#i was already iffy about it when it was a mod and like back then it was whatever its just a mod
iscratchdoors · 1 year
man. rw downpour makes me so sad. im one of those ppl that just didn't really enjoy what i played of it and now it's kinda ruined the game for me. i know i can just turn it off and play ol vanilla rw just fine but i feel like i'm missing out on smth the fandom is excited about and i just cannot. feel that excitement. i had fun playing gourmand then artificer totally soured me on the whole thing and now going back to the whole dlc feels more like a chore than an adventure
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Hiii! I hope you’re doing well! I was wondering if I could request Gorillaz x Singer!S/O? Like, they have a solo career, and occasionally collab with the band? I hope you have a great day, and thank you for your time whether you write this or not!<3
Gorillaz with soloist Singer S/O
WRITERS NOTE: Thank you so much, i hope you have a great day as well. Sorry about the bad grammar, my mod at the time is not active and sorry if I got to off track with the headcanons. Either way- I am so excited for my first request!
All art on this post is mine
Edited: At this time no, but will hopefully will be later
TW: Curssing, Drinking, Trama, Voilence, if I missed any tell me please and I will add it
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Murdoc straight up jokes about you replacing 2D(often right in front of 2D). And sometimes it doesn't feel like hes jokeing even if he is
He likes to chill back stage with you- which he expects automatically that he gets to be in the back because he's his S/O's boyfriend and because he's the leader of the greatest band ever- his words not mine
If/When you collab he was iffy on wether he wanted you to duet with 2D at first because he's a bit jealous
But he can't argue with what sounds good, and the voice of his amazing S/O, and the voice of the singer in HIS BAND is something that is he needs for his next album
Murdoc will always talk about how he could go solo too if he wanted to, once he learned his S/O was a solo act
If he drinks too much when you guys are hanging out he will start singing himself, and encouraging his S/O to sing with him
When recording he will give you as nice of criticism as he can if your not hitting the right notes or arn't in the right pitch- but satan forbit one of the others try to give you constructive criticism, especially 2D
Whenever he has nightmares about his childhood and his dad, and his S/O's around he finds it comforting if his S/O hummed to him but he won't ask you to hum to him though because he's scared that you'ed think he's weak
And if your not around when he's haveing a nightmare, he'll listen to one of your songs to calm himself down
If his S/O's a smaller and less well known singer- he will often tells his S/O how he can hook them up with good produser(even if S/O already has one) and anything that you as a smaller creator may not have access to, and will promote you sometimes like on an interview
And even if you are just as popular he can be a bit stuck up and will be like 'Yeah but, Gorillaz is little bit more popular'
Murdoc has mentioned before that he's glad that your a soloist, because he would feel bad for your band mates because of how bad you would out shine them
He wants to lay his head on you, and let you sing to him but he's to nervous
"Dove you have quite the voice, I'd love to have you on my next album."
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Noodle is can be quite the extrovert, so she would love to go out and do karaoke with her S/O
Noodle was so excited when it was decided that her S/O and Gorillaz was going to collab, cuz it means being with her adopted family and her lover at the same time- she was just so happy to have the people she loved most in the same room
She almost tears up duing a live performance collab because everthing feels so perfect and amazing at that point in time she can't help be a bit emotional
Noodle will travel the world to see her S/O preform at concerts
She would be absolutely in love if her S/O could sing in different languages
She has all your albums, murch- everything
Noodle would be delited to help write your songs
ANY ONE WHO CRITICIZES HER S/O'S MUSIC WILL FACE HER WRATH, it doesn't matter if she likes the kind of music her S/O makes she will beat the shit out of anyone who is rude
She is your personal body guard, like why would you need a body guard when you have a Noodle
She introduced you to 2D and Russel before the collab because her S/O and 2D are both singers and she thought 2D needed a singer friend that wasn't connected through work, and Russel is her dad who did the most parenting so it was like a meet the parent situation Sorry Mudoc :/
She will ask her S/O to sing to her somtimes, most often when you two are alone
Noodle has a LOT of respect for her S/O because managing a music career by yourself can be quite hard, especially to her because she grew up in a band with other people so she could never imagine doing it alone
She like catching her S/O singing to themself when they are alone, because she loves to see her S/O flustered, and if you don't get flustered she still likes to see them surprised to see her
"Hey S/O, about our date- I was thinking.... karaoke!"
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2D is ecstatic to have a S/O that is also a singer
He is just so happy to have someone to relate to
Before 2D even starts dating his S/O(like in crush faze) he would have already asked S/O to do a collab as a way to get closer with them
Like Noodle, 2D owns a lot of his S/O's merchandise not as much as her but still a lot
He likes to atend his S/O's concerts but prefers to watch back stage because while he loves his fans and fan interactions he also hates the idea of taking attention away from his S/O at his S/O's concert, and due to his very recognizable appearance he is likely going to draw attention to himself in a crowd of people
2D will blab to anyone who will listen about his S/O and their solo career as a singer, this is the case often in interviews where the interviewers ask about y'alls relationship
When talking with his S/O and his S/O's career as a singer he has forgoten he was a singer himself
2D tends subconsciously sing or hum to himself, and if his S/O joined him in his little tune he would melt into putty- though it would take him a hot second to realize that they where singing with them
He's fascinated by the fact that his S/O's are a solo singer, and often asks you about it, though he often gets off track with his questions
PLEASE write a love song about him, if you do his heart will die of happiness
When it comes time for the collaboration 2D gets distracted constantly, by his S/O, and their voice specifically
While 2D getting distracted in the studio isn't new, but him getting distracted while recording is, as he tends to hyperfixate on singing when recording- but now half way through the lyrics he just slowly stops and stares at his S/O like nothing else in the world exists- with a goofy euphoric grin on his face, and when S/O stops cuz he stoped he'll mutter out praise about S/O's voice/singing Much to the others dissmay
"Wow... ya have such'a pretty voice luv"
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Russel is a very supportive boyfriend
Out of all of the band mates he's the one that doesn't mind watching from the crowd the most- but much like 2D he doesn't like taking attention away from his S/O
If you show him the lyrics to a song you are working on he likes to suggest beats that might sound good with it
While Russel was happy to collaborate with his S/O, he's the least thrilled about it in the group- as he likes to balance his work life and home life as much as he can even though its really hard to so bring his love life into work life isn't exactly thrilling for him I mean did you see how it worked out for 2D
Russel is also the most professional when it comes time to collaborate with his S/O, like I said he tries to separate home life and work life and he does this by acting professional and trying to ignore the fact he is dating the person he is working with
Whenever the bands on tour and he misses his S/O he likes to listen to S/O's music even if it's not his type of music, but he usually won't really listen to the collab music at that time because it only makes him think of work(also no one but Noodle knows he does this)
And to add on to him and his S/O's music, Russel likes to suggest his S/O's music but he's very sublet about it
Besides actually collaborating as a work thing, he likes to help his S/O with their songs, whether it be helping with lyrics, what instruments to use, or with beats- though he rarely does this as he is usually he is exhausted with making music from work
He's overall just really chill about it in general, he's doesn't mind that your a soloist, and out of everyone he's the most neutral in that category
Though Russel sometimes jokes about how he's jealous that you don't have to deal with band mates and that he wishes he was a solo act or that he was in a band with his S/O instead
I mean Russel loves his band mates but sometimes they can be down right obnoxious *cough* 2D *cough* Murdoc
Also Russel likes helping his S/O pick out their stage outfit/make up for live performances and/or music videos
"Look'in and sound'en great hun."
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Worst discord server?
I want you to imagine this; A roleplay/hang out hybrid server that's roughly 50-something people, with pink, sparkly, and Kirby-based aesthetic.
Ok, now have the owner be a bit of a self centered dick (though largely unaware of it) who will start to panic whenever something goes the Slightest bit wrong and uses their trauma as a way to gain sympathy points (also largely unaware of doing so) so everyone will tend to take their side whenever someone tries to call them out
Welcome to the Carnival. The most exhausting year of my life and the reason why I lost interest in the Kirby Series for a year or so.
The guys there are. Fine. So long as you ignore every weird, iffy, and icky feeling you get whenever you get them, which for me was. Most of the time (admittedly I was part of the problem, so I guess I can't talk much)
I'm not quite sure how to explain it tbh, but mostly there was like. A Silent Threat, kinda, basically a sort of "if you go against what we believe in we'll make sure you'll regret it"
Looking back I thiiink most things could've been solved with a good talk but like. I used to be one of the owner's trusted people, and I *knew* they made groupchats to talk about specific people and most of what I've seen was "yeah block/kick them out because they were being mean" so. Yeah no shit i'd be scared shitless to speak up
If we want something PM flavored then Alyssciel's Discord Server is another Bad One™
Essentially? 4 mods (including Alyssciel herself), one's always offline (not invisible), the other + Alyssciel don't really do their jobs as moderators, only one person's trying to make an effort; 300-something people in this server
Now. What do you think will happen if I bring in my plural/system oomf who headcanons a fem Ruina character (Lesti) as transmasc?
(It goes as well as you think it does)
I'm not gonna get too big on the details because this was like. Several years ago and I honestly don't wanna do too much digging but basically they presented their transmasc!Lesti hc, got made fun of for it; switched with an alter and used pluralkit for that (unrelated to first incident iirc), also got made fun of because the others thought they were roleplaying, got pluralkit banned from being used outside of roleplay channels, which is already a big yikes...
And when oomf left the server because they were uncomfortable about it Alyssciel made a big show about it and caused an uproar
(I don't watch her videos anymore because of this; leaves a bad taste in my mouth)
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johaerys-writes · 10 months
✨ 💝
[Writing asks]
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
I had to think about this for a bit because the fact that once we finish a fic it seems to disappear off the map is so sad sometimes lol. And there’s several works I love that I wish I could get back to somehow! One that I think of quite often is Fall Into Your Tide, the Patrochilles Merman AU I posted a couple years ago for the Patrochilles Big Bang event. I had so much fun writing this, and I've come to realise that writing an Achilles that is a little bit alien and strange and not quite human is one of my favourite things!
Another fic I really loved writing and I was a little bit disappointed by the response was Caught In The Flames, the fic I wrote for the Sheith remix event earlier this year. I know the subject matter is kind of .... iffy and not many people's cup of tea, but it does have a lot more hits compared to other fics that had a lot more comments and it made me wonder if people clicked on it and noped out or if they just didn't have anything to say about it.... I hate when I get too in my head about fics but it is one that I absolutely loved writing and I kind of wish my experience with the remix event as a whole had been better lol. The organisation and modding of the event left a bad taste in my mouth for many reasons, and I think that a more enthusiastic reception of the fic I wrote for it would have remedied that somewhat, but it just felt like a bit of a letdown overall. But YEAH anyway, not to ramble too much, but if anyone reading this is into excessively horny teacher/student AUs go read it and leave me a comment, it will make me feel much better about it LOL
I already answered the second question, so I picked one from the list I haven’t answered yet!
🧿what steps do you take to not take things personally if a fic doesn't do well, or if your writing/posting/sharing experience isn't going how you'd like it to?
Okay so I feel like this one relates a bit to the previous question, because I feel like unless one is an incredibly succesful author with a dedicated readership, there are bound to be fics or updates that don't do as well and it's often the ones you've poured a lot of time and love and energy into, and it sucks when that happens!! It really sucks lol. I don’t think I'm the best at dealing with this (as you might have noticed haha) and it's really hard not to take it personally but what I've noticed is that it's way more likely for me to be disappointed about the reception of a fic when there are other factors playing in, like if I'm not having a good day/week/month in general, if something's bothering me about the story or the writing process. So first things first: I take a step back and try to figure out what is really bothering me with the story/my posting schedule/external factors like tiredness, general crankiness, etc. Step 2: hide all the stats on AO3 and stop obsessing over numbers, and try to focus on the actual process of writing and how I can make it more rewarding or fun for myself. Step 3: whine about it to a friend until I don’t feel like whining about it anymore 😂 That usually works a charm LOL
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browneyes-issac · 2 years
Update about me under the cut.. 💞
Hellos everyone.
So I know last week I said I was planning on getting back to reading throughout the week.. But I ended up not..
The reason is was I think Monday my fandom I was in before I got into this one ( I'm still a little active, but not major any more) was doing a lil photo edit contest and I love doing them, so I did it. As the evening went on, I saw them posting all these other edits and not mine. I actually took time on putting effects on it and you could tell on the ones being posted it was just a filter pretty much that they put on it..
I already have been iffy with going back to the fandom full time because I have felt like for a while that I don't matter that much.. ( it's a group of tiktokers btw, lol) Because I have never been able to donate during their lives like others can, even though they said that even if you can't donate they love the support...
I've always struggled with feeling like I'm a bother or just plain invisible in groups of people... Idk why, I just always have.. So on Monday when the mods that run the official fan page for them didn't post mine, it kinda sent me back into my shell.
And I have been doing really good with not caring about the kind of stuff and just putting stuff out for me and not caring about what the reactions are to it. Which is thanks to this amazing fandom. You all have been such angels to me and everything. But that crap with the edits just sent me, cause they even liked the post of mine.. So I just barley touched my phone this week when I got home from work besides to talk to a few people..
But. ☝ I work this weekend and am off Monday since I work thanksgiving ( which is my normal Thursday off) so my plan is to read on my breaks and when I get home. Then Monday will be iffy but still gonna do it. I'm going over to my aunts to start helping with thanksgiving stuff. But will for sure get some reading done when I get home that day. I was off today, but I slept all day. 😆🙈 it was too cold and I guess I just wanted to sleep the day away..
I apologize for being away again and for the longgg ramble. But I needed to get it out and I feel safe on here talking about it. 💞
I love you all!! Hope youve been well!! 😘
I've read through the summaries and seen the new updates on my tagged ones, I can't waittt!! 😍👀
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ofmagiick · 1 year
pinned post and docs tba, but for now here's the html of the rules on my theme until i can get other admin stuff done:
SELECTIVITY / FOLLOWING - this is a selective blog for my sake, but honestly, if i can see us writing, i will follow back. i am mutuals only, though, and will have anxiety about sending you things if we aren’t, even if you’re cool. i'm iffy on doubles, just because i myself am very self-conscious. it’s a personal thing, chances are i thing your writing is fucking dope.
CROSSOVERS / OC MUSES - two words: fuck. yeah. star wars lends itself to crossovers hella well, we can figure this shit out in a hot second. plus, the galaxy is so vast and diverse, i want to explore more of this universe, as much as i can. as for ocs, y’all brave as fuck, and i love them. just have a rules/about page, and then we’re golden
RP ETIQUETTE - you know, don’t god mod, don’t randomly kill my muse (not saying you can’t, hell, please do, just im me first), don’t reblog threads you’re not a part of, don’t relog my hc posts. and have fun.
FORMATTING / ICONS - match me, don’t, dance the macarena before posting, i don’t give a fuck. i format how i want, when i want. my icons use citrus, by apocalypseresources
WRITING - kind of a slow writer, and easily distracted. poke me over ims after about two weeks, if i haven’t replied before then. not super here for rape/torture, but i have an odd like for eldritch and body horror...
GRAPHICS - all graphics on my blog are made by me/for me. give credit where credit is due. be nice. making shit is a lot harder than just throwing an image into photoshop and clicking buttons. people work hard on shit, and i will come for your knees if you don’t credit people, creators, artists, etc… i have baseball bats.
SHIPPING - fuck yeah fuck yeah fuck yeah !! you come to me with a ship, and by the time i’ve finished processing the words, i’m already hella emotionally invested. crackships are my shit, so please don’t be scared. honestly, i’ll ship pretty much anything. probably even some sketchy shit by other’s standards. if that’s a problem, hasta la vista, and sorry i don’t cut it for you.
NSFW - i and my muse are 18+, my nsfw tag is literally ‘a girl’s got needs,’ let’s fuckin’ do this. i’ll write it, but not with minors. other, general nsfw topics might come up, due to the nature of AUs and canon events. i do try and tag as cw // or cw ment //, so please feel free to tell me things you need tagged.
PLOTTING - do it. done. if i don’t write down whatever idea i have quick enough, it will get yeeted from my head like a brick out the window fuckin adhd, so (with express permission from you) i’ll message at bizarre hours, probably. on the flip side, this is your express permission: i, lily, mun of ofmagiick, give you, [name], mun of [blog], permission to send me ims/ask with plot proposals. it’s signed and sealed as soon as you read this. no take-backsies. you gotta, now. :3c
MEMES - headcanon/ask my muse questions/etc, open to all. interaction-oriented, mutuals only. no reblog karma, but if you aren’t sending me something, reblog from the source, please
ACTIVITY - it can be spotty. i’m a full-time student, adhd mess. hit me up in ims with reminders or ping me on disco/in a server, its all cool.
MAINS / EXCLUSIVES - i'm okay with mains, you'll be my go-to version of a character, and the one i'm thinking of if mine mentions yours to someone else, but that's gonna be discussed beforehand. exclusives will have to be heavily, HEAVILY discussed, and likely will be way down the line if ever.
CALLOUTS - bitch, no. get that shit away from me. won’t post ‘em, won’t reblog ‘em. call me out if you want, i’ll screenshot it, print it out, and put it up on my wall to laugh at, and remember people are still wasting brainpower to be mad at me. if you have an issue with me, hit me up in ims/off anon, and we can talk like adults.
ABOUT THE MUN - what up it’s ya nerd lily with newest brainrot, this time sci-fi. pronouns are she/her or “hey you ditz”, i am legal to drink in the us and far beyond legal adult there, and i id as a goddamned fucking mess mutuals feel free to hmu for discord if you want it
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2022 Fandom Goals
Happy new year, y’all! Belated post, and thanks so much for the tag, @pennygalleon! 2021 was a big and busy year to get fully immersed in fandom again beyond participating in fests. I’ve befriended some lovely people, read more fics and discovered so many more ships I didn’t even know I’d love. But let’s be honest, it’s still important to stay grounded as we head into another new year. So my fandom goals are going loose guidelines:
>>>Cut back on fests: I made 10+ pieces of art for fests alone. That doesn’t include non-fest HP pieces, or all the other art I was making in various sketchbooks or for other projects (and some of the all-nighters I pulled for these). So, I’m being selective with fests this year, even if something might look shiny. An idea really has to speak to me before I claim it because I want to plan in advance and have a solid idea to work with. >>>Use open challenges for motivation: I love challenges because they’re low-key but can help move things along for both art and writing. I’d love to incorporate more of that into my work so I can still enjoy and make progress on independent projects that are already in progress or I want to start. Basically, a way to write and draw more for me but with an extra push. >>>Learn more about community modding: While I have event and community planning experience in my back pocket, I haven’t modded anything specifically for fandom in a long time. That’s why I took a leap of faith with the Wizarding Creators’ Den server, and Wood You Rather (and there might a few other open challenges and another server coming soon). Maybe I’m being too ambitious with the mod hat since that’s a lot to plan for, but a. planning things way in advance, b. already having a foundation to help run things like this and c. talking with other fandom folks and mods has really helped. If there’s a way to bring a community or platform for fandom squeeing or creations, I’m totally willing to give back in that way. And if it helps with my projects creatively too, that’s an added plus. >>>Continue with more multi-ship content: I was really happy to see how my art and overall planning and techniques changed when I started drawing other ships along Drarry and Perciver. It shakes things up and helps with practicing to draw new figures and the ideas are just so fresh. So I’ll keeping up with that energy this year. >>>More writing: I met my goal of writing 12.5k, which isn’t a lot, but it was a big deal to me, since I was very iffy about even posting up my work in 2021. But the amount of love and support I’ve gotten from the HP community and just people who took the time to read my fics was wonderful. I had low expectations, but the fact that people couldn’t wait for more has given me the confidence could probably write more stories for this year. I’ve got a multi-media fic series I’d love to get off the ground, and of course, going to see how much I can complete out of the one-shot prompt series I’m working on. >>>Find time to get through the TBR list: Pretty straight-forward, but it needs to be done before it keeps growing. And then I’ll be able to start making some rec lists, since it is an occasional request I’ll get every now and then. We’ll see! OKAY, that was really damn long!
Honestly, if anyone hasn’t done this yet, please feel free to mark your goals down if it helps. I’ll tag @sketchyblondes, @anaxandria-writes, @yourtokentrophywife, @awesomedig/@digthewriter, @seekercass and @themightyflynn08 for funsies.
Here’s to another year for fandom creativity and awesomeness!
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quotes-of-dreamland · 4 years
Mod Lor, I sent the Magolor and Lor question thinking of you specifically, plz lore dump whenever is convenient for you
Mod Lor: AAA SORRY FOR TAKING SO LONG ON THIS I FORGOT,,, ANYWAYS I think I will Lor Lore™️ dump because I don’t have much better to do. I’ll try not to repeat stuff I’ve already shared here but idk what I have and haven’t and there’s a lot. Oop.
Ok well first off I should say Lor is basically just the universal boat mom at this point. She doesn’t care who you are or what your past is, as long as you are not currently in the process of being an asshole or a threat to her friends or the world or both, she is willing to be your boat mom. This was not something she ever expected to happen but she doesn’t mind! She likes having people to look after and care for; it gives her a sense of purpose beyond “do research” and “go places fast” and “cause minor problems on purpose for entertainment”. Also because Meta Knight has a much harder time dealing with her antics when she has an army of people who call her mom on her side.
Speaking of Meta, the two don’t exactly get along. This is partly because Meta doesn’t trust anyone who often spends time with Magolor unsupervised, because he still hates the egg, but also because he doesn’t trust Lor’s tech. He doesn’t like the idea of a computer who can talk back or refuse to work out of spite. He also doesn’t like the idea of a ship who is also a pocket-dimension having full control over all her entrances and exits, thus meaning if she decided she was evil now she could just invite people on board and then not let them out. In most Starcutters that isn’t an issue, as they don’t have admin rights over their own systems, but Lor DOES have admin rights over herself and simply chooses to not be evil. Which, to be honest, is pretty fair if you think about it.
They also just have very different views of things, such as authority. Lor is very free-willed; she doesn’t like being told what to do and how and when. She’ll do what others tell her to when she feels like it. She doesn’t like Meta because he is an authority, and a very strict one at that; if he tells someone to do something and they don’t do it to his liking, he gets frustrated. He likes being in control of the situation to what she thinks is an uncomfortable degree. Meta doesn’t really know about what she’s been through, so to him it just seems like Lor disregards him out of disrespect, not because he’s evoking bad vibes in her that she’s basically conditioned herself to respond to in a particular way. The truth is, he vaguely reminds her of her superiors back in Halcandra when she was still living/working there, and… well, that’s a very not great thing to her. Think of it like someone you don’t really know reminding you of your shitty old boss who threatened to fire you all the time, except instead of threatening to fire you they were threatening to just straight up kill you for doing what you want because that’s how little they valued your autonomy.
Of course, this is because she’s only ever seen the violent and control-freak side of him, in the same way Meta has only seen the troublemaking or devil’s advocate side of her. The two would probably have common ground when it comes to their focus on protecting those they care about, and could probably at least kinda relate to each other in the Being Old As Fuck department. Though, in that situation, Meta would still be iffy because Lor is older than him and he doesn’t like that because he’s used to being the elder in any given situation. Either way, they’ll maybe eventually see what they have in common, but as things are now, they’re going to keep bickering a lot, much to Magolor’s chagrin.
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Heartful Hours
<Valentine's Day Event Intro>
"Are you sure you don't want to come with me? Not pressuring you or anything …"
I asked Elaina as I was busy preparing for my outfit for tonight in front of the mirror in my apartment room. Elaina was behind me, sitting on the couch that lay across where I was standing. 
"I'm still kinda iffy about having someone as a partner. So for the time being, I'll just lay low until I'm ready to commit to it." 
"Well, I can't really blame you. Any plans for yourself tonight at least?" 
I combed my hair a bit as it looked quite a bit messy and adjusted it slightly to the left.  I put on my outfit afterward, a red suit I had bought from the Lumiose Department Store a few years back. I figured I'd use it both because of the dress code and because I haven't worn it for quite some time. 
"Looking good, Cipher! I'm just going to relax at my house for the night, do some painting when I have something in mind." 
She sat up and smiled, she seemed to be getting something from the bed as I turned around to see what it was. 
"Here, give this to your boyfriend. Hope he likes it." 
It was a Gracidea flower, she did have a garden after all but I was worried this might be one of the very few ones she had. 
"Are you sure? You're probably running out of these in your garden right now." 
"Don't worry about that, I still have plenty left in my garden. I really don't have any use for them other than making my garden a lot prettier."
I smiled back and received the flower from her, putting it in my suit pocket. We both exit my apartment room and turn to face her.
"Thanks. I should be going now, he is probably waiting for me." 
"Anytime, Cipher. Wait … how are you going to travel there?" 
"The usual, remember the rings scattered around Jubilife? One of them leads to the bar there. I'll be fine." 
"Ohh … I almost forgot about Gilnea and their many portals to different places. I'm surely glad and a bit intrigued they don't lead to someplace dangerous yet. Anyway, see you ... hope you have a good time."
We went our opposite ways as I walked towards one of the rings leading to the bar. I'm fairly certain it's on one of the alleyways of the city near my apartment.
Pacing a few more steps, I eventually came across the ring leading to the venue. The ring was almost twice my size considering I was a short 'mon and it had a golden outline encircling a purple translucent aura that gave off a mysterious vibe to it. I immediately walked towards it and hoped it was the right one. 
I almost stumbled on the ground near the doors that lead to the entrance, luckily I managed to keep my balance as I stepped on the pavement below. Eyeing the venue, I made my way towards the bar with a sign indicating that it's open. 
From the outside, the bar was really looking the part of celebrating Heart's Day with the vibrant shades of red, pink, and white. I can already see the flashing pink lights from the door to which I proceeded to open. 
As I entered, there were already some 'mons inside enjoying the festivities. Most of which I didn't recognize probably because I haven't taken a closer look at them for me to actually recognize them. 
I just sat by one of the tables of the bar area and pulled out my phone for the time being. I'm sure Suthen's gonna be here and I don't want to buy some liquor for now. 
[Cipher has arrived at the event and is now available for asks and interactions]
~Reference (kinda) and Mod’s rambling under read more~
So since I can’t actually draw. Here’s Cipher’s outfit for the event so as to have at least some reference for his clothes. 
Also remember when I said that I would answer all asks that I have well ... I’ll just answer them in between the event asks so to speak. 
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im-still-a-robot · 3 years
Please give me ur feelings. I always appreciate your talking and rambles :D
Im probably going to sound like Im parroting back a lot of what has already been said but I feel like hellbox really fell short on barriers for entry, communication, and rule enforcement.
Disclaimer: I love ophie and neb with my whole heart and honestly hellbox is (was?) very fun. I am just listing what i saw wrong, which will make me sound disproportionately negative.
Personally, I think the general "anyone can join as long as you're not a terrible person" is not a great strategy, especially when you have thousands of followers. I'm not saying you can't let people you don't know join, but it opens the doors to many more arguments and unkown reactions to things. And when people who know each other join they can form tight circles that make it hard for others to join.
Communication has been stressed over and over again but I want to point out a different side of it- when people did talk about problems? It was almost always very angry, even about relatively minor things. There were situations where someone did something wrong multiple time without realizing it was wrong until they were snapped at with no warning or "hey don't do that". Yes you can be upset about stuff being taken or destroyed but oftentimes it was an accident or non-malicious, and coming straight out with anger creates a very on edge environment.
And rule enforcement was,, iffy at best. I have one particular instance in mind of someone putting something in the blocklist and then that thing still becoming a major part of the story. And I'll be honest- I live (lived?) off the map and very little has been said to me about it, even when I directly point it out. I understand that ophie and neb are trying to be nice but there needs to be some level of back bone that doesn't end in shutting down the whole discord.
I honestly feel like the server would have benefited from including a more experienced mod to have helped things run more smoothly.
sorry this is so long, I have just been thinking a lot recently
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rkxjongsuk · 4 years
Final Post ||
I spent most of yesterday evening and this morning just kind of mentally processing the actual closing of rookies after seven years. Seeing the amazing plans that would have come to fruition makes me a bit sad but also kind of happy that rookies ended where it ended. Thank you to the mods for prolonged effort to keep this rp running as long as it did and I am glad to have been here as long as I was. 
I first joined rookies six years ago on the 15th of October, 2014. 2014 and subsequently 2015 had been a chaotic formative years for me. At the time, I was in my third year of college, constantly questioning whether or not I should be doing my degree, watching my parents get divorced in the summer of 2015 and moving out of the house where I’d lived for twelve years. Rookies (at first through Sungjong in October and then through Kevin in March (03.04.2015) and Kris in April (04.29.2015)} was a writing escape and somewhat of a comfort. Over the years at rookies, I have grown, graduated from college with a business degree and ended up completely a different person then I was five years ago.  
My writing improved a lot and I can confidently say that it was mostly thanks to Rookies. I had been completely scared off writing after an English teacher bitched at me for my skills but thanks to rookies, I got more confident in my own skills. Sure, there’s been other rps before rookies and at the same time as rookies, but they had never lasted quite as long. Through the years, I have made some incredible friends through rookies and I am glad to have them in my life. You guys are genuinely the best and I’ll always love you. I have no intentions of ghosting any of you and hopefully, we’ll write again together somewhere else. 
Now, onto what everyone actually wants: rkmuses future and taking in the ideas and everything set out by Bianca in account, where they would end up?
rkxjongsuk: the trc vocal king, easter bunny, princess diva of youtube fame - formerly rkkevin 
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I know I always used to say that I wanted him to debut the most since he’s my oldest muse,  but in all honesty, he would have never fit in the idol bubble. Going off the ideas set out by Bianca, however, his future would have been pretty satisfying. 
He would have ended up staying in TRC (since he had signed his contract for the second time back in may) and debuting as part of the rkmonstax group with the other trc boys in early 2021 (most likely as their main vocalist). Jongsuk would have felt pretty accomplished by this, and had been ready for the idol life. However, he was not ready for the rules and restrictions that would come into play with the group.  
he’d always had a kind of laissez faire approach to everything and so the idol life is kind of shocking to him. it wasn’t what he’d fantasized it would be. so, jongsuk would probably become the first member to officially leave the group before their six-year contract would expire citing personal difficulties and mental health issues (three years and a bit after debut) 
During those three years with the group, however, he’d make a name for himself as the King of OST. He would have gone on to King of Masked Singer (making it to R2 and shocking everyone with the high note octaves), gone on to be one of the trainers on the Voice of Korea partnering with Dynamic Duo, and make multiple appearances on Immortal Songs (a la Kyuhyun). Simultaneously, he’d also be collabing with idols across companies, most notably fellow former mga 3 contestant Gyeoul of And*Roma and Jiyeon of HEARTZ. 
Upon his departure from the group, he moved back to San Francisco and resumed his Youtube life and career. He would still support the rest of the boys, as an international fan and would always buy up a lot of their cds to support and tell his followers to stream. However, being back in his element, Jongsuk would feel a lot more relaxed and a lot more comfortable. 
A few months after his return home, he’d gain a collaboration with Smashbox or Morphe for a makeup line and he’d release an eyeshadow palette, two lipsticks and three eyeliners with the branding Smashbox x Stark: Rave on Mad (an homage to his youtube name: starkravingmad). He’d most likely send it in packages to his best friends in Korea. Jongsuk would find success in other fields outside of music and delve into what made his channel tick and what made him the happiest.  
Eventually, I think, he would have found love (maybe in the form of another tall actor who was in school 2013 with him) and been a happy youtuber, taking constant new challenges all over the place and always stepping to his own beat. 
As for his friends, he would have definitely gone back to Korea for Kangjoon’s eventual wedding and Jiyeon’s eventual wedding as well. The invites to visit him in San Francisco, California would have been extended to all his friends and even in his busy schedule, he’d always find time to show them all around the city that he’d been born. He’d even always be happy to see his former groupmates if they came on tour to California and would always be the first one for the backstage/VIP passes. 
rkxrm: the kt chaebol, nsg’s main rapper and actor extraordinaire - formerly rkkris, rkkmh, minhyukxrk
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namjoon had always been the unwilling debut, since I honestly never saw him actually debuting before jongsuk and instead, here we are. he’s the established idol. 
With NSG’s debut having just happened, he would probably stick around as the rapper before KT began shoving him into acting everywhere. Most likely, would have ended up as leader of another subunit (maybe?) in the future putting that leadership expertise to the good use. After the first two successful comebacks, he would have gone into acting officially with the first main role on a web-drama as Cha Gihyun on A-TEEN. 
His charisma would have definitely shined and stolen the screen time since he’s a former actor already. Following initial drama success, he would have tried his hand in modelling and endorsement, with Honda and Skool Looks. He would have gone further in modelling and acting, eventually becoming more known as the actor Kim Namjoon than the rapper of nsg. 
He would have had his share of crazy fans (mostly noonas, pretty girls and drama grandmas) and even probably taken the top bias spot for quite a few people when they would have found out his past. Of course, during the course of promotions (I envision this would happen during Regular-Irregular promotions), it come to light that he’s an actual chaebol (he’s never hidden it but netizens think this is a big deal) and the heir to Kim Securities with a former Canadian award winning actress as his mother. It also comes to light the dysfunctional family dynamic that he’d always had with them.  
It caused some hardship between him and his family but he had the support of nsg behind him (his ride or die brothers and family) but in the end his family did began treating him a lot better and he eventually gained their support. 
He would have stayed with NSG all through their first contract, but probably wouldn’t have renewed and most likely would have either gone to acting agency where he could focus on acting or go back to that chaebol life and actually fully embrace it as a future heir. 
In terms of his love life, he would have officially asked Jiyeon to date him at the Halloween party and they would starred in a few dramas side by side (Cinderella and the Four Knights being their first). They would kept secretly dating and eventually after their mutual dating ban was over, would probably reveal it in a cute couple shoot for Ceci or Dazed and Confused (like E Dawn and Hyuna). After Joon would have left NSG (post contract non renewal), he would have probably still kept acting and modelling alongside Jiyeon. NamYeon would have been a lot like the Rain/Kim Taehee acting and visual power couple. 
He would have definitely still kept in close touch with the rest of nsg (since they’re like brothers) and even with all his former kt friends, loving the time that he had spent in the company. 
rksxngyeol: nova’s artist, the mangaka 
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sungyeol had been an incredibly refreshing muse to write. he’s always been someone who actually doesn’t want to debut and he just wants to draw. i initially got him because minhyuk (joon) and jongsuk were getting really exhausting.  
there’s not much to say about sungyeol’s future. his contract with nova would have expired in november and he would have left the company on his own terms with the two years behind him. he learned a lot during those two years at nova and even realized a lot about himself. 
following his contract expiry, he would have asked his boyfriend (myungsoo) to move in with him over christmas with a key in a box  attached to a black butler keychain. if the other said yes, then the new year would have kicked off with the duo moving and cooking together and spending time with each other. 
sungyeol would have resumed drawing manhwa and mangas, combining his webtoon comic into a more professional looking five volume manga series with the same title. eventually he would have gotten an anime deal again and even a live action deal on his works (if your muse would have wanted to be in the live action of the Princess’s Sword, go for it). That would have propelled his family to actually recognize him as a talent and he would have been reinstated into the family. 
This would have led to myungsoo officially meeting Sungyeol’s family. His parents would have loved him to bits and his grandparents would have been iffy on it, but  his grandmother would end up dying three years after of heart attack and his grandfather would have followed her a year later of old age. 
After having dated Myungsoo for about five years, Sungyeol would have proposed to him and they would have most likely gotten married on the beach while on vacation somewhere warm. (we love a happy ending ;.;)  Also, he would have moved into a bigger house and brought Haebin with them so that they could be a cute happy family. 
Eventually, he would have come back to work for Nova as a producer and creative direction artist under Wendy as CEO (if that would have happened), and if not, he would have taken over his family’s company despite the lack of education and simply learned on the job. (Can I say that he would have been Myungsoo’s sugar daddy at some point even though they would be married or engaged at this point???) 
Thank you for reading to the very end and I love you all. Let’s stay friends and meet again in another rp. 
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usagi-mitsu · 4 years
This is something I never thought I would ever write – or would have even considered writing down even a few hours ago. But I feel like this needs to be addressed and I hope you all can forgive me for venting my feelings – about art, the reader/author relationship, art-theft, and the following consequence: deleted art.
And… this is also some kind of diary entry for me, to never forget.
About three to four hours ago, an artist who I truly admire, closed their account on Wattpad. Wattpad is not my personally preferred platform, simply because I’m not sure it’s ok for them to monetize an authors content the way they do – and that is a topic for a whole different discussion. But they had pulled their stuff from fanfiction.net a few years prior and (if it even was their account) even from AO3.
The last message they posted on Wattpad reads as follows:
 The author I’m talking about was called “Lusterrdust” on Wattpad and wrote the very popular Skyrim Romance Mod fanfiction about their Dragonborn Niamh and the mods main character Bishop. Their first story “Ranger of the Woods” covered the whole of the mod in about 52-53 chapters and told it beautifully: From when Niamh and Bishop first met in Riverwood (?), to them fighting side by side, him leaving her to go fight Alduin alone, them reuniting a few months later, the journey to Solstheim, the battle with Miraak and finally a small wedding far away from the public. The second story was called “Saviour of Tamriel” and was set about four years after the first one, with Niamh yearning to be a mother, while the Aldmeri Dominion was planning on slowly expanding it’s … well … dominion across the continent, with Niamh and the High King Ulfric receiving death threats, her actually getting pregnant and Bishop trying to keep his family as safe as possible. A meeting with the emperor Titus Mede was on the way and I think Niamh and Bishop were about to drop their baby boy Julian off with the greybeards to keep him safe, since the Dominion had already put a hefty price on the not even three month old infant.
 The reason for why I write this, why this is affecting me like this, is that Lusterrdust was the first author I ever interacted with: I wrote comments when I read the story and I left my impressions and came back to read it again and again. I even dropped theories in the comments, even though I knew the story was not yet one and when I left my ideas and theories at the end of one of the last chapters, they even asked me, if they could use my idea. And my comments were not there anymore, since I offered them to delete them – just so that nobody else would be spoiled by my … inspirational rants at the end of each chapter. (Which is why I assume Niamh and Bishop were in Ivarstead at the end of the last chapter – it was my suggestion to place the baby with the Greybeards. Who better to look after a baby, than a bunch of super powerful elderly men and an elder dragon..?
But aside from having a baby at the worst possible time, aside from Niamh and Bishop still trying to learn how to communicate with her being the Dragonborn and therefore a person of public and political interest, aside from a potential alliance with Titus Mede and a hopefully good ending for them all.. there was so much more: There was the sub-plot with Breezehome being remodelled to be an orphanage, Niamhs brother having been brainwashed by the dark brotherhood, Lydia and Farkas having a third baby, Vilkas being with a Mere (elven woman), the implication of Ulfric slowly growing old and openly admitting to wanting Niamh to be his High Queen …
There was so much yet to explore.
But the author stopped updating in 2018, when their grandfather died. Which was ok. And everything was still ok to this day. At least for me: Even though they did not publish any new content, I still had all those many chapters to read again and again in my own time, whenever I got to it.
And it inspired me. It inspired me so much, that I went ahead and dove head first into Elder Scrolls Lore. A few years back, I could name all the Daedric Princes (Sanguine is the god of tits and wine – change my mind) and tell you which of Tamriels nine gods ruled over which dominion and why the fight between the Elves of Summerset and the other peoples of Tamriel was utter religious bullshit.
It even inspired me to think about my own Dragonborn, a nord woman called Kahira van Rae, and what she would do in a situation like Niamhs. A train of thoughts, that lead to me having RP sessions with my friends via WhatsApp and hour long talks about the politics of fictional lands. It even made me call my new character in the next fandom I’d dive into “Shia Tamriel”. In honour of a story and fandom I had come to love deeply.
And while it has been some time since I last checked in with these stories, I never forgot them. I did keep on coming back, enjoying them again and again. And every time I read them, I discovered something new.
These two stories were important to me.
The author was important to me.
 And now, all of those things are gone, because someone apparently copied their work and posted them as their own.
And that’s what really gets me.
Some random person out there on the internet thought it was ok, to simply copy-paste another persons hard work and put their name on it.
And let me put this as simply as possible:
 Because of your selfishness, a few hundred people will never get to know the end of Niamhs story.
Because of your selfishness, a few hundred people will never get to reread the story.
Because of your selfishness, an author was hurt and annoyed so badly they decided to pull all their content.
You should be ashamed.
You stole someone’s precious art that they decided to share with the world and let me be clear – just because they shared their art, you are not allowed to simply make it your own!
 Copyright is an iffy topic in fandom culture, with different countries having different rules and different companies going after fan works in highly differing intensities. But it should be common curtesy to not simply steal another persons art! Be it literal artworks as in pictures or edited videos or cosplay ideas or written art like fanfiction!
If something inspires you, that’s great! But you always ask consent before doing anything with the art! And if asking consent is an entirely new concept to you, I’d like to ask you kindly to go educate yourself on it. It will not only pop up in fandom culture.
 To conclude this…
I’m just sad at this point. I remembered the story two nights ago and I jumped right back into it at some random point and read it. I even put up with Wattpads shenanigans like forcing me to log in to keep on reading or requiring me to download the app so that they can show me stupid 30 second long ads in between reading.
I know that the world is not ending because of this.
I am well aware of the fact, that it was just a story.
And I truly support the authors decision.
 But until they pulled all the content, until they deleted their account, I had always hoped to maybe one day read more about Niamh and Bishop. And Bragor and Julian. About their Ulfric and Ralof, Lydia and Farkas and their children. I had hopes to discover their Titus Mede and how they were going to resolve the conflict between Skyrim, the empire and the Dominion
But now I cannot even go back and reread the sassy exchanges between Casavir and Bishop. I will never again be able to experience Bishops anguish when Niamh receives an almost mortal wound. I’ll never again know the inner thoughts of the Dragonborn, who thought she was barren, getting told that she is pregnant.
 I think the author did the right thing. It saddens me nonetheless.
 So let me end this here with one last plea to everyone in every fandom out there:
Do not steal art.
 Thank you for reading.
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murasaki-murasame · 4 years
After all this waiting, we finally know what the new gala is gonna be like, and it wasn’t exactly what I was expecting in a whole bunch of ways, lmao. But I’m still extremely excited for it.
Since i’ve been saving for this ever since the Gala Alex banner ended, I’m currently sitting on a grand total of 600 summons, so let’s just hope I can get what I want with that.
So firstly we now officially know about Gala Leif being a thing, and man was that a roller-coaster of emotions for me. Mostly I’m just happy he’s finally coming out, but I’m still feeling extremely iffy about him being a wind sword, both because Gala Ranzal already exists, and also because I don’t even do eCiella in co-op anymore. But on the other hand, I’m also feeling kinda smug about correctly guessing that he’s be a support unit with two stances, though that probably wasn’t the hardest thing to guess, lol. But even then, his kit just looks . . . kinda strange. I really think I’ll need to hold back on making any judgments about it one way or another until we get his SP costs and damage mods, since that might really make or break him. His abilities also don’t say anything about his stance mechanic, so there might be additional things it does beyond just changing what his skills do.
On paper I think he just looks odd because the strength and defense debuffs don’t really seem that potent, and his S1 defense buff is self-only, which seems like it wouldn’t really be that great in eCiella anyway, and it wouldn’t be able to trigger doublebuff on everyone. Which is weird since he also has a strength doublebuff chain co-ab, with no apparent way to trigger it for the entire team by himself.
And since he doesn’t seem to give team-wide defense buffs, I’m honestly not sure if he’d actually be able to replace T-Hope’s role in eCiella, but for manual play that might not be a huge deal. He also doesn’t seem to have any heals or buff dispel, so he probably won’t also be replacing Lowen or OG Ranzal. And Sylas provides more potent buffs and debuffs. So I’m worried that Gala Leif might just not be able to find a place in the meta, but we’ll see how it goes. Since he has two attacking skills depending on what stance he’s in, he might be a good DPS unit, if nothing else. Which might also go with his Flurry Strength passive, which seems like a really weird ability to give to what seems like a support unit.
His unique debuff punisher co-ab and his debuff skill time ability are also really interesting, but I’m not sure how that’ll work out.
I just think there’s a big possibility that there’s additional mechanics to his kit that aren’t clear just from reading his skills and abilities, so we’ll have towait and see how he goes in practice. It’s entirely possible that he’s like Tobias, and being in his shielding stance lets him attack from range.
I’m still gonna immediately summon for him anyway and if I end up regretting that then that’ll by my problem, lmao. I’ve waited too long for this dude not to chase him.
They’re also putting the upcoming banner units on the gala, which is . . . extremely weird but also really cool. Considering that stuff like this doesn’t lead to anyone having lower than normal appearance rates, this just means that when I chase after Gala Leif I’ll have a good chance at getting some of these units too. Which would be nice, since I was already thinking that they might really tempt me.
It’s also just kinda funny that after finding out about the Xuan Zang alt I got worried that she’d be the new gala unit, which I knew wasn’t gonna happen, but then she ended up actually being on the gala banner anyway even if she’s not the gala unit, lol.
I hope this becomes a trend going forward, since it’d be a great way to give me a shot at non-limited banner units even if I just save for galas exclusively.
Anyway, these new units are the new batch of non-limited light units we’ve been desperately needing, and they look really nice. They still suffer from the fact that there’s no important fights to actually use them in until the shadow Agito boss comes out in like three months, but at least we can use them in this event.
I honestly couldn’t tell what weapon type the Xuan Zang alt was meant to be since she uses a unique weapon model in her boss battle, and she also dies way too fast for me to see her animations, so it’s nice to get confirmation that she’s a wand unit.
In general, Radiant Xuan Zang basically looks like a more tanky version of Peony, which is really interesting. I wonder if anyone will feel bad for summoning for Peony, lol. I think they’re different enough that it doesn’t matter, but they’re still really similar in a lot of ways.
Even though her DPS might not be as high as Peony’s, I do really like how Xuan Zang’s new kit looks. Her S1 strength debuff reminds me a lot of Sylas’, and she also has a shadow resistance buff on her S2. So if that sort of damage mitigation is good in the shadow Agito fight, that’d be really nice. She can also inspire the entire team with her enhanced S2, which seems to effect the entire team and not just people she’s near, so that might have a surprisingly big impact on her team DPS contribution. I think this also makes her the first light unit with inspiration, which is cool.
She also gets the new debuff skill time ability like Gala Leif does, which is cool. I guess that’ll probably be given to new units every once in a while now. The fact that it also covers bleed is really interesting, especially since there’s currently no way to have it apply to anyone who actually inflicts bleed, so maybe they’re laying the foundation for that to happen later. And since we have buff time prints, maybe we’ll get debuff time prints, which could be really useful on certain characters.
One thing that I think is really interesting is that when she maxes her charge gauge, she can lower an enemy’s paralysis resistance level. It sounds like a one-time, permanent effect, but it might have a real impact on team DPS if you rely on paralysis punishing, since this should effectively prolong the amount of uptime you can have on paralysis. It also opens up the possibility of other characters in other elements getting this sort of ability for other status effects, which could really increase the viability of certain units, especially if we get someone who can do this sort of thing for something like bog or blind resistance.
Other than how much she seems to be competing with Peony, my main worry with her is probably that her charge gauge mechanic might hold her back, and lead to her having low uptime on stuff like the strength buff it lets her give the team. Not to mention the fact that it’s an AoE buff effect, not a universal team one, so you might not be able to give it to everyone. It sounds like the amount her charge gauge gets boosted depends on how many teammates are within her AoE field when she uses her S2, so her potential seems to really depend on whether or not everyone’s grouped close to each other.
I honestly wasn’t super interested in her when we first saw her, but the fact that she’ll be on the same banner as Gala Leif makes me a lot more interested in picking her up, and I do really like how her kit looks. I already have Chitose, but I didn’t get Peony, so Xuan Zang might be worth getting. I also just appreciate that she’s effectively a non-limited light strength buff unit, which the element’s really needed for a long time now. It’s not quite as straight-forward as how Chitose’s buffs work, but it’s something.
I also just honestly really like her as a character, and like with Wu Kong I have a lot of nostalgia toward her because her event was the first one I actually got into when I started playing the game. I never really use her welfare version, so it’d be great to be able to use her alt.
Though even more than her, as soon as I saw Zhu Bajie and it became obvious he was gonna be a banner unit, I got really tempted to chase him, lol. Which is another reason why i’m glad that these units are getting bundled into the same banner as Leif. I don’t really need any light units any time soon in general, but I still really want him, and it’d be nice to not have to dream summon him.
In terms of his kit, I don’t really like enmity units in general, but he does look really strong on paper. We’ll have to see his exact damage mods, but the fact that he can manually lower his health while also having Resilient Offense seems like a really good combo. Sadly the shield he gets is just a regular shield like Natalie’s, but it does it’s job. It’s interesting that his S2 also makes it so that he can’t be healed for ten seconds. I’m not sure if that actually works well with his kit or not, since on the one hand he wants to stay at low health as much as possible, but he also needs to dip in and out of low HP to trigger Resilient Offense. He also has a unique force-strike via his ability that has a multi-step charge like the MH units, which gives him knockback res and has paralysis punisher mods. 
Light doesn’t really have the sort of support for enmity kits that shadow does via Grace’s shield utility, but I think he has a lot of potential to be a really good DPS unit, and honestly light really needs more of that, in terms of non-limited units. It’s also nice that he’s an axe, since I didn’t get DY-Malora, and I don’t use S-Luca anymore now that I have G-Luca.
It’s probably worth noting that even though there’s not currently someone like Grace for light, Xuan Zang has her strength debuffs and her team shadow res buffs that should help make Zhu Bajie a lot more tanky if you use them together.
And then there’s the wildcard in the form of Sha Wujing, who isn’t actually described in the blog post they put out because he’s a 4-star. Which is kinda lame, but considering that they’re bundling this with Gala Leif AND also including a new 5-star dragon, I get why they relegated him to being a 4-star.
But either way, he might be a really interesting unit. There’s nothing to go on, but him being a 4-star isn’t an automatic strike against the idea of him being really good. There’s just lots of different things they could do with him.
Basically my main two options I’m thinking about at the moment are in effectively being a light version of Emma, or a light version of Heinwald. It’d be great to get a dedicated, non-limited light strength buffer, but Xuan Zang can kinda do that too, and I’m not really sure if him being a lance unit or something with strength buffs really ‘fits’ his whole vibe. But on the other hand, I really like the idea of him being sort of like Heinwald but for light. It’s been over a year since our last light healer came out, so it’d be really nice to get another one. And tbh as a character he really reminds me of Heinwald, so it’d make sense if they end up being similar units. But who knows.
And finally we’re also getting a new light dragon for this banner, who seems to basically just be light Freyja, except her dragon skill only energizes the team instead of also healing them. Which is a bit lame, but light already has Cupid who can heal everyone, so it’s not a big deal. Either way I’d really like to get a copy of her to use on my light support/healer units.
Interestingly it seems like they’re all still gonna appear on the next banner once the gala ends, but I think this is by far going to be the best time to get them, unless they intentionally increase their appearance rates for their banner or something. Being able to get all of them AND Gala Leif from the same banner is way too good of a deal to pass up.
Also this means that we’re not getting a split banner for this event [at least not in the same way we’ve had with recent events], so that’s great. We’re still probably gonna get more split banners in the future, but it’s nice to have all these units on one banner.
I should probably hold off on my summoning spree until we know how good the new units are [especially since Gala Leif looks like he might be underwhelming in practice], but I’ve been saving for two months for this, so I don’t think I’m gonna be able to restrain myself, lol. Depending on how long I summon for, I might have to actually keep notes of what I get so I can remember it all.
Realistically it might be best for me to just stop if/when I get Gala Leif and then save for the next gala, but with the event units being on the gala banner as well, they might tempt me to keep pulling. We’ll just see how it goes, I guess.
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funkymbtifiction · 5 years
Hi Charity, I was wondering what your instinctual variants were? I don’t know if you’ve talked about this already but would you mind explaining a little about your experience as that iv? Maybe compared to other ENFPs or 6s you’ve seen?
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There is so much contradictory information out there that I was confused for awhile, but I came to determine sp/so based on descriptions of 6 subtypes.
I had to look at “what I am actually LIKE” far more than what I “THINK I AM LIKE.” As in, think back to my life and see if I could pinpoint any examples of my behavior that fell in line with the so and sp 6 descriptions.
I am way more this:
Sp 6: Passion of fear manifests as insecurity, fear of not being protected.
Escape anxiety through seeking security and protection, and become dependent on others, not trusting themselves enough. Feel alone and incapable without outside support. (I hate to admit this, but I have a huge sense of anxiety whenever I think about inheriting my parents’ business and all their responsibilities. I have this deeply-rooted fear of “I cannot do this” … even though I am capable, reliable, frugal, and smart. All of those things flit from my mind and I feel like I need other people helping me. Last week, I had an actual meltdown where I became almost catatonic because I had spent too much time thinking one day that there’s no way I can live up to my super-extroverted, confident father’s ease of business sense. I had to talk my way through it, and accept that I am far different, and think about how to achieve the same results but in a way that suits my more introverted and withdrawn, even shy, personality.)
Perceive the world as dangerous, and seek alliances. Endeavor to be friendly, trustworthy and supportive as allies are supposed to be. Taboo on aggression that results from the needs of dependency weakens them in the face of aggression, and contributes to their insecurity and need for external support. (I cannot think of a single instance in my entire life when I ever showed aggression in anything, even the times when it would have been beneficial for me to do so, but I can think of countless examples where other people verbally attacked me for some reason and I just stood there dumbfounded and unable to produce any kind of visceral rage with which to hit them back. I just listened, then, as a teen, went home and cried; now, I go home and withdraw from everyone.)
Want to feel the warm embrace of a family, in a protected place with no enemies. (I cannot stress enough how much this looks like 9 – I am exactly like my 9 friends in our need for a harmonious relationship; I cannot be around people who are angry, who stir up constant trouble, or seem to dislike me; and in the instances in which I am confronted by dislike or strong opinions, my literal first thought is “I want to go home, to the people who ‘get’ me and agree with me” because I feel safe there.)
Driving need is for friendship or warmth. Being warm is a way of getting people to be friendly and not angry. Warmest of the 6s. (Yep. A thousand times yep.)
Cannot let out their own aggression, and want to be good, ie. not angry. (This has baffled me for as long as I can remember. My anger flares up and then… dissipates in a very short amount of time. I never hold grudges. I never tell people off, unless I am very close to them, and even then I’m not mad for more than a few minutes. ONE TIME I lost my temper in front of two people, and I instantly felt bad about it. I have gone through some crap in my life, and never lost my temper; if I get mad, I start berating myself for BEING angry!!)
A lot of hesitation, indecision and uncertainty. Too much tolerance for ambiguity, don’t want to decide between ‘black and white’ because they see a lot of grey, can have a difficult time making decisions. Ask many questions but don’t answer any. (Sadly. Yes.)
Than this:
So 6: “Duty” - concerned with what their duty is, knowing the rules, the points of reference, the guidelines, the “good guys and bad guys”. 
Represents a mixture of the phobic and counter-phobic expressions.
Cool, cold, precise (archetypically German/Prussian character).
Stronger, due to certainty. Becomes too sure in defense from insecurity. Can become a true believer or fanatic, who holds tightly to ideologies, lacking trust to oneself and trust to others. (I do lack self-trust, but I also have it – in MBTI, for example, I am always seeking to learn more, and sometimes doubt I have typed a character accurately; in those instances I will ask someone whose opinion I trust if my reasoning is sound. I “consult” with others to get their opinions and like a consensus.)
Deal with anxiety by relying on abstract reason or ideology as an impersonal frame of reference. Make sure of things through an obsessive reliance on reason and precision. (I feel safe if I use a “rational” approach which I guess fits into this category?)
Love of precision and intolerance of ambiguity. See things more in terms of ‘black and white’ than gray. (If I put this into the context of my faith, then yes, I am more a person who says, “If you want to identify as X, you should live according to the principles defined by X.” Just as an example, Christianity teaches unconditional forgiveness, so if I see someone professing to be a Christian who is also hanging on to bitterness and refusing to forgive others, I would feel tempted to point that out to them, because they are not living according to the principles they “claim” to possess. I rarely do it, however, because it’s too combative and I’m not comfortable with initiating conflict on that level. I am more inclined to disapprove from a distance and keep my mouth shut unless asked for advice on that issue. :P)
Fear disapproval from the authorities. “The Obedient 6”. Think that the way to be safe is to do the right thing, and the way to know the right thing is to have clear rules. (Mostly, I think this way in terms of my faith; I am less this way about rules in an organization or a group, and I would never impose those rules on anyone – I would fail at being the person in charge of a “home covenants” group where everyone had to keep their house up to a certain standard and abide by the rules, since I think forcing rules upon people sucks.)
Concerned with efficiency, have a legalistic character. (Um. Yes? Kind of? I don’t like to think of myself this way, but I have been called cold before.)
Can look like: 1 or 3.
Lots of sp, some soc but not enormously.
Many ENFPs seem to be sp-blind and/or have weak sp, which is why I don’t resemble most of them – I have no problem taking tons of “alone time” to work on my various projects rather than socialize, I have always saved money with the notion that I might need it later for my long-term survival, I am aware of my physical needs and make sure to cater to them with regular mealtimes and sleeping schedules. I am very good with money and always have been frugal.
I do value soc but am hesitant to use it as a resource, and it’s hard for me to socialize or approach strangers to get to know them. I am an initiator with those I already know or have been introduced to, but more of a loner. Soc-doms tend to be more extroverted because they want to connect with you – I am never sure if I want to or not until I get to know you. I have to mentally prepare myself to go out and be with a group of people, and feel quickly drained by them and their chatter. When I first moved away from home, I really wanted to meet people and make friends but did not have the first clue as to “how.” I tried out a couple of groups where I soon discovered it was hard for me to approach people or initiate conversations. I do not project the soc-first “I am friendly, come and talk to me” aura. In one group, I realized my beliefs did not match up with theirs, so I walked away. I didn’t argue with them about it, I just knew there was no point and I’d rather be alone than in a group that seemed to agree with each other, but that I could not agree with myself. I figured, “Well, my loved ones agree with me, so they will have to do.”
I have an iffy relationship with the rules, also. When I was much younger, I had more strict views about behaviors and felt threatened when others disagreed with them – but as an adult, I am open to nuanced thinking and fall into being comfortable with uncertainty. I have super strong opinions, but rarely impose them on other people. I’m more able to be friends with people I disagree with now than when I was young – so fear of disagreement is something all 6s have to work through.
Probably my biggest clue about being sp/so came from my experiences in dating. Anytime the relationship appeared to grow more intrusive or serious, I would run away from it – it was threatening my sense of sp, and I lacked the soc-dom’s “social grace” of making a delicate break. I feel bad about that, but I think it’s a problem with sp-doms. They long to connect in a deep, meaningful way, but the minute anyone feels too “intruding” upon their time or resources or independence, they back away.
- ENFP Mod
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Hey there! I saw your post (about Mystic Code) on LucyDream's tumblr. Love how you're in your 30's but still playing otome games! I'm the same, but I'm in this world just recently. Can you make a list with your favorite visual novels and otome games? I love those ones with a more mature MC. I mean your can be cute/fun and still be sassy/adult hehe I miss it sometimes...
Okay Anon first of all I’m trash because I told you I would have this out the day you asked it and I totally didn’t so I’m sorry I don’t even know if you’re going to see this. 😩 But you need to know that THIS IS MY MOST FAVORITE QUESTION I HAVE EVER BEEN ASKED AND I LOVE YOU A LOT. 
Anyway, I have a lot to say about this and here’s what I’m gonna say first - there’s a lot of layers to this question so let me just... write a novel. 
Important Note #1: I don’t know that you necessarily want to consider me some kind of expert on otoge with adult MCs. My favorite VN of all time is not an otome game and it is also not with a “mature MC”... you play as a 16-year old boy in Fate/Stay Night. But it’s such a good VN, if you can find it I totally recommend it. I will rave about it for DAYS so if you also want an essay about that please let me know. 
Important Note #2: Some little, technical things... - there is a difference between “mature MC” and “older MC” so I’m gonna kinda do a mix of both... but also going to include “older suitors” or “suitors with no canon age” in this criteria as well.  - I prefer PC games to mobile games but play mobile more often due to convenience... -I own a lot of games that I’m super interested in and have actually never gotten around to playing because I have both a time management problem and a shopping problem. So there are probably some even better choices than what I’m about to list from personal experience and maybe I’ll just come back and update this in a few months.  Moving on...  Here are my current top favorite VNs (otoge or not):  1. Fate/Stay Night (PC) 2. When the Night Comes (PC)   3. The Arcana (Mobile) 4. Amnesia (PC and Mobile) 5. Mystic Code (Mobile) My favorite mobile VNs:  I’m gonna tell you right now this list is gonna change on July 1st when Ikemen Vampire comes out... watch that immediately jump to the #2 spot but as of right now I haven’t played it so I can’t do that.  1. The Arcana 2. Ikemen Revolution 3. Mystic Code 4. Mystic Messenger (this is iffy to call this a VN in my opinion but VNDB lists it so I’m going go with it) 5.  Mysterious Forum and 7 Rumors  My favorite PC VNs (otoge or not): This list is a big oof to be honest because there are so many games I am really interested in but haven’t yet played. For example, I have 20+ unplayed games in my Steam library right now.  1. Fate/Stay Night 2. When the Night Comes 3. Amnesia: Memories  4. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni 5. Cinderella Phenomenon  Now those are my favorites, but here instead are my actual recommendations for you personally Anon:  Recommendations for VNs with a More Mature MC:  1. When the Night Comes (PC, Free to Play) I absolutely adore this VN. It is the best otoge/dating sim I have ever played (thus far). But that’s because it caters to a lot of my interests - it’s definitely not going to hit the mark for everyone! The MC has no canon age or gender. You can date a human, witches, a vampire, a Lycan, and a demon. There are even two route options for poly romance. THE WRITING IS PHENOMENAL. I mean the story is great, yes, but THE FUCKING LANGUAGE is totally everything I love. It is very snarky, witty, and British. Swearing in places one would swear in real life. Sarcastic, “roll my eyes at myself” jokes that one would make in real life. Things are dark but with a sliver of hope. MC is a fucking badass and very much a mature adult. It’s currently being updated monthly (chapter 8 comes out tomorrow - 6/29) so we only have two more months left and then we’re done :( 2. The Arcana (Mobile, Free to Play, with Premium Options)  Please be cautious when interacting with this fandom, especially right now. But besides that warning, The Arcana is amazing. It is also currently still updating. But the MC again has no canon age nor gender. And as a plus, as far as I am aware, the suitors do not have canon ages as well. I wish all games would have no canon suitor ages but I digress. The story sorta starts as a murder mystery but evolves into something much more. It is magical. It incorporates tarot so well. The art is absolutely gorgeous. The MC is not at all helpless and definitely holds their own. 
3. Cinderella Phenomenon (PC, Free to Play)   Okay so MC in this one is NOT an adult. She’s 17, I believe. But she’s a bitch and I love her. I genuinely love the plot of this VN. The art is very pretty - very art nouveau. If you like twists on fairy tails, some snark, and a story of... uh, learning how to be less of a bitch ... this one is a great play! 
4. Mystic Code (Mobile, Free to Play, with Premium Options) I’m not gonna elaborate on this here since Anon already knows about it but I want to remind people reading this that I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THIS VN... I believe it is the best game to come out on mobile thus far this year.  5. Love Tangle in the Niflheim+ (Mobile, Free to Play with Premium Options, Abandoned)  So... normally I would never recommend a Shall We Date game as a top choice, however, this game is SWD’s only exception. It, of course, has the god awful mechanics that all SWD games have, which could make it a bit annoying to play. This game has also unfortunately been abandoned by SWD so there are NO updates to it. Luckily, all the routes (save for one, I’m pretty sure they were planning to release Sunny’s route prior to abandoning) are out and in full. MC has no canon age and it doesn’t matter because she’s fucking dead. Your suitors are also dead. This is the best premise of a fucking story I have ever seen. As with most SWD games, the writing is a hit or a miss depending on the route, but the MC is mature and strong-willed - never helpless. (One thing I will give SWD is they tend to write their MCs with a bit of *bite* in them.) The writing has some well-timed comedic moments so it definitely keeps you entertained!! I originally started playing just for the novelty of it but I actually genuinely love it. Plus MC has the best hair of all the MCs I have ever seen. 
Additionally, I recommend both Ikemen Sengoku and Ikemen Revolution (Mobile, FTP w/ Premium Options). The MC usually has her shit together although she does have her moments of “oh no baby what is you doing?” And in both games, she’s a young adult, not anywhere near 30 but I still find I have no problem self-inserting.  Other games:  -  Hustle Cat (PC, $) - I have yet to play, but it was recommended to me by two people I trust when it comes to these types of games. It seems to be geared toward adults and as far as I am aware, MC is customizable in not only pronouns but build as well.  - Mr. Love Queen’s Choice (Mobile, mostly FTP) - I do play this and I enjoy it. I wouldn’t really recommend it for a “mature” MC (even though she is a young adult who runs a company), but I mod a MLQC discord server and noticed a lot of our members are in the late 20s-30s. So obviously this game appeals to an “older” market (har har, I just mean “older” than 21). It’s a VN at its core, but it’s got so much extra shit going on that it can be overwhelming unless you like those sort of games. The story part of it is really, really good. And the MC gets equal time with all the suitors (instead of specifically just choosing one route to date).  - Food Fantasy (Mobile, mostly FTP) - this isn’t a VN and I don’t think it’s technically an otoge either- it’s a JRPG-  but oh my goodness the art is fucking gorgeous, and the backstory that sets up the game is WILD, dark, and deep. It blew my mind. It’s cute! So I had to throw it in here in case you were looking for something fun. :)  And finally, VNs on my “To-Play” List:  - Ikemen Vampire (Mobile) - this is coming out in just a few days and I have been waiting for 8 months, so I’m super stoked! - Psychedelica of the Black Butterfly (PC and Vita, $) - The House in Fata Morgana (PC, $) - Clannad (PC, $$)  - Tokyo Debunker (Mobile) - as far as I know there’s no official release date yet, unfortunately! :(  Anyway please message me more if you have any more questions or want to know anything else, I love this shit thank you!!! Depending on the question I’ll try not to write a thesis paper next time :[ 
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Rules Post for Mobile Users
Quick Disclaimer: Bar prices, processes, and other such things probably won’t be all that accurate. If that’s you wanted and came to this blog for, I apologise in advance. 
Also, please be aware that this is a sideblog and follows back from my main blog: pushspacetocontinue.  I will most likely send you an ask alerting you of this too, just to be safe.
Things I will RP:
‘Slice of Life’ stuff.
Crossovers (although there are some fandoms I won’t, but that’s because I’m not really a fan of them or don’t know much about them.)  
General Situations (e.g. Helping someone if sick, helping to rescue someone, etc etc)
Some Magic Anons (if they’re interesting enough for people to want to RP with - e.g. Like the ‘Pocket’ one I got.
Ships. The blog is multiship and each ship is set in a different verse from the other. However, that doesn’t mean I’m only out for shipping our characters in a romantic way. I love friendships, enemies, and plots away from shipping too.
Things I won’t RP:
Smut (although I am okay with innuendo, suggestive asks, and the typical Sexual Sunday/TMI Tuesday/Fetish Friday stuff.) I am of age, but I don’t feel comfortable writing it. If sex actually happens, I’m happy to ‘fade to black’ and then skip to afterwards.
Rape/Non-con (it’s just not something I’m comfortable with. So if Bill tells your character ‘No’ or I say ‘No’ from a mod to another, it means ‘No!’ Just because he can mesmerise doesn’t mean he’ll use it for that.)
Pedophilia (No. Just no! No! I don’t think I need to explain why I won’t. At least, I hope not.)
Bestiality (Again. No. I see that kind of stuff as being very wrong, although I am willing to discuss things regarding werewolves, splices etc.)
Pregnancy (once again, not something I’m comfortable with. it scares the shit out of me and grosses me out)
Alpha/Omega/Beta verse. (Not to sound shaming to anyone who does like it, but I really don’t. It creeps me out way too much. It makes me shudder.)
Age regression to the point of depending on other muses. (It makes me uncomfortable too. If Bill ever gets turned into a kid, he will stay at an age where he is fairly independent and capable of looking after himself.)
Some Magic Anons (e.g. body swaps, weight gain, ones that change his personality in his extreme way, make him attracted to someone else, change his sexuality, ‘smutty’ stuff (e.g. aphrodisiac/heat effects) etc.)
With ‘real’ muses. If you have a real person (e.g. a youtuber, an actor, a kpop artist etc.) as your muse or one of them if you’re a multi-muse blog, I would rather not roleplay with them. Nothing against you, it just makes me feel a bit iffy. I’m okay with them being faceclaims for muses and I’m okay with alter egos (e.g. Antisepticeye or Darkiplier because they’re fictional characters as well), but if it’s an actual real person as a muse, I’d rather steer clear. Self-inserts also count under this I’m afraid. If you roleplay as yourself in threads, and the mun and muse are one and the same, then I’d rather not. Again, just like with roleplaying with real people, I just feel iffy about it.
Other things:
Please don’t godmod. Of course, minor things like passing something to Bill and assuming he took it is fine. I will let you know if you are because it can be an easy mistake to make sometimes. However, if you continue to do it, then I will not continue with the thread.
This blog is 18+. While I don’t smut, sometimes asks can be rather suggestive, and the blog does sometimes delve into more sensitive topics. For that reason, I’d rather minors stay away. 
When it comes to replies, I can be rather fast. That doesn’t mean I expect you to be. There is never any rush or pressure to reply quickly. I promise. Don’t stress yourself out. Take as much time as you want and remember that you never need to apologise or anything like that. There’s no deadline. It’s a hobby. Not a job.
I am mutuals-only but I am not completely closed off. Feel free to send an ask if you would like me to check out your blog and see if our muses are compatible.
The same goes for matching post length, especially when I write a starter. I have a habit of setting the scene and I do sometimes use a few too many details. As long as I have something to work with and it’s at least a paragraph, then don’t worry about matching reply length.
If you can’t answer an ask I’ve sent because you’ve got too many already or you feel you just can’t give a good answer, or you feel a scenario wouldn’t work, don’t worry. Just don’t answer it. Delete it, forget, and don’t sweat it.
Same for dropping a thread. If you feel a need to drop a thread with me, because you don’t have anymore ideas, you’re not enjoying it anymore, you’ve got a lot of other threads going on and you feel overwhelmed etc., just do it. I will not hold it against you.
Basically, your comfort is important. Do what’s what right for yourself and I will do what I can to accommodate you.
If you have any problems or you want me to tag something or you want to discuss anything, just talk to me. I don’t bite.
If we’re going to roleplay, I would find a lot easier if you have an About Page (for canon characters, even linking back to a Wiki page will suffice) and a Rules Page. Just enough so I know what you prefer and what your character is like. I think it just makes things a lot simpler for everybody involved.
I love getting asks. I really do. If you want to continue the ask as a thread, I would really appreciate it if you made a new post for it (linking back to my answer or quoting me) and then tag me in it. It just looks a whole lot neater and makes trimming tidier.
That said, if you want to reblog the ask just so you can keep it on your blog (I know some people who have done that), then you are more than welcome.
If you’re going to reblog an ask meme from me, please at least make the effort to send something from that meme in. It’s why I reblogged it after all. If you can’t or don’t want to, try and get it from the source instead. This is something you should keep in mind for everyone you roleplay with. I will do the same for you.
If you want to kill Bill, please talk to me first.
Bill is pansexual, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to jump into your muse’s pants the second he meets them. I do like there to be some chemistry.
If I’ve missed a reply (as much as I try not to,) please do not hesitate to message me.
I, the mod, occassionally post OOC things (e.g. things I’m interested in etc,) but I tag them as such (e.g. ‘BillMod is a butt’ or ‘OOC Interest’ for example.)
I won’t get angry or offended if you choose to unfollow me or want me to unfollow you (just tell me if you do want that by the way.) It’s your choice after all and I won’t question it.
My timezone is GMT. Which means I may go to bed a lot earlier than expected.
It’s sad that I need to add this rule, but unless I know you (drop me an ask letting me know who you are), then I’m afraid I won’t be allowing personals/non-roleplay blogs to follow me anymore. They will simply be soft-blocked. That said, if you are a personal and your roleplay blog is a sideblog, again, drop me an ask and let me know.
You don’t need to send me a password or anything like that for reading these rules. I’ll quickly know if you haven’t.
I understand that Bill’s mesmerism ability could be considered overpowered, so I will only have him use it with the other mod’s permission, if he ever really has a need to. 
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