#i want to scoop him up and put him in a jar like a butterfly
pissfaggit · 2 years
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Okay 😳 😳 😳 😳 😳  Sisko’s turn to serve cunt
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sweet-villain · 2 years
Pretty Girl~ Joseph Quinn 
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hellfireclvbs asked:
Ok i have this in my head for days:joseph falling in love with y/n during the expo in Canada ,trying to talk with her a lot. It sound so stupid i know but it would be a cute idea 🥺
Author's Note : This so cute, not stupid. Never say that lovely. Love you <3
You were beyond nervous to meet Joseph Quinn, his character has became your comfort character and you were over the moon when the tickets were selling to meet him in Canada at FanExpo. You had to grab them and do this for yourself.
It was Saturday and you were going alone, not really having anyone to go with. Filled with anxiety and grasping the note you had wrote for him telling him how you loved his work, how his character Eddie Munson meant to you and that you were thankful a gem like him, existed.
You put on a Hellfire shirt and some short feeling like you were going to hot in jeans because you know there would be lots of people, pushing and going through the crowds. You pair them over with black converse and vest that you had sowed the back with patches and pins to add.
You had a small backpack containing your things to top it off with the outfit you were wearing. When you reached the Exp, you were right. There were many people rushing in and no one really know where to go. You had asked for help but they didn't help much as you found your own way to find where Joseph would do the meet and greets.
Some fans were dressed as cosplayers as Eddie Munson, some had Hellfire shirts just likes your and some had dressed up as Steve when he worked at Scoops Ahoy and some dressed as Robin which you loved. You watched in awe at ever person that was a cosplayer knowing how much time they took to create it.
" is this the line to meet Joseph?" you ask, your voice was quite as a mouse. You were shy. The person in front of you turned their heads dressed as Chrissy Cunningham and nodded her head, she smiled down at you.
" Are you so excited to meet him? Isn't he just so pretty?" she gushed with a dreamy look in her eye.
Of course you thought that Joseph was beautiful, his eyes were what captivated you. It what made him stand out with his smile that made you giggle and act like a school girl with a crush.
" He is" you agreed with her adding, " I'm super stoked to meet him" she giggled and turned around to talk to her friend. You looked at the line as it was really big and wondered how Joseph was handling this all. He loved and adored his fans.
You watched as the line went smaller and smaller, gripping the note in your hand tighter with his name on top of the letter addressing to him and you had put your name on it too that it was from you.
The line was coming shorter and shorter, your stomach had butterflies in them and your cheeks became hot. You were coming closer and closer to meet Joseph.
When the girl that dressed as Chrissy Cunningham had walked up to hi, you gaped at the sight. His curls have been distraught, one of them sticking to his forehead and you badly wanted to play with it. His smiled beamed up at her with his brown chocolate eyes shining as he listened to what she had to say to him.
He signed her autograph with happiness, grabbing her hand to hold seeing that she was nervous but giggly at the same time. It made you chuckle because you were going to be acting like that.
She left with jump at her set causing Joseph to laugh. You swore it was the most beautiful sound you had ever heard in your life.
You took a deep breath making your way over to him.
" Hi there" he hasn't looked up at you yet as he took a new sharpie to sign things and when he did, his breathe hitched with his mouth a jar as he stared at you.
You giggled seeing the expression on his face.
" HI Joseph, it's so nice to meet you" you spoke and Joseph swore his heart stopped hearing your soft voice that made his cheek red. He was being adorable.
" What's your name, sweetheart?" he asks, getting ready to sign the autograph but he already knew your name as it laid on the sticky note in front of him. But he ignored it wanting to hear it from you.
" It's Y/N" you bite down on your lip, you swore his eyes dropped down on your lips and looked back at your eyes. " What a lovely name" he says signing the autograph except his hand shook as he signed it, feeling his heart racing.
He really want to talk to you more, he likes the sound of your voice and the way you are making him feel.
" I love your work, also from what I heard you're such an amazing human being with such a big heart. This world is just lucky to have someone like you" you tell him. His eyes glaze over feeling him getting emotional at your words, his small little pout comes out as he places his hand on his chest.
" You're so lovely, thank you for saying that. It made my day"
" You deserve it" he has no words to say to you as he feels emotional and overwhelmed. He wants to hug you.
" Can I get a hug?" he asks, shyly playing with the sharpie in his hand as he peers at you. You nod, giggling. If this man couldn't get any cuter.
He stands up from his chair and leans over to pull you into him. He smells really good, and his lips brushing your ear as he says, " You're too wonderful for me to let you go off this easy" he kisses your ear before he pulls away.
Your whole face is red and beaming with happiness. He write something else on the autograph before sliding it to you with a big smile on his face, and a wink.
" Thank you" you tell him, he nods and motions the autograph with his eyes. You lean over to take a look and gaped at the number, his number on it.
You glance back up at him, he giggles seeing your reaction.
" As I said, I'm not about to let you go easily. I want to spend some time with you and get to know you"
You nod," That would be amazing, just like you" you compliment him. His cheeks are red from smiling and at your compliment, he isn't used to those but he knows he's making the right choice.
" Should I wait for you after?" you ask.
" I might run later, just text me and we can plan something, lovely"
" Will do, Joseph" he bites down his own lip hearing his name fall from your lips.
" Just call me, Joe"
As you walk away, he happily sighs feels like this was love at first sight and couldn't wait to get to spend time with you.
You text him a few minutes later and receive a response back.
" You're smile is beautiful as well as your heart"
You squeal in happiness, can't believe this is happening as you hold your phone to your chest and as you do, Joseph's eyes see you and a giggle escapes his mouth. You were too cute.
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scuttling · 3 years
Sweet Evening Breeze
Fandom: Criminal Minds Pairings: Aaron Hotchner/Female Reader Word Count: 5,042 Tags: 18+, NSFW, Naïve reader, Innocence kink, Oral sex, Unprotected sex, Previous bad sexual experience Summary: Being Jack Hotchner’s babysitter is a pretty great job. He’s an angel, most of the time, and his dad is so sweet and thoughtful, really takes care of you. Really takes care of you... *Requested by anon Link to A03 or read below! “Jack, buddy, time for breakfast,” you call down the hall for the third time. “We’ll play Legos later.” He shouts something nearly incomprehensible back, and you sigh as you stretch up, trying to reach the jam he likes on the top shelf of the cupboard.
Most of the time, the fact that Jack’s dad, Aaron, is very tall gives you butterflies in your stomach, but sometimes it’s just an inconvenience—like when he puts groceries up so high you don’t have a chance of reaching them.
“Dad did not say you could skip breakfast, and it’s not okay to lie. Little monster,” you mutter, and you can feel Aaron’s breath on the back of your neck when he chuckles softly. Whoops. You didn’t even know he was standing there. “I say that with full affection.”
He reaches around you to take down the jam, resting a hand on your lower back, probably for support. The bit of skin exposed by your stretching tingles at the touch.
“Of course, and so do I. Often.” You turn to face him, give him a grateful smile, and take the jar of jam.
“Thank you. Ugh, aren’t you miserable in that?” you ask, gesturing to his usual business suit. As Jack’s babysitter, you see Aaron in a suit almost every day—another thing that gives you butterflies—but you’re in the middle of a heatwave, and it’s 97 degrees in your little suburb of DC, which means it’s probably more like 115 downtown. That’s too hot to do anything, but especially in a suit and tie.
“It’s cool in here, but yes, I’ll probably be miserable the second I step foot outside.” You spread peanut butter on one English muffin and jam on another, laughing softly when a thought comes to you.
“Too bad you don’t have as much flexibility with your dress code as I do.”
At the start of this heatwave last week, you’d asked Aaron—after much nervous deliberation—if you could wear shorts and tank tops around the house instead of your usual jeans and a t-shirt or sweater. Your so-called uniform was self-imposed, because he’d told you from the start you could dress however you were comfortable, but you didn’t want him to get the wrong idea. You weren’t trying to show off your body, or tempt or tease, or anything like that; you were just extremely hot, especially playing outside with Jack.
He had agreed, of course, that you should dress for the weather, and that shorts and tank tops were fine. He also reminded you that you could use the pool whenever you wanted, whether he was home or not, and just thinking about taking a dip later is enough to make you sigh in relief.
“I don’t think anyone would be interested in seeing me in an outfit like that,” he jokes—sometimes people can’t tell when he’s joking, because he’s so dry, but you’re familiar with his humor by now—and you laugh again. It earns you a smile.
“I think it’s more important that you’re comfortable than what people think when they see you in something, but it would probably be a little distracting.” You’ve seen him in his swim trunks on more than one occasion, most recently with no shirt to accompany them, and you can attest to being very distracted that day. You were supposed to be keeping an eye on Jack, and you did, would never put him in danger, but your eyes had also been following the drops of water that dripped from Aaron’s hair, down his throat, over his chest…
You had been hot for more than one reason that day, and your butterflies moved a little bit lower.
You shake your head of those thoughts quickly, glance around you to see that Jack is still not in the kitchen. You sigh, and put the peanut butter muffin on a paper napkin, hand it to Aaron.
“I’m going to go get him, but have a good day, okay? Try to stay cool; maybe you can take a swim tonight when it’s not so hot.”
“Good idea. Maybe you can join me if you’re still here.” That was sweet of him to offer. You smile at his kindness, brush a hand over your head. You wish your hair wasn’t all over the place, clinging to the sweat on your neck, your temples, but humidity is not your friend. He doesn't seem to mind.
“Thanks, maybe I will.” He gathers his things to head out, and you steel yourself and head to Jack’s room, scoop him up, giggling, into your arms, and plop him down for breakfast.
The two of you spend the day inside, because even swimming is a nightmare when the sun is beating down the way it is. You play with Legos, watch a movie, do some coloring pages, and play learning games on his iPad.
At around three, Aaron texts you, lets you know he won’t be home tonight because of a case, and you mentally plan out a small, easy dinner for you and Jack, then a little more playtime, then bed for Jack and a swim for you after.
You tuck him in, turn on his nightlight, and close the door behind you, then head to your room to change into your bathing suit.
You usually wear a purple one piece with shorts over it, something you can play with Jack in without worrying about anything falling out, so you’re surprised to find a pale blue, floral print bikini on your bed—a very tiny bikini—with a sticky note on the tag.
Went shopping for Jack and this made me think of you. I hope you like it. - Aaron
The first two things to pop into your head are, it was so sweet of him to think of you while out shopping, and you’re really glad he’s not here to see you in it, because it only half-covers all the things it’s supposed to cover. You double check the tag, but it’s the right size, so it must just be the intended design. Your cheeks flush hot, but it also makes you feel good, to be wearing so little. Kind of wrong, but good in a way you can’t explain.
You grab a couple of beach towels and step out into the slightly cooler night air, sigh at the feel of it on so much of your skin. You lay out your towels on the lounge chair by the edge of the pool—maybe you’ll lay there and read or play on your phone after your swim—and then step into the pool.
The water is still so warm, and the contrast between it and the breeze that blows across the surface has goosebumps breaking out across your skin. You dip your head under the water, let your hair fall loose and luxuriously wet after being twisted up all day long, and when you open your eyes Aaron is standing at the edge of the pool; you gasp, startled by his sudden appearance, and then laugh lightly.
“Oh my god, you scared me. I thought you weren’t going to be home tonight?” You swim closer to the edge so you can see him better, and he crouches down to your level. He’s taken off his jacket and tie, loosened the collar of his shirt and rolled up his sleeves; your heart races a little at his proximity, and all the dark hair you’re presented with.
“Change of plans, we weren’t needed after all. I texted you, but I see your phone is over there; I’m sorry I scared you.” He looks you over, something calculating in his gaze, and then smiles softly. “You’re wearing the swimsuit I bought you. Do you like it?”
You can feel yourself flush, because you hadn’t anticipated him being home to see you in it, but there’s nothing you can do about that now.
“Yes, I like it. It’s pretty. Thank you.” He must be able to sense your apprehension, because he tilts his head curiously.
“If you don’t like it, you can tell me. It won’t hurt my feelings. Don’t be shy.”
“It’s not that I don’t like it, I love it. That was so sweet of you.” You reach out a hand to rest on his arm, don’t want him to feel like you aren’t grateful. “It’s just a little… revealing.” He makes a soft noise of contemplation, reaches out to brush his fingers over your shoulder, over the strap.
“I was a little worried about that. Why don’t you get out of there and let me see? I can let you know if I think it’s too much.” You appreciate that he’d do that for you, and you respect his opinion, but you feel really exposed in it—and you’re not sure why that makes you feel so uncomfortable and so good at the same time.
Sure, he’s the most handsome man you’ve ever seen in your life, but there’s no way he’d ever look at you as anything other than the sitter. You’re just too… innocent.
All the same, you nod your head and lift yourself up out of the pool; Aaron moves back, helps you up, and guides you over to the lounge chair. He sits, and you stand.
From there, he looks slowly over your body; he lingers over your breasts, your hips, then asks you to turn so he can see the back. You swallow, self-conscious under his gaze.
“Have you ever been this undressed in front of a man?” he asks, his voice low, and your breath hitches. “I can tell you’re nervous, that’s all.”
“Um. Once,” you say, flushing. He hums, brushes a hand down the length of your arm, and you feel a chill. You turn back to face him, and he pats the lounge chair, encouraging you to sit next to him. You sit, cross legged, facing him, nervous, but… also not; it’s hard to explain.
“Were you completely naked?” The way he asks it is so casual, but being naked isn’t casual for you; you can barely bring yourself to think about being naked, let alone talk about it. With your employer.
But something about the way he asks it makes you want to answer, at the same time, and there’s almost no one you trust more than Aaron. He’s always been so good to you.
“No. I left something on.” It had been a bra, gray with a pink bow in the middle. You were more comfortable keeping it on, and your ex-boyfriend hadn’t cared. He hadn’t cared about much, it turns out.
“Was it during sex?” The way the word sounds coming out of his mouth makes you anxious, and excited; you can’t believe you’re having this conversation, and you also don’t want it to end.
“Yes, during... sex.” He nods, brings a hand to your cheek and brushes your wet hair back, tucks it behind your ear. Your heart is beating so fast you’re surprised the world around you is still so calm, quiet. Intimate.
“How many times have you had sex, sweet girl?” You close your eyes, embarrassed. You don’t want him to know how innocent you really are, not when he’s so much older and more experienced. He’ll laugh.
Then again, this is Aaron, and he’s only ever made you feel cared about and safe before. So maybe he won’t?
“Um. One time.”
“Just one time? That’s surprising to me; you’re so beautiful.” You shiver, maybe from being wet with the breeze on your skin, or maybe because he brushes his fingers over your lips, or maybe because he called you beautiful. No one’s ever called you beautiful. “Did it feel good?”
You’d wanted it to feel good; it did, for maybe a minute, and you think about that minute all the time, especially when you… when you slip your hand into your panties at night in your bed, thinking about Aaron’s broad shoulders, his thick forearms, his hands, his mouth...
“Kind of. And then no.” His hand freezes and he frowns. His voice is abruptly less low, more serious. There’s a wrinkle between his eyebrows you want to reach out and touch.
“Did he hurt you?” It had hurt, but you know he hadn’t meant for it to hurt. He wasn’t mean. He was just so eager to finish that once he started, he’d stopped caring if you were feeling good, so focused on his own body. You figured that’s just how guys are, and it made you never want to do it again—so you didn’t.
“Not on purpose,” is what you say. He covers your hand with his, big and warm and careful. You’ve always felt so comforted by his touch, and tonight is no exception.
“What happened?”
“It started quickly and ended quickly. I don’t think I was… prepared.” You’re blushing, hoping he understands your indirect statement so you don’t have to say it out loud. He rubs his thumb soothingly over the back of your hand, reaches up with the other to touch your flushed cheek.
“You weren’t wet?” You exhale, a little shaky, tell him no. “Are you wet now, sweetheart?” You’re almost ashamed to say, but he is asking...
“Very.” It’s just a whisper, but it makes him smile a little, touch your mouth again. You could get used to that.
“Good girl. Can I feel?” That gives you pause, for a moment, but thinking of him touching you where you’ve imagined for months—it’s too good of a prospect to pass up, no matter how nervous you are. You nod, and he moves his hand inside your swimsuit bottoms, brushes over your core, slips between your lips easily. He never takes his eyes off of yours. “It would feel really good to have sex now. Do you want to try again? You’re always taking such good care of us; I want to take care of you.”
You bite your lip, and he leans in slowly, presses his mouth to yours for a gentle kiss. You make a soft noise of pleasure, tilt your hips so you’re sliding over his hand, and he groans—it’s honestly one of the best sounds you’ve ever heard in your life. It means he wants you… never in a million years would you have guessed that.
“I want to try,” you breathe, and you feel bold, so you kiss him this time. He pulls you close, deepens the kiss, adds tongue, and you moan at the feel, clinging to his shirt. “Aaron.”
“Let’s go to my bedroom,” he says, voice low, and he moves his fingers up to the part of you that makes you shake with desperate need, rubs tight circles so you’re panting, chest heaving; you nod quickly and he picks you up, hand still moving inside your swimsuit, carries you to the sliding glass door and pushes it open with his elbow.
You assume you’ll head straight for the bedroom, but he stops in the kitchen, sets you on the counter and kisses you again, a little harder than you’ve experienced before; you love it, try your best to match the way his mouth moves, and his fingers press hard against your aching bud, making you gasp with pleasure.
“Have you ever had an orgasm?” he asks, a little breathless himself, and you smooth your fingers through his hair.
“Um. I think so. From touching myself like this.” He moves his fingers faster, and you press your palm against the counter for support, move your hips against his hand. It feels so good, so much better than when you do it that you could cry.
“Has someone else ever given you an orgasm?” You use the fingers in his hair to bring him to you for a kiss, something you both moan softly into.
“No. I want-I want you to be the first,” you murmur, and he closes his eyes, exhales through his nose, and lifts you up again, this time carrying you to his bedroom and setting you on your feet by the bed. He looks down at you with eyes so dark and gorgeous, then asks if he can remove what little clothing you have on. You tell him yes, and he pushes down the bottoms, which you step carefully out of.
When his hands move to the top, you hesitate, always self-conscious about this; he leans in and presses delicious kisses to your neck, your shoulders, slides the straps down, and looks up at you with caring, gentle eyes. You nod, and he pulls your top off, too, leaving you completely naked in front of someone for the first time in your life.
It’s such a rush, you wish he hadn’t waited so long to initiate this.
“You are so incredibly beautiful,” he says, and with the way he‘s looking at you, you actually believe it. He takes your face in his hands, kisses your lips, then moves down your throat again, your chest—he pays your nipples a bit of attention, flicking his tongue, scraping his teeth, and your mouth falls open in a silent moan. “So perfect.”
He puts his hands all over your body, sweeping over your arms, your waist, and he presses kisses to your stomach, your hips, your thighs. You want his mouth where his fingers were, but you don’t ask; it’s almost like he knows anyway, when he looks up at you from his knees.
“Has anyone ever tasted you?” You shake your head, and he puts his hands on your butt, squeezes softly, and guides you to lay back on the bed. “I want you to tell me how it feels, okay?”
Normally, you’re quiet out of necessity, because when you aren’t here you have an apartment you share with a roommate—even though most of the time, you sleep here whether you’re strictly required to or not. You’re quiet here too, because you’ve never wanted Aaron to know how he makes you feel, although now you’re really wishing you’d have found out sooner that he feels the same way. Imagine all the cool, quiet nights you could have spent on this bed, in his arms…
Shaking yourself out of the fantasy—because reality is literally happening, and it’s so much better—you nod, and he carefully spreads your thighs, leans in to tease his tongue along your slit, light and wet.
“Oh. Aaron.” He looks up, reaches a hand forward to twine your fingers together, and you squeeze them, moaning when he dips again, this time pressing his tongue inside you where you’re wettest. “Oh my-oh my god.” He leans in to press damp kisses to your lower belly.
“That’s right, sweetheart. I want you to come on my tongue—come on my tongue, don’t be shy.” Again, he slides it inside, brings his free hand up to rub you, and it’s not long before you do as he asks, shaking and tightening your grip on his hand. You’re almost embarrassed by how loud you are, but he is nothing but sweet when he comes up, whispers in your ear how well you did for him, how pleased he is to be the first to make you moan like that, to taste you.
He kisses your mouth so you can taste yourself, and groans when you reach for his head, hold him closer.
“Thank you,” you murmur, shaky, when the kiss breaks, and he rubs over your lips with his thumb like he did before, smiles softly.
“You don’t have to thank me, sweet girl. I told you I wanted to take care of you; I’m just so glad you let me.” You move your hands to the front of his shirt and rest them there, hoping he’ll take the hint, but he just gets a glimmer in his eye that makes the butterflies flutter low despite your very recent release. “Don’t be shy. Tell me what you want.” You flush, don’t know how to ask a man—especially a man like Aaron—to get naked for you. “Oh, there’s that blush. My sweet, innocent girl. You haven’t even been properly fucked, of course you don’t know how to ask for what you want. But I’ll teach you.”
He sits up, hovering over your body, gets his fingers on the buttons of his shirt and starts to slip them free. He has to unzip his pants to untuck it, and the sight and sound of that makes you whimper—you immediately tense, feel shame at being so vocal, but he just leans in to kiss you, soft and slow.
“You can’t wait for me to be naked too, can you? You want to see what a man looks like, feel what a man feels like. Don’t you?”
“Yes.” It comes out roughly, almost too low for even you to hear; you clear your throat and try again. “Yes, Aaron.” It earns you a slightly harder kiss, and he climbs off the bed to undress the rest of the way; your eyes are drawn to his erection as soon as it’s exposed, and he looks at you with nothing less than lust in his eyes. It makes you shiver and want to open your legs for him again.
“You’re staring. Have you touched a cock before—stroked it with your hand?”
“No. Can I?” you ask, sitting up against the pillows, and he nods, moves next to you, and takes your hand. You’re intimidated by the size of him, all the more so when he wraps your fingers around it, covers them with his, and strokes.
“Feels so good, baby,” he rumbles, slinging his free hand around your hip and holding you close to his body. He is so… just good looking, so different from your ex-boyfriend, from guys your age, and you look up at his face while you touch him, hoping to bring him even half as much pleasure as he brought you. Your eyes flick back down, though, after a short time, transfixed by the wet head disappearing into your fist. “Hmm. Good girl. Do you want to try putting your mouth on it?”
God, do you want to try that. You want to know what it tastes like, feels like on your tongue; you nod, scoot back a little so you can bend over him, and he puts his hands on your head, slowly guides your open mouth to hover over him.
“Careful with your teeth, and keep me nice and wet, okay? We'll go slowly.” He pushes your hair back from your face so he can see you better, which is sweet, and you nod, close your lips around him, let him show you how he wants you to do it.
He feels so big in your mouth, and you remember to be careful, to be wet, like he said. He’s not making you take him deeply, just a couple of inches, and when you’re not so nervous it feels really good, the weight of him against your tongue, his gentle hands teaching you what to do. It makes you feel useful, learning how he likes to be pleasured, and you enjoy finding ways to make yourself useful to Aaron.
“Perfect, perfect. Just like that—you’re doing great, sweetheart.” You hum around him, pleased that it feels good for him, and you’re stricken with the urge to feel him spilling into your mouth, but he groans and offers something even more intriguing. “Would you like to come sit in my lap? I want to press into your warm, tight, sweet pussy; I promise it will feel good, not like last time.” You make another noise, something eager, and he pulls you off and gets his hands on your waist, brings you up to rest against his thighs.
“Will it hurt?” you ask, just in case. You hadn’t thought to ask that last time. “You’re big; what if it doesn’t fit?” You look up at him, and warm, tender eyes peer into yours.
“It won’t hurt, and it will fit, I promise. We’ll make it fit. Lean up.” You stretch up a little, press your hands to his shoulders, and he rubs his hands soothingly over your body, kisses your chest, and then dips a finger inside you; you grip him tightly, moan, hold still while he moves it in and out, then adds another. “How does that feel? Don’t be shy.”
“Feels-feels good,” you breathe, and he pumps them together which feels so incredible, so new. He brings his free hand to your butt and squeezes softly.
“Good girl. I’m adding another. You’re so wet, it shouldn’t be a problem, but tell me if it’s uncomfortable.” The third finger makes you feel like you’re full up, a little snug, but you know you’ll need to get used to it if you want him inside; you breathe, will yourself to only feel the good, remind yourself that this isn’t like last time. Aaron is being so good to you; he won’t stop being good to you.
“Aaron.” It’s a gasp, a plea, a question, and he answers it by pulling his fingers out, putting his hands on your hips, and lining his cock up at your entrance, lowering you slowly onto it. You pant, moan as it slides in; it feels tight to you, and you’re so incredibly full, but his hands feel like safety and you’re not worried. He’s always taken care of you; he wouldn’t hurt you.
“You’re perfect, you’re doing so good. You feel so good.” He squeezes you, stretches up to brush his lips over yours. “We’re going to make you come again; I’ll give you the best night of your life, I promise.”
“Of course you will. This is already the best night of my life,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around his neck, and he kisses you harder; you can feel his hands tighten, and it doesn’t hurt, only makes you want more, rougher. You feel filthy for wanting that, but it’s Aaron, and you want any and everything he wants to give; you also want him to take anything he wants to take.
He moves your body up and down, a show of strength that makes you moan, just a string of desperate sounds you’re a little embarrassed of; he appreciates the noises you make, though, if the way he grips you is any indication, his eyes determined as he makes you bounce on his cock.
“Oh, yes baby, just like that. How does it feel, sweet girl?”
“Mmh, good, so good, so good,” you sigh, your butt making contact with his firm thighs each time he brings you down on him. “Feels so good to be… to have it inside me.”
Aaron hums, frowns just slightly.
“Tell me what it is, baby. Your innocent little mouth can be dirty for me, this once. What feels good? What’s inside you?” His voice is a little tense, like maybe he wants to finish, but he doesn't change a thing, doesn’t hurt you so he can get there faster. You sink your teeth into your bottom lip, curl fingers into his hair.
“Your… It’s your cock, Aaron. Your cock feels so good inside me.” You’ve thought the word, never said it aloud, but it makes him groan deeply, so you vow to say it again at some point just to savor that reaction.
“Yes it does, yes it does. Feels so good inside your perfect pussy, my perfect, sweet girl.” His hands move you faster, and you want to help now that you know this is how he likes it; when the two of you work together, it’s quicker thrusts, harder thrusts, your breasts bouncing along with the rest of your body and making you feel filthy, indecent. Amazing.
You lean in for a kiss, and Aaron turns it into something deep and decadent, delicious; you pass moans back and forth, holding tightly to him, the both of you breaking a sweat even in the cool air. You’re so close, so close to the ultimate pleasure you felt with his head between your legs, and you can hear your moans change, eager, needy things.
“Aaron please. Please.” You take his face in your hands, look into his eyes, bounce on him and kiss him and plead for release against his lips, and he holds you so tightly and climaxes, spilling inside you and pumping up into you, breathless.
“Oh, good girl, you did that. You made me come, baby. Not so innocent anymore, are you?” You shake your head—you don’t feel innocent anymore, you feel good, you want more, want to chase the feelings you’ve felt tonight, including the one still building inside you. “Now let’s get you off. I want to feel it.” He digs his fingers into your hips, so hard you think it might bruise, but in your heightened state of arousal it just feels good; you keep moving until your orgasm takes control of you, makes you grip his hair hard in your fingers and slam yourself down on him.
“Yes, yes, mmm.” He brings a hand to your face, softly catches your jaw, and guides you to make eye contact while you ride him through it until you are both spent, sinking against the bed. He sweeps his hands over your body, kisses you softly, and you melt at his touch. “That was so incredible. Thank you.”
“I told you, you don’t have to thank me. I wanted to take care of you; been wanting that for some time,” he admits easily, touching your cheek. “I’m just glad I could give you a good experience after the bad one.”
“Good doesn’t even begin to cover it.” Your voice is light, low, because saying things like this, talking about sex, is still so new to you. “I love being here for you, helping you with Jack, and anything else you need. Do you think you’ll want or need me like this again?”
“Oh, I don’t see how I could do without, if it’s something you want. Although I may have to return that swimsuit. It is pretty indecent,” he says with a somewhat guilty smile.
You figured as much, and for the first time tonight you feel very confident when you say, “No, I think I’d like to keep it.”
Taglist ❤️: @thaddeusly @arsonhotchner @mrsh0tchner @ssahotchie @sleepyreaderreads @mintphoenix @meghannnnnn @disgruntledchowchow @azenpal @g-l-pierce @my-rosegold-soul @ssamorganhotchner @heliotropehotch @angelhotchner @qtip-blog @gspenc @wishuhadstayed
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headingalaxys-sweet · 2 years
Hetalia X Reader Neko’s brought me to my lover
It was a blistering Summer’s day in Austin,Texas. Alfred had finished cleaning his RAM-1500 that had been caked in mud from the sudden downpour that happened when he was on his way home from work. He wasn’t fond of being rained on during his favorite season of the year but that's what he gets for living in the ‘weird’ part of Texas. Now that he could finally give his beloved cat a bath while he was already soaking wet. His dampened white collared shirt showcased his 6-pack and toned arms.
“America! Where are you bud?” He called out across his yard. “I’ll give you beef jerky if you come out now dude!” He trugged around his fresh-cut lawn to find his rambunctious cat. A few minutes go by before Alfred begins to worry. He yells about the prospect of food one more time just in case that does the trick. It doesn’t.
“Strange…that usually gets him flying out from wherever he hides.”
‘Where could that damned cat be this time?’
America-Cat was having a blast teasing a Great Schnauzer and flicking his fluffy beige tail at the giant dog.
“Can’t catch me sucka MEOW! Ahahahahah!” He continued to back that ass up at the Schnauzer.
I died writing this line. XD
Having too much fun participating in his own antics he failed to notice that there was a broken piece of the fence that caught onto his back paw.
“MEOWWWWWWW!” America-cat yelled to the heavens. The fence creaked and snapped from the jarring movements. The beige cat came tumbling down with some of the fence now intact with its body.
“No more gyrating for you buddy boy!” The Schnauzer says amused that the cat got instant Karma for being an idiot.
“COOKIE! BAD DOG! DON’T HURT THE CAT!” Y/N called out panting trying to stop an ‘attack’ that would have gone down.
‘Fuck.’ Was all Cookie could think of.
Y/N a (hair color) woman ran up to the two animals. Cookie was embarrassed that the cat now knew its name. America-Cat gives Cookie a smirk as he now meow’d for attention, he pointed his paw where it hurt and tried to gingerly stretch it’s back leg out to show where the fence grabbed him.
“Oh you poor thing! Let’s get you to the vet! And Cookie no treats for you tonight. You know you shouldn’t run off like that and chase and injure a poor defenseless cat.” Cookie hung her head down in shame and put her tail under her. She didn’t like it when Y/N reprimanded her for something that she overall had no involvement in.
The Veterinarians
“Have you been able to contact the cats owner Mr. Jones?”
“Yeah, I have he’ll be in Jollyville in about 5 minutes. He’s from Austin.” Y/N says with confidence.
“Good if you want to see your new patched up pal you can. I’ll look out for his owner.”
Another 10 minutes goes by before you hear a heavy door slam into the cement wall. Just outside of the vet’s resting room for recovering pets and their owners. You see a sandy blonde man with brilliant blue eyes that had tears of joy coming from them rushing towards you and his beloved cat.
“America! You crazy cat! I love you bro but you have to stop spooking me like this.” Alfred hurriedly scoops his cat into his arms and gives him a tight squeeze.
“I’m just glad you’re alive dude!” He gives his cat a forehead kiss and turns his attention to y/n. She must have had a love pistol of sorts because his heart began to race with adrenaline and dopamine. He’d never seen someone as strikingly beautiful as y/n.
“Thanks for finding and taking care of him dudette.” Alfred says casually trying not to let the rush of passion and butterflies in his stomach subdue him. ‘This woman is a knockout.’
“No problem! Now that you’re here I’ll head out!” Glad the ordeal was over and you could maybe sneak a nap in after walking Cookie. As you being to take your leave Alfred grabs your wrist.
“Wait … I really want to repay you for saving my cat. Are you down for dinner sometime?”
Well he was handsome & you weren’t going to tell him ‘no.’ ;)
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You don't need to write this if you dont want too because it's up to you but this is something wholsome
I apologize for having such horrible writing and grammer. I never payed attention in school, nor could I afford to pay attention 👉😎👉
Bro I feel you on the not paying attention in school thing. Fear not, dearest asker, ask for demon babies, and since I am a merciful writer, you shall receive.
Oh Shit, Half-Demon Babies are Running Amok Send Diapers and Help-
Mini summary for the casual reader, L!MC is Lucifer’s half demon child who got summoned into the Devildom to be one of the human exchange students, M!MC is Mammon’s half demon kid, and A!MC is Asmo’s. Let’s get to the fic!
Ah, what a relaxing day... Lucifer was sitting back in his desk chair, enjoying a nice glass of Demonus and listening to one of his favourite cursed vinyls. He had done a damn good job on his work earlier and Diavolo had insisted there was no more work to be done and he could have the weekend all to himself.
Of course, his brothers were still a factor that could have ruined his me-time... on any other weekend! Satan had just gotten a new encyclopedia to read, so he wouldn’t be causing any trouble, Beel and Belphie were going to take that Devildom food tour, Mammon and M!MC were planning on spending the entire weekend shopping, Asmo and A!MC were going up to the human world on Saturday and staying until Sunday, and Levi... He got a sudden burst of inspiration for his Animal Crossing Island and most likely wouldn’t be leaving his room for the next month. Lastly, L!MC wouldn’t be causing any problems, his child would probably spend their time with him rambling about musicals or anime they had seen, and Lucifer found their intense interest very adorable.
Ah... peace and quiet...
...why did Lucifer hear crying?
There, standing in the entrance hall of the House of Lamentation, was Solomon, holding three screaming babies.
What, and I cannot stress this enough, THE HELL?!
“Ah, Lucifer,” Solomon attempted to wave hello, but needing to continue to bounce one of the babies on his hip kind of hindered the gesture, not that Lucifer wanted a wave at that moment. “I’m sure you have questions.”
After everyone had gathered into the living room, Solomon explained how a spell gone awry had hit L!MC, M!MC, and A!MC with the effect of turning the three into the screaming infants that stood (or... awkwardly sprawled out) in front of them.
On the bright side, the spell only had a timespan of roughly two days, so they wouldn’t be stuck like that forever.
Everyone sat in silence for a few minutes (save for the babies, who were still either crying or incoherently babbling) as they processed that information. Lucifer, ever the flawless older brother and leader, stood up and clapped his hands together once.
“Alright then, everyone cancel your weekend plans, we need to deal with this.”
Lucifer’s dearest little brothers all whined in protest, Satan in particular. “They’re not our kids, why do Belphie, Beel, Levi, and I need to cancel our plans?!”
“Satan,” Lucifer said sternly. “You don’t remember this, but it took six people to take care of one of you. The kids may only be half demons but there are three of them. We need all hands on deck. Besides, if you all want someone to blame, blame Solomon.”
Everyone turned and levelled their practically murderous glared at the sorcerer, who suddenly pulled baby A!MC into his lap and began to rock them back and forth.
“I have never felt more unsafe.” Solomon laughed nervously. “But you wouldn’t kill me while I’m holding my not-child would you?”
Asmo stomped over and snatched A!MC away from Solomon. “I can’t believe you- ACK! A!MC! Stop drooling!”
A!MC had a long trail of drool coming out of their mouth which caused Asmo to shriek and hold A!MC at arms length away. “Stop that! That’s gross, A!MC, you know better.”
The adorable baby continued to babble and drool.
Mammon picked up M!MC, who almost immediately stopped crying upon seeing Mammon’s watch, they began making grab hands at it. “Ah, ya want the watch?”
M!MC squealed in delight as Mammon dangled the watch above them, Mammon was delighted that his little brat still had their expensive taste, even as a baby. “Hey, look at me! I’m doin’ pretty good! Suck it, Asmo!”
As Asmo and Mammon bickered, Lucifer took the time to look at L!MC, they pulled at Lucifer’s tie and hummed to themselves. They were mind numbingly cute despite the screeching they were doing earlier. The sight tugged at the cold spot where Lucifer’s heart should have been, he had missed this part of his child’s life... maybe just that weekend he’d get a chance to-
“Solomon where do you think you’re going?” Lucifer was pulled from his thoughts when he noticed the shifty bastard trying to make his escape. “You’re staying to help manage this nonsense.”
A!MC may have been an absolute ray of sunshine normally, but as a baby, they definitely lived up to the term demon-spawn.
A!MC would scream, cry and pitch a fit if they didn’t get what they wanted immediately, not that they had any way of articulating what they wanted because they were a god damn baby! Asmo and Solomon were at the point where they were just holding stuff out to A!MC to see if it would make them stop crying.
“Come on butterfly, don’t you like this... antique perfume bottle?” Asmo asked, A!MC took one look at it, then burst into flames and started wailing again. “For the love of my father WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!”
Now there were two sobbing messes in the room, and one was on fire. Solomon quickly magically took care of A!MC’s little fire problem (the baby was fiiiiiiine, demon babies light themselves on fire all the time!), picked A!MC up, sat down on Asmo’s bed, and snapped his fingers. Tiny balls of light gently floated into the air around the three, Asmo looked up from his pity party upon hearing A!MC stop their crying.
“See, you still like my magic, even as a baby, right A!MC?” Solomon asked, A!MC looked around in silent wonder, trying to reach up and touch the lights.
“Oh Solomon, this almost makes me forgive you for screwing up my weekend plans...” Asmo sighed in relief, he sat next to Solomon and pulled A!MC into his lap. “Not very colourful though, is it? Let me fix that.”
Asmo smiled as his own magic added streaks of colour, it was like their very own private showing of the northern lights. A!MC had on one of those goofy baby smiles that can make even the grumpiest person smile back.
Solomon and Asmo shaped some of the lights into shapes and animals, Asmo let a pink butterfly land on A!MC’s nose, much to their adorable delight.
“And that one’s a bird, and that one’s a giraffe,”
“That’s an alpaca.”
“Sorry, an alpaca with a weirdly long neck, oh! And a sheep!” Asmo looked down at his lap where A!MC sat and tickled their sides. “Everyone likes sheep!”
He then quickly shaped a ball of light into a scorpion and made it scuttle into A!MC’s lap. “But I have to say, scorpions are the best.”
The fifth born sighed in contentment as their sweet little hellspawn continued to watch the magic show. Never in his life did Asmodeus ever think he’d be this happy holding a baby, usually babies were things he thought should be handled with hazmat suits, but not at that moment. His little butterfly truly did have him wrapped around their finger.
“Asmo, hey, Asmo,” Asmo looked over at Solomon, who had a glowing triangle over one of his eyes. “Would you like to join my secret society?”
“Solomon, you are ruining the moment.”
“C’mon kiddo! Eat your damn food!” Mammon once again tried to shove the spoon into his kid’s mouth with the same result as the 50 previous attempts.
“YUCKY!” M!MC shouted and slapped the spoon away.
“Here,” Beel took the spoon from Mammon. “Maybe it’s yucky like they said.”
Beel ate what was on the spoon, then smiled brightly. “You can really taste the mango!”
“See bud..? Beel likes it.” Mammon gestured at Beel, who was eating the entire jar of baby food as Belphie watched in amusement. He was such an asset to the team. “Beel! They need to eat!”
“Fine, let me try.” Belphie grabbed another spoon, and waved it in M!MC’s face. “Here comes the airplane... whoosh... whoosh...”
M!MC didn’t budge, Belphie knitted his eyebrows and rolled his eyes. “Okay, fine, be that way.”
Levi pushed open the door to the kitchen, and upon seeing the scene before him, immediately turned and tried to leave. “Nope! Food isn’t worth getting spit up all over me-”
Mammon lunged forward, grabbed the back of Levi’s jacket and practically yanked him into the kitchen, he slapped a spoon into his hand and smiled. “C’mon, do a favour for your super great big brother!”
The third born looked at M!MC, who defiantly stared back at him, the baby had the upper hand and the little brat knew it. Babies were so much cuter in anime...
Levi nervously stepped forward and held out the spoon like a weapon. “O-okay M-M-M!MC... you need to eat your food... pls... pls eat.”
M!MC said nothing, they only did what most babies did.
They spun their head 90 degrees until the back of their head was all Levi could see.
Everyone in the kitchen stood in complete silence, until Mammon jumped a foot in the air and started screaming bloody murder. “MY BABY!”
He dove forward and scooped M!MC up in his arms, the baby, obviously freaked out by the sudden loud noise, had begun to cry.
“It’s okay! It’s okay! Uh... uh...” Mammon looked around frantically. “Hush little baby don’t say a word... papas gonna buy you a mockingbird. And if that mockingbird don’t sing, papa’s gonna buy you a diamond ring... and if that diamond ring is brass, butitwon’tbebecauseyouroldmanwouldn’tgetcheatedlikethat-”
M!MC spun their head back to its correct position, but their crying sounds were now several octaves lower... It sounded like if someone put a baby in the Darth Vader mask but without the weird breathing sounds...
Mammon looked to Belphie. “I’m blankin’ on nursery rhymes! Ya hafta know some kid songs!”
Belphie, after being put on the spot, suddenly forgot every single nursery rhyme and lullaby any of his brothers had ever sung to him. Oh! A song popped into his head! He could sing that!
“Lizzie Borden took an axe, gave her mother forty whacks, when she saw what she had done, she gave her father forty one-”
“Not that one!” Mammon squeaked, holding M!MC closer to him. M!MC’s voice had returned to normal, the next problem is that they were only speaking in infernal. “Somethin’ else!”
“There was an old lady who swallowed a fly,” Beel began to sing. “I don’t know why she swallowed that fly... I forgot the rest of the song...”
“Dammit... Leviiiiii!” Mammon wheezed, desperately trying to calm the angrily growling M!MC. “Sing! Sing anything!”
“A-anything?” Only one song came to mind. “Uh um... With the doors of heaven and Hell barred, there is no other but the guard, Master of the Hellish Yard...”
Mammon lit up and nodded like Levi had just offered him a million Grimm. “Aw hell yeah! This song!”
He handed M!MC to Beel and began to dance and sing next to Levi, who had really gotten into the song as well!
“With those sins that you've committed, If you pay you'll be acquitted, and your crimes all permitted,” the two paused for dramatic effect before both belting out the best line in the song.
As Levi and Mammon continued to sing, M!MC became so entranced by the dance, that they stopped their demonic babbling and just watched the second and third born dance and sing the English cover of an old vocaloid song. Belphie and Beel made brief confused eye contact to make sure the other twin was seeing the same thing.
The duo finished the song and took a bow, Beel lightly tapped M!MC’s chubby baby hands together to make it look like they were clapping. It was enough for Mammon and Levi.
“Thank you, thank you,” Mammon said. “We’ll be here forever, next show ain’t free.”
“We should sing The Tailor on Enbizaka next!”
“Levi! No! That song is like... seven minutes long!”
“Hey, morons,” Belphie stuck his thumb at M!MC. “They still haven’t eaten.”
Mammon’s triumphant expression dropped right to the floor. “Ah fuck...”
“Satan, where’s L!MC-” Lucifer looked up at the ceiling of Satan’s room and his jaw dropped. “WHAT ARE THEY DOING UP THERE?!”
“I can’t get them down!” Satan hissed back.
L!MC. L!MC the BABY. They were on the ceiling. They were sitting upside down on the ceiling like it was an average Friday. Lucifer was too old for this shit...
“L!MC.” Lucifer held out his arms, L!MC squinted at him, that’s when Lucifer remembered L!MC was practically blind without their glasses. “L!MC, it’s your father, come here.”
“Don’t you think I’ve tried calling them down like that?!” Satan spat as he quickly ran a hand through his hair.
Lucifer shot a glare at Satan, then Lucifer heard something that nearly made his (lack of) heart stop. Oh no- L!MC was yawning-
L!MC yawned and suddenly detached from the ceiling. Lucifer and Satan both dove forward to catch L!MC, which culminated in one of Satan’s piles of books falling down, but with L!MC safe and sound.
“Damn it.” Satan grumbled as Lucifer shifted to properly hold L!MC. “This is going to take forever to clean...”
“That was clean?” Lucifer raised an eyebrow as L!MC began to fuss slightly.
Satan growled and rolled his eyes. “Yes, it was clean thank you very much. I knew exactly where everything was.”
The cat that unofficially ruled the House of Lamentation pranced into Satan’s room like it didn’t have a care in the world, it began to bat at one of the loose papers that had been scattered around the floor. Detective Toe Beans, you’re an esteemed detective, and technically RAD’s mascot, stop that!
Satan scooped up the cat and began to put the books back in the pile, when Lucifer noticed a familiar, beat-up old book lying near the bottom of the pile.
“Ah, I remember this book,” Lucifer leaned down and picked it up, showing the cover to L!MC, who didn’t seem very interested and continued petting the fur part of Lucifer’s jacket. “It’s good for a bedtime story, right L!MC?”
Lucifer tucked the book under his arm and turned to leave when Satan practically shot upwards. “If you think you can just take that out of my room, you’re completely delusional.”
“Are you seriously going to whine about getting a bedtime story for L!MC?”
“CAT!” L!MC looked over Lucifer’s shoulder and reached for Detective Toe Beans. “CAT!”
“Yes L!MC, cat.” Lucifer whispered to them, then turned back to Satan. “And if I’m remembering correctly, I used to read this to you. Do you really want to deprive poor L!MC of bedtime stories from me?”
“Pff... deprive...” Satan rolled his eyes and huffed. “I’d be saving them. You were the only one who never did any voices for the characters, I was bored to sleep.”
Satan walked forward and swiped the book from Lucifer. “If anyone’s reading L!MC a bedtime story, it should be me. I’m twice the storyteller you’ll ever be.”
Lucifer scoffed. “Ridiculous. We’ll both read L!MC a story and they can tell us who did best when they get back to normal.”
“Fine by me.”
The three (four if you count Bean) were soon seated on the couch in Lucifer’s room. Lucifer took the first story.
Satan listened along and absentmindedly pet Bean, hearing a story he had heard over and over again had managed to bring back memories of a time where he had significantly less control over his wrath. Every night he’d demand a bedtime story or he’d throw a tantrum unlike anything the Devildom had ever seen.
The eldest was always there to swoop in and read Satan a story whenever the little ball of seething rage looked ready to kill the unfortunate brother who told him it was bedtime.
It had gotten to the point that Satan could recite most of the stories in the book completely by heart. He chuckled under his breath as he remembered the time he matter of factly told Lucifer that he’d be reading him the bedtime story that night and proceeded to pretend to read the story of The Hydra and the Pufferfish. He hadn’t actually learned to read, much to Lucifer’s dismay, Satan just memorized what to say and when to turn the pages.
Though, it was apparently impressive enough at the time to warrant a head pat from Lucifer.
The fourth born leaned closer to Lucifer to get a better look at the book’s illustrations. They were always slightly off and strange looking, much like the pictures in the Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark book that L!MC had given Satan for his birthday.
Lucifer abruptly stopped reading.
“Why’d you stop?” Satan looked up at Lucifer, then over at L!MC. Aw... Satan didn’t even get a chance to read...
“Our audience has fallen asleep.” Lucifer stifled a yawn and prepared to close the book, Satan quickly shoved his hand on the page to stop him.
“You started reading,” Satan looked away and grumbled. “So at least finish the story...”
Lucifer smirked and opened the book back up. “If you insist, Satan.”
Yayyyyy! Babies! I’m sure the three get back to normal by Monday... hopefully...
Here’s a link to the song Levi and Mammon are singing!
I hope you all enjoyed! As of the time I’m posting this, the next set of Lessons 1-5 Headcanons will be out tomorrow at 8:30 pm EST.
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iboughtaplant · 3 years
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Honey, You’re Familiar Like My Mirror Years Ago
Prompt: Loss of Powers 
Relationship: Eskel/ Geralt 
Rating: T 
Warnings: no warnings apply 
Summary: Eskel is a witch and he is in love with his familiar, Geralt. It only takes them both temporality losing their powers for him to admit it. 
Second prompt fill for the @witcher-rarepair-summer-bingo
Read it on AO3 
Eskel was hunched over his work table, working intently on figuring out the ingredients for some spell or potion. Geralt, in his cat form, walked across the window sill and hopped down onto the wooden counter, sauntering across the herbs and papers Eskel had laid out. He rubbed his body against Eskel’s forearms and Eskel finally lifted his eyes to look at his familiar. He immediately huffed out a laugh when he saw the dirty state of Geralt’s soft white fur.
“Have you been wrestling with the neighbor’s barn cats again?” Eskel asked Geralt. In response the familiar just daintily started licking one of his white paws.
“I think you might need an actual bath with soap and water. I have more of that grapefruit and bergamot soap you like so much.”
Geralt agreed with a mrrow and Eskel scooped him up into his arms. With Geralt in his arms, Eskel walked to the bathroom and turned on the tap to fill the tub. The tub filled up quickly aided by Eskel’s magic.  
Eskel placed cat Geralt into the bathtub full of steaming water. Once in the water, Geralt shifted into his human form and leaned his arms on the edge of the tub, looking up at Eskel with his golden eyes.
“Help me wash my hair?” Geralt asked in his rumbling voice. It always reminded Eskel of how he purred when in his cat form.
“Of course,” Eskel said as he sat on the floor next to the tub. He pushed the sleeves of his maroon sweater up to his elbows and gathered his own hair up into a knot to keep it out of the way.
They both knew that Eskel could magic Geralt’s hair clean, but Geralt loved physical affection in any way and Eskel loved being able to care for Geralt. Eskel also loved the feeling of Geralt’s long, white hair in his hands.  
Geralt leaned back and let Eskel leisurely wash his hair, humming every now and then as he relaxed in the warm water.
When Eskel was done washing Geralt’s hair, he did however magic his hair dry and quickly braid it knowing how much Geralt hated feeling his wet hair on his neck. He then climbed to his feet and left Geralt to finish his bath with some privacy.
Geralt turned to look at Eskel as he got up, for a cat shifter he was really good at giving Eskel puppy dog eyes. “You can stay,” Geralt said. “You know I don’t mind.”
“I have some salves and balms I need to finish making.”
“Alright,” Geralt said, a bit dejectedly. He picked up the bar soap and a washcloth as Eskel moved to the door. “Thanks for the soap,” Geralt said before Eskel walked out of the bathroom door.
“Anytime,” Eskel said. They both knew he only made that scent of soap especially for Geralt.
When Eskel left the bathroom, he pressed his forehead to the closed bathroom door and let out a breath before going back to his work table in the kitchen. He did have some unfinished salves and balms he could work on, but it wasn’t urgent. It was an excuse. He couldn’t stand to be so close to Geralt and not be able to tell him just how he felt.
Eskel didn’t think he would ever tell Geralt that he not only loved him, but was in love with him. But that was the thing. Was Eskel truly in love with Geralt? Or was it just their bond playing tricks on him? He didn’t want to take advantage of Geralt like that. He was Eskel’s familiar. It was a sacred bond and Eskel was beyond lucky to have Geralt in his life. But that didn’t mean he was in love with him.
Eskel kept thinking about it while he finished making the salves and balms—he figured he might as well follow through with the excuse he made. The thoughts of what Geralt was to him continued to plague him as he switched over to making dinner for the two of them.
He chopped the vegetables and prepared the meat before grabbing two pans out of the cupboard and placing each on a burner. He then lit the flames under the stove burners with a flick of his hand. He added oil and tossed the vegetables in once the oil was heated, satisfied by the sizzle the vegetables made when they made contact with the oil. He left them in the pan to cook while he seared the seasoned meat in the other pan.
Once the steak was cooked he let it rest on a plate. He washed his hands and wiped them on the tea towel thrown over his shoulder. He grabbed bowls and cutlery from the cupboard to set the small table in the corner by the window.
Once the table was set, he realized he had forgotten to make the rice. So he grabbed a pot, added the rice and water and set it on a burner. He waited for it to come to a boil before putting the lid on. He then muttered an incantation to speed up the cook time. He enjoyed the process of cooking and only sped up the cooking process when he needed to.
Before he knew it, the smell of food had lured Geralt out from wherever he had been in their small house. Geralt waltzed into the kitchen on silent feet, but Eskel knew when he entered, their bond ensured it. He was in his human form since they were about to eat, and only wearing a pair of linen pants and a tank top.
Geralt didn’t really like wearing clothes. He wore them when he had to, but Eskel had gotten used to him preferring to wear as little as possible and often shifting into his cat form. It meant that Eskel was mostly desensitized to Geralt’s nudity. It also meant that he constantly found piles of Geralt’s clothing around the cottage, and sometimes outside of the cottage.
“Thank you for making dinner, it smells delicious.” Geralt said once he slinked into his chair across the table from where Eskel had seated himself in his own chair. Geralt got himself situated, sitting sideways and pulling one knee up to his chest while he stretched his other leg out to knock his foot against Eskel’s feet. Geralt’s foot, clean from his recent bath, against Eskel’s feet, dirty from always walking around without shoes on.
“Of course.” Eskel said with a smile as he pushed his feet into the touch of Geralt’s. He liked making dinner for them both and being able to provide for Geralt.
Their dinner was the same as always with them chatting and teasing each other. Eskel was glad that everything felt normal, despite how flustered he felt earlier. He just focused on being happy in Geralt’s presence and tried not to think about how he wanted more. He pushed down the butterflies in his stomach as he pushed his food around on his plate.
The next morning, Eskel loaded up the big wooden crate strapped to the back metal rack of his faded red bicycle. Numerous glass jars and bottles containing various salves, balms, and herb mixtures. He also had two new batches of soap that he made—not the grapefruit and bergamot though, he saved all of those bars for Geralt.
He made sure to weave rolled up tea towels between the glass bottles to keep them from clinking against each other as he rode into town to the market.
He sold his wares, both magical and mundane, at the weekly market held in the center of the tiny town his cottage was on the outskirts of. He was the only witch within miles, so his products were often in high demand.
He just finished making sure everything was secure when a white blur raced past him and jumped into the smaller crate strapped to the bicycle’s handlebars.
He turned to stare at the cat in the crate, and then looked at the pile of clothes on the ground a few feet away. “Really?” He asked. “Why even bother getting dressed then?”
Geralt just stared at him before curling up in the crate. Eskel rolled his eyes fondly as he walked over to Geralt’s discarded clothes and picked them up. He walked back over to the bicycle and shoved Geralt’s clothes into the crate next to him.
Geralt looked up at him as if offended.
“Well you’ll need clothes if you decide to shift back. We can’t have you scandalizing anyone again.”
Eskel then slung a leg over the bike, flicked up the kickstand, and pushed off to ride down the dirt road to the market.
“What did you fall into? You smell absolutely foul,” Eskel said as he backed away from his familiar who was seated on the window sill. His white fur was a disaster, a few briars stuck to it in addition to the general dirt and grime. But the worst was the smell. He knew Geralt couldn’t be enjoying it either.
But his attempt to jump into Eskel’s arms proved that he must have purposely made a mess of himself to justify a bath. Not that him taking a bath needed to be justified. But Eskel knew that his familiar enjoyed the routine of Eskel dumping him into the bath in his cat form and then washing his hair once he shifted.  
“Alright, fine, I’ll play along. Come on, I’ll start the bath.” He picked up Geralt under his front legs and held him at arm’s length instead of curled to his chest like he normally would, he really did stink.
Once in the bathroom, Eskel maneuvered so he could turn on the tap before magicking the water to fill quicker than it could have on its own.
Once the tub was full, he deposited Geralt into the water. But his familiar didn’t shift into his human form like he normally would. It was worrisome, but Eskel figured Geralt was just messing with him or wanted privacy before shifting. It was unusual but not uncalled for.
Eskel turned to leave, he had his hand on the doorknob when Geralt meowed one of the most pitiful meows he had ever heard. It caused Eskel to instantly turn around and look at Geralt. The cat shifter looked afraid. Still in his cat form, sitting in the warm bath water.
“What’s wrong, Geralt?” Eskel asked, kneeling down on the floor by the tub. “Not feeling well? I mean there was that one time a few years ago when you got sick from drinking that potion you thought was tea and were stuck in your human form for a week. Do you think this is like that?”
All Eskel got in response was another scared mrrow, as Geralt’s eyes looked even more panicked. And that was the thing about shifters. While Geralt might shift into a cat, he was not actually a cat. While he couldn’t speak while in his animal forms he still retained all of his human thoughts and feelings. His eyes showed his emotions and he was able to communicate with Eskel a bit through their bond.
It worried Eskel even more that he could feel the worry rolling off of Geralt.
“Are you trying to shift right now?” Eskel asked.
Geralt meowed the affirmative.
“And it’s not working?”
Another affirmative meow, though it sounded even more dejected.
“We’ll figure it out. But first let’s get you clean. I can still wash your hair, well I guess fur in this case,” Eskel said as he pet Geralt’s wet fur.
Once Geralt, still in cart form, was clean and dry he followed Eskel into the living room/library. Geralt hopped up on an armchair and then onto the bookshelf as Eskel flitted around pulling books off of the shelves and flipping through their pages.
“There has to be something about familiars being stuck in their animal form. I mean, you can’t be the first this has happened to, right?” Eskel asked even though he knew he wouldn’t get much of an answer out of Geralt. He was taciturn at the best of times in human form and sometimes, on a normal day, shifted into animal form if he wasn’t up for talking.
So he was sure that being stuck in cat form was not fun for Geralt even if he knew his familiar loved being in his animal form. Eskel figured that having the choice of being able to shift taken away from him was not something Geralt—or any familiar for that matter—would be happy about.
Eskel eventually sat down on the rug, books spread out around him as he took notes and tried to see if there was any useful information. He found a few tidbits of information, but nothing that seemed conclusive.
He was ready to chuck a book at the wall in frustration, when Geralt padded over and delicately plopped himself down in Eskel’s lap. He curled up and started purring. Of course Geralt was still able to read Eskel’s moods, in this case his rising panic and frustration, and came to comfort him.
Eskel pet Geralt’s soft white fur and took a deep breath. He felt himself calm down a bit. He continued petting Geralt with one hand and  he flicked through the pages of a few more books with the other.
Eskel was exhausted and he knew he should eat or at least drink something, but he was not about to disturb Geralt asleep in his lap. His familiar was curled up in a tight ball and purring in his sleep.
He flicked his hand, focusing on the tea kettle in the kitchen to have it warm up water on its own. Another flick to add a tea bag to a mug before he had the mug full of tea hover into the living room, plucking it out of the air and taking a sip.
He then set it down next to his knee and went back to sifting through book pages in search of answers.
Eskel jerked out of the daze he had fallen into when he felt Geralt stand up in his lap and stretch. There was no longer any sunlight streaming in through the windows, just the faint light of the waning moon. Eskel grunted as he felt how stiff his body had become from sitting in the same position for so long.
Following Geralt’s lead, he stretched his arms and neck. He reached for his mug of tea knowing it had long gone cold, but he knew a quick flick of it hand would bring it back to steaming.
When he raised the mug to his lips the tea was warm, but nowhere near the temperature he had been aiming for. “I really must be tired,” he mumbled as he still drank the warmed tea.
He flopped back onto the floor from his seated position, bringing Geralt with him to  rest  on his chest. He sighed. “Guess we should get up and go to bed huh? Try to research some more in the morning,” he squinted to look at the clock on the other side of the room, “well, later morning since it’s already 2 am.”
Geralt kneaded Eskel’s chest a few times, then stretched again before getting up and walking down the hallway. Eskel took that as his cue to get off of the floor and follow.
The next few days followed a similar pattern as Eskel kept researching and even reached out to a few other witches he knew to see if they had any ideas of information. One day he even rode his bicycle—of course with Geralt seated in the front basket to come along for the ride—to the library in town and pursued the minuscule section of magical texts that they had.
It of course ended up being a bust, since the tomes they had were ones he owned and had already looked through.  
Eskel sighed when he exited the library. He felt defeated and he was no closer to figuring out how to help Geralt shift again. He did smile a bit when he came across a young girl petting Geralt where he still rested curled up in the bicycle basket, despite the crooked angle as the bike rested on its kickstand.
He smiled at the girl as he walked closer and she smiled back before running off to join her mom who was calling her from the library entrance.
Eskel smiled down at Geralt, and gave him a few pets himself. “Nothing new,” he said to his familiar. “Looks like we should just head back home and maybe I can try some of those potion recipes I found in the back of that one book. Can’t hurt to try right?”
Geralt meowed in what Eskel took as agreement. It felt like it was getting harder to read Geralt’s responses.
He gave Geralt a last scritch under his chin before swinging a leg over the bicycling and heading down the long dirt road towards home.
Of course their leisurely ride home was interrupted when Eskel crashed the bicycle out of nowhere. It wasn’t much of a crash to be honest. More like the wheel got caught on something and the balance was thrown off.
Geralt was smart enough to leap out of the basket and onto the ground as the bike started careening and Eskel landed on his side on the dirt ground with a solid thump, the bicycle in a heap next to him.
He groaned as he sat up on the ground, resting his head on his knees in frustration. He felt soft fur brush against his arm and raised his head from his knees.
“Geralt, are you all right?” Eskel asked as he drew the cat close to him and checked over his feline body for any injuries. Finding none, he left out a sigh of relief. “It  would have been just my luck to be responsible for you getting hurt while I am already responsible for you being stuck as a cat.”
Geralt just nudged his head against Eskel.
“I’m fine,” Eskel replied. He then got to his feet and examined his bicycle laying on the ground. He bent over it and examined it for damage before focusing on the front wheel.
There was a hole in it. Well, more a tear than just a hole. It must have gotten caught on something sharp in the road.
“Well, it’s nothing a little magic can’t fix,” he muttered. He flicked his hands towards the bicycle wheel intending for a patch on the tear to be created. But. Nothing happened.
He tried again and still nothing. He had never had his magic fail on him before. It must be the stress and exhaustion getting to him he figured.
He looked to Geralt, who just blinked up at him from where he was sitting, waiting.
Eskel groaned, he had been doing a lot of frustrated groaning lately. He ran his hands through his hair and then looked at the bicycle and then back at Geralt.
“I guess we’re walking home.”
He righted the bicycle and leaned it against his legs as he bent over to pick up Geralt. HE cradled his familiar in one arm while he used his other hand to hold the bike’s handlebars to walk it down the long road home.
A couple more days passed and Eskel could confirm that it wasn’t just stress and a lack of sleep, his power was truly gone. He felt a bit helpless even though he had never been one to rely too heavily on magic. Not that it meant much when not having access to his magic made him feel like a part of his soul had been ripped out.
But it was fine. He was managing. But he couldn’t stop thinking about it and about how he was now useless. He could no longer use his magic to try and find a solution to Geralt being stuck in his cat form.
What a sorry pair they made: a witch who lost his powers and a familiar that couldn’t shift.
Eskel felt like was just going to wither away, like his plants on the windowsill that were in various states of wilting as he hadn’t had the motivation to bother tending to them.
He almost felt more tired now that he had been when he was staying up all hours and frantically searching for answers. It was as if not using his powers was making him weaker.
He also observed how Geralt had started acting more and more like a normal cat. He didn’t really feel like Geralt anymore. He hated the water when Eskel tried to give him a bath again, hoping that it would calm him. He also hunted field mice and left them outside the front door, something Geralt had never done before.
And he let Eskel pet him less, even if he did still like being held. Eskel knew Geralt was still behind those golden eyes, but he felt further and further away.
Eskel was tired, well actually he was exhausted. He never thought that not having his powers would drain him so entirely. But then again he never thought he would be stuck powerless.
He was sure most of the exhaustion was caused by worry and not the actual loss of his powers. He was worried because Geralt was also powerless. He was stuck in his cat form and unable to shift back. Eskel had never heard of a familiar being stuck in their animal form unable to control the shift.
It had been a little over a week now and they were both still stuck. Powerless and exhausted. Eskel spoke to Geralt as much as he always did when he was in his cat form, well more he figured since Geralt had solely been in his cat form since this all started. But there was less of a spark in those golden eyes he adored so much.
He was worried that Geralt wasn’t just stuck in his cat form, but was slowly becoming more cat than human. He wouldn’t be a witch without a familiar. But more than that, he wouldn’t be Eskel without Geralt.
Geralt was the best friend he had ever had and the most important person in his life. They were meant to spend their lives together. To grow old and live out their longer than human lifespans together.
Eskel was leaning his hands on the work table, looking at Geralt. Geralt who was standing on Eskel’s work table, all gleaming white fur and golden eyes amidst the detritus of Eskel’s research and potion attempts.
“I don’t know what else to do, Geralt. I don’t have enough chaos left to even try,” Eskel said as he could feel a lump forming in his throat and tears starting to streak down his cheeks.
“I don’t know what to do. And usually when that happens you’re there to help me realize that I do know. But you’re fading even more than I am and I’ve let you down. A witch is supposed to be able to take care of their familiar and I’ve failed at that.” Eskel said through tears still trailing down his face.
Geralt mrrowed and Eskel looked at him, only feeling even more tears and snot on his face.
He picked up Geralt and cradled him in his arms. HE had no idea what else to do, but Geralt cuddling into him always helped ground him, whether he was in  human or cat form.
Eskel rested his forehead against Geralt’s soft fur and felt himself calm at least a little bit.
He spoke again. “You are the most important thing in my life. I try to tell you, but I’m never sure if it’s enough.” He paused and took a deep breath. It was now or never and he was always told that love was one of the most powerful sources of magic.
Eskel let out his deep breath before whispering, “I  love you Geralt, and I will always love you even if you are stuck as a cat forever. Even if I can never do magic again. Even if we both fade to nothing soon. I love you. And I am in love with you.”
He paused again. Hoping something would happen, but nothing did.
Eskel sighed. He looked down at Geralt in his arms. And in a last ditch effort, muttered “I love you” again and kissed the space between his pointed cat ears.
Still nothing happened and Eskel was sure was going to have a mental breakdown. He felt his body slump, his willing giving out.
Which is of course when something happened. One second he was holding Geralt’s small feline body to his chest and in the next he had a very human, and very naked Geralt in his arms.
“Geralt,” Eskel all but sobbed. He clung to the other man, moving his arms around Geralt’s back and leaned forward so that Geralt could sit on the counter. Eskel didn’t want to risk dropping him.
He leaned even further forward, pressing his nose into Geralt’s neck as Geralt wrapped his legs around Eskel’s waist.
“I thought I was going to lose you,” Eskel murmured into Geralt’s skin. “I didn’t want to lose you.”
“I’m right here. You didn’t lose me.” Geralt said in his rough voice. Eskel swore the fresh tears rolled down his face when he heard Geralt’s voice for the first time in more than a week.
Geralt moved his arms from where they were wrapped around Eskel’s sturdy shoulders and cupped his jaw, urging Eskel to look at him.
Their eyes met and Eskel swore he would be happy to drown in Geralt’s golden irises.
“I love you too, Esk.”
And Eskel felt yet even more tears, but this time happy tears. He had never cried this much in his life, but he supposed love made him weepy. Because that’s what it was: love. He was in love. And Geralt loved him back.
Once the shock of having Geralt back wore off a bit, Eskel realized that Geralt was still very very naked and sitting on Eskel’s work table, his legs still wrapped tightly around Eskel’s waist.
“You’re naked,” Eskel said with a giggle.
“You’ve seen me naked before. I’m almost always naked if we’re being honest.”
“Yes, but this time you are naked in my arms and we love each other.”
“We’ve always loved each other,” Geralt replied, affection coloring his voice and his gaze as he looked at Eskel.
“I know,” Eskel said. “And I was an idiot who didn’t want to admit to being in love. I didn’t want you to feel like you had to love me. Didn’t want you to think it was just because of our bond.”
“So what if it was?” Geralt asked.
“I didn’t want to force you. Or...take advantage of you.”
“You would never take advantage of me. Just because we have a bond doesn’t mean I don’t have free-will. And if the past week’s events are anything to go by, I think our bond is strengthened by our love.”
“You’re a sap,” Eskel teased.
“Takes one to know one.” Geralt said as he squeezed Eskel’s waist with his muscled legs and leaned in to kiss his scarred cheek and then his neck above the collar of his sweater. Eskel groaned before tilting Geralt’s chin up and placing a chaste kiss to his cheek.
“Can I kiss you?”
“You just did,” Geralt responded cheekily.
“You know what I mean, wiseass.” Eskel said as he gently pinched Geralt’s thigh wrapped around him.
They both laughed and then leaned forward at the same time, their lips meeting gently. It was the best kiss that Eskel had ever experienced.
One kiss turned into many, as their lips kept meeting each other. When their lips separated Eskel continued kissing Geralt’s soft skin. His jaw, his neck, his collarbone, his shoulder.
It was Geralt’s turn to groan. “Esk, mmm, can we take this somewhere else? Gonna have a permanent mark from the counter on my ass if we stay here any longer.” Geralt joked.
“Well we can’t have that,” Eskel said as he shifted a bit and gripped Geralt under his thighs to lift him off of the counter.  
“So I can get you to carry me when in human form. Too heavy my ass.”
“I mean, there is a lot of it.”
“Hey, don’t press your luck, I could drop you.”
“You would never.”
“Only onto my bed.”
“You think you’re smooth now, huh?” Geralt asked teasingly.
“Well I do have a gorgeous naked man in my arms, so something worked.”
“That something being a magical intervention in the form of us temporarily losing our powers to sort our shit out.”
“So you admit it worked out.”
Geralt nipped his ear and then spoke directly into it, “Just make love to me already.”
“Of course,” Eskel said, gently dropping Geralt onto his bed. “I’d love nothing more.”
28 notes · View notes
About Time [G.W] - Part 5
pairing: George Weasley x OC
series description: on an unexpected night out, George meets the love of his life. and then suddenly loses her. what lengths will he go to in order to find her?
word count: 2.5k
taglist: @p0gues4l @amourtentiaa @305weasley
series masterlist
“Weasley, for two,” George said to the host. After leaving Gringotts, they had apparated to downtown London to a small wizard-friendly restaurant. They were guided to a small table in the corner of the dimly lit restaurant. There was a flame lit in a jar that was sitting on the table, providing some mood lighting.
The table was small and George’s long legs were so cramped that his knees were gently grazing his date’s.
“This is nice,” she said, looking around the small restaurant. The atmosphere was warm and cozy, which was only enhanced by a man playing guitar and singing cover songs for the patrons.
“Have you been here before?” George asked.
“No, I didn’t know this place existed.”
“Wish I could take credit but Fred recommended it. This is his go-to date spot.”
“And where’s your go-to date spot?” she challenged.
“Eh that would be Dans le Noir,” George replied, referring to the spot where they had shared a meal in complete darkness.
She laughed, “No I’m serious.”
“I don’t think I really have one. Every now and then I’ll take someone to one of the bars in Diagon Alley, but truthfully I don’t go on many dates.”
“That surprises me,” she replied.
“Why’s that?”
“You’re very likable and easy to be around. And you’re not too bad to look at either.”
He blushed ever so slightly, “I think I can get along with anyone, but I’m more interested in finding someone I have a connection with and that’s a bit harder to find.”
“Do you feel like there’s a connection between us?”
“Do you really need to ask that question?” He responded
“Hey, I’m entitled to ask that! As of an hour ago I had no idea you were even interested. This has all been very unexpected.”
“That’s fair. Well for the record, you’re the first person I’ve felt a connection with in a long time.”
She let out a small smile before asking, “So what happened that night?”
George sighed, “I still haven’t been able to figure it out. I think I wasn’t expecting to meet someone like you so it took me by surprise when you were so…incredible. And then I got nervous because I wanted you to like me and I wasn’t myself. That’s never happened to me before.”
“Well don’t let it happen again,” she replied with a smirk. They were briefly interrupted by a waiter who came by to take their orders. Molly continued the conversation, “I want to call you out for taking me on a proper date only after seeing me for the first time but it seems like you had this all planned out.”
“This was one of many plans.”
“Oh yeah? What were the other plans?”
“The original plan was waiting for you to come into the shop, but you didn’t want to cooperate.”
“I thought about it. A few times actually. But I convinced myself that you had someone else in your life, which is why you were so quiet that night. And I thought seeing you might be difficult.”
George hadn’t thought about her perspective before and it made perfect sense. He wasn’t sure what he could say to make things better, and luckily Molly interjected and said, “So how did you get to tonight’s plan?”
“I considered writing to you at the Prophet, but that just seemed so impersonal. And then I thought about just coming to your workplace to ask you out, but that didn’t seem quite right either. And then Fred found the invitation in the mail. I wasn’t positive you would be there, but it seemed like a real possibility. And now here we are.”
“You’re very impressive, you know that?”
“All for you, darling,” Molly blushed at his comment and George called her out, “Oh, don’t tell me you’re going to be all nervous now?”
“Of course not,” she replied.
“Then why are you blushing?”
She smiled, “It’s just nice to be pursued.”
“I have a hard time believing that guys aren’t throwing themselves at you.”
She considered her words carefully, “There are a lot of guys that are interested in sleeping with me, but romance appears to be a bit of a lost art.”
“Lucky for you, I am quite the romantic.”
“I bet you are,” she smiled. The conversation flowed pretty effortlessly and soon they had finished up their meals and were working on the last of their drinks. As George closed out the tab, Molly asked, “Do you want to go for a walk?”
George smiled, “I’d like that.” He finished paying the bill as Molly sucked down her last few sips before they gathered their things and walked out together.
It was a beautiful night, perfect for a walk through the town. George had his hand in his pockets and Molly took this moment to make a move.
“Wow, you aren’t even going to try and hold my hand?” she commented.
George looked at her and smiled, “You didn’t strike me as the PDA type.”
“Normally I’m not, but I’m willing to make an exception for someone special.” He took his hand out of his pocket and scooped up her delicate hand in one swift motion. He quickly interlaced their fingers and swung their hands back and forth. She chuckled at his enthusiasm.
“So I have an idea for our next date,” George said.
“And what makes you think there’s going to be a next date?” she teased.
“Because I know you can’t resist my effortless charm.”
“I won’t confirm or deny that. But hypothetically speaking, what sort of date are you planning?”
“I’m thinking I’ll get us some tickets to the Weird Sisters,” George felt butterflies in his stomach thinking of their first concert experience together.
“So you’re going to wait two weeks before taking me out on another date?” she countered. George was crafting a response but before he could say anything she added, “I’m surprised, I thought this date was going pretty well.”
“Ah so you do want a second date,” he grinned.
“I would like a second date, but please don’t make me wait two weeks. The concert can be our fourth or fifth date.”
“Now Molly, I know you couldn’t possibly be getting attached,” George said.
“Come on now George, you know I’m way too cool to admit to that.”
“Ah, but you also didn’t deny it.” Molly rolled her eyes but couldn’t hide the smile growing on her face.
They continued walking along the cobblestone street, passing by storefronts that were dark and the occasional pub with a boisterous crowd. George didn’t have a destination in mind, but it didn’t matter. He wanted to spend as much time with Molly as he could get.
“So Molly, I know you’re from the States, but whereabouts?” he asked.
“I’m from Chicago.”
“Oh I’ve actually heard of Chicago. And how did you like it?”
“It’s a great city. Part of me thinks I could’ve had a happy life living in Chicago. But I wanted to explore new places and that wasn’t going to happen in my hometown.”
“Well for the record, I’m glad you decided to venture across the pond.”
“And where are you from?”
“I’m from Devon,” he said.
“Oh nice,” Molly replied.
“Are you familiar with Devon?” he asked skeptically.
She shook her head, “Not at all.” George laughed and she added, “Can’t say we learned much European geography in school.”
“So Devon is on the Western coast. It’s close to Cornwall which you may have heard of.”
“Yes, Cornwall I know.”
“Yeah so we’re a bit further north. And our town is rather small, mostly farms. Muggles primarily inhabit the area so we keep to ourselves for the most part.”
“And how did you like that?”
He sighed, “I loved my upbringing, but there’s a reason I moved closer to the city. I needed a little more action and excitement.”
“Now that I understand.”
“What’s your favorite part about London?” he asked.
She thought for a moment, “I love everything about London. I can’t quite put my finger on why. When I first came here when I was younger, I just had a feeling in my stomach that this was where I wanted to be. I’m a very logical person and I had never really experienced a feeling like that. So I followed it and never looked back.”
“Do you think you’ll stay here long term?”
She nodded, “I miss my family terribly and I would love to be closer to home, but I can’t imagine leaving London right now.”
“Well good. I had to make sure you weren’t planning to up and leave.”
“Nah, not my style,” she joked.
At this point, Molly had slowed her walking pace and came to a halt. George took a few steps ahead and turned around.
“What’s wrong, love?” he asked.
“Well we’ve reached our destination,” she said. He looked at her with a puzzled look. “This is my apartment,” she said, directing her attention to the window situated on top of the teashop where they were currently standing.
“Did you just trick me into walking you home?” he asked with a chuckle.
“Maybe,” she smirked. “But I’m hoping you’ll come upstairs with me for a nightcap.”
Molly noticed him perk up ever so slightly as a small smile spread across his face. “I couldn’t possibly turn that down.” Molly smiled and gently dropped his hand as she fished her keys out of her pocket. They walked up the narrow staircase that led to her tiny one bedroom apartment. Before unlocking the door, Molly pulled out her wand and muttered a quick spell that George recognized to be a charm to tidy up.
“I wasn’t exactly expecting company tonight,” she explained.
“Does that mean you’re messy normally?” he challenged.
“Well...it's more clutter than anything. Does that…bother you?”
“Not at all. I’m one of six dear, I’m used to clutter.”
Molly sighed with relief as she opened the door to her magically cleaned apartment. It was kitschy and cramped, yet very comfortable.
“Make yourself at home,” she smiled, as she walked over to the bar cart to pour a couple firewhiskeys. George took off his suit jacket and laid it carefully over one of the kitchen chairs. He slipped off his shoes and placed them neatly by the front door. Molly padded over barefoot to the couch and George followed with ease.
“Cheers,” she said, as they clinked glasses. Molly took a generous sip from her glass to combat her nerves. She hadn’t expected any of this and she was surprised at how bold she had acted around George. She liked him and she was sure about that, but she wasn’t quite sure what her next move was.
Molly placed her glass on the coffee table and slid in a little bit closer to George. “Thank you for tonight,” she said genuinely, as she placed a delicate hand on his leg.
“Thank you for giving me a chance,” he replied. George shifted and put his arm around her shoulders. “Did you enjoy yourself?” he asked.
“I had a wonderful time with you.”
“Can I take you out again next week?”
Molly simply nodded and smiled at him. George sighed and cupped her cheek. “Have I told you how absolutely stunning you are?”
Molly giggled and said, “Flattery will get you everywhere.”
“It’s the truth, I’m not just saying that.”
She blushed, “I didn’t think you were. Your eyes said it all.”
“Now that is not fair.”
“What’s not fair?”
“My eyes say it all yet your eyes aren’t giving me anything,” he joked.
“Really? You aren’t getting the message that I’m trying to send you?”
“You’re going to have to try harder darling because I’m not getting anything.”
“Oh, you know what…I’m better at sending messages with my lips than my eyes,” she flirted.
“Is that so?”
“Only one way to find out.”
That was all the encouragement George needed. He leaned in towards Molly, planning to tease her a little but as soon as he felt her breath he couldn’t help himself. He gently placed his hand on the back of her neck and through her hair as his lips connected with hers.
The electricity was unlike anything he had ever felt before. If he thought she was the one before, now he was certain.
“Wow,” she breathed, catching her breath for a moment.
“That good, huh?” George joked.
“Can we do that again?” Molly asked, tugging on George’s tie.
“As you wish,” he said, enveloping her lips in his. It wasn’t long before the two were horizontal on the couch. Molly felt like a giddy teenager and couldn’t get enough of George. His musky scent was driving her wild.
George slowly kissed up her neck to her ear, where he nibbled on her ear lobe. That set her over the edge.
“We should…move to the bedroom,” Molly suggested.
George popped up to look at her, “Are you sure?”
Molly nodded enthusiastically, “I’m sure.” George stood and scooped up Molly in his arms as she giggled and he carried her into the bedroom where the festivities would continue.
“Wow,” George said, as he collapsed in bed next to Molly.
“Wow is right,” she said, struggling to catch her breath. She curled into George’s chest as he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
“I never do this,” Molly stated.
“Well you could’ve fooled me,” he said.
She lightly smacked him on the chest. “I’m not talking about sex,” she chuckled, “I mean that I never bring guys home on the first date.”
“Technically that was our second date, love.”
“Okay well I don’t usually bring guys home on the second date either.”
“Are you trying to tell me you like me?” he joked.
She laughed and said, “I’m trying to tell you that you’re special.”
George felt fuzzy inside. This was the first time that she had been direct with him about her feelings. He was starting to see a future with her.
“So what are we going to do tomorrow?” he asked.
“We could go to brunch…or we could make some breakfast here. And then if it’s nice we could go for a walk in the park. If it’s not nice we can go see a movie.”
“All I want is to spend the day with you darling.”
“Will you take me to your shop tomorrow?” she asked.
“You want to see the shop?” he looked at her with a smile.
She nodded, “I want to learn everything about you.”
George kissed her temple and pulled her in closer to him. “I would love nothing more than to share that with you.”
Molly smiled and pecked him a few times on the lips. She turned and pulled George around her so they were spooning. George kissed her shoulder and wished her good night as she drifted off to sleep.
George was soothed by her steady breathing and felt himself grow tired, but his mind was reeling which was preventing him from falling asleep. He couldn’t believe how perfectly things had gone and that his patience had actually paid off. His instincts were spot on and he knew that this girl was the one for him. George recognized that they were in the early stages of something special, but he knew he had found his soul mate.
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allmystars-i · 4 years
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“Do you think these cinnamon rolls taste like homemade?” Dean’s got a tube of Pillsbury cinnamon rolls in hand, tossing it up before catching it in his other hand, looking lost as all hell.
“No, Dean. They’re good, but no.” With a shrug, Dean puts them in his cart anyway, right beside the lima beans.
Castiel rolls his eyes, but carries on, pausing at the mouth of the next aisle to let a mother with three small kids pass. He smiles at her when she thanks him, then turns the corner. He grabs a box of Oreos off the shelf—double stuffed, what else?—only to have them snatched from his hand.
“What the fuck, Dean?”
“Those are poison. You can’t have them.” He tosses them in his own cart before steering his way around Castiel with a straight face and eyes dead ahead.
“Jackass,” he mutters, grabbing a new box off the shelf and tossing them into his cart. Instead of following Dean, he turns back the other way, sneaking down the aisle and turning into the next before Dean notices.
He finds himself in the candy aisle, and despite Dean travelling in the other direction—or so he thought—he finds the actor with his hand in one of the containers, scooping out gummy bears like a five-year-old.
“Dean,” Castiel hisses, looking up and down the aisle for employees. Dean glances up, cheeks stuffed with bears, and eyes wide. He grins around his mouthful and pops in another gummy. “What the hell are you doing? You have to pay for those!”
Dean’s face drops, panic bleeding in, and he doesn’t move, just standing there like a kid caught with his hand in the cookie jar—which, he kind of is.
“What?” he asks, a garbled sound around the gummies. He chews and chews as Castiel rolls his eyes, moving along the aisle like he doesn’t know the man-child with the mix-matched cart full of crap. “Castiel!”
Castiel ignores him, walking to the front of the store. He’s done shopping, and there’s no point sticking around as an accessory to a crime.
What he just saw confirms what he already knows; Dean takes what he wants without a thought to the consequences. Sure, he’s nice on the outside, but what did he expect from a rich boy with a God complex?
It makes him sick to think he was falling for it; that bullshit nice-guy act with the pretty words and the flirty smiles. 
Castiel unloads his items onto the counter when it’s his turn, smiling at the cashier when she asks if he needs bags. This is normal, this is nice, and he doesn’t need Dean coming in and screwing this up.
“What, no goodbye?”
He doesn’t bother turning around, but the voice in his ear sends his heart racing and butterflies fluttering in his stomach. For fuck’s sake, no!
“Goodbye,” he says, short and clipped, and without another acknowledgement. Dean chuckles, and the low, rumbling sound boils his blood. Who the fuck does he think he is?
“See you around, Cas.”
Then he’s gone, leaving his heaping cart behind as he walks out the door, not a single thought for the poor, underpaid employee who will have to re-shelve all his mismatched crap.
“Jackass,” Castiel mutters.
Stick close to the SPN Media Big Bang Tumblr @spn-mediabigbang to see more art by @lost_souls_25 (on Instagram) (mid-April) and the full fic posting in late April to early May. This fic by allmystars is a contemporary romance story based on Ten Things I Hate About You."
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Everything and nothing
Unpacking sucks, but it sucks less with friends. Or, Roman is gay and Remus is feral. 
part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Parings: eventual LAMP, eventual demus
Warnings: mention of braking bones and biting
Loud crashing echoed through the previously silent Prince household. Roman shot up in bed expecting to see her twin launching themselves at him. But the room was empty. 
Roman relaxed with a sigh, Remus had just fallen down the stairs again. He probably should make sure that they weren’t dead… but her bed was soft and warm and Remus had almost complete immunity to breaking bones.
She unplugged her phone, yawing. Patton had sent a good morning text. Even seeing their name on the screen gave Roman butterflies. He sent a quick text back as he shifted through boxes looking for something acceptable to wear. 
Perhaps putting off unpacking hadn’t been the best plan.
He pulled a box out from the corner and began arranging his bottle collection on the window sill. The sill itself is very wide so roman up shelves going all the way up the window, letting the sunshine shimmer through the bottles and jars, lighting up the room with rainbow colors. 
He slid a few boxes across the room but was quickly distracted by a text from Pat; 
Patton 💙😍✨
Hey!!!!!!! What are you going to be doing today?
I’m with a friend of mine and would love for you to meet him!!! 
Hey Pat! I’m going to be unpacking all day :(
The two of you are more than welcome to come by and help me!
That sounds perfect!!! 
He’s very good at organization, though he may make fun of you for having a lot of stuff…
That’s fine, I'm sure I can take it :)
 I live at (insert house number)
See you in 10???
See you in 10 😃
Roman grinned at her phone and frantically began moving boxes so it looked less like someone had released a passel of rabid possums in the room. 
Patton excitedly shimmied in place as she rang the doorbell. She knew for a fact that Logan was going to love Roman as much as she did. The two were very different but so were her and Virgil, and they got along great!
The door suddenly burst open, revealing a kid who looked a lot like Roman but had a mustache and tattoos on their collar bone. 
Patton smiled at the intimidating figure, “Hello! I’m Patton, Romans friend. Are you Remus?” the twin looked down at her and grinned diabolically, “the one and only! Romans being productive- like a fucking loser. He did tell me about you, but not your friend. Who are they, what are their pronouns, and how difficult do you think it would be to bite them?” 
There was a moment of silence before the slightly frightened Logan stepped forward, “My name is Logan, my pronouns are he/him. Please do not bite me, or any person for that matter. Not only could you harm the person but you could contract any number of diseases from both bacteria and the potential breakage of skin” 
“PFFFFFFFF!!!!! I like you nerd. Come on in, Romans upstairs” Remus said as they opened the door and let the two in. 
The house was relatively small. A hall containing a staircase, a living room, and a kitchen packed with boxes made up the first floor. It was cozy and warm, the walls were mostly painted in hues of reds and oranges and the few unpacked things were beautiful enough to distract from the towers of boxes. 
Logan stopped to admire three swords mounted to the wall. They shone in the dim lamplight, but he could see markings around the hilts indicating that they were genuine artifacts. He liked these people already. 
Remus sprinted up the stairs, followed closely by Patton both grinning. At the top of the stairs, Remus pointed at the four doors in the hall, “that one is the bathroom, the one next to it is our parent’s room, the one at the end of the hall is mine and the closest to the stairs is Roman. I’d say let me know if you need me but I have no idea why you would. Have fun ;)” 
Remus grinned and disappeared into his room. “Huh” Patton said, “he’s umm, interesting” “Patton they quite literally said winky face at the end of their sentence. That is not interesting, it is completely deranged” Logan said before smiling slightly “I’m certainly... anticipating meeting his twin”. He gently knocked on the white door before pushing it open. 
Roman was losing her shit. She was so excited, the cutest person in the world was going to be in his room! He was so wrapped up in the exhilaration of it he forgot that his brother was home. How? she’ll never actually know. Remus had a way of alerting everyone in a 5-mile radius of their presence, nonetheless, Roman forgot. That was, until she heard Remus outside her door, saying goodbye to the others in the hallway. He held his breath as the door swung open seconds later. 
And oh gods
Patton still was incredibly cute in mostly pastel blue and another skirt. But the other person in her door frame was so lovely he instantly regretted not breathing. They were far more simple in outfit and mannerism. Black jeans and a blue button-down shirt. Their face was serious and intimidating but their eyes held a glint of sharpness behind square glasses that told Roman not to mess with them. 
Looking at the two figures standing next to each other Roman was sure that his heart was going to explode from the sheer attractiveness radiating from the two. ‘Come on Ro, they’re just people. You know Patton you can do this,’ Roman thought to herself as she put down the box he had been holding and swiftly crossed the room. 
Patton squealed and scooped her up in a hug, “oh my gosh it’s so good to see you again!”, Roman smiled, “Oh yeah! Logan meet Roman! Roman; Logan” Patton said as she pulled away. 
Logan smiled at Roman (jhjhjjjkjkrf) who was slightly shorter than him and held out a hand. “Lovely to make your acquaintance Roman” Roman grinned, “you as well” she took his hand and kissed the knuckles. Causing Logan’s cheeks to flush a light pink which Roman took careful note of whilst his heart did cartwheels in his chest. 
“Awww that was so cute” Patton cooed “but we’re here to help! What do you want us to do kiddo?!” Patton said excitedly looking into a box that appeared to be filled with candles. “Hmmmm” Roman said thoughtfully, standing back up. “Well you said Logan enjoyed organization, would you be opposed to unpacking the books?” Logan shook his head and looked towards the boxes overflowing with books. “Is there any particular way you want them organized?” he asked, “I usually do them by color but whatever way you do it is perfect” Roman replied with a smile. 
“Patton, would you mind going through some of my jewelry? Some of the boxes broke during the move and a bunch of them are tangled or need to be paired” Roman said, looking nervously into a box she had just opened. “That sounds perfect kiddo!!” she said, sliding it away from Roman and sitting it on the bed to pull out the jewelry boxes. 
The three fell into an easy rhythm; Logan making comments of Romans book taste or asking opinions on books he planned to read. Patton asking where on earth he had gotten the mushroom earrings because if she didn’t get them at some point she was going to die. 
After a few hours they had emptied around half of the boxes, Logan was done but the others kept getting distracted. Roman now had Logan's number and, as the two were leaving, was told that he was, “most certainly invited to spend more time with myself and our other friends during school hours, once it begins of course”. As Roman laid in his partially unpacked room he grinned up at the ceiling. She had friends. 
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p-artsypants · 4 years
I’ll Handle This (5)
In Which There is an Akuma
Ao3 | FF.net
Plagg was laying on the bed when he returned. “Oh good, you’re back. I was kind of worried about you—“ 
“There’s an Akuma!” Adrien interrupted. 
Plagg’s eyes lit up. “An Akuma, you say? How interesting...” 
“Yeah yeah, just do the thing that sucks me in the ring!” 
“I’ll warn you ahead of time, when I’m in your body like this, the suit becomes factory default. Oh, and you’ll be able to see and hear everything I do.” 
“Great. This whole ‘Invasion of the Bodysnatchers’ episode is getting better and better.” 
“Adrien, Claws out!” 
That was an odd sensation. Now Adrien knew what Taffy felt like. He felt his whole body grow long and thin, before spiraling smaller and smaller. There was every color in the rainbow, flashing in a nauseous wave, and then, he was looking through his eyes again. 
“Ha!” Said Plagg with a little satisfaction. “Feels good to be on the other side.” He walked over to the mirror, where Adrien could finally see what ‘factory default’ meant. 
He looked like a ninja. Not like a Naruto ninja, but like a real Sengoku period, 15th century ninja. An all black, cloth ensemble, with foot wraps and a thick belt. Instead of claws on his fingertips, there were long blades attached to the back of his hand, almost like wolverine. Instead of a mask around his eyes, he wore one over the lower half of his face, and only left his eyes exposed. But his eyes looked different enough. The sclera was a toxic green instead of white, and his pupils were slit. Thick black eyeliner traced the eyes and framed them, making the color pop. His hair was a complete disaster and stood up in every direction. 
Finally, the ears. They were real, genuine cat ears. Complete with fur. 
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“Not too shabby, if I say so. Though, the first guys that wore this had black hair, which made the ears less jarring. But I can’t complain. We mustn’t leave our lady waiting!” 
Plagg threw open the window and leapt into the city. 
He rushed over the rooftops, doing impossible feats of parkour and agility. It actually made Adrien dizzy. 
“Oh, one other thing I forgot to mention,” Plagg said aloud. “You know how when you’re in the suit, you can be body slammed into a building and be okay afterwards?” 
“Well...you’re going to feel all that pain instead. That’s why I’m always so wiped after a fight.” 
Plagg glanced at his baton, the screen looking more like parchment than the usual LED screen, and found where Ladybug was. 
A hop skip and a jump, he landed next to her. “What are we up against?” 
She didn’t look at him, eyes glued to the akuma. “Stretchy guy. Like Mr. Fantastic. Can’t figure out what ticked him off, but he’s able to reach anything and even shape shift. Might be difficult to fight.” Then she finally looked at him and her eyes bulged. “Chat? What’s with your suit?” 
“Plagg’s having a hard time right now, so I’m factory default.” 
“O...Kay...are you going to be okay fighting like that?” 
“It feels fine, my Lady. Nothing to worry about. In fact, do you mind if I take the lead on this one? Give you a little break?” 
She chuckled. “You know I could always use a break.” 
“Great! We need to lead him over to the construction site over at Notre Dame, where all the scaffolding are.” 
She smiled at him. “I think I know what you’re planning, Kitty. Lead the way.” 
He dropped the bottom part of his mask, and wolf whistled quickly, before Ladybug could place his face. “Hey stretch!” He shouted. “You up for a little race?” 
“Ladybug and Chat Noir! You’ll give me your Miraculous as soon as I reach you!” 
“Good luck with that!” And he vaulted backwards on to the street and darted towards Notre Dame. 
Plagg was fast. Faster than Chat Noir normally was, and Ladybug was surprised at how hard it was to keep up with him. 
“H-Hey Chat! Don’t leave me behind!” 
He only stopped a second to scoop her up into his arms before running off again. Her added weight didn’t even slow him down. 
“Sorry, Bug. The Akuma has long legs, so he’s faster than usual. I can’t slow down, so hang on!” 
She did, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. 
Adrien was going to kill Plagg if he didn’t die from ecstasy first. He could feel Ladybug pressed tightly against him, and he loved every bouncing second of it. 
Soon they reached the construction site, with the Akuma hot on their tail. 
“Split up,” Plagg commanded and Ladybug gave a firm nod, following right along with him. 
While Adrien was basically on autopilot, he noted that this fight felt a lot like being on the jungle gym when he was a kid. He swung on the bars, twisting up levels onto the scaffolding, the akuma chasing after with each turn. 
Except, the akuma was long, and he was starting to get tangled in all the bars. 
“Oh no!” Ladybug feigned a cry. “I’m stuck! He might be able to get my Miraculous!” 
“You’re mine!” Called the akuma, twisting around a pole and darting for her. As he was about to snag her, she dropped and spun on her bent knees away. 
“Whoops, not so stuck after all!”
“I’m going to—“ The akuma reached out their arm, stretching and stretching to grab at her ears. But he never reached her. He was out of length, and hopelessly tangled in the mass of wood and metal. “No! No!” He wriggled, trying to untie himself, but Plagg had already found the akumatized item in the akuma’s back pocket. A roll of measuring tape. 
“Akuma, coming in hot!” He called, as he smashed the tape. 
The black butterfly emerged, and Ladybug caught it and purified it easily. “Bye bye little butterfly!” 
One cure later, the relative damage done to the scaffoldings was repaired, and the akuma victim, a short man, was returned to ground level. 
“Wow! We didn’t even have to use our powers today! Great work, kitty!” She praised as he raised her fist.
He bumped her back with a grin. “Thank you, Bug. Hope you didn’t mind me taking charge. I just figured with you being the guardian and all, having some shared responsibility would really help you out.” 
She exhaled with a breath, her shoulders relaxing. “Ugh, you have no idea. When that akuma alert went off, I was already dreading it. It’s been a long day.” 
Plagg frowned. “A long day?” Even after their shopping spree and awesome lunch? “Do you need to talk about it?”
She ground her toes on the roof of the church. “Are you busy? Plagg said you were doing something…” 
“Oh, I was napping. I have all the time in the world for you, Ladybug.” 
“Want to get some ice cream, then?”
“Only if you let me pay.” 
She dramatically put a hand to her forehead, “oh, if you must!” 
Plagg chuckled with her, and then took off running.
“Hey! I never said it was a race!” She called back. 
“You never said it wasn’t either!” He shouted back.
When she finally located Andre’s ice cream cart, he was already sitting and waiting with her order. “Your ice cream, my lady?”
“You’re so fast! Have you just been holding out on me all this time?!” She huffed, taking the cone from him. 
He shrugged. “Oh, I have a couple of tricks up my sleeves.” 
They enjoyed their ice cream in comfortable silence for a while, before Ladybug asked, “hey, you’re a boy, right?”
“Last I checked.” 
She shook her head at her dumb question. “Right. Um…I have a friend. Guy friend.” 
Plagg crossed his legs. “OoooOOoooo is it him?”
Ladybug blushed. “Yes.” 
“Tell me everything.”
Inside his head, Adrien started to panic. This could only end badly for them!
“Well today…he was acting really weird. Usually, he’s really nice and reserved and polite…I know he can be silly and rambunctious, but…today, he was larger than life. He took us out for an expensive lunch, and then shopping for clothes that would make his dad angry. I think it’s a rebellious streak, but my gal friend said his money has gone to his head…” She scuffed her foot on the floor. “I’m just worried. I don’t want him to change…but I don’t want him to fake being someone he’s not just to make others happy. I guess I’m just confused. What do you think?” 
Plagg finished his cone in one gulp, hiding his face right after. “I think it’s just puberty.” 
She did not think that was amusing. “Yeah right.” 
“Has handsome rich boy ever shown signs of materialistic superiority?”
“No, he wears the same clothes all the time, and never flaunts the things he owns—“ 
“Then I think your gal pal is off base. It probably is rebellion. Just…be a safe place for him, and I’m sure it’ll end up okay.” 
“A safe place? What do you mean?” 
“I’m not sure what this dude is rebelling for. You’d probably know. Is his family…strict?”
“And controlling?”
“Okay, so if I was in his shoes, I’d want a friend that was trustworthy for me to confide in. Rebelling is liberating and exciting, but also extremely scary, because it’s risky. He needs to have someone to have his back in case things go south.” He massaged her shoulder. “And it would be best if that friend was soft and smelled nice.”
Ladybug smacked his shoulder. “When did you get so wise?”
“I hide a lot of wisdom under my ‘dumbass’ veneer.”
Ladybug cackled loudly, making Plagg smile and Adrien swoon.  
“You can be a dumbass sometimes,” Ladybug admitted. “But you’re my dumbass.” 
“Aww, thanks bug!” He grinned. “So, handsome rich boy is all that’s on your mind? I know identity clues have to be avoided and all, but I like knowing stuff that’s going on in your life. And I think I can manage another golden nugget of advice as well, if needed.” 
Ladybug frowned, obviously something else cropping up in her mind. “Actually…there’s something I haven’t told you that I probably should have.” 
“I’m all ears. I literally have four of them.” He twitched his cat ears.
She reached up and rubbed them, an affectionate look on her face as she felt the fur under her fingertips. “Not too long ago, I was expelled from school.” 
“Ladybug is a bad student in her civilian life?” He joked.
“No! I’m not!” She damn-near cried. “Sorry, I just…ugh. I was framed. There’s this girl in my class that…she lies with every breath. I know she has a crush on my crush, but she’s lying and manipulating to get her way to him. She works with him now too.” 
Plagg knew there was certainly more to the story than that, but he had to play dumb as Chat Noir. “Lying is bad and all, but it’s not really your problem, is it? She’ll get caught in her web eventually.”
“Argh, that’s what Ad—my boy said too. Take the high road. And it made sense, for what he knew about her at the time…but what he didn’t know was that she threatened me. Threatened to take all my friends and him away, just because I told her to stop lying.”
This was a shock to both kwami and holder. “She threatened you?” 
“Yeah. And she went through with it. She got me expelled. Apparently, according to my boy, he sort of convinced her to double lie to get me un-expelled. She’s been quiet ever since, which has been a few weeks, but…she keeps staring at me. It’s unnerving.” 
“I suppose it would be, with her track record.” 
“I didn’t want you to find out about this, but I have to tell you. She’s almost gotten me akumatized, twice.” 
Plagg slapped a hand over his mouth with a gasp. 
Lila was a nuisance for Adrien, but she was a problem for Marinette. No, an imminent threat. This changed his attack strategy…though it started to look like Adrien’s three problems were weaved together. The whole situation was a little more delicate than he had considered at first. 
“I’ve beaten both akumas off, but I worry about the future. I’m trying to come up with a contingency plan, but for right now it’s just ‘don’t get upset’.” 
“I’ll try to come up with a plan too. Maybe next time, you could hand your earrings off to Tikki for a little while, if things start to get dicey. She can bring them to me, since she knows who I am.” 
Ladybug gnawed at her lip. “Tikki’s been my greatest ally in fighting them off. If she’s not there…” 
Plagg rested a hand on her shoulder and squeezed. “Bug, you’re the practical one here. What happens when you don’t give Tikki your earrings, and you don’t fight it off? When you’re so consumed with pain you don’t even see the Akuma coming? What then?” 
She shook her head. “You’re so right, I hate it.” She sighed. “That happened the last time too…I was only spared because Hawkmoth suddenly stopped his attack. That was the day I got expelled.”
“And I’ll follow the plan too. I haven’t gotten akumatized or anything, but it might only be a matter of time.”  
“Yeah…” It was awful to think about. Having to fight her partner was not something that Marinette wanted to do. But this loose plan was better than no plan. “Hey, it’s getting pretty late. I have a project I have to finish up.” 
“Oh, of course, go on home.” Plagg insisted. 
“Thanks for the Ice Cream, and for lending an ear. You’re the best, Kitty.” 
Plagg smiled at her, though she couldn’t see through his mask. His eyes crinkled in mirth. “I try.” 
“Tell Plagg I still have that cheese danish if he wants it. Night, Chat.” 
“Night, Bug.” 
And she swung off into the distance. 
Plagg took out his baton and made his own way home. He knew Adrien didn’t really want to be transformed any longer than he had to be. 
He landed inside the mansion, and called, “Claws in.” 
Adrien came flying out of the ring, and Plagg caught him carefully in his hands. “How you feeling, kiddo?”
“Like I got hit by a truck,” said Adrien, weakly. “You didn’t even use my power, why am I so tired?” 
“How much cheese did you eat today?”
“None.” Adrien scrunched up his nose. “Come to think of it, I didn’t eat anything today.” 
“That would certainly do it.” Plagg said, with a sigh. He took out a wheel of camembert and took out a wedge for Adrien, holding it in front of his face. 
Normally, Adrien couldn’t stand the smell. It was putrid and foul and moldy…but this…this was on a different level. Curse Plagg’s disgusting body! He sat up and helped himself to a nibble of cheese. A nibble turned into a bite, and a bite turned into a full inhale, almost taking off his fingers. 
Adrien sighed as his energy started to return. “Remind never to complain about your eating habits.” 
Plagg grinned. “Oh it's a deal!” 
Adrien’s phone rang, and Plagg reached to answer. 
“Who is it?” Asked Adrien. 
“It’s Marineeeeeeetteeeee~!” Plagg sang, and connected the call, putting it on speaker for Adrien to hear. 
“Hey Pooh Bear.” 
“H-hey uh, Tigger? No no that was dumb. Sorry, hi Adrien.” 
Plagg and Adrien shared a look of fondness. She was just too cute sometimes. 
“Whats up?” Pried Plagg. 
“Uh, not-not much! I just finished your second shirt! I can do more tomorrow, but for now…” 
“I’ve got an outfit picked out for tomorrow, don’t worry. And you’ll love it.” 
“Will I really? Or will it turn me into a pillar of salt?”
“Have a little faith in me, Mari.”
“I—of course. Did you just call me Mari?”
“Yeah, I thought it was about time I gave you a nickname. Is that okay? Or are you okay with Pooh Bear?”
Marinette’s giggle was adorable, as it was filled with thinly veiled embarrassment. “Call me whatever you like! I don’t mind!” 
“Great! What’s my nickname?”
“I don’t know? Do you want one?”
“Only from you, Pooh Bear!” He sang. 
“Um…I’ll have to think about it. I think I’ve heard Lila and Chloe both call you ‘Adri’, so I’ll try to come up with something else.” 
“I appreciate that.” Plagg said, as Adrien smiled fondly at the phone. It sure was considerate of her to think about that.
“And Adrien?” Her tone conveyed so much. So much more than Adrien could understand. But it brought a warmth to his face. 
“I’m here for you. You know that, right? Whatever you need. An ear, a h-h-hug. Whatever. I…I care about you.” 
Adrien wiped a paw under his eyes, fully prepared for tears to take him. 
“I care about you too,” Plagg said, not faking the genuine appreciation in his voice. “I appreciate everything you do for me.”
“I-…” She trailed off, and Adrien wondered if she was going to say something else. But instead, she just exhaled and said. “It’s getting kind of late. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Of course, Pooh Bear!” 
She laughed. “Thanks Adrien, goodnight.” 
“Goodnight.” And he ended the call. 
“She took your advice.” Adrien noted.
“She took Chat Noir’s advice. She trusts him after all.” 
Adrien sat on the desk, still feeling a storm brewing inside of him. He was still upset about Plagg’s behavior with his father…but he was starting to come around. Marinette never called him, and her conversations with him were never so easy. Was this actually working?
“Adrien,” Plagg started, scratching between his ears. “I’m sorry for hurting you. If there was a way to humble your father without hurting you in the process, I’d do it…but right now…”
“I understand, Plagg.” Adrien said with a hopeful smile. “It sucks but…that Chloe-tantrum you threw was really funny.”
Plagg beamed at him. 
“And,” Adrien added. “After hearing the whole truth about Lila, I’m fully on board with whatever you want to do to her.”
“Absolutely. This bitch needs to go.”
The mansion was nearly silent in the night, so Plagg’s evil cackle echoed and echoed, sending goosebumps down the neighbor’s spines.
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maybeimamuppet · 3 years
I got you
surprise!! bonus chapter!! this is a thank you for 1.5k reads on this series on wattpad. featuring mostly janis being a cute mommy to the twins introduced in last week's fic.
tw for broken bones (popped joint, not actual break) and mentioned surgery.
Janis is tidying her home studio while Leo is entertained with her toys in the next room. Cady took Layla out on a special one-on-one date for the day, so Janis gets Leo all to herself. They spent the morning in their pajamas playing with Leo’s favorite toys, and then napped together in the main bedroom, which Leo was thrilled with.
Janis does still have to work on a commission, unfortunately, but decides to set up a small easel and some kid paints so Leo can work too. She’s just finished squeezing out the last paint color when she hears tiny feet running down the hall, and what sounds like crying. She jumps slightly when Leo rockets into her leg in tears.
“Mommy,” Leo cries desperately, reaching to be held.
“Oh no, Bee, what happened?” Janis asks, assessing for any injuries as she picks her baby up. “Did you get hurt?” Leo shakes her head, making Janis breathe a quiet sigh of relief. She frowns as Leo throws herself at her, clinging to her neck and crying into her shoulder. “Shh, I got you. I got you. Tell Mommy what happened.”
��Mon’ter,” Leo whimpers in fright. Ah. A monster is anything that moves that Leo hasn’t seen before. Previous monsters have included her own shadow, the blender, Layla in the dark, and a small dog.
“A monster? Oh no,” Janis says. “That must’ve been scary. Shh, I got you. You’re okay. Come here.”
Leo squeaks in fright and clings to her tighter as they pass the playroom, but relaxes slightly when Janis carries them down the hall and to the living room. Janis sits on the couch and coaxes Leo off slightly, resting her baby on her knees so they can see each other.
“Can you take some belly breaths? Like Aunt Reggie showed us?” Janis asks. She coaches Leo through a few deep breaths, helping her calm down. Leo gradually does stop crying and lets Janis wipe her tears away. “Good job, Leo Beo! I’m so proud of you.”
Leo grins happily and cuddles back into her mommy.
“Bee, can you be brave and show Mommy the monster?” Janis asks quietly. Leo whimpers slightly and clings to her.
“Hol’ju?” She asks in fright.
“Yeah, of course I’ll hold you. I got you, I won’t let you go,” Janis comforts, picking her back up. “My brave little bee.”
Leo holds tightly to her as she’s carried back to the playroom. Janis asks where the monster was, and Leo points to the window. Janis approaches, feeling her child cling to her neck in fright. And then she finds it.
“Is this the monster, baby girl?” She asks, pointing to the little caterpillar inching its way across the windowsill. Leo nods desperately. Janis has to hold back a laugh. “Oh, Bumblebee, that’s not a monster. That’s a caterpillar.”
“A callapillar?” Leo asks. “Wha’ssat?”
“A caterpillar is a baby butterfly,” Janis explains. “She’s gonna grow a little bit, and then build something called a cocoon that she stays in for a while. And then when she comes out, she’s gonna be a butterfly.”
“A bullaf’y?” Leo asks in disbelief.
“Mmhmm. Should we keep her to show sissy and Mama?” Janis asks. Leo nods. “Okay, come on.”
She carries Leo out to the kitchen to grab a big jar and pokes holes in the lid. Leo helps add some paper towels and wet leaves, and then they head back to their new friend. Janis gently picks it up, letting the caterpillar inch onto her hand.
“Do you wanna touch it?” Janis asks, not moving it closer to Leo in case she doesn’t want to. “It’s kind of fuzzy.”
“Eat me?” Leo asks. Janis can tell she’s interested, but she’s also scared.
“No, baby, it won’t eat you. It won’t even bite, it wants to eat the plants we put in instead,” Janis comforts. Leo tentatively reaches a hand out, so Janis helps her gently brush her tiny fingers over the bug. Leo giggles at the tickly sensation. “See? Isn’t it nice?”
Leo nods, and helps gently plop the bug into the jar. She holds it carefully to observe the caterpillar now that it’s been contained, looking at it curiously. Janis is very glad she chose a plastic jar.
“Name?” Leo asks.
“Sure, we can name it. What do you think we should call it?” Janis asks, carrying Leo back to the studio to finish their original plan for the afternoon.
“Uhm… Mama,” Leo says. Janis does call Cady ‘Butterfly’ a fair bit, she supposes it makes sense.
“Mama the caterpillar, okay,” Janis chuckles. “Do you want to paint a picture of it?” Leo nods excitedly, so Janis snaps on her smock and sets her loose to paint a masterpiece while she finishes her commission.
Cady comes home with Layla after a while, and the delight on Leo’s face as she runs to show off their new friend and her painting makes the whole ordeal worth it.
Janis is home with Layla today. Leo had taken a venture into a thorn patch the day before and needed a doctor to help remove the last of them from her feet, so she’s out with Cady.
Janis plays with Elvira and Daffodil while Layla takes her nap. Suddenly, a cry comes through the baby monitor, and Janis rushes upstairs to see what the matter is.
Layla is, obviously, awake now, and holding on to her stuffed elephant. Janis doesn’t quite get what the problem is until she notices one of the elephant’s ears in her other hand.
“Uh oh, Lala, what happened?” Janis asks sadly, coming to hold her baby to comfort her. “Did Elmer’s ear come off?”
Layla nods with a pitiful wail, worried about her stuffed friend. Janis holds her closer and bounces her slightly to soothe her.
“Shh, Ladybug, it’s okay,” Janis hushes. “Mommy can fix his ear, shh. I got you, it’s okay.”
“Fissit?” Layla sniffles, looking at Janis curiously. Janis nods.
“Yeah, I can fix it. We’ll just have to sew it back on, he’ll be okay,” Janis confirms. “Come on.”
Janis carries Layla downstairs to the kitchen, stopping to grab a needle and thread from the sewing kit in the study and the twins’ play doctor kit from the playroom. Once they have everything, she rests Layla on the kitchen counter and Elmer in front of her.
“Alright Doctor Layla, you ready for surgery?” Janis asks. Layla nods curiously, her face still a heartbreaking red from her tears. Janis offers her a toy syringe. “Okay, give him the medicine so he doesn’t feel the pokes.”
Layla pokes it into Elmer’s arm, pretending to give him a shot. Janis threads up the needle while she does, then puts the stuffing back in and positions the ear where it should be.
“Can you hold his hand to help him be brave?” Janis asks. Layla gently takes a stuffed foot in her little hand and watches as Janis stitches the ear back on carefully. After a quick assessment, the surgery is complete, and Janis is confident that the ear won’t fall off again for at least a week. Toddlers are rough. “There we go, he’s all fixed!”
Layla claps her little hands happily and picks her friend back up, holding him close. “All bedder.”
“All better,” Janis confirms. “Now he can hear you again!”
Layla giggles as Janis kisses her chubby cheeks and helps her down. “T’ank you.”
“You’re welcome, Bug. I always got you.”
Janis takes the twins to the playground on a nice spring day. Cady needed them out of the house for a while to finish some work, so Janis gets to have some two-on-one time with their daughters for a little bit.
They both make a beeline for the swings as soon as they arrive, so Janis helps them into one together. The twins’ backs are against each other so they can both see out. Janis pushes them a few times to get them going and tickles Leo’s feet whenever they come back her way. After a few goes she switches to see Layla and does the same to her.
Janis takes a quick video to send to Cady of them swinging happily, with Layla babbling away about something very important. Janis can’t quite understand, since they both use a mix of English, Swahili, French, and their own special twin language. Leo just giggles the whole time.
After a while they both get dizzy and ask to get down, so Janis helps them out and sets them on the ground. Neither of the twins know what they want to do next, so Janis suggests they have a race just for fun. There’s a track nearby that joggers use, and they head that way.
Janis sets herself as the finish line a ways away, and the twins both set off on their shaky legs to run towards her when she gives the cue. They’ve only been walking for about six months, so they haven’t quite gotten the hang of running yet.
Layla makes it first on a technicality. She probably would have anyway, but Leo tripped just at the home stretch and hurt herself.
Janis scoops up Layla and comes to assess the situation as Leo starts crying where she rests on the pavement. She rests Layla in the grass nearby and scoops up the second twin.
“Oh no, Bumblebee, did you fall down?” Janis asks, already rooting through her backpack for the first aid kit. “Shh, I got you, let’s fix your owies.”
Leo sits on her lap and cries miserably as Janis gently brushes the small pebbles off her little chubby hands, assessing the scrapes. No bleeding, but they clearly hurt. Her knees are next, and Janis pouts when she sees the small scrape that is actually bleeding slightly. Layla looks on in concern for her twin as Janis opens a wipe and some bandaids.
Leo cries harder at the stinging sensation of the sanitizing wipe, but calms quickly as Janis tenderly sticks the fun smiley face bandaid over her scrape and kisses her little knee.
“There we go, all better,” Janis comforts, hugging her baby tightly. “Shh, Bee, I got you.”
Leo calms her crying after a good cuddle and is quickly ready to get back to playing. Janis holds their hands and leads them back over to the slides, deciding that the track has caused enough damage for one day.
Janis sighs exasperatedly as she hears the twins kick off crying at the same time. Both babies are sick with a miserable cold that they unfortunately almost definitely picked up from Janis. Sick babies are miserable, especially when there’s not much you can do to help. And to make matters worse, Cady has a work event she can’t miss, so Janis is left alone for most of the evening.
Janis grabs the medicine and some bottles for them and heads up to the nursery. They both look miserable, pink cheeks from a mix of fever and crying, and pitiful little stuffy noses. Janis pouts and grabs both from their cribs, carrying them over to the comfy rocker and holding them on her lap.
“My poor girls. Come here, I got you,” she says quietly.
Janis quickly and carefully measures out the right dose of medicine and gives it to Leo, who pulls a face and whimpers at the metallic strawberry taste. Once she’s offered her bottle, though, she calms down and cuddles in. Janis measures out another dose and tries to give it to Layla.
“No!” Layla refuses, turning her head the other way with a sniff.
“Loopsy, it’ll make you feel better,” Janis coaxes, already exhausted herself. “Shh, come here. I got you. I know it’s yucky.”
“No!” Layla says again. Janis needs to resort to desperate measures, before this evolves into a full-blown tantrum. She stands up and carries the twins down to the kitchen. Layla looks excited but suspicious when she pulls out some juice boxes from the fridge.
Leo gets hers right away, no tricks. She sits next to her twin on the counter and kicks her little legs contently, sucking away at her tasty apple juice. Janis focuses on Layla, standing in front of her and having a little staredown with her baby.
She prepares the juice box, holding it in her hand and pretending to offer it to her. Janis secretly has the syringe of medicine in her other hand behind her back. Layla opens her mouth to accept the juice, but Janis quickly pops the medicine in instead.
Layla glares at her crankily but does blessedly swallow her dose of the syrup. Janis then actually gives her her juice, which she takes thankfully and drinks quickly to get the taste out of her mouth. Janis gets the death stare throughout the whole process of washing out the syringe and putting the medicine bottle away safely.
“Good job, girls! That medicine is yucky, huh?” Janis says. “My brave little twinkies.”
Leo beams, and even Layla gives a weak smile. Janis thinks for a while. The twins are both made lethargic by their cold, but it’s not quite bedtime yet. What can they do?
“Should we… watch a movie?” Janis asks excitedly. The twins don’t usually get much screen time, so any movie or show is a special treat. Janis thinks they deserve a Disney movie to help them feel better.
“Yeah!” Leo cheers hoarsely. Janis pouts slightly when she hears the grit in her voice. Layla nods eagerly around her juice box.
“My poor sickies. Okay, come on. I got you,” Janis says, scooping them up and carrying them to the couch. They both cuddle into her sides, all three of them watching Tangled and snuggling under a soft blanket.
Cady comes home a few hours later and smiles lovingly when she finds them all asleep together and the movie credits rolling on the screen.
“I’m gonna get you!” Janis growls playfully, going into her ‘monster’ stance and preparing to chase her twins around the living room. They both squeal in delight and run away in different directions. Janis gives them a head start before she goes after Leo.
Leo shrieks as she’s captured, laughing heartily as Janis tosses her in the air and then blows raspberries on her belly before she’s gently tossed onto the couch. Layla is next.
She’s made it about halfway down the hall before she’s snatched up, screaming in surprise. Janis gives her the same treatment, but holds her by the hands to spin her around instead of tossing somewhere. Until she hears a pop and Layla gives a little yelp.
Janis quickly sets her down to check what the noise was. “What was that?”
Layla shrugs. She doesn’t seem bothered by it, but Janis has a gut feeling something isn’t right.
“Gimme five,” Janis asks as a test. It would make sense for the noise to have come from her arms. Layla only moves her left hand for the high fives. “Now this one. Can you move it?”
Layla shakes her head and looks at her in fear. She runs in for a hug, and Janis can feel her little body quivering in fright.
“Hey, it’s okay, I got you. Mama knows more about this than me, she can probably fix it. Let’s go see,” Janis says quickly. She’s absolutely terrified, but can’t let Layla know that. Did she break her own daughter’s arm?
She helps Layla sit next to Leo on the couch. Leo hugs her twin tightly, seeming instinctively to know something’s off. Janis goes to find Cady.
“Caddy?” She asks when she finds her in her study.
“Yes? Sounds like you guys are having a lot of fun,” Cady chuckles, spinning around from her desk to face her.
“IthinkIbrokeLayla,” Janis says quickly and quietly.
“You what?” Cady asks.
“I think I broke her arm,” Janis says desperately. “I’m a terrible mom, what-what am I doing?”
“Janis, hey,” Cady says gently. “You’re a wonderful mom. Our girls love you, and whatever you did, you didn’t mean it. You were playing with her. What happened?”
“I was… was chasing them, and then I grabbed her and spun her around, and then there was a pop and now she won’t move her arm,” Janis mumbles anxiously.
“Did you spin her by her wrists or her shoulders?” Cady asks.
“Wrists, I was holding her hands,” Janis says.
“You probably just popped a joint, then. I can fix that, let me see,” Cady says. Janis leads her back to the living room. Cady grins when she sees the twins cuddling on the couch together. “Hey, Bug, what happened to your arm?”
Layla shrugs. “Pop. Won’ work.”
“Uh oh,” Cady says. “Does it hurt?”
Layla shakes her head. “Not owie.”
“Good,” Cady says. “Can Mama see? I might be able to help it move again.”
Layla nods. Cady tells Janis to hold their daughter on her lap. Janis does, smiling as Layla rests her head on her shoulder and offers what works of her arm to Cady.
“It’s not her shoulder, it must be your elbow,” Cady says. She squeezes up and down the whole arm to make sure there’s not a real fracture she needs to take her to the doctor for instead. Luckily, nothing. “Yep. Easy fix. Ladybug, this might hurt a little bit, but it’ll be over super quick, okay?”
Layla nods anxiously, looking to Janis for comfort. In a series of quick motions, Cady shakes her hand, extends her arm out straight, and then brings her hand up to her shoulder. When she extends the arm there’s another pop, and Cady can feel the joint slip back into place. Layla yelps and starts crying, cuddling into Janis.
“Oh, Ladybug, shh,” Janis hushes. “I’m sorry, honey. Shh, it’s okay. I got you, shh.”
Cady rubs Layla’s back gently to calm her down, and tickles Leo’s foot to make her smile. She watched the whole thing go down, and looks very concerned for her twin.
“You’re all done, Loopsy. I felt it go back, we don’t have to do it again,” Cady hushes. “Your arm should work now, can you try?”
Layla wiggles her arm a little bit, bending her elbow curiously. Sure enough, it works!
“Yay, there we go,” Cady says. “All better. You were so brave, too! My big girl.”
“Alright girls, nap time,” Janis says quietly. She carries Layla and holds Leo’s hand as they head upstairs.
Cady frowns in confusion when Janis doesn’t come back downstairs after putting the twins down for their nap. She listens to the floorboards creaking above her, and it sounds like Janis is in their bedroom.
Cady heads up to check on her, and her frown deepens when she finds Janis curled into a ball on their bed and shaking with tears.
“Lovey, what’s wrong?” She asks sadly, cuddling up behind her. Janis rolls over and cries into her chest.
“I broke her arm! What kind of mother am I?” Janis sobs. “I broke my kid!”
“Janis, shh,” Cady comforts. “You’re a great mom. The girls love you so much, and so do I. You’re a wonderful mother.”
“But I hurt her,” Janis cries.
“By accident,” Cady hushes. “You were playing with her. It was just a popped elbow. Next time just spin her by her shoulders and not her hands.”
“But she was-she was so scared,” Janis whimpers. “I could feel her shaking.”
“And now she’s fine,” Cady says desperately. “Her arm is fine, and she’s clearly feeling well enough to nap alone. Layla trusts you. She knew you would make it better. She knows you didn’t mean to hurt her. It was an easy fix, love, she’ll be perfectly fine. Babies are bendy.”
Janis doesn’t say anything, she just continues crying into Cady’s chest. Cady holds her close and tries to comfort her. She knows the popped elbow isn’t the only thing Janis is upset about. She’s been insecure about her skills as a parent since before the twins were even born.
After about an hour, they hear the twins wake up and start moving around. “I’ll go get them. You take as long as you need,” Cady murmurs gently, kissing her forehead. She heads down the hall to the nursery to greet her babies.
Layla reaches for her, so she quickly changes her and then sets her down. Cady isn’t worried when she runs off, there’s nothing she can get into and the stairs are blocked off.
Layla pads down the hall on little feet carefully, on a hunt for her mommy. She’s confused when she finds her in the big bed, and is even more confused when she sees Mommy crying. Time to investigate.
She heads back to her own bedroom where Cady is changing Leo. Layla toddles up and tugs on her pant leg to get her attention. “Mama?”
“Yes, my little love?” Cady asks.
“Mommy cry?” Layla asks. Cady freezes for a second. Janis had just about stopped crying when she left, but maybe she picked up again. She decides it’s best to be honest with the twins.
“Yes, Mommy’s crying. She’s sad that she hurt your arm,” Cady says, resting Leo on the floor too.
“Oh.” Layla says. “Is okay. I fissit?”
Cady grins at her sadly and crouches down to her eye level with a ruffle to Layla’s curls. “I don’t know if you can fix it, Bug. But you can go see if she wants a hug, maybe that will help.”
Layla nods and sets off again at top speed, and Leo follows quickly. Cady finishes cleaning up the nursery and follows too.
Janis jumps as she feels small arms wrap around each of her legs, and little chubby cheeks rest on each knee. She looks down to find each of her twins hugging a leg and blinking those big blue eyes at her in concern. She smiles sadly and runs a hand through each head of dark curls.
“Hi, girls,” she says, trying to keep the thick lump out of her voice. “Did you have a good nap?” They both nod against her legs. “Good.”
Layla seems to be assessing her, and Leo is also clearly thinking hard about something. Janis remembers how strange it felt as child whenever an adult cried. Maybe she’s not hiding her tears as well as she thought. The babies look to each other and give a little nod before they each wiggle their way up onto the bed.
Janis is surprised when they both leap onto her and wrap her in a tight hug. They’re getting stronger, she’s nearly knocked onto her back by the force of them.
“Got you, Mommy,” Layla says quietly. Leo nods in agreement.
“Got you.”
Janis nearly starts crying again, wrapping her arms around them to hold them both closer. “Thank you, girls.”
Cady wipes some tears from her eyes and comes to join them too. They had plans for the evening, but sometimes a good family snuggle is more important.
They’ve all got each other.
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punkpoemprose · 4 years
December 6th- Fuck 2020
Universe: Modern AU Rating: M (Mature, a little explicit, this is porn without plot for the most part) Length: 4383 Words A/N: The title says it all. This fic is about Kristoff and Anna having sex on New Years Eve. TW: Mentions of COVID-19, quarantine, and generally the shittyness of this year. This is the last of my decades AUs. Hopefully someday someone will write something more flattering for the 2020′s.
Anna closed her laptop and collapsed back onto the couch. She was exhausted mentally and emotionally, but her body wasn’t tired enough to let her sleep. It had been what she’d been suffering with all year, or at least since March when the world had gone from its usual level of chaos to being utter and total bedlam. She still remembered the day she’d learned that her kids wouldn’t be coming back to the classroom, and the only slightly more terrifying day where she learned that they would, in fact be coming back.
Her head was still awash with words she’d never thought she’d need to say to a room full of five-year-olds. We have to keep our masks on. Remember, six feet apart guys, that’s like two big dogs in a line. No, I’m sorry, I can’t give you a hug. She’d had to separate desks, and clean and not wipe away little tears like she normally would when a child was having a bad day.
The kids, she thought, had held up better than she had. They’d listened as well as they could, they’d followed the rules as much as they were able, and they were kind about the policies in a way that even grown adults were not. But even with all the work they’d done, even with all the kids doing their best, the second wave had hit, and now they wouldn’t be returning to school until after the middle of January, and then when it finally came about, it would be online. There was talk of vaccines in the news, and while it gave her some small spark of hope, all the changes have meant turning her holiday break into lots of online classroom prep.
It still wasn’t the worst though, she’d rather be tired than sick, and she couldn’t help but relax a bit and listen to the shower running in the next room over.
Kristoff had been given the afternoon shift for New Year’s Eve, and as per their new normal, he’d stripped down at the door after returning to their apartment, tossed all his things into the wash, and was currently showering. In the beginning, before they’d known just how bad things were, before PPE was supplied to every EMT in the county, he’d caught it.
Anna had remembered the pain of having to see him so ill, watching him suffer through what was determined to be a “mild” case of the virus while he was sequestered to their bedroom and she spent the week sleeping on the couch and barely seeing him at all except to occasionally bring him something to eat when he’d felt particularly weak. There was something particularly terrifying in watching the strongest person Anna knew, her rock, her one and only, barely able to take care of himself. He’d insisted the whole time, vehemently, that she leave to stay with her sister on the other side of town, be she’d been unable to bring herself to do it. She couldn’t and wouldn’t leave him alone when he was so sick she wasn’t sure if he’d make it through.
But, of course, he had. His voice had been strange and unlike him for weeks after he was cleared, and Anna had spent many nights in a cold sweat thinking about just how close he’d been to being in much worse shape. They’d started their procedure then, come in the door, take off your clothes, wash anything that went into work with you, and then shower. She’d done it too, but to less of an extreme because while she’d been around kids who had potentially been sick, he spent every day with Sven facing the positively ill together and trying their best to keep them well enough to get to the hospital.
The mental strain it was putting on them, Anna having to worry everyday about him getting sick again, or one of her students or even herself catching it was a lot. But Kristoff, kind and wonderful man that he was, kept checking in at the hospital to learn whether the transports he and Sven had brought in had made it. She saw the darkness in his eye, behind his attempts at levity, on the days where they lost someone.
The water shut off, and Anna let herself imagine him behind the door, stepping out of the shower, putting his towel on, walking over to the mirror to shave and comb his wet hair. He’d started keeping it shorter than usual as a precaution, and while he always looked handsome, Anna missed the days where she’d been able to put short braids into his hair and then comb them out with her fingers. She missed the days where he’d come home, flop onto the couch and that would be the end of things until one of them made dinner.
“Hey,” he said, as she heard the bathroom door open and shut, “Are you asleep or?”
She opened her eyes and tipped her head, looking at him from across the room. He was dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, nothing fancy because of course, despite it being New Year’s Eve, they weren’t going out anywhere. She was dressed similarly, but overtop her plain shirt, she’d thrown on her nicest cardigan, creating the illusion for the videos she’d pre-recorded, that she wasn’t on her couch in her pajamas, but instead was dressed in full teacher gear and was to be listen to closely.
“I don’t think I can do an early bedtime tonight,” she said, “Or even a nap. I have to be awake to see this year end.”
He laughed, but it wasn’t so much the sort of laugh he did when he thought she was being funny. It was much more of a chuckle, as if he were going to follow it with an expression of agreement. They both were rather done with the year, just like everyone else they knew. No one wanted to be living through a pandemic.
“Just imagine,” he said, “Maybe next year we’ll actually be able to go on a date or something.”
“Or,” Anna replied sadly, “Actually be able to reschedule our wedding.”
They’d planned a June wedding the year before. It was going to be a small affair. Just his family, Elsa, and some friends from work. They were going to have it at a ski-lodge in the mountains that also doubled as a summertime spa and nature retreat so that it would be like a vacation for everyone who attended. She could still imagine the way that they’d wanted to decorate the place, all sunflowers and mason jars and white ribbons. She had bought a dress and everything, and it was still stored in her sister’s bedroom closet.
They’d pushed it to August, but had given up on it past that, knowing as soon as September hit and she returned to school with in person students, that nothing would be changing anytime soon. Even her hope for the next year was a tentative thing, like a butterfly with a broken wing trying its damnedest to fly.
“Fuck 2020,” she said quietly, noticing the way he frowned at the mention of their cancelled wedding. He’d been looking forward to it as well, and she knew that this year had been just as upsetting for him as it had been for her. She tried not to swear very often, particularly because she was worried about being able to censor herself around the kids, but ultimately, the year deserved a middle finger and some very strong language.
He crossed the space and took her laptop from where it rested on her stomach, placing it carefully on the coffee table before he scooped her too, up and off the couch. He never had much trouble lifting her, but each time he did so unexpectedly, she was half afraid of falling. She flailed for a half a second in his arms, gasping at the change in height as it occurred.
“I’d like that,” he said with a grin, “The wedding. I know it’s just a formality, and that we’ve agreed not to do it at a courthouse or anything, but I’m so ready to call you Mrs. Bjorgman.”
“And have my students confused?” she teased, “Maybe you should be Mr. Arendelle.”
He laughed at that, but the shrugged and started walking in the direction of their bedroom, holding her bridal style as if it were already all over and done with.
“Why are we heading to bed?” she asked, only allowing herself a little hopefulness beyond her confusion. She knew why she’d like to be heading to bed, but maybe, she reasoned, he was just tired and wanted some company for a nap.
“You said, ‘fuck 2020’.”
She could see the cheeky smile on his face as he glanced down at her, still heading toward the bedroom, like a man on a mission.
“It sounded like a good idea to me.”
“So,” Anna said from her place below him on their bed, “In this analogy am I 2020 or?”
Kristoff laughed, and she was treated with a kiss on her knuckles as she obediently raised her arms up for him to remove her shirt. His laugh was one of the things that got her through the day, knowing that he could find humor in any situation, that she could make him laugh, was a blessing. It made things feel normal, and it was a joy for them both that they sorely needed.
“No. It’s more like we fuck each other, and we get a little extra enjoyment out of the year ending. Honestly, I didn’t think it through very much, I just wanted you and it seemed like a good excuse.”
That made her laugh, and she nodded appreciatively at the sentiment. She didn’t think that they needed to really contemplate it much as she was just happy with the opportunity to enjoy her fiancé for a little while.
“It’s a good way to pass the time until midnight,” she offered once she was free of her shirt, “I’m sure we’ll manage to keep each other awake.”
Her hands went up his shirt in return, letting her fingers travel over his the soft but muscled planes of his torso until he too removed his shirt, giving her better access to touch him as she leaned up to allow him to undo her bra’s clasps.
“It’s what? Seven?” He asked, tossing her bra in a rapidly growing pile of their clothes, “I can’t promise five hours straight, but I’ll do my best.”
His hands went up her sides, his thumbs rubbing appreciatively at the dips of her waist and across her ribs until they came up to he breasts. He cupped them gently first, and her hands moved to tracing up and down in spine in return as they found a comfortable position where she was somewhat seated in his lap, facing him. He pinched a nipple and she treated him to an appreciative moan and dragged her nails, lightly down his back.
They hadn’t had much time for intimacy as of late. Between what they both experienced at work and the stress of the holidays, even from a socially distanced standpoint, they’d mostly been using their bed for sleeping. It felt good for it to be put to better use.
“Of course, we’ll need to take a break for dinner. Maybe you’ll need a second shower with some company. I’m sure we’ll figure it out.”
The appreciative almost growl he made as he ducked his head down to her neck went straight through her spine and made her want to peel the rest of their clothes off and get down to business immediately. Shared shower or not, she already knew that she’d need to change her panties. If, of course, he was planning on letting her put any on before the next morning.
He squeezed and kneaded her breasts while his lips kissed down her neck and she allowed herself to surrender to his touch. Everything around her was Kristoff, his hands and mouth on her, the smell of his shampoo all she could smell as she tilted her neck to give him better access and shifted a hand up to his still wet hair. Despite him being fresh from the shower and in the cooler air of their bedroom, he was hot to the touch, exactly what she wanted as her hair stood on end from the temperature and his touch.
He moved lower then, his head ducking down to lave attention on her nipples as one arm wrapped around her back to support her leaning away and the other moved down, down, across her lower stomach and to the place where her waistband still sat.
“Off?” she asked, the word all she could form as she gave herself over to the sensation of his mouth sucking and nipping at her.
“Not yet,” he replied, barely moving his mouth from her as he answered and switched sides, leaving her wet nipple to pebble against the cold.
His fingers slid a bit lower still, under the waistband of her pants, but not into her underwear as he dipped her even lower.
His arm was strong at her back, keeping her aloft and exactly where he wanted her, even as she squirmed and bucked her hips against the hand that was moving closer and closer to her clit. She knew exactly what he was doing, but it didn’t keep her from jumping when his fingers grazed her through the fabric. He knew that she was sensitive, that he needed to work her up to his direct touch, let alone anything more. They’d had their fair share of quickies of course, but when he wanted things to last, when he wanted to see her come again and again, he worked her up first.
Anna moaned, and arched in his arms, not so much from the sensation, but from the promise it offered. He really was going to try to make this last all night long.
“What did I do to deserve you?”
“I ask myself the same question.”
She gasped as he slowly stroked his fingers up and down her, no doubt feeling how wet she was through her panties but not commenting on it. Instead, using his mouth to once again kiss down her body, moving from the valley between her breasts lower and lower, tipping her back onto the bed as he went.
Not to be outdone, Anna reached up to him as she was leaned back, letting her hands travel down and over his back, reaching for his rear and giving it a squeeze. He laughed against her skin, and she felt rather satisfied by the sound as he picked up the pace on her clit and kissed her navel. Her hands slipped forward then, moving across the waistline of his sweatpants, and dipping her fingers below them as he had.
It was a bit of an awkward angle, but she did her best to wrap her hand around him. It was a challenge, but it was worthwhile to hear his breathing quicken when she managed to slide her hand up and down over his already hard cock through the fabric of his boxers. She recalled the first time they had done this, what felt like many years before, but was just a little over a year and a half ago. She remembered touching him for the first time and being scared that she wouldn’t be able to take him. The thought would have made her laugh now, if it weren’t for the fact that his attention on her clit was making her gasp instead.
When his lips had kissed as low as possible in their current position, he sat up a bit and slipped his hand from her pants. He offered her a questioning look, as he always did, and Anna stroked him again in response, sliding her hand up and down his length and rotating her wrist a bit as she did so, knowing that it was what he liked.
“Off,” she replied, finalizing the unspoken agreement in words before adding, “You too.”
He nodded and she rubbed her thumb against his head before she too extracted her hand, giving him a small taste of what was to come. She fully intended to take him into her mouth if he would let her. It had been too long since she’d seen him fall apart like that, staring down at her with dark eyes and strong muscles trembling under the weight of his climax.
Maybe, she thought, she might even do it while he was laying down, so she could feel him under her and enjoy the building of tension in his body that always came before the release that left him panting and melting beneath her. She loved that he let her give him pleasure. There was so much he did everyday for her, all the care to not get her ill, the many nights he cooked dinner after a long shift, how he always listened to her stresses before offering up his own, and she liked to return his kindnesses in the bedroom.
He pushed himself up and off of her, pulling his pants down with one hand, using the other in a delightful display of his strength to hold himself aloft. He kicked them off a bit creatively, one leg at a time as if he were doing some kind of strange yoga, but never removing his eyes from her as he watched her buck her hips up and slide her own bottoms off.
He tossed them both somewhere to join their pile, and they were left, staring into each other’s eyes wearing nothing but their underwear.
She shivered a bit, both from the intensity if his gaze and the cool air around her. He noticed, his gaze softening as he lowered himself to her a bit and pressed a kiss to her lips. She responded by tipping her head up a bit, deepening the kiss as her arms raised up to wrap around his back and pull him down onto her.
“I’ll have to see if I can warm you up,” he said, their temperature differences more evident as his chest pressed into hers.
He was making a valiant effort, despite her pulling him down, to not crush her under his weight. There had been occasions where he’d allowed his whole weight to press down onto her, and while she didn’t exactly consider him light by any instance of the word, he wasn’t ever going to crush her quite so much as he made an excellent weighted blanket when he wanted to be.
His tone was lascivious though. There was no doubt in Anna’s mind as his hips rocked gently into hers that his plan for warming her up included more of the touching he’d just been doing moments before. When he kissed her again and let his lips trail, once more down her body, lower and lower, she knew that there would be nothing so simple as a blanket in his plans to warm her.
When he reached the waistband of her panties he didn’t stop, instead mouthing at her through the fabric, causing her to call his name and tangle her fingers into his hair. She felt his breath on her, hot, the inhalations and exhalations adding to the sensation as his lips nipped carefully at her clit. He slid down after a few moments, pressing kisses to her labia and center through the fabric, nudging her bud with his nose.
He could be devious with his mouth, a fact that she took immense pleasure in. He could kiss her mouth and pussy with equal skill, and she knew it came from a combination of natural talent, and plenty of practice with her and only her. His mouth could bring her to heights she’d never been able to reach alone, and the anticipation of him doing so had her trembling.
“Do you want me to?” he asked, glancing up at her from between her legs, seeking permission as he always did.
“Yes. Always.”
It was all he needed, flashing her a smile as he hooked his thumb under her waistband and pulled.
She lifted her hips obediently and was rewarded with an appreciative squeeze on her rear as he tugged the fabric off her. When it got to her knees, he leaned back and she set her bottom back onto her bed, watching him whip the fabric off her legs and onto the floor.
She would not be looking for them, she decided ultimately, until laundry day.
He spread her legs a bit more and rearranged them both on the bed until she had two pillows under her rear, elevating her, and he was half kneeling before her.
Once the matter of fabric and positioning was settled, he set upon her like a man starved. Evidently the foreplay had been enough for him, and she already felt it was enough for her, when he kissed her clit again, and then set to running his tongue over her. He went from the bottom of her slit, tasting her and groaning in appreciation, up to her clit, his tongue teasing at her before flattening against her, moving down, and repeating the process.
Her hands, desperate to show him the same appreciation he was showering her with, reached out as far as they could to rub just her fingertips, less artfully, but no less effectively, against the bulge straining against his boxers. His groans only added to the sensation as he tasted her, the rumbling of it tangible as he licked and took her into his mouth. The sound mingled in the air with her own moans, and soon, she stopped being able to tell who was making which sounds.
His tongue darted between her folds and she rocked her hips into his mouth. He rocked just far enough back that she could no longer touch him, and as such, her hands held onto him in other ways, one hand wandering across his shoulders while the other tugged at his hair.
He added his fingers to the business after a short while, taking only a moment away from her to watch her face as he slipped his fingers along her entrance, coating them in her before he, with trained dexterity, slid them inside her and began the search for the place on her inner walls he knew set her closest to the edge.
He got a satisfied look on his face when her moans grew louder, when she pleaded with him and thanked him for the new sensation, and it was a grin that she saw last before his face descended, again, to mouth at her clit with new fervor.
It was only a matter of time before she fell back against the bed, pillows falling from under her rear as she went stiff, then limp, under the force of her orgasm.
She tasted herself on his lips when he kissed her.
“Three! Two! One! Happy New Year!”
Anna had been somewhat surprised that they made it to midnight, both of them thoroughly spent with the amount of time and energy they’d put into their private celebration. She wasn’t counting down with the people on the television though, she couldn’t even see them as she knelt before the couch, feeling Kristoff’s tensed legs at either side of her. She couldn’t count anyway, she had her mouth full.
She’d wanted to manage to get him to come right at midnight, thinking about how funny and gratifying it would be to ensure that her fiancé, the man she loved most in the world, started the new year out right. She supposed though, as she bobbed her head up and down, her tongue running up and down his length as she breathed through her nose, that he wouldn’t mind if it was just a minute or so late.
“Anna,” he groaned, his hand on the back of her head, not pushing but encouraging her to maintain her speed, “Baby I think I’m going to…”
She hummed, keeping up her speed, flattening her tongue against him and doing her damnedest to give him the same pleasure he’d given her earlier in the day. They’d done plenty in the hours between, but this was the first time for the day, and now for the new year that she’d pleasured him with her mouth.
She hoped that the sounds she was making were encouraging as his hips rocked almost imperceptibly, his hand that rested on her shoulder tightening as the one in her hair pressed a little more than it had been.
When he came for her, she could feel the shuddering of his muscles, particularly his thighs which she was using for support, even under the fabric of his clothes. They’d only recently finally donned clothes again for the first time since dinner, and she had decidedly not let it stop her, particularly when it was easy enough to shift the fabric down enough to suit her needs.
“Anna,” he repeated, panting as she too came up for air, swallowing him.
She could feel herself flush, and saw the blush mirrored on his cheeks. He was frazzled, and when she leaned up, using his thighs for support, to get a better look at his expression, she was surprised by his dipping down to kiss her lips.
“Happy New Year Anna,” he whispered, hands already moving on her, pulling her closer as he showed her his appreciation.
She couldn’t help but laugh, accepting her New Year’s kiss as he sat before her with his pants still askew. If it was an omen for the year, she was glad for it. She’d rather the year be an amusing one than the way the previous one had been.
“Happy 2021 Kristoff,” she replied, kissing him again and letting herself enjoy the sensation of his touch before reaching down to tug on his waistband, helping him readjust before turning to shut the television off and drag him off to bed.
They’d had a long, but very enjoyable day. The perfect way, she thought, to usher in the New Year.  
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Chapter 1 - Mother’s Wisdom
The Butterfly Who Lost Her Wings
Word Count: 4501 | AO3 Mirror | Next
Summary: It was on that fateful day when Star Butterfly, the princess of Mewni, disappeared. Mewni was left broken, grieving, and lost. Queen Moon, despairing and left at her lowest point, decided that she would not rest until her daughter was freed, no matter what it cost her.
✧·゚: *✧·゚:* ♦ *:·゚✧*:·゚✧
If only her daughter had listened to her, then maybe, just maybe, this situation would never have befallen them.
Oh, who was Moon kidding? It was unfair to blame Star for all of this. If anything, she was just like her mother, pulling practically the same scheme that Moon had when she was her age. She was proud of Star, in a strange way, for taking the matter into her own hands and attempting to fix the problem as best as she could. But only now was Moon in a position to finally recognize how dangerous the situation was.
Her daughter was on an adjacent balcony, standing beside Ludo. She wasn’t that far away at all, and yet, it felt as if the distance between them was far greater than it had any right to be. At the sight of her daughter, Moon’s fear subsided significantly, but she could not shake the feeling of dread that was heavy in the air. Marco and Yvgeny stood next to the queen, confused by the situation presented before them. They probably felt very much out of their element, being thrown into a situation as dire as this.
Star turned to meet their gazes, offering a sad, little smile. Maybe she already knew how her mother felt about all this. “Hey, Mom. Hi, Marco.”
Moon wanted to ask what was wrong, but it clicked into place when a ghostly unicorn escaped from the wand embedded in Ludo’s hand. Her blood turned to ice. No, she wouldn’t have… The half of the star insignia had darkened to an ominous black, confirming Moon’s fears.
“I, uh…” Star’s eyes darted away, as if she knew the consequences of what she had done just as well as Moon did. “I’m sorry, you guys.” The ghostly figure of the millhorse let out a defeated whinny before disappearing into the sky.
“Is she okay?” Yvgeny asked aloud, not to anyone in particular. “What does that mean? Is, is that...”
Marco attempted to answer him, but his voice quickly trailed off. “It’s…”
Tears immediately began to pool in the corners of Moon’s eyes as panic set in. “The... the Whispering Spell…” She slammed her fists down on the railing in front of her, as if it was going to give her some kind of ability to stop this from happening. But she knew just as well as Star did that what had been set in motion could not be interrupted. “No! Star! You... you get away! You run away from there!”
Star’s voice was quiet, but firm. “It's too late, Mom.”
Marco moved forward to stand beside Moon, his hands gripping onto the stone railing in an effort to ground himself. “She’s… why isn’t she running? Why is she just…”
Something must have clicked in Yvgeny’s mind, because he suddenly blurted out, “What?!” and took several quick steps backwards, away from the impending destruction. “Why she use that spell again?!”
Moon was too overwhelmed with horror to wonder how or why either of them would know what the spell was capable of. She was frozen to the spot, her mind, heart and body all at war with each other. She wanted to rush over there and do something, but what could she even hope to do?
Ludo said something to Star excitedly, but Moon was unable to hear him over the wind. The two of them exchanged some words. Star’s gaze never strayed from the wand, her lips pressing together into a thin, contemplative line.
“No!” Moon screamed as the spell began its work. A fiercely bright pillar of green magic shot out of the wand and into the sky, crackling and snapping viciously. There was a sickening moment of silence as the wand imploded before an explosion shook the castle, taking down the entire tower with it. The three of them could only watch in horror as it fell apart and collapsed into a spray of dust and debris.
“N-no, no no no NO!” Moon’s shoulders began to tremble violently, out of fear for her daughter’s life. “Buff Frog, we have to go now!”
Yvgeny, despite his dread, grunted in acknowledgement and scooped both her and Marco up in his arms, jumping down to the crater below. Moon tore through the rubble recklessly, overturning chunks of rock and sheets of stone. A wave of anger washed over her as she found an unconscious Ludo, however irrational those feelings might have been. Now that she knew Toffee was involved in this mess somehow—she should have known better than to assume that he’d finally left her and her family alone—it was impossible to place blame in this situation.
She never should have left Ludo alone once she found out he had the other half of the wand. If she had acted sooner, there was the chance that she could have prevented all of this. She felt so lost without the High Commission on her side, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it in the given moment. Her daughter was her one and only priority right now.
“Where's Star?” Moon barked out, picking up the small monster by his shoulders and shaking him. His eyes opened, but they were glassy and difficult to read. Was that the faintest tinge of pink light she could see in them? “Where is my daughter?!”
How peculiar it was, that it wasn’t Ludo’s voice she heard when he responded. No, it was far more familiar than that. “Mom! Mom, Mom! I'm in here!”
“Star? Is that you?” She wasn’t exactly sure how Star had ended up inside of Ludo’s consciousness—was the inside of the wand and his mind connected somehow?—but the fact of the matter was that she was okay, and that was all that Moon could hope for.
“Yes, yes, it's me!” The relief was prominent in her daughter’s voice, as if she had shared the same fears as her mother.
“Oh, thank goodness!” Moon hugged the kappa tightly. She understood that her daughter might not even be able to recognize the gesture, but she made the effort nonetheless. Behind her, she heard both Marco and Yvgeny let out sighs of relief. They came up on either side of her and looked over Ludo curiously, equally surprised and puzzled by this new development.
“This is very strange…” Yvgeny commented. As comforting as it was to know that Star was still here, it didn’t make it any less disorienting to hear her voice coming out of Ludo.
Marco leaned forwards to better center himself in Ludo’s field of vision. “C-can you see us?”
“Yeah, Marco, I can! Y-you guys didn’t get hurt, did you? You’re all okay?”
“I assure you, we’re fine,” Moon answered for them. “Are you? Where are you?”
Her daughter’s voice was shaky and uncertain. “Well, I-I'm totally fine, but, uh... I don't exactly know where I am.”
“That's okay, sweetie,” Moon assured, hoping that her words could comfort her in some way. “The important thing is that you're safe. Just stay right there. And no matter what, we will find you!”
“Mom? M—yeah, c—“ Her voice was beginning to break up, to Moon’s dismay. “Can y—re—t-tha—“ Ludo’s eyes closed as her voice faded away.
Just as quickly as the brief period of relief had appeared, it was gone, leaving her unnerved and frightened. _No no no, come back to me! Please! _“Star? Are you still there?" She shook Ludo again, a bit more aggressively than she intended, hoping to somehow reconnect to her daughter.
Ludo’s eyes opened again, but this time, the light behind them was a sickly, ominous green. The voice that came out of him was not her daughter’s. Yet it was somehow just as familiar, eerily so.
“Hello, Moon.”
It didn’t feel like her blood could run any colder than it already had. Her fight or flight reflexes desperately wanted to kick in, but she felt rooted to the spot, face to face with the one she recognized as her worst possible enemy. “Toffee…”
Ludo’s body floated out of her hands and up into the air, where he hovered in place, smiling a wide, toothy grin that didn’t quite seem to match what she knew about Ludo’s personality. The emptiness of his eyes made it all that much more unsettling.
All three of them were on their feet in an instant. Neither Marco nor Yvgeny moved into attack stances right away, but they were clearly put on edge by the confirmation of who this was in front of them. Marco looked completely taken aback, as if he thought this was impossible. His mouth was agape, but not so much as a word escaped him. Yvgeny’s eyes were anxiously darting between Ludo’s hovering body and their surroundings like he was expecting more bad memories of the past to jump out of hiding and ambush them. Despite his attempts to appear threatening, he was very clearly incredibly tense.
Moon shook her head quickly, clearing her thoughts. Why Toffee was here did not matter, not right now. She took a commanding step forwards and clenched her fists at her sides. “Give us back Star.”
“Oh, of course,” Toffee chuckled. “But I'd like something from you first. Something that belongs to me.” He outstretched his hand, still bearing the blackened half of the wand in his palm. The missing finger was easily recognizable.
His finger, she remembered. He had mentioned it before, when the rest of the Magic High Commission had been incapacitated. She had found it amid all the rubbish shoved into Star’s closet and had kept it on her since, fearful that Toffee would find it himself. But now, what was she to do? Her sense of reason told her that giving in to his demands was a very poor choice, but did she really have any other options? Her child was now trapped inside the same plane as that monster, that villain. Star needed to be rescued immediately. There was no doubt that her daughter was a fighter, and she was likely already trying to find her own way of escaping. But if Toffee had been inside the wand, after all this time, and had never found a way to escape—
Moon stopped herself from debating it further, reluctantly reaching to remove the small jar from her belt and hold it out towards him. The finger sat inside.
“Your Majesty,” Toffee said, as he floated down closer to her. His hand outstretched further, silently asking for her to follow through with his demands. “Do we have a deal?”
“Take it.”
She tipped the jar upside down and dumped the finger out of it, placing it in his hand before she could convince herself otherwise. The smirk on Ludo’s face widened as he closed his hand around it. The finger immediately began to reattach itself to the severed stump it was once a part of, until it was whole once more.
The light in Ludo’s eyes flickered out, leaving them pitch black. He looked as if his life force had been taken out of his own body, similar to the fate of the High Commission. He hung limply in the air.
Moon wanted to cry out for her daughter again—perhaps she could finally hear her, now—but Ludo’s right arm sharply extended, prompting her to stay silent. The newly reformed finger had yet to stop expanding, as unnatural gray ooze slowly spread from his hand and up his arm, overtaking Ludo’s entire body in a horrific display. The dark sludge took on the shape of a skeleton as it continued to grow. Skin stretched over its form, followed by a jet black suit. As the figure’s shape began to finalize into lizard-like features, his eyes were the last thing to roll into place, and he lightly floated back down to the ground without saying so much as a word. Toffee’s eyes were widened, his gaze settling on the empty space in front of him.
Before anyone was able to even react, he bent forwards and vomited out some of the sickly dark ooze that had reconstructed his body, as well as Ludo himself, who landed in a mostly unconscious heap on the ground. Toffee blinked a few times, shocked silent, before returning to stand upright and examine his hand. It looked as if his finger had never been absent in the first place. His eyes were stretched wide in disbelief.
“Where is my daughter?” Moon demanded, taking a slight step towards him.
“Yeah, where’s Star?!” Marco chimed in from behind her, finally breaking his silence. He chose to adopt a karate stance, lowering himself to the ground with partially bent knees.
Toffee turned his hand out to face them, where the fragment of the wand still resided. Without warning, he clamped his hand shut, crushing the blackened, brittle stone in his palm. It crumbled to dust and he allowed the broken remains to fall to the ground.
“She’s gone,” he said plainly, before he turned and began to walk away.
Everything around Moon in that very moment felt as if it ceased to exist. He had to be lying. There was no possible way that he was telling the truth—she refused to give it the consideration. Admitting that would mean that her daughter was gone, and she wasn’t going to let that be a possibility. No, not at all. She wasn’t in the wand, no, she was somewhere else, safe and happy, somewhere where nothing bad could happen to her.
Her eyes were tearing up...why were they tearing up? Nothing was wrong. No, she hadn’t just made the biggest mistake of her life. Toffee hadn’t won. He hadn’t succeeded in this revenge scheme of his. He hadn’t taken away her baby girl. She was going to prove it. She had to prove that he had failed, and then maybe, just maybe, she could have the last laugh...
Her feet set in motion before her mind could even register it, carrying her towards the septarian. She stepped faster and faster, until she was running, and a emotionally-driven scream tore out of her as she clenched her fists and lunged at him.
Toffee had whirled around to face her the moment she threw her first punch. He pushed her hand away from him before it could collide with his chest. Again and again, she threw her fists at him, and he continued to block her attacks until he caught each of her fists in his own hands. Moon struggled free of his grip and instead pulled Star’s half of the wand off of her belt, placing it directly over the monster’s chest as she repeated the words of the very spell she had used on him in the first place. Despite it being in her own hands, the wand’s shape never changed.
“I call the darkness onto me from deepest depths of earth and sea! From ancient evils unawoken, break the one who can't be broken! From blackest night I pledge my soul, and crush my heart to burning coal! To summon forth the deadly power; to see my hated foe devoured!” Her words were bathed in desperation, but the spell did nothing at all.
Toffee narrowed his eyes at her impatiently. “Are you finished?”
He flinched slightly as a punch was thrown into his back and turned his head to glare at the one who had inflicted it. Marco stood there with his fists held up, clenched knuckles turning white with anger. Tears were pooling in his eyes. Toffee grumbled something under his breath and turned to grab him by the arm, haphazardly throwing him at a nearby pile of rubble. The boy landed in a painful heap, and Yvgeny immediately rushed over to him.
Moon snapped out of her stupor as Toffee took hold of her shoulders, shoving her into the ground. He dusted his hands off on his suit jacket and spared one last unreadable glance at her before walking away. Ludo stopped him before he could leave, but her mind had tuned him out. Her thoughts spiraled downwards as fast as her tears were falling down her face, and she tried desperately to think of something else that could be done.
She scrambled over to the pile of broken pieces scattered across the ground, scooping up a small handful. Yes, that was it! She could put the wand back together again. Then everything would be alright—it had to be alright.
The ground scuffled in front of her, signaling that someone was approaching. But she hardly even heard it.
“Come on, come on. Why won't you fit? Come on.”
A shadow appeared on the ground over her. “Queen?” She looked up and met Marco’s gaze. His sadness was apparent on his face.
“M-Maybe if I-I put the wand back together, it'll… it'll bring her back.” Her voice was trembling as badly as her frail hands were. “But this piece won't fit.”
Marco leaned down on one knee and silently looked over the wand, before picking out a piece and offering it to her. “Here. Try this one.”
“Th-thank you,” she murmured, carefully taking it from him and glancing over it first, and then the pile of shards just in front of her. “There’s just so many pieces, I-I don’t even know where to start…”
She heard light footsteps cautiously draw near, and she knew there was only person around that was small enough to fit that description. Her gaze snapped up to connect with Ludo’s, startling him with how piercing it was.
“I-I’m sorry!” he stammered out immediately, holding up his hands in a gesture of surrender.
She didn’t care how apologetic he sounded. There was no excusing what his actions had ultimately led to, in her eyes. “This is your fault. It’s all because you were stupid enough to fall for his tricks!" He flinched under her accusation, frightened. She recognized the hypocrisy in her own statement—she had just given Toffee the power to escape the wand, hadn’t she?—but the torrent of emotions running through her mind convinced her that she was justified in blaming him. It felt like the only thing she was still able to do.
“I’m so sorry,” Ludo murmured. “I… I don’t know what else to say. I don’t know anything anymore!” He conveyed his frustration and equally afflicted emotions with a wave of his arms. “I never meant for this to happen! I don’t even know what is my fault, a-and what is his…he’s used me, too, I hope you realize…”
“And that’s supposed to give you a pass?” Moon pushed herself off the ground, standing tall over the comparably tiny monster. “Did you really think that no one was going to get hurt? You took over an entire kingdom by brute force and threatened every person standing in your way!”
Ludo made no attempt to deny any of the accusations being thrown at him. He hung his head shamefully and couldn’t bear to maintain eye contact with the queen. “I wanted to be something more, someone who would be revered by the masses for his awe-inspiring greatness. My wand, it spoke to me, yes! It told me that I would be loved as the new King of Mewni. I thought that I could make things better! But the people of Mewni, they despised me… and even worse, it turns out, I haven’t accomplished anything on my own! I thought Toffee was dead, but he was here all along, manipulating me every step of the way!”
“What’s done is done, Ludo. You cannot deny responsibility for your crimes!”
“I’m not trying to!” He retorted, his temper growing equally short. “I’m trying to apologize!”
Moon, not able to stand looking at him any longer, turned herself away from him. “Just get out! Go away!”
“I know that we fought all the time, but I truly never wanted Star to get hurt! Not like this! I just wanted—“
“Get out of my sight!” She screamed, clutching her hands over her head. “L-let me concentrate, please...”
Ignoring him, she studied the wand pieces through her teary eyes, trying to think of what other options she had. She couldn’t think clearly with that insurgent monster pestering her, but even once he gave up and backed away, there was still no way she was going to be able to put all of the pieces back together. Her mind knew this, but her heartache refused to let up. She fell to her knees in front of the broken relic in an admission of desperation.
“I, I need to start over.” She dumped the fragmented half of the wand back into a pile and flattened out the crumbling pieces so she could more easily see them individually. “I have to...”
“Queen Moon.” Yvgeny’s voice was firm, but cautious. “I do not think that is going to work.”
“It’s going to work,” she insisted. “It will work, you’ll see. I’ll prove you all wrong.”
“She might be right,” Marco offered, only to immediately be shut down by Yvgeny.
“No! Do not encourage her.”
“It’s going to work!” _I’ll show you all, _she told herself. I’ll prove it. For Star’s sake.
“Please, you are only hurting yourself by doing this.” Yvgeny kneeled down and managed to pry the wand out of her hands—granted, her grip on it had been shaky.
“What are you—no! Give it back!” She was on her feet in an instant, repeatedly trying to steal it back. He held it well above her head, just out of her reach.
“Give it back! Give it back, now!” She started beating her fists against his arm weakly, desperately. When the wand still had not returned to her hands, she collapsed into heavy, miserable sobs. Yvgeny frowned sorrowfully at the poor queen, holding onto her shoulder to prevent her from toppling over where she stood.
When the tears had finally run its course, her shoulders dropped in resignation. Her pleading, watery gaze connected with the frog monster. “What am I supposed to do?”
“You should take rest, come back with clear head. Then maybe you will find answer.”
She sniffled and nodded slowly.
“If there is one thing I know about Toffee, is that he is liar. He get inside your mind, make you think all the wrong things.” He turned and looked in the direction that Toffee had left, glaring with contempt. “What he know about magic, anyway?”
Moon’s eyes followed. The septarian had since disappeared, leaving no trace or hint of where he might have gone.
A commotion of royal guards and a few curious passerby had begun to gather around the edge of the crater. Upon seeing the state of the queen, the guards jumped down so that they could escort all of them up to safety.
“Your majesty! Are you alright?” the guard captain asked, skidding to a halt in front of her. “That was quite the explosion…”
Moon hurriedly scooped the wand fragments up from off of the ground, depositing them in the same jar that had previously held Toffee’s finger. Only after she was sure she had all of the pieces did she respond to the guard. “Y-yes, I’m fine, I wasn’t hurt…”
The guard noticed that she had been crying almost immediately. Her reddened and puffy eyes were a dead giveaway, and she likely was showing her grief very clearly. The captain was about to start speaking again, but Moon caught something in the corner of her vision that was more of a pressing matter. A few of the other guards that had jumped down into the crater were now attempting to handcuff both Ludo and Yvgeny—it seemed like they were having difficulty finding handcuffs of the right sizes for either of them, however.
“Just what do you think you’re doing?” Moon demanded, projecting her voice as clearly as she could manage through her emotional turmoil.
The guards shared glances with each other. It took a couple of moments before one of them dared to speak. “Um… arresting these monsters, your majesty?”
“He helped me,” she said, pointing at Yvgeny. “Where exactly do you think you are taking him?”
“Well, we were going to imprison both of them until further notice, just to be safe.”
“No, you will not. Not him. Buff Frog has not done anything wrong.”
“But, your majesty, he’s a—“
“No. That is an order.”
“If you insist, your majesty.” The closest guard removed the cuffs he had been attempting to lock on his wrists, sparing a judgmental glance at him. Yvgeny took the high road and ignored him entirely. As the guards turned their attention back to Ludo, he crossed the clearing to stand in front of Moon.
“T-thank you, Queen.” The monster quickly bowed his head in gratitude. “I am terribly sorry about Star… if there is anything I can do to help, please let me know.”
“You have your own family to take care of,” Moon responded curtly, her tone coming off as cold. She realized this and tried to backpedal. “…so you don’t need to worry about me and my problems. I’ll be okay.”
He seemed to understand what she meant. He nodded his goodbye and, with one last “thank you” and a solemn look at all of the saddened faces around him, he left the scene and returned to the forest.
“What about him, your majesty?” the guard captain asked, motioning to Ludo. The kappa had already been handcuffed and the guards were waiting for further direction from the queen.
Moon addressed him directly, which seemed to startle him again. “Ludo, you have committed many crimes against my kingdom. I can’t simply forgive that.”
Guiltily, he dipped his head. “I understand.”
That was good enough for the guards, who were quick to escort him away as a prisoner. As they began to climb out of the crater, the captain noticed that Moon hadn’t moved from where she stood. She was staring at the ground silently.
“My Queen? Are you sure that you are alright?”
Quickly, Moon assessed her priorities. “Issue a dimension-wide arrest warrant for Toffee of Septarsis immediately. Make it of the highest importance, have him brought back alive.”
“B-but your majesty, is that not to be the decision of the entire Magical High Commission? Do you have the authority to make such a—“
“I am the only one left.” Her voice dropped to a low, serious tone. “I am making this decision on their behalf.”
“Wh— do you mean to tell me that the High Commission is dead?!”
“No, they’re not dead! No one has died!” Part of her knew her denial was more personally motivated than she’d like to admit. Exhaling loudly, she attempted to calm herself. “Just… please, please… do as I ask.”
The captain, despite her frown, raised her hand to her head in a salute. “O-of course. Right away, your majesty. My apologizes.”
“Find him,” Moon ordered, clenching her fists. “We have to find him.”
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beammeup-spidey · 5 years
Peter’s Mission - P.P
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Pairing: Husband!Peter x Wife!Reader
Warnings: Language, and fluffiness ^-^
Summary: You leave clues around the house whilst Peter’s out doing his daily neighbourhood patrol, and when he comes back home it’s his mission to follow the clues to find you... and someone else.
A/N: Just wanted to say hi, and I hope you enjoy the story >.<
It was at this time that your husband should have come home from his afternoon patrol. He'd always come home to you there, adorning a massive grin upon seeing his presence.
This time when he came home at his usual hour, something was different. He ripped his mask from his face, quickly running a hand through his damp locks.
"Hey Y/N, I'm home!" He called, throwing his mask across the living room, till it hit the plush sofa sitting in front of the couch. He frowned. Usually you'd be in the living room, and would occasionally catch the mask if he'd thrown it that way. When there was no response he stopped walking, waiting for a sound to let him know you were there, but again there was nothing.
"Babe?" Only one of his brows raised, as yet again no sound came.
He walked toward the couch to grab back his mask, though as he did so he found a note attached to the back of piece of furniture. It was obviously written by you, and so his lips curled upward at the sight. Moreover, the note was carelessly ripped by the margin which nearly made him laugh, because you didn't put in much care into the presentation.
He read the first few lines of your handwriting. After you read this line, please read out loud the rest of the clue.
"Oh so this is a clue," He said out loud, piecing together that you must be hiding somewhere close by. "I will find you, I'll make it my mission!"
He turned back to the piece of paper and read it in a loud voice, "You have found the first clue, but this is only the first of four. Peter, I know you must be wondering... why the hell isn't my wife here right now? Well, you'll have to work your way to earn my attention--" He shook his head with a laugh "--To find the next clue, you'll have to search where the monsters hide. Quickly, before they collect your screams for electricity."
He checked the back of the note. That was the end of clue number one.
"'Where the monsters hide'." He laughed again, running another hand through his hair, "I love the Monsters Inc. references, babe!" With the mask and note in hand, he made his way to yours and his bedroom. Peter was curious as to whether there was a surprise by the end of the mission or not. In any case, if this strange treasure hunt was just you being bored and trying to have fun then he wasn't complaining, because so far he was beyond excited.
He placed the mask onto the foot of the large bed and got down onto his knees. A small gasp passed his lips as his eyes made contact with the second clue, positioned under the bed. Slowly, he made his way to sit onto the soft mattress, reading aloud for you - wherever you were - to hear. "Congratulations, Spider-Man -- Thanks, Y/N -- you've found clue number two! The answer to this question should help you continue... Why did the bee marry? This is a joke, right? I must have said to her before." He paused for a moment to think. "Aha, Because he finally found his honey!" His shoulders jiggling with small laughter as he stood up. "So, is the note in the kitchen? Maybe?"
With that conclusion, he sped through the apartment past the living room into the kitchen. All the while his smile grew and his heart pounded against his chest at the thought of getting closer to you. Just as the clue had prompted the next note was folded under the jar of honey, close by the fruit bowl on the counter.
He took the note and flattened it out onto the table. "Getting closer, love, getting closer. Just you wait, Y/N! You better be ready once I find you..."
Peter quickly closed his mouth, and froze, listening in to any sound, a hint of movement perhaps. Nothing again. You were certainly good at hiding.
He read on with not a minute to waste, "The fourth clue may well be in your hands. That is, I retrieve this item by the couch where I stand. When you come through the door and I give you kisses that are so grand. I hope this clue will help you, I know you'll understand... And a winky face, that can't be a good sign."
With a sigh he leaned back from the table and fiddled with the gloves of his suit in thought. He closed his eyes, picturing the moment he'd walk through the door every day. "When I come home Y/N is usually by the couch. But she's never holding anything... 'I retrieve this item'... OH! My mask!" He ran back to the bedroom, and snatched up the said item, looking inside, shaking it, trying to find a note, a piece of paper, anything. He hadn't noticed anything inside it while on patrol, so how could you have put a clue in it?
Peter's eyes widened in a revelation and he slid the material over his face.
"Hello again, Peter."
"Did Y/N get access to you in the past few days?"
"Yes, a day ago, in fact. She told me to keep it a secret until you'd find the third clue."
He smirked, loving the way you managed to get to his suit when he wasn't looking. It was rather thrilling and made you more endearing.
"Can I please see the fourth clue?"
No more was said by the Artificial Intelligence, instead a video popped into his mask's vision, zooming in and then playing.
You were there, most likely holding your phone to film. Your smile was cheeky, and you wore the same outfit from two days ago.
"So... you found the last clue?"
Peter snorted at your Captain America impression.
"It feels weird filming this now, knowing you'll only watch it in a few days, but anyway, you're probably wondering if there's even a catch to this whole..." Your voice drifted off, trying to find the next few words, "this whole mission or quest. Well, I'm happy to let you know that you haven't wasted your time. There is something waiting for you. Now, you'll have to be very patient..."
"What is it?" Peter giggled. Your voice had slowed dramatically and turned very soft.
"Because our surprise won't be here for nine months."
"N-N..." His heart flipped, cartwheeled, somersaulted, finally putting pieces together. Recently in the mornings you looked 'green around the gills' as Peter observed, and you'd picked up strange cravings. How had he not seen it sooner? He needed to see you.
"Peter." Your voice snatched him from his thoughts and his wild heart beating. Only, it was still you from the video talking. "Take off your mask, love."
He didn't need to be told twice as he yanked the mask right off, making it fly through the air and land on the ground with a small splat.
"Y/N, get over here now. Where the—?"
Two small taps on his shoulder ensued, and as soon as he felt your familiar touch, he spun around. Laughing heartily as he scooped you up into his arms, hugging you tightly. You let out a little squeal at his sudden action, however quickly laughed along with him as he swayed you from side to side.
After a moment he stopped, looking down at you with literal heart eyes, only they were slightly blurred by the edges.
"You're fucking pregnant." He whispered.
Not knowing how to respond due to the sheer excitement of having finally told him, you nodded in response and bit your lip.
"You're really pregnant..." Not even believing his own words coming from his mouth a joyful tear rolled down his cheek, making you both share a giggle. "Oh my God, I'm so happy. I'm—."
With a pull of his neck, you planted your lips onto his. It was short, but let Peter know how much you loved him without having to say anything.
The kiss lingered on his lips when you pulled away, and he wanted you to do it again.
He placed you down onto the bed behind him, and then knelt down between your legs which hung over the side of the bed. "Why didn't you just tell me straight up, instead of putting on this mission thing? Baby, how long have you known?"
"I wanted it to be fun," You answered sheepishly, fiddling with his gloved fingers. "And I've known for a week now."
"A week? Just to set this up? I mean it was fun but... slightly flawed in that you should've just told me, or showed me the test result, you know?"
His cheeks rose further up his face when you responded with a laugh. He leaned forward and kissed your forehead.
"I hope you don't plan on telling everyone else the same way you told me."
"Oh, not a chance!"
He squeezed your hands, "You haven't told May yet have you?"
"Of course not. You know she wouldn't be able to keep it a secret from you."
"You're right. I'm the only one who knows, right?"
You nodded, "The only one."
"God, I love you." He leaned forward again and kissed your lips, letting his hands rest on your hips.
"I love you too, Pete." You brushed a hand over his forehead, moving any stray hairs back away from his eyes, and wiping a tear "So much. You're going to be such an awesome dad."
His eyelids hovered in a loving gaze, thankful for your compliment. In a smooth motion, Peter had let his hands fall to your waist, close by your belly, causing you to lean slightly back, allowing him access to your midriff.
Your heart melted, as he began to speak. "Hey little one. It's your dad, haha. I hope you don't give your mum too much trouble during these nine months. I'll be right beside her, and supporting her, but I'll need you to do the same because she's going to be doing a lot of work."
When he said 'mum', he looked up at you in pure adoration. It made your heart melt all over again, and your stomach to fill with butterflies - the same butterflies that had appeared back when you were both 17 years old, the first time he confessed his feelings for you.
"We're super excited to meet you, baby." With that said, your husband placed a kiss on your stomach, despite the material of your oversized shirt covering your bare skin. You grabbed his hands and put your lips on his knuckles, looking down at him with a suggestive eyebrow.
"Should we tell Aunt May now?"
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sapphichollow · 4 years
THE UMBRELLA ACADEMY- The Swedes/ Platonic/ Part 8
Darkness swamped the corners of the room, chased away by the soft glow of overhead lamps. Winnie lowered herself onto the floor and undid her laces. She fumbled and slipped her boots off, but she did not speak. They already knew she was home. If their cat like senses weren’t enough, they knew the steady tread of her footsteps by heart.
Before turning into the open living room, Winnie scooped the groceries into her arms and willed a smile to her lips. The Swedes were many things. But they were not stupid. She’d have to really sell it. So a mask painted her face, pinched her cheeks with a smile, filled her with an overexcited bounce- all to make sure they didn’t worry. Or worse, they worried too much. Bad things happened when they worried too much. Who knew what they’d do to Elliott if they found out?
“I’m back,” She called from across the room. 
Axel lifted his head and gave her a curious glance from the stove. He was wearing a floral apron, tied neatly at the waist, a white shirt and a pair of beige boxers. This was not uncommon. She considered it - they considered it- underclothes, and it was just his way of being comfortable. Their work clothes were thick, exhaustingly so, heavy and undesirable. She’d once jokingly tried Axel’s coat on, and she practically swam in the blue material, the sleeves drooping down past her hands.
As she eased past, Otto and Oscar paused at their usual game. A knife sank into Otto’s leg, but he didn’t seem to notice, nor did he care. He just smiled. On any other day, she would have said something. Told them to be careful and wrinkled her nose at the flash of silver. They never listened, of course. They were adults, she was not. Therefore, they could make their own choices, even if it meant seriously injuring themselves. 
What lunatics. She almost smiled.
“You get fish?” Axel asked as she set the groceries down on the counter. Otto wrenched the knife from his leg, handed it to his brother and joined them both at the table.
“Yeah.. ungutted, like usual,” Winnie grinned at him with heavy eye contact. As she delved through the bags with forced vigour, she felt him eying her.  Winnie pulled out a wrapped fish and waved it at him, grinning. But then she stopped. He was staring..
 He knew- of course he did. It was obvious. Was she smiling enough? Did she put up a proper authentic guise of...Winnienesss to fool three intuitive men who had known her over five years? Then, as he appeared to dismiss it, she relaxed a little. Apparently not.
Otto reached into the bags and helped her find places for the food. He took charge of the higher spaces- the nooks and crannies she couldn’t reach, often swiping things from her hands just as she was about to find homes for them. It got a little irritating sometimes. But he meant well, and she was too tired to protest or joke around. So she manned the lower cupboards- though there was little to unpack. The smell of fried fish tainted her nostrils. It was her favourite- but somehow she wasn’t hungry for it.  Perhaps, she thought, glancing down at the cats which lazed about, she would donate her dinner to them. If Axel would let her.. of course.
It was alright. So far, so good. They wouldn’t find out, and she could just ignore Elliot for the time being. No biggie.
However, as Winnie stowed a packet of pasta into the cupboard, Oscar skimmed the top of her hair with his fingers as he passed. She ducked away instinctively- her first mistake. Winnie dropped her gaze at once, anxious to push away the concerned looks she knew to be there.
She opened the freezer, squeaked, and slammed the door shut. One of the cats leapt back in surprise.
“Forgot about the head,” She gasped, reeling back. Her facade slipped away at once, revealing the hollow, fragile look in her eyes, shaken up to the bone. The black and white cat- Marabou- gave her a sour look and sulked off to the sofa, her fluffy tail scrubbed up like wire.
Axel’s head snapped up, suddenly alert. If he had been a cat, she was certain his ears would have pricked up.
“What’s wrong?” He asked immediately. Winnie looked at him, then her gaze ran to the others, who hovered nearby, bleeding out of various wounds across the length of their bodies. Concern dashed across each of their faces, but she dismissed it at once.
“I think I saw some bandages in the cupboard earlier,” She told them, turning back to Axel.” It’s nothing.. I’m going to paint,” She insisted and turned on her heels, snapped her suitcase open and grabbed her paints, dragging her last canvas with it to the dining table.She could feel their gaze boring into the back of her skull. The sound of Swedish muttering hushed in the room. Hoping it would ease her mind a little, she took up her paintbrush.
For a while there was nothing- just the steady sound of the brush stroking against canvas, the bubbling of water as she cleaned her brush and patted it dry. She dotted black across the canvas absentmindedly. Her eyes were cloudy and unfocused. But the feeling inside still remained. At a glare from Axel, Oscar and Otto had dressed and cleaned their wounds carefully, still hovering about nearby.
Every so often, one of the cats- the black one- would butt her leg with its head, mewling to be picked up and held. She would have liked to be picked up and held herself, but she continued painting. Her lips sealed. As she worked, Oscar settled beside her, pulling the mewling cat onto his lap.  But Winnie barely noticed, she was so engrossed in her work that black and grey smears dappled her cheeks, and splattered her fingers, caught under the nails.
It was out of line. The way in which it had panned out. Elliott was her friend- he was desperate. He could have been called crazy. Those were the reasons. The excuses that rose foggily in her mind when she tried to justify his actions. It had deeply unsettled her. It was out of line.
Start of flashback:
“No, you’re outta line,” and the torn pages spiralled to the ground, spread like white feathers at her feet. The girl tried to pick them up, but he stood there waiting. She caught a glimpse of the ink illustration Alice, cradling her pig babe in arms until he kicked the pages away, rough hands capturing her tiny butterfly shoulders. She screamed. But he wouldn’t have it. Nails dug into soft skin. Another scream and he was gone. Poof.
Then, his face warped and changed. His once shiny forehead became that of Elliot’s sallow brow. His eyes were small and weasel-like. Now he bore no resemblance whatsoever to her father. Now he was Elliot and the fingers came back and he squeezed and squeezed.
End of flashback.
As Winnie’s eyes snapped into focus, her hand jerked of its own accord into the jam jar which she kept for water. Murky grey water spilled onto the table, and she sprang back instantly.
“Shit...sorry, sorry,” She blurted out. Salmiak (the black cat) hissed, Winnie backed away from the table, her shoulders flying up to her ears.  Axel was there in an instant, having snatched the towel from its shiny holder. She reached for it, wanting something  else to hold, something to distract herself with. But he shook his head. His gaze shifted to her hands, which trembled. 
“Oh..,” Her mind went numb as Otto took her gently by the shoulders. He gave her a soft nod, with a sad look in his eyes and sat her down on the sofa, giving one of the cats a light shove to get it to shift.  The cat mewled lowly and proceeded to stare balefully out at her.
Shit. Shit. Abort mission. Now she would have to speak to them. Now they wouldn’t leave her until they knew every detail. Everything. It had happened before.... it had happened and they’d broken Raj’s nose, killed Rita that one time, and that along with countless other incidents, gripped her with a choking fear, pressing in on her throat. She couldn’t breathe. She-
The sofa dipped as Otto settled beside her. He shushed her softly, and she realised she was holding one of her paintbrushes, squeezing it into the palm of her hand, whimpering subconsciously. It hurt.. It all hurt. She could see Oscar, crouched down in front of her, his white trousers covered in black cat hair. 
“Vinnie?” Oscar said, worriedly. She looked up, pushing her hair back, soft tears slipping down her cheeks. She looked like a soft, scared animal. Pathetic, she thought and wiped her eyes hastily. 
“No. I’m fine,” She added, snapping a smile to her lips. But it was no use. If she was smiling, it was in that bizarre taut way In which a clown smiles. The shiny greasepaint does nothing to hide the sad creases in the corner of each eye; the dishevelled look of a broken man hiding underneath a painted face, a big red nose and a bow tie.
“You’re not fine,” Otto said suddenly. She looked between them.
“Lilla björnen, “ Oscar licked his lips, his eyebrows furrowed, trying to muster the right words. “You ...tell us anything,’ He managed at last. 
Winnie’s throat ached, and she swallowed thickly. It meant a lot that he was trying so hard. Oscar struggled with his English more than the others. He wouldn’t pick up a book like Otto, nor did he infuse much effort in learning the language at first. When she’d  first met him, he spoke only Swedish. Actions meant more than words.
“Elliott..he-,” she despaired, struggling to form the words. Her fingers gripped the paintbrush tightly, hands like little claws,” I can’t explain it,”
Oscar took the paintbrush from her before she could hurt herself and dropped it onto the oak coffee table. His soft eyes pierced her own, a subtle language. She knew what he was asking. It was obvious.
Show us.
“Okay..,” She swallowed a wave of nausea, lifted her hand and rubbed her fingertips together. 
At once, the home vanished before them, replaced by a mask. A hollow mask. They were in Elliott’s home- she recognised the stacks of paper, the faded photographs and news clippings on the wall, the boxes and the books. Then her memory began to replay itself, a spool of film unravelling and changing. She avoided the their gaze and stood by the wall of photographs. 
 When people tell you to reflect, it’s usually meant in a sense of memory. Take a good, hard look at yourself and your actions. Really reflect on them.  But for Winnie it was literal. She could see herself, just.. standing there. Helpless, scared. She watched as past Elliott gripped her wrist, gripped her wrist and squeezed. Fear sparked in her past self’s eyes. Helpless, scared.  She couldn’t move.  
Winnie wondered what would have happened if she’d refused. Would he have hurt her again? Would he have apologised and let her leave? He was desperate for security- that was all she knew. He didn’t want other people getting involved. At least, that was what she told herself. As she willed her illusions away, Winnie finally looked up at them. 
Something dark thundered across each of their faces. Dark, twisted. It scared her. Elliott’s apartment simply vanished behind them, rolled up like parchment.  They were back home. 
The three of them exchanged a  long hard look. One look was all it took. They had decided. Nevertheless she crept closer to Oscar for a hug. Burying her face into the material of his shirt, she clung to him. It smelt faintly of lavender- probably the soap she’d given him a while ago. His arm looped around her shoulders at once, a warm protective barrier as if he could chase away her fears one by one. She squeezed her eyes shut, still damp and sticky. 
“Is okay,” He murmured,” Safe.” 
He looked up at Otto and Axel, both of which had sprung instantly into action As they bustled about, collecting guns and checking them for ammunition, her stomach curdled inside. Well shit. She had known this would happen. What was she thinking?
 Axel’s lip curled. He frowned and gritted his teeth, surging off in the direction of the coat rack. She knew that look, and wriggled round desperately. She had to give him some kind of sense.
“Axel,” She stuck one arm out and caught the hem of his shirt. Axel turned around, his eyes softening as he looked down at her. “Please don’t hurt him,” She begged, still hugging Oscar tightly.
For a moment, he closed his eyes, and drew breath to speak. She knew he was about to argue. He sighed, “Lilla björnen He hurt you-”
“There’s no mark, just a bruise from earlier. Check if you want,” She interrupted with desperate look.
“No,” Axel shook his head and motioned towards her chest. No, underneath her chest- her heart. ” In here.”
“I know,” She said, ”But it doesn’t warrant a gun in the face,”
“Please,” She tipped her head back, looking up at Oscar who sighed heavily.  His fingers tangled in her hair, stroking it thoughtfully, like the touch of father.. or brother. So natural. So calm. But after a moment he nodded.
“Stand down,” he said to Axel, then erupting into a bubble of Swedish something he often did when he couldn’t think of the English translation. Never the less, she knew that if she had not been hugging him in that instant, his hands would have surely tightened around his gun.
At once, Winnie’s body went slack. Her shoulders slumped to her sides. But Axel wasn’t finished.
“But,” His gaze held her firmly in place,” If it happens again you will tell us,”
“Thank you,” She cried and pulled free of Oscar. It was all she could do but press herself into Axel’s arms for a hug. She wanted to be held, and though she was too big to be picked up anymore like one of the cats, she wanted the closure. No.  She needed the closure, dammit. 
He held her close, and he was warm and in that instant she felt....safe. A wave of ease washed across her mind, loosening her shoulders. The weight had been spread evenly across the shore. Less of a burden now. She was safe. That was what she knew. She was safe and loved and warm. 
“Is okay,” Axel muttered, sighing against her hair.
And that was that.  
Done! I’ll probably post another chapter soon. Maybe this evening, maybe tomorrow, maybe the next day. She can cast illusions! This means a multitude of things for her, opens her up to a multitude of vulnerabilities which is just swell for me as a writer. But probably not so swell for her, you know? Anyway, expect plenty of fluff- I have some great scenes all planned out. Then we can develop the story and have her meet some more familiar faces. 
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realityhelixcreates · 4 years
Lasabrjotr Chapter 65: Like Peeling an Orange
Chapters: 65/?
Fandom: Thor (Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe
Rating: Mature Warnings: NSFW
Relationships: Loki x Reader (There We Go)
Characters: Loki (Marvel),  
Additional Tags: Post-Endgame: Best Possible Ending (Canon-Divergent), Loki Gets A Scolding, Sometimes Loki Should Not Do What He Wants, This Armor Looks So Cool In My Head You Guys, And A Fun Time Was Had By All
Summary:   Loki helps you into-and back out of-your new armor.
Your armor was finally ready. Loki pored over it, examining every minute detail. It had to be perfect. He had to make sure it was perfect.
The weavers and tailors had brought their best. The scaled plates of nornbein and steel had been removed from their original leather backing, and affixed to new; less bulky, more supple, to better fit your smaller frame. Each bit of metal had been embossed with beautiful swirling knotwork, some of them ancient Midgardian motifs.
The quilted silk tunic glistened like polished jade, soft but tough. It would peek out from under the armor here and there, offering protection from sharp things, and signaling your importance.
But the helmet-the crown-was a grand achievement of deceptive metalworking. It looked so delicate, constructed of dainty petals and leaves, affixed to a wide band. Long, gem-studded petals stretched over the top, overlapping ivy leaves trailed down the back to protect your neck, fiddleheads would cover your cheeks.
It looked as fragile as a real bouquet, but the smith had whacked it with a heavy mallet for Loki to see, and it hadn't left a dent.
“And if anyone tries to strike without a weapon, they'll lay their hand right open.” The smith had assured him. “The edges aren't sharp enough to cut just by touching, but with applied force, they certainly are.”
Loki gathered it all up, impatient to show it to you, to see you put it on, to see you take it back off, and he rushed to the kitchen to pick up some dinner that you could eat together. Preferably in front of the fireplace in his room.
The under-chefs greeted him with some amusement, wrapping up a simple dinner and a chilled bottle of that Icelandic fruit wine for you.
“So, is the Seidkona beginning a new project?” One asked politely. “A special Midgardian spell, perhaps?”
When pressed for what he meant, he became a bit nervous. “W-well, she rushed in here very excited about something, and asked for the largest glass jar that we had. We had some of those five-gallon pickle jars, so, of course we gave her one. She gave no suggestions as to what she was doing with it, but I've heard that some Midgardian sorceresses used to put their spells in jars, so we thought perhaps she was simply making a very large spell.”
“Don't worry about it.” Loki said. “I'll see what she is up to.”
Upon entering you room, he saw that you had placed your flowers-vase and all, inside the pickle jar, and covered the top with a tied down cloth. He set the bundle of armor and the basket of dinner down on your dresser.
“Darling, what-”
“Silvery Checkerspot.” You said shortly.
“I'm...not sure as to what you are referencing...”
You pointed at the vase inside the jar. More accurately at a fat, undulating worm, crawling up a flower stem.
“This creature?” He asked. “Does it offend you?”
“No, this is a caterpillar! It turns into a Checkerspot butterfly. They're pretty. Black and orange, with tiny white spots on the edges of their wings. Lacy. I used to see them and these caterpillars all the time. They're so beautiful. Also, and this is the important part-they don't live in Iceland.”
Your voice had gone a little hard, and Loki internally recoiled. You knew. This traitorous little orm had whispered his secret to you by very virtue of its presence. How could he have known that, among the no doubt thousands of species of butterflies in this world, this would be one that you were so familiar with? How could he have known that there were none here? And how was he to know to search for hitchhikers in the first place?
He'd been so high on success, and trying so hard to hold on to all the sensations that had been swimming in his head, that he hadn't spared a thought to looking out for creatures that would give him away.
And now you knew that he had been back to your home without you, and he was just now realizing how angry you might be about that. Very angry, perhaps. Betrayed, even. 'Never touch me or talk to me again' maybe.
Oh no.
Had he ruined it? He'd been trying to do something nice! How could he continually fail so badly at doing good things for people?
He hadn't always been so bad at this. It was one of the many things that had gotten lost on the way. One of the things unfairly taken from him.
Was it going to drive you away too?
“I thought you had gone back to Akureyri on your business. I figure Leynarodd could probably get you there and back in way better time than we made. But you didn't exactly say where you were going, and that's why isn't it? Letting me assume isn't the same as lying, is it? But Leynarodd can't get you across a whole ocean. God, when I woke up this morning in all that pain, I should have guessed...”
Loki flinched. The pain. He'd thought he could avoid it if he went while you slept, that he could do all this without causing you any trouble at all, but the trouble was all here anyway.
“What could have taken you back there?” You continued. “Couldn't have been just the flowers.”
“I...needed to understand you better.” He explained. “I needed to experience the world you lived in. The surroundings you grew up in. The land that shaped you. I needed to know it better. There's something I want to do for you, and I needed that information.”
“What thing?” You asked, sounding mildly skeptical. Loki's mind screamed at him to fix this, fix it right now.
“It's a special surprise, just for you.” Loki leaned down, placing both hands on your shoulders, gazing sincerely into your eyes. “Please don't be angry with me.”
“Oh, Loki.” You wound your arms around his neck. “I'm not angry. I'm sad I didn't get to go.”
He took the opportunity to hold you tightly to him, relieved that you weren't pushing him away.
“I'm sorry.” He said, possibly the first time he'd uttered the words to you. “Of course you miss it. I'll take you there, sometime. When it's safe. When we can walk the streets without having to hide. They honor you, you know. They've named a cupcake after you. They even seem to have accepted my involvement, though it might be no more than crass opportunistic commercialism. I saw no effigies of myself burning, though, so that's a good sign.”
“Dad and Tara tell me they've been spreading the word about my 'medical treatment', so everybody probably just thinks you're bad at being altruistic.”
Loki scoffed. “I suppose I'm not exactly famous for it...”
“You will be. You really seem to want to do big, great things. As Asgard grows, you'll be able to do more. You'll live so long that you'll have time to do a lot. Long term projects. I wish I could see-”
“Shhh. I'll show you everything.” Loki promised. “Don't you worry. What will you do with the worm?”
You glanced back at the pickle jar. “It's a big bouquet. And the caterpillar is in a late instar. There should be enough there for it to eat until it pupates. Then...I guess I'll let it go. They don't live long after  coming out of their chrysalis, and there's no more butterflies for it to meet up with, so there's no way for it to become invasive. The cold will probably kill it early, but that would have happened back in Iowa too. Sometimes they just get started late, and don't have enough time. This would probably have been the last flush of flowers that it would have found. So it's okay. I just want it to reach it's full potential, even if it won't have much time after that.”
Loki stroked your hair. Was that what it felt like to you, when you examined your lifespan in contrast to his? Like this larval creature, did you see your magical potential as something to be mastered, even if you wouldn't have many years to make use of it?
Could there be some way to prolong your time?
And if there wasn't, what would he do?
He released you and you glanced curiously at the things he had brought.
“Presents?” You asked. He scooped up the armor bundle and dinner basket.
“Of a sort. I thought we could eat in tonight. Your armor is finished. Would you like to try it on?”
You agreed, and he led you back into his room, down in front of his fireplace. Dinner first, little bite-sized tidbits that he knew you liked, fed back and forth, and a moderate amount of wine.
He could see just the tiniest bit of tipsiness shining in your eyes when he put the food and drink aside, and brought out your armor.
You marveled over each piece, rubbing your face against the shimmering silk, delighting in the little details all over the armor. Loki helped you put it all on over your dress, and then, he offered the helmet.
At first you were speechless, overcome by its beauty. Then you couldn't stop gushing over that beauty, interspersed with welcome thanks and much less welcome insinuations that you didn't deserve something so grand. You deserved everything. You deserved the moon and stars. You deserved every ounce of precious metal, every carat of gemstone, you deserved it all, if only because he wanted to give it to you.
He stood you in front of the large mirror, and with great satisfaction, lowered the helmet down onto your head. Like a reverent coronation, you stared at yourself, as if trying to recognize your reflection. Beyond the slight asymmetry of your face, which had never quite gone back to normal, there was now the new look of your perfectly tailored armor over top of your flowing skirt, all your beautiful jewelry, your precious knife, and this helmet, a crown fit for royalty.
You were no different in appearance than a noble goddess, one of the glorious Aesir. He could see you at the head of a battlefield, shouting orders and being obeyed, at the head of a table, presiding over a victory feast, at the head of a bed, holding a swaddled infant in triumph.
You had turned and could clearly see what was in his face, as he hadn't bothered to hide it. Maybe he wanted you to see.
“Show me yours.” You said-almost commanded, pawing at his chest.
He liked this side of you equally to the shy side. The side of you that demanded, that expected, that could be selfish. The side of you that made you run up and grab his hand in the first place.
He knew what you meant. Green light webbed over his body, replacing his comfortable tunic and trousers with his ceremonial court armor. You stared, breath becoming heavier, taking it all in. The stiff, thick cape, the tall horns, the complex Nornbein breast plate with all its interlocking pieces meant to mimic the scales of a snake-or the belly of a dragon. The built in scale tassets on the thighs of his fine, olive trousers, that just so happened to draw the gaze in a certain direction...
He watched your eyes drift downwards, slipping down the metal guides to their intended focus-he still couldn't believe his mother had never said anything about it-and grow round at the sight of him, lovingly cupped by taut cotton. Your tongue darted out to wet your lips.
You pressed close, and though he couldn't feel you much through all the layers, there was something just as exciting about the clink and weight of the armor as there was in the silky warmth of bare skin. He wrapped his arms around you, squeezing, and you smashed your mouth against his in hungry lust.
You nearly knocked him over in you eagerness to get him onto the bed, and he fell into a sitting position, laughing.
“Stars, you're beautiful.” He purred. “Powerful. Grand.”
He reached for his trousers, but you stopped him.
“Not yet.” You said.
“Not yet.” He repeated.
“Just this.”
You straddled him, your skirts hitching up around your thighs, and pressed very close. Now Loki could feel your warmth, cloth barriers the only thing separating you from his swiftly hardening member, the bulge of which you began grinding slowly against.
A soft groan escaped him.
His hands found your rear through your skirts, and your throat with his lips, delighting in the vibration of your pleased moans. The friction grew between you  as you drew away to gaze at him through heavy-lidded eyes; His armor, his helmet, whatever it was you saw that you liked so much had you throwing your head back and rolling your hips even faster.
And it was he who had done this. Merely existing, wearing a certain set of clothes, he had driven you to this frenzy of lust. Just because he wasn't truly inside you just yet, didn't mean this wasn't what it was. You were taking him as your own, and he was absolutely going to let you do it. Anytime, any way, however you liked.
Your moans grew high and ragged; Loki crushed you to his chest, bucking his hips. The friction, the heat, and the sound of your impassioned cries sent him spiraling into his own orgasm.
You held each other like that until your breathing slowed, and your bodies relaxed.
“Well. We should get you back out of that armor.” Loki said, voice slightly rough. “I'd say it more suggestively, but it appears you beat me to it.”
“You really don't know how sexy that armor is? Didn't anybody ever throw themselves at you while you were wearing that?
“Well...yes. But it didn't really matter. It wasn't you.”
You mewled an embarrassed little sound, and hid your face in the crook of his neck. Loki chuckled, running his hands down your body. Your new armor melted away into your comfortable and modest nightdress.
“Wow...Where did it all go?” You asked, wriggling in his lap, as his own armor faded into soft sleeping clothes.
“To your room, where your nightgown was.” He said, as you ran your fingers through his newly freed hair.
“Your horns are so handsome.” You murmured against his lips. “Just like you.”
He felt the bashful smile curl his mouth. “Will you stay with me tonight? He asked hopefully.
You nodded. “I'd like to. If you don't mind though, I need to play noise on my phone. It's been helping me sleep.”
“Whatever you need.” Whatever kept you by his side.
The two of you took a little time to clean yourselves up and prepare for bed, then snuggled down in the sheets together, holding and stroking one another. You set your phone up to play cicada song, and Loki watched you slowly fall asleep to its sawing.
Soon, his little project would be done, and you might never have to sleep away from him again.
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