#i will probably make a better post about this but it's 1am and i do not want flashbacks tonight
arsen1cs4ng0 · 11 months
hey. huge hug for everyone who was traumatised by the chip fandom. y'all fucking deserve a big hug and i hope all of you are doing okay now. care about you guys 💙💙💙
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I'm going to do the reblog thing cause I'm bored and should probably do half of this shit anyway:
50 notes and I'll drink 500ml of water everyday (I'm lucky if I have a sip usually)
100 notes and I'll clean my house
200 notes and I'll go out of my house everyday
300 notes and I'll try to wear my glasses more
400 notes and I'll start taking my meds again (probably should do that anyway but it's fine)
500 notes and I'll get a therapist
600 notes and I'll try to eat everyday
700 notes and I'll start journalling again
800 notes and I'll go to bed before 1am
900 notes and I won't cry for a week
1k notes and I'll tell my brother I'm dating his best friend (I swear this better flop or I'm going to die)
1.1k notes and I'll make more of these
Doing more since it made it
1.2k notes and I'll tell my friends my eating disorder is back
1.4k notes and I'll tell my bf I love him (I do but I'm not good with talking about feelings)
1.6k notes and I'll post one of my songs on here (their kinda bad so you probably don't want this)
1.8k notes and I'll talk to my brother again (don't want to cause I'm mad at him)
2k notes and I'll talk to my step-mum for the first time after my dad's death (which was when I was 12 so was 10 years ago)
2.1k notes and I'll make more
Red=will start soon
Yellow=in progress
I swear to god you little shits making me do things.
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gallaghersgal · 10 months
𝐢 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 || 𝐥𝐢𝐩 𝐠𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐠𝐡𝐞𝐫
pairing: lip gallagher x fem!reader
summary: just lip being a cute bf + debbie and ian being little shits
warnings: lowercase on purpose. poorly written tbh. swearing but y’all know how it is. heavily unedited. gen said yolo so i’m posting
A/N: i’ve been on hiatus for god knows how long but my roommate and i started watching shameless and i can’t get this mfer out of my head. things w school and life are hard rn so i just wrote this comfy cozy little thing in my notes app. yolo asf.
wordcount: probably like 500 or less idk i wrote it in my notes app at 1am
— — — — — — — — — — —
you’re nestled in lip’s arms, high up on his rickety top bunk. somewhere between finishing your nails and kissing until you could barely breathe, you had fallen asleep right against his chest.
you stirred now, your cozy world interrupted a squeaky little voice. “are you in love with her?” debbie questions.
lip shushes his sister, “be quiet, she’s sleeping.”
you were wide awake now, but much too comfortable to move and make that little fact known. plus, you wanted to hear his answer.
“i asked you a question dummy. are you in love with her?”
lip stutters, “i-i dunno. i really like her, okay?”
you’re satisfied with that answer. “in love” was a little too much too quick. but “really like” was something that made you feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
“what d’ya like about her?” ian presses.
you can practically hear the gears turning in lip’s head as his siblings impatiently await a response.
“she’s- i dunno, she’s pretty?” lip replies. you hold back a scowl, annoyed at him for not having a better answer.
“yeah, great rack,” debbie comments.
“jesus, deb!” lip’s head falls back in frustration, one hand coming to cradle your head as not to wake you with the sudden motion.
“cut the shit lip,” ian interrupts. “tell us what you really think.”
you hold your breath as you wait for his response. his lips brush your hairline before he sighs. “she’s sweet, yeah? real kind.”
“a real woman of the people,” ian snorts, “princess diana type.” then “ow!” as you hear debbie shove him.
“and- and she’s real smart, too,” lip continues. “really, really fuckin’ smart. an’ she works hard. she just tires herself out sometimes.”
he strokes your hair gently, pressing a few more fleeting kisses to your forehead.
“you’re so whipped.”
you hear debbie shove her brother again, and this time ian fights back, the two making a ruckus as they push each other back and forth.
“come on guys, out. now.” lip orders his siblings around with that same stern voice you’ve heard plenty of times before.
debbie pouts. “but-“
“no buts. go on, she’s fuckin’ sleepin’ in here an’ you’re gonna wake her up. fuck off.”
“we were just-“
“fuck. off.”
“jesus,” you can practically hear ian roll his eyes. “alright, alright. we’re going.”
debbie yells for fiona as the two shuffle out of the room, not bothering to close the door behind them.
you smirk to yourself as lip groans above you, showing your cards. “you’re awake?”
you peer up at him through your lashes, a smirk planted on your lips that he’s just dying to kiss off. “can’t believe your little sister said i have a great rack,” you whisper.
lip laughs, loud and genuine. “yeah, she’s been stuffing fi’s old training bras. growin’ up an’ shit. i don’t like it.”
you’re quiet for a moment, admiring him. you know how important those kids are to him. he’d do just about anything for them, including the minor crimes you find him tangled up in on a weekly basis. he loves them like they’re his own kids, which honestly they kind of are. they may shove each other around, curse each other out, yell and scream at the top of their lungs, but at the end of the day lip has been more of a father to his siblings than frank ever was.
“you really meant all that?” you ask.
lip looks down at you, his blue eyes soft in the dim light. “yeah. yeah, i did. meant every word.”
you smile, leaning up to place a solid kiss on his lips. “for what it’s worth,” you murmur, “i really like you too.”
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yomipurge · 2 months
ITS DONE!!!!!!! finally after like two weeks of on and off work (and about 12 hour between today and yesterday) ive finished this !! i have so many feelings about these two but im going to save the ramble for under the cut.
this is set in a theoretical continuation post kh3 !
anyways <3 i love kingdom hearts yuri
ill keep this brief as it is 1am for me currently, a rough version of the designs can be found on my tumblr!
this isnt as polished as i would like and things definitely couldve flown better but i dont have any time really left to work on it sadly for a good while
the animatic is set in my own au version between kh3 and kh4, where after struggling to track down anyone from their past, lauriam and elrena learn about ventus and go to see him to try get a lead. things happen and eventually they decide to settle down in the land of depature as a tempoary base of operations.
i imagine lauriam ends up getting back into the swing of being a keyblade user a lot more easily than elrena has, who has a lot of conflicting feelings about having a heart again, which mades her very fustrated and struggling to reconnect with who she was, just kinda . conflicted on how safe being a nobody felt and how it clashes who she was in the age of fairy tales, and eventually it leads to her training with aqua and bonding with her over a number of things that happened to them both in the past
elrena does not know how to handle having anything other than shallow feelings for anyone without it sending her into an absolute crisis and as a result she ends up kinda lashing out several times especially because i imagine suddenly having a heart again after so long not having one feeling emotions would be overwhelming. also because i think her and lauriam are worsties and he likes teasing her. what else is there to do around these parts other than think about how ur sister and probably everyone u cared about before is dead
in this au there was some sort of romantic feelings between elrena and strelitiza, as well as um. an oc x canon ship because its my animatic and i get to control the cringe ! there is a whole lot more in my head to this but i really want to get around to writing a fic about it eventually.
idk. i would love asks abt this if anyone is curious to know more but i need to go to bed . i love aqualarx <3 i love crackship yuri <3 these guys are my ocs and most of this does not make sense without the rediculous amount of lore in my head for this au
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kimsohn · 9 months
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pairing . eric x gn! reader about . 2k words, fluff (suggestive) warnings . 16+ cause there is heavy making out at the end, drinking wine, mentions of murder but it's all jokes!!
synopsis . it takes one dinner and a late-night drive for you to fall in love with your fiancé all over again. note . the inspo for this fic was @sohnric's plot twist make-out scene (and this pic) i hope i did it justice 💗 i wrote this on a whim and am posting this at 1am so please excuse me for this monstrosity 😭 tysm @juyeonszn and @mars101 for cheering me on YUPP tagging . @stealanity @invuwrld @gfksn (+ bar)
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The background noise of the waiters shuffling around fades away as your two glasses clink together. Vivaldi’s Spring is playing in the background, a piece you’ve only heard once in a blue moon at an orchestra concert. Eric seems to have experienced differently, though, judging by the taps of his dress-shoe-covered foot beneath the table and the twinkle in his eyes.
“Cheers,” you whisper, giddy with excitement.
“Cheers, baby,” Eric whispers back, the corners of his mouth lifting in a grin.
The wine in your glass swishes as you take a tentative sip. It’s sweet and fruity, and you’ve already forgotten the name Eric rattled off to the waiter as if expensive drinks were second nature to him. They probably were second nature to the Sohn family, considering the elegance of this fancy restaurant, the outfit he bought that now adorns you, and the sparkling ring that sits on your finger.
You set the glass down next to you, already a little overwhelmed with the elegance of this atmosphere. You knew you married rich, but it never particularly occurred to you just how rich your fiancé is. In fact, you feel a little out of place sitting in a chair that costs half of your monthly paycheck and staring at a menu that you once never would’ve been able to. Despite already being engaged to the love of your life, you’re not sure you’ll ever find a way to fit into the intricate setting that the Sohns have grown up in.
“What’s wrong?” Eric asks, seeing the glimmer in your eyes dissipate with your overthinking.
He reaches across the table to take your hands in his, running his thumb over your ring. He traces the lines of it, following the swirl pattern as if he were seeing it for the first time. As if he didn’t spend hours agonizing over what design to gift you, so sure that you would reject him if it wasn’t up to your liking.
(You would’ve said yes even if he proposed to you with a lollipop.)
“I feel like I don’t belong here,” you admit, your head hanging low as the embarrassment clouds your features.
He intertwines his fingers with yours, lacing them tightly. Eric is all too knowing of the nagging thoughts in your brain, telling you you’re undeserving of the man in front of you and the wealth that comes along with it. However, you’ve hit the jackpot in the fact that Eric is always ready to argue back with the devil on your shoulder, even if it’s three in the morning and you’re delirious from sleep or if you’re a little bit too tipsy and crying in his lap. Eric, for lack of better words, is always there for you. Even now, as he holds your hands and stares into your eyes as if you’re the only person in the universe, he is here for you.
“I’m going to eat that little voice in your head so it goes away,” he responds a moment later with finality, extremely serious.
The statement is so absurd and unexpected that it has you giggling, and you grip Eric’s fingers tighter as you lean forward and can’t find it in you to stop. All your previous tension disappears when you look into Eric’s eyes, filled with mirth and kindness.
“You’re crazy,” you voice through laughter, reaching for the wine glass to calm your jumbling nerves.
Eric just shakes his head, unable to hold back a smile that reflects your current predicament.
“Crazy for you, babe. Now stop worrying your pretty little head and enjoy your food, okay?”
And enjoy the food you do. The three-course meal followed by dessert has you clutching your stomach after, full and bloated from the amount of delicious food you’ve consumed. You can’t even bring yourself to take a couple more bites of the black forest delicacy that sits on your plate, but luckily, you have the universe to thank for the takeout box that now rests in Eric’s left hand.
His other hand holds the car keys, and as he clicks the unlock button, the Orange Corvette lights up from across the parking garage. Its bright color is exactly reminiscent of the man standing next to you, exuberant and dashing. You felt like a little kid the first time he picked you up in his car, extremely impressed with the interior neon lights he showed off to you in the earlier stages of your relationship. Now, as his fiancé, the car is something comfortable to you, having seen it too many times to count by this point. 
He helps you into the front seat before getting in beside you, one hand on the steering wheel and the other resting on the back of your headrest as he backs the car out. You’ll never admit this to him, but the view of him looking back and inching the car out is devilishly handsome to you, and you have to fight the warmth that rises to your cheeks.
Once he repositions the vehicle and drives forward, the hand that’s behind you now moves to your thigh. The shiny watch on his wrist glints in the moonlight, and he absentmindedly draws circles on your clothed skin to the beat of the song. It doesn’t help that it’s an R&B track, so every movement of his finger is slow and torturous, and every trace ignites fire against the cloth. 
“Eric,” you start, watching as he pulls to a stop before the red light.
“Hm?” he responds, turning his head to face you.
You notice that he’s wearing a singular stud earring on his right ear. You can only pray that you’ll find some strength to survive the rest of this car ride because as soon as it’s over, you won’t let him see the light of day.
“How much longer?” you ask tentatively, like a little kid squirming in their seat.
He rolls his eyes, turning back to focus on the road. It doesn’t help though, because his side profile is just as alluring as his front.
“Couple more minutes, baby.”
True to his word, he exits the main road a few minutes later, driving up a dirt path unfamiliar to you. The road is slightly bumpy, and you’re a little tipsy from the wine so you shift around quite frequently, but Eric’s unwavering, strong grip on your thigh keeps you grounded. The more you stare at his hand, the more sexy you find his hand pressed against the silk you’re wearing.
You’re reconsidering your decision to spend the rest of your life with this ridiculously hot man when he pulls into a forest clearing.
“Are you going to murder me, Eric Sohn?” you tease as he parks the car, swiftly maneuvering the wheel.
You move to step out once he’s done, but he’s faster than you, and he opens the car door before you can even reach for the handle.
“If I wanted to murder you,” he says, holding your arm as you step out, “I would’ve already done so, my love.”
It’s your turn to roll your eyes, but you have little to be annoyed about as you survey your surroundings. The dark forest around you is a contrast to the vividness of the car, but nothing seems brighter than Eric’s smile at the moment and the twinkling stars around you.
Eric leads you to a clearing, his hand pressed against the small of your back. You peer over, fascinated at the realization that you can see the whole city from here. The twinkling lights of the bustling city below you are something of a dream, and as you look towards Eric, you can see the stars reflected in his eyes.
Minutes like these, where you’re not surrounded by extravagance, are when you truly feel your connection with Eric. Raw, unearthed, and simply pure, you feel like you’re stripped of all labels. You both are just insignificant specks in the universe, and he is truly just some guy to you in this moment, but you know wholeheartedly that this very guy is the one you truly love. You would never have it any other way.
The grin on Eric’s face is infectious as you face him with one of your own. You wrap your hands around the back of his neck, clasping them together as his arms find their way around your waist. 
“Found this place the other day,” he explains as if he could hear your thoughts, “I kinda regret not proposing to you here.”
“Don’t lie,” you mutter, knowing that he definitely does not regret whisking you away to his private condo in the mountains just to put a ring on your finger.
He laughs, pressing his forehead against yours. The cicadas chirp around you, and all is silent when he calms down except for your two breaths in unison. His gaze circulates from your eyes to your lips and then back to your eyes, and whatever triangle method he’s using is working because one second later, you lean in to press a sweet kiss to his lips.
He tastes like strawberries, and you smile against his lips remembering that you’d gifted him strawberry lip balm two days ago. Your man, your sexy, diligent man, following your orders to take care of his lips stirs butterflies in your stomach. The fact that you hold some kind of power over the Sohn family’s heir makes you feel a little dizzy, but your only response is to pull Eric closer and kiss him harder.
The sweetness of both the strawberry scent and the kiss fade as he presses back with just as fervor, adjusting his arms around you to pull you in tighter. The space between you feels unbearable, and despite the proximity between you two, the gap is still too big for your liking. You need him viscerally, every part of him on you as if the very concept of distance is poisonous and Eric is your antidote.
“Baby,” he whispers, pulling back with shallow breaths, “the car.”
You end up in the front seat of his car, the seat tilted backward and you in Eric’s lap. One of his knees holds you in place against your back, and his hands rest on your waist. The position is far too intimate that anyone walking by will know exactly what’s going on. Your kisses have turned heady, mirroring the darkness in his eyes and the way you clutch onto the front of his black shirt. You work on unbuttoning his shirt, but Eric distracts you with his tongue swiping across your lips and the way he softly bites when you protest. By some miracle, you finish moments later, and you run your hands down his skin. He shivers, and everything feels like pure electricity between you two the way his fingers press into your sides tighter. 
(It will bruise tomorrow, but you don’t care. You’ll simply shrug on a shirt and try to fight a blush as Eric stares at you from the bed shirtless, a knowing grin on his face.)
His kisses trail down your lips, your cheeks, and your neck, finally finding a home in your collarbone, biting and sucking as if it was his favorite pastime. It probably is, with the way he kisses down your shoulder and tugs the strap of clothing down.
Your fingers trace his collarbone, and you hold his head in your hands as he looks up at you. He’s needy and restless, but he’ll always listen to you when you have something to say.
You may be an insignificant speck in the world, but in Eric’s eyes, you’re the whole universe.
“I love you,” you whisper.
It’s all you have to say before he flips you around, pressing you into the dip of the seat as he slides your clothing down. The air conditioning of the car and the ambient music bring goosebumps to your now exposed skin, but Eric makes everything disappear by resuming his previous ministrations.
He looks into your eyes before pressing a kiss right above your heart. It beats against your chest, heavy, and Eric knows it’s only for him. It will always be only for him.
“I love you too,” he whispers back, smiling against your skin.
“Forever and always.”
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insidefernweh · 2 years
Well, hello.
A couple months ago one silly woman (me) decided that it’s time for creativity to take a hold of her and let something cool into this world.
And that’s how I decided to give birth to…a The Amazing Devil blanket. Or I might have dreamed it whilst being feverish. Who knows.
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It’s been three months of stitching, embroidering, sewing, unmaking the mistakes, cursing, saying ‘waahheeey’ at the end of the complete step, cursing again and enjoying the hell out of the process of something being made into the realness. 
It is literally the embodiment of me. I love it and hate it equally. It has got my favourite quotes from the songs. Yes, that’s me — your favourite girl with maelstrom of lyrics instead of a brain. It also has got some of my blood somewhere along the stitches (did i do it on purpose to please the fae gods aka Joey and Madeleine? you’ll never know. hashtag blood magic.) I wanted to get it done for the Ruin Appreciation Week (though it contains lyrics from all albums) so that was me last week because it was very FAR from being done:
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I’m posting the bigger picture + close ups of smaller details and songs’ lyrics. Please feel free to reach out if you want to see a better close up or just to pat me on the head.
I’m posting a video too. It’s silly so enjoey. (ha! see what I did here. that was a typing accident. it’s 1am now. forgive me my jokes.)
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warning: the video include some probably offensive actions to the professional seamstresses. i’m only a humble ignorant person who decided to sew for the first time in her life. i do hope you’ll like it.
references used:
the central embroidery: TAD’s old picture from some posters back in the love run era + some sage and forget-me-nots
top right and left bottom corners: pictures of joey and madeleine
songs: secret worlds, the calling, inkpot gods, drinking song for the socially anxious, chords, farewell wanderlust, not yet/love run (reprise), that unwanted animal, battle cries, elsa’s song, wild blue yonder
UPD: A few of you have been asking about the quotes I used on my blanket/quilt and why I chose them so here I am:
If you ask me for my fire, just watch me burn — you know what, I recently started to interpret this line in a positive way? It was a recent thing I understood about myself. I always thought I was good at working/doing things well in the long run, when you have to do it patiently and for years but in my journey of self-discovery I realized that in reality I’m much better as a sprinter — someone who does an incredible job while being under the vast amount of pressure and when you need to do it in a restricted period of time; I will give all of myself to this project/work, every bit of passion I have, every bit of patience. So yeah. If you ask me for my fire — just watch me burn. But then I’ll hibernate for a month. 
Can’t you hear it howling? — OKAY HANDS DOWN PROBABLY MY FAVOURITE LYRICS/MELODY SECTION FROM THE WHOLE RUIN ALBUM. Even not the part that is sung by Madeleine, but the back voices Joey’s harmonies sing in the final chorus at 4:28 and till the end. OOOOH WHY SO GOOD.
If I don’t make it back from where i’ve gone just know I loved you all along — this is such a beautiful closing of the song. also such a tormenting thought. i love it.
Such endless blue — I’ve always been drawn to the dark blue colours, especially when I paint. I always run out of the blue watercolour because contrary to this song, it’s not endless :D I’m manifesting an abyss of blue watercolour for myself here lol
You say the words so often but I barely know the meaning — okay so Elsa’ Song is primarily pretty heartbreaking right? The more heartbreaking part being that it is sung as a lullaby. Who didn’t have that moment when the meaning of the words you’re saying slips through your fingers just because you said them too often? Who didn’t have that sad awakening moment of losing trust in a person just because they always promised something and never did it?
After summers of fasting I feel hunger at last — I’ve been thinking about tattooing this quote for quite a while now. It reminds me of my depressive state which very often returned to me in summer and every time it slowly creeped away, I felt the hunger for life in the early autumn.  Every time felt like an eternity. 
Is nought but fumble-falls and guns and tumbleweeds, love, run — my favourite quote from the superior use of the English language that is that section in Love Run. I am in love with it. All the phonetic twirls makes me shiver sometimes.
Well, hello my hollow Holofernes — ALLITERATION SUPREMACY!!  
I’ll sing silence and ask my glass of wine for guidance — i love to sit at home alone and stare into my glass. it doesn’t answer though. what about it. and again — to sing silence? OXYMORONS GIVE ME THEM
Go tell me how we fucked you up and oh my god, it’s so unfair — ah. the hardship of parenting/teaching. I was there, I remember it all too well. 
Let’s us waltz for the dead — the oxymoronic style of this line IS JUST A CHEF’S KISS. WALTZ? VERY SOPHISTICATED THING? FOR THE DEAD? NOT THAT PLEASANT TYPE OF A THING? mister batey let me boop you affectionately on the nose you are so clever.
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dotmander · 1 year
How To Get Your Character Models Out Of A Game: Tips And Tricks For Bitches That Have Never Used Blender
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(it's me, i'm bitches)
(also ignore how messy that lighting is it's 1am and i should have been asleep hours ago. he's there for proof of concept 💕)
a couple people (specifically @forsaken-constellation and @ratasum) asked for a tutorial on how to rip models out of the game. this is not that, but it is a compilation of resources i used to learn about ripping, blender, and 3d modeling in general. i desperately wanted a post like this to exist when i was trying to figure this out, so here we go! all the resources below are completely free, with the exception of a link to the patreon of the person that created ninjaripper.
there are probably more efficient ways to do the things i am doing. i watched a tutorial to learn shortcuts and then skipped to character models. if you have tips to add, corrections to make, or other thoughts, please feel free to share! i'll link to your post here. ^^
i do not know if any of this will get your account banned. i've ripped several models, so i'm going to assume it's fine as long as you don't try to make money off of it. use your best judgment, be an adult, etc etc etc
last updated: june 30, 2024
ninjaripper 1.7.1 - there's a newer version on the creator's patreon, presumably with support for newer versions of blender and fewer bugs, but i haven't tried that
blender 2.79 - the import addon that comes with ninjaripper 1.7.1 is outdated for the current version of blender (3.5 as of this post), so 2.79 is needed to combine the .RIP files into a .BLEND (blender) file
noesis - ninjaripper saves your textures as .DDS files, noesis lets you view them and export them as .PNGs
blender 3.5 (optional?) - i just like it better than 2.79. if you're completely new it might not matter to you. all of the tutorials linked later are for later versions, though.
mixamo (optional) - rigs your character for you and lets you put them in Situations (like my guy above.) there's a whole library of free animations and poses you can try!
how to use ninjaripper - most of what you need to know about actually ripping the files and using ninjaripper is covered here. do not skip this one.
how to use blender 3.5 - full disclosure i haven't finished this series because it's uhhhh many hours long. but if you are a complete newbie to blender, i do recommend at least the first few videos; you'll learn about shortcuts that will make your life easier, how to unfuck your model when it fucks itself for no reason, and different terms that will help you google things you don't know later on. possibly he even covers some of the things i'm about to link! anyway.
what's a uv map?
how to apply textures
how to apply bump maps (note: for our purposes, you wouldn't add a color ramp node, you would add an image node with your bump map, and attach it to the bump node as the person does in the video)
there should be stuff here about weight painting, cloth physics, emission maps (makes your sylvari glow), and other stuff, but um. i haven't figured those out <3  
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TURN UP YOUR GRAPHICS BEFORE YOU RIP - if you don't, you might end up missing certain textures/glows/etc. HOWEVER, you should turn animations down, because apparently high animation can make your meshes misplace themselves
rip from the character select screen, rather than an instance, because you will have 100 meshes to sort through instead of 1400. i am not exaggerating either of those numbers. if you are new to blender, please love yourself and start with character select.
your textures will be fucked up the first time you try to apply them. this is because the UV maps (the things that tell your textures where to go) of your models are flipped upside down in relation to the texture image. you can flip them back over manually, ooooor you can just flip the entire texture file in something like CSP or photoshop.
for some reason all eyes are red in the texture files. i have not figured out why. i recommend editing the .PNG to have the correct eye color before applying the texture.
that's all i can think of for now - if you have other questions, feel free to shoot them my way, although i can't promise i'll have a straight answer ^^;;
mixamo only works for humanoid characters with tight clothing (or without clothing at all). if you try to use it to rig a charr or asura, or someone with a skirt or big sleeves, you will most likely be disappointed.
2024 edit: sometimes parts of hair meshes just...disappear. i have no idea why. if you can figure it out please let me know LMAO
information from bookahlogy about character proportions, fixing normals, and other fun tips
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Hi. Can I request something similar to the immortals outliving you? Could it be with the rest of the characters and us passing from other causes?
Their reactions to losing you
I wasnt sure if you wanted the immortals as well, so I added them in here as well!
This is all written in one go since tumblr doesnt let me save drafts for asks so I apologize for any spelling/grammar mistakes <\3 it's like 1am rn
CONTENT WARNINGS, idk what all needs a warning but I'd rather play it VERY safe:
M*rder revenge, almost all of them touch on it tbh, love me the revenge trope
D3ath, obviously
Grief and the general hurt that comes with it
In EJs case he sees your death first hand
Does violently slamming yourself around count as SH /genq, because if so that's vagued in EJs part as well
Maskys handles a hit and run but its vague
Masky also hints to a smoking addiction
Nonspecific illness in hoodies part
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I remember that I mentioned this for Slendermans part, but I had an idea that he already accepted that fact that you wouldn't last forever
But I don't remember if I mentioned/vagued the idea of how he'd react to you're life being forcibly cut short
Accepting the fact you'll eventually pass away does nothing when he finds out someone else was responsible for your sudden end
All that comes out is a cold rage, something that the creature hasn't experienced in a long time
Writing this, it makes me remember that clip from the first episode of castlevania where dracula appears in the fire in episode one, after they kill his wife
But instead of carelessly showing himself to the world in a fit of rage, he fiercely protects everything that you touched; his forest, your home, your grave, ect
But despite the rage he doesnt immediately take down the person who caused this
Nonono, he does what he does best; he chips away at the person's mind through stalking and paranoia, essentially tormenting them for.. god knows how long until he gets bored
When he does decide hes through with them he'll make sure their... death... is drawn out
Basically don't meddle in the life of a forest monster; he may be a very... passionate.. lover
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Incredibly similar to the other version of this post where he naturally outlives you
But if you pass unnaturally, he'd be even more torn up about it
His time with you was already going to be short to begin with, but it was cut down even shorter
Doesnt matter the cause; murder, illness, accident, ect.. he'll be just as broken up
There's no real significant changes; he still mourns and honors you the same way for the most part
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Laughing Jack;
It was an accident; one day you were there and the next, gone
He would stay in the house for a few days, not even knowing what was going on
At first he'd be worried and confused, before those feelings would deepen into something debilitating
He'd probably eventually find out through the news, after turning on the tv to pass the time and fill the silence
His worry immediately morphs into ice cold; he could feel his heart drop
He'd throw caution to the wind and try to track down whoever did he
He doesnt care if it was an accident, he wants justice and compensation
He follows a similar route as slenderman; the only thing is, is that jack lacks the patience to draw it out
After everything is said and done he's beside himself; avenging you didnt bring him back and it hardly made him feel better
He likely just. Goes back to what he was doing before he met you; drifting from house to house and causing havoc; but now he carries a melancholic aura
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Eyeless Jack;
Another story of revenge, but with a twist so his part isnt too similar to LJ and slenders
So I'll be using the idea I should've given slenderman (but I'm too stubborn to rewrite his part)
Like Slenderman, Jack is seen as a cryptid and thus, there are naturally going to be people trying to hunt him down. Especially considering before he was a cursed monster he was a normal dude who got caught up in a whole... thing... and who's body was obviously never found as it still walks
Jack is.. semi used to that; but one day he completely catches him off guard, and what's worse is that you were there when it happened
It was a group, too, usually they come in two; but there were more that day. If it were less Jack could have easily put a stop to it all
It escalated
You had tried to step in to help him, to buy him some time so he could run; but it all went wrong
I don't like going into detail about this kind of thing, so this will be up to interpretation
The whole thing flings him into a rage and he makes quick work of the remaining hunters, but it's all too late
Even if he wasn't, how could he help? He cant just leave the woods and dump you at a hospital... but he doesnt have the supplies to help you then and there... and even if he did you were both much too far away from the cabin
It just leaves him helplessly trying to stop the bleeding
He hardly ever leaves the woods after that; not even to eat
He's resorted to.. rather violently subduing the monstrous side of him that craves flesh
There's broken furniture everywhere
He blames himself
He should have had you stay in the cabin
He should have told you to run
He should have told you to hide
He should've...
The worst thing is that he begins to believe that it was his fault; afterall he let you out of his sight when he began fighting. Even worse, and perhaps stupidly, he believed this wouldn't have happened if he never met you
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He just sits there, quietly
Be it shock or something else he just sits there
But his mind is going a mile a minute to try to figure out what exactly happened to you
You were.. in a wreck, and the other person just. Fled.
As feral as I tend to write and interpret masky, he can be thorough when it comes to investigating
Though I'm torn in whether or not he'd actually be able to find the person; especially because I'm kinda. Dumb when it comes to crime stuff and I'm not about to do mental gymnastics on something I'm not confident in <\3
In terms of grief, he seems... lost...
I don't usually hc that Masky smokes; that's just a Tim thing
But I feel like the smoking would bleed into Masky and become a whole... issue.. whether or not Tim as his own person knows about you/was involved with you is up to interpretation; as I tend to write the proxies as a separate.. thing
Still trying to find the correct term
But yeah
Focusing back in on Masky, he's kinda just lost. Angry, definitely, but mostly just. Wandering through life
He doesn't want to forget you
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Similar to Masky he's quiet and lost
Similarly he would feel the urge to try to find out who took you away; but I feel we've had enough "S/o dies at the hands of someone else" for this post, so we'll do something else... and because I fear hoodies portion will be too similar to maskys
You got sick, to put it simply
It's.. odd..
He's well aware that you're deteriorating, and he's aware that time is running out
But he can't help but feel calm in your presence; its only when you're apart that he feels that dread, and its constant
Maybe it's the fact that when he's with you he can easily convince himself that, in that moment, you're alright
It hurts when it finally happens
Out of all the guys, he's probably the most normal(?) About the situation
He visits your grave, a lot of the time, leaves little gifts there
He doesn't talk much, but he probably talks to you
Likely keeps something on him to remember you, like a locket or something
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
m thinkin abt the “blunt vs flowery” language thing and…… in the year of our lord 2023, i don't even want to imagine how far back we'd have to go in genshins timeline until we see ‘hey shawty' written on a cave wall-
you try to be better about it, sometimes, using only the fanciest words and the most floral of tones, but all you ever succeed in doing is giving zhongli flashbacks to the archon war-
in the same vein: modern humor. would literally make them think "is this some sort of divine joke im too mortal to understand?" except even the archons need to cite sources on why a piece of bread falling over would be funny- maybe you slip sometimes, but you only ever get halfway through like “i’m neurodivergent and a minor” before you realize they don’t know what that means— “what if i had blue hair and pronouns” but they’re just sitting there like… doesn’t everybody have pronouns….? and kaeya has blue hair- are you implying he’s divine? what about chongyun?? xingqiu??????
anyway um. this is me bringing up my unfortunate (but very funny) habit of saying “i’ll boil you like soup” whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced and hoping it triggers Thoughts about the casual/slang threats we make and how they cope
sorry if this reads incoherently it’s 1am for me rn— also i’m debating becoming a regular anon here, are your applications open? 👉👈
SORRY IF I RAN U OFF BY NOT REPLYING QUICKLY!! BUT I’D LOVE TO HAVE LABELLED ANONS! I’ve already added some taken name I could see in my mailbox so check the pinned post and choose whatever isn’t taken! phrase or emoji, etc.! :)
this isnt super long bc ur stuff seemed chill on its own/idk what I could add! So I just focused on one aspect
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gif is literally everyone reacting to you trying to speak “flowery” like them lol
ALSO u guys probably dont remember bc I took so long but I’m still writing/going to post that Blunt Lang. AU Fanfic One-Shot! so here’s some quick headcanons ill add on ive got anon!!
No TWs/Content Warnings. SFW.
so this was gonna be chill but-
like anon said about even the archons having to pull out sources/cite your stuff to understand it, like finding really old tablets/scrolls/carved wall words 😭
u giving Zhongli a history lesson/brush up LMAO
If ur annoyed at them u just need to make more jokes, leave em scrambling for their pocket notes LOL
I like to think since you sound the OLDEST
that the ancient shit like Phanes/Four Shades/Seven Sovereigns are the closest in speech
(look theyre all alive and shit for my genshin, goddamit i still gotta tell u guys abt my genshin fill-in lore au)
and they’re closer to the “beginning of history” in teyvat so theyd get more references
theyd literally understand u the best and they like, all in the Abyss or like deep in Teyvat,
so u just casually strolling up to Azdaha’s place instead like
“How’s your day been Azhy?”
“Same as the days many before, my lord. How are thee?”
“Good enough, hey, why don’t I bring some food from my old world by that I’ve made for you to try out? Something new, y’know?”
camera pan left to see Zhongli looking up, then back down as he scribbles notes trying to better understand, Xiao has crossed his arms and is squinting, Ganyu is behind Zhongli and is trying to peek over his shoulder, Cloud Retainer and other adepti have like hidden nearby to overhear lol
“Please do not disturb your countenance my Wànsuìyé, the vernacular is pleasant to mine ears and sufficient for speech.”
“I shall, uh, try my best Zhongli, thought I know ye have- wait- thy have? Whatever, accepted it, I shall keep attempting to better match thee!”
He’s literally just → 😰😣💀
(flashback to at least 1 really ancient/old god he had to fight for his life against, they were the hardest battle he’s ever faced, and Azhdaha was helping him by that point too, so it wasn’t even like he won alone… rip zhongli got ptsd)
He keeps trying to subtly stop you from practicing it, he also desperately discourages others from helping you 😭
(Zhongli was about to be called Rex Lapis again when Venti was trying to get on his last nerve by constantly encouraging you to speak fancier, but in the incorrect way, at dinner with them one time)
Like that last content with them pretending not to kow each other but 5x the tension and Venti is fooling around even more so than usual lol
Safe Travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylazaa / @genshin-impacts-mee / @wholesomey-artistt / @thedevioussmirk
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nekoshinai · 10 months
“Are you hungry?”| Aether x male reader
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“Are you hungry?” || Aether x Male reader
(reuploaded because i privated it a while back, part 2 probably won’t be made but if i do ever get back into writing then maybe it will, who knows?)
Summary: You’re Lumine’s friend, and decided to have a sleepover at her place. After you you both went to sleep, you eventually wake up from hunger and go downstairs do something to eat. However you spot her brother, Aether.
Warnings: inappropriate use of ice cream and chocolate, a lot of kissing, getting caught, nsfw, definitely ooc, feminine looking reader, saliva
Pt 2??
a/n: I originally wrote this on 13th July… I was 16 and now I’m 17. I have put this off for so long i left school and I’m in college. Anyway, I’m not a huge of of this anymore, it definitely could have been wrote better. I actually didn’t finish it so let me know if you want it finished and I’ll post a part two.
For quite a while now, you’ve been coming over to hang out with Lumine over at her place and occasionally having sleepovers. Though, everytime you do come over her brother, Aether, kept stealing glances from you. Well that’s what you thought anyway. But you couldn’t be so sure.
——— ——— ——— ——— ———
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Right now, it’s the middle of the night around 1am and y/n just woken up from his deep slumber. He opens up his eyes slowly, adjusting to the dark room he is currently in. After his eyes had adjusted, y/n had sudden urges of hunger. So with a sigh he sat up and got out of bed or well sleeping bag I suppose then drags himself down the stairs and into their kitchen. He didn’t bother asking Lumine beforehand and he knew she wouldn’t mind, and because he didn’t want to disturb her while she’s sleeping so peacefully.
Once y/n arrived to the kitchen, he coincidentally saw Aether, his friends brother, getting himself a snack too.
“Hm?” Aether turns around after he notices a sudden presence behind him.
“Oh— you must be y/n! What are you doing up so late? Shouldn’t you be asleep?” Aether asks him, though his question was a bit hypocritical.
y/n looks at Aether softly, “oh, I’m just hungry.” he waves his hands in dismissal. Aether raises an eyebrow and tilts his head. “And you couldn’t just…go back to sleep?” Aether asked, a faint, teasing tone in his voice. “It’s pretty late.”
Y/n frowns at his words. “Says you…” he mumbled, half joking.
Aether smirks at his comment, leaning back against the kitchen counter. He held a chocolate bar in his hands, before biting off a piece as he spoke.
“And if I say you should sleep, then?” Aether had inquired, a teasing smile resting on his face.
“Then i should get something to eat anyway? Why should I listen to you?” Y/n had asked sarcastically as he tilts his head to the side, he didn’t mean for his words to sound harsh but he was clearly conflicted about Aether’s behaviour.
He chucked at his response, walking a little closer to y/n. “Well, I’m not saying you should, but you came down here at…one o’ clock in the morning…” Aether replied, his voice quiet. “Does nobody know that you’re up right now?”
“No, they don’t..” he replies, his voice also quiet. Confused at what he was getting at.
He raised an eyebrow again, taking a bite from his chocolate bar once again. “So, what are you doing up? Can’t sleep either?” Aether asked, looking at him with a slight grin.
Didn’t I just mention why I was here? Was he not listening or something?!
Y/n nods slowly in response. “Yes, because I’m hungry like I said.”
Aether nods, his smile growing slightly. “Well, it’s good that I’m not the only one up, that makes two of us.” The blonde haired boy chucked quietly, moving his hands behind him, holding onto the kitchen counter. Except for the one holding the chocolate bar.
“And why don’t you eat something…sweet?” He teased, his voice dripping like honey.
Y/n moves closer to him, tucking some hair behind his ear before leaning forward and taking a bite out of Aether’s chocolate bar. The smile on Aether’s face widened, looking down at him as he had reached to take a bite. Then, Aether chucked raising his eyebrows and letting him without any complaints.
“What do you think?” He asked, gesturing for him to eat more of it. “It tastes nice, though it still had your saliva on it from your previous bite.” Y/n sighs, clearly teasing him.
Aether then let out a hearty laugh, playfully bumping you with his shoulder. “And what am I supposed to do about that?” He asked, looking down at him. However, before y/n could even answer him, Aether spoke once more.
“…You didn’t mind though, did you?” He questioned quietly.
Y/n smirked in response, “I didn’t mind at all. Normally it would have freaked me out, sometimes i do with my own. But…it’s from you so it’s okay.” He winked at him. “I’m still hungry through..” he pouts playfully. Aether smirks at his answer, his cheeks turning red slightly. It didn’t seem like anything really phased him… except when it came to you.
“Aww, poor you…” he said sweetly, smiling. He moved a bit closer to you, his lips slightly tilted upwards. “… what would you like.. to eat?” Aether asked, leaning in a bit closer. He tilted his head slightly, his eyebrows tilting upwards. Y/n takes a glance at him, before teasing him.
“You.” He mutters under his breath.
Aethers cheeks reddened even more at his flirty comment. His eyes eyes widened slightly, though his playful smile remained. He tilted his head and stepped forward again, moving closer to him.
“Hm? Sorry… could you repeat that please?” He asked, giggling quietly. His voice almost whispering.
“I want you…to eat.” He repeats a little louder. Aethers cheeks grew hotter, and his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes widened even more. His eyes seemed to have trouble processing what he just said.
“I…” he looked down at him, a slightly embarrassed expression on his face. “…what?… ?” He murmured, stepping closer. Despite asking for y/n to repeat his words, he was still embarrassed and conflicted.
“Do you want that too?”
Aether stayed silent for a few seconds, biting his lips slowly. His eyes were glued on his lips. “…I—” his voice was quiet, but soft. For a few moments he just stayed quiet, breathing silently before answering. “…Yes.”
Y/n smirks and leans closer to him, before kissing him. The blond haired boy was so close to him now, his breathing becoming heavier…his heart beating fast. His lips parted slightly as he had leaned in and kissed him. Aether didn’t hesitate to lean in to the kiss. He wrapped his arms around his back, pulling him in tightly as he kissed back.
Y/n is the first to pull away from the kiss, and Aether’s face turned red, biting his lip as y/n pulled away, still smiling at him. Y/n begins to take a bite out of Aether’s chocolate bar. Sharing it with him. Aether took a bite after he did, and just…stared down at him.
“Mm, tastes the same with two mouths on it…” he murmured quietly, looking down at him with a smirk.
Whatever that meant
Y/n swallows his piece and goes back for another bite, this time putting his hand on the back of Aethers head and bringing him down so he could take a bite at the same time he did. Part of their lips touching as they did so.
Aether’s body started to tremble— the sensation of their lips pressed against his as they shared the chocolate bar was definitely a pleasant thing. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, his cheeks bright pink. Then he opened his eyes after a few seconds and took a small bite, glancing up him once he swallowed.
“…It tastes better when we share it.” He murmured softly, staring straight into his eyes. “Doesn’t it? Shall we do this more often?” He smirks. “Only if you’re single~” he winks and stares at him, though wether if he was or not, it was too late asking that question.
Aether raised an eyebrow when he winked, his cheeks turning bright red. He took a minute to process his words, which led to him nodding silently. “Yes…I’d like that. And yes I am a single.” He replied quietly, glancing at him with a smile.
“..Do you want to…eat anything else?” He questioned, giggling quietly. His voice was soft yet playful. “What else is there?~” he asks as he puts his hands behind his back, holding his hands together tightly. Aether paused for a few seconds, looking at the contents of the kitchen. For a while, he seemed to stay quiet, his eyes glancing at y/n every few seconds. "...How does ice-cream sound?" Aether finally asked, glancing at him. "...Or cake— I think I saw some in the fridge." he murmured silently, biting his lips.
“Hm, tough choice~ What do you want?” Aether stayed silent for a second, thinking about his question. His eyes were glued on him, studying him—he took a minute to answer. "Hm..I…could go for some ice-cream. How about we…eat some together?" he suggested quietly, smiling at you. It seemed that everything he did, he was always worried about what he thought.
Y/n nods in agreement, “that’s why I asked you~” he giggled. “I’ll have some too, depending on the flavour.” "...Vanilla?" Aether query’s, his voice quieter then usual. He tilted his head slightly to the side before taking a few steps towards the fridge. His eyes were still on him as he opened the door. “You can look for a flavor you like, I don’t mind." he said, glancing at y/n with a little smile.
“I like vanilla!” Y/n replied, his voice chirping. "Great." Aether said simply, taking out a tub of vanilla ice-cream. For a second he glanced over to y/n before he walked over to the couch, motioning for him to sit down. "Here." he murmured, handing him the tub of ice cream after he sat down on the couch. It was as if he didn't know what else to say...or he just wanted—y/n near him. “Is okay if we eat here? What if somebody wakes up and sees us awake and sharing ice-cream?~” y/n questioned simply, as he sits next to him closely. "Don't worry about it..." Aether murmured, smiling softly at him. His arms wrapped around his waist, pulling him in slightly closer. His eyes stayed focused on y/n as he took a bite out of the ice cream. For a few minutes, he stayed quiet, enjoying y/n’s company as well as the ice-cream.
“Would Lumine be happy seeing us like this? Since you’re her brother and all?” y/n chuckles slightly, before Aether could answer he asked another question. “By the way…are you into guys?” It was rather late to ask this question now, but he risked it anyway. Aether's cheeks turned red as he had asked that question. He looked down at him, a tiny grin on his face. “Lumine probably wouldn't mind too much...but don't worry. She doesn't need to know what we're doing right now." he murmured, leaning in to whisper that sentence into his ear.
"And..." he began, his voice dropping to almost a whisper. "...yes. I am into guys. Why do you ask?" Seemingly confused. “Good. Because I’m actually a guy so..I’m glad you’re into guys.”
He stayed silent for a few seconds, biting his lips again. Aether didn't seem to mind this fact at all—though he was slightly taken aback for a second. "A guy?" he asked, sounding a little shocked. "...But you're so...you're really beautiful.." Aether replied, his voice quiet. It seemed he was a lot prettier than he thought...or maybe it was just because of Aether's eyes. It didn't make him like him any less, if anything, he felt even more attracted to y/n.
Y/n scoffs, but not in an annoyed scoff. More of a scoff that doesn’t believe him. A joking scoff ?? “Am I really that pretty?” He chuckled a little at his response. "...Of course you are. Don't doubt it for a second, y/n..." His gaze shifted slightly, and he looked away for a second. He bit his lips slightly, before glancing at him once again. "...Are you only attracted to guys?" he murmured quietly, his voice dropping as he whispered that question. He wanted to know more about him...especially after the both of them shared such an intimate moment together beforehand.
Y/n nodded “yeah, I’m only into guys.” He chuckles a bit then scoops some ice cream up using a spoon and put it into his mouth before kissing aether while it’s still in there.
Aether's eyes widened as he kissed him. He stayed silent for a few seconds, biting his lips again. He didn't try to pull away right away, as his kisses felt...like heaven. "...I see." he murmured quietly afterwards, his eyes staying glued on you as he licked his lips. "Did you just try to...french kiss me...with ice cream in your mouth?" Aether's voice was soft as he spoke. When aether mentioned that, y/n decided to tease him. “Yeah, I wanted to.” He chuckled.
Y/n then scoops up more ice cream, Aether glancing at him. He eats the ice cream before kissing Aether once more, his eyes widen slightly as he kissed him. He didn’t bother pulling away, instead letting him do as he pleased.
“Mmm..” he murmured silently, a faint blush on his face as he looked down at y/n. “That’s…not what I expected,” he said quietly, biting his lip. “You surprise me with every response you give.” Aether seemed to love the mysteriousness of him though. He liked it when he kept him on his toes like this.
“Did the ice cream taste nice after I put it in my mouth?” Y/n asks, teasing him. He then moves the ice-cream off of Aether’s lap and sits on him. Putting the ice cream beside them. Aether looked up when he mentioned the taste. He seemed a bit flustered, biting his lips silently as he teased him. "...It tasted sweet... and nice." he replied slowly, sounding almost like a whisper. He glanced away from him, slightly embarrassed. He looked back at him when he sat on his lap, his cheeks now a brighter pink. "...What are you doing there, y/n?" he asked softly, glancing down at him. “Just wanted to me closer to you~” He scoops up ice cream again, feeding Aether and kissing him before he swallows it.
Aether stayed silent for a second, looking down at him and watching him spoon feed him ice cream once again. He tried to hold back his smile but failed, and as his lips touched his again he chuckled a bit. "So...I'm the one getting fed ice cream now?" he asked quietly. Y/n’s actions got him somewhat red. "Hm...I'm not gonna deny your kindness, y/n. I'll let you feed me for as long as you'd like..." he murmured softly, teasingly, as he kissed him back.
After a few minutes of feeding each other the cold ice cream they hear a bedroom door open. Luckily whoever it was went into the bathroom. Aether stayed silent when he heard the door open, looking up from y/n’s hands. For a few minutes he just watched the door...which was definitely a bit awkward. Luckily the person who opened the door didn't see the two in the living room. Aether sighed quietly after a while, his chest rising and falling. "...that was close." he muttered quietly. "...Let's just...finish this ice cream." he mumbled, glancing down at the tub of ice cream.
Y/n nods in agreement and they continue eating ice cream, occasionally kissing. A few moments later the bathroom door opens and they both hear footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Lumine looking for y/n, as she noticed he wasn’t there anymore. Aether glanced at him, whispering quickly. "...Lumine...she's coming." He said, glancing over to the door and watching it.
As the footsteps approached the kitchen, Aether stayed silent. His eyes focused on the door. He was afraid that she might see them two together and Aether didn't know how she would feel finding him with her best friend's brother. (Is that right?? Idk) Lumine then quietly calls out to y/n, since she didn’t see him in her bedroom. She then walks in the leaving room and sees them together. Lumine sees y/n on her brothers lap, eating ice-cream.
Aether looked at Lumine, his eyes widening ever so slightly when he saw her. He stayed completely quiet as he glanced over to Lumine, unsure of how she felt seeing the two of them together. His eyes darted back and forth for a while, but he was too scared to speak right away.
"...What are you doing up, Lumine?" he asked quietly.
“I went to the bathroom, but I didn’t see y/n anywhere. So I thought maybe he was in the kitchen, but…i see you two were …busy.” Lumine replies to her brothers question, honestly.
“What are you two even doing up this late…and doing THAT at this time?!” she asks so conflicted, though she wasn’t upset that they were together it seemed.
Aether glanced at y/n when Lumine mentions seeing the two of them being "busy". He was quiet, his cheeks still a bright pink as he spoke. "...Yeah...we were...busy." He mumbled quietly, staring at the ground while he shifted slightly in his seat. "...I was...feeding y/n ice cream..."
Lumine's question made him slightly nervous. Why would they be doing that at this late at night? Why were they together? It might be best for Aether not to answer her question now...especially when his lips were covered in melting ice cream.
“Okay, well if you’re going to go any further, go do it in your room if you know what I mean. I’ll listen to music as I sleep so I don’t hear you. You’re lucky we don’t live with our parents.” Lumine jokes to Aether, teasing them.
It was clear as day what Lumine meant by her words. Aether cleared his throat. "Yes. Okay, alright." he murmured quietly, glancing away from her. His blush was still present as he nodded. "...We, um...okay. We'll head to my room then." he said quietly. His voice was low.
Lumine nods and goes back into her room, while y/n was originally having a sleepover with her, he guessed plans changed. He gets up from Aethers lap.
“What do we do with the ice cream?” Y/n asks as he stares at the ice cream around Aether’s mouth.
Aether watched Lumine as she left the room, taking a deep breath as she shut the door. It seemed like the two of them were good to go. Lumine had the right idea though, they were lucky they didn't live with their parents. If their mother found out what Aether was doing at this hour...she would be screaming.
Aether stayed quiet for a few seconds, his cheeks flushed. "Ah...you can lick it off..." he mumbled quietly, glancing at him. Aether seemed pretty flustered by this exchange.
Y/n blushes and looks away for a brief moment. “i meant the rest of the ice cream in the tub..” he responds before whispering “I was thinking of doing that anyway though..”
Aether glanced over at the tub of ice cream, biting his lips as he looked back at you."...I...um...I can eat the rest of it, Eden. You don't have to worry about it..." he murmured quietly, avoiding eye contact with you.
"But you can lick my face, if you want..." *he whispered, trying to maintain a small chuckle.*
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japhan2024 · 10 months
Review of Smosh's Funeral Roast
I am harsh at times, but know it all comes from a place of love!
Spoilers under the cut
I live in Europe. This is relevant because of timezones: the funeral roast of Anthony Padilla was live at 6pm for them, meaning 3am for me. I am not the youthful insomniac I once was so I had to train my sleep schedule the entire week - otherwise I would miss it because I fell asleep. But I wanted to witness this live. I love smosh.
The trailer for this roast deserves an award: Ian and the cast have a movie night as suddenly the light turns blue and everyone but Ian freezes. He seems to know what's going on and discovers a zombie or ghost like Anthony levitating. The cast of the roast are all introduced and all play a gothic, churchy kind of character. See the full trailer here (it's currently at 666k views, how fun):
Around 1am I got impatient and decided not to wait for my alarm clock but to install myself on the couch, with a blanket and a scarf, and a hot cup of tea, god knows I would need it. I watched episodes of the Scott Pilgrim Netflix series to kill the time. The character Todd Ingram reminded me a lot of Anthony and I wonder whether Anthony has 'vegan superpowers' as well. Probably so.
Finally, the pre-show begins. This is pretty uneventful as they play a game and succesfully convince thousands of viewers to buy their tickets to the main show. I look at them. Everyone is gorgeous. But I can't look away from Ian and Anthony. And here is where I stray from actually reviewing the show to let my inner fangirl out: holy fuck they are hot. Me and my friends on tumblr have been making 'forgive me Father, for I have SINNED' jokes because his character, 'the pastor', just brings that out in people. We're not used to Ian in black, or in a robe, and he looks phenomenal. And then there is Anthony, clothed in a ridiculous Harry Styles-esque lace top with lace gloves, resting his head on Ian's shoulder. It's such a cute moment, Ian pushes him upright. He can be alive for a second before his funeral. My heart melts. Honerable mention: Courtney's bikini girl cleavage right behind Ian. The girls were ready to rock. Okay, okay, back to the review.
The room feels kind of small and a bit claustrophobic. The Smosh art dept. always steps up, so the stained glass "friendship never dies" high-five looks incredible, and the megachad-Anthony portrait hilarious. The casket is huge. But the props make the set look even smaller. I think the problem is the cameras. I realize how difficult camerawork is when you have multiple focus points to switch between, but next time they should do a lot of practice with this to streamline, to get everyone in the shot and better capture people's reactions to the roasts.
Ian walks in. He starts off with a bit about who Anthony is: a hot, hardworking guy with a big dick. Those are the main takeaways of his roasts.
Amanda is next. She looks beautiful but very wacky. Her deliverance and accent are stellar, though. She truly is top talent at Smosh. Her roasts are also some of the most scorching of the night. She doesn't shy away from calling out Anthony's past problematic behavior and less than stellar performance in the bedroom ("look it up!") She gets a round of applause and deservedly so.
Tommy follows with a kind of angry roast, and proceeds to read the will, from which nobody comes away unscathed. I feels like his words about Anthony supposedly hating the cast are a necessary evil. Just the same day Anthony posted his interview with Shayne on his personal channel. There we learned that Shayne didn't know before if Ian and Anthony actually had wanted to hire them. Anthony said they were very much involved, something I don't know whether to believe. As apparently, Ian never talked about it with Shayne either, for all those years. Shayne had also been very apprehensive when Anthony came back, not knowing what would happen and the first change was to boot the entire cast off the main channel. I feel like Tommy's roast puts the topic on the table and hopefully they will talk about it more until nobody has any doubt left.
Now I have to insert that one of my main critiques of the night is that lots of people both did a lot of obvious jokes (tattoos, leaving smosh, general appearance) and did not go hard enough. Anthony kind of has an awkward CEO vibe (he's not the ceo but still) about him that seems to make even the cast a bit wary of him. I had hoped for jokes about that.
Brandon Rogers is next and rightfully points out the lack of celebrities in the line-up. Doesn't Anthony have more friends who want to roast him? Either he doesn't or the rest of Smosh don't have access to them. Which is both fine, because it is a Smosh party after all.
Arasha comes in swinging with all kinds of Zoomer slang that I frankly don't understand but her deadpan delivery is like a breath of fresh air. She ends with a very nice message. That kind of undercuts her roasts though, I wish she would have been meaner.
Now it is time for the musical half-time show, which actually deserves its own review. Performed by Angela and Chanse, this is incredible. By far, the most professional part of the evening. These are no theater kids, as they still call themselves. These are Broadway acTORS! I was really taken away by their talent. Not only do they act, but they also sing amazingly? Did you hear Angela do screamo?! And Chanse's riffs? They pointedly mention the sexual tension between Ian and Anthony, both on- and off screen. This has been occupying my mind ever since. Wow, sorry I went fangirl-mode again. But the halftime show simply is that good. Keith makes an appearance at the end and brings the show back down to earth with his humor.
The biggest surprise guests are next in what I can only describe as Dan telling the horny tale of his years long obsession with Anthony, and the many, many times he unloaded on the 'sexy Anthony' calender (which is a real calender, I was there when it came out but was broke at the time, darnit). Dan and Phil have been shedding their PG personas on their own channels for a while now, but for those who don't watch them daily this December - they're doing gamingmas and it's chaos - it is shocking what X-rated stuff comes out of their mouths. Anthony is visibly taken aback. Good!
As the show progresses, Ian keeps moderating as the pastor. It is great to see him so in control and enjoying the roast of his best friend. The joke of Ian not being able to show his emotions comes up a lot, but today I see him mainly just having fun.
Of course, then there is Bikini Girl, whom I had high hopes for, maybe too high. She is hilarious, but nothing really stings. Courtney does also direct the whole show, so super kudos to her. I just don't think she has the best roasts. She is followed by Rhett and Link, who just do their regular thing. It is funny but not very original. You can only hear so many tattoo jokes before it gets old. We do see Link's bare torso, so a win for fangirls (gender neutral).
Then Shayne, or should I say the Chosen has his turn. He is absolutely in character and does great. I just don't know if the Chosen is the best person to deliver roasts. It feels more like a Shayne party than a roast of Anthony. Which enough people love all the same, I'm sure.
Angela is 'the vessel', a possessed girl, reading the roasts from the audience. These roasts are very mid (they should have included mine! /j), but her delivery is again stellar. Smosh is really lucky to have her.
And last but not least, Ian goes on a second roasting spree. Only, it isn't a roast? He just makes fun of Anthony’s baby picture and then proceeds to tell Anthony how grateful he is for him, how he's so glad they are friends again and that he loves him? Anthony is crying by this time, which makes the moment even more tender.
Of course, Anthony has to do a counter-roast. It is apparent that he is still affected by all the roasting or 'love-bombing' as Amanda calls it. And he's not as good at live comedy yet. Still, his jokes are funny and really in Anthony's own style. He concludes with Ian's quote of being happy to burn Smosh to the ground with him. I knew that quote would be ingrained in Anthony's mind. It was one of the sweetest things Ian had ever said to him, after all. Until Ian has now told him he loves him, of course.
And then it was 5 am. I got a healthy two hours of sleep in! I came away from this roast with a content smile and a full heart. This was well worth the ticket, the staying up late. I am happy to be a member and support them monthly, I've loved their humor even before they started their youtube channel. I love Smosh. I'm so happy that Anthony is back. Smosh is whole again. And it brings out that light in Ian's eyes. He is funny in an unhinged way again. I truly love Anthony and Ian and their dumb videos. I want them to continue to make them forever. These kinds of live shows are fun. But Ian and Anthony truly shine in their off the walls absurdist sketches.
Special shout-out to my bestie @only-frann who I could scream at this whole day.
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chaosfairy18 · 1 month
A little Javid thing I wrote at 1am mostly for @thatoneandlonelyemo2005
Jack saw David sitting at his desk by the half-closed blinds, over some book, probably for his English Lit exam and said goodbye as he'd have to go to work, Dave just barely saying goodbye. Jack knew how he was when he got into his study zone, he didn't feel bad about it, he knew they could cuddle later, when he got back home.
Five hours later, about 9 p.m., Jack turned the keys in their door again, breathing in the comforting smells after his work. It wasn't too long but it was exhausting nontheless, every time. He couldn't find David on the couch or in their bed, so he - more to to sure - checked if he was still at his desk. And there he was, still hunched over in the exact same position as five hours ago, sitting so still he could believe he was dead. Jack would be surprised if he had stopped learning at all, at least not for anything longer than a bathroom break or to get more coffee. Though he wasn't even sure if that would have gotten David up.
Not disturbing him yet, he went to the kitchen to prepare some things, first setting some water to boil, then cutting up an apple into little slices, debating if he should try to make them look cute like he'd seen on some instagram post but deciding against it.
He put the hot water in a teapot with Dave's favourite flavour and sat both down onto their side table in front of the couch, getting the last important thing he needed.
"Dave. You're done with learnin' tonight.", he whispered, hugging David from behind, who startled, as if woken up from a trance.
"Jack... I didn't hear you come home. What time is it?"
"After nine. That's long enough for you."
"No, I have to-" Jack turned the chair and pulled David up by his arms.
"No, it's enough. You don't gotta do it all today, I also need ya Dave." He kissed the other's curly hair and tried to bribe him into leaving his books with his renowned charm. "Come on." He could see David break and he followed him out of his study area and to the couch without more complaint.
Sitting David down on their couch, Jack quickly got a blanket and draped it over both of their shoulders so David was trapped, forced to take a break and get his mind out of wherever it was currently. He held an apple slice to his boyfriend's lips and didn't stop until he ate it, rolling his eyes.
"I really have to read that, Jackie."
"I know. But it can wait till tomorrow. I really gotta cuddle and watch a movie with you." Now offering David the tea, he ran up their TV and searched for Star Trek: Into Darkness, one of David's favourite movies, so he knew he couldn't refuse to watch it, no matter how determined he was to study.
David frowned, sipping on his tea, but he did sink deeper into the couch. "You're foul, Kelly."
"Just doin' what's best for my partner."
Setting down the tea, David laid his head in Jack's lap, still pouting but having his eyes glued to the screen as Spock was lowered into a volcano. "At least pet my hair then."
"Anythin' for you.", he chuckled, running his fingers slowly through David's hair and over his temples, trying to relieve the pressure he knew had to have built up under them. He'd really do anything for David, no matter when or where, but especially when he could help him get out of his head for a bit, just be here, watch a movie and relax, melting under his touches and slowly getting sleepier.
Jack kissed his forehead and got comfortable on the couch too. The movie was another hour and a half at least, they had time to fall asleep.
And as he'd said, David really needed the break, and what could be better than munching slowly on apple slices while drifting away, watching your favourite movie and having your boyfriend run his fingers through your hair softly.
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xxkylarthelonerxx · 9 months
about me
this blog is to talk about my life and reblog cool posts. i don't really have anything better to do.
i'm kind of a yandere. i'll probably vent about my darling here! any romantic posts i reblog will be thinking about them..! i was nothing before them and am nothing without them and i need to express my devotion to them when i can!! ... but don't ask for any identifying information on them or i'll block you. or worse. 🔪
send asks if you want i guess..?
my main tags (tagged in this post):
#kylar.txt - all of my posts
#yandere advice - self-explanatory.
#suggestive - also self-explanatory. #dick.asks are about my dick specifically.
#recs - has any recommendations i've given or recieved for music, manga, anime. (specific tags: #manga rec, #anime rec, #music rec)
#about my darling 💚 - any posts that talk a lot about my darling (most posts mention them somewhat)
#about myself 🔪 - posts where i talk about myself more
#++jealousy - any posts that have rants, bursts of anger, etc... they help showcase my protectiveness over my beloved 💚
#sydney , #whitney , etc. - posts about those people. #townspeople has all of them.
#ask - any posts that don't fit into major categories well.
(more info under the cut)
// this is an rp blog run by @1am-yan (aka @endo03). MDNI please!
// <- any of my ooc / out-of-character comments will be marked with this.
//this blog is just for male kylar (with a dick)
//feel free to rp in any style! i'll keep his posts normal, but traditional roleplay or giving scenarios to react to are always fun! i'll leave that to your discretion.
//please don't rp with this blog as the main character that kylar's in love with, unless you keep it vague. if you want to rp with a oc and kylar, please dm or send an ask about it! i can send asks as him on oc blogs, do private rps, etc...
//this blog isn't meant to make fun of yanderes or anything! just to make fun of kylar... (/hj) it might end up getting ooc but i don't care
//i'll add any other hard limits here as I come across them, but that's all for now! please send asks!!
(last edited 21 jan. 2024)
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snakepitgunner · 14 days
I’m so sorry I haven’t sent any photos, but if I’m being honest I’ve been a little scared to, not just backlash from fans but the legal side as I know GNR lawyers are aggressive. I can only apologise if you don’t believe me; I’ve been offline all week as I’m tired of being called delusional and having my story invalidated.
Someone side stage asked me to go with them and I assumed I was in trouble as I’d recorded a lot of the concert, maybe I’d disrupted them? But everyone else had been doing the same. They took me to a dressing room and 5 minutes later Slash walked in, he told me he couldn’t stop looking at me in the crowd and wanted to take me home with him, we talked a little and took a car to the hotel, then he kissed me.
We got to the room and he poured me a drink, he had water, I had wine. He went to take a shower and put on some music. He came out about half an hour later in just a towel and told me to come over, I was full of butterflies at that point.
We kissed, I pulled his towel off and he carried me over to bed, I was DESPERATE to suck his cock, but he made a meal out of stripping me off first, kissing me, biting me a little and finally went down on me, I genuinely felt like I couldn’t control myself like his mouth and fingers… oh my god.
When he’d worn me out one way; he lay back and told me I could return the favour, he was bigger than I thought he’d be, and thick👀 I know he’s kind of bigger muscled etc. but he still has a very sexy V line, he had to stop me blowing him because he didn’t wanna cum.
He was very gentle, he held my hands above my head while he was on top but kind of in a support way rather than a restrained way, if that makes sense? While he was on top he kept whispering how beautiful I was and that I had a gorgeous body. If I had a praise kink, I’d have squirted on his face at this point.
He preferred me being on tops and couldn’t keep his eyes off my breasts, he kept pulling me to him so he could suck on them and squeezing me whilst I was riding. I’m generally a pillow princess but… come on, it’s Slash right?
His stamina was impressive, we probably got to it around 1am? And when I looked at the clock when we were talking afterwards it was about 3:30am
I can understand why you would be hesitant to expose yourself but I would still love to see the pictures. I would keep them private. There are a few people here who can vouch that I don't post messages if I'm asked not to.
Were you at the show by yourself? Did you snoop through his stuff while he was in the shower? What kind of music did he put on? Was he a good kisser? Did he get you a ride home or did you have to get one yourself? When did you talk about his personal life (meegan, London, ect) before or after the sex? Did you sleep there or leave right after?
I have a ton of questions but if this is too much, let me know. Also, we can speak privately if that is better for you. People who follow me are cool and like hearing about this. If you look at the notes on the previous asks, everyone just wants to hear about it. No one is saying anything mean. Everyone over here is pretty nice (but nosy like me, lol). We just want to know all about it.
[Originally posted on February 6, 2024]
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chevvy-yates · 4 months
Long post. thoughts post.
So, yesterday I went to a goodbye party my neighbor (also former colleague) gave bc she moves into another city.
I knew from the beginning I'll be probably the person that stands out the most just by my hair and clothing style (as I always wear something not causal when I get out and it's not for biking/groceries) but also be the one who knows only my neighbor and some faces I remembered from a past party she gave years ago.
It was a nice evening but still I wasn't able to shake the feeling that I felt alien there. I mean I talked with maybe 12 out of the 20 people there, the music was relatively okay for my taste as it had techno (but the more funny ones).
With two or three I had maybe a chatter lasting even 20 minutes? But idk I just think it happened because 1-2 of them were just curious who I am. Like my neighbors new boyfrined only knew me by name before and he said something like "So you are that phantom she always talked about" – yes I am that. Exactly right. Look at me Brudi, I wear black, I look different, I'm the overdressed phantom hiiiii! I even said to him, I like the description bc it truly is how I must appear to a lot of people. Anyway and whenever I come up with the topic Japan they want to hear something. It's lways like that. But after that? nothing.
However most time I noticed I spent with rather listening to chatter around me and watching them play beer pong. The version they played was named rage cage and way too stressful for me to try it myself – beside that I didn't want to be the one who has to constantly drink bc I fail at this and I don't enjoy to get myself drunk anymore. Or at least not with people around me I don't really know (besides I dislike the feeling next morning so yeah).
Let's circle back to just watching and listening: Around 1am I felt like, okay no one is actually making a move to talk with me anymore and I cannot find a gap to integrate myself into it somehow. So I just sat around "wie bestellt und nicht abgeholt" and the flat was empty except a beer bank and I was getting tired too (didn't really slept the night before either) so I decided to go home.
I keep telling myself that this evening was alright and I think it really was – after all my neighbor was truly happy I came. But I knew it would turn out for me like that even if I tried talking with people. And here is now me again thinking if I'm just too weird for people just by my looks alone.
Also a very German thing is, that if you have your little-big friend circle and go to parties or bigger meet-ups you tend to stay in that circle and others who do not belong to it usually don't get in. And I as a German srsly do not like that. I witnessed this at the techno event I went to with Glory. Almost no one opens up for getting to know new people. You come as a group, party as a group, go home as a group. I don't say that all Germans are like that but majority definitely is.
And here is me wanting to connect as I am tired of sitting around at home nearly every weekend but how shall I connect with people if it is so hard to get them into a chatter? I cannot say from myself I'm someone who just gos and says hello I want to talk to you. I have no problem talking with strangers but I don't want to be annoying is all so I prefer if others make the first approach if I cannot make out it's okay to approach them but fucking Germans aren't as open as eg. Americans (the amount of people talking with me while my 12-days US vacation was the entire opposite.)
See I don't need to get to be friends with you in the end, I just want to like to fucking talk with someone and not just sit around like a douchbag on a private party like that. bc then I can spent my time with better things instead. The techno event a bunch of weeks back was different, I came there not to talk but to dance, if chatter would happen no problem with that. But I paid for listening djs playing sick beats live so I prefer to dance instead of talking.
I don't really know how to make friends around here to be honest. Sometimes I feel so alien I wish myself I would just be the standard normal type of human being with a causal style, preferably one human type that doesn't have 12343 thoughts and overthinks everything as I've learned those people exist and I envy them. They must walk around so carefree.
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mvshortcut · 6 months
AO3 Tag Game!
Starting a new post because the old one was getting a bit long!! I was tagged by @mahpotatoequeen <3333
How many works do you have on AO3? 21! Mostly oneshots and one long(ish) fic.
What’s your total AO3 word count? 137,409
How many fandoms have you written for, and what are they? One! Two if you count the book and the show as separate fandoms. But it's always been The Mysterious Benedict Society so far. I'd love to write for other fandoms someday, probably Good Omens, but this is where I feel comfortable with for now, both in terms of knowing the characters/story and the tight-knit fandom :D
Top five fics by kudos:
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Epistolary Bullying Campaign (because of course it is. this was my first crack fic and I wrote it at 1AM when I had an exam the next day. sigh)
5PM Every Evening, On the Dot
46 Fairview St. Apartment 2A, Stonetown
Thank the Stars Above
Time and a Half
Do you respond to comments?
In theory. I love chatting with people about fics - best way to make friends honestly - and I love when authors reply to my comments on their works! In practice I haven't replied in a while, which upsets me but it's more of a time/spoons thing. If I have time and energy I'd rather spend that commenting on one of my friends' fics rather than replying to comments on one of my own fics.
What’s the fic with the angstiest ending you’ve ever written?
I really don't do angsty endings! They're not always happy, but they tend to be bittersweet or open rather than angsty, and even if everything isn't resolved, I usually try to get across that the fic is ending in the middle of a situation and that everything will be okay later (like this snippet). I think the three that come closest are Let Steep Ten Minutes, Keeping Time with Curtain's +1 section, and 46 Fairview St. where it's kind of left open whether SQ will ever go back to visit his father. But again, those don't really feel angsty, just somewhat bittersweet with the hope that things will grow and get better.
Do you write crossovers? I haven't yet, but I'd be open to it! I think it's really challenging to write a good and cohesive crossover and I'm not sure where I'd start.
Have you ever gotten hate on a fic?
Nope! Perks of being in a small fandom. I imagine it does happen but I know y'all would have my back
Do you write smut?
Definitely not for mbs. I'd be open for other fandoms but it's not really what interests me the most.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of! I suppose someone might have fed a fic of mine into an AI writing generator which I'd personally consider a form of stealing, but I haven't heard of that happening. Please don't do that :)
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No! I've thought of trying to translate some of my own for funsies, but I'm definitely not at that level yet! Although the lovely @sophieswundergarten has made a few amazing podfics of both my fics and some other excellent fics in the mbs fandom, which I'd consider translation of a sort!
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
For mbs I'm more interested in platonic/familial connections, but I suppose I'd say Milligan/Moocho if I had to pick one? I really don't care if they're romantic or not though, I just like them together in any form that takes. For all-time I suppose I'd say Aziraphale and Crowley, though again I'm really not too picky about the nature of that, romantic or otherwise. Perks of being aroace spectrum baybe
What’s a WIP that you want to finish, but don’t think you ever will?
Never say never! But I do have a longer Curtain Wins AU buzzing around in my brain where Reynie and Sticky "join" him at the end of Book/Season 1 and then work to bring him down from the inside, without getting caught up in his manipulations. That might end up being comparable to Time and a Half in length, so maybe someday when I have an abundance of free time.
What are your writing strengths?
I think I write some banger first sentences :D especially in crack/funny fics
What are your writing weaknesses?
Too many adverbs! Also I get very easily stuck on exposition/beginning/ending/filler parts. I tend to write down the most tense/exciting moments for the fic and then the writing process stalls for the next three months.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fics?
For a real language, I think it can be a great opportunity to showcase a character's backstory/culture. It can also be immersive for the audience - if a character is in a foreign country where they don't speak the language, including pieces of dialogue in that language can help the audience understand how lost they're feeling (assuming the audience doesn't speak that language either)! If you're using a translation source though it can make for some pretty hilarious errors and mistranslations.
I think made-up languages absolutely fuck but I could never include one in my fic because I'd nerd out creating an entire writing, grammar, and vocab system and forget to write the actual fic.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
take a wild guess
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written so far?
absolutely not. top 5:
Time and a Half
46 Fairview St
And Without It One Cannot Start Over
The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Epistolary Bullying Campaign
Keeping Time
Tagging: @binnudacademy (consider this a tag for your main, sorry about the shadowban. free molly 2k24) @ragecndybars @bi-demon-ium @trentcrimminallybeautiful (you pick which <3) @oflightningandstars and anyone else that wants to!!
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