#i would just suddenly be on fire. regardless of what i choose
mysticsublimeperson · 7 months
<< Part 3
Merlin always has slept quietly. He didn't move much or snore, he tended to move when he was settling in, but once he found a good spot he slept like a corpse. Arthur always found that a bit funny, that he was so full of movement and life during the day and so still while sleeping.
He also found it a bit infuriating, he never really wanted to be the clingy one, it was a bit embarrassing to him at first, but Merlin never denied him, not even asleep. Arthur gravitated towards Merlin, not always a full on cuddle, sometimes that could be a bit overwhelming to Merlin, who had his spot perfectly climatized, but he always ended up having a point of contact.
Merlin found it "cute" and Arthur found that comment offensive. Merlin said that he didn't mind cuddling but that if he wanted to cuddle he needed to do it from the start, apparently Arthur was like a furnace (Arthur also found that comment offensive) and if Arthur suddenly hugged him in the middle of the night it made think there was a fire somewhere or he had developed a fever, Arthur promptly threw a boot a him.
Merlin also woke up slowly. Arthur found this really surprising. Merlin had a flexible schedule, which actually meant that he was practically enslaved. He could say anything about his job, but would never complain of the hours, he had to be there at 9 and out at 5 (not that he actually did it, but that's not the point). Merlin had the lab at the university, he had to be there at least 4 times a week, but the hours depend on the experiment, and then there was his non-profit which took most of his time. So even tho that pretty much from the moment that he woke up he was needed somewhere, Merlin always took his time to wake up.
Another shocking thing is, he never used alarm clock. Merlin woke up on time always, without help. Then he went back to sleep a couple of minutes more, or spent too much time preparing for the day, or didn't know what to do for breakfast so he froze up at the kitchen table thinking for 10 minutes... the thing is, Merlin woke up on time, but was always late.
That being said, one Arthur's favorite moments where those rare mornings he woke up first, and there was no rush, and he could see Merlin fight the wakefulness, rub his face to the pillow trying to find a cool spot, watch stretch and reach out for him. Merlin would open his eyes slowly and look for him, at him. And the way that he looked, like he was still dreaming, like Arthur was his dream. Nothing made him feel more loved, and full of love than that. It was so unrestrained, so pure.
He wanted that.
He wanted to be like that.
They didn't sleep together much, their schedule was sometimes incompatible, but when he could afford it, he stayed with Merlin, even tho it meant he had to bring a spare suit, and wake terribly early, and catch a cab, and be init for 45 minutes because of the morning traffic... just for the tiny possibility of watching Merlin wake up.
It's been almost three months since the chance of waking up next to Merlin became zero.
Arthur woke up sad, dreaming of Merlin by his side just to wake up alone in his flat, was increasingly difficult each day.
When they broke up, when Arthur accepted this, he couldn't actually imagine how ingrained Merlin was in his life. He had been there for him since (Merlin's) first day. He should have known.
Merlin was the biggest, best, and only choice Arthur had made. But he never actually committed, Merlin was his, but he could never be fully in Arthur's life. No matter that the life without Merlin was a life that he hated, he still was living it.
"I told you that yesterday was important, you knew that. And you choose him" Merlin had said.
Arthur had never seen that like a choice, never seen he actually had one. When his father talked he didn't expect an answer, so he never thought he could give one regardless. That day his father had entered his office and said that he had to a attend to a very important meeting that afternoon, Arthur tried to give options, suggested Leon as replacement, tried to tell his father that maybe he will arrive late or maybe leave early...
"Don't be difficult Arthur" Uther spoke dismissing his arguments "I don't care whatever plans you have, you have a responsibility to this company, to each and every employee and towards me. You are going to step up to the position of CEO sooner or later, you need to maintain your image, or it will reflect poorly on everyone"
Thinking back, he could not help but cringe to the condescending tone of his father. At that moment in his mind, it had seemed like a sound point, it had made sense, now all he could hear was the selfishness of it. In the end it hadn't even been a meeting, it was a fucking cocktail, a very exclusive cocktail for a gallery opening that Uther was looking to collaborate with (to put expensive artwork in his expensive buildings). Coincidentally a lot of his friends and colleagues were there, and their daughters.
Every time he thought about it he had to fight the urge to hit his head on a wall, repeatedly. He really thought that his father had his, and his employees best interests at heart.
He regrets a lot.
He hated that he hurt Merlin, he hated that it had ended up in this situation. But at the same time, he didn't hurt Merlin only that time, he had been hurting him, always without noticing, always without caring to notice.
Merlin never slept at his flat, even tho it was much more comfortable and spacious, and it was more or less the same distance to his lab. But Arthur hadn't wanted Merlin to be seen leaving his flat in case de doorman told his father or worse, that his father showed up unprompted one day and watched Merlin in his flat. So Merlin never slept there, no matter how late it was Merlin always went home, and told his doorman that he was his PA, not to rise suspicion.
He was an asshole.
And Merlin didn't deserve that.
So they needed this, yeah.
He needed time to fix it, to make himself worthy.
But he didn't know how to do that, and he was starting to feel hopeless.
It had been three months, and although in the moment he had offered Merlin to cut off Uther from his life for good in that moment, he was thankful that Merlin did not take it.
He didn't really want to leave his job.
He liked his job.
Well, he liked part of his job. It was just the expectation, and the need to make connections...
And well his father was tough, and definitely not perfect, in fact very much flawed, but it was his father. He loved him, and cut him off seemed like too much.
What could he do? He had been stuck in this point since the break up.
He needed help.
But the person who was always for him in this situations was Merlin, strangely wise occasionally.
He pulled out his phone. His friend were good and true, but the topic of Uther was complicated, most people couldn't understand why he would want to keep that relationship alive. It was also a really vulnerable topic, and he wasn't known for his heart to heart. Arthur wasn't good with feelings.
He keeps scrolling.
Gwen might understand but she was Merlin's best friend, he didn't want her to feel like she was switching sides or something, Merlin also needed someone.
The he stopped at a name at his contact page.
He didn't really know if it was a good idea. It most probably wasn't but he didn't really have any other options.
What does he have to lose?
He needed to find a solution to this, he missed Merlin, and he wanted his friend back.
He tapped the call button and waited.
Worst case scenario, he kept going like that and slowly died while Merlin tried to redo his life. Unacceptable.
"Hello?" the confusion was evident as well as the weariness, but, well, she still answered "Arthur?"
"Hello, Morgana"
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7-wonders · 1 year
Past the Point of No Return
Michael Langdon x Reader (Mad Love Act II, Chapter X)
Summary: What's meant to be you trying to get Michael out of the funk he's been in since your return from New Orleans quickly goes south. What happens when things are said that can't be taken back?
Word Count: 2.6k
Author's Note: So, here we go. It's about to get really dark for the next few chapters because Michael and Reader are about to go through hell. Regardless, I hope you stick around and continue to read, because I'm excited for what I'm going to be cooking up for you.
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Mad Love Masterlist
Your fun Fall Break trip was cut shorter than you would have liked. The plans that you and Michael had tentatively made with Mallory that night before you summoned Papa Legba had been destroyed by the gatekeeper’s bold ask and the revelation that parts of the infernal leagues weren’t on Satan’s side. Michael claimed that he had found the information that he needed to banish Cordelia and that there was no reason to continue to stay in New Orleans—a lie, you were sure. When you bid farewell to your best friend, both of you shared a silent worry about what was to come. A worry that, in your opinion, was warranted.
Michael…hadn’t been the same, since that night at Dinah’s studio. You knew this from almost the moment that you left, when you tried to tempt him into joining the mile-high club with you (Don’t judge, okay? You have a super hot husband, how could you not be tempted to proposition him?) and he had turned you down in favor of staring in perturbation out the plane window for the entirety of the ride home. It didn’t stop there, though you wish it would have.
Ever since you returned home, he’s become quieter and more brooding than normal. He spends far more time in his office or at Kineros than he does with you, constantly planning for—well, you know what he’s planning for, and you don’t want to even think about it. Whether it was the experience with Cordelia or what he learned from Papa Legba, a fire had been lit under Michael, and he was now determined to continue his plans for the apocalypse. 
Regardless of the reasons, he’s distant, more distant than you’ve ever known him to be. Your normally loving, almost-overbearing husband is gone, at least for the time being.
It frightens you, if you’re being completely honest with yourself. You used to be able to read him and his emotions so easily, but now he’s completely closed off to you. You don’t know what’s going on in his head anymore, but you know that it’s nothing good. You want so badly to relieve him of the dark thoughts that are plaguing his mind, but you’re also worried that it might be too late. 
Though you’re willing to give him his space–you’ve never wanted to be clingy–it’s now been two days since you’ve seen him; even at night, he chooses to sleep in his bed (you’re not sure if he sleeps at all) instead of with you. You miss him, even though he’s in the same house as you. Fed up, you find yourself standing in front of his office door and silently debating with yourself on whether you want to bother disturbing him or not.
Before you can decide, Michael’s voice comes through the door. “I know you’re out there. You can come in.”
Beating back the embarrassment over being caught, you open the door.
There he is, sitting behind his paper-scattered desk and looking over something on his computer. The sunlight streams in through the windows, making his blond curls glow golden. It’s beautiful and familiar, and your heart aches at the thought that he’s trying to become a stranger to you.
“Hi,” you say softly, suddenly shy in a room that you once used to enter with all the confidence in the world. “Are you busy?”
He sighs. “Yes, but I’ll always make time for you.”
Michael pushes his chair away from his desk as you make your way across the room and towards him, allowing you to settle yourself onto his lap. After you do, you kiss him softly and sweetly, both of you just enjoying getting to be in the other’s embrace for a short moment.
“I miss you,” you admit, laying your head on his shoulder.
“What do you mean? I’m right here.”
“I know that. Physically, you are. But you’re always working now. I don’t ever get to see you anymore.”
“I’m sorry,” he says honestly and guiltily. “I don’t mean to.”
“You don’t have to apologize. You just need to make sure that you’re taking care of yourself. Or that you let me take care of you.” You look up at him. “Y’know, even Brennan mentioned that you’ve been dodging his texts.” 
The two had actually become friends after that night during Homecoming, and they usually got together to play video games at least once a week. That Michael had abandoned this plan gave you yet another reason to worry about him.
“It’s not on purpose. I’m just…” Michael trails off, knowing that he’s about to sound like a broken record.
“Busy. I know.” 
You think that it kind of is on purpose; he’s withdrawing from everyone that cares about him, and you assume this is his attempt to try and make going full Antichrist easier. You refuse to let that happen; you can’t lose him to Satan. This leads you into your careful segue, your true reason for visiting here in the first place. 
“Hey, speaking of taking care of yourself: How would you feel about going on a double date?”
“A double date?”
You nod. “Yeah! It could be a good stress reliever and a way for you to get out of the house for a night.”
“What is a double date?”
“Where we go on a date, but with another couple. Specifically Kate and Brennan?” Michael looks at you in bewilderment, and you backtrack when you realize what his line of thought is. “Not like that! We’re hanging out as friends, but you and I are in a relationship and Kate and Brennan are in one of their own.”
“Is there a plan in mind for this double date?”
You shrug, feeling thrilled that he’s even pondering the idea. This conversation has felt so normal that it starts to get a little seed of hope blooming within you. Already, you’re imagining a night of fun, one that will finally have your relationship going back to the way that it was. “Bowling was discussed as an option, but nothing’s really set in stone yet. Maybe we go to an arcade?”
“That sounds fun,” Michael agrees. “But I don’t think I can make it work right now.”
You sigh in disappointment. Really, you should have expected this. That doesn’t make it sting less. “Michael,” you groan.
“I know,” he sympathizes. “But I have to get this done.”
“What are you working on?”
“What am I always working on?” he retorts. 
Though it’s meant to be teasing, when you realize what he means, panic begins to thud in your chest. Michael, of course, picks up on this immediately. He shifts you in his lap so that your body is facing him now, leaving you no choice but to look at him unless you want to make it obvious that you’re ignoring him.
“What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you say, quickly and in a tone that doesn’t reassure him at all.
“Please don’t lie to me.”
“Fine. I’m worried.”
“About what?”
“About you. You haven’t been the same since we got back from New Orleans.”
“I mean, I won’t argue with that. Our trip was enlightening to me. Papa Legba showed me that I’ve been neglecting my duties. I have to get serious about my purpose, or else other beings will continue to question me, my father, and my power.”
Oh god, here it comes. You know what you have to say next, but you don’t know if you’re going to be able to do so. The moment that you’ve been dreading for months now is upon you. Up until now, you’ve been able to toe the line and subtly suggest that the apocalypse might not actually be a good idea. Now, there’s no skirting around it. You’re on a figurative precipice, and there’s nothing you can do but jump.
“Michael…” you start. “You can’t end the world.”
It’s as though some omnipotent being has hit slow-motion on their remote, stretching the scene that is your life out. You can almost see Michael processing what you’ve just said to him and the way that it clicks in his mind. When it does, shock begins to grow in his eyes, making them large and betrayed. You feel like a spectator to your own life, and it almost makes you want to take back what you said.
Then, a button on the remote is pressed again, and life goes back to normal speed.
“What?” He stands in surprise, nearly toppling you off of his lap. You stumble to your own feet, standing opposite him as he turns around to face you. “What are you talking about?”
Though you want to cower in the face of his rising anger, you stand tall. “I don’t want you to bring about the apocalypse. You can’t. It’s cruel and unjust and–and senseless!”
A shadow crosses his face. “It is my destiny to bring about the end of days. I was born and raised to do this, I can’t just…shun that.”
“Yes, you can.” You grab his hands. “Michael, think about it. You have The Cooperative in the palms of your hands. Surely you can convince them that there are better ways to achieve world domination, ways that don’t involve ending the world?”
You can think of multiple ways off the top of your head. Maybe Michael could become President or a diplomat. Maybe he incites uprisings to topple other governments. Maybe he becomes an influential figure and gets the entire world to stand with him. You’re not sure how it would be accomplished, but again, Michael has the richest and most powerful people in the world at his beck and call. If anybody can make it happen, it’s him.
Even still, Michael shakes his head. “No. It is prophesied that I am to bring about the end of days, and that’s what’s going to happen.”
“By dropping nuclear bombs on billions of innocent people?” you say incredulously, hoping that he’ll hear just how ridiculous it sounds. “Okay, what about our plans? Of me going to graduate school, of us moving somewhere new? Getting to explore the world together, and getting to be us? They’re just gone now because you’ve decided that listening to your father is better than a life with your wife?”
“It was foolish to make those in the first place. I’m just delaying the inevitable.”
You know that this isn’t really what he wants. That he’s acting on his father’s orders because Cordelia and Papa Legba both scared him into thinking about the potential consequences of disobeying him. Disobeying Satan has never scared Michael before though, which means that there must have been something between the lines that you hadn’t been able to read.
“Michael, please. I’m begging you. Think about all of the people that you’re going to kill! Kate and Mallory and Brennan? My–” your voice breaks. “My parents, who have done nothing but love and accept you as their own?”
“Their deaths fulfill a purpose,” he says simply and robotically.
You release his hands, the thought of continuing to touch him making you sick. “What is wrong with you?”
“What’s wrong with me? What’s wrong with you? You’re supposed to stand by my side during this! Why are you not supporting me?”
“You want me to support you blowing up the entire planet? You want my support as you end the world?” you ask in disbelief.
“How would you ever think that I could support you during this?”
“Because you’re my wife!” he yells.
“Yes, I am. But that does not mean I’ll support you when you’re making the most colossal mistake anybody could ever make.”
The electricity in the room begins to flicker and the ground under you rumbles as Michael grows more angry. Shadows begin to grow and warp behind him, and his face switches back and forth between the face that you know and love and that of the demon that lives within him. Still, you refuse to stand down.
“If you do this, Michael, do not expect me to stand by you. Physically, you can force me to play the part of your dutiful little wife. Otherwise? You’ll lose me for good. I will never be able to love a monster like you.”
Instead of saying anything in defense, Michael stalks to the door and throws it open, apparently deciding that if you won’t leave, he’ll leave instead. He knows where you stand on this matter now, and he knows that it’s the complete opposite of where he is. You’re so full of rage and hurt, though, that you can’t resist the last barb that’s been on your mind since your conversation turned into an argument.
“Y’know, ending the world isn’t gonna make your father love you like you want him to,” you call out to his retreating form.
He freezes in the doorframe for only a moment before saying over his shoulder, “The world will end, my love. And you will be right there with me when it does.” 
This is not a threat, you know. It’s a promise.
When the door slams shut behind him, you fall to the floor with a sob as your resolve leaves your body all at once. You truly can’t believe that it’s come to this, you think as you shakily grab your phone out of your pocket and call the first person that you can think of.
“Hey, I was just about to call you!” Mallory answers her phone cheerfully. “I think I finally found a banishing spell that’ll work for you and Michael.” 
She trails off when she hears the sounds of you trying to stop your crying over the line. 
“What’s wrong?”
“Mallory, Michael’s going to end the world, and soon.”
“He told you this?” she asks seriously, all traces of her earlier lightheartedness gone.
“We just got into a fight. I asked him not to go through with the apocalypse, and he–” You cut yourself off with a sobbing hiccup, “he was so angry that I even suggested it. I don’t even know what happened; one minute everything was fine, and the next we were yelling at each other. I told him that, emotionally, he’d lose me as his wife if he did it. He told me that it was happening and that I’d be right there with him as it did.”
“Oh no.”
“What do we do?” You’re sure that you sound as hopeless as you feel.
“I…” Mallory falls silent on the other end of the line. “I’m not sure. Let me think for a bit, okay?”
You have no clue if she can actually come up with something, or if she’s just saying this to try and provide you with a bit of comfort. Either way, it works enough that you can stop sobbing and whimper out an, “Okay.”
“Hey. We’re going to figure this out. Everything will be okay.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“I know. But I believe me. Can that be enough for you right now?” It sounds oddly reminiscent of the conversation that you had with her back in New Orleans, only now, the roles have been reversed.
You nod before remembering that she can’t actually see you through the phone. “Yeah.”
You don’t even realize that you’ve said bye to her until you hear the beeping in your ear that signifies the call’s been ended, your world having been completely tipped off of its axis. Everything that you’ve worked so hard to try and hide is now out in the open, and you’re terrified about the potential ramifications. 
How could this have gone so wrong, and so quickly?
Tag List: @thatonehumanbeing05 @michaellangdon @xavierplympton @hecohansen31 @blakescoven @wroteclassicaly @we-did-it-joe @codycrazy @love-on-the-murder-scene @michaellangdonswhore @nsainmoonchild @langdonsjoyy @aftertheglitterfades @ferndolan @iamlivingforturner @moonlike333 @narwhal-swimmingintheocean @angiestopit @littleangel4996 @xo-angel-ox
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dollsonmain · 9 months
Ok I'm going to explode if I don't talk about the big batch of unfortunate ponies that are on their way in for an emergency cleaning.
I am so excited and happy and grateful that I get a chance to clean them up because I'd never get to see many of these ponies in person otherwise since they're too pricey for me to buy.
I'll put it behind a cut, though, so their owner can choose whether or not to view my preliminary assessments which are based on the sales photos.
So, these were an expensive eBay lot with a lot of rare ponies in it which was an excellent price for all of them together. When they arrived to their buyer, it was discovered that they absolutely reek of mildew/mold. That's extremely disappointing.
They got packed right back up and are already on their way here.
Normally, boxes of ponies coming from there say they'll take a week and a half or so then suddenly appear after a couple days. I don't think that's going to happen this time, being Giftmas.
I had linked to the sale a while back but I didn't look super close at the pictures because there was no way I was going to be bidding, until today. They certainly LOOK stinky.
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Mildew stink is easier to remove than smoke, regardless of whether it's cigarette smoke or whatever my Wave Runner smells of (it smells like she was in a house fire). Mildew stops stinking for the most part once it's all dead, and it's all certainly going to be very dead when I'm done with these ponies.
I have an ozone generator which will help if the bad smell doesn't wash off sufficiently. They can also be treated like rustbutts and given an oxyclean soak inside and out though that's rough on the hair so not my first choice. I may also get that UVC lamp and add it to the SunBox which is good for killing off mold and mildew. Then it's a question of how efficiently I remove it all from the vinyl, or how deeply the scent has gotten into said vinyl.
I'm both feeling optimistic and wary of that optimism. I don't want to get my own hopes up. Gotta keep that shit realistic.
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If everyone got wet enough to mold, I don't think Talk-a-Lot is going to be functional. Hopefully she doesn't have batteries corroding in there. If that stuff on her face comes off, though, she'll at least be good for display. She looks very bright and fresh, otherwise.
Look at that scrungy hair on Merry Treat. hohoho bitch I am so excited. She also has some yellow on her face that will hopefully wash off. If it doesn't, yellow does cooperate pretty well with hydrogen peroxide and the SunBox.
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I can already see that Mommy has unstable vinyl. That's a shame. Mommy and Baby are Euro exclusive IIRC, and difficult to get, here.
I'm not sure those dark spots on Baby aren't stains. I hope not, but it kind of looks like marker eyeliner.
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These little pearlized babies are downright disgusting... Poor things. The pearl paint is surprisingly not as difficult to clean as I'd feared when the first ones showed up, what was it last year? It can withstand a gentle melamine sponging just as well as the cutie mark and eye paint. I also have a matching pearl paint to help with patching in where needed, though I don't have any semi-gloss sealant so any patched areas would rub off again rather easily. Good enough for display. I am rather confident they will turn out just fine.
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Look at that knotted up wad of tail tinsel. (❁´◡`❁) I can't WAIT to make that all smooth and pretty again. Hopefully the stuff on her will come off... I can't tell if she has all of her hair and there were no photos of her other side. It looks like it might be shorter, but that can be caused by being matted, too. Fingers crossed it's all there.
Even with a haircut, Rapunzel's resale value is preposterous, which is why I will never own one.
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There's some yellow grime on Birthday Pony and Firefly. I'm wary. It will either wipe right off or is stained. No way to know until I start cleaning.
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There are no photos of the other side of Li'l Pocket. I wonder if she has her piggy bank and coin, still.
There's a little Remco donkey in there! I was wanting to see one, and now I don't have to buy one to get to.
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Swirly Whirly.... I can't tell if the grime is ON her or IN her. She does seem to have shadowing in thinner areas but that can be both caused by dark mildew inside the body and just the fact that it's thinner, there, and there's a bit of a shadow inside. I won't know until I crack her open. When there's dirt stuck in the rooting holes like that, in my experience, it's coming from inside the body. Which is not a problem.
Her horrible hair texture excites me.
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I have seen a few Glow n Shows go opaque even more than Starglow there... No idea what causes it. Happyglow in this same batch seems fine.
Someday I want to have some Glow n Shows.
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I expect this to be stains. When it's been little round blooms like that, it's generally stained. I hope I'm proven wrong. She has her key, which is EXCITE.
There have been times where I've picked up a pony that looked like they had blooms and I didn't think they'd come off, and they wiped off no problem.
I actually have this one. She's my only remaining childhood pony. My Secret Beauty's key is long gone, though, and her saddle can barely stay latched anymore. The spring for the latch is worn out. She also has an ink stain on her cheek.
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.... I don't even know. The listing doesn't say what this dog is.
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floraphoenix · 1 year
Nightly Rounds (Amit Thakkar x Hufflepuff!Reader)
When Amit got appointed as Head Boy, he was absolutely thrilled. He'd worked so hard, bless him, and he got a fancy title!
But where there's a Head Boy, there's a Head Girl.
And who'd be more fitting than the graceful, intelligent, beautiful Hufflepuff who came crashing into his life in their first year.
He'd be pleased with this fact…
If she wasn't his enemy.
They'd had it out for each other since they met. As nice as she was, she had one hell of a fiery temper, and the amount of snarky remarks he'd received over the years was record breaking.
He'd grown used to her comments, and even gained enough courage to start firing them right back at her.
It never got physical (thank Merlin), but it was mostly sneers and scoffs while passing in corridors, maybe a glare-off from opposite ends of a classroom on occasion.
In summary, they didn’t get on well. And now they were forced to work with each other.
Amit quite liked doing his nightly rounds of the school. It was silent, apart from the occasional grunt from a portrait, or a crash from the path of destruction Peeves always left. Sometimes it was a bit eerie; sometimes the silence was too loud. But, Amit enjoyed it nonetheless; peace and quiet.
He’d taken up his position outside the library, scanning the corridors of the Faculty Tower, when who should catch his eye but the Head Girl, who was leaning against a bannister and looking rather spiteful. Her pretty mouth was drawn into a bow, a brow raised.
Amit felt his blood pressure rise just a smidge.
“Oh, good,” he breathed, suddenly very tired.
“Same to you.” The girl shot back, kicking off the bannister and striding toward him. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m standing watch, as I usually do, you should know that.” Amit answered simply, gritting out the last line.
“Well, you should know that I’ve been stationed here for the week, which means you can kindly leave.” She gestured down the corridor, motioning for him to leave.
Amit decided he wasn’t going to budge. 
“I, in fact, did not know this information, which gives me the impression that you’ve just made it up.” He folded his arms and narrowed his eyes, watching the Hufflepuff put her hands on her hips.
“Then you’re not as intelligent as you say you are, princess.” She sneered, and Amit rolled his eyes; ‘princess’ had become his nickname after she saw him once in their third year shrieking like a girl while getting chased by an angry flock of Cornish Pixies. She’d hollered and laughed so hard that day she quite literally collapsed to the floor in a fit of giggles, calling him a “damsel in distress”, which only embarrassed Amit further. And thus, the name stuck.
“There was a notice sent out with the rotors this morning,” she continued, ignoring his eye roll, “clearly you’re little Ravenclaw brain didn’t pay attention.”
“If there was a rotor, I would know.” He stated firmly, uncrossing his arms and taking a step forward with clenched fists.
You’d think by now that he’d stop letting her get under his skin, but there was just something so… infuriating about her. She was always there, corridors, classrooms, Great Hall, even the Owlery, he just couldn’t get her out of his head!
He couldn’t get rid of her. Yes, that’s what he meant. It’s not like he always thought about her…
The stars had to take up some part of his brain too!
Regardless, he glared down at her as she looked smugly up at him, and he knew she was getting a kick out of seeing him frustrated, but he didn’t look away.
(He couldn’t look away.)
“You seem to overestimate your knowledge, Thakkar,” she wound on, also taking a step forward. They were very much in each other’s personal spaces now but they didn’t seem to care, instead choosing to be quite rude to one another.
“ Please, my knowledge far exceeds yours, and you know it.” He shot back.
Their eyes bored into each other’s, and now it was a competition of will; who will look away first?
“Keep telling yourself that, princess.”
“Oh, will you shut up with that ridiculous name!” 
“Make me!”
Now, Amit couldn’t really tell you why he did what he did; maybe it was the close proximity of the pair; perhaps it was pure rage;
Perhaps she really did consume most of his thoughts.
In a fit of… (we’re not sure. Rage? Frustration? Adoration with a touch of madness?)
In a fit of adoration with a touch of madness, Amit grabbed the Hufflepuff Head Girl by the shoulders and quite literally smashed his mouth to hers. She let out a noise similar to “hmph!” before bringing her hands up to grab the sides of his robes and pushing back by standing on her tiptoes.
Their eyes were still open, and they stared at each other as they kissed, and this only made them more furious in their actions; her tongue tickled his bottom lip, making his eyelids flutter, but he granted her entry all the same. 
Her hands gripped onto his side tighter, which made him drag his own hands up her shoulders, past her neck, resting them on her jaw, pulling her closer in the process. In response, she wrapped her arms around his neck, and now they were impossibly close, joined at the mouth, licking at each other's tongues.
He couldn’t help it; he gave in; he closed his eyes first.
Now this- this was an awfully intimate thing to be doing with one's mortal enemy. But when you’re enamoured by their beauty and actually quite flattered by all the attention they give you… well, there’s your excuse. 
Footsteps echoed through the corridor.
The rate in which the pair separated was quick enough to break the sound barrier. They practically jumped apart, gasping and panting slightly, glancing around for the source of the noise.
Amit failed to notice the Hufflepuff staring alarmedly at his mouth, and was startled when she grabbed his wrist and dragged him under the staircase, pushing him against the wall and out of sight. 
“Wait, why am I hiding? I’m Head Boy.” He whispered urgently, and he noticed just how small the crevice was, and just how hard her hand was pressed against his chest; her fingers balled briefly into a fist, clutching the fabric of his robe, before drawing back.
“Well, princess, I hate to inform you that you’re absolutely covered in lipstick, and I do not want anyone getting the wrong idea.” She whispered hurriedly back, before stepping backwards in hopes of looking relatively relaxed and totally not suspicious at all.
Professor Sharp limped up the stairs, catching sight of the Head Girl and bowing his head in greeting.
“Good evening, Professor,” she said cheerfully, watching him as he pulled his way up the next flight of stairs.
“He’s in a good mood,” Amit commented briefly, sarcasm dripping from his tone, before peeling away from the wall and rushing out of the hiding place, and giving another quick scan of the corridors.
“Didn’t think you had it in you, Thakkar,” the Hufflepuff chuckled, pulling a handkerchief out of her robe and handing it to him. He took it and began wiping his mouth.
“I’m covered in your lipstick, please don’t call me by my last name.” He mumbled, glancing at the hankie which was, indeed, covered in pink smudges. 
“What, prefer ‘princess’?” She quipped, taking the white cloth back and holding his chin with her thumb and forefinger, wiping the last bits of makeup away. “I know I do.”
“You would, because you’re insufferable. And honestly, I didn’t know I had it in me either.”
“Then why’d you kiss me?”
“Because you told me to make you shut up. So I did. Didn’t work though…”
“Ha! Of course it didn’t, you’ve known me long enough to know that something as little as that won’t end my behaviour.”
“Then what if I did it again?”
“Ooh, Amit Thakkar, I had no idea you were such a womaniser!”
“I-I’m not! I just…”
“You just?”
“Nevermind.” Amit shook his head, feeling a flush creep up his neck.
“You just?” She repeated, tilting her head with a knowing smile that made his stomach flip. He swallowed, glancing around, eyes coming to rest on the door to the Prefect’s bathroom.
She followed his eyeline, before turning sharply back to him, a smirk plastered across her pretty face. Quick as a flash, she grabbed his hand and started pulling him toward the door.
Amit followed like a lost puppy, but paused at the door.
“Wait, we’re supposed to be on the night rounds out there.”
“You are, you were right, I was making it up.” She quipped, batting her eyelashes.
Amit gasped exasperatedly.
He was cut off by her dragging him down and kissing him full on the mouth once more, letting the door swing shut behind them.
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bwobgames · 1 year
Previous First
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"Uh, you mean let it be destroyed with the fire? Um, sure, but I'd rather be completely certain that it gets torned down, you know?"
"....No, that's not what I mean"
"Um, okay...? Is there something you are not okay with?"
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"Why are we destroying it?"
"To end the loop, Ángel"
"But why? Coli is already dead. He won't come back regardless"
"What... What are you implying"
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"I said this before Ángel, this place is dangerous. Look what Coli has done"
"Yeah, but look what the doctor did! He cured all of his patients and lived on to have a long life!"
"I, I just"
"I dont think this house is all that bad!"
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"It was made with love! With the want to protect!"
"Yes, but it can be taken advantage of by bad people, like Coli"
"But we are not bad people!"
"Ángel. What are you...?"
"Just think about it! If it wasn't for this house, you wouldn't be standing!"
"If it wasn't for this house, I wouldn't have died 3 times"
"But you got better! What if you had a random accident one day? There would be nothing to worry about in this house!"
"Wouldn't you like that? Knowing for certain that everything will be okay?"
"Wh- What is this for? Do you want to turn this place into a hospital, too?"
"No! That's not...!"
"Then what?! Why are you suddenly acting like you want to be inmortal too!?"
"It's just...!"
"Oliver, I..."
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"I don't want to see you die again"
He's crying
"...what can I say against that?"
"We might be fine now, but what if you get into an accident in the way back? Or in a few years? Or in a few decades?"
"I, I want you to be safe, I want us both to be safe"
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"And this place can do that! We can age as much as we want! We'll never have to worry about whether we live or die another day!"
"Everything would be okay"
"Ángel, I...
I'm sorry
I just. I dont want to live in a house where I got killed"
"But you lived! You are not dead! Isn't that better?"
"I, I guess? Ángel we don't know what this house can do, it's dangerous, it's eating us"
"It wants to help! It will give us one more chance if we need one!"
"Ángel so many people have died here, I don't like these big houses. You know this"
"I'll make sure you are okay!"
"No, Ángel..."
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"We, we are supposed to go see the chickens, right? I'm gonna show you around town, and you'll get me to Argentina
I, I've never crossed the Andes you know
I'd really like to see it with you"
"... we could, maybe"
"Yeah! And, dont you want to see my apartment? My cat?"
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"We could bring the cat here"
"You are not getting it..."
"Ángel, this place is horrible. Even with all the good intentions it was built in, terrible things happened. And I'll always have that inside me"
"You don't have to"
"We loop one more time"
"Coli is dead. All we do is have a nice night. I invite you to the bar, and we start again, without all this pain in your memories"
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"What about you...? You are going to remember. And I'll forget you again."
"I know.
But you won't have to live with everything that happened here.
No more scars, no more painful memories
We can start again, like nothing bad ever happened"
"Like nothing ever happened? And you'd be okay with that?"
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"... Not really
But I'd do it for you"
"You are being unfair, with yourself"
"I don't want us to die, Oliver. I don't want anyone to die anymore
They've died enough
I'm scared
I don't know what the future holds for us, and I'm scared
I dont want us to end again
"...I promised to save Ángel from this place.
Was I too late?"
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superfanficnatural · 4 months
The Son: Chapter 17
Pairing: Poe Dameron x Male!Reader (The Son)
Summary: You’ve finally broken free of the forces controlling you at a great cost, though the cost of doing so was even greater than you thought. Now, you fight for the antithesis of what you had been representing, and have to grapple with finding your own place in the galaxy while grappling with the person trying to find their way into your heart. Will The Son choose the light? Or the dark? Whatever the answer may be, may the force be with us.
A/N: AHHHHHHHHHHH IS MY ONLY THOUGHT. As always, I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: None.
Word Count: 3,700
Italics are your thoughts
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You returned to your house in the village and closed the door behind you, getting into a meditative stance, intending to simply relax in the force to pass time and possibly try to get a visitor once again. It was difficult as you knew Rey most likely went to explore the dark side of the island she felt previously. You fought the urge to help her as you were beginning to realize there was more to her and her connection with the darkness than you knew, but this was most likely part of her path. Though, you had meditated for thousands of years so you were able to do so regardless. 
After a short while of meditating, you felt Rey approach and enter her own house. Shortly after that, you once again felt the prickle at your skin as the connection between Rey and Kylo was activated once again. You had decided to stop meditating and left your house but leaned against the side of the wall under the rain. You looked off towards Rey’s house and watched over her, not wanting to interfere this time as it seemed the force had an intention for them. You knew that the stronger their connection, the less of a physical barrier there would become between them but you were confident Rey could hold her own. If not, you were ready to rush in at a moment’s notice. It wasn’t long before Luke appeared and suddenly began rushing towards Rey. You actually felt Luke through the force now which surprised you slightly, perhaps he had opened himself back up once again because of Rey’s words. Your interest peaked as you wondered if he sensed something off so you began to walk slowly towards the house yourself. Almost the second after he ran in, the entire place exploded and the rocks flew everywhere. You had to use the force to shield yourself from a few incoming pieces as you had just made out Rey and Kylo sitting next to each other before he disappeared. 
The rain put out the fire next to Rey as she stood and confronted Luke, “Is it true? Did you try to murder him?”
Your eyes shot to Luke in surprise at the information that had just come to light after you had rushed forward. 
“Leave this island now!” Luke responded, turning away to leave. 
“Stop. Stop!” she followed him.
He didn’t turn around and you gasped as Rey hit him from behind with her staff, “Rey, calm down.”
She held her staff towards him in preparation regardless as he turned on the ground to face her, “Did you do it? Did you create Kylo Ren?”
He got back up and she attempted to swing at him but using the force, Luke pulled a rod towards him to defend, raising the stick in his hand to block against the swing. 
“Maybe we de-escalate...” you tried to calm the two.
Neither of them paid you any attention as Rey began to swing and Luke began to dodge. After a few misses, Luke gave her a hard tap on the back with his stick which led her to cry out. They once again began to trade blows and Luke, being the Jedi master, was easily able to deflect all of her attacks. They moved along the stairs of the village and you moved along with them, prepared to intervene if it got too serious. Within just a second, Luke managed to take her staff from her and toss it, leading Rey to immediately use the force to pull his saber in and grab it, igniting it in the process! You lunged at great speed to get towards Luke as he staggered back while she raised the blade. 
You ignited your own blade and held it just above Luke in protection, “Rey!”
Luke had caught himself on the ground using the force so he didn’t suffer any injuries and Rey had no movement in her arms to suggest she intended to swing. She lowered her blade as she looked at you momentarily which led you to do the same.
“Tell us the truth,” she deactivated the saber.
You looked down towards Luke, also expectant of an answer as what Rey said concerned you greatly.
Luke looked off in the distance as he began to recall the events of the night Kylo left once more, “I saw darkness. I’d sensed it building in him. I’d seen it in moments during his training. But then I looked inside.” His tone became darker as he recalled the sinister events, “And it was beyond what I ever imagined. Snoke had already turned his heart. He would bring destruction, and pain, and death, and the end of everything I love because of what he will become. And for the briefest moment of pure instinct, I thought I could stop it.” His voice became defeated and ragged, “It passed like a fleeting shadow. And I was left with shame, and with consequence. And the last thing I saw, were the eyes of a frightened boy whose master had failed him.”
You shook your head and let out a scoff, disbelieving of how similar the situation was to how you and your own father were. It actually made you feel for Kylo when all you had done until now was give him animosity. 
“You failed him by thinking his choice was made,” Rey argued. “It wasn’t. There’s still conflict in him. If he were turned from the dark side, that could shift the tide.”
You internally gasped as you realized the nexus event was a dyad. The dyad was Kylo and Rey. It would be completed once one of them gets converted to the other side. Anxiety rose in your gut... this was more complicated than you thought. You had initially assumed their battle would spark the nexus event but it seems as though it was the complete opposite. It was about whoever managed to coerce the other to their side. You thought back to how easily Rey was able to connect with the dark forces of the planet and worry began to gnaw at the back of your mind.
“This could be how we win,” she finished.
“This is not going to go the way you think,” Luke argued back,
She came closer and bent down to his level, “It is. Just now, when we touched hands, I saw his future.”
Your eyes widened but you readjusted as you realized that would be an obvious symptom of the connection that was formed between them.
Luke didn’t seem to buy it but she pressed, “As solid as I’m seeing you. If I go to him, Ben Solo will turn.”
You considered her words carefully as if she indeed went to him, it could risk everything.
“Rey, don’t do this,” Luke pleaded.
You almost wanted to agree with him but you didn’t establish an opinion quite yet so you didn’t want to make a stance. She got up and offered the saber to Luke still on the ground with an expectant look on her face. He closed his eyes and looked off to the side annoyedly. 
She retracted her hand and shook her head, “Then he’s our last hope.”
She turned and walked away, grabbing her staff. You looked at Luke for a moment before sighing and following her back to the Falcon. Your time on the planet was finished.
As the two of you walked along back to the ship, Rey looked to you, “Do you trust me? Believe me when I say that I can make Ben turn?”
You looked at her for a few moments, “I believe that I cannot tell you how to walk your path.” You shook your head, “Honestly, I’m beginning to think I know just as much as you do about the galaxy. But I’m choosing to trust you.”
As she reminded you much of yourself, you felt the need to give her a chance. It reminded you of how your father ultimately ended up regretting not understanding that you weren’t only filled with darkness... that perhaps you could have been saved long ago if he had believed in you. You wouldn’t make that mistake with Rey. You could feel her pureness and knew that she was worthy of your trust.
She smiled at you, “Thank you.”
You bumped her shoulder as the two of you walked, “Hey, you’re telling me every detail of your plan and we’re getting through this together, ok?”
She nodded furiously with determination in response and she began to explain her plan to you as you got back to the ship. As you did, she also explained her plan to Chewie and you gave a few pointers and edits to the plan to make it have at least a slightly higher chance of success. When you got back, you also noticed Rey pour out the old Jedi texts that were in the tree from her bag into one of the drawers and you shrugged it off.
“As soon as I launch, you jump back out of range. Stay there until you get my signal for where to rendezvous,” Rey said to you and Chewie as you were nearly out of hyperspace near the binary beacon.
You had managed to scan and find out the First Order was there too which is where Rey was going to drop in and get face to face with Kylo. The plan included her getting captured which was the opposite of what you had in mind when you said you were going to protect her but trusted in her regardless.  
“If you see Finn before I do, tell him...” Rey tried to find a good phrase to say.
Chewie growled and finished her sentence.
“Yeah, perfect. Tell him that,” Rey smiled.
“You’ve got this. Trust in yourself, in the force, and nothing may stop you,” you smiled encouragingly at her.
She nodded sharply in response with her smile intact before taking a deep breath, holding Luke’s saber tight in her hands, and getting into the pod. Chewie and you rushed to the bridge after pressing the button that prepared the pod’s launch.
“3, 2,” you began calling out as the ship neared the end of hyperspace.
Once you got out, you slammed down the button that released the pod and Chewie ran down the lever to go to hyperspace right afterwards to get to a safer location. 
You knew that the waiting was going to be a while, and that it was most likely going to suck... but it really sucked. Let alone you wanted to get back to Poe, you had no idea what was going on with Rey, or the rest of the Resistance. You took the opportunity though to feel through the force once again and look for Leia. It didn’t take long and she was perfectly fine which made you let out a relieved sigh. It wasn’t another ten minutes before you let out a gasp that had even Chewie concerned for you.
You smiled slightly in disbelief as your eyes widened, “Snoke is dead.”
You had never reached out for him before as you didn’t want to appear on his radar before, which you found out you were on anyways, but as you were in extreme close proximity after dropping Rey, you had finally felt him. Though now, you felt as his life force vanished from the galaxy with utmost certainty. Though your good mood was soured by the fact that you tried feeling for Ben and could still... only feel Kylo.
“What’s going on, Rey?” you muttered into the room.
As time passed, your concern rose to dangerous heights with all of the darkness you were beginning to feel. You could feel the deaths of many and knew that it was the fleet, feel the struggle and pain that Rey was currently going through as whatever was happening between her and Kylo was the loudest thing to you. 
Yet one other thing shone through like an emerald through the moonlight. 
The darkness that you felt began to blanket the galaxy was sliced through by the spear of sacrifice as you felt it dissipate and for the sunlight to slowly come back around.
Not long afterwards, your ship received communications from... Snoke’s personal ship?
“Y/N? Chewie? Can you hear me?” you heard Rey’s voice shine through on your headset.
You immediately accepted the communications and responded, “Rey? Are you ok? What happened?”
“I’ll explain everything once you come pick me up, here are my coordinates,” she sent you her coordinates that you locked in and immediately set off to.
After you met up with her and docked ships, Rey coming onboard, you fired at the ship to destroy it and got situated in the cockpit.
“We need to get to the planet that was near the fleet. I saw them flying down towards it,” Rey announced.
“Chewie, get on the scanners and check out which planet that would be, we need to get there now,” you asked.
Chewie vocalized and said he would get on it.
“Now, what happened?” you asked.
She sighed and you could tell she was trying to fight back tears, “B- Kylo killed Snoke but... he wanted to rule instead with me.” She looked into your eyes now, “He said he had a vision too, that I was on the throne with him.”
You took a deep breath and tilted your head back a bit before responding, “Both of you got visions that you turned the other? It’s possible both of you just saw potential futures, which means there’s possibility for either of your visions to come true.”
She wasn’t exactly thrilled by your answer but it did seem to give her a spark of hope which calmed her down. Not long after, Chewie told you he already locked in the coordinates and you were rushing back to go help the last of the Resistance. It wasn’t long before you got back to the system they were in and saw a large strike force on the planet’s surface. You could feel Leia down there along with your droids and Poe. Putting a bit extra force on the stick, you piloted the ship down as fast as you could to start assisting the ground forces that were fighting back. As you arrived you were visually met with several walkers in attack formation walking towards a large metallic wall where the Resistance were held up. There was a squadron of speeders also in attack position flying towards the walkers with trenches dug out for soldiers to fire gatling guns. They were at a clear disadvantage as Kylo had his command ship overhead along with a squadron of TIE’s fighters as well. Though, this fight was about to be shifted in your favor if you had something to do with it. Rey rushed to the gunner position on the rear as you and Chewie piloted the ship. It was nice to be the pilot again as you had Poe fly you around in the last few fights and you missed the adrenaline. You entered the fight without a moment's notice and flew the ship in position so that Rey would be able to take out a few TIE’s with a single shot.
“Let’s say hello!” you called out, prompting Rey to fire and take out three TIE’s.
What you had come to learn as a Porg, the bird-like creatures that infested the ship, war cried out as you destroyed another ship that flew by.
“Whoo! I like this!” Rey said over the comms with enthusiasm as she shot down another ship.
“Good shooting!” you said back.
Rey kept shooting down more and more ships as you flew along and before long, you had every single TIE fighter break off from the others and begin targeting your ship.
“Oh shit,” you cursed as you swerved the Falcon. “We’ve got their attention alright!” 
You knew Poe was still alive and you knew he was most likely driving one of the speeders but if you broke your focus on flying for even a moment it wasn’t just your own life you would put at risk. So instead, you focused on what was right in front of you for now.
“Y/N! Peel them away from the battle,” Rey shouted.
“I’ve got you! We need to get them off the speeders,” you replied, already piloting the ship away.
You swerved away and found a large crack in the ground that had chasms seemingly large enough for the ship. It would be insanely good cover you couldn’t give up as you had too many ships on your tail. With a grunt, you piloted straight into it and just barely managed to keep the ship from scraping into the walls.
“Y/N!” Rey shouted, telling you that you probably did scratch up the ship at least a bit.
Chewie growled next to you in support and flipped a switch, helping your engines thrust to go maneuver upwards and through a bout of protruding crystals. As you did so, a few of the TIE’s slammed straight into them and imploded. Using the frontal blasters, you tried carving out a path for the ship as there was a wall straight ahead and you didn’t have time to go anywhere else. Luckily, the crystal wall was thin as you had hoped and you managed to break through with the lasers before flying through into a new chasm. By now, most of the ships were taken care of and only about four of them remained. They laid down heavy fire and the console told you the rear cannon was offline, likely a result from scraping the cave. The space got tighter and tighter and you and Chewie were scrambling to press buttons, flick switches and pilot through as the TIE’s pursued. Some of them got destroyed from the crystals as you neared the exit and you visually confirmed that the hole to exit back to the surface was indeed not big enough for the ship. By the time you noticed it was too late and the ship had to physically break out of the ground to exit. Thankfully, you did without any major damage and as you did so, you didn’t pick up any TIE’s on your scanner and let out a small sigh of relief. It was time to get back to the base. 
Right as Rey entered the cockpit to give R2 the binary beacon, your eyes drew towards the direction you remembered the First Order was attacking at. 
“Luke,” you whispered.
Rey seemingly felt the same thing, “How is that possible?”
You weren’t sure but didn’t have time to figure that out just yet, “We’ll figure it out later, R2 get on the beacon and transmit the coordinates to me as you do.”
As you flew towards the location the beacon was showing you, you had... reached your destination?
“If the beacon’s right beneath us, they’ve got to be somewhere, keep scanning for lifeforms R2,” Rey announced with hope.
The three of you tried to visually see any movement below you to find where they were as when you had returned to the area, you saw the metal door completely blown through. You knew Poe was alive but where was he? You couldn’t see anything out there.
“I see them! Guys there!” Rey called out after a minute of looking around.
You snapped your head to look and saw a bunch of small creatures running from what seemed to be a small dig out. They were most likely trapped down there! You piloted the ship down to land as fast as you could and rushed out of the ship with Rey. As you got to where the small creatures were coming out from, there were a significant amount of large boulders that had completely blocked whatever entrance there had been previously. 
You looked at Rey as she looked over as well, “Lifting rocks.”
You smiled, “You take the lead, I’ll assist.”
She nodded and stood in front of the rocks, reaching out with her hand. You came up behind her and placed a hand on her shoulder, also reaching out and assisting her to pick up the rocks. As you did, slowly but surely they began to rise and float in the air. As you did, a small hole was uncovered and you were met with Finn and Poe among others. A smile graced your face and you began to move the rocks to the side with Rey, unable to wait for the moment you could hug Poe. As the rocks fell to the sides, Finn and Poe sprinted forward with smiles on their faces and you and Rey rushed to hug them. Finn had enveloped Rey in a hug and you and Poe nearly knocked each other over. His hold over you was so tight it surprised you but it reminded you of the safety and comfort you always felt in his arms and nearly melted. His left arm and hand came to cradle the back of your head as he held you against him, his right arm cushioning the smaller of your back and holding you upright against him as well. You held him just as tightly as the rest of the world peeled away. All that had mattered in that moment was that he was alive, and that you were together. 
“If you had died before this, I would have killed you,” you muttered into his shoulder as you let the tears fall freely.
You could feel his body jerk as he laughed internally at what you said before loosening his grip on you to look into your face. You were still completely in his embrace but he had pulled back just enough to look at your features. Your heart rate spiked and you suddenly became warm as you could feel his breath on your face and his lips were mere inches from yours. The look in his eyes were intense and they were peering into your soul, forcing a blush to creep up your cheeks.
“I’m gl-”
He kissed you.
Next Chapter
Forevers Tag List: @magssteenkamp @shadowsinger11 @donnaintx @flamencodiva @impalawrites-blog @talesmaniac89 @malfoysqueen54 @writercole @hintsofhoney @lassie-bird @never--doubt
Male Reader Tag List: @myybebe @denim-devil @spnfanboy777
The Son Tag List: @brymalibu
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f0point5 · 5 months
Again, I do not claim to know anything about him, but a lot of these sentiments have been echoed by people who’ve had far more contact with him than I have/
Do you mean like journalists? Because if you look at interviews from engineers and people who worked on him in his previous teams (f1, f2, karting) their description of how he is is very different from the nice passive one people have.
When it comes to the brand, that's a different matter. I don't think is a sign of personality or leadership is just that ferrari is bigger than any driver, they're not gonna do what red bull or Mercedes did, it's not because they're not inspired by charles, it's because is ferrari. Vetell and Alonso were wdc and ferrari didn't do for them either. And about Lewis, we're still yet to see but I honestly doubt ferrari will turn into lewis business. So I think this isn't fair comparisson, because we were talking about a driver building a team around them to win a wdc, so it's less about the marketing imo. It's about engineers, strategy team and everything else (a newey). And when max became wdc I don't think we can say he build that team, his job there was to drive.
About the whole Binotto x Fred... I remember back when binotto was fired and Fred announced, there were a lot of comments on how charles was spoiled because he caused binotto to leave and ferrari to bring a guy he likes, even tho fred wasn't that great to be on ferrari. Charles last year have implied in interviews it was him or binotto. It's interesting to notice that now Fred Is proving to be a good tp, we suddenly disassociate charles from that move. Now its ferrari choice that happens to be someone charles like, charles obviously didn't have any saying on the hiring. I feel like if Fred was a disaster people would be saying is charles falt for bringing him and not ferrari fault.
As of carlos x charles... as much influence carlos family have and how much they use media... I would say in the end of the day it seems like charles is still winning the civil war.
But anyway, I feel like we're not going anywhere in this conversation lmao. I think in the end of the day since you follow max closely you know a lot of info about him and his team I don't and since you don't follow charles closely you don't know as much about him. I still believe you're forming your view on him based on certain media narratives and cliches instead of facts, but we're all guilty of that, I have done that myself with max and other drivers in the past as well!
As I said, I don’t think nice or passive is really what I’ve said thus far (you can be a nice person and get things done and you can be a rage monster and achieve nothing, I don’t think that’s the point) but fair enough. I mean journalists and commentators. I mean, I’m not saying they know Charles well either but they’ve met him and I haven’t.
I agree on the branding, and I said that in your ask and another ask, it’s not really fair to compare because Ferrari is a team that will always stand on its own history as opposed to the results of one driver. I am very interested to see if this changes in how they market Lewis considering his formal ambassadorship and their investment in mission 44. But regardless I don’t think Ferrari will ever choose to define themselves by one driver, nor should they given their brand identity.
I’m not saying Max built the team that won in 2021 all by himself. I said I think he knows who is good to keep around him when he comes across them.
All I read re Fred was what I said, that Charles wanted Binotto gone so they fired him to keep Charles, and of the candidates for replacement they chose Fred because he and Charles had a good working relationship. That has always been my understanding and that level of association hasn’t changed. Regardless of how Fred did, I wouldn’t have thought hiring Fred was on Charles.
That Charles v Carlos thing is so cooked. The only people who don’t know Charles is more talented than Carlos are people with the last name Sainz. Twitter likes ain’t gonna change that.
But yeah I mean at the end of the day I freely admit that my impression of Charles informs how I interpret things I read, all of which are actually just rumours anyway. I think it’s pretty normal to use your observations (or other people’s observations) about a person to fill in the gaps when you pretty much know nothing for sure and you don’t even know the person irl. Because the rumours can be interpreted a bunch of different ways, it’s your perception of a person that decides which way you lean. As I always say, it’s all just vibes here because we know 0.5% of what actually goes on 😂 but yeah it’s clear we just lean different ways, no harm no foul 🙂
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 5 months
Popping in to demand, gently and with enthusiasm, that you share some banter from a wip of your choosing, please and thank you
Hehe I love my banter. I have posted this before and within the past week, but have this--
From The Secret Portal Part Two (Akash POV)
“Hey, guys.” Parker flicked his hand, summoning his remaining breakfast to his newly-picked table on light current of air. “What’s up?” “Me,” I said, causing Robbie to snicker. “Are we still on for practice today?” “Uh, yeah of course,” said Parker as Wade joined our table. “Your joke sucked. You’re sitting down. We’ll have to work on that.” “Is part of being an air-molecule-manipulating person good humor?” “I thought it was until you came.” “Give him a break, Parker.” “He made a bad joke, Wade! What am I supposed to say.” I ate my bowl-innards so I didn’t have to reply. Yeah, it was a bad joke, but it was the anti-humor that made it funny! “The fact that it was bad made it good,” Robbie defended. I smiled smugly at Parker through my cereal-filled mouth. Thanks, Robbie. “Humor is a subjective but meticulous craft,” said Parker. “The joke needs to make sense to be funny, and considering that you are not up, it doesn’t make sense.” “But I’m a flyer,” I protested. “That’s the logic.” “You said it when you were down!” Parker protested. “That would be like Jazlyn saying, ‘I’m so hot!’ when she’s not on fire!” “I’m gay, but Jazlyn’s objectively hot,” said Wade. “Totally not the point,” said Parker. “You’re taking this too seriously.” Parker laughed, throwing his head back. “Serious? Me?! That’s a first. Could you tell that to Mrs. Holladay? Besides, I’m just helping the kid out.” “You’re, like, two years older than me,” I pointed out. “Regardless, I’m helping you out. Watch, I’ll make your joke work.” In a fast yet graceful move, Parker thrust his hands out and up in a swooshing movement, causing a gust of wind to suddenly lift me out of my seat and a handful of yards in the air. “What the hell?!” I shouted at the same time as Robbie. “Parker!” Wade scolded as I struggled to gain control of the air around me, but whatever Parker was doing made it difficult to push back on the molecules. “Now he’s up! And in perfect time for our lesson!” “This wasn't what we agreed upon!” I protested. Looking down, I saw the other Recruits had turned their attention toward the commotion. “Yes!” Jazlyn exclaimed as Ewan beside her shook his head violently. “How’s it going up there, Akash?” “It’s going!” “Grab onto the molecules, Singh!” Gabriel shouted up. “I’m trying!” “Moving them around for him,” said Parker. “It makes for good training. He has to think on his feet. Spontaneity.” “Consult me first!” “If I’d consulted you first, it wouldn’t be spontaneous!” “Who said I wanted spontaneous?!” “Have you learned your lesson on making bad jokes?” “Is that what this is about?” Robbie and I chorused. “God, you two are something else,” said Parker. “No, this is me deciding that was a pretty epic segue into a spontaneous training lesson. I thought that was implied. Now, get ahold of the molecules.”
It was actually a pretty epic segue for me. Because before I started the scene I wasn't sure how to bridge the casual conversation and the training scene.
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
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zz-chikorita · 1 year
Congratulations on the new place!
And random question time! If Leon, Guzma, Plumeria, and any other OCs or canon characters you wanna do this for, were to suddenly gain MAGICAL POWERS, what kind would they get? Like elements (and which elements) or things like illusions or transfigurations, healing magic etc., what would each person be naturally gifted in and/or choose to specialize in?
Ooh, there's so many ways this could go! I think if it were powers they were naturally gifted with...
I think Guzma would have sort of "commanding voice" power. Anyone who here's his voice is forcefully compelled to do as he says, regardless of the. (If you're familiar with One Piece, basically a Conquorer's Haki type thing). I think he probably views this power as both a blessing and curse because, on one hand, it's an extremely useful power and, on the other, some people become very distrusting of him and accuse him of using it even when he's not.
Plumeria would have illusionary magic. She would mostly be subtle about it to help her in her thieving days. She'd use it to win in card games and other bets or to simply conceal something small she lifted. However, she'd occasionally use it to create a distraction or to disguise herself if she was in a bind. Of course, she would also use it to annoy Guzma (possibly something as small as leaving an illusionary chocolate bar on the counter just to make him mad when he bites into what's actually a tamato berry to something more substantial, like giving him a very guady face tattoo when hes trying to pick up at guys at the bar). I also think she'd sometimes use it to hide herself to get a little peace and quiet from the grunts.
For Leon, my immediate thought was teleportation magic, but then I realized I was taking that from this lovely gift fic by the even lovelier @jay-gue . So, I want to go a different and say Leon would specialize in natural magics. He can communicate with plants and pokemon and manipulate nature in many ways. This type of magic would probably also grant him some amount of healing power. I think this would be appropriate because it reflects both his kind heart and Disney princess-esque affinity for pokemon.
I do like the whole idea of elemental powers, so let me go ahead and assign them those atla style: I think Plumeria would be a fire bender because of her Salazzle and she just seems to have the vibes. Guzma would be an earth bender as his background in sumo, which involves strong rooting and solid stances, is much like hung ga, the martial art it is based on. Leon would be a water bender. I think you could argue him an air bender with his floaty demeanor and love of flying, but I chose water bending because, in my story, Leon knows quite a bit of Tai Chi, the martial art that water bending is based off of.
Now...let's say they are in a magic world and get to choose what path they take? I think Plumeria would take divination. Guzma would follow alchemy. Leon would be an apparitionist.
How about some other characters for funzies? Moon=Clairvoyance (yes, it's an omniscient protagonist joke); earth bender. Hop=Abjuration (mostly because I played Sword so he was the shield boy); air bender. Molayne=astrology (he's the astronomy boy); air bender. Kalani= artifist (he's a craftsman after all); water bender. Kukui=evocation (perhaps I should not explain my reasons just yet); fire bender.
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plothooksinc · 1 year
for the writing ask meme, have you answered either of these?
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
Do you outline your fic or plan as you go?
Hello anon! I'm sorry for the long delay-- I got into a protracted fight with insomnia (I stayed awake for 24 hours, managed to sleep for one and staggered around shrieking muuurderrrr??? for a while) so now that I am mostly well rested I have come to answer your ask \o/
🎬 If a movie or show were based on your fic, which fic would you choose and who would you fancast?
...I can really answer only the first part of this, because I'm elitist scum who will turn my nose up at the idea of live action anything for my animated fandoms, lmao. Particularly with TMNT, who are 99% not human anyway in terms of cast. So I'd be like "get me their original VAs pls and thank" and leave it at that.
But! For a movie or show, I'm going to deviate from my norm of late and say The Zaibatsu Project. Much as my love my teetles, NRFTW takes place over six days and is paced in such a way it probably wouldn't work well in film (a few days of quiet followed by multiple chapters of everyone screaming and on fire, uhhh) and Underdark definitely works much better in print, given that most of it takes place in complete darkness. Legacy would work if I ever finished it, as would the teasers, but let's not use fics in potentia, haaaa.
The Zaibatsu Project isn't finished either, but there's a lot more meat to it than my other unfinisheds and stands a better chance of being finished first, and it's... honestly the fic I've spent time considering whether I should rip it down, file the serial numbers off, and write it as original fic because the story works so well regardless. I decided against it in the end (largely because I knew I'd never finish it) but it's a Rurouni Kenshin AU in which all the 19th century characters are all in fact in 2029 cyberpunk!Japan, which was all very futuristic when I started writing it (and I sweat more and more as we approach this date), in which Battousai is in fact a Black ICE program and separate from Kenshin (his programmer, deeply ashamed of this fact and in semi-retirement), and him being called back to duty by the Zaibatsu he's contracted to in order to both update his programming and chase down the only survivor of the Battousai program, who just happens to be one unconventional hacker (Kaoru) desperately trying to find her missing brother (Yahiko) who unwittingly signed his life away to the Zaibatsu in question, whoops. Cue a lot of cat and mouse-ing, car chases, riots, street fights, politicking, underhanded dealing, corporate warfare, and currently Kaoru running for her life from Kenshin who really would like her to stop running so he can protect her already gdit get back here-- It's fun :D And it would make for a great movie/show, so that's my pick. In lieu of fancasting, I would ask instead for it to be animated by Studio Trigger to keep with the theme of things.
Do you outline your fic or plan as you go?
I have answered this one before, but just briefly again: sometimes! I don't bother with short fics or fics that are meant to be short and suddenly turn into super long ones. A lot of the time if I outline, it's more a guidepost and me sitting down to go "okay, here is a scene I want to write, can I actually come up with a plot to get to that point?" - if i can dotpoint my way to the end, that's often the last time I look at the outline and off I go and will... probably mostly stick to the outline but do casually change things as ideas occur (or my beta enables me with horrendous cackling, not looking at you @shadowbends). (NRFTW, for example, has held reasonably well to the outline, but Donnie said "fuck you I do what I want" and went off script some time ago and honestly, good for him, you go you ex-spaghetti monster, see where that gets you! Like all writers, clearly I have no control over the characters. None. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
Thank you for the ask! And again, sorry for the delay ♥
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underagoldenmoon · 2 years
Yeah so these are just going up whatever Tuesday comes after I finish them now. I'm terrible at writing regularly. Also I've given up on chapter names - maybe I'll go back and add them later? Who knows.
Under a Golden Moon, chapter twelve
next | previous | first
Content warnings for this chapter: death mentions
"So…what are you, anyway? A ghost? A god?"
      "I see no need to define myself as one or the other."
      "And who are you?"
      "A friend."
Golden nods. This conversation has been going on for a long time now; it's still going nowhere. He's starting to suspect that it's not going to change any time soon. 
      "You saw Hazel?" the ghost - or god, or whatever it is, asks. "Did she speak?"
      "Yes, but she didn't say much of importance." He doesn't know why, but he can't help but trust this stranger. More than he's ever trusted a mortal cat, more than he's ever trusted anyone. More than he's trusted himself, perhaps. 
Though, in a way, it does make sense. He sees a bit of himself in this cat. It may hide its rage better than he does, but it is there all the same. He can sense it, burning below the surface. 
      "She's a fool," the ghost says, "just a kitten who thinks she has power." Its claws tighten into the ground, almost imperceptibly. "And yet…"
Golden shudders, and the ghost suddenly stiffens, fear coating it like ash. 
      "Did you hear that?" the ghost hisses. 
      "Hear what?"
      "It's nothing. Just my imagination." The cat pauses. "But I am running out of time. So. Tell me, do you like stories?"
      "Depends on the story," Golden says, trying to appear calm, but on the inside a fire has lit his heart, because maybe this will be the clue he needs to discover who this stranger is. Or maybe it will be the story that tells him that he will love, someday. Or maybe it will be the one that tells him that it's okay not to. 
      "It is likely that you have heard this before. But at the same time, it is certain that you have not. Because the one you know –" the ghost's form becomes almost solid, vapour clouding from its nose as if it's trying to hold onto the physical world just for the few seconds in which it might grasp its way back – "is a lie."
      "And I'm a liar!" Golden shouts, rage suddenly clouding his judgement. "I'm a liar, and an idiot, and I need my lies or everything will fall apart!" Why am I shouting? Why am I so angry? 
      "Ah, I…forgot that." The ghost looks sheepish. "If gods –"
      "So you are a god?" 
      "Technically speaking, yes. But I do not consider myself one of them." The god's eyes burn for a second. "Anyway. As I was saying." It seems to calm itself. "If gods experience strong emotions, we affect the emotions of those around us, too. It is, generally, unintentional. Though you presumably knew that already? You seem to know a lot for a mere…kitten."
      "I'd heard that, yes. But the stories contradict themselves a lot. I never believe anything from them unless there is considerable evidence." The words almost don't sound like him, though they're the ones that leave his mouth regardless. 
      "You're…taking on aspects of me, it seems." The god seems almost to be smiling, now. "Interesting."
      "Isn't that only supposed to happen to Vessels? Because there's no way I'm a Vessel."
      "As you said, the stories contradict themselves a lot."
Golden can taste the lie on the very air - he is familiar with them. But he chooses not to argue - to anger a god is to risk death, and he is not yet ready to die. He will not be for a long time, he hopes. 
      "Well, a story is a story, I suppose." He smiles. 
      "And I would like to hear your story."
      "I…don't have that much of a story," Golden admits. "I was born. Became a trainee, after a few months." He sighs. "And realised I can't fall in love."
      "Who needs love, anyway?" The ghost is smiling, eyes glowing with what could almost be sympathy. "You can have a meaningful existence without it."
      "But The Sunlight says -"
      "The Sunlight is a fool."
Golden has thought this before, but he's never been brave enough to say it. And now this complete stranger, albeit a god, is admitting what is practically treason, right before his eyes. 
      "I…I'm not sure if he even says that. It's what I've been told, but…he can't be wrong, can he?"
      "That is what he says, and he is wrong. As wrong as a cat who claims that summer is winter, or that fire does not burn."
Somehow, this feels like a lie. But there's no going back, now: the god has given him hope, and he's not had that for a long time, not since he was a kitten. 
      "Well…anyway…" Golden pauses. "I told you who I am. So could you at least give me a clue towards who you are?"
Something like pride burns in the god's eyes as it speaks. 
      "I was cast aside by the other gods, and now I am, I suppose, a criminal." It smiles. "They hated me when I was alive, and they hate me more now that I am dead." A flick of its tail. "But they must deal with me, because if they do not I have all the resources I need to destroy them."
      "Like Magpie? Or the Seer?" Golden blurts. 
It laughs. 
      "Them? They were pathetic. They had mere fragments of the power that I possess." It glances back at Golden. "And anyway. They did not have truth on their side. And I do."
Author's note: Oh dear. This probably isn't going to end well, is it?
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chaosintheavenue · 2 years
I am once again randomly answering a bunch of OC development questions for Trin unprompted.
This time, the questions are from here and here!
Do they pick wildflowers?
She does! And then, um, eats them. Occasionally a lucky flower might end up in her hair instead of her mouth or a cooking pot.
How do they like their eggs? (Fried, poached, soft-boiled, etc.)
She doesn't actually eat a whole lot of eggs (of any species), but generally she'd have them in a more substantial recipe rather than just eating solo egg. Omelettes at the very least.
If they talked in their sleep, what weird jumble of words would come out?
I'd imagine generally just hilarious conversation fragments that would leave people scratching their heads and begging for context. Maybe some pseudo-mathematical rambling that makes zero sense upon further inspection.
If they suddenly vanished, what would their family assume they were up to? (Shopping, pranking people, overthrowing governments, etc.)
Treating herself to some extracurricular Bog enrichment time…
What’s their least favorite possession that they wish they could get rid of, but can’t / shouldn’t?
'The Object', a computer memory core that was given to her firmly against her wishes.
Jeans, skinny jeans, or sweatpants?
Jeans all the way. She's thoroughly a western gal at heart.
Do they sleep in normal clothes or pajamas? To what degree are they clothed?
Almost always fully clothed in light normal clothes. She's used to being woken up suddenly for one reason or another, so she'd rather be prepared to get up and go immediately.
When they sneeze: hand, elbow, or nada?
Elbow elbow elbow.
Do they prefer the loud fireworks or the smaller, quieter fireworks?
She'd be more interested in the visual elements of fireworks than the noise. Would definitely find the excessively loud booming ones obnoxious.
What’s their birthstone? Do they like how it looks? Why or why not?
I'm not well versed on birthstones, and it seems like they vary depending on which chart you look at, but all that I've come across from a quick Google search are in agreement that July's stone is ruby, so let's go with that. As for her opinion, it's… not a choice she'd have made herself. She'd probably prefer sapphire, opal, or anything green.
Do they prefer floral / outdoor scented candles, or candles that smell like food?
Forest-scented! She'd definitely find herself tempted to eat a candle that smelled of food lol.
What annoys them about the religious groups in their area?
The fact that they shoot on sight hgfdfgh. She's genuinely intrigued by the Mothman guys, but she can't get close enough to express that interest without being fired upon.
If they speak more than one language, do they know the swear words in those languages?
I'd like to think that she can potentially curse in math, but I don't have enough knowledge in that area to come up with any such expressions.
What’s the weirdest place they’ve climbed up on?
She has mountain goat instincts, and will attempt to scale any slope regardless of the angle or terrain. Has definitely attempted to jump up sheer cliffs repeatedly.
For a million dollars, would they punch their best friend in the nose? Either way, have the character defend their answer.
Yes, 100% yes!
Rationale: They'll both get half a million bucks each! Plus, Kay's no stranger to combat and has probably already been punched or otherwise hit in the nose repeatedly, so will know what to expect and would absolutely choose half a million bucks over avoiding it lol.
Skills section: How good is she at X (using a scale of A to F)?
💻 Computer Literacy- A
👶 Parenting/Babysitting- E
💬 Social Interaction- C
🎤 Singing- B
🎸 Playing Instruments- D for jaw harp and piano, F for violin
🔧 Repairing Things- A
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liiteswitch · 2 years
Those who live in a distracted world
Imagine a world where everyone is just an NPC.
Instead of living their own lives, they spend all their time reading about the main characters on the news.
They could change their lives to be more like these people. They could lead their own lives. But they don’t.
What’s more, is these people feel a distinct disconnect.
They don’t realize everyone else is a person too- with lives and feelings as complex as theirs.
Sure, it’s fun to read about the latest celebrity gossip- the latest war crimes committed- the latest forecast on climate change
But once you realize this is your world, too, you feel suddenly awful.
Why am I in this same world, where this is allowed to happen? Could it happen to me?
These questions lurk in all of our minds, but they aren’t allowed to get out.
We keep them inside, as deep as they can go
Because why would we let our deepest thoughts, our truest selves out?
I don’t blame these people. The judgers, the watchers, the curious
They’re just doing what they need to to get by.
They’re doing what they need to survive.
They’re doing what they want.
These people watch with unfeeling, disinterested eyes, always searching for the next topic.
And for what? So they have more fuel for their opinionated fires?
So they have something to discuss at family meal time?
Why don’t you discuss that assignment that you haven’t done yet?
Those repressed feeling about your ex?
Those actions that you haven’t let yourself let go?
I am one of these people.
The disaffected few, who use the pain of others to moderate their own.
But there’s a special breed- a special subsection of disaffected- one that I can’t stand.
They’re the ones who sit and judge, and put themselves on their own
Truly a trojan horse, a trojan horse of fears, guilts, and feelings
But they let these stew.
While the soup of pain stirs in the beast’s stomach, the horse itself leers- throwing its head back and glaring at all around it- who are you to challenge me?
Who are you to throw shame at me?
I am the powerful, the faultless, the one who hasn’t committed the same sins as you.
Surely- surely this tragedy that befalls your life is divine will! Surely it’s a punishment for your sins- your feelings, your actions, your past
Surely you deserve this to happen to you!
Mark my words: this would never, never have happened to me! I am chosen! The atrocities I’ve committed, they don’t matter! Surely if they did, I would suffer as you do! You’ve done something to deserve your fate- else we would not live in a fair and just world.
These bullies whisper this to themselves, over and over, until the fires of their guilt are covered over by the sands of ignorance.
Suffering comes for all of us.
It’s not something that picks and choose targets- no, suffering is a mass shooter who simply wishes to go out with a bang- to affect as many people as possible before disappearing into the nebulous void of consciousness.
There are people who choose to suffer, and those who choose not to. The suffering is there, either way, festering in their minds. Those who let it out seem to be the healthiest- but is keeping it locked inside, in a heart-shaped box, so bad?
Are we not all people?
Are we not all the same?
Are we not all beautiful?
Are we not all protagonists?
Tell me, what are you going to do with your one wild and carefree life?
Surely, a bit of compassion isn’t outside of your capabilities.
For truly, we are brothers.
We are alike, in body and mind, despite any of our differences.
We are sisters, feeling the same emotions, regardless of whether the marks show.
When will you understand?
We are all the same, children under one great father,
No matter how many daddy issues we have.
I love you.
I just wish you could let yourself see it.
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animeyanderelover · 2 years
You can choose the characters! s / o and the yandere character are rivals, always competing to outdo themselves and exchanging barbs. At a certain point, someone tries to harm the yandere character and s/o is not happy to hear about it, going to get satisfaction from such a person, because regardless of being your rival, s/o will not accept such behavior. The yandere character finds out about this, what would his reaction be?
I'm fond of such requests simply because I get to choose. I tried to choose as many characters that I could think of who would fit in such a scenario.
Tw: Yandere themes, unhealthy mindset, unhealthy relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, violence, manipulation, mean behavior, bullying
You're my rival so no one else can hurt you
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙​ Sasuke has troubles dealing with his obsession as it overwhelms him a bit and unable to express it any other way, he winds up being quite rude towards you. Sasuke has come to respect you though since you're next to Orochimaru one of the few people who can keep up with him looking on how you yourself are a favorite of this man. Of course he has to acknowledge your skills but your competitive and cocky strike is a small problem for him. You're too untamable and as the possessive and more controlling guy he is, that is a problem. Sasuke wants to establish at least a bit dominance so you at least know better than to leave and abandon him yet you refuse to do so. So instead of talking he tries to show his dominance in his skills and during training which always ends up being a bit more violent than necessary since both of you don't hold back. He forces you to tag along with him so he can keep an eye on you and when you piss him off he might lowly threaten you, Sharingan activated.
💙​He's a traitor so many people seek out to hurt him though he is confident in his skills. Sasuke doesn't necessarily wants his darling to find out though, he might be a tiny bit embarrassed that someone got that close to him in the first place. Without a doubt he feels a bit insulted when you suddenly start being mad and swear that you'll hunt that person down to teach him a lesson. It sounds a little bit like you doubt his abilities which the prideful man can't have. At the same time though he feels a bit flustered since it also means that you are worried about him. He would never admit it but he sometimes wishes for you to show him that you care about him instead of constantly trying to outdo him. He's a bit smug the next time he approaches you since it's rare for you to be so protective over him, he'll probably hold it against you for a while. Don't misunderstand though, he's more than capable to kill the person on his own. He'll be glad to have you tag along though.
Katsuki Bakugou
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💥​He genuinely wishes that you two could just get along but your arrogant and provoking behavior coupled with his competitive side and short temper is only pouring gasoline into the fire. Maybe the fact that he is so cocky and boasts about his Quirk and strength just annoys you so he becomes the target of you. You're plenty strong yourself so that catches Katsuki's attention quickly and he's just as eager as you are to outdo the other one. Initially annoyed and pissed that he can't beat you, he learns with time that there are many people who are better than him and it's humiliating and also weirdly humbling. It helps him to appreciate this rivalry though since it's a chance for both of you to learn. Katsuki is lucid about his growing obsession but tries not to act rashly, becomes more worried when he hurts you. It's sometimes difficult though and he feels terrible when he yells at you. At the same time he almost feels a bit insecure, especially after realizing that he isn't the only talented person.
💥​He gets himself in all sort of troubles, especially with his temper. He has his pride though so he's embarrassed when word gets out to you that he's been attacked by someone though only sustaining minor injuries. Katsuki would prefer to remain as a strong guy in your eyes, he has troubles showing you that he's sometimes more weak himself. Initially when you come to visit him, he doesn't want to see you out of a lingering feeling of humiliation. What are you thinking of him now? Your reaction shocks him though. You scold him sternly for being such an idiot before proclaiming angrily that you'll beat the living shit out of whoever tried to harm him since such behavior is unacceptable. Before you can storm out of the door, he stops you though by grabbing your wrist. He didn't expect this and is majorly flustered by your clear worries about him, doesn't even realize what he's doing. When he does, he instantly lets go though and turns around to hide his pink blush. Moron, you don't have to go after them!
Ayato Sakamaki
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🥇​Ayato thinks of himself as the best so knowing that you try to pick a fight with him is as insulting as it is laughable. Honestly you stupid thing, what are you thinking? You angered him though so he plans to properly destroy you and let you become the dirt under his shoes. Problem is that you don't back down even after he has given you a humiliating loss, instead you remain stubborn and continue challenging him and you're smart enough to choose areas that he isn't as good in. His strongest side is sport so you tiptoe around it though you still train to become better. Ayato is just so mean and rude, you want to push him down from his high horse. The lack of humilation irritates Ayato and your refusal to give up even more. He could easily kill you but he decides against it. No, he wants to completely destroy you at first, see you on your knees as you admit that he's the best. His obsession to beat you turns into something else over time as he turns worringly much possessive.
🥇​Ayato is a vampire so him being attacked might have to do with it so he can't let you find out. You're only human, you don't know of his true identity yet. One of his brothers might have blown his cover a bit though since they know how he feels about you. The boy is mad when you express your worry for him, hisses if you think he's as weak and pathetic as you are even if he is deep down slightly flattered to know that you care. He wants to be worshipped a bit due to his ego so it's good to express your worries since it helps to awake the impression that you admire him at least a bit. If Ayato notices that you pay more attention to him and make a bit of a fuss about him, he will probably use the situation to his advantage to have you stick with him more often. Do him a few favors, bring him Takoyami and he'll quickly get over his aggressive attitude and be a bit nicer to you. He can't have you avenge him though since the person who attacked him might not even have been human. He'll torture them himself.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke
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⬛​The situation is complicated with you being part of the Port Mafia with a powerful gift yourself. Akutagawa is a dominant an possessive Yandere so the lack of control he has over you is angering. Your cheeky and teasing behavior even more, others might as well think of you as suicidal with the way you provoke him. Truth is that Akutagawa himself starts feeling like he isn't acknowledged just like with Dazai and it makes him mad since he starts feeling slightly insecure, starts feeling weak. For that he snaps all too easily as soon as you start your teasing, chances are that he even uses Rashomon out of impulse. He despises the small and painful clench in his heart since he admits deep down that you're very talented yourself. There is this fear to be abandoned again if you don't see him as worthy and this paranoia fuels his aggressive behavior. If you two get in a fight he is violent for the sake of showing you that he is stronger. Fear him, love him but don't leave him because you don't acknowledge him.
⬛​Refuses to ever be weak in front of you so he probably threatens to keep it a secret as soon as he couldn't kill the one who attacked him. He fears that you'll look down on him. Obviously you'll hear from it since he is quite the known figure in the mafia and decide to not see him. That's fine if he wouldn't know but when Akutagawa gets to know that you are aware of it but didn't even come to check on him with his injuries, he feels on edge. On the one hand he doesn't want you to come since he doesn't want to be seen as weak but with you not coming he feels like you just don't even care about him at all. The boy doesn't even know what he wants and he probably plans on being overly rude if you do come but he is silenced when he gets to know that you plan to get revenge for him. There is a genuine confused and shocked look on his face before it turns into a scowl. He doesn't need your help, he has to kill them himself. He feels a bit better to know that you care but doesn't want to acknowledge it.
Akabane Karma
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🔴​Karma is most of the time a bit bored so having his darling constantly picking fights with him provides more entertainment. He really likes them a lot so if he can have their attention by just provoking them and being their rival, this is for now enough as Karma feels quite playful when with you. He might turn a bit sadistic if you really hold your nose high in order to teach you a lesson and humiliate him a bit. If you're a more respectful individual who respects him though, he'll do the same. There is no denial that sometimes he just likes teasing you to see you turning mad a bit, you're so adorable when you get mad at him after all. Keeping up with his intelligence is already something quite admirable so Karma at least doesn't look down on you, admits that you're quite formidable. The red-haired male is possesive though and pushes everyone away from you who might have an interest. He enjoys the world where only the two of you exist and won't let some other dumb shit interfere.
🔴​He can't help but pick fights from time to time, you know? Especially if someone plays the high and mighty. You are aware of his mischievous and troublesome attitude yet can't help but be worried when you here about it. Karma plays it off like it was nothing though, completely relaxed even if he should have sustained some damage in the process. Karma is cunning though so when he realizes that you are concerned about him, he ends up using that fact against you. Of course he isn't against guilt-tripping you if it means that you spend more time with him, even if it is spend with him just teasing you and you being mad again. He'd be happy if you just end up being nice and gentle with him though even if he can't stop being playful with you for the life of him. He won't let you be involved in any sort of danger though when he hears your plans. You shouldn't end up getting in troubles because of him since Karma still wants you safe. So do him the favor and stay away or he might have to use some force.
Hashibara Inosuke
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🐗Inosuke is a confirmed hothead so he takes on the challenges his darling throws at him daily. It’s quite the friendly rivalry the both of you have though since it’s already quite obvious that Inosuke has it bad for you yet he doesn’t even realize it for such a long time. He just knows that he wants to impress his darling, he wants to show how strong and cool he is. You can goad him relatively easy into training sessions with him as the thought of spending time alone with you is more than enough to motivate him. Inosuke is petty as well since he insists on always training and fighting alone with his darling since he gets territorial whenever someone else asks to tag along. The young man wishes to be the center of your attention and wants to be the only one you compliment when he’s beaten you in a fight. He thrives of your praise and gets jealous quickly whenever you praise someone else. Despite enjoying his training with you, he’s always surprisingly careful to not hurt you.
🐗The boy is mad that he let the demon escape who attacked him, is probably already busily proclaiming to no one in particular that he’ll go out and search for them as soon as possible. The moment you step in to check on him though, he’s busily gawking at you and ignores whoever is with you. Even if he should be hurt, he tells you proudly that it’s nothing. Inosuke is clingy and wants attention so he winds up manipulating you into staying with him for now, he blooms under your attention on him and is honestly just liking the fact that you show so much concern. He’s very touchy and definitely guilt-trips you into allowing him to do so. He bristles against your idea of going after the demon who hurt him though, you can’t go without him. Ever since he’s realized his feelings, he also realized how protective he is so he doesn’t feel safe with the thought of letting you go alone even if he knows that you’re tough. Also, that’s his demon to kill. You just stay back and be amazed by him.
Ichimaru Gin
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🐍There are only few people who trust him and due to his unsettling behavior and appearance, even fewer dedicate their time to be with him. His darling is certainly a little but pleasant surprise in that aspect. Not even in his Vision yet they search for him willingly to constantly challenge him. He would have dismissed you a long time ago after a humiliating loss for you but you just keep on getting up again and again and constantly improve yourself, step over your limits. Gin appreciates that a lot since it not only serves as an entertainment but it also allows him to have excuses to see you when he becomes obsessed. Gin is strange though since he willingly allowed himself to become obsessed simply because the feeling was exciting and new. As much as he mocks you with his sarcasm, he occasionally does comment that you’ve gotten stronger and gives you tips how you can improve. It might not be immediately obvious but he appreciates your company since he tends to feel a bit lonely.
🐍Honestly, he is fairly amused about someone's attempt to hurt him though he guesses that he might have pissed of the one or other person with his attitude. Gin is someone who probably has someone informing you about what happened simply to have you rushing to him, seeing you worried over him is adorable and he just wants you near him. It's refreshing to see you fussing a bit over him like this since you're usually loud and boisterous. But now you're scolding the Captain for being so airheaded to let himself get mildly injured, scowling before you tell him that you're going to find the bastard who did this to him and beat them black and blue as punishment. He holds you back before you can storm out though, coaxes you instead to spend some time with him. He's been just assaulted after all, he could need your company. Whilst he is pleasantly surprised and thrilled that you'd go that far for him, he'd rather keep you out of his problems. Just continue to be so loyal and dedicated for him.
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rcksmith · 3 years
Desire — Kaz Brekker
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(Photo not mine)
Requests: “Hello there! I've been around this blog for a bit now and you are an amazing writer! I was wondering if you would be ok with doing something with 21 28 & 29 from the smut prompts and kaz brekker? If you are uncomfortable please just ignore this!”
“Kaz brekker Smut prompts 28 66?? Love you💖!!”
“I can request Kaz smut prompts 29?❤️”
Smut prompts:
21. “Look at you, I’ve only started using my fingers and you’re already shaking.”
28. “Such a needy little thing, aren’t you?”
29. “I didn’t know you were so sensitive.”
66. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Couple: Kaz Brekker/ Fem!Reader
Warnings: swearing, mention of shot, mention of desire, desire, mention of smut, explicit smut, NSFW.
Word count: 3k
A/N: All smut requests for Kaz must follow these rules.
I hope you like💕 English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
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There was something about you. Something impossible to decipher, with a glow hovering around you like a electrical energy. Wrapping your whole body in a cloak of magnetism. There was something about the way you spoke, walked, laugh. Something about what it was like to be you, in your beauty and mysteries like a sphinx.
Something that made Kaz Brekker completely furious.
You couldn't be more distorted from the image, in Kaz's mind, than what was to be a peaceful woman. Calm, controled, with steel emotions and wit in eyes. Someone who, like him, knew how to dance the waltz of negotiation, manipulation, who could blend in with the shadows and know the best time to listen more than speak.
You were not like Inej, you were not like Jesper. Hell, you were like nobody Kaz has known in all of his 28 years.
Nothing reminiscent of calm and control would be used to describe what it meant to be you.
Your soul are stormy, loud, obstinate, too stubborn and too talkative. You needed to speak loudly, laugh, move, expose your opinions to the seven winds and to whoever listened the most. You needed to question, inquire, doubt and test the limits of any situation. A direct order for you would be an affront to your free and independent spirit. A command that would curtail your freedom or tame your strong genius was almost like an invitation for you to do exactly the opposite of what they had ordered you to do.
So, for a man of trained reasoning, subtly balanced world, and who was used to his every command being followed vehemently and promptly in blind obedience, such a personality like you was like introducing a disturbing factor capable of shaking all his judgments. Sand in a watch, or stone in a shoe, would be no more a nuisance than a strong nature like your.
The extraordinary stubbornness and mania to counter his orders - when, in your words, they were unreasonable - had made you different from all the women Brekker had ever met. Kaz liked challenges and responsibilities, a good puzzle, but you were on a level far beyond that.
You were a danger to his peace of mind. And you knew that. All his aversion to your indomitable spirit only served as fuel for your own mission in to piss him off. Few men were like Kaz Brekker, you knew that, with a strength of character too powerful to be ignored. He was not just comfortable in his position of authority as he was obviously unable to act in any other way than as a leader. His stoic figure and always so contained in a wall of indifference made you want to ruffle his hair to see if you could remove any emotion. And being a girl who hasn't always liked leaders, Kaz Brekker was a huge temptation. Few moments had been better than those that you managed to piss him off beyond what he could handle.
However, all the reasons why the two of you were so exasperating for each other, did not explain why the air crackled in ambiguity when your eyes met. The hemisphere was adorned in a thought-provoking, poignant veil, like a warm honey flowing down its throat, and there was something else in the way blood flowed like flames of fire through veins of you two.
Jesper said that the sexual tension between you was so tangible that it could be cut by one of Inej's knives, but you refused to think of Kaz that way. At least until that moment.
Not pure images of what the infamous Brekker could do to you between four walls swept you like the strong Arabian wind. Making you be surprisingly breathless. Kaz was not a man whose private life was exposed, nor was he involved with many women, but you have heard two or three of them when they were drunk saying that Kaz Brekker in the room could be incendiary.
Everyone knew that his touch reserve didn't limit him to anything, but that his job was at the top of the priority list and that sexual encounters were almost never on that list.
"It was not my fault!” Jesper defended himself one night, slightly drunk, sitting at the club's round table next to the other crows “I didn't know he was married to another man! That damn pretty face seduced me!”
"Did he seduce you?" You asked, skeptical and playful.
"I swear to God! And it had been a long time since I had sex with anyone, and I went… ”
“But you did sex last week." Inej laughed, chocked.
"Exactly!" Jesper said, as if he were obvious.
You laughed with your beer glass in your hand, taking another sip.
“Is a week a long time to not sleep with anyone?" Matthias retorted, trying not to laugh.
“Are you going to tell me that is not?” Jesper and Nina spoke at the same time.
“If a man has time for sex more than once a week, he clearly doesn't have much to do. And I'm sure I gave Jesper a lot of tasks that would keep him busy.” Kaz narrowed his eyes at his friend, and Jesper hid his guilt behind the rim of his beer glass, looking to the side.
"So you are saying that you are a very busy man?" You teased, trying not to laugh at the scathing look Kaz sent you.
"I disagree. The values ​​of hard work and discipline cannot match the hot body of a woman in bed.” Matthias said, exchanging a brief conspiratorial look with Nina, who winked at him.
"There are more important things." Said Kaz.
"Like what?" You rested your chin on the back of the hand whose elbow was on the table, the playful look of a rebellious student.
"Progress." Kaz held your gaze.
He wasn't going to take your bait. But you didn't give up easy.
"Tell me, if God gave you a deal: all the hunger in the world would be extinguished in exchange for you never being able to have sex again, what would you choose?" your eyes had a teasing feline glow.
At that moment, Kaz felt a shiver up the back of his neck, like a warm breath of autumn. Something crawled, like a snake, across his rib cage and down to his groin, pumping blood like fire through his veins.
He held your gaze, but the feline glow in your eyes promised to contain the most ardent sins. Suddenly, Kaz's mind was flooded by the wave of obscene images of you, on his bed; moaning, squirming, shouting his name and being very obedient with every order he gave you.
He would make you such a good girl...
"I don't believe in God." He replied succinctly, the predator's eyes still in your eyes audacious feline's.
A big, satisfied smile spread across your face, and you said: "As I thought. Bad luck for hungry people.”
Realizing that he had fallen right into your cunning trap, Kaz got rid of your diabolical magnetism and cursed.
“I didn't say…” he stopped, impatient “It doesn't matter. I have more important things to do than waste time here.”
But the smile you hid behind the glass was noticeable to Kaz.
After that night, the crackling, gasping flame that circled the two of you intensified to alarming levels. Kaz could feel you holding your breath when he was too close, and you could see him squeezing his cane harder when you sweetened your voice for him.
However, regardless of Kaz's wanted to fold you at a table and put an end to your brat girl pose, enjoying the groans he was sure you would let out, the two of you still fought like dog and cat.
Just as it was now.
“What do you mean, I'm not going?!” You looked at Kaz, amazed, when he told you that you would not participate in the robbery that week “I know that security system like the back of my hand!”
It was true, what you had of stubbornness, you had of technological intelligence. There was no computer that you would not hack, a program that you would not hack, and a system that you would not unlock. Your genius with technology made up for all your lack of obedience.
But Kaz ignored. “I've already told you. It's a more dangerous mission than you're used to and we don't have time for the plans you come up with right away.” He needled you.
“Are you referring to Switzerland?” You were never anything short of direct and inquiring. It was logical that you would question every orden. “But I already told you that when the alarm went off your plan didn't work anymore! I was more useful inside to deactivate the alarm than waiting outside.”
And stubborn. Holy God, how stubborn you were!
"And it cost you to get shot."
"But it was just a shot!"
Kaz looked at you, puzzled. “Just?! And wasn't it enough ?! You put the whole team at risk!”
“But if I hadn't deactivated the alarm, we would all be arrested! And only I knew how to do that!”
"My fucking God, isn't there a speck of common sense in you?!"
But you answered boldly: "Not when you impose clueless plans on me."
Mortified would be an understatement to describe how he was now. What an unbearable creature! Kaz felt the anger spread from his neck to his face, igniting his breath and squinting his eyes in annoyance.
Why was it so difficult for you to follow a simple goddamn rule?!
“Besides, your initial plan was flawed and there was no reason for me to be out when it was necessary inside and...” And you kept talking!
If you had noticed Kaz's completely enraged state in front of you, you would have been scared, shut up and ran. But, truth be told, Kaz suspected that even if you knew how to read the murderous humor in his eyes, you wouldn't have left that office. Much less be afraid. You could argue with the demon. And you would probably beat him out of tiredness.
However, regardless of the desire to shake you up, to see if that put any good sense in you, in that second, watching you gesture with your hands, defending your point of view as if it were the england queen's crown, something swept Kaz's body from the top of his head with dark hair to the tips of his illustrated boots.
The sound of the world was drowned out by the flow of blood itself in his veins. His heart hammered hard in his chest and, in that instant, a sharp sting in his groin and the pit of his stomach set him on fire.
His gaze went down to your mouth, which kept moving. And when it came up to your eyes, your stubborn and defiant gaze sent Kaz's rationality into space. He dropped the cane abruptly, which toppled to the floor with a hollow crack, and advanced towards you in firm and determined steps.
Gluing his gloved hands to your face, Kaz silenced all your protests with a strong kiss. Hot, fiery, domineering. The kind of kiss that held years of camouflaged desire, years of irritability, years of an unnerving desire to make you shut up with all the perverse forms that existed.
You weren't afraid of him. But you should. You should if you knew everything he wanted to do with you.
However, as if you have been burning in the same desire for years, you responded to that kiss with the same urgency. The same hunger. Kaz slipped his hands into your hair, closing his fingers there and deepening the kiss with ferocity. He felt beside himself, like a hungry wild animal that had been denied food for years and that only now had its teeth set on its prey. You moaned against his lips, bringing your hands to his lean, strong biceps, squeezing your fingers there.
You both needed air, but neither seemed to give a damn about that. Misted of desire that burned like a fire in their bodies, Kaz pushed the two of you backwards, slamming your back against the wall and swinging a frame beside. You gasped, and the gesture made it possible for Kaz to invade your mouth with his tongue, hunting every piece of hot meat. You two fought the same battle in that kiss: invade, dominate, conquer.
They both wanted to take the waltz, but Kaz would never let you conduct the show.
He pulled your wrists up, pinning them with one hand against the wall, leaving you immobile while sinking his mouth further into yours. Kaz felt you try to get rid of his tight grip, but he was stronger than you. And much more when he have a objective.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." He murmured against your mouth, the tip of his tongue playing with your bottom lip. “You know I don’t like to be teased.”
Was impossible for you to control the loud moan that escaped. Your body trembling with desire, your legs wobbly, your wet core vibrating with his words. Kaz Brekker was a fallen angel. With a beauty and charm you've never been immune to.
How can you think you'd win the dominance game with him?
And, like the fallen angel he was, his smug and arrogant smile painted the corner of his lips when he saw what his lines did to you.
“I didn’t know you were so sensitive.” Kaz mocked “If I knew it was only necessary to do this for you to shut up...” he brought his lips closer, his voice hitting yours “I would have fucked you like the naughty brat you have been a long time.”
If his caustic and maddening kisses hadn't been enough to break you in half, that statement would have done all the work.
In that second, you hoisted your white flag, biting your lip in a needy moan and closing your eyes for a second by the overwhelming vibration of your core. God, you needed more. Whatever he gave you. Anything he wanted to give you. You just needed more.
"Are you going to be good?" He played with the dough you were in his hands, his devilish mouth going down your neck, leaving a trail of fire and debris wherever he went.
You agreed, desperately. “Yes, Sir."
That title seemed to do things with Kaz. Because in the next second, his mouth was back on your. More urgent, more needy, more dominating. You shifted your hips for more friction with his, and Kaz rewarded your obedience by pulling one of your thighs forward, making your skirt go up, aligning your thigh on his hips and giving access for his member to fit perfectly against your pulsating core.
You moaned louder this time. Fingers clenching, heart pumping frantically. Kaz pulled his lips away from you for a second, taking his hand off your thigh and bringing it to your mouth.
“Pull.” He ordered, referring to the glove.
You murmured a low, excited moan, bringing your mouth to the glove and clenching your teeth on the cloth at the top of his middle finger. Satisfied, Kaz pulled his hand back, watching the alabaster skin peel away from the leather fabric. As soon as he was free, he removed the glove from your mouth, replacing it with his own and stealing all your breath in that fiery kiss.
His free hand wandered over your thigh, touching you for the first time with a touch that promised to show you all the most delicious and secret sins in the world. His tongue wrapped around your again, and the moan you let out was even greater when his long fingers brushed against your wet, throbbing core.
"S-sir!" You sobbed, your hips rocking against his hand, desperate for more.
"Look at you." His fire voice beat against your lips, the tightness against your wrists getting stronger, more possessive "I’ ve only started using my fingers and you ’re already shaking"
Your body cried out in unbridled desire, sobs mingling with loud moans and heavy sighs as Kaz tormented you with his fingers. He touched you, slid, opened and sank, increasing the volume of your pleas.
“P-please" You begged, the body in need, the urge too urgent.
Kaz looked you in the eye, a dark, malicious gleam burning in his Egyptian blue irises. "Such a needy little thing, aren't you?" He teased you.
But you no longer cared about his teasing. With your lips swollen and red, your heart racing and the core pulsing in despair on his experienced fingers, you were already surrendered.
"Please. I n-need." You mumbled submissively, rummaging your hips in his hand.
"I bet if I wanted to fuck you against my desk, here and now, you would be very happy to do it, wouldn't you?"
He was foisting all of his dominance on you, bending you to your knees for him. And you knew that. You knew he was taking years of anger out on you. But you couldn't care less. You wanted him. Ardently. Desperately. And if it was a good girl Kaz wanted, damn it, you would be a good girl for him.
You readily agreed, your eyes shining in supplication.
“Good.” Kaz pulled you brutally off the wall, turning you over to the table and pushing your chest against the icy wood, pulling your hips at him. “Because that's exactly what is going to happen.”
Suddenly, desire and hunger roared like a wild beast. Kaz watched you, bent over his desk, obedient, surrendered, offering every inch of your body to him.
His breath was burning in his throat and it was no longer possible to order his thoughts, contain his euphoria. He would fuck you so hard that it would make that memory the only thought when you remembered him. When you dare to rebut his orders.
Kaz pulled you skirt up and your panties down, letting out a groan that sounded more like a growl as he saw your wet core. Pulsing and desperate for him. For anything he wanted to give you. It sparked a fervent desire that Brekker had never felt in his life, devastating any possibility of thinking about anything other than fucking you.
Playing with your fingers in your slick, wet folds, you whimpered again, the core pulsing whenever he teased you inside, pressing his fingertips there but never entering.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" His voice came over the top of your shoulder, hoarse, animalistic, full of profane desires.
"Please." You were quick to beg “I do what you want! But just...please, please… ”
You already felt your eyes watering from over-stimulation, your heart burning so hard it was beating, your core aching from emptiness.
You sealed the end of the game between you. Kaz had won. In a triumphant checkmate.
And you didn't have to beg again. Barely seeing when he unbuttoned his pants, you just reasoned his hard, hot, pulsating member by opening your from the inside. Claiming everything that was yours as his in a strong, desperate, hungry lunge.
"S-sir!" You screamed, your nails scraping the wood from the table, the core pulsing overwhelmingly around his rigid member.
In a more badly lunge, Kaz sank completely into you, moaning loudly as he hit rock bottom. The gloved hand slid over your shoulder, propelled you to him while the bare hand tightened on your waist, hitting you at a steady, raw, animalistic rhythm.
The sounds were pornographic, dirty and loud, echoing off the walls. The air was hot like molten lava, pungent and muffled, driving you two lost breath. Their bodies clashed as if the world was going to end tomorrow, in aggressive, rough thrusts. These were thrusts that made half of his things on the table fall to the floor, mixing in a mess that would serve as a reminder later about the sinful activities you two did.
You screamed when Kaz took on more force, his fingers squeezing you so hard that they would leave you with marks on your shoulder and waist the next day.
"Fucking hell!" Kaz snarled between his teeth, feeling your flesh throb around him, squeezing he with such desperation that he knew you were close.
You sobbed, tears streaming down the corners of your eyes as you pushed your ass towards him, trying to bring him as deep as possible, as deep inside you as possible. But every time his pelvis smashed into your ass, a loud moan and the feeling of being completely full drowned you.
You begged, pleaded, for something you didn't know. But Kaz seemed to know. Taking both hands to your hips, your pace became even more unperturbed, pushing you to the limit until you cum in a scream in his name, your lungs on fire. Kaz came close behind, sinking as deep as possible and pouring all the hot liquid into you. Almost like a brand.
The air was filled with sex, lust and desire, filled only by the sound of their ragged breaths that struggled to stabilize.
You were still panting when Kaz's voice came after you: "Whatever I want, don't I?"
A deal with the devil.
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dreamingofaizawa · 3 years
Good Kitty
Shouta Aizawa x Chubby! Kitty Hybrid! Fem! Reader
***18+ Fic***
If you are under the age of 18, leave. Thank you.
Warnings: Kitty hybrid reader, smut, fingering, unprotected sex, praise kink (?), reader has insecurities, Shouta is soft and lowkey feral?, chubby kink (sorta), reader has a heat for the first time, barely implied virginity loss, a touch of dacryphilia
Word Count: 2.4 k
Author’s Note: This is inspired by @cupcake-rogue ’s fic Not Allowed on the Bed. I got permission to use it as inspo so here we are! Tbh the orignal had me feeling all sorts of feelings because, as a very subby sub that loves to please, I definitely have a praise kink and I WILL CRY if I’m called a bad girl. HOWEVER, Katsuki being the rough-around-the-edges guy he is wanting reader regardless of size made me very happy and warm and fuzzy. 
The premise with this is pretty much the same, except I made reader a kitty hybrid...and of course I wrote for Shouta, love of my life he is. I’m such a fucking simp. I’m not the biggest fan of the ending, but this has been sitting in my WIPs for too damn long and it’s decent enough for me to feel ok posting it.
Also, for reference, reader has black fur regardless of hair color. Reader could be blonde, but still have black ears and tail. That’s just the way I’ve chosen to write this for some reason, don’t ask me why, I’m weird like that. 
I think this is the first time I’ve written for a hybrid, so cut me a little slack.
Anywho, enjoy~
You can’t remember life outside the shelter. You’d grown up here, the caretakers said they’d found you on the street as a nearly newborn kitten and immediately scooped you up and brought you back here. That was a long time ago. Now you sit, waiting, your hopes for getting adopted diminishing with every passing day.
It’s unfortunate, but you still haven’t been adopted. It’s not that you’re bad, you always behave, you make sure you do. But you’ve overheard time and time again the people that gazed down at you and whispered about how you were too chunky, too big and too squishy for a kitty hybrid. And some even called you bad luck. The pitch black fur on your ears and tail warded off many.
Today was just the same as any other day. Wake up, get fed, wait in your room while potential owners pick and choose not you. Adults and children alike would take chunks out of their time to play with you, but they all left the shelter with another smaller cat. It was nearing bed time now, dinner just finished and the caretakers were about to start closing when the little bell on the front door jingled. Someone had just come in. You ignored it all the same.
Two pairs of footsteps began making their way past rooms, whoever it was that had entered smelled good, like coffee and tree bark. A smooth hum accompanied the caretaker’s voice, it made your ears twitch and tail sway gently. Still, you decided to just curl up in bed and try to sleep. The chance of him adopting you was slim, if it existed at all.
As you lay there your ears pick up their footsteps, the lazy set that dragged familiar, the nearly silent set less so. You listened as they came closer, never stopping as the man strode past each room and peered in the windows. You waited for them to pass right by your room, as they had been, but suddenly the footsteps halted. The caretaker spoke first.
“Y/n? You awake?” You let your eyes flutter open and sat up, tucking your legs under you and sitting up straight. They asked the man if he wanted to go in and see you, and he gave a simple nod. When he entered you finally looked up at him. The first thing you noticed were his eyes, tired and bloodshot with dark circles beneath them, a deep scar curved under his right eye. His long black hair fell around his shoulders, swaying lightly with every measured step he took toward you.
He stopped right in front of you, a large hand stretching out and you give it a small sniff before nudging your head into it, letting him pet your hair and scratch at the base of your ears. It felt nice to be getting attention like this. A small purr sounded in your chest, your tail gently swishing behind you.
“How long have you been here?” His voice is deep and calm, tired even, but it sounds so welcoming. It’s so soothing to your sensitive ears, like a warm blanket. You give a small hum before answering.
“A long time. I don’t remember anything outside this place.” At that he raised an eyebrow, turning to the caretaker with a questioning look.
“Most people look for...specific traits in the cat hybrids. Y/n here is well behaved, a perfect house kitty really,” you purred a bit at the praise, “But she’s a little larger than most. And her black fur wards off the more superstitious.” The man gives a curious hum before looking back down at you.
“Do you want to come home with me, kitty?” The question caught you a little off guard. Nobody really asked the hybrids if they wanted to go with them. You looked over to the caretaker, who nodded their head with a gentle smile, encouraging you to answer. All you could do was give a small nod, and soon you were in the car, on the way to your new home.
He’d told you to call him Shouta. He was nice, always quiet and never got mad. He never smiled, but you supposed that’s just the way he is. He gave you your own room, and always let you rub up on him when you wanted to, taking the opportunity to pet you. Occasionally you got the odd kiss on the forehead when you nuzzled into his neck. Those always made you purr. He never came seeking you out, which was good since there were times you really didn’t want to be touched. 
The longer you’re with him the closer you get, and you find yourself doing things you’d never thought to do before. Sometimes you found the floor more comfortable than the couch, and would kneel down and rub up on his leg, your tail wrapping around his ankle. There were times you’d see his fingers idly drumming on his lap, and you’d lay down and nibble on one with your little fang-like canines. He didn’t seem to mind that little oral fixation, and he always let you do whatever you wanted. All in all, life with Shouta is great.
But today you feel weird. You’d been cooped up in your room for the first hour or so of the weekend morning, not quite wanting to go out and make it known something was off. But it’s gotten abnormally hot, your face and chest especially warm, and between your legs as well. Your panties are beginning to feel damp, your thighs starting to feel humid and sticky. It’s a little uncomfortable. And your tummy is starting to boil, neediness beginning to cloud your mind. This never happened at the shelter.
Reluctantly, you step out of bed onto slightly wobbly legs and peek your head out of your door to see him sitting on the couch, a book in hand and a mug of coffee on the table. His hair is loose, his strong lean body relaxed as he read. The sight of him and his scent made the feeling worse, made your panties and thighs wetter, your chest beginning to heave with your panted breaths. 
“Sh-shouta…” Your voice came out shakier and quieter than you wanted it to, but he’d heard you regardless. He closed the book and peered over at your shaking form in the doorway.
“What is it kitty?” You nearly mewled at his voice, his heavenly smooth baritone sending a shiver down your spine through to the tip of your tail.
“Something’s wrong...I feel weird…” As you tell him about everything that’s happening to your body, he’s dragging his eyes over you, taking in every detail. Soon he’s on the phone with the doctor, you can’t quite comprehend his words, only catching snippets. ‘Help’ and ‘how long’, followed by agreeing hums. It was all jumbled after that, your mind refusing to focus as you leaned heavily on the doorframe, your quivering legs barely able to hold your body.
Shouta’s large hand came up and cupped your cheek, letting you nuzzle into his palm. When had he hung up the phone? He ordered you to sit on the bed, and you obliged, watching as he swept up his hair into a loose bun and strode over, tilting your chin to look up at him through half-lidded eyes. He’s so close, his scent overwhelming and making your brain fuzzy.
“You’re in heat, kitty.” Heat...where had you heard that before? Back at the shelter, maybe? It was all a distant, unfocused memory right now. Shouta leaned down and kissed you sweetly, lips melding with yours as you purred and mewled, your tail thrashing behind you. His hands tugged at your clothes until you were bare before him, every inch of you on display. 
“You’re such a pretty kitty, you know that? So beautiful. Lay down for me.” The praise made you purr, made a chill crawl up your spine and your tail flick wildly. You obeyed the command, laying flat in the middle of the bed and he slotted himself between your legs, plunging two fingers into your tight hole. He let out a groan, pumping and scicssoring his fingers to stretch you out. You were already a sloppy mess, loud squelches ringing through the room in between your loud, whiny mewls and panting. 
It felt so good, the heat in your belly burning and tightening until Shouta’s fingers curled up into a spot that made stars dance in your vision. The pressure in your belly snapped hard, your legs trembling as he kept fingering you through it. His fingers slowed when you whined about it being too much, too sensitive. But you still felt hot all over, now it was worse, you wanted something so bad but you didn’t know what.
He got up and undressed himself and you licked your lips at his naked body, scarred skin pulled taut over thick muscle. What stood between his legs had heat spreading like fire through your body. You’d never seen a naked man before. He was quick to return to you, slotting his hips between your thighs and guiding the thick head of his cock along your soaked folds. 
“Relax kitty. I’m gonna make you feel good.” You gave a small nod and then he was pushing his thick cock inside you, groaning at the way your pussy clamped down on him. Your tongue lolled out of your mouth as he slowly pushed and pumped his hips, cock dragging along your wet warm walls perfectly. Mewls slipped past your lips, high pitched whines and pants like music in Shouta’s ears. 
His hands wandered over your body, squishing and pulling at every piece of you he could get his calloused fingers on. It made you squirm beneath him, your own hands trying to push his away, but he wasn’t having any of it. He grabbed both your wrists and pinned them above your head in one strong hand, then went right back to groping your body with his free one.
“I can’t have you stopping me from touching you, kitty.” That’s all he said before focusing back on your body. He tugged at your belly, your sides, every place that was fatty and squishy. He’d never admit out loud how much he loved how soft you are. You’re perfect, plump and meaty, just more for him to touch, to look at, more to squeeze and pinch and pull.
He groaned out as you whined beneath him, tears beginning to clump in your lashes because he just kept squeezing, and he isn’t fucking you hard enough. Your orgasm built slowly with his languid pace, not nearly enough to get you to that peak and you were frustrated because you wanted relief but it wouldn’t come. Shouta picks up on your hips jerking and rolling, trying to get him to fucking move faster. He pulled his hips back and slammed back in, setting a brutal pace and making you whine high and long. 
Tears begin to fall from the sheer ecstasy of it, and he’s realizing how much he loves to see you cry from the pleasure he can give you. With a groan, he’s releasing your hands and wrapping his arms around your waist, burying his face into your breasts and biting and sucking at your skin as he pounds you into the mattress. He isn’t normally an impulsive man, wouldn’t let himself let go like this. But for you. For you he’d give in to his lust and ravage you like you need him to.
Your orgasm slams over your body like a tsunami, your muscles locking up and a loud yip ringing from your throat, pleasure making your whole body shake. Shouta let out a hiss, your nails digging into the muscles in his back furiously, but he wouldn’t stop for that. He never stuttered in his pace, just kept ramming his hips into yours, heavy balls slapping against your ass and lewd squelches coming from where your bodies are connected. 
You’re overstimulated, throat feeling raw and tears still falling down your heated cheeks as you thrash from another orgasm, this one just as powerful as the last and making your vision spot black. This time Shouta leans back, wrapping a hand around your throat and licking the salty trails away.
“Such a good little kitty for me, so good.” With a few more thrusts he’s spilling inside you, and you can feel the warmth spread in your belly as you lay there, boneless. He lays down on top of you, both of you sweaty and tired and he starts whispering sweet words into your twitching ears.
“So pretty. You’re so pretty, kitten.” 
“Such a good girl for me.”
“You’re all mine, kitty. So good, all for me.” Tears begin to spill from your eyes for a different reason. Up until now you’d lived your life believing nobody wanted you because there was something wrong with you. You never felt ugly, never really felt like there was something truly wrong with you, but you always felt...unwanted. Unloved. Unlovable. 
But Shouta makes you feel wanted, and loved, and pretty and all the things you always assumed you didn’t deserve. You’re his kitty now, and you’re such a good kitty for him too. He’s showering you with affection that you’d never known before and you’re shaking from all the overwhelming emotions. He can feel your body quivering, leans back to look at you and cups your face in his warm palm.
“What’s wrong, kitten? Why are you crying?” Your nose twitches as you sniffle, which he mildly notes is fucking adorable.
“Do you mean it? Am I a good kitty?” His eyebrows furrow and he rolls the both of you over so you’re on top of him. He’s peering into your big sad eyes as if reading your soul through them, trying to read the emotions you’re feeling, but it isn’t hard for him to figure out what’s racing through your mind. You nuzzle your nose into his neck and breathe in his scent, his hand coming up to pet your hair and ears.
“Of course, kitten. You’re such a good kitty.” The small reassurance makes you feel warm and happy, your tail flicking softly before curling around both your leg and Shouta’s, the end brushing his skin gently. You can’t help but want to stay with Shouta forever.
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