#i was just trying to show her how the language/behaviour she uses was hurtful to me
wavesoutbeingtossed · 4 months
#warning: rant about parent ahead#I’m so so so so so empathetic to mental health struggles#like exceedingly so#but it’s just so exhausting being on the receiving end of someone’s self-loathing#and to be clear I AM NOT TALKING ABOUT ANYONE HERE#you are all my phone besties and I have so much empathy for your struggles and know that i love you all#and wish i could say the right thing to support you all always and you are always welcome to share whatever is going on#and to quote the bard herself i wish i could take the bombs in your head and disarm them#but when my mother gets into these moods she just seems to use it as a way to get a rise out of us#she’s pulling the ‘well maybe you don’t want to do x with me because it’s not fun because I’m a terrible person and you’re scared of me#and i ruin everything so maybe you would just rather i do everything alone’#and i don’t doubt she feels horrible and i know she has intrusive thoughts etc#but that is so manipulative!!!! she then puts the onus on us to reassure her that she is not!!!! But that is not what she wants!!!!#which we then do profusely and remind her that we do love her and we do do things together and whatever the fuck is the problem of the day#but of course she won’t hear it#so yes it makes us scared of her because we are always worried we’re going to say the wrong thing in a given moment!!!!#i just shut the fuck up at all times now#but my dad tries to use reason with her and of course it just ends in her lashing out and projecting all this shit on him#’oh you maybe you actually hate me maybe you want to leave me’ etc#THEY’VE BEEN MARRIED DECADES HE’S THE MOST LOYAL AND KINDEST PERSON IN THE WORLD HE NEVER ONCE HAS#i honestly don’t know how he lets this roll off his back because i am so fed up with it#It’s just so so so so hard because one minute she’s ‘herself’ and the other she’s this inferno#and we just have to ride whatever wave she’s on and it sucks all the air out of the room#it’s like the one and only time i tried to very gently bring up that something she said was hurtful *after she’d brought it up herself*#she went on a ‘oh I’m a terrible person/terrible parent’ rant and it then turned into me reassuring her that she isn’t#i was just trying to show her how the language/behaviour she uses was hurtful to me#so anyway that was lesson learned that even if she invites it i will never speak of it and luckily she hasn’t since and that was years ago#But it’s just… i know bad thoughts can’t be helped and again i feel so much pain on her behalf for what she struggles with#and i wish i could help but there’s absolutely nothing i can do#AND SHE’S GONE OFF ALL HER MEDS SO THE ONE SOURCE SHE DID HAVE ISN’T THERE ANYMORE EITHER
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hello !! hope you're having a good day/night
was hoping you could write headcanons for the courtiers (if you feel like it's a lot of work, Valerius alone would be fine) with a very affectionate s/o
(and sorry if my english is not great, it is not my first language^^)
Hello, lovely anon! Do not worry, English isn't my first language either and yes, you may have all five courtiers!
- At first it's awkward. VERY awkward. They are not used to gentleness, let alone affection
- The moment you embrace them, Vulgora freezes, looking down (or up) at you while they try to process what in the Devil's name you are doing
- You must consider yourself lucky. If it were anyone else they would've pulled a WWE on them and thrown the person in question across the room
- You know how touch averse people react when they receive a hug from someone they care about but they don't have the heart to tell them to stop? That's them rn
- When reality settles in, they pat your back slowly. If you laugh, they will turn beet red and ask you what's so funny
- You tell them they are cute
- "SHUT UP! YOU ARE THE CUTE ONE!" (Agressive flirting: check)
- It's okay, just give them time and space and they will eventually initiate the hugs themselves. Bone crushing hugs
- When they are finally comfortable with being touched at all, they are more than happy to receive your affections. Hugs, kissing, hand holding... You name it! Though, be warned, Vulgora's body temperature is above the average human's and varies depending on their mood
- They live for PDA and will show you off any chance they got
- Good luck trying to step close enough, it's like they can smell your intentions. The moment you reach out for them, they step away and look at you with the creepiest passive-agressive smile
- "Whatever do you think you are doing?"
- You tell them you just wanted a hug. They chuckle
- "No."
- If you somehow manage to make them feel the slightest amount of pity for you, they might allow you to embrace them... Once
- It's like hugging a corpse. They are boney, stiff and overall cold (both in a literal and rethorical sense)
- Don't expect this moment to last more than three seconds
- They don't mind your affectionate nature, even if they do not share or understand it at all, but just like they respect this behaviour of yours, they expect you to mind their boundries
- Never. I repeat, NEVER try to surprise them. They always have something sharp and dangerous between their hands and you might be stabbed
- But you are their friend, after all, so if by any chance they did hurt you, they will help you out. Just don't do that again
- This poor, poor baby. She NEEDS someone affectionate
- She is very clingy herself. She loves every and any type of physical contact as long as it's gentle and loving
- Holding hands has to be her favorite. Her tiny little grabbers are always on yours in almost every situation
- Did I mention how much she adores being carried? Please, hold her any chance you got. She is light as a feather, you won't have any problems
- Catch Vulgora gagging at how sappy the two of you are and telling you to get a room. You are happy, however, so you ignore their complaints
- She is very possessive. No one has ever been so kind to Volta
- "B-But MC! What if they take you away from Volta? Oh, she would be so sad... So sad..."
- Please, for the love of God, don't try to make her jelous. Not even jokingly. Her sensitive little heart is not able to take it and she will immediately start crying
- Overall you'll have to do lots of reassurance, and what better way to do that than to tell her how much you love her through cuddles?
- Volta just can't live without you now. She has horrible abandonment issues
- Shyshyshy
- Take it easy with him, he might have a heart attack if you hug him out of the blue
- Catch him turning every different shade of red when you show the slightest sign of affection
- Don't get me wrong, he appreciates your display of emotion! He is just not used to it, much like every other courtier
- He has mixed feelings about PDA: he loves the fact that you don't mind being seen in public with him, but at the same time he feels everyone's eyes on him while you hold hands and that is not good for his social anxiety
- He is surprisingly good at hugging. He isn't too gentle or too harsh. He uses the perfect amount of pressure
- Expect a worm or two to sneak into your cuddle sessions
- "Apologies, darling! These little guys follow me absolutely every where"
- Don't worry, if you are not comfortable with his precious worms, he will make sure they are away for as long as you are there. That is not to say he won't try to show you they are harmless
- Much like Vulgora, he is weirded out at first. He is not particularly fond of physical contact if any kind. Contrary to the Pontifex, Valerius is very much used to receiving affection (from his parents, that is)
- He stands perfectly still as you wrap your arms around him. It's... uncomfortable. For the both of you
- "Are you done, magician?"
- When you frown at his reaction, he chuckles. You freeze. He can smile? He can laugh?? He can feel any other emotion other than spite???
- Yes, of course he can. Only toward you, though. With everyone else he is still very dry
- Once he accepts his feelings toward you, he drops the mean attitude and turns into the sweetest man. He is very attentive, loving and (surprisingly) affectionate!
- He is not fond of PDA, though. Sure, he has no problem with a subtle flirting, maybe holding your hand for a while, but you won't catch him being all lovey-dovey in public
- He is a gentle lover and he only ever smiles around you. He has the softest, most sweet smile you have ever seen
- Cuddling is a foreign term to him, but does not mean he doesn't enjoy it!
- Valerius is not an over the top kinda guy, but that's what makes him special. He reserves his tender side for you and you only
There it is! Sorry, it took me quite a while! I struggled a bit with Valerius, but I finally figured him out! Thank you for your patience and hope you enjoyed 🩷
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catwithyellowwings · 1 year
Nolan Holloway / Y/N Dunbar (Liam's twin sister)
Please be gentle. English is not my native language. I'm still learning it, so there's probably a bunch of mistakes 🙈
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“What are you doing here? Together,” Y/N asked, shifting her suspicious gaze from her brother to her boyfriend. “You guys hate each other”.
“Um, we're here…” Liam hesitated, a little confused by the unexpected appearance of his sister in the locker room.
“We're talking, we're just talking here,” Nolan explained with a smile, trying to defuse the situation. “Isn't that right, Dunbar?” he put his hand on the guy's shoulder as if there were no quarrels between them. Liam himself stared at him with displeasure at this time but still did not throw off his hand.
“Yes, it's true”, he tried to smile, but the smile came out strained, which was especially evident in his eyes.
“I don't believe you,” Y/N said, folding her arms and shaking her head, quickly seeing through the lie. “Admit it, why are you arguing this time?”
Sometimes Y/N felt like the mother of two naughty, quarrelling sons. It wasn't the first time she had to settle a conflict between Nolan and Liam that could flare up in a second. At several points, Scott caught his beta half-turned and ready to rip open his opponent. He needed to have an educational conversation with him over and over again about how they should keep themselves in hand and not show their new essence to others. Y/N told him the same thing, to which Liam only muttered discontentedly, assuring everyone that he could cope with anger.
“Everything is fine, baby,” Nolan persisted, continuing to play the performance imposed by him. He even ignored the disgust on Liam's face when addressing «baby» to his twin sister. “You have nothing to worry about”.
“Yeah, of course”, the girl smiled condescendingly, also not going to give up. It will be better for everyone if their conflict is resolved before training. “Tell me the truth”.
Realizing that their hastily folded lies were quickly revealed, Liam immediately threw off Holloway's hand, moving away from him a few steps. Nolan rolled his eyes at this but also stopped behaving suspiciously friendly towards his girlfriend's brother. This was their behaviour that was more familiar to Y/N, who only mentally praised herself for guesswork.
“The coach told us to decide which of us will be the team captain for this season”, Dunbar was the first to give up, boring Nolan with a frown.
“Is it necessary to choose one of you two, as I understand it? There are no other options?” quickly figuring out the list of the other players of their team in her head, the girl clarified.
“Nah,” Holloway shook his head, taking a deep breath and running his hand through his hair. “That's the point. Finstock told us not to appear on the field until we decided which one of us would be the captain”.
What she heard made Y/N pinch the bridge of her nose, closing her eyelids for a while. Fate seemed to deliberately push people dear to her, who, it seems, were equally stubborn and were not going to make concessions to each other. As it turned out, they were equally ready to lead the lacrosse team, since even the coach himself could not choose one of them, throwing such responsibility on the players themselves.
“I think I'm better suited for the role of captain,” Liam was the first to speak again, which caused surprise on the face of the second guy. “Think for yourself, who better than me to be it after Scott's graduation? He's our…” he immediately stopped, realizing that he had almost said «alpha», “our former captain”.
“Yeah,” Nolan laughed, not noticing the hitch. “With your outbursts of anger, you can't be trusted to lead anyone at all! You'll also hurt someone if you're not stopped. And then we all have to take the rap for you”.
“You know what…” Dunbar instantly flared up when he heard the mention of his problem, but he was stopped by his younger sister, who got between them.
“Shut up, both of you!” resting her palms on the protective equipment on the chests of the two guys, Y/N demanded and glared at both of them in turn. “You won't achieve anything by mutual claims, as you don't understand it! Do you think why Finstock left the choice of captain to you? He could easily have chosen one of you himself or let the team vote. He needs you to finally stop fighting and find a common language. At least for the duration of the game and training. Don't you realize that your quarrels interfere with the team? If you don't want our results to sink to the bottom because of the two of you, turn on your brains and solve the problem without assault”.
Such words somehow managed to cool the ardour of both guys. Although they continued to frown at each other, no one entered into a verbal altercation. This could already be considered a small victory for Y/N.
“She's right,” Nolan began, reluctantly admitting the truth. “If we don't stop, Finstock will throw both of us out of the team. I don't need it”.
“Me too,” Liam grumbled to himself and took a deep breath to calm his emotions. “Well, which one of us will be the captain?”
“Maybe both?” the girl suggested, instantly catching surprised glances at herself. “What? I heard that two years ago Scott was also a co-captain on a par with Whittemore. So it's not against the rules, right? Maybe this is our way out?”
“I don't mind,” realizing that they simply had no other choice in the current situation, Liam agreed.
“Okay, so be it,” Holloway also made concessions, which made Y/N smile.
“So shake hands, co-captains,” on the wave of success, she decided to push them a little bit closer, for which she immediately saw dissatisfied expressions on the faces of the guys. “Okay, let's leave it for later. By the way, it's time for you to go already,” Y/N reminded, nodding at the wall clock. “Otherwise, the coach will find some new captain in your absence”.
Hearing these words, both players immediately rushed to their equipment and, picking up their clubs, ran to the exit. However, at the doorstep, Nolan stopped and returned to Y/N, briefly kissing her.
“Thank you, baby,” he whispered to her, looking straight into the girl's eyes. “I owe you”.
“Go,” younger Dunbar grinned at him, “This time you are forgiven. Have good training!”
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kpop-stories-21 · 4 months
If You Walk Away, I Know I'll Fade
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Group: TXT
Pairing: Yeonjun x Fem!Reader
Requested by: @anyamaris
Word Count: 2.6k
Rating: 18-21+
Genres + AUs: Non-Idol AU, College AU, Bad Romance, Angst, Lovers to Enemies
Content & Trigger Warnings: Bad boy!Yeonjun, Florist!Reader, strong language, toxic relationship, Yeonjun is mean, Reader is mean at the beginning, bullying, name-calling and use of derogatory words, heartbreak, hurt feelings, regret, rejected apology, breakup, loss of feelings, hate, anger
Summary: You're used to Yeonjun being mean, teasing people and calling them awful names. You just brush it off as harmless fun, calling the ones that get upset wimps who can't take a joke. But when Yeonjun's acidic words get turned on you, you suddenly realise just how toxic your boyfriend really is.
Tags: @kpop---scenarios @stardragongalaxy @jeonrose @skittlez-area512 @mybiasisexo @skeletor-ify @biaswreckingfics @liliesofdreamsskz @pyeonghongrie-main @naturalogre @bxffietheblxxdy TXT tags: @spicyseonghwas @you-make-skz-stay
If you want to be added to my taglist, click here
Network pings: @cultofdionysusnet | @sandsofire
Inspiration: "Gotta Be You" by One Direction (title is from the lyrics)
A/N: If you liked this work and want to request your own oneshot, feel free to send me an ask! This one shot is also my entry for the @cultofdionysusnet spring event "The Language of Flowers"
MDNI banner, divider, and support banner courtesy of @cafekitsune
Event Masterlist | Main Masterlist
"I wish I could give you my pain just for one moment. Not to hurt you, but so that you could finally understand how much you hurt me." - Unknown
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You'd always known Yeonjun was mean sometimes in the way he talked about people, but it had never been aimed at you so you never saw much reason to try and break him of the habit. In fact, you often joined in; the two of you ripping a person’s confidence or self-esteem to shreds with just a few well-worded sentences. If someone else called you or your boyfriend out on your behaviour, labelling you as bullies or some such nonsense, you’d say it was just a joke and that they were wimps if they got so worked up over it.
Needless to say, neither of you gained many friends, but that wasn’t much of a concern. Both of you already had a few friends and felt no compulsion to make more. Most of your friends also liked to participate in your verbal warfare, the whole group sometimes ganging up on one poor soul. One such occasion led your victim to tattle to a faculty member, the end result being that both you and Yeonjun were suspended for two weeks. Your parents had come down for a visit after receiving a call from the college and tried to talk you out of your “immature behaviour”, but their words fell on deaf ears.
Things went on like this for a while, until your junior year, when everything suddenly changed.
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It started out as a normal morning, waking up and getting ready for the day’s classes. Yeonjun picked you up from your apartment as usual and drove to the college, giving you a kiss before you went to your respective classrooms. After sitting down in your usual spot, you turned to greet your friend Jihua. The green-eyed girl leaned towards you, her blonde ponytail falling onto your shoulder.
“How are you handling things?” She asked, a mix of sympathy and curiosity lacing her tone.
You looked at her in confusion, having no idea what she was talking about.
“Huh? What are you talking about?” You asked. Clearly something had happened that you were supposed to know about already.
Jihua pulled out her phone, tapping the screen a few times before passing it to you. On the screen was a post from Yeonjun’s private Instagram, the timestamp showing that it was posted before he picked you up this morning. The post itself was an extremely unflattering picture of you, and under it Yeonjun had added the caption “Who took my pretty little girlfriend and replaced her with this ugly old fat-ass?!”
Tears blurred your vision, heart slowly cracking in two. Suddenly you understood how all those people you’d said similar things to had felt. They hadn’t been wimps at all, they were probably deeply hurt by those words. Regret and loathing pooled in your throat like bitter bile, and in that moment you were no longer blind to how toxic your relationship with Yeonjun truly was.
Jihua wrapped an arm around you and hugged you tight while you worked to compose yourself. When you were a bit calmer she leaned back, clearly about to pose a question. Unfortunately, the professor chose that very moment to enter the room and announce the start of class. Your friend sighed, giving you one more hug before picking up her pen and facing the front. You copied her actions, the dull ache within keeping you from applying your full attention.
That morning’s classes were like hell, your mind far from present. Even a couple of the teachers seemed concerned by your atypical lethargy, but had other obligations that prevented them from offering more than a passing “are you alright?” Your only response was to nod mutely and go on your way.
At lunch you and Jihua sat by yourselves, avoiding Yeonjun and your other friends like the plague. For what was probably the first time ever, you were glad Jihua never liked nor participated in the bullying. It was nice to have someone with you while your whole world crumbled down around you.
At one point Yeonjun looked like he was going to come over and question your behaviour, but the sight of a potential victim distracted him. You knew you would have to confront him eventually, but you just weren’t ready yet. You needed some time away, a bit of separation, before you could even think about calling your boyfriend out for his actions.
The rest of the afternoon was just as tense, some of the students eyeing you with disgust or whispering to their friends as you walked by. It seemed you were the only one who had no access to Yeonjun’s private posts, and your heart sank at the thought of his poisoned words spreading through the college. Would even Jihua turn against you if all the students believed Yeonjun instead of you?
Your thoughts continued to spiral over the next few days, your grades beginning to suffer as you went about each day on autopilot, going through the motions without a single thought behind your actions. If Yeonjun thought something was off before, he knew it for sure now, and tried to talk to you at every possible moment. You continued to avoid him, along with most others. Jihua was the only one who could get through to you, and even then it was often just for minutes at a time.
Then one day, about a week after everything went to shit, you finally felt able to tell Jihua what had sent you spiralling so deeply. Curled up on your bed under a thick blanket, you broke the tense silence.
“He did it on purpose, you know. Posting that where he knew he could get away with it because I wouldn't see it.”
“How did he know you wouldn't see it?” Jihua queried, looking confused.
“He told me once, back when we first started dating, that he rarely ever posted on his private account so there was no need for me to follow it. And like the little fool that I was, I believed him without even questioning a thing.” You took a deep breath and continued your explanation.
“He knew, he fucking knew, that I had past issues with my self-esteem and body image. I told him that when we first got together, and he promised never to do anything that would damage the fragile progress I’d made.
“After you showed me the post he made that day, I made note of the username and looked it up when I got back to my apartment. He's been making fun of me and my looks for years, pretty much from the moment we met. And this whole time I've been glued to his side without a single clue what was going on behind my back.”
Tears filled your eyes and you quickly blinked them back, afraid any interruption might break your resolve.
“I have been such an asshole to everyone around who wasn't deemed a friend, all for a guy who didn't even care about me. God, those poor people…the things I said…I don't even recognize who I am anymore. I thought I liked the person I'd changed into, but now that the blinders are off, I hate who I've become.”
You sat up, gazing at your only true friend out of bloodshot eyes. “What do I do, Jihua? How do I tell him it's over without letting him woo me back in?”
Jihua thought for a moment, then smiled widely as an idea came to her. “You work part time at your mom’s flower shop, right? And you know a lot about which flowers mean what?”
You nodded in response to both questions.
“Well, find some flowers that will say what you want him to know, send them to him, then cut him off and don't look back.”
There was silence for a moment as you mull over Jihua’s plan. You had to admit, it was right down your alley. And this way, you didn't even have to see him; someone else would deliver the flowers for you. The tiniest of smiles bloomed on your face as you said, ”I think that's just what I'll do.”
It took you a couple days’ research to find what you were looking for, but soon you discovered the blossoms you wished to send: orange lilies, for hatred and/or revenge. On the day you found them, you and Jihua headed straight to your mom's flower shop after classes. Luckily, there was a large supply of orange lilies and soon you had a fair sized bouquet of them complete with a short but scathing note informing Yeonjun that the relationship was over.
“Will he pick up on what they mean?” Jihua queried.
You nodded. “He should, he knows I’m really into flower meanings because of working with Mom. And if he doesn’t know directly what they mean, I’m almost certain he’ll look them up.” You let out a deep sigh. “Now all we have to do is wait until he gets them.”
“How will you know when he gets them?”
You grimaced, already envisioning the explosion of texts and calls you would inevitably receive. “Oh, trust me, I’ll know.”
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It took a couple of days for the flowers to reach Yeonjun’s apartment, but as soon as they did he started blowing your phone up. Some of the messages were angry, his temper on full display as he let fly with insults that brought you to tears. Other messages were just straight-up pitiful, you could almost see him down on his knees grovelling and begging just from the way the texts were worded. If it hadn’t been for Jihua staying by your side and helping you sort through your emotions, you might’ve ended up crawling back with your proverbial tail between your legs. As it was, you ended up just powering your phone off to get away from his incessant pursuits.
By the time the weekend passed and you returned to class on Monday, the danger of him winning you back over had passed and you were firm on your decision to distance yourself. Jihua had advised going no contact if he didn’t back off soon, and you kept the thought in the back of your mind as you entered your biology class. Jihua didn’t have this class with you, so you took a seat at the very back where Yeonjun wouldn’t see you since he and the others always sat at the very front.
You kept your head low, working on your project for your drawing class as you waited for your professor to arrive. You heard shuffling at the front of the room and looked up just in time to see Yeonjun and his friends taking their seats in the front row. You see his head start to turn and look down quickly, focusing back in on your drawing. Footsteps move towards you with purpose, and you feel a gentle touch on your shoulder. You look up into Yeonjun’s face, his dark eyes swirling with a mix of unreadable emotions.
“What do you want?” You ask sharply, a tinge of bitterness in your tone.
Yeonjun looks taken aback, but sits down beside you anyway. “Those flowers you sent me…what do they mean? I wanted to look them up, but a part of me was afraid to.”
You take a deep breath and look Yeonjun in the eyes. “Orange lilies symbolise hatred and revenge. You hurt me Yeonjun, and no amount of yelling or pleading will change that. When we first started dating I specifically told you what would hurt me most, and you swore never to do that to me. Then you turn and do that very thing behind my back for years! We are through, Yeonjun, and I honestly regret ever dating you in the first place.”
By this point you are trembling with rage and tears are threatening to stream down your face. You know there’s no way you can pay attention through a class right now, so you quickly gather your things and all but run from the classroom, taking refuge in an empty art room. After calming yourself down, you put in your earbuds and pull out the sketchbook you’d been drawing in earlier. Picking a high-energy playlist to help keep you from falling into the doldrums, you turn to a blank page and start a new drawing, channelling all your emotions into each and every line.
As you drew you reminded yourself that this was not the end. You would move on, and you would be okay. Your happiness did not have to end here, at Yeonjun’s expense. You could be the better person and prove that you could survive without him. Pulling out your phone, you sent a text to Jihua.
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You smiled and pocketed your phone, returning to your drawing.
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Two years later
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A lot had happened since you broke up with Yeonjun, and you honestly couldn't be happier.
Several months afterwards you met a really sweet guy named Yuta, and the two of you hit it off immediately. Yuta was a few years older than you but was almost the complete opposite of Yeonjun, always making sure you knew how beautiful you were and how much he loved you. He made you feel like the most special person in the entire world, and you soaked it all up like a dry sponge.
Not long after the breakup Yeonjun quit showing up at college, and you heard through the gossip grapevine that he was not handling it well at all, going so far as refusing to eat or come out of his dorm room. You couldn't help but feel a little twinge of glee at this, knowing that he now understood how you had often felt. After that you quit paying attention to the rumours, feeling like the chapter had now been closed for good.
One year after you first met Yuta he proposed to you, and you happily said yes. Your life soon became quite busy, between finals, graduation, and wedding planning; but you could honestly say it was the best time of your life. For the first time ever, you felt truly loved and cared for, and it was the best feeling in the whole entire world. With Yuta by your side, you could be wholly and completely okay.
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sasukesun · 2 years
Hey, how are u?
Also, I wanted to ask what do you think about Naruto and Sasura’s relationship nature. I mean, do you think he ever truly loved her? His speech in shippuden about his feelings for her seemed really genuine, but except that I don’t really see love in his behavior, more like a childish crush? I don’t buy what was said in The Last about him trying to hit on her only to win with Sasuke, it doesn’t really makes sense to me. Anyway, what is your opinion? Thanks for answering xo
hello anon, i’m fine.
naruto’s behaviour towards sakura and overall attraction to women is inconsistent. we can easily tell that he truly never had romantic feelings for her, but a crush is, in my opinion, debatable… and really a crush in the sense of “she’s cute, i like her” kind of thing, which is basically what we see when sakura is introduced
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now what is interesting is that the last wasn’t wrong to show that maybe it was about sasuke, it just definitely wasn’t so naruto could compete with sasuke
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“i feel like i finally understand why i like her” right after sakura said she wants to be acknowledged by sasuke because she likes him? really? we know that naruto wants to be acknowledged by everyone, that’s the core of his character, but in this context, this just seems kinda ambiguous… he doesn’t wanna win over sasuke, he just wants his acknowledgement. when you take naruto’s interactions with sasuke and sakura into consideration after this quote, as well his behaviour, you see that basically naruto mimics heterosexuality by pretending to like sakura, while actually focusing his attention on sasuke, he mistakes his feelings/attraction for sasuke for a rivalry at first and a friendship later. i’ll give you some examples.
he doesn’t have much tact to compliment sakura. i know this is what she wanted to hear, but i just find it so funny honestly.
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there are also a few more moments involving sakura’s appearance and naruto, in which a) naruto says haku is prettier than her b) naruto says after two years that they haven’t seen each other that she looked the same even though it seems by her body language that she wanted to be complimented and c) when other people called sakura ugly and naruto didn’t even comment about it or tried to defend her. now let’s look at this
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is there some need to defend sasuke’s honour or something? no one is even insulting sasuke here, just comparing him and sai. the japanese word naruto uses here can be used to compliment someone’s looks btw and he not only says it, but he emphasises it at the end. there’s pretty much a huge gap between “the cute girl” he’s supposed to like a lot and sasuke, who is above it.
how about when naruto is just doing absolutely nothing but thinking of sasuke
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until he gets interrupted by sakura… so he says he was planning to go on a date with her. are you for real?
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this one is even funnier… sakura is taking care of naruto after he hurt his arm with rasenshuriken. someone in love would surely be happy to be closer to your loved one while they are healing you, and it’s what it seems that naruto is gonna say
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until you turn to the next page
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he’s just really happy they are in this together… for sasuke. you really can’t make this shit up.
i’ve also pointed out that in the chapter in which sakura decides to fake confess to naruto and go after sasuke to kill him, sakura says “that fool’s got such a crush on me” about naruto, and yet the only appearance naruto makes in the same chapter is him lying down and pining over sasuke. yikes.
the only “narusaku” moment during war on naruto’s part is when minato asks naruto if sakura is his girlfriend to which he reacts like
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it’s not only that this is comic relief and it just seems like he wants to look good in front of his father, because he already knows about his mom’s speech and wishes when his parents died, it’s also that he hesitates to answer it.
but when he’s saying goodbye and really referencing the whole speech topic by topic and talking about important things…
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he deflects the subject. very convenient and smart of kishimoto when he’s not allowed to explicitly say what he wants to, such as homosexuality.
and of course, there’s the infamous fake confession
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in which naruto basically looks annoyed... not the reaction of someone who is in love, i would say.
and the cherry on top
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the promise he made to sakura hasn’t changed anything, he would act the same with or without it.
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narusaku dead and buried.
those inconsistencies happen over and over and they always involve sasuke somehow… like i said, projecting his real feelings for sasuke onto sakura. now if you think he thought she was cute and all, i can give you the benefit of the doubt, but being in love with her? no way. naruto has never loved her like that, and i honestly can’t even tell that he loved as a friend either when he pretty much treats her the same way he treats his other konoha comrades: takes responsibility for everything and doesn’t let anyone get involved…
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…unless it’s sasuke, obviously, then he will bear his burdens and see so much pain that he just can’t leave it alone.
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blackbloodteeth · 2 months
"The Whole Week"
For SoMa Week (2023) I ended up thinking of a genuine outline for what started as a joke idea I literally called The Whole Week, which would've featured every prompt over the course of an actual week. While I didn't write any of it up proper, thought I'd share what I'd come up with at the time in case it interests anyone. For additional context, this is a post-manga story.
[Devotion] Sunday: During a mission, Soul and Maka are attacked by two monsters, which results in Maka being controlled by one of them to attack Soul. He gets hurts but eventually finds a way to snap her out of it, and together the two strike back. One of the monsters is defeated but the other (who had previously controlled Maka) uses a charged-up attack on Soul that doesn't seem to do anything. It then swears they'll meet again and runs away with the other monster's soul. Soul then seems to be a bit unwell so the two return home. Soul is checked on and he appears to be overall fine, just that he will need to rest. He promises though that he recovers fairly quickly to reassure her.
[Love Language] Monday: Soul takes the day off to recover since he's still not fully well, and is laying on the couch while Maka prepares to leave for school. Both his having not slept well and some odd behaviour makes her worry but he plays it off. After she leaves it's revealed he's had a disturbing nightmare and that yesterday is still bothering him, but all-in-all he decides that he might just be worrying too much. Eventually he leaves the apartment to find a way to show Maka not to worry about him and is joined by Blair. Meanwhile Maka decides to ask Tsubaki for help to cook Soul something nice for dinner so he'll feel better, and the results of both avenues come together later that evening. Afterwards the two watch a movie together and Soul falls asleep on Maka's shoulder when his exhaustion catches up to him, leaving a sense that everything is okay for now.
[Flustered] Tuesday: Soul is feeling well enough to go to school today, however trouble with his Fan Club ensues. I'm not sure how exactly this plays out but Maka understands it's not his fault. At some point there's more foreshadowing to Soul's nightmares.
[Night Out] Wednesday: Due to both the nonsense from yesterday and the growing issue Soul has been experiencing, Soul decides to take a walk with Maka that evening to help calm his nerves until he can finally work up actually talking about it. Before he can actually tell her though, the monster from a few days ago suddenly reappears as foretold (this time having gained a more powerful form due to absorbing the other monster's soul), and activates the attack it used on Soul to reawaken the Black Blood that'd been sleeping in his innermost subconscious. Soul then attacks Maka and ends up infecting her, and Black☆Star shows up to try to take down the monster before using his Soul Force attack on Soul to knock him out of his mad state. While Soul is down, Maka punches the monster hard enough in the face to break its nose, and when it unleashes its full power on both of them Kid soon shows up and stops the chaos entirely. Maka eventually calms down enough to help Soul.
[Vulnerability] Thursday: Soul is bedridden in the infirmary today both for the attack Star inflicted and the Black Blood having re-entered his body. Maka has recovered well enough to move but wants to stay with him, and he decides to pick up from last night and be open with her about everything that's happened. After the two have talked for a while, the Thompson sisters come in to visit, with Patty bringing him a support stuffed animal because while it's not fully stated, everyone does know him being reinfected is pretty serious (Liz would've brought him snacks but he can't eat much for now). There's some lightheartedness though, and I'm not sure if there's any other scenes afterwards.
[Yearn] Friday: Soul is doing better but he's staying home again today. He convinces Maka to go to school since she's feeling well enough, which she agrees to since Blair will stay home and help take care of him (such as being a cat and cuddling with him haha). While the two are apart they have their own separate angstings, Maka worrying about Soul being reinfected while Soul is dealing with Oni being in his head again. Blair ends up making Soul some nice soup and Maka gets reassured by the rest of their friends. At the end of the day the two are happy to see each other, and Maka makes dinner again while her simply being there makes things better for him.
[Close Call] Saturday: Soul is feeling good enough to move around, so Kid hosts a little get-well party for him. I'm not sure what transpires for it to match the prompt, but at least it'll be shown that despite however much time has passed they're all still a bunch of goofy idiots. So basically the mood is picking back up here.
[Mom's Spaghetti] Sunday (again) A reflection of all the previous other days. Not sure what happens exactly other than maybe the two are thinking about things. For dinner though Soul decides to make Maka a spaghetti recipe that his mom was rather particular about (especially since he was kind of a picky eater as a kid), as both a way of saying thanks for everything and that he can keep moving forward with her. Perhaps the two have a little bit of feelings too, hm.
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footy-fictionist · 1 year
It's fame she's after - Julian Brandt ft. Kai Havertz
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Pairing: Julian Brandt x female reader, (platonic) Kai Havertz x female reader
Warnings: Kai doesn't like reader (it'll turn out right though), rude comments, Julian gives a bit of an ultimatum, a bit of hurt, a bit of angst and a bit of fluff, Sophia is in here as well, badly translated German
Word count: 1681
Note: As always, English is not my first language. This one has been on my mind for a while. I thought it was a good idea and it turned out better than I thought. There is more interaction between the female reader and Kai, but she's in a relationship with Julian. Please do not publish and/or copy my work, reblogging is totally fine!
There are many things she loves about being Julian Brandts girlfriend. He’s thoughtful, kind, shows her he loves her multiple times a day and of course he’s incredibly handsome. She loves tracing the tattoos on his arm, adores spending time with his family and pulling pranks with his brothers. His friends love having her around and her friends love meeting up with Julian. But there is one friend of Jule’s that she doesn’t see eye to eye with at all. And unfortunately that happens to be Kai Havertz.
She met Kai for the first time during the World Cup. She and Julian hadn’t been dating long and because Kai lives in England, it was harder for him to meet up with them to meet her. She met Sophia in the stands and they hit it off immediately. She met Kai after the first match, the one they lost against Japan. Julian walked up to her first and she immediately wrapped her arms around his shoulders. He hadn’t played but was still quite upset. Kai had come up behind Jule and he passed them to get to Sophia. He had given her a look she didn’t appreciate a lot, but she brushed it off as him being upset with the game.
But when Jule introduced her, Kai barely even acknowledged her. He gave her one look and then went back to talking to other people. She had looked to Julian, who was just as surprised as she was. Julian went to talk to Kai about it whilst she went to stand with Sophia who didn’t understand her boyfriend’s behaviour either. It didn’t get much better after that. Anytime they were in the same room, she tried to talk to Kai. To get to know him or to see if there was anything she could do to get him to like her. She mostly did it for Julian, she hated the way he looked so defeated when she and Kai ended up in another argument. It just seems that Kai didn’t see the look on his best friend’s face or he didn’t care enough.
She doesn’t like Kai much, she thinks he is arrogant and egotistical for the way he is acting and that seeing them not getting along, is hurting Julian more than he wants to admit. She would honestly do anything for Julian and to see his best friend not even acknowledging the fact that this is hurting Julian, pisses her off. But when Jule tells her Kai is coming over that weekend, she holds back a groan. She makes the promise to herself that she’ll try one more time to get Kai to like her and then she’ll give up. She goes as far as to ask Sophia what Kai’s favourite meal is and which recipe Sophia uses to make it for him.
So when Kai and Sophia arrive, she’s working away in the kitchen. She goes to greet them, giving Sophia a hug and as she moves to Kai all he does is hold out his hand, not even looking at her. She shakes it softly, before moving back to the kitchen. Sophia follows her to help out, but she just makes Sophia sit down with a glass of wine and they talk. She asks Sophia if there is anything she did to make Kai not like her (like she does every time), but even Sophia doesn’t know what’s bothering Kai about her so much. She decides to give up on asking and finishes the food. They set the table and Sophia calls in the boys. Kai is the first one downstairs.
“Wow, this looks great Soof. How did you make it so fast?” “I didn’t Kai. I gave her the recipe a few days ago, she made it.” “Yeah right.”
Kai gives her a glance before sitting down. Julian walks in a little later and presses a kiss to his girlfriend's cheek. “Thank you for making dinner, liebe.”
When everyone sits down, they all plate some food before eating. What no one is expecting is for Kai to spit his food back onto his plate. “Well it’s clear you didn’t make it Soof. It doesn’t taste good at all.”
That was the last drop. She can’t help the little sob that leaves her lips before she quickly stands up and practically runs up the stairs. She runs all the way to the bathroom before locking herself in. She doesn’t hear the argument that’s going on downstairs over her own sobs.
“Was stimmt nicht mit dir?! Why would you say that? It tastes good. Why can’t you just accept her as my girlfriend? She’s tried everything to get you to like her and you just ignore her the whole time. Ich liebe sie so sehr. Why can’t you see that?!” Julian goes after her as Kai looks down.
Whilst Julian runs up the stairs, Kai turns to Sophia, only to find her looking at him in utter disappointment. “Was?” “She is doing everything to get you to like her. Why are you being like this? This isn’t you.”
“I just don’t want her to hurt Julian. She is clearly after his money. Why else would she choose to go public with him during the World Cup. If it’s not money, it’s fame she’s after.” Sophia heaves a big sigh.
“How do you have such a big board in front of your face? She didn’t want them to go public at the World Cup. Julian wanted to introduce her to you, but there wasn’t another time other than the world cup. Can’t you see the way they look at each other?! Bist du so blind?”
Sophia went to get another glass of wine as Kai thought over her words. He never thought of it that way. He always assumed she was the one that wanted to go public at the World Cup. He didn’t think she came with Julian just to meet him. He has to make this right. He moves to the stairs and he can hear Julian knocking on a door. He hears as Julian tries to get his girlfriend to open the door for him. He hears the sobs and the strangled ‘no’s’ that come from the other side of the door. When Julian spots Kai he gives an irritated sigh.
“Was machst du hier? Haven’t you done enough?”
“I have to make it right, Jule. Let me try, please?” It was more of a rhetorical question than an actual one, but Julian agrees with a little hesitance. Julian moves to get past Kai, but stops when he’s next to him. “If you screw this up even more, you better stay in London. I really love her Kai. Stop hurting the girl I love or our friendship is over.”
Kai gulps, but nods his head at Julian. Julian walks down the stairs whilst shaking his head. Once Julian is downstairs Kai turns to the door. He heaves a sigh and knocks on the bathroom door.
“Geh weg, Julian."
“I’m not Julian.”
He hears as she gasps a little when she hears his voice. He hears the door click and he opens it slowly. He sees her sitting against the bathtub, eyes red and tears streaming down her face. He moves to sit across from her. She doesn’t look at him as he sits, she rubs the sleeves of her shirt along her cheeks. He analyzes the way she’s sitting, but doesn’t make a move to say anything yet. Then he sees her fiddle with a J necklace. If she’s wearing that, there is no way she’s with him for fame or money.
“Es tut mir leid.” She looks up when he apologizes. “I thought you were in it for fame or money. I thought I was looking out for my best friend. I thought you were just gonna hurt him and I was wrong. I see now that you really love him. I’m sorry for all the times I hurt you by brushing you off. And the dinner you made is actually amazing, probably even better than Soofs. But please don’t tell her I said that.” They both laugh. “Friends?”
She looks at the hand he’s offering. “I forgive you, so yes. Friends.” He stands up and helps her off the floor as well. He opens his arms, giving her the option for a hug if she wants to. She smiles and hugs him. “I wouldn’t have let Julian end your friendship Kai. You two are platonic soulmates, I’d never want to be the cause of Bravertz breaking up.” That makes both of them laugh. He gives her another hug. They joke together as they walk downstairs, finally able to find the things they have in common. They see Julian on the couch with his head in his hands, with Sophia rubbing his back, when they finally notice the footsteps on the stairs and the laughter.
Julian looks up surprised as he sees them laughing together. He gets up as they walk into the living room. She sees the nervous look on his face and immediately moves to wrap her arms around his waist. His arms go around her shoulders and he looks up at Kai, who gives him a smile and a nod. Julian tightens his arms around her, pressing a few kisses to the top of her head. When she pulls away, she presses a kiss to Julian’s lips.
“Let me reheat the food and we can all eat.” “I’ll help.”
Julian’s and Sophia’s eyes almost pop out when Kai offers his help. As they move to the kitchen with the food, Julian and Sophia look at each other bewildered. How did their dynamic change that fast? Not that they’re complaining. It’s just a bit odd. It’s safe to say the rest of the evening went great. And after that night as well. They went on couple dates and Julian finally got to be more affectionate with his girlfriend without Kai acting all disgusted and glaring daggers. And her friendship with Kai? It only blossomed.
Liebe: love Was stimmt nicht mit dir?: What is wrong with you? Ich liebe sie so sehr: I love her so much Was?: What? Bist du so blind?: Are you that blind? Was machst du hier?: What are you doing here? Geh weg: Go away Es tut mir leid: I am sorry
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yourimagines · 1 year
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* English is not my first language I apologise
* Triggers: a bit fluff, swearing
- Summary; Nick always shadow boxes around you, your friends find it a weird behaviour
Nick walked passed me and pretended to punch me in my stomach. I just smile at him. It was his way showing his love for me, irritating me, joking around. Meaning he’s comfortable around me. “They just texted, they are on their way to us.” Nick nodded as he grabbed a drink. “We will sit outside, so you can watch the fight properly.” I wrapped my arms around his waist, laying my head against his back. “Thanks.”
The girls walked in and we all moved outside to our relaxing area. “So how’s life.” My bestie asked. “Good good, how’s yours.” “I’m good, could be better but I can’t complain.” We all talked about random things, work, social life, relationships. “So you were dating Ricky right?” I asked Y/F/N. “Yes I am, how’s life here? You moved in last month.” “Good, we’re good, I love being here.” She smiled. “Good for you guys.” There was a undertone hidden in her voice. Y/BFF/N looked at me, raising her eyebrows slightly at me. I shook her off, not in for a discussion. “You guys want something to drink?” I asked while standing up. They all answered with a yes. “Okay I’ll be right back then.” “Can I help?” Y/BFF/N asked. “No it’s fine.” She smiles and I walked inside. Nick was sitting on the sofa, drinking a beer. He looked up as he heard me entering the room. “It’s just me.” He smiles at me and stands up. “How’s it going out there, bit fun?” I smiled at him. “You know how it’s goes with us.” He laughs. I opened the fridge and took a bottle of soda. “Can I help you?” “No it’s fine.” I reached out to open the cabin door above me. Nick responded with a fake punch in my stomach. “Nick I’m trying to get these glasses.” He didn’t care and did it again. I laughed as I placed them down. “You wanna fight huh.”he started to move faster. Slightly touching my head, chin, arms, stomach. I tried to block them. I laughed and tried to touch him back. Play fighting in the kitchen. “Nick, this is unfair.” He wrapped his arms around my shoulders and pulled me in. “No choke hold Nick, I don’t like that.” He loses his grip and looks down at me. “I’m gonna go now, don’t miss the fight.” I pecked his cheek, he let go of me as I picked up the glasses and the bottle of soda. “See ya.” I walked through the door outside.
I placed everything down on the table. “Sorry it took so long, Nick was distracting me.” Y/BFF/N laughed and shook her head. The others looked like they saw a crime. “Are you guys okay?” “Are you?” I looked at them confused as I took place next Y/BFF/N. “What do you mean?” “Does he do that all the time?” “What does he all the time.” “Shadow boxing at you.” I looked at Y/BFF/N in confusion. “Yes, why are you asking me this?” I asked at the others. Y/BFF/N looked annoyed at the rest of the group. “Guys please, they do this all the time, what’s the problem.” “That he’s shadow boxing at her, pretending to hit her.” She pointed out, I was shocked. “Does he hurt you?” “What, no of course not.” She held her hands up in a defence. “I was just checking, I find it odd to do that to you partner.” “Well I don’t, what the hell Y/F/N.” I was pissed. ‘Asking me if he hits me, maybe he should punch you.’ “But does he do this a lot.” “Are we still having this conversation?” “I’m just worried, I mean he’s a fighter he could hurt you badly.” ‘True but why would he?’ “I’m his girl, why would he?” She laughs. “Oh please Y/N grow up, there are a lot mma/ufc fighter who hit there partner. Don’t act he’s a cinnamon roll.” Y/BFF/N grabbed my knee, reassuring me.
“I’m just looking out for you and I hope you also would do that to me.” “Yeah I do, so get out before I tell my abusive boyfriend about this.” I stood up and pointed at the door. They laugh in a shocking manner. “Come on Y/N.” “No, not I’m not joking, get out.” They carefully stood up. “Your seriously?” “Yes, don’t disrespect my man.” They picked up there stuff and left. I looked at Y/BFF/N. “Am I in the wrong for doing that.” She burst out laughing. “Girl, I would whooped there asses if they were talking shit about my man.” “But is it weird he does that?” She shrugged her shoulders. “Maybe but mine doesn’t as well, as long you don’t mind and he doesn’t actually hits you, it’s fine.” I nodded. “So wanna watch the fight then.” “I’m glad you asked.” We both walked inside. Nick looked up. “We’re joining.” I sat down next to him. “Not so much fun today.” “Your girl almost punched their faces.” He looks at me in a surprise. “You did?” “Almost.” He smiles. “ I’ll bet you had your reasons.” He placed a kiss on my forehead while we were watching the fight on the tv.
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yaoxsblog · 1 year
Can we get some more in depth headcanons about Herzegovina ?
anon you just made the worst mistake of your life. You are about to recieve a character analysis like nothing else.
But for the purpose of this being an "in depth" headcanon collection I'm leaving out my usual appearance headcanons because it doesn't apply here (unless the 'in depth' appearance headcanon you wish for is her having a mole under her right boob or something)
Oh and before we go ahead let me please also say this:
She is not my character. But this post may view her as so, because my version of her is so different from Tix' original character. Just so you know. Also, I am not a historian and therefore I will not get into any historical topics that may be relevant in this character's life, I am only going to talk about her as if she was a person. I hope you enjoy
Despite her mean looks and dominant aura, she’s only like that on the outside. It’s hard to really get under her skin to see what’s beloe her resting bitch face but I’ll try my best
She’s a very caring person. It really doesn’t seem that way from her behaviour, but she (almost) never actually means to do anyone any harm
She’s stern in looks and speech but that’s simply because of how she presents herself. She’s a task oriented person and will not stop until said task is completed, wether you like it or not.
Her emotions (mostly her anger) get in the way of things and because of that it can sometimes look like they are more in charge of her, than she is of them. That’s not entirely true, she’s a very logical person, it’s just that she’s impatient and has a short fuse.
In fact, when she’s not speaking, she’s most likely very busy in her mind. This makes her prone to zoning out and staring in one direction (and if that direction happens to be where you’re sitting, you might get the impression she’s planning to kill you).
In that way, her and Bosnia are simmilar. They both tend to think too much and zone out, especially in conversation. I just think Herze’s better at paying attention to her surroundings at the same time, and therefore doesn’t get the „airheaded” label that her husband is often stuck with.
By the way, I would like to mention that it’s not like I consider Enis to be „stupid” and Idriza to be „Smart”, mostly because I believe both of these labels are hurtful in different ways and should not be used towards people. Rather, I think they’re different from eachother and thats part of why I like them so much.
Back to Herze, her ability to focus on more than one thing at a time, coupled with her tendency to speak fast makes her witty in words, often snapping back at her conversation partner.
On Top of that, she’s snarky, sarcastic, and brutally honest.
Probably one of her biggest flaws is the fact that she simply does not care about the feelings of whoever she’s talking with. Winning an argument is more important than how the person is gonna feel.
She also doesn’t care about what others feel about her.
Contrary to someone like Tatjana, who’s very self concious about other people’s opinion of her, herze just… doesn’t.
The two last headcanons may potentially result from her being slightly narcissistic.
That doesn’t mean she’s a completely cold and heartless person - earlier I mentioned she cares about others and one of the ways she shows it is through her love language, which is acts of service.
And speaking of love language: it’s time to talk about her relationship with Bos.
I’ll start by saying, that even though I mentioned I won’t be adressing historical events, I stated in an earlier post that I headcanon Enis and Idriza got married while they were under the Ottoman empire, aka living with uncle Turkey.
They were both teenagers, being physically around 16 or 17, and before that, they didn’t really have any relationship besides „that boy is so loud, I don’t like him” and „that girl is so mean, I don’t like her”.
And when they got married it was mostly the same. Sure, they lived together, but they weren’t interested in eachother.
It was pretty…akward for the both of them, and it took a long time for them to even get along, and an even longer time to open up to eachother.
In current times their relationship is much different. They still don’t always get along, but now it’s less: „that boy is so loud” and more: „he’s so cheerful and funny”. Likewise, she is no longer: „that girl is so mean”, and more: „she is so confident and open about her thoughts”.
Living so long made them not only appreceate eachother, but also be able to understand the other person like no one else. Often instead of speaking, they simply exchange knowing looks.
For Herze, Enis has both the ability to calm her down in most situations, just as well as make her mad in literally 2 seconds. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.
And now to talk about „the product of their love” (not really).
This is a tough one, because I have to talk about a headcanon I avoided talking about, but whatever I don’t care anymore.
Herze loves children. Babies to be specific. And one of my headcanons is that she always wanted one, but being a nation (I see you sitting in the back saying she’s a region not a nation and I do not care lol) of course, she can’t have one.
I feel like it’s that way for many nations, where they desire something that only humans can have - aging, children, falling in love and spending your life with them, a peaceful death etc.
And she just has baby fever.
That’s mostly why, I think she actually could potentially Love srpska. He’s not „hers”, and he can be a handful, but neither she, nor Bos resent him.
Like with Enis, she mostly shows it through actions, rather than words.
It’s simmilar on Ilija’s side too, she’s his mom and there’s no debate over it. He even calls her that, while he calls Enis by his name.
I also feel like with Bos - Srpska always denies him being his dad because he believes Vuk is his father, but with Herze? There’s no one else for him to choose from, really. And I think he doesn’t want to choose. After all, she takes good care of him.
But more on that in the next post about herze-mom-headcanons :DD
Lastly, I wanna talk about her… brother? Cousin?? I don’t even know. We’re gonna call Dražen her brother because thats my headcanon.
She definetly cares a lot about him. Is it onesided? Maybe, but Cro would probably never tell her she annoys him sometimes, even though thats how he feels.
I honestly think they were just closer when they were young, and little herze definetly idealized her big brother, so whatever admiration she has for him today is just what’s left of those times.
Because of that, even in present times, she treats him differently than others, having that little part that deeply respects him, she almost never raises her voice at him, or complain about something he Did.
So…. I think that’s all I wanted to say about her :))
Thank you so much for this ask anon, hope you and everyone else enjoyed the read.
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initiumseries · 1 year
Please not people trying to say that half the folks that don’t ship Miles and Gwen are ‘black women who don’t like the idea of black men with white women’…Lord 😭😭😭
LMAOOO. Okay, they need to fucking relax. I'm tired of tragic arrangements on tv for a LOT of reasons, but in REAL LIFE? HA. Please. I don business bm/ww together. 10/10 the bm in question is not one that I would want even sharing the same air as me so they can just calm their tits likkle bit.
My thing is, it doesn't even matter what the fandom is. If there is poc and BP in a film/show and there's a white woman anywhere in the mix AT ALL, the white and white identified parts of the fandom are going to IMMEDIATELY get deeply, DEEPLY stupid, uncritical and moronic. I don't have patience for it, because I'm not obsessed with whiteness to the point that I can't form a cogent thought that is critical of a white person's behaviour in any piece of media, but ESPECIALLY in a piece of media like Spiderverse, where it's SO CLEAR how intentional they are? They don't beat you to death with the race aspect, they don't even mention race at all, BUT the coded language Rio uses, and is used throughout the movie, a movie, btw which is about belonging, finding your place and coming into your own, and they DELIBERATELY chose Peter and Gwen, the only two white people in Miles' life, to betray him. His thing with Gwen (while annoying) was underscored in the movie, and then she spends most of it breaking his heart with betrayal after betrayal. Peter lets Miles down, sure. But Gwen very literally lies to his face AND by omission. OVER AND OVER again. The one person she spent all this time telling us, was her only friend. She tells him there's only a small elite team of spider people and so he can't be in it. Come to find out it's an entire WORLD of them. She makes it seem like she's just here to see him for a bit, she had a whole mission she was there for. She makes it seem like she's worried about him, but she was trying to stop him from disrupting the canon event. She KNOWS his father is going to die and expects him not to do anything about it while hers gets to live. She KNOWS he's the original anomaly and doesn't say anything. She tries to reason with him about letting his FATHER DIE, in the name of this institution they've erected. She CONSISTENTLY hurts him! And then you have EEDIATS on here like "gwen's been through trauma." SO? Miles is in the middle of a traumatic event, spearheaded by her deceit. Trauma doesn't permit you to be shitty.
And after all that, the two people that actually help Miles? Are not only people he doesn't know (Hobie, Spiderbyte), but they're young Black people. Again, a deliberate choice was made here. Because take it however you want, when you're talking about a young Black boy going through that period where he's trying to find himself and where he belongs, race is gonna be part of that. How many Black folks have been let down, disappointed and just plain harmed by the white people we called friends? Come on now. So after ALL that, these dummies STILL want to SHIP MILES, with someone who hurt him so much? For what reeeeeeeeeeaaaason?
Like I've said before, this movie isn't even ABOUT ships, which is another part that annoys me. These people can't even engage with a piece of media without trying to find some romance in there. Let it go man. It's totally okay for Miles to not end up with anybody, but it's ESPECIALLY weird to ship him with someone who was so terrible to him.
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noxexistant · 1 year
yknow how its a modern au, and autism is recognised more, dya think medda got morris diagnosed when he was younger and still in her care??
- mystery anon
i do!!
medda cares so much and notices all of morris’ “quirks” immediately when he and oscar are placed into her care, and she’s the first person (other than oscar) to really do so beyond resenting/exploiting them like morris’ former abusers did. morris has got all these notes in his file already that he’s “exceptionally difficult”, “resistant to change”, “flight risk”, “frequent outbursts and tantrums”, “violent”, and more that he’s delayed in speech and language and motor skills, severely delayed in reading, writing, and maths. but somehow nobody in morris’ life has ever put anything together. denton - the boys’ social worker - has some vague suspicions, but when medda calls him to speak about it he says it’s just as likely that it could all be due to morris also being severely traumatised. symptoms of lifelong trauma and neglect line up very closely with autism symptoms, so if a kid is traumatised it’s much more complicated to get diagnosed.
medda’s determined, though. she watches morris closely, takes stock of his behaviour and his interactions with his brother (and anyone else he might interact with, usually social workers and counsellors) and how his behaviour differs from his brother. morris is highly, highly sensitive; he’s frequently nonverbal and struggles with speech even when he is; he can’t eat certain things or touch certain things or hear certain sounds; he rocks and taps and sways and bounces, always always stimming to seek comfort in a world he feels entirely unsafe in. he has little to no sense of genuine danger, frequently hurts himself or just gets hurt in his failure to recognise certain situations as dangerous - he’ll burn himself on the stove or kettle, or fall from the sofa or his bed, or fall down the stairs, and when they’re out and about he’ll try and run or dart out into the street where cars are driving, seemingly not entirely understanding things he’s not supposed to do even when medda and oscar both try to explain.
oscar isn’t like that - he’s got his own “quirks”, to be sure, and all of the textbook symptoms of severe trauma just like medda’s been researching wildly since taking them in. there’s overlap of autistic symptoms, sure, but nothing like morris. so medda decides to book morris in to get properly assessed and evaluated. and then has to try and explain this to both morris and oscar.
“i know that you know your brother is a little bit different,” she explains to oscar gently, in a tone she prays shows that it’s not an insult. oscar gets defensive anyway.
“that’s jus’ how he is! he ain’t bein’ bad!”
medda quickly tries to soothe him, and nods to show that she agrees. “exactly, honey! it’s nothing bad, or wrong. it’s just how morris is. but…i was thinking about taking him to a see a special doctor, to see if they could tell us exactly what it is that makes morris like that. it might be just how he is, just like you said, or it might be because of all of the terrible things you two have been through. or it might be something called autism, which means morris’ brain works a different way to most people’s.”
oscar looks terrified. he’s met autistic kids in care - they were always separated, often in entirely separate facilities. is someone gonna take morris away? he won’t let them.
medda swears that nobody will. she promises oscar, looking him right in the eyes, that this won’t change anything - it’ll just help them understand morris better, help everyone who’s trying to help them be able to help morris better. so medda takes both brothers to the child psychologist, and realises quickly she might’ve underestimated all of this when the evaluator tries to take morris into a separate room for his test and both boys immediately start screaming. morris is sobbing, already overwhelmed at being in a new place with strangers, and oscar’s hollering that he won’t let anyone take morris away from him. he spits at the doctor and lashes out at them and cries when morris is taken away anyway, and medda holds him and promises over and over that it’s only for a short while. the doctor agreed that they could take frequent breaks too, so the brothers could see each other and morris could have a breather, so medda and oscar sit right outside the door and oscar stares at it the entire time, ensuring that nobody new is going in and morris isn’t being taken anywhere else.
it takes a few appointments with various people, hours of meetings and phone calls between medda with denton and doctors and psychologists, and lots more tears and outbursts from both brothers, but soon medda gets the paperwork confirming morris’ diagnosis with autism spectrum disorder. she buys books for oscar to help him understand, even books him a few sessions with morris’ evaluator so they can help explain it to him too.
they’re still in the midst of all of it when medda takes jack in. and suddenly all of their help is at a standstill while medda has to focus all her attention on jack, and jack doesn’t get books about understanding autism and how to interact with morris and how, when he has meltdowns, he isn’t just throwing tantrums. medda regrets it in the decades afterwards, but in the moment she doesn’t hear jack teasing morris for acting like a baby, or expressing jealousy that morris always gets special food, or touching things even when they’re morris’ and he’s arranged them a certain way that has to stay just how it is. maybe jack doesn’t find out morris is disabled at all until all those years down the line, oscar has kept and still keeps all of morris’ vulnerability hidden from jack so he only sees morris outbursts and strange behaviour and unhappy facial expressions, glaring or staring blankly and never responding if anyone tries to speak to him.
maybe jack regrets a lot of it then too.
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lightermyking · 8 months
You ever look at someone you loved and see them happy while you're all miserable,
And catching yourself smiling, and actually feeling pleased?
I feel like i both failed and succeeded, i always wanted to see her happy, and no matter how much of a bad person she was to me or anybody else i had hope she'd change,
Now I feel pleased for her happiness, yet disappointed for her bad manipulative behaviour towards everyone.
To be honest i changed, and accidentally learned from her behaviours,
Now if someone bothers me just a bit i leave and hate them and just swear at them infront of them in anger, but they think im joking because I'm the "funny friend" man I don't even want to be YOUR friend like for god's sake why do people believe that being an asshole is a (like someone told me) qoute on qoute "a love language" since when???????????????? I hit you because im uncomfortable and i cant control my body well and that is not an excuse but it helps me a small amount tbh. I dont hit them harshly (i would but no.) They make fun of my interests and just when i say fuck you they just say thanks i love you too like what?? An dif i say i hate you (sometimes im too straightforward but you'll know why) they say aww i love you more i dont get it? People tell me to express, tell how I feel, but then what? They act dumb and not get a shit then they dare say they are an important figure in my life? Bro my plushie is much more important than you☹️
Im sorry i wanted to blow some steam after my so called friend said I'll probably die if i try to drive a car(i never showed signs or anything of being shit they just made up their mind and yes yes i know im being dramatic but it's an important thing for me and i hate it :( why would i be shit and she would be great why? What is it because she knows about cars????? Like the hell man)
Q: should I stop being friends with these people?please give me answer and a solution it hurts :(
Im not really that great tbh i please a friend and the other i hate but please because my dear friend wants us to be friends to be a group. I know i should be accepting but i cant, it's been a 1 and half years and we do not agree on anything i feel like a mother from her and its annoying she gets into trouble WHEN I TOLD HER NOT TO DO WHATEVER SHE DID, like i really am not being heard even this dear friend of mine is starting to be like that! I dont like this they are too irresponsible and do really bad things and get away with it :/
Help me please :(
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class mate
hi gringo's, if it was not for my feet being white you would not be insulted by this. nice sagway for todays story. I had a decent day today on school it was a bit rough with keeping my focus sometimes and wanting to fuck around more then to be serious on the lessons being given, I pulled my shit together pretty fast, I was sitting next to a friend and we have been hanging around a bit lately, her ex-boyfriend is also in the class, for some reason I was a bit in a rowdy mood as I explained. since this guy was sitting right behind me a had given him a couple of poke's trough out the day, the first thing i said was: I want to hear what you have to say "dud" since you always have something to say that can annoy me, he reacted by giving me a compliment about my behaviour and showing my emotions in class. i was a bit disappointed since I know he is a clever guy and i wanted some more out of him then just that. (|||| I will come back to the second or first thing i said to him that might have triggered him.) giving some context to the situation, I had no intention to trigger him, it came from a place me just expressing myself and how I feel about him sometimes. at a certain point we had assignment, we had to interview each other, we had to go in groups of 3 and I got together with my friend and a classmate. the assignment goal was to formulate a problem and then get a solution for the specific problem. I got with my classmate first, she is from another country and she has a hard time with the language, so I tried to level a little bit, not to much since I want her to be able to follow normal conversation as well, the other week we had a talk about this and out of this conversation she spoke to me that she often feels rejected because of the way the class treats her, so i figured i would not treat her any different then i do anyone else. starting the conversation, trying to formulate a goal was very hard to explain one of the meters that was on the form, we used as reference to formulate the problem. while mid way into the conversation I discovered that she was deceiving me, since she admitted that she did not understand what the word of the meter meant that we used for reference. so i started to keep asking a bit going deeper to see if i could get a straight answer out of her, time and time i tried i did not get a straight answer. my bullshit meter went of on every turn almost every question i asked it seemed like i drove myself away from her and once this was done it seemed that the door was closed, after i asked if the conversation was alright for her where first she answered yes its good, then i got a answer back when she said no you are not good. I felt very confused and felt a bit personally attacked at some point when she said "you are not good" "what you do is not good". i felt like i had to defend myself, and i asked why do you say this that is also hurtful for me, that you say this, so at that moment 2 people are hurt, i was not open for feedback at that moment since i thought what i did was fine and that i get what she was saying but i did not feel like this was my problem since i was just asking questions to get to the issues at hand. when she was saying i was not good, i asked her can you make it specific and tell me what is not good, no fucks where giving she was high in her emotion and i did not notice it i just thought tell me what is not good about me and i will adapt, but i kept getting the same answer, this started to annoy me, i ended the conversation. i had to do the same questioning method with my friend, this was smooth sailing, i did a just introduction i asked into what goals she wanted to work on and tried to be as efficient as possible, start mid and finish of this conversation seemed to be on point and well done, then the observer has to give feedback, i looked at our classmate ready to receive, she said, yes good. this was triggering for me since there is a list under her that she had not watched at,
0 notes
So from what I gather, wing, antennae and essentially just grooming in general for the Moth Bois is very intimate if done by the right person ✨✨ awwe
Is there any chance of them trying to do the same for MC to but the Human Version™? 🥺🥺🥺 E.g combing through hair instead of grooming antennae, giving back scratches in place of wing grooming and so on.
How long would it take for each of the Moth Bois to feel comfortable giving back that affection?
How often would they even willingly engage in grooming each other, and do they lean more towards Receiving™ or Giving™?
❤️This ask is pure indulgence I just really f-ing love back scratches and my hair getting brushed 👉👈❤️
(PS it's late here I'm very tired and English isn't my first language so I apologise for any spelling mistakes)
Sans: He adores giving and receiving affection from his darling, obviously; his whole shtick is getting Mc to groom him. The zoo thought he’d be aggressive with touch, but he’ll sit there for hours happily purring while she combs the dust off of him... he really likes giving Mc affection, too. Really likes it. To the point where it’s a bit suspicious just how snuggly he is with his darling zookeeper after all the aggression he showed everyone else.
He likes her hair. He’s always (carefully, not enough for the effect to be noticeable) using his sleep pheremones when she’s around to make her feel relaxed and calm, and when he thinks she’s got her guard down, he reaches out to run his claws over her locks. Sometimes she pulls away, nervous about a massive carnivorous moth monster putting his huge hands near her head, but sometimes she’s eased enough to not really notice and just let him give gentle massages. It feels nice after a long day.
He loves doing it, especially after she’s touched his wings/antennae. It makes him feel like they’re a couple grooming each other... you can pretty much see the love hearts coming off him. He wants to learn to braid.
Red: He’s handsy, obviously. He’s a huge flirt, she’s nice and soft, he’s got four arms and it’s pretty difficult to keep track of all of them, so every now and then when she’s in his enclosure and not paying full attention he’ll tug on her clothes, pinch her thighs or poke her somewhere she’s ticklish. He loves her startled, embarrassed reactions... he really likes when he goes in for a play-bite and she makes funny squawking sounds and tries to bat him away.
He enjoys her being close, and when she admires his wings he puffs up with pride like a courting male bird. But the softer types of affection, like antennae touching and outright grooming, make him embarrassed and fidgety. He’d rather things stayed easygoing and flirty.
Except... when he’s in one of his ‘so bored he’s gone insane’ moods. When he’s like that, he wants all of her attention, all of her touches, he wants everything. If she’s not in his enclosure but he can see her, he might even sing to her; absolutely obscene behaviour, from a moth.
Skull: He doesn’t want to touch, and if anyone tried to touch him he’d bite their limb clean off. He’s endured far too much for far too long, contact has always meant pain, he wants to be left alone in his den with his blankets where no one can hurt him. Mc happily gives him the space he wants, only entering his enclosure to clean up or bring food/nice things- he’s intimidating anyway, the largest of the moths. She initially misinterprets his crush and shyness as his usual hatred of anything alive, so she’s happy to hang back. 
She never tries to push any boundaries. It just makes the warm, fluttery feelings in his Soul even stronger.
... He doesn’t know how to be affectionate. He never had his wings groomed, never had his hands held, he was never sung to- no one taught him that when you love someone there’s ways of showing it. His instincts croon to draw her close and touch her soft hands and hum, but he’s confused, he’s still terrified she’ll hurt him like everyone else has. 
Until he can drum up the confidence to hold her, he’ll settle for stealing her things. He can hold those.
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nctsjiho · 2 years
What Are We? Friends? [Part 3]
cw: strong language, angst, violence(?) || era: March 2022
❀ The dreamies confront Mark about his behaviour towards JiHo and Haechan but things seem to take an unexpected turn
read part 2 here
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“I still don’t understand why you have to meddle with someone else’s business,” Renjun mused. His unbothered attitude and relaxed position on the couch of the practice room irked Mark, as the older boy felt like his head was about to explode.
“You don’t get it Renjun-”
“You’re right! I absolutely don’t get it,” the smaller one scoffed, “what were you trying to achieve?”
Mark rubbed his sweaty palms together and dropped down on the couch opposite of Renjun with a prolonged groan. “I just want this comeback to be good, for us to do even better than what we’ve showed before-”
“So, you make Haechan feel like shit by telling JiHo to ignore us,” Jeno interjected, taking his place next to the other 00 liner, “which by the way, also bothered us a little. At some point I was sure JiHo actually didn’t want to hang out with us anymore.” The pink haired boy looked at Renjun who he shared a nod of agreement with.
Frustrated, Mark roughly ruffled his own hair. “I just don’t want things to happen that have happened before. I’m looking out for Haechan, okay?”
“What things?”
“Just, certain things. You wouldn’t understand. There are things you don’t know about JiHo and it’s not my place to tell you these things.”
Both Jeno and Renjun shared an incredulous look before the shorter of the two let out another scoff. This time, Renjun stood up and took a few steps towards Mark. “Are you hearing yourself? You might as well tell us now! After you told JiHo about Haechan’s crush on her, which he didn’t even confirm to us yet. After you told JiHo to back off. For all of those things you weren’t in a place to tell them.”
“Okay! Okay! Okay…,” Mark sighed, “Ten told me… about JiHo and Hendery. They were… like, a thing. I mean they weren’t officially dating but- JiHo broke it off before they became official. You know, because JiHo doesn’t ‘do dating’. I don’t want Haechan to go through that. He might not take it that well. God, I heard Hendery didn’t take it that well either. Imagine how Haechan would-”
“Wow~ Your inability to realise how much of an asshole you sound like right now is close to bordering on idiocy,” Renjun said with a roll of his eyes. “I know Ten, I know Hendery, I already knew all of this, Mark! But you can’t compare this to JiHo and Haechan. Have you ever considered that things between Haechan and JiHo are vastly different?”
The other dreamies, bar Haechan, were all in the practise room as well. They heard everything that was being said between the three oldest members and though they wanted to stay “away from this mess”, the boys couldn’t help but feel frustrated at everything they were hearing.
“You should’ve had a talk with Haechan hyung if this concerned you so much, instead of going to yell at noona,” Jisung mumbled, but it was loud enough that everyone had heard him.
Looking up from his seat Mark saw Jisung, Chenle and Jaemin look at him with, what could be described as a, dejected look on their faces. Out of the three Jisung looked the most upset, while Chenle looked a bit more angry. “JiHo can’t help it if Haechan hyung likes her. For all we know this is just one of his ‘phases’, just like when he liked Renjun hyung during our last comeback,” the Chinese boy grumbled, sitting down next to Jeno who placed a hand on his shoulder and told him to “not get mad”.
“And what’s the problem anyway with Haechan liking JiHo? She rejected Hendery hyung, because she’s not interested in dating - like you said. So what’s so different now?,” Jeno sounded genuinely confused. The question made everyone eye Mark curiously.
“I- I just,” Mark started stumbling over his words, “I don’t want anyone else to get hurt! Guys and girls can’t just be friends, okay?! First it was Hendery, now Haechan. I know even you had a crush on her-”
“ME?!” If the couch wasn’t right up against the wall, it surely would’ve moved back with the force Jeno used standing up. An almost trembling hand was placed against his chest while angry veins became visible against the skin of Jeno’s neck and arms. His voice boomed throughout the practice room when he shouted, confused by the sudden accusation.
Mark looked a little intimidated, but scrambled to come up with his explanation. However Jaemin beat him to it, “Jeno might be clingy and he might love JiHo’s attention, but I wouldn’t go that far as to call it a crush,” he chuckled - an attempt to lighten the overall mood. “Why though? Are you perhaps… Jealous?”
With bulging eyes, Mark stood up holding up his hands shaking them in disagreement, but not yet saying anything. Chenle gasped when his leader couldn’t even seem to say no and yelled out, “WHAT?! You have a crush on JiHo?”
Fortunately - or maybe not, since Mark hadn’t got the time to explain himself - the door to the practise room opened. A clueless Haechan wandered into the room before spotting his six other members in one corner of the room. Haechan watched them for a second, noticing the slightly panicked and confused looks on their faces before a wide smile appeared on his own features.
“Ah~ What is this? Did I ruin something, hmm? Were you guys planning some sort of surprise for me while I was away? Don’t worry, I didn’t hear a thing. I’ll just act surprised whenever it happens.”
Whether Haechan really did believe his own words, or whether he read the room correctly and wanted to lighten the mood was unknown to the members. But Mark was incredibly relieved when Renjun suggested they’d do another run of their choreography and he could drop the conversation he had with the other boys - at least for the moment.
Fortunately that moment seemed to last longer than Mark expected as everyone went back home that night without bringing up the situation. Sure he did feel an insane amount of guilt in his chest wherever he went, knowing he hadn’t apologised to JiHo still and Haechan continued to act as if nothing had happened. It was what Mark wanted anyway. For Haechan to focus on the comeback, and he did, he always had. So, why did Mark still have to feel this bad?
“I completely destroyed the hyungs in Mario Kart last night as well,” Haechan beamed as he told JiHo all about his week. It had been a few days since JiHo visited the dreamies to tell them her schedule was almost completely empty for the time being and that she’d hang out a little more often as long as she wouldn’t disturb the boys - still wary about Mark. “I know I’m better than you. So if you come over, expect to get first place again,” Haechan’s famous cocky smirk earned a scoff from the smaller girl.
“Don’t be too confident, you might cry when you realise you still aren’t better than me- oh- wait, don’t move.” JiHo leaned in closer to the boy, who was sure his heart was about to burst with the close proximity. JiHo’s eyes stayed focused on a spot on his hair, but all Haechan could process was how pretty JiHo looked from this close. “There!” She moved back again before waving her closed fist in front of her. “There was a bug in your hair,” she explained before standing up to throw it away in the trash bin.
At the information, Haechan let out a squeaky sounding shriek and combed his hands through his hair in a panic. The sight made JiHo laugh and wish she had her phone in hand to film his reaction.
“What are you going to do when you can’t save your future girlfriend from a bug?,” she asked, still amused by his slightly disturbed state.
His expression quickly turned smug as he winked at her, “I won’t have to worry about that if my girlfriend is like you.”
The comment made JiHo stop in her tracks for a second. Mark’s words came back to mind as she thought about the actual meaning behind Haechan’s words. He didn’t actually mean her, right? He didn’t actually see JiHo as a potential girlfriend. She was already past the point of denying Haechan had feelings for her when he more or less confessed that one night before the incident with Mark at the boys’ dorm. But, still, she wanted to believe that his feelings weren’t that serious, that things would blow over soon.
“Hey! I can see the gears grinding in your pretty little head,” Haechan laughed, earning an awkward laugh from JiHo as she sat back down in front of him. “All that Mark hyung told you, you shouldn’t let those things get to your head too much. You finally stopped ignoring us again, it would be nice if we could just hang out like normal.”
Something about the way Haechan worded his sentences troubled JiHo, feeling somewhat condescending, but more than that, there was something else that JiHo picked up on, “you know about that? You know what Mark said?”
“Hey! Do you all think I’m that dumb. I can put two and two together, and it’s not that hard when the other boys think they’re being quiet when they talk about everything,” he explained, “so, stop being a dummy and forget about Mark because you really hurt me when you started ignoring me.”
JiHo’s initial smile completely fell, making Haechan worry. “Yah~ Do you think I wanted to ignore you? Do you think it’s that easy? Do you realise how hurt I was because of all of this? Or are you just like Mark? You all just believe that I don’t have feelings so I can’t get hurt.” Haechan vigorously shook his head once hearing those words, realising how selfish he - and mark - had been. “Forget it. Lim JiHo is just a heartless person anyway,” she sighed, resting her head back against the mirror of the practice room.
“No, no, no! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean it like that,” Haechan frowned, trying to lock eyes with the girl who tried so hard to avoid his gaze, “please, JiHo, look at me.”
A pout was prominent on his lips as he tried to get JiHo’s attention, “I suck, I know. But please just look at me again. I’m really sorry.”
When his pleas didn’t seem to work, he decided a more “hands on” method was needed. He started tickling JiHo’s sides, cooing at her and using aegyo to garner her attention. “I’m an idiot, please forgive me.”
Not able to fight the tickling anymore, JiHo burst out in laughter and started to push Haechan’s face away with her hand. He nuzzled into her palm as he pushed closer and closer to the short-haired girl. “JiHo~ Look at me~,” he whined, voice slightly muffled through JiHo’s hand on his face.
He moved closer and closer, JiHo’s legs pressed against her chest, separating their bodies. His hands moved lightly against her sides, just enough to make her squirm. Face incredibly close - unbeknown to both of them as their eyes were closed. Closer and closer until the laughter stopped. Their eyes opened in shock and they met each other’s gaze, eyes only maybe a few centimetres away from each other’s.
JiHo moved her hand from the side of Haechan’s face to his shoulder and lightly pushed him away. “You…”
Haechan didn’t dare say anything. He didn’t know what to say, even if he wanted to.
“You… you kissed me?”
Haechan didn’t know how it happened, he just knew that he was pushing his face closer against JiHo’s hand until suddenly his lips pressed against hers.
“I’m sorry, JiHo. I didn’t-,” he shook his head in disbelief, scared of JiHo’s unreadable expression.
“Your lips, they were against mine and you kissed me.”
Noticing the sheer amount of panic in JiHo’s eyes made Haechan’s heart race incredibly fast. “It was an accident-”
“Oh God, my first kiss was an accident.” Panic turned into horror and if Haechan didn’t know JiHo any better he would’ve taken it personally. JiHo didn’t “do dating” as Mark had put it. It took a while for JiHo to be so open to everyone’s skinship, so this must have been a big thing for JiHo. And by the way she was reacting, it didn’t seem like this was something she was ready for.
“I’m sorry-,” Haechan apologised, but JiHo shook her head, hand on her lips as tears swelled in her eyes.
“It’s not your fault. It’s okay. I’m okay,” she nodded, but it sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than anyone else. At least Haechan felt the tiniest bit of relief knowing JiHo wasn’t upset with him, but it still didn’t ease much of his nerves.
It was only when the door opened behind Haechan and JiHo got a good look of Mark looking at her - and Haechan - that the two snapped out of their shock.
“I’m gonna go,” JiHo’s voice was barely over a whisper when she pushed herself off the ground and ran past Mark, leaving the room in a hurry.
“What was that?,” Mark asked, confused. His eyes locked onto Haechan’s shaking ones, before realisation set in. “What was that?!,” he was yelling at this point, “you kissed JiHo?!”
Haechan felt his gut twist at the sudden anger Mark radiated. “It was an accident! So what? Why do you care?”
“After everything I did for you. To make sure JiHo wouldn’t be a distraction, you go ahead and throw yourself onto her?”
Haechan was heaving with his own anger now. “‘Did for me?’ You did this for me? What exactly were you doing for me?”
“I was looking out for you, Haechan. If the public finds out- if SM finds out, we could all be in trouble!”
The younger of the two scoffed at the ridiculousness his leader spat. “We’re not even a thing, it was an accident! But,” Haechan glared at his leader now, “this isn’t about me, or JiHo. You’re doing this for yourself, right? The sight of me and JiHo makes you sick, right? You’re jealous! Isn’t that it?”
Haechan let out an incredulous laugh and took a step closer to Mark, who didn’t say a thing. “Me and JiHo are friends, as long as she doesn’t want to take it further, and after today I can almost say she will never want to, we’re just friends. Yes! I like her, but… You’re jealous. You’re jealous of what me and JiHo have, what me and Jeno had. A genuine friendship. Because despite me knowing JiHo doesn’t want a relationship, I can still hang out with her as a friend. But you-”
Mark hissed, eyes colouring in angry red. “Shut up, Heachan.”
“You hate that you can’t see JiHo as just a friend, right? Because you-,” Haechan spoke through gritted teeth.
“I told you to shut up!,” Mark yelled, the warning signs very clear.
Yet, Haechan ignored them, “you like her-”
Haechan didn’t know whether the sting against his cheek or the sound of the slap ringing in his ears hurt more, but he just smiled through the pain as he looked Mark in the eye. “I can’t blame you, but I’m not going to back off for you. I might have messed up my chance with JiHo, but I’m not letting your pettiness get in between me and her.”
Haechan turned to grab his bag, hand still soothing his stinging cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow at practice.”
Mark didn’t watch as Haechan left the room, eyes locked on his red palm and fingers.
read part 4 here
masterlists: main masterlist || jiho.writings masterlist
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slasherhaven · 3 years
Could I request the Sinclair brothers with a future s/o that is mute? How would they react to our “friends” making fun of us, but we can’t speak up for ourselves
The Sinclair Brothers with a Mute Future S/O:
Bo Sinclair
As soon as he met you and your group of friends, he knew something wasn’t quite right. You remained silent as they spoke among themselves and to Bo, only giving small non-verbal responses to Bo when he spoke to you directly. Then our friends would scoff.
It wasn’t like you were shy...more like you just wanted to stay out of the way.
He tensed when he heard the first disguised insult thrown your way by one of your ‘friends’, that would explain your behaviour. 
One of your friends had flirted a little with Bo, huffing and rolling her eyes when he kept glancing at you curiously. 
That’s when she told him that you didn’t speak, like she was hoping it would put him off of you, rolling her eyes as she did so. Like you were a burden. 
It only made him dislike them more. Why the hell would they invite you on their trip if they were just going to treat you like shit?
Once Bo checked out the car, he told them that it would be a little while before it was ready and suggesting visiting the wax museum while you waited.
Your friends had agreed and left the garage without even addressing you. You had silently sighed before beginning to follow them.
“It’s Y/n, right?” Bo’s voice made you stop and turn back to him, nodding to answer his question.
“You sure they’re your friends?” he asked and you just shrugged, glancing out of the garage window and seeing that they were heading towards the museum. They hadn’t even noticed that you weren’t with them, you couldn’t help but frown a little.
“They don’t treat you so good” Bo pointed out, making you look back to him. 
You nervously fidgeted with your hands, only shrugging again. You wanted to talk to him, you didn’t want to seem rude, but your friend had already told him that you didn’t speak so you assumed he wasn’t too bothered by it. 
“My brother doesn’t talk, uses his hands normally. I know a little sign language, if you use it” Bo told you, making you look up at him and smile a little. 
‘They just invited me...thought it would be different’ you signed.
Bo was far from an expert in sign language but he knew bits and pieces, enough to understand you if you gestured slower than usual.
He wasn’t sure where the feeling was coming from but he couldn’t help but feel protective over you.
You seemed to shy and sweet, so poorly treated by those who call themselves your friends. He couldn’t help but want you for himself. 
“Don’t worry, sweetheart. They’ll get what they deserve” Bo assured you with a charming smile and a wink.
It made you blush, though you had no idea what he meant by that.
...you would soon come to learn what exactly his threat entailed when you would be the only on spared.
Vincent Sinclair 
Vincent had first seen you when you wandered into the wax museum with your friends. You had caught his attention, not chatting and laughing with the rest of the group, your attention was completely on his creations and pieces of art. You were admiring them.
He was just glad that somebody was appreciating his work...until he noticed the teasing.
One of the men you were with make a mocking comment about you, at which the rest of the group laughed. You just frowned, hanging your head before wandering off to the other side of the room to examine the paintings on the wall, getting away from the mockery. You didn’t even know why you agreed to come with these so-called friends.
Vincent frowned at the comment, feeling angry on your behalf. How could they call themselves your friends and treat you like that?
But at least they had used your name so he now knew it. Y/n. He hoped Bo would be kind.
When it came to dealing with your group, both Lester and Vincent had asked Bo to take it easy on you, you had already had a rough time and they had both become a little sympathetic since meeting you and your fake friends.
Lucky for you, Bo’s irritated was also mostly aimed at your friends, you really had just seemed like a punchbag that they brought along.
Vincent was the one who ask that you be spared, connecting with you the most. Bo was against it but was slowly convinced by his brothers.
Once you started staying with the brothers, mostly against your will, it was Vincent that you gravitated towards. You communicated with him the best and he was always kind to you, even if he was very shy.
When you first met him, he had apologised for the way your friends treated you, telling you that he knew what it felt like to be mocked for something you couldn’t help. He also apologised for everything that happened since you wandered into Ambrose.
Despite the situation you found yourself in, it was pretty easy to get along with Vincent. You understood each other and a part of you was grateful for that, Vincent was very grateful for you.
Lester Sinclair
Lester had come across your group when you care broke down and you were all standing around it. You were standing a little but away from the group, a slightly sad expression on your face. So, Lester had approached you once he parked and hopped out of his truck.
He had asked you if somethign was wrong, if you needed help, and your eyes widened slightly when yous struggled to respond.
He was confused until one of your friends pretty much pushed you out of the way, annouchign that you couldn’t speak with a scoff before telling him that their car broke down.
Lester cleared his throat, not liking how they treated you even though he only just met you. He told them he could drive a few of you into town and visit the garage.
But then he turned right back to you, making your friends huff and roll their eyes in annoyance, like you were a burden to them. 
“My brother don’t talk much either” Lester told you with a small but genuine smile. 
‘Do you sign?’ you asked using sign language, figuring that he might be able to if his brother used it. 
“Uh...kinda, I’m not very good at it” he confessed, awkwardly scratching the back of his neck. 
‘Don’t worry, it’s okay’ you signed with a sincere smile, one that made him smile as well. You really didn’t mind, it just made you smile that he was addressing you and not treating you like you didn’t exist or like you were dumb...as your so-called friends seemed to do. 
“C’mon, let me take ya into town, Bo at the garage can help ya out” his smile widened into something brighter, making you smile more as well, as he gestured towards his truck. Basically telling you that you were invited on the trip into town rather than being left behind.
‘Thank you’ you signed, thanking him for his kindness before following him back to his truck with two of your friends following behind, muttering to each other.
Once you got into town, Lester climbed out of the truck with you all. Your friends had brushed him off and headed to the garage for help. You, on the other hand, thanked him again instead of running off.
You were sure how it happened but the two of you fell into a charmingly awkward conversation. He would clumsily sign something, like he was trying to show off, but his heart would flutter whenever you giggled and gently corrected him.
So, while your shitty friends got on Bo’s last nerve, you continued to speak with Lester.
Of course, your kindness and instant connection led to Lester pleading with Bo to spare you, promising to make sure you didn’t run and promising to be responsible for you. He knew that you might never forgive him for what he was a apart of but he just couldn’t stomach hurting you.
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