#i wont kill myself pinky promise
xunkun · 9 months
undead solos and new song what if i killed myself what is local tumblr user vex killed himself what if i kiled myself wahtITWHA TIFIWATH IF IK I
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nympho-scene-boy · 4 months
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localduffyx · 1 year
I can’t Breathe ; Bea Miller
A/N ; i wasnt going to do a part 2 unless someone asked for it, and they did, so here you go @tookiostarzz
Warnings ; a suicide mention on the Reader’s behalf,
pairing; Richie Kirsch x GN!Reader
Somebody get me a hammer
Wanna break all the clocks and the mirrors
And go back to a time that was different
A time when I
Didn't feel like there was something missing
Now my body and mind are so distant
Don't know how to escape from this prison
How can I free my mind?
Tears rolled down my face, as Richie shook his head. “Not really.” My hands went over the wound, after Richie pulled the knife out. I noticed he sent me the address to Stu Macher’s house. “Why?” i asked as i managed to back away.
'Cause I can't breathe
“I didn’t think you would get sober that fast,” Richie started; “And you would’ve survived, in my movie, if you waited a bit.” I was confused. “What fucking movie?” Richie walked closer, as i backed away.
I can't breathe
“But i guess,” Richie paused, as i stopped backing away. “You could survive.” I shook my head, as the tears stained my face.
I can't breathe
“Why should i believe you at this point?” i asked as the tears had stopped.
I can't breathe
“You lured me here, just to kill me, that i could’ve done myself!” Richie shrugged.
I can't breathe
“Fuck the movie.” i said, before i managed to run inside the house, and lock the door. I walked towards the kitchen, searching for a knife or anything at this point. I opened a drawer, seeing a knife. i grabbed it, and walked cautiously to the living room.
How can I live in the moment
When my thoughts never feel like my own and
Don't know how to admit that I'm broken
How can I be alright?
i sat on the couch, looking at my wound. I took my flannel off, and pressed it against my wound. i hissed out in pain, stabbing the couch as a small relief, then my phone started to ring.
'Cause I can't breathe
I grabbed my phone, seeing Richie’s name. i answered it and put the phone up to my ear.
I can't breathe
“The flannel wont hold the blood for long.” my breathing hitched as i looked around.
I can't breathe
“You forgot the back door.” i quickly brought it away from my ear ending the call.
I can't breathe
i started to dial 9-1-1, but the blood on my hands wasn’t helping.
I can't breathe
i heard footsteps walking towards me. I quickly shot up, knife in hand, as Richie was standing there.
I can't breathe
“Like i said before,” Richie said, looking at the knife in my hand. “You can survive the movie.” i scoffed and finally gave in,
I can't breathe
“How?” i asked, as Richie put his knife down, “You can help me.” i shook my head, “And what if i don’t?” i waited as Richie chuckled,
I can't breathe
“Then you don’t survive.” i gripped the knife tighter, as i nodded. “Fine.” i said, dropping the bloody knife. I would be lying if i said i didn’t want to.
I can't breathe
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winderlylandchime · 11 months
1/2 and we are at 4x06. He came back and sat down and went ‘okay so i am now fully relaxed and chill. I talked to myself in the mirror. And we both agreed that going forward, i will be now more calm.’ ‘What is this? Ohhhh Kinnetik launch party! awww he gave the check back. I knew it was killing him to accept the help…quick question, why didn’t he remove the showers? JUSTIN! Are we back to normal? Oh shit, Deb and Em are roommates!! BLONDIE IS BACK! MY BLONDIE IS BACK! Aww Brian, is gonna make a speec- why the fuck is Lindsay following him up there? Girl get the fuck out, you have nothing to do with any of this. AWW FEMALE BLONDIE IS UP THERE. See! SHE makes sense. Linds doesnt. AND JUSTIN! Now he makes sense because HE NAMED IT! Shoo lindsay, this isnt your moment. LOOK AT THEM KISSING! I LOVE THIS! This was nice! Finally my blondie is back!’ ‘Now why the fuck is Debbie ignoring Vic? Right, she’s angry but still. RAGE? A MOVIE?! HOLY FUCKING SHIT! She needs to stop being a bitch to Vic. I get shes angry but still’ ‘awwww he immediately went to Brian to tell him the news! Of course he did. MY BLONDIE IS BACK! That’s right Brian, go back to school Justin! Look at him making time to celebrate Justin. AWWWW’ ‘TED! AND EM! oh shit, this is gonna be tough, isn’t it? Yeah, i was right, this is tough. Fuck. I feel ripped in half. Im happy for Ted, i understand Em, but i want them to be friends again. Fuck’ ‘oh ben is miserable. And jealous and a bitch. Bro, he is your partner, you’re supposed to be supportive no matter what. Fuck you man’ ‘okay, i get Ted but dude! Come on. Hasn’t Blakey been through enough? Let that man live, he can’t catch a fucking break’ ‘FINALLY VIC AND DEBBIE MADE UP! We have a lot of catching up to do so let’s get to it babies! *waves to deb and vic* this is us when we grow up. Why is she bringing up what all she did for him because of aids? That’s wrong. I take it back, this isn’t us when we grow up. OH FUCK YOU DEBBIE! TOTALLY NOT US! NOT US! NEVER US!’ *he forced me to pinky promise that that wont be us* ‘did they change babylon? I dont remember this bench thing, because i know for a fact that they wouldve fucked on it by season 2. Ohhh Justin being sassy to Brian. Ohhh ibiza *says it like justin and then brian corrects justin* okay, my bad. He could have anything he wanted and he is betting school? HE REALLY CARES ABOUT HIS EDUCATION AND FUTURE. Fellas, how about this, you both fuck him. That way, you go to ibiza AND back to school? Win win’ ‘no Ben, the only piece of shit here is you. What a jealous prick. Who does that? Mike literally told him that he shouldnt judge his book cause he’s not smart enough since he didnt go to community college, which was fucked up b-t-w just to make up for hurting his feelings and this fucker cant even pretend to be happy for a moment? Fuck you. YEAH, GO OFF MIKE’ ‘aw Blake and Emmett. I need them to be friends. Oh god, i just had a realization. I sound like that chick in mean girls who wanted to bake cupcakes and make everyone friends. Blake, deserves the world!’ And now we are at the Britin/gym scene ‘it took 4 seasons for Justin to go with him to the gym? Bullshit, this man was stalking Brian like crazy in season 1. He would’ve had gym membership AND his personal trainer by episode 3. Ohhh its that guy! Damn, Brian really wants him to go back to school. What is he doing? Justin, what did you do? CRABS? What a little shit. I missed this. I missed them’ ‘Lindsay, what the fuck are we doing here again? Bagel? Hair and outfit, looking like that? Babe, what is going on? This is weird AND creepy. DUDE HANDS OFF HER ASS! WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON. YOU SHOULD’VE PUNCHED HIM HARDER AND LET HIM FALL! PIG’
Brother shouting about Lindsay being up on the stage at the launch party is so correct. WHY IS SHE THERE?
Your brother getting all worried and upset about Vic and Debbie's fight. I'm going to cry.
it took 4 seasons for Justin to go with him to the gym? Bullshit, this man was stalking Brian like crazy in season 1. He would’ve had gym membership AND his personal trainer by episode 3 OKAY I snorted at that. So accurate.
UGH the start of Lindsay and that guy. UGH
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theendofuno · 1 year
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okay….haii tl;dr: i want to throw myself from a reactor nuclear and besides loving this page dearly keeping it daily isnt helping me with these kinda of thought so ill start a god-knows-who-long hiatus
now *puts a music box version of meltdown by iroha for dramatic purposes* *cleans throat* pretending im talking to an audience its easier for me okay dont judge me :(
i dont know how to write texts but ill try my best to explain everything without going into too much annoying stuff but the text may have a few suicide mentions here and there
i created this page in a very dark period of my life that never went away, it actually worsened everyday. it was supposed just to be fun and games, "oh this character didnt got released this month, maybe drawing him everyday for a month until he gets here will be very funny!!!" *stares at 2 years*
as you can see, i didnt had ANY prepare to keep going for the long we did, but this is 100% not a complain
i really love this page, i really do love everyone i've met, i love having this project with my best friend, but i cant and wont lie: it made me VERY worse than i already was. it made me feel good, it made me feel loved, it made me feel human again, and at the same time it absolutely killed me
having to keep this consistence everyday, having to do good drawings, not allowing myself to do what it was better for my own health just because i didnt wanted to disappoint people with silly drawings when the first week was all cool drawings full colored with a bunch of details, references and etc
i really lost my count of how many times i had a terrible breakdown or even an attempt and my first thought was just "yeah that sucked. anyway i have to work so people will have some art tomorrow!"
and to be honest i dont think starting this page with my friend was…..that of a good idea. i know youre here just for their art. you dont need to lie i know theyre better than i am and you would prefer to see their art everyday other than mine. dont worry the feeling its mutual
but well theyre a slow artist and i wont be the one forcing them to draw everyday, i am the one that can do it and thats what i did for 300 days until now!
but that was something that kinda broke my feelings also cuz im very harsh on myself and keeping comparing their drawings to mine, not only the quality but also the different attention it all got (and sometimes it was almost a 20 likes difference so..sucks to be me ig) isnt doing good for my little damaged brain. its 100% not their fault tho and im not saying it is KJGDKFDK but if im going to be honest then i will
i dont know how to keep going the text tbh,, so,, my point is that im havent felt well since i started the page, and i love it with my whole heart, and these feelings have nothing to do with uno, grand chase itself, or the community (maybe a 2% fault go for annoying people from twitter /hj), im just being a little egoistic and doing this for myself or otherwise i can go completely insane and well. psych wards dont look funny :(
i really feel nasty, an HORRIBLE human being, absolute egoistic trash by abandoning the page, i feel SO FUCKING BAD for not drawing my son, by not updating here everyday and allowing people to see the silly stuff i do, but i guess i got to my breaking point where i just cant keep ignoring my suicide attempts by drawing and keeping my mouth shut (really, my last attempt was so scary i didnt fully recovered from)
i guess that was it
i pinky-promise i'll try my best to keep drawing and posting everytime i can, but it wont be daily, and it may not be weekly also, but i didnt gave up and i WONT gave up, this page is my absolute pride and joy and i cant just let it go away for a bad mental day. i still love and forever will love uno and drawing him, and i'll be forever happy for everyone i've met and helped me even without they knowing, just by liking or commenting on my stuff
i hope you guys can forgive me for abandoning stuff right now and i hope y'all dont forget me. i wont be mad if you forget me. i'll just be a little sad. maybe cry a little *stares at you like that ( ◕_◕)* but dont worry. its okay.
i'll be trying my best to get back posting daily at least around day 330, but dont put high hopes. please. dont expect much. bigs chances i'll be just dropping a stick man with a heart ahoge saying haiiiii and go back to posting silly ugly art
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kutyaharapas · 8 months
sometimes i think about that little 13 yr old boy who i shared a. facility? with in the psych ward that asked me why am i here how did i end up here and i told him well i tried killing myself and he asked why. and i was stumped and said i dont know. i just didnt wanna live anymore? what am i supposed to say. and he just told me i was an idiot for that and its stupid to want to die. and i went ??????? ok sorry. i wont. do it again? and he said good. dont. pinky promise. and i said yea fine pinky promise. and then he got out of my room. for a super long time i was angry he called me stupid and i felt spiteful but to be frank. that was one of the more honest and unfiltered reactions ive ever got. i hope hes doing okay
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okay my mum came into my room again and told me she loves me and she yelled at me again for saying stuff when i shouldnt of and then she said she had it dealt with and only she can unroll me she made me pinky promise i wont hurt but she forgot to lock and thats her fault, it doesnt mean anything. maybe next time shell pay attention ive told her multiple times you have to lock or it doesnt count
also she told me not to go to the school anf tellk them im going to kill myself, and then her catchphrase: have a shower (usually set durning or after a breakdown for idk what reason)
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dylansslutt · 3 years
just tell me / j.m
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JJ Maybank imagine :)
Prompt: you and jj both liked each other, but to stubborn to admit. When something goes down at the bonfire, feelings get confessed
Warnings: season2 spoilers!!!, cussing, fighting, drinking underage, weed.
the air felt nice, especially considering schools about to start. The bonfire was going down today, it happens every year before school starts. you and the pogues sat around the chateau, killing time until we had to leave.
john b and sarah got into it, so you had no clue where she was. yet you didn’t bother to ask, john be clearly looked pissed. you were seated next to jj, his hand running up and down your thigh.
the rest of the group thought the two of you would end up like john b and sarah... you weren’t ready to play that game. jj was the best, your best friend; but he had a reputation. his record of keeping a girl lasted about a night or so... kicking them out the next morning.
he was cute, definite ladies man. he was funny, mostly genuine when with his friends. yet, you weren’t about to risk saying anything, especially when you had no idea if he even viewed you like that.
you sat quietly, causing him to glance over at you. “hey?”
“You good ?” he softly pokes you, your head nodding. your mind carried away with thoughts. some about your family issues, other danced around the fact that you were up late reading some steamy books. having the desperate need of something more stuck in the back of your head.
“You sure? You’re quiet today.” his voice brought you out of your daze, you sigh. “yeah, jay ‘m fine.” you stood up, heading outside for a breathe of fresh air.
you missed the look john b threw towards jj, or the way jj followed your retreating figure with his eyes.
"what’s up with her today?” john b asked jj, who just answered with a shrug.
You let your feet dangle in the water. the frustration felt like it was just bubbling at the surface, you wanted to be away from everyone at the moment. not wanting to pop off someone, just because you couldn’t find someone to take the edge off.
that’s when a idea popped into your head. you could just find a cute boy at the party tonight; a great distraction. someone to help take the edge off. it was decided, you were gonna have a good fucking time, find someone who was worth it, and let out some much needed relief. no feelings, no problems.
“So you gonna tell me what’s up?” JJ plopped down beside you, nearly causing you to let out a startled scream. you slap his arm softly, “ya’ scared me, jesus.”
he laughed, nudging your shoulder. “wassup? for real.” you bit your lip softly, deciding to be honest.
“if im honest, promise you wont laugh.” you held your pinky out, and he nods linking his pinky with yous. “promise.”
“im frustrated today.”
his eyebrows raised, “wha- ohh. wait how come?”
you glance at him confused, “what do you mean ‘how come’. girls have needs too, come on jj.” his hands raise in defense, “didn’t say ya’ didn’t, just confused is all. i mean come on, you don’t have anyone to handle that with?”
“no jj, im not like you. i don’t just sleep with whoever, whenever... but tonight i think i might pull one of your moves.” he laughs at that. “why didn’t you just ask me instead?”
you choke on your spit, do what. ask him? you bust out laughing. “Ask you? god your funny.” he pouts, “i don’t see why your laughing. im pretty skilled, if i do say so myself.”
you stare at him in disbelief, “you must think your hot shit, but also we can’t. no pogue on pogue macking remember?”
he rolls his eyes, “that’s bullshit and you know it, but hey. if you don’t end up going home with someone, offers still available.” and with that he stood up, leaving you confused and alone.
what the fuck just happened?
you stood around a group of people, a drink in your hand. you felt a tap, jj hands you a blunt. “thank ya’ sir.” you mock a fake english accent, taking the blunt from him. you didn’t let earlier affect you, just allowing yourself to feel free.
the waves sending a nice breathe over your body, you hit the blunt a few times. you were having a good time, not too drunk; just feeling good. you had some soft maroon shorts on with a black oversized crop top on. something simple and cute, hopefully cute enough for a distraction.
you pass the blunt back to jay, before heading over to the keg. you giggle to yourself as you refill your cup. “hey, mind if you fill me up too?” a voice spoke up behind you.
your eyes flick towards a cute boy, he was tall. you allow yourself to scan his features, blond hair, blue eyes, dimples. he was fine. you hold the nozzle out towards his cup, “sure.” you were now playing your game.
you allowed your doe eyes to challenge his, a soft smile etching your face. “thanks, uhh...” he allowed you to reveal your name. “y/n. but you can call me y/n/n”
“austin, my friends call me jackass.” he jokes, making you softly giggle, even though it really wasn’t that funny. “so you from here?” he keeps the conversation going. you nod as you take a sip of the beer.
“born and raised, what about you?” he shook his head. “nah, we’re actually from tennessee. but my parents have a beach house here, so we come down a lot. like 5/6 times a year.”
you nod, “that’s really cool, i’ve never been to tennessee before.” you reach in your bra, pulling your vape out. “it’s not a bad place, i just like the beach more.”
“yeah, i dont know what i’d do without the ocean. its my safe haven.” you confessed, you glance back at the boy seeing him already staring at you.
“do you have a boyfriend?” you laugh, “god no.” his eyebrows raise at that.
you give him a confused look, “what’s the hmm for?” he shakes his head. “nothing.” you scoff, jokingly pushing him. “i don’t believe you.”
he chuckles, “it’s just funny, you’re pretty as fuck, smart too.” you felt your cheeks heat up, not use to such compliments. “well thank ya’.”
you take another gulp of your beer, before settling back into the atmosphere. “what about you? got any girls back home?” he shook his head, “nah.”
“See that’s crazy, a guy as cute as you. hard to believe.” you toy with him, he glanced down at you. a smirk evident on his lips.
“y/n? yo i’ve been looking everywhere for ya’.” a voice called from a few feet away. you look over your shoulder, a high ass jj making his way towards you. you roll your eyes, telling austin to give you one second.
“well i’ve been right here the entire time, what ya want jay? im kinda in the middle of something.” you mumble out the last part since you weren’t that far from the other boy.
he glanced over your shoulder, “oh come on, y/n. i gave you a option, not for you to choose a look alike.” your jaw dropped at that statement.
“the fuck? im not sitting here choosing your god damn doppleganger, jj! im so sorry that your upset i didn’t accept your half assed fucking offer you give every other girl, but i have respect for myself. and i thought you would too.”
with that being said you turn around walking back over to the other blond, rolling your eyes in annoyance. the fucking nerve that boy has, god what the hell.
“you okay?” austin questioned you, you finished off your cup. “yeah, all good.” you refill your cup again, turning back to the boy. “i wanna smoke, you got any bud?”
austin nods, “yeah actually it’s in my bag, over there.” he leads you towards a small group, his hand intertwined with yours. there were two boys in deep discussion. “guys.” austin cleared his throat.
the two boys look up, “this is y/n, y/n this is sam and alex.” you silently wave at the two boys, both of them saying hi. you and austin sat beside them, him reaching into a backpack.
he pulled out a tray, grinder, rillos, and a baggie of weed. “oh someone was prepared.” i joke causing the boys to laugh.
“of course, never leave the house without it.” austin began to get to work, the other boys fall back into conversation. you glance at his bag, eyes landing on a baggie of pills. your eyes furrowed in confusion.
you glance back at the tray, observing everything. his hand looked as if it held something in it. it seemed sketchy. “hey, real quick let me go grab my phone before someone steals it.” he nods and i get up and leave.
you quickly get away from them, not even bothering with that shit. you see kie and walk over to her. “i need a drink.” you mutter, stealing her fresh new one.
“okay just steal mine.” you stayed quiet, gulping the drink down. “you okay?” her figure now in front of you.
“me and jj got into it, and this guy austin brought me over to his friends to smoke but they had pills... and he was being sketchy.” you rambled out, running your hands through your hair.
her eyebrows raised, “well they wont mess with you, i’ll make sure of it. what happened between you and jj though?”
you shake your head, “nothing, i need another drink.” you hand her back the empty cup walking off. your eyes scan the area, shockingly enough you see sarah with topper.
“what the fuck...” you muttered. you grab a cup pouring half the vodka bottle in it. you scan the scenes around you, john b was talking with some brunette, kie stood talking with pope. yet you couldn’t see jj.
you sigh, throwing back some of the liquor. tonight was supposed to go way different. you turn around going to leave when austin is once again in front of you.
“you left.” he states, you bit your lip. “yeah sorry i have to uh-”
“uh.. you know where im from that’s considered rude.” his arms cross, making you glare up at the boy.
your eyes flicker to the left seeing jj staring at you, you desperately hoped he saw your eyes. instead he just looked away, talking with the girl beside him.
“yeah, see... i got to go.” you made way to move past him but his hand caught your arm. “are you for real?”
you rip your arm from his grasp, “dont fucking touch me.”
you ignored jj’s concerned glance, just ready to leave. you made way through the people. john b’s face appeared, “y/n!”
you roll your eyes, “hey.” your arm on the other hand was hurting from the guys grip. john b glances down at it, “dude, what happened?”
you shake your head, “some guy grabbed me. im okay thou-” your voice got cut off by the sound of people yelling. your head swung around, jj on top of austin.
“oh my g- JJ!” you rush forward. john b and pope pull him off the guy, jj face still enraged. “bet you won’t do it now pussy!” he spits down at the guy, his face bleeding. his friends made way over as the rest of us move out.
“what was that?” kie questions, your mind asking the same thing. jj eyes found me, a glare evident. “ask her.” he storms off.
everyone stared at me confused, “wh-what? the guy he beat up is the guy i told you-” you pointed at kie. “that was being sketchy. he came back and grabbed me but i left. i dont know why jj fought him though.” you confessed, now stressed about the whole thing.
with that being said you followed jj, “jay.”
your voice called out,you two getting closer to the van. “what” frustration clear in his tone. “why are you being such a dick? i didn’t even do shit to you!” you were over his fucking attitude.
he ignored you walking up to the van only for it to be still locked. “are you kidding me?” he mutters.
“so you just gonna keep ignoring me?” you stand in front of him now. “what do you want me to say y/n?” his tone softer this time.
“tell me why you got in a fight, would be a good start.” you crossed your arms. he rolls his eyes, “i was defending you. i saw how he grabbed you, and you didn’t hear the stuff he said after you left.”
your eyes soften, “you didn’t have to fight him for me. i appreciate it though.” he shakes his head, laughing softly.
“you still don’t see it?” now you were confused, what was he talking about?
“what don’t i see?” without hesitation his lips landed on mine. you freeze for a second before pushing him off.
“what the fuck jj? did you not hear me earlier?” you walk away from the van not even caring to get a ride home. you were so annoyed with him.
“i fucking love you. y/n y/l/n!” he yells from behind you, making you hault. you slowly turned to face him. “don’t lie to me.”
he looks at you in disbelief. “you know me like the back of my hand. why would i lie about this.” tears filled your eyes. “you love me?” you were shocked.
“yes. i am in love with you.”
you throw yourself in his arms, “oh thank god. i love you too.” you kissed him this time
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dorkydiaz · 4 years
911 4x04 Things cause uhh (insert spongebob wiping his brow meme here)
It has been awhile and I have thoughts 
Spoilers below :) Also I swear a lot in here so there’s that. 
Okay so like absolutely fuck them, they are horrible parents. But we kinda had that one pegged. 
But everyone being like, he doesn’t have a baby box cause he was a donor kid or whatever, clearly doesn’t have a sibling. Cause in my experience the youngest always gets the short end of the stick on these sorts of things. Like I am 6 years younger than my brother. I don’t have a baby book, and I didn’t see honest to god baby pictures until high school, hell I wasn’t even baptized (not that I care but moving on) and my brother was. It doesn’t rule that theory out at all, but like, it is not a reason to come to that conclusion. 
Anyway, more thoughts-- they will be all over the place cause its been like an hour and a half and so much has happened and I am still processing. 
Maddie is her actual given name?? Like huh. That’s kinda weird, but ok
Chim, Albert, Maddie, and Buck all together--- I need more of this good content.
THE PINKY PROMISE THING IS BACK- this is obs a sibling thing and I love it 
Chim using the pole to escape-- 10/10 hilarious
“Love me anyway.” “LOVE ME ANYWAY”-- I am about to cry again just thinking about it - that shit hurted and will haunt me- GOD Oliver was good
Firefam being so casual about buck in therapy opposed to Maddie and parents reactions, just wow, yeah. good shit. 
My money is on they called him Dan, or Danny and that’s why they hate nicknames, cause Danny and Maddie just sounds cute and stuff--- Also totally explains Evan- like its short, there is not a nickname for it really, it’s different that either Daniel or Maddie, so yeah it just makes sense.  
GAAWWD I hate them they are so awful, what the fuck was that gaslighting bullshit. Like talking about Doug, even after Maddie has said she does not want to talk about him (for OBVIOUS reasons) and then her mom is back on it and is just like “the husband who must not be named”) GAHHHHH
She ran all the way across the country when her parents were in the same town-- I just want to hug these children, and punch their parents
If I have to sit through mads and buck forgiving them next week- I will fight- cause they are sooooo emotionally abusive and that is not something that gets forgiven easily. 
Okay, so my theory as to why Maddie told them about him going to therapy is that he has repressed memories about how Daniel died. Cause otherwise, is he gonna be talking through stuff and Dr. Copeland is just gonna be like, sounds like you had another sibling that died? no-- cause that also explains why everyone is so worried about buck finding out. And to my knowledge we have never really seen Buck trapped in a fire before, which is different than all the other traumas, and could trigger him into having flashbacks or something, especially since now he knows of Daniels existence. 
Also the parallel of Eddie being trapped underground and then Buck also being trapped 🤡 ( i hate myself sometimes)  If there isn’t a parallel of Eddie screaming buck like when Buck was screaming for eddie I will be a bit sad
Also Buck as Protective Younger Sibling TM is just *chefs kiss* We have gotten it a few times with them but I feel like it barely ever happens on tv cause like that’s not the trope, younger siblings are feisty af and wont let you forget it 
In conclusion FUCk the Buckley Parents- I hate you- there is no redemption arc for forcing your 9 year old to lie like that, or all around treating both of your children like shit 
I love the Buckley Siblings, I will fight the writers if they hurt either one of them anymore on this fucking show that I conned myself into getting emotionally attached to
anyway... imma go read some fanfic to soothe my mind 
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Without You
chapter thirteen 
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johnny’s pov
i sat in the parking lot of the hotel with the flowers in my lap. 
how the hell was i going to find ivy?
i sighed and threw my head back.
“listen, i need help. so can you please- just send me a sign?” i said talking to god out loud.
as i lifted my head, out walked alonna and jae from the hotel lobby. i sat up straight in the drivers seat and leaned forward a bit.
that was definitely jae, walking alonna to ivy’s car.
she was all dressed up.
i wonder where she’s going..
jae kissed her goodbye, then watched her pull off.
as he walked back into the lobby, i started my car and followed alonna.
ivy’s pov
rolling out of bed, i ran to the bathroom to get ready for Laura’s.
ivy’s outfit:
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as i hopped in the uber, i smiled out the window. all i could think about was mark kissing me after he left.
i could still feel his lips on mine, as i ran my fingertips over my lip gloss.
pulling up to the restaurant, i was immediately seated for a table for two- outside.
i bounced my leg underneath the table as i waited for alonna.
it seemed like forever, until i seen my car pull into the parking lot.
i hopped out of my seat and walked over to the small gate that divided the tables from the sidewalk.
calling out for my sister, i waved her over and she smiled.
as she approached me, i reached to hug her over the gate.
“i missed the memo for dressing up.” i laughed.
alonna’s outfit:
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“i mean, you did say brunch. this is how i normally dress for the occasion.” she laughed.
i watched alonna walk inside, then prance her way over to our table.
“spill the tea.” she said as she pointed her finger at me and raised her eyebrows. 
“before i have to kill you for walking out the door with mark.” alonna set her purse down on the extra seat and crossed her legs as shes sat.
i giggled to myself as the waitress walked up. we ordered two mimosas.
“am i going to have to beat this juicy story out of you, or what?” alonna said losing her patience.
i sighed and tucked my hair behind my ear, sitting down.
“nothing major happened.. i’m just liking his attention right now.” i admitted.
“so, what about johnny. you don’t have feelings for him, do you?” she said resting her elbows on the table.
“i don’t know. i mean, he did admit that he had feelings for me- at his party. but then he beat up mark. which made me change my mind about him.”
alonna nodded.
“well, you need to stay away from him. he put you in danger and im not okay with that.”
as our drinks were served, alonna took a big sip- closing her eyes.
i waited for a moment before i dropped my bomb on her.
“why didn’t you tell me about you and jaehyun?”
she shot her eyes open and nearly choked on her drink.
i laughed and handed her a napkin.
i was honestly sad that she didn’t tell me.
did she feel like she couldn’t trust me?
my sister sighed, pouting.
“i didn’t know how. plus i was scared..” she folded her arms across her chest and looked off to the side.
“it’s not like i was going to tell you not to do it. i mean, look at me.”
shrugging my shoulders, i took a drink of my mimosa.
“my feelings are hurt, but i just thought we told each other everything..”
she poked her bottom lip out at me.
“i’m sorry.. i guess i just didn’t know how to bring it up to you. and i didn’t want you to feel like i was rubbing it in your face at all.”
i nodded my head.
“you could have also told me that you knew them before “meeting” them at the airport.”
alonna rolled her eyes.
“you would have never came to the studio with me, if i told you that i knew them before.”
“yeah. you’re right.” i laughed, agreeing with her.
“no more secrets, okay?” 
i held out my pinky and waited for her to do the same.
“i promise. no more secrets.” extending her pinky, i connected mine with hers.
she smiled as we released the sealed deal and picked up her menu.
“i also dated taeyong for a little bit too.” she said hiding.
“alonnaaaa!” i laughed.
johnny’s pov
watching from the drivers seat, i clutched onto the floors.
i felt so weird, like i was spying on them.
well, technically i was.
suddenly my phone rang.
“hey, man. where are you?” jae asked.
i had to lie.
“uh, at my dad’s shop- helping out. what’s up?”
“malcolm needs us at the studio. we’re meeting with marteen today and it’s just going to be me, you and mark. so could you please- be chill about this?” he asked.
i rolled my eyes at the sound of his name.
“what time?”
“around 2pm. can you meet me at the studio before the meeting though?”
i nodded.
“i’ll be there at 1. see you then.”
i quickly hung up the phone and shoved the device in my pocket.
“perfectly timing.” i mumbled as i watched alonna get up and walk away from the table.
bathroom break, im assuming. 
gathering up all the confidence i had left, i opened the car door- jumping out and taking the flowers with me.
i dodged being in the sight of ivy, quickly making it to the entrance.
the host greeted me and i smiled, walking past him.
taking a deep breathe, i made my way outside and walked to ivy’s table.
ivy’s pov
looking out into the parking lot, i tilted my head a bit.
that almost looked like johnny’s car.
i furrowed my brows, feeling a present behind me.
“that was quick.” i laughed. “hey, does that look like johnny’s car to you?”
i turned around expecting to see alonna, but it was johnny instead.
he had a weak smile on his face, with a bouquet of flowers in his hand.
“yeah, that’s me.” he chuckled.
i leaned away a little and placed my hand over my heart.
“johnny?.. what are you doing here?”
he quickly pulled up a chair, sitting next to me.
“i’ll make this quick. cause i know you don’t wanna see me right now and i really don’t wanna get slapped again.” he halfway chuckled.
“ivy- i like you. that’s all there is to it. i’m not totally sure if you like me back, but i hope that you still do. i know that what i did to mark was wrong-”
i tensed up at his name.
“there’s no excuse for what i did. and i take full responsibility for my actions.”
johnny slowly reached his hand out for mine, squeezing it.
“i apologize, for putting you in that type of environment. and if you give me a chance to prove that i’m actually a good person- you wont regret it.”
i furrowed my brows as i listened.
i wanted to cry so badly because i could see in his eyes, that he was truly sorry for everything he did.
“i don’t need an answer right now. you can take as much time as you need to think about it-” handing over the flowers, he leaned in to kiss my forehead.
“just know that i have feelings for you. and i wanna get to know you better.”
watching him stand up, i hugged onto the flowers.
“i hope you can forgive me, ivy.”
johnny gently tossed my curls off my shoulder and softly smiled.
“you look beautiful by the way..”
my body was frozen. i couldn't speak or think.
i had half the nerve to stand up and kiss this man right on his lips, for admitting that he was wrong. i knew that wasn't easy for anyone, so i respected him for that.
i watched as johnny made his way back out to his car, and drove off.
“girl- the soap in that bathroom smells so freakin-” alonna said approaching the table.
her eyes went straight to the flowers, then back at me.
“how did he know where we were?” 
i was quiet.
“ivy! did you tell johnny that we were meeting?” she asked as she sat down, waving her hand in front of me.
i shook my head.
“oh my god- he must have followed me from the hotel then. that little fucker.” alonna looked out into the parking lot and groaned.
“i told him to stay away from you.” she pulled out her phone, dialing some numbers.
“you told him what?” i said keeping my grip on the bouquet.
jaehyun’s pov
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pulling up to the studio, i sang to myself- making my way into our room.
“well, well, well.” 
looking over towards the booth, i seen taeyong slipping the headphones off his head.
Malcolm looked up from the keyboard in the corner and smiled.
“nice to see you, my man!”
i gave him a head nod, closing the door.
“figured we’d have a little meeting, before out meeting.” Malcolm laughed.
“i dont need a meeting with him.” i said pointing over to taeyong. “im good.”
reaching for the door handle, Malcolm caught me by the arm.
“come on, jaehyun. this conversation needs to happen. you know i dont do negative vibes in my studio. and this deal with marteen will not be ruined.”
i clenched my jaw and rolled my eyes.
“now, have a seat.”
as taeyong walked out of the booth, he smirked in my direction.
i really wanted to punch his stupid ass in the face.
“now- while marteen is here, we wont have a replay of the other meeting we had- will we taeyong?”
taeyong shot his gaze at malcolm- who was pointing over at him.
“no sir.” he answered in a serious tone. 
“jae.” malcolm looked over at me.
“im good. you know im not with the bullshit anyways.”
he clapped his hands together and smiled.
“that’s my boy! now, you two need to squash whatever drama you have before 2pm. you've got an hour and i want all body parts in the same condition they were in, when i leave. got it?”
malcolm made his way out the studio and i took a seat.
taeyong’s pov
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i spun in my chair, thinking of a smartass comment to make.
pulling my beanie down a bit, i playfully smiled in jae’s direction.
“how’s my sloppy seconds, bro?” i laughed.
jae kept his eyes on me, not moving a muscle.
“let me make this clear, you mention her name- or say anything bad about her, i’m knocking your ass out. no questions asked.”
alonna’s smile ran through my mind.
i leaned back in my chair, trying to keep my cool.
dont kill him. dont kill him.
“i’m just wondering how my dick taste.” shoving my hands in the pocket of my hoodie, i watched as jae rolled his neck.
“you should be more worried about being able to breathe in a minute.”
the muscles in his jaw flexed once again. 
i smacked my lips.
“you know i could snatch her away from you at anytime jae, you dont completely have her, you know.” i laughed.
“what the fuck is your problem? what are you so mad about? is it that you can’t have her, or are you trying to cope with the fact that im better than you- in every fucking way possible.”
jae stood up from his chair and i joined him.
“you're lucky that i haven’t fucked you up, already. alonna is the only person that’s keeping you safe right now. if it was my choice, you’d be dead.”
he spoke.
i lifted my brows.
“wow- my feelings are hurt.” i laughed, kicking my chair back. “especially since, she’s been in contact with me- since i broke her little heart. sorry to break it to you, but she still wants me.”
jaehyun’s pov
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i ran my fingers through my hair, becoming frustrated.
“you’re a fucking liar.”
he was bluffing. he wanted me to get angry. he liked the drama.
“oh yeah?” taeyong said pulling out his phone.
“isn’t this your bathroom at the hotel?”
taeyong pulled up a picture of alonna, posing in her bra and underwear.
i snatched the phone out of his hand. my body was shaking.
“how did you get this?” i said throwing his phone back at him.
she sent that to me after she left to meet with ivy, for brunch.
today. just a few hours ago, that picture was taken.
he simply caught his phone and laughed.
“she sent it to me, stupid ass. how else would i have got it?”
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klaussstilinski · 5 years
Chapter 3
AN: So I've decided to post 2 chapters this week for being gone. I’m currently making a schedule and I’ll be posting 1 to 2 times weekly. Ya girl went and got a job and got distracted. But i’m back, a little rusty but none the less i’m back. Please leave any and all kinds of feedback, all is welcome. Thank you to everyone who supports me, it means the world to me! I hope you enjoy this chapter!!
WORDS: 1500+ 
Driving like a mad woman I make it to Ruby’s house in 10 minutes. Jumping out the car I just about run to the door. Before I even have a chance to knock the door swings open.  
“Finally, we’ve been calling you all morning.” Ruby announces as I walk in past him.
“Well excuse me for wanting to enjoy my day off for the first time in 2 weeks. Plus, I don’t really want to spend all my time around teenagers.” Shaking my head, “I also had plans today.”
“Well if you ask me this is more important!” Jamal says waving his arms around. “Like hello Cesar joined the gang!”
“FORCED....he was forced.”
“We don’t know that Monse.”
“Well it makes sense if you ask me. Oscar got out, Cesar started following him around and then boom Cesar is “in” the gang.” Monse spits back.
“First everybody calm down, do we even know if it’s true?” Looking around I lock eyes with everyone. “Not everyone speak at once.!”
“He was jumped in, I saw the bruises on him the other night.” Monse responds looking everywhere but at me.
“And how did you manage to see his bruises?” I ask squinting my eyes and pointing my finger at her.
Swallowing thickly, “His eyes were pretty bruised and his arm when I touched it.”
I don’t believe her, I’ve had an inkling about her and Cesar ever since she left to go to writing camp. When she left all Cesar would do was ask about her, what she was doing, how she was doing. Which is very normal they’re friends, or was friends I'm not too sure now. But then he started asking if she had met anybody, made new friends, and if she had a boyfriend. That’s when I knew things between them had changed. Then when she got back the whole, he said she said fight they had. If you ask me, I think it happened. When Monse is trying to hide something, she diverts the conversation and then again she never denied what Cesar said. Hmm!
“Besides that, he told me why he joined.” There she goes changing the topic, “Oscar tried to claim me.” What the fuck!
“Wait what?”
“He told me the reason he said that we hooked up was to protect me. That Oscar tried to claim me when I got back from camp.” Monse shrugged.
“He tried to claim you? You’re freaking 14, that’s illegal. He thinks that little bit of time he served before was long. Whew he has no idea!” Jamal said putting his hands on his hips turning to Ruby and Monse starting their own conversation.
Fuming I tune them out. Of all people he wanted to go after fucking Monse. She’s a minor for gods sake. You wait until I get my hands on him. I’m going to wring his neck!
“Daisy? Earth to Daisy?”
“Sorry, um what did you say?” I ask shaking my head to clear my mind of my murderous plan.
“How do we save him? We need to get him out. He won’t survive in there, plus he doesn’t want to admit it but the gang life isn’t him.” Ruby said.
“No, don’t plan anything yet until I talk to if stupid brother,” They all wince at the same time. “Then I'll help you, but I'm telling you now any plan that you’re thinking of wont work. In order to “get out” of a gang is only 2 ways.”
“Well what are they?”
I stay silent for a bit before responding, “Either way isn’t a way that I'll let Cesar take if I can help it. Just let me talk to Oscar then I’ll let you know. Until then stay out of it and act as if nothing happened. Go to school, make good grades, and kind of stay underneath Cesar.” Looking at Monse I back track. “Actually, you two,” I point at Ruby and Jamal. “Stay underneath Cesar, watch him but don’t make it so obvious.”
“What why not me?” An offended Monse asked.
“Because I don’t trust you, plus you’re kind of like a honey badger. You never stop, and you take things way too far.” Turning around I start towards the door. “I’m leaving, im going to enjoy the plans I made for today then I'm going on a hunt for Oscar. Have a good day!” I yell slamming the door behind me.  
You see the plan was to enjoy the things I had planned today but I decided to jump ahead of those plans and go find Oscar. I spot his red impala parked behind the fence of his home. Parking in the driveway blocking his car in, and immediately hop out. I approach some of the homies sitting out front.
“Where the hell is Oscar?” I ask stepping in front of them and crossing my arms.
“Who the hell is Oscar? And why you coming up here like you own the damn place? Matter of fact who the hell are you?” Some guy jumped up getting in my face. Instead of backing up I get closer in his face and smile. But before I could respond a deep loud voice interrupts.
“That’s my girl now back the hell up before you get backed up!” Oscar says coming out the house and stepping down a step. The guys eyes get big as he backs up and steps to the side. Smirking at him, I lock eyes with Oscar and start stalking towards him.  
“Pinky I told you before that that was his ole girl. What the hell were you thinkin?” Someone told him. Scoffing I grab Oscar by his ear and drag him inside to the living room.
“Everybody out...NOW!” I shout when no one starts moving. They all haul ass when I let Oscar go and he stands up straight behind me. Walking in front of me and sitting down on the couch me looks me up and down, then leans back stretching his arm along the back side of the beige couch.
“What is it you needed?”
“Firstly, you tried to claim Monse?” I ask standing above him with my hands on my hips.
Laughing he replied, “Do you really think I’d want a little girl?”
“I don’t know you’re so unpredictable Oscar. What do you expect me to think? She’s a fucking minor, and you’re, if you haven't noticed, over 20!” My voice is getting louder the longer he sits there smirking.  
“She’s also your sister. Now, why do you think I “tried to claim Monse”?” He air quoted. Of course, that came to mind. He was only doing that in hopes of me coming around once I got word of it. Then it hit me, I did fall for it. Here I am standing in front of him confronting him about it and then here he is smirking knowing he got his way.
“Secondly, why Cesar?” At this question his smirk falls and he looks at me with hard eyes.  
“Stay out of it.” Standing he goes to walk past me but I grab his arm and manage to push him back down on the couch.
“No, you’re going to listen to me damnit. I understand you and your family, but Cesar? Everyone knows that he’s not for that lifestyle. He’s going to end up like-”
“Like who? Me? I’m telling you right now Daisy stay out of it. I don’t want you involved.”
“Okay well when 3 scared kids call me worried about their friend I'm going to get involved. So, whether you like it or not I'm involved. I’m not going to argue with you nor will I waste my time trying to convince you that jumping him in was a bad idea. But the first time that any of those kids get hurt behind this bullshit, just know I'm going to raise hell.” Standing again, he walks to stand in front of me this time.  
“Stubborn, headstrong, dedicated, god why did I let you go?” Reaching up to touch my face he leans his forehead against mine. “But just know if anything happens to you or the kids, I kill everybody. No harm will come towards any of you, and I protect what's mine.”  
Closing my eyes, I sigh, “I’m not yours Oscar...and don’t make a promise you can’t keep!” Pulling away I walk to the door with him following close behind me. As we make it to the steps on the porch everyone goes quiet and all eyes goes to us. We continue to the car and as I'm reaching for the handle a hand lands on top of it and I feel warmth cover my back and warm breath on the back of neck.
“Drive safe Daisy! I’ll see you ‘round.” Surprised I turn to look at him. Shaking my head, I get in the car and slowly back out the driveway. I feel like I just got played. Now that Cesar is part of the Santos and I've made taken it upon myself to make sure he doesn’t end up dead that just means I have to deal with Oscar more. Groaning I slowly make my way to the salon deciding then that I was going to give myself the day to relax, after all I do deserve it. Picking up the phone I call the salon to add on a hot stone massage to my mani and pedi then I make another important phone call.
“Hello? You’re on speaker”
“Good. Friday. My house. After school. Just the three of you!”
“Wait, what? Did you find Spooky? Did you kill him?” A boisterous voice asked.
Snorting, I answer, “No Jamal I didn’t but he’s got one angry woman on his hands. Don’t be late.” Hanging up I get out the car and make my way into the yellow and blue doors of the salon. “Daisy!” I respond when the front desk receptionist asks for a name. Leading me to the back and into a room, I hear my phone ding signaling an incoming message which I ignore until after I get undressed and I’m lying face down on the massage table with a warm towel on my back. Picking up the phone I groan and open the message from Oscar.  
‘Friday night, 8pm be ready’ I shoot right back.
‘I already have plans, and who said I even accept your not so welcoming “invitation”?’  
‘It’s not up for discussion. Be ready!’ Comes in a minute after I hit send. Groaning loudly, I silent the phone, toss it on my folded pile of clothes and slam my face a little too hard in the hole on the table, which causes me to groan and whine in pain. Someone knocks on the door and then comes in.
“A stressful day I take it?”
“Oh, you have no idea!”
Tag: @izraahh1 @shesbriaanayy @aka-eb @mbaku-babygirl @yxseminx
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spidizzlemizzle · 6 years
No More Secrets (Part 2)
Pairings: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 1,217
Warnings: Violence, blood mention, descriptions of torture, a little fluff, some bad writing
A/N: I’m not incredibly happy with the ending of this and probably could’ve taken the time to make it better but I hope you still enjoy it x
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I gasped and opened my eyes wider than imaginable as cold water was thrown at my form. I looked at the older woman stood ahead of me with a bucket in her hands, obviously previously filled with the water now soaking into my skin.
“Who are you? What do you want?” I screamed and thrashed but was held don’t by two men who looked like they could be in a SWAT team. I looked back at the woman as she spoke.
“Who I am is not important, what is important is the location of your beloved spidey.”
“You really think I’m going to tell you where he is?”
“I know you will” she spoke with confidence as she crouched in front of me to look me dead in the eye.
“Not a chance”
“Then I’ll have to force it out of you, wont I?” she backed away and let her SWAT men continue their jobs.
“You have no idea what I am capable of” I spat in her old, wrinkled face. Harsh leather straps were fastened around my ankles and wrists once I was forcefully seated in the wooden chair.
“No sweetheart, it is you who has no idea what I am capable of” the sound of metal on metal brought my eyes to the tall, slender woman, now accessorised with a shining scalpel. I gulped at the sight, horrified for the possible events ahead.
“Let’s have some fun, shall we?”
“I’m sorry Mr Stark, are you trying to tell me that your daughter has been kidnapped and you’re not going to try and get her back? Are you insane?” Peter approached Tony quickly and looked him dead in the eye, trying to wrap his head around his words.
“That is exactly what I’m saying. From past experience they will just send a ransom note and ask for a couple million bucks then send her back unharmed, there’s no reason to make things difficult.”
“And if this is different from past experience?”
“Kidnappers are all the same, they wouldn’t dare leave a single scratch on her body if they know there’s someone with money involved.”
The icy metal dragged against my thigh towards my knee, drawing out my manic screams of excruciating pain
“I’m going to ask you one more, where is Spiderman?”
“Bite. Me.” The pain was becoming unbearable, all the cuts, scratches, and burns, but I couldn’t tell her. I couldn’t tell her that spider man was staying in an apartment near the tower; it would be attacked, raided. I didn’t know his exact location, god I didn’t even know his real identity!
“You have once last chance princess, or the future isn’t going to be too bright for you.” She smirked and pulled a silver pistol from her waistband, aiming straight at my forehead.
“Do it.” I wanted it over, I couldn’t take it anymore.
“Well there goes the fun” I closed my eyes and prepared for what was to come. I heard the click of the hammer and all was silent. At this rate, the anticipation was going to kill me quicker than she was. As my heart rate quickened, an unrecognisable noise was heard right in front of me as well as the yell from the woman. My eyes opened to see Spiderman sat neatly on the ceiling, the woman’s gun hanging from a web.
“Sorry ma’am, but I ant let you do that” he jumped down and took out her henchman almost instantly. She went to grab at him but was quickly stopped by the bright beam of light coming from what I guessed was my fathers machinery.
The spider boy hybrid approached me and undid the straps, stepping back in consideration of my personal space. Standing from the chair, I approached the spider and looked him in the masks eyes.
“Oh my god, look at you, you’re covered in cuts, we have to get you to a hospital or back to the to-”
He was holding my arms in his firm grasp and searching me for any sign of life threatening injuries. His voice was incredibly familiar, and only made me wonder who it was with the touches and obvious concern. I let my curiosity get the better of me and reached for the hem of his mask.
“[Y/N], what’re you doing?” He knows who I am. I know this guy.
My fingertips brushed his neck as the fabric moved upwards. I drowned out his deterrence as I pulled the mask off his head completely, revealing one of my best friends and secret long time crush.
“I am so sorry I never told you, I didn’t know how, I was so scared you’d get hurt because of me but I guess you already did and it’s all my fault, oh my god this is my fault, I am so sor-”
I cut off the taller brunet by placing my lips gently on his, resting my hand on the back of his neck before pulling away.
“I knew it was you”
“You did?” I nodded.
“How?” he looked shocked and in an admiring daze, probably from my actions.
“It’s pretty hard to miss. Constantly missing movie nights for the internship, always changing the subject if someone mentions Spiderman, or sometimes getting all smiley when someone compliments him.”
As he leaned down to me, I heard the scraping of metal on the ground. Pushing Peter back I looked over his shoulder to see the woman leaned against a wall, ready to aim the gun at us both. I grabbed Peters hand with my own and used my other to turn the building on its side, causing the woman to slide along the wall and fall unconscious upon impact with the ceiling.
“We have to leave.” I pulled Peter to the entrance and calmly left the building as if I hadn’t warped the whole structure. I turned back to Peter to see a face of shock and confusion contorting his features.
“Since when were you able to do that?” He said, pointing back to the door we just exited.
“Since before I could ride a bike” I chuckled softly and finally let go of his hand.
My palms grew sweaty as I thought back to how I could’ve completely ruined our entire friendship by kissing him before. As I cleared my throat and tried to explain myself, he reconnected our lips, making my heart beat a million times a minute and soar with delight.
“Hey lovebirds, are we gonna go home or do I have to leave you here to suck faces?” My dad’s words ripped my from the daze Peter had caught me up in. I looked up at him and smiled kindly, his face mirroring my expression.
“lets make a promise” I turned back to Peter when he spoke.
“No more secrets” He lifted his pinkie a few inches from my face, making me giggle at his childish behaviour.
“No more secrets.” I wrapped my pinkie around his own and gave it a small shake. We were pulled from the moment as my father was calling us to get in the car.
I simply took peters hand and walked towards my father’s car, getting myself seated in the back beside the boy with a cute crown of brown curls.
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voraginous-blog · 6 years
==>Vriska: Visit Dave.
((Long log RP where Dave and Vriska talk about things and just be generally cute. @1neffabl3))
[10:21] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] arrives almost exactly fifteen minutes later, appearifying with a bag of sweets to go with their coffee. She looks frustrated and tired, but gives him a smirk anyway when she steps from the platform. --
[10:21] AG: I got snacks.
[10:22] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] turns quickly towards the platform when the transportalizer goes off, giving Vriska a small smile. Two coffee cups in his hands, he walks towards her from the kitchen gesturing one at her. --
[10:22] TG: i see. thank you. i forgot about the snack part. got two cups of coffee. you need cream in yours?
[10:23] AG: I'll drink it str8 this time. What did you want to talk a8out?
[10:24] TG: i just wanted to talk in person about the the stuff that we talked about. like the me being real thing, and the dirk thing, and everything pretty much. i just wanted to see you, too.
[10:25] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] takes her coffee with a heavy sigh, sipping it while eyeing him over the rim of the cup. --
[10:25] AG: It's not that deep.
[10:25] AG: None of it is.
[10:27] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] takes a sip as well, then another, exhaling nervously after swallowing the coffee. --
[10:27] TG: i know its not /that/ deep, but i still just wanted to talk about it. im curious. i know curiosity kills the cat, but satisfaction will bring it right back.
[10:27] TG: im the cat in this situation.
[10:27] TG: did you talk about this whole thing with sollux?
[10:28] AG: No. I only warned him like I warned you.
[10:30] TG: about whats going on in a day?
[10:34] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] brushes by him with a nod, her lips pursed when she glances back at him after sitting down on the nearer couch. --
[10:34] AG: Dave that's also not that deep.
[10:34] AG: Your 8rother is an asshole and he's messed with the wrong person. I don't want you thinking I'm trying to white knight you or something.
[10:35] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] purses his lips together in return, taking another sip of his coffee and leaning against the kitchen counter with his elbows. --
[10:36] TG: its a little deep. youre putting your life at risk here, you know? i think thats pretty deep.
[10:36] AG: It's not!
[10:36] TG: i dont think youre trying to white knight me. i just feel bad as us being together was the instigator for the fight happening, and part of me feels guilty. but i already mentioned that.
[10:38] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] scoffs at his wording, rolling her eyes over her coffee cup again. --
[10:38] AG: Now you're looking too deeply into it.
[10:40] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] rolls his eyes back at her, taking another long sip from his cup. He opens his mouth to reply, pauses, and shuts it, mulling over some thoughts in his head. --
[10:40] TG: how am i looking to deep into this?
[10:42] AG: He pro8a8ly.
[10:42] AG: Thinks that this will 8e some grand gesture of how humans are 8etter than us to 8egin with.
[10:43] AG: He's pro8a8ly just using you as an excuse so he doesn't look 8ad over it.
[10:43] AG: He o8viously h8s us, Dave.
[10:44] TG: i know he does. he makes it very clear whenever you guys deign to step on his toes about anything. i dont know why. hes ranted about it before but i never know what to say, or how to reply. i always have the words fall out of my throat when he talks about that kind of stuff.
[10:44] TG: if it was some grand gesture though, i dont think hed use me for it.
[10:48] AG: You think he's actually 8rave enough to just kill one of us to prove a point?
[10:52] TG: i dont think he would, but he might fuck one of us up real bad.
[10:56] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] crosses her legs, the cup resting in her hands against her thigh. The only sounds from her for a while are the quiet taps of her claws against the stoneware as she tries to keep it together. --
[10:56] AG: Dave I... listen. I really sincerely think he plans on just killing me outright and if he does, I pro8a8ly had it coming for taking his 88. 8ut if he does I really don't want you to do anything stupid.
[10:56] AG: You have to make sure Sollux doesn't.
[10:58] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] furrows his eyebrows with a long sigh and finishes the rest of his coffee, setting the empty mug on the counter with a soft 'clink' of ceramic on marble. He hesitates for a brief moment before walking over and sitting on the couch next to Vriska. --
[10:58] TG: i dont know if he has the guts to kill you outright, though. has it been determined if youre allowed to use your abilities?
[10:58] TG: i wont do anything stupid.
[10:58] TG: ill try to stop sollux, but i dont know if ill be able to.
[11:01] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] looks at him for a moment before dropping her gaze to the cup. --
[11:01] AG: I won't use my powers 8ecause I don't need to.
[11:01] AG: I already called him a coward for hiding 8ehind his god tier.
[11:02] TG: his god tier is probably the only reason he thinks he can take you at all.
[11:09] AG: I don't know.
[11:09] AG: I haven't even talked to Nepeta a8out it yet.
[11:10] TG: i think you should at least tell her its going to happen.
[11:10] TG: is it tomorrow?
[11:10] AG: I think the day after tomorrow, since it happened this morning in earth time.
[11:13] TG: then id tell nepeta tomorrow, if you can.
[11:13] TG: she needs to know.
[11:14] AG: I know.
[11:14] AG: 8ut I don't want her getting angry with me.
[11:15] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] shrugs, her lips pursed again. --
[11:16] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] shrugs at her shrug, putting his hands on his knees afterwards and fiddling with the fabric of his jeans. --
[11:16] TG: i think shed be more angry if you didnt tell her, or told her at the last minute.
[11:16] TG: i know that she probably doesnt want you to fight, but if you told her why she might be more understanding.
[11:18] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] scoffs again, softly. This time more to herself. He can't see the frown tugging at her lips through the curtain of her hair but it's deep and full of pain. --
[11:18] AG: How could he say things a8out you like that?
[11:18] AG: Do you even care?
[11:22] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] eyebrows furrow deeper at her question. It took him by surprise, that's for sure. He takes a few moments to collect his thoughts, his brain whirring at a mile a minute. --
[11:22] TG: i think at this point im just used to it, thats all. it doesnt even register until its too late, and im already upset.
[11:25] AG: Fight 8ack.
[11:25] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] speaks the words softly, almost nothing but a whisper. --
[11:29] TG: how? with words? with phsyical fighting?
[11:30] TG: im weak, vriska. dirk knows exactly what buttons to push to make me back off. i can try to fight back though ive just.
[11:30] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] pauses, closing his eyes thoughtfully. --
[11:30] TG: never thought about it.
[11:32] AG: You aren't weak, stupid.
[11:32] AG: Don't 8e a coward.
[11:32] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] looks up finally, glaring at him. --
[11:32] AG: I don't fall for cowards.
[11:36] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] falls silent at her words, eyes wide. --
[11:36] TG: fall for?
[11:39] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] clicks her tongue, standing suddenly. --
[11:39] AG: It's not that deep.
[11:39] TG: i know its not that deep but. just surprised.
[11:39] TG: i wont be a coward anymore.
[11:40] AG: Stand up to him then! Tell him you're pissed a8out what he said!
[11:41] TG: now?
[11:41] AG: Whenever.
[11:41] TG: soon.
[11:41] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] sighs. --
[11:42] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] looks over at Vriska with a worried look. He clasps his hands together and wrings them anxiously. --
[11:42] TG: i. in the morning.
[11:42] TG: i promise.
[11:42] AG: Don't do it for me. Do it for yourself.
[11:42] TG: im doing it for myself.
[11:43] TG: youve just given me the kick in the ass to do it.
[11:43] AG: Good!!!!!!!!
[11:43] TG: im. sorry.
[11:43] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] sighs. --
[11:45] AG: For what now?
[11:45] TG: im sorry for being like this tonight. i dont mean to be like this. im nervous about confronting him (as i always am), im nervous for YOU, im nervous about a lot of things. i just. can you stay the night tonight? you dont have to if you have things to do.
[11:49] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] blinks, her arms crossing under her chest. --
[11:49] AG: If you want me to I will. For as long as I can at least.
[11:50] TG: i do want you to. thats why i asked, silly.
[11:50] TG: you dont mind?
[11:50] AG: Nah. It 8eats sitting around in my quarters stewing all light.
[11:50] AG: Just.
[11:50] TG: you can instead stew here, with me.
[11:50] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] looks him in the eyes with a steady gaze. --
[11:51] AG: Don't read into it too much, okay?
[11:51] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] returns her stare, nodding at her request. --
[11:51] TG: i wont read into it at all. pinky promise.
[11:52] AG: Okay good. I wouldn't want you getting too attached right 8efore I might not 8e around anymore.
[11:53] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] smiles slightly, moving to sit right beside him. --
[11:53] TG: i mean, it might be too late for that, considering im asking you to stay and keep me company, but dont read into that too much, alright?
[11:53] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] returns her smile with one of his own, reaching up and freeing his hair from his ponytail, shaking it free. --
[11:58] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] chuckles softly, leaning over to wrap her arms around him tightly. --
[11:58] AG: I hope it isn't too l8.
[11:58] TG: too l8 for what?
[11:58] AG: Attachment.
[12:00] TG: i hope its not either.
[12:00] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] tentatively places a tiny kiss on her forehead. very tentatively! --
[12:01] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] glances up at him, a sincere smile stretched across her lips. He should consider himself lucky, being one of three people to have ever seen it. --
[12:05] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles back when her smile stretches across her face. She looks absolutely radiant. His cheeks are tinted a subtle red in the dim light of his apartment. He places another kiss on her forehead, firmer this time. --
[12:09] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] laughs softly, reaching up to poke his nose. --
[12:09] AG: 8y the way.
[12:09] AG: You're too warm.
[12:14] TG: you like how warm i am. im like a sexy version of a hot water bottle.
[12:14] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] kisses the tip of her nose at her poking his! --
[12:19] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] rolls her eyes, shoving him away without much force behind it. --
[12:19] AG: Don't get ahead of yourself.
[12:20] TG: ahead of myself how! why are you booing me. im right! im the sexiest water bottle youll ever meet.
[12:20] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] winks! --
[12:20] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] scoffs loudly, throwing herself against the couch with a groan. --
[12:20] AG: Oh gr8, now he's putting on airs.
[12:21] TG: me? put on airs? how very unexpected! theres an impostor in the house.
[12:22] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] continues winking before breaking off into a fit of laughter. --
[12:27] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] groans as she slides off the couch onto the floor, acting as if she's dying from his antics. --
[12:27] AG: Gross, you're too much. I take it 8ack I'm going 8ack to the ship.
[12:27] TG: no you arent. my antics are just enough for you. this is the perfect primetime entertainment to fill up your night.
[12:28] AG: Oh no, I'm getting up as soon as I can gather the strength to go.
[12:28] TG: the strength?
[12:30] AG: I'm dying.
[12:30] TG: of?
[12:31] AG: Em8arrassment.
[12:31] TG: embarrassed? of what? how charming and wonderful and cool i am?
[12:31] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] slides down from the couch next to Vriska, running his hand through his hair with a smile. --
[12:32] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] pouts at him. --
[12:32] AG: You keep saying words I just can't quite understand.
[12:33] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] sneaks a quick kiss on her cheek. --
[12:34] TG: what words would you understand to convey how cool i am?
[12:36] AG: Ones usually starting with an N and ending in erd.
[12:37] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] plants her hand on his face, pushing him away gently. --
[12:37] TG: you cant trick me. that just means nerd!
[12:38] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] pushes him even farther. --
[12:38] AG: Exactly.
[12:39] TG: hey.
[12:39] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] blinks in surprise. --
[12:39] TG: did i say something wrong?
[12:47] AG: No you're just 8eing a huge nerd.
[12:48] TG: YOURE being a huge nerd. its huge nerd city right now, population us.
[12:48] AG: I shouldn't have 8een counted in this census.
[12:49] TG: you did because youre just as big a nerd as i am, if not bigger. our nerd auras rival each other in strength every day.
[12:50] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] groans again, hiding her face in her hands. --
[12:50] AG: Em8arrassing...
[12:52] TG: it isnt. no need to be embarrassed. youre among friends and fellow nerds.
[12:53] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] extends a hand out for her to take, if she'd like. --
[12:54] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] grumbles, taking it with a devious expression playing around her lips. --
[12:55] AG: Well if you say so.
[12:56] TG: whats that look for?
[12:56] AG: What look?
[12:56] TG: that look!
[12:57] AG: This is my regular face.
[12:58] TG: your regular face isnt as devious as this one.
[12:58] AG: So you say.
[12:59] TG: i do say! what are you planning, vriska?
[12:59] AG: Nothing!
[12:59] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] stands up, brushing herself off. --
[12:59] AG: Why do you think I have something planned?
[12:59] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] shrugs, looking up at her from his spot on the floor. --
[01:00] TG: a devious face usually means a plan, but i could be wrong.
[01:01] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] blows him a kiss. --
[01:01] AG: It might.
[01:01] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] blows her a kiss back with a smile. --
[01:01] TG: give me a hint?
[01:03] AG: Nope!
[01:03] TG: vriska! 8(
[01:03] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] stands up quickly, crossing his arms with a pout. --
[01:04] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] shrugs, turning away with a flip of her hair. --
[01:04] AG: You'll find out when you're older.
[01:04] TG: im plenty old, vriska. arent we about the same age?
[01:04] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] pauses. --
[01:05] TG: are you really leaving?
[01:05] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] glances over her shoulder, frowning a little. --
[01:05] AG: No I'm not.
[01:05] AG: 8ut I'm tired.
[01:06] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] nods, biting his lip, before gesturing to the bedroom. --
[01:06] TG: you can always go to bed, if youd like. i dont know if you use beds? some trolls do, right?
[01:06] AG: I do.
[01:07] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] offers her hand with sarcastic daintiness. --
[01:07] AG: Lead the way, sir knight.
[01:07] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles and gently takes her hand, leading her towards the very soft, plush bed in the middle of his bedroom. A few candles are flickering on his bedside table. --
[01:08] TG: here you are, my thief.
[01:08] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] snorts, throwing herself into the bed without much thought. --
[01:08] AG: Ah sleep.
[01:08] TG: you want me to go to bed with you now or slide in when youre asleep? i can write until i hear snoring.
[01:09] AG: I don't snore!!!!!!!!
[01:09] AG: Do what you want, asshat.
[01:09] TG: you definitely snore. 8;)
[01:09] AG: I do not.
[01:09] TG: prove it! im the only one thats able to hear it right now, and boy, do i definitely hear it.
[01:09] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles! --
[01:10] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] rolls her eyes, burying her face in a pillow as she flips him the bird. --
[01:11] AG: I don't snore 8ut you sure do!
[01:20] TG: proof! i need solid proof of this!
[01:21] AG: Oh no I just know you do. It's pretty 8ad.
[01:27] TG: i can 100% guarentee that mine is much more palatable than yours. youre sawing wood all night long, vriska.
[01:27] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles, his tone teasing. --
[01:29] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] clicks her tongue, shaking her head against the pillow. --
[01:29] AG: You wound me.
[01:30] TG: im just teasing. we both snore at the same volume.
[01:30] AG: Or may8e neither of us snore.
[01:31] TG: hm. that could be the case, but then my teasing would have no weight!
[01:32] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] sits down on the bed with a soft sigh, running a hand through his hair. --
[01:32] TG: its sleep time for the both of us, i think.
[01:38] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] nods, glancing up at him. --
[01:38] AG: Good idea.
[01:39] TG: im full of them.
[01:39] AG: De88a8le.
[01:39] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles lazily, mussing his hair with a yawn before leaning over and giving her a cheek kiss. --
[01:39] TG: no de88 here. just facts.
[01:39] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] turns her head at the last moment to make it a kiss kiss, and then smirks. --
[01:40] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] blushes! --
[01:40] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] pats the bed. --
[01:40] AG: Come on, I'm tired.
[01:41] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] nods, wiggling out of his shirt and pants to slide on a pair of pj pants, before sliding under the covers next to Vriska. --
[01:41] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] wiggles over to rest against his chest. --
[01:41] AG: Goodnight Dave.
[01:41] TG: goodnight vriska. leave me a note if you leave before i wake up.
[01:43] AG: I will.
[01:43] TG: thank you. sleep good.
[01:44] -- aquarelleGrandiloquence [AG] closes her eyes, dozing almost instantly. --
[01:44] AG: I will...
[01:44] -- tactileGrandiloquence [TG] smiles softly, giving the crown of her head a soft sleep before passing out himself. --
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ariciaeast-blog · 7 years
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A  D A Y  O F  E X P L O R A T I O N  :  P A R T  1
ft the fabulous @isabellafaulkner! 
*ooc: btw, the only reason this is divided into two parts is because it started to get long, and my fingers started hurting lol*
“Lady Aricia, please stop pacing around! You will wear a hole into the carpet!” my maid said.
I turned to look at her, and said “I’m sorry! I’ll go take a walk outside!” I smiled at them, smoothed out the wrinkles in my pale blue dress, and made my way outside to take a walk in the hallways, not knowing or caring where I was going.
Just then, I bumped into something.
More like someone
I looked up and saw a beautiful brunette staring at me and smiling. It was Isabella!
I looked at her and smiled, “Hey, Izzy! I’m sorry about bumping into you! What are you doing?” I asked
She looked at me and smiled back, “Oh, I’m sorry! I didn’t see you, Aricia! I was walking a bit around the palace, this is such a magical place! Anyways, how are you?”
I laughed, “That’s alright! Yes it is beautiful here! I’m doing great! How are you?”
Izzy smiled, “I still can’t believe that I get to walk around here, to be honest! It feels so surreal!” she exclaimed, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, “I’ve been great, thanks for asking”
I smiled, this girl’s happiness was contagious! “That’s great! Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to take a walk around the palace with me? You know, to check out the amenities?” I asked, hoping she said yes. I was going to explore the palace before, but it would be great to do it with a friend!
She laughed, “Yeah, that would be lovely! Is there some special one you would like to check out first?”
I nodded, “maybe the library?”
At that, Isabella’s face broke out into a smile, “Yes! I heard the library of the palace is the most beautiful one in the entire world! And it has been said that it has every book!”
I laughed, “Yeah, I’ve heard that too! Anyways, lets go!”
With that, we both started walking to the library, making some small talk along the way.
“I am so excited! Do you like reading?” she asked, looking around for the library.
I nodded, “Yes I do! Do you ?”
“Yes, I love reading!” she exclaimed, “I have so many books at home, they wont even fit on my bookshelves!” she said, with a laugh.
I laughed, “it’s the same with me! My father didn’t let me buy a lot of books for that very reason!” I said, with a smile.
She turned to look at me, “what’s your favourite book?” she asked
I shook my head incredulously, “Oh, you cant ask me that!” I exclaimed, profusely shaking my head, “Its so hard! But, if I had to choose, I’d say a tale of two cities! It’s a classic! How about you?”
Isabella smiled, “That is such a great book! A classic, indeed! I think mine would be Les Miserables!”
I grinned, “Ooh, I love that book as well!” I stated, “did you read it in French? I felt that it was more meaningful in French.”
She shook her head, “I would love to read it in French, but my French language skills are not that great,” she laughed, “so I just read it in English multiple times. Maybe I should start to learn French!”
I looked at her, and said, “Oh, maybe I could teach you French!”
She nodded, “I know some basics of the French language, but I am not able to read an entire book,” she said, with a chuckle, “It would be lovely if you would be willing to teach me something!”
I smiled, and said, “That’s cool! I’ll definitely teach you during this selection!”
Just then, I looked up and saw a big door, that said ‘Library’ on top. I turned to look at Izzy, and said, “Oh, we’re at the library!”
She looked up and nodded, and I walked forward and held open the door for her as we both walked into the massive library.
“Thank you so…” her sentence trailed off, and I realized why. The library was massive, books lined the shelves from floor to ceiling, just calling people to come and read their pages. There were a lot of chairs scattered around the room, with a few couches and ladders, so people could reach the books on the top shelves.
“Wow, this is even more beautiful then I imagined it would be,” she breathed, looking around the library.
My eyes trailed around the room, and suddenly I thought of a great game to play! I turned to look at Izzy, and said, “Hey, how about we play a game?”
She turned to look at me, intrigued, “Continue,” she said, with a smile
I nodded, “So we each look around the library, and pick out 3 books for the other person that we think they’d like! It’ll help us get to know each other better!”
She nodded, “Yes, that is such a good idea!! Sounds like fun!”
I smiled, “alright, lets go then!”
With that, we both started wandering aimlessly through the shelves, looking for some books. I thought that picking out some of my favourites may be nice, so I started from there.
“Oh gosh, there are so many books!” I heard Izzy say from the other end of the library.
“I know right!” I chorused, and sighed when I picked up a book that I think Izzy would like.
“It amazes me how quiet it is in here,” she said, “you cant hear anything from outside!”
I nodded, “It is so surreal! Its as if I could be in here and completely miss a mealtime, but I wouldn’t be mad about it!” I said, and I heard Izzy laugh.
“So, what was life back at your home province?” I asked, perusing through some more books.
“Bankston is so so beautiful,” I heard her say, “The nature is gorgeous! I love going on hiking trips and see the most beautiful scenery! Most of the time, the weather is pretty cold, but I love that! Snow flakes falling down, that will always help me relax… I’m sorry! Sometimes I get lost in my thoughts and memories, and I start rambling. Anyways, how was living in your home province? What are you going to miss the most?”
I smiled, pulling a book out from the shelf, “Bankston seems like a wonderful place. Maybe when this is all over, you could show me around! Lakedon is great, the temperature is really temperate, so I can always take walks and calm down! I’m probably going to miss my guitar and all the nice walks I can take.And I’ll miss my friend’s piano. There is probably one here, but I may or may not use it because I’m not the best player.”
I picked out my final book, and walked towards the front of the library. “I’m done my selections!” I said, and Isabella walked out from behind a bookshelf with three books in her hand.
“I wish we could leave the palace grounds and go walking around in the woods, but I guess that is not safe, which I can understand. Lakedon sounds lovely! Once this selection is over, or when I get kicked out, I will go travel all over Illea and see all the provinces and their beauty,” she finished her sentence just when she walked up to where I was standing and dropped her books on the table beside mines.
“Anyways, I have found books for you!” she said, “And about your piano dilemma, I heard that Prince Percy is a so called ‘piano god’. Perhaps you could play with him, but that is all up to you, of course! I bet you are amazing at playing piano!” she said with a smile.
I smiled at her, and thought that I’d tell her something that I’ve been keeping to myself, “Hey, Izzy, can I tell you a little secret?”
She nodded, and moved closer to me, “Yes, of course! I wont tell anyone! Pinky promise!”
I leaned close to her ear, and whispered, “I may or may not have a teensy crush on Prince Percy… I’m not sure if I will persue it because I don’t want to die, but I’ll talk to him and get to know him and maybe see where it goes…”
Isabella squealed and clapped her hands together, “That is adorable!”, she said, while I waved at her to keep her volume down, “And you already have something in common, the piano! I wont tell anyone, I promise! Will you keep me updated on how things go between you two?” she asked, with a smile on her face.
I nodded, “Yeah, of course! And if something happens, I will let you know for a second opinion, because I have zero experience with boys!”
She smirked, “I’m looking forward to all your Pericia updates!” she said, and I looked at her quizzically.
“Pericia? Don’t you think youre getting ahead of yourself, missy!” I laughed, patting her on the head.
She rolled her eyes, “Now, tell me about your books!” she exclaimed, looking down at them.
I turned and pick up the books, “Here are the ones I picked for you!” I said, and then gave her the first book, “This one is called ‘All the Light We cannot See, and its historical fiction! I’m not sure if you like that stuff, but I love that book a lot!”
I then picked up the second and third books and gave them to her, “This book is called ‘Vicious by VE Schwab’, and its one of my personal favourites, and the last one is ‘1984 by George Orwell’, and I like it a lot!”
She picked up all the books, thanked me, and started to give me the books she picked for me. “Okay, these are the one I have picked for you. The first is To Kill A Mockingbird, by Harper Lee. I loved that book, and it was an eyeopener! Next we have Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, another classic, but I love the story like and the romance is adorable. And lastly, Alice in Wonderland, I don’t know if you will like if but I decided to pick it anyways since I really liked it. Let me know what you think of them!” she said with a smile, and I smiled back.
“Ooh, all of these books sound interesting!! I almost picked Pride and Prejudice for you, but good thing I didn’t! All these books sounds interesting, thanks Izzy!” I said with a smile. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.
“Hey, do you want do drop off our books in our rooms and go swimming in the pool? If you don’t want to, then that’s cool as well,” I said, with a smile.
Just then, Izzy starts laughing, “Oh my gosh! I was just thinking of the pool! Okay, lets go!”
With that, we both started running towards our rooms, which were in the same hall, and we both agreed to change and meet in the hallway. I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face, no matter how hard I tried, because this palace didn’t feel as daunting as it did before, all thanks to one girl; 
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The current berrytube challenge is a free weeklong mega challenge. The fanfic I’m attempting to illustrate is “for want of dawn”, I linked it earlier. I sincerely doubt I’ll get it all done by the deadline on monday, but I might as well try,. I’ve wanted to do comics for almost a decade but was never confident enough to try. lookit me now!! :D
breakdown after cut, mainly to help outline whats going on to myself >///<
First off, I chose this fic because I read it semi recently and it spoke volumes to me. *spoilers* the fics AU were the mane 6 didn’t make it to the castle of 2sis in time, and so NMM returned and there was a war. before the fic starts NMM and big C managed to off each other, but not before masses of damage has been caused. The sun and moon are locked in place and the world is slowly freezing.
flutters is the main an/protagonist, and consistently grieves the lack of kindness in the world now, how everythings so desperate to survive, to be kind is to invite death. nevertheless she is still consistently kind. I relate strongly. Pinkie shows up later and keeps saying “tomorrow will be sunshine and rainbows!” and flutters remarks how thats an easy promise to make when the dawn never comes.
Which hit really close to home.
In the very end, with the help from her friends, flutters gains the ability to raise the sun. Which is an INCREDIBLE metaphor for depression, which I didn’t see until just now. I remarked how people trying to help cure depression sound an awful lot like pinkie pie, how it sounds so easy when you assume the sun will come up. But then at the end of your character arc, with the help of friends, (and either medication or ancient artefacts) you can learn how to raise your own damn sun.
.... so thats why I’m doing this. Onto the comic!
I like comics with pictographs instead of words, because you can convey more information succinctly and it wont need translating. It does add a bit of challenge though.. and I might struggle on dialogue heavy scenes, and metaphorical concepts. “theres no more kindness in the world” now how am I going to pictograph that??
The first page is the one with the aforementioned animal death, which is unfortunate. Its meant to read a wounded deer 1.wandering, 2.hearing flutters, 3. backing away from scary flutters, 4. uhhh happy funtimes had by all, with a pop-out fluttershy singing to it to try and calm it down. 
I like the pop-out fluttershy, but I think it can be done better, and theres some issues with the drawing anyway (not that I can pinpoint them >_>). I also like the two deer I put effort into, they came out really well considering I havent drawn deer before and didnt use a reference LOL. I want to redraw it but I should just continue the sketching. (I like using the pop-outs music notes as a panel separator.)
The second page flutters returns to her cottage to get something to carry the carcass back to base. story says she uses a litter (??) I’ll depict her using an oversized bindle thing. The first panel has some pictograms thats meant to be read “meat return home ? ...need to visit cottage...”, I don’t like the image repeat at her cottage. was considering having that panel be a thought bubble, but then theres too much disconnect between page one and two (already considerable) which would be fixed if I redrew page one but I don’t know how to do that better ;n; ANYWAY the second panel is meant to show flutters coming across her ruined cottage with the ex-city of canterlot in the background, with the eclipse coming from behind the mountains. Thats a hard concept and I don’t think I pulled it off. the next two small panels are flutters finding the quilt in a secret compartment under the floorboards, and hearing a noise outside (signalled by !! coming from the window). Flutters tentatively looking down the stairs at the empty door, before making a break for it and encountering a wild soldier of the dawn!! gasp!!
I’m currently redrawing this page, (getting rid of a conceptually cool sword but its impossible to draw.) and I’ve already redrawn rarity and she looks AMAZING. easily the best drawing I’ve done ever.
The mane six got split neatly in half, with flutters & AJ joining NMM (flutters for hunger, AJ because big C razed everything), and twi, rars and RD joining big C. ponka joins AJ after the war, after saving a bunch of kiddies. Flutters is supposed to be a thestral, with bat wings, pointy ears, bat cm (not drawn) and fangs (forgot). Twi got promoted to general and rars is a scout under her, hence twis CM on her armour.
They’re still enemies, and rars thinks flutters is a big nasty monster stealing stuff from her old friends house. So rars tries to kill flutters ;n; You’ll find out what happens next when I draw it.
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