#i write in purple prose and i will not be shamed
catboygirljoker · 3 months
i literally cant make a post about this without sounding unbearably bitchy but i am frustrated by how often self-described writers (especially ones i see here on tumblr) describe the process of writing as completely passive--"you dont write the story, the story writes YOU!" "im not in charge here, the characters are in the drivers seat XD"
when as another self-described writer (on tumblr) the most interesting and satisfying part of writing to me is making deliberate choices about how a scene proceeds, what a character is like, how to describe something, every part of the piece. none of it is passive for me. even though i follow people who reblog posts about writing and even though i care a lot about writing and do it often, i rarely see posts i want to reblog about writing because i struggle to relate to any of them.
the part where i get unbearably bitchy about it is the fact that (trying with all my might to restrain the snarling biting evil dog in my brain that wants to kill) the writing produced by people who talk this way is. not to my taste. and frequently. in my opinion. not very good. and i dont think that that is a coincidence. nor do i think it's a coincidence that writers on tumblr seem to. have trouble. finishing projects. but. yknow. different strokes. and all that. just because their approach is different doesnt mean its wrong. (the dog in my brain is gnawing its own leg off)
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coffinsister · 3 months
Hi there!
I just wanted to let you know that I'd never heard of Saya no Uta until I saw you talking about it on my dash and I was like hey I'll look into that!! I had no idea what I was getting myself into, and it was definitely an experience. I've only played the route of choosing Saya and choosing to call Ryoko, so I still have to make the other choices to view all of the game's content, but I just wanted to come say thank you for giving me the second controversial piece of media I've been able to consume without my ocd throwing a bitchfit, because the whole story is fascinating from a psychological standpoint and that definitely drew me in.
I just wish the story was a little more 3D, I guess? Like the writing is overly descriptive of things it doesn't need to be descriptive of and underwhelming with the actual voiced dialogue. It's an extremely bizarre contrast. And from what little Japanese I've learn over the years out of SpInterest there are some translation points that aren't entirely accurate.
A big one is the fact that Saya speaks in third person which is a common cutesy mannerism for small children in Japanese media. In fact, she speaks super similarly to Maria Ushiromiya from Umineko ( complete with using 'uu!' for emphasis too ) which caused me to attach quickly to her for it. While it's true that this doesn't translate well into English, it does lose in translation just how young Saya really sounds while speaking. Because in Japanese she's saying things like 'Saya did this for Fuminori because Saya wants to be with Fuminori forever!' and it's getting translated as like 'I did this to make you happy. So you'll stay with me forever, right, Fuminori?' and those are two completely different tones. In fact, it's so overlooked from the English translation that this trope of hers isn't even mentioned on the The Song of Saya tvtropes page and that's wild to me.
Sorry, I didn't meant to turn this into a rant in your inbox asjklhd. Thank you for bringing this intriguing piece of media to my attention. 💖
Hiii, I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask but it was lovely getting it, so please don't apologize! We love getting long asks, and talking about our interests <3 And I'm really happy me basically screaming into the void about it, got you into it! That's great, that's exactly why I post about the things I like.
This was very interesting to read so thank you for sending it.
Side Thought: TV Troupes actually really really sucks for this kinda thing, it is widely innacurate with big media, and incredibly lacking for small media. So personally, I would not chuck TV Tropes lacking this as much to the (very bad, like super bad) official translation, as much as I would to the site just kinda sucking.
I'm sorry if I sound harsh, the website is fun, like any other wiki is, I just have personal beef against it, do not mind me, old man yells at cloud.
The first route I finished was also the one with Ryouko, and tbh, in my opinion that's the best one, but obviously seeing the other endings gives a lot of extra information, and character depth, so I hope you play through them and enjoy them too.
And yeah, I feel you, I wish it was more 3D and that I could have cared more about the characters, the writing definetly feels too much like purple prose, and way too descriptive about meaningless things sometimes, while also compeltley glazing over others.
Also big big same about the translation, I already posted my long rant about it, but it's really such a shame, because Nitro+ is actually so good at conveying character through dialogue, like actually reading some of the VNs in Japanese is a whole new experience on its own
And exactly as you said, it would have been far easier to understand Saya is a literally preubecent child if the translation had shown how childishly she actually speaks, or another big one, we would have gotten to see more of just how badly Fuminori wants to show off in front of Saya and Yoh, if the translation had actually shown him avoiding being fully honest with Saya.
Like there's so so many moments in Japanese of him just going, Well, about that, you know... to Saya when she's asking him about their plans together, and he's very reluctant to ask her for help, even when he really needs it, until she blatantly offers it, and he takes it.
In the Official English version he literally just goes "Well, the thing, Saya is that I failed to kill Koji, any ideas about that?"
So much character missed there, I feel like also missing the honorifics isn't helpful or good, like Yoh calling Oumi, Oumi-chan makes them feel way way closer, than just college friends who hang out between classes. And it gives you a better sense that they care for each other.
My hot take about translations is that they shouldn't just accomodate to what's most familiar to the target audience, in this case USA people, it should just make the media more accesible. It isn't a failure of art if it is a bit of a struggle to engage with it, it's good to make an effort to try to understand foreign art, even when the way the text is presented, isn't super familiar or relatable to you.
This is basically what everybody who isn't from an English speaking country already does lol
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mango + 7, atsulucy + 9, lemon futon + 4 and 14, ada kunichuu + 6, bramcraft + 2, fukumori + 15
Bestie if I knew you were gonna send me so many I would have sent you more in return. Damn.
Mushiango: 7. Which one is the worse driver
It's Mushitaro. I'm not saying he can't drive, but I would like to point out that between him and Ango, one of them has the ability to erase their traffic violations, and the other we have canonically see driving with no problems, therefor I'll let you do the math on this one.
Atsulucy: 9. Which one swears more
See you think I'd say Lucy no questions asked, but honestly I think it's a tie. Lucy tries to avoid cussing in her work environment, meanwhile Atsushi's probably encouraged in his work environment, so in the end I think it balances out.
Lemon Futon: 4.What they do on date night
Hm... I think they either switch it up so each person gets a turn deciding for each date night (Kajii usually drags Katai out places like dinner or the opera, Katai usually decides on movies they can watch or food to order in) and/or date night becomes cuddle nights.
14. What nicknames they call each other
Bean Bag immediately came to mind as something Kajii calls Katai so I'm absorbing that into my personal canon. Kajii probably has sooo many nicknames for Katai, honestly, the most I get from Katai is a sweet petname or two. Darling, love, etc etc. Kajii swoons over-dramatically every time and Katai regrets it every time (but, well, not really).
Kunichuu: 6. How they decorated their bedroom
Kunikida was insistent their room be practical and efficient and neutral, they could always change things up later in life when they were more certain of what they wanted and not just two 19 year olds getting their first space. And while the organization and well-keptness of the room remains...
Well. Chuuya found a cheap pack of those glow-in-the-dark star stickers, and while they started as a joke to see how long it'd take Kunikida to find each one (not just on the ceiling, hidden in corners or just behind furniture) they've both grown fond of them, now.
Bramcraft: 2. What their love letters look like
Not sue about canon/post-canon (especially with. Y'know) but pre-canon? Bram writes The most dramatic, flower, purple prose cursive you've seen in your Life. His letters are essentially poetry, endless and going on and on and calling Lovecraft all sorts of wonderful and beautiful things, never less than two or three pages.
Lovecraft's are cryptic, short, and written in ink. They are always mildly damp, smell like either saltwater or fish, and to most sound more like indecipherable scrawlings than notes of love. But Bram understands them, and treasures each and every one.
Fukumori: 15. What they would change about each other
Oh boy. Okay, so
The thing about Fukumori is they both love this city, both believe in a greater good for this city, and both know this about the other. They just wish the other would agree with their way of going about it.
Fukuzawa thinks Mori's actions are too cruel, too bloody, and in the end that the Port Mafia is not what this city needs. Mori believes the Armed Detective Agency is too ineffective to save the city from true threats, in the end, believes them too soft and that, in the end, Fukuzawa will go with his heart and not his mind.
It's a shame, really, both of them think. Their mutual love for this city, their recognition of one another's dark pasts and bloody hands, are part of what draw them to each other. Yet their different way of handling these are what will inevitably drive them apart.
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I wish you didn't write purple prose. I absolutely love talking to you, and the plots we come up with for our muses are amazing. However, when it comes to actually writing? I don't even understand what your replies means. I don't understand what your muse is saying or doing, and I don't know how to respond. I don't want to hurt your feelings by telling you this. I do ask subtle questions, but I know from experience that getting too many questions can be quite annoying. You would've been such a good writing partner. It's a shame.
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joesmemes · 1 year
Assembled by @sheenathehyena.
I gave you a beach house now be normal
It's just so fucking ridiculous it circles back around to being poignant
I'm fine but what an inconsiderate toolbox
the fucking white boi who is trying to "find himself" that you meet all of once at the beginning
Yeah you want me to shoot my baby batter all over you cover you with almost - children
Not sure how to feel about talking to actual fucking yakuza members for entertainment purposes
On a scale of Balan Wonderworld to Silent Hill, how are you dealing with your trauma?
Roses are red, violets are blue, singular they is older than singular you
Concerned Ape noises
You ever think about the fact that [name] really said "the birds work for the bourgeoisie" & they were right
My patience for slipping over improperly spilled blood has run out.
If you can see the bones of your whipped pupil, you failed.
You know the healer's oath: Only do moderate harm to those who cross you.
Man I don't know if lack of shame is a blessing or a curse.
Parsooth m'lady but would you be so kind as to partake of the exquisite past time of role playing?
So they aren't DENYING the piss kink
uhm you need to be more of a doormat…..your boundaries are making me uncomfy 😦
That's HARLEQUIN NOVEL descriptors of sex
where is my mouse arrow? where is it holy fuck
fetishize urself ig
It's always people with feet fetishes or fat fetishes that be so open about it
Look at this unhinged mother fucker
Fuck you I hope your pice of shit family burn in a dumpster fire
Sorry you had to overshare about a tough time with some random chick in school but it's not relavent to my cat at all.
We're at a sword store and it's full of exactly what you'd expect.
Nobody was reading Lemony Snicket going "teehee they made Count Olaf bitch sauce"
Wikipedia I love you but your donation pleas sound like a lying teenager begging for money online
There's no right way to look at the guy that tossed his baby off a cliff and say "I think he needs to look cool for a minute there" is all I'm saying
Okay, wonderful. GREAT, take them all. Please leave immediately
one time I ran a server and I was being weird so I changed literally everyone's nickname to Frank
AKGHDLK I'm gonna SOB they asked if they could share their ticklefics
heavy meals always make me HONK MIMIMIMIMI
I found a fucking book of Mormon lmafo
lemme go take a dump and ill set it up
tell her it was you who farted, establish dominance
I have been hoarding vidya games for the three of us to play like a dragon
Nearly had a heart attack because I was poopin and saw blood but realized it was my period
Ok we need to get a big cardboard box and a vaguely feminine scarecrow dressed as a boyfriendless girl
Puts my head in your lap like a cat
Some Filipinos wanna buy your titty mousepads
the chris chan trials are about to be the depp vs heard trial for people who had unrestricted internet access at a young age
Now u will screenshot us talking shit and put it in the callout 😭
🙂 our fursona is gonna b friends with sonic
I both love and hate [name]’s writing. How they go from ancient purple prose to “oh shit oh fuck”
i guess you could say…. this was a triumph
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6 and 23 for the new year asks, thanks. Hope to see more of your writing this year.
Thanks! So do I tbh lmao. The spirit is willing but the spirit also has ADHD.
6. Which yet-to-be-started fic is first on your list?
Finish the gods listened but didn't answer, an Astarion/Tav/Halsin smut that's been on the back burner since October. I didn't mean to, but I've been in no mood to write smut and it was meant to be a PwP. Luckily it's from Halsin's POV, who is perfect for purple prose.
I'd like to write a sequel to real darkness has love for a face, which is a Geraskier Regency Eldritch Horror with, of course, non-human Jaskier. It wasn't received as well as some of my other geraskier stuff, but horror isn't popular in fanfictions. A shame if you ask me. It's pretty angsty though and I love the concept. Horror allows for much weirdness and otherness, and it doesn't always have to be explained, so it's always a lot of fun for me to write.
23. Would you like to go on a writing retreat?
I never really looked into them so I have no idea what it's supposed to be like. I did a writing night a long time ago, a bunch of writers in a circle writing prompts and sharing them, so I wonder if that would be similar?
Thanks for asking!
Fanfic asks for the new year
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twothpaste · 2 months
38 and 69 for the ask thing!
38. What is your most self-indulgent posted story? That's a hard question - all fanfiction is self-indulgent as hell and mine's no exception. Probably [ Nowhere County ] though. All the personal shit crammed into that fic, the unrestrained purpleness of the prose, the ridiculous amount of product/brand placements, the gloominess & isolation & little mundane comforts - all that stuff's my most shameless jam.
69. What are your favorite fics at the moment? I think this question's referring to other folks' fics I've enjoyed recently? The writing style on [ this one ] took my breath away and still has me seeing stars. [ This bite-sized little fic ] only got 58 hits, and that's a colossal shame, because it deserves the world. I know probably none of y'all go to yugioh but [ this is the funniest fic I've ever read ] and I think about it at least twenty times a week.
[ ask meme here ]
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luckydragon10 · 1 year
I did a thing. For lots of reasons, I did a thing.
The Lady Doth Protest (985 words) by LuckyDragon Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: KinnPorsche: The Series (TV) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Porsche Pachara Kittisawat/Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun Characters: Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Porsche Pachara Kittisawat Additional Tags: female kinn, male porsche, Female!Kinn Anakinn Theerapanyakun, Male!Porsche Pachara Kittisawat, kind of, Short, Ficlet, Oneshot, Crack, Het, Gender or Sex Swap, heterosexual tropes, lots of 'em, Purple Prose, Humor, no beta we die like Khun Spikes, anti-gatekeep, protest, write what you want to write, Don't Like Don't Read, don't like don't shame, Dead Dove: Do Not Eat Summary: Porsche finds Kinn standing in front of the mirror of her bathroom, leaning over it as she applies a tasteful dusting of blush to her stunning cheekbones.
In other news, it's REALLY freeing to just say "fuck it" and write as trashy as I wanna write. 🤣
And please see also @daswarschonkaputt's ficlet! Look Don't Leap
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st-danger · 11 months
Can I puhlease get 7, 25, 34 and 63? And a small fry?
7. How do you choose which POV to write from?
Um. This is actually a tough one to quantify for me. I think it depends largely on the kink or niche I'm writing for. Forcedfem? Hot to write from Dew's perspective to give the reader an insight into that good good shame. Foot fetish? Rain's perspective in order to get the reader a little insight into the kink and hopefully offer some sense of connection to it by way of "hey, he doesn't understand it either, but look how into it his partner is." I guess whatever POV makes the reader feel the most connected to the story. This answer feels like a cop out.
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
I know it isn't everyone's thang, but I'm so goddamned stoked about my Imperator/Dew stuff. And the foot fetish. I feel like people write stuff off without giving it a shot sometimes! I feel like the stuff that gets the most attention is always heat fics, which I'm VERY GOOD WITH but I just wanna make it my mission to open people's eyes. I guess.
34. Five years from now, where do you see yourself as a writer?
I hope I publish my novel. I know I talk about it all the time to you, but I really, really hope I have a published book or two under my belt. My goal is to have it finished and looking for an agent by this time next year.
63. Something you hate to see in smut.
I really hate overly purple prose. Any weird euphemisms for genitals, overly flowery descriptions that sound like it comes from a cheap romance novel. And, personally, female bodies that cum immediately. Some XX chromosomes can get off pretty quickly, and multiple times, but personally, I like a little realism when it comes to this- make them get eaten out for more than 3 minutes. Make it take more than the bare minimum. Only a quarter of XX folks can cum from penetration; I'd like to see representation of that. And not everyone can cum multiple times. I'm projecting, I know, but it'd be nice to see.
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marthawrites · 1 year
Five Things You Might Find In My Fics:
Thank you sooo much @ewanmitchellcrumbs for the tag! ❤️❤️❤️
1.) Details: I really am a sucker for details. I love incorporating all five senses, or at least trying to, without dragging the writing down too much -- it's something I have to constantly work on! Looking and thinking back to my writing in the past, I definitely fell victim to purple prose. There's almost always a mental struggle going on in my head in regards to what to include and what to cut 🤪 if I reread it and think "Ugh shut up" it's getting snipped!
2.) Hands and mouths: I looove hands and mouths so much! I just think they're neat 🤗 They seem to be a theme in all my writing too. I used to be a smoker, and once upon a time around half of my OCs smoked (whoops). Food and eating is something I tend to include in my writings too. You can almost always bet there's gonna be a scene with descriptive food stuff.
3.) "Realistic" scenarios: Personally I tend to not enjoy creating wildly exaggerated stories. Life has its twists and turns, sure, but I think my logical brain short circuits when things go in the direction of derailing. I just can't do it! That might mean my stuff isn't as "exciting" or "gripping" as other's, but I'm okay with that!
4.) Intimate groupings: I struggle to write scenarios with large groups of people. And by that I mean like more than 3 characters at a time. Most of my scenes will include two people, maybe 3, and then perhaps another outside thing (a baby, pet, phone call, something of that like). Occasionally I do write larger groups of characters, but it's not something I frequent.
5.) Smut and fluff: It's a guilty pleasure 💁‍♀️ I used to have a lot of shame about reading and writing smut. Thankfully I've worked through that part of me and I can freely indulge in it now. It's fun and fictional and a creative outlet! Most things I write will have at least 1 of these 2 things.
This was a lot of fun to think about and do!
Tagging some writing mutuals! (no pressure!): @st-eve-barnes @obsidian-hearts @rottingviserys @aemondsdaemons @winterandwords @faelanvance @1800-fight-me @theold-ultraviolence @strangelockd and anyone else who wants to do it!
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cinoman · 10 months
it’s probably been years since someone’s spoken about this (probably not) but after a bit of internet surfing i felt the need to say this.
changdictator was an absolute gem and reliving the era between their appearance and then departure feels so bitter. it’s also weirdly ironic? because of anterograde tomorrow’s premise and now, it’s *essentially* the same thing.
everyday i forget about them and then i remember them and remember how beautiful their writing was and bleh. it’s 2AM and i just wish i could get in a time machine and pick their brain and witness it all happen.
nostalgia is a really sad emotion lol..
EDIT: adding onto this, i will never understand people who produce great things and feel shame! i understand changdictator's points about their writing and why they disliked it (purple prose) but i would kill to be able to produce something like that. all of their writing is just gem after gem after gem, i would say it's talent.
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aurorawest · 10 months
Reading update, part 2
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The Perplexing Theft of the Jewel in the Crown by Vaseem Khan - 4/5 stars
All the Way Happy by Kit Coltrane - DNF
Couldn't get past the fact that it was blatantly Drarry fanfiction that had had the serial numbers filed off. It was seriously distracting. I don't have an issue with fic authors doing that (I'M ONE OF THEM), but this read like a find and replace had been done on the names, and nothing else had been changed. If the prose hadn't been so overwrought I might have enjoyed it, but the combination of Drarry AU + purple prose was just too cringey for me.
Total Creative Control by Joanna Chambers and Sally Malcolm - 5/5 stars
Ahhhhh I loved this book. I've only read Chambers's historical fiction so I was curious what this would be like, and it was so good. So so good.
Also, sometimes my wife says stuff and I'm like 'that's not a real thing that English people say, that's probably some weird thing her family says.' But then I'll read it in a book by an English person and I am schooled. Anyway that happened several times in this book.
The Name Bearer by Natalia Hernandez - DNF
I don't mind a slow-paced book but there was just so much info dumping in the first chapter, when chapter 2 started with more info dumping, I gave up.
Crossroads by Riley Hart - DNF
This book started with a description of the main character's apartment. There wasn't anything special about it, nor was it described in a unique way. I DNFed halfway through page 2. I know I have another Riley Hart book sitting in my TBR, which I will be digging out bringing to my local bookstore's used book buyback.
Godkiller by Hannah Kaner - 4.5/5 stars
Did Not Expect to enjoy this one. I got this in an IllumiCrate and I just remember the little blurby thing you get where the author talks about the book saying something about how she loves angry women. I'm over it. Angry is not a personality! Stop writing women who are angry and thinking you've written a well-rounded character!
But actually this book was really good! Predictable, but a good read. Unusually, my favorite character was the child. It helped that she had an adorable hare/bird/deer god of white lies following her around.
Tommy Cabot Was Here by Cat Sebastian - 5/5 stars
I love Sebastian's regency romances but I might love this series more. This is a very, very quick read (right around 100 pages) but she's just so good at creating these wonderful, fully-realized characters that you love from the first sentence.
As You Walk on By by Julian Winters - 2/5 stars
So at this point I think I have to concede that Julian Winters is not the author for me. He's constantly lauded as this wonderful writer whose books will make you smile for days. This is the third one I've read and I nearly DNFed it. The only thing that kept me going, ironically, was that I really liked the love interest and was rooting for them to get together. Typically I find the romances in Julian Winters books to be very flat and un-swoony. This one was actually quite nice though.
But the main character. Jesus Christ. He's SO annoying. Him and his shitty BFF who he falls out with deserve each other, honestly. There's only so many times I can sympathize with you because you have a comfortable, middle-class life and you go to a fancy pants private school, but waaaaah sometimes your friends don't say exactly the right thing about you being queer. Also having your MC tell the teenage girl who gets slut-shamed, gossiped about, and sexually harassed everywhere she goes that actually she doesn't have it as bad because she's white was...an interesting touch.
And idk if the Youth actually act and talk the way the teenagers do in this book, but if they do, I'm very glad I don't know any teenagers.
Why did I rate this book 2 stars instead of 1? Oh! I really liked Luca. He deserved a better book. And I liked River a lot, too. And the fact that this was clearly a take on The Breakfast Club was fun, just...not executed as well as I would have liked.
Part 1
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bloodenkids · 1 year
Probably what the Rosenrot perfume by Rammstien smells like: blood, rose, and incense, with maybe some green notes. She likely wears a vintage perfume that is floral/green, but she has that bloody and smoky scent from what she does most days. Maybe a bit of an old book smell in there too
Generally, they’re soft, but she has very specific callouses in places where she hold a writing implement, as well as the scarred places from knives. She has small hands with thin fingers, so in that sense it’s a bit like holding a bird in your palm
Coffee and usually something small for both Breakfast and lunch. Pastries, toast, yogurt, or a salad for both those meals. She’ll have a larger dinner, though only comparatively. Pasta is a go to, but she’s also a fan of chicken and vegetables. She usually has a green with her dinner, no matter what she eats
She has a small amount of musical theatre training, but her singing voice is a bit more suited for older, brassier music styles. If she tries the musical theatre style, she tends to get towards a screech, something beautiful in a haunting way, but not what anyone wants in that situation
She drinks more than she should for sure. Lucy also has the nervous tick of twirling pens or pencils, which more of less translated to twirling knives and such as well. Pacing and gritting her teeth also happen, but not as commonly
Her typical garb is either a dark colored, structured dress or a blouse and a skirt. She’ll only really wear white in her shirts. A white button up works well. It’s a little bit between business professional and goth. A little to dark to be dark academia. She wears dark makeup with it, usually reds and greys and purples in her eyeshadow and red or black lips. She can be a tad dramatic on her jewelry choices. And boots are great no matter what time of year or the rest of the outfit
Lucy can be. Only with those she truly cares about, though. She’s mostly cold and detached, but once she decides you are in some way hers, her love is clear. You will be the center of her poems and prose as the perfect lover or hero. You will get many thoughtful gifts that are just morbid enough to be her. Not to mention the fact that she’ll kill anyone who hurt you. All of this will likely be before physical affection, but she still enjoys a good kiss as well
On her side, not quite in a feral position but curled up. Grasping ahold of blankets or a partner also helps
…I’d say it depends on her mood. Lucy can be very stealthy, but if she’s angry, she will not hold back at all. In that case, she shamed buildings with her anger, physical and verbal. Otherwise, her voice is softer than the normal person’s when she’s simply talking.
Tagged by: @deafandstoned
Tagging: @birdhouse-in-thesoul @oughtabeinpxctures @w-o-r-d-s--f-a-i-l
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011994 · 1 year
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ALLISON CELESTE ARGENT —— private , slow , writing exploration BY BAST / they, she / 30s. [beta editor] #011994
A STUDY IN : COMING BACK WRONG , misplaced retribution , girlhood stolen , female horror , violence as a weapon to regain stability , ABANDONING YOUR OLD SELF , reveling in the present , running from ties that bind us , grief . BLOGROLL: @bluntache , @baitlure , @enlaw , @aliterary .
basic rules are mutuals preferred plus name & age somewhere on your blog –– do not follow if you are a under 18 –– no drama , no call outs , and no fat shaming , transphobic or otherwise nasty things or i’ll hard block you .  
— index. // annotation , i .
this is an mutuals only independent writing role play blog for allison argent of the mtv's teen wolf  as written by bast . i track the tag #011994 . prev. oncewarm.  any similarities to other ‘allison’ blogs is coincidence &  and they are not me .  at the moment , i am not duplicate friendly . other blogs i write include :
— author note. // annotation , ii .
i write using 50x50 px icons with faux block quotes , generally simple formatting such as bold , italic , and hyper linked sentences . i use small text and big text to emphasize certain phrases . I AM IN THE BETA EDITOR. i will follow iconless blogs if the writing looks good. i suffer from ocd, diabetes and aniscoria (meaning it's hard for me to see).
my writing is succinct and to the point with powerful punches of metaphor put in randomly. my writing is more beige prose than purple but i don’t mind if you are. just know i may write half of what you write. i am always quality over quantity. i do not like clutter or stressful to navigate dashboards . i am a sucker for aesthetics but friendliness goes a long way for me .
— footnote. // annotation , iii .
do not follow me if , you are involved with / seek out drama. i am slow and low activity . i like or draft all replies i see . if you have not seen a reply in a little while , feel free to dm the link to me ! i work a lot, so i’m not online often.
unfollowing / soft blocking , is something i do. i may do this if i am unhappy with my dash, if we do not interact, or i feel our muses will not click . if i am truly offended by you , i will hard block.
      DO NOT COLLECT MY MUSE . aka , if i see you already ship with several allisons i may be hesitant to follow .
— footnote. // annotation , iv .
divergencies include only allison's death really . i have not viewed the season finale of t.een w.olf nor the recent movie . therefore i'm fuzzy on details past that . my allison is more of an original character with her personality and most of her canon experiences up until her surrogate death . after that i diverge from typical canon .
ships that i am open to include the following muses : derek & lydia are top tier , then second tier preferences are scott & stiles (preferably during his darker plot line) , as well as last tier —— though no less enjoyable for me : parrish , isaac , malia . non canon muses will be considered if i am approached ofc.
— local missing flyer. // annotation , v .
. . . ALLISON ARGENT . MISSING - RUNAWAY [DEAD] . united states citizen . hometown : beacon hills , california . unmarried , single . cis female . born 1994 .
— police report. // annotation , vi .
. . . ALLISON CELESTE ARGENT , no known alias. 5’8 . missing female , 17 in 2011 , not considered dangerous . may be suffering amnesia . last known location , rural veterinarian clinic , no body found . suspects investigated but found no leads .
— bestiary. // annotation , vii .
currently , some leads suggest seeing a similar female in height and appearance but leads have bore no fruit. allison is a ghost, flittering from ghost town to ghost town seeking to rid the country of its lurking supernatural threats.
BACKSTORY ! allison awakens buried alive in a shallow grave , digs her way out with her bare hands and wanders until finding herself at her family home . her father is gone . isaac is gone . she takes her things , weapons , etc. and leaves , not wishing to see anyone . she is suffering from trauma , disassociation and confusion . there are also bouts of amnesia that sometimes flare up when attempting to remember faces or names for 2-3 days afterwards . allison is determined to exterminate those who harm others and to protect those who are human from other worldly threats while admitting to herself , she feels sick satisfaction when killing . it's one of the few times she's feels really alive again .
A STUDY IN : COMING BACK WRONG , misplaced retribution , girlhood stolen , female horror , violence as a weapon to regain stability , ABANDONING YOUR OLD SELF , revealing in the present , running from ties that bind us , grief .
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wri0thesley · 2 years
Hi nat! I'm going to the bookstore soon (hopefully today) and I was wondering what kind of books you have read or recommend. I'm in love with the way you write its so effortlessly elegant! That whole gojo fic with him being a prince was *chefs kiss* and has plagued my mind since I read it. Especially the last few sentences of it "childish has the same syllable count as clever, does it not?" THAT IS GOLD you are an amazing writer!!! Thank you for sharing your work!!
ahh anon i am flattered that you would ask me!!! ;w; here are some of my personal favourite books and series;
the vampire chronicles (anne rice). if you can handle a LOT of purple prose, of course, but tvc was my first real love and i revisit them a lot, they hold a very special place in my heart! if you try interview with the vampire and don't like it, i'd recommend at least giving the vampire lestat (the second) book a go, lestat is a far more engaging and interesting narrator than louis imo!
les miserables (victor hugo). if you're not good with heavy or weighty books with a lot of dry history, i'd recommend the julie rose translation over the more commonly found norman denny (or the more accurate wilbour), which whilst not entirely accurate n takes a lot of creative wording liberties is i think the most accessible!
the picture of dorian gray (oscar wilde). one of my absolute favourite books; as a whole that gothic horror genre is one of my favourites but i was so fascinated by oscar wilde growing up and i find dorian's relationships with henry and basil so interesting that i'd recommend it over any others. although i think frankenstein, dracula, the turn of the screw, carmilla and the phantom of the opera all bear reading in that genre too!
in the gothic horror vein, my favourite modern writer creating books in that tradition is laura purcell. i'd especially recommend bone china, though the shape of darkness is very good too!
i love shirley jackson. i think that 'we have always lived in the castle' is more interesting and better than 'the haunting of hill house' personally, but her short story collections are really my favourite and i don't think you could go wrong with any!
i think if you haven't read a lot of classics, they are always good to read for inspiration and i would like to think and hope that i got a lot of my own style inspo from them! i especially love jane eyre. i have re-read brideshead revisited a thousand times. i have a very soft spot for children's classics like anne of green gables, little women and the secret garden (the secret garden, coincidentally, i think is RIPE for a gothic horror re-telling).
when i do occasionally write fantasy stuff my favourite fantasy creators are terry pratchett (READ DISCWORLD READ DISCWORLD READ DISCWORLD) and diana wynne jones (howl's moving castle is lovely but the chrestomanci books are my personal favourites, i'm particularly attached to gwendolen in charmed life). i think i was reading a lot of mercedes lackey's heralds of valdemar series when i wrote that one!
i got very into cj cherryh's alliance-union universe this year. her writing of alien worlds is so . . . i cant quite explain it but it very much feels incredibly real. 40,000 in gehenna especially for me felt like it could be partly an anthropology journal from another planet. if sci-fi isn't always your thing but it sounds interesting, i'd recommend starting with merchanter's luck over the 'official' start of the series downbelow station, it's a little less political intrigue-y and heavy layered but still gives a v good overview of the series!
great shame time; one of my foremost writing inspirations is actually vc andrews and her vaguely trashy gothic-romance inspired series. please be warned for a lot of off-putting stuff if you read them (most notably incest). also, only the ones actually penned by her (the flowers in the attic series, the vast majority of the heaven series and my sweet audrina) have the right vibe for me, the others are very obviously ghostwritten. i would ALWAYS recommend reading my sweet audrina for possibly one of the most fucked up experiences reading you will ever have, but i do enjoy her writing style a lot!
GOD sorry this got long. i LOVE talking about books, honestly, and i don't get to do it much! i didn't even mention let the right one in or the secret history. if i typed much longer i would never stop!!! <3
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demcnsinmymind · 1 year
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@mslangermann @thesoulofasurvivor asked: 9 Something you don’t like reading in writing (i.e. vulgar language, long winded descriptions, etc.) | Munday Meme | Always Open!
First things first, I'm strictly talking personal preference here, not trying to dictate or discourage anyone who does end up writing like this/these things. Keep it up if you enjoy that, no shame, there's no right or wrong here.
Personally, I don't enjoy 'dry' writing very much, basically very short sentences with minimal description, just straight to the point short sequences of happenings without much else. I said in a previous reply that I enjoy writing out thoughts and emotions, so basically the exact opposite of that. Unless it's done with a very specific purpose in mind, like to show that a character is cold and mechanical/not human or whatever. But don't get me wrong, the other end of the spectrum - overly purple-y prose is also meh, though I admit I probably belong on that spectrum lmao.
Random little tidbit that I don't really like is the whole "lavender/pale baby blue hues/orbs/whatever" description of eyes. Can't tell you why, that just always makes me laugh for some reason.
slightly nsfw-ish answer
Another thing I don't like reading in writing is overly vulgar language in smut replies, aka stuff that makes the act sound like it's right out of an overly graphic and cheap porn flick. Personally, it does nothing for me, and I like the 'realistic' and more sensual approach to language in those types of replies a lot more.
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