#i wanted to write a royality au
loonsmoons · 1 year
“Does the little prince think he is above kneeling in front of the Queen?” wonders Narcissa from where she sits on her throne, towering over them.
Regulus, still keeping his head low and continuing to stare at his boots as if this were his first time seeing them, does dutifully lower to his knees. But before he ever hits the floor his mother grips his arm. Nails dig into his flesh as she hauls him back to his feet.
“An heir to the Black family does not kneel for anyone” she hisses. Always hissing. Her words drenched in poison, as though she was the snake and her words the venom.
“Well, that is one way to declare Sirius as disowned …” Alice chirms in from where she sits on a smaller throne next to her wife.
She winks in their direction and Regulus does not need to see Remus' face behind him, to know it must have turned crimson at the implication.
His mothers might have to. Though for her it is fury, not bashfulness.
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yueebby · 8 months
emperor!gojo who is big tall scary man and all of the servants fuss over him and clan elders and enemies alike fear him, but then he is reduced to nothing but a lovesick puppy around you — a servant girl.
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aychama · 28 days
Just an idea I might put into the festival scene!
A kid bumps into narinder and spills water on him, he doesnt get angry or frustrated, instead he comforts the kid
"Why are you looking at me like that?"
"I guess i didnt expect you to be good with kids."
"And why is that?"
"Um... you have this... aura about you? That screams you hate everyone else so i wouldnt have thought kids were an exception"
"kids are stupid, naive and innocent. They dont have ulterior motives or they dont use fancy words to hide how much they just want to use you. I think all kids deserve kindness... besides its just water."
A group of kids throw rocks at narinder and yell "go away you unlucky black cat!" Narinder makes a really scary face, opening his third eye, and makes the kids run away screaming '3 eyed monster!'.
Lamb thinks "what happened to all kids deserve kindness?" While narinder makes a really smug face at the running kids
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hilarioushilarity · 6 months
Something that haunts me is the realisation that Simon was essentially Wille's emotional crutch throughout season 3 and what's more, that Simon realised he was helping Wille stay as Crown Prince and hurt himself in the process and that was why he broke up with him. I'm haunted by the fact that if he hadn't realised that or if Wille had been better at hiding his misery, the two of them could've stayed locked in this (extremely unhealthy) dynamic possibly for the rest of their lives so THANK GOD that's NOT what happened.
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whosthere54 · 3 months
Hi chat! I’m on vacation but here’s some food!
I wanted to do a Royal AU fable SMP thing that was Brothers Centric, so I have that planned out a lil bit in my notes and that’s what inspired this little one shot!
Hope you enjoy reading about prison duo :3
Icarus was finally able to escape the incessant crowd. They don’t think they’ve ever talked to that many people in their life.
They sigh, leaning back against the wall with their arms crossed over their chest. They scan the ballroom, watching the people of their kingdom celebrate an agreement of peace between the Overworld and the End. If only they knew how much arguing and force it took to get there.
They run a shaky gloved hand through their hair and just breathe for a moment. Their jewelry seemed to have changed from bronze to gold- not that they were complaining- and the seems on their gloves changed from a matching black stitching to a gold thread.
Interesting choice by Quixis, but not an unwelcome one.
Their eyes fall on their brother, all bright purples and greens, and his partner hard not to spot in the crowd for being as tall as he was. He and Fenris seemed so happy together. They couldn’t help but be happy for them.
Fenris surprisingly wasn’t wearing any armor, only dressier black attire. His muscular build was different yet so similar to Centross’s. He was wearing a different mask than usual, this one made of black lace with gold and purple details, his hair pulled into a bun with purple ribbons hanging from it as a marking of his allegiance to the End Kingdom.
It was still Wolf though, that much stayed consistent.
Rae looked… nice.
He’s changed since they’ve last seen him. End markings now with deep lines of dark blue scarring similar almost to Athena’s scars from the wither sickness. An aftermath of the Skulk Sickness they assume. He seemed taller, which was odd. And he had an antler growing out of only one side of his head, decorated with gold chains and purple and green ribbons.
He was wearing a black dress, but it shimmered bright purples and greens when the light hit it. His hair was braided with blue orchids, all his jewelry having a matching orchid theme to them. His crown sat slightly askew atop his head, having been displaced since he’d gotten here. The purple and green jewels in it shined in the sunlight. He seemed so happy. Icarus couldn’t remember the last time they’d seen him that way.
It was nice to see him smile again.
Soon, Fenris traded Rae off for Centross. The two men laughing as Fenris spun them around. Centross wasn’t wearing his armor either, at request of fable, to make him more “non-threatening”. If you look around the citizens seem to be intimidated by him anyways, though the look dies down as time passes.
They all heard the stories. Some were true, some were not. The reputable assassin hired by Enderian herself to assassinate the prince, too much of a coward to finish the job. Some say he’s gotten soft, some say he’s a cold hearted killer, some say he’s just a man. The kingdom grew to respect him regardless. David Centross Mistvale. Their enemy turned best friend. Their assigned bodyguard. The person that is on their side no matter what.
Their idiot best friend.
He dressed nice, dark overworld greens contrasting with his purple scars. He looked like the end and the overworld mixed, black tinted hands and a tail only a bit different from the people of the end. And his wings. They had a structure similar to Rae’s dragon wings, though his were made of bone and whisps of purple the color of the void that faded out in a way so alike to ender particles. They were torn and burnt at the edges, but he was able to fly unaffected.
He had a mask shaped like the skull of a crow, black base with gold thread and green ribbon tying it to his head. They remember having to help him pick, him being so indecisive of what mask to have. Them picking out his earrings, dark metal feathers on gold chains, and giving him some other spare chains they had lying around to put on his mask.
They glanced around the room again, making eye contact for a moment with Rae. They gave him a soft smile and he nodded back, turning back to his partner as he switched off to dance with Rae again. They laughed, shaking their head slightly before turning their attention to their gloves.
They rubbed their eyes, trying to wake themselves up even slightly. Jumping when they feel a steady hand on their shoulder, looking up to find dark purple eyes looking back at them.
“Sorry, just me.” He offered them a lopsided smile.
“Yeah, sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me today.” They laugh softly, leaning back against the wall.
“Hm that’s alright.” He leans with his side against the wall, almost creating a barrier between them and the crowd.
They just talk, just existing for a while. Centross settled to lean his back against the wall, arms crossed over his chest. They watched the crowd for a bit, Icarus pointing out any important figures that they’d had to talk to- or hadn’t yet but were of note. After a bit of silence, Icarus rested their head against his shoulder. It was where their eyes were just hidden, pressed tightly at the curve of his neck.
He leaned his head just slightly against the top of their head, not saying anything but not moving them.
“You’re exhausted, when’s the last time you’ve slept?”
“Uhh… maybe Three days ago?”
“Gods Icarus”
“Look I’ve been busy”
“Not busy enough to not sleep, what were you doing with all that time birdie?”
They shrug.
“Just… paperwork or somethin’ I dunno.”
He hums softly. “We have to be here for five more hours and you can barely keep your head up, I can sneak you out if you want?”
They laugh lightly, ”If my father wouldn’t kill me id say yes.”
He laughs softly and nods in understanding.
”You can at-least rest your eyes for a bit hm?”
They shrug. After a little bit of silence, Centross runs his fingers gently through to mess with their perfect hair just enough so it’s lightly disheveled. They tense a moment, before relaxing and leaning into the contact with a contented hum.
He murmurs some soft reassurances, just continuing to mess with their hair, eyes continuing to scan the crowd for any type of threat.
After a bit of silence, Centross had honestly thought they’d fallen asleep. Though they mumbled softly, barely able to be heard over the other noise.
“Thank you.”
Rae missed this.
He missed dancing with his partner for hours, he missed laughing with him.
He missed the freedom peace gave them.
And they have it now, and it’s wonderful, and it’s scary, and it’s… he couldn’t really describe what he felt if he was asked.
He’d try for Fenris though.
His partner, his partner. He got to call him that now. His partner. His best friend. His wolf.
They had stopped dancing a little while ago, leaning against the wall with drinks instead. It’s been so long since they were able to talk freely like this. It was nice.
He laughed at something Fenris had said, before Fenris stops.
“Wait, Rae look” He says, pointing at the opposite wall, towards the corner of the ballroom. There, Rae saw Centross leaning back against the wall. When he looked closer he also saw his brother… his brother?
He saw his brother, perfect prince Icarus Morningstar, face hidden where it was resting against Centross’s shoulder, crown slightly uneven on his head where Centross’s hand combed through their hair. Their wings were still pressed tightly to their back, tail resting lightly over their leg, but they weren’t stood up straight and their crown wasn’t perfectly placed over their stupidly perfect hair.
“Yeah! Aw look at them!” Fenris leaned his head on top of Rae’s, looking at the pair.
”Are they..?” Rae asks, tilting his head to the side just slightly. He hasn’t talked to his brother in so long, but he would’ve told him that right? Or Centross or Fenris would’ve…
“No- not yet. They should don’t you think?” Fenris’s voice brings him back, eyes finding Icarus again.
“Yeah… yeah I think so.” He murmurs after a moment.
“Look at them. Little losers.”
“They’re our losers.” Fenris hums softly leaning more against his partner.
“Yeah.” Rae leans back, Fenris nuzzling against his hair.
My brother.
Our losers.
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euthymiya · 2 months
I’ll never forget that one alhaitham fic I read ages ago with probably the smartest reader I’ve ever seen in a fic ever. And to this day I wonder how that writer was so smart to write such a smart reader like. How. Are. You. So. Smart. Wtf man
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weloveakechi · 2 months
Picture this: violin prodigy Goro Akechi, loved and admired by hundreds but still somehow not satisfied by any of it
Then there’s Akira, a thief, lurking in the shadows there to steal the violin, to take back what should have been his. His plan is perfect except Goro shows up and starts practice unexpectedly
And when Goro starts to play Akira cannot stop listening. It is love at first note, not that he realizes it yet. All he knows is he needs the player to go with the instrument to really ruin Shido
He leaves calling cards, critiques on Goro’s playing, his outfit, his music choice. He’s trying to push him away. But Goro is only more determined to do well. He tweaks everything, puts in more effort, refuses poor song choices
It is a dance between them. Threats and notes and then a rose during practice. A bouquet after a performance. Candies and tissues when something goes wrong
And for Goro, he lives for those notes. They’re the first genuine interactions he’s had since before he can remember. No one has ever spoken to him that way before, in writing or otherwise.
They drive him. He has to be better. The best. Perfect. He puts everything into his performances, eyes raking the crowd for a face he only knows as a mask on a card. Heart racing to see the next response to his words put into song. He pushes and pushes and pushes. Leaves a note of his own at last, with a score he has been working on. A song for this phantom Joker. His feelings made into music
He plays that piece that night.
And the letters stop
And he cannot stand it. Without a true audience what reason does he have to play?
So he goes to destroy the violin and walks into the performance hall only to hear it singing beautifully
There, in the same mask drawn on all his cards is Akira, playing the same piece he’d written, each note lovingly pulled from the strings
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wilmonsfolklore · 27 days
Wilmon + wait, this isn’t my car
hi!! thank you for this fun sentence i want to write this into a full fic now omg
"Wait, this isn't my car," Wille said, slowly moving away from the car door that he'd opened as he was looking around the parking garage in search of his own black car.
"That's what I've been telling you," the pedriatic nurse Wille recognised from the lunch hall standing in front of him said, his tone getting more and more annoyed, understandably so, because it was close to midnight and to him it must look like a disheveled stranger was trying to steal his way home.
"But I park it somewhere here every morning," Wille said, getting more and more confused and embarrassed by the second, "so where is it?"
"I don't know," the nurse said, the and I don't care going unsaid as he brushed past Wille to put his hand on his own car door, opening it.
"Fuck," Wille suddenly exclaimed then, closing his eyes at his own forgetfulness and fatigue; it had been a long fucking day at work, being a doctor wasn't as fun as he thought it would be, and he'd been trying to work up the courage to talk to this pretty curly-haired man for weeks, "my car is getting repaired, I took the bus this morning."
The cute nurse, Eriksson, Wille thought his name was, seemed to take pity on Wille's panic, - thank God, because Wille really had no clue how to get to the bus stop in the state he was in - and reached out his hand for Wille's shoulder as he said: "Do you want a ride?"
Here's part two!
Send me a ship and a sentence and I will write the next 5!!
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askfallenroyalty · 1 year
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Not that I needed a NEW project to work on but... Here's my Underfell take. Let's see where this goes.
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emry-stars-art · 6 months
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It's April and with April comes camp nano yayyy 👑 I don't expect to be able to keep up this pace but jsyk. Here we go again
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hergrandplan · 3 months
AU where Simon and Wille both have a book coming out (not sure if they're both authors or that one of them has a biography and the other a novel) and are accidentally double booked at a bookstore for signing. One of them has an incredibly large following, the other significantly less so and things are awkward until they realize they reall hit it off. Like, really.
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eboyloser · 7 months
would anyone be interested in hearing about my ward/prince Varian au
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
There was a little place in Castle Town that had been one of the most popular businesses in the entire city before the Calamity. It had called itself The Royal Eatery, and its idea was a novel one - a place for people to gather and relax, to eat and drink as if it were a tavern or an inn, but simply without sleeping amenities. The citizens of the Castle Town loved to visit it, to try new cuisines from the chefs who shared all the culinary delights Hyrule had to offer.
When the Calamity had come, the eatery had been nearly destroyed. However, through the efforts of the locals, it was finally running again.
This was already a celebratory matter, but The Royal Eatery had steadily become famous for its patrons. The Champions themselves loved to meet there, choosing to get a nice meal and hang out somewhere that wasn’t quite as overbearing or formal as the castle. Some days people swore they saw the queen herself there.
Nembia knew better, of course. She was one of the servers at The Eatery, and she often saw famous customers. At first it had been quite the surprise, and her parents naturally didn’t believe her, but now she was growing accustomed to it and even having fun with it.
Because they were fun. And funny. And interesting! Nembia loved people watching, learning about others and observing the world around her, and she was happy she found a place that suited her perfectly.
All the Champions were so much fun to watch. There was the stuffiest one on sight, the Rito Champion Revali, but he always left great tips and was very polite to Nembia, so she loved having him around. He often fluffed his feathers when certain champions arrived, trying to make himself look impressive, but oftentimes when he arrived at the eatery first he would just sit and observe people and look relaxed. Nembia had even gotten into a conversation with him about their favorite kind of weather. It wasn’t much, but it made her happy. He even remembered her name!
Next was her favorite, the Goron Champion, Daruk. He always greeted her with a booming voice, a smile that could light up the world, and occasionally a big hug. While he didn’t eat anything that they could serve, he at least always had some water. Nembia was working on getting some rock roast available just for him, but it was still a work in progress.
The Gerudo Champion and chief, Urbosa, had honestly intimidated Nembia a little at first. The woman was formidable, confident, and despite the softness of her voice, she held an authority and power to her. She was always very kind when speaking to Nembia, but the server had to admit she hadn’t worked up the courage to speak casually with her quite yet. The fact that she was the leader of her people didn’t help.
That was, of course, where the problems arose with the rest. Nembia enjoyed all of them, but she still had to get over the formality of it sometimes. Princess Mipha, Prince Link, and Queen Zelda were literally as normal as people could be, but the titles did lend to some anxiety. Nembia was working her way through it, though - she’d even gotten into conversations with the queen herself about different food items and ingredients!
Princess Mipha was always so polite and sweet, asking Nembia about herself. She even knew about Nembia’s younger brother and her parents, and often inquired after them when she came to visit. Nembia liked her. Prince Link was the sweetest, and oh how Nembia wished she could catch his eye the way the Zora princess had (a girl could dream), but he was also very quiet and soft spoken, shy to the point of difficulty trying to pull conversation out of him. It was Nembia’s goal to try and actually make him laugh too, and she was figuring out all the different ways to do so.
Today seemed to be a particularly special day as all the Champions gathered together. It had become tradition for them to meet up here, rather than in the castle, before they attended to whatever formal duties called them to the capital. Nembia knew and prepped the various drinks for everyone - water for Princess Mipha, Revali, and Daruk, Gerudo coffee for Chief Urbosa, tea for Queen Zelda, and milk for Prince Link.
But something was different, Nembia could tell. She squinted her brown eyes from around the corner, noticing that Princess Mipha and Prince Link were standing closer together than usual. And… Zora were strange in that they didn’t wear clothes, but it seemed that Princess Mipha seemed particularly self conscious of her abdomen, though it didn’t seem like there was a huge difference…
Nembia gasped, hiding in the kitchen. Could it be?
Of course, to the Champions, who knew the Zora princess well, it was immediately apparent. They’d already been informed via letter (the instant Zelda had found out she had told literally everyone), so when they met up in person Daruk immediately picked Mipha up in the gentlest hug the Goron had ever given. He spoke to her softly, making her smile before placing her on the ground as if she were made of glass. Then he grabbed Link with such excitement that he nearly snapped the poor Hylian Champion in half.
“Congratulations, brother!!” Daruk boomed merrily.
Revali huffed a little at the display, but he tipped his head to the Zora princess nonetheless. “I… didn’t think you two could have children, but I am happy for you, Mipha.”
“Right?” Zelda said eagerly, her face flushed. “Oh, it’s so exciting and wonderful! And so fascinating, too! I wonder what such a child could look like, and—”
“All right, little bird,” Urbosa interrupted with a chuckle. “Let them breathe and try to remember they’re having a child, not a science experiment.”
“Oh, of course I know that,” Zelda huffed as if she hadn’t just been theorizing about the baby’s phenotype.
“How far along are you now?” Urbosa asked as everyone sat at their favorite corner table.
“Only seven weeks,” Mipha answered as Link smiled at her happily.
“But you must tell me all about Zora pregnancies!” Zelda insisted with delight. “I imagine it’s a little different from Hylian ones—”
“Maybe later,” Urbosa again redirected the young queen as Revali seemingly tried to disappear into oblivion at the thought of the direction this conversation was going. “We’re all very excited for you two. It’s a beautiful gift and responsibility. I trust you two are up to the task.”
Link and Mipha nodded, their hands finding each other’s as their eyes sparkled.
“That’s just delightful, truly,” Revali said, though there was little bite to his usual sarcastic quips. “In the meantime, perhaps we can catch up on other affairs, since we all knew this news coming in. For example, I have managed to achieve a new height with my gale, climbing higher than ever and beating every Rito in known history.”
”That’s very impressive, Revali!” Mipha commented with a small gasp.
Nembia came at this point, settling the drinks at the table as she smiled at everyone. The brief interruption inspired Zelda to speak up, and the queen said, “Well, we’ve been able to fully restore the travel gates to allow for multiple people to travel at once! It takes quite a bit of energy, though, so it still isn’t the most convenient form of travel. The last of the repairs on the stables have been completed, and our roads are better than ever. Hyrule is finally completely connected again.”
As Nembia got food orders and eavesdropped occasionally, she put a little treat together. When the Champions were rising and ready to head to the castle to address matters related to their various peoples, she left a treat and a congratulatory note for the Zora princess, slipping into the kitchen and peeking around to see the young woman notice the note underneath. Prince Link peered over her shoulder, hands gently wrapped around her as he read it as well, and then the two’s faces lit up with smiles.
Nembia giggled, entering the kitchen entirely. She loved working here.
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cryptidcorners · 8 months
Old Friend — Prince!Derek Danforth x GN!Reader [ Part 1/? ]
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Description: A royal ball celebrating the end of a decade of pure isolation between Houses brings you and an old acquaintance together once again.
# No Request
# A.N: I'm literally gushing over DND here, lol! There's sm story shit. it's more lore explaining than actual romantic stuff, SOOO. sorry. hope you enjoy the AU pfft
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Media: The Beekeeper [ AU ]
Character: Derek Danforth [ AU ]
Tags: DND/Fantasy Inspired AU, Royalty, PLOT, Lore Dumping, Friends to ? ? ?, Romantic Implications, Fluff, Slight Suggestiveness { if you squint }, Slowburn, Childhood Friends, Flirting, Catching Up, OOC!Derek [?], Sweet Talk + Reader is !GN.
Warnings: Mentions of War/Isolation, Depression, Childhood Trauma, Substances/Acholic Beverages + Smoking.
TOS. Derek Dandorth Master List {TBW}.
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The ballroom had been mildly entertaining at most, while Dandorth House was certainly exotic with fruitullius pickings like booze, muzzled griffins and gowns, you had found yourself a mere wallflower near the belt of the corner. Your attentive gaze remained ill as you stared at the chorus of visitors from all across the world clad in their signature wear, dancing the night away with tipping mindscapes.
You were impressed by their shiny attempt to win over the other Houses with opium and silver statues not seduced. The idea of taking wine brewed by a Dandorth was an idea you'd never subscribe to, as much as you valued their efforts in ore distribution, they weren't a House you'd call a friend, more of a neighbor with the temper of a sun bear.
The shine of silk, flashing grins and laughter had made you feel as if you didn't belong, as if you were nothing but a lonley phantom enviously spectating the quartz floors.
Your House, Tallis, was a symbol of artistry, sculpting, poets and other powers were the foundations of your land. You were the only heir to the throne, sharing no brother or sister to extend a blade at down the line. Alas, you were greatful no family blood would bare at your fingertips, but the crippling loniliess had carved you into a quiet, yet respectful noble with dreams just like any Tallis; only you wished there was another one to share it with.
"Admiring the dancefloor are we?" A voice asked, it's tone as complex as the limestone statues of old characters fronted at the palace. You felt something buzz in your soul, and your gaze had flocked up to the host.
Prince Derek Dandorth, only, he was much older than when you last laid your eyes on him.
It was around midnight when both Houses declared they'd go into hiding to cower away from the war. It was your last royal ball together, and you weren't interested in leaving yet. You were both children then, dumb and in love. You both had scurried off and his yourselves near the old balcony that you were sure had been rebuilt with golden rimmings and white rose bushes.
"When will I ever see you again?" You asked desperly, hands interlocking with his soft fingertips. Derek's eyes had arrowed into you, deep with longing. Back when his hair was still an endless rush of dark, brunette curls and gentle highlights.
"I don't know, but it'll be soon. Our Houses may be splitting, but that doesn't mean we won't be able to dance again, will it?" Derek whispered. "We'll see each other again. We have to."
He had been wrong, and you had been grieving over that broken promise when you were children for a long time. The Dandorth and Tallis Houses were at a halt, conflicted by some nearby wars circling close to the walls.
It had resulted in both kingdoms locking themselves in their labyrinths of treasure, with eyes paved into the stone. You were isolated in your House, only seeking comfort in carving your inner desires into rich pavement that was now collecting dust in your Queenship's second guest bedroom.
Now, he was here, cocky as ever. With blonde hair and light reminces of forest green and flakes of emerald flickering across his face. His signature uniform was gorgeous, with carefully decorated leaves and patterns that resembled rich lingering. His crown set carefully in his forest of curls, and you swore you could smell cologne that burst your nostrils with pure dopamine.
"Derek?" You uttered, slack jawed.
You blinked and he waved his hand in front of your stunned expression teasingly.
His hand carefully tightened around his glass, "Now, that's no way to greet a prince in his own House, is it?" the heir cooed. Your face fell and you arched a brow, unimpressed at his mock of carelessness. Prince Dandorth was certainly an idealist, but he was definitely not an actor.
He laughed, tone deep as ivory. "I'm just messing with you, Noble Tallis." Then, he opened his arms for an inviting hug you immediately fell into. Although, he felt stiff, you could sense he was relived to see you again.
"You look different." You pulled back.
Derek's gaze remained on you, "You like it? The hair that is—I had it personally dyed, you can tell how organic it looks, yes?"
You could tell he was trying his best to seem noble. So, you teased. "Oh, the hair? I hadn't noticed, silly me. I couldn't help but notice your blush and gown—are those earrings?"
His fingers ran down the golden patterns with a soft smile. "Well, the House of artistry was attending, I had to look my best, especially for the only heir." A warm smile spread across his face. "It's been way too long." Derek said breathlessly, "I missed you."
Prince Danforth's face softened. "Well, thank the Gods."
You eased, trying to stir up some conversation. "How are you? I've heard your House is doing well after the release." 
He boasted. "People are desperate over our caverns, you would not believe how many travelers were mounted at our doorstep ready for trade." Derek confirmed after a sip, "We might be in need of your creativity again, the walls are so dull, and they can certainly use some of your flare, don't you think?" 
You were flattered. Your eyes ran down the exterior of the walls, lightly scratching your jaw. "You know, you're right. Your palace does look a little—" 
"A little, what? He urged. 
You humored. "Like it was designed by a commoner."
Derek laughed. "You've always had an eye for details like this. Good to know I wasn't disappointed to know you haven't changed that much."
Then, he asked. "How about you? Any new inventions or views on the world? Hearing about your House is like turning a Jack-in-the-box."
You chewed your lip awkwardly. As Derek had imagined, there were many views and advances in Tallis. Though, it had caused a whide fued between philosophers and their audience. It was overwhelming, but nonetheless, Tallis had been doing much better than any other House, even with its complications with political attributes. "It's . . . going well."
You knew it wasn't in Derek's character to pester, so he hummed in delight for your vague answer. His lips settled on his narrow class, drinking in a rich selection of dark champagne. His apex gaze settled on you, "Mind if I steal you away for a moment? I see you don't fancy the music or dancing." Derek offered his hand, "Just like old times," he suggested.
There wasn't a sliver of reluctance in your answer, you eagerly gripped his hand and let him guide you outside the ballroom. The wash of silence veiled over your ears as the intrusive rhythm of the party began to fade away.
You had forgotten how large Prince Danforth's palace was, with high walls itching towards the sky and silver veins ripping through the quartz floors. He drank up your silence. "Beautiful, isn't it? I know there might be a thousand mistakes in your eyes, but it's something else entirely to me. My people sculpted and built this castle for my House, my bloodline, and no matter what I do, I may never repay their labor."
Derek sighed, gaze masking apologetically as his speech had been led astray. "Sorry, I haven't spoken to you in a while. I have a lot on my chest, Noble Tallis."
"No, no. It's alright, I assure you. Don't apologize for simply speaking to me."
Derek smiled shyly, "Thank you." his voice relaxed at his offer, "Would you fancy a tour?"
"Absolutely." Your eyes fluttered.
Derek nudged his head forwards the split of hallways, "Come, then."
Your fingertips parted and you were slightly disappointed when he walked a few steps in front of you, arms spread out like a hawk as he basked in the light of the exquisite chandeliers hooked to the carved ceiling.
You felt like a child again. Two rebellious souls giggling and whispering, racing up the staircases like hummingbirds and gazing at the web of art pieces that mapped the generations of his House. Tales of war generals and royal blood rivalry. Derek in particular had a knack for history, giving his share of intelligence of his family tree with eager eyes.
"Is that your grandfather?"
"Great-grandfather." Derek corrected. "My father told me a lot about him, he was the loyalest king of this House. He truly cared for his people, and it's how we were able to advance this far at all. He just had faith." His eyes fell, "Though, I worry it's all going to go to waste."
"How so?"
Derek set his hand carefully on the painting, fingertips grazing gently across the teeth of the large canvas. "My mother has been pushing our classes too hard this last decade. It's caused a commotion within our walls, they don't trust the House anymore. I have no authority like her, she won't . . ." he choked back a cry. "I can't do anything, I'm useless. I'm only a Prince, I'm nothing compared her."
He felt your warm grasp on his shoulder. You whispered, "That's not true. You're many things, Derek. A dreamer, a loyalist. You'll be a great king, this I tell you."
Derek paused. "But what if my kingdom can't wait? They're being pushed to the edge, working like dogs. It's no good leading a nation when there's nothing left. I don't want to wait."
This was a lot to take in. Tallis had been oblivious to how quickly Danforth had been advancing like no other House, now you were truly worried. A rebellion was possible, and every House had almost lost all their work by the lower classes arriving at their pearly gates with mounts of fire.
His hands fumbled with his dressing, voice grim. "I'm the only heir, the only one left to fix up her mistakes." Derek turned to you with desperate eyes. "I feel like I'm in a cage. The walls have opened up again, yet, I don't feel free. Like a bird in a cage, do you know what that feels like? To act as an audience, almost no word in anything unless I'm told to."
You hadn't noticed Derek taking both your hands and pressing them against his chest. You exhaled lightly, "Derek. What is the queen doing to you?"
Was Queen Danforth imprisoning him? A Prince should have a voice, especially as the only heir. Your grip tightened, "Prince Danforth, whatever is happening . . . you can tell me anything. I promise, your word will remained sealed between my lips, nobody will know."
"Oh, but they will." Derek explained. "Someone will always know. There's ears in the brick and mortar, eyes from friends."
You made a noise as if you were being strangled. "But what about now? I feel as if you told me everything and nothing at the same time." You were at the edge of tears. You couldn't loose him, not again.
"I haven't told you a lick of what's truly happening." He told you. "There's so much you don't know, Tallis. So much to know, such little time."
You were so confused. This was only the tip of the iceberg according to Prince Danforth, he wasn't the type to lie for as spoiled as he was. Regardless, his eyes were the darkest shade of sincerity you had ever seen. Your voice was hushed, "What do I do? I can't leave like this, Derek."
"I promise, I'll tell you everything." Derek rested his forehead against yours, "I promise." then, he pulled away. "I love you too much to let you get hurt because of my ignorance. Time will tell, just be patient."
Derek desperately needed someone to talk to. About his injustice and personal conflict, but he felt the need to warn you as well. Something else was brewing, a conspiracy perhaps? What was Queen Danforth up to? Would you ever know? So many questions.
Then, you broke out of your paralysis when he had mentioned love. You stammered, "You love me?"
He was shocked, frozen in his step. "Of course, I do. You're so fantastic, intelligent and sensitive. If I didn't know any better I figured I'd be under a spell," Derek chuckled. "I may as well be at this point. I care about you, so much. I can't lie to you, but I can't put you in harm's way either."
Your face warmed. Before he could spin away, you held his hands tightly, getting lost in his eyes once again. His breath hitched, and you heard him swallow harshly. "Tallis?" Derek didn't pull away, you could even sense him bringing himself closer, "You know, if we do this, there will be no turning back . . ."
You were longing, "Then so be it. I've been locked away for too long, the only company being memories of you."
Derek's speech slowed, harsh and husky. "All my life, I've always gotten what I've want, everything I asked for. However, this is the first time I've felt—" he rasped. "I needed something as precious as you."
Cupid's arrow has pierced your soul, and you had read him well enough to press your lips against his own, melting into a kiss. Derek pulled away, catching his breath with a giggle. "Oh, Heavens, give me a moment."
"Never kissed someone before?" You asked.
"No, never." He hushed you with a peck, that descended into a deeper kiss. You ran your fingertips across his silky wear, and you could feel shivers running down his spine. He felt like a peasant on his knees, begging for a penny to add to his name. Derek had felt desperate before, but never like this.
A strong desire had pulled you closer, stealing each other's breath away. Your sentimental feelings grew thin once he pulled away after making a noise, which made his face flush in raw embarrassment.
"A thousand pardons, I just, got a little wrapped into it." Derek mumbled and then repeated. "Sorry,"
"Don't be, I liked it, I promise." You traced his thumb to his cheek, lightly circling his warm skin. "Thank you for taking me out, and telling me everything, or . . . most of it at least."
Derek's face softened and rested his hand on yours. His face fell, "If I could, I'd run away with you, start somewhere fresh."
"Derek, you know we can't. We're the only heirs, the only ones who can hold the throne and make a difference. It's our duty."
He dipped his head, saddened at the taste of reality, "I know, I know, but a man can dream." though your face was infectious enough to let a smile spread across his face.
The rest of the night had been tranquill and hush, a few fruitful hours of nothing but gentle praises and a few butterfly kisses here and there without disturbance, until you finally stopped near a pool where a seahawk was perched, beak wrestling weeds out of the water. It was growing late and you could sense your House would be departing soon enough.
Derek took your hand once more, resting his lips on your knuckles. "This was a wonderful evening, Tallis."
"I hope I get to see you again." You told him.
"I'll make sure to write to you, maybe through a messenger bird so it's extra private." Derek toyed. "Maybe you can send me those beautiful drawings of yours."
You smiled softly. "I'll think about it."
You had kissed him goodbye again, before you could stir away from his side, his warm breath tickled your ear. "And don't forget what we spoke about,"
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Dawn was tickling the air and the clouds were heavy with the deep scarlet of sunrise. Derek had gotten no sleep tonight, as his attention was too busy wandering through chapters of you. It wasn't the only thing keeping him up, as his mind was still swampy with anxiety. He had only fueled your curiosity to solve Danforth's conspiracy, all because his emotional vulnerability had gotten the better of him and he couldn't bring himself to hold back.
He walked tiredly to his study and wrapped his hands around the careful mold of his desk, carefully reelimg out a sealed envelope from the darkness of his cabinets. A red stamped, engraved with a symbol resembling a furious bee hunching over its stinger to the side was in bold, almost intimidating him. Derek's gaze hardened, he knew there was something else to his symbol,
And he would get to the bottom of it.
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uniquevoidflowers · 2 months
The names you'll hear for the Kokiri are generated names from this generator:
Word count: 4299 (it would've been longer but I wanted the ending to be sort of a cliffhanger >:))
TW: Injury (and there's a description of Legend like, coughing for a while and a memory of being deathly sick as a child idk)
“How do I even find the rest of the heroes?” Legend asked, sitting at the desk in his room with furrowed brows.
“I suggest looking through the ancient texts; they may be of use,” Fi suggested.
“You don’t know?”
“Correct. Though I have more knowledge than others, it will never be enough to fully understand every step along this path that the Goddesses entrust to us, especially when they are vague with us. Follow me to the library, there’s a section that holds the royal texts. Search for any books speaking of heroes.”
Legend obliged, going to the library and letting Fi lead him to a section, hidden behind a row of bookshelves. Once Fi pulled a lever, it revealed a large section of more bookshelves but they were dusty and the books looked older. Fi held it open, nodding to the books and Legend stepped closer, pulling one out of its spot on the shelf. Dust filled his nostrils and he coughed, wiping away the remaining on the book. The book itself had a forest green colour, and the title was fading, but it read, A Guide To The Lost Woods.
Though it seemed interesting it said nothing about heroes so he slid it back into the shelf. He searched through various titles, each intriguing him and he vowed to come back once this was all finished and read them. Eventually, he pulled out a title that read, The Heroes of Hyrule.
Brightening, he flipped to the first page and saw a table of contents.
Introduction Page 1
Hero of Time Page 16
Hero of Legend Page 39
Hero of the Skies Page 45
Hero of Winds Page 56
Hero of Warriors Page 69
Hero of Hyrule Page 80
Hero of the Four Sword (See separate in Additional Notes) Page 90
Hero of the Wilds Page 101
Hero of Twilight Page 119
Hero of Spirits Page 134
Additional Notes Page 143
What they fought against Page 150
Conclusion Page 158
These titles sounded familiar. His name, his friends names, even his Dad’s name sounded like the titles of the heroes listed. He began to read, taking in the information that poured out of text on pages, words coming to life in his mind.
He was able to imagine The Hero of Time, a one-eyed terror, wielding a heavy sword with both his hands and a royal blue ocarina on his belt.
He was able to imagine the Hero of Legend, his endless arsenal and experience as his tools, and his eyes a piercing violet.
He was able to imagine the Hero of the Skies, white sailcloth draped against his back, and a fabled divine sword glowing valiantly in his hands, and his expression written with the fury and wrath that would terrify any living being.
The Hero of Winds, a young spirit, able to call upon the winds with a silver baton and sweep away any foe that dared to underestimate him for his size.
The Hero of Warriors, a captain, his skills to lead and strategize said to outmatch any other, a blue scarf nestled around his neck, a promise of protection.
The Hero of Hyrule, a survivalist, powerful spells at his fingertips, from fire, to healing, to even fearsome lightning, green tunic said to strike fear at the mere sight of it.
Hero of the Four Sword, his knowledge in forging led him to make grand weapons that would harm even the most shielded of enemies, and his ability to split into four warriors that wielded the same skill as him, led him to be respected by the kingdom, patterns in clothing took his adaptation of a multi-coloured tunic, said to represent his four split selves.
Hero of Wilds, wearing a blue tunic of a champion, said to be the most unpredictable, moves so wild and reckless that he took any opponent off guard, and managed to atone for a past failure, escaping death to defeat the beast that plagued his kingdom.
Hero of Twilight, a blue-eyed Divine Beast, able to take the form of a mighty wolf and take down his enemies with sharp claws and vigorous jaw, along with the brute strength by his mere fists.
Hero of Spirits, the proud descendant of the Hero of Winds, who could harness trains and tracks like no other, and play lovely instruments that allegedly brought tears to a listener’s eyes...He could also see spirits and connect with them.
He couldn’t ever imagine being like them. They all seemed so powerful and ruthless, when he couldn’t even get to his mother in time to save her from a dagger, when it took him so long to find out his destiny. “Your Highness?” Fi’s voice rang and he looked over, startled.
“You seem to be conflicted. Can you recount what you have found if it is relevant to our current task?”
Oh. Right. He cleared his throat, “Yeah, sorry. Each hero either found or forged their swords, but they always had to earn them unlike I just did, so there’s no way that will be of our help. The book does say how they became heroes, but it never mentions a clear way to find them.”
“Hm,” Fi hummed, looking in thought. “We must search more, then.”
Legend jumped out of his skin at the sudden voice from earlier. Fi noticed and furrowed her eyebrows.
Do not concern yourself with the other heroes. It is up to them to hear the call of a sword. Now that you know which you are, focus on training instead until the next hero is unveiled from their slumber. Most of them are right under your gaze, Master, but that is all I am permitted to say.
How do I train?
Seek the guidance of a someone who has walked this planet for thousands, and thousands of years. Seek the guidance of a someone who was a mentor, and responsible for time unravelling and splitting before his very feet.
That’s vague, Holy Hylia.
I do not have very much I can share with you, because you must prove your worth and weave the path by your own strength. If you believe you can take on the Servants of Demise and rescue whom you have lost, you must show me you have the skill to reach such a goal.
Fine, fine.
He told Fi of what he just learned, and she nodded, taking all of it in. Her face began to darken. “I believe we should look in the country of Lost Woods. It holds legends of once immortal children and other creatures lurking there, though now it is said that they died out or lost their immortality to time but...it is our best chance.”
Legend drew in a deep breath. “Yeah, okay. I’ll send a prayer to the goddess before we leave. Fi, please tell my father what is happening.”
“Yes, Your Highness,”
Fi left and Warrior followed Legend to a Goddess Statue, kept around to pray, and honour the Goddesses. It was steeped in water, at Hylia’s request, even though the Princess of Wilds detested such a thing. The prince stepped in the frigid water anyways, stepping closer to the towering statue and knelt in it, clasping his hands together. He heard Warrior stop walking, watching adequately.
“O Goddesses of ages long past, as you have foretold, evil lurks in our kingdom and has stolen away our Queen...my mother...I have taken up my duty to act as a hero in these times and I ask that you lend us your blessing as we venture out to save her,” He murmured to the statue, hoping his words would reach beyond the skies and up to the heavens.
Silence met his ears. “Please,” He begged.
Suddenly light flashed in his eyes, a beam of light that surged down towards Warrior and Legend could no longer seem him. Panic fluttered in his heart as he rose to his feet and called for his knight. He gained no response but the bright light faded after a bit, like it had never been there in the first place. He saw Warrior look dazed momentarily, his eyes flashing with shock. “Warrior!” The prince shouted, running quickly over, worried.
“Legend, I...I think I might be one of the heroes we need.”
There was a beat of silence.
“What the fuck? What do you mean?”
“I, that light. I saw a figure in it and it spoke to me, telling me to go seek the Sword of Eras...Called me “Master””
Legend grabbed Warrior’s arm and ran, hurrying back inside the castle despite the knight’s confused protests.
The prince watched Warrior replace his old sword with the Sword of Eras, a blade that didn’t glow, but still rang true like any of the other swords.
You are losing time, Master. I advise quickly informing Fi or the King before heading on your way.
Warrior seemed to have the same idea, the two hurrying and running into Fi, telling her of what had just happened. Fi’s almost crystalline eyes flickered with something unreadable and she just told them to hurry. Hurry, they did, rushing to a boat-ride, that had been arranged for Koholint’s royals but apparently they had gone a different way. All Legend could think about was how he’d be trained, wondering if he actually could turn into someone bold and strong. Warrior was quiet the whole way along, keeping his thoughts to himself and occasionally turning his sacred blade in his hands. The sword was a valiant broadsword, hilt made from gold, and the Triforce engraved in its silver blade. The prince’s thoughts trailed to all the other heroes he might find. Would they need training as well? Most likely. If so, this would be a time-consuming endeavour, and he wasn’t sure they’d get to Sun in time.
He had to try, anyway. What kind of prince, nonetheless hero, doesn’t doing anything about it?
But he had a feeling they wouldn’t just be relying on the heroes’ strength. It was no coincidence that, Warrior found out his identity, that way, just after Legend had pleaded with the Goddesses. He had a strong feeling, that they were on his side.
The water grew ever murky as they approached the Lost Woods. It was covered in thick mist, and distant giggles echoed throughout the area. The boat stopped abruptly. “We’ve arrived, Highness.” The sailor on the boat said quietly.
With wariness, he stepped out of the boat and stepped onto land, into the creepy fog. The giggles grew loud and piercing in his ear and he suddenly felt like he was floating, his vision an endless white. When the white faded from his vision, he landed in the middle of nowhere, though his surroundings were clearly a forest. He was alone now. Whenever he tried to walk a certain direction, the mist would send him back to the same spot. “Whoever you are, I’m a friend not a foe! I wield one of the legendary swords!” He called out.
He gained no answer and he thought for a moment. He decided to try and follow the giggles, even though they sounded like they were all around him. After a bit of trial and error, he was able to walk further, and he saw a torch, lit with bright orange flames and the embers pointed a certain direction. Hopeful, he hurried towards it, knowing that the embers surely must point to the right direction. Though his legs suddenly grew weary, and the mist felt like it was burning his lungs and he couldn’t breathe. Growing suddenly very lightheaded while wheezing softly, trying to catch his breath, he extended his hand to reach the torch but his legs buckled, and he fell to the ground, with a hard thud.
He blinked slowly, trying to stay awake because he knew something was wrong but it proved to be a challenge.
The voice sounded familiar, and it was soft and worried. He saw a blur of grey and yellow in front of him and he wheezed some more, trying to get air in his lungs. “Hey, hey, talk to me. What’s going on?”
Legend’s vision grew dark, before he could utter a single word in response.
Waking up was always a painful endeavour after succumbing to unconsciousness. When Legend opened his eyes after rousing, light stung his eyes. His lungs burned with a fire that made him want to curl up in a ball but he felt too weak to even attempt at doing so. Breathing was a challenge in itself, each shallow breath rattling his chest. His vision spun as he was shifted, and when his vision was cleared from its bright haziness, he was able to see that he was off the ground, being carried by something. He couldn’t struggle against the arms clutching him tightly but they felt warm and trustworthy. “Wha...” He slurred, a desperate attempt at speaking but it brought an onslaught of coughing.
“Don’t speak, please,” A very familiar, firm and strong voice spoke. “Can you sign?”
Legend blinked slowly and gave a slight nod. Knightly blue eyes started at him, concerned and he relaxed considerably when he realized it was Warrior who was carrying him. He hacked and gasped for air but it escaped his lungs at every single breath. This reminded him of being incredibly sickly during his childhood.
I’ve got some flowers for you, Little Legend,” Dad smiled tiredly, and held up a vase tucked with various get-well flowers.
Legend couldn’t move, far more tired than a five year old should’ve been, but he managed a small smile at his father before he coughed miserably. Dad had tears slowly pouring down his face all of a sudden. Legend frowned, but Dad faced him, still smiling. “It’ll be okay. It’ll be okay.”
“It’ll be okay, Highness. I think we’re almost to help,” Warrior assured.
He would’ve responded if he could but all he did was try to gather air even though the mist swept it away from his lungs. Soon the dreary forest turned greener and brighter and the haunting giggles disappeared.
“Who are those people?” A whisper, small and young.
“We should go tell the man.”
Legend shuddered slightly, because that sounded a little too creepy for his liking. “Wait!” Warrior called. “My friend is hurt. We just came here for help!”
“Oh, I think it’s safe everyone,” A little boy with a leafy mask covering his face, came out.
Soon, tons of kids with different shaped masks came out, seemingly staring at him and Warrior. “I’m Hestu,” The boy informed them. “I can take you to the man, old man Deku. He’s our guardian and friend.”
“That would be nice, thank you,” Warrior answered slowly.
Hestu led them to a tree, and opened a path inside where an old man sat, sleeping on his chair. “Old man Deku?”
The old man slowly woke up and curiosity sparked in his eyes. “It has been a long time since I have been needed by the same kindred as my own. What could you possibly have need for in Korok Forest?”
“My friend needs help, sir. When we came here, I found him passed out, and he’s been coughing and weak ever since,” Warrior explained.
“Ah, the Lost Woods does not take kindly to strangers. Its power has long faded by now, but those weak or prone to illness may be caught in its wrath...”
“I’m sorry, what?”
“The Lost Woods power used to be much stronger, and anyone who stepped foor in it and inhaled the mist would fall ill, be turned into a part of the forest, or suffocate such as your friend is supposedly doing now. However, that was years and years ago. As time moved on, the strong mist faded into more of a remnant substance that can only attack those who easily fall sick. I assumed your friend here is as such.”
“...So you can help him, right?”
The old man hummed, reassuringly. “Indeed. You have got him here in time. Had you been later, perhaps he would have suffocated to death. Now, he is no longer inhaling the mist and I have potions aplenty. Its effects are immediate so though he may feel better instantly, he will also fall asleep, slumbering for a few days so that the potion can do the rest of its work. Additionally, he will need some protection if you plan to venture out again, past Korok Forest.”
They had no choice but to trust the old man Deku, so the prince drank the red liquid, provided, the taste bitter and vile on his tongue, but his lungs cleared and he stopped coughing. He heard a sigh of relief before his vision grew black and he fell into sleep.
He woke up slowly, refreshed for once. He was surrounded by tree, and Warrior sat nearby, relaxed a little. With Warrior, though, he was never fully relaxed, alert as was his job. However it was a bit weird to see him relaxed enough to be without his valiant blue scarf. “Warrior?” Legend blinked.
“Oh you’re awake...Wait, you’re awake?!”
“Am I not supposed to be?” Legend joked.
Warrior rolled his eyes fondly. “I just wasn’t expecting you to be awake, since the old man told me you’d wake up at least a day later.”
“Can’t keep me down for long.”
“So, you’re feeling better?”
Legend gave a nod and got out of the makeshift bed he was in. “We should head back to the old man. He might know where we need to go next,” Warrior decided.
“And you trust him enough that he can know who we are and what we’re doing?”
“I think so. He helped us, and if he truly has evil intentions, he would’ve done something already.”
Legend followed his knight out of a tree and to another one where old man Deku sat, dozing lightly. “Hello?” Warrior said hesitantly.
Deku sat up and his eyes widened slightly when he saw them. “It seems your friend is already awake. What a pleasant surprise. Now, what is it you desire? Protection for the road ahead? Directions?”
“I was hoping you’d be able to help us. We didn’t come here just to explore, but because we have a very important duty to fulfill,” Legend explained.
“I am Prince Legend of the kingdom of Hyrule, and this is my knight.”
The old man looked surprised, but friendliness still lingered in his eyes. “Well now, it has been quite some time since the Royal Family has been here.”
“Has it? Then...do you know of the Servants of Demise?” Warrior asked.
“Nay, but I know of Demise, and I know that he has—or had some followers.”
“Well, these followers have kidnapped the Queen of Hyrule, and are constantly trying to kill or capture the other members of the Royal Family. It wouldn’t surprise me if they stirred up trouble elsewhere,” Legend murmured.
“The Lost Woods does not house the Master Sword if that is which you seek. The last time I ever saw it was when the Royal Family had promised to take responsibility for it, taking it away. They promised to visit but I have not seem them since.” Old man Deku shrugged one shoulder.
Legend faltered. “I sincerely apologize on behalf of those who made that promise. To make one and never keep it...”
“Oh, the heart of youth. Do not apologize, please. The company of the Korok children shall be enough for this old soul, and I slumber too often to keep constant watch for others.”
“Alright, if you insist...The Master Sword—you said—we have no need of. We came because we’re in search of someone who...” ‘Seek the guidance of a someone who has walked this planet for thousands, and thousands of years. Seek the guidance of a someone who was a mentor, and responsible for time unravelling and splitting before his very feet.’ “...who’s lived for thousands of years and is responsible for unravelling and splitting time.”
“...It might be the Hero of Time you seek.”
“But he’s dead! He’s been dead for years now!” Legend sputtered and caught Warrior’s confused demeanour beside him.
“Nay, he is immortal, taking the form of a Shade. He is only described as dead, because that was his wish, to be not forgotten, but unbothered by new duties. He resides in the Kokiri Province on the other side of the Lost Woods, with his brethren. There, you shall find him, he who has split time and walked this earth for millenniums.”
“Oh wow...” Legend muttered.
“Well do you know a way there?” Warrior asked.
“Yes, but I do not have the strength to guide you there myself, so I shall send one of my Koroks, Hestu to take my stead. Along with this I shall gift you this mask, protection from the Lost Woods as you go ahead with your journey. As long as you keep it on, you shall not worry about the mist,” The old man explained.
“Would you like it back later?” Legend hummed, taking the soft mask and looking at it with a sense of wonder.
“There is no such need. Though I expressed that I did not need the Royal Family’s company...it would be nice to have. If this is a way to allow you to visit, then keep it for the rest of your days...Now, go forth Your Highness. May the Goddesses bless you on your journey.”
“Thank you.”
The two left the old man and found the little boy Hestu, who eagerly agreed to guide them through the Lost Woods. Legend wore the mask, and stepped out of Korok Forest. The mist no longer burned his lungs and he could breathe freely. As they walked through dreary woods, Hestu chattered happily, waving his maracas and singing sometimes. For a while, it was peaceful. That was, until there was the rattle of bones, a raspy whistle, and footsteps. Through the fog, piercing red eyes appeared and a skeleton came out (a Stalfos?) and swung its sword, the blade making impact with Warrior’s Sword of Eras. Hestu cried out and hid behind the prince, while Legend unsheathed his sword warily. He had little knowledge of sword-fighting, but he’d do what he had to. More skeletons popped out of the bush and attacked with brute force, Legend doing his best to defend Hestu and himself. He looked over to see that Warrior had a bleeding leg, and earned himself a nick on the face for his moment of distraction. He swung clumsily, but fiercely and managed to somehow fend off the skeletons.
The battle continued for what seemed like forever until the last skeleton fell to the ground, it’s bones sinking back into the ground. Legend immediately rushed to help his knight, letting Warrior sling an arm around his shoulder to steady himself. “You brought stuff to clean that up and bandage it, right?” Legend asked.
Warrior didn’t answer. “Right?” Legend said a little more frantically.
“I think so,” Warrior answered and pulled out a bag, rummaging through it for a hot moment. “Yep, I have bandages.”
“Let me use the water in this flask to clean that up.”
The prince poured the semi-cold water onto the knight’s leg who visibly winced. Legend muttered a gentle apology and then tore a piece of fabric from his pant leg to clean and press on the wound. Hestu, with dark green, short hair, and a leafy mask leaned over worriedly. “Those tutors taught you well,” Warrior chuckled a bit breathily. “I should be the one doing this though.”
“Shut up. We’re friends and even if I’m a prince, I’m never going to make you treat me like a superior.”
Warrior’s face flickered with something unreadable before he just smiled and ruffled Legend’s hair, who scowled back. Eventually, Legend tied the fabric against the wound and helped his knight up. They walked at a slower pace, but the three of them continued on anyway. The way through the Lost Woods was infested with skeletons and sometimes other creatures that had somehow survived all this time, and the prince slaughtered them with the guidance of his knight who was staying back and defending Hestu. Eventually they made it to what Hestu claimed was the entrance, but it was blocked by wood carved with a symbol. Legend knocked, feeling a bit wary. After a long moment, it slid away and they were met with children clothed in green, without the leafy mask. Kokiri. “Who are you?” A girl pointed with a glare. “We don’t accept visitors here like the Koroks do.”
“We’re here for the Hero of Time,” Legend tried.
The girl’s eyebrows raised higher than he’d ever thought they could go. Hestu peered out and nodded. “Old man Deku seems to like them, and told them where you were so...”
“We’ll let you in,” The girl decided. “Old man Deku’s never wrong about these things. The Hero’s Shade—we call him—is in that treehouse right there.”
The one she gestured to was larger than the other treehouses but the style was no different. It was also closer to the ground. “Thank you...also my friend here is injured—a puncture wound in his leg. I’ve done what I could with limited supplies but...” Legend trailed off.
“Trive!” The girl yelled.
Soon a boy came over. “What do you need, Vela? I just got a cool new slingshot and I wanted to use it!”
“Yeah, well, you’re our medic. This guy has a wound on his leg.”
Trive led Warrior away who only agreed once Legend insisted, and the prince went to the treehouse to meet the Hero of Time.
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myyoungroyalsblog · 9 months
Very short drabble that came to mind after a convo with @piebingo 🫣
AU where Simon is a singer and is going to record his first ever video after one of his songs became a huge hit and his dance partner turns out to be the hottest man he has ever laid eyes on
Spoilers, it's a sexy song ;)
He placed his bag on the floor, taking a small sip of his water bottle before he started doing his stretches. He was the first one to arrive at the dance studio, currently waiting inside the vast empty space for his choreographer and partner for the video they were going to record in just a few days.
Simon was still in disbelief on how his latest single blew up all over the world, going from 87K views to 5.8 Million on YouTube in the span of just a few days. But hey, thanks to its success he could finally shoot a video, and he even helped out designing the set where the story of his song took place. He was still nervous about actually performing such a raunchy video in front of people, and then uploading it online in a few weeks. But thankfully he was more excited than nervous, he just wanted to nail the choreography.
Just as he was about to finish his stretches, the door to the studio opened, "Simon, Zara said that she will be 10 minutes late because of traffic, but on the bright side, your dance partner is here so you have a bit more time to get to know each other."
Zara was an absolute delight of a person and a wonderful dancer, and he couldn't have been more lucky to have her as his instructor, and knew she was going to be apologizing non stop for something that was out of her control. "That's fine, tell her to not stress, and you can let him in so we can talk."
She stepped out and left the door ajar, but it was soon swung open by-
Whoever's responsible for the casting is gonna get fired. Or maybe get a raise. Simon hasn't decided yet.
The man was down right gorgeous, with his dark blond hair and button nose and deep brown eyes, Simon was ready to propose on the spot.
He knew the choreography was going to be... Intimate to say the least, so knowing that his partner looked like this was going to be a whole other challenge.
"Hey, I'm Wilhelm, but you can call me Wille," he held out his hand, waiting for Simon's answer.
He clasped it and nearly asked him what his secret was to having such smooth hands, but refrained himself at the last second, "Simon, nice to meet you Wille."
"Trust me, the pleasures all mine."
This was not the time to think about his wording, but also, "What do you mean?"
The apples of his cheeks started to tint, a shy smile evident on his lips, "I'm a big fan of yours, you sing like an angel, Simon."
Simon was unequivocally and irreversibly fucked.
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