#i want to sleep for a thousand years. i . would like a friendship tbh. if i had one person to talk about my pookies with i think.
inkats · 1 year
why am i not vibing.
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isa-ghost · 6 months
Do you have any headcanons as far as Philza and BBHs' relationship? I've enjoyed thinking about that because I think it's one of the few relationships on Philza's side that's actually a bit more complicated? But also Philza saying that BBH wouldn't lie is the funniest thing ever.
Or if no headcanons about Philza and BBH specifically what about Philza, Bad, and Cellbit as a trio in charge of the order because I really loved that
OOOH this is gonna be an interesting challenge because I don't watch a lot of Bad :0!
qPhil headcanons masterlist
Obligatory they're both thousands of years old mention. There's some things they can talk about and relate on that no one else on the island can. MAYBE Foolish, but Foolish tends to just focus on the present and vibe. Phil and Bad though, in the right conditions, they could and will have deep conversations about the past and their experiences.
On that note holy fucking shit these two would be terrifying teamed up together. If the Feds ever do something harmful or permanent to the eggs, god help them when these two decide they're armed enough and hatch a plan. They'll rain hell on the entire island and then some. And every other parent will be more than willing to join them. Do Not Piss Off The Immortal Murder Dads.
Phil could tell clearly that Bad is part demon. Finding out he was part reaper was a surprise. Honestly with how much of a lil trickster Bad is, Phil is surprised he isn't part Fae or something.
Phil takes one look at how Bad goes "no idea what you're talking about, nothing happened :D" about stuff like him Literally Dying and is like [uncanny Mr Incredible] "at least I'm not that bad." Phil just (very poorly) hides things and says he's fine. He doesn't straight up deny anything happened (and couldn't convincingly act like nothing is wrong the way Bad can if he tried)
Missa is a reaper. Bad is a reaper. Phil wants to see them talk about reaper things together. Or see them both in action. He himself can also carry small conversations about it since he's learned so much through osmosis :D
Actually that's kinda why Phil feared Bad so much during Purgatory. That was him in action. And he never wants to be on an opposing side of it again.
He doesn't resent Bad for Purgatory btw he just jokes like it sometimes. Same as with Tubbo (or anyone else for that matter), he blames the Watcher for trying to destroy their friendships.
Has straight up looked Bad in the eyes like "are you aware you are raising the most terrifying egg. Are you." He genuinely thinks if Dapper wanted to, he could kill Phil in his sleep. Every time he sees Dapper, he's learned something new and insane.
Tbh Phil sometimes envies how full of whimsy Bad is. He's seen infinitely more horrors than Phil for sure, yet he always ironically seems like a little ball of sunshine despite being a literal shadow lookin demon. What The Fuck is this man's secret to staying so silly.
Phil is endlessly fascinated by the extent to which Bad can come up with more and new protections for the eggs. He thinks of stuff not even remotely on Phil's radar. See, Phil's a safety expert as a survivalist, but most of his skills involve using what's around you and your wits, because survival is largely about relying only on yourself because you rarely have any other choice. Bad on the other hand will not hesitate to seek out new tech, other people, or tinker and experiment until he discovers new ways to use anything and everything he can get his hands on. Phil admires how intuitive he is.
Also Bad is really good at making bases and Phil enjoys seeing how balanced the aesthetics and practical parts are. Bad can make something look cozy and lavish as hell while also putting like a billion farms and gadgets into it.
I wonder how a conversation about possession would go. :) Surely Bad has some insight on it as a demon?
Something about how the two of them have arguably the most horrific egg death nightmares. I don't know where to go with this but goddamn would Crows and Ghosties be feasting.
Actually wait shut up, I just realized something kinda cute. In the same way Phil can talk to birds (particularly crows ofc), Bad can talk to the dead/undead (particularly ghosts). Imagine the sillies that could come out of that. It's said that animals can see the dead, what if Phil's murder conspires with the ghosts that follow Bad around ;D
The moment Phil would use his wings if they were healed, Bad would clock that he's the Angel of Death. I'm not sure he saw Phil flying during Purgatory, but if he did, he knows. And that would lead to many interesting conversations. :)
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kanmom51 · 3 years
In the new tokopedia interview, jk said saranghae to v, apparently it's a wordplay but we know all the Fandom will say he just confessed. Tbh I'm a bit sad, maybe he really meant, and he never said that to jm..
Before I start, let me be clear here:
This is only going to be addressed once. No more asks about this will be answered.
JK said "I love you" to Tae twice (consecutively) in the Tokopedia interview. The sky is falling down. Wait a second here. No it in actual **** isn't.
Where do I start here? With JK professing his love to Tae or with an interview recorded around 4 months ago (the Butter era - Tae with poodle hair - no offence)?
I will start with the interview then.
Yes, omg, JK actually said the words "I love you, I love you" to Tae, who was first to try and hit the balloon with the dart and succeeded. He earned 4 points. Was it to congratulate or placate him I don't know, but it sure in hell wasn't a profession of love.
If the man I loved would profess his love to me that way, he would find himself sleeping on the lawn outside (we don't have a doghouse, lol).
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Yeah, thumbs up, "I love you" - sound real loving.
Since that interview, close to 4 months ago approx., many waters have flowed in the river, waters that showed us exactly how JK & JM are doing just fine.
These are my opinions of course, and everyone is free to think as they will, but once again, I think people need to take a step back, look at the big picture, stop judging every single action or word that come out of these boys mouths.
JK doesn't have to profess his love for JM in front of us. What JK feels about JM, believe me JM knows. How many times do we have to say that JM would not have stuck around if his emotional needs weren't met by JK? JM has said in the past how important it is to him to hear "I love you", so I can only assume that he hears it on a regular basis from the person he is romantically involved with.
Oh, and btw, this claim JK has NEVER said "I love you" to JM is growing real old.
JK has said "I love you" to JM, for us to hear, and he has done so more than once. He said it to JM during the eat Jin Vlive (at JM's request, but he said it); He said it to JM during the Paris concert (it was talked down as a mistake in translation, but hell no, he said it out loud in front of thousands of fans); He said it to JM during JM's Vlive when he took the phone from Jin (JK's voice & JM's happy flustered reaction said it all); He told him he loved him in sign language on the red carpet in front of all of the media; He said it following JM saying how important it is for him to hear those words, and seconds after JK himself saying he never initiates it, but then turning around and saying "I love you" to JM; And there is RB too, the "I love you"'s, the whispering in JM's ear and what followed.
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JK also told JM he wanted him, he told him he will always be no. 1 to him, he flirts with him constantly, looks at him like he's the most precious thing he has ever seen, is willing to give up Marvel for Harry Potter just to be with JM, etc. etc.
Just to wrap this up in a little bow anon, I will make this as clear as I can:
All the members love each other. They love each other as friends. They have said so to each other. Suga told both JK & Tae he loved them. Suga told JM he loved him. Jin said it to Suga. Jin said it to JK and he said it back. BV1 recorded message from everyone, including JK saying "I love you" to Tae. JM said it to JK. JM said it to Hobi. JM said it to Suga. RM said it to Jin. And I can go on and on and on here. They love each other, they say it to each other.
Does the fact that JM said it to other members mean he loves JK any less? No. Because you can love your parents, your siblings, your friends and your partner. Each and every one of them is a different kind of love, but it's still love. So why the double standards here anon? Why is it ok when JM says it to other members but not JK?
I tell you what I think.
I think it's ok for them to do what the hell they want to. They are free to tell the other members they love them, they have been doing so over the years, and low and behold, it doesn't seem to bother either of them. And why would that be? Because they are secure in their love for each other. They, unlike many fans, understand the complexity of life, friendship and being in love with someone. They are not threatened by their partner saying "I love you" to their other friends, because they know that when it's said to them (in private, when it matters) it's a different "I love you", one saved for a lover, not a friend.
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nctseren · 4 years
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She's his #1 fan, no joke here. Sohee is always praising his vocals and visuals, she had said multiply times that Taeil is indeed her favorite oppa, since the moment he took her under his wing she decided that she will always try to make him happy. He has a big heart so she's always taking care of that.
He also takes care of her, she's his baby after all, and is always mad that SM doesn't let her show her amazing vocals.
Always hugging him and there's a ton of compilations of her and Haechan fighting for his attention. And, of course, always begging for Taeil solo.
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Johnny is the brother she never had. He was the first nct member she met.
He always takes care of her, since the moment she arrived. But also likes to be that annoying big brother (she doesn't mind that much). Gives her a lot of hugs when feeling sad.
AND fun fact lmao she had her first beer with him because "it has to be with family" and HE IS family, her parents love him and will forever be grateful with him. They actually may love him a little more than they love her but it's okay cause his mother does love her more and it's always asking for "that little baby star",,,, sigh they're family!!
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He's her leader and like a dad, of course she loves him. Since she's the only female member he tends to worry about her a little more — is she sleeping well? is she eating? how is she doing?
It's something he can't really help, he needs to take care of her. Sohee always goes to him and ask for help whenever she feels like her rapping is not that good (which is a total lie).
Even though he's the dad in the relationship, she tends to take care of him too, specially in nights when he can't sleep or is feeling stressed. She just wants him to feel that he's not alone in this.
Fact: roommates <3
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It's crazy, really, and Yuta can't believe it because she is tiny and cute, but sometimes... She may seem a little intimidating and, even though he doesn't want to accept it, sexy on stage. But he knows better, that's just fake because she is indeed a big baby. His big baby? He sure hopes so (even if he has to fight Taeil and maknae line).
Their friendship at the beginning was weird cause during trainee and rookie years Sohee was always stuck with Red Velvet members so they didn't had that much time to interact, or more like they didn't tried. But now they know they were idiots and love each other more than anything, maybe Yuta a little more.
He's the one who holds her hand in airports and hypes her the most when she's doing literally anything.
Yuta likes to sit between her and Mark so he can give his full attention to both, but ends up getting jealous of just those two talking and giggling 😔 pay attention to him pls
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This friendship is kinda cute-funny because at the beginning Sohee was his baby, not doubt.
Doyung would always show her off and talk nonstop about her, whenever she was fighting one of the members he would pick her side, and trust me when I tell you that he would kick 127 asses if they did something to her.
But the last year their relationship became a little more playful to the point that one moment they're ready to throw hands, pulling pranks, insulting each other and the next one they're hugging — he keeps saying it's Haechan's fault she's that way.
(Still picks her side on everything.)
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Cutest best friends, fans think they're soulmates. Always together, like in interviews they sit together (and judge everything and everyone lmao), sometimes they laugh like the funniest thing happened and that kind of makes the members feel left out (like wth what's so funny???) but it's not on purpose!!!
Used to do vlives on Tuesdays, not every week but they tried, Sohee called it "Tuesyay" (she was drunk okay! besides nctzen liked it so) and it was just them cooking or doing cute domestic things.
But honestly that's nothing compared to how they are when there's no cameras around, they hug even more and watch movies in his (and jungwoo's) room, especially when one of them can't sleep or is feeling down, they really help each other and it's really cute.
They're a pretty big famous ship in the fandom, and even non nctzen know about them. Tbh it doesn't bother them cause they really do love each other but they would like to be known for their talent instead of just fans shipping them, that's why lately they're trying to not be like that in front of cameras.
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He's the prettiest boy she has ever seen, Sohee was so happy he became an nct member and even more when it was announced that he was gonna be in 127.
They're iconic and really flirty with each other which is a surprise for the members (well for yuta and maknae line) cause she! is! not! like! that! with! them! and it's not like they want to, right? but how??? she's a baby she can't do that!!
Always telling that HE! IS! PERFECT! his vocals are amazing and his dancing skills 100/100. Damn she just loves him too much.
Jungwoo loves her so much, too. She can be doing nothing and he's like "YES YOU GO"
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Precious 99 liners!! They're so cute together, kind of give that puppy love vibe which it may be true but they're also just friends and always have been, even though she used to have a crush on him but you didn't heard it from me okk? That's long gone and tbh she feels like finding a person like him it's weird and hard, he's so unique that ruining that would just kill her so they're precious best friends that tell each other everything and that's it.
Ngl Johnny and Taemin ships them almost as much as half of the fandom, but because they're not that obvious with their skinship they don't push it that much. They're more like longing stares and a lot of smiles when the other is talking, more in the admiring side.
He was soooo shy when they met and she was like ?? but after 2 weeks they became friends.
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He's just,,, ugh sometimes she wants to punch him so hard but then she remembers he's her Haechanie whom she loves with her whole heart. It's weird really, he's always pulling pranks on her or bothering her but the next moment he doesn't let anyone touch her.
Doesn't call her noona and tbh she doesn't care, that makes them feel close. She always saves his ass from Doyoung and sometimes Renjun, she would do it a thousand times. That's her Haechanie, how could she not save him? Besides she's the only one who can kick his ass.
Expect him to try to give her kisses on every live (he know she can't hit him on camera lmao)
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delusionland · 3 years
How did they first meet?
here is my personal hc. tim told cass about a girl. he didn’t tell her anything about the girl, just that she was woefully unprepared to be a crimefighter... but also she was kinda cute, in a totally naive way (90s tim was kind of an asshole, never forget). cass couldn’t quite understand what he was saying while he showed her the batfile on her---the picture of the spoiler, etc. but she got his general tone and body language. cass then sought steph out. for nights. nights looking for the spoiler. when she found her---she tackled her, immediately engaged her in a fight. she went so, so easy on her. she just wanted to see what a cute girl was. and steph... was definitely a cute girl. at the time, cass couldn’t talk, couldn’t communicate with her. but she left her a gift. a nice knife that she had throw at her head---deliberately missing it, that was... especially ornate, and seemed shiny and valuable, and most of all purple to match her costume. pretty purple girls like pretty purple things, right?
What was their first impression of each other?
steph probably did not think well of cass, at first. after that first outing---the batfamily got involved. cass was to help steph with her fighting. steph was to help cass with her speech. without the mask on---steph could see how much cass enjoyed her company. it was hard not to realize she had a sense of humor about everything. the laughter she had exhibited on a still-baby-at-the-time spoiler screaming her head off about what she thought was some kind of demon-ninja batgirl was... genuine, and not malicious in the slightest. she seemed to want to be friends, and every time steph frowned at her, or was a sore loser, cass simply smiled and laughed harder, finding everything steph did perfectly amusing. as they got to know each other---cass got better at talking, and steph got better at fighting, and they kind of, met somewhere on the outer edges of the middle for a while. there was always something standing between them--though. a resentment, not between them, but a misunderstanding. that cass belonged to bruce and the bat. and steph belonged to tim.
Did any of their friends or family want them to get together?
i feel like conner kent at the very least shipped it. alfred really thought there was a spark between them, and during their brief frenemy stage---alfred made sure steph knew cass genuinely cared for her. bruce did NOT want them to get together at all, though. neither did tim, for obvious reasons.
Who felt romantic feelings first?
cass. it was love the first time steph managed to punch herin the face. did she win? no. but she GOT her. and through that tenacity, cass realized that her friend was so much more than a silly, pretty girl. she was a fighter. she was a champion. and more than anything, she was brave, and determined, and they had practiced a thousand times for just this moment. and afterwards, steph was just so proud of her overall failure instead of being herr typical loser.... cass couldnt help but know steph was always going to be the love of her life.
Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
they both did! didn’t want to ruin the friendship!
If you had told one of them that the other would be their soulmate, what would they think?
cass would get a curious look, steph wouldn’t believe you!
What would their lives be like if they had never met?
they would be a lot worse, a lot lonelier. steph never would’ve become batgirl, that’s for sure, and cass would’ve learned to speak---but in a way entirely removed from her own personality and love of herself & life.
Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
it was a mutual thing in ocean city, maryland. they were in a photo booth, sitting in eachother’s laps, leg over leg, they did a silly face, and then another silly face, and then their faces were so close---and then SMOOCH CITY, and they WOULD NOT LEAVE THE BOOTH lol.
Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
they considered ocean city their first date. but they’re not really the ‘dating’ types. they both LOVE to fight. they both LOVE to crime fight. they both LOVE spending time together doing NOTHING. if anything, the first time cass had to go to a gala with her was the first time they realized---ugh, do we REALLY have to be WAYNES? do we really have to have REAL LIVES? why can’t we stay in our cuddle - asskicking bubble forever?
What was their first kiss like?
it was the most natural possible thing, and it was something they had both almost had so many times before that it was like drowning in sensation after you had subsisted off of gerbil-cage drips of water for years. they couldn’t stop! they were consumed with want, and they only stopped when they started to get a little TOO frisky and somebody moved the curtain of the booth because they wanted to get their own picture taken and they were like ‘fuck! okay lets get french fries!’ lol
Were they each other’s first anything (kiss, relationship, etc.)?
steph is cass’s first gf, and vice versa.
What’s their height difference? Age difference?
cass is 5′7″ JUST tall enough to be taller than her gf >: )
What’s their relationship with each other’s families?
cass will kill the puzzler or whatever the fuck his name is. he sucks. steph’s mom loves her tho :’ ) and well. the less said about bruce and steph the better, but like. your whole blog is proof of how much the rest of the batfam loves steph!
Who takes the lead in social situations?
they both are the ‘HAHA! THE ECONOMY!’ gif tbh.
Who gets jealous easier?
cass. steph is special cargo, the first girl / person she ever loved romantically, the first friend she ever had. however, cass has made it very publically known she wants threesomes with other hotties of multiple genders.
Who whispers inappropriate things in the other’s ear?
Who said “I love you” first?
steph, and she agonized over it, only for cass to say it so easily in a way cass didn’t think it would ever be easy for her to say. like steph is some magical fairy tale princess that lifts the curse on cass to never be able to express love the way love is supposed to be expressed. steph just makes things easy. she makes everything easy.
What are their primary love languages?
Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
they both do they’re TERRIBLE.
How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
batgirl and the black bat are forced on seperate patrols bc they do this so much and they HATE it and SNEAK OUT and kiss ANYWAY!
Who initiates kisses?
Who’s the big and little spoon?
cass is big spoon!
What are their favorite things to do together?
they really like watching wrestling and kung fu movies together i think. steph also likes girly movies, but cass gets bored after a while and just starts wrestling with her over the popcorn and then wrestling leads to hankypanky. most of all they love fighting and dancing AND PLAYING PRANKS on the bat boys.
Who’s better at comforting the other?
cass is.
Who’s more protective?
Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
physical affection.
What are some songs that apply to their relationship, in-universe or otherwise?
jenny - studio killers
What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
they both call each other batgirl affectionately, cass also learns new words to say girlfriend and sweetie all the time and uses those.
Who remembers the little things?
If they get married, who proposes?
they COMPETE to see who will do it first. they use the batcave to make sure the other isnt going to look for rings. and when they find the other one shopping for rings. its fucking GO-TIME BITCH. you’re not going to propose to me, i’m going to propose to you! when they pop out the boxes at the exact same time, cass steals the ring from steph’s hands and holds it up over her head and throws hers at steph’s head like ‘YOU HAVE TO MARRY ME FIRST. NO TAKEBACKSIES.’
What’s the wedding like? Who attends?
it’s a big wedding. cass loves, loves people. it’s a whos-who, especially since cass is gonna be batman and she has all the justice league contacts now. cass turns a bit into a bridezila, but like, as a joke, mostly, and she calms down when steph is like ‘i thought we could be more intimate...’ lol
How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
they adopt some bratty street kids that are tangentially related to joker / black mask / puzzler / lady shiva as a fuck you. they love their kids so much.
Do they have any pets?
so many cats. a million cats.
Who’s the stricter parent?
Who worries the most?
Who kills the bugs in the house?
How do they celebrate holidays?
they go to concerts!!!! big loud concerts where they can mosh!!!
Who’s more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
cass! no school! just cuddles!
Who’s the better cook?
steph. cass doesn’t know how to, and also refuses to, fry an egg.
Who likes to dance?
cass most of all!
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margridarnauds · 4 years
margrid arnaud das music-i mean marie antoinette das musical for that ask meme
 Top 5 favourite characters: Margrid, Orléans, Louis, Marie, Fersen
Other characters you like: Lamballe, the kids, Robespierre, Danton, Immortal Marat
Least favourite characters: Hébert, Bertin, Hébert, Leonard, Jacques Réne Hébert, Drouet, Hébert...
Otps: Margrid/Orléans, Marie/Louis....I COULD ship Margrid/Lamballe and Margrid/La Motte but let’s be real I’m not going to, Marie/Orléans in a very specific way (namely Bitter Ex Friends)
Notps: Hébert/Margrid, Fersen/Margrid, Hébert/Orléans
Favourite friendships: Fersen & Margrid, Lamballe & Antoinette, Orléans & Lamballe (not canon to the musical, but was a historical Thing), Orléans & Margrid when I’m not actively shipping them. 
Favourite family: Marie’s family, especially her dynamic with Margrid (LET ! MARGRID ! BE ! THE WEIRD! AUNT!) and Louis’ odd dynamic with Orléans. Really, MA is just the story of one very, very dysfunctional family. 
Favourite season/book/movie: 2018 Toho Production. 
Favourite quotes: .....showing myself for the Orléans Stan I am: “Oh, cowards, tremble and sleep!” Mitsuo Yoshihara’s delivery SELLS it. Honorable mention: “Just the smallest of sparks is sufficient to set dry grass into an inferno - I just need to promise them a new world where they can live in.” 
That and the from the final song, the entire cast: “Can we change the world for ourselves? What can we do to break the chains of violence? What is equality? When will people finally learn from the past? Will revenge ever end? That answer can only be yielded by ourselves!” 
Best musical moment: There are some REALLY good moments in this musical - Margrid calling the wrath of God down on the aristocrats during “Blinded by the Light of a Thousand Candles”, the reprise of “Blinded” when the poor join in with Margrid, the entirety of “I Am The Best”, the key change in the Korean version of “Kill the Snakes”, the part during the March to Versailles when the other women join in for the first time to tell Margrid they aren’t going, Fersen’s low note during his first love song with Antoinette, the bit during “The Only Thing I ever Did Right” when Fersen comes in for the first time and he and Antoinette duet,  the bit during The Jacobin Club when the entire Jacobin Club steps out together and swears to bring down Antoinette, the bit during “Eyes of Hatred” when Margrid and Antoinette’s voices blend PERFECTLY, the bit during the trial when the crowd begins to apply pressure to Antoinette while Margrid realizes how fucked up things have gotten. 
Moment that made you fangirl/boy the hardest: I was trying to not be predictable.....but look. I lose my shit every time we get to “I Am The Best”. Because they really DID give Orléans the single best song in the musical and expected us NOT to stan. That and when he takes his final bow, because he gets a reprise of the song WITH electric guitars because, yes, he’s an extra bitch. 
When it really disappointed you: The 2021 Toho. I could devote an entire post to how that production disappointed me, even outside of my personal ships, but like. It was a disappointment from beginning to end and I’m actually happy that it’s out of Tokyo now. 
Saddest moment: Margrid sobbing after Antoinette’s death and then having to wipe the tears off her face to meet the tribunal. And then the look on her face at the end....
Most well done character death: Marie’s - Literally the entire musical has been leading up to this and the scene itself makes a wonderful use of callbacks and musical cues to give it this sense of TENSION throughout the entire thing, which builds off of that earlier scene where Hébert confronts Margrid. We know that Antoinette is going to die - There’s no way of avoiding it, but we still are wondering what’s going to happen. What’s Margrid going to do? Is she going to risk a life of security for the sake of the woman she’s started to feel sympathy for? Are these two women ever going to come to terms with one another, with the answer being yes as Antoinette by calls Margrid by her name instead of “the girl” and Margrid gives that last, dangerous bow. 
Favourite cast member: I’m not generally big on following individual cast members, but PROBABLY Sonim? 
Character you wish was still alive: I. Might have toyed with a few ways of keeping Marie alive in the past. 
One thing you hope really happens: Really, really hoping the upcoming Korean production is good. Like, that’s the extent of my ambition after the last Toho. 
Most shocking twist: Lamballe’s Death. I have NEVER seen anyone come in prepared for it in over 2 years of streaming. *I* was shocked when I saw it because I literally never expected a Japanese depiction of Marie Antoinette to get into the September Massacres, especially do THAT extent. And it really is the point where, suddenly, you realize that NO ONE is safe. Up until this point, no one’s died. The Royal Family’s imprisoned, but there’s a certain romanticism you can find in the situation, the idea that, hey, now they’re a happy, nuclear family. Then, the show distracts you with that discussion between Marie and Margrid so that they it can SLAM the knife into your back. And, from that point, no one’s safe. Literally anyone in the cast can die, to the point where people do, genuinely fear for Margrid’s safety by the end. It’s probably one of the single best twists I’ve seen in musical theatre, because it sets the stage for the last twenty minutes brilliantly. 
When did you start watching/reading?: You know? It had to have been back in 2013. A subber that I liked had JUST finished Rebecca das Musical and had moved on to Marie Antoinette, and I thought “Well! Kunze and Levay came out with a Mar’ie Antoinette musical? I’ve got to see this, it’s going to be good!” 
Spoiler alert: It was not good. I made it twenty minutes in, got to the brothel scene, and never looked back. Which means that, actually, I only BARELY missed Orléans’ song. 
Favourite location: Antoinette’s bedroom - Those crazy sons of bitches REALLY replicated Antoinette’s ACTUAL BED to use. 
Trope you wish they would stop using: Stop trying to make Fersen/Margrid happen, it’s not going to happen. In general, there’s this idea that Margrid MUST be totally, absolutely loveless, and I don’t really see it. I’ll be the last to say she hasn’t had a hard life, but there’s this need to ISOLATE her that I just don’t really vibe with. I’m not even saying in an inherently romantic sense (in canon...I wouldn’t actually WANT to see, say, her and Orléans making out on-stage), but just in terms of having genuine connections. 
One thing this show/book/film does better than others: It really does a wonderful job as far as developing two separate female characters - Which shouldn’t be THAT HARD, given you have plenty of musicals about multiple guys all the time, and yet SOMEHOW....
Also, Margrid in particular is phenomenal, as a character. It’s definitely not uncommon for people to go in for Marie and end up really, really attached to Margrid and her development. 
Funniest moments: Hébert nearly getting hit with a door, Margrid peaking under her ball gown while it’s on the rack and Orléans dragging her away, the Stars and Stripes Gown....
Couple you would like to see: .....Orléans/Margrid. I know that I say I don’t want them to actually be CANON canon but also I would NOT complain if they did. Especially after the 2021 Toho production, it’s what I deserve. 
Actor/Actress you want to join the cast: Park Hye Na as Korean!Margrid would kill me, I know it. 
Favourite outfit: Besides Orléans’ 2018 coat (4ever in our hearts), special props to Antoinette’s golden gown in the opening. WHAT a character introduction. 
Favourite item: Margrid’s little knapsack she keeps on her. 
Do you own anything related to this show/book/film?: I own a ballpoint pen and a program from the 2021 Toho run - One of these days, I keep meaning to buy the German libretto so that I can translate it. 
Most boring plotline: BERTIN AND LEONARD. (But, in all fairness........look, they’re annoying, but also, when they’re gone, you do miss them, because that’s when shit gets fucked.) 
Most laughably bad moment: The entire 2006 Toho Cast exists just to be one very long laughably bad moment. That and, tbh, the German. Special props to the Brothel Scene. 
Most layered character: Margrid. Marie is ALSO a very layered, complex character, but Margrid gets special props because, off the top of my head, I can’t REALLY think of another female protagonist, in a musical, like her. Not saying they don’t EXIST, but I’m saying I haven’t personally seen them. 
Most one dimensional character: ...2006 Orléans. He Who We Don’t Discuss. 
Scariest moment: See above for Lamballe. 
Grossest moment: Hébert's final confrontation scene with Margrid. 
Best looking male: Kim Jun Hyun’s Orléans. *Wow*. 
Best looking female: Jang Eun Ah’s Margrid. Once again. *Wow.* 
Who you’re crushing on (if any): ...both Orléans and Margrid. Predictably. 
Favourite cast moment: Furukawa Yuta pranking Mitsuo Yoshihara by giving him “poisonous” things for his birthday, because “You are Duke d’Orleans and I am Fersen. You are poisonous and I am passive aggressive.”
Most beautiful scene (scenery/shot wise): The ball at Versailles. One of the most STUNNING scenes I’ve ever seen. Whoever did the lighting deserves all the accolades in the world for creating a scene that’s surreal, seductive, and gorgeous 
Unanswered question/continuity issue/plot error that bugs you: Not an ERROR, but I’m really, really interested in the story of Jeanette Arnaud, because this woman really haunts Margrid’s entire life but there’s so LITTLE we know about her and Margrid’s feelings about her. How long did her affair with the Emperor last? Did she always know he was the emperor during their affair, or did they meet under different circumstances? Fersen was clearly able to figure out that she was a mistress of his, so how public was the affair? And, if it was that public, does it mean that she was a servant, or was she, at the very least, middle class? How did he find out her mother’s identity? Why didn’t Orléans double-check himself? Does Margrid have any living grandparents or uncles/aunts? How old was Margrid when she died? Did she die before or after Margrid was kicked out by the nuns? (In the German, it’s very clearly the former, but who knows?)
I feel like there’s a really, really dark, tragic tale underneath all this about a young woman who ended up paying the ultimate price for falling in love with someone above her station, but it’s one that’s kept to literally only a few sentences. 
At what point did you fall in love with this show/book: Probably about.....five or ten minutes into the Toho, with the Palais Royal scene. I knew, from the time I saw Furukawa Yuta on stage as Fersen, that they’d changed things around, and then seeing the changes that were made, I was able to go “Oh! It’s good now!” I feel like the moment where I REALLY fell in love was “I Am The Best” because that had been a scene I’d been REALLY concerned about from the German and then Mitsuo Yoshihara casually came in there and owned it. 
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Hidden In Plain Site (2)- Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count:  2348
A/N: This was inspired by this wonderful post by @starsholland. Without it this would not be happening. This will be a multi part fic, but I don’t know how many chapters or when it will be posted so if you’d like to be tagged let me know:)  Welcome to Tom being undercover on Tumblr. Quick notes- Y/T/B = Your Tumblr Blog
Chapter One || Master List
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The edit turned out better than you thought it would. You had decided to use blue and red, since they’re Spider-Man colors and it honestly suits Tom and Haz so well. You still are wondering when the picture is from since you scoured the depths of Google and Tumblr to no avail. It’s either really old, or not really posted. Either way it made an adorable edit and will look great in your edit’s tag. It’s also sparked some ideas for a friendship imagine. It’s been so long since you wrote anything, with work and family stuff weighing you down, but you can picture the outline in your head so as soon as you finish the last touches on your outline, you click open a new document and drop a few lines down to get going. 
“What you working on?” Your brother calls to you from across the living room. He knows that once you’re home for the afternoon, it’s not normally work stuff, but sometimes your graphic design projects run into your post work day.
“Just some edits. Nothing too big.”
“Bringing work home?”
“Nope, just working on some extra stuff.” You type some more into the document, wanting to make sure that everything is hitting the moment right. In your browser, you pull up your tumblr and make a new post.
Ask me stuff while I work on my latest imagine. Give me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you a song from my writing playlist and a memory attached to it.
Across the ocean, Tom can’t sleep. It’s nearly 3am, but something is keeping his mind from sleeping. He should be able to sleep just fine. He isn’t working on any movies that have him worried, he doesn’t have any auditions coming up, and he doesn’t have press for a few weeks. So why can’t he get to sleep?
Lifting his phone in his hand he sees a notification from Tumblr saying that Y/T/B has posted. He swipes across and waits for the post to load. You want questions? Well, he can help with that. Plus, he’s interested in learning about what kind of music you’re interested in.
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked: 
Three Anons come in right after another. You weren’t expecting that quick of a reaction. Sure you had a couple hundred followers, but you didn’t tend to get that many reactions to your posts. At least not back to back. But you’ll take it, and reply. As soon as you send the edit to that blog that asked for it.
You pull up the thread between you and tomholland2013. You click the camera button and upload the edit you had done. 
Hey, here’s that edit. Hope this works for you! 
Surprisingly, whoever is behind the account messages back immediately.
That looks awesome! Thanks so muchX
Hows your night going?X
More like afternoon here lol. I’m just getting some work done after getting home earlier.
How about you? Is it night there?
It’s like the middle of the night here and I can’t sleepX
If it’s middle of the night there, did you see the news? 
What news?X
That Tom saved Spider-Man?! It’s been all over Tumblr since I got home from work.
It’s kind of the reason I made your edit in red and blue tbh.
I hadn’t had time to look at my dashboard to be honest. I’ve been busy with work stuff most of the afternoon.X
It wasn’t a lie. Over the past few days having talks between him, Bob and Tom trying to smooth everything over, there wasn’t much time to glance over the explosion that had happened since the original news had been released. But after clicking send on his message to Y/N, he clicks over to your main blog to see the reaction to the news. There are some general reblogs of the news announcing Spider-Man returning to the MCU but then there were also some general posts about Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Your tags are what really get to him. Some like hashtag my-baby-is-back-where-he-belongs and hashtag get-tom-drunk-more-often-if-it-saves-my-baby. He can’t help but laugh at the last one. True he hadn’t exactly been sober when he and Bob had first talked about getting Spider-Man back in the MCU, but he didn’t think that story would take the world by storm.
Going into his settings, Tom quickly updates his picture with the edit you had done for him. Honestly, it looked better than he had hoped for. You had done Spider-Man colors and if he wasn't trying to keep this blog on the down low, he would share it on his Instagram so his fans could see how talented Y/N was. As he hits save, another message comes through from you.
Do you mind if I use the edit I sent you as inspiration for an imagine?
A what?X
An imagine. It’s a specific type of fanfic. I had a great idea of one while I was working on the edit for you, but if you’re not cool with it, I’ll find a different picture.
You did all the work on it. Feel free to use it. What kind of story?X
Basically like a Tom x Reader with hints of Harrison friendship notes in it. It’s hard to explain lol
Have you written other stuff?X
I think everyone on this site dabbles in it from time to time, but yeah I’ve written a few pieces over the past few years.
Do you have a list of them?X
Sure, it’s here.
You had linked a page in your message. Apparently dabbling meant one.. Two.. three… his finger drags down the page as he counts the stories. Holy hell, you’ve written fifty stories about him, Peter Parker and even some of the other Avengers. But most of them revolve around him and x Reader, whatever that means. You had mentioned it in your message, but he wasn’t sure what it meant.
Ok, I’m new to the whole fanfic thing, so pardon my stupidity but what does x reader mean?X
It’s a self insert fic. Basically anywhere that it says Y/N or you, you put yourself into the fic. They’re one of the most popular types of fics.
Before he can reply to your message, a notification comes up saying that Y/T/B has posted a new post.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B/ Answered: Heather by Conan Gray. So I love this song and totally have screamed along with the chorus of this song when I’m alone at home and writing or in my car driving places (otherwise I would freak my family out). When I wrote a fic called The Smell of Your Sweater, on my master list here, I listened to this song on repeat for three days straight to be in the right mind set. Honestly I could probably listen to this song until the end of time and never get sick of it. 
Tom reads over the answer and can picture someone jamming out to a song so much that they love it. He pulls open his Spotify app and pulls up the song, because he wants to feel closer to you, even though you’re time zones apart from each other. The fact that it’s afternoon where you are and nighttime where he is makes him think that you’re in the United States.
So reader insert are some of the most popular type of fics, but what are your favorite to read?X
That’s not even something that I would share on a first date lol you’ll be waiting a bit to find out. 
Is sharing that you write fanfic something that you don’t talk about on a date?X
Not normally. Talking about it with tumblr friends is one thing because I link it on my blog, but what I read is a whole nother thing. It literally says so much about you with who you read, what ships you ship, and especially what kinks you look for.
You haven’t read much yet have you?
Literally no. I’ve only been on tumblr since I messaged you the first time. That was the day I made my blogX
So you’ve been on for a month? And you’re deciding to get into fanfics?
No I’m thinking I should stay away from it still. It seems like virtual porn.X
It doesn’t have to have anything smutty in it. Just click on ones that say fluff or don’t say smut next to them. You can also block certain tags so they don’t come up on your dashboard. Like Starker is a popular one to be blocked for a lot of people.
I don’t think I even want to know what that is if people are blocking it who are into this porn esque writing. X
It’s not porn lol You seem to have only found smut so far. We need to find you some fluff. Maybe some Tom x Reader?
Maybe I’m just not ready for it after all.X
Does he want to read about himself? Not at all. That seems creepy. But other people write about him too. It’s not just Y/N. He decides to research this further. In the search bar he types in Tom Holland Fanfic. The first four post all say smut or NSFW so he’s not going to bother reading them, but the thing that catches his eye is the fact that they all have over 2,000 notes on them. Two thousand people have liked or reblogged about him in a sexual way? What the actual flipping hell?
Before he has the chance to flip out even more, another notification from your blog pops up.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B answered: Praying by Kesha. THIS WOMAN COULD MURDER ME AND I WOULD THANK HER FOR IT. Plus that chorus makes me want to write some epic breakup scene and have one of the people begging the other to feel the same as they are feeling. Oooooo maybe I feel a one shot coming up. Anyway, a memory of this song- my best friend and I blasted this song while we drove from California to Philly to visit a school. It literally got us through so many hours of that drive. Kesha is bae lets be real. Or is that not what the cool kids say? 
When he sent you these asks, he thought he would get one or two sentences in response, but he’s learning so much about you from all of these asks. Maybe he would send you some non song related ones, maybe some To- Peter Parker ones to see what else you liked. Purely science based research. 
If you’re not ready for it, don’t push yourself. Fanfics can be a weird mindset to put yourself in. I used them at first to distract myself from some shitty family stuff that was going on, but now I read and write them for fun too. I think I mainly read Avenger ones at first as well as some TV shows too. Plus would I be a teenage girl if I didn’t read a few Twilight fanfics back in my day? 
Twilight? Like Rob-Tom makes himself type out Rob and Kristen’s full names like a fan would-ert Pattinson and Kristen Stewert Twilight?X
That one exactly. I was the generation it was aimed for and so fanfics galore were my teen years. But I’m proud to say I’m a recovered Twihard.
Glad to hear it darlingX
What about you? What were you into as a kid?
I’ve always been a fan of Spider-Man, ever since I was a kid.X
Comics or movies?
Comics. They’re the originalsX
Which Spider-Man is the best? 
Is that a trick question? Obviously HollandX
Was that conceited? Maybe. But hopefully, Y/N doesn’t think so. Oh wait she has no idea-
It was a trick question. A trick question that you clearly got right. 
Another notification pops up and you suddenly remember the last number that you sent Y/N. Well hopefully the number doesn’t seem like you.
Anonymous Asked: 
Y/T/B Answered: Noice. 
But the actual answer is Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. This song got me through my last bout of depression lol. I remember sitting on the floor of my bedroom with the lights off and just playing this song on repeat. Always open about that here. It also gets me to channel some deep emotions into some pieces that I’m working on because it reminds me of being in that dark place. I also really like the beat of this though, like how it sounds like a mix of an electric piano and an organ. So if I ever name a one shot Bad Religion, it’s probably named after this song.
Tom feels like a weight is sinking in his gut. Almost like someone slammed an anchor into the lower part of his bowl. He didn’t mean to bring up something so dark with that number. He was hoping it would actually make her laugh. So guess he will send her one more number, but this one won’t be on anonymous.
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Huh, he must have seen all the responses you posted. Between posting and replying to him, you hadn’t gotten much work on your imagine done, but you could post once more before jumping back to your word document. 
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Y/B/N answered: The Night We Met by Lord Huron. I literally saw them in concert with my friends last month so a lot of the memories I have of them are about this. But I have a great fanfic idea for this song specifically. To not spoil it completely I’ll just leave you with three spoilers- first date, first dance, secrets spilled. It’s a work in progress.
Now it’s time to get off the internet and back to writing, or else you’re going to Tumblr your day away.
Taglist: @ serendipitous-amor @im-still-tryin-to-find-it​
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butididnottried · 4 years
The Firebending Masters
I just couldn't bring myself to start watching this episode. Before i was like "yesss, bring me all the awkwardness" but then i was like "oh fuck oh shit no i'm a dumb dumbass that can't handle awkwardness and embarrassment well". Luckily Zuko trying to interacting with the rest wasn't that bad. But, he really don't know how to interact, huh? Zuko, baby, just... chill a little. Ya know, work on your upbeat attitude. xD
Let's be honest, those eastern dragons look just weird with wings. How their long bodies even keep up? Ok, i guess that since only sky bisons are the only animal airbenders the dragons can't also fly just like that because of reasons. But still.
So, they looked a bit on a pretty, rainbow fire and we're like "ah yes we understand". Good for you boys. I do not get it at all. How do people uderstand things just by looking at them?
They have a one big fire that's burning for thousands of years. So, even at the beginning firebenders we're extra.
I didn't metion it earlier but why badger moles are so frikin big? Moles are really tiny, seriously, they're tinier that you would expect. And badgers are... average, i guess? There's nothing about these animnals that says "put togehter = elephant size".
Zuko is there for a day and a half, trying no more to murder everyone, and Sokka is immediately ready to mess up with him. Bless this boy.
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The Boiling Rock, Part 1
Ok, honestly, Boiling Rock is kind of a stupid name. But now i learned that it's a literal boiling rock. A big rock in the middle of a boiling lake. In a volcano of course, because that's just how the fire nation is rolling. That's just funny.
They stole a whole fridge for people and no one noticed. Yeah, let's say it, these guard are not, hmmm... to not to be too rude... not very good at their job.  But i also don't get how this whole chunk of a metal don't get incredibly hot in this lake. Did i miss something? ??? And later no one was able to tell that this very suspiciously behaving teenager that just showed up a few days ago is a mole. Maybe that's just how fire guards works? With tennage interns, or something. Because why not. Or maybe Sokka is just that genius master of disguise.
They separated Hakoda and Bato. ):
I don't know why but Mais uncle design is... Idk what it is, but there's something about him that dosen't seem right. I look at him and... I Just Don't Know. Something Wrong. So... meaty?
Sokka is fully aware that even when he is planning everything out, the results are not necessarily good. Zuko at leat accepted that he's a dumbass that is doing things without thinking, but it looks like he's still not aware that everything end for him more or less good. And they're such dumb champs together. Amazing.
Appa is such a baby they need to throw food into his mouth. Aaaaw.
Hotsquats. HOTSQUATS.
The Boiling Rock, Part 2
AzUla iS PeOplE PerSon And she just shoot up herself like a rocket. Dynamite gal.
Meat of friendship and fatherhood. Yeak, ok, sounds about right. In order to be a dilf you need to be also beefy. I guess.
Maybe show me this heart to be broken and love stronger than fear before you try to made me care about it? Because cuddly teenagers are not particularly emotional and moving. No? Oh, ok. I read analysis about power dynamics between Mai, Ty Lee and Azula, how their friendship works and how it not works, but this betrayal still looks much like it get out of nowhere.
Riot. RIOT. RiOT riOt RioT rioT rrriooot rRriOoOt riooot rIOt lol
Damn, Suki know how to get shit done. And i love how is she an equal match to Ty Lee, so far the most dangerous  hand to hand fighter.
They stole a whole Big Adult War Baloon and just like that they flew back to the temple, huh.
The Southern Raiders
OOOoooh! So, yeah, Aang, if violence is never the answer what you're going to do when you finally meet firelord Ozai, eh? Ok, i know what's he gonna do, but it's weird that untill now he didn't thought about it at all. I guess that before the sun eclipse he didn't worried about how to defeat Ozai because he was supposed to be powerless, but now? Yeah Aang, yeah, whatcha gonna do when you come for him?
Why Sokka and Suki are so secretive about their relationship? Like, probably everyone knows about them. I bet it was Sokka idea and Suki just rolled with it just to humour him. And because it's cute and funny.
So Appa is so traumatized by tunnels that he would faced an air ships shooting bombs and fire at him in such intensity it looks like they shoot lasers.
Ok, Katara putting together her anger at Zuko and hatred towards all fire nation because of her mother being murdered makes sense. She was suppressing all her negative emotions for so long, no wonder that she even burst out at Sokka like that. As awful as it was, it’s understandable. Althought it would be nice to see her apologizing to him instead of talking with Aang about how she still do not forgave that man for what he done. I guess that people are having issues with Katara being angry at Zuko and overall angry is because we do not saw too much interactions between them. He just joins in, goes on two adventures and boom, i want my mother back! Not enough episodes with Zuko just dickin around with gaang and having bigger and lesser arguments.
But i also like how they showed that despite being full of hatred and anger Katara still wasn't able to kill. To commit murder herself. It's not that easy to kill someone, just like forgiveness is not easy. You can’t just say that you forgive or try to convince yourself into feeling like that. But you can somehow start to move on without it. But tbh Katara all this time was thinking about this man as a monster and that what she was exptecting to meet. And she found... well, we all know how he turned out to be. How do you gonna kill someone so pathetic?
I took your mothers life so you can take my mother, that's the only fair way, and i'm just like lololol xD
So, Sokka want to borrow Momo for a few days, who know for what, he most obviously do not. He just plans to get Momo and then maybe some adventure finds them on it's own.
Sooo, they we're just sleeping there like nothing happened and apparently we're surprised when attack happened. lmao seriously? No one got even half of a thaught that this big ass ship was followed? Hm it would be nice if someone else heard Azula celebrating becoming the only child. Sokka would made a good joke about how fucked up of a siblings they are.
The Ember Island Players
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Actress playing Aang was so adorable and cute and precious.
Toph get a big, muscle guy that is defeating 10 people at once while making sarcastic ripostes. That's accurate in, like, 99,9%.
Sokka, a fan of comedy, was so happy and proud when actor playing him used Sokkas jokes and audience loved it. I think that our boy can start writing plays. He could be this world Shakespeare with his sense of humor.
Yes, Jet just died and they couldn't care less. Also he got a flower instead of that wheat. Nice.
Using ribbons to show firebending is a pretty good idea.
The fire nation is not immune to fire nation propaganda plays.
But how they find out about all these events? Like, what happened under Ba Sing Se in crystal caves? Who was their informant? ...Azula herself?
What's going on about Katara and having hope?
The cringe, oh the cringe that gaang was experiencing, it's just beautiful. xD
But seriously, how long is that play?
They should turn it into musical lol.
Aang, you're just 12. Stop thinking about being romantically with someone. Seriously. And do not kiss anyone on a lips without consent. Boy, you need a proper education about boundaries. And take example from Katara - it's a war, there's no time for things like that. Tbh i have nothing against kataang, but it's not handled very well through whole show. There was more scenes with some romantic tension that we're amiss than good. :/
Also, it feels like there's at least one episode missing when at the beginning they're suddenly in Zukos family old house on the ember island. I do noy necessarily need to see every step of their journey, like talking about where to go, and then to go there and getting cozy and all that. But the difference between ending of previosu episode and beginning of this is kind of too much. Especially when it ended on such strong emotional moment for Aang.
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la-paritalienne · 5 years
since someone asked you to do a song by song review of nfr, would you do the same with lover?💗
ooohhhhhh gladlyyyyy! thank you so much for asking. 
i’ll be honest, there’s some songs in this album i’m completely obsessed with and some others that i don’t really like, so the review it’s bound to be less flattering than the one i did for nfr, but also i guess more interesting?? also i’m pretty sure that by listening again to the songs i’d ‘crossed out’ i’ll like them more – it’s normally like that with taylor’s songs to me, they get stuck in my head after a while. soooo, let’s get to it.
i forgot that you existed: lyrically it’s quite goooood, and it represents such a distinct feeling, ‘so nice’, as she says. i also really love the beat! strangely the thing i like less and that makes the song one of those that i’m indifferent to is the chorus. a cute opener but could have been amazing w a more poignant chorus, maybe? fave lyrics: in my feelings more than drake
cruel summer: KILL ME. everything in this song is just perfect. the sound, the lyrics, her voice… is gives me chills everywhere and brings me to tears. like it could be one of my favourite songs of 2019 and definitely destined to become an everlasting obsession of mine. fave lyrics: fever dream high in the quiet of the night you know that i caught it and of course i scream ‘for whatever it’s worth, i love you ain’t that the worst thing you ever heard?’
lover: pure beauty. it starts sounding like a slow dance, but it also contains the iconic ladies and gentlemen part which adds a touch of fun + the the swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover, all’s well that ends well to end up with you. ughhh. it’s hard to pick a favourite line bc the lyrics are so sweet, pure, straight to the heart and i’m crying again soooo. a fave. fave lyrics: i’ve loved you three summers now honey, but i want them all. can i go where you go? can we always be this close?
the man: the beat is cool and the lyrics are super meaningful (ok she’s a white and privileged woman but still… every woman knows what it’s like to always feel like she’ll come second if a man is running too). overall it’s not my fave, again, something about the chorus i think? still a very good one. fave lyrics: let the players play, i’d be just like leo in saint tropez
the archer: the lyrics are really piercing, although the song didn’t stick w the first few listens… i’m listening again as i type and it’s growing on me. still not my fave, but the words are kind of blowing my mind. fave lyrics: who could ever leave me darling? but who could stay?
i think he knows: a fun one, cute and easy. i like the verses more than i like the pre-chorus and chorus. fave lyrics: want to see what’s under that attitude
miss americana and the heartbreak prince: this one transports me to somewhere i’ve never been. whether is veiled political commentary or a high school fairytale gone slightly sour, i adore it. fun fact: the ‘okay!’ makes me think of avril lavigne from like… my days. this one has got that sound that just gets under your skin, i feel. big yes. fave lyrics: voted most likely to run away with you
paper rings: a mega jam but also super romantic and kinda moving underneath the funky beat. the only downside for me is when he says ‘baby boy’, it makes me cringe so much gjfjfkgkgk, a shame bc otherwise this would be one of my favorites. i mean, it still is i guess but that’s my two cents! fave lyrics: i hate accidents except when we went from friends to this
cornelia street: this hits hard. like… she tackles that specific kind of emotion and it feels relatable even if it’s technically not something you’ve lived but like… i guess it makes you empathise or project and just… fills your heart. fave lyrics: and baby, i get mystified by how this city screams your name, and baby, i’m so terrified of if you ever walk away 
death by a thousand cuts: i have to admit this is only my second time listening to this one, bc it didn’t really struck me the first time, but let’s see… the refrain is super cool and the imagery is quite strong. still not the biggest fan, i have to say. fave lyrics: i take the long way home, i ask the traffic lights if it’ll be alright, they say “i don’t know”
london boy: nothing really special about this one to me. it’s catchy tho! fave lyrics: they say home is where the heart is, but that’s not where mine lives
soon you’ll get better: sosososo sad and definitely moving, but not my cup of tea tbh! fave lyrics: i’ll paint the kitchen neon, i’ll brighten up the skyi know i’ll never get it, there’s not a day that i won’t try
false god: YES TO EVERYTHING. it’s one those love songs that you feel if your throat more than anywhere else. i mean, i do at least. it’s so subtly sexy and definitely not all about sex. every word hits the mark. i still do it for you / you still do it for me babe. the production, the sound… the saxophone… perfect. fave lyrics: but we might just get away with it, religion’s in your lips, even if it’s a false god
you need to calm down: look… the beat is nice, the lyrics are kind of meh (at best) but i appreciate the meaning like, the effort? i just think there were stronger singles that could have been chosen, but this one came with quite the strong marketing and video etc and at least the lgbt community was involved so, fine. fave lyrics: can you just not step on our gowns
afterglow: adore. i relate to this a lot, bc i always think i ruin my relationship by idk, talking too much, talking without thinking? but this one makes me feel like… true relationships (whether it’s love, friendship, fam) are meant to last beyond miscommunication. like, this is still very much of a love song, not a breakup song. i’m obsessed w the chorus and the bridge so so much (the bridge is the kind of thing i’d scream crying tbh), but anyway, fave lyrics: this ultraviolet morning light below tells me this love is worth the fight
me!: again, kind of a weak one to me, although not unjammable. fave lyrics: and when we had that fight out in the rain, you ran after me and called my name
it’s nice to have a friend: the purest. it’s so simple i don’t feel like listening to it 24/7 but it’s quality, imo. fave lyrics: call my bluff, call you ‘babe’, have my back, yeah, everyday, feels like home, stay in bed the whole weekend, it’s nice to have a friend
daylight: poetic, hopeful, positive. beautiful. perfect closer. fave lyrics: (the whole refrain, but): i’ve been sleeping so long in a twenty-year dark night, and now i see daylight 
let me know what you think, of course ♡
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skaylanphear · 7 years
Voltron/Digimon AU (with digimon diagrams!)
I was watching the original Digimon with my best friend yesterday, so of course this AU popped into my head. Let’s just get right into it then, shall we?
So the first four digidestined to be sucked into the digital world were Shiro, Allura, Lotor, and Matt. If anyone remembers from the original show, time in the digital world moves a LOT faster than time in the real world. I think it was one day in the digital world equals one minute in the real world. This is relevant because the first four digidestined were missing for one real-world year, which—to them being in the digital world—equals about 1440 years.
But no one knows what happened to these four kids, only that Shiro and Matt were together when they disappeared. And no one knows that Allura and Lotor’s disappearances were related.
Fast-forward that year to the other four digidestined—Keith, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. We’ll say they’re at flight camp for the summer, because parallels. Keith and Shiro are half-brothers in this AU, so Keith probably has a good dose of angst going for him. Keith lives with their dad, while Shiro lived with his mom. Guess we don’t know where Keith’s mom is.
Anyway, they’re at camp and they get sucked into the digital world where they meet their digimon. I think it will be a situation where Shiro actually shows up at their camp, and thus Keith is shocked, but before any kind of communication can be had, the other four get sucked in as well. Maybe some giant digimonster was trying to get through the hole from one world to the other and Shiro was stopping it with his partner digimon, which is why he showed up there, but had to quickly leave again.
Shiro is there when they all arrive—maybe passed out—and so Keith and Lance and their partner digimon have to rescue him while whatever digimon was rampaging continues to do so. They probably hide until it’s gone. Hunk and Pidge eventually join them—also with their in-training level digimon—and wait for Shiro to wake up before asking for an explanation.
But I think before we get more outline, I’ll post some character profiles.
Age: Appears around 17
Digimon partner: Dorumon (rookie level)
Crest: Love
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(I gave Shiro the Crest of Love because of his strong desire to protect and save those around him, as well as those he loves--he’s got a lot of devotion. But he runs into problems with this crest when what’s “right” doesn’t align with his personal desires)
Age: 14
Digimon partner: Flamecmon (rookie level)
Crest: Friendship
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(Keith gets the Crest of Friendship because, much like Yamato in the original Digimon, he struggles a lot with the concept in general and must learn to utilize it as a strength. I also think that once he does, Keith becomes a very capable leader of their group alongside Lance. And the Digimon just seemed fitting--I mean, Tsunomon has a knife growing out of his head for goodness sake. I kind of invented Flamecmon myself--a fire version of Elecmon. And I also like that his evolutions go from red to black, color-wise. It mirrors Keith’s development in Voltron quite nicely. Also, it has the “lone wolf” idea going along with Garurumon, which gives the same nice contrast to the crest as Yamato had in the original)
Age: 13
Digimon partner: Betamon
Crest: Courage
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(Lance gets the Crest of Courage, one, because he reminds me a lot of Taichi, but also because of his relationship with Keith in the original as well as his personality, obviously. Lance is the type to make the sacrifice, but I also think he gets distracted and doubts himself. Which will give him a bit of a struggle at times with the Crest of Courage, and will make him shine that much brighter when he finally utilizes his courage properly. The Digimon choice was obvious, and I like that these evolutions come in blues--with some reds--that eventually go from the blue Seadramon to the red MegaSeadramon--it mirrors Lance’s development in Voltron similarly to how Keith’s digimon does. And yes, Lance will end up with an evil digimon the first time he tries to use his crest)
Age: 13
Digimon partner: Gotsumon (rookie level)
Crest: Reliability
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(Hunk struggles with being reliable at first because of his fear and panic, but he is the voice of reason and will become a very capable supporting pillar to the team. I gave him an earth-themed digimon at first that becomes a machine. It reminds me both of Hunk’s lion and his engineering knowledge. I did make some changes to the digi-evolution when it comes to Hunk, but seeing as it’s my AU, I suppose I’m allowed to do that, lol)
Age: 11
Digimon partner: Wormmon
Crest: Knowledge
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(I think it’s pretty obviously why Pidge would get the Crest of Knowledge, and she will get too immersed in the idea of knowledge that it will lead to bad consequences, but she’ll develop past it. I like the idea of giving her a bug-themed digimon because it’s both machine-like, but also nature related, which is very important to her character)
I altered some of the digimon, etc, to fit the characters, but not too much. I was generally able to find digimon that I liked with the characters quite well. In any case, when Shiro wakes up, he explains that they’re in some place called the digital world, but that he doesn’t actually know much about it. Keith asks if this is where he’s been this whole year, but Shiro honestly doesn’t remember. It’s been longer than a year for him there, but he can’t really tell how long. But him and Dorumon have been trying to track down infected digimon with black gears imbedded in their backs, so as to stop the downward spiral of “bad” that is infecting the digital world. To this end, Shiro’s digimon can evolve to the champion level, but no further.
Keith asks him why he wasn’t trying to get home, and Shiro admits that he was trying to find his friends, Matt, Allura, and Lotor, as well as everything else. Which of course drags Pidge into the conversation, what with Matt being her brother, and Shiro explains that they were separated a long time ago, though he can’t remember how or why. Only that he had to search the whole of the digital world and that he wouldn’t return home until he found them.
Hunk has other ideas, however. He wants to go home. He doesn’t want to be in the digital world, no matter how exciting Lance thinks it is. They eventually agree that they have to investigate some if only to figure out how to get back, and so Shiro goes along with them. Pidge wants to stay until she finds Matt, and Keith is happy to stay with Shiro. This probably causes some controversy with the team, and they go on adventures discovering stuff about the black gears and evolving their digimon to the champion level. It’s also important to note that Shiro was missing his arm prior to going to the digital world, and the prosthetic he wears now is, in nature, part of the digital world, hence it’s so technologically advanced. He has other changes as well—his hair, the scar. In a way, he explains, parts of him seem to have become altered by the digital world—like he’s become part digital himself.
They eventually learn about a princess that lives at the base of the mountain, where all the “evil” comes from. They investigate this princess, only to find that it’s Allura, one of the digidestined that Shiro knew. She’s been put in a magical sleep of some kind and they probably have to fight a digimon to wake her up. Like Shiro, she has altered features—hair color, tattoos, ears, etc… that mark her as having become somewhat “digital.” Allura also has two partner digimon who are both dragon types and somewhat like siblings.
Age: Appears abound 15
Digimon partners: Dracomon/Veemon (rookie levels)
Crests: Hope/Light
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(Allura gets the crests of Hope and Light because... well why not? Willis had twin digimon in the movie, so why can’t Allura, who is awesome? I’d considered giving Shiro the Hope crest and then making Allura and Lance related, so we get the same kind of parallels as in the original show with the sibling relationships, but I like the idea of Allura being a kind of “Princess” that grants powers as well as fights, so she gets to be the bearer of Hope and Light. She also gets dragon digimon, because I think it’s fitting. I especially like the mega forms because Slayerdramon’s weapon really mirrors Allura’s bayard weapon, and UlforceVeemon really matches her colors--I didn’t edit any of the colors on that one. Veemon also has a lot of similar markings to Allura, which I thought was a nice touch)
Allura also has the tags (what the crests go in), which were given to her by a man named Coran who seems to live in the digital world, but she has no idea where he is as of that moment. She doesn’t know how long she’s been asleep, but the digimon that worshipped her explain that it’s upwards of a thousand years. Like Shiro, she doesn’t remember how or why their original group was separated. They’re at the mountain now though, where the villain behind the black gears resides, so it’s time to face their first baddie. Allura goes with. I haven’t totally figured out how the villains are going to work, at least as far as the first one on File Island, but whoever it is (Sandakmon sounds pretty dumb, tbh), they beat them. But as they’d thought it would, beating the baddie doesn’t allow them to go home—there must still be evil to fight in the digital world (maybe there was a holograph of Coran in the castle where Allura was that explained what the crests and tags were, and how they could go home). So they set off from File Island to find the Server Continent and look for the crests that go in the tags.
It’s on server, while looking for the crests, that they encounter their next villain. He remains cloaked, but he’s an asshole (it’s Lotor) that calls himself the Digimon Emperor. They end up having to save digimon from his enslaving ways, and they find the crests (Lance finds his first and feels so pressured to not fail that he unintentionally makes his digimon evolve virus style into WaruSeadramon, like how Tai accidentally ended up with SkullGreymon that one time. That was one of my fav eps as a kid—of course I’m going to include it here). They go through the rounds, maybe there are sightings of Matt, until they eventually realize that Lotor is a puppet himself for the more sinister villain, Zarkon. Probably in a final clash, Lotor tries to force Wizardmon, his partner, to digivolve, but Wizardmon refuses and maybe sacrifices himself for Lotor just as the kids are about to make their way back to the real world, chasing down Zarkon, who is going to the real world because the crests of Hope and Light are there and he needs them for his “master plan.”
Age: Appears about 15
Digimon partner: Candlemon (rookie)
Crest: Sincerity
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(Sorry this diagram is choppy--figuring out a way to upload didn’t go all that well. In any case, Lotor gets the crest of Sincerity, mostly because I think that’s probably a problem he has with both himself and other people, and it will be a lesson hard-learned that allows him to utilize it, but once he does, he does so very well. He must be pretty sincere in Voltron to have generals that trust him so well after all. Unfortunately, his digimon will go evil before it goes good, but Piedmon is awesome, so it’s okay. And I think having a “wizard” themed digimon is interesting given his mother in Voltron. Also, Wizardmon just seems like a good fit, given his characterization in the original Digimon. Besides, who doesn’t like a good Wizardmon death scene?)
It’s very sad for Lotor once he gets back to the real world, because he hadn’t initially realized that the digital world was actually something tangible and real and that it could affect the real world. And now his digimon partner is dead and Zarkon is loose in the real world. But Shiro reasons that he can change his ways if he helps them, and so he agrees too. But him and Allura have to be careful walking around because they still look odd (the ears, the skin). Their digital alterations didn’t go away. In any case, they’re back in the real world now, but digimon are loose there too, so they have to, you know, save everyone. And of course, disasters happen, real people are effected, etc etc. It’s eventually found out that Lotor’s mother was a scientist that discovered the digital world, and in her experimentations, she accidentally released the virus that created Zarkonmon (or whatever he is). And so they “must defeat him!” They, if course, find the crests of Hope and Light, which allows Allura’s two digimon to reach the ultimate level, and through her crests, unlock Keith and Lance’s ability to digivolve their digimon to the mega level. Or maybe they have to make a choice who Allura’s digimon—who are special dragon digimon—will use this ability on and it’s eventually decided to be Keith and Lance. Thus they reach the mega level and get rid of Zarkonmon.
But now the digital world is starting to encroach on the real world because, of course, they haven’t beat the entire evil yet. Some of Honerva’s virus still remains in the digital world and so they must go back to fight it!
When they get back, hundreds of years have passed and the digiworld is all kinds of messed up. The Dark Masters and their Queen, Haggar, have turned everything upside-down. One of the Dark Masters is, of course, not MetalSeadramon since that’s Lance’s mega level digimon (unless I decide to make Lance go evil, which is, of course, always something I would do), but Piedmon is (because Piedmon is an awesome fucker and I love him) and, oh no! Piedmon is actually the virus-infected mega-level of Lotor’s digimon, Wizardmon, who was reborn and waited for him, but he never came and so he suffered and turned evil. Also, there’s a vigilante around who’s always foiling their plans. Turns out it’s Matt, who holds the secret of why the first four digidestined were separated and what happened to them (which I don’t know what it is yet, but it is important). He has the crest and tag for kindness, and has been doing all that he could to fight the Dark Masters (it’s not going too well for him). His digimon can reach mega level all on its own, without the boost of Allura’s digimon, and so all the others decide to learn to get their digimon there too.
Age: Appears about 17
Digimon partner: FanBeemon (rookie)
Crest: Kindness
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(Why does Matt get the Crest of Kindness? Because it was the one that was left, lol. His characterization in this AU would support it too. And he gets a bug digimon to parallel Pidge, but it’s a bee/wasp one because Matt is very, like, swift and dangerous in his actions in the digital world. He doesn’t mess around, so to speak) 
There’s probably an arc after the Matt arc where they fight Piedmon and turn him good again with the power of Lotor’s crest of sincerity, and so then Lotor gets an arc where he gets to reform his bond with his digimon (dunno if he reaches the mega level though or not). They eventually reach Haggar, who is a nasty digimon that is very powerful and Lance and Keith have to work together in the end to beat her. Through their awesome “friendship” (because I’m looking at Taichi and Yamato parallels here—also, I will admit that Taichi and Yamato were, like, my first ship ever, if that’s relevant, LOL), they are able to combine their mega level digimon to create Voltramon (like Omnimon), who, seemingly, beats her. But then they probably end up in another dimension or something and have to defeat her all together with the power of friendship between all the digidestined or something similar.
The digital world has to be reset as a result of all this, but it means all the digimon friends they made along the way that died get to be reborn. I’m sure Coran shows up in this more often, and maybe Alfor worked with Honerva back in the real world, and so maybe there’s a vaccine version of him in the digitalworld that tries to help them, etc etc.
But yeah, that’s a rough outline.
I will probably never write it, but it sure does make me want to watch Digimon again, lol!
If anyone wants to dabble in this AU--writing or art or anything--just let me know so I can SEE WHAT YOU CREATE! :D
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trashycullen · 7 years
Quetions 1-30 hahaha
hi, i love you
1. favorite character?
ughh i love so many of the characters for different reasons but rosalie has a very special place in my heart
2. favorite book?
hm.. twilight. especially when bella first arrived in forks. i liked the fun interactions between bella and her human friends. this one was, at least inmy opinion, the lightest of the books and i like that hgfhfhhfhd
3. favorite movie?
eclipse!! the filters are so much nicer to my eyes than in the first two movies (tbh i’m not a huge fan of the movies and it’s been a Long Ass While since i’ve seen them) (if they’re on netflix i may have to rewatch them)
4. favorite book moments
bella checking out kim, bella constantly remarking on alice & rosalie’s beauty, when alice comes back and bella throws herself into her arms (she missed her gf!!!), stupid shiny volvo owner, bella punching jacob, seth and edward’s friendship, edward giving the bella the rundown of Acceptable decades in music of the 20th century, bella threatening edward with her anger over the phone when rose & alice trap her in a sleepover in eclipse and then being all soft and cuddly when edward gets back, bella reading tennyson to renesmee, renesmee and zafrina’s friendship, jacob and bella fixing the motorcycles ad just being Pals, angela and bella doing ang’s granduation party invites
5. favorite movie moments?
any interaction between billy and charlie, booboo stewart, renee and charlie in bd1, that like 20 second part in bd1 where bella and edward are playing chess, aro’s fucking laugh in bd2 bc its.. dramatic
6. books in order from favorite to least favorite
twilight, new moon, breaking dawn, eclipse
7. movies in order from favorite to least favorite
eclipse, twilight, eclipse, bd1, bd2
8. book or movie moments that made you the most mad?
when jacob p much assaulted bella lol, jacob throwing the bowl at rosalie in bd and emmett not saying a FUCKING THING, when the cullens just deadass let bree get fucking murdered for absolutely no reason, when charlie didn’t do jack shit about jacob assaulting bella, jacob imprinting on a fucking baby, quill imprinting on a fucking baby, sam’s character as a whole, imprinting as a whole
9. book or movie moments that made you the most sad?
rosalie. just like… the fact that she’ll nnever get the one thing she wants above all. same with esme. also the line in new moon right before the months of nothing that’s like, “and i did not resurface,” THE MONTHS OF NOTHING, the denalis watching irina get murdered 
10. opinions/thoughts on life and death?
i actaully haven’t read it bc im a broke ass bitch & plus i don’t really see the point? but hey i’m all about that twilight content. also all of the names in l&d were Dumb. also also idk if im remembering right but didn’t beau have blue eyes like renee? idk but if so i liked that 
11. do you prefer the books or movies?
12. favorite character casting(s)?
i can’t really remember the acting aside from ashley greene (who i loved as alice… her personality was great) so based on appearance, i like peter facinelli as carlisle, kellan lutz as emmett, booboo stewart as seth, christian serratos as angela, anna kendrick as jessica, justin chon as eric, and michael welch as mike
13. least favorite character casting(s)? 
hm.. i don’t think i had any?
14. favorite songs from the soundtracks?
DECODE!!! also a thousand years & a thousand years part 2
15. what’s the one thing you would want to change about the saga?
IMPRINTING!!! make it more optional! less obsessive! and you can’t do it on fucking babies!!! 
16. which character would you want to be?
tbh i wouldn’t wanna be any of them rlly? i’d rather like. be myself but in that world if that makes sense 
17. which character would you be best friends with?
rosalie! although she’d probably hate me lbr. also seth!!!!!!!!! and angela! and bella hfjdhkfaksa
18. which characters would you probably not get along with?
jacob, sam, jared, paul, & mike
19. favorite cullen? 
rosalie and esme!
20. favorite wolf?
21. favorite human?
22. favorite volturi
aro and sulpicia (and jane hgfjhgkjh)
23. would you rather be a wolf or a vampire?
my first instinct was to say vampire but the whole no sleeping/eating thing would be. bad for me. so i’d say wolf bc u still get the cool speed and hearing PLUS you get to be a wolf, and have cool self healing powers
24. what would you want your special vampire power/ability to be?
gosh i actually have… no idea. maybe something similar to zafrina’s illusions? ik im unoriginal af
25. what would you want your wolf fur to look like?
maybe like.. a soft brownish tan?
26. would you want to join the volturi?
in theory but not practice
27. if you were a vampire, would you follow a “vegetarian” diet? how would you go about your life?
see vampirism would be a bit of a problem for me because i have sort of an extreme phobia of corpses, be it animal or human. so that would probably make hunting difficult? (at least until i got desperate enough to just go through with the kill.) but no, i probably wouldn’t be vegetarian. ik this sort of contradicts my earlier point but why kill animals when there are rapists and nazis out there? as for my life i would probably try to find a coven, bc i’m a lonely ass bitch and then hopefully convince one of the members to hunt for me with an eternity of i-owe-you-one’s as repayment. we’d most likely be nomadic
28. your opinion on imprinting?
29. favorite couples and/or friendships?
i really liked edward and alice’s friendship, as well as edward and seth’s. tbh i don’t really have any canon ships??? (edit: this is a lie. angela/ben is the Only good canon couple in twilight) non canon tho… i’d say beau/edward, bella/alice/jasper, charlie/billy, rosalie/heidi, rosalie/leah, poly volturi coven, and lowkey jessica/angela/bella 
30. would you rather live in forks or on the reservation?
honestly it doesnt matter that much to me? but maybe forks ig because it’s..a utensil
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moreracquetball · 7 years
oh my GOD that idea that you just mentioned about the fan response??? would literally die for that wtf and tbh i just want to see a lot of jason and whizzer interacting because i Always live for that
the media finds out about them before they’re even like officially dating. Somehow one lucky paparazzi person that is on like stealth mode gets a picture of a tender moment when Marvin and Whizzer are out together somewhere. In the picture, Marvin is like brushing an eyelash off of Whizzer’s cheek or holding his hand or doing something really sappy (basically trying to communicate to an emotionally-stunted Whizzer that hey sleeping together is cool and all, but I want to actually date you, you know). Well, the news BLOWS UP with headlines like ‘Whizzer Brown’s Mystery Man’ and ‘Playboy baseball player settling down?’ and everyone scrambles to find out just who Marvin is. Once they find out that Marvin is a divorced dad, news outlets like TMZ are flooded with headlines like (thanks to @a-lesbian-from-next-door-too for this GEM of a headline) WHIZZER BROWN WITH DILF???
Whizzer Brown secret boyfriend is the most searched thing on Google that day.
All production in the tabloid industries stops as editors bark for their reporters to dig up more on this story. Journalists scramble for any bit of info they can get on Marvin.
And here comes disastrously incorrect articles like:
Marvin was actually still married when he and Whizzer started “dating.” Whizzer was the cause of his divorce.
Marvin is like 15 years older than Whizzer and is basically using Whizzer for his money.
Marvin has been Whizzer’s secret boyfriend (HUSBAND???) for over ten years now and it’s been kept well hushed hushed secret bc Whizzer has built a brand out of Gay Baseball Player/Playboy.
Jason is Marvin and Whizzer’s adopted child.
CONSPIRACY THEORY: Marvin and Whizzer are not actually together at all. Marvin is not even gay! Whizzer just wanted to rebrand himself from “player on and off the field” and so hired Marvin to be his fake boyfriend (pretending to be “settling down”). (this prompts a startled Marvin to exclaim, “How could anyone think I was straight???” to which Whizzer dead-panned responded, “Honey, no self-respecting gay man dresses like that.”
Also consider the TMZ panel (also credit to @a-lesbian-from-next-door-too for this exchange, too)
“Marvin? What kinda name is Marvin?”
“I know. It’s such an old man’s name!”
“It’s like he was born a middle-aged dad, you know?”
“Uh, guys, Whizzer is a pretty stupid name, too. When you think about it. I mean, who names their kid Whizzer?”
“No one asked you, Brent.”
“Yeah, Brent. Shut the fuck up.”
Marvin finds out about the news bc he goes to work the next morning and some asshole coworker has taped all the headlines around his desk (the DILF headline is blown up and taped over his entire desk).
Marvin is obv pissed and lowkey anxious bc he doesn’t want this sort of attention to negatively affect him or (GOD FORBID) Jason. Whizzer himself is just a little annoyed and sees that Marvin is upset, so he tries to like make the issue go away by tweeting out: “tfw ur out with one of ur booty calls and ppl think that just bc he held ur hand u two are getting married’. And uhh, this makes the media die down but Marvin gets more upset bc hey asshole I think I’m falling in love with you but apparently I’m still just one of your booty calls, huh? And Whizzer gets mad bc Marvin is mad and he just tried to make Marvin less mad, and angst angst angst.
When they do get together, Whizzer posts a picture on Instagram of the two of them with the caption 'tfw you fall in love with one of your booty calls’. And the Internet just kinda explodes.
Fans are a little mixed. On one hand, they’re happy that Whizzer seems to be happy. On another, they’re terrified that a relationship will somehow hurt Whizzer’s playing. They then shut the fuck up when Whizzer plays the most vicious game of his entire career and just throws the best pitches and just basically almost single-handedly eviscerates the other team. At the press conference, people ask what’s up with Whizzer’s playing, and one of Whizzer’s team members just sorta smirks and answers for him, “He has a lot of pent up tension and aggression. He hasn’t seen his boyfriend in like a month [bc it’s the peak of the season and they’ve had to move around a lot to different cities and such]." 
Guys guys guys guys, I cannot begin to describe just how i c o n i c Marvin becomes so quickly. 
Because once they’re like “official,” Whizzer spams his instagram account with Marvin - Marvin in a new gifted Red Sox jersey while Jason (in his decked out Yankees uniform) glares mockingly at him; at the park during a crisp fall afternoon, Marvin breathless and red-faced and caught mid-laugh; Marvin comically but dead-seriously holding a baseball bat with a stance and grip that makes Whizzer and all baseball fans around the world weep; Marvin Jason and Whizzer, in a cheesy selfie after a really tough game; a picture of Marvin’s back as the man is hunched over an oven (this one has the caption “I love when a man puts the steak in ;) ” ); a particularly artsy one with a black and white filter, with Marvin (asleep, hair mussed, naked but only his bare arms, shoulders, and upper back is not obscured by the white sheets) asleep in their bed. The fans lose their minds over these pictures, along with the little tibits of info/stories that Whizzer shares when prompted about what a dorky/lame/baseball-hating/he-writes-me-poetry-literally-what-a-fucking-nerd that his new boyfriend is. 
When tweets and questions about Marvin keep buzzing Whizzer, Whizzer kindly asks (not forces, Jeez, Marv, don’t make it sound like I held a gun to your back) that Marvin get his own instagram/twitter accounts so they can just fawn over Marvin directly and leave Whizzer the hell alone to answer questions about baseball and photography and not about his relationship every fucking five minutes
This turns out to be a mistake. Marvin amasses ten thousand followers in six months. The guy barely even posts about Whizzer himself. He posts about broadway reviews and retweets funny cat pictures and every once in awhile, he posts partiuclarly needling things like how chess is better than baseball and he tags and @’s Whizzer in all of them. And everyone??? Loves it??? Whizzer is a little jealous at how people fawn over Marvin?? Like where’s some Whizzer love??? Whizzer is still the twunk that everyone loves, right???
Marvin is slowly accepted by the baseball wives. They’re catty and cliquish and they make Marvin’s life a living hell those first few months, but when Marvin does not take their shit and keeps pushing back, they grow to a mutual understanding that soon turns into begrudged respect that eventually turns into tentative friendship that eventually much much later turns into “if you dare utter one mean word or look at Marvin the wrong way, I will slit your throat with my sharpened, manicured, pastel pink-painted nails.” Whizzer shares one picture on his insta of Marvin with the baseball wives, with a glass of champagne in his hand and looking like he’s talking shit and the other baseball wives are laughing and eating this shit up, and he captions it: I think my boyfriend joined a cult.
The media as a whole leaves the two alone after they turn out to be just a regular couple and not that interesting?? EXCEPT EXCEPT EXCEPT (see next bullet point)
Okay, so Marvin hates baseball, right? This is established. This is well known. This is Fact. Well, after they become like “official” and the media now knows who Marvin is, news outlets start to attack him/make fun of him/crucify him for looking bored at Whizzer’s baseball games. Like he’ll have his phone out or he’ll have his chin propped up with his hand as if trying to combat sleepiness and sometimes he brings like a magazine to read and he always has that bored, vaguely pained “I do not want to be here right now” look on his face. And any time that the Red Sox makes a good play or gets a homerun, it’s clear that he’s been spacing out bc whenever the people around him start cheering, he likes jumps and does that weak, wide-eyed “Idk what just happened and i kinda want death right now but I am being supportive” clap (one time, he zoned out and Whizzer’s opposing team got a homerun, and Marvin just started meekly clapping bc he heard the crowd doing it and ESPN and TMZ and all the news outlets had a field day of making fun of him).
And the media??? is like “why are you not supporting your partner? You embarrass him by looking so bored. Can’t you learn to love the sport if you love him??” and being really bitchy about it. And Whizzer gets pissed and so goes on air during a press conference - when some smart-ass reporter tries to make a barb about Marvin looking bored and in pain - and says really bitchily, “Guys, Marvin just doesn’t like baseball, okay? Yeah, that makes him an idiot - because baseball is incredible - but it doesn’t make him a bad partner. I don’t expect him to love the things that I love. I like that we’re different, you know? That makes him less boring. Like, he goes to my games even though he hates baseball. That is being supportive. Like fucking hell, guys, I’m with him because he makes me laugh and has a great ass - not because he’s some super baseball fan.” CUE MIC DROP.
And yeah, there are homophobic reactions to the relationship. Facebook groups dedicated to it. Marvin gets hate mail and one time got like yelled at on the street. Some of the media’s stories are overtly homophobic and overly crass. It’s 2017, sure, but there are still idiots out there.
Marvin and Whizzer don’t let the attention - good or bad - get to them. They just keep being in love and posting overly sappy instagram posts about their anniversaries and poking fun at each other on twitter and the attention never breaks them.
I will posts Jason specific headcanons later but like dang, this took a lot out of me bc I have a lot of FEELINGS and if you have more headcanons about this topic, reblog and add your own bc I’m curious how you feel the media/fans would take this.
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dearmyblank · 7 years
dear all of you who feel like love will never find you, or that it's doomed to fail, or that you are undeserving, or anything along these lines,
i want to tell you a story. this story is mine. it's a little long,  it starts about 7 years ago with a high schooler, just 14, with her first "boyfriend." this boy asked her out at lunch, she said yes! there was no kissing. they "dated" at school only. he broke up with her the first day after winter break. she cried in the next class to a close friend.
4 months later, she met a boy at a friend's bat mitzvah and he was really interested. he asked her on her first date! it was to the movies. they watched "water for elephants" in theaters and when he reached for her hand, she felt butterflies like she'd never known. he was her first kiss. (tbh, it was sloppy, but it counts..) he went to a school 45 minutes away, so they were "long distance." he went a soccer camp for 3 weeks and didn't text her. she wasn't hurt by this at all and decided because she wasn't missing him she shouldn't waste his time and they decided to be friends. that friendship never really happened. she knows he's doing well though, and that is plenty.
another few months pass and she really likes a boy. he's a little more popular so she knows it won't go anywhere. then he asks her in november. they date, like actual dates! she never meets his parents but he meets hers. she thought this one meant something, until he dumped her at lunch that january. she cried. a lot. she started to notice that boys just don't really stay, do they?
now it's october. her best guy friend asks her out with flowers. she agrees. two weeks in she confesses to her friends she thinks she made a mistake..they tell her, "hold out a little longer!" she does. she catches feelings and everything is wonderful, or so she thinks. you see, this girl was very innocent. this boy pushed her to her very limits and took most of her innocence away, leaving her a very battered, physically traumatised 17 year old. then the emotional abuse began. he wasn't mean, or violent, just neglectful. gaslighting was his common tactic. she lost a lot of weight stress-starving, crying every day, afraid to lose him as he slowly "vanished". the last month she watched him flirt with what would be his next girlfriend, in front of her in classes! she dumped him two weeks after prom, after about 7 months. he mocked her during that conversation and she slapped him. she cried and cried for days but by two months later, she really didn't miss him anymore. but that was another boy, down the drain, taking much of her body with him. she vowed no boy would take the last thing she had left, she wouldn't sleep with them.
she then dates his best friend. unintentionally a heartless move, it didn't last long. he broke up with her after about two months. it's okay, it only hurt her for another two or so, but this is what, 5 boys? she's really feeling awful about her chances with guys. her friends joke sometimes that she doesn't pick very well. that really sticks with her, and she starts to believe it herself.
her friend tries to set her up in senior year with a cute football player from another school, but when he found out she was abstinent, he said it wouldn't work. she didn't blame him. they stayed friends. in fact, she's friends with the last 3 that didn't work out. it's always easier to forgive, she's discovered, as she fights her own shame every day.
right before graduating another boy comes on the scene, becomes her prom date, and starts a summer fling. she sneaks over to his house a few times and stays the night. one time they got caught, but his dad honestly thought it was so funny they didn't get in trouble. they went on dates. she had a car now, they could go places. it was a fun summer. she was going to a college 2 states away though, 400 miles/650km. he promised to come see her at 5am before she left for school. he didn't show. she cried herself to sleep in the car. he broke up with her over twitter DMs a few days later. she pined for him for 5 months.
by this time she decided she was done with boys. the first 18 months of college she didn't date, just made friends, rejected any advances. it was good for her, it gave her time for herself to grow. she decided to study abroad, something she wouldn't have done if she had a boyfriend or was dating someone.
she went to australia from the usa, almost 10,000 miles, for 4.5 months. she made new friends, she drunkenly kissed several boys in her dorm, but she lived. she stopped looking at intimacy as something to be ashamed of. and, for the first time, she fell in crazy, wild love with a boy from that dorm, a boy who lived in that country, and he fell in love with her too. she gave herself to him, fully, and for once, she wasn't scared, or ashamed, and she had no regret. the last night she was in that country he confessed how he felt, and they cried, thinking there was no way, no possible way they could make it work across the planet. she flew home, distraught, and he remained, heartbroken. they kept talking, over facebook, flirting. they started calling, and videochatting, every day, sometimes twice, for hours. two days after she returned home he found out that he could afford a trip to see her. ten days after she left, he dropped nearly two thousand dollars to fly across the planet, to a country he'd never been to, to stay with her. she cried, but for once, it was tears of joy. one month after she left, he asked her to be his girlfriend. she accepted. 
4.5 months later he landed at an airport in her city and they spent two glorious months together with her family and friends. he brought her a birthday present, a promise ring with their names and birthstones. they celebrated their six month anniversary a few days before he had to go home. two weeks after he left, she bought her roundtrip to see him. 
i leave for that trip in 25 days. we've been together over 10 months. we'll be celebrating our one year anniversary together, right before i leave to return to the USA. and next february, i'm returning, for good, for graduate school. we're planning to move in together. we both talk about the future together, and can't imagine it without each other. don't get me wrong, it's hard. some days we cry on the phone because distance hurts like nothing i've ever known. but it's worth it, because true love waits, in the fullest sense of the word.
if there's anything to learn from this story, it's that love will find you. somehow, some way, oftentimes in the most unexpected way. for me, it took me across the entire world to find my soulmate. don't give up just because one, five, fifteen boys don't work out. love finds you. i promise.
- someone who had nearly lost hope, but now believes in miracles
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chickenfetus · 7 years
all moongan
thank you for asking falen tbh i love u sm and i love doing these 
omg is this ask for this ask meme i literally almost posted this along with the wrong ask fml
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
more cereal than mik because.. i dont eat cereal with milk……… i love the crunch
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
as someone who lives in a tropical country is that what its called idk we dont have seasons and it never gets lower than 25 degrees so yes that would be ideal
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
hrmmmmm… i just remember the page number?? or try to lmao if i dont remember i just skim through the pages and try to recognise where i left off
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
with at least 2 packets of sugar tbh…. i dont drink coffee
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
omg story time i went 2 get my braces removed and the dentist wanted to take pics so he was like “smile with your teeth!” and i was like ok! but then he kept saying i wasnt doing it right lmao… guess whos never smiled b4… (me) so he told me 2 practice my smile lol i didnt answer the qn but ya,,, i am probably
6: do you keep plants?
i used 2 be very against plants… now theyre okay i guess i dont rly keep any
7: do you name your plants?
refer 2 6
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
art??? i havent drawn in awhile
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
no LOL
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
on my side!!!! i cant sleep on my back bc i gotta hug smth.. and my stomach is out of the qn
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
🅱️… and .. same brainwaves…. poor mans ____…. this is all from the shady hq im so sorry my other pals
12: what’s your favorite planet?
the moon for no real reason
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
hMMm, watching astro and mx perform??? and just being shady with bell lmao
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
this… question,,,..so im thinking of a bright place with white walls and translucent curtains so the light call fill the (living) room perfectly and everythings really ??? sunny and shit idk its warm… the floor’s made of (fake?) wood and theres a small kitchen bc i cant cook and idk if my friend would be able to lol.. theres 2 bed rooms both are painfully small but it works.. theres one other room with a closet for clothes… the bathroom is just a shower, sink and toilet… theres no washing machine rip and ?? thats about it poor mens life
i watchd the like we used mv again and i realized ...... that is literally where i got this imagery from thanks the rose i love a relatable band
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
heres a fact (?) from me first: it rains diamonds on one planet ?? mecury maybe?? mars??? whomst.. this isnt even a fact its ,me trying to recall shit
ok real fact: There are thousands of other planets out there. sorry lads this website doesnt wanna have fun
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
is spaghetti bolognese a pasta dish
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
im chill with my current hair colour??? bc its brown sometimes idk shitty hair
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
i asked my irl friends (group name: panic support group) and this is what they said
K: everything
E: when u were one hour late (i dont remember this happening but i do know im always late but never for an hour past me wyd)
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
goDD i dont but i sure want to
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
this is strange but every eye colour is my favourite although ppl with two or more colours in their eyes are so cool
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
its just my school bag lmao i got it 4 years ago and i take it everywhere even if the event is “small” and they ask us to bring “smaller bags” ill bring my big ass school bag anyway it looks like this (i dont have to but linking stuff is so fun)
22: are you a morning person?
technically.???its the holidays but i still manage to get up before 10 (most of the time) and … even if i have like 5 hours of sleep i manage to feel awake really easily????
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
tf i just use my phone lmao this is what ive been doing for like a month now… i could watch every vlive i havent watched yet, i could make video compilations i could practice my art but… even though im out of school im still procrastinating.. legends only
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
mmmm falens the closest to that
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
my classroom
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
white converse??  i have 2 get new ones every like 2 years since theyre also my school shoes and break easily….. other than those i have my blueblack converse too (i dont wear them as much so theyre still in one piece)
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
i dont eat bubblegum bc im always afraid ill swallow it and die and im p sure its illegal here
28: sunrise or sunset?
sunset but i dont look outside enough for either
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
hm……… with jen its when she sends me asks on anon despite it being super obvious like im not a Fan when my friends send me asks on anon bc sometimes i cant tell and i get a sense of false hope but w/ jen its okay but i know its her
with bell its when they reply to my keyboard smashes with their own keyboard smashes lmao and when they just??//?? say smth cute abt their faves (lately its been sanha thank u sh)
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
ya lmao when i have 2 sleep alone and its completely dark i have half a mind 2 believe some random supernatural being is out for me
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
hmM. socks are great i always wear them bc i wear shoes almost every time i go outside… i dont have any weird socks bc im Boring but i have 3 pkmn songs and 1 gudetama socks/.. bUT I DID buy my friend those socks with individual toe pockets… it was so funny when my other friend saw it she choked on her drink and almost spat it out. we laughed so hard we hit our heads against each other i love friendship.. i have 2 wear white socks for sch bc… aesthetic? god if i know lmao….. i only ever wear ankle socks bc….. socks any higher than that? cancelled.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
listen ive never stayed up later than like 1am ok maybe 2am??? but i was working on like a project that was due the next day for school with my groupmates (friends) so does that count lmao
33: what’s your fave pastry?
bread………. sugar donuts…….. i am Aware that thats not how u spell it but wtv
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
why does this ask so many qns in 1 qn……. i had a cat?? it had pink stripes and it didnt have a name bc i dont name my stuff… even my pokemon.. and yeah i still have it except its in a big dusty bag where all my other toys are kept
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
i kinda have to use stationary for school so ya.. p often is correct… pretty pens??? i dont rly see the point whoopS!!! in exams u can only use black or blue so
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
im listening 2 day6 so like day6
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
my room isnt even my room i just go there to sleep .. the place im always at is like a study area except its open?? so everyone can see me lol and . its not messy?? if u look at it from far but the shit on the desk and shelves are so fucking messy god i need to pack those
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
aLRIGHT LADS welcome 2 megans ted talk
(skip this if ur not fond of drama)
so something (refer to the song he said suits myday) happened with jae recently and ive seen fans trying to defend him by @ing him and saying that they love him which is fine - great even! but what i dont approve is how everyone’s basically forgotten about the whole matter because they had concerts so instead of @-ing him and asking him to explain himself, they tell him what a great concert it was which is also great bc their concerts are honestly amazing. basically my pet peeve is when ppl dismiss the problematic action of some people just bc they like them.
another thing is that there were some fans who started guilting others for wanting to drop day6 completely because of what jae did and in my opinion i think it is totally cool to want to drop a group if they did smth bad like??? its ur life???? u can choose who you want to like. what is not cool is pulling out all the good things the person has ever done in their entire life and try to remind others about the positive sides of the person. yes. they’re an encouraging person, etc. but that does not cancel out the bad things they’ve done until they explain/apologise. what is infuriating is just the manner some people took it?? they literally went ahead and tweeted shit like “would your parents drop you if you did smth wrong?” and “you’re seriously gonna drop someone whos been nothing been nice because of one incident?” yes. people will and you dont have any fucking right to stop them? so dont go pulling out receipts.
another thing. its also okay to want to stan the whole group even if someone has done smth problematic. like? to me youre cool if youre able to see and acknowledge the bad shit someone has done and still stand by their side while educating them at the same time its nice to have faith in your idols. however, i wont say much when your idols dont respond and/or respond in a way that shows absolutely no remorse. its cool if you want to support them too, despite that.
tldr; dont fucking excuse someone’s behaviour/action just because youre so far up their fucking ass. dont pull out shit from before either, be it good or bad. and lastly, its okay to want to drop/continue supporting them, its your life.
i just wanted to talk about this tbh,, it was nice to see a few mydays trying to urge jae to explain the whole situation but seeing as he still hasnt and couldve it really irks me :-/
okay update its been a day and i havent really thought about this but im kinda conflicted now bc jae still hasnt talked about the song and im probably just making a big deal out of smth that will never happen again but it really doesnt sit right with me knowing that jae recommended that song to his fans and said it suited mydays?? bc looking at the lyrics... i SURE hope not... idk i have neither forgiven or forgotten but he’s okay now.? i cant stay mad at someone for that long anyway ill never forgive him 4 it though lmao petty ppl only
another thing... jae’s still an amazing person to me with all the encouraging words he says to mydays but this one incident is just soOOOOO hrm and i did go off tangent with the question as usual lol
39: what color do you wear the most?
i wear a lot of colours tbh??? but bc its rly hot out ive just been wearing the same shirt every time i leave the house and its black so
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
i dont wear jewelry rip
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
challenger deep
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
hm,, ive only ever visited this coffee shop like more than once bc the girl i used 2 like showed it to me b4 like 2 years ago and it was nice i liked their mocha frappe and its cozy i guess??? sometimes i go there with friends to study/just eat but i havent gone in awhile.., its two stories and it has an open air sitting area too i prefer sitting inside bc the sun is a big no thanks.. the ceiling is kind of like?? going downward?? like the kind iin attics???? idk man it was nice
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
u cant see shit here sorry
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
cant relate
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
yea?? sometimes i just gotta bc my brain wont shut the fuck up
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
suddenly all of the puns i know have left my mind thanks @ me
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
the dark and whats basically in it???? like ghosts zombies and shit u kno the scary shit
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i like buying albums?? theres a CD in those so it counts lmao i bought sunrise by day6
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
boxes??? like containers????
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
boxy and letting go by day6
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
me: rocky.. ?????? from astro.. /?? no ive never heard of any of those and i saw the word horror so u wont hear abt those from me any time soon
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
i literally havent been outside for 2 days
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
be petty aka yesterday i changed my twitter icon from jae 2 brian bc jae’s being a child rn so hes out
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
when they ramble abt smth they like thanksk buds
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
is this the song from p!atd i have it in my playlist lmao oh i fucing hate this song i always skip it im not listening
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
idk what either of those are but bell and boxy
59: what’s your favorite myth?
idk any
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
anything that eunwoo has ever written
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
ive given eggs for karissa’s birthday b4 and i got a kermit its not stupid tho its just the closest thign i could think of
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
i drink water juice everyday every minute every hour
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
my books are all in shelves lads i just  heard the fucking keys rattle im not doing this shit im logging off night
ok day 3 and im back like i said previously my books are on shelves i tried rearranging them by series b4 but my housekeeper rearrnaged them randomly the next day so i gave up
i make playlists for songs that i like, really like (i still skip them sometimes rip) and songs that my friend recommends me i have a seperate playlist for the songs i like in japanese 2
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
light blue?? like its actually p white bc its cloudy
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
m not rly
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
just. leaves maybe??
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
Horror Movie
68: what’s winter like where you live?
oh winter is fucking fantastic it never gets colder than 25 degrees celsius here and if it does rain it lasts for like 10 minutes
69: what are your favorite board games?
i used to rly like snake and ladders and monopoly :-o
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
im not ready for that kinda death
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
english breakfast or earl gray??? those r like the standard right
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
ya but i never do bc i either forget to or am just 2 lazy
73: what are some of your worst habits?
being lazy + procrastinating :-D
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
okie :-o ..
they’re great ok ive talked abt them like 10 times in the span of 2 months but whatever folks
they’re super nice, kind and just all of the positive adjectives out there in the dictionary ...... they’ve helped me multiple times and they’re always there 2 lend me a listening ear (or in our case, eye lmao) idk??? im just super comfortable around them always and im honestly so thankful we became mutuals (and subsequently friends) last year!!!! i cant say a lot bc ill just get v repetitive but overall they’re an awesome friend and im glad we still communicate daily via twitter and sometimes our skype sessions even if they’re kinda awkward bc i never know when 2 talk bc im scared ill speak and theyll say smth and itll turn into a MESS which actually happened lmao  
im looking forward to the day our skype sessions become super smooth and easy going!!!
75: tell us about your pets!
i have none but id die for boxys cats
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
well yeah always tbh but its not smth i have to do but more like want to do im just 2 lazy to get around doing it
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
?? i almost said lemons arent pink but i Remembered...... yellow lemonade
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
i feel like this is an Attack? okay LISTEN so story time again.
on the flight back from japan i watched the alien covenant and i couldnt even get past the scene where the baby alien was gonna kill the poor guy who ended up being locked up with the infected dude as soon as i saw the blood and the alien emerge from the guy’s back i bolted lmao
so to calm myself down nd block that memory from my mind i went ahead and watched despicable me 3.. which HONESTLY im the worst critic ever but in my humble opinion.... the movie was good????????? idk i didnt watch minions the movie though i got lazy again whooopS!
anwyay i sidetracked but im neutral im not a fan but i wouldnt go out of my way to call minions annoying?? bc they really arent? i feel like its only seen that way bc of how people make posts abt how annoying minions are even tho.. they arent??
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
my memory hates me so every specific thing my friends have ever done for me has left my mind but .
the cutest thing? everything my friends do for me
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
theyre yellow and no i didnt theyve been there ever since i could remember
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
lava cake
82: are/were you good in school?
yeah i was good in school for like the first three years and this year i just flopped so badly lmao and its my important year too oh well my exams r over and i still dont have a backup plan in mind
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
all of dance gavin dance’s albums have awesome art
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
back when i was really into 5sos i thought of getting a tally since that was their logo at that time but now no not really unless i decide to get lance’s face tattooed onto my forehead on impulse
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
im keeping up with hq, bnha and tg manga!!!!
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
idk what those r but sure
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
big hero 6
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
who wrote this whats up with these questions
i googled and.. not really?? they all look nice
89: are you close to your parents?
close enough to stand being in the same room as them but not close enough to want to initiate conversations
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
tokyo was really cool (literally) and if i ever go again id love to go with friends so we can explore more??
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
japan was supposed to be the only plan for this year but my grandad passed away so i had to go to malaysia multiple times earlier this year ik this wasnt the qn but ive already went to the planned destination tm so
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
um. like?? i tie the sides of my hair that cover my face back??? bc i dont like hair in my face
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
hopefully something useful
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i also click remind me tomorrow lmao
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
infp-t, capricorn, hufflepuff (same as falen nd jen yay)
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
uh ive never been hiking and i dont plan on it sorry body
99: list some five (or id never shut up) songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
when you love someone - day6
like we used to - the rose
crazy sexy cool - astro
death of a strawberry - dance gavin dance
if it means a lot to you - a day to remember
idk if these actually “resonate to my soul” they just sound nice
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
oh worm.. i wouldnt miind either???
i know i have 2 choose but like
if i go back into the past i could be less annoying?? but the past has actually helped me be the way i am today and i think im learning to be a better person?? im definitely way better than how i was previously 5 years ago and im just grateful i was able to learn from my mistakes???
so i wouldnt go back to the past.
if its in the future i can see how ill end up and if its not good i might end up being able to change myself so i dont get my “bad end”..???? maybe or i can just see what happens in the future and i can look forward to it
itll also give me a chnace to have the most fun while i can if its not too nice
so my decision is to go to the future
thank you so much for asking falen god this got so long lmao
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car salesman! yuta
Nakamoto Yuta in a white dress shirt with rolled-up sleeves and a black tie
Commuting to work everyday with his briefcase
People noticing him are like
Much sophisticated
Such businessman
100/10 would buy whatever he’s selling
Even if they’re encyclopedias or thick-ass dictionaries
But tbh as soon as he gets to work and opens his briefcase
It’s just old food wrappers from 3 days ago
And random snacks thrown in together
He’s mr. friendly at work
Voted president of friendship for three years now (and always wins)
The type to invite everyone to eat or drink out after work
Other girls have?? Mistaken him for being flirty
But tbh he just likes getting to know his colleagues outside work
Because at work he becomes so competitive
Like he makes sure he reaches his quota every month
Which is toxic
20 sports cars in a month??
Who does that;;
But yuta makes sure he exceeds his quota
Or meets it at least
And his colleagues are like
Teach us your ways senpai
And yuta just shrugs
I just have… lots of connections… connections you don’t have
By connections he means
Handing his calling card to every new person he meets
Like, hi I’m momoka!!
And when the girl reaches out to shake his hand
Yuta makes sure to slide a calling card in between their palms
The name’s nakamoto
Nakamoto yuta
You need a new upholster?? 
You want shiny bling blings on your wheels??
Your wipers are getting old??
Your leather seats are getting cracked??
Why not just buy a new car????
I’ll sell you one
Only 1000 a month
For 36 months
*whispers* no downpayment required
Momoka: ….okay
You meet yuta when you drag yourself to the showroom where he works
He was about to greet you the usual way he does
But you had tears streaming down your face like??
You wiped your cheeks with your hands and showed him your best smile
Can you show me your best car??
And he was like, best as in… fastest?? Most expensive?? Cutest color?? Most popular??
And you were like, I don’t know just show me the best one
So he was like, ok come with me
And he brings you to the farthest showroom
The one where people are only allowed to go if they have their agent’s supervision
With the most enthusiastic voice he could muster, he starts his usual speech
Here!! We have the first model of the Lamborghini Huracan
You can go from 0 to 100,, literally,, in around 3 seconds
A dual gearbox is installed…. Only the best technology for a car like this amirite???
You get all these wonderful features
For only 5750 a month!!! 
For 24 months!! 
Isn’t that amazing??
But you clasp a hand over your mouth and be like
Why don’t we go for a test drive?
And you enter the car and sit on the driver side
Or,,, a test drive,,, right…
And yuta occupies the passenger seat
Inside, you let go of your sobs finally
Slumping over the thousand-dollar shiny steering wheel
And bawl your eyes out
and instead of being weirded out
or calling security 
yuta comforts you by rubbing your back gently
there, there…
if you don’t mind me asking though, what happened to you??
And so you tell him
About how your boyfriend broke up with you that morning
Saying you’re too uptight and careful and absolutely no fun
So today after work you decided to be reckless and impulsive
Wanting to buy the latest model of a sports car
((you don’t even know how to drive))
And yuta gathers you in his arms
Telling you it’s your boyfriend’s loss that he let you go
Because being yourself is not something you should be apologetic for
When he was sure you weren’t going to breakdown again, he helps you out
And waits until you’ve gotten into a cab safely
He jots down the plate number and told you to text him once you got home
He saves his own number in your phone
Instead of just giving you one of his calling cards
And then goes back to work
It’s only when he’s back inside that he realizes he didn’t sell you the car
Usually he would feel sulky and grumpy when a customer leaves without signing the deal with him
But today he was just okay 
He smiled to himself once he got your message
And his supervisor was like,, yuta did you sell that woman the Lamborghini earlier???
And yuta was like,, nah
But he was smiling still
And that day when he got home he decided to call you
And just chat you up to distract you from your issue with your ex
Pretty soon you were calling each other every day
Because who is nakamoto yuta if he isn’t finding something to talk about in everything
Remember how he always invites his colleagues out to drinks or dinner???
Now he only invites you
And his fellow sales agents were like
What happened to you???
But yuta just shrugs
‘’’I’m a changed man’’’
*cue office exploding*
And one night when you were both drunk off your asses in a karaoke
And he had chosen to sing a sad Japanese ballad
He confessed to you during the intro
With the sad piano music playing in the background
So pretty much the entire karaoke knew you two were a thing
Because he broadcasted his confession live via the mic
Ok yuta as a boyfriend
The first week of dating was weird
And you got so terrified of leaving the apartment
Because yuta was introducing you to everyone
Hey you,,, have you seen my girlfriend??? So pretty right. RIGHT.
Ok don’t get too close. 
Look but don’t touch
She’s mine
Old lady selling apples along the street: …ok
And he’s always dragging you to restaurants and fast food chains
You: …you don’t know how to cook, do you??
Yuta with a mouthful of omurice: …no
So you start cooking meals for him
And the first time he tried your food he almost cried
So he started coming more often to your place
Sometimes you would be surprised??? That he was already sleeping on your couch
Like when did you get in here??
To solve this problem of trespassing
You decided to ask him to move in with you 
And he didn’t even blink when he said yes
Because honestly??? Being a single guy was lonely
And he didn’t know how much he was missing until you two started dating
And it was like your dating stage was already your married stage
Like when he’s in the shower and he peeks out the door because he forgot something
Yuta: hey babe, where’d you think I put my—
You: here you go
Yuta: but you didn’t know what I was about to look for…
You: it’s your underwear isn’t it
Yuta: ….yes
He talks so much tho….
Like sometimes you have to remind him that he isn’t selling you stuff
Sometimes that would work
And it would make him talk normally again
But sometimes he’s too much
That you have to shove food in his mouth to shut him up
Yuta: I love you
You love him tho
Yuta: do you know my secret as to how I can sell as many as 40 cars a month???
You: idk what
Yuta …I don’t know how to drive either
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thefatfeministwitch · 7 years
Black cats and witches go together like newt’s eyes and cauldrons! The black cat has been following in the footsteps of their witchy master for as long as anyone can remember, and it’s no wonder. Cats are mysterious, agile, cunning, and vicious hunters. Cats get what they want and always land on all fours no matter what. The power and worship of cats goes back to ancient Egypt and to the goddess Bast, the mother of all cats. Bast was the goddess of love, sexuality, fertility and music. She was a strong, sensual goddess and is often depicted as being part cat or being surrounded by cats. Her grace, beauty and mystery matched that of the cat and this is where the story begins. Witches were always seen as wild women, women without morals and who eschewed the domination of men and of male run society. Because of its relation to Bast, the strong sexual goddess, the cat has always been seen as a sign of a woman’s rebellion against the norm, and a retreat into “darkness”. Witches have always been one with nature, and so it was only natural for a witch to develop a friendship with animals. A single animal who is fiercely loyal to a witch, and who aids in their magic is called a familiar, and the black cat is the most popular familiar of all.
The draw of a witch’s cat has persisted into modern society and witches in movies, on tv, and in books often have a loyal cat that appears to have chosen them – though few actually show witches working with their cats! Your cat friend can help cleanse your home of negative energy, lend energy to spells and rituals, and offer a connection to certain deities. If your cat is willing, incorporating them into your practice can be rewarding for both of you.
Since it’s Friday the 13th, let’s start with the real king of the magickal cats – the black cat!
The Black Cat
The black cat is the one most associated with witches and magick. In French the black cat is called matagot, or the magician’s cat. Contrary to North American superstitions, the matagot was considered good luck and any family who welcomed such a cat into their home was truly blessed. In England and Japan, a black cat crossing your path is seen as a good luck charm.
When the Pilgrims came to North America, armed with biblical level prejudice, they feared anything that could be considered evil. They claimed all black cats were either witch’s familiars or witches themselves who could shapeshift. This is why many people believe black cats are unlucky now.
In Scotland a fairy creature known as the Cat Sidhe (Cat She) was depicted as a large black cat with a white spot on his chest and was known as the king of the cats! Like most fairy creatures, the Cat Sidhe was not trusted but the people of the Scottish highlands. Legend said that the cat Sidhe could steal the soul of a person who had recently died before their soul could be taken to the afterlife by the gods, by passing over the body before the funeral. Night watches were set up and many methods of distraction were often set up to keep the Cat Sidhe away from the body at all costs. It was also said that this spectral cat was attracted to warm fires (cats love to sleep on the hearth!) and so none were lit in the funeral room. On Samhain, households that put out a saucer of milk for the Cat Sidhe would be blessed for the year with good luck, and houses that did not would be cursed with dried up cows until the following Samhain when they got a chance at redemption. In later years the legend changed to be about a witch who could take the form of a cat, rather than a creature from the Faerie realm.
The black cat was always seen as a symbol of magick and the mysteries on the night time world. Many black cats are depicted almost being electrically charged. This nocturnal mystery was a companion to wise women, healers, conjurors, and cunning men who gathered magickal herbs by the light of the moon.
Use images of the matagot in your spells to increase your magickal power, to incite mystery and energy of the moon, and to bring on good luck.
The Magick of House Cats
Whether you’ve got a familiar, or just a friend (or many!) cats have a ton of magical benefits that can improve the energy of your home and your overall well-being.
Cats climb in, on, around, and underneath EVERYTHING. They have a very fluid way of getting into all of the corners and dark spots in your home, and since cats are so in tune with energy – it’s no mistake. Cats move energy around, break up stale or negative energy, and keep the overall feeling of your home more positive – and they do it on purpose.
Like most animals, cats can also sense things like illness, sadness or depression, and negative emotions or situations. Some cats will bolt, but many will do their best to improve the situation. Whether that’s just by being there and breaking up negative energy, cuddling to cheer you up, or clearing the space through sound. Purring is a very gentle, repetitive sound that clears the energy of a space and since you know it’s a loving sound it will instantly lift your spirits and offer support.
At nighttime, cats take their jobs as night watchmen very seriously and not only protect you from physical assailants, but can also help to keep away spirits and nightmares. If you suffer from nightmares, clear your bedroom with smoke like sage or sandalwood, and maybe tuck a protective herb into your pillow (I like rosemary!). Before you go to bed call in your cat and gently explain to them the problem and ask them to keep you safe. Cats can sense when something is wrong and yours will no doubt stay close all night.
Of Course there are Goddesses of Cats!
Though cats were prominently featured in ancient Egyptian art work and magick and many gods and goddesses worked with cats, no cat deity is more famous than Bast, or Bastet – the Egyptian goddess with the head of a regal black cat.
Bast is the goddess of fertility, love, music, and sexuality. She was most frequently depicted as a woman with the head of a black cat and holding a sistern (Egyptian musical instrument) or basket. Her city was Bubastis, and here her temple featured a lush grove and was home to many temple cats who were pampered to no end. The temple also served as the final resting place for other beloved cats of the common people. Thousands of mummified cats have been found in a tomb in the temple at Bubastis, and it’s believed that by laying their beloved pets to rest here that their words and prayers would reach the goddess. There were even a few royal shrines erected by pharaohs for their cats.
Bast is gentle, loving and understanding – though fiercely protective of her family. When Bast becomes threatened she takes on the persona of predatory lioness Pasht. She loves to celebrate, dance, and have fun. Her festivals in mid-April always caused quite a stir and are often compared to a modern day mardi gras.
Call on Bast when you want to do magick to increase your sexuality or sexual attraction, and for fertility or pregnancy.
Sekhmet is another Egyptian cat deity, though sort of the polar opposite of Bast. Sekhmet was portrayed with the head of a lioness and was often shown with a crown of fire or pure sunlight and a cobra. She was often referred to as ‘The Terrible One’ or ‘She Who is Powerful’. She was the goddess of human fate and is often associated with the colour red to symbolize the power of the sun and the blood shed during battle. She was a goddess of power, fire, and war. She was often honoured and prayed to by soldiers before marching off.
Though she sounds terrifying, Sekhmet of course had her softer qualities. She was a fierce protector who brought closure to unhealthy situations, was incredibly wise, and fiercely protective of her people.
Call on Sekhmet if you feel threatened of attacked, to defend your home, and for courage and strength in difficult situations.
Freya was a Norse goddess of love and sexuality, beauty, magick, shapeshifting and was the leader of the Valkyries. She was also known as the mistress of cats because she rode in a chariot pulled by two large, silver lynx-type cats. Cats are known as a sacred animal to the goddess and farmers who put out milk for stray cats were thought to be blessed by Freya.
Freya was also a talented witch and taught other Norse gods about love potions and charms. In modern days she’s associated with magick, witches, intuition, cat magick, enchantment, and female power.
Call on Freya when you need to get in touch with your feminine side, magick to do with love, boosting your intuition or psychic power, or when you’re unsure which path to take and maybe need to hop a lift on a cat-drawn chariot.
Attracting your own feline familiar
Many witches believe that the familiar will choose the witch, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be a bit proactive. Visit animal shelters and maybe even volunteer and see if any cats get attached. Finding a cat through a shelter or fostering program as opposed to going through a breeder assures that your cat is familiar with people, in good health and well cared for, and allows you to learn a bit more about their personality. It also means your cat will be extra appreciative of their new home.
If you’re in Windsor come volunteer with me!
You can also attract a new familiar to your home by planting cat nip and cat grass outside (you’ll make so many new friends!), putting images of cats in your windows that have been charged with this intent and you can even do candle spells to attract them. Brown candles are often used in magick dealing with animals, and luckily they can be found almost anywhere – usually in delicious scents. Many metaphysical stores will carry cat-shaped figure candles, and if you can find one in brown you’re extra set!
Dress your candle in an attracting oil, or maybe even catnip oil, and meditate on the kind of familiar you feel you need. This is no different than attracting love or a new job, just focus your intent on the kind of companion you wish you attract and put that energy out in the world. You can carve the qualities you want into the candle, burn the candle on top of a list you’ve made and even put the candle in the window for extra visibility. Do this once a month, especially on or after the new moon, until your new familiar makes itself known to you. In that time keep an eye and an ear out for cats, maybe re-visit or volunteer at those local shelters.
Familiar or Just a Friend?
Unfortunately, just because you find a cat you really click with, doesn’t mean they’ll be interested in being a familiar. It’s important not to force it. Ease the cat into it. Start by setting up some magical items on the floor somewhere they like and see how they react. If you want to keep everything on an altar, maybe set up a perch nearby! A tall cat tree right near the altar will make it clear they’re welcome and even have their own place to join or observe.
Offer treats before rituals so they associate treats and pets and chin scritches with ritual time.  If you want to physically bring them into a circle or working space be very gentle and let them leave if they’re uncomfortable.
Incorporate catnip into your spells or rituals! Catnip is popular in spells to attract love and best friends; it attracts good spirits and good luck to your home, and helps with overall happiness for everyone. It’s a wonderful member of the mint family to incorporate into almost any magical working.
A magickal cat or familiar will be interested in your magick in some way, and not act like you’ve just brought out the vacuum cleaner. They will either stand guard in the same way every time, they will enter your circle and lend their energy, or they might even actively participate! If a cat you’ve had for a while is interested in your magick and really wants to be a part of it you may have already found your familiar.
And what if the cat you’ve chosen to be your familiar isn’t interested? Just cherish your pet for exactly who they are, and enjoy all of the benefits that any cat can bring into your home and life.
Feline Friendly Sketchy Herbs and Magic Rocks!
Catnip: Encourages love, good fortune, beauty, and happiness. Tuck the flowering tops into charm bags for these purposes and bless it before giving it to your magickal cat.
Valerian: another herb cats love! Valerian flowers and leaves are used in spells for love; to help get a good night’s sleep, for protection, and to encourage good health.
Amber is sacred to Freya and can offer safety and relief in the birth of kittens.
Citrine is a popular protection talisman for cats.
Lapis Lazuli was a popular stone in ancient Egypt for healing and increasing psychic abilities.
Cat’s Eye is a stone of protection and is often used to protect from the evil eye and to bring good luck. The Cat’s Eye also protects the accident prone, much like a cat always landing on its feet.
Tiger’s Eye comes in three colours – gold, red, and blue. The gold is used for creativity, prosperity, and balance. The blue is used for intuition, emotional balance, and peace. The red is all about vitality, confidence, and energy.
Some Everyday Cat Magick
Cats have a natural connection to the moon, mystery, and magick. As such working with a cat or familiar can be incredibly rewarding and can boost your magick. Working magick with your cat necessitates a certain closeness between the two of you.
First, work on being able to call your cat easily. Visualize your companion coming toward you, and then speak its name. No need to shout. Once you reach the relationship of witch and familiar, your cat should know when it’s needed for magickal work.
Next you need to be able to get a little physical with your cat. Gently holding and petting your cat calms and relaxes the both of you, but also raises energy. This is a metaphysical energy, but also an electrical charge! When the air is dry you can see the electricity coming off of your cat and you might generate some shocks if you pet them too long.
Now that your cat is in the right place and frame of mind gently and simply ask for assistance and let the cat know what you’re up to. True cat ladies always talk to their cats, don’t pretend that you don’t! Be straight and quick with it, and do your spell right away. Afterwards close up the spell and remember to thank your cat. Maybe come up with a special treat just for after ritual.
Of course, a true partnership involves give and take on both sides, so you should try and use magick to improve the life of your friend as well!
Start off simply by blessing or enchanting their food and treats before giving it to them. Call on any of the above goddesses or just charge the food with positive energy. Send energy for healing, happiness, and even magick into the food. Infuse their treats with feelings of love or gratitude before handing it over.
When you bring home a new cat do a small ritual and bless the cat and your relationship with a long and happy life.
If your cat is at the vet or recovering from illness you can do a small smell to encourage healing by lighting a white, pink, or green candle and either charging it with healing light or calling on Freya for help.
If the time comes to say goodbye to a beloved cat, you should do a ritual for parting and saying goodbye. Light a candle and burn incense made of rosemary for remembrance, basil for love and devotion, lavender for protection, and of course cat nip. Ask the cat goddesses to carry your pet into the afterlife and to take care of them. The Valkyries, under the watch of Freya, were charged with escorting warriors into Valhalla and so calling on them might be a nice symbol as well. You can also put these herbs and some crystals for cats into a small sachet and bury it with your cat, or ask the vet to include it in the cremation. If you’ve decided not to keep remains (or can’t afford it) many vets will agree to take a paw print of the cat before they put them down. Keep this on your altar and honour for familiar in rituals.
Choose a magickal name for your cat! Research names associated with cats or magick or different cat legends. You can even include a name ceremony when you welcome your new cat into ritual.
Finally, get a collar for your cat and decorate it with symbols of protection and magick! This can be painted right on, or can dangle as a decoration. Maybe find a small citrine point or a piece of amber. You could also make your own cat collar and infuse it with blessings, get a name tag printed with your cat’s magickal name or make up a rune/symbol/or sigil for your cat and have that stamped onto a tag!
No matter what kind of cat you find (or that find you!), they’ll bring magick, mystery, and love into your home and life. They’ll keep away negative entities and vibes, keep your home’s energy moving and changing, and of course… offer cuddles. I can’t imagine seeing any cat as bad luck, even on friday the 13th!
  More A+ Friday the 13th Content: 
You Lucky Witch! Blog Post
Rabbit Magick on Seeker’s Corner! [YOUTUBE]
Feisty Feline Familiars! Black cats and witches go together like newt’s eyes and cauldrons! The black cat has been following in the footsteps of their witchy master for as long as anyone can remember, and it’s no wonder.
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