#i wish i could tell you what the second and third bug are - but i don't know!!
smile-files · 1 year
oh golly my feet hurt!! anyway here are some camp bug pictures :)
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reminiscingtonight · 5 months
baking kitchen mess (aitana bonmatí)
Recipe For Relaxing (Aitana Bonmatí x Reader)
A/N: Barca you're massive 💪
[WOSO Masterlist]
It’s been a long day.
First, your ever lovely girlfriend drank what was left of the coffee and left for an early training without even telling you.
Then your alarm clock seemingly forgot how to do its job, leaving you, still barely awake with no caffeine in sight, to scramble to make it to work on time.
The meeting you slipped into was already in motion, multiple eyes zeroing in on you as you tried to sneak in undetected. So with a healthy dose of tiredness and shame following you to your classroom, you really hoped that your rambunctious lot of third graders would magically surprise you with manners fit for royalty.
It really shouldn’t have irked you as much as it did when all twenty-five of them seemed to catch the wiggle-bug. Nobody was able to sit for more than a couple minutes without jumping or shouting what was on their minds.
By the time the clock signaled the end of the school day you were more than ready to rip out your hair. As politely as you could you wished all of your students goodbye, waving at their grinning faces as their parents herded them away.
Any hope you had at relaxing was dashed when you noticed the cars lining the street all the way up to your driveway.
Sighing, you drove a bit further away before parking on the curb, knowing better than to expect the girls to leave you a clear spot to park in your own driveway.
Mumbling under your breath you stepped over the shoes discarded carelessly by the door. Although you could hear laughter wafting from the living room, you took the side door to get a well needed beer from the fridge. As much as you loved Aitana and all twenty of her clubmates, you needed something to help rewind before even entertaining the idea of playing host.
The second your foot crosses the doorway leading into your kitchen however, you freeze. Your fingers tighten against the doorframe as you take in the sight in front of you.
Something was baking in the oven, but dirty bowls littered your counters, as did half-used ingredients. Flour covered almost every surface, even tracking throughout the ground. 
Clearly the girls had never heard of leaving things as they found it. 
You shut your eyes, jaw clenching so hard that you know your dentist will be giving you an earful when you see her next.
“Aitana Bonmatí Conca, what the hell did you do to my kitchen?!”
The chattering ceases instantly. 
Angrily turning around, you stomp into the living room to give the girls a piece of your mind.
You’re met with wide guilty eyes, the footballers looking scolded before you even started. 
“Hola bebé, you’re home early.” Aitana gives you a timid grin but you’re not amused.
Your nose flares angrily as you take another step forward. Everyone flinches when you shove a finger into Aitana’s chest. “Clean up my kitchen. Now.”
The air is silent as no one dares to move.
You quirk an eyebrow, tilting your head to make eye contact with the rest of the team. “Now! Pronto! Move your asses girls! I wanted it spotless yesterday!”
It’s like a hurricane storming when everyone scrambles up all at once. Quiet apologies are thrown your way as they pass by, everyone eager to escape your anger.
Aitana tries to sneak away with her teammates but your hand clamps down on her arm before she can even take a step.
“I love you?” she tries, deflating when she sees your unamused look.
“Aitana, babe, love of my life, I love you but you’re the bane of my existence. I’m exhausted and would love it if you could reign in the girls and not make messes for me to clean up.”
A look of determination crosses her face as Aitana nods quickly. “I will do a better job of cleaning up.”
“Thank you,” you sigh, relaxing a bit when Aitana timidly leans forward to give your forehead a soft kiss.
Your girlfriend takes it as a win when she wraps her arms around you and you instantly sink into her hold. The exhaustion from your day seemingly catches up to you as you sway dangerously, ready to go to bed despite it still being early. 
Sighing, you rub at your eyes before gently pushing Aitana off of you. “Thank you for putting up with me. ‘M sorry for yelling.”
“It’s okay, I’m sure you’ve had a long day. Is there anything I could do for you?”
Humming, you give her a kiss when she leans forward for one.
“Could you go get me a beer and tell the rest of the girls that they don’t have to hide in the kitchen from me?”
“I--” Aitana winces. “I think we’re out.”
When Ingrid pokes her head out of the kitchen a couple minutes later, selected by the bunch as the least likely to get her head bitten off by you, she’s met with the sight of you sitting on the couch, feet thrown up on the table as you mindlessly flip through the TV.
You hold up a stack of papers towards the Norwegian. 
“Got a new team bonding activity for you heathens.”
Aitana sighs when she catches sight of the rest of her teammates with each of their own personalized shopping lists at the store down the street. 
“She got you guys too?”
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xmasterofmunsonx · 3 months
Got Your Number
Summary: You’re Steve Harrington’s older sister and after a rough and tumultuous breakup, you’re back in Hawkins, Indiana. 🌶️
Pairing: Harrington!reader x Eddie Munson
Author’s notes: hi hello!!! long time no update. been sitting on the first half of this for months and wrote the second half over the last two days. I love this story and honestly at this point I’m writing it for myself and everyone else enjoying it is just a plus. If you’re still hanging in there with me, thanks 🩷
Warnings: 18+ (Minors DNI!!), language, drinking, weed, mentions of past abusive relationship, body image issues, shitty parent relationship, smut
Word count: 8K
Two weeks had gone by in a flash while working full time at your dads office. It really wasn’t all that bad, and everyone that worked there had either known you your whole life, or they knew your dad well enough to not give you a hard time- whether it’s because they figured he gave you a hard enough time anyway, or they were afraid of him, you weren’t too sure.
Eddie and the guys seemed to have moved on from the record deal and decided to not sign it, and you were thankful because you were afraid they’d be making a huge mistake in doing so, but you didn’t miss the lack of spark that your boyfriend had shown the last two weeks- he’d canceled Hellfire one night, and was threatening to cancel it now at 4 pm, a few hours before it was supposed to start.
“C’mon, what else are you going to do?” You asked him, the work phone between your shoulder and ear as you were busy with some paperwork.
“Practice, and maybe practice some more. We’re having a really hard time nailing down Maiden’s ‘Wasted Years’ for our show.” You heard him sigh, and tapping his fingers on something at his work through the other end of the phone line.
“Babe, the song just came out a little while ago. I don’t think anyone expects perfection, and you don’t have to play it until you’re ready to.”
He was quiet for a moment before speaking, “I just can’t stop thinking about what if another scout is out there at the next show and we don’t blow them away? We could’ve just missed our chance to make it big.”
“Eddie, you didn’t. I promise.” You twirled the phone cord, “Steve said Dustin is driving him insane because he’s been bugging him since all you’ve been doing is practicing with the band or seeing me- you need to spend some time with them.”
“I don’t need the guilt from you too.” He said quickly.
“I’m not guilting you- I’m just trying to help you keep things normal as you… your brain adjusts to the meds.” Eddie had taken the doctors orders and actually complied with taking the medication he needed for two weeks straight. The first week was the worst- the mood swings were a little more unpredictable, and the anxiety was heightened but you could tell he was starting to level out a little now by the end of the second week. He was even getting better sleep already, and he hadn’t woken up from a nightmare since the third night.
“I’m doing better already. Do you want me to take you on a date or something instead?”
“Eddie, why don’t you want to have Hellfire tonight? You do every single Friday night.”
“I just… I don’t wanna feel different for that. I don’t wanna lose my spunk with it.”
“Do you really feel like you’ve lost it in other ways?” This was the first he’d mentioned any of this, and you really wish you weren’t having this conversation over the phone, but you knew it was probably easier for him to tell you these things without being face to face.
“I mean, kinda, I can’t get the riffs right on that goddamn song to save my life.”
You laughed, “Eddie. That song is a completely different sound from almost any other Maiden song, I heard you playing it the other morning before I walked out of your bedroom. You’ve got it. If anything, I think you’re focusing and you’re trying harder than you ever have before. Plus, this is Hellfire we’re talking about here- you are the most dramatic person I know, including right now, you could never lose your flair for dramatics. Do you want me to DM tonight, or something? I can pull out one of my old campaigns if you haven’t already stolen them all.”
“Would you?” He sounded sheepish as he asked the question.
“I may need some assistance in refreshing on actually how to properly be a dungeon master but I think I can swing that for once. If everyone’s okay with it.” You scribbled down some ideas you’d had as you listened to Eddie go on about how the guys usually played out the campaigns and you knew exactly which one you wanted to try out on them tonight.
“Never thought a Harrington would grace the table of Hellfire Club. Welcome.” Dustin spoke to you as you sipped on a glass of whiskey over ice.
“Henderson, who do you think Eddie got some of those twisted campaign ideas from? His little pea brain?” Gareth quipped at Dustin immediately.
“Hey!” Eddie said from the corner of the room, as you blew a kiss at him.
“I told you, we started Hellfire together back in middle school. Were you even born then?”
“What?! I’m not that young.” He shrugged.
You rolled your eyes, “Good luck. You’re gonna need it.”
“She’s not joking.” Gareth nudged Dustin- who’d looked all too confident when he learned you’d be the dungeon master tonight. “I almost cried once.”
You had to turn away to keep from laughing and avoid spitting out the alcohol in your mouth. You were feeling warmed up, but nervous as you waited for everyone to get to Eddie’s music store where he hosted the games in the back room. You loved the cozy feeling of it versus using a room at your school that you had to beg and plead for, and Eddie had told you it had been a fight to keep it going during high school without you being in the club to be the representative for it. He claimed they would’ve let you have any room in the schpracticeool if you asked for it, while they were begrudgingly given the drama room and even then sometimes they had to move a campaign night because of play practice running over. The back room was decked out with band posters, show flyers- new and old, and some odds and ends mounted on the wall.
“Ready, my love?” Your heart swooned at Eddie who’d also been sipping whiskey all night, his ringed hand was clutching a glass similar to yours, except his was a little more empty than yours. You loved how into character he always got, and you felt butterflies as he wrapped his other arm around your waist and kissed your temple. “Thanks for being willing to step up tonight.”
“I can’t say that it’ll happen often, but you owe me big time, Munson.” You locked eyes with his crazy wide brown ones.
“Oh believe me, I know how I’m paying you back tonight.”
“Then you better stop drinking now before you get whiskey dick, babe.” You whispered in his ear, and kissed his earlobe, your teeth lightly biting it- thankful his curtain of hair could hide your actions. Okay, maybe you were two glasses of whiskey deep now. But you didn’t have the energy you used to and you needed everything you could to pull tonight off.
Everyone had taken a seat at the table, Eddie had lent you his seat at the head of the table, and he scooted a chair up beside yours to help you if you needed it. You were excited, nervous, but mostly you were just happy that Eddie had decided to not cancel tonight. You could tell that he was really in his element here, and this normalcy was what he really needed.
“Alright everyone. Get nice and cozy, because we’re gonna be here all night long.” You sat down and rifled through your notes, smiling at a few of the add ons Eddie had scribbled down, god only knows when, as you started the campaign. You took a sip of your half refilled glass, then cleared your throat and started speaking. “Tonight, we’re in the kingdom of Evercrest.” You heard Gareth groan across the table and you shot him a look, he knew that you had many campaigns written for this kingdom. You remember that some of these used to take two or three sessions to finish, but they were some of your best work, honestly.
“Never heard of that one.” Mike quipped as he crunched on a Pringle.
“Shush.” Eddie snapped beside you, and you held back some giggles.
“Tonight we’ll be playing the Shadows of Evercrest. One of the darkest and most mysterious kingdoms of all- it’s a kingdom on the brink of being completely engulfed by darkness brought on by dark magic and ancient curses. Most recently, there have been many disappearances in the kingdom. Each disappearance has brought the kingdom closer and closer to being overthrown.”
Everyone was dead silent as they looked at you in shock as you felt yourself returning back to your old ways of being a dungeon master. You had the entire attention of the whole table, and you started to get sweaty hands. Eddie placed a gentle hand on your leg and squeezed it, you looked at him- his eyes were full of admiration as he encouraged you to continue on.
An hour into gameplay, you had another drink and you were feeling bold enough to reveal the first twist of the night.
“Elara’s influence in the kingdom is growing stronger, but how? When you’ve all been so successful so far.” You sipped and placed your glass down to your left. “There is a traitor among the allies.” Gasps were heard from all around.
“No! Absolutely not!” Dustin exclaimed, slamming his fist down, “that’s-”
“That’s how it goes, my friend. Elara has enchanted an ally, with her dark magic.” You waved your hand over them as if you were a witch yourself, pretending to cast a spell over them. “The illness that swept over Evercrest took her sister, and now she has plagued the kingdom with these disappearances seeking revenge in the name of her sister. The ally has been enchanted by her.” You kept on, “Will you confront your former ally and try to redeem them, or will you cut ties and focus on stopping Elara’s plans?” You sat back in the chair and watched as the group was talking amongst themselves and deciding what to do.
“Can we break?” Will asked as he raised his hand, almost afraid of what you were going to say.
“Absolutely.” Eddie answered for you, grabbing your notebook from the table so no one could peek, then clutching your hand and dragging you out the side exit door of the breakroom into the dark alleyway. “You. Have. No. Idea. What. You’re. Doing. To. Me.” He pinned you against the brick wall kissing your neck between words, the coldness was a harsh contrast to the warmth from his mouth. “Fuck, you’re such a goddamn nerd too, driving me crazy when you’re like this.” He nipped at your neck and worked his free hand over your body as you bit back moans.
“Never knew I did this to you, Eddie.” You chuckled as you entwined a hand of yours into his curls, letting him continue to scatter kisses over your exposed neck and chest. “Don’t leave a mark, they’ll know.”
“As if my raging boner isn’t enough of a hint, fuck.” He was out of breath as he pressed his forehead against yours. “That, t-that’s my girl back there. Not that bullshit cheerleader who was a fucking bully in high school.” You kissed him on the lips and he pulled you close by your neck. “I don’t wanna go back in there, ‘wanna take you right here.” His hand slid down to your lower back, then to your ass where he squeezed it and pulled it to meet his groin where he was very obviously hard.
“Eddie, we can’t. I promise as soon as we get back to your place we can, we’ve still got another few hours left.”
He quickly shook his head as he smothered you with more kisses, “can’t wait that long.”
“You’re gonna have to.” You pushed him off of you gently, grabbed the book from him and opened the door, walking back into the room, grabbing water and sitting back down in your chair. The rest of the room were gathered in separate groups, probably discussing game plans, and your absence didn’t seem to have been a problem for anyone to bring up thankfully. A few minutes later, a more calm (and obviously now high) Eddie returned to his seat beside you and winked at you, giving you a sinking feeling in your stomach that felt like butterflies mixed with a bit more of a tornado feeling.
“Alright, everyone ready to keep on?” You interrupted their quiet discussions.
“Question is, can you two kids keep it in your pants till we’re through?” Dustin joked as he sat down.
“Ask her, she’s the one who-” you lightly slapped Eddie on the chest to shut him up.
“Excuse you.” You fussed at him and everyone groaned. “It was all him, I swear.”
They all settled down and got ready, and the next two hours flew by. Finally you were getting to the end, and you were really proud of how everyone had handled your twists and turns to the campaign. You stood up to announce the next twist, “As you’ve now successfully uncovered all of Elara’s tragic past, you’ve all ended your quest at her lair, of all places. Hundreds of undead minions are waiting for you to cross her. Will you turn around now, after all of this? Or will you fight?”
“We’re going to fight.” Dustin answered for the group.
“Your death.” Erica chimed in and you held in a little laugh.
You went to sit back down, only to be met with the lap of your boyfriend instead of the chair, and he wrapped his arms around your waist. No one let out a groan of grossness at this show of affection, so you leaned into it.
The game continued, “Elara summons even more undead creatures to attack you in her lair.” Everyone fought on, played their hardest that they could to defeat Elara, and you could feel Eddie beaming proudly behind you. “In a moment of redemption, Elara hesitates, a flicker of doubt crossing her face as she gazes upon those who have fought so bravely to stop her. In a final act of sacrifice, she uses her remaining power to banish the darkness that has consumed her and restore peace to the kingdom, her spirit finally finding peace as she fades into the shadows. Thanks to all of you heroes for bravely planning along tonight, and saving the kingdom from an eternity of darkness.” You raised your last sip of your glass at everyone as they cheered triumphantly at their win, and you felt Eddie place a sloppy kiss on your cheek. You could feel his hips slowly moving underneath your ass as you wrapped an arm around his shoulder and sat sideways. “Munson, calm down.”
“Can’t, gotta get some relief. I had to use you to hide it.” He pulled you in for a kiss and you heard a few of the younger “kids” groan out their ewws at your sign of affection, to which you both held up your middle fingers as you continued to kiss each other.
“Alright, we’ll meet again next week.” Eddie pulled back from the kiss abruptly, and loudly announced to the group. You furrowed your eyebrows at him, “I forgot to close out a few things for the store tonight because I was too excited about having a guest DM so we’ve gotta stay back and do that anyway. You all can go.” He pushed you off of his lap, quickly, and everyone left the room in groups or pairs, the same ones they arrived in. You were browsing the dark music store that only had a few neon lights and lamps on as everyone seemed to have disappeared.
“Could you have been any more obvious, Munson?” You asked as you felt a pair of arms wrap around you from behind.
“I reaaaaally don’t give a fuck what they know, or think.” He pushed your hair to the side and started kissing behind your ear and you leaned back into him. His hot breath tickled and you shivered, “I also reaaaaally don’t think I can wait till we get home.” His hand was traveling down your stomach and you felt his fingers playing with the hem of your mini skirt. You didn’t stop him as he danced it up higher on your thighs, your body weight leaning more and more into his chest. Your arms were hanging onto his neck as your skirt was now bunched up at your waist, and he was playing with the waistband of your panties.
“Here? S’dark in here but what if someone sees?”
“Don’t give a damn baby, it’s my store, my rules. Now bend over.” He smirked into your neck and pulled your ass against his hard dick, you could feel how thick he was through his jeans already. One of his hands was pulling your lace panties to the side, while his other was skillfully undoing his belt buckle. “You wore these tonight, were you expecting something?”
Honestly, you weren’t. You just hadn’t done laundry to have any other of your more normal underwear clean. “No, promise.”
His hand grabbed at your bare ass cheek and he pulled back and slapped it, “anyone could’ve seen these, you know that, right?” You smirked at his possessiveness, it felt different than when your ex had been possessive. You knew Eddie was proud of you, and you also knew how talkative he was when he was this turned on, so you just let him keep going. You nodded to go along and felt his fingers tease your entrance. “Oh fuck, you’re so wet. I’m surprised you didn’t leave a mark on my jeans.” He lazily rubbed his fingers between the lips of your pussy, and you arched your back to beg for more than what he was giving you, pressing your hands into the wooden record display for support.
“Fuck, stop teasing me.” You looked back and saw him smirking, as he unzipped his jeans and let them slide down his thighs. He started lazily stroking up and down his dick, matching the pace of his slow fingers that were touching you earlier.
“You should know all about teasing, shouldn’t you? Grinding your ass on me, leaning over that fucking table tonight so I could just almost see what I wanted. Wanted to shove that skirt up and lick you clean tonight.” He stroked himself quicker and quicker, “You ready for me, babe?” He asked as he teased your entrance with his hard length, and you whimpered as he teased you with an inch or so, then pulled back out. He kept on a few times until you’d had enough and you thrust your hips back to take his whole length, making him grab onto your hips. “Fuck yeah,” Eddie grunted as he fucked into you and steadied your hips. The store was quiet except the low humming of the neon lights, and your quiet, low moans.
He pulled your hair in a makeshift ponytail with his hands and yanked your head up to his. “You drive me crazy, baby, do you know that? Can’t believe you’re mine after all these years.” He was relentless as he pounded into you, a skilled hand snaking around your front and circling your clit to bring you to your height of pleasure.
You felt yourself clenching around him as he kept a steady pace, and you came quickly before he followed suit, and allowing himself to collapse onto you.
“Goddamn, I can’t last more than a few minutes with you ever, can I?” You could feel his cheeks warm against your back as he chuckled and twitched inside.
“It’s fine, really. You’ve made up for it plenty of other times.” He let out a sharp sigh as he pulled out of you, and helped you fix your outfit and then his own. You both were smirking at each other as you wandered around the store.
“Ready to go?” He asked as he swung the keys around his pointer finger.
“I thought you had to- you’re such a bullshitter, Munson.” You realized he’d lied to everyone about needing to do something at the shop to get everyone to leave earlier.
“Maybe so, Harrington, maybe so.” He opened the door for you and you followed out after he finished locking the doors to the music store.
“They trust you with this?” You eyed your brother as you helped him scoot the grill out onto the patio around the pool.
“Mom and dad barely use it, so I taught myself how to a while ago.”
“Shocked that you haven’t burned the house down yet.” You muttered to him and he rolled his eyes back in return. It was an oddly warm fall Sunday, so you (Steve) had decided to have everyone over for a pool party, which you were sure would turn into a night party too. Absent parents were a plus sometimes, and you had Monday off of work because your dad had decided to close for the day.
You were both busy setting up the food and drinks in the kitchen when someone rang the doorbell, so you jogged to the front door to let them in.
In a line, all of the “kids” walked in, Dustin being last and giving you a high five as if you were Steve. You could tell they felt comfortable here as they piled in and made themselves comfortable before heading out back.
“We just… let them party?” You asked, coming around the kitchen corner to your brother.
“Nah, maybe a beer or two but they know the rules. I’m still the babysitter a little bit. Where’s Eddie?”
You shrugged, he was supposed to be here early to help you two get ready but he was either early, or late- never on time, but it was unusual that you hadn’t heard from him. “Must be running late.”
Steve raised an eyebrow at you as he sliced tomatoes. “What?” He asked as you eyed him.
“Just, not like him, that’s all.” You watched as he arranged the tomatoes and lettuce on a plate for burgers. “Alright, what do you know? You’ve never been so precise about where toppings for a burger go on a plate. I really don’t see anyone who’s coming even putting a vegetable on their burger.” You crossed your arms and leaned your hip against the counter.
“Nothing.” He moved on to cutting up an onion, and you snatched the knife from his hand.
“Steve.” He said your name back to you in the same sassy tone. “What do you know?”
He sighed, “He didn’t wanna come because it’s a pool party, and he’s nervous about everyone seeing his scars. So he said he was gonna say something came up with the store so he didn’t have to come, then come later tonight.”
You frowned, you felt bad for Eddie because he was so sensitive about his appearance. Everyone knew what they were from, but you guessed that no one had seen him since the wounds had healed, he didn’t strike you as the shirtless guy at a pool type even before, but especially now.
“I’m gonna go call him really quick, can you handle everything for a minute?” You asked Steve as you handed him his knife back, and he seemed to be finishing up any prep work that needed to be done.
The phone line rang three times as you sat on your bed waiting for someone to pick up.
“Hello?” It was Wayne, which took you by surprise.
“Hey uncle Wayne, it’s me. Is Eddie there?”
“Yeah, he’s practicin’ right now. Want me to get him for you?”
“Please.” You chewed on your lip, debating telling him it’s an emergency to hopefully have a better chance at getting him on the phone but you didn’t want to add to any anxiety he already has. You heard multiple footsteps before you heard the phone cord clinking against the plastic phone.
“Hey baby.” He sounded sweet and… oblivious?
“Hey, are you coming over? Steve’s about to get the grill going I think, and I’m kinda worried that he’s going to set something on fire, or give us all food poisoning.”
“I’m uh, I’m gonna come over later. Still practicing some today, and not really feeling like I wanna swim. Wayne’s home too and-”
“Steve told me you’re worried about everyone seeing your scars.” You blurted it out, immediately regretting it.
“I-I… yeah.” He sighed. You couldn’t see him, but you were willing to bet he was running his hand over his face and through his hair right now. “I know everyone’s got them, and they saw me all fucked up but, you know how I am.”
“Eddie, they’re your friends. And you don’t have to even swim, just come hang out with everybody. No ones gonna pressure you to swim.” You paced your room and looked out the back window of your room that overlooked the pool. Robin had arrived and was wearing a button up top, unbuttoned over her swimsuit. Steve was of course shirtless already with his swim trunks on, and all the younger kids were in the pool swimming. Nancy was in a cute striped one piece, and Jonathan had on shorts and a t-shirt. “Not everyone is swimming, and no ones gonna care if you don’t.”
“You really don’t think they’ll care?”
“No, Eddie. Come on over.”
He sighed, “Alright, give me a few minutes and I’ll leave. If I get pushed in, I’m blaming you.”
“Okay, you can fully blame me if someone else pushes you into the pool.” You laughed at him.
“Don’t wanna mess this hair up either, I’m actually having a really good hair day today.”
You giggled again at the thought of his mop of a mane getting wet from the pool, “I’m sure you are, every day is a good hair day for you.”
“Alright, Harrington.” He said, emphasizing the “hair”, “I’ll see you soon.” You hung up and ran down the stairs, and headed straight for the backyard.
“He’s coming but he’s not gonna swim, and please don’t push him in.” You said to your brother as he was crouched down getting the grill going, or at least attempting to.
“Thank god because I have no idea how to start this stupid thing.” He stood up and you were seeing his scars for the first time, too. The one on his face was obviously there and you were used to it, but it was so much smaller. You guys had been night swimming a few times since you had been home, but you hadn’t paid much attention or seen them like you could right now. He had one on the left of his abdomen that still looked pretty gnarly.
“I didn't realize how bad-”
“Yeah, it’s pretty bad, I know. Well, it was. I think just pretending they’re not there is the only way I can act like things are back to normal now.” He spoke softly as he pushed his sunglasses back up on his nose. “Gonna go grab a drink, you want one?”
“Just a water is fine for now.” You said as he walked away, the scars on his back just as pink as the ones on his front. You found Robin settled in on a pool chair and sat at the foot of her chair. She had already found a beer and was watching the kids play a game of chicken. Max and Lucas were very clearly about to win against Mike and Will.
“Your lover not gonna make it?”
“He’s on his way, he was a little hesitant to come over to swim.” You said, and Robin nodded, thankfully understanding what you were meaning without saying anything.
“I think he has the hardest time with it all because he thinks he should’ve died.” She said very bluntly, sitting back in the lounger. Steve walked over and tossed you a water, then returned back to the grill. “Like, he actually did. And the scars are just another reminder- as if any of us need one, and I don’t think he wants to be a burden and make anyone remember it anymore than we already do, you know?” You nodded, realizing again how little you had understood about what everyone had been through while you were gone, despite hearing so much about it all from them. “He had it the worst of us, but you know that. Steve was pretty fucked up too. He waited until Eddie was even somewhat stable before he got himself looked at, they could have patched him up way better but he wouldn’t leave his side.”
“Oh yeah. Days. He spent days after we’d all been evaluated, cleaned up, stitches or whatever we needed before he said that he needed any medical attention other than what we could see on his face. Nancy finally told him he smelled like blood and sweat and needed to go before he ended up with an infection. I'm still not convinced he didn’t get rabies from those bats... She had to pry him away from Eddie’s bedside. Steve said he felt responsible for him dying, because Eddie sacrificed himself to save him for you.” She was staring out at the pool still, talking about all of this as if it were some lighthearted conversation, and you were left speechless. “When the doctors got their hands on Steve they couldn’t believe how much pain he was in for that many days and didn’t even flinch because he was so good at hiding it, but when they asked him to lie back on the hospital bed to get looked at, he was crying in pain. It was pitiful.”
You still didn’t know what to say as you fumbled with your water bottle. “I hate that I wasn’t here.”
“No, don’t say that. I mean, I hate that you were where you were, but you didn’t want to be here. In Hawkins, or the upside down.”
“I just wish I could’ve been there for them more. Anyone. You guys are so close and I feel like I’m just invading on this, and adding more to it all.”
“No, you’re good for everyone. You being back has helped Steve, and obviously Eddie too. That idiot is crazy about you. When he woke up and found out what had happened to the town, the first thing he asked about was some book in his trailer that none of us knew what he was talking about until Wayne got there after Steve called him to tell him his vitals were improving drastically.”
“What book was it?” You asked, not sure what he could’ve been talking about.
“We all thought he meant his copy of The Hobbit but he was talking about some dungeons and dragons notebook.” Your heart stopped as Robin rambled on longer, for minutes before you realized you weren’t listening at all.
You two settled into a normal conversation, but you kept thinking about the notebook that Eddie was worried in the back of your head until he arrived, he made a quiet entrance versus his usual display of dramatics. He was dressed in a ripped up, sleeveless Slayer tshirt and a very holey pair of black jeans, and a pair of black converse that you rarely saw him in. His hair was tied back loosely and he had a black bandana around his head too. You stopped mid sentence with Robin as you watched him gravitate towards Steve as if he automatically knew he needed help.
“Man, you’ve got it bad for Munson, don’t you?”
“Shut it, Robin.” You slapped her ankle playfully and she laughed at you.
“Have you guys said the l word yet?”
You looked at him again before looking over to her, “No, it hasn’t been that long yet.” You knew Robin was such a romantic at heart- she thought your story of two best friends torn apart, then reunited as “lovers” was the best plot for a romantic story.
“Hasn’t been that long?! You guys were friends for how long before this? And you both knew you had something for each other this whole time?! Come on!” She threw her hands up in the air. “Just say it and see what he says.”
Except, you knew how Eddie felt about the word. There were some things some people- most people actually, didn’t know about his life before he was living with Wayne full time. The only time he heard the word love and it actually meant something was his mom, and he didn’t hear it but a few times from her. And if his dad ever said it, it was when he was quite literally beating love into him. It was a subject you weren’t really ready to introduce into your relationship yet, and you didn’t want to be the one to push it on him either. You were following the cracks of the concrete around the pool until a pair of unlaced shoes caught your attention.
Eddie squatted down to your level of the pool chair and lifted your chin up with his two fingers before placing the most gentle kiss on your lips. “Hi.” He said, his cheeks rosy, and his eyes were a little bit bloodshot to match.
“Hi.” You giggled back, “You okay?”
“Smoked on the way over here, never been better.”
“I’ll leave you two alone, have at it.” Robin got up, abandoning her chair. Eddie replaced her at the top of the chair and motioned for you to scoot up between his legs. You settled with your back on his chest, as his arms wrapped around your body.
“Glad you decided to come. I missed you.” You said as you traced the faint scars on his forearms that were showing.
“Just saw me last night at the show, Harrington. But thanks for making me come here, I think it’ll be good.”
“I didn’t make you come here,” you defended, “I was just trying to get you out of the house and that head of yours for a bit.”
“I know.” He kissed the side of your head, “and I’m thanking you for it.” You’d half expected him to retort back with some type of a half argument comment like he was actually trying to say that you did force him to come here, but you could tell he genuinely was glad to be there. You snuggled in closer to him.
“I think your meds are working, you normally would have said something a little smarter than that back to me.” You said out loud.
“Yeah, I feel less on edge all the time now. ‘S kinda nice.” He hummed.
“Should you be smoking weed while you’re taking it?” You feel him shrug against you. “Guess we’ll find out.”
“Guess we will.” He said.
“I need to run upstairs and change, keep an eye on Steve to make sure he doesn’t burn anything, please.”
“You sure you don’t need any assistance?” He wiggled his eyebrows at you and you rolled your eyes as you made your way back inside to change into your swimsuit.
The first one you grabbed was an older black one that was a two piece bikini, you were a bit less curvy back in high school but you figured it would still fit. You slipped the bottoms and the top on and stared at yourself in the mirror. Your shape had changed so much, not necessarily for the worse by any matter, but you could hear the comments from your mom or Charlie in your head as you took yourself in from every angle in the mirror.
A soft knock rapped on the door, then it slowly opened and you weren’t one bit surprised to see Eddie there. His jaw was slack as he stuttered out a compliment. “Y-you look great.”
You blushed and tucked your arms in front of your tummy, attempting to hide your few pounds, suddenly feeling ashamed.
“I mean it. You look healthy. I know what you’re thinking. I haven’t forgotten what your mom used to say to you. I haven’t either.” He closed the door quietly behind him, then walked over towards you.
“How come I have to be the one confident about my body, but you get to hide yours?” You asked him as he enveloped you in a warm hug and rubbed your soft back.
“That’s a conversation I’m willing to have another day, sweetheart. You don’t have to swim either.”
“But I want to. All I have are bikinis though.”
“And you look fine in it.” He hugged you tighter, but then his arms dropped, “what’s that?”
“What’s what?” You pulled back to look at him and he was focused on your closet. “Oh, that’s just some old high school crap. C’mon, let’s go down to the pool so they don’t think we’re up to something.”
Eddie shook his head as he made his way over to your closet. He didn’t have to stand on his tiptoes to grab the shoebox from the top shelf of your closet. “I know exactly what this is.” He made himself comfortable on the floor of your room, and opened the lid. The laugh that escaped his lips almost sounded like a bit of a cry as he started to pick through the papers and pictures.
“C’mon, Eddie. I’m not in the mood for reliving the past right now.”
“Oh I am. Look at how cute we were.” He showed you a photo of the two of you, and some of your old friends from middle school. “God, I was such a nerd.”
“Was?” You asked as you sat down beside him and watched him carefully dig through your possessions. You watched as he pulled out each picture, most of them had a tiny hole in the corner from a push pin where they’d been displayed in your room. “Had to take all these down in 9th grade when I had my first sleepover with Grace. I didn’t want her to make fun of me. I don't think I’ve looked at any of them since.”
Your slightly shaky hand started to sift through the box too, finding a picture from your birthday party in 8th grade- the year your parents had the pool put in. Eddie was beside you, his arm loosely around your shoulder, and you were both grinning from ear to ear, everyone else at the party had smiles too, but none as bright as the two of yours. There was a picture stuck to the back of that one, and it was of you blowing out your birthday candles. Eddie was staring- yes, staring at you with nothing but admiration in his eyes. You realized then that Robin really was right about the two of you. Eddie had found a letter that you both would pass back and forth between classes and was smiling behind his hand as he read it, his eyes seemed to be shrink wrapped with tears ready to fall.
“Man, we were fucking clueless, weren’t we?” He said out loud.
You took a deep breath, “clueless to what?”
“Each other. I’m pretty sure I was in love with you back then.” He continued on, not realizing what he’d said.
“Back then?” You asked, picking at the corner of the picture in your hands.
“Yeah, back then. Look at this,” he pointed to a part of the letter and read it aloud to you as you giggled along. You didn’t want to ruin the moment so you went along with him as you continued pulling out old pictures and letters, some DnD notes, and random little trinkets.
Your heart was aching to say something to him but you didn’t want to press it, so you abruptly stood up and grabbed the box from him, putting the lid back in it.
“That’s enough for right now.” You stood on your tippy toes to place the box back in the top of your closet, where dust had settled around the edges of it for sitting in the same spot for so long.
“I can’t believe you kept all those. Even after the years you were so mean to me.” Eddie came up behind you and took the box from your hands and effortlessly returned it to its place.
“You know me, I keep everything.” You were a little nervous now, not sure where the conversation was going.
“What about pictures of him?” Eddie asked, his voice laced with disgust.
“Eddie, come on. You really think I’d keep any of him? I threw all the ones I had out in Chicago, and Steve got all of the ones out of the house before I made it home.”
“I’m shocked he didn’t make you burn your pictures with me.” He scoffed, pacing around your room.
“He didn’t know I had those.” You watched him scratch at his neck as he kept pacing. “Hey, Eddie?”
“While we’re on the subject of keeping things… Robin told me that my DnD notebook was one of the first things you asked about after you woke up.”
“Yeah, I was worried that you would kill me if we ever talked again and I’d lost it.”
“Lost it? Eddie, I didn’t even know that thing still existed until you showed it to me.”
“Well. It’s the one thing that I had of you, of yours that was still… you. You know? You just switched in freshman year to this completely different girl desperate to fit in. I tried calling you, but your mom always made up whatever excuse you told her. Cheerleading practice, or at Grace’s house, or whatever it was. Finally I just gave up after you started looking at me with disgust at school if we saw each other. Then your sophomore year I knew I was never going to get you back, you were long gone.”
“But I’m back now.” You said quietly.
“Yeah, but at what cost?” He let out a disparaging smile, “You were with that abusive piece of shit for all of those years, and I was here rotting in Hawkins, being the freak of the town and then almost dying. Now you’re back, and you’re just… you’re back in my life again. But nothing is the same.” He sounded defeated.
You looked at him with tears in your eyes, and you felt your heart crumpling down.
“Eddie, I’m sorry.”
“Everyone is. Everyone is so sorry about what happened, aren’t they?”
“Eddie, please.” You grabbed his arm as he tried to walk out. He pulled it away from you, then turned to face you.
“I loved you, but you didn’t see it. You didn’t care, you just wanted to be the popular girl, you wanted everyone to love you. Sweetheart, none of those people did, except me.”
“I never told my mom to make up lies about where I was. I didn’t know you ever tried to call me. I thought you hated me for joining the cheerleading team.”
“Hate you? I could never hate you. Fuck- all of that bullshit you said to me in high school and look where we’re at now.” His chest was heaving, and you were feeling woozy from the emotional whiplash of the conversation.
“Where are we now?” You asked, afraid of the answer. Eddie’s hands slowly reached up to your face, and he didn’t miss the tiny flinch you made as you realized he was about to touch you.
“I think you know where I’m at.” His hands were resting on either side of your jaw, and his thumbs were slowly moving in circles as he looked you in the eyes, searching for something. “I said I could never hate you, didn’t I?” You nodded slowly at him, “it’s because I never stopped loving you.”
He leaned in and placed a gentle kiss on your lips before pulling back and resting his forehead against yours.
“Eddie, I love you too.” You said, placing your hands over his and squeezing them. You watched as his eyes squeezed so hard that tears started falling.
“Don’t say it just because I said it. Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, you know-” he started getting himself riled up the more he spoke.
“I do know, and that’s why I’m saying it. I love you.” His eyes were still shut and he was breathing through his nose. “Look at me.” You grabbed his face to move it to yours and watched as his eyes opened up. “I can’t say it enough, I love you, Eddie.” He leaned in after he accepted your confession and kissed you again, still a quick kiss, but so much feeling behind it. “And I promise you, all of those people out there love you too. But not… not as much as I do.”
He smiled at you before grabbing your hand and leading you downstairs, and back out to the pool. To your surprise, no one made any comments about the two of you being gone together, and not as much time must have passed as you thought because Steve was just putting burgers and some chicken on the grill. Eddie kissed the side of your head before he went to the cooler for a beer and resumed his stand beside your brother.
Alright, you confessed your love to him, so why do you feel like you could hurl up the last 3 days worth of food as you stared at him?
“Grabbing a beer, you want one?” Nancy placed a hand on your shoulder and asked as she walked by you standing on the hot concrete, and you nodded a quick yes to her.
“Thanks.” You said as she handed one back to you.
“You alright? You look a little bit sick to your stomach.”
“Yeah, just hanging in there. We had another one of those big conversations and I feel a little off.”
“C’mon, walk it off and come sit over here with us and forget about it for a minute.” You followed her over to where Jonathan and Robin both were talking in depth about some movie ending and why it should’ve ended differently.
“Hey guys.” You sat down, sharing a chair with Robin again. You started drinking your beer quickly as they changed the conversation and you joined in as you heard laughter and splashing in the background. Minutes later, it all stopped. Everything. The laughing, the splashing, and any noise other than the few birds that were still around.
You four looked to the pool. Everyone’s head was accounted for, and then you looked over at the grill where Steve was laughing as he flipped a burger. Steve, just Steve. Where was Eddie? Suddenly you were being lifted up by a very cold, wet body and were getting thrown into the pool, beer in hand and all.
“What the fuck?!” You said as you came up from the water. Eddie was also… in the pool with you. Shirtless, but his jeans on.
“Dustin made a bet and I had to follow up on my end.” He swooped an arm around your waist and pulled you into him. “Love you.” He kissed you on the lips before he let go of you and swam to the side of the pool. He pushed himself out of the water, making a show of his wet hair, then pulled his jeans off to be left just in his boxers.
“Hey man, put some trunks on.” Steve yelled at him before putting the lid down on the grill and running inside. He jogged back out with a pair of his red ones and tossed them at Eddie’s chest, “for your decency.” He said with a smirk, and Eddie put them on and hopped in the pool with everyone else, and a fresh beer for you.
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msgexymunson · 8 months
Just imagine Eddie coming out of your bathroom, freshly showered, wrapped up in a robe, swinging around the end of the belt, ready to give you the sexy striptease of your dreams.
Except for when he connects his phone to the speaker, it doesn’t play the song he thought he had queued up—it starts blasting Baby Shark.
At full volume.
It’s so loud it scares him, making him throw his phone. And you’re just dying laughing on the bed, clutching at your stomach as it rolls out of you, tears spilling down your cheeks as he tries to shut if off but somehow only makes it play louder.
Finally, he shuts it off, but his cheeks are scarlet and his eyes downcast as you shuffle to the end of the bed and reach out for him.
“It’s okay,” you hum softly, “If anyone could make that song sexy, it’s you.”
(hope you feel better soon, bub ily)
OK so this is absolutely everything!! I couldn't help myself. Thank you so much for the well wishes, love you babe ❤️
Warnings: modern AU, NSFW, Minors DNI, established relationship, allusions to p in v sex.
The first time it's a mistake. A hilarious one, but still a mistake. The first time leads to silly sex; all giggles and firm kisses and jokes and mock threats.. and soft touches.
And then grasping hands, and needy fingers, and moans.
The second time, it's a prank. You've just come out of the shower, all pink and clean, in your robe and towel, swaying into the bedroom.
"Oh, am I getting a little show?" Eddie's eyebrows raise, as he settles into the pillows, shit eating grin smeared on his face.
"Maybe... shall I set the mood?" You ask suggestively, flashing a bit of leg.
"Woah, a proper show? Go ahead, princess."
His hands reach behind his head, laying back like a king in his marital bed. You playfully smirk and turn on your little speaker, hearing the tell tale blip of the Bluetooth connecting. Slipping your hand in your pocket, you take out your cellphone, and press play.
"Baby shark do do-"
"Oh you goddamn evil-"
You laugh, and laugh, and laugh some more. Eddie's frowning, arms crossed firmly against his chest, neck and cheeks scarlet from the embarrassing memory.
The music is still playing, so you giggle and seductively drop your robe, fingers toying with the top of your towel.
"Come on baby, I thought you were into this."
He huffs, clearly torn between being angry at you and getting an eyeful. All resolve disintegrates when you drop the towel, running gentle hands over the top of your breasts. His eyes bug out when one hand drifts lower, toying with the tuft of hair on your mound.
"Stop it, I can't be mad when you-"
"When I what?" You ask, smirking, and start crawling toward him over the mattress, silky hands running up his shins, up his tensing thighs. Fingers snake under his boxers, teasing at the skin just shy of where he needs you. Tensing muscles, he grabs your hand before you can go further.
"Fine, you're forgiven just- fuck- turn that song off."
The third time, it was an in joke. Oven mitts on, you check on the casserole you've made, humming to yourself. Another 20 minutes you think, give or take.
Large hands grasp at your hips from behind, pulling your top up slightly to massage at your skin.
"You asking for it? That why you're humming that?"
"Huh?" You ask, entirely confused, trying to look at him over your shoulder.
"You were humming 'baby shark', thought you might want some lovin," Eddie breathes into your neck.
Laughing, you turn to face him.
"Was I? And whats that supposed to mean, exactly?"
"Yep," he replies, knuckles dragging over your cheek, "thought that was our song. You want Daddy Shark to take care of you?"
Rolling your eyes, you bat at his chest in a vain attempt to push him away. "Our song? Fuck I hope we don't have to play it at our wedding."
He chuckles, dropping to his knees, busy fingers expertly undoing your jeans.
"Wedding? I'm just hoping you don't play it in the bedroom again."
All rational thought exits the building however, when he begins rubbing you just right.
"No, no, whatever you want, just keep doing that," you beg, hand winding into his soft locks to keep him there.
After that, you're not sure what it was. There was humor in it, sure, a hint of a past silly mistake, but it had warped over time. Now, it seemed like a hint, a wink, a promise of something to come.
It surfaced again at a gathering; the little gang were holed up at Steve's, watching some shitty rom com that had been voted as tonight's watch. Restlessly, you tap your fingers on your thighs, wound up to the point of breaking.
"Eddie," you whisper, chest swelling with need.
"Hmm?" He asks back, oblivious to your desires.
Opening your mouth to say something, you shut it, until the idea pops in your head and out of your mouth. Leaning in, your breath skates his ear.
"Baby shark, do do do do do do-"
"Oh, we need to go." Eddie calls out loudly to the troop, met with groans and head shakes from everyone.
"Seriously? Why?" Steve asks.
"It's an emergency, sorry guys."
He's on his feet, dragging you to the door. When you're halfway to his van, he whisper shouts at you. "That's a kids song. A kids song. It shouldn't make me halfway hard."
Laughing loudly, you snake your hand around his tight waist.
"Sorry baby, I needed my Daddy Shark."
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@liminalpebble @eddies-puppet @rip-quizilla @micheledawn1975 @vanilla-demon @millercontracting @roanniom @josephquinnsfreckles @leelei1980 @mrsjellymunson @usedtobecooler @eddiesprincess86 @ali-r3n
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Yandere Baki Short Stories:
So I decided to make a second part to Wake Up due to all the asks. I combined a few of the asks into this little companion piece too! This is the last part so you guys can use your imagination to decide who she should choose. So leads enjoy!!
Kinda Angsty and there’s nothing adult in this. Just minor yandere behavior and the importance of knowing your self worth
Third part
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Yandere Jack x Afab reader x Yandere Hanayama
What was it with television making that feeling of aha so dramatic? The sky didn’t cry for (your name) as she sobbed her heart out into her pillow. Jack wasn’t going to burst through the door like a shining knight to kiss away her worries and reassure her that he cared about her because he didn’t. At times she wished she could live in a fantasy world where everything was happy, happy, happy but alas, her world was nothing like that.
Jack only agreed to marry her because she bugged him about it. That it would be strange for a woman to travel with a man if they weren’t married. All of this was her own doing because she was so blinded by the love she had for him.
They were only married on paper. There was not a single moment of warmth between them other than the fond childhood memories she held close to her heart. She clung to his empty words of how she has been ‘his good luck charm.’ She truly didn’t feel lucky at all with how neglectful he was to her.
A part of her wished for her old Jack to return to her but she knew deep down, he was dead and gone. There was not an ounce of love or care in the man who would occasionally drop by their shared home. They were merely acquaintances who would say hi to each other every once and awhile.
They’ve never even been intimate before so she couldn’t delude herself into thinking he might have some form of care for her. Jack only did this at her insistence, not out of love but out of obligation. They were childhood friends and nothing more.
(Your name) felt herself grow exhausted as the hours dragged on. She was sure she looked a mess with tear stained cheeks and swollen eyes. It’s not like it mattered. Nothing mattered right now other than succumbing to her desire to sleep.
There was no point in letting herself cry over spilled milk. As much as she wanted to rot in bed and tell the world her woes, it wouldn’t change anything. The reality of Jack not loving her back wouldn’t change and the rose tinted glasses she put over her own eyes was too shattered to create that illusion again.
Tomorrow would be a new day. Tomorrow she would stop. She would stop the one sided conversations with herself and she’d stop going to every tournament and fight.
It was time to put herself first. She needed to love herself again while she reevaluated her marriage. (Your name) knew if she didn’t, she’d fall apart and there wouldn’t be anything that could glue the broken pieces together again.
(Your name) frowned at her reflection. She looked like someone hit her with a car, backed up, and then hit her again. Perhaps a little self care would help?
(Your name) shuffled through the contents of her drawers until she pulled out a face brightening mask. She needed a little brightness in her life that wasn’t the screen of her phone staring back at her as she watched three little dots flicker every once and awhile. She was not going to be putting anymore one sided effort into this tumultuous marriage… it was a dumpster fire she no longer had any interest in salvaging.
(Your name) pressed a kiss to her reflection. A few positive affirmations spilling from her lips.
“You are beautiful. You deserve love. You deserve…” she smiled warmly at her reflection. “Better.”
A few days had gone by and she finally felt a bit more at peace. Her reflection no longer looked as ragged and she was smiling a bit more.
“You are beautiful. You are worthy of love.” She whispered the affirmations to herself with a smile. This was a small step but it was helping her with her confidence. “Fake it till you make it.”
Today she was going to go out into the city and take herself on a date. She felt like she deserved one… one where she was the priority for once.
(Your name) slowly began to paint her face with a smooth foundation with a giggle. She could not remember the last time she’s dolled herself up like this for herself. She needed to be more independent and more confident in herself.
Maybe she’d treat herself to the new cafe down the corner? The place looked like it had some decent caffeinated beverages and some cutesy treats. Maybe she’d get herself some flowers too?
A bouquet of sunflowers and honeysuckle sat on the dining room table as (your name) enjoyed a meal she had made for herself. It’s been about two weeks since she started to put herself first. (And two weeks of her still rejecting Kaoru).
There wasn’t a single message or call from Jack so her recent misadventures must not have any effect on him. This only proved to her how little she truly meant to him…
(Your name) glanced over at the pictures that lined the TV stand and the few on the walls. It was time to close this chapter in her life.
(Your name) rose up from her chair to take down the memories that no longer made her heart flutter. Her fingers gently tracing over the old face of Jack. There was no longer a flutter in her chest when she stared at his hardened expression. The butterflies were dead in her stomach and now she felt… nothing.
She took her time removing each picture before putting them in a cardboard box in the corner of the room. She’d take them out to the dumpster tomorrow first thing.
(Your name) walked over to her purse and pulled out an envelope. She gave a sad smile to the envelope in her hands before setting them by the bouquet of flowers.
Inside the envelope were signed divorce papers. All Jack had to do was sign his name on the dotted lines and they’d no longer have to be around each other… no longer would he be trapped by her. Jack would be able to do whatever he wanted without a bird that chirped constantly on his shoulder.
“Happy birthday to me…” She whispered softly to herself, her fingers slipping off the simple gold band off her ring finger. “And thank you for everything.”
She’d start looking for apartments tomorrow, for now, she’d spend her nights in the room with her heated blanket. The blanket no longer a replacement for Jack, but a feeling of security.
Kaoru felt his breath hitch when he saw (your name) alone at a cafe from his limousine. It’s been the same routine for him for the last two weeks. His dark eyes studied how happy she looked… why was she in such a chipper mood today?
He recently noticed a change in her. One where she wasn’t as cold towards him but also still politely rejected his numerous advances. Kaoru also had seen the wedding pictures of her and Jack were removed from the TV stand yesterday. The few pictures that hung up on her living room walls were also gone from what he could see from the doorway… there was trouble in paradise… and Kaoru knew this was his chance.
Kaoru took in a deep breath before he turned to Kizaki, “I’m going to head out, Kizaki. Can you pick me up in an hour?”
Kizaki sighed from the drivers seat but nodded his head. “Of course boss.”
Kaoru exited the vehicle, his eyes didn’t leave (your name)’s form for even a second. Kaoru wasn’t going to waste this opportunity presented to him.
He would not be deterred from her rejection. Kaoru wanted her and he would have her. No matter what.
(Your name) hid her smile in her mug when a large shadow looked over her. It seems Kaoru had found her.
She turned her head to glance over at the large Yakuza.
“Hello.” She greeted him simply. “And what do I owe the pleasure of being in your presence?”
Kaoru just cracked a small smile at her, the yakuza gesturing to the chair in front of her. “May I sit?”
“You’re asking me like I have a choice? That’s funny.” (Your name) looked Kaoru up and down. “Take a seat.”
Kaoru chuckled and sat in front of her, the scarred man admiring her beauty. “You’re even prettier up close…”
“Always with the flatteries.” (Your name) chuckled as she took a sip of her hot beverage. “So what can I do for you? Or are you simply a moth drawn to my flame?”
Kaoru smirked, an itch stirring in his loins. She’s been a bit feisty as of late and he loved it. He liked that she wasn’t afraid to speak her mind to him. He found it even more attractive.
“So what if I am drawn to your flame?” Kaoru huskily whispered, his eyes wide when he saw the ring was no longer on her finger. That simple band of metal was gone…
(Your name)’s noticed Kaoru’s focus on her hand, the woman smiled at him. “You have quite an observant eye. I filed for divorce.”
Kaoru could hear the sadness in her laugh when she chuckled, his heart ached for her. The yakuza hesitantly taking her hand in his to give it a firm squeeze.
(Your name) gave him a soft smile. “So soon I will be a single woman. Hopefully that doesn’t make the chase boring to you.”
Kaoru’s heart thumped on his chest, a fire ignited in his soul. “No… no it doesn’t.”
(Your name) and Kaoru sat at the table, completely lost in their own world together. Neither one looked away from the other. This was the start of a new chapter… she just hoped she wouldn’t regret this decision.
Jack finally made his way into the home, the blonde grumbled when he smacked his head on the door. He was a lot taller since the last time he’s been here, but hopefully (your name) wouldn’t mind too much.
It’s been strange lately. She hasn’t come to any of his fights nor has she texted him. So he decided to hurry it up and come home to check on her.
Jack slowly made his way into the living room, his eyes narrowed when he noticed the wedding pictures weren’t up. Why were they taken down?
Jack made his way into their room, the room now bare save for the few items of his he left behind a few months ago when he was last here.
“(Your name)?” Jack’s voice quietly rung out throughout the house. But there was no response… why was it so quiet?
Jack began to open all the doors but there was no sign of her. Where was she? She always replied right away to him?
“(Your name)?” Jack went into the kitchen, his eyes wide at the wilted sunflowers and honey suckles on the dining room table. A big white envelope in front of it… but what caught his eye the most was the small gold ring that sat on top of it.
Jack snatched up the ring in shock. (Your name) never took off her ring… never. Had something horrible happened to her? Was she okay?
Jack tore open the envelope, his hands trembled at the contents inside… (your name) wanted a divorce… a divorce?
Jack took a seat at the table, the reality setting in. (Your name) had finally given up on him. She left him… but she had promised to never leave him even though he was difficult.
Jack reached for his phone and dialed her number. The dial tone only built up more distress in him as he waited for her to pick up.
“Hello? This is (Your name).” The giggle on the other end of the line gave him a moment of relief..
“(Your name)? Where are you-“
“I’m not able to reach the phone right now so please leave me a message. I’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Bye bye.” The relief was gone just like she was. Jack could only tremble as he sat at the table.
The blonde rose up from the table. His hands repeatedly dialing her number again. He wouldn’t give up. Jack made his way to the box full of pictures. His fingers fondly traced over her smiling face.
Each call went straight to voicemail now rather than the cute dial tone. Had she blocked him? Why would she do that….
Was there someone else now? Is that why she left?
Jack sighed, he was going to have to find her… and this time. He wouldn’t give her so much freedom.
He thought if he kept her at a distance, it’d keep her safe but he was a fool. The safest place for her was beside him.
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arkhamabyssfiles · 2 months
Jason looked blankly into the TV, unable to concentrate into the movie for too long. It was and old western so he guessed it shouldn’t be too interesting for him anyways. And yes, his body had started to ache some time ago, and perhaps the fever had gone up, but it was nothing that would kill him. If only the burning of his throat was more bearable he wouldn’t have allowed to be bundled up into the sofa at Bruce’s side—who even if he wasn’t as sick as him, he still had been confined by his unrelenting daughter and butler.
“I’m sure you got this bug from one of those stupid parties.”
“Maybe,” Bruce conceded after some moments.
“It sucks.” After all, the medicine that had been given wasn’t helping that much, and no stronger douse would be administered until he went up to bed. Helena had explained some of the reason behind it, but he’d already forgotten.
Bruce hummed at his side. It wasn’t the first time he’d gotten this sick, but it was the first time he was at ease while being sick. No anxious thoughts of needing to get out and earn or get whatever he needed for the next couple days, or having someone getting into his place while he wasn’t in conditions to fight the intruder, nor wishing to have something nice, warm and easy to swallow but having only water or not so fresh fruit and bread. Or simply not being alone. Jason knew that Bruce could be in front of the Batcomputer right now—or looking over Wayne Enterprises papers for a change—, even when supposed to rest he probably found it hard to do when doing nothing, something Jason understood too well, and he still chose to sit down here with him to watch TV and listen to his complaints.
This is what having a real parent feels like, huh. Jason thought sleepily, thinking of how Janet and Willis had hardly even noticed when he was sick in the days he was still too small to get by on his own. Gotham’s gravity, boy. It makes everything worse. Janet was too fond of telling him that often, but having said gravity right now sticking him to a comfy couch beside a man that could snap someone’s arm the moment they put you or any innocent person in danger wasn’t so bad.
Jason didn’t notice when he fell asleep, but in that dazed state he heard quiet voices, saying something about dinner, then he dreamt he floated around some stairs with many pictures of cats, dogs, and some bats; and then his dry burning throat forced him to open his eyes. The first thing he noticed is that he wasn’t at the TV room/small cinema anymore but in his room, the second thing was that he was sticky, and the third after he groaned—and regretted it immediately when his throat burning flared up— was that there was someone sitting in the high-backed chair of his room near the bookcases that didn’t have as many books as he wished.
“Are you hungry?” A soft voice asked him. Jason blinked a couple of times, having a hard time making the association of the familiar voice with a tone he hadn’t known it could take.
“No.” He put an arm over his eyes and wished to get back to sleep and forget the discomfort of his body, but he was too uncomfortable to do so. Shuffling made him look over, Helena had left whatever she’d been doing in the vacant seat and grabbed a tray with something on it. “How did I end up in my room?” He asked.
Helena smiled from ear to ear, “Dad carried you up, it was so cute how you cuddled like—“
“Stop. I don’t want to know,” He said filling dizzy and his face hot from the fever and embarrassment.
“Ok, here. Sit up,” Helena’s voice still held contained enjoyment at whatever sorry picture he’d shown while unconscious. She put the tray in his nightstand and waited as he sat up slowly against the headboard, once there she put two pills into his hand and passed him a glass of water. After he had taken them, she changed the glass of water with one of something warm. He took a sip without asking what it was. His eyebrows slightly shot up and he smiled completely forgetting his previous embarrassment.
“Warmth lemonade?” He didn’t know why he found it so funny, maybe because he’d found in books portraying older times that that was one of the remedies often used for the sickly.
Helena sat on the edge of his bed and reached her hand to his forehead as she answered with the same soft voice, “It’s good for sore throats.” Her hand felt nice and cold against his feverish skin and it moved away too soon… Jason looked to the opposite side and took another drink of the lemonade—it did helped a lot with his burning throat.
“You’ve sweat a lot—do you want to change clothes?”
Jason almost spluttered into his lemonade.
“I’m not going to change your clothes,” Helena laughed shortly at his shocked face. “I’ll just bring you some to change into and a wet towel to wipe some of the sweat away.”
Jason took the last of the warm lemonade and after moving and feeling his clothes sticking to him accepted the offer. She passed him the clothes after a little rummaging through his wardrobe and walked into the bathroom to get the towel. While she did that Jason wondered why she was here and not Alfred—he glanced at the clock searching for an answer. 11:13 p.m. It wasn’t that late, but even if the old butler was used to the hectic hours that Bruce kept, that didn’t meant he didn’t get tired, or that he wouldn’t accepted in good grace the help when it came to attending a sickly household. Besides, Helena did was studying to become a doctor. Which reminded him—
“Don’t you have to go to med school tomorrow?” He asked once she put everything in his reach, including a basin of water to rinse the towel—where she’d gotten that basin he didn’t know—. Jason noted as well she was in her sleepwear, some loose pants and a lilac hoodie two sizes too big for her, it engulfed her and made her look smaller—it was kind of cu— What the hell was he thinking?
“Yes, but I’ve been napping. Don’t worry.”
“I wasn’t,” He answered automatically when he clearly had been at least been feeling guilty about it, but his brain had short quitted after thinking she was—
“Alright,” She smiled knowingly and walked to the door, “Get changed quickly and go to sleep.”
He did and after ten minutes she came back in after two knocks. By this time he’d already laid back again under the covers. Jason wondered what she wanted now, but didn’t ask as she put on his nightstand a thermos and she muttered that it was more lemonade—of course it was. Then she picked up the discarded clothes and towel, and Jason winced mentally, uncomfortable of her having to touch his sweat drenched clothes even when she seemed to not mind at all. After she finished tidying up she pulled something from her hoodie pocket, a patch of some kind—
“What are you doing?” He asked with misgiving, when she reached towards his face.
“It’s just a cold patch,” She answered moving his hair away from his forehead carefully and sticking the certainly cold patch to his forehead. Jason didn’t want to admit it, but this was nice, simply getting cared for because someone wanted you to get better for no other reason than that. He didn’t know if he’d always have this as much as he’d never known he could have something like this, so for now he just allowed himself to receive this without complaint.
“Feeling better?” She asked sitting at the foot of the bed.
“Yeah—thanks…” It took him some effort to say it, but he didn’t regret it when he saw her smile and say an honest ‘you’re welcome’. Jason wondered if the crusade her father carried had passed on to her in a different way, the strong desire to help and save people could come in many ways and forms after all. So he asked, “Is this why you want to be a doctor?”
Helena flopped into her back and looked into the ceiling. “I’ve always wanted to be able to heal people, or at least help them to the limit.”
“So you’ve always wanted to be a doctor?” He asked. The medicine was starting to take its effect, but talking for a while after a day of doing nothing was helping him more than anything to fall back into drowsiness.
She hummed and curled up on her side, now looking at him.
“That’s weird.”
“It’s not weird to want to be a doctor.”
“It is. Knowing what you want to do and how you’ll do it since you’re a kid and going through with it is weird.” Not that all weird was bad, this was the good kind of weird, but it still was weird.
“To be fair, I thought I would be a princess for a time.”
Jason laughed, then regretted it as it made his body ache, “But you are. I guess there’s lucky people out there who do get all their dreams to come true.”
“All my dreams—I wasn’t a princess until you came, Jason,” She said quietly.
So quietly and he thought perhaps a little sadly, that maybe he wasn’t meant to hear that, but he had. Jason swallowed and it wasn’t because he felt his threat ache anymore, the medicine had taken care of that.
“You should go to your room,” He said, it was time for her to go rest, she’d already helped him enough.
“But I already got comfy,” Helena complained.
“You can’t sleep in my room.” Jason wasn’t completely sure why he felt so strongly about it, but he did.
“It’s like a sleep over,” She countered.
“You’ll get sick.” Jason tried to reason, because he currently wasn’t able to bodily remove her from his room.
“I was sick last week.”
“You were sick last week? You seemed fine,” Jason said surprised. She had seemed fine, not that they crossed paths every day with her long schedules at med school, but she’d been there for dinner every day and chatted and pestered him as usual.
“I took some medicine and slept the most of two days. I know when to stop unlike some other people. Besides, only dumb people catch a cold as badly as you do.”
He let the insult slide, because he was still too busy thinking at how he hadn’t noticed it when she had just taken a look at him to know he was sick. Then after some minutes when he’d started to doze off, it hit him—
“Then it was you who passed me this damn bug!”
After a moment of silence in which he thought she’d fallen asleep she said, “Maybe.”
Fuck damn, wasn’t too much like Bruce at times.
END OF MEMORY... For more FILES check previous entries...
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violetdawn001 · 2 months
What is with the Dreamers' Houses?!?! Part 3.0 Lurien's Spire
Okay, we can all agree that Team Cherry put a LOT of thought into crafting the backgrounds and environments of Hollow Knight. But why is nobody talking about the designs for the Dreamers' houses?! Especially compared with their base forms?  Well, let's start talking about it!
The Last Dreamer, Lurien the Watcher! A.K.A. The guy who is responsible for this whole essay.
His design is the simplest among the three Dreamers.
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Taken from Hollow Knight - Lurien the Watcher
A design so simple that it leaves the fans in relentless debate on what species of bug he is.
So tell me, why is HIS HOUSE the one with the most freaking complicated design!?!?!?! It's as if Lurien is living in a cathedral here!
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Okay, Lurien living in a cathedral might be an exaggeration, but take a look at complicated his Spire is! Look at the floors! Notice the window designs! The hanging banners! The lanterns! And goodness gracious, the dude has wallpaper throughout his whole Spire!
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Did I forget to mention the wallpaper?!?!!
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The insane amount of detail!!!
And we haven't even gotten to the fact Team Cherry went out of their way to incorporate 3D into a 2D POV! You can clearly see it in this window here.
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As we start the walk here…
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We can't help but notice…
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How the pillars framing the window "move" as we do.
Could you believe that a team of four people made all of this? Team Cherry truly wasted no detail in the Watcher's Spire, from the simplest wallpaper to the famous Telescope.
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And here is the Telescope! In all its very-difficult-to-draw glory! Speaking of it, the design clearly costed tons of geo. The cost paid off, however, as the Telescope still works despite the lack of maintenance due to the Infection.
Of course, that can be easily seen by anyone who played the game in a rush. In terms of Lurien's character, the fan can see how he earned his namesake, Watcher.
Yet...has anyone stopped to consider how Lurien set up his office? In particular, how Lurien can position his Telescope anywhere in his main office?  Check out all the windows!
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Did you all notice it? Every single window is open, yet each window is nicely framed with the glass plane. And before you all comment, “what about this window? It's closed!”
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The window design is different from the ones behind Lurien's bed…and matches up with the window where the Telescope is currently at. This implies that this window can open up at any time should Lurien wish it. As the Telescope is NOT facing that direction, there is no need to keep that window open. Lovely for us, as that window keeps Lurien's butler in. If you need proof, check out the photo where the Telescope is again.
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With this in mind, what does the Telescope and open windows tell us about Lurien's character?
First, Lurien is very dedicated to his duty as the Watcher, so much so that he will spend as much money as needed to craft the best tools he needs.
Second, Lurien favors practicality as seen by how every window is either open or has hinges to open it. The Watcher must watch over the WHOLE City of Tears, not just the left side (or commoner side).
Third, Lurien loves beauty. It is not enough to have the windows open; goodness, Lurien could have not added windows at all! But he insisted on a lovely window design that framed the view into the City. And we're not even talking about the pillars and the curtains which frame it as well. 
Fourth and finally, Lurien was able to get both practicality and beauty in the same window. I cannot stress this enough as Herrah and Monomon choose practicality over beauty. Yes, there are beautiful details here and there, but when push comes to shove, both ladies choose practicality with a dash of beauty on the side. This really makes Lurien stand out amongst the Dreamers.
I hope you enjoyed part 1 of Lurien's Spire. Unfortunately, I must stop here as this is merely 1/4 of Lurien's section of the essay. Please feel free to comment and reblog as much as you would like. It's fun reading your thoughts.
If you wish to read more of the Essay, click one of these links below.
Part 1.0: Herrah's Den : Here
Part 2.0: Monomon's Archives: Here
Part 3.0: Lurien's Spire (You are here.)
Part 3.25: More of Lurien's Spire : Here
Part 3.5: Lurien's Spire: Pillows and Patriotism: Here
Part 3.75: Even, even More of Lurien's Spire
Link to essay on Ao3: Here
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catoslvt · 1 year
Finnick Odair x Reader
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After the courses of all the hunger games, rebellions, etc, if finnick survived
More of a katniss x reader bestfriend pov
Third person pov beginning.
Y/n Odair only really spoke to finnick, her husband, and johanna, her best friend, and it bugged katniss because she thought y/n hated her, but that wasn't the case.
"Finnick?" Katniss asks as she approaches finnick on his bed.
"Yep?" He asks and katniss clears her throat.
"Why does y/n hate peeta and I?" Katniss asks, and finnick smiles slightly, thinking it was stupid how someone could think that y/n hates them. She doesn't hate anyone unless it is snow, then that was a whole different conversation.
"She doesn't hate you. She just takes a while to open up to people." Finnick says, and that is usually the case, but he can thankfully say it wasn't for him, y/n loved him instantly.
"But I've known her for three years. god, I even saved her life a few times!" Katniss cries, starting to get annoyed because it seems finnick isn't giving her the answers she was looking her.
Finnick sighs as he realises katniss isn't going to give up, I mean, she is the 'girl on fire'
"The district four girl from your games? That was her little sister." Finnick tells katniss and katniss' face suddenly fills with a look of sadness.
"Y/n loves you, she sees her little sister in you, so I think that's why she doesn't talk much to you because she's scared she'll get attached to you." Finnick then explains, and katniss looks at the floor, ashamed about the fact she thought y/n hated her.
"And I don't mean that as in she wishes you and peeta died so her little sister could've won, she just wishes things were different, she wishes the games weren't real." Finnick explains and katniss nods.
"Yeah, I get that, I think it's cute how she sees her sister in me." Katniss tells finnick as she smiles before the door opens.
Your pov
I open the door to mine and finnicks room when I see him and katniss sitting on my bed, clearly deep in conversation.
"Oh, sorry, I didn't realise you two were talking." I tell them both quickly.
"I should be leaving, peeta is making dinner, so I should go help. See you both at eight for dinner." Katniss says, smiling between both finnick and I before she leaves.
As finnick explains what they were talking about, my heart shatters into a million pieces.
"I don't hate katniss. god, I love her, i see her like a sister." I tell him as I shake my head, suddenly feeling embarrassed that I made someone as nice as katniss think I hate her.
"Maybe you should talk to her after dinner." Finnick offers, and I nod.
"I love you." I tell him and he smiles.
"I love you too." He tells me.
"Katniss?" I ask as I knock on the door of her room.
"Come in." She calls, and I push open the door and gaze around her room. It's really pretty. It's decorated exactly as I thought, messily.
"You know I don't hate you, right?" I ask her, laughing and she looks up at me and smiles.
"I figured that after I spoke to finnick, and I'm so sorry about your little sister, if I knew all this was gonna happen, I would've tried to save her." She rambles and I laugh.
"Katniss, it's fine. I lost a sister, and I gained a sister." I tell her as I motion to her.
"That makes the both of us." She mumbles, and I nod.
"And I don't talk to you much because I don't know what to say. God, you're the girl on fire. I can't compete with you." I then say and she laughs.
"Why would you feel like that!? I felt like that when I went into the quarter quell with you, you were literally a legend in district twelve." Katniss argues, and I grin before sitting beside her on her bed.
"I love you like a little sister, katniss. Do not think even for a second that i hate you." I warn, and she turns to me and sighs nervously.
"So can i tell you something? Little sister to big sister." She asks, and I nod.
"Yeah, obviously you can." I agree, and she bites her bottom lip before making eyecontact with me.
"I'm pregnant." She announces and I clap my hands.
"That's so good!" I exclaim, but she quickly shushes me.
"Don't tell anyone yet though, I want everyone to find out together, hamitch, effie all of us." She adds and I nod.
"But I want to know, would it be okay if the baby called you and finnick auntie and uncle?" Katniss goes onto ask, and i smile widely, probably the largest smile I've ever done apart from when finnick proposed and then obviously at our wedding.
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alsoanyways · 5 months
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@transgender-scout @1ight wait fuck now i have to compile them okay okay okay i have a feeling this is gonna get long so I'm gonna put it under a cut haha but for real thank you for asking!!
First things first! This is how I imagine the flock is able to disguise themselves. There's no going undercover at an actual school for them, but I don't think anyone's looking twice at a bulky coat, especially if it's set in the future. Not too far in the future though, still in the 21st century. I have no ideas for a plot restructuring or anything, I never read past Nevermore and I barely remember anything past the fourth book, so most of my headcanons are character dynamics and such. I do have some that aren't focused on the flock but not many. Anyways.
(also idk if most of this can even be considered headcanon bc its basically fanfic at this point)
A couple things I should've added to the design post are Toto's Total’s nonexistence (I'm sorry if you like him but I do not lmao) and the fact that their hair is feathers. Like those very fine and very long feathers that roosters get. The flock also doesn't develop superpowers.
In my version of things, there's a small town close-ish to the E shaped house. Far enough that no one in town is gonna drop by for a visit, but close enough to fly down to for some groceries, which they'd do after Jeb left and until the money was gone. I think he would've taught them how to forage for things and that's how they get by since then.
Max (21) isn't The Leader TM either, I think leadership is shared more with Fang/Friday and Iggy. She likes volleyball and usually the one to go foraging. She's never thought about it but if she did, she'd probably consider herself agender.
Fang/Friday (22) gets his name from a Friday the 13th DVD cover, Jeb thinks he wants to be called Jason when he first points to it. He used to help Nudge/Dora and Angel with their hair when they were little and still does occasionally. He likes to draw and he's the go-to when someone needs to be comforted. There's no way in hell I would let him be anything less than bisexual.
Iggy (20) is the one that probably hears Friday's voice the most. He was also taught braille and Jeb got them a labeling machine. He's still the best cook and he's very protective over the vinyls/tapes/cds in the house. He mourns the loss of them when they have to flee the house, but he is excited to finally have access to new music. He's also gay. Because I said so.
Nudge/Dora (17) still wishes she could live a normal life, but has accepted that it's just not a possibility. She clings to "Dorothy" when she learns it. Being talkative and into fashion are still part of her character, but now she also loves bugs. She tags along when Max goes foraging so she can try and get pictures of any new bugs she hasn't seen before. Friday often gets to hear which bugs and what they were doing when they're sketching together.
Gazzy/Gizmo (14) gets his name when he watches the Gremlins movie for two months straight and starts mimicking the mogwai noises. He almost kills everyone when he mixes a couple cleaners from under the kitchen sink. He's quickly enamored with the chemistry books he's given afterwards. Like any other teenage boy, he likes video games and has too much energy for his own good. Max offers to race him when he's particularly amped.
Angel (11) is the only one out of the group that wasn't experimented on and she doesn't get the protectiveness or why they never go anywhere. She likes sitcoms and never refuses an offer to forage with Max. She also took a liking to helping Iggy cook things. She was very quick to tell people she wasn't a boy once she had the vocabulary.
Ari (15) has chronic pain. Being turned to goo and rebuilt into something different will do that to you. It doesn't get better the second time. Nor the third. He used to live in the E shaped house, before Jeb brought Gizmo, back when he was a regular kid. He's always liked animals, caring for them. He wanted to be a farmer or something when he grew up. After he joins the flock, he and Gizmo are fast friends. (Watching him and Gizmo dick around is what makes Friday realize that he really is just a kid.)
Maya/Em (21, kinda) my identity issues queen!! Cloning keeps the original memories intact and then they were further messed with to ensure her allegiance. She has a hard time coming to terms with that, with not being Max, not being who she thought she was. Her friends aren't her friends, she didn't watch Gizmo and Angel grow up, she didn't go to Friday after another nightmare, or call Dora to come catch a spider. That wasn't her. Having time away from them before she joins the flock helps. She renames herself Em during that time, distinct enough from Max but not removed from it completely. She learns that she likes cooking and she discovers cheerleading. She thinks she'd like that if she got the chance to participate. She's also aroace. She wants nothing to do with any of that.
Dylan (21) sticks closest to Em, but he eventually grows close to Iggy as well. They share a soaring/gliding wing shape and Iggy is grateful to have someone who can fly as long as he can (recreational flying is always cut short in his opinion, because the others have to work harder to stay airborne and get tired). Dylan likes to tinker around with motors and mechanisms, trying to get them to work again or building them from the ground up. Not that he has an abundance of opportunities to do that, but being able to fix a busted car comes in handy. He's one of them gays that can drive.
Lastly, I do have ideas on Erasers and different classes of them and their usages but jesus christ this did in fact get very long and I need to go eat something lmao so that'll have to be a separate post for another time.
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greenlightbulbonawire · 3 months
Misfits (yeah like the Arcane song)
Author's note: took a lil break, dw it'll happen again ;]
Twentieth chapter
"First of all, why do you think I told you to stay put?!"
He started to scold you, looking towards your broken arm. You tried not to follow his gaze, the sight of a bone sticking out of your skin made you sick.
"I know why. That's why I didn't listen."
"And look at yourself! You're lucky to have only a broken arm, have you got any idea how many people I lost to Jinx?!"
You averted your eyes from him and aimed them at the ground.
"Of course you don't! You joined like two weeks ago! What made you think you could take on something like this?!"
You furrowed your brows and gave him eye contact.
"I didn't want to lose another friend, I already lost Vi becouse I didn't stick with her."
His expression softened a little, but only for a moment.
"Second of all, I owe you my life and what you did was very brave. How long were you on that bridge?"
Your face went from expression to expression, his words making you very confused.
"As long as you, I followed you since you left."
His eyes widened and he raised his eyebrows.
"I didn't even notice you, good job."
Now you were even more confused and also, the adrenaline was starting to wear off and the pain in your arm was noticeably higher.
"And third of all, never do that again. Ever."
You gave him a speechless nod and he hugged you again. Same way as the last time. What's up with him? Oh yeah maybe the fact that he just went through a major traumatic event and on top of all of that, he was worried about you now, let the man be. You returned the hug the best you could with one arm and burried your face into the crook of his neck, he leaned his head against yours and held you tightly. You never were a hug person, but this you could get used to.
The morning light filled the little corner you shared for the night. Ekko was asleep on your shoulder and you were staring mindlessly in front of you. Then a small, cloaked person started fiddling with the hoverboard that layed on the ground you were staring at. You gently nudged Ekko awake, quietly pointing at the person when he gave you a questioning look.
You learned that the person was a past councilor, who came to the Undercity to help when the other councilors voted him out. He helped you and Ekko get back to the Firelights base, Ekko seemed to trust this guy, you wished that you got treated like he did when the Firelights first took you in. Ekko sat near the entrance to the base, Scar was taking a look at his leg and the leader was talking with Heimerdinger. Scar's oldest daughter was inspecting your arm and telling you that you can't play with them now. Ekko's leg was popped back into place by Scar and the boy let out a grunt before relaxing.
You were looking at him and he was looking at you, he looked actually very happy considering what just happened on the bridge. Then Scar yelled,
making you jump a little and Ekko chuckle at it before turning back to Heimerdinger.
"It's not enough to give people what they need to survive, you have to give them what they need to live."
The kids around we're cheering and the little green glowing bugs flew everywhere. And for a moment you forgot all your worries.
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theadventurerslog · 3 days
Quest For Glory II: Trial by Fire | Part 4
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The Adventurer's Log
Day 5 in Shapeir. I've caught a fire elemental and had the rest of the day ahead of me. I realized I was missing an obvious step with the tree lady so I went back to her first.
I had to give her water and then talk to her by telling her about myself. Cinder regaled her with tales of his adventures in Spielburg.
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And then she turned to face me!
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And I could hug her.
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It didn't do anything, at least not yet. 'Fruitless' har har. A nice attempt at comfort though? Maybe? Then again, I am a bit of a sap.
I also tried thanking her and got a response: "The tree has no idea why you are thanking her, but she nods as in a gentle breeze."
Part way there for her anyway. I will save you! I headed back to the city to try tackling the WIT test again.
First trial: Wind Wizard
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I tried force bolt to knock the spinning away. It failed. Trigger did nothing. But Fetch as long as you aim for the centre brings it closer... and it knocked me off. Fetch then levitate over it.
Second trial: Earth Wizard
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I got a bit stuck here. Trigger morphs it into a golem.
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And Dazzle gets it to crouch down. Then I didn't do know what to do for a bit. Lots of running out of magic, eating a pill, reloading... until I clicked on it and... Cinder just climbed up and over. Oops. But it wasn't quite over yet because then it started pounding the bridge and knocked me off so I had to try again. Dazzle wouldn't work because it was no longer facing me, but Calm did.
Third trial: Water Wizard
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This one was easy. Flame Dart to melt a crack, Force Bolt to widen the crack, Open to open it all the way.
Fourth trial: Fire Wizard
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I got stuck again. Ultimately because of misaiming. Yay. Spells can't be cast through the door, so open the door. The flames rise. Cast Calm and they die down but burn a hole through the bridge.
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Casting Fetch closes the door. So I thought, "Oh! I could knock that over to be a bridge." Force Bolt! It didn't work. Many trying of things later and reloads, I tried those same steps and physically pushing the door only to be told I had to use magic. I tried Force Bolt again but aimed for the top of the door and THAT knocked it over so I could cross. It's always great when you know what to do but fumble the how...
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I was certainly starting to feel at wit's end. But success!
I was met with the four wizards who droned on.
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I was offered the choice to stay or leave.
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I accidentally said No when I wanted to say Yes first to see what happened but that's what reloading is for. In the meantime, Erasmus congratulated me for not taking their silly oath. What good is magic or knowledge without using it after all according to him. Not wrong.
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New Reversal spell! And he squabbled with Fenrus with many cheesy puns.
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All is well with them. I could take their bad jokes and puns all day please and thank you. I wish I could think of another to add myself right now but while I may now be a Wizard of WIT, I'm feeling a bit low in wit.
Now if you say yes to staying...
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Whoops, bye Shapeir. So You Didn't Want to Be a Hero. Trial by No Fire. Of course that's a game over.
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But that's in a different timeline. Cinder is a newly minted full wizard ready to Help and Be a Hero.
Which means...I don't know. Time to go bug Aziza again and see if she has anything to say about my new status. Until I saw my character sheet and saw my stamina was at 0, so first it was nap time.
I couldn't get anything out of Aziza about my newfound status. Boo sigh oh well.
So, I explored the city some more to find the astrologer.
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Can you see the saying in his poster on the back wall? Silliness.
Most of what I asked him about didn't yield me any new information. Dark times are coming! Darkness in Rasier! But I did get one interesting tidbit...
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Hm hm hmmmm...
I've had such a busy day of fire elemental hunting and passing the WIT test I didn't know what to do with myself for the rest of the day. But I figured another training session with Uhura wouldn't hurt before going back to the inn. Nothing wrong with the some physical stat boosts too.
So Abdulla actually told me about the astrologer when I went back to the inn to eat. Oops.
I gave Shema some flowers though!
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Then bed and time for day 6. Day 6 in which nothing of note seemed to be happening during the day or evening. So it was a putter and practice sort of day. I did figure since there will be more elementals I might as well go ask about each specific type now and not worry about getting that info as they come. I wonder if Aziza was getting sick of me yet. I have been very polite with her though. I always greet her before going to sit down which she appreciates. And okay I haven't been, but this time I remembered to thank her when I was done.
Air: As long as it has somewhere to go it will get more destructive. Needs to be bound to Earth to be contained. Someone better versed in the nature of Air will know more. Keapon?
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Earth: Only vulnerable to fire and has to be worn away before it can be captured. Possibly best contained in a type of cloth sack used for hauling sand.
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Water: Will draw all water into itself including from humans that get too close. It will feed off the fountain leaving people to die of thirst until it has enough to power to flood the city. It's only vulnerable to air and needs to be drawn from the fountain and then it will be drawn to the nearest source of water. That'll be the time to contain it.
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After, I did a training session to wipe out my stamina so when I rested for another hour to get more MP back I'd get that back too along with the boons of training. Rakeesh hasn't been around the guild the last day or two...where are you, buddy?
Then it was desert wandering time.
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I found a sleeping griffin. Merv the Griffin as it turns out if you try to talk to him. He won't talk to me. I let that be but good to know where he is for the future.
Then I headed back toward town to be close and waited around to get attacked. I was not expecting the scorpion, and I was scared but I got it! Huzzah for flame dart spamming.
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And I got its tail, so that's one thing down for the apothecary. I got 20 dinars selling it to him. He still wanted a ghoul claw; I imagine I have to find them at night... He congratulated me on my defeat of the fire elemental though.
In my grinding efficiency I forgot I was going to see Keapon about the air elemental.
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So I need dirt or mud. I also asked about a container for the elemental and he suggested bellows. "And if you can't play, just take them away, Jay."
I hardly need them yet but figured I might as well go get them. The weapon shop has some bellows above the door. The owner wasn't cooperating in the slightest so I left... There is always the more thiefly approach but not until night time when no one is around. So practice then dinner.
Shema brought me food from my own home this time thinking I might be homesick.
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It's the thought that counts? Sweet of her regardless.
With night fallen, I went back to the weapon shop and Fetched the bellows. Easy. I don't know why and I missed the screenshot, but seeing them float down off the wall was funny to me. The weapon shop didn't need that decoration anyway, I'm sure. There are more important things at stake! I mean... there will be! Better to be prepared and all that!
Day 7 time. Grindy sort of day and I thought I'd attempt the ghoul claws, and stop being so stingy with my items and use my pills to get both practice in and fighting one of those.
I bought more mana pills and remembered to bargain this time. Instead of dropping the price he threw one in free. Nice!
And Rakeesh was back!
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I was rewarded 50 dinars for my fire elemental containing efforts.
Beyond going out to the desert to fight, I also scooped some sand into my cloth bag.
It was rough with some deaths thanks to poison and not realizing I was poisoned until it was too late, but I did in time get some ghoul claws. Sold for 50 dinars!
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The night sky is pretty too. The constellation on the left is supposed to be the Saurus.
Day 8 brought some bad news and weirdness though. An air elemental is causing some havoc in the palace plaza. And then when I stepped out my saurus was hanging out and gave me another big ol' lick. The guards couldn't get him back to the stable but he followed me back willingly. Weirdo.
With ghoul claws sold and saurus contained, next time it's time to hunt an air elemental.
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frogzzai · 1 year
Overhaul x Quirkless!Reader
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx)
Warnings: Abuse (from family), Bullying, no pronouns mentioned/ no appearance or description of reader mentioned (I don't think?)
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Being quirkless in this world wasn't easy, you were part of the minority of the population which led to all sorts of bullying. You weren't really sure why, the only life this effected was yours. You've endured this all your life so you didn't often let comments get to you, but everyone has moments of weakness.
Today had been a particularly nasty day with people bugging you left right and centre, all you wanted to do was go home and sleep it off, although, you knew that wouldn't happen straight away. Both your parents were well respected heroes, with powerful quirks. The rest of your siblings and most of your extended family had pro hero-worthy quirks. Except you. You were the anomaly, the one who brought shame to your bloodline. For a while, after realising you didn't have a quirk, your parents tried to keep it away from the publics eye, not wishing for their reputation to be ruined. See, your parents were the sort of 'heroes' who were only in it for the money. They didn't really care about saving others, that's why they had no problem berating you on the daily and getting physical.
This is why you decided to take an alternative route home, not sure if you'd bother going back at all. After a while, you realised you were lost. You had only just moved over to Japan, the hero payouts being higher here then back in your home country. You still weren't fluent in Japanese, yet you could hold a basic conversation. Reading still proved difficult, and so you couldn't use signs to help you navigate. Wanting to test your luck, and get to somewhere you were familiar with, you went up behind a group of girls.
'Excuse me, where am I?' You said, you didn't mean to phrase it like you'd never been to Japan before but you couldn't do detailed sentences.
The girls turned around and, to your horror, turned out to be some of the ringleaders of your bullying problem.
'Oh, what's that? Don't tell me you're stupid as well as quirkless. What are you doing here anyway? This is my neighborhood and I don't want you plaguing it. Quirkless people are useless, what are you going to do in life? Almost every job requires a quirk and even if you managed to get one, you couldn't hope to get paid higher than minimum wage.' The middle one sneered.
'Please, I only asked for d-di-d-,' You panicked, forgetting the translation of direction.
'D-d-d-, cat got your tongue? You can't even speak Japanese properly. You really are useless!' Your mistake seemed to humor the girl as she held up her hand. 'Why don't I show you what your missing out on?' Her fingers merged together and changed into a massive claw. Instead of standing there like an idiot, you made a run for it. Just because you were quirkless, didn't mean you couldn't read the room.
You made it down a few blocks before your legs were taken out by some sort of spinning wheel, possibly another one of their quirks.
'You really thought you'd get far, huh?' The girl with the claw laughed and took your arm. She lightly scraped your arm before slicing it right down the middle, a scream ripped from your throat, or at least tried to. You voice was completely gone, the last quirk? You've already seen two, this must be the third. No matter how much you tried, no sound would come out. They shoved you up against the wall and you sort of slumped against it. It looked like she was about to strike again, but it looked like she had a second thought. Her and her goons took their leave. More like legged it, a hero? An officer? You didn't bother to get up, just sat their, head leaning to the side, zoning in and out repeatedly.
Someone stood in front of you. The one thing that stood out was his shoes. They were oddly clean, like he'd put them on for the purpose of standing before you. He got down on one knee to get a better look. You flicked your eyes over to him, he had really pretty irises. They were a nice shade of gold, certainly unique. His plague mask freaked you out a bit but you didn't think on it much, could be down to allergies. You knew you looked awful, your eyes must've been puffy and red from crying and your arm looked awful. You weren't the prettiest sight at the moment but you weren't too sure if that's what had him looking so disgusted.
'You couldn't defend yourself? Those quirks were pathetic.' He said, mocking you. Clearly unaware of your situation.
You weren't too sure how to respond to that, but, you decided to bite the bullet and come clean. Not sure how to form the sentence, you simply uttered, 'Quirkless.'
His eyes widened a bit as realisation dawned on him. He took your arm, the one that wasn't injured, and pulled you up with him, taking you with him. You didn't bother to fucus on your surroundings, just basking in the fact you hadn't ended up with more injuries. The next time you brought yourself back to reality you were in the cleanest med bay you had ever seen. You couldn't see anything that would make it imperfect. The odd thing about this was, there were no other patients, and it was dead silent. The man that you'd seen earlier was standing over you.
'Are you really quirkless?'
You nodded, not feeling all too talkative. He seemed content with that though, and gently straightened out your injured arm, you winced a bit. He noticed this but couldn't do much to help you, as he began cleaning and disinfecting the wound. Despite the burning pain, you kept quiet, still not sure if he was a friend or foe. Once the wound was steralised he wrapped it up, not too loose and not too tight. He must be a trained doctor then?
You looked up and took him in properly for the first time. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find him attractive. Although, you had to admit the colour contrast on his coat didn't do him any favours.
'You're not from around here, are you?' He asked.
You were startled by his question, and gave him a weary look.
'I mean, you didn't seem like you knew the place very well when I found you. You were looking around as if searching for a familiar face when those girls had you pinned.' His words were difficult to understand, he spoke at a decent pace yet his sentences were complicated to you, and drawn out. You took out the words you did know and tried to translate what he said. You assumed he was asking if you knew where you were, or something along the lines.
'No. I live a few blocks over. I only recently moved here, I'm not from Japan.' You said.
'That explains your way of speaking, your sentences are short and basic.' He pondered, you knew he didn't mean it like this, yet you couldn't help but feel degraded. You tried your best learning Japanese but it was difficult, especially when you moved here without any knowledge of the language whatsoever. He seemed to notice your crestfallen look and apologized, sitting down beside you. He put an arm round your shoulders and gently rubbed his thumb up and down.
'Why have you been so nice to me? Do you normally pick up injured strangers from the street, is this a long drawn out plan to murder me?'
He chuckled a bit, amused by how serious you sounded. 'No, I helped you because you aren't sick. You aren't riddled with the disease people have normalized. You don't have a quirk, you're pure.'
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marinazone · 6 months
What's been bugging my brain recently
Boy oh boy where do I start. Well I suppose I'll start with a little bit of context. Hi! My name is Hunter (if you never knew my real moniker, not many do even if i tell them); and I have been in a disastrous...what could only be described as love illness, since February 28th. Before i explain why (if you dont already know) allow me to provide my full experience with love. When i was in 12th grade i was used as rebound for a girl named Nicole after her boyfriend had broken up with her. It was the first time i had ever gotten to feel love, the expectations of what i should expect were to be established from then forward. We talked a lot asked eachother how we were doing shared similar interests that kinda shit. It was cool, the sex was lukewarm at best but it felt nice to feel appreciated. Thats when her emotional manipulation began. She would be in low points that i attributed to depression. I always told her "go get help for your depression, itll only get worse" all of which she militantly ignored to the point where she told me she was being physically abused by her family. Naturally, stupid me, believed her and grew more and more attached and protective and i didnt find out til after we split up that she was full of horse shit. It was during this point that she would take opportunities when she was "moody" to punch me across the face. Why did i take that shit? I dont know! I guess i was too fucking scared to lose someone i was attached too. Two years passed and i realize she started to ditch me to hang with some dude named Paul and was cheating on me for months. I finally asked firmly if she was and she admitted it, playing sap. I was devestate for about three months afterward. I had planned to kill myself numerous times but always remembered how much my friends would miss me. It was during this time around 2013 that i took up a habit of walking a mile to a nearby bridge on a "private walk" over an artificial lake to just gaze into and get lost in what seemed like infinite thought. I eventually got over her, but only after deleting all contact with her.
Second is someone online i will just call Saber. A very basic ass relationship. No emotional fulfillment for me and only sexting. He was a bit different in abuse in that it was more a financial abuse than anything else. He relied on me to pay for his ffxiv game and subscription and shit cause he didnt live in NA and i didnt see a cent back. The separation was far more a fade then burning out. We just stopped talking and i stopped giving once i realized i was being used
And the third ex is actually criminally dangerous so i will avoid any details at all about them! Just know theyre in jail still i think and they dont know my address
So we arrive more recently, I dont want to use exact names as im still in contact with them and are (presumably) friends and i do not wish to expose information given in confidence. I will just be using first initials as follow: A, B, T, and W.
So it began with a message I'd received from B (all this was when i was freyacrescentshangover on here). He messaged me because we were into the same shit and asked if i wanted to rp. I figured sure! Why not! Well he was pretty chill and nice and i would eventually tell him i had a crush on him. He said "its cool we have similar fetishes but lets just stay friends for now ok?"
It didnt upset me to much. Then W entered my life and boy is she a treat (not sarcastic, mostly). She contacted me for much the same reason. We were into similar shit. We'd spend a lot of time back and forthing this stuff and getting to know eachother and then i finally told her i had a crush on her and her answer is something to keep in mind for later. She didnt say yes, but she didnt say no. She told me things such as ne being cute and how she enjoyed how we had similar kinks and said she'd be down to be more flirty sometimes. I had no fucking idea what this meant (No offense W) so I was more just in a state of confusion where our relationship was. As for why i admired her? She was passionate. Her interests were so emblazoned on her soul that is was visceral just being in a conversation (still is to an extent). Yet she's also so cool and mysterious. It felt like she was someone i had to learn about, someone that i could listen to their passions for hours in complete awe and admiration. Thats still what i admire about her to this day i suppose, but ill get onto that more in a bit.
This was also around the same time i had developed a crush on A. A is super cool and chill even to this day. Never afraid to be herself or says what she feels and that is truely admirable. She'd contacted me because, once again, we were into similar fetishes. We did the old exchange weird stuff and talk until i noticed she, by complete fucking cosmic coincidence, lived in the same town as me. You guessed it! Got a crush on her. This rejection breaks the mold a bit though in that she reciprocated the feelings but felt she was in to many relationships and couldnt provide me the emotional support i needed. Didnt bother me too much.
Well, that is until a couple months later A and her wife formed triad with W. It felt so.....bad if im being honest. I feel guilty to say it and i am really happy for them still! But there's always been a part of me since then that sorta felt......jealous? Short changed? I dont know, its hard to find a word for it. Its like when you taste something super fucking sour but you like expected it to be sweet. My self worth sorta plummeted from it all. Like i just wasnt enough for them..
Cut to later and i met T. Shes super sweet and funny and boy i got a crush on her too! She got into contact with me because......you guessed it! Similar fetishes! It feels like im just gifted with a power that lets people confide their weird fetishes with me. When i told her she told me essentially "Same fetishes dont like you that way".
Now we cut from 3 years ago to a month ago. I get feelings spurring up again for T and W (Probably A too but after how this goes I dont wanna be crushed ever again). I tell T first i have a crush on her. She says something similar to before but elaborates that romantic feelings are very hard for her to obtain. Then I tell W again. She says "We have similar fetishes and thats cool but i dont like you that way". For some fucking reason, this was an emotionally devastating breaking point for me and im not sure why. i got over T in like two days. W on the other hand? Were a month strong in and I still cant stop being depressed about it all. What happened here? What went different here? Was it because of the awkward response id receive years ago? Was it the jealousy-like feelings i still harbored? Is it just because i wanted to hear more about her and her interests and passions hidden under that cool (and sexy) exterior like i had before? I dont know. Probably never will. Likely a combination of all those though.
So here I am, on this weird precipice of loneliness, ready to die any second because my self worth doesnt seem to improve no matter what I do (and ive been doing a ton lately). Will I be able to work up the courage to take another final shot at A? Probably not, my body can't take another hit like that. Atleast not so soon. Will I ever get over W? Im not sure. The last time i felt this bad was with Nicole and I had to cut all contact with her to feel better, but the thought of doing that with W makes me even more sick. Maybe I'm just SOL and my emotional and mental stability doomsday clock is finally reaching midnight (sure hope not! I have Marinas to bully!).
Apart from all this, with how spurred i feel and such. I find it harder and harder to get out of bed every day. To do the things i like keeping myself healthy. Eating. Showering. To live. And yet I move.
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machiot · 1 month
@ulircursed sent:
Somehow, Marni ended up having an entire hut to herself.
"None of your roommates made it past the games?" Sure, his own room had an empty bed, but as far as he still knew, that was completely voluntary, and the supposed fourth occupant is still outside in a tree or something. She never even came back for the bear.
Still, Andrei frowns at the thought. As nice as it might be to have a space all to herself, it does not come without its drawbacks. "I suppose it is unnecessary to tell you this, but ensure you are on the lookout for attacks, if you are alone like this. Even with unrelated others in the same room, some pink-haired menace still decided to throw crickets into our room in the middle of the night twic..."
He trails off, gaze traveling a distance between Marni and growing more horrified by the second. The reason for that — another woman, just as pink-haired and every bit as much a menace, if not more, than Ethlyn, casually strolling along the path as if she had every right to. Instinctively, Andrei grabs Marni's arm, pulling her into the shade of the hut where they would not be seen.
"You didn't tell me she's here," he hisses, the two still close enough to the corner that Marni could turn and see who he was talking about, though Andrei would yank her back if she reached her head out too far. The girl heads into one of the nearby huts — they're on the same team??? — and immediately, his mind goes to the bow at his back, towards 'offense is the best defense' and all the violent instincts that come from finding oneself in much closer proximity to an enemy than they previously thought, to surprisingly soft lips—
Whoa. No. Not to that.
—before seemingly remembering something more important, gaze snapping back to the girl in front of him.
"Has she hurt you in any way??" Andrei demands, looking her up and down as though searching for some obvious sign of harm that he'd missed until now, like a sword just casually hanging out Marni's gut.
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When Marni was younger and crammed onto a single bed with several of her brothers, she had so ardently wished for a room of her own. When she had been dropped off at the church, she had sprawled out over her own bed for the first time in her life and sworn that she would never share a room with anyone ever again.
So she should be happy that all of her roommates had disappeared by the dawn of a new day, leaving her with a solo room. Instead, she's irritated that the sudden quiet grates on her nerves. She'd been so mad that it had been so loud when she was trying to sleep and now she's annoyed that it's too quiet. What's the deal with that?
"What, you jealous?" Marni asks smugly. "No way I'm giving you my room if there are bugs in your room! You're on your o—"
She doesn't get to finish her thought before Andrei yanks her into the shadows.
"Ow! What? Who?" There are so many pink haired she/hers around here that it takes Marni a second to connect who Andrei might be talking about. "Do you mean Pinky? She's on my team, obviously she's here. She was in the game with me, too."
It's not until Andrei looks her over for injuries that she connects what he's actually worried about. He's fresh out of luck if he's looking for any injuries besides her pride; Diana had healed them all before leaving and the cake hadn't left anything more than any stray frosting.
Marni's eyes widen, "Ohhhhh, so that's what this is about! Come on, do you really think she could hurt me? I have TWO shields and I lasted way longer than she did in the game!"
Lapis had come in third, actually, but the specifics don't matter that much to Marni. As far as she's concerned, lasting even a single round longer put her leagues ahead, forget multiple rounds.
"'Sides, she's not even the person here who threatened to eliminate me if she won."
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Da Rulez: Pokeballs & Catching
Da Rulez
An Incomplete List of Pokeballs and Catching Pokemon
Players, get out the d20!
The Rules:
When rolling to catch a Pokémon, you achieve success at 20. There are modifiers to this based on evolutionary stage and the overall health of the Pokémon.
There is no game rule that stops you from throwing additional Pokeballs on a knocked-out Pokémon that you failed to catch. However, there may be world rules that your Game Master has, so utilize this exploit at your own peril.
Each Pokéball gets 1 usage. After that, it locks (or breaks!) and you must take it to a Pokémon Center to have them reset.
Should you be so unlucky that after rolling you still have a negative number as your total, then the Pokéball breaks. Broken Pokeballs are entirely unusable.
For those who are bad at math, this means that full-health fully evolved 3-stage Pokémon are able to break any Pokéball (except Masterballs) that you throw at them.
There is no reason you cannot try befriending a wild Pokémon instead of properly catching them.
Legally speaking, Pokeballs are required to microchip any Pokémon that it catches. This microchip is not a computer chip, it’s more like a small super compact tag that you’d find on a pet collar. Don’t worry, this does not hurt the Pokémon at all! They don’t even notice it’s there. But the microchip exists to tell other Pokeballs and the Pokémon Registration System who the Pokémon belongs to, thus preventing additional capture. These microchips are also used to find people who abandon their Pokémon and enact legal penalties. Be aware, if you wish to properly release your Pokémon, please take it to a Pokémon Center so that proper paperwork and microchip removal can occur.
If you are using a styler (Pokémon Ranger) then these rules and limitations do not apply to you. Please check the Pokémon Ranger track for more information.
Evolution Modifiers:
Non-Evolving Single Stage Pokémon: +1
Larval or Baby Pokémon: +7
Larval Pokémon are defined by the following:
1.) If you could reasonably describe it as a “caterpillar” or “grub” (but NOT a “nymph”) in relation to real-life bugs, then it is a larva. Importantly, these Pokémon cannot reproduce at all, and must wait for Evolution to occur before they can mate.
Example: Caterpie, Wurmple, Snom, and Larvesta are all caterpillars, so they are all larvae.
Counter-Example: Fomantis is a mantis Pokémon that evolves into Lurantis starting at level 34. Mantises have “nymphs” as their baby insect stage, so Fomantis would be a “nymph” and thus does not qualify for these purposes as a Larval Stage Pokémon. It can reproduce normally starting at level 15 without restriction.
2.) The life stage before a cocoon/chrysalis Evolution.
Yes, this does include Larvitar and Bagon. As far as I can recall, their clade of dragons/kaijus are the only non-arthropod Pokemon that have larval stages.
Baby Pokémon (capitalized) are defined by the following:
1.) The official canon listing of biologically recognized Baby Pokémon:
Mime Jr.
First Stage of a 2-Stage Evolutionary Chain: +2
Does not include Baby or Larval Pokémon
Does include the non-evolving sexes of sex-specific evolutions
Example: Male Combee would still be counted as the first stage of a 2-stage line
First Stage of a 3-Stage Evolutionary Chain: +4
Does not include Baby or Larval Pokémon
Does include the non-evolving sexes of sex-specific evolutions
Second Stage of a 2-Stage Evolutionary Chain:  -5
Second Stage of a 3-Stage Evolutionary Chain: -3
Third Stage of a 3-Stage Evolutionary Chain: -10
Health Modifiers:
Full Health: -5
Mostly-Full Health: +0
Half Health: +1
Knocked Out: +20
Note: This is an attempt to balance conflicting catch-ideologies from the anime and videogames. In the videogames you cannot KO what you intend to catch, but in the anime trainers usually KO the Pokémon before catching it. The in-universe explanation for why KO’ed Pokémon do not universally go inside of any Pokéball you throw at it, is because the magic of Pokémon allows them to still reflexively struggle against capture even when unconscious—this is also why sleeping Pokémon are not universally-catchable.
Burned: +2
Poisoned: +2
Sleep: +5
Paralysis: +4
Frozen: +5
Frostbite: +2
Confusion: +1
Infatuation: +1
Trapped in Vortex: +1
Wrapped: +1
Rule: Status Condition modifiers apply even after KO.
Pokéballs and Their Modifiers:
Pokéballs: +0
Great Balls: +5
Ultra Balls: +10
Master Balls: This is a guaranteed catch against all except Uncatchable Pokémon (any Pokémon that is explicitly excluded from the Bestiary and is only in the Mythology section).
Apricorn Balls:
Love Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with Friendship
Level Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that is a higher level than the user’s
Heavy Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that is heavier than 220 pounds.
You may use species weight averages for this.
Fast Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that has at least 100 in speed
Friend Ball: Gives a +25 Friendship boost to any Pokémon caught with this.
Lure Ball: +8 to any Pokémon encountered with a fishing rod
Moon Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Moon Stone
(Rediscovered Varieties)
Sun Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Sun Stone
Leaf Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Leaf Stone OR Mossy Rock
Fire Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Fire Stone
Water Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Water Stone
Thunder Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Thunder Stone
Glacier Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with an Ice Stone OR Snowy Rock
Twilight Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Dusk Stone or a Dawn Stone
Shiny Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves with a Shiny Stone
Night Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves at Night
Day Ball: +8 to any Pokémon that evolves during the Day
Safari Ball, Park Ball, and Sport Balls: +3 but only under the limitations of their events.
Net Ball: +6 if used on a water or bug-type Pokémon
Dive Ball: +6 to any water-dwelling Pokémon
Nest Ball: +6 to any Pokémon between level 1-29
Repeat Ball: +6 to any Pokémon that you have caught previously and is registered in your personal Pokédex
Timer Ball: +2 for battles that have taken 5-9 turns, +4 for battles that have taken 10-14 turns, +6 for any battles that have taken 15-19 turns, and +12 for any battles that have taken 20+ turns.
Quick Ball: +8 if used on the first turn of battle.
Luxury Ball: permanent x2 to all Friendship and Affection gains.
Dusk Ball: +6 if used at night or inside a cave or other similarly dark place
Heal Ball: +0 but it fully restores the caught Pokémon’s health upon capture!
Dream Ball: +6 on a sleeping Pokémon
Cherish Ball or Premier Ball: +0 but they’re pretty 😊  
Beast Ball: +12 if used on an Ultra Beast.
Hey guess what, if you like my stuff, this is my website where you can find other Pokémon I've written on and more information about the game that I’m slowly making! Check it out! I write books sometimes too.
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andromedagarcia · 1 year
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‘That security officer is hot.’
‘I tell you, she’s hot.’
‘How do you even know she’s a woman?’
Espen Bakke was holding a glass full of ambarine liquor in his hand. The third? The fourth? No, not the fourth. Certainly the third. They were having a little celebration – their last job had been an absolute success and they had been able to smuggle Aurora (the drug that was fabricated and only sold in Neon City) into New Atlantis. Without getting caught.
He would have attributed it all to himself, but nah. Petrus was the mastermind here. The giant of a man had decided to wrap the drug in some sort of strange membrane. Apparently, a girl he had slept with once had been a MAST biologist and had explained to him between moans and groans of pleasure that some alien monster from the Aranae system used it to become invisible. Invisible! And that a few years back there had been a scandal when some crazy government worker had tried to sneak a few of them into Akila City, because the contraband scan hadn’t picked them up and… bam. Bingo.
The idea had been born right there and then.
They had gone to the Aranae system, killed a few of those giant bugs and taken their corpses with them. Visited Neon City, bought a lot of Aurora from street vendors, put the package inside of the alien insects and… the rest was history, as they say.
It would have been slightly easier if any of them had known where the creatures’ membranes were located, because they have been disposing of the dead bugs for days. But, Pete’s relationship with the biologist had ended the same night it had started and anyway, it had all worked out in the end, and that was what mattered.
‘She has boobs.’
‘Could still be a guy.’
‘Nah, that’s not a guy.’ Peter shook his head, his glass of beer looking small in his huge hand. ‘And if it was a guy, it’s not like I would care, either. She or he is pretty hot.’ He declared, staring at her ass as she –or he, it was damn impossible to know with that shapeless uniform– continued her rounds.
‘So, what’s next?’
‘Other than spending the money and enjoying each and every second of it?’
‘Yeah. I thought maybe I could go back to bounty hunting. My knee is not as fucked as it was before, so…’
‘You really can’t stay put, can you?’ Petrus laughed again. A laugh that made everyone’s faces turn in their direction. Whatever. They didn’t know what this was about, no one had given them a candle in this burial.
For all they knew, the big man could have just become a dad.
But no, then he wouldn’t be so happy. Not here.
‘Espen, man.’ A slap in his back, so hard that it almost made the shorter man spit his drink all over the wooden surface of the table. ‘Buy a succulent or two and relax. In a few weeks we can plan what’s next.’
It was the middle of the night when loud banging noises woke Espen up.
He wouldn’t have been surprised; he lived in the Well. A person who had spent more than a year here would soon find themselves unable to sleep except with the sound of low engines, of constant chatter, of distant music.
But the sounds were coming from his door. A fist, hitting the metal surface of it, repeatedly.
He put on some trousers and went to see if the cacophony had woken his father up.
The old man was still sleeping. Half-deaf as he was, way over seventy years old, this pounding sound was probably nothing but a low murmur for him. Wishing he could also be that lucky, he made his way through the door, already with a very clear idea of what he would find. Or better yet, who he would find.
‘Hey man, woke you up?’
He dismissed the answer with a wave of his hand. Espen didn’t sleep much, either way. He offered his friend a seat – he still found it extremely funny how the long-haired man looked out of place sitting in a simple chair, as if it could crash beneath his weight any second – and went to the kitchen to make some coffee.
‘Add a little alcohol into mine, if you can.’ Petrus winked roguishly, with a half smile.
‘It’s…’ Espen wasn’t quite sure what hour it was. ‘Early.’
‘Late for me, I haven’t gone to bed. Want to know why I’m here?’ It was hilarious. This gigantic man, rocking back and forth in his chair like a little kid who couldn’t quite stay put.
‘I’m afraid you’re going to tell me either way.’
‘We have a job.’
Espen would have expected Pete to at least have the decency to blush. But no. The man had accepted a job in his name and his smile hadn’t faltered, not even a tiny bit. In fact, he looked proud, accepting the mug of coffee in his hands and blowing off some of the steam before taking a sip.
‘Yes, we. In fact, they were looking for you, but I made sure to say I was your partner. We need to go to Neon, find a guy, deliver him to Kryx.’
‘Kryx?’ Espen raised both eyebrows, as he took a seat in front of his friend. He had also prepared himself a coffee, but he left it on the table in front of him, untouched. ‘Where the Crimson Fleet is located?’
‘Indeed. The person we are looking for used to work for them, but deserted some time ago. He goes by Vessel. He was last seen in Neon, a few weeks ago, but they say he’s bound to go back. Work’s kinda easy – we go, we capture him, we take him to Kryx and…’
‘Of course,’ Espen snorted. ‘Because he’s going to come with us willingly.’
‘No, but we are two tough guys.’ Pete flexed his, Espen had to admit, quite impressive muscles to make a point. ‘And he has nothing to do against us.’
‘And how much are we getting paid for this?’
There was no point in saying no. Pete had already accepted the gig. And even if he hadn’t… it was good to have something to do, to be on the road again. Not having work meant staying at home, and staying at home meant having to put up with his father and his incessant talking about his dead wife. Espen’s mother.
It hurt, just thinking about her. It would have shown on his features, had it not been because surprise widened his eyes and his lips parted in shock at the amount of credits Petrus had just mentioned.
‘Are you serious? One hundred thousand credits?’
‘I am. Six digits, baby.’
‘Get Venus ready, we’re leaving tomorrow.’
A victorious smile on Peter’s face. A resigned expression on Espen’s – he leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees and holding his head between his hands. Another contract signed. Another occasion in which his life would be in the utmost danger, and…
He just wished he could get rid of the excitement he felt.
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