#i wonder if it'll make an appearance in season 2
hegodamask · 1 year
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Anyone else notice the Karns own a droid but whenever we see it, it’s always powered down in the corner? Like it’s only turned on to perform its duties. It’s just a tool, not part of the family.  
Compare that to how the Andors treat B2EMO. He’s the beloved family pet, Maarva and Cassian love him.
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He’s not pushed away to the side. His little charging bay is right next to Maarva’s chair so he can keep her company. The Andors would rather have Bee charging all the time than power him down.
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It just goes to show how cold and closed-off the Karn’s home life is. They don’t keep their droid on long enough to form a bond with it, they don’t get attached (Eedy doesn’t want them to get attached to anything but each other). 
So while young Cassian got to play with B2 on the streets of Ferrix, Syril was probably getting told off for trying to talk to the cleaning droid :(
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brbsoulnomming · 10 months
Tell Me Sweet Little Lies Part 2
Part 1 | Now on AO3
When Eddie's almost fourteen, he gets Of course I can handle it by myself, and he wants desperately to know what his soulmate is lying about being able to handle - wants desperately to tell his soulmate that he doesn't have to do it by himself, that Eddie's right here.
The summer of '80, a few weeks before he's due to start high school, Eddie gets I don't think of you all that often anyway, and his heart jumps. He knows it's not directed at him. It can't be - it's one of the hardfast rules.
Lies of omission don't count, half truths don't count, joking usually doesn't count, and it only counts if you're saying the lie to someone, not just telling yourself. So whoever his soulmate is talking to - they do think about this person often, even if they feel like they have to pretend they don't.
But it gives Eddie an idea.
"I don't think about my soulmate very much," he tells Uncle Wayne the next morning.
Wayne raises one eyebrow at him, and Eddie - realizes he didn't exactly think this through, did he?
"I just-" he starts, then stops, realizing that if he lies, it'll show up on his soulmate's skin, and that kind of ruins the grand statement he was trying to make. "I wanted them to know."
Wayne's expression softens. He doesn't say anything about the fact that Eddie had said them and not her, he just claps him on the shoulder and ruffles his hair.
"You're a good kid," he says gruffly, as Eddie bats him away.
Two days later, Eddie sees, Oh, yeah, same. I don't believe you can miss your soulmate before you've even met them.
He doesn't even try to put a damper on his elation. Instead, he rushes out to where Uncle Wayne is watching TV, some old Western, and says, "I don't miss my soulmate, either."
Uncle Wayne looks startled, but he must guess what's going on when he sees Eddie twisting around to examine his arms and bare torso, because he just gives a grunt in response.
It's stupid to think you understand someone just because you know what lies they tell.
Eddie feels like his heart is beating out of his chest, and he's smiling so wide it almost hurts. "I haven't felt like I understand my soulmate. I don't get some of the things on my skin."
Uncle Wayne is looking at him a little more closely. "You sure this is what you want?"
Eddie waves him off, holding his breath as he waits.
I don't get it, man, don't look at me for answers.
"I don't want to keep talking to my soulmate."
There's a long wait after that, so long that Eddie starts to think that was it. But about a half an hour later, hope to see you soon appears just below his ribcage, and Eddie's blooming all over with happiness.
Sucks for the person that his soulmate was talking to, of course, since they were clearly lying about wanting to see them soon, but he knows that they chose that particular phrasing because they wanted Eddie to see it. His stupid idea worked, and he's not going to stop it now.
His soulmate seems to be of the same opinion, because the pseudo conversation keeps up.
Eddie tells Uncle Wayne that he hates reading, that he never wants to see a guitar again, that his favorite season isn't winter, that he knows how to swim and isn't terrified of learning, that he hates spicy food and white chocolate and floral teas and strong coffee and butterflies, that he loves pop music and pastel colors and silverfish.
It gets him a few new books, a second hand acoustic guitar - and, unfortunately, swimming lessons - but it also gets him a wealth of information about his soulmate. He learns that his soulmate likes autumn best, that he's been swimming since before he could walk, that he plays the piano, that he likes spicy food, too, but he prefers dark chocolate and hot apple cider, that he loves cricket bugs but hates house centipedes, that he's not allowed to read comic books anymore but he misses them.
Eddie wonders who his soulmate talks to, when they do this. Uncle Wayne will at least have enough of a half assed conversation with him to support him gaming the system, but his soulmate's replies are usually stilted enough that he can tell it's not the same. They're suited for a different conversation, only related to what Eddie said if he looks for it.
It makes him imagine his soulmate sitting up at night talking on the phone with a friend, trying to hold two conversations at once, thinking carefully about his phrasing - all for Eddie. He can't help the way it makes him feel so much less alone, makes him feel special.
Eddie's extra cautious about telling lies, now that he and his soulmate are talking, and he likes to think his soulmate is doing the same.
They both slip up sometimes, though, and Eddie gets pretty good at figuring out what was meant for him and what wasn't. He gets things like I don't think you're sending me some very mixed signals, here and right, that makes it very clear and I won't be careful that he never responds to, figuring they're actually meant for whoever he's talking to and not for Eddie.
It makes slogging through his first year of high school much more interesting, at least.
"No ma'am, I'm not bored by the way you teach math," he tells his math teacher with a winning smile.
I find the way you teach history as a list of facts and dates for us to memorize very important.
"I don't wonder how we're supposed to retain all of this and regurgitate it on command."
It's stupid to make little songs out of the things you're supposed to remember, it doesn't help at all.
Really, his soulmate is so cute Eddie can never keep himself from grinning when he gets a response.
He never wants to stop.
Taglist (hopefully this works right!): @vampireinthesun @koibug @estrellami-1 @mentalcyborg @allbimyself26 @questionablequeeries @the-s-is-silent @whimsicalwitchm @a-gae-af-racoon @tinyplanet95 @n0-1-important @velocitytimes2 @swimmingbirdrunningrock @newtstabber @jcmadgirl @tartarusknight @roblingoblin285 @lexyvey
Part 3
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silly-thinkings · 10 months
AGFC pt.5
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A/n: Last chapter for now. I'm happy with this kind of conclusion. I've been feeling a bit down lately with my writing. like... insecure about it. I have all these W.I.Ps and Ideas but I don't think I got that oomph that I had when I started this blog ya know. If Im going to continue this series then it'll probably follow Young Justice season 3. Maybe Y/n will make an appearance in season 2 with Kaldure ya know. Anyway! Enjoy, let me know what you think :) Stay hydrated! Drink water plz
Y/n knew Jason was dead. It didn’t matter how fast her father was on his batmobile. She did the math, he won’t get there in time. Y/n sat in an isolated room, no different from the one Clark had put her in all those years ago. Except this time she was in the bat cave. She scratched at her inhibitor collar as she reflected on all the memories that Megan had stolen from her. No wonder Lex was after her, she was talented. Her fighting style was unmatched. With the right pressure points her opponent can lose control of their arm. A simple tap on a nerve and they’re out of the fight. Suddenly the door opened revealing Alfred holding on to a tray of cookies. A dry laugh escaped the girl before she turned her body to face away from the butler. 
“Lady Y/n-”
“Bruce will be mad at you if you’re here. He might disown you Alfie.”
Alfred closed his eyes. It pained him to see her like this. He placed the tray down and took a seat behind her. She felt his presence, but more importantly she felt a slight draft coming into her cell. 
“I’ll speak to Bruce about this. Y/n understand that you are an amazing girl. Capable of so much good in the world.”
Now y/n felt tears swell her eyes “I’m a weapon Alfred. Do you think someone dressed like this saves people? Ha! And what of that Martian girl. She gets a slap on the wrist for messing with our memories.”
Alfred was about to say something but The sound of Tim’s voice echoed in the cave. 
“Bruce said not to talk to her till he got back.”
That finally set her off. Y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She was going to save Jason. Then she’ll run away. Forget this family. Forget everyone! 
Y/n quickly stood and Jammed two fingers along Alfred’s shoulders stunning the man. She then applied pressure to other parts of his back and arms successfully subduing him. Alfred fell to the floor as numbness seeped throughout his body. he looked back in shock as Y/n grabbed a cookie that had fallen and fled the cell. But she wasn’t in the clear yet. She needed to get the inhibitor color off. Tim took a stance infront of where the key cards were held.
“You’re not getting pass me Y/n”
Tim didn’t expect her to move so fast. He was able to block and evade some of her moves but as soon as she applied pressure on his calves he fell over. 
“Pressure points works wonders when your facing an opponent bigger than you Timmy.” Y/n successfully knocked the teen out. She reached for the keycard and removed the collor. In an instant her powers returned. 
“Don’t miss y/n please.”
Y/n flew to the door, looking down at the only man who showed up to all her events. Who fed her, to took care of her with all his heart. “I’m sorry Alfred. Goodbye.”
Y/n couldn’t believe she actually made it. Her flight was slow but by pushing her feet against the air using her strength she was able to speed as fast as she ever could. It created a popping sound with every step, greatly satisfying her.  Y/n broke into the safe house. Jason layed limp on the floor, y/n heard the sound of ticking. She frantically looked for the bomb. 
“N-no time” Jason gasped for air, he didn’t know who was there to save him but he’s sure glad they’re here.
Y/n seemingly ignored his cry and continued searching. She was good at disarming bombes. Y/n confidently pulled out the bomb and clipped the right wire successfully stopping the threat. The girl laughed, she did it. She saved her brother. Y/n flew to Jason and grabbed under his arms. “Sorry Jay. I don’t know how to carry you properly. But I disarmed the bomb so we’re good.”
Y/n felt Jason’s body relax slightly as she dragged him out the door. It was then that she heard another beeping sound. Then another. Panicked she followed them to the walls of the shed. There were more. Was the bomb a trap? 
Tik tik tok tik
“Y/n? What’s wrong.” Jason attempted to sit up but his broken bones sent pain throughout his body.”
“No. This wasn’t suppose to happen I. There’s more bombs. I can’t disarm them all. I… what.”
Y/n felt dizzy as the flush of sounds overwhelmed her again. Seemingly from every angle in the world. Jason crawled towards his younger sister. He accepted his fate but she gave him hope. Here he was thinking he was a failure. The motion happened so quick y/n cradled herself into a ball again pressing her ears together. She felt Jason enveloping her in a hug. “I got ya kid.”
Y/n fluttered her eyes open. Snow fell from the sky. A mixture of white with black soot fell atop her nose.
She heard the sound of a drum. When she tried to get up she noticed an arm over her.
Thump…. Thump.
No. It wasn’t a drum it was a heartbeat. Y/n frantically got to her knees to look down at her Brother. His mask and costume ripped. She herself felt pain along the side on her body. But no injury could amount to what she was facing.
“No… no no Jason no hang on. I’ll get help. I’ll find dad. I- I can still-“
“You- so cool-“ Jason attempted to smile. There was nothing she could do. It pained him to leave her like this. Y/n placed both of her hands on her face. Then to his chest. She can hear every pop and crackle from his broken bones. 
“Jay…. Speak to me. Please.” 
Y/n didn’t scream. She was tired of that. Jason probably wouldn’t want that. She hugged her brother as the sobs grew louder. This wasn’t suppose to happen. She was suppose to prove to everyone that she was capable of being a hero. How could she explain this to Bruce? What would Connor think?
“What have you done?”
The dark knights deep voice made y/n freeze. She looked up, she felt tiny when looking at her armored father “He… protected me. I tried to save him I… I tried to-“
“What you did is got him KILLED Y/n!”
Y/n flinched. He never raised his voice like this.
Bruce realized his mistake. He walked towards them but Y/n frantically shuffled back. Just like she did Clark. 
“You think I killed him? Ha…hahaha” 
0 hours till Y/n Wayne Broke.
Y/n pressed her hands over her eyes “where were you! WHERE ARE YOU WHEN WE NEED YOU.” She looked up to see Bruce walking away with Jason. Not looking back at her at all “You never show up. And when you do YOUR LATE.” 
Bruce turned to see y/n roll frantically on the grounds. Her laughter and pained screams haunted him.
“We’re just your solders. That’s why Dick left.” Y/n felt a different kind of pressure well up in her eyes. She looked to the sky and saw red. 
Bruce watched as y/n shot lasers out of her eyes. He closed his eyes 
“I’m sorry” he whispered. Bruce left with Jason, his priorities shifting.
Y/n heard him but she didn’t care. For a being who hears everything, that comment fell on deaf ears. For the first time she was alone. Was she free? She didn’t know. Y/n closed her eyes. She rose from the ground like a ghost and flew to the only person who’d maybe treat her fine. 
Lex finished his nightly skin care routine. Feeling refreshed and ready for the day. What he didn’t expect was to find Y/n floating behind him. He let out a squeal before realizing it was the clone. Her eyes shut. Outfit ripped and burned. Blood dripping from her side as impailed glass seemingly pulsaded from her.
“You said I was a weapon they feared.” She said in a low tone. 
She was broken. Lex smiled, he didn’t think it would work that fast. What must’ve happened to have this girl seek comfort from him of all people. Lex opened his arm. 
“Come child. Together we can show them.” 
Y/n slowly flew into his arms. No tears left to shed. Drifting off to sleep. 
Bruce returned to the cave with Jason in his arms. His shoulders felt heavy, he’d failed his children like never before. Alfred quickly ran to his side but no words were exchanged. Bruce looked up at the butler, the pain in his eyes was severe. 
The sound of the zeta tube chimed. Connor practically ran through with Tim close behind. 
“I tried to stop him but-“
Both boys saw Jason. Connor noticed the lack of his sister. 
“Where is she? What happened?”
Tim began shaking his head as he fell to the ground. Impossible she’s half Kryptonian. Alfred frowned aswell. 
Connor clenched his fists “BRUCE! Where is my sister.” He too had time to reflect on his stolen memories, and he felt stupid. How didn’t he know she did something to them. 
“I’m sorry… she’s gone.” 
Alfred covered his mouth. Guilt began to sink in. 
“N-no… no.” Connor fell to his knees. 
On that day, Two members of the bat family were declared dead.
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dcbbw · 6 months
Commoner, Part 2--Secret
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Part 2 of Commoner! Part 1 can be found here.  We’re picking up where we left off (Leo left, Sav is pregnant, and no one knows)
This story was born of a long-standing head canon (Sav would crush on the older brother, not her brother’s best friend), and the song inspiration (original version, but used the sad and acoustic version for this fic); lyrics are also taken from the song inspo.
IF you read this, THANK YOU! Your likes, comments, and/or reblogs are appreciated more than you realize. Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. MS Editor rates this story as 99% error-free.
To all those who read over this story in its various variations and renditions, THANK YOU! Your feedback, ideas, and encouragement was invaluable (as always).
Thanks to @choicesflashfics for their Week 62 prompt #2, which will appear in bold.
Song Inspo: Strangers (sad and acoustic version), Kenya Grace
Pairing(s): Savannah Walker x Leo Rys; Savannah Walker x Bertrand Beaumont
Word Count: 2,201
Rating: M for Mature themes
I sit in the back of the sleek, black Mercedes that is Duchy Ramsford’s official vehicle with the Brothers Beaumont, en route to the Palace. King Constantine has requested a meeting of the Great Houses.
And me.
I vacillate between relief that he will put those awful rumors to rest, and fear that Leo will be there with that woman.
“You appear to be deep in thought,” Bertrand observes. “Are you feeling well?”
I plaster a quick smile onto my lips. “Merely curious why the King would want me to be present at this meeting.”
The Duke gives me a solicitous nod, and I again wonder why he’s been so nice to me since our breakfast encounter.  It’s not that Bertrand is a bad guy; he has taught me a lot during my month at House Beaumont. I know more than I ever wanted to about utensils, glassware, table etiquette, and bloodlines and lineage. I now know that the reason I don’t have the title of Lady, the most ubiquitous yet ambiguous title a woman can hold, is because I don’t belong to a House.
I’m commoner.
But he isn’t a nice guy either, so the attention is a bit … odd.
“I wonder if it has anything to do with Leo, and all the news stories?” Max pipes up. “Although I suppose if Bastien is at the Palace and Leo isn’t, that may be all the confirmation we need.”
Bertrand looks out the window. “We’re here,” he announces.
I swear I feel my baby flip inside my stomach, which is stupid. I’m only eight weeks along.
As we walk up the front staircase, I don’t feel a sense of homecoming. I only feel dread. My throat closes when Bastien opens the door and leads us to the formal living room where the other guests are gathered. Groups are huddled close together; there are murmurs of conversations I cannot hear. I hug my brother and struggle through a curtsy meant to encompass the entire room. No one acknowledges me other than Kiara, who gives me a huge grin and enthusiastic hug.
And I wonder why I feel the need to be a part of this world, to be accepted by the very people who never will.
That it'll never change And it will just stay like this
I catch a glimpse of Madeleine, who is stone-faced; only the paleness of her skin and the clenching of her jaw signals anger, embarrassment, and hurt. I look down at her hands; her fingers are bare of jewelry.
Leo has left both of us.
The King clears his throat, and we all turn towards the front of the room. He is flanked by Queen Regina and Liam; all of them are wearing stoic expressions and I know … in my brain, my heart, my very soul … Leo has run off and fulfilled promises he could never make to me to another woman. I’m a single, teenaged mother with absolutely nothing to my name; I can’t even leverage the child growing inside of me.
There is a buzzing in my ears that drowns out the words my monarch is uttering until he states that Liam will ascend to the throne. There is to be a social season, and I will be the House Beaumont sponsee. The Crown will fund my sponsorship as I was still their ward and had no properties of my own. Drake’s face darkens, Bertrand beams proudly, and Max jumps up and down in excitement.
There’s something about Bertrand’s smile … he isn’t surprised to hear this news. Did he already know what to expect?  Was Leo the phone call that morning?
I throw up on the priceless carpet and my hand-me-down shoes.
Three weeks pass, weeks where I scour newspapers, magazines, and the internet for news of my baby’s father. There is a plethora of media, mostly photos of him in motocross tournaments: smiling happily in the Mojave Desert, frowning in concentration as he inspects his vehicle in UAE, sunning on a beach in Greece. The woman is not in the pictures, and rarely mentioned in the articles.
Now she can be his dirty little secret.
And when we spoke for months Well, did you ever mean it? How can we say that this is love When it goes like this?
Meanwhile, in Cordonia, my hips are spreading; my breasts are getting fuller, and my belly is only slightly rounded. Bertrand has ramped up my training but takes care to give me breaks throughout the day and we are now spending our meals together without Maxwell. He shares stories of his education, his time as a fashion designer, and memories of his childhood.
He walks me to my room every evening; occasionally he holds my hand.
I am not in love with Bertrand, but I find myself enjoying his company more and more.
But every time I meet somebody new It's like déjà vu I swear they sound the same It's like they know my skin
We’re sitting in Bertrand’s study one night; he is poring over documents related to Liam’s cabinet. Bertrand and Rashad Domvallier are to be financial and legal advisors to the new future King. I watch him nervously. I’ve decided that tonight is the time to tell him I cannot be the House’s sponsee. It isn’t fair to not tell him; he’ll need time to find someone new and school them in the ways of nobility.
My fingernails pluck nervously at my robe. I could very well be homeless in the next 15 minutes. Bertrand takes his duties as Duke seriously and is extremely rigid when it came to appearances and reputation; an unwed, pregnant commoner could not reside under the roof of House Beaumont. However, returning to the Palace would be a disaster between King Constantine and Big Brother Drake.
But it has to be done. This baby is going to make itself known sooner than later.
He drains his third glass of cognac before sighing heavily and pushing himself away from his desk. With an unsteady gait, he crosses the room to join me on the sofa. He looks almost regal in his gold silk robe with black piping, and black pajama bottoms. He sits so closely, I smell his cologne; it’s Hermès.
Leo always wore Armani.
“Savannah, I’d like to have a … conversation of a different sort with you.” His breath smells of liquor and his words are slightly slurred.
“Isn’t that funny?” I reply in a squeaky voice. “I wanted to have one with you also.”
He pulls one of my hands into his as he begins to speak. “You need to know that while you may be participating in the social season, you won’t win the hand of the Crown Prince. The position requires someone of lineage, with a knowledge of world politics and has a pulse on the fluctuating nature of both Court and Crown. However, the Engagement Tour should afford you an opportunity to marry into a minor house.”
I stare at him dumbfounded. Drunk Bertrand pisses me off.
“However, I do find myself being very attracted to you. I propose an offer that should be beneficial to both of us. I’d like you to be my mistress until we both find persons worthy of our status and station. You would become an honorary member of House Beaumont to assure you have a title, and I can be a very generous lover in more ways than one.”
He drops my hand and rises from the couch on his second attempt. He goes to a coat closet, opens the door, and retrieves a package. The box is emblazoned with Hermès’ name and logo. He brings it back to me, carefully placing it in my lap.
“Open it,” he urges.
I do so to find a limited-edition white matte satchel, made of leather and silk. The tag is still attached: $200,000 USD. I look up at him, knowing that he wants me to know how much it costs.
“Your … mistress?” I ask as my body feels as if it’s going numb.
And it will just stay like this Never really dating, breaking up
“This world is cruel. I’m just playing by its rules. It would behoove you to do so as well. You can’t be anything else to me or anyone of stature. You’re a commoner with the most basic of public education. You are ignorant in the ways of Court, the circles you would need to travel in. I am happy to give you the benefit of my knowledge, but at the end of the day, I am a Duke. Dukes don’t marry commoners.”
He says it all as if he is telling me the sun will rise in the east. Bertrand means no harm; nobles never do. Or so they claim.
Every word they say sounds just like him
My eyes fall back to the price tag, realizing I have my way out. I can keep my secret, and everyone’s precious reputation is intact.
“It’s late, Your Grace and you have given me a lot to process. I’ll have an answer for you in due time.”
He gives me a small smile. “May I … may I kiss you?”
A small shake of my head. “No,” I reply in an almost-rueful tone.
I know my place.
His smile falters, and he nods slowly. “My apologies. That was presumptuous of me.”
I mentally shake my head. THAT is what he considered to be the most horrible thing about his proposition?  I box the purse again, and stand.
“I’ll see you at breakfast.”
Three months later, I am standing on the balcony of my small pied-a-terre located in a quaint, quiet Parisian neighborhood, watching the day come to an end. The sun is still bright in the sky, but evening is fast approaching. My fingers comb through my dark, thick tresses before pulling a toffee-colored cardigan tighter across my expanding body.
It’s springtime and I think again how leaving Cordonia to settle here was the best move. Paris had always been my dream destination: red lipsticks, rich wines, decadent perfumes, trendy runway fashions.
The baby and I have even learned to enjoy the food.
My eyes take in the Palais Garnier, also known as the Paris Opera House, not that far in the distance before falling to the cobblestoned streets below: restaurant and café doors open, unleashing aromas of grilled meat and sauteed onions as bakeries pull window shades down. Women with chic hats and impossibly high heels exit dress stores, shopping bags bunched in fisted hands. Street vendors begin putting away their wares.
My stomach rumbles, and I head inside. There had been a late breakfast/early lunch a few hours ago, but the fruit, yogurt, and cheese and spinach omelet have all but disappeared now. My child has a healthy appetite. I walk around a black wrought iron table with matching chairs, pausing to fluff oversized chair cushions decorated with huge sunflowers.
I push the terrace door shut behind me before going into the kitchen. I had taken a chicken out earlier, but I no longer have an appetite for it. Instead, I want pistou pasta with grilled duck and extra mushrooms from my favorite bistro.
But money is tight. Despite having a job and being frugal with the savings leftover from the sale of the purse Bertrand gifted me, I need to be mindful of rent, food, doctor’s appointments once the child gets here and I will be on unpaid leave.
I’m having a boy that I will name Barthelemy, Bartie for short. It’s my way of paying homage to Maxwell for being such an incredible and caring friend during all of this. He doesn’t know who the father is and has never pressured me to tell him. He sends money and has offered to make an honest woman of me.
All of this even though I left House Beaumont without a sponsee, and they now either have to find one that they will have to fully sponsor or withdraw.
A knock at the door captures my attention; I stare at it with a frown. I don’t have many friends in Paris; Maxwell is due for his monthly visit next week. He’s bringing Drake and Kiara with him. They were the only two I instructed Maxwell to tell of my whereabouts. Drake and I aren’t close, but we are all we have left as far as family. He deserved to know. Kiara’s my best girlfriend, and she speaks French. Win-win.
I would like to see Liam, but he has much to learn and do before the social season begins in less than 12 weeks.
 I slowly and laboriously cross the small distance between the kitchen and the front door; my eye widens as I peer through the peephole.
He looks even more handsome if that’s possible. He carries a bouquet of flowers in one hand as he looks around the hallway. I quietly and cautiously back away from the door as tears prick the corners of my eyes.
And then one random night When everything changes You won't reply And we'll go back to strangers
Tagging: @jared2612 ​@ao719 @marietrinmimi @indiacater​​​ @kingliam2019​ @bebepac @liamxs-world @mom2000aggie​​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​​ @twinkleallnight @umccall71 @superharriet@busywoman​​​ @gabesmommie1130 @tessa-liam​​​ @beezm @gardeningourmet​​​ @lovingchoices14 @mainstreetreader @angelasscribbles​​​ @lady-calypso @emkay512 @princessleac1 @charlotteg234 @alj4890​ @motorcitymademadame​​​ @queenmiarys @choicesficwriterscreations
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Full Thoughts on TDP Season 5
Under the cut, because there are many of them!
Starting off with things I liked:
Rayllum! It was so good to see them on the same page again, and they have a perfect balance between deep, romantic devotion and the shared laughter and gestures of best friends. Their dynamic this season was my favorite iteration of them so far
Janai and Amaya were wonderful as well. I was really bracing for Amaya to leave for Lux Area without telling Janai and a whole bunch of drama to ensue, but no! They communicate! They trust each other! It's so refreshing!
Side note: Lux Area was gorgeous the detail in every shot of the city and Bookery was so good. I want to live there. I will take on the night creatures if need be
I hoped we'd get an apology from Amaya for Rayla, and I'm really glad they took the time to put it in the show instead of a short story or anything like that. It was also cool to see Amaya recognizing the similarities she and Rayla share and acting as more of a mentor to her, I hope we see more of them together later on
The reoccurring message that oftentimes the best way to be strong is by going to other people for help- first Amaya's story, then Rayla trusting Callum, then Zubeia's talk with Avizandum. It's a very good moral
That whole thing with Soren and Elmer! Breaking the cycle of cruelty! I love Soren so much
Callum using dark magic again. I thought I would hate it if that happened, since we've seen a corruption plotline with him and with Claudia already, but the way it was done sort of added a good sense of realism. I like that Callum isn't a Perfectly Moral Mage just because he can do primal magic; it feels deeper and more complicated if he has to recognize that the easier, darker choice is always there, and sometimes he won't be able to resist it, but he has to try each time anyway
So many little moments that I'll probably be going into in separate posts because the dynamic between the characters was on fire. It was so good to see the team really working together, their chemistry was so good
Things I wasn't as much of a fan of:
The problem with the show really relying on people to read all the supplementary material is still present. I was pretty confused about who Kpp'Ar was until I looked him up on the wiki, and again, people who didn't know about Soren getting sick as a kid from the Book 2 novelization really wouldn't have gotten his part of the dream sequence. It doesn't ruin the show or anything but it does make it a little confusing at times
The plotline with the coins is starting to feel a little drawn-out. Runaan's presence would bring up enough complications between Rayla and the rest of the group that he needs enough time out of the coin to give that the weight it deserves, and I'm really hoping he gets out next season so we can have at least season 7 to go into that. Also, Ethari needs his husband back
As good as it was to see rayllum back together, I do still think we needed a scene of them actually talking things through. I'm sure it'll appear in a Reflections story at some point, but again, you don't want your show to lean that heavily on the bonus material
This is more of a nitpick than anything else, but the characters' faces in the early episodes felt really stiff. They'd be having a monologue where you could really hear the emotion in their voices, but their faces just... didn't really move
And finally: too many crabs. This is not a flaw with the season this is just because I personally am freaked out by crabs and I've never been so horrified in all my life as when the true nature of Finnegrin's ship was revealed. It'll haunt me forever
Overall I liked it a lot, and I'm really excited to see where it goes next! Claudia feels like she's on the very edge of the point of no return, if she hasn't already crossed it, and it'll be very interesting to see how she reacts to the loss of her leg and (most likely) the loss of her father next season. I'm also very excited for the nova blade, that sounds like a gorgeous piece of weaponry and seeing whoever wields it (my money's on Rayla) fighting Aaravos is going to be epic. This season has definitely ratcheted up my investment in the show, which I'm very excited about
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redbuddi · 1 year
Hey I was watching the vod for Ruff Trigger and you mentioned reading a whole bunch of 'Person Dies and is Reincarnated into the World of a Book Series They Already Read' books and so I was wondering if you've read 'I Favor The Villainess'? Because I may be a little biased because gay women but that one is really good.
Also do you have any specific recommendations for books/manga/etc in that genre?
I have! I tried it once a while back but for whatever reason it didn't hold my attention. I read a few chapters again after getting this and I dunno what I was thinking before, I like it a lot.
As for the many Reincarnation Manhua I am reading, and I am reading a LOT so do not question my knowledge, I have a data sheet and everything, here are my top five in no particular order. Note that these are specifically "Reincarnated into a Pre-Existing Story" Manhuas and not just "Reincarnated" ones, if they were the list would probably look a little different haha. Don't even get me started on the "Rebirth" category.
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#1: Not-Sew-Wicked Stepmom
Status: Ongoing. Currently on season hiatus.
Synopsis: An overworked korean seamstress dies and finds herself reincarnated into the body of the evil step-mother from Snow White. Luckily she wakes up before the story proper begins, while the princess is still a small child, and so she decides to bow out of her bid for the throne and spend her days spoiling her adorable step-child. However, she soon realizes that her former self wasn't the only person trying to exploit the system for power, and that the world of royalty hosts beneath-the-surface a cycle of cruelty and abuse that could destroy the future of any child. Thus, she must do whatever it takes to ensure that the lovable little girl grows up as happily and healthily as possible.
Story Quality: 4/5 A well-paced and expertly woven narrative that keeps the story moving at all times without burning out the reader with too many rapid developments or twists. The only reason it isn't a 5/5 is because I don't know how it'll end.
Art Quality: 5/5 A sweet and expressive art style that does a good job blending in the typical CSP assets while still standing on it's own.
The Drip: 5/5 Every outfit the characters wear is stunning and suits them perfectly, which is to be expected given the series' fashion theme but still greatly appreciated in execution.
The Love Interest: 3/5 While he's a good character and I like him, I don't particularly care if he and the main character hook up. This could change as the series goes on, however.
Spiciness: 3/5 Occasionally suggestive, but overall fairly tame and normal.
Is it worth paying for? Absolutely.
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#2: Beware the Villainess!
Status: Complete
Synopsis: A college student is reincarnated into the body of the nasty villainess of a romance story she had read shortly before dying. Determined to not suffer the same fate, she does everything she can to completely sequence-break the narrative and do things her own way, up to and including befriending the main character, rejecting her princely fiancee, and recruiting a derelict side-character as her right-hand man. But little does she realize that this world won't take her changes lightly, and the characters she knows are not as one-dimensional as they first appear....
Story Quality: 4/5 Clearly thought out and well-executed, the story does an excellent job conveying the ideas it presents. Currently my gold-standard for the "Villainess Sequence-Break" subcategory.
Art Quality: 4/5 Well-executed and expressive, but a little too generic for my liking. It does what's expected of it well, but rarely goes above and beyond.
The Drip: 4/5 Good outfits, including some that make me very gay, but nothing spectacular.
The Love Interest: 4/5 I wasn't with it in the beginning but ngl, by the end of the series I was really rooting for these two.
Spiciness: 4/5 Generally a 3/5, but occasional moments of sexuality do occur, although it doesn't really hit until the special episodes.
Is it Worth Paying For? Debatable. I don't regret paying for the whole thing but if you have better restraint than me you can tough out the wait-until-free episodes and save yourself some coin.
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#3: Surviving Romance
Status: Ongoing. Currently on it's second season.
Synopsis: Chaerin Eun has been trapped in a romance novel for a while now, and today is the day her love interest will finally confess to her and the two can live happily-ever-after!
Things do not go as planned.
Story Quality: 5/5 While I am being careful to not reveal too much, the quality of the story doesn't just hinge on how surprising it's twists and turns are. It has something to say and so far it is doing an extremely good job saying it.
Art Quality: 3/5 I get what it's going for but I do still feel like it could be better.
The Drip: 5/5 This series doesn't let the fact that everyone is in school uniforms stop it from having some striking and downright iconic looks.
The Love Interest: ???/5 : )
Spiciness: 2/5 Good lord, could you imagine?
Is it Worth Paying For? I say yes, but only because it's a currently running webtoon and therefore the only episodes you need to pay for are the most recent ones. I don't know if my answer would be the same if this was a completed webtoon or a series on Tapas.
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#4: Villainesses Have More Fun
Status: Ongoing
Synopsis: A bad-bitch korean business woman is reincarnated into the body of Reilynn Candimon, the villainess of the novel she had been reading, and a character that had greatly frustrated her. Using nothing but her powerful personality, she decides to make the best of this life and peace out from the main story to enjoy her riches. So why does the main character keep picking fights with her?
Story Quality: 3/5 A fun read that doesn't take itself too seriously. You wont be enraptured in a deep and complex narrative, but you'll have a good time and enjoy some genuinely engaging characters.
Art Quality: 3/5 Exactly what you expect from this kind of series and nothing more.
The Drip: 3/5 Some outfits are nice, but some of the ensembles the main character walks around in are downright tragic.
The Love Interest: 1/5 I deadass keep forgetting who it's supposed to be, and then I remember he's a cop.
Spiciness: 2/5 Pretty mild.
Is it worth Paying For? Only if the scanlation is really bad.
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#5: The Villainess' Stationary Shop
Status: Ongoing. Currently on Season Hiatus.
Synopsis: A korean woman wakes up in the body of Meldenique Bebelloa, the villainess of a romance novel. In the original story, her character dies after trying to stop a romance between her fiance and her half-sister. Determined to not end up like that (and not too interested in the prince anyway,) Mel ditches her terrible family in order to live out her life's dream of running a stationary shop! (Essentially a store for school supplies that typically also sells toys and candy.)
Story Quality: 4/5 A kind of generic story is elevated by a cute and likeable characters, a lighthearted tone, and highly satisfying moments of catharsis. Be warned, this manhua is kind of addictive.
Art Quality: 3/5 Passable quality but nothing noteworthy.
The Drip: 4/5 With the extravagance and glitter of most other manhua, this series offers a delightful palette cleanser of cute and modest outfits that greatly demonstrate the character's personalities.
The Love Interest: 4/5 I'm not terribly invested in the romance, but the love interest is a stoic bad boy who is extremely easily flustered by the idea of kissing or even... holding hands?????? It's a fun change-of-pace and makes scenes that would typically be eye-rolling a little more enjoyable as the coolguy is the blushy one.
Spiciness: 2/5 The love interest would probably die if he saw a boob.
Is it Worth Paying For? I had fun with it but again, be warned, it is highly addictive.
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stayarmytinyzenmoa-l · 8 months
NCT Spooky Season [Day 2]
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TW: Undead(?), Slight Body Horror Genre: Romance Pairing: Park Jisung x Reader YN Pronouns: Not specified Word Count: 1.0K Prompt: "Can I put my tomb next to yours?"
[NCT Masterlist] | [NCT Spooky Season Masterlist] | [Yesterday] | [Tomorrow] [Ao3 Link] | [Wattpad Link]
Notes: Spooky season is officially here! And since I skipped 20 days of NCT for Christmas last year, what the hell, why not do spooky season instead? Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an AU and a work of fiction, obviously the idols mentioned/written about in this story would never partake in these actions. The idols mentioned in this work are meant to be seen more as face claims rather than the actual idols themselves.
Feedback is greatly appreciated!! Thank you for reading!
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It was the hottest game on the market right now, Tombcraft. You play as a living person designing their tomb for once they kick the bucket and head to the afterlife and, for organization nuts like you, it was simply perfect.
Or maybe it just gave a breath of life to those who no longer had it.
"Gosh, I missed having bright eyes like that," you watched your character move about their freshly decorated tomb and, to the corner of your screen, you saw the join request from your boyfriend, Jisung. You rolled back on your chair. "Jisung? I'm literally right behind you, you can just ask," you laughed.
Both you and Jisung actually died quite a while ago, freak accident, go figure, turns out when you get hit by a truck you don't get isekai-ed into a new world, nah, you just die. Luckily, you both were buried together so you ended up popping into the after-life at the same time and now you were existing just as you had lived. Living in a small crypt and in debt, turns out your life's debts are simply transferred to your death. And yours combined with Jisung's was just a trainwreck, if you knew you'd still be working a minimum wage 9-5 in the after-life maybe you would've tried harder to stay in the land of the living.
Jisung, though, seems to have no regrets. If anything he got bolder after being separated from the mortal world, and such was clear when he asked you to live- er- rest in the same crypt and now you've just been chilling playing this video game together. He looks around and smiles.
"Just in case! Sometimes you get so in the zone," he says, adjusting the screws in his head, "well?"
"Yeah, duh," you accepted his invite and Jisung's character appears on screen.
"Whoa, your tomb is so nice," Jisung comments. "Wish our house looked like this," he looks around your shared room and it was, as most crypts are, desolate.
"Would be nice to afford our own tomb," you sighed.
"Hey, wait, actually! Would it be cool if I put my tomb next to yours?" He asks.
"Stop! We could be neighbors!" You grinned. "Do it!" And, in seconds, his character successfully transfers over to your world and he takes the empty lot next to your tomb.
"Oh, darn, I didn't think this through," he says, staring at the literally empty lot, "the burden of creative freedom," he sighs.
"Hey, let's build a tomb together!" You offered, "it'll be fun! The one I'm in was one of the premade ones," you navigated your character to the empty lot, watching your two avatars interacting.
"Yes, that would be great," he says, "I was thinking of doing a classic mausoleum type?"
"Whoa, that's classic, classic," you muttered. "We have the funds, why not go gothic church?"
"Oh, I've always wanted a gargoyle!"
"Me too!" You beamed. "Wait, let me sell my tomb so we have enough."
"Maybe we should hold off on that for a second," Jisung waves his hand, "we still need a place to live for now," he says.
"Ooh, are you asking to move in with me?"
"(Y/N), we've been buried together for, like, ages."
"I know! But I still get giddy talking about it! Makes me feel alive, ya know?"
"I don't, actually."
"Oh, right!" You both laughed.
"I wonder what the others are up to," Jisung hums. "I miss our old friends," you heard the hint of sadness and you snapped your fingers.
"Wait, Jisung! This game has an option where we can play multiplayer with the living world!"
"Are you serious?!"
"Yeah! Let's try getting into contact with one of our old friends," you opened the search tab and Jisung wheeled over to you. "Let's try Mark, he'll lose his head when he sees it's us!" You put his name into the search bar and after a few minutes the user 'Tigrrr' popped up. You opened the chat with him.
YN: Mark, it's (Y/N) and Jisung!
MK: HUH??? No way, whoever you are I'm gonna block u
MK: Sure!
"Quick! Type something only we would know!" You slid the keyboard to Jisung and he went to work.
YN: Hyung! It's really us! Remember that day before we died we went to the beach together and you got really drunk and told us that you thought that almond milk came from cows who only ate almonds?
MK: omg
MK: send a pic rn or i won't believe u
YN: dammit mark
"Get over here," you pulled Jisung closer to you and took a quick picture and sent it.
YN: (Image)
MK: Ew, you're missing a chunk of flesh on your face, (Y/N)
YN: Okay!
"Wow... that went smoother than I thought," Jisung hums. "I hope they don't mind that we're like... dead."
"Wow! Rude!" You pointed at the comment he made.
"I mean... you are missing a chunk of your face."
"Because you bit it off!"
"I tried to kiss your cheek!"
"And now it's gone," you puffed your cheeks(?) and crossed your arms. Jisung sighs and wraps his bone arms around you.
"And I'm missing my arms."
"Yeah... if only we had enough to replace them," you nuzzled(?) into the bone. "Anyway, looks like we got more people joining our server!"
"Yes! Finally!" Jisung scrambled back to his chair, ready to commune with the living.
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General Tag List: @stopeatread @bat-shark-repellant @raeincitizen @umbralhelwolf @yangsrose @kazooms @sadcoffeecritic 
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If you want to be added to either tag list or removed just send me a reply to this post, and ask, or a DM and I’ll add you as soon as possible!
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yukipri · 1 year
The Bad Batch Season 2 - Mid-Season Eps 7 & 8 Spoilers & Thoughts
Ranted it out on twitter last night and forgot to share here.
LOT of thoughts this time
Major Spoilers beneath cut!
Really trully phenomenal writing, so much more than I expected to be said so explicitly. Open discussion of clones' rights, their futures, their lack of personhood under both the Republic and the Empire, even the threat of decommissioning.
What we always knew, what we wanted explicitly addressed in mainstream canon, stated by the clones themselves. Truly ecstatic about these episodes.
Absolutely loved the confirmation that yes, this is what Rex has been doing all along. We saw it implied with Gregor in S1, but it's so good to see it clearly stated, and to see him in action. It makes me hope he got Cody out too.
It also made me crave a show dedicated entirely to this fight. I once again understand and am okay with the TBB centering solely around the Batch. But it's hard not to be anxious knowing what all the other clones are facing. Which makes me understand Echo even more.
Echo's decision. I knew it would come to a boiling point, trusted it would. I'd hoped that Echo would convince Hunter + co to care, but they have their own priorities. I love Echo more bc he decided he couldn't walk away.
He said that his place was with the Batch, and I like to think that he found some kind of home with them. But unlike the rest of them, he sees the rest of the clones as his brothers too. I hope this isn't the last we see of him, but I know he is loved and respected with Rex.
These episodes were a wealth of nostalgic locations, and seeing each one caused such a beautiful ache. I love all the lush new planets explored in the other episodes, but Coruscant felt like coming home.
The specific locations: 79s, the Senate building, Riyo's room that looks so much liked Padmé's, the Martez sisters' place, the clone memorial, the lower levels, even the star destroyer, the stunning of the troops specifically evoking S7's finale. Everything the same but different.
We didn't get to see all of these places with the new graphics, bc TCW S7 only had 4 arcs and TBB S1 covered a lot of newer locations. But gosh what a treat. It was all so beautiful, both aesthetically and metaphorically. Defs need to rewatch so many times to truly appreciate.
Rampart's fall surprised me, bc I did feel he's the lone Big Bad of the show so far, the true embodiment of anti-clone. He's done a lot of unforgivable things and having Palps lock him up isn't satisfying, even if it was surprising. I unfortunately doubt that's the last we've seen of him, though who knows. I admittedly don't care too much either way, but if he's gone, it'll be interesting to see who steps into the next "main antag" shoes, bc I doubt it's Palps himself.
(or should I say, Emperor)
I'm so glad to see her again
(also, apparently I've been saying her first name wrong all this time??? Am I the only one who's been saying Ree-yo when it apparently shoulda been Rai-yo?)
Rex had his tiddies uncovered the whole time and I was so concerned he'd get shot. i mean he's the only chara guaranteed to live, and I'm also glad he's got a better disguise, but dear please wear some protection
(but yeah ngl it's nice that we got to see him armorless with the beefier new model. I am still remembering TCW Saleucami and thinking my gosh this man is a STICK he is STARVED they ALL ARE. I am always for adding more beef to clones.)
Really curious where they're going with the chips brainwashing the clones. Both Rex and Wrecker appeared conscious of the whole time they were under, trying and unable to stop and remembering it afterwards.
Yet other clones seem to be gradually "waking up," even though many of them likely should have been equally horrified at the moment O66 went live. Rex and the Batch aren't exceptions being Good Guys, the vast majority of the clones are extremely loyal and honorable.
Makes me wonder if after an extended time under the chip's control, that feeling of wrongness/fighting against it fades, until it seems the new ordinary? But then the more time passes, the Order weakens, and they're able to feel more discrepancies, hence the desertions?
The clone assassin definitely seemed super "under" an Order, extremely Off and not himself, like what I'd imagine a freshly O66 clone to be like. Which makes me further curious that Rampart had him (and presumably more like him) under his control. We'll have to see!
But yeah, to conclude: Cody didn't die! (didn't show up!) Named clones I cared about too much in the few minutes we had them DID die and I am still sad but, it could have been worse.
Also huh, not even a glimpse of Crosshair? (feeling a wee bit bad for his fans, that out of the first 8 eps, he's only in one of them...hopefully the next one will be about him ^ ^; )
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inhuman-obey-me · 9 months
Hello I enjoy hearing your thoughts about obey me so I wanna ask stuff to see your opinion about it,
1) do you think the four horsemen of the apocalypse will make an appearance?
2) if you didnt play the new lesson ignore this one, was almost able to charm mc if they refused to use magic to help them clean ?
Thank you!! We're glad you like to hear us ramble away, hehe. <3
For question 1, we think that they could be referenced at some point, but they probably won't be making any appearances. The game has made mentions of a few other demons at various points, but for the most part, they seem to avoid actually having non-depicted characters actually show up repeatedly. The two major exceptions to this are Michael, and that one random butcher in Season 3.
We stan Mr. Butcher. <3
As for question 2...
(spoilers for NB Lesson 21 below the cut)
We're assuming you're talking about the scene where it was certainly implied that Asmodeus successfully charmed MC into helping them. It was an interesting scene as before it's been established that Asmo's charm powers don't work on MC -- which, notably, has never really been explained. We can assume it had something to do with the Lillith connection, but even that doesn't make much sense since Asmo's powers work on everyone else. It seems to be more of a "MC is a special case for gameplay reasons" thing than anything really.
The story has made it clear that we are losing connection with our timeline, which is probably the explanation we can point to here -- basically due to timey-wimey-wibbly-wobbly-fucky-wucky shit. Us being in this timeline is just breaking everything. We're not supposed to be here!!
Beyond that we really don't know why MC's inherent immunity to his charm ability would be affected. But like a lot of OM's special MC quirks, it's kind of hand-wavey about it, so we just have to smile and nod and hope/wonder if it'll ever be explained someday.
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superanimepirate · 5 months
PJO Reaction Episode 5
Emerges from nearly 2 feat of snow I live!!! The US is not having a good time right now. Khione have mercy…
I have warm peanut butter chocolate chip cookies and some hot cocoa and I'm ready to see Ares and the Tunnel of Love. Remember, there is some minor spoilers for the TV series based off Book info
Oh right, starting off with the aftermath of ST Louis. Oh…this is where we have the Fates. That's terrifying
Percy, sweetie, dry yourself off lol
Baby Percabeth hug!!!
Yeah…being a wanted criminal kinda impedes public transportation
Oh, theorizing who stole the bolt. They're right, even if Hades had it, a demigod was needed to steal it
Baby Percy's confidence in Poseidon is adorable, but it'll be shattered I'm sure
I'm not sure how I feel about Annabeth seeing the string being cut instead of Percy, but it makes sense. She is connected to the Hero of the Prophecy who's going to die.
Hello Ares!
Ok, this scene is hilarious, with them hiding behind the concrete barrier and I'm liking this version of Ares.
Oh Percy, Ares is just the tip of the iceberg for your insane family. Wait till you meet your brothers
Oh I can't wait to see Tyson next season!!!!!
Ares as a Twitter Troll makes perfect sense.
Oh good, we finally get Bitch Ass Gabe
Sassy Annabeth! I like how Ares is kind of explaining everything but with his spin on it. Especially the family drama and war stuff
Oh! Ares is separating the party. Poor Grover, I'd be terrified. To be fair, Grover is the least likely to punch him so that's probably good. Note: Least likely, not won't. He can be riled up when it comes to nature, pollution, and Pan
Oh this park is already creepy as hell.
Honestly, Hephaestus would build a bomb ass terrifying amusement park that would make adrenaline junkies drool. Me included, I love amusement parks and roller coasters
…Grover is a fan of Ares? I mean, nature is brutal. Is he actually a fan, or just buttering him up? I love this conversation actually.
Back to the creepy amusement park and the creepy tunnel of love
They don't recognize "What is love???" What is this younger generation coming too, they don't even know the classic memes
I kind of like Percy knowing some of the stories though, especially how Sally tells them.
Oh the ride is getting fun!
C'mon Percy, use your water powers! It would be very embarrassing to drown here. Ok good, he did it!
Annabeth's hair is never going to dry is it?
Yay a puzzle! I'm sure the throne is trapped nine ways from sunday
Of course Grover is trying to solve it and Ares is shutting it down…
Athena conversation? Ok, Grover is definitely trying to butter Ares up. This is beautiful. Oh….Grover what have you done.
Oh. if they make it so the throne is like a Chinese finger trap that would be a cute call back to the Mark of Athena. I don't think this trap is as simple as one gets trapped and one survives. Maybe if he just promises to be nice it'll let him go?
I love the scene tho, its so cute and serious.
Oh I love the animation for the trapped seat. Percy chanting "I'm ok" and turning to gold is heartbreaking.
C'mon Annabeth! If anyone can figure it out, its you!
Oh. Hello. Hephaestus? Hermes? Who is this? Oh ok, Hephaestus, I like his appearance, I didn't know he was cast already. What is his plan though?
C'mon Annabeth! Break that generational trauma! Character Growth!
Yay! Percy Lives!
Oh. I hate this part, the "kindness" transport. Oh. He's sending them to the Lotus Casino? Asshole. And there is the backpack…
Persassy strikes again!
"Thank you for the emotional abuse and the cheeseburgers" Grover never change. I'm stealing that. Somehow
Ooh, Grover knows Ares is lying. I wonder who he thinks stole the bolt? Athena?Damn you cliffhangers!
I think this was my favorite episode so far. I love all of the changes they made, and all of the conversations. The pacing is better than the previous ones, and so were the emotional beats and special effects
I'm so excited to see where we go from here!
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mcalhenwrites · 6 months
Transition of Seasons
(and its side stories, including WIPs and planned!) Seasons (90/90 chapters) Howie Liddell and his siblings are born from wishes their father made during different seasons. But as the years pass, and Howie realizes no one in his family is aging, questions arise.
It has been almost two centuries since Howie was born from the last fallen leaf of autumn. His fathers continue to raise Howie and his brothers as if they were small children. When a strange woman starts to appear, mysteries about their past begin coming to light. Summer in Snow The cruel words and treatment chase Shannon away from home, but the person who mistreats him is the one to bring him back when he runs. Stolen Summer Songs (2/2 chapters) Human babies aren't usually born from cicada shells, but this child isn't human. There are no guides for how to parent a Season, and the fathers are left to wonder exactly how to keep their child alive.
A backstory about Shannon's birth. The Unfinished Gift We know about the rattan cane. We’ve seen it several times. He’s threatened us numerous times with it, fetching it on occasion to send it whooshing down through air. Something to give us a sense of the impact it would have on our hides were it to land. It is always returned to the umbrella stand afterward.
I don’t think he plans to wag it around as a warning this time. Summer's Storm Despair sweeps through me like howling wind. My arms ache as if fighting against the gale, and only then do I realize it’s not an emotion but a physical sensation against my skin. My magic has responded to my grief.
Above me, storm clouds brew. The village boys glance up, appalled by the sudden change in the weather. They yell at one another. I can’t make out their words. Only their sense of panic. How to Love When he's little, his parents mean the world to him.
But he doesn't mean the world to them. Summer in Distress (7/10 chapters posted so far) Shannon cannot go back.
His hair is matted and his clothes stiff with grime, the hollow of his stomach so carved out, it has started taking the fat from around his bones to feed. He ran away just a week after his birthday in summer, but now the air grows cold around him. It has been months since he had a bath or felt the warmth of a meal or knew the comforts of a bed.
But he is not about to go “home” to his fathers.
A Papa's Wrath Even for little boys who rarely got into trouble, whose gentle natures often persuaded a stern parent to be tender, a papa’s wrath could be immense for little thieves. The Starting Foundation The first meeting between Graham and Vivian. Seaside Meeting During a routine cleaning of the beach, Mir has the pleasure of meeting someone unexpected. The Screams of the Cicadas I’m here now, and I’m suffering all the same, and you won’t change. The Basement The basement has always seemed scary to all three Liddell children. They've also been told not to go down there by their fathers.
That's the perfect mix for siblings to start daring each other to go down there. Last Leaf of Autumn The time has come for our family to have another child.
This one will be autumn, and they will be one of two children planned in the coming years. ~*~ Planned or WIPs: - A story that shows the continuation of the rest of Bee's childhood and how he deals with the uncertainty of coming adulthood and what that means. It also details how much his fathers remain in his life. This might be a handful of chapters, but not too many. - Graham's perspective after Shannon leaves. This one is almost finished and details some of the ways Vivian manipulated Graham. - A multi-chaptered story about Vivian's childhood. I already named it and started writing, but I have no idea how long it'll be. It'll focus a lot on his time with Gideon, but I wanted to go deeper than that. Unfortunately, I find it very difficult to write about certain parts of his childhood in detail? So I'm trying to navigate that while driving home the severity of abuse he endured. - Someone asked me to write about the time Sophie and Graham met, and I do want to do that. It's blank right now, but the document was made months ago. - Some post-Seasons family bliss. Yes, such a thing exists, especially when it involves Jasper. - I'd also love to write a family gathering when Jacy is maybe a preteen, like 11 or so. This would be rather wholesome and involve more family feels. - I would love to talk more about Phineas and the sort of life he's lived, for as long as he's lived it. He's one of my favorite characters in the series and also the most fun to write! He's had joy and sorrow in spades. All worth exploring. Not sure if this would end up being a bunch of fragmented oneshots or just a short multi-chaptered story... - I don't know if I want to talk about why Pierce is estranged from his family and his relationship with his boyfriend (and later husband). I want focus on them!
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moonshotsx · 1 year
a cry for help - sashnetra (princess au)
in honor of our top 2 of the season <3
Anetra ran as fast as she could, she was too distraught to change forms again.
One moment she was drinking water from the river, the next a deafening sound caught her off guard.
She kept running, fleeing for her safety until she felt a piercing pain in one of her legs that caused her to tumble over ungraciously, hitting her head in the process.
She whined in pain one last time before everything turned black.
Sasha loved the peace being alone in the forest brought her.
She could close her eyes and feel the energy of every living creature running through the ground. Everything had a place and purpose.
Ever since she was exiled from her village, she had been adopted by the forest in a way, and she vowed to made sure nothing came to harm it, even if it came at the cost of human life.
A loud gunshot rang through the forest, followed by laughter.
Sasha despised them, coming in to harm and destroy her land.
She turned into a mist, traveling towards the sound to understand what was happening. She materialized behind a tree, close enough for her to be able to hear the men.
"Did you see how that deer ran? There's no way it's going far," One of the hunters seemed giddy.
"It went straight where we laid the traps. We are eating well tonight!" A second added as he put away his gun.
"Let's get back to the path. I give it an hour before it's dead".
Sasha's blood boiled, she was going to make them pay for hurting an innocent creature of her home.
She had to find the deer and save it before it was too late.
She made her way towards the directions the men had mentioned, careful not to make a sound as she moved.
After just a few yards, she could start spotting bear traps laying over the ground. What worried her was that she could also smell blood.
She was proven correct mere moments later when she found the wounded animal.
The deer kept moving, worsening the wound that had been caused by the trap.
"Let me help you, I don't want to hurt you," Sasha tried to reason with it, "It'll get worse if you move".
She calmly squatted closer, noticing a prominent scar on one of the deer's eyes.
The pupils kept switching between those she expected from the animal and those of a human.
That's when she quickly realized this was no ordinary animal.
"A shape-shifter?"
The deer halted its movements when it heard Sasha speak, as if it was afraid she might do something after finding out the truth.
"Right now, my priority is getting your leg out of this trap and heal your wound," she continued, keeping her tone gentle as to not startle it further, "Whether you want to change back into a human to speak to me or not is up to you, deal?"
She received the tiniest of nods after a minute.
"Good, now let me see what I can do. We don't have much time before those hunters come back".
The deer whined as Sasha opened the trap to free it and take a better look at the damage
The wound seemed to be only superficial, nothing Sasha's magic couldn't heal.
The deer watched quietly as Sasha worked on its leg.
In just a few moments the open wound closed up under Sasha's hand, fur growing back to cover the patch.
"That must feel much better, right? It won't even leave a scar".
She watched as the deer started shifting form right in front of her, taking the appearance of a young brunette.
She was wearing a loose blouse and trousers, those clothing would do little to keep her warm during the cold nights
No wonder the mysterious shape-shifter stayed in animal form.
"Thank you," she simply said, her voice hoarse from having spoken in a while.
"You're more than welcome...?"
"Anetra... my name is Anetra".
Sasha smiled, "Such a lovely name, I'm Sasha".
"Sasha...? Aren't you the witch that got exiled a decade ago?"
The response prompted the older woman to let out a bittersweet laugh, "You start living life true to yourself, and suddenly you're branded a witch. I never did anything wrong except stand for myself in front of those humans".
"There's no need for you to apologize," Sasha reached to hold Anetra's hand, taking a better look at the brunette.
She was stunning, to say the least. A beauty envied around the village, she was sure. It was curious how Anetra seemed to have decided to keep her scar even when she transformed.
"Thank you for trusting me to heal you," she quickly changed subjects, "Pardon my assumption, but I feel like you aren't the type to trust someone easily".
"I still don't trust you," Anetra said out of reflex, "I... I have learned to only count on myself. Once I started showing my powers, it was game over for me. People I thought cared about me turned on me in a heartbeat".
"I won't judge your attitude," Sasha replied, "but I hope to earn your trust," she smiled and Anetra couldn't help but break a smile back.
The sun was starting to set as they talked, a sign the hunters would be back soon.
Sasha had to get both of them out of there.
"Do you have anywhere to go? A home to stay in for the night? It's only bound to get colder this month".
"No... I have nowhere to go," she answered honestly.
"Would you like to come home with me?"
Anetra seemed to think it over.
She was... so tired, from running, hiding.
Sasha had been the first person in weeks, no, months to show her kindness.
Sasha chuckled, cracking a joke, "I thought you didn't trust a witch".
Anetra smiled, "I'll take the risk this time".
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transingthoseformers · 7 months
Speaking of RB Blades, someone actually pointed out that an orange helicopter has been seen a lot in the background of Earthspark in the earlier episodes of batch 1 or 2, which might signal that the Earthspark people want to bring in a helicopter bot in the future, but given that a few of the people on ES have previously worked on Rescue Bots (which a shout out to RB in the season 1 finale), maybe Blades might appear either as an Autobot or Terran. That along with a scooter that's been the subject of episodes where some of the characters were choosing an alt mode for themselves, which has prompted a few people to wonder if Sureshock or Sqweeks will make an appearance in ES in the future as a Terran or something given their alt modes were based off of scooters.
I saw that post too
I honestly feel like introducing either a Terran with a helicopter altmode, or Blades outright, would be amazing
But especially Blades
Because to me I feel like introducing Blades would be so interesting considering how his role as a cybertronian in human lives is an overall positive one, considering his role as a rescue bot (even if he isn't one in Earthspark because yeah, but having him in as a reference tells me he's more likely to be medic based or search and rescue), it'll mean so much
Earthspark Blades's design would be so damn pretty too
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xylodemon · 10 months
i've been skimming through The Great Hunt as i plot out the next chapter of my fic and i ended up having some Random Thoughts about the Show
(book spoilers under the cut)
what got me thinking was the Dragon Banner scene in TGH, particularly Mat's less-than-stellar reaction to finding out Rand can channel. it's a hard scene to read - even on rereads, knowing that Mat stops Being Like That fairly quickly - but it does help set up the fact that (nearly) everyone is going to be at least a little afraid of Rand moving forward.
i am, however, wondering if the show will skip all that, thinking that Mat staying behind at the Waygate is enough to put the necessary strain on their relationship. although... Rand defended Mat pretty vehemently in 1x07. it'll be interesting to see if Rand really isn't upset about it, or if he just snapped at Egwene in a "no one talks shit about my boyfriend bestie but me" kind of way.
while i was writing the last chapter of my fic, i rewatched the scene where Min tells Rand about Tam finding him in the snow, which got me thinking about them. i love Rand's screwy love-life, but in the books, Rand/Min is the least compelling of the relationships to me, mainly bc she spends so much of LOC/COS trying to make her viewing happen, regardless of what he wants (or says he wants). Show!Min's "ugh, you" reaction to him walking into the tavern makes me hope wonder if the show is going to rework their dynamic a bit.
Speaking of relationships, the show leaning into Moiraine/Siuan so hard (love it) has me curious re: what it plans to do with Siuan/Gareth and Moiraine/Thom. i have zero investment in either of those relationships, but Thom and Moiraine's feelings for each other are tied up with how the Tower of Ghenjei stuff plays out.
(not me maundering about stuff that'll be in, like, Season 10 or 11 when we're still waiting for Season 2.
back to Season 2: in the promo and the stills, Rand sure does seem to be channeling a lot. i wonder if he's going to skip the whole I'LL NEVER DO IT AGAIN I PROMISE stuff. likely, he starts off like that in 2x01/2x02 but gets "talked" out of it by "Selene." Rand traveling with her alone instead of with Loial and Hurin (RIP) has the potential to do truly bonkers things to their dynamic.
back to Mat (sorry i'm genuinely all over the place today): there's a scene in the promo that looks like he's being Healed, which suggests he's at Tar Valon. i'm wondering how he gets out. i understand that they're collapsing some plotlines from TGH and TDR, which would probably put Mat in the Tower while Egwene/Elayne/Nynaeve are at Falme. that means they won't be there to bust him out with Siuan's Black Ajah hunting letter.
Unraveling the Pattern on YT did a promo breakdown that's convinced me the Rand/Siuan meeting goes down in Cairhien. i'm wondering now if Siuan brings Mat with her. that would get him to Rand in time to go to Falme and blow the Horn.
Sadly, this could end up costing me two of my absolute favorite Mat sequences: his quarterstaff face-off with Gawyn and Galad, and the whole bit where he gambles his way out of Tar Valon.
(he still better answer the door naked when Rand saves him from the Darkhounds. that is peak comedy. PEAK.)
i'm probably not saying anything anyone hasn't already figured out here, but i'm thinking, since TGH and TDR are getting meshed, that Rand goes straight from Falme to the Aiel Waste. i've seen some speculation that Aviendha is the Aiel Perrin rescues from the cage, thus explaining why she's with him at Falme, but she wouldn't be the only Aiel around. i'm betting the show is altering the People of the Dragon prophecy so that it's about Falme (the Car'a'carn appearing in the sky???) rather than the Stone. Maybe Rand takes the Aiel with him when he goes to Tear and picks up his plot coupon Callandor.
okay, that's it. i swear.
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littlerosetrove · 3 months
If the hints and speculation about Buck being (and coming out as) bi this season turn out to be true, I'd honestly be really happy to see it done well and done with respect. I am forever and always a Buddie girlie (gn), and of course I'd looove to see Buddie become canon, but whatever the outcome of Buck and Eddie, again I'll be so pleased to see a bi Buck storyline handled with care.
As far as we can even tell, Eddie for season 7 is and will still be written as straight (despite Ryan playing Eddie so beautifully and so so queer <3). And of course this can change down the road because if Buck is going to be bi and if this is received well by the audience, well then that paves an easier path to later make Eddie queer too.
I've seen talk about the hows and whys of why the show would need to "introduce" one of our presumably straight guys as not straight, and not doing both at the same time. *flaps hand* Like I get all that, and hopefully y'all are okay with me not expanding on that further, cause we all get why anyway, yeah? So okay.
One way in which I hope Buck being bi is done justice is that whoever his new love interest may be (plenty think it'll be Tommy) will be a character that the writers care about, and put actual effort into whoever he is. Because as it stands, the only love interests that got the most work (for Buck) were Abby and Taylor. Yes even Taylor. The biggest issue there was that we all had to suffer her for over a fucking year, but anywayyyy. Ali in season 2 was barely present, but she had some spunk to her I suppose. Natalia is barely a character, be honest. Just based on her actions we can only conclude that no actually, she and Buck should not date (and thankfully it seems Natalia will be gone very early season 7).
So really I'm truly hoping that the guy, whoever he is and however long he sticks around, is a decently well rounded and written character. Bonus is if the guy is someone I can like on his own. That would be great! Because to mention Buck's previous love interests again, to me 1) Abby was an interesting character, but I didn't like how she treated Buck, 2) Ali was fine but she was there and gone, 3) Taylor was a shitty person and girlfriend and dear god I hope she has no more appearances, and 4) Natalia is just kinda there and yet still clearly not a good match for Buck.
Part of what I'm trying to say with these comparisons I guess is that while I'm a Buddie girlie (gn) and will always prefer them over any other pairing, like damn it would be a wonderful change to have a love interest for Buck (and Eddie) that I actually like, y'know?
To briefly touch on Eddie's romantic pairings 1) Shannon was an interesting character, but I didn't like her, 2) Ana was nice I guess (though low key ableist) but so bland, and 3) Marisol isn't even a character at this point, lbr. So I'm kinda begging at this point to give these fellas a love interest that I can like. 🙃
I hope all of this made sense.
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Q:Will the crowns certain witches have be addressed in Agatha's show?
A: No crown lore in AGATHA I'm afraid! IIRC someone official said that Wanda gets a crown bc of her Creation magic or something.
Q: Can you share any information about the Wonder Man series?
A: Sorry, sources have been eerily quiet on Wonderman.
I'll share whenever I hear anything though.🙃
Q: any update on spiderman 4? (tom) Marvel v. Sony is still the last I heard on it. It'll take some time before they hash this out
Got some interesting info coming soon for that R-rated animated project Sony is cooking though 👀
Q: Any other F4 villains/ antagonists besides Galactus and Silver Surfer?
A: Too early to tell currently. (Is Galactus and SS even confirmed??) Last I heard is that the script was still being touched up.
Q: How big is Bullseye's role in Born Again?
A: It's substantial but not a HUGE role.
Q: Can you tell us if anything has been cancelled? (Disney+ shows, future movies)
A: I haven't heard of anything getting canned from any of my sources 🤷🏽‍♀️
Q: What do you think will be the best upcoming what if season 3 episode
A: Nice try Imao. The mech episode will be a lot of fun though
Q: Any more exciting Agatha news soon? 👀
A: Actually got quite a bit of Agatha news coming VERY soon 👀🤔
Q: Will the darkhold make an appearance in Agatha?
A: It can't make an "appearance" since Wanda destroyed them all, but it's certainly mentioned.
Q: Any update on when Eternals characters will return?
A: Check recent posts.
Q: Any details on what if…? Season 3 release? Spring? Summer?
A: it's been reported that it was planned for release this year, but it's unclear if that's still the case.
The lot of you will be the first to hear if I get any word on it
Q: What was your favorite movie from 2023?
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2023 was killer. Besides the obvious answers like Barbie and Oppenheimer, I thought these two films were amazing.
Q: Is Mysterios what if return as a cameo or a main focus?
A: More than a cameo forsure.
Q: Will we see more of Joe Locke in mcu after Agatha 👀👀
A: 100%. Billy has a lot to do
Q: niche question lol but do you know anything about John Walker's arc in Thunderbolts?
A: My sources have said that he's been doing his best to redeem himself.
If his best is the "right" way is to be determined…
Q: Will we ever get a strange academy? I just got done reading the comics!
A: I've heard whispers of something inspired by Strange Academy, AND Zelma Stanton is appearing in Ironheart
Q: X-Men
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Q: Is there any updates with Ironheart dates?? I swear I read they finished filming a while bak
A: They finished filming ages ago but I heard they're reworking things and will reshoot soon if they haven't started already.
Q: Is there any validity to the Plastic Man movie rumours?
A: I've been told no, but I want them to be true 😭
Q: Do you think part 2 of Born Again will happen?
A: Yes I do.
Q: What marvel character would your ideal film, series, or special presentation be about?
A: Specifically Joe Fixit 👀👀👀👀
Q: Should we worry about Captain America 4?!
A: I wouldn't be worried. Marvel is doing to Cap 4 what they did to DDBA:
They saw what they had, and are putting in the time and money to make it better.
Q: Will Thunderbolts be Rated R?
A: Nah I would highly doubt that.
Q: will we ever see daredevil in a comic accurate costume
A: Yes. He was supposed to get a new suit in the old finale (classic Marvel TV fashion, I know). Not sure about the new finale tho. Might be saved for part 2.
Q: Will DD:BA have a mature tone, and show the religious side of Matt like the Netflix show?
A: Yes. It was reworked to bring more of that mature tone back, especially in the action.
Q: Any future plans for Zemo in Thunderbolts or the MCU moving forward?
A: In Thunderbolts? No. In the MCU moving forward? Yes.
Q: Do we know who is on the table with the tag on the toe in Agatha?
A: The toe tag says W. MAXIMOFF 👀
Q: Do you know if we will see Mephisto in the MCU soon?
A: Mephisto will appear in Ironheart
Q: Is Wonder Man among the cancelled projects Bob Iger is referring to?
A: No. Don't expect anything that is already filming to get cancelled.
Q: will the survivors from the what if zombie episode be in marvel zombies?
A: Yes.
Q: Is Vision Quest still in the works?
A: The last i heard it was still in the works.
Q: Will we see blade in live action before his movie?
A: Unlikely. But we'll see him in animation at least 😭
Q: DDBA is releasing this year so what time of this year should we be expecting it to release
A: DDBA is NOT releasing this year
Q: Will Agatha and Rio have an stable romantic relationship in the series?
A: More like the opposite of stable 👀 💜
Q: Why did you lie about the Agatha series being titled Agatha All Along? D+ reveals its just Agatha
A: That's like asking Disney why they lied when they originally announced the series to be Agatha: House of Harkness 😭😭
My source was certain so I reported it Imao
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