#i will be trying my best to learn how to lead strikes and raids
bridgyrose · 1 year
Maybe some more Repentant Rose AU if you'd like?
(You got it)
“And you’re sure we can trust her?” Yang asked as she watched Ruby slice through grimm with precision and accuracy while swinging her scythe around. “She worked for Salem. She was raised by my moth- by Raven. How do we know she wont lead them right to the relics?” 
Ozpin shrugged and took a step closer to the railing, leaning over his cane. “I’m not sure we can, but that doesnt mean we can push her away.” 
Yang frowned. “She’s an assassin.” 
“And she could make a great huntress.” 
Yang sighed and let her frown drop as she watched Ruby. The way she sliced through the grimm made it seem like she was almost playing with them, though there seemed to be a deadly calm with each of her movements. Each strike more precise than the last, each strike hitting her target with ease. “So, you’re really going to let her be a huntress?” 
“I think I am.” Ozpin smirked as the last of the grimm faded. “And I would like for you to accompany her on her first mission.” 
“You cant be serious!” 
Ozpin started to walk away. “I am. And I expect the two of you to work together.” 
Yang growled a bit and then sighed as she watched Ruby fold up her scythe and wash off her daggers. While she couldnt find it in her to trust someone who had worked with Salem, there was still a part of her that was glad Ruby was safe and okay and wanted to get to know who her sister was even if it meant having to deal with hating what she had done. 
She started to make her way down the stairs and into the testing arena, muttering to herself about what she’d say to Ruby when she tried to talk to her. See if she could learn about what it was like for her growing up, maybe to see how much like Summer she was like. “Ruby! Ozpin wants us to go on a mission together.” 
“Did he say where?” Ruby asked without looking up from her weapons. 
“Not yet, but all that really means is that we can choose one that Vale has to offer for now.” 
“So you can test me more, right?” 
Yang sighed. “In a way. Its mostly so we can see what you’re capable of out on the field.” 
“And to see if you can really trust me?” Ruby sheathed her daggers and pulled her scythe over her shoulder. “And after that, what will be the next goal post before you’ll trust me?” 
Yang looked away and took a breath to keep herself calm. “Ruby, you worked for Salem. We have to be careful and make sure we know exactly what we’re getting into with you.” 
“Because you’re afraid I’m going to turn on you?” 
“No… not… exactly…” Yang sighed and looked at Ruby, her heart pounded as she eyed the tattoo on Ruby’s wrist. “I’m worried that you turned out to be like Raven. Dad… dad never had much to say about her, but I’ve seen what happens to the villages she raids. Villages razed, grimm swarming from the destruction, caravans left in disarray… I worry that you’ll be the same way.” 
“I’m not.” Ruby turned to face Yang, silver eyes glaring at her. “I never wanted to be like her and I’ll prove exactly the kind of person I am. Come get me when its time to leave.” 
“Wait Ruby!” Yang reached out to Ruby as she walked off but couldnt seem to make her walk to her. She lowered her arm and clutched her hand at her side. “And… she’s gone…” 
“Sounds like you may have been a bit rough on her,” Jaune said. 
“And how long were you here?” Yang asked as she turned to face him. “Did Ozpin have you watch us?” 
“No, just wanted to watch her in action. She’s almost a different person when she fights. Maybe its best to give her a little space and then try to talk to her.” 
“Right…” Yang started to make her way out of the arena and stopped at the exit. “And I dont suppose you have an idea to help talk to her, do you?” 
Jaune shrugged. “Nope, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out. But try to lay off the whole working with Salem thing. I think she genuinely wants to put that behind her. Afterall, she didnt attack me when I found her.” 
Yang nodded and made her way out of the arena. “I hope you’re right, Jaune.”
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demonwield · 2 years
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     Alright, so now we are going to make some TIES to why Akame is as skilled as she is, and WHY she says some of the things she does in the Manga / Anime. Because everything she has learned, is through experience. 
     Firstly, during her FIGHT with WAVE, she shows an expert understanding of the BREAKING POINT of objects, as well as the PRECISION that she can constantly slash the same point over and over. In the past, I’ve had people asking me about this, and why she fights like this, and I’ve only alluded at times that ‘she’s just that smart, she knows what she’s doing’ etcetera. But I don’t think I ever TOLD specifically WHY she knows this. And now, I’m about to. 
     Let’s meet Elite Seven member, Killer Rank, 3. Cornelia. 
          Cornelia was the Leone of the Elite Seven. 
     Funny I say that, because throughout ZERO you see nearly every Night Raid member in the past. Leone, Chelsea, even Bulat. Chelsea is actually the reason. . .Cornelia is killed, as she gives the Assassin, Taeko, the Death Reaper, Breath of Oreberg, The Untamable Wind, all she needed to know about Cornelia to bring it down. But here’s the kicker. . .this is AFTER they already met multiple days in advanced. . .and became BEST FRIENDS. 
     It killed them both to have to fight, but both knew it was INEVITABLE. 
     The two fought, and fought, and fought, and IT WAS BRUTAL. Cornelia showed expert combat in hand to hand, and Taeko was a masterful assassin of many different forms of combat. But in the end. . .Taeko won. And how? Cornelia’s Shingu, to which those who might not know as I rarely talk of Shingu, Shingu are the ‘proto-type’ Teigu made by the Empire to try to replicate the power of a True Teigu. They are NOT as strong, and were failures in the end. Her Shingu was called Pulverization King, a large gauntlet type weapon that was on her right arm and amplified her potential in combat ten fold. 
          UNFORTUNATELY, Cornelia wasn’t the smartest girl in the bunch. 
     Multiple times, she blocked with her shingu. . .and over time, a CRACK formed in the metal alloy, and this. . .lead to the cost of her life. A final stroke of Taeko’s blade with all her might, and she SHATTERED the weapon and cleaved off her arm at the elbow. 
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     Taeko won. . .and Cornelia begged for her life. She CRIED for ‘Daddy’ to save her (Gozuki), she BEGGED Taeko not to kill her. And in her moments of true despair, Taeko felled her by stabbing her through the throat, silencing her permanently. . .while solemnly surrendering to her own sadness, that she had killed one of her closest friends she ever had. 
          A BITTER END to one of my favorite characters.
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     What, did you think I’m done telling this TALE? Not at all! Because there’s much more, how else would Akame learn from this? So sit down, and get ready: for JUSTICE for Cornelia! 
     Akame was hunted by not long after by Taeko, who was also a friend to Akame. No, not just to Akame, the whole entirety of the Elite Seven liked her, and were none the wiser to who she was. Taeko lied to her, told her that Cornelia needed her, and so she came to find Akame at Cora’s wishes. 
          Only to lead her to the spot where Cora was murdered, and try to elicit the action of showing a fallen ALLY and striking in the minute of confusion. 
               Training already IMPLEMENTED by Gozuki onto Akame in the past.
     But now we pause: and we take this back to a prior event. Akame becoming less trusting in those around her. Because even though she rushed to Cornelia’s side, during this moment, she stated mentally while following: ‘I do not sense anyone else but us. . .is Cora really here?’ And what caused  that. . .is killing her ‘Mother’ figure. 
     After an assignment for a long time, the Elite Seven used to come to a base ‘village’ where they’d resupply, get treats, eat, and just RECOVER. And one of their CARETAKERS. . .for YEARS. . .was Martha. Now, I once said this name before and mistook myself, and have long since corrected myself; MERRAID is the one who preyed on Akame, not Martha. Martha was a wonderful woman, she taught Akame to cook, clean, eat properly, and she genuinely LOVED the Elite Seven, but Akame especially. 
     One day, she got her new assignment, and it BROKE HER HEART: Akame was to kill Martha. Disbelief struck her, and she went with the assignment as she was instructed, taking Martha to somewhere private. . .and disobeyed her training for the first time in a LONG time. She asked Martha if she  was truly a Revolutionary Spy, and Martha laughed it off. ‘Someone’s playing a pretty cruel joke on you, Akame darling!’ Akame laughed with her, and they were soft and sweet. She apologized to Martha, and she turned away, telling her she was going to go talk to Gozuki about it, and figure out if there was a mistake. 
          And then Martha lunged at her. 
               Akame FROZE in place and spun too slow, and because of it, she was KNICKED by the poison tipped dagger the woman wielded. 
     Her body was intensely slowed, but Akame is resistant to poison due to training, and as such, she was still on her feet. Her heart was SHATTERED by this: a woman she trusted for many years, like a MOTHER, was now her foe. She admitted to being a Spy, and the two had  to fight. Akame struck her down, but she did NOT land the killing blow. 
          Her EMOTIONS got the better of her.
     Martha tried to give a loving, final goodbye. . .and used the confusion to try and ASSASSINATE Akame in the same instant, and Akame learned that her training was sound, and why she tries to KILL THE TARGET before they can open their mouth. Rule One of an Assassin: do NOT let the Target speak. They will sway your emotions to their whims.
          Akame finished her. . .but her final words to Akame still shook her to the core.
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     Martha had known Akame would be made into an assassin. . .she had watched her FOR YEARS. . .Nurtured her, fed her, loved her. She was AS CLOSE to a MOTHER as Akame could be. And Akame had to kill her. And  this. . .this shattered her. Because even though her assignment was complete, she was told she should be proud. . .SHE WASN’T.
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     THIS is the reason Akame doesn’t trust, or get attached, easily. She’s learned Attachment can lead to agony: that ATTACHMENT can be buried. And that is where the TERM BURY comes from with her. Martha was the one who taught her ‘to utter a phrase to strengthen your resolve in your weakest moments might be all you need to fell your target’. She BURIED her target. . .at the cost of true trauma and damage to her heart. 
          And this is what SAVES her from Taeko’s assault. 
     Akame parries and fights Taeko off, hoping that if she KILLS Taeko fast enough, that maybe she can save Cora. She hasn’t come to terms with her TEAM can die, as Cora was the first non-target to die in front of Akame, and as such, she fights as if time is on the line, and that Cornelia might be saved. And her emotions get the better of her: she screams AT Taeko, and the two constantly fight, and fight, until she deals the same blow to Taeko that WAS DEALT TO CORNELIA, plunging her sword through her throat and sending her to the AFTERLIFE, with the same wish that Taeko gave to Cornelia: ‘I hope that in the afterlife, we can be on the same team forever.’ A fitting, and cruel end. . .
          And then, Akame rushes to Cornelia, and well. . .I’ll let you see  for yourself.
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     Akame had never lost. . .a teammate before. Martha was her mother figure that she slayed after years of being with her. . .but to Akame at this time, Cora was her sister. Much like Kurome. And losing an ally. . .was the hardest thing for Akame. At a young age, DEATH was all around her. . .and it’s why she’s so traumatized. 
          Why Akame only gets ENRAGED when her allies are in danger.
               She’s lost so much. . .she doesn’t want to lose anymore. 
                     I’ll draw this BLADE, so that I won’t lose ANYTHING MORE.
     Liar Mask hits her emotions hard. . .and shows the true trauma this girl suffers after years. . .and YEARS. . .of turmoil.
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nad-zeta · 3 years
The Little Bee
Fandom: Ikesen
Pairings: Nobunaga  x Reader
Genre: Fluffffff
Words: 1400+
Comments: Eeeeep whoop whoop! Kame's birthday! Happpppy birthday! eeep! Happy birthday@kamesama Happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Kame la da dee dooo! The cutest little bee of all, wishing ya the best day❤❤ ❤😳🥺 Hehee hope you eat way more cake and candy than you probably should! 🥺😳Love ya loooooooots and lots❤🌈
.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’ .*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。’・゚。.*:・’゚: 。.*:・’゚:。.*:゚・’゚゚:。
You awoke that morning not to the quiet morning cuddles and kisses you were accustomed to, but to a morning filled with chaos— not that you minded a little chaotic energy, being the leading supplier of that— but still. From the moment your eyes fluttered open, you had been pulled from one direction to the next, neither leading to the warm, strong arms of the man you loved— Nobunaga.
A dejected sigh left your lips; he promised to spend the day of your birth with you, yet where was he now? No doubt he too was dragged away at dawn to deal with the madding admin part of ruling the world, much like you were now being drawn from bed to do some menial tasks.
You accepted your fate reluctantly; after all, there was little use for moping around, mourning the loss of your morning cuddles. Especially when the warlords were breaking down your door trying to get your attention.
Ooh, what you would give for an energy drink— vitamin B shot— Espresso— pretty much any form of liquid energy that didn't include the vial substance Nobunaga managed to secure as a caffeine substitute from the Western traders. As much as you appreciate your boyfriend's efforts, no amount of matcha tea could give the same buzz and hype as your beloved energy drinks.
Nevertheless, you let yourself be dragged off to help solve problem after problem— slightly grumpy for not having the time to enjoy said vial caffeine substitute, and the opportunity to wake up slowly and enjoy the sight of the rising sun.
Hideyoshi was the first victim subjected to your grumpy edge, being the one to throw open your door moments after you called out to the other side. With an apologetic smile, he put you to work, thus starting your daily duties.
Thrusting a bag of coins in your hands with the instruction to buy more sugary candies— you smirked at him knowingly; he must have discovered the aftermaths of the nightly raid. "Sure," was all you said with a shrug and flick of the wrist. You were positive that this menial task and early morning wake up call was revenge for the nightly heists.
Bag of diabetes secured, you started taking a slow stroll back to the castle, only to be swept off your feet by hurricane Masamune. Ahh, your chaotic brother in arms, of course, you welcomed the bit of excitement after the boring market trip. And excitement he brought, as it wasn't long before the two of you raced through the plains engaged in some friendly competition. High stakes and high reward just the way you liked it.
With cocky smiles and beaming eyes, you looped back to the stables riding like the wind and securing your sweet, sweet victory. "Masa, my man, I believe we had a deal," came your ever-growing smirk and outreached hand.
"You drive a hard bargain kitten, but fair is fair," he grinned like a wildcat, pulling the imitation sour patch candies from his sleeve— although something in the way his blue eyes beamed gave him away. He let you win— and he knew that you knew, that he knew, although before you could challenge him and make yet, another friendly wager, the resident sunshine came skipping up the cobblestone path toward the stables.
"Ah, I've been looking for the two of you," he beamed in pure, unfiltered sunshine.
"What's up, sunshine," you chirped, throwing a handful of the sour candies in your mouth and pulling your face involuntarily at the taste. Masamune had done wonders perfecting the recipe, striking that perfect balance between sweetness and sourness with the perfect amount of tart kick.
This is how you now found yourself at the kitsune dubbed snakes home, finally able to enjoy your first warm beverage of the day. The banter and teasings were the same as always— flung into every direction, and floating like a cloud over the head of the innocent Mitsunari.
It wasn't before long that a summons had arrived, demanding the boys' attendance at the nightly war council— an invitation that naturally extended to you, albeit more of a command to attend than a suggestion.
You hung back as the other warlords entered the room before you. You felt a little disgruntled, not by the fact that your birthday had been forgotten but rather over the fact that you had not seen Nobunaga for three days now. Up before dawn and back well after dusk— long after your dreams had stolen you away for the night. With a sigh, you plaster a smile onto your lips and open the door to be greeted by the mighty cheers and happy birthday wishes.
And in the centre of the festivities, only one stood out to you; only one could draw in your gaze like a moth to a flame. "Fireball, come", his low voice rumbled with an easy smirk on his face as he stretched out his hand towards you.
He didn't even have to ask you twice as you crossed the room in an instant and deposited yourself straight into his lap. His arms closed around your waist, pulling you impossibly closer and touched his lips to your forehead. You let go of a contented hum finally in the arms of the man you loved the most.
"I missed you, fireball," he spoke, red-eyes gleaming with affection. His expression soft and loving as he leaned down to nuzzle his nose with yours.
"I missed you too," came your reply, followed by a playful nibble of the tip of his nose, causing a roar of laughter to erupt from his chest. The two of you were in a world of your own, utterly unbothered by the banquet happening around you.
"I have something for you, my little bee," he spoke up once more, lips forming a wide smirk.
"Oh?" your eyes sparkled with excitement.
"Close your eyes," he commanded, calloused hands coming up to cup your cheeks. His carmine eyes gazed into yours, waiting for eyes to flutter shut— instead you stared back at him challenging, before his impatience got the better of him, moving his hands over your eyes.
Once the flutter of your lashes was felt, marking the telltale signs of eyes being sealed shut, he reached behind him to retrieve the birthday parcel. Carefully examining your face to ensure the surprise would go unseen for a few moments more, he gently placed it down on your lap.
"Can I open now?" you asked with an impatient excitement.
"Yes, open," he wore a satisfied smirk, chin tilted in the air with confidence. You wasted no time as you quickly opened the parcel, and when you saw the contents inside your breath caught in your throat. You lifted the matching black kimono to spot the delicate detailing of tiny bees between the spider lilies. It was then that you noticed, he, too, was wearing a new Hoari, littered with matching bees. Your heart melted at the sight.
The silence from you made him fidget, head tilting to the side and smug smile faltering for a brief moment as he spoke with a tinge of uncertainty, "I trust this gift pleases you."
Despite the cold rumours surrounding the man, you knew better. You knew the real Nobunaga, the boyish and at times childishly silly man he was.
A bright and brilliant grin made its way to your face as you threw your arms around his neck in a crushing embrace— relief flooded his chest— nose nuzzling into the crux of his throat before scattering kisses and playful nibbles to his sensitive neck, jaw until finally lips. He flinched at the sensation, and your grin widened, knowing precisely what you had done.
"I see my fireball is as bold as ever to launch such a stealthy attack," his hands roving over the curves of your body to find the places you were most ticklish, to return the attack in kind. It wasn't long before a flurry of laughter erupted from you." Nobee-naga! Stop!" came the breathless laughs.
He ceased his attack and raised a brow at the new nickname given, "No-bee-na-ga", he repeated slowly.
"Yes, Nobeenaga!" you exclaimed once more, exuding confidence, "the cutest bee of all," you concluded, throwing your arms around him and lacing your hands behind his neck.
He smirked, a dusting of pink rising to his cheeks at the new nickname given. "You're the cutie," he repeated the endearment learned a few days prior. Before you could continue your playful banter, he caught your lips in a final kiss before standing up with you in his arms.
"Now, I believe I promised to spend the evening with my little bee," his husky voice whispered in your ears, sending shivers down your spine as he carried you to your shared room to celebrate the remainder of your birthday to the fullest.
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psyga315 · 3 years
Raven is the ultimate villain of RWBY
Raven Branwen has one of the shortest screen-time of any character in RWBY and yet is one of the most important characters in the show, if not the most important. People out here are talking about whether Ironwood is the true villain of RWBY, but in reality, the real mastermind behind it all is Raven.
See, we first see Raven at the end of Volume 2 where she saves Yang from Neo. Noble deed, right? Well, it’s revealed in Volume 3 that this is just part of her twisted Darwinist ideals and that she only gets to be saved once before being left to fend for herself. Shortly after Yang finds this out, the Fall of Beacon happens and Yang loses a limb, prompting Blake to run because of her guilt and thus shattering one half of Team RWBY.
The worst part? Raven was there.
Qrow: Did you know Yang lost her arm?
Raven: That's not—
Qrow: Rhetorical question, I know you know. It's just obnoxious that you'd bring up family and then carry on like your own daughter doesn't exist.
“Well, that’s him responding to that scene where she was seeing Yang in her bedroom”. Yeah, but then you remember that Raven has a Semblance that allows her to teleport to her whenever she wants. This was how she saved her from Neo. She also knew Beacon was going to fall and did nothing about it.
So, in other words, Raven knew people would die. She knew Yang would be threatened. She knew she would get injured or worse.
But she chose not to interfere because she already did it once.
Fast forward to Volume 4 and we see that RNJR headed to the destroyed village of Shion and as a result, prolongs their quest to Haven by a lot, prompting a run in with Tyrian, Qrow’s near-death experience, and almost getting killed by the Nuckelavee.
And guess who’s responsible for destroying Shion? That’s right. Raven.
Raven: I lead our people now. And as leader, I will do everything in my power to ensure our survival.
Qrow: I saw. The people of Shion saw, too.
Raven: The weak die, the strong live. Those are the rules.
Qrow: Well, you've certainly got someone strong on your side. I've seen the damage.
Raven: (turning away) We couldn't have known the Grimm would set in as quickly as they did.
Raven is proud about destroying Shion until Qrow brings up that the village is destroyed, then folded and blamed it all on the Grimm when their attack is what led them to Shion in the first place, as pointed out in World of Remnant:
That's not all. These raiders will often wait for a town to be at its weakest—maybe after a Grimm attack or while its fighters are out hunting before finally moving in at night and striking. Bunch of jerks.
Worst part is, if the Grimm haven't attacked before, you'd better be damn sure they will now. And you can't exactly have bandits raid your town without at least a few negative emotions.
What makes this worse is that this slowing down of RNJR allows the villains ample time to set up their plans, such as talking with Lionheart or hunting down the Huntsmen in Mistral. Had the group been at Haven sooner, then they perhaps would have gotten an edge in Haven instead of being at the mercy of the villains.
But by far, her worst crime comes in Volume 5, where because of the fact that she’s harbouring Maiden powers, she’s targeted by everyone, including the villains. So, she cuts a deal with them and sets up a battle that nearly kills Weiss (!) and ultimately ends with the death of Lionheart and the technical fall of Mistral (since the Headmaster is dead and we see that the Haven-based teams had to go to Vacuo because of it), with the Relic of Knowledge being out in the open.
Playing devil’s advocate for a second, since Raven gave the heroes their best shot this entire Volume, as rather than letting the White Fang blow up the CCT under their noses, they got involved in the battle and had the plans fall out in the open. Granted, had Cinder, Raven, and Vernal stayed up for a bit longer, they would have been proper fucked, but hey, it’s still their best shot.
However, Raven then opens the vault and brings the Relic of Knowledge out, never bothering to place it back or even leaving it be. This means that the group have to bring the Relic to Atlas and inadvertently making it priority #1 for Salem.
Why does this matter? Because Salem moved her forces to Atlas (either by her command or because of their own personal vendetta against Ruby) in the midst of a critical event: the election. Had the villains not been there, not only would Robyn have clearly won the election (and thus would work closely with Ironwood the legal way like she says in A Night Off: “If I get elected tonight, we'll all have to learn how to get along.”), but Ironwood’s name wouldn’t have been dragged through as badly (from Sparks: “Not really worried about my public image, but it is causing unrest. I think someone's trying to frame me and, by extension, Atlas. And it's working.”).
As such, Jacques wouldn’t have won (and the Heating Grid wouldn’t be shut off), no one in Mantle or who’d be a Winter Maiden would have to die, and Atlas wouldn’t have had to fall next. Jury’s out on whether Ironwood’s or Robyn’s plans would go off without a hitch, but that’s another story for another day.
And this is all because Raven thought it’d be the most brilliant, tactical idea of taking the Grimm-attracting Relic with her.
It’s amazing how, even though we haven’t seen her since Volume 5, her actions still drive RWBY’s narrative. Literally, every bad thing that’s happened in RWBY since Volume 4 (and some bad things in Volume 3) happened because of her.
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Ameridan’s End: Assault the Jaws of Hakkon
(Previous quest - On Ameridan's Trail)
Main questline: Ameridan’s End: Assault the Jaws of Hakkon
This is the first part of "Ameridan's End" questline.
Characters involved: Svarah Sun-Hair, Lace Harding, Bram Kenric, Gurd Harofsen
Preparations are in place to wage assault on the Jaws of Hakkon and search for Inquisitor Ameridan.
Part 1: Speak with Svarah Sun-Hair
Svarah: When you are ready, you have our blades, Inquisitor.
Dialogue options:
Special: Hakkon connects to Ameridan. [1] (If both “Storvacker Caged” and “What Yet Lingers” have been completed.)
General: Let us begin the assault. [2]
[1] Special: Hakkon connects to Ameridan.
PC: You said that the Jaws of Hakkon first tried binding their god in mortal form hundreds of years ago?
Svarah: What of it?
PC: In our search for Inquisitor Ameridan, we learned that he came here to fight a great dragon 800 years ago… A dragon that came from the mountains with Avvar warriors to attack the lowlands.
Svarah: (Laughs.) Your last Inquisitor must have fought well to stop Hakkon himself! [3]
[3] Subsequent dialogue options:
Investigate: This is all right with you? [4]
Investigate: Does this happen often? [5]
[4] Investigate: This is all right with you?
PC: You're not bothered by the idea that our Inquisitor killed your god?
Svarah: He didn't kill him. That would have been easier. Whatever fight your Inquisitor finished, the Jaws of Hakkon started. I find no fault with a warrior defending his people. [Back to 3]
[5] Investigate: Does this happen often?
PC: Do the Avvar gods take mortal form on a regular basis?
Svarah: No. The gods belong in the land of dreams. Whether it is their wish—or some augur's—that brings them here, battle-tears will be shed. The skalds say the Lady of the Skies took mortal form when Tyrdda Bright-Ax first led the Avvar to the mountains. They say many things about Bright-Ax and the Lady. [Back to 3]
[2] General: Let us begin the assault.
PC: I'm ready to attack the Jaws of Hakkon.
Svarah: Good. They will pay the blood-price for what they have done.
(Kenric and Harding enter the Thane's hall.)
Svarah: Your skald and your scout are here. We can plan the assault.
Kenric: Oh, I like the sound of "skald." It's more dramatic than "professor."
Harding: (Coughs.)
Kenric: Yes, well. Everything we've found about Inquisitor Ameridan suggests that he never emerged from that Tevinter fortress.
Svarah: If that is where your Inquisitor defeated Hakkon, that is where the Jaws of Hakkon must perform the rite to free him. [6]
[6] Dialogue options:
General: We can stop them. [7]
General: Or hopefully not. [8]
General: We have a target. [9]
[7] General: We can stop them.
PC: Inquisitor Ameridan saved the lowlands from an Avvar invasion. We cannot do any less. [10]
[8] General: Or hopefully not.
PC: Ideally, we stop them before that. I'd rather not fight an Avvar god if we don't have to. [10]
[9] General: We have a target.
PC: Good. We know where to strike. [10]
[10] Harding: You really have no problem with us killing your god?
Svarah: Gods cannot be reborn until they die. (Laughs.) Hakkon needs a good rebirthing.
Harding: If you say so.
Svarah: With its ice-wall melted, the fortress is open to attack. We must strike soon, before our foes recover.
Harding: They're already trying. I've got most of our forces defending the shrine from Hakkonites who want to restore the wall. [11]
[11] Dialogue options:
General: We're going to take losses. [12]
General: I'm open to ideas. [13]
General: A siege seems unlikely. [14]
[12] General: We're going to take losses.
PC: The fortress was built to be defensible. It's going to cost us a lot of people to take it.
Svarah: Why? [15]
[13] General: I'm open to ideas.
PC: If anyone has suggestions, now is the time.
Svarah: What gives you fear, Inquisitor? Is this not the battle you wanted? [15]
[14] General: A siege seems unlikely.
PC: We don't have time to drag siege equipment through the forest to take down those walls.
Svarah: A siege? Bah! We have no need of rock-throwers and rams. [15]
[15] Kenric: I am no warrior, but with Lady Harding's forces defending the shrine and no way to breach the walls...?
Svarah: (Laughs.) Lowlanders. Why not climb the walls?
Harding: Your warriors can get over those walls before the Hakkonites stop them?
Svarah: This is not a war, Stone-Daughter. This is a raid. We strike at night, clad lightly. We climb the wall and open the gate from inside. [16]
[16] Dialogue options:
General: We are in your debt. [17]
General: I guess this is our plan. [18]
General: Let's move. [19]
[17] General: We are in your debt.
PC: If Stone-Bear Hold can open the gates, we would be grateful.
Svarah: The Jaws of Hakkon have been bugs in my bedroll for months, Inquisitor. We owe you thanks. [20]
[18] General: I guess this is our plan.
PC: Well, then. Unless anyone has something that sounds easier than climbing the walls...?
Svarah: I would not offer what I could not give. It will be done. Perhaps my climbers will earn themselves a legend-mark! [20]
[19] General: Let's move.
PC: Agreed. How soon can we attack?
Svarah: As soon as the sun sets, Inquisitor. This will be a good night. [20]
[20] Harding: Inquisition forces will feign weakness near the shrine. That will draw some of them away from the fortress.
Kenric: Not too many, I hope.
Svarah: Yes. Save some for us!
Harding: (Nods.)
Part 2: Assault the gate.
(The Inquisition’s soldiers and the warriors from Stone-Bear Hold gather in front of the gate of the Tevinter ruin.)
Parve: Right, Inquisitor. Hask and I will climb over.
Hask: I'll be there to catch Parve when he slips.
Parve: 'Course you will. You'll be behind me, after all.
(These two are the same Avvar men who participated in the Test of the Lady - the climbing contest used for settling disputes - that took place when the Inquisition first arrived in Stone-Bear Hold - see “Avvar Allies” main quest.)
Hask (to Parve): 'Ware the guard.
Parve: I've got him.
(The Avvar sneak ahead and start climbing over the walls of the fortress. Meanwhile, the Inquisition leads the assault from the front to distract the Hakkonites.)
Male Hakkonite: There! It's the lowlanders!
Female Hakkonite: Kill the Inquisitor! Death to her/his hold, for Hakkon's glory!
(Storvacker joins the fight.)
Party comments:
Varric: Storvacker, good to see you again!
Dorian: And we have a bear. Hooray!
Sera: Eat them, not us! Got it?
Cole: I'm happy to see you, too!
Svarah Sun-Hair: Greetings from Stone-Bear Hold, you shit-eating goat-lovers!
(The climbers continue scaling the walls.)
Parve: Watch your grip. It slips a bit.
Hask: Bah, you can't grip anything more challenging than your mother's teat.
Parve: (Grunts.) I was aiming for his throat. We'd best hurry.
Hask: Nicely done.
Parve: Be ready, Inquisitor!
(The gate is opened from the inside by the climbers from Stone-Bear Hold.)
Hask: Lady take you, goat-lovers!
Parve (to the Inquisitor): As you please, Inquisitor.
Hask: I'd not tarry. More will be coming.
(Walk through the gate and defeat the Hakkonites defending the battlements.)
Party comments:
Cassandra: The Avvar were true to their word!
Iron Bull: Nice work, Stone-Bear Hold!
Blackwall: Your Avvar friends pulled it off!
Varric: Our Avvar friends came through!
Svarah Sun-Hair: We have your back, Inquisitor! Fight well!
Part 3: Find Inquisitor Ameridan’s resting place.
(Walk towards the Tevinter ruin.)
Party comments:
Cassandra: No sign of the dragon. It must be in there.
Cole: She doesn't want to be him. He doesn't want to be chained. Tied together, wracked and raging.
Solas: The ritual must be underway. There is a great deal of magical energy coming from the bottom of the crater.
(There are ice wards in the field between the gate and the main building. If destroyed, they freeze everyone in the vicinity.)
Party comments:
Dorian: Watch the wards! We can't afford to be slowed down!
Vivienne: Watch out for the ice wards! We cannot let them slow us!
Sera: Pissing freezing magic!
Solas: Beware the wards! They will sap your strength!
(An ice ward is destroyed.)
Party comments:
Cassandra: The ward is destroyed!
Iron Bull: How do you like that, frosty?
Blackwall: That should end the wards!
Cole: You can't freeze us!
(Enter the Old Temple. The interior is covered in frost.)
Party comments:
Vivienne: This frost is magical in nature. If we do not make haste, we will freeze to death.
Cassandra: This cold is magical in origin. It will kill us if we do not hurry.
Sera: We stay here, our bits will snap off. Get moving.
Solas: The cold is magical. It will kill us if we do not hurry.
Cole: This isn't real, but it still hurts. We have to be fast.
Dorian: Even colder than usual. This is magical. We need to keep moving.
Varric: This isn't natural. We'd better hurry, unless you like freezing to death.
(Stay by the fire to warm up.)
Party comments:
Sera: Better, right? Might even keep our toes.
Iron Bull: (Grunts.) Cold's not so bad here.
Varric: The cold isn't so bad here.
Cole: Yes. False cold, but the real fire keeps it away.
(Gurd Harofsen begins the ritual.)
Party comments:
Varric: We should probably hurry. There's no good kind of crazy ritual chanting.
Vivienne: They are performing the ritual. I suggest we hurry.
Solas: We must hurry. The ritual to free the spirit of Hakkon is underway.
Dorian: Sounds like they've already started the ritual. Best hurry, then.
(Gurd chants the Song of savage Hakkon.)
Sing the song of savage Hakkon, born in battle, bloody bladed.
Wintersbreath to wrack the lowlands, cold to cut and kill the hated.
Meet the might of Mountain-Father, crush the creed of Korth the callow.
Leave the Lady lost and lonely, scour the skies of spirits sallow!
Gurd Harofsen, called the Cutter, wyvern-slayer, lowland-bane
Begs of Hakkon, bring his body bloody blessings, cold and pain!
(The chant ends.)
Party comments:
Vivienne: The barbarian is allowing himself to be possessed by Hakkon!
Solas: The Hakkonite leader is calling the spirit of Hakkon into his own body!
Varric: Harofsen's summoning Hakkon into himself!
Dorian: He's summoning Hakkon into his own body!
Cassandra: Is he insane?
Iron Bull: Who does that? That's a terrible idea!
Blackwall: He's mad!
Sera: Don't care. Stupid gets arrows.
(A dragon can be seen in the distance.)
Party comments:
Sera: There's the dragon! It's... frozen or something?
Cole: The dragon. She's stuck, still, a statue. Hakkon is angry inside her.
Varric: There's the Hakkon dragon! At least it's not moving yet.
Iron Bull: There's the dragon! Long as it holds still like that, we should be all right.
(The fight begins. Gurd continues the ritual while being protected by Hakkonites.)
Party comments:
Vivienne: Hakkon is invulnerable until we disrupt those around him!
Solas: We cannot harm Hakkon until the ritual is disrupted!
Cassandra: We must disrupt the ritual first! Then Hakkon can be harmed!
Dorian: We have to take out the others! We can't hurt Hakkon until they're out!
(Gurd summons the spirit of Hakkon into himself and transforms into a revenant.)
Gurd: Face me and die, Inquisitor! Your predecessor could not stand against me. You shall fall as well! I am the cold bite of winter! I am Hakkon reborn! Death to the lowlanders!
(The revenant casts powerful ice spells.)
Party comments:
Sera: Ranged, right? Too cold up close!
Cassandra: The cold is worse near the creature!
Blackwall: The cold gets worse the closer you are!
Iron Bull: Careful! Cold's worse up close!
(During the fight, the revenant freezes the braziers as he loses health.)
Party comments:
Vivienne: He's putting out the fires!
Varric: Watch yourself! He's putting out the fires!
Dorian: The damn thing's dousing the fires!
Solas: Be careful! He's dousing the fires!
(Next quest - Ameridan's End: Talk to Ameridan)
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lonelyboxpet · 3 years
put back into place || viking whump
this is just a random first person whump snippet without any context lol, hope you like it. it´s set in the tv show "vikings", doesn´t contain any spoilers, only my best friend and me cuz i love whumping myself uwu
cw: alcohol, belting, manhandling, beating, brief mentions of non-con and r@pe, brief mentions of pregnancy and abortions, some heavy language, knife whump, ragnar being protective and getting his revenge on that dumb drunk dipshit, a shit ton of sarcasm
The light of the fire glistened against the metal cups and the candle holders, gold and matted, weakly illuminating the dark hall. Men were laughing, drinking, drunkenly dancing and sharing stories, as they always were, while eating - and making a huge mess, of course.
I sighed. I was holding a cup, almost untouched, and playing with it anxiously. I didn't really like the ale, unlike my friend, who already downed three drinks and now was very cheerily devouring the fourth one. I scoffed a little and sipped from mine. I had to admit it wasn't bad, the ale was pungent and sweet, but I didn't really like the idea of getting drunk around a bunch of two-meters-tall, buff, scary viking men who mostly knew shit about consent and didn't care about what an age gap is. And the last thing I wanted was getting raped and getting pregnant with a child of some drunk-ass 40-years-old fucker in a world where abortion wasn't invented yet.
,,You look like a lost puppy, dude,” Jáchym laughed softly and nudged me, making me smile weakly. ,,What is it?”
,,I just… I don't really like this, bro,” I replied reluctantly, gesturing with my cup to the whole hall. ,,Ragnar and mostly everyone who we know isn't here and were left in the company of a bunch of dangerous drunk dudes who could crush my skull with one hand. Of course I don't feel good.”
He shook his head. ,,Why would they want to hurt us? Look, don´t worry. If you want to, we can go, get some fresh air or something.”
I looked at my feet and squirmed nervously. ,,Nah. You don't have to leave just because of me. You look like you're enjoying this. It's okay.”
,,Alright,” he shrugged and finished his drink. ,,But if you change your mind, just tell me.”
I nodded and decided to try to fight my anxiety. Fuck this, alright? We're here. How many times will we get an opportunity to feast with fucking vikings? I downed my drink in one go, squinching my eyes at how it stung in my throat. Jáchym quietly cheered and quickly followed my example. I smirked at him and peeled myself off of the wooden pillar I was leaning on, diving into the crowd.
My heart was pounding in my chest so loudly I almost choked on it, but I headed to the table, eyes fixed on the big goblet with more ale. I reached over the shoulder of some man, who was laughing loudly about something, and tried to grab it, but he quickly caught my hand and forced me to topple over at the table, getting more laughs from his friends around.
,,Sorry,” I yelped out, trying to pry myself from his iron grasp, ,,I just- I just wanted to fetch the ale.”
The man's eyes narrowed. He reached for the goblet. ,,You wanted this?” he asked. I slowly nodded, feeling my cheeks burn with embarrassment as more looks landed on me.
,,Yes,” I replied. ,,Ye- yes. I´m sorry.”
He looked me straight in the eyes and strengthened his grip, as he slowly turned the goblet upside down, pouring its content onto the floor. His friends´ laughter rumbled in my ears as he grinned at me, without a trace of humor. I squirmed again.
,,Hey, leave her alone.”
Oh my fuck, bro, I swear to gods, don´t fight this dude, I prayed quickly as Jáchym approached us, opening the man´s hand and forcing him to leave my forearm. I backed off as fast as I could, grasping the bruises he left, watching him and my friend with wide eyes.
The man stood up slowly, hovering over Jáchym as he tried to keep balance. My friend was apparently too dumb to do the logical thing, which was turning around and running for his fucking life, but instead, he striked first.
The man groaned and fell back onto his seat, grabbing his bloodied nose. Now Jáchym backed up, probably finally realizing that fighting a viking wasn't the smartest thing to do, but the man grabbed his shoulder and punched him. Well, he tried, Jáchym dodged it at the last time, and the man´s fist just lightly stroked his cheekbone instead of landing on his chin.
I forgot that I was fucking terrified, my blood raced through my veins. My heart was pounding so fast it hurt. I forgot how to breathe. And, I did the dumbest thing possible. I jumped forward, head-butting the man´s face before he could punch my friend again.
He groaned, I felt his already injured nose to crack, and white stars of pain flew across my skull. He grabbed my throat and threw me to the ground, as one of his friends twisted Jáchym´s arms behind his back to stop him from fighting again, even though he thrashed around and tried to stomp on his feet.
I tried to get up, but a kick forced me to fly back to the ground with a pained gasp. Jáchym managed to strike the face of his opponent with the back of his head, but a punch to the gut forced him to topple over, wheezing for breath. The man over me grinned as he unbuckled his belt.
,,You gonna fuck this little bitch, Hrolf?” one of his friends laughed, watching the whole scene while drinking his ale.
The disgusting piece of shit, apparently named Hrolf, just sneered. ,,I´m not fucking dogs,” he snarled, erupting more laughter from his great pals. ,,I´m just gonna put these two sneaky pieces of shit back to their place.”
His belt landed on my arm, leaving an angry red mark. I yelped and tried to pull away, but to no use. The leather of his belt hit my skin again, and again, and again, no matter how much I squirmed. In the end, I just curled up, covering my head with arms, quietly weeping and hoping that he'll get enough soon.
My hopes apparently came true, since the blows stopped coming. Hrolf scoffed. ,,And now the other one.”
Oh well I think the fuck not, I thought, pulling my bloodied arms from my head. Jáchym growled and fought against the two men who were manhandling him, trying to push him down. Hrolf raised his arm, ready to hit him.
I bounced off the floor and flew forward, kicking him in the groin with all the strength I had. Which wasn't much, but it was enough to force him to screech and topple over, falling back onto his seat hard. Jája pulled himself out of the grasp of the two men, quickly stepping away.
The metal buckle of the belt landed on my face, erupting in a white-hot lash of pain. I fell to the floor, feeling the metal taste of blood in my mouth, but I looked up at Hrolf with a bloody grin when he turned around and left the scene with a scoff, swaying and grabbing his crotch.
Jáchym´s warm hands lifted me up. I wiped the blood from my face, hissing as I touched the open wound and splitted lip.
,,You alright?” he asked, concerned. One of his eyes was already swelling up. I frowned, gently touching it, and he softly tsk-ed, pulling away from my touch.
,,No, bro. Are you alright?” I replied, voice full of worries. And blood. It´s sweetness mixed up with the bitter aftertaste of the ale.
He shook his head. ,,No. Let's get out of here.”
I agreed with all my heart. We supported each other as we stumbled out of the hall, into the cold darkness of the night.
Rangar´s eyes were piercing me as he softly turned my head with his fingertips, examining the marks.
,,You say he beated you two up for getting a drink?” he asked Jáchym, who stood a few feet away.
My friend nodded with a frown. ,,Yeah. He said something about putting us back in place or something,” he confirmed, his face dark with anger. I shivered softly when I saw his expression. Ragnar turned my attention back to him.
,,Um, I mean, it was kind of my fault,” I admitted quickly, stuttering a little when faced with his blue, stark eyes, who did not blink. ,,I- I shouldn't have sneak up on him like- like that, I´m really sorry-”
,,Stop it,” Ragnar cut my stammering. ,,He hurt you. Floki,” he turned to the boat-builder who was watching the whole scene, leaning against the frame of the door, ,,go find Hrolf. Tell him I want to talk to him, now.”
Floki sneered a little and perked up. ,,Of course, Ragnar,” he grinned, as he always did. ,,I will tell him.”
He disappeared and Ragnar sighed, patting my shoulder. I let out a soft gasp of pain and he immediately stopped, gently grabbing my side instead. ,,I´ll deal with him,” he promised to us. I felt the anger building up inside him and I shivered, clinging to Jáchym instead. ,,Come with me.”
,,Hello, Hrolf,” Ragnar greeted the man who entered the hall coldly, not even turning around to face him. I sat at the heel of the stairs leading to the chairs dominating the room, trying to hide in the shadow. Jáchym didn´t. He sat at the top and was piercing Hrolf with the deadliest stare he knew, considering the fact that one of his eyes was swollen and almost closed.
,,What is it, Ragnar?” Hrolf asked, the trace of sarcasm too visible in his voice.
,,You know why I wanted to talk to you,” Ragnar said softly, still with his back turned on Hrolf as the man approached. ,,You hurt these two.”
Hrolf scoffed. ,,The girl sneaked up on me. She then disrespected me, and the boy tried to fight. I simply put your slaves back to their place.”
Now Ragnar turned around swiftly, facing the smaller man, their faces only a few inches apart. ,,They´re not slaves,” he corrected him, voice terrifyingly calm and low. ,,We found them while raiding, but they're not slaves, Hrolf. I think of them as high as of my own children.”
Hrolf threw his arms apart. ,,Well, I didn't know that you were so keen on them,” he snarled in irritation. ,,They annoyed me. I fixed that. If they learned their lesson, I have no problem with them. Is that all, Ragnar?”
Ragnar smirked, locking Hrolf´s arms in an iron grip. ,,No.”
He head-butted Hrolf´s face so fiercely that his head flew back, breaking his already kind of damaged nose once again and leaving a bruise around his eye, similar to Jáchym´s from yesterday. Hrolf howled in pain, but Ragnar´s grip forced him to stay on his feet. Ragnar grinned wildly as he flicked a small knife from behind his belt - and then he turned to me. I shrivelled and curled up under his gaze.
,,Come here,” he ordered me, still holding a groaning Hrolf in one hand and the blade in the other.
The last thing I wanted was to get close to a furious Ragnar with a knife in his hands, but his command was just impossible to ignore. I shakily got up and approached him, my eyes flickering from the glistening blade to Hrolf´s fucked up nose to Ragnar's stone-cold face with a soft smile on it.
,,Closer,” he gestured, softly taking my chin to lift it up, examining the place on my cheek where the belt broke my skin. ,,Hmmm.” He turned back to Hrolf and lifted the knife.
I backed up, knowing very well what he was about to do, and I also knew that there was no use in trying to stop him. I just turned away, trying to ignore Hrolf´s pained gasps and panting as Ragnar slowly, too slowly started to carve the same wound into his cheek. Jáchym softly hugged my side when he felt me shivering, frowning, but not turning away.
Finally, Ragnar was done, the bloodied knife fell to the floor and Hrolf was quietly hissing.
,,Now, I think we're good,” Ragnar said, still not letting him go, watching the blood drip from his chin. ,,But to be absolutely clear…” He pulled Hrolf even closer, so close he felt Ragnar´s breath on his ear, ,,You ever lay a hand on them again, and I will cut it off myself. Understood?”
,,Ye- Yes,” he gasped, gulping. ,,I understand.”
,,Good,” Ragnar smiled and let him go. ,,Now, be on your way.”
Hrolf started to back up, wiping the blood from his face, leaving the hall abruptly, shutting the door behind him. Ragnar let out a huge breath and picked up the knife, wiping it against his pants. Then he looked at us.
,,Which one of you broke his nose the first time?” he asked.
,,I think it was me,” said Jája.
Ragnar grinned and reached a hand out to him, helping him to get up. I quickly stood up too, my eyes flinching from Ragnar back to my friend.
,,Good. The next time, punch out his teeth too, boy.”
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme from " Nagah" & "Nuwisha" & "Ratkin" & "Rokea" in "Chapter Two: The Changing Breeds" from the World of Darkness "Changing Breeds" book (20th Anniversary edition)
A few maintain ties to their old human lives, but even then they need a tight network of allies to maintain an illusion of normalcy.
To preserve secrecy, the cult reveals only a few hints about their existence before the outsider formally agrees to join.
Preserve the Sacred Secret at All Costs
Punish Those Who Betray Their Duties
Never Hunt Alone
Remain Humble
Abhor Imbalance
Strike Against the Corruptor if the Opportunity is True
Without information networks and clean-up crews, the assassins would be much less effective as a whole.
Cover your eyes
Try a bite of this apple
May I see your gun?
He may also be able to notice patterns when there should be randomness, order where there should be chaos, and times and places where these forces are out of balance.
The human will be oblivious to the serpent being there, even using rationalization to deny its presence.
Such simple tricks are generally all a truly skilled assassin needs.
Every other word out of her mouth is a falsehood, no matter how innocuous or simple the truth.
If these are mixed with the drink before it is converted it can make a poison that only affects the target.
Yes, we killed them. Another casualty of our past.
I wonder what the world would be like had we not been so stupid.
You are entirely repugnant, awful, scurrilous creatures.
We watch when you enjoy your work, in case you do so too much.
Dancers and mystics? What use were they?
You forget that others swim, down deeper than even you go.
We know what you do to one another when you think nobody else can see.
Weak and useless.
How would a dancer help me survive?
Let a Fool Die a Fool’s Death.
Teach Those Who Need Teaching a Proper Lesson
Be Subtle
Think, Then act
Sure, the victim won’t feel the benefit of the lesson for long, but his friends might learn as they wonder how they can avoid the same grisly fate.
Thankfully, this is quickly followed by the realization that their fun with comes a responsibility to teach and to make their pranks meaningful.
Even the noblest individuals can be brought low by public embarrassment.
Sometimes the best tricks need the target to sleep through anything.
After all, close friends and lovers know just where to stick a dagger to make sure it really hurts.
Over the next 24 hours one of them will suspect betrayal by the other.
With the cackling of laughter she can swap good fortune for bad, twisting the strings of probability and fate between her fingers — though she has no control over the outcome.
True love comes in many forms.
You came over here all high and mighty and now you’re sorry?
Say you’re sorry by doing something useful, maybe?
I cannot help but have a modicum of respect for someone who laughs in the face of certain death, even though I would be the agent of that death.
Let them test every rule, as long as they do not test my patience.
Yes, you got fucked. Yes, it was worse than nearly anyone else. But it’s time to wake up, now.
You laugh at everything. Marry me.
They sabotage infrastructure projects, booby-trap new municipal developments, and generally cause large-scale urban destruction.
They cannot stand toe-to-toe with their foes and expect to survive the encounter.
Survive so that you may breed.
Respect strength and exploit weakness.
Conflict breeds strength.
Build, steal, and suborn to strengthen your breeding grounds.
Trust your own kind before you trust outsiders.
When someone is responsible for injustice, make sure someone pays.
Some follow various twisted versions of apocalyptic human religions, others fervently believe conspiracy theories involving the end of the world, mystical coincidences, or simply the obvious truth that global warming, rampant pollution, and humans’ desire for fossil fuels could spell the end of the world.
They find space in various odd corners of cities, taking over cheap apartments or squatting in abandoned buildings.
Anything’s better than being alone.
I will defend our breeding grounds against all threats, physical and spiritual.
I shall seek revenge against those who prey upon my kind.
I will survive so that I may breed.
I must respect strength and exploit weakness.
I shall grow stronger through conflict.
I will learn from the mysteries of the spirit world.
I will revel in the visions the spirits grant me.
I will build, steal, and suborn to strengthen my breeding ground.
I shall nurture, instruct, and aid the young.
I will trust my own kind before I trust outsiders.
When someone is responsible for injustice, I will make sure someone pays.
Some are inclined to violence, others lose themselves in strange dreams and bouts of insanity.
These creatures are deformed, sterile, and a source of shame to their parents.
They know many secret methods of traveling from city to city.
They excel at stealth and subterfuge, knowing how to kill unseen, and also how to lead a pack against larger and stronger enemies.
They excel at hunting and fighting underground.
You are certain you will triumph in grandiose ways and want everyone to hear about your coming glory.
This is likely to involve a mixture of electricity, packs of store-bought batteries, energy drinks, illegal drugs — or a fusion of all of the above.
Stop holding yourselves back.
You know what it’s like, you feel it every day.
You aren’t slaves, stand and fight!
Rise up and seize what is yours!
Sometimes, they go too far, but even when they do I wish we had their strength of purpose.
You’re kindred spirits as far as I can see.
You want to fight, I can smell it. We’ll fight with you.
Small, smelly, and spoiling for a fight.
They throw themselves into battle too quickly, but we need their energy.
You want to know a secret? Come closer.
Knife? What knife?
We have seen too much sickness to spend our time with bringers of plague.
I spoke with one and learned much, but it is a feat I do not wish to repeat.
Some organized raiding parties that sank human ships.
These efforts were short-sighted, disorganized, and, ultimately, doomed to fail.
Their attacks did provoke a reaction, although it was not the intended one.
This organized killing was new to them, and driven by a largely unfamiliar emotion; fear.
This organized killing was new to them, and driven by a largely unfamiliar emotion; fear.
Your twisted plans waste time.
Talking is not doing.
They have secrets, but it is not worth the effort.
Do not fear them, for you will never see them.
You remember us.
You think you know us.
We do not remember how we were. We change. We survive.
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the-final-sif · 5 years
Actually, now that I’ve talked about my headcanon that Katsuki was kidnapped several times as a child, let me talk about a complete random scene/story arc inspired by that and the fact that Katsuki + Izuku + Shouto are all interning with Endeavor now.
Overhaul breaks out of jail and gets his arms back somehow. He’s gone quite a bit nuts. A lot nuts. He’s surpassed ‘focused villain trying to do one thing that he sees as right’ to more of a ‘just want to watch the world burn’. To that end, he sets about getting a team together to catch a certain group of meddling heroes, and to rekidnap a certain child.
A second hideout raid of sorts is planned and goes down, only this time, it was a trap. Izuku/Shouto/Endeavor/Hawks/Kirishima/Tamaki/Fatgum/Tsuyu/Ryuko/Ochako were on the raid team and were caught. Aizawa who was watching over Eri while she had a playdate with Tsuyu’s younger sister, Satsuki, are all also captured. Overhaul had a very specific team set up, knew about them in advance and planned out counters for each person. Alongside that, he used his quirk to create a giant beast like robot that’s made of metal able to withstand even Deku’s punches and Shouto/Endeavor’s flames. Said robot is roughly modeled/made to take on the LOV’s nomu, but non-organic. Notably, Katsuki wasn’t on the hideout raid team (or aware of the raid), because he had a Obligatory Family Trip planned on the same day and so wasn’t at the internship then.
Izuku had managed to put in a distress call before he was taken down, but all the heroes + victims were moved to a different location afterwards in an old long abandoned hideout in the middle of the woods, and there’s about no chance of anyone tracking them down any time soon.
So that leads us into the main scene. The heroes are all captured/restrained up near Overhaul whose ranting on about using Eri to destroy the world/destroy quirks once and for all and then rule over it with a robotic army which is the only thing he considers “clean” anymore. Meanwhile, Eri and Satsuki are down in a different location in a cell of their own (to prevent the heroes from comforting the children), and there’s a camera system in place so the heroes can see the helpless children.
Overhaul demands Eri be brought to whatever Evil Machine he’s devised, and one of his goons goes to get her, but Satsuki fights back against the goon and actually does a pretty damn good job of it. Which leads to Overhaul demanding that the goon kill her.
There’s nothing any of the heroes can do. Satsuki fights back as best she can, as does Eri, but they’re both only 6 years old and Eri’s quirk isn’t working. They struggle, but it’s looking hopeless, and Aizawa tries to tell Tsuyu to close her eyes because he knows what’s about to happen next.
And then the entire dungeon the two girls are in shatters.
Everything is chaos for the next minute as Overhaul tries to figure out what the hell just happened, getting his cameras back in order until finally he gets a visual and contact with one of his goons just before they get taken down and it’s Katsuki.
He’s in a flannel, regular pants and his combat gloves, very clearly confused/pissed off/not prepared for whatever the hell is going on here, and it takes them awhile to figure out what’s going on.
As it turns out, Katsuki has been hiking a trail near this hideout since he was 4 years old. His family drags him up to a nearby location to visit some extended family, he has 0 interest in doing that, so he goes and hikes/camps along a trial instead. Every year he hikes this fairly long trail, and every year he sees this weird abandoned building that he’s gone to explore a few times, and every year the first thought in his mind is ‘Man, that place looks exactly like a villain hideout’.
Then this year, he comes up on it, minding his own business with his headphones in, and he sees the building active again with people with weird masks running around in it, and he’s got a super bad feeling in his gut that just slams into him and he goes ‘Alright, fuck it.’
So now Katsuki is here, he grabs the kids and gets them to a semi-safe location, getting info from them and trying to understand what’s going on. Once he gets it, this turns into a game of him keeping the kids safe from Overhaul, taking down his goons as he goes and working his way towards where the other heroes are. Only, we’re going with the aforementioned headcanon that Katsuki has been kidnapped a bunch of times as a child and never realized that wasn’t normal. This leads to the heroes watching him on the cameras with an increasingly pissed off Overhaul as he walks the two children through how deal with being kidnapped as if these are normal everyday life skills.
Overhaul really, really wants him dead, but unfortunately his team was handpicked to counter the heroes who he’s already captured, and he wasn’t counting on Katsuki showing up. Katsuki’s quirk is flexible and very destructive + Katsuki’s combat skills means he’s pretty much a worst case scenario for Overhaul. Even worse, Katsuki successfully took down the com lines so there’s no communication through the scattered goons, and Katsuki played in this abandoned hideout as a child so he knows his way around it. 
Ideal things happening during all of this:
Aizawa torn between being overjoyed that Katsuki saved Eri and then horrified/so done with this child as he walks Eri and Satsuki through how to use knives and grenades.
Katsuki being confused that neither Eri nor Satsuki know how to use a knife.
“Okay, did I have a weird childhood or did you two have a weird childhood. I can’t tell.”
Katsuki gives both children knives, and gives Eri a second knife when she loses her first one (and by loses I mean it ends up embedded in a bad guy’s shoulder)
Izuku keeps pulling notebooks and pencils out of seemingly thin air since Katsuki is openly discussing his quirk/aspects of it with the kids as they make their way through the base and by god he needs to write it down. Overhaul keeps taking his notebooks/pencils but the moment he looks away Izuku somehow has another set.
Katsuki keeps mentioning offhandly things from his childhood and the more things he mentions the more all the other heroes are like “????????”
Finally, Overhaul realizes there’s no chance of his guys taking down Katsuki as Katsuki finishes off the last or second to last one, and so he unleashes The Robot.
By this point, Katsuki already called for backup, but it’s at least half and hour out. He sees the robot and he’s like “Ah fuck.”. Eri and Satsuki already told him a little bit about it and particularly that it’s built to withstand anything short of a nuclear weapon. Not to mention it’s decently fast/agile.
And then when Eri is hurriedly relaying all this to Katsuki, she mentions that Overhaul built it himself.
Katsuki: “Wait like, he actually designed and built it. Overhaul’s the guy with the weird purity/evolution obsession right? He made this? Not somebody smarter?”
She confirms and Katsuki is suddenly No Longer Worried: “Okay, you two chill here, I got this.”
So then he goes to fight the weird beast robot, and nobody’s really sure what he’s planning. As he starts fighting it, he seems to be blasting it’s head into stuff a lot/slamming it around, but that’s not doing any actual damage, right?
See, Overhaul’s somewhat of a moron who put all of the robot’s processing/”brain” into the head area, because that’s how things are supposed to be in his mind. Katsuki figured the guy would probably pull something like this, and so he gives the robot a bunch of repeated strikes to the head area/knocking it around. Because even if the outside is super tough, that kinetic energy still travels through and can do damage to delicate circuit boards.
In layman’s terms, he gives the robot a series of minor concussions until it adds up.
The robot starts to malfunction, going somewhat rouge/pausing/getting stuck places/etc. But it’s still not destroyed and the heroes aren’t sure what Katsuki’s planning next. Katsuki is quite sure of what he’s planning next though. He lures the robot outside and then traps it in place with some large rocks or some rope or something. It’s not going to hold it for very long, but it’s enough to keep the weakened robot in place.
Then he takes aim with one arm as if he was doing an AP shot.
Everyone (heroes and Overhaul included) are kinda like ‘okay what the heck’ because even Katsuki’s strong blasts aren’t enough to really damage the robot’s exterior. Why would trapping it change that?
Then blue starts to spread up Katsuki’s arm along his veins, his hand starts to crackle and there’s 1-2 seconds of “wait WHAT” before Katsuki unleashes a blast on par with that of a small nuclear weapon. The explosion is bright blue, narrowed down to a fine point like Katsuki’s regular AP spot, but once it hits it’s target, it explodes outwards disintegrating the robot and taking out a good chunk of the surrounding land. The whole hideout is shaken to it’s foundation. Windows shatter, some cameras crack, and when the dust clears, Katsuki’s standing tall.
His left arm is still covered by that spiderweb blue though, and it’s hanging limply at his side.
Okay, so this is 90% me making up science but shhhh
So as the heroes quickly learn as an exhausted/barely on his feet Katsuki stumbles back to the kids who of course have questions, this is apparently something Katsuki has been able to do since he was 6.
He calls it “Blue Core”, and it makes his explosions super powerful by pulling nitrogen from the rest of his arm/blood stream/flesh and stocking it all up.
However, he basically never uses it because it comes at a really high cost, namely it takes several seconds of charging, does a ton of collateral damage, and by using it it takes whichever arm he used out of commission for at least the next 24 hours. He can still use his quirk a little with the other one, but it’s heavily weakened.
Obviously he can’t use this in training either, so he never thought to mention it to his teachers.
The heroes + Overhaul just watch stunned for like a solid minute as he starts making his way towards where the heroes are being held hostage with the kids because what the fuck.
Finally though, Overhaul snaps out of it and goes to fight the weakened Katsuki. The kids hide when Overhaul comes out and he throws Katsuki against a wall or something b/c he’s heavily weakened and can’t really fight with his quirk anymore, and then he struts over to him monolouging and ready to claim victory as Katsuki is laying there, slumped over and barely breathing.
And then the moment Overhaul gets close to him, Katsuki is up in a flash and the heroes can hardly even see what happened, but the next thing they know Overhaul is on the ground screaming bloody murder clutching his eyes and Katsuki is holding a blood stained knife. Then he gives Overhaul a curb stomp and he is OUT.
It should be noted, this is not any of the knives that he gave to Eri/Satsuki.
Someone, maybe Aizawa: “How many knives does he have???? I thought he was hiking????”
Shouto: “Oh yeah, at one point during the remedial courses we were babysitting kids together and he mentioned to me that he had 7 knives that day, and I honestly couldn’t tell if he brought more or less knives than he normally carried because of the children. Still not sure actually.”
Izuku: “I know he usually carried around 4 knives when we were kids but part of that was he had limited areas to hide them back then.”
Fatgum and Tamaki are both completely baffled and trying to fit this guy they’ve just been watching with the person that Kirishima described Katsuki to them as.
Anyways, so then Eri & Satsuki get the keys and go to free the heroes which are fairly close by while Katsuki guards Overhaul to prevent him from pulling a ‘gotcha’ on them. And also because the heroes are up a flight of stairs and Katsuki physically cannot walk up them right now.
It’s very emotional as Eri rushes to Aizawa and Satsuki rushes to her big sister who is now crying. And then the group heres a noise and all eyes go back up to the camera screens which are still somewhat up and running, currently focused on where Katsuki and Overhaul’s battle went down.
Turns out, before this whole mess started, the LOV sent Dabi to go take care of Overhaul because He Cannot Be Allowed To Have Arms, Goddamnit We Were Making A Point With That.
But then Katsuki went ahead and did Dabi's job for him, so Dabi radioed back to Tomura and Tomura changed his objective to "You know, while you're there anyways and he's weak, might as well grab the kid."
There’s two endings to this:
 The door to the room Katsuki is in swings open and fucking Dabi waltzes in probably saying something like
"So, is this a bad time?"
Katsuki turns to look at him and in the most done, tired, angry, voice: "You asshole."
After drugging Katsuki somehow (because unlike Overhaul, Dabi is not stupid and isn't getting with 10 feet of Katsuki without being damn sure he's down for the count), Dabi kidnaps Katsuki for the second time and the two of them are teleported out of the area about 10 seconds before Aizawa/the other heroes are freed just barely too late to do anything about it.
This ending would mostly be because I'd want Dabi and Katsuki to have back and forth banter of Katsuki being so 110% done with everything and Dabi being like:
"Yeah, I'll admit, this is kinda a dick move and the universe definitely has it out for you today."
"You don't get to say 'the universe has it out for me' when you're the one kidnapping me asshole"
And also because it sets up some serious hurt/comfort.
or, ending 2)
Katsuki stumbles his way over to a doorway on the other side of the room to go grab some rope so he can tie Overhaul up. He opens the door, and Dabi's just standing there, having been about to open the door so he could capture Katsuki.
They just stare at each other wide eyed for several long seconds before
"Is now a bad time-"
And Katsuki slam's the door shut.
"N o !"
He takes five seconds to just stare at the door being pissed and then is like "No, fuck this, I have dealt with enough today." Then he proceeds to barricade the door as he goes through various forms of the words 'No, nope, fuck that, not happening', still exhausted and beaten up and done but 100% N O T   H A V I N G   T H I S.
The heroes get down there to help and and they search for Dabi only to discover on the camera footage that after Katsuki slammed the door on him, he apparently thought it was so funny that he just kinda shrugged, turned around and actually fucking left. Because, you know, his main objective was already completed, and he didn’t really feel like going the extra mile today.
All of this is on camera too, so it quickly spreads as a meme, along with other choice moments from the whole hideout fight including several ‘vibe checks’, one of Satsuki throwing a grenade into the face of on of the goons that was harassing her before, and also ‘knife check’ becoming a thing.
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salt-warrior · 3 years
Chapter Eighteen: The Dawn of Human Suffering
Light snow was beginning to fall under the cover of a purple dusk, but Kai didn't feel the edging bite of cold. The five friends stood huddled together in a tight circle, humbly awaiting for the absence of the sun.
Cress had told them that the night sky would be better to summon Her because the gray realm is closer to the middle realm when the sky is dark. It all had something to do with how ghosts become more active within the cover of twilight and human fear.
A determined Cinder stood beside Kai, her slouched form shivering against her crutches. She held an old, worn envelope that contained the key to summoning the ghost of her mother. Her expression was stony and undecipherable, though Kai could feel nervous energy bouncing off of her like an electrical current.
"It's almost time," Cress observed. "We should come up with some sort of game plan for what we'll do once we summon Her."
"Wait," Thorne intruded, "won't we just summon her, burn the bracelet, and be done with her?"
"Essentially, but there are still some minor details that we might want to go over," Cress admitted, blushing as she looked at Thorne. "She might try to talk to us. She could attempt to hurt us, although I believe that we have to say the trigger words for her to be allowed to even touch us."
"It sounds like a horcrux," Kai said, earning a stare from each of his friends. "You know, in Harry Potter?"
"Anyways," Cress continued, ignoring Kai's words. "We need to be prepared for all the worst case scenarios."
"Worst case scenario, all of you run," Cinder said. "She'll stay with me, and she also won't hurt me. I only need Cress to say the magic words and then you can all leave."
"But won't she catch on fire?" Thorne asked, his voice hesitant to ask the question.
Cress shrugged her shoulders and held her head high. "We don't know; but if I do, just try to put me out fast."
A hush fell back over the group at Cress's words of bravery, but all Kai could feel was his own resolve. Kai looked at everyone huddled together, and wondered how on earth his life had gotten to this point. Less than a month ago Kai was a simple college student at business school. His best—and only—friend was Carswell Thorne. He didn't believe in ghosts. He wasn't ever at risk of dying. He wasn't in love with a girl who saying 'I love you' to could get him killed.
Kai wasn't entirely sure what his life had been leading up to. He enjoyed business school, but it wasn't his passion. Kai wanted to see things, and learn, and meet new people everyday. His father had given him all that he could offer, but Kai only wanted that which wasn't his. Kai was facing a situation that could lead to death, and all he could think of was his regret. Now was the time to redeem himself.
I could hold the entire world in my hands, Kai thought. Yet all I want is to hold Cinder. All I want is Cinder. She is the world. She is the one. She is the reason to everything, and now I know why Channary would do everything in her power to keep her safe.
"Cinder," Kai could feel his heart choking him with all the words he could not say. "I... I..." I love you.
"What Kai?" Cinder asked, tilting her head to the side. She looked so young, so beautiful. Kai felt an ache within him. His entire being was drawn to her, and he couldn't control it. The prospect of dying had his heart making a deathbed request: to kiss her. "What is it?"
Kai took a step toward Cinder. He reached his hand out towards her and placed his fingers against her frozen cheek. Her eyes widened in surprise, though she did not draw away from him. Kai took this as a good sign and brought his other hand up to her face.
Cinder regarded Kai with questioning brown eyes that made him want to write poetry. It was as if the whole world had gone silent and they were the last two humans left on earth. Blood pounded in Kai's ears, and the muted wind blew Cinder's messy hair around her face.
"Are you okay?" Cinder asked. Her eyelashes fluttered with the falling snow. Her lips were slightly parted and chapped from the cold— and Kai couldn't stop looking at them. Her uninjured hand left its crutch to rest against Kai's hand, her icy fingertips made him shiver. "Kai?"
The pull towards her was agonizingly strong. He wanted to kiss her, but he knew he couldn't. He didn't want to screw anything up. He could get them all killed, but what if they were already doomed? Someone would have to say the words, and Kai was done watching everyone else get hurt.
Kai leaned in and brought his lips gently to Cinder's. She tensed for a moment, then relaxed and kissed him back. She wound her fingers into Kai's hair, and he brought his free hand down to her neck. He could feel the blood pounding through her veins, and could taste blood and ice on her lips. A burning sensation rushed throughout Kai's body; he could have kissed Cinder for the rest of his life and been perfectly content.
Cinder was the first to break away, dropping her hand back to the handle of her crutch so as not to touch him. She appeared frazzled, but not agitated. Kai's lips were cold without hers, and he hurt as though he had been stabbed where her fingers no longer rested. His anguish burned in his eyes, and he couldn't let go of Cinder. He couldn't let go of her.
"Cinder," Kai whispered, but she wouldn't look him in the eyes. He no longer cared where he was or what he was about to do. He couldn't care less if the whole world had just been lit aflame; he didn't care if he was about to be lit aflame. "Selene," Kai croaked.
Cinder froze, her eyes large and afraid. Tension boiled around them like a pot of water over a flame. Kai couldn't hear his friends speaking around him. He couldn't see Cinder's silent warning not to say it. He didn't feel her shove him away. The only thing he knew where his lips whispering the words he had wanted to say for weeks. The words were his destiny and fate.
"I love you."
And that's when Kai burst into flames.
"Kai, no!" Cinder screamed as she watched a lightning bolt of fire strike Kai's body from the heavens. He was a blazing human torch, sending beacons of light up to hell cast sky— he was the dawn of human suffering.
Around Cinder, her friends echoed her cry. An anguished scream reverberated throughout the wooded area, harmonizing with a predatorial growl. Cinder knew that sound, for it haunted her every dream. It was the sound that she heard when she was alone with her thoughts; it was the background music of her brain.
The smell of burning hair and flesh bore into Cinder's senses. She collapsed to the ground, her entire body trembling with the shock and memories. Her body was out of her control. She could no longer help Kai. She never could. In the end, she was only ever intended to hurt him.
Her friends weren't so helpless.
Thorne charged at Kai, a determined glint in his horror-struck eyes. He tackled Kai to the ground, bringing him in rolling circles across the snow. Kai continued to shriek with the agony of being burned alive, but the flames were beginning to die.
Cress ran to Kai and Thorne, pulling off her coat and beating Kai with it in frantic motions. Iko moved to Cinder's side, telling her to breathe. Spots of black danced across Cinder's vision with the red and orange of the torch that was once a boy. Her throat appeared to have closed off, because no matter how hard she tried, Cinder couldn't bring oxygen into her lungs.
Panic rushed through Cinder, heavier than she could have imagined. She clutched at her chest as the hyperventilations became too intense. She could no longer see Kai, but Ran. Ran was aflame, and Cinder could only watch as his flesh became a blazing meal for Hell.
Then Ran became Peony— peaceful as she silently bore pain that can only be aroused by fire. They were burning, burning, burning. Everything was on fire. The earth had erupted into violent flames. Hell had been cast upon the face of the world and nothing could be seen except the dancing forms phoenix's turning the earth into ashes.
And now Cinder herself was burning. Her skin steamed and peeled off in layers as the inferno consumed her body; but the worst part was the smoke.
Smoke, smoke, smoke. It blinded her. It choked her. It drowned every sense she possessed as a human being. She could no longer see the flames, but the wispy ladies of fate dancing in front of her eyes. Nothing existed anymore except for the smoke.
But this time Kai wasn't there to save her from the storm of flames and smoke. Her hero had been struck down by a blade of kryptonite, only it was Cinder who had stabbed him.
"Cinder," Iko screamed somewhere within the smoke. "Cinder, breathe!"
But Cinder couldn't breathe; not with all of the smoke.
"It's all going to be okay, Cinder. Just breathe." Iko shook Cinder, but Cinder still couldn't see Iko. How was Iko still breathing? Cinder wondered.
"It's not real, Cinder," Iko yelled. "It's not real. Just breathe. Breathe in and out with me, okay?" Iko's voice pitched higher.
How can she still breathe? Cinder thought. How come I'm the only one choking?
"Cinder, IN!" Iko screeched. Cinder tried to suck in, but all she could inhale was smoke.
"OUT!" Black sludge spewed from her mouth.
"IN!" Rolling clouds of stormy fire raided her lungs.
"OUT!" A thousand cigarettes worth of smoke swirled from her mouth. The sky was no longer black, but dark gray and stormy.
"IN!" Ice bit at Cinder's lungs with vicious ferocity.
"OUT!" Golden eyes were staring at Cinder, and blue braids were tickling her frozen face.
"Iko," Cinder croaked, weak and tired from all the smoke— but the smoke was gone. "Where'd all the smoke go?" Cinder slurred.
"Kai's gonna be fine, Cinder," Iko said, which didn't make any sense. Was Kai the one making the smoke? Where was Kai?
Cinder was just about to ask her questions, when a long lost voice spoke instead.
"Selene?" Channary cried hysterically. "What are you doing to my Selene?" The woman was tall, thin, and severely burned. She had a face which had once held beauty and charm, but had lost all of its glory.
"Mom?" Cinder wheezed. "Mom, mom stop. Don't hurt them."
Cinder pushed herself off the ground, no longer tired. There was no smoke in the air but a thin trickle swirling up from a small form on the ground. Cinder had not been choking on smoke; she had been drowning in memories.
"My dear Selene, are you alright?" Channary asked with concern. "I won't let them touch you. I will not let anyone else hurt you."
Channary rushed forward, as if to hug her daughter, but her hands went straight through Cinder. A shiver ran down Cinder's spine, and she recoiled from the loving touch. "Selene?"
"Don't hurt them." Cinder panted, taking a step back from her mother. Out of the corner of her eye, Cinder could see Cress and Thorne gently touching a motionless Kai. He was no longer on fire, but his skin was red and blistering. "Just don't hurt them anymore, mom." Cinder drew the bracelet from the envelope still clutched in her injured hand. "Stop hurting me."
A cry of anguish burst forth from Channary. "Hurt you? I would never hurt you, my princess!" Channary threw her body towards Cinder, but there was still no contact. "All I've ever wanted was to protect you; first from the bad men, and now from them."
"And you did protect me from the bad men, mom. You saved me," Cinder soothed, sounding more like the mother who was trying to calm a confused toddler. "But these people aren't trying to hurt me. They're my friends."
"That's what they always say," babbled Channary. "They make promises like jokes. They tell you they love you, but then they only hurt you. No one can be trusted."
Cinder reached for her dead mother, but still no contact was made. It hurt to see her mom like this: dead as the corpse she had identified, but still as crazy in life. She remembered a time when her mom had been healthy, strong, and sane, but it was nearly a dream. Cinder's childhood was gone, and it was about time her mother was as well.
"Mom, they're not going to hurt me. No one has hurt me except for you." Cinder's voice cracked on the last part, and she felt her eyes sting. She needed to distract her mom from the others. She needed to hurt her— to kill her. She didn't want to do it, but it was of mice and men.
Channary wept desperately; just like she had the last time Cinder saw her. Cinder could barely understand her through the sobs. "I... I have... never... hurt... princess... never... my... princess... never..."
"Mom," Cinder stood as close as she dared to the crazed ghost. "I know you didn't mean to. But I was only a kid. You were supposed to be there, but you weren't. You said you would come home, but you didn't."
Cinder could see Thorne gingerly lugging Kai up with the help of Iko. They got him into a fireman's carry, and began to lug his broken body away.
Cress was out of sight, but Cinder knew that she must have been preparing the fire. She was always there. Cinder only wished she had given Cress more credit before and not been so quick to assume.
"I couldn't come home, my love. I couldn't help what happened. They... they caught up with me. They killed me. I tried... but I failed." Channary shed silent silvery tears. Her body looked as real as Cinder's, her tears being the only visible giveaway to her true form.
"I know you tried, mom," Cinder said. "But I can protect myself. I can choose who I love and not get hurt, mom."
A cool laugh echoed from Channary. She wiped her tears out of her eyes, and smiled down on Cinder. It was the first time Cinder had felt like a child in nearly fourteen years. "My dear Selene, you innocent child. Love is a conquest, love is a war," Channary giggled "And don't think I've forgotten about your little friends."
Cinder's blood turned to ice as Channary spun around. She snapped her fingers in a simple motion, making Iko, Thorne, and Kai collapse to the ground.
"No!" Cinder screamed. "Stop! Don't hurt them!" Cinder could feel the panic welling within her. All of her friends were about to die, and it was all her fault. At least her mother hadn't spotted Cress. "Please," Cinder whimpered.
"Ah, my princess, I'm sorry. Children always think they know best, but that is why we have parents. Believe me; mommy knows best." Channary smiled at Cinder in a sickly sweet way that made Cinder want to punch a wall.
A crackle of leaves sounded behind Cinder, and she felt her heart drop. Channary turned and spotted Cress' small form, her wicked grin growing wider.
Another snap of fingers, and Cress was collapsed on the ground, completely helpless. Cinder could feel her mounting horror at the vision before her. She could feel another panic attack welling inside her mind and chest. It was all of her worst memories and nightmares coming to play like a horror movie.
"Which shall I save you from first, my dearest Selene?" Channary hummed gleefully. "Which shall I rescue you from first, besides the most dangerous one. Luckily I already struck the little fiend who dared to hurt you."
Boiling rage bubbled violently inside of Cinder, canceling out the panic. She couldn't believe that anyone could ever call Kai a fiend. He was all of the goodness in the world. He had saved her from a fate of flames, and yet her mother wanted to bestow that same destiny upon him only for loving Cinder.
"Who shall it be, my princess?" Channary chuckled. "Who shall it be? Who shall it be?" Channary was spinning in circles like a little girl playing Ring Around the Rosie. "Who shall it be? Who shall it be? WHO SHALL IT BE?" Channary screamed, flinging her sharp body to and fro.
"Me," Cinder snapped.
Channary stopped her childish spinning. She stared at her beloved daughter that could have been her identical twin. They had the same brown hair, thinned by hardships and fire. They were both thin and bony from lack of love and care. They both had the same scarred bodies that had been caressed thoroughly by fire’s mistress.
"What did you say?" Channary asked.
"It shall be me." Cinder said, taking off her coat and unravelling the cotton bandages covering her scarred hand. They had healed well and fast, but she would always have the shiny pink flesh of scar tissue.
A shriek of agony came from Channary as she fell to the ground at Cinder's feet. She tried to clutch at Cinder's mangled hands, but her fingers went straight through Cinder. She sobbed with a saddened passion that was hard to watch.
"It shall be me," Cinder repeated, "because I've caused myself more pain than anyone here. I've only been hurt because I love you." Cinder paused only a moment before yelling, "Cress, now!"
Flames lit the ground in an instant, spilling light and warmth across the dark landscape. Channary leapt to her feet in outrage, but it was too late; Cinder had already thrown the bracelet onto the smoldering fire.
"No!" Channary screamed as her body began to melt. "No! My princess, my love, why are you doing this to me?" Channary sobbed in anguish, her skin smoking and peeling away from the bones. "I'm your mother!" Channary yelled. "Why must you hurt me, Selene? What did I do wrong?" Channary's body was nearly gone, but her voice still fought to be heard until there was nothing left of Channary Blackburn.
Cinder stared at the boiling tar-like mush that had once been her mother's ghost. "Everything," Cinder whispered. "You did everything wrong." Cinder's eyes stung. "But I still loved you."
A sob burst from Cinder, and she fell to the ground. Sorrow and grief for her mother spilled forth in the form of hysteria. She felt nothing and everything all at once. She felt gratitude and regret. She felt freedom and confinement.
"Mom..." Cinder cried. "Mom... mommy... I'm... I'm so sorry... mommy..." Cinder's hands reached for the place where her mother had been, but she was gone. "Oh, mom," Cinder whimpered.
"Cinder," Cress snapped, sounding surprisingly sharp during Cinder's moment of weakness. "We have to go, Cinder."
"My mom..." Cinder cried, knowing she sounded like a child but not caring. She had lost the final pieces of her mother, and it hurt more than she ever could have imagined.
Cress wrenched at Cinder's arm, trying and failing to pull her from the ground. "Cinder, we have to go now."
"Cress," Cinder whispered. "Why?"
It took Cress a moment to answer, and that's when Cinder remembered what had happened. The fire. The boy. The three words. A sacrifice that should never have been made. Cinder's grief took only an instant to transform into panic.
"Kai?" Cinder asked.
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justmyimagination92 · 5 years
Why Kylo Ren/Ben Solo and Theon Greyjoy are similar, beautifully grey and real characters that represent overcoming abuse and manipulation and it makes no sense to love one but hate the other, a thread:
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*Disclaimer* I have only watched the GoT series & SW movies, I have not read the books or comics for either series but I have done research into both so anything I’m pulling that’s not from the movies or show has been taken from research/information I have gathered from others who have used these sources for their own opinions/arguments/statements as well as from a GoT class I took my senior year of college
Life of Mental/Physical Abuse:
They both had mentally abusive upbringings which is obvious to say has a huge effect on your development and how you perceive the world around you. Theon was the youngest of 4, known to cling more to his mother and not care as much about the ironborn mentality of piracy and raiding as his older brothers did. He was constantly tormented and bullied by them for it as well as feeling neglected by his father for “showing weakness” which made him feel like he didn’t belong and wasn’t accepted in his home. He was then sent off to be Ned Stark’s ward (prisoner) and would be executed if Balon tried to rebel against the throne again. This knowledge is constantly hanging over his head and threatening him even though he makes the best of the situation, especially by finding a brother in Robb. The North and most of the Stark family don’t accept him despite his best efforts in trying to do his best while also missing the Iron Islands and not being able to fulfill his right as the heir to the salt throne
Ben has been mentally abused since he was in his mother’s womb. Palpatine has been in his head since he was conceived, trying to seduce him to the dark because he knew the power Ben would possess from his family. Now were his parents abusive towards him like Balon, Maron, and Rodrik were to Theon? No. But they were afraid of who he could become which definitely drove him towards becoming what they were afraid of to begin with. He felt isolated and alone. Aside from questioning why his parents were afraid of him with no explanation (making him feel like he was some sort of monster), Han was gone the majority of his upbringing and Leia was building the New Republic. He was often left with droids to watch him, further developing his isolation. There’s also apparently an instance where a droid fantasized about killing him and how they’d be able to cover it up? Eventually, L&H sent him off to be trained by Luke due to their growing fear of him becoming like Vader, but he didn’t know because they never told him Vader was his grandfather. He ended up finding out later on when it was announced at a senate meeting that was broadcasted on the holonet. (Keep in mind he’s consistently being mentally tormented and tempted by the dark but fighting it off)
Loss of Identity:
I think you can argue that Theon and Ben have struggled with their identity their entire lives. Before Theon was taken to Winterfell he already felt like he didn’t belong. Then he does his duty as Ned’s ward, placing him in the midst of the rest of the Starks and trying to figure out his place without stepping out of line but also wanting to fit in as best as he can. After Ned dies and he’s at war with Robb he is able to return home to persuade Balon in lending his fleet to help Robb. Balon refuses and now Theon is stuck in deciding if he should help Robb or win over his father and take back his place as a Greyjoy. He leads an attack at Winterfell, betraying his loyalty to Robb, killing two farm boys that all of Westeros believes is Brand and Rickon, which leads to him getting overthrown by the Boltons taking Winterfell back, putting him in the hands of Ramsay who tortures him mentally, physically, and spiritually to the point where he takes on the persona of Reek and truly believes that’s who he is, who he was meant to be and who he deserves to be
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Ben has also had this lifelong struggle. He’s tried to follow what his parents have taught him while fighting everything going on in his head. He looked up to his dad and wanted to be a pilot like him despite Han being gone a majority of the time. Not to mention just the pressure he faced with being Han & Leia’s son as well as Luke Skywalker’s nephew. But he could sense and sometimes hear his parents discuss their fear of who he is/who he will be. He was under the impression that they thought he was or could become some sort of monster and gave him no explanation on why they would think that and then was sent off to train with Luke (when there’s no real indication that he wanted that, he just voiced how he wanted to be a pilot) Luke could sense the same darkness in him as H&L but instead of helping him and having a conversation about it he decided to sneak into Ben’s tent one night and kill him before his fears came true. Ben awoke to his own uncle standing over him with an ignited lightsaber about to strike him down. Yes, Luke regretted it the minute he ignited it but it was too late, Ben was awake and betrayed. What he didn’t do (but the galaxy thought he did) was destroy the Jedi temple and the rest of the padawans, a higher power (most likely Palpatine) did and Ben was upset about it and he didn’t want them all to die. He felt like he had nowhere else to go and succumbed to the voice that had been tormenting him for 23 years (but in a way was the only consistent thing in his life) and went to Snoke. He felt unwanted, untrusted, and doomed to become this awful being everyone around him thought he would. He took on the persona Kylo Ren and allowed Snoke to continue to torture him mentally and now physically and spiritually to ultimately turn him into Snoke's chess piece to take over the galaxy
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Path of bad decisions driven by the need to please their abuser who gives false hope of a home:
Parts of this are redundant but they both have made some terrible decisions that were heavily influenced by the manipulation of their abusers and a need for a sense of acceptance and belonging. Theon wanted to please Balon and later Ramsay, Kylo wanted to please Snoke and his grandfather (who we later find out was all Palpatine). The majority of deaths that Kylo is blamed for were under Snoke’s orders and Kylo was either unaware they were happening or tried to prevent them and resort to other solutions to get whatever it is they wanted. He killed his father because he was convinced it would make him stronger and reach his potential on “who he’s destined to be” when really it tore him apart and destroyed him, 
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similarly to how Theon felt after he killed those farm boys and saw what his actions had created for Winterfell and Westeros 
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Acceptance of “who they truly are” through self-hatred and regret:
Through this they come to terms with their actions and the destruction that has followed from those actions. They believe they deserve the pain and suffering they’ve had their whole lives. Theon is constantly saying how Theon is dead, he’s Reek and he deserves to be. Ben states how Ben is dead, he’s only Kylo now and that he deserves to be seen as a monster.  
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Needing help to be pulled back to their true selves:
Their inner conflict is clear through both of their journeys and it’s clear that others can see that. They need help to be pulled in the right direction and reminded that they’re not the person they think they are. Yara comes for Theon when everyone else has given up on him. He’s her brother and regardless of what he’s done she still cares for him and believes in him. However, even the love of his sister can’t persuade him or break the abusive turmoil he’s been suffering and he stays with Ramsay as Reek. 
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Then Sansa comes, someone he has grown up with and cares for. She learns the truth that he didn’t kill Bran and Rickon. She knows who Theon really is and she brings him back, she needs him back and gives him the strength to do it. 
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Similarly, we see Han trying to bring Ben back in TFA, and like with Yara and Theon, it doesn’t work. He believes Ben is dead, that his family gave up on him and he did too so he can only be Kylo now. And as we see later on, the act of killing Han only made it worse and caused a deeper pain and regret to Ben as well as the conflict on where he lies in the force. In TLJ we see this and how Kylo seems to be chipping away from coming to terms with everything he’s done. 
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(I would also like to point out that in TLJ Ben couldn’t kill his mother and it’s stated that had he noticed quick enough he would’ve stopped the blasters from hitting the bridge) He gets a connection with Rey, who at first wants nothing to do with him and sees him as the monster he thinks he is. But similarly to Sansa, she finds out the story Luke told her about him destroying the Jedi Temple was a lie and from then on they’re able to console in one another and understand the pain and isolation they’ve both felt their whole lives. 
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When Luke refuses to go back and help Rey and the resistance she takes it upon herself to go and fight to bring Ben back to the light because she can see that he’s still there.
Taking a stand against their abusers, specifically to help save someone they love:
They both go against their abusers and take a huge leap towards taking back their true selves. Theon wants to help Sansa and she gives him a few chances too, for example with the candle but he ends up telling Ramsay. However when Ramsay is gone Sansa is crossed by Miranda and even though he’s still filled with fear and conflict, he throws Miranda off the ledge to save Sansa and finally defies his tormentor and everything that he’s done.
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Kylo retrieves Rey when she lands on the capital ship and takes her to see Snoke. In the elevator they both state how they’ve had a vision of seeing them by each other’s sides. Kylo takes it as Rey joining him in the dark but Rey sees it as him reclaiming who he was supposed to be and even refers to him as Ben which he responds to. 
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(for the majority of knowing him she called him Kylo, monster, etc but since they touched hands and she saw the conflict she now sees him as a real person and more importantly Ben) Snoke wants Kylo to kill her in order to reach is full potential since killing Han only made him question the path he was going down even more. However, he tricks Snoke and instead kills him instead of Rey, destroying his abuser and saving Rey who is the only one he’s ever been able to connect to.
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Reclaiming their identity:
Even though they have someone in their corner, believing in them and helping them to come back to who they are, it takes time. Theon stays with Sansa until they cross paths with Brienne and Podrick and knows she’ll be safe with them. He then heads back to the Iron Islands to join Yara and help her however he can. He still feels as though he’s Reek and doesn’t deserve any redemption or to be trusted/loved. 
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Overtime those who still believe in him and given time to heal he reclaims himself as Theon Greyjoy, not even the one from before, but a better and stronger man because it’s who he chooses and wants to be. He saves Yara from Euron and goes back to Winterfell to help fight against the dead. He protects Bran at the Weirwood tree bringing it back and trying to rewrite his wrong when he took Winterfell from Bran and caused him to abandon his home. Even though Arya is the one to ultimately save Bran by killing the Night King, she wouldn’t have been able to without Theon and his sacrifice.
Now Kylo’s is a little different and his journey back to Ben takes a few more steps. Killing Snoke was supposed to be him reclaiming himself and finally getting rid of the demons that have been haunting him his entire life. But now we’re aware that Palpatine created Snoke and was the one who has been in his head the whole time so really those voices are still there, abusing and tormenting him to do what they want. Except now he has something more to fight for. He knows Rey believes in him and they have a bond, a force dyad, that hasn’t been seen for centuries. We don’t get to see much of how Supreme Leader Kylo Ren deals with First Order affairs but I would assume it would be different from how Snoke handled it considering (as stated earlier) Kylo tried to get what they needed in the easiest way, preventing as much unnecessary harm or death. (I also would like to point out that at the beginning of TROS we see Kylo in Mustafar and all of the people he’s killing are Vader cultists so they were bad beings) He then travels to Palpatine who reveals it’s been him all along in his head and Kylo threatens to kill him, but then palp shows his army he’s been creating, how it could be Kylo’s, and reveals who Rey truly is. Palp wants him to kill her and he tricks him into thinking he will when really he chases her around to tell her this information as well as see if it’s true and to prevent her from getting killed. They fight a lot but it’s always Rey initiating it and Ben defending himself when he needs to. He gets distracted during one of their fights because Leia is reaching out to him and in the process, Rey stabs him with his own lightsaber (death of Kylo Ren) but ends up healing him and tells him that she did want him, the real him
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He then has a vision of Han and basically reenacts what happened in TFA but has it play out how he wished it did the first time. He is now truly Ben Solo and goes to Exogal to help Rey and defeat Palpatine. After Rey kills Palpatine she dies and Ben comes back (he was thrown down deep pit) and transfers his life force to her to save her. Like the situation with Theon, if Ben wasn’t there Rey wouldn’t have been able to defeat Palpatine and save the galaxy.
Only got to live in peace with themselves for like 2 minutes:
They both get complex, intriguing, and beautiful arcs of redemption that represent realistic struggles of life and grey morality that people face throughout their lives. But they both end with a terrible message that the only way to fully redeem yourself from past mistakes, bad decisions (even if it was influenced by a life of mental/physical abuse) is to sacrifice yourself.
Theon sacrificed himself to save Bran and the fate of Westeros and was only able to be at peace with himself for about the last 20 seconds of his life because Bran forgave him, told him he was a good man and confirmed the type of person Theon really is and always wanted to be.
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he deserved to feel this way for a MUCH longer time and continue to heal and grow and live a life that gave him much more peace and happiness (preferably with Sansa 😏) but instead he only gets to feel good about himself for the first time in his life and have it only last for a moment.
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Once Rey defeated Palpatine it’s safe to say that the voices stopped in Ben’s head. There’s no more tormenting, persuading, or taunting. He climbs out of the pit to find Rey dead (his literal other half) and channels the rest of his energy to bring her back and it works. Similar to Bran, Rey confirms her joy and acceptance of Ben being back 
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and he would’ve been fully content with that, but Rey kisses him and he smiles for the first fucking time we’ve ever seen. His mind is at peace, Rey is alive in his arms and for the first time he is truly happy. And then he DIES. 
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Who knows what would’ve happened to him and how the resistance would’ve reacted, but he deserved the opportunity to atone for the mistakes he made, live life with a clear mind, as well as continue to be the other half of Rey that brought balance to the force and galaxy.
They both deserve to be with the only person that fully understands them and their pain and can grow, heal, and live in peace together.
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steveng-rogers · 4 years
Hostie and Wine PRIEST AU(happygowriting kinktober day 1=Food Kink )
Pairings: Stucky(StevexBucky), Dandy(DaytonxAndy), slight Ducky(DaytonxBucky) Dark-ish!Steve and Andy. College boys Bucky and Dayton. 
Rating: M+ (to be clear that is Mature, meaning if you’re under the age of 18 DO NOT READ or INTERACT)
Word Count:  4,143 
Warnings: Explicit, 18+ ONLY. M/M. Heavy blasphemy kink. Food kink. Restraints, gagging(not too heavy). Dirty talk, mild degrading. Alcohol. Demonic chants(not too weird, translation will be at the end of the fic) the real warning is the bad Latin. Blowjobs, hand jobs, anal sex, male giving and receiving. Praise kink. (If there are any thats not listed and you think I should list, let me know)
Summary: Harmless fun for Bucky and Dayton turns into a fantasy filled night with the help of father Steve and Father Andy. 
A/N:  I used CPDV(Catholic Public Domain Version) translation of the Bible because it’s easier to understand. I don’t know any Latin, so what you find here is google translated. Don’t repost this anywhere unless you have asked me for permission. I worked very hard on this :) thankyou for curtisbb for proof reading this and happygowriting for providing this awesome prompts. 
    Morning Sunday mass, early, boring, and so hard to pay attention to. It’s 
their day off and if it were any other colleges, they would be in bed and do
 whatever they desired. But being in a Catholic private college means they live
 under a strict rule of Catholicism and their many masses and some might say
    Dayton White and Bucky Barnes are now sitting on the third row from the 
altar. Not stiff enough to sit on the very first row and not rebellious enough to
 sit in the back row like those hooligans. Plus they have enough heads to keep
 them from getting in trouble from talking to each other and from here they 
have enough distance between those heads to steal glances at their new
 priests. That is exactly their topic of whispers for almost three weeks now. 
    They look at each other, giving each other the “eyes” when the Bishop is 
trying to use slang or use any remarks to be funny. 
    “In our reading today we learned that Jesus was brought out by the spirit to
 be tempted by Satan. Now as you all know Jesus was or rather still is the OP
 (Over Powered)  man and God. He refused to be tempted you see..”
    Dayton rolled his eyes, really OP? “What is this? A video game convention?”
 Bucky laughs quietly at Dayton’s comment, making sure to bow his head so it’ll
 look like he’s coughing or something. Dayton smirks and pat Bucky’s back to
 make it more convincing to others that are watching. The angels and the
 heavens are not the only ones who've been watching the two, there are two
 pairs of glistening blues who already set their eyes on them. They know their 
ticks and their subtle coded movements. 
    Dayton felt the burns of their stare and because he is Dayton White he
 dares to look at the two priests. Father Andrew Barber holds up a finger to his
 lips, ever so subtle and quick to tell him to “hush” and Father Steve Rogers on
 the other side of him, just raised his eyebrows at the younger men. Dayton
 nudges Bucky’s elbow and points with his chin to them. He looks up, a little too
 quickly and finds Father Steve already looking at him. They look away and
 back to the Bishop. Both of the young men feel the cold shiver running down 
their spines, making them clutch the matte black blazer of their school’s 
uniform tighter around their body. Something is amidst. Something dark.  
    “And just like Jesus said in Matthew 4 verse 7, you can say to Satan that
 they cannot tempt you for you are a child of God and your faith will save you.” 
    When the time of the communion came, their favorite part. They wait for
 their turn and go in line to receive their hostie and wine. The body and the
 blood of Jesus. 
    Father Andrew holds out the white, round hostie and Dayton submissively
 opens his mouth to receive it. And father Andrew places the hostie in Dayton’s
 mouth and gives a light pressure on his thumb as it reaches the top of
 Dayton’s tongue. Bucky on the other hand is on his way to receive the wine
 from none other than Father Steve. Father Steve extends the gold chalice to
 Bucky and Bucky couldn’t help but to lick his lips. The wine is not the one he
 had in mind to satiate his thirst and father Steve saw that in his eyes. So he
 tips the chalice to Bucky’s mouth, his index finger brushes lightly against
 Bucky’s lips as it was so strategically placed on the outline of the chalice by
 father Steve. 
    No one noticed when these exchanges happened, for they are subtle and
 very easy to miss. But for the four of them, it leaves them breathless and
 wanting more, so much more. 
    Long after the mass was done and dinner was served, Bucky and Dayton
 decided to lounge around their common room. Dayton is sitting on the sofa,
 close to the window, catching up on some assigned reading and Bucky is
 sitting close to the fireplace finishing up his essay. After hours, both boys grew
 bored. Their minds start to idle and they can’t seem to concentrate on their
 task. And the saying goes, “An idle mind is the devil’s workshop.” Usually 
Dayton is the one who would come up with things to do, but today Bucky came
 up with something. Rather devilish. 
    “Dayton.” Bucky closes his laptop and sits towards his bestfriend, a playful 
grin on his face.
    “What is it?” Dayton looks up from his book and raises his eyebrows at him,
 clearly interested. 
    “You know when the priests and church staff go to sleep right?”
    “Yeah, around 9 oclock. Why?”
    “What do you say we steal some hostie and raid the wine cellar?” Bucky
 suggested and Dayton just shakes his head, impressed at how reckless Bucky
 is being right now. 
    “No and you know why.”
    Bucky stood and went over to Dayton. “They’re not yet blessed, so we'd only
 be guilty of stealing. Plus the confession room opens tomorrow and you know 
who is going to be there.” Dayton thought about being alone in the room with 
father Andrew and he’s sold. 
   “Okay fine, you got me. If we get caught, you’re taking the blame.”
    “Alright so you’re calling cauliflower?” Bucky said their code word and
 Dayton gave him a nod. The plan is locked and loaded. 
     Around nine oclock, the two best friends waited until the light on their hal
l was dimmed. Then Bucky leads them to a room where the unblessed hostie
 are made. Dayton waited outside while Bucky went in to snatch some bags of 
hostie, sure they tasted like nothing but when you’re tempted the devil will help
 you indulge. 
    Then out of the corner of his eyes, Dayton saw two figures walking towards
 where he is at. It was so dark and Dayton can only see dark shadows and by
 God, if these are ghosts he’s gonna make a run for it. Then as they walk
 closer, Dayton can make up the outline of a face and oh. Oh. He knows that 
beard, those broad shoulders, and the cross necklaces. It’s the twin priests.
 They were too busy arguing quietly until father Andrew saw him and father 
Steve followed his gaze. 
    “Mister White? What are you doing out so late?” Father Andrew raises his
 eyebrows in question and Dayton can feel his palms getting clammy. 
    “And where is mister Barnes? You two are usually together, are you not?” 
Father Steve asked as he looked around for Bucky. Dayton smiles nervously 
and reminds himself to be calm.
    “Oh well, Barnes and I are looking for uh..” He trails off as he hears Bucky’s 
footsteps getting closer to the door. “Cauliflower!” Dayton exclaimed, loud 
enough for Bucky to hear and the footsteps stopped abruptly. 
    “Cauliflower?” Father Steve and Father Andrew look at each other and back
 at Dayton. 
    “For what?” Dayton cursed in his heart, damn it. “For a project that we’re 
working on.”
    “Well, I better not find you in the confession booth tomorrow confessing
 about this lie. Or they will be severe punishments.” Father Andrew 
emphasized on the word punishment and that sends chills throughout Dayton’s
    “Yes, father.” With that the two priests left him there and once they’re out of 
sight, Dayton exhales and knocks on the door for Bucky to come out. “Oh my
 god, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.” Bucky laughs with the bag of hostie in
 his hands. “Shut up, we almost got caught.” Bucky grins and throws one of the
 bags at Dayton. “But we didn't, so come on. One more stop.” 
    Dayton went inside the wine cellar this time and Bucky was outside, to look
 out for them. Once they got the goods, they head back to their dorm room 
completely unaware that they’ve been followed. 
    The clock strikes midnight and the two boys are enjoying their wine and 
hostie in their dorm room. They’ve spiked the wine with vodka, a gift from their
 Russian friend Pietro. They’re a giggling mess, the slight buzz was a nice 
feeling, and the tasteless hostie somehow is sweeter in their mouths. 
    At exactly 12:12 am, the door opened and the boys were met with large 
figures standing on the door. “You didn’t lock the fucking door Barnes.” Dayton
 glares at Bucky, who is now looking up at father Steve. “I’m sorry..” 
    “What do we have here?” Father Steve crouches down and grabs the 
opened bag of hostie from Bucky’s hand. 
    “This doesn’t look like a cauliflower, does it?” Father Andrew asked as he 
inhaled the tip of the wine bottle. 
    Bucky and Dayton weren't sure on what to do other than to look up to the 
two men. “But you knew that Dayton and Bucky?” Father Andrew looked into 
their eyes. Both boys look down, shame burns the words out of their mouths. 
    “Come on, you two are smart right? Use your words.” Father Steve edge on.
 But they can’t even whisper a word out. “Get up both of you.” Dayton can feel
 his legs wobbles as he slowly stood. Bucky was not much better because he’s
 still on the ground. 
    “Bucky.” Father Steve warns and Bucky immediately stands. “We can expel 
the both of you for this. Do you want that?” Father Steve said, tilting Bucky’s
 chin up to look at him. Both boys shake their heads. “Didn’t I say use your 
words?” He warned them, annoyance laced his tone. “N-no father.” Bucky 
managed to stammer out. 
    “Please we’ll do anything to not get expelled.” Dayton finally spoke. “Hm 
anything?” Father Andrew hums as he locks the door behind him. “Yes, father 
Andrew anything.” He stalks over and stands in front of Dayton. “Call me 
Andy.” Dayton swallows the lump on his throat and nods. The older men
 exchange a knowing look to each other and when they turn their heads to the 
boys, the pupils in their eyes grow dark. The younger boys gasp, prickles of
 arousal dance down their bodies as the men extend their hands out to them. 
    Steve snakes his arm around Bucky’s waist and Bucky voluntarily steps 
closer to him, pressing their bodies together. Andy runs his index finger down
 Dayton’s jawline slowly, eyes following Dayton’s lips. 
    “Kiss me.” They whisper to the boys with their lips so temptingly close to 
    Bucky and Dayton close their eyes and kiss them. Dayton almost whimpers 
when Andy returns his kiss, so demanding his kiss was. He kissed Dayton so 
deeply, almost as if he wanted a taste of the wine he’d been drinking. 
    Bucky inhales deeply when Steve kisses him back, so soft as if he is to savor
 Bucky’s lips with his. He wraps his arms around Steve’s shoulder, one hand 
running through his golden locks and he tugs as Steve bites down on his lips. 
That earned Steve a hopeless moan from Bucky. 
    Andy backs Dayton to his bed. His lips find its ways to Dayton’s neck as he 
pushes him down to his bed. “Been wanting to taste you. Ever since you lick 
my finger on our first communion. You know exactly what you’re doing to me.” 
Andy whispers with his thumb brushing against Dayton’s lower lips and he bites
 down on his thumb teasingly. “ ‘course I do father, had to lay my claim on you.”
 Andy chuckles, dark and deep as he tugs Dayton’s white button down off. 
    Steve has Bucky’s legs wrapped around his waist as they kiss hungrily.
 When Bucky lays down on the bed and looks up, Steve’s black button down
 was already half opened thanks to Bucky’s wandering hands. Steve ripped his
 shirt open and maybe it’s the alcohol, but Bucky lost it as he looked up, seeing 
Steve’s bare chest and the little sun tattoo just underneath his left collar bone.
 He groans and moans out, “Daddy.” Steve smirks down at him. “Oh? You’re 
daddy’s boy huh?” Bucky’s face flushed red, pupils blown darker than the new
 moon. “Hm.” And he nods. Steve huffs, hand palming Bucky’s crotch “Use your
 words Bucky.” He gasps out, “Yes! I’m daddy’s boy.” 
    Andy pulls down Dayton’s pants along with his red briefs, then he starts to 
stroke his length drawing sweet little noises from him. “You’re already
 throbbing baby. What happens if I put my mouth on you hm? Are you gonna 
cum right away like a horny teenager?” Dayton groans in protest. Sure he had 
been deprived of this kind of fun, but that doesn’t mean he and Bucky hadn’t 
fooled around or that he was an inexperienced virgin. “Why don’t you find out
 mister Barber? Put your mouth around me and I’ll prove to you how 
‘inexperience’ I am?” Dayton smirks, he can see a flash of anger on Andy’s
 dark eyes. “You think you’re in charge here? Oh I don’t think so.  I am and 
you’ll do as I say.” Andy pulls his belt off his waist and runs the metallic tip on 
Dayton’s bare chest, making him tremble. “I told you there is going to be a 
severe punishment if I caught you and here we are.” 
    Bucky was bare as the day he was born, a quivering, and a flushed little 
thing Steve thought. “Play with yourself sweetheart, imagine it was me just like 
you’ve been confessing in the booth.” Bucky bites down on his bottom lips,
 trying to contain his moans as he slides his hand up and down his own cock. 
Steve grabs the bottle of wine and takes a huge swig out of it, palming himself 
as he watches Bucky play with himself. “Don’t bother being quiet, come on let
 daddy hear how good you sound .” Bucky’s toes curl as he moans out Steve’s
 name. “O-ohhh S..S-Steve, daddy please touch me, touch me.” Steve takes 
another swig of the wine, then he leans down to kiss Bucky, filling his mouth 
with the red liquid. “Good boy, keep going. Keep touching that pretty thing. 
Make daddy proud.” Bucky is a sucker for praises and Steve amplified that, 
with his husky and soft voice and Steve, he goddamn knows it. 
    Dayton’s hand is now all tied up to the upper railing on his bed, his fingers 
bare down on his palm, making his knuckles white as Andy toys around with 
his nipples. “Don’t you make a fucking sound. Or I’ll edge you and make you
 watch your best friend get fucked like you wanted while you’re here,
 pathetically begging for me to make you cum.” Andy sits up and takes his 
black button down off him, showing off the little moon tattoo under his left collar
 bone and that makes Dayton’s mouth water at the thought of having his mouth
 all over that tattoo. “Maybe I like to be edge Andy, won’t be the first time I 
watched my best friend get his way.” Now that was a mistake and Dayton was 
too late to pull back. Andy fished out his white, clergy collar, and enfold it
 around Dayton’s jaw, muffling his mouth. The priest breaks down the hostie 
into smaller pieces, placing it down Dayton’s chest to his happy trail where the
 skin glistens with Dayton’s precum. “I want you to remember that verse from
 Luke 22nd, about the last supper. Recite it, the last of verse 19.” Andy pulls 
down the collar just a little so Dayton could talk. The younger man breathes 
heavily as he tries to remember it. “This is my body, which is given for y-you. 
Do this as a commemoration of me ohh...” Andy growls as he licks and eats
 the white pieces of hostie along Dayton’s body. “Good, good boy.” He coos
 softly, putting the collar back on to Dayton’s mouth. 
    Bucky almost came under Steve’s watch and of course, Steve being the 
sadist that he is pulls his hand away. Bucky whined, closing his legs to hide his
 painfully hard on from Steve. “No sweetheart, keep it wide open. I want you to
 recite the memory verse I have given you. Come on I’ll help you, Luke 22nd,
 the last of verse 20.” Bucky’s wine stained lips quiver as he struggles to
 ground himself, Steve is all but smiles and proud because he knows Bucky
 could do it. “This.. uhm chalice is the new covenant in my blood, which will be
 shed f..f-for you.” Steve opens up Bucky’s jaw and pour the remaining of the
 wine into his mouth. “Drink sweet boy and don’t waste a single drop.” Steve
 commands him and Bucky gulps it down like he was told to. Before Bucky 
could finish, Steve wraps his hand around Bucky’s neck and squeezes it, 
enough to make him gasp and then he kissed him like a starved man. His 
other hand, strokes Bucky’s cock making the younger man moan into their 
kiss. “Bucky, sweetheart. Cum on my hand. You deserve it, for being so fucking
 good to me.” He whispers as he licks the droplets of the red liquor along 
Bucky’s lips and like the command of God, Bucky moans out and came all over
 the priest’s hand. “Ah! Steve-oh god, da-daddy..ah.” Bucky’s whole body 
trembles as Steve strokes his cock some more. 
    Andy and Steve are prepared to have this moment with them, have been 
planning it for months, and it’s finally here. They came willingly, well one of 
them certainly did. They glances at each other as they grab the small pack of 
lube that they’ve brought with them. Once they’ve stripped themselves naked 
and on their knees above their chosen ones, the twins starts to chant 
something like prayers under their ragged breaths. 
            “Satanas Domino, per gratiam tuam
            Concede mihi precor te 
            Ut ad virtutis in 
            Mente consipere ac reddere 
            Quam ad facere cupio.” 
    Steve teases the rim of Bucky’s hole and he shudders, still sensitive from 
coming too hard. Steve hush him quietly as he slides his lube coated fingers 
into him. Stretching him open and getting him ready for him. “Barely put up a 
fight with me. Was I always the subject in your wet dreams Bucky? Those 
things you’ve confessed to me in that dark booth, all me huh?” Bucky thought 
he was being subtle, but the shame of getting caught shot arousal to his dick
 and he tightened around Steve’s digits. “Answer me.” Steve demands and
 Bucky whimpers out, “Yes, yes. ‘S all you Steve.” 
    Dayton is painfully hard, he wanted to protest, but his mouth is stuffed and
 not in the way that he likes. Andy chuckles darkly at his attempts and without
 warning he drips the cold liquid of the lube on Dayton’s red rim and that earns
 him a choked out moan from Dayton. “You’ve finally found your match? 
Somehow you know only I can make you like this, you came with me with your
 inappropriate comments thinking that I might blush and came again wishing
 that I do them to you.” Andy slides his digits in and made a scissoring motion 
inside him, Dayton bites down on the collar trying his hardest to be quiet. Andy
 adds to the torture as he licks and sucks on the top of Dayton’s cock. 
    They toy and play around with the two for what feels like hours. They want 
them savored and teased like Satan did to Eve in the garden of Eden. 
    Steve strokes himself and with Bucky all ready for him, he slid inside him 
slowly. Bucky immediately tightened around him, feeling every veins on Steve’s
 cock. “F-fuck Steve.” He moans desperately, cock already twitching and 
wanting to cum again. “By God Bucky, don’t you cum before I tell you to.” Steve
 sets a slow pace until he’s all sheathed inside him. “Fuck. Oh yes, all hot and 
tight for me. All for me huh Bucky? Goin to fuck the sweet sin into you.” Bucky 
wraps his legs around Steve, hands on his back with his fingers clawing at the 
older man’s back. Steve’s words, his cock, and the way his hand squeezes his 
legs made Bucky desperate to let go, but he can’t it all feels so good and all he
 wanted is for Steve to have him like this for the rest of his days. “Daddy oh 
god, ngh- please fuck me, harder Oh!” Steve grabs the headboard and starts
 to fuck him slow and hard, making Bucky feel every inch of him. 
    Andy has Dayton’s legs on his shoulders as he keeps teasing him, sweeping
 the tip of his cock and slowly putting it inside Dayton but not quite fucking him. 
Dayton let out a frustrated, pushing his hips down to seek more of Andy. 
“Darling you’ve got to earn it, you know that don’t you?” Tears slipped down 
Dayton’s flush cheeks, he’s so unbelievably hard and he hasn’t cum in the last 
hour. He’s aching and desperate for Andy to just fuck the daylight out of him. 
Andy took the collar off Dayton’s mouth, wanting to listen to Dayton’s pleas 
more clearly. “Andy please, you’ve tortured me enough, ah-I can’t please.” 
Andy smiles devilishly, kissing Dayton’s wet cheeks. “Can’t what hm? Take it 
anymore?” Dayton nods, his walls finally crumbling down under Andy’s touch.
 “I love hearing you beg. That honeyed voice of yours darling.” Andy gave 
Dayton what he'd been pleading for and Dayton swore he saw the halo on top 
of Andy’s head as he felt the delicious stretch on his hole. Dayton’s hole 
swallows Andy’s dick almost all the way in and Dayton is already a whimpering 
mess under the priest. Andy pushed in some more till he bottoms out, making 
Dayton cry out in pleasure, “Jesus-ah! Andy, A-ah Andy.” The said man starts 
one unrelenting pace as he pressed Dayton’s legs up to his chest to fuck him 
deeper. “Sweet heavens, you felt better than I’d imagine. Look the way you
 take my cock. Like a good fucking whore.” 
    Steve fucked Bucky until he’s on his third orgasm, Bucky is all but a writhing,
 sweet thing under him and Steve hasn’t even come once, but he’s so 
goddamn close. Steve’s hand closed around the metal railing of the headboard
 as he moves his hips hard against him. “Steve, Steve oh daddy. Fuck, fuck. ‘S 
too much.” Bucky whined, high pitched and breathy and that edged Steve on
 even more. “Almost sweetheart, daddy’s gonna cum in you yeah? Fill up that 
sweet ass of yours and make you cum again.” Bucky clenches around Steve, 
making Steve bend the metal in his hand. He rams his hips harshly as he 
finally spills his seed inside Bucky and Bucky moans lewdly as his own cock 
twitch and he came for the fourth time. “Ouhh daddy. Steve hahh.” Steve holds
 Bucky close as he rides his high, his hand loosened around the metal and he
 moans deeply in Bucky’s ear. 
    Andy has Dayton on all fours, his reddened ass in the air and his face all 
flushed against the pillow. Andy spanks Dayton’s ass as he rails him from
 behind, making Dayton whined all high pitched into the pillow that he’s 
clutching. “Fucking Christ Dayton, darling look at you. All nice and fucked out.
 Want me to cum inside you hm? Fill you nice till all you can feel is me?” Andy 
whispered in Dayton’s ear with his deep voice that made Dayton shiver. “Yes,
 yes. Give it to me. Fill me up, fill me up -ah!” Andy rams that sweet spot of 
Dayton’s as his hand snakes down to pump his cock. “Cum Dayton, you’ve 
earned it. Be a sweet boy for me darling, make me fucking proud.” Dayton’s 
mouth falls open, but not a whisper of word comes; instead his ass clenches 
around Andy’s cock as his cock shoots out hot, white cum on the sheet 
beneath him. “Yes, there you go sweet boy. You’re my sweet boy, keep coming
 baby.” Andy gave a couple of hard thrusts till he came inside Dayton, his head 
falling upward like Cain did when he worshipped God. Andy growled deep and
hoarse as he filled Dayton up, Dayton hums sweetly as Andy leans down and 
kisses down his back. 
    The twin cleans their partners up with warm towels, making sure they’re 
going to be comfortable come morning. The clock strikes 3 am and the two 
priests quietly slip out of the dorm room. Their eyes gave out glints of red, a
 devilish smirk painted across their lips as they walked side by side. “Who 
would’ve thought?” Steve chuckles. “You know what he said,  fruits taste better 
when they’re forbidden.” Who would’ve thought that demons only prey on 
beautiful women? They prey on beautiful men too.
Translation of the Latin piece: Lord Satan, by your grace, grant me, I pray thee the power to conceive in my mind and to execute that which I desire to do. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Jupiter’s Legacy: Choreographing Superheroic Stunts
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Stunt teams are some of the hardest working people in the industry. They literally put their lives on the line just to entertain us and yet there’s so little acknowledgement of their contributions. There is no Oscar for stunt work, but there should be. Netflix’s adaptation of Jupiter’s Legacy has secured one of the industry’s hottest stunt choreographers, one who is no stranger to superhero action, Philip J. Silvera. 
If you’ve read Jupiter’s Legacy already, you know Frank Quitely’s artwork leaps off the page, splattered with intense moments of sanguineous bloodshed. Quitely’s graphic style is a perfect fit for Silvera, who says he’s always been inspired by the visceral violence of films like Goodfellas and The Godfather Part II.
“My action in the past has always had a bit of a lead pipe brutality to it,” confesses Silvera with a grin. Who better to choreograph the huge superhero brawls of Jupiter’s Legacy? 
School of Hard Knocks 
Stunt work has always been Silvera’s destiny. “I always wanted to do stunts, since I was a kid.” Silvera’s father was a boxer who was just about to go pro, but his fortune took a bad turn after he broke his arm and leg. Nevertheless, Philip inherited his father’s fighting spirit. After starting his martial arts training in Karate, Silvera switched over to a Shaolin-based system of Chinese Kung Fu, which he studied for about 20 years. 
Silvera got his first break in 1997. He was competing in a martial arts tournament in New York City when he was approached to do an off-Broadway show called Voice of the Dragon: Once Upon a Time in Chinese America. It was a groundbreaking show from maverick playwright and noted jazz composer Fred Ho. Silvera describes it as “a bit of an urban Peking opera, really a martial arts ballet.” The show demanded he play a character, do martial arts, fight, fall, and flip on stage in front of a live audience. 
As Silvera got deeper into the stunt world, his training diversified to accommodate a wider variety of roles. He studied Kali stick fighting and even trained with Cecep Arif Rahman (The Raid 2, John Wick: Chapter 3 – Parabellum). Beyond his film work, Rahman is a genuine master of the Indonesian martial art called Pencak Silat. As a stunt coordinator, Silvera must keep pushing his training forward so he can meet the demands of his next project. “I just constantly want to keep learning different things and evolving.”
Silvera began officially working as a stuntman in movies and TV in 2005. You must work your way up to that director’s chair, and in the stunt industry, that means you’ve got to pay your dues and take a lot of hard knocks. By 2010, he got his first action and fight choreographer credit with Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II. That was followed by several coordinator roles on more video games like DC Universe Online, Batman: Arkham City, and Star Wars: The Old Republic. After an uncredited role assisting with the fight choreography in Iron Man 3, he received his first credited movie fight choreographer role for Thor: The Dark World.
Changing the Game
However, it was his work on Netflix’s Daredevil that caught the attention of both action and superhero fans. Silvera served as the Fight and Stunt Coordinator for the first two seasons of the series, and for action connoisseurs, he built a choreographic trademark for the show: the one-take fight scene. In Daredevil’s second episode, Silvera orchestrated a showstopping one-take hallway slugfest and every fan of fight choreography took notice. That scene propelled action in streaming TV to the cinematic level of big screen fight choreography. “I think most people would be surprised to hear that we designed that one-shot sequence in Daredevil in a day and a half,” Silvera says. 
Silvera followed up that hallway fight with a one-take stairwell scrap in season two (an episode directed by Marc Jobst, who also directed two episodes of Jupiter’s Legacy). Hallway and stairwell fights comprise two of the three most common settings for extended fight scenes (the third being warehouse fights – there’s an innumerable amount of these in actioners because it’s just easy and cheap to find warehouse locations). Hallways serve as a device to narrow the playing field when one person must take on several opponents. The width of the hallway restricts how many adversaries can come at the hero at a time. Silvera’s Daredevil hallway fight is held in the same esteem as the epic hallway fight in Chan-wook Park’s Oldboy and is considered by many to be the greatest TV fight scene to date. 
Stairway fights showcase technical expertise. The footwork must be precise because one misstep can result in a devastating ankle twist for any stunt person. Additionally, falling down stairwells isn’t easy. It requires top notch stunt people to stage safely. 
Read more
Jupiter’s Legacy: From Page to Screen
By Rosie Knight
Jupiter’s Legacy Ending Explained
By Bernard Boo
For Silvera to deliver such high-level fight choreography for the small screen was groundbreaking. Until the rise of streaming, most TV shows were more reserved with their action because it is a longer haul. A feature-length movie might contain half a dozen fight scenes, at best. An action TV series might stage that many fights in just two or three episodes, with plenty more over the course of the season. This takes an incredible toll on the stunt team, which is why many martial arts-themed TV series gas out before the season finale. This is what made Silvera’s work on Daredevil so revolutionary at the time. Now, a half decade later, many TV shows have upped their action game, but they owe a great debt to Silvera and his team. “I really enjoyed bringing Daredevil to life. Charlie Cox was amazing. That was a pleasure working with Steve DeKnight on that show.” 
Since then, Silvera has tackled several super powered action icons for the silver screen, like Deadpool, Terminator: Dark Fate, and the Jaegers in Pacific Rim: Uprising. Silvera has fond memories of sitting down with director Tim Miller while working on Deadpool and Terminator: Dark Fate and setting the parameters of superpowers in combat. “It’s always that they’re really good at this, but what’s their weakness?” The audience will accept superpowers if the film stays consistent within its constructs. For Silvera, it’s about finding a new challenge in every sequence. “What I try and do is always make it super relative to the characters and then make it so that the audience can feel something when they watch it.”
Super Fights
Spanning eight episodes in Season 1, Jupiter’s Legacy allows Silvera the space to stretch his choreographic legs. “I believe the action on our show pushes the story and the characters forward, as much as it does on any of the other shows I’ve worked on in the past,” Silvera says. “And I’m super excited to see what fans think of the storytelling, the nonverbal storytelling, that happens within our action sequences.” 
Non-verbal storytelling lies at the very heart of every action choreographer. The fight scenes are the climax of the story and that unspoken dialogue of conflict must rise to that or else an actioner will fail. “Nonverbal communication,” stresses Silvera, “like The Empire Strikes Back, the scene that happens between Luke and Vader.” His passion for the Star Wars franchise led him to direct “Star Wars: Scene 38 ReImagined.” It was a reworking of the first lightsaber battle we ever saw – Obi-Wan Kenobi versus Darth Vader. Silvera spliced together footage from Star Wars: A New Hope with new fight footage. Doubling for Obi-Wan was Dan Brown (Black Panther, Spider-Man: Far from Home). Vader was Richard Cetrone, who was Ben Affleck’s stunt double in Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. “Both are seasoned stuntmen in this business and have been around for a while,” adds Silvera.
“Scene 38 ReImagined” was a huge success with over 33.5 million views on YouTube. “That was a bit of a test for myself, as a second unit director and a first unit director,” says Silvera. “I wanted to see if I could add the emotional content into a sequence, that you know the character’s full story from beginning to end.”
From Comics Panels to Movie Frames
Choreographing superheroes has its own unique rules. A still comic panel is one thing. Setting that action into motion is another thing altogether. While comics are akin to storyboarding, when it comes to fights, a few panels describe that action. It then becomes Silvera’s job to unravel that into a fight with a dozen or more beats. 
One of his favorite examples for Jupiter’s Legacy is the “Hilltop” sequence. In the original comic, it’s a ferocious battle told over only four panels. Silvera saw that raw brutality and constantly built on that mindset with his choreography. 
“Those four panels really set the tone of our show and you’ll see that in the first episode.” He’s especially proud of this Hilltop sequence, as well as many other favorites. Two more sequences that he mentions with special pride he dubs “Tokyo Alley” and “The Vault,” but Silvera won’t elaborate on those cryptic titles just yet. “I don’t want to give away too much.” Fans who’ve already read the comic can probably guess what he’s talking about. “It starts off big and it stays that way up to the very end.” 
And for those fans familiar with Frank Quitely’s spectacular art, Silvera adds “We do our best to match those panels and the emotion that he puts into them. He really set the bar for us. And I think we met it.”
Superhero Boot Camp
As with many casts, most of the Jupiter’s Legacy actors have minimal background in martial arts or stunts. However, Silvera prefers it that way. “You get to figure out their characters and their movement in a different way.” He’d have ideas for them and then see something natural come out of their body language, which he would cultivate into something new and exciting. 
The cast was put through vigorous training where Silvera says they all worked extremely hard. “Literally a month of bootcamp with the lead actors training every day with our fight team and fight coordinator.” The cast would come in and work on basic movements and fight drills. “And then they would ride the wire for hours because there’s a lot of flying in the show.” 
As Supervising Stunt Coordinator, Silvera is quick to credit his fight and stunt rigging team. Micah Karns is the fight coordinator and Jayson Dumenigo is the 2nd Unit Stunt Coordinator and Key Rigger, a critical role for a flying superhero show. The threesome has worked together since Daredevil and teamed up again for several successive projects including Deadpool, Terminator, Pacific Rim, and Love, Death & Robots. 
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“We have such a tight workflow at this point, from the years of us working together, that we know how to expedite things,” Silvera says. “We know how to keep up the pace. And we’re definitely doing seven days a week on this show.” The stunt team worked hand-in-hand with the cast for months to achieve the action that they wanted. “I’m super excited to see them and what they did come together on screen.”
The post Jupiter’s Legacy: Choreographing Superheroic Stunts appeared first on Den of Geek.
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featherquillpen · 4 years
Dæmorphing Drabble: “Remainder”
In which Nora has so many more pieces of the puzzle, but she still can’t make it all add up. A Dæmorphing drabble I wrote last year, totally forgot about, and just rediscovered on my computer today.
Nora had never liked camping.
She was always a neat person. She hated having to get up in the middle of the night when it was raining, and the wind was howling, to walk through the mud to the composting toilet. She hated how Euclid’s paws would get stained brown with mud.
One of her first nights in the valley, she got up to use the toilet. It wasn’t raining, but in the middle of the night she heard animalistic screams and struggles. Nothing human, nothing animal, nothing from this earth. She went running into the yurt and found Peter. She shook him awake and gasped and trembled. Euclid whined and hid under the bed. “What is that?” she whispered.
“What’s what?” Peter started to mumble. As he came awake, he heard the sound too, and clutched at her. “Ah – um – let’s ask Marco.”
Nora had always liked Marco from afar, the way you like the class clown in your school who would never look twice at you, or a funny celebrity. She admired his resilience and humor, but knew that she would never really get close. He wouldn’t allow her to. Now she had some inkling of why. She hated to wake him up; he never seemed to get enough sleep, always some shade of gray beneath the brown of his skin.
“Marco? Do you hear that? What’s going on?” Peter said quietly. Mirazai was red and yellow with alarm inside her tank.
Marco came awake so suddenly, it was like an incandescent light coming on, blindingly bright. Diamanta came loose from around his neck and reared up, ready to strike. “What? What’s going on?” Marco said, instantly alert, looking around.
“What’s that noise?”
“Oh. Oh, that. Don’t worry about that. That’s one of Toby’s raids.”
“What? One of – Toby – that’s the leader alien, right?”
“Hah. Yeah. That’s the boss alien in charge. Her people, the Hork-Bajir, they’re slaves of the Yeerks. She leads the warriors out on raids to free them. When they come back, and they scream and struggle like that, that’s the Yeerks in their heads trying to get out. They won’t. Trust me. The screaming will be over soon.”
“What, they torture them? What are they doing?”
Marco gave his father a flat look. “Starving them out. Or, well, I don’t know exactly what she does, but I assume she’s starving them out. That’s what we did when Jake was taken prisoner.”
“Jake was –”
“Yeah. Not a nice story. But it’s what we have to do when someone’s taken. It’s the only way to be sure. Unless you can convince the Yeerk to leave on their own, but that’s not exactly easy.”
“So that’s how all of them got free? Screaming like that?”
“Well, most of them. Jara and Ket managed to escape without their Yeerks – it’s complicated. And then there’s ones who were born free, like Toby. But most of them, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “So, uh. Can I go back to sleep now? Didn’t really get my beauty sleep last night.”
“How can you sleep with noise like that?” Nora said, holding Euclid in her arms.
Marco shrugged. “I’ve slept through worse. You’ll get used to it.”
Nora didn’t really want to get used to it, but maybe she didn’t have a choice.
Living in the valley was horrible and scary sometimes, but what really got to Nora after a while was the boredom. She did everything she could to help. She cooked sometimes for the humans in the valley. She helped organize the pantry, but she felt like the others were humoring her when they let her do that. She’d help keep the fire burning in the fire pit, find kindling and stoke it. She wasn’t really the best at that.
When she mentioned being bored to Robin – one of the people who’d been in the valley longer, one of those strange people who seemed to be sympathetic to the Yeerks, terrible brain slugs who’d taken Eva away and ruined Peter’s life and so many others’ – he said, “Try talking to the Hork-Bajir. They’re interesting. They’ve always got something to do.”
“Aren’t they, um – I mean, they don’t seem to speak English so well.”
“Eh, they can get along,” Robin said. “Give it a try. You’re a teacher, right? You might like Kam Jedet, one of the teachers here in the valley. See what he has to say.”
It could be hard to find the Hork-Bajir sometimes. They were always up in the trees. Nora had never been bad at climbing trees as a kid, but when Euclid settled as a poodle, that made it a little harder – she got slowed down by having to carry him in one arm. So really, what she could manage were low branches, leaving Euclid on the ground straining at the edges of their limit. 
Eventually, she did find a Hork-Bajir teaching a group of their children. The children were weirdly cute compared to the terrifying adults. Their blades were stubby still, and didn’t look like they could cut anything. They were clumsy and uncoordinated in that charming way of all young things, human or animal, stumbling over their own tails. They were already better in the trees than Nora could ever be, even if Euclid had been one of the most nimble of animals. Nora couldn’t understand most of the lesson, but she caught the words “good touch” and “wrong touch.” What was that about? she wondered silently to Euclid.
When the lesson was over, she went up to the teacher. She said, “Are you Kam Jedet?”
He – Robin had said he, right? – said, “Yes,” in that deep gravelly voice all Hork-Bajir seemed to have.
“You’re a teacher,” Nora said.
“I’m a teacher, too,” said Nora.
“Ah,” said Kam.
“What were you teaching the children just then?”
“Freedom lessons,” Kam said.
“What are freedom lessons? That’s not a subject I’ve ever taught.”
Kam looked surprised. “No freedom lessons?” He blinked. “Ah. Humans are free. Not like Hork-Bajir. No freedom lessons.”
“Lessons on... how to be free?” Nora said.
Kam swung down from the tree, which spared Nora from having to crane her neck up to look at him. “Yes,” Kam said. “Yeerk teach Hork-Bajir how to be slave. Say yes to Yeerk in head. Be slave. Do not try for free. Hork-Bajir learn how to be free. Good touch, no wrong touch. Listen to head. Listen to hearts. Know what Hork-Bajir want.”
“I think I get it,” Nora said. “Maybe. It seems important. I don’t really know how to teach freedom lessons, but I taught math, before I came here. For human children.”
“Math?” said Kam.
Oh boy, Nora thought, giving Euclid a look.
He gave an encouraging yip. Go on.
“You know, how to work with numbers. How to count, add, subtract, multiply, divide.”
“Ah,” said Kam. “Yes. Numbers. Important. Kam not know much of numbers. Nora want teaching?”
This is insane, Nora thought to Euclid. She almost imagined that in Marco’s voice. Am I really offering to teach math to alien kids right now?
Euclid said, The kids are getting freedom lessons. They need math, too. That’s how you build a free society, how you manage your resources. How you know what you have and what you don’t.
“How much English do the kids speak? I don’t know your language.”
“Bek Mashar teach English. Watch Bek teach. Learn how Hork-Bajir learn English,” said Kam.
“Okay,” Nora said. It only made sense that she’d have to do shadowing again, to learn again how to be a teacher. “Okay. I’ll follow him and see what he does.”
After her math lessons, students liked to stick around and ask her questions. Some of them just asked about humans and what they were like. Some of them asked questions about other subjects. Some of them became interested in some version of engineering or science – she often didn’t know the answer to those questions. She wished she had access to a library, a computer, anything to satisfy their endless curiosity. Sometimes they asked personal questions and often she would say, “That’s private,” and they respected that, because they learned to in their freedom lessons. Nora came to appreciate those more and more every day.
Today, little Franaj, Toby Hamee’s little sister, stuck around to ask questions. She asked, “Nora has baby? Like Jara and Ket have Franaj?”
Nora’s heart ached. Euclid whined and licked at her hand. “Sort of,” she managed to say. “My husband Peter has a son, Marco. He’s one of the Animorphs. He’s not really my baby, but my husband loves him, so I feel a sort of – connection.”
“Hearts family important like egg family,” said Franaj. “Kam say in freedom lessons.”
“Yes, of course. That’s right,” said Nora.
“Nora has baby Marco,” said Franaj.
Nora shook her head. “Not really. Your sister Toby – she has parents, your parents Jara and Ket, but she’s not their baby.”
“Yes,” said Franaj. “Toby is grown up.”
The way she heard Marco and the others talk, Toby was born in this valley only a couple of years ago. She was far too young to be grown up. But then again, Marco was far too young to be grown up, and he was nearly sixteen.
“Sixteen in a few days, right?” Euclid said quietly. He was right. What were they going to do to mark his birthday in a place like this? She’d have to talk to Peter about it. 
“Right,” Nora said. “Toby is a grown up. So is Marco, but their parents can still worry about them too.”
Nora did worry about Marco, but he would have hated to hear that, if she had ever said it out loud.
It wasn’t much of a birthday party. Nora might have forgotten about it completely if it weren’t for Melissa, who kept track of the dates in a notebook of hers. The rest of them didn’t exactly have calendars or computers or contact with the outside world, so how would they know? Certainly Marco himself didn’t seem to know it was his birthday.
Nora tried to bring it up with Peter. He’d been busy, spending hours away from the valley. At first he didn’t want to talk about what he was doing. Finally, he admitted, “I’ve been working on a Yeerk Pool.”
“You’ve been working on a what?” Nora said.
“Estrid has to test the virus before we use it. We’re going to have to – keep Yeerks. For her to test on,” he bit out.
Nora thought about that for a second. It wasn’t a nice thing to think about. “They’re our enemies,” Euclid said, as much to convince me as anyone else.
“Yeah,” said Peter, looking down at his hands. “Sure.”
“It’s Marco’s sixteenth birthday tomorrow,” Nora said. “Should we do something? I feel like we should.”
Peter laughed hollowly. “What could we possibly do? It’s not like he can take the day off.”
“We could give him something nice?”
“Bake a cake? We barely have enough supplies as it is, with all the morphers doing supply runs.”
“I can ask the children if they know about any berries we can pick.”
“All right,” said Peter. “I guess that’s the best we can do.”
“We’ll go berry-picking in the evening, then. When you’re done with... work.” Of course, Nora had work too, teaching children, but she figured she found it a lot more comforting than Peter found his.
Marco ended up having to leave early on his birthday to go to Sacramento – something to do with the governor. “Well, at least they're finally telling the authorities about all of it,” Nora said.
“Yeah. If Governor Hernandez is still, you know, free,” said Peter.
When Marco got back to the valley, late that same night, he was shaking with exhaustion. Nora and Peter decided they’d only be tormenting him more to make him go through with some kind of birthday ceremony, so they saved the berries for breakfast when he woke up. “Hey,” said Peter, putting the bowl in his hands as soon as he was awake enough to take it. “Happy sweet sixteen, Marco.”
Marco rolled his eyes. “Sweet sixteen is for girls, Dad,” he complained. But he ate the berries anyway.
Neither of them ever told him it was Nora who’d picked them.
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harveywritings92 · 5 years
Happy Death day to you. {Vergil’s Version}
It was raining heavily Y/n sniffled as she hugged her arms, Her wet h/c hair was matted to her face and her blue dress was soaked and stuck to her skin. 
She was just so angry she stormed out of Vergil's house without a jacket, 2 years they've been together! and not once has the white haired man ever told her he loved her or even hinted that he would want a future with her! 
Tonight was turning point it was their anniversary, Y/n had planned this dinner for months! they argued and..and he choose his job and another woman over her! She saw that blond in black corset and leather pants waiting outside looking smug..before driving off.
Y/n made her decision right then and there...Her and Vergil were through! She left her key to his house on the front steps she'd send for her things later so she wouldn't have to see him... 
The distraught woman sat in a bus shelter, her red and tired eyes scanned the schedule then looked both ways the streets were empty only the sound of the rain was there to keep the lonely woman company, Then there was a new sound Y/n's ears strained to focus on it...Footsteps. Her e/c looked out into the darkness through the rain she saw him. A man he scruffy looking was in a prison jumpsuit stained red.
She felt a chill go down her spine when she recalled the news about the escaped murderer, but she was sure they caught him. He looked up from where he was standing and smiled in way that was almost un-natural as he slowly took a step forward towards her... 
Y/n's survival instincts kicked in and she took off running with the man hot on her heels...She dared not look back as she turned into an alley only to be met by a brick wall! The last sensation Y/n felt was a large hand grabbing her shoulder...
A group of teenagers found what was left Y/n that morning...Soon the alley was closed off the crime scene was set up, When Dante opened his door that same morning he was confused to find two police officers standing on his front steps looking grim.
"Are you Vergil Sparda?"
"No I'm his brother Dante, is everything alright?"
"Sir, Do you know a Y/n S/n?"
"Yeah she's my brother's girlfriend... Why, is she in trouble?"
The two officer decided it was best if Vergil heard it from his brother then from strangers. "I sorry sir, She's dead...last night a dangerous convict had escaped.." The officers left as a lightheaded Dante walked over to his phone and called Vergil and Trish. 
["...left her alone on your anniversary, are you thick?!]" He heard the she-demon yell at his brother, Dante winced fuck it was Y/n & Verge's anniversary yesterday.. "What Dante?!" his brother snapped as his twin swallowed trying to breathe, Was he seriously doing this over the phone? Yes he was.
"Verg..You need to come home,now!" Dante said sternly as he brother began to protest as he and Trish were in the middle of a job. "Vergil! It's Y/n, something happened I'm sorry...She's gone." the younger twin's voice was getting hoarse, There was a few seconds of silence when a portal opened in the DMC's office as Vergil and Trish walked through it. the blond could already tell something horrible had happened the Dante's aura was listless and forlorn.
"Where is she? did she leave a note?" Vergil huffed assuming his brother meant Y/n had run off, He went to reach for the door Dante tried to stop him. last night the rain had covered up the smell of blood, now it had stopped...A harsh wind blew through the air and with it the scent blood...
Vergil knew whose blood it was, he smelled and tasted it enough times there was no mistaking it, It was Y/n's... That's how Vergil learned his girlfriend was the nineteenth victim of the Red Grave Slasher...And Vergil was going to get his revenge.
[one month later]
E/c eyes snapped opened before blinking a few times trying to adjusting to what little light there was in the room, Was she home? Had Vergil come back? Y/n winced as she lifted herself up her body felt sore, heavy and her head was killing her. the h/c girl's eyes had finally adjusted and she got a good look at the room she was in, this wasn't her apartment and it certainly wasn't Vergil's house!?
W-where was she?! she then looked under the sheet that was covering her...She was naked?! what happened last night?! she felt like she was hungover but...She didn't drink that much or maybe she did? the sound of foot steps snapped Y/n out of her freak-out, Y/n quickly flopped down and closed her eyes pretended to sleep as the door clicked open;
And a black haired man who definitely wasn't her boyfriend walked in stared at her for a few seconds rolled his eyes and went to the window pulled the curtains opened. as his back was turned Y/n slowly reached for the lamp on the nightstand planning to strike him with it and escape..."Y'know..." the man spoke up causing the h/c to freeze. "If you're going to pretend be asleep, don't make it so obvious." Y/n eyes snapped opened she sat up and saw the man staring right at her unimpressed as she hugged the sheet close.
"Where am I?!" She demanded voice wavering as the man studied her, before sighing "Your in my room above my shop Dead man's pawn." he said tiredly as he pushed away from the window and approached the bed.
 Y/n flinched as he reached into the nightstand drawer and toss an envelope on to her lap the h/c girl looked down at it bemused then look at the man. "What this supposed to be, hush money? After what you did I'll-" she hissed the man put his hand up to silence her.
"I didn't do anything to you, just look inside it'll tell you everything that's happened the last two months." Y/n eyes widened as soon as he said that. T-two months?! that can't be?! he had to be lying it couldn't be August...The guy was off his rocker! "My name is Henry by the way...now get cleaned up, dressed and meet me downstairs." Henry said walking towards the door "you have a busy day ahead of you." with that 'Henry' closed the door and Y/n was alone.
*what did he mean, Busy day?* a chill went down her spine as she thought about whatever he was planning. Then looked down at the envelope, swallowing she opened it and newspaper clippings and a folded letter fell out searching the clippings Y/n stomach churned as read the headline. "Red Grave Slasher claims Nineteenth Victim." how does this answer why she woke up in a stranger's bed? 
She read the article and Y/n felt like her stomach was full of sand as she saw her name and picture staring back at her, it must be a mistake or a trick! she reasoned as she read the details and felt more frantic before looking at the letter her hands were shaking as unfolded it praying she'll see Dante's handwriting saying :GoT'ChA  or something like that...But that all shattered when she looked at the paper in her hands...
I wasn't a letter, it was her death certificate. 
[twenty minutes later.]
Y/n came downstairs wearing a large hoodie, sweat pants and flip flops, Henry was waiting for her doing a Crossword looked up and sighed "Ok..You found the clothes I left. good now let's go." Y/n kept her distance and stared at him suspiciously. "what's going, who put you up to this?!" The [y/height] hissed obviously not believing she was dead, Henry grumbled something under his breath. "Look I'll explain once we get there." he said keep his aged eyes on her, making it clear that Y/n had know choice in the matter reluctantly followed after the lanky man.
"Where are we going?" 
"Someplace that’ll make you feel better.
"A where would that be?"
"Your grave Snow-pea."
Soon the two were at the cemetery gates Henry led Y/n through the graveyard passed a few rows before stopping Y/n eyes widened when she saw Vergil leaving flowers; immediately she tried to run to him only for Henry to hold her back. "Don't, he won't recognize you." her brows furrowed as turned to look back at Vergil only see him walking away with that blond woman he ditched her for...Y/n felt rage bubbling in her stomach as Henry dragged her over the grave Vergil left flowers on...
Soon her anger turned to melancholy as she saw her tombstone [Y/n L/n y/b/d/-2019 loved and missed dearly.] then the anger returned "Loved and missed..." she snorted Henry cocked a brow as her curiously "He sure got over me pretty quickly..." She mumbled bitterly as the light bulb went off in Henry's head "Y'know you really shouldn't assume things..."the tall man deadpanned as Y/n shot him a look "I'll start listening to you, when you tell me what the fucks going on." The man hummed before taking leading Y/n out of the cemetery and eventually to a fancy high-rise apartment building, They got into the elevator and were headed to the penthouse floor.
"You were suppose to have this speech months ago, but your soul was so shattered that it took it's sweet time pulling you back together." The black haired man began as Y/n brows furrowed as she listened intently."So, what? Am I ghost or something?" the the man snorted and muttered something under his breath "You're definitely something Snow-pea, but a ghost you are not." The h/c was beginning to get frustrated as Henry continued his explanation.
"See, you have selected since the day you were even a thought, the second Roy bumped in to you and extracted your soul from the ties that bounded you to the mortal plains...Y/n welcome the ranks of the grim reapers." He said happily as elevator door to reveal a bloody massacre there was blood and bodies littering the apartment causing Y/n gag and throw up.
Except, something freaky happened instead of liquid this weird cloud of shimmering vapor came out Y/n's mouth causing the y/height girl to gawk at it, she curiously went to touch the cloud as it slowly faded away only to see her hand was spectral.. "Gah!?!" she yelped showing Henry who clicked his tongue at her.
"Don't worry that'll go away once we some food in to ya." He pulling the pale girl into the bloody apartment. "please tell me we're not here to raid their fridge." she said to sick to eat at the moment trying not to touch anything as Henry started looking around and smile when he found what he wanted.
"Naw-naw of course not...We're robbing it!" he said indifferently Y/n relaxed until she registered what he said; then heard a loud crash looked in the dinning room and saw Henry in the wine cabinet pulling out bottles and reading the labels.
"Are you insane?!" she shrieked as Henry waved her "They're not using it anymore, where do you think most of my wares come from?" before Y/n could convey her disdain at Henry's behavior a woman's voice cut in.
"Sorry Henry, but I called dibs. so everything here is mine.~" ??? purred as Y/n whirled around to see a beautiful woman wavy red hair wearing a dark green cocktail dress with a sports bag slung over her shoulder stuffed to overcapacity with what Y/n assumed to be clothes, jewelry and other belongings of whoever these people were.
"Cod dammit Megan! can I at least keep the wine?" Henry pleaded as Y/n between him and "Meg" who's gray eyes widened when she noticed the newbie. "Tell you what, you can have two...if I get Nineteen out those rags." she bargained as Henry sneered at the redhead "Five...I keep four of my choice and we split the fifth." the two stared each other as Meg caved.
"Deal...let's go Nineteen" Y/n awkwardly introduced herself as Henry sifted through the wine selections. a few minutes later the girls came back Meg had dress Y/n in a light-blue sundress, black stockings and light brown ankle boots. she still wore Henry's hoodie over it either due to low-self esteem or she was cold, whatever the reason she made it work.
"There, doesn't she look cute?" Meg ask as Henry look her over and just shrugged "meh... Anyway we gotta get going, we still have a few more stops today." Meg frowned at the shaggy haired man's indifference. "Well that was to be expected..You take of yourself Nineteen." The redhead chirped putting the h/c on the head as she grabbed another sports next to the exit and walked down the fire escape, She heard a zipper and Y/n saw Henry stuffing SIX bottles into a backpack before ushering the y/height girl towards the elevator.
"C'mon before she come back.."
"Wha..whoa! okay stop shoving!" Y/n yelped nearly tripping on a dead man's leg as Henry practically carried her to doors, cue the most awkward elevator ride ever. As Y/n and Henry waited for their floor the Reapling" as Meg called her had to ask.
"So...How did those people die?"
"Murder/Suicide. husband though the wife banging his best friend,...Turns his friend was gay, And his wife was just trying to help him come out to everyone."
Y/n felt bad for the wife and friend; killed without ever given a chance to explain...She wanted to ask if they were going to be reapers too? then the elevator came to a stop Y/n felt heart jump when she saw a familiar blue coat about to enter, she quickly threw her hood up  and kept her head down as a pair of familiar boots stepped on to the elevator stopping next to her. "Rough night?" Henry asked jokingly as Vergil rumbled in annoyance.
"Y'wanna talk about it." the h/c swallowed hard as the hunter coldly answered "I have no business with you." he hissed Y/n suddenly felt lightheaded as the elevator started up again, her breathing got shallower as tears started falling down her cheeks getting Vergil's attention. 
His hand suddenly moved like it was going for her hood, before Henry threw his arm over her shoulder and spoke up "Sorry about her, she had a bad night, can't handle liquor very well." he said as Vergil's hand lowered back to his side, “I see..” the white haired man hummed, Y/n relaxed as the elevator finally came to their floor. 
As the two reapers exited a large gust of wind blew causing Y/n's hood to fall off, her eyes traveled towards the closing doors just in time to meet Vergil's icy blue eyes she saw a flash of confusion slowly morph into recognition!!! She felt her mouth go dry and suddenly grabbed Henry's hand and took off running dragging the confused man behind her. 
Soon as they were far away from the apartments, the senior reaper got her to stop they finally did in-front of a Computer repair shop. "Why did you make us run ten fricken blocks?..I'm all for quick getaways, but damn!" Y/n didn't answer she pulled her hood back up frantically.
Then it click Henry sighed in frustration. "Is this because of your boyfriend? Look I told you before he won't recognize you." the black haired man huffed Y/n didn't seem too sold. So he brought her to the store front showing her the TV/Camera display that was pointed at the street "See? this is what we look like to the living." He the h/c nervously looked up at the screen to see a sickly looking girl who sort of resembled her, but the girl she was looking at had different [Skin tone, longer/shorter Darker/Lighter hair color, a dull not/your eye color.]
Y/n was stunned for a moment as she brought a hand up to the glass, her doppelganger did the same then she looked at a broken mirror and saw her normal appearance looking up at her before turning back to Henry "Who decides what we look like?" the black haired man shrugged along with his surfer dude looking doppelganger, the h/c girl felt a chill go down her spine as she remembered Vergil...
"Does this trick work on demons too?" She asked warily as Henry looked at her bemused. "Well demon aren't really human. So no, Why?" He asked as the temperature in the street suddenly plummeted causing the older reaper to pull his coat closer then he noticed, no wind so where chill coming from?
He saw Y/n looking across the street almost terrified he followed her gaze to see a dragon-like demon [SDT! Vergil.] it was huge and surrounded by blue flames that seem to freeze everything it touched...
"What did you say you boyfriend’s name was?" he said shivering as the demon got closer "V-Vergil Sparda." She stammered before Henry could react a blue flash obscured his sight and something large grabbed the stunned girl, when Henry could see again Y/n was gone... 
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keldae · 5 years
Drastic Measures -- Chapter 29
“Your brother told us part of what had happened to you,” Lana shook her head as they walked down the killik tunnel, leaving the rest of the new arrivals from Dantooine to scatter into the rest of the cell, “but the full story is even more insane.”
“Tell me about it,” Xaja muttered. “I’m considering switching career paths and becoming an author.”
Lana’s lips twitched in a smile. “You would have to market this as fictional, I'm afraid. No one would ever believe it to be true.”
“If I hadn't just lived it, I wouldn’t either.” Theron looked over at Xaja and lightly nudged her arm. “As co-star of your future bestseller, do I get royalties?”
Xaja laughed as she followed Lana around a curve in the tunnel, opening up to what seemed to be the main command hub of the base. “Naturally. Hopefully this story gets a happy ending.”
“We’ll do our best to make certain that happens,” Lana reassured the Jedi with a smile. “Keeping you alive and out of Arcann’s hands is our goal.”
“And pissing Arcann off with our continuous survival is my current objective in life.”
On Lana’s other side, the Zakuulan officer she had introduced as Koth Vortena grinned. “That’s a good objective to have. Assassin or not, you’re all right, Outlander.”
“I do my best,” Xaja smirked, deciding she liked Koth already. Her first instinct upon Lana introducing him as a Zakuulan defector was one of caution and worry, but within a few moments of meeting him, she and Theron both relaxed. She resisted the urge to ask what had driven him away from Zakuul. That could wait… for now.
Beside her, Theron lowly whistled as he looked around the base. “I knew there was a cell here, but I didn’t realize it was this expansive. This is all Thunder’s network?”
“To the best of my knowledge, most of it is.” Lana nodded in confirmation as she led them up the ramp of one of the larger command platforms. “We’re reconvening here to plan our next movements. Thunder still has assets across the galaxy, but they’re remaining in place for the time being.”
“Any thoughts as to those next steps?” Xaja asked as she flopped into a metal chair beside a table covered in datapads and flimsi pages. 
“Take stock of our losses from Dantooine; determine how many of us can still move freely without attracting a legion of bounty hunters; and then find a new location to serve as headquarters. Thunder has indicated that they want to increase the rebellion’s power base, which will mean more resources than we can accumulate by having several scattered little cells. Tatooine served as the last major base, but with your brother attacking the Star Fortress bunker there, the system’s now too dangerous for us to hide in.”
Xaja felt a little burst of pride that Korin, her renegade, responsibility-dodging brother, had led the strike team that landed such a successful hit on one of Zakuul’s most visible assets. Being an active leader in the rebellion might make a responsible adult out of Korin yet. “But between that hit, Theron and I dodging capture this long, and the loss of the Zakuulan forces on the ship on Dantooine…”
“He’s gotta be furious,” Theron finished with a grin, leaning against the table beside Xaja. The bond rippled with a feeling of smug satisfaction.
A grin pulled at Xaja’s mouth, only to fade at the thoughts of what could come of Arcann growing vindictive. “Is he taking it out on anyone else?” she asked. Stars, if he was anything like Darth Angral had been… 
“Not yet -- or at least, not as far as we know.” Koth sat down in another chair and scrubbed long fingers across his goatee. “Besides the attack on Dantooine, and reinforcements arriving as we were leaving Tatooine, nobody’s heard of another conflict recently. My crew -- they deserted with me when I left Zakuul —  they’re keeping an eye on things from a distance.”
“There are still Eternal Fleet ships stationed at Coruscant,” Lana added. “And after learning you had been on Dromund Kaas, Arcann sent some of his forces there to investigate. But with your brother having fled already and Acina having no idea about you being on the planet, the pressure has lessened there… from Zakuul, at any rate.”
“Last I’ve heard,” Sorand added as he walked up the ramp, having been held back by Shara and Corey for a few minutes. “The tensions between the Republic and the Empire are escalating. Saresh is calling you both traitors to the Republic — sorry about that — and claiming you’ve been working with me since the Revanite crisis. Which technically isn’t wrong…”
“The schutta ,” Xaja hissed as she felt Theron settle his hand on her arm. “She’s saying that publicly?”
“And kriffing over any chance you might have had of being able to disappear into the Republic,” Sorand muttered as he frowned down at a datapad in his hands. “From what I’m reading, it’s full-blown propaganda. She’s probably hoping for any loyal citizens who see either of you to turn you in as traitors.”
“Which gets Arcann off her neck,” Theron muttered. “The Empire?”
“While she might, in other circumstances, do so, Acina’s acting thoroughly insulted by the notion that she would ever have an allegiance with a Jedi.” Sorand rolled his eyes. “Besides naming me a traitor, and putting Lana and Dad about a step below me on the most-wanted list, she’s made a comeback at Saresh along the lines of calling her a slave-race coward who can’t admit she can’t find two high-profile war heroes-turned-traitors.”
Xaja winced at that. Theron’s own cringe echoed along the bond as he spoke up again. “Dare I ask what Saresh said in response to that?”
“Probably not,” Koth commented. “But if this keeps up, it’s going to turn into a galactic-stage catfight.”
“I’d find that more amusing if we weren’t stuck in the middle of it with Zakuul tearing the galaxy apart looking for us,” Xaja muttered.
“Both Saresh and Acina will be hesitant to go to open war,” Lana interjected with a frown. “With Commander Malcom walking away from the Republic, and Acina missing the two top assets in Sith Intelligence and one of the surviving Dark Council, they’re both strategically crippled. And that’s without mentioning how few Jedi remain, or how many soldiers from both sides have followed their chosen leaders into rebellion.”
“They just have their own fleets and militaries, and more resources to their names,” Koth grumbled. 
“But while they’re threatening each other with said fleets,” Sorand started, “this is the perfect time for the resistance to vanish. Considering we’re not sure how long Alderaan will be safe, I feel like we should find a new base soon. Arcann’s not going to greatly care about the Republic and Empire clawing at each other, not while he’s still looking for you two.” He nodded at Theron and Xaja. 
“There’s too many high-value targets here, and too many civilians who could be endangered by us,” Xaja muttered. “Worst case scenario, how long could the resistance keep running?”
“Perhaps another few years. But I’d rather not see it come to that.” Sorand hummed in thought. “The galaxy is vast enough that we should be able to find an unpopulated planet, or one with a low population. Perhaps Rakata Prime?”
“Force knows there shouldn’t be too many live Rakata left there after Revan bombarded the place,” Xaja said.
“Not Rakata, but there have been Republic historians exploring that world since the fall of the Revanites,” Theron spoke up. “Not to mention that it’s near to the Core.” And too close to Coruscant went unspoken.
“That one ice ball from hell -- Hoth, maybe?” Koth offered. “Distant Outer Rim, and nobody sane goes there.”
“Aside from both Imperial and Republic forces trying to raid the starship ruins, and pirates crawling all over the place. Rumour has it there’s a new Star Fortress being constructed in the Hoth system as well.” Lana frowned at her crossed arms, then looked up. “I don’t suppose there are any other abandoned Jedi planets like Tython to be reclaimed?”
“If Ahch-To or Ossus had been found, it would have been all over the Holonet by now,” Sorand mused, running a hand over his own scruff in thought. Xaja barely had time to be surprised by the fact that her brother seemingly was familiar with Jedi history, or to remind herself that his academic leanings and his insatiable curiosity about the Jedi would have pushed him to learn all he could about the near-mythical Jedi worlds. “Yavin is the only other system I can think of that might work, but it’s uncomfortably close to Imperial territory. It’s something we’ll need to think about while we plan our next moves. Maybe we can find an uninhabited moon somewhere.”
“Cipher Nine may also have contacts who can help us,” Lana suggested. 
“That wouldn’t surprise me. I swear my father knows at least half the galaxy, and there has to be a decent number that don’t want to shoot him… somewhere.” A grin flickered across Sorand’s face for a second. “When he gets in, I’ll talk to him, see if he has any suggestions.”
That was a reasonable strategy. Xaja was pretty sure Sorand wasn’t exaggerating the claim of how many people their father knew. And Force knew the old spy could be… persuasive. “When is he expected?”
“Within the next couple of days, I think.” Sorand straightened up from where he had been leaning against a console. “Anything else that anyone wants to discuss right now?”
Silence answered him for a moment before Koth shook his head. “I dunno, I think that got just about everything important. I’ll send a ping out to my crew on Asylum, see if they’ve got any leads for uninhabited planets they’ve found.”
“Thank you, Koth.” Lana stood up and gave Xaja and Theron a smile. “Corey’s been in contact with Mandalore; I had best check in with her latest updates. We’ll have a chance to catch up soon.” 
Theron nodded as the blonde Sith took her leave of the platform, then looked back at Koth. “So, former Zakuulan Navy, huh?”
“Yep. Captain and only decent pilot in my crew…”
Xaja looked away from the conversation, making eye contact with Sorand. He subtly nodded, indicating the far corner. She rose and fell into step with him as they stepped off the platform, leaving Theron and Koth to talk.
As soon as they were out of earshot, Sorand let the worried frown show on his face. “You said things wound up… complicated?” he softly asked, touching his forehead. “You feel… better, almost like normal.”
Xaja nodded. “The Dreamwalkers had been wiped out,” she quietly answered, and saw Sorand’s shoulders slump at the news. “There were other Voss healers who helped me as much as they could.”
“He’s still in my head.” Xaja shuddered as Sorand sighed in worried disappointment, raking a hand through his hair. “They think they’ve managed to suppress him for the time being.” She hesitated, worrying her lower lip for an instant. “You know that bond I had with Theron before…?”
Annya froze as her boot touched down on the duracrete floor of the Republic-friendly spaceport. Ignoring Jonas bumping into her back, she stretched out her focus, closing her eyes. She could pick up on Jakar Forseti’s nearby Force-signature as he landed the Balance of Justice, and could recognize a few Organa civilians whom she’d met on earlier visits. But right then, she didn’t care about that.
It was what she could sense a couple of kilometres distant that demanded her attention. Her brow furrowed slightly when she recognized her aunt’s presence — what the blazes is Aunt Mairen doing here? But that was quickly put to the side, to think about later. 
A slight nudge confirmed Xaja’s presence, and Annya grinned as her cousin reached back, just able to feel the other Jedi’s delighted surprise. She lightly pushed again, getting a read on her cousin’s well-being. The younger woman felt alright — no flares of pain, no lines of grief or rage. There was a strange darkness clouding part of her signature, and beside that, a small thread of light that Annya was pretty sure hadn’t been there before. But that was something to worry about later. Xaja wasn’t physically hurt, and if she wasn’t being consumed by grief, Agent Shan had to be here too.
She turned to face a confused-looking Jonas and gave him a delighted smile. “Xaja made it. She’s here. And I’m pretty sure Theron is too.”
Jonas’ eyes widened in relief as he let out a breath. “Good!” He nodded before his eyes narrowed dangerously. “Theron better be here. That asshole has a punch coming that he deserves.”
Xaja suddenly fell silent mid-sentence as a bright Force-signature she knew made itself known only a short distance away. Ignoring Sorand frowning in confusion, she reached out, and felt a familiar nudge pressing against her mind. Joy flooded through her as she recognized her cousin, a delight she could feel echoed in the Force.
She turned her attention back to the present as Doc made his way over to her and Sorand. “Annya’s here!” she exclaimed, turning to Doc with a happy smile.
“Annya? That cousin of yours on Corellia?” Doc grinned. “Hells, today’s full of good news, Red.”
Sorand blinked in surprise. “Wait — we have another cousin?”
“Yes! Annya is a Green Jedi who—” Another presence made itself known on the planet surface; the recognition of that presence sent shock flooding through Xaja’s veins, her words dying in her mouth again. Impossible! He was killed months before Zakuul hit… unless he…
Shock turned to confusion, then joy, then what could be best described as indignant fury. “I’m going to kill him,” Xaja hissed. She ignored Theron’s sudden confusion over their bond, or the slight hint of subtle, smug amusement from the new presence.
Doc frowned for a moment before his eyes widened knowingly, a grin appearing under the mustache. “Only one person would make you react like that, Red. Jakar isn’t dead after all?”
“Not yet, he’s not,” Xaja growled as she turned and began stalking toward the central hub of the hive, still inwardly debating if she was going to hug the Barsen’thor of the Jedi Order before strangling him.
Behind her, Doc took a step to follow, stopped by Sorand’s hand on his shoulder. “Not to interrupt,” the Sith slowly said, “but would you mind explaining what the Hells that was all about?”
“I’m relieved you’re all right,” Senya said as she walked through the killik tunnels with Satele, their bootsteps echoing in the cave. “From arriving here and realizing nobody else knew where you were…”
“I’m relieved to be alive too.” Satele smiled and offered Senya’s arm a squeeze. “I was pleased to hear you had made it here with no problems.”
“None to speak of,” agreed Senya. She gave Satele a sidelong look as they walked for a few paces further. “While I was here, I did not find a way to heal my children, but I did learn something about… about your son.”
Satele’s eyes were cautious when they looked back at Senya, but she did finally nod. “So you know who he is,” she finally said. It was a statement, not a question.
Senya nodded. “I hardly blame you for keeping that quiet.” 
“I am not convinced that he was planning an attack like what Arcann claims.” Satele pursed her lips as the two women rounded a corner in the tunnel, coming across a busy crowd. Apparently more rebels had just arrived. “I don’t know what he was doing there, but terrorism wasn’t on his agenda. It’s not his style.”
“It could be argued that freeing someone accused of regicide is terrorism,” Senya commented.
“I’m not sure that he would care in that respect.” Satele strained to look out over the crowd. “Not when he was…” She paused, a frown marring her features. “Watching him after Master Taerich was declared killed in action… I didn’t know if he would ever be happy again. He was devastated.”
Senya slowly nodded as she followed Satele’s gaze. Her eyes landed on a handsome young man in a bright red jacket, currently talking with Captain Vortena and Lord Beniko— Lana, as the Sith had insisted on being addressed. She knew his face well from studying the bulletins, but seeing him in person, she could see now how much he favoured his mother in terms of appearance. He certainly didn’t look like the type of person to orchestrate a plan to blow up an entire city, especially not when he smiled and his amber eyes softened. 
A commotion off to her right stole her attention. Turning away from Satele’s son, the Knight focused immediately on the girl who had reportedly murdered Valkorion. Senya’s first impression was of brightness — vivid red hair, a blazing, almost-familiar presence in the Force, and a delighted smile as she ran to embrace another redhaired woman in Jedi clothing who had entered the cavern. She certainly didn’t resemble a coldhearted assassin. If anything, her bright presence almost reminded her of Vaylin… or how Vaylin had been before she had been taken to Nathema. 
The former Knight of Zakuul sighed and dropped her gaze from the Jedi girl. “I can’t blame you for not telling me their names,” she quietly said, low enough that Satele had to strain to hear her. “I can hardly judge.” She took a shaky breath and looked at the former Grand Master, watching the Jedi’s eyes go wide with shock at her next words. “Not when my son is the one hunting them down.”
Fury raged through Arcann’s veins as he stalked back and forth in front of the Eternal Throne. The next person to deliver bad news to him was likely to be thrown off the walkway, run through with a lightsaber, or perhaps simply crushed to death with the Force.
The teams sent  to Tatooine turned up little more than exhaust fumes from the departed rebels. The inept Paladin had been far too slow to catch the resistance as they fled from the Fleet. For all that Arcann knew, Thunder themselves had been in that base, escaping before they could risk capture. Taking down the reputed coordinator of a sizable resistance group would be almost as great a boost to morale as capturing Taerich or Shan.
And that was another subject that enraged him. The few fragments of data collected from the ruins of the Dantooine outpost hinted that the two fugitives had been there; the former Jedi Grand Master had been confirmed by the presence of her personal ship. And yet, the Eternal Fleet patrol ship and its entire crew had been destroyed. He was still no closer to knowing who was responsible.
Had it been the Republic, coming to save their precious Jedi? The Empire, seeking Jedi playthings and not wanting to share? Imperius, or forces loyal to him, rushing to aid his Jedi sister and her people? Thunder’s forces? Arcann scowled behind his mask. There were too many options, too many variables, and not nearly enough answers.
“Brother.” Vaylin’s voice finally cut through the cloud of rage in Arcann’s mind. Judging from her tone, and her raised eyebrow and crossed arms, she had been trying to get his attention for some time now. “If you’re done stomping about for now?”
“There had better be an update,” Arcann growled as he stormed back up to the Throne, practically throwing himself into the seat. One eye glowered up at her. “What do you have?”
“Republic agents were seen on Dantooine, going through the ruins. Judging by the communications we were able to intercept, the poor idiots had no idea the outpost was even there.” Vaylin shrugged. “Clearly the Republic is even more inept than we thought, or it was a classified black-ops mission of sorts.”
The Republic, by all accounts, did have a few elite black ops teams who had survived the war and occupation. They had not been a priority of late, but Arcann filed that notion away for later consideration. His thoughts then lit on the one completely capable Republic commander he knew. “And Commander Malcom?”
“House Organa claims he’s been an honoured guest at their estate on Alderaan, this whole time. The spaceport records seem to support the claim.” Vaylin shrugged. “I suppose he really doesn’t care about his bastard son. Or he’s as stupid as the rest of the Republic and didn’t know about the Jedi outpost, or where Shan was last reported.”
That sounded like something Valkorion would have done, had he been in the same position as Malcom with the knowledge of where his offspring were. But if the Republic’s intelligence services hadn’t known about the Jedi hideout, perhaps the former Supreme Commander simply hadn’t known, either. “Has he been seen by any of our people?”
“He’s withdrawn into the castle after hearing about the raid.” Her voice was thick with contempt as she continued, “He’s reportedly in mourning .”
That was definitely not something Valkorion would have done. Arcann shrugged to himself. Malcom was clearly weak. “Anything else?”
“Still no news from the Empire regarding Imperius. But I do have one more little thing.” A smile pulled at Vaylin’s lips. “A diplomatic envoy from the Republic has contacted our diplomats, requesting parlay. Apparently the Senate believes that, since Satele Shan’s ship was on Dantooine and her body wasn’t, she was taken prisoner.” For a moment, the smile vanished in a frown. “Of course, this could be terribly awkward if news gets out that we don’t have her.”
“If news gets out,” Arcann said, grinning under his mask. This, he thought, could be a useful advantage. If Taerich and Shan had been on Dantooine, they had to know that the Grand Master wasn’t a captive. But the Senate didn’t need to know that, and it was doubtful Taerich or Shan would be in contact with the Chancellor. Then again, if the two fugitives hadn’t been on Dantooine at the time of the attack...
Yes… yes, he could use this.
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razorblade180 · 5 years
Lasting Embers pt21: Wariness of battle
*Blake still on the phone with Yang. Sun and Ilia are in the room.*
Sun:So, what’s the situation?
Yang:Nora got attacked in the Emerald Forest by what looked like to be at least fifteen cult members. They new when to get her, what time to take out Mercury and Emerald, and also knew about Tenzen despite them being out of the fight for so long.
Ilia:Are Mercury and Emerald okay? Those two aren’t the kind to just simply go down easily.
Yang:They were ambushed and said before they could really do anything they were overwhelmed by grimm. If it wasn’t for Tenzen then this story would have a pretty horrific story. He’s the only reason we even know about the attack; the only reason we made it in time.
Blake:Where is everyone now?
Yang:We’re all at my dad’s house recuperating. Emerald wounds were bad but not life threatening while Mercury is currently bedridden. He got pretty roughed up but he’ll pull through. Nora is up and active thanks to Jaune. Tenzen however, he’s unconscious. Things got dicey for him at the very end. I’m told he’ll be fine. Everyone should pull through.
Sun:Blake, this seems to be way too coordinated to be the acts of a dying cult. Whitley, Jacquelyn, now Nora. I hate to say it but-
Blake:We missed something huge; something detrimental.
Yang:I hate to ask but it would be really nice to have you here. Ruby’s is on edge about this and frankly so am I. Weiss already said she’ll head out as quick as possible.
Blake:As much as I would love to hop on a airship right now I can’t. The festival here is in honor of my return and I have to attend; honestly everyone knowing I’m back is gonna make everything from here on out difficult for me. I’ll show up first chance I get when it’s all over though. I’m technically not in power again yet.
Sun:That role is still on me miraculously. *making a call*
Ilia:Who are you calling?
Sun:All these attacks on families yet I’ve heard nothing from Neo in Argus. It has me concerned.
Yang:Don’t you mean “text?” Last time I checked she wasn’t really chatty.
Ilia:Oh she’s pretty chatty these days. Adam’s eye wasn’t the only thing the creation relic was used for. Neo can talk and next chance you get you should tell Mercury to roll up his pants. Seemed like a fair trade for working in our organization.
Yang:I can see why you were a team leader; you’ve been busy.
Sun:Just making the most of crappy situations.
*a hologram pops up with Neo standing there waving. There’s blood on her clothes*
Neo:Sup boss, I was just about to report in actually. The Arc family was attacked yesterday.
Blake:This just keeps getting worse...
Neo:Relax, everyone is fine. Adrian had a construction job and thought one of the buildings listed seemed a bit off. He notified me about it and sure enough 45 members using it as a place to hide until they captured everyone.
Sun:Why am I hearing about this only now!?
Neo:I’ve been busy being your top operative that’s why!
Ilia:You’re ranked number three; only behind myself and Adam because you’re a bit.....of a wild card.
Neo:Regardless, I’m arguably the best around; especially with assignments like these. My report is late because I moved the entire family to a safe place on the Atlas base then made an identical copy of their house for the cult to raid with my semblances. Shit like that takes time that can’t be wasted.
Yang:*shocked* 45 members? That’s extremely excessive and more than a few stragglers.
Neo:They were all basically fodder. The only reason for their numbers so high has to because either they wanted the family captured in one fell swoop, or they thought that would be enough to stop me. I guess they might’ve feared the military being close by too.
Sun:Where are the members now?
Neo:They walked into the decoy house only for it to be an abandoned building with me inside. All of them fought their hardest but ended up the same; tortured for information and killed. Now they’re buried deep under rubble because it “just so happened” that building was set for demolition and destroyed by Adrian. Simple as that.
Blake:You tortured and killed 45 people....
Neo:infiltration and information gathering is why I’m ranked so high. Not to mention I did it all alone. I’m a wild card for sure. I’m sort of a badass.
Sun:Focus Neo, what did you learn?
Neo:Nothing important; like I said they were fodder. Given orders by some boss they don’t even know the name of. I thought they were bluffing but annoyingly they were all just pawns. Not even an actual member here looked like they could lead for a second or even the grimm using type. Now someone like that might know something of use.
Ilia:What are chances any of your assailants are still alive Yang?
Yang:Surprisingly, exactly one. He lead the attack and Jaune wanted answers to. He isn’t saying anything though; he’s been trained real well or still in too much pain from his broken legs.
Neo:I bet I could get him to sing like a bird if I had a moment with him.
Yang:More than welcome to try. Frankly I’m tired of looking at the guy and I don’t have the stomach to do what you do.
Neo:Well you might have to because unless you ship him over here I can’t leave. The Arc family is safe for now but I don’t them alone.
Ilia:They won’t be, I’ll take your spot and you can go to Atlas to catch a ride with Weiss to Vale.
Sun:Are you really okay with that? You just got back.
Ilia:Eh, this is very important. Besides, festivals were never really my scene anyways. *smiles*
Blake:I guess it’s settled then. Let’s keep everything about this between us for now. That includes Adam; I don’t want him involved in this if I could help it.
Ilia:You’re the boss. Well, former boss. *leaves* I’ll pack my things and head out.
Neo:I’m gonna go clean up. Blood takes forever to get out. *hangs up*
Sun:Sigh, this sure kills the festive mood a bit. I’m gonna triple check all set ups and just make sure everything stays peaceful for tonight. *kisses Blake and leaves*
Yang:You want to keep Adam out the loop?
Blake:You can call me soft or sentimental but I don’t want him wondering around the world more than he needs to. His family really missed him.
Yang:I know how that goes. This whole thing is gonna blow over right....?
Blake:We can only be so lucky. Be safe alright?
Yang:You too Blake, I’ll call back later. *hangs up and starts walking through her childhood home*
Despite the countless years, things remain the same. From the scuffs on the wooden floor to the photos on the wall leading to her old room.
Yang:*slowly opens the door to peak in on Tenzen.*......
Tenzen:*laying in her old bed asleep. A purple bruise across his nose and on his left cheek. Bandages across his bare chest and slightly bruised ribs*
Yujin:*sitting by his bed on the floor. Placing the bracelet he gave her back into his hand and holding it tightly* I think you need jade dragon luck more than I do right now....
Jaune:*behind Yang* She’s not gonna leave his side until he wakes up you know? Hopefully it won’t take too long.
Yang:Can’t you help speed up the process a little? I mean the kid still has some pretty bad bruises.
Jaune:Tenzen’s semblance and mine don’t really compliment each other. I’ve done all I’ve can for now; natural rest is the best thing for him now.
Yang:How’s our special guest?
Jaune:See for yourself *gestures outside*
*Jericho tied against a tree as he’s propped up on the ground as the remaining friends and family of Yang rest outside*
Nora:*watching him like a hawk*......
Jericho:You know is this really necessary? *looks at his crippled legs* I couldn’t escape even if I wanted to. You worried I might almost kill you again.
Ren:Talk to her again and I’ll snap your neck.
Jericho:That would make you really bad at interrogation. I guess your mind has gotten weaker with your body.
*Before Ren gets the chance to walk over to him he’s stopped by Nora. Quelling his anger and preventing him from doing anything he’ll regret*
Jericho:Honestly both of you are a little disappointing. I thought huntsmen where supposed be honored by civilization and feared by villains. I don’t feel very afraid of-*cresent rose wraps around the tree as the blade presses against his neck*
Ruby:If you’re gonna talk then it better be about something valuable. Otherwise I’d recommend you keep quiet.
Jericho:So the Red Reaper finally speaks. I’ll admit that you are the only one that’s worth being afraid of around here. After all, you’re the only one here with nothing to lose. *smirks*
Ruby:*adds more pressure, cutting his neck slightly*
Jericho:Ooo did I strike a nerve?
Tai:Don’t let him get to you Ruby.
*Jaune and Yang finally come walking out the house. Jaune’s sword drawn and ready to strike*
Jericho:Someone looks a little-AH!!
Jaune:*stabbing his leg* I can understand a lot of things like attacking people who are actively going after you. But please explain why the hell I was just told my family was almost murdered?*digs the blade in*
Jericho:*grits teeth* Hehehe so I guess that means they screwed up the job. How *spits blood* unfortunate.
Jaune:Honestly what the hell is wrong with you bastards!? Why rope kids into this? Why go after distant relatives and people who don’t know anything about how the world really works.
Jericho:Aren’t you supposed to be the smart one? Can you truly not grasp the simple concept of our warfare? I know one of you probably gets it as clear as day. *looks at Raven*
Raven:....Sigh, it’s psychological and emotional torture. However, I’ve never known anybody to commit to that kind of tactic for over a decade.
Jericho:True but what choice do we have? You’re all too damn strong for your own good. No well we could move the way we want to when you people are at your best. So we use fear.
Ruby:*stares him down* No one here is afraid of scum like you.
Jericho:Mmmm such hate in those eyes. We aren’t trying to make you afraid of us my darling, you’re fear lies in living another day knowing things will never be the same.
Jericho:Does it haunt you often? Knowing tomorrow is another day without the intimate love you once had? The mentor’s warm embrace you grew up with ripped away from you? Are you even sure how they died?
Ruby:*eyes slightly soften as she takes a step back* What are you going on about.
Jericho:It’s a simple question I know you’ve had to talk about. I bet you like to think it was as painless as possible but that’s impossible to know. The screams of your late husband as he burned alive, or maybe it was quiet gasps as he crushed by the debris of your burning home.
Ruby:Shut up.....
Jericho:Did your Uncle put up a valiant fight and almost won? Not likely, he probably screamed as the grimm ripped him apart and dragged him into his flames! Both of them wishing you were there to save them. I bet silver eyes would’ve saved them!!!
Ruby:I SAID SHUT UP!!! *she drops to her knees crying and covering her ears*
Yang and Tai:Ruby!!! *rushes to her side*
Jericho:Oh she looked so dangerous just a few minutes ago and now look at her; far from her best.
Jericho:Loved ones, children, family, and friends. It doesn’t matter how strong you are when you have these ripped from you. Knowing that you’ll never see their face again eats away at a persons mind. Awake, asleep, everyday life, or on the battlefield of war. Even just a close call messes with people’s head. *looks at Ren* ever wonder how much your wife might blame herself for your condition? Seeing you in pain everyday thinking how she should’ve been better.
Nora:*stares at the ground clenching her fist* Someone shut him up already please.....?
Jaune:*walking over to him*
Jericho:Have a said too much? Hehehe I didn’t even get started on how this involves all of your kids.
*Everyone freezes in place for a moment*
Jericho:You do everything for them, including leave them. Believeing it’s the best option to stop people like me. Praying you don’t come back home to find them dead and not even by us. Ten years is a long time, any natural disaster could’ve happened. A simple car or mugger is all it takes and next thing you know is the person you fought ten years for died seven years ago. These plans all of you make are simply the works of people clinging on to what little hope they have. Stop us all you want; when the fighting is over you gotta live with what you lost until you die and-
Yang:*picks him up and slams him against a tree. Her eyes a deep blood red* You can stop spouting all of your crap now. You’ll have plenty of time to talk later when our friend gets the information we want out of you. Then all of us can finally move on from this nightmare!
Jericho:Are you *cough* sure you want to know how many of us are left? It could be 50 or it could be 500. Do you think you can take another indefinite journey; I wonder how your daughter would feel about her mom leaving again?
Yang:.....*drops him*
Jericho:HAHAHAHA! Oooo boy! If she doesn’t hate you now then she’s definitely going to after that! So much for coming home to loved ones; if you both live long enough to see each other that is!!! HAHAHAHA- *knocked out by a punch from Jaune*
Jaune:The moment he wakes up....knock him out again. I don’t wanna hear his voice for the rest of my life. *looks around at everyone*
Ren holds a crying Nora in his arms to comfort. Both of them obviously shaken by the man’s words. Raven proceeds to hug her daughter who’s eyes still haven’t calm down her body heaving out rage and fear of the future. Then there’s Ruby, wailing and trembling on the ground until she can barely breath. Tai holds back his tears as he holds his youngest daughter close to him. The sun is finally going down but nobody seems to care. It helps hide the pain on their face. So Jaune doesn’t say anything; he just walks back upstairs to Yujin.
Jaune:*peeks through the door*.....
Yujin:*Fast asleep and still clinging to Tenzen’s hand*Zzzzzz
Jaune:*picks her up and places her in bed* sleep tight*
Yujin:*barely awake* Dad? Hey, how is everyone doing?
Jaune:They’re....they are doing just fine. Gets some rest okay? *kisses her forehead*
Yujin:Alright dad; feel bad though. Not like I’ve been doing much. *yawns* at least.....it’s almost over....*passes out*
Jaune:........*tears well up as he leaves the room* Damnit *sniff* stay strong Jaune. You have to be the strong one right now. You have to keep things-*looks at his wedding ring*.......
*he slides down the wall and just sits on the floor*
Jaune:For crying out loud *tears finally start running down his face* she’s gonna leave again isn’t she?
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