#i will take no questions thank you.
ratcandy · 5 months
i was mostly talking about girls . HOT--
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I headcanon trans regulus Black, and you know how the stairs on the girls dorm turns into a slide if a boy tries to go up, I feel like as soon as regulus stepped his little trans ass on those stairs in first year hogwarts was just like. No. You are boy. LEAVE!!
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nedeii · 3 months
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Yay! It's been like two years :'), but my commissions are currently open! The slots are limited, please do take a look if you're interested:
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evenmoreevil · 1 year
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casscainmainly · 27 days
Cassandra Cain Meta List
Ones without a credited author are from me!
Cass' Disability Throughout the Comics by dailycass-cain
Cass' Ableism Towards Barbara by but-a-humble-goon
Why Disabled People Gravitate Towards Cass by but-a-humble-goon
Something To Be Proud Of by but-a-humble-goon
Cass and American Sign Language by fantastic-nonsense
Cass Using ASL Might Be Ableist by jupitermelichios
Cass is Not Mute by fantastic-nonsense
Gender & Sexuality
Cass and Asexuality by aingeal98 and mysteriousbeetle
Lesbians! (Ft. Kon) by aingeal98
Gender/Sexuality in Batgirl (2000) 1
Gender/Sexuality in Batgirl (2000) 2
Gruff With a Heart of Gold by theflashjaygarrick
Cass and Asian Stereotypes
This is Not a White Saviour Story by theflashjaygarrick
Race and Perception in Batgirl (2000)
Cass Needs Asian Writers by deadletterpoets
Morality & Beliefs
Batgirl #19 is About a Hate Crime by lilacsandlillies
Nobody Dies Tonight by aingeal98 and magnetoeisenhardt
Punishment Vs. Redemption by magnetoeisenhardt
Might is Right by but-a-humble-goon
Remorseless Killers by but-a-humble-goon
Cass is Pro-Crime by but-a-humble-goon and littlemissonewhoisall
Mothers & Fathers
Parental Love and Batgirl #37 by aingeal98
Cass' Devotion to Bruce by fantastic-nonsense
The Person Or the Mission? by aingeal98
Cass and Her Mothers by but-a-humble-goon
Cass Has Two Mothers by teleportationmagic
Cass & Jason
Let Things Be Messy by fantastic-nonsense
Murder Victim and Murderer
Cass and Jason Are Foils by celestialdevils
An Extension on Jason by aingeal98 and tumblingxelian
Parallels by trust-and-jump
Why Batgirl (2000) Was Cancelled by dailycass-cain
Why Dick Was a Dick in Batgirl (2008) by dailycass-cain
"Stop!" by anniebuddy
Cass and Helena by gracefulplant
Cass and Tim by bitimdrake
Cass and Dick
Cass, Damian, and the Batman Mantle by marinsawakening
Cass and Onyx by mysteriousbeetle
Cass in Gates of Gotham
The Batgirl Mantle by franollie
Thank you to @sasheneskywalker and @but-a-humble-goon for helping me find a lot of these!
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animatedjen · 2 months
One thing I find jarring when playing Fallen Order and Survivor back-to-back, is how Cal goes from having very dark, coal grey eyes to bright green eyes in the span of five years. I’m curious to hear your thoughts on why Respawn made this change, and if you prefer one eye color over the other.
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Love this question! There's a few things that impact the design changes between FO Cal and Survivor Cal.
The biggest change is how the two games handle their overall color. Cal's eyes have always been somewhat green, but Fallen Order's visual design is a muted color palette with darker shadows. That "look" fit the story Respawn was telling, and Cal spends much of FO exploring darker spaces like scrapyards, tombs, ice caves, and Imperial facilities. Very few of the game's cutscenes take place in well-lit spaces.
Cal's character design also includes a strong brow, and because of how Fallen Order renders light, his eyes are often in shadow. Add in stylized environmental lighting (the red tint of Dathomir, the blue-green of Zeffo tombs) and the iris quickly loses its green-gray tint.
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Survivor has a more vibrant color palette and more complicated lighting, including how Cal's eyes catch and reflect light. More of the story takes place outdoors, and indoor spaces generally have more lighting. Also did I say vibrant?? Just look at how bright the SU poncho is compared to its (almost navy blue) FO counterpart.
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Visual design is also influenced by time and technology: AAA games have changed a lot between 2019 and 2023, and the methods of rendering light/color/texture in real-time are growing exponentially.
Comparing a similar environment (the couch on on the Mantis) makes the color/lighting changes really obvious. It's easy to say new = better, and from a strictly technical standpoint that may be true, but I appreciate the thoughtfulness of Fallen Order's color and how the color stylization served the story. But that's probably a whole separate post.
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TLDR; the design difference is likely a mix of technical advances and intentional color choices by Respawn's art teams. But I do like the bright green eyes! They look more green-blue in shadow and gold-green in direct sunlight, which is a neat effect.
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naffeclipse · 1 month
Talk about your monster husband ocs coward (affectionate❤️)
Everyone, the tumblr user themeeplord is bullying me (affectionate <3)!!
You have no idea how normal I am about my monster OCs. They're so lovely just let me—ahhh!
Hawthorn is a Mothman monster. His wings are based on the garden tiger moth and he is so fluffy! He has a thick fuzz on his neck and chest and is a warm, cuddlebug. He also possesses bright orange eyes that pierce the darkness and startle the unfortunate late-night hikers or anyone piercing into the woods after midnight.
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He has a thing for hanging out in the thick woods near where the MC lives. Wherever he goes, bad omens follow. He really shouldn't be near MC—he knows he'll be the death of his precious little human, but he can't help it. He's drawn to the MC like a moth to a flame (heheh). He's delightful and gentlemanly, but don't let that fool you. He's got a possessive stretch a mile wide and does not take kindly to anyone giving the MC looks or reaching out for a too-familiar touch. He will bristle and buzz, and fly swift and silent through the darkness to chase after anyone to ensure the MC stays all to himself. He is a bad omen, after all.
Grease is an oil demon! He feeds off of fear, literally, and delights in terrifying people in the night. His body is slick and iridescent, and he is constantly dripping black goo from his person. He is capable of shifting his form to hide in a puddle, slink underneath doors, or bubble through a crack in a broken window. He's got wicked sharp teeth, and eyes like a tiger but with a pale, unsettling blue color. He possesses tendrils on his head that constantly drip and a long, slick tail that he can use to grab MC by the ankle. He's terribly seductive and charming, terrifying but mischievous. He likes to say 'boo' just to watch MC jump. Of course, he's not all tang and salt. He's got a sweet side that rouses in a protectiveness over MC. He's possessive, sure, and he's marked his claim with the oil stains on MC's work apron, but he's got an ooey-gooey center of sweetness that MC occasionally finds when he blushes at a stray touch or a nice comment about him.
Calmo 91, otherwise just called Calmo, is a robot. Constructed in the 90s with a box TV screen head to match, he has bright yellow optics in the screen face along with thick wires falling behind his head in a ponytail-like fashion. He is cool and difficult to read but wickedly intelligent and learning much about humans and affections. His body is a thin endoskeleton with plastic matt gray coverings that give peeks of blue, red, and yellow wires at his metallic joints. He's got a mysterious past the MC is attempting to unravel that he truly wishes the MC would leave be. He's got much to learn about technology but he quickly figures out how to connect to the MC's phone for texting, phone calls, and other useful things of course, like keeping tags on where MC is and monitoring MC's heart rate. Useful tools. Modern technology. Living in the MC's house, he gets to spend more domestic time with the human he decided is kind and generous, but the MC occasionally finds him at the foot of the bed in the darkness, his yellow optics strangely switched to red until the MC says his name and his optics revert back to yellow again.
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origami-trust · 1 year
Lucy, Sept. 9, having recently received a transfusion from Arthur, writing about how she's thinking of their love for each other and how she knows he is thinking of her: "Somehow Arthur feels very, very close to me. I seem to feel his presence warm about me....My dear, my dear, your ears must tingle as you sleep, as mine do waking."
Lucy, Sept. 12, having recently received a transfusion from Seward:   "I quite love that dear Dr. Van Helsing."
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apnourry · 3 months
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braids tomorrow? yes or no
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carpsoup · 2 months
WP, how do you spend your time nowadays?
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normal iterator things mostly
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lore dump below!
@403-418 WP is a mostly normally functioning iterator, yes.
While the WP project was still in its planning phase it was decided by the ruling council of that time to bestow the honor of designing Winding Pathways in most of its entirety, structure and puppet, to an artist that had become extremely famous and influential. This was meant as a show of goodwill towards WPs future citizens, as there had been increasing complaints about the councils leadership. The Artist was well liked among the people, so they hoped it would make them feel more included and heard when it came to the new iterator project. The Artist being one of the top sponsors of the project certainly helped with that decision as well.
The Artist, in turn, took this as an opportunity to create her magnum opus. A (near) eternal monument that not even the cycle could change.
So, WP was built to be as labyrinthian as possible, to represent the struggle all life had to go through to escape the cycle and ascend, so the Artist claimed. How should an iterator find an answer if it could not experience the maze? The council couldn't really back out of the deal at that point, and the people seemed happy, so as long as the iterator still remained functional, they let it happen. There had been some major frustration among the construction crew, however.
WP is made up of hallways and chambers that change places and lead in nonsensical directions constantly, the lights are disorienting and it echoes in ways that makes you think someone else is calling to you from deeper in the structure. This doesn't really impact their ability to iterate. But sometimes some parts get lost, temporarily
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piquuroblox · 1 month
Question: what would twisted ae be like?
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They’d probably be easy as fart to counter
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also have a Very bad scrapped doodle for ideas i had like 2 weeks ago
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monst · 2 months
Just got out of a meeting and couldn't help but think about how we're totally squandering the opportunity to use icebreakers in fanfic.
Since he's the first person I thought about- Can you imagine Bruce Wayne using them as an opportunity to find out what you're doing and what you like. Like sure he can probably stalk you or hack into your phone if your socials are private. But what if you don't post? What if you're a homebody? (He can't exactly sneak in if you never leave!) And what if you don't chat about your personal life with your coworkers, so he has no clue!? Besides what better way to subtly interrogate you than with work etiquette? And better yet, it's coming straight from you. So you're telling the whole room him about yourself.
I can also just imagine him using his Brucie Wayne persona to shamelessly flirt with you during those parts. Watch him blame it on being tipsy (But don't tell anyone *wink* probably lies to you and says he had too cause of a client he was seeing earlier! You know just in case if him being drunk at work makes you feel a type of way) and he's just so sorry about that you know? How bout he treats you to dinner? As an apology of course?
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blackbatcass · 4 months
helloo :D
So, I keep seeing people saying that Jason is Bruce’s favorite child, and the only one that was actually like a son to Bruce. (aside from Damian) Also that just because Dick and Bruce were partners/brothers too, it means that Dick isn’t really like Bruce’s son. How Jason and Bruce are each other’s favorite and Dick wishes he could be Bruce’s son (basically it just gets worse and worse jekskenjske)
But then I saw SO MANY posts about this (just getting harsher and harsher LMAO) and I thought I’d ask someone who knew more. So, yeah, here I am!
Thanks for answering if you do, and have a wonderful day!
anon do you want me dead. is that what's happening here
JK JK my first fanon jason ask... what a historic day! basically you're completely right. I don't know where this frankly insane take comes from but whenever me, my mutuals, and pretty much anyone in this corner of the dc fandom sees a post like it we roll our eyes to the heavens. to put it simply the idea that jason is bruce's favorite and the only one he actually loved like a son is a complete fucking lie lol.
first of all to claim that bruce didn't love dick like a son is......I mean. let's just say people saying that have probably never read a comic with bruce and dick before. literally the number one thing to know about these characters is that the love bruce and dick have for each other can be seen from outer space. they have never been normal about each other. bruce raised dick since he was eight. they are thee og codependent father-son partners 'we saved each other we are pack bonded for life if anything happened to him i'd kill everyone in this room and then myself' duo. I mean... there is nuance to be had where they had a very complicated tangled up hard-to-label relationship that had elements of being father & son, elements of being brothers, and ofc partners as batman and robin but that is a function of their relationship being TOO crazy and close not the other way around lol. it is patently true that bruce and dick know each other better than anyone else in the world. it is pretty much true that if you're going to play the favorites game, it's hard to deny that dick is bruce's favorite. that's his eldest his most trusted his saving grace his person who understands him better than anyone. I could pull like an endless amount of panels as evidence that dick was bruce's favorite. there are so many 'dick is the only thing i did right' 'i only feel pride when i look at nightwing' etc etc. dick is his child in every way that matters basically
which is not to say that jason isn't bruce's son! he definitely is! bruce does love jason, but jason was his second kid lol. and it's...i mean jason was robin for a very short time in the grand scheme of things. you can blow through his robin run super fast because it's just not very long. the idea that bruce loved jason more or there's more of a father-son bond to be found in the few issues they were together for as opposed to the 10 years dick was robin is actually insane. bruce literally admitted that the reason he let jason be robin was because he missed dick. lol. lmao even.
basically yeah claiming that jason is bruce's favorite and dick was never treated as bruce's son is just a lie. it's not true. it's like that 'jason is tim's favorite robin' nonsense that was going around a few months ago; it completely ignores canon and essential character elements in jason's favor. I don't know why some jason fans are so obsessed with putting him up on a pedestal by bashing other characters on his behalf. and like...it is possible to have two sons? and love them both? lmfao? and that's not even getting into like tim and cass (also bruce's adopted children). I don't know why people just decided this was a thing but it is false<3
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smalltimidbean · 9 months
Draw Peppino holding a cucumber (pepino in Spanish)
Don't take it as an actual request it was a funny thought lol
Who did this, who eated it
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whos-hotter-jjba · 6 months
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And the results are in!
The ultimate hottest JoJo villain has been crowned! Congratulations to Kars and everyone that voted for him, and my condolences to DIO fans. Special mention to Kira fans for being really funny in my tags ksksjdksjhilkd
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Hi!! This is hopefully a fun question to ask! 💚 What are some of your favourite versions of suguru &/or satoru by your moots/non-moots that you’ve read in their fics ? For example your winter satosugu drabble has my favourite satoru 💅💅💅
🥺🥺🥺 ANONNNN first of all i’m so happy you like that satoru…… i’m really fond of him too!!! he’s very Husband + the implied mommy issues are tasty imo…
but wahhh… this is absolutely a fun question!!!! i doooo wanna preface this by saying that i legitimately love . all my moots’ versions of stsg. they’re all a little different so i go to different moots/other writers depending on what i’m looking for :3 i love love love the fact that fanfic births so many different takes and aus…. it’s one of my favorite parts of reading it!!!
i doooo have some versions of stsg that i’m partial to though!!!! gonna throw them under the cut, i decided to only go with my moots because i’m…… really scatterbrained. there are SO many other sugus and torus that i adore my brain just can’t pull them out at command </3 but i hope this’ll suffice!!
first of all…. my favorite gojos :333
niku’s gojo in general is one of my favorites ever ever ever but i’m specifically adding a link to bten because . bten lives in my brain <3 and i adore both bten!reader & bten!gojo more than anything….. ANYWAY . niku’s gojo is my favorite for many reasons but above all else he just…. feels so real to me . sometimes i have to remind myself that i’m reading a fic and not canon content bc her gojo just FEELS like gojo . it’s a little scary. i read bten and heard kaiji tang’s voice in my ear 😭 i think it’s sooo difficult to capture the balance that canon!gojo has, but niku does it so effortlessly!!! he’s so charming and guarded and annoying and kind beneath it all and i’m just….. in love with him . that’s all. i do want to strangle him just a tiny bit but mostly i want to kiss him.
sel’s col!gojo…. my baby my husband the loml. i adoreeeee sel’s take on gojo and the way he views/approaches love ….. and just like niku her gojo feels so real and so grounded!!!! sel has a way of rounding out her characters and making them feel so human, which i. adore. and it works so well with gojo. col!gojo is canon to me idc. he’s so relatable to me and following his story with col!reader was just so touching 🥹🥹 i . cried . every time he blushed or got flustered i fell to my knees . flustered gojo is really hard to get right i think??? bc it’s just….. such a rare mood from him. but it feels so perfect in her fics. col!gojo reminds me of a plant in the softest, most loving way and i just want him to grow and embrace the sun !!!!!!!! i want him to be happy….
another general pick; alexis’s gojo!!!!!! (link goes straight to my personal fav which is a very bold statement to make but i think abt this fic constantly)…. this is another gojo that just feels. so canon to me somehow???? every time i read her gojo fics i’m just like yeah…. that’s gojo satoru. that’s the gojo satoru that i love and adore. it always reminds me of WHY i love him sm and it’s just….. such a wonderful feeling yk??? alexis rlly captures what i perceive as the core of his character!!!!! i can’t tell you what it is exactly but i feel that so strongly!!!!! he’s my baby and i love him so so bad. he makes me so happy and he feels so human:((((( i just love him…. him and his self-destructive little habits….. also special shoutout to idol!gojo bc he’s just soo. yeah.
then we have io’s flower shop!satoru <333 the fic isn’t out as of rn, but i added a link to a snippet that i’m still swooning over….. i ADORE this concept and it’s so perfect for io’s gorgeous and flowery writing!!!! he was made for her fr…… i just really love the idea of a soft, gentle, smitten satoru 🥺 and him being a flower boy rlly scratches an itch in my brain because of his canon ties to flowers!!! the fact that he kind of views other people as flowers. or at least compared them to flowers in ch. 236….. i just feel like this concept is . genius. nature loves satoru and he loves it back . he’s a nurturing soul at his core imo and that’s not something i see people explore super often, but this au captures it perfectly <33
moss’s knight!suguru…. my beloved. not a day goes by where i don’t think about him. there isn’t a single language on this earth that could properly convey the physical reaction i had when i read this drabble . this is . The most attractive suguru in the world. to me. he’s so sexy i’m sorry i need him so bad. we all know how i feel about knights and suguru individually so when you mash em together….. 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 yeah. my life was changed. the armour the blood the contrast between his polite exterior and gritty fighting … i’ll be so honest just the idea of knight!suguru fighting using his fists instead of his sword is enough to have me falling to the floor in agony like i NEED him. you don’t understand. you will never understand. it physically pains me to know that he will never beat ts out of me. BUT YEAH HE’S JUST SOOO???? he’s so hot and cool and Doomed and i desire him carnally
then we have mickey’s suguru :3 he’s just….. soooo fucking charming? it’s sickening . i can’t stand him. he’s perfect and i need him. mickey always writes him in a very wolfy way while also making him feel so soft and sweet and i just…. adore it. he’s a loverboy first and foremost and he makes me sooooooo happy it’s insane…… i’m linking my personal fav sugu fic of his but i truly adore them all!!!!!!!!! his suguru is just . theee most charming man alive and that’s all i can really say to properly convey my feelings. this particular fic genuinely wrecked me i got soooooo flustered just reading it 💔💔💔 save me sweaty!sugu…….. save me……….. he’s a wolf he’s a romantic he’s a cooer and most importantly he’s my Wife :33
kairo’s suguru is soooo lovely and so hot but i’m especially in love with black is the colour!suguru….. he’s just. so hot i’m sorry. not really though. tattoo artist sugu 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 with his piercings …. his honeyed voice…… his boundless devotion…… heavy breathing . he’s so mommy in this. but also so Father. that’s the best way i can explain it aaaaaaand i’m terribly weak to it……. he’s just so perfect there are SO many scenes in this fic that made my knees buckle 😔😔 he’s so sweet and doting and complex and just hhhhhhhhhhhHHH kairo if you see this you’ve ruined me for life…… specifically thinking about the scene where he worries he acts more like a dad than a boyfriend sometimes + where he calls reader his dove…… i need him in my life i need him to fix me
lily’s poseidon!suguru stole my heart very recently and i have ….. not stopped thinking of him since. i love any take on suguru as a god and lily’s version is just so genius . suguru being a god of the sea????? it’s perfect….. and the fact that he’s so gentle and coaxing and sweet 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 just the way he speaks in this drabble had me captivated he is truly the god of all time….. and his DESIGN . the concept in itself. i know for a fact that he’s the most stunning man you’ll ever see. he’s so almighty and powerful and he speaks so softly and gently but you hear every word crystal clear because he just has this Presence…… i rlly can’t stop thinking about him.
then we have rem’s suguru!!!! who is the acts of service king of All Time. and i’m obsessed with him. i love chatting with rem because i love her but also because we always agree on suguru and her thoughts always make me feel insane….. he NEEDS you to need him. he needs to take care of you. or he’ll literally explode. he’s such a caretaker and i can’t get enough of him….. that’s really the Core of suguru’s character imo!!!! his desperation to take care of others. he wants to take care of you more than he ever takes care of himself because doing that makes Him happy. and rem just captures that so, so perfectly, yknow?????? oughhhh her sugu is just so Mommy i need him to coddle me :(((((
aaaaand finally!!!!! last but not least!!!!!!!! rheya’s vamp!sashisu :33 i know you asked for stsg specifically but i’m throwing in shoko as a bonus bc they’re All characterized so well in this. they live rent free in my silly little brain . there’s not a single person on this planet that i trust to write poly sashisu more than rheya bc she just Gets them!!!!! and….. vamp!sashisu..,… lord save me…….. they could drain me like a capri sun idec. I LOVE THEM!!!!!! their preferred biting spots just feel soooo in character and the fact that they’re all so gentle makes me emotional 🥺🥺 generally speaking i’m not super into vamps but rheya entered my life and i was changed forever . i need them so bad
i wasn’t gonna tag anyone originally, but i want you guys to know how much i love you and think abt your silly little guys actually... thank u for letting me read abt them 🥹
@stellamancer @seiwas @kissxcore @neptuneblue
@mossmotif @dollsuguru @teddybeartoji
@storiesoflilies @hayakawalove @satoruxx
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