: I am making something nice here. I talked with Seyary before starting this event. I made it for her, for readers to have a chance to share their favorite stuff and because I love Gladiator. Nobody has to take part. Please be respectful, careful and have fun! =) As mentioned above (askbox/pm), if there are questions.
Pair/Couple (besides Sokkla)
Suitor for Azula
Place (any houses/island/cities…)
Event (weddings/festivals…)
Sokkla Kisses in Part 2 when they become finally a couple
Sokkla Love Making
Part 2, or Part 3 (so far)
Zuki Family or Mai Jian Family
Festivals Arc or Anniversary Arc
Captain Rui Shi or Captain Fei Li
Ozai or Zhao
Gladiator Brawl, Sponsor Race, Pairs Tournament or Scavenger Hunt
Xin Long or Appa
Azula’s Squad or Sokka’s Squad
Ty Lee or Mai
Shoji or Kino
Ruon Jian or Haru
A Place you would like to visit or live
If you could give Part 2 a title it would be
Something you look forward to
Best Arc(s) in Part 3 (so far)
Favorite Sokkla Artwork from Part 2
Future Ships you think will happen
Azula and Zhao will divorce when/because of …
When Hakoda meets Azula and Hotaru for the first time …
When Ozai and Ursa see each other …
I think Ozai's future looks like...
When Azula finally visits the south pole, I hope/wish/think …
First things Azula and Sokka will do after their reunion
QUIZ: (The correct answers can be found in my post on June 16th)
Name of the first Gladiator Sokka fought against?
How many years are Azula and Sokka a couple now?
Which character found out about Azula and Sokka’s secret relationship first?
Which character felt something might be going on/will be going on between Sokka and Azula from the beginning?
What’s the name of Ozai’s first love?
What was the first Gladiator event Azula and Sokka took part in?
How often did the Blue Wolf fight in the Slate?
Who would have almost been the potential future prince?
How old was Aang when he was forced to freeze himself and Appa?
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YAYYYY DRREAMSTUUCK HOURS!!!!! are there any specific headcanons you have that wont be explicitly included in the fic ?? things like. idk worldbuilding or little details that are so obscure that writing about them would be clunky or hard to fit nicely into plot. stuff like that etc :]
YES YES. YES I DO. okay first of all dstuck tommy is canonically trans so write that down. it's not really mentioned because wilbur straight up did not introduce the concept of gender to this kid and just called tommy he/him because he knew paradox space was going to give him a son no matter what, so when tommy learned what gender was and said "hey i'm a man >:3" wilbur was like sure ok. thog don't caare!! it is alluded to though and it will be heavily implied in my guardian wilbur oneshot that i'll prolly post sometime in the next couple months after i introduce our fourth beta player :3 (SPOILERS it's aimsey our fourth player is aimsey i feel like i've mentioned it before but yeah. fourth player aimsey :3 the session needs a knight so AIMSEY!!!)
ERET. they will not go crazy go stupid during murderstuck, they are not one of the murderers, but the concept of betrayal and redemption is very important to eret's character so they do have a backstory where they tried to hand skeppy over to the empire and get him culled. it will be mentioned!! probably will expand on it more in meteorstuck if possible, but for now it's barely there. there's SO much to include in dstuck it's insane
ponk lives in a tree because they ran away from the neighborhood they used to live in. someone got culled by some drones and in a panic, ponk ran away with their lusus and disappeared into the woods, where they met sapnap!! they were two of the first ones to meet, followed by sam, bad, and skeppy. they were the original five of their group before everyone else came in!
giving u some beta kids lore rn that will be expanded on in my guardian oneshots :3 tubbo started coding things at like three years old. GENIUS KID! PRODIGY!! he can also just kind of feel when other people are nearby? schlatt never caught him awake at night because tubbo without even hearing him would hide his book or device under his pillow when schlatt is just THINKING of checking on the kid. insane. ranboo is constantly aware of the space around him. try to trip him?? he's hopping over your foot without even realizing it. throw something at him?? he's dodging or catching it without looking up. because of this he has near perfect aim. would KILL IT in baseball!!! also would make a great marksman! unfortunately his weapon of choice is a sword, but he'll get really good with that as well and may even throw his blades in a strife. always hits his targets. tommy can keep perfect time without a metronome. knows exactly what time it is without looking. knows exactly how much time has passed since something happened last, down to the second. would make a wonderful dancer for the way he keeps time, but wants to be like his bro and become a musician!! kind of unnerving when he says "it's 1:32 pm" without even looking up from his keyboard when wilbur asks what time it is. aimsey. kind of a terrifying kid to raise! there one second and gone the next. shadows are their friend. constantly disappearing somewhere, not like they're invisible, but like they're just. completely unnoticeable until they speak. your gaze just sweeps right over them, thinking they're another shadow in the corner. kristen wakes up in the middle of the night thinking no one is in her room and then aimsey says "grandma i frew up" suddenly standing at the end of her bed. it's a got damn wonder that kid didn't give her a heart attack before the game
OOH another very little thing. ranboosprite? from the doomed timeline? not dead. :3 they'll be back :3 hehehehehehe
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Happy birthday!
Your annual Percy Jackson birthday post <3
Check Last year's on Ao3
Percy hadn’t imagined that he would spend his 38th birthday that way. To be honest, he didn’t really believe that he would get to celebrate his 18th birthday. But two decades later, he was in his and Annabeth’s house which was packed with their friends and family. It was loud. Like really loud. But who was he to complain? He was the first one to invite as many people as he could to celebrate even the less important happenings. And his youngest daughter’s fifth birthday definitely is important for him. So when Lana asked them for a pirate princess party, he couldn’t refuse her. He had vowed that his kids would always have the best birthday parties. Give them everything he didn’t have growing up. It also worked in their favour the fact that most of their friends had kids around the same age. So they decided to throw a huge party for both Percy and Lana. Around 3 pm, the pirate princesses started passing out from the sugar rush. A few girls from Lana’s class had left as the party ‘officially’ ended at 3 even if they were more than welcome to stay. Their friends would stay until late as the invite contained an evening BBQ. Percy was sitting on the outdoor couch observing his surroundings. He must have looked lonely as Connor and Travis sat on Percy’s two sides. “So the big 38. How do you feel grandpa?” Travis asked him and patted his shoulder. “We’re the same age, Travis,” Percy remarked. “You tell me how 38 feels.” “Are we really? ‘Cuz I don’t feel a day over 25.” “Because you act like a 25-year-old,” Katie said as she passed beside them. “Love you too, hon,” Travis said to his wife and turned back to his friend and his brother. “Honestly, I can’t believe that I’ve been married to her for 15 years.” “I can. I still mourn on your wedding anniversary.” Connor replied which caused Percy to grin. “What happened, Connor? Is the husband ignoring you?” Percy asked and took a swig from his beer. “He isn’t ignoring me.” Connor sank in his seat. “He is looking after Eliot in the pool. When your wife isn’t keeping him away from me.” Connor turned to the pool, where Malcolm was eye-hawking their 7-year-old son, Eliot, playing with Theo and Ryder. “Man, Malcolm is her brother. And you’re very possessive.” Travis jumped in. “And you complain about Katie and me.” “Because your wife hates me,” Connor argues, but Percy knows that the whole conversation is a joke. “I’m sure she will kill me if she gets the chance.” “You’re causing me a headache,” Percy complained. “Which would be okay on a regular day. But it’s my birthday. Which I take very seriously.” “Alright. I’ll change the subject.” Travis said and sat better. “What do you want as a birthday gift?” Percy thought about it for less than a second. “I have everything I want. I don’t need anything else. I have Annabeth and our kids. We’re all happy, so I don’t care about gifts and stuff.” “You almost made me cry,” Connor said passively. “That’s the most stereotypical answer I’ve ever heard. And I was there when Travis was saying his wedding vows.” “You’re stuck on my wedding day aren’t you?” “Always, darling.” Then Malcolm motioned Connor to come to him. “Gentlemen, duty calls.” He said trying to keep his cool. But then he sprinted to his husband’s side. Travis drank the rest of his beer. “I’ll go for another one after I check on my boys. I haven’t heard any explosions in a while.” “Katie is probably keeping them under control.” Percy guessed as she was the only person that 10-year-old Nate and 9-year-old Jesse were scared of. Kinney, Travis and Katie’s 5-year-old daughter was the calmest of their kids, which said a lot as she managed to prank her dad and uncle, the experts in deception. “I’d rather see myself what they’re up to.” Travis got up but before he was out of his earshot he heard him greet someone ‘Professor.’ Nico was next to sit next to him after giving him a nod. Percy noticed that he was holding a small box. He handed it to Percy. “Birthday present.”
Continue on Ao3
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our-time-is-now · 2 years
September 5, 2019: For when I miss your smell…
(previous play)
You can find more information about the authors, translators, content warning and additional information about the plays in the pinned post on our blog.
Thursday, 5:42 pm:
David: *has made use of the good weather this morning and rode around on his bike a little again* *has found an abandoned old brewhouse and explored it a little from the outside* *but somehow didn’t want to go inside by himself and plans on coming back again with Matteo one day* *has only taken a few photos and sent them to Matteo before he continued* *has arrived back at the flatshare around noon and has gotten comfortable on the bed with his sketching stuff* *somehow has to keep thinking about the fact that this is their last evening together before the Voluntary-Year-Weekend and is already yearning for Matteo* *thinks that he also still has to pack and that they have to cook or at least eat something and that this will also take up some time* *considers if he should already start packing, but then finds that somehow stupid* *therefore tries to concentrate on sketching again and at some point, really turns on Matteo’s weird grumbling sounds* *has to grin pretty broadly at first, but then gets used to it and leaves it on in the background until Laura returns home from work shortly after 4 pm* *chats with her for a bit, but then says his goodbyes shortly after 5 because he had planned to pick up Matteo from work* *is now standing outside of Lambda and doesn’t really know if he should go inside or wait outside* *but finally pulls himself together and enters the building* *is a little relieved when he immediately runs into Savira in the entrance area, who immediately recognizes him: “Oh, hey! David, right? Are you here to pick up Matteo? I think he’s still talking about something with Kay… do you want to have a drink in the meantime? I’m on my way behind the counter, anyways…”* *smiles when she greets him so nicely and nods* Hey… yes… David is correct and yes, I was going to pick up Matteo… *laughs quietly and nods again* ...and a drink would be nice… *then follows her downstairs to the café and sits down on a stool* *gets asked: “Cola? Fanta? Water? Juice? Or something else?”* *thinks for a moment* Hmmm… Cola is good… *looks around while she prepares his cola and can see a few curious looks directed toward him* *then searches for his wallet when Savira puts the cola down in front of him and pays for it* *hears her say: “If you need something else then just tell me…”* *smiles, nods and thanks her before he takes a sip* *then briefly looks around again and suddenly feels very much aware of the fact that, for the first time in his life, he’s somewhere where being hetero isn’t the norm* *smiles at his realization and takes another sip*
Matteo: *leaves Kay’s office shortly after 6 and was planning on leaving quickly so that he’ll manage to catch the subway at quarter past* *therefore moves toward the exit when Savira comes toward him and grins: “The café’s in the other direction…”* *looks at her in confusion* Café? I’m off work now… *sees her smile again and hears her say: “If I were you, I’d still go have a look… maybe you’ll run into someone…”* *grimaces* Huh? Why would I… *but then already sees her move on* *checks the time and sees that he won’t be able to catch the subway, anyways* *turns around to go to the café* *then immediately sees David sitting on a stool by the counter and beams* *sees that he also noticed him and quickly walks toward him* Hey… *kisses him quickly* What are you doing here? I was already almost outside when Savira told me to go to the café…
David: *has almost finished his cola when Savira addresses him again and says: “I’ll go look where Matteo is - not that you guys miss each other… I have to go see Kay anyways. Have a nice evening, you two!”* *smiles at her gratefully* Yes, great… thanks! And a nice evening to you, too! *sees her smile as well: “Why don’t you come over more often - we never really get to know each other when you’re about to leave again…”* *laughs quietly and nods* True! I will! Bye! *sees her disappear and empties his glass* *then looks around again curiously and beams immediately when he finally sees Matteo coming toward him* Hey… *returns his kiss and loosely puts his arm on his waist* *grins slightly* Yes, Savira thinks ahead… good thing she was here… otherwise I think I might have felt a little lost, after all… *then tilts his head a little and shrugs one shoulder* I thought I’d pick you up? Is that okay? So that we have 30 more minutes together this evening… and… I thought that we maybe could get something to eat on our way back… then we won’t waste so much time with cooking tonight… *pulls him a little closer and tenderly kisses him again* *but then interrupts the kiss pretty quickly because he doesn’t know if that’s okay here… at Matteo’s workplace*
Matteo: *grins when he says that Savira thinks ahead* *nods immediately when he asks if that’s okay* Of course that’s okay… I’m happy… *nods again* Yes, I wanted to suggest that we order something… at first I thought I’d get something on the way, but then I figured that it would take away some valuable time… *grins a little cheekily* *gets kissed again and smiles slightly* Okay, let’s go… let’s get home quickly where we can make out uninterrupted… *carefully pulls him off the stool*
David: *smiles when Matteo says that he’s happy* *then nods* Sure, ordering also sounds good… *grins when he looks so cheeky* That definitely saves some valuable time… you still have to pack… *then lets him pull him off the chair and out of the corner of his eyes sees that some of the teenagers are looking over at them* Today I’m definitely veeery much in favor of being uninterrupted! *reaches for Matteo’s hand a little pointedly because he thinks that they can definitely know that Matteo is taken - if they didn’t already see them kissing, anyways* *grins slightly when they are walking toward the exit and quietly says to Matteo* I think you’ll have to answer a few questions on Monday… they’re all looking…
Matteo: *laughs slightly* Oh, packing… I’ll just throw a few things into the backpack… *grins slightly when he’s also in favor of being uninterrupted* *is a little surprised at how pointedly David reaches for his hand* *but then also sees the others looking and only grins* *laughs slightly at his words* I can live with that… they’re all just jealous that I managed to snatch such a hot boyfriend… *then manages to get out with him and to the subway and they arrive home half an hour later* *drops down onto the bed and looks at David* Okay… so let’s order food… and while we wait, I’ll pack and then we won’t leave the bed again. Deal?
David: *has immediately given Matteo the secretary’s-office-look, of course, when he mentioned the thing with the hot boyfriend, but has then left Lambda with him* *grins slightly when they arrive at home and when Matteo immediately drops down onto the bed* *nods and reaches for Matteo’s laptop* Okay… you’ll order… I’ll take off the binder… then you’ll pack… and then bed… *already draws the curtains in their room and was just about to close the door when Hans walks through the living room and shakes his head in disapproval: “Are you locking us out again?”* *laughs quietly* Again!? You act like we’d do that all the time… *hears Hans say seriously: “Because you do!”* *shakes his head* Only today… last night before our separation… Matteo is going on that seminar tomorrow… so… *grins slightly* Have a nice evening, Hans… *then closes the door and from the other side of the door hears a loud: “Matteo and David have to separate for two days and the world is ending - how horrible! But I promise to not disturb tonight… have fun, my butterflies! And don’t fly too high… and too far… and besides! And if you need anything… you know where you can find me…”* *sighs quietly and frowns slightly because he just noticed that the key to their room is still missing* *stands with his back toward the door in case someone suddenly comes in and takes off his shirt* *says to Matteo in the meantime* I bet tomorrow night he’ll sit here trying to cheer me up and then he’ll complain himself that he misses you… *takes off his binder and quickly puts the shirt back on again before he throws himself onto the bed joining Matteo*
Matteo: *nods at David’s plan and grabs the laptop* *boots it and watches David in the meantime* *grins when he hears Hans and grins even more at his theatrical speech* *then sees that the laptop has booted and goes to the delivery-service page* *grins slightly at David’s words* Probably… but that’s not bad, he’s actually good at consoling people… *watches him and sees that he’s standing in front of the door weirdly* What’s up? *but then already sees him coming back and turns the laptop toward him* What do you feel like? Italian? Döner? Burger? Asian?
David: *frowns slightly when Matteo says that Hans is good at consoling people* *grumbles skeptically because he’s not even sure yet if he even wants to get consoled by anyone* I’ll see if I’ll let anyone get close or if I’ll rather hide under the covers all weekend… *laughs quietly* ...although… the way I know him, he’d probably join me under the covers… *then looks a little confused for a moment when Matteo asks what’s up, but then realizes what he means* Oh… the key is still gone… *but then really joins him on the bed and puts his chin down on his shoulder from behind so that he can also look at the laptop* Hmmm… nothing really special… Asian might be good again… sweet-and-sour duck or something… *grins slightly* ...and baked banana for dessert! *slightly turns his head and kisses Matteo’s neck* Or would you like something else?
Matteo: *smiles lovingly when he says that he’d rather hole himself up and briefly runs his hand over his leg* *frowns when he says that the key is still missing* Someone must have stolen it… I didn’t move it… *then nods when he says Asian* Yep, sounds good… *clicks at a few things, let’s David give him the okay for the order and then sends it* Okay, half an hour… *gets up* I’ll go pack, then…
David: *shrugs at his words about the key* It was already missing last week… *grins slightly* Maybe Hans has stolen it so that we can’t hide ourselves away… *isn’t serious about it* *then nods happily when Matteo shows him the order and kisses his neck again when he sends it off* Thanks… *grimaces slightly when he gets up, but doesn’t say anything because he knows that he really has to pack and that it’s more sensible, of course, to do it now* *still feels a small lump in his throat when Matteo pulls his backpack out and starts* *swallows and then clears his throat* *then just talks so that he won’t have to think about the departure* This old brewery… maybe we’ll even manage next week to go inside… who knows what the weather will be like when I’m fit again to climb into abandoned buildings again. Well, the photos on the internet looked pretty nice… and the property is also pretty cool… and I also already found a spot where you can go inside… almost all the windows are broken… and one is right above a wall and you can pretty easily climb onto the wall with a bit of a running start… I could pick you up from work sometime… maybe even on Wednesday. You get off early that day…
Matteo: *shakes his head* Hans wouldn’t dare that… *grins slightly* Maybe you can look for the key over the weekend… to kill the time… *then goes to the wardrobe and pulls his backpack out* *randomly throws a few boxers and two pairs of socks inside* *listens to David while he talks and in the meantime also jams another pair of jeans and two t-shirts into the backpack* *then pulls out one of David’s hoodie-jackets and packs that, as well* *then turns around to him* But that definitely sounds pretty cool… but how about Tuesday? That’s the 10th… would be a nice way to celebrate, wouldn’t it?
David: *also grins slightly at at Matteo’s suggestion* True! It might be a better way to kill the time than hiding under the blankets… *watches him pack while he tells him about the brewery and sees Matteo pack one of his hoodies* *smiles slightly because he finds it somehow nice that he wants to take something of him with him* *then looks at him when he turns around to him and glances at the calendar behind him when he hears his words* *beams and nods* Right - it’s already that time again! Sick… four months… yes, then let’s definitely do that on Tuesday! On Wednesday we’re already meeting your mother, anyways, I just noticed…
Matteo: *nods when David agrees to the date* Yes, you see, that fits… and really? We are? *looks at the calendar* Oh yes, we’re going to her Christian group with her… that sounds like fun… *looks into the backpack and sees that there’s still space left* *thinks that he still has to pack his bathroom stuff tomorrow, anyways* *still considers packing another hoodie, but then leaves it at that* *then turns around again* Tada! All packed! I’ll do the bathroom stuff tomorrow! *then lets himself drop onto the bed* That didn’t even take 10 minutes… *then glances at the armchair and sees that David’s hoodie, the one he wore yesterday and the day before that, is still lying there* *would also like to pack that, but doesn't know if that’s weird* *but then thinks with a grin that David knows that he’s weird and gets up again* *goes to the armchair and grabs the hoodie* I’ll take that with me, okay? For when I miss your smell…
David: *grins when Matteo says that this sounds like fun at the Christian group* Oh come on… she has a lot of fun and is surely totally proud if she can showcase you… I’m sure it’ll be nice. *then hears that he’s done and smiles* *pats the space next to him* What are you standing around there for, Florenzi!? *grins and kisses him on the cheek when he drops down next to him and emphasizes* I’m veeery proud of you for packing /by yourself/… and I hope that you didn’t forget anything… *then has to think about how the packing for Heidesee and Italy went and that Matteo kept talking his way out of it by claiming that he was a lot better at packing* *then sees him get up again and thinks that he might have forgot something, after all* *looks a little confused when he reaches for his hoodie, but smiles veeeery broadly at his words and nods immediately* Of course that’s okay… *sees him pack the hoodie in the backpack and then says* Then I want to keep your sleep shirt here! I also need something to sniff on!
Matteo: *gives him the secretary’s-office-look* It’s only one weekend… *smiles slightly at his demand* Okay… hang on, then I’ll need another one… *pulls an old shirt out of the wardrobe and also jams it in the backpack* Shit, do you think I need writing stuff or something like that? *pulls his phone from his pocket* I’ll ask Hanna… *types a quick message for her and then goes back to the bed* *drops down on it belly-first and pulls David down with him* *then leans a little over him* And now we’ll make out until the food arrives?
David: *smiles when Matteo agrees that he leaves his sleep shirt here and nods at his words about writing stuff* You’d better, right? *but then nods when he says that he’ll ask Hanna and asks* Will Jonas also take Hanna to the bus stop tomorrow? *then laughs quietly when Matteo drops down on the bed and pulls him with him* *immediately wraps his arms around him so that he doesn’t get the idea to move away from him again and grins and nods when he hears his question* Let’s make out until the food arrives! *leans a little toward him and lets his hand slip into his hair to pull him down to him* *kisses him long and tenderly*
Matteo: *nods* Yep, as far as I’m aware of… *then gets a kiss and kisses back and enjoys and enjoys it* *runs his hand through his hair when they pull apart once to gasp for air and then kisses him again* *then eventually hears the doorbell and sighs into the kiss* *but then pulls away again* I’ll go… *gets up with a grumble, grabs his wallet and goes to the door to get the food* *then returns to the room with the food, cutlery and kitchen roll* Let’s eat on the bed?
David: *enjoys being close to Matteo and even manages to sometimes almost forget about the fact that this is their last night before the separation* *has pulled him closer at some point, so that he is now almost lying on top of him and barely notices that the doorbell rang* *also sighs quietly and then murmurs a “thanks” when he says that he’ll go* *stays lying down on the bed when he leaves the room, but eventually sits up again* *sighs again quietly when he glances at the backpack and can feel a small lump in his throat again* *but then looks at Matteo and immediately smiles again when he sees that he thought of everything and also brought cutlery and kitchen roll* *laughs quietly at his question* Sure… I won’t get up again anymore today… well, okay… to brush my teeth and to pee… but apart from that… *takes the food from him so that he can sit down better and unpacks it* How much do I owe you? Or should we just order again next Thursday and then I’ll pay? *puts Matteo’s food down in front of him and reaches for his cutlery*
Matteo: *laughs slightly when he says that he won’t get up again* *puts the bag down next to him and then drops the cutlery and kitchen roll down next to it* *also crawls onto the bed and thinks once again, that David’s bed is just a lot better because it’s bigger and more comfortable* *but doesn’t say it this time* *waves it off when he asks what he owes him, even before he can finish talking* *nods* Yep, we can do it like that… *then unpacks all the food they have ordered and opens all of it* *they both share the food amongst them, anyways, and therefore he leaves it in the middle* Enjoy… *leans over again to kiss him again and then digs in*
David: *smiles when Matteo kisses him again before they eat* You, too… *then they comfortably eat together, but he gets up again in between, after all, because they don’t have anything to drink* *they really manage to eat all of it and he especially enjoys the baked bananas with honey* *afterwards, they clear all of the trash into the delivery bag and he’s pretty proud that he manages to throw the bag into the trash can next to the desk without getting up from the bed* *then also lies down onto his back and stares at the ceiling* *groans quietly* Man, I’m so full… but it was really delicious… *turns his head in Matteo’s direction and takes his hand* *entwines their fingers and lifts them to his lips to press a kiss on the back of Matteo’s hand* *then turns onto his side without letting go of his hand and looks at him* *somehow wants to remember every detail for the time in which they are separated and with his eyes, draws the lines of his face as if he wanted to sketch them* *eventually asks quietly* How do you feel?
Matteo: *claps loudly when David manages to throw the bag into the trash can* *then also lies down onto his back next to David* *laughs slightly when he groans* But it was sooo good… *then feels David’s hand in his and turns his head to him* *smiles slightly when he kisses his hand* *turns around onto his side at the same time he does and looks at him* *gets sad because he’s looking like that and because he somehow already misses him* *reaches his free arm out and runs his fingers through his hair* *sighs slightly when he asks him how he feels and says quietly* I already miss you… *swallows slightly and looks at him* And you?
David: *closes his eyes for a moment when he runs his fingers through his hair* *then immediately feels a lump in his throat at his words and nods slightly, because he feels the same* *closes his eyes again for a moment at his question and tries to swallow the lump* *grimaces slightly and then says quietly* I don’t want you to go… *opens his eyes again and adds* That’s somehow all I can think about… that I don’t want you to go… and in my head it sounds so selfish because I know that you /have/ to go and that you actually don’t want to go, either… *feels the lump growing bigger again and briefly laughs quietly and desperately* And I’m about to cry, even though I know that it’s actually ooonly three days and that we’ll see each other again soon, but… *exhales briefly, shakes his head and stops* *instead scoots closer to him and wraps his arm around him*
Matteo: *swallows hard when he hears that David doesn’t want him to go* *would like to tell him that he doesn’t want to, either, but can’t talk right now* *feels the lump in his throat and swallows harder* *immediately scoots closer to him when he says that he’s about to cry* *wraps his arms around him and kisses him tenderly* *swallows again and then says with a slightly broken voice* Actually, it’s only two and a half days… *knows that this doesn’t help* *but doesn’t know what else he could say, either* *pulls him even closer and kisses him again* *leaves his face close to his and says quietly* We’ll just enjoy the evening now, okay? Only you and I… and the best bed in the world… and nothing else, okay?
David: *gets kissed and closes his eyes again* *sighs quietly when he says that it’s only two and a half days and grumbles* That’s also super long… *scoots closer to him and hugs him tighter* *returns his kiss and thinks that he doesn’t really want to think about those 2.5 days… that he only wants them to pass quickly* *looks at him when they pull away from the kiss, swallows this stupid lump down again, and nods at his words* *then even has to grin slightly* Good that your bed can’t hear that… it would be super sad if it could… *tenderly kisses him again and then murmurs against his lips* Maybe we should switch beds when I move out again… *feels that it’s easier to talk about beds than their impending separation*
Matteo: *swallows slightly when he talks about the bed* *but thinks it’s good, because that’s easier* I talked about this with my bed, it’s completely okay with being the world's’ second-best bed… *then gets a kiss and kisses him again* *slightly shakes his head at his words* That’s a really long time until then… luckily… *smiles slightly and kisses him again and again* *runs his hand over David’s back and then slips it back into his hair*
David: *looks at Matteo skeptically when he says that he talked about it with his bed* You’re only saying that so that no one feels bad… every bed would like to be the best bed… *lightly runs his hand over his back while they kiss* *then smiles at his words and feels his heart do a little jump because apparently, Matteo doesn’t really want to think about the fact that he’ll have to move out again in 3 months, either* *humms in agreement and repeats* Luckily… *kisses him again several times and then just lies close to him and looks at him for a while* *runs his fingers over his cheek and through his hair* *can feel that the lump is back again after some time, because he’s thinking about tomorrow, and forces himself to think about Sunday when they’ll see each other again* *eventually says quietly* If the weather's still so nice on Sunday, then we could go have some ice cream after I pick you up from the bus stop…
Matteo: *smiles slightly when they are lying next to each other and David strokes him* *also tenderly runs his fingers through David’s hair* *nods slightly at his suggestion* Ice cream sounds good… and then we’ll go home to our bed… *grins slightly and kisses him again* And then I’ll cook for you…
David: *smiles slightly when Matteo agrees to his suggestion and then grins slightly when Matteo then mentions the bed again* The more and the longer we’re separated, the lazier we get because we constantly have to refuel our yearning-batteries in bed… *sits up a little for a moment but only to push his arm under Matteo’s neck again and to pull him closer again* *briefly kisses his forehead when he says that he’ll cook for him and humms in agreement* Then I’ll go shopping on Saturday for it… will you write me a list?
Matteo: *laughs slightly* So what? That’s the best place to recharge your batteries… *smiles immediately when David pushes his arm under his neck* *scoots even closer and puts his head down on his shoulder* I’ll send you a list once I decided what I’ll cook… or if you’ll tell me what you feel like eating…
David: *nods and grins and humms in agreement* True… *strokes over his shoulder a little absentmindedly and says quietly* I like everything you cook… you can surprise me… or I’ll have to guess by the list what you’ll cook and if I guess it right, then I’ll get dessert afterwards… *then hears a knock on the door and Laura’s voice: “May I wish the in-law fun on his seminar or would that interrupt the privacy!?”* *groans quietly but is actually still glad that it’s “only” Laura, who probably won’t interrupt them for long*
Matteo: *looks up at him and grins a little wickedly* There will be dessert no matter what… *winks at him with a grin* But yes, okay, we can do it like that… *then also hears the knock and doesn’t really want to see anyone right now* *but has to grin automatically when Laura calls him in-law* *still sighs slightly* *says a little louder* We’ll make an exception… come in… *sits up a little when the door opens and Laura comes in* Hey…
David: *laughs quietly when Matteo winks at him, but doesn’t get the chance to answer because of the knock* *sits up when Matteo tells Laura to come in and automatically tugs his shirt a little more loose* *regards Laura not exactly happily and gets a secretary’s-office-look from her first thing: “Don’t look like that… I’ll be gone again in a second… I really just wanted to say goodbye… I have the early shift tomorrow and have to be at the daycare at 7 - I suppose you’ll still be asleep then…”* *nods and murmurs* Very likely… *sees Laura nod: “I figured…” and hears her ask Matteo: “And when will you get back on Sunday? Just so I know when my brother will be bearable again…”* *gives her the secretary’s-office-look in return but realizes at the same time that the lump in his throat is back* *swallows it down angrily because he doesn't want to be weak in front of Laura of all people if she wants to tease him right now, anyways*
Matteo: *laughs slightly when David doesn’t exactly look thrilled and she says that she’ll be gone again in a second* Umm… we’ll go back after lunch… so sometime in the afternoon… *then tilts his head a little* And David is always bearable… *hears Laura laugh: “Yes, when you’re there…”* *shakes his head but can’t suppress a grin* *then sees Laura open the door again: “Okay, consider yourself hugged… no, no, don’t get up… and see you on Sunday…”* *waves after her again and sees her disappear again* *then looks at David* Wow, lately the two of you are really… umm… very siblinglike, huh?
David: *briefly smiles gratefully at Matteo when he says that he’s always bearable, but then hears Laura’s comment, swallows against the lump and then says with a really only slightly husky voice* Since Matteo is there most of the time, I have no idea why you’d assume I was unbearable otherwise… don’t worry… I’ll hole up in here and you won’t notice any of my unbearableness… *sees Laura roll her eyes and hears her murmur something along the lines of him being sensitive, but then hears her say her goodbyes to Matteo and finally sees her leave the room* *lies back down onto the bed and looks at Matteo* *shrugs one shoulder at his words* No clue what’s going on with her… since we got notice that we had to move out she’s sometimes so… *slightly shakes his head* ...such a mixture of siblinglike and motherly… whatever… *reaches his arms out for him again*
Matteo: *looks at him a little skeptically when he talks about Laura* *lies back down with him into the same position they were in before* *asks carefully* But you’re also more annoyed about it than usual, aren’t you? *looks up at him*
David: *wraps his arms around him when he lies down again and presses a kiss to his forehead* *then grimaces at his question and sighs quietly* I don’t know… not so much the thing with being siblinglike… I know that from the past. We constantly teased or insulted each other or something like that, but it also passed again very quickly and we made up and were back to normal… her being motherly annoys me more… because that’s new and… because I somehow also don’t understand why she is like that lately… *looks down at him and smiles slightly* But we won’t seriously talk about the currently screwed up relationship between Laura and me on our last night before you leave, right? *frowns slightly in amusement*
Matteo: *hummms slightly at his answer* Okay, I understand that… *also thinks that Laura is keeping a closer eye on David, but wouldn’t necessarily have called it motherly* *but bites back on commenting on it* *then smiles at his question and shakes his head* No, you’re right… we won’t… *lifts his head and kisses him* Let’s better talk about the marvelous relationship between the two of us… *kisses him again more tenderly* ...but maybe not with words…
David: *grins and exhales in relief when Matteo agrees to not talk about Laura and him right now* Phew, thank God… *smiles when he gets a kiss and smiles even more when he hears his suggestion* *humms in agreement and murmurs against his lips* Sounds much better… *then slightly grins into the next kiss and murmurs again* Sounds a lot better… *then doesn’t talk anymore and instead turns more toward him and pulls him closer while they keep kissing tenderly* *tenderly runs his hand over his back and almost automatically slips his hand under Matteo’s shirt at some point*
(next play)
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cosmica-galaxy · 2 years
hey there, cosmica, how you doin? hope you’re fine. i just wanna drop by and say smt. anyways, this is dally speaking here, pardon for the anon, im a bit uncomfortable bringing up this topic.
i know you mean well, and i know you like my purgatory mode series, and even drew fanart of it, which i appreciate.
but im truly sorry having to go here and telling you that- but i really would like if you could uh- you know, stop associating your god purgy with my series. if that even makes sense. (sorry, english isnt my first language)
again, im really sorry having to burst bubbles. i do appreciate your design on the player, i really do.
but….i think it would be better if you would make her your own player, rather than associating her with my stories, even if you’re inspired by it.
i know you’re changing her backstories and all, but would it be okay if you could also change her name too? perhaps its too much, but i think purgy would pass off as another kind of player rather than just being stuck in purgatory mode series because you got inspired by it. (im sorry if i sound like im bargaining)
i have my personal reasons on why im doing this, and i dont normally do this tbh. its not that because i have a dislike on the god readers troupe, i actually quite enjoy them. ive written some stuff there that are based on my life, and also doing the series as a coping mechanism, as well as other stuff contributing to it.
i know god players are kinda popular here, but i truly dont want my series to be apart of this until im comfortable enough to allow it, or until i write far enough in the pm au to give the ok. even if its your version of purgatory player.
like i said, i appreciate and love your design on purgatory player, but i feel like this is just going too far in the god players au.
i think your purgy can be better off being her own player rather than just a player in purgatory mode au.
as much as i want to allow you to keep her name, im afraid i have to ask you to stop. purgatory mode is more than just another au of saltys self aware au to me, since i kinda add snippets of my struggles here and there- like telling two sides of a story if you squint your eyes really hard.
i really dont want this to be another incident i had to suffer last year. so thats why im here, before things get worse.
if you’re struggling about naming her, i’d be happy to help. just drop by in my inbox anytime even doe it’ll take a long time for me to reply ^^ (dont dm me doe, i get socially awkward in the dms and also uncomfortable)
again, im sorry to come here and ruin your party. i didnt mean it to happen.
I understand and it's perfectly okay to explain your reasoning and set boundaries.
I've been actually trying to abide by your wishes, as I've been searching through the tags to edit the God!Player stuff and remove your tags from them and even made a post addressing how you felt about it and how I was trying to remedy it, since you desire to not be associated with the God!Players AU. I've even been trying to rename Purgy. I still like the name, but I think it would be fitting to change it. But people already associate the name with my design, so there's going to be some difficulties altering it. I've also been trying to change her backstory to instead become the god of grunt reincarnation rather than purgatory, just to further separate the AU and end most similarities. It's just a habit that I keep calling her Purgy, and she is also now considered an original character to me. As well as making them different and set purely into the God!Player AU, Purgy won't have connections to Purgatory AU anymore. I'll be trying my best to cut the ties and change up the character. So no hard feelings. : )
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⚠️Cursing and Mention of B!00d Warning!⚠️
Hello everyone and welcome to this little blog that posts shit or whatever
You can call me Potato/Fries or Noelle or whatever,i use She/her and They/Them pronouns and i’m Biromantic and Asexual
Weird long as fuck info stuff or whatever,read it if you’d like
General stuff or whatever
1.Old pinned post and even older pinned post
2.All of my ocs,and yes,i did edit it
3.I am very lonely so send asks or pm me!
4.I’m also bored so send Narrator,Stanley,Mariella and Curator asks or whatever
5.Me and Destinyjellyfish are besties sou- Ye
6.I will mostly post about Stanley when he Parables because i damn can
7.My tags!
Very extremely flippin random - Tag for the random shit i post
Me and my b e s t i e - Tag for when me and my friend do stuff
Pinned post!<3 - Tag for my pinned post (duh-)
Nicolas Marcus - Tag for my Narrator
Stanley Parry - Tag for my Stanley
Mariella Parker - Tag for my Mariella
Cyra Kristine - Tag for my Curator
Karter Green - Tag for my Employee 432
8.New tags i’ll prolly use!
Potato reblogs - Reblogs
Potato draws - My art
Potato doodles - My art on paper
Potato fics - Fanfics,just,yeah
Potato randomly talks - My random ass rambles about stuff
1.If you wanna rp,just tell me!I am a generally nice person and i just absolutely love rps!
2.Please please PLEASE don’t take some rps to 18+ territories,i am fine with mentions of blood,loss of limbs and some gore but smut or whatever is just..N O
3.I am multifandomed so if you are in a fandom i know,i’d be happy to rp with that fandom!
4.It actually takes me 10 more or less minutes to type something so- Please be patient with my ass that types very slow:’]
5.If i don’t respond,that prolly means i’m either in school or sleeping
For art requests
1.Same with rule 2 and 3 in the section for rps,i’m fine with drawing blood and gore but will refuse for the other 18+ stuff.And i will take requests for other fandoms!My ass is multifandomed so- Yaa:]
2.I’ll make a post announcing if i feel like drawing because i feel like some of you little fothermuckers will ask if i could draw this one character then be disappointed when i say i currently don’t take requests-
3.Slow with art requests so if it starts to pile up,i’ll prolly close up requests
For asks for characters (CU or TSP)
1.No 18+ asks that contain smut or some honi stuff alright?- Me and most of the characters that’ll accept asks are children-
2.Please do not spam stuff,my notifications are already dying,they don’t need their soul to be killed too
3.If it’s an ask that mashes my aus together,please tell me because you might want a specific au meeting another one but i might write another au meeting another one
4.If you want an ask with a pic related to the situation then pls tell.Also,this will lead to the answer taking longer than expected
For writing requests (any fandom that i know)
2.I will allow Angst,Comfort and Fluff but NO SMUT/LEMON/LIME OR SHIT LIKE THAT OK????
3.If you wanna request,here’s a quick template:
Genre(or whatever it’s called,basically like the type of fic)/Fandom/Character/s/Ship(if there is one)/AU
Ex. Fluff/The Stanley Parable/Narrator and Stanley/Swap!Stannarrator/Swap!Au
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choppedupnotkilled · 3 months
Now that I've given up on every single post on my blog being Little Shop related do y'all wanna hear some hopefully-non-doxing stories?
My best friend in middle school was this guy who was in a science club with me. We both loved animals and wanted to study them as adults and he seemed pretty chill in spite of a troubled past that I won't detail partially for privacy and partially because I barely remember what it was now that it's been several years. To his credit he only asked me out once (a few days after we met) (he was apparently dared by his friends) and was pretty respectful about having a crush on me by the standards of middle schoolers.
On my birthday he ordered some soup with his food and didn't touch it, which is what my sperm donor is most mad at him for to this day despite some of the other stuff he did being obviously much worse (more on that later)
We would facetime a lot, to the point that I made up some stuff about how my parents wouldn't let me go on Facetime while they weren't in the house or after 8 pm, to the point that we once went on a call so long that my not very old at the time IPad went from 100% charged to nearly 0 to 100 again and near the end I was just looking up random genera on Wikipedia and asking him which species he liked most in it because my mom was busy working with someone who was fixing something in the house and couldn't rescue me. Once he apparently got an "ADHD attack" (which I now know is not a thing) and was super hyperactive for a while while I was on Facetime with him and I had to talk him down from egging his house to egging a tree while just generally looking out for him
He also flipped the camera while shaking a bottle of soda once to prank/trick me into thinking he was going to show me him jerking off and was super proud of himself for pulling it off. And told me that he was turned on by me using my dog as a pillow once.
One time on a Facetime call he mentioned that his fish was sick and would need to be put down. I, not knowing as much about the keeping of fish as him and also being 14, mostly believed that he was doing things the way they were supposed to be done when he put this fucking fish directly on the floor of his room without a towel or anything and chopped off its head with a machete. It took two swings. I can vividly see this in my head. I now know that he was probably trying to impress me by doing this and that that is not the accepted protocol for putting a fish down. I have no idea why he thought this would impress me considering that we became friends because we both love animals and I didn't approve of his friends setting animals on fire. Which he told me about in a disparaging way. After I told another friend about this years later he became known as Machete Fish Boy between the two of us.
He also kept a fully wild raccoon in a cage in the bathroom alongside his room for... I don't remember exactly how long but it was at least a week until his grandparents made him get rid of it. He was planning on taming it.
Anyway we lost contact because he ghosted me presumably for going too long without agreeing to date him, I referred to him as Dead to Us for a while after that but obviously I'm over it now
I saw him while I was volunteering at the local zoo the summer before last and he seemed totally normal and well adjusted, he was there with a few friends as well
About a month after that my mom randomly decided to look him up for old times sake and we found out that he had been arrested for trying to kill someone with a chainsaw. Apparently she and her fiance had taken him into their home and eventually kicked him out for reasons I don't know and he rammed his truck into their trailer and threatened her with the chainsaw for "taking her daughter away from him" (I think he had dated her daughter)
There were kids in the trailer
He also has charges of domestic assault (might have been some other specific legal label, it was along those lines though) and more recently was arrested for getting into a fight at a traffic stop
Because they let him out of jail so soon after that for some reason
Me and my friend call him Chainsaw Person Man now
I'm probably gonna be interviewed in a documentary about him at some point so... looking forward to that lmao
0 notes
iwadori · 3 years
When they neglect you for another girl Part 4 (Sakusa)
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Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Word Count: 2.6K
Genre: Angst to Fluff
AN: YES I DID PUT MYSELF IN THIS STORY! SUE ME. This is basically inspired by a random conversation i had w the great @teesumu, so this is basically for you doll <3
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You and Sakusa have been together for a around 10 years and love eachother immensly.    
However recently Sakusa has been busy and you havent really had much time together lately as he claims been busy doing loads of visits with his new agent.
But of course, being the loving partner you are you wanted to revive the spark in your relationship.
You have been seeing a lot of people on social media posting their aesthetic ‘picnic dates,’ and you knew that this was something that appealed to you before it was ‘on trend.’ Kiyoomi immediately came to your mind once you had the idea of going on a date. You knew that you haven’t be around each other lately, as Kiyoomi always had either a ‘meeting’ or some sort of ‘interview’ that his new agent “Empress” has set up for him.
You didn’t really know Empress that well, just that she was ‘good at her job,’ a ‘hard and dilligent worker,’ and a ‘raging hottie’ with Atsumu’s opinion being the last one. You weren’t suspecting her to have any malicious intent towards you or Kiyoomi, since you knew that he had a great judge of character. But it was just odd, that every time Kiyoomi was running late or having ‘super-secret’ conversations on the phone it was always because ‘my agent set up this,’ ‘my agent set up that,’ and that’s what left you a bit wary.
As you were scrolling through your phone you see a calendar updating saying : Next Week‘ A DECADE AGO WE FELL IN LOVE.’  
10 years. How could you forget? You and Omi have literally been together for a decade. You think back to the decade of madness and love you’ve been through together, smiling fondly to yourself but then you think about where you are now... barely even talking to each other, only mainly seeing him when he comes home from work.
You need to fix this. Or at least make an attempt to get you and Kiyoomi talking again. So, the only thing you can do, is plan that picnic.
You spent the rest of the day planning your anniversary picnic. ’It’s going to be great,’ you think to yourself, you have a list of all Omi’s favorite foods you're going to make him and bring and you are probably going to pick up a few board games and maybe even get some paint supplies. You and Kiyoomi used to paint a lot together, with the two of you not being the best of painters, but you enjoyed eachothers company non the less.  
Everything was sorted...for the most part. All you needed to do was get Omi there, and it’ll all be okay. Right? As you were bubbling and looking for more picnic inspo, you hear your front door open which made you even more excited to tell your boyfriend your plans.  
As you rush to go greet him, you see he’s on the phone making you roll your eyes. “No Empress it won’t work, we need this sorted by next week. Okay? Next week.” he says in an agitated way. He hangs up the phone and sighs, shoving off his duffel bag.
“Hey Omi, how was your day?” you say a bit hesitant, noticing his annoyed mood.  
“Fine” He said dismissively, aiming to walk past you aiming for your bedroom.
“Oh well I have something amazing planned for ne-” you try to say following after him.
“Can we not do this right now Y/N,” he says again turning too look at you making you frown a bit, all you wanted to do is surprise him with your plans and have a day out with him. After noticing your sad look he finishes with “it’s just that Empress she’s bee-”
“I don’t want to hear about her.” you say bitterly folding your arms, Empress is the last person you want to hear about right now “God Omi can’t you just care about me? For once.”
“I do I-”
“You don’t anymore,” you say, with all the emotions and feelings you’ve been just supressing from a while coming up. You don’t even know how you got from point A to B with this conversation, but there's no stopping now. “I feel that, for a while now we haven’t been how we were before when we were just Y/N and Kiyoomi. Instead of how we are now. Just Y/N. Then Kiyoomi and Empress.”
After hearing his agents name, Kiyoomi’s name contorts to confusion “Empress? What does she have to do with anything?”
“How can you not see? For the past month all it’s been is ‘Empress this’ ‘Empress that,’” you complain “Having your super secret conversations with her, like god Kiyoomi can’t you see a problem with this?”  
“It’s not like that Y/N, we’re just work partners” he says looking a bit annoyed “Just business.”
 “Just business? So Kiyoomi, what were you talking about on the phone earlier” you say with your voice slight accusingly.
“Umm I, I can’t really say?” he says more of a question then a fully assured statement. You squint your eyes at him and scoff.
“What is going on with you Omi?” you say “are you cheating on me with her is that it?”
“No, no of course not Y/N! How could you even ask that?” he frowned at your question making your chest hurt, since deep down you knew he could never do that to you. Could he?
“Well tell me then, what were you talking about?” you ask again.
“I can’t say..” he finishes  
“Well I can’t stay.” you say and his face goes back to confusion “Here. With you.”
“What do you mean Y/-”
“I need a break or something. I just can’t be here right now.” You start to rush and pack a big of things whilst Kiyoomi just stands there.
After you pack up your stuff, you look back and see Kiyoomi just there. Standing. You were upset, you kind of wanted him to rush after you and beg you not to leave, but he was just there. Standing. So you put the hand on the door and just before you leave you turn back and say “bye Sakusa, see you later?” to which you see him slightly nod at.
When the door shut, Kiyoomi starts to cry. After hearing you call him by his last name really twisted the knife that was already in his heart. You haven’t called him that since you were like 15. He knew what you wanted; he knew you wanted him to rush towards you and beg you not to leave, but he didn’t. He couldn’t. But what he could do is call the one person he only could call.
After a few rings, he hears “What do you need Saku?”  
“She’s gone, she left.”
“What do you mean she’s gone, did you tell her?”  
“No I didn’t tell her. And that’s the problem, Empress she think-”
“Saku, don’t worry about it. I’ll handle it.”
“You’ll handle it?”
“Don’t I always?”
He couldn’t argue with that, he just had to trust that Empress could sort it. “And also, don’t spend the week with your head up your ass crying, you’ve got a lot of grovelling to do kiddo.”
He nodded even though she couldn’t see him, as he knew that what just went down needed to be resolved, fast.
Meanwhile, on your end. You’re a mess. Sobbing all the time, tissues are your best friend, you’ve been waiting just waiting for a message or a call, or some form of communication. You just wanted to feel wanted by your boyfriend (can you even call him that now.)  
You spent the rest of the week at your parents, immersing yourself in your work and doing ‘self care’ things, trying to forget all about the argument you and Kiyoomi had.  
One day, you receive a letter, it wasn’t delivered by a mail man though. It was slid under your door, in a golden envelope sealed with a red hot wax seal. It read:
‘Dear Y/N,
My sweetheart, im sorry for how the week has been and I know a letter with only a fraction of how I feel won’t make up for how I acted that day. But im inviting you to join me at the Gardenia Botanical Gardens at 2 pm tommorow, to celebrate our 10 year anniversary.  
I know there is a big chance, you may not want to see me and I understand but please. I love you, so so much, that words can’t even describe. But I need you to see me apologise and I need to make it up to you.  
I hope to see you there, I’d wait the whole day for you. If you don’t show, I understand.
Sincerely, Sakusa Kiyoomi
P.S The theme is ‘summer hot day, tea with the queen’ - Atsumu’
You smile at the letter, but wonder if you should actually go or not. You did want to see him of course and get this all resolved, but you had your own plans for your anniversary which wouldn’t of been spoiled if he didn’t withhold his super-secret phone calls.
It took you hours to contemplate on what to do, but you decided to just sleep on it and see how you feel tomorrow. In the morning, you knew what you wanted to do. Of course, you had to go, at least to hear him out and see if he really did cheat on you or not. For all you know he’s inviting you to tell you that he’s going to run away with his agent and his secret kids they had together. You shook the negative thoughts from your head and just repeated your mantra ‘hope for the best and prepare for the worst.’
When you got there, you didn’t exactly know where he would be but he said ‘botanical gardens’ so of course you decided to just wander around there. It was nice walking around and just smelling the roses, and seeing the pretty scenery.  
“Excuse me ma’am,” you hear someone say tugging on your leg “um that mister over there told me to give you these.” Looking down, you see a small boy who looked about the age of four with a crumpled up bunch of roses handing them to you.
“Oh thank you,” you say giving the kid a head pat “where is this ‘mister’ might I ask?”
“He’s over there!” The kid pointed behind him and you look to see Kiyoomi sitting under a white gazebo which is surrounded in your favorite flowers and the table is filled with food.
You walk over to your ‘boyfriend,’ with him not noticing your present yet. When you reach him you say “I think she stood you up buddy,” you joke making him jump abit startled.
“Y/N!” he exclaimed, instantly beaming “You came you made it!” he stood up and pulled you into a hug, which you return before you remember why you came here in the first place.
“Oh I-” he says awkwardly
You decide to sit down pulling him down with you. You kind of sit there in uncomfortable silence, for a while until you both say.
“So I-”
“What are yo-”
You both laughed at your simultaneous comments, before Kiyoomi looks at you letting you speak. “What did you want to bring me here for?”
“I didn’t want, what happened last week to happen Y/N I-” he says looking a bit panicked “It wasn’t supposed to go this way.”
“Then how was it meant to go Sakusa.”
“Y/N, please don’t call me that, I know I made you upset but pleas-” he starts before getting distracted again “Y/N, I called you here to say a few things..”
“Them being.?” you ask a bit impatiently.
“I love you. I love you so much, you don’t even understand. Ever since I saw you at my volleyball game in our first year, in the stands just cheering us on. I knew that from that day, after I scored the winning point and our eyes met, that we were destined to be together. I just love you so much Y/N”
“Omi I don’t understand I-”
“Just let me finish please, It’s taken a while for me to say this. And trust me, there’s been so many times when I wanted to just say ‘hey Y/N let’s get married,’ but I couldn’t I was scared, and I wanted it to be perfect, so perfect. Because you deserve the world Y/N. That’s why I got Empress to help, I know that our conversations may seem odd, but I love you and she knows that she just wanted to help trust me. And she did, all this wouldn’t of been done if it wasn’t for her. But anyways Y/N what I waned to say was I love you and I love you and I-” he rambles on loosing track of his words.  
But in the midst of his speech, you hear all that you needed and responded with the only way you can.
“Yes.” you say simply, with a growing smile on your face.
“Yes?” he repeats confused “What do you meann ye- ohhh" Kiyoomi blushes embarrased that after all that he ended up ruining the thought out proposal he wanted to give you with his ramble.
“Im sorry Y/N, I didn’t mean to say it like that I wanted it to be perfect and I-”
You shut him up with a kiss making his eyes widen as he reciprocates it anyways.  
“What did she say?” you hear someone shout from a far, and you look over to see the MSBY Jackals all standing there with shit eating grins on their faces.
“I said yes!” you yell back, to which they all cheer and rush towards you guys giving you both hugs and slapping Kiyoomi on the back.  
As the boys celebrate Omi finnally do what he’s been planning for ages, you get approached by Empress who awkwardly walks up to you. “ I didn’t want to leave the impression that me and Saku were any sort of thing?” she says
“Yeah I think it was definitely a big misunderstanding, it’s just that Omi was never around and whenever he was he was just talking to you and you know how it is.”
“I definitely know, I’d feel the same way if my boyfriend did that to me.”
“Oooh boyfriend?” you ask her feeling nosey on her romantic life.  
“Yeah boyfriend. You know iwaizumi hajime... the trainer?” she says smiling a bit when she said his name.
“The trainer! Nice.”
The rest of the night was fun and was basically an engagement party for you and Omi all you and friends just partying and celebrating yours and Omi’s love for each other. “Omi” you say getting his attention “Happy ten year anniversary babe”
“Happy anniversary, I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
After the party you spend your months now planning for a big fat wedding, with the help of your new found bestie, Empress (who you obviously misjudged from the start.) You and Omi could never be happier, every thing was back to how it was before, maybe even better. And you definitely spent at least two Saturdays a month going out for picnics and it was now a tradition in your relationship, so in the end you did get your ‘aesthetic picnic date.’
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ririsann · 3 years
Hi! I hope you're doing well~ I love the way you write and was hoping to get a request in!
But if it's okay, can I request the boys (Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji) finding out about a crossdressing reader? Specifically one where reader has been a part of the Toman Gang and doesn't speak too much. The guys assume her gender (Because of the way she dresses and her lack of speech) and one day she starts speaking and a rather feminine voice comes out from her mouth and the guys are just stunned.
I'm basing this scenario off of This Video! https://youtu.be/RJCFgnSkbP0
Anyways, take your time and make sure to stay safe and healthy ✌
「 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐲𝐚 」
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the boys falling in love with a crossdresser.
𝐏𝐓 𝟏 ; 𝐏𝐓 𝟐 ; 𝐏𝐓 𝟑
𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠... ryuuguuji “draken” ken, sano “mikey” manjirou x f!reader
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 - SUPER LONG (wc: 1961), violence, spoilers- draken (after valhalla, not much tho), mikey (~190+/final arc/2008 IM SORRY)
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 - i split this into 2 parts bc it got rlly long!! pt2 coming soon HI ANON I LOVE U AND THIS PROMPT (and gin WOWIE) currently shaking im so excited I GOT THIS ON VACATION AND I ALMOST SCREAMED ON PUBLIC TRANSIT... all scenarios r diff bc i didnt know how to format it whoops haha long post but yes haha i loved writing this so much i want more of it   ⊳ tbh im pretty unsatisfied with mikey’s because its cheesy as hell and i just dont think it’s that great haha i might make a different one another time but for now its pretty bland :/
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𝐃𝐑𝐀𝐊𝐄𝐍 thought that you were badass as hell. more or less you made more of the plans instead of fought, but when you did fight you kicked ass. smart AND strong, what a combo.
though you didn’t talk much, he started to take a liking to you. too much of a liking. let’s just say that he had too many sleepless nights of thinking about his sexuality.
“(y/n), why don’t you talk? it’s kinda boring, ya know,” mikey asks. you shrug, not really having a real reason for being silent. but honestly, being quiet was nice. you didn’t have to get into any real drama or fights because you said something wrong since you literally don’t say anything.
“well, whatever. kenchin, wanna go get dorayaki?” the taller blond grunts in agreement.
“seeya, (y/n). meeting’s at 10 tonight.” the duo wave at you while they leave to go to terrorize some store with the sheer amount of dorayaki they were gonna buy.
you sigh. finally, some alone time. outside of school and touman, you really liked to sing. not really a loud belt, but more of a hum. you really like humming, it was nice. and it allowed you to use your voice for once since you also didn’t talk much at school.
it was currently only 5 pm, so you had a good four and a half hours until you had to show up to the shrine for the meeting. not like there was much for there to discuss, since there shouldn’t have been any big fights going on any soon.
~ 龍宮寺堅 ~
9:45 pm. your fifth division was pretty boring, other than the fact that sanzu was being a little more talkative than usual, so you went over to the first division with chifuyu and hanagaki. they didn’t really care that you didn’t talk much, though they were curious about you.
“oh, (y/n)-san, hey! how are you?” you nod and smile, showing that you were in a better mood than usual. you point to him. most of touman knew your body language at this point.
“that’s good! i’m doing well too!” you charade a laugh and look over your shoulder to see your own captain looming over you. not menacingly, since he knew that you were unexplainably important to touman, but like he was calling you for a while and he was losing a bit of patience.
“(y/n), we have stuff to talk about; me, you, and haruchiyo.” you nod and wave a goodbye to the first divison while catching up with mucho.
“we need you to look into a few people, but that’ll be a physical job that haruchiyo’ll help you with.” you raise an eyebrow, skeptical of your captain’s plans. you wondered if mikey knew about this. nevertheless, you nodded along.
“show up at the warehouse near the convenience store oh the fifth block to the east from here. wednesday 9 pm sharp.” you nod along with your pink-haired vice-captain.
before you could get the chance to go back to chifuyu and hanagaki, the revving of motorbikes stopped you. everyone rushed into untidy lines by division. you spaced out for the majority of the meeting, safe to say.
~ 龍宮寺堅 ~
wednesday, 8:58 pm.
you and sanzu both showed up at the warehouse that was mentioned the other night from your captain, though he was still nowhere to be seen. you look at your vice-captain, questioning if he knew anything. he was also quite quiet, so he simply shook his head “no” and continued to be on the lookout.
you ruffle your hair. you cut your hair pretty often, and pretty short too. i guess it gave some kind of illusion that you were a dude, which you were pretty sure that everyone in touman was convinced that you were [a dude].
“well, well, well, who’s this?” you hear an unfamiliar voice from behind you. you spin around to see a masked man who felt like they were 10 times your height. sanzu was also on high alert, hearing the voice.
you would never admit it, but you were trembling. absolutely terrified. was this an ambush??
“not gonna reply? alright, we’ll play this the hard way.” the man grabs your wrist and holds onto it hard. you were sure that it was bruising right in that moment. you try to kick him, but he just catches your ankle with his other hand.
sanzu tried to help you, though he was now occupied with more men that had tried to jump him. sucks that the both of you weren’t vocal in the slightest, or a lot of screaming and shouting would’ve been happening.
a few shouts from the masked man and his lackeys seemed to reach a certain brothel nearby. it also happened to catch the attention of a certain vice-president. 
the aforementioned vice-president took off running from his place, because his sense of justice was really high that night for some reason. he found it kinda strange, since he technically didn’t care about what was happening but just had a really bad feeling about it.
“hey, say something, pussy. too scared to say anything?” the man smirks and throws you across the concrete, gaining a small grunt from you. you were thankful for the hoodie you were wearing, though it now had tears in the back.
he walks over to you, his face saying “you’re gonna have the biggest beatdown in your life right here.” you weren’t really scared of him anymore, but your physical attention was more on sanzu and thoughts went to where your captain went.
you got kicked, skidding across the ground again. and again, and again. you were pretty sure that you had a few broken ribs at this point. he kneels down to your beaten body, preparing to punch you, assumingly over and over again, but hesitates as you flinch. the smirk on his face fades.
“what a puny fifth division.” he lowers his fist. “wouldn’t hurt if i just killed you right here.” he stands up, raising his foot over your head.
“any last words?”
you were close to unconsciousness, but you look up and see a figure running towards your aggressor. they were blurry, but you could tell that it was your gang’s vice-president.
before the masked man could say anything else, a forceful punch hit him in the back of the skull.
your eyes felt like lead. but you wouldn’t dare close them, because who knows, you were on the verge of death at that moment. closing them meant that you gave up, and in turn you gave up your life.
the rest of the fight was a blur. you assumed when the noise died down draken won and sanzu was safe. a familiar head that was half shaven, half blond picked your limp body up.
“(y/n)!? can you hear me??”
“i hear ya, ken.” you barely vocalize. your entire body was sore, so your usual body language was out of the question.
he was shocked to hear your voice. he thought that it would be deeper, more masculine, and a bit breathy from the lack of exercise it got, but it happened to be really smooth and a much higher pitch than he expected.
“we’ll get you to the hospital, just hang on tight.”
“i’m not sure if i can hang on for that long, ken. my ribs are broken,” you explain. “i’m probably bleeding internally right now--”
“stop talking, you’ll make it. i’ll make you make it.”
the next thing you know, the feeling of wind flows through your freshly cut hair and your face was snuggled into the neck of your saviour as he dashed towards the nearest hospital.
“thank you for being here, ken,” you breathed out. “i love you.”
you fell limp on his back. he continued to run, tears obscuring his vision.
“i love you too, (y/n).”
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𝐌𝐈𝐊𝐄𝐘 didn’t really care that you didn’t talk. if anything, he kinda appreciated it sometimes. touman could get really rowdy at the wrong time for him so he would go and confide in you.
he was one of the only people to be fully fluent in your body language, alongside the captains, draken, and you family and a few closer friends. many times he would communicate with you in class when he wasn’t sleeping like this. (not like the teachers could do anything - they were too scared to talk back to mikey.)
when he came up to you one day and asked “why don’t you speak?”, you simply shrugged your shoulders and headed off to your next class. there was no real reason for you to not talk, but also no real reason for you to talk either. why communicate when you could just exist? or be an enigma, either one work.
he never asked again since you were unwilling to share your deepest secret (aka your voice). 
 ~  佐野万次郎  ~
“how many years has it been since emma and izana died?”
you held up 2 fingers. it had been only 2 years since the disbandment of touman, and both you and mikey were executives of his new gang, kanto manjikai*.
*i believe it would be kanto manji gang, since the “kai” means gang but i’m not sure if people actually call it that so kanto manjikai it is!!
he puffed and laid back onto the roof of the building the two of you were on. despite it only being two years, it felt like forever ago.
making a new gang with who was at the previous top was easy, though going through the problems of every other gang was quite... annoying. it was no problem for mikey, of course, just a waste of time. 
as you ticked your tongue to the beat of a faint song from a club nearby, you watched the sky for anything special tonight. as per usual, nothing happens. you’re not sure what to expect to be in the sky, especially with all of the light pollution in tokyo.
“why do you stick with me?”
you turn your head to the boy and stop clicking your tongue.
“why do you stick with me, (y/n)? you willingly stay by my side when we both know that you’re gonna get hurt one day because of me.”
you sigh and look back up into the night.
“...because i love you,” you mumble. how embarrassing. your first words after not speaking for several years were “because i love you.”
mikey gave you a puzzled look. you couldn’t see it, but you could just tell. he was shocked, surprised, confused, and even more. 
for one, you talked to him for the first time in what? three or so years?
“are you--”
“yeah. i’m a girl.” you laugh. you’re not sure why, but you did. “surprised, are ya?”
your voice was sore even after speaking just a few words. i guess you should’ve been doing vocal exercises at home after all, huh. well, it wasn’t like you were planning on speaking more anyways.
a comfortable silence was welcomed as the blond processed all of the information and you quietly hummed to yourself.
you turned back when you heard the rustling of clothes behind you where mikey was.
“where are you going?”
“let’s go out for a ride. we can get dorayaki.” he starts to walk off to the stairway, leaving you.
you run to go catch up to him, almost tripping down the stairs.
“mikey, is this your way of asking me on a date?” your voice echoed throughout the hollow stairway.
you couldn’t hear a verbal answer, though you did hear his footsteps coming to a halt.
“take is as you will. afterall, you’re still my righthand girl (y/n).”
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ryosmne · 3 years
You're gonna fry your brain.
Hello everyone, since it's finals season and we're all probably really dead inside, I decided to self indulge in some tattoo artist! Sukuna writing, so here's this brainrot that won't let me focus on studying. You can read more of this au in the au masterlist.
I've been trying so hard to finish up a bartender! Dabi fic I have in the works for too long, hopefully I can get around to it too. After finals are done I'll be writing a lot more that's for sure.
Tattoo artist! Sukuna x f!reader
Warnings: language, suggestive tones, that's it.
Finals are by far the worst thing about college, y/n knows that the hard way. She's been stressing herself out for the past few days, maybe weeks, going over the same material again and again. She'd constantly argue that she really needs to pass with an high grade that's why she's so obsessive over it.
Sukuna had tried multiple times to help her ease her nerves, he's been there, although he was the type who never really stuck his nose in a book for too long, regardless, his best girl needed a break, no matter how hard she denied it.
Y/n had declined his invitations of going out, she dropped by the shop a few times, bringing Sukuna some food, but he could tell she was slowly burning herself up.
Today was no different, y/n had been writing everything down all day to help memorize it better. So many hours has passed since she started her study session but she didn't even notice that her clock read 8 pm already.
Sukuna did notice, y/n had been barely responding back to his texts and it was time he took matters into his own hands.
The earpiercing doorbell pulled y/n out of her trance like state, she quickly got up from her desk to go and get rid of whoever just rung it.
"Dollface, I was beginning to think you had died in there."
There was Sukuna, leaning in her doorframe, looking as good as he always did, in a plan white t shirt and a gray pair of sweatpants, holding a few bags and a huge basket.
"not quite, what's all this?"
Y/n motioned to the bags he had.
"Nothing much, just some things I picked up for you, will you let me in? this basket is fucking heavy."
No, the basket wasn't that heavy, Sukuna could carry it just fine, he just wanted to make sure that y/n didn't have a chance to deny him.
Y/n stepped aside to let Sukuna in, and he went straight to her kitchen, dropping his bags on the table.
"Thanks for dropping by babe, but I really need to finish the last three chapters I have left."
"Y/n, you're going to fry your brain at this rate, no more studying for today."
"No buts, you won't read another sentence today. We're destressing together."
Turns out, Sukuna had brought over many different things. He's not the type of guy to shy away from anything, so the first thing he did was to grab y/n and drag her into her bathroom.
Sukuna had taken mental notes the first time he looked through y/n's skincare products, he was able to determine her skin type and he went a bit crazy, buying her different things to try out.
"You are insane, that's drunk elephant, why did you get this many things?"
"Because you have the really terrible cheap stuff, now shut up you're going to eat the soap if you keep talking with cleanser all over your face."
Now, y/n's skincare wasn't bad, Sukuna had expensive taste and he's a bit of a brand snob
Sukuna gently poked her cheek with a smile as y/n's face distorted because she had in fact tasted the cleanser and Sukuna could only laugh at her before she flicked some into his mouth too.
"Don't kiss me with a face mask on you brat"
Y/n let out a soft laugh, Sukuna was doing his best to concentrate at the task at hand. Matching y/n's nail polish to his. Y/n had just finished painting his, matte black like he requested but y/n gave him some white polish on his ring finger. Sukuna had argued for a bit, saying it didn't look good and that he didn't like it, but gave in after y/n gave him a puppy face, can you blame him?
"But you look so cute like that."
Y/n complained, knowing that this little comment was going to feed Sukuna's ego more.
"I know doll, but artificial orange doesn't taste as good as it smells."
Y/n once again wasn't wrong, his cocky attitude always creeped in at times, not that she minded.
Time passed fast with watching trash reality shows on y/n's couch, after their very own self care day, Sukuna made sure to fix something they could both eat. Now they were engolved in each others arms, y/n's sleepy eyes staring up at him.
"How are you feeling, doll?"
Sukuna's hand found her hair, gently resting on top of her head.
"Much better, you're the best you know that?"
"I've heard it once or twice, I'll give you reasons to say it more often"
He gave her a gentle smile, leaning closer to steal a kiss, a little more intimate than the ones they shared earlier.
" 'Kuna, I'm sorry I was so stressed and distant this week, I probably worried you-"
"Don't be stupid, it's ok, I just want you to know I'm here for you, and it's just finals. You're a smart cookie, I'm sure you'll do great."
Y/n found his words reassuring and nuzzled closer to him, letting her lungs burn with his scent that never got less intoxicating.
"Thank you 'kuna, what would I do without you?"
The last few words came out slurred, but Sukuna understood everything, y/n's breathing got steadier against him.
"I don't know doll I'm just glad to have you here, I promised to take good care of you."
And just like that, y/n was fast asleep next to him, he didn't mind her uncomfortable couch one bit all he cared about was how at peace she looked. Maybe he would move her to her bed later, he couldn't bring himself to do it now.
The next morning, y/n found herself on her bed, Sukuna had almost woken her up getting ready before he left to go to work, but he managed to put her right back to sleep with a kiss on the forehead and a light "don't wake up yet doll".
Y/n made her way to the kitchen, Sukuna usually left a little letter for her on the nightstand by the bed, he must've been in a rush today.
Not quite the case.
Sukuna not only made her, her favourite breakfast, he also left post it notes in some places.
You suck at food shopping, thank me later.
Was written on her fridge.
So that's what all the bags were for, y/n didn't find out last night because of how tired she was, and how much fun she had being around sukuna.
He had filled up her fridge with everything she ever needed to make a meal for herself or have a snack. Let's be honest Sukuna just wanted to cook for her again.
Another post it was found in her bathroom cabinet.
You're probably gonna get mad at me for this but I'm not sorry, you deserve it.
The poor cabinet was stuffed to the brim with brand name skincare that made anyone's wallet scream in anguish and a lot of bathbombs. Upon closer look y/n almost cried at how attentive Sukuna was, he took extra care to look out for her skins needs.
Y/n found the last post it on her desk while she did her revision.
Don't overwork yourself doll, you've got me for that.
Y/n brought Sukuna cupcakes from seven different bakeries to try that day.
Bonus Domain shenanigans: "Sukuna left early again?"
Megumi asked, the day had been going pretty slow he wasn't surprised his friend dipped.
"Yeah, he left this behind though."
Geto held up a very nice looking white shop bag, a slight glimmer in his eye let the rest of his friends know he planned something.
"So? What's in it anyways?"
Gojo was resting his chin on his hand, blank expression on his face, completely unamused by Geto's discovery.
"Give me that"
Nanami swiftly snatched the bag, curious to see what was inside of it. He reached in and retrieved several wrapped round objects.
He questioned puzzled, but then his lips tugged upward.
Megumi, Nanami, Gojo and Geto, each got two bathbombs, and even though they would outright say it, they were pretty damn exited to drop them in their bathtubs. That's what Sukuna gets for avoiding clean up.
Sukuna entered the shop barely greeting anyone and begun looking around. Fuck he was looking for something, everyone tried to keep their composure.
"Have you seen a white bag?"
He finally looked at the group of men before him.
"like a backpack? No "
Megumi spoke, Sukuna begun thinking he was remembering everything wrong, that's untill he saw something sticking out of Geto's pocket. That's for sure a bathbomb he bought for y/n
"You motherfuckers, how low can you stoop to steal my girls bathbombs?"
Hey it's me again, though I'd add that here, if you have specific skin demands I tried to cover that in here so everyone can enjoy it, I have lots of allergies and skin concerns so I'm kinda sensitive to that stuff. Hope you had fun reading, remember to take it easy, untill next time :>
Tag list: (comment or message me and I’ll gladly add you)
@artist4theworld @skatercashew
@jjk-is-my-shit @ilovemarvel99
@thegaymadafakkasworld @readinghassavedmylife @ruler-of-the-skies
@jackysenpaii @rebenok-zimnayaya
@aam1na @sore-eyes@ryan249057 @goobygoobster @charlie-xo @kamisamaundercover
@stupid-simp33 @ciphersighs
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persoulnal · 3 years
Mafia! Jungkook x nurse! reader AU
Word Count: 4k
genre: mafia, angst, fluff, slight smut in future
warnings: blood, guns, swearing, you know the usually mafia stuff lol
PT 2
A/N: hi this is one of my first fics ever so pls be kind thank you! also this is very old and has been rotting in the drafts lol
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ZEMBLANITY: the inevitable discovery of what we would rather not know; the opposite of serendipity.
The cold stare left your face as soon as you entered the cramped and seemingly sad room. It was lightly decorated with flowers on the nightstand and side table, the walls had little encouraging messages, and the area above the bed was decorated with glittering lights at which lit up the dark room in the night when the main lights were to be off.
Your lips tug up into a firm and almost overly enthusiastic smile out of habit, if it were to seem too forced the patients and their family get anxious at your state of uncertainty, so you've made it second nature to show off as much teeth as you can when entering the rooms without going overboard.
Little Sooyoung sat in bed with her mother by her side. You weren't used to this side of the hospital, the confines of the ER station were practically where you lived, but upon your unit being told of a shortage and being asked to send their best nurse up, you were the individual seen as best suited. It was probably true, Wooyoung was a likely candidate, yet his way of cracking quick-witted jokes was more suitable for the fast in and out patients rather than the established ones. Lisa was a possibility, but she was still new and getting used to the downstairs set up that if she were to come up here, she might actually have a mental breakdown trying to process all the information
So here you were in the surgery care unit smiling down at a recovering heart surgery patient, not due to forced habit (though that may have made your smile look brighter), but out of pure happiness seeing this little girl have the brightest smile on her face.
"Hello, I'm Nurse Y/N filling in for Nurse Weein today. I'm just here to check on her vitals." You step closer to the machine giving it a quick look while the mother and her child continue discussing the need for a princess just like Sooyoung, a brave young girl who overcame a rare heart condition.
"Disney should make it and cast you as the star of the show," You grabbed the clip board from the bed posts putting a check mark near the selected time. "Everything is all set, me or another nurse filling in should be back to check up working a few hours. Also, I'd pay good money to that movie, someone should let Disney know."
The smile held onto your face for a moment before slowly fading away as you headed towards the nurse's station. It was almost time for you to clock out, thankfully. You came in today at 11 AM only supposed to stay till 8 PM running the day to afternoon shift with Irene but being sent up here made your end time become 11 PM, and you wanted to pass out that very second.
"Ms. Y/L/N, you don’t look too good, I sure hope you are leaving soon." Dr. Choi stated as he held a clipboard in hand reviewing the charts. His eyes gazed at you for a few seconds taking in your zombie like features; your eyes were decorated with deep bags underneath, your lips were chapping, and your skin just look tired in general.
"Thankfully, I am leaving now Dr.Choi ." You reply letting out the biggest sigh resting your hands against hips," If I stay here any longer, I may pass out."
"Thank you for coming up to help on such short notice. It means a lot." Dr. Choi looks up and gives her a short nod and you return to your desk area to review some more charts.
"No problem! I'm happy to help," You begin to pack your limited items tugging the light jacket onto your fatigued body, "See you guys!"
The rest of the nurse staff only brought their hands up bidding the weakest goodbyes to lucky you who gets to leave in time, while they must work overtime to get everything done.  You would have stayed, of course, if it weren't for the fact that you've been there for way past your scheduled hours, and for the fact that this wasn't your unit. You were used to ER, and it honestly was a shocker that they'd send a college student like you to already be assisting in other lines of work. You were definitely capable of it, obvious reason why they sent you, but it was just strange to see a short time employee already being sent up before long term employees.
Walking outside of the building it was a bit chilly and you tug the thing material closer to your body as you made your familiar 15-minute walk to your apartment complex. It was normal for you to walk this late; it was scary the first few nights but as time progressed you became less scared (the pepper spray and other defense weapons seemed to also help ease your fears too). It has only been calm for you walking home, you would tone out the surrounding noise by placing your air pods in your ears having it play at a low enough volume so you can be aware for all things around you.
The walk home also allowed for you to destress from traumatic work experiences. It was very common in the duration of your excruciatingly long shift for winter break and for the weekends that tragic disasters would be rolled into your unit needing immediate assistance and all hands-on deck. Recently there was a car accident victim, they were pretty roughed up, not enough though to go to other units, and it pained you to see the young teen girl in so much pain. Her parents were sent to the more urgent unit and were treated with such intense care that thinking about the girl's fate scared you, and rightfully so. The next week her father went into a coma dying a few days after and her mother too slipped into one, lasting a bit longer but too passing. It was crushing to have her in the hospital recovering yet still seeming to not be getting better. Those nights you took the long long way home.
Nearing your apartment building strange noises made you pause for a moment pulling your phone out to pause the music. It seemed like heavy breathing from a person leaning against the side of an empty building on the floor letting out fading groggy noises sounding like they were falling out of consciousness.
Before you knew it you were knelt beside the body bringing your slightly cold hands to the face tapping it lightly, "Hey, hey. Are you with me?"
"Yes," they let out a cough, blood pouring out of their mouths onto your grey scrubs leaving stains that you will have to scrub immensely to get out, "I'm here." 
"Okay." You assessed his body looking around at his side which seemed to be pooling out blood and his leg which seemed to also be having the crimson color spill from. "What's your name? I need to call the hospital-"
"No!" He reached up gripping your wrist that reached for his cell phone sat on the floor beside him. "Please no."
His eyes then closed again, and he grunted reaching for it before you could, "Call- call the most recent dial."
"We need to get you to somewhere else at least, you're bleeding a lot and we need to stitch you up," You look around seeing the dead street around tugging your lip into your mouth. "C'mon, I can't support your weight so you're going to need to try."
You wrapped his arm around you trying to lift him to the best of your ability and surprisingly got him pretty far off the ground before he began to aid you in lifting him up. "We are going to go to my apartment, it's down the street right there, okay? I will help you with your wounds."
He made no noise only limped with you to the dimly lit apartment complex. Finally making it there you try to rush as fast as you can to get in and begin helping this stranger to the best of your ability. You had little material, only the first aid/ surgery kits they gave to the interns your freshman year which was stocked with all sorts of gadgets you never got to use.
"Let's go to the table." You pause before it swiping all material that was on it off in a hasty manner before setting the male down softly letting him lay as you searched for the kit. Buzzing erupted on the wood as you returned with the plastic box opening it putting on the gloves inside.
"Taehyung? You asshole why haven't you answered sooner we were-"
"This isn't Taehyung," You yell out as sweat surfaced on your face and your heart rate increased as you started to prep to help this man. What in the hell were you doing? This man was a random individual you found on the street, for all you know he could be a criminal or a gang member, definitely someone you didn't want to have trouble with.
"Who is this? Where Taehyung?" The person on the other side of the phone sounded out of breath and it seemed the car they were in screeched as you hear the familiar tire noise through the speaker.
"Taehyung is with me. I found him bleeding on the side of the street. I was going to call the hospital, but he said not to," You bring more materials out and begin to cut his shirt and strip his pants of. Man, you really thought you'd being doing this in a different way, not in a way that you'd be trying to save a life, "He is very injured, and I am trying my best to help him."
"Where are you, we are coming to get him. We'll figure something out."
"I'm not giving you my address. I will help him right now and have him call you after." And with that you hang up trying to become more focused on the task at hand. It seems the damage wasn't as bad as you thought it was, but certainly if you didn't find him and if he didn't get the correct treatment, he might as well be a goner. His leg was grazed by a bullet, you recognize the perfect cut anywhere- wait a bullet? Your heartbeat quickened once more, you definitely weren't dealing with an everyday person, this was someone you didn't want to mess with, but you choke down your worry assessing the stomach wound. It was a stab; you've seen many knife wounds in the hospital and could recognize the mark of a blade.
"Taehyung," You tap his face again and he lets out a faint response, "I'm going to stitch you up now. You must trust me, this will hurt a hell of a lot, but you seem like a big guy who can take some pain, right? Now please bite down on this." You searched around for something and saw a kitchen towel laying on the floor from when you spilled everything off.
He obeyed placing the material in his mouth biting down softly, "Okay bud here we go."
Whipping the sweat off your dripping forehead you peer down at the now sleeping boy stationed on your couch. It was hell trying to drag him there, he was no longer conscious, even if he was, he had absolutely no strength to lift himself up, so you had to do everything on your own. His phone kept ringing, but you left it in the corning leaving it to go to voicemail during the whole procedure which took a hell of a lot longer than you thought it would. You estimated you got home around 11:35 PM and it was now nearing 2 AM. You had lots of trial and errors to go through, but you managed to stitch back together this boy who thrashed around violently as the pain from the disinfectant and the needle, it would probably have taken less time if he stayed still.
You jumped at the sudden vibration of his phone once more bending over to decline an incoming call from 'Seokjin'. You sighed seeing the forty-five missed calls and billions of other text messages from various people saying various things, one you read pertained to how they need to come gets Taehyung immediately but you threw the phone back down before reading the rest.
To say you were exhausted would be an understatement. Your body ached from head-to-toe yearning to collapse on your floral duvet not even bothering to change before doing so. Your eyes were shutting for a few seconds every now and then before shooting open as you attempted to make it in your room before passing out from exhaustion. You plopped down, eyes shutting instantly when feeling the comfort of your mattress.
The sound of a gun cocking brought your eyes to open as the sound of birds echoed from outdoors. You blink lightly thinking you possibly heard wrong but when they finally fluttered opened all the way you were met with a barrel directly pointed at your face, "Who are you?"
"What the fuck, dude?!" You back away from the gun back reaching your headboard as you see Taehyung stand before you.
"Who are you and why am I here?" He demanded and your eyes widen his finger getting closer to the trigger.
"Look at your side, I know you feel that bandage and I know you know you for sure did not fix yourself up like that. Put the fucking gun down." Your eyes stay trained on his as waited a few seconds and finally with shaky hands he lowered the weapon and placed it into his pocket.
"What happened?" He touched his side recalling some moments from the night before.
"Found you outside bleeding and brought you here after you said no hospital. I don't know what type of shit you're in, but I am going to make us breakfast and after I need you to call your friends and leave my apartment." You rub your eyes thankful that today is your day off, otherwise trying to get him out while getting to work on time would be your worst nightmare.
"I don't need breakfast, you've done enough. I'll just call my friends-"
"Please stay you're incredibly weak and need something in you. You look like you're about to pass out from standing there." You state while getting out of bed. "I'm going to change quickly then I'll be out. Also, here's a shirt sorry I wrecked yours."
You throw him a spare old shirt your ex left over. He then looks down to your attired, which were bloodied scrubs, that you didn't change out of before sleeping and his lips formed a frown, "I'm sorry for causing you such an inconvenience. I am really thankful you saved me."
"I like helping people. It's fine really, you can get your phone it's somewhere on the floor in the living room in a corner." You shoo the boy out letting yourself slip into some sweatpants and a tank top. Sliding out of your room you spot Taehyung speaking on the phone and he turns around giving you a small smile.
"Can you talk to my hyung for a second?"
You nod reaching to grab the device, "Hello?"
"Hello? Is this the lady who saved Taehyung?" The voice was the exact same from yesterday, Seokjin.
"Yes, I'm she."
"Perfect!" He then shuffled the phone for a moment before a deeper voice came into the other line.
"Hello, I'm Namjoon. Would you care to send your address so we can pick up Taehyung? It would be greatly appreciated, and we wouldn't want to trouble you more."
"I would send my address but I'm afraid of whatever you're apart of and wish to not be associated with it. May we meet at the Starbucks on Third?" You knew they were dangerous and giving your home address to a possible criminal? You were smarter than to do that.
"Ma'am I think it's best if we meet-"
"I said no thank you. We will be leaving there now. See you then." You hung up the Taehyung giving you a subtle smirk. His lips twitched up and he gave you an amused side glance. "What?"
"No one ever talks to Namjoon like that." He shook his head chuckling reaching to grab his phone. "Shall we be on our way?"
"We shall." You reach for the sunglasses on your counter and grab your side back off the sofa holding the door open for the boy. As they walk out, she can only but assume this boy is trying to remember his surrounding definitely taking into account which apartment you were on and counting the floors you walked down on the stairs, four to be exact, and mentally noting every street corner you pass by. He wasn't subtle about it, the way his eyes darted to see whatever sign he could to get a clue to where you lived, it was honestly humorous.
"I do hope you're noting where I live in order to send a thank you gift and not raid my apartment the next day," You turn the corner with him and finally reach the crowded Starbucks on third. It was a five-minute walk from your place but with walking traffic it was hard to do your usual speed walk to the destination making it more of a 10-minute walk.
"How did you-"
"You're not subtle you know? Your eyes were darting around every second or so." You held to door open for the boy waving your hand to direct him inside. He did his signature smug grind placing his hands in his pockets before entering the building with you following behind him.
"Where are you friends?" You look around but with how busy it is, it really could be anyone. Rather than speak Taehyung just walked away and you had to quickly catch up to his advancing figure to the back of the room where it looks to be two men sat in booth waiting for two others to join them: you two.
"Taehyung!" A man stood, the one facing you, and urged for the two new customers to take a seat beside them. Taehyung opted for the seat across from the purple haired guy who called for you two leaving you to sit beside him.
"You must be our mystery girl," He held his hand out in front of you, "I'm Jimin."
"Purple is an interesting color for someone who probably does a lot of crime. Ever think that might get you caught?" You shake his hand lightly before taking a seat. Looking across your eyes lock with a familiar face making your eyes widen in a panic.
Jeon Jungkook, a new nurse shadow at the hospital, was sat right across from you on his day off too looking just as shocked as you. He started a week ago, you haven't been able to speak to the kid with how busy your schedule has been and how busy he has been following Seungkwan around listening to his ever instruction becoming more aware of how things worked.
"My hair is the least of my worried when I am out in the world my dear," he sat back down leading his arm against Taehyung's chair," So what's your name?"
"If I didn't say it over the phone why the hell would I tell you here?" You squinted your eyes and amusingly laughed at his insistent behavior to know your name.
"Touché. Just want to know the name of the girl who saved our dear Taehyungie." He lifted his hand to run his hands through Taehyung's hair shifting it around while Taehyung struggled against his grip.
"You don't need to know my name. It was just an act of kindness. I will be leaving now, make sure he changes his bandages often and puts ointment on it. I slipped his dosage of pain medicine in his pocket when he was passed out so take that when necessary. If you need to call me, don't, first because you don't have my number, second because I would like to stay out of your business. Have a good day." You stand from your table but before you leave Jungkook's hand reaches out to grip your wrist before you go.
"Please take this as a thank you. If you don't, I will somehow still get it to you." He held out a small bag with a purple card attached to it labeled 'for the sassy mouth nursed who we owe a lot to. use it well'.
"I don't need anything really-"
"Take it." Jimin spike now a lot harsher than before. He seemed like a man to get what he wanted when he wanted it, something you didn't allow, and he was a little wound up at the fact that you stopped him from getting yet another thing he desired.
You hesitantly grab the soft material tucking it into your small side bag. You give a soft wave to the three men who watched you exit the building, and you made your normal route to your apartment complex. Walking there you couldn't help but feel as though there was still a figure glooming over you as you passed by streets, you hated to be paranoid but knowing who you've helped and who you've seen recently you were slightly worried as to what the apprehension might be.
You haven't told them your name, of course Taehyung could have found it and they were just waiting for you to say a fake name to have a reason to kidnap you or something. And of course, Jungkook already knew you name he could expose you anytime he wanted to wait why didn't he? Why didn't he say anything when you refused to let your name slip from your mouth? He had the opportunity to, he had all the power to, but he stayed silent. As to why he stayed silent. You don't know.
"Y/N!" Your attention drifted from your various thoughts due to your name being called by someone behind you.
"What?" You turn to see none other than the man himself, Jungkook, who was running lightly towards your direction.
"Hey." He slowed his speed as he caught up with you and started to catch his breath besides you.
"Do you need something? Were you sent to follow me?" You snort crossing your arms over your chest as you walked.
"Actually, I didn't get sent to follow you I just," He brought his hand up to rub the back of his neck as you continued down the road, "Just wanted to say I'll see you at work tomorrow."
"Yeah okay," You snort turning to look at the boy for the first time during this walk and boy was he attractive up close. At work you've only seen him from afar, he was pretty. He had soft features that blended well with harder ones complementing his face perfectly. Up close you can really see those well-defined features on his face. "Why didn't you say anything?"
"You knew who I was back there but said nothing, why?" You stopped now in front of your buildings fence leaning your shoulder against the railing.
"I don't know honestly," He paused too, his eyes looking around either to gather information on the area or he was just trying to think of a response, "I guess I just didn't want to get you involved."
"Jungkook," He looked up at you as you pushed yourself off the building, "Don't get into too much trouble doing what you're doing, okay? Would hate to not see your face at the office."
And with that you gave him a soft smile before entering your building.
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doodler-jpeg · 3 years
Road Trip [Dream Team]
You know that one song? Beachboy? Yeah, the second part is kind of based off of that. Just the opening bit, though. I didn’t include BBH because I couldn’t really think of how to include him. Sorry about that. Also second post HAHAH SUCK IT, NON BELIEVERS.
LIL EDIT: APPARENTLY SOMEONE SMILED BECAUSE OF THIS?? I don’t think you’ll see this again, though I’m very glad you did! :]
Pronouns: they/them
You heaved a sigh as you tapped your finger against the steering wheel as the three boys loaded into the car, giggling happily as they buckled themselves in.
Dream had the liberty of taking the front passenger seat, laughing at George and Sapnap about their unfortunate situation in the back seat. You sighed as you backed turned around to see if everything was packed for your little road trip, nodding in approval as your friends held up their bags and yours.
“Okay, nobody needs to go to her bathroom?” You asked, backing out of the driveway and into the street to start your drive.
“We’re men, [Nickname],” Dream stated, placing his hand on your shoulder and smirking at you. “We can piss in cups.”
You sent him a painfully fake smile and laughed, “No, honey, you’re just gonna piss your pants. You won’t have enough time to get through to the bottle before you just get piss everywhere.” You gave his shoulder a ‘reassuring’ pat before driving down the street and taking a right out of the neighbourhood.
You clenched the wheel tightly as Sapnap yelled at George and Dream when they had sussed him out in a game of Among Us with random people.
“I WASN’T THE FUCKING IMPOSTOR!” He groaned out, throwing his head back and punching George.
“Why’d you do that?” George whined, rubbing where Sapnap had hit him. He formed a fist and punched the teen, causing a chain reaction of them punching each other until George finally noticed that he had died.
“NO! I DIED!” He yelled, causing you to inhale.
“Shut up, both of you! I’m trying to vent-”
“I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD, ALL OF YOU, I’LL TURN THIS FUCKING CAR AROUND. SHUT THE FUCK UP!” You yelled, slamming the breaks. The three launched forward. Both Sapnap and George smacked their heads against the seats in front of them and Dream held onto the dashboard, eyes wide as he turned to you. 
“Shut.” You grabbed his mouth and shut it.
“I said shut, you little motherfucker.” The faceless YouTuber sunk into the seat and the other two let out small cries. “I’m not gonna say it again.” That made the two of them shut up and they played silently on their phones, leaving you to sigh as you sped up to the speed limit, playing some music to distract the four of you.
“Can I-”
“Lets play the quiet game, okay? First one to talk has to pay for gas, snacks, and anything else. Okay?” The three nodded and you smiled victoriously, curving alongside the road.
You yawned as you slipped on the cold coffee you had bought nearly six hours ago. Your three best friends were snoozing away without a care in the world, having long since abandoned their energy to sleep. Clouds rolled in slowly and rain poured down, tapping against the glass and causing you to smile as you continued to drive, occasionally taking sips from your gross tasting coffee that you didn’t want to waste.
Your moment of peace was interrupted as Sapnap groggily opened his eyes, blinking sluggishly as he sniffed. 
“[Nickname]?” He yawned, voice deep from having just woken up. ““What time is it?” At the question, you glanced at the car’s clock and winced. 
2:39 am.
“It’s 2:39, sweetheart. Just go back to bed.” You reached back and ruffled his hair, causing him to giggle and shake his head a bit as you did so.
“Wait- am or pm?”
“Does it matter?” You responded, slowing down as you rounded another corner.
“Yeah,” Sapnap let out a muffled groan as he stretched, nearly hitting George in the process. ““Can I drive?”
“No, Sap, just go back to sleep.” You waved off, running a hand through your hair as he huffed.
“But I don’t want to.” He groaned, causing George to stir beside him, “My backpack’s not comfy anymore and you’re always nice to cuddle.” You shook your head and slowed down a bit as it began to rain harder, making it more difficult to drive. Sapnap cheered groggily and reached out for you.
“It’s too dark and I can’t see anything, even with the head lights on.” You sighed, rubbing your eyes as you pulled off of the road and parked the car. Taking out the keys to save gas, you nudged George a bit before crawling in between the two, almost immediately being glomped by the youngest. You ran your hands through his hair and made sure you were comfortable as Sapnap took out a blanket from the trunk.
“Wait, hold on.” You stretched, sitting back up. You gently nudged George, who groaned and rolled away from you, smacking his nose against the door. You winced and locked it before nudging him a few more times.
“I’m sorry, Gogy, but I’m gonna need you to sit up so I can get the back set up.” The brunet nodded, clearly still in his tired state of mind, and crawled into the front seat, resting his head in the edge of the steering wheel.
Quickly laying the seats down [after moving the extra stuff, like snacks], you woke George back up and patted back to where his seat was. He was bewildered, but didn’t question it as he crawled back and curled up. You smiled and looked over at Dream.
“I’m sorry, Dream.” The male in question [not necessarily, it wasn’t a question at all] groaned and turned his head, peeling his eyes open as he looked around.
“’s loud,” he commented, blinking slowly. “[Nickname]? Why are you here?”
“Road trip, honey. Now come here, it’s not comfortable sleeping in a chair.” He nodded and climbed over the middle area between the two front seats and sat next to you, wrapping his arms around your waist and snuggling into your neck. Sapnap huffed from beside you and did the same, sending Dream a glare.
“I swear to god, if you two start fighting again, I’ll put you outside. Stop it. I just wanna sleep- oh, I’m so sorry, Gogy, come here.” The British male rolled over Dream and rested his head on your stomach, pulling his blanket with him. You sighed and ruffled his hair, draping the blanket over Sapnap and George, making sure they had enough warmth before reaching over to Sapnap’s and doing the same for Dream.
Road trips just got a whole lot better.
Cause now you’re sleeping with da homies. With socks on, of course.
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thewhizzyhead · 3 years
So Police Officer Jonel Nuezca had an argument with 25-year old Frank Gregorio, a civillian, due to boga or fireworks and stuff. The argument escalated which led to the involvement of Frank's mother, 52-year old Sonya Gregorio, who tried to protect her son. Accompanying the policeman was his 12-year old daughter (and someone recording the whole thing). The daughter then shouted "MY FATHER IS A POLICEMAN" to which the mother said "I don't care" in the tune of 2NE1's I Don't Care. The policeman then said "Putangina gusto mo tapusin na kita ngayon ah? (Son of a bitch, you want me to finish you off now?)" aND THEN PROCEEDED TO SHOOT THE GREGORIOS: he first shot Sonya point-blank in the head, then shot Frank TWICE, then shot Sonya again who was already on the ground.
This all happened by 5 pm yesterday, December 20, in broad daylight.
His daughter didn't even flinch.
If it weren't for the recorded and posted video (the vid is very triggering i really recommend not watching it), we wouldn't know about this incident. Heck there are many incidents of police brutality in the Philippines especially in regards to protestors but most go under the radar because of lack of documentation or because the government and police department is just so freaking good at sweeping these cases under the rug. This is why I humbly ask you guys to spread the news like wildfire because THE VIOLENCE-PLAGUED SYSTEM OF THE GOVERNMENT AND OUR POLICE AND MILITARY FORCES NEED TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE. News in the Philippines doesn't reach international media often but now we really need it to because with every passing day, our dictator-of-a-president Rodrigo Duterte turns this country into a hellscape, normalizing death and violence to such a degree that almost every day you can find Philippine headlines about the deaths of Filipinos either by the hands of government incompetence or police brutality or both. If you guys want to learn more or if you guys want to help I suggest looking up the hashtags #StopTheKillingsPH and #PULISANGTERORISTA on twitter. Spreading the news would also be very much appreciated.
My country is currently not a safe place for one to live in and every day our people walk a tightrope in the efforts to somehow survive the COVID-19 pandemic and the brutality and incompetence of our government. We desperately need all the help that we can get.
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dickwheelie · 3 years
ayyy so I was gonna try to write something romantic for Valentine’s but. I wrote this instead and it turned out kinda sad so I’m posting it today in advance of the actual full-length fic I wrote for Valentine’s that I’m gonna post tomorrow. it’s jmart of course, just some sad, pining s3 jon flavor. honestly idk if the timeline is even close to accurate in this so don’t call me out if it’s not lmao I’m just vibing
He’s lying in a hotel room in D.C. trying to fall asleep, or think things through, whichever comes easier, when Martin calls him. He wants to check in, he says, just wants to make sure Jon’s alright. Yes, Jon says, he’s fine, and it’s only sort of a lie. He doesn’t want Martin to worry, though, and quickly changes the topic: how are you doing, Martin? And Martin says he’s fine, of course, which Jon can tell is also sort of a lie.
Jon remembers he was going to ask about the date on a certain statement, and so he does, and Martin tells him about a uni student who came in the other day who only wanted to look at statements involving sailboats, and between the two of them they manage to keep talking for almost four hours. For Jon it’s barely evening, but he realizes that with the time difference, it’s almost ten PM back in London and Martin’s still sitting at his desk at work.
Oh god, Jon thinks, and he barely gets the first apology out of his mouth when Martin cuts him off and says really, it’s fine--he likes talking to Jon. He’s gonna head home now, but he hopes Jon is okay, tells him to keep him updated, tells him not to work too hard, to do some touristy stuff while he’s in America. Jon says he will, he will, and Martin, please, if anything happens, call. You can call me anytime, he tells Martin, and they hang up.
Jon lies in bed, feeling electric. Talking with Martin had been nice. Fulfilling. Not in a statement sort of way, but in the way he’d felt back in uni after a long day of classes and papers, coming home to Georgie and getting to talk to her for a few hours before bed. He feels infinitely better than he’d felt four hours ago.
He’d missed Martin, he realizes. Still does, really. Jon hasn’t spoken to him since leaving the Institute all in a rush about a week ago, and he misses him.
This is normal, he thinks. They’re friends. Surely, by now, they’re friends, and friends miss each other.
An hour later, just as Jon, still very much jet-lagged, is drifting off to sleep, his phone buzzes. Martin’s texted him: “Stay safe. I mean it - we can’t manage over here for long without our head archivist.”
In the blue half-light of the hotel room, a laugh escapes him. His chest is suddenly warm. He texts back, “Steady on for another week. You’ll manage.”
Martin responds with an eye-roll emoji, which is Jon’s cue to turn in for the night.
A week later he’s back in London, slightly worse for wear, and Basira tells him she’s glad he’s back, for Martin’s sake if nothing else. Why Martin’s sake, Jon asks. He’s been missing you something bad, says Basira.
This shouldn’t surprise Jon. It does anyway. He’s not used to the idea of being missed. Missing others, sure, all the time, but not the other way round. It’s difficult for him to imagine other people wanting to have him around. He goes to Martin one day, wanting to tell him he missed him too, that he’s very glad to be back, that Martin’s texts and calls had made him feel happy, and grounded, at least for a few short hours. But instead he just asks him if he’d like to get lunch together, like they used to do, back when Jon was too anxious and paranoid to enjoy it.
At lunch, Martin asks him if he did any touristy stuff after all, and Jon sheepishly says no, he didn’t get the chance. You mean you did work too hard, Martin says, teasingly, as he gestures at Jon with his sandwich. I thought I told you not to do that, Sims. Jon laughs, and apologizes, saying he should have listened to him.
You really should take a few days off, Martin tells him. You look exhausted. Jon nods, says yes, maybe he will. He knows he won’t. Martin seems to know this too, because he sighs, and places his hand on Jon’s where it’s resting on the table between them. There’s a shock of warmth through Jon’s body. Martin says, I’m glad you’re okay.
Jon wants to take his hand, to squeeze it reassuringly. Perhaps if he were a braver man he would. Instead he says, you too, Martin. I’m glad you’re okay too.
It isn’t until right before the Unknowing that Jon realizes Martin loves him. It happens one day when Martin brings tea to his desk, as he always does, and Jon notices it’s in his preferred mug, the tall, skinny blue one that’s easier to grip with one hand. That isn’t what makes Jon realize. What makes him realize is that when Martin sets it down, he turns the mug carefully, angling the handle towards Jon.
Jon reaches out, but Martin is already walking away. He takes hold of the handle instead, which just isn’t warm enough.
I love you, too, he wants to say. I think--I think I love you too. Or--I could. Maybe--if you let me think about it, I--
He doesn’t get any more time to think about it, though, until much later. And by then, there is no more tea waiting at his desk, and no one around who knows his favorite mug.
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starglow-xx · 3 years
owning a bakery and being discovered by the ada and the port mafia (part 4)
platonic! mori ougai x f!reader
type of writing: head canons !!
this is part of my head canon series, flour & fluff !!
tag list is open !! go to this google form and fill it out to sign up!
series synopsis: owning a bakery at 20 is tough; even more so when you have to handle members of two opposing organizations! this is your journey to meeting those fools and creating an unlikely bond with each of them. but only at the cost of your peace and sanity.
fandom: bungou stray dogs
content: fluff & platonic stuff
previous: the doctor is in the house (quite literally)
author’s note: it’s port mafia time! ages are still one year younger than canon
also!! my 100 followers event still has 7 5 4 3  2  1 spot open for requests!! go check out this post for more info!! i’d like to get the whole prompt list done early so i have time to write them! (event is now closed as of feb. 10, 2021)
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another doctor? oh wait, another doctor and his daughter
as you expected, ranpo and fukuzawa have not let you go easy after what had happened a couple days prior (3 days ago to be exact)
one of them, or more often than not, the two of them would go visit the bakery at least twice a day
once in the morning right before opening, and the second time right before closing
if they could, they would visit around lunch time, but that was usually yosano
tbh you were thankful that yosano hasn’t been as overbearing as the other two but you knew she probably wanted to give you a break because holy shit are they extremely over protective
currently, it was the fourth day of being watched by the two eldest ada members, but there were no said ada members with you at the moment
and boy were you overjoyed
turns out, the ada has an important escort job for a government official or smth, and on top of that, fukuzawa has a bunch of meetings to attend
even ranpo has his hands full with a couple of difficult murder cases across the country
you’re lowkey, no highkey, worried bc you learned literally 3 days ago that ranpo doesn’t know how to ride the train 😀😀
you were worried abt them, there’s no question, but on the inside you were a bit relieved to which ranpo called you out on it immediately 
that led to the two of you going at each other’s throats for nearly half an hour
let’s just say fukuzawa scolded the two fo you for a while
going back to the present, it was around one pm and you had just finished sending a text message to both fukuzawa and ranpo (cause they insisted) when a little blonde girl with blue eyes wearing a red dress matching with a red bow in her hair and red shoes walked in
she immediately went to the glass case to look at the desserts displayed
as she looked around, you watched her at the corner of your eyes and a with a smile as you wiped down one of the tables
after wiping down the table, you quickly went to go wash your hands and you walked over and stood next to her
you bent slightly and smiled bigger as she stared at one of the treats in the glass
“is that the one you want?”
she nodded without looking away from the glass
you giggled before going to the back and placing the one she wanted on the plate and held it out to her
the blonde was honestly so confused bc one, no adult supervision, and two, there was no tell tale way to know that she had money
to you, she was an open book so when she looked at you, her face immediately read “but i have no money, or a parent...??”
you simply patted her head and pushed along to one of the nearby tables and pulled a chair for her
you did not regret anything when you saw the look on her face when you told her that it was on the house
“name’s elise!” “i’m (y/n)!”
you sat with her for a while continuing to give her sweets she reminded you of ranpo in all honestly and talking abt random things
she mostly complained abt a “rintarou” though
speaking of which, when a man in a doctor’s coat came through the door near screaming “elise-chan! elise-chan!” you figured that was probably the rintarou she was complaining abt
you smiled as you watched the two interact
“elise-chan why would just disappear like that?!”
“i wanted to see rintarou cry”
“so mean!”
...their behavior was questionable but endearing ig
“rintarou” suddenly turned to you, thanking you for “taking care of his daughter bc she’s always getting into trouble”
*cue angry noises and face from elise*
he introduced himself as a “local neighborhood doctor”
you smelled bullshit but didn’t say anything bc he has been kind to you so far
he asked you how he could repay you and you were thinking that you can actually win something bc you’re not refusing an ada member oh you poor oblivious child but you were appalled when elise answered for you
it went like this
“is there anything i can repay you with for taking care of my dear elise-chan? perhaps paying for all the sweets she has eaten?”
“oh no! don’t worry abt that, it’s nothing! it was a pleasure getting to know—”
“let’s buy out all of her food!”
h u h
you knew she enjoyed your pastries and stuff but like w h a t
you inwardly sigh in relief when the doctor agreed with you that “that’s a bit much elise-chan” and you were thanking every deity out there when suddenly
she threw a temper tantrum
you watched in confusion and slight horror at the 180 of the sweet little girl you were talking to like 10 minutes ago
her guardian panicked slightly and tried to get her to calm down but ahaha no that didn’t happen
“WAHH rintarou!! but i want it!! (y/n)’s food is the best i’ve ever had!!”
“b-but elise-chan, we can’t just buy—”
“i’ll wear all the dresses i’ve ever rejected and more if we buy it out right now and keep buying sweets here forever”
your eyes twitch at the “innocent” smiles the two gave you after their “talk”
fast forward literally 5 minutes and you’ve already flipped the close sign on your door with note (saying you’re sold out) and you’re all over the place running around behind the counter trying to fit everything into boxes as the two are sitting on a nearby table lightly chatting
about 20-25, nearly 30 minutes later you finishing packing everything in the glass case
it was a lot
we’re literally talking about tiered cakes and dozens of batches of cookies, cupcakes, literally everything and anything
when the two notice you’re done they get up meet you by the register
“a-ano, you really don’t have to buy all of this...the total is going to be quite large...”
“no worries!”
honestly at this point, you kind of missed the chaotic calls from ranpo that happened like every half hour
you thought you were done being surprised for the day but next thing you know men in suits come into Sakura’s and begin to load the boxes into a black car
dealing with the detectives was already starting to be a handful and now you have to deal whoever the hell these two people where
quite frankly, you were having trouble wrapping your head around all of this
who buys out a whole bakery?!
and who has the money to buy out a whole bakery?!
what kind of job could you possibly have?!
was this guy really just a doctor?!
right before the two leave you call out to them
“a-ah wait! i don’t think i ever caught your name!”
the two blink at you before eyeing each other
“mori ougai” 😄😄
you started smelling bad shits again 
it was a weird feeling
you felt something off but at the same time, you weren’t really afraid 
and with that the two left
you were already tired from this whole thing but you now get the rest of the day off
so i guess something worked out in your favor
until the next fricking day
again, ranpo and fukuzawa canceled out on you
you weren’t sure if you were relieved or not
and as soon as you thought you were going to have a normal business day, guess who walked through the doors
yeah that’s right
“the local neighborhood doctor” and his daughter
you froze before eyeing them with suspicion
if mori was amused, he didn’t show it, only giving you a smile
elise immediately left his side and practically leaped onto you making you cut yourself with the knife you were holding
well shit now you’re bleeding
it was only 7:15 in the morning; you had literally just opened
you were cursing every deity out there
you quickly grab a nearby and press it against your wound and scrambled around looking for the first aid kit you had nearby
“oh? (y/n)-kun are you bleeding?”
“(y/n) i’m sorry!”
“a-ah, no worries elise-chan”
you really need to stop spacing out bc next thing you know, the sign on your door is flipped to close again (along with the same note from yesterday explaining you’re sold out taped on the door) and you’re sitting at a table with elise in your lap and mori wrapping your hand in a bandage
“tsk tsk (y/n)-kun you need to be more careful...but it is elise-chan’s fault”
“die rintarou!”
“but no worries! it’s not that deep so you don’t need stitches”
“thank you, mori-san, but can i ask why you and elise-chan are here again? not that i mind...”
whether or not you were lying is up to you
“oh we’re here to buy out your stock again!”
“wait what-”
the fuck???
did they not just buy everything yesterday???
frozen, you stare at the man in front if you with said man giving you another “innocent” smile
this little shit
wait till you meet dazai
but i guess that’s why the sign on the door is flipped to close bc you don’t even remember flipping it yourself or taping the note from yesterday to the door
you spent the next half hour trying to convince the two over some tea (your signature one of course) that “no you don’t need to or should buy everything i have, you’re going to deprive the rest of my customers”
cough cough ranpo
like the day before, you were losing this argument
can you just never win?
as you were losing the argument (obviously) you realized that you don’t even know why they want to buy everything again
“mori-san, why do the two of you even want to buy everything in the first place?”
“ah it was elise-chan’s request of course! but i do admit, after trying some of your sweets myself, i grew quite attached! so did the rest of my subordinates after my precious elise-chan made them try it, not like they could refuse her or me; i am their boss after all (y/n)-kun.”
*cue confusion*
“subordinates? wait are those the guys from yesterday?? aren’t you a doctor...?”
“ah ex-doctor actually, i’m the leader of the port mafia”
“ah (y/n)-kun that’s quite the coughing fit you have going on, do you need water?”
if it wasn’t obvious, you choked on your tea and had quite the coughing fit; you were wheezing and everything making elise leave you lap and settling for dangling over mori’s shoulders
“...you’re kidding”
“im afraid im not”
this man confuses the hell out of you??
w h y would he just say that, to you of all people
but it explains the bad shits you were smelling/feeling yesterday
“are you afraid?”
“being completely honest with you, mori-san, not really”
“and why is that?”
you simply shrug not really knowing the answer
you aren’t lying, you just aren’t
maybe bc yesterday, he seemed more like a doting parent than the boss of the most criminal organization of yokohama
yes, you’ve heard the rumors, obviously, but just saying, if the port mafia wanted to hurt you, you’d probably be dead in a ditch by now
and they haven’t really been a bother to you, they were more like background characters in your life
until yesterday of course
mori simply raises an eyebrow and a smile seemingly okay with your very vague answer
“why did you tell me that mori-san?”
the man only smiles a bit wider at you and this time, you’re the one raising an eyebrow
“just a feeling” 
yeah you were starting to smell bad shits again
“and besides! elise-chan seems quite fond of you (y/n)-kun! i wasn’t planning on doing anything to you in the first place, but even if i wanted to, i don’t think i could! i wouldn’t want to upset my dearest cute elise-chan”
“die rintarou!”
“that’s mean elise-chan!”
your eyes began to twitch in slight annoyance
cause istg the duality of this man—
this strange strange man
oh dearest you haven’t even met dazai yet
after that has been said and done, somehow you found yourself in front of stores being dragged by elise
how did you end up there you ask? i don’t know either so there’s nothing we can do abt that
eventually, you found yourself holding a bunch of shopping bags full of dresses and clothes of the sort
some of it your size and the others elise’s
“yes (y/n)-kun?”
“why do i have bags of clothing that are fit for me rather than elise?”
“oh that’s because elise refused to go without you and if you didn’t get anything!”
that makes perfect sense, of course
you could see why elise kept on complaining abt this guy
the two of you actually bonded over making fun of him
you have n o fear
actually, maybe just a little
the three of you were out for basically the entire day and you were exhausted
cause holy shit there was a lot of money wasted, shopping bags obtained, and walking involved
it was around 5 pm when the three of you were making it back to Sakura’s
along the way you found yourself having a pleasant conversation with mori
even if he was a questionable person to be having a pleasant conversation with, you enjoyed it nonetheless
you hoped that it makes it harder to get rid of you if he ever changed his mind but we don’t talk abt that
when the three of you arrived, you immediately dumped all the bags you were holding and went straight to work packaging everything for “the local neighborhood doctor”
before they left, mori agreed to not buy out all of your stock except for some occasions but instead settled ordering massive batches of a little bit of everything every few days
how that’s not the same as buying everything you won’t ever know
you were standing outside Sakura’s watching the two get into the car that had arrived when suddenly, mori turned to you
“ah (y/n)-kun, i know that you wouldn’t tell anyone about this, it wouldn’t be like you to, but just a reminder, it would probably be in your best interest not to let anything slip to anyone okay? we wouldn’t want any enemies using you against the port mafia. so take care of yourself hm? see you next time”
and bippity boppity boo just like that, they were gone
how that man managed to get your personality down in just like 10 hours you don’t want to know
and that’s basically the story of how you started making more food/bake goods to sell
true to his word, every few days, or sometimes consecutive days, mori called you and made a large order
and i mean large
on those days, someone from the port mafia would pick it up and then you get paid
thankfully, by increasing the amount of food you made, you always had enough to put out on display and to sell even after the large order
before doing that, on those days you didn’t have a large stock, someone by the name of edogawa ranpo would weep at your feet
he will deny this; after all, great detectives don’t do weeping
or so he says
and speaking of the detective, you never did tell him what had transpired the two days he and fukuzawa were absent on checking on you
but tbh, i even think ranpo could’ve deduct this one
you didn’t tell him bc you were afraid, no of course not that’s ridiculous mori, in elise’s words, was a loser
you didn’t tell him bc you knew he and fukuzawa would flip the fuck out
and that would be a major inconvenience to you
you didn’t see the point in telling them anyway
so whatever, it’s like it’ll be important
and if ranpo and fukuzawa noticed the abundant of bags near the door leading up to the staircase when they visited you at the end of the day they didn’t say anything
of course one of them said smth
“ne (n/n)-chan since when did you like to buy a bunch of things; waste of money if you could just be using that money to make more food so you wouldn’t sell out right away and have food to feed me”
your eyes twitched
he could’ve worded that a little better but whatever
it is ranpo-san after all
“i just got carried away since i closed up early; you know it isn’t often i get to go shopping”
and if he smelled your bullshit he didn’t say anything
for real this time
that slightly concerns you ngl
let’s just say quite a few heads were turned when they saw their boss leading a bunch of lower level subordinates carrying many light pink boxes of different sizes to his office for the second time
oh and just another thing
*whispers* he was lying when elise made his other subordinates eat your food; they kept it all to themselves”
was that a ruse to help lead the revelation of his real occupation who knows
“(y/n)-kun is a very interesting person don’t you think so elise-chan?”
“quiet. i’m eating cake.”
“that’s so mean elise-chan!”
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