#i will not believe Buck will let Eddie feel isolated
ranbling · 5 months
I do not believe Buck will not be there for Eddie (and Chris) no matter how much Eddie screws up with this whole Kim storyline.
Buck and Eddie will always be there for each other no matter what
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emilybahu · 6 months
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Ok, seriously…
Buck looks so dejected!
Like I know his feelings aren’t going to be completely rational, because obviously just because Eddie makes a new friend doesn’t mean he’s leaving Buck behind.
But in this picture he looks so sad and betrayed, like someone who was left out of a hang out with their friends then sees everyone having fun without them.
I think I see why the episode is called “Buck, Bothered and Bewildered” now.
He’s bothered that Eddie is finding a new friend in Tommy. Buck’s also bothered by the fact that it’s possibly happening quickly as it did with he and Eddie, because he believes perhaps this is a special part of their friendship. He doesn’t like feeling abandoned (obviously no one does, but we all know Buck has abandonment issues), and it’s bothering him, perhaps because he feels like he’ll sound ridiculous if he shares this with Eddie.
He’s bewildered by his feelings through this, and he’s maybe confused by why his feelings about Eddie and Tommy becoming friends are so intense. Like Buck probably rationally knows that Eddie is allowed to have friends outside him and the 118. However, its hard sometimes to control how you feel. And it seems that Buck is feeling extremely jealous of Tommy and insecure because he feels as if no one really wants him around and that they’ll all eventually leave him (a very unfortunate part of his childhood trauma). In reality though the 118 and Eddie especially will likely never leave him!
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Then there’s these pictures…
Clearly Buck has been isolating himself from Eddie because something happens between them and Buck feels like he’s put a rift between them. They’re usually very open with each other, so when Buck is bottling up his feelings, rather than talking with Eddie about it he starts pushing away.
Nonetheless, Eddie comes to the loft, probably because he could tell that Buck’s been feeling off. He knocks some sense into that hard head of Buck’s, and lets him know that no one could take Buck’s place in his life. They have a really deep and honest conversation about how important they are to one another and how much they value each other’s friendship.
Maybe they even share a beautiful, grounding hug and maybe the end of this conversation we’ll get the “I love you to the core” line that we all desperately want to hear Eddie say to Buck.
Whether or not there’s a realization of romantic feelings we know that this scene likely solidifies how deeply Buck and Eddie care about each other, and how much they love each other (platonically or otherwise).
Sorry this is so long, my brain finally came up with the words I was looking for to describe what I think about what may happen next week!
Thanks for reading this through if you got to the end! 😁🩷
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lemotmo · 4 months
Episode 7x10 - some thoughts and observations
All right, I’ve just seen episode 7x10. Here are some of my thoughts about it:
Let me just start with this:
It was an okay episode, but it didn’t feel like a finale at all. I have to admit that I expected to be blown away by the Bobby, Hen and Eddie storylines. I expected to be emotionally devastated by their plight, but that never happened. The episode is over now and I’m just ‘meh’ about it. I’m going to say it… it felt just as lackluster as the season 6 finale. In fact, there were some parts of the season 6 finale I liked better than this one. And that is saying a lot.
Here are some of my observations:
1. Bobby’s storyline was strange. He had a major cardiac arrest and 3 days later he just wakes up as if nothing had happened. Even weirder, a day later he is just walking around his burnt out house as if nothing had happened? He seemed healthier than before. I know it’s only a show, but they couldn’t have just shown us him recovering in hospital?
2. What was Athena doing playing vigilante? How is it that she is still on the police force? She just went over to a man’s house and threatened to kill him because she ‘suspected’ he tried to kill her husband. She should be under investigation or something. But because she saved Amir, it’s all okay suddenly?
3. I loved Eddie’s storyline the most. I actually didn’t mind his parents at all. I’m glad they stepped in. Both Eddie and Chris need time. I expected something like that was going to happen. They were kind about it and I do believe them when they said that Chris asked to come stay with them for a while.
The scenes between Buck and Eddie in the beginning and the scenes between Buck and Chris, Eddie and Chris at the end were the very best of the episode. These scenes made me feel ‘something real’. I cried so hard when Chris left. Give Ryan all the awards please!
The Buddie of it all was beautiful. I love how Buck is always there for Eddie and how he gets him through and through. The fact that he was there when Chris left was incredible. I expect to see more of their deep connection in season 8.
I think season 8 will be perfect for Buddie’s bond to grow even deeper. Eddie will be alone, he’ll feel isolated, but Buck will certainly be there for him. It was all there in that last scene between Buck and Eddie at the firehouse. The way Buck is always looking at Eddie, trying to see how he is feeling, trying to be there for him. I love this connection they have. It feels real and true.
4. Which leads me to that very strange Buck and Tommy scene. The lack of chemistry is still there, that really hasn't changed. This was supposed to be a cute date, but there is 'nothing' there. Lou’s acting is just not ‘it’. I’m sorry to the people who like him, but he simply isn’t a very good actor. Oliver did what he could to save that scene, but ultimately it didn't convince me and I highly doubt this will convince the general audience.
It's one of those scenes that just gets lost in between all the other scenes, because it doesn't have substance and it was edited in at the wrong moment during the episode. It's easily forgotten. It doesn't do anything to actively make me care or even 'want' to care about this relationship. I think some part of this is intentional though. They want to make us feel uneasy about this relationship, without making it too obvious why.
We saw Buck looking at Tommy and I could see how he still has that crush on him. He still can see nothing wrong with Tommy. It's the early phase of a relationship where everything the other person does is so great, until you get to know them ever better. I do expect his view on Tommy to change in season 8.
They talked about Bobby as Buck’s father figure and Tommy’s absent father, which was okay I guess. When Tommy mentioned Gerrard and how he influenced him in a bad way, I saw it coming from a mile away that Gerrard was going to be back at the end of the episode. That line was there to foreshadow that event. Also, they were trying to make Tommy a bit more sympathetic maybe? I don’t know, it kinda fell flat for me.
But then… what the hell was that last line? Were they really hinting at some kind of daddy kink? I mean, what? At this point the show is playing into the weird almost sexual obsession some people have with Tommy/Lou and Tommy and Buck’s relationship. They have kissed twice and don’t even hold hands, but Tommy talks about daddy kinks?
Thank God it is still obvious that this relationship isn’t going to last and that Tommy is very much ‘plot devicing’. I couldn't handle any more wooden interactions like this. Tommy is the older gay man who is going to teach Buck a thing or two, just like Oliver said in his interviews.
The show didn’t try to deepen the relationship emotionally, they just made it seem like a very sexual relationship. I’m starting to wonder if it will turn out that Buck’s heart will be broken by Tommy, because all Tommy’s really looking for is a sexual relationship. At this point he doesn’t seem to be interested in Buck on a more personal level. While Buck was lovingly gazing at him, he just sat there, not giving us anything. I don't know... Buck just seems more into it, that's all.
5. The Mara storyline was, again, so strange. Hen just walked into that group home? She keeps on breaking the rules. If she keeps on breaking the rules, she’ll never get Mara back. I don’t understand her reasoning.
And then Chim and Madney ending up fostering Mara? I mean, what? Becoming foster parents is a very lengthy process. You have to follow classes for this. They don’t just give kids willy-nilly to someone who asks for it. That would be so unprofessional and wrong. How on Earth was this allowed???
Don’t get me wrong, it’s sweet that they want to do this, but it not realistic at all. But, after all the previous points I made, I should probably give up on realism for this show. What a mess.
6. The ending scene was just another mindfuck! Bobby resigned, had his house burnt down, died and miraculously woke up again without any debilitating health conditions in two weeks??? And he just walked into the firehouse, in uniform, expecting to be acting captain again WITHOUT speaking to the Chief and telling him he had reconsidered? Did he think he could just walk in and be captain again without any repercussions?
In conclusion:
I’m sorry, but this episode was a mess, not really worthy of a season finale. Season 7 started out really good, but gradually started slipping in quality. The penultimate episode 7X09 was waaay better than 7x10.
Thank God for Eddie Diaz and his narrative. Without him I wouldn’t have anything to look forward to this hiatus. Eddie has really set himself up there as my favourite character. He already was, but this episode only confirms it even more. Next comes Buck. Oliver comes alive when he is acting with Ryan. Their chemistry is electrifying. So yes, I will live off and feed off those great Buddie scenes we got during hiatus and hope that Tim will pick up some of the slack in season 8. He will have more episodes to work with in 8, so he will have more time to unpack some storylines.
At this point Eddie, Chris and Buck are the only storyline I look forward to seeing more off in season 8. I’m wondering about the Buddie timeline and how they’re going to handle that. Because I’m still convinced we’re going there. Season 7 was too much on the nose with all the Eddie coming in between BT scenes. Something is cooking and I’m highly interested in seeing how it will all unfold.
I’m glad the hiatus is here though. I needed a break from the highs and lows this fandom brings along. It has been an exhausting couple of months.
All right guys, lay it on me! This is only my opinion. If you loved the episode, great! Make sure to let me know what it was you liked. If you share my opinion, then how? Are there any observations I missed?
I still love this show and I always will, don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I'm looking forward to a hiatus filled with speculation, theorising and great fan fiction.
911 has some amazing episodes that really ‘deliver’, but this was just not one of them. We’ve been here before. It’s nothing new. Onwards to a better season 8!!!
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buddiedaydreamer911 · 3 months
i’ve been thinking.
**this is just purely based off stuff i’ve read these past few days. i don’t have direct quotes. so i could be wrong but this is just a general idea of what im trying to point out lol **
ryan said that eddie’s gonna feel isolated from everyone, but also has said that buck is always there for eddie to lean on. obviously season eight were going to see how eddie handles being so far away from christopher with little to no contact. and judging how this is all thanks to eddie’s mistakes and can only blame himself, it’s understandable why he’s going to try to isolate.
but we all know buck, buck would never let eddie rot away to nothing while christopher’s away. i believe buck will either be there constantly for eddie, or find a way to move in for the summer to make sure eddie is taking care of himself.
this reminds me of the hardware store scene in season six between eddie and bobby. remember how eddie asked bobby how he and athena made it work? and how bobby’s response was that athena was there for him when he was going through a hard time??
i think this season eight arc is going to be a parallel for buddie vs bathena. i don’t necessarily think buddie will become canon in season eight. maybe the finale or the start of nine, but i think we are going to get to see buck be there for eddie, the way athena was there for bobby (although most of that was off camera.)
we’ve seen so many buddie vs bathena parallels so far. you can’t convince me now that this isn’t the road heading straight to buddie canon.
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bellafarella · 5 months
Some thoughts on this new storyline with Eddie (spoilers for 7.07):
I think that an impending mental breakdown is in store for Eddie. We know that eventually he and Marisol will breakup since he has not stop fantasizing about his dead wife Shannon and they have absolutely zero chemistry, he’s already made multiple comments about leaving this woman. And the fact that he’s apparently going to start getting to know a woman who looks like said dead wife.
Eddie has not processed losing his wife in the years that she died. He says that he loved being married to her but everything we saw of their marriage was awful. He even said he only married her because of the church. They both left each other during hard times, they fought a lot, and when she returned she asked for a divorce before she ended up dying.
Eddie is romanticizing his life with Shannon because he has not processed her death and definitely feels guilty. He feels guilty for leaving her for the army, he feels guilty that they fought a lot. He feels guilty that since she died he has not been able to find a stable and good relationship—a new mother for Chris—which is what I think we will see him finally realize before the end of this season, and I’m hoping it comes from Chris telling him that he had a mom and doesn’t need another one.
This whole storyline of him about to cheat with a woman who looks like his dead wife is completely fucking unhinged and that’s all I need to know to tell me that Eddie’s life is about to implode. He cannot bring this woman around christopher without completely triggering and traumatizing him, he cannot tell people he’s cheating on his girlfriend with his dead wife’s doppelgänger.
I think that with these interviews Ryan had where he’s said that Eddie has not moved on from Shannon and he’s going to be feeling isolated and that Eddie will be starting this new lifestyle by the end of the season. I see this as Eddie having a full on mental breakdown (similar to s5 in his bedroom) which will lead to him realizing he needs to let Shannon go and this idealized/romanticized version of their marriage go because none of it is accurate, it’s all delusion and imagination. This in turn could possibly lead to him figuring out who he is (“a new lifestyle and discovering uncharted waters”) aka gay awakening (and feelings realization for Buck especially if they still go the route of injuring one of them like in s4 to help them discover their feelings for one another) then because Ryan said Eddie will isolate himself I believe that if he realizes his feelings for Buck he would isolate himself from Buck—and everyone else —(divorce era 2.0) because he won’t know what to do with it.
This entire unhinged storyline is a win in my eyes to further the gay agenda for Eddie and buddie canon.
We know that s8 will have more episodes so more room to play with where they can really show us Eddie’s arc and how buddie will become canon.
It looks to me that the rest of s7 will focus heavily on Bobby as well as Eddie, and we know that the main thing connecting these two is their religion. I don’t think it’s coincidental to have the latter half of this season focused on them.
There was also the comment about it smelling like smoke in Buck’s apartment and if they actually do what I think they might (burn Bucks loft) then it’s possible that maybe Buck gets injured again by the end of the season and it really makes Eddie realize his feelings for him which could make for quite a cliffhanger before the next season begins.
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exhuastedpigeon · 5 months
also ryan is very particular about the phrasing he uses in interviews i feel which makes me believe even more that itd be self imposed isolation over anything if he’s “feeling” isolated. and even so at least in my experience i’ve felt isolated in the throes of mental health issues when i actually very well couldve reached out to a friend or family member for help
Mmm yes this. In my worst depressive episodes I always isolate myself even though I KNOW rationally that isn’t helping.
Also, feeling isolated can mean so many things. Maybe Eddie’s single again and feeling isolated as the only single one. Maybe he doesn’t want to drag Buck into his mess since he doesn’t feel like he deserves help cleaning this one up.
There are so many reasons he could feel isolated and most of them are because he won’t let people in. This is a pattern for Eddie that we’ve seen over and over. He didn’t when he enlisted after Shannon got pregnant. He did it in s3 with the fight club. He did it in s5 when he left the 118.
Eddie isolates himself and usually there’s someone there to try to make him feel less alone - he just doesn’t usually let them in voluntarily, he lets them in when he’s smashed all the windows and is sitting among the wreckage.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 5 months
I am trying not to get into the drama building in the fandom about what is or isn't going to happen in the aftermath of the whole Kim/Shannon/Eddie/Marisol mess, but I will say this Ryan said Eddie feels is isolated in s8 but he doesn't say the Buck or the rest of the team have upright abandoned him.
Eddie has a habit of not seeking out help. Shannon dies, he nearly loses Buck (3 times) and Christopher, and he joins a fight club. He also calls Buck exhausting because he wants Buck hurting as much as he is.
Eddie wants to return to firefighting, but Bobby tells him he is not ready and Eddie lashes out.
So remember, it is in character for Eddie not to want help because he believes he shouldn't need it, that as a man, he is just supposed to bury those feelings down and move on.
Eddie has never had the chance to grieve Shannon. He lost her, and then he nearly lost Buck, then he almost lost Buck again, and the third time, he almost lost Buck he almost lost Christopher.
Eddie has never let himself deal with those emotions because he was taught not to. He told his dad he was going to be a better father than Ramon had not only for Christopher but for himself.
It wasn't going to be a magical fix, so yes, Eddie has to work out the truth about what his relationship really was like with Shannon. He is going to break and shatter, but that doesn't mean he is a bad person or unfit father(trust me, I know) but it also doesn't mean he is going to be alone it will be up to when he accepts the hands offered to him.
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spaceprincessem · 2 years
soft prompt sunday
i know this is supposed to be seven sentence sunday, but i haven’t started any new fics yet (hoping to start a new wip tomorrow!) so i figured i would do a lil something different and post one of the soft prompts since @mumucow and i haven challenged each other to do one weekly. 
thanks to @spotsandsocks @alyxmastershipper and @shortsighted-owl for the tag 🥰😘 have some tsunami feels on this fine sunday
3. “Just…hold my hand?”
“You know,” Eddie says quietly, gently, stepping next to Buck, the corner of his mouth turned up slightly, “you don’t have to do this.”
Buck blows out a slow breath, the tightness in his chest growing stronger the longer he stands right on the edge of the waterline. His bare feet sink into the wet sand, but he’s still right out of reach of the thin film of white that crests at the tip of the water. The air is heavy with salt, but the day is cool as the sun starts to set in the horizon. The sunset is gorgeous; streaks of red, orange, and yellow painted with swatches of soft pink illuminate the sky. He’s made it to this exact spot several times before, each one almost erupting in some form of a near panic attack that keeps him in the driver’s side of the Jeep well past the dip of the sun and the dotting of stars in an indigo sky. 
It seems stupid, really, how much the water still terrifies him. How he still wakes up in the middle of the night, clutching his chest; his lungs drenched and drowning. How Christopher’s name dies off in a scream and his heart bottoms out in his stomach at the memory of Eddie’s face when he told his best friend that he lost his son. 
“Yes I do,” Buck manages through gritted teeth.
He needs to face his fears, maybe then he can actually get a decent night’s sleep. It was either this or roll beneath the firetruck and the thought alone of the last one had him heaving into his bathroom sink. 
“Okay,” Eddie murmurs, still a steady presence by his side.
Buck relaxes a little when Eddie presses in next to him, a line of heat where their shoulders meet. Buck’s always felt like it’s him against the world (the universe really) and that sentiment only seemed to grow and fester like a poisoned weed in his brain when he isolated himself from the team during the lawsuit. He’s used to doing things on his own, never really needed anyone to get by. Wanted, most definitely, but not needed. It was a lesson he learned the hard way all of his childhood.
But now, with Eddie beside him, and the promise of a dinner out at one of their favorite restaurants to celebrate Hen’s birthday, Buck doesn’t feel so alone. The loneliness ebbs and flows like the waves in front of him. Sometimes it’s calm and aching and sometimes it’s tumultuous and crashing. But Buck survived. For better or worse he survived and he saved Christopher and countless others even when he doesn’t always believe it. 
So he owes it to himself, he thinks, to try. Maybe then he’ll start to feel like he deserves to have people like Christopher and Eddie and the 118 in his life.
“Just…hold my hand?” Buck asks, hoping it doesn’t sound as pathetic as it feels.
Eddie’s face breaks into a warm smile, eyes a beautiful brown in the dying light of the sun. He reaches in the space between them, tangling their fingers together. Buck tries not to think about how their hands fit perfectly together, like they were made that way. 
“Okay,” Buck exhales, “okay.”
He takes a step forward and Eddie follows. The water is cold, and Buck fights the full body flinch, knowing he isn’t very successful. Eddie sweeps his thumb over Buck’s skin and it’s enough to keep him moving. He stops when the water hits his knees, the impact of the waves not hard enough to throw him off balance, but enough to know that if he gets any further he might start hyperventilating.
“Not too bad?” Eddie asks, tilting his head to catch Buck’s gaze.
“No,” Buck hums, squeezing Eddie’s hand, “not too bad at all.”
They watch the sun slowly sink below the horizon and Eddie never lets go of his hand until they’re back at the Jeep.
sorry i feel lazy and i feel like everyone has been tagged so feel free to share something!!!
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911-on-abc · 4 months
I’d also like to point out that Eddie is a very big self isolating type of person. We saw it in his breakdown during season 5 as he withdrew from everyone more and more. Especially Buck, who was say increasingly worried about him. So when Ryan says Eddie’s gonna feel alone then it can and probably is of his own self making.
I honestly think we will be getting a similar situation to that season 5 self withdrawn, this time where if Chris is in fact going to Texas for the summer, Eddie is going to sprial and withdraw making himself feel isolated when in reality he’s got people that want to and attempting to be there for him (read mostly and definitely Buck)
Because while Buck would never abandon Eddie, neither would the 118 but just like season 5 they are all also extremely preoccupied with other issues,
season 5 saw Bathena busy with the Hudson stuff and Harry stuff,
Madney was the PPD/Boston plot,
Henren was the Jonah and I believe Hens mother stuff.
Buck was while being pulled in multiple directions with Maddie and Eddie, primarily in the position to focus his worry on Eddie despite him isolating though. 
And now here we are in similar territory in season 7 Bathena the fire and Bobby’s heart attack,
Henren the custody battle/the councilwoman
Madney it seems they might be getting drawn into the Henren situation?
And then Buck, once again pulled in multiple directions, Bobby and Eddie, but again primarily in the position to focus on Eddie despite him possessing isolating himself again.
yes!!!!! yes!!!!! I completely agree!!! I literally cannot say it better myself. I thought the same thing about season 5 and I agree that we are in similar territory. I think you are completely right about Eddie isolating himself vs. people leaving him. I guess I wrote about the latter because that has been a lot of the spec I've been seeing and I obviously disagree with it.
So back to the original question about what could happen to make eddie feel like he has no one to run to... hmm... I don't think that Buck would leave Eddie, as I already wrote, but it might be the being pulled in multiple directions that you talked about. I really don't know. The stills show Ramon, Helena, and Buck all at Eddie's house, so it seems like they are there helping him and it doesn't seem like Eddie is running away from them.
WAIT WAIT WAIT I just had this thought. We all assume that Ryan was talking about the headspace that Eddie would be in after the affair, but maybe he was referring to the headspace Eddie would be in during it. I mean, we see Eddie keeping the Kim situation to himself. Eddie only talked to Buck after Buck pressed him on it, and we still see him be evasive and try to deny what was going on. Feeling like he couldn't talk to anyone about, well, his feelings allowed this situation to spiral, but I think that Buck helped break the seal. This is evidenced by how he came clean to Kim and their weird fake-shannon roleplay thing (tim minear explain yourself!!!)
I hope now Eddie allows himself to reach out to people in Episode 10. It's going to be hard. I don't see his relationship with Marisol surviving, but maybe S7 will end on a happier note for Eddie than we all assumed.
Thank you for the ask anon! Let me know what think! Do you agree? Disagree? I'm curious!!
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ranbling · 5 months
By the way if Buck needs to take custody of Chris, it won't be a happy, nice situation and certainly won't be a situation where Buck will be in a relationship.
I do not believe Eddie will get to such a bad place mentally that he needs to go in-patient or won't be able to take care of Chris. (if Chris finds out about Kim, he might go to Buck, but it would be the same situation as with Ana. He goes to Buck, talks to him and has a talk with Eddie who is y'know his dad). I think his isolation will be a mental one, he will be the one who chooses to keep his distance, but the 118 will not shun him.
But let's imagine the worst case scenario: Eddie has a breakdown so bad he'll have to go in in-patient or he gets an injury that would require long-term hospital stay, so he's alone most of the day and obviously Buck is the one who takes care of Chris.
In both scenarios, Chris would be worried, scared and angry at the same time. He'd lash out towards Buck (or anyone) and all his fears and trauma about Eddie leaving him behind would come up to the surface. He obviously knows Eddie is not leaving him on purpose, but he's not here and Chris is a 13-14 years old with extreme trauma.
If we follow the shows timeline, Eddie's breakdown or anything is happening in max. a month. So Buck and Tommy will have been together for like 1.5 months tops (I'm thinking less, 'cause I don't count the first date or the cafe date as getting together, and from the last episode they're not looking established, Buck mentioned him 0 times). Buck will give all his time and attention to Chris and he won't be willing to bring someone who might just leave into Chris's life in a situation like that. Even if Tommy is the best person in the world and willing to wait as long as he has to (which I doubt, but everyone can decide for himself), Buck will still break up with him. He knows how it feels to wait for something that might already be over and since he doesn't know when will everything go back to the way as it was, he'll let Tommy go. Or Tommy will break up with him 'cause he doesn't think Buck should be this involved and/or make this big of a decision without him.
Buck because he's Buck will also think it's his fault that he didn't see the signs that Eddie is in a bad place mentally.
If it's happen it's gonna be a messy and heartbreaking situation, not an opportunity to happily play house
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matan4il · 2 years
Down with a cold and rewatched the first half. So I sort of noticed something as we watched it in normal time. However just back to back it seemed more noticeable and curious if you noticed.
There really seemed to be an effort to isolate Buck outside of his Hen lifeline. The Hen lifeline did start last season also. I adore Hen and Buck so no complaints here.
But even on reflection like I get why Buck wasn't part of the Chim having sex with Maddie talk because no thank you, he's her brother. But they actually did it a few more times through out the season. Him not being with the main group then arriving late to something.
No talks with Maddie or Eddie in regards to his inner struggles. In turn we have yet to see Eddie and Maddie really react to him.
I'm positive it's because it's gonna play put in a rewarding way in the second half but just curious if my cold brain is making it up.
Hi lovely Nonnie! Thank you for the ask! I hope you're feeling better by the time you see this! *hugs*
Oh, that's interesting. I hadn't thought of looking back to s5 through that prism. I guess, Buck didn't feel that isolated to me at the time, because a big chunk of his time was dedicated to Taylor, which is natural, but she's disconnected from his gang to a great degree, so that had an effect of keeping him a bit more apart from the team than in previous seasons, without feeling very obvious, I guess. Plus, he was there for Eddie, which already means he was connected, it's just that the support there for obvious reasons went to a great degree one way . That being said, he wasn't without support. Hen was there for him in 511, Maddie was as well, after she returned, and a healing Eddie was able to be there for Buck in 518, too. Plus the team wasn't very... together, what with Eddie and Chim each being away for a part of the season. That can also be a part of why the dynamic is different than in previous seasons, so something feels like it's missing, but it's not immediately clear that Buck is isolated.
If I'm trying to get to a bottom line, I think 6a shows a continuation of the story structure that we got in the previous season, of keeping people apart in order to bring them back together, so yes, the beginning of Buck being more apart is there, but not quite like what we had this season, because the stakes always have to be higher if you go through a second cycle of the same story structure. And I do believe, like you, it is all in the service of getting us to that same cathartic coming back together at the end, which we got in the very last shot of 518. Let's hope that if the pulling apart is more intense this season, it means the re-joining will be as well! If Buddie in the s5 finale were fixing Eddie's walls and Buck's ability to break up with Taylor, just imagine what we might get in 6b...
Thank you and have a great day! As always, here's my ask tag. xoxox
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deluweil · 3 years
I wholeheartedly believe, that Eddie’s mental state will take a turn to the better, after he talks to Buck/break down (and our hearts in the process) in front of Buck.
History shows exactly that.
The Santa's village talk:
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And we cannot ignore the kitchen talk:
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That was followed by that:
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And ended with Eddie feeling more settled in the end of the episode:
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There's also fools:
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That ended with this:
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And recently:
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That ended with Eddie breaking up with his gf who he was miserable with:
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(Sorry, i need a minute. He just looks so good in that shirt 👀)
And last but not least, was a fraction of a moment, where Eddie was on the verge of a panic attack and Buck stepped in and gave him an anchor to hold onto until the whole crisis was over:
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I've hit my limit on gifs per post. But the point is, that Eddie stopped talking to Buck about the big things, concerning himself. And for once, because they both suffered that specific trauma of the shooting together, Buck let him get away with it.
Either out of guilt, fear, shame, overprotectiveness, an overwhelming sense of not knowing how to fix this one or just the fact that he himself is in pieces and not sure how to reassemble them both together without losing it completely or all of the above, Buck didn't push. And Eddie continued to isolate himself to a point where Christopher’s own fears, rage, and helplessness were enough to knock Eddie completely off for a loop that his defense mechanism wasn't equipped to handle.
Personally I wondered why Buck wasn't there when they were decorating for Christmas, I also wondered why that specific conversation of Christopher's fears was done with Carla.
Because Buck didn't know anything about it beyond the nightmares, and I'm thinking that Eddie, while not wanting to face his own trauma, is also trying to shield Buck from the mess that is his life, not wanting to add to what Buck is already going through and not wanting to reawaken the trauma that plagues Eddie, because they were both there, and both are very aware of that.
Historically, Eddie doesn't do well without Buck, and even though this time it's of Eddie's own doing, Eddie will still spiral until his rock, sounding board, anchor call it what you will, grabs a hold of him and grounds him again.
Buck will have to push, again, like only he can, and I am so here for that.
Wow this was longer than I planned it to be, if you made it this far. Thank you!!
Happy Wednesday my loves!! ❤
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littlespoonevan · 3 years
atm the only thing I want the most is buck to break up with taylor,,,I don't kno why but their relationship makes me claustrophobic, it feels suffocating..I liked Taylor's character when she was first introduced because she was kinda reminding me of buck and I loved all the cockiness she was radiating it was hot,,but they just don't work together...like??? The relationship they have feels forced I can't just stand it anymore!!!! I genuinely believe they'd be such great frens??? i honestly don't know what the season will bring but I want a bucktaylor break up soooo bad let me breatheeeeee
yeah idk how to describe it but something about the direction they chose to write the relationship this season felt so Off??? idk if it's because it was so isolated from the rest of the characters (like taylor only interacts with them briefly in 5x10 and buck nEVER talks about her before 5x09 which is Huge contrast to abby)
and again, in comparison to abby, i have has No Idea how buck feels about this relationship pretty much at any stage of the season season bc he's!!! not!!! talking!!! about it!!!! and their dynamic is notably different to the one they'd established in s4. it's just- a bit draining to watch tbh??????
the fact that it hasn't been mentioned basically at all in all the bts stuff (besides the huge wrench comment) has also made me lowkey forget it's even still a thing, to the point that i legit only remembered it again the other day lmao. so yeah, idk what they're gonna do going forward but given how much they'll have to make up for lost time with madney and the fact we know eddie's getting a big storyline, i'd be surprised if it's dragged out for too long
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reqvlvs · 3 years
I wondered what you thought about Eddie's trauma and the way he deals with it, which always felt close to home due to his unhealthy coping mechanisms (anger management, etc.), do you feel like it's nearly suicidal (at least during the street fighting) or is it something else? (Always thought there was too much guilt for it to be only control-)
I thought when I first saw the scene between Eddie and Bobby, when they finally talk, that they should put an emphasis on the control part, like- It felt like it was downplayed (somewhat?), like they tried to make it only about his stoic facade when I think it could have been a nice way (narratively and development wise) to introduce more plainly his toxic relationship with his parents (his suffocating life and his insistance to not have Chris be with them and be trente-deux like he did). Because it could have opened the door on the stigma of power being a trait/need for men, an idea that could have been drilled by his father... (which they implied/not really talked about during his fights with Shannon)
Also, I read one of your rants, and that made me remember, one of the things I hate the most when reading Buddie fanfics is when they make Buck react about the Street Fighting by making him say stupid things like, did you think about Christopher, the people who love you, your job, ect, like he didn't have it in mind, like it doesn't contribute to his pain- When you're feeling down, or worse when you're depressed, you isolate yourself, you make it all about you because it's all you can see- Those people then try and teach a lesson when they're the ones who make depressed people feel like they are worthless- I just can't (it's not necessarly true to every single one of them but it's still too true)
Anyways :')
I'm trying to write this fanfic but can't seem to find motivation- Your posts were a really funny distraction! So thank you 💞💞
(PS: Castiel and Crowley were a fantastic duo that I would have loved to see together lol)
Hey! thank you so much for this and i will be more than happy to answer because i have a lot of opinions on this topic
First of all i wouldn't say his actions (regarding street fighting) were suicidal simply because of the fact that he had Chris and didn't want to let Chris down. however, i do think it has a lot to do with wanting to use the physical pain to distract from the emotional pain that he was dealing with. personally i believe he was raised in a household where it was drilled into him that men don't feel, and when they do they get over it, hence why we see him get back to work so quickly after Shannon's death. he wasn't raised with the mind set that what he was feeling was normal and something he didn't just have to get over. the ladder truck plus the tsunami ON TOP of shannon's death just made a whole mess of his emotions and the only one he really understood was his anger. his guilt he felt towards not saving shannon (or maybe the belief that he caused her death) and for buck and christopher during the tsunami manifested itself in this uncontrollable rage that he couldn't figure out how to let out.
in the talk with Bobby you come to realize how much they didn't really know about eddie regarding Shannon because he kept it mostly hidden. they didn't even find out until way after she died that she wanted a divorce. they assume control is the reason eddie is the way he is, because he's always the one in control of everything but frankly, he isn't and that's why he's so angry. even before, he wasn't in control when shannon left him. he wasn't in control regarding the way his and shannon's marriage (was going to, anyways) ended. he wasn't in control of the situation when buck was stuck under the truck. he wasn't in control when christopher was lost. he's always losing his grip on all these situations and he can't do anything about it and he's angry because he just wants to be able to control something in his life.
and honestly i think it does have a lot to do with his parents, again. he was raised (in my opinion) with the idea that he was the man, he was the husband, he was the father, he was the provider and he was to stay in control of everything around him. he tried to keep that for so long, he tried his hardest to be the one who dictated and handled situations and once he realized that he couldn't, he was angry. he felt disappointed in himself for not being what was expected of him. i think another part of his anger regarding his parents is the simple fact that his parents were constantly pointing out what he was doing wrong with christopher and showing him how he was a terrible father for "letting" his wife die after coming back into christopher's life. another way of proving the thought they drilled in his need for control all his life.
and you make an extremely valid point in regards to the street fighting thing!! they make it seem like eddie was unaware of the fact that buck and christopher and the 118 were there when he was more then aware of the fact that they were there, he just didn't want to hurt him. coming back to the control thing, maybe he felt like if he could just hold on to this one thing that he knew he had control of, it'd be fine, and soon enough he wouldn't he angry more and he'd stop. obviously that wasn't the case and frankly that's why i think he was so mad at Lena when he thought she told Bobby. he truly thought he had the handle on the situation, he got control of who did and didn't know, but suddenly someone else had that control and he was once again thrown off by the lose.
i know i went on about control even thought it wasn't the main focus, but i think there's a lot more to it than they were implying.
thank you so much!! im glad my posts helped and im super excited about your fic :))
(castiel and crowley are literally everything to me)
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ktinastrikesback · 3 years
Hey listen I can't stop thinking about them moving that universe poster. Did you notice how when Buck is talking to Chris, there's a bizarre shot where Chris is out of frame and Buck is super off-center, so the focal point IS the universe poster, and the camera slowly pans toward the poster and away from Buck? Just curious about your opinion bc that direction is just so weird to me what does it MEAN
Hi! I did notice that, and it honestly sticks out to me whenever I rewatch that scene because it's such a strange shot. It wouldn't be as jarring if we got a similarly composed shot of Chris right after, but there isn't one, so this really does stand out.
I have no way of knowing what the director's intentions were, but seeing Buck isolated like that feels like a visual cue to how alone he feels in the moment. The shot comes just after Chris asks if Eddie will be okay, and at this point, Buck really doesn't know if he will be. He's assuring Chris that Eddie is tough and that he's a fighter, and we can kind of assume that he's trying to reassure himself of this as well. Also, yes you are right, the camera does pan ever so slightly so that the universe poster is centered. It's not instantly noticeable, but it's a movement that does kind of breathe life into the shot and make it feel like there's something else there with Chris and Buck. We already know (the show firmly believes it too) that the universe is ever-present and working its wonders in these characters' lives. Perhaps the decision to center focus on the universe poster, isolate Buck, and utilize this slight movement is to hint that the universe is playing a role in this situation. But of course, we'll likely never know why these choices were made...🤷🏻‍♀️ I love reading more into shots like this though, and LOVE the universe theory, so thanks for letting me ramble :)
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cinematicnomad · 3 years
Hey, i just read your fic and i loved it so much!
Eddie's characterisation is fantastic and there's just a very real, raw vulnerability to this introspection that i really enjoy!
Also, every time i see you answering questions about your works i get the feeling that you put a tremendous amount of thought into your writing, into both the general plot and the tiny details that make a fic special, and that's incredibly admirable! And it definitely pays off, too.
ummm hello this made my morning 🥺🥺🥺
i definitely try my best to make sure the characters feel true to canon? i wrote a quick outline for this fic friday afternoon and then figured that if i didn't get it down i'd lose the idea or the motivation, so i just started writing and it poured out of me. and then i was worried that if i didn't finish it friday night i would never finish OR i wouldn't have time to edit and post it before the premiere. i wrote the fic between like, 4PM friday until 5AM saturday morning, and then asked @woodchoc-magnum and @crazyassmurdererwall to read over the fic and give me their feedback. then i spent all day saturday editing and tweaking and sending new drafts to the both of them.
one thing i was worried about with the draft was that the ending felt a little rushed for me when writing (probably because...again, i was writing it while i was delirious from lack of sleep at like 4AM lol), so i had to go back and expand on the taylor scene and the confession scene and then i added in that scene of eddie alone in the bunk room. like i care about the progression of time to be believable? and so when putting together the outline, the first instinct is like "yes! panic attack! break up! buck shows up and then everything's great!!" and then i have to resist that and go, "okay but no, eddie wouldn't be ready for that, there needs to be more time, so how do we reintroduce buck into the narrative while still giving eddie time to work through everything" etc etc.
i'm so glad you liked the fic! like, it makes me beyond THRILLED bc i'm p sure this fic isn't going to interest many people, lol. it's v buck-light at the start which was intentional: eddie's basically isolating himself and refusing to acknowledge that he needs help and avoiding the person who knows him best, so buck is just sort of in the background for the first half of the fic (almost exactly, the fic is about 16k and buck shows up to make pancakes around the 7.6k mark), but i get that like....for a buddie fic to have v little buck and be pretty ana-heavy at the start, some people are gonna x out of the fic. NOT TO MENTION it's a speculation fic posted the day before canon provides us with all the answers sooooo i won't really be surprised when the algorithm buries this fic.
anyway, my point is i'm just really grateful to you and anyone else who takes the time to leave kudos, comment, or send an ask my way to let me know that you read and enjoyed my work <33
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