#i wanted to just express my thanks and love for these three dorks :'(((
reysdriver · 4 months
Hey darlin'! I just saw your one-shots and i REALLY love them!! I need morr about Eddie with Hopper!Reader <33 Please!! A fluff or a smut where the Reader have to deal with her father. Hope you can answer. Have a nice day!! ✨️
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You and Eddie try to have a chill night in, but it's difficult when you have the world's most paranoid chief of police as a father — eddie x fem!hopper!reader fluff
warnings: none
words: 1.2k
a/n: thanks for submitting a request! I'm sorry it took so long, I've been so busy lately, and I'm sorry I couldn't figure out how to end it lmao but I really hope you like this fic!!
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Even though your dad knew about you and Eddie dating, he was definitely not as okay with it as you would have hoped, but honestly more than you had expected. 
He had met Eddie a few times since he found out you were in romantic cahoots with the familiar criminal, and despite your fears, they had gotten along quite well despite their history and their differences. But no matter how many things they actually had in common, no father would fully trust Eddie Munson to be alone with his little girl. 
“Door open three inches!” Your dad called from the couch. “You know the rules!”
You rolled your eyes, standing up from the bed to open the door to Hopper’s liking. 
The door was open three inches, and you swore that it was the draft causing the door to move slightly, but you knew your dad would never believe you. 
“Seriously, Dad?” You asked him. 
“Rules are rules.” He confirmed. “If you don’t like it, then the boyfriend can go.”
You let out a heavy, dramatic sigh before returning to your boyfriend, who was currently sketching out a Dungeons and Dragons character based on you for his new campaign. 
Eddie looked up from his paper when you sat back down next to him. “You can do a lot with three inches, you know?”
You put a finger over his mouth—which he playfully tried to bite—and you shushed him while holding back a laugh at his incredibly stupid, albeit funny, joke. 
“He’s gonna hear you, and he’s gonna drag you out of here. Keep drawing.”
He put the finishing touches on his design, then let out a sound of satisfaction over it before turning the notebook so you could see it better. 
“I think I did pretty good.” Your boyfriend proclaimed. “She’s almost as pretty as you.”
Oh, how you lucked out with this mysterious dork. You thanked him by pressing a quick kiss on his cheek before your dad became suspicious of you two once again. 
“You think I should get it as some ink?” Eddie asked you. 
“Like, you want to get it tattooed?”
Eddie nodded, eyes going back and forth between you and the cartoon version of you that he just made. 
“Absolutely not.” You replied. 
“What? Why not? Do you not love me enough to let me tattoo you on me?”
He was ridiculous, staring at you with big, fake puppy dog eyes and a pleading lip. 
“Of course I love you, but as your girlfriend, I also need to stop you from doing stupid things.”
“What if I keep your tattoo separate from the creepy skulls and spiders?”
Well, that was an offer you almost couldn’t refuse. Even though it was tempting, you would never let him know that he can get to you like that, so you played it cool.
“Ask me again in a year.”
His face erupted into a devilish smile and he held his hands to his chest like a cartoon character in love. 
“I’m getting a tramp stamp of my girlfriend in a year!”
Before you could protest his proclamation, he pulled you into his arms in what you hoped was just a teasing gesture rather than a genuine expression of excitement for something you were certainly not going to let happen. 
Just a second later, your dad cleared his throat very pointedly, which practically frightened you out of your boyfriend’s arms. 
“El wants to watch a movie.” He announced. “Come watch with us.”
You sat up and shook your head lightly. “Um, no thanks, Dad. We’ll pass on that.”
Your dad raised an eyebrow and looked at Eddie’s arm around your waist. “You have something better to do?”
It was at that point that you knew him telling you about your sister and the movie was an order, not an invitation. You bit the inside of your cheek and luckily, Eddie spoke up before you could say something snarky. 
“A movie sounds great, chief. Count us in.”
“Good.” Hopper said curtly before turning around to the living room. 
Eddie stood up and started teasingly pulling you off the bed. You laid down and let out an annoyed groan, resisting his attempts to move you. 
“C’mon, babe, movie time.” Eddie encouraged. 
“It’s just gonna be The Wild Bunch. That’s one of their favourite movies and I know El’s been wanting to see it again lately.” You mumbled. “I’d much rather stay here with you.”
“Well, your dad might never let me back in your house if he thinks I’m trying anything with his daughter in the other room, so we have to. Plus, I like The Wild Bunch too.”
Your face formed an exaggerated frown as you finally got up off the bed. 
Eddie smiled and escorted you to the living room. And although you had just started to build up excitement within you for this movie night, it already got worse. 
El was in her favourite recliner—the VHS case for The Wild Bunch was on her lap, you called it—but your dad had plopped himself down in the exact middle of the couch. Not only did you have to watch a movie with your family instead of chilling with your boyfriend, but you couldn’t even sit next to him because your dad hates the idea of you having fun. 
Before you knew it, you were in a full on stare-down with the Hawkins chief of police. 
“Take a seat.” He said passive aggressively. 
“I want to sit next to Eddie, Dad. Could you move over?”
He shook his head. “I’m not falling for any of your tricks. I was a teenager once.”
“Yeah, like a thousand years ago.” You mumbled. 
The comment was quiet but your dad still heard it. 
“Careful, any attitude and I’ll assume it came from the moron and he won’t be allowed back in the house.”
You looked over at Eddie with a defeated expression on your face. He looked back at you, sympathetic and willing to comply—the latter was a complete switch from his normal mood.
Your boyfriend understood completely why your dad was worried about you and Eddie dating, but that didn’t mean he was happy about it. Of course, Eddie was willing to do whatever he could to seem like the boyfriend every parent would want for their daughter—he really was, some people just couldn’t look past the exterior shell to see it—so he held his tongue and went along with anything. 
The two of you sat down on opposite sides of the couch, separated by your relentless father. 
“Alright, El, play the movie.” Hopper said. 
He then leaned back and kept his eyes on the television in front of you all. 
Eddie soon caught your gaze from across the couch, and he stretched his arm behind his head, oh so conveniently placing it a few inches from your shoulder.
You grinned at him, keeping it subtle, and took his hand in yours. 
The two of you watched the rest of the film like that, holding hands in that slightly uncomfortable way, and the night wasn’t as insufferable as it seemed like it was going to be. All thanks to Eddie, of course.
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eggyrocks · 5 months
#53 with my babygirl suga pls....
suga is sooooo babygirl.........
500 follower special: #53 “Who crawls through someone’s window at 4am to go for ice cream?!”
sugawara x gn reader, established relationship, fluff, nonsense, goofy shit, reader doing weird shit (crawling through windows at 4am) not proofread
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Their fingers move in a way that would suggest that they've done this before. They know what they're doing when they fiddle and twist at the outside of the window lock, biting down on their bottom lip in concentration.
Once the lock finally pops, they grin brightly, unbothered by the fact that it is their eighteenth straight hour without sleep or how soon enough the world will start to awake around them. All the can think of as they pull the window open and climb through, is the plastic bag they have dangling from their wrist, and their sleeping boyfriend, twisted up in bedsheets and half-hanging on the bed.
They step carefully through his room, depositing the bag on his bedside table. Sugawara's light snores fill the room, and they can't help but smile as they approach his bedside, sitting on the edge of the bed and admiring him for a moment, thinking fondly of how cute he looks before they lean in and gently shake at his shoulder.
"Koshi," they say, not bothering to keep their voice low. "Babe, wake up."
His expression twists in his sleep, brow furrowing and upper lip twitching. "Hmmph," he groans, stirring slightly.
They lean closer, placing a kiss on his slightly-sweaty forehead before they lean back, and flick the center of it.
Sugawara flinches, jerking back at the contact. His eyes flutter open slowly, and he twists his head at the sight of them. "Babe?" he questions. "Am I dreaming?"
They giggle. "Nope, I'm real," they say, and lift their arm to reveal the plastic bag of ice cream they smuggled through his window. "Brought this for you."
Eyes still heavy with sleep, Sugawara sits up, placing his weight on his forearm and reaching for his phone. The brightness of his screen makes him flinch again. "It's four in the morning."
"Yeah, and I brought you ice cream," they explain, settling back to sit cross-legged on the floor of his bedroom. Sugawara practically rolls off the bed, scooting closer to sit beside them. He rests his head on his shoulder as they pull out a pint of strawberry. "I was gonna get toppings but I stopped at three different twenty-four hour stores and they didn't have anything good."
"Who the fuck crawls through someone's window at four in the morning for ice cream?" he asks through a yawn, nuzzling in closer to their shoulder.
They're struggling with the plastic around the pint, trying to rip away at it with their nails. "The love of your life," they reply lowly, eventually giving up and tearing into with their teeth. "You know my birthday?"
Sugawara's arms slowly wrap around their waist, pulling them in closer, eyes closed as he tries to get as close to them as possible. "I know of it."
"Well, you broke into my house at five in the morning to take me for breakfast on my birthday, because you said you wanted to celebrate as early as you could," they explain, finally ripping the plastic clear off and popping off the lid. "And now, I'm beating your record. Happy birthday, Koshi."
They can feel his lips pull into a smile against the skin of their neck. "You're such a dork," he says, voice heavily laced with affection. "Thank you babe, love you."
'Love you, babe," they reply, slightly unfocused. The plastic spoon they brought is no match for the frozen pint. It just scrapes along the top, and they can't get a good scoop out. "Fuck, this is hard. I was hoping it would've melted by now."
His eyelashes tickle their skin. "It still counts as a birthday celebration if I go back to sleep, right? Your record will still count?"
"No," they insist, "you have to actually have the ice cream in order for it to count."
Without opening his eyes, Sugawara reaches down for the pint and sloppily licks along surface of the ice cream. "There, I had the ice cream. Now come to bed with me."
He looks up at them, sleepy eyes half-closed and a lazy grin on his lips. "Please, babe? It's all I want for my birthday."
All it takes is one look at him and his dopey, sleep filled smile for them to relent.
Their legs are tangled together, and Sugawara's holding onto them so tightly they wouldn't be able to pull away if they tried. He snores lightly. The sun rises, and the ice cream melts on his bedroom floor.
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an: why was i sleeping on suga i love him
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S7 Runaan
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I gotta look at him. I gotta look. What's he got
His hair is still dungeony. He hasn't redone it. Is he expecting to meet Ethari soon and he just wants his husband's hands in his hair again, like always? Is he grossed out by his dungeon hair and doesn't want to touch it? Is he ashamed of his long assassin hair? (put it in a bun, sir!) Has he just. forgotten it's there. Dork.
His hair is waiting for Ethari, that's all there is to it.
HE HAS A SHIRT. MY BOY. Runaan deserves dignity. It looks like a very Moonshadow shirt, navy blue and gray with swirls all over it. He's rolled up the sleeves, which is extremely hot of him. And it is a bit short at the waist, too (thank you TDP for that visible slice of Runaan's hip).
Headcanon: this is Lujanne's Rayla's own shirt and it's nice and tight and a bit too small for Runaan's tall rangy body but he'll take it because it's soft and comfy and better than nothing.
Runaan isn't carrying his bowblade. We know Rayla has it, somewhere. Which means he is choosing not to carry it/be seen with it, in Katolis. He's making a choice to come with empty hands instead of a weapon, hoping not to be stabbed or shot on sight. Good luck with that, my man, they will NOT be happy to see you. But what else can you do to begin your amends?
I think Rayla might still have it somewhere, ready for him to use in a sudden moment of danger, but he could be doing the same thing Viren did with his staff. Viren didn't want to pick up the relic staff again because of what it represented to him - his own self, darker, harder, and making choices that hurt people. Runaan's bowblade has the same kind of weight. He may have it close to hand, but he may not want to touch it, let alone wield it, anytime soon.
That's not to say he won't be forced into a situation where using his bowblade would make things better - but also worse. I mean, this is TDP.
The situation that's giving him this pose may be that exact situation already. He's recovered his Hard Assassin Eyes here, even though his hands are empty and Rayla is actively guarding him with her swords. They've run into someone, or something, that's threatening them, and Rayla has to take point on defense. And Runaan is letting her, at least in this specific moment.
Who have they met? Judging by events earlier in the show, it could be Amaya again, which would add the whole layer of an Amaya vs Rayla repeat showdown at the Banther Lodge. At this point, Amaya and Rayla have hugged and become friends, nearly family. But Amaya's whole job when the assassins came was to try to save Harrow - and she wasn't in time. Being back at this location would probably put her in a very particular mood, and I don't think it'll clash well with Runaan's presence. Not at all.
Will I be getting my long-wished-for fight between Amaya and Runaan? Even if it's interrupted and no one is truly hurt, I would LOVE to see them go at each other. Their tactics are so different, I just want to see a silly lil skirmish, plssss.
Pure speculation here, but it's possible that Amaya and Janai flew Ezran to Katolis to help - since their hotcats are here with him against what looks to be human architecture. And then Amaya departed from Ezran's location to the Banther Lodge, possibly for supplies for the wounded and survivors. Leading to this second screenshot serving as Amaya bringing Runaan back with Rayla, and we get to see the mixed expressions of these characters. Callum's in particular - Rayla would not be parted from Runaan willingly, so she could still be standing beside him, possibly arrested with him, and Callum has to stand behind his brother the king and see her trying to defend the indefensible, her stabby dad who killed Ezran's stabby dad.
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I'm adding a few more grains of sand to the scales in favor of it being Runaan because of this other screenshot from S6, which turned out to be him facing down Viren - another adult who helped ruin his life.
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Anyway, whatever happens here, we will see it in four months! FOUR MONTHS UNTIL RUNAAN WITH A SHIRT Y'ALL AAAAHH
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polyamorous-elevenv2 · 8 months
How would Hopper and Erica respectively react to Elumax?
Hello, dear!!! 💛
Firstly, thank you, love, for the ask!!! It was nice to think again about elumax 😊💕 I added Joyce tho, because... well.. I wanted to...
Okay, so to the point! 🫡
Headcanons: elumax comes out as a throuple to:
Joyce & hopper
Hopper was just...confused when he heard them. You can imagine his confused grimace as he looks at kids and then at Joyce for help
but she just smacks him on the arm, and smiles sweetly at kids, "let's maybe hear out you first, huh?"
and so elumax talks, and explains
Joyce sometimes nods, sometimes raises her eyebrows in curiosity
Hopper is less...excited.
he says that he's worried that Max & Lucas won't love El as much as they love each other, and he doesn't want to see her get hurt
(El rolls her eyes)
Max & Lucas explain as calmly as they can, that this is not how it works
and Max says something like "you have to sometimes feel pain in relationships" or some crap she heard from Steve
it works, tho! Because Joyce giggles and looks at Hopper at once melting his sour expression
"they're right" she says in soft voice and at that Hopper nods
he still isn't that sure that these two won't hurt his little girl
but as he sees as El looks at two of them... He can't lie to himself, she loves them
and so, he decided that (with Joyce help and patience) he's willing to give Max and Lucas a chance
(Hopper knows that his little girl would date them even without his blessing, but he refuses to think about it)
so in the end, they have a family talk, but all in all Joyce & Hopper don't mind
"we did fight monsters from another dimension. Three-way relationship isn't that out of ordinary for us, yes?"
they hug!! Family hug! Bug bear hug! lots of love and understanding!
I kid you not, her reaction was "duh? Finally." which made Lucas want to smack her with pillow
but honestly, she saw through their bullshit since forever
maybe she didn't know the term "polyamory" but she did know that these three dorks love each other
I mean, one time she went to Lucas room to take something from him per usual, and she saw him, Max and El cuddling on his bed! Cuddling!
so yeah, it was pretty obvious to her
and honestly, she was teasing him about having two girlfriends since at least month
(her brother is stupid, but she loves him)
Max seeing Erica's reaction just laughs loudly, which prompts El to giggle and Lucas to smile
Erica seeing that rolls her eyes, because, come on? not in front of her dolls!
Lucas' sister pats him on the arm as she says "you have my blessing, kids. They will be good for you. And YOU will be good for them or you know what I'll do. Bye"
with that it was over, Erica left the room
but honestly, it was so refreshing to see this kind of reaction from someone
it made them happy!
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theacedragon0w0 · 6 months
You belong to me
SagexVel Smut fic
Possessive Vel sees Sage being a dork and rails them.
Hazel belongs to @puffymucher
Velvette and Hazel walked into the penthouse, Rosalina and Vlk were out on a date and wouldn't be expected to get back till late into the night, more likely the two would crash at Rosalina's place. Sage heard the door swing open as they pulled out the meatloaf that just finished baking.
Sage was practically jumping with excitement,
"Hi Loves! The meatloaf is just finished! I also got your favorite bread, well I got five loaves but that was because the guy didn't have the change for one."
Velvette, without changing any expression, summoned Sage's collar, catching the reptile surprised as Sage was getting pulled away from her work area,
"H-hold on Velvette, the meatloaf will get cold,"
"Don't care, I need to screw you till your legs are shaking, Hazel you got this covered right?"
"Yes ma'am," Hazel stated, giving the couple a salute as Sage felt the dread that there wasn't going to be any dinner left over.
Like reading their mind Velvette answered, "Look we can order from that sushi spot you love so much darling," practically shoving Sage to the bedroom.
Sage was quick to remove their clothes, granted they tend to wear only a t-shirt and shorts while they cook, and laid on the bed; prepared for whatever her lover had in store for her. After a couple of minutes of Velvette undressing and digging through the drawers, she pulled out a dildo, one end was shorter than the other.
Pointing the short end at Sage's snout, Velvette towered over Sage,
to which Sage obeyed, wrapping their tounge around the silicone as Velvette inserted it into Sage's throat. Velvette then reached over to tease Sage's clit with her delicate fingers, sending waves of pleasure to the guard. Sage saw Velvette's heat in front of them and tried to sneak their tounge into it but Velvette pulled away,
"Tsk, tsk, tsk, you are getting pretty bold now that you got three of my girls to screw ya without me," still tracing circles around Sage's walls, making Sage whimper.
"N-no boss, I am yours,"
"Say it again," Velvette now removing the toy from Sage's mouth and was beginning to adjust herself on top of Sage.
"I'm yours, I belong to you-aagh," getting cut off by Velvette slamming into Sage with little resistance thanks in part to Sage being already wet from the teasing. Velvette wasted no time, adjusting her legs so that Sage's thighs were pinned, her hands gripping her partner's wrists,
"Again," she commanded,
Sage struggled to get their words out, with Velvette bouncing against them and her leaving both kisses and bite marks around their neck and chest, "I'm, I'm, I'm yours, fuck, aah, I, fuck, I belong, hah, t-to, you."
The two were on round three when Velvette noticed how much Sage was struggling to keep their composure, tears were forming in their eyes, "Oh? Don't tell me you're getting winded sweetie, I know ya got one more in ya." Sage's back arched, gripping the back of the bedframe for support and their tail wrapped loosely around Velvette's waist, they were reaching their limit but they felt Velvette's rhythm starting to slow down, "haa, B-boss, do you want to stop?" But those words seemed to motivate the overlord, gripping Sage's hips as she her pace quickened, "You are not going to baby me while I am fucking you!" Giving Sage one final push before the lizard unraveled, leaving a large mess on the sheets. Sage covered their face, "Sorry, I'll clean it up," but Velvette gently moved Sage's hands away, giving them a kiss on their forehead. "In a minute doll, at least let me get you some water first,"
-there was in fact no meatloaf leftover lol
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shivunin · 1 year
✨Self-Rec Tag Game ✨
Rules: Share five of your own fanworks (fic, art, etc.). Then, tag five more people to share the things they've made. I’ve put categories below, but they’re more guidelines than rules.  1. Something you absolutely adore 2. Something that was challenging to create 3. Something that makes you laugh (or smile, if that fits more comfortably)  4. Something that surprised you (in how it turned out, how much other people liked it, etc.) 5. Something you want other people to see
@gaysebastianvael and @dungeons-and-dragon-age tagged me back to do this; thank you both! c:
Tidal Lock (T, 20k words, Cullavellan): This fic is the first finished thing I posted to AO3. It's a pretty different style from the other things I've written, but it's my comfort read for myself. I love stories that loop in on themselves, so have a big ol soft spot for it c: Writing Cullen as a kid was so fun and I fully intend to do it again sometime.
My Fenris scarf. My hands are a bit shaky, so I have a hard time drawing things. Unfortunately, I needed to draw the lyrium brand design straight onto the yarn (not a great surface for drawing things, btw) before I could embroider them into it with the glow-in-the-dark yarn. It turned out really well, but just putting the design down with chalk paint took at least three hours (only a little less than doing all of the embroidery)
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3. Ohhh man, I'm having trouble deciding! Here are three options:
This ficlet about Elowen and Cullen after they almost kiss. They are both such an absolute mess, this conversation is even messier, and every time I think about it I get the giggles c:
This ficlet about Hawke producing most of a deck of cards from her and Fenris's person after a night at the Hanged Man (I just...think it's funny to imagine her sticking them into his belt during a card game and Fenris fully knows, but pretends he doesn't. for the bit)
This fic on AO3 (explicit) with Arianwen and Zevran; specifically the part after the smut things are done, when they're dusting each other off and lightly arguing about their little competition. They're just...such dorks sometimes.
4. Search Your Hands (E, 13,581 words), easy. I actually had this most of the way finished six months before I finished it, but I was convinced it was too silly to post (and thankfully @star--nymph convinced me that it was worth finishing <3).
One of my favorite things about writing Cullavellan is exploring the funky little miscommunications that happen with you're in a multicultural relationship and this fic was inspired by that. There's just a mismatch between Cullen (who, having very few personal possessions, is almost certainly inexperienced at receiving gifts) and a cultural tradition involving gift-giving as an expression of Serious Romantic Intent. I did not expect it to be as well-loved as it is, but it has (by a dramatic margin) the highest kudos to bookmarks ratio of all my stories (at ~1/3) and is like...the fifth most-kudo'd thing I have on AO3, which is wild for a one-shot with minimal smut.
5. Wander the Drifting Roads!! (M, 108,331 words)
It is the fic I am most proud of (though I think Palimpsest might be my number two at the moment) and it's also, indirectly, the reason I wound up actually deciding to participate in the Dragon Age fandom. I wouldn't have most of my fandom friends without Wander, so just that would be enough for me to want to share it.
Friendship aside, though, I think it's some of my best writing. Cullen is exposed to red lyrium and loses his memory in between the main game and Trespasser. His Lavellan (Emmaera) has to figure out how to carry on without him as Commander or her lover and they take a very long road back to each other again. If you're okay with some angst before a happy ending (or if you're really into yearning), I think it's a great exploration of what makes someone who they are: is it a formal title or role? is it memory? is it the circumstances they've overcome to get where they are? or is it something less easily-defined than that?
Writing Wander was very challenging (especially towards the end) but so rewarding and worth it. When I want to feel that very particular sort of hurt you get from a sad fic (the kind that twists in your heart), I open up Wander again and put myself through chapter 7.
(I want to stress that it does have a happy ending lol, and a whole anthology of sweet domestic things to follow it up, but I think most people hang onto the hurt part of the hurt/comfort in Wander lol)
I tried to tag most of my mutuals when I made the original post, but: @daggerbean I'd love to see what you've made! and anyone else who wants a reason to show off your fanstuff is welcome to join in c: Tag me so I can see!
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manicali · 2 months
I have been on a fucking ROLL lately, doing things. I say as I am moving in a week and still not finished packing. Yippee. Anyway
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Dont mind the weird lighting, I have blinds.
So this is Hazel, the angel. You may notice they aren’t particularly any of the three types of biblical angels and that’s because I am lazy, and also mythology interpretations are fun.
Originally I was going to draw them really cool looking but then I thought about and said, nah they’re a dork. Because I say so. So the outfit has a fun little thought process behind it, totally not based on any vampires manga at all. Anyway, in their first appearance they’re not wearing clothes. I will obviously use anime logic to censor it because I would actually rather die than draw that. But the whole purpose of that is because Envy tells them to put on some fucking clothes and i swear everyone with an aesthetic has an article of clothing in the back of their closet that just doesn’t fit the vibe. In this case, red knit sweater owned by a goth. I just wanted Hazel to wear their humans fluffy sweater okay, let me be a stupid fangirl please. Thank you
God I love drawing supernatural egomaniacs being smitten. I don’t know why but there’s something about it that’s just addictive.
I should probably note that their pupils aren’t usually hearts, but I can’t draw expressions very well. I’m not sure what his wings are supposed to be, they were supposed to be fluffy feathers, but I used my darker blue grey to shade so…yeah. But it started to run out halfway through so they looks like storm clouds. Maybe they will be storm clouds. I don’t know. Like I’ve said a few times previously, all my ocs will be getting updated once I get new markers. Or learn digital.
This story will follow my favourite trope of dorky, smitten supernatural being and cool collected human. I’m so fucking hyped, this is really different from my other projects. Speaking of which, have finally been renamed!!! I said that earlier but Twisted has been renamed to Escapism, which sounds even more pretentious than the last name, but I have accepted that I am just a pretentious fuck. And my new cartoon idea has been named The last reign of the Sol King. Very anime of me, to choose a name long enough to be an acronym.
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selfship oneshot 3 for @badthingshappenbingo
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Fic Title: With New Courage, Let's Sing Anew
Fandom: Professor Layton
Characters: Clive Dove, Allspice Hathaway (Author Insert)
Prompt: Social Anxiety
Warnings: None
Additional Notes: This fic takes place after the events of Unwound Future, in a very canon divergent alternate timeline where Clive manages to atone for nearly assassinating the Prime Minister and blowing up at least half of London in canon.
Summary: Allspice invites Clive to an outing at the arcade with her friends, but Clive worries about making a good first impression.
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"Yeah, if he wants to go too, I'll bring him along... Okay! See you at Skylight!" Allspice Hathaway told her friend Lulu Greene over the phone before hanging up as she walked into her living room.
Her significant other, a certain Clive Dove, was already lounging on the sofa when she arrived. "Hey, Allspice. What's up?" he asked.
"My good friend Lulu from work invited me to meet up with her and a couple of our other friends tonight at Skylight, and she said if you wanted to join us, you were more than welcome!" Allspice beamed with excitement, only to be met with a slightly confused stare from Clive.
"What exactly is this 'Skylight' place?"
"It's an arcade, and the place opened up a few blocks from here only a week ago... I heard they have a lot of really good games!"
"I don't know... I don't know any of your friends, and I certainly don't wish to make a fool of myself in their presence - it'd be bad for us both if Lulu and whoever else will be there end up thinking 'Oh, wow, that Clive guy Allspice is dating is such a dork!', you know?" Clive sighed.
This confused Allspice. For the three weeks or so that she and Clive had been together, she'd always known him to be cool and confident, even if he was a little bit cocky, so seeing him get fussy about possibly embarassing the both of them in front of Allspice's friends caught her off guard.
"It's going to be okay, Clive!" she said with a warm smile as she gently took his hand in hers. "I'm sure they'll understand your nerves, and I'm just as sure they'll think you're super cool!"
Clive's worried expression softened ever so slightly. "Thank you, my love. That means a lot, and if it makes you feel better, I'll go with you!
With that, Clive straightened his hat before he and Allspice began the fifteen minute walk to Skylight Arcade.
They arrived just as the sun was beginning to dip below the horizon, and waiting at the front doors of the arcade was Lulu Greene, a fellow employee at Cry Some More - the sandwich shop where Allspice worked - and the same girl with whom she had spoken just before.
"Hey! Glad you could show up!" Lulu squealed excitedly before taking a glance at Clive as she flicked one of her somewhat short, rusty red braids. "And I take it that's Mr. Dove beside you? He seems pretty cool!"
"Yeah, thanks..." Clive laughed shyly as he averted his gaze to the sidewalk they were standing on.
"Don't worry, Lulu, he was just really freaked out about making a good first impression. He told me before we left that he was scared you'd think he was a dork."
Just then, two other girls arrived, one with jet black hair held in a loose bun by a pale pink scrunchie, and the other clad in a white blazer and a matching skirt, whose sideswept, shoulder length hair dyed in a soft shade of green.
"Ooooooh! You brought your boyfriend along, Allspice?" the black-haired girl gasped. "You're so lucky to have landed a dreamboat like that! Right, Mimi?"
Mimi, the girl in the blazer, scoffed. "Kiki, you sure you don't need your eyes checked? He looks like some kinda overrated Tumblr sexyman!"
Clive, upon hearing those words, buried his face in his hands in shame and turned around to walk back home, but Allspice grabbed his hand.
"Don't mind anything mean that comes outta Mimi's mouth. She's always like that."
Kiki proceeded to elbow Mimi in the side. "Hey, don't go bashing our friend's plus one! Just think about it, we can finally play Blushin' Rush here in London instead of having to go out of town!"
Allspice laughed at the antics between Kiki and Mimi, before continuing, "While they play that, I'm mainly gonna keep working on keeping my WR in iRevo!"
The discussion of what games everyone would be playing went on as the group entered Skylight, and all five had an enjoyable time, (even if Clive spent most of his time on one of the few non-rhythm games except for the one round of 2-player mode in iRevo he played with Allspice), and luckily, even Mimi managed to let go of her initial impressions of Clive by the end of the night.
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hanjisungz-remade · 5 years
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3 years with 3racha ♡
through 3 mixtapes, 2 singles and 14 deleted tracks, you three came together to share your dream and love for music, to tell your stories and spread messages. from the first moment i heard your voices i knew there was no going back. to say that i’m thankful is an understatement, but i really don’t have any better synonyms to convey how much your music has helped me and how much it continues to help me and so many other Stays so i think that the only viable words i can say right now is thank you. thank you for coming together as 3racha, thank you for being a part of stray kids, thank you for making music from the bottom of your hearts, thank you for being your dorky selves, thank you for everything. it’s already been three years, but here’s to many more. from starting as 3racha to part of stray kids, i’m here to stay ♡
thank you bang chan, seo changbin and han jisung
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websterss · 2 years
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REQUEST: I love your no way home imagines and I was wondering if you could write one where it’s Tom!Peter x reader where even after the spell, when Peter walks into the diner the reader recognizes him and have a fluffy ending, please? Thank you.
PAIRING: Tom!Peter Parker x fem!Reader
A/N: Hope you enjoy it! ♡ Feedback is always welcomed!
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“Pe-ter Par-ker.” You enunciated the pronunciation of the dorks name, hoping that would at least get MJ to have some recollection of the spiderling. “5’8, brown hair, has no game, and wears cheesy science t-shirts under flannels regardless of how many times you tell him he looks stupid?” You looked at her wide eyed. “Nothing!”
You let out an exasperated laugh. Is she bullshitting you? Is there a camera somewhere? There isn’t…you looked. Your boss told you to stop cause you were starting to scare the customers.
“Okay, I see what this is!” You laughed thinking you were on to her little game. MJ stopped refilling the cup of coffee she was making, slowly turning her head at you with a startled expression. “I can play this game too, Michelle!” You exclaimed as you started backing away from her, keeping a pointed finger directed at her.
Ned who was usually too engrossed with what was going on, on his phone showed his concerns. “Is she okay?”
“I think she’s having a stroke.” She tilted her head and squinted at you.
“I’m not crazy, okay!” Your raised voice, startling, an old couple sat in the corner. “I’m not!”
“Who the heck is Peter Parker?” Ned’s face contorted in confusion.
Just then the doorbell of Peter Pan rang out, catching yours and everyone’s attention. A guy walked in holding a sheet of paper in his hands. Peter had gone over what he had written multiple times. He could recite it by memory by now, but every time he read it out loud. He reasoned that going up to three people who he was a stranger to and telling them about how Dr. Strange cast a spell that erased everyone’s memory of him in order to stop a multiverse disaster from happening, made him sound insane. He might as well have written ‘Crazy’ on his forehead to add to the effect. So, he decided to stop being a little bitch as you would tell him to do so, then pulled the door open and questioned how the hell he was going to convince you guys that you were all friends. Though that thought died instantly when you came out of nowhere scaring the shit out of him. He jumped back.
“Oh thank god!” You ran around the counter attacking him in a bone crushing embrace. “Peter!”
“I think he is…” MJ stared stunned with her mouth agape, pointing at you smothering the startled dude that walked in.
“Definitely a stroke.” Ned eyed you curiously talking to the complete stranger before diverting his attention back to his donut and the device in his hand.
“Oh yeah!” She agreed.
“Thank god you’re here! Oh my god, MJ and Ned are acting weird, more so than usual.” You shook your head. Peter tensed up as you kept rambling.
What was this? How did you know who he was? How come you didn’t forget him?
He honestly had no clue, but it didn’t matter because he felt the ache in his heart that was always in there, dissolve. He wanted nothing more than to let go of his longing wish to be able to talk to you…and tell you everything!
“I thought I was completely losing my shit, but of course…you walk in at the perfect time, once again, reassuring me that I’m not going bat shit crazy!” You sighed, trying to calm down your nerves. You stared at him with a hollow smile. “Where have you been? You haven’t been answering my calls. I was about to put together a search party, but…no one seems to know who you are. You’re basically a ghost…” You chuckled nervously. “I guess that spell really did work, huh?” You finally stopped and took a good look at him from head to toe. He looked like he was somewhat in a good place. Yet the eyes always tell what the outer appearance tries to hide. You could tell from the way his eyes watered that he was probably hurting. As for you, well you weren’t much different from that night. Exhausted and stressed out wondering where this boy was for the past two weeks. You’ve been losing your mind trying to find him. Though by the looks of it he seemed to be just fine. Like he wasn’t lost at all. “What?” You asked as he kept staring at you with a longing look.
“What?” He sniffled as he shook himself out of his thoughts.
“What, what? Where have you been?” You slapped the side of his arm. “I’ve been worried sick…” You frowned.
“I’ve been sorting things out.” Peter cleared his throat. “I got a new place!”
“Yeah?” You offered a supportive smile.
“Yeah…” He looked down at his feet.
“I’ve missed you.” You finally admitted.
“Oh yeah?” He smirked. His watery eyes meeting your dry ones.
“I’ve been looking everywhere for you…” You reached forward and shoved his shoulder playfully.
“I’m here now.” He shrugged.
“Yeah now…why is that?” You crossed your arms.
“I thought that-” Peter looked around as he snapped both his thumbs and forefinger. “I thought that I could try making you remember who I was so I came in today.” He looked up at you with hopeful eyes. “I promised you guys I would make you remember.”
“Well it was about damn time. I was getting tired of you walking by the shop every day.” You teased him. “Although I don’t think you have to try hard with me, I remember just fine.” You looked him up and down.
“Yeah, I’m still trying to wrap my head around that.” Peter’s face scrunched in wonder.
“Who cares, I got you back!” You laughed. “You’re here, I’m here. Ned and MJ are too…” You glanced back over your shoulder. “Things can get back to normal soon.” You offered a smile.
“Yeah soon…” He half-heartedly laughed.
“What’s with the glum face? Isn’t this what you wanted? Us…all back together!”
“Yeah, yeah, of course I do!” Peter nodded. “But I-” He trailed off.
“But…?” You pushed him to continue.
“I just can’t help but think about the reason we’re all in this position in the first place.” Peter muttered. “People get hurt around me, Y/n.” He looked up at you with a frown. His eyes moved up to the bandaid on your temple. He reached up and gently caressed it, then let his hand drop. “You guys would be better off without me in your lives. I-I wasn’t even sure about coming in here today, but then I saw you and I just-” He stopped himself.
“What would you have done if I hadn’t remembered you?”
Peter choked on his words, shaking his head as he tried finding the right thing to say. “O-Order a coffee…” He flinched as he shrunk under your mean stare.
“You were gonna leave…weren’t you?” You uncrossed your arms and stood up taller.
Peter avoided your gaze. “You were!” You gasped.
“You’re such a dumbass!” You scoffed.
Peter was about to speak up and tell you that he was sorry but you cut him off by hugging him again. This time, slower and tighter. You placed your chin on his shoulder, gripping the back of his jacket. Peter’s breath shuddered as he let himself fall vulnerable in your arms. Closing his eyes and wrapping his arms around your waist tightly.
“You Peter Parker are a serious dumbass, if you think for one second,” You pulled back to look at him. “One second that I could ever forget about you, okay?” Peter nodded, chuckling with tears in his eyes.
“You’re kind of stuck with me.” You nodded with a smile. “Deal with it, bugboy.” You smirked as you began walking backwards, pulling him with you towards where MJ and Ned were.
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pinkteapotwriting · 3 years
I’ve been thinking. I see a lot of dom!marauders or them being experienced. But what if it was the opposite? Like y/n is experienced and perhaps a dom, while the boys are virgins (or just had little experience)? it makes me all soft 🥺. Like Y/N could be their best friend/fifth marauder (whichever you choose), and they like ask her to be their first time and it’s all blushy for the boys (them being subs, a few tears of pain for them) go crazy! It’s been on my mind for weeks!
Marauders x Fem!reader
Warning : unprotected sex, cursing, Dom!reader, pretty chill I think, you know, for smut
Word count : 1830
Thanks for being so patient, I hope you like it cause it took me forever to do this. It's a bit heavy on the dialogue but oh well
Surprise, surprise.
It was raining at Hogwarts. The Scottish countryside is taking on its usual demeanor of moisture in this season. Not that you minded, that just meant you got to spend the day with all of your favourite boys. You Sirius and James were giggling away in the corner while Remus was trying his best to ignore you all and read, but you figured you could peak his interest.
“Okay Pads, what’s your body count?”
“I’ve never killed anybody, but trust me Snivelus has come close.”
“No you dork, how many people have you slept with?”
“I’m not answering that!”
“I’m not gonna slut shame you Sirius.”
“He’s definitely not worried about being slut shamed Y/N” James snorted.
“Like you’re any better off than I am you prick.”
“Cut it out, there’s no need to call each other names. Are you both virgins then?”
“Well, yeah I guess.”
James was much more embarrassed than he needed to be.
“What about you Remmy, have you done anything at all?”
“Ask Sirius.”
“I already did ask Sirius!”
“Ask Sirius.”
“Oh my god why are you all so embarrassed there’s nothing to be ashamed of. I’m just surprised is all. You guys are all really attractive and kind people so I never thought you’d be inexperienced and you’ve dated plenty of girls.”
Remus shut his book.
“Not that it’s any of your business Y/N but i’ve at least given or received a hand job or two before.”
“Why’d you tell me to ask Siri- ooooooooh.”
Sirius had his face in his palms.
“Can we change the subject please.”
James patted his shoulder comfortingly.
“It’s okay Pads. It’s not like the opportunity never arose, we were all just waiting for the right person.”
“Aw well I hope you find them soon, I care about you all so much and you deserve the world.”
Sirius was still groaning into his hands.
“She’s so fucking oblivious.”
Remus chuckled.
Quite what? Confused definitely.
“I don’t understand.”
The room’s silence was overwhelming, until James took a deep breath and all eyes were drawn to him.
“Sirius and Remus obviously like each other and I’m not going to deny my attraction to either of them.”
“Then why don’t you-”
“It doesn’t feel complete. See we already found that someone, it’s you Y/N.”
“Really? You guys want me that way?”
James shrugged meekly.
“If you’ll have us.”
“I’ve always felt that way about you. I just never wanted to risk our friendship, but if you feel the same then I’d love to.”
Sirius’s head popped out.
“Right now?”
“Ha ha, no we don’t have to right now.”
“Well what are we waiting for, to get to know each other. I know James too well actually.”
You rolled your eyes and turned to probably the most level headed one, but Remus was giving you puppy eyes. You were so drawn to him you walked across the room and cupped his face with your right hand.
“What’s wrong honey?”
“Waited so long already, love. Don’t wanna wait any longer.”
“Jamie, do you want this too?”
“Yes please.”
“Such good manners baby, so I have everyone’s consent then?”
“Very much so.”
“Enthusiastic consent.”
“If you don’t do something I’m going to combust.”
You smirked at Sirius’s comment.
“You don’t get to combust until I say you do, understand?”
“Ooo scary.”
“So be it.”
You took hold of Remus’s hands and placed them on your hips.
“I know you’ll be a good boy for me Remus, won’t you?”
He swallowed thickly and nodded.
“I’ll be good for you Y/N.”
“I know you will Jamie. It’s Siri I’m worried about. Why don’t we show him what he’s missing out on? Lie back against the pillows for me, both of you.”
“What about me?”
“You can watch for now, learn how to follow their example.”
He huffed.
“Suit yourself.”
You knew your usual roles in the bedroom, so you were trying your best not to be too stern. But still, you needed to teach Sirius his place.
You lifted up the bottom of James' shirt and kissed his hip bone delicately. He got more and more ansty as you drifted your direction to the middle and down, and down, and down.
You very happily undid his belt and pulled off his pants. The state of his arousal was much more noticeable now.
“Can I suck your cock Jamie? Would you like that?”
“Yes please.”
“Good boy, Remmy can you spit on my hand please?”
You held your palm up to his mouth expectantly, but he seemed hesitant.
“You don’t need to be embarrassed sweetie, never for doing what I ask.”
He nodded and did what he was told and immediately you felt your clit throb. Having control over these three boys was certainly a power trip. Knowing you were the first person to make James tremble like this as you engulfed his cock expertly was definitely a turn on. As you bobbed up and down on James’ impressive cock, you rubbed the bulge in Remus’s trousers. The whines the two boys were making was truly music to your ears. You lifted with a pop.
“Alright Siri, are you ready to be good now?”
“Yes ma’am”
“Did you like what you were seeing?”
“Yes, I did.”
“Do you wanna try and make Remmy feel good?”
“I’ve never sucked-”
“I know, but I’m here to help you baby.”
You’ve never seen Sirius so nervous, so quiet.
“What I’m gonna get you to do first is what you do when you jerk Remmy off, Okay? Just spit on his cock and move your hand up and down alright?”
Remus shuddered as he watched Sirius in his submissive state.
“Good job Siri, look how happy you’re making Remmy. Now you can start by sucking the head, like this.”
James whimpered, and soon Remus was making the same noises. You placed your palm on Remus’s stomach to keep him from bucking his hips. Much to James disappointment you pulled away from him again.
“Okay Sirius, don’t forget to breathe through your nose and make sure you keep your teeth tucked behind your lips, there we go that’s it. Hollow your cheeks now too. How does that feel Remus?”
“F-feels good.”
“Yeah? Sirius is being such a good boy now. Is Siri gonna make you cum?
You grabbed hold of Sirius’s curly locks and pushed him down farther, making him gag and tear up. The vibrations making Remus cum instantly. You pulled Sirius off once Remus started squirming at the uncomfortable feeling of overstimulation.
“Did you swallow? Show Remmy.”
Remus groaned when he saw Sirius stick out his tongue, and you did too.
James' voice was raspy.
“Yes baby?”
“Wanna make you feel good, wanna fuck you.”
“Want me to Ride you Jamie?”
“Okay, but since this is your first time you might not last that long alright?”
“That’s okay, Sirius can take over after me.”
“Alright well you lie back and I’ll take care of you. Sirius, you wait like a good boy and I’ll help you out in a second. If you want you can get Remus to suck you off while you wait. Teach him like I taught you.”
You were suddenly aware of how you were still wearing all of your clothes so you hopped off the bed to quickly strip them off and you found yourself smirking at the expression of pure need and desire on James’ face.
You straddled his waist and pressed a kiss to his cheek before aligning his cock with your entrance. Inch by inch you and down on him as he clutched the sheets below him.
“This alright Jamie?”
“Yeah, you?”
“Perfect, can I move now?”
“Yes please.”
You raised your hips up, but before you could bring them back down James snapped his hips up to yours.
“James, fuck.”
But he didn’t seem to care, with one hand resting on your hip and one fondling your breast he kept his steady rhythm that was taking your breath away. Sirius and Remus were no longer enjoying their own pleasure, but enjoying the sight of yours. You reached down to rub your clit, but Sirius pulled your hand away and replaced it with his own.
“Like this Y/N?”
“Just like that baby, doing so good for me.”
Remus squeezed in between James and Sirius to suck on the tit that James wasn’t occupying.
“Boys- I’m gonna cum fuck-”
It’s funny how in public James could be such a little shit, but now all you saw was this wide eyed trembling figure that you got to take care of and fuck it sure was enticing especially when he said things like this.
“Please cum, wanna make you feel good Mommy please please please.”
As soon as you clenched around him as you hit your high James was spurting white hot cum into the depths of your pussy. Thank god for wizard contraceptives.
You didn’t really get to bask in the moment however, since Sirius was pulling you from James out of his own desperation. He had you lying on your back.
“I need you”
“I know I’ve kept you waiting for quite some time, go ahead love.”
Not that Sirius was significantly smaller than James, but he had an easier time going inside after you had come already. Your legs found their home wrapped around his waist as soon as he found his pace.
“Y/N, I don’t think I’m going to last long.”
“That’s okay love, this is about you. Be a good boy for me and cum whenever you need.”
“It’s kinda embarrassing though.”
You cupped his cheeks and pulled his lips to meet yours.
“No need to be embarrassed- Doing such a good job Siri your cock feels so good inside of me.”
He falls down to hold his weight on his forearms, moving even faster than before.
“M’close Y/N”
“Go on and cum baby, feels so good.”
He whimpered into your neck and you soothed him by stroking his hair. Eventually he did roll off from you, unfortunately.
“You guys never told me you were subs.”
“When I’m with Remus I’m a dom.”
“Makes sense, I’d quite like to see that actually.”
Remus cleared his throat.
“Does that mean we get to do this again cause I never actually got to-”
“Of course Remmy, it just kind of makes sense doesn’t it.”
Sirius chuckled.
“Yeah, I mean it didn’t take long for James to be calling you Mommy.”
“It’s kinda sweet though, has Remus ever called you Daddy?”
“Not yet, but I feel like we’re on the brink of something big here.”
Now Remus and James were looking at each other like maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.
You personally did not have any complaints; Sirius however would probably have some when you reminded him he couldn’t dom you though.
He’d have to learn the hard way.
@sunny-bunnny @quindolyn @midnightgremlin @weasleyposts @bluemoonyblurbs @emmaev @agalandhermarvelobsession
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drundertalescum · 4 years
The Scene With Undyne Sitting Across The Table From You: An Analysis
So Undyne lied to Papyrus. She led him on about the Guard, and she wasn’t honest with him. She didn’t actually train him. She was never going to let him in the guard.
We all know this.
I think something that people don’t think about, though, is the rest of that conversation, and Why she handled that situation the way she did. This is something I have fallen into a lot, too, because Papyrus is my favorite and I have a bad habit of focusing on him… but I think I wanna explore this from Undyne’s point of view instead.
Because it’s really interesting, isn’t it? 
Throughout the game, Undyne is otherwise portrayed as being as empathetic as she is direct. There is no problem that she can’t suplex or headbutt! She’ll eat a rock! She’ll fight the sun! But she won’t tell Papyrus she can’t let him into the guard.
A lot of the time, I think we read this conversation as being revealing of who Papyrus is. It gets used a lot as fuel to infantilize him. In fact, seeing something about that is actually why I wanted to write this. Additionally, this conversation where she reveals this is where she tells us about Asgore’s sadness, his fatherly tendencies and his strength and his nature beyond being the not-so-final boss. 
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[Image Description:  Undyne is sitting across the table from you. You’re in her house. The window’s been smashed, and the table, too, with a spear sticking out of it, and she’s left some things on the stove and theres just a sword in the middle of her floor, but it’s calm for now. Various things are left on her counter. You’re both drinking tea.]
But this is Undyne’s conversation on Undyne’s hangout and this conversation is meant to make us understand Undyne. 
So, here’s my take:
I think Undyne is not good with emotions beyond the obvious, and she uses others and their experiences and emotions as examples and ways to understand and work through her own emotions and complicated, shifting thoughts. She’s not gonna tell a human kid her anxieties, because thats not the kind of person she is. She’s direct whenever she can be, but these are not matters she can be direct with. She’s a fighter, not a philosopher. 
She starts this conversation by telling you you remind her of Asgore, because...
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[Image Description:  Undyne is sitting across the table from you. She’s throwing her head back laughing at you, probably obnoxiously. She says “You’re both TOTAL weenies!!!” with three exclamation points, and “total” in all caps.]
She calls Asgore a TOTAL WEENIE, then relents, and says he’s not a weenie all of the time. That’s when she tells us the story of how she tried to beat him up when she was little, to prove she was the strongest, and how that leads her to become his apprentice, and how she eventually knocked him down.
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[Image Description: Undyne is sitting across the table from you. Her eyes are closed, her head is bowed. She says “I felt… bad.”]
She felt bad.
Undyne is expressing with that that she used to value strength above all else, and viewed the world through that very narrow lens. She’s surpassed Asgore, at least in one match, and that should have been a victory for her, but instead the situation lead to an emotion she hadn’t expected: She felt bad. And Asgore was so proud of her.
And then she tells us about Papyrus, and this is the same thought as the other story, because she’s expressing that the role she’s taken on as Head of the Royal Guard is her graduating to a leadership position like Asgore’s. 
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[Image Description: Undyne is sitting across the table from you. She says “So I’m the one who gets to train dorks to fight!” She’s throwing her head back laughing. Not at you this time.]
She introduces Papyrus to this story then, and starts with saying she doesn’t know if she could ever let him in.
I think an important phrasing there is that she doesn’t know. This is not a solid open and shut decision. She hesitates and stumbles over this admission. She does not know if she’s going to let him in. She doesn’t think she is, but she doesn’t know. 
She’s stuck. I know you could say this is just a matter of phrasing, and might not seem significant, but the way she stumbles over explaining herself, its like she’s trying to work out right now exactly why she won’t let him in. And she’s maybe only realizing now that the answer was always going to be no.
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[Image Description:  Undyne is sitting across the table from you. She says “I mean, it’s not that he’s weak.” She’s grinning... but she’s sweating it out a little.]
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[Image Description: Undyne is sitting across the table from you. She says “He’s actually pretty freaking tough!” Her eyes bulge with passion!  ]
She’s quick to say its not that he’s weak, and that he’s pretty freaking tough - really strong praise from Undyne, who just called you and the King of All Monsters total weenies - and then she starts talking about how he’s too innocent and nice! And how he was supposed to capture you, but ended up being friends with you instead!!!
And… again, a lot of people are quick to read this as a flaw in Papyrus. A fully literal assessment of him by Undyne. But is it?
There is a reason she’s telling you this. 
There’s a reason she’s emphasizing this to you: Look where she is right now. 
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[Image Description: Undyne is sitting across the table from you.]
She was supposed to capture you.
 But instead, she’s making friends with you.  
If this is a flaw in Papyrus, this scene is her admitting to herself and to you, that this is a flaw that exists in her too.
But also, this scene, with her stumbling over herself talking about weakness, strength, weenies, not weenies… is her also realizing, through Papyrus, through Asgore through you: 
This was never a flaw at all.
She’s different than Papyrus. She goes harder. She’s more willing to kill you. She’s more willing to push forward. But this scene is her coming to terms with a hesitation she’s been struggling with, a bad feeling when she finally makes her opponent fall, an urge she doesn’t seem to have fully thought through to teach Papyrus something else. This wasn’t a long term plan. There was no long term plan. She doesn’t know if she can ever let him in. She’s trying to delay having to make that decision, because she doesn’t fully understand the decision, or at least she didn’t until right now, sitting down across from the enemy and sharing something she’s always shared with someone she very much cares about. 
Undyne didn’t know how to deal with the fact that she might not want to go to war after all, until the very moment that became an option. It was abstract before. It was easy before. But she’s had her doubts and finally now she understands them. And she’s trying to express this to you now at the same time as she’s trying to understand it.
And now that all this is out of the way and she can stop thinking about it, she’s going to work on befriending you AS HARD AS SHE CAN!!!
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[Image Description: Undyne is no longer sitting across the table from you. She has lept onto the counter behind her, and knocked everything to the floor. She’s thrown her head back and is grinning widely, challenging you to cook with her! “Fuhuhu!!! Afraid!?” she asks, and you can tell from her punctuation that she’s very excited about this. “We’re gonna be best friends!!!” ]
Anyway, I love Undyne, and I felt like this was a scene that needed more attention in her direction, because it’s not about Asgore and it’s not about Papyrus. It’s about her, our terrifying new bestie.
(also thank you @weia-yo​​ for helping me with analyzing this scene months ago. Only just now had the necessary spoons to write it up)
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slamdunkhcs · 2 years
Hey , I’ve stalked your blog and I’m in love with your work ! I stumbled on it by accident and now I’m back in love with these dorks.
Can you write maki , rukawa , fujima , and sendoh’s reaction to confessing their feelings and being rejected ? Like they’ve been pinning for her for months and turned down fast ?
im so happy you like my work 🥲🥲🥲 and thank you sm for requesting. ngl this was kinda sad to think about LMAOO. also tbh i cant see rukawa ever confessing to a girl so I’ll just do the other three.
slam dunk boys getting rejected
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Sendoh was initially really nonchalant going to you. He had waited for a more private moment to talk to you, and he simply stated how he had liked you and that he wanted to tell you that.
In all honesty, Sendoh did expect his confession to be accepted, but he had also figured that it wouldn’t be too much of a bummer if it went the other way.
As you reject him, his face expression was that of a crestfallen look for just a second. But he quickly went back to smiling at you and said that it was alright and that you shouldn’t feel bad about rejecting him.
He’d wish you well and say goodbye. Later that day, he would go skip practice and go fishing to clear his mind. He wouldn’t be necessarily emotional or heartbroken, I feel like he would have an “it is what it is” mindset.
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Maki thought about what he was going to say for a while, and he thought about the best setting to approach you in. He’s really formal and polite when he’s telling you how he feels, and he looks directly in the eye.
Partially thanks to his teammates (mostly Kiyota’s nosy ass), he was hyped up and Kiyota told him that you likely felt the same way. So part of him thought that you would accept his confession.
He feels disappointed and a bit embarrassed after hearing you reject him. But he tries to cover that up, he bows down a little bit and apologizes for taking up your time and possibly being an inconvenience. He respects your words and he doesn’t want to come off as pushy so he leaves it at that.
I feel like part of him would still want to try pursuing and getting you interested in him, but he also knows that chasing after something one sided would be an inconvenience for you. So he would just let it be. That doesn’t mean he isn’t bummed out over it though, it’d be something that lingers in his mind for a while.
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Like Maki, Fujima planned out what he was going to say to you. He spent alot of time thinking of the best words to use and how to make sure he sounded sincere. I think he practiced in front of his mirror a couple times.
He had kept his eyes on you for a while, but he wasn’t exactly expecting you to accept his feelings since you never showed any big signs of liking him. But he didn’t want to give up so easily either and he felt like not acting on how he felt would be stupid.
Fujima is disappointed as he hears you reject him but he tries his best to not make that too obvious. He wouldn’t want to make you feel bad or anything, so he thanks you for your time and wishes you the best.
That day during practice, he’s more distracted than usual, and his team wonders why he hasn’t been focused on coaching them. He tries to keep himself collected and not to let it bother him too much.
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mimi-cee-hq · 3 years
A Genuine Mess - Atsumu x f!reader
Pairing: Atsumu x f!reader
Summary: Atsumu insults you, the quietest girl in his class. But as he gets to know you, your few words often leave him blushing.
Genre, etc.: Tooth rotting fluff, Atsumu is a dork in love but still consistent with his canon character, reader is quiet but not timid
Warnings: none
Author's Notes: I wanted to try a different personality for the reader as well as taking one of Atsumu's negative character traits and flipping it on its head :) This was fun to write. Hehehe.
Words: 1.9k
"What? She's here for me?" said Atsumu. He pressed his lips together to hide the smile forming on his lips. As he attempted to walk to the gym doors as normally as possible, Aran tilted his head while Osamu wore an amusing smirk.
Atsumu leaned on the frame of the gym doors. "What'd ya want?" he asked you, trying to be as smooth as possible. His voice didn't reveal his usual arrogance and was unexpectedly gentle.
"Could I see your hand?" you asked him with a quiet but direct tone.
When he held his hand out in front of you, you delicately turned it over, palm faced down, and positioned his fingers one by one. You didn't notice him gripping the side of his jersey in his other hand, trying to keep it together every time your fingers grazed his skin. You let go of his hand to pull out your phone and angled it to get a good shot of his hand.
"Thank you Atsumu-san," you told him, putting your phone away and leaving the gym.
Atsumu returned to the court, not even able to hide the childish grin from his teammates anymore. Some widened their eyes and others dropped their jaws as they witnessed the entire scene.
"So when did you start liking her?" Suna asked him.
"I don't like her," Atsumu adamantly responded.
A laugh escaped Osamu's lips and Atsumu told him to shut up. He hated that his twin knew exactly why he was acting like this.
"Well that looks ugly."
Seated at your desk, you looked up from your sketch to see Atsumu's scrunched up nose. It didn't take long for it to disappear. Osamu whacked him on the head for insulting the quietest girl in class two and quite possibly their whole year.
"Sorry about this jerk," Osamu told you. "He doesn't have a filter."
But when he started to drag Atsumu away from you, they heard the rare sound of your voice.
"Miya-san," you said.
They both turned around but after looking at each other, they assumed you were referring to your classmate Atsumu.
"Why does it look ugly?"
"Ha?" Atsumu gawked at you. He scratched the back of his head. "I dunno. The shoulders just looked gross"–he got whacked on the head again–"Hey!" He glared at Osamu.
After they bickered for a bit, they turned their attention back to you, but you were already facing your desk, immersed in your sketch. Osamu raised an eyebrow at Atsumu, expecting him to know what that was all about, but he only shrugged his shoulders, not having a clue either.
The next time Atsumu heard your voice was when you came to see him at his desk.
"Ha? What's this?" he asked.
In front of him, you had placed another sketch. You didn't say a word but looked at him as if you were expecting some sort of comment.
Atsumu raised an eyebrow but looked at the sketch anyway.
"What's wrong with this dude's hand?" he asked as he squinted at the drawing, holding your sketchbook up to his eyes. "It looks like it's dislocated or something."
The classmate beside him shot his eyes open. He then looked up at you to see your reaction.
"Thank you," you told Atsumu with a little nod before returning to your desk. Those were the only words you had for Atsumu and they had left him and his classmate speechless.
Atsumu's eyes lit up the third time you came to his desk.
"Which one looks the worst?" you asked him, showing him three different sketches.
"This one," he said, pointing to the one in the middle. "There's no way a person could have hair like that."
You ignored his comment and asked him again which one looked worse. He still chose the middle one, saying the expression reminded him too much of his brother.
You gave him a nod as thanks and as he watched you return to your desk, there was a small uptick at the corner of his mouth, gazing at you gathering your pencils together and continuing your progress.
Over the next couple of weeks, he watched you from afar as you drew doodles during class when you should've been paying attention. He wondered if he should actually write notes from the lesson in case you needed them. Maybe he'd pass them to you the next time you showed him your artwork.
But you hadn't made a trip to his desk during the next two weeks. Why did you stop coming? So when you left the classroom, he quickly opened the sketchbook that was left on your desk and went through it page by page, curious to see what you'd been drawing this whole time. As he flipped through the pages, he saw how your drawings had gradually improved. He couldn't help but smile at your growth as an artist.
He jumped at your voice and snapped the book shut. He fumbled over his words. "I wasn't looking! It just fell and I picked it up from the ground!" he told you. "When I put it back on yer desk it just happened t' be like that!"
He then saw an expression he had never seen on your face. Your brows were furrowed and your lips turned into a frown. You let out a deep breath. "Miya-san, you're free to look through my sketchbook, but please don't lie to me."
His eyes widened before he lowered them to stare at the classroom floor. Shoulders sagging, he told you in a hushed voice, "I'm sorry." He sighed and dragged his feet back towards his desk. But just when he was about to pull out his chair, he heard your soft voice.
"Miya-san," you said, looking directly at him when he turned to you. "Like I said, you can come and look at it whenever you want."
Atsumu pressed his lips together, trying to hold back a stupid grin on his face. But his eyes betrayed his attempt as they crinkled and turned into crescents, elated at your offer.
Over the next several weeks, Atsumu used any excuse he could to chat with you at your desk before he finally settled on talking to you about anything and everything. He tried to get to know you, asking you questions, but your answers were short and simple, not knowing how else to respond.
However, Atsumu shamelessly continued to talk about himself, his brother, the team, and whatever else was on his mind that day. You always nodded and listened with a smile.
"I think she's just being nice to you," commented Osamu.
"She's never stopped me," Atsumu replied with a huff, crossing his arms, which only resulted in Osamu shaking his head.
Without looking up from your sketch, you told him, "I like hearing him talk."
Osamu's eyes grew at your response but when he glanced over at his twin, Atsumu's ears and cheeks had turned red.
"Oh?" the silver haired twin said with a sly grin. "You're blushing 'Tsumu."
"No I'm not!" Atsumu said after clearing his throat and turning his head away. Osamu was about to tease him when instead, you said something that deepened his blush.
"It's cute."
Osamu's jaw dropped. Atsumu froze at your comment before deciding to put his face down on your desk, burying it into his arms.
As you and Atsumu got to know each other, he learned that you were still close with your friends from middle school. They were there for you, always supporting you and your passion for art. But when you asked them what they thought about your drawings, they had always said they looked good. You were grateful for them but you couldn't tell if they were just being nice.
"So is that why you asked me about yer drawings?" Atsumu noted. You confirmed it with a nod and he looked at you with longing eyes and a soft smile.
You caught him off-guard when you took a photo of him. "Your expression was interesting just now," you told him. "I want to use it as reference."
Atsumu blushed and covered the lower half of his face. He muttered something through his hands that you didn't quite catch.
"Hm?" you asked.
"Y-you can use me as reference any time."
You took him up on his offer. You'd often snap pictures of him, casually pulling out your phone when you'd find an interesting expression on his face. You even came to see him at practice when you wanted to practice drawing some hands. He often wondered what you noticed about him when you used him as reference, what expressions you saw in him.
One day after classes had ended and volleyball practice was cancelled, he sat at the other side of your desk as you switched to a different drawing pencil from your set. What did you see when you looked at him? His eyes? His nose? His lips?
His hand rose next to your face, his thumb grazing your cheek. When you looked up at him from your drawing, he pulled his hand back, suddenly realizing what he was doing.
He bit his lip, scolding himself for doing that to you. You called his name and his attention was back on you.
"Why did you stop?" you asked.
Butterflies were fluttering in his stomach, not at all expecting those words. Looking at you through his eyelashes, he saw you directly looking back at him. Were you serious?
Somehow getting the courage to make a move, he drew his hand toward you and gently cupped your cheek. He bent over your desk and brought his lips near yours, stopping midway as if waiting for permission to follow through. You leaned in a little closer and he closed the gap, feeling your soft lips against his.
Pulling back, his eyes studied your face for some sort of reaction. He bit his lip, doubting if that was what you wanted. Perhaps he didn't do a good job or you had changed your mind after the kiss.
What if you were just doing this for reference?
He searched your eyes for an answer, not knowing that you saw the insecurity in his.
"I liked it, Atsumu."
His eyes grew. He was both delighted and flustered, not believing that he got to kiss you, that you'd accept a kiss from someone like him. He hugged you and placed a kiss on your forehead, wrapping his arms around you and holding you close.
"Guys! I have a girlfriend!" Atsumu declared, storming into the gym the next day. They all raised their brows when they saw who was holding his hand.
"Are you serious?" asked Aran.
"It's probably fake," Suna commented.
"He must have bribed her or something," Osamu added.
"All of ya just shut up!" Atsumu yelled at them as they all gave him a skeptical look. He sighed and dropped his shoulders as he held your hand.
They snickered and teased him, but when there was a silent pause in the air, they heard your voice for the first time.
"I like him," you told his team. Your voice was quiet but they heard every word. They freaked out, gawking at the two of you, an unlikely pair.
Atsumu turned his face away because his cheeks went red again. Your words, more often than not, caused him to be up in a fluster.
I hope you enjoyed it.
I couldn't help but have Suna say it was fake for all my "A Glimpse of Yellow" readers. lolll.
If you liked this one, you might like one of these:
1) my Tendou one-shot (timid!reader)
2) my Sakusa one-shot (where he gets a crush on exchange student!reader)
3) my Kyoutani one-shot (another unexpected pairing)
And I want to shamelessly throw in my Suna chaptered fic (fake dating) just because it's my current series. lol.
I also have a Google form for my taglist if any of you are interested in it.
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mayhem24-7forever · 2 years
Lose You Too - Chapter Four: B.I.T.CH (or Babe in the Chair)
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Flag!Reader x Adrian Chase/Vigilante
Author’s Notes: This chapter is so much porn with no plot oh my god it’s so self-indulgent. I’m still not comfortable with minors reading any part of this series but especially this chapter so if you’re a minor and you read my content I swear to fucking dilf Superman himself I will find out and block you. I deserve a space to safely express myself. Don’t forget to read the other parts! Prologue and Chapter One  Chapter Two and Chapter Three here! 
Warnings: female/afab reader (she/her pronouns), spoilers for The Suicide Squad (Gunn, 2021) and Peacemaker (Gunn, 2022), swearing/strong language, canon-level violence and mentions of violence, mention of canon character death, flirting over the phone, SMUT, criminal and vigilante/hero roleplay (so I guess like dub con roleplay/cnc/pretend stalking/catching someone running? maybe? Putting this all just to be safe but it's really just two horny dorks in love playing pretend, they have a safeword and everything. Please be mindful of the content you read), rope bondage, handcuffs, non-bloody knife play, rough sex,ripping/cutting clothes, some fingering, edging/orgasm delaying, a single spanking, oral sex (male recieving, swallow not spit), blindfolded sex, oral sex (female recieving), marking each other (hickeys, bites, scratches, etc.), penis in vagina sex (once again I don’t explicitly say whether they use a condom or not but please remember to wrap it before you tap it in real life), suit stays ON during sex, aftercare, mention of using a ballgag, mention of shower sex, just a sprinkle of fluff
“B.I.T.CH! Come in B.I.T.CH! Over.” Adrian whisper-yelled into the phone, his voice slightly muffled by his Vigilante mask.
“Adr-” she began but was quickly cut off by him.
“IT’S VIGILANTE!” he said angrily before adding a quiet “...over.”
“Okay, Vigilante… I got into the system, when do you want me to cut the power?” she asked, rolling her eyes.
“You have to say ‘over’, over.”
“We’ve been over this before, you only say that for walkie talkies, not cell phones.”
“B.I.T.CH, I do not read you if you don’t use ‘over’.” he responded. “When we are doing vigilante work, we use the codenames and stuff. Over.”
“I got into the system, when do you want me to cut the power?” she asked before begrudgingly adding. “Over.”
She could almost hear his smug smile. “Cut it in exactly three minutes. I will re-establish contact when I have neutralized all the bad guys, over.”
“Ten-four, Vig. Be safe, over.”
“Will do, B.I.T.CH, over.” he said before ending the call.
She waited exactly three minutes before executing the command on her laptop to cut the power. She set the laptop on the coffee table and sank back into the couch and put her feet up to wait for him to call back. A month ago, Adrian had climbed in through her living room window, almost bled to death in her bathroom, and she had found out about his night-time activities as Evergreen’s very own superhero Vigilante. Since then, she had been using her hacking abilities to assist him, becoming his so-called ‘Babe in the Chair’ or his ‘B.I.T.CH.’ (A nickname that she wasn't overly fond of but had given up on arguing with him about).
It only took a few minutes before her phone rang and she sprang forwards to pick it up, immediately greeted by someone breathing hard as if he was desperately trying to catch his breath.
“Ad- Vigilante? Are you alright?” she asked, so concerned she barely remembered to use his codename in case he wasn’t the one on the other end. “Are you hurt? Please don’t be hurt. I don’t think I can handle having to stitch you up again-”
“Babe, I’m fine. I’m not hurt.” Adrian interrupted her rambling. “Really, I’m not.”
“Oh thank god.” she replied, letting out a relieved exhale.
“I am still really pumped up though, I feel like I could take on an army!”
“Adrian, it’s almost midnight and you agreed to follow the Vigilante schedule I set. You don’t have time for any more patrolling tonight.”
“Oh, I know babe.” he said and she heard a mischievous tone in his voice, one that he only got when he was in a very specific mood. “That’s not what I’m suggesting…”
“Adrian, really? We had sex just before you left!”
“I swear you really are insatiable.” she laughed. “Well, get back here and maybe we can play around a little.”
“Oh fuck yes!” Adrian exclaimed. “Can we please, please play ‘the criminal game’? Pretty please with a cherry bomb on top?”
“Only if you use the bedroom window, I don’t want you breaking my living room table again. And only if you promise to do that thing I like…”
“Fuck. Yes. Babe. I love that thing!”
“Well, then get over here!” she ordered.
“I’ll be there in like fifteen minutes, babe.” he said.
“I’ll be waiting.”
“Eagerly and in something skimpy, I hope.”
“You’ll find out soon enough…” she teased before fake moaning and hanging up the phone with a laugh.
She got up quickly, knowing that she had revved him up so much he was probably speeding there as fast as (legally) possible and would likely be there in ten minutes or less. She unlocked the bedroom window, because although she knew he could unlock it himself, she just didn't want him accidentally breaking it in his rush to get in. She grabbed a skimpy set of black lingerie and slipped them on, covering them with a sheer black nightdress. She ran to the bathroom and touched up her hair and makeup. Then she turned off all the lights except the lamp by the couch which she sat down on, grabbing her laptop and putting it on her lap. Just for the added effect, she opened up a website that made it look like fake hacking and typed random things on her keyboard, the program making it look like actual commands. And then she waited.
Just as she had suspected, Adrian, or rather Vigilante, arrived in less than ten minutes, letting himself in through the bedroom window, but he didn't make his presence known. Instead he stood in the dark bedroom and listened to her typing as she hummed quietly, a habit she didn’t even notice most of the time and likely wasn’t aware she was doing. From his vantage point, he could see her side profile, illuminated by the lone lamp beside her. She looked amused, the fake hacking website always made her laugh because according to her ‘the commands never go together to actually make any sense’. She looked beautiful, even in the dull green glow radiating off her laptop. She had changed since he had left for his patrol and he could see the rise and fall of her breasts, now more exposed by a nightgown. He couldn’t wait to tear it off of her.
Vigilante moved slowly, as quietly as possible, stalking through the dark towards his prey. Finally he reached the side of the couch, just out of her periphery. He watched, satisfied with how close he was able to get without her noticing, waiting just a moment longer before he made himself known.
“What do we have here?” he said steadily and watched as she jumped in surprise, a slight shriek escaping her lips as she slammed her laptop shut and practically threw it onto the coffee table.
She clasped her hand to her mouth in shock, turning on the couch, backing up to get farther from him, pulling her feet up onto the cushions and pressing her back against the arm of the sofa.
“I- I- was just…” she began, her voice slightly trembling.
“Just what? Hacking? Pretty illegal shit.” he replied, slowly moving towards her, letting the fall of his boots deliberately resonate with each step.
“I’m sorry. Please don’t kill me Vigilante, I won’t ever do it again.” she pleaded and he watched her chest heave with every breath as he came ever nearer.
“Oh, I know my dear little hacker.” he said, coming to a stop next to her, leaning down over her trembling form. “That’s what they all say, you know. It’s always ‘Oh, please don’t kill me Vigilante! I won’t break the law ever again! Please, please let me live!’ and it’s always a lie. If criminals don’t get punished, they just do it again.”
“I swear-” she began but he cut her off by pressing a finger to her lips.
“Save your breath little hacker. I’m not going to kill you, it would be a waste. But I can’t let you off with just a warning. I have to punish you so you really won’t do it again. And I have just the idea on how to do it.” Vigilante informed her, so close now that he could feel her scared breaths even through the mask.
He took his finger off her lip, dragging her bottom lip down with his thumb before moving his hand to cup her cheek lovingly. He leaned in until his lips were just hovering over her ear.
“What are your safewords, darling?” he whispered softly. “I need to hear them before we can continue.”
“‘Green’ means keep going. ‘Yellow’ means slow down. And ‘Red’ means stop.” she whispered back.
This ‘criminal game’ of theirs had been created after a patrol one night when she had asked him if he would ever kill her for breaking the law, even if it was just to help him. He swore he would never hurt her (but that it wasn’t an invitation to just brazenly break the law) and she had simply responded “but what if I wanted you to hurt me?” After a very long conversation, they had crafted the perfect scenario, combining her wishes to be punished and restrained with his love of the chase and taking charge. They had experimented with bondage before and he had quickly learned that the thing she craved most in bed was to not be in control. But they had to be safe about it so they made rules, like the color system that either could use to tap out if things got too intense or the agreement that Adrian would replace any of her clothes that he tore, cut, or otherwise ruined. Ultimately, neither of them truly never wanted to hurt the other, they just wanted to play pretend. And play they did.
“What color are you right now?” he asked.
“As green as the fucking grass, Vigilante.” she responded and he smirked as he could hear the excitement in her voice, a slight grin growing on her face.
“Then fucking run.” he growled.
Her response was immediate, her feet meeting his chest and kicking him backwards. It wasn't hard and the armor took most of the hit but it did allow her enough time to jump off the couch and start running towards the kitchen. In seconds, he was hot on her heels, snaking an arm around her waist to catch her, pulling her off the ground and to his chest. A scream died in her throat as his other gloved hand wrapped around her mouth.
“Shh, shh, naughty little hacker. You need to be punished.” he said into her ear. “Are you going to be quiet?”
She nodded furiously and he smiled, slowly pulling his hand from over her mouth, waiting to clamp it down if she screamed, but she didn’t.
“Good girl.” he said, pulling her towards the wall and pushing her into it face-first, a surprised squeak slipping out as her cheek pressed against it.
His body held hers against the wall, his erection grinding against the curve of her ass. He took her wrists into one hand, pulling them behind her back and pinning them there as he pulled a length of rope from one of the tactical pouches on his suit. He expertly tied her wrists together, so quick that she barely had a moment to struggle. He spun her around to face him, her tied hands trapped between her back and the wall as she wiggled in his grasp. She began to protest but stopped instantly, stilling her movements as he took out one of his knives and held it up, glinting in the moonlight coming through the kitchen window. He traced it lightly from her throat down to the valley between her heaving breasts, careful not to cut her as he teased her with the dull edge. She burned with excitement and apprehension as he traced the knife up onto her cheek, knowing he wouldn’t cut her but savoring the revelation that he could.
“Am I going to have to use this or is this enough of a reminder to stay quiet?” he asked and again she nodded vigorously, although being careful to avoid the knife now hovering inches from her throat. “Anything you want to say is gonna be a fucking whisper. Any louder than that and my sharp friend here comes back out to play.”
He resheathed his knife into his suit and stroked her cheek, following the same path he had just made with the knife.
“What- what are you gonna do to me?” she whispered, her voice trembling ever so slightly.
“Whatever I want.” he replied lowly, smiling under his mask. “But first I need to do a weapons check, make sure you’re not hiding anything under that lovely little nightgown of yours. Don’t move.”
His hands started a pat down of her body, tracing every curve from her shoulders to her thighs. His palms were warm, even through the gloves and his fingers wandered. He would be slow and gentle down some curves before quickening his pace and applying extra pressure, just to keep on her toes. Her heart was pounding as she reveled in the care of his attentive hands and she felt light-headed with every stroke. Suddenly, his hands sprung up to cup her breasts and she sucked in a breath. He slowly kneaded the flesh there, paying special attention to pinch her nipples and even through the layers of her clothes and his gloves, he could feel them getting firmer and stiffer. She wiggled in his hands, though not out of any struggle to get away, trying to soften the low and short moans coming out in barely more than a breath’s sound.
“You know, little hacker. I think I might have to inspect this area a bit closer.” he said, smirking under the mask before grabbing hold of the top of her nightgown and ripping it apart.
It was torn in two, the straps snapping off as well and he let the fabric fall to pool at her feet as she gasped. He yanked her bra down, exposing her breasts and he wolf whistled.
“Well, well, well little hacker. I don’t think these qualify as weapons but they surely are impressive. And to think, you were hiding these little beauties away under all that fabric.” he said, palming and kneading them in his hands.
She keened at his touch, desperately trying not to let out the pleased moans that were bubbling in her lungs. He spent a few more minutes simply playing with them, grabbing and pinching her sensitive skin until she could no longer contain her noises. If she had been able to see under the mask, she would have seen his triumphant smirk.
“I think this area is clear, time for a little cavity search.” he announced, slowly dragging his hands down to her panties, slipping one hand under the fabric and he began to rub her clit in lazy circles. “Are you hiding anything in here, little hacker? Hmm?”
“No.” she responded in a whisper.
“No, what? Use your manners criminal.” he ordered, slightly increasing the speed of his rubbing.
“No, Vigilante. Sir.” she replied, barely able to spit out the words as the pleasurous torture continued.
“Hmmm.” he hummed in satisfaction, his already hard cock twitching and straining against his pants. “Well, it’s very wet down here, you’re practically dripping so I think I may need to take a closer inspection.”
A single finger slipped between her lips and into her pussy and she groaned. He slowly dragged it in and out, making sure he hit that one spot deep inside that always made her breath hitch. She panted, feeling empty despite having his finger inside her. His thumb continued its ministrations on her clit, varying the speed and direction, depriving her of that steady rhythm she so craved.
“I’m not finding anything so far but it never hurts to double check.” he said before slipping a second finger in, pulling them in and out harder and faster than he had before.
Her knees felt like jelly and she would probably have fallen over if he wasn’t holding her up, trapped between him and the wall like a spread butterfly pinned in a glass frame. He brought her ever nearer to her release, barreling towards it like a runaway train as he pounded his fingers in and out again and again. And just as she reached the crest, just before she plummeted over the edge of pleasure, he pulled the brakes, withdrawing his fingers from her pussy and indeed removing his hand from her panties. She whined out as he brought his gloved hand up to his mask and pulled it up just enough to free his mouth, lapping at the wetness on his fingers with an exploratory tongue that she wished more than anything to have at her core.
“Who knew a criminal could taste this good? Oh, what’s wrong sweetheart? Were you close?” he asked, in a mocking tone, pulling his mask back down and she nodded eagerly.
“Yes! Please, please let me cum, I was so close! Just a little bit more!” she begged, whining as she struggled futilely against her bonds, bucking her hips at him in a vain attempt to get any amount of friction against her aching pussy, but he simply pulled himself back, holding her at arm’s length and denying that which she sought. “No! Please! Please!”
“I’m sorry little hacker but this is supposed to be a punishment. If I just let you cum right now, it would be a reward and you haven’t earned that yet.” he explained.
“Oh, god!” She whined, squirming against his chest impatiently.
“But! Good news, little hacker! You can earn your reward by behaving for your punishment and performing a little community service.” he informed her, stroking her cheek and wiping away her frustrated tears.
“Yes! I can do that! I’ll behave! I’ll make you feel so good, Vigilante! Please!” she begged, pressing herself against him to prove her eagerness.
“Come, now, my dear criminal.” he ordered, pulling her through the kitchen and towards the living room, her feet dragging on the tiles as her legs were too weak to even stumble. This lasted only a second before he swept her up and into his arms, a loving action in the midst of the debaucherous roleplay.
He carried her into the living room and to the couch where he stopped, hovering her just over the cushions.
“Your color?” he asked, looking down at her in his arms.
“Green.” she replied with a devilish smile and a wicked glint in her eyes.
“Good.” was his only response before he dropped her the final foot onto the couch cushions, flipping her onto her stomach and nudging her so there was room by her head for him to sit.
He sunk into the empty spot on the couch, spreading his legs wide, before he repositioned her head to rest upon his lap. He unzipped his pants and pulled down his boxers, allowing his engorged member to finally spring free of its clothed prison. Adrian had once told her that he had been nicknamed ‘thimble’ by some boys at school for being such a late bloomer but she could only think of just how wrong their assessment had been. He pulled her up by her hair, gently but firmly, raising her head to be level with the head of his dick.
“Alright, my sweet hacker, let’s see what we can do to occupy that chatty mouth of yours.” he said, positioning her mouth over his dick and loosening his grip on her hair.
Tentatively, she began to lap her tongue at his tip before putting her lips around it, circling the head with her wet mouth. Slowly, she sank her head a little lower, taking in more of his length, making sure to pepper his shaft with her tongue just as he liked. He groaned heavily, his grip on her hair tightening once more as he pushed her down further and further until his hardness was fully sheathed in her mouth. He was so large she could barely hold him all and she had to adjust her tongue and relax her throat so she could take him fully. She relished in the way his breath hitched each time she pressed her lips to the very base of his cock. He held her there for a few moments, until she was squirming for air and he relented, pulling her up for a breath before shoving her head back down.
This cycle continued, her head bobbing up and down his shaft as she sucked him off wildly. Soon, she felt the tell tale twitch of his dick and took one final large breath before diving back to the very base, ensuring his head hit the very back of her throat. His hips reared up, causing her to gag slightly which finally triggered his orgasm right into her mouth. He panted, still holding her down to milk every last bit of cum from his cock as she dutifully swallowed it all and he finally pulled her up by the hair before releasing his grip entirely.
She laid her cheek on his thigh, panting for air as a mixture of cum and spit began to pool out of her mouth. He gently maneuvered her into a sitting position with her back to the sofa’s arm once more. He traced his thumb around her mouth, removing all the remaining drool as it dripped down her chin. His erection began to go down, having been completely spent and he tucked his semi-hard member back into his pants.
“Such a good girl.” he said, pressing a sloppy kiss onto her lips. “Time for your reward before we finish up your punishment.”
He stood up, promptly grabbing her by her waist and slinging her over his shoulder as he walked towards the bedroom. For good measure, he slapped her ass, barely more than a pat, and yet it was enough to make her squeak in surprise. When he reached her bedroom, he threw her onto the bed where she bounced slightly before settling into the mattress with a grunt. He straddled her waist, pinning her to the bed as he reached under her to undo her bonds and found they had loosened considerably since he had tied them.
“My dear little hacker, you've been so excited by your punishment that you've wiggled the ropes loose.” he said, releasing her and reaching over towards the nightstand. “Although I appreciate the enthusiasm, this just won’t do and I’ll need to use something a little sturdier.”
He pulled a pair of handcuffs out of the nightstand drawer, also divesting her of her bra as her hands flew to his armored chest, trying to tear away the armor to get to his skin.
“Ah, ah, ah.” he warned, grabbing her wrists and leaning forwards to press them above her head. “None of that. The suit is staying on for now darling, and I need to do something about those meddlesome wandering hands of yours.”
“Please Vig, I want to feel you!” she exclaimed desperately.
“Oh, you’ll feel me alright.” he said before leaning forwards to whisper in her ear once more. “Color, my love?”
It always amazed her how fast Adrian was able to make the switch from Vigilante to Adrian. In just seconds, he had gone from her sexy, mysterious, visitor of the night back to her equally sexy, but familiar and goofy boyfriend, dutifully checking in on her.
“Green, Adrian, and yours?” she replied, with a smile.
“Green, my love.” he answered. “Tell me if your color changes, your punishment isn’t over yet.”
“Good. I’ve been a very bad girl, Vig.” she whispered into his neck before latching on with her mouth, trying her hardest to leave a mark.
He moaned and pulled himself back, keeping her hands pinned and hovering just out of reach of her lips, no matter how hard she tried.
“Oh no, my lovely hacker, I’m the one marking you tonight.” he said, fastening her wrist in one of the cuffs with a satisfying click before pulling the chain around a slat in the headboard and clicking the other cuff around her other wrist.
She yanked at her new bonds, whining needily as he sat back and watched her fruitless attempts to reach him. She gave up on testing the chain and instead tried bucking up into him with her hips and he withdrew from the bed as she cried out at the loss. He stood at the side of the bed where not even her feet could reach and smiled wickedly under the mask as she begged for him to return.
“You just won’t stop moving will you? So eager for me that you can’t sit still.” he said, picking up the rope he had previously used on her wrist while pulling another length of rope from his pocket. “I’ll have to do something about that.”
He grabbed her legs, spreading them wide and expertly tying them to the ends of the bed, leaving her completely tied down and having a more difficult time moving her bottom half. He whistled happily as he tied each ankle, watching as she impatiently wriggled as best she could. She was mid whine, imploring him to touch her when he whipped out his knife once more and she gasped.
“Don’t worry, this is just to help me get you free of those delectable panties. Pretty as they are, they have to go.” he informed her, sliding the knife under the fabric carefully and cutting it off of her.
The cool air of the room did nothing to soothe her dripping hot pussy and it was only made worse when he dragged a gloved finger through her heat, teasing her but never touching the one spot she desired him most.
“Please, Vig! Please!” she begged. “Please let me feel you! Let me touch you! Your skin at least!”
“Alright, but if I’m going to be taking off my suit, I’ll need to ensure you aren’t able to get a look at my secret identity when I remove my mask.” he said, opening the nightstand drawer once more to retrieve the silk blindfold from its hiding place.
Once he tied the blindfold around her eyes, he resumed straddling her waist, undulating his hips to tease her through his pants as he removed the mask and the upper half of his suit, throwing them to the floor with her discarded bra. He put his glasses on so he could see her clearly again, having taken off his mask with the prescription visor.
She was writhing below him as much as she could, trying to balance on the line between discomfort and pleasure as she rubbed her clit against the rough material of his pants. He was getting hard again, the tent in his pants straining against the cloth once more. He pressed his bare chest to hers, lightly sucking at the nape of her neck as his hands explored her body, free of interference from her hands. He left a trail of wet kisses, light bites, and forming marks from her neck all the way from her neck down to her thighs until she was a blubbering, squirming mess beneath him.
“Please, please, please, please!” She begged over and over again, chanting the words like they were some ancient prayer to him at the altar of her body, and like a generous god, he obliged her.
He delved into her folds, tongue first, lapping at her juices as if he had spent days in a desert exile before finally finding his cool oasis between her legs. His nose nudged her clit, sending shockwaves through her body as his eyes washed over her body, taking in every sinful detail and cataloging it within his mind. From the heave of her breasts, to the white of her knuckles as they clenched her chains, to the delectable noises of praise and pleasure streaming from her lips almost involuntarily.
“Oh, god…” she panted. “Vig, I’m gonna- I’m-”
“Cum for me, gorgeous” he ordered, his breath hot on her pussy before he resumed eating her out at the pace of a starved lion.
And cum she did, with a loud wail as he licked her through her climax, helping her navigate through the waves of pleasure. As she caught her breath, he pressed a chaste kiss to her clit, causing her to jerk in her overstimulation before he crawled back up her body to kiss her passionately, once more taking her breath away. He pulled away with great difficulty but remained hovering his lips over hers.
“Color?” he asked, stroking her cheek with an unnamed admiration. “We’ve almost reached the end of the game, love.”
“Green! So green! I need it, please, I need you! Fuck the game, I need you so badly.” she implored loudly, her forehead meeting with his, their sweat mingling together as she wished she could see his face, undoubtedly flushed her favorite shade of red.
He chuckled, ripping off her blindfold and uncuffing her wrists as she surged upwards to meet his lips, her fingers digging into his curls. She soon moved her hands down to pull at his pants, urging them down his legs as he pulled away to remove the ties from her ankles. Once his pants and boxers had been banished to the floor with the rest of his gear, he rushed back to meet her, her kiss turning into a moan in his mouth as he entered her. He filled her to the hilt, leaving her only a moment to adjust before he began bouncing her on his cock, his grip on her waist bruisingly hard. They ferociously made out, their moans entwining in one another's mouths. The noises streaming from their mouths and the sound of their skin slapping together bounced off the walls of the bedroom as the head of the bed rhythmically rammed into the wall so hard that she was almost concerned it would break.
She wrapped her arms and legs around him, clutching to him wildly like a drowning soul to a lifeline, her body urging his to press closer and deeper. Her nails dug into his back, scratching the skin and she twisted her other hand into the hair at the nape of his neck with a fearsome grip He pistoned in and out of her, his strokes getting ever so slightly slower as he reached his peak. As he exploded into her, so did she, tipping over the edge just after him, riding each other’s bodies through the high, screaming and moaning all the while. She collapsed back into the pillows as he slipped out, some of his seed following suit as well. He collapsed next to her, pulling her onto his chest as they simply breathed together. Her eyelids felt heavy as she lay there dazed on his chest, slick with sweat as he stroked her hair.
“God, you did so good, babe. You’re amazing.” he huffed out, snaking a hand around her waist to hold her closer to him.
“I- God, I…” she tried but lost the words.
“Did I fuck you speechless?” Adrian laughed, glancing down at her as she nodded, a giddy grin on her face. “We better get you cleaned up.” he added, beginning to move to get up but she stopped him.
“Just wait.” she said and he sunk back down into the pillows. “Just lie with me for a moment, Adrian.”
“Anything you want.” he assured her as they cuddled, her mind slowly returning from her post-orgsmic haze. “You know, we were so loud I’m surprised your neighbor didn't yell at us again. I should get you a ballgag.”
“Oh, god yes.” she moaned, gazing up at him with an eager look.
“I will put it down on the shopping list.” he chuckled. “Ready to get cleaned up now? Maybe a little hanky panky in the shower to get you dirty again before we clean everything up?”
“You’ll have to be gentle.” she laughed, pressing a kiss to his cheek as he nodded.
“Of course, my love.” he said, getting up and lifting her into his arms, carrying her towards the bathroom with her arms wrapped lovingly around his neck as he asked himself how he had ever gotten to be so lucky.
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aylinaliens · 2 years
Hi Kay! What are the EAW WIPs you currently have!! Hahahaha gosh, the brainrot is so bad for me too, that I currently keep having ideas pop into my head at random times LOL
hi 💙💙 okay so i have an unhealthy amount of EAW WIPs i seriously have a problem help. all of these will most likely be one shots (or very short multichap fics). in no particular order here they are:
kwon minwoo and the horrible, terrible, very bad, no good day: i think we all need a fic where minwoo gets 👊 a few times. i can’t believe he didn’t react more to finding out junho is dating youngwoo he’s literally so obsessed so i’m writing a little fix-it fic where he gets the karma that’s coming for him.
loving you is like the ocean (it goes for miles in all directions): youngwoo is sad that she can’t go on her yearly whale watching trip because she’s pregnant so junho + the rest of her protection squad decide to bring the ocean to her instead (aka they quite literally turn the nursery into an underwater oasis). quite literally just pure married whale couple fluff with a heavy dash of the found family trope
i had the time of my life (fighting dragons with you): geurami + youngwoo centric fic because their friendships gives me so much joy. the simplest summary would be ‘the three times guerami smacked a bitch for youngwoo & the one time youngwoo smacked a bitch for geurami’
untitled: junho meets youngwoo’s dad. yes it’s awkward and hilarious and oddly wholesome bc i’m saying no to toxicity
touch me like you do: youngwoo and junho show each other *exactly* how they like to be touched 😳
everything will be alright (if you keep me next to you): suyeon + youngwoo centric fic set during law school. i know we probably won’t get a flashback of it so i wanted to explore their dynamic in the early days
untitled: i’m combining two different prompts from the same person (youngwoo jealous & junho getting in to an accident) because. cannot do pure angst for these two nope no thank you
why break up?: our whale couple is going to say peace out to that kdrama curse on their jeju island trip and actually communicate 🥰 miss geurami said ‘besties just use your words it’s that simply’
untitled: post ‘conflict’ fic where our lovable dorks express how they feel and maybe kiss a little 🥺 (this one will hopefully go up sometime today)
untitled: youngwoo catches guerami watching a very spicy drama and makes the execute decision to try it out for herself
untitled: no thoughts head empty just a bunch of short little drabbles of all the different kisses youngwoo and junho share
hold me close: aka junho has a bad day so youngwoo offers to be his personal hug chair
we’re dancing around the kitchen in the refrigerator light: youngwoo + junho decide to skip out on the traditional first dance during their reception (too loud and busy !!!) so instead they waltz together in the middle of the night…yes in the refrigerator light <3
untitled: youngwoo + junho beach wedding!! except it’s really just a small gathering & very non stressful & relaxed. + their proposal too because 🥺 they <3
untitled: youngwoo + junho honeymoon shenanigans listen i have multiple fics planned in the ‘whale couple wedding cinematic universe’
untitled: junho finds out youngwoo fell down the stairs…worried junho has me weak (@akuyuukai i told you i was going to do this 👀)
untitled: youngwoo quits hanbada and works to work with ryu jae-sook. not at all angsty because she makes the decision on her own. i just need more women supporting women and youngwoo flourishing professionally
listen i was not kidding when i said the eaw brain rot was real. this drama has me by the throat ajdjsjd and these are technically not even *all* of my WIPs. these are just the ones that i’m actively writing right now. yeah perhaps i do have a problem 😬
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