#i wanted to use reference of an actress and then i started drawing
flaming-toads · 1 year
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patheticbatman · 8 months
I haven't seen any posts about this yet but l've seen some fan art that makes me feel this needs to be said:
Don't forget Leah Sava Jeffries has darker skin when making Annabeth Chase fan art!
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She is much closer to Lupita Nyong'o than Zoe Kravitz when it comes to shading, reflection, and complementary color usage :).
Lighting for dark skin is different on light skin. Light skin gets changed by lighting, and dark skin reflects the lighting. Below is a lovely shot of Nyong'o's character from Wakanda Forever in mourning. The filmmakers emphasize the umber qualities of her skin in contrast to the funereal white and (arguably harsh) light across her shoulder below.
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Try to pick spots that aren't directly in or near the light, and try mixing 3 or more! You can put it into a color mixer online, or even color pick, lower the opacity, and lay the shades over each other until you find one that fits. And of course, the more 'realistic' you want to go with shading and lighting, the more shades you're going to want to be able to explore vivaciously :D.
Let's take a look at the same 3 beautiful actresses I mentioned at the beginning, with a bad color picked area and a better-ish color picked area. (Please keep in mind, these are not perfect comparisons, as I was not able to find pictures of all 3 actresses under the same kind of lighting.)
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Kravitz's has a clear difference between the two, but they aren't too far apart, in comparison to Nyong’o’s and Jeffries’s. Note the dullness in the poorly picked shades as opposed to the better ones. Also keep in mind that while Kravitz has a rosy undertone (at least in that picture - it’s from The Batman, which has stylized coloring) Nyong’o has a slight cool undertone (I can’t pin down quite what, but the picture is definitely not stylized like Kravitz’s).
Jeffries runs more ochre or russet, but neither of those are pink. They are more red than terracotta or umber, but to call Jeffries’s face rosy would be wrong. Err more towards the golden when drawing her.
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^^saved an image from a writing tutorial long ago, but can’t seem to find it. If someone recognizes it, I’ll link it. EDIT: it’s from this post. Thanks @autumnrowancollector ! <3
And also, the darker skin gets, the less likely warm undertones are going to appear. Don't be afraid to use blue or purple or even green on occasion!
Additionally, cool lighting on dark skin is always a win imo.
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(I was going to use that picture of Jeffries as Annabeth by the lightning bolt, but then I realized the lighting on her face doesn’t quite match up with where it should hit from that angle, and I realized they kind of just turned everything bluer, so screenshot time!)
(Also if you want another really great live action example, check out anything Aldis Hodge is in, like Leverage and Black Adam)(and of course there’s Spiderverse <3 but I want to post pictures of Hodge)
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Now, to here’s a list of more experienced people’s advice:
Black facial features & hair
Shading digitally for a (somewhat) monotone Black character
Stylistic choices and places to start looking for inspiration (besides a search engine).
Coloring Black people’s lips
A better coloration tutorial
Also a nice tutorial for Indigenous skin tones, just in case yall want to draw Piper or use this information for other dark skinned characters :).
EDIT: Some actresses who are closer in skintone to use for Annabeth, provided by the lovely @blackfemmecharacterdependency ! If you can’t find a reference for Jeffries in a specific lighting, maybe check out these ladies’ pictures! It’s a reblog, so scroll down.
TLDR: Don’t make Annabeth pink and pale, make her dark and golden.
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code-es · 2 years
The women who laid the foundation of tech
EDIT: I noticed that this post ended up being reblogged by terfs. If you're transphobic this post is not for you to reblog. I want to celebrate everyone who is not a cis man in this industry, including trans women and nonbinary people in tech, and it was my mistake to only include cis women in this post when there are so many trans women and nonbinary people who have done great things in tech as well. Trans women are women and just as important.
Here you can read about trans ppl in tech, and please do:
The morning of women's day i attended a super inspiring seminar about being a woman in tech at a large tech company in my city, and now I'm inspired to share what I learned with all of you!
I didn't have time to finish this post on women's day, but it's not too late to post now: every day is a day to celebrate women!
Women actually laid the foundation for a lot of the tech industry.
For example, the first computer, ENIAC, was programmed completely by women! While men were the behind the scenes engineers, it was women who did all the actual programming of ENIAC.
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The women who made up the team responsible for programming it were called Jean Bartik, Kay McNulty, Betty Holberton, Marlyn Wescoff, Frances V. Spence and Ruth Teitelbaum.
I think one woman who is finally getting her overdue recognition is Ada Lovelace. She was a mathematician (also often referred to as the first programmer) who created the first algorithm in 1842, which wasn't recognized until 1953! However, since none of her machines were ever completed it was never tested in practice during her time.
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She has since been celebrated by giants such as google, and she has given name to a programming language (Ada). She was also the first person to write about what is today known as AI. Back when she was practicing, computers were simply thought of as calculators. But she had an idea that if computers can understand numbers, then that can be translated to letters, and in turn that can lead to computers being able to handle words, and eventually even write, draw and create music.
Hedy Lamarr was a famous Hollywood actress in the 40's, but she was also an inventor who laid ground for what we use today for Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and GPS services.
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During WW2 she wanted to contribute positviely to the military efforts against the Nazis, and she tried to figure out how to radio control torpedoes. In 1942 she patented her technology "Secret Communications System", also known as frequency hopping, which laid the foundation for the technology we use today for Wi-Fi, GPS and Bluetooth. It wasn't until 1962 that it was first used for its intended purpose, during the cuban missile crisis.
Grace Hopper invented the first compiler, called A-0, in 1955, and was also part of the Univac team, which was the company also responsible for building ENIAC. She also initiated work on the COBOL programming language.
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She was also the one to coin the term "bug" in 1947. Computers back then had lights to visualize their working process (which was also a womans idea to implement btw) and bugs would be attracted to the lights, but usually that was no issue - until a bug made its way into a tube which caused the computer to stop working. Hopper taped the bug to a piece of paper and logged what caused the crash - a bug.
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Dorothy Vaughan (left), alongside colleagues such as Katherine Johnson (middle) and Mary Jackson (right), was a mathematician at NASA (called NACA when she started) who worked on the orbit for the first ever manned spaceflight and later also on Apollo 11 that would take humanity to the moon!
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When Vaughan started at what was then called NACA, segregation was still prevalent in the US and she was not allowed in the same areas in the office as her white colleagues. Another department was formed for the black staff, and when the director of said department unexpectedly died, she was appointed as the new director and thus became the first ever black woman at that position at NACA/NASA. In 1958 when NACA becomes NASA segregation is forbidden, and that is when Vaughan and her colleagues Johnson and Jackson started working on programming the orbit and later also Apollo 11.
Continuing on the same track of NASA and space, Margaret Hamilton was the Apollo project's first actual programmer. Hamilton became the director of software engineering at NASA in 1965, and she was also the person to first coin the term !
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In the image above, she stands next to all the handwritten code that was used to send humanity to the moon. During the early stages of the project when she would speak of "sofware engineering", software development was not taken as seriously as other forms of engineering, and it wasn't regarded as a science, either. She wanted to legitimize software development as an engineering discipline, and overtime the term "software engineering" gained the same respect as any other technical discipline.
And lastly, if you're a woman in STEM, I want to highlight and celebrate you! Being a woman in a male dominated industry is not easy, we often suffer from sterotype threat and are not seen as our own individuals, but rather "the woman" in a room full of men. But just as these women, I'm sure you will achieve greatness!!
Here are some additional resources if you'd like to learn more:
And this was mainly my source for this post, but it's unfortunately only available in Swedish:
Thank you for reading ✨
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thestalkerbunny · 3 months
I had a dream last night and it was so fantastic, I'm gonna fucking share it and eventually draw and expand on it-but this is basis of it.
They finally made Fallout 5.
TLDR: Where the actual First Nation's People went, history threatening to repeat itself, finally the non-romancable npc is that way for a GOOD REASON.
It actually takes place in the middle of America; and it's established when the bombs dropped-it was mostly on major cities near the coastal areas-such as Las Vegas,Boston,Washington Dc, etc. etc.-but with the radius, there is a part of the US that recieved the least amount of radiation.
(A poorly made map by your truely, probably not all accurate where bombs dropped but like. The darker places is all the places I'm pretty sure we've been. Probably wrong but I don't care to look up for accuracy.)
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And it's this odd massive strip of land right down the middle. It's not COMPLETELY devoid of radiation-but it's a small part of the whole of USA that received the LEAST amount of it and over time was able to recover successfully, similar to Chernobyl years after the Nuclear Meltdown. Still toxic levels of radiation if you do things like upset the dirt or go in too deep-but otherwise harmless to explore and live in if you're tolerant to those levels of radiation. And in Fallout where RadAway is a helpful common place medication tool-it could potentially be a paradise. The wild life is actually very plentiful and you can honestly spot a lot of normal looking wildlife like normal looking deer and occasionally-a one headed cow. But it's still vast and ominously empty at the same time. Like wandering through thick forests and open plains and prairies with nothing around for miles.
But it was the answer to where the actual Native Americans were in Fallout-they're in this place that everyone in the game referred to as The Holy Strip. A lot of the settlements and cities are a part of the First Nation and one of them I specifically remember was the biggest city called Cherokee City-and it had a collage where for caps or certain items you could move around a point of your S.P.E.C.I.A.L stats if you felt it like it's better used in a different spot-and it was flavored as that's where all the academics flocked to share survivalist knowledge so when people venture out into the Wastes they'd at least have a basic grasp on things. And for the most part, all the cities in The Holy Strip got along-there was a sort of system where each city had an elected person on a council and everything was voted on before major choices were made, etc. etc. all in all the most high functioning areas in Fallout at least in that sense. There's of course tiffs and occasional spats-but other than that-not a whole lot of blood is shed.
And of course there were other factions outside of The Holy Strip who wanted the area for themselves; rather they wanted to affirm governance over the entire area (We know what this is an allegory for, Government trying to run off Native peoples.) And the game gives you the option to either side with the outside Factions-each with their own reason for wanting control of The Holy Strip or siding with The Holy Strip and the people who were there from the start and helped that area STAY as nice as it could be in an irradiated hellscape. And it's not just the theme of 'War never changes' but also the theme of 'History always threatens to repeat itself.' and you have to decide which part of this repeat of history you want to be on.
And there were like....4 Specifical companions I recalled.
One was a woman named Angora and she was a porn actress-and in some of dialogue, it's insinuated she's from New Vegas or that area because in her idle mode she'll tell raunchy jokes-specifically 'Did you hear about the mailman with a bullet in their skull?' Her specific quest is to destroy the holotapes of shoot that had gone wrong and turned into an assault and the footage still was spread out in the public. And the destruction of these holotapes is her reclaiming agency over herself.
Another was a Vietnamese woman named Jun who was a botonist looking for the national seed depository in Colorado that happens to fall within the area of the Holy Strip-she's got the pass key to get in there and she wants to use this time since The Holy Strip has shown such successful progress and good soil ph levels-to start cultivating and distributing seeds to the settlements so more food can be grown. Her idle animation if you leave her alone long enough, she'll start planting saplings and if you come back to the same area she plants in later in the game, you'll see them growing slowly.
There was another one-who was like I feel like....a teen girl? Put her at 18? 19 Maybe. A short girl who kinda reminded me of the girl from Atlantis the Lost Empire. She's a tech mechanic and builds guns, improves them, repairs broken things and she's looking for her younger brother whom she got separated from. I think her name was either Delilah or Tuesday. I don't remember clearly. She was a fan favorite for actually normal reasons cause she had such a teen energy to her to say out of fucking pocket shit all the time and sasses you constantly-but in like a fun way.
The final one I remember is a Ghoul you meet at one of the First Nation Settlements. I don't remember his name-but he is of the First Nation and sort of nomadic lifestyle drifting between cities and settlements, helping people where he can when he can. While the Holy Strip is nice-there still is a level of ghoul discrimination and he just preferred being on his own. But when he becomes your companion you learn that he makes a lot of jokes about the 'Native American Wisdom.' One being
"How did you know I was from a Vault?"
"I heard it on the wind....I heard it from the birds....I felt it in the sunlight on my face.....Also you've got the word VAULT 29 Plastered on the back of your stupid blue jumpsuit."
He also liked Romance paperbacks. You meet him during an escort quest he's doing, helping a pregnant woman get to one of the vaults (that apparently she was born at? And she wanted her kid to be born there too.)
And there was new romancable companion functions-where you could gift them items they liked (like Romance books for the ghoul, Seeds for the Botonist, etc.) that would not only boost their affection for you, but give you a temp boost during a fight. ( the 18 year old is the non-romancable option in the game. For once a Non Romancable NPC that makes SENSE.)
And for the most part it was well received? There was still people who bitched a lot about it, complaining they 'needed like 50 million mods to make it acceptable' and people complaining about the ghoul being 'such a sterotype' where most of what he did was ironic and prodding fun at the trope similar to Raul wearing the spirit halloween costume as a joke for his sister. Then there were the freaks who were mad they couldn't romance the 18 year old.
But pobody's nerfect ya know. All in all I now have a game I cannot play.
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xlovebitz · 10 months
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more reposts from my deviantart
these are simply concept sketches a bunch of headcanon rambles incoming after this ↓↓↓
!!! TW MENTIONS OF: bullying, grooming, an abusive romantic relationship with a large age-gap, overbearing parenting, parental neglect !!!
~.About the CMC in Novaverse.~
Sweetie Belle was bullied for having ugly markings and for being fat during her school years. At 16/17 she was picked up by a well known, wayyy older than her modelling agent she met through Rarity. The agent claiming that Sweetie's markings were "for sure a mark (haha) of a famous upcoming model and a great career!" Loving this validation of one of her biggest insecurities Sweetie enters an abusive boss/worker relationship, later turned a romantic relationship, with said agent. Becoming an actress/model/singer and a naive little puppet to be mistreated and used by her agent for most of her early adulthood.
She hits her breaking point and leaves - around the same time Apple Bloom returns to Sweet Apple Acres for the first time in years - making media waves with a publishing of her autobiography that details her life and the abuse she suffered. She surfs the waves of limelight for a few years before deciding to become a music teacher in the very place she grew up in, Ponyville. Now she lives a fairly quiet life, reunited with her besties.
My idea right now is that she's in a polyship with Scootaloo, Spur & Rainbow Harmony later in life. But that's up for change. I'm also not very happy with her mane in this drawing :T I wanted to reference Nightmare Rarity with Sweeties design, not sure how I feel about it.
Apple Bloom was babied to hell and back by her family, mainly Applejack. Very much overbearing helicopter parent type childhood (Applejack worries too much). She developed an interesting set of issues from this. She feels simultaneously completely lost/directionless in life and inferior to everyone (specifically intelligence wise) AND also the pressure of a thousand ancestors on her shoulders, constantly whispering in her ear about how she needs to take control and be as good, if not better, than what everyone around her expects her to be. Sooooo.. she has to be the best of the best but also has no clue where to start and huge anxiety issues about starting things and about asking for help. Lovely \(^^')/
I'm also toying with giving her some paranoia problems, but I'm still on the fence about that.
In her early adulthood, after the CMC fell apart, she starts job hopping and traveling around. Trying everything she can get her hooves on. Not being perfect at things as fast as she wants to be and subsequently quitting. Never earning her cutie mark ("Crusaders of the Lost Mark" never happens in Novaverse). Always returning home every weekend. Until she doesn't. She starts distancing herself from her family bit by bit after realizing how toxic the environment is for her. Finally ending with her going no/low contact. Applejack is absolutely devastated by this. After a few years of learning to live and learn for herself and coming to terms with the fact that she isn't - and will never be - perfect, she returns to Sweet Apple Acres. her decision comes from something bad happening (not sure what yet, prolly Granny Smith's death but we shall see). Finding the entirety of Sweet Apple Acres barely surviving, Apple Bloom finally decides to reach out to her old friends for help to get Sweet Apple Acres back onto it's hooves. Finally earning her cutie mark in the process. This also kick-starts Applejacks self improvement arc.
I'm still not super pumped about the markings i've given her in this sketch, I feel like they're a bit too saturated in parts.
And finally, Scootaloo, who I honestly have absolutely no idea what to do with-
Important note before I start rambling: Scootaloo is a transman in Novaverse and goes by he/him, so those are the pronouns I will be using in the paragraphs following.
Starting off, I absolutely despise how his parents are introduced and characterized in the show. How they managed to make his aunties the sweetest of the sweet but rush his parents out the door so horribly? I'll never know. But I sure as hell am mad about it and will rewrite them >:T So his aunties stay the exact same for Novaverse...however his parentsssss... well-
The current idea is that his mom is sort of like a more extroverted Daring Do type adventurer. Instead of being """the hero""" tho, she's just a botanist who is very excited about her work and sharing her research. She's definitely a mom who didn't want to be a mom and so has turned to ignoring her problems - Scootaloo - and diving head first into her work, dumping her problems on her sister.
Scootaloo's father I have less ideas for. I know for sure I want him to be Māori and also the stern, loving fatherfigure for most younger than him type (think Massimo Marcovaldo from Luca). But that's literally it? The two probably met while Scoot's mom was on one of her work trips but how he is with Scoots, if he's involved or not, if he even knows his son exists - no idea.
The reason I'm rambling off about his parents, is because with Scoots specifically, I imagine he wishes to be like what he imagines his parents to be like. In his head, he most likely imagines his mom as a rebel researcher. Researching things she's not supposed to and publishing findings she's told not to. Being super duper totally punk!! All of this being the complete opposite of who his mother actually is of course. In contrast, his daydream of his father is probably very close to what his father is actually like.
Scoots has a huge rebellious phase when the CMC separate. He's the youngest of the group and takes it the hardest. Rainbow Dash, his second mother, being too absorbed into making her newborn daughter a mini-her, to offer any form of support to Scoots, which also fucks with him a lot. Becoming a complete forest fire of a character for a while. He struggles with becoming attached too quickly to strangers and with keeping relationships - both romantic and platonic. Once the CMC reunite later on in life, he has the hardest time trusting them again and letting them back into his heart.
I definitely need to do more research for + clean up Scootaloo's design a lot. I am however very happy with the general direction of the current concept.
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quibbs126 · 7 months
I just saw you’re doing parent requests, and I might as well throw my hat into the ring! Can you do your interpretation of Cherry Blossom and Cherry Cookies’ parents? I’m curious to see what kind of parents resulted in such different cookies.
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I’m finally done with these two; took some time but I got them down
Okay now I just want to talk about them
So Cherry Powder is a fireworks technician. She’s very smart, probably has a chemical engineering degree, but she chose fireworks just because she likes them and wanted to make them. She’s also very outgoing and energetic
Plum Blossom on the other hand is a florist. She’s very chill and serene, and really likes flowers, to the point of hyperfixation. Though some times she’s a bit too chill and goes along with things she probably shouldn’t because everyone’s enjoying themselves, if that makes sense
They met when Cherry Powder was looking for flowers to use in some new fireworks, and she ended up going to Plum Blossom’s shop to look for some and asking her about flowers that could work for her research. Plum Blossom started excitedly explaining about all sorts of flowers and Cherry Powder excitedly listened to her. Basically their relationship started because they both would and liked to listen to the other’s interests
During the drawing process I considered making Plum Blossom an actress, probably in part due to the current update, but I tried to keep her a florist because it was the fact that she was one why the two met and I really liked that
I'm realizing I may have drawn them looking a bit too young, they're probably at least 40. I guess because I don't really know how to draw older characters (although I think for Cherry Powder it might just be that she looks young). Ah well, I guess this could have been when they're younger
Also, while I didn't draw them, I imagine that there's also a grandma on one side (to complete the Red Riding Hood look that Cherry has going on), and Cherry Powder also has a sister that's Cherry Ball's mom. Also I've decided that basically this entire family, at least on the cherry side, is comprised entirely of women. Don't know why but why not
Oh also, I have their concept sketches, with PB's eyes open. I think I forgot that they wouldn't be seen so I had them closed
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So anyways, on to design stuff
So Cherry Powder and Plum Blossom are named after their respective objects, with CP being the cherry (also I believe cherry powder is Cherry's Magic Candy ingredient), and PB being the flower part that Cherry Blossom gets her name from and also not cherry. Also I believe that plum blossoms and cherry blossoms look very similar, so there's that
Cherry powder and plum blossoms:
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So I had some amount of an idea for their head designs (Cherry Powder far more than Plum Blossom), but I didn't really know what to do for the outfits. That was the implied struggle at the beginning, I was dealing with that all day
I mean, I think by the end what I got wasn't bad, maybe it's just that the struggle makes me not see them that great
So I made only CP have the eyelashes because for the sisters it's supposed to mimic cherries, which PB isn't
I also made Cherry Powder's hair red because most of the images I could find of the stuff turned out red or pink. But the white streak is supposed to reference Cherry's hair color, maybe she gets it from a grandparent. Also it makes CP more unique looking
Plum Blossom's dress is supposed to reference the actual plum blossoms, but I'm not sure how well I did. Her outfit was what I struggled with the most
I also have no clue how to draw bouquets
To be honest, I noticed somewhere through drawing that typically with the official designs, they reference the Cookie's ingredient multiple times within their design. Like for example here, Cherry Blossom's pigtails, front bang, and pink part of her dress all reference cherry blossoms in some way, and for Cherry, she has her big cherry bombs. And as I stated prior, their eyelashes also reference the stems of cherries, as well as gives them a similarity between each other since they're sisters
I bring this up because I feel like I don't do that enough in my own designs, and I need to do that more. I especially don't like giving my characters objects, at least not anymore, because it's a lot of effort to try and figure out how to implement those and draw those accessories as well. That's why I gave Plum Blossom her bouquet, to at least give her something to hold (though they're not plum blossoms, just generic flowers). I suppose that's something I need to work on
But regardless of what I've been saying about how I'm dissatisfied with them, I do really like these two, and honestly I want to draw more of them, like them kissing or hanging out or just them with their kids
I hope you like them too!
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allergictocolor · 4 months
Character Profile - Grandmama…Addams?
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"This disrespectful old hag is the mother of Gomez (husband of Morticia). She willingly helps with the dishes, cheats at solitaire and is thoroughly dishonest. She, too, is a favorite with the children and will make them cookies in the shape of bats, skulls and bones. Good humored about all and can be garrulous. The complexion is dark, the hair is white and frizzy and uncombed. She has a light beard and a large mole. She wears a shawl on all occasions, thick socks and fleece slippers under a bombazine skirt." - Chas Addams
garrulous - adjective: excessively talkative in a rambling, roundabout manner, especially about trivial matters
bombazine - noun: a heavy, dense fabric woven of silk and wool, used largely for mourning wear in 16th century and 17th century Europe
As part of his ongoing theme of the macabre and bizarre, Charles Addams drew some witches who weren’t Grandmama:
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When he did draw her, she was almost always with other members of the family:
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He originally wrote Grandmama as “Granny Frump”, Gomez’s mother. Their familial connection was obvious from their appearance. The producers of the 60s TV show decided to keep her as Gomez’s mother, but to make Frump be Morticia’s maiden name. Granny Frump, who was played by Margaret Hamilton and appeared in just three episodes of the sitcom, was given the first name Hester. I can find no record of Grandmama, who was in all 64 episodes of the show, having a first name. She was simply referred to as Grandmama, Grandma, or Mama, depending on who was speaking to her.
She is just as full of mischief as the rest of the family, if not more. She and Fester are frequently in cahoots, and their meddling with the lives of the other family members provides the occasional plot for sitcom hi-jinks. However, she is mostly a background character. That’s probably a good thing, since a little of her mischief goes a long way. When she makes yak stew, it turns Gomez into a sleepwalking cat burglar. When Fester reads an article about how only couples who fight are in stable relationships, she helps him try to push Gomez and Morticia to fight, and it wreaks havoc in the household. 
Grandmama is an actual witch, and has real magical power in the show. She creates potions, like “love dust”, which is of dubious effectiveness. Most notably, she uses a crystal ball to see the future. Others don’t always believe her predictions, but they are accurate. In one episode, she’s arrested for fortune telling, which is (or at least was) illegal in their state. Rather than pay the ten dollar fine, Gomez decides to represent her in court as Gomez “The Great Loophole” Addams. Everything that happens from there is, of course, ridiculous. What else would you expect?
Her place on the family tree is shaken up over the years. In the 1992 animated series, she’s Granny Frump, Morticia’s mother once again. In the 1990s movies, she Morticia’s mother. The third film (a low-budget, direct-to-video movie from 1998), names her Esmeralda. She’s played by a different actress in all three movies. It’s not so strange that a different person was cast in the third film, as nearly all the parts were recast. But it is strange that she was recast for the 1993 sequel. It turns out that Judith Malina, who played her in 1991, made an off-color joke about the war and flag burning, and that was enough for everyone else to not want to work with her anymore. She was replaced with Carol Kane, who you may recognize from The Princess Bride. 
In the 1998 TV series, The New Addams Family, she’s Gomez’s mother again, and her first name is Eudora. The Broadway musical pokes fun at Grandmama’s nebulous status by making her possibly not even be part of the family. Morticia thinks she’s Gomez’s mother, and vice versa. They just laugh about it. Anyone weird enough could probably just start living in the Addams’ mansion and say they’re a cousin, and the family would just accept them without question. In the 2019 animated movie, Grandmama is Gomez’s mother, and has a long-running feud with Auntie Sloom.
While she has not shown up in the Netflix Wednesday series yet, Joanna Lumley has been cast as Grandmama for the second season. It had not been announced whose mother she’s going to be, but odds are good that she’ll be playing Morticia’s mother. Lumley is British, and best known for the show Absolutely Fabulous, which ran from 1992 to 2012 but only had 39 episodes. (British TV is different from American TV in so many ways.) She has a pale complexion more in common with Catherine Zeta-Jones, and is 5’8” tall. Luis Guzmán is Puerto Rican and 5’5” tall, and would be unlikely to have a white, tall mother.
Seeing how the main premise of Wednesday is that society is divided into supernatural creatures and normal humans, it’s safe to assume that Grandmama will have supernatural powers. She has historically been able to predict that future, so it’s no big stretch to also assume that she will have that power in the show. The character Goody Addams is an ancestor from colonial times, and had that ability. Wednesday most likely inherited it from both sides of the family. It’s even possible that both Gomez and Morticia are descended from Goody. As for what Grandmama can do, we’ll have to wait until some time in 2025 to find out.
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bettyfair · 15 days
Waiting for Hockney.
Here goes nothing... In 2008 a documentary was released that changed my life. It has 6.5/10 stars on IMDB and one of the three comments on the trailer reads "The guy seems like a desperate hack".
I've not watched it 10 years and it has no Wikipedia entry for me to check my recollections. Here is my review.
The film opens with voice over reading a letter addressed to the titular Hockney. Billy Pappas is our man, we don't know him yet but he reads his own words as if they've been smeared on the walls in his own excrement. "The vehicle for the spirit of urgency and intensity which occupies my being is drawing" he reads, his own letter displayed in its all caps glory. What does that mean? Fucked if I know.
Billy goes into some minor detail about his art work that he wishes to show Hockney - an incredibly detailed portrait that took him just shy of 9 years to finish. That's right - a portrait that took nearly a decade.
He works standing up, drawing under 20x magnification, later he will describe a months work as taking place within a printed full stop. He talks about how he reeducated himself on all aspects of drawing. Eye school, ear college, left cheek university. Billy graduated from them all.
At the start of the documentary (I think) he's finished the portrait. Supported over the years by his mother, a local vicar (or whatever Americans call them) and a man who has Dr before his name. At the end of the documentary Billy will say they've supported him to the tune of $300k. They enable him to work day in and day our on his obsession, fixating intensely on small details in the search for greatness. His mother is anxious and overbearing.
The film doesn't show you the work until (spoiler alert) Hockney sees it himself. It does however reveal very early on that this portrait is of Marilyn Monroe - the superstar actress who died some 40 years before his portrait even began. Alarm bells ring already, he's drawing from a photograph?
He wants to bring the photo something that it doesn't have, a presence. He chose her why? Because she represents fame and all it's over exposure? He chose this photo because it's blurry. Make it make sense.
The details are hazy on me, my number one recollection is the anxiety the film makes you feel. Billy puts Marilyn and Hockney on such a pedestal, throughout the film the portrait is referred to as 'Marilyn' as if he has created beyond art and into life itself. 'She' represents his obsession and 10 years of his life, 7 hours a day he gave to her standing up in his mothers spare room using a homemade sling to rest his tired arms. I cannot bare it. It terrifies me.
The last 15/20 mins of the film are a hard watch. He finally shows his creation to Hockney and his entourage, one man in particular speaks for Hockney - a rodent looking man who for sure thinks himself better than you. He expertly rips into Billy's work, and by that, also into Billy himself. You see 'Her' for the first time and you are underwhelmed, a perfectly passable drawing that, had he drew it in one day, I would have said 'Holy shit!' knowing it took 10 years, well, still 'Holy shit' just not in the same way. She merges into herself, and you see so clearly how little Billy brought to the table. There is nothing about her, nothing that has not been captured by the 1000's of other artworks, pictures and sculptures of her that came before. "Have you ever thought of doing a quicker sketch?" Hockney asks.
So many of Billy's shortcomings are within his masterpiece: an emptiness despite such attention to detail. He cannot understand the world around him, he gives so much of himself that it makes me uncomfortable, yet at the same time there is so little revealed of him and nothing said that matters. It's like he whipped his shorts off just to reveal his bare, smooth ken-doll like genitals.
Rodent man laments on how you cannot notice the detail in 'Her', in a gallery it would not be clear or visible.
10 years of Billy's life - 8 and a half on Marilyn, 1 and a half getting her to Hockney, concluded in underwhelm. Rodent man calls Billy naive, of the art world he says "that's not his world" although I don't think he needed to be specific to just the art world. Why did he pick Marilyn he asks? Not to Billy obviously, because really - deep down - Billy doesn't know.
Is this art? Not the drawing no, but why does this picture weigh so heavy on me? I could not have this in my house - it's too valuable. It represents everything to Billy, it represents his need for approval and his desperation: it intimidates me. Billy has this burning desire for approval from someone else, something we all have. I badly want people to tell me i'm cool and that my fringe makes me look AT LEAST 40% less like a primary school teacher with a well organised set of felt tip pens. Billy dedicated 10 years of his life to that approval, even before knowing he didn't get it, it made me uneasy. It's the desperation right? I think it's the lack of awareness that kills me most, i'm not convinced by Billy at the end of the film - allegedly coming to terms with life after Marilyn. He doesn't seem to have learnt the core message of the film, which I feel is - hey! Don't put your life into another persons hands you smooth dicked fuckwit!
After all this we see Billy in his car reading the dictionary. He tells us he usually travels with 3 dictionaries on him. He wants to focus on the words and the meanings and he describes himself as obsessed. I don't think Billy knows what he means by that, but he's not wrong. Later he gets a job as a bartender and is pleased with $40 that he heads home with. His mother defends him with her life. Marilyn rests in her basement.
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undeadorion · 24 days
People better appreciate that I'm not reducing Sister Imperator to a smudge for this comic. She the actress from the earlier videos looks alarmingly like my mother.
Long story short: my mother was a heinous mentally and emotionally abusive bitch. A compulsive liar. I hate her with the burning fury of a thousand suns. She is the source of 90% of my trauma.
She told me and my two sisters she was a registered nurse. Our whole lives she said that's what her job was. She needed help writing up a resume when I was in my 30s and I realized she had no medical school. She had only ever been a medical secretary, running the front desk. When I called this out she swore up and down that it had only ever been a joke. Yet she'd always come home with wild stories of saving patient's lives when she worked on the cardiac unit. One I remember vividly was claims she was straddling a patient doing chest compressions while they rushed him to the ER. She was suffering from osteoporosis so bad she struggled to get up the stairs some days. And the hospital could have it's pants sued off if a fucking secretary was caught doing chest compressions. while SITTING ON A PATIENT.
After she divorced my dad she eventually married this guy who I think was at least a former meth addict. He was missing at least half his teeth and was about as intelligent as a half boiled potato. She moved away to live with him in Texas because his mom was super rich. The family had oil on their land, apparently. This is why my mom married him. She moved back at some point claiming he was nightmarishly abusive. Like threatening to shoot he in the head and shit. But she refused to use any of the resources available then burned through like $500,000 in 6 months. I caught her talking to him on the phone one night, planning for him to come visit. She didn't know I was sitting on the stairs listening.
Mind you she hadn't told him I was trans. The last he'd seen me was before I started my transition. He was rural Texas with a gun level bigotry. She wouldn't tell him because "he wouldn't understand." So I asked her what we were going to tell him when he came to visit.
She lied to my fucking face and said that's not who she was talking to. It was her friend who lived in another state who was going to visit family. I said I'd heard her say "I love you." She legit insisted she said that to her friends. Which she'd never done in her life. So I made note of the date I'd heard her set. The night before that date she told me he'd called to say he was coming for a "surprise" visit. Surprise my ass she'd planned it over a month before. I went to stay in a hotel before a friend offered me a place to stay. I popped by about a week later to find the entire apartment except my room in boxes. My mom didn't say a single fucking word while I was there.
I got a text message a few days later just saying "He's gone, you can come home." But when I got there, of course she wasn't there. There was just a note on the kitchen counter saying "This was the only way" with the apartment keys.
This was mid-December of 2017. I texted her to say I'd sorted rent out and to never speak to me again. I haven't heard from her since.
I'm over it enough I can talk about it and obviously draw someone that looks like her. I'm mostly just angry about it now. I wanted to share this I guess so people know when I reference my mom they know exactly the sort of person I'm talking about.
Oh, and I was in the process of legal transition while I lived with her. Name and gender marker changes. She'd been fine with my transition until then. But once I started the legal process she'd look at me all full of tears then hold my face and start crying. She'd say shit like she was "mourning her baby." I was 33 fucking years old and standing in front of her.
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dre6ming · 2 years
The delicate beginning rush
Chapter V ~ Torn
Chapter IV ~ decode
Chapter VI ~ my darling
Instagram photo dump masterlist
To be added to the tag click here
Pairing: Austin Butler x singer/actress fem reader
Warning: age gap, fluff, cursing, angst … that’s all
Word count: ~7030
Plot: after a perfect day with Austin that arises many questions not only within the public, but within yourself, you feel torn. Torn between two people, as your heart seems to be more malleable than expected
Disclaimer: everything I write is fake and should be read as such. <except for the songs I reference>
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"(Y/n)..." I groan in my sleep cuddling my face further into the pillow. "Wake up, we fell asleep." A hand smooths down my back, shaking me awake. As my brain finally catches up to what's happening, my eyes fly open and I jerk up. We fell asleep, we, me and Austin. Austin and me. Alone. "Easy." He's voice is soft, calm. The room is dark, meaning we've been sleeping for a few hours now, since it was daylight when we got here. I can see the sparkle of his blue eyes in the moonlight coming through the huge windows, barley being able to make out his features in the dim light. "I'm sorry" Austin smiles shaking his head, causing my body to relax a bit, but I'm still on high alert.
Looking around for my phone , I get it out of my purse, that was laying on the ground. Quickly opening the home app and turning on the lights, causing the both of us to squint our eyes in an attempt to get used to the bright room. Austin looks heavenly, with his eyes still a bit sleepy and hair disheveled. "I'm sorry." I say again, looking at my lap and fiddling with my fingers, picking at the skin there, a bad habit of mine.
He takes my hands in his, stopping my assault on my poor fingers and forcing me to look at him. "Hey, it's ok, as long as you feel better, all's good" I nod sighing at the memory of what brought us here. "I should've just taken the stupid picture with him." I say, thinking I could've easily done that and spared myself a lot of trouble. "No, you shouldn't have, people need to understand boundaries, you were nice and offered to sign something instead, he was the dick. Excuse my language." I giggle at the fact that he just excused himself for cursing. "It's ok. Yeah I guess you're right, but still." Shrugging my shoulders, I move my eyes from his face to my lap, where our hands are intertwined.
"No, stop that, it wasn't your fault and he should've been more respectful. What a perv, that's not the way you talk to a girl, to anyone for that matter." Austin is visibly still annoyed by the dude's behavior and that somehow gets my heart to pick up, beating faster in my chest. I don't know why, but seeing him care like this, just make me feel a certain type of way. Cared for? Protected? Maybe, I guess. Ugh I try to keep my mind straight and find parallels between him and Timmy, forcing myself to draw a line between friends and something more, because I know it's all in my head. I know he couldn't possibly find me attractive and even if he did, there's still so many reasons why this is wrong.
"He wasn't lying tho. About the pictures. They were for the movie. Um ... in the book, Amelia is challenged by this group of girls to take pictures of herself in lingerie and post them online. I agreed to them back then, but I'm starting to regret it now. People are sick in the head." He listens to me talk as his warm callused fingers draw circles over my hands. "Doesn't matter the context of the photos. Dude was way out of line." Austin assures me. I know that, I do. When I first took the pictures, that was the first time I saw myself a sensual person, the pictures looked good, nothing too exposing and I was beautiful in them. It's awful that the dirty mind of others had to tint that for me. The photos never bothered me, it was other people seeing them, that got me stressing out.
I look over at the clock on the wall, seeing it's 8:40 pm, late, but not too late. "Um do you want dinner or something? Or if you want to go I can call my driver to come take you back to your hotel." Was asking him to stay for dinner again, too much? Am I being inappropriate? Ugh I wish this was easier, but it's not. I don't even want to think about all the gossip that's probably going around. I'm sure if I opened my instagram right now, I'd be bombarded with pictures and comments. "Sure, if it's ok with you, I can stay for dinner." Austin answers, leaving me completely clueless about what this thing between us is supposed to be and when too much is too much.
"Ok, we can order something, what do you want?" I ask as I take my hands out of his and fight the urge to wince at the cold air hitting my skin once out of his flaming hot hands. "I'm fine with whatever, maybe we can do pizza? Or if you don't feel like ordering what would you say to some grilled cheese sandwiches?" He suggests.
"Damn I think I'd kill for one right now, Timmy makes the best" Austin giggles at me, brushing his hair back with his hands. As I move around on the couch, I notice his jacket still hanging over me like a blanket. "Well then I'll take that as a challenge. Can I?" He asks pointing in the direction of the kitchen and I nod biting my lip to stop the cheeky smile making it's way onto my face. I swear I'm acting so strange around him, almost like all the filters I usually put up in order to seem a bit more tame are just crumbling with him. And don't take this like I'm usually faking how I act or shit, but usually when I meet new people I'm more reserved and anxious, shy even, but there has almost been none of that with him. It's like we've known each other for a life time now, old friends.
Austin gets up from the couch and I do the same, taking my phone and following him into the kitchen, where he starts looking through the fridge, taking out everything he needs. I go over to the cabinet where I keep the cat food and fill their bowls, the two little angles coming to feast. "Good boys" I praise them petting their soft fur, feeling the vibrations of their purring.
Sitting down at the kitchen island, I watch as Austin moves gracefully around the place, preparing the food. He looks so in his element, it's clear that his passionate about cooking. Opening my phone I can't fight the urge to go on instagram, immediately seeing the thousands of posts about me and Austin. Pictures of me and him walking, laughing and eating. We look so good together. 'Oh my god, stop that' I scold myself, rolling my eyes at how delusional I can be. I also make the mistake to look at the comments. 90% of them are calling him a cheater and me shameless, for going after another girls boyfriend. That's actually the first time in a long while that I think of Kaia. My hands start sweating profusely and I swallow trying to make the sudden tightness in my throat go away.
"Everything ok?" Austin asks taking me out of my thoughts. I clear my throat and lick my lips, avoiding the way his eyes linger over them. "Austin does Kaia know that you're here?" I don't know how her knowing would change much, I guess in the end it would ease my mind a bit. And all that matters is that us three know the truth, that nothing is going on, the rest, can and will be ignored. He looks at me with a puzzled look, like he doesn't see my question relevant. "Yeah she does, I guess, I don't know, we don't tell each other everything."
What am I supposed to gather from that? Like what am I to make of him saying things like that? Pointing to his relationship being fake or at most not serious. It's not new or unheard of, PR stunts like this, but still. "Why?" He follows, curious to see why I'd bring that up now. "Because we were photographed together, alone, for a second time. I know it's nothing, but I don't want Kaia to get the wrong impression." He's cutting up some cheese to put in the sandwich as I speak.
"We're just friends, she knows and we don't keep tabs on each other." I nod, just friends, but the way his tone sounds - defensive, almost worries me and I can't stop the words before they come out of my mouth. "Are you two PR?" He whips his head up, looking at me and I avert my eyes. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to assume, but it's just the way you talk about the whole thing-" he sighs, stopping me mid rambling. I look at him. "We are, but I want you to know I was against it. I believe relationships are sacred and this is just..." he pauses a second. "Just not that."
Ok I don't know what to say, what am I supposed to say? I can't say I'm sorry. He works on the food as silence fills the kitchen, tension so thick you could cut it with a knife. I look at my phone, trying to occupy myself with something and I see the texts from Timmy, he must of seen the pictures as well.
Hey, today went great, I'm pretty tired so I'll probably be out cold for the rest of the day, call me tomorrow when you wake.
I smile happy to hear that his work was going great and relieved that he hasn't seen the photos yet. "Please say something!" I look up at Austin, who's eyes watch me back pleading. My mouth opens and closes, not sure what to say. Looking down he turns around to face the stove and puts the sandwiches in the pan, to cook. "I don't think less of you Austin, it's not even my business to know the insides of your relationship. I talked before thinking." He turns back at me, prompting himself on his hands, that are balled into tight fists against the black marble of the counter. "I'm not used to being the talk of everything. I knew when I got the role, it'll be like this, I almost wished I didn't get it, because of how afraid I was of all this. Then my team goes completely nuts and they have me do all these things, to arouse interest. I ruined my 10 year old relationship because of this." He stops to flip the sandwiches, quickly turning to face me.
"She, Vanessa, she tried to tell me, that it'll all get too much, that I should be cautious, but I got angry with her and we started bickering and then I was in Australia filming and we decided maybe a break would help. The next thing I know it's been months since talking and then they come to me with this." I get up and move over to him, hugging him, as he rests his head on top of mine. Austin relaxes, moving his arms to hug me back.
We hug for a while, but he takes one of his arms away at one point to turn off the stove, so the food doesn't burn. From where I'm sitting with my cheek against the soft fabric of his denim shirt, I can hear his strong heart beating and I can feel each breath he takes. "I understand how overwhelming it all can be, I'm lucky to be working with a team that understands my boundaries, but still I'm young and still at the beginning, so in the future who knows, what prepositions they might make. You are an incredible person, I can tell. I'm sure if you would take the time to apologize to her she'll understand."
"You have no idea how good it feels to have someone know about this, I haven't told anyone, I don't know why I told you, but I trust you. Feels like I've known you a lifetime." Austin's voice is low and it sends shivers down my spine as his words seep into my heart, warming it. My insides feel light and my mind cloudy, the proximity of him, suddenly being too much. The way he smells, like oranges and cloves, the way his muscles flex around me, the way his breath fans over the hair on top of my head, the way his chin rests on my head. Everything, everything is all too much. My brain can barely form coherent thoughts, in order to force me to keep my feet on the ground. I wish I could explain everything to myself, so that maybe I could find a way to deal with all these emotions. There's a magnetic field around Austin, something so enticing and scary at the same time, but the electric current cursing through my body when I'm close to him is addicting. Dangerously addicting. "Would it be weird if I said that I feel the same?" I ask cautious.
Austin's arms tighten around me, in a silent way of saying 'No, it's not'. "I don't think she wants my forgiveness and I don't know what that would do for us, she's with someone else and I no longer think of her like that. I still love her, I do, but not the same way I used to." I pull away an inch so I can look up at him, sparkling blue eyes, staring into mine.
"But wouldn't you feel better knowing that you did right by her?" He seems to think over what I just said. "I guess you're right, I owe her that and myself a bit." We break apart and I go to take out two plates for us to eat on. He places the sandwiches on each pate and we grab them, moving over to the living room. As I sit down on the couch I notice his eyes looking somewhere behind me and following his gaze my eyes land on my guitar. "I've had it since I was 8, I saved up money for it and bought it second hand. A few years ago I had it taken into a shop to be reconditioned, but I specifically asked for my Hannah Montana stickers to stay on, so they put something over them to preserve  them."
Austin chuckles lightly at me talking about my old guitar. I put the plate down on the coffee table and get up to pick up the guitar. "Play something, can I hear an original?" He asks. I'm a bit reluctant about sharing any of my songs before the album is completely done, but I guess I could make an exception for him. "Ok, but you haven't heard anything, got it? Otherwise..." I motion slicing my throat and he laughs, at my silliness.
I touch the cords with the pads of my fingers and play an easy progression, trying to buy time to about which song I want to play him. "There was a time, when I was alone, with nowhere to go and no place to call home..." my voice sings as I close my eyes, getting lost in the meaning of the song. "Lost boy" is a sweet song I wrote drawing inspiration form the story of Peter Pan and how when I was young I used to dream of going to Neverland, thinking there I wouldn't feel so alone. "...I am a lost boy, from Neverland, usually hanging out with Peter Pan." I keep going.
The feeling of loneliness is one I've grown to know to be a good friend, always my companion. No matter how many people I surround myself with, there are few times I don't feel alone. So far not much has been able to push that feeling away, not Timmy, not Roxanne, not my cats, not my therapist, who I'm definitely overpaying. "...And lost boys, like me are free" sighing I finish the song and put the guitar next to me on the couch.
"You wrote that?" I nod my head, taking a small bite of the sandwich, enjoying the savory taste of it, it has the perfect amount of cheese. "It's beautiful, but it seems so sad." I can read the pity in Austin's voice, but I push that away, trying not to get caught up. "Yeah, I guess... but just, I don't know." I don't know how to explain myself, because no matter how close I feel to him, he's still just a stranger to me. "You don't need to explain, I get it, kind of." A weak smile makes it's way onto my lips, as he gestures assuring me, there's no need to explain myself.
We sit in silence, eating and when we're done, he takes the plates to the kitchen, to put them in the dishwasher. By now 10pm is rolling around and I know he has to leave soon, but I kind of wish this day would never end. As Austin comes back, I move over to my huge record collection to place my latest acquisitions. "Are you busy tomorrow?" Austin asks, making me whip my head around quickly. "Yeah, I'm sorry, I don't think we'll get to see each other before you leave New York, I have lots to do." He nods sitting down.
"Well I guess I should go, it was nice spending time with you. Let's keep in touch?" Austin proposes. I know I should probably say 'sure, why not' just so I could ghost him and move on, but my tongue moves before my brain gets a chance to fight it. "Yeah, of course. Um come on, I'll walk you out." He smiles brightly at me and we walk over to the door.
I wait for him to put his shoes back on and then his jacket. One of his long fingers pushes the call button for the elevator. As we wait, he looks me over, from head to toe and just before the ding of the elevator is heard, he opens his mouth to say something, but he never does. Instead he comes closer and kisses my cheek. Austin's plush pink lips, warm and wet against my skin. I'm frozen, moving a hand to his chest to prompt myself. "Goodnight (y/n)!" Has my name ever sounded so obscene? No. Has my heart ever skipped the way it just did? No.
Austin gets into the elevator and before the doors close, I mumble I quick 'goodnight', the last thing that I see being his bright smile as he chuckles shaking his head. When the door close and all that's left of him is the smell of his cologne, I touch my cheek, a ghost of his kiss still lingering there.
After forever sat in the entryway, eyes glued to those goddamn doors, like if I looked for long enough or hard enough, they would open to reveal him again. My shoulders slump as I realize how stupid I am being right now, so instead of shaming myself further I go to my room to get ready for sleep.
The getting ready part was easy, falling asleep? Different story. I'm tossing and turning, throwing fists at my innocent covers. Sighing I turn on my bed side lamp, taking my journal and pen. Putting the date down:
Feb 27th 2022
I can't seem to quiet my mind and it feels like my skin is burning for something, if I were to be honest right now I might know what it is I'm longing for. It's him... it just feels too real for it to be just in my head, he must of felt it too. Right? He's just so handsome, but there's more than surface beauty to him, there's a warmth within his soul. I know it, because I've met beautiful men and women before, but neither of them ever left me like this. I can't even find a word to describe myself right now - a mixture of too many feelings, good and bad. Should I just bite my heart and do what I do best? Put it in a song? But how would that sound? A love song for him? About him?
Tapping the pen against my chin, I take a moment to think. It needs to be a song that's not to obvious, something that could be about anyone. I just have to be vague, no mentioning his blue eyes, or honey blonde hair, or those god forsaken plump lips. Think about what I like that could be anyone else's, not just his. I really love the way he says my name, the way he wears himself, the way he looks at me. Putting pen to paper again, I start scribbling.
Maybe it's the way you say my name
Maybe it's the way you move around play your game
But it's so good
I've never felt like this before known anybody like you
Ok this sounds like it could be going somewhere, but I need to be at the piano. Jumping out of bed I rush to get the song playing through the room. Sitting down at my piano, looking over the shiny New York, I play a melody, singing my lyrics over it. "I'm in a field of dandelions, wishing on everyone that you were mine." I sing, getting lost in the music. This is my first ever love song. Love... is this really what I'm doing? Falling in love? I blink at the piano keys, my fingers stuck. Picking the pen up, I go to write down the lyrics, scratching over some of the words and replacing them with others.
Taking a deep breath I keep on playing, singing, then writing down the lyrics. By the time the song feels done, I glance at the clock, it's 3:50 am. Cursing at myself, I close my eyes, rubbing harshly at them. I need to be in the studio at 8am, so if I fall asleep now I might get 3 good hours of sleep, so I carry my heavy feet over to my bedroom, falling on the soft bed. By some miracle I do fall asleep, thankfully a dreamless sleep, so 3 hours later when my alarm wakes me up, as angry as I am at it, I'm actually excited to be in the studio and show Jack the new song.
Taking a quick shower, dressing casually in a pair of black jeans, with a simple cotton long sleeve shirt, in a cream color and a dark green teddy bear jacket on top, cause today feels colder than yesterday. Gathering my things, I feed Simba and William and after a small session of sharing kisses with them, I leave. "Morning, miss!" Matthew, my diver, smiles at me, holding the car door open. "Morning Matt, did you have a good weekend?" I like to make sure that the people who work around me are happy and know they can trust me to understand their needs as well as they understand mine. We make small talk on the way to the studio, but I can't help fidgeting in my seat, so when we get to the studio I almost burst through the door.
"Jack I just wrote a song, you need to hear" he giggles at my enthusiasm as I pull my notebook out, sitting down at the piano without even taking my jacket off. After I play him the song I turn to him expectedly. "Wow, a love song? That's new, anyone in particular?" Jack winks at me, sitting down at the computer, working around to start on the record. "N-no n-no one." He chuckles slightly at my stammering. I choose to ignore it and finally taking off my jacket, I start working with him.
Four hours later, the song is almost done, but I have to run for a photo shoot I need to do with Prada, for some of their new collection. Saying my goodbyes to Jack, I put my glasses on and add a beanie, hoping to not be recognized, but it's useless, a sea of paparazzi already waiting out for me. "(Y/n) are you with Butler?" "Is he cheating on Kaia?" "Don't you think he's too old for you?" "What were you recording?" "Should we expect an album?"
I avoid all questions and get into my car, telling Matt to drive away so we can get there in time, I still need to make it to that 3pm lunch with Joshua, which speaking of I should check if he send me the place where he'd like to meet. Opening my dms I find myself smiling the notification next to his name.
Morning, what do you think of this place: location. It's my favorite in NY!
Never been, but it works for me. See you at 3?
Sure thing, can't wait 💟
Me neither, c u ❣️
I can't fight the blush in my cheeks and I swing my feel around like a school girl, squirming in my seat. "Good news?" Matt asks looking over at me in the rear view mirror. "Yeah" I say, pushing some hair behind my ear and looking out the window, already running in my head the different scenarios of how this could work. Since his first dm, I've been looking into him a bit and I do have to say I'm extremely smitten by him. Also I can't get his song out of my head and I've been slowly writing a song opposite to his, a different way of loving, or better yet not loving.
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Liked by fan23, hate2 and 503.382others
that.gossip.blog: y/n4real.2002 leaving the studio early this morning, after a session with jackantonoff. Now that could mean one or two things, she's either working on more original songs or she's working on something for taylorswift again. People who were there report, that she avoided all paparazzi questions and when asked about the relationship with Butler, she had no reaction, so that topic also remains a mystery.
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fan34: omg omg I'm telling you, it's an album, she must be working on an album.
↳fan2: for sure, she has to be.
↳tsfan13: an album from her would be a dream, she's Taylor's kid
hater2: ofc she would avoid questions about him 🙄
↳fan3: I don't see why she owes any expectations
↳kaiafan4: um maybe cause he's taken?
↳fan039: they were just on a walk, can we chill?
ts13fan26: I choose to clown, for Speak Now (TV) 🤡
↳caTs.fan: right there with you 🤡🤝🤡
abfan2: can we just drop this narrative that makes them both look like horrible people? We know them for gods sake
↳hater45: do we? Cause we know what the choose to tell.
↳abfan021: I choose the benefit of the doubt
After some very long hours of taking photos in tight clothes, contorting myself in all strange positions, I'm done. The make up team is working on taking off the glam as I shoot Timmy a quick text.
Can I call you in 20? I forgot this morning sry😬😬
Yeah sure, no worries, I know you're busy.
Changing my green jacket for a black blazer, as it's much warmer now, then it was in the morning, I hop in the car and tell Matt to drive to the small restaurant where Joshua said he'd meet me. I take my phone out and call Timmy, his voice coming through the other end only after the first ring. "Hi there Tim!" I smile, happy to be talking to him. "Listen you know I love you and I trust you, I choose to not get into detail about those pictures, I just need to know, are you ok?" He asks and I swallow thickly. "Yeah I am, we are just friends, he asked me to show him around a bit, I took him to Frank's store." Timmy chuckles lightly, making me calm down a bit. "I trust you honey and in a way I think I trust him too. Happy to hear you're ok, you sound it even." I'm surprised by his statement. "I do?"
"Yeah, I can't tell you, but your voice has that jovial tone I haven't herd in a minute." My eyes gloss over with tears and I giggle. "Thanks! I'm on my way to meet Joshua, I'm nervous! How was work? Is it scary?" I shoot question after question, making him laugh. "Slow down, glad to hear you're nervous about your date, calm down it'll be fine. Yes, work has been great, it's definitely darker then I expected, but I think I've got this." I listen to him talk as he gets more into detail about filming. "That's sounds amazing, but I still miss you lots, gotta go now, I'm almost at the restaurant." Timmy shuffles around, causing some static to come through. "Ok, good luck, be safe and be yourself. Love you!"
"Love you too" I end the call and get out of the car, smiling at the fact that Joshua is already here, bouncing one leg up and down, reading a newspaper. "Hello, nice to meet you, hope I'm not late!" I say apologetic, as his eyes shoot up at me, a smile spreading on his face. Joshua gets up, sitting only a few inches taller then me. "N-no you're right on time, please!" He shows me the empty seat in front of him.
I sit down and he hands me a blue cap. Shooting him a quizzing look, he laughs nervously, placing a matching one on his head. "Thought we could try and pull a Steve Rogers, cap to not be recognized?" I put the cap on and laugh at his marvel reference. "Well that's a good idea. I take it you like marvel?" I ask looking over the menu. "Yeah, I do, but I'm not really over Endgame yet." We share a laugh. "Neither am I" I say scrunching my nose up.
A sweet girl comes over to take our order and we seem to be straight on the same page as we order the same thing, without even knowing. "So what's new in the papers? I don't think I've seen one in a minute." He chuckles, brushing back some of his chocolate curls, handing me the newspaper. "Nothing much, the news is pretty boring, too much politics and all, but it gives me so to do without looking at my phone." I read one of the titles, dropping the paper, the latest football scandal not being my cup of tea.
"So do you like New York?" I ask, sipping some coffee the waiters just brought over. "Yes I do, I'm actually looking for a place to buy here, lately California has been too much, LA just doesn't do it for me anymore" his brown eyes glimmer and I can't help but get lost in the depth of them. "If you ask me New York is the best, something new to do at all times and people rarely care to look around, so it's easy to get lost in the crowd." He smiles at me, thanking the waitress for the food without taking his eyes off of me. "You'll have to show me, cause I do agree with you, but I haven't spent much time in New York. Any place you love, that's like a secret?"
I giggle, eating some of the pasta I ordered. "Well if I told you it wouldn't be a secret anymore, would it?" Joshua shakes his head adjusting the hat on his head, eating a bit as well. "Could be our secret." He says looking at me. I blush like crazy and look down, his stare too much for me. I can't ignore the way my heart skips a beat, or the way my breath get caught in the back of my throat. "Could be." I mumble, looking at him through my lashes. A blush appears on his round cheeks, as he wiggles around in his seat.
"You look beautiful today by the way, not that you don't look beautiful every day, but-" "Thank you" I giggle at his sweet demeanor, a blush creeping up on both of our cheeks now. He let's out a little laugh as well and we both break into hysterics over how we're both acting, like two little kids. "So I think I should tell you the concept for the video" Joshua adds and I nod. "Well this song was inspired by my parents, they were highschool sweethearts, so I was thinking we could play them in the video." I watch as he goes on to tell me about how the whole thing would play out, starting with me walking down the aisle at our wedding and then cutting into a montage of memories from the past, how we met, our prom, graduation, every little thing that led up to us ending at the altar.
"That's so beautiful, I'd be honored to do it. I'm happy you thought of me for this." Licking his lips, they stretch out into a bright smile. "I know it might of seemed a bit out of the blue, but I've been a fan for a while and this song means a lot to me, so I thought: it's now or never Josh" he scratches the back of his head, snickering at himself. "This pasta is really good, I've never been here before." I say looking around the small restaurant. The place is almost too small to be called a restaurant, a hew tables inside and a few outside where we're sat. The early spring is starting to make it's away in New York, the shy sunshine giving everything a beautiful glow. "I found it a year ago I think, I had a few gigs to play here in New York and one of my band mates told me about this place." I wipe my lips with a tissue before speaking. "It's nice, not very common for the upper east side, I'll be for sure coming back"
We eat together, talking about little nothings, making small conversation, laughing here and there. Soon enough an hour has past but it barely feels like I've been here a minute. I haven't felt this good in a minute, like there's no worry in the world and no pressure. It doesn't matter if we get photographed together, doesn't matter if we waste too much time, nothing matters, just us. "Hang on" he leans over the table and brushes some of my hair out of my face, lifting the cap off of my head, surprising me with a small kiss, on the top of my forehead. He sits back down, blushing profusely as I'm still a bit starstruck. "That was-" "lovely" we talk over each other and our eyes meet, getting stuck.
I can feel myself leaning closer to him, still staring into his eyes, mesmerized by the dark chocolate color of them. I never knew I'd find brown eyes to be beautiful, but right now I do. Being so close to him I can smell the faint perfume of his cologne, young and bold, a bit minty with some flower undertones, very different from Austin's, dark musky scent. Before I can get any closer, my phone rings, pulling us out of the trance we've been stuck into. "Sorry" I mumble before answering Levis, my assistant.
"Hi I'm at your place, are you on your way? I want to give you the scripts I have and go over some more scheduling for the upcoming month." I sigh, pinching the bridge of my nose, I completely forgot about him coming over. Looking at my watch, I'm only 30 minutes late. "I'll be there in 30, please excuse me!" Levis assures me that's all fine and I put my phone in my bag, after texting Matt to bring the car around. "I have to go, have your assistant email mine. I loved having lunch with you, Josh" I say pushing him, the card for my assistant.
"I had a good time as well." We both get up and share a tight hug. I allow myself to breathe in his scent, and I can't help but notice he does the same. As we pull apart, our hands linger over each other. "Give me your phone." I say and he complies. I quickly put my number in, naming the contact (Y/n)💟. Giving him the phone back, he sucks in a breath, noticing the emoji I used. "I guess it's our thing now, the Purple Heart?" Joshua asks tilting his head. "I guess so."
"Well I'm happy, cause I didn't know if this would be too much" he says, before searching in the pockets of his coat, pulling out a small velvet bag. "Give me your hand" he says and I put my hand forward, his fingers working on opening the little bag and then turning it upside down he shakes it softly. Something small and silver lands in my hand and he put the velvet bag away, taking the thing, that I now see it's a bracelet, out of the palm of my hand. "Allow me, please" he says.
I lift the sleeve of my blazer slightly and he puts the bracelet on. It's a dainty silver chain with a Purple Heart. The jewelry sits nicely on my wrist and I can't help the way my heart stops in it's tracks. I look up at him wide eyed and throw my arms around his neck, holding him tight. "Thank you, I love it." I say and give his cheek a small kiss. Joshua's hands go to my waist holding me tight to him. "You're very welcome, honey" the pet name, makes my knees buckle, as I snuggle my face further into his neck. "I have to go, I'm sorry."
He shakes his head, bringing his hands up to my face. "Don't be, I'll call you tomorrow, would that be ok?" Joshua asks. "Yes it would" I smile and pull away from him, when Matt stops the car next to us. I give him one more look and blow him a kiss, getting in the car. He fakes catching the kiss against his heart, making me laugh.
Matt drives away and I look at Joshua through the tinted windows. I'm smiling like crazy and I feel butterflies in my stomach. It's so strange, what's going on with me, getting so easily swept away by these men. Am I going insane? Probably, although there's this small voice in the back of my head, saying I'm just growing up and allowing myself to feel these things for once. "Did you have a good time, miss?" Matt asks me, being the nice person he's always been. "Yeah I did actually, he seems nice doesn't he?" I fiddle with the bracelet around my wrist, the slight cold of the metal being a comforting sensation. "He does miss, did he get that for you?" He says noticing the bracelet and I nod, lifting my arm up, to show him better. "It suits you, he's got taste." Here I can agree with Matt, once more, he does have nice taste, the jewelry really fits my personality and the fact that he thought about it, from our dms, it leaves me flabbergasted.
When we get back to my place, Matt and I ride the elevator together, meeting Levis in my entryway, talking on the phone. "You could've made yourself at home, Levis, you know that" I say going over to the fridge to get the water pitcher, picking two glasses as well. "Come on!" I move my head in the direction of the study as Matt, goes to his office that he has here. "Ok what have you got for me!" I say excited.
He sits down in front of me at the desk. "So these are some scripts I thought you'd like, a movie called "The in between" for Netflix, a small part on stranger things, and some more movies. I'm waiting on something exciting though, but it's still in the 'maybe' trails so there's no script." I listen closely taking the papers he hands down to me. "Next I have here your schedule for the month and I'm waiting on Joshua's assistant to email me about when the music video will shoot and where. I also have people calling me nonstop from different publications, that want you to give statements about new music and relationships" he winces at the last part as I sigh, taking off my blazer and sinking further into the chair. "Sorry, I know, don't worry I've refused them all for now, but-"
"But at one point I'll have to speak with them, I know, but let's get them after the Oscars so I can work some more on music for the next two weeks, everything after the awards will be hectic, no matter the outcome" he nods, taking down notes. "Ok tomorrow you have the first fitting, Chanel will dress you right?" Levis asks, to make sure he's got everything down. "Yeah, I want something classic and comfy." He puts that down in his planer as well. And we go like that for the next few hours and then I go to change and get ready to start on some of those audition tapes.
When my tired body finally melts into the marshmallow mattress, I'm left torn in between all these feelings. When I close my eyes I see Austin's blue eyes, piercing into mine, I still feel the ghost of his kiss on my cheek. And then when everything becomes too much, too real, I turn around in bed and I get a whiff of Joshua's scent, the ridiculous imaginary weight of the dainty bracelet, holding my right hand down. My heart beats too fast and I barely catch my breath, it feels like I'm running, when I'm just in bed, dreaming about two people, two very different people, because one could be my calm and ease and the other could be my adrenaline and euphoria. One of them is allowed and the other is well....forbidden
Tags: @kittenlittle24 @amorx @cryingabtab @lexicox044 @lrissa @feral4austinbutler @sageskywalker @jesssssicaa @rainydayz101 @flwersgarden @bobthefishiesworld @captured-memory @homebodybirkin2003 @galaxygirl453 @butlerslut @chrisevansgirl34 @myradiaz @pennyroyalcreep @macey234 @im-lame-irl @lordandmistress @the-girl-wh0-cries-w0lf @poppet05 @gabbywontlose @4shbug @0-thegoodwitch-0 @hauntedarchivesx @chewiethecatus @sunnyx07 @francesbloomer @jessaroni19 @finelineskies @stargirlbytheweeknd @cerenaydins-blog @girlblogger2002 @gigisworldsstuff @my-baexht-Is @xmusselisims @denised916 @bluepeacheslandia @kibumslatina @samaraannhan20 @goldobsessionworld @silliypapercreatorangle @cmrxac @donnamarie23 @justarandomfamdomblog @marlowmode @natsnosehair @xxgggooomm @banksmars @namoreno @areuirish @choppedlamphandscowboy @yeetfack-blog
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
question: how did you Truly begin to draw humans? what tutorials did you use? how did your very first piece look like (pls dont be embarassed)? because i can draw animals so very easily but my humans look like a cross hybrid between monkeys, aliens, and a bit of cats. i Cant learn humans no matter what i try T__T
For me it was about practice and finding the most fun and efficient way for me to practice. I read a bunch of tutorials and downloaded some lessons and stuff, but those were only really helpful to me after I had already been drawing for a while. I didn't fully understand a lot of what I was reading/watching until I tried it first and then applied what I learned to that drawing or the next drawing.
What worked best for me was trying to get certain parts down in my style and then once I felt comfortable, practice the next part I felt most comfortable with. June’s eyes have basically stayed the same since that's was the easiest thing for me to grasp, then I moved onto her lips, facial structure, nose, etc. I needed to treat each part of her design with a certain level of care, and once I was satisfied with the way she looked in my style I knew I how to apply my style when I started using live references (which has literally just been the last drawing or 2 I've done of her).
I also experimented a lot. Looked at a ton of production art of characters I liked and other artists I like the styles of. Found a few models/actresses that looked similar to her or had features I liked and did studies of this faces (either tracing over photos of them or doing measured studies). For every one drawing of her I post there's at least a few studies and 2-5 attempts I made to get that one sketch. I have a lot of "meh" art of her I keep around to remind me of how far I've come and as general examples of what I don't want to do.
It also takes time, and you're gonna be learning/changing constantly. I literally spent like 4 months trying to perfect this one drawing of her and was super happy with it, then changed her again 2 days later 😂
Here's her progress from 2020 till now. My other characters I haven't practiced nearly as much but they've deffo improved alongside her. Humans all have the same basic structure so it's more about playing with the proportions and features and getting used to drawing them with repetition.
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Still a lot I wanna work on and improve, but I'm really really excited about the overall progress and that's what's keeping me motivated.
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tea-with-evan-and-me · 7 months
The thing is, it really isn't about whether Evan is ok with it or not, it's about a person's morals. People pleaser or not, where do you draw the line? If I knew my friend was abusing little puppies I would certainly stop being friends with them (If i am not coerced into tolerating it). Emma might not have abused little puppies, she *only* abused her signifact other for 5-7 years and If that's something you can look past at because it was a long time ago or it isn't worth breaking a friendship over because it's inconvenient for you, then you have highly questionable morals. Especially when that signifacnt other is one of your friends. Same goes for Sarah. Be a people pleaser all you want. But publically supporting a notorious abuser is still a choice. And If I were Evan I would ditch every single one of those hypocrites and read books on self love and trauma so I stop being a magnet to these weirdos
let's be honest, she's a nepobaby, she's influential in the business because of her family. just like you said, it's not convenient to them to not be in good terms with her. that's how hollywood works, its competitive and you have to anything to keep up with it
(gonna change the subject a little bit): that might even be one of the reason why evan didn't press charges (completely speculating rn) He was probably instructed not to do it. if we take a look at the news around that time he was always referred as "emma roberts' boyfriend". he was a nobody compared to her, if he ever did something his career would be over, not hers. we can see that even now in angelica's situation: she only opened up about it because she was gonna leave the business and emma is still being worshiped and has her image almost intact.
(back to the topic): we don't know how their relationship is with emma nor evan. in the past, evan and sarah talked a lot about each other but we haven't seen that. also, we know what THEY want us to know, maybe they weren't even really that close. we don't know what happens backstage. i do feel weird about jeff being friends with both because he looks very close to evan but im trying to keep in mind that i know nothing about his relationship with any of these people.
there's even the hypothesis that evan and emma are in good terms (which o highly doubt). what i'm trying to say is that we have no idea what happens in their lives
that's not the reason why evan didn't press charges, this man who has never given a rat's ass about celebrity was not infatuated with being mr. emma roberts - let's make that clear. he didn't press charges because he loved emma and ultimately wanted to marry her, but he was a victim of abuse. also, evan wasn't a nobody when he was dating emma.. i'm not sure how old you are, but if you were of age to be aware in 2012 when they started dating, you'd be well aware that this was peak AHS fame and when fans stopped them on the street together, 9/10 times they did not care about emma; all the girlies wanted evan and he was a heartthrob by all standards. and let's just be real: what image would emma roberts be keeping intact? there is no one, and i mean no one, who is a fan of hers who is ACTUALLY oblivious to her nature. she is not a big, successful actress whose name conjures up images of a respected professional who has lead major productions. she is a nepo baby meme who stars in romcoms no one watches.. even her stans.
"we don't know how their relationship is with emma nor evan." do you mean sarah and jeff? because if so, just last year sarah was going to be doing one of those netflix career retrospect things with evan, interviewing him. and jeff was just seen with evan a few months back. i know at least for a time, jeff was an actual friend evan hung out with pretty regularly.. sarah not so much. i think she is more ''respected colleague'' than personal friend. for me personally, the bottomline is that my feelings and opinions are not based on whether or not i think deep inside evan is hurt his friends are also still friends with emma.. because i don't believe he is bothered. i don't think he ever was. nothing about his personality nor the way he talks about himself is indicative of someone who would force his friends to side with him, even when he should NEVER have to be in the situation to do so.. this wasn't a regular situation where exes were left bitter. evan was abused, emma is a domestic abuser. i don't need to know how anyone in this situation feels about each other to know that there is no scenario in which i think it's acceptable to try and sit on the fence and be friends with both a domestic abuser AND their victim. what kind of friend are you if you see no major problem with someone assaulting them?
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crossdreamers · 2 years
How right wing media is trying to turn  Tonje Gjevjon, a TERF,  into a hero,  all based on lies.
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The Norwegian transphobieTonje Gjevjon has been on her anti-trans crusade for a long time now, aggressively harassing trans women and spreading lies. Now it seems that right wing American media has become interested in her story, repeating all the lies in the process.
Here are the facts, as presented by Alexander.
(Note that the post contains references to transphobic statements.)
Alexander writes  over at twitter:
//How embarrassing for @nypost to write an article where every fact given in the title is a lie. Tonje Gjevjon is not an actress, is not being investigated for saying men can’t be lesbians and is not facing up to 3 years in prison. This is fake news. An entirely fabricated story.
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Deception tactics
In fact, she has admitted to knowingly repeating verbatim from an earlier case on hate speech where someone was given probation for publicly harassing a trans woman by calling her things like a perverted male pig and fetishist, just for being transgender (from Norwegian news):
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[Original version in tweet]
Here is the court case she is referring to. As you can see, it was not about saying men cannot be lesbians, but for saying a trans woman is a perverted male pig who should have her kids taken away by the state. He was given 15 days probation and a fine.
[Norwegian court document] [Google translation]
Trying to get arrested to make her case
Tonje Gjevjon has been trying to get arrested for over a year, and calls this her new art project. As a part of this project she has been viciously harassing trans people and tagging the police, trans activists and politicians and asking us to take her to court.
Gjevjon is now being investigated after the police decided to finally give her what she wanted and opened an investigation. The police did this against the wishes of the trans woman she harassed. In fact, said trans woman has said explicitly that she wants the case dropped.
Extremely bad “art”
Gjevjon is infamous in Norway for making "art" that is literally just sexualized homophobic, transphobic and racist caricatures. Here is an example of her drawing of a Norwegian organisation for queer migrants + queer people at Pride (censored by me - they all have penises out).
[Link to tweet with sensitive imagery]
And here is her depiction of the trans woman that she is currently under investigation for harassing, also censored by me, but she is drawn with breasts and penis hanging out. This was drawn years ago, as Gjevjons harassment has lasted for many years.
[Link to tweet with sensitive imagery]
She knows full well that she is not being investigated for saying men cannot be lesbians. This is a fully and unambiguously legal statement to make in Norway. But she also knows that lying about it is likely to get her money and attention as an artist that lives on controversy.
A lesbian that hates gay men
Tonje Gjevjon also hates gay men with a passion, and argued in 2012 that unprotected sex between two men should be de facto criminalized. Use google translate on this thread if you want to see more. She responds to the thread and does not denounce her views.
[Link to Norwegian language twitter thread]
I'm not kidding on her homophobia: here she is calling a Norwegian gay male author a "cock-fixated cock-fetishist", stating that he "loves cock and the cock is central in his gay life" and writing that all gay men who accept trans people are "fixated on cock".
[Links to snapshots of offensive Norwegian language tweets]
I could go on for years with the shit she's said, cause that's how long she has been doing this. Here she is literally calling the leaders of the biggest trans organisation in Norway "whores", and stating that they are a pimp-lobby that grooms young children into prostitution.
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Here is the post that she herself have been taking quotes from in order to claim that she is persecuted for saying men cant be lesbians: conveniently leaving out that she starts the post by calling trans women "permanently roleplaying perverted fetishists"
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This is a great representative example of how she talks about trans women as a group, and has for years: here she is referring to them as "heterosexual men with a sexual fetish that get aroused by dressing in women's panties and identifying as lesbian, woman and mother".
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//end of tweets
So to make this clear: Tonje Gjevjon si NOT facing up to 3 years in prison for saying men cannot be lesbians. She is not going to prison any time soon. She is simply a transphobic hater who wants to gain more attention to her toxic cause.
Note also how it is the extreme right that embraces people like her. It becomes harder and harder to see the difference between right wing extremists and transphobic “radical feminists”:
Republished with permission.
Read the whole thread here!
We are taking the liberty of reproducing Hampus Lundgren’s photo of Gjevjon above. The photographer has captures the privilege of wealthy, white, transphobic TERFs in all its splendor (via Dagbladet).
See also:  Norwegian TERF tries to stop new law against conversion therapy The TERFminator" – Lesbian feminist LGBTQA-activist puts "gender critical" transphobes in their place
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whats-wild-to-you · 1 year
I hope you don’t hate me for this lol 🙃 Ik you said no more song requests but if you’re willing could you write one of “Think” by Reddy Ft. Jay? If not just ignore this and I hope you enjoy the song 🙂🫶🏻
What I do love about this is that it’s always songs I’ve never heard before… like I’m a little weird because I keep listening to the same songs for yearssssss 😅 so it’s always a pleasure to get to know new (to me at least) songs 🥰🤗
Edit: Jay’s voice is 🔥 it’s like 🧈 every one of the songs he has featured on (the ones that I’ve listened to anyway) he totally made the song better and his part is the thing that always draws me to these songs like 🫠
Jay knew the minute he started dating you, he would get a dose of his own medicine. In the past he was dating non-celebrities only, girls that weren't used to him getting so much attention from other women. These relationships would always end in tears, with his girlfriends accusing him of being unfaithful.
Even though he never was.
Then you came along and suddenly Jay was the one who had to worry about your male admirers.
Dating an actress wasn't very high on Jay's list either, because even when he tried to deny it, everyone knew how jealous he was. You only thought it was fair to let Jay know every time someone complimented you, bought you flowers or flirted with you.
"Look at these!"
"What are these?"
"Phone numbers. From several guys on set. Some are from co-actors."
"What about their looks? Do they look good? Where do they rank on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being me, of course!"
"Of course." You tried to sound nonchalant, but he had done it again. All you wanted was to rile him up once in a while, get him to get jealous of all the attention you were receiving. But it backfired, as usual.
Jay was too confident. But he also had every right to be. While you were still anxious every time another beautiful girl, celebrity or not, stood next to your boyfriend, Jay was cool, calm and collected.
"It doesn't bother you?" You tried to sound indifferent but your voice came out as a shriek.
He shrugged his shoulders. “No.”
“Why the hell not? Don’t you think I’m attractive? Desirable?”
He didn’t say anything, just stared at you, before going back to scrolling through his IG.
You scoffed and stuffed all the notes with the guys’ numbers back in your purse. “Maybe I’ll make use of them.” You said under your breath but loud enough for Jay to hear.
You were too busy sulking and didn’t notice how he got up and followed you to the door, grabbing your arm before you reached the handle. With a twirl only reserved for lead actresses in romantic movies you crashed against his hard chest.
“Now I get it.” He said calmly, his voice barely above a whisper. Low, growling, seductive. “Go ahead.”
You looked at him puzzled.
“Go and see if anyone can give you what I give you.”
“Finally you care.”
He raised his hand, twirling a strand of hair, his fingers casually stroking your cheeks, jolts of electricity running through your body.
“You don’t have to worry about me giving my attention to other women.”
“But you must be getting a lot of numbers too. Where are they?”
You didn’t mean to sound so unsure but you couldn’t help it. Jay raised an eyebrow, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips.
“I tell them that I’m not available and return the notes to them or if no one’s around I’ll thrown it away.”
“What about these? Are you planning on using them?” He asked, gesturing to my purse.
I slowly shook my head. Of course I never intended to call any of these men. I just saved them to make Jay jealous.
“Baby I know I’m away all day, that doesn’t mean I’m doing something shady. I’m grinding all day, so you can be proud of me.”
You knew what he was referring to. When you made your relationship public, lots of magazine articles wrote that they thought you should’ve dated one of your fellow actors instead because at least they were widely known and loved.
“I don’t care what others think about us, and I know all these people would shut up immediately if they knew what you’re capable of.”
You stuck your hand in your pocket, producing a fistful of notes, then proceeded to throw them in the trash can.
“They’re all inferior to you anyway.”
Jay smiled widely, taking your hand in his, leaving feathery kisses on your skin.
“It’s you and me, forever. I’ll patiently wait for the day all these people will realize that.”
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omg for that ask meme... okay i find your attention to clothing design super super fascinating, and it makes me wonder if you have a theater background? especially like period pieces, with costumes that evoke certain eras? i like how warm and cozy your art always looks and the fact that it's inked by hand. that shit is SO HARD, are you kidding me? no undo button! i look at the expressions you draw and can just TELL that you likely make them with your own face when you're trying to figure them out on paper. they always look so natural, and it's honestly amazing how well you distinguish the different four swords guys given the fact that they are visually very similar in the manga. you give them personality just through the subtext of their appearances in a really neat and endearing way.
your writing gives me similar vibes where it's like, either you've immersed yourself in certain historical genres and aesthetics for practical reasons, like being in theater or studying them in school, or it's purely through the power of hyperfixation that you're able to channel them seamlessly into your work. either way, i admire it so much. i love how you created an entire world and magic system and tense political environment for the fsaa one-shot, despite it being. a one-shot, as far i know? it adds so much richness and depth to the character beats, and could totally work as original fiction. i still want to hang out in that tavern you described it would probably have bitchin fresh bread
okay i'm stopping now i just love getting an excuse to praise people's art in very specific ways !!
Oh wow, thank you so very much, Sam!! I'll be honest, I wasn't expecting this much in response to the ask meme, but I'm absolutely delighted by it <3
To make it easier for myself, I'll break it down and answer point by point:
Do I have a theatre background? Well, not really. Not unless you count script writing, 4 years worth of D&D, a 3-day improv course I did once, and some basic stuff we did in school one winter. I think I would've loved to be more involved in theatre — either as a writer or as an actress — but at the moment I'm not. That said, script writing and acting have relatively little to do with costumes and designs. When I design clothing for characters, I have two rules in my head: it should tell the viewer something about the character; and it should be practical. That last bit is particularly important. One of the main reasons I started the LiWiAU was because I was annoyed by how impractical some of the LU Links' designs were, and I guess that's carried over into the FS designs (especially the Knights Lodge AU). That's not to say my designs are perfectly practical or deeply researched, but it does mean that I try to make the outfits as plausible and useful as possible. In terms of armour, I frequently default to my partner's superior knowledge and research actual medieval armour, but when it comes to things like winter clothing I have a lot of first-hand experience with it from Scandinavia.
Yup, inking is a one-way street! I also don't have backup sketches or copies, so if I make a mistake, I have to find ways of covering it up or distracting from it!
True! If I'm struggling with an expression, I do try to replicate it on myself to figure out how it works. This actually goes for anything, from expressions to full-body-poses, and it's not unusual that I pause in the middle of a drawing session to figure out what I'm doing.
Thank you so much! I really enjoy making the FS boys look similar but distinctly individual, and I'm so glad that comes across.
So when it comes to writing certain time periods, I'd say that's 50/50 hyperfixation and studies. The particular one-shot you're referring to is partly Dickensian, partly Austen-esque, and I did study both Dickens and Austen, as well as their respective context, in uni, which has given me some insight into the general culture at the time. (I also studied a number of other texts in that approximate time period, which has given me more to work with.)
I still don't know where the world for that one-shot came from, but I think I'm as deeply fascinated by it as you are. I'd love to explore it further one day, either as a fanfic or as original fiction.
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desperatehornet · 1 year
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Animation Practise Week 1: Character Design (Class)
Our class assignment for week 1 was to start researching ideas for a character design. We got to pick a random time period, a personality trait and a physical trait.
I (for better or for worse) ended up picking some quite difficult options. My character has to be from colonial Canada, they have to be conniving, but also dishevelled.
I started off by creating a new Pinterest board for this character, and looking for any reference I could find. one silver lining of my prompts was that colonialism in Canada spanned around a century, so I had many periods of fashion to choose from. I mainly looked into the early-mid colonial references I could find, putting main focus on the 1810s, the 1830s and the 1860s. I also looked for references on poses, messy/unkempt appearances, and evil/plotting poses. Finally, I also looked into cartoon concept art, looking at how other artists interpreted a more 18th century outfit into an animated character.
I wasn't sure where to even start with these prompts, so I just opened to a random page in my new sketchbook and started scribbling figures, to warm up. I wasn't concerned with making these pages look nice at all, and just wanted to get as many ideas down as I could. this was quite difficult to start with because not only do I find most day-wear from the 18th century quite ugly personally, but drawing long, ballgown-esque skirts is one of my struggles.
After drawing some quite poor sketches, I started to gain somewhat of an idea for my character. I wanted to make her slightly older, around mid-30s. I decided to stick mainly with the shape motif of a triangle, to express her as abrasive and vengeful. I wanted to stick to the 1860s at first, as I thought they were the most visually appealing to me. I decided that she would be an actress, which would fit with the shape motif of a triangle, to show that she is active.
As I kept drawing, something just wasn't right. she just looked boring to look at, no matter how much I redrew her. After a moment of desperation, I took a look at one of my 1830s references. I find the 1830s to be quite unappealing in terms of fashion, so I didn't want to initially use it for my character. However, looking at it through the eyes of a character to animate, I realised that the outfits provide a very unique silhouette. The sleeves, the hats and the skirts all gave a clear silhouette, making me want to start experimenting. After sketching out some drawings inspired by my 1830s dress references, the character started to form in my head even more. The exaggerated sleeves and giant hat made her look quite silly, making me realise: instead of making her an abrasive, plotting villain who looks exhausted, I could instead make her a whimsical, erratic woman who is unpredictable and unorganized. (Around this time, I also started researching a particular actress known as Polaire, a late 1800s, early 1900s actress who gained fame for her own bold, offensive personality. I want to take inspiration from her legacy in making my character.) I started to love this idea, and soon came up with a distinct silhouette for her, filling the page and refining her design bit by bit. I decided to stick with the shape motif of triangles and circles mainly, as I want her to come off as active, bold and rude, but also happy and bouncy.
I'm still going to do some experimenting with her character as I complete the home task for this week, but for now I'm very happy with the progress I've made today, and I feel like I already have a strong idea of who my character is.
As of right now: She is an 1830s actress in her early 30s, who gained fame for her strange and outlandish acts, who will do anything to get ahead in life.
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