#i won't get mad about this 20 years after the facts AGAIN
pia-writes-things · 9 months
Because I have great friends (poke @gay-impressionist and @saecookie), I have recently found myself in possession of ER's season 5 et 10 DVDs and boy, is the hyperfixation slowly but surely creeping back on me.
Which, after the DW specials, feels like I'm travelling back in time and I'm 15 again. Absolutely not a bad thing but definitely a weird feeling to say the least
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blingblong55 · 1 year
Walking in the wind-141
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A/N: sorry but I'm a directioner at heart babes so the title was a must
GN!Reader, angst, some fluff, platonic!relationship, death of character
20 years later, 141 was officially retired, all married, happy families, peaceful sunny days and most importantly, no war, no guns, just peace.
A week ago you said to me "Do you believe I'll never be too far?" If you're lost, just look for me You'll find me in the region of the summer stars
Every month, no matter where either one of the people in the team was in the world, they would fly to a small home in town in the southern part of the U.S. And arrive between 6-7 in the afternoon, to talk and catch up because it's better to see the person than to text them. The stories shared between all, the wives/husbands, kids and how old they were getting. Unlike the rest, you moved to America, and wanted that movie-like life, in some small town, driving a truck, passing through quiet streets where all anyone worried about was the leaves that would fall in autumn. You and your partner opened a small pub.
The name for it was 'R/N's Place" This was after you finally get out of the toxic part of your life, the family and the ache it gave you when you were there. Not a normal name for a pub but the locals loved it. Your favourite part was that you received lots of veterans, they all told you about their time serving and you, like the proud friend you are displayed a picture of you and the team in your first and last mission together.
It was almost around the time the men arrived, Price being the first, followed by Gaz who flew in with him. Soap arrived late, his children wanted to talk to their father before bedtime and Ghost arrived last, getting a call from his partner to which he always answered, he always made it clear his partner was a priority now that he is retired. You waited by the table with the rest for Ghost, your wife/husband serving the clients. "And there he is, Simon." Price smiled a little, proud to see his family again. "Alright, who's first?" Gaz asked and drank from his pint.
"I'll go first," Ghost said, which was a definite first. "Go on, son." Price passed all a cigar. A tradition he started once his grown soldiers/children were all retired. "Me and my partner are expecting a son." A secret he kept until it was assured the baby would make it this time. "Congrats mate!" Soap hugged him, feeling proud of a man he considered his oldest brother. "That's very much well deserved, man." Gaz smiled and you stared in awe. Price looked down with a soft chuckle, wanting to dismiss the tears that formed in his eyes. His wallet would be getting a new picture of the newest addition to the family soon. --- "R/N, I won't make it, go!" Ghost said to which you shook your head. "No, this is the one command I will not take! You will get old and fat but you will NOT die on me lieutenant, not today!" you yelled over the loud noises. ---
He looks at you and you hug him, whispering in his ear, "See, I told you it would be possible this time, Simon. I'm so happy and proud of you." Words that definitely made the tears well up in his eyes.
The fact that we can sit right here and say goodbye Means we've already won A necessity for apologies between you and me Baby, there is none
"Now you are all making me feel old." Price jokes and finally looks up. The four people he fought with through wars, all living the lives he knew were all much earned. Through the wounds, blood and sacrifice, somehow, five mad people are still alive. And the entire night, Soap told stories of his farm, and Gaz gave advice on how to fix some stuff, a trip he would soon have to make to Scotland. Gaz on the new tricks his little ones make, how he knows karma got to him and his back aches, so much for the jokes he told about Price. Ghost with his wood-making business, one he started in the backyard and now in Manchester's best small business. Price on how his kids are now in uni and the youngest one is in secondary.
And then you, with their favourite pub in the entire world, how you adopted a child and your eldest in primary already. Your wife/husband watching you smile from afar. You always were excited for these meetings, it was the one time someone other than the local veterans understood the stories you told.
We had some good times, didn't we? We had some good tricks up our sleeve Goodbyes are bittersweet But it's not the end I'll see your face again
And, as each month passed by, it turned into 10 years later. You and the other men in the team gathered not in America but back home in England. All in black dressing, lifting the coffin of the father you all shared. Price had peacefully passed on a calm night. As his wife puts it, he was finally ready to go, his mission was over and the children he raised were all old enough to understand and his little soldiers as he called you were well off in life, the one he made sure you all had. In years you had never seen so many of the toughest and now retired soldiers you worked with cry so much. You did too. The ceremony was as expected, memorable, beautiful and for the last time in John Price's life, peaceful.
Yesterday I went out to celebrate the birthday of a friend But as we raised our glasses up to make a toast I realised you were missing
You all flew back to the first ever pub he took you to. Raise your glasses and shed more tears. You see, this was a promise you all made. An oath between Task Force 141. When one passes, those that remain must go to the first pub we talked to as not a team but a family, and just then we can mourn but also celebrate we once lived.
And I know we'll be alright, child Just close your eyes and see And I'll be by your side Any time you're needing me Oh, yeah
Ghost chuckles, "And he told me, 'you reckon I can make it?' and that old man did it, the deadliest move ever and he fuckin' made it." he takes a sip of his drink. Gaz smiles, fond memories shared between him and Price, to be remembered until his final breath. "He used to do this trick with the smoke from his cigar just for my little girl to giggle, and man does she still ask for that trick," Soap shared. All four of you, smoking a cigar, just like he would've. "Can you believe the old man never complained too much about his back?" you ask to which all others nod. Now in your late 40's to early 50's, you never understood how he never once complained of the aching bones or back, proving he was and will always be the strongest and toughest man to ever grace your lives.
And you will find me Yeah, you will find me In places that we've never been For reasons we don't understand
tags: @warenai @liyanahelena
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paradoxcase · 6 months
John 1:20
No surprises there.
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I mean, isn't this basically the same conclusion they already came to like several John chapters ago, when Augustine was questioning whether the FTL even existed? (Although, apparently actual FTL really happens at the end of this chapter, I guess it actually was real? Why does it make no appearance in the rest of these books? If this other FTL technology exists, why did BOE work so hard to get a ship with a stele and a necromancer to operate it?) Anyway, this doesn't feel like a new or exciting conclusion to come to
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I don't feel like this story has done a good job of explaining why this has to be done, or even why John and co. think it has to be done. Is it because they're leaving in the ships that were intended for the cryo project? I'm sure they can build more of those, it's just money and engineering, and even if all the trillionaires leave, there's still a lot of governments with a lot of money out there who would probably be willing to fund the cryo project when John turns out to be right about trillionaires after they've left and there's no one left to defend them and talk about the secret lives of cows. I mean, as long as he doesn't start doing stupid and crazy shit and causing a nuclear holocaust. Who cares if the trillionaires leave? I feel like the point of these chapters is to explain why John did what he did, but I don't think this explanation makes a lot of sense. This is not moving me as a supervillain origin story
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So, according to the UN, world population will not reach ten billion until 2058. I calculated earlier that John can't be born later than 1998 and still be old enough to realistically attend the Parachute music festival, so are we meant to believe that John is 60 years old here?
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If I had a nickel for every time someone had their arm cut off and then regrown in this story, I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
Also, thanks for not making this one a sex scene, I think I've already heard more than I wanted to about John's sex life
Presumably this is needed for something resurrection-related, I guess it's so that when the suitcase nuke explodes he can grow a whole new G1deon again from the arm, like a starfish. So presumably John would have had no trouble growing Ianthe a new arm that worked as her arm, if she had asked him. I went back to see where Ianthe's first problematic arm had come from, but all I can find is that she denies that either John or Mercy was responsible for it. Did she make it herself? I can't remember
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Ok, but six paragraphs earlier Pyrrha is being mad that G1deon won't arm the nuke if she comes with him. Did Pyrrha know, or not?
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I mean, I hate to say it, but you were right there with all of the others when John was like, we have to stop the trillionaires from escaping, that's the absolute more important thing to be doing right now, and exactly zero of you said, no John, that's not actually the most important thing to be doing right now
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Why did Cristabel decide that right now was the best time for John to figure out how souls work? There's this whole side narrative about John working out how souls work, but it doesn't really feel tied to the rest of the story about the trillionaires and the cryo project
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I think I see. As established at the beginning of Harrow the Ninth, a living planet's soul is like the collective thalergy of everything that lives on the planet, so I guess it's kind of a gestalt oversoul, where every individual living soul on the planet is part of it? So when a planet is dead, then by definition everything else on it is also dead, since otherwise there would still be a living planet soul of some sort. The fact that John wasn't able to control individual human souls here while Alecto was still alive sort of implies that resurrection, and maybe most kinds of soul magic, are actually impossible on a living planet, if even John can't distinguish between human souls and the planet soul in that context. I guess that means that that kind of stuff would only be possible on an undead planet in the Nine Houses
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No, I think that's totally fair, actually
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I feel like this is important. Everyone else was killed by someone else. Like, John was 100% responsible for all of this mess, but he didn't actually pull the trigger to kill anyone else, and until this point he still has some plausible deniability, like he was just trying to stop the trillionaires, and he never intended to set off any nukes or kill anyone, he was just stressed and being a bit dumb. But he specifically kills G1deon, who is clearly his most loyal supporter. Like, I think he probably could have talked to G1deon over the phone at this point and been like, hey new plan, we're actually going to let the nuke go off and kill a million people so I can gain godlike power, don't worry I'm gonna figure out how to bring you back to life again using your arm, and I honestly think there's a solid chance that G1deon would have been like, sure thing boss, see you when it's all over. Then it would have been like, consensual, I guess? But he doesn't even do that. He just kills him. Obviously John has just killed people before at this point, and he would also be just killing another million people, but I think it's sort of different for John to just kill a bunch of cops or the population of Melbourne that he doesn't know at all, versus to just kill someone like G1deon, who he's known all his life and is somehow impossibly loyal to him
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I'm not feeling this metaphor
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Well, that's extremely biblical
So this means that the only reason Alecto survived this in a way that the other cavaliers didn't was because John couldn't entirely consume her soul, or thought he couldn't. And I guess he just decided it was too complicated to figure out how to do this with a human soul, and a necromancer who doesn't have all that power at hand at that moment?
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So this is what Hollywood Hair Barbie looks like, apparently:
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Maybe it's just the angle of the photo, but she doesn't seem to have quite as freakish proportions as the barbies I grew up with, which is good. For a moment I was imagining 8-foot-tall Alecto who is 75% legs and it was terrifying
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What is the "shaman" a reference to, here?
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So ultimately, John's powers came from Alecto originally, when she was still alive as the soul of Earth - it's implied throughout the story that necromancy comes from exposure to thanergy, but this obviously wasn't the case for John's specific flavor of necromancy, but he is definitely making use of thanergy to do what he does. So why did Alecto have the ability to give someone necromancy powers, that make use of death energy, rather than say, something the primarily makes use of life energy/thalergy which would probably be more useful and not incentivize killing ten billion people to gain more power?
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canisonicscrewyou · 1 month
Hiiiii hiii I keep talking about it so here's an excerpt of a scene from the beginning-middle of The Fic between Rory!Master and Amy after he 'kidnaps' her (read: begs Amy to pleaseplease come inside of his TARDIS before the Doctor got back) because I'm very very normal about both of them.
Timeline Context: I'm writing Rory!Master as having regenerated directly after Missy. Timeline Fuckery.
"You know, Amy, there was one brief day in 2009 where practically everyone in the world was me. You- you were me. Huh. I guess- I guess Rory was me, too. Before. You were 20. Rory was also 20, but he'd only been around for 13 years... Do you remember what it felt like? — Nah, you wouldn't. It's fine..." he scoffed it off immediately, but still maintained a serious lack of eye contact with Amy Pond. "I don't really either..."
Amy had been trailing around the TARDIS console. This was the Master. This was who the Doctor warned her to be careful with. And while there was some fear, she was looking at him with what could only be described as pitiful concern. "What.. What did you do?"
"Stopped the world. Stopped the whole, entire world..." his voice trails, and then, slowly the Master's hands drum against the console. Four times. Then another four in quick succession before he turns back to Amy. "We could do that."
They could run off together.
If he had planned this all out, if this was some grand Master plan like the Doctor thought, this would have been easier.
He would've gotten Rory to open the watch after Prisoner Zero. After the Doctor left again. It could have been better that way. It could have been brilliant, that way. Him and Amy Pond and a Universe to try and burn thrice over and a Doctor to crush twice as hard.
"I could... I could run for Prime Minister again..."
"- What did you-" — "No. No, not that at all. Or I bet I could use Fleshkind to... Or we could go back to Leadworth, and we... I- We could get in with the Silence, he barely even knows about them yet but I do, he'd be so surprised... Or— Cybermen! Again. Or.."
As the Master goes on, Amy flags around him. Her arms crossed and head tilted. He was rambling, sure. A bit like a madman. (From what she'd seen, most things Time Lords said were mad, though, to be fair.) But one who seemed to have no idea what he was talking about. He looked like Rory whenever she caught him in a lie. He looked like Rory, panicky and eyes unfocused and unable to stop talking... Then again, he just looked.. like.. Rory...
"..... Either way I.. I barely ever try taking someone else along with me. He does it all the time. I mean, ha, look how well it works for him. Well- it works out fine for him. Eugh - You lot on the other hand... But- still-"
"Master. What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about..You could be queen of a galaxy twice over." He turned to look at her, and reached an awkward, choppy hand to take her wrist in what was supposed to be a bold, intimidating grasp. "I could show you galaxies fall and burn, Amy, or at least..a few planets.." the Master started strong, and ended fumbley as he cleared his throat and tried to avoid the fact that she looked amused. And she was. She was curious, and she was amused. The Master felt like he was drowning. "... You don't have to do everything his.. way. It isn't always the most correct. Sometimes it's just what makes him feel best. But he won't admit it."
Amy scoffed, and tugged her hand back towards herself with ease, even if the Master's hand followed with it. "... Are you trying to steal me, Master?" she asks softly.
"Is it working?" He asks far too quickly, and in some cases one might say it was timid.
"It's- well- it's a bit fucked up, I'll give you that.. I'm taking my hand back. Thanks." She says, and gently pries the Master's hand off her wrist, and places it back at his side.
There's a brief but enduring silence that lingers between the two as he stares at her dumbly, wide eyed, trying to find the way in. He needed this. Hell. He needed something. "... Have you ever wanted to kill Kovarian?" He asked to her stunned silence. And continued to it. "I mean, really, you must. Rory did. Ohh, Rory so did, and that wasn't even me, I swear..."
"... Just because I would want it doesn't make it right or what I actually... want.." Amy finally settled on. She put more distance between the two of them. "Is that really it? Is that what you're going for?"
"I mean, no, but letting her live doesn't make some part of the situation alright. It certainly wouldn't hurt, really. I mean, hell, Amy. Your fucking -daughter-. O--" Our daughter, he almost said. Not only would that not be received well, but it didn't... feel... right. He didn't feel any sort of connection to Melody or River, did he?
Well- maybe MISSY did. They'd met once before. River couldn't have known, could she? Did she ever? Was she a far better actor than he fathomed, or something?
He was getting off track.
"... As someone who's, against all odds, been a parent before. If someone snatched my child right out of my womb, I would stop at nothing to see them experience immense pain and regret, before the light cuts out of their stupid half-dead eyes."
She inhales. Sharp. "Let me get one thing straight." Amy starts. "You. Have no idea what I could possibly feel about Demons Run and Melody and- and let alone the right to try and use my own daughter as some kind of bargaining chip. Do you not think I'd see that?" She snapped, arms crossed as she looked back at him, and he looked away, briefly. But Amy paused, and her own fingers drummed against her arm. ..........
".... Okay." The Master finally relents to the silence and to the harsh, unyielding glare of Amy Pond as he turns away from it for a moment before spinning back to her. "Okay, I know, okay. But... You could still.. stay. We could be... It could be —" it could be good? "- it - it I mean it could be. Bad. For you. If you try to leave anyways." He fluffed up. Straightened his shoulders and tilted his chin up as he looked at her in an attempt to be tall.
"- I never even — who said I was letting you leave. This is a kidnapping and I am kidnapping you, Amy Pond. You aren't doing anything about it. Neither is the Doctor." The Master said, arms crossed, chest puffed and weight rocking onto his toes in front of her as he tried to catch them both back up to the reality of what this situation was supposed to be.
And Amy, arms crossed, eyes sparkling, grinned something fierce back at the Master.
She assessed the situation long ago: and it was that she probably could have walked out that TARDIS door ages ago and he wouldn't have done shit about it. She'd be getting back to the Doctor just fine, eventually.
"... I think I'll stay right here for now." "Than-- Hm. Good. That's a- a smart decision. Very wise. Let's go, Ms. Pond."
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yourkimjaejin · 7 months
Impressed - A scene from my muse's past in which they tried to impress someone, successful or not
"The first moment that comes to mind brings me back to 20....18? The KBS Music Festival that year. Everybody had there own section of time to do a performance and SM wanted to highlight all of us. or at least try to. It was NCT, Red Velvet, Exo, and Hyoyeon sunbaenim's. It was a lot of moving parts but long story short myself, Juno and Aurora were involved in a couple of sections."
"First we did Punk Right Now with Hyoyeon and Red Velvet unnies. Then we were with Dream for Go/Boss and lastly we performed with Exo sunbae for their song Monster. Now let me preface this by saying I never got to meet to Exo members before this. I never met them during my training so they don't know me and at the time I didn't know them."
"Weeks before the show, a bunch of the nct members got together to learn/refresh our memories on the Monster's choreo. It was more like refreshing because who doesn't know that dance. When we gathered together to practice with Exo, I'm not gonna name any names, but there were a couple of confused faces."
"I can't confirm who said this cause my back was turned. But I heard someone say something along the lines of 'Are we sure they can keep up?"
"Now, I have a bit of a reputation when it comes to proving people wrong. I wasn't nicknamed The Shark during training for nothing. I would advise anyone who wants to challenge me to not to. Cause you'll never win. Cause I won't let you."
"I got so heated extremely quickly. In my head I was like, Who TF are you to assume I can't keep up. To quote the Michael Joradn meme, 'and I took that personally'. I out danced all those boys in every run though. I was mean mugging everyone in the mirror. I think I heard Johnny-oppa telling one of the exo members 'there's a reason Migyeong was called the shark."
"I don't take kindly to be underestimated. By anyone. There aren't many idols in my position. In fact, there's only four, Me, Aurora, Juno and Hannah. And I think that fact alone should inform everyone of how good I am at my job. You worry about you and yourself and I'll worry about me and mine. But I can guarantee I won't need to worry that much." ~ Moxy
"I think it was during We Young era that this happened. Fans have always wanted to know why there are some scars on my left knee."
"For those who don't know I'm a pretty good skateboarder. One day, the dreamies and I were in the dance studio and Chenle saw some trick video. He asked if I could do any of them. I chose to be a cocky idiot cause I said yes."
"Some of the tricks I already knew how to do but there was one I had yet to try. The 360 ollie heelflip. Essentially you flick the board so it spins in a full circle. During this, you turn your body in a 180 to land on the board then complete the rest of the circle to face forward again. Not the most complicated but it takes a moment to get in down. Even then, sometimes you can miss the board or it could spin too much."
"So I bet Chenle what would be 50 dollars in the America that I could do all those tricks. We met up after practice at the skate park I frequent and I was nailing everything. Time came for me to do the heelflip. I had the blueprint laid out in head on what to do. I went for it, everything was going well........until I over rotated and completely whiffed the landing. I fell on my knee and scrapped it."
"Thing is, I'm not mad about the scrape. You know those are battle scars that I'm proud of."
"I'm mad I had to pay Chenle 50 bucks." ~ Aurora
Request Prompt: And for the ask game, I’m picking impressed (it can be both romantic, platonic, or proving someone wrong). If you want to do all members, that’s okay, or if you want to do one for this ask, I’ll pick Moxy.
Taglist: @alixnsuperstxr / @1-800-call-ria / @sophrodite / @sunflower-0180
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thebloodredraven · 1 month
Sending you another FMK cause I like to torment you 😘
Haji, Itachi and L
You are MEAN for this
It literally took me two days to figure this out and I'm still not happy with the results but 😭
Marrying Haji. We all know the perfect man for me is an emo Eurasian vampire with dark hair and bright eyes who has a scary amount of devotion and loyalty to the woman he loves. AND he plays the cello + is the reason this song is my entire personality.
He and Itachi are quite literally the root of my qualifications of attraction and I can't say a single bad thing about him. He's my pookie bear forever and always.
Move out of the way, Saya, I can love him better AND it won't be a questionable grooming-my-Roma-slave-boy-that-my-evil-scientist-adoptive-father-bought-for-me situation
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Fucking L. Sorry but I can't kill him. Not after his death in the show made me so fucking mad. I have many things to say about him, but I will sum it up by saying I love that hunchbacked autistic gremlin with all my heart and I will get all the pleasure in the world making his very busy brain turn off and make the Error 404 noise when I suck his soul out of his dick. His oral fixations will do me well.
Fun fact: I realized one of my favorite Quinn VAs was my favorite because he sounded like what I imagine L sounding like when he's whining.
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Killing.....myself because I can't kill Itachi again either. I can't go through that a third time. That being said: everything Gojo stans have to say about Gojo, I am ten times worse when it comes to Itachi. That has been my man for almost 20 years and it'll stay that way. That's [unfortunately] my man and imma stick beside him 🥴
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forjustice · 3 months
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May won the Kanto Grand Festival in my timeline. Because it still makes me rather sad about the Pokéani that none of Ash's traveling companions--May, Dawn or Serena--ever won their performance arcs (Contests and Showcases).
I mean before Alola and Galar I was sad that Ash didn't win for 6 whole generations as well, because I felt it was really discouraging to viewers that characters never seemed to reach their goals after we fell in love with them and became so invested in their dreams. (I also feel pretty damn upset that when Ash did win Alola and Galar it was through plot armor, but that's a story for another post.) And it was an extra kick in the teeth to see some of the main characters being defeated by characters who were basically introduced at the last minute solely to take the wins from the established characters and who never appear again. Tobias in the Sinnoh League was one example, but it happened to May as well, with Solidad taking the Kanto Grand Festival win from her in a battle we only got to see like 1 minute of and Robert winning the Hoenn Grand Festival too. (Like come on, couldn't Drew at least have won the Hoenn one? If Coordinators are allowed to participate in subsequent Grand Festivals after becoming Top Coordinator, it would narratively have made a lot more sense to set up extra tension between May and Drew for the Kanto Contest arc because then May would be determined not to lose a Grand Festival to him again. Or if not, it would give May more motivation to get on Drew's level.)
Despite the fact that the writers didn't write Ash's victories very well (I'm pretty mad about how they had Cynthia lose to him), I'm at least glad they decided to allow him to realize his dream after 20+ years. But I still think about the Pokégirls who never won the top prize and wish that at least one of them had. Dawn I am more willing to accept that she didn't win, though maybe I'm biased because Zoey is my forever fave. And I wouldn't have minded if not all of them won in the first place--sometimes people don't reach their dreams even when they give it their all, and I think it's valuable to portray that occasionally in fiction. But I remember when I was more familiar with the Pokéani having strong feelings that Serena should have won her Showcase final against Aria, and not buying the explanation why Aria won instead (it was like "she was performing for the crowd instead of herself" or something but I felt that Serena put on a better show with just as much or even more passion). And then May losing both of her Grand Festival arcs? Now that's just mean.
So yeah, the way I write things, May is a Top Coordinator now. She lost the Hoenn Grand Festival to Drew, who then challenged the Kanto Grand Festival alongside her--filling her with even more fire to surpass him when she traveled through Kanto. She narrowly won against Solidad in the finals, cementing her place as, well, a top Coordinator--and then went on to further cement her place as a top Coordinator of modern times. If the Pokéani won't give my girl what she deserves, I will.
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askthechronoverse · 3 months
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Last Chapter •||• Next Chapter
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The next thing that Kit knew for sure was that she was in the TARDIS. She knew she walked to the ship with the others, but the trip there was a blur. All she could think of was the words of the stranger. Maybe she had to talk to her parents now. It was clear that she had a history with this person, but there were too many unknowns. Bellamy sat by her side as she thought.
“Kit, you OK there? You've been crying for a half hour.” Bellamy adjusted Kit���s askew headband.
“I… I saw him again. Before he took the foundation element. He called me selfish, told me my dad was a child and he didn't know which of my parents was worse.” 
“I don't care what anyone has to say about something that happened over 20 years ago: Mr. B is a hero. He helped take down some really bad people. That counts for a lot in my book. And Regent B has been keepin’ the kingdom in good standing with the universe since forever!” Bellamy gave Kit a rough pat on her back. Before she could respond, there was a knock at the TARDIS door. “Go get that, Kit.” The girl sat up and opened the door. Tim flashed a smile, something behind his back.
“Your friends said that they're going to help us find the guy who stole the plate. I didn't want to miss you before you left. Take this.” He handed her a plush of the Despot Pokemon. “No one's mad at you. You have plenty of time to find him and bring back what he stole. I know you can do it. Good luck, Kit. And tell your dad I said hi. I'll tell my dad the same thing when I see him.” He turned and left, Kit closing the door behind him. The Doctor stood at the controls of the TARDIS, attempting to get the ship into neutral space. Kit walked up to her and waited for her to finish. When she saw the girl, the Doctor jumped.
“Hello!” The Doctor exclaimed, her hands on her chest. “You've got my hearts racing! Are you ready for the next lesson? I know we had a bit of a setback, but I have seen more dire situations. We can get the foundation elements back.”
“Do you think I'm doing the right thing?” Kit asked while she played with her headband.
“I think the fact you're asking yourself that question means that you're not as bad as you think you are.” The Doctor said after a moment of thought. “I suppose that could be our lesson: don't hesitate to do what you think is right, but it's all right to assess your situation. If you feel like what you're doing isn't for good reasons, it's all right to back away.”
“What does that have to do with time travel?”
“It's something I wish your father had done. If he had just a moment to think about what he was doing, maybe he would have stopped. Although, I do also believe that what he had done might be considered a fixed point in time.”
“That's the things that happen that have to happen, right?”
“Correct. As a time traveler, we can put a lot of stress onto the timeline. It can handle most changes, but there are major exceptions, as I have mentioned. I believe your father having to go through what he went through and doing what he did is one of those fixed points. From what I know of your world, that event was a pivotal part of your universal history. It needed to happen.”
“I guess you aren't wrong about that. Without the Battle for Syspocalypstar, the universe wouldn't be nearly as peaceful as it is. Does my dad know about this type of thing?”
“I don't believe he does. It's something that most time travelers get wrong about the nature of time. They either feel that it's too flexible or too immovable. That one small change could cause a ripple effect that will end the world. What else has your father taught you about traveling through time?”
“He and Doc came up with rules. They won't do anything if it's going to change something big or if it will mess with their timeline.” Kit spoke after taking some time to think about the question. “But I know I said that before. I don't really remember much else, but I know he does what he can to keep time in balance.”
“Maybe he understands the true nature of time travel deep down. Or his doctor is incredibly clever. I'm not sure which.” The Doctor chuckled. “Now, it's a bit difficult sometimes to tell what is a fixed point and what isn't. I can provide you and your father with a tool that I had when I was in school a very very long time ago that helped me figure that out.”
“I'm sure Doc will get a kick out of it.” Kit tilted her head. “What school did you go to to learn about time travel?”
“In my world, on my home planet, I would be what's known as a Time Lord. As a Time Lord, I would go to school for this type of thing.” The Doctor spoke in a far softer tone now. Her voice quickly sprung up into something far more chipper after what felt like a brief moment. “Right! So that will be the lesson, though it feels like a repeat. We just need to wait for X-PO to send us the coordinates to the next foundation element!”
“Do you have a way I can talk to my dad?” Kit asked suddenly.
“I can let you use my phone.” She handed her an antique bronze rotary phone. “I'll even dial it for you. I believe I know the number we'll need to call.” The Doctor's fingers were a blur as she dialed the number. It was ringing as she handed the receiver to Kit. “They'll ask you for a number. That number is PS3252022.”
“Prison Colony Alpha. This is Private Brickson.” The voice on the other line was harsh and impatient. Kit’s voice sounded so small in comparison.
“I'm looking to talk to someone you're holding?”
“Is that a question? Do you know the prisoner's tag number?” The private sounded like he was probably rolling his eyes.
“It's…PS3252022?” Kit didn't know why, but her voice was starting to shake.
“Could you quit asking the answers to my questions? What is your full name? This prisoner has an authorization list and I need to make sure you are on it. Give me the answer in the form of a statement.” His harsh tone was making Kit feel so worse, so much smaller.
“I am… I am Catherine Doris Brickowski.” The pause while he searched for her name was tangible and uncomfortable.
“You're an authorized correspondent. You'll be connected momentarily.” Kit took a deep breath as the phone started making long beeps that cut into her psyche. After what felt like an eternity, she heard a click and her heart leapt.
“Kitten? Are you doin' OK? Are you hurt? I'll do anything I can if you-!” RJ's voice was frantic, but he also sounded tired and worn down. It felt like one push would be enough to break it completely, and he was worried this was the break.
“I'm fine, Dad. I just wanted to hear your voice and make sure you were okay.” This was mostly true. This entire journey was the farthest and longest she had gone without seeing her father. Hearing his voice was helping ground her, but only just a little.
“Kid, don't go to prison. The past couple of hours have been nothing more than a revolving door of lawyers and guards asking me questions and making me relive things I didn't want to relive.” Being left with only the tired and barely held together voice didn't make things much better in the grand scheme of things, which left Kit floored: it only been a few hours since she left. She would have to ask the Doctor about that when this call was over. “Can't believe you miss me already. I would have thought you would have wanted some time away from me after…”
“I can't… I'm not mad at you anymore. But I need to know something.” Kit’s voice was soft.
“You can ask me anything. I don't have anything to hide anymore.”
“You would never use me to hurt people or do anything bad… right?” Kit spoke slowly and almost fearfully. It felt like it took forever for her father to reply.
“No. I know it's hard to believe, but all I ever want for you is for you to find your own path. For you to be better than me. I never want you to have to go through even a small fraction of what I've had to go through. It's the only reason I've kept you in the dark for so long.” RJ's voice squeaked like a rusty hinge. “I love you way too much. I don't know who on that planet is filling your head with that garbage, but I promise you it's wrong.”
“It's not someone on Syspocalypstar who told me that. I think it's the person who hurt your raptors and stole your flux capacitor.” Kit swallowed. 
“Whoever that is, they're wrong. They clearly found a way to hurt you without touching you and I do not like that. I'm going to look into who the hell that person is. Don't listen to them. Much as your father and I have our secrets, we've done nothing but protect you. What other lies have they told you?” There was something behind his tone, a conflicting layer of tiredness and a dormant anger that made Kit just a little afraid.
“He said that we were soldiers in a war. That we were alike.” Kit decided to keep most of the insults and distaste toward her parents to herself. “He said we're fighting in a war that has been going on a long time.”
“I don't know what he's talking about, Kitten. Most of my enemies either tolerate my existence… or seem to have the power to make my life a pain in the present, no pawns required.” His voice was a lot calmer now. “Like I said: I'll look into that for you. If any of what's being said is true and somebody is trying to use this person to settle a grudge against me, tell him to go after me directly. You aren't responsible for what I've done.”
“I'm going to lose you for what you've done!” Kit shouted this loud enough to be heard by the rest of the group. “I've been so scared of never seeing you again! I don't think Unitron is going to take what you've done lightly!” The tears returned to her face. The quiet could be felt, thick and sickening.
“I’m sorry,” was all he said. Those two words for the least assuring things Kit could have heard, but she knew there was nothing he could say that could fix the situation he'd put himself in long before she was created.
“I don't want to lose you. I don't. This isn't fair!”
“Kit, you're not going to lose me. I'm not going anywhere that you can't go.” He didn't sound sure about the words he was saying. “Queen Wa'nabi is involved with the case. That's something my lawyer knew the nanosecond she took the case. She's not going to let anyone send me to the Man Upstairs just yet.” 
“You also won't be able to be there for me anymore. I will only be able to see you once a month or something and I…” After a minute or two of sobbing, RJ spoke up.
“Let's cross that bridge when we get to it. Nothing has happened yet. I'm still here for you. You can call me if you need me, Kit Kat, and please do. I want to hear your voice, too.” Kit could hear the weak smile that was probably on his face right now. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Daddy.” She barely finished the sentence before an electronic voice stated that time was up and to have a good day. The girl was left holding the receiver, the sound of a busy signal cutting through her silent tears. She handed the receiver back to the Doctor and put her head in her hands.
“I'm so sorry.” The Doctor moved aside to let Bellamy, Vito, and Charmy give Kit the attention she needed. 
“Hey… Hey, now. Let it out. You let out some big emotions right now.” Charmy rubbed Kit’s back.
Ken rushed over, wearing a pair of mirrored aviator sunglasses. “I know you're not Barbie, but you're just as awesome. Here, I think this will help.” He held out a silver chain with a pendant of a horseshoe with a horse head at the center. “This is my statement piece. Horses are awesome, just like you.” He put the necklace around her neck and she instinctively wrapped a hand around the pendant. She put the Tyrantrum away in her bag.
“Yeah. This isn't easy for any of us, but it makes sense that it hit you the hardest.” Vito added. 
Charmy turned the man in shades, watching her brother's eyebrow lift at the strange gift Ken gave her. “Ken, how well can you bake? Think you can make some cookies?”
“I'm not a Baker Ken, but I'll try it!” Ken ran off to find the kitchen. 
“You'll see him again.” Bellamy’s voice sounded calm and reassuring. “We just gotta finish this.” 
“Speaking of finishing things,” X-PO's voice chimed in from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. “I found the last foundation element. I'm sending the coordinates now. You better hurry. If the bad guy gets this last foundation element, there's no telling what he's going to do.”
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itsclydebitches · 2 years
Am I the only RWBY hater legitimately happy they're addressing Ruby's trauma and her constant shoving it under the 'i'm a happy dappy shounen protag! you can lean on me!' rug. If it fucks it up I don't think I'll even be too mad - The Owl House fucked theirs up and that's one of the best new shows out. The fact they actually had Ruby faint as her literally shutting down to the new information was neat to me. So tbh despite the rest of the episode being, lmao, bad, I kind of want to be happy and expectant based off that alone. If the focus of the volume really is zeroing in on Ruby's mental health (which it definitely is squaring up to be) I'm kind of interested what they'll do.
You're far from the only one, anon! I'm cautiously hopeful, based primarily on that opening. The fact that we've got Ruby lagging behind the group alongside, our trailer with her past doppelganger seemingly judging her, tells me that yeah, we are squaring up to tackle this. Which is great!
It's also, honestly, kinda frustrating. I was saying years ago that if RWBY finally gets its act together it'll be too little too late in many respects and now we're bumping up against that very problem. I have trouble taking Ruby's trauma seriously when it was nearly nonexistent post-Penny's first death and actually nonexistent after her resurrection. I especially have a hard time taking it seriously when it's book-ended by cutsey mice and vine gags. I'd argue that on one level RWBY already has fucked up Ruby's mental health arc, simply by letting it languish for eight years and introducing the core of it in that mess of a premiere... but that's not to say that there won't still be worthwhile aspects this season, even if the arc isn't all that it could have been.
I'm also just so, so wary after Volume 8. Because Volume 7 had so much going for it. We had the same basic setup of, "This is nowhere near perfect because we had too many problems going into the season, but damn if what they're doing with Ironwood and the team isn't interesting!" And then that crashed and burned so very hard. Obviously that's not to say RWBY will fail again to follow up on what they've introduced, but history hasn't made me particularly optimistic.
Tomorrow is going to be pretty crucial imo. Because Ruby's faint - while yes, emphasizing her shock and tendency to, in this case, literally shut down - is also an easy way to dodge her having a more complex, nuanced reaction. The premiere dodged that further by going, "Ruby says she's fine and conveniently the girls aren't gonna push her about that. Oh look! The episode needs to end now." So tomorrow's 15-20 minute chunk is when the story has to start actually doing something with this revelation - whatever that looks like. If Ruby begins to deal with his somehow (because remember, we only have 9 episodes left), fantastic, we're on our way through a potentially satisfying arc. But if we continue to waste time on silly jokes while Ruby just remains perpetually in this state of, "I'm fine, no need to grapple with what I'm dealing with" - which, notably, has basically been her default state since Volume 3 - then I'm worried we'll get another one-episode "fix it" towards the end of the season, rather than an emotionally fulfilling arc. There's a big difference between actually taking Ruby through this journey of coming to terms with her grief and (fingers crossed) her mistakes vs. introducing us to the fact that She Is Sad and then giving us a scene later in the Volume when she inexplicably, completely Overcomes It. Think Oscar accepting his role as Ozpin's host off screen. Qrow suddenly deciding he's done with drink and look, there are no problems with quitting. Or Ruby's lie never amounting to anything, Ren deciding he's just a bad teammate somewhere out in the snow, even leaving half our characters for a Volume with a potential time-skip on the horizon.
RWBY is very good at saying, "Here's a big problem" and also "It's fixed now," but it's grown terrible at providing the in between; how we got from the staggeringly difficult problem to its resolution. I'm really hoping Ruby's arc doesn't go the same route.
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milf-harrington · 1 year
literally just venting hold on:
i am disappointed in my mum for flying overseas after promising to go with my sister to our dads court hearing, and then taking it back because she has no work leave left (understandable, right up until she got on a plane to tasmania), and i'm mad that she promised to send my sister fuel money so that we could drive out of town to make sure my cat gets fed (she won't come inside for anyone that's not us, which is something we learned after she starved herself for 3 days bc she didn't recognise the person we asked to feed her) only to take that back literally the day she left, which means my sister can't afford to drive out there every day, which means i'm now stuck trying to figure out a way to keep my cat both safe and happy because we can't just lock her inside for the week but we also can't leave her outside for the week, i'm mad that my mother is a grown woman who isn't taking responsibility for the fact that albany may be my cat but she lives at my mums house which means she should have made sure that she would be okay left on her own for fuck knows how long bc mum hasn't actually said when she's coming back, i'm worried about albany being stuck out there by herself until next monday (i'm going back to my mums house for the week) and i'm worried that after being locked in the house all night she won't come home tomorrow bc she'll be worried about getting locked inside again (also something that has happened)
i'm trying to be understanding of my mums position (her husbands ex-wife died) and it might seem selfish that i'm so mad at her about things that seem trivial, but what it boils down to is this: in the 20 years that i have been alive, i have never once been my mothers first priority; and neither has my sister, and she's got an extra 4 years on me.
i am disappointed and frustrated and not at all surprised that it is happening again, and it's just the fact that she constantly just expects me and my sister to figure shit out on our own like i'm not an absolute failure of an adult and my sister doesn't have her own household to run
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
We do have other things happening full scale of tax occurring on the Trump streets globally they are attacking them to get them out of their f****** way. They're pulling them out of office and firing them today and they're making sure they stay out they're losers start to finish and there's nothing anyone can do about it we hear our stories but right now their leadership posts are cut down to about 60% of what they were last year and 10% went today.
You're going after the money and the money centers and they're taking out huge amounts of money from accounts and he stole the money from people they're taking their own money out they said we don't know why we're letting you sit with it you don't protect it and you're not keeping it from the empire and you're not keeping it from other people and you're a lazy slum and they're each going after what money they took and it's working
Thor Freya
A friend here said it months ago and nobody did that's the right thing to do and it's working
I'm going ahead and doing it and take my money back this fool has had enough they'll get all the banks again this ridiculous
Tommy f
We're going to be in it together one way or the other and I hope hostilities reduce on us a lot of it is led by Trump and he's an a****** he thought he'd break you guys up and ruin your day and take more stuff and it is it is happening this way right now we are taking our share and we're going to go ahead and taking all out and we're going to own it and he's going to come at everybody and lose
Mac daddy
I'm putting all the weight on you is wrong and people keep doing it it's led by these trumpsters or idiots oh man they're fanatically f****** annoying
Cuz other people here watching their stupid skits they can't believe how awful it is they're fooled by the Max and they just keep hanging on to it and pissing everybody off of themselves and dying cuz Trump thinks he's AI boy
Thor Freya
He's not AI boy he's AI man he says every time that stupid sucker and I seen computers that are massive and his is only like a mile it's teeny by comparison these these computers were 20 miles across and their Mac computers some of them with a plan and they're extremely powerful and they're running armies of robots that lost I mean they lost against huge numbers of troops and his max are after some serious quandary these these Giants are massive Trump is after them too and he's getting pushed out acts like it's nothing wants to go after some defunct laser was taken out by a small fleet I mean that guy's a fool we have to do something more than what we're doing now
You want to open factories and you said we should he's got a whole bunch of chassis and tons of stuff that he can sell and we'll have a technique to make sure you're making vehicles for our people doesn't care if we make it just for hours eventually get bigger and it goes overseas and stuff I do see what he's saying you don't want to have a whole bunch of weird trucks driving stuff around it shouldn't and we get the fact that we like a lot of small cars and we want to do that and this assholes in the way trying to blow up plants and things like that so you got to add security and since you have the airspace to a degree might be able to protect them and if that happens people get mad at them some people are willing to work under those circumstances because they hate them but it is that people's discretion but really the weight would become more on them instead of less and eventually they will won't be able to do stuff and there's already factories like that all over the world and he's saying that and I agree people are doing it already
We're going to be getting starting to do that we know what he's saying and all the stuff is just going to run cuz this one moron I'm going to pull them out of there
Mac daddy
I'm getting our share too out of the banks and everything this guy is a f****** fool I'm sitting there on it seeing you run the bank he doesn't have control and share and we're pulling them out all day and night from now on he's coming up the money and we're going to take care of it they're walking by and threatening him as we're ripping the living s*** out of them this guy is a f****** fool
We're going after them too taking them down they come back and pull them away take care of them I mean they were running things only for like 5 years cuz that was huge attitude saying they still run stuff I'm ridiculous
Minority morlocks and we're taking our share too and we're going into the banks and we're recording the areas off and yeah we're Dustin a lot this is going to be piles of these stupid m************
It's time to go home we think
0 notes
face-palming-fox · 1 year
fun fact. every time y'all tell me how to act or think, i delete the post you reblogged and change my username cos fuck off.
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i KNOW it's not my fault, it's greedy companies fault. it's not my problem? you're right, this only affects something that is my lifelong hobby and content. and even if it WASN'T something i was that into, pardon me for having empathy for all the people it does affect who is now scrambling to figure out how to save their projects, their livelihoods, wondering what to do with their blemished resumes (as someone posted saying they're about to graduate school who had hopes of immigrating for job opportunities that their skills in a game engine would have brought, that is now no longer a reputable thing to have).
just because I'M not a game dev myself does not mean that i don't get to feel upset and mad for all the people who ARE affected, who now have to try and fight a stupid giant company to either get them to fucking change this completely back to something more similar to what they were offering before while they also decide if they want to move their stuff away from the engine and spend many man hours retraining people on different engine/s and doing the move while also wondering if bigger companies are gonna step in and actually do what they should to move this back or just pay it bc they can.
'don't make up guilt' what the fuck does that even mean. gosh sorry i would feel guilt for potentially being a cause of inconvenience for someone. i'll just put away my trauma trained people pleasing bc you felt i shouldn't feel some type of way about yet another fucking bullshit thing to happen this year.
and yes, the unity thing will most likely not end well for them, they will most likely put something else in place that is not what they have out right now. but we don't know that currently. we thought the same things about twitter. surely he won't do this or that but he has and is actively ruining one of the biggest social hot spots not only for socialization but people's jobs are tied into and now are less certain of where their next paycheck is gonna come from because he's changed how people maintain business as a whole on there.
again. stop telling people how to feel. i am not you. my brain DOES catastrophisize and i'm not necessarily in crisis mode over this, i'm just SPECULATING how other people with emotional disorders, like myself, feel because I am sensitive to feeling some type of way about things and also knowing how exhausted i feel after 3 years of pandemic, personal trauma, platforms being destroyed and changed, media getting deleted or stolen left and right, capitalism getting worse and worse,..
i already don't like subtle change as it is and having to wake up every fucking day to this or that platform nuking itself, that one stealing art of every form with gen ai shit, this streaming platform deleting 20 movies and shows forever with no physical media to preserve it.. etcetcetc
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simplymekaty · 2 years
Good, bad & everything inbetween
I've really been struggling with my mental health the past 3+ months. More than I ever have. I have been afflicted with frequent episodes of 'weirdness'...this feeling is so hard to explain...like I become hyper aware that I cannot see myself - that all I ever see is my reflection. I also have odd moments of being unable to complete the most innocuous of tasks e.g. buttering some toast, without feeling like I am on the outside of my body and my hands can't handle the simple little manoeuvres required. It's not like it's an out of body hokey depersonalisation feeling where I am on the outside looking in at myself. Well it is in so much as I FEEL like I am on the outside of my body but sort of not at the same time because I am still unable to see myself. I told you...it's weird as fuck.
I feel like I am going mad in moments like this. Like I'm high on some psychedelic medication but it's certainly not a feeling I've ever experienced when taking any prescribed or unprescribed drugs.
The headaches that come afterwards are a killer too. Part of me assumes it's all the chemo hangover and I know that I am only 8 months post treatment and my body is still dealing with the chemo aftermath and that I shouldn't be too hard on myself or worry. I mean, I'm not worried at all actually. It's just so unpleasant dealing with this and feeling out of control.
I haven't helped myself by limiting my social interactions the last few months because of it. Which is massively unlike me. We are weaning me off one antidepressant & replacing it with another in the hopes they give me the much needed serotonin & noradrenaline boost that I so desperately need.
I've never been one of those people who is ashamed to admit when I am battling with my own thoughts but I do find being geographically separated from my closest friends quite difficult at times and can become a little reclusive when I don't have the energy to travel to see people. I am a lover of video chats now after always shunning them pre-COVID so that helps me stay connected but I am definitely a shadow of my former social butterfly-like self.
I wonder in part if my mental health struggles are to do with turning 50 this year & being very aware of my own mortality. I mean, sheesh...I'm too young to be this old right. And I think as well I'm very conscious that my Mom passed away at 63 and I am only 14 years away from that, which I know rationally is ridiculous. But it's there.
And it isn't that I am afraid of dying either. I think that's why I handled my whole Cancer journey as well as I did. I'm not afraid to die. It's the one sure thing in life. Death. The end. It has more to do with the fact that if I only have 15 years left on this planet, that's not a lot of time to do the things I wanna do and spend time with the people I care about. I mean hell, even if I love another 20 - 30 years that's still not enough time is it. Especially as with some friends, like those in the U.S.A, I may only see them once every 3 or 4 years or so...which might mean I only get to see them 2 or 3 times before I or any one of us does actually die. It might seem maudlin but it's just an inescapable fact.
I guess also, even though I never thought I'd settle down with someone, I should have by now, in theory, been married. And even though that wasn't something I'd ever dreamed about, part of me is sad that I won't ever get to experience that. And knowing I won't ever fall fearlessly & hopelessly in love again, that really sucks. I miss being in love. A whole lot. Though it's only fleetingly wistful these days. I refuse to get bogged down in 'whatcouldhavebeens' that stuff just eats your brain & I'm done with that.
I started to write a list of stuff that I love to do with the promise to do more of it, on my own if I have to because that girl who turned her life upside down more than once for other people, she can sure as hell do it again as a nearly 50 year old woman, but this time for herself.
So, that being said...I will always be honest about my feelings and not hold back just because I feel I might be too much for someone or be afraid of reactions.
I will do more of the things I love like camping (who knew), reading or listening to music by camp or log fire home or away, engaging in late night til sunrise talks with people who feed my soul, go to the gig - on my own if I have to, go on long roadtrip vacations & stay in log cabins on my favourite lakes & wake up to go wild skinny dipping. I will say Yes to any & all invitations to do any activity I've never done before or that I've always been too scared to do.
I will face my demons head on and refuse to let my soul be haunted by old ghosts.
What will be will be, but I will face everything from now on with that enduring spirit that has got me to where I am now. I am strong, I am resilient and I may have been down the last 3 years but I am not out.
I want to leave this earth with a head full of fantastic memories of the things I had the courage to do, not a heart filled with regret.
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1disappear · 2 years
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I posted 1,141 times in 2022
118 posts created (10%)
1,023 posts reblogged (90%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 778 of my posts in 2022
Only 32% of my posts had no tags
#the better living creature - 157 posts
#kdrama - 102 posts
#nh - 84 posts
#narry - 49 posts
#hs - 41 posts
#link eat love kill - 31 posts
#one direction - 23 posts
#house - 20 posts
#flower of evil - 19 posts
#lirry - 15 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#the rest of the jihwa-dong natives will try their very best to keep up the cover other than the fish guy. piano teacher. and that one cop
My Top Posts in 2022:
I thought it was weird they didn’t show much of gyehoon’s dad other than from back when gyeyoung was still alive, but now we know he is missing and gyehoon is actually there to look for him. I feel so sorry for ji wontak, turns out he’s a victim from all of this, he only wanted to help his best friend find his sister but had to pay the price, and now he just wants to protect himself and his father. Also, I can’t believe someone managed to make lee jingeun hesitate like that, i think, i think, it’s mr. cho, he’s the guy who drove the truck in the early episodes if i’m not mistaken, and i’m highly suspicious of him (more than the others). Last but certainly not the least, eun gyehoon finally letting dahyun into his life 👏👏 yes yes everyone, give him the biggest round of applause for not letting his past hold him back from living his life anymore because he deserves to be happy just like everyone else
10 notes - Posted July 5, 2022
Wow. That was... insane! They really made us all gooey and soft by shoving the cutesy romance of gyehoon and dahyun in the first half before going wild in the second half huh. I went through so many emotions in the last hour istg. Ji wontak breaking down in his ex’s arms was beautiful, it was as if he finally let go of the burden he’d been carrying. He even accepted the fact he is part of the jihwa-dong kids at the end there, i loved that! I just wish we get to see him approach his dad after knowing the truth. Lee jingeun is so fucking mad for feeling offended that dahyun reported him to the police, like, you literally deserve to be chased down for the rest of your life and never live in peace ever again for everything you’ve done, you piece of shit. Dahyun is starting to remember things from her past and ngl i’m kinda scared to know the truth of what actually happened eighteen years ago. And just when i thought i knew who culprit was, everyone started to act so strangely again. One thing i know for sure tho, that one cop who told gyehoon about the investigation is innocent. Also, don’t forget the fact that there are more than one culprits according to the shaman.
13 notes - Posted July 6, 2022
I just hope they won't cut tonight's episode right when creepy guy shows up just because they can 😮‍💨😔
16 notes - Posted June 21, 2022
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See the full post
18 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
park hyungsik is the man
20 notes - Posted January 9, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thecsquirrel · 2 years
Holding my Black queer girls real close today.
Representation really does matter and the fact of the matter is that it's just so nice to be able to see yourself on the screen- big or small. Yes, Black and POC folks understand the point of universal themes and how you can find parallels in stories that often lack us, but sometimes it's just nice to look at a screen and see someone that looks like you and sounds like you.
Personally, I have been waiting basically 84 years to see a badass Black Vampire/Monster-slaying woman on screen, ever since Rona showed up on season 7 of Buffy. Heck, I just knew we were going to get a spinoff about the Hellmouth in Cleveland and Rona was going to be leading the charge! Obviously, that didn't happen, but some 20 years later (holy crap!) in comes Ms. Calliope Burns/Imani Lewis and the possibilities were endless. The potential was there! I didn't need First Kill to be perfect, nor should it have to be. It was a fun premise that was focused on the characters who would otherwise be sidelined in other shows. And damn it, it was just fun.
The most hurtful thing of course is the very loss of a character like Calliope Burns, and the Burns family for that matter. The last few years of superhero films/tv shows have both given and taken away. Yes, we got the women of Black of Panther, Misty Knight, Monica Rambeau, Maria Rambeau, Ryan Wilder, Sophie Moore, Anissa, and Jennifer Pierce. That list has gotten a bit smaller and other than the BP women, the Rambeaus remain and even then Maria may just be a memory. (Ugh it hurts to write that.) I won't pretend that the entertainment business is easy, but it certainly seems like the stories and characters that are expendable, more often than not, belong to those of us often pushed to the margins. We cannot and we must not overlook the fact that First Kill had a dark-skinned Black co-lead, a Black woman showrunner, and a crew/staff full of women and queer people. Additionally, we cannot overlook that the folks making decisions about these shows tend to be cis white heterosexual men. It is really hard to make/keep diverse content if BIPOC arent' even in the room.
Anyway, deep sigh. I'm doing all this rambling to say that it sucks to lose this show in general. It sucks to lose this over-the-top, enemies to lovers to enemies fated love story. And it is extra awful to lose a young Black QUEER/LESBIAN character with so much potential. To get a character with agency and vulnerability. A character with some flaws but also with such strength. (And obviously, the accolades should go to Imani, Felicia, and the writers for not just creating some stereotype.) We deserve all the things. The great characters and even the crappy ones. We deserve camp and frivolity. We deserve to be superheroes and super villains. And again, we deserve all the things because our stories matter. And we should be allowed to escape into fantasy and build worlds upon worlds.
So, yes, I'm going to be cranky for a bit on this one because it feels like one after another. And to make matters worse, it feels like there's no place to go. HBO sure as hell ain't saving Batwoman, because they won't even let Batgirl (what in thee whole frak is that! I'm sorry to Leslie Grace.) see the light of day and Disney is too busy running paperbag tests (I will be mad about America Chavez's casting forever!) to be bothered. Although, crazier things have happened and maybe Netflix will be financially bothered enough to either sell the rights or give it a proper series finale. Give me a freaking 2hr movie at this point.
So, to my queer babies who feel like they are going through it right now, be easy with yourself. Kick and scream and fight and rage. Write and create and keep putting it out there in the world. And if no one has said it today: You Matter. Your stories Matter. You belong. And You have something to say.
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surftrips · 2 years
wish you were sober
pairing: jay halstead x gn!reader
song: wish you were sober by conan gray
word count: 658
author’s note: i’ve been wanting to write a fic to this song for a while now because i love angst and this is where i got. please leave some love on this post ❣️
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You've known Jay since you two were kids. Grew up right across the street from each other. You lost contact with him when he left for the Rangers, but upon his return to Chicago, ended up reconnecting with him at a party.
At first, it was fun going out with him. He was wild. Downing cups of beer, trading drinks with strangers, flirting with anyone in sight.
But after a while, you found yourself searching for exits and excuses to leave early. Jay was in his 20s, yet he was acting like you guys were 19 again. You enjoyed a night out every once in a while, but the people Jay was hanging out with were definitely not your crowd.
As much as you tried to ignore it, you knew that he was hurting. His time in the Rangers had messed him up and it hurt you knowing that you couldn't do anything to help. But he was so far gone most nights, you didn't see any point in trying to get him to open up to you.
Besides, you were probably the last person he'd want to be vulnerable with. You and him had a brief fling in high school, but you were going to college and he was joining the army, and things weren't great at home for him, and just about a million other things preventing you two from being together.
So even though he wasn't your responsibility, you couldn't help but feel an obligation to watch over him. You always hated how you two left things off when he went overseas, and you could tell that he needed you now more than ever.
"Come on, how many drinks have you had?" You asked him one night.
"What does it matter? Another one won't hurt."
"Please don't drink more beer..." you wanted to say, but instead gently pulled him out of the bar and to your car.
As you put Jay into the front seat of your Rover, he leaned over and kissed you on the cheek.
"Real sweet, Jay. Let's see if you remember this in the morning."
When he got drunk, he was overly nice to you. It made you reminiscent of your teenage years... but you couldn't allow yourself to return his affection because once he got sober, he was an entirely different person.
You had visited him once at the police district after he had a particularly long night, and was met with a cold stare as he pretended he didn't know you in front of his coworkers.
It wasn't like you were airing out his dirty laundry to the entire district, you were just there to see if he was managing his hangover and to drop off some lunch.
Now, the ten minute drive to his apartment was silent.
With Jay leaning onto your body, you pulled him out of the car and into the elevator up to his apartment. At his front door, he leaned in to kiss you on your forehead this time.
"You should stay over tonight," he slurred.
"You've had too much to drink, let's get you to bed," you responded firmly.
After pulling the blanket over his body and turning around to leave, he blurted out, "Y/N, why are you so nice to me when I'm nothing but an ass to you?"
You sighed. It was much too late to have this conversation, and at this point, you were more mad at him than anything. The fact that he was only nice to you when he was drunk, refusing to acknowledge he had any problems, constantly pushing you away when you just wanted to help... the list went on.
You could have said a million things but you knew that he would just forget them by the morning, so all you said was "Shhh... it's late. We can talk tomorrow," but all you could think was “God, I wish you were sober.”
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