#i watched all of Breaking Bad in six days btw
azures-bazar · 2 years
Hey was just wondering if you could do an Arthur x reader and Arthur being in the saloon and his wife is also there and the guys he’s with are teasing him about how single he is and Arthur’s like bet I can get the girl to leave with me and there like there is no way in hell that woman would leave with you but she’s his wife and Arthur downs his drink and walks up to his wife like hello gorgeous, how would you like to ride home on a real cowboy I got a six pack of cold ones and my roomie is out all night so you can scream my name as loud as you need to sugar and they walk out together and everyone’s gobs smacked and the readers like will you just stop and tell people I’m your wife and Arthur’s like nah I love the surprise on there faces when the see a beautiful woman like you wants to date me plz
Lonesome Pretty Boy 
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Hello there anon, and thank you for this request ! I wrote this shot by night (again), please don’t mind my awful mistakes ! I loved the plot btw !
I hope you'll like it ! I kinda struggled with the teasing lol
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Arthur Morgan x Female!Reader 
Word count : 2.6k
Short summary : Sometimes, Arthur likes impressing folks around him, not usually being able to score with women. But tonight, this woman is you. 
A/Note : set relationship - Arthur is married to Reader 
Tags : chapter 2, Arthur being flirty af, Roger Clark’s intimate voice lines with horses inspiration, teasing, cute nicknames
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Oh, finally ! Dutch had finally decided to give Arthur some sort of day off for him to relax ! Morgan did not get the chance to have a break for weeks, and Sean’s rescue party was just a very quick glimpse of what some rest and carelessness could feel like. Just a day off, away from the rest of the gang, away from chores, away from endless requests from Strauss or Grimshaw, from Swanson’s drunkenness, Uncle’s complaints about his lumbago… or Sean’s overall presence. Just one day off felt like an entire holiday for Arthur. You two headed to Smithfield’s saloon in Valentine, Arthur wanted to be with you, to enjoy his rare free time by your side. You had even chosen your best gown for this occasion !
You had been a member of the gang for a long while already. It felt like ages, especially since you could remember welcoming a teenage Mary-Beth and lend her your old clothes. Arthur’s relationship with had always been quite peculiar, to say the least. He had displayed evident signs of attraction since the very first day you stepped foot in camp, with Dutch firmly holding you by the shoulders. He had stumbled upon you as you were on your way to a prison, while a couple of "old rich degenerates", as he called them, were begging the sheriff to hang you. The cause of their complaints ? Ten dollars you had stolen from that old man’s pocket to buy yourself some food after not being able to eat anything but grass for days. Living in the streets was no easy thing, especially when you were a young woman at the mercy of these men surrounding you, whether they were good or bad. 
Arthur had welcomed you wide-open arms, offering you one of his old mattresses and blankets for you not to be cold. He had willingly asked Dutch to watch over you and had spent a few weeks taking care of your wellbeing. He had watched you swallow Pearson’s stew in one go after starving for days, drink gallons of coffee, caress the new clothes Grimshaw had given you, enjoying its soft fabric after being mostly used to torn jeans and dirty shirts.
"It’s for me ?" you had asked 
"Of course, dear." Grimshaw had chuckled. "We can get you more clothes if you like, I just need to tell Dutch."
"No, that's alright." 
What made Arthur fall for you was most certainly the way you held yourself and your beautiful facial features he could not help but gaze at for endless minutes. He was not good at expressing his feelings, feeling awkward most of the time. But, after a few months, you felt like the two of you had known each other for years. A few kisses and many wild nights in bed after his very first move towards you, Arthur had proposed to you under a large oak tree… and you would have been a fool to say no to these beautiful puppy eyes and soft smile. 
You had been married for months already, the gang was aware of it. People did not ask about what you were doing when Arthur’s tent flaps were closed, or why the two of you would not get straight back to camp after a successful robbery. You had been with Dutch during the Blackwater Ferry Heist and had nearly died while escaping the city, which led Arthur to become even more protective towards you, being awfully traumatised after watching you bleed from your numerous wounds. This was mostly why he wanted you to go to the saloon with him. He wanted to have you nearby, close enough for him to feel alright, to be sure you were safe. 
"Take a seat, sweetheart." Arthur told you as you two walking into the saloon. "I’m gonna get us something to drink." 
You sat at a nearby table while Arthur went to the counter to order some whiskey for the two of you, one shot for him, and a bottle to share with you. Three fellers were talking about women beside him, he found himself listening to their conversation. One of them was married and was proud enough to boast about it, while the other two kept lamenting on the overall absence of women in their lives. Indeed, after spotting Arthur so close to them, waiting alone at the counter for his whiskey, they quickly reacted. 
"Hey you, pretty boy." one of them said 
Arthur lifted his head up, glancing at these three men near him, frowning a little. He absolutely hated being called pretty boy, you were mostly the only person who could call him such… without him grumbling about it. Whenever you would mention his handsomeness, Arthur would quickly blush and attempt hiding his face by tilting his hat forward for you not to spot his reaction… and this was probably the most adorable thing he would do on a daily basis, along with smiling at you when you were getting dressed.
"Yeah, you, cowboy." that same man restarted. "No woman by your arm tonight ?"
"That ain't your business, partner." Arthur answered with a smirk 
"Can’t be easy to be a lonesome pretty boy, ain’t it ?" the married man laughed. "With all these women around..."
"Them women are too great for a dusty cowboy." another one laughed. "You ain’t gonna get a nice catch tonight." 
What this man told Arthur almost felt challenging, if not rather funny. He did not mind them telling him about all the dust covering him… it was somewhat true. Despite having washed himself earlier this evening, the ride to Valentine’s saloon did not help him staying clean, especially considering its muddy streets. Arthur approached these men while placing his hands on his gun belt. He was a few inches taller than them, but they did not mind. 
"I’d get all ‘em women on a plate if I wanted." one of them smiled. "All of them."
"That’s why you still ain’t got a wife, Henry." the married man sighed 
"Ain’t you a smart one, feller." Arthur sighed, patting so-called Henry’s shoulder. "Go get your chance with a prostitute, maybe you won’t finish your night alone."
"I bet you’ll do the same. Prostitutes are a better catch than a nice woman for a man like you." 
Arthur’s eyes widened as he quickly glanced around, noticing you were still reading your book. He could remember Hosea offering it to you following Sean’s party, you could not take your eyes away from it. He laughed a little as these men started joking around, still not feeling comfortable about them teasing him. He looked at his whiskey-filled glass and sighed, turning his head back to those three men, ready to prove them wrong by getting a nice catch tonight. 
"Well, ‘bet I can get that girl right here." Arthur said, pointing toward you
"That one ?" the married man asked, looking at you. "With the nice gown ?"
"No way." Henry laughed. "Look at her, she’s dressed so well ! She’s too good for you, you’re just a dusty cowboy."
"Let’s see that." 
Arthur gulped down his whiskey in one go, carefully taking two glasses and another bottle to your table while smirking at the group of men nearby. It felt like a challenge, something fun to do. He could still hear them talk behind him, mostly excited and amazed by this sudden courage Arthur displayed. Had it been with another woman, Arthur would have remained alone all night long.
"Hello there gorgeous." he said in the most flirtatious way 
"Arthur ?" you turned your head up as you noticed him leaning on one of the wooden columns near the table
"Would you like some whiskey ?" 
Arthur did not dare sitting next to you, feeling that these three fellers laughing at the counter would spot his sham. One single mistake and this scam would be over. He handled you the glass, causing you to rise from your seat and stand beside him, gently placing your small book inside your leather satchel Pearson had crafted for you. Arthur kept smiling, tilting his hat a little as you blushed. He had never been this confident with you, despite the two of you were married for a while already ! 
"Ain’t you such a beauty, m’lady."
"Arthur, what’s going on ?" 
"It’s a shame to see you alone tonight." 
You raised your eyebrows, felling quite confused by his peculiar speech and overall attitude. You had known Arthur for a while to get to understand his psychology and flaws, noting his self-hate and disgust towards his appearance which was, for a vast majority of people, absolutely amazing. Everyone you met, aside from people who owed money to Strauss and who got beaten up by Arthur, for instance, genuinely thought he was a very handsome man, healthy and well-built, with a rather friendly face. Arthur never felt confident enough with anyone, and the night he had asked you out to propose to you almost felt like a miracle. 
"Why are you acting like this ?" you asked. "Just… sit down, you’re making me nervous."
"Well, Miss, would you like a ride on a real cowboy ?" Arthur said, pouring some whiskey in your glass while looking straight into your eyes 
"What ?"
"I've got a large box filled with cold beers at home, you know." 
"Sorry ?"
Your eyes widened as you did not understand what was going on, and why Arthur was behaving the way he did. Riding on a cowboy ? What did he try to asl you ? You spent a few seconds trying to process the meaning of his sentence as Arthur bent over your shoulder and gently bit your earlobe, causing you to shiver. His breath so close to your skin made you feel great, but the way he just came to you like this was quite suspicious. Just like Jack behaving like an angel with Abigail in order to hide the truth after messing around, Arthur’s overall attitude at the moment made you feel like he was hiding something. 
"Oh, and my housemate is out all night…" he whispered so intimately, causing you to smile a little, and leading men to suddenly stop talking
"Arthur." you chuckled. "What the hell is wrong with you ?" 
"Don’t worry, you’ll be able to scream my name as loud as you need to, sugar." 
You chuckled louder after taking a sip of your whiskey. Arthur had tried many nicknames with you, but both "sugar" and "gorgeous" were the ones he had never used. In fact, Arthur mostly called you sweetheart or dove, believing these sweet nicknames were suiting you enough for him to nearly forget your real name at some point. 
"So, gonna let me take home home ?" Arthur smirked. 
"We’ve only been here for a few minutes !" 
"This ain’t a place for us… we better go." 
"Let’s go, sugar." 
You gasped as you barely had time to place your empty glass on the table while Arthur wrapped his arm around your shoulders, leading you out of the saloon while passing by the three men he had encountered that same night, looking at him with wide-open eyes. Their’s jaws dropped as they saw how beautiful you were, so gentle-looking under his large arm. Who would have thought you would be willing to go with him ? Common people did not know about the two of being actually married. 
"And you said he’s just a dusty cowboy." one of them told Henry 
"Damn it." the latter grumbled, swallowing his beer in one go
Arthur gently opened the saloon’s door to allow you to walk outside, you went downstairs, closer to his horse as you felt like you were about to get into an argument. This was his quiet evening, you knew Dutch would not allow him going out by night again, purposefully keeping him around on guard duty while you would be doing chores with the rest of the girls. 
"What the hell was that ?" you grumbled, crossing your arms on your chest. "We barely had time to sit and enjoy our whiskey !"
"Sorry, err, ‘em men were teasin’, I told ‘em I was gonna get you." 
"Gonna get me ? I’m your wife, damn it ! You already have me !" 
You wanted to slap Arthur for his sudden lack of consideration towards your relationship but quickly avoided raising a hand towards his face by taking your book out and storing it in the horse’s satchel, not even bothering to look at Arthur. You hated when he was playing foolish games and your rather angry face led him to come closer to you, his hands behind his back. 
"I’m sorry, darlin’." he sighed, genuinely sorry. "I… I just wanted ‘em fellers to see that even dusty cowboys can get women they want."
"You saw their reactions, right ? Tell them the truth." 
"No, no. I ain’t gonna do that." 
You turned back to look at Arthur who was smiling, despite begging you to forgive him for his foolish mistake of not telling these men the truth about himself right away. Arthur tilted his head a little, sending you one of his most pleading looks he usually gave you when he knew he had done something wrong.
"Will you just stop behaving like a kid ?" you snarled. "Now, you get back inside and tell them I’m your wife."
"Nah !" Arthur laughed. "I loved that surprise on ‘em faces when they saw that a beautiful woman like you is willin’ to go out with me."
"If you don’t tell them, I will."
You really wanted to walk back inside the saloon to explain these three men that Arthur had lured them into a very believable lie, pretending that you were just a random stranger while being is actual wife. His blooming smile made you forget about your desire to get inside and break down his lie, his pleading look did not help one bit either ! 
"Please, Y/N ?" Arthur asked 
"Fine." you groaned. "Now that we’re out of the saloon, what do we do ?"
Arthur moved slightly closer, gently placing his large hands on your corseted waist, causing you to blush unexpectedly. You were still somewhat mad at him for lying the way he did, but did not care much anymore. Whenever your eyes would meet his, you would be quick to forget about his flaws and crimes, mostly focusing on the positive aspects of your relationship. 
"I can still get a large box of cold beers." Arthur smiled, giving you his eternal puppy glance. "And… since I don’t have any housemate, I believe a night at the hotel would be a great deal before comin’ back to camp tomorrow morning. Don’t you think ?"
"You’re hopeless, really." you sighed, unable to say no
"Ain’t that why you love me ?" 
You loved him for who he was, but his childish side would always make you chuckle. In fact, you could not resist him at all, no matter what he was doing or how he was doing it. Arthur was everything to you and you knew that, despite this nice moment at the saloon being cut short by his rather boyish behaviour, you were going to spend a wonderful and probably sleepless night with him, going wild in one of the hotel’s bedrooms. Neither you nor him would look fresh tomorrow on guard duty, but did this matter ? You were about to spend a wonderful night without feeling the need to worry about the gang. The rest of the world did no longer matter as long as you would be with Arthur, husband or not. This night was going to be great, and you would probably laugh about it someday. 
"Let’s go, Mrs. Morgan." Arthur smiled as you headed to the hotel 
"I can still scream your name as loud as I need ?" 
"You sure can. I even hope you will."
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puckpocketed · 3 months
sharks to kings trade !!! your beloveds are sending penpals to each other in the form of players (-puckszone)
the Grundstrom for Burroughs Trade Vibe Check
HELLO beloved jane puckszone my pink scalloped hem my midnight candy gram my mist over still waters… thank you for stopping by i LOVE waking up to trade news in my inbox i LOVE that our california girls are having playdates . 🎶you can check out any time you like, but you can never leaaaveeee 🎶 <- type beat. about the California Swing; this big road trip every team gets subjected to multiple times each season on account of proximity, it used to be MISERABLE and FOUL because at one point we had 3 good teams !! i hope we get back to that one day 🥹🤲
Carl Grundstrom. CARL GRUNDOTHY …!!!!! I am genuinely VERY happy for him 😭💙 he was pushed out of the lineup during playoffs for some unfathomable reason (rat clenching fist of rage about it) . he’ll be getting more minutes on the Sharks GOD WILLING……. did you watch him at worlds? i did…!! i really liked his, idk what to call it, spirit??? like SORRY LAK but you may have fumbled a bad bitch… ough to see him benched and playing like 2 mins a night during playoffs… god he played one 25 second shift during one of those games and meanwhile they were double shifting our beautiful boy quinton byfield WHO WAS ILL BTW… i thought the kings needed grundy’s fighting spirit out there on the ice :(((
anyway adoption papers under the cut!!
Grundy for the Sharks moots:
We call him Grundy (me and you jane puckszone + the two skeletons and four moths on kingsblr) and i think i’ve seen Jim Hiller call him Grunny? grundy sounds better to me so i use that <3
He’s a solid 4th liner i mean this in the best most complimentary way possible… he does SO well … throw him out there to rest your first line and the puck might just do good things!!! my defensively responsible little guy…!! like. i love hard workers they are so dear to me <3
Low key underrated shooter? mostly in that i don’t know if i ever saw him pass loooool but yeah no he has more goals than assists this past season like IF the puck is on his stick he WILL shoot it godbless !!
Perhaps on the Sharks he moves up the depth chart 😭👍 middle-six winger anyone…praying for his success so bad you don’t even KNOW
HITTER!! this boy is big and throws hits! Plays the body when defending, plays the body when forechecking <3. i love you grundy and so does the mike grier Size/Skill/Will agenda. with this trade we are swapping hitter for hitter, but making room on our blue line (Shakir full time NHL arc???? PLEEK)
Grundy might genuinely be a great fit for the Sharks Culture Plan because i never saw a game where he wasn’t extremely invested and intense … i liked that about him vewwy much but that might just be me and my penchant for becoming attached to random depth players 🥹
More broadly, the pattern of picking up guys who need a new opportunity marches on… dellandrea and now grundstrom. we may not have uhhh affordable housing or more than 20 wins but the one thing sj does have in spades is ice time <3
i do wonder what all this does to our guys in the AHL who’ve been very hungry to break through but ough. alas. </3 perhaps that’s a conversation best had on a podcast and not by me, i can’t be objective here!!
on the LAK side of things:
Kyle Burroughs played way too many minutes on a bare bones Sharks defense please don’t look at his uuhhh -42 rating and take it seriously 😭
he might look like a silly guy from a 2010s sitcom but he is in fact a GOON!!! the fighting majors… lordy….. also i haven’t checked the stats recently but last time i did he was right up in the leaderboards for hits.
this move from LA does puzzle me!! Clarke and Spence should be getting more priority ice time next season. the Burroughs trade would push them out of the lineup unless Burroughs is getting put in the AHL or lak get rid of another defenseman.
perhaps an omen? Matt Roy leaving? or perhaps noted gorgeous leg weight Andreas Englund? <- i’m more inclined to this as it seems Burroughs and Englund would occupy the same role!!
endeared by Kyle Burroughs’ moustache deeply <3 him and j.middleton are sisters to me as per one of my posts…
anyway i hope he gets fewer minutes and less rough deployment on the kings jskdjdkgk he truly went THRU it this past season 😭🙏
in conclusion Cali Polycule please come back from the WAR i need this place to be hell on earth again CALIFORNIA SWEEP….!!!!
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george-weasleys-girl · 5 months
GWG Ramblings
The Tommy Westphall Universe
Within the Harry Potter Fandom, there is a theory that the entire series was nothing more than the escapist imaginings of a severely abused Harry locked in a cupboard under the stairs. It's a theory that Rowling, when asked about it, neither confirmed it nor denied it:
"I think that’s a fabulous point, and that speaks so perfectly to the truth to the books, because I had it suggested to me more than once that Harry actually did go mad in the cupboard, and that everything that happened subsequently was some sort of fantasy life he developed to save himself."
It's a hotly contested theory among HP fans and understandably so.
And while we could argue this theory all day, there's only person who'd really know.
Tommy Westphall.
Tommy Westphall was an autistic character in the 80s medical drama, St. Elsewhere. He was a minor character, appearing in only 15 episodes.
The show centered around St. Eligius, a teaching hospital in Boston. It was a much loved and highly lauded show, running for six seasons and winning a dozen Emmys. But none of that matters. The only thing anyone cares about anymore is the final scene of the final episode.
In the scene, the medical director, Dr. Donald Westphall and his father (another doctor from the series) enter the living room where Tommy is sitting and holding a snow globe. Donald has just arrived home from work and is wearing construction-worker gear. He and his dad watch Tommy for a few moments, then Donald turns to his father and says, "I don't understand this autism thing, Pop. Here's my son. I talk to him, I don't even know if he can hear me. He sits there all day long, in his own world, staring at that toy. What's he thinking about?"
The camera then zooms into the snow globe, and inside, we see a tiny version of St. Eligius Hospital, implying that the entire series was a figment of Tommy's imagination.
Pretty wild, huh?
Well, it gets wilder.
A doctor from St. Elsewhere, Dr. Roxanne Turner was in an episode of Homicide: Life on the Street.
Not a big deal. Crossovers happen all the time. Except...
If Dr. Turner was made up by Tommy, does that mean he dreamed up Homicide too?
Then, on top of that, Detective John Munch, one of the main characters on Homicide moved to Law and Order after Homicide ended. Detective Munch went on to appear in episodes of The X-Files, Arrested Development, and The Wire.
All of which took place in the mind of one child.
But it doesn't stop there. In one episode, the doctors of St. Elsewhere went out for drinks at a local bar in Boston. The bar in question was Cheers. The Cheers. Making Cheers also one of Tommy's daydreams.
Then Cheers spun off Fraiser, which crossed over with Caroline in the City, which crossed over with Mad About You, which crossed over with Seinfeld. Further expanding Tommy's vast imaginary universe.
Now, at this point, I'm sure you're wondering how Harry Potter fits into all this.
It all has to do with the show Supernatural.
So, remember how Detective Munch from Homicide also appeared in X-Files, thus placing the infamous sci-fi show into the Tommy Westphall's ever-expanding universe?
Well, in X-Files, there is a Lariat car rental company. Later, in Supernatural's episode, "Time is On My Side," we see Lariat Car Rentals, (which btw, is also featured in Breaking Bad and Veronica Mars).
Then, in the Supernatural episode, "Regarding Dean", Rowena MacLeod, a witch, suggests using the Obliviate spell to help Dean with his memory.
The Obliviate spell, of course, comes from Harry Potter, thus indicating that the entire HP universe is just another one of Tommy's countless daydreams.
(Btw, in addition to this connection, there are two others that I haven't yet had time to research.)
- In the show Galavant, which has been linked to Tommy's universe, one of the characters, Xanax, mentions the Petrificus Totalus spell from The Philosopher's Stone.
- Then, in the Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them movie trilogy, a montage features The New York Star, the newspaper that Carrie Bradshaw worked for in Sex and the City (also a figment of Tommy's imagination.)
But that's not all. Three other newspapers are in the same montage, The New York Chronicle, The New York Gazette, and The New York Clarion.
Each of these papers has been featured in other shows and movies linked to Tommy's universe, such as:
-The Twilight Zone
-Beverly Hills 90210
-I Love Lucy
-Citizen Kane
-Growing Pains
-The Pride of the Yankees
-The Untouchables
...just to name a few.
To date, 419 shows have been traced back to Tommy Westphall.
And that doesn't count movie connections, which, btw, includes the entire MC Universe and the Aliens Franchise.
Let's start with the MC Universe.
In Avengers: Infinity War, we discover that Tobias Funke is part of the Collector's collection. Tobias Funke was a character from Arrested Development, which crossed over with Homicide which crossed over with St. Elsewhere.
As far as Aliens goes, it gets a little more complicated.
In St. Elsewhere, the character Dr. Mark Craig mentions that B.J. Hunicutt from the series M.A.S.H. was a former colleague.
Then, as mentioned earlier, the doctors of St. Eligius went to Cheers. One of the characters in Cheers is Fraiser, the titular character of the show Fraiser.
During his radio show, Fraiser receives a call from John Hemingway, a character from the John Laroquette Show.
The bus stop in front of the office in the John Laroquette show was built by Yoyodyne.
Yoyodyne is a client of Wolfram and Hart, a law firm featured in Buffy, the Vampire Slayer (as well as Angel, The Adventures of Buckaroo Bonzai, Star Trek, Firefly, Red Dwarf, Dollhouse and Bones).
Another client of Wolfram and Hart is Weyland-Yutani, which built weapons and ships in Aliens.
So, that means M.A.S.H., Aliens, Buffy and all the aforementioned shows and movies exist within the same universe. Tommy Westphall's universe.
So, yeah...
To quote one reddit user:
"Forget the Matrix. We're all living in Tommy Westphall's mind."
If you're curious, here is a masterlist of all the TV shows that have been traced back to Tommy Westphall.
@milivanili99 @fancy-pantaloons @turvi @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @georgie-weasley @kaysau2510 @hanne-montana @rhunew @greenapplegrass @loca4moony @whotfskai @sierraluvzz @lillisummers
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sergeifyodorov · 1 year
Sidney Crosby for the character ask
actually i do have a very specific first impression of sidney which is that i was . can’t have been ten, probably closer to seven or eight and i was living w my dad and hockey was on and it was pens vs a team that was not the leafs, and i knew he was a leafsfan so i was like “why are you watching hockey if it’s not your team” and he was like “sometimes i like to watch it for sid the kid” and i was like. a kid? and he pointed out what must have been a truly baby sidney and i remember clearly thinking I Hope He’ll Be A Leaf Some Day… truly my delusions have always been there.
well GOAT obviously
beyond that he is such a good leader and obviously just a huge awkward dorky sweetheart -- there are no stories of bad encounters with him, like, ever. i think my general vision of him is just someone who is so stubborn and willful and good, who has pushed all of himself into doing hockey and doing hockey well and has negotiated some kind of reward from the universe for it. definitely has The Tism. if i were a hockey boy i too wouldve jerked off to posters of young sidney.
also is aging incredibly as both a player and as a guy… i don’t think either sidney or the audience are ready for silver fox sidney crosby. but the time is approaching far more rapidly than either of us would care to admit
i do however believe that the instant he retires he will vanish into the distant nova scotian woods, or perhaps the sea, and we will never hear anything about him again.
much like ovi, sidney is Old and thereby has an abundance of Moments. Here are some:
sidovi duelling hat tricks night (it was both of their moments, come on)
That one anecdote about him walking with reporters coatless somewhere in the negative tens, followed by them going through the tim hortons in the rink and people stopping and realizing who it is the moment that he goes into the elevator
2010 olympic golden goal
this isn’t technically a Sidney Moment but the steve dangle tweet about “has sidney crosby passed the torch followed by sidney crosby ripping out his opponent’s heart and eating it has been happening for the past six years” (the tweet itself is also about four or five years old)
The entirety of his Fucked Up Teeth era where he had to wear the fishbowl and fought a bunch of people . I think we don’t remember enough that Sid used to be an absolute bloody menace -- I’m pretty sure he’s either the only rookie or one of the only rookies with 100 pts and 100 PIM in a season.
he did the michigan before it was cool btw
well let’s go back to the disappearing into the woods thing. have you guys heard of sable island perchance
well u see. there is an island off the coast of nova scotia
it’s got an electoral district and everything. Or it’s part of one. Which is weird because only a couple of researchers live there periodically.
anyway. king under the mountain type au where post-concussions sid decides instead to leave hockey, go back to nova scotia and become a lighthouse keeper/researcher. living on sable island, skating once a year on the thin-ass ocean ice when it freezes. disappears when the sport of hockey needs him most etc
in fact in this au he leaves in 2012, and because there’s no hope of his returning the penguins are. Substantially worse in the following year, not only breaking hard from the playoffs but also doing a leedle light tanking to get themselves a similarly touted prospect… 2013 first overall pick nathan mackinnon.
natemac who is and has always been a sidney fanboy numero uno AND a sicko who wants 2 win above all else. natemac who gets himself immediately into a war of wills with geno because geno wants sid to live a good life, a long and peaceful life away from where he has been and natemac who knows that there is something else going on. that sid gave up, but he is not lost.
so nate and geno play out nate’s rookie year; nate breaks in the offseason for sable island in search of sidney. cue geno coming along.
nategenosidney roadtrip 2 return to hockey nightmare psychosexual experience for everyone involved (geno has to contend with his feelings for sidney, a dear friend and colleague who he wants to both protect and win alongside, as well as his frustration towards nate, this doughy-faced and overemotional young firecracker… a lot like a certain sid, back in the day.) (sid has to deal with his feelings for geno, a respected teammate who he wanted to become captain after him but so clearly would rather not have that spot in his life replaced, and his new affection for this nate guy, someone who is so earnest and so competitive and so insane in exactly the same way as him that he’s not sure if it’s deliriously endearing or driving him nuts)(nate has to deal with his huge awfully enrapturing celebrity crush on someone he has always wanted to play with but who is apparently unavailable and has to deal with this sort of weird captainrookie mutual bullying homoeroticism he’s developed with geno)
i think this just ends up in a threesome tbh but who am i to say
honestly… i do not find him that particularly attractive… i think it is maybe something to do with yalls competency kink (can’t blame u). the lips and the ass are great though he’s just almost too pretty for me. 
also i am a sidstache truther
genuine tie between nate, geno, and ovi
go read jes ticklefighthockey’s entire archive right now and then go read her entire ao3. THAT is true sidscholarship i do not feel as if i am anywhere near capable of that level of it
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gonegirlaccount · 1 year
The Black Phone Request: Vance gets worried that Bruce wants to break up after he keeps blowing him off to hang out with Finney, Robin, Billy, Griffen and Gwen. In actuality, the six of them are planning a surprise party for Vance’s birthday
If you’re still taking requests that is 😅
(A/N: this is my fav ship, AND THAT IS SOO CUTEE so I hope you like this! <3 and btw,I will be putting some of my headcanons into this.)
“SURPRISE?” Vance Hopper X Bruce Yamada
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It’s been atleast five days since Vance and Bruce hanged out together. Bruce was always walking away, saying he had already made plans to hang out with Finney, Robin, Billy, Griffin or Gwenny.
It was getting so fucking annoying for Vance. At first he thought it was annoying that they kept taking up all the time he could get with Bruce. But then he started to think, which was something he usually didn’t do.
He ended up overthinking. He thought that Bruce just didn't like him as much as he did before and that sooner or later, Bruce would break up with him.
This made Vance upset. And maybe just tear up a little.
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Bruce was happy he could help plan a surprise birthday party for his boyfriend but he just couldn't stand not seeing him more.
It makes him feel bad inside seeing Vance’s face when he says he’s going to ‘hang out" with the others instead of his boyfriend. Bruce has even thought of telling Vance about the surprise party.
"NO Yamada! It's called a SURPRISE party for a reason, idiot!" Gwen said. "Please! I can't stand seeing Vance upset at me!" Bruce pleaded. "I know that Bruce! But just keep quiet, for just a little longer. Okay?" Gwen said. Bruce reluctantly agreed, but he couldn't shake the guilt he felt about hurting Vance's feelings.
Over the next few days, Vance slowly started to stop asking Bruce to come over and watch him play pinball and other things. And Bruce cannot take it anymore.
He hated this.
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Vance was playing pinball, trying to beat his high score when Bruce came to him. "Hey, Vance, come over to my house today. I gotta tell you something." Bruce whispered to him. Vance just nodded and followed Bruce to his place.
When they made it, Vance started speaking. "Look, I know I'm not the best at these kinds of things but you just have to give me another chance." Vance whimpered and tears started falling down his face slowly. "What? Vance, I'm not breaking up with yo-" Bruce was saying before he got interrupted.
"SURPRISE?" Everyone yelled out but they kept quiet when they saw what was happening. "What?" Vance mumbled, clearly confused. "I came here to tell you that the only reason I haven't been around you was that...I was helping plan this party. for your birthday." Bruce admitted and Vance immediately got embarrassed and turned red.
“Oh.” Was all Vance said before he looked at everyone else and just went to eat the cake.
“Thanks.” Vance muttered. Finney thought it was akward but Robin just thought the party needed music.
So Robin put on Vance’s favorite artist and the party resumed.
Everybody was caught up in their own thing so Bruce went up to Vance. “Vance, bae, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to-“ SPLAT. The cake went onto Bruce’s face. Vance laughed at the sight until Cake went onto his face. They just laughed at each other.
Robin saw this and immediately took it upon himself to take a photo of them. So he did. Secretly, When the both of them weren't looking.
Robin then wrote on the Polaroid picture "8/10/79. Surprise."
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starbuck · 2 years
so. I watched Better Call Saul.
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soupandsimple · 2 years
Had a hard time picking a maraurder for this but ultimately picked Sirius 🥺
* Sirius helping daughter out with her nails after a mishap
(btw, changing the mouth kisses to cheek kisses because yeah)
So I usually have Sirius with a son(s) in my writings but this just seemed a bit of how he’d interact with a daughter!
It was a Saturday and you were feeling a little under the weather, so much so that Sirius told you to take the day and stay in bed.
A little past mid day, he was out working on some project or another in the garage and after some time decided to go in to check on you and your six year old daughter. Your daughter had actually been out in the garage with Sirius earlier but once it had got too hot she decided to go play something inside instead.
Now then, on his way to the bedrooms to check on his girls, he walks by the open hallway bathroom and hears crying. His heart breaks and immediately he tracks back.
“Hey, what’s wrong?” he softly asks as he enters the bathroom and sees it’s his daughter.
She refuses to answer and just frowns at the mess in front of her; an opened bottle of bright pink nail polish, piles of messy napkins and her nails dripping in the color.
“What’s going on, hmm? What happened?” Sirius tries again, crouching down to her height and tucking some of the hair that had crowded her face back behind her ear.
“The nail polish went bad. It’s dripping” she replies with sniffles and a few more tears.
“It went everywhere yeah?” he says looking over at her little hands sitting atop of a towel on the sink.
She nods.
“Want me to clean them off?”
Your daughter nods again as more tears fall. Sirius softly smiles and wipes both the dry and wet tears off her cheeks, “Okay let’s clean them off, no more crying okay? I’m going to go get mummy’s special stuff.”
She tries to smile but can’t help but quietly comment, “Daddy, I don’t want to do my nails anymore.”
“Don’t want to do your nails anymore? Alright let’s clean them off first though. I’ll be right back” he says in an equally quiet voice and kisses her cheek before leaving the bathroom.
Sirius then heads into your shared bedroom where he finds you’re asleep; this was no problem to him though because after being together for so many years, he was no stranger to where you kept your nail polishes and remover but unfortunately when he got to the stash, there was no remover?
Of course he wasn’t going to wake you just to ask you about it nor did he have the time to go digging around every corner of the house to find it- his daughter needed comfort now…SO without a second thought, he quickly headed down to the garage for his paint thinner.
“Okay baby girl, so I couldn’t find the remover but I got this paint thinner and it’ll do the job just the same” Sirius says positively as he comes back into the bathroom.
“Huh?” your daughter says in a much more cheerful tone.
“Yeah look” he says, taking a now paint thinner soaked cotton ball and rubbing it against her nails. “See, it’s working” he tells her enthusiastically.
Your daughter giggles and sniffles one last time.
Nails all clean now, Sirius throws the cotton balls away, “There, now what color do you want to do?”
Although his daughter had said she didn’t want to do her nails anymore, he knew her well enough to know that like you when upset, would say things she didn’t mean…and your daughter LOVED having painted nails so he rightfully assumed this was one of those cases.
“Mm, that one” your daughter pointed to a pastel pink.
“Okay,” Sirius says as he picks up the bottle and begins painting her little finger nails while she watches happily.
“Are you feeling better lovey?” he then asks.
She nods and smiles at him through the mirror. Sirius returns the expression, kisses her head and continues his work.
“Daddy, you’re pretty good at this” your daughter tells him as he’s close to finishing.
Sirius chuckles a bit, “Well thank you baby girl, I guess all those years of watching your mummy do her nails has paid off then” he jokes, although it’s 100% factual (he had even let you paint his nails black a couple of times back when you were dating).
“Okay, how do they look?” Sirius asks as he closes the polish bottle and eyes his finished work.
“I like them! Thank you daddy” your daughter says.
“You’re very welcome, thank you for letting me do them.”
She shyly nods and Sirius gives her another kiss on the cheek, “I love you, let’s go see if mum is awake so you can show her your pretty nails.”
Your daughter smiles and skips out the room with her hands stuck out in front of her. Sirius would always be there for his little girl, for whatever- forever. <3
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gentrychild · 2 years
Really hope that I'm not too late for the fic title game but here I go.
~"With you no matter the distance."
~"Over and over"
~"Hero x Villain."
~"I never said I was a good person."
~" The sound of shattered glass"
~" I hate everything about you."
~" These stars that don't cross."
~" I hope all your rules choke you."
~"With you no matter the distance."
Tddk soulmate AU where soulmates can mentally talk to each other, which is especially useful during the year where Izuku goes study to the US.
~"Over and over"
The Magnus Archives: a fic where Elias Bouchard and Peter Lukas keep divorcing while the rest of the Institute is watching this mess with popcorns.
~"Hero x Villain."
Hero AFO and Villain Inko have to pretend to be married in order to get access to the private island of a a rich villain but Inko is still the more moral of the two so she feels like trying to prevent an especially assholish cat from destroying too many stuff.
#Inko: What do you have in your mouth? Show me! #AFO: *runs away* #Inko: PUT DOWN THOSE QUIRKS! WE'RE INCOGNITO!
~"I never said I was a good person."
Izuku and Tenya have a discussion about morality and Tenya realizes that his best friend can be absolutely ruthless when he feels the need to and doesn't feel guilt about it.
#Izuku isn't a bad person per se #but people do tend to mistake him for a goody two shoes
~" The sound of shattered glass"
Two days after the Sludge villain accident, Izuku passes through a window and crashes three floors below. Everyone assumes that he did it on his own and the school is ready to pretend that stress got to him, except that All Might is here to find out about the truth.
#Izuku is fine btw #Just in a coma for a week #so I can have a plot
~" I hate everything about you."
Izuku gets into UA but Bakugou doesn't. Six months after the entrance exam, they meet and Bakugou, whose anger had the time to fester, explains why he could never stand Izuku.
~" These stars that don't cross."
Sci-fi AU where stranded Captain Bates reminisces about that time she asked her girlfriend to move in with her even though they both knew she had to refuse because of their respective duties.
Aware that she is about to die, she records a last message for the people she cares about.
Thirty minutes before her oxygen runs out, the Nagant arrives, even though the mere presence of this ship on this sector of space is breaking about a dozen of rules.
~" I hope all your rules choke you."
The HPSC decides to implement new rules to prevent vigilantes from doing good stuff and so the heroes always look perfect. The pro heroes decide to engage into some hilarious malicious compliance.
#Hawks started it #Endeavor followed #All Might joined because he wanted to do like the others #and the rest of the heroes followed because they wanted to do like All Might
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makeste · 3 years
Previously on BnHA: Endeavor was all, “Kirishima please take Hagakure and Aoyama and put them away somewhere out of sight until we’re finally ready for the U.A. Traitor Plot.” Shouto was all “HEY DEKU DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU THAT MAYBE YOU WANDERING THE STREETS LOOKING LIKE A GOTH PRAYING MANTIS IS EXACTLY WHAT AFO WANTS.” Deku was all “I’M SORRY I CAN’T HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY CRUSHING MARTYR COMPLEX AND ACCUMULATED TRAUMA.” Mineta was all “HEY DEKU YOU SWEET THANG, IF I COULD REARRANGE THE ALPHABET I’D PUT ‘U’ AND ‘I’ TOGETHER, ANYWAYS HMU 💖”, or at least that’s what fandom apparently thought he said. Everyone was all “WELL SINCE WE’RE BACK HERE IN KAMINO WE SHOULD DO THE THING” and did the whole “launching someone into the air to save someone by dramatically grabbing their hand” thing that everybody fucking loves to do in Kamino so damn much. Iida was all “[bombards me and Deku with feels].” Deku was all, “ू(ʚ̴̶̷́ .̠ ʚ̴̶̷̥̀ ू).” I was all, “(;*△*;).” Horikoshi was all, “my work here is done.”
Today on BnHA: 
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oh my god.
so I finally went back to look at what I wrote up for 321 last week, and it’s a hot fucking mess lol, and I really don’t want to deal with that right now, so we’re just gonna skip it and go back sometime in the next few days or something because I really want to read the new chapter and I have no self control. I’M SORRY IIDA
oh my god he’s breaking out the narration word bubbles oh my god. shit is about to get epic isn’t it
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has there ever been a chapter that opened with these that WASN’T epic? serious question. anyways all aboard the Feels Express I guess
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I saved a bunch of other crying kaomojis when I was looking for ones to use in the “previously on” summary, and right now it’s looking like that was a good fucking decision you guys. if I’m going to be an emotional wreck I might as well do it in style ʕ ಡ ﹏ ಡ ʔ
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(ETA: it’s like. maybe my second favorite lol. A HUG WOULD HAVE PUT IT IN FIRST, I’M JUST SAYING.)
anyway so Ochako is releasing Iida, which is actually hilarious, because idk if you all know this but Iida can’t fucking fly you guys
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like, I assume Ochako released him because she already knew that Kirishima was in place to catch him, but I really love this split-second of panic on Iida’s part where he’s all “HMM, IS OCHAKO TRYING TO KILL ME, ACTUALLY”
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that’s some plus fucking ultra on Ochako’s part right there. “IF THEY DIE THEY DIE” goddamn girl did you leave your chill in the same locker as Momo or what
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oh my gosh he is curled up so small you guys oh my fucking lord
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Ochako is the U.A. Traitor confirmed. Hagakure I am so sorry I doubted you. Ochako get over here. so are you Toga now or what
anyway so now everyone is running over before Iida can react to this casual announcement of his attempted murder. and now Mina is taking her turn, and Horikoshi is all “HEY BTW IS MINA CRYING ON THE LIST OF THINGS THAT MAKE YOU CRY?” and of fucking course it is, you bastard. I’m not made of stone
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( ɵ̥̥ ˑ̫ ɵ̥̥)
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THEY’RE JUST DEKU AND KACCHAN. holy shit you guys. because oh my god, but it’s like when Deku was talking to the Vestiges about saving Tomura, and he turned into his little child self because his heart and intentions were so pure?? and it’s like that again, except that we’re seeing them as their child selves because that’s who they are to each other?? like, not that they actually see each other as children, but just, they can see past all of the stuff on the outside and see each other to their cores, to who they are inside, and when they look at each other they each simply see the other boy that they’ve known their whole entire life. idk?? does that make sense??? DOES ANY OF THIS EVEN MAKE SENSE I DON’T KNOW WHAT WORDS ARE ANYMORE I’M JUST SWIMMING IN FEELS OKAY. I’M TRYING HERE
they’re just boys, is what I’m trying to say, I guess. just Deku and Kacchan. all the walls are down, all the gaps are bridged, and all it is is the one boy reaching out and connecting with the other, and just,,, (꒦ິ⌓꒦ີ)
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─=≡Σ((( つ ◕o◕ )つ
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ARE YOU GONNA HUG!??!?!?!?! I AM NOT OKAY!!!!!!! !!!hgk
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sure let’s cut to Thirteen then, yay. I mean I’m glad they’re alive lol, don’t get me wrong
(ETA: I think that might have sounded a bit sarcastic so I just want to clarify that I really am happy Thirteen is alive and on the job again lol.)
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it’s just that if your name doesn’t begin with Baku or Deku I honestly am not interested for just these next five minutes okay lol. like I’m just gonna be completely honest. I am too invested lol, please, they were having a moment, JUST LET ME HAVE THIS PLEASE
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I’m literally not even reading the speech bubbles though omg I’m so sorry. I really hope there is not a quiz, I promise I will come back to it later scroll scroll scroll
okay so they brought him back to U.A. and he’s all tired and out of it yes
oh goody Hagakure knows all about the security system
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(ETA: is it just me or is Horikoshi really laying it on thick with the hints about these two guys lately? I’m on to you sir.)
ffs Deku
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-- holy shit, what??!
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they know?? how did they find out??! holy shit???
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I’m about to cancel the whole of Japan lmao. fucking try me dudes
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“a ticking time bomb” tell you what, this man is just asking to be punched in the face. literally begging for it omg
(ETA: I have been advised that I misread this part; Rat Principal told everyone how safe U.A. was, but he’s not the one who ratted out Deku; that was “the rumors”, apparently. which, if I had to guess, were probably started by AFO.)
oh I see, so it’s to be Feels, Part II then
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he looks so sad and tired and lonely and she goes right for the hand, god bless. though if Kacchan’s not gonna hug him, you’d think someone would at least. or is it because he still smells bad. hmm
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(ETA: just to clarify the reason for my rambling here, I was really waiting for the hero name reveal and the presumed deeper meaning behind it lol. but I guess that is a conversation still to come! and we still need Deku’s response to the apology too for that matter. lots to look forward to still.)
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bethansfandoms · 3 years
Could you write a piece where Sirius is desperately in love with remus and he has no way to get his pent up feelings out, so he startes keeping a diary or drawing him or something and remus finds it. Btw I love your account 💓
Remus couldn’t help but curse as he frantically rooted around the dormitory. He knew for a fact his notebook was somewhere.
He had begun making a detailed revision plan for NEWT’s in the late hours of the previous night. It was only December, the exams were still months away, but Remus was overly conscious of the fact that someone like him was going to have to get straight O’s if he wanted any chance at a career.
He couldn’t even find his wand and so, with a grunt of frustration, he ran down to the common room to look for it. James, Sirius, and Peter were lounging in front of the fireplace, Sirius and Peter immersed in a game of chess as James watched in amusement.
“Okay, I’m going to win this game,” Sirius declared, “I can feel it.” Sirius was notoriously bad at chess, lacking the patience to think out any of his moves. Peter, on the other hand, was notoriously good at it.
“Pawn to G four,” Sirius announced.
Peter hummed, “Pawn to E six.”
“Pawn to F four.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” Remus said, “but have any of you seen my wand? Or failing that, my notebook?”
Peter held up a hand, “Not now, Remus, I’m about to beat Sirius in two moves. Queen to H four. Check mate.”
James roared with laughter and Sirius just blinked at the board, “What the fuck? You can’t beat someone in two moves!” Apparently, you could. “Re-match,” he declared.
James pushed himself off of the sofa and pulled out the wand that was keeping Sirius’ hair up. “Here,” he said, handing it to Remus. 
“Ah yes, it was in Sirius’ hair. Silly me for not checking sooner,” Remus said, dryly.
James just grinned and sat back down to watch the game again. Remus heard the groan of “Sirius, you did the exact same two moves! Check mate!” as he walked back up to the dormitory.
“Accio notebook,” he announced, holding his wand-free hand out expectantly.
The book that flew into his hand wasn’t his. He recognised it, though, he’d given it to Sirius last Christmas. He hadn’t actually seen it since. To the best of his knowledge, Sirius didn’t actually use it.
Sirius’ thoughts notebook was written on the front in impeccably neat handwriting. Curiosity got the better of Remus and he opened it to the first page.
26th December 1977: There are 365 pages in this notebook, one for every day of the year. This time next year, I tell him.
That certainly caught Remus’ attention. He flipped to the next page.
27th December 1977: He is coming over tomorrow. If he wears that jumper I bought him for Christmas, I shall die
28th December 1977: No thoughts today, for I am dead. (He wore the jumper!!!!)
Remus felt his heart skip a beat. It was about him. It had to be. He’d gone over to the Potter’s last year after Christmas. Sirius had bought him one of the warmest jumpers he owned. A dark green, his favourite colour, which Sirius seemed to know despite Remus never explicitly telling him. He flicked all the way through to the most recent pages.
6th December 1978: Twenty days until I’m supposed to tell Remus I’m in love with him. This is stupid. I’m stupid. Might not do it.
7th December 1978: He’s so beautiful it actually pisses me off. Fuck.
8th December 1978: For fucks sake. I read back some of the old pages (looking at you, 10th March 1978) and I sound like James pining over Lily. I am pathetic.
Remus’ thoughts were going a mile a minute. He quickly flicked back through the diary to the 10th of March 1978 to see what Sirius had written on that date.
10th March 1978: It’s Moony’s birthday today and I love him. I love him so much. The thought of loosing him terrifies me. He’s the best person I know, the only person I
Remus stopped reading the moment he heard the dormitory door open. He guiltily shoved the notebook behind his back and spun around to see Sirius in the doorway.
“I only just registered what you said earlier about looking for your notebook. I borrowed it to steal your revision timetable, I hope you don’t— hey,” he said breaking off, “what’s that?”
Remus opened his mouth and then closed it again. He inhaled deeply before bringing Sirius’ notebook into view. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to... I summoned for mine but yours came and I—”
“Did you read any of it?” Sirius asked, his face going pale. Remus just nodded. “Fuck.” With that, Sirius spun on his heals and turned to leave.
“No!” Remus said, quickly, “wait,” Sirius kept walking towards the door. “Locomotor Mortis.” Sirius swore violently as his legs seized up and he fell to the floor, just in front of the dormitory door.
“What the fuck, Remus?!”
“I’m sorry! I don’t know why I—I just needed to stop you leaving.”
“The leg locker jinx?! That was your solution?! I get if you’re upset but—”
“No!” Remus said, firmly. He reversed the jinx on Sirius’ legs and quickly rushed over to where he was was on the floor, kneeling down to be at the same level. “I— I read your diary.”
“It’s not a diary, it’s a notebook,” Sirius mumbled. Then, he looked directly at Remus, eyes wide and frightened. “Moony...” he said, tentatively, “I’m sorry.” 
“What for?”
“For... I don’t know how much you read, but—”
“I read enough.”
Sirius gulped. “Right. Moony, you’re my bestfriend, I don’t want to ruin that and—”
“And you haven’t,” Remus said, quietly. He cupped Sirius’ face and wiped a tear away with his thumb. “Sirius... I—” he’d never said the words before. “I love you, too.”
Sirius just blinked at him. “You’re... Remus if this is a joke, I swear—”
“It isn’t! I, well, I don’t have a diary as proof but—”
Sirius elbowed him in the ribs and the two of them broke out into quiet laughter. “I was supposed to tell you after Christmas. I had this plan and I— you were absolutely not supposed to find that,” he said, pointing to the book.
“Maybe in doing so I sped the whole process up, hm? Although... I was half way through March tenth and you really were being quite sweet and so I’d quite like to—” But then Sirius kissed him, and suddenly what was written on a page in a notebook didn’t seem so important anymore.
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arielxlazarus · 3 years
I almost forgot about that fanfic appreciation week, but I wanted to at least do something for it! So here's a rec list for some of my favorite fics in the one piece fandom!
This list is not at all exhaustive btw (there's still loads of other fics in the fandom that I love), so please don't feel bad if you weren't included! Also if anyone wants more recommendations from me, you can check out my bookmarks on my ao3!
Who Knows (what could happen) by Chromi
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: For as long as he could remember, he had wanted to set out to sea as an adventurer. His father, unfortunately, dictated that he was to follow the family tradition and become a doctor instead.
Following a lifetime of hurt and sorrow at the hands of his family, he eventually breaks free and takes to the sea alone - determined to keep it that way. Fate has other ideas in store for him; fate crosses his path with Portgas D. Ace's, a brand new pirate.
And what does he hate more than pirates?
Or: from Sixis to the Moby Dick - the lives of the Spade pirates.
First Time by Chromi
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: "Because it is Ace, and it will only ever be Ace, that he wants to see like this, and he wants to be responsible for unravelling him down to his core and loving him to his very center."
In which Ace and Deuce go all the way for the first time.
Seabound by AnkhPosts
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace is a selkie, making one of his periodic stops on land to catch a breather and get some ridiculously tasty human food, maybe see some sights if there are any. His pelt is safely hidden, he'll stay a day or two at most and be on his way.
Deuce is a mer, alone on the sea and traveling as he pleases for the first time in his life, and while he might not be terribly interested in actually interacting with humans it's hard not to see them as fascinating.
Ace meets Deuce. Deuce meets Ace. Neither knows the other isn't human.
Death is only the beginning by Chizyk
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: “Ankhreshet?” he whipped his head round at the sound of a raspy voice so fast he almost got whiplash. He could feel his body going completely cold as he saw the mummy’s empty eye sockets staring right at him.
I'm Still Here (part of a series) by theprodigypenguin
Rating: M
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace (also Izou/Sabo later in the series)
Summary: "When I do die, don't bother burying me in that empty grave. Put my body in a boat and set me out to sea. Let me sleep eternal on the ocean that my father loved so much; because before everything else in this world, I am a child of the sea, and when I die, I want to return to it. Put me in a boat and set it aflame so I can go down in the same fire I lived."
Forget-Me-Not Fall by theprodigypenguin
Rating: M
Pairing: Izou/Sabo
Summary: “Most of the nobles I’ve met tonight look meticulously put together. They look like they were built to portray a certain image paralleled a hundred times over. People who were copied and pasted. Flawless clothes, flawless faces, flawless makeup, flawless hair.”
“Not me though,” Sabo stated, and Izou hummed.
“It’s comforting.”
Izou met Sabo’s eye. “Everyone else in this place hides their worst attributes with a mask they modified to fit their faces. They don’t seem to comprehend that those perfect masks only make their worst characteristics more pronounced and defined.” His expression was terribly gentle as his eyes wandered across Sabo’s face. “It’s comforting to be approached by someone not trying to be something else.”
Sabo tilted his head. “How do you know I’m not manipulating you like some common Goa aristocrat?”
Izou smiled. “There are a few reasons.”
A Light To Guide You Home by TheSkyIsMyHome
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: In a world that despises mutants, Ace lives purely to protect his little brother.
Until the flames inside him find their perfect match and opposite, and he doesn't know what to feel anymore.
The Phoenix's Mate by TheSkyIsMyHome
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Marco is a handsome man. Ace really can't be blamed for being attracted to him. Nobody minds, either.
But Marco isn't always a man. Ace still loves him regardless, and his sexual urges are catching up to that fact.
Marco indulges him, but he might just find himself enjoying it more than he thought he would.
ASL in Red (series) by Kereea
Rating: G-T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, Monkey D. Luffy/Trafalgar D. Water Law (both asexual), Koala/Sabo, Akagami no Shanks | Red-Haired Shanks/Benn Beckman, Donquixote "Corazon" Rosinante/Aokiji | Kuzan, Roronoa Zoro/Sanji, and several other minor ones
Summary: In an alternate universe, forces conspired to put Ace, Sabo, and Luffy in the care of the Red Hair pirates as children.
The Grand Line would never know what hit it.
Mates (part of a series) by Deubatty
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Deuce just wanted to go searching for plants! A nice walk in the woods. Except, he ends up becoming the mate to a very persistent naga
His First Mate The Mermaid (part of a series) by Deubatty
Rating: T
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Instead of finding another person on Sixis, Ace finds a mermaid
Being Human by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E (no smut)
Pairing: None (heavy focus on the platonic relationships between Marco, Whitebeard, and the rest of the crew as they form)
Summary: The line that differentiates human from object appears to be clear, but sometimes it blurs to the point where it is impossible to tell where one ends and the other begins.
The Unknown Devil by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace hadn’t expected his last week of imprisonment before his execution to be any different from all the years preceding it. Then again, he hadn’t expected to have Marco the Phoenix as a cellmate for that week, or that Marco’s presence would shake his bleak world so much.
Ripple Effect by MaiKusakabe
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: After the incident with Shanks, Garp didn't take Luffy to Dadan's, unaware of how much that would change the life of his other grandson.
To Build a Home by endlessblankpages
Rating: G
Pairing: None (heavy focus on the platonic relationships between the ASL bros and the Whitebeard Pirates)
Summary: The ASL pirates are used to being accused of crimes they didn't commit. But when they're accused of destroying a small village in the New World, it sends them hurtling toward a deadly confrontation with the strongest man in the world, Whitebeard. The results are not what they were expecting.
Persistence & The Impossible (part of a series) by dragonsfall
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: In order to keep himself from losing his job, Ace takes on an impossible story. Get an interview with the ever-elusive Phoenix. Guess he might as well kiss his job goodbye.
Self Discovery (part of a series) by dragonsfall
Rating: E
Pairing: Izou/Sabo (sort of, it's technically masturbation)
Summary: Sabo has been waiting for a day like this for a while but it doesn’t go quite how he planned it.
A Breach of Intention by Depths
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: It was unspoken, but some pirate crews and mermaids had an unspoken solidarity. Pirates throw their enemies overboard, and the merfolk will take care of them.
mer!ace au
Running on All Sixes by lunarshores
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, minor Izou/Thatch
Summary: The Whitebeard gang might be one of the most influential in the city, but to Marco they're just his family. Though he sometimes wishes they'd just leave him alone, especially when Izo's playing matchmaker, and Ace is his usual oblivious self. When a brother betrays them, they'll have to fight to show why no one ever messes with their family.
nothing is impossible with you by lunarshores
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Five times Ace and Marco accidentally mixed their flames on accident and one time that was entirely on purpose.
I Want You to Look at Me by shockandlock
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: One night, Marco is missing from dinner, so Ace decides to bring dinner to him. He's surprised to see Marco wearing glasses and now he can't stop thinking about the way he looks. Now with additional chapter(s) including more miscellaneous MarcoAce PWP!
To My Dear Fire (part of a series) by shockandlock
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Living in the city is a new thing for Ace. After being raised near a cozy coastal mountain town through his childhood, it's definitely a change of pace, but it doesn't help when he loses his new job after an unfortunate encounter with actor Marco Newgate. He just wants to live-- and meet his long time pen pal, Phoenix.
Marco knows that being an actor is hard, so he takes the little things when he can: writing his pen pal (and honestly one of his best friends) Fire Fist, flirting with the cute new waiter at his favorite café-- not that he has a chance after a disaster on social media. But maybe fate really does give him a second chance when Ace shows up at Four Emperor Studios...
Uncharted Territory by silverwolf_fox
Rating: E
Pairing: Masked Deuce/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: This was by far one of Ace's most ridiculous ideas.
When Deuce keeps getting flustered everytime he tries to dominate Ace, they created an opportunity where he didn't have to be afraid of messing up.
Now he's free to do and try whatever he wants...
...so long as Ace doesn't wake up.
Watching the Sunrise (part of a series) by silverwolf_fox
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Many years have passed since Rouge gave up her life for her son’s...except she didn’t die, but she thinks Ace did. Living her life on Baterilla, she’s mourned each and every day until the morning she receives his bounty poster. She sets off immediately to find him, but finds their meeting isn’t as easy as she’d imagined.
never shall i forget, how you climbed out of a dream by siojo
Rating: T
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: “Kaido,” Ace smirks, flames burning around his feet as he shifts in preparation for Kaido’s next attack, already trying to decide what he’s going to do in response. “It’s been a while, hasn’t it? You’ve seemed to have been enjoying yourself here.”
“I thought you would be smarter than this, Portgas. You’ve never tried to fight another Yonko before, your bounty won’t matter much when you lose.”
Ace barks a laugh, his teeth bared in a facsimile of a grin, “You must have missed out on the brawl I had with Big Mom after she sent two of her daughters and a son for me to consider marrying. This is a bit more personal than that.”
Reborn in Fire by aerle
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Fireman Marco has earned the nickname 'the Phoenix' by saving numerous people from a certain death. After an accident however, he has to relearn to walk and gets a new job as arson inspector at a different fire station. There he gets confronted with a boy from his past, now all grown up and gorgeous.
Three's a Crowd, Four's a Double Date by aerle
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace (main), Izou/Thatch (secondary)
Summary: "We're not dating," Marco said definitively. "That we're sharing a bed tonight is a total coincidence."
Universal Dive by EmpressKira
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace had been making his way through the city to go to one of his favorite cafes. Well, that was until this hole ripped in the sky and some pirate fell out with the flaming bird guy following. Getting targeted, he is dragged into a different world with pirates and everything defying the reality he is used to. Will he make it home? Will he go back when the time comes?
Blue moon (series) by de_Winter
Rating: T-M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Urban fantasy AU, werewolf Marco and witch Ace
Red Velvet by de_Winter
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: Ace already knew their routine by heart, just from observing them for a couple of mornings when he had early delivery, and from Izou’s daily long winded—and probably sexually frustrated—rants. Big Blond would come out of the bakery wearing a shirt too tight for him and too thin for the weather as soon as he was done setting up the tables inside the storefront, holding a take out cup and a small box in his big hands. They looked really, pleasantly big from where Ace was standing, and he honestly wished he wasn't standing that far away.
We'll Look Back and Laugh at Ourselves by JuHuaTai
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace, minor Gol D. Roger/Portgas D. Rouge
Summary: Between his new boyfriend and his workaholic boss, Marco felt like he was surrounded by family issues of the father and son dispute variety. Maybe it was just a coincidence.
Or maybe he should've listened to the office gossip more. Maybe then he'd figure it out sooner.
Gratitude of the Phoenix (part of a series) by JuHuaTai
Rating: M
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: [Based on 'The Crane Wife' Folklore]
One day, he saved a bird from freezing to death in a trap. Then, a stranger saved him from suffering the same fate, and a request to stay for one night turned into having someone to fill the void left in the small cottage and in his heart ever since his brothers left.
These two incident doesn’t seem to be related to one another, but they both changed Ace’s life in ways he could never have imagined.
Watashitachi wa Roger kaizoku desu (we still stand proud) by stereden
Rating: T
Pairing: None (heavy focus on Buggy, Shanks, and Crocus)
Summary: The Roger Pirates disappeared after their Captain's death, and were happy enough to let the Marines forget about them.
Until the Marines decide to execute their Captain's son, that is.
This Bites! by Xomniac
Rating: M
Pairing: None (heavy focus on a main character oc and the strawhat pirates)
Summary: Sea Kings, sea-sickness, sunburns, a 95% genocidal Navy and more than a million and one other assorted ways to die. It's official: Being inserted into an anime sucks ass... Buuut I guess it could be worse. I mean, look on the bright side: At least I'm sailing with the future king of the pirates.
A Fortune that Never Grows Old by imperialmint
Rating: E
Pairing: Marco the Phoenix/Portgas D. Ace
Summary: It's one thing to get butterflies in your stomach when you seen an attractive person but it's another thing entirely for Marco to want to stomp out a courtship ritual and lay foundations for a nest when he meets the navy's new (hot) secret weapon.
Most of the authors on this list have many other excellent one piece fics I'd definitely suggest checking out! Enjoy your reading and try to show them all some love if you can!
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kkusuka · 4 years
hiii I was wondering if you could do a threesome w kuroo bokuto and y/n?? plsss💞
i can actually, that’s the fun part.
(I'm going to try to use gender-neutral pronouns, but the reader has female anatomy, I hope that’s ok!) 
I deadass just took this and ran with it oml. 
All 18+, public sex, circumstantial humiliation, slight voyeurism, orgasm denial, threesome M/F/M, they’re both kind mean but not really, slight degrading 
Synopsis: Your college chem class is kicking your ass so when your professor recommends you to Kuroo, who seems to come in a package deal with another owl-ish boy, you were more than thankful. 
You couldn't believe it, you were so sure you had done well on this test. You made flashcards and even scoured the web for as many quizlets on the subject as you possibly could. But one thing remained the same: Masahiro sensei’s chemistry class was kicking your ass. 
No matter how many times you looked at the reference tables and started at the elements you didn't understand a single word that came out of that man's mouth. What’s worse is that you seemed to be the only one who ever had trouble in his class, and he always made sure to let you know. 
Side glances during lectures, calling you out when he knows you have no clue what the answer could be, talking about how 'some people’ would do better if they tried harder. You just didn't know what else to do. 
So, in some twisted way, you were thankful when he requested to keep you a few minutes after class requesting to talk about some personal issues. Issues you wished would include a new grade and easier tests. 
But him telling you about a boy with exceptional grades who would be a perfect fit to help you out, was something you had expected, but did not want. You felt more embarrassed than you already were, couldn't he just give you a website where you could watch videos about ionic and binary compounds? 
Looking back to the phone number he had written for you on an index card, you relent. Sending a quick message to the number you shut your phone off and tried to get to your dorm, dropping onto your bed faster than you’d like to admit. 
Hey, this is y/n l/n, Masahiro-sensei gave me your number for possible tutoring, if you're up for it of course. Any time for me works. 12:56 pm 
Yeah, he let me know about a possible tutoring session, how about the library tomorrow at 4? 1:03 pm 
I'm Kuroo Tetsurou btw. 1:07 pm
And like that your day got 10x worse, you don't even know who this way. You at least hoped it was the boy with the fluffy hair in the first row. At least Masahio told him, you assume it may have gone worse, tomorrow at the library at 4. 
You could deal with that. 
Your first meeting had gone fairly well. You arrived that the library entrance five minutes early reaching for your phone to let the mysterious Kuroo Tetsurou know that you had arrived, but before you could get that far- 
“No need babe, I'm right here, L/n right?” 
He was tall, taller than you at least. Tall enough to be able to lock down at you. Looking at you with his narrow hazel eyes and his sleazy yet comforting cat-like smile. His hands were shoved into the pockets of a bright red- volleyball jacket? Nekoma volleyball club must be from high school. 
He led you to an isolated corner of the science section on the third floor, a place you had frequented during your mid-semester crying chemistry sessions-- hopefully your tears have dried up by now and you won't make a fool of yourself. 
He wasted no time asking exactly what you need help with and seemed more than surprised when you told him everything. He let out a laugh that made you want to get up and run away before letting you know that it was normal to be confused and that you would just start with the electron configurations. 
It was going great, he was an amazing teacher and knew exactly what to tell you to make you remember all the rules of the SPDF configurations and everything leading up to the oxidation states of the transition metals. It was just sad that he had to go over everything a second time just for you to get it in your mind. 
In the middle of explaining lead’s second oxidation state, Kuroos phone lit up with a notification a Bokuto was calling. Without a second glance, he declined the call and went right to the first state of silver. 
Three seconds in this same Bokuto called back after a few choice texts, letting out a sigh he apologized muting about a stupid owl not giving him a moment of rest no matter the time of day. 
He picked up and tried to walk away as quick as he could, the only thing you could gain from the conversion was a 
HEY HEY! you still at the library? Though you’d be done by now Kuroo!
To which Kuroo told whoever was on the end of the line, that he didn't mind and they should mind their own business. Then you were out of earshot. when he came back he looked as if the life was sucked from his soul. 
He plopped into the chair across from you and sat for a second before releasing a deep breath. He looked back at you connecting eyes--they looked impossibly cat-like under the lights of the library-- before shooting you a shifty smirk. 
“Babe you're doing great but I've gotta cut it off for today, and you don't mind if a friend joins us for the next few sessions? He isn't that bright.” 
It took you of all five seconds to think of your answer, another person who wasn't the brightest will make you look less stupid. Just the thought made you feel bad, you're sure that Bokuto was a wonderful person, hopefully, and did not deserve to be used to make you seem less hopeless. Yet still, 
“Yes! That’s totally fine, I'll see you in two days?” 
“Sounds great” 
“‘C'mon babe what's the dashed configuration of bromine?” 
You didn't know, or maybe you did. It's not like that would matter considering the two fingers curling into your sweet spot. You could only focus on the way he rubbed your throbbing nub that sent sparks straight beach into your core. 
“I-i I don’t- god, please, please, need to cum.” you were so close, Kuroo had already ripped two orgasms from you because you didn't know the answer, and you were going to scream if he did it again. “Please, wanna cum” 
“No can do baby Owl, that’s the deal no cumming until you get the question.” 
You would have forgotten he was there if it weren't for his piercing gaze on Kuroo’s fingers drenched in your slick. Not once has it wavered from you, your silt to you tits up to your lips. 
You had to try, he’ll stop. Somewhere in the back of your mind you know the answer, they know you know the answer. Somewhere else in your mind you think about how you got caught up in this in the first place. 
How Kuroo was frustrated and told you the if you got another wrong answer he would fuck the right one into you. Or bokuto purposely mocking him that sent him further until his hands were pulling your panties down your legs stuffing two fingers in your cunt, saying how he won't stop until you get all the answers right. 
“Two- e-eight- eight-teen- please please, si--six- NO seven, it’s seven. ‘M so close please” 
Kuroo seemed pleased with your answer, his hands moving quickly around your bud and curling further into your g-spot as Bokuto makes his way around the table to where the two of you are seated. 
Pulling the shirt above your head, Bokuto circles a nipple through the fabric of your bra commenting on how quickly it had pebbled, attaching his mouth to your other as Kuroo commanded you to cum around his relentless digits. 
Clenching around his fingers you hadn't noticed a head of white and black hair moving towards your center. Coming off the high of your orgasm you felt Bokuto’s tongue spread your lips as his nose circled your clit.  
“Oh, dude! You gotta taste ‘em! Like liquid gold, Man!” 
You flushed further, if possible, tethering a hand into Bokuto's hair. Understanding the compliment Kuroo swiped a finger along your slick-covered thighs and let a mockingly loud moan fall between his lips. 
As if you could be more embarrassed by the noises of Bokuto slurping whatever he could catch in his mouth, Kuroo’s coos of how red you look and how delicious you look, as the man under you eats as if it was his last meal. 
Two hands grabbed your waist and lifted you off Bokuto, placing you back on your feet. Turing you toward the wall of windows and hand on your back bent you over the table surrounded by all of your notes. 
“Look at that, she’s just gushing all over the place. All this over a chemistry lesson? Who knew I was teaching such a cockwhore this whole time.” a hand met your clit as Kuroo began to push into you, forcing you further into the table. 
You heard a gasping moan as he bottomed out, glancing over to where Bokuto sat hand around the base of his cock, standing as Kuroo waved him over to you. 
“I think you can fit two, right?”  and just like that bokuto was forcing his way into your clenching walls. There was discomfort until a soft pop to which both the boys let out a sigh. 
You feel so full. You didn't know who but one of them was brushing against your cervix. The first thrust came to you as a surprise,  following with a second's rest before the two of them created a steady rhythm.
The faster they went the more apparent it was, they were using you like a fleshlight. You couldn't even speak as a cock hit right at your g-spot. Back arching you let out a series of small “ahs” much to Kuroo’s enjoyment. 
“You fucking like this! Getting dicked where everyone can see. By two cocks no less!” he laughed pulling your head up from its place in your arms, making you have to look at your reflection in the glass. 
“No-no I-” a smack to your ass stopped you from trying to defend what little dignity you had left. There was no defending as Bokuto leaned towards your ear, never breaking rhythm. 
“No?,” he was practically snarling, “Then why the hell are you clenching our dicks so well, Baby Owl?”  
As if he flipped a switch your world went dark as you clenched further on the two men as you came. Riding out your orgasm neither of them let up the pace as they jackhammered into your poor pussy. 
Bokuto came first, with a loud groan of your name before he slumped into the chair he previously inhabited.  Settling to watch as Kuroo pulled your chest up to meet your back to his chest. Rutting into you as his orgasm rapidly approaches. 
If you weren't so sure this place was desolate you would be worried about someone hearing the slaps of your skin, or Kuroo’s final grunt as he filled you with his load, dropping you to lean on the table. 
At least your next chemistry test was graded with a 21/25, you’re sure the two of them will love to hear about that.
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spideyspeaches · 4 years
Sweet child ‘o mine ↬ a.r
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sweet smily babie
A/N: Requests are open btw! I love writing Arvin and I don’t have any arvin requests so you can request for arvin btw :) 
Request by @kelieah​ : okay okay. let's get to it hehe. arvin right? oh my god you should write a dad!arvin 🥺🥺🥺 and reader is pregnant but he's like super protective and lowkey a wreck bc he doesn't know what he's doing? and reader is probably really close to popping the baby? up to you, can't wait to see what you write! :)
Kk so I went a little overboard with the fluff XD 
WC: 1.3k+ 
Pairing: Dad!Arvin Russell x Pregnant!Reader
Masterlist || Taglist 
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Arvin was a protector by nature. He protected all the people he loved, whether it be his late sister, or his girlfriend, now wife and a mother of two. Before you had your first child, Arvin would constantly hover around you till it annoyed you to the point where you would sleep in a separate room.
("Hun don't lift those! You'll hurt the baby!" Arvin shrieked, rushing towards you as you held the shopping bag in your hand with an amused and angry expression. 
You were nearly six weeks pregnant, nowhere near your due date, and yet here you were.
"Arvin, this is one single shopping bag."
"Yes but you shouldn't! I saw what happened to the neighbour's wife when she tried to lift 'er bed!" 
"Arvin…" you said, tapping your foot impatiently, dropping the shopping bag near your couch.
He was looking at you with a worried expression. You didn't give him time to answer, instead pulling him for a deep kiss. 
And what if you were with a child? You were still horny and he was right there looking like a snack.) 
You found the protectiveness endearing, especially watching his gruff exterior cut through like a knife. But you were pregnant and you were grumpy, sick of his overbearing attitude and had finally asked him to leave you alone for two seconds, maybe have a cigarette or two. The poor guy had looked heartbroken that day, just enough for guilt to brew in your heart, but you stood your ground. 
That day also happened to be the day your first child, Willy, was born. You had convinced yourself that you would never witness such a site as of your husband holding your firstborn with utmost care and love radiating through his every pore, bobbing the baby’s little head as he hummed some lullaby, his soft voice lulling your tired form to sleep. 
“Mummy why is daddy walkin’ like that?” Your four year old son asked, looking at you with his daddy’s big doe eyes, making you coo at his adorable expression. 
You were sitting on the couch, nine months with your second child, way past your due date as your son sat besides you, a hand on your rounded belly, smoothing down your dress and “talking” to his brother. You found it cute, already feeling the love the little child was going to get from the second smallest member of the Russell family. 
You watched in amusement as Arvin paced the hallway, burning a hole in the rugs as he ran a hand through his hair, messing them up as he cursed softly. He had been like that from the day your second child was about to arrive, only for them to want to stay a little longer in your belly. 
"Honey you're gonna bear a hole in there." You said, burrowing your brows as he looked at you. He was a wreck, you could see it in how he tried to work two jobs, only to meet you when you were back in bed. 
“Daddy’s a little tense right now hun, he’s… he’s worried why the baby hasn’t come to us yet.” You said, caressing Willy’s head as he snuggled next to you, nodding with a faux serious expression. 
“Maybe the babe feels safer in your belly moma, it must feel very much loved.” He said with a toothy grin, bumping his nose to your bump as you laughed, hugging your little boy closer to you, tickling his sides, He shrieked with laughter as you bent down as much as you could to kiss his forehead.
“Well the little bugger has been kicking moma for a while now, I think he really wants to come, just findin’ it a wee difficult.” You said, hissing as you felt another kick under your ribs. Massaging the area just like the way your midwife had told you to. You sent your son a wink, hoping that he wouldn’t get too scared at your state. He, like his father, was also very protective of you and the baby.
Hissing at another contraction, you tried to do your breathing exercise, groaning at the pain you felt. 
“Daddy! Daddy moma is hurt!” Willy shouted, getting off the couch and running off to where Arvin had been pacing the room.
“No no no hun! Moma is alright, just a little- oh oh Arvin!” You groaned, stretching your husband's name at a painful contraction as you watch him frantically run towards you, stumbling at the carpet and falling on his knees in front of you.
“Hun? Baby speak to me, how far apart are the pains? Do you think it’s time? Should I-”
“Arvin?” You winced, holding your belly.
“Yes honey?”
“Shut the fuck up and do me a favour, get the bag ready will ya?” You said, clenching your jaw as tightly as you could without breaking your teeth, immediately feeling guilty at his crestfallen expression. He was only trying to help you.
“Yes, yes sweetheart, I'll be right back.” He said, scramming to go to your room to get the bag. You knew he had already packed it, unpacked and repacked it multiple times to keep his mind of the calendar. 
“Moma? Are you hurtin’?” You son asked, hearing a sniff. You sighed as you saw tears form in his eyes, running your hands through his hair as he sniffed loudly. 
“No bun, it’s nothing bad, moma’s fine. I swear.” 
“But you’re crying!” He cried out, launching himself on your chest. You sat down with a “oof”, the weight of your son sending you on your back sprawling on the couch.
“Willy! Be careful!” Arvin shouted, pulling your crying son off of you and palming his head as he buried his face into his father’s shoulder, wrapping his little arms around his neck as Arvin cooed at him, trying to shush his muffled cries. 
“It’s gonna be alright bubby, I’m not crying anymore, see?” You gritted, groaning loudly when you felt one resonate to your back, a pop sound startling you enough to widen your eyes.
A breath later, the only thing you could hear was your son’s sniffs and your breathing, the wetness between your thighs amplifying as you gave a loud groan, groping for your husband’s biceps, “It’s happening!” 
“Oh- oh fuck shit, sorry hun, Willy, do daddy a favor and open the car will you? We need to take moma to the hospital.” Arvin instructed your son, who obediently nodded, a determined expression taking over his adorable face as he ran outside. 
“Comin’ sweetheart, just a minute!” He grunted, positioning himself by your side, sliding his one hand under your knees and another at your back, You shrieked as he carried you bridal style, your son holding the door open for you.
You would have called the ride torturous had you not heard the shrill cries of your newborn, squishy wet cheeks and scrunched eyes fitted in the palm of your hands a few hours later. Laughing near hysterically, you gently rocked the newly swaddled baby boy in your arms, looking at your husband’s shiny eyes as he carefully touched the baby’s forehead. 
“He’s so tiny.” Arvin whispered, rubbing his thumb on the soft skin, watching in awe as the baby yawned, the little eyes scrunching up as they slowly opened, adjusting around the world in a newfound wonder. 
“He’s perfect.” You smiled, seeing your four year old hiding behind Arvin’s legs, watching you unsure of himself, “Come here bun, want to hold your brother?”
“I can hold him?” He asked, peaking at you through his eyelashes.
“Of course you can son.” Arvin chuckled, lifting the toddler as he sat on your bed, looking at you with wide eyes. 
"Here, hold his head, careful." You whispered, holding one hand on your older son's hands, guiding him to hold his little brother as he looked at the baby in wonder. 
"He's tiny!" Willy said, mimicking you when he saw you holding the baby. 
"You were this tiny too once, son." Arvin said, smiling at you and Willy. 
"No way! I'm a big boy." Willy argued, pouting, which made you and your husband laugh.
"Whatever you say baby."
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stellocchia · 3 years
Watching Ant's lore because I adore him, so here's a little summary, liveblogging style:
Starts off with Ant going to work after 4 days of absence. He seems to be unaware of Dream's escape?
Immediately thinking of calling in sick, me too Ant, me too
Ant immediately mistaking Tommy's wall for the start of a bee farm. Honestly, a new bee farm could be nice, maybe once Dream is dealt with.
He's really regretting being hired right now
"You took off for... let's see, a nice smooth seven days? Six days?" did... did Ant not inform Sam of how long his leave would be...?
"Ant, do you have any idea what's happened?" Does he look like someone who knows what's going on? My meow meow was most likely high for most of his leave...
"Ant, I'm about to blow a casket right now, what do you mean?" My man is so done with life right now. Please Sam just explain, everything is alright buddy
"What's wrong?! Dream's escaped prison!" THANK YOU! Also, Ant immediately reacted with denial. I feel like that's the most common coping mechanism in the server
Sam is keeping himself from strangling Ant so hard right now. I feel like Ant wouldn't be breathing if they weren't friends
"It's impossible to get out of the prison, you can't get out of the prison, that's sort of the point!" It's incredible how much everyone believed in the prison
Btw, the reason Sam is so pissed is that Ant didn't come back from his break when he got the serious alarm that meant there was a prison break happening
"How am I getting blamed for your obvious shortcomings in designing the prison?" "My what?! For my what?!" "Clearly this is like-" "The only thing I was short in was picking who was gonna be a guard I guess, 'caus it clearly just wasn't that big of a deal to you apparently" OOOOOOH my meow meows are fighting!
"If you had the whole- if you had the entirety of the smp here to help you and you still couldn't contain him I don't know what me being there would have changed" "The entirety of the smp wasn't in the prison actively helping. You could have been in the prison helping us actively stop him" To be fair to Ant, considering who they were up against, I don't think that him being there inside the prison would have made much difference
"Why didn't you hire a temp or something?!" "Hire a temp. You want me to hire a temp? Just trust a random person for a day? 'Hey! Come be- come be a prison guard for a day! Ha ha ha, it will be fun!'" Sam trust issues go brrr
Ant is now blaming the whole thing on Sam because he's the warden. Ant please, accept some personal responsibility for missing from work...
"I'm leaving this conversation before something bad happens" (threat)
"You know what? Fuck you Sam! Fuck you!" I would have paid for him to say that to Sam's face
Bad!! Why's Bad on Tommy's wall? Guess he's patrolling a new place now...
"Sam just told me that Dream is free! That there's, like, a green maniac free on the server running around" Love that description
Bad feels like he did a bad job as a guard so now he's practicing by patrolling Tommy's walls, seems fair
Ant is now trying to convince Bad as well that the two of them are not to blame for Dream's escape, only Sam is. Dude, keeping him in is literally what they were hired to do. They're all to blame partially.
"There was blood everywhere, oh my goodness" Please someone draw the fight based on Bad's description, it's so much cooler
"Oh my goodness, this is gonna hurt my home's value..." Bad almost sounds like Technoblade right there
Also, Ant only now found out about Ranboo's death. Guess is to be expected since he knows literally nothing of what happened
Why does Bad keep drinking random water bottles? Is he staying hydrated or is there an alcoholism problem we should be talking about? Is that water?
Oooooh, so Bad was purposefully blocking Techno when he was trying to get to Ranboo, huh? 'Cause he thought that was a last-ditch hostage situation to get Dream back. Which I guess it was? But it also went horribly wrong. Bad didn't think that Sam would go through with the threat, but he did
"Bad, what are you drinking?" "Uuuuuh, apple juice" "Wh- there's no apples! Bad I can smell your breath!" Oh, it's definitely alcoholism then
Also, Bad didn't know why Ranboo was in the prison, and Connor canonically started yelling swears at Bad while he was doing his rounds
"That prison raised my propriety value, but now I think it's gonna tank it, ugh. Oh my goodness, I'm probably gonna have to sell it at a loss, it's awful" BAD, WHY IS THIS WHAT YOU'RE WORRIED ABOUT??
What I got so far from Bad's retelling of the events is that the guards truly were not prepared for their job. Like, they weren't told what would happen in the case of a prison break or what to do, which seems like a failing on Sam's part there
"Dream deserves to be locked up! There's a reason- there's a reason we all agreed to put him in the prison" It's always nice to hear that literally almost every single character agrees on this one
"Ant, I always felt a little bad that Dream was- that Dream was in the prison. So I, like-" "Why?! Dream's a monster! Why would you feel bad that he was in the prison? Bad, don't you remember? All the horrible things that he's done?!" "Yeah but... didn't- didn't you sometimes hear? Like, when you'd be making your rounds you'd, like, hear what was going on. Like, the sounds coming from Dream's cell. Like the- the screaming" (...) "I think he was letting other people into Dream's cell!" Did Sam seriously let his guards work during the torture shifts? My man is seriously bad at concealing his crimes, huh?
Also because of that Bad wasn't actually able to help Sam trying and catch Dream again. He just felt awful for what he'd seen already and couldn't bring himself to do it. And now he feels double guilty for not helping because he too knows that Dream is dangerous. "If I had helped him going for Dream maybe we could have gotten him back in the cell, I don't know..."
"He's like, became absorbed by the prison! That's all he thinks about, he doesn't c- I feel like he doesn't even care about us or the badlands anymore. He's just like- it's always 'prison, prison, prison, containing Dream'" *nods* the prison is Sam's Egg
Oh wow, so Sam also tried to blame it entirely on Bad as well. Guys, that's on everyone, you all f*cked up there
"Sam's obviously the issue here" Like, one-third of the issue.
"Wait a minute, why did we have a guy locked up in the prison he designed? That seems like a flaw!" HEY WAIT A MINUTE, YEAH!
"Is Tommy okay?" "Uhm, you know what? The last time I talked to Tommy, I was walking down the Prime Path, he just walked up to me and he swore at me" Yeah, that definitely sounds like my shining star alright
"I'm just hoping he's [Tommy] hiding somewhere because..." Yeah, see, I wish he was as well, but an old fool convinced him that facing Dream head-on was the smart thing to do, so that may not be the case
Connor stole Tommy's house as well. That man is FAST!
"Yeah, no, if I was in Tommy's position I would be dipping" SEE, THAT WOULD BE THE SMART THING TO DO
"Oh, I'm sure Dream is gonna be so grateful that you snuck him a snack while keeping him locked up in a maximum-security prison where he could do nothing and see nothing from the outside world" (sarcasm) "You think?" "No, no Bad, I don't think so. I think he will hunt both of us down after he finishes work elsewhere" "Oh no..." I love them
They decide to go talk to Sam
"Do you think Sam is gonna withhold my Christmas bonus now?" I really hope Bad never changes, I love him
"You didn't think that it was important that you slaughtered somebody? You didn't think it was important that you killed a poor dog?" "No, not really" "WHAT?! What do you mean not really, you killed somebody!" "It's rather inconsequential to what really happened, isn't it?" Sam's mentality is literally "the ends justify the means" as long as the end goal is preserving prison security
Oooooh, Bad asked about the voices in Dream's cell and Sam is blaming it on Bad's alcoholism. Also, Sam used lying, it was super effective
"Do you like the idea that the only person who knows how to save people when they die is that maniac?"
"I find it interesting that you two are coming here to say that I'm not taking responsibility when neither one of you are taking responsibility either" this is literally just a blame game at this point. Why are all 3 of them so allergic to personal responsibility?
Also, Bad's definitely right in the Ranboo argument. He surrendered, he wasn't wearing armor or weapons, killing him in that context wasn't justifiable. Especially not to prove Sam was serious
"I'm the only smooth working piece of this machine here" He really identifies himself with the prison, huh?
Bad just quit his job. Why did he still have a job after the prison basically closed down? There are literally no prisoners, why where they still working there?
Either way, that's it!
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softiem · 4 years
you used to paint his skies
pairing: Bokuto Koutarou x GN!Reader
overview: The one in which Bokuto swears up and down that he loves you, but the nagging feeling in your chest is too strong to ignore.
word count: ~3.9k
content warnings: cheating (PAIN), MSBY!Bokuto, I use like 9 swear words, you might cry depending on your mood, don’t let the fluff at the beginning deceive you, idek if this is good angst, no concrete happy ending ??? :c
notes: Happy (late) New Year !! This is my first time posting here, so sorry if this is hot garbage :P — btw TO ALL THE BOKUTO FAVES OUT THERE, I’M TRULY SORRY. I PROMISE I ADORE HIM WITH MY ENTIRE HEART AND SOUL !!! thank you for your time ٩(♡ε♡)۶
part two.
Bokuto Koutarou, the love of your life. You knew him like the back of your hand; you prided yourself in that fact, actually.
After four years of being able to call him yours, you thought you’d caught onto nearly all of his idiosyncrasies, the little quirks and peculiarities that made him so uniquely him. So uniquely yours.
You knew how he’d always pick out the cucumbers in a dish and plop them onto your plate — that cheeky smile of his adorning his face.
– – – – –
“Bokuto, this is ridiculous,” you sighed, watching as your boyfriend found another slice of cucumber and added it to the growing pile in the corner of your plate.
He stopped and stared at you like a child who’d been caught doing something he shouldn’t have. You tried to fight back a smile seeing the top of his hair deflate ever so slightly.
“First of all, I’m not Bokuto to you. Second of all, baby, look!” He pointed to the small mound of vegetables on your plate. “I asked them for no cucumbers but what did they add? Cucumbers!” He seemed to deflate even further as he pouted at the offensive sight.
“Listen, Bokuto-”
“Please don’t call me that.”
“Better. Thank you, honey.”
Letting out a small giggle, you continued, “Listen, babe. Can you at least try one piece for me? Maybe you’ll realise that cucumbers don’t taste as bad as they did when you were younger.”
You caught the skeptical look he was giving you.
“How many?” you asked with a tiny smirk tugging at your lips. Bokuto seemed to perk up at your words.
“One cucumber for five kisses.”
“Boku- Babe, that’s ridiculous,” you laughed. “One kiss.”
“Six kisses.”
“You can’t make the number higher, Kou!”
“Fine, four.”
– – – – –
You knew how he’d twiddle his fingers whenever he wanted to hold your hand but didn’t want to invade your personal space, especially if the two of you were in public or if you’d just had a rough day.
– – – – –
Bokuto walked right next to you, making sure you were on the inside of the sidewalk in an attempt not to lose you among the sea of passersby. He glanced down at your hands tucked into your jacket pockets, silently longing for their warmth. Moving his eyes back down to the ground in front of him, he began to absentmindedly pick at his fingers.
Your eyes caught the slight movement and you turned your head to where your boyfriend was walking right beside you. He had the smallest pout on his face as he continued to play with his hands.
A smile grew on your face and your eyes softened up at him.
Bokuto jumped at the sound but looked to your smiling face as a similar grin brightened up his.
“Hi, baby.”
“You know, my hands are feeling awfully cold, even in my pockets,” you feigned a huff. “Can you help me, babe?” Bringing your hand out into the cold air, you opened it invitingly, wiggling your fingers.
His bright smile grew even bigger as he excitedly grasped onto you and stuck your intertwined hands into his pocket.
“Of course I can, baby!” He even went the extra mile and wrapped his scarf around your neck, patting your head once he was done.
– – – – –
You knew how much he liked going out for drinks with his teammates after their games, and sometimes, he’d ask you to tag along; you’d always agree, even though you weren’t big on drinking yourself (his puppy-dog eyes were truly lethal). Despite the fact that he could hold his alcohol quite well, he’d always stop at one or two drinks if you were out with him.
And you also knew that he absolutely treasured the feeling of being yours, just as you did with being his.
– – – – –
After a night of drinking with Bokuto’s teammates, you found yourself walking through the car park as he flanked your backside, his arms resting comfortably around your shoulders. Feeling a chilly breeze run across your skin, you shifted your body closer to Bokuto’s. He tightened his hug, pulling you closer into his chest.
“Y’know, Kou,” you spoke softly as the two of you approached his car — you felt the low rumble of his responding hum through his chest. “If you wanted to, you could’ve had a bit more to drink. I know you wanted to try out one of the new cocktails with Atsumu. We even agreed that I’d be driving-”
“Of course I know that, honey!” Bokuto cut you off with a small giggle and kissed the top of your head. “If I wanted to, I would. But I didn’t, did I?” His arms tightened as he rested his head in the crook of your neck.
“But, Boku-”
“Babe,” you laughed, “I just want you to be able to have fun, okay? This is one of your last games of the season and I-”
Bokuto pulled you away from his embrace and grabbed your shoulders, spinning you around to face him. He leaned into you, and with your noses nearly touching and your wide eyes meeting his sparkling ones, you understood his silent message.
“Stop worrying, I’m okay.”
Suddenly pulling away from him, you gasped for air, realising that you’d forgotten to breathe when he brought himself closer. You flushed, hearing his roaring laughter.
“Just get in the car, ya big lughead.” Walking to the passenger side of the car, you opened the door for Bokuto to climb in and put his seat belt on for him. He was still laughing, but it ceased after he heard the latter half of what you said.
“What do you mean ‘lughead’?” He pouted as you slid into the driver’s seat, having to adjust the chair as you grumbled about how he was too big for his own good. “I thought I was your babe, your Kou. Remember?”
“Yes, babe. You are my boy, my dovey, my Koutarou.” You turned to him, placing a hand on the side of his face as your thumb lightly stroked his cheek. Leaning in, your lips met his in a small kiss. “And forever will be,” you whispered against his lips.
He brought you into another kiss, deeper this time, pulling away only to pepper little pecks across your cheeks as you giggled into him.
“And you,” he began, planting a big kiss on your forehead, “are my honey, my lovey, my angel.” He sighed contentedly, squishing your face between his hands. “My perfect, pretty baby.”
– – – – –
Bokuto Koutarou, the love of your life. You knew him like the back of your hand.
So how had it come to this point?
The two of you were currently locked in a tense silence. The argument you were having only minutes ago was still ringing in your ears. Bokuto’s eyes glared down at you as his nostrils flared with barely restrained frustration.
You sighed in exhaustion.
“Kou, all I’m asking is for you to take a break.” You tried to ignore the way his hands curled up into fists from where his arms were crossed. “I know this next game means a lot to you, but can’t you see that you’re working yourself to the bone? You’re exhausted, babe. One break for you is all I want. Please just listen to me this one time.”
You began to take a step toward him, but your efforts were quickly squashed upon seeing a deep scowl take shape on his face.
Bokuto scoffed.
“If you know how much it means to me, then you’d know how I need to practice to make sure that my team wins.”
“Yes, I know that, but you just look so tired nowadays, and I’m worried, Kou. I know you, and right now, what you need is a break so that-”
“Then clearly you know jack shit about me!”
Hearing his outburst, you stumbled back slightly and pulled your hands up to your chest as you felt them begin to tremble.
“Every fucking day, I work and I practice just so that we can keep living happily and my team can keep winning.” He began to stalk toward your cowering figure. “If you know me so fucking well, then you’d know that what I don’t need right now is you coddling me, breathing down my goddamn neck, and telling me what to do with myself.”
Bokuto’s hands were clenched at his sides as he glared holes into your skull. You couldn’t bring yourself to meet his eyes, afraid of what you’d be met with, who you’d be met with.
This wasn’t your Koutarou.
Your sweet, loving, doting Koutarou who would always remember to give you a morning kiss before he left for practice. Your Koutarou who shoveled cream and sugar into his morning coffee because he couldn’t stand the bitterness of black coffee (“It’s like drinking rat poison!” he’d once told you). Your Koutarou who would try his very best to cut up fruit into little shapes for you whenever you weren’t feeling well. Your Koutarou who, when he found you in the stands at his games, would reach a hand up to his face, his thumb touching the tip of his nose, and wiggle the rest of his fingers with the biggest grin on his face — his good luck salute.
The man in front of you was not him.
You tried to look everywhere but his towering figure, your eyes beginning to sting as your vision grew blurry.
“Dovey, I’m s-sorry,” you shakily whispered, “I just w-want what’s best f-for you-”
“Don’t pull that shit right now. If you want what’s best for me, you’d know when to back off.”
Your breathing grew heavier as you watched Bokuto turn away from you, moving closer to the front door.
“You know what? I’m tired of this.”
“Where are you going?”
“Out. Away from you.”
“But it’s cold! A-And you need to rest for tomorrow’s practice!”
“I need fucking space.” He shoved his arms into a thin jacket, shoving his keys and phone into pocket before forcefully pulling the door open. 
“Koutarou, please!”
The resonant slam that echoed in your home opened the floodgates. Your throat squeezed in pain as you tried to hold in an onslaught of sobs. Wrapping your arms around yourself, you tried to keep your feet steady as you curled in on yourself. Salty tears rolled down your cheeks while Bokuto’s words ran through your head.
“Then clearly you know jack shit about me!”
“I’m tired of this.”
“I need fucking space.”
As your sobs abated into small hiccups and your vision became less blurry with tears, you were able to shakily pick yourself up off the floor and walk to one of the front windows. Looking out into the dark night, you noticed that Bokuto’s car was nowhere to be seen in the driveway. Your heart seemed to clench again, and you gnawed on your lip to force down another sob urging its way up your throat.
Slowly, you made your way to your shared bedroom and fell face first into Bokuto’s side of the bed. Inhaling the scent in his pillow, you pulled it closer to you.  The prickling feeling in the corner of your eyes was growing familiar.
In the silence of the night, you were left with your thoughts rampaging through your mind and the moonlight shyly peeking through the curtains.
You didn’t understand. When had it all gone to shit? The two of you seemed fine just yesterday; Bokuto had woken up before you and smothered your face in kisses so that the two of you could get up together.
But recently, you’ve come to notice how there was an underlying tiredness in your boyfriend’s eyes. He constantly complained of muscle aches and soreness and how the team’s practices kept running longer than usual.
That was when you decided to step in and tell him to take a break for the sake of his team and, more importantly, his health. Unfortunately for you, he didn’t seem to take too well to your “coddling,” and that was what brought you to your current situation.
Stray tears leaked out of your eyes as you thought back to the argument. Where did he go? Did he have somewhere safe to stay? Would he even come back? Did he really think you coddled him? Was he finally tired of you, of your relationship? Was this the end?
You tried to shake the thoughts from your mind, telling yourself, “No, no! He still loves you.” But your mind was unrelenting, picturing too many scenarios of how he could be happier without you worrying about him every hour of every day.
Briefly, you thought about calling him to make sure that he was safe but decided against it. What if he thought you were still trying to “coddle” him? What if he thought you were too suffocating? 
You didn’t sleep well that night.
– – – – –
The next morning, the crushing realisation that Bokuto hadn’t come home last night fell on top of you as you felt the empty bed. In a slight panic, you reached out for your phone on the nightstand and dialed his number.
One time, no answer. Two times, no answer. On your third try, you sighed in relief, gratefully hearing the click of the other end.
“Oh thank goodness, Kou.” You stumbled out of bed as you made your way into the bathroom. “Where are you right now? Are you safe? Who’re you staying with? Do you need me to come-”
“I’m sorry who is this?” an unfamiliar voice interrupted you. The person on the other end seemed like they had just woken up from their hoarse tone.
You stilled as a tremor started crawling up your spine, but you willed it down. No, he would never! He loves you!
Taking a deep breath, you responded, “Oh uh, Bokuto’s my boyfriend.” You gave a weak laugh. “Are you a friend of his? Can you tell him something for me once he wakes up?”
There was rustling on the other end of the call as the person seemed to be getting out of bed.
“Hun, I’m so sorry.” Their voice was quieter this time. Your brows furrowed in confusion hearing their sudden apology. “I had no idea he was taken. I’m so sorry.”
Your blood ran cold. Biting your lip, you racked your brain for any possible explanation for what was going on. The heat behind your eyes from last night was coming back, and you could feel the pounding of your heart in your throat.
So he actually did it, huh?
“O-Oh.” The only thing you could mutter was a pitiful whimper.
“I’m so so sorry, hun. If I had known, I would’ve ripped him a new one right at the bar. I can’t imagine-”
“It’s not your fault.” Your voice was small, shaky. “You didn’t know. This is on him.”
“I… I know, but I just-”
“When he wakes up, can you tell him something for me?”
In any other circumstance, you would have felt guilty for interrupting so many times, but at the moment, you could barely even keep yourself standing. Your chest squeezed as your fingers dug into the phone.
“Yes, absolutely. Whatever you want.”
“Can you tell him to come home soon, please?”
“O-Of course. Yeah, I can do that.” Confusion was evident in their voice. They’d probably expected you to tell Bokuto that it was over, not ask for him to come home.
“Thank you.”
You hung up before they could even respond.
With a wobbly breath, you set your phone down on the bed and walked into the bathroom. You looked at yourself in the mirror. Your hair was messy. Your eyes were swollen and red with bags lining the bottom lids. Your lips were slightly bleeding and looked as if they were chewed raw.
You couldn’t bring yourself to keep scrutinising as violent sobs rose from your throat. Gripping the bathroom counter for dear life, your teeth clenched in a poor attempt to keep your cries at bay. Tears dripped into the sink as you cried harder, the sounds of your lament echoing within the small room.
Once again, you forced yourself to hold in the rest of your tears, splashing cold water on your face as your mind drifted to your next course of actions.
You noticed your phone buzzing repeatedly when you walked back into the bedroom. Ignoring it, you set out to pack a few bags with some of your things despite not knowing where you’d be going after this. All you knew was that you needed to leave.
The buzzing of your phone didn’t stop as you were bombarded with notifications, all from the one person you wanted to talk to least in the world right now.
8 missed calls from “🦉my dovey💕”
Against your better interest, you unlocked your phone and opened the first voicemail.
“Fuck, baby, I’m so sorry,” Bokuto’s voice was shaky as you heard the slam of a car door and the familiar rev of an engine in the background. “I fucked up. I know, baby. Just... I need you to call me back. Please, baby?”
After the tell-tale click signalling the end of the voicemail, you opened the second one.
“Baby, please! I’m so sorry for hurting you like this.” He sniffled. “I just need to know that you’re still at home, our home, baby. Please just call me and tell me that.”
The third one.
“Please, lovey, just tell me that you’re safe!” You noticed the faint sounds of the car running. “I’m on my way home right now. Okay, honey? Please be home, I’m begging you.”
The fourth.
“My lovey, my angel. I’m so sorry.” He seemed to choke on a sob. “You’re scaring me. I need to know that you’re okay. Just give me a call, a text, anything! I just need to know that you’re home.”
The bang of the front door opening stopped you from listening to the rest of Bokuto’s voicemails. You hadn’t noticed how hard your hands were shaking until you dropped your phone onto the mattress again. The tears rolling down your face only increased as you realised that you would have to face him.
“Baby?!” Bokuto’s panicked voice was hoarse — you could only imagine what happened for it to get that way. “Baby, please tell me you’re home! Please!”
You slapped a hand over your mouth to muffle your cries, but it seemed to do nothing as you heard the rushed stomping of his footsteps nearing the bedroom.
Bokuto flung the door open and immediately pulled you into a tight embrace with a breath of relief. He smelled of day-old sweat, alcohol, and the faint scent of vanilla and citrus — a scent that neither you nor him used. It was suffocating.
“Thank God you’re still here, baby.” His rough, calloused hand stroked the back of your head. “I was so scared you were gone.” You felt something drip onto your head, and you realised that he was crying.
He only tightened his embrace when you tried to pull away. His whispers of “No, no, please. Please don’t leave,” squeezed your heart.
You pulled your arms out from between the two of you and brought your hands up to his face, wiping his tears away.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, baby. I’m so sorry. I never meant for this to happen,” he whispered against your hands. You closed your eyes for a second, unsuccessfully trying to ignore the light bruises decorating his neck as your heart ached.
“How long?” Staring into his eyes, you saw the glassiness from his tears returning. Bokuto shook his head — Don’t make me remember. Your breath hitched from the way he leaned in to try and kiss you. Moving your head, he landed a peck on your cheekbone instead. He let out a sharp whimper.
“How. Long?” you ground out between clenched teeth.
He bit his lip, looking everywhere but your face.
“It was just this one time, I promise,” he murmured, “I won’t make this mistake again, baby.” As he spoke, his arms tightened around you, as he nuzzled his head into the nape of your neck.
“I know you won’t, Kou,” your voice was quiet as you spoke, trying to break the news gently, “because I’m leaving.”
You felt the way his body stiffened, and then he pulled you impossibly closer as his heaving cries began to rack his body.
“No! Baby, p-please! I’m sorry, I said I’m s-sorry!” He shook his head repeatedly, his tears running down your shoulder. “You can’t leave me! You can’t!”
You bit your lip, trying not to cry at his whimpers.
“I’m sorry, Kou.” Reaching up, you ran your fingers through his messy hair.
“Is this because,” he held back a sob, “Is this because I said that I wanted space? Because I was lying, honey! I never wanted space from you! I was lying! Angel, please don’t leave me.”
You tried to pull away from him again, and this time, he let you. His mouth was curled down, and his eyes were red, still shedding tears.
“I don’t know if I can trust you anymore, Bokuto.” His breathing stopped, hearing that name escape your lips. He stood frozen, his eyes stared down into the floor as his tears dropped into little puddles below. With that, you took your bags and phone from the bed and walked toward the front door.
You made it into the living room before you heard his hurried stumbles behind you.
“NO! NO! YOU CAN’T CALL ME THAT!” he screamed. Skidding to a stop in front of you, he dropped to his knees, holding onto your waist in a death grip. “PLEASE! PLEASE, BABY!”
Snot was running down his reddened nose and mixed in with his tears. His eyes held a sort of agony that was heart-wrenching to stare into. You willed yourself to stay calm as your nose began to sting once again.
“I’m sorry, Bokuto, but I have to go-”
“NO!” He pulled your bags out of your hands and threw them to the side. Taking your hands, he placed them on his cheeks.
“Bokuto, what are you doing?!” You tried to pull away from him, but his grip wouldn’t let you. “I already told you, I’m leav-”
“Look at me!” He lowered his voice to a whisper. “Look at me, please. It’s me. It’s your boy. I’m your boy. I’m your Koutarou.” His hands cupped your cheeks as his thumbs brushed away your tears. “And you’re my honey, my lovey, my angel. You’re my baby.”
You couldn’t bring yourself to respond — your face crumpled in pain, in heartbreak, in anguish as you thought back to what started this entire situation. Bokuto bit his lip; seeing you in so much pain because of him ripped him apart inside.
His lips parted again to continue.
“You’re my baby. I love you so so much. To the moon and back. I fucked up bad. I know, angel. But I can’t lose you. I won’t lose you. I’ll spend the rest of my life making it up to you. I promise you that.”
He stood up from his spot on the floor, still cupping your cheeks. A light kiss was placed on your lips as his forehead touched yours, both of your cheeks stained with tears.
“Just please don’t make me lose you like this.”
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reactionimagesdaily · 3 years
I dont understand bionicles at all, so maybe a crash course into like. 1) what a bionicle is 2) general plot of the bionicle story? happy 5k btw <3 love ur page!
OH BOY OH BOY, this is a question I've been waiting for. Thank you so much for asking, and I’m glad you like my page!! <333
A couple of disclaimers, before I start: I'm going to focus mostly on the mainline plot, but let it be known that there WERE a bunch of serial stories and comics and games that added to the story overall. Bionicle was, I think, one of the first big instances of a plot that was consumed through a bunch of different mediums.
I'm also going to try and do a lot of streamlining - it's not that I DON'T want to talk about bionicle, but there's 10+ years of story to cover, so... yeah. :P
Also! Sorry in advance to anyone whose 'read more' function doesn't work, because this is gonna be a doozy
So, what is a bionicle? From a meta perspective, Bionicle is a Lego theme that ran from 2001-2010, and was briefly rebooted from 2015-2016. It's name is a mashup of biological chronicle, and it was hugely successful in its time, essentially helping to save the Lego company from bankruptcy. The idea is that you use finnicky technical pieces to build humanoid figures (and sometimes their vehicles!) and then. play with them
From a textual/lore perspective, I'm not sure Bionicle is an in-universe term lol. But the characters that we recognise as 'bionicles' are grouped into a bunch of different classifications - 'Toa', 'Matoran', 'Makuta', 'Glatorian', and so on. The characters are kinda like inverse cyborgs, where there's metal on the outside and flesh and muscle on the inside. They often function like robots (e.g. have removable and replaceable masks that they constantly wear over their faces) but are still essentially living creatures.
So, what's the general plot of the story?
...[inhales deeply] Okay
In the time before time, there's an island called Mata Nui that sits in the middle of the ocean. It's populated by these dinky lil' guys called 'Matoran' that live in six villages organised by elements - fire, water, ice, air, earth, and stone. They eke out a life as best they can, facing dangerous wild animals (collectively called 'Rahi') and worshipping the Great Spirit, who is confusingly also called Mata Nui. (They named the island after him.) The great spirit, they say, once watched over them all, but was long ago forced into an enchanted sleep by his evil brother.
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(These are the matoran. Look at these cute little guys :3)
One day, six canisters wash ashore, on the island's golden beaches. And out of these canisters step six strange figures called Toa. Tall, strong, and heavily armed, there is one of these 'Toa' for each of the villages, and each of these guys have control over an element. They are the main 'heroes' of this story.
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(These are the six Toa. Here's a fun game - spot the girl!)
Each of the six Toa are named characters - from left to right we have Onua (wise and grounded), Lewa (fun-loving and mischievous), Pohatu (friendly and confident), Tahu (hot-headed and impulsive), Kopaka (cold and quiet), and Gali (intelligent and compromising). Some of the Matoran are also named characters - there's Jaller, the captain of the guard at the fire village, Hahli, a sports player from the water village, Matoro, a translator from the ice village, and Takua, who's technically from the fire village but is also an 'outsider' who tends to wander the island. Takua is especially important because he becomes the Toa's 'chronicler', following them around on their adventures and writing everything down for posterity.
Without getting into too much detail, the Toa spend two real-life years getting into wacky highjinks. They hunt for masks (as aforementioned, the masks they wear can be removed and replaced) that grant them special powers, fight the Rahi, and also face up against a terrifying race of creatures with mind-control powers called the Bohrok that are determined to strip the island of all life. They also fight against a being called Makuta, a mysterious shadowy figure who claims to be the brother that forced Mata Nui into his slumber. When they first meet him, Makuta takes the form of a Matoran to throw them off, before turning into a nebulous black void and doing his best to murder them all to death.
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(Makuta as he appears in 2001's 'Mata Nui Online Game'. As far as villain introductions go, marching out to meet all the heroes and then telling them "I bore you, for I am nothing. It is from nothing that you came, and it is into nothing you will go. The people of this world are builders, but look into their hearts, and you will find they also have the power to destroy. I am that power. I am destruction. And I will destroy you." is pretty fucking solid though I say so myself.)
There’s a lot of cool worldbuilding and mysterious details about the island. At one point, the earth Matoran note that they can only dig so far into the dirt before they come across some hard material - some type of metal - that they just can’t break through. Also, amidst the stars in the sky, there’s an ominous blood-red star that’s appropriately known as the Red Star. What’s it doing there? Nobody knows
Also at one point, the Toa also get mutated into new forms after falling into a liquid that's called 'energized protodermis' but should really be called 'McGuffin Sauce'. There's a lot of changing forms and characters being mutated in this series in general, which I'm sure has nothing to do with the fact that Lego always needed new figures to make into toys.
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(This is how the Toa look after being mutated. In these forms, they're referred to as the Toa Nuva -and let me assure you that that distinction will soon become necessary. :P)
So, in 2003 in our world (I’m not sure about the timeline within the lore), Takua the chronicler finds a mysterious mask and brings it back to the Turaga, who are the wise old rulers of the Matoran (The most promiment of the Turaga is the Turaga of fire, who’s called Vakama. He’s an even-tempered and wise old man who’s not above hitting villains with his walking stick if they threaten his village.). It turns out that the mask is special - it’s the mask of Light, and it’s part of a prophecy that involves the arrival of a seventh Toa who’s destined to defeat Makuta. So Takua and Jaller go on an adventure to try and find the seventh Toa.
Meanwhile, Makuta isn’t just going to sit around and wait for the Toa who’s destined to defeat him to rock up: he unleashes his secret weapons, the Rahkshi, who are, in lore, suits of armour driven by slugs. Sounds corny - in practice, they’re hella intimidating.
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(Look at these bad boys)
Some more adventures happen and, to make a long story short, the Rahkshi kill Jaller and Takua the chronicler puts the mask of light onto his own face, transforming into Takanuva, the Toa of Light. The audience surrogate and ‘weird’ character was the secret hero all along!! I love that honestly.
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(Takua and Takanuva - before and after)
As someone with light powers, Takanuva is essentially the perfect counter to the big bad Makuta, who has shadow powers, so he finds Makuta’s lair intent on beating him. Makuta challenges him to a game that’s called ‘Kohlii’ but is basically this universe’s version of lacrosse - Takanuva accepts and proceeds to wipe the floor with him. During their fight, they fall into another conveniently-placed pool of energized protodermis and become merged, forming a new being called ‘Takutanuva’. Takutanuva doesn’t stick around very long, because he’s this weird contradictory being of both light and shadow, but before he fractures he opens a gate underneath Mata Nui and lets the Toa, the Turaga, and some named Matoran get through. Inside, they find a hidden city - a whole other world.
Takutanuva then manages to use his powers to hack the universe and bring Jaller back to life. Hooray! After that, he dies, and Takanuva is back. Makuta is nowhere to be found. [eyes emoji]
So now the Toa, the old Turaga, and a couple of Matoran are inside this whole new location, and they’re all wondering what the heck is going on. Well, not all of them are wondering. Vakama, the head Turaga, steps forward and admits that actually, the six (seven) Toa heros that we’ve come to know and love... aren’t actually the first Toa. Gasp!
The next two years of sets and story are essentially one giant flashback, as Vakama tells the current heroes about adventures past. It turns out that the hidden city they’ve found is called Metru Nui, and once upon a time, Vakama and the other Turaga were Toa themselves, fighting to keep the city and the matoran safe.
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(New (old) Toa! The flying green one is Matau, who was a stunt-driving excitable madman, and then on the ground from left to right we have Whenua (nerdy chronicler), Nokama (schoolteacher-turned-superhero), Vakama (anxiety-ridden leader), Nuju (absent-minded stargazer), and Onewa (racist prick who needs (and gets) a character arc). To differentiate themselves from the Toa that we’ve come to know and love, these Toa are the Toa Metru)
They had a bunch of adventures of their own. They fought the Vahki (capture robots upholding an authoritarian police state) and the Morbuzakh (evil sentient vines), and they also had ‘arch enemies’ in the form of the Dark Hunters, who were mercenaries that hunted Toa.
Also, that story about Makuta putting Mata Nui to sleep? Not a story so much as a history lesson! Ultimately, the reason that the city of Metru Nui was abandoned was because Mata Nui WAS awake, watching over them all, but then Makuta forced him into slumber and essentially caused a cataclysm. The Matoran were rounded up and forced to sleep as well, and the Toa Metru had to flee the city. When they came back, it had been overrun with Visorak (basically giant spiders), and they had to fight hard to defeat the horde and its leaders and escape with all of the sleeping Matoran.
Once they left Metru Nui (and arrived on the island that would become Mata Nui), the Toa Metru sacrificed their powers to wake up all the Matoran - which is how they transformed into the wise old Turaga. Also, the Matoran woke up with no memories, which is how they’d never known about Metru Nui up until this point.
Anyways, after exploring Metru Nui and making plans to move back in, everyone does some digging around and discover something about Mata Nui: his spirit is fading. Whatever Makuta did to him, it not only put him to sleep, but it’s also slowly killing him. After presumably having an existential crisis, the gang come up with a solution: there’s another legendary mask, the Mask of Life, that should be able to resuscitate Mata Nui, or at the very least, keep him from kicking the bucket while he’s sleeping.
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(The Mask of Life! If you look closely, you can see that the faceplate is shaped like a humanoid figure (because, yaknow, life) and if you think that’s not the tightest shit ever you can get out of my face)
So, the modern-day Toa (the Toa Nuva, if you guys remember the name) are like ‘okay, give us the location of the mask, we’ll go and find it’. So they get sent to another island, this one called Voya Nui, and they arrive and... get their asses handed to them? What?
A quick backtrack: a gang of thugs called the Piraka had already arrived on Voya Nui in search of the Mask of Life, wanting it so they can use its power to blackmail powerful organisations and generally get ahead in the criminal world. (From a Meta perspective, they’re,,, really interesting. Up until this point, the villains in Bionicle had either been wild animals, or villains with grand overarching plans. These guys are basically overpowered street thugs, complete with their own theme song - the ‘Piraka Rap’. Look it up on YouTube; it’s fucking hilarious, because the rest of Bionicle is generally timeless, but the Piraka Rap was basically dated as soon as it came out. I love it.)
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(The Piraka themselves! Fun fact; in Bionicle lore, ‘Piraka’ is a slang term for ‘thief’ and ‘murderer’, and was also considered so vulgar that if a Matoran called another Matoran ‘Piraka’, war would be declared over it. These guys are really just going around calling themselves slurs. I have to respect that.)
So, yeah. The Piraka defeat and imprison the Toa Nuva when they get to the island. Now what?
Well, now it’s time for the Matoran to get involved! A group of named and previously-established Matoran set out to see if they can rescue the Toa. There’s Jaller, Hahli, and Matoro, who I’ve already mentioned, and then there’s Kongu, Nuparu, and Hewkii. And I need to take a break to say that all these characters have been with the story since 2001 (it’s now 2006), and they’ve all contributed to the plot before!! Kongu is a prominent Matoran from the air village who led a flight of giant bird-riders to save the day one time, and Nuparu is an engineer from the earth village who basically invented mechs to help the Matoran defend themselves against the Bohrok. These guys are BADASSES and I want to bring up how a really strong initial 3 years of storytelling laid a great foundation for so many small characters. It’s just neat! :D
Anyways, these Matoran travel to the island of Voya Nui in canisters (like how the original Toa landed on Mata Nui) and while they’re sailing the ocean blue, their canisters are struck by lighting from the mysterious Red Star. And that lighting, say it with me now, TRANSFORMS them! Specifically it transforms them into Toa. They end up calling themselves the Toa Inika, because they’re searching for the mask of life, which is also called the ‘Ignika’.
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(The Toa Inika. Being transformed by a bolt of lighting means that in addition to their regular elemental powers, they also have electric/lighting abilities.)
Souped-up and ready for action, the Toa Inika manage to defeat the Piraka and rescue the Toa Nuva. However, through plot shenanagins, the Mask of Life ends up being sent to the bottom of the ocean around Voya Nui, and the Toa Inika learn that under the waves is a hidden city - Mahri Nui. As they descend, the Mask of Life does something odd; it sends out a wave of energy, transforming the Toa Inika so that they can breath underwater. So now, they’re the Toa Mahri. (Because they’re headed to Mahri Nui. You get me?)
Mahri Nui is ruled by the Barraki - ancient warlords who were imprisoned under the sea many thousands of years ago after they became powerful enough to threaten Mata Nui himself. They were put in a prison called The Pit, but during the cataclysm caused by Makuta putting Mata Nui to sleep, the city of Mahri Nui sunk into the water and slammed into the Pit. Many prisoners and Matoran died, but the Barraki were freed. Uh-oh, spaghetti-ohs.
Speaking of Makuta - guess who’s back! Thought dead after no-one could find him after Takutanuva died, it turns out that his spirit is possessing a robot body that had previously been a prison guard. He spends some time hanging out with one of the Toa Mahri, Matoro, basically playing mind games with him and trying to get him to turn to the dark side. Eventually, three different characters and factions smack the shit out of him, and he slips out of the robot body to go do... something else (watch this space). 
This year of story was REALLY plot-heavy and I kinda can’t do it justice here. The important developments are that the Toa Mahri eventually manage to reclaim the Mask of Life, and Matoro yoinks it. While his teammates act as a big distraction, he swims away and puts on the mask. It basically grants him ultimate power, but it also fuckin’ kills him. His final acts are to teleport his friends to safety, and then release a massive burst of energy that burns him up and saves Mata Nui’s life. The Mask of Life, with no-one left to wear it, sinks into the ocean.
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(“In his last moments, Matoro feels no fear. He know he has succeeded--the Toa Mahri are safe, able to resume their lives in Metru Nui. The Turaga and Matoran will know that they became true heroes. Matoro does not see himself as a hero. As a Matoran, a Toa Inika, and a Toa Mahri, all he ever tried to do was his duty. Now that duty has led him to his destiny.”- Bionicle Ignition 11: Death of a Hero)
[dries tears] Anyways, now that Mata Nui’s life has been saved, the only thing left to do is wake him back up. To do that, the Toa Nuva (the Toa that showed up at the very beginning of this story, if you recall) need to journey to the core of the universe, and a civilisation called Karda Nui. Three of the Toa Nuva - Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka - are sent to a village in the clouds, where they protect the local matoran and battle the forces of Makuta. Because, as it turns out, the big bad Makuta that we know? Makuta is actually the name of his species. The guy just wanted to feel special, apparently. The Makuta that the Toa have been fighting for over half a decade is technically called Makuta Teridax (or just Teridax), while the other Makuta have other names that I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Anyways, while those three Toa are figuring that out, the other three - Tahu, Gali, and Onua - journey to a place called the Swamp of Secrets in order to find a set of keystones that supposedly contain instructions on how to awaken Mata Nui. And it’s there that they find an unlikely ally: the Mask of Life itself.
See, the Mask of Life has always been a weird one - if you recall, it released an energy pulse for no reason that transformed the Toa Mahri and let them breath underwater. (It’s also done some other fucky stuff that I haven’t been able to mention - there’s a short story about how one time, a guy touched it, and it gave him the ability to involuntarily bring everything around him to life, which ultimately drove him mad. So. You know. That’s fun.) Well, it turns out that when the mask sank into the ocean after Matoro’s death, it ultimately ended up in the swamps of Karda Nui, and it senses the battles raging about it. More than that, but it remembers Matoro’s bravery as he donned the mask knowing it would kill him, and remembers how his final wish was to save his friends. Wanting to know what it means to be a hero, the Mask of Life creates a body for itself, and ventures out into the swamp to discover its destiny.
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(The Mask of Life has a body now!! Good for him! Good for him.)
There’s some more shenanigans that I’m skipping over - at one point, Takanuva (Toa of light, remember him?) rocks up to help. Long story short, our eight heroes - Tahu, Gali, Onua, Lewa, Kopaka, Pohatu, Takanuva, and the Mask of Life - fight their way through the Makuta and into the very core of the universe - the Codrex. Inside, after yet more shenanigans, the Mask of Life figures that in order to wake Mata Nui up, it will have to sacrifice the body it’s built for itself. The moment is sad, but the mask remembers Matoro’s sacrifice, and is inspired to act. He sacrifices his dreams of becoming a hero, and in doing so, becomes a hero... ;_;
The mask flies deep into the Codrex, its body dissolving; when it reaches the bottom, it creates a massive energy storm that the other characters have to escape. (Our heroes make it out - most of the villains end up getting vaporized, big RIP.)
And just like that, the journey is over. After years of battle, the Toa Nuva have completed their purpose, and awakened the great spirit, thus bringing peace back to the land. Everyone meets back up in Metru Nui - the Toa Nuva, the Toa Mahri, the Turaga, the remaining Matoran. It’s a glorious day. And as they gather, something happens.
Deep, deep beneath the ocean, energy pulses through rock, and machines that have been dormant for millennia begin to whirr and move. The island of Mata Nui - long abandoned as the Matoran moved back down into Metru Nui - cracks open like a wallnut, each half sliding into the sea. From underneath where the island had been, a tremendous head rises out of the ocean, countless galleons of water pouring off of it. Titanic shoulders follow. Then the chest, and the limbs, and slowly, surely, Mata Nui rises.
Meta context: for years, the nature of Mata Nui has been a mystery. Is he a metaphysical being? Is he a real person? No-one was sure... but they know now. That solid material that the earth Matoran couldn’t mine through, all the way back in 2001? That was his skin. The mysterious red star that created the Toa Inika? That was a failsafe machine orbiting Mata Nui, poised to create new Toa as necessary. The island of Mata Nui was atop his head, Metru Nui was his brain, Karda Nui was deep in his guts. The Matoran were workers to keep him functioning, the Toa were basically his immune system (the canisters they arrive in are literally shaped like pills)... All this time, all these stories, all these characters, this entire world - they have all been inside a robot the size of continents.
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(Fucking hell. Look at this. The clouds come up to his ankles.)
Celebrations ripple through Metru Nui as everyone realises what has happened. The great spirit is awake again! The Toa have won! But as the Turaga raise their voices to try and congratulate the Toa, a chill spreads over the spectators as the air grows cold. Everyone stops and looks around. What’s happening now? And then, from everywhere and nowhere, a voice rumbles. It’s a familiar voice. An unwelcome voice. A voice that most of the gathered heroes thought they’d never hear again.
It’s the voice of Makuta - the original Makuta. Makuta Teridax.
And what does he say?
Matoro’s sacrifice had ensured that Mata Nui’s body did not die, but before the great spirit’s consciousness could return, Makuta supplanted it with his own. After that, all he had to do was wait for the Toa Nuva to achieve their objective. And as they finished the fight and won the day, they handed victory to him on a silver platter. No longer does he need to strive to rule the universe - he is the universe.
(Meta perspective again but like: FUCK, man. I can’t emphasise enough how mind-breaking this was for the kids who were invested in the series. Think Thanos snapping his fingers in Infinity War, except probably more devastating, because there wasn’t a direct sequel lined up to give the heroes another chance, and there wasn’t a way to ‘undo’ it. This was a plot development that we all had to live with T_T)
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(You can tell things are bad because his eyes changed from green to red.)
And what of Mata Nui? What about the spirit that the Toa were actually trying to wake up?
Oh, Makuta stuffed Mata Nui’s consciousness into the Mask of Life - and then blasted the Mask into space.
[inhales deeply]
Okay, in all honesty, part of me wanted to end it there. But you know what? We’ve come this far. And there is more to the story. So I’m going to ignore my concern I won’t be able to do it justice and blunder on.
 Bionicle’s last chapter (2009-2010) follows Mata Nui himself - no longer an abstract spiritual concept, but rather a concrete character. A god felled from his pedestal, struggling to find a way to save his people. And it’s AWESOME. Armed with only the Mask of Life and a sentient shield named Click, he wanders the shithole deserts of the planet he crash-lands on, bringing the disparate tribes together, uncovering secrets about who made him and what his ultimate purpose is, and learning what it means to be a regular person. Also, at one point, in a move very reminiscent of the god that he once was, he turns a guy into a snake. You know. As a ‘fuck you’.
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(There’s something really cool to me about a main character being someone who essentially lost all the power of the cosmos. Mata Nui might just be my fave character in this whole story honestly.)
Eventually, Mata Nui discovers some crucial pieces of information. Firstly: the planet that he’s landed on, Bara Magna, is his ‘homeworld’ in that it’s where his giant god body was built. Secondly: the two moons orbiting Bara Magna (the jungle moon of Bota Magna and the ocean moon of Aqua Magna) were once part of the planet itself, and split off during a planet-destroying cataclysm, leaving behind a desert wasteland in their wake. Third: the function he was ultimately built for (his ‘destiny’) was to reunite the three celestial bodies into one planet, bringing life back to Bara Magna’s harsh desert environments. He was on his way to complete this task when Makuta crashed his systems with a computer virus - which was what forced him into the ‘slumber’ that he was in for most of the mainline story.
His fourth, and probably most important discovery, is that he’s essentially his makers’ second attempt at a world-fixing giant robot. Before creating him, his makers (the ‘Great Builders’) constructed a giant robot that malfunctioned and exploded. Long-deactivated, the pieces of it are still scattered through the deserts of Bara Magna - in fact, many of the villages on the planet are set up in or around these giant robot pieces. Mata Nui figures that if he can reconstruct this old robot, he can use it to complete his destiny, and maybe even save his people.
It isn’t easy. He has to convince the villagers he’s come to befriend (the Agori) to give up their homes and their safety, and he has to find an experimental power source that’ll actually get the giant metal body moving again. But eventually, he figures it all out. Powered by the experimental source, the Mask of Life, and probably also friendship, he inhabits this enormous form and rises once again. Without missing a beat, he reaches out and begins to pull the moons towards the main planet. As far as he’s concerned, he’s going to fix everything, or die trying.
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(The power of skybeams)
However, it won’t be that simple. Makuta senses that Mata Nui’s spirit has inhabited a new form (and I don’t mean that in a metaphysical way, I mean that in a computer/technology way), and he quickly jets over to Bara Magna. Obviously, flinging the fucker into space wasn’t good enough. It’s time for him to destroy Mata Nui, mano y mano. Giant robot y giant robot.
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(Makuta and Mata Nui, facing off. God I love this picture.)
It’s the final battle - for real this time. The two giant robots begin to punch each other, and Mata Nui is up against some obvious disadvantages. For one thing, he can’t risk attacking Makuta with all his might, because he doesn’t want to hurt his people, who are still inside the giant robot. (Inside, they’re fairing... poorly. It’s like facism, but if facism was being actively enforced by God.)
In the fight, a hole gets blasted in Makuta’s body, and out pour a whole LOAD of Rahkshi. (Remember those guys?) However, Tahu and Takanuva also manage to escape, and join a ground battle that’s breaking out between the Agori (and their protectors, the Glatorians), the Skrall (a tribe of warriors native to Bara Magna who are absolute dicks - I’ve had to gloss over them, unfortunately, but believe me when I say that they’ve been major antagonists for as long as the narrative has focused on Bara Magna), and a bunch of guys who are called ‘Piraka’ but aren’t the gang of thugs from Voya Nui. (I think they’re the same... species?) Long story short: large-scale shitfight is happening at the feet of the two robots that are slugging it out. Makuta, being a dick, decides to try and literally stamp on all of Mata Nui’s friends down below, and Mata Nui has to desperately hold him off.
Around this point, the Mask of Life (which is really the MVP of this whole story) uses its convenient energy bursts to imbue Tahu with a set of golden armour that allows him to release energy blasts of its own. (Why it singles out Tahu, I’m not sure, but I’m presuming it’s because Tahu was the first face of the series and it just makes thematic sense for him to be a major player in the final battle.) Tahu uses his new golden armour to disintegrate ALL of the Rahkshi - and there were a lot of them on the field of battle, let me assure you. Makuta feels the loss of so many creations at once, and falters, and Mata Nui seizes his chance. He’d done his work well before Makuta had arrived, and the jungle moon is now in low orbit above the planet. Pouring every last ounce of his strength into one more push, he surges forward and up, pushing Makuta up and making sure that his head is right in the path of the falling planet.
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(Kudos to Makuta Teridax for being such a persistent antagonist that the only way to get rid of him for good was to drop an entire damn planet on his head.)
Mata Nui guides the falling body carefully to the ground, letting it open and freeing his people. The remaining Skrall and Piraka surrender. The Matoran and Toa meet and mingle with the Agori and Glatorian. Mata Nui raises his hands, and completes his purpose; aided one last time by the Mask of Life, as well as his body’s innate systems, he enacts a synthesis on the now-united celestial bodies. Lush forests and large bodies of water appear in the desert. Life flourishes. Birds probably start to sing. Mata Nui has completed his purpose, and vindicated all of the heroes who fought for him for so long.
He feels himself fading. He lets his spirit withdraw into the Mask of Life. A new slumber - this one, earned, and of his own volition.
Perhaps one day, he will return.
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(“We will honour Mata Nui, and all those who fought for him, in our memories. But the time has come to move on. His destiny is fulfilled, and for many of us, it has yet to be written. My friends, it is time to go.”- Tahu, The Mata Nui Saga, chapter 34.)
And there we go! Very, VERY long, but that’s the general plot of bionicle. There are an absolute tone of details I’ve missed out or skipped over, and I encourage you to search them out for yourself if you’re interested. But them’s the basics! :D
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