#i would say he's one of very few peak alphas in the world who believes as he does
not-poignant · 1 year
Hi, Pia
I just read chapter 28 'Strange and Lonely' of UtB and got curious about the omega rights that exist in this world. Would you mind listing some of the rights omegas have in Australia in this universe? And are there countries where they don't have these rights? Or countries where omegas have even *more* rights than where UtB takes place?
And also Gary says that Temsen became 'radicalised' after what he'd seen while studying overseas. Does Gary really think Temsens views are radical or was that just a word he used in the moment?
Hi anon!
Some of this stuff I don't know the full answer to (winging the story), some of it will be revealed in the story, but here's some bits and pieces!
Would you mind listing some of the rights omegas have in Australia in this universe?
I don't know them all because honestly I can't keep every single legal right that humans have in my brain so I don't know how I could do that for omegas, but generally speaking omegas in Australia have:
A right to education (conditional) A right to life (conditional - if no birth certificate is recorded, a right to life can be legally circumvented -> problematic because omegas have their own birth register, and many omegas births still aren't recorded at all) A right to freedom from medical experimentation and unusual acts of cruelty or inhuman acts (this includes conditional freedom from being imprisoned and raped in a fraternity house, but not freedom from being imprisoned and raped in an omega rehabilitation centre) A right to health (conditional) A right to a fair trial (conditional) A right to work (conditional) A right to protection from violence from strangers (conditional)
(I'm putting conditional next to all of these, because many of these rights have loopholes that can often be utilised by alphas and betas, especially in the case of spouses and families, and these are the people normally controlling an omegas life in the first place. For example, if a family causes an omega to be sick, that omega has no right to take their family to court.)
They do not have rights to:
Vote (hugely contested, but as omegas are such a tiny portion of the population and don't get much support, this is slow going. Alphas can of course vote, despite also being a tiny proportion of the population, lmao) Freedom from discrimination based on being omega Protection from violence (inc rape) from family or partners
Australia is considered one of the better places in the world for an omega, about on par with with UK, and ahead of places like the USA. However there are many countries that offer better rights and protections to omegas, but I couldn't tell you what they are, because I don't know! I just know they exist, lol. One of them is Switzerland, based on the fact that Gary and James went to do a conference there on omega psychology and rights.
But! Any of this could change depending on how the story goes. Winging it means the story decides how it progresses, in a way, so if one of these becomes inconvenient to me and I haven't established it in the story, I will ditch it lmao.
Does Gary really think Temsens views are radical or was that just a word he used in the moment?
Temsen's views really are radical. Just because Gary shares many of them, doesn't make them any less so. Hillview is a place that practices pretty radical omega theory and acceptance, and has to kind of hide that it does that because it goes counter to the global culture in general.
There's very few people in the world for example who would agree with Temsen's approach to Efnisien. Temsen asking Efnisien if he wants an alpha in the room with him instead of giving the alpha the choice is unusual and generally not done. Temsen seeking even some consent is not something many doctors do. Temsen embodies a more ethical practice (overall, not always though) towards omegas and in his viewpoints towards omegas. Gary agrees in theory, but he can have a harder time implementing it in practice, because he's still got a lot of internalise issues towards omegas. Everyone at Hillview does, because they live in a society that has taught them to discriminate against omegas, so it's something everyone there is unpacking, including the omegas.
It also makes Hillview challenging, because it tends to turn out more politically aware and educated omegas, and while they're sometimes wanted by their partners who also happen to be activists, it's not generally what omega rehabilitation facilities are meant to do (which is to usually establish the kind of mindbreak where the omega becomes so docile - through repeated rape and forced bonding - that they see complete and total obedience to a partner or family outside of the facility as true freedom).
The world is definitely described / tagged as dystopia for a reason!
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kiame-sama · 11 months
Omega Marechi (Yandere!Upper-Moons x Omega!Reader x Yandere!Muzan)
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Warnings; yandere, multiple yandere, stalking, mention of violence, mention of social imbalance, my abo au (less than 1000 omegas world wide and omegas are a commodity of sorts), omega reader, abo social ladder, abo societal structure, unfair situations, instinct manipulation, kidnapping, threat of murder, blood, violence, mention of human consumption, demons, female bodied reader, female reader pronouns (let me know if y'all want a male version).
(It's a personal headcannon of mine that omegas are short & chubby, so very soft and squishy)
(Also, let me know if y'all want a continuation of this, I have a certain idea involving stockades I have been interested in trying out)
Deep within the winding surfaces and ever changing interior of a fortress wreathed in darkness, demons began to gather. Though they were few in number, each demon had their own impressive strengths and abilities that set them apart from the many other members of their brood. Even with their combined presence and strength, their master stood above them in every way possible.
The king of demons, he who sired every other demon, stood watching his upper ranked generals as they gathered beneath him. Short dark hair seemed to swallow all light in the inky abyssal color, bright red eyes glinting like lit lanterns on the darkest of nights. His fair skin unblemished and so smooth it could be mistaken for the marble of a true artisan's finest work. Truly a vision of a true apex alpha with the beauty of a divine being.
The six generals that gathered were supposed to be without company and solely focused on their sire, yet one was not alone. Next to the top general of the king's army was a large rectangular box shape that was draped in heavy fabrics to conceal what may be held within. The fabrics seemed to be soaked in a heavy perfume mixed with the hint of an unusually appealing scent that taunted the senses.
"What have you brought, Kokushibou?"
The deep and commanding voice of the demon king rumbled out with a tint of curiosity in his tone. Where he expected quite a bit from his upper moons, even he had to admit that the actions of his top general were odd. It was not often that the upper moons did something that surprised him- and usually was met with a swift reprimand- but his curiosity had been peaked by the abnormal behavior.
Without saying a word, Kokushibou gripped the heavy fabric and quickly pulled it away, revealing what had been concealed. Beneath the cloth lay an iron cage- much like what an exotic beast would be transported in- with blankets lining the bottom of the cage for cushion. The cage itself wasn't very interesting when compared to what lay within.
Laying bound in the iron cage was a woman, her (h/c) locks strewn around her head and her (s/c) flesh looked incredibly plush and no doubt was soft to the touch. A delicate and fine silk kimono wrapped around her bound form, even that which held her was made of the expensive materials. Her eyes were covered in a long silk ribbon, mouth held shut by an intricate golden muzzle, her arms cuffed together with similarly intricate cuffs in front of her and lower legs cuffed together.
A woman- no matter how decorated- wasn't much to crow about, but the pungent scent that had been smothered by the perfumes was now free and quickly reached those nearby. There was a visible change in the way the other upper moons stood, their nostrils flaring and eyes fixed on the soft woman as they contemplated what she was. The scent reached Muzan last, but he knew immediately what was being presented to him, though he could scantly believe what his senses were telling him.
"No," Douma started, his multi colored eyes wide in disbelief, "that's impossible. Omegas aren't real! It must be a trick."
"Looks real to me. Smells real too. Actually," Akaza sniffed, looking curiously at the bound female, "she smells like a marechi."
A soft whimper came from within the cage, the female inside moving and seemingly trying to pull away from her binds. The muzzle secured on her kept her from speaking and muffled her sounds as she responded to the voices around her. Blindly she turned her head towards the sound of Akaza speaking, seemingly trying to understand where she was and who she was with.
"She was being transported as cargo on a train. From her scent, it was made clear to me that she is an Omega and a marechi. She has no mating marks present on her body. The humans transporting her were on their way to deliver her to slayers, a gift from a small village of fools."
Muzan silently descended from where he had been standing above the upper moons, approaching the cage curiously. The other demons watched in interest as their sire crouched, observing the bound female that had been presented to him. He had not encountered an omega, even in his long life, so seeing such a rare and unusual being in a cage was surreal. Truly, he had thought omegas were just another myth created by humans.
He reached a finger between the bars, his sharp nail gently scraping over the exposed neck of the omega. Naturally, she responded with a fearful sound at the feeling of something sharp against her neck, trying to writhe away from the sensation. The obvious fear was accompanied by an intense scent that prodded at their minds to defend the soft woman from whatever may be causing her distress.
Muzan observed the struggling of the delicacy he had been presented with, red eyes gleaming and unwavering. After a moment of simply watching the omega struggle, he reached his hands forward to grip the cage bars. With one flex, the metal groaned beneath his hands, crumpling like sand and bending out of shape. One of his hands held the cage still as he ripped the bar off of the cage, pulling out several more until he could access the omega.
The loud sound of the metal bending and crushing had clearly upset the omega who let out a muffled scream into the muzzle, body twisting and writhing to escape the frightening sound and its source. Another scream escaped her as one of Muazan's hands gripped the back of the her kimono, dragging her out of the remnants of the cage. A sharp scent made him freeze, the taunting ambrosia of marechi blood filled his nostrils as he moved to examine the omega.
Sitting on her cheek was the smallest of cuts, blood slowly beading along the line of the slice. Within the second Muzan noticed the small injury, a greedy mouth formed along his hand. The elongated tongue quickly stretching out and slowly laving over the gathered blood with an apparent groan of satisfaction rumbling in his chest from the taste.
His pleasured sound only seemed to frighten the omega more, whimpering out and beginning to cry from the terror. It was understandable, she had been in the cage for an unknown time and now was listening to the sound of an unknown assailant flavor her blood. With a quick motion the blindfold was pulled away, revealing (e/c) eyes that were filled with delicate tears and horror.
Her gaze became fixed on the bright red eyes of the predator in front of her, body falling completely still. Much like the way an injured fawn would freeze upon seeing the open jaws of a bear. The body of the soft omega seemed to curl in on itself, as if she were trying to seem as small as possible all without looking away.
He lifted his free hand towards her and gripped her ornate metal muzzle despite her frightened sounds and slow shaking of her head back and forth. She cringed and closed her eyes tightly as his hand gripped the clasp of the muzzle that held it on.
For a moment, things seemed to stand still in baited anticipation of what the demon king would do next. All upper moons keenly awaited their sire's next move as it would determine the fate of the omega they all were interested in. Wanting to get their hands on her if he allowed her to live, or wanting a piece of her if he chose to consume her.
A soft click of metal could be heard in the profound silence as the clasp of the muzzle was disconnected.
You warily watched the frightening man remove the muzzle you wore, seeing how hungrily he looked at you the entire time. He seemed to be contemplating you, much like many others would when first coming into contact with you. The man- or monster, would be more accurate- suddenly grinned, hand gripping your neck and slowly lifting you up.
Even with how you struggled, the man seemed to have no problem holding you until he was fully standing. His expression became more fierce as the veins in his face became more pronounced, tongue slowly dragging over his lips. After a moment he lowered you so your feet were on the ground, no longer holding you off the ground but still holding you in place.
"You are a truly unfortunate human. Luckily for you, I intend to keep you for the time being. You staying alive or not will be determined by your actions."
You had been taken to a large ornate bed that no doubt belonged to the demonic alpha that broke your chains but left your cuffs. From the way he stared at you, you felt like you were being appraised much in the way one would appraise a meal. A yelp escaping your lips as you were thrown down on the soft surface.
In seconds you felt the silk that held your clothing together rip open, the ornate kimono falling open. Your body was completely left exposed to the intense gaze of the man, you had been dressed for meeting several new mates who were top members of the demon slayers. Instead it seemed the demons found you and decided to keep you for the time being.
Part of you was terrified to fight back as you didn't wish to anger the demon that took you to bed. Based off of his scent, you knew you were dealing with an alpha of great strength and willpower. The alpha himself seeming to be above other alphas that you had caught the scents of whenever one would pass through your village. He was clearly the one others answered to as they had gotten out of his way rather quickly when he decided to drag you to his chambers.
You tried to keep your thighs pressed together to give yourself some kind of protection, but the demon was quick to pry them open. His gaze was intense and you felt your body warm in response to how he stared at your exposed figure. A whimper from you seemed to break the trance he was in as his eyes flicked up to look at you for several seconds.
"And still, you are afraid. Tell me, Omega, did the humans you lived amongst even give you a name, or have you always been Omega?"
"My name," you struggled to keep the fear out of your voice as you answered the alpha demon, "it's (Y/n), (L/n)(Y/n)."
"(Y/n)? I am Kibutsuji Muzan, king of demons. You have gained my attention, (Y/n), quite dangerous indeed. I expect you to be an obedient omega, understand?"
"Ye-yes, I understand, Alpha."
You whined softly as one of his hands came up to palm your soft chest as if appraising it like fruit. His bright red eyes gleaming in interest as he observed you trying to sit still for him and let him continue what he wanted. Clearly you were a high tier omega as you were so obedient and did exactly what the alpha told you to do.
The village you grew up in must have trained you to be a good omega, taking the word of an alpha as law. In any case, he was quite pleased to have such a treasure in his grasp. He vaguely considered keeping the omega for himself, but he knew the way the upper moons stared, even Akaza showed clear interest.
An omega would certainly be a unique reward and incentive to push the upper moons further. Beyond just that, using the unique human omega sent could throw off the slayers in such a way there would be no one left to stand against the demon king.
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ffwriterbts · 3 years
Lunar- BTS Werewolf AU Part 4
AN: As I’ve said before, if slowburn BTS werewolf AUs that have springlings of angst, smut, and fluff, this is the story for you! Other than that, please leave a like or comment so I know you’re enjoying the story!! The sections should start getting longer as I keep updating :) 
Also! Let me know if you want to be on a tag list for this story! 
Word Count: 7.7k
Warnings: General angst; slight medical talk; mental health issues; soulmate themes if you squint
Posted: 31 Dec 2020
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When YN wakes up, she is lying in what looks like a fancy hospital room. Her shoulder is on fire, there’s an IV in her hand, her leg is propped up in an almost uncomfortable way, and all the rest of her feels like she was repeatedly hit by a cement truck. 
YN tries to sit up, but only makes it a few centimeters before pain wracks her body and she stops in her tracks. Her eyes snap shut and she takes a few deep breaths, doing her best to remember what happened and where she was.
And- nothing. YN doesn’t really remember anything that happened. 
That is, until Jin walks into the room, and everything hits her all at once- how Jin and Yoongi came to cook, how she was going back to the garden to grab her phone when a mystery wolf tried to harm her, how Yoongi transformed into a giant black wolf, how he fought for her, how Jin helped her. 
“I didn’t expect you to wake up so soon. Welcome back, YN.” Jin breaks the silence, and YN’s eyes snap up to him. 
“I-” YN starts, taking a second to collect her thoughts before continuing. “What happened to me?” Her voice is gruff, hoarse. 
“You were attacked.” Jin gives a little shrug before continuing, “Your shoulder was bitten, your ankle broken, you have three cracked ribs, and deep tissue bruising on the side with the bite. Other than that, you’re covered in scratches and bruises from the dragging and the nasty fall you took.” 
“Don’t worry, you have the same blood type as Jimin, and he was more than happy to donate for you. The wolf blood will have you healed by the end of the month for pretty much all of it. The ankle will take a little longer.” Jin shrugs again, going around and checking all of the monitors, making sure everything was good before he makes small talk with YN and helps her sit up, giving her water. 
Once he is sure she is as fine as she can be, he takes a seat at the end of the bed. YN can feel her ears get hot as she realizes that he has plenty of room, seeing as her legs don’t even reach three-fourths of the way down when she’s lying, much less when she’s sitting up. She doesn’t know why she feels this embarrassment, but she does anyway, and she silently hopes that Jin doesn’t know. 
“You must have questions, so why don’t I give you the full story?” Jin lightly pats where YN’s good foot is, smiling warmly at her. “If you want me to, of course.” 
“Please, I feel like I’m going crazy.” YN’s voice is much softer now, as she looks at him with those big, innocent eyes of hers, sipping water. 
“Well, I hope you’ve figured out by now that we are all werewolves.” Jin lets out a little laugh as YN nods softly. 
“We are a hidden race among humans, almost extinct. There are a few large groups over in America, there’s a couple here, a few somewhere in Europe, and a whole bunch over in Africa. There’s also a city of only wolves and special, trusted humans in China, which is also hidden from the world. We are bigger, faster, and stronger than even the very best human. We have the ability to change into wolves whenever we want, so long as we are fully healed.” Jin takes breath, looking to YN to make sure she was following along. 
YN nods, eyes trained on Jin as she listens, and he continues. 
“In order to survive, we had to breed with humans, muddle the gene pool. The fastest, strongest, largest of the humans, they are all part wolf. Our pack is one of the purest here, genetically speaking, but we would be considered basically human by our ancestors. But, to be fair, some humans are able to be welcomed into packs.” 
“Packs?” YN asks, head tilting slightly to one side as Jin smiles. 
“Yeah, like wolf packs. There are Alphas, Betas, and Omegas, which are basically what you think they are, though there is a lot more variation than you would think. Each designation is on a sort of scale, though that scale is not something that can easily be explained.” Jin gives another half shrug, glancing up at the IV, before standing and doing something that YN didn’t understand. 
“Here, let me get this changed so your body doesn’t starve or dehydrate. And I’ll let the rest of the boys know you’re awake, they’re excited to meet you and make sure you’re okay.” Jin clearly makes the move away from the subject of werewolves, and even though YN’s mind is swirling with questions, she doesn’t question the dropping of the subject. 
YN assumes (correctly) that any and all questions she possibly has will be answered in time, because something about the way Jin putters around the room doing this or that feels like coming home. 
Over the next week, YN steadily gets better. Whatever it is about the werewolf blood that makes healing kick it up into overdrive was working better than expected, which all of the boys were grateful for. She had visitors every day, for most of the day, and she quickly got along with each of them. 
Jin, who YN found out was actually a fully licensed medical doctor and surgeon, mandated that the boys were only allowed to go and see her in pairs, so she wouldn’t be overwhelmed. 
And thus, YN met Hobi and Jimin almost as soon as Jin opened the door to let the boys know she was accepting visitors. She could see who she would later find out to be Jungkook and Taehyung peaking in the doorway, wanting to be included but not being allowed to be. 
Both Hobi and Jimin very enthusiastically introduced themselves, taking no time at all to occupy the end of the bed that YN was far too short to occupy herself. Talking to them felt like talking to people she had known for years, and they had YN almost rolling with laughter within the first five minutes. 
It was almost an hour of not-so-patient waiting on behalf of Taehyung and Jungkook before Jin came back and kicked Hobi and Jimin out, scolding them half-heartedly for not letting the other two have their time yet. 
With quick apologies, those two boys slipped out of the room as two more replaced them. Again, just as enthusiastic, the two boys introduced themselves, and had YN in stitches almost too quickly. 
Without a second thought, YN is talking with them for almost two hours, before Namjoon comes in and cuts them off. He kicks the two youngest out of the room, telling them that YN needs to rest sometime, that she has to heal. 
Namjoon in turn takes the same spot at the end of the bed, but he is bearing gifts. Namely, the gift of her electronics from her home, a nice lap desk, and some of her very favorite sour candy.
“I figured you would want these things, seeing as you’ll be here for a while.” Namjoon smiles softly as he almost sheepishly rubs the back of his neck. 
“Oh, thank you!” YN is much more animated than she was even an hour ago, snatching the sour candies from Namjoon’s hand as quickly as she dares to, trying her best to open the bag without moving her one arm very much. 
“Do you want some help YN?” Namjoon’s voice is soft but deep, and YN nods without even a second’s hesitation, holding out the offending bag with a small pout. 
Namjoon just chuckles, making small talk as he easily opens the bag, carefully handing it to YN. She lets out a grateful sigh, carefully balancing the bag in her hurt hand, and throwing candies into her mouth. 
“How’d you know I like these?” YN asks absently, paying far more attention to the wonderful flavor than to Namjoon and his response. 
She was tired, her body was sore, and honestly, she was more excited for her candy and the prospect of a nice long sleep than she was about anything Namjoon had to say. That was, at least, until she actually heard the words that came out of his mouth. 
“Oh, we can read minds. We know all sorts of things about you.” His voice was that same even calmness, to the point that YN didn’t actually register what was said for almost a whole minute. 
“You… you what?” YN pauses and looks up at Namjoon, shock and confusion written so clearly on her face that Namjoon didn’t even need to read her mind to know exactly what she was thinking. 
“Hyung was supposed to tell you, but yes. It’s an innate ability of ours, and once you present you’ll probably be able to do the same.” Namjoon gives a little sort of half shrug as YN’s face just scrunches up more as she tries to fully process what Namjoon actually said. 
“I can see you’re confused.” Namjoon speaks again and YN rolls her eyes without taking a second to think about how that might be perceived. Sure, the men she had met had all been incredibly kind to her, but that doesn’t mean that they’re comfortable enough to start with the half-bratty sass that YN was known for with her close friends. 
“Yeah, I wonder why.” YN speaks for the first time, her eyes locking up onto Namjoons in a way that seemed out of character for the girl that he had begun to get to know. “It’s not like this is a lot to process or anything.” Sarcasm seems to drip from every pore like venom, and Namjoon pauses for the first time, slightly confused. Again, this was unlike the character that he had come to know as YN.
He’s sure YN doesn’t mean any harm by what she’s saying, that much is clear to him because of her thoughts, but he was under the impression that YN was just a sweet, mild mannered woman. Silently, Namjoon chides himself for allowing himself to believe that YN, a fully functioning adult woman, was something other than a three dimensional person with multitudes to her personality. 
“May I ask some clarifying questions?” YN asks after a short silence. For the first time, she felt slightly uncomfortable in the silence, wondering if she had actually offended Namjoon inadvertently. Usually, she tried to tame the more bratty side of her personality for fear of being hurt by someone she completely offended, and it seemed to hit her all at once that these men, who were already giant in comparison to her, also held an unknown strength.
YN’s fears are assuaged when Namjoon gives her a beautiful smile, nodding his head and motioning for her to ask away. 
“How much of my head can you see?” YN tilts her head to one side, not catching how strange her phrasing is until Namjoon lifts an eyebrow. By that point, too much time has passed for YN to really change her statement, and she can feel her ears getting hot as she waits for Namjoon to actually respond. 
“Well, any of us can read basically any thought you have. We can also access memories, though it is incredibly frowned upon to do so, as it is sort of like torture for the person whose mind you look into for that one. But, we can also teach you how to make sure we can’t see inside your mind, and when the door to the room closes, we can’t see into anyone inside the room.” Namjoon answers with a sort of practiced nuance, which is comforting to YN in a strange way. 
“Do you look at my thoughts all the time?” 
“No, of course not. That wouldn’t be fair, and honestly, we don’t really look in your mind at all. You do throw off emotion, but that’s different in the first place.” Namjoon gives that same little half shrug. 
“How’s it different?” YN’s voice is much softer now. There’s something about the way Namjoon speaks that makes her feel like she’s coming home. 
She shakes the feeling, instead trying to focus on what Namjoon has to say.
“When in the pack, emotions are shared and felt by the other members of the pack, to varying degrees. When it comes to other wolves, we are sensitive to their emotions and have a large amount of completely non-verbal communication. Part of why you’re so interesting to us is the fact that we can feel your emotions, though you clearly aren’t fully wolf.” Namjoon pauses, brow furrowed. 
“What does that mean?” YN’s expression turns to match Namjoons. 
“It means you’re one of us. But also that you’re not.” Namjoon brings a hand up to rub the bridge of his nose. “I’m not sure what it means, honestly. You smell like an Omega. You act like one, mostly. But you clearly won’t be able to turn once you finish presenting, you know nothing of our world or customs, you’re absolutely tiny.” 
YN shifts uncomfortably when Namjoon looks up at her, her ears heating up again, though she has no idea why she’s embarrassed. It’s not her fault she didn’t know about a hidden society of werewolves, after all. 
Namjoon opens his mouth to say something else, but the door opens and Jin steps in. 
“Namjoon, go separate Taehyung and Yoongi. They’re at it again. Both of them are acting like children.” Jin lets out a deep, exasperated sigh. “And you need to leave YN alone, she needs to heal. Didn’t you say the same thing to Tae and Kookie just a bit ago?” 
YN can’t help but smile softly at the familiar interaction, almost laughing when Jin shoos Namjoon out of the room. 
“As for you, Miss YN, you need to actually rest. Don’t be afraid to tell any of the boys to leave, they know full well that you are here to heal.” Jin gives YN a bright smile as he reaches behind her to make sure her pillows are arranged correctly. 
YN nods, a grateful smile on her features. “I’ll do my best to heal well, thank you.”  She speaks softly, her thoughts a jumbled mess after everything Namjoon told her, her prior annoyance and attitude melting away.
“Do you need anything else? It’s getting late enough I’m going to leave you, I know Namjoon set you up with your technology and chargers.” Jin stands in the doorway, facing YN. 
“No, thank you! I’m good until tomorrow.” YN answers quickly, arranging herself so she can rest comfortably for the night. 
“I’ll leave you then. If you need anything through the night, there’s a call button on the side there. Good night, YN.” 
“Good night!” YN calls, watching as Jin flicks off the light and closes the door. She then proceeds to lay there, in the strange bed, and stare up at the ceiling. 
It was a lot to process, everything that she’d been told. 
“I’m fucking crazy.” YN groans, sighing deeply and checking her phone for the first time in what could have been weeks. 
She was unsurprised to see that the only notifications she had were from her editor, sending back things for her to work on and asking for the corrections and newest works.
YN can’t help but sigh again, throwing her phone to one side and settling in better. She was thankful to the men who had saved her, and she knew somewhere deep down that she could trust them, but it was just a lot to deal with. 
What did it mean that she smelled like an Omega? What the fuck did it mean to present? What did Namjoon mean when he said that she threw off emotions? 
YN was confused, to say the least, but as she relaxed more and ignored the aches of her body, she realized just how tired she was. It didn’t take long for her to fall asleep, even with her mind swirling with question after question about what everything meant.
It was three weeks before YN had the use of her arm back, her shoulder only stinging slightly when she actually used her arm properly. It was another month after that before YN could walk on her ankle, which had been almost shattered from the attack. And that whole time, YN was bonding with the boys. 
She quickly found that the three youngest were incredibly physically affectionate, which YN just adored. She quickly found herself curling up beside Jimin, playing with his hair and feeling completely enveloped in his arms. Or laying across Jungkook’s lap, laughing at his facial expressions as he played his games. Or jokingly having Taehyung carry her around, lovingly calling him her “trusty steed” from her perch on his back.
She found that Jin’s love language was acts of service, which usually translated into him cooking this or that for the group. YN quickly fell into the habit of helping Jin as much as she could sitting at (or on) the counter, laughing at his dad jokes and making some of her own. She made sure that Jin didn’t forget to serve himself as well, always sneaking some of the best parts that he gave to her back into his own portion.
She found that the best way to bond with Namjoon was to just talk to him, about anything and everything, especially philosophical topics. Both YN and Namjoon loved the debate of this or that, the exchange of ideas, the passion of discussing things that others find to be boring. They would spend hours sitting in the library and reading this book or that novel, just to discuss it as soon as both of them had finished, getting off topic in that special way that isn’t really off topic, if you think about it on a deeper level. 
She found that Hoseok loved to dance, loved to explore music and feel it through the movement of  his body. While YN wasn’t able to stand and actually dance with him, even though she would have loved to, she did suggest new songs for him to try making routines to, bringing him water and snacks every so often. He would always ask her to stay and watch, which she did, always giving him the biggest applause she could at the end of the beautiful dances, talking his ear off about her love for movement like that, even if she couldn’t ever really do it herself. 
She found, however, that it was with Yoongi that she felt the most at peace. She quickly gained access to his ever-so-exclusive “genius lab,” where he made his music. Most of the time, YN would work on her writing as Yoongi worked on his music, the studio space filled with the soft sounds of YN’s typing and the sounds of whatever Yoongi was working on. They didn’t need to talk, instead the two sat in silence most of the time, just enjoying the fact that there was someone else there who understood that being together was all that was really needed.
Every so often, Yoongi would spin around in his chair and capture YN’s attention, asking her to listen to something and give her opinions on what could be improved or changed to make the song sound better. While YN didn’t have a lick of musical experience, she was sensitive to sounds and could pick out parts that didn’t quite mesh correctly with ease, which is just what Yoongi needed. 
On the flip side, when Yoongi was taking a bit of a break to stretch, YN would ask him to make certain motions or how to say certain things in different accents to help her be able to write this or that out in a way that actually made sense. Her editor was praising the way her work was coming back with less mistakes and awkward parts, and YN was absolutely loving the way she and Yoongi got along. 
And yet at other points, when neither Yoongi nor YN could seem to focus long enough to get anything done, the two would lounge side by side on the couch and just talk. They never really had something specific to talk about, but YN would find herself opening up about things that she had never told anyone else. She would find herself listening intently to whatever Yoongi decided to open up about, carefully choosing her words in a way that was meant to make him feel better, without making it feel like she was dismissing the feelings that he had in the first place. 
It was a system that worked, with YN falling into the routine of the home far quicker than any of them would have ever expected.  She found joy in helping Jin cook, she felt loved at the unashamed touchiness of Jimin and Taehyung, and again in the much more shy touchiness of Jungkook, she found quiet appreciation in sharing music and watching Hobi, she felt wanted during the long conversations and debates with Namjoon, and she felt at peace with Yoongi. 
She felt like she was home.  
But nothing can last forever, can it? YN knew just as much as the rest of the boys that she would have to go back to her own home eventually. 
And so, after two and a half months of living with the seven men, YN was taken back to her own home. 
Jin’s the one who drove her, with Namjoon riding shotgun. There was an aura of sadness the entire time, like none of them really wanted to go anywhere, but it wasn’t like YN could just move into their house. 
This wasn’t a movie or some crappy romance novel, after all. It was real life, and in real life, people don’t just pack up and move into the home of people who were basically strangers. 
The whole parting was quiet. YN couldn’t bring herself to actually say the word “goodbye” to either of the men who had come to make sure she got home safe, instead throwing her arms around their necks and giving them a good squeeze, wishing that she didn’t have to leave. 
The whole thing rang the same as the way she had parted with the other boys before the drive, the ache settling into her chest like someone had ripped out her heart and thrown it under the tires of the car as it pulled away, tears falling freely as a sharp longing settled in her stomach. 
It wasn’t until Jin and Namjoon left that YN actually cried, sobs tearing out of her throat as she crumbled to the ground, knees hitting the hardwood sharply. 
She had no idea how long she stayed there, feeling like there was a hole ripped into her very being, wishing for the comfort of Yoongi’s words, or Jimin’s wonderful hugs, or of Jin’s gentle prodding to “eat well.” 
Eventually, YN drug herself to her feet, stumbling to the kitchen and chugging some water before grabbing the bag she had borrowed to take her things back to her house, deciding she needed to put things away. 
“Why did I let them pack the bag?” YN groans, finding quickly that she is wholly unable to actually pick the bag up, and instead has to drag it to her room. She’s silently thankful for the wood floors because she can actually slide the bag. 
It isn’t until she gets to the last couple sweatshirts in the bottom of the bag that YN realizes she’d picked up a few presents from the boys. Shaking her head, she realizes why they had insisted on helping her in the first place, each of them had gifted her something small and they didn’t want her to refuse them, like they knew she would. The knowledge of how kind they were being was completely bittersweet, however, because they felt like “goodbye, at least remember us” presents.
From Jin she got the knife she quickly claimed was her favorite because it was the only one that was properly sized for her. There was a small note attached tha read “For my favorite kitchen helper, since it’s too small for me, -Jin” 
YN felt the tears well up in her eyes as she carefully set the knife to the side, not wanting to accidentally hurt herself. She then reaches back into the bag, wondering what else she might find. 
Hobi’s gift was next, giving her the one black headband of his that she always stole and jokingly wore around. It was wrapped around an adorable little teddy bear, with a note saying “For my favorite dancer, even if you couldn’t really do anything. Next time, I’m sure you’ll show me up -Hobi <3” 
Tears were flowing down her face now, but YN couldn’t stop looking for what was next, no matter what kind of feelings arose from it. 
Next she found one of the small figurines from Jungkook’s games, the one she always told him was her favorite because of it’s cool jacket. The note simply read “He might be your favorite, but you’re mine.”
YN smiled at the lack of signature, getting up and placing the figure on her nightstand, carefully angling it so it could watch over the room. Taking a seat on the edge of her bed, she reaches into the bag again, pulling out a gift that couldn’t have been from anyone but Namjoon. 
It was a book that was equal parts old and beautiful, and as YN ran her finger down the spine, she took out the note that was sticking out of the book. She wiped the tears from her face before she read the note, not wanting to drip tears onto it.
“Our Miss YN, 
Please don’t take this as a goodbye, but as a promise for the future. You’re just as important to us, to me, as we are to you. Remember us, remember the good, and look to when we can be together again. 
It’s with this that YN starts sobbing again. They’re so sweet, those boys, and YN couldn’t help but feel almost lost without them. Her chest hurt like someone had shot her, a strong sort of longing that seemed endless settling into the pit of her stomach. 
It takes a while this time, before she can reach into the bag again. When she does, she almost immediately has renewed cries falling from her lips. 
She had pulled out the one super soft sweater of Jimin’s that she absolutely adored. She had told him that she was going to steal it from him whenever he wore it, twisting her fingers in the material and snuggling closer to him. It was soft, it smelled nice, and she knew that it would make her both look and feel tiny. 
There’s no note with this one, but YN can feel the love and sincerity behind the action, draping the sweater over her legs for the time being. She reaches into the bag again, smiling as she pulls out one of Taehyung’s million beanies, wrapped around a small toy horse. 
There is a note with this one, which simply reads “Horse.” It’s the most Taehyung thing YN can think of, and without a second thought, she places the horse next to the figurine, pulling the beanie on. 
She doesn’t find anything else immediately, taking a minute to put the things she had gotten in safe spots and going to put away the last couple hoodies, which she knew were hers. 
It isn’t until she reaches the last thing in the bag that she finds what Yoongi left her. At first, she thought it was just one of his hoodies, which she absolutely adored, but when she took it out to lay it next to the sweater Jimin had given her, something fell out of the folding. 
Quickly, YN picks up whatever fell, and finds that it’s a CD. She shakes her head, knowing that Yoongi would be the kind of person to share music as a gift. She sets the CD carefully on the bed, gathering up her shower supplies and a towel, both because she needed to take them back to her bathroom, and because she needed to actually shower. 
Once she’s freshly showered, using Hobi’s headband to keep her hair out of her face, wearing nothing but the amazingly soft sweater Jimin left her, YN settles into her bed with a CD player she found, Yoongi’s hoodie layed out beside her. Now that she had calmed down, she could smell the boys on the things they had given her. She would have been lying if she said that it wasn’t incredibly comforting to have their scent around her. It made the gaping hole in her chest feel a little less bloody, for whatever reason. 
Pressing play, YN settles in, not knowing what to expect. Neither the CD nor the CD cover had any sort of writing on it, so YN had no idea what was going to be playing, or for how long. She can’t help the small smile that graces her face as Yoongi’s voice fills her space, speaking deep and slow in that comforting way YN loved. 
“YN, my lovely secret keeper. You’re hearing this now because the day has come that you had to go back to your own home. I know none of us want you to leave, and if your actions have anything to say about it, you don't want to go.
You know as well as I do that things don’t always work the way we want them to, though.  We will be coming to visit you, as much as we can. And we will keep an eye on you. 
YN, please listen to me when I tell you I won’t let anything happen to you. It broke my heart, letting you get hurt once. And I’m not sure what I would have done if Hyung and I weren’t there when you were attacked. 
If you need me, if you need any of us, we will be there. Always.” 
YN curls up in a ball, hugging Yoongi’s hoodie to her chest, breathing in his scent deeply. She knew that he meant every word, that he truly would never let anything happen to her on purpose, but she also felt abandoned by him. By all of them. 
She had spent the last ten weeks of her life talking to Yoongi or Namjoon when she felt bad. Going to Jimin or Taehyung for cuddles when she was lonely. Gaming with Jungkook when she was bored. Laughing with Jin while prepping meals. Doing what little dancing she could with Hobi when she was restless. Laughing as Taehyung insisted on carrying her from one room to another, even once she had healed enough to walk. 
She had spent the last ten weeks evening out their teams when they played games, singing off-key on karaoke nights, fielding Taehyung’s touchiness before he got on Yoongi’s nerves (because for some reason, Tae insisted on trying to cuddle Yoongi at every opportunity), celebrating with them, helping to clean the wolves if there was a fight, stealing blankets off of every surface she could, curling into the side of whoever sat beside her in the name of stealing their boundless warmth.
She had spent ten weeks creating a space for herself in their lives, in their home. And now, it was back to living in a house that was way too big for her, with nobody to keep her accountable. 
It was because of this that she cried herself to sleep, even the sound of Yoongi’s beautiful music filled the room. She missed them, more than anything. She felt like she was crying more than she ever had, and it had only been hours since she left their home.
What YN didn’t know was that the boys were missing her just as much back at their home. 
Jin had decided to make a fancier meal than usual, because it would take more time and take his mind off of everything, but as he went about getting things done, he couldn’t help but miss seeing YN, perched precariously on the counter, babbling away about this or that as she carefully cut whatever needed to be chopped up. 
He internally cringed as the thought of the time YN had slipped and almost fallen on her hurt ankle, his own quick reflexes being the only thing that had saved her from weeks of extra healing. Honestly, even though it stressed him out to no end to have her cutting things balanced the way she was, it was also something that he had come to expect. Secretly, he wished she had fallen on that ankle, because that would mean she would have still been right there, trying to out-joke the dad joke master himself. 
Jungkook had holed himself away in his room, going to game, setting out a second controller without thinking about it. He had been in the middle of teaching YN how to play his favorite game, so that they could properly play together instead of having her just watch him play all the time. It felt wrong for him to have to just put away that second controller. 
The feeling was just exasperated when he went to start the game and it came up with the section that they had been working through. Fondly, Jungkook remembered the way YN would bring her bottom lip between her teeth as she concentrated on doing things correctly, bouncing in her seat when she finally figured out how something worked. Despite the fond memories, he found himself close to tears, staring at that second controller. 
Jimin and Hobi both went to the studio, deciding to dance away the hurt. Without thinking, Hobi went to ask YN what song they should freestyle to, the words dying in his throat as he turned around to talk to the girl that just wasn’t there. Jimin can see just how much pain Hobi is in, not even speaking as he brings the slightly taller man into his arms, feeling the same sense of loss. 
They sunk down to the floor, neither of them wanting to talk, which in itself was strange for the two normally boisterous men. Jimin missed the feeling of having YN curled up beside him, stealing his heat. Hobi missed being able to talk to her about the dances he was doing, getting a perspective from someone who didn’t really know anything about dance. They missed her. 
They didn’t realize until that moment, when the two were both trying to get the same sort of comfort from each other that they had begun to seek out YN for, how much of a hole there was in their group. Sure, they had been just fine before YN, and would be fine again without her, but there was a comfort with her that they didn’t know how to replace. Things just weren’t the same.
Taehyung busied himself with a book that Namjoon had been recommending to him about one artist that he recently found, but he couldn’t focus on the words or pictures in front of him. Instead, his mind was preoccupied with the fact that, for the past two months, he had spent this lazy time in the afternoon helping YN get from place to place, laughing with her as the others did this or that. He missed those moments, with YN laughing in his arms or on his back, even though it shouldn’t have been long enough for those feelings to settle in. 
He closed the book, flopping down onto the sofa he had settled on and trying not to think too hard about what he could have been doing with YN. If he was being honest with himself, he liked having someone who was so small and easily carried around, because he liked feeling big and important in comparison to her. It was an added bonus that her personality meshed so well with his own, and that she seemed to just understand  the weirder parts of his personality, instead of being put off by them like so many others. 
Sure, he was one of the largest of the pack, but that didn’t mean he felt like it. By wolf standards, he was pretty close to normal, but for whatever reason, he loved the way YN would curl into his side when they were seated next to each other, mumbling about being cold, looking absolutely tiny in comparison to his own body. 
Or how she’d sigh dramatically whenever she had to stand to do something, hopping around the room and never asking for help, despite the fact Taehyung would be the first to jump up and whisk her off her feet completely, just carrying her to wherever it was she needed to be, chiding her for not asking for the help she so clearly needed. 
Namjoon decided to go to the library, curling up in the chair that YN usually occupied in the mornings before everyone else woke up. His mind was swirling, automatically analyzing why he felt the way he did, instead of really feeling those feelings. Absently, he stroked the spine of the book that YN had been reading, a soft smile gracing his face when he realized that it was the one he had recommended when she was still completely bedridden during those first few days. 
He glanced down at the small table beside the chair, realizing for the first time that YN had left a little notebook under the book. He picks it up, flipping through it and quickly realizing that she had been taking notes over things she was eager to discuss with him, which should have made him happy, but in reality just made him feel worse because she wasn’t there to actually follow through. 
Namjoon chuckled to himself as he imagined YN, absolutely tiny in the chair, curled up in one of the fluffy blankets she always seemed to be wrapped up in, lovingly devouring the book that he had recommended to her, scribbling notes onto her notepad for later. He realized absently that he had missed one of the ways that she showed her growing love and appreciation for him was through this small action, making sure that she knew what she was going to say before their discussions. Namjoon was surprised when a drop of water fell onto the page in the notebook YN had marked, not realizing until he sniffled that it was his own tears. 
Yoongi locked himself up in his Genius Lab as soon as YN was in the car, headphones on as he did this or that to the song he had been working on. He tried to ignore the fact that he couldn’t hear the soft clicks of a keyboard behind him. He tried to ignore the sinking feeling of being lonely.
 He had never once felt lonely in his studio, not before he started letting YN hang out on the couch as he worked.
 Not until he got used to spinning around in his chair and seeing YN there, typing away on her laptop. He remembered hearing her little sighs of frustration or exasperation when something doesn’t work out quite right, her brow furrowed, her tongue sticking out slightly, with a growing fondness.
Yes, Yoongi liked being alone. He enjoyed the silence, he enjoyed his own company. He had always liked being alone, it was how he recharged. And it wasn’t until he let YN into his most private sanctum that he had ever really felt lonely. 
It wasn’t until Jin rounded all of them up for dinner that they realized that every single one of them were missing YN. 
“This is bullshit.” 
Yoongi is the one who speaks, heads turning towards him. None of them had really been in the mood for much talking, but none of them had figured Yoongi, of all people, would be the one to break the tense silence. 
“What, I know you’re all thinking it too. This is bullshit.” Yoongi glares at his plate, taking a deep breath before he looks up at the others. 
“None of us wanted YN to leave. YN didn’t want to leave. And now we are all miserable.” Yoongi stands now, not bothering to push in the chair he had been sitting on. 
“I don’t care what any of you do. I don’t care what the consequences are. I’m going to YN’s.” Yoongi’s eyes sweep the faces of the six boys he loves the most, a fiery intensity radiating off of him in a way that has them all flinching away from him. 
“Yoongi you can’t ju-” Namjoon starts, standing and going over to try to calm Yoongi down, but a sharp growl from Yoongi makes him stop in his tracks. 
“No!” Yoongi’s voice drops an octave as he steps closer to Namjoon himself, squaring up with the leader in a way that could very easily lead to a fight.
 “You know as well as I do Alpha,” Yoongi spits the word like it’s acid on his tongue. “she smells like one of us. She has our scent all over her. If they find out we let her go, that we aren’t around her all the time anymore, they’re going to kill her.” 
Namjoon opens his mouth to say something, anger bubbling up in him like a cursed well, when Jin stands, pushing himself between the two Alphas. 
“Both of you! Stop it!” Jin stands, making sure each of them are an arm’s length away from each other. “We all miss YN, but there’s a reason she’s not here. As much as it might seem like it, she isn’t one of us. She doesn’t belong with us.” 
The other boys are all standing now, helping to make sure Yoongi and Namjoon stay away from each other, trying to calm both of them down. A fight between the Alphas would not end well.
“How could you say that?” It’s Hoseok who speaks this time, his voice sounding oddly small. 
“Because it’s been almost a hundred years since there was a lost Omega! You all know how rare they are, seeing how strong the Omega gene is. We knew her uncle, and he didn’t have a lick of wolf in him, even if she managed to somehow get some wolf in her, it can’t be enough for her to be able to pack bond.” Jin flicks his eyes between the other boys, focusing his attention on keeping Namjoon behind him. 
It’s silent for what feels like hours. 
“Then why do I feel like I lost a piece of me, huh?” It’s Taehyung who speaks up this time, his hands clenched into tight fists at his sides, tears rising in his eyes. “Explain that, Hyung.” His voice is barely above a whisper, choked out over a growing lump in his throat. 
“I-” Jin starts, the words dying in his throat as he watches Taehyung turn into the closest person, seeking the comfort of someone else. 
For once, Yoongi opened his arms to Taehyung, glaring at Jin from over the other man’s shoulder, trying to comfort him. 
“I don’t know.” Jin finally admits, his face falling. 
Again, the room falls silent, only the soft sniffles of Taehyung breaking the deafening quiet of the room. 
“I think we all feel the way Tae does, don’t we?” Namjoon speaks for the first time in a while, the anger he had felt having finally subsided almost completely. There are nods from everyone. 
“The feeling is new, and we don’t want to make a mistake. If we report YN as being lost, she will become a target. If we don’t, we will. Let’s wait for at least a week before we approach her again.” Namjoon eyes the others in the room. “But let’s keep patrols heavy in her part of the woods.” 
Yoongi glares at Namjoon, thoughts swirling. A whole week without YN, knowing that she’s in pain being away from them? It sounded like downright torture to him. 
“Yoongi, Hyung, you know how big of a deal it is to be the pack with a lost Omega. She’ll become a target, just because she can’t handle half as much as we can. It’d be easy to not only to just kill her, but to break her spirit, to force her to tell them about our weaknesses as a pack. She’d have to be with at least one of us almost all the time, have to live with us. She’d have to give up big parts of her freedom, and the YN we know wouldn’t enjoy that at all.” Namjoon pauses, taking a deep breath. 
“We have to be sure before we approach her with this. For all we know, she won’t ever fully present and YN isn’t really one of the lost at all.” Namjoon brings a hand up to rub at his temple, a headache starting from the strong mix of emotions. 
Yoongi sighs, Taehyung finally detaching himself from the smaller man as Yoongi runs a hand through his hair. 
“You’re right Joon. I know you’re right.” He lets out another, more exasperated sigh before he continues, “It’s just hard, ya know? Waiting another week feels like torture, because I know, I know, that YN is hurting. And we caused it.” 
The other boys nod, giving murmurs of agreement as they start to dissipate, their meal forgotten as they begin to retreat again. For whatever reason, even the most other-person oriented of the pack wanted to be alone, wanted to have a minute to process everything that was going on by themselves. 
“Jin, Yoongi. Can we go talk further in the office? We need to actually figure out what to do next.” Namjoon catches Jin by the shoulder before he walks out of the room, reaching for Yoongi as well, even though he was across the room. 
Yoongi just nods, Jin letting out a short hum of approval. The trio then turn in unison, heading out towards the office space that Namjoon used so often. 
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wajjs · 3 years
prompt part: the taliajaybru continuation of your bb dami fic? where everyone is still soft and nothing hurts (too much) and bruce catches up on how to be with the people he loves?
omegaverse, omega!jay (ft. male breastfeeding - a very short scene at the very beginning)
continuation of this fic
In my darkness I search for you
Breeze comes in through the window that had been closed.
Breeze comes in, makes the curtains flutter, and Jason doesn't look up from where Dami's head is nestled in his arms, face pressed to his chest. He doesn't look up as he strokes the thin hairs on the back of the head, as he smiles down at the expression of pure concentration Damian has while staying latched onto his nipple.
Jason doesn't look up and he doesn't need to, because he knows who is standing in front of him, tense and agitated and—he wonders what kind of thoughts are plaguing that head. What kind of picture does he paint, and how is it being interpreted?
Damian's tiny hands flex on Jason's chest and it makes him laugh.
He also thinks he can hear a single broken sob coming from the pillar of kevlar, weapons and living, breathing anguish.
When he goes back to the manor, he's carrying a small travel bag with diapers, a few onesies, towels, and Damian's favorite toys. It's clear he's not here for a prolonged stay. He also doesn't come back to the family house through the cave in the middle of the night, like a ghost from days past that descends upon everyone present like a curse. Instead, he walks up the steps to the front door and bounces his baby in his arms. And he waits.
Not for long, though. Because there it is Alfred, looking like he always does and if Jason notices new wrinkles, he doesn't say a thing. He smiles, a small, shy thing, and shifts Damian to just one arm, propping him up on his side.
"Hey there, Alfie," Jason says. If there's a pang of nostalgia clanging in between his ribs, he stays quiet about it.
Alfred's eyes are wide open. This is the most caught he's ever looked.
"Master Jason," he gasps, hand shaking around the doorknob. The lack of steadiness becomes even more obvious when the older man's eyes drift until they are focused on the baby.
Jason understands the surprise. But also, it's getting cold and Damian is still getting better from that trip to—
"I apologize," Alfred quickly recomposes himself, stands to the side as he opens the door as far as it goes, "please, master Jason, please come in."
He smiles and steps inside. Familiarity rushes through him. The house seems stuck in time, as always, and he… he's changed so much.
Bruce can't stop looking at him. The man is pale and silent and he looks at Jason and his baby like they are both going to vanish the minute he blinks. Jason doesn't reassure him that this isn't a half-crazed delusion, this isn't a vision, he's here, he's real. No, he makes no attempt at comforting him. Jason knows more than well it would fall upon stubborn ears.
Alfred is the one sitting by his side and smiling as he watches with an avid eye while Damian plays in his baby chair. Well, not his, but the one that's never left the manor, much like everything else that ever entered here. Still sturdy as ever, and Jason sits next to his child and he kisses the soft hairs.
Sometimes he can't believe this is his reality.
"How," Bruce finally asks.
Even with the fireplace lit up, the room drops to sub-zero temperatures.
"I think you're well acquainted with how babies are made, B."
That's not it, though. The three adults present know.
"How did you come back?"
At least they are talking, Jason thinks, and Bruce has yet to force him into completing one medical scan after the other. It's only a matter of time for that, though. Everyone is well aware.
At the end of the day, well into the night, he's sitting by the small table in the kitchen, Damian dozing off in his arms, waiting for the kettle to start whistling. It's late, now. Late enough for Batman to be expected to be seen prowling the city, and yet the man under the cape is here, by Jason's side. Closer, so much closer than before.
"He looks like Talia," Bruce says and the air he exhales as he speaks brushes Jason's cheek.
"I know," with a rogue smile, he turns towards the other, shifts his hold so his intentions are clear. "Do you want to hold him?"
In typical Bruce fashion, the answer he gets is: "Stay."
And there are so many things left to be said. So many silenced truths waiting round the corner for their best moment to strike. Speeches Jason has rehearsed, over and over, in front of a mirror—fueled by fear and pain and anger and… and grief. Things he's thought about in the middle of training around the world with Talia's guidance.
Things that moved to the very back of his priorities when he discovered that he was—
And so he resigns himself to be, for once, the bigger person.
"I'll stay for the night."
Talia's a beauty that escapes definition, elegantly sprawled on the couch, and Jason feels warmth when he sees her the moment he crosses the door. It's as much his instincts telling him that's my alpha as it is him loving her beyond all that. There's a soft noise forming deep within his chest that has Damian reacting as well, and she laughs with such a wonderful melody.
"We missed you," he says as Damian tries to reach out, both arms extended towards her.
"I'm happy to see you doing much better," Talia stands and picks the baby in her arms. He belongs there as much as he belongs in Jason's hold. "I apologize I couldn't help when you needed me."
"Nonsense," Jason huffs a little, his cheeks getting warm, "you help us all the time. We wouldn't—"
She shushes him with a soft kiss on his lips. It makes Jason's blush grow darker, stirs up half asleep needs and wants and…
He exhales shakily, slumping against the nearest wall and letting the bag fall to the floor. Talia's eyes shine with a new light, one he's seen quite a few times before. They both know what this means.
"I shouldn't," he swallows, runs his hand over his forehead to push his hair out of his face, "I shouldn't go through one so soon, right?"
"You've been with him," her words are not reprimanding. They never are, when she gets it so well, "you've been around him more and more, lately. There are even rumors going around in high society circles. Gossip."
"But," looking at her face, taking in her expression, he shakes again, bites his fist because he needs a distraction. It's not happening just yet, but it's coming. The one thing he did not miss at all. "That… that couldn't be it…"
Talia smiles. She steps closer to him so she can kiss him again. "You've always loved him, dearest."
Jason's knees get a little weaker. He tries not to cry.
"I love you," he says. Desperation adds weight to his voice.
"I know you do," cradling Damian in her arms, she brushes his cheek with her lips, feels his exhale close to her ear, "and I love you, too, dearest."
What Talia doesn't have to say out loud, because he gets it, is: worry not. I'll find a solution.
The ridiculous thought of he's too big for this room keeps repeating itself, like a blinking neon billboard, inside Jason's head. Over and over, till words lose meaning and—
His breath hitches high in his throat and Bruce, god, Bruce Bruce Bruce, he gives him a twitch of his lips that passes for reassurance, an almost smile that Jason used to live for. He's different now, he's grown, he's, he… Talia is right, and Jason looks for her, sees her sitting by the edge of the bed, right next to him. He feels exposed, vulnerable in ways he hates, but he's safe. He's the safest he can be, here, with them paying attention to him.
"Jason," Bruce's voice is soft yet commanding and their eyes meet again. "I can leave if you—"
"No," he says too quickly, reaching out, sitting up on the bed so he can hold onto the other's clothes, "no, don't."
"Beloved," Talia scolds Bruce from behind Jason's shoulders. She's the one pushing him back down onto the mattress, the one massaging away the lines of tension taking over. "Don't tease him like this. Surely you know he's been waiting for you all this time."
Forced into view, being made to be seen, Jason gulps, closes his eyes so he doesn't get to see whatever expression is forming on Bruce's face. He's. He's embarrassed but there is warmth simmering low and insistent in his gut, warmth that gets stronger the more he's made to wait. All the scents, the smell of alpha, they are all making him dizzy, making him want. And he's achingly empty. Why aren't they…?
"I'm sorry, Jason," Bruce whispers and Jason gasps, there's the dip in the mattress, the line of heat of a body broad and big like his own laying on top of him.
Then, then there are the touches. The softest drag of fingertips over his cheek, the line of his jaw, the dip of his collarbones.
"I didn't mean to make you wait so long."
When he blinks and looks at them, at Talia, at Bruce, he's both lost and found. He needs. Legs falling open in the most natural of invitations, he bares his neck, presents himself, shivers and swallows back breathless gasps that betray just how much he craves. Like this, in the cradle of their embrace, like this Jason doesn't have to think of his fears, his anger, the wounds that never heal.
With Bruce on top of him, shedding their clothes, with Talia's fingers in his hair, with all this thorough attention, Jason doesn't have to think about all that he's lost or given up.
Like this, for this moment, he can pretend.
In the peak of winter, bundled up in worn out sweaters, cheeks red and an easy smile on his face, Jason sits on a cushion on the floor, watching as Damian plays next to him. He's giggling, babbling, round and soft and so happy, it's like there are actual stars in his eyes. The two of them paint the most incredible and magical of pictures. An allegory of second chances and new beginnings, of love, of dedication. Of loyalty.
Talia stands by the door, she's always looking, always from a certain distance, like someone who's always protecting. And there is much to protect, here. Much to keep safe.
Bruce stops by her side and his eyes follow the line of her sight. The smile that he gives, it's the most natural smile he's shown in years.
"You saved him," Bruce speaks barely above a whisper.
"Beloved," Talia sighs, leans into his side like all three of them are indeed normal people, like this arrangement won't bring problems, like they get to have a chance at a normal life, "I didn't do anything. He actually saved all three of us."
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lycaran · 3 years
Meet Lonnie
So uh...May have made a Hardenshipping fankid.
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His name's Lonnie, an orphan street kid that Archie and Maxie adopted who counts as a fankid in my eyes, god damn it.
I can’t draw muscles or children to save my life.
Originally @cryptidanaphafsi​ did this I with their fankid I believe? 
Info under the cut because I really started to ramble about details...A lot. 
Bad Quality picture, but his adult versions both have a keystone in the middle of their mask that they use for Mega Evolution.
RSE canon is Emerald, which leads in Alpha Sapphire in the future, though in this canon way, RSE events get resolved Without a protagonist. Hypothetical game futures for the SM and USUM games.
RSE Version -
-Still living on the streets at this point, 8-10 in age.
-Met a few times over the course of the story, usually found hiding around a corner after an encounter with Maxie or Archie(outside of hideout encounters), seems mostly in awe of how cool the plans seem.
-Selectively mute, if talked to he'll make gestures towards the player but since the player is about ten, all you really get from talking to him is "...."
-Jumpy, running off as soon as the player is done talking
-In the Sapphire & Emerald versions of the game, post game, he's absolutely Terrified of Kyogre, developing Aquaphobia as he grows older.
-Sometime post game, Archie and Maxie pick him up bc he still seems to tag along just behind one of them, and hey, the kid needs a home. And when they’ve patched things up, they’re really good dad’s.
ORAS Version, constants-
- Adopted pre-game and raised by Maxie and Archie before they split bc of differing ideals...again.
- Mid-twenties.
- Team Magma Admin.
- Aquaphobia from past trauma, selectively mute.
- I can't draw muscles but he's definitely the strongest person there, thanks to Archie and a bit of Matt.
- As an adult, Vitiligo patches have spread and caused part of his hair to grow in white.
- Personality wise, he's a rather nice man, only really being a sore loser. And takes after Maxie alot in the brains department, including dumbassery. 
- He’s dating both an Aqua Grunt and a Magma Grunt, don’t tell his dads though. A grunt in the Magma hideout asks you if you want to place a bet on that happens when the bosses find out, then realizes you are Not one of the grunts, and runs off.
- Aqua Grunt is named Dew
- Magma Grunt is named Ashe
- I will draw them eventually, they will be mentioned elsewhere.
Omega Ruby -
-he appears somewhat sporadically, usually around Maxie. Fought once at Mossdeep city when the player beats the gym, viewing the player as a threat to Maxie's goal...and wanting to make use of himself, aquaphobia keeping him from following the rest of the team down to the Seafloor Cavern. Team: Crobat, Camerupt, Mightyena, Sealeo.
-A Grunt, Ashe, follows him around and acts as an interpreter. Talking directly to Lonnie is always "..." before the grunt buts in to explain what he's trying to say.
-When defeated by the player, he'll turn to the grunt, signing furiously, only for the grunt to exclaim "I can't say that to a child!" before Lonnie leaves in a huff.
- During the Delta Episode he's fought at the Magma Hideout, without Ashe, absolutely Livid about what Zinnia did to Maxie, and fighting the player as soon as they enter, seeing them as just something else that'll upset his dad. Team: Crobat, Camerupt, Mightyena, Walrein.
- Post Delta Episode, you'll actually find him alone in a house on the Battle Resort. When talked to, he still won't talk, but after interacting with him Maxie walks in to explain that he and his son were there, trying to lay low, relax a bit, and they're waiting on "a certain someone" to show up for a talk.
Alpha Sapphire Version, aka the Canon Version-
- Not very active story wise, always seen rather ominously popping up mere seconds after an interaction with Team Aqua. He doesn't have an interpreter this time, so all the player really gets is "...." then a yes/no text box before he leaves.
- Appears on Mt. Chimney with Maxie to try and stop Team Aqua's little attempt. Maxie will actually translate some of what Lonnie's trying to say, and while it would be nice, he doesn't exactly explain Why Lonnie tends to be tailing Team Aqua, Archie most specifically
-And ho boy. When Kyogre gets awoken, this poor man is having the Worst day.
- In Sootopolis, he's seen quite visibly shaking, signing Something at Archie, who might be having a "Oh shit." moment and a half because his Son is VERY MUCH AFRAID OF WATER, AND VERY MUCH CAN. NOT. SWIM.
- So yeah. Not a fun time.
- Half of what he's signing is ruined by how shaky his hands are. Ashe looks ready to strangle Archie, and Dew is reeling from the reality and Actually starts cursing Archie out as soon as the player leaves to handle Kyogre.
- Tbh if the two boys didn’t start trying to murder Archie first, Maxie might’ve.
- When Kyogre is captured, when the player leaves and all is said and done, he gives the player a piece of Cameruptite with a small little Thank You note.
- Battle Resort/Battle Maison, he is once again found in a house, but this time Maxie is already there. And once the player talks to the two, Archie walks in, but when that happens, the player is asked to leave so they can have a Family chat.
Sun & Moon Games-
- Okay this is just me being self indulgent and including him in my favorite games of the series, plus it’s just neat.
- Basically, he’s there on a honeymoon with Ashe and Dew.
- Even after the teams disbanded, he’s very partial to his Magma outfit. Only real change coming coming from the removal of the Magma symbols on his vest. Still keeping the combined symbols on his mask.
- More or less appears as a cameo. The only reason they’re even having a Honeymoon in Alola is because it has both Water and Volcanos near eachother.
- Shows up in post game, investigating the Altar of the Sunne/Moone as the idea of other worlds really peaked his interest.
- Funny Images: 6′0″ string bean and a 5′7″ man with average muscle trying to carry a 6′5″ man with muscle from hell because the waves touched him and he freaked out.
Ultra Sun & Moon Games - 
- Mostly the same.
- With the addition of the player actually getting his help against Rainbow Rocket
- When reaching the mansion, Lonnie will be there. Along with Ashe and Dew.
- He’ll then “ask” which side the player wants to take on, fighting either Archie or Maxie depending on choice. Vs. Archie, he takes Ashe with him, Vs. Maxie, he takes Dew. The other of his husbands goes with the player to help handle the other boss.
- After this, you can find Lonnie, Dew, and Ashe at the battle tree.
- Funny Images: Trying to get Lonnie onto Aether, a man made island in the middle of the ocean.
Pokespe Version -
- His age is more me throwing darts at a board trying to guess when shit happens.
- He’s alot more playful and joking in this version.
Ruby Sapphire Chapter -
- 16
-Actually adopted prior to the Ruby&Sapphire Chapter, but in a surprising twist, stays mainly with Archie.
- Interacts with Ruby and Sapphire once, maybe twice through the whole Manga.
- Hard for Archie to be intimidating with a giant of a teen in a life jacket clinging to him everytime they get near water, but he makes it work
- He stays with Arche and team Aqua for two reasons and two reasons only
- One, he lacks past trauma with Kyogre in pokespe, thus doesn’t fear water as much and can stand to be around it more. Two, alchoholics scare him more than water ever could.
-Along with that, Archie also has the safer public persona, so win win on his part
- Lonnie, being a teen, does tend to wander though. Barely seen for most of the chapters. When Archie and Maxie have their fight, he's there for a split second, before letting out his Crobat and fleeing.
-I don't have it all ironed out, but basically, the whole battles between Magma and Aqua through the whole arc have slowly built up this fear in Lonnie's brain when it comes to his dad's, and this is the tipping point.
- Sadly, both leaders are a bit preoccupied to notice at first that he's gone, and it's a fullblown panic after the fact.
-Sadly tho, this doesn't slow down their plans. But Blaise and Amber are put in charge of trying to track him down and find him.(Not in a bad way, more in a Extremely worried parents with a missing son way)
- Cue end of arc.
Emerald Arc
-still 16
-Makes brief cameos, he tends to linger around the back.
- Actually, screw it, I'll make this pretty later but he and Emerald do become friends.
- Has a small interaction with Emerald, writing about how he finds his equipment cool, and is in awe of how he calms pokemon.
-And boy oh does this lead to some Fun
- Cut the confrontation with Guile in the cave, the first Jirachi attempt
- Alot changes here.
- First of all, while Jirachi still escapes, Guile lingers for a moment. Looking at Lonnie for a long moment. And while he does 'reflect' back the attacks with his sword, he sends the attack flying off into a wall instead of at Emerald and Lonnie.
- Later, Guile actually snatches the poor kid, pulling off somewhere just to have a few moments to make sure he's okay
- If you know the manga, you know it's gonna be revealed to Lonnie at this point that Guile is, in fact, Archie. And while he tries to avoid the details, he does tell Lonnie he needs Jirachi to fix things
- Lonnie assumes, sadly naive, that this has to do with Maxie and their family. Even asking Archie where his other dad is, only to be met with silence.
- That doesn't settle well with him, actually demanding to know what happens, atleast as much as you can demand when you can’t talk. The last he heard about them was nearly destroying Hoenn so what happened?
- Archie doesn’t tell him, straight up Refuses to tell him what happened.
- This does not go well. Leading to Lonnie once more running off.
- Lonnie keeps in touch with Emerald after the arc is over, basically adopted him as a little brother because they’re both weird looking kids, Emerald being unusually short, and Lonnie having Vitiligo.
- He runs into Amber after this and kind of just, vibes there, treats Amber like an uncle, and that’s who looks after him for the next few years.
ORAS Arc -
- 20
-Lives with Amber, mostly helping the man with fishing and all around, just trying to have someone around he can 'talk' to without needing an interpreter or to write down every word he says.
-Team Aqua....2!
-He does end up joining the New Team Aqua, since he feels more safe with them in Pokespe. Along with this, he’s curious about where they came from and what’s going on here.
-Looks most like my concept sketch for him in this version.
- Eventually just, disepears in the midst of fighting. He's learned enough and doesn't want to face that all.
- Listen when I tell you. When he sees Maxie and Archie, he's pissed.
-And when The Dustening happens...
- He actually does cry. Hell, it's probably the only time he speaks, begging in a hoarse voice he never uses for his dad's to stay there. Just for once. Let them be a family just for Once.
- It doesn't work.
- Funny Images: Emerald, looking up at Lonnie who is like 3-4 times their height: “I AM GOING TO STEAL YOUR KNEECAPS!!!!” Lonnie, amused, signing: “You-can-try.”
-Pokemon Seen: Crobat, Sharpedo, Sandslash.
Sun and Moon Arc -
- 22
-He actually appears here.
- Listen, he's a smart man, and he knows a lot.
-Appears after that small time skip after Sun and Moon disepear through the portals, ultimately he's here investigating the portals.
- He 'talks' with Kukui and Burnet to try and figure out what's going on.
-I don't know how it'd be incorporated, but basically, he's trying to figure out where the Hell his dad's are. And if these Wormholes can help him, by god is he going to use them
- Knows that, most likely, they’re dead and gone for good. But still holds out hope that somewhere out there, they’re still alive.
- He's still wearing the life jacket. Less for Aesthetic, more because he’s scared shitless about being on an island.
- Are this chapter is where he would have started dating Dew and Ashe, having met them when that whole, other Team Aqua & Magma were made in ORAS.
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chiimmchiimm · 4 years
❝𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓭𝓮𝓬𝓲𝓼𝓲𝓸𝓷 !¡ 𝓳𝓳𝓴❞
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The enemy of your enemy is your friend and that for Lexa was the most important thing. So, when Commander Jungkook made her an offer, she couldn't refuse.
𝒫𝒶𝒾𝓇𝒾𝓃𝑔: Jungkook x (femile: Lexa).
𝒢𝑒𝓃𝓇𝑒:  smut, fluff, angst, one-shot.
𝒲𝑜𝓇𝒹𝓈: 26 k
𝑅𝒶𝓃𝓆𝓊𝒾𝓃𝑔:  +18  
𝒲𝒶𝓇𝓃𝒾𝓃𝑔:   dirty vocabulary, explicit language, feeling of loss, burials, treatment by duty, commander duties, sexual attraction, love at first sight without knowing and knowing it, violent scenes, blood, very sexy scar, fights, jealousy, many unjustified jealousy of best friend, Jk is a love, enemies, intimidation, excessive harassment that ends in violence, aggressive situations, mention of death of secondary characters, dirt on the field, hormones, unprotected sex (use the gum for god xd), kisses with tongue, rough sex, woman fingering, creampie, loss of virginity, standing female oral, scratches on her back, spectacular body, big cock, abs out of this world.
𝒜𝓊𝓉𝒽𝑜𝓇’𝓈 𝓃𝑜𝓉𝑒: I want to thank you, wonderful readers, for giving love to history. As a reward I made it much longer. Without more to say to enjoy! 
✚ Heda*   → commander. (WanHeda*    → Commander of death) 
(FireHeda*   → Fire commander)
✚ Ste yuj.* → stay strong.
✚ Yu gonplei ste odon* → your fight is over. 
✚ Jus drein jus daun*  →  Blood must have blood.
✚ Shof op*   → Shut up!
✚ Dann*  → death 
✚ Leidon*     → Bye.
✚ Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim*  → If you fall, you get up.
✚ Ai hod yu in*   → I love you.
The green forest on the slopes of Cóndor was the place with the greatest host of species on the entire land surface. The savages lived on their land, warriors divided into clans who fought for a prosperous life. During the harsh winter, the snow was stained with blood as it witnessed the brutality of the war. One hundred years after the first peace treaty the slopes lay more uneasy than ever. The beings that inhabited the forest knew what would come so they fled to save their lives.
Food began to become scarce, people began to suffer from severe malnutrition that led to death. After the border pact, each clan decided to relate the territories to manage food. With the mountain warriors remaining at the peak of the sierra, the Iron Legion to the east, and the heavenly clan to the south. Each of them had a Heda *, a commander who watched over the safety of his people.
Over the years, the generations were changing. The Hedas had children who in turn had children. This is how little by little each clan was taking its place on earth. The offspring ensured the clan's legacy. They must be the strongest, the most cunning.
But sadly not everyone was equally obedient.
"I see you," Lexa murmured in a low voice so as not to alarm the large prey that lurked. Her feet were firmly on the ground as she slowly made her way toward the large deer eating. In complete silence, she reached behind to reach an arrow to pass it through the bow. She kept her breathing calm as she had been taught. Her whole being blends so well with the forest that they seemed like one. She braced herself, pointed her bow at the deer. With one eye closed and the lip brushing the tip of the arrow. Her father would be proud if she returned to the camp with such a copy. She was certain that he would overlook her continued acts of rebellion.
However, luck was not with her that day.
Branches creaked behind her, drawing the deer's attention, causing her to run away to take refuge in the brush, making it impossible to be captured. Lexa turned on her heel with the agility of a lion to take aim at the intruder when she saw the boy appear among the trees under the gun immediately as she sighed annoyed.
“I could have killed you piece of asshole!” I exhale furiously as I hit the wood of the bow against her thigh for helplessness. Suho completely came out of her hiding place with some red on her cheeks.
"My duty as a protector is to ensure your safety," Suho completed with frustration. Her brows furrowed and her arms crossed tightly just above her toned chest.
"Apprentice of protector." And I'm not a commander yet, besides, your stupid clumsiness has made me lose my prey.
"You shouldn't go out hunting the ...
"Yes, yes, those from the mountain are close and could attack blah, blah, blah ..."
"Alexa, it's not a joke they could really kidnap you to torture you and then kill you."
"I know," he snorted. She was fully and plainly aware that the threat from the mountain tribe was real, but she couldn't stay locked up at home with her mother. Less when she got up and saw how the bright sun invited her to go out and explore the forest. Suho's words declined her mood for a few minutes. "I just wanted a little time alone to think nothing more ...
"We should go back, it will be dark soon and the forest is not safe at night," Suho advised, stepping aside so that Lexa was first. The girl nodded resignedly. Time flew by whenever he went hunting. Since her father wouldn't let her go out alone, she hardly ever, really, ever, used to be accompanied by Suho. A strange but very skilled boy whose primary function was to control even his own shadow. Over time she ended up getting used to her company, forging a small friendship that flourished over the years. Now he was her best friend. Your confidant. It's all.
But that did not remove the fact that she was too strict on issues related to her protection and security.
Sometimes she just wanted to leave. Runaway where no one will find her to live the life she chose to live, not the one others decided to live. She was not unhappy, of course not. She lived a life full of joy and love within her clan. But the whole problem centers on her father not believing her. Since she was little she learned to fight, to hunt, to do any task to be a good leader. But her mistrust placed a big blindfold on her eyes.
I was willing to show her how much she was worth.
She bit into her apple slowly to focus all her energy on the small group of novice soldiers who had gathered in front of the door of the wall. She had learned from Suho's carelessness that the Heda* took these inexperienced children to the riverside training area for routine training. Actually, she was not very curious about these types of activities, since she always followed the same routine. However, for some strange reason, she felt she should go. I did not know, I did not know it. She just followed her instinct.
They soon set out on their way, going Lexa a few meters behind so as not to be seen by her father and win a fight. Although she had tried to be calm before the threat of the mountain soldiers, she knew him like the back of her hand, she knew that Heda was not so calm and that in fact, his insistence that he would not leave the camp had increased since that Suho had come up with the brilliant idea to tell him about the episode in the forest.
When the group stopped, she decided to hide among the trees to see from a distance. Heda kept her arms glued to each end of her hip as she ran those teenagers with her typical leader's gaze.
"When the alpha team crosses the white line of the tree the beta team ..." Heda began before her daughter deftly interrupted by reciting the words from memory.
"They camouflaged themselves between the sheets to cover them."
“Well then...”
"The archers will go behind to secure the air." The fluidity of their talk was a reflection of all those sleepless nights as she was studying her father's strategy books. She did not know but had stolen them from her cabin when she was marching on reconnaissance missions. She knew that stealing the material could cause her a terrible headache, but she decided to take the risk because she knew that her father would not teach her feats in combat on her own initiative.
"Okay, get ready. This may be a drill, but the threat is real.
“What was that, Commander?” Asked a short boy with barely a gram of fat on his body. The leaves of the trees began to shake mischievously creating a rather striking sound. The humid air that covered the environment gave the premonition that it will rain soon. The children beside him began to mumble in fear as they trembled from head to foot. Heda applauded loudly to silence the scandal.
"It was the wind that anticipates tonight's storm." The commander's words reassured the children, although there were still some who continued to wave their weak arms. Without further ado, the two teams split as Heda had explained. Lexa raised a skeptical eyebrow at the children's inaccuracy when placing herself. The posture of the body was very important since it depended on it that the movement to be executed was launched accurately. They did not put the back straight and the shoulders separated as it should be, but on the contrary, they could not shrink their bodies more by bending their backs in such a way that still from their position I could see the body. She denied with a curse in her mouth as the children began to move forward creating too much noise when crawling. The dry leaves creaked, and soon a white smoke began to form above their heads from the stirred earth.
Lexa dropped her body to rest her back. She crossed one leg with the other and then did the same with her arms. Suddenly, a rather annoying light began to blur the view. She put her hand in front to cover the thread of the sun. She followed the path of annoyance until she came across a hill.
Quite suspicious cracking sounds started at the top of the mountain. When Lexa looked in his direction her eyes widened in surprise.
“Wild!” The boy's scream alerted the rest of the group. Heda glanced at the hill across the river just following the direction a boy was pointing. Her skin turned white instantly when she saw a group of twenty people slide down the slope. Then she turned to the scared, runny children.
"Roi take them back to camp!" The rest with me we can not let pass!
The sunny one nodded at her order, shouting nervously at the children to follow her and not look back. Lexa saw it necessary to get out of her hiding place to run to help her father. When she saw her daughter appear the first thing she did was frown in annoyance.
“Save the sermon for when they're not attacking us!” Lexa shouted, upset by the soldiers' shouts of struggle as they rushed forward. She reached for her backpack to grab a pair of arrows. She aimed at one in the leg, causing her to fall on her face, taking two more with her. The strength of her enemy was more capable than she thought. It was about fifty now that he had them closer. I glance quickly, closing my eyes in frustration when she barely realized it was just five soldiers without counting her father and herself. She knew they weren't enough that no matter how adept the enemy's strength was, it was far greater.
Even so, she would give even the air that was missing in her lungs so as not to let that strategic position fall into the hands of the mountain clan. Stunned by the imminent approach of his enemy, the Heda screamed at the top of their lungs that they took cover behind some trees.
The rough wood received Lexa's back as she abruptly leaned back. The hair in a ponytail stuck to her forehead from the sweat accumulated by so much stress. She breathed with her mouth open even though she knew she shouldn't waste oxygen.
She turned to her right, meeting two soldiers sheltered behind a huge rock. One of them had an arrow stuck in his thigh where a lot of blood was coming out. The other seemed almost dead, collapsed on the ground.
Overcome by courage, she comes out of hiding for a moment to shoot an arrow. She returns to her place with her eyes closed and her chest restless. The situation is so overwhelming that he cannot avoid hitting a huge stomp on the ground accompanied by a blow with a closed fist against the bark.
"Lexa." When she hears her father's weak voice she immediately looks for her position. She is relieved to see that she was not wounded like her soldiers. Although he seemed equally or more overwhelmed than her, his composure remained firm. It was totally admirable to see how cold it was in a situation like these. "Do you remember the trees that guard the bridge?"
"The red oaks."
"Those," her father agreed enthusiastically for her knowledge of the subject. Lexa hears screams near her position, wrinkles her nose furiously, and shoots an arrow that fits right into the hollow of her heart. Then she looks back at her father with interest.
"There are two standards of fire above the bridge. If you manage to fire at that fire, you will give us the time we need."
"I will, father."
"We will cover her." Two voices spoke from behind them from the two wounded soldiers. Lexa nodded confidently before gripping the mast of her bow tightly.
"Lexa." She looked at him again this time with caution. Her father's eyes shone with more than fury, they processed fear but at the same time security. Lexa knew in that instant that everything depended on her and she would not disappoint them. "Show them that you are not only the best archer but you are the best daughter they will ever have." Ste yuj. *
"This yuj. *" He repeated with all the feeling in the world. She puffed into the air, fixed her target intently, and started running toward her. She had only a few minutes to reach her goal or else it would be over. Her legs ached from the effort but that did not stop her from running. Upon reaching a standard she tore her sleeve with her teeth to wrap the fabric at the tip. She glanced back, meeting the soldiers and her father trying to endorse the enemy. His chest clenched when one of his friends fell to the ground for a date on his chest. She returned to her task with tear-filled eyes. This was not the time to cry. It had to be strong. She tried to be with all her soul. When the cloth was finally wrapped he carefully carried it toward the fire. With the flame lit, he stretched out his arm toward the oaks, remembering the exact spot where the powder was camouflaged. She closed one eye to sharpen the precision and stopped breathing. An arrow brushed her arm causing her to lose focus and she could see that there were three men running towards her with war cries. She was forced to retreat to protect herself behind the standard.
“Fuck!” Lexa moaned frustrated. She placed the arrow between her teeth and started running towards the oaks. When she was close enough to shoot, she tried again, being interrupted by the same party of men. The arrow painfully brushed her arm causing it to fall to the ground. The arrow holding her lips inevitably fell beside her. His good arm-hand wrapped his fingers around her. She got to her knees feeling the stones dig into her skin. She groaned in pain. The earth had mixed with sweat and blood. His eyesight had begun to tremble from the venom of the wound. Taking one last scream of breath, she closed her eye and shot at the oaks.
The fiery arrow impacted a perfect movement in the network of powder boxes. Immediately everything exploded creating a great avalanche of huge rocks that crushed anyone who was standing in their way down. Lexa was pushed by the explosion force. Her body rolled until she fell into the stream, which fortunately lay almost without water. With narrowed eyes she brought her palm to the wound on her arm and then brought it to her eyes, affirming her suspicion when she saw the black blood that the arrow was poisoned. Her limbs felt heavy, her hand fell to the ground almost immediately. I hear hasty footsteps heading towards her. He turned his neck to meet one of the men who was chasing him, heard how he laughed evilly at seeing her so helpless. The man threw the bow aside, seeing as the best option to remove her small knife from her belt. Lexa tried to get up but her body did not respond. As she had predicted, it was not a deadly poison but a paralyzing one.
Suddenly time began to run too slow. Just before the man reached where she lay defeated, a blue arrow pierced her chest causing her to gasp out of breath before falling forward. Lexa tried to stay awake but the tiredness had added to the terrible effect of the poison. Her eyes slowly closed. The last thing she was aware of before she fell into deep darkness was that something was lifting her along with the scent of honey.
“But what?” The whole room was spinning when she had enough strength to open her eyes. It took her a few minutes to get used to the red light in the cabin. Her palms brushed the comfort of the soft surface of a bed. When she was aware of all the above, she got up exalted. I gulp out of necessity as I anxiously traveled every inch of the room. Recognizing her cabin, she sighed with relief. As she looked down at her body, she managed to see a great revenge wrap around her wounded arm. She put a hand to her head as she placed her feet on the ground.
As she left the cabin, chaos engulfed her in the worst way. Screams of pain. Begging groans. To her relief, all the few soldiers who had fought with her father had survived, were wounded but alive. Remembering the image of her father, she walked the pile of wounded. When I couldn't find it, she started to worry. As she could, she set her feet toward the Seokjin hut, the chief healer of her clan. When she was about to enter her cabin he himself came out with a serious face that ended up scaring her. He held in his hands a white cloth stained with blood that helped him to clean himself.
“Jin what?” His questioning ended completely when his mother came out from behind him crying.
"I've done what I could, I'm sorry," said the curandero under his breath before heading towards the pile of patients. His mother watched Lexa with dead eyes. It was there that the young girl's heart was completely paralyzed.
She closed her eyes tightly to hold back the tears that threatened to come out. It was not good to be seen so openly. But it was so difficult. So difficult when her father's body lay on that pile of wood. Her heart ached to the point of not knowing if it was still beating from her weak heartbeat.
Unfortunately, her father was not the only one buried that night. Luckily for Lexa, eyes would not be on her now that the Heda was dead. I knew that later they will ask for answers but now I just didn't want to give them. She needed time to assimilate everything that had happened. Everything.
She ended up sticking out slightly as a warm hand wrapped around hers. Turning her head, she met her mother's grief-stricken smile. With her other hand, she offered her the burning stick that would burn the remains of her father and the other soldier.
"Yu gonplei ste odon *," Lexa murmured weakly. With all the pain of her broken soul, she threw the stick lighting the wood in seconds. Her mother covered her mouth with her palm to silence the sobs. Lexa simply watched as the fire created the smoke that transformed her father into the air.
She had decided to withdraw before becoming the question center. She was resting her palms on her desk with a lost gaze. Her shrugged shoulders were the living image of pain. The feeling of pain in her chest would take time to fade. Which made her wonder if she really wanted me to.
"You must follow your father's legacy." Her mother's muffled voice was heard after the movement of the cabin door.
"I don't want to talk about this now." Her voice sounded dark, sorer than ever.
"Lexa," her mother warned, approaching her daughter carefully so as not to disturb her loneliness too soon. The diadem that her mother held in her hands was what most caught her attention. "You have to wear this to ..."
"Don't ask me to use this when my father's body is still warm!" She roared loudly, grabbing the chair and knocking it to the ground, scaring her mother.
"Lexa listen to me!" The clan needs a boss. Someone who will give you security and peace.
"Don't you understand that putting that on means accepting that he's gone?" I bow my head again. She let out a piercing scream impossible to contain. She was tired of growing strong in front of people. I couldn't do it anymore. Her mother reached out to hold her in her arms. Lexa's hands were trapped on her mother's chest, simulating the gestures she gave him when something disturbed her in her childhood.
"It is your duty." her mother whispered softly in her ear knowing that the ancient language could reassure her. The little saying made him clench his fist and crinkle his clothes.
She had not slept all night. Her mother had stayed with her holding her, stroking her head from time to time so that she knew she was there, that she was not alone. At dawn he had decided to leave, leaving his mother to recover the hours of sleep that she had stolen from him.
The forest birds had stopped singing as if mourning for the dead. The roar of the forest had diminished her strength almost as much as her body movement. Getting back there after a week had been more than difficult. Probably the stupidest decision he had ever made. But I needed answers. According to Jin, the soldiers had found her on a road near the camp and not in the river where her body fell.
She decided to focus her gaze on the ground so as not to look at the mess of blood-stained rocks. Enough memories of death in your dreams.
When she got to where she thought she remembered landing, she was surprised when she recognized from a distance the lifeless body of the man who tried to kill her. Now, with her newly recovered mental abilities, she could better see the arrow stuck in her back.
A splash of water turned her stomach in such a panic that she gripped his sword tightly before aiming at whatever was behind her.
“It's me!” The man shouted desperately with his hands up as a symbol of surrender.
"Suho could have killed you!" Lexa threatened rather annoyed by her appearance. She put the sword back in its holster without taking her disappointed gaze from her friend.
"I'm sorry, I just wanted to accompany you, it's not good that you're alone right now."His reasons were disdainfully stated as she just approached crossing a small puddled area. —Why did you come to the river?
"You see that man over there?" Lexa pointed with his head making Suho follow her, ending up surprised. "He tried to kill me and someone stopped him."
"A soldier of ours?"
"No, I would swear not." He deepened with doubt as he approached the lifeless body. She bent down and when she was at the perfect height she took out the arrow. He brought the tip to the river to remove it from the blood. "It is an iron arrow." She spoke surprised, slightly opening her mouth.
"But that cannot be we have been at war with your tribe for hundreds of generations." Why would they help you?
"I don't know, but I'm going to find out."
"Heda, I know that the death of Commander Hyun is present but we must make a decision regarding the attack of the Highlanders." One of the advisers asked furiously causing the rest to rise up carrying the cry to heaven.
"My son was there!"
"Mine too!"
"Shop op! *" Lexa demanded with authority, rising from her seat with force. The councilors stopped raising the scandal by lowering their heads in regret when Lexa's piercing gaze corrected them.
"We have all lost loved ones in that battle." Raising another dispute when our people are barely recovering is not a good idea.
"The commander is right." We can't start a war, it would be stupid to do it when we are weaker than ever. ”Suho leaned in beside her. Lexa immediately looked at him gratefully with a small smile.
“And what are we going to do?” Another counselor asked desperately. Lexa recognized him as the father of one of those who were injured.
"We can't just do nothing while they breathe in the oxygen that our children should have breathed," said another counselor, but with an air of revenge hidden in his calm tone.
"Revenge will come, I swear." My father's death will be paid for with the blood of his executioner. Jus drein jus daun * - she exalted with fury nailed to the pressure of her teeth. Her nostrils ended up dilating when the image of her father returned to her memory.
"What shall we do while we wait?"
"Find allies." Lexa reacted slowly.
"In the iron soldiers," Lexa said cautiously, knowing that the news would not be a good dish.
As predicted by the councilors, the scandal of screaming and wailing began again. Lexa returned to her seat, her eyes sharp in her reactions.
“No!” A veteran counselor yelled.
"They are worse than the mountaineers have been in permanent war for years!" I finish lamenting another.
"We have a common enemy," Lexa interrupted causing everyone to shut up again. Not wanting to go into detail, she knew that silence could be interpreted as acceptance. The councilors looked at each other with wide eyes having everything that would happen next. "Sohu, prepare three horses." We will leave at dawn to the iron village."
"But three horses?" Her mother asked fearfully as she tried to follow Lexa's hurried steps on her way to the entrance of the camp. Of course, she knew that her mother would oppose what she did not know was that Lexa had already made a decision and that she would not change her mind.
"Mom, it will be fine," Lexa assured, climbing nimbly on her dark brown horse. She gripped the reins tightly, then led the horse out of the camp. The animal meekly followed her request.
"You must take more protection, those savages are inhuman." Her mother commented too shakily. Lexa smiled faintly as she remembered the iron arrow in the river.
"You'd be surprised to know that not everything bad is always bad," was the last thing she said before shaking the reins of her horse and completely leaving the camp.
Fortunately, the path to the Iron Clan Village was not far from their encampment. In just three hours they galloped to the borders. It had been a good idea to leave early so they would not return at night being aware that the attack by the mountain tribe was still very recent.
As his ingenious thought predicted, they soon came across soldiers from the Iron Village who will try to stop their advance. He was aware that what had happened in the river had probably reached the Iron Clan and that they had reinforced their vigilance. It is for this reason that he only decided to take three soldiers so that they did not see his arrival as a surprise attack.
“Who's going?” A muscular and built soldier roared forcefully. Despite not having a great height, he was in front of the two soldiers who accompanied him, so Lexa deduced that he was his superior.
"I am Lexa Skycru, the new commander of the celestial people." And I come because I want to speak to your commander. — she spoke with the same force as the soldier so that she could see that she was not afraid. The soldier, a blond man with small eyes and prominent lips, analyzed his horse from top to bottom and then his two soldiers and Suho before observing his own and finally nodding slowly.
"Sorry but no weapons allowed." The blond man said kindly as he pointed with his finger at the sword tucked in his belt. He noticed how Suho tensed from head to toe when I looked askance at him. Lexa nodded, then began to strip off her weapons one by one and place them in a wooden box. When she was finally clean the blonde nodded and opened the door.
A firm hand on her wrist held her back.
"I'm out here," Suho muttered to Lexa. He was careful to speak slowly and fluently so that she understood his message. When Lexa nodded to reassure him he finally released her.
As soon as she entered, she found a row of seats occupied by men who looked down on her as she advanced. Glancing ahead, she found a tall, strong man playing with a knife.
“You the one who killed thirty mountain warriors with a single arrow?” Her skin bristled as the man used a dominant low tone to address her. He wasn't looking at her but that didn't stop him from knowing that with his eyes he could melt anyone. To her surprise, the man had her eye area covered in black ink typical of a soldier ready for combat. The red stone pasted on his forehead confirmed his identity.
"I did my best to protect mine." I wasn't sure why I was reacting defensively. She only had the need to explain that what happened was not for the mere pleasure of killing but for an unselected need.
Her words evoked curiosity, she directed her gaze towards Lexa, keeping her still, that despite the black paint in her eyes, she managed to see from afar some deep eyes that could read thoughts. As if her comment had caused him any amusement, he cocked an arrogant smile as he stabbed the knife into the back of his large chair.
“What are you doing here Lexa Skycru of the celestial town?” She asked again with that finishing tone that left her brain without connections for a brief moment.
"I can help you beat the Men of the Mountain." She started with what she had come to say by making the Heda increase her ego smile. Her advisers began to mumble nonsense, but that didn't stop her or cut her eye contact with him. "The only way to protect our people is if we unite."
"I'm still waiting for a proposal, princess." The commander threw with mocking daggers causing his allies to start laughing at her.
Lexa clenched her fists tightly to calm herself even knowing that the urge to punch her would soon outweigh that of standing still.
"We have more gold than you can imagine."
“What makes you think I need gold?” She slowly lifted her body from the wooden throne without taking off losing eye contact to load the tension situation. The Heda raised an eyebrow as he approached slowly. "I have everything I need."
"As much as he has a person, he always wants something more." It was not difficult for Lexa to think like this due to the constant discussions her father had had with one of the advisers on greed issues. They were almost always due to the extreme desire to seize someone else's land. Even with everything, they wanted more and she was sure that the man before her would not deny that theory.
"Well ..." He stretched the word creating a silence in the room that caused Lexa's heart to stop when perceiving how Heda's eyes traveled up and down her small body. "... yes, there is something that does not I have and I would like to have.
She left the cabin looking blank. Suho, true to her word, had waited in front of the horses with her bow and sword in hand. Seeing her approach, he straightened up worried. It was not long before her eyes caught the man outside the cabin watching Lexa's departure. Suho closed his eyes to the stranger who for some strange reason did not give him a good feeling. He did not like the arrogant smile on his mouth, much less that he did not stop looking at Lexa as if his visit had caused him too much satisfaction.
When Lexa reached her side, Suho returned the weapons, which she began to put in place immediately.
Seeing her head down speechless Suho bowed his head sadly.
"You're good?"
"Not now, Suho." Let's just go.-she asked quite urgently. She mounted her horse quickly causing Suho and the other two to imitate her gesture. As the last action, Lexa squinted at the hut, made brief eye contact with the Heda again before leaving with her horse.
Jeon Jungkook. The Heda of the Iron Legion.
She couldn't get that name out of her head. Now much less. Since her arrival, she had been harassed with many questions from the council, from the soldiers, but especially the most exhaustive were those of her mother. She had not wanted to answer, did not see the situation as adequate. She decided that the news of the inter-tribal union would come later when it became formal. It wouldn't reveal something when it might not happen in the future. Actually, I still hoped it didn't happen.
"You didn't want to explain it to anyone, but I know it will be different with me." Her friend Suho's safety was perhaps the one that woke her up from her isolation from the outside world. The man approached with her typical persuasive smile. Lexa wanted to smile but could only wince.
"It's complicated, Suho. If I'm honest with you, I don't know what has happened or what will happen." Lexa confessed dubiously, drawing the attention of her friend who began to worry when the girl hid her head in the hollow of her legs.
"Has she done something to you?" Something changed within her when she thought that this proud commander stained her honor. Or worse ... She dared to touch you!
"No," Lexa denied, offended by her projected attack, so inappropriate and unnecessary. Lexa sighed when she was overcome by the situation. It was the first time that I didn't know how to solve any problem. Suho kept her eyes open with a wrinkled nose as she breathed hard through her mouth until Lexa dismissed her thought. Afterward, she relaxed but was not entirely calm. "Actually, he's been ... generous, so to speak."
"Have you accepted the gold?" After speaking, Suho noticed how Lexa's spirits fell even further. She slowly denied it.
"So what did she ask you ..."
"For me ..." He swallowed, continues. "... He wants me to be his wife."
"Than!" I could have sworn that Suho's anguished roar echoed throughout the forest. She approached a rock. She picked it up and then threw it against a tree causing a terrifying crunch as a pile of leaves fell to the ground. She seemed to be gone, more than that, her bloodshot eyes begging for Jungkook's head. When he finished expressing his anger, he turned to Lexa, who was still in her hunched position. "Did you refuse?"
"I can not do it..."
"Shit!" This time she screamed again, scaring Lexa at seeing her so out of control. He wanted to return, he wanted to have entered with her, to have accompanied her. She knew that she shouldn't have been taking care of the horses that should have been by her side to avoid these things. He felt a great avalanche of contrary feelings, he had a lot of furies that activated him violently, but he also had a lot of guilt for not having done the only thing he should do.
Protect it.
"It has been a good counteroffer that has ensured the protection of my people and Ronald's head," I yell desperately with a lump in my throat that makes it difficult to stabilize his tone.
"But are you listening to yourself?" Suho intervened hysterically. He put his hands to his head and ruffled his hair. "You can not do it ...
-It is my duty.
"Since when the fucking duty of a Heda is ... Damn!" Other than if he started walking in circles. He tried to calm down, but the image of Jungkook smiling lit the fuse again. He knew from the moment he saw that arrogant attitude that something had happened that he never imagined was this. She could not marry him. I couldn't when she ...
"What about you, what do you really want?"
"What I want doesn't matter."
"No, Lexa! It does matter! Yes ..." Lexa suddenly lowered her gaze to Sohu to find her gaze fixed on the ground and with the reflection of a tear on her cheek. "You can not do this ...
You cannot do this to yourself.
"A good leader has to think of others." And for better or for worse, it is my last word on the subject.
“Lexa!” Even though She's screams were heartbreaking, she forced herself to continue on her way to her cabin, leaving aside the river of tears that fell down her cheeks.
"Put your signature here to finish the process," explained the counselor, annoyed at his lateness. It had been on purpose. The longer it delayed the union the better. He looked at the opaque paper carefully. The feather had begun to dance on his fingers in sweat. He pursed his lips. I swallow deeply. He hadn't even dressed appropriately for the occasion. Certainly, she had never wasted time thinking about what her perfect wedding would be like but she knew that it was far from being it.
The pen hesitated in her hands. The first to sign had been Jungkook. To her surprise, she didn't seem to have much doubt installed on her face. Virtually the ink ran down the paper for his surprising interest.
Was I doing the right thing?
What if Sohu was right?
You don't even want to imagine how you will be when you find out that you have married Jungkook. Of course, the council was not far from being horrified, but he cared little for the opinion of four insufferable old men. He reminded himself that it was the best option. Jungkook put at his disposal an army ready to follow his orders and a promise to finish off the mastermind of his father's death. And you would have just that with just one signature. Looking at it from another perspective, actually, the loser was Jungkook. But from his, of course, that she lost much more.
I rest the tip of the pen on the paper, it did not move. Jungkook looked at her seriously. He knew that he doubted and for some strange reason his doubt made him think for a brief second.
"Congratulations." The tired counselor finished when, after an eternal wait, Lexa finally drew her signature on the paper. Jungkook smirked at the man before he left the hut leaving them alone.
"Why don't we go to my cabin?" We have to adjust a few things. ”She didn't even look at him, just nodded too lost to make the connections necessary to speak.
"Tomorrow I will send a pair of warriors to guard the wall of your camp," Jungkook commented as he entered his cabin. Lexa passed under it as Jungkook held it with his eyes. "Don't do it again if you want to keep your hand."
“You're my wife, get used to being touched!” He returned forcefully, approaching her to keep his gaze just as wild. A roar came from inside her chest when she was so rejected.
“I will have the title of your wife but I am not your wife!” He swept her body with a contemptuous look causing Jungkook to widen his nostrils. The vein in his neck was protruding from the blood pressure in his head.
Jungkook made an arrogant smile. "You will be what I want you to be, princess."
"No, I will be what I want to be." His voice was so hard and firm that Jungkook broke his smile. Raising her head high above Lexa again swept her body with more than contempt. "I'll be your fucking woman in front of the public but don't expect anything else."
Leaving her with the word in her mouth, she left the cabin furiously back to her camp.
The horseback ride to the river was smooth, with no enemies in sight. This time it had required bringing in more than three soldiers. This time the leaders of his warriors' brigades were with him. They were heading towards the southern part of the forest, just the point where a rock ended the river. It was in that place where she had arranged to meet Jungkook and her men.
The Heda had kept his word and had sent a party of men to assist his own in protecting the camp. Some disputes had arisen between newcomers and residents but Lexa managed to logically eradicate the problem. He provided them with food and water as well as a roof to sleep in but in exchange, they could not approach the villagers unless necessary.
"Sorry." A soft voice beside her made her turn her head in search of the owner. Suho had his head on his shoulders as a sign of regret along with a look full of regret. Lexa offered a small awkward smile. It was true that lately, she had distanced herself a lot from Suho since she learned the news of their marriage. She had been so busy organizing meetings with her allies that she had not had time to think about her personal life. Fortunately, Suho had.
"I'm sorry too," she replied with the same distress. Her smile turned into a pout just before it turned into a grimace. “Just because I married her doesn't mean I should change my life, Suho. I hope you understand that.
"I know, it just took me a while to figure it out." She swallowed, embarrassed by her immature attitude. Really, she would not have wanted Lexa to see her in that facet of her personality. " You did what you thought was best for your people. Your sacrifice deserves all my respect."
"I am his paper wife but not in fact." I will not stop being who I am and I will not stop being your friend.
"Glad to hear that," Suho said brighter as she smiled. Lexa nodded a little better now that the rancor was gone.
"We have arrived, Heda," announced a commander, interrupting the small competition of glances between the friends. Lexa saw from afar a small tent tied to some rocks as support. She sighed deeply before getting off the horse. It was the same blond warrior from the last visit who met them at the door. Like the other time, they had to divest themselves of weapons before entering. From what Lexa could tell, the warriors inside the tent weren't very equipped either.
"I thought you dumped me, princess." The clear mockery in Jungkook's voice caused a forced smile. Suho closed his eyes around Jungkook who was leaning against a wooden table. The black-haired man shook her hair as she straightened, surprising Lexa when she noticed the lack of black ink. It was the first time that Jungkook showed the skin of her bare face. His features were exposed before his eyes. Big deer eyes, no matter how expressive they emitted force. Bushy eyebrows that perfectly matched the color of his brown eyes. His nose was large but surprisingly in complete symmetry with his perfect face. He looked at her mouth, those gullies that smiled wickedly whenever they could seem soft and fluffy. Arguably, her beauty lived up to her ego.
Lexa followed her mocking smile to dominate the situation. "I'm not going to apologize for being busy."
"No, of course not," she added keeping the same mischievous tone.
Jungkook kept looking at her and she at him. Without knowing it, they had started a war of glances that none wanted to lose. Absent to the warriors that were in the place. It was just Lexa, Jungkook, and her higher ego.
"They have two settlements here and here," the blond commander whose name was known to be Jimin said aloud. He pointed with the tip of his finger at two marked crosses he had drawn on the map. Lexa frowned thoughtfully. She analyzed the strategic points in her head.
"Then let's attack," Suho concluded simply. The sound of an ironic smile made Lexa look at Jungkook.
“It is not an important military zone. If we attack we would lose the surprise factor. And they will strengthen the vigilance of those that do interest us. ”Jungkook added with an air of superiority. It sounded so obvious that Suho's brow furrowed as she perceived Jungkook's clear intentions in lowering her opinion. The warriors began to present their ideas, but Lexa could only focus on the red circle that she had drawn on top of a set of mountains.
"What's that?" All the men stopped talking when Lexa intervened. Jimin raised his eyebrows disoriented, emitted a confused low before answering. Jungkook immediately watched her closely.
"That is your most important military zone. I have underlined it in red because it is almost impossible to get to it without going through others before." It is very well protected.
Lexa narrowed her eyes as a crazy idea began to develop in her head. "It's near the river."
"Am, yes," Jimin commented again, confused by his sudden interest. "Well, it's a good place to settle down."
"I propose that we attack this area here," proposed a warrior from his clan, taking some objections from the other soldiers. Despite the hubbub of low voices, Lexa's mind remained clean and clear. She bit her indecisive lip. She was staring intently at the map for answers. When the gear on her head finally clicked she raised her eyebrows and looked straight ahead. To her surprise, she met Jungkook's curious gaze that watched her closely as if she were having the same mental fight.
"Let's attack the red zone." After Lexa's words, the men closed their mouths. They all acted incredulous with their eyes wide open.
Suho blinked at Lexa as if her friend had suddenly gone crazy. The warriors of her clan chose not to oppose her out of respect even though they were of the same opinion as Suho.
The only one who reacted favorably was Jungkook.
" I agree. Let's attack the red zone. ”She pursed her lips in a pout in her assent. This time it was the warriors of her clan who watched her as if she had lost her mind. Lexa eyed her intrigued by her unexpected support. Jungkook rested his big hands on the table so the distance between the two was not very long. Jungkook reciprocated brought his eyes from the map to her with such intensity that a chill ran down her spine.
"No intention of offending Hedas but ... That area is practically inaccessible, there are many warriors and we do not know the area as well as they do." A warrior intervened with respect but with a clear caution in his tone of voice, taking his gaze instantly. Jungkook and Lexa's.
Suho ducked his head towards Lexa to say something to him in a low voice. “You are right, Lexa. It is crazy.
Lexa stared blankly at the map. I knew it was. That is, who in her right mind would get into enemy territory and attack one of its strongest points with hardly any superficial information. Of course, she knew, but her instincts told her that she must continue forward.
"If what is on the map is true, the only source of food and water is the river." She spoke more to herself than to the rest. There was no doubt in her voice just a little uneasiness. She was letting herself be controlled too much by the voice in her head and was beginning to wonder if she should let it interfere with her decisions. "There are much closer military settlements but if we get them to move they will leave us free."
"Okay, suppose we unknowingly leave the way open." How would we do it? ”Silence reigned in the store due to the lack of answers.
"Contaminating the river," Jungkook said in her deep low voice.
Lexa looked back at him quickly, finding herself strangely connected to his gaze on her.
The meeting didn't take long after Jungkook's idea. They planned an interim plan to have something done for the next meeting. Lexa left the store satisfied. The meeting had exceeded her expectations in every way. Certainly, if she was honest she had always thought it was a waste of time. That they would not agree. But it was just the opposite, her warriors and those of the iron clan got on so well that there was hardly any discussion outside the main topic.
Lexa went to her horse tied to a tree located a few meters from the store which they had begun to dismantle. Suho was at her side, accompanying her as always.
“Princess!” The familiar mockery of her voice made him stop short. Lexa made a forced smile and then turned to Jungkook heavily. "Do you have a few minutes?"
Lexa swept her body suspiciously before nodding. "Sure."
Jungkook stretched out his arm in the direction of the riverbank. His arrogant smile made her nervous. Lexa sighed and started walking in that direction.
"Alone," Jungkook roared loudly towards Suho when she saw her intentions to follow Lexa. Suho formed a forced smile while emitting a short sarcastic laugh.
"I will leave if Lexa asks me." The same roar returned. Jungkook also laughed with the same intensity as she took a few steps in their direction so that they were face to face.
"Lexa? What trusts are those with your commander?" Jungkook spat with a hard look.
However, Suho saw the right moment to form a more than sarcastic smile. "She is much more than that to me."
After his deep confession, Jungkook brought out his teeth when he smirked. His tongue came out of her mouth to touch her fang. Then he hit his inner cheek. All that while watching the horse behind his Suho. When he turned his hard gaze again, it had intensified even more accompanied by a wicked smile that shouted nothing but pure contempt. Suho was not left behind crossing his arms as he bravely kept his gaze up.
"Suho, stay," Lexa interrupted, holding her arm in a warm gesture. Suho looked at Lexa with doubt over her eyes. Her expression had relaxed as she felt the warmth of his touch wrap around her arm. Action that Jungkook silently watched. He didn't know exactly what bothered him the most if he saw how her voice managed to control him or the delicacy of his grip. After a stare fight with her friend, Lexa looked closely at Jungkook.
"She couldn't hurt me even though she will try."
"Okay ..." Suho agreed quite calmly until he looked back at Jungkook leading his gaze back to anger.
Jungkook smiled triumphantly despite his sour character. He did not detach his gaze from Suho walking backward until he reached the open area of ​​the river where Lexa waited impatiently with his arms crossed.
"What do you want?" Seeing his voice so changed Jungkook felt more annoyed than before. Before he could bear the contempt of his gaze but not now when he had witnessed that he could look with other eyes.
"This was not what we agreed," he accused indignantly without taking his gaze from Lexa's. Jungkook wanted to be indifferent and he succeeded but when Lexa smiled the same way his gaze doubted a second. Really, he wasn't used to anyone standing up to him. Much less a woman.
“Haven't I married you?” Jungkook growled annoyed at the irony scattered in his tone of voice. I look away from the river in search of tranquility. His sharp jaw gleamed almost like an apparition from the reflection of sunlight. It was not the only thing that caught his attention but in fact, the scar he found on his cheekbone was more entertaining. He wondered its origin, it was not very large, nor very visible. It was the perfect combination that hardened his angelic face.
"You know what I mean." Annoyed, he replied through a whimpering moan.
He looked at her again unsatisfied, Lexa blew out annoyed.
"I think my point was made clear the other day." She exposed resentfully as she uncrossed her arms and let them drop heavily on either side of her body. "If that's all."
"No." Jungkook stopped him in his escape attempt. Lexa rolled her eyes returning to her position. She raised her eyebrows indicating that she should continue speaking. "Our camps are protected by different walls."
"Yes and what?"
"Well, I really see foolishness to have two camps with two different walls when their bosses are married." As Jungkook was exposing her headache, Lexa's eyebrows were rising. "I've thought of building a common wall."
"Joining the camps, is that what you're trying to tell me?" Lexa asked. In response, Jungkook nodded seriously. Lexa averted her eyes to the stream at her feet as if seeking inspiration. She moaned thoughtfully.
She dropped her defensiveness to a more open one. Jungkook's proposal had taken him by surprise, but he had not liked it too much. Having a common wall means increasing the territory of both fields. More space to plant, more space for families, proximity to the river, more protection ... It was a quite smart proposal because the military strength would also increase.
Jungkook raised an eyebrow while waiting for an answer.
"If you don't agree, I will accept it."
"No, no ..." he interrupted quickly. Jungkook let him continue speaking patiently. "... actually, it's a good idea."
"Fine," Jungkook simplified.
"Yes," she agreed in the same way.
"I will test the proposal on the council, but for me, it will go ahead."
Jungkook nodded his head. "I thought the stone area would be a good place to mark the new joint wall."
"Yes, it is a good area," she agreed in the agreement. Then he pursed his lips in pleasure. Jungkook nodded again, ending the conversation. "Leidon. *
"Leidon. *" Jungkook replied.
Lexa circled her body to return to her horse. Suho stopped looking at Jungkook's back to focus on her. Lexa sent a reassuring smile before her body fell to the ground.
She moaned dizzy. Everything was spinning. She put her hand to her head. She looked at her hand and found it flooded with blood later, with her eyes closed.
"You're protective shit," cursed a distorted voice that echoed inside his head. She groaned disoriented. I try to open my eyes but couldn't find the strength to do it. The senses began to perceive things again. Weakly closed his hand noting in his inner palm a kind of soft surface.
"Shut the fuck up!" Another different but equally deformed scream collided with the other voice inside the dark pit of his head.
"Enough both!" The third exciting voice-activated enough mechanisms to start reacting. "Sorry, but he is her husband, he has more right to be here than you, Suho ...
“Suho?” Lexa stuttered dizzy, catching the attention of the three pairs of eyes. The nominee hurried to the gurney when I hear his faint voice.
“Lexa? OMG. No, don't talk. Save your strength. ”He shook her hand with his to make her feel like he was next to her. Lexa slowly opened her eyes feeling overwhelmed for a few seconds by the focus of light after so much darkness.
She brought her free hand to her forehead, meeting the rough touch of a patch. "What happened to me, Suho?"
"They tried to kill you," another stronger voice replied. With improved eyesight, she saw Jungkook appear at the foot of her stretcher sending a serious look.
"I ..." A sob turned his attention to his friend. "... Sorry." I didn't know what was happening until you fell to the ground.
"You should rest. You hit yourself in the head very hard." Jin interjected kindly, appearing next to Jungkook with a worried look.
As if the number of people who had so suddenly invaded his field of vision was not enough, a Jungkook warrior joined the meeting and whispered something in his ear, then left as if nothing had happened. He analyzed Jungkook's serious expression so he assumed he had received bad news.
"My men have caught her," Jungkook said in the neutral voice typical of a person announcing something unpleasant.
Lexa frowned."Her?"
They waited in the council room in complete silence. Jin had advised Lexa to continue resting but she refused to do so. Even more so when the identity of her aggressor would be revealed in the assembly. She could see that there was no one from her clan, so she assumed that her mother had not been informed of the attack, otherwise she would have been there screaming in the sky.
His chair was next to Jungkook's. An egalitarian gesture that he certainly did not see coming. The rest of the councilors waited patiently in their respective places on either side of the thrones.
A high pitched scream of fighting began to sound closer and closer. Lexa tensed in the seat straightened her body. Jungkook felt the force of his nails dig into the wood out of the corner of his eye so he immediately put his hand on it to reassure her. Lexa stopped losing air through her mouth to look at him surprised without success as Jungkook looked straight ahead.
"Hedas," said a soldier by way of greeting. He bowed his head in respect. Then, Lexa turned her eyes to the front, what she found was completely paranoid. A girl of no more than thirteen years old lay at the feet of the warrior tied hand and foot with her knees on the ground and her head down.
Lexa blinked at Jungkook before whispering in a confused whisper.
"It's a girl."
Jungkook watched her closely, then nodded almost as shocked as she was. Lexa watched her tiny figure cautiously.
"You tried to kill me, why?" Lexa raised her voice so that the message would reach the end of the cabin where the girl was waiting gagged.
The girl used her straight blonde Caucasian hair to cover her face. She raised her head to Lexa, who was waiting impatiently for her answer, but lowered it again, ignoring her question: "Is Ronald sending you?"
“Answer!” Jungkook demanded, burning with deep rage. Lexa jumped out of the seat briefly at the poisonous impact of her voice.
"My soul is at peace because I will die knowing that I will try," the girl recited weakly. Everyone in the room looked at each other as they muttered.
"Try what?" Lexa asked, still not overcoming the strangeness in her voice.
"Kill my parents' killer," he roared in response, his voice dark and bloodshot.
The room was once again in deep dazzling silence.
"I didn't kill your parents." Lexa frowned in confusion.
"You killed them when you decided to shoot that arrow of fire." The murmurs soon returned with full force. Lexa was static in the seat. Memories of the chaos she caused hit her mind too hard. Screams of pain and suffering echoed inside her head. She wasn't aware of the present until she heard hurried footsteps heading toward her.
-Murderess! Murderess!
“Take her away!” Jungkook growled furiously at the warriors who had intercepted the girl on her way to Lexa. The girl resisted. She kicked the air and she didn't stop screaming until she was taken out of the cabin. Looking blankly, Lexa realized that the nightmares of her dreams were her fault. She had summoned her demons and that girl had just reminded him of the disaster they had caused. Now!
Jungkook's scream lifted the advisors from their places. Murmurs flooded the cabin until the last of them came out. Left alone, Jungkook frowned in concern at Lexa.
"We are not that different," she assumed in a neutral tone. She kept her gaze focused on the gap where the warriors had dragged the girl. Lexa sighed deeply and then bit her lip restlessly. That girl wanted to end the murderer of her parents. She wanted to do the same. They were the same intentions but different contexts. Her chest was tight with guilt.
"You chose to save yours above all else," Jungkook argued in a persuasive tone. He rose from the throne to place himself on his knees in front of his. With the kneecap glued to the step. I try to meet her gaze but Lexa did not respond.
"I have left that girl orphaned." The neutral tone repeated itself this time being much more serious. Lexa swallowed hard as she became aware of the consequences of her actions.
"You killed so they won't kill you," Jungkook corrected gravely, causing the seriousness of his voice to activate the mechanisms of his head and finally react to his gaze. There was so much intensity in those brown eyes that I almost begged him to keep talking. "The path of a Heda is not easy, Lexa." I know you will make the right decision.
The right decision.
It is amazing how three words can change a person's destiny. Whether she will live or die. Their traditions were clear. Asking blood for blood but ... Was that really the damn right decision?
Did that girl deserve death for wanting to avenge her parents?
Did that girl deserve punishment when she craved the same?
Quite possibly it had been the worst night of his life. The nightmares returned with force, upsetting his sleep so much to the point of preventing it. If I closed my eyes I saw blood. If I closed my eyes I saw a fire. If he closed his eyes ... he saw the death of his father.
She closed her eyes in anguish. The time helped to clarify the ideas but in her case, it had only served to fuel further doubts. I know that many people were waiting outside, wanting to hear a sentence. The screams managed to interfere with her cabin as if she were there. But she didn't know if she preferred silence more.
As she came out of her cabin completely, the outside noise hit her ears harder. As the intuition of people following an event like this had intuited was countless. Making her way between her subjects out posing right in front of the girl who was tied to a wooden stick. Jungkook was just behind sitting on his throne patiently awaiting his arrival.
When he did, he got up, which made everyone present obediently shut up to listen to his Heda.
"We are here for trial on charges of attempted murder." Lexa Skycru of the Heavenly Clan will be the one to sentence you. ”Jungkook shouted dominance at all his subjects. Lexa turned her head back to watch when her eyes made contact. Jungkook nodded.
"Let her die now or be silent forever."
"Yes! Death! ”A maddened warrior ruled causing others to rise up with the same messages."
—Jus drein jus daun! *
"Let it burn!"
Lexa squeezed her eyes shut at the rumbling so disturbing the warriors' uncontrollable and disorderly screams caused.
"There will be no death!" Lexa cried with the same dominance as Jungkook. Then she looked at the soldier who was closely watching the girl. "Let her go." The screams thundered again for her incomplete satisfaction. The girl slowly raised her head towards Lexa who did not stop looking seriously. "You will give a message to your commander." Let him know that the heavenly tribe and the iron tribe are going to kill him. We give you two weeks to remove all women and children from your territory. After that time a blood fight will open.
"What makes you think I will comply?" Answered the girl, forming a hypocritical umbrella.
Lexa took her lips off. "I couldn't avoid the deaths of your parents. I ask you to help me avoid others."
A couple of weeks had passed since the bonfire incident. Everything had passed without further interruption. According to the testimony of a soldier sent for recognition, the threat to Ronald's clan had taken effect because he witnessed people leaving their lands to head towards the mountains. Arguably, that had been a small victory in the war that was about to take place.
Now, for the moment, having controlled the war theme, Lexa decided to focus on the construction of the wall that would unify the celestial lands with those of iron. As expected, some snags had arisen from her advisers, but Lexa had managed to persuade them by showing them the many advantages that it would offer. Of course, the one that was most accepted was the extension of land and therefore wealth.
She had been in her hair for about two hours, observing from a distance how artisans worked. She ran her forearm across her forehead to wipe away the sweat. The sun shone hotly high in the sky, suffocating her presence. Despite being sheltered under the shade of the tree, the temperature was inhumane. When the reflection of the river water called her in a mirage, she came to him like bees to honey.
Jungkook, who was also in the same conditions when she saw Lexa heading to the river to cool off, decided to follow in her footsteps.
Suho, who in fact was also the same decision to do the same but with other intentions being stopped by a familiar voice.
“Where are you going?” A hand attacked by the passage of time wrapped her forearm holding. Suho blinked at the woman he recognized as Lexa's mother. The woman looked in the same direction as him, clicking her tongue. "Let them speak."
"I don't want to let him clear the way," Suho confessed with a deep tone full of jealousy, still watching Jungkook approach Lexa from behind.
"Suho ..." However, Kerin's melancholic whisper diverted him from his focus. The woman watched him sadly. "There was never away."
She left her shoes on some rich ones to put her feet in the water. The cold sensation sent cramps all over her body. She sighed thoughtfully as her gaze fell to the shell necklace her father gave her when she hunted her first rabbit. Unconsciously she held it tightly between her malpa as if the gesture could make her return. In fact, no. The whole situation with the girl had unearthed a pain that he thought was relieved.
The night before she had had what she believed to be one of her worst nightmares. Eg the dream, her body took the place of the girl. Her hands were painfully tied with string. In front of her was the girl holding a stick with fire on its tip. Her macabre laugh sounded when she saw that her attempts to free herself always end in failure. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared just behind the girl. Lexa smiled at her father who was looking at her with pity. But everything became darker, more confusing. Her father had stopped smiling, now, now she was pushing the stick down so that it caught the leaves under her feet. Everything seemed to go further and further until she woke up.
"It hurts, it's normal." A voice behind her spoke. Lexa slowly opened her eyes out of her reverie. Then, she looked at Jungkook who was looking at her worried from the top of a rock. Unlike her eyes that contemplated her beauty reflected in the sun, his followed the path of the tear that ran down his cheek. "I also thought at some point that I would not overcome pain but I did."
"How?" She asked. Her chest tightened accordingly as her distressed voice shone from her appearance.
"Recognizing what it is: weakness," Jungkook replied seriously. Keeping his gaze fixed on her until Lexa lowered his towards the river.
"Love? I can't live like this. ”I groan angrily, then, turning around, she grabbed her shoes and walked to her horse, leaving Jungkook silent.
Burdened by the endless hours of council meetings she ends up running away from the back of the cabin. She coughs in the face of the unwelcome sting of the sun that blinds her until she is used to her vision.
“Get up and fight!” A wild scream draws her attention completely. Looking for the origin of the problem, he sees from afar a group of children sitting in a circle. In the middle, a tall woman with brown hair pulled back into a braid, thin but with a muscular body, keeps them with their heads down while yelling at a child on the floor.
"I'm tired ..." Her voice sounds so weak and it is when she finishes approaching that she notices the brightness of her tears on her cheeks.
But the woman laughs. "In war, death does not distinguish who is and who is not. Raise!"
"Hey!" Lexa growled annoyed, catching the attention of the woman and the children who looked back immediately. "He told you he can't take it anymore."
"It is an exhaustive training I already knew what I was facing." The warrior answers with hypocrisy giving her a look of few friends.
"Besides, it is her punishment for being the weakest."
"And it seems fair to you? Who fights against you who have more experience?"
Lexa raised an eyebrow as she placed her hands on her pitcher-shaped hip. The children's eyes went between Lexa and the warrior with caution.
“Are you free if you want to take her place?” She offered, giving him a mocking bow.
Lexa walked confidently towards her until she stopped when she reached the center of the circle. A child helped the wounded man to get up to sit him completing the circle.
“What are the rules?” He shook his head in her direction.
"Until you can't take it anymore," she added with a hint of wicked amusement in her voice. He smiled as the tips of his fingers enthusiastically brushed the edge of his sword. Lexa pouted her mouth before nodding.
The warrior attacked first with all her might. Lexa dodged the blow with agility and then returned it with the same force. Their swords clashed screeching at the contact.
Lexa's feet were firmly planted on the ground providing stability. The warrior slapped her shoulder against his but Lexa held her position as if nothing had happened.
Then, the warrior brought out a toothy smile. "You are skillful who would say it when ..." She brought her mouth to whisper in her nose.
Lexa ironic river."The value of a woman is not measured in the number of cocks she raises."
Their swords unhook and collide again this time with more fury. Lexa glared at her with a hard but triumphant look when she realized that the warrior's feet were dragged along the ground by her strength.
"Of course not," she growled in response, pulling away. She stepped back to catch her breath as she swung her sword gracefully.
"Because I'm only interested in lifting one."
Lexa frowned in surprise when she realized the gaze was directed at something behind her. Curiosity won the game when he followed the direction, meeting Jungkook and two warriors in the middle of a conversation in the distance. Lexa swallowed hot with the inexplicable heat that began to melt her insides.
She'd lost track of time so much that she didn't see Raven kicking her back, knocking her to the ground. Lexa coughed when dirt got into her mouth. Then, she turned angrily towards Raven who was smiling victoriously. Lexa was mentally punished for being so foolishly distracted when she was in the middle of a fight.
"It's funny that you are husband and wife but you sleep in different cabins," Raven continued with provocation.
"Trouble in paradise? Already realized that you are not worth anything?"
Lexa threw a blow to her stomach so hard that the warrior's body landed two feet away.
"If you're so anxious to take my place, do it." Lexa roared with her fists clenched and her nostrils dilated by her altered breathing.
Raven dropped to her knees with her hand on her stomach as she laughed wickedly and watched her in pain. "I already have."
Lexa blinked, not knowing why her body was completely paralyzed. Raven scrambled to her feet trying to punch directly into her jaw but Lexa didn't fall that time, intercepting her arm to twist him in the back and then kneeing her in the mouth, knocking her to the ground proclaiming herself the winner.
"Well, enjoy it," Lexa yelled passively, not showing the least bit of affection. He watched her from above in disgust as he circled her to get away from there not before releasing his last attack. “So much that you like to lift things try to get up now.”
"What was that?" Suho asked, walking slowly through the trees as he approached. Lexa under the arch, forgetting about the rabbit that ran free through a clearing. When he saw the expression on her face, he clicked his tongue at the surprisingly fast rumors that ran through his people.
"Comprehensive training," she clarified simply by pointing back to the clearing. She pursed her lips in a dissatisfied pout when she found it empty.
"And since when do you take a thorough training so seriously?" Suho scoffed, raising an eyebrow in amusement.
"Do you like me?" Lexa asked hastily without a hint of lucidity in her voice or disturbed expression.
"What?" Eyelid Suho.
"As a woman."
"Oh," she uttered in surprise as her senses returned to stress. Suho gulped foolishly for taking a few seconds to start the mechanisms in her head again. "Are you smart, fair, and brave who wouldn't like you?
"I don't mean that, but the physical." Do you think men can like me? ”She sighed. She frowned sadly and bit her cheek nervously. Lexa had never been an insecure woman but she couldn't help falling into the labyrinth of doubt since she had that fight with Raven. Her voice sounded confident and firm without hesitation in her advances. She hated feeling so affected. She was envious of her experience and a strange avalanche of punctures in her stomach when she pictured her with Jungkook. Because it was obvious. There was something between them, why else would he let go of that without foundations on which to lean. There was also the possibility that she just wanted to give him a hard time but his head guided her to the first option over and over again.
-Why do you ask me that?
"It doesn't matter." Lexa smiled sheepishly avoiding her curious gaze. Never. But never. I would tell something so intimate to Suho.
"I think ..." Suho whispered, drawing her attention to the intimate tone she used. "... you are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen." You have the most beautiful smile in the world, Lexa.
Suho couldn't help but spread a medium smile. There was a warm glow in her eyes, too revealing a glow with feelings so far hidden from her. Lexa opened her eyes in surprise.
Feeling against the sword and the wall before her revealing gaze.
"Hmm ... do you think this area is suitable for camping?" Lexa added, turning her head towards the map.
"What?" She said absently. "Oh, yes, it's good," she answered calmly, still admiring the way her hair covered her left profile. Suho couldn't help but smile relaxed. "It's very good."
"This is it, thanks for listening." Lexa finished towards the councilors, saying goodbye with a polite smile. After the third and last meeting of the week on the previews of the new wall, she felt less weight to worry about. She sighed resignedly turning to Jungkook who kept his eyes fixed on the marked area simulating the limits just discussed. "I had thought we can use the old materials to build the wall." This way we will use the brick and we would have more to build more houses. — she said, looking askance at him, waiting patiently for the chestnut tree to react or say something that it did not do. for...
She wasn't aware of how quickly she stopped talking until Jungkook pressed her lips together in a desperate kiss. She opened her mouth, tucking her tongue in without warning. Lexa moaned in complete shock with her eyes open. Jungkook's hand tightened on her waist, pressing her to his chest. Lexa's hands were trapped in her shoulder area. Jungkook tilted his face and intensified the kiss.
Lexa closed her eyes slowly, letting go. Opening her mouth to receive her tongue. She sighed discard as she slid her hands up to his neck. His fingers gripped her hair and she stretched. Jungkook growled ecstatically bending down to lift her by her thighs and place her on the table. The map crumpled as her butt landed on top but they cared little.
Jungkook broke the kiss, creating a wet snap. Panting, her breath hit his face with a dark, wistful, wild gaze full of unstoppable lust. He brought his hands up to his cheeks. He moved his thumb affectionately, delighting in the softness of her skin to end up pressing his thumb to the soft skin of her lower lip. He approached in a quick kiss, letting out a satisfied moan when he felt her participation.
"Jungkook ..." He threw his head back as wet kisses began to come down his jaw. She stretched her roots again with excitement, taking another guttural growl. His hands slowly lowered down a path to his lower back until… “Jungkook!” An annoyed scream caused Jungkook to blink in confusion. He pouted his lips as he hugged her chest. Jungkook looked at her with a frown. "No, of course not." What's wrong I'm talking to you about important things?
"Why did you tell Raven that she liked to lift things?" He blurted out without warning importing anything or little that his thought had come out loud.
“What?” This time it was he who blinked in confusion. “It was just to provoke him.
"You spoke very loudly," he said, raising his eyebrows.
Lexa rolled her eyes. "Can we focus on this, please?"
She indicated the map with her hand, looking down at it again. Jungkook couldn't help but think how good his hair was.
Others would think it was foolish to notice that Lexa really had a beautiful profile. Her small and delicate jaw gave her face that innocent point that drove her crazy. She did not know but her face was very expressive showing everything that crossed her mind. He could tell when she was sad at the tilt of her mouth or how upset she was when she wrinkled her nose shrugging and making it more adorable.
Jungkook smiled mischievously at the conversion that began to play in his head as if it were his favorite song. Of course, I hear what Raven said what was not seen to come was that Lexa reacted so annoying. Her heart warmed to beat faster.
Then, she took advantage of the fact that she was distracted to approach from behind and stick her lips to his ear.
"She will never lift my cock as you do."
Hunting day.
Without a doubt, his favorite activity of the week. He was looking forward to it because it was the only time of the day when he could relax and breathe deeply the oxygen-rich air of the forest. Her lungs are grateful and certainly her head clear too.
Carefully advanced through the field by the number of thin sticks that will not hesitate to break at the slightest touch. She didn't know the area as well as she usually would, but that didn't stop her fighting spirit. She swore to herself that she would hunt good prey today.
A small innocent laugh changed the course of her attention. Not far from where he was he saw a girl of about eight years old smiling as she curiously observed a small bird on top of Jungkook's palm. Practically the smile was drawn alone on her face. Next, the little bird flew off causing the girl to rush out after him. Jungkook had a small smile making him look innocent and youthful.
Her disunited face in contrast to sunlight was, from now on, her favorite concept.
"I didn't know you could treat the children," Lexa commented, approaching slowly while sending her an amused look.
"I adore children especially how they are made," she said gracefully when she felt their steps approach from behind.
Jungkook looked at her recreating his typical arrogant smile in which his tongue struck the inside of the cheek.
"You are incredible," Lexa confessed, tempted. "It is not a compliment."
Although Jungkook clearly knew how to perceive the mockery and irony in his voice, something inside him was excited. He proceeded to follow her slowly, earning a sidelong glance from her.
"Your ass is also amazing." Lexa stopped walking and turned around with her eyes open. When she saw his eyes go up to her face when she turned around she couldn't help but blush. Jungkook raised an eyebrow. "Oh, it's not a compliment."
His mischievous laugh was a harsh blow to her who spread her blush to the tips of her ears in embarrassment. She had fallen into the game that she herself had created. Feeling too insulted when she looks at the ground, she doesn't think twice and bends down.
Jungkook stops when she notices something hit her back.
“Did you just throw a handful of dried leaves at me?” He asks, surprised, then slowly turns around.
Lexa refuses by pressing her lips together as she passes by like she's nothing.
"I don't know what you're talking about."
-No? Okay — falsely accept. Because when Lexa turns her back on him, Jungkook bends down and throws a dried pineapple at him.
"Hey!" She cries complaining and turns around. Bring your hand to your lower back to caress the area and thus relax the pain. Of course, Lexa frowns when Jungkook innocently shrugs. He raises his eyebrows and laughs wryly. Then he reaches down and throws a handful of dirt at her with small stones that end up dirtying her cheek. Jungkook coughs and Lexa laughs maniacally. She acknowledges that when Jungkook throws another dried pineapple at her chest, she starts having fun. Both succumb to the game and start throwing everything they see on the ground. They laugh together for the first time. Lexa can not help thinking that her laugh in a normal state is quite pleasant away from that dry sound that she usually emits when she laughs without emotion or grace.
When she stops listening to that melodious laugh she drops a handful of leaves and looks at it. She lets out a groan of surprise as her back hits the wood of a tree. Jungkook corners her in less than a second. He doesn't know what's going on but he feels a chill when he feels the hardness of his thigh brush against hers.
"Don't move, I've seen something among the trees," he says uneasily. He is about to complain when Jungkook places a hand on his shoulder and pushes him back towards the tree.
"It must have been an animal," he growls uncomfortably. His body is so big that it covers him in seconds. Her heart beats so hard that she's afraid Jungkook will notice if her chest keeps pressing against her like that.
"It wasn't a fucking animal." Jungkook's voice turns serious and dangerous as he lowers his head to look at her. Lexa is connected to her eyes without being able to avoid it. They are so dark that you could lose yourself in them and not complain about not finding the exit. Jungkook's breath directly hugged the upper skin of his lips making the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. He had never been so close to a man so he attributed his nerves to lack of habit but that did not take away the fact that he was also the first man his body trembled with the slightest touch. One hand was held firmly on top of his head while the other was off to the side. They were so close that the tips of his feet touched hers. Jungkook's lips remained in a neutral grimace combining with the seriousness reflected in his body. He knew he was tense from the way his shoulders were not resting from that straight line. He intended to say something but his mouth did not respond to his commands as if the connections in his head had lost touch with reality.
By having him this close he could have the privilege of analyzing his features in more detail. He hadn't even realized, until now, that just below his lower lip was a mole. And for some strange reason, he wanted to stretch a finger and squeeze it. Jungkook cleared his throat to catch his attention. Lexa cast a curious glance at him and then her cheeks turned red.
She looked away embarrassed for being so impulsive and caught on the spot. When in reality, Jungkook's discomfort hadn't been precise because of over-gaze but because of the way he did it. The dream returned to his mind when he noticed how his eyes traveled to detail his lips and certainly, this was a moment that could not be carried away by his primary impulses. So she decided to return to her tough posture. "I'm going to look at stay in place again."
Lexa rolled her eyes when I hear him so demanding. As she indicated, she walked away completely and then returned to where they had been playing.
"Do you see it? Nothing happens… Jungkook! ”Lexa shouted in fright as an arrow grazed the right side of her head knocking him to the ground. Jungkook was swinging his head on the ground while complaining sore eyes tight. Lexa ran towards him in a panic attack. She knelt down and tried to lift her head. "No, no shit." Jungkook? ”He was desperately searching for an answer, but Jungkook only produced moans that were getting weaker and weaker. I tilt my neck carefully to look at the wound. When he touched the blood on the tip of his ear and saw it black he cursed under his breath. "Poison ..." This one was different, this one was much more powerful and dangerous because it was not just a paralytic. He swallowed hard, laid his head gently on top of a mountain of leaves, and then got up. "Hold on, I'm going to get help, please just hold on."
Despite the fact that things had gone well and no misfortune had arisen, she could not feel completely relieved. As he ran toward the camp, he caught a glimpse of a man running in the opposite direction. He forced himself not to follow him because Jungkook was more important. He was afraid that the man would come back and hurt him at seeing him so unprotected but again, he forced his legs to keep running.
This was not the time for his paranoia.
Fortunately, Jin was in his cabin and in possession of the antidote. He dipped the red seaweed tea in a handkerchief and placed it on his ear to absorb the poison. Two hours later, Jungkook woke up and as soon as he regained the notion of reality he returned to his clan's affairs. He ignored Jin's warnings and left as soon as his legs left him.
For that very reason, after his last meeting with the council, on his way back to his cabin, he ran into a worried Jin. After that, he wasn't even aware of what went out the door.
"Jin said you didn't want to heal yourself." The girl's voice sounded annoyed as she made her way deeper into the cabin. Jungkook, who had been studying a map on the table, turned irritably.
"It is foolish to waste supplies when there are bigger wounds to take care of."
"At least let me take a look at you," he asked, pulling up the small white bag to put it in his line of sight. "Sit at the desk, please."
Jungkook frowned at her but finally ended up obeying and going to the table to sit down. I interlock my fingers and click my tongue in annoyance. Lexa ignored her childish attitude. She indicated with her fingers to tilt her head. A gesture she made against her will but in silence.
"You see?" Jungkook replied wryly, raising his eyebrows. Lexa looked at him seriously when Jungkook turned his head again.
"What I see is an open wound that, if not healed, can become infected," he reproaches with annoyance. It was true, Jin's superficial treatment had made the wound a mere scratch, but she still had a fresh layer of dried blood on the tip of her ear. He breathed in focusing on the task. He reached out for a piece of cotton, dipped it in rubbing alcohol, then put it on the wound. Jungkook groaned plaintively at the sting moving in place.
Lexa pursed her lips. "Sorry."
"Were you worried about me?"
Lexa stopped looking at the wound as soon as she perceived the softness of his tone. Flashing nervously, she cleared her throat and concentrated on cleaning the blood again. "Don't be so self-centered, I worry about everyone the same."
“Sure?” Her tone had suddenly dropped, becoming intimate and personal. The cotton was suspended in midair when Jungkook turned his head to connect his gaze to hers. Lexa frowned a few seconds before relaxing her face. He perceived her seriousness in his penetrating gaze. Set and firm on yours. They had never looked at her like that. They had never left her speechless with a glance. And when Jungkook slowly started to get closer his mind flew into dangerous territory.
"Don't turn your face I can't see your ear." She growled annoyed to hide her nervousness. He caught her chin and turned her face again.
"Are you going to see your mother tomorrow?"
"Yes, I haven't been in a while."
"Then I will go with you."
"No need, Suho ...
"I do not care. I wanna go."
"Okay," she accepted, confused by his sudden interest. "You saved my life, I'm going to have to start taking you with me everywhere."
"I was used to it ..." Jungkook pronounced, taking a scowl from Lexa. Seeing that he was not responding, he shook his head in denial and returned to his task.
Now that the two clans were unified and the roads opened, the distance and time to travel were considerably less. Before, when he suffered those longings for freedom and escaped to the forest, it took him more than half an afternoon to return home. Now he realized that time was no longer going to be a tedious burden.
But undoubtedly, a considerable change to consider was the look of his subjects. Before, they treated her as an equal now they watched her from a distance with a shy look. But he knew it was not for her, the citizens did not fear his presence but Jungkook's. And it was normal, he was a foreigner who had been forced to fear above all else.
His mother was still occupying the usual cabin, so when she was at the beginning of the camp, it didn't take long for her to stand in front of their doors. The atmosphere was tense, he knew it very well because he could feel the thoughtful air. The two men behind him had been silent the entire way creating an atmosphere filled with awkward silence.
He tightened the reins to hold the hair still so he could get down from it. Suddenly, he noticed movement in his rear when he turned his head, large hands adjusted at his waist, and helped lower it. Lexa widened her eyes when her feet finally landed on the ground. Intuitively she placed her palms on top of her chest to stabilize her body. When she noticed the hardness of her muscles, she looked up. Jungkook intensified him as if he wanted to speak to her from that gesture, show him a longing that he had not seen reflected before.
The sound of a cracked door opening made them slowly come to their senses.
“Lexa?” With an excited tone, her mother turned to her, surprised by her visit. He wrapped his arms around her neck to press her against his chest as he had always done. Lexa inhaled the smell of roses from her mother's feeling at home. "What are you doing here ...
When her gaze fell on Jungkook as they parted, the words got stuck in her mouth.
"It's been a while since I came and I missed you," Lexa added with a melancholic smile capturing her mother's attention. She pursed her lips in delight as she analyzed her daughter. I caress her cheek and then gently curl a strand of hair.
"You are prettier, you eat well, right?"
"Yes, mom," he replied monotonously, but still emitting that smiling aura.
"I'll be back later so we can get back together." When Jungkook spoke his mother frowned and Lexa looked at him confused.
“Aren't you going to stay for lunch?” After her mother's offer, Jungkook felt her body freeze.
"I don't want to disturb her, ma'am." Although Jungkook's voice had come out it would be his calm face hiding nothing but shame. Ever since he had noticed her presence Lexa's mother had been nervous and certainly he too. She did not like to be observed, much less annoying than the reunion between mother and daughter.
Lexa's mother protested. "That I have not agreed to the terms of your marriage does not mean that I do not respect my daughter's decisions. As things have been you are still my son-in-law and therefore part of my family now. So if you both go inside ...
Lexa looked around with a frown meeting only the three of them. Suho had left without saying anything and that started to worry.
"... and by the gods call me mother no lady."
Jungkook nodded rhythmically as if he had just received a military order. His mother re-entered the cabin followed by Jungkook, Lexa said goodbye to the outside with a sorry look still looking for his friend.
The food had not been as tense as expected, his mother had managed to get Jungkook to release his tongue and that he would abandon that serious and lonely posture for a moment. When Lexa finished her last bite of roast chicken, she slowly got up from the table and proceeded to carry the plate into the kitchen. I put it on top of the steel counter and then turned to go back. However, a small drawing hanging on the wall with a skewer caught her attention. She came closer to admire the painting more closely.
She couldn't help but chuckle shaking her shoulders at the poorly scribbled paper. It was her father and her. Lexa had given that drawing to her father for her birthday, immortalizing that day when they went to see the birth of the tents. She certainly did not expect her mother to keep her away.
Hearing the sound of a plate hitting the counter behind her, she rolled her eyes and broke her smile.
"If you're going to tell me again that love is weakness, better go back the way you came." I exhale tiredly facing the wall. She did not feel like arguing knowing that her mother was only a room away and that she could hear everything but she could not shut her mouth and let it pass because she was not for talks full of the pure and empty feeling of life.
"It's what my father taught me," Jungkook said calmly resting a hand on the counter. Lexa raised an eyebrow and turned on her feet in annoyance.
However, when I did not notice that mischief in her voice nor that arrogant posture, she began to feel intrigued. Her shoulders leaned down and her gaze seemed to be drowned in rage. I've never seen her like this. Then, she repeated her words in her mind slowly, paying attention to each one of them. She had just named her father. The ancient Heda of the Iron Clan. She couldn't help but feel curious about him because his father didn't even tell him those things claiming that she wasn't ready for such.
“Since when are you Heda?” The question came out on its own as if it were in thought out loud that it needed to get out before it rotted inside.
Jungkook raised his eyebrows contemptuously as he said, "Since I was thirteen."
"And your mother?"
"She died of an infection in a pandemic." She didn't seem hurt at all treating the subject as if it were just one more in her life. Lexa felt terrible grief adjust in her chest. She was really so calm that she was scared of her indifference.
"Don't you miss your parents?"
"They never acted as such because they should?" And there was the reason. Jungkook demonstrated so many things at once that his confused brain was slow to see them all at once. Answered questions normally. He hadn't even been affected by answering the age question. By God, since he was thirteen years many others have passed. How can a child face the role of Heda when she, at her age and with a supposed training and maturity, still showed some discomfort when assuming responsibilities. It must have been quite shocking and disturbing.
"And you?"
Lexa blinked lost. "A lot." He confessed weakly. Then a small nostalgic smile filled her lips. "My father was a little harsh sometimes but not too much he always fixed it with a smile."
Jungkook nodded instantly with the same aura of nonchalance. He didn't know exactly why, but seeing him so serious and frigid, his body began to walk alone forward. Jungkook's arms were suspended in midair as Lexa buried her head in his chest and wrapped her small hands around his waist. It took Jungkook a minute to react by wrapping his lower back and pulling her to his body so that his chin rested on top of his head.
"I'm supposed to be comforting you," Jungkook commented closing his eyes as he felt the warmth of Lexa tuck him in gently. His strawberry scent went up to his nostrils, making him his favorite scent.
Jungkook smiled helplessly as his tired sigh bounced off his chest. "Stop growling so much."
She turned her fifteenth turn on the bed before finally turning on her side. His hand was under her pillow and her legs were on top of each other. Although she will try to close her eyes and allow herself to be overcome by fatigue, her body had other plans that night. It was so strange because I was sleepy. Her eyelids drooped wearily but her eyes didn't want to close. Finally, and after half an hour later, she sighed in defeat and closed her eyes to sleep.
A sharp surface brushed her neck causing her eyes to squeeze uncomfortably as she brought her hand to it a strong arm turned her face up.
"I should have done this from the beginning." Realizing that it was not a dream and that both the pressure on her neck and the terrifying voice were real she desperately opened her eyes to meet a man on top of her body. She opened her mouth to ask for help but her hand covered her mouth immediately. "No bitch tonight you won't be the same luck."
The fingers around her nose closed, pressing on her nostrils. The man laughed pleased when his legs stirred urgently. I was so scared. So annoying. So disgusted by feeling so touched. With her hand on her mattress, she began to feel the surface quickly when she brushed the ass of her glass bottle she didn't think twice before hitting her on the head.
“Bitch!” She moaned loudly, touching her head. Her body fell to the side from the impact giving her the space to sneak towards the door. But when she was about to open the door, her filthy fingers pulled her ankle down causing her to have to put her hands forward to avoid hitting her mouth on the ground.
Lexa threw a kick that landed on her face. The man cursed when her plant deflected the septum from her nose. But that only caused the rage to turn into a fire that was impossible to quench. He tugged on her ankle, dragging her back under him. This time he wasted no time and his fingers wrapped tightly around her neck. Lexa sucked in strangled moans as she felt oxygen leaking from her lungs. Her legs were flailing furiously but when her thumbs clenched the hollow of her windpipe the movements stopped executing due to lack of oxygen supply. With her last breath, she continued to search for something on the ground when she felt something sharp lead her forward, driving a piece of broken glass into the socket of her eye.
The man released her in a brutal scream bringing his hands to her pierced eye as she crawled over to her chair to rest her back.
The door opened so hard that the hinges broke. Jungkook ran into Lexa as two soldiers approached the man to arrest him on the ground.
"Lexa!" Jungkook yelled desperately but she had already passed out from the effort.
"Swallow," Jin asked worriedly. I remove the spoon from his mouth and Lexa swallowed the jelly with difficulty. He closed his eyes when the softness touched the walls of his throat but soon after the pain began to lessen becoming bearable. When Jin noticed the relaxation on his face, he smiled regretfully. "You will take this every time you eat or talk a lot. It will help with swelling and reduce itching.
Lexa nodded so as not to form the vocal cords. Sometime later the door opened, causing her to divert her attention to it.
"How are you?" Jungkook asked, seriously leaning against the door frame. The tension in his shoulders told him that he was still on alert, his hoarse tone still annoying.
"Where is?"
"He's in the dungeons. Now answer me."
"Is he the one who attacked you?" She didn't need an answer when he noticed how Jungkook's eyes hardened. "I don't understand, Suho was at my door like ha ... OMG! Suho okay?"
"He's fine."
"Then why don't I believe you?" She frowned in annoyance at his sudden caution. Jungkook avoided his gaze making him more nervous. "Can you speak clearly?"
"We have found Suho unconscious."
Lexa opened her eyes in fright. "Has that man done something to you?" If something happens to her because of her, she would never forgive me ... I have to see it."
Jungkook strode to the stretcher when the girl tried to get up from the stretcher to run towards the door.
"Lexa, stop." Jungkook's large hands tightened on her shoulders to sit her down but she hysterically denied.
"Don't ask me when my friend is hurt!"
“He's not hurt, he was drunk, dammit!” Jungkook's scream stopped all activity in his system. His face paled and his chest clenched.
"What?" I breathe incredulously.
Jungkook looked down before looking at her indecisively. "That's why that son of a bitch could easily pass because your friend was sleeping."
After an arduous week on the stretcher in Jin's cabin, he was finally able to be discharged and take up his duties again. Jungkook had been holding the position of Heda Celeste in his absence, which he was grateful for, when he took over again he realized that there was not much work to do. The only pending thing that could not be attended to by him was the man who slept in the dungeons.
He had explicitly ordered that he should not be given water and that he should be given only a piece of meat a day. That man was a bounty hunter with many deaths behind him, he deserved nothing more worthy.
“Are you going to judge me?” He asked, staring blankly at the floor. She was sitting on the throne in the assembly hall waiting for Suho. When he entered, he looked at her so seriously that he knew what she was thinking.
"You are my Heda, I will accept everything you decide." She did not like the respectful and distant tone he used.
Lexa frowned in embarrassment and then looked at him.
For God's sake, how did they get to this?
"Is what they say true? You have sentenced a man."
"He was a murderer."
"He was unarmed!"
"Me too!" She screamed loudly causing an outrageous echo to form. Suho raised his chin indignantly. "I don't expect you to accept it because I no longer require your morality."
"You are not the same."
"Neither do you," she replied with all the pain in her soul. Suho stopped forcing his gaze relaxing her in a full of regret. He took a step toward her but she reached out, stopping.
"It won't happen again, I promise."
"I can not risk."
"You know I would give my life for you."
"I know."
"He put it in your head."
"Jungkook has nothing to do with it."
“Then why are you looking at me like I want to hurt you!” He roared furiously, causing Lexa to leap onto her throne. Her jaw clenched so tightly that blood began to collect in her head. When she saw how fearful Lexa's eyes expand, she stopped clenching her fists and straightened her regretful body.
"Have you been drinking again?" Lexa asked, leaving him speechless. Suho felt so ashamed and so insulted at the same time that he turned around and ran out of the room. Lexa pursed her lips to hold back a sob. Tears welled up in her eyes almost out of necessity out of helplessness.
"You shouldn't let a simple soldier affect your decisions." A serious voice sounded from behind her but she never took her eyes off the door.
"Suho only wants the best for me," I whisper shattered in a passive tone. Jungkook swallowed hard when he couldn't stop his emotions from overpowering his character.
"Me too." He sighed on his knees in front of her. Lexa looked at him instantly with longing. "And so, I ask you to let me protect you."
"The decision is yours," Jungkook mentioned, turning his head in her direction so that only she would get the message. Lexa maintained too insane eye contact with her attacker who lay tied hand and foot to a stick in the middle of the plaza. Just below him were the woods. Around her, the crowds screaming for justice.
"Dann*." The sentence came out so easily that it scared her. She kept a stiff expression to avoid being affected by the looks that began to haunt her.
Automatically the citizens shouted euphoric at her decision.
"Jus drein jus daun! *"
She opened her mouth, removing her sitting posture when she saw a warrior light the torch and lower it towards the branches to light them. When the fire came Lexa closed her eyes instinctively. However, feeling a glance over her, he opened them again. When she found that pair of eyes among the people her stomach clenched. Suho watched her disappointed, sad, and lost. Lexa pursed her lips as the pressure on her chest caused her eyes to water. After that Suho was disappearing among the people until no trace of him was left.
Screams of pain rang out loudly, Lexa diverted people's attention and when she looked forward her chest heaved and her eyes widened in horror. A tear ran down her cheek at the scene so macabre. The smell of burned skin was the one that urged her to get up from her seat and flee traumatized to her cabin. When she slammed the door shut, she started screaming hysterically.
By the gods what have I done?
What the fuck have I done?
She covered her mouth with her palm to keep the sobs from coming out but it was too late all she did was delay it. It was already wrong from Suho's disappointed look and that of the man ...
Holy God!
The air began to lack so badly that she began to sweat and consequently feel overwhelmed when the dress was embedded as a second skin. She reached up to her dress and pulled it out desperately. She hugged her bare breasts as the night breeze blew in through the window. Her shoulders trembled with cold and her wailing muffled moans. She closed her eyes tightly trying to calm herself but ended up opening them exasperated when she saw in the dark the image of that man burning alive.
A finger stroked the line of her spine, bristling her skin. She bit back a gasp and her body stopped shaking as the softness of lips caressed the skin of her ear.
"Are you sad?" He whispered hoarsely, allowing himself to be filled with sweetness. Her eyes closed again as a hard chest completely covered her bareback."Let me comfort you. Just let me help you forget about everything. I can do it I'm very good at it."
"Then do it," she asked without being aware of her actions. Her arms still tightened crosswise as she turned to face him. She opened her eyes slowly, meeting a gaze as dark as night. She was scared because she had gone from controlling her movements to letting go. Jungkook stretched out one of her hands to stroke her cheek with the tips of her fingers. Jungkook suddenly stopped smiling, replacing her expression with a more serene and analytical one. She stepped closer, closing the distance. Her slowness was sweet torture but deep down she was grateful that it gave her time to get used to it.
He brought his fingers to her chin and lifted her head. Lexa closed her eyes and parted her lips. Then, Jungkook bowed his head and kissed her sweetly. It wasn't a quick kiss, nor was it a proper kiss, since there was only a superficial contact. When Jungkook separated almost instantly Lexa opened her eyes weakly. Her gaze had darkened, she had grown wilder, more eager.
Lexa parted her lips again but closed them again when Jungkook pounced again this time more eagerly. The passion of the kiss took her by surprise but she didn't complain because when Jungkook opened her mouth tight to deepen the kiss she let it dominate her mouth. Jungkook's hands snapped to her waist, pulling her body forward to hit her chest.
She felt comforting heat build-up on the skin under her palm. Her hands were so large that they practically covered her entire back. Jungkook groaned and raised his hand to his face to incline him further.
Lexa gasped as she felt the tip of her tongue touch her lower lip, she wasn't even aware of what was happening until Jungkook's tongue entered her mouth to embrace hers with passion.
Lexa uncovered her arms feeling suddenly brave and brought them to the nape of her neck. He dipped his fingers through the strands of her hair and stretched them ecstatically as Jungkook reached down to his behind and knead it hard. Jungkook let out a throaty moan and leaned his body closer, holding her almost under him. Lexa took a step closer by sticking her tits to her chest. Her nipples bristled completely from the rubbing of the fabric of his shirt. Jungkook put his hand to the nape of his neck and formed a fist of hair as he opened his mouth more for a stronger kiss. Saliva gushed from their corners like a waterfall but they didn't care because the wet sound of their lips coming together was worth it. Taking advantage of his hair grip Jungkook cut the kiss in a snap. His altered breaths cooled and heated the skin of his lips creating such an exciting contrast. Jungkook rolled his eyes down his face analyzing his appearance. His cock jerked into his pants when he saw her with her mouth open as her lip trembled and her eyes narrowed with excitement. He growled desperately drawing her to his mouth eagerly. Lexa hugged the back of her neck receiving her kiss submissively.
When Jungkook again separated god two steps back to contemplate the fullness of his body. Soon his eyes delighted in the turgidity of his pale chest with spiked nipples, the wonderful line that went down to his navel from training and especially the tiny white panties with a dark stain.
"Shit, you're beautiful." Jungkook sighed gone. Lexa was too embarrassed to see the hunger in her gaze proceeding to lower her head to hide her flushed cheeks.
But Jungkook had other plans, he brought his fingers to his chin and lifted her so that he could see her eyes. Lexa held what little breath she had left after the kissing session when Jungkook gave her the warmest smile she had ever seen while as she approached, she rested her eyes on her bare breasts. When she was close enough that there was almost no distance between them, the fingers that hugged her chin went up to her mouth to run her thumb over her lower lip. "Be a good girl and let me prove you."
She pressed her lips together in a slow kiss with her tongue before abruptly parting causing Lexa to follow her mouth unconsciously.
I blink drunk with pleasure watching Jungkook guide his mouth down her cheek giving her a wet kiss that also caused her bottom to get wet. He rubbed his thighs urgently as his tongue drew a line down her lower jaw almost touching her neck. The fingers at the nape of her neck tugged at the root inadvertently causing Jungkook to growl and go on to attack her neck mercilessly. Lexa squeezed her eyes shut at the feel of his lips closing on her skin to suck. His mouth began to travel to the area of ​​her clavicle where he bit her and pampered her with kisses with his tongue.
She kept going down to the line of her breasts where her tongue slipped. Then she brought her mouth to an already erect nipple and bit into it as one hand came up to knead the other.
His hand clenched the fist of hair at the nape of his neck and pressed it to his skin. Her belly flinched as her tongue sank to her navel but what undoubtedly made her body shudder from the balls of her feet to her head was the kiss she gave on the line of her pelvis. I swallow nervously when I notice how the garment swirled around her fingers. Jungkook raised his eyes to hers to get his blessing when Lexa bit her lower lip and closed her fist on the nape of her neck. Jungkook smirked, lowering afterward still with eye contact his lips towards the stained area of ​​her panties. Then her fingers proceeded to stretch the garment down until it was jammed at her ankles. Lexa shifted her feet so that she will leave her body completely. Jungkook grabbed her leg and placed it over her shoulder. Next, he placed a small kiss on her inner thigh area. Lexa swallowed nervously when she noticed that the kisses did not stop and that they were on a descending path. She didn't know what she was doing until she jumped embarrassed when she felt his cold tongue caress her folds mischievously. A shy moan came from her lips as she ran her tongue back this time going deeper. God, never, ever, thought that someday he could feel so much pleasure. Never, ever, she thought that Jungkook on her knees could be the most exciting thing in the world. She brought her fingers up to separate her lips for better access. When he kissed her red button it swelled accordingly earning a loud moan. Lexa threw her head back at the endless sensations she began to feel. Without hesitation, he inserted his tongue into her hole making Lexa squeal and then cover her embarrassed mouth.
Jungkook laughed still with his lips pressed to her skin causing her too sensual a vibration. He brought his mouth back to her swollen clitoris to suck with force, then Lexa felt a cramp run through her body that ended up causing a ball inside her belly to explode and her body to suffer spasms. Jungkook licked him to orgasm with delight, kissed his clit again, carrying a whimpering groan from the overstimulation, and then sat up again. He brought his hands up to his waist to keep Lexa's body from rushing back. The girl opened her eyes dizzy when she felt his breath hit her nose. Jungkook licked his lips gladly tasting and tasting again the product of his orgasm causing Lexa to blush immediately.
He hooked his leg to her hip and laid her on his bed, placing himself on top of her. Afterward, Jungkook kissed her lips again ecstatically making Lexa feel his taste in her saliva. He returned his kisses down the column of her throat stopping this time in her ear to whisper hoarsely. "Your pussy is so sweet ... I wonder if it will feel like that around my cock." He caught the earlobe with his teeth and I stretch it sensually. Lexa groaned, crinkling her shirt eagerly. His hand went down her skin, ending in her pelvis, which took the boldness of a palm tree. "Open your legs more, baby."
Lexa obeyed dazedly, dizzy from so much pleasure. Jungkook stuck out his thumb and stroked her clit in a circular motion. Lexa moaned softly, opening her legs wider. Next, she sank the same finger slowly into her hole, taking another cry of complaint from the girl.
"It hurt..."
"Yes, I know ..." he whispered softly on her cheek before kissing the tip of her nose. "... but you have to prepare for my cock since your small pussy is too tight." lips. Lexa nodded slowly. She brought her hands to the area of her shoulder blades and squeezed hard when she felt another finger go through her hole. Bufo buried his mouth on her shoulder as he tried to focus on the pleasure that gradually began to lessen the sting. She moaned with pleasure, spreading her legs wider, urging Jungkook to introduce the third. Movement shoves out of her fingers soon became insufficient.
"Please Jungkook ..." she pleaded breathlessly, running her nails through the fabric of the shirt.
"Please what, baby?" He whispered with too perverse amusement as he kissed the shell of her ear and increased the movement of her fingers.
"I want ... I want ..." but she was silenced by a needy moan when a fourth finger entered inside her small vagina.
"Fuck ..." he cursed under his breath, giving her a quick kiss before getting down on his knees in front of her. She pulled the shirt over her head, exposing her wonderful puffy pecs and her wonderful chiseled belly with stone-like abs. Her legs spread wider on their own at the image causing Jungkook to growl like a horny animal as he brought his free finger up to her clit to stroke it in circles. When Lexa lashed out at her second orgasm, I swear her breath was out. With her eyes clouded she saw how she could as Jungkook got up to take off her pants. He was surprised that she didn't bother wearing underwear but all those thoughts stopped making sense when she looked down at his cock. Her eyes widened at his width and length. Her mouth practically opened by itself when she saw how big it was. She panicked because she began to doubt if that big cock would fit in her inexperienced little hole. Jungkook brought his right hand up the spine and slowly muttered himself, still looking into her eyes. He groaned plaintively at feeling so needy. I bring two fingers to her mouth and place them on her lip.
"Open her" he ordered hoarsely but very needy. Lexa opened her mouth wider allowing both fingers to enter her mouth to bathe with the moisture of her tongue. Then, he brought those same fingers to the base of his cock to stroke it over her. Jungkook moaned, nodding backward, then stared at her sharply. Lexa swallowed nervously. Then his great body fell on top of hers to give her a wet kiss. Lexa spread her legs wider so that she will be more comfortable. He circled her waist and squeezed her hard when he felt his cock hit her stomach. She almost died right there, feeling the inhuman softness of her cock's skin. He parted his lips in a wet snap and looked at her seriously again. Jungkook drove the tip of his cock into her entrance to caress her up and down to cover her with his juices. Lexa spread her legs wider and he growled, kissing her again. She parted again and sighed on her lips.
She put a hand to her chin to connect her eyes. "Tell me if it hurts and I'll stop. Please tell me."
Lexa nodded as the last answer before everything will begin. Of course, it hurt when she inserted the tip. She felt a hideous tear of skin that ached like a thousand demons. When she complained in a silent moan Jungkook froze and looked at her cautiously.
"Don't stop ..." he pleaded without air. I scratch his lower back causing him to tuck in a little more. Jungkook groaned as he lowered his nose to hers to brush against her movement. When he finally reached up to the hilt Lexa groaned in need as she gazed at him pleadingly, her eyes teary with emotion.
Jungkook rushed his lips to hers as he began his coupling slowly. Lexa broke the kiss to moan eagerly bringing desperate hands to the nape of her neck to continue with the kiss. Jungkook released an animal roar as he rolled his hips sensually and she clenched her fingers.
"Fucking tight pussy," he growled giving a deep thrust that made them both moan. Lexa began to notice how their bodies floated with sweat. Her demolishing eyes kept a frown as she increased speed. She let out an open moan before smiling wickedly over her mouth. "So good to me, my baby."
Lexa automatically brought her nails to her back and squeezed. Jungkook had just claimed as his own and although in other circumstances he would have yelled a couple of insults at him, this time, he opened his mouth more to moan.
"You sweet baby can only receive my cock." No one else's. Only mine. ”She growled in her ear, annoyed, hitting her thigh causing her to moan and jump hard. She left a path of scratches on her back that ended at the nape of her neck again. Jungkook came back to face his face with pressed noses. "Say you only want my cock. Say only this pussy can be fucked by me. ”He shouted ecstatically as he increased the depth of her hips. Lexa threw her head back but Jungkook's fingers tightened at the nape of her neck and forced her to look at him. A spanking on his butt made his moan.
"Yes ..." I sob from the force of his thrusts. "Only you ... Only you can fuck me ... Oh shit!" She screamed when her orgasm came with more force than the previous ones. She collapsed onto the bed, leaving herself at the mercy of her need.
Two more thrusts and Jungkook was jerking wildly to drop his load on her stomach.
"Shit ..." he cursed contentedly as he fell to the side of the girl's body. He covered his eyes with his forearm widening his bicep. Then he wrapped his waist around her and pulled her to his chest with his leg pressed to her hip. Lexa frowned tiredly feeling suddenly at ease when a honey scent completely seduced her.
In caresses, his finger wandered down her back from top to bottom. He couldn't stop staring at her and he certainly would never tire of admiring her natural beauty as he slept on her chest. If Jungkook was completely honest, there was no adequate sleep conciliator because his eyes did not want to close for fear that what was in front of him was nothing more than the product of a good dream. And if so, he did not want to wake up.
I gently brush stubborn strands of his cheek to better admire his profile. His face was so serene and so pure. It seemed like a mirage for how the light that filtered through the window panes reflected on his face. He looked like a clear angel that his character was far from one. Jungkook smiled at his thought. Afterward, he placed his lips gently on her forehead and hugged her to his body, growling in satisfaction as he closed his eyes.
"Ai hod yu en * ...
“Lexa, can we talk?” A male voice and the sound of a squeaking door put him on alert acting as a reflex act to catch the blanket to cover their bodies.
“Call before you come in, asshole!” Jungkook growled, radiating as he got up, helped by the support of his hand. The scandal of the voices was so disturbing that Lexa groaned sleepily and then opened her eyes.
“Mmm?” She murmured groggily as she waited for her gaze to adjust to the intensity of the light. When she did, she watched Jungkook absentmindedly, then looked at her blanket-covered body. He frowned looking in the direction he was glaring at and then saw it. To her best friend with wide eyes and a look full of pain and sadness. "Suho?" But he wasn't looking at her but at Jungkook. When her mind was fully awake, she opened her eyes in exaltation. "No, wait!" Lexa cried desperately, extending her hand forward as if she could touch him from a distance, but Suho quickly left the room with the door slamming behind her. He'll come in! "he yelled in the direction of Jungkook who frowned annoyed. It was ... It was on purpose! About last night..."
“Last night has nothing to do with this!” She roared in outrage as she denied.
Lexa blinked. "I shouldn't have trusted you," she sobbed, getting out of bed as fast as she could grab the dress, put it on over her head, and run out the door. "Suho!"
“Lexa!” Jungkook called desperately but she ignored him. When he slammed the door, Jungkook cursed, throwing the pillow on the floor. "Fuck."
"Suho stop!" Lexa ran after him, not caring about curious glances, not caring about the sharp stones that puncture his plant, but he didn't seem to care either. "I order you to stop!"
Suho stopped his body abruptly and then turned around. There was so much pain and so much anger in his gaze that Lexa gulped.
"That you want to explain you are his wife, it is normal that you take care of him." He assumed with a venomous irony so harmful that Lexa does not remember another scene in which he will behave so impulsively.
"I don't want to hurt you," she shook her head. She frowned sadly and pursed her lips regretfully. Really, hurting her was never in her plans. He never wanted to break her heart but he couldn't lie. Jungkook awakened things that he with so many years of friendship never managed to develop. He didn't know when it happened alone that it just happened like that, without realizing it.
"Well, you already have," Suho sobbed painfully before making his way back and leaving his chest tight.
The tension was palpable in the environment. He had decided to march in front of the warrior formation so as not to meet Jungkook as well as Suho. I was confused. She never had been. Her head ached from all the feelings she was unable to command. She felt happy because she had spent what would probably be the best night of her life but at the same time, she felt like a total hypocrite because her happiness had destroyed his friend.
As Lexa thought with her head down, Suho followed Jungkook's horse closely. She struck her back with so much hatred that it could form a whole. When they reached the river bank and decided to take a water break, Suho soon followed him toward the shore.
"What a coincidence that you suddenly become interested in Lexa when all you have done is harass her." He did not hide the contempt in his voice as he approached where Jungkook filled his canteen with river water flexing his knees.
“Harass her?” Jungkook asked smiling, still looking at the stream. Then she got up slowly and denied. "At least I'm able to respect your feelings, asshole."
"Because of the affection I feel, I will not allow you to play with her."
"Is that all you feel for her?" Honey? ”Jungkook replied with a dangerous grace. I raise an ironic eyebrow as I scanned his body.
"You don't know anything about me," Suho growled feeling disgusted by also feeling too observed.
"It is not difficult to know. Surely you have been in love with Lexa since childhood, you always approached with the excuse of wanting to protect her when we both know that you had other intentions."He took a break before smiling again." It must have been quite shocking to see us together in her bed."
"No, not really," Suho replied nonchalantly. Jungkook nodded in amusement. "Because I know he didn't stop thinking about me."
Jungkook gave a wicked chuckle.
"You don't think much when you fuck like that."
"Just because she was forced to marry you does not mean she is forced to love you," she replied to his laughter with a more concise and borderline. Jungkook hardened his features. "I am his best friend, do you really think that for a moment she would choose you?"
"I wouldn't make her choose to begin with," Jungkook sentenced seriously. He left there before he really lost his temper and hit the punch he so badly wanted to land on his stupid jaw. She closed her eyes trying to calm down. I really didn't want to cause Lexa more trouble.
From the bottom of his chest, he emitted a bleak sigh. Things were going from bad to worse with Suho. A couple of hours ago I had seen him leave with a group of soldiers. They had seen each other from a distance but immediately Suho looked away and then disappeared through the gates of the camp as if nothing had happened. He couldn't help but feel bad, but should he? She was so confused ... So upset with the voices in her head. She had to act like an adult and speak things or she had to act like a child and leave things to be fixed over time, no doubt, that was the worst option.
“Are you going to continue to ignore me?” A hoarse voice that he recognized instantly broke into the council room. Lexa reached up to the ends of the table to squeeze the wood.
"Because of you, I have lost my best friend." She tried to sound cold and hard but the only thing that succeeded with that was that when looking at her and observing her furrowed gaze her chest oppressed.
"You are fucking unfair, Lexa." Her annoyed voice reflected what she felt right now. Her gaze was so intense that the girl looked away like a coward. "Do you think this is easy for me?"
"What do you want? You don't even know, do you? "She snorted as her sharp words slipped with difficulty out of her lips." Last night was a mistake, I was in low spirits and you took advantage of it."
"That's really what you felt or what you've forced yourself to believe so as not to disappoint your fucking friend!"
"You don't know me." Hearing his growl, she responded with the same intensity.
"It is true because the Lexa that is in front of me now does not look at all like the Lexa that was with me last night." She perceived so much nostalgia and longing that her anger quickly evaporated from her body. She looked up and looked at him hesitantly. Why listen to him so hurt and see how his gaze hardened by his rejection developed in her a feeling of guilt that began to come out in the form of an uncontrollable tremor.
"I don't want to hurt his," she finally confessed the demons that torment her head. It was true. Suho was probably one of the most significant people in his life, if he didn't want to be a part of her anymore, surely Lexa would never meet someone so special again. But then, then there was Jungkook. That arrogant, arrogant chestnut that had not done anything since he met him always put her in a bad mood. Until last night, when she showed him with her kisses and caresses that the connection that united them from the first time she looked into his eyes was not temporary. It was her first time. Her first kiss and quite possibly the first man to shake her heart so hard. But then, she would go back to Suho again. She wouldn't approve of it and that meant she had to get away from Jungkook until she cleared her feelings.
Jungkook clicked his tongue.
"And would you rather do it?"
His words burned into her memory. Not only for the softness but also, for the sentimentality with which he had spoken. So much feeling in a damn phrase that made his come out and mix with his.
He swallowed hard. "I ...
Lots of screaming immediately distracted the two of them. They both looked at each other in alarm before running out the door. When they saw the environment at the entrance to the camp they knew that something was wrong. Lexa desperately searched the crowd for brown hair when she couldn't find it, she desperately marched towards the only soldier in her unit she knew.
"Ton, what happened?" Lexa asked, suffocated by the screams of pain from the wounded. There was one who collapsed to the ground and started screaming as if possessed. A nurse came up and helped carry him into a cabin. As the scene receded the soldier looked at him again.
"The mountain soldiers attacked us when we crossed the river," he said, agitated by the pain of his poorly healed wound in the leg. Lexa increased the frequency of her breathing almost instantly. Her eyes widened and then she asked altered:
"Where's Sohu?"
"In Jin's cabin," she pointed out quickly. She didn't even finish talking because the girl had started running towards her friend's cabin. She started to get worse. Stretching at the roots hysterically when it dawned on her that if she was in Jin's cabin that was more serious than the rest.
When she came banging the door hard against the wall, she covered her mouth when she saw her lying on a stretcher. Her shocked gaze scanned the bandage on her belly where a bloodstain leaked through the bandage more and more.
"Lexa plugs the wound so it won't bleed!" Jin shouted, suddenly appearing at her side with a needle in her hand. Lexa reacted almost as desperately with him and reached out to her friend to squeeze her belly. She immediately noticed the wetness of the blood but did not care. She wiped away her tears with her elbow and looked up at Jin who sighed. "Well, we're going to have to sew."
She caressed her cheek gently noticing the heat that had returned after the operation. Her face no longer looked so pale, recovering a little that orange color. She slept with slow breathing although from time to time she couldn't stop complaining moans from her lips.
Lexa took the cold compress from her forehead and changed it by turning around. As she felt the coolness return to her forehead, Suho sighed with satisfaction.
"You should sleep." Jungkook's voice scared her from behind but she was so tired from being awake for hours that she could hardly react. She just kept giving her unconscious friend slow strokes.
"I don't want to leave him alone," she said in a low voice almost like a whisper. Jungkook noticed the guilt in her tone besides her drooping shoulders and blinked, looked away, and closed her eyes in anguish.
"How is it going?"
"Stable but Jin says the lack of blood is going to start working," Lexa commented worriedly. She huffed in regret as she got up from the stool, turned around, and looked at him rubbing his arms to get a little warm.
"Are there no donors?"
Jungkook raised an eyebrow intrigued.
Lexa denied decay. "Sohu's blood is special not easily found."
"How special?"
"Negative rh," she whispered softly, giving him a quick glance to check that her chest continued to move regularly. Noticing Jungkook's silence, she turned to him curiously.
"Lexa, I have that blood group."
She shifted her foot restlessly as she waited outside the door of Jin's cabin. Her friend had kindly asked her to wait outside because she was very nervous and would end up distracting herself. Of course, she understood and even if she didn't want to, she listened to her. Jin was also human. She felt the same biological deficits due to lack of sleep and rest, so she decided to give her a truce and not complain.
When the door opened her friend came out with a rag in her hands that she used to remove the remains of blood.
"How is he?" Lexa asked immediately, feeling too much pressure on her head from her nerves.
"Better, now that you've received the transfusion," Jin replied relieved.
“May I see you?” He swallowed hard when he inadvertently raised his voice. Fortunately, Jin understood his situation and ended up walking away from the door.
Although his initial intentions were to walk directly to the bed when he saw Jungkook leaning on the table with two fingers tightening a small bandage on his forearm, his feet only walked towards him. When he saw her coming from the periphery, he stopped looking at Suho and focused on her.
"How are you?" Lexa said, pressing her lips together as she pointed at the area she was squeezing.
"I'm fine, a little weak from lack of blood but Jin says that in a couple of hours ...
"Thank you," he snapped, leaving him stumped. Her eyes widened longingly at his face at the current of concern that suddenly engulfed her.
Jungkook frowned. "Don't give them to me."
"Yes, because you didn't have to. You and Suho don't get along and I have misbehaved with you since we met."
"I suppose so am I," Jungkook said with false grace as he smiled. Lexa took another step, shortening the distance between their bodies without knowing the reason. She just felt too needy to be enveloped by his body heat. Jungkook straightened his body following in his footsteps. When Lexa took another step ... Suho coughed and she stiffened instantly, averting an alarming glance.
"You love her, don't you?" Jungkook said with pain accumulating in the hollow of her heart. He knew this was not the time for his jealousy but he couldn't help but feel annoyed when he saw how she was looking at him.
"I would give my life for him," she confessed as a secret.
"You should stay, maybe I'll wake up tonight." The pain in his voice was perceived by his receivers in such a way that I can't help looking at him in silence as he watched as he walked out the door without saying goodbye.
“Lexa?” Her head snapped up from her arms when I heard her sorry voice. He approached the bed and stroked her head lovingly.
"Shh, save your strength, you've lost a lot of blood."
“Where am I?” Her gaze was disoriented as she scanned the room intently.
"In Jin's store."
“Soldiers!” She jumped out of her bed, shaking her body with such force that she ended up bent over from the pang in her belly.
"Suho, calm down," she said altered as she lay him down resting her palms on his bare chest. "This offense will be returned, I swear."
"I don't want you to expose yourself more, Lexa. Please, let's go. Let's go far away. To the mountains to the south. " She did not take her eyes off as she settled herself better on the stretcher.
Lexa laughed incredulously."What do you say? I can `t go."
"Yes, you can."
Suho squeezed his hand as he looked pleadingly at her.
"Let me be your protector again." Lexa squeezed her eyes up and stood up from her stool with her back to him leaving her hand hanging on the edge of the stretcher. Suho sat carefully on the headboard and continued in her pleading tone: "I promise it won't happen again if you promise me it won't happen again either."
Lexa pursed her lips when she understood exactly what she was talking about.
"Running away like a coward is a good solution." Jungkook's voice came out loud. Lexa turned to the door as soon as she heard his hoarse voice. Jungkook advanced, approaching the stretcher where Suho looked at him with contempt. "It has been proven that wherever he goes, there will always be someone who wants to harm him." Nothing will happen to Lexa because she is under my protection now.
"She was, too, when two assassins tried to kill her," Suho said in immature reproach causing Jungkook to giggle.
"Well, at least I caught the killers." Tell me, what did you do apart from following her like a dog everywhere.
"Jungkook," Lexa chuckled immediately, taking a quick glance from Jungkook.
"I'm right, Lexa." She defended herself with pride as she returned her withering gaze to Suho. "She doesn't need a protector, she needs a man."
"And you are that man?" Suho replied with a mock too false as she swept her body with contempt.
"He's right, Sohu." Lexa added catching the gaze of the two men. "If I leave they'll think I'm running away, I'm weak and I'm afraid of them. And I'm fucking not afraid of them."
She wiped her brow from the sweat with her forearm as she walked in the scorching sun on her way to the stables. However, just as she saw the wooden structure from a distance, a nearby voice caught her attention towards a cabin.
“Lexa, do you have a moment?” Jungkook asked patiently while raising an eyebrow. Lexa looked at the stable and then looked at him again and nodded, approaching with slow steps.
"Yes, what do you want?"
Jungkook entered the cabin so Lexa had to go behind him. When she closed the door, she found her on her back.
"No one will use the council room today," he announced hoarsely, leaving her intrigued. When she turned around, she gave him a smile that made her uneasy.
-So what? What are you planning? ”He nodded at her body, distrusting her calm posture.
“Are you expecting me to do something?” He asked mischievously as he took threatening steps toward her, causing her to back off in reflex and her back to hit the wall when the ground was gone.
"No, I don't expect anything." She swallowed hard as she felt her body slowly cover her with his near heat.
"Yes?" He whispered huskily close to her face using his typical arrogant tone.
“What are you doing?” He couldn't help but giggle as Jungkook's compact thigh slipped between her legs. The seriousness he suddenly showed on her face left her paralyzed.
"I'll make sure no one touches you. You said I had to find out what I wanted. I already know it. But what do you want? Tell me? ”When he leaned his face against hers brushing her nose teasing, Lexa swore the breath left her body. She opened her mouth reflexively drawing the attention of Jungkook who looked at them instantly. He brought his fingers to her cheek and stroked her gently. He leaned her face towards his making her imitate her gesture with his eyes closed. He felt the sweet skin of her lips and opened his mouth as he did. He felt the tip of his tongue brush against her teeth when ...
"Fuck," a voice coughed at the entrance to the cabin causing their bodies to part as if they were burning. Lexa moaned in surprise and ran towards Suho who kept one hand on her stomach as her body bent forward.
“Are you okay?” She asked worriedly as she stroked his back. Suho squeezed the door handle for support and looked at her with a smile.
"Yes." He coughed dramatically again. Then, she observed Jungkook with a look full of arrogance causing her to laugh sideways. "Now you better be with me."
"Two weeks ago a message was sent to Ronald. He has responded with the attack of the river, well, let us respond as well." Jungkook shouted to the warriors who shook their weapons above as a sign of emotion.
Lexa sighed seeing how what she most feared would come was beginning to do so. Despite the joy in the environment, she could not help thinking that not all those warriors would see the sunlight again.
A horse caught her attention. She recognized the blond rider who climbed off the horse masterfully.
"Our observer has seen troop movement from the south," Jimin announced to Jungkook who nodded with the seriousness required under the circumstances. Lexa knew she wasn't the only one thinking about death, she knew it when she saw his tense shoulders.
"That they come this time will not catch us by surprise," Lexa roared loudly, taking an exciting look from the blond warrior.
"Yes, with FireHeda on our side nothing can go wrong."
"FireHeda?" Lexa asked confused but with a smile on her face.
Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Jimin, I told you you won't call her that."
“Why do you call me FireHeda?” She turned his head towards Jungkook who sighed hesitantly.
"You killed thirty savages with a single fiery arrow," Jungkook said delicately knowing that the subject was still disturbing. Lexa looked down at the ground making Jungkook feel guilty and will look back at the soldier with a serious threat in her gaze. "I'll make sure no one ever utters that name again."
"No, leave them. I like FireHeda."Lexa answered indifferently. She nodded with a small smile on her lips. She had to start making peace with her past if she really wanted to move on.
She kicked his stomach causing the man to fall unconscious to the ground. Then he wiped the sweat from his face, wiping the blood from his mouth. She sighed wearily and raised her head to watch the battle. She smiled when she saw that her warriors had escaped unharmed at the first offensive. In fact, it was not difficult to beat them. Since both her and Jungkook's were used to enduring the sun for many hours to protect crops, the summer sun did not affect them in the same way as the savages, who always lived in a cold and freezing climate.
“They're retiring!” Her squad leader shouted loudly for all to hear. Lexa looked at Jungkook instantly. They were both looking confused.
"What?" Lexa asked, busy between standing up and being able to breathe. Jungkook came to his side and although he did not process it out loud he was glad that nothing had happened to him. Between fights and fights, she had given herself the privilege of observing how she was fighting and she was more than impressed. He was undoubtedly a Heda for something. He couldn't help noticing how good his hair was tousled and bathed in sweat as his chest rose and fell in agitation. Her cheeks heated as her wicked mind reminded her that it was not the first time she had seen her like this.
A horse bolted out of the trees scaring them. Jungkook stood in front of Lexa protecting her with his body. She watched him with a small smile of excitement at his tender desperation to place her behind.
A horse stood up right where its feet were shaking in the air and then fell with the same intensity. Lexa came out of Jungkook's body to look at the mountain speaker suspiciously.
"WanHeda * wants a reunion at dawn," the man announced with superiority, looking at them with disdain still mounted on the back of his horse.
Lexa forced herself to hold back the emotion because she knew what that meant.
"Tell Ronald that the truce will be honored."
"Tomorrow it will all be over," Jungkook announced calmly as he wiped his extensive bareback with a damp towel. He swept the dirt off the ground from the turmoil of battle as she washed her face by sinking her hands into a bowl filled with soap and water.
"I keep thinking about the lives of the innocents who left in battle," she whispered, lost in her guilt, remembering the bodies that were collected and the families that would never see them again.
"Ge smak daun, gyon op nodotaim. *" Jungkook muttered softly proclaiming her attention. Lexa immediately turned around at the hoarseness of her native language. Her lips parted as her golden chest welcomed him. He wanted to bite his lip as he got closer to her his pecs moved with the movement and the muscles of his abs tightened just inches from his fingers. He forced himself to stay sane because this was not the time to lose his mind, no matter how good the chestnut tree was. "You are a good Heda Lexa." If I died tomorrow my spirit will rest in peace knowing that my clan has you.
"Don't say that," she growled softly, frowning in disgust.
"Death is the war's greatest ally," Jungkook pronounced with passive normality that frightened her, prompting her to capture his cheeks and fix his gaze on hers pleading.
"Shop op! *" He ordered, his breathing altered. "Don't talk about death when you're alive. I already lost my father, I almost lost Suho I don't know what I would do if I also lost you ...
The tremor dominated her tone of voice to the point of gradually fading towards the end. Jungkook tightened the nape of his neck and buried his face in his chest. Lexa clenched her biceps in need causing him to squeeze her harder.
She had not slept at all but passed her into Jungkook's arms while caressing her head had diminished the effects of the dream.
Jungkook looked at the door of the store with the same mistrust as Lexa. They both sighed and walked towards her. Jungkook pushed aside the cloth but he passed first as a precaution. She accepted because she did not trust Ronald at all.
Upon entering, they found the Heda sitting on a throne made of bones and decorated with bearskin. Ronald smiled hypocritically and then got up.
"I admit that you surprised me," he began to comment amused as he walked down the steps and approached them, especially Jungkook. "I'm not going to sign my surrender."
“So what the hell do you want?” Jungkook asked furiously as he stepped forward-facing up. Jungkook was much taller than Ronald so his body absorbed hers.
"I have come to give an alternative to war," he pronounced innocently, knowing that his words penetrated deeply into Lexa, who soon joined the conversation.
"Talk," she said, taking Ronald's gaze.
"The main conflict is due to the death of the previous Heda Skykru."
"Say it by his name murder," Lexa snapped with fury running through her tone. Jungkook narrowed his eyes glaring at Ronald's body as he moved away to get a better look at her.
"The war is here." Death too. But it is avoidable. As an alternative, I propose that Fireheda fight my brother. If FireHeda wins I will withdraw from the territory of the mountains, if he dies I will stay with his clan. You have until dawn to make a decision. "When she told her plans, Lexa lifted her chin and looked at him full of pride." FireHeda finished off my army with an arrow. I think dealing with a single soldier will not be a problem for her.
"It's a trap," Jungkook commented with confidence in his gaze and stretched posture.
"I know," Lexa accepted thoughtfully.
Jungkook approached her quickly causing their eyes to connect.
"You don't have to accept that you know that he has agreed because he has no other way out."
Of course, she knew. As well as that Ronald was treacherous shit that he wouldn't mind killing his own mother to get what he wanted. He had been behind his clan's territory for years, and the only thing that had frustrated his plans had been his father. Now that he was gone, he thought that he could finally fulfill his desire. Of course, it was a trap. I knew Ronald's brother well. A barbarian as tall as an old pine, cunning and scarred from training. Anyone would think she was no match for anyone but they did not count on her also flooding those rumors since the bridge attack.
"Ronald is a murderer who doesn't care about anything if it is in my power to prevent more people from dying tomorrow, so be it " Lexa accepted with will power. She raised her head so that she could look him in the eye since she had gotten too close.
"We have a pending conversation," Jungkook uttered deeply as he lost himself in her eyes. Lexa blinked weakly as she sank her cheek back into the comfort of his chest.
She shook her hands hard and automatically the muscles in her arms flailed. She twisted her neck in circles to warm the head area. Then she took a deep breath and left the store. Sunlight landed on her eyes blinding for a moment until she got used to it. The sun was shining as much as if it was giving him good luck. As she crossed the line of the arena she heard excited screams from her soldiers and also demeaning screams from the enemy. The drums were played with force following the rhythm of their walk. Upon reaching the center of the arena, he clenched his teeth as he watched Kye talk to her brother, who smiled triumphantly as if victory trickled from his mouth.
"She attacks from the left and when you knock down her defenses I want you to kill her." Keep your eyes open there is no greater weakness than underestimating your enemy. - Ronald whispered to her brother who nodded obediently. Then he walked briskly to stand beside her. A councilor from her tribe climbed onto the wooden platform in front of the field where there were two chairs. One of them was occupied by recently arrived Ronald and the other by Jungkook who was watching Lexa seriously. When she responded to his affective call he nodded giving her strength.
"In hand-to-hand combat, there is only one rule ... Today someone must die!" Shouted the counselor amid the exciting tumult of the masses. She raised her hand and lowered it with her finger pointing towards them. "You can start."
Each one walked towards her warrior to collect her weapon. Kye quickly unsheathed the sword and ran towards Lexa believing that it would catch her off guard when she did nothing but make the first mistake in battle.
Never underestimate your enemy.
Lexa masterfully unsheathed the sword as she spun nimbly, sticking her elbow out and driving it into Kye's back as he ran the blade down his right leg causing it to drop to his knees. The screams of her warriors enthusiastically urged the feat as Lexa walked to the center of the arena still on alert waiting for Kye who rose heavily from the ground.
Upon reaching her, Lexa attacked with her sword. Kye stopped the attack with her sword. It was a match worth seeing from outside. On the one hand, Kye used his brute force to destabilize her with his body. And on the other, Lexa used her wit and agility to dodge everything and return it with more force. After clashes and clashes of her screeching metal, her swords end up crossing. They slid toward the hilt leaving everything at the mercy of force. Kye pulled her teeth out and growled like a dog in anger as he tried to knock her down. Lexa crushed her feet to the ground, holding on with all her being.
When her body began to bend downwards Kye smiled. "You are finished."
Lexa clenched her teeth as she reached for Kye's sword bewildering him. Long enough for her to tuck one foot between her spread legs to drop her to the ground. Kye staggered away, dragging his body across the floor as Lexa waved her hand to ease the pain of the cut. Fortunately, she had thought that wearing gloves would be a good way to protect herself, she had thought well.
She bent down slowly and grabbed Kye's sword from the ground, climbing up next to her to threaten from a distance.
The crowd roared with excitement as Kay disoriented like a headless chicken began searching for something to protect herself from. She found it in a warrior whom she kicked to remove her sharp spear. Lexa turned the swords in midair and approached attacking first in a battle cry. Kye tried to drive the point into her belly but the attack was deflected thanks to her sword. The spear almost escaped from her sweaty fingers but she knew how to catch it in time.
Lexa kicked his leg, knocking it to the ground, but he took advantage of his position to attack hers. Lexa intercepted the attack again but the sword forcibly left her fingers, leaving only one so she was distracted for a second following the path of the sword. She received a punch in the belly causing her to double from the pain, she was kicked in the chest, knocking her down.
Kye tightened her grip on the spear and when she was about to drive it into her neck she cocked her head and was embedded in the ground. She moved her legs nimbly and stood up. She hit her jaw hard leaving her dizzy on the floor. Lexa turned, picked up the spear, and placed it on the column of her neck.
"Do what you have to do," Kye whispered in a strange tone. Lexa frowned and it was then that Kye sneakily showed him the little mirror on her wrist.
"Jus drein jus daun *," Lexa said carefully just before throwing the spear into the throne area.
The screaming stopped as the tip of the spear pierced the bowels of Ronald who did not see his last breath go out.
"Why?" Lexa asked puzzled as she offered her hand to Kye to help lift him up.
"War is not the solution. Ronald killed our parents to become Heda. I take off my family I think I see just ending his reign."
Lexa nodded, satisfied with her answer. The murderer had perished and now new times full of hope would come.
She turned to the crowd and shouted:
"Now the mountain clan will have a new Heda!"
She watched Kye smiling and she nodded in respect as her warriors screamed rather than accepted.
The parties after a battle were undoubtedly the best. People drank and sang around a bonfire regardless of gender or origin. They were only humans enjoying the end of the war. Lexa smirked as she looked around for a man named above.
But someone enthusiastically stepped in front of her making her stop.
"You've been amazing, Lexa." God those blows. Those kicks. That guy Kye was lucky not to ...
"Suho, sorry I have something to do," she cut when she saw him leaning in the distance against a tree. Suho mumbled something but she kept walking like bees towards the skin.
When he got in front of him Jungkook smiled as he raised an amused eyebrow.
"Hello," Jungkook said calmly.
"Hey," she replied with the same serenity. One that was short-lived as she immediately jumped into his arms desperately. Jungkook squeezed his body, delighting in the comfort of his small figure.
"I knew you would win," Jungkook whispered into her hair. She took off her head with her hands on her chest but still not undoing the hug.
"Ah yeah? So why did you have that scary look all the time?"
Jungkook smiled. "It wasn't because of you, it was because of Kye. Who in their right mind would dare challenge you for a ...
Her mouth was immediately closed by anxious lips. Lexa opened her mouth when Jungkook tightened her nape and brushed her tongue against his lower lip. He kissed her eagerly, eagerly as he leaned her against the tree.
"Does this answer your question?" Lexa said shaken by the recent kiss.
Jungkook smiled mesmerized as he leaned closer to whisper on his lips, "I always knew it was you."
"What?" Lex laughed confused.
"When I saw you run to the bridge and shoot that arrow, dammit, I don't think I was ever so attracted to someone." When Jungkook confessed that, Lexa's eyes widened.
"Were you there? Your...
Now it all made sense. The heat of his body that exuded tranquility and security. Her strong arms that she unconsciously recognized and that fucking honey smell that had driven her crazy from the start.
Lexa filled her hands to her face and cupped her cheeks excitedly.
"Why did you not tell me?"
"Would something have changed?" Jungkook said with pure amusement.
“Why did you ask me to marry you?” He waited anxiously for her answer as he frowned happily.
"I guess for the first time I didn't know how to approach a woman."
"And do you think it was the best idea?"
"Has it worked or not?"
Lexa pursed her lips thoughtfully before nodding.
"Yes, it has worked."
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A/N: I'm officially obsessed with Wolf Bride and what does one do when she's obsessed with a certain book? She writes an AU about it! 😁 So, Talley Ho! *in my Sherlock Holmes voice*
Rated: Mature. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Roman (LI) and Naia Evans (MC) | All Characters and names: (except MC and certain original characters, created by me) are property of Pixelberry.
Current Word Count: 3,040 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️)
Song And Story Inspiration: On My Mind/Burn/Love Me Like You Do-Ellie Goulding | | | | | |
Tag List: @choiceslady @shewillreadyou @bebepac @queenjilian @txemrn @pixie88 @lucy-268 @hopefulmoonobject @choicesficwriterscreations
This series is rated Mature. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
This series may contain spoilers. If you wish not to see spoilers, please do not read any further.
(Also this series is a slight deviation of the original story. In the original story, the werewolf hunter is a woman. But in this series the hunter is a man.)
If you’d like to be added to my tag list. Just reblog or dm me and I will gladly add you! 😁😘
Missing a chapter or want to read a chapter again? I got you covered! Click ——> Here
Chapter 8.) Love Me Like You Do.
You're the light, you're the night. You're the color of my blood. You're the cure, you're the pain. You're the only thing I wanna touch. Never knew that it could mean so much, so much.
You're the fear, I don't care. 'Cause I've never been so high. Follow me through the dark. Let me take you past our satellites. You can see the world you brought to life, to life.
It had been a week since her first dream about Trent.
And Naia was sleeping in Roman’s arms, dreaming about Trent again. They were running through the woods together with reckless abandon. They were wolves. Bounding through the woods on all fours. And when Naia reached the edge of the woods she looked back to see if he was still behind her, but she saw nothing but darkness. She didn’t know where he was. She frantically looked around for him but he was gone. When she called out to him he never responded.
That’s when she woke up gasping for air and in a cold sweat. Something that hadn’t happened since coming to Hunt’s Peak. She had just sat up and was getting her head out of the fog it was in, when she felt Roman’s hand on her shoulder.
“Are you alright Beloved?” He asks.
“Huh? Yeah. I-I’m okay.” She replied trying to downplay how and what she was feeling.
“Your heart is racing. Are you sure that you’re okay?” He asked.
“Yes. It was just a nightmare. I promise I’ll be fine.” She replies.
Roman knew something was wrong but he decided not to press the issue.
“You should rest Beloved.”
“I will. No need to worry.”
She grabbed Gino from off the floor and snuggled him close as Roman’s arms wrapped around her.
“Not so tight!”
Roman raised his head.
“You’ll squish Gino.”
He groaned.
“I do not understand why you are so attached to that thing.”
“Well if you didn’t want me to have him…you shouldn’t have given him to me.”
She snickered as he rolled his eyes. She settled in his arms and was soon fast asleep.
So love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do.
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do.
Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do.
What are you waiting for?
The next morning Naia was with Layla helping her with laundry for the Pack.
“Thank you so much for the help. It would’ve taken me hours to get all this done.” Layla told her.
“No problem. I’m surprised that the Pack believes in washing machines.”
“You do NOT want to know how hard it was or how long it took me to convince them.”
The two shared a laugh as they folded blankets. When Naia reached for one another blanket, Layla cautioned her.
“You might want to be careful with that one.”
“Why?” Naia asks.
“Because that one is Roman’s.” Layla replies.
“Yeah. He rarely lets me wash it.”
“Why? It’s just a blanket.”
“It was his mother’s. It never leaves the den unless he allows it.”
“He told me about her. Sounds like he really loved her.”
“Yeah he did and still does. Roman is the quintessential mama’s boy.”
Naia laughed.  
“Just don’t tell him I said that.”
“Don’t worry. My lips are sealed.”
“Good. Because he’d be pretty pissed at me if he knew I said that about him.”
“Even if it’s true?” Naia asked.
“Especially because it’s true!” Layla replies.
The two shared another laugh.
“Tell me about his mother. All I know is that her name is Delia.”
Layla went quiet as she considered how to answer.
“Ms. Delia was a joy to be around. She was fair and stern and always loving. Even after she married and mated with Roman’s father, she continued on to be a school teacher. She cared for the Pack. Maybe even more than Xander ever did. She was as protective as she was funny. She’s one of the reasons why I’m loyal to them as well.”
“Did she welcome you?” Naia asks.
“Oh yeah. She welcomed anyone to the Pack. Even though some Pack members thought it was a mistake.” Layla replies.
“Why would they think that welcoming others is a mistake?” She asks.
“Because the Pack is an old guard. And many believe in its old and kinda outdated ways. Many of the werewolves, especially some of the elders only look at humans like us as a means to an end. But to some like Callum and Roman, humans are and always will be welcomed and loved. Just like Ms. Delia taught them.” Layla replies.
“How was she with Roman?” Naia asks.
“She loved Roman and his siblings. But, many whispered that she always favored him because he’s the oldest and her firstborn. She always knew how to tame her son. And when she died, it nearly killed him. He was closed off for a while. And as of late, he’s just been so absorbed in his role as Alpha.” Layla replied.
“I wish I had the chance to meet her.”
“She would’ve loved you.”
“You think so?” Naia asks.
“Yup. She was always a sweet woman. Even though she lived amongst the Pack.” Layla replies.
“What was his father like?” She asked.
“When you think of Xander, think of an older, stuffier and scarier version of Roman.” Layla replies.
“Yikes! Yikes! And triple yikes!”
“Yeah…compared to his father and especially how he ran the Pack, Roman is an angel.”
“Sheesh! I’m kinda sorry I asked. “
Once they were finished with the laundry, they stopped by the furniture store to pick up a few things for the den. Then went to the local boutique for themselves.
“I love this boutique so much. I just wish I could fit in the clothes.” Layla said in a wistful tone.
“I’m sure they’ve got something in here for you.”
“You see this?” Layla asks, pointing to her very pregnant belly. “Ain’t nothing in here fitting all of this.”
Naia rolled her eyes and chuckled.
“Buuuuuuut that doesn’t mean that we can’t find something for you.”
“You just want to live vicariously through me, don’t you?” Naia asked.
“Maaaaaaaybe.” Layla replied innocently.
“Uh huh…”
After picking out a few outfits that she really liked, Naia turned her attention to the lingerie in the boutique. Using Layla’s critical eye, she narrowed her choices down to two colors red and purple.
“Well you can’t go wrong with red. It’s a classic color for a reason. But then again I really like the purple one.”
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Naia tried on both and showed Layla.
“Well damn Miss America! Who knew you could twirl like that?” She teased.
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Naia rolled her eyes good naturedly.
“So…which one should I get?” Naia asked her.
“Split the difference and get both. Especially if you want to make Roman drool.” Layla replied.
“Oh no honey! Never buy lingerie for a man. Always do it for yourself. But you are right I think I’m gonna get both.”
“Of course I’m right! Now go pay for them so we can go get some food. We’re starving!”
After paying for her new clothes and getting food, Naia and Layla were back at the den rearranging and organizing the kitchen. With the Pack out on a hunt, Naia took the initiative to freshen the room she was given. She figured she’d deal with Roman and his opinion later. She had just finished redecorating the bedroom when he walked in.
“What did you do?” He asks.
“Made this more of a bedroom and less of a cold, sterile cave with a bed in it.” She replies.
He gives her a lopsided look.
“What? Gino likes it.”
“Gino can’t speak.”
“He still likes it.”
“Gino is a toy.”
“Well I say he likes it!” She huffed.
He shakes his head and smirks at her. She could feel his victory through their bond.
“How was the hunt?” She asked after clearing her throat.
“It was highly successful. How was your day in town?” He asks.
“Good. We got the laundry done and did a little shopping. Well I shopped, Layla watched.” She replies.
“What did you buy?” He asks.
“A little gift for myself.” She replies.
He raises an expectant eyebrow.
“If you must know, I bought lingerie.”
“Hmmmm I see.”
She watched Roman as he took a look at what she had done around the room. When his eyes fell on his mother’s blanket laying on the bed, his gaze softened. He sat down and held the blanket in his hands. She sat down next to him.
“Layla told me that it was your mother’s.”
“It was. She made it herself.”
“She was a quilter?” She asks.
“Yes. She was also a school teacher.” He replies.
“Layla told me that.”
“What else did Layla tell you?” He asks.
“That you really loved her and that you miss her.” She replies.
“She’s right. Mother was an angel. There isn’t a day where I don’t miss her.”
“I’m sure she’s proud of you Roman. Wherever she is.”
He smiled softly at her.
“Gino was right. What you’ve done is…nice.”
She chuckled softly before laying her head on his shoulder.
“If you don’t like it, I can always change it.”
“No. I want this to be as much of a home for you as possible. And if changing things around and adding things does that for you, I won’t protest.”
Fading in, fading out. On the edge of paradise. Every inch of your skin is a holy grail I've got to find. Only you can set my heart on fire, on fire. Yeah, I'll let you set the pace. 'Cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more. What are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
She felt their bond swell as they sat together. She secretly loved seeing him be vulnerable with her. After a few moments, he put the blanket down.
“Will you come with me?” He asks her. “There’s something I want to show you.”
“Sure. Where are we going?” She replies.
“You’ll see.”
He led her along the north side of the woods towards a field.
“I don’t see anything.”
“Just watch Beloved.”
Beside her Roman had transformed into his wolf form. After hearing him let out a commanding and slightly startling howl, she watched as a pack of actual wolves came through the tall grass. She counted at least 7 adult wolves as Roman changed back into his human form.
As they approached she hid behind Roman.
“They won’t harm you Beloved.”
“If it’s all the same to you, I’d rather not take the chance of finding out.”
She watched him as he knelt down to greet the Alpha of the pack. The wolves greeted him like they were greeting an old friend. Roman nodded to the alpha to meet Naia.
“I promise you, you’re safe Beloved. Come meet Kuvo.”
Naia knelt beside him and held out her palm for Kuvo to sniff. After sniffing her palm, Kuvo walked around sniffing the rest of her before headbutting her shoulder affectionately.
“Hi Kuvo.” She said as he nuzzled her. Kuvo looked to his pack then the adults took off. Leaving the pups behind.
“Where are they going?” She asks.
“To hunt.” He replies.
“So we’re babysitting?”
“Yes. I thought you’d like to see what Gino would look like if he was real.”
“Look at you. Jealous of a toy.”
He rolled his eyes as they walked to where the pups were playing. As they got closer the pups ran to Roman, nearly tackling him when he sat down.
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“You’re covered in pups. You know that right?” She said as she snickered. She sat down close to him and one of the smaller pups ran up to her.
“Hi there little one! You are absolutely adorable.” She said as she nuzzled the pup in her arms. She rubbed behind the pup’s ears as she watched the other pups climb all over Roman.
“You look natural Beloved.”
She blushed.
“Thank you.”
He nodded to the pups and they went from climbing all over him to swarming Naia.
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He watched as she giggled and pups yipped.
“Oh my God! I should’ve been born an octopus because I clearly don’t have enough arms!” She said as she giggled and tried to pet and pick up as many pups as she could. When she finally got up and tried to walk away, the pups followed behind her.
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“I feel like a mother!” She giggled.  
“You look like one.”
Just then an adult wolf came out of the field. The pups ran straight to the wolf and led the wolf to them.
“Who’s that?” She asks.
“That’s their mother, Oma.” He replied.
He knelt in front of her then allowed her to nuzzle and lick him. When Oma turned to Naia, she was holding one of the pups. Oma cautiously walked towards Naia, who had her hand stretched out to her. Oma sniffed her hand then licked her palm. While the pup ran off to play with its siblings, Oma laid down next to Naia with her head in her lap.
“Hello Oma. Your pups are the cutest little things.” She said to Oma as they watched the pups play. She rubbed behind Oma’s ears Roman sat down on the other side of Oma.
“Can I ask you something?”
“Of course.”
“Why did you bring me here?” She asks.
“Because I wanted you to see why I protect these lands. These wolves are some of the most endangered in the country. And not just from SEP  but poachers as well. It is my duty to protect them. And it’s getting increasingly difficult to do so.” He replies.
“Why is that?” She asks.
“Because if SEP gets their hands on this land, they’ll tear it all down to build mines. Which will drive Kuvo and his pack further away from here and right into the hands of poachers.” He replies. His tone hid a calm fury.
“They’d turn all of this into mines? What kind of mines?” She asks.
“Coal.” He replies.
Naia shuddered at his words.
“I hope you see why I must fight against these evils. I am Alpha. It is my job to protect and defend.”
“I do understand why you fight so hard.”
“I hope you will be at my side as I fight for this land.”
“As your mate you mean.”
Roman smirked.
“Yes. I would love for you to be my mate. But only if you want to be.”
Naia snuggled Oma as she considered his words. In the distance a howl was heard and returned by Oma and the pups.
“What’s going on?” She asks.
“It’s Kuvo. The hunt is over and was a success.” He replies as he looks out to the distance. Oma rises and goes with the pups to meet Kuvo and the other wolves. They watched as the wolves shared the kill.
“That’s a huge deer!” She exclaimed.
“Indeed. This is what it means to be an alpha. Kuvo excels at his duty as alpha.”
“So do you. Don’t ever forget that.”
Roman smiled softly at her. He noticed that she was shivering.
“Are you cold?” He asks.
“Just a little bit.” She whispered.
She felt his arms wrap around her. He was trying to use his body heat to keep her warm.
“Thank you Roman. I feel better.”
“Good. Now come. It’s getting late and you should rest.”
“But I’m not—“ she said before letting out a giant yawn.
“You were saying?” He teased.
She huffed then smirked.
“I do miss Gino. He’s probably lonely without me.”
“Yes…I’m sure that a toy is very lonely.”
She snickered as they began to walk back to the den. As she crawled into bed, she saw Roman getting ready to leave.
“You’re leaving?” She asked.
“Yes. Do not worry I will be back.” He told her.
She felt her heart start to ache. She didn’t want to be away from him.
“Don’t go.”
“I must Beloved.”
“Stay with me.”
He sat across from her as she clung to Gino.
“Roman please…”
He could feel her yearning for him. To soothe her ache, he kissed her. She needed him. She was desperate for him. Her body wanted him. As the kiss deepened, she pulled him on top of her. Their limbs tangled with each other as the kiss intensified.
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do) Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (yeah) Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
I'll let you set the pace. 'Cause I'm not thinking straight. My head's spinning around I can't see clear no more. What are you waiting for?
Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do). Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (yeah). Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do. What are you waiting for? Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (like you do). Love me like you do, lo-lo-love me like you do (oh). Touch me like you do, to-to-touch me like you do What are you waiting for?
Roman had to force himself to stop kissing her.
“As much as I hate to stop, I must.”
“Okay…” she pouted.
“Get some rest Beloved. I will see you when you wake up.”
With a kiss to her forehead, Roman left and Naia was soon fast asleep.
She was soon dreaming again. She was dreaming about Trent again. She was dreaming about being in his arms. And being with him. She felt her heart tell her that Trent is her mate, the same way Roman is her mate. And when she woke up, she needed to know why. So she made it her mission to figure out what was going on with her heart.
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summahsunlight · 4 years
This Way Became My Journey, Ch. 23
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While the computer was running its diagnostic on the alien device, B'Elanna Torres had snuck away to the mess hall to grab a ration pack for lunch. Well maybe she hadn't really snuck away; Captain Janeway had after all given her permission to take a small break. But it sure felt like sneaking away, with Michael breathing down her neck wanting to know every little thing that came up about the device. Snatching a ration pack up she went to join a Bajoran, by the name of Seska, who was sitting at a table in the middle of the room.
"I didn't think Janeway was ever going to let you leave the bridge," Seska drawled with that sly grin of hers as B'Elanna took a seat.
B'Elanna shrugged her shoulders. "I think she felt bad that her kid was watching over everything I did. Anyways I don't have a lot of time. I need to get back up there to finish working on that device that Chakotay brought back from the planetoid."
"If you ask me this is a waste of time," Seska replied, pushing her empty ration pack to the side. "We shouldn't be chasing after any aliens that like to harvest organs. It could end up getting us all killed."
"Neelix could die if we don't track them down," B'Elanna said, slightly shocked by her friend's cold tone.
It was Seska's turn to shrug her tiny shoulders. "The Doctor has kept him alive this long; that's better than most people can say if they had just had their lungs stolen."
"And what if it was Chakotay that had been attacked? Or Harry? Would you feel the same way?"
"Of course. Neelix should be counting his blessings while the rest of us get to the real work of finding dilithium to help the power shortage," Seska answered, her dark eyes studying B'Elanna's face. "You don't actually agree with Janeway's decision to go chasing after these aliens do you?"
B'Elanna averted her eyes. "To tell you the truth, I think it's rather noble."
Seska scoffed. "One noble deed doesn't make up for her selfish decision to strand us here."
The hatred for Janeway that was laced in Seska's voice was not lost on B'Elanna and the young Klingon woman suddenly found that she was not hungry anymore. Pushing the tray away from her, she looked her friend, or someone she had once regarded as a friend, in the eye. "Seska, I know it hasn't been easy the past month, adjusting to life on a Starfleet ship, but believe me when I say that Captain Janeway has the best intentions of this entire crew at heart."
"You didn't think that way a month ago," Seska pointed out.
B'Elanna shook her head. "No, I didn't. But the past few weeks I've worked closely with her and my opinion has changed. If we had used the array to get home, there would have been people back in the Alpha Quadrant who thought her decision to sacrifice the Ocampa selfish. Either way, she couldn't win."
Seska got up from the table angrily. "You're starting to sound like all those delusional Starfleet idiots."
The Chief Engineer watched as the Bajoran left the table and stalked out of the mess hall. B'Elanna wasn't sure why Seska was having the hardest adjustment out of them all. Perhaps she felt like she had been slighted by Janeway when she wasn't given a higher rank, after all, she was Chakotay's former lover. And then there was B'Elanna's promotion to chief engineer. It was never spoken between the two, but B'Elanna knew that Seska was jealous of her friend's promotion and the trust that Janeway put in her. She also knew that Seska wasn't too keen on all time the B'Elanna had taken to hanging out with Harry Kim in the mess hall or for a stroll on the holodeck. But Harry had been the only one nice to her, on the Starfleet side that is, for their first few days, and she was grateful for that.
It wasn't her fault that she was sliding into fit with the crew and Seska was struggling. She just needs to make friends outside of the Maquis, that's all. 
B'Elanna decided that the next time Harry joined her for dinner she was going to ask Seska to join them. She was sure that Harry would be friendly and make an attempt to befriend Seska no matter how unreceptive Seska seemed.
Speaking of Harry, B'Elanna was sure that Janeway had given him a fifteen minute break to eat something as well. Maybe she had missed him when she had first come in the room. Glancing around she soon found that it had been easy to miss him. He was seated at a corner table with Sarah Barrett. B'Elanna instantly felt…jealousy.
She was shocked by this, at first. There was nothing romantically going on between her and Harry so she shouldn't be bothered if there was something between him and the counselor. But then she remembered Elle Platt, back from her Academy days. Elle had the same dark, coffee brown hair as Sarah, same enticing sapphire eyes. B'Elanna had thought Elle had been her friend and had told her about her crush on one of their classmates. They never spoke of it again, until B'Elanna had seen Elle with her crush, cuddling on the lawn one warm afternoon. Elle later told her some story about wanting to keep B'Elanna safe because she only would have been hurt, that her crush never would have dated a half Klingon.
B'Elanna, who had always resented human girls, with their silky locks of hair, and smooth foreheads, had shortly left the Academy after that. So was it this fact that Sarah looked so much like Elle that she was jealous of the time she spent with Harry? And if she ever did want to be more than Harry's friend, how could she compete with the perfection that Sarah was?
She was shocked at this realization. Being more than Harry's friend? He was Starfleet, a nice guy, but still Starfleet. Well what's so wrong with that? They had been through so much together on the Ocampa home world, she had connected with him in a way that she had yet to connect to anyone else on the ship, with maybe the exception of Chakotay. And that's when her emotions switched to jealousy to downright anger.
Sarah could have any man she wanted on this ship, with the bat of her pretty little eyelashes, why was she with Harry? Good, even Tom Paris was eating out of the palm of her hand and she had taken the one guy that B'Elanna actually felt…feelings towards. It figures the one nice guy on this ship— 
"Seat taken?"
B'Elanna glanced up to see Tom Paris. She shook her head. "No."
He sat down and dropped his ration pack tray in front of him. His grayish eyes looked up to see what she was looking at and he frowned.
This peaked her curiosity even more. Was Tom's feelings about Sarah more than just wanting a date? B'Elanna suddenly didn't feel so bad that she was not the only one who was jealous on this ship. "Something wrong with the view?" she teased.
Tom only frowned more as Harry and Sarah got up and left the mess hall together, laughing about something. "No, nothing's wrong with the view."
"If I didn't know you any better Paris, I'd say you were jealous," she continued teasing getting up from the table and going to recycle her tray. It was time to get back to working on the alien device and the diagnostic. She would have to push thoughts of Harry aside until further notice.
However, the thoughts of Harry and Sarah eating lunch together, sharing a laugh, just would not escape her no matter how hard she tried to get her work done. Michael Janeway was still standing over her shoulder, soaking in every last bit of information that the computer was coming up with. If that kept up he could his mother the report and B'Elanna could return to engineering where her real work was.
Mindlessly drumming her fingers on the console she noticed Tuvok raise an eyebrow. "Does that form of activity make the computer scan faster?" the Vulcan questioned her.
"No, but it keeps me occupied while we wait." The doors of the bridge swishing open brought her attention about and Paris strode back onto the bridge, no trace of the frown he had worn in the mess hall. How can he let it go so easily? Oh, that's right, he's a pig. He probably has another love interest lined up behind Sarah and the Delaney sisters.
The computer beeping brought her attention about. "Captain," she called out, getting Janeway's attention. "We've completed our diagnostic on the alien device."
Janeway strode over to join the group, which was an odd mix when you really thought about it; a Vulcan, a five year old human boy, and a half Klingon. "What have you got?"
"It appears to be more than a weapon," B'Elanna reported. "It's also a very sophisticated medical scanner and surgical instrument."
"From what we can tell," Tuvok said, handing the device to Janeway, "it uses a neural resonator to stun the victim while a quantum imaging scanner begins a microcellular analysis of the entire body.
"The amount of information this thing can gather puts a tricorder to shame," B'Elanna continued. "You fire this at someone you learn everything about their anatomy, right down to their DNA sequencing."
Janeway turned the device over in her hands. "So we're dealing with aliens who've developed a technology specifically designed for extracting organs from other beings. The question is…why?" Chakotay demanded her attention and she mindlessly put the device down onto the science console.
"The alien ship has dropped out of warp," the first officer reported. "It's approaching a large asteroid."
The captain went to stand on the command station next to Lieutenant Barrett while Tuvok took his own station. "On screen."
"It's entered the asteroid captain," Paris reported.
"Hold position."
There were very little options that Janeway had at this moment. She could either take the ship into the asteroid if it was wide enough or she could try to flush the aliens out some how. But that could take hours, and Neelix didn't have hours. Even though the Doctor had come up with a solution for the time being, no one really knew how long he could survive using holographic lungs, not to mention that if ship's system ever went down and the emitters went off line, Neelix would die.
The shear volume of Lieutenant Barrett's voice startled everyone on that bridge and all eyes snapped about looking for the child.
The boy was standing at the door to the ready room and immediately Janeway could see that he had the alien device clutched in his little hands. The captain had moved the baby into the ready room so she could comfortably nap and she had no doubt that her son was about to test the device out on his baby sister. How could I be so careless with something that dangerous around? She hadn't even seen Michael move from his spot near the science station, for that matter, neither had B'Elanna. Michael was terribly clever, a trait that Janeway knew had been inherited from her; he could easily slip away from baby sitters, his mother, etc.
So how had Sarah seen it?
Michael looked sheepishly up at his mother. "I just wanted to see Ava's DNA."
His mother gestured that he give her the device back and he complied.
"Sit there," Janeway instructed, pointing to her chair.
Chakotay cleared his throat while the boy did as he was told. "Uh, Captain, we've determined the asteroid is man made."
Fascinating. What's even more fascinating that Sarah knew Michael had that device; another question for another time, perhaps. 
"I think I've located where the alien ship entered the asteroid, Captain," Paris was saying bringing their attention about to the situation at hand. "There's an open crater on the limb of the asteroid."
"Let's see it," Chakotay ordered and the viewscreen changed from the image of the asteroid to the opening that Paris had found.
Janeway crossed her arms over her chest. "How large is that crater, Mister Paris?"
"Two hundred meters in diameter."
"Captain," Tuvok cautioned. "May I suggest that you consider carefully what you're about to do?"
"How do you know what I'm about to do?" Janeway asked, raising an eyebrow and glancing at Tuvok.
"I could describe you in detail the psychological observations I have made of you over the past four years," Tuvok answered, calmly. "Which lead me to conclude that you are about to take this ship into the asteroid, but suffice it to say, I know you quite well."
"One of these days, I'm going to surprise you Tuvok," she replied, with a wry grin. "But not today."
Janeway moved back into the command station and briefly looked at her counselor. "I've already consider other options. If Neelix has any chance of surviving, we have to act fast. Red Alert. Mister Paris lay in a course. Mister Tuvok maximum shields, phasers at the ready."
The Captain turned about in the command station and looked hotly at Michael, "And you stay right there and don't touch anything."
"Yes ma'am."
Voyager glided into the asteroid while Janeway made her way down the command steps to stand next to Chakotay and behind Paris. Her eyes watched the screen intently as the cavern's walls began to narrow.
"Captain," Paris said. "I'm reducing power to the aft-thrusters only. This passageway is getting a little too narrow for my taste."
"Use your discretion Mister Paris," Janeway replied, turning towards Tuvok. "Any sign of the alien ship, Commander?"
"We're still following the ion trail," Tuvok answered, "but electromagnetic interference is limiting our sensor range. I'm only able to scan five hundred meters a head of us."
Chakotay asked the next question. "Are there any indications we're being scanned or probed Mister Kim."
"Not yet."
"Sick bay to Bridge. May I enlist the services of Counselor Barrett please?"
Janeway glanced up at the lieutenant. Was it her imagination or did the Doctor sound anxious? "Certainly Doctor, she's on her way, Janeway out." For a moment the women made eye contact. "You heard the Doctor, he needs your help, we're just going to have to handle first contact without you."
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clericbyers · 5 years
[ because i couldn't leave this alone, here is part 2 ]
Mike looks up from his reading and smiles awkwardly as Robin hovers over him, hands stuffed in her shorts’ pockets with a shy smile on her lips. He scoots over on the bench and watches her settle down before opening his mouth.
“Why are you here?” Robin shrugs in response and Mike frowns. “I’m sure you have better things to do than hang out with a kid.”
“Probably but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to hang out with a kid. Especially if that kid is you.” She grins and leans back in her seat with a happy sigh. “You looked like you could use some company is all. It’s no fun sitting in the snow by yourself. If you don’t want me here then—,”
“No!” Mike cries out and then huffs when Robin’s smile grows wider. “Don’t look so pleased with yourself, Buckley. It makes your face look all gross and demented.”
“Love you too, kiddo,” she pats his shoulder and then cocks her head as she inspects him. “You didn’t tell him, did you?”
Mike stiffens. His jaw involuntarily clenches with his fists as his spine hardens and the tension in his shoulders spikes. Robin makes a noise and tilts her head up to the sky. “I know it’s hard,” she begins softly with a voice Mike knows is meant for this particular conversation. “I’ve never been brave enough to tell a girl I like her myself. When you told me you wanted to tell him I was so proud. I still am, even if the words haven’t reached him yet.” Her blue eyes turn to Mike with gentle care echoing in their rich color. “I don’t know Will very much, but if he’s even half a modicum as amazing as you tell me and Steve, he won’t hold this against you.”
“It’s not that,” Mike groans, running hands down his face before tangling them in his curly hair. “I know he won’t hold it against me. I just don’t want to sound like a hopeless romantic in front of him. A pining dipshit with feelings for his best friend who doesn’t share those feelings.”
“Hey, you don’t know if—,”
“Robin,” he hisses as he turns to face her fully. Mike can feel the tears burning in his eyes and he wishes she had left him alone after all. “I know he doesn’t.” Anymore is the important word, but Mike still can’t get the word out. It would be a lot easier to deal with his feelings if he knew Will never reciprocated them. His throat tightens around that seven-letter word—anymore—reminding Mike that Will is over him, Will doesn’t have a crush on him now, Will is past the stage of affection Mike is currently stuck in. “I can’t—I can’t tell him. I can’t let him know I’m never gonna get past this…this crush I have on him.”
“You’re young! Time is on your side. You’ll get over him, let the ship sail on by.”
“That’s the problem: I can’t!” Mike can feel the tears spilling over, running ribbons down his freckled cheeks as desperation takes hold of his heart. “I can’t get over what I feel and I never want him to know I’m too weak to move on. I don’t even think it’s a crush anymore.” His voice falls to a barely-there whisper. “I think I love him.”
Robin pulls Mike into a hug and caresses his back as he silently cries into her shoulder. Mike has a clear thought for a moment, ever so thankful that Steve befriended Robin and the girl trusted him enough and saw her own struggle in him when he spent hours at the rental store rambling about Will, Will, Will. “Mike,” Robin starts after the boy manages to stop sniffling, “I say tell him anyway. Let him know you’ll always love him.”
Mike nods lightly and sends Robin a shaky watery smile that makes her laugh and ruffle his hair.
After taking a few more minutes to calm down and talk about something else with Robin, Mike makes his way back home where he knows Will is located. During the bike ride to his place, Mike builds up his courage to say something but the moment Will opens the door and grins at Mike as he sets his bike down, all courage leaves his soul in a flash of lightning. Will is—Will is everything; he is strong and gentle, caring and adorable, eyes tinted soft with affection and cheeks rosy with adoration. He’s wearing one of Mike’s oversized sweaters and it slides over his shoulders and pools over hands until just the tips of his fingers are peaking through. Will may have had a growth spurt in the time he was gone but Mike is still a good few inches taller than the other boy.
Right now, the size difference between them seen so blatantly in Will wearing his clothing is making Mike’s knees shaky. He offers Will a smile and whizzes past him in an effort to get to the couch before his legs give out. Mike only looks over once he feels the cushion beside him dip from added weight. Will is still everything and Mike’s heart speeds its frantic pace.
“Did you have a good walk?” the brunette asks with genuine curiosity in his tone.
Mike nods. “Y-yeah, yes, it was good. Grand. A good walk. I, uh, ran into Robin. Well, she ran into me when I sat down to read this X-Men comic.”
“Oh,” Will reaches over Mike to pluck the paper from where Mike had unconsciously placed it at his other side. Mike wonders if death by smiting would be less painful than Will half on his lap while he’s mentally making a checklist of all the reasons why Will Byers deserves nothing but good in the world for the rest of time.
“It’s a good issue.” Mike rambles on. “There’s some Thor universe things in there. The Alpha Flight team. Have you read X-Men and Alpha Flight? It’s good. Loki is the bad guy in this one though.”
“Yeah, being a bad guy is his role,” Will laughs and flips through the issue. “Uncanny X-Men Giant-Sized Annual. Can I read it at some point?”
Mike nods stupidly. “Of course. It’s yours as much as it’s mine.” He makes a vague motion toward his room. “I also have some Alpha Flight issues if you don’t want to listen to me explain things for you to help you understand.”
Will shrugs and places the comic issue down. “I don’t mind listening to you talk, Mike. I miss listening to you a lot actually.”
“I wish calling wasn’t so expensive,” Mike whispers hoarsely, staring into his lap for reasons he can’t explain. “I miss your voice, too.”
A nudge at his shoulder makes Mike look over and his breath catches when he locks eyes with Will. Will who is sitting so close, Will with soft pink lips begging for Mike to kiss and cherish with his own. Mike bolts from his seat and grabs at his hair with a strangled cry. He can’t take this anymore.
“Mike?” Will questions carefully with concern in his eyes and it breaks Mike in half.
“Will, please don’t hate me but I’m a thousand percent sure I’m in love with you but I can’t stop feeling this way. I’ve been trying for months; I’m so sorry.” Mike’s voice shakes and he wants to take a breath for air but he knows if he stops now he’ll never open his mouth to talk about this again. “I’m sorry I only realized this after you left and that I hurt you letting you believe you I could never like you in the way you desired and—,”
Mike comes to a sudden stop when Will presses his hand to the babbling boy’s mouth. He’s half tempted to lick Will’s hand but the seriousness in those green hazel eyes keeps Mike’s tongue at bay. Will’s hand moves from his mouth anyway, carefully cupping his cheek as a loose grin curls his lips.
“Sometimes I wonder how I came to love someone so dense like you,” he laughs and Mike scowls but feels his cheeks heating with blush. “I said I used to have a crush on you, not that I fell out of love.”
“Isn’t that the same?”
Will shakes his head. “When you love someone as long as I have loved you, the childish feelings eventually fade away.” He shrugs and rubs his thumb against Mike’s cheekbone. “I’m no longer embarrassed about what’s left behind because what’s left behind is simply me. Loving you is, well, my best me. Returned feelings is optional but I’m super happy you like me, too.”
Mike wants to cry. “You could have told me you love me instead of saying you don’t have a crush! I was scared you were gonna think I’m an idiot for having a juvenile crush on you.”
“You are an idiot but not for liking me,” snorts Will but not even the unappealing snort can wipe the wide grin off his face. Mike feels like the sun is shining directly on him. “I’m sorry I worded my confession weird. I didn’t want you to be uncomfortable if I confessed to loving you so I left that part out.”
“Lying by omission is still lying, Byers.”
“To quote my dear sister, ‘boyfriends lie,’ Wheeler.”
Mike shoves Will’s shoulder with a guffaw before plopping back onto the couch. Will sits beside him chuckling under his breath, curling his feet under his legs as he presses up against Mike with the X-Men comic in hand. Mike turns his head to press his lips to the top of Will’s head before snaking an arm around his shoulders. “You’re wearing my sweater.”
“It got cold in here after your folks left to get party supplies for New Years.” Both boys know what the cold does to Will, so Mike doesn’t question and only kisses Will’s head again to hide a happy smile at how the smaller boy turned to Mike’s clothing for comfort. Will points to the annual issue and nudges Mike’s side. “Newly minted boyfriend of mine, would you care to explain the Alpha Team to me so I can read this?”
Boyfriend. Mike Wheeler is Will Byers’ boyfriend. He can barely contain his glee.
“It would be my pleasure,” Mike replies with a posh accent he would take on to talk as random travelers the Party would run into during Dungeons and Dragons campaigns. Will laughs and the warmth that floods Mike’s body sizzles away any lingering concerns.
“Goddamn, I love you,” wheezes Will as he snuggles closer into Mike’s side.
“Yeah, me too,” is his easy effortless reply before launching into a explanation of the Alpha Team’s creation.
(It’s while he’s explaining how the Team was originally just in X-Men comics for Wolverine’s backstory that Mike remembers reading that issue with Will years back and thus, Will knows this information already. Mike just barely hides his grin and simply continues to honor Will’s request. Even if the request was only made to hear Mike’s soothing voice and nothing more.)
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nanamicide · 4 years
Red Butterflies - Chapter 2
It doesn’t seem like anyone read chapter 1 on Tumblr, but I’ll keep updating the fic here anyway. 
Chapter 1 is here.
Read on AO3
Izuru turned off his console and set it down beside him. Munakata-sensei was the only reason why he hadn’t been terminated along with Enoshima. That was why he had to do everything he demanded from him. However, despite all his abilities, his teacher’s latest request made no sense to him. He understood very well that he was meant to be the embodiment of talent itself, and that as such, he had to compete against all the other Ultimates enrolled at Hope’s Peak. What he did not understand was why he had asked him to interact with Chiaki Nanami, the Ultimate Gamer, through the messaging system of the game they were playing, especially after he had already beat her twice. He did not understand why Munakata-sensei could have considered, even for a second, that this would entertain him in any way. Every single game was predictable: he always won. Every single message Nanami typed was predictable: she kept asking for more games. And it was boring. The entire thing bored him to death.
It was past midnight, and Izuru had had enough of it. Munakata-sensei hadn’t told him just how long he was supposed to keep this up for, but given that the older man had gone to sleep, he assumed that it was fine for him to stop now. He closed his eyes and ran his fingers through his silky black hair, letting out an inaudible sigh. Everything bored him. No matter what he did, ever since they had created him, nothing seemed to have any meaning. There was a time when he had been curious about whether some things could remain unpredicted by him, but after everything that had happened with – and to – Enoshima, he knew for sure that such things did not exist.  Izuru lied down, gazing at the ceiling. He wondered if there was some sort of hidden motive behind Munakata-sensei’s request. If so, he should have been able to predict it. Pushing that thought aside, he let out yet another bored sigh and closed his eyes, deciding to call it a day. He then very quickly and easily fell asleep.
He did not particularly like sleeping, nor did he need it. He merely knew that if he did not get at least a few hours of rest per night, the next day’s activities would not only be boring, but also annoying. Still, sleeping was the most boring task of all, for he did not dream. Izuru knew that it was due to all his talents. Knowing almost everything there is to know about the world meant that he had no unresolved unconscious troubles, which according to Freud were the roots of all dreams. He still wished he could dream. Even though he had no evidence of it, he still assumed the content of his dreams would be harder to predict than the content of his day to day life. His entire existence, no matter what state of consciousness he found himself in, was nothing but boring.
 Every morning for the past year, Miaya Gekkogahara had followed the same routine. She would wake up at 6:00am, have a quick breakfast and shower, get dressed, quickly style her light blue hair and put on makeup. Only then would she head to the underground floor of the faculty staff building of Hope’s Peak Academy to check on Izuru Kamukura. This morning was no different. She muffled a yawn under her scarf and opened the door to the room where all the neurological equipment was set up.
The first step was to check Izuru’s brain activity, which was constantly recorded on the electroencephalogram. She dreaded that task more than anything, as she had never been too good with actual medical equipment, even though she was trained to use it.
If the Ultimate Neurologist were still alive, I wouldn’t be in charge of this. I would just have to talk to Kamukura-kun every morning. As uncooperative as he is, at least I know exactly how to deal with it. This isn’t beyond my reach, no, I’ve been trained for this as well. But the extra time spent trying to interpret this graph is time I can’t spend helping those who were directly affected by the Tragedy. I know Kamukura-kun’s case is important – he could turn out to be a ticking time bomb if we didn’t keep close watch of him but—
Miaya’s train of thought was cut short when her eyes reached the brain activity that had been recorded between midnight and 3:00am. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing. Ever since Munakata-kun had entrusted her with this task, the results had mostly been the same. Normal brain activity throughout the previous day, with a slight variation in the alpha waves when Kamukura-kun would eventually fall asleep, which was entirely normal. The only difference between Kamukura-kun’s graph and that of a normal patient, would be that Kamukura-kun’s would show a lot less variations, regardless of the activities he would take part in. But this morning was different. Miaya caught herself smiling a little too excitedly for her taste, rolled her eyes at her own reaction, and tried to figure out what she would do next. Something different was going on, she was sure of it. But recording brain activity was too vague. She couldn’t know if this was good or bad news. Getting excited over this was stupid. Realizing that, she could almost hear Matsuda-kun telling her about how she needed to be more careful and not have so much faith in other human-beings. She thought about her late friend, mentally talking to him. That was another thing she did every morning after handling the tasks that should have been his.
Well, you were right when you said I’d be disappointed in you if I had known about all your secret projects, but you weren’t as bad a person as you made yourself out to be publicly. You did care about your research more than about other people – except for Enoshima, that is – but you were also following orders, weren’t you? You liked the Neo World Program as much as I did. There’s no way you could have thought whatever you had to do to create Kamukura-kun was right. I know you were protecting her, and that they probably threatened to lower your funding if you refused to do what you did to him, but we were friends. If you’d told me about this I could have helped you. But you didn’t. And now I have to do your job on top of mine!
She paused and closed her eyes. She had met Matsuda-kun when she came up with the idea for the Neo World Program. As a result of working together everyday for months, they’d become friends. Their fields of study weren’t entirely different. Matsuda-kun fixed brains while she fixed behaviors and thought patterns, the produce of brain activity. Collaborating had enabled them to reach new standards in their research, so it was obvious that a friendship would be born from it. It was a shame that he hadn’t trusted her as much as she trusted him.
Opening her eyes again, she pressed a few buttons on her wheelchair and stopped in front of the door that lead to Kamukura-kun’s room. She wasn’t sure what to expect. She was excited that something had changed, but remembering Matsuda-kun’s way of nagging her had made her almost wary of what was going to happen today. Despite her worries, she knew she had to face it. At least, this morning would be different from every morning she’d been through since Munakata-kun took over the Academy. A few seconds later, she opened the door.
“Good morning, Kamukura-kun!” she typed, letting Usami be her voice.
“Good morning,” he replied in his usual monotonous tone. Somehow, this reassured her. Despite the change in his brain activity, he still seemed as bored as usual. She knew that being Talent itself, Kamukura-kun could have been faking his current state of mind. Yet, she was confident enough to believe she would have been able to notice if he were putting on an act.
As always, the sight of the room Munakata-kun kept him in bothered her. It was too simple, devoid of any character, and looked as though no one really lived in it. She knew it wasn’t entirely her former classmate’s fault. He had given Kamukura-kun all the freedom he needed to change things. But the fact that the space felt so small, in spite of how neatly organized it was, was to be blamed on him. She knew her client – could she even call him that? – did not mind it, but she did. How could someone grow when they were stuck in such a place, with no option to ever leave? She knew Tengan-san, one of the former headmasters of the academy, had carried out the Kamukura project to create the Ultimate Hope, but did the room really enable such hope to bloom and shine through?
Setting her own questions aside, Miaya carried on with the usual check-up interrogation. She disliked it, thinking it didn’t give her the freedom she needed to really connect with Kamukura-kun. It felt almost artificial, even though she genuinely cared to hear what he had to say in response to it.
“So, what were yesterday’s activities?”
“I was instructed to play video games against Chiaki Nanami. As predicted, I won every single one of them.”
“Hm, and how did that make you feel? Did you have fun?”
“It was boring. I didn’t feel anything particular.”
“Really?” She typed in a command to make Usami frown, “but your EEG shows-”
“I know, last night’s brain activity is different from what it’s always been. You want to know why. I seem to have experienced something similar to a dream.” Miaya made Usami nod, urging him to continue. “It was as though I were looking at a photograph, nothing more.”
There was a moment of silence, as Miaya thought about a way to find out more about what Kamukura-kun had seen. She didn’t have to ask anything, though. The young dark-haired man continued on his own, as if he had guessed what she wanted from him – she knew he probably had.
“It looked like a pixelated spaceship, but it was too small in size to be an actual spaceship. It was more like a representation of one.”
“Anything else?”
She was used to his short answers, but she still wished he’d tell her more about his dream. There had to be more to it, even if just in the form of a background around the spaceship he had told her about. Yet, since she knew Kamukura-kun knew just as well as her that every detail of a dream could be important, she assumed he’d purposefully decided to withhold that information from her. It seemed pointless to pursue it any further. He wouldn’t respond. Instead, she carried on with the rest of her daily questions, asking him if he felt distressed, how he felt towards the academy and its staff, if he missed Enoshima, along with a few other questions that helped her assess his current mental state.
As Miaya was about to exit Kamukura-kun’s room to report back to Munakata-kun, he spoke:
“I know you have to report everything I tell you to Munakata-sensei but I also know that as your client, I am entitled to confidentiality. I don’t want Munakata-sensei to know about this dream-like experience I had.” Fingers hitting her keyboard, the Ultimate Therapist made Usami raise an eyebrow, silently questioning the young man. “He will assume that yesterday’s activity and the dream are related, so I predict he will ask me to play more games against Nanami. But they bored me. I don’t want to play video games against her anymore.”
The blue-haired woman was surprised, and was grateful that she used an avatar to communicate and could hide her lips behind her scarf. Even though Kamukura-kun had extremely sharp analytical abilities, he still couldn’t read her mind. Besides, he’d been careless enough to request something from her for the first time. This meant that the dream, or playing games with Nanami-chan, was making him feel something different. Something that he didn’t know how to interpret or deal with. As the Ultimate Therapist, Miaya couldn’t hide it from her former classmate, but she wasn’t sure whether she could lie to her client. Usami’s voice eventually filled the silence in the room:
“I think you know he has someone else look over your medical results. That means he will find out about your EEG results form someone else, if not from me. I’m sorry, Kamukura-kun, I will have to tell him. But playing video games with Nanami-chan shouldn’t be such a bother. After all, every activity Munakata-kun has put you through ever since he took over has bored you as well.”
She looked up, trying to catch a glance of his face, only to realize that despite what had happened yesterday, his face still wasn’t showing any sort of emotion whatsoever.
“So, I will see you tomorrow, Kamukura-kun.”
He promptly replied, and she left the room, closing the door behind her. For the first time since she had been working with Kamukura-kun, Miaya was excited about reporting to Munakata-kun, and about the project as a whole.
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ceceliadx · 4 years
Second Chance at First Line
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Word Count: 5512
Stiles x OC
Warnings: Swearing
Davina’s POV      
I’m still waiting at the school for my dad to pick me up while I try to think of why Scott is so scared of Allison’s father. I mean it could just be the fact that he is dating his daughter, or at least trying to date her, but it seemed to be more than that by the look on his face when he saw Mr Argent. I see my dad’s car pull up to the school and decide to leave that situation for another day. I open the car door and get in.
“Hey mija, how was school?” my father turns to me and asks before driving away from the school and on to the main road.
“Yeah it was good, how about work? Is the new job treating you well?”
“Work was good, umm, the sheriff's station was quiet today, was mostly just doing paperwork.”
“That’s good.” I reply, my mind still distracted by what went on at the school. The car ride home then turns silent between me and my dad the music from the radio being the only sound filling the car.
We arrive home a little while later and I head upstairs to my room to start my homework. I sit down at my vanity and take out all my books, notepads and pens to begin. I sit there for about half an hour but my mind just doesn’t want to focus on the maths homework which is due for tomorrow. 
My mind was doing what it does best. Overthinking about situations. When Allison told me that a guy called Derek gave her a lift home from the party I couldn’t believe it, but when she told me that he was a ‘friend of Scotts’ I was beyond confused. Why is he hanging around with a teenager? He wasn’t an Alpha, well he wasn’t the last time I saw him anyways. And he isn’t the most, what would you call it, sociable person in the world. Not with people who he isn’t close to. 
Growing up, my parents were close with Talia Hale, which meant we spent a lot of time with the Hales. Talia was an Alpha and a very powerful one. She was able to transform into an actual wolf. Her kids Laura, Derek and Cora were like older siblings to me and my brother as we were about 10 when they were teenagers. They used to visit us all the time in Virginia before we moved to Mexico. Virginia was where I spent most of my childhood , it was there were me and Damien learned control, it was there we learned that we couldn’t let the animal side of us take control, it was there I got my blue eyes. The Hale’s understood my blue eyes. Especially Derek and Peter, as they also had blue eyes. They both helped me through the grieving. I was always closer to Derek as Peter could be quite manipulative. Don’t get me wrong Derek had his faults but I always trusted him more. Peter will not do anything for anyone unless he gets something in return. But that doesn’t mean he deserved what happened to him in the house fire. When me and my family moved to Mexico, we didn’t see the Hales as much which was understandable. The house fire had already happened and most of them were dead, including Talia. Peter was hospitalised as he was badly burned and had gone into a self-induced coma. I have no idea if he’s any better yet. I don’t even know what hospital he would be at. So now I’m guessing Derek and Peter were the only ones who survived the fire.
I hear the front door open meaning Damien must be back from lacrosse practice. I then hear him race up the stairs which brings me out of my thoughts, he frantically runs into my room, knocking boxes over as he tries to stable himself. For a born werewolf you wouldn’t think he would be clumsy but hey, that’s my twin.
“Scott completely lost control today at practise you should have seen him, god it was bad, I mean it didn’t look that bad to everyone else and no one really saw anything but, I could feel what was happening to him, also he’s fucked up Jackson’s shoulder by crashing into him, Stiles took him away from the field before anything else could happen thank god. Oh! And your not gonna believe me when I tell you that Derek was there, just watching the whole thing happen but I don’t think he recognised me-”
“Wait Derek was there?!” I cut him off from his rambling.
“Yes, he was just standing there watching Scott, do you think Derek did that to him, do you think he was the one who bit him?” 
“No, it can’t be him, Derek isn’t an Alpha. I mean I know we haven’t seen him in a few years but, I mean it can’t be.” In disbelief I start questioning if it can really be Derek. There is only one way to find out. 
“Damien, we need to find Derek.”
“Okay and how the hell are we gonna do that huh?” he declares, looking at me like I’m crazy.
“Tomorrow we find Scott at school and tell him about us. He needs people right now who have been through what he’s going through, he has no idea about what the full moon can do and how to control it. He needs people that he can trust.”
“Do you honestly think he’s gonna trust us? Dee, we just moved here, we need to be careful with who we become friends with. Y’know just telling people about us isn’t an easy thing!” he responds still looking at me like I’m completely insane.
“He can’t go through this alone. I won’t let him. Imagine if we had no one Damien. We wouldn’t be in control like we are now. Also, Scott is our best way to get to Derek. As you said Derek was on the field watching him and at Lydia’s party he gave Allison a lift home and said to her that ‘he was a friend of Scott’s” that means something.”
Damien looks at me for a minute and nods, agreeing with me. He leaves my room and I get back to doing my maths homework. An hour later, I’ve finished everything I need for tomorrow and I get ready for bed. I have no idea how tomorrow’s gonna turn out but fingers crossed it goes well. 
Me and Damien walk into school together going over the plan of how we tell Scott as we haven’t prepared what we were going to say to him. Also we didn’t know how we were going to get him alone as he’s always with Stiles. Personally I think Stiles knows so it shouldn’t be a problem telling him also. But Damien is scared about telling people because he’s scared of what it means. Telling people about us completely changes not only their lives but ours also. The more people who know, the bigger the risk of not only hunters finding us but other supernatural creatures.
We walk through the doors and I start to speak about the plan
“Okay after math class meet me outside my locker, well go over, grab him and just tell him everything, okay umm, I don’t really know how else we go about it so, let’s just wing it, okay, sound good?” I turn round to Damien who has a look of uncertainty on his face. 
“Does that sound go-, just wing it! Your kidding right?!” he laughs while my face still reads ‘no i’m serious’.
“I’ll think about it okay, this is my first time doing this, I don’t really have any idea what I’m doing but, I mean what do we have to lose huh? Anyways, I need to get to class so I’ll see you later okay?” after he nods I turn back round and head up the steps. I pass Allison and give her a quick hello and a smile. I see her stop and speak to Scott and I’m tempted to go and tell him everything now, but Damien isn’t here and would probably have a fit if I did that, so I head to my first class instead.
The day so far has gone okay but now I have math class and I still have no plan on how to tell Scott. I guess me and Damien are really just gonna have to wing it. As I’m sitting working through the questions we had to do, I’m distracted by Scott and Lydia who are at the chalkboard at the front of the class answering an equation. I decided to use my werewolf hearing to listen to what they are talking about.
“Why is there a rumour going around that you’re not playing tomorrow?” Lydia asks while keeping her gaze on the equation in front of her.
“Because I’m sort of not” Scott sighs, 
“I think you sort of are” Lydia sarcastically responds “especially when you brutally injured my boyfriend by ramming into him” I’ve never heard Lydia speak like that before, she sounds like a bitch but I have been told that she is the queen bee at school. 
“He brutally injured himself ramming into me!” Scott snapped back.
“Jackson’s gonna play tomorrow, but he’s not gonna be at his peak, and I prefer my boyfriend at peak performance.”
“Okay!” Scott argues back.
I start to get sick of the conversation as it’s merely just Lydia completely going in on him, so I tune out of it. A couple of seconds later I hear Scott’s heart rate increase slightly, I start to worry as I don’t want anything happening in this classroom like what happened on the field yesterday, I decide to tune back into the conversation as it’s obvious Lydia has said something to rile him up. I only catch the end of the conversation.
“And Scott McCall can stay home surfing the net for porn.” Lydia grins at Scott. She finishes her equation on the board, rubs her hands, turns round and struts back to her seat. She passes me and gives me a smile which I return. I focus my gaze back on the board and I’m shocked that she got the equation right. Whenever I’m around her she seems to act stupid, hopefully she isn’t doing it for Jackson. She deserves better than that asshole. 
“Mr McCall, you are not even close to solving your problem.” the teacher huffs out to Scott who is still standing at the board.
“Tell me about it.” Scott mumbles out quietly.
The bell rings for the end of class, I pack up my stuff as quickly as possible and meet Damien at my locker as promised. I open my locker and put all of my books in it and close it. We look over at Scott’s locker and he’s not there. I start to look around and immediately spot Stiles and Scott crouched behind a wall. I slap Damien on the chest and point over to them. Damien’s eyes follow to where my fingers points, he looks at me and nods before we both head over to speak to them. Here goes nothing. Just before we get to them I hear them talking and I decide to slow my movements so I can listen to what they’re saying.
“We can’t exactly tell your dad the truth about Derek.” As Scott says this, I put my arm out in front of Damien to slow his movements down.
“I can do something.” Stiles responds, I can hear the irritation in his voice.
“Like what”
“Find the other half of the body.” Stiles stated before he turns around and walks away from Scott.
What the hell does he mean by ‘other half of the body’? And why would Derek be involved with that? The Derek I knew doesn’t kill innocent people. Jesus! I mean it’s a part of his family’s motto! Damien and I stopped to give each other a look and when we turned back Scott wasn’t there. We looked around and saw that he was over by Allison. I can’t risk telling Scott when he’s with her. She doesn’t need to get caught up in the world of supernaturals.
“Great there’s no chance we’re going to be able to tell him now.” Damien groans.
“Lets just follow him.” I mumble without even looking back to see if he agrees with me.
 I see Allison storm away from Scott, he’s obviously pissed her off, he seems to be getting good at that lately. But who can blame him. He is keeping a massive fucking secret that is pretty much taking over his life. Scott then huffs out angrily and runs out of the school. He’s furious but that doesn’t stop me following him.
I’m currently running after Scott who is on his bike riding through Beacon Hills Preserve. Alone. As Damien thought I was insane that I wanted to follow him. I haven’t been out to these woods yet so I have no idea what’s going to be here. This is making me realise I really need to start exploring more, especially this new town. Scott finally stops outside of a half burned down house. This has to be the Hale house, there’s no question about it. I stay behind a little so I’m not spotted by Scott. He starts shouting Derek’s name and I begin to feel nervous. I haven't seen Derek in years. I don’t even know if he would recognise me if he saw me. I hid behind a tree and kept my distance but not too much that I couldn't hear what they were talking about. 
“Stay away from her! She doesn’t know anything!” Scott shouts angrily as Derek walks towards him. He’s definitely kept up the fitness and he’s taller than the last time I saw him. 
“Yeah? What if she does? You think that your little buddy Stiles can just google werewolves and now you’ve got all the answers is that it? You don’t get it Scott but I’m actually looking out for you. Think about what could happen, your out on the field, the aggression takes over and you shift in front of everyone! Your mom, all of your friends and when they see you, everything falls apart.” Derek shouts back at Scott. I mean Derek isn’t wrong. Scott and Stiles don’t know everything yet, especially with the aggression part. It can completely change you.
Derek rips the netting of Scott’s lacrosse stick and then chucks it in the air which Scott swiftly catches. When Scott looks to where Derek was standing a minute ago he sees that he is no longer there. Scott looks around for a bit before he finally decides to leave. I wait till he’s far enough away so he can’t hear me and then I walk towards the house. I stop right in front of the house and all of a sudden it’s like a wave of emotions just overcomes me. My mind plays memories of me, Damien and the Hales and I feel tears brimming my eyes. I quickly wipe my eyes before the tears fall. I’m not that much of an emotional person but remembering the Hales and how good they were to my family I just feel sad. Sad that I couldn’t do anything to help them when their house got caught on fire. Before it gets a bit too much for me, I turn to walk away when the scent of blood catches in my nose. I look over at the ground where I could smell it from and I see freshly dug dirt. What the hell have you done Derek?
I decided to go back home for a while as I didn’t want Derek to find me outside his house. My mind just wouldn’t let me believe that Derek would do that. Anyways, when I got home I updated Damien on what happened. I told him about how he was trying to look out for Scott and then just totally disappeared. I told him about the blood that I smelt when I was there and what looked to be a DIY grave made for whoever was under it. No matter how much I tried to forget about the blood that I smelled, I couldn’t. Would Derek really kill an innocent person? It wasn’t how he was brought up, so maybe the person under that dirt really deserved it? But even then I couldn’t imagine Derek doing something like that. Enough is enough. I can’t keep sitting here and let my mind drive me insane. I decided that I was going to go back out there and see for myself. I slipped on my combat boots, my leather jacket, a beanie and a pair of gloves. As I was getting ready to sneak out there’s a knock at my door. Damien walks in and as soon as he sees me he raises his eyebrow and sighs.
“Dee, seriously? Do you honestly think Derek is capable of doing something like this? Killing someone innocent?”
“I don’t know, that's why I have to go see for myself before I go out of my mind. So, are you coming with me or are you just gonna stand there and watch me leave?” I question him, turning to look at him with my hand on my hip. He runs out of my room and returns a minute later with his shoes and a jacket on. We sneak out of the window carefully as our mom and dad were home and they would be pissed if they knew we snuck out. We jumped down from the roof and started running, leading the way to Derek’s house.
Once we arrive at Derek’s house a familiar scent catches my nose but I can’t tell who it is. It’s manly but has a slight peppermint smell to it. As we are walking up I spot a blue Jeep and I pull Damien’s sleeve so we can duck down. He points out to me that it is Stiles Jeep and two questions pop in my mind. Why the hell is he here? And is that really his scent because, wow it is amazing! Before I get too distracted, I shake myself from my thoughts and notice that Scott is with him and they are both carrying shovels and flashlights. Scott must’ve caught the scent of blood as well when he was here earlier.
“Wait something’s different.” Scott says while he looks around, pointing the flashlight to make sure he doesn’t see anyone. When he says that I know exactly what he means. Something is different? But I have no idea what it is.
“Different how?” Stiles questions.
“I don’t know.” Gotta agree with you there Scott
“Let’s just get this over with.” Scott sighs before he digs his shovel into the dirt.
I slap Damien on the back, motioning him to get up and follow me. Before we let them dig more of the dirt up we walk up behind them. Scott must’ve heard us as he turns around in defence mode, as Stiles just jumps when he sees us. 
“Davina!? Damien!? What the fuck are you guys doing here?” Scott shouts at us.
Without giving him an explanation, I turn to him and say “I smelt the blood too. I followed you earlier on and decided to come back, I guess you had the same idea huh?” I chuckle at the end. Scott and Stiles just look at me with confused faces.
Damien and I look at them at the same time and shine our eyes. Damien’s being the golden yellow orbs and mine being the crystal blue. 
“You guys are werewolves too!? Great, this is just great. But your eyes are blue? Like Derek’s. Why are they blue?” Stiles blurted out, directing his question to me.
“Story for another day. Can we help you guys? I just need to know if Derek would actually do something like this.” I responded.
“Wait, you guys know Derek? Scott questions, looking between me and Damien.
“Yeah, he’s a family friend, we’ve known him for years, that’s why we need to know if he really did this or not.” Damien replies, walking past them to look at the ground.
“I promise, I’ll tell you guys anything you want to know but, I don't think we have much time until he gets back and trust me, I don’t think you want to see Derek pissed off.” I tell them, giving them both a smile. They agree for us to help them, so I walk past them and thank them.
Stiles and Scott start digging while me and Damien just use our claws to dig up the dirt. Let me tell you, getting dirt underneath the nails is not the best feeling in the world. Scott’s voice brings me out of my thoughts.
“This is taking way too long.” he says while shovelling the dirt, getting into the hole that we have dug out.
“Just keep going.” Stiles responds breathing heavily.
“What if he comes back!” Scott shouts, getting more worried by the minute.
“Then we get the hell out of here.”
“What if he catches us?”
“I have a plan for that.”
“Which is?” Scott questions.
“You run one way, I run the other, they run another, who ever he catches first too bad.” Stiles says, obviously without thinking as he’s surrounded by 3 werewolves with super strength and more abilities than a human could ever have.
“I hate that plan.” Scott replies, obviously not thinking the same way I am.
Stiles suddenly hits something hard with his shovel and shouts at us to stop digging. We begin to brush away the small bits of dirt that is still left covering what looks to be some sort of material that is binded by rope. The rope being in tight knots, Stiles tries to loosen them but fails. I get distracted by his fingers for a bit but then realise we’re on a bit of a time crunch. I move his hands away and begin untying the knots. As soon as I get all the knots loose, we open up the material to see that there is a dead wolf’s head there. Scott and Stiles scream and jump out of the hole, while me and Damien examine the wolf. That’s what was buried there all along? A wolf’s head? I can’t believe I even thought that Derek would kill someone.
“What the hell is that!?” Stiles screams
“It’s a wolf.” Me, Damien and Scott reply back in sync.
“Yeah, I can see that, I thought you said you smelled blood? As in human blood.” Stiles questions.
“I told you something was different.” Scott answers back.
I add in “I smelt human blood earlier on too, but when you said there was something different, I smelt it as soon as I got here. I just didn’t know what it was.” Directing my comment to Scott.
“This doesn’t make sense.” Stiles states, waving his hand around.
I start to feel a buzz coming from my jacket pocket. I take out my phone and I see my mom's name.
“Shit! Damien it’s mom we better go.” I say quickly, not wanting to keep my mom waiting.
“Right yeah okay, umm, so we’ll see you guys tomorrow for the game?” Damien replies and questions the boys.
“Yeah we’ll see you guys tomorrow.” Scott stuttered before waving at us.
“Umm, Stiles you have my number so text me if you find anything else.” I say, not waiting for an answer, Damien and I start running home on all fours. Where mother goose is waiting to give us a lecture.
When I wake up the next morning, I reach over to grab my phone which is on my nightstand and I see that I have a few text messages from Stiles. Apparently, after Damien and I left they found wolf’s bane which was attached to rope that circled around the wolf’s head, but after Stiles had collected all the rope the wolf's head had turned into the other half of the girls body that was found in the woods. So Derek had killed another werewolf and buried her? Something doesn’t seem right here. Anyways, Stiles said that he had called his dad and told him that they had found the body outside Derek’s house which meant that Derek would be going to jail. I couldn’t help but feel bad for Derek. Once again I couldn’t help him. I didn’t respond to Stiles text messages so I put my phone on charge and decided to finish off some homework before the lacrosse game started tonight.
It’s a couple of hours before the game so I start to get ready. I take a quick shower and leave my hair dry. I sit down at my vanity, still with my towel on and start curling my hair, half way through doing that I get a text from Allison.
‘Hey Dee! Please sit with me at the game tonight? My dad pretty much just invited himself and I really just wanted to go alone, but I guess that’s not gonna happen :(xx’
I chuckle at her message and reply back
‘Hey Ally, of course I’ll sit with you. My parents are coming too so you’ll have to sit with them as well unfortunately aha. I’m pretty sure Lydia will sit with us xx’
I get a response back a few seconds later
‘They can’t be as bad as my dad aha! See you soon!xx’
I put my phone back down and finished curling my hair. I applied a little bit of make-up and then went to my closet to pick out my outfit. I decided to wear a grey long sleeved shirt, black skinny jeans, black heeled boots and my beloved black leather jacket. I look in the mirror and smile before I grab my phone and a pair of gloves and then head downstairs. I meet my mom and dad in the kitchen and we head out to the car and drive to the high school. 
Once we get to the high school we go to the lacrosse field and up on to the stands to get a seat. I see Allison and her father walking over to us and I give them a wave so they know to come over and join us. Allison sits next to me and pulls me in for a hug and we start small talk. I look over to see my parents making small talk with Mr Argent. I’m glad to be making some girl friends. I see Damien sitting on the bench getting padded up, when he turns round and sees me I give him a smile and a quick thumbs up to wish him luck on the game. I then see Scott and Stiles walking over to the bench, they both are looking at me and Allison and I give them a smile wishing them luck too. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t at least a little bit worried about Scott. Lydia joins us as she sits next to Allison and looks over to me and smiles. The ref blows the whistle and the game begins.
The game is going well so far, I mean Scot hasn’t tried to kill anyone yet so that’s good. But Scott also hasn’t made one pass during this game yet. Scott then sees the ball on the ground and runs towards it but gets rammed in the shoulder by one of the players on the same team. I look to see who it is. Jackson. That asshole. Jackson gets the ball off the ground and runs to the goal and scores. Everyone stands up and cheers, which I have to force myself to do. Lydia grabs a sign from underneath her seat and asks Allison to help her hold it. I looked at the sign which read ‘WE LUV U JACKSON’ Scott notices it which makes Stiles turn around on the bench and read it. Me and Stiles look at each other and both share the same thought. Brutal.
I can tell that Scott’s starting to get angry. Scratch that. I can hear his heartbeat increasing by the second. Fuck. This isn’t good. My eyes divert from Scott over to Jackson and my brother who seem to be in some sort of disagreement. Jackson argues with him and tells him not to pass the ball to Scott. Damien tries to argue back but Jackson cuts him off and walks away. Damien turns round to Scott knowing he heard and gives him a ‘sorry’ look and a shrug and then walks away to start playing again. I’ll say it once and I’ll say it again. Jackson. Asshole.
The game finishes as Scott shoots the winning goal. He definitely used his wolf powers after hearing what Jackson said to my brother but, he completely turned the game around which in turn made us win. We all run out to the field to congratulate the team, mine and Allison’s hands are linked as we stop and look for Scott. Allison sees him run off and she runs off after him giving me a short apology for leaving me. I see my brother talking to my family and tell myself that I will congratulate him later. I see Stiles still sitting on the bench while his dad is on the phone so I decide to go join him. 
“Hi” I smile at him, sitting down beside him.
“Hey Dee”
“Good game huh? I’m glad that Scott didn’t hurt anyone on the field. I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done if he did.” I reply
“Yeah, that would’ve made the game very horrible, how did you even know that Scott was a werewolf, what do you want from him?’ He questions me.
“I knew since the first moment in class, it was when he gave Allison a pen and she only mentioned that she forgot one when she was outside on the phone before we got into class. Also I think we can just sense each other. Me and Damien are born werewolves so we’ve lived with this our whole life, and I don’t want anything from Scott actually, I wanna help him. Y’know with the control and stuff. I can’t imagine what it’s like without help and I just want him to know that he can trust me.” I assured.  
His dad then came up to him and asked him to talk with him for a minute. I don’t listen in as I want to give them their privacy. After speaking with his dad, Stiles runs up to me and asks me to follow him as we head down to the locker rooms. 
When we get to the locker rooms Stiles runs ahead and stops all of a sudden as he sees Allison and Scott kissing. He pulls me into his chest and wraps his arms around me so we don’t interrupt them. Hello butterflies. A couple of seconds later we hear Ally’s voice. 
“Dee, Stiles” She gives us a wave and then rushes out. Both Stiles and I give her an awkward wave back and I walk out from his arms even though I didn’t want to.
“I kissed her” Scott begins, grinning like a Cheshire cat.
“We saw” Stiles replies.
“She kissed me”
“We saw that too” I answer this time, smiling at him.
“It’s pretty good huh?” Stiles questions
“I-I-I don’t know how but I controlled it, I pulled it back. Maybe, maybe I can do this, maybe it’s not that bad” Scott replies.
“Yeah, we’ll talk later then” Stiles sigh’s, he pats Scott on the shoulder and turns to leave but before he could me and Scott both grab his jersey. 
“What?” Scott asks
“The ah medical examiner looked at the other half of the body we found”
“And” Me and Scott both urge him to continue
“Well I’ll keep it simple, medical examiner determines killer of the girl to be an animal not human. Derek’s human not animal. Derek not killer. Derek let out of jail.”
“Are you kidding!?” Scott exclaims obviously not happy with the outcome.
“No and here’s the bigger kick in the ass. My dad ID’d the dead girl, both half's, her name was Laura Hale.” Stiles says looking between me and Scott.
“Hale!” Scott shouts
“Derek’s sister” Me and Stiles say at the same time. I feel tears brim at my eyes. I feel both of the boys' eyes on me.
“I’m sorry, I have to go” My voice breaks while speaking. Before either one of them could answer I ran out of the room. I can hear Stiles' voice in the distance shouting on me to stop but I can’t. I just keep running while the tears keep falling. 
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Good Omens:A First Foray
The First Impressions of a Viewer with No Context
I knew a good chunk of the plot because at first I honestly wasn't going to watch it, so I didn't really shield myself from any spoilers on tumblr.
That being said, I was hooked right from episode 1. I went into it thinking I was gonna be all over Crowley (given my other favourite characters in most other franchises) but the first time Aziraphale smiled I M E L T E D. SO PURE AND SWEET Also when "Aziraphale" was said I had a moment of 'oh. that's how you say that' Also the earth and my mom share a birthday. When Nanny Ashtoreth showed up I KNEW I was gonna need more content of her. Wife 100%
The fact that, try as they may, Zira and Crowley are completely incompetent and really only matter in the last like 16 minutes before the end of the world is really great. It's like watching a show that's about the really interesting side characters you get to see for 2 minutes and WISH you got 6 hrs of. Thank you, Neil.
Ep 2 we get to meet Newt and Anathema and omg I love them. I need Anathemas wardrobe ugh. And newt??? disaster Newton Pulsifer??? he's a mood. Not totally sure how I feel about their relationship but I love the contrast of "hey we just met like an hour ago and we're dating now thnks" to "we've known each other for 6000 years but there's no way he likes me the same way? side note, isn't it funny how the world is always emitting a low buzz of love my dear?" "ngk"
Agnes is amazing and I love how sassy she is. 10/10. I love how Aziraphale is not at ALL concerned about being shoved against a wall by Crowley. Like not one bit. He's like "oh finally, it's only taken you 6 millenia" honestly same
Ep 3 gives us the 30 minute cold open who's only purpose is to show how these two kept coming back to each other for 6 millenia, no matter how the last meeting may have gone. Here are a few thoughts:
Crowley has very pretty hair. Also I could 100% see by this point how these two have been gay for each other since day 1. Er rather day 7? Golgotha Crowley is v pretty and learning later that those are traditionally female garments was a treat. That scene was otherwise hard to watch, and they definitely thought so as well. The globe theatre was really fun to watch, I love Shakespeare. Sadly, Hamlet reminds me of my awful 10th grade English teacher. she ADORES that play. So thanks,  Aziraphale.
I'd seen the church scene and "you go too fast for for me in MANY a gift,  but hearing them was OOF. Michael Sheen didn't have to go so hard on that line but OH BOY DID HE EVER. I may have cried.
I honestly didn't realize that the intro didn't play until the middle of the episode until I rewatched it??  like that completely flew over my head.
THE BANDSTAND. THE E M O T I O N. AZIRAPHALE WAS SO HURT. he was so torn because so much of him still wanted to believe in the good of heaven, but his heart (or the angelic equivalent) had long ago sided with Crowley. When Crowley came back and asked him to run away to Alpha Centuri??? UGH. that dude instantly assuming they're gay? same. same random dude. same. And omg Crowley praying??? to God??? he cares about humanity and it SHOWS. By this point I was REALLY relating to Aziraphale. His reluctance to stray from what he knows and was told reminds me so much of myself. that A n x i e t y.
the end of episode 4 and into episode 5 HURT. the bookshop? "I lost my best friend"? The fact that Crowley was ready to give up and wallow drunkenly through the Apocalypse because continuing on or running away held no meaning if he didn't have Aziraphale by his side. I cried. On the other hand, defiant Aziraphale? "Angels can't posses people" "Demons can..." YES BBY STOP BLINDLY FOLLOWING ORDERS!!! FREE THOUGHT BABEY!!! Now: Shadwell and Tracy. Shadwell is hilarious and I love him, end of story. He's just so... out there. crazy dude. Madame Tracy on the other hand? AMAZING. her actress (I can't think of her name and I have a REALLY ONE TRACK MIND) absolutely KILLED it. AMAZING. The seance?  That dude who WAS JUST LOVING EVERY SECOND? Loved that so much. still cracks me up. When they first get to the airbase and Crowley compliments his dress and Aziraphales like OwO like fellas they gay.
1970s crowley... the mustache... "Can I hear a Wahoo?" Hastur... love him... "What's a computer" part of me wants to think he's just fucking with Crowley because who wouldn't but also he's so deadpan and yo I can't read expression AT ALL.
Love the fact that Crowley was ready to yeet off to a far off star system light-years away, but at the same times like "you expect me... to go to TADFIELD? In this weather??? Maybe I should drive but I mean, have you SEEN the TRAFFIC Angel? And now the M-25s on fire. Great."
Hastur going from on top of everything and tearing Crowley down to panicking because YOU'RE DRIVING TOWARDS A WALL OF FIRE.
snek eyes :3c
"Young man your CAR is on F I R E"
ALSO the horse people getting lost is peak entertainment. Honestly the horsepeople are great. War? Gorgeous. Famine? Love him. He's got style Pollution??? They're amazing, and also THEY THEM PRONOUNS BABEY. that made me v happy bc I just got used to usin em myself uwu. D E A T H. He knows his aesthetic yall. love it.
suppose nows a good a time as any: THE THEM.
I didn't really like Adam at first, he seemed a bit snobby. he's grown on me now but... ngk. Wenslydale was an instant fave. he's adorable. love him. Brian? total mess. super genuine. Great kid. PEPPER. she's great. she's sassy. she's gonna go far in life. all together, they're a tight knit group and I love them and they're all my children now thabks. and the parallels to the horsepeople? p e r f e c t
Alrighty Episode 6!!!
The beginning terrified me. All this time I was rooting for Zira and Crowley to finally get their happily ever after and yknow how most media is nowadays. There's a reason Fix-it Fics are so popular. So the beginning of the episode scared me. Also Beelzebub 💖
I love the Them vs The Horsepeople. "I believe in Peace, bitch."
I didn't even realize til later that that was Aziraphales sword. didn't even catch that line.
When Beez and Gabriel showed up? THAT DUMB SMILE OF GABES? I really hated Gabriel. The way he treated Aziraphale REALLY rubbed me the wrong way and I just did not like him one bit.
W I N G S. PRETTY WINGS. also didn't even realize that what Crowley did was STOP TIME. LIKE WHSOHDOEBE WHaT? ??
 "it burned down... remember?" uuggghhh kill me with how soft and gentle he's being!!! he knows that bookshop MEANT something to Zira hdoehekdn
T H E B O D Y  S W A P
the caught me COMPLETELY off guard... at first. I was completely unaware right up until "crowley" was attacked. I caught that little "Tickety boo" and I paused screaming like CROWLEY WOULD NOT SAY THAT IN THAT SCENARIO NO WAY THAT IS N O T ANTHONY J CROWLEY W H A T 
The heaven scene solidified my then hatred for Gabriel. I like him now but oof that scene he's still VERY punchable.
Crowley: Nearly threw hands with the Archangel Gabriel
The Hell trial. So Extra. Asking for a rubber duck? iconic! "Michael, dude!" oh mood.
when they switch back and it's all revealed? G l o r i o u s. They played each other so well!!! honestly props to Michael and David, their acting was PHENOMENAL.
The ending. A happy ending. The amount of love with which Zira says "to the world" killed me. I'm dead now thanks to that. I'm typing this from the grave,  that's how powerful that line is. Honestly, knowing next to nothing going in was kind of wild and my crazy reblogging spree actually got some of my mutuals to watch the show which is pretty neat. Going back through 3 more times now, Aziraphale definitely resonates with me the most. I actually have a small blurb I wrote on the positive effects he's had on my perception of myself in terms of stimming.
All in All this show hit me in a way I did NOT expect it to, and I'm glad I found it when I did. I was at a point where I was kinda feeling like I'd never really have a fulfilling relationship because of my asexuality, and then I found good omens. I def read the characters as ace while watching it and it was amazing seeing two characters who can love each other fully, without the need for anything explicit. The show was an instant fav and I'm trying to find a physical copy of the book (that I can afford) so I can read the original text. This is a story that's going to stay important to me for a very long time, I can feel it.
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llzehs · 6 years
RAW Thoughts (10/1/18)
Oh boy. So we got another Dean centric RAW last night and I cannot believe WWE is finally treating Dean like a royalty that he really is. For the first time I feel like they are giving him a proper storyline and actually trying to capitalize on the absolute unique talent/gift they have in someone like Ambrose. Dean is such a good performer, such a natural. There are very few in the business who can perform as naturally as he can. Also, from where he was never really taken seriously ever before to the extent to which they always consider Roman/Seth to be, its an absolute relief that for the first time they are pushing Dean as someone who’s special/admired/respected. Who is not someone to be looked over and not taken seriously. Who is on the same level as Roman/Seth. There is a huge change in the way WWE’s been building him since his return. Its easily noticeable.
Now, few points.
I know we are all worried bout Dean ‘betraying’ the Shield and turning heel. But I think we all missed something very important. I did not expect WWE to actually be this good with Dean’s booking since they never want to invest in him. But you have to give WWE credit here.
This whole episode was Dean telling the universe how he is expected to act a certain way, but he’s not going to. He was out there giving mixed signals. But if you really look at it, you would notice how Dean’s basically putting it out there how he’s got a certain option out there and anyone else would be taking it up the way this business works but he did not and he’s trying to make Roman/Seth realize that. He’s trying to show them without words how he’s always putting his family over titles/glory. How as much as he wants to say fuck you to Roman/Seth, he’s not being able to cuz family is everything to him. Shield is the only sense of family he ever had. Seth took it away from him cuz titles/glory was more important. Dean’s going through a mental turmoil. He’s too proud to let Roman/Seth know he’s hurt by their (mainly Seth’s) actions. He felt betrayed, he felt replaced, he felt not loved when he was out. All these frustrations, him looking like a ticking bomb, him dropping down hints that he’s not naive, playing mind games with Roman/Seth…Its a cry for help. He’s trying to express how much he’s hurting/not okay and Roman/Seth have done a shitty job in comforting him/making him feel loved/assuring him he’s loved/special. He’s rubbing it in Roman/Seth’s faces, ‘see? you only see me when you wanna see me. When you are all I see.’ Dean has constantly talked bout titles aren’t the validation he needs. But he sees his brothers thriving on chasing/acquiring championships, everyone pointing out how it makes them superior/better than Dean. So he shows them he can be hungry for glory too. But he’s choosing not to cuz family is more important to him.
Love hurts. Caring for someone hurts. Loyalty fucks you up. But these are morals Dean has built his legacy on. He’s out there telling ya all he’s fucking hurting cuz he’s the heart of the Shield. He’s trying to scream without really using his voice and get Roman/Seth to see how loving them has put him through so much anguish. How everyone’s trying to manipulate him, and he’s not an idiot. He wants Roman/Seth to know he ain’t naive. He sees everything, he feels everything, but he’s making a choice that might destroy his heart, and he wants Roman/Seth to SEE that. To notice that. To acknowledge that.
Here’s comes the best part. IF Roman/Seth fail to give Dean the comfort he is seeking right now, Dean’s gonna leave them. Its not gonna be a betrayal. Its not gonna be a heel turn. Its gonna be character development at its best. Storytelling at its peak. A guy fought through everything and everyone, kept loving where his heart was at. But in the end Roman/Seth’s hunger for glory over family made Dean snap and he decided to show them he can chase glory and put it above everything too.
Point to be noted, Roman/Seth, specially Roman has ALWAYS put family/Dean first. Always. He never failed Dean. But he’s more of a pride kind of guy. He’s so possessive/protective of his status as an Alpha Male. That might be the key to Dean’s problem with Roman. Cuz nothing else make sense for Dean to be angry at Roman. Roman costed him a match when he could have simply distracted Braun. His pride got the best of him. Dean was visibly pissed. Like an independent wife who’s husband would get involve in her business cuz he’s too proud, you know? Lmao, I know. My examples can be quite out there 😂 
Now despite all of those good things, there is this big ass plot hole. Roman/Seth, who both thrive on being defending champs, wouldn’t they be putting their titles on the line to erase Dean’s worries/insecurities? They love giving out opportunities left and right, you think they cannot handle Dean? Who they have both defeated one on one in the past? Roman KNOWS they can handle fighting over the titles without hurting their brotherhood. Seth looking kinda betrayed and shocked, then Roman looking kinda hurt/confused…it made ZERO sense. Its not like Dean’s stabbing them in the back. Its not like Dean’s playing dirty. Its Dean’s right to fight for any title and Roman/Seth having top titles doesn’t mean Dean can’t fight his brothers without some kind of betrayal being implied. That was extremely stupid in my opinion. 
So here’s the thing. I do not think they are gonna make Dean turn on Roman/Seth. And if they do, I assume it will be Seth. Even if Dean turns, its just gonna be matter of him snapping. No one’s understanding him right now. Making him feel secure/safe. Telling him what he needs to hear. He’s fighting a battle on his own. Whereas he needs his brothers telling him they’ll love him no matter what, they are out there telling him he’s needed for a show. Dean has every right to be pissed, and feel like he can be better on his own. Dean saying he could have gone to SD but didn’t was a clear example of him expressing how glory is not his priority. But Roman/Seth probably don’t feel the same and that would be the cause of problem for Dean. Not titles, not glory, but Roman/Seth having different goals/priorities than him and him getting sick of being a sensitive emotional mess which only causes his heart to hurt.
Also, Roman looked visibly upset. It was understandable considering he hasn’t done anything wrong. Maybe unintentionally he has given the World title more importance, but he defended Dean’s honor and was there for him no matter what. He knows he has never put glory/titles over Dean. Him getting mad and wanting to lay down some ass kicking was cute considering he was deeply angry at the shitshow that was ‘fuck up with Deano’s mind’ on everyone’s to do list. He was out there wanting to beat someone up cuz he’s so done with them messing with his baby boy’s psyche. He knows Dean can be vulnerable/insecure/crazy, he doesn’t blame Dean. But he’s confused, frustrated and want this bullshit to end. He genuinely thinks they are far too above this bullshit at this stage of their careers.
Seth, Oh Seth. The story and contrast between Seth/Roman is so amazing here. Seth instantly went all soft eyes/soft face when Dean was being a mega bitch to him. He wasn’t confused. He wasn’t angry. He knows he’s this close to losing Dean and he’ll have no one to blame but his own selfishness. He want to be there for Dean. He knows his past has scared Dean’s psyche but he still loves Dean and wanna put himself out there cuz not having Dean is not something he wanna think bout. Its stupid, but Dean’s worth it. He did replace Dean, he doesn’t know how he keep hurting Dean when he promises himself that’s the last thing he wanna do. But I think he’s made peace with the fact that he’s selfish and is immune to hurting the ones he love. But he’ll still fight for them, he’ll still want to keep them.
Also when Dean was lashing out, Seth didn’t back down. He didn’t even flinch. It was kinda cute. My ambrollins trashy heart was thinking he’s used to Dean’s moody bitch fits and he’s an expert at handling his moody ass wife lol.
Btw, Dean, once again looked pretty as hell in the opening segment. Shout out to Charly’s prettiness too while we are at it.
The look Dean gave to the medic, lmao he was being such a little bitch throughout the whole show. I love his moody grumpy ass.
Dean whump, all round…Good content.
I almost thought Dean wasn’t coming out to save Roman/Seth. But he did. Once again proving to himself/everyone else even though he’s aware he’s in for an asskicking, he’s gonna take it for his family. Its Dean’s pride that’s making him all angsty and sad and miserable.
Braun and crew complimenting Dean and still looking to be on the mission to court Princess Dean, lmao. Cute shit. Its a nice change of pace. I am still amazed WWE are not treating Dean as a joke like they always did.
Drew was all brooding…I bet ya all he was thinking bout ‘I don’t know bout these two idiots but Dean will definitely fit in VERY WELL in my arms’. Scottish Daddy detecting when a Baby Boy is vulnerable for the taking 🤭
Wow. I am off to write some angst folks. So much whump. So much drama. So many inspirations. The Shield drama has definitely awoken my muses and now they are all going wild.
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🏰⚔️ DMODT - 20 full draft
Draecia was complicated. Not at all what Eren expected, though he hadn't known what he had expected. The laws were absolute, as were their magic, and their customs made his head spin. Unlike in Eldia, betas and alphas could also cast magic, both male and female dragons could give birth, and most dragons stayed in their human forms. It was hard to tell who was who, and who he was supposed to show proper respect to. Eren had blundered more than once, which everyone seemed to find funny. They also didn't have a royal palace, instead it was stretching manor house that their royal family called home. Eren, Mikasa, and Armin sharing a small log cabin on the property grounds, and Eren spent his heats in an underground chamber like the one in Eldia. Without Levi there, there was no relief, but Zeke had returned to Eldia when Levi declined the marriage to Petra. Levi had used some very colourful language over it all, which had left Eren in stitches as he'd read the man's letter. Petra was still keen to be married, resulting in an ultimatum for Levi between marriage and war, but he'd said they'd talk about when the met face to face. Levi had wanted to come be with him during his heat, but Eren felt his resolve would melt the moment he saw the man. He was in Draecia to learn, not to lament the distance between him and his lover. And there was a whole lot to learn. Their devotion to dragons, and their oneness with magic took his breath away, and even after a year in their care, he still had no idea what they thought of him, Mikasa and Armin. Freya and the rest of the royal family ignored them for the most part, but Historia and Ymir had become firm friends, while Mikasa wasn't that keen on Ymir because she kept preventing her making a move on him. His relationship with Levi was still a secret, even to Armin. Ymir didn't get it, but she loved Historia and followed her lead. Besides, if the word got out that Draecia was harbouring the lover of the crown prince of Eldia, Zeke would be pissed. His letters from Levi were safely hidden away in Historia's room, and all letters passed through her hands to prevent prying eyes finding out. It was hard to believe a whole year had passed since leaving Levi. In that time, his magic had grown and he could now take shape in the form of a dragon, as well as a few other smaller creatures. His health had also improved, thanks to Draecia's climate being warmer than that in the centre of Paradis. He'd still fallen ill, but for the most part his lungs seemed to appreciate the ocean air. Having spent a year under protection of Historia's family, the Reiss family, Eren was nervous for the upcoming festivities being held at the royal manor, due to begin the following week. Dragons were sacred, and the festival was to pay homage to them... including him, especially him. He had to be a storm dragon and all rare and stuff. If Eren had the choice, he'd spend the week like he spent every other, at home reading and comparing notes with Armin, while Mikasa practiced her sword work. When he'd first arrived in Draecia, he'd been mistaken to think all the world's dragons lived there. They didn't. There were dragons that lived in mountains, in snow covered peaks, and dragons that lived in deserts. Their were even dragons that had chosen to reject having a rider, and preferred to live in self imposed isolation. As Levi was his rider, the man would be making the trip to pay tribute to him, which usually meant expensive gifts. The stories had been right, dragons really didn't seem to be able to help themselves when it came to shiny treasures. Ymir's room had so much gold in it, he'd been sure it was all the gold in the world the first time he'd seen it. All he had was the brooch from Levi, and honestly, he wouldn't trade Ymir's riches for it. He'd also told Levi that he showed up with gold, he'd be sleeping alone. As it was, Levi was bringing the up the sword found with the egg, because they'd become sidetracked searching for other dragon items in the castle vaults. For the most part, the items were small, made from teeth or claws and so old the magic had leached from them. Diamonds had also been found, and trunk filled of infant dragon skeletons, which left him sobbing for the tiny lives snuffed out. The diamond and dragon bodies had been returned to Draecia. Feeling stupid for forgetting about it, Historia waved his concerns about the sword off, as she trusted Levi to keep it safe for the simple fact he trusted Levi. To give the dragon's and their riders privacy, cabins across the Reiss land had prepared for all invited dragons. Magicked into existence, by his and Historia's hands. His magic was still a little shaky, his Eldia magic fought his dragon magic until Historia had preferred some ceremony with the help of half a dozen other dragons of the Reiss line to realign his magic. They all had different names for it, so he'd given up trying to follow. Armin could explain it all, but living with his best friends wasn't quite the happy, carefree life he'd imagined. Both his friends liked to hover, and Armin was as bad as Hanji with wanting to perform experiments, while Mikasa still seemed to want more from him, offering to spent his heats with him, which was a big fat no. He hadn't abstained for so long, just to sleep with her of all people. * Standing in the grassy field behind the Reiss manor, Eren was in his human form, next to Ymir as they waited for the Eldia party to arrive. There were half a dozen other Draecia dragons there, Historia and Freya, as well as Armin and Mikasa. But honestly, no one was really registering in his mind. Watching as two hulking dragons came sweeping down, his breath caught as his heart started to race. Levi. He could smell him. He'd really come to see him. He wanted to run to the alpha and throw his arms around him, but he needed to appear refined and civil, and not bring shame on the Reiss family. Landing with a solid thud, both dragons lowered their necks so their passengers could dismount. Levi being the second one to do so, with the assistant of the red dragon's rider. His name was something boringly common, like Chad, Eren had had a small private laugh over it all. A huge dragon rider, with arms as thick as Eren's waist, named Chad. He couldn't get his head around it. God. It was so good to see Levi again... it was even nice to see Erwin again. He knew Erwin and Armin exchanged letters, and Eren had promised to provide Armin with that compatibility reading he'd mentioned so long ago. Walking towards them, Levi's black uniform only made the alpha look even more handsome. The insignia on his epaulettes sparkled in the sun, while his open jacket hid the stops of the scabbards for the two ceremonial swords he wore on his hips. The man was every bit as breathtaking as he remembered, and a blush crept onto his cheeks as he began slicking for the man. 4 heats alone were really too many for his liking. Finally reaching them, Eren could just about purr with happiness. Bowing to the party, Levi didn't even look at him. Eren's heart stinking... and leaving him feeling stupid. He been so excited to see Levi, and now... He knew there was protocol, but even a glance was have been enough "Prince Erwin, thank you so much for coming" "Princess Historia, thank you for your kind invitation" "It'd hardly be appropriate to conduct the festival without you here. We have prepared a morning tea up at manor to mark your arrival" "That will be most nice, thank you. I'm afraid Levi isn't the most hardy flyer" Erwin really did look pale and shaken, Eren feeling happier because of it. Not everyone took well to flying, Levi looked flawless which was a good sign. He'd never survive riding on Eren's shoulders if he couldn't handle a five minute flight from Paradis island "Flying is not for everyone. We have an excellent herb that will help settle your stomach in no time" Erwin gave a weary sigh, he'd grown even paler in the few moments Erwin had been talking with Historia. If he thought that was bad, he was in for a deep shock when he met Rod Reiss. The man was one loose bolt off being a complete nut "Thank you" Falling into step at the back of the group, Eren walked beside Ymir unhappily. Even as they'd fallen into line, Levi still hadn't looked at him. Was he only one who'd actually missed his lover? Levi had said he missed him in his letters, but those were just words, and reality was so much harder. He'd been so excited to see Levi again, he'd worked so hard and kept his dragon form hidden from Armin and Mikasa as he wanted Levi to see him before they did. With dragons always around, he could easily blend into the crowd. Even if they'd seen him, they wouldn't have known it was him. Glumly, he sighed to himself "I thought you'd be happier" It took Eren a moment to realise Ymir was talking to him "What's to say I'm not?" "I can smell it. We all can" Stupid super senses "I'm sorry. I was looking forward to see him, and I know he has to follow protocol. But now that he's here, I want to run" "What's stopping you?" Eren stopped, turning to face the woman "I mean. Your honey's ignoring you. He probably wouldn't notice if you did leave" "I'm supposed to be here" "Your friends Armin and Mikasa have it under control. Go. Run. Be free" "I..." Looking back to Levi, he was engaged in conversation with Historia. Ymir was right. He wouldn't notice him gone "I think I might..." "You'll need to be at dinner tonight. It's formal attire" "We both know I'm going to need to magic up something to wear" "Then go sulk elsewhere until sundown. Hell. You can go yell at the soldiers carrying trunks, if you want" "That's more your style" Ymir shrugged "What can I say? I hate those mindless sheep. Now go stink up the country somewhere far from here. I have to protect my Historia from your tiny pipsqueak" "He'd lose his shit if he knew you were calling him that" "And how is it my problem if people can't handle the truth" Leaving him with that line, Ymir strode up to the group, easily reaching Historia's side. At least their love was public and accepted... he and Levi, were still a dirty secret. Maybe that's why Levi had come in person? It wasn't the festival at all, but that he wanted to release him from his command and leave him here. The nervousness gnawing at his stomach was only growing worse. His omega hated him for leaving Levi in the first place, and now he was turning his back on him again. Spending his day down by the lake, Eren cursed the sky as the sun started to set. He liked the lake. He liked watching the water dragons bathing, or fishing for their riders. Technically it wasn't a lake, but the river mouth that was left of an ancient river system, that had been left dry in a great dragon battle. When heavy rains hit, the levy broke and seawater filled the space. Through careful conservation, the fish that came in with the waves were farmed year round, with ice dragons calling it home through the winter. Whenever Eren needed to think, he came to the red and real pagoda overlooking the space, spending hours just losing himself in his thoughts, until Armin would come and get at him, or Mikasa would come and yell at him for wandering around without protection. It wasn't like anyone here wanted him dead. There were many dragons much more powerful than he was. As far as he was concerned, she was overreacting. Leaving for the party, Eren stopped by the cabin to shower first, before changing into his robes. Formal wear for dragons meant robes. His archenemy rearing its ugly head again, though these were nicer than the Eldia robes. Draecia robes had magic woven into them. The white robes Eren wore, were patterned with golden flowers that swayed lightly as if in a breeze, and on the back was storm, showing his magical affinity. Brushing his hair out, he wore it down because it decided it didn't want to be pulled back into a neat bun. Eying himself in his mirror, he sighed at his appearance, exhausted already and he hadn't even seen Levi. Another downside to robes was the lack of anything under them, meaning his junk would probably be cold before the night was out, and meaning that the slick that was sure to spill the moment he saw Levi, was sure to be smelt. Even if such scents were smelt, it was ill manners to draw attention to them, but he still found it super embarrassing. With heavy steps, Eren walked up to the manor house. Mikasa and Armin were both waiting for him out the front. Mikasa looked annoyed, but that was pretty much the norm, while Armin's excitement was barely containable "Where were you?! Ymir said you had dragon things to take care of, but you were gone all day" "Sorry, Armin I was down the lake. Why aren't you in there eyeing Levi off?" Armin blushed, Eren moving to loop his arm around Armin's, squeezing his hand "Don't tease me. While Erwin met with the family, Mikasa and I were left to fill him in" That sounded about as fun as picking every single scale off an angry dragon. Starting up the manor steps, Eren pulled Armin with him "Well, you can relax now. Let's have some wine, eat some expensive food and enjoy ourselves" As they strategically avoided Levi, and they way the man made him feel. Continuing into the manor, then into the grand dining room, Mikasa attached herself to his other side. Eren forced along by his friends, when his steps had come to a stop at the sight of Levi at the far end of the room. Nursing a glass of wine, the man seemed to be happy enough, causing jealousy to flare in his gut. They'd been apart for a year, and Levi hadn't even sought him out in the hours since his arrival... it was a good thing the wine would be plentiful, or he'd never make it through the night with so many butterflies in his stomach. Dinner was loud, Rod Reiss couldn't hold his alcohol well, so with each sentence he grew louder, while Historia looked embarrassed. Though Armin had wanted to sit closer to Erwin, Eren had sat at the very end of the table, forcing the beta to sit beside him and away from his crush. Through the whole dinner, Eren could feel Levi's eyes on him, leading to Eren drinking much more wine than he'd intended. He'd found he handled his alcohol far too well, so by the time he started to feel a slight buzz, he was 6 glasses in, which would have been 7, had Mikasa not cut him off with a comment that he had the whole night ahead of him. That was exactly why he needed the wine! While the others retired to the sitting room to mingle, Eren made a run for it, by excusing himself to the bathroom. He couldn't leave the manor without being rude, so he sought out solitude on a second story balcony. What was he supposed to say to Levi? That he was sorry for running away? The man had wanted him to pursue his dreams, and now... What were they? Outside of a dragon and his rider... Levi had assured him he missed him, and still held affections... Why the fuck couldn't he just man up and face Levi?! He was right there. Just down the stairs! He could feel him... "Eren?" Eren's heart leapt into his throat. Levi was right behind him. He hadn't even heard the man approaching. Panicking, what he did next didn't make sense to anyone, not even himself. Hoisting himself up, he leapt off the balcony and took off running "Eren?!" Racing down the grassy slope where they'd met the Eldia party earlier, Eren had no idea where he was going "Eren?! Would you stop running!?" Looking over his shoulder, he found Levi chasing after him "Go away!" "No! Why are you running?!" "I don't know!" "Then stop!" "I've already committed to this!" "Well stop it!" "Too late! It's happening!" No one had ever said he was smart. Not looking where he was going, the teen tripped spectacularly over a tree root as he plunged into the forest at the end of the clearing. Knocked to the ground and winded, he groaned as he rolled over. Catching up to him, Levi panted, his palms on his hands as he sucked in deep breaths "What the hell was that?!" Covering his face with his hands, Eren shook his head. Stupid shitty nature "I don't know" "Why did you run?" "I don't know!" Walking over to him, Levi took his arm and pulled him to his feet "Now we've got that out the way, why don't you actually look at me?" Eren shook his head again. God. He'd stacked it. Sprawled out with his robes everywhere and no underwear on... how was he supposed to recover from that? And now, on top of that, he was completely alone with Levi... "I'm scared" "You're scared?" "You... didn't look at me..." "Oh, brat. I thought you would have learned to get out of your head by now. I wanted nothing more than to rush over and scoop you into my arms" "I know it's your job, but I missed you. It's been so hard" As he started to cry, Levi pulled his hands from his face "It's been hard for me too. So many times I wanted to ignore your wishes and come" "I... I was scared you'd come to end everything" "No. No, Eren. I came because I couldn't take another day without seeing you" Eren sniffled, wiping at his face "I'm sorry... I started running and felt so stupid I didn't want you to catch me" "I'm glad you tripped, I never would have otherwise" "I'm not... it didn't feel great" "Then you shouldn't have run. Where are we?" "In the forest between the manor and the lake..." "Is there someplace we can go and talk?" "You want to talk to me?" "No. I came all this way up here for no reason at all" "I... I've missed you" Levi pulled him into his arms, Eren melting into his hold "I missed you too. Erwin said I've been an insufferable arsehole. More than once he threatened to have me boxed up and shipped here" "I'm glad he didn't... I never would have learned anything" "So your magic? It didn't go out of control?" "It went completely nuts, without you. They had to realign it for me... and my heats... so many times I wanted to go back home to you" "I'm here now" "I know, here, come with me" Creating a small fire wisp to guide them, Eren lead Levi to the pagoda he'd spent the day hiding at. Below them, the night sky was painted in the smooth water of the lake. Without the dragon's there, the whole place was ghostly quite, and scarily intimate. Leaning on the pagodas railing, Eren looked at out the view as Levi's arms wrapped around him from behind "It's beautiful here" "It is. This is my favourite place in all of Draecia. The ice dragons are really something else" "It's only beautiful because you're here" Turning in Levi's hold, Eren sighed softly. There were so many things he wanted to tell Levi. So many things he wanted to show him... "I still can't believe you're here. I..." Leaning up, Levi's lips found his, silencing him. After a year apart, neither of them could stand it any longer. Sliding his knee up between Eren's legs, Eren moaned into the touch. Talking could wait. Eagerly and hungrily kissing his alpha, Eren's hands fumbled Levi's pants undone. The alpha groaning as he took Levi's dick into his hand. As Levi's head lolled back, and alpha moaned, Eren latched to Levi's neck, mouthing sloppily with excitement "Fuck... Eren... I can't wait" "I can't either. My lips. My fingers. My skin and my heart can't wait" "Turn around for me, beautiful" Eren was grateful for his robes, as he turned in Levi's arms. Placing his hands on the pagoda rail, Levi ran his hands up his legs to hold his hips, Eren's robes gathering around his waist, slicking so hard it'd already run down his thighs to reach his knees "I don't need prepping, I've been waiting for this all day" "Only all day?" "I've been waiting since the moment I... argh... nmm... fuck..." Pushing into his heat, the stretch burnt, but he welcomed it. This was Levi. His Levi. He wanted to feel it all "Shit... you're so fucking tight" Pulling back, Levi slammed back in, Eren crying out in pleasure "M-Master!" "I can't hold back" "Don't! Don't you dare!" Reduced to open mouthed gasps and moans, Eren felt as if he'd lost his mind as Levi abused his sweet spot "I'm gonna... I'm... I'm gonna..." Levi's knot flared, Eren coming down the inside of his robes, a second orgasm hitting on the heels of the first, his knees giving out as his body shook "Fuck... fuck... god..." Eren nodded in agreement with Levi. The alpha had slumped against him, kissing his back as nuzzled into him "Shit..." Eren giggled as he regained his breath, his giggle turning to a moan as Levi's hands slipped to his stomach, rocking slightly harder against him and jostling the man's knot "Someone's eager" "You weren't the only one waiting... please tell me there's somewhere we can spend time alone?" "First you want to be alone to talk, now you want to be alone to fuck. Such a demanding prince" "I expected you to realise I'm going to demand all of your time now I've caught you" "Unfortunately, I do have other duties to attend to" Levi growled and bit his back playfully "Let's sit. There's a perfectly good bench here, and no one's going to come close" "Are you sure?" "Yeah... they're all pretty respectful over sex here, and really open about it at the same time. You kind of just walk past it and that's it..." "Oh?" "Yeah... there's like zero shame" "Sounds like you've been having fun" "Watching everyone else in the arms of those they love, while you were so far away..." Eren's scent filled with loneliness. Now that he was in Levi's arms, he could admit how lonely he felt "I wrote when I could" "I know. I still... really missed you" "Here, come here" Guided back, Levi sank down onto the pagoda bench, Eren sitting in his lap as they interlaced fingers. Letting his head rest on Levi's shoulder, he summoned up a dozen small fires to hover around the top of the pagoda, bathing the area in soft light "They're new" "They are. I've really learned a lot" "And they've treated you well?" "Yeah. Rod and his wife are a bit... weird, but Freya and Historia are looking toward the future..." "And you?" "Me what?" "Are you looking toward the future?" "In my own way. I do have a gift for you, but you have to wait until the festival for it" "I have a gift for you too. I asked Historia for more details on the festival" Eren sighed. Historia hadn't told him, but he wasn't surprised to hear that "Of course you did" "I wanted to make sure I showed the right respect" "I don't need nice things" "What's the point of being a prince if I can't?" "I'm serious" "I know. It's nothing too fancy" Eren doubted that... It had been a year, after all "You don't know my dragon form, so I'm not afraid to snob you if you try to gift me too much" "You wouldn't" "I just might. There's going to be so many dragons, you won't be able to tell us apart" "I'd know you anywhere" "Mmm. I don't know about that. And Historia has prepared a cover story, because you're human and the prince, you'll be looking after me as I'm from your kingdom. Mikasa has been quite mad about it all" "Oh?" "Yeah. But we can talk about that later... I'm just really happy to be in your arms again" "And I'm happy to hold you. I really hadn't planned on jumping you" "I know. It relieving to know that after a year, we're still just as compatible" "It is. I was so nervous I'd fuck it up" "I couldn't even tell. Historia won't be expecting us back, neither will Ymir. Can you stay? I want to share this view with you" "Erwin will cover. I mean, I do need to debrief with you over your training" Turning to kiss his alpha, he smiled "Mmm. Make sure you debrief me nice and slowly, and thoroughly" "I think I can do that" "I'm a little slow, you might need to repeat yourself" "I'm going to repeat myself so many times that you won't be forgetting any time soon" "Good. I've been told I'm stubborn" Levi's lips were against his as his master nodded "You're the most stubborn brat I know, and I love it"
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thelifetimechannel · 6 years
The Dave and Dirk log, for obvious reasons, was something I wanted to try very hard to get right. That meant although we drafted it together via msparp, as was our custom, I ended up overhauling it way more than any of our other combo walkaround logs. A few chunks did survive the transfer, though.
In other news, we’ve made a solemn pact to finish TLC over winter break, which is good because I’m running out of bonus content. Hopefully we’ll have some assets to show off soon. I’ve already seen a few; they’re very nice.  
DIRK: Hey, dude. You did pretty well out there. DIRK: Didn't even die once. DAVE: twice in a day is my max im satisfied with keeping that record DAVE: even if getting machinegunned is rapidly becoming my "thing" DIRK: Seems we each have our respective "signature deaths". DIRK: Or at least it ain't a party until I get decapitated. That sure was something we needed to do again. DIRK: Just once, for old time's sake. DAVE: well that puts the nail in the meme coffin DAVE: any time you panic someones gonna tell you to keep your head on DAVE: like keeping your hair on except you know that shit aint going anywhere its probably shellaced DIRK: That shit is bolted to the floor. Did you know I walked around with a girly-ass pink tiara on my head this whole day and had no idea? DIRK: I had no idea. Couldn't feel a thing. DIRK: And people let me do that. DIRK: Can't fuckin' believe it. DAVE: oh DAVE: i figured you knew DIRK: I am less than pleased with my Skaia-ordained divine color scheme. DIRK: But I guess I have to live with it. It's part of the team aesthetic. DAVE: you could always change DIRK: Nah, with the tiara and tights ditched I have at least mitigated the enforced flamboyance. It's bearable. DIRK: I can't be the one dude out of uniform. Couldn't bear the shame. DAVE: my outfit is pretty sick ngl DAVE: sburb knows everyones secret desire is to have a cape DIRK: Unfortunately, mine isn't long enough to also make for a good tactical maneuver. DIRK: Not gonna lie, that was pretty funny. DAVE: if nothing else my attempts at combat can provide a source of humor in our lives DAVE: but honestly id be fine if my fighting days were over DAVE: i was never into it DAVE: rose on the other hand was obviously itching to beat people up DAVE: one of those 12 year olds who wants to get jumped in an alley to work out her suppressed anger DIRK: Maybe Skaia did make a few miscalculations in dumping your asses with your respective guardians. I think you'd get along well with Roxy and her cats, make her budget her time away from the alcohol. DIRK: ...in theory. DIRK: Rose can go a few rounds with me if she wants, we still need to sort out who has the rights to document our legendary journies. DAVE: ill plan your funeral DAVE: what kind of flowers do you want DIRK: ...there's different kinds? DAVE: damn thats right you grew up in waterworld DAVE: these choices matter DAVE: allegedly theres a thing called "flower language" DAVE: whether you can actually send someone a boquet telling them to meet you in the pit i dont know DIRK: Like, I get that, in theory, different kinds of flowers exist. But I fully anticipate any attempt on my part to conjugate in the language of said plants would end in my coffin declaring my hovercraft was indeed full of eels. DIRK: Maybe it'll have thorns on it. Or it'll be like the sixteen millions tons of green bullshit covering my land and making my nose itch. DAVE: probably DIRK: Worst case scenario, I'll pick out something orange and present to a prospective love interest and it'll mean something like "my brotherly passion for you knows no boundaries, and also no homo". DAVE: my bro wouldnt go for flower arranging DAVE: or pink tiaras DAVE: he was pretty uptight about the whole rah rah macho act DAVE: probably subscribed to alpha males weekly DAVE: which is weird considering DAVE: well DAVE: youre gay right DIRK: Uh. DIRK: Well. DIRK: My symbolic quest land is not covered in green bullshit, but I. DIRK: Happen to like watching birds, if you know what I mean. DIRK: Fuck, you probably don't know what that means. Jake and his goddamn thousand euphemisms. DAVE: cant say i do no DIRK: Nobody knows what it means but Jake. It's an old time epithet for being into dudes. DIRK: He knows all the old epithets, including some I suspect he made up. DAVE: so DAVE: thats a yes DAVE: in a roundabout way that includes birds DIRK: I've never denied it. DIRK: I'm just. DIRK: Not a huge fan of the word. Why, in this world post-society, do we need to confine ourselves to labels like "gay"? Such constraints were washed away from my world with the rest of the human race. DAVE: holy shit that was such a pretentious dodge DAVE: dont let rose hear you say that DIRK: Rose can hear all she likes. DAVE: but anyway DAVE: i wasnt asking to get up all in your business like SOME PEOPLE DAVE: who are so into getting into other peoples businesses theyre basically the fucking mafia or the irs DAVE: but DAVE: it explains some stuff DAVE: but on the other hand it doesnt DAVE: the way you raised me was kinda aggressively mainstream masculine enough that it wasnt something that ever seemed to come up as an option DAVE: [describe that type of culture and mindset better later, I KNOW what i mean but im tired rn lmao] DAVE: and anything outside of that id just brush off because it couldnt apply to me DAVE: and that went for pretty much everything that went against what you wanted for me DAVE: including that DIRK: And yet, here the man was, subconsciously shrieking his desire for floppy felt dong through, DIRK: What I guess you could call his art, for want of any other applicable word at all. God, the mental images are crawling up the insides of my skull like the Exorcist child, do I want to know? DAVE: probably not DAVE: guess trying to act peak male has its drawbacks DAVE: weirdly enough troll culture is obsessively hyperviolent but doesnt give a shit about sexuality DAVE: they dont see the difference most of the time i guess DAVE: and so like DAVE: maybe it rubs off on you because in some ways that kind of makes sense DAVE: but after so long its hard to know what i feel and what it means because i spent so long ignoring it DAVE: so i guess i was wondering DAVE: if you had anything that might help with that DAVE: or if youre also trapped in this whirling screaming maelstrom of bullshit DAVE: while kinsey sits in the eye of the storm laughing DIRK: Wait, wait, wait. DIRK: You're coming to me. DIRK: For advice. DIRK: Do you know what a laughable hurricane of disaster my interpersonal life has been? DIRK: Like, in a weird way, I'm kind of honored, especially since about five hours ago you were scared shitless to be around me, but. DIRK: I'm standing here and waving my credentials in the air just to display how I don't fucking have any. My degree is a sham and my hands are empty except for a crudely scribbled on piece of construction paper. DAVE: are you suggesting theres a gay university DAVE: where you study bird watching DIRK: Do I look like a man who's been to college? DAVE: fair DAVE: but like DAVE: your friends know DAVE: how did you broach the subject there DIRK: I might as well have been dating a Yoko Ono for the devastation it wreaked on our friend group, so yeah, it was a little hard to ignore. DIRK: Compounded by the fact some smartass from Gay University was using my social circle for romance geometry homework. DIRK: It wasn't even a love triangle so much as a love roundabout. DAVE: ok but thats just because you were a dipshit not a gay dipshit DAVE: they were chill about the first part right DIRK: Thanks. DIRK: I mean... Roxy always seemed disappointed. DAVE: luckily i dont think anyones waiting in line for me DAVE: i guess im blowing it out of proportion DAVE: i dont think anyone will MIND DAVE: no one did about rose and kanaya DAVE: didnt even question the vampire bit which goes to show what our lives are like these days DAVE: like ok our outfit has vampires now DAVE: thats a thing that we have DAVE: if i say oh hey i might be bisexual theyll just say sure pull up a chair at the acronym table DAVE: the only one who might be weird about it is john DAVE: but hed be just as weird if i told him id changed my favorite color hes just like that DAVE: the only person its really a big deal for is me DIRK: Jane was a little bit like that. I'm pretty sure the only reason she had to object was because she found out the day I made a move on her crush. DIRK: It might just be growing up in a household where you're not regularly fighting for your life, and thus what genders are kissing whom has the space to be higher on your priority list. DAVE: that aint anyones priority these days DAVE: im prepared to acknowledge the concept that hey maybe everyone elses lives dont revolve around me and my personal drama or self revelations might have some merit at least as a hypothesis DAVE: when i met kid english he kept going on about how i was the most important person and everyone else was side characters DAVE: and maybe ive acted like that sometimes DIRK: Yeah, like you alone are the one responsible for everyone around you. DAVE: and maybe ive acted like i think that way too sometimes DAVE: ive been wrong about people DAVE: people i care about people i shouldve known better DAVE: i was wrong because i wanted to believe things that matched how i wanted the world to be DAVE: things that made it easier for the story i was telling myself DAVE: i dont think kid english meant to call me on it but damn DIRK: Reality is, after all, something we construct for ourselves. DIRK: I think maybe I knew that all along when I surfaced for air inbetween shoving my head as far up my ass as it would go. DIRK: Or maybe that's just what I try to tell myself in hindsight. DAVE: well if it takes a hyperactive 12 year old version of the final bosss creepy hero worship of me to make a point i guess thats not the least subtle way the universe has sent me a message lately DIRK: You want unsubtle? Let me tell you about my damn planet quest. DAVE: haha DAVE: i didnt have to do much of my quest because im invisible DAVE: thanks mom DIRK: My denizen practically sat me down like it was my life coach and growled in my ear about improving my communication skills with a guy I told to go fuck himself not eighteen hours prior. DIRK: So while I'm glad SBURB has a vested interest in me repairing my friendships, playing electroshock death DDR with him was a little on the nose. DAVE: maybe getting shot again wasnt that bad DAVE: so weve all learned our life lessons good job team DIRK: Exactly. Can we wrap this up now? Can we please go rest? DIRK: I'm so exhausted I haven't even noticed I'm still hungover. DAVE: sure thing DAVE: but if i need tips on leaping out of a closet to intimidate passerby i might text you DIRK: I mean, I can try. As long as you don't ask me for dating tips. That, I definitely shouldn't be helping you with. DIRK: Go talk to your sister for that. DIRK: ...wouldn't she, by the transitive property of siblings, also be my sister? DAVE: yeah i guess DAVE: but theres no way in hell im asking rose for dating advice DAVE: on her first date which she refused to admit was romantically oriented she got wasted in anticipation forgot to show up and then fell down the stairs DIRK: Oh my god. DAVE: she tries to look like shes got her shit together but its a lie DAVE: if you find my corpse floating on lolar in the next few hours dont let the truth die with me DIRK: Why are we like this? DIRK: Is there actually something hardwired into our DNA that predisposes us to being disasters? DIRK: But, that aside. DIRK: I won't object if it's me you come to talk to. DAVE: ill hold you to it DAVE: and if you ever want to publicly you admit you DAVE: "enjoy birdwatching" DAVE: in less vague and evasive terms DAVE: ill have your back DIRK: Thanks.
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starrnobella · 6 years
Turn Around Bright Eyes - Chapter 7 - Caution Tape Around My Heart
A/N: Hello darlings! I am back with an update for this mysterious little tale. Part of the reason for that is the simple fact that this tale was nominated in the Beyond the Book Nook Fanfiction's 2018 Summer Awards. It was nominated in four categories! I am beyond shocked that I was even nominated for one, especially since I was nominated in the Best Overall story up against some amazing authors.
Along with Best Overall, I was nominated for Best Angst, Best WIP, and Best Drama. Like I said before I'm just in awe and I can't believe it. If you are interested in voting for my story, please reach out to me on social media and I will send you the link to vote. I know I would greatly appreciate the votes because it's very rare that I get nominated in awards. Thank you to whoever it is that nominated me, just know it means the world.
@xxdustnight88 was able to work her beta wonders magic on this chapter and @squarepeg72 alpha read it for me. Be sure to check out both of them. They are hands down some of my favorite authors to read, especially when I'm in need of a good pick me up, even if some of their stories are the angstiest things I've ever read.
The title of this chapter is Caution Tape Around My Heart which is a lyric from i hate u, i love u by gnash.
Check me out on social media if you're interested. All the links are on my profile! Or you can find me by searching starrnobella on most social media aspects. :)
Let me know if you'd like the link to vote!
The early update is just for NathanielCardeu! Go show him some love!
I love reading your thoughts as to what you think is going on. I think this is beginning to become one of my favorite stories that I've ever written, even if it rips my heart out most of the time.
Love always,
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Rolling over, he reached out expecting to curl up next to the warmth of her body, but when his hand landed on the cool mattress, his eyes flickered open. He pushed up on an elbow and attempt to look around the room, but in the darkness couldn't really see anything. There was a passing thought in his mind as to where she had disappeared to, but as the thought exited his mind, his hand reached out for his mobile.
There was a small part of him that had hoped there was a message waiting for him on his mobile from her. They hadn't spoken in several days and the lack of communication was starting to wear on him. Certainly their fight hadn't been minor, but at the same time they had been involved in fights much worse.
He had hoped that by giving her space, she would come to him. However, as time continued to pass on, he didn't see that happening. This time he might have to be the one to reach out first. Obviously trying to ignore the issues that had begun to bubble up in their relationship had not been the right steps to take. The entire experience was a new thing for both of them, and it quite possibly required a bit of a learning curve.
Each new fight led to a new discovery about the other's triggers and this last fight may have pulled one too many. Only time would tell if they were going to be able to move past this.
Scrolling down to her name in the messages on his mobile, his thumb hovered over their conversation as he contemplated sending her a message. What was he supposed to say to the woman who he had fallen head over heels in love with while still being in love with the woman that he shared this bed with? It seemed as though no words would fix the fissure that had formed between them. All that silence had managed to accomplish was deepening the cut.
He wasn't willing to admit that he missed her, but deep in his heart he knew there was something missing in his life. It felt as though there was a piece of himself missing when she wasn't talking to him.
Allowing his thumb to hover no longer, he pressed down and opened their conversation. Nothing would be resolved if they continued to remain silent. One of them had to break it for the sake of whatever their relationship had turned into.
4:25 AM: Are you ever going to speak to me again?
4:25 AM: Did you mean it when you said we were through? I'm not sure that I can go on living without you…
4:25 AM: Things really won't be the same if you aren't still in my life.
He glanced at the time on his mobile and furrowed his brow as he looked around their small bedroom. Where the bloody hell had his wife disappeared to? It was 4:30 in the morning and the last time he had checked, she never had to be up for work before seven.
Groaning, he rolled over to his side and pushed himself up into a seated position. A chill ran up his spine as his feet hit the floor. There was something in the air, but he couldn't exactly put a finger on it. It would be better to get out of bed now and deal with whatever storm that was brewing now, rather than dealing with it in the morning after a few more hours of sleep. He took a deep breath and pushed himself off the bed.
He made his way slowly toward the door and noticed the sitting room light brightening the small hallway. As he took a few steps into the hall, he heard the soft murmur of music drifting down the hall. The tune sounded familiar, but he couldn't quite place the title or the singer.
"Who's singing?" he asked as rounded the corner into the room. He noticed that she was curled up on the couch under an afghan sound asleep.
He smiled and leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to her forehead. He picked up the remote from off the couch beside her arm and aimed it over his shoulder, shutting off the stereo and placing the remote on the coffee table. Turning his attention back to her sleeping form, he leaned down and slipped his hands underneath her, picking her up and he slowly made his way back to the bedroom. He glanced back over his shoulder at the lamp. That could wait until he had returned her to the bed.
. . . . . . . . .
The flickering light of her mobile stirred her from the light slumber that she had been able to drift off to within the last few hours. She knew exactly what was causing the screen to flash, and honestly, all she wanted to do was pick up the damn device and just give him a call. She wanted to do was hear his voice once again.
She missed him. There was certainly no denying that, but there had been too much damage done already and nothing either of them could do would fix any of it. Maybe if she just continued to ignore him, and everyone else in the world, things would be simpler. Things might even begin to return to normal for her, not that she was sure what normal was anymore.
In the darkness, she heard the faint buzzing of her mobile on the nightstand. Cursing under her breath, she reached out and grabbed the device. She squinted at the screen and sighed. Of course that would be the name that was causing her insomnia. Why was she not surprised?
Glancing at the sleeping man lying beside her, she took a deep breath and lifted the blanket off of her, sliding out from underneath it. As her feet hit the floor, she shivered at the coolness of the wooden surface. The feeling was oddly calming, but at the same time she became increasingly aware of the suspicious behavior she was currently exhibiting.
As she rose from the bed, she glanced back at him over her shoulder and sighed before picking her mobile up off the nightstand and making her way toward the door. She didn't know whether or not she felt guilty about leaving him alone in bed to check for messages from another man or if she was proud of herself for doing so.
She slowly turned the doorknob and heard a sharp inhale of breath coming from the bed behind her. She froze in place and waited for the restless sounds to subside. There was a part of her that hoped he would just think she had rolled closer to the side of the bed and wouldn't realize that she was completely missing. Even as the thought crossed her mind, she found herself shaking her head and judging herself for her own behavior.
When it seemed that all the noise had settled from the bed, she quickly opened the door and cracked it open just enough for her to sneak out. Turning on the flashlight app, she lit the hallway in front of her as she pulled the door shut behind her. She hoped that the click of the latch wasn't loud enough to wake him from what she assumed to be a light sleep with how soon after she had left the bed he had moved.
She made her way quickly down the hall and into the kitchen. Reaching for the kettle, she decided that a cup of tea was in order. She needed to decide if it was really worth finding out what he had to say after almost two weeks of them not talking. In her mind, space was exactly what he needed when he didn't fight for her to stay with him.
Was it really too much to want to be fought for by someone you believed to love you? She wasn't sure of the answer to that question, but at the same time she didn't want to admit that she had been thinking about someone else when the rings on her finger was placed there by another man. She glanced down at the rings and sighed. Something needed to be done or said, but in all honesty she had no idea what.
Making her way into the living room, she collapsed onto the couch and buried her head into the pillows. Part of her wanted nothing more than for her mobile to ring and flash his name across the screen. However, she knew the likelihood of that happening was slim to none. She knew he had taken what she said to heart at their last encounter. As much as she hated herself for saying what she did, it had to be said. It was needed to save both marriages in the long run.
Sliding her finger across the screen she tapped on her messages icon and closed her eyes. She had noticed the red badge on the app telling her that there was something waiting for her, but she hadn't taken the time to see who they were from. At the same time, however, she didn't remember the device notifying her that someone had been trying to reach her. She slowly peaked her eyes open and saw his name in bold at the top of the list of messages.
Almost immediately she closed out of the app and tossed the mobile across the couch. It landed with a thud against the armrest by her feet. Covering her face with her hands, she took in a deep breath and held it for a matter of moments. This was exactly what she had wanted, wasn't it? She wanted him to reach out ot her, but at the same time she knew that they were going to fall back into the same spiral they had been spinning in for the last year if she answered him right now. They were trying to better themselves and save their marriages. Not save the relationship they had built with one another, right?
At this point, she really wasn't sure what they were trying to do. All she knew was that she wanted to pick up her mobile and give him a call. She wanted nothing more than to hear his voice and know that everything was going to be okay. She wanted to know that they were going to work everything out together, since that's the way they always seemed to work. But she knew better. Or at least that's what she kept telling herself.
She leaned forward, reaching out out to pick up the device and she pressed the home button lighting up the screen. She started at the time on the clock. 4:45 am. What on earth was she doing awake? She slowly slid open the screen on her mobile and looked at the messages that had been waiting there for her.
Just twenty short minutes ago he was trying to get a hold of her, but she wasn't there to answer readily. Twenty minutes ago he was thinking about her instead of his wife. If only she had checked her phone a little earlier, then maybe things would be different.
Pushing away the thoughts that were starting to flood her mind, she clicked on his name and skimmed over the words on the screen. Her heart ached as she read over what he had to say. Everything that he portrayed in three short messages were things that she had been feeling herself since she walked away. Up until now, she hadn't' been able to even admit that to herself. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and allowed herself to type up a response. Maybe if she didn't want the words appear on her screen, she'd actually be able to hit send.
4:46 AM: I want to mean the things I said, but my heart says something completely different. I haven't been sleeping well. Have you?
She exhaled as she pressed send. Only time would tell if he really missed her or if he was just testing the waters to see if she'd respond. She hoped that by ending the message with a question it would entice him to respond, even if he really didn't want to talk to her.
4:47 AM: You responded… Is everything okay? Do I need to come get you?
She smiled at the screen. He was always so caring and thoughtful, even if he seemed to worry a tad too much. Especially when she would reply in the wee hours of the morning.
4:47 AM: I'd be lying if I said that everything was okay, but you don't need to come get me. I don't think that us seeing each other is the right thing to do right now.
4:48 AM: Why not? If it's what we both want, then we should give our hearts what they want.
4:49 AM: Just so we can fight about the fact that it won't ever just be the two of us?
4:49 AM: I'm so sick of fighting.
4:49 AM: I just want to be with you. I don't care about everything else that is going on. I'm going crazy not seeing you or even just talking to you. I need you...
Her breath caught in her throat at his last message. As much as she hated the fighting, she knew that she needed to be careful around him. Too many feelings were starting to get involved and they were making her question her feelings about her marriage and the sleeping man in her bed. She shook her head furiously and pushed the thoughts aside. Now was not the time to be thinking about her husband.
She glanced down at her screen and noticed the bubble flashing dots at the bottom of the screen. Part of her wanted to just shut off her phone and go back to bed, snuggle up next to her husband and spend the better part of the next hour or so lost in his embrace and kisses. However, the stronger part of her wanted to continue this conversation just to see where it goes.
The soft buzzing of her mobile pulled her back out of her thoughts and she looked down at the messages on the screen. A soft smile pulled at the corner of her lips. Sighing contentedly, she sunk down in the sofa and typed off a response.
. . . . . . . . .
A sense of panic rushed through her body and she jolted straight up, trying to take a few deep breaths as she looked around the room in an attempt to figure out where she was. The last thing she remembered was falling asleep on the couch in the sitting room, and now she was laying in bed with the blankets tucked in tightly around her.
Glancing to the side, she noticed her husband sleeping soundly. Her panicked awakening didn't even cause him to stir. Frustrated with his lack of concern for her, she thought about her course of action for a brief second and then swiftly kicked him in the leg.
A muffled groan rose up from the other side of the bed, but otherwise there was no response. Rolling her eyes, she swung her leg out again and also smacked his back, hard enough to sting her hand slightly. This time she got the reaction she had been hoping for.
He rolled over onto his back and scrubbed his hands over his face, rubbing his eyes before lowering them back to his side. "I was sleeping, you know?"
"I'm pretty sure I was sleeping too, but you felt the need to move me," she grumbled, crossing her arms over her chest as she slumped down against her pillow. "You could have at least woken me up before you moved me."
"I tried," he replied, laughing softly as he reached an arm out and wrapped it around her shoulders. He pulled her close to his chest and smiled when he felt her nuzzle her head against his chest. "You mumbled something at me and then turned your face into the armrest of the couch."
"I was comfortable," she pouted.
"Didn't look like it to me," he replied, squeezing her shoulder tightly. "Besides, I was lonely in this big bed all by myself."
She laughed, wrapping her arm around his waist and squeezing him tight. "You didn't even know I had left. Hell, it took me kicking you twice and smacking you to get you to wake up just now."
He leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of her head. "I knew you had left. Something deep in my soul told me that I was alone."
She smacked his stomach gently. "Just admit it, you had no idea until you rolled over and reached out for me. Just like you do every night around four am."
Furrowing his brow, he looked down at her puzzled. As though she sensed the odd look, she tilted her head back and smiled slyly at him. She snickered briefly before leaning back forward and continued listening to his heartbeat.
Closing her eyes softly, she let out a gentle hum. That subconscious cuddle session was one of her favorite things to experience in the middle of the night. Every night that she was roused from her slumber to cuddle, made for the next day to be slightly more enjoyable. Even if she was missing a key amount of time from her normal night's sleep.
He opened his mouth to respond, but closed it again quickly. It was best he not point out that he had no idea what she was talking about. Even if he did, his mind was most likely not in the same sweet place that she probably thought it was when he would reach out for her. It was not often that he remembered his dreams, but he knew what he had been dreaming about just before he found the empty bed. He was certain that she would not be pleased with where his mind had been at that exact moment.
As his mind drifted off to thoughts of his dreams, he heard the soft buzzing of one of their mobile devices. It sounded as though it was right beside him, indicating that it was his own, but right now his focus needed to be on the woman in his arms. The messages coming in could wait until later in the morning.
She had heard the buzzing and almost stirred from his arms, but she knew that this was where she was supposed to be. Whoever was trying to get ahold of her had to know that she was most likely asleep. Just because she may have answered them at this ungodly hour one night, didn't mean she was willing to do it again or that she was even able to without drawing suspicion to herself. Tomorrow was another day.
. . . . . . . .
5:01 AM: When I can see you again?
5:01 AM: When we quit lying to everyone we are supposed to love…
5:02 AM: That could be an entire lifetime. I can't wait that long to hold you in my arms. Don't you know that I love you?
5:02 AM: Yes I know and you know that I love you too…
5:02 AM: But?
5:04 AM: I hate that I love you...
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