#i was so upset I made cards for him and for the hospital staff on the floors I stayed
eggs-love-loki · 2 years
I’m getting a good grade in recovering from jaw surgery, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve
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sweetbillwriting · 2 years
A Thousand Leaves
Part 1 - A Beautiful Boy
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Description: A local news reporter wants to know everything about the young man that has been found imprisoned in a basement. While she searches for answers, her relationship with the young man becomes more and more complicated.
Characters: The character Henry is inspired by several of Bill Skarsgård's characters but mostly The Kid from Castle Rock. The rest are my own original characters.
Setting: The story is set in the early 90s in a nameless town with several smaller villages surrounding it.
Warnings: 18+, mental health problems, violence, mentions of all sort of abuse, voyeurism (sort of?), sexual themes. This will be a dark story and this chapter can be provoking.
Notes: This story have an epilogue, you can read it here.
If you like what I write please reblog or give the chapter a like. Thank you!
His room was just as gray as the other parts of the hospital. Maybe not literally since the walls were light green, there was a light blue blanket on the bed and the plastic floor was a dirty yellow color but the whole atmosphere felt gray. The man before her was completely dressed in gray but instead made a colorful impression. His chocolate mop of hair shifted in all variants of brown, his lips were red as a Red Delicious apple and his eyes had all of a world map's colors mixed together. It was obvious he was beautiful. Beautiful in his own way. Irma sat still and watched him with a steady gaze, not just because she wanted to look at the man but also because of the pose she had chosen to be painted in. She felt a bit uncomfortable having his steady gaze on her every other second while he seemed to be totally comfortable with having her gaze on his face. 
Irma was happy he had started to be more and more comfortable. The first few times she visited him he had more or less just stared at the ground but after a while he had started to draw her hands in his drawing pad. She saw a little of his sketches and he was talented, it made her wonder even more who he was. Was he an artist? 
She took a fast look out the window, the rain was pouring so she stayed there with him for a while. But she didn't mind, in the beginning his presence made her nervous but she had gotten used to his big examining eyes and nervous ways. She had tried to ask the police to share some information about Henry or about the crime scene but they refused to even say who had found him. It was frustrating and she had a hard time knowing what to even ask Henry. For now they mostly shared blueberry muffins and played cards. He knew some games so he hadn't forgotten about everything. 
"Henry," he looked up from his drawing, busy painting her braid that lay on her shoulder like a golden retriever's tail. "Do you remember how you came here? To the hospital?" 
He furrowed his brows and started to bite on the end of his lead pencil. He did that a while before he nodded and looked down at the drawing pad. It was obvious that he didn't want to talk about it but Irma just wanted something to write down among her notes. 
"Do you… remember the basement?" She asked carefully, afraid to upset him. 
"No?" He finally said with his soft voice while looking confused. 
"You know, where you were a prisoner." 
Henry shrugged his shoulders and continued with his drawing. Irma made a small sigh, it was probably the best for him to not remember but she, as a journalist, just wanted her story. Both of them looked up when they heard the door open. It was a nurse, playing with her key card nervously. Irma had noticed that most of the staff was nervous around Henry even if he seemed to be just as nervous himself. 
"It's time for Henry's doctor check… Because of the last incident we're wondering if you can be there as support for Henry. Isn't it so Henry, that you wanted her there?" 
Irma looked confused at the nurse, then towards Henry who looked at her nervously and nodded a bit. Irma turned to the nurse again. 
"What incident?" 
The nurse looked with worry at Henry who had turned his eyes down at the drawing. 
"Maybe we can talk outside about that?" The nurse motioned to the door and Irma tagged along with curiosity. Outside the closed door the nurse took a deep breath. 
"I don't really know your relationship to Henry but he has said he wants you as a support person, that we can call you if there is something we need help with and… The last doctor's appointment ended in chaos." 
Irma gave the nurse a thoughtful look but also had mixed feelings about Henry's request. Suddenly she was there to take care of him instead of writing an article but she didn't have the heart to say no to it. Henry was alone in the world and needed someone by his side. 
"It seems like Henry is afraid of men and when the doctor wanted to check his heart Henry hit him in the chest several times. Our doctor has worked here for a long time so he has been through these sorts of things before but he doesn't want to check Henry again without others in the room. It seems like you have a calming effect on him." 
Irma looked through the door's plexiglass window at Henry who sat with his legs up like a kitten by the little table. She couldn't understand how he could spread such fear. 
"Okay… So I just need to be there?" 
"Yes, calm him down. You get to touch him, no one else gets to do that." 
Irma felt quite special that she had succeeded at something no one else had.
Irma and Henry walked together through fluorescent lit corridors to the doctors office. Several of the lamps had broken or stood and flickered. It made Irma think about death row or horror movies. She looked up at Henry who probably was 6'3 in height but he hunched forward a bit so it was hard to know how tall he actually was. She wondered how he had become that way, if he had it for all his life or if it was an injury. One of his shoulders was pushed forward and she had noticed he didn't use that arm if he didn't have to. He also had a bit of a limp. His walking style was quite odd but was it enough for people to actually be scared of him? 
Outside of the doctor's office, Henry stopped and looked down the corridor they had just walked through like a magnet sucked him back to his room. 
"Should we go inside?" Irma asked carefully and pulled on the hem of her burgundy sweater. Henry looked at her with pleading eyes. Irma tried to smile a little. 
"I will be here the whole time, okay?" 
Henry nodded slowly and looked down at his chunky sneakers. She opened the door for him and with small limping steps he walked into the doctor. 
The doctor's examination room was much brighter than the others and the interior was mostly in white and green. Henry looked around worried and looked back at Irma who closed the door behind her. He swallowed hard, waiting for something to happen. Just then an older man came out from another door. He had a pair of glasses on the tip of his nose and carried a folder in his hands. He had a friendly face but looked also like that man that thought he was always in the right. Irma could see on Henry’s face that he became worried in the doctor's presence. He didn't seem to know what to do with his hands and he looked between the doctor, the examination bed and the floor. Irma stepped closer to him but smiled at the doctor. 
"Aaah! Deaver. With his fiancee, right?" The doctor joked and looked towards Irma. 
Irma gave him a strained smile and decided that she didn't like the man. 
"Just a friend. Irma Kiehl." 
The doctor sat down by the desk on a spinning chair. 
"I'm doctor Dean but everyone calls me doctor D. Oh not Henry of course, he seems to save his words for a better time." 
Irma didn't answer, instead she gave Henry a friendly smile and motioned to the chairs on the opposite side of the desk. He gave her a look and she felt his finger against her hand but he then sat down on the left chair so she could take the right. 
"So… How are you today Henry?" The doctor asked. Henry just sat and looked down at his hands and picked at his cuticles. He shrugged one shoulder without looking up. 
"I don't know."
"Can we check you today without you getting violent?" 
Henry looked at Irma who sat and watched him. She already felt some sort of caring feeling towards him and felt that she wanted to make him comfortable. 
"Let's give it a try. Shall we?" Said the doctor when he didn't get an answer. "Strip." 
Irma looked up confused at the doctor. 
"Strip? How much should he strip?" She felt her heart beat faster. She wasn't prepared to see a naked man today, especially not someone as innocent looking as Henry. It felt like she would make something wrong by watching his body. 
"All of it. It makes everything much easier." The doctor rolled around on his chair and waited by the bed. 
Henry looked at Irma then looked down at his hands. 
"Can you do that? Take your clothes off?" 
He nodded a little and stood up from his chair. Slowly he began to take his clothes off. The gray sweatshirt, the white t-shirt, the white sneakers, the gray sweatpants, the white socks. He stopped and looked at Irma. 
"Oh! Maybe I should turn around?" She said with blushing cheeks. She had seen the bruises on his body that now shifted in a yellow color on his thin frame. He was skinny but still had many manly attributes; broad shoulders, slim hips and muscular legs. 
"No," he said carefully. 
Irma turned around and looked at him. He looked at her while he pulled down his underwear. It was probably to get support but it felt like an erotic moment for Irma and she felt awful that she looked at his manhood while he pulled down the white boxer shorts. 
"Can you hurry up a bit?" Said the doctor with a sigh. Henry gave him a look and when he was completely naked he walked to the doctor. Irma was ashamed that she looked at him like that, still she couldn't stop herself from watching his little peachy bum, broad back and back dimples. He was beautiful in every way. 
The doctor examined Henry while he looked straight at Irma all the time. She smiled at him so he could see her support. The doctor looked at his bruises but also several wounds they had stitched. He examined his hunchback and shoulders but when he started to look at his back, following his back bone with his fingers Henry tensed up. Irma could see the shift in his eyes and body language. 
"Stop," she said to the doctor but continued to look at Henry. The doctor sighed and watched the two staring at each other. 
"Oh well guess that's enough." Said the doctor but he dragged his hand down Henry's back and asscheek in a way that didn't feel totally okay. 
"You can dress." He looked Henry up and down then looked at Irma. 
"It would be good for him to work out, that back problem can disappear with some rehabilitation. I wanted to check to see if there is sign of abuse but I guess he will not let me examine him." 
Irma could see Henry's movement in the corner of her eye but looked straight at the doctor. 
"Yeah, you know because of how they found him." 
Irma nodded a little. It was best to pretend she knew so they would tell her more. 
"Yes, of course. Have you heard more about that?" 
"No, they just wanted me to check him. They haven't matched the sperm with anyone in their database."
Irma felt her heart beat faster. Had someone raped Henry? Was that the reason for his fear of men? 
"It's awful… How could someone do that to him? He is so young." Irma said with a low voice. The doctor shrugged a little. 
"He isn't a child so it could have been consensual. You know, he is probably older than 30." 
Irma was shocked and looked at Henry as he put on his sneakers. But she couldn't say now that she didn't know that. 
"Oh yeah but that's still young. But there were other things that prove that it wasn't optional." She continued to speak with a low voice. 
"Yeah that fact that he sat in a cage is one thing," said the doctor with a grunt. "He had semen in his hair and on his clothes make it all so unbelievable. Noo, the boy was raped but unfortunately we can't check it." 
The doctor probably was as fascinated by Henry as she was, maybe even in a sexual way, just as she. Back in Henry's room she watched him sit on his bed and bent his body into a little ball, continuing on the drawing of her. The doctor wouldn't have told her all those things if he hadn't had such interest in him so he needed to talk about it. Irma thought about the doctor's hands on Henry but also his looks. It was probably the same looks she had given Henry. She thought about the look he had given her while taking his underwear off. How could he be sexy and be an innocent victim at the same time? Irma didn't see herself as a horny person or even a person that was that interested in men but she still couldn't stop herself from looking at his member under the examination. He was big, unshaved and uncircumsized. She looked at him again, he hadn't moved an inch, just sat and drew leaned forward like a vulture. 
Did he have sexual thoughts? Feelings? Had he thought about her that way? Did he touch himself when he couldn't sleep? Seeing him curled up in bed made her believe that he didn't even know what sex was. 
Irma walked through her parents' neighborhood. The neighborhood she had grown up in. The houses were big and so were the yards. The street was framed with big maple trees whose leaves shifted in orange and red. She had always liked the neighborhood; it was so clean and calm. Her parents' house was just as big as the others, a white two level house with a big ashtree on the left side of the house. The concrete was wet from rain, apart from that was the yard in perfect condition, just like her father wanted it. 
She was invited to dinner but didn't know what to talk about. Most of her time went to either being with Henry or doing research for his case. She knew her parents wanted her to meet someone and create a family but she didn't know if that was what she wanted. And 29, wasn't that old? She had all the time in the world to find a guy that could impregnate her.
She walked right into the house and was met with the scent of Shepard's pie. Her mother's signature dish. It was rich and homey but didn't take so much time. Irma's dad Eric came out to the hallway to meet her. He was dressed in a tennis shirt and sweatpants, looking relaxed. 
"Hey honey, cold outside?" 
"Not that bad. Just some cold winds." 
She took off her boots and her coat and looked down at her socks. Her boots were expensive and even though leather water still leaked in. 
"Do you want another pair?" Said her father when he saw the stains on her beige socks. Irma just nodded with a smile. 
Her mother stood in the kitchen, dressed in a green pattern blouse that made Irma dizzy. They hugged hello and Irma volunteered to do the salad. 
"Have you heard that Felix, Dana's son, has become single?" 
Her mother, Bea started at once. Saving time, Irma thought. 
"Doesn't he have two kids?" 
"Does that matter? You are in that age now where the men you will meet have history." 
Irma sighed as she took the seeds out from a pepper. Her mother put the pie in the oven and turned to Irma. 
"It can't be fun to live on your own in that apartment. If it even is an apartment!" 
Irma's apartment was a small attic with a leaning ceiling. It was cramped but she loved the cozy feeling. Irma just shrugged at her mother's words. 
"Are you working on anything special? My blueberry muffins are gone so I guess you're working on something?" 
Irma perked up by the question. She thought about Henry every other minute and she needed an outlet. 
"I'm writing about that kid they found in the basement of the old church. I've met with him a couple of times." She didn't say the whole truth to her mother. She would have worried too much. 
"Oh? That's an awful story. Have you found out something?" 
"Well, he isn't really a kid, he's probably older than me." 
"Really? Then why do they call him "the kid" in the newspaper?" 
Irma put the chopped pepper in the sallad and turned to her mother. 
"We need wine to talk about this," said Irma and made her mother smile knowingly. When they sat down by the kitchen table with a big glass of red wine each Irma felt ready to talk. 
"He looks young, or young is the wrong word… he looks more ageless? He is glowing I guess." 
Her mother nodded a little and played with her amethyst bracelet. 
"Is he charismatic?" 
"Not really. He is really quiet and nervous. Traumatized I guess. But he has an aura. A presence no one can ignore." 
Her mother smiled a little. 
"He is a pretty boy," she said knowingly. Her mother always knew what Irma was hiding. Either she had a sixth sense or she just knew her daughter really well. Irma felt uncomfortable discussing Henry's looks but she also knew that she couldn't lie to her mother. 
"He is. In a really special way. He had these big big eyes full of different colors. They are haunting but beautiful." Irma didn't look at her mother, she looked out the window towards the colorful leaves and thought about Henry's appearance. 
"He has an upturned nose that makes him look like an elf at some angles. And big pouty lips that contrast with his sharp facial features…" 
"And you are fascinated both by his looks and that nervous boyish behavior. Irma, he sounds like a fascinating man but remember to keep your distance. He is probably a victim of a really awful crime. And we know that you need someone more reliable." 
“Ugh,” Irma grunted and shifted uncomfortably on the high chair. "I'm not interested in him that way! I'm interested in the story." 
Her mother just nodded a little and it annoyed Irma because she knew that her mother didn't believe her. That was even more annoying because Irma also knew her mother was right. 
The three of them ate in the dining room. All of them watched the empty chair a few times with pain in their eyes. When they sat like that it was painfully obvious someone was missing but neither of them could talk about the sorrow yet. It was too early even though it had been several years. Maybe that was the reason her mother so desperately wanted Irma to meet someone. So that person could fill out the empty chair. 
Irma knew she definitely did not act like an adult. Not the kind of adult her parents talked about anyway. She wasn't organized, she didn't save money and she still put most of her energy on TV. 
That morning she sat in just her panties watching a rerun of 90210 and eating her breakfast sandwich. She should be at the office in thirty minutes but had decided she would skip doing her makeup so she could finish the episode. The only problem was that she would visit Henry after the office and wanted to have her mask of makeup on. She pretended it was to give a good impression to the staff but in reality she wanted to look good for Henry. Because of his drawing but also because she wanted to be that beautiful angel woman, saving him from the evil nurses and doctors. 
When the episode had ended she put clothes on and packed the make up in her backpack together with a sketch pad and new sharp pens. It was for Henry, his drawing pad was full of sketches and he needed a new one. Irma felt she was the one to give him new things now when she was his contact person, his support person. 
The office was impressed by Irma's work, especially that she had become so close to the kid in such a short time but she didn't tell them what the doctor had said. It felt off to talk about, especially when it wasn't Henry himself that had told it to her. 
Even if Irma liked her coworkers she just wanted to leave. She wanted to go to Henry and the feeling in her stomach felt a lot like missing someone. As soon as she was finished at the office she took the way through the closest café and borrowed the bathroom to put her makeup on. She didn't care if others needed to use it, she needed to look perfect even if it was a struggle to do the eyeliner wing. She saved the lipstick to paint on later, she had promised the café staff to buy something after using the toilet so the lipstick had to wait. 
She ordered a hot chocolate and drank it fast by a little table just by the big pumpkin by the door. She more or less poured the drink down her throat before she walked to the institution. The nature and the weather was idyllic, a perfect autumn day, with warm colors and fresh breezes. The ground was full of leaves and puddles but the closer she came to the institution more and more dark things showed up on the ground. They were dead birds. There were black crows lying on the ground, sprinkled like pizza toppings. Irma looked closer at one. It looked like it had died a natural death; no wounds and no broken neck. She looked at another one even closer to the institution and it looked the same. She thought it might be some sort of avian disease and stopped thinking about it even if several lay on the institution's ground. She had other things to think about. 
Henry was in the yard that day. He sat by himself, with just the wind as company which played with his brown locks. He leaned back on the bench, watching the sun that glowed bright without succeeding to spread her warmth to the institution. A nurse walked past Irma with quick steps and smiled bashfully like she was caught doing something bad. Irma gave her just a quick look before turning her eyes to the kid that showed off his perfect profile with closed eyes. Irma felt her heart beat faster, and this time not because he made her uncomfortable. 
"Hey handsome," she said and smiled brightly at him. Henry opened his eyes, looked at her and gave her a small smile. He had started to smile after the third or fourth time they had met. It was a nervous little smile that looked like it could quickly turn to tears instead. 
Irma sat down next to him and gave his arm a little hug even if she knew it would tense him up. 
"I have a gift for you," she said and took off her backpack and started to dig in it. Henry looked really curious and looked down at her bag. She took out the drawing pad and pencils and gave them to Henry. 
"To me?" He asked carefully and looked up at her. 
"Yes, to you silly. I said it was a gift." 
His smile became bigger and he hugged the gifts to his chest. 
"Thank you." He looked a bit nervous but then took her hand and gave it a squeeze. It was the first time he searched for physical contact and Irma felt like the sun really warm them up. 
She couldn't stop herself from giving his arm a hug again. 
Even if Irma was occupied hugging Henry's arm, her focus moved fast when she heard a woman clear her voice. Irma thought it must be a nurse, shocked by her close contact with the kid but when she looked up two women stood in pant suits in front of them. One of them smirked a little when she watched the two people on the bench, looking like a couple while the other female dug in the inside pocket of her jacket. 
"We're with the police and want to talk with Henry Deaver. That's you, right?" Said the one that had dug in her inner pocket. She showed them a badge. Henry watched them confused while Irma let his arm go. She swallowed dryly because she knew she would hear about it later on. 
"And you're Irma Kiehl," said the other one while still smirking. Irma sighed, it was obvious she was amused that a reporter now sat and cuddled a mental patient. 
"Yes," said Irma and tried to sound professional even if she was exposed. 
"Can we talk a bit while my colleague talks with Henry," the female police officer asked and motioned to the rest of the yard. Irma watched Henry looking back at her worried. 
"I will be right back, okay?" 
Henry nodded a little and Irma followed the cop through the colorful leaves toward the angel sculpture standing in the middle of the yard. 
"You work for the local newspaper, right?" 
"Yes." Irma gave the cop a short answer. She knew shouldn't speak too much with the police. They rarely wanted the same thing as a reporter. 
"How long have you… visited Henry?" 
"Two weeks I think." 
"A nurse said you have been here almost every day." 
Irma didn't answer that, just watched the angel and the gray sky. 
"Is that professional?" Continued the police. 
Irma sighed again and looked down at her boots and floral mid length skirt. 
"It wasn't meant to happen but he needed someone and he liked me." 
The police woman nodded and looked towards the kid. 
"We want access to the information you get from him." 
Irma looked up confused at the woman but then laughed a little. 
"Why would I give you that?" 
"Because you want to help," said the police with a hard tone. Irma nodded a little. 
"I want to have some information from you then, not everything but some information so it becomes easier for me to know what to ask him…" 
The police laughed and looked Irma up and down impressed by her. Irma looked so non threatening in her floral skirt and frilly sweater but it was obvious she was smarter then she looked. 
"Fine. Then I can say this to you. Henry isn’t missing at all, throughout the whole country and there is no Henry Deaver that matches his description. So your first assignment is to find out his real name." 
Irma looked back at Henry who sat on the bench with the other cop. He must be remembering wrong or remembering someone else's name instead of his own. 
"Has he been raped?" Irma asked carefully. 
The police hesitated but answered, 
"We don't know. He had someone else's semen on his clothes." 
Irma continued to look at the man she called Henry. He had his regular gray clothes on and the chunky white sneakers. His body language made him look like a boy but now when she knew he was older she could see it. The kid looked up from his hands and met her eyes. Irma smiled a little and suddenly he stood up and started to walk, in his limpy weird way, to her. Irma looked at the cops but didn't have time to excuse his behavior before he had embraced her in his arms, close to his body. 
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tearyeye-private-i · 1 year
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Big Bad John! Backstage, the Moon Shadow Saloon, Atlanta, Georgia. Oct 19, 1982.
📷 Rick Diamond.
12 Days of Christmas (8/12)
WARNING! GRAPHIC STORY!! (tw gore, violence, drug use).
Somethin’ about this reminds of the times he went ballistic and hit hospital staff. But before getting to that, the backstory:
    John relapsed after taking pill killers for his eye surgery, in 1981. He wrote, “then I kept taking them after I didn’t need to.” His wounds from the ostrich attack gave justification to use, but after recovering, he wrote, “I knew I was taking them because I liked the way they made me feel.” Thus, he was back on amphetamines and drinking wine to take the edge off.
He’d carry on this way until his European tour. At his lodging, in Nottingham, England, Nov 10, 1983. In which the “spider bite” incident took place. John was convinced a wood panel could turn into a Murphy bed. He tore at the wall, likely, Victorian-era splinters embedded into his right hand. His blood-soaked paw roused him from his delusion, then in bed that night, he hallucinated a big spider biting his injured hand.
    After the tour, John wrote, “my hand was just a giant ball of infection.” He’d checked into the Baptist Hospital, in Memphis, Tennessee. Where internal bleeding was found in his mid-section. They removed his duodenum, parts of his stomach, spleen, and several feet of intestine. John felt he’d be in the hospital for a while, before his first surgery, so he hid a stash of drugs with him. Percodan, amphetamines, and a fifty-dose card of Valium.
Thinking he was so clever with his new hiding spot, the Valium card underneath his bandages. As he wrote, “over the freshly sutured incision on my belly.” His condition turned for the worse, medical staff didn’t know why, until he awoke to show them the dressing. Half the pills had dissolved into the wound. As John wrote, “I don’t know if it was the Valium’s fault but that was a horrible wound; it took months to heal properly.”
    Following recovery, he wrote, “I was about as high as I could be anyway, lost in intensely vivid hallucinations. I half wrecked the ICU, upsetting IV poles and doing all kinds of damage, because I just had to make somebody understand about the commandos; they’d gotten into the hospital and were setting their charges all around the room.” He was in danger of his guts falling out and onto the floor, but he didn’t care. He was in a nightmare, only to be given more morphine, which John wrote. “They didn’t know who they were dealing with, or what: more dope just made me more crazy.”
    While visiting Waylon Jennings after undergoing a triple bypass, on December 14, 1988. John had a check-up that day, and 24 hours later, he learned he’d also be having open heart surgery. The procedure went on Dec 19, two-and-a-half hours, and a 90% blockage to the main coronary artery. It was also during this surgery John had a close call and claimed to speak with his friend Roy Orbison, who had passed on Dec 6, of that same year. He also smoked cigarettes half an hour prior to the surgery, and you’re not supposed to do that.
Days after the surgery, he endured a bad bout of pneumonia. On a particularly restless night, he thought he’d gone to Heaven, but when awaking he was mad to not be in Heaven. So, he went crazy. He trashed around the room, pulling the tubes connected to his arm, even wrestling hospital staff. As quoted in Ron Handelman’s book of John, “An article in the Nashville Banner suggested that the doctors might have been to blame for over-medicating him.” Which could be true, but it’s not like they knew he’d rage out.
Basically, he turned into that Yeti in the clip above! From Robot Chicken (From S1/EP 3: Nightmare Generator). Nothin’ like starting the New Year with a story, even if messed up and gross.
Stories/Quotes/Paraphrased from:
“Cash: The Autobiography,” pg, 174 – 179.
“Johnny Cash: The Life,” pg, 520 – 521.
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arcturusreads · 3 years
Promises of Forever - Amelink
A 4.4k Amelink fic I wrote a while back...
After 45 minutes of trying to put Scout down for this nap, the one-year-old was finally fast asleep in his cot, unaware of the frustration that he had caused his mother. Amelia took a moment to look down at her son, he was yet to grow out of his cherub cheeks, and she had to resist the urge to squeeze them.
There would never be a time where Amelia would get over the miracle that was Scout Derek Shepard-Lincoln. After the turmoil she had got through with her first baby, Amelia hadn’t thought she would ever be able to give birth to a healthy baby. Yet here she was, the mother to a little boy who had just turned one a month ago, going through the rollercoaster called parenting with the man of her dreams. It all just seemed too good to be true, but she was over second-guessing the good things in her life. Ever since Scout had been born, she’d learnt to appreciate every good thing that came into her life, trying her best not to worry that it could all be taken from her.
Grabbing the baby monitor from the chest of drawers, Amelia left the door slightly ajar as she made her way downstairs. Heading into the living room of the three-bedroom new-build that she and Link had just bought, Amelia found her sisters lounging on the L-shape sofa, a glass of red wine in hand.
Amelia dropped herself in between the two of them, replacing the baby monitor in her hand for a glass of alcohol-free wine that Link always made sure was in the house for her.
“Come on then, why have you dragged me here on a Saturday afternoon?” Meredith teased.
It wasn’t very often they would come down to Amelia’s house. Even with everyone having moved out and Meredith only living at home with her kids now, it was still the meeting point for all of her friends and family. Old habits die hard.
“Well,” Amelia drew out, a large smile spreading across her face.
Maggie leaned in closer, eager to find out. Meredith on the other hand just raised a brow, waiting for her sister to just get on with telling them what was happening. Amelia reached into her jeans pocket and pulled out a princess cut diamond ring and slipped into onto her ring finger.
Letting out a screech that shouldn’t have been able to come from a human, Maggie threw her arms around Amelia. Thankfully, she had finished the wine in her glass. When Maggie finally let go, Meredith pulled Amelia into a hug of her own. “Congratulations! I’m so happy for you,” she whispered into Amelia’s ear.
Whilst Meredith was not one to hug her sisters, this occasion called for it. She knew the demons that Amelia had had to battle to get to where she was today. Losing her baby, a failed marriage, her struggle with addiction, losing her brother. For the things Mer hadn’t had a front seat for, Amelia had told her all about them in minute detail. Then she had found Link and Meredith had seen the change in Amelia, she no longer walked with the weight of the world on her shoulders.
There were still days that Meredith felt the tugs of jealousy when she saw Amelia with her family. It was an acute reminder of everything that she had lost. Everything that she was mean to have had with Derek but she had gotten better and dealing with that feeling, realising that Amelia deserved to have this happiness after the cards she had been dealt early on in life.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
“Link!” Cormac called out to the blonde-haired man, seeing him get out of his car and jogged over to him.
“Hayes,” both men clapped each other on the back.
“I hear congratulations are in order!”
A huge grin spread across Link’s face, “So, you heard?”
“Aye, Meredith told me about it last night. I’m chuffed for you both!” When Meredith had rung last night to tell him the news, he could hear the pure joy that was in her voice. That was one of the things that he loved about her, the way she always rooted for the people she cared about unapologetically, how she never let the losses she had faced darken her outlook on life.
“Thanks, man. Honestly, it just all feels like this huge dream, right now.” Link didn’t care how soft it might have made him seem, he had an intelligent, strong woman who just agreed to marry him and a healthy happy baby he got to go home to. There was nothing more that he could have asked for from life.
Walking into the hospital, both men began to talk about the upcoming wedding. Link and Cormac had begun to grow close to over the past year when Cormac had started dating Meredith. He’d found himself down her house more often and ended up getting to know Link a lot better. Link had already told Cormac about his plans to propose and made him promise not to tell Meredith which had been no easy feat. Meredith was able to get a brick wall to tell its secrets if she really wanted it to.
“Actually, I was hoping if you’d be one of my groomsmen.”
Cormac was slightly taken aback at the request. As close as he and Link had gotten, the last thing he expected was for Link to ask him to be part of the wedding. The best he thought was going to happen was that Meredith would bring him along as her plus-one.
“I’d be honoured mate.” Both men grinned at each other.
Cormac hadn’t really known what to expect when he moved to Seattle. He had definitely not been expecting to end up with a girlfriend and friends that he considered he had considered family, who were there for him and his boys. After Abigail had passed, he didn’t think anywhere would feel like home again, but Seattle had welcomed him and his boys with open arms and he couldn’t imagine being anywhere else now.
The two surgeons had headed up to the attendings' lounge and gotten changed out of their street clothes. Various doctors offered their congratulations to Link who gladly accepted them, unable to stop himself from smiling. Looking on, Cormac couldn’t help but give in to the infectious joy that Link was radiating. It made him think about his own future with Meredith.
He hadn’t wanted to fall in love again after what had happened. It was out of the question for him, he had just wanted to focus on his work and his boys. They were the only things that had mattered. The moment he had stepped foot into Grey-Sloan Memorial hospital though, that had completely changed. He’d become curious about who Meredith Grey really was and as he had gotten to know her, he found himself falling for her. And surprisingly for him, he could even see himself proposing to Meredith in the future.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
A month had passed since Link and Amelia had announced their engagement to the rest of the hospital staff and they couldn’t wait to tie the knot. Which was why they decided not to wait too long at all. Neither of them wanted a big wedding so there was no reason to wait over a year to walk down the aisle.
They were more than ready to get planning underway but knew that there were a couple of things that they needed to sort out first which was why Amelia found herself standing across a surgical table to one of her sister’s.
“Why exactly did you want to stand here and watch this surgery?”
“I realised you won your Catherine Fox award for this and I’ve never actually seen you carry out an abdominal wall transplant.”
Meredith looked up from surgery, sceptical eyes scanning Amelia’s face. “Mhm, sure. Suction.”
It took another fifteen minutes before Amelia managed to build up the courage to talk to Meredith again. “Actually, I wanted to talk to you about the wedding…”
Meredith didn’t look up from the body cavity and she carried on working, waiting for Amelia to continue.
“I was hoping that you would be my maid of honour?”
That had made Meredith look up and stop what she was doing. “Uh, I’m sorry, what?”
“My maid of honour. Most brides usually have them. You know, organising my bachelorette party, coming to my dress fittings, telling me I look beautiful on my wedding day.”
Still in shock at the question, Meredith continued with her surgery.
“It was stupid, I shouldn’t have asked. You’re already busy with the kids and work…” Amelia began to babble
Meredith cut her off, “It’s not that. I mean, are you sure you don’t want Maggie to be your maid of honour? She has that whole peppy, happy thing going on that would probably work for weddings.”
Amelia shook her head, “I love Maggie and she’s still my sister, but I want you to be my maid of honour. Look, I know we haven’t always gotten on and we hated each other for a little but you’ve always been there when I’ve needed you. Always given me the truths that I haven’t wanted to hear. You cared about me Mere, even when you couldn’t stand me. So, there’s no one else that I would want to be my maid of honour.”
The corners of Mere’s eyes creased as she looked up at her sister, her smile hidden under the surgical face mask.
“Then I guess you got yourself a maid of honour then.”
“Oh, uh- I just wanted to ask one more thing!”
A little sceptical, Meredith looked back up quickly, “What?”
“I wanted to know if it was okay with you that I asked Bailey to walk me down the aisle.”
Slightly confused why Amelia needed to ask her about it, she just shrugged. “I mean Bailey’s her own woman; don’t really think you need my permission.” Meredith did think it was a little strange that she wanted Bailey to walk her down the aisle but each to their own.
“No!” Amelia laughed, “Not big Bailey. Little Bailey, as in my nephew.”
“Oh,” well that suddenly made a lot more sense.
“It’s just that I would have loved to have had Derek there to walk me down the aisle,” Amelia felt a lump in her throat. “And I love your kids. I wanted Zola and Ellis to be flower girls and I thought since Derek can’t be there, having his son walk me down the aisle… it would feel right…”
Meredith’s silence started to make Amelia feel nervous. She was worried that she’d made Mere feel uncomfortable or upset but when she finally looked at Meredith instead of her shoes, she saw tears in her eyes, the creases by her eyes from her smile had not disappeared.
“I think that would be perfect.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
The wedding had come around quicker than either the bride or groom had anticipated. They had to somehow squeeze in food tastings and suit fittings between a one-year-old who apparently hated sleeping at night and shifts that left them like passing ships in the night. But even amidst the chaos around them, Link and Amelia knew that there was nothing more that they wanted than to get through the rest of their messy lives as husband and wife.
The guests had begun to take their seats facing the open ocean. Link and Amelia had mainly invited their close friends from the hospital for the ceremony as well as Link’s parents. He’d asked Amelia multiple times if she was sure she didn’t want to have her own family there, but she had told him that Meredith and Maggie were all the family she needed as well as Link and Scout. The last thing she wanted was for the Shepard clan to touch down in Seattle and lecture her and probably Meredith as well. It wasn’t worth the hassle.
Link stood at the end of the aisle, making small talk to the guests that had already taken their seats. He was glad that a beach wedding had meant that he didn’t have to wear a full suit because he was sweating bullets from being so nervous. Instead, he wore pale blue trousers, with a matching waistcoat, white shirt and a floral, slim blue tie. Jo, Nico, Cormac and Jackson stood next to him in the same attire but had all forgone the tie.
“You’ll be alright, mate, just remember to breathe,” Cormac teased after seeing how nervously Link was wringing his hands.
Link let out a shaky laugh and Nico clapped a hand on his back. “Hey, it’ll be fine. I mean, you already have a kid together and if you got through your first year of being parents then this has to be in a walk in the park.”
Nico had a point. Their first year of parenting had been difficult as they tried to find their feet and navigate new waters. There has been arguments and nights on the sofa but neither of them would have wanted to have gone through that journey with anyone else. It had made them both understand each other on a deeper level and that had only helped in strengthening the relationship in the end.
He didn’t need to be nervous. Marrying Amelia was exactly what he wanted, there was no doubt in his mind that she was the only person he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
Amelia had been bouncing off of the walls since five that morning and made sure that Meredith and Maggie were awake with her. There was no fear or apprehension in her eyes as the make-up artist and hairstylist arrived at Meredith’s house to get her ready. Meredith knew that unlike Amelia’s wedding with Owen, she didn’t need to give her a get-out clause. There was nowhere Amelia wanted to be more right now than at the end of the aisle with Link.
Slowly walking down, the stairs, Amelia caught the attention of everyone in the living room. Dressed in an A-line, ivory gown, Amelia looked every bit the beach bride with the chiffon dress covered with beading and embroidery on the top and over the straps which dropped into a V. The skirt of her dress was plain allowing the material to speak for itself, gently moving with each step that she took. She wore a set of diamond earrings that Derek had gotten her when she had graduated med school and a simple bracelet that he had gotten her for her 18th birthday. Her short hair was curled with a crystal and leaf halo entwined with her brown locks. In her hands, Amelia held a beautiful bouquet of lavender, Antigua spray roses, Romantic Antike, Rene Goscinny roses, which matched the colour of her bridesmaids’ dresses, as well as gorgeous green foliage. She was positively radiant.
Zola, Bailey and Ellis immediately ran up to their Auntie Amy but stopped short since Mer and Maggie had already told them that she was going to be wearing a very special dress and they needed to be careful around her. Amelia didn’t care though and crouched down with her arms outstretched.
“Come here, you three!”
Without hesitation, the kids ran into her arms and she gave them a tight hug.
“You look beautiful Auntie Amy!” Zola grinned at her aunt when she finally let go.
“Like a princess!” Ellis piped up.
“You’re super pretty today, Auntie Amy but you are every day!” The three women burst out into laughter. Bailey had somehow gotten Derek’s smooth-talking skills
“Thank you, guys, I love you three so much, you know that right?”
The kids all nodded eagerly, huge smiles on their faces. The whole meaning of marriage might not have completely resonated with them at their age, but they understand that this was an important day for both Amelia and Link, and it meant that they loved each other very much and were very happy together and for three kids, that’s all that mattered.
“We love you too!” the three of them said in sync.
Meredith and Maggie stoop up from the couch, their coral, asymmetric wrap dresses, cut into a V was made from the same chiffon material as Amelia wedding dress. Meredith gave Amelia a quick squeeze.
“Derek is so damn proud of you right now.”
The two sisters looked at each other, tears threatening to fall from both of their eyes.
“Don’t you dare!” Meredith threatened her, “The make-up artist spent way too long for you to go and ruin it now and I’m not having you blaming me for crappy wedding photos.”
It was enough to make Amelia laugh. Losing Derek had hit her hard, worse than when she had lost her dad. She’d been too young then and Derek had ended up being that father figure for her. Nothing dulled the ache she felt when she thought about her brother but the relationship that she had forged with Meredith in the years following his death had been the only light that had come from it all.
“Mama!” Scout happily babbled, wriggling around in Maggie’s arm.
Meredith took Amelia’s bouquet of her as she reached for her son. “Hey, their baby boy. Don’t you look handsome today?”
Scout just clapped his hands together, his eyes roaming over Amelia’s face, a look of pure bliss over his own.
Maggie had pulled out some tissues from her clutch bag and began to wipe away her tears. Watching her in her peripheral vision, Meredith couldn’t help but roll her eyes and laugh.
“What? It’s just a really beautiful day,” Maggie sniffed. “And Amelia, you look like an absolute goddess. Link is incredibly lucky to have you as his wife.”
Amelia beamed, “I’m pretty sure I’m the lucky one here.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
It had been a task to get four kids into the wedding cars and make sure that they hadn’t forgotten anything in the house but miraculously, the bridal party weren’t late for the wedding. They were tucked away from the sight of the guests and Link but were able to see everyone from over the railing.
Bailey had a firm grasp on Amelia's hand and looked up at her with a toothy grin. “I’ve got you, Auntie Amy!”
At that moment, seeing the way he smiled and the glint in his eyes, Bailey reminded her exactly of her brother. He even knew the exact right thing to say to her.
“You ready for this?” Maggie asked, holding Scout who was acting as ring bearer for the ceremony.
“Yes, most definitely. Come on, let’s go!”
Maggie laughed at her sister’s eagerness and Scout joined it, his peals of laughter making Amelia’s heart fit to burst. She was once again reminded of how perfect her life and turned out.
Meredith and Maggie ushered the kids into order, giving them quick reminders of what they were meant to do and where they were meant to sit after walking down the aisle. The first few bars of VSQ’s A Sky Full of Stars began to play, Maggie quickly turned around from the front of the line with tears in her eyes and mouthed a good luck to Amelia before giving Scout a quick kiss on the top of his head and began to make her way down the aisle. A huge grin was on her face as she looked around the guests and caught Winston’s eye.
As she got to the end of the aisle, Nico grinned at the little boy and took the rings from the pillow that he was holding.
“Thanks, little man!” He cooed.
Link took his son from Maggie’s arms and gave him a quick cuddle before giving him back to Maggie. Before taking her spot to the left of the aisle Maggie gave Scout to Link’s mum who could not have looked any prouder at that moment.
Seeing that Maggie had gone into place, Meredith turned around and grinned at Amelia. “Hey, I know I don’t say it much, but I love you.”
Before she could turn back around Amelia gave her a grin that matched her own. “Love you too, sis.”
“Let’s get you married then,” Meredith turned around, the coral fabric ripped around her legs and began to walk down the aisle.
She could sense the amount of joy that was radiating around her. Looking straight ahead she grinned at Link who looked just as eager as Amelia had. She could not wait to see his face when Amelia walked down the aisle. The guy was practically bouncing on his feet in anticipation and Mere had to stifle a laugh.
Scanning over the rest of the groom’s party she saw Cormac staring at her intensely, his gaze never once leaving her. Meredith winked at him with a smirk on her face and he couldn’t help but burst out laughing. The guests all turned to look at the source of laughter, wondering what the hell was going on. Mer could see Hayes starting to go red and shot her a scowl.
“Hate you,” he mouthed, and Meredith just rolled her eyes in return as he shook his head.
She gave Link a quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she stood next to Maggie. Watching her little girls walk down had made Meredith hold her breath. She’d been worried about something going wrong, especially since Ellis now seemed to be in a phase where she just about bumped and tripped over anything, including thin air, but the two girls had managed to play their parts perfectly and took their seats next to Bailey and Richard on the bride’s side of the aisle.
“Could everyone please stand for the bride.”
The words were enough to open a cage of butterflies in Link’s stomach. Why did this have to take so long? He would have happily run down the aisle and carry Amelia back to the alter to hurry this up so they could just get married already. He was seriously considering this thought when he saw a flash of white up ahead.
His bride had arrived.
It was almost as if Amelia was gliding down the aisle. She was radiating so much joy and happiness, not a single hesitation in her step. The pair couldn’t tear their eyes away from each other and Link wasn’t even ashamed of the streams of tears that fell down his face.
After what felt like an age, she was finally stood in front of him. Link went to take her hand when Bailey stopped him. He looked down at the little boy who had a very serious look on his face and gestured for him to crouch down which Link did with no question.
“You better not hurt my Auntie Amy because mommy just let me start karate lessons!”
Link bit back a smile and solemnly nodded at him. “I promise, I’m going to love your Aunt Amy forever.”
Bailey thought for a moment before nodding and fist-bumping his Uncle Link. At last, he had Amelia in his arm’s… or at least had her hand in his. The ceremony went by in a blur. An ocean’s worth of tears was shed from everyone that was there as Link and Amelia devoted themselves to each other for the rest of their lives.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
Their afternoon ceremony soon turned into an evening reception on the beach. Drinks flowed freely and Amelia had spent the entire reception in Link’s arms. Richard and Catherine had eventually taken the kids back to their home as it had gotten later, telling the adults to enjoy the rest of the night.
“You ready to get out of here, Dr Shepard-Lincoln?” Link whispered in Amelia’s ear.
She planted a quick kiss on his lips before turning back to their wedding party. “I definitely am but there’s just one last thing!” She wriggled out of Link’s hold, her new husband giving her a curious look as she walked over to the DJ who nodded at her.
“Alright, everyone!” The DJ called down the microphone, turning the music down. “Our bride and groom are going to be leaving but before they leave there’s just one thing left to do. Time for the bouquet throw.”
A gaggle of men and women alike began to make their way to the front of the stage where Amelia stood with her back to them ready to throw her bouquet into the crowd. Meredith watched from an empty table as Maggie rushed over, laughing as her tipsy sister tripped over a chair leg.
The bouquet was finally thrown into the air and the crowd lurched forward. Cormac was still looking down at his phone as he re-joined the reception after just getting off a call with his boys. They’d headed back home, and he had wanted to make sure that they’d gotten there safe. Cormac hadn’t even realised what was going on until something came hurtling towards his face. Out of instinct Hayes went to catch his mysterious object and looked confused when he saw a bunch of flowers in his hands.
“Looks like you and Mer are next, Hayes!” Amelia teased down the microphone so everyone could hear.
Cormac could help but turn bright red before quickly shuffling out of the crown and towards his girlfriend whom he knew was going to tease him endlessly about this.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽.* :☆゚. ───
Eventually, after what felt like endless goodbyes, Link and Amelia manage to get away from their wedding reception and into the car. Their hand entwined on the console and Amelia could help but stare at her husband’s profile.
“You good there?” Link asked, quickly glancing at her. A look of pure adoration over his face.
“Mhm,” she murmured. “I’m just extremely happy and I don’t want this to end.
“Hey, you don’t need to worry about that. We’ve got forever.”
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passable-talent · 4 years
could you do one where the reader has always been zuko’s right hand and has feelings for him but when the whole ba sing se incident happens and they return to the fire nation the reader sees how close he is with mai and just gives up all hope because they just want him to be happy, it can end however you want
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I felt like there would be 10x more angst if I combined these so HERE I GO
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You were what was considered a wild card.
From a young age, you had been enrolled in the same academy that the young prince was. You weren’t quite a prodigy, no, but you were gifted, and very determined. This was what got you attention from the teachers, and your noble blood was what got you the ability to visit the palace and your friend, the prince.
Twofold were the reasons that you left the Fire Nation to travel to the earth kingdom. First was your boredom- you were a firebending master, at the age of fifteen, and you felt that academy training had no more to teach you. Second was your crush on the prince.
You missed him. The two of you hadn’t been that close, as you grew into being teenagers, but you hadn’t spoken a bit since his banishment. It upset you, and you almost wanted to go find him, somehow.
So you travelled to the earth kingdom. You figured that, since the avatar was back, he would show up at the active front of the war. However, when you were there, you began to see the truth of your nation. The devastation, the pain, the grief it caused. You were horrified, and for a year relinquished your ties to the Fire Nation, hoping that you could live your life here.
But, one winter, you found the avatar.
Okay, you didn’t exactly find him. He stumbled across your booth with his friends while looking for something to eat. When Fire Nation soldiers wandered by, you gave them refuge.
“Can I be honest?” You asked, nervous, as you gave a cup of tea to each of the water tribe siblings, then the avatar. Aang nodded, hospitable.
“I’m from the Fire Nation,” you admitted, and cringed at the sudden expression of distrust from Sokka. “I’m not a spy, though. I defected a year ago. I’ve been in hiding here, ever since.”
“Defected?” Sokka repeated, narrowing his eyes to you. “Why’d you do that?”
“Well, I came here to explore the world and help with the war, maybe find an old friend, but when I got here...” you trailed off, setting down your tea. “I wasn’t happy with what I saw. I knew I couldn’t support the fire nation.” Katara nodded, solemnly, and you lifted your chin again. “But the avatar- you could use someone who knows a lot about the fire nation, right? I could help you. Maybe even join your group.”
Sokka was hesitant to trust you, but eventually he was persuaded. You came to regret your decision to join them not long after, when it came up in conversation that they weren’t just being chased by the fire nation, but by Zuko himself. Your old friend. They were surprised you’d once known him, but understood when you insisted that he couldn’t know it was you. You’d be mortified, not only to see your old crush but also to be on the opposite side of a fight.
And for a while, a brief while, you managed to succeed. He didn’t know it was you. Aang and Katara helped, never letting your name slip, in fact, calling you by an entirely different name whenever Zuko was around. Huan- Katara said she’d run into at least three Huan’s so far, and so figured that it was a common enough earth kingdom name. It felt safe.
And yeah, Katara and Sokka were real pissed at Aang for not delivering the letter so that they could find their father. And yeah, that was a stupid and petty thing to do, and Aang was completely at fault. But you couldn’t imagine abandoning the avatar for it- he still needed help. So you went with him, when Katara and Sokka left, because he still needed at least one friend.
Aang noticed the shirshu quicker than you did, and stood on Appa’s back, staff in hand.
“Stay with Appa, and then you can hide,” he said, knowing that you wouldn’t want to face Zuko and risk blowing your cover. You nodded, and watched him dive, hunkering low in Appa’s saddle until the bison landed. But when he did, you noticed Katara and Sokka, being dragged away, paralyzed. It dawned on you that Aang didn’t have any help. You watched, terrified for him, hesitant but waiting for the moment in which you would jump to your friend’s aid.
It came when the shirshu and Zuko both had him backed to the wall.
“Aang!” You shouted, leaping from your hiding spot and running across the courtyard to him.
“Huan, no!” He yelled back, trying to preserve your cover, but you’d decided that his safety mattered more.
You targeted the shirshu first, two hands coming to your hip as you lifted then planted your front foot, as your fists, one atop the other, struck toward the shirshu’s tail with an impressive and hot plume of fire. The animal yelped and turned to you, it’s tongue striking, but this much you’d anticipated. You split your hands, palms open, spreading a wall of flame that singed its tongue as it passed through. The shirshu called out in pain and stepped back just enough to let you dive to Aang’s side, standing in front of him and ready to deflect any fire that the prince could offer.
“Y/N?” He said, surprise lowering his guard. Luckily, you didn’t need to fight him, as a wall of perfume dropped between the two of you, sending the shirshu into a fit that paralyzed both its rider and the prince. You handed Aang’s staff to him and walked back toward Sokka and Katara, or you would’ve, if Zuko hadn’t called out your name. 
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” He said, his voice sounding almost betrayed enough to pity. You shut your eyes tightly and left the scene with Aang, not prepared to face his questioning.
You didn’t see Zuko again for a long time. Not, in fact, until he had invaded the Northern Water Tribe. You stayed with Katara to guard Aang, though you hadn’t realized you would be doing so against Zuko.
If you had been asked, you wouldn’t have said that you avoided the fight. You weren’t going to admit that you didn’t want to fight Zuko. You were protecting the princess, that’s all, when Yue ran, you followed, making sure she was safe. That’s all.
You kicked yourself for it when he managed to take Aang. If you hadn’t been so much of a coward, maybe Aang would’ve been saved.
Well, when the moon was at its highest, and the four of you went out to save the avatar, still you avoided the fight. This time, your excuse changed- it was that Katara was going to win so easily. Why help?
But then, you dismounted Appa to help return Aang to the saddle, and you saw Zuko half buried in snow, covered in bruises and cuts and burns, and you wondered what had happened to him. His lips were ajar, and his breath fogged against the snow, and it seemed like he was already shivering.
“We can’t leave him here!” You shouted, running toward him in the snow, your firebending blood only barely keeping you warm under your layers.
“Sure we can,” Sokka said, climbing up onto Appa. “Y/N, let’s go.” You could hear the warning in his voice- he didn’t want you to give him reason to distrust you.
“If we leave him, he’ll die,” Aang said, coming to your rescue, and he helped you lift Zuko from the snow, and took the both of you into Appa’s saddle.
While your friends were worried for the safety of the moon spirit, and you were too, you couldn’t help but let your focus drift to the prince. You heard him move, and turned to see him about to leap from Appa’s back.
Briefly, your eyes connected with his, and the tension was unbelievable. Would he attack you? Would you expose him? Would he say anything? Would you?
He dropped from your view, and you didn’t even manage to see where he slipped away to.
After that day, you didn’t see much of Zuko. It was like he’d given up his search for the Avatar. You, on the other hand, constantly found your thoughts with him, wondering for his wellbeing, wondering what his thoughts were on the moments that you’d caught with him. You didn’t see him again for months, but your mind was with him all the time.
So when you found him again in Ba Sing Se, you couldn’t believe your luck.
You’d slipped away from the house that you’d been given in the upper ring with the rest of the gaang to wander, slipping between the rings to find the people who wouldn’t judge you quite as harshly. When it got cold, one night, you decided to slip into a small tea shop to warm up before you made your journey back home.
You stepped in the door, and saw Zuko.
You froze at the threshold, staring, like you couldn’t will your feet to move. You stared, in fact, until he’d noticed you. For an instant he had a similar reaction, holding your gaze in shock, and it was that sight that knocked you from your stupor. You turned, ready to walk back out the door.
“Wait!” He shouted, and you heard steps behind you, then felt a hand on your shoulder. “Y/N, please, stay.” You closed your eyes and tried to deny him, but that was something you’d never been able to do.
Looking back on it, you must’ve only met with him three or four times before the fall of Ba Sing Se. But if you asked your heart, it would’ve felt like years that you spent sneaking away to sit with him in his uncle’s tea shop. It was like old times, only better, as not only did you get along swimmingly but now you had so much more to talk about, so many stories to share. He didn’t feel like your enemy anymore, as his hunt for the avatar was abandoned, just like you’d suspected. It was like old times, only better, because before he was banished, you’d never kissed him. Now, you did.
Iroh found you first, when he rushed from the palace to the house of the avatar. He knew of you, and your relationship to his nephew, and to the avatar. (Iroh, really, knew much more than one would expect.) He enlisted your help, and Aang’s, in rescuing Zuko and Katara, and as you cared for both of them, of course you agreed. It was Zuko, though, that you hugged when you found the both of them, which brought confused looks from your friends.
You were what was considered a wild card.
Because when Azula and Zuko took up arms against the Avatar- so did you.
You could believe in the faults of the fire nation. You could believe in the effort of the earth kingdom to win the war- you could believe in the message of the avatar.
But you could also take up fire against him. You couldn’t- you couldn’t take up fire against Zuko.
You, Azula, and Zuko returned to the Fire Nation. You hadn’t been home in a little over a year, and it all seemed so different. There was so much red! Where was the green? The plants? Why was it so hot all the time? And why were you looked at like a hero when you walked down the street?
A hero? You betrayed the avatar. You were being called the greatest spy in Fire Nation history, you were being called instrumental in the avatar’s defeat, a gifted strategist who managed to earn the avatar’s trust, can you believe it?
It didn’t feel as nice as it sounded.
You had chosen Zuko, and you didn’t regret it. You loved him- and had for a lot longer than you’d ever realized. Sure, he was clearly with Mai, and you had no idea how long that had been a thing, but you loved him anyway. He didn’t pay much attention to you anymore, because he had Mai, but you loved him anyway.
Seeing him happy made it all worth it. All of it- leaving home, being friends with the avatar, letting Zuko win too many times when you know you could’ve stopped him, letting him get away, letting Azula kill the avatar. Betraying Aang, betraying Sokka, the look on Katara’s face when she realized that you were just like every other evil firebender. The look on Iroh’s. It was all worth it, because Zuko was happy, and home, and safe, and you got to be by his side, even if it wasn’t the way you wished it to be. It was all worth it.
Wasn’t it?
-🦌 Roe
edit: part 2
tag list: @lammello @kittyddandnyla @caitff
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unlikely-cypher · 3 years
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"I'm kissaphobic, Don't wanna get too close to you."
Henrik Von Schneeplestien x Reader Valentine’s Day Story.
⚠️Warnings: Slight cursing.
You walked down the hall of the hospital after delivering your mom’s laptop to her, ready to escape the halls of the hospital and go on with your day. You went to wave goodbye to the receptionist before noticing the big sign for the Valentine’s day flowers. Walking over and looking at them before gathering your courage and turning to her. 
“Hello honey! Did you wanna get a flower for your mom?” She looked up from her paperwork with a big smile. Everyone in the hospital knew your mother, she was one of the most well respected radiologists there. You would often come visit her for lunch and spend quite a bit of time with some of the other staff as well. 
“Actually I was wondering if I could get a flower for one of the doctors? Do I have to give it to them or do you guys do it anonymously?” You asked, ignoring the heat rising in your cheeks.
“Whichever you want! Were you looking to give one to Doctor Iplier and you’re too nervous? Trust me we get that alot this time of year!” She stood up and leaned against the counter with a heartfelt chuckle. 
“Actually uh, Doctor Schneeplestein…” You ruffled the back of your hair nervously, trying not to make eye contact with her.
“Oh honey are you sure? He’s quite against valentine’s day, wouldn’t even let us decorate his office.” She gave you a slightly concerned look.
“He just seems so grumpy everytime I see him and everytime my mom talks about him, maybe it’ll give him a reason to smile.” You finally met her eyes and her smile widened. 
“Bless your heart, that’s so sweet! How many did you wanna give him? It’s a dollar per rose.” She explained, spinning the pot so I could get a better look at the flowers.
“I’ll take a bouquet please! And could you tie the pink ribbon around it and can I maybe attach a note with my number? Sorry.” You chuckled nervously, her eyes lit up like Christmas as she put it all together. 
“No problem at all honey! I just hope it works out! It would be nice to not have to deal with his grumpy ass, maybe you’re the little spark of fire he needs. He used to be as good and charismatic as Doctor Iplier but ever since the divorce two years ago, he's been the worst!” She arranged the roses and handed you a tiny pink card and a pen. 
“There we go! I’ll deliver it to his office. Fingers crossed.” The nurse crossed her fingers at you after you paid her and went to leave. 
“Thank you.” Your face felt like it was on fire as you walked out and the cold February air hit your face.
~~~ ღ ~~~
A knock sounded on the door of Henrik's office and he didn't even bother to look up before telling them to enter. A nurse walked in with a dozen roses in a vase, a single pink ribbon tied in the center, when she didn’t say anything he looked up.
"Dr.Iplier's office is next door." He rolled his eyes before returning to his writing. 
"No, these are for you." The nurse smiled at him and placed them down gently on the corner of his desk. The red of the roses stood out like a sore thumb in his almost all white office. The only decorations, if you could call them that, was a picture of him and Doctor Iplier back in their college days and a finger painting Robbie had made for him that Anti had forced him to put up. "Looks like someone's got a secret admirer." She teased. 
"Did they leave a name?" The doctor's cheeks flushed as he stood up and gently touched one of the pedals. “Nevermind, it doesn’t matter. Roses are a waste of money, they’re just dead flowers in a pot waiting to wilt forever.” he withdrew his hand with a gentle sigh. 
"Guess you’ll have to look at the note." The nurse turned around and went to leave before she added. "Y/M/N in radiology’s kid. The one with the H/C hair."
She paused as she watched Henrik’s face turn redder by the second. He had seen you around the hospital occasionally, you were always kind and funny when you spoke to him. Why would someone like you send someone like him flowers? You must be out of her goddamn mind, much like your mother, he thought.
"I know you don't like to talk about your personal life but if I may be frank with you doctor…” She stepped back into the room and closed the door behind her. “I think you two would be such a cute match. How long has it been since you've gotten out? I know you're still upset about the divorce but don't you think it's time you've gotten out and dated again?" 
He sat in shocked silence for a moment, when was the last time he had gotten out? Marvin was always bugging him to go out and try to find someone as well but no one really caught his eye when Marvin did manage to get him out. But now that someone had gone out of their way to give him flowers, and their number… the boldness of it had sparked something in him. You truly were on his mind more than he’d like to admit, he would often find himself wondering when you would return to the hospital. He had never pursued you because he was sure you already had a lover, and you were just being kind to him like you were to everyone else. Maybe one text wouldn’t hurt, he decided.
"I suppose so." He hummed, returning to his seat, cheeks still flushed. "Could you ask Dr. Iplier to handle my next appointment please, I'm gonna go out for lunch today. It's a bit stuffy in here." Henrik glanced out the window noticing the sunshine, the ghost of a smile on his lips as he held the tiny pink paper.
“Absolutely.” The nurse shot him a wide grin before leaving. As soon as the door closed behind her Henrik whipped out his phone, fingers gliding over the screen as he added your number to his contacts, checking it a couple times to make sure he got it correct. His nerves set in as he tried to think of anything to send before looking back up at the flowers. He settled on a picture of the flowers as well as a ‘thank you’ with a green heart, then he erased the green heart, put it back, erased it, put it back and sent it before he could overthink it. His heart hammered in his chest as he waited for your reply. 
‘No problem! Wanna grab coffee sometime? :)’ Your response came five painful minutes later and he sighed in content. It had been so long since anyone had made him feel like this and he would do whatever it took to make it continue. 
‘Name the time and place.’ He responded and placed his phone on the table and leaned back in his seat with a grin.
~~~  ღ ~~~
Three years later his office door slammed open, almost taking half of the picture frames off of the wall. The once barren walls were now almost entirely covered with pictures of you and him as well as some of his family, in each one Henrik was smiling. 
“Happy Valentine’s day Schnepper Pepper!” You placed a vase full of twelve scarlet roses and a coffee on the edge of his desk before moving around to his side to hug him.
“Remind me again why I ever texted you that day.” Henrik’s face heated up almost as badly as the first time he had gotten the roses as he placed his head against your shoulder. 
“Because you were a grumpy asshole and now you’re still a grumpy asshole but you’re my grumpy asshole.” You explained as he lifted his head again to look at you. 
“Mmmh.” He rolled his eyes then pushed you off him slightly to reach under his desk to pull out an almost matching bouquet of pink roses. “And I unfortunately always will be.” 
“Good.” You gently placed the roses on the desk then grabbed his cheeks giving him kisses all over as he tried to fend you off with giggles. The nurse walked by the office quickly but peaked in for a moment with a smile, glad everything had worked out in the end. 
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jovialyouthmusic · 3 years
Two’s Company -Changes
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As Lucy continues to help Brad recall their early days, Sophia and Bastien welcome two new arrivals. 
Word Count 3918
A/N This is pure fluff, but if you are triggered by issues concerning fertility, pregnancy, medical environments or giving birth, give this chapter a miss. To be truthful, this chapter mostly features Bastien and Sophia, but it foreshadows Lucy’s future...
9 Welcome to the Twins
The band started up in the ballroom, playing background music while the guests arrived and were briefly announced. The Charity Ball at the Palace was under way at last. Lucy had insisted on Brad wearing the suit he’d had for the social season in which they’d met, and he thought he knew why.
‘And why does Drake get to wear his denim shirt at this formal occasion?’ he had quizzed her, just the same. She just smiled enigmatically.
‘If you don’t know you’ll find out in good time. Now go down and wait for the guests. I’ll follow in a little while. Don’t worry if I’m late, it’s all part of the surprise’
So Brad stood greeting the nobles that had attended the social season, the former suitors presenting themselves to him one by one. Madeleine was a little sour faced, but then that wasn’t unusual. Lady Penelope gave him a deep curtsy
‘Ah, Lady Penelope. It’s been a while. How are you – and your poodles? Did you bring them tonight?’ He had no memory of the dogs, but he had been given a set of cards with relevant details to review. He knew that prior to his car accident he had excellent recall on all the members of court, and his father had uncharacteristically praised him for it.
‘Thank you your Majesty, the Queen asked me to leave them behind tonight. Morgan and Morgana were quite upset’
‘I’m so sorry’ he said smoothly ‘Perhaps next time. I’ll make sure to ask her majesty to allow it’
‘Thankyou your Grace’ she inclined her head ‘And many congratulations on your recent…’ she froze for a second, a look of panic spreading across her lovely face, scanning the ballroom, her eye alighting on Drake standing nursing a glass of whiskey at the bar. His denim shirt stuck out like a sore thumb amongst the dinner jackets and ballgowns ‘uhhh marriages’ Penelope squeaked, and moved hurriedly away. Brad noticed Drake was talking to a woman in a red dress with a mask. She looked over and started to walk across the ballroom toward him, and he suddenly felt dizzy.
‘Hello, you’ll have to forgive me, but I don’t think we’ve met’
‘We’ve actually met once before’
‘Surely I would have remembered’
‘I suppose this mask is doing its job’
‘Will you give me a hint?’
‘you were surrounded by your friends…’
‘That’s not much of a clue…’
‘And you owed me a drink’
‘Lucy! I - never thought I’d see you again’ Brad said in a dream as she reached his side. She smiled broadly, taking her mask off.
‘Did it work?’ she asked, and he nodded, swallowing.
‘Yes – I think I need some fresh air’ She turned and waved at the band, and they swooped into a familiar tune – the one they had played when they had first danced together. He held on to her tight as the music swirled around him.
‘I’m a little better at dancing this time’ she smiled ‘and it’s my turn to sweep you off behind the curtains’ Soon he was leaning on the balcony taking lungfuls of air as the memories swirled around him. The dance, sneaking out to the maze – the chase, the kiss. He shook his head and stood tall, turning back to his wife – his Queen.
‘What is it about you, Lucy? Why did you make me want to break all the rules?’ he said softly. She put her hand to his cheek.
‘Because the rules were making you unhappy’ she replied ‘and in return you changed the rules for me and brought the three of us together’ He leaned closer and kissed her tenderly, his hand grazing her belly.
‘Here’s another big change. Life will never be the same again.’ he whispered close to her ear ‘When did we next meet? I remember the maze’
‘Well, I think I can risk it rather than waiting to stage it’ Lucy replied’ It’s a long time to the races’
‘Ah, the races’ he screwed up his forehead, then his face cleared. ‘I lost my bet on the winning horse and paid the usual forfeit – except you sat on my back along with Drake’ She smiled happily
‘How about the lawn party?’ she asked, but he frowned and shook his head.
‘I’m sorry’ he said dejectedly. She caught at his arm and squeezed it.
‘Never mind, not everyone remembers every little thing. I’ve had to rack my brain too. Let’s just leave it for now, enjoy the ball’
In the staff wing, the sounds of the ball were a distant whisper of sound, unheard as the TV showed Sophia’s current bingeworthy period drama. She had stopped nitpicking the historical inaccuracies and dozed, the voices murmuring in the background. She smiled as the scene cut to a Regency ball in full swing.
‘Go on, admit you love her’ she mumbled, briefly surfacing to berate the male lead for not seeing what was under his nose. The female lead smiled, gazing into his eyes as they twirled and dipped. ‘So romantic’ she sniffled and reached for a tissue to dab at her eyes.
‘Hmmm?’ Bastien rumbled as he stirred in his easy chair, leg propped on a footstool as he sat vigil by his very pregnant wife’s side. Sophia laboured to sit up a little, and he got to his feet to help her, leg stiff from inaction.
‘Simon won’t admit he’s madly in love with Daphne’ she told him ‘and she’s so innocent she doesn’t realise he’s the man for her’ she sighed ‘I know, sentimental rubbish, but I can’t get enough’
‘Whatever makes you happy, theà mou’ Bastien smiled. He knelt by her side ‘May I?’ he asked, hand hovering over her bump. She nodded.
‘You had a large part to play in my current state.’ she grumbled ‘One of the tiddlers is using my bladder as a trampoline’ Bastien smiled, smoothing his hand over her belly. A little bump rose to meet his palm.
‘Not long till we meet them in person’ He stroked it, identifying it as a foot. ‘Come on little ones, Papa’s waiting and Mama’s tired’ He looked up at her ‘Shall I help you to the bathroom?’
‘Yes please, just let me pause this’ She pressed the button on the TV remote, and Bastien helped her to her feet. She groaned, hand in her lower back. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever be the same again’ she grumbled ‘Remind me not to do this again’ Bastien decided not to comment, as pregnancy hormones made his beloved somewhat cranky and he couldn’t think of an answer that she wouldn’t turn against him right now. She paused, grimacing with pain
‘Damn these Braxton Hicks’ she muttered, and he stroked her belly, feeling it harden under his hand, waiting until it softened again. She had been having contractions for a couple of days but the midwife had assured them it was nothing to worry about.
‘It’s fine, just practice for the real thing’ she had said briskly ‘Even with twins it’s quite normal. If they don’t subside within 48 hours, let me know’ They reached the door of the bathroom, where Sophia waved him away.
‘I can manage from here’ she snapped. He had removed the lock on the door in case of emergencies, and watched anxiously as she closed it behind her. ‘A little privacy please’ she called testily ‘I can hear you breathing’ He sighed and moved a little further away, the faint sound of her urination reaching him still. He knew he shouldn’t be so fearful about her wellbeing, but years of service on the Guard brought back memories of various emergencies involving impending childbirth. The Guard were the first line of assistance before medical staff could get to the Palace, and many other mansions he had served at were some distance from maternity facilities.
One notable example was seared into his brain when a noble lady had gone into labour miles out to sea on the Royal Yacht. He hadn’t been the only one to advise against the trip, but arrogance had won out over prudence and she had almost given birth before the air ambulance had winched her off the yacht. He was thankful the weather had been fair at the time.
He snapped back to the moment as he heard a little gasp. He stood up straight, straining his ears as a wail followed it.
‘Bas’ his wife called out, a hint of panic in her voice ‘Call the hospital – my waters just broke’
At the hospital, Sophia was whisked away to be examined. Bastien was curtly told to wait, and paced the waiting room anxiously, massaging his hand from the pain of his wife clutching it fiercely on the drive over. Drake and Hana arrived to find him muttering curses against the doctors.
‘Calm down, Bas’ Drake had soothed ‘She’s in the best of hands’ Bastien glowered at him and straightened his shoulders.
‘She was supposed to see the midwife in the morning’ he growled ‘The risk with twins is elevated. I knew I should have insisted on an earlier appointment’
‘What exactly happened?’ Hana said, trying to ground him. He paused and ran his fingers through his hair, ruffling it out of its usual neat quiff.
‘Her waters broke’ he said ‘The babies each have their own sac but share a placenta and need to be delivered at the same time. If they’re both head down it’s possible to do it without a caesarean’ Before anyone could ask anything else, a nurse appeared.
‘Mr Lykel?’ He stepped forward, placing his hand on her arm.
‘How is she? Can I see her?’
‘She’s very well, considering’ she said, removing his hand ‘You really should have come in earlier. With twins…’ She paled at Bastien’s expression as he glared at her.
‘Our midwife told us all was fine’ he ground out.
‘Well, no matter.  She’s in labour and things seem to be moving quickly. Do you have a birth plan?’
‘We do’ he said, massaging his forehead and taking a deep breath ‘it’s filed here. Do you not have it?’ She looked flustered.
‘I think perhaps you should come through, if it’s what you’d planned’
‘It is. Take me to her now…’
Bastien entered the delivery room with trepidation. Sophia was flushed and sweaty, laying back in the bed in a loose hospital gown, her knees drawn up and a sheet covering her modesty. A midwife stood next to her and turned directly to meet him. Sophia lowered her knees and he could see the sensor strapped to the swell of her belly. A machine next to the bed monitored the babies’ heartbeats, and emitted a low whooshing noise.
‘Is this the babies’ father?’ the midwife asked brightly.
‘I am.’ He said curtly, going to Sophia’s side, taking her hand and kissing it.
‘I’m Sandy, and I’ll be looking after Mum and baby – that is, babies’ she smiled
‘Bas’ Sophia said faintly ‘Wherever have you been? You need to call Mum, let her know.’
‘I came in as soon as they said I could. There’s no need to call Edith just yet, she’ll only worry.’ Sophia gasped in pain, squeezing his hand with a deathlike grip and Sandy swiftly handed her a breathing tube.
‘Gas and air – entonox. It’s quite safe’ the midwife assured Bastien. By the time Bastien had nodded, the contraction was almost over, and Sophia collapsed back onto the pillows, her eyes a little glazed.
‘You do realise this is twins?’ Bastien queried ‘Shouldn’t there be more staff?’
‘We are very busy tonight, Mr Lykel. As soon as it’s necessary I’ll call for help’ She went to the end of the bed to examine Sophia.
‘You’re dilating nicely, Mrs Lykel. Not long and we’ll be asking you to push. Babies are doing fine and getting ready to come out and say hello.’
‘How are they positioned?’ Bastien asked.
‘Both are head down, so you can deliver naturally if you’d like, Mrs Lykel’
‘Sophia’ she said  testily ‘my name’s Sophia. I’ll do my best but I’m not against pain relief’
‘Of course, Sophia. Do you know the sexes?’
‘Yes’ she smiled, and looked up at Bastien. ‘One of each’
‘Well, it’s hard to tell which one will be making an appearance first, but baby number two won’t be far behind’
‘Bas, can Hana come in?’ Sophia asked ‘We’re may need an extra pair of hands’ He looked at the midwife.
‘As it’s twins, two helpers are allowed in the delivery room as long as all is going  smoothly’ At that moment a doctor entered with a clipboard.
‘Mr Lykel – apologies for the delay in finding your birth plan’ she said as Sandy ducked out of the room to fetch Hana. She looked down at the papers she held, scanning swiftly ‘I see you’ve opted for a natural birth if it’s possible, with minimal pain relief’. Sophia made a little moan in answer.
‘Do I have to do this twice?’
‘Don’t worry Mrs Lykel, the first delivery paves the way for the second. You’ll hardly notice baby number two’ Another contraction hit her, and she grabbed the breathing tube, gulping at it greedily. Her head rolled back onto the pillow as the contraction faded and she gazed up at Bastien, eyes glassy from the anaesthetic.
‘I’d like some Ben and Jerry’s right now. Phish food.’ He couldn’t help but chuckle.
‘Maybe later, theà mou’ He lifted her hand and kissed it. Hana entered with the midwife and went to her side.
‘Hana, you came’ She smiled beatifically ‘You’ll be Auntie soon’
‘I can’t wait to meet your little ones’ Hana beamed excitedly.
‘Oh Hana, that’s so sweet of you’ Sophia winced as the midwife examined her again.
‘Once we get started, things might happen quite quickly’ she warned ‘After all, baby number two is going to want to catch up. At this point it’s too late for an epidural, but as things are going smoothly, Entonox should be sufficient’ Lucy looked startled
‘No epidural?’ she asked ‘Oh, fuck. Bas, what if it gets worse?’
‘Sophia, gas and air will be fine. Remember, it’s what we discussed, it’s safer in the majority of cases’ he soothed, earning a quizzical look.
‘Stop mansplaining, Bas. I’m thirsty’ she snapped, and the midwife took Bastien aside as Hana handed Sophia a cup of ice chips.
‘Don’t worry, Mr Lykel, Lucy’s going through transition. She’ll get very emotional. She may even get abusive. She’s fully dilated, so I’m going to call for assistance.’ He nodded knowingly. He’d done his research and was fully prepared for her to swear and curse and berate him for ever touching her. He knew it would be the hormones talking. He braced himself and went back to the bedside as the room suddenly became very busy with hospital staff. He focussed on Lucy as another contraction hit and she took great gulps of the gas and air again. This was a long one, and she lay back once it had ebbed away, moaning.
‘Whose idea was this?’ she moaned ‘It’s not natural’ Bastien bit his tongue, desperate to point out that it was in fact the most natural thing in the world to give birth – but he wasn’t the one suffering on the hospital bed. ‘I’m never doing this again’ she panted ‘you can forget sex, I’m staying celibate’ Bastien grinned uncomfortably, trying to avoid eye contact with any of the staff. Hana sniggered behind her hand ‘Is it time to push yet?’
‘Not just yet, Sophia’ Sandra assured her. ‘You’ll know when, but I’m here to help’ Sophia gasped as another contraction hit, and took the anaesthetic again. Bastien worried that she was taking too much as she collapsed back on the pillow, but kept his mouth shut, trusting the medical staff. Sophia turned to speak to him.
‘Bas, do you think we’re having twins because of your enormous – you know?’ she hissed, pointing to his groin in a stage whisper that carried right across the room. Hana giggled and reddened, and Sandy looked amused. Bastien coloured and cleared his throat, his smile turning to a grimace. ‘He does, you know, Sandra’ she said, motioning her closer ‘He’s – you know, very big down there. The sex is great. He’s got fantastic stamina.’ Sandra made a strangled noise.
‘I’ve never come across any corelation in size and fecundity or multiple births, Mrs Lykel’ she assured her, when she was able to speak. She took a calming breath, looking at the monitors. ‘Now, I want  you to remember your birthing classes and prepare yourself to push’.
As promised, thing happened very quickly after that. Her next contraction hit hard, and Bastien lead her through her breathing, both elated and scared at the intensity of her experience. She was told to push, and he stayed with her, enduring her tight grip and murmuring words of encouragement. After each bout of pushing she lay back on the pillows, flushed and sweating, swearing that he’d never touch her again.
‘Mr Lykel, would you like to welcome baby? It’s very close now.’ Sandra said at last. He looked briefly at Sophia, torn between staying at her side and being the first to hold their child, but she nodded at him before the next onslaught. He moved down the bed as she strained and cried out with pain and effort, and was just in time to see the baby’s head emerge, followed by its shoulders. Sandra guided his hands so that he caught the warm slippery bundle. He was afraid of letting it slip, but managed to get a firm grip, and the midwife smiled triumphantly. Gazing down at the screwed up indignant face of his child, he felt an overwhelming wave of pure love and adoration unlike anything he had felt before. Time slowed and stopped as he held his own flesh and blood, his face softening into a broad smile. The little mouth opened and let out a roar of protest and rage, limbs flailing.
‘Papa has you, little one’ he crooned soothingly, knowing that first breath showed health and vigour.
‘Congratulations Mr and Mrs Lykel, your first baby is a healthy baby boy’ Sandra announced before handing him the instrument to cut the umbilical cord, and he carefully severed the connection. Briefly she wiped him clean as Bastien maintained his hold, the baby’s yell changing to wails in the unfamiliar environment. He shushed, and the little creature shuddered and quietened a little.
Sophia held out her arms eagerly and Bastien hurried to hand him over to place on her chest, wondering how long she would have before their little girl followed.
‘My little one’ she whispered, tenderly cradling him ‘We’re so thrilled to meet you at last’ She gazed down as the baby fell silent, arms folding over his chest and knees drawing up to meet them, face peaceful and enquiring. Hana sniffled beside her, and Sophia turned to the side. ‘Meet your Aunty Hana’ she breathed, before wincing in pain again. ‘I think your sister wants out’ she gasped, and a nurse swiftly took the baby and whisked him away.
‘Don’t worry, we just need to check him over, but I think he’s absolutely fine’ she assured Bastien.
‘Here’s your little girl’ Sandra called ‘Not long now’, and he went to stand ready, his hands trembling as a second head emerged, Sophia crying out again. She slipped out swiftly, but was safe in her father’s hands in an instant. He was hit by another wave of love and adoration just as intense as the last one, his heart full to bursting. Her cry was reedy and full of complaint and she wailed as he cut the cord, Sandra steadying it for Bastien to juggle his tasks. Both of the babies had seemed tiny in his large hands, both roomy and clumsy all at once.
‘Here, Papa has you safe’ he murmured ‘Come and meet your Mama’ Carefully he relayed her to Sophia. Her face glowed with happiness at holding her daughter, eyes fixed on her as she fussed at the bright light and unfamiliar surroundings.
‘My sweet one’ she crooned, and the baby quietened just as her brother had ‘You’re perfect’. She looked up at her husband ‘Look what we did’ she whispered. He placed his hand on her shoulder and looked down at the newest arrival, tiny fingers waving like starfish, little mouth opening and closing. He kissed the top of Sophia’s head.
‘Theà mou, I love you so much. I’m blessed’ his voice caught, and the nurse returned with the little boy, now wrapped up warmly, and took his sister away to be cleaned and checked. Sophia held her finger out and the baby gaped, little mouth gurning in a half yawn, half smile. Soon his sister was handed back and Sophia cradled one baby in each arm, looking from one to the other in awe. The boy had a shock of black hair like his father’s and his eyes were pale grey. His sister’s hair was black but not as abundant, her pale eyes a shade bluer.
‘How can I ever spend a single second not loving these two?’ she whispered ‘How can I feel so much love for them – and for you?’ Bastien squeezed her shoulder, unable to speak for the lump in his throat. He had never felt so deliriously happy – and scared.
‘Do you have names?’ the nurse asked ‘The babies’ tags just say boy and girl for now. There’s no hurry’ Sophia looked up at Bastien.
‘Theodore?’ she asked. They had a few names picked out but didn’t want to fix them until the babies were born. He nodded in approval, as they had also decided that she should finalise the boy’s name, and he the girl’s.
‘And Beatrice’ he replied, getting a little tilt of his wife’s head in response. He cleared his throat
‘Theodore Costa Lykel and Beatrice Edith Lykel’ he said clearly, the names floating up into the air like a declaration of existence, an acceptance into the world for the two babes. The boy’s second name was that of his foster father’s, the girl’s was Sophia’s mother’s. They could have been Theodore Robert and Beatrice Althea, or the first names might have been different, but as soon as he spoke them aloud they sounded right, and he knew Sophia agreed. She lay propped up, beaming with exhausted happiness as she held her new arrivals. She had never looked more beautiful, her damp hair curling to frame her face, cheeks rosy, and an expression of pure love and joy in her eyes. Sandra cleared her throat.
‘Sophia, we just have to check the placenta, clean you up and make sure all’s well. Perhaps Mr Lykel could take the babies, or we could put them in the cots.’
‘I can help’ Hana piped up, and Sophia nodded. Little Beatrice was closest to Hana, and carefully she took the little bundle, utterly entranced. Bastien took Theodore, making soothing noises as they awkwardly changed over.
‘Can we take them out to the waiting room?’ he asked ‘We’ll come straight back in when you’re ready’
‘Yes, but don’t hand them around’ the midwife answered. ‘New babies are still developing their immune systems, so the less contact with other people outside the family the better’
‘Take care’ Sophia urged ‘I’m not going anywhere’
‘We’ll be back soon, theà mou’ Bastien promised, and he and Hana walked out to the waiting room with his new family.@sirbeepsalot @fluffyfirewhiskey​ @dcbbw​ @kingliam2019​ @katedrakeohd​ @texaskitten30​
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prettyflyshyguy · 3 years
Oops I wrote more C virus stuff
I got super energised and spent all night drafting up a one-shot about what happens when Ashley reunites with Leon post RE6 in the C-Virus AU cannon. It’s unfinished and is very much a draft, but I’m excited so I wanted to post what I have so far. I intend on compiling a bunch of these together and putting them up as chapters on AO3 and Fanfic.net once they’re edited, featuring various different characters.
You came this far just to become a Monster - The Aftermath
A brief summary: Ashley visits Leon while he’s stuck in quarantine. It gets a bit emotional. 
I’m assuming the President in RE6 was the same in RE4 despite the uh long time difference between the two games. It’s 9 years and I’m Australian so I know nothing about American politics but I think a president can only serve 8 years in one stint so uh maybe he’d just been elected in 4 and was just running out of time before he died in 6? I’m rolling with that for the sake of my head-cannon/AU storylines. It makes sense given Leon was described as being good friends with him, and we can assume the friendship started once he got Ashley back home safely after the events of 4. 
Given Ashley was 19/20 during RE4 she should be 28/29 post RE6 depending on her birthday. 
The conversation with Hunnigan echoed in her mind as she walked down the labs corridor. 
“While pursuing Chief Security Advisor Simmons, Leon became infected with the C Virus. He’s OK, don’t worry. It’s just we’re still running tests to make sure he’ll stay ok.
I know the report I gave you didn’t have much to go on in it, I’m sorry. I wasn’t allowed to provide you with much more information. You’ll just have to wait until you can see him for yourself.
He’s happy to talk with you, you can go down to the labs today if you’d like.”
“He’s happy to talk? You mean I can’t see him?”
The warm smile was betrayed by the sorrow in Hunnigan’s eyes. 
“He’s still adjusting to everything. He’s spoken to a couple of our doctors and he’s dealing with a lot of internal negative emotions right now, about what people think of him. I don’t think the tests are helping.”
Hunnigan reached out and gently held Ashley’s hand, squeezing it lightly.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure he’ll be happy to have you visit. It’s what he really needs right now. Trust me.”
Standing outside the viewing room door, holding her keycard at the ready, she steeled herself. The way the security staff described the setup, Leon had access to a shutter system on the viewing window, giving him control over how and when visitors can see him. It allowed him much needed privacy given his life since coming home was endless tests and scans and scientists. 
Tapping her card against the reader, the light flicked green and she heard the lock release. Pressing down on the cold handle, she slipped inside. There was a small coffee table near the viewing window, the shutter was down. A few chairs were on the far wall, she pulled one up to the window and sat down. On the table there was a remote control, it looked custom made for the setup. It only had a handful of buttons, the most important of which was a ‘call’ button that she was told would alert Leon that someone was in the room, and a ‘mic on’ button. The room had an inbuilt microphone and speaker system to allow comfortable communication even if large groups were there. 
It felt uncomfortably sterile. Worse than a hospital. She looked up to the top left corner of the room, where a security camera stared back. She was also told Leon had access to the feed. She wondered if he was watching now? Hunnigan said she’d call ahead. Was he waiting for her to do something first? Would he be upset that she was so hesitant? 
Shaking off the feeling she hit both buttons on the controller and flashed a smile and a wave towards the security camera, for good measure.
A moment passed before she heard a light clicking sound on the intercom, before a voice emerged.
“Ashley, hey…”
She was surprised that he sounded so… Normal. She wasn't sure what she expected, no one had given her any information other than that he’d been infected but he hadn’t lost his mind. There was an extensive report written about the events that went down, she’d been able to convince the BSAA to let her read a copy of it but it was heavily redacted. Particularly the parts pertaining to Leon. 
“It’s… good to see you.”
She was relieved to hear the sincerity in his voice, despite how slightly rough around the edges he sounded. He was Leon, that hadn’t changed. But she could tell he was different all the same.
“It’s good to, uh, hear you, haha..”
Her feet shuffled, she started bouncing one leg. Looking longfully at the window glass with the shutter still closed. She was fine with phone calls but this was making her nervous. It hadn’t been that long ago that they’d last spoke, that they’d last caught up in person. 
“I’m sorry, about your dad. I’m sorry I couldn't make it to the funeral. I’m sorry for everything, Ashley.”
“It’s ok, Leon. You did everything you could.”
Despite the lack of contact, the uncomfortable fog in the room was palpable for both parties. Her leg bouncing rate increased. Shuffling could be heard over the intercom speaker. They each heard the pain in the other’s voice. The wound was still fresh and very deep. 
Not wanting to have that conversation to a wall, Ashley attempted to change the subject.
“So how are you holding up? I mean with the tests and everything. Hunnigan said you shouldn't have to be in isolation much longer.”
“Uhh yeah… It’s fine. I’m doing fine.”
She let out a small sigh.
“You can’t bullshit me, Leon.”
“You’ve been stuck inside that room for almost three months now. You must be tired of it, and lonely.”
She paused, before continuing.
“When I got back from Europe after you rescued me, they kept me in isolation for precautionary testing for two weeks. They were paranoid I guess. I know for you they didn’t need long to clear you of any issues. Those two weeks were the worst of my life.”
“Worse than being injected with a mind-controlling parasite?” he joked back. 
“Much, much worse.” she playfully replied, “I didn’t have a strong, capable, and handsome government agent to save me from a bunch of creepy scientists in hazmat suits.”
She heard what sounded like a muffled laugh. A smile crossed her face. 
“Unfortunately for me the only ‘strong, capable, and handsome’ government agent I know is limited to Visitors on Wednesdays only.”
This made Ashley giggle suddenly, the first time she’d properly and genuinely laughed since before the C-Virus incident even occurred. 
“When I came home, Dad was so worried. He just wanted to make sure I was gonna be ok. He was always so busy and worked so hard. He just wanted to make sure he could change something for the positive. In the end you made sure that happened. You and Helena.”
A tear rolled down her cheek and gently dropped off her chin. Followed by another.
“I’d known Simmons for just about my whole life, he’d had family dinners with us, we’d visit his house frequently. Dad had confided in him about so much I just… I can’t believe he’d betray us like that. I can’t believe he would be so selfish.”
The tears were making it hard for her to see, her words were mixed in with sharp breaths as she began to sob.
“He killed dad and all those people, after everything, he just fucking killed him and killed everyone else and burned it to the ground all for what!! And now he’s gone and I don’t know what to do, Leon I just don’t know what to fucking do!”
She cried for a moment, letting the anger and the grief flow. Purging her system, letting it out. As she started to calm down she pulled a packet of tissues from her bag, to clean her face.
“I want to make a difference. I want to do something, like dad did.” she said slowly through strained breaths.
“I never want to feel helpless and small ever again. After you rescued me in Europe, after everything you did to stop Simmons, I want to do something for the world too.” 
She glanced up at the security camera, as if it would respond back somehow. Hoping he was watching.
“You and dad made me realise what I wanted to do with my life, what I cared most about. I even changed my college degree to International Relations when I got home but I mean, you already know that. Now with the BSAA here, I’ve asked Hunnigan if she can help me shift my career slightly, and work with you and everyone else here.”
“Really? You want to work for the BSAA?”
She nodded, not knowing if he could even see. Taking the moment to have a drink from her water bottle to gather herself.
“... I’ll put in a personal recommendation, if they’re still accepting those from me after everything.”
“Thank you Leon, I’m sure they will.” Ashley smiled.
“Well if they let me do anything, once the tests are cleared, I’d like to go visit your old man with you. If you don’t mind. I couldn’t be there for the funeral so… “
“Of course Leon,” she wiped a tear from her eye, “I’d love that. I’m sure dad would too.”
“I think you’d be great here, we need more people like you Ashley.”
“Of course, someone needs to be around to stop you getting into more trouble right?”
She was hoping for a smart ass response, a laugh, a quip, something. Her comment was met with silence. Her heart sank.
“What happened to you, Leon?”
He avoided responding, she could hear more slight shuffling noises.
“I know you feel uncomfortable, god knows I would too. Everyone’s talking about you, saying you’re a hero. You and all the others that worked together to stop the C-Virus from spreading. You saved people's lives.”
“... I don’t think you’d be calling me that if you could see me right now.”
The most she’d gotten to read about the effects of the virus on him were small comments about carapace and ‘external structural changes’. In all honestly she had no idea what he looked like, if he was even recognisable. She didn’t really know how to ask, besides the fact she really only knew Hunnigan well enough to be confident posing the question.
“I wouldn’t know. No one’s shown me any photos of you. I have no idea.”
He was silent again.
“But you’re still you, in the end. Does it matter what you look like?”
“It does when you look like a monster.”
She recoiled slightly at the tone of his voice.
“When I was in China, when it happened. It didn’t really matter to me. People's lives were at stake, Simmons was out there, I embraced it in the moment because I couldn't let people down. I needed to do something. I couldn't just give up and avoid facing the world. But now? I’m stuck in this cell and every few days I get more needles poked into me and more scans and more people asking me stupid fucking questions and I just.”
He paused suddenly. Breathing for a few moments.
“I can’t deal with all of this. I’m as good as a lab animal now. And why would anyone think any differently if they saw what I’ve become.”
“C’mon, don’t say that.”
Suddenly the shutter began to move upwards, a brighter light from the room beyond the glass spilling in. It took Ashley a moment to adjust before she could fully stare at the figure sitting opposite her.
“If you were in trouble and the thing that came to help you looked like this, would you still call it a hero?” 
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btsslowburnfic · 4 years
Born to be Yours Ch. 10
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Story Summary: For Namjoon, the moment he set his sights on being the #1 rapper, he pushed the symbol to the side and hated it. Love should be chosen, not forced on you. He didn’t believe in fate and this mark on his wrist was a big “fuck you” to all that.
Chapter summary: Life after you and RM part ways goes back to normal until an accident changes everything
Previous chapters found here: Chapter 9
You are surprised that life does in fact go back to normal. You and Xavier make up and get back to working with smaller local groups after the awards season ends. Things with you and Ben get back to normal; you become a master of using heavy foundation on your soulmark when you’re at home. The summer tour is amazing. You and Xavier traveled to 32 states in 4 months. You find yourself following Twitter and Weverse to see what RM is up to. And you sometimes found yourself thinking about that night the two of you spent together. You mostly try to push it out of your mind though. Even though you told Xavier and he randomly brings it up.
“Right here? On this desk!?!” he asks, running his hands over the surface.
“Yes. And don’t do that, it’s weird and gross.”
“How was it? Describe it to me again.”
You chuckle a bit and roll your eyes, “No. I told you once so I could get it out of my system.”
“Ughhh you’re so boring.” he whines playfully.
“Shouldn’t you be reprimanding me about being a terrible cheating slut?” you raise an eyebrow.
“No. I ship that shit.” he responds, sipping on a smoothie. “Have you eaten yet?” he asks
You laugh and look through your phone. “No, I had a zoom meeting with Gina at noon and then I covered spinning class.” You press some buttons on your screen. “There. I just ordered. I’ll see you in a while.” You stand up and put your flip flops back on.
“Sounds good. I’ll see you in pilates tonight.”
You toss your bag over your shoulder and put your sunglasses on as you step out the door. You look both ways and start to cross the street as you hear a screeching sound. The next thing you hear and feel is the sickening crunch of bone hitting glass. Tires screeching away and then everything is black.
Namjoon occasionally finds himself thinking about you. Mostly when he accidentally slams his body into a door frame or cuts his finger. He always says he’s sorry and then kind of feels like an idiot for apologizing to no one. He also thinks about the night the two of you shared together quite often and had made Jhope send him those photos he took.
He’s happy to be working and on tour again. It’s been a fun summer. They wrapped up the Asia portion of their journey and were well into Europe now. As usual, the filming crew was in the green room as they were preparing for their second night at Wembley. The first night had been amazing. He couldn’t think of anything that made him happier than being in front of ARMY, especially when they were singing along to the songs he wrote. He smiled as he scrolled through his phone while he had his makeup touched up. 
“10 minutes, 10 minutes.” Management called out.
“Alright guys, let’s get it.” he yells through the green room.
They gather around and do their chant. The minute they step out of the green room they can hear the fans roaring and cheering along to the pre-show videos. They each go to their respective starting positions and wait to hear the signal. 
They open quick and fast with “On” and the crowd is absolutely pumped. They begin their second song and will then introduce themselves. The music for “Dionysus” begins to play and the elaborate set pieces are added throughout the song. They are almost to the end of Dionysus when RM goes down hard. He falls off the table. People are gasping, Jin runs over and signals to the staff on the side of the stage that something is very wrong. ARMY and BTS are freaking out. The visual director quickly puts a message onto the big screens to please wait a moment. The medical staff immediately takes the lift up to the main backstage area. The obvious damage is a cut on his arm that took the brunt of the fall from the table, but that gash can’t account for the fact that he’s unconscious and breathing shallowly. There is a rush of oxygen masks and people yelling. Jimin and JK start crying, the other guys are freaked out about the show and what to do next. Jin rises to the occasion by asking if they should go ahead and skip to his and Suga’s solos until there is more information. A decision is quickly made to begin the solo portions. The two of them quickly change costumes and prepare to go out. An ambulance ends up needing to be called. The guys decide that Namjoon would want the show to go on and so they do. It’s ugly and weird and they are unfocused but they manage through it. ARMY is crying for RM because they know it’s bad when he doesn’t come back on stage. They skip the ments and encore and  the guys are immediately loaded into vans and transported to the private health facility that he’s been taken to. 
The staff escorts the six of them to a room where they wait for a doctor to come and speak to them. A translator is located and brought in as well.
“What happened? Did anybody see what happened before he fell?” Hoseok asks.
“He was fine. I didn’t notice anything strange.” Tae responds. 
“They took video and showed the doctor,”Yoongi adds, having overheard the staff on the way there.
After a few minutes a doctor comes in. “Hello Gentleman. Your friend is in good hands here, and is stable.” she reassures them. 
There is a collective sigh from the group as they hear this news.
“However, we aren’t sure what’s causing this condition. There is no evidence of an aneurysm on the CT scan and the video doesn't show any seizure-like activity prior to the fall. His heart is in excellent shape as well as his lungs. At this point we are running more tests but we do need to ask you all some questions here. Please answer honestly. Does your friend use any drugs? Even maybe extra prescription medication?”
It takes a few seconds for the translator to relay the message and the guys’ reactions range from anger to disbelief. Jin is up on his feet shouting about how they should be focusing on fixing Namjoon rather than gossiping, Jimin is crying more. It’s a mess.
“Calm down guys, it’s a standard question,” Yoongi says stoically. “She’s not trying to be rude.”
“No. He drinks beer and wine sometimes. But no. He’s not on any drugs.  That’s ridiculous.” Jungkook summarizes.
“I’m sorry, it’s something I do have to ask. Is there anything else you guys could think of that might be pertinent? An old injury? Something he did earlier today or ate that he doesn’t usually?”
The guys all sat there for a minute. It was Jin who made the connection first: “His soulmate. She lives in LA.”
Tae’s hand flew to his phone to make a phone call.. The next few things happened over the course of a few hours: a phone call to Hitman Bang to get Gina’s contact information. Several phone calls to Gina. Calls from Gina to you. No answer. Phone calls to Xavier. No answer. Xavier calling Gina back hysterically sobbing that you were in a coma with a skull fracture and blood loss, Gina crying, Gina having someone else call Hitman Bang because she couldn’t stop sobbing, Hitman Bang calling Tae back.
The doctor was updated on the situation. “Ah...well that would explain it. Were the two of them very close?” she asks delicately.
It’s highly inappropriate but Yoongi just laughs, “No. They met one time .”
The doctor raised her eyebrows, “Oh. Well that’s unusual.”
“If she dies, will he die too?” Jimin asks quietly with tears in his eyes.
“No. And especially not if they weren’t close. I need to consult with some colleagues on this before we proceed. If you all want to go get some rest I think he’s going to be like this for a while. We can call you if anything changes.” the doctor informs them.
They are uneasy about leaving Namjoon there so they split up into groups of two to take turns. Jin and JK take the first shift at the care facility.
The doctor reaches out to several colleagues who are familiar with more case studies of soul mate injuries and what to do when there is a mirrored trauma response. She gets permission from RM’s parents (who have flown to London as well at this point) to try a reverse cryogenic procedure to restart his systems. Basically, they will bring his body down to an almost hypothermic point and slowly reheat him, encouraging cell regeneration and movement. It has been successful in similar cases, but it is a slow procedure that needs to be carefully monitored. 
Meanwhile, social media is having a field day about what could have happened. BigHit put out that story that RM has developed a severe allergic reaction to shellfish and went into anaphylaxis on the stage; he was administered an epi-pen and hospitalized but is now resting and recovering. The rest of the guys give interviews to back up this story as well. 48 hours after the incident began, RM is slowly regaining consciousness. 
“What happened? I feel like someone is opening up my skull with a pair of pliers.” he asks the doctor.
“I’m sorry but your soulmate was in a very bad car accident. She’s in a coma and you suffered a mirrored trauma response. I’m going to go let your friends and family know you’re awake.” 
“Shit.” RM says, really taking in everything that was just said to him. 
Jin is the first one in the room. “Hey. You’re finally awake. We were so worried.”
“How long have I been out for?”
“2 days.”
“Shit. What happened with the concert? Is everything ok? Oh God. What did they tell people?”
“One thing at a time.” Yoongi said as he entered the room. “We finished the show. The tour is postponed for at least a few weeks. We told people you had an allergic reaction.”
RM visibly relaxed but was still upset about the show. “Those fans have to be so disappointed.”
“Yeah, but they want you to be well. There’s thousands of flowers and cards being left at Wembley and so many messages on Weverse. We’ll make the dates up when you’re better. ARMY understands. It’s not your fault.”
“No, it’s [Y/N]’s fault.” he says briskly. 
“I mean. She got flattened by a car. So, not really.” Tae added.”She’s in an actual coma. They can;'t just reheat her.” he was surprised by how cold RM sounded talking about his soulmate.
“You’re right. I’m just...it’s a lot. My head still hurts and I guess I just want someone to blame.”
“Blame the asshole who hit her,” Yoongi adds.
“Yeah. I will. I’m so tired.”
“Here, we’ll leave so you can talk to your parents for a minute before you rest.”
“My parents flew in?” he says surprised.
“We thought you were going to die,” Jimin says seriously. “Your sister is on her way here too.”
Rm laid his head back against his pillow. This is exactly the kind of soulmate bullshit he’s been trying to avoid. And you were in a coma. He stopped for a minute and thought about how scary it must be for you but he won’t allow himself to dwell on it. He’s getting his soul mark obliterated as soon as you wake up from your coma and sign off on it. If you wake up from it. Shit. 
24 hours later he is discharged from the hospital and decides to book a flight to LA to see what your doctors are doing about rectifying this situation. He can’t shake the massive headache and leg pain that he’s still experiencing constantly. He cannot perform like this. Also he’s looked into the legal status of soulmark obliteration if one party is a permanently vegetative state and what counts as legal consent. Because of course he has. The guys all talk and decide that Tae will go along with him for support. Really it’s to be the voice of reason because they can’t believe that rather than going to see how you’re doing, he is going to ask you to remove your mark. 
RM knows what hospital you are at because his doctor consulted with yours in order to determine the best course of treatment. You doctor was hoping that once RM woke up, you would show signs of improvement. So far though, there wasn’t a lot on your end.
Ben and Xavier dutifully took shifts staying with you in the hospital. On this particular night, Ben is taking the night shift, walking back from the vending machines. He stops when he sees two dudes who look like models standing outside your door.
“Hey. Are you guys friends with [Y/N]? You must be from the studio. I don’t think we’ve met before. I'm Ben” Ben is tired but tries to be friendly.
Tae and Namjoon turn and look to him. Ben. Ben must be her boyfriend. 
“Actually we’re from one of the bands she worked with. I’m Namjoon and this is Taehyung. You must be her boyfriend?”
“Fiance actually,” Ben politely corrects. “Just a few weeks ago actually,” he awkwardly laughs. “But then this all happened. You know the asshole didn’t even stop?” 
Tae feels extremely awkward. He can understand a small bit of what’s going on, but he knows that what’s coming will be very difficult for everyone.
“That’s awful. How is she doing?”
“Bad. Stable. But, bad. She lost a lot of blood and hit her head pretty hard. They’re surprised she didn’t have any broken bones other than her skull fracture. She dislocated her shoulder when it hit the hood. The guy was definitely speeding.” Ben runs a hand through his hair. “Sorry if you were hoping to visit.”
RM awkwardly runs his hands up and down his jeans. There is not an easy way to say this.
“So. You know that [Y/N] has a soulmark on her wrist?”
Ben stiffens ever so slightly, “I do. But it’s ok. We don’t really care about that whole destiny thing. It’s unconventional but you know…” he trails off.
RM takes a deep breath and rolls up his sleeve. “I have the matching soulmark. I was in a coma for 2 days. I need to speak to her doctor immediately.” NEXT CHAPTER
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dessarious · 4 years
Misconceptions, Miscommunication, and Misinformation Pt87
Inspired by @ozmav Maribat AU
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Ladybug was still trying to process the looks they were giving her when Discorde was suddenly a lot closer to study her face. When had that happened?
“When was the last time you got more than an hour of sleep?” She could only blink at her partner for a moment. Was that a thing? She knew people claimed to sleep for six or even eight hours at a time but couldn’t remember doing so herself unless she was sick, injured, or sedated. Possibly a combination of the three. Between being Ladybug, the huge increase in her workload since revealing herself, making sure she made time for all the important people in her life, and relearning how to do everything without using her legs she really didn’t have time for something as unproductive as sleep. Besides she wasn’t tired. Or was that always tired? She couldn’t remember anymore.
“Don’t know. Pretty sure it was a Wednesday though.” Catwoman let out a bark of laughter but Discorde looked even more worried and guilty.
“We’re going home and from now on if you’re awake so am I. Maybe that will make you realize how badly you’re running yourself into the ground.” She sounded pissed and Ladybug couldn’t figure out why, or if it was aimed at her.
“But you don’t need to be awake and I thought you liked sleep? I’m sorry I woke you up tonight.” Maybe that was it. Chloe woke up and she was gone. She could have at least left a note. She’d definitely remember to do that next time.
“That’s not the point damn it.” Discorde was speaking through clenched teeth and even Catwoman looked a little more worried. She must not be making sense again. She’d have to make one of her special brews when they got back so she’d be more alert. “We’re going home and you’re going to sleep for at least twelve hours before I or Tikki let you out of the room again. And none of that battery acid you call coffee either.”
“No. This isn’t an argument. You’re sleeping. No caffeine, no electronics, no emergencies. If there’s a problem, someone else can handle it for a day. You need to learn to delegate, to rely on other people, before you kill yourself.” She sounded so worried and it brought a wave of guilt on top of the confusion.
“I rely on you.” She thought it was a dumb thing to say as soon as it left her mouth but Discorde’s look softened.
“I know you do. And that’s why you’re going to let me take you home and take care of you. The Kwami, Viperion, and whatever Bats happen to be in the area can handle things for a day. Then you can freak out and yell at me about all the wasted time and possible catastrophic things that could have happened but didn’t.” She was trying to come up with an argument. There had to be something urgent she had to do. Probably something to do with her business, or wasn’t she supposed to go to a children’s hospital as Ladybug? What day was it anyway? She let out a yelp of surprise as her transformation dropped and Discorde had to catch her, again. When she looked up it was to see a very surprised Catwoman and a very pissed off Kwami.
“That’s it you’re benched until you learn some type of self care. This is beyond ridiculous.” Tikki was spending way too much time with Chloe. Marinette couldn’t even put up a fight when her Kwami took her earrings.
“There has got to be a way for you to warn me before you do that so I don’t end up flopping around like a fish out of water. Not to mention, last I checked, you’re supposed to do what I say, not the other way around.” There was no bite in her tone and everyone promptly ignored her.
“Tikki, do you really think it was a good idea to do that in front of her?” Discord nodded at Catwoman who still seemed frozen with shock. Tikki shrugged and Mari could feel Discorde tense the way she did when she was going to launch into a lecture.
“It’s okay. She would have figured it out in a day or two anyway. Assuming Bruce hasn’t already told her.” She cuddled into Discorde both to soothe her and because it was cold up there in nothing but shorts and a tank top. She really needed to look into warm night dresses or something. That was her last thought before she passed out.
Discorde felt Mari go limp against her and let out a sigh of relief and annoyance before looking back at Tikki.
“Her transformation was the only thing keeping her awake wasn’t it?” Tikki looked just as annoyed.
“No, that would be her stubbornness and constant overthinking. I told her not to go out but she said she needed time to think on her own. She doesn’t want anyone to worry about her and seems to think sneaking off to freak out in private is the way to do that.” There was exasperation in the Kwami’s tone but it was mainly fondness. For all Mari’s quirks, no one who really cared for her could stay angry at her. Not even Damian.
“So where are you staying?” Catwoman just blinked at her for a moment until the question actually registered. Then she shrugged.
“I just got here a couple hours ago. Bruce won’t be here for a few days so I’ll probably just find a hotel until then.” Discorde wanted to tell the woman to get out of Paris. She didn’t like the fact that one of Gotham’s Rogues knew who Ladybug was, but Mari was right that the woman would have figured it out. And Mari would be really unhappy with her if she was that rude to Damian’s possible future step mother. So she defaulted to as much diplomacy as possible.
“Follow me.” She took off across the roofs before the woman had a chance to respond, not really caring one way or the other. She heard the woman land behind her once they got to her balcony and still wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing. “Can you get the door?”
“We’re breaking into a hotel?” Discorde rolled her eyes but it was as much at herself as the comment. Of course that’s what she’d think.
“No we’re not. Just open the door.” Catwoman gave her a skeptical look but did as asked. Discorde walked in first and lay Mari gently on the bed before dropping her transformation. They really needed to talk about this, just not until Mari was rested. “Tikki, do antihistamines still knock her out?”
“Do you really think it’s a good idea to drug your girlfriend?” Plagg’s dry tone got a glare from both her and Tikki.
“If that’s what it takes to keep her from getting an ulcer at fifteen then yes I absolutely do.” Tikki hummed in agreement and Chloe walked over to her phone to dial the front desk. She put it on speaker.
“What can I do for you Mlle. Bourgeois?”
“I’m going to need some allergy medication. First thing in the morning is fine if there’s no one available to get it now. Liquid form, not the pills.” Just in case she needed to sneak it into Mari’s food or tea. Tikki’s comment about her being stubborn being the deciding factor. If the Kwami was that worried then drastic measures might be necessary. “Also I’m checking someone into the suite under mine so could you have someone make sure it’s ready and bring the key to my room? Just put it on my card for now.”
“Of course. Will that be all Mlle. Bourgeois?”
“Yes. Thank you Philipe.” She could almost hear the man’s shock that she’d called him by name but hung up before he had a chance to recover. She’d been trying to be nicer to the staff but absolutely hated the way they reacted to it. Catwoman was giving her a look she couldn’t interpret.
“Bourgeois as in Mayor Bourgeois?” The woman sounded thoroughly amused and it immediately pushed Chloe into her holier than thou attitude.
“Yes. This is Daddy’s hotel.” That caused a frown.
“You mean you’re actually the Mayor’s daughter?” Chloe just gave a stiff nod, not sure if she was being made fun of or not. For all she’d gotten on Marinette about her sleep, Chloe wasn’t much better off and she didn’t have the patience to deal with this right now. The woman didn’t look amused anymore though, more like she was trying to piece together the information she’d been given. “I can pay for my own room you know.” Chloe just waved a dismissive hand.
“I figured. I just used my card to hold it for now. I would have just opened up a tab for you or Bruce but Daddy’s already rather annoyed with me and I don’t want to give him a reason to come down here and yell at me right now.” Her developing a spine where her mother was concerned threw off the balance of their little ecosystem. Audrey was blaming her father for Chloe’s attitude so now he was trying to ‘fix’ her. She’d bullied Marinette and countless others without him caring but the second she stood up to her mother suddenly she needed an attitude adjustment. She was so glad she could look at Mari and her parents for an example for how a family was supposed to act.
“Why would you bringing in business make him upset?” Chloe just let out a tired sigh as she debated how much to share with the woman. To say her relationship with her parents was complicated was a massive understatement. And somehow it had just gotten worse as she tried to become a better person.
“If I just started a tab he would assume that I would comp it later.” Catwoman was still looking at her as though trying to solve a puzzle and she really didn’t like it. She needed a distraction. That’s when she noticed the woman had a backpack. “The bathroom is through there. You should probably get changed before the concierge comes up with the key.” The woman opened her mouth but seemed to think better of it before turning and walking to the bathroom. Chloe just hoped that meant there wouldn’t be more questions tonight.
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calypsoff · 3 years
Forty Three.
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It’s good to be back in Virginia, I do love my own hometown, but I think I am ready to move to California. There is so much more excitement there, I broke it to the boys that I am getting married and that I do need to move out and I am moving with my wife, they took it well. They were so hype for me, that they don’t blame me for making her my wife as quickly as I can, they are happy for me and that is the main thing. They won’t be moving to California, they said they will visit now and then. They are happy in Houston, I also think I would be happy here too but it’s not suitable either for business, I need to be out there. I need to be getting my name out there and stuff, I also need tell Drake about coming but here I am at my parents’ home “thank you” getting out of the Uber, I don’t want to stay here for long. Maybe one night, then I am going to California to shop but first I need to see what my parents say, fuck the rest of my family. The thing is they will want to know me once I am married to her, I know they will because that is what they are like, I see some of my cousins commenting under my pictures saying my cousin, fuck that shit. Walking up my path, I shudder seeing the same spot I got my ass beat. This is why I want them to move; I hate coming here because of that but soon I shall get a home for my parents and they all can live good, maybe I can talk my mother into moving to California, that will never happen either way. I ended up staying in Houston for three weeks, well about that. I was just having a good time there so I thought I would stay for longer, which meant I was not productive with the search for a new suit and a ring so I need to get my ass in gear and go to California and get my suit sorted out, Robyn says I don’t need to follow any type of scheme, but don’t have bright colours but I wouldn’t have bright colours, that is just me. It will probably be a tuxedo, I am going to end up taking money out of my business account, which the boys don’t mind that at all and there is a lot of money in there, more then I assumed. The boys have been working hard, I also need to meet some new influencers and staff when I get to Cali, that is a need because I want my clothing line to get out there.
Pushing opening the front door “ma!” I spat “I am home” closing the door “your mother is out son!” rolling my eyes, trust mother to be out “don’t rush dad” he hasn’t even bothered to get up, if this was my mother I know for a fact she would have been running to the door, locking the door before slowly making my way to the living room “you’re so sensitive, getting your old pops up” seeing my dad getting up from his favourite chair “you are making me old boy” my dad looks it “oh wow son, you look so well, come here” the smile on my dad’ face warmed my heart, it was pure joy to see me “oh god, I prayed for moments like this” my dad hugged me, the hug was tight “wait, are you crying?” I questioned, I feel like he is “a little son, I love you so much. I do, it broke my heart to see you the way you were and look at you now” he moved back from the hug, his hands on my shoulders just staring at me in awe “wow, thank you god always. Your mother prayed so hard for you, welcome home son” putting my head down, my dad is making me emotional now “stop it” I mumbled “we some grown ass niggas now, we don’t cry” looking up at him, and smiling “grown niggas can cry too, I am so proud of you Chris. You did this, you remember that. You did this for you, my son” my dad is so proud “come, sit down. Have a drink with me” look at my dad wanting a drink with me, usually he says don’t drink “am I sitting with the grown folk now?” turning around to sit down “of course, I will get you some of the special stuff” I chuckled “you spoiling me dad” he really is, I love him a lot.
My dad got the Hennessy out for us “to you my son” we clinked glasses “and you dad, because you helped me a lot. You carried me, sat with me, helped me, you listened to me when I said a lot of shit. I was in a dark place, but you were always so positive about things, got me through it dad. I was depressed, it was dark times” shaking my head, taking a sip of the Hennessey “Barbados looks well on you Chris, I think it’s rejuvenated you; you needed that break and I am glad you did it and went. How is Robyn, is she well. Was she happy to see you back?” nodding my head sitting back on the couch “she was overjoyed, cried a lot” I grinned “she was happy to see I shaved, but she cried a lot. It was emotional, she made me emotional. I am glad that I am at this point in life dad, I was depressed, very depressed. I didn’t want to be here but here I am, and I feel bad dad. You know I was supposed to be here a while ago, I ended up staying longer because of the issues with Robyn and her dad, it escalated. Like we argued so much, we were shouting, getting at each other. So I had to stay behind because I hate that we fell out, but I just had to let it go. Like you said, she needs to see it for herself, but I felt so bad dad. I was shouting at her so badly, like finger pointing, then I bought it up about her trying for a baby but yet she was drinking, she got even more upset with me” shaking my head “so bad of me” I do feel bad about that “hmmm, couples argue Chris, but you need to reign it in with the shouting, speak to her Chris. Speaking voice, it’s childish to shout. When you shout you have lost control, but you both made up?” my dad didn’t look impressed that I was “we did” I refused to leave “I understand dad, I hate being angry at her. I love Robyn a lot but never again” I won’t do that again.
My mother continued to kiss my face, she has missed me a lot clearly “please, can I just talk to you all. This is important, I came here for this. I am only staying here for a night because I was in Houston longer than I should have” my mom kissed my forehead and then moved away from me “I love you so much, my son. Look at him Tootie, he is smiling and walking and happy” my mother sat next to me, she held my hand “aww I love you mom, I missed you so much. I miss you all much, even Tootie” rolling my eyes “likewise but it’s nice to see you like this Chris, it hurt me to know how you was in the hospital bed and struggling, but it’s nice to see you like this. Happiness looks good on you” I chuckled “but!” I spat “I have news” I breathed out “Rihanna is pregnant?” Tootie didn’t even waste time, she said it without a thought “no, not yet anyways but Robyn and I were speaking, we love each other. We have no reason to wait, so we will be getting Married end of December” I just said it, the room is quiet “in Barbados” I added “oh my god, are you actually ready for this Chris?” Tootie finally said something “erm” I laughed “I don’t know you know but I know I love Robyn and I will do anything for her, she is right. I am ready” nodding my head “married? Oh my god, Rihanna is really going to marry into our family!?” my mom is stuck on that “yeah, I don’t know if you’re happy or sad?” I questioned.
I think it’s shock between them all, I mean it’s come so quick of course “uncle Chris is marrying Rihanna I get it” I snorted laughing “see nephew gets it” my nephew just said it without even thinking but he ain’t lying at all, I mean it is Rihanna “I am happy Chris but you are my baby, are you ready to be a husband Chris? Being a husband doesn’t just mean it’s a title you get, this is a big step” my mom is worried “I have accepted it mom, I can only try my best. I will never be Rihanna status, but I will never be under her. We have got an understanding, we really do. I have told her, I know that out there I am and will always be Rihanna’s husband but in the house I am the man of the house and we have spoke on it, I will love and support Robyn through it all. I know that I will be mostly with the kids, I know that. Robyn will always be busier than me but I am ok with that. I enjoyed dad being home when you were working more hours, you both showed me how a marriage should be and I will incorporate that with my future with Robyn, I am ready but nervous, of course. But we love each other, why wait. So yeah, we are going Barbados, like in a few weeks” my dad is speechless “I need to lose weight” I groaned out “mom please, stop that. You’re perfect the way you are, so I have a lot to do, I need to get a suit and book a honeymoon for us, I still haven’t done it” I feel all nervous now “I am so happy for you Chris, she is what you needed. I have never seen you so happy and vibrant” my sister complimented me “thank you, I am excited for you all to see Barbados, the place is so nice, and the family are expecting you all to come for Christmas because I think, wait. I am sure Robyn said we are getting married pretty much like new year. You know what, it’s close” I laughed to myself “you need to learn to listen too Chris, you are so young my son, but I know you can do it, good man” my dad called me man.
My nephew loves gaming too much, he is on that thing all day “son, is it just us going to the wedding?” my mother asked “yeah, and TJ, Barry, Drake. Well I need to speak to him about it but he is aware, why?” I questioned “Drake!?” My nephew shouted “yeah” he is shook “I, well I am just so proud of you Chris, I had to mention it in the group chat with the family that you’re getting married and they asked if they was invited” I sniggered “ain’t they the same ones that didn’t bother with me when I was in Jail, they hated me for snitching on golden child Aaron? Yeah right, mother they will never see my wife, I ain’t fucking with that. Tell them no” my mother really trying it, she think I would invite any of them “why can’t your family’ be like dad’ just don’t bother and send us Christmas cards from afar, they are so stuck on wanting to know me now, I love your mom but your family ain’t shit with that, they all sly and I wouldn’t” I shrugged “it is what it is mom” I know she is going to be sad but I don’t actually fuck with them like that, they didn’t want to know me. I came out jail and nobody came to visit, they hate me for it “I got my loved ones there, Robyn doesn’t want it big anyways, just loved ones” I mean I would like to throw it to their face too but it’s too far out, and I don’t want them there.
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I have been so busy with preparing and Mel hasn’t even been here for me, the bitch has been busy on tour with Wale, she loves taking pictures and went on tour with him but what about me “oh shit bitch! This is your mother home, aaahhhh” Mel screamed I ran at her, Mel caught me and picked me up “you bitch! Left me here without you, I was without you to tell me about my dress” my arms wrapped around her so tight “I am so so sorry, you got pictures. I am here now bestie, I can’t believe you will be a married woman, what about me?” Mel placed me down “you will always be with me too, the hell? Chris knows this” Mel pulled a face “I have no home or friend now, I am sad” I shushed her “stop being dumb, but I have so much shit in the home. We are preparing for the wedding, you bitches. Meaning you and Sonia need to get your asses in gear with the bridesmaid dresses, Jen is god knows. She told me you both choose, ugh. I hate you all” Mel laughed “be quiet, now show me inside, I can’t believe this is the home. This is a palace” I am stressing, and she is relaxed, I don’t like this relaxed Mel “yeah, mommy loves it, I am like mommy you don’t need to clean but she does. I have a cleaner come for her, but she told to stop, I don’t know. Let her do it for a few more months, she will be fed up” my mother doesn’t want cleaners, clearly.
Mel yelped out “oh my god, your dress is so fucking beautiful so this is just the outline and Vera will make the changes by then? You are working this bitch Robyn, like I cannot believe you’re going to be a married woman just like that, did we ever thing this would have happened? This quick, like I understood how much you loved him but this, I am shook. Happy for you though” Mel passed me my phone back “how is Chris feeling about this? He hasn’t ran off yet” rolling my eyes playfully “he is well Mel; he isn’t backing out. I think he just wants to really make me happy, and I love that about him, but I also did say does this make you happy, he said yes but he wants a home for us, like he keeps saying it. He wants a home, but I think it’s because even now he is going Cali, he can’t go anywhere to stay, just a hotel but that is the next thing after the wedding to actually get a home but yeah, he is ok. I think it’s only right; we are ready for it and we love each other” Mel lit her blunt “I think it’s right, we are happy” I shrugged, Mel blew the smoke and the smell just made me gag “the hell?” the smell is off putting “you want some?” Mel offered me the blunt and I turned away pulling a face “no thank you” Mel gasped “that is not like you, oh my god. You been telling you both been having sex like crazy, could it be?” shaking my head looking back over at Mel “no” I mumbled “but you don’t like the smell, you keep pulling a face” I actually can’t “can you put it out, until I go out of the room?” Mel gasped again in shock “Robyn! You could be” frowning at her “no, because I am bleeding yeah, just drop it. I was late for my period, but I bled, the end!” I spat, my tone got harsh “oh, sorry” she apologised.
Mel put the blunt out, she felt bad that I had to say it because she was pushing “heavy then?” she asked “just spotting, trust me when I started I was so deflated, I was sad because I was like I am ovulating so this is my time, I am trying to be in tune with my body so when I started I just felt sad but then again I have been spotting for a few days now, it’s weird. I am late for my period and then this” I sighed out “I didn’t tell Chris anything because I will only tell him once I am actually pregnant” this sucks for me “when was the last time you had sex? Like generally, clearly something is happening to your body because I mean the late period and then the spotting” Mel is invested in this clearly “about three weeks maybe four, well I say four including when he arrived or whatever” Mel grabbed her phone “we need to research this, because we need to know when you’re pregnant. Just don’t get deflated, we got this. Something is off with your period, so we need to research it, come on. So I searched tree weeks pregnant spotting” here we go, I am on my period and I am not getting my hopes up “ok so it says, what colour is the blood?” she asked “erm very light red, not much. Its spotting” I wonder what she is reading “it says here that spotting is normal with pregnancy, Robyn. Take a test, oh my god” my heart skipped a beat “really?” I said shocked, I feel a little emotional “yes, it says it’s normal Robyn. You have some tests here?” shaking my head feeling my lower lip quiver “don’t cry, we just need to find out. I will go, just wait here” Mel has more hope then I do, I can’t even get happy because I am scared it’s not true.
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that-ideal-idea · 4 years
Oh Noel (Trigger Warning)
Note: this is inspired by iDKHBTFM's (I Don't Know How But They Found Me) "Oh Noel". I'm having the feels tonight and I just want to write a short story about it.
Here's a link for it by the way, for those who doesn't know about them, Oh Noel by iDKHBTFM
(Btw, the italics are the letter, the Bold and italics are the lyrics, the bold letters are the news reporter, and the normal font is the main pov)
Hasn't every little Christmas wish been sent? Have sugarplums been dancing in your head?
"To My Dearest Noel"
Perhaps it was the chill of the night that caused the goosebumps on his skin. Maybe it was the snow, that caused his nose to clog up and his face to turn pink. How he wish that it was the season that he can blame for this cold feeling that he's having at this moment. This wishful thinking, that he hope will change places with the truth that is layed out in front of him - that did nothing but to make him remember more - but alas, it will not be the case.
I hope the holiday will find you well Oh, Noel Oh, Noel
My love, I cannot express to you how ecstatic I am when you told me last year that you're being relocated to your company's branch there. You can't believe how happy I'am that you can finally achieve the things that you want even form the start.
A smile fought its way to his face. He remembered the time when he told you that he's going to be transfered to a new branch of their company as its new and first President, and how you told him that his hardwork had finally payed off.
I met you in December '93 Noel been staying up the block
Remember when we celebrated it up until the other day. Our heads were like splitting in half that time. I remember you, almost tripping outside our front door because of excitement. We laughed and laughed and enjoyed ourselves that night, and I fell in love with you much more.
He smiled and smiled until his cheeks are hurting. For, of course, he remembers that time. Where they both lost themselves in each other's arms. How they kissed each other under the street lamp while walking towards a pub. How they whispered to each other, contently, while the upcoming winter chill started to seep through their bones. Still, they held each other's gazes without the care in the world. How he wish that he can go back to that time again.
Do you remember the time after that?
Of course, how could he not? That month was the happiest month of his life. How could he forget about it when he felt as if he traveled to the moon and back when you told him the news, weeks prior to his departure?
With her mother's family For two straight weeks, we ran through snow
When I told you that you're gonna be a father in nine months? We we're in cloud nine that time that you can't even stop giving me your glorious kisses and that comforting hug of yours. If I thought that I couldn't love you more, then i was an idiot, because that time I know that we will be together till the end.
He was ready to give up his company's offer that time, but you slapped his head and told him that he needed to go. That he can come back in a month or two to check up on the both of you, saying that its not even that risky because your pregnancy just started. Oh how he insisted so hard that you made him sleep on the couch. Now, he wish that he insisted more 'cause he would prefer to sleep there even for a year, than to be in this situation.
And do you remember the time after that?
And kissed beneath the mistletoe And swore our love in secret company
This made the man scoff, of course, how could he forget? The way how the both of you broke down in your hospital bed for god knows how long. He just got home for a three day leave before it happened. How the both of you grew hysterical when you both saw and felt the blood in the bed. How could he forget the way he saw your eyes lose its natural shine while you're staring at your own blood. How the he saw you breaking down in front of him while he's carrying you downstairs and into the car.How could he forget?
I was so lost that time. So, so lost. I let both of us down. I feel as if something was ripped inside me. As if I lost a part of me that I haven't even met yet. It hurts so much. I could remember it as if it happened yesterday. I can't even express what I feel and still feel right now. I just can't help but to hate myself when I realised that I've selfishly took every opportunity that you have when I heard you decline them in the phone, just for this mess. Just for me.
Hasn't every little Christmas card been sent? Has every child been tucked into their bed?
"...Why?" the man asked helplessly. As if he awaits a response that will never come.
So I decided to persuade you that I'm fine, that you should go back to your work. Of course you told me that you can't, but then again, I wouldn't be called your wife if I don't know how to handle you, right?
The man chuckled. "But of course." He thought, and that's why after a week of preparations, you're already saying your goodbyes to him in the airport. Only if he didn't let himself be persuaded by you. How he hoped that he grew suspicious that he suddenly recieved an actual letter in paper from you, just two months afer his departure. But then again, you told him that you just wanted to do it because you love him, and he trusts you in that.
It was perhaps, ingenious of me, to think about this kind of ploy. But can you blame me, my love? I wouldn't want you to see my tears or to hear my sobs and whimpers in a call. I wouldn't want to impose and worry you much more. So I wrote to you instead. Even if the letter arrives just every other day or so, at least it buys me time. Time to be alone. Time to wallow in pitty and sadness, before it's time to reply to you again. I mean, what am I even thinking right now, confessing to my sins and making this much harder for you?
"No please, god no. Please...just...keep writing, my love."
I'm hoping that this song will find you well Oh, Noel Oh, Noel
My love, when you recieve this letter...do not fret for I will still be proud of you. I will still be in love with you. I just hope that you will forgive me, because I know I can't. I know that I'm being selfish right now, but please don't be mad...
The wind howled on the other side of the window, the embers in the fireplace are starting to dwindle down almost to nothing, but he ignored all that. However, the open telivision in the background is the one that he can't block out, no matter how hard he tried. He didn't know what made him open it up and turn it in to a channel that shows the late night news reports. How he wished he didn't.
I hope that the thing that I'm gonna do will not dampen this year's holidays. Although, I know my wishing of that will be futile. My love, I am sorry for not being there with you in the upcoming celebrations...
A decade passed, and letters all but died Ten years that saw her folks divorced "On tonight's breaking news..."
...I's sorry for lying to you, that I am fine...
"...A woman was found just an hour ago..." And best friend's suicide I'd see her on occasion, looking pale and petrified I'd wave, but she would only turn and cry
...I'm sorry for failing the both of us in making a family of our own...
"...In a motel located in Freeport, Maine..."
If you're reading this letter, I hope that you wouldn't be upset to me, and especially to yourself.
"...The sight that the authorities and staff saw was very disheartening, the woman was found lying in the room's bathroom in the pool of her own blood. The police informed us that they are currently contacting the dead woman's family..." The embers in the fireplace are dead
As if to mock him more, a ringing of a phone can be heard around the room from somewhere around the living area that he's in. A sob escaped the mans mouth, no longer being able to contain the pain that he can feel. The contracting of his chest was too much, even for him.
Know that I love you and I always will, even if I'm not there to tell you that in person anymore. I'm sorry my love...
Maybe it was the upcoming winter. Maybe it was just meant to be gloomy because of the harshness of the chill in the air. Maybe it was the sobs of a broken man echoing around the place. Maybe it was the still ringing phone or the emptiness that the man can feel. Maybe it was the news in the background or the way how the man lost that particular shine in his eyes, just like what he'd witnessed before.
The late night news reports are being read
I hope that you can forgive me, Noel. I hope that someday you will be happy. I love you. I'm sorry. Your love, Emelia
They found you in some dirty, cheap motel
...or maybe, Just maybe... he can blame the lack of warmth coming form the fireplace, for the goosebumps that he's sporting, and for the emptiness that he's feeling right now... just this once...just this once.
But, oh, well Oh, well Noel
Please if you're feeling suicidal seek help and talk to someone National Suicide Prevention Website and International Suicide Prevention Lifeline
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fortheheavenssake · 4 years
72. July 1
MM ANON ……… Hong gone ………… Melbourne hellbourn……… Britain made a wedding profit ??? …………… 4 th July closed. …………… Independent’s bug. …………Maple Kate forever……… George is upset…………… 🎼follow er of fashion 🎼………………… MM, a legend in her own lunchtime ……………… Wigan bin in ……………………air Bridge of size.
73. July 2
MM ANON ………OMG your under arrest………… video link………… across the border Scotland ……………surprise George …………… Charlotte leads………… Kate&William on top again ………… MM pathetic and mendacious ………… fakency lies……………… “ nice to be going soon cabbage“………… “ yes , I’m looking forward to a drive around the grounds” ………… “ shooting party’s this year” ……… “ doctors approval Philip “ …………” we’ll bring Sydney “……… “ Ahhh, that reminds me,Sydney!!”……… “Philip, it’s tic toc.”
74. July 3
MM ANON ………… 0600 hr. ……………… build,build,build, drink ,drink,drink …………… 🎼Braaaaaazil🎼……………… business as unusual …………… speak to the Guinness ………… TSDONY………… Subpoena ad testomonium…… theatre/ no theatre ……………… but not America ………… Lone Ranger……………… Mt, Rushmore ………… a bad day in LA ………… still hiding
75. July 4
MM ANON ……… formula sprog………… madness will spill………… stupid father………… no she wont’ yes she will……… Nigel’s illegal pint………… Williams cider………… Spain’s pain……………… ahhhhhh, blonde bits …………… 🎼only the lonely🎼……………… for love or MONEY …………… HMTQ ( NENC) ………… with the contempt she deserves …………… it’s all a gamble , Arrrrrr!!
76. July 8
MM ANON ……… girl up the creek………hostage man. ………… half free meal………… drug exposure …………… …staff redundancy at HMTQ …………… boarding rules …………… most popular royal ……………… mines a cider……… ( where’s pg 💜💜) ……………”it’s Balmoral Philip, but not as we know it) …… out of his Depp-th… “ more 🎼Braziiiiil🎼…………… Spanish flu?? ……… 🎼we’re all going on a summer holiday 🎼
77. July 9
MM ANON …… HMTQ The long wait ………… BLM Trumps ………… no taxes………… boarding Charlotte 🥳🥳🥳……Boarding George 😱😱😱😱………… open the Jim…………… Brazil el Presidente……… Amber Amber,red……………IOC allow protest? ………… school 😷 masks. ……………cricket lovely cricket ………don’t cruise ………………glee, not today …………… tic-toc down. ……… red crane down.
78. July 10
79. July 10
MM ANON …… fly high Vera…………… Johnny poo…………… Murray mint Kate…………… now Pneumonia …………… Break cover……………… without merit ……… cover up Boris………… stop and search 😱😱😱…………… open theatre …………………… “ we want gan gan !! “ …………… “ we can visit Catherine “ …………… “ yes’ before Scotland “…………… “ clandestine William “ ……… “your grandfather will be ecstatic 🤣🤣🤣”
80. July 11
MM ANON ………… relaxed on zoom…………… Leeds bleeds ………… office no office ………… compulsory …………… Brooklyn!! Yawn. ………… Smith, Will deny …………… “Well” , solve the mystery???…………… STONE cold guilty………… Bollywood in hospital ……………Beach sleep………… Tapes😱😱😱😱………… In secunda Eboracum venit ………… Boo-Hoo !!
81. July 12
MM ANON ……… keep my sex life private…………… farm infectious …………… we don’t have to wear them…………… elephants virus ……………… sad swim ……………… down and out in LA…………… Burton blocks…………ROYAL BUTLER. ………… Fourteen Times!!!! ……………… Ritchies holiday camp …………ATMs lockdown ……………… electric scooters😱😱😱😱😱………… Kate tops poll
82. July 13
MM ANON ……… heartbroken …………… musky Amber…… sleepy ice cream………… sad Lake……………… more organ warnings …………… huge slave factory’s ……………… tin foil………” never call your babies…???………………… second safest road ……………Forest Rambo…………………” you go old thing , it’s for the best” …………… “ I may stay!! “ …………… Ken. Palace bubble.
83. July 14
MM ANON …… NO BAIL……… happy little people ………… gymnast aghast ………… George is not happy ………… a woke joke…………………… masked rats………………… carry on up the Amazon …………… “ so are White People” ……………… a new rash ……… HMTQ Royal zoom…………Black-burnt ……………… cut my card up………… veggies break out………… blame the dog-poo………………up up and Huawei………”
84. July 15
MM ANON …… Now a “married”abomination ………… girlfriends!! …………… HMTQ,will she , won’t she…………… Kate’s amazing ascension ……………… the feeding machine ………… a future Queen in all but name. …………… “ Yes!! A homogeneous bubble” …………… a sterile palace ………black Colorado ……… sir Tom?? …………… a hush hush holiday. …………… awoke to a scathing review.
85. July 16
MM ANON …… “ after re-watching the Crown how on Earth did HMTQ accept the DOEs dalliances…………… it’s a miracle she never castrated him……… GBHMTQAOGC
86. July 16
MM ANON ……… TODAYS RIDDLE IS A TRIBUTE TO OUR GLORIOUS MONARCHY … GBHMTQAOGC. …… Dear anons, take your time , this riddle is not a race …… GOD BLESS THE QUEEN.
87. July 16
MM ANON …… HMTQ ……… The engagement …… The courtship …… The wedding …… The commonwealth tour……THE CORONATION …… The dalliances of Philip ……Her stoicism……… The children …… The 50/60/70/80/90…………PC/… W&K…… OUR MAGNIFICENT MONARCHY ……… The future legacy. ……… GBHMTQAOGC 🇬🇧
88. July 17
MM Anon for PG💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
MM ANON ……… DEAR PG. such a magnanimous and eloquent tribute for all anons to enjoy and wonder at your historical recollections and memorable facts. A thousand thanks. A labour of loving and informative joy. My thanks is to say we’re so lucky and blessed to have a PG. …… BRAVA!!
We are indeed! This was such a labor of love, truly wonderful, we are blessed indeed!🙏🏻💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
89. July 17
MM ANON …… Bea-discreet …………… “ give them a wave Philip, its a wedding “…………… “ I’m looking forward to congratulating the happy couple and sharing a few jokes “ ………… “ No Philip”…………… “ don’t be silly, I won’t say anything ……… “ NO PHILIP!! “ …………” what’s this Philip” ……… “ just a few notes” …………… “ you can’t say this!! ……… “ OK… bloody hell , it’s a joke” …………… “ if you said this , Italy would declare war!!” ……… “ bloody hell !!”
90. July 20
MM ANON ………… honeymoon Italia…… “hello my old China “…………… more engagements ………… Balmoral cottages ………… secret snaps ( eyes only) ………………”once upon a time “…………T. R. Ah. …………… the green eyed trasher ………… close the beaches …………… a coach full …………… Bea-frugal ……… unknown posie.
91. July 21
MM ANON … Hello anons , I have a hospital appointment today at 10.00. At the RD&E for tests and an MRI ,Sounds all a bit dramatic, I hope not , things could be better but ……… one day at a time ! I love you all ,dear Skippy,PG , LK …… all you beautiful anons who fill my world with love and humility. I sincerely love you all , acceptance is the answer to ALL my problems. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜much love and hugs. ☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️☘️
MM ANON...” in hospital at the moment, RD&E , so I cannot sleep, catheter!! I’ll attempt a riddle to keep myself awake. Much love to all
Oh…poor you! Prayers for you dear MM Anon..we are here for you❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
92. July 22
MM ANON ………7 into 99…………The “wishing well”……… “ I can hear a canary singing “ …………… “ good news MM ANON, it’s not c***er🙏🏻………… By-polar …………… “ what , not the nurses” …………Biker Justice …………… Cor,i bin apologising …………… “ I wish her hell”……………… LA to stay away ……………… kiss and MAKE UP ………………Colonel Cam. ………… scouse rouse.
93. July 23
MM ANON ……… love life exposed …………… gift of jewellery ……………… it’s all a mask ………………… sister protection ……………… yippee ,Balmoral …………… 15 Bank accounts??……………… return to school??? ……………… “ it’s the theatre Jim, but not as they show it”………… Sending in Federal Troops ……………………Bojo crabs ……………… a strong union 🤣🤣🤣……………… 4 million. …………” are you coming Sydney”………… “indubitably sir”…………… “ stock the cellar!! “ ……… “ your request is my command sir” ………… “ and don’t tell anyone I’m driving the LR.”
94. July 24
MM ANON ……” since 1948 ,no changes ………… wags wobble………… phone a drone ………… Kim-vorce ……………… masked burger………… flowers for team Johnny ………… bailed out by old Bailey…………… Ban her from the palace ………………… tell all will destroy her……………… K&W&LCG will sunny fly to island???……………” I’ll drive Sydney!! “ ……… “ I’ll walk sir” …………… “ bloody get in”😱😱😱
95. July 25
MM ANON … … “ SHOWGIRL”…………… “that girl” ………… “ I don’t trust her “……………… quarantine …… “we never consulted the authors”😂😂😂……………”it’s a gym Jim, but not as they row it”………… “coming for a swim”…………… knock em for SIX……………Four!!!…………… “jump Frankie”…………” it’s only to the Glen Sydney “ …………… “ it’s three miles sir” ……… “ get the bloody hamper” ……… “I’ll drive back sir” ………… “ not a bloody chance Sydney” ……… “ then I refuse sir” ……… “get your bloody arse in the LR” … “reluctantly sir “😱😱
96. July 26
MM ANON ………… BARC-ALONE-A……… no Transport home………on ya bike …………… obesities ………… floating for Vlad…………… Kim-jong-corona ………… Hurriicant ………… Moderna………Daisy down……… dog collar reunion …………………”more than kin and less than kind” ………… “ a three-pounder Sydney,the Gillie can smoke it” ………” Sydney, Sydney ……… SYDNEY???”
97. July 27
MM ANON:…… arrivals !!…………… HMTQ, “ ego lava manus meas”……………” you bloody talk to them”……………Kate cry’s lies………… lying interview……… O ‘no!! …………… one man and his dog…………… a foggy moggy……… “ let’s go shooting Sydney “………… “ with guns sir” ……… “ lots of bloody guns” ……………” O dear”
98. July 28
MM ANON …… colourful Cam !!…………… Fast Far-raar-ri blast. …………” let your daughter breathe “…………… A niece wedding …………… Inappropriate funds??………… Bush tragedy ……………… inappropriately shamed royal ………… a pricey disinfect ………… “ you’re a spot on gun Man Sydney!!”………… “ a privilege sir” ……… “ how’s the shoulder?” ……… “ I’ll recover sir “……… “ it’s stopped bleeding “ ……… “ just a flesh wound sir “ ……… “ next week Sydney? ……… “ I hear the Gillie comes highly recommend sir”……… “Ahh, spiffing!! “
99. July 29
MM ANON………… Peter,Crouch with William ………… 🎼Son in Law🎼…………Facebook , Apple, google …………… 5 friends , Shhhhhh !!!……………… very upset islands………… MM is leaking 🤣🤣………… Refund , Shmeefund.…………Heath-row row!!……… “Why is ones arm in a sling Sydney ??…………… “ I slipped exiting the LR ma’am………” where was Philip ?………… “ sitting in the back ma’am”……” hello old thing, what’ho Sydney “ ……… good afternoon sir”……” Sydney had a hiatus Philip “……… “ O dear, looks sore Sydney “ ……” yes sir”…… “VERY!!”
100. July 30
MM ANON ( BALMORAL ANON )…… “ who’s this Sydney?” … “ Mr Angiss sir, he’s come to install Netflix “… “ Ahhh, EPIC, what’s your first name?”… “Angus sir “…Ehh !!!, Angus Angiss”…”yes sir “… “ bloody hell, that’s unfortunate “ … “ My mother had a sense of humour sir”… “ bit like me then, what say you Sydney?……………” indubitably sir” …… “ bloody marvellous, The Queen wants to watch Ozark, she loves a bit of the old ultra violence “……… “ right ‘ refreshments Sydney,I’m parched!!”…… “yes sir “
101. July 31
MM ANON …… Kate being scilly ……… ……… Borix nails down the caughin ………… roving explorer …………… phew! What a scorcher …………… Lions Arm-y…………… climate is a changing …………… ( get well mr, skippy 🌈) ……………beaches,stay away 😱😱………………Peer- pressure ‘ O brother!! …………… tick tick bite!! ……………”doctor, what’s growing on my arm.” …………… Williams conservs film
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jasontoddiefor · 4 years
Robin’s Requirement’s Chapter 1 / 2
In which Bruce is not okay, Jason is dead and Robin #3 is magic, literally.
He woke up to pain. Ants crawled over his back, nails dug into his wounds, and the weight of the sky pressed down on his chest, making it hard to breathe. Bruce supposed it said a lot about himself that he didn’t even bother to look at the time or the bottle he picked up from the nightstand before a handful of pills disappeared down his throat. His bedroom was light already. By Bruce’s estimation, it was around eleven, maybe even twelve.
He’d been out late last night, hunting down what he thought might be Scarecrow’s new supply chain and he hadn’t been back in the Cave before six or so. He hadn’t been anywhere close conscious when the Batmobile had arrived home. Alfred must have gotten him out of the suit and into his bed.
Bruce couldn’t even recall the last time he hadn’t just fallen asleep in the Cave’s med bay. It was just more practical. Why bother going upstairs (going past that room) when Bruce could also just stay in the Cave. Alfred brought him food and everything else Batman needed was down there either way. He had no use for the life upstairs.
The painkillers kicked in.
It didn’t get easier to breathe.
Atlas’s burden didn’t lessen.
Bruce sat up and observed his surroundings. He was still in the manor, that much he could tell from the view out of the window, but he wasn’t in his bedroom.
Going by the clear view Bruce had of the pool, he was in a room on the west side, the other side of the manor. Getting him here while he was unconscious must have been a lot of work, it was a much longer walk from the Cave to the west side.
Alfred should have just left him downstairs.
Bruce pushed the soft blanket off himself and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He had to hand it to Alfred, he’d prepared the good stuff for him. Last night’s beating had been harsh and Alfred usually disapproved of Bruce taking their experimental pain killers with his other meds, but there was no other way Bruce could keep going. He had to move forward for as long as he could until his body finally gave out and Bruce was allowed to go.
Bruce stood up and used the bedpost to catch his balance. He remained like that for a couple minutes, or so it felt, then headed for the chair standing next to his bed and picked up the red bathrobe hanging from the back of the chair. Slowly he put it on, keen on not aggravating his wounds any further. He might not be able to feel the pain anymore, but that didn’t mean his injuries wouldn’t let him bleed out.
His bandages were still a pristine white at least, no blood sickering through. Bruce walked over to the door. If he remembered last night’s investigation completely, Scarecrow would meet his new benefactors tonight at the docks. Bruce should check the place out beforehand, bug it too maybe. He used to be faster than this. Tracking down a villain, especially Scarecrow, had never taken as long as it did this time. Perhaps he should force the Arkham staff to chip their inmates, it would undoubtedly make life easier for everyone involved.
Bruce reached for the door handle, only to pull back his hand in the last moment as the door opened and he came face to face with Alfred, who was carrying a tray with a breakfast in one hand and a suit with the other.
“Good morning, Master Bruce,” Alfred greeted, pushing past Bruce into the room, acting completely oblivious to the fact that Bruce had been attempting to leave.
It would be one of those days then.
Scowling, Bruce stood at the entrance, refusing to move. He had crucial matters to tend to, he couldn’t indulge Alfred now, but he wasn’t about to storm out of the room like an upset teenager throwing a tantrum.
“I’ve prepared a light breakfast for you. Peppermint tea and vegetable soup. You will finish this bowl and then get dressed.”
Alfred set the tray on the small table and put the suit - the Brioni. Bruce didn’t know what for. He hadn’t worn a suit in half a year, maybe longer.
“I’m not going out today, Alfred,” Bruce said. “I have a case.”
“You always have a case,” Alfred replied, a sharp edge to his voice.
Bruce narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest. “So? They’re important.”
“Beating a group of men so badly they could die on the way to the hospital is important? The morning papers sure had some interesting things to say about that.”
Bruce could feel the fires simmering beneath his skin. Alfred didn’t know, he hadn’t been there, hadn’t had to witness-
“They didn’t die. And you didn’t hear what they were planning to do to that kid,” Bruce replied.
“No, I did not, but I believe I know you and you are not doing yourself a favor spending twenty-four hours a day dressed as a bat.”
“You don’t understand, I-”
“Nearly flatlined thrice beneath my hands yesterday. Had you arrived at the Cave even just a second later, you would have been dead. I made a promise to your parents. You wouldn’t die on my watch and I refuse to support any matter that gets you killed any longer.”
At the end of his speech, Alfred was breathing heavily. His words echoed in Bruce’s mind.
You would have been dead.
All of it would have been over. Just like that. No more fighting, no more struggles, no more nightmares, he’d just-
“The board of Wayne Enterprises is holding a meeting concerning the plans to begin rebuilding the Narrows,” Alfred continued. His breathing evened. “Many of your board members oppose it, and as the acting head of the company, you should attend if you want a say in how the project goes. Lucius is already busy discussing the Kane Chemical deal in Metropolis.”
With those words, Alfred turned around, marching out of the room and leaving Bruce alone with his thoughts.
Bruce hadn’t been to WE in a while. Lucius had it handled. He did well, negotiating contracts and deals and kicking out a whole lot of ignorant people and hiring some of the recent college graduates. Bruce had kept an eye on things, somewhat. He trusted Lucius, and besides, if he didn’t have to look after WE, he had more time to spend on the streets.
But the Narrows… That project had been going on ever since Bruce had taken over the company. It never moved forward because so many who could afford to live well protested against it.
Bruce sighed and sat down at the table. It was just one meeting, he could do it. Use the time to re-energize at the office so he’d be prepared for tonight. Bruce reached for the spoon and began to eat the soup.
It tasted like cardboard.
His plan had been to get in and out of the building as fast as possible using the back entrance and private elevator, but that didn’t work out. Someone spotted him in the garage and within minutes the whole office knew that Bruce Wayne had shown his face in public for the first time since the-
In a while.
The elevator had been full of over-eager people, all trying to subtly catch a glance of Bruce Wayne, hoping to discover which online article had managed to grasp Bruce’s character the best.
They’d see a non-interested man typing away on his phone, dressed in an elegant suit wearing shoes worth more than their salary, a Rolex watch, and a high color hiding away anything scandalous or exciting.
A secret affair, the newspaper would scream in the morning. Out all night partying again!
And if someone in heels managed to spot the make-up he had put on, they’d expect a hickey.
Nobody would think of bruises and stab wounds, ribs showing through.
Bruce Wayne, the ideal man.
Batman wanted to kill him.
He was glad when the elevator pinged and Bruce could finally escape the awkward space. The meeting had started ten minutes ago, so he was late, but not outlandishly so. It wasn’t like the board wasn’t already used to Bruce never being on time. The past decade had been filled with hasty emails, changing schedules, running into meetings late or having to leave early because he had to go to school for-
His office was on the same floor as the conference room. He passed it, and his secretary Caroline’s desk. The red-haired woman looked up in surprise when she saw him, but didn’t move from her spot.
He’d gotten plenty of cards in the past, but Caroline’s was one of the few he had actually bothered to read and reply to. Usually, her daughter would be sitting beside her right now, coloring in her art book, but Monica had started school in September.
Bruce nodded at Caroline, then moved towards the conference room. He opened the glass door and was greeted by the sight of Lucius looking one more sentence away from jumping straight out of the window.
“-and it’s not like anything worthwhile ever gets out of the Narrows!”
Sharp nails dug into the palm of his hands. Bruce wanted to throw a punch, make something, maybe even himself, bleed. He shouldn’t have come.
“Nothing worthwhile.”
The words were out of Bruce’s mouth faster than he could think. The noise made all heads turn to him, surprised faces stared at the man caught in-between the entrance.
“Mr. Wayne!” Gerry Thipson startled and immediately began to sweat.
He must be aware of how out of line his comment had been.
“We weren’t expecting you,” Thipson continued, glancing at his fellow board members.
“The funding of this project is very dear to me,” Bruce said and closed the door behind himself.
The seat at the end of the table was left vacant, Bruce’s usual absence even more present. Bruce purposefully took his time getting there, enjoying how Thipson started to shrink in his own seat.
“Never mind its importance for our city. Wayne Enterprises has always worked to improve every part of Gotham - and the Narrows need it more than every other part.”
Bruce leaned back in his chair and folded his fingers together.
“The district is criminally underfunded, the schools hardly have enough money to pay the teachers, never mind buy equipment for the students. If we’re not going to change anything, nobody will, and we’ll lose even more bright lights in those streets. Or do you think differently, Mr. Thipson?”
Thipson sat up straight as if he had heard his name at roll call.
“Of course not, Mr. Wayne. But the numbers-”
Bruce stared at Thipson. Numbers. Really.
Did he know how many homeless lived on those streets? How many children had to skip school. How many had died-
“Wayne Enterprises is a transnational cooperation that can afford to pay us quite handsomely and I certainly don’t need another yacht this year if it means getting a handful of kids through High School, or do you?”
There existed no word capable of grasping how much Bruce wanted Thipson to say another word disagreeing with Bruce. He itched for a confrontation, for a fight. But Thipson and all the other board members stayed silent, some of them smiling while the majority was carrying their rage on the tip of their tongues.
Maybe Bruce should show up at WE more often again. Just often enough that he could chase these people out of his company, out of Gotham.
“I thought so. Well, then, Lucius, how far are we actually with the Narrows Project?”
Lucius being looking through his papers, handing a couple of them to Bruce. The man’s brown eyes lingered on Bruce’s frame and for all his exhaustion, he looked relieved.
“We started with purchasing all the abandoned buildings down Napier street, but we haven’t started tearing them down yet.”
Lucius kept going, and every disgruntled sigh was met with a glare. Bruce would pay closer attention now to the people he had hired. He was well aware of what a mighty opponent greed and hubris were (and how much you pay for it) and he wouldn’t let it continue where he could and should prevent it.
By the time Bruce returned home, the afternoon had already come and gone, as, despite summer’s long-lasting heat and days, autumn quickly made itself known with its early evenings and cold. He had loosened his tie in the car and thrown his jacket on the passenger seat. The pain killers had worn off halfway through the meeting and Bruce was fairly sure he was bleeding through his bandages.
He parked the car in the garage and made his way up to the Cave entrance. He could redo his stitches and bandages by himself and he really didn’t feel like entering the manor again. Today’s trip to the office had been more than enough. Alfred was undoubtedly preparing dinner already. He’d have to eat it by himself, Bruce didn’t think he could stomach it. Nausea had been flaring up every once in a while and only water and herbal tea had actually stayed down.
At the touch of a button, a strategically placed bookcase opened to reveal a hidden passage. The manor had many of these secret paths built into it. His father used to tell him that they had been constructed for emergency evacuations or swift servants that shouldn’t be seen. It had been easy enough to add another entrance to the Cave to these passages.
Bruce rarely took the main entrance to the Cave nowadays. It was ridiculous anyway, sliding down a pole like a child.
As usual, the Cave lit up as soon as Bruce stepped inside and all electronics powered up. It didn’t take them longer than one uniform change to be up and running. Time, Bruce knew, was essential. One second too slow and you watch your life-
Bruce headed for the med bay. He took off his shirt and while the bandages were still a neat white at the outermost layer, taking that off revealed red fabric. With iron discipline, Bruce unwrapped his whole torso and then used the bandages to put pressure on the bleeding wound as he fetched himself needle and thread. Combined with another dose of painkillers, sewing the wound shut was much easier than going to WE today. Bruce examined the wound below his ribs and scowled. It would most likely scar and he wasn’t sure he had the patience to deal with Alfred’s disapproval once he noticed.
Once he was finished treating himself, Bruce took his seat in front of the computer, reviewing the information he had gathered in the past weeks. He already knew the deal would go down at the docks tonight, but he’d been unable to pin down which one of Scarecrow’s minions would be there for the exchange. They were all probably on the other end of seriously dangerous. Scarecrow hadn’t been out of Arkham for long, which meant he hadn’t had the time to train his minions properly or earn enough cash selling his Fear Toxin to Gotham’s underground. All his hired goons were going to be too scared of Scarecrow turning on him to actually risk their lives for the job.
Bruce continued researching the meeting place, relistening to the audio files he had acquired while getting stabbed in the ribs. He replayed them once, twice, and nearly a third time, but his common sense stopped him. There was only so much you could gather from such a short exchange as he had listened to.
Satisfied with his gathered intel, though it would have been significantly better if he had gone out this morning too, Bruce headed for his suits. He walked past the Case and for the first time since he had put it up, he didn’t freeze up but could continue his path.
It felt like progress, or something similar enough to it.
He did a quick inventory for his utility belt, restocking batarangs and knock out gas, then changed into his suit and got into the Batmobile. Out of his rear window, he could see Alfred entering the Cave.
Bruce didn’t stay long enough to see what kind of expression the butler made.
Batman left the Batmobile parked down at the shores of one of the rivers running through the city. It was hard to spot it there, but the car could still reach him fast enough if needed. He had another two hours left before the deal went down, which gave him enough time for another small patrol.
The City Hall district was known for its white-collar crimes, nothing Batman could really reach with his fists. Nevertheless, it was never as silent as tonight. It made Batman frown, discontent settled deeply in his chest. Gotham was never silent or calm or peaceful. This ugly city couldn’t rest, not even for a night and yet…
There was something in the air Batman couldn’t pinpoint and it put him on edge.
As the time of the deal drew closer, Batman crossed the rooftops over to the docks, checking out the area. After checking that nobody interesting was lingering outside of the warehouses, Batman began heading for the right one.
The hired goons he had spied on had said they’d meet up at the very end of the long strip, in one of the warehouses the big families used to cover up their drugs. Scarecrow didn’t usually deal with the crime families, choosing to pick less dangerous targets. He must have been desperate for money. Finding a way into the building was easier than Batman had expected, so he searched for a strategically smart place to sit and wait.
It took roughly an hour before anyone showed up. Expensive suit, cheap cigarettes, and slicked back black hair - Maroni’s youngest, his friends carrying two bags. Money, it had to be. 
Maroni didn’t work with any of Gotham’s proper villains. He regarded them as rude annoyances with no honor to speak of. This must be a solo trip of the youngest then - was he trying to steal his older brother’s spot as the heir or establish his own leverage?
Batman didn’t have to wait for long for the next group to arrive. As expected, Scarecrow didn’t show up with many people, merely two guards wearing gas masks.
“Scarecrow,” Maroni began to speak. “I thought we had an agreement.”
“We did,” Jonathan Crane replied. “I’m just not going to stick to it. Now!”
Far quicker than Maroni’s boys could raise their guns, Scarecrow’s men threw modified smoke bombs their way, releasing the fear gas.
Batman put on his rebreather, covering his mouth, and jumped down from his hiding spot. Maroni began to scream once they spotted him. They still had their guns and it was too late to neutralize the effects of the gas, he had to work quickly.
Batman rushed in, grabbing the first one and breaking his arm. His gun dropped to the ground. Then he reached for the next one, shattered hand. Number three he knocked out with a punch to his right temple. Maroni himself he pushed to the ground face first, kicking away his gun in one swift move.
“Batman! Get him!”
Scarecrow’s men both jumped Batman at the same time, far too skilled for random street thugs. Maybe Scarecrow had had more cash hidden than Batman had assumed.
The Rogue in question, meanwhile, was getting away with the cash.
Batman snarled, but he couldn’t shake the two attackers away quickly enough. He’d lose Scarecrow and there was no telling what he’d do with so much cash.
Then, red blurred at the corner of Bruce’s eyes and something threw itself at Scarecrow. The man crashed to the ground, money going flying.
He tried to get up again but was stopped by a kid, dressed like a traffic light, jumping on his back.
His rebreather must have stopped working, Bruce thought. He’d inhaled some of the gas, he must have.
“You- you’re- You’re dead!” Scarecrow screeched. “The Clown said so! Who are you?”
The kid shrugged in a ‘what can you do’ kind of way.
“The name’s Robin,” the kid said with Dick’s smirk and Jason’s accent. Bruce felt ice crawl up his veins. “Always has been, Straw man.”
He was going to throw up.
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steviejayneblogs · 3 years
Awkward First Dates Witnessed By Staff.
6 Minute Read
If you think the staff didn’t notice your awkward interactions, you're mistaken. First Dates, we've all been on at least one.
They can be arranged to be anywhere. But now with access to social media at the tips of our fingers. We can meet people online without having ever met them in person before. Think about it, our parents use to walk down the street or attend an event. They would see someone they liked and exchange information to meet again. They exchanged information based on that first great interaction/moment.
Our generation, we exchange info before actually meeting them (wild). So, first dates typically happen somewhere with people around for that safety factor and a nice balance of distraction, to level out any quiet awkward moments. So over your dating app, you organised your date at a cafe or restaurant bar. Here are some stories of witnessed awkward dates by the Stevie Jayne Staff that have worked in hospitality before. Enjoy!
Claire, 25.
He arrived First and was clearly very nervous. He fidgeted back and forth between his phone and tapping the table. When she arrived, he stood up to hug her. He accidentally caught his foot between the table and chair. In the process, he knocks over the water bottle and glasses. Water spilling everywhere, all before she had even said a word to him. They stood there in silence as I wiped the table down. He was very polite and asked her what she would like to order? As he would go to the counter and pay. She told him and it was a very lengthy order filled with requirements. The panic on his face, as he said yep, ok, and walked to the counter. Poor guy, he didn't remember the order and was so worried about getting it wrong. He ran over to her again reluctantly, to confirm her order. Judging by his face, he would have been so nervous that nothing was going in. He came to the counter for the second time. Now, staff are now crowding around the counter to ears drop on the panic. I offered to help. I walked over to her, confirmed her order, and processed it through the register. I don't think he recovered from that moment on during the rest of the date. It was very cringy worthy.
Jess, 34.
They arrived together. He was super attractive and tall. As I came over to take their order, he stated his beverage and pointed to her, and said I'm assuming you've got this right? followed by a wink. She blushed, paused for a moment before continuing with her drink order. As I walked away, He continued, “Considering you’ve totally catfished me. You mars-well pay for me for coming and sticking around”.
In case you were wondering, she did pay for it in the end. It does suck, that It's seen as unprofessional to give life advice to my customers.
Sunshine, 27.
There are soooo many that I have witnessed. From the girl that couldn't stop saying the word “like” 6 times in every sentence. Or the guy that fell off the deck because he kept swinging in his chair. Which pushed him closer to the edge (Don't worry only a 3-foot drop). Or the guy that tried to pay for the bill, his card declined 3 times and on his other card (That one was really bad).
But the one that takes the cake, that stands out to me. Was when a woman was waiting for her date to arrive. She looked lovely! Somehow you could tell it had been a long time since she had been back on the dating merry-go-round. Her date arrives and he's equally as lovely. But then! He gets up to go to the bathroom and another man appears and sits in his chair. She was clearly upset by his presence. After offering water to tables nearby, I find out that this new guy is her ex. My heart is racing for her. Her date will come back to another guy in his sit and who knows what drama will unfold.
So I decided to assist her. I came over and asked her if she would like another seat for her extra guest to join? She said no. Then I turned to her ex, I requested that he calmly lower his voice, as our other customers are trying to enjoy the atmosphere. If he wasn't intending to dine at the cafe or lower his tone, I’d have to ask him to leave. I walked away and he continued yelling at her, causing a scene. I walked back over, stood by, and said, “Sir, you may leave now”. He left just as her date was arriving back to the table. He saw the whole thing and it was so sad to watch, as I polished the cutlery.
Blake, 23.
I made these smoothies for the table that was clearly having a first date. They were getting along, nerves were obvious but nothing too interesting. Time goes by, and a customer notifies me about the toilets, they didn't give me much detail. In hospitality, we have to stock and clean the toilets. I collected some toilet rolls and walked over to the unisex toilet. We have one toilet and there is usually a line of two-three people waiting. But as I walked over, the smell of poo was so strong! I see brown splashes on the pebble walkway that leads to the bathroom and it continues at random. Everyone has their noses covered and there is a line of six people. Some leave unable to hear and smell the scene any longer. I knock on the stall door and ask if the customer is alright. He clearly has food poisoning. It was so bad, I needed assistance from other staff to clean it up with a hose. Long story short, he was the guy on the date. I had to tell his date, that he had food poisoning and that we were taking care of the bill, and to not wait on him. She patiently waited 30minutes and left after that. Poor fella. He had to call a family member to bring a spare set of pants and underwear. It was that bad.
We all know someone that has their fair share of date horror stories. Next time, ask your friend that has worked in hospitality. They have horrific requests, cringe-worthy interactions with customers, and overhear everything. We won't list where these dates happened or the customer's names because you know privacy. But the people listed are the waiters/waitresses that experienced these moments. Laughter is good for the soul, so we hope you enjoy these. Also, It’s good to reflect on the topic. We're all human and experience nerves on the first dates. There are many variables that can occur and kindness is key. Happy Dating!
Author: Sunshine Zandt
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justjessame · 3 years
Babysitting Butcher Chapter 32
Life as a human guinea pig is a strange thing. First of all, there's the questions. The same questions over and over, to the point where the machines and medical doodads and the noise that became almost normal for me, but the questions became the irritant of the day.
"How are you feeling today, Dr. Taylor?" As I'd squint into the bright light being forced into my marrow it seemed. A muttered reply from me, and honestly the same answer in varying degrees of annoyance or acceptance depending upon the day and how many times I'd been asked it so far. "Uh huh, and are you feeling warm? Is there tenderness in your abdomen?" While they poked and prodded, testing skin, muscle, bone and eventually blood.
Did you know the average human adult has around 1.2-1.5 gallons of blood which equals roughly 10 units? I know this because I wanted to be certain that I'd have enough after all the blood testing. Research would either be the way I kept sane or what finally pushed me over the ledge into complete madness, mark my words.
Billy visited, as often as he could, and every single time he'd greet the head poker in residence with his own version of the repeated question game. "How is she? What's the bloody progress?" At which I would inevitably check the arm that seemed to be their favorite vessel for bloodletting. "How much longer?" And then he'd meet my gaze and focus his attention on ME, rather than on my medical condition.
Yes, I was calling it a condition. If I let the reality of my situation fully grip me, then I'd scream. And I had moments of it, trust me.
How would you feel if every single time the man you loved walked in and spoke about your person as though you were a petri dish experiment before reminding himself, through sheer force of finally SEEING you, that you were in fact the woman he loved?
Now take that feeling you just got from that scenario and add the annoyingly taunting voice of the caped asshole who caused this whole fucking irritating bullshit situation reminding you that you fell in love with a man for whom hatred of supes is as natural as inhaling. Feeling just a hint of discomfort? Just add the sound of beeping, buzzing, and dripping to remind yourself of the fact that this was all happening while I was being held hostage as a "let's see what happens if we try this mixture to counteract the demon juice flowing through her veins" was tried over and over.
Strained. My nerves, body, and brain felt strained. Even after the feeding tube was gone and Billy could kiss me. Even after I was given the go ahead to work from my hospital bed. Frayed would be a kind way to say how absolutely on edge I felt.
And the worse part? I felt like I was missing something. Something important. Something paramount. Just out of reach and as though, even surrounded by my laptop and notes, something that was keeping me out of an important loop.
The longer that I stayed in the 'undisclosed medical' location, the more that I wanted to be anywhere else in the world. Literally anywhere. I started to yearn for Bolivia and the Black Ops team that had gotten caught up in the web of a rogue agent and 'died' implicated in a massive fuck up of epic proportions.
When a rational woman who knows how the inner workings of other people's brains and behavior follow reliable patterns starts thinking fondly of the heat of a tropical place where she had to wade through more red tape than most people would assume humanly possible to unravel the truth, all while hearing the type of rumors about the men she was trying to clear and resurrect from faked death, then shit has hit epic levels of horrible. It did remind me to contact that team to see how their return to their former lives had worked out, and wonder if their leader had gotten over his own tragic ability to attract murderous women.
I wanted to go further than the small courtyard deemed safe enough for me to explore, and near enough to make them taking me off the dialysis machine after another fun round of 'clean her blood again' reasonable. I wanted to sleep in my own bed and watch television at my discretion without interruptions for another round of the questions and poking I wanted, in short, to be back to normal already.
I might have been empathizing with Billy's urge for the Vought wankers (his word, I swear) to find the magic solution so life could go back to the routine we both wanted a return to. Or I might have been trying to only see the positive outcome, since there was a creeping feeling that maybe, just maybe there wasn't an easy fix or a fix at all.
A month passed, with my cabin fever slowly increasing by the day, and with it my internal and external temperatures. Oh yeah, that's right, I might have forgotten to mention that while the steaming was at bay, now it was just my actual body temperature that would fluctuate and freak every single fucking person all the way out. When Billy said I nearly went "nuclear" he hadn't been joking, apparently I could have fucking exploded like a goddamn human time bomb and I didn't want to consider just how fucking messy that would have been for the janitorial staff.
Finally, maybe because I wanted some type of control about the questioning, I started asking some probing ones of my own. And what I found, when they would meet my eyes and answer me as fully as I wanted, was that that creeping feeling was growing more likely.
The issue wasn't simply that they didn't know which variation of Compound V that Homelander had me infected with, it was that as they broke down the components and addressed each one, my body didn't simply fight their attempts, it attacked itself. The asshole, it would appear, had basically chosen the self destruct version, and it was trickier than any puzzle these 'real doctors' had ever come across. I was truly feeling the confidence of having a toddler performing my brain surgery with this knowledge.
Oh and that wasn't all, even IF they figured out how to 'neutralize' the formula inside of my bloodstrain, then there was a probability that I could pass it on to any future children. Isn't that some kind of amazingly poetic bullshit to hear after you chose to evict a foreign invader from your uterus? That the one stabilizing agent I'd had scraped and dumped was the ONLY one that I would ever get to actually be allowed to experience. Remind me to send Homelander a HUGE fucking thank you card, would you?
Early into my first true consciousness, before I found out just how fucked the pompous dick had made my entire existence, Billy had told me that my parents had visited while I was knocked out. Apparently near death experiences make even the weirdest of families reunite. And mine was no different.
Mom became a regular visitor and I was shocked by how much I started looking forward to her visits. She was strangely comforting, and tried to keep my spirits up, she even made peace with Billy. Dad was less frequent in his contact, but Mom told me it was difficult for him to see me look like a shell of myself.
And I did. I looked like a ghost that's haunting what was left of my body. The feeding tube had kept me nourished, but my muscle mass had suffered from the amount of time I was forced to spend in bed. I was constantly tired, my work hours going from nine to six to an hour here, a few minutes there, and the amount of napping I did would make most house cats jealous. The gowns that I wore hung from my frame, my appetite was scarce and I felt like this was the LONGEST goodbye letter ever to be written.
As the days passed, one merging into the next without me taking stock of how much I missed, how much that puzzle of what I was missing had bothered me early on, the negative ideas started creeping in. Homelander's voice grew louder. His smug question about Billy and me and what my condition would mean for the two of us in the end kept pushing through my attempts to distract myself.
I was sitting in the soft chair they'd brought in for me by the window, staring out and thinking of my options when Billy came in for his visit. I heard him, in the background noise of beeps and whirls, ask his questions. I felt him when he was nearer to me, but my eyes stayed on the 'view'.
He started to greet me, but my mouth opened and the question came out without me thinking about it. "How will you do it?" I watched a leaf, one missed by the obsessive groundskeepers, dance in a breeze I wish I could feel. He was confused, his reflection showed that much. "When you kill me, how will you do it?"
"Veronica," I could hear the pain in his voice, the fear hiding behind it. "I wouldn't-"
"Frenchie then?" I tilted my head considering. "MM? Hughie barely managed to make the choice with-" I stopped and took a breath. "Kimiko?" I sighed and pulled my legs up onto the chair, hugging my knees. "I hear she makes quite a mess of her prey." My voice wasn't loud and it didn't sound anything more than resigned, and I was a little curious. "If you can get Starlight to do it, you could make it seem like self defense? Or," I sighed, and bit my lip, "it would finally give you a reason to take her out too."
"Ronnie, love, that's not gonna-" I turned and he flinched when he saw that I was serious and not the least bit upset. "Ronnie?"
"Billy Butcher, I wrote the book on you." My smile felt wrong to me, but right at the same time. "I know you inside and out, or at least I think I do." I had the research on the flash drive that was hooked into my laptop on the bed. "You are single minded in your focus and your focus has been on eliminating supes from the world for a very long time." I turned back to the window, staring past the view and at the reflection of the room behind me. "It was one of the things I found the most attractive about you, I think. That you could see a goal and pound away until you master it." He sat in the chair close to me, but at a distance far enough that he'd have to work to touch me. "So, how will I die, Billy?"
"You'll die safe and sound, of old age in our bed, Veronica." I smiled sadly at this pipe dream of a fairy tale he wanted so badly to believe. "When you're sick of me, remember?" I could hear how badly he wanted it to be true, how much he wanted to hold me and it to all be a terrible dream.
"Never took you for a nursery rhyme and fairy stories fan," my eyes were still on the window. "This isn't going away, Billy, what he put in me isn't going away. And you will start to look at me like you look at him." My eyes found his, and face to face I wanted to force him to see it. "You will. And then, just like you, Frenchie, and Hughie brainstormed about Translucent and the best way to end him, you'll start to consider my pressure points." I gave a harsh, humorless chuckle. "And the funniest part is that Homelander built mine in for you, all you have to do is take me off the blood cleanse for a day and my own body will do it for you." His eyes tightened at the reminder of how many close calls I'd had. "Oops, I guess I just planned it for you."
"Please don't." He was begging me to let him pretend it wasn't the truth, that he wouldn't lose me too, and because of the same supe as Becca's cause of death. "Don't do this."
I smiled sadly, knowing he knew, even without me telling him, what was going to happen next.
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