#i was about to go back to sleep and then i remembered this and went 👁👁 like that one squidward meme
mjr-acourtofdreams ¡ 2 days
Didn't Love Me. I Ain't No Fool.
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Azriel x Y/N
warnings: angst...? I don't know if there is anything else?
summary: you meet Feyre at the paint studio you two clicked right away and became good friends, soon enough you got to meet the rest of the IC and started forming friendships with them. Azriel and you had a spark at the beginning or at least you thought you did... you two started seeing each other shortly after, keeping each other company in the deep hours of the night and telling each other the darkest parts of each other, he said he loved you but oh how things couldn't have been anymore different...
Winter Solstice a time where we gather with our family and friends to exchange gifts, drink and visit with each other it is a wonderful time of the year, it has always been my favorite time of the year... been.
Everyone has made their way back to their rooms for the night dinner went well lots of laughs and stories told I am not exactly part of the inner circle but after becoming great friends with Feyre she invited me to a family dinner one time and the rest is history these people are like my family now. I picked up my glass and took the last sallow I was the last one in the living room making my way back to my room I changed into some comfortable night clothes and was about ready to rest for the night when I remembered I forgot some gifts that I didn't put under the tree.
Making down the hallway with the arm full of gifts I stopped dead in my tracks has I heard hush talking coming from bottom of the stairs slowly making my way the top of the stairs I peeked down staircase my whole body teased, there standing was Azriel and Elain. They were so close oh so close to each bout ready to kiss, I can smell the arousal from here it was too much I took a step back feeling a hard body behind me glancing form the corner of my eye I seen Rhys then I felt him trying to get past my mental shields I drop them "go to you room y/n." I gave him a small nod and sped walked to my room and locked the door behind me.
I shouldn't be upset about what had happened I have seen the way he looked at Elain and how he started to get closer to her and seeing me less and less. We were never really an official thing I mean we talked a lot and we slept together, and I would be crazy not to say it wasn't the best sex I had in a while but with all of the bonding that we had and a strong friendship even if was with benefits I would be lying if I said I didn't form feelings for the shadow singer. The deal was sold one night after he snuck into my room after a mission, and we spent the night together we didn't just have sex we made love and after we cuddle close to each other before he drifted off to sleep, he told me he loved me I believed him. What a fool I was to let him break those walls of mine to let me fall for him, I know better now.
I stood in front of the mirror looking at the work I put into this outfit a smiling being bought on my face. I wore a black gown that had sparkles all the way through it that looked like starlight, with slits coming up both legs and stopping at my hips, the back was open while the straps gently wrapped around my neck with a soft chain then it drops down to a plugging neck line, my eyes were done with a smokey look and my hair was pinned off to one side and my natural waves danced across my back. Tonight, everyone is going out to Rita's it seems like it's been forever since I see them all together it will be nice to catch up with them all and with the news a heard from Feyre a couple weeks ago, she told me that Azriel and Elaine made it official to everyone. Since that night I caught them in the hall I decided to completely stop going over there and seeing them other than Feyre but that is going to change because I miss the friendships, I formed those amazing people and it look those weeks or months to build myself back up from the heart break if that was even worth calling what Azriel and I had it was just one siding but now since back to a better self and not going to go crawling back to a man that clearing never really truly wanted me, he is going to truly see what he is missing.
Short time passed and stood in front of the packed bar the music and laughter poured out to the empty streets taking a deep breath I made my way to the door. It didn't take me long to spot the whole inner circle in the booth they always sit at while here, looking them all over before I make my way to them, I seen Aziel and Elaine sitting to close together there wasn't room to even breath through and he had his arm flung around her shoulders she was resting her head in his side while he smiled down at her fondly I let a small hurt smile flash across my face and shake my head realizing right there that didn't love me and never did.
Azriel POV
Smiling down at Elaine while she leaned into my side I glance back up to where Cassin was going on about the building he destroyed in summer when my eyes landed on and focused on the figure that was making their way over to our table blinking and swallowing hard, I realized that it was y/n straighten up and slide my arm from Elaines side and sit up and looked me with questionable face but I couldn't take my eyes off of y/n as she comes to the table she looked absolutely divine, I haven't seen or heard from her since solstice and I haven't been able to seek her out busy with missions and well Elaine, oh Elaine glancing over to her on my side she was now talking to Mor on the other side of her.
"Hello everyone!" the sweet voice that was sweet has honey now sounds like it has been hardened. Feyre jumped up and pulled y/n into a hug. "I'm so glad you came!" Feyre's smiled beamed at her friend y/n's smile matched hers but there was less sparkle in those beautiful eyes, she slid into the booth right across from me I couldn't take my eyes off of her something felt like it was pulling me towards her even my shadows wanted to leave their master to go to her sides. I cleared my throat it all of a sudden feel dry, to dry. "Hello" she picked up her drink and slowly took a drink and looking down into the glass "How are you?" I tried again to get her attention one of my shadow flew over the tabletop and wrapped around her wrist she glanced up them looking straight into my eyes it felt like she was looking into my soul cutting right through me. "Hello, shadowsinger." there was ice in her voice I felt my body flinch at the coldness in it, this wasn't right I shake my head and looked her back in the eyes "what is going on with you, haven't seen you in weeks, months and you are so cold." I paused and looked her watching her face for any changes she let out a small low chuckle that sounded more like a huff like she hasn't laugh forever then she looked at me the hurt in her eyes were too much to bare to look at then she spoke with no emotion in her voice at all "well, that what happens when love lets you down." she stood from her spot and walked away through the crowded and I felt it then something shattered into a million pieces and I couldn't stop the tears from falling.
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tkwrites ¡ 1 day
Understanding (or the one in which Jack Hughes is forced to get over himself) - Quinn Hughes x ofc
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Author: Tory / @tkwrites 
Relationship: Quinn Hughes x Sarah Roberts (ofc) 
Summary: Still upset about finding out about Sarah from Brady, Jack has some hesitations when he and Luke come to town for the Finals. Can he get over himself enough to see what Quinn and Sarah have is real?
Warnings: Angst, sibling fighting, light body shaming
Word Count: 5,600
Comments: I’ve been working on this fic for almost three months and tossing around ideas for it since December. On Thursday, something clicked into place, and the story just fell together. I really like the way it turned out, and I hope you like it too! 
If you enjoyed this, please let me know by commenting, reblogging, or sending in an ask. Your encouragement and comments truly inspire me to keep writing. 
I love Quinn and Sarah, and I’m constantly blown away that so many of you love them, too.
 Understanding (or the one in which Jack Hughes is forced to get over himself)
A Quinn & Sarah Snapshot
Sarah was sitting in the living room, trying not to freak out. Their night before had been one to remember, and her hips were still sore and achy from it in the most satisfying way. 
But even remembering Quinn giving her so many orgasms she lost count — murmuring how proud he was of her with each and every one of them — couldn’t take away from the fact that his brothers were about to arrive. 
Sarah and her siblings were close, but Quinn and his brothers were closer. They were all in the same phase of life - all playing professional hockey, all unmarried, and all figuring things out. Even Luke, who she knew, had been dating his girlfriend Kylee for two and a half years wasn’t in a place to get married, especially not while Kylee was still in school. 
It was so different from her own siblings, who were both in the young family stage of life while she was still figuring out no-longer-single life and dating-a-professional-athlete life. 
She loved her siblings, but they had less in common than they used to.
It felt like a huge test to be accepted by his family — his best friends. She wasn’t totally sure what she’d do if they didn’t like her. 
When she’d brought that up to Quinn after they’d finally collapsed into bed, he had pulled her close, kissed her forehead, and assured her, “they’re going to love you. I love you, so they’re going to love you.” 
She hadn’t pointed out how flawed his logic was. 
Quinn appeared at her side, holding a shot of rum, “here, I think you might need this.” 
“I thought you said I don’t have anything to be worried about!”
“I don’t think you do.”
Her eyebrows shot up, “but you think I should take a shot?” 
He gulped nervously, “Jack can just be kind of a lot. I’m not sure he’s totally over the whole, I didn’t tell him first thing.” 
Her eyes went wide, and while Quinn had the best of intentions, he realized what a stupid move this was. Instead of calming her down, he was making her more anxious. He tried to backtrack, “you don’t have to. It was a stupid idea,” he said before starting back to the bar — intent on dumping the alcohol down the drain.
“No, come back.” 
He turned, and she reached for the small glass, “it will take the edge off.”
Taking a deep breath, she tossed the liquor into her mouth. As soon as she’d swallowed, she pulled a face, “ugh, I hate shots. Remind me to never do that again.” 
Laughing, he lifted the glass out of her hands and leaned down to kiss her. They stayed that way for a while, each of them remembering slices of the night before. 
His phone trilled. He would have picked them all up from the airport, but Jack had insisted on renting a car for them to use while they were here, so there was no need.
The dinner they’d ordered was on it’s way, and everything was going to be fine. 
Having finished her finals the day before, Sarah had spent most of the day relaxing and sleeping in Quinn’s bed. He’d left for practice, then crawled back in bed with her when he got home, happy to fall asleep again, holding her close.
As a result, he looked refreshed and clear headed. 
“You ready?” he asked when the elevator dinged. 
She nodded, standing and wrapping her arms around his torso. 
She was wearing the same jeans she’d worn when she met the team and a cream colored top, partially unbuttoned, so he could see just a hint of her cleavage.
“It’s going to be fine,” he assured. 
The very fact that he kept saying it made Sarah wonder if he was trying to convince himself into believing it. 
She should have worn the green dress. When she’d been packing to stay at Quinn’s overnight, she’d convinced herself the boyfriend jeans were lucky enough now, and she didn’t need to pull out the big guns. Plus, she didn’t want Quinn to think she only had one outfit she wore when she was nervous. Now, that didn’t seem like it mattered much, and she wished she had the comforting assurance of it with her. 
When Quinn opened the door and his brothers came tumbling into the apartment, Sarah immediately understood what her own brother had missed out on by only having two sisters. 
They were so distinctly…male. There was a lot of congratulatory hair mussing and punching going on in celebration of Quinn making the finals.
Ellen was dutifully waiting for them to be done so she could hug her eldest. 
To Sarah’s surprise, Jim was the first one to greet her, offering a hug she gladly accepted. 
When they broke apart, Quinn moved to introduce everyone, “Sarah,” he said, and everyone’s eyes snapped to him, “these are my brothers Jack and Luke. Guys, this is Sarah.” 
Luke gave her a shy smile and offered her a hand to shake. Jack didn’t move other than to give her a curt nod. 
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” she said, pulling a smile onto her face she hoped masked her disappointment at his clipped response. 
Ellen rolled her eyes and crossed the room to give her a hug. 
The front desk buzzed up to let them know their food was delivered, and Sarah offered to go collect it just to get away from the tense meeting. 
When they sat down to eat, Sarah was able to engage Luke in conversation, and they started talking about his girlfriend Kylee, who would be coming out once she had finished her finals. Once the ice was broken, Luke was easy to talk to, and they swapped stories about work and growing up.
More than once in their conversation, Sarah caught Ellen shooting disappointed looks at her middle son, who couldn’t seem to stop staring at her, but didn’t say a word.
The conversation lulled, and Jack spoke for the first time, “so, Sarah, what are you going to do when you’re done with school?” His tone was almost accusatory, like he expected her to say she would be moving to Dubai and leaving Quinn behind.
“I’m not really sure yet. I like working at the aquarium, so I wouldn’t mind staying there. But if I could get a job in conservation, that would be ideal. I feel more passionate about it.” 
“What would you do in conservation?” he asked. It sounded a little like they were rehearsed questions on Jacks part, as if he were trying to appease someone by making conversation but didn’t actually care much about the subject. 
“Well, there’s a lot that crosses over in terms of what can be done in the wild to make our oceans more habitable to everything that lives in them. And if we need to do any rescue and rehab, I can help care for most of those animals.” 
“So you’re like a vet?” 
“No, I can’t administer any medical treatment, but I can assist. I thought about going into veterinary medicine, but it would have meant seven more years of school, and there’s a lot of aspects of being a vet that terrify me.” 
“Like what?” he asked with an arched eyebrow, as if her admitting she had weaknesses was completely unexpected. 
Sarah flicked a glance at Quinn, who was looking at his brother with narrowed eyes, as if trying to figure out what he was getting at. 
“Well, I’m not great with blood, for one. Plus, the smell of hospitals tends to give me panic attacks.” 
Somehow, this admission made Jack relax. She was human, after all. When they met June, she was all smiles and rainbows and didn’t admit to having faults of any kind. Quinn talked about how genuine Sarah was, but Jack wanted to see it for himself. 
Quinns eyes darted to her, and she gave him a small smile. 
“What is it about hospitals?” Jim asked. 
She took a deep breath and reached for Quinn’s hand under the table. Their fingers entwined, and he gave her a reassuring squeeze. 
“My mom died of cancer, so she spent a good portion of the last six months of her life in a hospital, and every time I came home, I would have to see her there. The smell always transports me straight back.” 
Quinn didn’t hesitate to put his arm around her, and she leaned into his shoulder, blinking a few times. 
Jack looked between them and felt something twist in his gut. This was so much more serious than he wanted to believe. He’d seen the signs from Quinn — the dreamy look he often got when he talked about her, and how it seemed like they were together all the time, or the way he talked about the future, like he couldn’t envision one without her in it. 
The two sides of his mind warred. On one hand, he was glad Quinn found her, but on the other, he was still pissed he was the last one to know. He and Quinn were supposed to be best friends as well as brothers. He’d never keep something like that from Quinn, and it hurt every time he remembered Brady asking, “so what do you think of Sarah?”
Then, there was the whole issue of Sarah herself. Not that she was bad looking. She was pretty. But June was gorgeous, and Jack couldn’t help but think that Sarah was a bit of a step down. 
The meal ended on less tense terms than it started on, and Quinn took Sarah home. 
“Was it okay?” he asked. 
She knotted her fingers together in her lap, “I don’t know. Was it? You know Jack better than I do.” 
One of his hands dragged over his face before he reached for hers. 
Gratefully, she took it, glad for the reassurance of his touch. 
He felt off kilter. The end was such a stark contrast to the beginning that he had a hard time reconciling that morning as part of the same day. 
“Can you come up for a minute?” she asked when he pulled in front of her building. 
He glanced over with raised eyebrows only to find nervousness clearly written on her face. “Yeah, of course,” he said and flipped around to find a spot to park. 
They got up to her apartment, which she knew would be empty - Eunice had gone home to stay with her parents for a week, and Jane was working. As soon as the door shut behind them, she wrapped her arms around his waist, resting her head on his chest. 
“What’s up?” Quinn asked, his hands heavy and comforting on the small of her back. 
“I just —” Sarah could feel the tears she’d pushed off for the drive home forcing their way up to the surface. 
She sniffed, and Quinn pulled back, “what’s wrong?” 
Sarah wiped her cheeks. “What if —” She didn’t want to say it out loud, but she needed to. Talking about it would make it better. She knew that, but it was still scary as hell to voice the anxiety that was eating away at her peace of mind. Not only was the summer going to fucking suck, “I think Jack hates me.” 
Something behind his sternum fractured, “Jack doesn’t hate you.”
Looking up to meet his eyes, she asked, “really? Because it doesn’t seem like he likes me very much.”
“I think he just needs time to adjust to the situation. He’s still mad at me that I didn’t tell them first.”
“I don’t understand that either. My sister was the second person I told.” Technically, she’d been the 4th with her roommates, but no need to split hairs. Rachel was the second person she’d told on purpose.
He pulled a calming breath into his chest. “I think Brady mentioned June to you?” She nodded, and he continued, “June was…” how did he even find the right words? “We dated for a long time. Way longer than we should have. We weren’t good together. I mean, you know all that weird shit she had about sex, and she would break up with me every few months, then come back after a few days, begging to get back together.” 
“That sounds exhausting.”
“It wasn’t great,” he admitted ruefully. “Anyway, my family never really came out and said they didn’t like her. They only said it after I called it off for good. I remember Jack told me, ‘Thank god, I never liked that bitch.’” 
Sarah wrinkled her nose, and Quinn laughed, “yeah. Brady was the only one who told it to me straight from the beginning. He was pretty frank with me; his family doesn’t really beat around the bush about anything. He encouraged me to break it off for good. Anyway, when we met,” he gestured between them, “I was kind of hesitant to tell anyone. Not because I thought you were like June. You’re not. In any way. But I didn’t… I didn’t really trust my own judgment, you know?” 
She didn’t, but she nodded anyway. That was something they could unpack later.
“I wanted Brady to meet you first since he and Emma had been so honest.” 
This, she knew from conversations with Ellen and Brady himself, but it was nice to hear it from Quinn. 
“Before I had a chance to tell him, Brady asked Jack what he thought of you while they were playing in Ottawa, and he called me, pretty pissed. I think he’s still caught on that.” 
Pursing her lips, she wasn’t totally sure what the protocol for this was. “Is there anything I can do to fix it? I don’t want —” she broke off, feeling she couldn’t say it. She didn’t want Jack to come between them. She didn’t want to have to forge a new relationship when Quinn’s brother and best friend didn’t like her, and she didn’t want to put Quinn in a position where he would have to choose.
That fracturing feeling was back. 
“That’s not going to happen,” Quinn said, picking up on what he thought the subtext of the conversation was as he ran his hands up and down her arms. “I think he just needs time. Jack doesn’t really hate anyone. It’s not in his nature.” 
“Was he like this with Kylee?” 
“No, but Luke and Kylee were friends in high school and college, so we knew her before they started dating.” 
She thunked her forehead onto his chest and took a deep breath. 
One of his hands ran over her hair, “I’m sorry. I know this put you in a really weird position.” 
She felt his words in his chest at the same time she heard them and swallowed the feeling whole. 
“I just don’t want to lose you,” she said, nuzzling into his shirt
“You’re not going to lose me,” he said. Definitive. Simple. Straight to the point. 
She knew she sounded whiney, but she needed to say it, “but what happens if he never likes me? I don’t want you to feel like you have to choose.” 
“Jack’ll come around. He’s never been able to hold grudges for very long.”
Looking up at him, then, hope filled her face, and he kissed her, hoping it reassured her. He was sure Jack would come around as soon as he could get his head out of his ass.  
“I’m sorry, but I need to get back,” he said as gently as he could. Not only was there a game tomorrow, he knew his brothers would want to talk. 
Swallowing down the loneliness of being in the apartment by herself for the night, she nodded. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” 
‘Tomorrow,” he repeated before pressing a kiss to her forehead. “I love you.”
“I love you too. One more?”
He couldn't resist.
One turned into six or seven, and he pulled away feeling light. “Jack’ll come around,” he assured again before kissing her once more and turning to go. 
“I mean, she’s pretty and all,” Jack was saying as they stood in the living room. Their parents had gone to bed, so it was best to have this conversation on the floor below. “But don’t you think she’s a little big?”
Luke stared at Jack while Quinn glared at him. “What?” 
“Don’t get me wrong, she has a pretty face, but her thighs are kind of huge.” 
Luke spoke before Quinn could follow through with punching his brother in the face. “Is this because you actually think that, or because you’re mad Quinn didn’t trust you enough to tell you first?” 
“Trust us,” Jack corrected through a jaw clenched so tight, it answered Lukes question for him. 
“Fine. Whatever,” Luke said. He’d come to terms with it. He had been too scared to tell Quinn what he thought of June. After thinking it over, it did make sense for him to go to the only person in his life who made their concerns clear and keep Sarah from everyone else. They got attached to June, or at least to the idea of her. Luke had never really liked her. But he liked the idea of Quinn having a girlfriend. Of him having someone here in Van while the rest of them were all out east. 
Now that he had met Sarah in person, not just talked on the phone with her - which Jack had made feel more like a job interview than a welcoming, get to know you chat - he understood just how bad of a match June had been for Quinn.
Gone were the tense morning phone calls after a blowout fight. Gone were the sick-in-love nights where Quinn was hanging up early before really talking to either of them so he could spend time with June while the getting was good. Gone were the confused, “I don’t know what she wants from me,” talks that happened way too often for Luke's liking. 
Not only was Sarah more stable, Luke felt like Quinn was more stable with her. 
“I’m saying it because it’s true,” Jack said, clinging to his pride. “You’re an athlete, Q. Do you really think she can keep up with the lifestyle?” 
“It’s not like she needs to go to the gym with me every day,” Quinn shot back. 
“The girls you’ve dated before have been…” 
“Listen, Jack. Yes, Sarah might be a little bigger than the girls I’ve dated before, but she’s more than all of them.” 
“I’ll say she’s more,” Jack snided. 
Luke stepped in, “don’t be such a dick.” 
“It’s true.”
“She’s better,” Quinn corrected, and his voice went hard. “She’s better than any of those girls. More driven and more supportive and more understanding and loving than anyone I’ve ever dated.” 
That stopped Jack in his tracks. He opened his mouth, then closed it again, unsure of what to say. 
This. This was the thing he was most scared of. 
Somewhere in the back of his mind, Jack knew Quinn or Luke would eventually get married, and their unit would be changed forever. They wouldn’t be The Hughes Boys anymore. Not like they had been. They would be different. Sarah was coming in and stealing his brother from him. 
“And just for the record,” Quinn said, getting in Jack’s face with a fierceness Luke rarely saw directed at either of them when talking about something so serious, “I don’t think Sarah’s fat, and I don’t think you do either. You never called Madeline fat, and she’s bigger than Sarah.” 
Madeline was a plus-size model Jack had quietly dated and broken up with the year before. 
Luke wondered, not for the first time, how much of their breakup was caused by Jack’s need to be perceived a certain way. Madeline was stunningly beautiful, but there were comments swirling all the time about how much bigger she was than him, and how could he possibly want to date someone so large, despite the fact that she was incredibly successful and was one of the most gorgeous women he’d ever seen. Not to mention that she kept to a diet that would put all of them to shame. 
Caught, Jack snapped his mouth shut and glared. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, okay?” Quinn practically begged. “I should have, and I didn’t, but that doesn’t mean you need to take it out on her.” 
Luke was struck at how much his oldest brother was trying to protect his girlfriend. Jack could say what he wanted about him, but when it came to Sarah, he was trying to put blame back where it belonged. 
Quinn sunk into the club chair closest to him, raking his hands into his hair. 
“Can you just TRY to get to know her?” he asked. “I think you’ll really like her if you get to know her.” 
Jack huffed a breath through his nose and nodded once. Once again, he was struck with a sudden sense of vertigo, like everything around him was shifting and changing, pulled just off kilter. 
He wasn’t blind, as much as he wanted to be. He knew Quinn, and the very fact he was directing the blame back on himself again and again told Jack all he needed to know about how he felt about Sarah. Even though he didn’t know her very well and resented the swift way she’d blown into Quinns life, Jack could see she would be around for a long time. 
A few days later, as they sat around the table to eat breakfast, Ellen met Quinn's eyes, a warm smile lighting her face. “She's good. I really like her.”
Quinn knew his mom liked Sarah from when she first met his parents several weeks before.
Still, hearing her say this after seeing her interact with the rest of the family meant more. Some of the lingering anxiety he felt blew away. Jack still didn't love her, but he was softening up. Quinn wasn't sure anyone would ever live up to Jack's ideal standard. Luke loved everyone and liked to talk to her about the ocean. Plus, it seemed like she’d get along great with Kylee. 
His dad nodded in agreement, “don't fuck it up.”
That spoke louder to Quinn than anything else he could have said. “I don't plan to.”
“Make sure you don't. She's good for you. Good for the family, too.”
“Too good for him,” Luke added quietly. 
“That goes without saying. Most women will be for all of you.”
Jack scoffed. 
“Is she coming to Hawaii?” his mom asked. 
“What?” Jack exclaimed. “She can't come to Hawaii! That's our trip.”
Ellen looked at her middle son patiently, waiting for his instinctive reaction to calm down so he could think clearly. 
“I asked her,” Quinn said, “but -”
Jack broke in, his hot head getting the best of him,“you talked about this without me?”  
“Relax Jack,” Luke said. 
“But she told me no,” Quinn finished. 
“She told you no? She told me all sorts of things we should do from when she lived there. I was really hoping she could show us around,” Ellen admitted.
“I know,” Quinn said. “She said she didn't want to tread on family time.”
“She's going to be a part of this family, isn't she?” Ellen asked. 
Jack glared at her, “mom, it hasn't even been six months.”
“Five months can tell you a lot, Jack. Can't you see how much your brother loves her? And how much she loves him?” 
Jack had to admit she was right. Quinn was more settled - no, that wasn't it. He had always been settled. He was more…at ease. A better, less worried version of himself. It was like Sarah had come in and soothed all this anxiety and all these fears that had been bubbling beneath Quinn’s skin. Only when they were gone did Jack notice. 
And Sarah was…sweet. She was considerate and kind and tried her best to engage him in conversation. 
“Sar told me she would only come if everyone said it was okay, especially you, Jack.” 
Jack looked at his brother, totally taken aback. Something in him shifted. “Really?” 
Quinn nodded. “She doesn't want to tread on our time. She knows we don't get much time together anyway.”
Jack had been feeling like she'd just come barging into their family, taking his brother away from him. He'd heard Quinn talk about her, but seeing it in real life - seeing how much time they spent together, how they had their own little language, and always seemed to be touching each other - he wasn't ready to lose his brother like that. 
But this shifted things a bit. It was one thing to visit the lake house or even tag along to a big family vacation, but the trip to Hawaii was more than that. It was going to be just them. Even Kylee wasn't coming. He was pretty sure it was because she had a family reunion of her own she couldn't skip out on, but the sentiment still counted. 
“I'll think about it,” Jack agreed begrudgingly. 
The morning after the Canucks were eliminated, Sarah wandered down to the kitchen wearing one of Quinn’s Michigan shirts and a pair of his boxers, still slightly twisted slightly from sleep. 
“Oh,” she greeted hesitantly upon seeing him at the bar, “morning, Jack.”
Watching her and Quinn interact last night had cracked something in him. Not only that Sarah was here to stay, but it awoke a kind of longing to have someone totally accept him. 
It was made even worse when he wandered up to the gaming room, figuring he could at least watch some TV if he couldn’t get any sleep, and heard noise from Quinn’s bedroom that let him know they were going at it. He didn’t ever want to think about his brother having sex, but the fact that Quinn had so many different levels of comfort available - all seemingly tailored to meet his exact needs - after a hard day woke a deep longing for that kind of intimacy in Jack. He hadn’t allowed himself to want it, at least since he and Madeline broke up.
He gave up on the gaming room and slept on the uncomfortable living room sofa. Now his shoulder was sore, and his hips hurt, and he hadn’t gotten nearly enough sleep. 
“Morning,” he mumbled, hating that she felt like she needed to tip toe around him. He knew it was his own fault, but now he was in so deep that he wasn’t sure how to get out of it. The conversation about Hawaii, realizing she was thinking about their family as well as her relationship with Quinn along with what happened the night before, had him feeling ready to make peace with her. Except that would just be him admitting he was wrong, which seemed so much easier than it felt. 
She put a pod in the coffee maker, more at home in Quinns house than he was. That was a new feeling. Jack had searched for the coffee pods that morning, and when he couldn’t find one, settled for milk. Now, he wondered why Quinn kept them in the drawer beneath the coffee maker when it would have made more sense to keep them in the cupboard above. 
“How did you sleep?” she asked, leaning her butt on the counter while the machine gurgled. 
He shrugged, “Luke snored all night.” 
Wrinkling her nose, she said, “I’m sorry.”
“We haven’t had to share a room when he’s not exhausted from hockey in a long time.” 
She nodded, pulling creamer out of the fridge. 
He watched her walk back to her mug, noting the way her thighs trembled with each step. He loved that about Madeline. The softness of her. She was stunning, but not hard. Before he’d met her, he didn’t know those things could coexist. 
“How did you sleep?” 
“Good,” she said, “Quinn was so exhausted, I don’t think he turned over once.” 
“Isn’t he the worst?” Jack said with a loud, laughing groan. “Flailing all over the bed.”
Sarah snorted when he nearly fell backward off the stool in his demonstration of flailing limbs. “Has he always done that?” 
“Since we were kids. He must be a nightmare to share a bed with.” 
“Thankfully, I don’t think I’ve experienced any flailing. He must be a little less writhe-y now, but if we’re not cuddling, he does usually toss and turn all night.” 
“Good,” he said, and then immediately felt stupid. What was she supposed to say to that now? 
“Where are your parents?” she asked instead, bringing the mug to her lips to blow on the hot liquid. 
“They went to get breakfast or something,” he said with a vague gesture over his shoulder. “They invited me, but I went back to sleep.” 
“Have you eaten? I was about to cook some eggs.” 
“Is Quinn up?” he asked. 
“He was still conked out when I got up. I figured I’d let him sleep. No use in waking him when he’s finally getting some solid rest.” 
There it was again - that pinch of jealousy. She knew him in ways Jack didn’t, like her knowledge that cuddling kept Quinn still at night, and she obviously liked to care for him. 
It’s not like he didn’t want her in his brothers life. She obviously made Quinn happy, and all Jack really wanted was for him to be happy. 
It was a weird, night and day difference between Quinn now and Quinn at the beginning of the season. When they’d left Michigan in September, it wasn’t like Quinn had been depressed - he’d been excited to get back to hockey - but he’d spent so much of the off season wondering if he and June were actually a good match that when he left, it felt like he was leaving without having anything truly resolved. When they’d finally broken up in November, a huge sigh of relief  had swept through Quinn’s whole life. 
Looking back now, Jack should have known something was up when Quinn started calling them, relaxed and cheerful, quick with a smile and a joke in a way he hadn’t been since he and June had broken up. Now, he was happy and content, and Jack could practically see the love he had for Sarah glowing on his skin. 
After spending time with her, he understood how Quinn had fallen so hard, so fast. She was kind but willing to put in the work, genuine and honest, but funny and snarky.
Might as well just get it over with. 
“Listen, Sarah,” he began, looking down at his glass of milk, “I’m sorry.”
She continued to look at him over her mug. It struck him that she waited for him to finish without jumping in or jumping to conclusions. 
“You’re really good for Quinn,” he admitted.
Something in her heart fluttered.
“And I’m sorry I’ve been kind of a dick. With June it was pretty obvious they weren’t going to last so I never put much stock in her, but I…” he chewed briefly on this thumbnail, thinking, “but I can see how you guys are good together.” 
A smile reached her eyes. 
He blew out a deep breath. “It’s just…Quinn’s my brother, you know?” Shaking his head, he raked a hand into his hair, “I’m sorry, I'm not making any sense.”
“It’s okay, Jack,” she said, her voice calm. He wondered if she ever raised it. “I’ve been through this, too, when my sister started dating someone seriously. It’s weird and hard when someone new comes into your family.”
“I don’t ever want you to feel like I’m taking Quinn away from you or something.” 
“You couldn’t,” he said, then realized how stupid that sounded. “I mean, I know you wouldn’t. I can see that now.” 
Smiling in a way he realized was totally genuine, she set her mug on the counter. “Thank you, Jack. That means a lot coming from you.”  
It was like she knew all he needed was time. There were no hard feelings, no grudges or fits. No glares from across the room. She just waited and gave him time, and wasn’t mad at how much he needed. 
And now that he’d admitted it, she let it lie, changing the subject as soon as it’d been put to rest. “So, do you want some eggs?” she asked, turning back to the fridge. 
It was a refreshing turn of events. 
“Sure,” he stood from the bar stool, “how can I help?” 
By the time Quinn wandered down the stairs, clumsy with sleep and rubbing his eyes, they had omelets going. 
Looking nervously between Jack and Sarah, side by side in the kitchen, he briefly wondered if he was still dreaming. One night, and it seemed all of Jack’s hesitations had been put to bed. 
“Morning,” he yawned.
Sarah glanced over her shoulder, smiling bright, “hey, how’d you sleep?” 
“Good,” he said through another yawn as he walked up to them. He slipped an arm around Sarah’s waist and rested the other on Jacks shoulder, “you two made up?” 
“I don’t think we were fighting, really,” Sarah said, “but we came to an understanding.”
Jack smiled gratefully, and Quinn leaned in to kiss her cheek. 
Want more Quinn & Sarah? Check out the Snapshots Masterlist 
To read all my fics, check out the Fanfiction Masterlist
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norrisleclercf1 ¡ 5 hours
Okay what about Mark and wife where she falls asleep leaning against him
A/N: I know it's after Le Mans but who cares, I'm still there with Mark and Jenson, but I don't know about ya'll or who remembers but this is Mark and Roo
It was starting to get late, and you were trying to push through as Mark stood in front of you talking to happily with the Porsche team. How the old man was still wide awake and bouncing with energy, that should be you, not him.
"Roo, baby? You, okay?" You open your eyes and glare at your husband and that annoying pristine Porsche jacket. "Yeah, why wouldn't I be, it's just," You look at your phone and grow irritated when your phone was far to bright.
"2am," You grumble, and roll your neck, rubbing your eyes hard trying to bring some life back to your body, but it was a losing battle, and it didn't seem like Mark was going to be ready to leave any time soon. "Roo, we can go if you want," Mark kneels going eye level with you and you glare at him.
"Mark, please, you're having fun, I'm not going to make you leave," You whisper, grabbing his hand and kissing it, reassuring him that you were fine. "Tell me, and we leave immediately," Mark's voice is firm, but it wasn't every day that Mark was able to do something like this.
He loved Le Mans, and ever since he's been working with Oscar, he wasn't able to do much, so being here he was like his old self, happy and filled with adrenaline. You lean back in your chair, taking slow breaths as you listen to the roar of the cars going by, and the occasional sound of the wheel guns.
You feel warmth on your side, and a heavy arm placed over your lap, head rolling it lands on a familiar shoulder. "Mark," You mumble, cuddling closer and the arm tightens, making sure you're secured. "Here, baby," Mark whispers placing his warm, oversized jacket over you.
"Sleep, I'll be right here," Mark whispers, making sure you're safe as he refuses to fall asleep while you're asleep. "Be right here," He whispers, as your breath evens out, Mark smiles gently and kisses the top of your head. And yeah, maybe the Le Mans captured you two, and you two definitely went viral.
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ever-eilish ¡ 2 days
Hii! Can you write a fic for billie eilish? Fem reader is scared of the dark and Billie cuddles us in bed to make us feel safe.
billie eilish x fem! reader
you are forced to face your fears, not meaning you have to do it alone
author's notes: this one is very sweet! i really enjoyed writing this, so I hope everyone likes it as well; thank you so much for your request, sorry it this is not what you wanted! once again, english is not my first language, so sorry for any mistakes! enjoy💕
warnings: reader has a panic attack, but I did not write much about it; overall is very sweet and pure fluff!
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You don't know exactly when it started. You don't exactly remember being a scared child, or fearing the dark as much as you do now.
The only thing you know is that, after a certain age, night lights become increasingly useless in comforting you, and what started as 'just a night' of sleeping with all the lights on, has become a habit.
You knew that at some point in your life you would have to overcome this irrational fear of the dark, but you just felt like the time wasn't now.
The lights were on, obviously, as night fell behind your window on the right side of your queen-sized bed, and Billie was on your left side, her head resting on your chest, legs tangled together, as she did something on her cell phone, while you were just staring at the dull, white ceiling, while thinking about absolutely nothing, just enjoying the company of your beautiful girlfriend.
We should buy something to decorate this ceiling, you made a mental note, this being your first coherent thought in a few minutes.
Just as you were about to go back into the sea of ​​'thinking about nothing' while staring at the ceiling like a maniac, Billie's voice fills the room.
"Darling, did you know that penguins-" her speech is cut off when a large thunderclap hits the ground, making a huge sound throughout the house.
Before you could even process what was happening, the lights went out and everything went silent.
Your breathing hitches, your fear of the dark showing as you quickly begin to hyperventilate.
Damn, why did this have to happen right in front of Billie?
Despite not wanting to have a meltdown in front of your girlfriend of a few months, your brain quickly starts to go haywire due to the lack of light.
Billie quickly realizes what was going on, and although it's not a frequent topic in your conversations, she remembers having already heard you mention your 'irrational' fear of the dark, so in one swift movement, Billie lifts her head from her chest and sits down, pulling you to sit on her lap in a way that both of your legs were to one side and your body to the other.
"My love, breathe with me" Billie says, and begins to breathe slowly, hoping you will follow her example.
"I'm fine, it's just-" you are cut off by Billie placing a loving peck on your lips.
"Just breathe with me, okay?" she says, and you decide to follow what she says.
The two of you stayed like that for a while, and you could already feel yourself getting better, your breathing stabilizing and your fears calming as Billie rocked you back and forth in a calming motion.
"Feeling better?" she asks, her voice small and, although you can't see her face because of the dark, you could almost feel her big smile on her face.
"Yes" you answer almost in a whisper, partly because you're embarrassed for having a small panic attack in front of your girlfriend. Billie noticed your discomfort quickly and hugged you tighter.
"You have nothing to worry about, princess" she says "I love you and I want to see you well"
Even though both of you had already said 'I love you', hearing her say it so naturally still sends goosebumps and butterflies in your stomach, in the best way possible.
Suddenly, the dark didn't seem so scary anymore.
“I love you too,” you say, laying your head on Billie’s chest.
Maybe you could even get used to the dark, if it meant you had Billie to comfort you every time.
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blushingreid ¡ 2 days
Temporary Parents
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Spencer Reid x Fem!Reader
A/N: hi bbs, it’s been so so long & I’m sorry :( Here’s a longer fic that’s been in the drafts for YEARS NOW LMAOOOOO (disclaimer: this was written before my like 3 yr hiatus, no proof read, just straight posted for y'alls enjoyment) Giving some type of dad vibes I think might've been a request, but enjoy & slide me some feedback ! <3
Gun drawn, Spencer cautiously entered the house and into the child’s bedroom. Y/n followed closely behind, her gun out, ready for any outcome. Hearing a shuffle coming from the closet, y/n grasped Spencer’s bicep to get his attention before silently signaling to the closet. Spencer slowly approached the closet and whipped the door open.
“FBI! Put your hands up!”
Regret instantly hit Spencer as he holstered his gun when he saw a crying child crawl out of the closet. It was Jayden, Jordan Richard’s five-year-old son. 
Y/n holstered her gun and approached him, arms outstretched. “Hey there, you don’t have to be scared anymore, we’re the good guys,” she quietly explained as she motioned for Jayden to come closer to her.
He hesitated and looked between y/n and Spencer before running into y/n’s arms. After they left the house, Y/n brought him to the ambulance in the driveway to get checked out, while the team talked about the next steps.
They had been called to a small town in Virginia to investigate a series of families murdered with the same m.o. The team had gone to arrest the unsub, Jordan Richard, well the person they originally thought was the unsub. What they didn’t expect was for the alleged unsub and his family to have been the next victims. This meant the real unsub was still out there and the team was back to square one.
The only miracle was that the unsub had gotten sloppy and overconfident that he had just assumed that “missing” Jayden must’ve been sleeping over someone else’s house. Now this child would be the unsub’s demise.
Y/n was about to go join the team when Jayden grabbed her hand, silently pleading for her not to leave them. She gave him a small smile and sat down next to him in the ambulance.
“He’s lucky. There are no signs of any physical abuse,” the EMT said while placing a small band-aid on Jayden’s finger.
“Y/l/n, we need to take Jayden to headquarters and see if he can remember anything that can help us,” Hotch said before getting into one of the SUVs.
Y/n explained to Jayden the plan to head back to headquarters for the day. He didn’t seem to entirely understand the plan, except that he would get to spend the day with y/n, so he nodded and followed her into the SUV.
When they finally arrived at the bullpen, y/n led Jayden into one of the lounges. JJ came in to drop off some drawing supplies and snacks to help him feel more comfortable. The two of them spent the rest of the day attempting to get Jayden to open up about anything he might remember from last night. To everyone’s disappointment, Jayden was still too traumatized and only responded with nods and shakes of his head. Penelope had tried to find out if Jayden has any other family near, but she couldn’t find any. The social worker permitted Jayden to stay with y/n and Spencer, given that he’s a key witness and potentially still in danger. Actually, he wouldn’t let go of y/n’s leg when the social worker tried to take him for the night, so the social worker permitted him to stay with them until the case was solved. 
Once the three of them arrived at Spencer and y/n’s shared apartment, Spencer quickly went to childproof the guest bedroom. After tucking him in, y/n slid into bed next to Spencer, his arms instantly wrapping around her. 
“You know you always wanted kids,... so here you go,” y/n joked.
“I guess you could say this is our trial period for parenting,” Spencer laughed and placed a kiss goodnight to y/n’s forehead.
The multiple late nights and early mornings for this case, had tired them out so much that soon they were bother knocked out for the night. So knocked out, that neither felt Jayden crawl into bed with them. 
The next morning, y/n rolled over in bed to find that it was empty. She didn’t plan to leave her comfortable bed, until she heard Spencer scream. Running out of bed, she stopped once she saw Spencer covered in some type of food, Jayden no where to be seen. 
“Spence what happened to you?” Y/n laughed, walking into the kitchen.
“What’d you do to get him to do that?” She teased, looking around the apartment for Jayden. Y/n eventually found him watching tv in the guest room.
“Absolutely nothing. All I did was join him at the table and the next thing I knew he launched his yogurt at me. This is my favorite sweater too,” Spencer pouted, trying to wipe off the yogurt.
“It could be because the first time you met, you had a gun pointed at him. He could still feel threatened by you,” y/n sighed before grabbing Spencer a new shirt.
“By the end of this case, I swear to you, Jayden and I are gonna be best friends,” Spencer promised. 
Y/n didn’t doubt it one bit. She knew Spencer would be the best dad in the world. 
The next two days had gone quick, Spencer and y/n stayed with Jayden to keep him safe and were there once he was comfortable enough to give them more information about that night. 
Y/n had left Spencer and Jayden alone in the apartment, while her and Emily checked out some leads. She hoped, the two of them wouldn’t tear apart the apartment by the time she got back. They’d seemed to be getting along together the past two days.
After checking out the leads, y/n headed back to her apartment to check on Spencer and Jayden before heading back to headquarters. She mentally braced herself for whatever she would be walking into as she unlocked the apartment door. To her surprise, she heard Jayden and Spencer laughing together. As she entered the apartment, she saw Spencer and Jayden running and ducking behind furniture with nerf guns. She giggled at the scene in front of her.
Suddenly, she was hit in the forehead by a foam dart. Y/n looked in the direction the dart came from to see a guilty Spencer emerge from behind the kitchen counter.
“Sorry love, I thought you were Jayden,” Spencer said as he jogged to the door to greet her with a kiss.
“I see you two have been keeping yourselves entertained,” y/n laughed as she went to go sit on the couch. Spencer followed, wrapping an arm around her. 
Jayden finally emerged from their bedroom, nerf gun in one hand and a piece of paper in his other. He ran and jumped onto the couch in between Spencer and y/n. Y/n examined the paper Jayden had handed her. It seemed to be a drawing of a logo.
“This looks familiar Spence, like a company logo,” y/n said as she handed the drawing to him.
“T-th-the scary m-man,” Jayden said, pointing to a mean stick figure he’d drawn on the bottom corner of the paper.
“Is this how you know the man who hurt your family?” Y/n softly asked. Jayden quickly nodded his head before jumping off the couch and running into the other room.
“This might just be what we need to finally catch the unsub,” y/n exclaimed as she gave Spencer a quick kiss and ran out the door to tell the team.
Spencer wanted to be there with y/n and the rest of the team when they went to go arrest the unsub, but he knew he had to stay and keep Jayden safe. A small part of him was actually happy he stayed, that way he’d be able to spend more time with Jayden before a foster family takes him.
“Ok kid, how do we convince my wife to start trying for our own kid?”
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emeraldbloodcrown ¡ 15 hours
Once More
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Chapter: Four - Coffee Pairing: Poly; Tattoo Artists!141 x Baker!Female Reader Summary: John and you finally hang out while your grandmother seemingly doesn't wanna talk to you Content/Warning: Still none Word Count: 3k
The street lamps gave Johnny a soft glow and a boyish smile on his lips as he looked at you with those deep blue eyes of his. You scoffed and patted his shoulder, careful not to touch him for longer than appropriate, and went to leave his side.
"Thanks, Johnny. I see you around."
He went for your wrist and managed to brush your knuckles, a simple caress but it alarmed something in your brain. It made your eyes wide and turn your entire body to him, back to the walls and limbs close to yourself.
Johnny opened his mouth, seemingly noticing that something had gone wrong before he retracted his hand and instead went for something in his pocket. He moved slowly, eyes on you so he could watch you reaction as he pulled out his phone, swipping a couple times and turning the screen to you. The display showed a new contact profile.
"Gon' be easier if I got yer number, aye?"
You looked at his phone for a moment, long enough for the device to darken and for Johnny to try to ease the tension.
"Unless ye prefer notification per pidgeon carrier," he joked with a wagging of his eyebrows.
"You said you work at Death or Glory, right? Could just swing by for new ink instead."
"Oh? Yer gon' lemme give ye a new piece?"
"Oh no, I'm gonna tell you I got work for you and let Kyle do the honors."
Johnny placed a hand over his heart and staggered back as if shot on stage, but when he looked at you again, the twinkle in his eyes was back.
"Ye wound me. Come on, throw me a bone here, bonnie."
You waited for another moment before you sighed and took his phone, typing your number in. The smile on his face had turned into a full grown grin and as he reached to take his phone back, you held it out of his reach.
"You use this for anything but helping us, you're gonna get blocked so fast, you understand me?"
Johnny pocketed his phone again. "Yes, Ma'am."
"Have a good night, Johnny."
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Joining Anna, it didn't take both of you long to enter your dreamland and be dead to the world until your alarm rang, waking the two of you up for another day of work at the bakery.
"Nooooo," Anna groaned above you, having been the lucky one with the bed this time.
Glaring at your phone, you turned the alarm off and sat up, fighting the unwillingness to get up but ultimately moving to stand up. Anna had decided to snuggle into her Pegasus, trying to shield any light from her eyes to fall back asleep.
"Come on," you said, shaking her by the leg but only getting disgruntled groans from her and her hand attempting to swat you away like an annoying fly.
"We got work to do."
"We got sleep to do. Work can wait."
"If you're not sitting by the time I'm done, I'm gonna get a bucket of water."
After you were done with your morning routine, deciding to take some extra care after yesterday, you didn't immediately go back to Anna but instead took a detour upstairs. The room of your grandmother's was still locked, something she had done for as long as you could remember while she slept, so you knocked and listened for any sounds.
"Grandma? Can we talk?"
You took a glance at the clock in the hallway. Sure, it was early but if your job had taught you anything, it was that people, as soon as they became elderly, all turned into the earliest of birds. Couple that with the early-rising nature of her own work, there was no way, she'd still be sleeping.
So you tried again but making a point to knock against the door louder.
"I know you're up. I'm sorry about yesterday, it just doesn't make sense to me."
You sighed when you received no answer again and decided to try for one last time.
"At least come down for breakfast."
"Not hungry. Just leave."
You waited for another moment, feeling frozen in place as you still hoped for her to open the door, only to find yourself remembering that she was known for her stubbornness and you'd sooner find Easter and Christmas on the same day than have her give in first.
Feeling frustrated, you went back to Anna, taking a peak into the room and finding her dead asleep again, so you quickly grabbed a bucket out of the hallway closet.
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After breakfast, the two of you tackled painting the front room of the bakery. The floor had already been done by local workers, leaving the walls to be the only thing left to do before you could start assembling the furniture the both of you had picked weeks prior, and would be delivered by the weekend.
Having just finished the second base coat, you took a step back, somewhat cursing your brain for the idead it had just come up with.
Noticing your tension, Anna put her paint roller back into the tray, crossing her arms ands leaning her shoulder onto yours.
"I can hear the high-pitched whine of those wheels upstairs all the way from here; what's wrong?"
You hummed, lowering your shoulder to make it wasier for Anna's smaller frame.
"Not exactly wrong but…"
"But what?"
Making a window with your hands, opposite thumb and pointer finger touching, you held it low enough for Anna to look through and see the exact part of the wall you had in mind.
"Thinking of painting something. Our shade is light enough that it should work. I think."
"Hmm. You got the skills," Anna said, pinching your arm after she noticed the look you were giving her, "You do. But what motive?"
"Some nature scene. A tree in the breeze or something like that."
"Sounds good. And you better trust your own process or else!"
"What you say, my dear," you answered, sarcasm dripping in your voice.
"But," Anna exclaimed, "before that, the base coat gotta dry, which means you and I got some time to kill."
Raising an eyebrow, you watched as she quickly walked outside and unlocked the boot of your car, taking a very familiar bag out of it. Its shape was long, the top gray and the sides red with the name printed on it in white letters: Rummikub.
"Remember Mrs C?" Anna asked but it was mostly rhetorical.
Mrs C, or Silvya as she preferred to be called - even down to the point that she'd make it impossible to take care of her until she got her will - was one of those residents where leaving them made your heart bleed.
She was a beast if she wanted to but for a few chosen ones, Anna and you included, she was sweeter, still asking a lot but often ringing her emergency bell when she noticed one of you was running on fumes.
She'd have a cup of tea ready for you and would demand you take a break for how many minutes you could get away with, and in this minutes, she'd pop out a bag, just like Anna had in her hands, and play a quick round of Rummikub, a version of RommĂŠ that used playing pieces instead of cards.
"Course I do"
Anna turned the bag where Mrs C had written something.
>> For when you need a break. Good luck. <<
"We weren't allowed to accept gifts, you know that."
Anna scoffed, "Yeah, as if she would have cared."
Chuckling to yourself, you followed Anna to the little makeshift table where she sat up the game, holding the bag out for you to get your 14 pieces to start the game.
Assembling them in your preferred order, you waited for Anna to place hers down on the stand. After she was done, she clasper her hands together, leaning her chin down on them and smirking at you.
"You wanna bet?"
You rolled your eyes. It would've come as a bigger surprise if she hadn't wanted to play for some stakes.
"Sure, what do you want?"
"If I win, you give me Johnny's number-"
"Jesus fucking Christ," you groaned, putting your face in your hands in exasperation.
"You know what! You haven't even known him for a full day!"
"Hence his number!" Anna pouted.
In actuality, there was no discussion for you. Johnny hadn't mentioned if he was okay with you giving Anna his number so it was a no-brainer for you to not hand it out even if she won. But, and that let you stop arguing with her, that was a big if, so you just waved her off.
"At least wait a month with the damn wedding invitations."
"No promises," Anna said, immediately putting down a row of 60 points instead of the 30 that were required. "Show off"
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True to your assumption, Anna hadn't been able to win a single round. She had gotten close a few times but at the end you had always managed to draw the right piece.
"One more!" Anna's fists hit the table, making the pieces on it clatter but before you could find an excuse, your phone notified you of a text message.
"Ah! Saved by the bell."
Anna's verbal displeasure fell on deaf ears as you read it.
'Are you free at three today?'
The smile, present from Anna's antics, slipped a bit as your eyes went to the name you had saved the number under.
"It's John, he wants to meet."
She raised an eyebrow, "That's good, right? You wanted to see him again."
"I did…"
And you still do. It was just after his last text, you hadn't expected to hear from him again, so seeing him reach out took you by surprise.
You took a glance at the time on your phone, calculating in your head how long you'd need to finish and clean yourself up before you sent him an affirmative, receiving an answer within seconds.
'The Factory at three?'
"So?" Anna tried to take a peak at your screen but you quickly pocketed it after sending John a reply.
You took the bag and placed everything back inside much to Anna's dismay.
"No, no, no! My number!"
She went to make a grab for the bag but you held it out of her reach.
"You want it? Go ask him and get it."
Crossing her arms and pounting, she mumbled: "Give me the gossip then."
You rolled your eyes but relented. "I'm going on a coffee date with John at three."
Anna's mouth fell open and her eyes widened enough that her eyes seemed to pop out of her head at any moment.
"So it is a date," she screeched.
"Coffee date. No big deal," you said, emphasising every word.
"Nuh uh! With you it's a huge deal."
You couldn't really disagree with her but weren't in the mood to talk about it anymore, so you took the bag to the side and out of the way of any wayward drops.
"Which means I got about an hour before we gotta be done, so move it."
Anna grumbled and continued to glare at you but still followed your lead. Since the base coats were finally dry, you went to open the bucket of color and grabbed the paint roller to finish your task for the day. With both of you focusing on your work, the only noises came from the speakers playing Anna‘s playlist and you were able to get done quicker than you had originally thought.
“Need help with the clean up,“ you asked but Anna simply waved you off with a small smile.
“Just get ready for your date“ A pause before Anna continued, an exaggerated pout on her lips. “And bring me some pie!“
Saluting to her, you left the bakery, going home to take a much needed shower and getting all the specks of paint off you.
The Factory was located a little further away, looking like nothing much from the outside but once you stepped inside, you noticed a ELEPHANT charm about it. The layout of the shop was just like every other bakery or coffee shop but what made it unique, and gave it its name, was the assembly belt that worked as a display and counter.
Taking a look around, you noticed John sitting in a corner booth, dressed in jeans, sweater and jacket, all in varying shades of dark, and a beanie on his head, which he had drawn deep into his face. He was sitting a little hunched over and if it hadn‘t been for him looking up at that moment, you would‘ve missed him. Keeping you in his sight as you walked closer, you noticed his eyes darting around; checking to see who was around you.
“Hello, love,“ John pointed across from him.
Usually, you would have no qualms about following his lead, not being one for bold actions, but something about how he tried to disappear into himself, you found yourself motioning and waiting for him to slip out of the booth.
There was a moment in which John hesitated, not unlike the situation at the hardware store, pondering what would be in his best interest before he did as you were asking. As soon as he stood, you pulled him into a hug, squeezing gently but still keeping it short enough to not make him too uncomfortable.
“Good to see you again,“ you said, letting go of him and slipping into the booth. John followed you after he got over his initial shock.
There was silence between you as you both studied what to order from the small menu but even after a waiter had taken your orders, it didn‘t dissipate. It wasn‘t uncomfortable for you but you still decided to fill it a little by commenting on things you noticed in the shop, receiving either short mumbles or nodding from John.
You didn‘t pay it much mind, this wasn‘t born out of mutual interest in each other but for you to pay back a favor, so you were perfectly fine with carrying the conversation. Apparently, John was not.
He sighed and took a sip from his black coffee, surprised when he noticed your attention on him.
“Sorry, love. I‘m..I‘m not used to this anymore“
You cocked your head, smiling at him playfully. “What? Talking to someone?“
“Is that all we‘re doing?“
“All it has to be.“
A smile finally graced his lips, his shoulders seemed to draw back a little, relaxing for the first time since you‘ve seen him.
“Why would you wanna waste your time with an old man like me?“
You scoffed, raising an eyebrow. “You‘re not old, just older, and by what? Ten years, fifteen? Had plenty of residents with a bigger age gap and they were perfectly happy.“ Noticing the implications of your words, you added: “Not that it has to mean anything.“
John seemed to be amused by your innocent blunder, but the moment a customer in the booth to the right started laughing loudly, he withdrew into himself again, realizing where he was.
You looked down at your mostly empty mug of Chai. “You wanna get out of here?“
He mustered you, taken aback by your suggestion and for a moment you thought he would just cut this short but he nodded, pulling out his wallet but you beat him to the punch, leaving enough bills to cover both of your drinks.
“Told you it was my treat.“
As soon as he was able to get outside of the shop and breathe some fresh air, John seemed to relax again, still with his walls all the way up, but less likely to be waiting for something to jump out at him.
“Lead the way“
John turned the corner, guiding you along some small side streets, giving you small anecdotes as you passed them, still not talking a lot but offering something up by himself. However little it was.
The town grew less familiar, knowing that if John didn‘t bring you back later on, you‘d have a hard time finding your way back home, but after numerous turns, the labyrinths of little paths opened up to a wide, open public garden.
The flowerbed at the front showed already a colorful mix of different flowers, giving off a divine scent and you decided then and there, that this was your new favorite place in town.
“This is breath-taking...“
You couldn‘t help but be in awe, following John through the flower archway. You could hear other visitors from all around you but due to the hedges lining the path, it still offered some privacy; something John seemed to be very keen on.
“My,“ he started, pausing to decide how to continue, “My ex-wife designed this. I think she‘s outdone herself with it.“
Just by his tone, you could tell that it was a loaded sentence, but the shift in his expression - a dark shadow taking over his face - made it obvious how painful just the mention of her must be to him, so you decided to distract him without dismissing him.
“It‘s beautiful regardless. Why did you wanna come here?“
“Never got to see it done, and I thought you might like it,“ he said, shrugging.
“I do. Definitely need to show Anna this.“
As if eased by your answer, his smile reappeared.
“Thanks for meeting me, by the way."
"Was high time, love. I know you wanted something else but I'm glad you agreed to this."
"No worries," you said, smiling at him and knocking your elbow against his, "Still would like to take you out for dinner for your help."
"I'll think about but no promises"
You cheered a little, making him chuckle at your antics when your phone went off with another text, deciding to quickly check as you walked with John through the garden, only to find your heart drop to your stomach as what you were reading.
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kodathings ¡ 2 days
𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊
Drunk!Ning x gf!reader
Warnings: Mention of drinks, drunk Ning, mention of cigarettes and teenagers making out.
Gender: Fluff
a/n: An anonymous person asked me for this before so I hope it's good since it's the first request I've received. And I couldn't put an image on it, I don't know why and I gave up.
You never imagined that just one party would cause problems for you, you weren't even there to see what happened.
It started with Ning just being invited to a party at Giselle's house and she obviously accepted the invitation since it's been so long since she had fun like that. You can't protest for not being able to go with her, you just left her alone that night hoping she would show responsibility, but that's not how things ended.
"Honey, I'm going to the party, okay? I'll help Aeri and the girls pack the missing things" She gave you a kiss on the cheek and picked up the bag she left next to you on the couch. "Call me if you need to and be careful, don't drink too much" you saw the girl playfully roll her eyes at your concern "Okay, mom" "Hey, stop it, I'm just worrying about you"
She gave a wave and was quick to leave quickly because according to her she was too late and needed to get there soon. The apartment felt a little empty without her with the sun she always carried with herself, but you could get used to not going places with her for the first time. She always asked you to come along, but this time you were too busy and she understood that.
With a prolonged sigh, your body melted into the sofa and you stood there like an old woman typing things into the notebook on your lap without moving anything other than your fingers and eyes. The worst thing about all this is that she didn't tell you when she was going to come back, of course it's a party and she wouldn't have a time, but anyway it was good to leave an estimate and she didn't even leave that.
Leaving her alone in the world is harder than you thought. Were you really feeling like a mother letting her daughter go out for the first time to an unfamiliar place, It wasn't that Giselle's house was unfamiliar, but sometimes things could get out of hand at a party. A party with mostly teenagers to be more specific, that is, everything will go wrong at some point and you knew it from the beginning. Everyone knows it.
As the night went on you found yourself checking your phone a few times, the time seemed to pass too slowly for you but not for Ning who was having fun. You just wanted a text that she was okay or a call. What does it cost to just say she was alive???Should you worry that much? Maybe...yes...
It was already past midnight and you started to give up waiting for her, well she wasn't going to come back early so all I had to do was go to sleep and hope for the best for her. As a precaution, your cell phone didn't stay silent tonight to listen to calls and messages if she sends something. Finally you lay in bed, without your girlfriend your side seemed much harder, it's strange that there isn't an extra weight on your side to serve as a pillow. What hell would that be.
It was like a teen movie: the sound of the phone ringing woke you up with a shock because it was too loud. You can't focus to see who was calling you, it seemed like an unknown number but it was just Karina, one of Ningning's friends calling you, and also one of the people who were at the party.
Your head was too sleepy to think about the worst, so your reaction was the least likely, until you slowly gave up your cell phone without even remembering that you had a girlfriend running around alone at a party. "Who is this? I was sleeping, man..." your head lay down once again on the soft pillow while on the other end of the line you could only hear 3 people talking and background music "If this is a prank I will-" "You’re Ning’s girlfriend right?”
It would be terrifying for anyone to see how his eyes opened now, his mind retraced all the memories of his day and especially that his girlfriend was out of the house "Yes it's me. Did something happen? She is fine?" an awkward silence remained on both sides.
"She's fine...she just drank too much" it was as if Karina wanted to tell you something else but left it aside, but left without success when suddenly Giselle started talking "She mixed drinks with no meaning and now she only talks about you. Can you come get her? I swear to God Winter can't stand listening to her anymore, no offense."
You know it's not the intention to offend or anything, but you still felt a little upset with the way she spoke about it, it would have been better for Karina to have spoken out straight away. "I'm coming" and you were actually arriving, you didn't even bother to change your clothes, you just took off your slippers with drawings and walked out in your pajamas to the car.
Giselle's house wasn't that far making her life easier and lessening her worry about leaving Yizhuo with the three girls, the only one responsible was Karina and she seemed more drunk than the others two. Arriving at the house, his eyes swept over the teenagers and adults smoking or kissing in front. This felt more like a nightclub than a party to you. "Where did that girl get herself?" When I say there were a lot of people making out I say A LOT, no joke.
You left the car parked just before Aeri's house, you didn't want someone to mistake you for an Uber and start having sex in their car that would be fucking disgusting. With her cell phone in her hand, Karina's number was being called, this was repeated more than once as it took her so long to understand and she looked for her head even more. "Hey, where are you? I thought you said you were coming" this time it was Winter speaking.
"I'm already here at the front. You can bring her here, right? I'm..." her eyes went to her pajamas with a big unicorn on the print "... in some trouble here". More and more complaints appeared in the background as minjeong tried to talk to you "Are you serious? Okay, I'm already going with her"
"Ning, just let me out of the car, why is it so hard to let go?"
"I don't want to lose you, stay here..."
It was so cute but so irritating to deal with Ning in his drunken self. She was very emotional and very clingy thinking that something will happen when you let her go. She stayed the whole way home grabbing your arm and never letting go — she almost caused an accident, but we won't talk about that. It was for these reasons that you couldn't let her go out to parties alone, especially when it was at Giselle's house.
"We're just going to get out of the car, I promise you can hold my arm again after this." There were so many attempts and the silliest one made her loosen her grip on his arm. "Promise?" her half-closed but still striking eyes went to you as if you were a puppy afraid of being abandoned, despite showing her tiredness it still looked cute somehow "Promise". It was so relieving not to have your arm being held so tightly as if it were a rope squeezing your arm.
The difficulty of taking care of her was only getting worse when you entered the apartment you missed so much. Still feeling like a tree and your koala, you tried walking around the room with her on your arm, the strong tightness returning to give you slight pain that you would have to endure.
"You had fun tonight, didn't you?" you said as you walked with her down the hall towards the bedroom, your mission was to distract her while trying to at least let her sleep in comfortable clothes tonight. "Yes" a drunken smile appears on her lips along with a low laugh. "The party was cool, there were a lot of people there and I didn't even know them all" Ningning seemed to have fun talking about it, her eyes closing in sleep.
"I'm glad you had fun" In those moments it seemed like so much patience and affection in your voice, if not just one thing different would make her doubt you or even cry. "Sit here, let's take those high heels off of you" she could barely walk straight with her drunkenness. Crouching in front of her, You spent a while trying to figure out how to get those high heels off her and they were really high for some reason.
Your girlfriend can't help you, she's too busy lying in bed without making any effort to formulate meaningful words, they were just drunken mumblings, nothing you should pay attention to.
Your help was with everything as if she were a big baby, from taking off her shoes to helping her take a bath. During this she grumbled angrily at every thing she didn't want to do and was soon sleeping in her arms or just staring at you meaninglessly.
Ning was already lying in bed in her own less drunk world as, with great difficulty, she took a cold shower right after getting rid of her clothes that smelled like cigarettes and drinks.
The lights were turned off, you lay down next to her in bed with a tired sigh after everything you had to do tonight, everything was too hectic. "Thank you for taking care of me" a voice appeared right next to her along with a pair of arms and a leg coming over hers "I don't know where I would be right now if it weren't for you"
Your body turns to her side only to see those beautiful eyes looking at you in the dim light of the night, there were more words than in a dictionary "I was worried about my girlfriend, you're still like a baby" a light slap was transferred to your arm as a joke "Stop it, silly".
Both laughter was breaking the silence of the night, listening to her laugh was like seeing her singing the softest melody that could exist. You liked her laugh in the same way you liked hearing her talk, even if it was the stupidest thing she could imagine. Spending this time with her was sacred for you, it would be for anyone because of the way she naturally is.
Little by little you calmed down, Ning getting lost in your eyes more and more and you in the same state as her. The weight of sleep you lost worrying about her began to appear so suddenly, both for you and for her. The silence felt so comfortable, the annoying noise of the party was no longer looping in Ningning's head.
The weight in her eyes caused them to close quickly without any action. She hugged you a little tighter than usual, letting you know that she didn't want to leave you in your sleep. And she wouldn't, not now that the two of them were cuddling together, feeling and taking comfort in each other's warmth for a likely long night's sleep.
"I love you, Y/n…" a soft murmur came out before she fell asleep in your arms.
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poppy-metal ¡ 2 days
Ok but champagne problems - how do they bring reader home? who breaks first? I also need to know how/where Pat fits into all of it shdbhssjakk I'm sorry I'm just a sucker for reader getting saved kfjsuajsbshsksmsm
art probably makes the first move - surprisingly. you and tashi are both annoyingly stubborn. even though its obvious you want to be back with them and tashi wants you back - and art does too. he thinks he took too much of a passive role in the relationship. its fine when its just him and tashi - but you'd always needed to shown through action. words were nice, too.
its the first big selfish move he makes - because he misses you too. he's angry at you for the mess you've made of things - but he misses you. he doesn't have a plan though, not really. tashi was always better at those.
you probably end up sleeping together. for the first time just being the two of you alone. he finds you at a bar - or you call him after a fight with your husband because you know he'll be more clinical with you than tashi. he won't ask questions or demand vengeance. you know he hates you, he doesn't love you. but he'll buy you a hotel room because tashi would want him too. you'd buy one yourself but your husband has hold of all your credit cards. you'd use your fathers emergency debit card but the transaction would show and he'd have questions. you just want it to be quick and easy. you and art don't even have to talk to eachother. without tashi there, you doubt he'll say a word to you at all.
you're wrong, though. art does show up - but he's not the stoic silent wall of ice you expect him to be. he wants to talk to you, he says. he has things hes been meaning to tell you for a long time.
"i dont like him." he tells you when he's driving you in his car to the hotel. you dont get his angle. you tell him your husband is fine, you're just having a rought patch and you want some space. "you dont love him." and you dont like that he's suddenly in your business. telling you what you feel.
"you don't know me." you end up telling him, when you've argued the whole way up the elevator, going back and forth on what you feel, apparently. "you dont even like me, art. you're only here because of tashi."
and he stops. looks at you. runs a hand through his hair and shakes his head because you frustrate him so fucking much. you always have. he doesn't know why tashi let you get away with so much. she wouldn't let him, that's for sure. but you'd always poked at a tender spot for his wife. he used to resent that - he thinks it was just jealousy, though. jealousy of how you spoke your mind. went after what you wanted. even if you were a brat about it.
arts always been muted. he doesn't let himself feel things too strongly because hes afraid of how the people he cares about will view him. but he cares about you, and obviously you need to hear him.
he kisses you. he kisses you and kisses you and kisses you and he backs you up into the hotel room he bought you and this isn't how he'd thought about this going - when he thought about trying to bring you back into his and tashi's life - it was much more thought out. he's acting on instinct, though. and you're kissing him back, anyway.
his wedding ring snags on a strand of your hair when he cups your face and the reminder that tashi isn't here isn't the deterrent it would have been a year ago. he doesn't think tashi would be mad about this - probably she'd just want to know the details. he'll remember them.
arts different without tashi's guidance - more eager - more desperate - the way he grips you, holds you, yanks your tights down to then duck between your legs and eat at you like a man starved - you dont think you've ever felt more desired by him than you do right now. because you know this is what he wants. that hes doing it for him.
the way he groans into your cunt - licks and savors you - plunging his tongue inside - its like hes ravenous for you.
"tell me you dont want him," he says when he's pressed against your entrance - teasing you with the barest nudge of his cock inside. he's glaring down at you almost. holding your legs spread open and wide for him -
you gasp, arching up. "but hes my husband -"
"i dont care." art bullies another inch into you. "tell me who you really want to fuck you."
he slips his head in - rocks it in and out in agonizing rolls of his hips - but doesn't feed you anything else. keeps you pinned down under him even as you squirm and whine for it. hes more like tashi than he probably thinks. this possessive streak is making your pussy tighten, you want to draw him all the way inside you. you need it. you've been without it for so long. the shape of his cock in your cunt, it filling you, you missed it so bad. you dont want to have to pretend anymore.
"you." you pant. your toes curl by his head when he sinks another inch. god, hes so big. "i want you to fuck me art -"
you cut off with a groan when he pushes fully inside. his pelvis meeting your clit. you wrap your legs around his waist, draw him to you. you kiss again, messy and sloppy and he moans into your mouth, "fuck - you feel so good." he rains kisses all down your throat as he starts moving his hips. "missed how you - how your little pussy squeezes me - "
you missed his cock, you think you moan. you dont know. your mind kind of fuzzes out after that, his hips slap against yours and you're lost in it. you haven't felt this good, this whole, in a year - since you left - you rake your nails down his back to mark yourself there. stake some sort of claim and he grunts. fucks you even harder.
you don't know what you'll do when you're thinking more clearly. you just want to feel good again.
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aoioozora ¡ 7 hours
Part 11
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10
Character: Simon Riley / Ghost Content: Biker! Ghost x Fem! Reader, strangers to lovers, fluff, civilian au TW: Mentions of murder Note: Thank you for your patience! Here is Simon's angsty backstory.
A beacon of harsh white light appeared right under the face of the shadow, illuminating its grim face and casting ominous shadows under its eyes, nose, cheekbones, and lips like the teller of a ghost story would do. She let out a frightened squeak before finally recognizing the face of the shadow.
“You scared me!” she chuckled as she put her hand over her racing heart.
“That was the point.” He laughed as he watched her climb up to the porch. Under the ghastly, sharp light of the torch, he playfully flashed a devious grin.
“Stop it, you look terrifying!” She exclaimed, shaking her head with a smile.
Simon switched off the torch and was hidden in the shadows again. It took a few moments for her eyes to adjust to the darkness again and to see him a little clearer. She could vaguely see him slouched on the bench, wrapped in a thin blanket from the elements.
“Can’t sleep?” she asked, now sitting next to him and placing Little Simon aside.
“Johnny’s snoring,” Simon shook his head, letting out an annoyed grumble, “Can’t sleep with such a delightful little jukebox cozied up next to me, you know.” He turned to her when she chuckled. “What about you?”
“I slept too much in the afternoon,” she sighed, “and so I sat up working on my novel, thinking I’d get sleepy soon enough, but that didn’t happen, so here I am.”
He let out a short “hmm” as he stared at the rain that was now falling a little heavier. ____ leaned forward to check on the tent.
“I hope the tent’s not getting wet inside,” she said.
“Don’t worry, it’s waterproofed. We’ve slept through many rainy nights in that tent, so it’ll be as right as rain,” he answered, smirking at his unexpected pun, and feeling quite gratified when he heard her chuckle. 
“I remember you made a rain pun the second time we met at the book cafe,” she remarked, continuing to giggle.
“What can I say,” he sighed a self-gratified sigh, now half-joking and half attempting to make her laugh again, “I can be pretty funny at times.”
“For sure,” she smiled and said with sincerity, “I really do think you’re funny.”
His eyebrows shot up slightly. Outside of his friends, he didn’t think anybody found him hilarious, knowing that he frightened most people with his massive build and dark, beady eyes, and his general serial-killer vibe. He felt a warmth build in his chest at her compliment and smiled gratefully.
“So do the three of you go camping often?” she asked.
“We usually go every weekend unless one of us is busy. Actually, it’s been a while since we went camping because Johnny and Gaz always have prior plans on the weekend.”
“And you never did?” 
Simon felt needles pricking him in the chest and he chuckled painfully at the question. “I rarely have plans with anyone except the lads. I normally spend my weekends going on long rides or I’d visit my family.” He inhaled the scent of the pattering rain, “I don’t have a lot of friends besides the lads and you.”
She gave him a sympathetic look and turned back to the rain. Feeling a shiver course through her body, she instinctively moved closer to Simon and sat shoulder to shoulder with him. “It’s cold,” she shivered and rubbed her goosebumped arms, “and I left my hoodie in the tent too.”
Simon immediately saw his chance and opened up the thin but warm blanket he was wrapped in. “We can share the blanket if you want to,” he invited, holding one of the corners of the blanket in his hand, opening it out to her.
She didn’t hesitate to move closer to him, and as she did, his arm wrapped around her shoulder and pulled her still closer, draping the large blanket over her body. Their legs pressed together, her shoulder pressed against his side, and her head found itself resting in the divot of his shoulder. His body radiated heat like a loaf of freshly baked banana bread that she couldn’t help but snuggle closer to him. Simon blushed and blushed; he was over the moon. Her closeness only increased his body heat and started revving his heart’s engines. He silently thanked the rain for being a wingman. 
As if in response to his silent gratitude, a cold wind blew, sending a spray of rain their way. Simon quickly raised the blanket over her face to shield her. 
“This man is forged by Chivalry himself,” she thought. “Oh wait, that’s a brilliant line! I should write it down.” But when she realised she didn’t bring her phone with her, she had to resort to carefully stashing it in her mind. For now, she decided to focus on how jittery and warm his touch made her feel, and wanting more of it, she moved closer again.
At her slight movement, his head turned slightly, hyper aware of how close his face was to hers. “Are you warm, darling?” He whispered, his voice carrying a slight tremor of the nervousness of a reclusive man experiencing an unknown but pleasant feeling.
“Warm and toasty like a marshmallow,” she answered, grinning gleefully at him.
His body burned at the sight of her smile. He tightened his arm around her shoulder, and she could feel his muscles tense and flex around her neck, and his fingers grazed lightly against her upper arm. His rugged shoulder was under her soft cheek. The damp air, the smell of laundry detergent and rainforest cologne from his clothes wafted to her nose, reminding her of the night she first met him. He could smell femininity from her proximity, and he inhaled sharply, pursing his lips tight and fighting the urge to lean down and kiss her senseless. 
“Simon,” she called, her voice soft.
“You said you don’t have a lot of friends,” she began and then paused for a moment, “Were you never in contact with anyone from school or university?” 
She felt his body go stiff; she didn’t see it in the dark, but his jaw tightened too, and he answered through his teeth, “No darling, not one contact…”
His voice trailed off and a heavy silence from him followed. She sensed that there was something more hiding behind his tense answer, a hidden, brewing, twisting whirlpool in a blackened vase. She was afraid to pry, but her concern and curiosity overcame her. “How come?” she asked.
She could feel his chest expand as he inhaled a sharp, whistled breath. He cautioned in a whisper, “Darling, it’s not a pretty story.” His voice was solemn, and she understood that what was behind the reason was truly heavy and unpleasant. 
“Do you not want to tell me? She pressed gently, “I understand if you don’t want to.”
He looked at her, brows furrowed, eyes slightly narrowed, and jaw still taut. “If I tell you, you might hate me.” he thought, weighing his options. He knew that if he was to possibly date her one day, he’d have to reveal his murky past either way. And he wasn’t dating her now so, “the sooner the better. If she hates me now, so be it.” 
“Well…” he began, “As a lad, I was, to put it mildly, in bad company. And this bad company scared off any potential friends I could’ve made in school.” He paused, letting that information sink in first.
She asked, “What was this-” in air quotes, “-“bad company”?” 
No more beating around the bush when he admitted directly, “I was in a gang.” When he saw her wide eyes, he added, “Can’t get a lot of good friends in a gang, can you? Everyone and their mum would be too scared to associate.” 
She was silent for a while, and he looked at her with pursed lips and a tense brow, worried about her silence. “That’s…” she began, “wow.” She turned to look at him, and her eyes swept over his dark silhouette with a look that told him that she started to view him differently. She was both worried and intrigued by this; her opportunistic writer’s mind was selfishly curious. She shook off the feeling and chided herself to have some empathy for him. 
He’d half expected she’d get up and leave and never speak to him again, but her voice was still soft when she asked, “Why were you in a gang anyway?”
She was beginning to step deeper and deeper into the most vulnerable parts of him, and it made his stomach churn anxiously like a beaker filled with all the wrong chemicals. His knee bounced restlessly and he answered, “Didn’t have a lot of friends, darling. Johnny was my only friend back then, but I wanted more…” he inhaled shakily, “I wanted a whole group of friends. A clique. A posse.”
She looked understandingly at him, leaning a little further against his shoulder. His arm tightened around her shoulders, as if wanting more of and appreciating her support.
“I was about fourteen, right, and at that difficult age, fitting in with your peers means everything,” he sighed, absentmindedly rubbing his thumb against her shoulder, filling her with a warmth that she sadly had to ignore so that she could pay attention to him, “and I was invited to join the gang that had their turf around my school. One of the olders- that’s what the higher ranking members were called- scouted me and Johnny off the street. Johnny refused, but I accepted almost immediately.”
Her gaze never left him, even though he stared straight ahead at the now rainy lake. “And what was that like, being in a gang?” she asked.
“It was kind of fun at first to be honest, but the novelty wears off soon enough. It’s a dangerous, reckless business, especially for kids. You’re always being stopped by the police and searched for small knives, and they can even sniff out the safehouses where we stash drugs and weapons. There are always ongoing feuds between gangs, and the older, higher ranking members use the younger kids as their soldiers. The feuds can sometimes turn into turf wars too.” 
“Turf wars?”
“Each gang has their own territory, and there are consequences if you trespass. But the gang I was in was a strong one, and we had beaten down enough smaller gangs to expand our area in London, where I lived.”
There was a pause and she sat pondering for a moment. “Have you directly participated in a turf war, though?” she questioned.
“A couple, yes. As one of the youngers myself, I had to.” he nodded. He paused, pursing his lips for a moment before he admitted, “The last one I’ve been in landed me in prison.”
Her eyes flew wide with shock. “In prison?” she exclaimed.
Simon grimaced at her reaction, his worries only increasing. “I don’t think you want to know the details, darling.”
“But now I’m really curious,”
He hesitated. Well, he had come this far; there was no backing out now. He fiddled with his fingers as he continued, “I went to prison at the humble age of fourteen for… manslaughter.”
He now feared that she would definitely walk off and leave, but she sat there, still close next to him, her eyes widening further. She was frozen in silence for a long time, considering how he could have committed such a gruesome crime at such a young age. The patter of the rain and the howl of the wind filled the brief, heavy silence.
“I didn’t enjoy it,” he blurted truthfully, hoping it would keep her from seeing him as a heartless killer, “It was all an in-the-heat-of-the-moment thing. We got ganged up on in an alley, me and two other of my lads against five. It was a stab fest from there. Three were heavily injured, one of which succumbed to their injuries, and I killed the other two by stabbing them in the neck and chest,” he paused to point to his neck and then his heart. She could vaguely make out the remorse on his face in the darkness as he whispered, “I stabbed them like I was the senate stabbing Caesar.” 
Her jaw slackened and her brows furrowed, almost feeling like a cold blade had sunk into her own body upon hearing this dreadful account. Her chest tightened and her stomach and she felt a painful throb in her heart as she imagined what the situation would have looked like.
“I was stabbed too, in many places,” he said, turning his head and pointing to the curious scar on his cheek. As he pointed at a spot on the left side of his chest, his stomach, and his right thigh, he could remember how it felt to have the short, cold knives sink into his skin, how they twisted harshly enough to wring out strangled screams from his mouth and his lifeblood out of the wounds. As his fingers passed over the scars under the fabric of his t-shirt, they thrummed and tingled in response to his memories.
Her features winced as she imagined a juvenile Simon drenched in his own blood and the blood of his victims, staggering and out of breath as he remorsefully stared at the work of his hands, feeling the weight of his guilty conscience and of the heavy hand of the law that would soon follow. 
“Proper gangs are rarely in the business of killing, and they won’t kill unless they absolutely have to. As the youngers, we were instructed only to injure and never kill, because dead men tell no tales, and it’ll only start a vendetta. But I killed. And the two other lads who were with me abandoned me and didn’t want to associate,” he shook his head, “So much for wanting new friends.”
“Were you ever found out by your family?” she asked when she found her voice.
“Yeah, by my elder brother. The alley where the stabbing took place was not too far from our old residence, and Tommy happened to be taking a shortcut to go home. On the way, he caught me slinking around. When he saw all the blood on me, he was shocked. Bombarded me with tons of questions. He was furious when I told him everything and he smuggled me to our uncle John’s place.”
She grimaced slightly at the mention of her ex. Now that she thought of it, she remembered John telling her back then of his family member who was in prison, and of his visits there. To think that it had to be the same man in front of her.
Simon continued, “Tommy and I told our uncle about the whole thing and at first, he refused to shelter me since he didn’t want to get in trouble with the law. But after some convincing, he showed me some pity and let me stay with him. Of course, he didn’t do so without a price,” he paused to chuckle bitterly at the pun on his uncle’s surname, “the price being a severe lecture as he treated my wounds.” 
The lady sighed, feeling pity for him, and even a little for John too.
“Eventually,” he shifted in his seat, “the police found me, came knocking on my uncle’s door. He had no choice but to surrender me to them, and I was angry with him for it. But I guess it was for the best.”
There was a pause from him for a moment. She gently pried, “and what happened after that?”
“I was taken to court. Me and the lads who were with me,” he answered, “They got a slightly lighter sentence. A couple measly years in prison and rehab for them. But mine was pretty severe, even for a fourteen year old. Eight years in prison and rehab. Ten years if I was remorseless, but my guilt lightened my sentence.”
She gulped harshly, unable to imagine such a young boy in prison. “And your family… how did they take it?”
He let out a laboured sigh, his gaze towards the rainy lake going out of focus as he vividly recalled the reactions of his parents. “My mum was inconsolable. She cried when she heard about what I did. She cried in court and she cried nearly everyday I was in prison. Uncle and Tommy tried to comfort her, but she wouldn’t be comforted. It was only when I assured her that I was undergoing rehab and continuing my schooling from prison that she felt a little relieved.”
Her shoulders relaxed when she heard that. “What about your dad?”
She felt his body stiffen. He was silent for a moment before he answered sorrowfully, “My dad… he was deployed in Iraq when he heard of this. He was angry with me– actually, angry is an understatement, he was livid. If it weren’t for my mum and uncle, he’d have disowned me already.”
“Disowned!” she exclaimed softly.
“Yeah, disowned. Being a Colonel in the Army, he didn’t want a criminal, murderer son. He thought it was disgraceful and embarrassing.” he answered bitterly, “I can clearly remember the time he came to visit me in prison for the first and last time. He said, “having a son like you is worse than death”.”
The lady was shocked to hear this. “He said that?” Her brows furrowed and she felt a twinge in her heart. “That’s awful. How could he be so heartless and say that to a child?”
“Yeah…” his voice trailed off, “But he’s always been like that. Strict and hard on both me and my brother. I never liked him. I always wondered what mum saw in him to love.” He ran a hand through his hair wearily, “He was an absent father, physically and emotionally. My mum knew it. She didn’t want us to be without a positive male role model, so she asked her younger brother to help her raise us. That’s where uncle John comes in. I liked him way better.”
She pursed her lips, now understanding why Simon and John were so tight-knit. She then asked, “Did your dad ever get over this? I mean, it’s been years now.”
He sighed yet again, shaking his head resignedly. “Not at all. He refused to visit me in prison, refused to talk to me after I was released, and still doesn’t want to talk to me. From what I hear from Tommy, it seems that I have ruined his reputation as an officer and a father by being a criminal.” 
Her heart sank. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t have to see his face to understand that he was deeply hurt by his father’s treatment. Looking down, she saw his clenched, trembling fist resting on his thigh. She gingerly placed her hand over his fist. It took him a moment but his fist loosened, and she gently stroked the back of his hand with her thumb to console him.
“I'm so sorry, Simon,” she whispered, her voice cracking slightly. 
Simon drew in a shaky breath, relieved that she was still by his side after hearing about his pathetic past. Her gentle touch soothed and calmed his anxieties and fears. “It's fine,” he managed to croak out, his reassurance ending in a weary sigh, “It's fine.”
“And now there's the family reunion to go to.” 
“I didn't want to go,” he admitted, “I only agreed for mum's sake. I honestly don't want to face my dad and have him look at me like I'm…” his jaw clenched, “the scum of the earth.”
She eased her caress on the back of his hand, and slipped her hand into his, giving him a squeeze so gentle it gave him butterflies. 
“Don't worry, you won't have to face him alone,” she declared quietly, “You've always had my back, and now it's my turn to have yours. If he or anyone says anything bad about you, I’ll fight them!” 
He chuckled at her determination and squeezed her hand back, feeling relief so strong that it felt like he was a barren land being bathed in rain for the first time in years. “You are too sweet,” he said, smiling a little. 
“Only for you, because you're special,” she giggled. 
An overwhelming feeling of warmth enveloped his body at her words. You’re special. The words replayed in his mind like a broken vinyl record. A lump choked his throat, and his eyes nearly welled up and burned with tears that threatened to spill over. He blinked them back quickly and steadied his breathing, not wanting her to know or see. He squeezed her shoulder, saying breathlessly, “Thank you.”
“Anything for you,” she couldn't help but think, almost wanting to lean in and kiss his forehead to reassure him further. But she held back. 
The two then sat in comfortable silence watching the rain until Simon felt the lady's weight grow heavier against him. He tilted his head down to check on her. 
He strained his eyes in the dark and saw that she was fast asleep. Even in the loud patter of the rain, he could clearly hear her soft breathing. His heart melted at the sight. He had just revealed to her the bloodiest stain on his past and she still trusted him enough to fall asleep on his shoulder? Simon's chest swelled with elation and joy to witness such love from her. 
Peeking over her other side, he noticed Little Simon looking cold and forlorn. Smiling, he carefully reached over and took the soft toy, and lifting her arm up slightly, he tucked the little fellow against her stomach. He then adjusted the blanket over her so that she could experience maximum warmth. 
And then, the cherry on top. 
He lightly pressed his lips against her forehead, whispering with a tenderness foreign to him,
“Good night, my love.” 
End of Part 11.
Part 12 coming soon :)
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itsmarsss ¡ 1 day
How do you think blitz would react if he broke into a co-worker's house (like he did in the pilot episode, purring and all) and their reaction was just the most sleepy "kitty.." he's ever heard then they just hug his head to their chest so now he's stuck there?
Their ass went right back to sleep too.
So maybe Blitzø broke into your apartment complex by picking the lock. Maybe Blitzø broke into your apartment by climbing the side of the building and opening a window. Maybe he broke into your room by… well that one was easy, no one locks their bedroom door when they live on their own.
And so what if he did? He did this to M&M aaaalll the time. Moxxie was a whiny bitch about it but Millie didn’t seem too pissed, though she had asked him to maybe give it a rest for a few days. And he was bored as shit, who could blame him?
Now he’d never listen to Moxxie’s complains, but Millie had asked him very nicely, and he’d been dying to see what the place was like anyways.
Before going into the bedroom, he took a look around the rest of the place. It was simple, but cozy enough. You had an actually nice couch, you were running low on the eggs and the milk in the fridge and you had a board with notes, reminders and various pictures of yourself with different members of I.M.P. pinned on it. He had to fight the urge to go and scribble his face out of them the way he did in his own place.
He wandered into the bathroom, rummaging through the cabinet. Naturally. Eh, nothing much except a real fancy shampoo he remembered Loona mentioning to you once.
How uninteresting.
Finally, he cracked open the bedroom door, which creaked, making him stop and stare intently at you to make sure you didn’t wake up before intended. When you continued your steady breathing, eyes still closed, he tiptoed towards the bed. Oh this was gonna be hilarious. He climbed over you, getting his face as close to yours as possible, trying to see how long he could stare until you stirred awake.
It took a long five minutes before your eyes fluttered open, to be met with his widened one’s right at your face. But he didn’t get the intended response. He didn’t startle you into screaming, which seemed like the most fun outcome. You didn’t even scold him or complain, which were the least fun ones but still could be entertaining enough. No, you tilted your head to side, as if questioning for a split second what he was doing there, before smiling softly in contempt and pulling him to lie down over your body.
“What are you-“
“Pretty kitty. Sleep with me.” You sounded half-asleep, still.
“That’s not what I-“
“Shhhh. Shut up.” You tightened your embrace around him, trapping him against you. Well, not trapping. He easily could break out of your hold if he wanted to. “Now sleep.”
He didn’t want to.
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ghoulishomens ¡ 2 days
look after you - a shitty nick one shot I had based off of the song by the fray and a random tiktok that crushed my! fucking! soul! (no NSFW, just cute shit)
this one shot is sponsored by my depressive episodes and a lot and I mean A LOT of weed
you haven't felt this low in your life. you wonder if you've subconsciously forgotten what happiness felt like. life has just taken a pause, and it's so lonely. you attempt to fill the void with parties or group hangouts, but you stick to walls and secretly hate the people you hang around with.
there's only one person keeping you afloat. nick, your sweet, caring boyfriend that you mask around. he already deals with so much. he shouldn't have to deal with you too, or that's just what you say to yourself.
nick isn't dumb. he can tell when you're slipping back. your music is reminiscent of bad times you went through. you start smiling less. you're more tired. your coffee is stronger. it's those little things that he picks up on. he probably caught on to your sadness before you did.
he knows your personal brainstorm cloud is preventing you from wanting to cook so he makes you lunch. he goes and checks on you, bringing you a meal along the way.
he sees you lying in bed. you appeared to almost be sleeping with your eyes open. your brain just feels like a tornado of thoughts, and you're just trying to hang onto a piece of the flying debris. you're tired, but sleep won't fix it.
you don't even notice nick's presence until he's spooning you from behind. he holds you like you're gonna fall apart if he lets you go. honestly, you might. he whispers into your ear.
"It's okay, my baby.. I'll look after you.."
obviously, he can't just take away all your pain with a few words, but his voice saying those sweet words damn well could've. you close your eyes and just melt into him. you just start talking, ranting about how god awful rock bottom is. how you just don't know what to do next in life and how you feel so utterly alone. he reminds you that nobody, not a single soul in this world, knows what they're gonna do in their life, and that's okay. it's what makes it all the more exciting. he reminds you that there's billions of people in this world. who's to say you're alone? that all, with time, will eventually be okay. life shifts, life changes, and sometimes things are left behind, and that's okay.
he continues to reassure you that no matter how low you get. you're always gonna have him here. there's nothing you could do that would make him think of you as a burden. he reassures you that you're not something to be fixed, but something to love and care for.
you don't remember falling asleep. you just cried and cried until you did like a baby. instead of feeling scared and sad, tonight you fell asleep happy and content. you were safe. you were loved. you were looked after.
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xoxochb ¡ 1 day
⋆·˚ ༘ * my wait is you and I won’t go on
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warnings: angst, self doubt, redeeming fluff, this takes place at chb (post hoo), this is mostly based off of me so please be kind
pairing: jason grace x daughter of poseidon
summary: based on the trend symphonia IX trend!
A/N: okay okay so backstory! I came across this trend and I started scrolling through the videos using the song and I saw the cutest one and this girl said “I wish I had real friends” and her boyfriend said “you’ll always have me” and I knew I had to write this asap!!
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the sea is for the people who feel lonely or lost, happily taking in anyone who has feelings of self doubt or any worrisome thoughts, making them disappear forever, never letting these awful thoughts take over the mind of their beloveds
that’s why most of your time is spent by the water, especially recently. you didn’t have many friends except for your boyfriend and brother. why? you were unsure.
did people hate you? did they think you were weird? what made you unapproachable? did people find you obnoxious? did they think you were weird because you didn’t socialize much? were you hated because your father broke an oath and they thought you were in trustable?
you truly did not know
but what you did know was that you missed your brother. he went back to new york while you stayed back at camp to be a year-round camper. you couldn’t help but feel somewhat selfish for wanting percy to stay with you instead of finishing school, and this haunted you.
perhaps you were hated because of your selfishness? would you even consider yourself selfish?
you lay awake in bed thinking about this. when was the last time you slept? you can’t even remember the last time you actually got out of bed before one in the afternoon!
was this dramatic? you don’t believe so, but your self esteem is so low you start believing it is
you sit up from your sleeping position (you weren’t sleeping anyways) and turn to the boy laying beside you, an arm thrown around your waist
you felt bad about leaving him to lay alone but you couldn’t lay in bed anymore, the thoughts would only get worse if you did. you remove his arm from you with a kiss to the top of his head, then make your way out of cabin one (opposed to cabin three, yes, they’re both empty but the more time you spent in your cabin made you think of percy so jason suggested you sleep in cabin one) to sit by the ocean for a while until your doubts were drowned by the waves
it was fine sitting there for maybe thirty seconds? but the more you looked into the ocean, the more it reminded you of percy and then before you know it tears are pooling out from your eyes
this wasn’t supposed to happen
wasn’t the ocean supposed to help? it always helps you!
you wipe the tears away from your cheeks with a sigh and for a moment it’s silent, but that’s until you see someone sit beside you on the sand
and it’s not just anyone, no, it’s your sweet jason grace
“did I wake you? I’m sorry”
“no, you’re fine” he gently takes your hand in his “are you okay?”
you internally curse him for being so gentle with you because at this very moment you feel the tears making their way back out
“I don’t know” you look up to the sky to prevent the tears from coming out “it’s a lot”
“that’s alright. I’ll be here for as long as you need”
you take a moment to form the words into a sentence “I miss percy. a lot.” you sigh before continuing “I wish I had real friends. I love you and percy, I really do, but it hurts to know that nobody even thinks of approaching me”
“you’ll always have me. you don’t need any of those idiots who don’t want to talk to you, they don’t know what they’re missing out on”
you lay your head on his shoulder and look out to the water. It doesn’t seem so depressing to look at anymore
but perhaps that’s because the ocean was only special if you’re there with someone you love
or maybe because jason was your sea
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abcd-adventures ¡ 3 days
I feel like I saw every hour pass last night...it is going to be a long day. I just could not get to sleep last night. Work was so busy yesterday that it feels mostly like a blur. One thing I definitely remember is having a meeting with the case manager of one of our newish residents to try to see how best to work with him and try to integrate him better into the community. One of my personal challenges with him is that he loudly comments on my appearance or hits on me every time I walk by. Since his apartment is very close to my office, that happens extremely frequently and other residents have started complaining about it/bringing it up to me. I tried to talk to him about it, and then my boss talked to him about it...and he's decided to "resolve" the issue by now shouting at me, "You're UGLY!" or "I HATE that dress you're wearing!" or something to that effect. Obviously, that is not better, and I have to constantly deescalate other residents who hear it and feel the need to jump to my defense. I really hate it, and I need to find the time to brainstorm how to deal with it, but now my brain is just complete mush and I really just want to hide from him. So mature of me, I know.
Back in December, someone hit my car and scraped all along the driver and rear driver-side door--they'd tried to avoid rear-ending me by hopping a curb but lost control and still hit me. Well, my car was drivable and both doors functioned fine, so I procrastinated on getting it taken care of. I finally dropped it off at the body shop and apparently there is some tiny dent in the frame and it's totaled because of that. So, last night, despite the fact I was feeling practically comatose, we called our favorite car dealer who has sold us our last two vehicles and we went over to the dealership and bought a new car. Just like that. We called a woman who knows us, she stayed late to help us, we bought a car outright, and now I have a new CR-V hybrid. It's possible that I'm just very, very tired, but the whole thing just made me cry. Now, thinking about it again, I am still about to cry. I mean, sure, obviously, I am incredibly grateful. But, WTF? It just doesn't seem right or fair. There is absolutely no reason that my life is as privileged as it is. I think about what it once was--and how it could have ended up, and it just feels surreal and so ridiculous. That also probably sounds ridiculous, and I could explain, but I'm too tired, and I need to drag myself through the shower and get ready for work...and hopefully between now and 9am I'll be less of a basket case since I'm kind-of supposed to look like I have my shit together to be believable at my job.
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satureja13 ¡ 1 day
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Summer Solstice - Part 2 It starts -> here
After Jack and Sai returned from their walk, they all gathered around the fire and Jack, Jeb and Ji Ho played a few songs. No Siren's Songs this time to influence the feelings of his friends so they are able spend time together - despite their quarrels.
Jeb sang 'Fast Car' (for Saiwa obviously)
'So, I remember when we were driving, driving in your car Speed so fast, I felt like I was drunk City lights lay out before us And your arm felt nice wrapped around my shoulder And I, I, I had a feeling that I belonged I, I, I had a feeling I could be someone, be someone, be someone'
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Ji Ho feels they will have a great evening without the Siren's Songs and it's too dangerous anyway until they find out how to protect themselves, should the Council and Ji Ho's grandfather try something. It's better they do without them. They'll have to learn to live all together again anyway. Jack sang 'Ring of Fire' (links leads to the version from Blondie (from one of my favourite movies of all time, Roadie)) He would never admit that he sings it for Kiyoshi so we don't dive any deeper in that Ăś.Ăś
'The chase of love is sweet, when hearts like ours meet I felt for you like a child, oh my heart went wild
I fell into a burning ring of fire I went down down down the flames they went higher and it burns burns burns that ring of fire, that ring of fire, that ring of fire'
The cute birds are back again too! That's such a sweet interaction <3
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And Ji Ho sang 'Livin' on a Prayer' for Vlad. They're almost there.
'We've gotta hold on to what we've got It doesn't make a difference if we make it or not We've got each other and that's a lot for love We'll give it a shot
Whoa, we're half way there Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer Take my hand, we'll make it I swear Whoa oh, livin' on a prayer Livin' on a prayer'
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Ji Ho was right, they managed to have a nice evening together without his spells. They were grilling and telling stories and having a good time. Somehow their therapies seem to work. There'd been no great aha effects, but they already prospered a lot. (I think that's important too, not to expect too much too early from a therapy/healing. It needs time and it goes slowly. Healing and prospering needs time. But when you look back from a distance, you'll notice the little steps you've made and you'll see the difference.) And time also heals. Saiwa is relieved. He'd feared much worse because he'd been so upset about Jeb and Kiyoshi - and his own stupidity that he agreed to have a fake relationship to bring Kiyoshi fully back after he'd spent decades into that tree. Over the last months they'd been apart from each other, Saiwa not only calmed down but also came to the conclusion that it had been not really anyones fault. And each of them would do exactly the same again to help each other. There are no excuses to be made and there's no real reason to be angry or jealous. But he still is. He's jealous that Jeb and Kiyoshi live together now even tough he rejected to move in with Jeb when he asked him. And angry at the universe that they have to go through all these crazy madnesses all the time! And what Saiwa just still doesn't know: Is it possible to have a relationship under these circumstances? Will he ever be able to be the leader of the Boys and a worthy partner for Jeb? How will they deal with it when such things happen again? Even though they live in solitude in the Otherworld now, there is still so much going on. Jack even died during his Therapy Game! One day, they will have to return to the Muggle World and then they'll have the Council at their heels again...
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Here, Kumo told Bunny the story how Kiyoshi became a diety and how Kiri, Little Goat and him watched over Kiyoshi all the decades he'd spend in the tree. Bunny listened with big eyes Ö.Ö Little Goat was already sleeping, he'd heard this story a million times before ^^'
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They soon all got tired and went to their tents. Ji Ho and Vlad first, since teleporting the TukTuk around is draining them. But not as much as last time when they had to port two times to Tartosa and back plus Noxee and Greg to Tomarang and back home to Moonwood Mill.
It's so cute with all the wildlife around, even the birds stayed after their songs ended 🐦
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Early next morning, Jeb dragged Vlad and Kiyoshi out to go for a run. Jeb goes jogging almost every morning and he even kept on doing this all the months while Ji Ho, Saiwa and Jack left to live at the Beach House after Saiwa's breakdown. Despite his heartache. It helped him to stay sane. Just running without thinking and worrying too much.
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The little ones were already awake too and chatting with the Bunnies. Henford gossip holds a lot of new ideas and inspiration for their stories and the game! ^^'
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True story! (I found out about the following last November when Lavina asked Francine's (Jeb's grandmother's) boyfriend out for a date 'casual friend time' and never posted it lol) Who said life in the countryside is boring?
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Such a wonderful morning!
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Before they return back to the campsite, they took a short break. Henford is just so beautiful. Jeb to Vlad: "You noticed too that Kiyoshi feels so much better since Jack is back, did you?" Vlad sighed. Yes, he noticed it. Kiyoshi is still far from his old self and doesn't talk much because he's absent and far away in his divine/demonic/whatever spheres his mind roams, but there is a significant improvement. There is a deeper connection between Jack and Kiyoshi, even though Jack declines it - and never felt it. But what are they supposed to do? Jack and Kiyoshi tried to be together but it just didn't work out and Jack almost died (twice) because he worked himself up during their (secret) relationship. They'd all promised to not keep any secrets from each other anymore. So they'll have to talk to Saiwa about this. Which will make him angry again because he's worried about Jack and he still hasn't fully recovered from his own breakdown... Jeb and Vlad sighed from the depths of their souls.
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to be continued...
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The Therapy Game Master Post with the sessions and places so far is -> here
From the Beginning  ~  Underwater Love ~  Latest Current Chapter: 'Who killed Jack?' from the beginning ▶️ here Last Chapter: 🕹️ 'The One' from the beginning ▶️ here 📚 Previous Chapters: Chapters: 1-6 ~ 7-12 ~ 13-16 ~ 17-22 ~ 23-28
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iconic-position ¡ 2 days
Fun of sex with mummy's friend
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One day my mummy and papa both went out of town to visit relatives.
That is why my mummy gave the responsibility of the house to Neetu mausi and asked her to take care of me.
When mummy and papa went out of the house, I was in school at that time.
When I came home from school, I found mausi at home.
She told me- you get fresh, I will bring food for you.
When I asked her about my mummy, I got to know that due to some sudden reason mummy and papa had to go out.
Then I went to my room, took out my clothes and sat on the chair.
Now I started rubbing my penis.
Today after a long time I got a chance to be alone.
While rubbing my penis, I started remembering some erotic scenes and my eyes closed.
In a hurry, I forgot to close the door of my room.
Then I felt that someone was watching me.
I looked at the door, mausi was watching me.
As soon as I saw her, I ran to the bathroom of my room.
Then I peeped through the crack in the bathroom door and saw that aunty had left.
I waited for some time.
After that I wore my clothes and came to the hall.
Aunty was waiting for me there.
I came without saying anything, with my head bowed in embarrassment and sat quietly and started eating.
After some time aunty gave me a smile and went to her house.
Then at night aunty called me and invited me to her house for dinner.
When I went, aunty's children had gone to sleep and aunty was cooking in her kitchen wearing a hot nighty.
On seeing me, aunty asked me to sit and served me food.
After eating food, I started leaving aunty's house.
Then aunty said - you sleep here today.
I also agreed.
Then I went to freshen up in the bathroom in aunty's room.
There I saw that aunty's panties and bra were hanging.
My penis became hard on seeing aunty's bra and panties and I started rubbing my penis.
Then I picked up aunty's bra and panties and wrapped them around my penis and started masturbating.
When semen came out of my penis, aunty's bra and panties became completely wet.
I got a little worried after seeing all that that what will happen now.
But nothing could be done so I thought that whatever happens will be seen.
I came out of the bathroom.
After I came out, aunty went to the bathroom.
I went to sleep on my bed.
At that time it was 1 o'clock in the night.
When I opened my eyes, I looked towards the window of my room.
Aunty was looking at me.
My penis was erect at that time.
I smiled at aunty and stroked my penis.
Aunty also smiled and came running to the room.
Without saying anything, she took off my boxer and took my penis in her mouth and started sucking and licking the head of my penis.
I was taken aback by her action and tried to take my penis out of her mouth.
But aunty was holding my penis very tightly and she was rubbing it fast and moving it in and out.
When I tried unsuccessfully to take my penis out of her mouth, she started looking at me.
There was a lustful intoxication in her eyes.
I said- Aunty, what are you doing?
She said- I am doing the same thing, which you have done with my bra panty in the bathroom.
After saying this, she started sucking my penis again.
I started feeling pain in my penis due to her fast sucking of penis.
But I was enjoying it too.
I extended my hand and started squeezing one of aunty's breasts.
After some time aunty got up and started removing all her clothes.
My cock was watching the shutter of her shop of sensual youth being raised and was hissing.
Aunty's eyes were fixed on my hard cock as if she was threatening my cock that wait, I will take out all your arrogance.
After removing all her clothes, she started pulling my clothes.
I cooperated with her and let all my clothes go off.
Now aunty came and sat on my face.
Her pussy was completely wet.
I started licking her wet pussy with my tongue and started mashing aunty's breasts with both my hands.
Then suddenly aunty got up from my mouth and turned back and sat down with her pussy on my mouth.
Now she started sucking my cock.
I licked her pussy as well as her asshole, then she started rubbing her ass on my face.
After enjoying all this for a few minutes, I asked her to come down from the bed and made her sit.
Holding both her hands, I started to put my cock in her mouth, started to fuck aunty's mouth.
In a short while, sweet sounds of fuch fuch started coming from aunty's mouth.
My cock was going up to her throat.
Now I made her lie down on the bed and spread her legs and started to kiss her pussy.
She said to me - now put it inside.
I set my cock on her pussy and pressing my lips on her lips, I put half of my cock in at once.
When the cock started to enter suddenly, aunty moaned - ah, you bastard killed me... put it in slowly!
I did not listen to her and stopped only after putting my whole weapon in aunty's pussy.
By now she had also eaten up the cock and started saying 'ah uh... fuck me Rohit' in pain.
But one strange thing happened, blood started coming out of her pussy.
Seeing the blood, I stopped my cock right there.
I saw that aunty was crying.
So I asked her- what happened?
Aunty said- my husband's penis is very small and I have not had sex for two years. That is why I am having severe pain.
I understood what aunty meant.
And I slowly started to move my body.
I started moving my cock in and out.
Aunty became normal in a short while and started enjoying the sex.
I fucked her pussy for twenty minutes.
There was a lot of blood on aunty's bedsheet.
When I was fucking aunty's pussy, she was holding me saying 'Aya Aya'.
After some time I said to aunty - Aunty, I am about to come now!
So aunty said - Yes Rohit, quench the thirst of my pussy, leave all your juice inside me.
As per her instructions, I dropped the juice of my cock in aunty's pussy.
When I started ejaculating, I felt very tired.
It felt as if aunty had squeezed me completely.
I fell on her and started taking long breaths.
When aunty's pussy was satisfied, she was lying with me glued to her breasts and was caressing my back lovingly.
I fell asleep in the same position with mausi and did not know when it was morning.
When I woke up, mausi's children had gone to school.
My eyes were searching for mausi, but I could not see her anywhere.
I got up and looked in the bathroom, the door was open and mausi was standing naked inside and enjoying the shower.
Her ass was towards the door.
I took off my boxer and went inside and took mausi in my arms from behind.
When mausi saw me, she hugged me and said - not now!
I squeezed her breasts and said - why not now?
She started saying - please agree naa… not now Rohit.
I did not listen to her and started squeezing both her breasts.
Her nipples also became hard.
I started sucking one of her nipples by pressing it between my lips and in between I was holding it with my lips and pulling it, due to which mausi was making sexy moans.
Finally aunty could not control herself and she also started caressing my penis by holding it in her hand.
Now she came near my ear and started moaning- Ooh oh Rohit fuck me hard Rohit… rub me aah!
I asked her to sit on the bathroom floor.
She sat down and started taking my penis in her mouth by holding it.
After some time I lifted her up and made her rest on the platform of the washbasin and kept one of her legs on my shoulder.
Now I put my penis in her pussy and started fucking her.
Aunty- Ayah ayaa… oooo oo baby… what are you doing… aah it is paining do it slow yaar!
She was kissing me and was herself moving her ass to take the penis in and out.
I told her- Aunty, I feel like fucking your ass!
Aunty said- No Rohit… not there. I have heard that it hurts a lot there… and yours is so thick and big… no no I will not take it there.
Aunty was refusing.
I pulled out my penis from her pussy and came out of the bathroom.
Aunty followed me and started convincing me.
When I did not agree, she went to her room.
Then aunty called me to her room.
As soon as I opened the gate, I saw that aunty was in doggy position and shaking her ass.
Seeing me, she came to me on her hands and legs like a bitch.
Aunty said- Rohit please fuck my ass.
I started slapping aunty's ass.
I made aunty's ass red.
Then I started applying oil on her asshole, applied some oil on my penis too.
Her ass was very tight.
After trying for a long time, I was able to insert my penis in her ass.
As soon as she took the cock, she screamed very loudly - Aah, I am dying Rohit… take it out… Aah, yours is very thick friend!
I did not say anything and stopped for a while and started fucking her ass again.
After about ten minutes, when aunty's ass was torn, I straightened her and laid her on her back under the shower and started making her pussy a hole.
She was also enjoying the fucking with fun.
After some time, we both finished and came out after taking a bath.
Now I fuck sexy aunty whenever I want.
Nowadays hot aunty likes to get her ass fucked more.
She wants that two cocks should go in both the holes simultaneously.
I need a partner who can support me properly in sandwich fucking aunty.
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enhalusional ¡ 3 days
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Blond Sunoo with red eyes?! Are you kidding me? Are we seeing Sunoo in his full vampire form? I'm going to scream.
You were cuddling with your Vampire boyfriend. Sunoo had always been cute and charming and you've questioned yourself multiple times if he even has an ounce of vampirism in him. Because you've never seen him feed, he never gave you any hint of being a vampire except the few times you've seen his eyes go red when you're making out.
Even today, he was in a jolly mood, all smiles and giggles. But the thing was, you weren't. And he noticed it.
"What's wrong, baby? You look down." He asked with concern on his face.
"I just don't feel really good..." you trailed off.
Sunoo pulled you up on him, arms wrapping around your waist.
"Tell me what is it?" He pressed on.
You don't say anything. Because you didn't want to remember it. And Sunoo saw that. All smile was gone from his face as went cold. He brought you close and kissed the side of your temple. As his lips lingered on your skin, he saw the flashes of your memories.
A group of people cat-calling you when you were coming home from college.
"Hey baby do you to have some fun?"
"Oh look at that dress. You're surely leaving everything to the imagination."
You jerk back from Sunoo. The intrusion in your mind left a bad aftertaste in your mouth. But that was the last thing in your mind.
Because for the first time, you saw his glow in red. Even his cheekbones glowed red. His veins had turned black in contrast to his skin. Having never seen this side of him, you flinch back. But his hold on you was tight.
"Oh baby..." He whispered. "I'm going to kill them."
He put you down on the bed and disappeared into thin air. Hours passed and there was still no sight of him. It was almost 2 AM and you were worried sick. You paced around in the living room waiting for him.
When the door creaked open, you rushed forward to scold him but stopped abruptly. You took a step back.
This can't be happening. He didn't do it.
Sunoo's eyes were still glowing red. The black veins against his cheekbones and his neck were more prominent than before. His fangs were elongated. But what scared you the most was the blood on his white shirt. The blood trickled down his mouth.
He smiled. The same smile he had always given you. But the remnants of blood on his teeth made your heart stop. And you didn't even want to think about the small pieces of something stuck between his teeth.
You were frozen in place. So when he came and stroked your cheek, you didn't move.
"I'll freshen up, baby. Go and sleep. I'll join you in bed."
And he went away, leaving you to stare at his back.
And you concluded that your boyfriend was a true vampire through and through.
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