#i won't have to face the fact that the new red velvet isn't as good as old red velvet
colorisbyshe · 2 years
I’m posting this early because Apple Replay doesn’t end when Spotify wrapped does and I don’t want a machine doing math telling me waht my fave music is... I want to tell you that on my own.
And I want to beat everyone else to doing this
My top ten favorite albums released in 2022, in alphabetical order lol:
American Gurl by Kilo Kish
Bad Mode by Utada Hikaru
Crash by Charli XCX
Gasoline by Key
The Loneliest Time by Carly Rae Jepsen
Multitude by Stromae
Raw Data Feel by Everything Everything
Renaissance by Beyonce
Reminders by Le Youth
Thank you EP by Brave Girls
Honorary Mentions: Bib10 by Bibio, Bloom by Red Velvet, Chordata Bytes 1 by Imogen Heap, Iota by Lous and the Yakuza, Las Ruinas by Rico Nasty, Kaizin by Eve, Plasma by Perfume, Reborn by Kavinsky.
My top ten favorite songs released in 2022 NOT FROM THOSE ALBUMS cause obviously... I like the songs on my fave albums
A Disappearing Act by Coheed and Cambria
All Comes Crashing by Metric
Chikichikibanban by QUEENDOM
Copycat by Chobom (Apink subunit)
Deep Down by Alok
Heart Burn by Sunmi
Let’s Get it Right by Royksopp (or Unity by Royksopp, they’re tied)
Love you Back by Madeon
Naturally by Tinashe
Somebody like You (Orchestra Version) by Bree Runway
I can’t take any song off but I MUST mention Super Yuppers by WJSN Chocome
Honorary Mentions: Be With You by Mystery Skulls, Disco Revenge by De De Mouse, Fly Away by Cookiee Kawaii, Futurez by Toconoma (Quest4 is ALSO amazing by Toconoma, has the energy of an upbeat song from the sims),  Gift by Minmi, Gauva by Naika, Hold me Closer by Britney Spears & Elton John, Losing Game by Leo, Pose by Loona, New Gold by Gorillaz, Patbingsu by Billlie, Savage by Tiesto, Scent by Yukika, Starlight by Dreamcatcher, Stay Soft by Mitski, Stressed by Doechii, Summertime by Flo, Talk that Talk by Twice, Te Felicito by Shakira, This is Why by Paramore,  The Whistle by Steve Aoki (ignore... the whistle bits), Zero kara Ichi he by Kat-tun, and เพียงไว้ใจ by Slot Machine (I did not finish Kinnporsche but I DID listen to that song a daily basis for a month)
This year was the return of dance music for me!!!
Also, if this seems like a lot of songs... I added almost 500 new songs in 2022. Well, I added 1000 new songs to my phone in 2022 but 500 were released this year.
Anyways everyone should feel free to rec me music based on this knowledge
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realityhelixcreates · 16 days
By Talos, This Can't be Happening Chapter 14: Chorrol County Cruise
Swag is a man who loves his shopping.
To the west, and green. To the west and green. Starlight, dyed red, a luminescence hovering in his hands. A caged lizard in a ruined cave. A field watered with blood. Layers of paint obscuring the face of a loved one.
“Challenge.” a feminine voice, everywhere at once, inside. “You bring it on yourself.”
A shadow under the great oak outside the mages guild. Lightning striking a mountaintop. The path rolled out in rays like-
“Starlight...” he mumbled.
“Hm?” Helix mumbled back, not really awake, but merely responding to his voice.
“Nothin' babe. Go back to sleep.”
Sometime later, he dragged himself out of bed, realizing she'd gotten up earlier than him. There was a basin of warm water and their soap in one corner of the room, waiting for him, a plate of fruit and what looked like a medieval muffin. There was also a full change of clothes. Swag held up the new garments-black with a very decorative silvery trim. Looked like they'd fit, though the trousers might be a bit short. It wouldn't matter if he tucked the hems into his boots. But would that look good? And where had these come from? He couldn't imagine they'd just been left lying around; they looked to be very high quality, like that incredible linen that had been wiped out of history by industrialization.
It did fit well, a little padded at the shoulders, but nothing blocky, and surprisingly breathable and flexible. And yes, the hems were a bit short, but not as noticeably as he'd predicted. He ate, got his hair at least partially tamed, and went in search of Helix.
She was just outside the bedroom, heating one of her alchemical mixtures in what he could only describe as a 'contraption', an elaborate alembic setup dripping hydrosol into a potpourri of salts and ash.
She had also come by a new set of clothing, a confection of green velvet and silk patterned like the leaves of the oak outside. In fact, it was quite similar to the getup Earana had been sporting, but Helix, in his opinion, wore it so much better.
God, that color looked so good on her.
He caught her staring back, and he knew that look. He held his hands up in front of him.
“Hey, I just got these on.” he joked, and she grinned.
“I've got to keep an eye on this anyway.” she said. “Maybe later.”
“Whattaya mean 'maybe'? I see you lookin'. Where'd these come from, anyway?”
“Oh, Anthragar thought we looked a bit ragged, I reckon. He pressed these on me as soon as I went upstairs. Might be custom, or might be he worried we'd make the guild look un-posh or some such. Our other clothes are off for a proper cleaning.”
“Better not damage them. That's my favorite vest.”
“You've got seven more just like it back home.”
“What can I say? I like to be on brand. And it's the only one I have here!”
“It'll be fine. Got any plans for the day?”
Figured I'd go visit the smith. Guy in Bruma recommended her for making a set of gauntlets. Prolly oughta sell off what we got that wasn't already coins.”
Oh right. Here.” She began to remove her ring.
“Uh...you know what? Keep hold of that. Might come in handy later. And I'll see if there isn't anything going on around town, any odd jobs or whatever. I'll keep myself occupied, don't worry. And I won't end up in jail again, so don't worry about that either.”
Because he knew she would.
He left the guild and had to dodge around the back to avoid being spotted by Earana, who was stalking around the great oak like a hunting animal.
The slums of Chorrol were...actually pretty nice from his perspective, basically the opposite of what they'd be in Gotham. Small, single story timber buildings, with space between them, and not a one condemned or falling down. Bright green grass everywhere, and fresh air.
Swag didn't know how much longer he could survive without microdosing on minerals with every breath. And the water not tasting of metal, surely that wasn't how nature had meant it. Where would he get his daily cadmium?
The street, still scrupulously clean, even here, curled around another large cathedral, which he walked straight past, and back into the main thoroughfare. A large statue dominated this end of town, a woman holding a fallen soldier in her arms. Close by, a cute little Rennfaire styled sign declared 'Northern Goods and Trade', a place he definitely wanted to check out.
Inside was another lizard in a dress. An actual dress this time, not a mage robe. Perhaps it could be assumed this one was female, the dress, the smaller size, and the somewhat higher pitched-though still rough-voice might lead to that conclusion. But otherwise, it wasn't that easy to tell. He couldn't help but wonder about the evolutionary story there, unless what Helix had told him was correct, and there was no evolution here.
She introduced herself as Seed-Neeus, because that was just how Argonian names were, apparently. She was also a shrewd businesslizard, and Swags haggling over the mediocre potions didn't go at all as well as he'd planned. He did get a good price for the pearl, the bronze ring, and the green gems-tourmalines, she informed him-though he kept one back for himself. The silver just went by weight, but it was worth quite a bit, and he chatted with her about local affairs, and the rest of Cyrodiil. He was from so very far away after all.
He got the feeling she was not impressed with his attempted compliments on her weird head fin things, but he was trying. He had no way to tell how old she was; maybe she'd just heard it all before. Or maybe he just wasn't her type, which, like, yeah.
But she did mention that a fellow named Guilbert Jemane had gotten some disturbing news, and was acting more erratic and drunken than usual, that there was some kind of trouble brewing on a farmstead just outside of town, and that there had been a large flush of newcomers to the city recently, including a small group from the nearby Weynon Priory; humble monks that were usually so self sufficient that they rarely ever visited.
He headed across the street towards the Fire and Steel, passing by a man arguing loudly with a gate guard that he'd never even been to Cheydinhal, but he was thinking of going just so he could lay a beatdown on some guy who was pretending to be him.
Inside the smiths shop, his eyes were first caught by a huge, olive green woman with short, spiky hair. She had large tusks and small eyes, but she barely looked at him. That must be an orc. Huh, not too bad. She was engaged in conversation with a jovial, dark skinned woman and an elf who was sporting the most gorgeous set of crystalline green armor.
Swag was instantly smitten. Where could he get a set of that? He would look like a god.
Imagine rocking up to the mages guild in that.
“Welcome!” the smith called to him after the orc and elf, an adventuring pair, had left. “Welcome to the Fire and Steel! You're new in town too, aren't you? Well met! I'm Rasheda. Is there anything I can interest you in? At all?”
Her eyes swept up his form in approval. Swag grinned.
“Maybe, maybe. First of all, that green armor the elf fellow was wearing; was that yours?”
“The glass armor? No, I didn't make that. No one can make that. He found it in a ruin somewhere.”
Rasheda laughed.
“Sounds bad, doesn't it? It's not actually made of glass, its some magical alloy the Ayleids came up with thousands of years ago. It just looks like glass. Tough as steel though, and less than half the weight! Imagine if we could someday figure it out! But for now, the only way to get any is to find it in one of the Ayleids ruins, or to get it off of someone else who did. If you do, bring it back here, I can make sure it fits you right. Remarkable stuff, it can be formed like steel too, reshaped for a better fit.”
“Only in the ruins, huh? Pretty rare then.”
“Yeah, but I see more of it than you might think. We get adventurers in pretty regularly, due to all the ruins in the Great Forest outside of town. The Ayleids were populous here, and there are quite a few mines and caves, and remnants from the Alessian Empire too. There's a lot out there to be reclaimed.”
“Any to the North of here?” Earana had said that the book she wanted was located in an Ayleid ruin.
“Yes, a few. And there's Sancre Tor as well. Huge place, three ruined towers. Most of the wall has fallen down, but I here its not uncommon for people to just disappear around there.”
“Uh...I might have seen it, yeah. Creepy place.”
“Well, that's the best I can give you when it comes to glass. Is there anything else?”
She was looking again, unabashed interest in her dark eyes.
“Yeah, actually. Two things. What would you recommend for someone who's never worn armor before? And also, the smith in Bruma recommended you for a pair of custom gauntlets. Was he on the level?”
“Bruma? Wait, you mean Fjotreid? He remembers me?”
“Had nothing but praise for your work. Said you could make a pair of gauntlets so fine, they might as well be my own skin. Sure like to see that.”
“He said that?” her huge smile flashed white, even as her cheeks darkened with flattered pleasure. “What a sweetheart! And he's not wrong, either. I can do that. Let me see your hands.”
He held them out, and she flipped them over, spread the fingers out, commenting cheekily about their length and shape.
“You seem like the sort who likes to be light on your feet.” she said, lapsing away from flirtatiousness and into the more serious part of her job. “Reinforced leather jerkin, something in the Khajiti style maybe. Quiet. Flexible. Blued steel for the gauntlets; you'd want a solid strike for those. Not the mitten type, I'm assuming, more like the elven glove type, right?”
“Sounds right.”
“I have some leather already mostly put together, I could get some measurements and alter something for you right now. The gauntlets have to be bespoke though. Everybody's hands are different, and most pugilists' aren't as graceful as yours.”
She quoted him two prices, the armor quite reasonable, but the gauntlets quite a bit outside his current price range. It made sense; all the little pieces, specially treated, carefully fitted.
He agreed to have measurements taken for the armor, and the frisky attitude returned, her hands lingering longer than strictly necessary, a little bit of shared innuendo.
“You know, I have a lot of free time today. Anything I can do around the place to maybe shave a few coins off those gauntlets?” he suggested.
Rasheda grinned wide.
“Well...” she drawled.
Then she locked the door.
Swag laughed.
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harold231 · 3 years
It wasn't real
Pairing: Bucky x reader
Posted: 04/30/2021
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: None? Maybe a lil angst just a lel bet.
A/N: I think it might be good? Idk You let me know. But like frfr, don't just give me feedback in your mind, put it into words. Also I apparently have a thing for Bucky in a dotted apron soooo yeah.
FYI: time zone/era is open for interpretation. Bucky never became an avenger/soldat and steve isn't part of this one.
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The wind that blew around you was warm and sweet with the scent of freshly bloomed flowers. Perhaps it was an act of kindness from some God trying to distract you from the cold bitterness settling into your bones. Closing your eyes you conjure the very memory that left you so desolate.
The sun snuck it's way through the curtains to illuminate the room, effectively disturbing the sleep that you always seemed to be craving. Waking up is always hassle but whenever you remember that you get to spend your day with the only person who tolerates you and you him, getting out of bed is the easiest thing. Bucky is crazy and the damn boy is never in one spot for to long and he always has something to say, but you can't imagine how boring your days would be if you guys had never met. well technically if your parents had never met.
When you were a child you parents had to move to new york for business and they decided that Brooklyn was the place to be. You had been Bucky's neighbor and the first day you guys moved in his mom had dragged him over with the most delicious angel food cake that he so proudly claimed to have made mostly on his own. He just loved cooking and baking since forever, he would tell you that he just liked experimenting with foods but you knew the truth was that the boy liked to eat and didn't have the patience to wait for his mother to come home.
Only a few years after your family had moved to Brooklyn you and Bucky had already built an unbreakable bond. You guys had found a beautiful cherry tree one day when playing tag and had deemed it to be your's and Bucky's spot. Whenever you had a bad day or needed time away from the world you guys would go to the tree and just pick cherries, in the winter time you and Bucky would lay under the tree and kick the trunk so that the snow would fall from the leaves. It was the place where at only 15 years old bucky swore he would open his own Bakery and to quote him "I'm serving my ma's food my way doll, It's gonna be the next best thing to hit New York."
You were laying on the ground with your hands crossed behind your head looking up at Bucky swinging upside down from a branch when he told you all this. You felt something you had never felt before at that moment, looking up at the wild haired boy who loved to eat, loved his family, and had the most ambition you had ever heard from kids your age. Your heart felt full and your cheeks grew warm as you looked up at the same blue eyes you had know for years now, only this time you notice the way they twinkle in the sunlight and how rosy his lips are. Now 7 years laters you and Bucky were preparing to open the very bakery he promised you he'd open. Banners were beautifully strung along the walls and cute retro china was set out, ready to be filled for opening day. There was no hesitation from you when Bucky had asked you to run the bakery with him, you were excited to spend your days with the person you hoped you would spend the rest of your life with.
At around 6:30 in the morning you had arrived at the bakery but it seemed that Bucky had beat you to it. The smell of fresh angel food cake and cocoa danced up your nose as soon as you opened the door. Closing your eyes you smiled at the memories that it brought back. Moving to the back you grabbed your Disney themed apron and placed your bag and coat in its place before scurrying over to the kitchen while trying (and failing) to tie your apron. There in all his dorkiness was Bucky wiggling around to the chordettes. He knew that you loved the 50's aesthetic so he found a way to incorporate it without going overboard, by adding little trinkets, a jukebox, and even those cute little dining tables. In fact at the moment he was wearing a ruffly red polka dotted apron as he frosted some cupcakes.
Apron tied, you were finally ready to get to work. You walked up to Bucky bumping his hip as you reached for some cupcake pans, "Whatcha doin here so early Buck, we don't open until 12" he looks at you with squinted eyes, "The hell are you doing here so early." "Woah,woah,woah completely unprovoked. I'm just saying cuz' you were the one complaining about the opening time being set at 8. Like damn." Breathing out a huff of air he wipes his forehead with a towel "I'm sorry doll, I'm just super nervous and I couldn't sleep so I came to start baking things. I already frosted the ice cream cakes and I just finished the pies, but I was thinking that maybe we needed some cupcakes too, even though we already baked so many pastries and stuff last night I'm worried it won't be enough."
Setting down the trays you move to hug Bucky from behind holding him close to you. "Buck I know we'll do great your food is too good to pass up on especially when it's free." You place a soft kiss to his shoulder " I promise you'll do great, everything you do is amazing you try your hardest at everything Buck, You've worked your butt off and made mine considerably larger to get here, don't start losing your mind on me now." A cute little laugh from Bucky lets you know that he's hearing you and he isn't so stressed anymore. "I just want this to be perfect ya know?" with your head still against his back you nod, "I just want it to be a special day for my special girl."
You couldn't stop the slight blush that rose to your cheeks or the way that your heart suddenly started beating three times faster. You had also wanted to make him something special which is why you had got here so early. Finally releasing your hold on Bucky you straighten your apron out before gathering everything you need for some red velvet cupcakes. Bucky loved your red velvet cake so you loved making it for him. After hours of mixing, baking, and frosting had passed, you guys were rewarded with a bakery that looked as great as it smelled. "Alright doll, I'm heading out, I gotta go get ready. Meet you back here at 12 , Love ya." He didn't even give you a chance to answer as he ran right out the door. "Love you too."
You had stayed behind just a little while longer as you perfected your secret project. Carefully you added snowflakes to some of the cupcakes because you knew how much he loved snow even if he hated winter, some cats, flowers that reminded you of bucky, and one extra special cupcake. When you finish you decide to clean up a bit more and prepare some drinks for later before heading home to get ready. As soon as you got home you took a shower and did the simplest of make up with a light pink lip. You had decided to wear a dress to match the blossoming flowers that spring had brought. Pink with a yellow lace trim and flowers embroided all over the dress, matching it with some yellow flats.
You had decided that it was a perfect day for a walk so you grabbed a light scarf and slung it over your shoulders, grabbed Bucky's cupcakes, and headed over to the bakery. You felt as if a Hundred pounds had been lifted from your shoulders knowing that Bucky had felt the same way about you. You had decided that you would tell him today with your special cupcakes. As you rounded the corner you felt giddy and you couldn't wipe the smile from your face no matter how hard you tried. As you reached the bakery you saw that a majority of the people had already arrived and you knew that it would put Bucky at ease to see all the people enjoying his food. You stopped at the window, closing your eyes to take a deep breath to prepare yourself to join the celebration.
Opening your eyes you reached for the handle only to stop at the sight on the other side of the door. Bucky stood there arms wrapped around a woman eyes locked on hers as he leaned in for a kiss. It must have all happened in about 30 seconds but it felt as if time himself had slowed it down for you to watch the way he tilted her head and ran his tongue along her bottom lip before finally uniting their lips. Your heart dropped as quickly as your smile did and suddenly you felt so stupid for thinking this could be real. You willed yourself not to cry as you allowed your legs to carry you anywhere but there.
That's how you found yourself sitting underneath a blossoming cherry tree. A tree that held only happy memories because it wasn't a place you could be sad... back then. With your back against the tree and box of cupcakes full of unrequited love in your lap you realize how much you over romanticized Bucky. Opening the box you decide it would be a shame to let them go to waste. The first one you grab has a big red heart frosted in the middle, you let out a deep sigh before breaking the cupcake right down the middle. You shove half of the cupcake into your mouth and only then do you allow the tears to fall. You sat there for hours crying eating cupcakes, watching the sunset, and thinking about everything that Bucky did for you, as a friend. You realize you had no right to be angry at Bucky, after all you never told him how you felt you just assumed that he would feel the same way after so many years. With every broken memory another cupcake vanished.
He was always there for you, when no one wanted to come to your slumber party Bucky did and he even did all the girly things with you. Painting your nails, doing your hair, watching chick flicks, and pillow fights. once he even asserted that no one could protect you as well as he could, when you had decided to go camping with your friend from class so he insisted on taking you himself. Your friend was most noticeably gay so you had assumed he wanted to spend time alone with you. But now that you think back on those memories these are things that anyone would do for their bestfriend. And that's what you realized 8 hours and 11 cupcakes later.
The moon floated above you and as it's white rays settled upon the lake you decided it might be time to go home now. You get up and dust your dress off before leaning down to grab the mostly empty box. Turning around you are stopped again by what's in front of you. Bucky stands there brows furrowed as his eyes flash from you to the box in your hands. "Where the hell have you been, I've been calling you all day." swallowing the lump in your throat you go to answer but are interrupted. " everyone's been asking me about you all night and I had no damn idea what to tell them, but apparently you were just out here being inconsiderate. You go and tell me I can do great tonight, that you'd be there for me, but you weren't." You try to answer him but are again interrupted. "You could have told me something earlier instead of leaving me there like a dumb-" "SHUT UP!" this time it was your turn to interrupt him.
Taking a deep breath you look into his eyes before explaining. "Of course I was ready to be there today, you think I wore this dress to sit under a damn tree? Well I didn't. When I left my apartment I was ready and I was excited, so excited. I couldn't even stop smiling on my way over, but then I got to the shop and I saw-" Immediately you stopped as you realized what you were about to say. He cocked an eyebrow and shook his head slightly as if to say 'Hello?' "You saw what? What did you see that would make you abandon ship just like that?" Shame flushed through your being and you could no longer keep eye contact. "Nothing, you know what, it doesn't even matter. I'm sorry I was being dramatic I should have been an adult and dealt with it on my own time. And I'm sorry I abandoned you all, but the night was about you anyways."
"The night was supposed to be about the both of us so it does matter if you saw something that made you want to leave. Just tell me doll, what did you see?" his voice is soft as he pleads with you. "I saw... well I saw you kissing that lady and I just wanted get away and ended up here okay!?" You said it all in a jumble hoping that he wouldn't be able to understand what you had said. But luck wasn't your friend so of course he did. "So seeing me kiss another person was so gross to you that you had to run away, what the hell? are you 13 again?" You hadn't admitted it outloud yet and it seemed that the dumbass in front of you was going to force it out of you.
Stepping around Bucky you pull your scarf tight around your body as you focus on not crying anymore until you get home. You distract yourself by thinking of all the love you saw in all the little things Bucky did for you. Dancing around the newly furnished bakery body against body as frank sinatra brought you heart to heart, watching rom-coms and ugly crying together, but by the time you get home you force yourself to face the ugly truth. The Love was always in your head. It wasn't real.
A new wave of tears blurred your vision as teardrops fell perfectly to the ground. "It's because I have feelings for you Bucky, and I now know you don't feel the same way." Sniffling you don't bother looking up because your heart is to broken for that right now. "I'm Just gonna need a little bit of time and I'll be back good as new like nothing even happened." Still unable to lift your gaze from the ground you decide to focus on the last cupcake left in the box. 'I Love You' is written in tiny light blue frosting letters. "I uhm, uhh." That brought your attention to Bucky, as embarrassment pulsed as strong as ever through your veins. " You don't have to say anything Buck, It's fine, I'll see you next week, on monday" you hand him the box as you go to pass him "I think you would have a better use for this than me I ate 11 others already so."
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Divider credits: @firefly-graphics
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hazard-queen · 4 years
Valentine's special ( dorm leaders X reader)
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• It was something unfamiliar for him, the whole thing since it was a boys school before you suddenly appeared nowhere now he has to plan something for Valentine's day to make it special.
• He's the most shy person worldwide so the fact he stood in front of you preventing himself from turning into a geant tomato when he said...
• "Ummm would you like to...go out on a...a...a date with me today?"
• "Sure thing, why not?"
• You simply gave him a smile before you made your way out of the doorm!
• First of all he asked trey to make him a heart shaped red velvet cake!, he sat off himself collecting flowers for you, he was so embarrassed someone may see him like that but what he didn't know that everyone was watching him in silence
• "Awwwww isn't he cute?"
• Cater whispered as both ace and duce nodded crying from the cuteness!
• It was time and you wore your best dress ( the one you could get there) and came on time, riddle couldn't hide his blushing face anywhere when he handed you the bouquet, he was so adorable!
• He was wearing a neat suit, doing his hair to one side (yeah yeah like ciel ) he was just so adorable
• "Happy Valentine's day (y/n)"
• He looked away trying not to make any eye contact with you.
• "I also have something for you!"
• You gave him a heart shaped chocolate, you spent the whole day making it for him, happily he took it from you and he can't be more red than how he is now!
• " t thank you, i i love you.....I MEAN I LOVE THEM!"
• You couldn't help it but to giggle
• "It's ok, i love you too!"
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• "Ok i like you!!!!"
• You blinked several times unsure if what you just heard was right or your brain just snapped
• "Did you just say you..."
• He left you dumbfounded, shall you get ready or call police? But at the same time you were happy, are you finally gonna see the soft side of leona?
• He totally does not have any idea where or how he's supposed to get flowers and the necessary things for such an occasion...he never neen nice to anyone before so he paid ruggie for help!
• You got ready and waitd for leona at the gate of Savannahclaw dorm gate as he told you but you never expected what you saw next
• Leona appeared wearing a fancy suite letting his chest open to the air, his hair was done into a bun, you were speechless as you saw him.
• He handed you the bouquet but you still didn't move your gazes away from him.. is that the leona you know and see everyday?
• "(Y/n) Are we going to spend the whole day dumbfounded? I know i look handsome which is nothing new for me but let's go somewhere to hang out!"
• You came back to reality and took the bouquet from leona, you took a chocolate box from your bag giving it to leona
• " h happy Valentine's day leona!!!"
• You saw a smirk formed on the corner of his lips as he took it from you, he just love how blushing you got and your effort not to make an eye contact with him is just...what he actually likes!
• "Happy Valentine's day herbivore!"
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• Everything in the lounge is ready, tables, check, candles, check, also food is there and he's now waiting for you to come.
• You walked in wearing a red dress, making your hair a ponytail with light make up, azul got speechless as you walked by and took the chair by him.
• " y you look....breath taking"
• Taking your hand on his, he placed a kiss on the which made you giggle
• "Thank you azul, you look also so handsome!"
• Azul blushed by your compliment then he cleared his throat pointing to jade and azul who came and placed plates on the table and by plates i mean plates of your favourite food
• "Hey azul, can i have some of this plate? It looks delicious and I'm hungry!~"
• As floyd spoke jade poked his arm and dragged him away
• "Don't mind my brother, please enjoy!"
• " ehem...happy Valentine's day (y/n)!"
• He gave you a box full of roses with a red teddy bear on the centre of the box
• "Happy Valentine's day to you too,azul! I also got you something
• You handed him a dark chocolate heart shaped minnie brownies, he took them with a worried smile and a thank you whic you could read
• " hehe don't worry! It's a diet recipe with less calories"
• You both laughed at the same time and continued the romantic date listening to music playd in the lounge.
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• "Valen...what?"
• Wait, were you expecting him to know about that? It's not kalim at all...the guy has no clue for what you're saying you know....
• "Y yeah it's the day were people can appreciate their love to others....by giving gifts...roses and other many ways!"
• Your explanation was good and everything but he still didn not get the right idea and translated all what you said that he should go get you gifts!
• A minute passed and you felt like if there was an earthquake but it seems that kalim has got a full carriage of gifts to you....and they are all in gold!
• "Taddaaa! Is that good enough?"
• Kalim shouted on the top of an elephant that it was itself carrying something , you cub your hands over your mouth and shouted so he can hear you.
• "Yes i got you flowers, catch!"
• You smiled rising your arms expecting a bouquet but you found a flower shower that you sinked in!
• .......
• "Kalim!!!! Can we go on a trip on your carpet for a valentine date?"
• "Yes sure!!!"
• You took a flight on the carpet all over the place, it was calm and happy moment, you don't have to buy the one you love expensive things to make them happy, only a small act of care would be enough!
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• You were deep asleep when you suddenly felt some tickle on your nose, you moved to the other side feeling annoyed but again this soft tickle came back, squeezing your eyes shut slowly you saw a rose!
• "Good morning my lovely dove!"
• You didn't know if you have to feel happy because of the romantic way he wakes you up with or how messy your hair was or HOW ON EARTH VIL GOT IN YOUR ROOM!!!!!
• "U ummm good morning vil....how did you get in?"
• "Oh well it's a long story! I made you breakfast by the way!"
• Your mouth was wide open you you heard that, did he just say that he MADE you breakfast?
• He placed a tray on the bed that has different kinds of fruits and vegetables and sugar free drinks (no coffee?!)
• He was extra kind and nice as ever to you, he brought you a new dress, flowers, all required things to make you happy.
• "I i also brought you something....Happy Valentine's day, vil!"
• You gave him a box of new limited edition perfume that he wanted.
• "Awww my dear, thank you i really love it"
• Vil gave you a hug and took you to have a romantic date (i don't think vil would like to have a dinner) he just made your day from the beginning to the end of the day...
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• It was fine by you to think that idia probably would never get out if his room to take you out or anything, you just don't want to make him out of his comfort zone since he rarely get out of his room.
• You heard knocks on your door thay took you from your deep thought but as you went to open it no one was there except a note.
• ' please meet me today at 6, i will be waiting for you...idia'
• You smiled as you read the note, seems like the guy has changed after all!...did he actually do that? Nope! It was ortho!
• Idia freaked the second ortho told him what he did, it was like almost the end of the world to him
• "You will wear neat clothes and do your hair, take (y/n) out for Valentine date! You don't want to let her down do you?"
• Of course he would never love to! So idia dressed up in something formal, do his hair in a long pony tail and went to take you out.
• "Don't forget flowers!"
• Handing idia the bouquet, he took a deep breath before he got out of his room to your dorm
• He saw you waiting for him there in a cute outfit and a warm smile that melted his fears away
• "H h happy v Valentine's day (y/n)"
• With shaky hands and a blush idia gave you the bouquet
• "Happy Valentine's day idia!"
• You gave him a hear shaped box wrapped on blue wrap
• "I is that for me?...t thank you"
• He was a blush mess but he couldn't hide his smile when you gave him the box!
• You firstly spent the day with a romantic outing and a lovely walk but since you both are gamers this date ended up in the arcade and you both playing together kicking your enemies !
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• He heard about that before from lilia but he never thought he was ever going to take someone out or has to say something romantic to anyone since people were always afraid of him!
• He asked you out and you happily agreed, yeah he was abit nervous but he tried to keep calm when he saw you walk towards him
• "Y you look gorgeous (y/n)! Ah i i got you roses...hope you like them....happy Valentine's day!"
• You looked up to malleus and took roses from him smelling it with a smile
• " oh oh! I got you something too!"
• You handed him a box full of different kinds of chocolate
• "Happy Valentine's day malleus!!!"
• He smiled abit taking the box from you and started at it for abit
• "D didn't you like it?"
• " n no! It's not like that....the whole thing is new to me....i mean...nobody lov....."
• "That is in the past now! I'm here and i love you!"
• Giving him the best of your smile you took his arm in yours and took a walk in the forest
• It was some time before malleus was able to feel less stressed and got along with you, he would invite you to dinner and give you his jacket when you're cold! Malleus is a real nice person when you get to know him but most importantly that he loves you
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ignisnocturnalia · 4 years
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I think I've figured out how I want to write these (Exposition/mini story, when relationship is established HCs actually start) based on a previous statement I made, also ANOTHER REQUEST! All headcanons are placed at the back of the story part. Let's get this ball rolling!
Crow x Reader
"Now, if he ever flies too far from the nest?" Spider leans forward, "Boom." Your stomach made a flip at the kingpin's explanation, and you've never been more uncomfortable to have your Ghost out in the open. Some part of your mind is saying 'Who cares? That's the man that killed Cayde', but another half is saying 'He has no idea. It isn't fair to judge him for something he can't remember'.
That meeting had happened an hour ago and you couldn't get his dumb gray face out of your head. He looked so.. sad. Regardless, having a Ghost rigged with explosives did not sit right with you at all. Spider wanted you to help him with his Wrathborn problem? Sure, alright. When all of this was over, you knew exactly what you wanted your payment to be.
One large change about the new light that you've found impossible to ignore is diminutive he is. His commentary after successful hunts and small chats after a lure upgrade is administered are curt. Even more surprising is his willingness to present mercy to the corrupted Fallen. He is nothing like Uldren.
Acknowledging this division between his past and present self is when you start to realize that you like working with him. A lot. Probably more than just work, but will you admit it? No. Besides, you tell yourself, he really doesn't look like he's searching for a relationship while figuring himself out.
Petra often asks why you've taken to visiting the Tangled Shore so frequently now, and everytime you scramble to spit out an answer, something stupid like "Spider has a good deal running right now". In some part, it's true, since when you're not hunting Wrathborn you're showing Crow how to do Guardian stuff and explaining Last City life to him. His calm and curious demeanor is extremely cute, and the velvet sound of his voice does not help.
When Spider has both of you run point on a mission you always look to the rafters of the building to try and see him or listen for his steps. He's annoyingly good at stealth. The only time you ever had to be stealthy was in the Gorgon's lair and the Pleasure Gardens. You wish you could speak to him unfiltered; if Spider ever discovered your crush he wouldn't let you hear or see the end of it.
As the months dragged on and you came closer to catching the High Celebrant, you caught yourself anxiously wondering what lie at the end of it all. What if Spider didn't let you take him? And if he did, would Crow stay with you or do his own thing? Greedy little thoughts ran through your head as you thought of all the times you shared together, both of you visibly happy in your eyes.
As much as you'd like to live a runaway life with him and hope he felt the same, you knew it was wrong. He'd get restless, and you'd start fighting. Whatever he chose to do, is what you would let him do. Osiris has taken notice of your feelings, and the knowing glances he gives when no one else is looking sets your face on fire, acting like he doesn't have a thing for Saint always writing those letters when he's on death's doorstep; dramatic is what you say.
Soon enough, all of your close friends can tell you like someone, but they simply can't figure out who. Ironically, the day you work up enough courage to ask him to be your partner is the same day he pins the location of the High Celebrant. The morning is tense, and just getting ready for the big fight is sending energy through your body. Crow, on the other hand, seems much more grim. It makes sense, really; you're the one who's been slaying gods over the years.
You're guard is quickly brought up when Spider summons you for a talk in the main room. You listen to his next words with a fierce intensity.
"Do not let him so close, or spoil him with pretty dreams. Kill the High Celebrant. Break Xivu Arath's hold over my Shore, and you can claim any prise in my lair as your reward. You'll have earned it."
Hiding a smile, you nod and make your way to disembark on your mission; looks like you won't have to ask.
The Dreaming City was as mystical as ever, and you vaguely wondered if Petra had seen you come in. Making quick work of the scarce Hive, you found yourself in Harbinger's Seclude. The massive Cryptolith was impossible to miss, and a full body shiver racked you as you approached it. This was it.
Stabbing the lure into the roots, Crow's voice filled your comm channel.
"Ha! Tagged it! It's bleeding energy and on its way back to you." Your heart jumped at his excited tone. Nobody had any business being that cute. The trademark screech of a Hive portal drowned out all noise, and your next big fight ensued.
The next period of time was spent chasing the Celebrant through realms, until, that is, it sealed the last portal. Osiris had given weak condolences, but you weren't going to give up on Crow. Not today! The blight high above you twinkled teasingly as frustrated tears swam over your eyes as you attempted scrambling up the large Awoken statue, just barely missing the hand and falling back to the ground uselessly.
The silence was becoming overwhelming, deafening, even. Osiris continued to tell you to return to fight another day, but he was too important for you to just leave behind.
"Maybe there's enough Hive magic left in the lure to find another way through!" For once, your Ghost didn't parrot the obvious; you almost wanted to kiss him. Turning around with a new fire, you thrusted your lure into the crystalline floor over the last trace of the High Celebrant's blood. Sure enough, platforms much like those of the Dreadnaught revealed themselves over the edge of the bridge.
You wasted no time, racing over every gap and closing in on the blight. Palpitations overtook your heart when Crow's voice returned to the feed, spewing some kind of death message. Death wouldn't take him. Especially not if you had anything to say about it.
Jumping through the portal, you recognize the bitter feelings of anguish. This is exactly how you felt when Sundance's light washed over the Prison of Elders. Not again.
By the time you see the High Celebrant, all you're seeing is red. Faintly, you remember how Drifter said the Hive in the system were scared of you; good. They should be.
Bullets fly and the ether sings with each corrupted Fallen whose head flies by your gun. If you weren't so pressed for time, you would've strangled the Wizard that had your sought after stolen Light. Standing in the pool of green magic, you turn a furious glare on to the Celebrant and unload your heavy straight into its bony head. Something inside of you lurched in desperation to finish the kill when it summons a portal, trying to make for a retreat and trapping you at the center of the room.
"Crow! The portal!"
"I see it! Now finish it!" Just as he says those words, the trap falls and the portal across the room implodes, sending the High Celebrant to its knees. Your body erupts with power as you descend upon the Hive that killed Sagira and nearly killed Crow, sending it off with your super into the abyss.
Heaving a sigh, your brain finally has a chance to clear with no more present danger. In fact, your chest swells with affection as your Ghost confidently speaks of his trust in Crow followed by his reply.
"It's been an honor, Guardian."
Finally leaving the location, Celebrant head included, you decide to sleep on your short trip back. Your Ghost wakes you up before you land, and when you transmat your eyes immediately fall on Crow, who is safe and sound. Behind your helmet, you smile wearily at the former prince.
The moment you step into the Spider's lair, the air is thick with tension. You can tell the kingpin is pleased to have the Shore cleansed of Hive corruption, but also upset that he has to give up one of his prizes.
"It's done." You say firmly.
"So it is... so it is," he leans forward in his seat with a leer, "All right, Guardian. As promised, you can have a prized bauble from my lair as compensation for your... heroics." The last word rolls off his tongue with a quiet distaste, and you have no problem returning the feeling.
"I want... him." Jerking your head in Crow's direction, you can feel the energy crack through the room.
"Cute. Real funny." Your brows crease in impatience at his dismissive snicker.
"You said anything in the room." You do your best to keep your eyes off of Crow; a distraction now could be bad news. Spider lets out a terrible laugh as his guards step forward, readying their spears.
"Oh... You really want my little bird," he puts an uncomfortable amount of importance on the words "really want", "Fine. You can have him." The large Fallen turns his gaze to Crow, mockingly waving his arm upward.
"Fly away," he looks back down at you, "and get the hell out of my lair."
No further instruction is needed as you and Crow make your leave. As you exit the safehouse, both Glint and your Ghost come out.
"Now what?" Glint looks to Crow for an answer. The reality of the event settles on the Awoken, and he looks at you in a way he hasn't before.
"Why would you do this for us?"
As a formality, you've never taken off your helmet around Crow. He'd never seen, or even had an idea about your face, until... now. The tear streaks from the mission are still on your face, slightly visible in the dim light. Walking over to him, you slowly bring your eyes up to his. He doesn't move away, but you do notice with a flash of hope that a blush is starting to grace his cheeks at your proximity. Clenching your eyes shut, you close the gap between you two and press a kiss to his lips.
He freezes for a moment before placing his hands on your shoulders, and you pull back afraid that you've just made the wrong move.
"I... uh." His eyes dart here and there before settling back on yours. His face straightens out, and then he hesitantly leans forward into your range again. This time, he's the one kissing you.
Both of you leave the Tangled Shore together.
Relationship HCs
He never fails to pick you up during your special brand of greeting, which is running straight at him and jumping into his arms. You even do the little spin around like those movie couples
He's okay with subtle PDA like handholding, but nothing too extreme such as kissing in front of others; he prefers to keep more intimate moments between you and him
Surprisingly eager for cuddles with you at the end of the day
He will let you indulge yourself by doing stupid things every once in a while, like seeing how much whipped cream you can put in his mouth before he can't take anymore
There are times when you just talk about random stuff because he knows you like the sound of his voice
He usually has to calm you down whenever another Guardian stares too long. You see it as a threat, and you're ready to defend your glowing boyfriend with your life
When you're not busy with Vanguard tasks, you're bringing him to the planets that weren't swallowed by the Darkness and showing him the layout, along with whatever endemic life is present
He becomes enamored with Earth's crows, which you had expected
Whenever he has visions of his past, he'll tell you and you do your best to fill in with rudimentary details such as location or time; you hope he never remembers the moment when you had to kill him
You especially love playing with his hair, it's nearly softer than silk and you are intrigued by the white streaks at the front of his cut
Both of you will decide to sit down every once in a while and just touch each other's face; you prefer running your hands along his jawline and cheekbones while he'll brush just under your eyes and along your temples
Dates can range from a quiet, romantic dinner to hunting down large and difficult quarry
Whenever you find a Golden Age waltz piece, you bring it to him and give it a listen; these sessions always end with you two dancing and swaying with each other
Truly, a couple of many talents
NSFW 👁👄👁
The first time you get anywhere close to the act he's so unsure of himself you both stop and instead explore each other at the surface level
No matter how many times he sees you nude his face is a blushing mess everytime
The first few times you take the lead, but once you both get over the fact that you've exchanged pleasantries he's the one who figures out he likes to be dominant in bed
He's vocal to an extent, mostly heavy breathing/moaning and grunts to let you know exactly how good you feel
He's super into bondage (who would've known?) whenever you're the one tying him up
He always prefers the ability to see your face, and whether it's because he can see your face contort in pleasure or because he can lock with you in a heated kiss, you can't tell
His sides are usually ticklish, but they act more like erogenous zones when both of you are deep into it
He starts out rough since he isn't used to this kind of activity at all, but over time he finds a balance between being gentle and absolutely blowing your back out
He's likely to caress your arms and waist the whole time to add another sensitive layer to your already overstimulated body
He also likes draping his body over yours, and with how hot his chest is and the press of his lower body? You're not arguing
Once you finish, he either goes straight to sleep while huddling against you or you convince him to get up so you can shower together
I have 2 asks for Drifter HCs, but I'm implementing a personal/request system so I can keep my monsterfucker train going. The next HCs I'm releasing are for Nokris, then I'll do Drifter HCs, and for now my last personal writing will be for Ghaul
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sailingintothenight · 4 years
“Put your head on my Shoulder.” T.H. Imagine.
Summary: And what if after years of chasing each other like a cat and mouse, on a magical night where you two have to pretend to be a couple, you are finally able to say how you really feel about each other?
A/N: Hello everyone, after a while, and because a couple of people asked me, I wrote the second part of this story, "WANNABE", but you don't have to read it to understand this one. Anyway, I really hope you like it. Please give this story a lot of love. Thank you - V.
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Tom Holland hates not being able to hate you.
The secret of his hate is because of your vanity, your selfish and free heart, your tender smile, the dimple that forms on your left cheek and your dreamy eyes that look at your grandfather as if he were the first man that you have ever loved — because you did.
Tom hates you because under a starry night, in the midst of a crowd of people and soothing music, you make your way through the mortals wearing a velvety wine red strapless dress that is lust itself on your body, black boots (velvet too) that cover you up to the knees and are as hot as hell, and your chocker - a gift from your father - from which a cross hangs, that is a tempting invitation for a sinner like him.
You are his angel with a devilish smile: but tonight, Tom Holland hates that, despite possessing all those qualities, and many more, he can only see the tenderness in your eyes when you look at your grandfather, or when you talk about him, and your smile that becomes as adorable as the face you were born with.
“You are like… staring much. Don't you think?" Harrison chuckles beside him, making Tom look away from you and your way of receiving the guests scattered around the place.
"Shit, Tom, if you turned a little faster you would look like the exorcist." Harry continues with the bland jokes, the same ones that make Sam, Harry and Tuwaine smile.
"Shut up." Tom hisses, taking a sip of his beer as he looks back at his group of friends.
But this story is not about you, but about Tom Holland, your lifelong neighbor, who you never had a conversation with other than to annoy each other, who you used to call idiot when nobody but him heard you, who used to laugh at you while filming Avengers: infinity war, endgame and finally, Spider-man: Far From Home, who used to hold your hand when you were kids because your parents were best friends, the same Tom who now drinks and look at you while you warmly greet each guest who has come to celebrate the birthday of the second man you know loved you.
“How is possible that you and he are the only two famous people at this party? What a waste of fame. Sigh." Danielle, your best friend whispers dramatically, just as you both stop at the bar to pick up more drinks.
"I'd feel sorry for you if you actually sighed." You give her a know-it-all smile, one that invites you to earn a playful slap on the butt from her.
"Please baby, I need to get something out of our friendship, otherwise this isn't working." She makes a gesture between her and you, the same sign that a boyfriend would make before breaking up.
"Tom Holland is here, why don't you go meet him?" You joke as you take the tray and walk with her by your side talking about Tom, although he was not news to you two.
"No thanks. But you can't deny that he looks sooo good. Only HE can look adorable and sexy at the same time. With those good boy eyes and wild muscles under his plain white T-shirt. Like Wow." She makes an expression of surprise, and the sound of an explosion as if her head cannot bear so much information that causes you so much laughter. "Seriously, please take that hottie. I'm sure your grandmother sent it to you as a gift."
You giggle, but your heart races at the thought of his breaking, because even though he and Hanna Johnson were never official, maybe he thought they were so. And after breaking up with her, he was back in London.
You suspected that was the reason behind his break.
"I would, but I don't love you as much as you think." You joke, just the moment you get to the table where your dear grandfather and your grandmother's friends, are, talking about you.
With just your young age, the world was a bright place for you, but here you are now, feeling how your best hits in movies escape from your hands like sand thanks to the endless words that spring from between the wrinkled lips of your grandmother's best friends, in the garden of your own house, adorned with crowded wooden tables and Christmas lights shining on you.
"Life goes by so fast, honey, you won't have that hot body for life." Says Mrs. Lee, who, at 89, still plays to be a 20-year-old from time to time. "You are... 24? 25? And you haven't had a single boyfriend yet."
"What do achievements matter if you don't have the most important thing, cutie?" Mrs. Russell asks, clicking her tongue in approval at her own words. “There are so many beautiful boys out there. My granddaughters want to be like you, but what will I tell them if you've never had a taste of real life? You are very innocent and that can work against you. You can have a little more fun while still being a lady, you know?"
Although in your cheeks bloom a crimson glow, you are aware that her words are offensive.
"You could tell the twins that you can be successful without fucking every chocolate-covered hottie that makes you an unseemly proposition." You murmur between tight lips, knowing well that the women in front of you need more than a whisper to hear certain truths. “I mean, you could tell Amy and Anne to work hard if they want to be actresses. The world is sexist, but, hey, here I am - besides, who says I don't have a boyfriend?"
You raise an eyebrow at your own question, winning several curious glances that seem to pierce you, even your grandfather, who stares at you more astonished than anyone.
"Really?" Mrs. Russell smiles, and her red lips gleam in the night. "And who is he?"
"Uh... well... I..." You giggle in a trance thanks to the bitter taste of the liquor that has your mind under a spell, leaving you completely blank and without a coherent response. "He is…"
"Hello, love." Tom presses his body against yours, suddenly, out of nowhere, wrapping his arm around your waist, so firm that you feel the pressure of his rolex in his left hand. "Hello, ladies. I heard you talking about me and I couldn't help but come and save my girl from this sea of ​​questions about who her boyfriend is. You thought I wasn't real, huh? I know my angel here is a little shy about our relationship, but there is no problem, love, you know you can show off what a good boyfriend I am with whoever you want…"
Tom smiles and enchants the older women who smile back at him, as if they are in love with his youth and his face that has it all: his cloud-fluffy brown hair that is combed to the side and back, the sparkle in his gaze and the way he smiles, making the corners of his eyes crinkle, right down to that funny eyebrow that everyone finds adorable.
From his lovely face and well-defined jaw to his personality and strong English accent: Tom looked like an angel from heaven, perhaps the devil himself because how dangerous his charm could be.
"Oh honey, I didn't know you and Tom were dating." Mrs. Lee says, with an expression between happy and sad. "My granddaughters thought they might have a chance with you, darling."
"I'm sorry, Mrs. Lee." Tom answers, with a hint of happiness and pride in his voice. "I'm already taken and I like it that way."
"Yes!" You say with surprise when Tom gives you a squeeze with the hand that is holding you, shooting you a loving look to encourage you to speak. "I mean... He is."
You smile at the audience, especially at your grandfather and Danielle, who seem to have their suspicions.
"Tom..." Says Roy, your grandfather, who averts his narrowed eyes from your gaze to his, just to become the happiest person in the world as he clasps his hands in a sign of prayer. “I didn't know that you and my darling (Y/N) were together. I'm so happy! I'm sure my beloved Jules is happy too. Couldn't have asked for a better grandson."
"Thank you very much, Roy." Tom says, and it's so natural that he seems sincere. "I wanted to tell you, but we wanted to wait for our relationship to grow stronger."
"Yeah, you know that there are many actresses, blondes and blue eyes actresses who want to eat this hottie." You say and Tom laughs, nervous.
"Well, if you'll excuse us, I'd like to speak to my girlfriend in private for a moment."
Guiding you all the way, you and Tom turn around in the direction of the glass doors of your house that connect to the kitchen, breathing in the warm air from the warm walls the moment you two walk in.
"Good acting, Tom." You smile as you take a grape from the kitchen counter. "Not enough to win an EMMY but-"
"Ha. You are funny. But now I want to talk to you about something…” Tom smiles, too, giving you a devilish look, as if he never rests from it. "You owe me a favor, love."
"Of course not!" You defend yourself, nervous of the sudden change in the conversation. “You came alone like a prince on a horse. I did not call you. I do not owe you anything."
"Are you sure about that?" Tom laughs, as if he really enjoyed the moment. “Because I can go there and tell them the truth. I told you it's pathetic that you've never had a boyfriend. Besides, I wouldn't want to break Roy's heart, he looked so happy to know that his dearest granddaughter is with a good man."
You cross your arms, uneasy with the fact that you've never really fallen in love with someone, while seriously thinking about how happy, and probably relieved, your granddfather is to see that his granddaughter is with someone like Tom, who, despite of everything, yes, was a good boy.
"Okay. What do you want?"
"I want you to pretend to be my girlfriend in front of my parents."
You laugh inadvertently, although deep down you want to know if what was being said about Hannah and him was true.
"Everyone thinks Hannah dumped me and I don't want to see myself as a loser in front of my family and have them keep asking questions about her, it's exhausting."
"Eh, too late for that." You sigh, and Tom looks at you hopefully. "You were a loser long time ago, Tom, sorry."
"I hate you." Tom laughs.
"The feeling is mutual." You look away, and in a second you decide to contemplate why agreeing to be his fake girlfriend would be a bad decision, and why you would do it anyway. “Okay, but you know you can't call me darling. And stop looking at my chest, perv."
Tom laughs, looking up your chest into your eyes.
"It's not my fault you have worn that dress, but it seems that despite everything you didn't have a boy's body all this time. Congrats."
Tom and his dreamy eyes smile as he opens the glass door for you, stepping aside so you can go out onto the field and do the performance of your life, which you discover would be more difficult than you thought as both of you approach the table on the left side of the place, where your family - made up of your mom, your dad and your older brother - are with his. So, in silence, and to let them be the ones to carry out the conversation of your supposed relationship, Tom remains standing next to you, leaving a space between Harry and him for you.
"Oh, yeah. Last night I got the iPad with the script of the Devil all the time." You say, to continue the conversation that your brother Ethan started, smiling at you. "My character falls in love with the poor and broken Arvin Russell."
Tom chuckles.
“And (Y/N) is a cold and rich bi—… girl who treats me like shit until I save her from her dad, the reverend and the crazy couple of rapists. I think you will play that role very well, love." And again and against your will, Tom brings you closer to him placing his arm around your waist, so close that his proximity makes you red.
So much so that you must place a hand on your exposed chest so that his gaze does not fall on that specific place.
“Bet your pretty ass I will. And then we will flee together into the sunset with a happy ending after killing 4 people."
His family and yours are too stunned to say a word, but just at the moment when you think they will shout hallelujah to the sky or to mention you are Frenemies, Dom makes a fist and a victory gesture with a loud yes!
“I told you they would be together before they were 25! pay me!" He yells happily at your dad, who, next to him, grunts as he searches for his wallet in his pants.
“Couldn't you wait until you turned 25, honey? It was only a few months away."
"What the hell?" Tom says, watching your father leave a $100 bill in Dom's hand.
"It's a silly thing they did when they were drunk." Nikki says, as she joins her hands in prayer just like your grandfather, just as happy as he. "It was about time you decided to be together."
"I didn't know that Tom could love someone other than Tessa." Your brother jokes.
"I didn't know anyone could love Tom more than Tessa." Harry jokes, but in his eyes you can see that part of him means it.
"Is this serious?" Your mom says, raising an eyebrow.
"It is." Tom says, and his voice is as solemn as his expression. "Mom, Dad, everyone, I want to marry this woman... someday."
Along with the expressions of happiness and surprise, theirs and yours, your brother breaks the silent while looking like a hawk at Tom.
"Her favorite color?"
"Blue." He answers, without missing a second.
"Favorite book?"
"Jane Austin's Pride & Prejudice."
"Coffee, hot or cold?"
"It depends on the season."
"Banned forever."
"Very well, you have my blessing to marry my sister." Your brother nods, like a wise old man, while you, foolishly, think of two things, how quickly he responded, and how well he knew you.
"Just that?" You question, partly offended. "Why better not give him 2 cows for my honor?"
"That's a good idea." Tom responds. "We already have a chicken so..."
You snort just like the idea of Tom buying a chicken just because there were no eggs in the store is spinning in your head, but at that very moment, your words die on your lips as Rose, your aunt and your grandfather's eldest daughter, has taken the command of the party to indicate that the most important thing of the night has arrived: the dance that your grandfather and grandmother used to have, when she was still alive.
Like a fairy tale, every couple in love gathers in the center of the garden while the song “Put your head on my shoulder” by Paul Anka begins to float in the London air that is suddenly flooded with love, to such an extent point that threatens to drown you in it.
"Would you like...?" Tom is nervous, and lets the question hang in the air.
Your breathing becomes agitated, it becomes irregular as your parents and his join the other couples, wild as your heart that beats with the fierceness of a caged animal seeking freedom.
You want to say no, but the crystallized look and happiness that you achieve in your grandfather's eyes are the impulse you need to avoid breaking his heart with the truth.
Tom takes your hand gently and guides you to the makeshift dance floor, placing his hands on your waist to imitate the elders.
Inside and out, (Y/N) (Y/L/N) was still as beautiful as the first one he saw you when you were children; but of course, now as adults, everything was different: you were stronger, more mature, more self-confident, wilder and indomitable. But Tom didn't judge your insecurity, he never did, because you had trouble trusting in a future love that could be so real that it seemed a fairy tale - like the ones your father had read to you before bed - as deep as Roy's pain at losing his beloved Jules.
And it is then that Tom realized everything.
That's why you didn't want to be called darling, just because your grandfather used to call his great love that way. Why you never had a boyfriend. Of why you had never wasted your love giving it to someone you knew you would never have a future with, just the way he did with Hannah. Of why you have never been able to give your sincere love to someone else.
Because we're so hopeful at the beginning of things, it seems that there is only one world to gain, nothing to lose, and suddenly, we lose someone whom God knew we deeply love, leaving us with nothing but a void where there must be a beating heart.
And that's when the applause dies down, the silence overwhelms you two, time runs out and life forces you to look into each other's eyes to wonder, without words, why you did the things you did and the things you didn't.
"I'm in love with you."
You say the words at the same time, although they are not the words you expect to hear from the other.
And then you smile sadly, slightly because you no longer have the strength, because your body seems numb from the little alcohol you have drunk and because it seems that the world is leaning to one side with his love confession, but you also smile because Tom still has that adorable face, and a funny eyebrow that you were dying to fix. Just for fun. Just to touch him.
"You're not in love with me, you're just sad about Hannah." You whisper, desperately waiting for the song you have loved for so long to come to an end so you can flee from his arms.
"No, you don't understand, now I can see that it's you, it's always been you." Tom hates himself because he can't put his feelings and his memories into words, but his hands secure you in your place so that you don't leave, not before he can tell you a little of what he was hiding in his mind. “Since we were children I held your hand: in kindergarten, on the way home, to the park around the corner. I don't know why it is now that I can see you, always there in every step of my life, being my best friend even when we said words to annoy each other. I don't know much about love, but I know that it should make you feel good, give you peace, and that's what I feel with you. I feel at home with you, no matter where we are. And we have been in several countries away from home, but you feel like my home. And I am in love with you, and I only ask that you give me the opportunity to love the way you deserve to be loved."
You have a world of words, sharp as a knife, that could kill his confession, but against all, and because this is the first time you feel in love, you lift your hand from his shoulder, a little shaky, to brush your thumb against his brow, soft, delicate and loving, as a lover should be when loving someone for the first time.
"I still hate you."
Tom smiles and you both share a look of hope, staying in the foreground, just to be a participant in the main scene of this beautiful love story that would only be the beginning of a long night in the bright sky of your lives, the one that is like a painting made of watercolors, colors that spill over each other just to create a perfect combination, just like you two together in the eyes of any art lover.
"Not me, no. I love you."
And after that, Tom leans down a bit, feeling the softness of your lips in a real kiss, the first of many to come.
@averyfosterthoughts​ @galaxies-of-the-heart​ @heartofholland​
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whimsywit · 4 years
Hey, it's me again! ^.^ I was wondering if I could order a red velvet truffle this time. As a reminder, here's the info from the previous request (with new info that I forgot to mention on the other one 😅):
I'm a 5'4" tall, straight Virgo girl with brown eyes, glasses (I only need them for distance since my eyes can't focus all too well). My hair color is currently blonde, but I'm dying it platinum blonde (dying it from dark auburn so the color rn is kinda a caramel color). I'm pretty chubby, but I guess not that chubby since I'm not obese but not exactly healthy either....
Let's see... I'm pretty shy at first when meeting knew people, and tend to talk so fast I trip over my words from time to time and get tongue tied (This gets worse around a guy I like and it frustrates me). The more someone gets to know me, the more talkative I become (which doesn't mean I wanna talk all the time, I'd be happy listening to him talk more than me, but I do tend to go into an excited rant like Midoriya if someone brings up something I really like [aka MHA 🤣]). I'm sweet, caring, loyal to a fault but I can be stubborn when I wanna be and insecure (boy with me must have extreme patience)...
I love listening to music, singing (I haven't sang in front of a huge crowd before), reading, writing (though my brain jumps back and forth between ideas, so I haven't exactly finished writing a fanfic yet 😅). I get flustered easily when complimented, so....
Dislikes include bullies (I was bullied myself, so I hate it when other people do it) cheaters (been cheated on in a relationship, no way do I wanna go through it again), alcoholics and drug addicts (I would explain why but I don't wanna get into something that might trigger someone, so I won't get into the details, just know that my biological Dad was one and I've seen what alchohol and drugs can do to someone... It's not pretty)
Talents: I know for sure that singing is one of them (which is one of my hobbies XD) and I'm told I'm a talented writer (writing is also one of my hobbies :3), but given the fact that I have a brain that keeps switching focus on ideas for different fandoms I haven't finished anything yet 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
Fears: The list could go on forever.... I have a slight stage fright (I shake a bit until I start singing, but I don't freeze up, never ask me to public speak thou...). I'm insecure as well, so my biggest fear is not being good enough (I can't remember if I already told you if I'm insecure and the boy paired with me is gonne have to be super duper patient 😅)
Aspirations: I really wanna be a singer one day (I'm actually doing voice lessons so I'm on my way there! ^.^) I'm good at writing lyrics but composing music? Not so much XD Oh, I do eventually wanna have a family, just later down the road with the right guy ^.^
I admire someone who is brave, compassionate, loyal to a fault (as loyal as I am ^.^ and I don't mind if he gets a bit protective of me XD)...
But, since I got dragged into too much drama during high school, I hate people who spread rumors for attention, players (people who date multiple people), and I usually stay away from people who are arrogant beyond belief (believing in urself is important, but it becomes a problem if you're over confident, know what I mean?) and people who are conceited (not to say that loving yourself isn't important, it is! I just don't like it when people are obsessed with themselves.... If that made any sense XD)
Anyways, thank you for even reading this and I hope you enjoy the rest of your day!
OKAY GIRL FIRST OF ALLLLL tysm for all the likes on my stuff, it means so much that you like and support my blog even tho this took forever for me to get to (i really appreciate you for waiting so long btw) 🥺💖💗 Now, for your patiently awaited matchup, I thought you’d be best with...
Izuku Midoriya!
«────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ──────»
OOH back to back protag boyfriends, lucky you ;0 It actually took me a while to land on him but I have no idea why, you guys are so similar it hurts in the best way possible oml—
First off, he’s ecstatic to find someone that doesn’t mind his muttering and rambling, even more so when he discovers you do it too! You’re both naturally shy and easily flustered (which makes for some very entertaining scenes when you’re both pining for each other and get all stuttery and flushed, people have full on brought out snacks and watched 👀👀) but it also means you understand one another well, able to comfort and assure the other with ease.
In more ways than one, if you really think about it. Both of you have a history of bullying, a tendency for low self-esteem, daddy issues, gosh your relationship is so mutualistic both of you always know what to say to lift the other up 🥺 On top of all that you also greatly admire each other—Izuku’s the bravest and sweetest guy you know by far, while he thinks you’re incredibly talented in turn. You constantly support each other with your goals, heroism and stardom respectively, fighting back whenever insecurities and doubts start to bleed through because you just care for the other so so deeply, and I’m def starting to sound like a broken record so lemme move onto the zodiac portion asjfakshswajdb
Izuku is a Cancer, a bit more of an emotional sign than Virgos tend to be, but that doesn’t make you guys any less close! The relationship is a very sincere, secure, and down-to-earth one, as along with everything else you have near-identical beliefs and domestic desires (which will make his mom very happy, she’s always wanted grandkids ûwû) so no matter what hiccups you may face, you guys always power through it ^w^
There’s not much else to say lmao, you guys are practically inseparable. All your nights are spent reading together and discussing your writings, yours being stories while his were hero notes, listening to music all the while, until it gets turned down in favor of your voice that sings him to sleep. He much prefers it anyway, and will for the rest of his life〜
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bangtansdoc · 5 years
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Into the light.
Part 1.
Ost: OMG!- Joy red velvet ( Ost of the great seducer).
Pairings:Park Jimin(BTS)×reader
Genre: Fluff, horror(maybe Idk), Vampire! Au, CEO! Au, secretive and very clingy-ish Jimin. Ack guys this is one's a long read. Hope you can follow through to the end.
Ost: Joy(red velvet)- OMG!(Ost of the great seducer).
Word count: Honestly I don't even count it anymore.
Synopsis: You need money. Park Jimin has money. You end up getting a job as a house keeper in his gargantuan mansion. But what secrets might the handsome CEO be hiding underneath his flashy image?
PS: This whole fic was inspired by Jimin's GDA 2019 looks. It was le'jin'dary.
He watched as blood pooled out from her body. There was so much blood. He wondered if it was normal for her to produce that much, considering who she was. He tried to reach out to her, to hold her hand, even though he knew she was already gone. His vision faded, and he knew it wouldn't be long before he joined her.
"Hey Y/N are you watching the news right now?!" Your best friend's voice screeched out of the phone before it reached your ear. "No I'm not Joon. What's the problem?!" "Go find a TV right now. Or..." "Joon! I'm on my way to work now. Can't it wait?" "It IS about work. And it can't wait. Y/N..." "Ok see you later Joonie!" "No don't you...." You quickly hung up the phone as you felt a migraine creeping along your head to the base of your skull. You leaned your head against the bus window and sighed. You were exhausted. It was bad enough that you were working two part time jobs(they were initially four but Joon had argued that if you didn't tone it down you would flunk all your classes and probably end up in a hospital which had ended in you clocking him over the head and eventually conceding cause....he was right) but you also had a big test that you really weren't prepared for. You brought your fingers to your temples and massaged them lightly. "Don't fret Y/N." You spoke softly to yourself. "You can do this. Only two more years left till you graduate. You got this." Your phone buzzed with a text message. It was Joon. "PICK UP THE PHONE NOW YOU STUPID BRAT." You sighed again and switched off your phone. "Not today Namjoon. Not today." You whispered again to yourself as the bus arrived at your stop and you disembarked.
You jogged lightly towards the glue factory, adrenaline coursing through your veins as you prepared to tough it out through another day of work. So it was to your surprise when you met several employees loitering around the factory's compound, with several men moving boxes out of the factory and into a large truck. You quickly approached the elderly woman that was the head of staff. "Mrs Avery?" She looked at you and relief washed over her face like you were the answer to all her problems. "Oh Y/N! Thank goodness you're here!" "What happened?" "Don't you watch the news dearie? Some whistleblower reported the president of the factory for embezzlement. So they cut us all off, packed up and are 'moving to rural areas'. Pssht." Your eyes bulged out of their sockets. "What?! But-- but---" "There's nothing we can do dearie. We're all out of jobs now." She said again as she quickly made her way to another group of employees. Your mind raced and spun around. Packed up...cut us all off....out of jobs... Your tuition fees were due in a month. And you were perfectly, utterly and catastrophically broke. You fumbled for your phone in your trousers pocket and dialled your best friend's number. "Joon! I'm doomed! Doomed Joon! I'm- I'm gonna get kicked out of school. The factory---it-it shut Down. I don't have any money Joon! What am I gonna do?!" "Calm down Y/N! Your tuition isn't due for about a month. You have plenty of time to find a new job before then. "No no no! Don't you get it?! No job will have as high a pay as a factory in time, and no factory will hire a part timer now after this whistleblowing incident!" You could see practically see Joon scratching his forehead in thought. "Ok Y/N? Take a deep breath." He paused as you did so. "Now calm the hell down, and come on over so we can figure out what you're gonna do." You blinked back several tears as you hung up and bolted for the bus station.
"Maybe you should ask your parents for some cash." You stared at Namjoon like he had just sprouted horns. "Kim Namjoon. How long have we been friends?" "Since kindergarten." "Exactly. So you of all people should know that that isn't an option." "But you're really desperate now. You can't do this alone." "So what's gonna happen to my FIVE siblings Hun? I've been taking care of myself by myself pretty well. Now is no different." Namjoon sighed exasperatedly like you were the dumbest person in the world. He was probably right. But what were you to do? Growing up in a family of eight was no joke. Your father was a teacher and your mother owned a bakery. But their earnings alone were not enough to cater for all your needs. So you had decided to unburden them by fending for yourself. You had started working as soon as you were old enough. Your parents were apprehensive at first but you were able to alleviate their fears of your working affecting your studies. You had worked your way through high school, moving from job to job and had been offered admission into a prestigious University. Your family was again afraid that the tuition was too much for you to handle alone, so you had borrowed money from Namjoon, which you were still currently trying to pay back. It had seemed that luck was on your side when you got a job at the glue factory. The working hours were reasonable and the pay was good. You figured that if you saved enough you would be able to make it through the four years of college. Until this happened. "I could lend you money again." You covered your face with your palms. "I still haven't finished paying you back for the last time you lent me money." "It doesn't matter." "It does matter! Our tuition is not chicken feed!" Namjoon shrugged. "It's not my fault my parents are rich." You groaned again before throwing a plushie at him. "Dogmatic jerk." You muttered under your breath. "Don't worry. I'll think of something." "Yeah well whatever you think of, better think of it fast."
"Hey hey Y/N check out what's on the news right now." Namjoon said as he plopped down beside you in the school cafeteria. "Do you spend all your time watching the news?" You asked teasingly, making him open his mouth in thought which you giggled at. "Probably." He replied and you burst out in laughter. "Anyway guess what?" You decided to humour him. "What?" "You know the glue factory you used to work at? The one that got whistleblown?" You looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "Ok ok you do. Well park Jimin just bought it." "Park Jimin? The mega ultra super rich business tycoon?" " Yeah, the mega ultra super shady one. Something's not right about that guy. I know it." You rolled your eyes. "You've 'known' it for six months now." "Yeah I mean all people know about him is that he's super young and super secretive. We're talking about no friends, no family, not even a freaking pet....." "Namjoon..." "And he lives in this gigantic mansion with no one but his housekeeper." "Maybe he just likes his privacy." "Yeah no one ever just ' likes their privacy' . Especially super rich business moguls. He definitely has something to hide." Namjoon paused. "I'm thinking of making him the protagonist of a book I'm writing." You stood up with your tray of food. "Goodbye Joon. Call me when you have something better to discuss. Like where to find a job maybe?" "Hey I'm helping out as much as I can." You leaned towards him and kissed his cheek. "Well you should help out more than that." Your phone buzzed with an alarm. "And there goes my lunch break." You shoved your food into Namjoon's arms. "I have to go job hunting." "Hey let me come with." Namjoon said as he hurriedly stood up. "No you don't have to. I'm going to the job center to ask if they have any openings. And you have class." Namjoon raised an eyebrow. "And you don't?" "Well I won't even have a class to ditch anymore if I don't get a job now. See you." You said again as you quickly made your way out of the cafeteria.
You stared at your phone and sighed. It had already been a week since you had been to the women's job center. They had been skeptical, especially after you had stated all your conditions, working part-time during the week, Sundays free and also the fact that you were a student. However they had promised to get what they could for you, especially after you had begged them that you would work anywhere as long as the pay was good. But now here you were, staring intensely at your phone. What if you weren't able to find a job in time? You were sure that asking your parents for that much money would definitely affect at Least one of your siblings. You rubbed your temples and felt that awful migraine creeping along your skull again. You were not a happy-go-lucky endearing kind of girl who was always smiling even while suffering, but you always kept a healthy level of optimism in your tank, never letting your troubles or problems get the better of you. Namjoon had also played a great part in that. You fell back on your bed. But lately it had been getting harder to see the good side of things. You groaned in frustration, wondering if the job center was really finding it hard to get you something to do. Your phone suddenly buzzed to life, and you sprang off the bed like a rabbit, stumbling to the dresser and grabbing your phone like your life depended on it. You glanced at the caller ID and curled your toes in anticipation. "Hello is this Y/N/L/N?" A soft voice boomed out of the phone. "Yes. Yes it is." You said quickly, your heart in your throat. "Ok. I'm from the women's center. I'm happy to inform you that we've found a job for you." You heaved a sigh of relief. "Oh thank God. I thought you weren't gonna be able to." The voice let out a soft chuckle. "Well it was difficult. But we managed to get something for you last minute. You are really lucky. The job offer sprang up out of nowhere. And it meets all of your conditions." You couldn't believe your luck. You wanted to leap into the air in Joy. "Thank you so much. When can I start?" "Uh, you still have to come down here as Soon as you can to get more details. Your employer is very particular about the people he hires. He is a private man and wants to interview you first." You mused on this. "Whatever he wants. As long as I get the job." "Ok then. Come down to the agency tomorrow so I can give you the details." The voice said and hung up. You fell back on your bed again smiling like an idiot. "YES!!!" You shrieked as you wriggled about. You heard a small voice at the back of your head. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch Y/N." You pushed away the thought. Things were finally looking up.
You sat down in front of a desk with a computer on it. You had arrived at the job center and had been waiting for about twenty minutes. You checked your phone for the time. You were beginning to get agitated. Where was the attendant? A middle aged woman suddenly plopped down in front of you. She greeted you with a warm smile. "Miss Y/N?" She asked and you responded with a nod. "Sorry for taking your time." "You spoke to me on the phone?" "No my coworker did. But she's out sick today so she told me to take care of you." "Oh." You responded and waited for the woman to continue. She switched on the computer and began to tap at the keyboard. "Ok so you've been offered a job as a housekeeper." "Uh can I know who I'm working for?" The woman smiled. "They wanted you to find out when you came for the interview." You were confused and began to wonder if this was some elaborate prank by Namjoon. Really. How private could one person be that they were keeping their identity a secret from their prospective employees? Were they some kind of mafia clan? You started to think of declining the offer when the woman, as if sensing your doubt, spoke up. "It's not dangerous Y/N. And I promise you the pay is very good. The CEO is just a very private man." CEO she said. There was something off about this woman too. You eyed her carefully. Ok Y/N. Let's see how this goes. "Alright." You said finally. "Great." She tore out a slip of paper and scribbled something on it. "Here's the address. Your interview is in two hours." "Two hours?! Well why didn't you...." "I didn't think you'd accept the offer." She didn't think you'd accept it? Exactly what was going on? You hurried to get your things. "Good luck!" The woman yelled after you as you dashed out the door.
You stopped short in front of an enormous gate. The gate had two iron carvings of a Jade dragon embedded into it. You heaved a sigh and pressed the doorbell. You waited for a while and was about to press it again when a deep male voice boomed over the PA system. "Yes?" Yes? Oi. "Uh, I'm from the women's center. I applied for the post of housekeeper." "Oh. You're early!" Yeah barely. You thought as the voice said again and after a while the gates slid open. You stepped into the compound and gasped so hard you almost passed out. Before you was the largest compound you had ever seen. There was a huge maze like garden on both sides of the compound, and sandwiched in between them was a beautifully lit walkway. There were lights and lanterns decorating each side of the walkway and you could only imagine how it would look at night. You walked slowly and gasped again when you saw the house. At the far end of the compound stood the biggest palace you had ever seen. In front of it was a pavilion, and in the pavilion was a water fountain with water sprouting out of it. The house was enormous and you felt as if you were standing before the tower of Babel* instead of a freaking house. The mahogany doors swung open and a well dressed Man with blonde hair walked out and towards you. He was just as beautiful as the house. You began to wonder if you had accidentally walked into another dimension.
"Y/N? Welcome." The man said cheerily, smiling at you constantly. "Come on." He spoke again and you shivered. You followed him into the house and your eyes almost fell out of their sockets. You were standing in a very grand Hall, fit for a king. Now you weren't an artsy girl, but you could make out several pieces of art work placed in the hallway by the walls, all leading up to a glass stand, above which hung the portrait of a young girl in a hanbok. You stared at the portrait, entranced by the girl's beauty and how sad her face looked, before wondering what sort of creep you were about to work for. "Beautiful isn't it?" You heard the male's voice beside you. He was also staring at the painting. "Yes. Yes it is." "It's the most exquisite piece of art in the mansion. Apparently the CEO described the girl to the artist himself." You turned to face the man. So he wasn't your employer? You had thought that this CEO being so private would've interviewed you himself. Guess even the most private still order lackeys around. At this point you still didn't know who exactly you were working for. Just what kind of mess were you getting yourself into? "This way." The handsome male led you towards a beautiful set of spiral stairs. You ascended quietly as the man led you again into a parlour room. He sat down on a cushion and you sat opposite him.
"So Y/N. Hi. I'm Kim taehyung. I'm CEO Park's PA." An alarm went off in your head. CEO Park. CEO Park. CEO Park!!! "I'm sorry do you mean CEO Park jimin?" Taehyung studied you. "Yes." Oh God!! CEO Park jimin, the super secret mega business mogul that Namjoon disliked. Why hadn't you seen the signs? It was when taehyung had asked if you were alright that you realized you were gasping for breath. "I'm fine. I'm fine." Taehyung studied you again. God was he handsome. You hoped the CEO looked nothing like him or else it would be very hard for you to concentrate on work. "Okay." Taehyung leaned back on his chair and crossed his legs. "Let's discuss the conditions of your employment." "But I haven't accepted the offer yet." Taehyung raised an eyebrow. "Well you're here aren't you?" You shifted in your seat. "So you'll be working Mondays through Saturdays, like you requested. Your job requires regular maintenance of the essential parts of the house. A Gardner and a mailman come occasionally. You'll also be residing here..." "What?" "Yes. In order to be fully efficient you can't afford to commute every day. Trust me it'll be much easier if you lived here." You sighed and wondered again if you were making a mistake in accepting this job. "You'll be receiving six thousand dollars at the end of every month..." Your eyes widened and your voice caught in your throat. "I'm sorry. Six thousand dollars?!" Taehyung smirked at your reaction. "At the end of every month." He paused. "Do you have anything to add?" You cleared your throat. "The-the pay for this month, can I receive it now? Like up front? I really need the money. I promise I will work for the full month I owe." Taehyung narrowed his eyes before placing a piece of paper before you. "That's a contract. Sign it." You carefully picked up the contract and signed it, sealing your fate. Taehyung smiled. "There. With that you can't run away. We will catch you if you dupe us." You gulped. "I'll speak to the CEO. The money will be forwarded to your account before the end of the day." You smiled brightly as tears brimmed in your eyes. All your money problems had just been solved in under an hour. "Thank you so much." You gushed, extremely grateful. Taehyung smiled a boxy smile at you, almost as if he was as excited as you were. "Anything else?" He asked. You sighed. "When can I start?"
"YOU WHAT?!" Namjoon yelled at you after you briefed him on your new job. "Y/N..." "I'm sorry I didn't tell you before I decided this Namjoon, but I really need this. You know that." "Yes, but..." Namjoon ran a hand through his brown hair. "Forget all jokes now. I've read a lot about CEO Park to know that he's hiding something. Something that could be potentially dangerous. Working for him.... Living in his house, puts you at risk. He could be some kind of secret mafia boss for Christ's sake!" You stared at Namjoon's concerned eyes and pulled him closer to you. You knew he was just worried about you , but you honestly thought he was just being paranoid. All in all, you couldn't blame him. You cared about him just as much to be paranoid if the roles were reversed. You planted a chaste kiss on his soft lips. "I'll be fine Joon. Really. I promise the second something seems off I'll quit immediately." You smiled at him and his expression softened. "Fine. But that doesn't mean I'm okay with it." "I know." "When do you start?" He grumbled, a sound you associated with a large, pouty bear. "Uh, tomorrow. Wanna help me pack?" He stared at you, incredulous. "Tomorrow? But shouldn't they at least have given you some more time to pack?" "I chose to start tomorrow. Better to get it over with as soon as possible right?" Namjoon shrugged as he picked up a pink bra, scrunched his face and tossed it aside. "Can't argue with that." He said as you grabbed the bra and stuffed it into your suitcase. "Trust me Joon. It'll be over before you know it. Oh and by the way, you should see his house. You'll love it."
You stood up from your crouched position and stretched your back. You had already successfully moved into the CEO's mansion and had been working for a week now. You saw taehyung regularly, he always popped in with a smile and the excuse of ' fetching some documents' when you knew he was probably checking up on you, obviously at the CEO's orders. Said CEO had not shown his face in the house since you arrived. You hadn't even seen his car in the driveway, not that you would notice anyway, with the fleet of cars parked in it. It was always the same routine everyday, and it was exhausting, but the amount at the end of your Bank book made it totally worth it. It was actually a bit easier because you were on break and you braced yourself for the stress you would face once school resumed. You took one last look at your Bank book for encouragement before exiting your room to begin the days duties. You made your way downstairs to the storage room and passed by the front door. You stopped abruptly as you saw a pair of male shoes placed beside yours. Must be taehyung's. But he had left the previous night. And why didn't he let you know he was back in the house? When did he even get in? You rolled your eyes and shrugged off the thoughts. He probably had something else to take care of and it wasn't like he had to tell you each time he came in. You grabbed your equipment and made your way to the pool.
You pulled back the sliding glass doors and stared at the exquisite marble pool before you. You gently placed the cleaning equipment on the floor and was about to drain the water when you noticed a movement in the pool. "Taehyung?" You called out, as you cautiously approached the pool edge. There was no answer. You moved closer and slipped on the marble, tumbling into the pool. Now you hadn't meant to be so overdramatic, but your fall had caught you off guard. You thrashed and flailed in the water, your movements causing you to sink further in. Suddenly, strong arms gripped your sides and hoisted you out of the water. You felt the arms holding on to your sides and a pair of legs wrapped around yours to stop them from thrashing about in the water.
You sputtered and coughed, before opening your eyes and both your heart and time stopped. In front of you, with his arms around you was the most beautiful human being on the planet. His eyes were a deep blue and they stared at you intensely, his lips were plump and pink, and his blonde, wet hair matted across his face. The sunlight reflecting on the water hit his face and he shone. He sparkled like an angel and you became as dumb as a mule. He must have sensed that you were in shock as he put his arms around your waist and guided you out of the water and into the folding chair. He stared at you again, before grabbing a towel and he began to walk away. Your brain came out of autopilot right then and you scrambled to your feet. "Wait!" You yelled, and the man stopped, turning back to you, his eyes burning with curiosity. "Thank you for-for saving me. My name's Y/N. Who- who are you?" You sputtered out. "Y/N right?" His voice came out, soft and pleasant. "You must be the new house keeper. I'm your boss, Park Jimin."
Part two will be out soon! Hopefully!.
Comments would be appreciated!!!
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kazunarisworld · 6 years
First Love... Maybe? (JaehyunxOC)
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Description: Park Angel, a girl from America whose mother is American and father, a korean; comes to Korea for the first time to study as she had been accepted in SM High. She just happens to catch the eye of one of the popular boy name Jung JaeHyun who belongs to a large boys squad named NCT. What happens next is for you to find out by reading this! 😘
Angel's POV
I sit on my bed as I try to get everything in my head. Today I came to Seoul with my parents because I have been accepted in one of Seoul, South Korea's school named SM High. It is not just any school. It is a school where rich and popular people goes too. I am not someone 'that' rich but I have a good brain which managed to get me a scholarship in that school. My parents are fairly happy and proud of me. But it is so hard to adjust for me. Well I do want to study in that school it is just that it is my first time that I came to Seoul. It is nice here but it is hard as I don't know anyone here. Makes me feel lonely. *pout* Tomorrow my new school will start. I again look at where my school dress is hunged perfectly. It is beautiful. And looks really expensive.
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(A/N: Imagine the dress to be something like this)
Ahhhhh I am so nervous. What if people doesn't like? What if they hate me? My korean isn't also perfect!!!! I am ruined. Why did I have to try for S.M. High. I laid down on my bed. I look at the digital clock plased on my bedside table. It is already 10:26 pm. "Aish it's late already. I should sleep. I have school tomorrow" I mumbled to myself as I closed my eyes. I fell asleep after a while. Slipping into a dreamless sleep.
Next day
I stand in front of the large school gate with my school back hanging off my shoulder. I am tired, nervous and anxious. This school is freaking huge. What did they think about while making this? I hesitantly walked inside the school gate and saw many eyes turned to look me. Gosh are they looking at me because I am new? Or is there something stuck on my head? It is so weird. I look down as I speed walk inside but ended up bumping into a hard chest making me stumble but before I fell two strong hands hold me up with my arms. I slowly looked up and you can say I half died from heart attack.
The guy who is holding me is really taller than me. He has beautiful brown hair. His eyes are so pure and captivating. I was brought back to reality from my dream like state when he said something. "Huh?" i said not really understanding what he said because I was busy admiring him. Damn it what is happening to me. "I asked are you okay?" He asked. "Yeah. Uh yeah I am okay." I stuttered out as I detached myself from his hands out of embrassment and shyness. Gosh why did this have to happen to me? "Oh good." He said with a nod with a one last look at me, which kinda made me flustered, he walked away with his friends I guess following after him. I just stood there looking him and his friends retreating. He is handsome.
"Hey are you new here?" A voice asked. I turned around to see a girl with glasses. Her hair is black with hair. And her eyes are green. And she looks cute. "Yeah. I am." I answered not really knowing what to say. "Oh~ I am Kim SooHee." She said cheerfully. I smiled at her. "I am Angel Park. Half American. Nice to meet you SooHee - sshi" I said with respect. "Eyyy no formality. Just call me Soo or just SooHee. Come on I will lead you to our head teacher's office. You can get your student ID and your schedules from there." She said. I nodded accepting her help. Then we both headed towards the head teacher's office. Maybe I will be able to enjoy being in this school. And make friends.
At lunch period
Me and SooHee with two of her friends whose names are Minseo and Sina sat together at their usual lunch table. I feel at ease with them. SooHee is a really great person. Her friends too. They had explained me many things about this school and the popular students in this school. I have learned that popular students sticks together as in form a squad of their own. They have told me about TVXQ, SNSD, F(x), Suju, Red Velvet, EXO, etc etc. EXO squad did caught my eyes because there is a cute penguin like guy who is actually older than me. He kind of reminds me of pororo which is cute. But then the thing that caught my eye the most is the new squad NCT who is the largest squad in the school though they are all young. And what shooked me is that the guy who I had bumped into earlier is one of the member of NCT squad whose name I learned is Jung Jaehyun.
"So anyone caught your eye? As in any guy?" Sina asked me with a teasing tone making me blush. "Well yeah but I am not sure." I said which make all of them perk up in interest. "Really? Who?" Minseo asked sipping her drink. "Jaehyun from NCT..." I said but trailed down when they look like I have told them aliens came to meet me. "He is..... impossible." Sina said making me frown not understanding. "Well Jaehyun kind of haven't accepted any girls. Many of the girls had confessed to him but he never chosed anyone." SooHee said. "Maybe he is waiting for the right one." I said trying to think positive. "Maybe~" Minseo said lightning up the mood. Then we all continued talking about random things. Laughing at Sina's overrated jokes.
JaeHyun's POV
Me and my squad sat on a large table which was especially placed in the cafeteria for us. I look around and saw the 'new' girl as she kept talking about something with his friends. Damn I wish I had ears like wolves because I honestly feel curious about what they are talking. I saw the new girl frown at something the girls, Sina and SooHee if i am correct, said. But she said something and smiled. I dunno why but I feel my heart flutter at the way she is smiling. She looks so cute. "Dude what the heck are you thinking about while looking at her?" My friend Taeyong asked with a raised eyebrow making me blush a little. I hope it's little. "Wait!!!!! Is JUNG JAEHYUN blushing?" DoYoung hyung teased making me facepalm myself. I am a human. Of course I can blush. "Keep it down will you. I just find her interesting." I said. "She is a year older than you. I am in the same class with her. Her name is Park Angel. If i heard right. Half American. Her mother is American. It is her first time to be in South Korea." Do Young hyung said again as he started eating his share of pizza. Ahh so she is a noona to me. She looks so young. Keeping that fact in mind me and friends started to eat and after the lunch break was finished we all went to our own classes. Boring classes to attend!
After school
Angel's POV
School was done. Sadly me and others don't have the same way to home so we will be separated. Guess I have to walk home alone. I hope I won't lost my way. "Bye all. Meet you three tomorrow." Sina said as she walked towards her way to home. For Minseo and SooHee they will walk home together as they are neighbours. "Bye Angel. Meet you tomorrow. Walk back safely. Take care." They said. I waved at them as they walked away. I also turned around and started walking towards where my house is. Gosh I hate this loneliness feeling.
As I was walking for a while I felt someone's else presence. Scared I started walking faster without looking back almost tripping over a fairly big rock. I close my eyes waiting for my body to make an impact with the ground but it never came. Then I realize someone was holding my wrist stopping me from falling on the ground. The person pulled me up and turned me around. I opened my eyes to see who my saviour was. But when I saw who it was I wanted to close my eyes again and the ground to open up and swallow me. "Be careful while walking. And don't you know that it is dangerous for a girl to walk alone at this part." He said as I just stood there like a rock. He sighed. "This path is kind of filled with drunkards at a time like this and it is silent too, not much people to help you if you needed one. You should be careful." He explained. "Oh I didn't know" it was the only thing I could get out of my mouth.
Author's POV
"Come on. I will walk you home." jaehyun said startling Angel. "A-ah aniyo. You don't need to." She tried to deny but Jaehyun look at her with a raised eyebrow stopping her from saying anything. "I am Jung Jaehyun by the way. Your junior so you are a noona." Jaehyun said. "I know you.... uh well my friends told me about you." Angel said as she walked beside Jaehyun who had started walking. "oh. So you are Angel right?" He asked as he rubbed his neck a little feeling nervous and shy. "Yeah how did you know?" she asked. "A hyung of mine is in the same class with you. He told me." Jaehyun said trying not to stutter so much. "oh i didn't know." Angel said as they fell into silent walking slowly beside each other towards Angel's house.
"Stop we are here." Angel said almost startling Jaehyun. Key word: almost. "O-Oh i didn't realize." Jaehyun said. "Um-Hm" Angel hummed not really knowing what to say. "So I will go in now. You should go back too. Thanks for walking me back home." angel said with a blush as she turned around to walk inside her house. "HEY! Noona I- do you mind if I could get you a cup of coffee tomorrow?" jaehyun ask loudly collecting all his courage up hoping she would understand that he was asking her out. "Hm okay. But I prefer bubble tea more than coffee." She said. And with a giggle she walked inside, her back facing Jaehyun. The said male had a wide smile stretched on his face. His face a little red. He swears he has never blushed so much nor smiled so much. As the two walks away from each other only one thought was in their mind. "My first love... maybe!" Both of them thought. Their hearts beating fast and fluttering with happy aura surrounding around them.
Maybe be it was a start of something.
Something beautiful!
First love for two person. A young girl and a young boy.
OMG GUYS!!!! THIS IS MY FIRST TIME!!!! Hope you all like it. I am gonna write a sequel of this so stay tuned.
Gosh i was so anxious and nervous while writing this. Sorry for any grammatical mistakes or typos if any. Thank you all 💕💕
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