#i went into a rant again😃
cntloup · 2 months
what do you think simon’s type would be? i love your work btw 🫶🥹
ooh this is interesting😃 thank you luv glad you like my work🥰💗 i'm sorry this got so long i went on a rant about how he would enter a relationship in general🙃
so i think for the most part, he'd avoid relationships altogether. not because he wouldn't want to pass on the curse that has been cast on him to another person. i think he's rational and knows that there's no curse here. yes, he's been unfortunate his whole life but it's something that has just happened. so one reason would simply be that he doesn't have time to maintain a relationship. but of course there's a more profound reason and it's that he's a broken man. he knows that it would be really difficult to be in a relationship with him. and it would be very difficult for him to trust someone enough to let them in. so yeah it would be highly unlikely.
and i don't see him as the type to go for one-night stands that much either. i'd say a moderate amount maybe to release some pent up energy after deployments.
if it ever happens and he falls in love, it will be a slooow burn. like it would take a reallyyy long time. and it would be with someone whom he sees regularly. not necessarily in his own line of work but maybe a neighbor, some coffee shop worker or a librarian etc. someone whom he can form a friendship with first. he needs to dip his toes in to test the waters first before diving into a relationship. so yeah i think it would be friends to lovers for him.
and i don't think your style would matter to him at all. coquette, tomboy, whatever you are, it's your personality that matters to him. of course he would fawn over your style too once you're in a relationship, but it wouldn't be a part of his criteria for entering a relationship.
and personality wise, he would never tolerate a crybaby at all. someone who whines and wails over minor stuff would irritate him to no end. so it would be someone who has a somewhat rough and tough layer to them. not as extreme as him of course, he wouldn't expect that from anyone.
and of course someone who has a certain darkness within them. so in this case, someone similar to him, with a traumatic past. again, not as extreme as him of course. but to some extent, carrying a bit of baggage. so they would understand the pain and torment he carries within his heart every second of the day and the toll it takes on him. so they can be patient with him as he lets them in gradually to peel off the layers that he has built over the years one by one.
that being said, he would be extremely protective. yes, you're strong and tough, a little fucked up in the head and you can handle yourself perfectly, but that doesn't mean you have to. he would step in the moment he notices your discomfort in any situation. he would take mental notes of every single one of your triggers, however minor, and he'd protect you and take you away from any situation that would cause even an ounce of discomfort to you.
i might change my mind about this in the future but this is my opinion rn :)
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theguiltinessisyours · 4 months
I usually avoid writing anything personal on this blog bc it isn't meant for that but I want to rant a little/write my thoughts.
I suspect I might have ADHD. For almost my entire life I never thought I'd be worried about that, since I wasn't really that hyperactive and did relatively well in school. I had this false image of what someone with ADHD looks like (which is a boy who never ever stops moving and screams all the time). Now as I got older, some symptoms that could be possible indicators of ADHD got more and more extreme and are actually piling up to impact literally every day in my life: procrastination but not in an "everybody does this" kind of way but in a "this actually had serious consequences for me" kind of way. (Finances and stuff. yikes) I wrote my assignment (which we had FOUR MONTHS for) in the span of two days without sleeping and then thought I'd failed 😃 I regularly ghost everyone I know and love and I myself don't even know why. I constantly feel stressed bc I want to do stuff, even things that brings me joy and then I just. don't. It's horrible.
Well, I it kind of escalated and I got to a counselor, who literally 15 minutes in my first session asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with ADHD. I now have to call an actual psychiatrist if I wanted a diagnosis (which ha of course I'm avoiding atm). Idk if that would accomplish anything or not but I feel like I would feel better if I saw it on paper.
But. There still is that fucking part of me that's like. You're overreacting. I guess it kinda stems from the stigma and from everyone screaming about "everyone has ADHD" today but what if I don't have it. Like. I feel like I'm going crazy but what if it's really just lazyness? Again, I know this is irracional but I can't help it. Augh. If anyone sees this and maybe is diagnosed with ADHD, if you'd like you can tell me how you went about it <3
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bl3ssed-cursxd · 8 months
Viral Hit Episode 1/2 (i forgot)
the urge to 🤛 pakgo rn if i get names wrong bear with me im still learning em
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no cuz how did mans make it in 30 seconds i- itd take me 30 seconds to make THE TRIP back and forth
Then again park taejun co wrote thks webtoon so it's probably a trademark of his characters LMAOFJS
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snapper lowk deserved it im just sayin
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look at me switching up so fast lmao
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yesterdayiwrote · 1 year
Don’t think Lewis and Shakira are actually “dating”, if only they might be hooking up and that’s fine (they are in very different places in life right now).
I kind of feel (coupled with that on the nose latina comment Lewis made couple days ago) that it seems more like a PR move/association that is a win-win for them both (Shakira is freshly divorced and the divorce in itself was pretty nasty, so showing herself with attractive, successful -younger and I mention it with purpose- men is a plus for her), and same goes for Lewis hanging out with successful, attractive women.
Might be a hookup with a positive PR twist for them, but I am always a bit on the fence with Lewis because of a specific suspect that I have and won’t ever name until he does, but in any case, it’s only positives for them right now, and is definitely better than hanging out with some other people that were around his side of the garage yesterday…
On a side note, don’t think that George expected to sctually go out party with Lewis or something. Like you stated various times, they seem to lead separate lives outside work, which is probably only healthy for them. But they seem to have grown a lott closer recently, body language is quite telling, and also Lewis seems not as cagey as he was last year to show he actually -seems to- likes George, which is pretty clear if you look at how they behave around each other (syncronicity, mirroring poses, etc).
Hopefully it will last in time, but what I liked the most was Lewis underlining how they are the best drivers pairing on the grid, which speaks volumes on how he sees George talent speaking.
There could be no bigger praise coming from him and it’s genuine because he coupled it with a (deserved) dig at Mercedes’ pit wall screwing them during quali.
Sorry for ranting, lol, still feeling hungover at that great result. George was pretty spectacular yesterday 😃
Again, I think it’s less than a month since they first got linked to each other so I’d be very shocked if they were anything more than just… testing the waters at most right now?
Lewis is very careful about who he gets spotted and seen with and it’s very interesting who actually gets seen with him and who is linked to him but never openly photographed with him… The fact she went to the paddock at the height of rumours and there were photos of them together doesn’t feel like an accident. The last girl he was genuinely spotted with out of choice was Ella Balinska and I don’t think anyone ever really spoke about the fact they might be dating, so I think the fact it’s Shakira is fuelling some of the hype as well.
I am joking about George expecting to go out with Lewis, but he did seem very enthusiastic at the suggestion and literally jumped in to accept like an excitable puppy, which was just hilarious 😆
I think they do have different interests but I think Lewis still appreciates George and probably sees the similarities between them. I know he was still 31 during the Nico stuff but he was still quite immature then and has somewhat grown since. I think like George has said, they’re at different points in their careers so there’s no immediate threat even if they both want the same thing at the same time right now.
They are the best driver lineup on the grid and it shows. If you discount Australia, there’s only 4 points separating them in races they both finished so they’re extremely evenly matched come race day as well given the difference in experience. Their strength as a line up is mainly how they’ve ended up 2nd in the constructors right now?
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luckyqueenreign · 2 years
That's again blabbering/ranting anon😃
It's actually doesn't matter how much time Gabi and Suresh were "dating" if it wasn't serious on his part.
Speaking from experience - I thought I was in relationship with a boy (and he had some clothes at my place, not just toothbrush). So for a 4 months I thought we actually going somewhere. And in the end he became distant and I texted him "what's wrong? Are you that embarrassed to show your soft side to your friends?" (Cuz he called me "my darling" when we were alone and he said his parents knew about me).
His answer : "Sorry, it's not about you, it's about me. I'd like to stay friends". And you can guess it was the end for whatever we had.
So. It was a fling for him. I was a gal with her own place where he can go whenever he wants 😔 and at least I had my break up (with text, and it hurts he didn't had a balls to say everything in my face) but he didn't just disappeared like Suresh!
The worst part in my experience was something different - when I wanted to test him after break up. We agreed to stay "friends" but I started to flirt with him. And that asshole flirted back! Then I realized what kind of friends he wanted.
And again - Suresh hasn't done it. He just left without looking back.
So yeah. 5 months is nothing 🙃
awww babe 💕 im sorry you went through that but at least like you said you got some closure at least he didnt ghost you like suresh did with gabi 😭
but I agree with you...5 months when a persons heart isnt in it is no time at all 😫
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aspitefulwriter · 3 months
At this point I need to shut my mouth 💀 so over spring break I went to the ER twice and they found something I need to get out ASAP + my college is not being forgiving about this so I’ve been stressed as fuck since I’ve applied to graduate in May (nonrefundable... College is a scam). 2 of my classes are required for graduation since they’re major-based and only offered in the spring. SOOOO. I have not had the mental capacity to do anything but rot in bed and/or try to be productive for school so if the chance arises I actually can graduate in May. Then I went to the ER AGAIN yesterday and found out my heart’s fucking inflamed and hurts to function 😃👍🏻 likely final update before either your story continues or my account is never active again due to….negative reasons.
(Had to rant a little, my bad)
Peace, love, and joy, you beauties. See you on the flip side :)
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rinbowaman · 11 months
HUNNYYYY I’m here im present this reaction is long overdue I was supposed to send this yesterday but I was soo busy and the internet here is literally fcking up so bad that’s why I havent interacted IN A DAY can you believe it?!?! this is so unlike of me….BUT ANYWAYS IM HERE IM BACK HELLOO
p.s. this is very long sorry in advance 😚💗
first of all..the amount of flashbacks in this chapter is giving me so much joy I just immediately revert back to when heethan and readen were still “strangers” and seeing both his and her perspectives once again bcs it’s been a while since you’ve done one of these but aaaahhhhh my heart!!!!!! my precious lalovess 🥹🥹🥹
‘God damn she’s so beautiful….and she’s fucking all mine….’ STAAAAPPPPP this is giving me so much deja vu from the first chapters and smau’s (it’s a flashback in but still) 😭😭 reading heethan’s thoughts abt readen will ALWAYS give me the goosebumps it’s always got my heart doing fricking cartwheels dude I can feel the hee’s love for our readen goshhh it’s making me weaaakkk
“My glasses…”
“You wear glasses?”
“I used to….back in high school”
“You don’t anymore?”
“Nope…got a Lasik a while back…”
YESSSS I was wondering when we’d go to this topic again bcs of the last chapters and o m g green haired hee with those glasses?? an absolute nightmare it’s got me weaaakkk in the kneeessssss ESP WITH THE INSERTED GIF AND PIC STAAAPPP REI LULU’S HERE.
also p.s. I’m not even joking but my childhood stuffed toy that’s a grey elephant is named lulu….shut up😃💀
“They look good on you….who would have thought that someone would look better than me in my own glasses.” He chuckles.
“Stop, you’re overexaggerating.” You chuckled back.
ahh yes our still very humble readen as always..it’s part of her personality cus I swear with how rei’s describing her she is a literal goddess but still she’s humble af I love her sm my lovely (and overly humble) readen
“You’re a wonderment.” WAIT- THATS A NEW ONE 🤩🤩 HAVENT HEARD THAT ONE FROM HEETHAN BEFORE NO WAAYYY this is like way back but I guess new word unlocked hihi
stop. The fucking smut. holy shiiiiittttt that was probably the first time (?) where hee went Ethan mode while they’re doing it and it’s mfing hot
“No-no…..this is what you asked for riiiiight?……..Fucking let me eat you….let me feast on your skin……let me tear your body to pieces…..” GETTING HUGEEEEE DEJA VU from some chapters cus I literally cannot recall how many times heethan has said abt devouring readen and even more times on how he actually DID it…GODDAMN THIS IS HAWWWWTTTTT😵😵‍💫
Rei you don’t know how much I love all of the his and her perspectives from old chapters cus it just literally shows how much has happened already and how far this story has gone even though it’s only been twenty chapters I still remember when heethan would rant to himself in the smau’s and readen and him seeing each other the first time at Vicky’s dorm….staaappp 🥹🥹🥹
Heethsn’s perspective during THE iconic and will forever be remembered scene when everything unfolded that night….hee’s perspective is just absolute perfection AAWWHWWHHSNNDHEHESNHEHENNENS his thoughts and the way he thinks about her, the way he loves her it’s just something that’s out of this world and one that no one could understand EXCEPT readen. I love them.
“Let’s go pretty baby…..we got a plane to catch.” Okay let’s ignore the other dialogue in that scene for now but ITS HEREEE ITS FINALLY HAPPENING OH MY GOSHH 🥹
I’ve been waiting for chapters and chapters for heethan and readen’s “next” I guess let’s say journey together and when I tell you that I literally CANNOT WAAAIIIITTTT to see their life in Korea and all of the scenarios that could happen (and possibly smaus ;)” AAHHHH YAAAYYYY MY PRECIOUS PRECIOUS HEETHAN AND READEN MWAAAAAAAA <33333
"...That voice....Eden? Is that you? Whats going on? I'm so confused...and scared....what's happening? What is Ethan talking about?....He's Heeseung?.....what...then who is Ethan? Who was he all this time?"
……uhm- what a great way to lighten the mood 😃😃
let’s just uhh ignore what I wrote before that uhm….so anyways-
I definitely think that as each chapter goes by heethan’s love for readen is becoming stronger and stronger and I just truly hope it doesn’t escalate to the fact that it’s uncontrollable anymore (REI DONT EVER DO THAT TO MY HEETHAN AND READEN 🤺🤺) but DUDE.
WOOOOHHHHH things are getting MOREE saucier and juicier and spicier‼️‼️‼️ OMFGG!! are we prepared for this rei? ARE WE??
Honestly cannot wait for future chapters and this chapter 20 I just adoreeee because of the his & her perspectives, it’s POETRY 😩
Okay yes I’m sorry I wrote a lot of my thoughts and a bit less screaming rn so forgive me mother rei I’m a bit emotional on this chapter (and probably cus I wrote this while it’s shark week but anw)
Reina you better hit me up once you read this because with the way heethan and heebros are plaguing my mind ESPECIALLY after their new chapters I actually think I’m gonna go crazy unless I talk to someone so
i had to bump up in the line of hte asks bc i needed to respond to yours immediately lol!
giiiiiiirrrrrl the longer the asks/summaries of chapters, the better. Once i finish chapter 9 of MT, DT chapter 6 is next. and it is getting fire....just like you said.
oh girl, this last chapter of HHP.....i'm loving that you loved and emphasized the his and her perspectives, bc that is actually crucial. bc obviously......something is about to go down..lol....something going on with heethan but its never out of malicious intent, its all out of love. but that's why i put in his perspective, so everyone can see just how his thought process had been since the very beginning, bc in MGR and somewhat of MRE, he was very calm, quiet, and composed, but that was just bc he kept everything internal. HHP reflects his mindset and how he really views readen and how much he loves you.....like his obsession and infatuation just escalated from the moment he saw you and ...normally i'm not one for the "love at first sight tropes" although i can be if they are well done, but in this story, heethan def fell in love at first sight of readen, and his infatuation only grew more and....i mean, lets not all forget, he is yandere.....he may have started out a bit soft....but he just grew more and more insanely in love with readen (all those events like gabe, samuel, scot and tiff, and now this serial killer that stalked her) all of those contributed to his growing possessive streak and just made him more and more obsessed and yearning to protect her, so that's where we're at right now but it gets interesting. next chapter you'll see some more of like...how everything went down and what happens to our girl. she's fine. trust me she's fine. lol.
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thewriting-corner · 1 year
Introduction To My WIPs
Helloo! I just took a ginger shot and multivitamin in the hopes that I do not get a cold right before the free week I plan to use to get all my uni work done, and my brain is fired up lol. ANYWAY, the other day I got a DM asking about TSLBTY and it hit me that despite all the promo I did for TSLBTY, I still never really talked about it 🤔 so here I am ranting to you about the only healthy loves in my life: the wips (or whips, if you will). Have fun, ig? And it goes without saying to please not steal any of these ideas. Be decent
The Sun Leads Back To You
This is my main project at the moment, and has been my source of therapy for a year now. I restarted the current version in April 2022 when I began getting really bad anxiety attacks again and my mental health was ✨on the ground✨ because how else would I cope lol. I hereby present you with a synopsis 🫶🏼
When on vacation with her family in Guanacaste, Costa Rica, Sofía Barrera finds her almost-boyfriend kissing another girl. In an attempt to make him jealous, she asks a random stranger to kiss her. Eager to make her ex even more crazy, she enlists the help of British tourist Thomas Woods to fake date her.
Thomas Woods doesn’t know what he hates more - the brain melting heat of the Costarrican beach or being forced to spend two weeks with his mother’s fiancé and his brand new step siblings. Desperate to get away from them, he accepts an offer to fake date Sofía in exchange for one thing: she gets him away from his new family as much as possible.
Their deal slowly unravels when Sofia’s family falls apart, and more than ever she’s convinced that she’s destined to stay at home forever, making sure her parents do not break the way they did seven years ago. Add an ex-boyfriend determined to win her back and the moody, yet charming Thomas, and Sofia’s world is soon to be collapsed.
I’m on it’s 3rd Draft, about to start the 4th and final once my beta readers finish reading it sometime this month. My current plan is to start querying it on June 1 as a birthday present to myself :) This book has meant the world to me and has helped me move on from so many things that it only feels appropriate to begin its new chapter as I leave my final days of teenage writerdom and entire my 🤢 20s. Sofia and Thomas are the products of my greatest flaws and pride, and yet I hope they will eventually find home in readers’ hearts like they’ve done in mine.
Songs I Relate To It: folklore love triangle :) or Last Kiss by Taylor Swift (iykyk)
The Wrath of Chaos [working title]
Now that I’ve gotten the super gross part of the way, I am pleased to announce that once I send out TSLBTY into the query trenches, I plan to reimagine one of my favorite worlds I’ve ever written! I tried querying this book before and it went terribly, BUT the other day I got an idea on how to make this book better and I CANT WAIT to put it to paper. While I have loved having my dearest, slightly depressed Marty on the spotlight, I’ve decided to shine a little bit of light on my favorite character of all time: Chaos. In this new version, he will be aged down and gain his own POV chapters in the book so that finally, he and Marty can be direct mirrors of each other like they were always meant to be.
Song I Relate To It: Carry On - The Score, AWOLNATION (or literally any song by The Score lol I swear their entire discography fits)
The Time Travel Wip
Working Title: The Time Keepers or Daughter of Time
One of the darkest concepts I have ever come up with, the time travel wip is a sci-fi/romance/thriller about a girl so desperate to return home, she accidentally destroys time😃 In the unfortunate experience of outlining, I realized that the plot was WAY too flat and so I need to rethink a lot of the aspects, which is why it’s so down the line of priorities right now. But I’m fine with that! Good books take time, and I’m excited to see what this wip will end up in once I’m a little less tired to think it through again lol
My plan for this one is to restart the outline eventually lol as soon as I can figure out how to up the stakes. Usually I have no issue with high stakes, but the entire concept of my characters being lost through time made it really hard to keep up with what they have to lose since it’s so difficult to remember the order of events even though it’s written down haha. Definitely my most ambitious project so far, which is why I have no issue taking my time with it. I’ve rushed through these wips in the past, and I’ve come to learn that a quick project will never be worth more than a well done one.
Song I Relate To It: End Game - Taylor Swift, Ed Sheeran, Future
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oldsportussy · 1 year
Fin, I think I started a war-
I was on PDB (Personality database) app and under the 'scp' section I wrote a rant about why it sucks that 'Draki is Polish and it went something like that;
My rant
User1: omg he's Polish we must say his last name with an accent!!!
User2: And his name should be more Polish also!!
User3: Guys, no, I'm sure he changed it to an English one after moving.
User1: And who are YOU to judge that 🙄
User3: A Polish person???
Never ranting about it again 😃
Huh I don't see why it should be bad that he is Polish but to each their own
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nukleator · 1 year
Holy fuuuuuuuuck i felt like a hostage tonight. Started my day 15 unpaid minutes early to ensure i will have enough time to enter the food order even if 10 things go wrong. Finished that, begin setting up my station but we get busy right away so i have to wait, get a tiny bit of prep done, busy again, repeat for four hours.
Ok everything done and im off now.
Hmm but of course the AM fry cook didnt run the filter cycle and i need that oil to last one more day. Guess ill hang around 10 minutes to get that done. Oh shit i just remembered i didnt put the last shipment of buns away and im expected to that so gonna get that done quickly. I break down the cardboard and remember there's empty boxes in the walk in still. Gotta deal with those. Suddenly 30 minutes have passed. Oops.
OKAY NOW IM DONE. Got my street clothes on, just gonna pop back on the line and grab some food. Oh shit its busy. Like REALLY busy. It's shift change so there's only two cooks working right now and our bill times are gonna be ridiculous. Can't leave it like this so i guess i'll help out.
20 minutes later and done. Got my food. Got my coat on. Lets get outta here. Say bye to GM and im about to reach for the door when he says "hey actually do you think you can stay 3 hours just to make sure theyre ok?"
"no problem im on it! 😃" Is my immediate reply however
Back in my clogs and whites and im thinking ok this is fine im just here for the dinner rush and then i go home. My hours were cut this week so at least i can get a few back.
HOLY. SHIT. We got destroyed, annihilated, pulverised, whatever. I got put on expo and i have never seen such madness. It was somehow worse than a friday night. We only had about half the covers we do on friday but they were concentrated into one single hour of pure hell.
My PM fry cook didnt want to be there and refused to do half her job (make fries). She tried to pawn her shift to me immediately and got upset when i said hell no. She also snapped "dont tell me what to do when you havent helped me at all!" when i said to her "please you need to help me blanch (your) fries because we (you) are gonna run out in about 10 minutes!!" meanwhile i have 12 entrées that are piling up at my station and im communicating with FOH to make sure things dont get run to the wrong table which prevents me from walking away and oh yeah cooking fries is YOUR job. One of the takeout servers heard us and actually ran into the kitchen with a box of fries 😭😭😭😭 new favourite server
Anyways then while shit is still fucked she walks out of the kitchen to talk to the MOD and i see them talking and tbh i think oh fuck shes telling her she cant work with me. Then the guy on desserts walks over and starts dropping baskets so im like oh okay they wanted to swap. But THEN he says to me ok im going back to desserts now btw and im like !?
So now im watching fryers as well and im wondering where the fry cook is. After a while i finally say WHERE IS SHE and one of cooks says oh... She went home sick. Forgot to tell you.
Okay actually im super tired n ow so im not even gonna finish my rant but the the main point is that i wanted to fucking go home after this shit and all those cunts inthe kitchen guilted me and bullied me into staying. They all claimed they didnt know how to clean the fryers which i find hard to believe. I got upset and then they were like ohh no.... You can go home. Totally. We wont hold this against you and make your life worse or anything. Like WOW awesome.
So thats how i worked 12 hours today on 0 food and a single can of monster because i didnt even have time to get water.
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#sry need to rant abt my mum (again) real quick#but like literally every time i talk to her i want to cease existing afterwards 😃#anyways i stuck through for two fucking year of keeping my sexuality and my gf a secret to the public ie anyone that isn't part of my close#friend group#now the two yrs are up & i was like#ok just heads up i'm gonna do whatever tf i want now i might post abt it online#and ever since then my mum makes me feel guilty for wanting to share my sexuality w the public#first it was like 'but. why? why do u need to share everything?'#(idk maybe if my mum didn't make me feel like shit abt who i am i wouldn't need strangers' validation)#(also i need to get rid of this secret or else i feel like i'll combust)#then she was like 'i don't want every single person that i don't even know to know it'#then yestrrday she went on abt how her friend told her that she once outed herself abt sth else#and how said friend regrets it now & wouldn't do it again#and how i need to be careful bc then ppl might send hateful stuff my way#like.#kinda like u constantly make me deal w your fucking homophobia while you claim to love me yet treat me as though i am disgusting for who#i am#like just say your fucking reputation is more important to you than my happiness and go#and like#the worst thing is how she ALWAYS gets to me#and then i feel like shit again and as though i don't think i'm capable of being stuck like this forever now#but this seems to be my life now i guess 😃#also she says this shit to me while at the same time saying stuff like#'i hope u don't stop seeing us over this stuff like i don't want to lose you'#well then fucking stop making me feel like fucking shit all the time#you cannot claim to love me and then treat a significant part of who I am this way#i'm tired#and sad#mostly sad yikes#delete later
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kaashikuroo · 3 years
forehead kisses with Kenma, yams, and Goshiki please the other posts made me feel comfortable and safe❥
Sure thing ;)
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When you kiss their forehead -Haikyuu Reactions
Characters: Kenma, Yamaguchi and Goshiki
Genre: Pure fluff.
Warnings: non
Part 1: Daichi, Kuroo and Suna | Part 2: Atsumu, Osamu and Oikawa
Requests? Send ‘em here!
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- You’d do it after he lost in a game.
- Babie would be so pouty after he lost. 🥺
- He’d come upto you, ranting to you about how he should’ve won after all that hard work because you’re his safe place even tho he’ll never admit it. >.<
- You’d listen to him attentively, genuinely feeling bad that he’s bummed out.
- He was looking so cute, all huddled up against you- you couldn’t resist.
- You held his face tenderly, lowering him a bit while lifting yourself up in the process.
- You’d kiss his forehead with so much love and comfort, he forgot what he was upset about.
- “You’ll definitely win next time. I’ll be cheering you on, love.”
- baby boi’s blushing 🥺
- Would defo cuddle up closer to you, kissing your shoulder as a thank you.
- Feels so loved 😩❤️‍🔥
- Would defo win the game and ask for another forehead kissi 🥺
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- Soft boi™ >///<
- Would happen when he’s stressed about being called out on the court and messing up his serve.
- “What if I’m not good enough for the team and they end up replacing me?” Babie😃✋❓
- You’d go upto him and pat his head spewing out reassuring words.
- His hair felt extra soft and your attention went to his forehead.
- Hand not leaving his hair, you pulled him in by the back of his neck with your other hand and placed a tender kiss on his forehead.
- “You’ll make us all proud. I’ll be cheering for you.”
- Could sense the sincerety dripping from your words. almost made him tear up 🥺
- “Thank you, y/n.” Would kiss your hand in acknowledgement.
- We all know he’s just trying to buy time to calm his poor lil heart down. ;(
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- Goshiki.exe has crashed, please try again. pls don’t. you’ll break the boi.😃✋
- When Goshiki recieves compliments from his teammates, he feels cocky and full of himself.
- But when you decide to compliment him? Especially about his bangs??
- Man’s on cloud 9 istg-
- Decide to kiss him on the forehead while complimenting his bangs?
- Congrats? He’s dead?? 😃❓
- You were feeling happier than usual and wanted to see your lovely boyfriend happy too.
- So you went over to him when he took a break and smiled at him sweetly before cupping his cheeks and pressing your lips tenderly on his forehead, pouring in love.
- “You looked so cool, Tomu. Especially your wonderful bangs.”
- You kissed him on his forehead again for that extra effect.
- When you pulled away, he was completely red.
- Stuttering stock.
- “U-uh T-th-thank you, y-y/n!” Would bow out of embarrasment. he doesn’t even know why he does it.
- Adds to his embarrasment.
- Like I said- Goshiki.exe has stopped working.
- “Well would you look at that! His face and my hair, huh?” Tendō smirks at Goshiki. ;(
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starker1975 · 2 years
Stephen Strange could play around with an apple and make it rot and go back to fresh and unbitten. They tryna tell me he couldn't have done the same glowy time-turning thing for Tony Stark as he was dying of his injuries? Enough so he could be saved? Also the whole team hand-holding thing in Guardians Of The Galaxy, why didn't they try that? People give me the excuse that Quill was a half-god at the time and I'm like ??? Thor is a God! On the Avengers team they also had The Hulk, not one but two fecken super soldiers, A mighty powerful Spider-Man, Dr. Strange and his magic buddies, The Scarlet witch, and mutherfucken Captain Marvel?! They couldn't have done the same thing to save Tony? To stand together in that epic battle against Thanos and his homies? Why were the rUsSos so willing to kill RDJ off, he was like one of the best things in the entire MCU. They could have thought something up to save him if they wanted to. Also I'm PMS:ing hard and I just get so upset sometimes with how they let go of Tony in such a way. Sorry, I just had to vent! ^_^
I think you’re completely right. I even had a seven paragraph rant typed out explaining why; I backspaced it all since it was long winded, but it all lead up to the conclusion that Tony died and sacrificed everything for nothing—for people who didn’t deserve or appreciate it. Not because he had to die, but because they wanted him dead. I went over a few key moments in the MCU where his unfair treatment is revealed, but here are two main ones:
In the beginning, he was originally rejected from the Avengers, and proceeded to save everybody in the battle of NY. Then, Steve Rogers still had his name go first on the memorial placard even though he barely did anything.
And in the end, they cut the scene on the endgame battlefield where every single hero took a knee to honour Tony. (I guess we should be grateful he got a funeral since Natasha got fuck all too. Easy to see who the writers’ favourites are.)
All that to show that he’s disrespected by writers and therefore the other characters themselves. Nothing he did was ever good enough for anybody, and he was consistently written off as an irredeemable douche. They gave him his happy ending and took it away. 😃 (although I would argue over whether an ending with Pepper was ideal since she mostly complained and rejected his identity for their entire relationship—again, a writer issue bc they tend to make women discontent nags. But still.)
I don’t know. It’s just depressing really. Tony didn’t have to die and he shouldn’t have. I mean…he’s iconic and a badass, so him dying while making the ultimate sacrifice and then getting a statue and documentary etc. is an excellent fuck-you to his doubters/enemies. But of course, it’s not as effective as it should be because people STILL talk about shit his pre-IM1 character, and Beck and his minions came for the barf glasses in FFH because they couldn’t let him rest. (Not to mention Toomes in Homecoming was anti Tony too as if he caused the Battle of NY—they even make Spider-Man villains be villains of Tony they hate him so much.) (even the Iron Man trilogy villains aren’t bad people Tony decided to stop himself, they were specifically people who HATED TONY. Stane and Hammer out of jealousy etc., Vanko for something Howard did to his dad, and Killian bc Tony was mean to him once.)
And that’s all just canon bullshit. Don’t get me started on the MCU fandom. I once saw a tik tok where someone criticized the new Captain America bc his intro on the football field with the marching band was too similar to Iron Man and his cheerleaders in IM2, meanwhile Steve Rogers used to have dancers and a play while he toured the front lines??? Like out of all the reasons this fool could’ve criticized John Walker, he chose to compare his MARCHING BAND INTRO to Tony’s Expo cheerleaders. Like what a fucking reach!!! (Meanwhile golden boy Steve can do whatever he wants and still be worthy of mjolnir) That’s how much people hate him lmao. Our king should’ve just snapped Peter back and let everyone else rot.
OOPS I turned it into a long answer again. Hahahaha. Anyways. Fuck anyone who isn’t Tony Stark. That’s my point.
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i-writes-things · 2 years
Ok about Supergirl finale I have to rant about season 6
AND MON-EL WAS LIKE HI OK BYE but they were friends and not lovers LIKE WHAT 😃and that makes me mad
but also if Brainy LITERALLY SAID NO to being with the big brain why does mon-el need to go back??? WHY DID THEY MAKE UP THAT EXCUSE FOR HIM
Kara and Mon-el literally are soulmates but they said no.
I was glad we got to see Cat Grant and I am happy for Kara and the fact that she got some peace with finally being able to not have to lie about who she is
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WHEN DID THEY TELL HER?? Because I don't remember that happening lol
AND THEY WORKED THE WHOLE SEASON for Lex to just defeat his own ass. It was a horrible fight like everyone was ready and then Nope Nope but if they fought them in that episode then they could have another The last one with domestic supergirl But its ok its ok
And the whoke season was just a step down, I mean THEY BROUGHT Lex back and he has been the villian for at least 2 seasons before
i know i know I am really dissing on Supergirl season 6
I mean They wrapped up everyone's stories great, really but there was just something about it
AND OMG OMG season 6 for William went from Him and Kara slow burn(heard that before the show was cancelled) to LITERALLY DYING
ok but ESME IS SO CUTE, and I am very very happy that Alex finally gets to be a mom!!
Back to Nxyly(idk how to spell it) SHE IS A HORRIBLE VILLIAN(she is just annoying) AND HER HANGING AROUND IN NIA'S DREAM WERE SO WEIRD
Also what was Lena's hair do's Like Every episode I would look to see what Lena's hair would look like never and I think we have a confirmation that she is goth.
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I also feel like they rushed them adopting? Esme and getting married all into one season but they did a good job
Everything was just rushed which is what was always happening but WHEN THEY BROUGHT CAT GRANT BACKKKK
Bro I did not see her snorkeling to save the turtles but its Ms. Grant you never know
omg omg
I just realized we are never, ever gonna see something new, not a new episode, no more new seasons
I mean since I was like 11 I would wait each year til it came out on Netflix to watch it, kinda that annual thing that forgot about until it was time to watch the next season
I remember I would watched Supergirl on repeat a few years back
Supergirl was my first favorite female hero
I am gonna miss her so much
I really wanna meet Melissa Benoist
Ok so I don't care you are able to get to see my top 5 I think maybe 6 female actress I wanna meet and why
1. Melissa Benoist-(Supergirl) Because she made me first wanna be an actress and two because she was there when not many people were(well just the show but I look put to her)
2. Emma Watson-(Hermione) We have the same name and Hermione showed me that even if you are born regular(muggle), extraordinary things can still happen to you, and the Harry Potter Books got me through my rough Middle School years
3. Daisy Ridley-(Rey Skywalker) She made me love Starwars and its weird because I can't remember what it was like before I watched it Also side note I went and saw The Rise of Skywalker first. That was my first Starwars movie. I know I know and then I went and watched 4 times total in the theater I loved it, and I remember before the first time seeing it I watched the last 15 minutes of the movie before to get a jist of what was happening and yeah
4. Elizabeth Olsen/Scarlett Johansson- (Wanda and Natasha) Funny enough I didn't really get into Marvel til the beginning of 2021, stupidly the first movie I watched was in 2019 Endgame, again, I know I know but I remember I was crying. I cried. I did, it happened and I only remember seeing it back then bc Oh well its the last one(i didn't know it totally wasn't) I might as well go see it. But then my friend beggged me to watch WandaVision and I got hooked, watched all the movies in a week sitting in my bed and then BOOM here we are. I was obsessed with Wanda at First and don't really remember when but Natasha just was my favorite I mean love them both but yeah.
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ianstummy · 2 years
sigh rant time :/
so i, as every other (sane) pjo fan heard about the casting and immediately went feral. my friend and i were losing our shit. i was having a bad day and i saw the casting photo and it turned around so quick i was fucking ECSTATIC. like i was out here running around the house telling my mom, my heart was melting bro.
that lasted about 3 hours 😃
unfortunately, i opened the hellscape that is instagram to follow the actors and i came upon the comment section of the casting announcement that disney plus posted.
these comments were… not great, to say the least.
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AND I’M SORRY OKAY I’M SORRY. i know it’s supposed to be a happy day. and usually these wouldn’t bother me that much but i don’t know i really thought the pjo fandom was different :/ like with how welcoming everyone was to walker idk i guess i momentarily forgot racism and sexism is apparently still a thing and just assumed it would be the same with annabeth.
and fr i do not wanna make ppl upset so if u wanna ignore this please go right ahead and do so bcoz i do not wanna ruin this for you like it was for me.
it’s just that as a woc it’s so fucking tiring to see this happen again and again. like we are literally the younger generation, when the fuck is it going to get better? and the fact that all the arguments behind these comments are literally just thinly veiled attempts to cover their racism. like “well that’s not how she looked in the books 🥸” “she’s not annabeth 🥸” like motherfucker, you realize the actual person who WROTE THE BOOKS, THE ACTUAL AUTHOR. IS THE ONE WHO CAST THEM??? HOW THE FUCK IS THAT “NOT ANNABETH” WHEN THE PERSON WHO LITERALLY CREATED ANNABETH IS SAYING IT IS ??? i don’t even wanna imagine the actress seeing comments like this when she’s literally like 12 fucking years old what the fuck. ppl like this make me sick to my fucking stomach.
anyway i don’t want to end this on an angry note, especially not today. let’s just focus on the fact that at the end of the day this is such a win for us :) and whether these people like it or not doesn’t even matter at the end of the day because it’s still happening. black annabeth :’) brown grover :’’’). it’s actually real and it’s actually happening and soon we’ll have an awesome show w these awesome actors.
oof. okay. again please feel free to scroll past this. rlly just needed a place to rant and i think tumblrs relatively sane compared to other social media rn. thank you if u read all this. lesgooooo real pjo fans we gotta stick together in times like this :)
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zaptrapp · 3 years
Ea’s Bad Batch Rant -ep 1
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Welcome to this part of Tumblr where, after I watch each BB episode, I’ll give you my detailed (yeah lmao as if) analysis and emotional ramble. SPOILERS AHEAD!! Let’s gooo (this is gonna be a long one, 70 minutes of ep!!):
First of all HOW DARE THEY. Filoniiiiii.
I was NOT expecting to start with a mission right before Order 66 are you fucking kidding me? I immediately went “Nope, not doing this.”
Look at the initial flashback of the clone wars. I was shaking, too many memories.
I haven’t watched Rebels but I know some things and I know who Caleb is. So HI Padawan Caleb, good to see you. But... wasn’t Kanan’s skin complex a bit darker?
It’s going nicely, some comedy thrown in, The Bad Batch being wholesome and just destroying clankas! Tech is growing on me.
Master Billaba why are you so disappointed omg ahah thank them immediately!?!?
Yo I fucking swear, I swear to god that when tbb was leaving and the Captain turned to receive Order 66 I jumped from the seat so fast. Like I yeeted myself so fucking far you cannot understand. Literally, fuck fuck fuck this. My anxiety and ptsd from the clone wars went 📈📈📈📈📈📈
Rip Jedi Master Billaba.
Run Caleb, just run.
(I’m so fucking glad to see The Bad Batch is immune to Order 66. Like so glad.)
Ok Crosshair and Hunter go rescue Mr Padawan there.
nope nope nope this is not going well. I was wrong, I fucked up, I spoke too soon.
“Good soldiers follow orders” noooooooo
Hunter being wholesome omg, what a dad energy he has. I already love him.
Omg Hunter’s scream when Kanan jumps.
Crosshair literally chill dude, let’s all vibe together.
Also uhm... it hurts to see them all so pale. Please for the love of god fix that, it’s unsettling.
The way they return to Kamino so oblivious of what’s going on. It hurts
“Coruscant guard is here” YES SHOW ME FOX YOU COWARDS
Uhm.... Filoni can we talk for a second? Yeah I would like to ask you WHY? Y’know, was it really necessary to show the corpse of a dead Jedi and the hand with the lightsaber falling off? This scene is gonna be stuck in my mind forever. I’m crying.
Can we also talk about the music? Haunting, a masterpiece throughout the whole episode.
This is not a kid’s show.
Love that they have their own personal barrack filled with their stuff, so precious. Plus the Tooka doll, omg😩
The amount of times I’ve said “Crosshair chill” by now is over 9000. Spoiler: it gets worse.
Absolutely love the tension between Hunter and Crosshair. Live for these moments.
Tech listing the characteristics of his mates and then “my exceptional mind” LMAO brag about it.
“The attempt on my life has left me scarred and deformed”. “You can say that again” Wrecker OMG I wheezed. Echo’s like “bruh”. That’s what I need. Right here. God I love this.
“Still don’t think the regs are programmed?” This part made me shiver. It literally terrifies me. Also Tech is growing so much on me...
Hello Omega, nice to meet you.
“adolescent human female” Tech what the fuck it’s just a girl.😂 I love her accent and her smile! And she’s a medical assistant, love that too!!!!!!
Omega really said 😃😃👋🏼👋🏼
Here comes Tarkin ugh
Why does it hurt to see regular clones without helmet? Probably cause they all look like Fives, Kix, and the others. My heart is crying
Also, why is no one bald anymore? Guess that’s old fashioned uh... (yeah I know it’s because they want them to have no characterization whatsoever, but what’s wrong in being bald?) I miss my bald-with-crazy-tattooes- regs❤️
“Hello again” 😁😁👋🏼👋🏼 the way they look at her LMAO 😶😐😑🤔😕
Food fight, yay! (Crosshair was just trying to chill but ooop guess it’s time to fight)
No seriously. They really threw AZ in curing Echo’s injury??? You don’t know how much I was crying. I thought they were gonna throw a “Fives” in and I wasn’t ready at all, not now. Glad they didn’t but still... fuck me Filoni
Look at Echo’s reaction. Fuck. He’s scared as hell, probably though he was back on Skako Minor being a lab rat.
Yeah what a shocking revelation for them AZ.
Headcanon: Tarkin hates his life. He’s so bitter.
The fact that they’re being tested against real threats and guns while they have stupid toy guns it’s so fucking wrong and ridiculous.
“Five are all that remain” but Echo’s not genetically enhanced. That means... (i was putting 2 and 2 together)
Here we go with a mission... this stinks from miles away just telling you
Omega and Hunter talks, ughh the feelings
The way Omega calls softly Hunter’s name ugh I’m sold. They already have a bond “something about her I can’t figure out.” 😩😩
“I guess kids aren’t your area of expertise” Crosshair what a subtle shade😂
Crosshair was not really going to shoot at kids and elder people. Right?
Oh hello Saw, good to see ya. Always a pleasure.
GENERAL SKYWALKER AND CAPTAIN REX mention here we goooo🤪����🤪
This is chilling and unsettling....
Great a snitch droid or whatever the fuck that is.
*dramatic stare between Crosshair and Hunter* plus toothpick action going on
Crosshair literally stfu
And here’s Tech dropping facts. Omega’s an enhanced clone. I wonder how they made it possible for her to be a female taking Jango’s DNA but whatever, this is Star Wars.
I am legitimately pissed that Crosshair threw away the toothpick. Justice for toothpick.
Omg she found a picture of the squad😭😭😭😭😭 flashback to Rex’s picture with Echo, Fives and Cody I’m crying
Look at them walking right into the trap.
Hunter looks totally offended but c’mon, you know what you were going against.
Yo, I’m really here trying not to SIMP and they fucking throw TBB in their blacks on my face. I don’t have to look at them, I don’t have to— HELLO HUNTER, how’s you booty doing?
Crosshair CHILL amigo ok io quando mi incazzo devo passare all’italiano quindi o ti calmi o ti calmi, capito brooo??!! Le bestemmie che mi fai tirare.
Ok he’s struggling, I see that. No need to be an ass tho 😶
“I know it’s not your fault. You can’t help it.” Yes I’m crying why aren’t you. The way he looks at her... I’m dead.
CT-9904. Okay... also why did they have to kick Hunter. He’s so precious, trying to defend him regardless of him being under the effect of the chip.
Oh shit oh fuck oh shit here we go. (I didn’t want to watch this part.)
Ehm, Hunter why did you have to lay down like that, you sexy beast. I’m waiting for a gifset of him like that. I’m waiting.
Not Omega copying his moves😂😂😂😂😂
“Abnormal individual” lmao the look on Tech and Hunter’s faces. So done.
Ugh the anxiety is spiraling in me. Also how did they suit up so fast lmao.
Oh no. Oh no. NO NO NO
oh shit.
He looks good tho ngl🥴 (toothpick’s back.)
Oh the look on Hunter’s face, the music... breaks my heart.
Oh I was kinda ready for this part but still..... 😭😩
Yo can you not throw the toothpick away in every damn scene please? That’s my emotional support character object.
Yo jumpscare I lost 10 years of my life what the fuck
The amount of times Wrecker got hurt just in this episode is concerning.
Your move. AHHHHHH
Yoooo Omega with that blaster rifle saved the day😃✨
BYE Crosshair see ya later 💔
Kaminoans hiding to the Empire that BB escaped? This is gonna be no good I’m telling you
Omega is precious. Must be protected.
Short list of friends. One is on coordinates J-19. Saleucami sector system. CUT LAWQUANE confirmed. Fuck yes. I’m happy. Now I can rest.
Sike I will never rest. Strap in and let’s gooo
Well well well. I LOVED IT. FILONI THANKS FOR THE UNWANTED FEELINGS that made me remind I’m a human capable of emotions❤️ I owe you one but I’m also hurt and also in love. Yes, there are things that did not sit really nicely with me: the obvious whitewashing, Omega being a clone of Jango (yes I was kinda expecting it but as I think through about it... makes less sense. Literally how?), but overall I enjoyed it.
Also if you wanna chat about TBB and feelings dm me or send in an ask! See ya bad bitches💕💕
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