#i want to make more stuff but first i gotta get my claws on more models from the games and im dead set on achieving it soon
candycandy00 · 3 months
I was literally salivating when I saw your 2k follower event (congratulations btw!!!) and had to send this. Your writing is fucking amazing and I can't wait to read more of your stuff!
Character: Dabi
AU Setting: Monster Forest
Spice Level: NSFW
Mood: Light
Kinks: Breeding and size difference
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Blood Moon Rising - A Dabi x Reader Fanfic
Smut. 18+. AU. Dabi as a werewolf. Fem Reader. Breeding. Size difference. Werewolf related biting/blood. 
Part of CandyCandy’s 2k Followers Event! Any feedback/comments/reblogs would be loved! Dividers by @benkeibear!
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You run through the forest at top speed, branches and twigs scraping your legs, tearing your dress. The night air is crisp and cool against your face, though the rest of your body is sweating beneath the layers of satin and lace. Above you, the full moon glows an eerie red. Blood moon, they call it. 
On nights like this, he hunts. 
You hear leaves crunching behind you, sticks snapping in the distance, an otherworldly howl among the trees to your right. A creature like him could attack from any direction. That’s how fast he is. 
You should’ve known better than to try outrunning him. Your weak human legs can only carry you so far, so fast, before they lose strength. Your fatigued feet catch on an unearthed tree root, and your body tumbles to the cold, damp ground. You’re lying on your stomach, panting, trying to get to your knees at least, when you hear him directly behind you.
Turning your head slowly, you look back. Even in the dim, red tinted moonlight shining through the trees, you can see him clearly. He’s taller than a normal human, his body toned but lithe beneath the thin layer of solid white fur. His face is mostly human, but with a slightly elongated nose and mouth, rows of razor sharp teeth visible in his grin. His eyes are a bright glowing blue, like two burning sapphires. His long fingers are tipped with terrifying claws that look like they could shred steel. 
You roll over so that you can face him, still lying on the ground. 
He stands over you, a low rumbling growl emanating from his throat. “I agreed to stop hunting the villagers since you volunteered to be my prey,” he says in a ragged voice, “but you’ve gotta make it worth my while, doll.”
You look up at him with a pouty expression. Touya is your childhood friend, one you fell in love with in your teenage years and have wanted to marry since you both hit adulthood. But you’ve never had the courage to confess your feelings. You might flirt with him, but so far he’s either oblivious to your intentions or is purposely ignoring them. 
When he admitted to you that he’d been bitten by a werewolf and now turns into one on every full moon night, you were of course very worried. He has dubious control over himself when transformed, and a powerful urge to hunt and feed. He killed several of the people in your village, though he targeted specific individuals. A man who was known for beating his wife. A woman who made phony medicine and sold it at exorbitant prices to sick, desperate people. A man who raped a young girl and received no punishment because he was the richest man in the village. 
But Touya was running out of bad people to hunt, and twice he was shot at by terrified villagers. So you approached him with an idea. He could hunt you, chase you through the woods and get it out of his system, and you would count on your long friendship to keep him from killing you. 
The first time, he clawed your leg, and the sight of your blood spilling brought him back to his senses. He clearly felt terrible about it. The second time, he almost bit you, but was able to hold himself back. The third time he tore your dress, almost ripping it off you before he got himself under control. You’re not sure what he intended to do, but you suspect his urge to mate is stronger in wolf form too. A part of you wished he would have kept going. 
For the past few times, his control has generally been better. Not always, but usually he just chases you down, catches you, and then the hunt is over. 
Tonight, he caught you faster than ever. There’s a strange gleam in his eyes that’s usually not there, and from his voice you can tell that he’s struggling to maintain control. Could it be the blood moon? Is it making his wolf instincts stronger? 
“Sorry,” you say, still on the ground, leaning back on your elbows. “You were too fast tonight. Are you okay?”
His eyes are moving over you, and it sounds like he’s breathing a little harder. “I’m fine. It’s just… the urges are really strong tonight. Maybe you should get back to the village.”
“But you’re not satisfied, are you? I can run again. Just tell me what to do to help.”
His shining blue eyes widen slightly. “Doll, you don’t wanna know what would help me right now. Just go home while I’m still in control.”
You stare at him, at the muscles flexing beneath the soft white fur. He’s wearing nothing but ripped black pants. God, you want him. You can’t satisfy his urge to kill, but maybe you can satisfy a different urge. 
While looking him in the eyes, you reach down and slowly slide your dress up your legs, revealing your thighs. 
He seems to stiffen, his eyes wide. “What are you doing?”
“I want to help you. If using my body will calm the urges and keep you from attacking the village, I’m okay with it,” you tell him. You don’t say it out loud, but you’re afraid he’ll be shot at again. 
He scoffs. “You don’t know what you’re offering. I’ve never done anything like that in this form. What if I lose control? I could hurt you.”
“I don’t mind,” you say, pulling your dress higher, bunching the fabric at your waist and showing him your lace panties. 
The pupils of his lovely eyes seem to shift, looking more like long slits than circles. His clawed hands flex and clench at nothing. “We shouldn’t do this,” he mutters, sounding extremely unconvinced of his own argument. 
“Let me satisfy your urges,” you tell him, opening your legs. 
He’s breathing hard and fast, his eyes looking completely inhuman now. “Fuck… I’m gonna rip you apart and devour the pieces!”
With that alarming statement, he lunges forward, his larger than normal werewolf body suddenly upon you. His claws make short work of your dress, reducing it to useless strips of shredded satin that cover nothing. Only your thin panties remain, a pitifully flimsy barrier against his animalistic strength. He tears them off before you can even blink. 
You’re equal parts thrilled to finally have the man you love on top of you, and terrified that you’ve made a mistake and he’ll literally eat you. But when his hands begin exploring your exposed flesh, you notice he’s being careful to avoid injuring you with his claws. Even though he’s in his most beastly state, looking crazed and out of control, he’s trying his best not to hurt you. 
His mouth is on your neck, licking and sucking the rapidly bruising skin before moving down. He makes a wet, hot trail down your body, tasting various parts of you, until he pauses between your thighs. His eyes flick up to your face, and you look back at him with flushed cheeks and parted lips. You buck your hips from the ground just slightly, an encouraging gesture. 
He grins, showing off entirely too sharp teeth, and then his head dips down to taste your sweet nectar. You moan, your back arching reflexively as his warm tongue massages your clit. You feel the edge of a tooth, not biting, probably accidentally scraping over you. The thought of this being that hungers for your flesh having his teeth so close to your most tender place excites you. 
“So fucking delicious,” he murmurs against your skin. 
Your hand moves down to sink into his soft white hair, and you can feel the silky fur of his body brushing over your bare thighs. “Ahh… Touya!”
He pulls away, leaving you breathless as he tears open his already frayed pants. You try to get a good look at his cock, but in the darkness of the forest you can only see a vague but massive shape as he pushes your knees up toward your chest. And when he pushes it all the way inside your tight, dripping pussy, you can feel the velvety fur around the base of it. 
It’s a painful stretch, but his movements are careful, surprisingly controlled, even as he pants above you. His hands are on the ground beside you, his claws digging into the dirt, his eyes gleaming with predatory lust as he looks down at you. His thrusts begin slowly, but gradually become faster when your arms wrap around his neck. He’s reaching the deepest parts of you, all the while growling softly. 
Suddenly, the growls grow louder, and you realize he’s almost snarling. You look up to find him baring his teeth. His mouth opens, lunges down toward your shoulder, but stops before biting. He pulls back to look at you guiltily, but doesn’t stop thrusting. 
“This is dangerous,” he says. “You should be afraid of me, so why do you look so…”
He doesn’t finish the question, his eyes staring into yours. 
“I’m not afraid of you,” you tell him, hands on his face. “I’m in love with you. I have been for years.”
You hear his breath hitch, see a light pink blush cover his face as his eyes look away from yours. “D-don’t tell me shit like that when I’m buried in your pussy! Gonna make me lose what little control I have!” But then his eyes shift back to you, and in a voice so low you barely hear him, he says, “I feel the same way. Always have.”
His cock pulses inside you, and you clench around him in response, making him growl again. “Touya,” you moan, “bite me!”
“What? I can’t do that! If I bite you, you’ll be like me!”
You look up into his glowing eyes. “I want to be like you! We’ll be werewolves together! We’ll hunt each other and mate under every full moon!” You feel your own pleasure building as you speak, like you’re on the edge of a cliff, about to fall over. “Oh god, I’m close, Touya!”
He growls again, his instincts battling with his emotions. Then he yells, “Fuck! This is gonna hurt like hell, so don’t blame me!”
In the same instant you cum around his cock, spasming beneath him, he sinks his teeth into your shoulder, tearing the flushed skin. You feel warm blood pouring from the wound as you tremble through your orgasm. Touya’s tongue laps at the ripped open flesh, his teeth still bearing down. You scream, from the pleasure and the pain, your arms clutching him. 
You hear him moan as he tastes you, and he thrusts in so incredibly deep as he cums inside you, filling you to the brim.
His teeth finally release their hold on your shoulder and he pulls his face away but remains inside you. He stares at the wound, and a mixture of guilt and arousal flash through his eyes. 
“Are you okay?” he asks. 
You move your arm slowly, and feel a stab of agony in your shoulder. “Ahh, how long does it hurt?!”
“For me it was a few hours. Then it healed like magic.” He leans forward and gently licks the wound. Strangely, it actually seems to help. “We should bandage it though.”
At this point he pulls out of you and climbs off, looking slightly awkward. “I hope you’re sure about this. There’s no going back now.”
You raise up on your elbows. “I’ve never been more sure about anything.”
His eyes rake over your nude body, then he holds out his hand to you and grins. “That’s good, because you’re stuck with me from now on.”
You laugh as you take his hand and let him pull you up by your uninjured arm, eager to begin your lives as two werewolves in love. 
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themeeplord · 2 years
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@naffeclipse‘s cryptid boys, but they're a Monster Hunter icon!
I've wanted to make another MH World style icon ever since I made my first one. But I didn't know what I wanted to turn into an icon,, until now!! Making this was so much fun!!!
I'd love making more of these! I just gotta figure out what/who I should draw next.. and also get the time to draw it... :')
(Nerdy ranting and stuff under the cut)
Ah yes, combining two of my brainrots. No one asked for this. Only my brain did. Please don’t mind me in my weird little corner.
I would love to fight them in a Monster Hunter game! They'd DEFINITELY be a powerful elder dragon of some sort! I don't know what ailments they'd inflict, definitely bleed but I don't know what else. Maybe they can make the arena pitch black and move unseen in the shadows, only giving away where they are from their glowing red eyes. Maybe they can throw sticky demon goo at you, making little puddles where you slow down or even get stuck if you get hit by one of theier projectiles directly, kinda like being stuck in tar. And while you're stuck they're getting ready to swing their giant powerful arms at you!
Hands and face are definitely weak points. Breakable horns, back and claws! I wonder what their armor and weapons would look like!! :O
I can't help but fantasize about their music too! I think making it quiet instead of large and grandiose works better for them. Something that would fit their elusiveness. Low rumbling notes with some higher notes and fast tempo bits scattered around to keep you on your toes, never knowing when and where their next attack will strike as they stalk you in the shadows.
Is it weird that in one moment I wanna cuddle this creature and in the next I wanna fight them and make armor and weapons out of their body parts kljfbvlasjkvbs
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wolviensabes · 1 month
NSFW Alphabet: Mane!Sabretooth
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RQ: 'Can I request the NSFW Alphabet for Victor Creed/Sabertooth? Specifically Tyler Mane's version? Love your work btw! 💕' - @im-his-druidess
Warnings: Neutral as possible, the terms of good boy/girl are used and mentions of feminine/masculine bodies are used. Tried to include both while maintaining an open look so anyone of any identity can enjoy, but made it as vague as possible. Also uhh general sex talk, mentions of BDSM and stuff like that lol. Ignore grammar mistakes ty.
A/N: Yess you absolutely can. I did a SFW/NSFW Sabretooth on my other blog, but I sort of left the Sabretooth up for whatever the reader wanted to imagine. For Mane specifically, this will be fun! Mane is my favorite, has been since I saw X-Men 2000. Sooo thrilled to see him again in D&W, even if just for a moment. He looked so good and yummy. I did keep one or two things off my previous list. I hope you enjoy <3
Minors DNI below the cut. 18+
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex):
I see him as being pretty smug, he likes seeing you disheveled and breathless. He lets you lay on his larger body, he relaxes while you splay out completely spent.
He might ask you to get him a beer, even if you're exhausted, a slap to the ass as you wobble to grab one from the fridge. But when you come back he pulls you close and licks your neck. "Good boy/girl...you know how to make me happy...~" he purrs.
While by definition, he doesn't understand the full extent of what aftercare is, he sees that you need it, so he grumbles and bites his tongue, doing it regardless of his own opinion on it.
"Upsy daisy..." he grunts, lifting your exhausted body up, watching you whine. He smirks, knowing he's reduced you to a shaky form, "Ya look like a lamb tryin' to walk for the first time..." he chuckled.
He does try after seeing how badly he fucks you up. He's a big dude so...he really throws you around and you have wounds from his teeth and claws. He can't have his darling lamb all messed up...
He licks your wounds, his saliva has an antiseptic enzyme so it disinfects the wound, however you still insist on using peroxide. "Hold still...gotta clean ya."
He's not the best at it at first, but he will learn what you like and accommodate.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s):
Primal dude is insane about your body. Whether you are more feminine or masculine, he goes nuts for a good ass. He grabs and kneads and squeezes.
If you are more masculine, he likes feeling your chest and trails down your sides, feeling your narrower body.
If you have TS scars, he is gentle with them. He rubs his rough thumbpads over the scars and how they trail over your chest. He's obsessed with them. He thinks you look great, and he licks them a lot, gently and mindfully if you let him. He won't touch them if this bothers you though.
If you are more feminine, he loves your breasts and plush hips. He grips you firmly a lot and loves to see how your skin pools around his big hands and claws.
He also really likes necks, he bites there a lot so be prepared to always have his teeth somewhere on your neck.
Victor is also egotistical as hell, he thinks every inch of himself is perfect. He's proud of his lion's mane and cock size for sure, but also prides himself in his stature.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically):
Victor has an insane amount of cum inside his body, you genuinely don't know how he produces so much. He is like a faucet, just oozing it into you.
He cums like a horse and his amounts are crazy. You are full to the brim and he's still shooting the load, it comes out of you there's so much of it. He jokes about turning you into a twinkie.
He gets so pent up and he snarls a lot, he growls and groans, then when he pounds you and you feel him swell more than usual, you know he's about to release a ton.
It also gets everywhere so...you should always have sheets on standby. You can't count how many times you've lost fancy sheets because his load stains them. You don't bother buying silken bedding anymore.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs):
He doesn't keep a lot from you, simply because he has no shame.
But, he does like scents and smells a lot. He often smells your body in the morning or when you're the most natural. He memorizes it, keeps it in his memory.
He leans down and before he licks or sucks, he inhales deep breaths of your sex. Just the scent alone makes him horny as hell.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?):
He's had his way around, so he's fairly experienced. I don't think anything would surprise him or catch him off guard as 'new.'
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying):
Victor pins you down and uses his strength to fuck you. He likes looking down at you completely helpless while he thrusts his thick cock in and out of whatever hole his dick finds.
Any position where he has you on your belly with your ass in the air for him, he is all over. He likes to bite your neck and hold you down, and he gets to really thrust into you from behind.
He also likes mating press, watching you cry out as he drills the deepest parts of you.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.):
His dirty talk can be funny, or sometimes he will say something out of the blue that just makes you smile because it wasn't expected from him. But otherwise, he's not a goofball. Just the quip every so often.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.):
This guy has a lot of hair. He's insanely hairy, and come on, he's a primal. So, obviously.
He takes great pride in his hair too, he grooms himself a lot. He licks himself mostly, until you push him to a shower and he uses unscented things. He doesn't like to hide his musk.
He has a hairy chest and a happy trail leading down to his pubic hair. He's pretty hairy below too, but he does try to groom a little shorter because he notices you pull out random hairs after sucking him off.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect):
Romantic isn't really his thing. He's not used to being 'romantic' at all. He's more...let me kill something for you and bring you its corpse.
He won't change for anyone. If you can accept his...brutish love habits, then he will attempt to be...less sometimes. On a hunt he drops an animal carcass and hands you a bloody wildflower he ripped from the ground, roots and dirt still attached.
That's as good as it gets. But for him, that's a pretty big gesture.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon):
Yikes. With those claws?
I don't think he does. Not often anyway. He'd rather have you help him out when he needs something.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks):
Sabretooth is pretty damn kinky, he isn't ashamed about any of his sexual desires and is open with you about them.
He obviously loves predator/prey dynamics, he likes to pretend to hunt you in the woods and when he catches you, he fucks you into the mossy ground. It gets his instincts going and he feels like his cock is on fire when he's hunting you. Plus the sex that comes from 'hunting' you is honestly some of the best you've had. Prey pet names for sure.
Breeding is a huge kink for him. He likes making a mess, but he prefers to bury himself into you and fill you up, regardless if you can get pregnant or not. He will pound multiple loads into you and won't stop until you are squirting it out around his cock. This is also applicable if you are male, he doesn't care. As long as he buries himself into you and fills you full.
BDSM is something that's interesting to him, though not every aspect of it. He's a pretty big sadist, so his claws and teeth will definitely mark you up all bloody and you'll be bruised from his hard grip on you thanks to his strength. He'd probably be into impact play, so he'd like to spank you while he's fucking you. He prefers to let himself do the marking rather than a toy. It's more intimate to him.
I think he might find bondage fun just because you'd be completely helpless and it can tie into the whole predator/prey play too. Like a little bunny caught in a snare and he stumbles upon you, helpless to the hungry big cat.
I think he probably would have a thing for housewife type of behavior, things that aren't inherently sexual but can turn him on. So cleaning and cooking, bringing him beer or food while he sits back, I don't know I just have a weird feeling he would be into that.
I also think he'd be interested in CNC. It's something that you'd have to talk heavily about, but I think it would be something he would want to try.
Size difference!! Mane irl is 6'9, so I give Sabretooth a few more inches. Over 7' tall anyway, and he towers over you. Not to mention he's bulked out. Looking down at you, he loves how helpless and vulnerable you are compared to him.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do):
Victor will fuck you anywhere, it doesn't really matter to him.
He likes to do it in his bedroom, his scent gets rubbed into you when you're being thrown around the bed and roll on his bed. Plus, he gets to take his time and fuck the room full of the smell of sex.
He also likes to fuck in the woods. It satisfies his primal desires to take you against the moss in the middle of a thick trail.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going):
As mentioned, typical housewife behavior would turn him on. Cooking and cleaning for him, bringing him a beer while he is sitting down, or even fussing over his clothes would get him going. Seeing you in an apron and nothing else would make him completely feral.
Any kind of submissive behavior would catch his attention. He instinctively looks for anyone who submits, his need and desire to be the dominant person in every situation controls him. So if you are submissive to him, even with simple gestures like obeying an order or just lowering your head around him, it definitely gets him interested.
Submission isn't always sexual, but of course submitting in that way also gets him going.
As written on my previous list, purposefully making yourself vulnerable gets his attention. Cats expose their bellies when they trust you, so rolling on your back and showing him your belly is a big deal. Say you're on the couch and you just lay back, he is intrigued and likes this gesture a lot.
Also any kind of gesture that exposes your neck to him.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs):
Despite being fucking brutal, he wouldn't want to cause any serious harm to you. You'll definitely be wearing claw and bite marks, but nothing that will have lasting damage.
He also won't be interested in 'making love.' He will fuck you, and he'll fuck you good. He's a primal mutant so when he is intimate he goes hard.
Anyone who would try to dominate him would piss him off, and it would trigger his aggression. He would not be receptive to anything like that, especially with his natural instinct to dominate.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.):
Luckily, his tongue isn't covered in sharp spines like usual cat tongues, otherwise that would suck.
He is good with his tongue, he cleans himself all the time so naturally he can move his tongue around in all sorts of ways.
He is somewhat selfish, preferring to receive than give. But when he gives, you feel so much pleasure. "His tongue laps and he sucks so good. "Good...let me hear you." he growls against you.
He lovesss seeing you choke on his cock too. "Good boy/girl, choke on it. Is it too big...? Too big for your sweet mouth?" he teases, taking pride in seeing you choke and gag. It just turns him on more.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.):
Best way to describe it is a feral man climbing on you and fucking you until your legs can't hold you up. You literally can't walk when he's done with you, and he fucking loves it.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.):
He'd rather not, just because he likes taking his precious time with you. He likes watching you unwind, watching his thick cock bury into your hole, your wide watery eyes as you cry out and mewl for him.
"That's it little lamb...watch me split you open..." he says deeply, grinning wildly as you fall apart below.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.):
Victor is chill enough to try anything once, as long as he's not the bottom or the one taking it.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?):
Forever. Victor's stamina is crazy high, he can go multiple times without stopping. Even when your body is worn and exhausted to the point of not being able to move, he could fuck you to sleep.
He lasts for a long time, though he can cum many times in one session and not soften.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?):
He doesn't own any for himself. But he has things to use on you for when you want to get more adventurous. Things for BDSM or toys to pleasure you. But he has nothing for his own pleasure.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease):
Victor will tease you until you are crying and begging. He loves to see you desperate, screaming and mewling below him while he whispers in your ear how he could make you cum right now, but he doesn't.
The damn man also gets you so so close...then stops, watching you fall apart and cry. "Shush, I will let you when I am ready...now, let's see how close we can get you..."
"More tears? Now, don't cry pretty thing...maybe if you ask nicely I will let you..."
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.):
Victor is a dirty talker. He is a growler.
He is either snarling and grunting against you, or dirty talking you to your orgasm or so desperate you don't even know what to do. His words are so crude and filthy, you can't help but react. He just has a way with you and knows exactly what you like to hear.
That 'scream for me' that he whispers, UGH. He def whispers in a calm, low voice while he's toying with you.
And when he snarls in your ear, growling in pleasure that you are providing for him, ugh you could cum right then and there.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character):
Victor 100% drinks warm milk, and he usually does after fucking you and you've fallen asleep. He doesn't want to hear your teasing.
Also goes without saying that he purrs.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes):
Victor is a BIG dude. So, obviously his dick is gonna be big. He's definitely a shower, but he grows a bit when erect.
Flaccid, his bulge is already large af, so it can look intimidating before you even get his pants off. His ego always flares up when he sees how you look at his crotch.
Erect he looks near impossible to put into you, but somehow he fits. He's anywhere between 7.5-9 inches. He is girthy too, which is really what you feel when he fucks you.
The first time you saw him erect you were so nervous, in which he found amusing. "Don't worry, sweet little lamb, I'll make it fit."
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?):
He can literally fuck anytime. His drive is super high, especially when he hunts and kills. Those feelings go hand in hand, and since he hunts daily, his sex drive spikes up.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards):
He knocks out pretty quick. A cigar and beer, then he is out. It's like warm milk.
Victor will clean up a little, just enough not to be gross and sticky. Then he sits back and demands asks you to grab him a beer. He downs it, then knocks out.
If you are wounded, aka clawed up, he will watch you while you sleep for a bit and then he will fall asleep. You usually bare new wounds, he honestly can't help it with those damn things, and he watches you limp to grab him a drink, though he will clean and tend to you as a silent apology.
His bed is very soft, it's adorned with furs, pelts, and a thin quilt as the comforter, so you tend to fall asleep fast after cleaning up. Your body needs to recover, and you are throbbing between your legs with soreness.
If you lay on him after, he will run his claws along your back lazily, making you shiver. Knowing those claws to maim and mutilate, but they only graze your skin. It's a strangely gentle gesture that you never reject.
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Thanks for reading <3
Dividers by @/strangergraphics
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queenofallimagines · 7 months
Black!Witch!Mc getting chosen for the exchange program
I was writing about another request but then I specifically thought about how they would try to teach magic to MC but she was doing hoodoo so here we are✨
Student Council:
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- First off IMAGINE the audacity of getting kidnapped w no warning and now demons saying you gotta stay here for a full 365 days??
- Unserious
- I’m immediately putting a ‘no demon allowed’ sigils on the inside of my door so they wouldn’t be busting in 24/7 without knocking🙄
- Meeting belphie and telling he’s full of shit
- “I really am a human-“
- “Bullshit, I can feel your bitter ass spirit a mile away”
- Mammon knows what’s good so he’s already with the program
- “I had this bottle of Florida water just laying around. Not like I got it for you or anything but like here I’m throwing it out anyway”
- “I don’t know if human spirits would like this whiskey but like we had it lying around in the kitchen so just take it no one drinks it.”
- Baby I still see the price tag on it,,,,,
- Leaves fancy cigars in your room and when you mention them bc you KNOW they wasn’t there before he’s like “idk maybe you’re imagining things”
- “Satan has been doing research or whatever on human magic so maybe he left there here for ya to find.”
- He WILL gaslight you into thinking he isn’t like being helpful but like he’s not good at it
- Depending on where your from and if you work with more water and Sea based stuff Levi will be drawn to you like a moth to flame
- You smell like sea water and he peeps that
- When your around it feels peaceful like watching waves reaching the shore
- Asks you if you’re secretly like a mermaid
- “Maybe”
- He can not tell if you’re joking with that smirk Mc!!
- He sees you wearing pearls and starts just like giving you more of them
- “I got these from the bottom of that marinara trench or whatever and I thought you’d like them!”
- “You mean the MARINA TRENCH Levi???”
- He probably knows how to make jewelry out of them so he def does
- Gives you earrings and bracelets and says it’s for a cosplay
- “Yeah, the main character is like this really cool pirate queen who’s like secretly a siren.”
- “Oh damn That’s sounds cool what’s the name of it?”
- “…..I forgot but like trust me it’s REALLY good.”
- He is making up FAKE anime to get you to wear his gifts I am so sorry bestie
- Gifts you with seashells
- “I mean like humans pick these up all the time right?”
- “Is there a creature still living in there?”
- “You don’t want a little friend????”
- Please go put that back where you found it😭
- You like to chill in his room the most bc I mean look at it, it’s a big as fuck aquarium and it just feels like a vibe
- Was thinking about getting you this rly elaborate bathtub to keep in his room for you
- Like a blow up mattress💀 but it’s a Victorian claw foot tub
- But then you say that you can just sleep in his with him and he’s struggling to breathe
- “Y-you sure? I mean like I can sleep on the floor-“
- “It’s your room I’m not gunna make you move and besides there’s definitely enough space in there for both of us.”
- Gets all the softest blankets and pillows from all over the house like he’s snatching peoples shit up😭
- Stiff as a board when you first get in but then when he wraps his arms around you he feels at ease like he’s relaxing on the beach at night and knocks out
- Sweats he sleeps the best when you’re with him
- Satan is immediately fascinated
- Trying to see if he can pinpoint the meaning of the jewelry and clothes your wearing just from looking at you
- Noticed you always smell like incense
- Like he knew you were in the house bc he can smell sandal wood and lotus when he walks by
- “You’re not a regular human are you?”
- “You’re not really a regular demon are you?”
- Probably gets into it w you be you’re not taking any of his shit and you’re quick to clap back
- Traps him in a corner with salt
- “Time out. Sit your ass down”
- Stops getting mad somewhere along the line and starts getting turnend on by it
- Like may just set up scenarios behind the scenes that cause you to absolutely loose it
- An euphoric feeling washes over him when he sees you pissed off
- 🙄😒 he setting up scenarios for you to beef w Radom people
- Like it’s enough
- Likes to see you mad at him but he knows he has a limited amount of times he can do that in one sitting as not to damage your relationship
- Finds the way you do magic fascinating
- Throws him off a little bit
- How you just find shit and make it work??
- “Okay so for this spell it says we need like finely aged Demonus, frankincense resin, and blood.”
- “Okay well I got pine needles, old grape juice, and apple cider vinegar.”
- ????
- And he’s literally flabbergasted when IT WORKS PERFECTLY
- “That’s not the rules???”
- “Ion need those that’s optional.”
- “Hello?????”
- Scratching his head in frustration bc like?? YOURE NOT FOLLOWING THE BOOKS AND YET THINGS WORK??
- “Listen, when you don’t have things on hand you gotta substitute. It’s like the same thing kinda if you think about it.”
- “No it’s not!! You can’t substitute mullein for graveyard dirt!”
- “Says who🤨”
- Watches you like a child the way he hovers over you analyzing what you’re doing
- He was waiting on shit to backfire but he sees you doing things with ease and his curiosity is eating away at him
- “How long have you been doing this?? For you to just be quick on your feet like that?”
- “I don’t know? My whole life? It’s just like something you do everyday without thinking.”
- His nosey ass is always in your business
- Asmo is entranced by your appearance
- He can feel the energy coming off the jewelry you wear in an instant
- “Oooo where did you get those?”
- “It’s been passed down to me”
- “What’s the name of your grandparents? I might know who it originally belonged to👀”
- Clown ass will find out he ran through some of your family
- “I remember hearing about this one great great great great cousin that cheated on his soon to be wife and disappeared forever after they got married.”
- “Wait hold on I remember that name! That might have been be lol. I seduced him and then broke up the marriage and made a deal with the wife to make him disappear. Good times”
- “HELLO???”
- Like any generational curse he’s def behind it
- “My aunt cursed the family to never find love” ass shit and he’s like daaaam that’s was me my bad let me left that lol
- Clown
- Has you charm his jewelry
- Even tho he can do it himself he wants to watch you do it
- Beel
- What a sweetheart
- Likes when it’s your turn to cook
- Giving him snacks or cooking food that eases his hunger pains
- He’s holding you like a teddy bear
- Walks into your room like 🥺”snack pwease?”
- Your ancestors love him
- “Go give beel this”
- “….i bought that for YOU”
- “Okay?? Go feed my baby!”
- Like absolutely crazy
- Satan is their fav white boy
- In an “lmao this funky little white bot got some spice in em”
- Like he does In canon like Afro beats so IMAGINE they hear him singing like Marvin Gaye and they’re like “yeah this the one”💀
- The most annoying mf EVER
- He walks into your room and is like “oh I ain’t here for you”
- ????
- “Ayo don’t just roll up in here KNOCK first??”
- “Oh Mc I didn’t come here for you- good afternoon grandma McRae, I wanted to show you I aced my finals😌”
- Mammon is that cousin that you know always in some shit but he’s the one who do the most to help out
- Leaves Grimm on your altar
- You’re surprised he didn’t just snatch it but when you catch him bc it’s been accumulating and you know YOU ain’t put that much there
- “What you mean?? For good luck I ain’t miss yet at the casino”
- Imagine how tired we are
- Will hide Goldie there and they will NOT let Lucifer find it💀
- “Don’t worry baby I got this you run along now” INSANE
- Very “go make sure he ate breakfast this morning” energy
- See now belphie is so annoying
- Hoping and PRAYING that they don’t know about lesson 16 bc it’s like on sight
- Lilith is chilling on that mf altar and she will bring the WHOLE FAMILY to beat his ass
- So imagine they’re not beating his ass 24/7 and this is after the party when you guys made a pact
- He comes into your room while you’re busy to sleep in your bed because why would he sleep in his own if he wants to bother you??🙄
- “Hey Mc I’m gunna sleep in here they’re being too loud.”
- “…..hello and good afternoon to you too, I’m doing great how was your day😐” like he don’t ever be saying hello
- He feels this weird ass vibe in the room and he looks over at your desk
- “You a spell or something? What’s up with all that stuff?”
- “Hm? Oh no it’s just an altar for my ancestors I made one shortly after I got here.”
- Hums before wrapping himself in your blankets
- They all in his dreams whew
- He’s seeing people he’s NEVER seen before glaring at him and being like “you done lost your mind”
- Assumes he’s entered one of your dreams until Lilith is like
- “Why did you do that?”
- He was surprised to see you were related to her the first time
- IMAGINE they show him a flashback of what happens but he gets to see what we saw and Lilith last words to us
- And then he’s surrounded by people being like 😒😒😒
- He’s on his knees crying fr
- Want Lilith to beat up her brothers like “don’t mess w my baby👿” because we’re like her niece or whatever minus a few eons like her direct descendant
- She do not play about you at ALL
- She’s putting the fear of god in him before she’s like “I know you’re sorry and you’re my brother and I love you but don’t do that shit again”
- Only reason he ain’t get it worse is bc you love him💀
- They still baby him to an extent bc he is the baby of the family and since he can talk to them directly he will be asked to deliver messages for them
- but he woke up struggling to breathe
- And you’re like ?????
- Worst nightmare he’s ever had
- Getting all the other babies out the way they like Solomon but in a sneaky way
- “There he go again up to something “
- “I would never🥺” and he’s literally plotting
- They talk to like the most I think because he’s like idk how that works but they seem happy when I leave treats up there
- He runs to them when yall pick on him
- “Leave that baby alone!!”
- Simeon is the golden child obviously
- Picture perfect and so respectful
- Will leave a feather from his wings there just bc
- Everyday it’s “tell Simeon I said hi!”
- Like okay :// enough he can probably go see yall face to face
- Saving the very best for last Lucifer
- Comedy relief
- They be messing w him heavy
- Moving things around so he can’t find it
- His favorite pen runs out of ink and when he gets a a new one it starts working perfectly fine
- Missing matching socks
- Like just bc it’s funny
- They do however see he’s shouldering all this stuff that he really don’t need to and that he’s head over heels
- Suddenly his lunch feels more filling and comforting
- His paperwork seems less like an endless mountain
- When you’re not there he will go to the alter and leave little things
- Also asking them for advice on how to purpose
- All of a sudden you’re getting signs for a wedding
- “Are there even this many doves in the devildom????”
- “A wedding or union is in the future”
- “?? What do you mean by that auntie?”
- “😊”
- Jokingly mess w him bc COME ON it’s Lucifer!
- Stressing him out is like prime entertainment
- Honorary members of the anti-Lucifer league
- Satan leaves a little pin in there that says that LMAO
- Lucifer internally sighing bc wow his family got even bigger (he is not complaining, glad to see more of Lilith kin and how she had such a long strong lineage)
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appleblueberry-pie · 26 days
miles42 with a sister who has powers???
I think Prowler Miles with Spider-Girl Sister Reader is a funny trope.
Miles blocked your way to your room, leaning on the door.
"Where you been?"
"Where you been?"
"Don't turn it around. You been sneaking out every single night. You think I ain't know?" Miles was getting upset with every word he spoke. You could see it in his face.
"So? It's not like I'm getting hurt or anything?" You shrug his accusation off, ready to leave the topic alone.
He gets off of your door and walks in front of you, grabbing your hands. They were battered almost, scraped, bloody, and the blood barely covered the other healing scars from previous nights. When you look back up at him, the fury in his eyes nearly makes you break. He whisper yells to you, not wanting to wake up your mom in the other room.
"Why the fuck you lying to me, girl?? What the fuck you got going on through you damn head that makes you think it's fine getting fucked up, doing shit like this every. single. night???" He squeezes your burning hands with every enunciated words and you just let him talk.
"You think this shit cool? You finding it funny? Cause it's not. Just...." Miles shakes his head, softening his hold on your hands. "Just tell me the truth, please, Y/n."
"You tell me first," You say softly. Miles blinks. "I know you getting into fights, too. You know. Selling drugs and shit. Kicking ass. I wouldn't be surprised if you were the spider guy or the damn prowler going around Brooklyn. Why's it okay for you to do stuff like that and I can't?" "Sis, that's different, you know that's something I can't tell you. I told you the most I can say is I do this to help the us. To help mama-" "How you gon tell me not to go out when you coming back just like me? Hurt just like me? Being 'reckless' and 'stupid' and not knowing what I'm getting into. You don't know what I'm doing this for-"
"I ain't gotta to know you need to stay off them fucking streets!" "Oh my god..." You shake your head, stepping away from him to pace. The spidersuit rubbed against your skin underneath your hoodie and jeans. Just another reminder that you and your brother don't really know each other that well. And probably never will. "If there's anything you tell me it's this. What the fuck are you doing out there, Y/n??? To be coming home like this? Please, just let me know so I can find out how to protect you. Nobody can replace you and I don't want there to be a day where you gone and I ain't gon' know 'til way later."
You sigh, not knowing any other way to get around this with your words except the hard way. "I ain't telling you shit." Even though his mouth was silent, his face said everything for him. Surprise, annoyance and sadness. "I thought we told each other everything."
"Not this." More silence. ".......If you not telling me nothing, I'm not telling you nothing. I don't care." You did care. It just happens to be that you both are as stubborn as you are impatient.
"I'm just as busy as you are. And when you're willing to talk, we can talk. You not better than me just because you a few months older than me. You not better because you a boy or because you stronger. I got as much shit to do as you, Miles. And if it gotta be a secret for what's what, then I'm fine with that. Just don't come bothering me about it like we not outside doing the same thing, okay?"
He reflects over your words silently as you hug him and tell him goodnight, finally going into your room. He hated that there was this divide between the two of you. This wasn't what he wanted for his baby girl. He was there when you were born and now here you were, cussing at him and telling him off like you gangster or sumn. He's reminded of his claws under his bed, wondering when to let you know the truth.
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calciumdeficientt · 3 days
i created the template for NPC quotes and i never posted lenora’s… whoops. anyway here they are now. i have also learned that there are SO MANY different kinds of quotes so i am going to try and make this post as accessible as humanly possible but it is going to be LOOOOOOOOOOOONG
Tumblr media
Sure, I can keep an eye on you Jim
Don’t worry, Lenora’s got you for sure
I can’t take any more of this, I’m audi!
Fight your own battles J-dog, I’m done
Hey, give me a hand!
I need some help! Fight hard!
Aw… dang it I really thought I was getting the hang of this
Man… I hope the ladies turned away
Hm, not terrible… now try doing that in the ocean
Radical trick! Just… not in front of the girls. I’m really getting somewhere with them
Hey what gives! That nerd I stole it from might’ve wanted it back!
Aw crap, too high to drive, bike got stolen… this is the pits
You should go get some training wheels or something, I’m worried about you
The Bolt from Bullworth strikes like lightning, yeah!
Hey, watch it trust fund!
Usually I’d be mad, but you just slid right off me!
Ewwwuh watch where you put those freaky little rat claws, you can get jail time for stuff like that
The folks you meet in prison won’t be this kind to you, freak
Can you even be out here? What’s the radius on that ankle monitor
Ope- I was lookin’ but I wasn’t seein’ my bad!
Sorry little man, I’ll be more careful next time
You go first, all my fault
Ugh! Watch it, dork
Next time, I pound you
Open your eyes when you walk, Jimmy
Listen here, pipsqueak. Munchinland is back the way you came
Stay outta my way Hopkins.
Stay the HELL in your lane, don’t cross me.
Got track practice… gotta run
This was fun, see ya!
Hmm yeah i’m leaving now… no dumb excuse, just the vibe I’m getting
If I’d stayed in California I’d probably be in one of those tents
I wonder if either of those girls are single… hell, I’m not above trying both!
That ride was pretty okay… I guess
Aw man that ride was so rickety! It would’ve been so awesome if it crashed
How much booze is too much to bring to a party? They never have enough!
I kissed Gord at a party a few weeks ago… Its totally not my fault.. He smells like a lady
Man that fall off the gym roof really hurt.. I wish I knew when enough was enough… I’ll get there
If you think about it sound is like… waves. So when you’re listening to something it’s like you’re surfing!
I let a townie pierce my bellybutton… I think it might be infected
Everyone’s so agitated all the time. It can’t be good for us
My Polish teacher is all up in my grill about my assignments… like I dont have enough homework already.. I mean I already speak it! Who cares if I can’t write it down
Those prefects are always coming at me about my uniform! I didn’t like, ask to be tall!
Get back here pipsqueak!
I’ll turn you inside you you little twerp!
Man… need to… focus on long distance
Maybe… I overestimated how fast I can run
Yeah and keep running!
Enjoy your head start, pipsqueak
Hey, come check this out!
Dudes, come look at this!
I don’t know why everyone’s so bothered about global warming… I’d kill for it to be summer forever
Aw man I remember my first wedgie, I never did see that kid again
Dan and Thad look so similar… I hope I don’t slip up again
I am so sure… yknow he threatened to make me run in my underwear the other day because my shorts were too long.. It was soo totally bogus
I saw Ted and that weird rich kid Justin making out under the bleachers yesterday… Mandy is going to be sooo crushed… Someone better go tell her
I like, don’t know how much more I can take! I mean he’s totally messing with my vibe
Yeah right on man, you rule!”l
Total masterclass baby, woo!
Oh yeah totally I- wait wha?
Uh huh- go on..
Yeah, so?
Did you hear all the stuff that Gary kid was saying about Jimmy? It’s total nonsense but… I could be persuaded
I heard that Hopkins put Russell in the hospital!
There’s some crazy stuff going around that Jimmy is actually a spy. I don’t buy it
Apparently his mom isn’t actually his mom
Did you hear that Hopkins has been to jail like three times?
Well I heard that he never buys his own clothes, he just takes them off of people he fights!
I heard Derby Harrington is secretly a vampire! Maybe that’s why he’s so pale and ugly
Did you know that Ricky’s been to see nurse McRae three times this week? If he wants pills he should just come to me
Apparently Earnest never drinks water, maybe that’s why his skin is like that
Dan thinks he’s gonna get to actually be on the team next year, I think Burton only told him that so he didn’t run back to the nerds
That Constantinos kid has been avoiding me. Apparently he doesn’t even work for the yearbook, he just likes taking creep shots of everyone
I hooked up with this really dope chick last week… but Kirby told me her boobs are totally fake! Like, I think I know more about boobs than you do, buddy
Seriously?! No way dude
That’s, like, next level bonkers!
Holy macaroni!
Damn!!!! There’s NO universe that’s true
Miss Peabody’s doing random spot checks of the dorms… I’m so totally screwed
Sometimes I wonder if I even wanna run anymore
I’m starting to think maybe girls don’t actually dig me!
The guys don’t really care about me… I’ll never live up to their expectations
The whole clique’s gonna fall apart when Ted leaves for college… man I need to make new friends
Yeah right, like that’s anything to cry over
Try being me for a day and see if that still bothers you
Too bad, that’s Bullworth, kiddo
Cmon man that’s nothin’ get over yourself
It’s like… no one cares about what’s going on at home!
I was never meant to be a jock. I’m just a nerd in denial!
Girls hate me, guys see me as a joke. Real sweet life
Times have really changed, we are SO the bottom of the food chain now
Catch you later dude
Hang loose bro
See you ‘round man
You coming to the meet on Friday? I’m set to get another medal
Having inter-clique friendships is pretty cool
I like to think the guys have accepted me as one of them
People always invite me to parties, it’s pretty rad
Oh yeah? that’s dope
Right on! Totally awesome!
I’m pickin’ up what you’re puttin’ down
Hey, ever parked and not paid?
You ever wonder if concrete has feelings?
Have you ever caught a big wave?
Ever put your arms up on a ride even when they tell you not to? You have haven’t you!
That’s a rad way of putting it.. man I feel stupid
Totally, I should do that more
Yeah… well I mean, I’ve thought about it, like… a LOT
Whaat? Nooo. You need to open your mind more man.
Do you think before you speak or do you just say it. of course not
No,that’s for losers
So this is what losing feels like… gross
How but- I- but..
Oh man… I should go pawn my medals
Who even ARE we?!
Okay seriously, what gives you guys?
They so totally cheated!
Oh my god…. I think I’m gonna hurl
Ouch! I’m not the person you’re supposed to hit
Hey I’m your buddy, don’t hit me dude!
Aw man, and this shirt was SO CLEAN!
Oh it’s SO over!
I’m gonna knock your ass over to the West coast!
Come here and take it!
Oh the gloves are OFF
Hhhhgh… nuuuuurse
Hey… I liked those teeth
I just hope… there were ladies watching
I’ll… be back for you later
Dude… everything’s spinning
I’m going to KEEP you on welfare!
Come on and try it Ponyboy
Which hospital do you wanna get sent to?
No one steps to Harker
Consider this karma, jackass
The force can’t save you now!
Get your surgeon on the phone!
Ow! I’m not even a dude and that was still so… emasculating
Euuugh… brush your teeth dude
Grapple! GRAPPLE!
Cmon man do something illegal, we aren’t cops!
Violence makes violence
This is NOT something you wanna get into
Every time I get my hopes up that it’s a real fire… and every time its just some loser messing with the alarm
I- eheheh
Totally! So like… what’s going on?
Hey, we can work this out right?
Dude! Stop throwing that! It’s all that I can eat!
I heard banana is good for your hair… I wonder if it’s good at high speeds
Sweet! The first of many, Hopkins
Same time tomorrow Jimmy?
My dealer wants cash… cough up
You’ve got something in there to keep me from swinging, don’t you?
You’re in with all those preps… you’ve got something to keep me away from you, surely
Sure, I can back you up. But you gotta pay up front
I can be mean if you gimme some green, Jimmy!
I knew you had a good brain in that noggin, Hopkins
Right on, you’re a good dude
I’ll be back soon as this runs dry
Here, I got you a little something
Dude, hey!
Good to see you man
Hey you
Hey sir
Sup uhh… ma’am
Fresh threads? You’re looking better than ever
Hey mama, you into arts and crafts? I’m real good with scissors
Sweet hat… I need it get me one of those
Radical shoes, man. Lookin’ swish
Rockin shirt dude!
Those are some kickass pants
Gnarly haircut
Sweet mane dude, radical
Now that’s hair that’ll get you a scholarship!
Sweet ink, I was thinking of getting something like that
Hey I know that style, we get our tats at the same place!
Oh Lenora Lenora Lenora you are such a stud.. man if I were a pretty girl I’d TOTALLY date you myself
Man my hair’s gettin’ pretty long… makes me miss home
It’s as simple as this
Listen dude, all you need to do is…
Heyyy, just the dude I’m lookin’ for
I’m totally getting the vibe you wanna help me right now
Enough! I’m minding my business!
Ow! Un-called for
‘Hey! What’s your damage man!
“Heyyyyyyy… uhhh bro
Nice, man. Get some. Oh wait- I mean noooo you cant be in here dude
hah hah hah… aaaah that was SOO LAAME
hahahaha dude, no more seriously! I’m cryin’ hehe
Uuuuugh the next time I see him I’m gonna make him swallow his own intestines!
Mr whiskers! I thought Dr Slawter dissected you!
I am NOT talking to you until you…. fix whatever’s going on with your energy
Hey back OFF, I am not your friend, and I’m friends with everyone so… you’re kinda a douche
Jimbo! What’s goin on little dude
Hey Jim, how’s it hangin?
Hopkins is innnnnn the building! And lookin fly
Come on you don’t wanna hit a girl, right? RIGHT?!?!
Jimmy come on man, we’re tight!
I- that was.. I didn’t know what I was sayin man I was fried!
Please dont hit me.. I have a meet this weekend
Hang tight little bro I’m comin for ya
Hey! Keep your hands to yourself!
Man what a hunk of junk, it so lame I don’t even wanna think about it
I really had high hopes for that…. such a shame it was a pile of bullcrap
What?! No dont touch that it’s my favourite thing!
Damn it damn it! So bogus, I loved that
Oh man that looks dangerous…. do it again
Wooohoooo! HEADS!!!
Euuugh smells like the gym after wresting practice
Ewww it’s like the visiting room in jail
No girl could resist me in these, it’d be a crime not to get em
Oof… how many people thought this was okay to sell?
Listen… I know a LOT of cheerleaders, Jim
We’re buddies Jimmy, aren’t we? ARENT WE?!
You’re a cool guy Hopkins… you respect women. I’m down with that.
If you’re gonna ruin the architecture… at least spell the insult right
I’m very anti authority but this is like… serious
A little birdie told me that you were looking for..
Come over and do something!
Yeah right, loser!
Come at me, bro
Go ahead, make my day
Little bitch!
I’m gonna break you down!
Open wide, I wanna play dentist!
Get ready the beating of a lifetime!
You shoulda read up on caskets!
Bad trip, my b, my b
Lesson learned, It’s cool
Okay kiddo, okay, I get it
This is kinda sad… at least fight back dude
Yeeeeah that’ll teach you
You’re my bitch now, ya dig?
Come onnnnnn you know you wanted this
Hey young blood, lemme welcome you the Bullworth way
You smell like a prep…gross
Hey who cut your hair? that hobo?
Oh my god, were you awake in the salon? I hope not
That hat is… brave
I always knew there was something crooked about you, Hopkins.
Did you pay for those pants or did you find them on a corpse?
How much did you pay for that shirt? whatever it was it was too much
Those shoes are… wow okay
You let a blind guy with parkinson’s tattoo you
All that time in the chair and you couldn’t ask for something a little cooler?
Those are some gnarly threads, shame they’re on a dork
I just- I (SOBBING) I have a lot of dreams… and most of them are about women (MORE SOBBING)
Oh… you were talking to me?
I wonder if that townie girl is busy right now
Is this supposed to be threatening?
Man, I need a toke
You got something to say, huh? HUH?
Stand by it, loser, say that again!
I’ve been itching for a chance to fix that bogus attitude
Come over here and do something about it!
Step up man. STEP UP.
Your ass is grass, Hopkins and NOT the fun kind
I buh- I-I was just playing around
Man cmon man knock it off
I can dish it but i can’t take it, okay! I’m a wimp!
Jimbo! This way man!
Did you hit your head or something? It’s this way!
You’re a good dude, thanks J.
Aw man… worst wave of my life
You could’ve done this in the girls bathroom…. they’re so much (SOB) CLEANER
Total party foul…. not cool
Noooo cmon cmon this isn’t good for either of us!
The guys’ll leave you alone! I swear! Please don’t do this!
Heyyyy lighten up, it’s character building!
I’ll send some flowers over for your casket
Cmon loser, it’s like a workout!
We’re jocks for a reason! Go home now!
I feel kinda bad for you guys.. comin’ in knowin’ you’re gonna like, lose
It’s cool we’re giving a chance to a less fortunate team.
Yooooo, thank you!
That’s how it’s DONE! Check it!
Another one bites the dust.
Ain’t nothin’ new here, ladies.
I’ve yet to meet an underdog we couldn’t smash
Oh please no! I’m so scared of you… hahah yeah right
Ohh…Get a life dude… such a buzzkill
hahahaha right on… I love playing rough!
You’re so funny! Do that scream thing again
If you struggle enough I might feel sorry for you…. probably not
Hopkins, wait up!
Slow down a little, I’m stiff!
This is like… literally like… like… like the worst day ever!
Heyyyy that looks like… hang on, what is that?
No it’s fine whatever. Not like I was, like watching it. or anything
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vrisrezis · 1 year
Dabihawks + satsugu hcs where you take care of them after they get injured;;; reader has a cat quirk, // reader is special grade sorcerer, reader comes across and stoic and uncaring but they care a lot. Reader is gn like always but they are called a bitch (affectionate)
Sorry if Dabi is ooc he’s having a soft boy moment
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You didn’t really acknowledge touya when he walked into your shared home, but he didn’t want you to in all honestly. Part of him hoped you would not smell the blood seeping from what should be his stitched up skin, but he knows you can smell it from the way your eyes narrow. Even for a normal person with no cat like smell, the odor is rather potent.
You close your eyes, letting out a deep sigh as he tries to walk past you and he physically cringes, shutting his eyes tightly. He feels like a child about to be scolded by his mother or something, but only you can illicit such a childish reaction from him.
You close the book your reading, placing it on the table in front of you and you stand up, walking behind him. He knows better than to just walk away from you so he stands in place, frozen. You can be rather intimidating when you’re angry, even if those feelings aren’t obvious, he’s known you for so long now he can just feel it. It’s not like he’s scared of you or anything, as you are his partner that deep down loves and cares for him, but he still knows better than to get on your bad side.
You place a hand on his shoulder, your hard gaze doesn’t soften. You make him look at you by turning his body with the hand placed on his shoulder, your claws threatening to dig into his skin if he doesn’t turn to look at you.
“You interrupted my reading time.” you say, but you don’t seem annoyed. Then again, you’re a cold hearted bitch that never seems to indicate any emotion. “And what’s more..? You look like shit. Cant have my boyfriend looking like shit, it makes me look bad.” you say in order to try to mask that you care for him, even though you both know how much you truly love the man before you. It’s just in your nature, and perhaps he’s the same exact way. “come, I will patch you up.”
You walk into the bathroom to get what you needed to help stitch back some of the skin on dabis mouth and hands. You don’t bother asking him how he managed this, as he’s been abnormally silent. Must’ve been a tougher mission. “Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” you ask, referring to when he first walked in your shared abandoned house. Your boyfriend lets out a hiss as you patch his skin back together. You truly show no remorse nor mercy when it comes to this stuff, or anything really.
“Maybe.. who knows?” he shrugs, looking the other way, “figured maybe you would ignore it.” he says before looking you in the eyes. “Hate it when you care for me. Means you’ll be making fun of me for the next week for being too pathetic.” he says with a little smirk.
“While that is entirely true,” you admit, “I am your partner, so it is my job to take care of you. You’d do the same if the roles were reversed. Besides, you love it when I make fun of you.” “No I don’t.” He groans, “you’re relentless, give your man a damn break. I gotta deal with toga all day, I don’t need to deal with you too.”
You place a hand to his cheek, and you notice the blush form. “Too bad.” you say, kissing the shell of his ear. “It’s too fun to tease you.” you say with the same, nonchalant expression you wear.
You know he’s probably having a rough day, as indicated with how soft he’s being right now. Typically he’s more bratty. As a result, you figure you’ll take care of him.
“Now go take a shower. You smell like a rotting corpse.” “You know I hate taking those.” he rolls his eyes, “hurts my skin.” “Don’t care.” you reply.
“Tch. Have a little compassion, bitch.” “I’ll kill you. Take a shower, you smelly bastard.”
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You’re silent. And while that isn’t exactly uncommon for you, right now it does not put Keigo at ease like it normally may have. While you know of his past, know of his father being a criminal, you know that he had not intended o killing twice. You’d like to say you don’t particularly care, but that would be a lie. For as uncaring as you are, you have ideals of your own that you take seriously.
But you know keigo, although you would reprimand anyone for not holding certain people accountable because of a stupid emotional attachment, you know keigo just wanted to help. He’s just an idiot at times. Besides that, you know how this goes. You cannot save everyone, that is the hardest part about this job. Some people are beyond saving.
For once, you don’t insult him too much for his personal failures, knowing that he’s probably being hard on himself right now. You’ve both been quiet, he’s looking anywhere but you, and you’ve been staring into his soul for quite awhile. Eventually you look away, and keigo isn’t sure if he’s thankful your sharp gaze is no longer on him.
“Want anything?” you ask, uncaring as always. As if nothing was happening. He lets out a sigh, “no..”
“Okay.” you simply say, before walking up to him, he’s alarmed by this as first, but you then ruffle is hair. “Relax you dumb bird,” you say with a sigh, moving to sit on the edge of the bed. You look down at him, and he finally gathers the courage to look up at you. “I’m sorry…” he says, and you shake your head. “Don’t apologize.” you say simply, before adding “bird brain.”
While keigo is normally one to start some petty argument over the nickname, his heart flutters upon hearing it. Maybe cause he expected you to hate him, which he wouldn’t blame you for. He doesn’t expect the cute nickname from you.
He feels as though he may be pushing his luck, but he tries anyway. “Can you… hold me?” he asks, rather hopeful.
Even you don’t have it in you to turn him down. With a roll of your eyes you say, “fine, but don’t expect this to happen everytime you happen to injure yourself.”
You don’t see it, but he’s got the biggest grin under all the bandages.
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Gojo seriously cannot believe it. He was just defeated by Toji Fushiguro, yet somehow the young male was still breathing. Both he and the man that attacked him thought he was dead, but here you were, standing before him, and he acknowledges your existence. You stood there, as uncaring as ever. He seriously wonders if you give a shit about him at all.
“Get up, moron.” you say, “or he’ll kill geto too.” you tilt your head in the direction he went, your eyes looking in that direction but your head never once turns to look as if it’s unneeded.
You see your stupid boyfriend let out a laugh in a sudden realization. “I think I finally figured it out.” he whispers, and even you’re surprised you managed to hear him. “I know that, dumbass. That’s why I just said, you need to find him.”
Gojo gets up, without your assistance. He lets out a sigh, “you’re so mean to me.” he pouts, and you roll your eyes. “Promise me you’ll nurse me back to health when this is over?”
For once, you nod. A part of you wants to take care of gojo, but you don’t admit that to him. “Yes. Now go you piece of shit.”
He can’t help but let out a strained laugh.
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Geto has never been injured before. Seeing him in such a state after the fight wth toji bothered you deep down, though he never got the sense you worried too much. You were there for him, and got him to safety, but you two never talked about what happened directly with one another.
You aren’t sure how to assist him in his time of need, for a multitude of reasons. But you know he needs you.
You don’t bother to knock on his door, you come in anyways. Which isn’t like you. For as rude as you can be, you still respected him (and anyone else) enough to knock. But you didn’t care about formalities at the moment.
He turns around, “oh… hey hun…” he says quietly. You don’t bother saying anything back, and sit next to him on the bed. Neither of you say anything for awhile.
“It bothers me too, you know.” you say, looking at him.
For the first time in weeks, he turns back to you, he is able to hold back a gasp, but can’t help but leave his mouth agape. You look exhausted, just like him. You look so tired with the bags under your eyes, sullen cheeks, and you look incredibly skinny. He can’t imagine he looks much better himself, but he never would’ve imagined ever seeing you in this state given your hard personality. Even so, you still held a stoic expression, you still kept it all together despite how obvious it was you were hurting too.
He feels his lips quiver, and for the first time ever, he sees your hard gaze soften and cup his cheek. He feels his eyes water. “I failed her..” he whispers as he lets the tears fall on his cheeks.
You don’t disagree with him, because you can’t. To you, it would be dishonest.
“I failed her too.” you say. “We both failed her.” you continued. “But that’s why we have to keep going. Keep trying. So that we don’t have to fail anyone else, ever again.”
He allows himself to cry more. Because for once, you allow it. You allow the vulnerability that you’ve never once allowed. He allows himself to feel everything he needs to. Cause at the end of the day, he knows you’re the one person who truly understands.
“Thank you.. you’re so good to me..” he says, and you shake your head.
“Shut up. I am unworthy of your praise.”
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rat-butch · 5 months
impera ghouls' fav art medium, from an art school dropout
found this in my notes app, i previously sent them to @gravehags but i'm posting it here because why the fuck not.
mountain's kinda obvious, but he really likes working with natural materials. enjoys woodworking and land art. despite his size, has very deft hands and is extremely delicate. makes a trip to the farm each season to get some beautiful fresh and golden hay to weave it into ornaments and jewelry. and let me tell you that's a testimony to his skill cause i literally cried over hay last october and I had to soak it in water to be able to bend it. the texture was disgusting and i got destroyed at the critique anyway lol
i've already said it before, but cumulus is totally into stamp carving and linocuts. 11/10, very calming, probably has rough hands since you have to use lots of white spirit to get the ink of off the lino, and you gotta use a special rough scrub to get ink out of your skin. puts her creations everywhere, gives you and the ghouls little cards and patches she printed herself :)
cirrus and sunshine probably share the screenprinting workshop. it's a very delicate craft, especially when you go for traditional paper stencils. but worry not, ghoul claws are sharper and more precise than your average cutter. though, a intricate multi-colored stencil implies there's a lot of drying time involved, especially on fabric. they always have some kind of brunch during that time, with tea and snacks and such. invite you to join them if you happen to pass by. (it's them printing the merch i know it)
aether makes very cool metal sculptures. he's got both the strength and the patience for it. you know those adorable little bird-shaped garden ornaments made from scrap metal ? yeah he did some because the local old ladies are always commissioning him to make them. also the workshop's babysitter, has to keep an eye on swiss and dew when they start beefing with a circular saw in their hands.
rain is very skilled in needlework. originally considered himself a better painter, since he's got a sharp eye and is good at color theory, but discovered all the ways you can use embroidery and sewing with an artistic approach during a workshop in his first year. sewed a costume made out of dried orange peels and called it 'orange leather' once. also interested in book binding. will get snappy if the others call him a little grandma while he's embroidering.
phantom is a photographer, and a pretty good graphist as well. he's too shy to admit it, but he really does know how to present his work. has the cleanest portfolio around, and is probably a huge perfectionist. i mean, perfectionism is kind of a must in art school but bug is an anxious wreck (give him a hug). very gentle, handles the lenses and lights with lots of care. mainly photographs landscapes and nature mortes, but enjoys taking portraits as well. makes a lot of self-portraits and will very shyly ask you to pose for him.
aurora makes little pop-up zines. it's a prefect way for her to give way to both her gentleness and chaotic nature. while pop-ups may look tedious to make, it's actually lots of fun, and you can get pretty chaotic with it too. has a whole collection of patterned and textured papers, she made most of them. probably has a 'cool paper stash' she hasn't touched because she doesn't want to 'waste them' and said paper is like christmas wrapping paper from 2016 (it's me i'm guilty).
dewdrop is more interest in contemporary art, especially sculpture. little guy has no patience and likes to break stuff, i see it as a match made in heaven. uses his fire ghoul abilities to burn different matters and experiment with them. kinda see him as my friend who burnt a humongous quantity of human hair for a project. was pissed no one cuddled him for two days because of the smell.
swiss is totally a performance artist. i mean, technically, all of the ghouls have a huge affinity with it, but swiss especially. a big fan of contemporary composers like john cage and karlheinz stockhausen, as well as bauhaus performance art. he likes to let loose, have fun exploring his body's and voice's capicities in an artistic light. probably submitted some kind of sextape as a project, but it's okay because the professor likes provocative stuff.
bonus : all of them probably were nude models for the evening classes at some point. i haven't included anatomical study in the hcs because no one in their right mind would enjoy sitting on a stool and drawing greek statues for 8 hours straight, but none of them would mind being the models. although they'll probably ask you for a massage afterwards because of how tiring it is to stay in the same position for so long.
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lucius-morningstar · 4 months
Magic Happens? (Part 2)
Awkward conversations and Panic. ------- Lucius: Okay so what did you want to talk about? Charlie: I'm about to ask a question that's going to be very uncomfortable for us, so I need you to answer me honestly and quickly so it doesn't get anymore awkward then it needs to be. Lucius: Okay. Charlie: Who of you in this hotel had sex in the past couple weeks. Lucius: Charlie the fuck. Angel: I don't kiss n' tell dollface. Husk: The fuck you talking about, that's all you do. Angel: Well way to make it less fun. Cherri: Yeah I fucked, I can't recall when or with who. Mostly out of it Charlie: Okay thank you Cherri for being the only one to give me a straight answer. Angel: I mean you know me babe, I'm always fucking with someone. So yeah more then likely. Husk: Probably but I don't have the best record of it so apart from last night, no. Charlie: Lucius please don't make me ask again. Lucius: I am not answering that because I love you too much to admit I've had sex. Angel: I can answer that. He snuck off the Carmine place last night. Vaggie: How the fuck do you know? Angel: He texted me, let's see he said "If Charlie asks, tell her I am fucking Compound Pussy." Then it autocorrected to which he kept trying to write Clara's name but it came weird before he said "Fuck it, you know what I mean, just say I'm smashing ass n' that my phone will be off until tomorrow." Lucius: Ugh.. Bees fuckin honey, stuff makes me share too much Angel: Husk fucked me last night. Husk: Angel the fuck?! Angel: She wanted honesty, don't have a lot of details but I have the claw marks on my back to prove it. Charlie: I don't need visuals, just a confirmation. Husk: *Sighs* Can I ask why? Charlie: Uh.. Well so I was letting dad know the baby news, he asked how? Husk: Please don't give us a play by play. Charlie: No, just anyway I explained that I tried the creation spell and it overloaded and kinda blew all sorts of fuses in the hotel. He asked me if anyone was in the hotel aside from ya know me and Vaggie. Lucius: Weird question to ask. Charlie: I thought so too, so I asked him why and he said and I quote "Nephilim magic is new, stronger and unstable in new hands so the effects could be far bigger and far more.. Uh. Wild in the hands of someone whose still learning." Lucius: What'd he mean by that. Charlie: That I have to keep an eye on everyone for the next couple weeks. Lucius: Why. Charlie: Nothing serious- Lucius: Charlie please just spit it out! Charlie: There's a risk the creation spell might have worked on everyone in the hotel.. Whose been intimate in the past couple weeks. Lucius: What the fuck does that mean! Vaggie: It means that there's a risk that if you've had sex, unprotected especially, that there is a huge chance your fertility odds have doubled.. and tripled in some cases. Cherri: I thought we couldn't have kids in hell. Charlie: In normal standards yes but.. my magic may have reversed it on accident. Cherri: Please tell me this is some kinda sick joke. Angel: Yes please tell us it's a sick joke. Husk: Why are you panicking, you're a guy. Angel: No-No reason. Charlie: Gender is irrelevant, the chances are high regardless. Lucius: Fuck! Charlie: It might not work on you Lucius. You're a Nephilim too, it's possible the spell didn't even effect you. Lucius: Well I fucking hope so Charlie. I just got with Clara and Carmilla will kill me if in the first two weeks one of her daughters ends up knocked up. There's only one place and person she'll be looking for and that's me! Vaggie: Well it's too late to complain now. Charlie: Lucius it might not even mean anything. It could be completely false and nothing could happen. Lucius: R-Right.. Charlie: But.. Yo-You still gotta tell Clara. Just in case. Lucius: I-I can't. I can't fuck this up more when we're actually in a good place. Vaggie: You think she'll like you if she finds out on her own and finds out you knew and said nothing. Lucius: ..I fucking hate you so much.
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Your butterfly Howdy- so so so obsessed!! please tell me you thoughts I love him!! The thought of him simply falling from his chrysalis in a big sopping mess is so real™ , true butterfly moment
i would be Delighted to Talk. i always am. i have many thoughts always about everything. especially This. gonna add a cut so there's not a wall of text on my blog
okay so 1) i don't think he'd give any warning that he's gonna turn into a chrysalis. probably because he wouldn't realize it's happening bc like... those good ol caterpillar instincts took over <3 also it probably made him very very eepy
in his perspective, he took a nap and woke up spontaneously Different. everybody else had to deal with a solid few weeks of him being a chrysalis. and it's not like he was resting inside it - there is soooo much going on in metamorphosis, caterpillars/butterflies Do Not Rest At All
so when he emerges from the chrysalis (as a pathetic wet rag of a man <3) he's just... so out of it. his memory is a little fucky for a bit, he's weak, & he's exhausted to the point where the only time he's awake is to eat (gotta get that energy back!). that's it. he's dead asleep, wakes up, demolishes an entire bowl of fruit, and passes back out. can't even speak coherently.
he slowly gains lucidity until he's functional. he has a small period of time where he's kind of delirious/loopy from an overdose on Sleep, and it's hell on earth for everyone to deal with. i like to think that his main Watchers during this time are Poppy and Barnaby, both bc they're both big enough to wrangle him and bc of obvious reasons. (Poppy is a worrier and Barnaby is in love with Howdy)
when Howdy's loopyness wears off, he's still very tired and a bit spacey, but hey! he reopens the bodega! not that he needs to, since everyone was getting stuff from it anyway. he has a lot of IOU's in the never-used cash register <3 and lots of sweet notes. everyone missed him <3
so for a while when he's functional-but-Exhausted, he's a bit of a grouch. he simply does not have the energy to deal with Shenanigans and Excitement. if anyone walks into the bodega he's basically like "get your shit and get out, thank you, bye". he still sometimes nods off at the counter. eepy eepy bug.
and i don't think he'd really like his new appearance at first? i get the vibes that he Didn't want to pupate OH MY GOD THAT'S THE WORD! I'VE BEEN USING CHRYSALIZE WHICH ISNT EVEN A WORD BC I FORGOT 'PUPATE'. FUCK!, so he was subconsciously putting it off and was able to live for such a long time as a caterpillar.
but oopsie! he lost the battle of biological will! now he's got So Much Fluff and wings and claws and longer antennae and like... he's blue now. that would probably be at least a little unsettling, especially since he didn't realize it was going to happen. also he has to tailor all of his clothes to fit the wings and the Fluff.
plus, i imagine butterfly/moth wings are a Bitch to deal with. they don't fold like bird or bat wings, and they're kinda delicate - though due to Howdy's size, i'm sure they're more durable than a normal butterfly's - so i bet they are Constantly In The Way. (Barnaby probably makes a joke about how "Eddie's supposed to be the clumsy one" after Howdy knocks over a display with his wings for the umpteenth time. cue Barnaby getting kicked out of the store)
it takes a while for Howdy to get them under Control. they'd probably give away ever emotion he has. angry/frustrated? fluttering like crazy. thinking happy/fluffy thoughts or daydreaming? slow opening-closing. sad/pensive? droopy wing cape. stressed/high-strung? closed tight like a book. etc.
(similarly, his antennae are Very expressive! this is not something he can control unless he focuses extra hard. within a week Frank has memorized what each curl and twitch means)
but once Howdy has reconciled with his new appearance & has wrangled his wings, He Is So Fruity And Even More Eccentric. he fell outta that chrysalis and went "im gay now! 🧚‍♂️💅" kidding Kidding. kind of.
idk why, just... i feel like he gets a confidence boost. he realizes hes a Pretty Boy™️. he's like "this is what it must feel like for Eddie when he does drag". he's got that extra fruity Flair yk yk.
and sure, flowers are a little more distracting to Howdy than they used to be, prefers fruit over greenery, and he can't resist taking a short break every day to sun his wings, but other than that things are mostly normal. he's just extra pretty now.
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steakout-05 · 10 months
OK SO THE TRAILER FOR THE NEW GARF MOVIE CAME OUT (and of course youtube didnt tell me about it until now) AND!!! ITS SO CUTE!!!!!! so here's me yelling and screaming and fanboying about how much i love how this movie looks so far :D
ok first off, BABY GARF!!! HE IS A TINY BALL!!! LITTOL GUY!!!! :D
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he's so miniscule! so microscopic! an atom! he's tiny!!! but he's just living in a box who would abandon such a little guy :( (his dad probably. yeah he's in this movie and i hope Garfield's mum is also in here because she appeared in a classic Garfield special and she's so lovely)
after this scene we see our first look at Jon (my beloved) eating alone at an Italian restaurant, and like, this means so much to me. look at these shots:
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i'm not sure if they're in order or not but like. look at the way he watches the family! he has a look of bittersweet love and sadness in his eyes and i'm just,,, 🥺 he just wants to be a dad.... i love how Jon has always kinda been portrayed as a father figure to his pets, in classic shows and specials he calls Garf and Odie his boys, in Garfield Gets Real he calls them his kids and now here, he wants to be a father so bad i'm going to burst into tears i love this man
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the garf appears!! the littol baby has arrived!! the tiny little miniscule microscopic molecule atom of a cat has approached the window!!!
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the way Jon puts his finger to the window, the way he cuddles baby Garf with so much tender loving care and adoration..... he's so sweet i love him!! how can people hate this man?? look at him!!! look this sweet and loving father figure in the eyes and tell him you hate him. you cannot. he's too pure for this world
also i haven't mentioned this yet, but it's commonly accepted in the Garfield fandom that Garfield was born in a pizza shop and then was transferred to a pet shop where Jon then adopted Garfield in 1978, but to be honest, i didn't really like the pet shop part of that backstory. the pizza place part was great but i dunno, Jon just going to a pet shop and buying Garfield isn't as heartfelt to me. this backstory though? i LOVE. two lonely creatures meeting each other and forming a family is so adorable and sweet, especially for modern Garfield. i feel like we need less cynicism in modern Garfield and more stuff like this i love it so much,,, also this movie looks fucking beautiful holy shit
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i really like this part because like, Garfield didn't develop his bizarrely huge diet over time. dude was BORN with it. and like look at that look on Jon's face, he looks like he hasn't even finished processing what just happened yet and is just staring into the mist wondering what and how and why that happened. beautiful. also that second image is really funny to me it should have a silly ominous text post caption on it
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also this shot, i didn't notice it the first time but holy shit the look of absolute HORROR on Jon's face!! he is witnessing the TRUE extent of Garfield's powers and he is NOT ready for it man i love this shot so much
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okok so what i REALLY LOVE about this specific shot is that it reminds me of a classic Garfield strip where Jon is attempting to give Garfield a bath!! here's the strip it reminds me of:
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Jon doesn't actually wear anything but like. the fact that he has to go through so much preparation to give Garfield a bath so he doesn't claw him up in the movie, it just has to be a reference to this strip it's gotta be man i'm betting money on it. also hiii Lyman :)
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this scene is so fucking pretty!!! look at the warm colours! it feels so homely and it's exactly how i feel reading my dad's old Garfield comic books! all the warm bright colours and gentle lighting, all the freshly baked lasagna that i really wanna eat because it's so delicious looking.... how can people say that Jon doesn't feed Garfield when he is RIGHT THERE grating extra cheese for him because he knows Garfield likes extra everything in his lasagna. such a sweet adorable man :') i'd like to see ihatejonarbuckle make a good rebuttal to THIS
there's some other neat little references in this movie too, like the Stuck On You plushies made by Dakin being referenced with Garfield smacking into a car after his dad throws him out of a train,
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and a reference to the giant Garfield balloon at a Macy's Thanksgiving parade that makes me think that 'Garfield' the comic is canon in this movie, it's created by Jon (cause y'know he's supposed to be a cartoonist) and it's based off his own stories with Garfield and it is now an international phenomenon like in our world. neat!
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the question is though, does Garfield know he's a worldwide sensation or does he have absolutely no idea? it'd be funny if it was the latter option honestly cause he'd be extremely confused yet flattered as to why there's a random giant balloon dedicated to him in the city
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so the big dude on the left is Garfield's dad, but also, this reminds me of this other Garfield comic where Garfield meets his former self from 1978 and they proceed to eat all the food in the fridge together. thought that was cool :D
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(it'd be really funny if this was Garfield's dad and he was messing with Garfield by telling him they are one in the same haha)
oh yeah and here's the two of them eating everything in Jon's fridge from the movie:
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see what i mean? there's a similarity there and i think it's really funny. also Jon's probably thinking "wtf there's two of them now???" like Garfield got so fat that he just split into two cats or something lol
so! does it look like a good movie? abso-fucking-lutely yes!!! i am SO excited to go see this one! i think this is the best Garfield media we've gotten in YEARS! i love the colours and the shots, i love the slight modern redesign they gave Jon, Odie looks a little weird but he's still super fun and adorable, and while i do find it odd that the Garfield balloon looks more like Garfield than he does, i do like how expressive the characters' eyes are and it's miles better than the previous 3D Garfs we got! i really wanna see this movie and boy am i going to be RAVING about it for WEEKS this blog will be FILLED with Garfield for the next few weeks when this goes digital!! super jazzed to see it!!
and with that, here's one more comparison that i think is extremely funny:
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New Moon - Part 2
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Summary: You wake up after being attacked and find out werewolves do exist and you're now one of them.
A/N: Reader is female. No other physical descriptors used.
A/N2: The tags from the previous chapter indicated Beck was an Omega but I'm retconning that a bit to have him be a Beta.
Warnings: Hospital setting, Implied violence
Part 1 -- Part 3
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The next week is a muddle of eating, sleeping, and learning how to live with your improved senses. Hal, Jake and Chris are all very patient with you and very respectful as well. You'd asked about female accompaniment but, apparently, some tropes are real and female werewolves are few and far between. But all three of them were gentlemen and always respected your boundaries, for which you were grateful.
In some ways you felt like a teenager going through puberty again. Your body was building new muscles and you frequently underestimated your strength. Your proprioception was incredibly off. Meanwhile your appetite was off the charts and you had no sense of a circadian rhythm as your body kept deciding to fall asleep at random times for long hours.
Whenever you were awake the guys worked hard to help you adapt to everything. You lost count of how many times Hal had to catch you because you were stumbling over your own two feet. Jake was a big help when it came to relearning scents. And Chris was always quick with an answer to your question of "what's going on?" You'd often cry in frustration and he'd explain to you while Hal held you and purred and Jake held your hand, providing water or food if you needed it. They were quite the effective care team.
The next full moon was coming up quick and you were scared. The last full moon was nothing but pain followed by weeks of, essentially, physical therapy.
"I won't sugar coat it," Chris cautions. "This next full moon will be tough for all of us. You've developed more of that werewolf strength and you're likely to grow full claws and fangs this time around. It's going to be painful for you, of course, but it's also going to be more dangerous for us. So our focus is going to be on keeping you calm and trying to mitigate the pain."
"That's part of the reason we've been doing scent training," Jake adds. "Gotta know which ones aggravate and annoy as opposed to being neutral or calming."
"Why can't you just restrain me for all of it? If it's so dangerous, shouldn't I be shackled to the bed or something?"
Chris shakes his head, "your fight or flight response is going to go into overdrive during all of this. Restraining you with manacles or something will only make it worse. You're much more likely to hurt yourself and then still hurt us."
"But that's a big part of why I'm here," Hal adds. "Young moons, such as yourself, are much more prone to influence from Alphas. Hopefully my purring will be enough but I do have Alpha commands if needed."
"Both Alphas and Omegas have something," Chris jumps in. "When you were first found, Aisha, an Omega, tried to use her Omega tone to calm you down. They also have a kind of purr as well. Alphas, like Hal here, can bark an order that every fiber of your being will want to obey."
"Do Betas have anything?"
"We have an intelligence bonus," Jake smirks. "Alphas and Omegas both get bonuses to charisma, one for intimidation, the other for persuasion, but Betas get intelligence."
"And werewolves, in general, get a bonus to constitution, strength and wisdom-perception?" Your knowledge of Dungeons and Dragons is limited but you think you know what Jake is talking about.
This is confirmed when his face lights up, "you play D&D?!"
You give a small smile, "just some 5th edition stuff."
Jake grabs you for a hug. "When you're accepted into the pack, you're joining me for game nights!"
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Part 1 -- Part 3
Tagging: @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @ronearoundblindly
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cursedfortune · 3 months
Can you list a few words that have the vibe of Mortem? It can be objects, phrases, descriptors, metaphors. I gotta know the symbolism you got in your head for her
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To be honest, it gets summed up in Witch. And that's really just specific to my canon and what witches are in it. Despite some grounding similarities people have with witches, I've learned over the years it's very personally perceived what that word means and how it takes shape. I have two friends with witches, them and I all have a lot of similarities and agreements on what it means. But we also have differences in the presentation. Whether that's due to different narratives or different perspectives.
So everything about Mortem is just summed up in Witch. It encapsulates her species, her purpose/duties, her beliefs, her everything.
But because I feel like that's kind of a lame or vague answer, since it means more to me and is hard to explain my perspective on. I'll just like, list some stuff I've drawn in relation to her specifically. Or repeatedly draw attention to.
Readmore because long and an unpleasant mention of things.
A shattered sword, kept in a box and regularly taken out to meticulously clean. Only to be sealed back up and rarely see the light of day.
A bag of holding. A shade of blue like the night, with an ever-changing embroidery so none can ever give a description of it.
A lock of dirty blonde hair, tied off in the middle with a black ribbon. From her mother. It sits high in a box atop her kitchen cabinets, along with other personal mementos that belonged to her. As if to watch over this homestead when Mortem is there and especially when she isn't.
An unusual wand from an unusual and broken fae. She never uses it, but she carries it until the day he feels well enough to reclaim it.
The beautifully embroidered tunic of a boy she saw become a king, only to be slain before his prime.
A full set of armor. Fixed up as well as it could be but still it bears the markings of fire. Faintly some claw and sword marks, as well.
Potion bottles hand crafted in the desert she called home for a little while, made by her dear friend at the time. A fellow witch and alchemist.
While it is not in her possession, she remembers still the weight of a golden crown. It wasn't cursed by magic, but by duty. From the first elf to the last of the true elves. She recalls staring into the infant eyes of dragons seated within the crown, like gemstones. It was meant to honor but it instead became a burden upon the one who'd reshape the world as all knew it.
The Love Song by J. Alfred Prurock I draw a lot of inspiration from over the years. I got attached to it as a kid. Some parts of it fits some other stories in this same shared universe as Mortem, but there is a consistent theme of this one passage that affects everyone in my story:
Do I dare Disturb the universe? In a minute there is time For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
Mortem is one of the main background characters. You actually don't see a lot of her. In the arc of the story that takes place on her world, she's nearly mute and intentionally doesn't draw attention to herself until it's forcibly found out. Which is when she's convicted of treason and exiled. If you want to look for messages in her character, her role would be: Find purpose in life because time won't slow down for you. She has only her purpose, and when everyone else rejects her for it and she's left in isolation for 40k years roughly, she still has to continue and be unyielding to that. The story she is a part of doesn't need to be analyzed as having a message or assigning such roles. I intended for it to just be a story that can be enjoyed as it is. But the concept that started it came from the various forms of suicide ideation and the overarching villain and main protagonist both embody that. Which makes Mortem stand in opposition of both of them and why she tends to be aggressive towards Nestor (protag). The potential of life, life prospering to its fullest, life eventually returning to the cycle of death and whatever comes for them after is her whole deal. The overarching villain feels like a concept she can't understand fully and Nestor has so much fine potential but sets her off repeatedly lmao
When it comes to phrases and metaphors, I just kind of take in things like cycles, spirals, duality, unending forest, feet submerged in shallow water upon the beach - staring out into the ocean, threads and storms (and other natural events) into account. They have a lot of meaning for Mortem and in general, within a lot of history. Even if that's history that's lost on her by the time of her birth. Flowers are also very important. Funnily enough, not lavender. I mentioned it once on the blog as a scent she likes but it seems a lot of people associate her purple hair with it. Mort is just SIGHING. I love it though, I feel like it's a running gag now.
Beyond that, I take in a lot of inspiration from music I associate with her. Which... I need to update her list lmao. So I'll just link the posts I can find of her main jams. I also have the /tunes zone where I send them to, to rot.
Here. Here. Here.
I hope this answer suffices on what you were asking for. It's always nightmare mode to try to explain this even when I see it clearly all the associations I have with her. Thanks for inquiring, tho. <3
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naffeclipse · 1 year
I’m literally shaking after reading chapter 18, I’m not kidding! All of it shook me to the core!
I have the most intense shivers and goosebumps rn I swear!!
Get ready for more of me reacting to some of my most favorite bits from the fic~ (there are WAY more, but this would be way too long and messy if I included all of them :'p)
“The detector was right all along; there is a cryptid right on top of me.”
Moon stares at you before your words bounce back and set your face on fire.
“I mean, here!” you start, scrambling, “close in proximity—”
Oh Y/N, I love your slipups almost as much as the boys do X3
“Oh,” you breathe. “It’s not loaded.”
A beat passes in the quiet cricket song of the night.
“We know.” He doesn’t sound as mischievous as before.
It would seem you’re not the only one who’s still a bit jumpy.
They’re both so jumpy oh nooooo!!!! Sweeties!!!! :’0
The LORE!!! I still don’t know what the name Paahlott might mean, but gosh I looooove the concept of her! It’s so cool how OLD all the demons are! *Looking back at my "cave art" piece and getting a strong urge to make more stuff like it*
You know how badly I wanna draw the demon glamrocks don’t you X3 (just gotta get the time!!!)
“Can I see you?” you ask carefully. The humming against your spine stops. “I want to get an accurate depiction of you, if that’s okay?”
I LOVE how Y/N asks this, hesitating at first, but so polite and carefully!! AND THEY WANT TO DRAW THEM MORE ACCURATELY!!! SAME Y/N, SAME! XD
"Light,” they grumble.
“You’re being so freaky,” you accuse but lower the flashlight.
“Can’t help it.”
They’re so silly I love them! I’m so normal about the fact that they’re so mysterious, animal and freaky while in their true form but also in general after the reveal! Even knowing that Y/N likes it when they use their demonic powers! X3
They’re so cute omg! The way they sit in the corner, I can so easily visualize them sitting there in the low light. and how they turn away, scared, concerned and so deflated after the denied kiss!
Oh lord poor Y/N having to explain themselves with that deep blush on their face hvbasdhvsc
"Oh.” They pull back. Your hand falls through the empty space. The towering, imposing presence of their being turns icy cold. “We shouldn’t have—that wasn’t—we’re sorry.”
Meep live reaction: *Screaming into a pillow*
There it is! They’re afraid that Y/N is scared of them when they’re actually more nervous and excited than scared! It’s starting!!!
And the chest nuzzles to reassure them oh my lord!!!
“We were a bit quick, hm?” OH YES YOU WERE JKFGHADFJKGAHDFKJ
“Did you just lick me?”
“We enjoy how you taste.”
BOYS!!!! Gosh I love em sdjgabfd
Ok ok, calming down from that. Man I loved that!
I love the description of Monty! HE EATS JUST BONES?!? WHAT A BADASS!!!!! Crunch crunch~
“And he has impressive claws,” you note, musing.
Moon makes a low sound, almost a scoff.
“He’ll show you those. You never have to ask.” Moon lifts a hand, shadowed by a phantom limb, and the fingers wave and clench in exaggerated flair and spookiness. In a quiet but faux-bellowing voice, Moon growls, “Look at my claws, ohhh.”
"We were too hasty.”
“We were eager but they asked for time. We can give it.”
The vivid vision of your shocked expression and hand covering their teeth plays through them. Another twitch and cringe plague their vessel.
Aaaaw boys,, please don’t worry about it too much :’) *pats them on the back*
The red sand from the desert really doesn’t wanna leave Y/N alone huh… keeps sticking to everything...
Sun pulls the curtains open with a gentle whoosh. Amber beams shoot into the room, filling it with a squint-worthy brightness. You look up to Sun as he turns back, silhouetted in the window. Before you can comment on how nice he looks, the T.V. abruptly blares out.
There’s the picture! It has come back to haunt us! Oh they knew for a long time about our little demon friend,,
Halfway through the fight with the hunters I’m crying with my face in my hands! I know they’ll be fine! But I’m soooo scared for them! Having any of them get hurt makes my soul weep and ache! Moon! his face!!! NOOOO!!! The goo dripping like blood aaaAAAA!!!
I LOVE how Moon reacted to the exorcism and how quickly it affected him, immediately turning him into a writhing feral beast. And then how quickly Y/N comes to protect him aaaaAA MY HEART!!
“Naughty,” Moon growls so harshly, you and Rowe flinch in unison.
There he is!! >:D
You cry out a warning as a silver bolt flies for Moon’s faceplate. He falls back with a mighty tear of the fabric. You stare in shock, heart in your throat, to find the bolt pinning his beloved hat to the wall of the motel.
NOOOO NOT HIS HAT!!! I wish you could have heard my loud cry as I read that fjkghdfkjg
Rip Singh knee, ouch..
In one desperate motion, you find her shoulders and shove her towards the motel wall, hard. A sharp crack echoes. Her eyes widen before she slumps. She drops to the ground, halfway on top of you.
Oh no.
I’m in awe at Y/N’s strength, and man, this moment left me speechless.
You throw yourself into his arms and he catches you, spinning around once. His grip is deathly tight.
Meep live reaction: *Breathing heavily with tears in my eyes* They’re ok!!!
“Do you want us to stay?” he rasps, so soft and quiet.
Singh’s entire expression morphs into shock, staring in disbelief.
“Yes,” you bump your forehead against his, feeling the cool sensation of demonic goo, and whisper again, “Let’s go, sweetie.”
Pale eyes flash with great fondness.
That was so good! SO SOOO GOOD!!!! I cannot believe we’re already halfway through the final episode!! HOW!!?
I know I use the word love many MANY times. Please understand that I mean it every single time!
Naff, thank you so much once more for yet another wonderful chapter! I am awestruck ❤️💖💕❤️💖❤️❤️💕💕❤️💖💕❤️
Ahahhaa, yesss, now that Y/N knows, all those flirts aren't gonna sail over their head anymore, including their own slip-ups hehe
I wanted a moment of Y/N reassuring the boys. They are a cryptid hunter, after all, but the cryptid boys are safe, and that's what matters. ♥
Ahhhhh, Paahlott! She is powerful, even among demonic cryptids. She's a special one. AHHH, Meep! I'd die to see a lineup of glamrock demonic cryptids from you ;-;
I'm really glad you enjoy Y/N wanting to better capture the boys in their notes! Their first impression wasn't so great pffft
YES! Y/N is used to their dear friend and is well aware of cryptid antics, but having both of those loves together in one? Mind-blowing! But Y/N does love it hehe
ALSDFJASDF YEAH THE DENIED KISS! To be fair, this is Eclipse's first romantic relationship, so there's a learning curve, but they're learning and so is Y/N. It's just a matter of time and adjusting ♥ (but they still had to get a lick in, just a little taste alsdjfasldfas
Okay, I loved writing that scene of the book explaining Monty and Moon making fun of him, like, they're so much like siblings it's painful alsdjflasfdj I'm really happy you like that part, ahhh!
Exorcism is an excruciating process for a demonic cryptid. Moon reacting like that was him restraining himself, due to the vow, but man, if this was before.... he would have done so much damage for that.
Ahhhh, Meep! Thank you so much, babe! I'm melting onto the floor, you're so sweet and I love reading your reactions to the chapter every time ♥ ♥ ♥
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abronzeagegod · 1 year
Eldritch Tech Support 5
more eldritch tech support stories
[Brought to you by a kofi donation. Someone liked this series enough to buy me a kofi and even though they didn't ask for another one, I wrote this in thanks. Please enjoy!]
It was the first time you'd been back to work after the whole calling the Exterminators thing. Your boss gave you an appropriate talk about your mental health and well-being but honestly sitting in your apartment or in Lytha's hospital room was starting to get real boring and wasn't doing you any favors.
"I'm good, really," you say.
"Well I've got something for you, should be pretty easy, but there are some time constraints," you boss' second head says as one of their three arms hands you the job file. "Gotta get it done by sundown so it's a bit of a rush job."
"Oh, that shouldn't be a problem."
"You're fine with werewolves and vampires?"
"Yeah, my sister and uncle are lycanthropes."
"Cool. Now go work, be safe, and whatever other platitudes," your boss says as they turn both heads back to their tasks at hand.
You gather you work kit for home visits and take one of the company cars to the address. You grab some of the gear you'll think you'll need and ring the buzzer for the apartment. There's always this weird nervous sinking feeling in your gut whenever you ring a bell. For some reason you're always worried that you're ringing the wrong bell.
"Who is it?"
You give your name and tell them you're with tech support.
"Oh! Great! Uh... Let me buzz you in, might take me a second, hold on."
You wait longer than you thought you'd have to for the door to open. When the door buzzer does finally sound you push in and climb the stairs to the apartment.
You get to the door to the apartment to find it still closed but there's some clawing sounds at the door. The job notes didn't mention anything about any pets, but that generally doesn't concern you. Eventually the door opens and you see a very dishelved man standing before you. His hair looks like he hasn't combed it in more than a decade, he hasn't slept in days, and his beard (which he shouldn't be growing) is very patchy in the worst way.
"Sorry about that, full moon is tonight, and I've been having a stressful day," he says with an awkward wave showing off a partially transformed hand-paw hybrid that would make it very hard to open doors. "My name's Vincent by the way."
You nod in understanding. Your sister had this happen a few times when the full moon landed right around her college finals. The stress made her partially transform before the sun set, which in turn made her more stressed. It was a vicious cycle.
"How can I help you today?" you ask.
Vincent leads you into his apartment that isn't the cleanest but it is a far cry from the worst apartment you've ever been in.
"I have a friend coming over to help me with the transformation. She's a vampire so I wanted to surprise her with the camera-mirror thing, whatever, and it only got delivered today, so I was trying to install it but it comes with all this dumb stuff that I didn't ask for, and the helpline wasn't very helpful, and it stressed me out and this happened," Vincent says as he holds up his hands, "which made it all very hard so I called you."
"I see," you say as you look over his purchase. Pretty standard stuff, also decently pricey. Actually Vincent got one of the highest end things. "What did you not want to get?"
"Well there's this artificial intelligence or something that is apparently always watching or listening, and if I'm putting this in my bathroom, I don't need that."
"I understand. You have two units though, is there somewhere else you wanted to install one? And did you want that one with all of the features or not?"
"No, no, no, I was going to put that one in the bedroom, but uh.... later. And again, not really up on the spying and constantly watching thing."
You nod in understanding. That's not really what this company is known for. They manufacture mirror replacements for vampires and others that might be cursed by mirror-dimension beings or are otherwise reflection compromised. Since the overlap between those beings and the very powerful, spying and keeping data on them would be a fast track to a terrible end, Arctine Industries makes lots of promises to not keep any data on their costumers from their products. But you can tell that Vincent isn't one to debate those points, he doesn't want the camera tracking and automatic features then you won't install those, simple enough.
"I can install these for you, no problem. It will take me a little bit. We can even put in a refund for you with Arctine for the pieces you don't want, but honestly it's mildly annoying and takes a while, so what I can do is have my company buy the tech from you at a reasonable price and you can have the money as early as tomorrow," you explain.
"Oh yeah, I think that would be better."
"Where should I start?"
"Oh... right... bathroom," Vincent says as he leads you to the bathroom. "Let me know if you need anything. I'm going to go... clean up the bedroom real quick."
You grab the equipment and move to the mirror. The tech seems complicated and a lot to people who might not be familiar with the stuff, and from the quick survey of Vincent's place he doesn't seem to be extremely tech savvy. (Funny how that works with werewolves who seem to always have some aversion to modern technology. You can't help but wonder if that's something in their nature. Maybe the moon just hates computers.)
It's simple to mount the few small cameras around the mirror, almost invisible. The hard part is wiring the cameras to the projector and screen that sits behind the mirror. It's very specific and a little technical if you want the projected image to sit on top of the mirror to simulate the reflection properly and everything.
By the time you're done Vincent has come back, possibly from cleaning up his bedroom. You're just testing out the cameras to make sure that they are working.
"Did I get some good stuff?" Vincent asks.
"You got the top of the line tech," you say as your reflection looks back at you.
"Oh good, I was worried I got some stuff that wasn't going to work," he says with a nervous little smile.
"Your friend will thank you," you tell him. "Here, you push here on the mirror to turn on the cameras or turn them off."
"Ok, good to know."
"Now, I can get started on the other mirror, and I should be done before sundown."
"Thanks! I really hope she likes this. Do you think she'll like it?" Vincent asks as he shows you to the bedroom.
"I think so," you say. You can kind of tell where this is going but you hope it stops before it gets there.
"I've never really tried to make any moves on a vampire or woman really," Vincent says as you start unboxing all the stuff for the mirror in the bedroom. Your face is starting to get flush. Is he really going to be divulging his sex life to you? "Sorry, this is probably too much, but I'm nervous and a little stressed as you can tell. And my last partner tried to use my wolf to kill people so I'm a little worried. Also my last two partners have been men so I'm a little out of practice when it comes to women."
Wow. He's just going right for it. Giving you all of his information and trauma. You've been in his apartment for an hour.
"I'm afraid I can't help you with relationships in general," you say. You feel like you have to share a little bit since he's standing there, watching you work (you hate it when people watch you work), with his sad wolf paws and sad demeanor. "My last relationship kind of fizzled out when they faked their death. They said it was to commit insurance fraud but I have a feeling like they mostly wanted to get away from me." Oh crap, now that you've started you can't stop yourself. "And there's someone that I like at work but it's all complicated and stuff."
"Oh, that's terrible. I feel your pain," Vincent says.
"But I think the trick to dating women is to not really think of them as any different than anyone else you want to date."
Vincent covers his face for a moment. "Yes, obviously. You're right, I'm being very dumb."
"You clearly care for them a great deal, and they are coming here to help you through the full moon so that has to mean something," you offer as you try to remount the mirror on the wall.
"Yeah, Ivory is something special. But she's only coming over because she doesn't have any clients." Vincent helps you lift the mirror.
You almost drop your side when he says the name. You know Lady Ivory, well know of her. She's one of the most influential vampires in the city. Her campaign to get elected to the Night Shore was something else, and that election was extremely bitter. You couldn't even vote in it (since you're not a vampire or are in any affiliated with the Night Shore) but you know the candidates and their ads. And Lady Ivory was a commanding, intimidating, powerful figure which is all before you take into account her vampire abilities.
And your sister had to stay with Lady Ivory for her Flensing Moon. You saw the vampire being calm, collected, and utterly in control after hosting a borderline feral werewolf during the height of their lycanthrope ritual. If he's trying to date that Lady Ivory then... well... you've got nothing.
"Well... uh... if Lady Ivory is coming here, for you, then I think... uh... not to presume too much but... she must like you enough to come here and help out," you say.
Vincent, after a few seconds to listen to what you had to say, visibly relaxes. "You're right. Thanks!"
"Is there anything else I can do for you?" you ask. You now really want to get out of here before Lady Ivory shows up to her almost-boyfriend's house. While it would make a great story around the water cooler, somehow you fear the Night Shore Vampire more than some of the old gods you've done jobs for. Lady Ivory is more... immediate.
"No, you've been a great help, thank you!"
You hastily gather your things. "We'll issue you a rebate soon, and we'll email you a survey if you could fill it out when you have a moment to let us know how our service was it would really help."
Vincent nodded as he followed you to the door. "Might not have time until after the full moon."
"Of course," you say as you let yourself out to save Vincent the struggle with the doorknob.
"And hey, these relationship problems are only as complicated as you make them."
You nod, thank Vincent, and leave the apartment.
As you leave the building a pale woman in jean shorts a tank top and a massive sun hat and sunglasses walks by. You feel a cold shiver as the Vampire Lady walked by you straight to Vincent's door. You can't believe you saw Lady Ivory dressed down. Holy shit.
You pack up the car and start heading back to the office when you get a phone call.
It was Lytha.
"Hey, I need you to come get me out of this stupid hospital bed," she says. Even though you saw her yesterday it's so nice to hear her voice. "It's been a week, I'm fine, and if I don't get a patty melt soon I'm going to jump out a window."
You promise to rescue her soon. Hopefully it won't be too complicated.
More of Vincent and Lady Ivory as side characters
if you liked this maybe consider buying me a kofi?
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tigirl-and-co · 11 months
Middle-Aged Man (But Not a Dad (Probably))
Heyooooo, back at it again with a super rough draft for a fic!
inspired by @dballzposting but especially THIS post!
Basic plot summary is Trunks accidentally imprinted on Yamcha like a baby bird but is too emotionally stunted from growing up with the least familial family in all of classic anime to realize that he's being weird as hell about it.
To nobody's surprise, it's a character study! Woohoo!
And before we begin, I wrote almost all of this while dead tired, so it's probably even rougher than my usual rough drafts, but good god I wanted to write this sooooo bad.
Obsession ran on both sides of his family. This was an issue for Trunks, as he'd really fucking rather be thinking about quite literally anything else. But here he was, at the get-together-slash-party-slash-ritual-to-appease-a-big-purple-cat-with-food-so-we-don't-get-blown-up, staring at his mom's ex from the other side of the dessert table.
And praying said ex wouldn't look up from the eclairs he'd never be able to afford otherwise and see Trunks' stupid, stupid eyes staring at him.
But he did.
"Hey, Champ! How've ya been, Buddy?" Yamcha said, in his stupid fucking aging dudebro voice that filled Trunks with an overwhelming sensation of warmth and comfort. He hated it. Yamcha smiled at him the way, Trunks thought, a dad smiles at his somewhat estranged son.
It was probably a kinder smile than his real dad gave when he hugged him for the first time. Not that Trunks would know. Couldn't really see Vegeta's face, too busy experiencing every emotion he could name and also being shoved against Vegeta's inhuman, statuesque form.
It fucking felt like being shoved face-first into a statue, too.
Not like Yamcha probably felt, with his all-too-human physique. There was a softness that covered his features, even though he was still as tough and muscular as ever.
He kinda reminded Trunks of the big blue guy from Monsters Inc. But like, less serious. And very slightly less hairy.
Trunks had been staring too long, but apparently Yamcha was willing to write off the icy glare as a genetic thing and not an actual threat, because he approached the teen with no hint of trepidation.
He stood in front of Trunks and hucked a thumb at the spread of confections behind him. "Yo, you tried the weird cream cake thing? The one covered in chocolate? No idea what it is, but it is good!"
Trunks tried desperately to claw himself out of this conversation with "It's called an eclair cake." He wasn't sure whether or not he had meant to sound that gruff. Either way he sounded too much like his dad, and it pissed him off more.
"Yo, what? They can make eclairs into cake? That's crazy!" Yamcha took pause and then nearly busted his gut, laughing a bit too loud like guys that age tend to do. "But I guess when you're rich, you can pay people to cook up just about anything!"
There! An opening! Trunks knew how to win this conversation and then make his getaway!
"Actually, Yamcha, I think it's just graham crackers, pudding, and chocolate. Pretty simple recipe. I can ask the cooks to give it to you."
Yamcha blinked. "R-Really? That's it?" He sighed. "Well, as much as I'd love to eat cake all day, I really shouldn't." He slapped his gut, which jiggled slightly. "I'm at that age where I've gotta start watching what I eat or I won't be in any shape to show off to the ladies, haha!"
Trunks immediately threw his gaze to his shoes. He fucking lost that interaction, and now he'd have to talk to Yamcha for however long the older man could stand him. Fuck. Well, Trunks knew how conversations worked. He'd seen the guys at Kame House get into it sometimes, and since Trunks was no longer a child, he figured he should talk like that. The ball was in his court.
"Ladies, huh? What... sort of ladies are you into?"
Fuckin' killed it.
Now it was Yamcha's turn to be cornered. Was it okay to be talking about that kind of stuff with a kid? With someone else's kid? With the kid of somebody he dated?
But he couldn't just say that! Trunks was at the age where he was starting to go after the ladies himself, and Yamcha didn't want to discourage that! He had to find a middle ground, hopefully there was an avenue in this conversation that wouldn't lead to either of Trunks' parents hitting his head clean off his shoulders.
"Um. Your-" NONONONO CAN'T MENTION BULMA. "I m-mean, I like women who..." and how is he supposed to word this? Obviously he's not gonna say 'pretty women' because that would sound so damn shallow, coming from him. "I like. When girls. Can stand on their own... but enjoy having someone around to make their lives easier? I guess?"
He ran his hands through the hair on the back of his head. "To be honest, kid, I'm not really sure anymore! The more I think about it, the more I realize that sometimes people you think should work don't, but the real crazy shi- the real crazy stuff ends up better." Yamcha laughed the kind of shitty laugh you let out when you're nervous and stalling for time. "What about you, Trunks? You a ladies' man? Got a preference?"
Well, Trunks had been expecting an answer like 'I like redheads' or 'I'm a boob guy' so he was a little unsure of his next move, but he had to think of something to say!
"Um idk there's this one YouTuber I like." Trunks crossed his arms. "So you like women like my mom, right? It kind of sucks that she ended up with my dad."
Yamcha couldn't move. He wasn't sure he was breathing, either. "H-Huh?"
"Yeah 'cuz you probably woulda been a way better husband. All my dad does is train all day and then sit at the table and stuff his stupid face." Trunks put his fist on his hip. "You like watching movies and being nice and shit. I dunno."
Yamcha was desperately hoping Vegeta wasn't going to manifest behind him and reduce him to ashes. The things Trunks was saying were weird, sure, but the whole family had always been blunt. Trunks probably didn't mean anything by it. Not that that would stop either of his parents from hunting Yamcha down if they heard.
And Yamcha wasn't stupid! He had issues with his own parents, way back when. It's what eventually led him to become a bandit out in the middle of the desert for Chrissake! But he had just wanted to be a dude Trunks could come talk to if he was having the sort of human troubles an ex-evil alien dad couldn't help him solve, and apparently he had been too approachable. Or Vegeta really did just suck that bad.
Either way, oops.
"Hey kid, l-listen! You can't just say things like that!" Yamcha sighed deeply, trying to compose himself. He was still looking around like a raccoon that could hear hound dogs braying, but at least he stopped stuttering.
And then he saw Trunks' face harden even further, scowling angrily. The tykebomb looked like he was barely resisting shouting his next statement, and Yamcha was very glad for that.
"I'm not a fucking kid! Goddamnit, I'm just trying to have a normal fucking conversation, why are you being so fucking weird about this?" Trunks would have been a truly intimidating sight to behold at this point if he wasn't three-foot-five with lavender hair. "And I was gonna apologize for suckerpunching you that one time when you stayed over, but you can fucking forget it! I'm glad I punched you!"
The older man knew he had to take responsibility here, because apparently he was right and neither of the kid's parents bothered to teach him the difference in how you're supposed to talk to people outside your own home.
...Thinking on it, neither Bulma nor Vegeta had ever deferred to authority in their lives. Vegeta had a habit of trying to kill anybody stationed above him, and Bulma either screamed until listened to or flashed her tits at someone until she got her way.
Fuck him, maybe he would have made a better parent! Too late now, though.
"No, Trunks, that's not what I meant," he reassured the stunted youth. "I want you to know you can talk to me about stuff, alright? But maybe- maybe not out where your parents can hear? The earth dragon balls can't bring me back again, y'know?"
Trunks looked back up, waiting to hear the rest of the statement.
"And I mean, actually you probably shouldn't say that sort of stuff, because it makes people uncomfortable, but-" here he took the chance of fucking it all up even worse and ruffled Trunks' hair. Trunks didn't even flinch and Yamcha didn't know what that meant. "We're already friends, right? And friends can totally say that sort of stuff. In private."
Trunks met him dead in the eye, unblinking and unemoting. "Okay."
Yamcha chuckled unconvincingly. It fooled Trunks, though. "So, were you actually gonna apologize for that gut punch, or...?"
"So, what? You were just gonna feel like shit about it your entire life? Until you died?"
"Haha, okay then! Did... you want a slice of this, um, eclair cake? There's not a lot left!"
"Sure. Can I call you 'Uncle?'"
Yamcha tensed up just slightly, before letting it drain out of him. "Not where anybody who might tell your parents can hear, okay?"
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