#i went to sea for three months and this is all i have to show of it
looooofa · 5 months
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kirishima you can't keep a merman in your bathtub he will want to get out and explore
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puckinghischier · 3 months
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Luke Hughes x fem!reader
summary: reader gets nervous in the crowd, but luke is right there to help her out of it
notes: i’m once again throwing a luke fic out into the world. i saw this request in my inbox and immediately thought of the zach bryan concert the boys just went to. i would literally give anything to attend a concert with them. i just KNOW they’re great concert buddies. sorry it’s kinda short, i just didn’t know how to drag it out any longer. i hope you enjoy!! happy reading!! 🫶🏼
request: from my 400 follower celly - Character A can tell Character B is getting nervous in a big crowd, so A slips their hand into theirs to help them calm down.
You had been looking forward to tonight for months. From the second Luke surprised you with the tickets for your birthday, you immediately started planning an outfit, making a playlist, and anticipating the trip.
When he told you his brothers and a few friends were tagging along, it only made you more excited, enjoying every moment you got to spend with your boyfriend’s brothers and their hockey friends.
After the concert, everyone was driving over to stay at the lake house for a few weeks, enjoying as much of the summer together as they can before pre-season training starts. You couldn’t wait to have a few weeks of fun on the water, but also wanted tonight to last as long as it could.
Your excitement grew even more when you found the perfect outfit for the occasion, even buying a matching light-up cowboy hat off of Etsy. You were especially excited for the chance to wear your boots again, not having many excuses to wear them in Jersey.
Luke had his hand planted firmly on the small of your back, making sure not to lose you as you weave through the crowd. You had bought Luke a new shirt for tonight, the orange t-shirt matching the burnt orange color of your dress.
He leads you over to the crowded merchandise stand, telling you to pick whatever you wanted. You struggled, loving every item tacked onto the display board. When you told him you couldn’t decided between a t-shirt and a hoodie, he bought you both before you could even open your mouth to protest, buying himself a hat and t-shirt as well.
“Luke, you just spent over $300 without even batting an eye,” you barked at him, crossing your arms to try and look menacing.
You know Luke could’ve afforded to buy you the entire stand and still not make a dent in his bank account, but you don’t like when he spends large amounts on you for no reason.
“Yeah, so?” he shrugs, taking your elbow and leading you away from the cloth covered table, slinging the clear bag of merchandise over his shoulder.
You roll your eyes and huff at him, unfolding your arms and taking his hand, letting him lead you through the sea of bodies.
“’So?’”, you mimicked his response. “You didn’t have to buy half of the merch stand just because it took me more than three seconds to choose which shirt I wanted.”
He glances back at you over his shoulder. “The fact that you didn’t have your mind made up the second you saw the options means you clearly wanted both, so I bought you both.”
You reach over and pinch his side, mildly annoyed with how well he understands the way your brain works.
“Quit pinching me you little gremlin,” Luke hisses out, the nickname being one he uses when you’re being stubborn or annoying.
“Quit spending all of your money on me, you giraffe-man,” you fire back.
You can see his shoulder’s shake, your impromptu nickname for him amusing him.
He doesn’t respond right away, the two of you having made it to the entrance to your seats, walking up to the worker standing under the numbered sign.
The usher instructs you to show your tickets to one of the workers at the bottom of the set of stairs.
When you walk into the arena, you notice how large the space feels, the open floor and mostly empty seats creating the illusion of size.
Luke has to nudge you a bit, reminding you to keep walking, too in awe of the fact you’re actually here.
“Not so unhappy with me spending my money on you now, huh?” he leans down to whisper into your ear, making sure you can hear him over the roaring chatter.
You hit him lightly in the chest, a smirk on his face as the two of you walk down, showing your tickets to the usher once you reach the bottom of the stairs, a bright colored wristband with bold letters spelling out VIP FLOOR printed on each one.
You make your way over to a small, sectioned off area near the main stage, seeing the rest of your group already waiting for the two of you.
Jack is the first one to notice you approaching, his eyes lighting up and arms being slung into the air.
“It’s about time! We were starting to worry the two of you got lost!” he calls out, causing the rest of the group to turn their heads and call out greetings.
You smile, having missed those in the group that didn’t live in New Jersey.
Walking over to Quinn first, you give him a long hug, the last time you saw him being when he played his brothers in Jersey months ago. The frequent facetime calls the two of you share not being enough to scratch your Quinn itch.
“Quinnifer! I missed you!” you squeal as you squeeze him as tight as you can.
You can feel his chuckle as he squeezes you back. “I missed you too, Munchkin” he leans back, ruffling your hair.
Although you see Jack nearly every day back home in Jersey, Quinn is the brother you’re closest to. You and Jack are literally two peas in a pod, but there’s something about Quinn that made you feel comfortable with him from the moment Luke introduced the two of you.
He’s like the big brother you never had, always calling him when you need advice or need to complain to someone about Luke.
Anytime you have a particularly nasty argument with Luke, Quinn is the one you call. He always allows you say whatever you need to get out of your system before breaking the problem down and agreeing that his brother is an idiot, but that he also loves you with everything he has in him.
At first you tried to go to Jack with problems surrounding your relationship with Luke, but he clearly didn’t know how to help you. He either told Luke about your conversations, causing the argument to grow worse because Luke claimed Jack had no business knowing about what’s happening in your relationship, or he would shrug his shoulders and say “just don’t yell at him when I’m trying to sleep. I need my beauty rest.”
You swat Quinn’s hand away, trying to smooth down your now tousled hair.
“I see you dressed the goon, tonight,” he points out Luke’s orange shirt.
You turn your head to see him talking with Cole.
“Believe it or not, it was his idea,” you think back to after you bought your dress, trying it on for Luke once you came home from shopping with your girls. He loved the way you looked in it, his eyes widening the second you emerged from your walk-in closet.
He swallowed thickly, his gravelly voice choking out a “Did they happen to have a matching shirt? Because if you’re wearing that, I’m going to need something to match so everyone knows you’re there with me, not up for grabs.”
You blush at the memory, looking back over to Quinn.
“I always knew he was whipped, but damn you’ve got him down bad, huh?” he shakes his head, smiling in amusement.
“Wrapped around my little finger,” you hold up your pinky, wiggling it at Quinn with a giggle.
You feel a pair of arms snake their way around your waist, a heavy object resting itself on top of your head.
“What’s wrapped around your little finger?” Luke asks, his chin bumping against your scalp as he talks.
“You, duh,” you reply, moving your head forward and craning your neck to look up at him.
He looks between you and his older brother before uttering out a “Oh one hundred percent. Couldn’t unravel myself if I even wanted to,” he lets go of you, stepping up to stand beside you.
Quinn just laughs, bringing Luke in for a hug.
After you make your way around to greet everyone, the lights are dimming and the atmosphere inside of the arena changes.
You love the hum of excitement in the air, finding Luke and standing in front of him. You hear the first notes of Overtime as Zach Bryan comes onto the stage, screaming as loud as you possibly can.
Luke has a content, amused smile on his face as you scream out the lyrics, jumping and dancing around as the beat allows.
As the concert goes on, you make the switch from dancing with Luke to dancing with Jack, attempt to get on Quinn’s shoulders to get Zach’s attention, and slinging your arm over Cole’s shoulder to sway back and forth with him during one of the slower songs.
When it comes time for Zach to sing Revival, your favorite song of his, you beg Luke to leave your secluded area to get closer to the stage, wanting to experience being in the crowd for this one particular song.
He looks at you apprehensively, eyeing the large sea of people on top of one another, barely any room between the bodies pressed together. He worries about losing you in the crowd, your small frame allowing you to get swept away easily.
You tug on his arm like a little kid, repeating “please, please, please,” over and over again, assuring him you’ll be fine.
Luke eventually gives in, letting his brothers know where you two are going, claiming you’ll meet back up with them after the concert.
Grabbing your hand, Luke leads you off of the small platform and into the crowd, pushing his way as far up to the front as his large body will allow him.
You stop just a row or two of people away from the stage where Zach had just climbed onto, adjusting his guitar and microphone before starting the song.
As the song rang out around you, you sang along to every word, joining the rowdy crowd as the chorus starts.
You start to jump around in the small space you have, enjoying every second, until Zach walks his way over to the small portion of stage in front of where you stand.
As soon as his figure stands over the crowd around you, bodies start pushing against one another, everyone trying to get as close to him as they can. You feel yourself being shifted towards the metal barricade, not being able to fight against the rush of people.
You start panicking, whipping your head from side to side to find Luke. All you can see around you are strangers, not being able to move your body to look behind you. You have absolutely no control over your own body anymore, being stuck in-between a girl slightly taller than you and a man that has at least a hundred pounds on you.
Squeaking out a “excuse me,” and “can you let me out please?” you try to make your exit from the suffocating situation. Your eyes turn frantic when you realize that no one can hear you or cares to hear you. Your breath picks up, heart pounding in your chest.
You can feel the tears pricking in your eyes, not being able to regulate your breathing anymore, gasping hot air into your lungs as fast as you can.
You’re about to let out a scream, begging someone to pay attention to you and let you out of the mess you’re in, when you feel a familiar hand slip its way into yours.
Whipping your head around, you catch a glimpse of curly hair behind you, not realizing that the body pressed against your back has been Luke this entire time. You figured you had lost him when you were surged forward, unable to see him anywhere around you.
Your breath starts to slow slightly, knowing you’re not alone in this crowd easing some of your nerves. The feeling of your heart pounding is still present, not wanting to be in this situation one second longer.
Luke attempts to tug your body back towards him, but the impenetrable wall of people around you prevents him from doing so.
You manage to wiggle your way in a circle somehow, now facing Luke.
He takes one look at your frightened face and knows he has to get you out of here, now.
Pulling you towards him, he cages you in with is arms, your cheek pressed to his chest. He starts walking backwards, his hockey roots coming in handy as he all but body checks people out of his way. The two of you finally make it to the back of the large crowd, Luke not letting go of you until you were back over in your original section.
Quinn was watching the whole thing from the small platform he was stood on, about to walk over and fish you out himself before he noticed Luke’s head slowly moving backwards, away from the stage.
He can see you’re still shaken, walking over to meet the two of you at the top of the ramp.
“Is she okay? Is she hurt?” Quinn asks, concerned about how frightened even Luke’s face looks right now.
“No, she’s fine. Just shaken up, I think. She got trapped between a random girl and some dude at least triple her size,” he tells Quinn, running his hand down your hair in soothing motions. Your hands were still clutching his t-shirt, not wanting to let go of him just yet.
Quinn stares at your trembling figure the whole time, knowing you don’t want to leave Luke’s embrace but wishing he could do something to help you.
“Let’s get her out of here and to the car, yeah?” Quinn suggests, picking up yours and Luke’s bag of merchandise off of the floor of the platform.
Luke just nods, leading you back down the ramp.
Quinn steps over and let’s everyone know to just meet them in the parking garage before following yours and Luke’s intertwined bodies towards the nearest exist.
Luke manages to get you up the stairs and out into the outer ring of the arena without letting you go. Both pairs of your feet moving in tandem, not once risking tripping over one another.
He leads you out of the doors and into the cool night air.
You finally allow yourself to leave his embrace, instantly feeling better in the openness of the outdoors. Never letting go of his hand, you continue to let him lead you to the large garage.
Luke’s BMW sits right where he parked it, the loud beep echoing in the dark garage as he unlocks it.
He opens the passenger door, lifting you slightly to sit you down on the leather seat. His hands come up to your cheeks, his thumbs wiping the stray hairs that were sticking to the damp skin under your eyes.
“All good now?” he asks you, the frantic look of your eyes now gone.
You nod, looking into his concerned eyes. “M’alright. Just got scared. Too many people,” you mumble out, leaning into Luke’s palm slightly. “Sorry I made us go out there. Just wanted to have fun.”
Luke leans his forehead against yours, shaking it back and forth slightly. “No, it’s not your fault. Just bad timing is all,” he assures you, knowing how upset you’re going to be when you realized you missed most of the last song.
He pulls his head back, standing back to his full height outside of the SUV.
You notice Quinn standing a few feet away, letting you and Luke have your space.
Frowning, you call out to the eldest Hughes. “You didn’t have to leave early too, Quinny.”
Quinn looks over when he hears you address him, walking closer to the vehicle.
“Ehh, show was almost over anyways,” he waves you off. “Had to make sure my favorite little munchkin was okay,” he shrugs, telling you its no big deal.
You smile at him, thankful you not only have your boyfriend to look out for you, but Quinn as well.
“I promise I’ll make it up to you. Both of you,” you look between the two brothers, only ever seeing how alike they look when they’re standing in front of you.
They both tell you it’s not necessary, the main priority being that you’re safe and sound outside of the arena.
“Fine, I guess that means neither of you want to stop for post-concert pancakes on the way to the lake, then?” you tease, watching both of their heads snap up. All three brothers’ secret love of sweets is something you use to your advantage, only ever having to mention how good ice creams sounds before Luke and Jack are ushering you out of the door and driving you to the nearest ice-cream shop.
“Well, I guess if you really just feel the need to do something nice for us…” Quinn trails off, making a smile break out on your face, unable to hide the laugh at the sudden switch up.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought,” you continue to laugh at the pair, Luke leaning in to buckle your seatbelt for you as Quinn climbs in the backseat, sending a quick text to the rest of your group, telling them if they want to join in on the pancake outing, they need to be making their way out of the arena, and fast.
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gurugirl · 4 months
The Trio
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A/N: just a little something quick I wrote up based on this request! Plot light, smut heavy.
🏳️‍🌈 Happy pride month babes! 🏳️‍🌈
Summary: Three strangers meet at a club and things get sexy. Featuring a MMF threesome + double penetration
Word Count: 3k
Warning: smut, oral sex, anal sex, strangers fucking (safe and consented), double penetration
Harry went for a night out with no expectations for anything in particular. It was always in the back of his mind to find a hookup but it wasn’t a priority. If it happened, it happened.
The club entry was only $5 and the DJ spinning that night had exceptional taste, he thought. The space was dark, only illuminated by flashing colorful lights over the crowd of half-naked, sweaty bodies gyrating together.
Harry took a shot of tequila and then found a spot for himself to dance with the crowd of people. Letting the stress of the week wash away as he moved to the beat he felt himself loosen up bit by bit.
It wasn’t long before an attractive guy began to dance with him closely. Their chemistry was good, Harry could tell.
“I’m Roy,” he leaned in close and spoke into Harry’s ear, hand on his shoulder.
“Harry,” he smiled, continuing to move with his eyes on the handsome man in front of him.
.                 .
Y/n spotted the pair on the dancefloor from her place at the bar. She was working up a bit of liquid courage to get herself out there to dance when she saw them.
They were extremely attractive, both with wide grins, looking the other up and down. She wondered if they knew one another or if they were strangers who’d just met. She wouldn’t mind having them let her join. If they were into girls that is.
But she wasn’t at the club to feel insecure about herself or question anything. She was there to get laid. Girl, guy, anything in between… it didn’t matter. Y/n was a single woman who liked everyone and everything. But she did want to try something new and two hot men could be a bit of fun.
Working her way through the human sea of erotic dancing she got in close enough to the handsome duo. They were both about equal in height and quite fit. One had tattoos up the length of his arm but both were brunettes.
The one with tattoos locked eyes with her as she swayed her hips and his raspberry mouth turned up in a grin aimed at her.
And then they were all dancing together. She didn’t know how it had happened but the other had found his way behind her and the beat seemed to move them all together. Her short dress was riding up her thighs as she moved with the music but she didn’t care. That was the point; to show off what she had and if they might be interested then even better.
Clearly, they were both interested. When the one with tattoos placed his hand on her hip and he was just inches from her she could see his green eyes and smell his cologne. The man behind her pulled at her waist and spoke against her earlobe, “This okay?”
She nodded and turned to look at the man over her shoulder, “Don’t stop,” she smiled at him.
So they didn’t. Their bodies moved together and the brunette with tattoos and the one without took turns dancing behind her, touching the exposed skin on her arms and thighs and touching one another, where she enjoyed watching the men as they began to kiss before they tugged at her to join and the trio smeared lips and tongues and slippery skin together as they continued writhing to the beat.
Y/n already had her pulse up from the attention but when she felt warm lips on her neck she was a goner. That was her on switch. All the way on. And he didn’t just give her a soft peck, he began to suck and felt him nip at her sensitive skin as she moaned.
The tattooed one ducked down to her other side and began licking her flesh before she felt his lips pucker and dot wet kisses on the opposite side of her neck. With her eyes closed she gasped at the feeling of being between them until a strong tattooed arm wrapped around her waist and she felt his mouth at her ear, “You taste good.”
Her mind was swirling and her panties were getting damp as he pressed his lips against hers before the other began to pull at them both until they were away from the swaying, steamy ocean of beings.
“I’m Harry,” the one with green eyes spoke and the other licked his lips and dragged his gaze down her body, “I’m Roy.”
“Y/n,” she spoke loudly so they could hear her softer voice over the music and that seemed like all anyone needed to agree to move their little trio elsewhere.
Roy’s apartment was nice with a good view of the city and a big open kitchen with high ceilings.
He poured shots for everyone before Harry’s big hand found the back of Roy’s neck and he dragged him in for a sloppy kiss. It only turned Y/n on even more. Their mouths and tongues wound together as Roy moaned and drew his arms over Harry’s shoulders.
Y/n could see by the way the front of their pants were bulking that they were ready to go.
Roy parted from the kiss with a soft gasp and he looked at Y/n, “Let’s go into my bedroom and get naked.”
The men watched as Y/n’s body was bared to them, soft hips and round tits, plush tummy and ass. She was gorgeous. Harry had removed his shirt and unbuttoned his pants but when her breasts bounced from her bra he stopped everything to palm at her and lick her nipples into his mouth.
Roy stepped in behind and she felt his hands on her bum, spreading her ass as he tucked his crotch against her, “What do you like?” His finger smoothed over her anus and she knew what he meant.
“Everything. I like everything.”
Harry stood tall over her before he pushed his pants down his legs and his cock was swollen and thick the moment she looked down at him. He hadn’t been wearing underwear.
She felt Roy slide his tongue down her neck and then he moaned, “Fuck that’s a pretty cock, Harry,” as he reached around her frame to grip Harry’s fat dick.
It was true. Harry’s dick was nice and big and his body was a work of art. Inky tattoos scattered over his chest and arms and on his thigh, firm pecs, and broad shoulders.
When Roy let go of her he pulled Harry in by his hips and she watched the men frot against one another before Harry wrapped his big hand around Roy’s length and began pulling at his shaft.
Y/n sat down on the bed and watched for a moment as they stroked each other, lips slotted together. They rutted in together and then Harry parted from the kiss, hooded eyes and wet, pink lips as he knelt down in front of Roy and licked his wide tongue upward.
“Fuck…” Roy growled as he watched Harry wet his cock.
Y/n hadn’t had the chance to watch two men going at it in person before. But it was hotter than she expected. She leaned back onto one palm as she let her fingers stroke over her pussy. Harry took Roy like a pro, deep-throating him in one go and gagging slightly as he bobbed and drool dripped down his chin and neck.
Roy had his hands on the back of Harry’s head as he sucked him loudly. Smacking his lips around his cock and looking up at him with glossy eyes.
“Good boy… just like that…” Roy’s voice was hitched.
Y/n couldn’t resist but to climb down to where Harry was and take him in her hand, she stroked his thick cock up and down causing him to pop off Roy and look down at her, “You gonna suck me off, pretty?”
With a nod, she spat over his tip and smeared the saliva down his shaft before kneeling and wrapping her lips around his warm tip.
Both men were moaning and whining as they got their cocks sucked. She could taste Harry’s precome as she swallowed around him and coughed. But then she felt fingers on her ass before they slid around to find her pussy. She moaned when his fingers dragged through her wet crease and then he found her entrance, pressing inward to finger her.
She was already dripping and Harry’s long fingers inside of her easily pumped in and out and back into his knuckles.
“Mmm… let’s get in the bed. Get some condoms out…” Roy offered as he pulled at Harry’s hair, lifting him off. She sat up, spit pooling in her mouth as she swallowed it down.
Y/n and Harry climbed into bed as Roy brought out a box of condoms. Harry dragged her into his lap and pressed his mouth against hers softly before she felt Roy’s hands on her ass again and then felt his mouth, wetting her crevice before spitting over her anus.
“She’s got two really pretty holes here, Harry.”
Harry moaned into her mouth and parted from the kiss, his eyes on hers, “I bet she does. You like having all your holes filled up, Y/n?”
She nodded, “I think so. Never had it before but I know I’d like it. I love anal.”
Roy pulled at her middle, dragging her from Harry’s lap into his own, her back pressed into his chest as he groped her tits and Harry leaned down to attach his mouth to her wet pussy.
She felt Roy’s fingers circling around her anus, dipping his middle finger into her ass as Harry slid his tongue over her clit and slurped it into his mouth.
It wasn’t long before Roy had two lubed fingers deep in her bum while Harry had two of his fingers in her pussy as he sucked on her button. Harry had more slide since he was on the pussy side but the full feeling Y/n loved, having something inside of her ass, had her moaning gutturally into the room, head dropped back against Roy’s shoulder.
She could hear Roy panting in her ear as he worked her ass open, the lube bottle lying next to them on the bed had been put to good use. She was glad for it too because with everything slick and warm her body was buzzing in pleasure.
Her orgasm was unexpected. But it zipped through her body coming out in spurting gushes into Harry’s mouth as he fucked her with his fingers, stroking something inside that had her squirting and she’d never been with a man willing to drink it all up like him.
Her body was positioned on the bed gently as she came down and watched the men wrap their cocks in condoms before they began to make out again, both lay facing one another as Y/n recovered from her orgasm.
When she felt the bed rocking she turned to see Roy behind Harry, mounting him from and Harry had his face in the comforter as he moaned pathetically, hands gripping the blanket tight.
Roy slid in and out, his sight on the space where he was connected to Harry’s ass.
It was fucking sexy. Y/n watched the men fuck and she felt the need for more, getting turned on by the sounds they made together.
Roy grunted and pulled out as Harry whined at the loss of the cock that had just been stuffed in his ass.
“You want in?” Roy asked Y/n, his hand cupping her face gently.
She nodded, “Sure.” It was exactly what she wanted.
Harry donned a condom of his own as they had Y/n get in the front on her hands and knees before his girthy crown nudged into her aching hole, splitting her open as he thrust in.
Harry began to fuck into her, an easy pace that spread her open as she gently fingered at her clit and then she felt him still his hips as Roy pushed back into his ass, a desperate whimper falling from Harry’s mouth as he squeezed Y/n’s hips tight.
Roy groaned, “Fuck that’s a nice tight ass, Harry. Bet that feels good huh? Getting bottomed and topped at the same time, yeah? Like having a pussy on your cock and getting your ass filled up?”
Harry let out a choked moan and it almost sounded like he was in tears as he gasped, “Yes. Fuck yes…”
Harry fucked into Y/n in shallow thrusts, he didn’t need long strokes to reach deep, he was already so lengthy and thick she felt every inch of him as he rutted into her, but the hottest part was the sounds falling from Harry’s lungs. He was in heaven. Getting his cock worked and his ass fucked at the same time was going to go down as the best thing ever.
The men grunted and panted as Y/n moaned and her sloppy pussy was gushy with every plunge of Harry’s cock. When her thighs started to quiver Roy pulled back and grabbed Harry’s hips to slide him from her.
“You want two cocks in one, baby,” Roy asked her as he tore his condom off and reached for a fresh one.
She had been so close to her second orgasm and now all she wanted was her release. She nodded, “Yes. Sounds so good. Please.”
Harry got onto his back and pulled Y/n with him to straddle his lap, as Roy came up behind her, hands on her hips.
She stared down into Harry’s moony eyes as she lowered back down on his heavy cock and gasped, “Fuck you’re so big. God…”
Harry lifted his hips up with a smirk as she panted, her palms pressed into his chest when she felt Roy drizzle lube all over her anus and spread it inside. She began to ride Harry gently as Roy fingered her ass. But then she felt him shift and his fingers were gone before his cock was pressing into her backside, the initial stinging ache of him filling her up had her halting her hips and gritting her teeth.
Harry lifted his hand to her face and cooed at her, “You okay? Is it too much?”
Shaking her head no she dropped her mouth open, “Oh… it’s… shit… fuck me…”
Incoherent strings of words fell from her mouth as she pushed back against Roy and moaned. She loved anal. She’d done it plenty, but the feeling of having both holes stuffed at once was something on a different level.
And once they got moving her brain was melted and she began to drool warm puddles of saliva over Harry’s chest as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Both men panted and moaned as they fucked into their respective wet holes. Gushy and soft and warm, the sound of skin smacking together, stunted moans and garbled gasps, a gentle creak in the bed.
It wasn’t like anything she’d experienced before but now she was hooked. Getting fucked by two men was going to be a necessary indulgence from now on. She loved the feeling of being nothing but a wet, warm hole.
Roy’s fingers dug into her hips as he pulled her flush against himself, balls glued against Harry’s cock as Harry thrust upward. Harry moaned and she felt his hands on her face, pulling her down so he could kiss her as he fucked into her from below.
Her guts and her insides were mush as they used her holes to find their release. Everything was so full and so wet as Harry lapped into her mouth and sipped at her tongue.
“Oh fuck, she likes this Harry. Got her clenching around me tight…” Roy cooed.
Both her cunt and her anus were clamping down on the separate cocks moving in and out as she quivered and moaned into Harry’s mouth. She writhed her hips, dragging her clit into Harry’s pelvis sending sparks through her spine and her limbs.
“Oh my god…” she moaned loudly, lifting her mouth from Harry’s as she inhaled. Both men were grinding into her deeply, her clit being worked and nudged at every thrust of Harry’s hips.
When the men felt her tense up as she started to come they both began to rail into her little holes a bit faster, chasing their own orgasms. Y/n arched her back as her ears rang and she felt Harry inside of her pussy throbbing before she felt Roy’s cock pulsing.
The trio moaned together as they each came. The men pumped into their condoms, Roy threw his head back when he could no longer keep his eyes open and pinned on the space his cock was taking up inside the pretty girl.
Chests heaved and slippery genitals slowed inside of her as she collapsed onto Harry’s chest and Roy leaned over her back to kiss her shoulder blades. Hearts beat in unison as they came down and caught their breaths.
She felt a hand on her ass squeezing, “You okay?”
She nodded into Harry’s muscled pec, “Mmhmmm…”
Harry’s laugh vibrated into her cheek and she felt Roy slowly pull himself from her.
She was rolled to her back like a rag doll as the men cleaned themselves and helped her wipe up. She could hear their deep voices whispering, a bright laugh filled the space before she felt a warm hand on her hip and another on her tummy, “Do you need to call anyone before you fall asleep?”
Blinking her eyes open she shook her head, “No. Is it okay?”
Roy rubbed her belly, “You can sleep if you need to. We’re just gonna crash here together if you’re alright with it.”
She turned to see Harry on his side next to her, hand on her hip with his eyes closed, a faint smile on his mouth.
Placing her palm over Harry’s hand and her other over Roy’s she closed her eyes and nodded before she drifted off to sleep, the exhausted men following right behind.
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Tags: @michellekstyles @yousunshineyoutempter @tenaciousperfectionunknown @golden-hoax @swiftmendeshoran
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astraystayyh · 5 months
inhale, exhale.
model!hyunjin x photographer reader. mutual pining and tension and flirting. friends to lovers.
prequel to Breathe, so i highly recommend reading the second part if you haven’t already hehe. reader is wearing a dress/heels.
hyune gives me photoshoots and i give you brainrots in return it is the natural circle of life.. i hope you’ll enjoy this one too 🥹 feedback is highly appreciated as always <3
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Hyunjin’s eyes are piercing, locking onto your figure with an intensity that seems to capture you in place. He’s leaning casually against his sleek black car, one leg crossed before the other, arms folded over his chest, unmoving as the sound of your heels echoes against the cobblestone.
Instead, he tilts his head ever so slightly at your approach, his eyes tracing the contours of your silhouette, setting ablaze the scarlet fabric of your gown with their fervent scrutiny.
It was those very brown eyes you first noticed when Minho showed you Hyunjin’s portfolio. You now know that he is drowned in a sea of accolades regarding his physique— his sculpted proportions, the tantalizing curve of his lips and the seductive caress of his fingertips against them, and above all, his alluring aura and the way he works the camera as if it as an extension of his being.
But it is his eyes that have drawn you in first. Piercing, even through a stack of printed photographs in Minho's hands, burning through paper to ensnare your attention. Even more so, when these same eyes found you for the first time, in an outing your best friend Minho organized— an aspiring photographer shaking the hands of an established model, it was a match made in heaven, per se.
Though heaven was the last thing to grace your mind as you looked at Hyunjin, at the way he carried himself with a grace, and a slight cockiness that only comes from knowing your worth.
You caught his eyes multiple times across the dinner table, your knees grazing his underneath it. You returned home with his perfume imprinted into your skin from the lengthy hours you spent talking over drinks, long after Minho went home to his lover, and three cats. You knew then that Hyunjin could never be just a friend to you.
You are even more sure of it tonight, a fleeting four months later. Minho, the heir of your country’s biggest talent agency is hosting his parent’s annual party, gathering photographers, models, and artistic directors alike, a chance to network and score deals you wouldn’t find elsewhere.
Hyunjin insisted on picking you up.
You pause barely a few inches away from Hyunjin, close enough for him to behold the glitter gracing your eyelids, shimmering beneath the moonlight. Smelling his perfume feels like coming home, and you close yourself for a millisecond longer, allowing yourself the electrifying pleasure of being a mere breath away from him.
“Hello, love,” he speaks softly, and his words morph into invisible fingers trailing down your spine, igniting goosebumps in their trail. You’ve never gotten used to this nickname and the way it stumbles so easily from his lips, as if you could, one day indeed, be his love, a reality hovering just beyond your grasp.
“Hi, Hyunjin,” you smile and his placid facade cracks a little, a glint of a grin shimmering on his lips. He drinks you in, his scrutiny deliberate and unhurried, his gaze moving languidly across your form, flickering between all your features as if he beheld time between his palms, and all his seconds could be spent admiring you. It is only when he seems satiated does he speak again.
“You’re beautiful,” he says earnestly, and you don’t miss his choice of phrasing, you’re beautiful as opposed to you look beautiful, as though it matters not what you are clad in, but the fact that it is you wearing it.
Oftentimes, your compliments to him feel superfluous, your words faltering when you think of the many times Hyunjin must have heard the same adjectives describing him. Yet tonight, you cannot conjure a sarcastic retort to drown his sweet words, not before his ebony suit and the satin shirt peeking beneath it, worst of all, the delicate cascade of gold necklaces that glisten mockingly underneath the stars, taunting you, almost, for being able to graze Hyunjin’s skin when you cannot.
So, you settle for the truth.
“So are you.”
“Complimenting me quite easily tonight?” He smirks, and you respond with an exaggerated eye roll, leaning in closer.
“Forget it. You're actually insufferable.”
He mirrors your movement, drawing nearer until your breaths mingle in the space between you both. “I am actually very lovable, thank you very much.”
“Says who?” you challenge, a hint of defiance coloring your words. The kiss he imprints on the tip of your nose comes like clockwork at your words.
“You,” he grins, and you falter, caught off guard by the unexpected tenderness of his gesture. Heat rises to your face, a blush betraying your composure, even beneath your already pink-kissed cheeks, and you curse inwardly at your own vulnerability.
You hate him. You don’t think you’ve ever wanted to kiss someone this badly.
He observes your reaction with amusement, a knowing smile playing upon his lips as he taps the car door once before opening it for you. “After you, love.”
Stepping into the sports car feels like walking into Hyunjin’s essence— the rich cognac and oak notes ricocheting off the interior, the scarlet red cushions echoing the passion Hyunjin seems to carry within him.
And amidst the opulent interior, the small water lilies keychain you brought him seems almost out of place, as it dangles from the rearview mirror. Yet, it makes you feel as if part of you has intermingled with Hyunjin’s being, even in the most simplest of ways.
“Are you nervous?” Hyunjin asks ten minutes into your ride, his fingers drumming along the edge of the steering wheel. Your gaze drifts to the golden rings adorning his fingers, each one bearing the iconic emblem of Versace's Medusa. In another life, he could easily be their ambassador and muse.
Hyunjin’s eyes are piercing, not only because of the flames they dip your body in but also because of the gentle way they unravel your layers, understand your silences more than others grasp your words.
“I am. It’s my first time coming as a graduate, you know? What if I don’t leave a good impression on anyone?”
Had someone else uttered those words you would have been inclined to contradict them, but Hyunjin speaks with utmost certainty, as if his words are the only conceivable reply to yours.
His fingers trail along the shell of your ear, delicately tucking a stray lock of hair behind it. The breaths in your chest ebb and flow more rapidly, you don’t know if it is from nerves or his touch.
“Inhale with me,” he instructs, and you follow his lead, synchronizing your breath with his. His hand glides down your jawline, a gentle caress that soothes your racing pulse. “Exhale,” he murmurs, and you release a breath you didn't realize you were holding, comforted by the weight of his touch.
You know the ghost of his fingertips will remain with you as the night wears on, a reminder that he is near, just around the corner, waiting for you to call him.
“You’ll do well, I’m sure of it.”
The gathering is held in a different location every year, and this time, Minho chose an intimate setting—a dimly lit hotel bar, graced by the warm glow of chandeliers suspended from the ceiling, brown leather seats surrounding glass tables, and extravagant flower arrangements.
For a split second, your back instinctively hunches, a reflexive response before this detailed showcase of luxury. But then you straighten your spine, comforted by the sound of your clicking heels against the polished floor, and Hyunjin's warm palm against your lower back.
You reach for a drink from a passing tray, the glass cool against your fingertips as you swirl the cocktail within. You take note of the numerous guests, as you cast a glance around the room, each one a titan in their creative field. Hyunjin stands at your side, his shoulder brushing against yours, as he too takes his time in assessing the room.
“Seems kind of boring,” Hyunjin remarks, his voice laced with a hint of disinterest as he leisurely sips his drink.
“Seems like your scene,” you tease, flashing him a playful grin, and he arches a brow in response.
“Oh yeah? And what is my scene?”
“An intimate setting with romantic lighting and jazz music,” you explain, taking a step closer and resting a hand delicately on his arm. “And some wine,” you add, though his attention is captivated by the movement of your shimmering lips as you speak. “And pretty people eyeing you all over the place.”
“Are they?” he counters, his hand sliding slowly to your waist, drawing you nearer with a subtle pull. “I only see you.”
“Really?” you challenge, trailing a finger tantalizingly slow along his jawline, “Then make sure your eyes never leave me throughout the night.”
His gaze remains fixed on your retreating form, a mixture of bewilderment and desire swirling in his eyes. He mutters a curse at the sight of your backless dress— it seems more than likely that you are a killer sent to end him by the end of the night.
It’s a few hours later, and Hyunjin has exhausted every social bone in his being, each interaction draining his reserves of charm and charisma. All he craves now is rest, and the comfort of his home—it turns out that, lately, it is more and more wherever you are, rather than the confines of his house.
He spots you sitting in a secluded corner, bathed in the soft glow of a solitary candle. A gentle smile graces his lips as he observes you, engrossed in nibbling at the snacks laid out before you.
Do you even realize how beautiful you are?
“You’re whipped,” Minho's voice interrupts his thoughts, Hyunjin does not contradict him.
“Is it that obvious?” he replies with a hint of amusement, his eyes never flickering away from your figure.
“You should see how you look at them.”
“Is it weird that everywhere we go, the world seems to narrow down to them alone?” he admits, a tinge of uncertainty coloring his words. The silence that follows from Minho makes a scorching heat creep up his neck, so he unbuttons his shirt for a bit of respite.
Minho shakes his head, a small giggle escaping his lips, before offering a reassuring clap on Hyunjin’s back. “I’ll see you around.”
Hyunjin quickly strides towards you, eager not to waste any seconds far from you, propelled by a longing that grips him like a second skin. He thinks you’re much closer to his heart than the necklaces brushing against his bare chest.
“Found you,” Hyunjin announces with a grin as he settles onto the couch across from you. Your body relaxes once you recognize him, your smile blooms akin to the first petals unfurling in spring.
“See, you didn’t look at me all night,” you pout teasingly and he chuckles, tipping his head back.
“I actually was. I was looking at you, through my heart.”
“How does that even work?”
He hesitates for a moment before his next words spill forth, unfiltered and raw. “I don't need to see you to know that you are near, I just feel it.”
A moment of silence hangs between you before you smile sheepishly, tilting your head to the side in wonder. “How was your night?”
“Productive but tiring, and you?” he replies, his exhaustion momentarily forgotten in the warmth of your presence.
“I got a booking, a big one,” you announce with a grin, and his own smile mirrors yours instantly, his happiness following yours as if tethered by an invisible string.
“Yes, and I think I'll need your help. It needs to be in a bathtub and I know you are busy so it’s okay if—”
“I’m all yours,” he interrupts without hesitation, and you nod, heart swelling with gratitude.
It is quiet then, as you rest your head against the corner of the couch, and Hyunjin mirrors your gesture, his gaze never wavering from yours. The soft flicker of candlelight casts a warm glow upon his bare skin, the one unveiled by his unbuttoned shirt. And your mouth suddenly feels dry, and your heart suddenly aches, for him alone.
He brings his hand near his face, his rosy lips brushing against his knuckles, as your eyes trace the contours of his face— it seems to possess an otherworldly radiance, with dark locks cascading like silken strands, as if meticulously arranged by the hand of Aphrodite herself. Surely, she would adore him too, as would anyone who had the privilege of knowing him.
But you believe your adoration surpasses that of most.
“Thank you,” you whisper, your hand reaching out to rest delicately on his knee. “For finding me again.”
In response, his eyes soften, a gentleness that transcends mere words seeping into his gaze. He's no longer just around the corner; he’s right behind the door, both your hands poised on the doorknob. It is only a matter of time before one of you takes the plunge.
“Thank you for letting me find you.”
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ariestrxsh · 17 days
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🖤 content warning: 🖤 smut, toxic relationship, emotional manipulation, implications of cheating/addiction, degradation, oral, ripping clothing, choking, rough unprotected sex, sneaking around (kinda), creampie, roughdom!matt, possessive!toxic!exbf!matt, exgf!reader, lovers to enemies, angst (?)
🖤 author's note: 🖤 if you fall in love irl with anyone who exudes behaviors that matt does in this fic, run for the fucking hills.
🖤 summary: 🖤 you and matt, who have been in a toxic, on-and-off-again relationship for several years share an incredible hatefuck when he shows up at your door, drunk while you're waiting for your date to pick you up.
shout out to this ask and this ask for requesting/inspiring this fic 🖤
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"Where the fuck y'think you're going dressed like that?" Matt huffed, standing in the doorway of your apartment, blocking you from going outside. He was looking up at you through his dark stare, head tilted down, and breath reeking of whiskey.
And if his breath hadn't given it away, you could tell how trashed he was, because his Boston accent always came through thicker whenever he'd drink.
"Matt, did you drive here!?" You asked, peeking through your blinds to search for his car, and there it was, parked like shit, taking up two different spots. "This is exactly why we can't be together, Matt!" You went to close the door in his face, but he stopped it with his hand.
"Who the fuck're you dressed up s'nice for?" Matt slurred his words, motioning towards your simple black dress with a sweetheart neckline that hung off your shoulders and your black stilletos. "Matt, it's none of your business! We're not together anymore! I'm calling you a taxi," you told him, grabbing your phone out of your clutch.
"The fuck you are," he lunged forward, practically breaking into your apartment and snatching your phone from your hands. "Tell me who's taking out m'girlfriend or I break it," he threatened, holding your phone above his head.
"Chip! I'm going out with Chip. I'm not your girlfriend anymore. He's gonna be here any minute. Please leave!" You begged him, holding your hands up in a defensive position. Matt tossed your phone into your room, it landing safely on your bed while he chuckled at you. "Chip? You fuckin' left me for Chip?" Matt drunkenly exclaimed, rolling his eyes and scoffing.
"I didn't leave you for Chip. I left you because of the drinking and your toxic behaviors, and I just so happen to be going out with Chip three months after we've been broken up!" You screeched at him, furious about his accusation. "You're not goin' anywhere tonight," he smirked. "You're stayin' right here with me."
Matt pushed you up against the wall, pulling you into a deep, sloppy kiss, filling your mouth with the taste of Jameson. You pushed him back, standing your ground for a bit longer. "No, Matt. We can't do this. I'm going on a date because I'm moving on, and so should you," you sternly told him.
All it took was a flash of that smile, a moment of intense eye contact, and him muttering under his breath, "No, you're not, and you know it, too," before you were folding, giving into his next kiss.
He grabbed your face while his demanding lips devoured yours, smearing your red lipstick and leaving them bitten and bruised before he pulled away once more to look at you. "No matter who you fuck, you're all mine," Matt rasped through gritted teeth while he tilted your chin up to look at him.
You hated the effect this man had on you. Every time sex with Matt was on the table, all self-respect would fly out the window. You'd forget about your future goals, your incompatibility with him, his lack of emotional regulation, his drinking problem, and his arrogance.
Suddenly, you were all consumed with him, like a riptide pulling you out to sea and trapping you in its undertow while you begged to be drowned in his ocean blue eyes. You didn't stand a chance from the moment you opened your door to your psychotic ex.
You hadn't felt the touch of a man in months, and even if you had, it would never measure up to the way Matt's strong hands wandered the shape of your body, giving his attention to every curve. Even when he was shitfaced, he knew exactly how to touch you to elicit the responses he wanted.
"Can't help the way your body responds t'me, hmm?" Matt cooed, feeling your demeanor become softer and your body language become more receptive to his kiss. A familiar, warm, and wet sensation arose between your thighs while you remembered how sexually satisfied you were when you were with Matt.
"For old time's sake.." Matt murmured against your lips, "Let me have you one last time." His sentence was broken up the sounds of the sloppy kisses the two of you shared.
One last time. You heard that phrase so many damn times before from Matt that you couldn't take it seriously. Despite this, you still surrendered to his empty words.
Matt hiked up your dress and picked you up, grabbing your ass. Instead of fighting him, you hooked your legs around his hips while he carried you into your bedroom. "My girl's not goin' anywhere without me," Matt huskily muttered into your ear while you fell further and further under his spell.
Matt loved the way you couldn't resist him, no matter how much your brain tried. It made him feel so powerful over you.
Matt's eyes flicked up at the tall mirror in your room right across from your bed. "Fuck, I missed fuckin' ya in front of this mirror," he smirked, trailing kisses down your jaw and your neck. You savored the feeling of his tender lips exploring your turn on spots. "Fuck, Matt.." you moaned, submitting to him.
He laid you down on the bed, removed your high heels, and started kissing the insides of your thighs. "Fuck, missed the way y'taste," he drunkenly murmured, his voice muffled by the way he had it pressed up against your panties, and the vibration from his lips sent waves of pleasure through your body.
His eyes met yours once again as he slipped a finger into the fabric of your thong and pushed it to the side. He lowered his lips onto your pussy, licking and kissing your intricate folds, earning a few soft whimpers from you. He dug his fingers into your thighs as he held them apart and pushed them down against the bed. Your hands fell lazily into his hair, and your hips involuntarily bucked up to give him better access.
You'd missed the way he'd enthusiastically eat your pussy, like he could never get enough of your taste. He flicked his tongue back and forth over your clit with incredible speed before clamping his lips down around it and humming against all your nerve-endings.
His grip on your thighs, forcing your legs apart, became rougher. You were certain he was going to leave finger shaped bruises on your flesh, like he often did.
But you loved that about him. You loved the sense of urgency, the talent, the passion he brought to the table every time he'd eat you like he was starving.
Before you knew it, you were coming undone on his tongue. You went to clench your legs together around his head, but you couldn't due to the way his strong hands held them wide open, flush with the bed beneath you. Your body trembled, and a slew of moans and obscenities flowed from your lips while you crossed the finish line.
He peered back up at you with a darkness in his eyes as you tried to catch your breath. "What you're gon' do is get on your hands and knees, and you're gonna take whatever punishment I give ya," he growled. You mindlessly nodded, falling deeper into his trance.
Your body obeyed him, propping yourself up on all fours while you watched the two of you in the reflection. "Such a shame Chip'll never see you in this dress," Matt maniacally chuckled, ripping it off of you with his bare hands. You let out a sharp gasp as you watched the torn fabric fall into a pile beneath you.
"My girl. All mine," he whispered into your ear while he pressed his hard package into your backside. You grieved the loss of your dress, but not for long.
Matt removed his own shirt and began fiddling with the button and zipper on his jeans. Then he grabbed ahold of your panties, pulling them to the side once more and roughly shoving his cock into you. You'd longed for the way he filled you so expertly, stretching you out after months without a proper fuck. "Miss me?" Matt asked in a seductive tone.
That was one of the things you missed most about being in a relationship with Matt - the intoxicating and addictive sex. He might have been a manipulative alcoholic and an asshole, but he gave great dick.
In your logical brain, you knew you and Matt would never work, that you'd never truly be happy again with one another. There was too much history there, and too many things were done that couldn't be taken back. But your cunt had a mind of its own. Matt knew the weakness you had for him, and he wasn't above using it against you for his own benefit and, ultimately, yours.
You watched in the mirror as Matt pounded you, the way his relaxed expression stared back at you. His bedroom eyes pierced through you, capturing your attention. His mouth was contorted into an o-shape, and he furrowed his brow while he continued to burrow into your hole.
"Oh, Matt!" You called out, clenching around his girthy cock. "You take me s'well, sweetheart," he gruffly stated, his breath becoming more shallow. All of a sudden, you heard a knock at the door, pulling you out of your sexual reverie.
Your eyes widened, and Matt placed his palm over your mouth. "Shhhh," Matt hushed you while he sped up his thrusts. Your eyes rolled back into your head at the sensation. You heard the knock again, a bit louder this time, and Chip's voice came through the door, "Hey, I'm here!"
You felt bad about standing him up, but there was no way you were going to open the door for Chip to find you with your ex, but you also knew Matt would never let you.
The knocking continued, but you were lost in the feeling of Matt pumping into you and hitting your sweet spot. Matt removed his hand from your mouth and moved it to the back of your head, roughly shoving your face into the bed to muffle the sounds of your pleasure.
You felt your phone that was beside you begin to buzz, and you felt Matt reach over and silence it. "Sorry, princess. Guess you're missin' your date," Matt whispered in a mock sympathetic tone.
After a few minutes and a few more fervent knocks, Chip left your porch, completely unaware of what was going on behind your door.
"Ride me," Matt ordered you, lifting you by your hair and rasping into your ear. He temporarily removed his cock from your hole, flipped you over so you were on your back, and then pulled you on top of him. You straddled him and sunk down onto his rod while you peered behind you to take in your reflection as his dick disappeared into your cunt.
You loved how aesthetically pleasing it was to watch your pussy swallow him up and slide up and down on his length. You loved all the little details, the veins on Matt's cock, the way you'd leave behind a trail of wet fluid each time you'd drag back up over his rod, and the way you could see his face in the reflection as he watched in awe as well.
Your mirror had seen many steamy encounters between you and Matt, and you reminisced about how in love the two of you were with one another when you'd first started having sex. You reminisced about how good things were at the beginning, all Matt's grand gestures, his emotional availability before the drinking, and the way he used to make you feel special.
A sick part of you liked how hung up he was on you, how he couldn't move on. It almost felt like revenge for how he'd betrayed your trust over and over. But you were just as hung up on him, too. Of course, you still loved him, but you also hated him.
You bounced up and down on his cock faster, taking your anger out on him for your failed, on-and-off-again relationship.
The ironic thing was Matt blamed you for the way things ended. He believed that if you'd just stuck it out a little longer, he could have gotten his shit together for you. But how was he supposed to feel motivated to get sober when the woman he thought he was going to marry wouldn't even talk to him?
He reached up, pulled your gaze away from the mirror behind you, and wrapped his hand around your throat, tightening his grip and holding intense eye contact while he started to fuck you from his reclined position, displacing responsibility from himself and taking it out on you like he always did.
"Fuckin' whore," he smirked, delighting in how much you loved being choked. "Think Chip could ever fuck ya like this?" He growled through gritted teeth. When you started to feel light-headed, Matt loosened his hold around your neck, but moved his grip to your waist while he fucked you more violently, his hips bucking up and driving the tip into your cervix.
The two of you struggled for power, trying to see who could hate fuck the other person better. But you felt your knees buckle and your legs begin to shake while Matt's thrusts won you over.
You finished a few seconds before Matt did, calling out his name while he berated you for trying to cheat on him and fuck some other guy.
The two of you were consumed in the dance, both the literal and metaphorical one, burning up with desire for one another, the constant push-and-pull, and the up-and-down cycle that kept the two of you bonded together.
As you came, you recalled the most beautiful moments of your relationship with Matt - the day he asked you to be his girlfriend, the first kiss, the first time the two of you slept together, both being each other's firsts. You recalled the first time Matt told you he loved you, the moment you knew you loved him back, and how you didn't say it until months later.
You moaned Matt's name one last time while you spasmed around his dick, and you could feel him finish inside of you as he filled you to the hilt with his seed. You were immediately overcome with regret, knowing you should have never answered his knock and wondering how different your life would be had the two of you never met at all.
Your mind was swarmed by the bad times - the first time you caught Matt driving drunk while you were in the car with him, wondering how he could even love you at all if he could so easily put your life in danger. You remembered the first time you left him, and the way he guilted you into staying after he raised his voice at you after promising over and over again that he'd change. You remembered all the nights you'd spent crying, not knowing where Matt was while he ignored your calls and entertained other women.
"This can never happen again," you told him while you pulled a sweater on over your head and threw on some pajama pants after it was over and you came back to your senses. It hurt too much, and you knew it would inevitably wreck both of you.
You were holding onto a dead relationship, dragging out the process of putting it out of its misery and making it harder on yourselves in the long run.
But a part of you still didn't want to let go, even having a deep knowing about the psychology behind the toxic cycle the two of you were caught up in.. You hated it. And you loved it. And you loved to hate it and hated that you loved it.
"It can happen again, and it will," Matt confidently declared, his hair disheveled, his chest covered in a layer of sweat, and his glazed over eyes. The two of you stood silently looking at each other. You knew he was right.
After all, your souls were intertwined with one another, and not only were there years of history between the two of you but lifetimes. You and Matt would cross paths again, and you both shared this belief despite the fact that you wouldn't admit it out loud. But in your heart of hearts, you knew. You and Matt were connected on a cosmic level, bound together in a karmic cycle that extended time and space.
And it was far from over.
taglist: @bsturnzmtt @sturniolo-girl @munchingmini @butterbean-01 @coolasice01 @theyluvme-2315 @zariyam @brookiecookie-18 @maggot3647 @slut4chriztopher @miss-delicious @strnlslvr @sleepysturniolo @schlutt4matty @sofieeeeex @imjusthereforthesturniolosmut @matts-myloverboy @mattsfavbigtitties @new2024cats4life @witchofthehour @slutforsturnioloss @jaysturniolo @sturniolosweetheart33 @whoahoahoahoahoa @ilovechrissturniolosposts @smt-obsessed @sturnioloxlver @that1fangirll @aalirosesblog @hrtz4alex2211 @luvhsien @sp3ncerslvt @sturniolo-munch44 @jakewebberswifee @karttpet @ssturniolooss @thenickgurl @sturniolo-fann @sst7niolo @slxtformatt @chestersturniolo @riowritesitall @camzeecorner @mattsturnixlo @annedebeijer @scorpioosworld @mynameisuser834 @mattlover-00
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holllandtrash · 11 months
now that we don't talk | charles leclerc
pairing: charles leclerc x reader part 2 to say don't go
so i pay the price of what i lost and what it cost now that we don't talk
word count: 5.6k tags/warnings: slight angst, mentions of being disloyal, this is sad, pato o'ward makes a guest appearance had to rewind a bit because because this is charles' pov during and after the relationship - i promise we'll find the ending eventually
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Charles was late to the welcome party in Vegas and maybe that was a blessing in disguise.
He showed up a little after 11pm as he really wasn’t in any sort of rush to make an appearance. This week was going to be a long one already and with the obligations piling on top of each other, he tried to spend the minimum amount of time doing what was required of him.
So on that Wednesday evening, he showed up over three hours after the recommended time of 8pm. Alexandra was with him, Alex as she preferred to be called. The coordinated outfits were her idea and Charles didn’t mind it, but it wasn’t an outfit he would have chosen himself. 
But they showed up, hand in hand and Charles found a few members of his team - or rather, Mark found him. 
“Did you know Damon Hill and his family are here?” Mark didn’t even start with a greeting. He did smile at Alex, out of politeness, but his interest lied with Charles knowing that the Monegasque driver hadn’t spoken to you in a few months.
“The whole family?” Charles asked with a breath, feeling the tense glance from his girlfriend. 
Mark nodded, “Yeah. Yeah they’re all around here somewhere.”
Here being the very large venue dedicated to tonight, to the inaugural Las Vegas Grand Prix. Members from each team, the drivers, invited guests and sponsors, everyone was here tonight. 
And apparently, so were you.
Mark was not the only person to mention to Charles that you were there, in fact Mark was the first of about eight people who felt the need to tell Charles that the girl he once spoke to was somewhere around.
Of course, no one could tell Charles exactly where you were, but it didn’t surprise him to hear you were leaving good impressions on everyone you had spoken to. You, someone who could part the red sea with ease, took a more delicate approach tonight. 
You were fully aware Charles was going to be there, but he was of no concern to you. You were polite to absolutely everyone you spoke to and if by chance someone mentioned that, ‘oh, Charles will be here eventually’ you simply smiled and nodded because you weren’t about to make any more waves in the motorsport industry. You preferred your name stayed out of the tabloids and what good would it be going around telling people how Charles broke your heart? 
There was speculation, of course. People knew you spent time together. Those online shared their opinions, right or wrong, thinking they could put the pieces together just based on the fact that he was seen in Paris with you one day and then in Monaco with Alex the next.
It didn’t help that you left England soon after, making only one more appearance in Formula 1 when you went to Spain. 
Charles still thought about that conversation, how calm you were throughout, not allowing him to take any piece of your dignity despite what he did, how he made you feel. 
Charles thought he was better off this way, with Alex. 
You were certainly better off. 
He didn’t like admitting it, in fact he probably never would, but he kept up to date with you, with your life. He saw on Instagram when you dyed your hair and then dyed it again and then chopped it to your shoulders. He saw when you spent time with the F1 Academy drivers, when you attended Nascar races, when you started spending more and more time with the Arrow McLaren team.
You had told him that you wanted to watch a few races, check out a few teams before deciding whether or not you wanted to pursue a career in the motorsports field.
And you had done just that. From the outside looking in, Charles couldn’t help but think that this was you just trying on different lives. Indecisive, certainly. But you looked happy, so who was he to have a say?
It shouldn’t have come as a shock when the news dropped of you being brought on as a Performance Engineer for the US based papaya team starting in 2024. The photo that accompanied the headline was you sitting at the pit wall in Portland, already with the orange headset on as you watched the race.
Charles was in Italy when he read the article. Just over three months after your relationship ended...but who's counting?
He had finished fourth that Sunday, not his worst race but his best one either. He was just on his way to his car, wanting to head to the airport when he came across the news on Instagram.
He wanted to congratulate you. He wanted to call you and tell you he was excited for this move, for this career you landed on. He wanted to joke that he could have gotten you a job at Ferrari if you had just asked. 
But you didn’t talk anymore so he couldn’t say anything. This was the cost of losing you. Charles couldn’t stay your friend, not after what he did, and in return, you were out of his life. 
It wasn't that he was looking for you that night in Vegas but he wasn't not looking for you. It was quite a large crowd that even he had trouble navigating his way around. Alex walked behind him, following Charles at a close distance. 
And truthfully, Charles tried not to compare you and Alex, but something about knowing you were in the vicinity had him thinking of what would be different if you had accompanied him tonight. 
You wouldn’t reach for his hand, but you would have lightly grabbed the back of his shirt if the crowd started getting a little suffocating. Just a slight tug on the material and Charles would turn around and assure you with a smile that he wasn’t going anywhere. 
The first time you did that, you were in Monaco. Those weeks he flew you out to spend time with him after only meeting once in the Ferrari garage. 
After leaving a nightclub, the crowd got a little rowdy- they all wanted a piece of him. You stood behind him as he walked to the car that was waiting but when people started moving closer you felt as though you were suffocating. Heart racing as anxiety crept up, a new feeling because you didn’t think you were claustrophobic but you had also never been in this situation before. 
You reached for the back of Charles’ shirt, hand brushing over the thin material before taking it between your forefinger and thumb. It was helpful for you, knowing that you could still touch him, feel him. It grounded you. A little bit of comfort amidst the chaos.
Charles turned when he felt the faint tug. He recognized the wide eyes, the fear that you tried to play off because this was normal for him. But it wasn’t normal for you so he raised his hand, sliding his fingers into yours to give you that gentle squeeze before finally making it to the car.
The anxiety faded the second Charles closed the door for you. He walked around to the drivers side and slid in, hand automatically finding your leg. 
He didn’t ask about it, the sudden panic. He knew you had been around large crowds a handful of times before. You weren’t in the public eye per say, but your father was and growing up you became used to it. 
But this was just different. Charles recognised it, and he knew moving forward he’d have to be mindful of it, of you, of how you were feeling. 
He wondered how you were doing tonight in Vegas, if there was someone else's shirt you were clinging onto this time. Or maybe that was something you saved just for Charles. He couldn’t ask, though. He wouldn’t know the answer to how you were feeling because you didn’t talk anymore.
He also had absolutely no idea where you were. 
Maybe you had left by now. It was getting late. If you showed up on time, which you probably did, you’d have been ready to call it a night thirty minutes ago. You’d have gone back to your hotel room and scrubbed your makeup off, changing into one of those matching jumper and sweats sets you always had. 
You craved comfort over anything else.
Charles remembered Paris. The first night. Not the night where everything fell apart right in front of him all because he couldn’t say those three little words back to you.
No, the first night was good. It was great, magical even. Charles had taken you out to dinner. The skin tight black dress you wore, the one with the low cut neckline - Charles still thought about it. He’d love to know if you still had it, if you wore it for anyone else but those were questions he kept to himself. 
He remembered at the end of the evening you were at your second wine bar, having come across this one completely by accident on your way back to your place. Charles remembered pulling you inside, suggesting that one more glass wouldn’t hurt anyone and you hesitated because it was getting late, but nevertheless, you followed. 
One glass turned into splitting an entire bottle at one of the high tables in the very back. This place was old-school chic with the decor and the 80’s records playing on low volume. It was nothing like the modern and elegant bar you had just spent the last hour in. No, this place was intimate, cozy and surprisingly you didn’t want to leave, even as the night went on. 
And that surprised Charles because you had joked at the beginning of the night that you wanted to be in bed by at least eleven. It was half 12 now and you showed no signs of trying to get back to your flat. 
“So do you or do you not like staying out late?” Charles asked, trying to get the proper read. His hand was resting on your leg, fingers daringly close to the hem of your dress. You were both way too overdressed for this establishment but no one seemed to mind. No one paid you two any attention.
You smiled and glanced around, wanting to bring light to the fact that no one had approached you since you stepped inside, but you didn’t want to jinx it.
“After a certain hour I like to be comfortable,” you answered. “There’s nothing comforting about a stuffy bar and loud music and people in your space who think they know you but they really don’t. And I like going out, I do, but I don’t like staying out longer than I need to.”
Charles nodded, understanding the point you were getting at. This wine bar was a hole in the wall, a hidden gem that provided you the comfort you desired. While you weren’t entirely alone, it certainly felt like it. You could laugh freely without worrying about being too loud or embarrassing. You could sit as close as you wanted to Charles without being cautious of who was nearby. It was just you and him. 
And you could have gone back home, but home would always be there. This moment, this bar, this was just as comforting and in the back of both of your minds, you knew it wouldn’t come again. 
You were right.
Charles would have rather been back in that corner of the wine bar with you now, back in Paris without the impending end of your relationship weighing over his shoulders. 
He wished he could relive that night over and over because for a moment, he thought that maybe, possibly, he could love you.
Charles blamed it on the wine. The way the dim light hit your delicate features was only accentuated because he was drunk. Your laughter was soothing, heartwarming even, but he reminded himself he had heard it hundreds of times before. You looked at him that night, a naive glow to you and it terrified Charles. 
He pushed that four letter word aside. He couldn’t love you. He couldn’t love anyone, he couldn’t have that commitment, not with his lifestyle- his career. If he loved you, you’d become a distraction. You’d want more from him and he couldn’t do that, he couldn’t give you more.
So when you told him you loved him only a few days later, he ran.
He ran back to Alex because she would never tell him she loved him. She wouldn’t put that on his shoulders, she wouldn’t carelessly hand over her heart that way you had. Because that’s what you did. You gave Charles everything, all of you and he didn’t know what to do with it. He wasn’t ready to give you everything in return.
He was left with a tainted memory of Paris.
So yes, he tried to think of that first night more than any other one. At least that memory was pure, wholesome. 
It wouldn’t have surprised him to find out you left this Vegas party already. Probably found the quietest bar on the outskirts of the strip. Or you might have even gone back to the hotel because what comfort could a bar bring you? 
Did you still think about that night in Paris too? Or had you tried to completely forget about your time together there? Again, Charles couldn’t just ask you that. You didn’t talk. 
But there were people here that you did talk to.
Charles spotted Pato O’Ward, the well adored driver in the IndyCar series. You may not have been hired as a performance engineer for his car, but you were going to be a crucial part of the Arrow McLaren team. Plus you had spent a handful of races with them already, sometimes in his pit lane box. 
They had met before, briefly but it was a long enough interaction that Charles didn’t feel uncomfortable approaching the Mexican driver. 
They chatted about the race happening this weekend, about Pato’s upcoming practice session he’ll be participating in in Abu Dhabi. Charles was friendly, he knew how to carry a conversation.
He also knew how to find out the information he couldn’t get first hand from you. Of course, waiting until Alex walked off to get another drink.
“I heard about Y/N joining the team,” Charles casually mentioned. “That’s exciting, she’ll be a good addition.”
“Oh for sure,” Pato nodded in agreement. He glanced around, as if trying to find you but he didn’t spend too long looking. “She’s a genius. We’re happy to have her. I’m surprised that she didn’t find a job in Formula 1, though. With her father and all and-”
Pato cut himself off, unsure if this was a line he wanted to cross.
But Charles chuckled, making light of the history he had with the new Arrow McLaren employee. The more at ease Pato felt, the more likely he’d be willing to talk about you.
“Honestly I could have gotten her a job at Ferrari if she showed interest,” Charles told him. He wasn’t sure if that was true or not, but Pato wasn’t going to talk if Charles was quick to shut down the topic of you. So he continued, “But she always talked about IndyCar. She only ever spent time at Formula 1 because of the history, because of her dad but her interests lied with your series. I think it’s because she grew up with Formula 1, you know, there was no more fascination. IndyCar is almost like a challenge for her…she did always like to challenge herself. I hope this career is good for her- I think it will be, I think it’s what she needs. I mean, I guess I don't really know what she needs but I hope she finds it at Arrow McLaren.”
Where the fuck did that come from?
Even Pato was a little taken aback. He didn’t show it on his face, but he certainly hadn’t expected Charles to say any of those words about you. There was a longing in Charles’ tone. He wasn’t just speaking highly of you, he was pulling from his heaviest memories, his cherished moments. He wasn’t just telling Pato everything that Pato probably already knew. Charles was reminding himself of the person you were, the person you still are. 
The person he didn’t know anymore.
Charles cleared his throat, “Do you talk to her? Or not so much in the off season?”
Pato moved on along with Charles, as best as he could, offering him a faint shrug, “I chatted with her earlier tonight. She’s in the middle of a move, actually.”
“To the states?” Charles asked.
“Bristol, I think,” Pato racked his memory but was confident with his answer. “She lived in Paris for a bit but is going to spend the next few months in Bristol before heading to the states at the end of February.”
Bristol did not come as a surprise to Charles. 
“If you could move anywhere, where would you go?” You had once asked him. Although, your timing was poor as you were both currently lounging on the front of his yacht in the French Riviera. Why would he want to move anywhere else when everything he needed, for the most part, was right here?
“I don’t want to move,” Charles gave you the answer you had expected. He turned his head to face you, arm resting on the back of the chair. He had sunglasses perched on the bridge of his nose but he took them off his face and handed them to you when he realised you were squinting as you looked at him.
“I’d move to Bristol,” you told him, unprompted. His sunglasses were a little big for your face, but the gesture was sweet. 
“Bristol,” he repeated. “Why Bristol?”
“It’s beautiful,” you said. “Rich in history and culture. I’d live on the seaside. I’d spend my days in the market. There’s still a bit of a nightlife if I feel like going out. But It’s serene there. I’d be happy there.”
Charles sat up a bit, “Monaco has all that. Why don’t you just move here?”
You laughed. As if moving to Monaco was that easy. 
Regardless, Monaco was missing something you cherished.
“I enjoy the cold weather, Charles.” You said as if this wasn’t something he already knew. “Bristol’s like the perfect place. It doesn’t snow often but it still drops in temperature during the winter and if I wanted a white Christmas I could just drive a few hours inland. I can’t thrive in 365 days of heat. Sometimes I just want to make a cup of tea and curl up on the couch with a blanket.”
Charles admired a lot of things about you, but near the top of that list was how much you appreciated the little things in your life. You were raised in wealth, with a name that everyone was familiar with, but you were simple. You worked hard for what you wanted and you cherished what you had. You never asked for anything more and you were always content, never one to complain. You were probably the most down to earth person he’d ever met.
So no, it wasn’t shocking to hear that you had moved out of your flat in Paris to spend a few months in Bristol. To get that British winter one more time before moving for your career. 
“I’m sure she’s around here somewhere if you-” Pato stopped mid sentence, his eyes landing on something, someone, behind Charles. 
Naturally, Charles turned over his shoulder to look.
There you were. 
Part of your hair was pinned back with a pearl hair clip. You opted out of a dress, going for a matching skirt and cropped blazer instead, pairing it with a pair of heels only a shade darker. You were chatting with someone that Charles didn’t recognise, a champagne glass held delicately between your fingers. You were so into your conversation that you had no idea that you had gained the attention of not just one driver, but two.
Charles wasn’t the only one who was dying to spend some time with you tonight. 
He turned back at Pato and Charles would be lying to himself if he said his blood didn’t boil over at the way Pato was looking at you. He was envious in this moment. He knew you were larger than life, but you were such a well kept secret, his secret, and you were the farthest thing from that now.
Pato muttered something about catching up with Charles later and all Charles could do was watch as the IndyCar driver made his way over to you. You greeted him with a warm smile. His hand found your lower back with ease, like he had placed it there before. You handed him the champagne glass in your hand and Pato took a sip, holding it onto it, like that was normal. Like you shared drinks with him before.
And Charles knew he didn’t have any sort of right to care, to question, to even wonder what you were doing now but god it pained him to think that you were possibly, probably, sleeping with Pato O’Ward.
When did that start? Before you signed your contract or after? Did that matter? No of course it didn’t matter. None of it mattered because Charles was with Alex. He made that choice, he let you go. He foolishly, stupidly, regrettably, let you go and now he had to watch from the sidelines as you lived your life without him. You found the career you wanted, not in Formula 1.
If you were with Pato, there was no doubt in Charles’ mind that Pato treated you better than he did. He was a stand up guy, he was charming, he leaned in and whispered something in your ear that had you blushing in seconds.
How Charles was feeling wasn’t fair and he knew it. He knew he was in the wrong. He knew he couldn’t be jealous seeing you with someone else. You had moved on, you had every right to move on. 
He knew that it shouldn’t have taken seeing you with Pato to realise he had made a mistake. This was a conclusion he should have come to a while ago, honestly he should have never even let you go in the first place. And maybe he did know it and just didn’t want to admit it until it was screaming at him, a brutal hit to the face over and over until he just couldn’t ignore the bruises anymore.
He shouldn’t have let you go. 
But he did and this was the price he had to pay. He watched from the outside, watched you change and grow through the stories he overheard and pictures you shared. He was a mere crumb in your life now compared to when you handed him your heart on a silver platter. 
Charles regretted everything. He regretted that he left you waiting for him to say ‘I love you’ and at the very least, hoping he would say ‘don’t go’ and instead gave you nothing. Now he couldn’t say any of those words. Now you didn’t talk. 
He left the party early. Alex didn’t say anything on the ride back to the hotel. Neither did he. What was there left to say anyway?
But the silence from her left less of a hole than the silence he got from you. 
He sat in the hotel bar while Alex packed up her suitcase and asked the front desk for a new room. She wasn’t going to leave. Not yet, at least. Just give Charles the space he needed and honestly, Charles knew she was waiting for him to return to her once he came to his senses, like he did last time.
Because Alex gave him what he wanted. Comfort, but she didn’t ask for it in return. Adoration, but didn’t expect the love to be reciprocated. She played the part of the girlfriend and she played it well, accompanying Charles wherever, whenever. Alex thought that if she played the long game, Charles would love her. Charles would see a future with her.
You, though, you didn’t have time to wait. You weren’t going to sit ideally and beg for him to love you back. You weren’t going to tell him that you’d wait for him, that you’d be there if things with Alex didn’t work out. 
You moved on. 
Charles tried to accept that, really. He tried to just focus on the last two races and not about what you were doing. If Bristol was everything you dreamt it was. If Pato and you were together. He tried not to think about anything that revolved around you. 
He thought he could at least make it to the New Year, and maybe he would have. He might have reconnected with Alex on the 31st if he successfully went the entire month of December without his mind trailing back to you.
But the second his friend who resided in London called him up and asked if he wanted to attend a fashion show he was part of...well, it was embarrassing how fast Charles agreed to go. Because London was certainly closer to Bristol than Monaco was. And if he was in London, it was hard to find a reason why he shouldn’t just…go to Bristol.
Actually it was very easy to find dozens of reasons. Charles simply ignored all of them. 
He didn’t think this plan through at all, which was why he stood outside your door for nearly five minutes before knocking. What was he going to say?
For starters, he was really hoping you wouldn’t ask how he knew where you lived. Charles didn’t feel like explaining the hoops he had to jump through that may or may not have involved Joris at one point pretending to be your brother and calling your place of employment. 
It was fucked up. Charles could admit that. But if he could admit that, he could admit it wasn’t the only fucked up thing he did. Letting you walk away from him was at the top of that list.
When you opened the door, you weren’t upset to see him, but you weren’t happy either. Charles carried that vibe the entire time he was inside, starting from when you reluctantly let him in to the way you handed him his cup of tea without so much as a word. 
“How’s Alexandra?” You asked him. Charles could tell you were only trying to be polite. 
“Do you care?” He asked in return. 
No hesitation from you as you shook your head, “I do not.”
He always admired your honesty. He was still scared shitless at the way you could quite literally kill someone with kindness, but he also respected it. You were the only person he knew who’s gentle smile had the ability to send someone cowering. It was a skill, truly. 
“So let’s not talk about her,” he suggested and you nodded, but you also weren’t about to let the conversation carry on if it was pointless. 
“Charles if you don’t tell me why you’re here…”
He had an entire drive to figure out how he wanted to word this. He had a whole plane ride to put together the perfect sentence, the perfect mix of apologies and admittance and instead his mind was blank. He didn’t know the words to say to you, not after going so long without saying anything. 
But he lifted his head and met your eyes. He thought about reaching for your hand only to decide against it because your hand wasn’t his to hold anymore. 
“I shouldn’t have let you go,” he said, voice low, breaking almost. He shook his head, repeating it. “I made a mistake, I shouldn’t have let you go. I don’t want to be someone who’s not in your life. I don’t want to be someone who means nothing to you anymore. I-”
I love you, he wanted to say. 
Because he did. 
At least, he thought he did. At one point, he knew he could. If he could then, he could now, right? He could still love you. If you took him back, if you found a way to still love him, Charles wanted to love you back in the same way.
Or maybe he just didn’t want you to love anyone else.
“Charles you don’t know how to love anyone,” you knew exactly what he was going to say. And at one point, you wanted to hear it. Now, though? This was the one time you were hoping he didn’t say it.
“That’s not true.”
“It is,” you stated, like you knew him better than he knew himself. Maybe you did. “You don’t want to love someone, you just want to be loved.”
“I want to be in love with you.”
“That’s not the same and you know it,” your words could have cut through him like glass if your tone wasn’t so soft. 
Charles shifted uncomfortably. This conversation hadn’t gone as planned, but what was he truly expecting? You’d take him back? You were better off without him. Anyone could see that.
“Listen, I had to get over you and you weren’t even mine, Charles. Do you know how twisted that is? The only person to blame for my broken heart was myself because I knew, all along, you weren’t mine. I knew it and I went along anyway and I’m not doing that again. I will not love you again. I don’t need another wave of self destruction and false hope and unrequited love. I am happy, okay? I didn’t need you to come here with some sort of declaration that you can’t even say with your chest. I don’t- I don’t need that. I don’t need you.”
He still tried, still attempted to win you back with the what if’s but you saw through it. You cut him off before he could finish his question. What if I do need you?
You shook your head, staying firm with your decision. “It’s over now, Charles. It was over then and it’s over now.”
Charles believed that. He repeated your words the entire way home. He could never give you the closure you needed so you gave it to yourself and you seemed adamant that your past with Charles was going to stay there, in the past. 
He didn’t get back together with Alex. He couldn’t. He ended things the second he returned to Monaco. She asked if you were the reason and Charles didn’t really have an answer. You weren’t dating, but you were still there. In the back of his mind, in his dreams, everywhere he looked he saw you.
He didn’t think he’d actually see you again. He knew you were moving in the New Year. That you had officially gone on with your life. 
So imagine his surprise when you showed up at his door on New Years Eve. 
Smudged mascara under your eyes, an unopened bottle of wine in your hands and a dress that left very little to the imagination. Charles had hundreds of questions, for you, for himself, like was he just imagining this? 
And then you stepped past him, sliding your heels off and immediately going to his cupboard to pull out two empty wine glasses. It was a screw top, the bottle in your hands, Charles wondered where you got it but he didn’t ask. He just let you pour a very healthy amount into each of the glasses. He didn’t say anything when you handed one to him, you both just took a sip in peace.
Charles wasn’t sure where he found his voice, but he somehow managed to. And he said the stupidest fucking thing ever.
“I thought we were over.”
“We are,” you stated, taking another sip. You caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror behind him and you tried to wipe your undereyes but the dry pads of your fingers did little to help.
Charles stepped into the bathroom to grab one of those white hand towels that he hung on the rack. He ran it under some warm water before making his way back to you. He was hesitant to step close, but you didn’t flinch away.
So he raised his hand to your cheek, holding you still as he wiped away the stains of mascara, the remains of whatever you were crying over. His touch was gentle. You could feel his breath hit your face and you couldn’t help but glance at his lips. You hadn’t been this close since Paris.
“Thank you,” you whispered when he dropped the cloth to the sink.
Charles didn’t back up after. He stayed with his hand on the side of your face, even sliding his fingers against your scalp to get tangled in your hair. Something he knew you loved. You hummed at the feeling, how normal this seemed, like you weren’t the one to end things that last time around.
Unlike last time, Charles was the one to ask, “Why are you here, Y/N?”
You shook your head, wishing he could just accept this for what it was. You didn’t want to have a conversation.
So you reached for the front of his shirt, dragging your hand up to the collar as you brought your lips closer to his. The little twitch in the corner of your mouth, that faint smirk, it ruined Charles. His hand found your waist, he was only human.
“Please, Charles,” you breathed out. Not a beg, a request if anything. “Now is not the time to talk.”
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lazyneonrabbitt · 2 months
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Daryl Dixon x Reader
You had dragged Daryl along to something you liked last month, so now it was his turn.
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To anyone around, including yourself it was clear you stood out from the crowd.
Inbetween the mass of black on black, spiked everything and the odd masked figures in red boiler suits your bright blue jeans and simple bright teeshirt.
Daryl had come along to your weekend event last month, so now it was your turn to join him to a concert.
"What's with the masks?" You were settled against Daryl's side, not entirely sure what to make of the group before you.
"Really, ya haven't paid any attention when I showed ya who we're seein' tonight?" Daryl, all decked out in his usual looks of heavy boots, black trousers with chains hanging off the belt loops and a black shirt that hugged his form ever so perfectly. It was printed with the picture of a blonde woman that you didn't recognise.
"Hey, Dixon!" A man's voice had you both turn and look behind you, where a bearded guy in a beanie walked up with two women in super gothy outfits, their makeup extreme but flawless.
You had never met Daryl's friends before and in all honesty you felt intimidated by them.
"Oh my god you brought your girl, finally!" One of the women gestured excitedly and hopped over to introduce herself, perfectly manicured hand outstretched for you to take. "Hi! I'm Viv, that's Sammy and Jesus." You shook everyone's hands and introduced yourself as well before Daryl did his rounds and gave everyone the biggest bear hugs. "Hey, hun." "How's the apartment lookin'?" "Tell yer mom I'm sorry fer not comin' over ta cook with 'er."
It was weird to see Daryl be so social. Normally he'd be the quiet one when you went out together, but now he was all smiles and talk.
"Gotta rep the guesting band, I see." The Jesus guy tugged on Daryl's shirt, staring at the print, while one of the girls chimed in. "You gotta know by now Dee's got the biggest crush on her." The three laughed as Daryl dismissed the comments, all while you stood by and listened to their banter. Who did Daryl have a crush on? What?
"Here, in case Daryl forgot to give you some." Sammy extended her hand to you and handed you a clear plastic baggie with two foam earplugs in them.
"Ah, crap.." Daryl rubbed the back of his neck and smiled nervously as he accepted a packet himself too. "Yer a lifesaver, Sam. Thanks."
You waited close to the front of the line for some more hours, having ordered food with a large group of people that all seemed to become friends at that moment.
Once the doors to the venue opened up you followed Daryl like a lost puppy, stuck to his arm in fear of getting lost in the sea of the dark clad people.
"Come on, Dixon, get your ass in gear!"
"Yeah, man. Barricade's gonna be full at this rate." His friend had already moved further along as you and Daryl put your stuff in a locker. "Go ahead. Takin' it easy with this one." Daryl's hand found your hair and ruffled it softly, much to your annoyance. But you appriciated his concern for you and was willing to not go full out.
You followed along with the stream of people and ended at the bar off to the side of the venue.
"One beer, and one--" Daryl gave you a look, and saw you just looking around the place, taking everything in. "And a Redbull, please."
By the time you had your drinks and the crowd had all settled in, the local opening band had started their first song. Daryl's beer was gone fast, kindly waiting for you to finish your overpriced can before slowly easing you into the crowd.
Every tine you stood still for a moment you took a peek at the stage, seeing the band perform the songs was something entirely different than hearing come from Daryl's huge sound installation at home.
Daryl was keeping a close eye on you the whole time, not caring much for the small band on stage. He was enjoying how curious you were. Less how easy it was to lose you in the crowd if he wasn't holding your hand.
"Yer havin' fun?" Daryl stood behind you with his hands loosely on your hips, you had found a spot closer where you could see the stage nicely.
You gave him a nod, resting your head against his shoulder as he pressed a kiss to your hair. "Good, gotta lemme know when's gettin' too rowdy for ya, 'kay?"
"Promise, Dee." You turned to give him a quick kiss, laughing at how the previously considered scary people were all chanting along to the pop songs the speakers played between bands.
You were checking a few messages while you waited and hadn't noticed Daryl taking out his phone too until it was in front of you and his chin was resting on your shoulder. You looked up to see yourself on his screen, he was taking a selfie with you. Next to you he stuck out his tongue as he pressed the capture button and held it as he went to smooch your cheek.
He watched the short looping video back and added a caption before sending it off.
'Girlie's first metal gig!' He addded under it with a little black heart emoji.
The crowd around you cheered and hollered all of a sudden, making you look up and seeing the first members of the next band come onto the stage, waving and getting ready to perform.
You watched the stage didn't notice how giddy Daryl had gotten behind you. Most of the band had gotten onto the stage and an eery tune started playing that had part of the crowd whistle and cheer.
Suddenly a loud, distorted voice called out from the speakers.
More howls and whistles surrounded you as the eery tune continued.
Spots beamed to the centre of the stage as a gorgeous woman appeared as the band's instruments joined the tune, starting the song.
Behind you you felt Daryl's body jerk against yours as he raised a fist and joined the crowd in cheer.
His body stayed pressed againts yours with his arms around you, hands resting on your hips and stomach as he swayed you along the tunes of the first song.
As the band played on the crowd got more rowdy, jumping around and bumping into each other making you stagger in Daryl's grip.
Daryl kept being your shield as the crowd's shoves got worse. "Ya wanna move?" He tapped your arm and pointed off to the side where you could suddenly see a wide open space inbetween the few people that separated you from it.
Over the intro tune of the song a large hole had formed in the crowd, a few people in the middle bouncing around as the lyrics went on.
With your lack of answering, Daryl just kept up holding onto you and kept his gaze between you and the pit.
The second the woman's voice went from a distorted speaking to a loud growled singing the crowd surged into the large open space, almost taking you and Daryl with them.
You didn't know where to look. The gorgeous frontwoman on the stage before you, or the massive swarm of people throwing themselves around next to you.
You peeked behind you at Daryl, who was staring, mesmerized by the woman leading the band. One arm stayed around you to ward off the thrashing crowd while the other one was raised above you in cheer.
The crowd bounced in unison making you want to join in, softly bopping to the beat on the balls of your feet. You knew nothing of the song so you went along with the crowd, much to Daryl's enjoyment as he joined in as well. You blended with the crowd now, barely noticing you were slowly moving around the floor agsin in the moving sea of people.
It was only when the band's set ended that you realised you had moved a lot closer and further off to the centre of the crowd.
Daryl had his face buried in the crook of your neck the second the band was off the stage, nuzzling against your skin and squeezing your soft thighs. "Yer havin' fun. S'good." His mumbling tone was barely audible over the waiting time music and the crowd's chatter. But you recognized the tone, he was getting high on your enjoyment. You could already tell that of the next band didn't interest him enough you'd be dragged into the nearest bathroom stall to show you just how much he loved seeing you enjoy yourself.
You found it cute how a big grump like Daryl got off on something as soft as seeing his girlfriend happy.
The intermission was a nice time to mellow out a bit before the headliner got on stage and quickly check your messages. This time it was your turn to send out a snapchat to your friends, showing them you were still alive and breathing.
A selfie of you in the dim lights with Daryl nuzzling your hair, and a simple text that read "having fun!".
While you sent away your snap and went to respond to a pauzed conversation from earlier the stagelights moved as the headliners entred the stage.
You scrambled to put your phone away with how wild the crowd got all of a sudden.
Almost immediately after the members got on stage a guitar rhytm set in and thr crowd moved around you, so much it made Daryl move along and before you knew it there was another empty space in the crowd.
Right next to where you stood at the edge of it.
The drums kicked in, joining the guitars and right next to you there were people running in circles in the open space.
Daryl had let go of you for a moment to look into the pit and right at that moment the song started in full blast. Daryl's arm got grabbed by someone passing by and got yanked into the whirlpool of people. "Sorry!" You heard him yell, leaving you on your own off to the side against his will.
"Daryl?!" You called in shock and backed up when a guy ran too close past you, stepping into another person's side.
"Ah, I'm sorry.." Your fun was gone in an instant and the guy saw it, carefully patting your arm and offering to shield you from the rowdyness of the pit. A careful nod was all you needed to share before going back to watch the band play and glance to your side whenever Daryl passed by.
You listened to the song and followed Daryl's movements, watching him throw himself around with a wide smile on his face.
With the song nearing its end the pool mellowed out and Daryl came back to you, panting and smiling, placing a soft kiss to your cheek before grabbing you in both his arms and pulling you into the still active pit, making you let out a yelp.
He moved along with the stream of people that ran in circles again and stepped back into the crowd after making two rounds, ending up almost at the centre front of the crowd.
Daryl's plan worked, snow standing close enough to his friends at the barricade. He whistled and saw Viv turn and reach out her hand to you.
"Grab, I'l follow." Daryl took the hand you didn't reach out with and you were pulled to the front with ease, quickly being squeezed between the two girls on the front row.
The view from your new spot was amazing, no heads blocking half of the stage, no shoulders moving just an inch to blind you entirely or needing to stand on your tiptoes to see.
You watched all the members perform up close, unable to resist the urge to photograph them all. It took you a moment before you noticed you recognised the song they were playing. Daryl had played it foe you, all those years back when he first got into this music.
You had heard it so often you could even hum along to the words, nodding to the rhythm. The girls beside you caught on quickly, smiling and nudging you to guide you along, showing you the 'proper barricade etiquette' as they called it.
Viv had your hand in hers, raising them together as the song ended and howled out in cheer along Sammy at your other side. Behind you Daryl, and beside him Jesus joined as well, Daryl's chest pressed against your back.
The music was loud, the crowd wild but the energy was one you never thought you'd welcome, there on your spot at the barricade of a heavy metal show.
Once the last song of the night ended you felt the cool air return around your body with the crowd leaving the hall.
"Think you swayed her?" Jesus asked Daryl. The two walked just a few steps behind you, watching you chatting happily with the two other girls beside you when you three suddenly made a turn towards the merchandise stand.
The men watched you all point out different things on the wall. "Course I did. 'S a lil' rebel, tha' one. She jus' gotta figure tha' out 'erself."
Jesus and Daryl caught up with you all, Daryl snaking his arms around your waist as he got to you. "Did ya find somethin', hun?" His chin rested on your head, taking a look at the wall for himself too as you waited for the person in front of you to finish their purchase.
"That one's pretty!" You pointed at one of thr shirts off to the side, having Daryl steer you towards the available salesperson.
"Girlie wants tha' second one op there." Daryl pointed at the shirt you liked, and moved on to some others as well. "Tour shirt in ..two XL, an' I'll take tha' last one down there."
The guy gathered all Daryl's choices and gave him the total, which Daryl happily paid before you joined your friends again off to the side.
"Always spending money, how much did you get this time?" Jesus crossed his arms as he raised a brow at Daryl, who showed him the bag with the three shirts. "Ain't much at all. Where's the girls?" Daryl looked around to find you and the others but you were nowhere to be found.
"They kidnapped her to the bathroom, probably lockers too." Jesus held out his pack of cigarettes in offer. "Smoke? I'll text them we're outside."
Daryl nodded and accepted the smokes, following his friend outside and smiling at you making new friends.
At the bathroom sink you were splashing water in your face to fully cool down and waited for the other two before heading back.
"They're outside already." The informafion came at the locker where you had left your jacket and bag, where you had told yourself earlier to try and have fun and not to worry so much.
With your jacket on and bag slung over your shoulder you left the venue to meet back up with the boys.
Daryl welcomed you by pulling you into his side. "Ya calmed down after all tha'?" His sweet smile leaked some smoke before blowing the remainder out over your head.
"Hmhm! I had more fun than I thought." You nuzzled his jacket and looked back at the friend around you. "It was really nice to meet you guys, too."
It was true, you did enjoy the event and were sure you'd be joining Daryl more often now.
With a last round of goodbyes you and Daryl left to catch the last train home, spending your late night moments almost falling asleep against him.
"C'mon. Yer takin' a shower with me 'fore we go sleep. Yer gross." Right, Daryl's after show routines, you almost forgot.
It was clear to him you were extremely tires so he made sure to treat you like a queen as he cleaned you up and dried you off, carrying you to bed and laying down with you, holding you close.
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spicyclover · 5 months
You used me
Summary : It's bittersweet to think about the damage that you did.
Next part of "You betrayed me"
Hope you’ll enjoy it. Let me know in the comment section.
Thank you! :)
Lots of love, xxx Spicy Clover
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When the door closed that night, I collapsed on the floor of my kitchen, on the cold tiles. In the weeks that followed, I spent them in a blur. I kept myself busy to stop thinking, to stop thinking about you. I lived on automatism. I'm a fucking robot, because of you. I get up in the morning without motivation and go to bed with the ball in my stomach to meet you in my dreams.
I’ve been going over and over our conversation. I’m a bet. A fucking, humiliating bet. I have never been more shame than that evening. Everyone knew and no one told me. They knew that I loved you so bad, and I let you treat me like that. I'm so naïve. I just want myself back. I just wanted to be enough. Don't you think I loved you too much to be used and discarded? Don't you think I loved you too much to think I deserve nothing? But don't tell me you're sorry. You should feel sorry for yourself. An eternal love bullshit you know you'll never mean.
Once the door was closed. My friends left with you. Because you bring them more than I could ever and it hurts like hell. To see these "friends" I know since my early childhood mock me for my naivety. Until this day, it is hard to believe. I know we weren't perfect but I've never felt this way for no one, In a short time you became the reason I get up in the morning and the reason I like to dream. And I just can't imagine how you could be so okay now that I'm gone.
It's bittersweet to think about the damage that you did. You betrayed me.
For the first time since we broke up, I saw you in the street. You had your arm on a new girl. Showing her off like she's a new trophy. A happy and rested look on your face. I wish I dared to come running and punch that smile off your face, but I couldn’t move. You hang out in public with her, but never with me. I went home with tears in my eyes and no morale. It was the first time I managed to leave home after weeks of moping.
The more time passed, the more I felt my head getting out of the water. My body was less numb and I started breathing again, enjoying what I used to love. I adopted a little puppy at this time of my life, the kind we talked about in our long late-night discussion about our future together. You gave me your word. He's the world to me now. Milo, the dog.
The late afternoon often takes me to the beach. I let Milo run on the deserted beach and play with the waves. I take advantage of this moment of calm to observe the sunset. I breathe in and out deeply, letting my last thoughts of you go into the sea. I feel free. After three months of hell, I’m back to normal, like you never existed.
"Hi, bab..." That voice is yours. Why do you come back? Why do you haunt me like that? I turn around and there you are, in all your splendour. Your curls are more beautiful than ever, your face more beautiful than ever. I can't let you win. I walk away from the beach. Milo follows me. I feel your eyes following me soon it's your footsteps I hear. "Please, Y/n, I need to talk to you."
"I think you said enough. You should go back to your new girlfriend. I think she's getting lonely." I said without looking back. The waves fade and I feel your hand grab my arm.
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kirkwhore · 4 months
Type O Negative: VIP Treatment
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You've been following Type O Negative on tour, and tonight you get luckier than you ever dreamed.
CW: unprotected piv (wrap it before u tap it, friends!), fem!reader, exhibitionism, degradation, overstimulation, dubcon (everyone is drunk), fingering, use of y/n
word count: 1.8k
You went to the concert knowing in your gut that something about tonight would be different. You’d been following Type O Negative on their tour for the past four months, and you could swear that Peter Steele was singing right to you at every show. You had locked eyes with him several times during “Love You to Death”, and he had actually winked at you during “Be My Druidess.” At least, you thought so.
You were beginning to feel delusional… until he beckoned you toward the stage during their last number. It was like walking through a dream – you felt like you were floating through the crowd, never taking your eyes off of him. Peter met you in the crowd and gently lifted your face with a finger under your chin. He recited the poem in “Haunted” to you alone. You could feel other women glaring daggers at your back, but you didn’t care. Nothing existed outside of him. You felt yourself leaning into him, completely dazed.
He kissed you in front of everyone. There was a hunger behind the kiss that promised more.
Before returning to the stage, he leaned down and spoke softly into your ear.
“Meet me backstage.” Just those three words, but they were enough to send you running through the sea of witnesses to the best night of your life.
You were playing with a strand of your hair nervously when you heard the screams. The show was over. Peter was headed your way at last.
He grabbed your hand without a word and led you back to the green room with the rest of the band.
They all relaxed back on the plush couches while you stood in the doorway, frozen in awe.
“What’s your name, sweetheart?” he purred.
“Y/n,” you replied, voice trembling. This had to be a fucking dream; there was no way this was actually happening. Right?
“Y/n. What a beautiful name.” The way it rolled off his tongue like velvet made your thighs clench involuntarily. He gestured for you to come closer.
“Come. Sit.” He was pointing at his lap. Your face felt hot and you were embarrassed by the smirks of the other guys, but you complied anyway. Your short skirt didn’t cover your ass when you sat down and you could feel his stiff cock pulsing against the thin fabric of your panties. The wetness pooling between your thighs threatened to stain his pants. With every deep, rumbling laugh, you felt your pussy clenching around nothing, leaving you with a desparate need to be filled up. It was agony to have to sit still for so long, making polite conversation. Peter knew exactly what he was doing to you, and he made every excuse to fidget and press himself into your ass even harder. The more wine you drank, the more confident you felt. You wanted to tease him back, rocking your hips ever so slightly against his length. You felt strong fingers dig into your hips; a hiss of pleasure escaped his lips.
Peter lifted you to your feet.
“Take them off,” he commanded. “Your panties, give them to Kenny.” You could feel the blush creeping up your neck as both humiliation and pleasure fought for dominance in your body.
“I –”
“Is there a problem?” he said, cocking his head to one side.
“N-no,” you stuttered, your heart pounding. You slowly rolled the waistband of your panties down, exposing yourself to Peter as you bent to free them from your legs. He swiped one deft finger between your folds before you could straighten up. A moan bubbled from your throat before you could stop it. The men laughed as you tentatively handed over your underwear.
When you turned back around, you were shocked to find him naked already, beckoning you back over.
“Don’t take your eyes off of me when your back is to them, and do what you’re told. Think you can do that?” It was a simple question but your reply was trapped in your throat.
“You can always back out, you know,” Peter said more softly. “Don’t let me make you feel trapped.” As much stage fright as you were feeling, you realized that you actually wanted them to watch you be used like a useless fucktoy.
“No, I can do this,” you replied, voice trembling again.
“Good girl.” His smile was all the encouragement you needed. “Now, get on your knees. Wanna see how pretty you look gagging on my cock.” He started slow, easing his way between your lips. You swirled your tongue around the head, lapping up the salty pre-cum leaking from his tip. Peter growled and pushed himself deeper, rougher this time. You really did gag then, and tears stung your eyes. That seemed to turn him on more, and he tangled your hair in his fingers, guiding you back and forth as he fucked your face. You could hear skin slapping in the background. The rest of the bandmates were jacking off. Their moans made your pussy clench even harder.
Once he was done making your mascara run in rivers down your cheeks, Peter dragged you to your feet by your hair and spun you to look at the others. He pushed your skirt up and ripped your shirt open, exposing you to them.
“Isn’t she so pretty?” Peter tugged at your nipples hard, pinching them between his fingers, sending a ripple of pleasure and pain through your body. “And so wet for us, too. Such a fucking slut.” He pulled you down onto his lap once more, spreading your legs wide to give the guys a front row seat to your dripping cunt as he fingered you. The sounds that ripped out of you were animalistic and filthy. You would’ve been humiliated if you weren’t so fucking turned on.
Just when you were on the precipice of falling apart, Peter’s relentless assault on your clit stopped abruptly. You whined, wanting to cry at the sudden lack of stimulation. He laughed, watching you thrust your hips against the air pathetically. He forced you to gag on his thick fingers covered in your slick while you watched one of the others masturbate into your panties. Someone had already finished in them. You could see the pearly cum sliding down the gusset.
You were once again lifted to your feet and whirled around to face Peter before he pushed you backwards onto the couch. He climbed on top of you, caging your face in with his bulging forearms.
“I’m gonna make you cum over and over until you can no longer speak, y/n. But only if you keep those beautiful eyes on me, remember?” His pupils were dilated with lust. He looked like a supernatural creature in that moment, more vampire than man. You could only nod. Your heart was in your throat as he leaned down to press passionate kisses into your neck. Your legs were hiked up over his shoulders, and he slowly, slowly pressed his cock into your heat. You had seen that issue of Playgirl, so you knew he was big… but a picture didn’t do it justice. Feeling him stretch you out was a euphoria like no other. It was certainly worth the pain that came with it. Your moans became screams as he hit that spot deep inside that made you see stars. You wanted so badly to close your eyes, but he held your face in one hand and you knew there would be consequences to looking away. He was panting openmouthed over you, and his friends were moaning your name. The sound of Peter’s balls slapping into you and the unholy noise your cunt was making filled the room.
“Fuck, I’m gonna -” you tried to warn him, but your senses were leaving you. “fuckfuckFUCK I’m gonna cum,” you spat just before the tightly wound coil deep inside snapped, releasing a flood. That was a first – you’d never squirted before. You squeezed tightly around him, and he grunted out your name before you felt him paint your insides with his cum. You were both a sticky mess but he didn’t stop.
“Want me to make you feel good again, baby?” Peter whispered sweetly like he wasn’t using you for his friends’ amusement. You tried to nod but he held your head in place. “No. Use your words.”
“Yes, yes please,” you whined, bearing down on him in desperation. He turned to his friends and laughed.
“Y/n wants to keep going. You wanna see her tits bounce?” The subsequent wolf whistles gave him his answer. You were a puppet in his arms – pliant, obedient. You let him flip you onto your hands and knees.
“Everyone got a good view?” Peter asked. The enthusiastic cheering was all he needed. He plunged back into you and grabbed your hips for leverage, using you like a fleshlight. Your tits hurt from the force of his thrusts, slapping your chest with every bounce. It wasn’t long before you had your second orgasm. Your body went slack. You were tired, thirsty, and overstimulated. Peter chased his release and came inside again. You tried to remember if you had taken your birth control this morning, but your head was so fuzzy from the wine and the pleasure that you couldn’t even remember your own name.
He moaned again before addressing his audience. “Fuck, she’s so tight. And all mine, too.” All his? Your brain slammed back into reality. Suddenly you felt sober. It was only all you had dreamed of since you were an obsessed teen. You turned to look back at him.
He reached out to stroke your mascara-stained cheek. “You like that? Well, if you keep following us on tour, you can be. But just me and you next time – if you’d prefer.” Before you could reply, he slipped out of you. You eyed the soaked panties that had made their way onto the coffee table. The guys were finished with them. You moved to pull your clothes back on, but Peter’s nimble fingers stopped you.
“You have a good time?”
You answered enthusiastically, wanting to please him enough for him to keep you around.
“We’re not done yet, then. That’s not what I promised – until you can’t speak, remember?” He pulled you back down as the others filed out of the room. Peter laughed as you gave in; it sent a shiver down your spine. On his command, you knelt in front of him.
It was nearly sunrise when the cab pulled up to take you home. You ached all over, but you had never felt more alive – or more giddy – in your life. You had earned that VIP pass, and you intended to use it over and over and over again
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maxineryx · 8 months
part 2 of this fic | wc: 2.2k
It has been two months since you received that letter from Gojo.
It has been a month and three weeks since you went on a date with Gojo.
It has been one week and three days since you started dating Gojo. Well, Satoru.
Yes, you’ve been counting. And yes, you have kept a very, very, close eye on him since the day you both were official.
When you met up with him at the back of the school, you spotted him leaning against a wall, his phone in one hand as he peered down at it. He was dressed informally, how he always was, with very darkly tinted glasses that covered his blue eyes. You weren’t sure why he wore them, but you thought he looked great nevertheless.
And as if he had spotted your presence from behind him, he turned, putting his hand up and flashing you a smile. You blushed in response, glad that it was at least somewhat dark and that he was unable to see the redness that coated your cheeks (he did, he was a master in spotting out these things).
“Hey! Glad you came, thought you’d never show up.” He chirped, patting down his wrinkled clothes, shooting you with a calm, toothy smile. You were surprised your knees didn’t give in right at that moment. In reply, you smiled back and nodded, dropping your bag on the floor and leaning on the wall a couple of metres away from him, staring down at your feet.
In the corner of your eye, you noticed him staring at you, his wide, crystal-like blue eyes slightly visible through his darkly tinted glasses. Gojo then pulled out his phone when he heard a notification, the gentle sounds of his fingertips against the device being the only thing breaking the silence. You realised how the dim light from a nearby lamp managed to brighten up his already snow-white hair, causing it to sparkle a little, and you found yourself to realise that everything about him was so… majestic, as if he was written to be a perfect human being. And the more you stared, the more captivated you were.
He tilted his head and chuckled. “Like what you see?” He fiddled with his pockets as he pushed his phone into them, looking up at you with a smug look.
You cursed internally for staring too long.
Upon noticing his overconfident look, you cleared your throat and instantly wondered when you got the sudden confidence to even dare to look him in the eyes. “Let me remind you that I received a letter from you. I still want to know why I’m here, so will you tell me or not?” You weren’t meaning to come off as rude, as your tone had implied, but you were simply nervous that you were another one of his ‘victims’ as those hypocritical girls would say (hypocritical, because they’d always drool over seeing him despite saying these things).
You were surprised when he showed you another smile.
Gojo suddenly pushed himself off the wall and walked over to you, swiftly slamming a hand on the wall next to your head. Your eyes widened as you looked up at him, swallowing your saliva and feeling an overwhelming amount of nervousness. He made sure that, if you wished, you’d be able to set yourself free, but after giving you a couple of good seconds and realising you weren’t going to, you could say that it pumped up his ego a ton.
He angled his head down so that you could see his bright eyes, staring at you intensely. “Didn’t you read the letter?”
You leaned your head against the wall, averting your gaze, feeling embarrassed by how easily you were to fluster, knowing your face was about ten shades of red. “W-well… I did–”
Gojo leaned closer, his gentle breaths fanning your skin. You could spot out all the hues and patterns stretched across his irises like an endless sea of sparkling blues. “Oh really? Then wha-”
“Oi, you two!”
A bright light was forced upon you two causing you to wince. Gojo frowned and pulled his glasses up with his index finger, bringing his hand up to block the blinding light. His other hand was still next to your head, and even when the person holding the light was revealed to be an older teacher, Gojo didn’t budge. He scoffed, and you lifted your head, instantly looking away as the teacher’s rather disgusted gaze landed on you.
“What do you think you’re doing? The school’s been shut and you’re expected to be gone! W-wait!” His demands were cut off as soon as Gojo grabbed your hand and swiftly maneuvered around the old man, hauling your bag over his shoulder, heading towards the closed gate, the man hot on your heels.
“Gojo!” You yelled as you pressed yourself against the gate, unsure of where to go. He winked at you, bending at the knees before you felt yourself being picked up, his muscular arms wrapping around your legs. You knew he was strong, from what you heard, but not that strong. Letting out a yelp as you instinctively clutched the top of the gate and pulled yourself up with his help, you got over the gate and stumbled slightly when meeting the other side. You watched keenly yet slightly concerned as he hoisted himself upwards, muscles flexing through his sleeves. He laughed at the now furious old man, snatching your wrist and sticking his tongue out before disappearing round the corner together with you.
You panted frantically as you fought to catch your breath, hands on your knees as soon as Gojo let go of your wrist. Looking up at him, you frowned when he was already peering down at you with a grin playing on his lips, and you stood up straight, looking at him. “Well done, now we’re in trouble.”
“Don’t worry. They rarely bring any notice to it.” He spoke smugly, looking up, his blue orbs reflecting the stars that were scattered along the dark sky.
“And how do you know?”
“I just do. I’m an expert in everything, sweetheart.”
The pet name rolled off his tongue so smoothly that it took you a while to process what he said. You blushed when you came to the realisation, covering your burning face with your hands.
A couple of seconds later, you heard the soft sound of footsteps, opening your eyes to see him slowly walk away, your bag still hoisted over his shoulder.
“Where are you going?” You asked, hating the way your tone suggested that you were disappointed, but you would be lying if you said you weren’t.
Gojo didn’t turn around. “I’m going to walk you home.”
He missed the way you smiled at his words as his back was facing you. You stood still, chuckling to yourself, then calling out to him. “Do you even know where I live?”
There was a long silence, only the sound of passing cars somewhere far away and his footsteps echoing through the street. He then stopped and turned his head only, pointing to you with a cocky smile, one eyebrow raised.
“Nah. But you’ll show me.”
You put your hands on your hips as he continued to walk, white hair blowing in the gentle breeze. “That’s the wrong way, genius.”
He instantly turned on his heels and made his way towards you, shrugging off the temporary embarrassment. “Pffff, of course I knew. I just wanted to see if you cared.”
You shook your head and rolled your eyes, walking off in the other direction, Gojo catching up to you, and the rest of the walk was spent laughing, flirting, and him annoying you.
When you got home, just when you were about to thank him for the rather… interesting night, you could tell that something was on his mind. And despite knowing him for only such a short time, from what you experienced, you knew that something must have happened if he was doing anything but running his mouth (saying this most politely).
He then suddenly clasped your hands gently together with his.
“Listen, this might seem like it’s all outta the blue.” He started, looking at you solemnly, brows pulled tightly into a frown. “But I like you. Everyone says that I’m a player and all that bullshit– but I promise that when I say I like you, I mean it. I think you’re the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen. You’re kind– easy to be flustered– and it makes me want to know you better. So go out on a date with me, please?” He pulled his glasses down with his index finger and batted his eyelashes. “You’re not allowed to decline.”
He rendered you speechless.
You nodded after a hot while, heart hammering in your chest so loudly that you were scared he’d be able to hear.
He smirked, handing your bag over to you. Then, stepping back, winking, he lifted his hand, the brightest smile on his face. “Cya later then, pretty girl.”
And that’s how you ended up going on a date with the ever-so-popular Gojo Satoru just a week later.
Thinking back at it, you still didn’t know where you got the confidence from. Most people saw you as shy and antisocial– but with Satoru, you found out that it wasn’t just him you were finding new things about, but also yourself.
You came back to the present when a hand was shaking rapidly before your eyes, causing you to jolt backward.
A pair of blue eyes entered your view, a hint of mischief in them, causing you to frown.
“Daydreaming about me, sweetheart?” He spoke arrogantly, fluttering his eyelashes as he rested his head on his arms that were folded in an ‘x’ shape, the quiet voice of a teacher speaking in the background.
You scoffed, however a faint blush gave you away as he hit the jackpot. “You wish.”
It has been one week and three days since you started dating Satoru.
Yes, you’ve been counting. And yes, you have kept a very, very, close eye on him since the day you both were official.
On the first day, you voiced your concerns to him about the other girls and how they’d react if they ever found out that someone like you managed to catch his eyes. You were also scared that they’d feed you fake lies surrounding him– and he was too. Therefore, you proposed that it’d be more logical if it was a secret, and that only a couple close friends were allowed to know. Of course, he wasn’t thrilled with said idea, wanting to show you off, but also insisting that he’d beat up anyone that dared to hurt your feelings. You said that he had only two options: to be with you, but in secret, or not to be with you at all. He whined and agreed unhappily to the first.
Despite it being secret, you were outright surprised to see the sudden change in his attitude towards other people.
For example, instead of taking all of the numbers that other girls passed to him, he quite rudely declined and said loudly, and proudly, “I’m not available.”
So obviously, another rumor started, and it pained you to hear everything they said about him, like how another girl fell into his trap, how he was going to use her, only to throw her away a couple of weeks later. However, upon hearing this, he was quick to envelop you in his arms and reassure you that everything said was false, whispering sweet things into your ear.
A couple of days ago, you also complained to him about how you rarely got to see his beautiful eyes, and that you were close to forgetting what colour they were. He gasped dramatically, immediately taking off his glasses, and pointing to the orbs that were swirling with blue. “I’m such a monster! How could I neglect my darling’s needs?” From that day he never attempted to put on his glasses whenever he was in your company.
Then yesterday, you happened to have a class with his best friend, Geto Suguru. You talked to him a couple of times before that, but after having a conversation with him about Satoru, you realised that he was way more mature than your childish boyfriend.
“He never shuts up about you– in the most polite way,” Geto spoke with a huff and a roll of his eyes, writing a couple of notes down in his book as the teacher spoke. You laughed in reply, turning your head to look at the words written on the board, ignoring the way your heart hammered in your chest at what he just said. Satoru’s mature friend noticed the furious blush creeping up on your face, yet he chose to stay silent about it, smiling, happy that his friend had finally found someone who returned his feelings.
And then tomorrow, Satoru kisses you feverishly behind the school where you two first talked, with his fingers holding your chin, pressing you gently against the wall until the sky got dark and covered with stars, before getting chased by the same old and angry teacher.
A/N : A lot of people asked me so I have delivered. I planned on making this longer, then started panicking because I actually have no idea what to write. Either way, I think this turned out pretty well. Thank you all for the support :)
Taglist : @ichigostrawberry15 @i-am-silver @maybe-a-bi-witch @edenofeve @luciledreamz @danithefanficenthusiast @vampsins @pyschopotatomeme @wordskeeper @icy9 @tobaccosunbxrst @hoothootreiber @strangehuman101 @vlrspace
There were others I was unable to tag, please forgive me!
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tarjapearce · 1 year
Ahem-Anon reporting for duty 🫡
I have come with a mighty need. The need is called: dragon miguel and mermaid reader. I mean hmmmggh? So cute? he a firey dragon, she a pretty lil mermaid? He totes call her his sirenita. Total opposites and kinda a forbidden love? A romeo and juliet thing, minius the tragic death ending. And they always secretly meet in a cave (miguel build it so his sirenita can swim there) they decorated it together and it’s just the best of both, their own little world and happy place. And i can’t help but wonder how do they do the 👀👀👀👀 and omg what if he gets her pregnant and all? Like he was away for a few months to defend his territory and she surprises him with her baby bum and its all dragon nest building and him being protective as f. Also scared because damn? This is a first since the beginning of time. Baby Gabi would totes be the first waterdragon 😂
Can I have your imagination borrowed for a second? Please? HOLY fuck. When I read dragon Miguel only reminded me of that beautiful fan art of him as a dragon I saw on Pinterest ♥️♥️. A bit long if you squint.
Crimson. His hands were covered in little crimson stains that oozed from his side. He was... injured.
A dragon? Like him? The King of Dragons. Foolish. But as much as he wanted to shake the measly pain that pulsated every time he moved forward, to the rocky cannon on the forgotten beach, it remained there, etched and oozing.
The cannons were used as his lair, his home. He collapsed on what seemed to be his bed, a l shaped stone that was a few meters away from a small entrance from the sea. Like a secret entrance.
The splashing as he collapsed alarmed him, red eyes shone in anger as a low growl echoed through. And then, his eyes settled on you. Burning eyes softened in curiosity as he saw dainty fingers peeking behind a stone, your eyes settled on him, watching his every move.
Was he hallucinating? No.
He certainly wasn't because the creature stared at him, more specifically to his wound. You went back on the water, long fish-like tail, shining softly, like if the rainbows had decided to adhere in your scales.
A mermaid?
He believed them extinct. Humans had surely haunted everything they could lay their wretched hands on.
A few moments later, the splashing returned, this time you weren't hiding behind the rock. You were before him, naked torso, wet hair stuck on your back. Hands holding what it seemed to be a moss-like plant within a shell. You offered. He frowned.
Why would he trust her? for all he knew Mermaids were also wretched creatures that lured men to death. But your frown matched his, like you had you just read his thoughts.
"Your blood will only attract other creatures that won't be as kind as I am" You mumbled. His eyes widened slightly. Of course you could speak. His blood dripped on the water and you scrunched your nose, pushing the shell further near him.
"You're welcome" you giggled and went back from where you came.
Ever since that encounter, Miguel would certainly find subtle ways to lure you back to him. He surely wasn't inmune to mermaid beauty, his trust issues however made always to look past your looks, he wanted to find out what your intentions were, why you were always willing to just stare at him, expecting to something to happen, why would you always come back.
"Im just curious as to why I have been forbidden to mingle with the creatures above. You aren't that bad."
You'd smile sweetly at him to look back at the water.
"I gotta go. Will I see you again?"
He'd just nod and you disappeared.
His injury had been long healed. A couple of hours after you had offered the moss actually.
He'd see you again and again, almost every day, a weird sort of fear settled in his chest whenever you didn't show up for more than three days. You had created this sort of routine where you would just show up, staring at eachother until one of you, (you mostly of the time) asked for questions.
What was up there on land? Was there a lot of humans? Who was he? Why was he hiding? Patiently he'd explain through short answers just to see the glint in your eyes at every word that came from his mouth.
Three days had passed, no sign from you, until you'd appear again, cuts and wounds covering your body, sweet scented blood oozed from your cuts, too tired to remain conscious.
Humans. They had tried to hunt you.
He'd pick you up and put you to safety, your torso resting in the sand. A few droplets of his blood wetted your lips. You'd be fine when he'd return. He turned on his back, rage boiling as the beast within him roared to be set free. He flew away with a new target on sight. The docks.
You were his adoration. Despite the world trying to hurt you, you remained kind, ever sweet and curious. You were his Sirenita.
He'd burn entire ships for you. The world itself if you asked him nicely enough. Dragon's nature prevented him to share with others. Not that he wanted to share you with anyone else anyway. It was only you and him.
The first kiss held so much passion, sweetness and longing. You couldn't lay in his lap without feeling dizzy by the lack of water after a few minutes. A trouble that seemed a big impediment to completely have you for himself.
He disappeared with the promise of coming back.
Was he?
You didn't know but hope set in your heart. He had never broken a promise so far.
Upon his return he gave you a small potion jar, you drank it after he explained what would it do. Bit by bit fins and scales were shedded from you, melding into humanoid like features, only to finally reveal supple and unmarred human legs and feet.
You were now also part human. He kissed you, cradling your wobbly body on his strong arms.
You mated almost every night, the once hidden cannon on the beach, forgotten, as he had taken you to his real home. Hidden away in the mountains, but close enough to the sea to sate your need of swimming and dive. You could shape-shift at will. But preferred to be with him, nesting in his arms.
You'd notice your belly expanding and getting rounder by each month. He had noticed too. The urge to devour and crush anyone who trespassed in his home had only turned stronger, making his dragon form to become more vicious to the outside, yet careful to not being discovered.
Miguel would feed you, take care of you until a baby was born. It was a girl.
He was The Dragon King. And now a father.
A clueless one if you might add.
He'd flinch when tiny baby arms would flail to take a hold of him. He'd growl whenever said baby wailed at night, interrupting his rough mating with you. Strangely enough, his daughter only quieted down when he held her or you nursed her.
He'd marvel with pride as his daughter swum through the waters, faster than a ship could ever do. But of course the three would remain hidden from the world. Away from prying and wretched hands that could hurt you.
You both were his treasure. The things he held dear the most.
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jeankluv · 8 days
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 19
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words: 3,8k
summary: While everyone adored him, you stood apart in your feelings. It wouldn't be accurate to say you hated him, as " hate " was a strong word, rather, you harbored a profound dislike towards him. The problem was he knew that and his irritating presence seemed to persistently cling to you whenever he crossed your paths. Now, you found yourself paired with him for your semester project, and the thought made you wish to hurl yourself out of the third-floor window. Three months of working alongside him loomed ahead. Adding to the discomfort, you were currently under the scrutiny of hundreds of eyes, each gaze feeling like a murder attempt. It seemed everyone coveted the opportunity to collaborate with Gojo Satoru, except for you.
tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, hurt/comfort, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball, Gojo needs a hug
notes: it’s been quite some time since I updated right? I feel bad for not posting new chapters, but life is kinda busy. Also some major events are about to happen on the next Birdie chapters and also I think there might be between 10-15 chapters left with everything I have planned. But don’t worry bc a new Gojo fic is coming soon!
materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
Jujutsu Kaisen materialist | ao3
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You rolled down the window of Satoru's car and enjoyed the smell of the sea that began to fill your nostrils. You had left Tokyo early that day, so you could get to your destination on time. You had spent the previous night with Satoru so he wouldn't have to pick you up and you could go straight from his apartment.
The traffic wasn't too heavy and your journey was becoming pleasant, while the GPS's voice told Satoru which routes he should take to get there. Closing your eyes, you let yourself be invaded by the sensations, enjoying the warm day at the end of May and the smell of salt water.
“We will be there in 20 minutes.” Satoru broke the silence inside the car, you looked at him and hummed in response. “You mentioned you were raised here right? What was it like?”
“It was…” You started thinking.
Memories of your childhood and teenage years came to you, the hot summers where you went to the beach with your grandmother, the ice creams before returning home. Those distant and almost erased memories with your mother, which you remembered with love and affection.
But not all of them were good memories, because you also remembered the glances, the whispers of people watching you walk and how everything became stronger and stronger with the passing of the years. And you still feel in your bones the worst memory you have of that place, one that you wanted to bury with all your might at the bottom of the sea.
That was why perhaps you wanted to bring the people you loved to that place, because you wanted to flood it with happy and beautiful memories.
“Good…” You simply said. “I can’t wait to show you around.” You smiled at him and he gave you a brief look before smiling back at you.
The car felt silent once again and a feeling started to grow on your chest. As much as you wanted to hide it, you were tense and anxious over that trip, not because Satoru was going there but because of what happened last year.
It made you sick to your stomach and you didn’t want to go through it again. You didn’t want Satoru to met him. To meet your father. You wanted to show Satoru so many things, but the idea of ​​walking and running into him made your hair stand on end.
Your memory drifted to one year ago, when you went with Kyoko.
1 year ago
“Should we buy some ice creams before going back to the motel?” Kyoko suggested as both of you were packing the towels.
“Sounds good.” You said as you closed your bag.
You started walking, Kyoko walking beside you. The two of you chatted animatedly as the hot summer sun hit your skins. You had gotten a few days off and you had decided to spend them with your best friend, in a place that you held dear to your heart. But Kyoko was someone important and deserved to get to know you better.
You walked to the ice cream stand near the beach when you heard a deep voice calling your name. At first, you didn't notice, but a shiver ran through you when you realized who it was, who the owner of that voice was.
You turned slightly and felt a sharp pain in your head, painful enough to make you close your eyes and bring one of your hands to your head.
Kyoko called you out. “Are you okay?” She said with worry.
“Yeah, yeah, I just…” But your name came out of his throat once again.
“You okay?”
You snorted and stood up. “What do you want?” You said as dryly as possible, without showing an ounce of emotion.
“I… I saw you and I wanted to check on you.”
You tried not to laugh. “Well, don’t do it.” You turned around and looked at him again. “Come closer again and I’ll call the police, you have a restraining order. Remember it.”
He called you out again. “What happened back then… was a terrible mistake and I’m sorry.” He said and you closed your eyes, trying to shut everything down. “I was desperate for money and I thought…”
“You thought going back to the daughter you abandoned, who was completely alone and take away all her money when she was just 17, was okay?!” You shouted, Kyoko took your hand, trying to calm you down. “And on top of that…” You turned around and looked at him. “You already forgot what you took from me?!”
You looked at him with tears rolling down your face and feeling the curious eyes of everyone around.
Present day
“Birdie…” You felt a small touch on your cheek and the present hit you again.
Your eyes met his, he was looking at you. Like always. But his gaze reflected his worried look. You tried to smile, despite feeling shaken by the memories that just hit your head.
“You okay?” He whispered softly. “You seemed to be drifting away.”
You shook your head and slowly blinked. “Yeah… it was nothing.”
He nodded and placed a kiss on your cheek. “Good… we arrived at the hotel…”
You looked outside and yeah, you were there. The door opened and Satoru’s hand appeared in front of you, surprising you on how fast he got himself out of the car.
Satoru took your hand and walked before you and was the one that took care of everything at the hotel. You tried to be there, but honestly your mind felt like it was somewhere else. You found it difficult to concentrate. You had assured Kyoko that your escape would be peaceful, but at that moment your mind was failing you again, filling up with ideas or scenarios that could happen.
Satoru's warm hand gave you a security that you needed but still wasn't enough in that moment of internal despair. You didn’t want to ruin things, no when that was your first time going out as a couple, so you simply put the best of your smiles. And fake it.
Hoping for Satoru not to catch you up on your lie, you made yourselves busy.
“Let’s go to visit the temple that it’s here.” You said with enthusiasm.
You and Satoru walked through the streets that had once been very familiar to you, where you had laughed, cried and been angry. Every corner hid a memory that seemed distant now but that made you smile when you remembered it.
Your feet stopped moving as your body reacted to the place you were in. Satoru turned around, still holding your hand as he watched you.
“Is something wrong?” He murmured as he approached you.
“This was the family home.” You said wistfully. “It still looks the same.”
Satoru didn’t need to do more to put his arms around you. He had noticed your vulnerability in your voice, the sadness that accompanied you as you remembered the place where you grew up, where you lived with your mother, with your grandmother.
You closed your eyes, letting yourself be embraced by Satoru’s arms and warm, and trying to calm down your shaken heart.
A little calmer, Satoru took your hand and led you through the streets, as if he already knew them. Before turning the corner you took one last look at what was once your home.
Satoru Gojo pov
Satoru would occasionally turn his head to look at you, your gaze still a bit lost and his heart was in his chest at the sight of that look, he wanted your eyes to smile and shine again. The smell of the sea filled his nostrils and a smile formed on his face when he remembered the day he asked you out.
“Birdie…” He whispered, causing your eyes to meet his. “Shall we go to the beach?”
“But… we didn’t bring our bathing suits, they’re at the hotel.” You said. Satoru smiled.
“I want to walk with you along the shore again like that time…” Your face lit up and began to blush. “Is that look a yes?” You nodded and Satoru laughed and pulled you towards the beach.
The sand burned your feet but that didn't stop Satoru from pulling you closer to the sand. Satoru hadn't wanted to ask you, but he had noticed that even though you had tried to hide it, something was still on your mind and it was something that didn't let you be calm. He wanted whatever was on your mind to disappear and for you to enjoy your moments together.
Satoru enjoyed your laughter as he splashed water on you and watched your face light up. What could he do to keep that smile with him forever? He wanted to cherish that smile, you, what you had, everything.
“‘Toru! Stop!” You laughed.
“Why? It’s funny.” He said with his dimples popping out. “Look at you… so cute.” He hugged you. “My pretty birdie.” He said closing the distance between your faces and kissing your lips.
You opened your eyes and looked at him. “When are you going to tell me why you call me like that?”
“Like what?” Satoru started to play dumb.
“You know what, don’t be silly.”
“Maybe one day…” Satoru kissed your cheek. “But now, let’s have fun okay?”
You continued playing on the beach for a while longer. Satoru kept making you laugh as he splashed you with salt water, not wanting that smile on your face to fade away. When the sun began to shine brightly in the sky, you decided to go to a bar on the coast to eat something and rest.
The bar was small but cozy, with wooden tables and chairs scattered across the sand, offering a perfect view of the ocean. The scent of grilled seafood filled the air as you and Satoru found a spot near the water. The sea breeze felt refreshing against your sun-kissed skin.
“Wait here, alright?” He said standing back up.
“My cocktail, order it with extra ice.” You said and Satoru nodded like an obedient puppy.
You waited on the terrace looking at the sea. The sea breeze moved your hair, which had become slightly wavy due to your entertaining session of playing in the sea. He bit his cheek and looked away from your figure to order your drinks.
“Excuse me?” Satoru heard someone approaching him.
“Yeah?” He looked at the person talking, it was a 50 years old man. “Do I know you?” Satoru asked him.
“No, no, we don’t know each other.” The man said and Satoru could notice his nervous posture and how his eyes moved from one side to the other. “I saw you arrive with that girl over there.” Satoru tensed as the man pointed his finger at you. “And I was wondering if…”
“Who are you?” Satoru asked with a frown.
“Oh… I… I am that girl’s dad.” Satoru clenched his fist.
Your father? Was that the bastard who left your mother when he found out she was pregnant? Satoru took a deep breath, not wanting to rush into anything.
“I was wondering if it would be possible to talk to her…”
“No.” Satoru cut him off.
Satoru’s eyes scanned that man and he noticed how disheveled he was and Satoru couldn't ignore the smell of alcohol that emanated from all over him.
“Why?” Satoru asked, with a cold look, his blue eyes had been replaced by a dark color. A look that made anyone tremble.
“Well she is my daughter and…”
“Answer me and don’t lie to me.” Satoru watched as the man swallowed and wiped his hands against his old pants.
“I need money okay?” The man blurted. “I know she has savings from her mother and…”
“Enough.” Satoru said. “You want money? That’s the only reason you want to talk to your daughter?” The man felt silent and a laughter escaped Gojo’s lips. “You truly are a disgusting piece of shit.”
“Hey…” But as soon as he saw Satoru’s face, words stood hanging in the air.
Satoru glanced in your direction for a moment, you were concentrating on taking pictures of the view from where you sat, and then his eyes fell back on the man. It was hard to believe that you had his blood on you.
Satoru took the man by the arm and led him to a more secluded spot, one where you wouldn't see them. “Don’t you ever come near her again,” Satoru whispered. “I’ll give you 1,500,000 yen, but if you show your filthy face in front of her again, I’ll see that you end up in prison. Do you understand?” The man gulped and nodded. “Oh, and one more thing, get away from this prefecture and Tokyo, you understand?”
Satoru wasn’t usually this kind of person, making threats. But he knew enough about you and your family to know that you probably wouldn’t want to meet this man, or have him anywhere near you.
The man nodded and wrote down his phone number on a crumpled napkin, which Satoru reluctantly put in his pocket. Before another threat could leave his lips, the man who called himself your father was gone.
Satoru closed his eyes and took a deep breath, he really hoped that once that person received the money he would never stand in front of you again. You didn't deserve someone like that with you.
With the tension still on his shoulders, Satoru faked a smile and walked out with your drinks to the terrace where you were waiting for him with that warm look he had discovered.
“Here…” He left your drink in front of you.
“Thank you. It took you time, what happened?”
Satoru didn’t like to lie, not to you at least. “Oh just, just a man making a show.” He cracked a smile.
“Oh…” You nodded and drank a bit of your cocktail. “Oh god!” You closed your eyes. “It’s so sweet.”
“Really?” Satoru asked.
“Yeah… do you wanna taste it?”
“Not really, I’m not a fan of alcohol and besides I’m taking you somewhere later.” He smiled cockily.
You opened your eyes with surprise. “You taking me somewhere?”
“Yeah… I did my research before coming and found a place we could go to see the sunset.” Satoru looked at your eyes and he saw how they started to glow.
“That’s fantastic Satoru.” You smiled.
Satoru smiled back and took a sip of his drink, but his shoulders still felt tense. His gaze occasionally drifted towards the entrance of the bar, a trace of worry in his eyes. He was trying to enjoy the moment, but the thought of your father showing up unexpectedly again and this time you seeing him, was a constant undercurrent of anxiety.
Noticing his uneasiness you decided to address it. “You seem a little strange. Everything okay?”
Satoru managed a casual smile. “Oh yeah, I was just thinking about how unpredictable things can be. But don’t worry about it. I’m here to have a good time with you.”
You gave him a reassuring smile. “Well, let’s focus on having a good time. We have the whole afternoon ahead of us and then you’ll take me to that place right?” You gave him a smile.
With a nod, Satoru took a deep breath and tried to relax. The conversation turned to lighter and more pleasant topics as they both continued to eat and enjoy the beautiful view. Despite the lingering tension, you both managed to savor the day and found comfort in each other's company.
As the two of you continued to enjoy your meal, the atmosphere around you began to feel more relaxed. The sunlight danced across the water, casting a warm glow over everything. Satoru watched your face, which was illuminated by the reflection of the ocean, and took in every feature of yours, admiring how beautiful you were. You and Satoru laughed as you shared stories and chatted happily, the tension from earlier slowly fading from your shoulders.
Satoru could see how the sadness that had been over your eyes that morning had disappeared and now there was only brightness.
The lively atmosphere of the bar added to the feeling of tranquility. Other customers were chatting and enjoying their meals, and the sound of laughter and clinking glasses mixed with the rhythm of the waves.
“You know.” Satoru said, leaning back with a contented sigh. “I’m really glad we did this. It’s been a while since I felt this carefree and relaxed.”
You smiled and reached across the table to touch his hand. “Me too.” You patted his hand and he returned the gesture. “You may not want to talk… but what about your parents?” Satoru felt a small pang in his heart and shook his white hair.
“I haven’t talked with them since the party…” Satoru shrugged. “They haven’t called, I haven’t called…” He quickly noticed your gaze. “If you are worried about what happened… don’t worry, I talked with my grandmother and she was worried when she heard what happened, apparently most people at the party started blaming Naoya and days later anonymously someone posted an article on a famous magazine talking about the behavior of one of the Zenin clans younger members…”
“You…?” You gasped with surprise.
“Not me.” He smirked. “You should invite Utahime to drink some beers once we are back.”
“Utahime?” You opened your eyes.
“Yeah, her parents are the owners of the magazine and so she made them put the article… the Iori family doesn’t like the Zenin family too much, so this was their best opportunity.” Satoru explained.
“Wow!” You said with surprise. “So… is it true what they said?” You asked. “That the elite can bring people down if they want to?”
“I guess it is… it’s nasty and dangerous because it could come back to you, but these families have been doing it for years now and they won’t change.” Satoru explained. “But let’s stop talking about them… the sun is almost down so we have to hurry up.” Satoru held your hand.
The two of you walked to Satoru’s car and headed towards your destination. The sun continued to set, painting the sky in deep shades of orange and violet, its warm light reflecting off the sea and casting a golden glow over everything. Satoru’s hands gripped the steering wheel as his eyes remained focused on the road, following the silent instructions of the GPS. You glanced at him from time to time, sensing that something about this trip was important to him.
“Are you going to tell me where we’re going or will it remain a surprise?” You asked, smiling softly.
Satoru smiled, but kept his gaze straight ahead. “It’s a surprise. You’ll see soon enough. I promise it’s worth it.”
The car moved smoothly along the coast, the sound of the waves fading as the road curved inland. With the setting sun casting long shadows across the landscape, everything outside the window seemed to slow down, creating an almost dream-like feeling.
After a while, Satoru’s expression softened. His earlier tension seemed to fade as the familiar sight of the destination came into view. The GPS announced the final turn and you felt the car slow down as you entered a quiet, secluded area surrounded by lush greenery and hills.
Satoru parked the car and turned off the engine. He looked at you, his smile now gentle and sincere. “It’s okay, we’re here.”
You got out of the car, feeling the cool evening breeze on your skin. As you looked around, you noticed a small path leading up a hill. Without saying much, Satoru took your hand and began to lead you along it.
At the top of the hill, a stunning view unfolded before you. The sea stretched endlessly into the distance, the sky now painted in soft pinks and purples. Below, a hidden cove shimmered, its shore empty and quiet. The only sounds were the distant songs of birds and the soft rustle of leaves.
“Satoru…” You murmured, amazed by the view your eyes were seeing. “How? How did you find this place?” You turned to look at him, who was proudly smiling.
Satoru exhaled, feeling proud of himself. “I’m glad you like it. I spent hours online trying to find a place like this.” He joked with a smile.
You turned to him, surprised. “You found this online?”
He chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck. “Yeah… Did some digging to find something special near your hometown. Wanted it to feel… personal.”
Your heart warmed at the thought of him spending time looking for such a hidden gem, just to create a moment like this for you. “Satoru, this is... amazing. You didn’t have to….”
He smiled, and softly touched your cheek."You’re worth it…”
For a moment, the world seemed to stop rotating. The gentle breeze, the distant sound of the ocean, and the soft light of the evening all came together to make the moment feel timeless.
“I love you…” He let out his soft yet emotion-filled voice. Your heart raced, feeling like it could explode in your chest. “And I want to cherish you.” He continued, his hand gently brushing yours. “Protect you, be someone you can always count on. I know I’m not perfect, but when I’m with you… I want to be better. For you.”
A gasp escaped your lips and your hands went up to his face. Satoru’s eyes were watery and even if Satoru wanted to hide it he couldn’t. “What’s wrong ‘Toru?” You called him by that affectionate nickname.
Satoru sighed deeply, the weight of the decision pressing down on him. Should he tell you? Or just let it go? After all, this was something that involved you directly, something that affected you deeply. But he didn’t want to burden you with it either, he didn’t want to drag negative emotions into this perfect night you were sharing. You seemed so happy, so at peace, and the last thing he wanted was to tarnish that with something painful.
Yet at the same time, the idea of ​​keeping something from you didn’t sit well with him. Satoru had always promised himself that he would never hide anything from you, that he would never keep secrets that could build walls between you. He wanted to be open with you about everything, no matter how hard it might be.
You noticed his internal struggle, the way his gaze seemed distant, his body tense beside you. “Satoru?” You asked softly, your thumb tracing gentle circles on the back of his hand. “What’s wrong? You know you can tell me anything, right?”
He swallowed hard, feeling the sincerity in your voice, the trust between the two of you. And that was what made him make the decision: trust. He couldn't break that, not even to spare you the awkwardness. You deserved the truth, even if it was hard to hear.
“At the bar, a man approached me…” Satoru held your hands tightly as he began with his blue eyes fixed on yours.
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thissortofsorcery · 2 years
I can so imagine a scenario where Billy and Steve have been screwing around for months, like months, and while Billy has plenty of experience with sex, he’s never slept with anyone quite like Steve.
Steve who holds his hand during sex, Steve who gets off on Billy’s pleasure, Steve who kisses him before and after and during, who likes cuddling, who doesn’t avoid being seen with Billy at all and actually starts hanging out with Billy at school and out of it, who invites him to play basketball in the park and to get food after, and to stay over at his house like every weekend.
Naturally, Billy thinks they’re dating.
But they never talk about it. Somehow, for months of this, it never comes up in conversation how to define their relationship. It’s not exactly necessary, both of them being content as they are with what they have with each other. Whatever they think it is.
Until, of course…
Senior Prom.
Billy’s been dodging prom invitations left and right for two weeks now, leaving a trail of pouty glossed lips behind, claiming he has no interest in going to “the party equivalent of daytime tv”. Steve hasn’t said anything about it except a half-muttered comment that he went to Junior Prom with Nancy, after which he immediately changed the subject. Billy assumed he didn’t want to go either.
Which is why Billy’s surprised when he hears through the school grapevine that Becky Olson asked Steve to Prom and he said yes.
When Billy shows up at Steve’s house after school that day, he’s rage smoked half a pack of cigarettes and stewed in his anger all through the afternoon. Even Max heard about it all the way in the middle school, and offered to take Steve’s bat to his balls. Billy drops Max off at home after promising that if he doesn’t kill Steve, he’ll let her at him.
He lets himself into Steve’s house (Steve always leaves the door unlocked for him) and goes straight to Steve’s room (it’s routine by now), where he finds him sitting on his bed, going through cassette tapes.
“Hey, man,” Steve says. Entirely unconcerned.
Billy’s nostrils flare.
“What the fuck, Steve? Is that what you’re gonna say? ‘Hey, man’?”
Steve does look up then, and frowns at Billy, fucking confused. Like Billy’s saying nonsense.
“Yes? Hello? How was your day?” Steve says, nose scrunching up. “What am I supposed to say?”
Billy can’t fucking believe this. This whole time, Steve’s been so- Now he’s acting like he didn’t even do anything.
“Maybe start by telling me what the hell you’re thinking going to prom with some chick!” He yells, like he hasn’t been cursing her name for at least two hours.
Steve gets up from the bed then, runs a hand through his stupid hair, crosses his arms. Billy can see he’s closing himself off, going on the defensive right off the bat.
“Why are you mad at me about this? You don’t even wanna go,” Steve doesn’t raise his voice, but his words echo in the room same as a slap on his face would.
“I don’t know, Steve, maybe I’m mad my boyfriend’s going on a date with some girl!”
This isn’t making any fucking sense. Steve isn’t like this, an inconsiderate asshole going behind Billy’s back. He’s sweet. He’s always been sweet.
There’s something wrong here, and Billy can’t put his finger on it, and it just makes him angrier.
Steve rears back, brows going up, up, up towards his hairline, eyes wide, a sea of white around brown.
“Boyfriend?” He repeats. Licks his lips. “How- Why would you say boyfriend?”
Billy’s stomach sinks, takes everything in his abdominal cavity with it. He feels hollow, weighed down. All the fight has been sucked out of him.
That’s why the conversation felt off.
"Because we've been dating for like, three months, Steve," Billy says, or forces out, and his voice comes out shaky.
They were. He thought they were. Steve’s been- He holds Billy’s hand. They go on dates, as much as they can while staying under the radar. Billy stays over most weekends. It’s never been like this with anyone else, for Billy, not even in California. Even Before.
Steve’s eyes are still wide, but his eyebrows are doing the puppy dog thing, turned up at the inner corners like he’s hurt.
“I…” He starts, stops. Decides on something else. “We never talked about this.”
Billy rears back this time, feeling the sentence like a blow, and Steve follows him with a step forward, hand reaching out.
“I mean- shit,” Steve says, stammers, runs a hand down his face. “I didn’t know you felt that way. About me. I thought you didn’t-”
“What the fuck did you think when we were going on fucking dates, Steve?!”
“You’re my best friend!” Steve says, and it stings. “We do everything together!”
“And suck each other’s dicks, too!”
“I thought-”
“Thought what, this was some friends with benefits shit? If you’re my best friend and we’re boning, how’s that different from a relationship, Steve?!”
“We never talked about it!” Steve finally raises his voice, and the sound of it stuns Billy.
Steve makes an aborted motion with his hand, then again, before closing it into a fist by his side. He rubs at his eyes with his other hand, but not before Billy sees they are wet.
“I’m not going to assume you’re in love with me, Billy! What if I’m wrong? What if I spend months thinking you love me and it turns out to be bullshit?”
Steve’s breathing hard as he finishes speaking, cheeks blotchy red, and hands shaking. He looks terrified right now, terrified Billy’s going to give up on him and leave, going by how he glances from Billy to the door; terrified he’s hurting Billy, because he keeps reaching out but doesn’t step any closer.
Billy feels something click, then, a piece of the puzzle that was grating on him with jagged edges smooths outs and slots into place. That’s the Steve he knows, with his head tangled in so many feelings he can’t parse them out, but never uncaring. Never cold.
“Well, I do,” Billy says, stepping closer to Steve.
He walk forward until their toes are almost touching, until Steve has to tilt his head down to look Billy in the eye. Billy takes a breath and raises an eyebrow, raises his chin, gives Steve his best smirk like wants to eat him alive. Takes a chance.
“I do love you. Whatcha gonna do about it?”
Steve’s eyes jump between his, mouth parted, like a man lost searching for something. Like he’s looking at something holy. Billy feels tentative fingertips at his elbows, then fingers running up his triceps, until finally one of Steve’s hands closes around his arm. The other continues up, up, a long tingling line to his neck, and Steve cups his jaw like something precious. Rubs his thumb on Billy’s cheekbone, feather light, but Billy feels it like a brand.
“You mean it?” Steve’s voice comes out in a ragged whisper, breath spilling over Billy’s lips.
“I do.” They’re so close. Billy wants to take in all of Steve’s face, the way he’s looking at Billy, with his eyes half lidded and his lips parted, like he’s everything Steve could ever want.
“Basketball in the park,” Steve says, out of nowhere, voice still low. “In February. You complained about the cold the whole time but you still kicked my ass. I bought you a burger at the diner, after. That was our first date.”
Billy’s face splits into a grin so wide his cheeks hurt, and he bunches his hands in Steve’s dumb polo shirt, pulls him closer until Steve has to lean down those two inches to press their foreheads together.
“I love you,” Steve whispers against Billy’s lips, “I’m so in love with you.”
Billy nods, barely moving his head, unwilling to part where they’re touching, “‘m in love with you.”
Their lips really touch then, feeling like the first time even if they’ve kissed a thousand times before, are as familiar with each other’s mouths as they are with their own.
The scrape of Steve’s teeth against Billy’s bottom lip pulls a moan out of Billy, and he presses himself tighter to Steve’s body, pulls at his chest, his hips, wants to climb inside him and never leave.
No one’s ever felt like this. No one’s ever made Billy feel like this, this wanted, this needed, like the world starts and ends with them, together. That’s why Billy was so sure they were together. It couldn’t be anything else.
Steve’s the best thing that’s ever happened to Billy, and he’s not gonna let him go without a fight.
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videolaa · 4 months
Idol!Chanbin x Idol!Femreader
Changbin didn't understand why his feet brought him to the venue with some of his friends. He didn't understand why no one stopped him from buying a ticket to see you live. Was it because they were getting tired of seeing you through his phone screen, jolting when some fans screamed louder than others in videos? Could it be that they thought it was best for him to see you one last time, even if you wouldn't have one more conversation? Whatever the reason here, he was standing in the sea of people who came for you.
"Are you doing okay?" Han asked, still slightly nervous, as if coming wasn't the smartest option. Changbin nodded his head, "Yeah. Thanks for coming with me, by the way." Han and Minho stood next to him, "It's no problem," Minho mumbled before focusing back towards the stage.
Changbin was lying. He wasn't fine. Changbin missed you. Even after all these months that went by, his love for you hadn't changed. But he was better at hiding them than you. Dispatch was quick on pointing out your lack of appearance at an award show. Your new photos for your comeback seemed to be a mix of sadness with a glint of happiness. He even caught you getting a teary-eyed in a teaser picture.
While in reality, at night after you'd finished getting ready for bed, having trouble sleeping from a long day of overthinking or on certain nights when the anxiety mixed tears would be too much, you'd open your closet and pull your ex-boyfriend's hoodie. Off the hanger and over your head.
You found it after you cleared Changbin's clothes from your room, and you didn't have the heart to text him you found it. If he couldn't be with you anymore, to have his hugs, his love and comfort, having this would be good enough for you to sleep in.
Now, seeing you on a screen and in person after months of nothing, your smile was almost forced with little shine in your eyes. Yet you still performed beautifully, Minho was shocked at how you never missed a beat, "She's putting her all..." Minho began leaning closer to Han, "I know. We'll talk later."
"Did we have fun tonight?" you shouted through your mic as you walked from one end of the stage to the other, earning well-deserved screams of joy. Changbin clapped and cheered with the rest of the fans. His friends who went with felt an unexpected ache in their hearts. Seeing him with a heart still full of love while you forced a smile, twisting, twirling, while trying to laugh away the pain.
You still loved each other.
But somewhere along your twirls, you stopped, taking a quick double take. After seeing your smile lower a bit, he pulled his face mask back up, hoping you'd assume you were just seeing things. Only you knew it was him.
Changbin, Minho, and Han; they all showed up. You'd recognize them a mile away, and for the first time in months, you felt you could finally give a genuine reaction to everyone. "Sorry about that, everyone! I saw some unexpected old friends here. Lets give them a quick cheer for coming out tonight!" You call out in the microphone before dropping it so you could join in for a moment.
Even though you chose to look in other directions at their cheers, catching glances at the three was slightly humorous. From red ears, looking down with rhythmic shoulders bouncing up and down out of laughter, and one attempting to play along with the crowd. Part of you felt bad until you turned your attention back to the audience, "Okay enough, embarrassing them...for now. Now for the last song of the night. What you've all been waiting for... here's my newest song."
The boys looked up as the lights dimmed out of curiosity, only to shoot back down as the beat started, along with a different presence from the smiling, cheering, laughing girl they've seen all night. This girl was anxious yet determined. Her sudden change kept the crowd reeling.
You'd probably think I was psychotic (if you knew)
What I still got in my closet (sad but true)
I slip it on over my shoulders
Something I'll never get over
It makes me feel a little bit closer to you
Even though this was their first time hearing this. The three felt something stirring inside, a feeling that had stuck with them since they entered - yet the song hardly started. As if they were there for it's creation.
I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
Gave you everything, and all I got was this
It was a small build-up, but just enough to cause your ex-boyfriend's jaw to hang open ajar. This was the truth. The truth you were so desperately trying to get out for the world to hear. The truth that tore you apart, together and alone. The truth everyone deserved to know, not the lie that was created for the internet.
And it did with just one post, one that had you forcibly packing.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Still rocking your...
He remembered that day crystal clear.
The weather was colder than the news called for, and it had you shivering. Changbin didn't know it back then, but pulling his hoodie off for you to wear had been caught on tape. You giggled, joking it was already warmed up just for you. If either of you had known, he wouldn't have slung an arm around your shoulders, while an arm tried to fit around his waist. Anyone who passed could tell they were looking at a couple in love. Sadly, the media and work caused a public announcement; your breakup.
You grabbed your chest almost as if you were trying to hold your heart together, still pushing forward with unexpected confidence.
I used to put my hand in your pockets (holding on)
The smell of your cologne is still on it (but you're still gone)
I slip it on over my shoulders
Someone I'll never get over
It makes me feel a little bit closer to you
So you did still have it. You didn't even seem sorry, it caused a small smile out of him. Changbin tapped away a forming tear. Ever since that day, he would question himself, "Did you still love him?" "Did you hate him?" would fly through his head? But hearing you say that you still love him was the answering he was hoping for. Even if in the moment you were upset with him.
Minho gritted his teeth in anger. The cat dad internally cursed profanities at any form of platform or anyone who had broken both your hearts. Han had a lump forming in his throat, seeing, and knowing both of his friends were shattered, yet still going around smiling for the world to see. He felt like he could cry.
Changbin bit the bottom of his lip, trying to keep his vision clear to see you, whose eyes were currently fighting away tears. He shook his head, wanting to scream, "I never wanted to go anywhere!". But why would you keep such a cursed shirt? What was going on while he was gone? Yet he kept listening, even if it was killing him or anyone relating to your song.
I can't keep your love
I can't keep your kiss
Gave you everything and all I got was this
You gripped harder to the microphone. Deep down, you knew this song would reach him somehow. Only it never crossed your mind he would be there to see you performing the song for the first time. A jelly like feeling was starting in your legs. "Who cares?". You thought, if they give way, it'll just make the performance look better. Videos already existed of you crying, along with your passion for falling into your performances. Figuratively and literally. No one would question anything.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
"Binnie, sorry if this is too forward, but what are your thoughts of leaving some of your clothes here?" Your voice rang inside of his head, eyes lighting up "Yeah I'd love to." While you, on the other hand, you were hearing,"One day I want to - no, I hope I can scream it from the top of my lungs that I love you!" rang through yours. You hoped that "one day" would come. Until you got told, you couldn't because of a stupid company policy. That was it the end. Changbin didn't fight back, only a muffled "I'm sorry..." as he walked past you.
Still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Still rocking your...
And that's when your legs gave way, yet gracefully, digging deeper at your own thoughts of packing up boxes of his things. Remembering the mindless packing of boxes, remembering a couple members would take Changbin's things away. Piling other things in bags because you'd run out of moving boxes. Unsure if he'd show up with the other members, you stacked everything outside of your apartment door.
Unintentionally, his pink hoodie laid comfortably on the back of a kitchen chair, letting it air dry from the wash. Quickly running over to see how dry it was before rushing the barely damp shirt out to the boxes only to find them gone, only a now spare key left in an envelope at on the doormat.
Without caring for a moment if fans saw who were in the stands, your head turned to Han, Minho, and Changbin's side, eyes only moving to look at him. Sadness, anger, passion, all were swirling in your eyes.
If you want it back
If you want it back
I'm here waiting
Come take it back
Come take it back
If you want it back
If you want it back
I'm here waiting
Come take it back
Come take it back
"Please, one last hello, one last goodbye. Yes, this is about you - for you - is it reaching you?" is all you silently pass along. "I don't want it, keep it!" Changbin mumbled. If it was the only way he'd see you again, he'd do it. He would take it. Only to find a way to bring it back to you again.
After all, you admitted an old hoodie that caused you to break up was something that brought you comfort now - even if it did bring you pain. If he had it now, all it would do was hurt him more than he could imagine, more than this. Simple threads were holding you both together.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
There was his laugh again, the same contagious sound that could bring a smile to anyones face. "I love you," an echo could be heard. In desperation to ignore those sounds, you tugged out your earpiece, letting the crowd mute those memories. You let yourself drown just a little bit further into the song.
I'm still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Even seeing you were in pain, slowly failing to bat away, tears were hurting the three.
Changbin, who was sniffling, trying to hide his own tears. All the good memories you shared, from first dates to first times with everything in between. His biggest regret wasn't fighting for your relationship. "I'm sorry" was all he could muster out as he rushed past you, wondering what was going on. "Binnie? Binnie!" Changbin heard your reaction. Only for his shoulder to be shaken by Han, "What? What's wrong?". Before Changbin could answer, Han stepped aside with Minho as a stranger was standing next to them, "I'm Miss. (Y/l) manager. I think I met a couple of you during (Y/n)'s last tour. Would you three mind coming with me?". Unconsciously thinking, the three began following after your manager. "Are you sure we can't wait until the songs over?" Minho quickly stopped. Your manager shook her head, "I'm sorry, but this is her last song of the night. It'll still be able to be heard from backstage."
"Backstage?" the three looked at her in disbelief. Changbin turned his head towards the stage. You were still entertaining the crowd while spilling your soul out to them. "Yeah. Backstage...let's go".
Still rocking your hoodie
And chewing on the strings
It makes me think about you
So I wear it when I sleep
I kept the broken zipper
And cigarette burns
Still rocking your hoodie
Baby, even though it hurts
Still rocking your hoodie
Coming back to your senses a bit, your breathing hiccuped, leftover drops covering your face melted on your hand. Your fans were shouting your name, along with a few light sticks rocking back and forth. It made you want to cry harder, a few awes could be heard.
Wobbling to your feet, you smiled waving, "Thank you, everyone! Thank you for showing so much love to my new song, Hoodie! I hope it managed to reach you in some way. Thank you for coming out tonight. Please have a safe time getting home! Goodnight!". By the time your eyes made it to their seats, they had disappeared.
Staff opened the hidden door and ushered you directly to the long hallway, leading you straight to your changing room. A feeling of regret and embarrassment rose up as you noticed the pink shirt hanging against the door to the bathroom.
"Why did he even have to be here tonight or at?" you sighed, pulling out more comfortable clothes for after a post concert shower. Maybe if you hadn't made eye contact or wrote a breakup song, you wouldn't be feeling worse. It was wrote out of anger, pain, and heartbreak.
Even though the shower was brief, it was enough to ease the tension you'd caused yourself. As you changed into something more comfortable, you reached for the worn-out sweatshirt, only to feel a hand gently land on your shoulder, making you jump. Your eyes were bewildered, too stunned to say anything as you were met with Changbin.
"I remember looking everywhere for this after we..." Changbin pulled away and scratched the back of his neck. "Y-Yeah... I'm sorry I should have found a way to get it to you," you started before getting cut off. "No, it's just like you said. You're still rockin' my hoodie" he smiled. A bit of laughter came out, "I'll take that as a compliment."
After all these passing months, seeing one another felt so strange. Neither knew where the line started and ended or how far you could step. You had a million questions you wanted to ask him, yet you could only shake your head with one, "Why are you here, Changbin?".
"I wanted to see you. We wanted to see you," Changbin explained. "Okay, that's self-explanatory, but you know what I mean," you said a little more stern. Tired. Frustrated. Heartbreaking all over again, because he was standing in front of you. Changbin looked equally tired, his eyes slightly puffy. So desperately, you wanted to hug him and be happy to see him and let him tell you what was going on. He wanted to hug you, let you cry, and scream. Anything.
But from lack of sleep on both of you, high on emotions, both of you just blanked.
"I'm sorry"
"I miss you"
The sentences came out simultaneously, causing you to feel a ping in your heart, unsure of what to say. 'Hoodie' seemed clear enough of a message. What more could you say? Now, it was your turn to listen. No matter what had to be said.
"I should have tried harder - for us - I shouldn't have walked away." Changbin's voice was genuine and full of regret. "If I could go back to that day, I would have tried something, anything, because I still love you. I miss you too! I hurt you, and I am sorry. I -"
You put your hand on his bicep, making him stop, "Don't... We both knew it was possible or couldn't hide it forever," you tried to bring some comfort, which he returned with tired eyes. As you attempted to pull your hand away, Changbin gently took your hand, "I hurt you, but I still love you... and I-"
"No, no, Binnie, don't blame yourself on this. I'm hurt, yes. I'm hurt because I can't be with you, moreover you didn't fight for our relationship. You walked away. I still love you - I wouldn't have written that song about you if I didn't - I miss you too. We just broke a company rule, and well... now we're here."
Now you weren't fighting. You were just accepting, even if it hurt. Love hurts.
"One more time?" Changbin blurted out. It felt unreal, almost as if he'd forgotten the mess that came out from social media - which put you in this current situation - never happened. You couldn't tell if Changbin understood what he was actually asking.
Suddenly, another voice sighed into the conversation, "Don't say it like that - you'll scare her away." You both turned to face two familiar faces, "Hi (Y/n)," Han said, while Minho waved from the entrance. There was heat running to your cheeks, wondering how much they heard from the conversation, yet you still managed a wave. Han and Minho closed the door silently behind them. Thankfully, you doubted they heard much.
"I thought I asked you to wait outside!" Changbin whined. Minho crossed his arms, "Remember we're on a time limit? Plus, we'd like to see (Y/n) too." You chuckled at Minho's pouty confession, "I missed you guys, too." "We loved the show -" Han's tone attempted to break the tension. "I appreciate it, but what did you mean? You're here on a time limit." You shifted, looking between the three, "Did you guys sneak in?" Your voice raised only to hushed by Minho. "No! We wouldn't do that! Your manager said she'd let us in for a bit." Han quickly confessed.
"I...I have so many questions for her that will be handled a different day. She is right, though, I do have to get ready to leave... and I have a morning interview. " You took a deep breath as you switched between the group, "I really hope you guys did enjoy the show. I would love to hear your thoughts on Hoodie and the show, but we don't have that kind of time."
"We understand. But we did want to come support you, and we always will." Minho said. You were quiet and nodded your head. This made you think of when you were debating on buying a ticket to one of their shows from the upcoming tour, but you were waiting for concert dates to be released. "I will, too" you felt a lump in your throat.
Your eyes met Changbin. His eyes had more to say, "I'll think about it, Bin. I need to think about it, and you need to think about what you said with a clear conscience. Sound good?". Changbin nodded, "My number is still the same". You nodded, "Okay. I really have to go. Theres a place right down the block if you guys want to go there for dinner. Please eat something, and get home safely!" you shooed them out so you can grab your things.
"Bye (Y/n)!"
"Have a goodnight (Y/n)..."
"Great job tonight."
"Thanks, guys! I'll see you around." You shut the door behind them, leaning against it. As your adrenaline began to settle down, your fatigue began to rise.
Tomorrow. You'll think about everything starting tomorrow.
The following week flew by. Hoodie was hit, radio stations played it, and numbers were skyrocketing on streaming platforms. This just made it harder to not think about Changbin and the conversation at your concert. You were shocked the conversation even happened, or even seeing them in the green room.
But no, it was real, and you were still processing everything. It felt as if you were in a Damned if I do, Damned if I don't situation. You ran your nails through your hair, scared to say or do anything about it, Changbin wanted an answer. He deserved one.
Even if you had been avoiding your phone and computer like the plague, worried he'd call first and ask and you not having an answer made you nervous.
"(Y/n)? Are you the (Y/n)?" a girl walked up to you a giddy tone in her voice, sparkling eyes as she stood in front of you. Despite being in the music industry, meeting fans never got old, "Yeah, that's me." Her eyes still full of joy as her smile grew bigger, "I love your new song! I'm so jealous of everyone who got to see it!". You let out a chuckle, "Thank you! And don't worry, I'll make sure it'll be on my setlist for a while." The girl scrambled to find something to write on in her bag as a certain pink bunny pig plushie decorating her bags strap fell into view. "What a cute chain you got on there," you continued small talk. "Ah! Yeah, he's my favorite from Skzoo!" so enthusiastic as she pulled out a journal with a pen, extending it out to you.
"I like to journal in my free time, and I was wondering if you could sign a page? Anyone you want!" she said as you grabbed it with a smile. As usual, you asked for her name and flipped to a random empty page. Everything was going as smoothly as possible, until she said in a different tone, "I don't know who inspired 'Hoodie', but it's reached a lot of people like you wanted. You must have really cared about them for you to write a song for them," you looked at her a smirk on your face, "I'll always care about them."
"No! I'm not doubting that or anything, but do you think heartbreak can be reversed?" she nervously asked as you finished writing out a signature and note. You furrowed your eyebrows, "How do you mean?". The girl fiddled with her book, "Like when you can't be with someone because their family doesn't approve, but you still care about them and the relationship deeply and now that person is stuck trying to get a family approval but also having their partner be in their life as well. Sorta like going back, change the past for the future? Do you think a situation like this can be reversed or something?" she explained.
"Ah, I understand," more than you know. This girl wasn't far off from your own situation. That's when it clicked, "I hope this will make sense one day, just remember; If there's a will, there's a way and everything will find it's own way of working itself out."
She nodded her head, "I like that saying. I'm sorry for taking up so much of your time...and I hope you and that special person can also find a way to work itself out as well!"
Before being able to say goodbye, she was giving you advice in return, "Huh? Well, that was...unexpected."
Your entire ride back to your apartment, that multi-fan was giving you advice in return. Ironically, the shared advice between you two had your wheels turning. Maybe taking both words of wisdom, actually had done something to have you rushing up to your apartment to charge your phone while you got ready for bed. Again, it would be one of those nights where you were pulling his shirt on to calm you down a bit. Only this time, you were giving him your answer...
Dialing Changbin, you took a deep breath as you heard his voice after a couple rings, "Hello? (Y/n)?" he really was waiting...
Clearing your throat, "Did you mean it at the concert? Getting back together and everything?"
"Everything. I meant it all"
"I've been thinking about all the things that happened when we were together and when we weren't and everything you said and what I said. So I think, if you're also willing to fight for us, then I think we can try again. Is that okay?"
All rights to the song/lyrics Hoodie go towards Hey Violet. Click here to listen to Hoodie, and show some love to their other work.
Writing in this one shot, excluding lyrics, goes towards videolaa. Do not repost, steal, or post this anywhere unless you have permission.
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lisbeth-kk · 4 months
May Prompts (28) Empty
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The Luckiest Girl in the World (chapter 28)
Summary: Will Rosie be able to keep her secret from her parents until the big day?
Twenty-Eight Years Old
Seen in hindsight, the trip to Greece was a catalyst of what came later. On our last evening, Timothy and I had dinner at an almost empty restaurant on the cliffs of Fira. The sun was about to set, and the sea was bathed in colours of gold. When Timothy took my hands in his and asked me to marry him, it really was the perfect ending. Cliché, perhaps, but who cares? Luckily, he hadn’t bought the rings at one of the ridiculous jewellers on the island but brought them with him from London. (I said yes, by the way.)
As if faith wanted me to keep my secret from my parents, they were away on a three-week trip to New Zealand when we arrived back in London. I called Dee before I went to Baker Street to collect mail and check the fridge for outdated milk and decayed body parts. She had closed for the day, but when I called with my inquiry, she was instantly intrigued and asked me to pop into 221A before I left.
It was strange to see someone else living at Nana’s. Her old furniture had been donated to second-hand shops, new wallpaper, art, and futuristically designed chairs, tables and shelves made 221A look like something taken out of Star Trek or whatever. The kitchen and bathroom were recognisable with bits and bobs I remembered. Nana’s oven mittens, the kitchen utensils and the wallpaper. Over the kitchen table was a big photo of Nana.
“I’ve made some sketches for you,” Dee said after she’d inquired about the trip. “One on each shoulder, yes?”
She showed me her drawings and after some discussion, she made the adjustments I wanted. 
“See you tomorrow at six,” Dee said when I left. 
“Can’t wait!” I retorted excitedly.
Dee’s Den was everything you don’t expect a tattoo-studio to be. (At least if you’ve never set foot in one.) Airy, spacious and clean in the extreme. The first time I entered, I felt I needed to take my shoes off.
“No customer of mine will suffer from an infection. I’ve seen enough of that shit,” Dee said gravely.
Her improved sketches had been coloured when I arrived the next day, and they looked even better than I’d dreamt of. The tattoos would adorn each shoulder. One red poppy on the left, and a bee on the right. A t-shirt would cover them, and by the time Dad and Papa were back, they would’ve healed properly so I didn’t need to wrap them in plastic, and the soreness would be gone. I hoped to keep them a secret until the wedding day. My dress would be sleeveless and make sure to show off the tribute to my beloved parents.
We decided on a May wedding, and it was Dee’s idea to check if the venue from Nana’s funeral was available.
“She would’ve been so pleased that you all had some good memories from that place. Dancing and laughing, celebrating love.”
Both me and Timothy loved the idea, and we were in luck. Normally, the place needed to be booked at least a year and a half in advance, when it came to weddings, but they’d had a cancellation due to a broken engagement. Nine months to prepare.
I chose Liwia as my maid of honour. We had stayed in touch over the years, and she adored my parents, after they’d given her shelter when she needed it in the middle of her teens. Bella had been switched for Iris. They’d been together almost eight years, and Iris was six months pregnant with their first child. An unknown donor was the father.
“I’ve been meaning to ask if you were traumatised when you stayed with us,” I said on the final fitting of our dresses.
“What do you mean?” Liwia asked, clearly puzzled.
“Board games,” I explained dryly.
She laughed wholeheartedly and admitted that she’d never played Scrabble, Cluedo, orMonopoly, but stuck to chess and card games.
“Wise choice,” I retorted with a grin. “Though I have experienced knights, queens and bishops being thrown across 221B.”
My uncles picked me up at the salon where I’d been styled and dressed. Uncle Myc cocked an eyebrow when he saw my tattoos, but he was unable to hide how moved he was by this permanent gesture. Uncle Greg…well, he wasn’t that subtle, and needed a stern talking to from his husband to avoid ruining my dress and hair when he teared up and embraced me.
“You’re going to destroy them with this, love,” uncle Greg murmured.
I hadn’t been nervous before, but when the familiar place came into sight, my palms started to sweat, and my heart pounded in my chest. Inside, Timothy and my parents waited. The most important people in the world, apart from the men helping me out of the car. I kissed them and let them go in first to find their seats. One of the staff stood waiting for me to open the door once I’d decided to enter.
For a while I just stood there, my head blessfully empty. And then out of nowhere a wave of emotions washed over me. The memories of all the preparations and anxiety of the last week, regarding the flowers, the last seat arrangements we had to change the day prior, one of my shoes that disappeared without a trace… 
“Come on, Watson. You can do this,” I interrupted myself, using Papa’s former name on me to get me out of the unending loop of trifles and keep me focused.
I nodded to the man by the door who opened it for me, and I slowly made my way down the corridor to where Dad and Papa waited. They stood hand in hand outside the door to the ceremony room and turned abruptly when they heard my heels on the wooden floor.
“You look…”
“Oh, Bee…”
They were both teary-eyed, which didn’t bode well. I hoped they’d piled up with tissues, because this well would not be emptied any time soon.
With my heels on, I was the height of Dad. I seldom wore high-heeled shoes, so it was an alien feeling to stand face to face with him, literally speaking.
“You look gorgeous, sweetheart,” he whispered in my ear when he hugged me.
“Thank you,” I said and turned to Papa.
He’d frozen and he blinked profusely. Dad looked worried at him. He still hadn’t seen the tattoos. Papa’s eyes darted between them, clearly shocked to the core. I took his hand and squeezed it.
“Do you like them?” I asked quietly.
“Like what?” Dad inquired; his eyes hadn’t left Papa’s face during all of this.
“Look at me, Dad,” I said and finally he saw what Papa had seen minutes ago.
“Oh, my god,” he said and covered his mouth with his hand. “Rosie.”
“They are…” Papa clearly knew but was too shaken to believe what he’d deduced.
“Yes, Papa. They are. My tribute, homage, or whatever you want to call it. To you and Dad. To show you and everyone how much you mean to me. Dee made them while you were away. You have no idea how proud I am that I’ve managed to keep it a secret until now.”
Finally, out of his daze, Papa cupped my face and kissed my forehead and cheeks, careful not to disturb my hair or makeup.
“My precious girl,” he murmured. “I love you.”
“Stop! You’re making me cry,” I protested and tried my best to stay composed.
Dad sniffled and batted his eyes with a handkerchief.
“I’m never going to survive this day,” he muttered.
“John!” Papa exclaimed. “Don’t you dare.”
I knew I had to take the lead, or we would be stranded outside that door forever.
“Come on. The game is afoot,” I teased.
Also available on AO3
YES, there will be a continuation tomorrow.
This is also my entry for this month's Sherlock Challenge and the prompt ink.
@calaisreno @sherlockchallenge @totallysilvergirl @keirgreeneyes @raina-at
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blogurlnotfound · 5 months
Drumming - Doctor Who x Reader
hiii this is my first fic in about 4 years probably :) this is obviously a new account, so yeah that's why there's nothing else here. um anyways, i definitely got incredibly carried away with this, did not have an idea going into it (still think it ended up great), 12 is probably out of character, and i somehow wrote it in under 3 hours??
anyway, I hope it's enjoyable! and please let me know your thoughts :)
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12th Doctor x Reader
(really student/professor but can be romantic or platonic, whatever vibes you catch.)
Word Count: 2,600+
Summary: You have been hearing a drumming in your head. One, two, three, four. It's been affecting your mental state, and you haven't been to class in a while. Maybe your professor, The Doctor, is able to help figure this out?
Warnings: mentions of depression and suicidal thoughts. any gender reader, but makeup mentioned.
A drumming had been haunting you for months as you slept.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
It would sound non-stop until you couldn't bear it any longer, and woke up. Every time you would wake up the same: in a cold sweat, panting, with tear streaks running down your face.
Each day the drumming's effect on you grew. It was affecting your mental state immensely. You felt a deep pain and sadness hanging over you like a cloud most days. You wouldn't be able to get out of bed, much less go to classes. You weren't hungry often, and couldn't eat when you were. You avoided your friends and your schoolwork, occasionally texting your parents to keep them from worrying.
You weren't sure if your professors noticed your absences. They hadn't reached out to you in any way. It's not like they'd notice you in the sea of students. They must see hundreds a day anyways.
It's not like anybody would notice you anyway. At least that's what the drumming would whisper to you.
One, two, three, four.
You keep to yourself. Don't have any close friends in your classes, and not many close friends at school in general. Nobody really knew who you were. Your favorite color. Childhood pets. How long it takes you to sleep. How often you're awoken by the drumming.
One, two, three, four.
Nobody would notice if you're gone.
One, two, three, four.
They don't even notice when you're there.
One, two, three, four.
You wake up. In a cold sweat. Panting. You reach both your hands to your face and rub your palms on your cheeks. Tears were cleared from your face and now sat on your hands. You sit up and release a heavy sigh. It's like the sigh has been waiting to escape all night. Like your body was relieved to be released from the nightmare drumming.
You decide to get out of bed, an easier decision than previous day's had been. You stretch your limbs and yawn. You walk to the bathroom and face your reflection. Today was going to be okay.
Or will it be.
One, two, three, four.
"It will be. Today will be okay." You affirmed to yourself in the mirror. You let out another sigh, smiled at yourself softly, and began your morning routine.
You do your make-up while watching a video. You found that taking the time to do your make-up gave you time to relax, breathe, and be yourself. You felt better about your days when you take this extra time to yourself in the morning. So, whenever you manage to get out of bed, you try to manage doing make-up too.
The video you watched was just of some guy unnecessarily analyzing a TV show you liked. He went into extreme detail about small details from the show and created theories about why certain things happened and what might happen next. You enjoyed his content. He reminded you of one of your professors.
He was a very kind old man who you can tell cares deeply about everything he talks about. He has a Scottish accent that somehow grows stronger with excitement. He's enthusiastic and rambles, and never really has a set course of taking points. He just lets his mind and his heart lead him. Saying whatever he finds most awestrucking and veering off topic drastically. In fact, you weren't really sure what the class was meant to be about.
The course description when signing up simply said, "Discussion-based class, humanities topics." The syllabus was no extra help, practically said the same thing with all the extra school required information listed. But it fulfilled your humanities credit, and the first day was interesting enough, so you stayed in the class.
Thinking about the professor, The Doctor, just The Doctor, made you want to go to his class. You checked the time on your phone. It did start in a little over two hours. You finished getting ready and then waited.
You waited maybe fifteen minutes before getting bored. You quickly put your bag together and walked out your door, then your building, into the outside would. It had been at least thirty-two hours since you were last outside. The air felt cool against your skin, reviving your senses and making you softly smile to yourself. You could hear the wind rustle the branches of nearby trees that swayed. Somehow, these trees looked the same as ever, and more beautiful than ever.
You turn around in a full circle and take in the Earth around you. She really is beautiful. You don't sit with her enough.
With new energy in your body, the dark cloud caused by the drumming smaller than ever, you walk around your campus mindlessly. Every step you take grounds you to the Earth, reminding you that the drumming can't be real.
One, two, three, four.
It isn't real.
You take a seat in the auditorium where The Doctor's class is held. You gently place your bag on the floor next to you and wait as the seats pile up. Five minutes later the room is almost full, and the tall man with short grey hair walks in, greeting the class with a Scottish, "Hello!" as he places his bag down and immediately starts writing on the chalkboard.
"Music." is written on the board. He swiftly turns around on his heel. He stops and makes direct eye contact with you. He stares for a moment, a twinkle in his eye. He diverts his attention from you and begins speaking,
"So," he clasps his hands, "who wants to tell me the importance of music to humanity?"
Hands shoot up all around you. You had been missing a fun class.
The class ends and you have a beaming smile on your face. You hadn't realized truly how fun and entrancing The Doctor was. Every student was hooked on his every word, waiting for what insane piece of information would come flying out of his mouth next. Every student including you.
The class was packing their bags and leaving around you. You heard groups starting to chat. Friends laughing loudly.
You don't have friends like that here. Your smile falls.
One, two, three, four.
A tap on the wooden desk in front of you wakes you from your thoughts, a Scottish voice accompanying it, "Are you okay, y/n? I noticed you haven't been to class in a while."
You looked up at The Doctor, no doubt admiration for him and sadness from your thoughts filling your eyes. He could read your eyes. He could read the pain and the sadness. He's felt it before.
"You noticed?" You stifled out.
"Of course I noticed." His face softened, "All of my students are important to me."
"But there's so many of us?"
You didn't have a response to that. You suppose he was right. You just looked down at your bag, grabbed it, and started to stand up.
"Would you like to come into my office?"
You looked at him, confused and shocked.
"Just for lunch and to discuss whatever is going on. If you'd like." You look at him, still confused. Your head cocks slightly to one side, and your mouth begins to open, but The Doctor beats you to it, "I lost a student not too long ago. Her name was Bill. Bill Potts. I miss her a lot, you see, she was more than just my student. She was also my friend. She made me better. I can see her in you, and I would hate to... " He pauses, "I'm just worried about how many classes you've missed. You may not be able to pass my course."
You're really confused now. The gears are turning in your head, processing his confession of loss turned into you not passing the class. The Doctor can see the gears turning on your face, in the way your eyebrows scrunch intensely and your pupils move back and forth. You close your eyes, relax your face, and look at him with a smile.
"I would like to go to your office, yeah. Thank you." Your eyes are sincere, and when you meet his, so are they.
You follow him a short ways through campus to his office. His steps and your steps opposite. Like the drumming.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
You try to ignore it. You try really hard but can't. You stop walking, and the drumming stops. You sigh in relief, The Doctor looks back at you with concern.
"Sorry," you say, catching up to him with a smile, "I thought I saw something."
"Like what?" He asks, curiosity filling his face.
"Oh, nothing." You weren't expecting him to ask. You didn't know what to say.
He hums in response, picking up pace until you're at his office. It's a huge room with a desk in the middle, you take a seat on one side of it while The Doctor sits opposite. He has many picture frames on his desk, and a mysterious blue police box in the corner you can't take your eyes off.
One, two, three, four.
"What's that?" you ask, pointing at the box before you can help yourself.
"A police box. It's from London in the 60's. I'm a bit of a collector of sorts."
He had this lie down pat. But you could tell he wasn't being truthful, you didn't know how, but you knew. You didn't press on about the box. You just nodded and smiled, "That's cool."
He nodded too. "Let's talk about why you've been missing class. Is everything okay back home? Anything I can do to help?"
One, two, three, four.
Something compelled you to be honest with him. Again, you didn't know what. He felt familiar. Of course you've known him the whole semester, but it felt more than that. You feel safe. You feel seen. You feel known. You knew when he lied to you just a second ago, but why?
One, two, three, four.
"Can I be honest?" you make eye contact with him, "Like, you won't lock me up in the looney bin for being crazy?" He's about to say something but you interrupt him, "And won't get me kicked out of the school or, or, I don't know, send me off to get government testing?"
He's confused now. But curious too. You can tell he's interested in what you're saying, he wants to know more. It doesn't feel like he's going to judge you. "Yes, you can be honest. You can trust me."
"Promise?" You hold out your pinky. Sure it's silly, but silly makes it more meaningful, more powerful, somehow.
He chuckles and interlocks your pinkies, "Promise."
"Okay." You stop to think.
One, two, three, four.
"So I have this noise in my head."
One, two, three, four.
"It's like drumming. One, two, three, four."
One, two, three, four.
The Doctor stiffens. "And it won't stop, Doctor." you continue. "And it's like it's affecting my thoughts. They're all negative and I'm depressed and it hurts. It really hurts, Doctor." Tears are streaming down your face. You weren't even aware talking about this would make you cry. And you didn't know why you told The Doctor about it.
After a moment of thinking, The Doctor moves from his chair and towards you. His movements are stiff. As if he's nervous. He knows something you don't. He leans down and wraps his arms around you, your head at his chest. You cry harder, and he pulls you closer in comfort.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
One, two, three, four.
The drumming was louder than ever. In your head and in your ears. It's not scary anymore though. You move your head away from The Doctor to release you from the hug. The drumming stops. You reach out to his chest without asking, without thinking.
On your hand you feel two heartbeats.
One, two, three, four.
You put your other hand to your own heart. Only one heartbeat. One, two.
Why did he have two heartbeats. One, two, three, four. Why was his the drumming.
"Why-" you start, but need to close your eyes and breathe, "Why does your heart sound like the drumming. Why do you have two heartbeats?"
"Follow me." He walked to the blue police box, opened the door and went inside. You sat there for a moment stunned. Then you cleared your face from your tears and got up. You made your way towards the box, looking at the door before walking inside.
You looked around in amazement. You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Your face broke out into a huge grin. You ran outside and back inside. "This defies all laws of physics! How is it-? It's?" You looked at him expectantly.
"C'mon, I know you want to say it." He had an equally bright, shit-eating grin.
"It's bigger on the inside!"
He laughed with his whole chest and body. His laugh was contagious.
"This," he gestures around the room, "is my T.A.R.D.I.S. Time And Relative Dimension In Space. And I'm a Time-Lord from the planet Gallifrey. We have two hearts, hence the two heartbeats."
You look at him; confusion, amazement, admiration and more displayed on your face.
"Now I don't know why you're hearing my species' heartbeats in your head, but I'm going to figure it out." He looks at you and smiles, you can't help but smile back, "If you want to come with me?"
"With you where?" you ask.
"Anywhere! In the whole wide universe. Not really sure where to start to help you though. Or when for that matter?"
You've never been so confused so many times in the span of one day. "But I have other classes? And don't you too?" Something clicks in your brain, "And what about my parents? And I barely know you! No offense, Doctor. I can't go traveling with someone I don't know."
"If anyone can help you, y/n, it's me. There might not be anyone else in the whole universe." You look at him, desperate now after hearing his words. "And as for your other classes and your family- TARDIS, t," he said, dragging out the sound, "stands for time. She's a time machine. Can take you right back to this moment." He smiled confidently, and made his way towards the center of the room where some sort of console was. He puts his hands on a lever, and looks at you again.
"What?" You asked, awestruck.
"Let me show you." Mischief flashes across his face, but you can tell it's more childlike than malicious. Which is odd for a man who is likely in his sixties.
A whirring sound comes from the center. The door slams shut and the lights start fluctuating. You find it hard to steady yourself as the floor becomes unstable.
"Grab onto something!" The Doctor yells. You do, a railing a few feet away. You grab on tight and try to stand up right. The Doctor is laughing with joy.
One, two, three, four.
The drumming in your head is drowned out by the TARDIS whirring. The whirring sound would soon become a new comfort. And the TARDIS a new home. And The Doctor, he would soon become the most special and fantastic person in your life.
You knew today was going to be a good day. And there are thousands more to come. Thousands more with The Doctor.
He was going to stop the drumming in your head, no matter what he had to do.
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