#i was so young when i was working on it... i prommy i am a better writer now by the way. heart
luvsavos · 1 year
primordial malzeno oc go brrrr
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e8luhs · 2 years
i know you are not making cataclysmalbound anymore but sometimes when you post art of the refactoring characters they remind me of the cb characters but in a really cool way. like you have some special guys in your brain no matter what and somehow you are going to tell a story about them. hope this makes sense :)
WAAAAAH THIS IS ACTUALLY SO SWEET NO I THINK IT DOES MAKE SENSE... going to blow up and cry over this for real. so cool that people are able to see the remnants of the cb characters in the rf cast :) cyan brain guy universe easter egg
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pointless-discourse · 5 months
hs diet/cooking skills headcandons :3
what would they eat. i prommy im not scrambling for ideas, i am being fully genuine when i say i think about (the majority) of these a lot. disregarding my trans hcs for consistency and to try to reign in my fanon perception and keep it at least semi-accurate
content warning for disordered eating
eats very well, if a little heavy on the sweets just based on how many are in his vicinity. his dad loves baking. there will be baked goods. despite how sick he gets of sugar, he's gonna nibble.
however, i'm sure his dad knows how to cook and passed that onto john, at least how to follow a recipe
i think john would be a recipe follower most of the time tbh
living with nanna on the ship wouldn't significantly alter his skills
maybe with all that free time he'd start to improv more in the kitchen?
anyway, he is a good cook and is probably going to end up cooking for his disaster friends a lot because he is a charming young man
well not really? like he'll be on it in a pinch if he's asked too, or immediately reminded that his friends can't fucking cook, but she, in typical egbert fashion, will remain doing her own thing a lot of the time
charming young june gets tradwife'd ig
fuck i transed her . oopsie
we've seen that his fridge is full of smuppets and he hides his food, so his stash is small and is made up of foods that don't need to be refrigerated
texan heat is def a catalyst for that rot
his stash is also made of cheap, low quality food, because i doubt he's getting a lot of money
just an assortment of non-ingredient food like apples and mcdonands
this is on the hypothesis that bro gives dave food money or dave's somehow monetized his skills
if bro is providing this food, it's probably semi-often paywalled behind weird shit or swordfights
TLDR: he likely doesn't have a consistent supply either. enough to sustain some muscle so he can live up to what we've seen in comic, but he's underweight
you think he'll learn to cook on the meteor? wrong. why learn to cook when you can alchemize? what's the point of alchemizing the ingredients for a PB&J and then assemble it when you can just magic up a sandwich?
he cannot cook. he will burn the water. the only appliance he can use is a microwave, and that is iffy in itself because, until he gets the hang of it, will leave a slightly lukewarm hamburger in there for ten minutes
plants. a lot of plants.
freshest thing near her. everything else she has to get through the airplane mail.
she'd forget to eat for a day or two, and then wonder why she's so hungry and then eat enough to feed a family of three. horses. three horess
she lost her grandpa at a young age and then was raised by a dog, so i doubt her eating habits are completely normal
she eats like a dog. jade does not use silverware because she does not like doing dishes. all food is finger food if you're not afraid.
what she eats is of very high quality. if she remembers to eat and can prepare her food correctly, she'll do fine.
on that topic, she's not a bad cook. her chem know-how would help her estimate what would work. but she's never had another person interact with her cooking, so it's lacking a lot of stuff.
research can get her cooking close to the real thing, but it's still mediocre. she doesn't even know what she's missing, because she's never known anything else.
she has a lot of weird tastes that can only come from an insane amount of time to kill. i'm talking mustard everywhere.
john and nanna might be able to reign her in a bit? they would definitely help her improve her cooking skills. watching her eat, there would still be something off about her.
however, she can cook for herself, and it tastes kinda good.
like john in that she had someone there who would cook for her.
mom lalonde is very absent, but she's still on top of things. she responds to rose's notes. she vaccums. she would still cook for rose on a regular basis, give or take a few off weeks.
that cooking would not be good, because she's wasted whilst making it.
even if the food was good, rose wouldn't admit it.
she often makes a show of pecking at her food, but still eats.
unlike john, mom never showed rose how to cook. rose never asked.
when she gets to the meteor, like dave, she alchemizes all the food she needs. there has never been a reason for her to learn how to cook.
she could probably put effort in and, with strife, successfully follow a recipe, but she is a horrible cook. she does not understand it for the life of her, and she won't until she studies it
she'll master it. eventually.
like june. their upbringings are very similar.
one exception is that she cooks more and is a much better cook than she is because jane genuinely cares about it.
she also has some mad pastry skills.
jane can make macarons.
she would attempt to teach her disaster friends to cook, but would quickly lose patience.
and then she would try to cook for them, but get sick of it a meal in. they are very picky and her temper is not long
survives purely off rations/canned food
again, dave's food is fuel mindset extends to him and he can stomach a lot of "gross" things, like an entire can of peanut butter. i may have mentioned that before, so i'll give you some PD lore. i have eaten an entire jar of peanut butter out of hunger and i think about that event a lot because it was not nice for my tastebuds
however, i think as a control freak he would be adamant about his food schedule, even mathing out the amount of calories he would need to consume for every meal proportional to what he does in a day
and then a half-hearted attempt to balance out protiens, fats, minerals, and the other stuff
he is very adamant about his schedule and consuming the food he needs to survive, but that schedule is fucked
ex. 3 cans of canned peaches for breakfast at 3:50 in the morning. two large, burnt mutated fish for dinner at noon. no lunch. or eats half a can of peaches for the twenty hours he is awake in a day.
he can cook, as in prepare meat to be consumed alright. it's edible, and it's not that bad. but he is assed at combining ingredients. he cannot create something successful. all his food tastes like shit because he does not pick up on taste. though, i believe if he was cooking for someone else, he could set aside a few days and come up with something that's high-tier in the mediocre range.
he eats only the meat of the beasts he's killed. he has scurvy.
he is a good cook (in the sense that he can competently prepare meat) though, and genuinely cares about the quality of the food he makes for the sake of his taste buds, and cooking is something he can get lost in
however: he has insane tastes. he is an expert in preparing food in this hyper-unique way that he is insane for but is absolutely disgusting to anyone else
ex. after years of eating similar tasting meat, he was motivated to use seasoning. he does not own seasoning. he is going insane and cannot eat the same thing again. he uses dirt. tastes bad, but god he is dying for something new after x years of eating the same thing for breakfast lunch and dinner. he continues to eat it because he cannot eat unseasoned meat anymore and repetition-causes-complacency's himself into genuinely enjoying the taste of dirt.
dirt is just the tip of the iceberg
jake is also unintentionally bulking (bodybuilders eat a lot of meat to gain muscle). he eats a lot of protien. however, he hasn't herd of the concept of 'cuts' (where you stop eating as much to let the muscles show) so he has a bit of a tummy
but also, he's sixteen so he's not a fridge. i also don't see him as that tall (huss draws him as shorter than dirk anyay huehuehue) but he has muscle if you look. twunk if anything
genuinely horrid diet
so zoned out and depressed she barely recognizes her own hunger and even then has no drive to do anything about it
will eat sugary stuff for the happy chemicals
roxy is the one trans headcanon i have where i am completely unable to distinguish it from canon
she is trans in my head. that is as much a part of her to me as her love for cats is
anyway like a lot of trans women she's pressured to be petite and small in her portion choices so even when she has the drive to eat i dont think its a lot
because of her likely not weighing a lot shes a lightweight
part one million on how is roxy not dead yet
and as expected, she cannot cook
she also has some really weird tastes
she is really good at baking a few specific sweets that she eats on repeat (with a lot of recipes from jane)
once she enters the medium and works on her drinking problem i think her eating problems would also get less intensive
not drinking as much she has to face her hunger more
and being around jane, a big gal, face to face, i think that would do something to her idea that to be a woman she has to be small
troll rations
not only is he poor so no money for all the nice stuff i also dont think troll society has a big focus on cooking
their only main professions are military based and art doesn't seem to be a big focus, just a highblood thing
again probably some nasty cheap ration bars that keep him alive
but i do think he eats regularly and normal amounts, he has that fighting spirit to stay alive and get stronger
but yeah i don't think troll society would require you to put a lot of effort into culinary stuff. but he can prepare the food well
the meteor inspired no one to cook, but he'd get the hang of human food and probably enjoy it as compared to tasteless lowblood troll slop
humanstuck karkat is a kid chef. he is so fucking good at cooking. baking too.
mmmmm yummy troll slop
same as karkat
ghost aradia didnt need to eat anyway so i doubt that would've affected her diet habits
same with got tiger aradia? don't think she would bother with it, too much else to do
but once she starts hanging around in the dreambubbles, exposed to non-troll slop cusine, she'd have a fun time trying to learn how to cook and delight in all those new flavors
then when she gets to earth c she's a good cook who loves cooking
i dont have any headcanons fro tavros because is hate him
sorry tavros fans
uhh he probably eats POOP!!! and LIKES IT!!! because he TAVROS!!!
troll-slop-enjoyer, but also likes aradia's cooking
humanstuck sollux survives purely off doritos and g-fuel
utter chad
survives solely off the giant beasts she kills herself
ripped yet still small and nimble
her diet is entirely protein
no troll slop for her
unfortunately for her, this means missing out on non protiens and fats
nepeta has scurvy
humanstuck nepeta is less feral and also eats cute japanese cat themed sweets
dont know if it was stated in canon but she would garden alongside eating troll slop
yumy blood
roses blood
you would not believe it from looking at her but humanstuck kanaya eats a lot of spicy food and has a horrifically high spice tolerance
she's also pretty good at cooking, mediocre at baking
?????? chalk???????
hopefully alongside the slop
either that or troll chalk is really nutritious
despite technically being a highblood i doubt she'd engage in their fancy food
she eats to survive, not for the taste
she may have access to higher quality sludge though
i think this part of her would persist, but she does love june's cooking
pure, distilled protien and milk
so much milk
its not 2%, not 3.25%, it's 100% milk
he suckles it straight from the moobeast teat
it is really weird and he does not get invited to parties
humanstuck equius's diet is 1/4 food and 3/4 protien shakes, bars, and the like
he'd probably also be like those bodybuilding influencers who eat eggs raw or camel nutsacks
similar to roxy in that he's too checked out to remember to eat
but what he does have as a highblood is insanely high quality
sober gamzee does not require any sustenance to survive in a similar fashion as to how he got shot down by caliborn and was fine afterwards
humanstuck gamzee can bake. he cannot cook. he has the diet of an insane college student, ramen cups interspersed with weed brownies
occasionally he gets the munchies and eats enough to feed four full grown goku
i like thinking that someone realized he wasn't doing alright tried to help him, maybe roxy? in a universe where he didn't get lil cal'd
only the finest fish food for him
he dines like a king
he projectile vomits when in a 50 mile radius of the sludge
agile, but weak
doesn't cook, has other people do it for him
humanstuck eridan has a private chef and is offended if you expect him to cook for himself
finest fish food for her, dines like a queen
but also attempts to live like the normies once and a while
and take a bite of the (highblood edition) slop
humanstuck fef also has a private chef but helps out in the kitchen from time to time
gonna b real dawgs, i cannot concieve of the dancestors in this manner. peace
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Casting Pearls Before Time - Ch 2
A bit of a shorter chapter this time but its for worldbuilding purposes I prommy
Six months after suddenly reappearing, Ingo encounters someone he thinks he remembers. Only problem is, he can't remember anything before he returned to Unova, so it's hard to say
Words: ~1300
“So, who did you say she was again?” Elesa walked alongside the twins as they made their march back to their apartment, telling their adoptive sister everything that had happened the night prior. As soon as she had gotten off work, the twins had gone to collect her and bring her over. Pearl had opted not to leave, not just yet. Figuring there was nowhere for her to go, they had shrugged and Emmet had left some joltik in charge.
“She cannot remember her name, so we have taken to calling her Pearl. She does not speak Galarian either, however, I seem to be able to understand the language she speaks. It was the one I spoke upon my arrival here. I recall her dimly from my last terminal, but nothing else has come to mind yet.” Ingo opened the door to their apartment complex and they climbed up the stairs. 
“What language is it?” Elesa sipped on her iced coffee. How she was drinking that as the weather cooled, Emmet had no idea.
“We are unsure,” Emmet said. Elesa stopped for a moment, watching in silence as the younger twin unlocked the door. 
“You haven’t checked?” 
Both silver heads turned to her, even as Emmet turned the knob. “No?” Ingo asked. “How are we meant to? Neither of us is well-acquainted with all languages-”
“Oh my dragons, you two. Emmet, you’ve had the internet for years.” She sighed and crossed the threshold before the other two. “Leave it to me. Where is this guest of yours?” 
Ingo called out first, in that foreign language again. A soft voice came in reply. The bathroom door swung open and there stood Pearl, still wearing the same thing she’d had on last night when they’d found her. She cocked her head at Elesa and smiled, waving shyly. “Oh she’s a cutie,” Elesa gushed. “Like a little baby Happiny. How old is she? She looks so young, she’s adorable.”
“I will tell Skyla about this. She’d be so jealous,” Emmet teased. 
Elesa stuck her tongue out at him. “Not in that way, nerd. Besides, I never get attached like that before confirming their age is close to mine. Does she know who I am in regards to you two?” 
Ingo began to speak to Pearl in rapid-fire sentences, gesturing to Elesa. She nodded and made some noise of understanding. “She does now. I have informed her that you are our sister.”
“Basically, yeah.” She pulled up an app on her phone. Emmet peeked over her shoulder. 
“What’s that?” he asked her. 
“Here.” She tapped the button in the middle. She looked up at the girl and smiled, opening and closing her hand a few times to imitate a mouth and then pointing to the phone. She held the device out to the girl, who looked at it like it might explode. 
She spoke into it, a quick phrase that sounded like a question. The app loaded for a second, before it spit out words in an understandable language to Emmet. 
“[WHAT IS DEVICE?]” the phone blared in a vaguely feminine voice. 
Elesa read the screen. Her eyes narrowed. “It seems she’s speaking some form of Sinnohan, though the app is having trouble being able to tell which one. It might need to be updated.”
“Can you ask her? Maybe she could tell you.” Emmet asked enthusiastically. 
“If she can’t remember her name, how is she supposed to remember what form of Sinnohan she’s speaking?” Ingo pointed out. 
Emmet shrugged. “Never know until you try. Maybe just ask where she’s from? Or how old is she?”  Elesa tapped on the microphone icon and spoke into the phone, asking the question in Galarian. 
The phone responded in Sinnohan. Pearl looked at the device funny as she answered slowly. 
“It seems to be having trouble with her dialect,” Ingo said. “I can understand what she’s saying perfectly, her version is the one I understand better.”
“Then you must be from wherever she’s from. Hmm…” Elesa fiddled with her phone before shutting it off. “It seems like that isn’t working well…” She paced around, mulling it over in her head. Emmet could practically see the gears turning in her brain. 
“Is there anything else we can try?” Ingo asked. “I could translate for now. I feel that the device is rather undignified and it dumbs down her method of speech. And it cannot have a proper conversation.” He swiped at his own Xtrans. “And it appears to be getting to about lunchtime. Perhaps we can postpone this discussion for now.”
It was not hard to convince the others as they began to come up with ideas for food. 
Pearl looked up at the buildings around her with the same wonder as Ingo had when he’d first reappeared in Nimbasa - as though she’d never seen them before. Tall skyscrapers and apartment complexes rising from each street corner, extending into the sky like multicolored fingers gripping for the clouds. There were a few times they had to call out to her to keep up with them. 
And the pokemon. Everytime she looked away from the buildings long enough, she was shocked by the pokemon. Emmet did not need to talk to her to recognize that she was simultaneously fascinated and frightened by the creatures. Whether a Lillipup or a Zweilous, she gave all pokemon a wide berth and did her best to tag close to the group. 
“So now that we’ve eaten something, what’s the plan?” Elesa shut the door behind them and took off her scarf, hanging it on a hook. Emmet and Ingo hung their hats on their respective hooks and shrugged. 
“No idea,” Emmet said. Ingo didn’t offer anything, either. 
“Well, I’ve been thinking,” Elesa started as she sat down on the couch, “I don’t know of any linguists nearby, but I do know someone from Sinnoh. Clay’s family immigrated to Unova from there and he knows some family stuff and speaks some of the language. I can see if maybe he’d know something about her or the Sinnoh language. In the meantime, she can stay here and maybe learn some Galarian. Or we can learn some of that other language. I’d just like to be able to talk to Pearl.” 
The mentioned girl was currently sitting at the table, staring out the window. Elesa had lent her some clothes, as with autumn coming, her normal clothes would not be warm enough. Funny enough, when Ingo had asked Pearl if she’d like something warmer, she’d said she was already balming as it was, but had still taken the clothes so that she could fit in a little better with the crowd. 
"That seems as good a place to start as any," Ingo mused. "I wonder, however… I was found in Sinnoh. Pearl speaks some form of Sinnohan. But I distinctly remember being in Hisui…" He rubbed his chin. "Seeing her, I can almost remember other things, they are just barely out of reach. I remember… a pokemon, with purple fur, that stood like a human. Long claws. And I remember white. Lots of white…" 
"Do not strain yourself," Emmet tutted. "You will give yourself a migraine." 
"Yes, yes…" Ingo seemed a thousand miles away. 
"I can get an audience with Clay tomorrow," Elesa said. "In the meantime, I'd say let's try to learn some words of Pearl's language. Ingo can teach us." 
"Would it not make sense for her to learn Galarian?"
"Yeah," Elesa admitted, "but it feels… wrong to force that on her, you know? She's already lost and alone. Why take the last thing she has from her?" Emmet sensed there was something else to it. He glanced at Ingo, still lost in thought. He gestured to his brother and raised an eyebrow. Elesa nodded, not meeting his eyes. 
Emmet nodded. That made sense.
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iztopher · 2 years
Teijal 👻👽🦾💝💔🪢🔪🌟
Galahad 🧸🦾😺
Rhen 🫂📓💝
Beatrice 👻🌟🥇
(I realise this is a lot lol but if you want you can just answer the teijal ones!! Also for any of them you may add a random headcanon if you so desire)
saw this ask and said to danny out loud "when nobody else has got me xzoni has got me" THANK U!!!!
👻 A headcanon about what scares them: death! or rather, ceasing to exist. mortality. she's sooo used to being immortal she's existential and terrified of anything else. similarly, the people she cares about dying. loneliness in general doesn't scare her, but loneliness because she's lost the people she's close to does.
👽 A headcanon about a weird quirk of theirs: everything Te'ijal does is a weird quirk let's be real here. I never have opportunity to put this into stuff I'm working on (I should draw it sometime) but I like to think she likes hanging upside down.
🦾 A disability headcanon: hm. how very interesting that you sent me this for Te'ijal and Galahad /j. I've got one and a half - one for canonverse (well, any verse) and half of one specifically for modern AUs! my canonverse is a developmental disability, autistic Te'ijal is my everything. for modern AU specifically - uhh I don't know if this actually counts as a disability because there's certainly a lot of overlap but it like, depends a lot, I think (at least based on personal experience) but I like to be self indulgent and make her a cancer survivor (probably a blood related one. nooo I'm not projecting I prommy).
💝 A headcanon about their love language: quality time... no surprise from the immortal I am sure
💔 An angsty headcanon: okay, hi, yes, so that thing about her being terrified of death? about that? I think she is like, genuinely super fucked up over the tower scene. I think it shook up her relationship w/ Galahad a little bit, and Gyendal significantly, and I'm not sure how thoroughly she lets herself think about it. I think she has trouble sleeping in rooms with windows ever since and wakes up way earlier than she'd realistically need to. Honestly on my far away wishlist to one day write is a fic exploring this as a traumatic event for her and the fallout of it because like - Yeah. Yeah.
🪢 A headcanon about their family: she and Gyendal are kind of sort of twins! they both came into existence as fully fledged vampires, born out of people's belief in the existence of vampires. they emerged from the same tomb together on the same night.
🔪 A headcanon relating to fighting/violence: BITE BITE MAIM MAIM KILL KILL. I love the idea of her using her bow and arrow to hunt humans the same way a human hunter would kill like, deer. Overall the idea of extrapolating her eating humans to actively hunting them is delightful to me.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes: I think Te'ijal like... wants to figure out how to bridge her fondness for humanity and her love of being a vampire. I think she feels kind of stuck between the two and is constantly trying to find ways to anchor herself to humanity. I headcanon she turned Beatrice in an attempt to find someone to share this middle ground with and it backfired because Beatrice liked being a vampire a little too much, so then she turned Galahad who seemed the guarantee of the exact opposite hoping he'd come around and meet her in the middle.
🧸 A headcanon about their childhood: My Galahad childhood headcanon is the backstory Rhenegade gives him, aka an orphan raised by a religious order in Sedona who became the squire of a paladin as a young teen and the rest is history. I think as a result of this he had pretty much zero friends until he was a preteen, but on a conscious level he is not bothered by this because he was content to socialize with the caring but admittedly aloof adult figures he spent his time around. this is, in no small part, part of why he is Like This.
🦾 A disability headcanon: same snide joke as for Te'ijal! I'm almost bummed that these are highlighting the same headcanon essentially, but also I love talking abt it, so, developmental disability, this man is autistic.
😺 An animal related headcanon: he learned how to ride a horse as part of his paladin training! but he is not good with animals and he does not really do it ever.
🫂 A friendship headcanon: I think she was originally friends with and looked up to Te'ijal and Elini when they both joined the party, but gets some distance from them after everything happens with Galahad and John, respectively. She's still friends with them, but it's more awkward/strained and no longer has this starry eyed "look at these competent and cool adults" element anymore.
📓 A headcanon about their hobbies: I really like the idea of a bookish, daydreamy Rhen. That, admittedly, is originally from Rhenegade, so for one of my own, I think she and her friends/family used to go camping growing up and she really enjoyed it! I like the idea of a Rhen
💝 A headcanon about their love language: Hmmm probably quality time and words of affirmation. I think Rhen really wants to know she's being seen for who she is by someone who loves her, and things like really apt compliments or assurances she was hoping for, and spending time with her, are good ways to accomplish that.
👻 A headcanon about what scares them: Oh man this is fun because this is not one I've ever considered for her before. I think Beatrice is afraid of losing her influence, and of not being listened to. This definitely manifests more as anger and a desperate, manipulative bid to get back in control, however.
🌟 A headcanon about their desires/wishes: I think she deliberately became a vampire to gain supernatural powers! I think she likes being in control, not just of her life, but whatever situation she's in.
🥇 A headcanon about what they’re best at: I don't think Beatrice has any innate magical ability, but I think she has a lot of knowledge and skills that come pretty much as close as she can get. She stands out to me as an Aveyond character I see as skilled with magic without technically having any.
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bbeelzemon · 4 years
what average everyday Adult Things can a guy like me do, daily basis or otherwise, to Show My Parents I Am A Capable Adult And Can Move Out And I’ll Be Fine Please Just Let Me Leave
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thatringboy · 3 years
Xiaoven idol au? 👀 (no angst please ahah)
okay it may seem a tiny bit angsty at the beginning but i prommy it turns into kisses and cuteness as it goes on
We're Doing It Together
Warnings: Xiao being dumb as rocks and oblivious as hell to everything
Characters: Xiao, Venti
Ships: Xiaoven
Word Count: 1,774
Summary: Idol!Xiao finds out that his close friend Venti wants to join a new troupe after the two of them being solo for a while
The cold night air bit at the young man’s nose as he pulled his forest green hood down over his eyes. He could see his breath float away in the air as he sighed and checked his watch.
He’s late.
The sound of sneakers smacking the pavement got louder in his ears until someone ran up to him out of breath. “Xiao! I’m so sorry! Practice ran long and then Kaeya started an argument with Lisa and then--”
Xiao put a hand to silence him and returned his gaze to the frozen river under the bridge. “It’s fine. Must be nice to have a group like that.”
The new arrival laughed lightly and nudged him. “You make it sound like I’m on stage preforming with them!”
“It’s not like Jean won’t let you.”
He put his hands behind his head, his teal braids blowing gently in the wind. “Eh, my time has come and gone for this business.”
Xiao glared at him. “You make us sound old!”
It was true, the two young men no longer preformed with their original groups. Xiao’s group “Yaksha 5” had disbanded as the other four members all left the idol business and his new band “Adepti” only met once a month to write songs. No more live performances. The other young man, Venti, used to preform under the stagename “Barbatos” with the famous idol group “Celestia”, but he and the other remaining senior member - a tall man who went by the stagename “Morax” - had left a while ago. Now, Morax went by Zhongli and occasionally wrote songs with Adepti while Venti became a choreographer with a popular rookie troupe named “Favonius”.
The two stood there in silence watching the lights of streetlamps dance off of falling snowflakes before them. Venti tucked his hands into his jacket pockets and sighed. “I got an offer from a new group of guys who want me on stage with them. They say they want me on soprano.”
Xiao gave him a sideways look. “And? I thought you swore off preforming or something when you left Celestia.”
Venti balled his hands into fists inside his pocket and didn’t meet his eyes. “I think… I met the center of this group; he’s a really nice guy. They’ve got a manager already and apparently have done some music with Jean. She’s the one who got me in contact with them.”
“So you’re gonna join them?” His voice sounded distant, lonely. There weren’t many solo performers in the idol world. Xiao and Venti had been riding their residual fame from their past groups for years and hadn’t really signed contracts with a single troupe from how sourly they left their past groups. Xiao thought they were special in that way… but Venti was the one still getting new offers for shows while Xiao had to almost beg to be an opening.
Venti looked him in the eyes. “I haven’t agreed to yet.”
“Really?” Xiao scoffed. “And here I thought you would be all over the chance to start a new group.”
The shorter man squinted his eyes. “I told them I’m only joining up if my conditions are met!”
Xiao’s eyebrows shot up. “You have standards?”
“Of course! And very high ones at that!” Venti pouted. “How else do you think I put up with you?”
Xiao felt warm in the face at that remark, he only prayed that the darkness of the night hid this from Venti.
Suddenly, Venti’s volume dropped to a whisper and he began to fidget with his fingers. “My conditions were that you had to join the group as well. They want to call the group ‘4NEMO’ and they were still searching for a fourth guy so I figured…”
He trailed off as he caught Xiao staring at him with a bewildered expression. Venti began to panic. Did he just hurt Xiao’s pride? He knew that the taller man didn’t like to accept help from others, but for some reason he thought this time would be different.
Venti was yanked from his thoughts as Xiao closed the distance between them and engulfed him in a hug. “My my, what a sudden show of affection!”
Xiao had did it to keep Venti from seeing the red on his cheek. Truth be told, he was deeply touched by Venti turning down a chance to play more shows if he couldn’t be by his side, but he was too inexperienced at returning kindness. A hug seemed to suffice, right?
“Thank you, Venti, that means the world to me.”
“Does it really?” The words spilled from his mouth before he even finished thinking them. He didn’t want Xiao to agree to something as serious as starting a new idol group with strangers just to appease him.
Xiao pulled away just to lean down and press the softest of kisses to Venti’s lips. The shorter of the two thought his heart was going to explode. Sure, the two had danced around each other for as long as they knew each other and Venti would have been a fool to not notice Xiao’s attractiveness during that time. But they had never been more than friends-who-flirt-with-each-other.
The taller pulled away with a red face as he searched Venti’s eyes. “Does that convince you?”
Venti nodded briskly, his brain not exactly processing what had just happened. It seemed Xiao’s brain was only just then catching up to his actions because he suddenly stepped back and covered his mouth with his hands, his eyes widening to a horrified expression.
“I didn’t--I mean--I--Sorry!” He blurted out from behind his hands.
Venti touched his own lips and blinked a few times before thinking of what to say. “So you really want to be in a group with me, huh?”
Xiao pulled his hands down and while his face was contorted into a snarl, his cheeks still burned red. “And? So what?! Don’t let it go to your head, I just need the money!”
The shorter man giggled and grabbed Xiao’s hand, lacing their fingers together without any resistance. “Sure, whatever you say~”
Despite his harsh tone, Xiao pressed the side of his body next to Venti’s to b closer to him. “So, who are the guys in this group?”
Venti hummed. “Well, the center is this blonde guy named Aether who’s new in town. I heard he’s done some work for Favonius in the past and that he’s friends with the girls in Qixing. The other guy is named Kazuha. He ran with Beidou’s crew for a bit to get away from the whole Tenryou Doxxing drama and now he’s teaming up with Aether to form 4NEMO. I think the manager is Sucrose. You know, Albedo’s manager? She’s picking up the job for this group too.”
“Hmm, impressive. Sounds like a good group. I think I’ll like it.” Xiao looked out to the distance.
Venti beamed. “Wait, you mean it?”
Xiao felt himself turning red again. “Ah, yeah, sure. I know Aether, we did so collab work once, I trust him.”
Venti reached up and poked his cheek. “And because you’ll be dancing with me?”
Xiao grabbed his hand and leaned down again. “I wouldn’t mind getting back into the idol drama if you were by my side. Maybe I just want you.”
The shorter man went red in the face and tried to laugh that last statement off. “Wow, that’s some confession, huh? It’s a good thing I feel the same way, otherwise I’d tease you to death over this.”
Xiao let go and his face dropped into a shocked expression. “You’re serious? You feel the same?”
Venti laughed out loud, hugging his sides. “Yes, dummy! Otherwise I wouldn’t have bothered with all of this! I thought all of that was clear when you kissed me! Gods you are slow!”
Xiao frowned and crossed him arms. “I was just… you’re very hard to read!”
Venti stopped laughing and grabbed the sides of Xiao’s hood, pulling him down to eye level. “And you are like an open book. It’s funny to watch you, Xiao. You can be very suave and smooth with your words, but other times you get all flustered and you close up. It’s cute!”
“I’m not cute.” He didn’t pull away, just adverted his eyes.
Venti made a disagreeing noise and closed the distance between them. This time the kiss was softer, smoother and had much more passion behind it. Venti made a happy noise when he felt Xiao wrap his arms around his back and moved to place his own arms around Xiao’s neck.
Xiao found himself sinking more and more into Venti’s embrace. The taste of cheap wine on his breath, the way his mouth molded to hold him and the way his hands gently caressed the back of his head was all too much for him to handle. His anxieties melted away as he pulled Venti’s smaller frame flush against his own. For just how long had he been waiting to do this? Ever since they met, Venti had always been flirty and open about his emotions, but Xiao had quickly deduced that it was all a mask he put on to keep himself from being hurt by those around him. Xiao was similar in that sense, always acting aloof and angry to keep people from getting too close to him. But when he was with Venti… none of that mattered. When he was with Venti, he didn’t care how badly things ended with Yaksha 5, he didn’t notice the way his ratings dropped, he didn’t pay attention to the social media slandering.
Venti was like some sort of wind spirit: always floating from one place to the other without a concern. Xiao wanted to learn more, to be more like him. And to him, joining this new 4NEMO group was the fastest way to do that.
When they pulled away, Venti did not fail to notice the glimmer of love in Xiao’s gaze. He brought his hands down to Xiao’s waist and hugged him close with a giggle. “You are cute.”
“No I’m not.” Xiao hugged him back with a pout.”
“Yes you are~”
“No I’m not.”
“Yes-s-s-s you are Gao-Xiao!” Venti bit his lip to keep from laughing.
Xiao let go and tried to push him away. “I am going to throw you over the side of this bridge if you call me cute one more time.”
Venti let him go with a smile, a hand fishing into his pocket for his phone. “Then I’ll call Aether and tell him you’re in?”
Xiao’s face went back to the loving smile from before. “Sure thing.”
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annabethy · 4 years
under the mistletoe, watching the fire glow day 10: pen pal
Character A and Character B both sign up for a Christmas Pen Pal project to exchange post cards,, percabeth. not just letters I promise
Hi! My name’s A, and I’m eight years old. Well, my name isn’t actually A, but I don’t know you yet so I can’t tell you my real name. I don’t know your name, and you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.
I don’t know why I’m doing this whole pen pal thing. I just thought it would be fun, but I don’t really know what to expect either. I guess I should tell you a little bit about myself.
My favorite color is grey, like my eyes. I like to read a lot too. I don’t have many friends, but that’s just because I don’t like talking to people. They start to talk, and it makes me feel like I want to hit them, so I prefer to just be by myself. I wouldn’t mind being your friend, though. I don’t have to hear you talk.
Hope I get your response soon! Goodbye until then!
Love, A.
Dear A,
I guess you can call me P then. I’m eight years old too, so that’s cool! We’re practically best friends already. I’m doing the pen pal thing because my teacher says I should practice writing. I’m not very good at writing, but I promiss prommis promise I’ll get better for you!
I like to swim. The water is cold where I live, but I still go in anyways. My mom says I’ll get hypothermia, but I do it anyways because it’s fun. I wonder if you like the water too? You’re crazy if you don’t, but it’s okay. I’ll be your friend anyways. I have one friend, but I don’t really like them very much. They’re mean to me a lot. You seem much nicer.
I’m so excited to get to talk to you!
From P :)
Hey, P! It’s been a couple of months since we spoke. I’ve missed my mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person. Hope you’re doing well.
Honestly, not much has happened with me. It’s the end of sixth grade, thank god. I actually hate all of my teachers. Especially the history one. She makes something that could be so interesting so dull, and it’s upsetting. There’s so much to tell about the past, and she’s ruining it. I’d consider saying something to her, but you know how it is.
I’ll just complain to you instead ;)
I remember you said you were applying to the swim team, and I think that’s so exciting! I know the try-outs passed, so let me know if you got in! (and if you didn’t, don’t worry about it. You don’t need to explain it to me if you don’t want to.)
Anyways, eagerly awaiting your response (but not that eagerly. It’ll be a couple of weeks, if not more.)
Love, A.
A! I’m insulted that you would think I didn’t make it onto the swim team. I am one with the fish. I am living my dream of swimming around the water like a turtle. It’s been pretty fun actually, except for when I ran into a wall and nearly bust my head open months ago. We don’t like to speak of that moment.
And yes, your history teacher is absolutely bizzare bizarre. I’m not the best with grades and spelling (clearly. I mean, look at my spelling of “bizarre”) but history is one of my better subjects, surprisingly. I think that it’s because the past is so important. My mom always likes to tell me that without the past, we wouldn’t learn for the future, so I try to pay attention to that class. I’m sorry you don’t like it :(
I really missed talking to you too. I don’t even know your name (cue frown), but I feel like I’ve known you my entire life. A person I can talk to when there’s no one else.
You’re my best friend (though I do love the term “mystery-stranger-pen-pal person).
Sincerely, P.
P! Get ready for my rant because I’m about to go off, and you’re going to listen.
People always say that you lose friends sophomore year. I didn’t think that was true. BOY, was I wrong. I’ve lost, like, twenty friends. I thought I’d be more upset about it, but honestly, I’m relieved. They always made me feel excluded, and without them, I’m not going home near tears every day.
I did meet a guy. His name is Luke, and he’s a junior. We’re not dating, but I wouldn’t mind it if we did. Not that I think it’ll ever happen because I’m too focused on school, but it would be nice to at least be friends. He’s really nice.
Also! The last letter was two months ago (?) and you said your school placed second in the state competition! Does that mean you’re going to nationals?
If you are, I am so proud of you. You seriously have to let me know how that goes.
Until next time.
Love, A.
A, my love!
As your best friend, I am obligated to say that you must not let the man be an obstacle to your schoolwork. I say this because I want you to do well. (Also because I’m in love with you)
Really though, I’m happy for you. I hope everything works out and you’re happy. That’s all that matters.
As for the sophomore thing, I felt that. I’ve never had all that many friends, but a lot of them changed. Change isn’t a bad thing I guess, but I wasn’t willing to stick around for them destroying themselves, so I didn’t. I’m always here if you need me.
(And I did place at states! Nationals was actually a few weeks ago! I didn’t place there, but I apparently got pretty close, which is awesome)
Love, P.
A! It’s been a while. I haven’t heard from you since October, and I just wanted to make sure you’re okay. Is that weird? I don’t know you but I’m checking in?
Oh well. I just really missed you. Not much has happened. Just wanted to say hi. Hope all is well.
Love, P.
A! Babes! Where are you? I’ve sent a few letters but haven’t gotten any responses. You’re kind of scaring me haha. Is it something I said?
I totally get if you don’t want to do this anymore, but just let me know please? I’m checking the mail every day and I keep getting more and more worried, so… Just let me know, please.
I miss you.
Love, P.
Dear A,
You never responded to any of my last letter. I get the feeling you’re not going to respond anymore, so I guess this is my last letter.
I graduated. Finally. It was a struggle, but I managed to bring my grades up. I even got accepted to a pretty good school. It’s not Ivy League, like I’m sure you got into. You’ve always been so smart.
I’m going to school in New York. I don’t think I’ve ever told you that in any of the 126 letters we’ve sent. I counted.
Anyways, I just really miss you. I hope you’re okay, and I really wish you the best.
My name’s Percy by the way.
Love, Percy.
Percy jumps as his girlfriend wraps her arms around his shoulder and nips at his ear. He turns and gives her a playful look.
“You want to take me to the ground?” he asks.
Annabeth rolls her eyes, sliding her hand into his. She feels really warm, even in the cold air outside of Rockefeller Center. “I’m not that heavy.”
“What if I told you you’re wrong?”
“You would get no more kisses for today.”
“Oh, we can’t have that.” Percy’s arms slide to wrap around her waist and tug her closer to his. She doesn’t resist, hugging him back. Percy nudges her jaw with his nose until she turns her face up so he can kiss her. “You’re not heavy at all. Super light, actually.”
She hums, kissing him again. “Good answer.”
Percy laughs, letting him detangle himself from her. His hand goes back to hers, and they begin walking around the plaza, taking in the beautiful decorations. It’s really pretty outside. He’s always had a thing for Christmas and its sparkling lights. He loves the smell of the pine trees and the feel of the light snowflakes against his face.
Annabeth swings her hands between them, and he thinks she looks so cute with her hair down in the cold and nose turned red that he can’t help but kiss her on the cheek.
Percy catches sight of a large sign at a random booth sitting along the edge of one of the buildings. It’s decorated horribly in the most adorable way — no doubt done by children. It’s what it reads that really makes him doubletake.
He just barely manages to make out the words, Christmas Pen Pal Exchange.
It makes his heart ache. He hasn’t heard from A since sophomore year of high school when he was sixteen. He’s twenty-three now. He can’t believe it’s this close to ten years since he heard from her.
He misses her so much. It’s not that he necessarily needed her because he has Annabeth, and he wouldn’t trade that for the world. He’s in love with Annabeth. He thinks he’s going to marry her someday.
A helped him get through difficult times. He wishes he could at least know that she was okay, or why she stopped talking to him. He doesn’t care why it happened anymore. He just wants to know, and to tell her things he was always too scared to say.
Annabeth bumps his shoulder as they pass the booth. “You okay?”
Percy swallows the small lump in his throat that formed. “I’m okay.”
“You sure? You look like you’re about to cry.”
A part of Percy doesn’t want to tell her. He wants to keep it to himself because he has for so long. What he and A had was different.
The other part, and the bigger part, does want to tell Annabeth. He loves her and wants her to know every piece of him. Annabeth is Percy’s best friend now, and there’s no reason for him to keep something like this for her.
“It’s just.” Percy pauses, looking over his shoulder at the booth. “I did one of those when I was young.”
He expects her to tease him, so he’s surprised when she says, “I did too.”
Percy looks at her. “You did?”
“Yeah. I was eight, I think.”
Percy breaks into a smile. “So you were that kid with no friends in elementary.”
“Okay, mister, you wrote them too.”
“That’s how I know you were a loser back then. I was too.”
“A match made in heaven,” she says, wrapping herself in his arms to block the wind that’s begun to blow harder. “Do you still talk to them?”
“Not anymore,” he admits. “We just stopped talking.”
“Aw. Why?”
Percy breathes deeply. “I’m honestly not sure. She just stopped talking to me.”
“What an ass,” Annabeth says.
“Right?” Percy laughs slightly. “I miss her, to be honest. Is that weird? I just used to talk to her all the time, and then — nothing.”
“It’s not weird at all,” she tells him, snuggling her face into the crook of his neck. “I miss mine too.”
“Why’d you stop talking?”
“I moved here. I lost their address, and I got a new one. It just didn’t work after that.” She smiles, thinking of a fond memory. “They used to call me their best friend. The only one I had.”
Percy turns his nose up. “Well now you have me, so forget that guy. No man dares hurt my baby.”
“If I ever meet them, promise to beat their ass.”
“I’ll do my best,” he promises.
“What was their name?” she asks. “Of your pen pal?”
“I never found out,” he says. “She didn’t tell me her name. Only that it started with an A, so I called myself P, and we just kind of went on like that.”
The atmosphere suddenly turns cold as Annabeth stiffens in his arms.
“What is it?” he asks.
“You called yourself P? And the other person was A?”
Percy thinks to confirm before saying, “Yes. Why?”
“Did this person also meet a guy named Luke?”
Percy pulls away slightly. “How did you know that?”
“And you told them about your love for history at one point?” Percy suddenly feels lightheaded. “Annabeth…”
Annabeth’s lower lip trembled, and when she speaks, it comes out cracked. “I’m A.”
It hits him like a train, and Percy suddenly can’t breathe. His mouth opens for air, but his lungs fail him. His mind races, he doesn’t know what to say, and he feels like he’s going to pass out, and… “Oh my god,” is all he manages.
“You’re A.”
Tears are falling from her eyes, and he doesn’t know how to feel. He doesn’t feel anything at all at first. It’s a weight off his chest, and he’s finally able to take a wrangled breath as it settles inside him. He feels something dripping down his face and realizes it’s tears.
He feels like he should be mad, but he’s not. He can’t be mad at Annabeth because he loves her so much, and he knows what happened, and it’s not her fault, and it’s not his either, and he’s in love with her.
Percy tugs her close. He doesn’t kiss her because right now, this is him seeing A again. His face is in his neck, and he can hear her sobs, and he’s sure his are just as bad. He pulls away, and he lets himself kiss her this time.
“I missed you so much,” he whispers into the kiss. He can taste the tears falling, but he pays it no attention. “I missed you, and I love you so much.”
“I’m sorry,” is what she says.
“Don’t,” he says, pulling away sharply. His voice is wobbly. “This is not your fault.”
Annabeth whimpers. “It feels like it.”
“It doesn’t matter. We found each other, and that’s all that matters, okay?” He wipes the tears from her face gently and kisses her forehead. “We found each other.”
“A twisted way of fate.”
Percy lets out a wet laugh. “It is, but it’s okay.”
“I love you,” she whispers.
There’s so much he wants to say back, but he would never have enough time to say it. “I love you too, mystery-stranger-pen-pal-person,” he whispers. He stays like that, her wrapped in his arms, and he doesn’t know how much time passes like this.
He kisses her, but this time it is as more than her boyfriend.
They are P and A.
Percy and Annabeth.
They are best friends and lovers in one.
He’s going to marry her. His best friend.
Percy and Annabeth.
P and A.
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leefi · 3 years
Starira MBTI III - Frontier
1. Seisho
2. Siegfeld
3. Frontier
4. Rinmeikan
Aruru Otsuki: ENFP
Just go and reread Karen’s entry.
FJDKSLDKL in all seriousness leaps and bounds of Ne from both of them. There’s a reason they often catch themselves saying the same things and why Karen sees so much of herself in Aruru. Not only are they both Ne doms, they’re the exact same type! Ne and Fi together hold that naturally sunny and joyful disposition they both have, and that extreme, passionate love for the people they’re close to. And her Ne may be even higher off the charts than Karen’s. From the entirety of Captain Twins, to improvising lines on stage with Misora as kids, to being the embodiment of Frontier’s free-spirit, pioneering nature - all of this is extroverted intuition, chasing at every possibility under the sun, no matter how absurd it may seem. Her STRONG tertiary Te -- which is much stronger than Karen's, by the way -- supports her dominant Ne, and this is where her gung-ho attitude comes from. “We have to write our own play?? No problem, wheel out the whiteboard! Nobody has an idea yet?? That’s fine, I’ll throw one out and get the ball rolling! Misora and I need three more people for our play? What are we waiting for, let’s go find them!!” All of this is tertiary extroverted Thinking, implementing your ideas out in the world.
Misora Kano: ISTP
She is so compelling!!! I wish we got to see more out of her!! She's already cultivated so many of her talents (and her function stack is pretty strong for such a young age too) - she'd really shine if you just gave her the spotlight! The second ISTP in this series who had her inferior Fe develop super early due to having 1) a ton of siblings and working with so many people from such a young age and 2) a gf with Fi in her dom/aux slot. I’m gonna start with her Fe again because, like Futaba’s, it’s so strong for how young she is - she is quicker to pay attention to social convention than Fi-aux Aruru, scolding her whenever she refers to older Karen by her first name, for example (don't let her see Aruru call Akira -chan). We see aux Se in how energetic and in the moment she is - she grew up acting and doing backstage work and helping her family with their troupe, and we never really see her stuck in her head or wondering about things that aren’t in the here-and-now. Her partnership with ENFJ Michiru to create a new Troupe is going to be SO SO GOOD in the future. They really are going to draw the best out of each other. As polar opposites, they have the exact same functions, just in reverse (like Karen and Junna, or Hikari and Ichie)! So Misora has Ti-Se-Ni-Fe, and Michiru has Fe-Ni-Se-Ti. It’s the perfect setup for them to complement each other’s strengths and weaknesses.
Honestly, I really wish we saw more out of Misora - she deserves more than just being Aruru’s sidekick, and that Feeling function in her inferior slot (extroverted, no less) means that it’s difficult for her to communicate what exactly it is that she wants, both for herself and from others. Like with Mahiru, it’s intuitively hard for her to speak up and say “Hey, I feel like I’m being left behind”. Somebody needs to tap Aruru on the shoulder and communicate that to her - Fe-dom Tsukasa, maybe, or ideally, Misora herself. I think that she’s been kind of shouldered into the straight-man role not just by Aruru but everyone at Frontier because they all have such big personalities (like...she’s got Aruru and Lalafin taking up space, which is already more than enough), and she’s likely been in this position before. She’s been helping her parents run a troupe since she was a child, and now she’s (unfortunately) playing second fiddle to Aruru for the most part at Frontier. She’s been mostly stuck using her Ti and Se, and I really really hope that AA has us seeing her use more of that tertiary Ni and advocating for the goals she has for herself. She deserves to shine so much!!
One final note - I find it so interesting that both ISTPs in this series have such strong senses of faith - Misora is cast as the Faith arcana (and, unlike some of the other girls who are cast as the “opposites” of their personalities, Misora’s seems true to hers), and Futaba obviously has that reverent faith in Kaoruko (and is canonically religious???). It’s a bit antithetical to the ISTP personality type, which values its individuality above all else and tends to be a bit of a rebel. I don’t have much to add here - it’s just an interesting observation.
Shizuha Kocho: INFJ
Lalafin: The Count was such a great actor! I’m sure he would’ve been great on stage too…
Shizuha: Heh heh, maybe!
Shizuha: But still, he never went back to his original persona even after his revenge. He had to stay as the count for the rest of his life.
Shizuha: And he was able to do that because he was good at becoming other people.
Shizuha: ...Although I cannot say if that meant he was happy.
Lalafin: Even after his revenge, he still wasn’t happy...That’s one point of view to make his sadness stand out even more!
Shizuha: Right?...Yes. I think I’ll stick to how I’m doing things now.
THE!! LOVE!! OF!! MY!! LIFE!!!!!!! I CANNOT OVERSTATE ENOUGH HOW MUCH I LOVE SHIZUHA KOCHO!!!! She was my first favorite character in the game (and still is!! But frontier gets no content :’)). As I said with Maya, INFJs are old souls - wise and idealistic, but typically reserved. Auxiliary extroverted Feeling shows up in how she suppresses herself so as not to intimidate or make others feel inferior - we see the exact same thing play out with INFJ sibling Koharu. She’s mysterious but amiable, kind and awe-inspiring - just like INFJ sibling Maya. And we see that token INFJ loneliness playing out with all three, as well. What I love most about Shizuha is that she’s a person of extremes. She is so cerebral and intelligent and dignified in a way that reminds you of Maya but she’s also so!!!! Fucked in the head!!!!! Ni doms baby!!!!!!! (I am fucking crazy. But i am free).
Unhealthy INFJs can develop this obsession with making themselves martyrs, and I don’t think I need to rehash out her AA conversation with Aruru (and her entire philosophy towards acting - see above quote) to get that across. I want to dive into this more. Truly I do. Shizuha deserves 10 pages of writing. But she is one of the last I'm writing and I've clicked through 3 different AA stories and accidentally found Rui and Yukko's first so I diverted and finished writing Yukko's entry and I've already spent so much time on this oh god the doc is already 18 pages single spaced uhhhh Shizuha my loveliest love I will write your character deep-dive later I prommy <333
(Also, seeing her synergy with Aruru is soo so cute. INFJ/ENFP supremacy!! Same dynamic as MayaKaren!)
Lalafin Nonomiya: ESFP
Tumblr media
(Se dom).
She’s so athletic and energetic and in-the-moment and improvisational and quick on her feet (Se, Se, Se)! Fi over Ti aux because she has a much more subjective view of what’s “fun” - “what do I want to do? Where do I want to go? What kind of character do I want to play???". She’s got that trademark genki energy that so many ExFPs share, particularly that childlike zeal that she and ESFP sister Ichie both have. In her own way, Lalafin embodies Frontier’s pioneering, fun-loving spirit just as much as Aruru.
Tsukasa: Lupin is usually portrayed as mysterious and polished, no? But the way you perform him is more fresh and open -- almost like the main character from a children’s book.
Lalafin: Oh! Come to think of it, the book on Lupin I read when I was younger was written for kids!
Lalafin: It was about this big and had a realistic image of Lupin right on the cover!!
I don’t really have too much to add. She’s just a perfect embodiment of that excitable, fun-loving Se and Fi dom/aux duo. Childlike and simplistic-appearing at a first glance, but there's such a fire in there - just compare her to her ESFP twin Ichie!
Tsukasa Ebisu: ENFJ
I can see that use of Se - love of fashion, sweets, dancing, going out and enjoying life - yes, she had overprotective parents and could just be making up for lost time, but I think that nice material things are something she just genuinely enjoys for herself as well. So at first I thought ESFP, but we can’t ignore that enormously caring attitude she has for others and the way she gravitates towards caretaker roles, which indicates more Fe than Fi. So ENFJ it is! She has that Fe and Se, and we see that inferior Ti in how she struggled to realize something was wrong when she was trapped in the play. I love, love, loved her leading role in the Arise All You Sons event and how she and Yachiyo interacted to bring out the best in each other - we saw Yachi using a lot of that aux Ti to support Tsukasa’s inferior Ti and dominant Fe!
Her dominant Fe is SOOOO clear and contrasts to every other girl in Arise All You Sons. She’s the first to go “hey, wait, hold on - I’m not sure what (inferior Ti) but something about this feels artificial, and I don’t think it’s actually going to help the kids”. Inferior Ti/Dominant Fe speaks before thinking too - “Why did I say that?! Why did I do x?!” - it isn’t until aux Ti Yachiyo shows up to help her that she’s able to work through her thoughts. While she can get stuck in the rut of her own mind sometimes, Tsukasa is one of the most caring, empathetic, and mature characters in the series - and she does all this without sacrificing her own autonomy and individuality, which can be difficult for an Fe-dom to do.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Consider this: FFXV x Gyakuten Saiban/Ace Attorney. Noctis inheriting Caelum and Co. from Regis, advised by long-time family friend Cor. Cor being adoptive dad to Prompto, and the whole first case where you meet Maya. Ignis and Gladiolus being Edgeworth and Gumshoe. Caligo as Prosecutor Payne. Weskham as Godot. Umbra as Missile. Just imagine that~
Dude, yes so hard!!
Defense attorney Noctis! I mean, he already has the black spiky-on-the-back hair and the blue thematic! Besides the non-impressed sort of attitude at times, where the bouncy sidekick is all “HEY HEY LOOK AT THIS FUNNY THING :D” and he’s just “…eh.” BUT without being a too-serious too-dead-inside person. It fits so ridiculously good, dammit!
Veteran defense attorney Cor, I just- *fangasms* HNNNNNNNGGGGGG, YES! Dear Cor being a mentor to dear Noct, aah. Imagine that; the two standing at the defense’s side, Cor being quiet and just going with hinting Noct at what to do. “Did you hear that, Noct? The witness thinks he’s so smart that he didn’t notice he just let out some vital bit of info. You should press him, but be careful with how you word it.”
BUT IT FITS SO GOOD!? The happy cinnamon roll that’s too pure for this world and is always such a happy presence. Always smiling, being a hyperactive little ball of adorableness, enjoying of kids’ TV shows, and being the most loyal of companions to Noct. :’) The very loyal and happy sidekick, that remains badass in his own way. THIS IS A MIGHTY NECESSITY THAT I HAVE FOR THIS AU WITH THESE ROLES GODDAMMIT *punches through wall*
Everything fits so nicely, but Maya!Prompto is definitely the most accurate. Even when they’re sad it fits! You can just imagine the one frame where Maya has the head slightly down, eyes on Phoenix, and tears on the corner of her eyes, and see Prompto like that instead almost like he was made to take the role aaaaaah!
Ignis as Edgeworth and Gladio as Gumshoe COULDN’T HAVE EVER GOTTEN ANY BETTER.
Prosecutor Ignis, though, CAN YOU IMAGINE THAT. UNGH. To start with, Ignis in fancy suits is already fantastic enough and I need it. Now imagine him going “Objection!” and being all smug and confident about his stuff. I just…love this.
And it also fits really nicely, considering the entire “childhood friends” with Noct! :O   AAAAAH
Gumshoe reminded me of Gladio in some ways, but there were two or three parts where I was like “this is ABSOLUTELY some sort of Gladio”. I mean, Gumshoe likes puppies (he’s super fond of Missile, it seems!), he’s this big and tough looking guy but he’s really just a giant teddy bear, always laughing, and even a little naïve at times, he likes flirting with girls at times, but he’s not rude or bad with them, he has this absolute devotion to Ignis/Edgeworth…and not to forget about that time when Gumshoe arrived to Phoenix’s office asking for a job, saying he could be useful and cook, and said his speciality is “Instant noodles”. Hahahahaha!! And later on he says something about his salary being so poor that he’s been living on instant noodles for who knows how long. ABSOLUTELY GLADIO!
Caligo would work great as Payne just for the fact that they’re both annoying AND I HATE BOTH OF THEM.
B   U   T
Just imagine….it’s Caligo but he takes the role of one..
Prosecutor Manfred Von Karma.
I mean, it would be SOOOOOOOO cool considering Edgeworth Ignis! Manfred and Caligo both are men older than Miles/Ignis, both killed a figure that was senior to Miles/Ignis, both hold a huge grudge against Miles/Ignis because Miles/Ignis did something better than them or ruined them in some way and both Miles and Ignis actually physically INJURED them, which is the reason both want revenge on the younger ones and want to ruin their lives, and both are always all “lmao I am so perfect”.
Imagine Caligo taking Ignis under his wing pretending to be an ally but really he’s just waiting for the moment to ruin him…D:
I mean, grey-haired dominatrix with a whip that goes around smacking Noctis and everyone but who’s just doing her job and is actually amazing at it B|
(Omg, Gladio being scared of Aranea, ahahaha)
Weskham as Godot.
OhmygOD….Weskahm as Godot….hnHNGHNGNFGNH-
The fancy guy in a fancy vest who talks fancily. I NEED THAT.
Imagine Weskham at the prosecutor’s side. He already has the clothes. And now he has a mug of coffee (or perhaps a cup of Altissian wine), and he has that smug smile and shakes the head.
Oh boi, did you see what you just did with Godot!Weskham?
You just shipped Weskham/Cor and made it very much canon, oh my~ ewe
Hnhfgnhnfgmhfg, I know in some way Mia lives even if just through Maya and Pearly and in random flashes Phoenix has, but…it’s…not…the same hgnhgfngf
I mean, it would make quite a story! Your second case as an attorney, where they killed one of your dad’s best friends and who was a dear friend to you, and your mentor, and the defendant is no other but COR’S SON HIMSELF what the fahk ohmyfgidkjgfmfd, THE SCANDAL! AAAAH!
…I just- *deep breath* I don’t have the heart to kill Cor… ;w;   Even less to make Prommy walk into his corpse…. ;w;    and be BLAMED for it… ;w;
When I first read “Umbra as Missile”, and partly because I was waking up and half asleep as I read it, I was like “Missile, who the hell is Missile. OhnO, surely Missile is a dog that appears later on in Apollo Justice or DD or SoJ and I haVEN’T PLAYED ANY OF THEM, YOU’RE SPOILING MEEEEEEEEEEEE oh wait no Missi- *gaASPS* MISSILE IS THE- AHAHAHA of coooooourse! HOW CUTE! C:”
Just- imagine that. B|
It’s Final Gyakuten Saiban Fantasy XV. Also known as Final Ace Attorney Fantasy XV. It sounds- weird now that I read it, BUT IT’S THE MOST EPIC GAME/STORY YOU WILL EVER ENCOUNTER.
Noctis Wright Caelum, rookie defense attorney in the job. He likes blue and black suits and has a spiky black hair, and usually comes up with ideas as he’s on the go. He’s usually “wright” ;D
Meet his mentor! Cor Leonis, a more experienced defense attorney and friend to Noctis’ dad, an attorney retired due to health problems (now worries, he’s fine now that he gets to rest). Cor Leonis, usually coming off as rather serious and cold, but is actually a very caring and friendly ally during trial.
His son, Prompto, a rather bouncy and slightly hyperactive young boy, Noctis’ age, passionate for photography, and with rather poor comprehension of the law, BUT incredibly useful when it comes to seeing people’s lies and contradictions.
And on the prosecution’s side, we have one Ignis Scientia! With a mysterious background, Ignis is smart, calculating, sly, dark, and he’s tagged as a genius, having started at age 19/20 and not having lost one single case up until now. And his mentor, oh, yes, the man that took him under his wing when Ignis lost his father under mysterious circumstances…
And he grows up next to one grey haired and slightly aggressive, super sassy Aranea, who started prosecution at age THIRTEEN because she’s a bloody genius. And cheats sometimes. Because she’s still a mercenary as a lawyer but HEY I DIDN’T MAKE THE RULES.
And let’s not forget the friendly and adorable detective Gladiolus Amicitia, a guy that may come off as tough looking at first, but is really just a noodle-obsessed pet-lover flirty adorable precious angel that just wants justice and for everyone to be happy and for those he cares about to be safe. He has absolute devotion to and admires prosecutor Ignis Scientia a lot and would do ANYTHING for him… :’3
Detective Gladio likes to hang with the dog-in-training at the police department Umbra! A NICE FLUFFEEH ADORABLE LITTLE BOY THAT WILL EAT ALL THE SAMURAI HOT DOGS IN ONE GO!
And I would talk about the mysterious prosecutor Armaugh, and maybe also about Cor’s former and apparently now dead boyfriend defense attorney Weskham, but that’s- quite a long story and I’m not sure I should write it all XD
Twins Stella & Lunafreya…
Yes. Simply…simply YES to this AU… ;A;
[[There’s no more under the cut other than my own thoughts. It’s not a long answer but I’ll add a keep reading here, buddy c:]]
I recently beat the Ace Attorney trilogy for the first time just a few weeks ago and I’m still absolutely enamored and in love with it. I didn’t think it would be more than just funny criminal cases, didn’t know there was an entire plot and character building and development in there, and I had of course close to not a single idea I would fall for this series SO DEEP AND SO HARD.
And now, thinking about it mixed with the GLORIOUS FFXV that is sorta special to me…
Thank you so much for sharing this with me. As I was playing I was trying to think of some way to mix it with FFXV but didn’t put much brain in it. But YOU, my friend, you landed it PERFECTLY and so exquisitely. URGH. Your ask was so glorious to receive and to read through because YES to everything!!!
I was so happy to receive something AA too, ahaha. I don’t talk much about it because 99% of the people follow me due to FFXV but I’d do it gladly anytime, so I’m SUPER HAPPY that you talked about it with me. BOTH GAMES FILL ME SO MUCH OF SO MANY AND SO INTENSE FEELS HFNJGNF
Now I desperately need art for this. Godot!Weskham, Prosecutor!Ignis, Detective!Gladio…URGH. IT’S ALL TOO GOOD AND THE MENTAL IMAGES IN MY HEAD ARE BRILLIANT (ノД`)
GODS, thank you so much for reacing out to me with this LOVELY and wonderful ask. I’M SO INTO THIS HELL AND AU AND I’D GLADLY TALK ABOUT IT ANY DAMN TIME AGAIN KALSDJKLDSFJD
Now I’m gonna be thinking about this FOREVER
(; ω ; )
I hope you’re having a WONDERFUL day or night, buddy! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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cryptidscene · 3 years
I wanna talk about my dogshit day, im ngl, so I guess I'll christen this acct with some neg talk cause im just like that
So I work at a craft store (or a hobby store? Look it up, they're cool as long as it isn't hobby lobby) and our head manager just quit. Two of our secondary managers are quitting and we already had another one of the secondaries quit a month or two ago. We have ONE secondary manager (we need like 5 or more) and no head manager.
Sooooo. They sent in some temp ppl. The only problem is that I FUCKING HATE these temps. They're managers from another location and they have the corporate stink on them....
Now listen here. There's nothing wrong with having pride in your work, especially in retail when it's hard to find support. But these temps man, i.... they're "professional" so they can chew me out n talk down to me with every "nice" professional facade they have. I s2g if they tell me to do smth im already doing ONE MORE TIME.
Today was just bad. It was busy. The new management is causing a lot of problems because they don't wanna rely on us for help. They keep talking down to the one manager that stayed (who i super love and it makes me so sad to see this happening to him) and my coworkers and I just... I am so furious.
BUT THAT'S NOT THE WORST OF IT. The worst of it is my 40+ y/o coworker, let's call her... Gretchen. Gretchen works in investments and finances, or did b4 she came here. Now, she wants young ppl to learn how to invest n play a role in the stock and housing market. Makes sense, my generation has more issues than most in those departments. The bad part is that she knows im in a financially bad way with my mother wringing every cent out of me month after month. She keeps trying to excuse my mother and where she's coming from. She blames it on communication on both our parts, as if I am not desperately trying to get my mother to love me at all. Idk, I cried my whole 15 minute break and then cried the whole 45 minute drive home.
Im just so frustrated with where things are rn. Im sure the feeling will pass, but for now, the feeling is very. Hopeless. Im having a few drinks and a smoke to keep calm. I've also. Been looking into trying smth new (im being super safe i prommy) just because I. Well. Idk. I feel like something terrible is going to happen to me soon. Its looming and scary. So why not take a drug or two while I still have a roof over my head?
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