#i wrote this on the toilet bye-
iknowitwontwork · 3 months
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oh a girl and the insurmountable amount of loneliness she was stuck with ever since she was a child :')
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satoruhour · 10 months
While I know Suguru is the og girldad, there’s something so endearing about Satoru with a daughter.
First time she’s in his arms and it’s like somebody put the sun into his palms. She has his white hair and six eyes but in shape of your facial features, his loud and boisterous personality and his sweet tooth, and there’s not a thing on this planet he cherishes more than her. Spoils her, wants to be her “superhero” dad children look up to, you best believe everything she draws for him is kept secure in a folder in his room. He never lets anyone treat her as inferior to boys (knowing the misogyny in jjk universe), and both of them love you to piecessssss🥹
Like I just randomly imagine him baking a cake with his little daughter for your birthday and MY HEARTHNSJ😭
a/n: literal tears. bye. i love dad gojo sm. wrote this through tears while listening to this. tagging @crysugu @jabamin @hyomagiri @seeingivy ✶
wc: 3k plus?? man idfk cant see thru my tears
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✶ dad!gojo . . .
. . . who ages so well the more he grows older. if you think he looks good at 28, just wait until he’s 34, or 40. although he still has a baby face, his features have matured way more, now, crinkle lines on his forehead and around his lips that accentuate his dimples even more. he just looked… so damn good, truly keeping his physique well into his thirties, except you wouldn’t have known if his hair is turning grey, though, since it’s already white, but you can tell he’s happy when his body hair is not just white upon white.
. . . who has the palest skin, so when he starts to grow a noticeable moustache and goatee he shows you the short strands excitedly, pointing to the various parts of his face with an excited finger and a beaming smile. he annoys you by rubbing his chin and cupid’s bow along your skin in the morning or when he returns home — it’s a little funny seeing you jump in surprise.
. . . who only lets you dictate whether he should keep the facial hair and when you hesitate even one moment (“nope! let’s shave it!”) you’re pulled into the bathroom and handed a shaver and shaving cream. he hums when the blade glides along his skin, knowing you were too afraid to be too rough. gojo liked the tenderness of these moments, you perched upon his lap and bottom lip caught in between your lips as you focused on his chin and cupid’s bow. the grip on your waist is firm, loving the way your thighs close around his own so snugly.
“okay — last one,” you voice out softly, eyes squinting because it was so difficult trying to see white hair from skin. gojo simply giggles at your struggle and you tsk, telling to stop moving! before you’re yelping and the shaver leaves your hand, the soft, plump lips of satoru moving against yours. behind you, there’s a plop! of water, and gojo just laughs when he sees the shaver lodged into the toilet. “ah. well, let’s use yours.” and your mouth twists, “no! i use that to shave…” you trail off and you swear you can hear gojo’s grin and the insult of pervert on your lips. “well! all the more to use it!” ✶
. . . whose vision from the start is slowly turning true. the jujutsu world is in the good hands of his students that he’s able to spend time with you and the (unborn) baby more. he smiles more freely now that he works less missions, but still as cheeky and playful as ever, squishing your cheeks and moving them around as he plants kisses on them. he also shows his feelings more, not afraid to bury his face in your neck and ask for head rubs or tell you he might be thinking about suguru a little too much; the first time satoru put his head to your swelling belly and heard the kid kick he teared up right away, baby talking to the baby bump like the sap he is.
. . . who at first hated his family name because it was only ever associated with his powerful father and then him, with both of his renowned techniques, how it pointed straight to him being the strongest and a cog in the machine to overwork. but now, gojo rather likes it, referring to you as “my wife” and “mrs. gojo” more times than necessary. you gave him his surname meaning by saying your vows and slipping his (rather expensive) ring on your fourth finger. you gave the family name a sense of warmth and homeliness whenever he’d come home to you humming a tune from high school and cooking up some dinner. you gave ‘gojo’ a worth that means more than just the six eyes and limitless — that it’d mean that gojo was the penthouse in some far off tokyo district coupled with you and the baby growing in you.
. . . who when first handed his baby girl, cried full on tears in the hospital, both arms wrapped so snugly around his baby because he was afraid he was going to hurt her or drop her in some way. gojo is generally pretty large in stature that he makes your baby girl look so small that it’s endearing. your cheeks hurt from smiling so much at them, not having the energy to capture the moment since you just quite literally delivered. but satoru much rather have his girls in the picture, handing the baby back to you before he reveals his phone to snap a picture.
“w-would ya look at her?” satoru coos, rocking and bouncing his body gently to ease your baby back into slumber. there’s an ugly show of a mess on his face — snot falling everywhere and tear stains lining his cheeks. but there’s one final thing that has gojo choking up all over again; the baby is curious and feels up his hand, your husband letting a finger out before she curls her small fist around his finger. “oh my god.” it’s cute seeing gojo so distraught as tears spring to his eyes again and he can’t even form words. it makes the baby laugh and he sobers up a little, sniffing and raising a brow. “love seeing your papa cry, huh?” and the baby sputters again and giggles and satoru swears he ascends to heaven and mutters a promise more to himself than your darling girl. “i’ll protect that little smile for as long as i live, okay?” ✶
. . . who is entirely enamoured with his baby girl, carrying her a little too much when she should be in the crib, singing her little songs or pointing out the colours of the sky in the nursery. you watch the scenes like a proud wife and mother, still not used to the beautiful scenes and childlike decorations of the room — only because satoru would not let you in after learning why ellie from up couldn’t conceive even if the paint now was safe. but you don’t have the heart to turn away your husband when this is what you get out of it, reminiscent of when gojo had playfully done to tsumiki and megumi before (“the scenery is beautiful today, gojo-san!” vs. “i already know what colours are, dumbass.”). 
. . . who only asks you to rest while he takes on most of the diaper-changing and feeding duties. you weren’t even that old to begin with, but it seemed like just like you were pregnant, satoru found it offensive that you’d think of even lifting a finger. you let him, for a while, until you find out he’s putting on the diaper wrongly and putting a little too much formula in the bottle, but you simply pat his cheek when he tears again. by god, he doesn’t want to mess this up, he doesn’t want to mess you up, he doesn’t want to mess her up, but you show him with your hands wrapped around his. one, two, three, and a half cups into the bottle; wrap around her right, then her left and secure it with the provided adhesive.
“satoru, baby,” you sigh, going on your tippy toes to kiss away the tears spilling from his cheeks, “you’re not a bad dad because you didn’t know how to make her food or change her diaper.” your fingers are as light as dewdrops, always in awe of his flawless skin and looks, and now, in awe of his consideration and love of your baby girl. “but—” you put up a finger, “no buts— remember? we promised each other not to be sorry if we can’t help it. you are human, my love.” gojo heaves a shaky sigh and swallows away the sobs, nodding against your hand as he covers it and leans into your touch. “i am human,” and a little later after quelling the baby’s cries in bed, “thank you.” ✶
. . . who, when she’s old enough, takes her on flying mishaps, hands tucked under her arm pits to guide her through the house in exaggerated flight. it feels like dad is superman, the sofa, high chair, even mama is all too far away from her and she’s onto her next exciting adventure. the bubbly giggles from your darling girl is the only sound that matters to satoru, alongside your laughter as you watch the two in play while dinner simmer besides you. higher! higher! she asks when she can speak and he does just that with his imposing height, but gojo’s tallness never intimidates his baby girl; no, not when gojo satoru is her hero and you, her solace.
. . . who gives nothing but a multitude of praises when his girl is leaning more into the artistic side, asking for colour pencils and crayons and paint to explore her creativity that with each drawing she shows him, he gasps, falls to the floor, and cries out how it should belong in a museum! gojo is doing the most — hands on his chin and pointing to various parts of the drawing and discussing the “meaning” behind it when all your girl wanted to do was draw the three of you as a happy family. he’s buying the frame, making a plaque for the artwork to be hung; when he’s making copies of the artwork to keep in a folder, he’s crying his eyes out (“she just wanted to draw us, us! as a family!” you giggle, “yes, satoru, that’s what we are.”)
“girlssss! i’m home!” satoru grins when your baby runs up to him, swooping her up before she can crash into his legs and twirls her around. “papa! look at what i drew today!” you’re emerging after cleaning up her very passionate creative space after she swore on finishing it before your husband came back, smiling when she bounces on her heels. “woooow!” he clutches his heart, one knee and then the other before he croaks out “ooouhhhh! why isn’t this masterpiece in a museum yet?! it’s a crime!” if you were in high school, the gojo then would definitely barf at how cheesy he was being at the moment, “very compelling use of colour, here, miss gojo. hmm, yes, yes, i see how you used multiple colours for the sun — very effective in showing the many colours of the sunset!” you’re cheesing so hard at the display because he does this every. time. and it never fails to make her yell in excitement, running over to you as she gives you a big fat kiss on your cheeks, “mama helped me!” a raise of the eyebrow before you finally get your well-awaited kiss to your lips, “i’m sure she did, honey.” ✩
. . .who teaches her the basic things, not shying away from the harsh realities of the world and jujutsu society. he tells her about boys who make fun of girls and think it’s acceptable, or teachers that would only like the strong boys to carry the chairs to the centre of the classroom. he thinks that if he’s going to do this parenting shit, he’s going to do it right, not the way his parents did it, not the way the higher-ups “looked” over young sorcerers. he covers self-defense, verbal comebacks as well as a rejected raise of her hand to threaten a punch (you were the one to stop him from teaching her that — you could only thank it wasn’t a middle finger instead), praising and rewarding her with candy and blown raspberries into her skin.
. . . who teaches her mama is as important as he is, but your darling girl already knows the value of her mother who holds her tight when she has a nightmare, or the airplane on mama’s airline that always holds delicious food. she knows how much her mother loves her when you’re sharing a smile with her at the dinner table as satoru chokes again on his food, and when you pat her to sleep while telling the story of how you and gojo met. that’s why she was the one to suggest that they both bake you a cake for your birthday — with her as the head chef and satoru as her sous chef. 
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“it has to be perfect, papa! no more burning the pancakes in the morning or putting too much sugar.” gojo stifles a laugh at that; it seems that his baby girl had heard the many trivial mishaps that had happened in the kitchen, snapping out of his daze when his daughter lands a light slap on his cheek. “pay attention!” satoru fully laughs now, okay, okay! he says and they read through the recipe together — a family recipe passed down to you — and they try their best. the flour is a little messy, the sugar is a tad too much and satoru thinks he may have preheated the oven too high a heat, but then there’s the familiar smell of the vanilla extract and the rise of the cake in the tin. your baby cheers, collapsing into gojo’s arms in front of the oven and together on the floor, they watch the cake ascend.
“careful, baby, it’s hot.” gojo brings her away when the cake is finally done, dramatically smelling and letting out a sigh at it, “it smells really good, ain’t it?” she purses her lips and points to herself, “all due to me!” and gojo hums in agreement. he’s content to let his baby girl take all the credit when she’s looking as adorable like that, finding that her confidence is looking more and more like his while your kindness shows when she’s propped up on the kitchen island and saying, “but papa was the one who helped me pour everything! so maybe it’s because of both me and papa.”
the “thank you” that satoru whispers into his girl’s temple is a whisper, and the house falls into a comfortable, more calm atmosphere as they work on the icing together. it’s clear that all her excitement has caught up to her and she’s now feeling a little sleepy in between, only shooting up when gojo’s announced the icing’s all mixed properly. “happy . . birthday . . mama,” she draws out in the air with satoru’s finger clutched between her fist, a clear layout in her young mind that he had no choice but to listen (he would always listen), lathering first the white base icing before the pressuring job comes and his darling girl is looking at him with narrowed eyes, “don’t mess it up, papa!”
“i won’t—” and before gojo can start on the lettering, you’re depositing the house keys into the bowl your husband gifted you in high school, letting out a chuckle at the scene before you: the sorcerer’s face caked in white, vanilla extract and broken egg shells on the island and in the middle of it, your husband and your daughter looking like deer caught in headlights.
“hi, mama,” they say in unison and your grin only widens. you could hardly be mad when this doesn’t happen often, already knowing the occasion, but they seemed to be a little bummed out from being found out so you only hope your hug can make it up. your baby girl goes first: she squeals when she’s scooped into your arms, smile so bright it could mirror any angel in heaven. while she still pouts, she’s more than happy to wish you a happy birthday. “thank you, baby. was baking with papa fun?”
she nods so hard her whole body moves in your arms, “papa is very bad at measuring stuff, though.”
you burst out laughing while your husband falls into a greater pout than your daughter did, brushing off the flour from his arms and taking the both of you into his embrace, “she’s so mean to me, sweets.”
“i’m not, just telling the truth. mama, i was the head chef, so i get to say what he’s bad at.” gojo’s pout worsens and you coo, pulling him closer.
“yes, but daddy did help with everything, didn’t he?” you whisper, brushing away the strands that fall over her face. you’ve never really taken the time to take in everything: her white hair, those blue eyes that are a little darker, the lines at the side of her smile that look like yours. instinctively, your forehead rests against hers and upon feeling her nod, you think that this is all you need. “thank you, darling.” and your girl grins again when she feels your peck on her forehead. gojo only can look at his girls with a content smile, pout stretching into his face while his hand never stops caressing your back. “can daddy have a kiss too?”
that night when she’s put to sleep after much protest (you both give in and end up watching your favourite movie together as a present), you’re drawing circles on gojo’s bare chest which also has grown a little bit of hair. his lips upon your hair feels like a divine blessing; he speaks.
“happy birthday again, baby,” a kiss, “only if you came home a liiittle later, though.”
you laugh softly, “actually, i sort of heard your shenanigans when i was standing outside the front door.” satoru jerks from the comfortable position, prompting your head to hit the headboard in a loud ‘thud’.
“oops sorry, baby— but what?!”
you shake your head, roll your eyes, pull him back to tuck yourself under his chin, “you’re so damn dramatic. i just didn’t want to interrupt the both of you. you mean a lot to her, you know.”
gojo sighs, moving away a bit for your head to tilt up and his heart still pulls and tugs like so many years ago. if he recalls correctly, it’s just exactly like this that you shared your first kiss together, the line between friends and lovers blurring so much that all it took was your eyes staring into his to make him notice he never had infinity on around you.
“you made me forget what i was gonna say,” satoru mumbles, a laugh cutting through his features when you smile sheepishly. he copies your outburst, “you’re so damn beautiful.”
“and you mean a lot to her, too. we mean a lot to her — it’s the least we can do when you’ve brought such a beautiful baby into the world,” gojo mutters — it’s late and he’s slurring his words from the fatigue. his eyes glow under the night light and he holds on to you just a little tighter, “to give her a normal life.”
his smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes, and there’s the sheen of his tears again. “we will succeed, don’t you worry.” you silence his doubts with a kiss, “you’re doing a great job of a father, ‘toru. i will keep reminding you until my voice turns hoarse and i can’t speak.”
normally, he’d tease you but all it does is make the tears full spill over; but they’re happy this time. satoru only lets you catch his lips in a deep kiss, quietening his sobs as your hands fumble at his undercut and his face. you can hear the faint “thank you”’s he mumbles and you’re also close to crying, pulling away to admire him — god, you loved him so much you feel like you could collapse. he loved you so much he would do it all over again if it meant having you in every life.
“thank you for having me. thank you for loving me, baby,” satoru whispers, wiping at your tears as did you and he laughs, “dunno why we’re cryin’. s’pposed to be a happy moment.”
you huff (of course, he’d say something funny now), but that’s just one of many things you love about him. all you do is hold him closer that night and mutter a prayer — to virgin, to buddha, to anyone who would listen.
it might get difficult along the way: one of you may need to take on more missions, your baby will be growing up and heading to school. there will be difficult talks, puberty, tantrums, none of you were truly ready. and yet, despite it all, you’d still have your satoru, the one who made tsumiki and megumi into what they are today. despite it all, you’d still have each other and your darling girl, your family of gojo’s whose definition changed from suffocating to belonging. despite it all, as long as galaxies are created and supernovas happening and the planets revolve around the sun, it’d take light years for your love to diminish even one speck.
your love for each other could surpass the cosmos — that in itself is enough.
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part two
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ccsainzleclerc5516 · 3 months
This Is Where You Stand With Me
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x reader
Warnings: none
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A/N: pls read this for better understanding thanksss!!
Sooo once upon a time, a few months ago actually, I started writing a Charles fanfic - never finished it - I had a reeeally good story in mind, wrote around 20 chapters and then I just got bored of it, BUT! I wrote some really good pieces that I'd be sorry no one ever read so I thought I'd post them. Actually I've already posted one part of the story that comes waay later than the ones I'm gonna post now, but anyway it's the one called Lovers .
Basically, it's a story about a girl (you) who broke up with her boyfriend of five years. She was very unhappy in the relationship because her boyfriend didn't treat her right all those years and then after she gathered her strength and broke up with him, she decided to live a little and go visit her best friend Sophie in Monaco. Sophie has been in a relationship with Carlos for a while, and his teammate Charles is in a relationship with a girl (Ava) who isn't with him for the right reasons and doesn't really care about him. due to a combination of circumstances, you stayed in Monaco to live in Sophie's apartment and started running social networks for Ferrari, filming behind the scenes and similar things. From the very beginning, you and Charles have a love-hate relationship. He keeps sending you mixed signals and you never know where you're standing with him.
Ok, hope you'll like it, let me know if you'd even like to read more parts! Bye!
This is the part where you, Carlos, Sophie, Kika, Pierre, Charles and Lando are on the yacht. Sophie introduces you to all of them here for the first time and you're very nervous about it so you drink a bit too much..
Carlos, Sophie and I were the first ones to arrive. Their firends, Pierre and his girlfirend Kika, Charles and his girlfriend Ava, and I guess the only single friend Lando, arrived shortly after us. For me, the biggest introvert on the planet, this was quite a large number of people to meet at once and I did feel very anxious.
Luckily there was a vast amount of drinks on the yacht so I found mine tranquilizers - cranberry vodka and sangria. As soon as the alcohol started coursing through my system, I soon opened up a topic to talk about with everyone. Well, almost everyone. Charles and his girlfriend Ava seemed to have some disagreements so they weren't really in the best mood. She looked like she didn't really wanna be here and he was annoyed that she didn't wanna be here at least that's what I heard when I was going to the toilet because they were alone inside and arguing.
The evening went on with us all sitting in the lounge area, talking and drinking. I was truly having so much fun and I got along the most with Lando. He's so sweet and caring and funny, I was enjoying his company. Eventually Ava left. She was able to leave since we didn't set sail but stayed in the marina. Charles was fuming that she left. When Carlos asked him why she left he said she made arrangements with her friends earlier, he didn't want to talk about it much. Charles went on the upper lounge area and Lando went after him so he wasn't alone and I stayed with Carlos, Sophie, Pierre and Kika in the lounge area on the main deck.
"I love you." I hear Carlos quietly says to Soph while looking at her lips. She was in a half-lying position in his arms. I was scrolling through my phone across from them but I couldn't help but look at them out of the corner of my eye.
"I love you." Sophie smiles and gently kisses him. My eyes got watery at the sight of them. My heart hurt a little and for a second I wished I had what they have. I wasn't envious of them, not at all, I was actually very happy for them and for the first "I love you". But for a second the excitement about the single life passed me and looking at the couples I felt a little lonely.
I get up from the couch and head towards the back of the yacht were was the entrance to the inner part of the yacht. I lean my elbows on the fence and look down at the sea.
Did I make a good decision?
Should i have given us another chance?
Will i regret giving up on us?
Suddenly questions that I constantly avoid facing start to roll around in my head.
No! Of course I made a good decision, he doesn't deserve another chance and I'm not gonna regret anything!
I attribute those thoughts to the excessive amount of alcohol I've consumed since we got here.
Y/n, you were miserable with him, pull yourself together please, you are stronger than these thoughts. I say to myself, but one tear escapes from my eye. And then another one. And one after that.
"Shit.." I breathe out putting my palms over my eyes.
"What happened, Y/n?" A voice asks and it startles me.
"Oh, you scared me." I say looking at Charles standing beside me, but quickly look away wiping the tears from my cheeks.
"Why are you crying?" Charles asks looking at me.
"Too many drinks led me to a moment of weakness. That's all." I say not really wanting to talk to him about my emotional state.
"And what is the reason behind that moment of weakness?" He asks.
"I don't feel like talking about it, but I was wondering how long have you and Ava been together?" I suddenly blurt out turning to look at him. My mind is racing. I was curious about their fight because the way he looked at her, he seemed like he's really in love, but her, not so much according to my estimate.
"A year and a half now. Why do you ask?"
"Sweet. And why did you fight today?" I ask shamelessly and he rises his eyebrows at my question.
"Not that it's any of your business, but-" Just as he was about to say something a strong pain shoots through my stomach. Rocking of the yacht from the waves together with cranberry vodka and sangria equals nausea.
"Oh no.. I-I think I'm gonna throw up.." And just in that moment as I lean over the fence it starts shooting right out of me.
I was hoping that somehow I would be able to control myself and not throw up in front of him, but it was stronger than me. And honestly if I were sober, I would be ten times more embarrassed than I am now.
"Oh come on." He sighs and to my surprise he moves my hair out of my face holding it back. "Please don't fall over, I'm not jumping in for you."
"Oh my God, I'm gonna die.."
"Out of embarrassment? Yeah, I would too if I were you." Charles mocks me, but still holds my hair.
"Oh give me a break, I'm going through a breakup!" I manage to say bitterly because of his lack of understanding for me. As if he should understand me. he doesn't know anything about me except my name, and I don't know anything about him either except that his name is Charles and that he has a girlfriend with whom he had a not so pretty fight today.
"Did he leave you because you were a drunk?" He continues with his provocation.
"Ha ha, not that it's any of your business, but I broke up with him." I'm being sassy like I didn't just throw up in front of a rich and hot F1 driver, but in that moment that fact doesn't phase me one bit.
"Okay, if you say so." He laughs. "Come here, sit on this couch please." I can't help but notice his hand tightly being wrapped around my waist as he leads me to the couch. "Not that I care, but I'm so bored that I'll listen to why you broke up with your boyfriend."
"Well, now I'm not gonna tell you." I cross my arms acting childish making him laugh again. I roll my eyes and chuckle a little myself.
"Y/n? Where are you?" Right in that moment Sophie shows up breaking the sweet moment between the two of us.
"Your friend is running wild over here, she wanted to throw herself off the yacht because her boyfriend left her." Charles says getting up from the couch and my mouth falls open.
"What?!" Sophie's eyes go wide. "Throw yourself because of him? Are you out of your fucking mind?" She asks in complete shock.
Before saying anything to Sophie to calm her down I follow Charles with my eyes as he leaves laughing.
"He's lying of course, I got sick from the alcohol and threw up."
"Why is he suddenly being all smiley like that? Until a little while ago he was furious because of Ava?"
"I don't know, he obviously has issues." I shrug with my shoulders wanting to laugh but manage to control myself.
I'm usually very good at reading people at first glance. Whoever doesn't make a good impression on me in the beginning, whoever doesn't sit well with me, almost always turns out to not have the best personality. Unfortunately, it rarely happens that someone pleasantly surprises me if I don't like them at first. I could say that my intuition is very good and accurate and I really should listen to it more often.
But with Charles that wasn't the case. I couldn't read him at all. He's kinda mysterious, he seems a bit cocky and conceited, but gentle and caring at moments. At least that's what I think I got from today.
He's interesting though.
Part 2 here
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playgrl0 · 1 year
"c'mere." baji says and holds his hand out for you when you walk past him. he's sitting on the couch, sweatpants on, a white tank top, his muscular arms very visible as well as his pretty collarbones that have some faded hickies on them. his hair is tied into a very messy bun and he looks tired. you grab his hand and he pulls you onto his lap so you're straddling him, his hands find their way under your shirt where he places them on your lower back, gently tracing some random random shapes onto your skin. "everything okay?" you ask, wrapping your arms around his neck and untie his hair, letting it fall onto his shoulders. your hands start to gently scratch his scalp and baji lets out a low groan. "yeah, just tired." he mumbles tiredly. you pout, continuing to scratch his scalp and lean forward to press a few kisses on his forehead. "i'm sorry, baby. anything i can do for you?" he just looks at you and pulls you closer against his warm body. "jus' stay here with me. want you close." he quietly mutters into the crook of your neck, his arms holding you tightly against him. "sure." you smile, one arm wrapping around his neck to hold him, your other hand still gently scratching his scalp to help him relax. "mhh, feels good. love you." he mumbles, half asleep already. "i love you too. sleep, bubs." and not even ten minutes later, you can already hear his quiet snores and feel his steady breath against your neck. you smile to yourself and continue to scratch his scalp and hold him, until you fall asleep as well.
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a/n: just something quick and short i wrote while taking a shit. i'm still on the toilet nd my legs fell asleep. anyway, i love love luv baji so much!!!! bye *sob*sob*
tags: @ranscutedoll @bertholdts--butt @torakeii @shamelessperfectionhideout @vmlnrz @saintokkotsu @satanlovesusall666 @kiirsteinn @noritopia @gothamgurl2024
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rocknrollbabe14 · 3 months
Rock-a-Bye Professor
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Part One
First Professor story "Hot for Teacher" here :
Warnings: Direct mentions of sex, birth control, missed period, nausea, vomiting, pregnancy and abortion. Professor/Student trope at college level. Both consenting adults. Don't like it, don't read. Thank you!
**I have this one almost completed and have had it in my drafts for over a year now. Since I wrote the first one. Lmao. This continues their relationship. First part is shorter but I left it on a cliff hanger.**
Special thanks to @usererics for my header. I love it and you! ❤️
“You sure you don’t want to go to the party?”, Tori called out from the living room.
“No thanks, Tori. Not feeling the greatest.”, you sighed, laying in bed feeling like death.
You had felt nauseated for several days, chalking it up to a stomach virus. You’d gotten sick in the mornings before class—even missing a few classes. You had to get your shit together if you wanted to graduate in the spring. You were too close to fuck things up now. 
“Call me if you need me?”, Tori asked.
“Sure, but I think it will be the other way around.”, you smirked, pulling your covers up. 
Tori told you she’d be two blocks over before closing the door, finally leaving you alone. You got out of bed, pulling the box out of your purse as you heard your phone ding.
-Coming over tonight? Miss you.
It was your Professor—boyfriend. You were still getting used to calling him your boyfriend. Now, things had grown more complicated. You had missed your period. You knew this usually meant one thing—but you had been super stressed lately. 
-Maybe. Still feeling really bad. ☹️
It took everything in you to raise yourself up from your bed and go to the bathroom, your hands beginning to shake. It made you nervous to even toss the idea around in your head that you could be pregnant. You heard your phone ding and you were certain it was Joe, but you had more pressing matters to attend to at the moment. Shutting the bathroom door, you read over the instructions on the back before practically ripping the box open. It had two tests to help ensure and confirm accuracy. 
Obviously, two pink lines meant ‘pregnant’ and one pink line meant ‘not pregnant’. You needed and prayed for one pink line before sitting down on the toilet to do your business. Ripping open the wrapper, you took the cap of the pregnancy test. You looked up at the ceiling as you followed the instructions before pulling the test from between your legs and recapping it, laying it flat. You got up and flushed the toilet before going to get your phone—anything to distract you for a few minutes while you waited on the results that would change your life. 
-So sorry, love. I could take care of you. Warm bath, massage, soup? What do you think? 
You felt your insides twist into a knot as you read his text. The idea was tempting. It sounded amazing and the thought alone was turning you on. 
-You mean it?
Another ding.
-Of course, love. Want me to pick you up?
You bit your lip, really wanting to take him up on his offer. After you estimated two minutes, you went to check on the results of your pregnancy test. You swallowed hard as you closed your eyes, picking up the test. Opening your eyes, you felt your heart drop down into your stomach. An audible gasp escaped your lips. Two dark pink lines. You were pregnant—whether you wanted to be or not. Feeling like you were in complete disbelief, you felt the tears pricking at the corner of your eyes. 
Your life was over—or at least you felt that way. You always wanted a baby after you were married. You were nowhere close to being married. You had a relationship with your professor—one you had to hide. Now, you were also pregnant by him.
-Yes or no, love? Won’t be mad either way. Just miss you so much.
You sighed. 
-Yeah, sounds okay. 
Part of you didn’t feel like going over to visit him, but you knew you had been a little distant with being sick and all. 
-Great. Did Tori go to her party?
You clutched the pregnancy test, coming out of the bathroom. You slid both tests into your bedside table. Couldn’t risk Tori finding them or taking them in your purse.
-Yes. You can park on the curb. I’ll be out. Just text me when you get here. 
-Sounds great, love. Can’t wait to take care of you. 😉
Another deep sigh escaped your lips, laying your phone down on your bed. You knew you needed to make a doctor’s appointment soon. That was the first step. Throwing a few things in your bag, you began to ponder how you could have gotten pregnant. You took your pill every day—shit. You grabbed your pack of pills, eyeing them. You went down each row until you gasped. You had missed two. How in the hell had you missed two pills? You groaned, immediately beginning to curse yourself.
Not only was it your own fault you had gotten pregnant, but now you had to explain it to your professor—boyfriend that you missed two of your pills and got pregnant. The thoughts alone made your head spin and made you dread having the conversation with him—if you decided to. While your world had stopped spinning, your phone dinged and you just knew it was him letting you know he was here. 
You grabbed your overnight bag, locking up the dorm. Your heart began to beat faster as you took two of the steps at a time. You saw his Mercedes, looking around and making sure no one else was watching you. You jogged over to his car, hearing him unlock the passenger door. Looking through the car window, you could see the big, stupid smile spread across his lips. You couldn’t help but give him a small smile back as you got inside the car. 
“Hey, love.”
“Hey.”, you smiled softly. 
“Maybe it’s the lighting, but you look pale.”
You laughed easily. “Thanks, babe.”
He smirked as he shifted into drive and pulled out. “Don’t worry, I’m gonna make you feel better.”
His free hand found your knee. 
“And just how are you gonna do that?”, you countered.
He smirked, a soft chuckle escaping his lips. “Mhm, well I can start by running you a warm bath. Let you relax while I make you some dinner. Have you been able to keep anything down?”
“Not hardly. Just some water.”
“You’ve got to eat something.”
“We can try some soup and saltines, I guess.”
He rubbed your leg reassuringly as you leaned your head against the door. You felt like shit if you were being honest, but you knew he wanted your company. The weekends were some of the only chances that you all got to be with one another. Your head was pounding from vomiting constantly over the past several days. He rubbed your leg in silence as you both continued the drive to his house. It was dark, the street lights illuminating you both every few blocks. 
It felt like forever before you finally reached his house. Your stomach already felt queasy again, but now you knew why. It was like he could read you. He could tell exactly what was on your mind. 
“Are you doing okay, baby?”
You shook your head. “Feeling sick again.”
“Let’s get you inside, yeah? Let you lay down for a bit while I run your bath?”
You nodded as he came over to the passenger’s side of the vehicle and grabbed your bag, throwing it on his shoulder. He helped you out, keeping a hand on your waist to ensure you didn’t fall over. You knew you were weak considering you hadn’t been able to keep anything down. You were probably dehydrated. He held onto you as he stuck his key in the door, it popping open to reveal his lowly lit home. You remembered the first time you saw his house—you were very drunk. You thought you were imagining things. 
He assisted you over to the couch, helping you sit down easily. The room felt like it was spinning as you laid back and closed your eyes. 
“Want some over-the-counter nausea medicine?”, he asked as he pulled a blanket over you.
Your mind immediately wandered to your unborn baby. Would it be safe to take something like that? You were still undecided on what to do but were still being very cautious. 
“Um…..no, it’s okay.”
He raised his brows surprisingly from behind his glasses. “Alright. Do you think you should go to the hospital? You’re probably dehydrated, love.”
Your heart dropped down into your stomach and you knew that was a bad idea. They’d do a pregnancy test on you for sure when you told them when your last period was. He’d find out you were pregnant and you weren’t ready to tell him yet. 
“No—an expensive bill for nothing? Worst case scenario I need some Pedialyte.”, you laughed nervously. 
He chuckled surprisingly. “Okay, love. We won’t decide yet but if you keep getting worse, we’re going. You don’t need all your electrolytes getting out of whack.”
You nodded as he kissed your forehead.
“No fever.”
You smiled softly as he leaned back up, looking down at you with his piercing, deep brown eyes. 
“I’m gonna run your bath, okay?”
You nodded as he kissed your cheek and headed off to the bathroom. Joe was very affectionate with you behind closed doors, the only chance he had was to show you how much he loved and adored you. How would he take the news of you being pregnant? Did he even want a future with you? The thoughts alone made your stomach twist and turn, the nauseous feeling rising in your chest. 
“Yes, babe?”, he shouted from the bathroom over the sound of running water. 
“Um, I’m feeling sick—again.”, you groaned.
He rushed out of the bathroom, holding a small bathroom trashcan before bringing it to you. He sat down beside you on his couch, pulling your hair back. You hated throwing up in front of him. It was the worst feeling and you knew it was definitely not romantic. He rubbed your back with his other free hand as you felt yourself beginning to dry heave, signaling your torture was almost over. Not that you had much to get rid of anyway, but some water and Sprite that you had attempted to drink a few hours ago.
Once you were done, you sat the trashcan down and wiped the tears away from the corner of your eyes. 
“Baby, are you sure you feel like taking a bath? We could still go to the hospital.”
“I’ll be fine. Just let me bathe and lay down in bed? Maybe cuddle me?”, you asked, puppy dog eyes. 
He sighed easily before a small smile came across his lips. “Okay—fine.”
Giving you a small kiss, he went to check your bath water. He came back and told you it was warm and ready for you. Once again, it took all your strength to get off the couch and head to the bathroom. You pulled your top off, laying it on the sink.
“I can get your bra—if you want.”, he breathed. 
You nodded easily, lifting your hair up. You felt his fingertips brush your soft, bare skin as he made his way to the clasp of your bra, unhooking it gently. You inhaled sharply, missing his touch but you were in no position for sex. You felt your chest fall free. Joe’s breathing hitched and you could tell he liked what he saw. His hands snaked around your chest, taking both breasts in his hands, causing you to choke back a hiss. You had no idea your breasts were that sore and sensitive. 
“Still so sexy even if you’re sick.”, he hummed, placing kisses on your neck.
You swallowed hard, trying not to let on like anything was wrong. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. I hope you feel better soon, love. I miss making love to you.”
You smiled softly, attempting to hide your expression of discomfort. 
“I’ll leave you to finish your bath. You’ll call if you need me?”
You nodded easily as he kissed your cheek again, leaving you in the bathroom but leaving a small crack in the door so he could hear you. You slid your sweatpants and panties off, laying them with your other clothes. You wasted no time sinking down into the warm bath, exhaling some relief on your newly aching body. It felt good—you weren’t going to lie. After a few minutes, you decided to quickly wash off and wash your hair. It had been two days since you’d taken a good shower since feeling so crummy. 
Once the water began to grow cold, you got out and grabbed the towels Joe had set out for you. You wrapped one around your body and the other was put in your hair. Draining the water, you began to feel a little queasy again. You wished this baby would give you a break. But once standing back up, you felt a little better. You quickly dried the water out of your hair making it less dripping and damp before looking at yourself in the mirror. You looked rough, he was right. 
Joe had laid out one of his t-shirts for you and grabbed a clean pair of your panties from your bag. His t-shirts were definitely more comfy than your gown. And it smelled like him. 
“Doing okay, love?”, he called out from his bedroom.
“Yes. Coming to bed.”
You hung your towels up quickly before grabbing your clothes and turning off the bathroom light. Opening the door, you noticed him grading papers while lying in bed. He looked up at you easily.
“Feel better, baby?”
“A little.”
He looked over his glasses at you as you circled the bed, climbing in on your side. Well, it wasn’t technically your side but it was always the side you slept on when coming over. You peeled the covers back easily before sliding into bed, pulling them back up on you easily as you stared at the ceiling. He had a single lamp on, the one on his side. It provided him with enough light to work by. 
“Ready for cuddles?”, he asked softly.
You nodded.
He chuckled softly as he laid his papers and red pen down, reaching to grab the lamp to turn it off. You heard his glasses hit the bedside table before he wrapped you up in his strong arms. He exhaled softly, a sign he was relaxed. He planted a kiss on your cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Joe.” 
It was a matter of minutes before he was snoring lightly but all that was on your mind was your unborn baby. What were you going to do? 
Over the next couple of weeks, you avoided Joe. You hadn’t spent the weekend at his house since that night. You had your first doctor’s appointment where they confirmed you indeed were pregnant and estimated you at being six weeks along by the time you got in to see the OB. She did an ultrasound, confirming that everything looked good and the baby was growing healthy for its age, your HCG levels were perfect for the timeframe of your pregnancy and gave you printouts of your baby. All you could do was stare. 
She had noticed you weren’t like most mothers who were crying tears of joy or bringing their husbands or boyfriends with them. She asked if you wanted to know your other options. You answered yes. She gave you a pamphlet explaining alternative solutions—adoption and abortion. She told you the sooner you made a decision, the better off you’d be. All you had to do was say the word and she’d write the referral to the abortion clinic. She asked if you were married to which you answered no. 
All you could think about was Joe and how he’d feel about all this. He’d texted you every day, hoping you’d come back around. He knew something was off with you, but he couldn’t pin it down. He absolutely had no idea you were pregnant with his baby and going through all this emotional turmoil. Your OB told you that you didn’t have to come to a decision that day—to sleep and think about it until your next appointment. It would be at the ten-week mark and she told you that you would be able to hear your baby’s heartbeat if you wanted to. 
That was three weeks ago. Back at your dorm, you pulled your shirt up and looked in the mirror. You were getting a very small bump. It was barely noticeable but you could tell a difference. Your phone dinged. 
-Can we have dinner and talk? I really miss you. I love you and can’t stop thinking about you.
You laid your phone back down on the bed, sighing. You could have your abortion secretly and things could go back to normal. He’d never have to know. But deep down inside, you knew that wasn’t fair to him. Sighing, you decided to finally give in. 
-Yeah, I can come over. 
You blew air, waiting for a response. 
-Want me to pick you up? 
Biting your lip, you responded. 
-No, it’s okay. I’ll catch a cab. See you soon. 
-Ok, be safe. Love you.
You got up and gathered a few things and arranged for a cab to come get you. This was now or never. The day you dreaded but he deserved to know. Climbing in the cab, you gave his address and the ride seemed to take forever. Your stomach felt sick, but you didn’t know if it was the baby or your nerves. It wasn’t long before you came up to his house, seeing the lights on. You paid your fare, thanked the cab driver, and grabbed your bag. He pulled away, leaving you alone as you walked up the steps and rang the doorbell. Here goes nothing. 
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kyleraynermybeloved · 8 months
One Of A Kind -Chapter Two
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Pairing: Kyle Rayner x Batsis!Reader
Summary: A surprise is discovered. Is it terrifying? Absolutely!
Warnings: Swearing, fluff, mentions of morning sickness, pregnancy, canon-level violence, my bad writing
Word Count: 2.9k
A/N: I'm very late but HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Its FINALLY here, and guess who has covid! Sorry it took ages to arrive. If the pacing feels a bit off it's bc I wrote this a little drunk a while ago. (I did end up misplacing it and i finally found it so no proof read, we die like heroes) I hope yall enjoy this, if not then I'm sorry :/ ALSO, this is going to be the last short chapter of the series so expect the others to be a little longer from now on!
OOAK Masterlist
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The overwhelming nausea woke you up, and you barely made it to the toilet before the contents of your stomach emptied out. You heaved some more, your body shaking from the force after each one. The bile in your mouth was enough to make you wince and spit into the toilet hoping to get rid of the taste.
Groaning, you set your head against the cold seat as the dizziness subsided a little. It was just the wake up call you needed before heading back to work. It seems the few days you had off were too short of time to readjust to your normal routine. You might as well get ready now that you’re up.
You were too busy leaving in a hurry to say bye to Billy once you checked the time, effectively running late. Hopefully you'd have time to check in with him later to see if he was faring the same. You had felt sick the entire time getting ready upon arriving on base, your stomach churning uncomfortably with unease. It might have been the food and drinks from last night or the winter air doing a number on you. For now, you shrugged it off to the best of your abilities.
There were plenty of other agents walking around when you arrived at the tarmac. A few faces you haven’t seen before looked towards you as you made your way to the chopper Sormael had instructed you to from this morning's message. They might’ve been the new hires you heard about coming in the other day. Deciding to put on a friendly face, you smiled and waved towards them as you continued walking.
“Thrasher! About time you made it, what happened to always being on time?” Sormael engulfed you in a hug, giving a firm little shake before breaking away.
“Sorry, sir. I wasn’t feeling all too well this morning and that seemed to cut into my arrival time. Won’t happen again, unless the husband has a say in it.”
“They do love to make things a little more interesting don’t you think? Are you feeling better, or do I need you to sit this one out? I have Zeru on standby seven klicks out from the target site.”
“Negative, sir. I’m much better now, only needed some fresh air and to see your wonderful face,” You bumped his shoulder against yours, sending him a lopsided grin. A gesture you’ve done countless times to let him know you were fine.
There was no chance in hell you would let Zeru, a colleague you’ve been competing against, take this job just because you felt a little sick. The two of you had an ongoing bet to see who could get more jobs done in the span of eight months, the loser had to buy the winner dinner for three weeks. And the eighth month was now coming to a close, you had one job on him but it was only a matter of time before he caught up.
“Alright, well, here’s everything you need to know,”  Sormael handed you a folder that was banded shut. “It’s a covert mission, a simple extraction job. Retrieve the data and get to the rendezvous point for further instructions. Like usual, you’ll have a ride there but you’ll need to find a way back to ensure no one can link you back here. Stay safe, the roads are freezing over. Do whatever you need to get back to us.”
“Always am.” Nodding your head in affirmation you turn to the awaiting helicopter. The snowfall began to pick up causing you to pull your coat closer to fight against the bitter cold. Harsh snowflakes pelted against your face once you got to the aircraft door. The aircraft shielded you from the oncoming storm once you got inside, sliding the door shut and getting situated in your seat.
“Morning, Agent Thrasher. Our eta is four hours, I would catch more sleep if I were you.” The pilot you recognized from previous assignments spoke through the headset. Giving him a half-assed response you went to look at the contents of the folder.
It was a fairly light folder, flipping through the papers and memorizing everything  given. Information on the building’s layout and number of personale working. Only select people had access to the server room which was located on the fifth floor, third room on the right. Attached to the last page was a small flash drive still wrapped in the package.
The nausea had finally settled down, giving you a break for the time being. But you had a sneaking suspicion that it would come back. If that was the case you'd have to make this quick.
You sent Kyle a brief text, letting him know of your whereabouts for the next few hours and decided against telling him of your sickness from the morning.
The sun had peaked through the clouds once you were high enough in airspace, warming you up from the chilly temperature. It was odd that you were cold for this long, your body had gotten used to adapting to the different temperatures over the years of constant traveling in different climates. Pulling your thick coat impossibly closer you thought it best to reserve your energy and get some sleep while you still had time.
You had everything under control, the mission was going smoothly. Entering the building and getting into the server room had gone seamlessly. The flash drive had all the needed information and the only thing left was your escape.
The earpiece you had in your ear was patched into a secure channel only the rendezvous team had access to. It was silent for now.
Normally, you would have to reach out first once in range of any rendezvous point or an appointed team member would reach out if you’ve been dark for too long.
You had carefully tucked the flash drive into a secure pocket, adjusting to make sure it was unnoticeable. The uniform you had acquired once getting into the lobby at the beginning of the mission had been doing its job perfectly as a disguise. No one was the wiser when you had gone in and when exiting the server room, the door locked after shutting closed.
Keeping your head down you walked through the hallway successfully keeping attention off of you. Turning around the corner to the stairwell, you quickly descended down the flight of stairs only passing by two people as they left through the door you just went through.
After reaching the second level another wave of nausea washed over you making you unsteady. Not again, you could only do so much while your whole world was spinning. The stale air wasn’t helping at all either. It made everything feel more restricted and claustrophobic.
You carefully walked down the remaining steps to the floor level, supporting most of your weight on the railing and wall so as to not stumble down. The more you had turned the corners of the staircase the harder it got to keep your composure. There was only one more turn before the ground floor, deciding it would be best to take a breather once you were far enough away from the building, you pushed on. Finally leaving the stairwell and taking the closest exit towards you welcomed the fresh winter air, inhaling deep breaths as it helped ease the bile that was threatening to come up long enough to make it past the parking lot to a lone car where you had stashed your things.
You shed the uniform changing into the spare outfit you had packed in the warmth of the car. Digging through your bag you found something to ease the nausea for the time being until you could take something once you got home. For now, you just hoped it would work.
Little flecks of snow slowly drifted down, dark clouds were filling up the bright sky. You drove until you were three miles out from the rendezvous point, hidden well enough to not stick out to oncomers, after concealing the car  and wiping it down of any prints left you grabbed your bag and walked the remaining way there.
As soon as you made it inside the hidden cabin and debriefed with the team after handing over the flash drive, you threw a few more logs into the dwindling flames of the fireplace to heat the small cabin up.
Your hands felt like icicles and your legs had gone numb a mile into the journey. The layers you’d put on did very little to help maintain heat.
The team informed you before they departed that the cabin was yours for the time being, well at least until after you leave before the cleaning crew arrives.
Knowing you had enough time to shower and change into more comfortable clothing made you physically relax, letting out a content sigh.
Thinking now was a good enough time to check your phone, possibly give Billy a call. If he was fairing as badly as you were then you definitely needed to apologize for possibly getting him sick.
“Billy speaking, what’s up?” He answered on the second ring, judging from the noise in the background he must’ve been home.
“Hey kid, glad I managed to reach you. Sounds like you’re home, did you make it back safely and in one piece?” Shifting the phone to hold it with your shoulder, you were able to take out an outfit and some essentials into the bathroom.
“Oh, yeah I made it back just a little after you left. I was gonna say something but you left in a hurry and I didn’t want to keep you back any later than you had to.” That seemed about right. Both you and Kyle had told him on many occasions that he didn’t need to keep things to himself, whatever it was that he needed the both of you would pause what you were doing and give him your undivided attention.
“No worries, next time go ahead and ask me to stay back a little. Speaking of which, I wanted to ask how you’re feeling? I’m feeling a little under the weather, it might’ve been the food from last night.”
“You know how I get, I just didn’t want to bother you too much. And I feel fine, if you want we can head over and bring you some soup or something?” There was a muffled sound on the line before he spoke up again. “Hey, I got to go. Keep me updated though, I think we’ll head over later today, if not tomorrow. See you later.”
“Will do, see you later kid.”
Well that was interesting. What else could be making you sick if not the food? At least he wasn’t under the weather, that made you feel better knowing you didn’t get him sick as well.
A ding from your phone pulled you out from your thoughts. It was a message from Kyle saying he was back on Earth. You sent a reply of your location and asked if he could bring a thermometer and cold medicine before hopping into the shower.
The water pressure wasn’t great but it also wasn’t the worst you had. It came out in soft bursts, fortunately the shower head was large so it covered more than a small area. The water did wonders for your aching muscles, which had been unusually sore and stiff for the past few weeks. You knew it couldn’t have been from either of the previous assignments you were on. Or for this one as a matter of fact.
At some point you must’ve dozed off, still on your feet. Deciding it was better to get out and get some actual rest without any incoming injuries, you turned off the shower and wrapped yourself in a towel. Kyle would be on his way soon, in the meantime you could busy yourself getting ready and warming up on the couch in front of the fireplace.
By the time Kyle came around you were passed out.
“Hey sleepy, I wasn’t sure what to get so I bought whatever I could find. I also brought some soup from your favorite place, it should still be hot.” Kyle helped ease you up to sit on the couch, you must’ve laid d0wn while you were sleeping. 
“Oh, hi,” you rubbed the sleep out of your eyes with a smile. “How long have you been here?”
He put a hand to your forehead, “Long enough to know you were tossing and turning for a while. On the bright side you don’t have a temperature but better safe than sorry, take this.” He handed you a water bottle and two tylenol from one of the two bags he had, which you gladly accepted and took.
Once you finished your water Kyle traded it for a container of soup. It was still hot enough to warm you up. He plopped down next to you with his own food, digging in once he knew you could eat fully on your own.
“Thank you, I think the soup is helping me some. How are the fellas doing? Causing more chaos for the team I assume?”
“Oh you know it, nothing but the best from Guy. I also may have enabled him… just a little bit.” his smile had a hint of mischief with the knowing look he gave you.
“Of course, babe,” you nudged him with your shoulder, “ ‘Just a little bit’ my ass. You totally orchestrated whatever it was. I feel bad for the poor soul who was on the receiving end of you two maniacs.”
He threw his head back in a laugh. “You know me so well. It wasn’t too bad this time, I swear. Oh, I forgot. Before I left you said you had something you wanted to tell me?”
Ah, you had completely forgotten about that. You tried racking your brain for the right words to explain this best. After five years together it was kind of hard to just come out and say you had been lying to him all that time about yourself. Well, in a way you weren’t lying, just always avoiding mentoning your past and family.
“Uhm,” your hands clasped together in your lap as you leaned forward, “You know how I aoid talking about my past with you or brush it off when you ask me about it?”
He put his food down to give you his full attention, motioning for you to continue once he sat back, grabbing one of your hands in reassurance.
“Gosh this is hard, uhm. I want you to know that I didnt tell you because I don’t trust you, more because I was scared to tell you. I guess the best way is to rip the bandaid off. But more or less I was… Batman’s daughter, this was years ago of course. I don’t actually know if he told anyone in the league about me since I wasn’t one of the many side-kicks.”
“I think I remember Alfred having some photos of when you were young laying around the mansion when I lived there for a bit, I asked them about it but no one really said anything. Figured it was a sore subject. Im going to be honest, I’m a little hurt that you didn’t tell me sooner but I understand having moments of the past haunting you.”
“There’s more I would like to tell you,” I pulled him towards me more, “But I’d rather tell you once we get home. How about we head over once we’re done eating?”
“No problem, eat as much as you can and we'll take the leftovers with us.” Kyle grabbed his container and gestured at you to eat with a forkful halfway to his mouth.
It had been two weeks later when you decided to see your agency’s doctor to check out your recent sickness. You had been expecting a stomach bug, or the flu, the last thing you expected was finding out you were ten weeks pregnant. Ten weeks. Kyle, who went with you almost and passed out from the news, was still taking his time processing everything you told him, rightfully so. The two of you were sent home with congratulations and several pictures of your growing bean. It had felt too surreal, and overwhelming.
All that happened three days ago, now you and Kyle were just entering your apartment after buying some pregnancy essentials for you when a noise from the kitchen alerted you of an intruder. You reached for your sheathed knives, usually strapped to your thighs, out of reflex before Kyle stopped you, rushing forward with the bat you normally kept by the front door.
“Fuck man, I could killed you!” Kyle’s alarmed voice steadied your racing heart after realizing it was someone he knew. You slowly made your way to the kitchen, their muffled voices getting clear the further you walked down te hallway. One being Kyle’s and the other you now recognized to be Guy Gardner, who you haven’t actually met but have seen through videos either of your boys have shown you.
“You’re brave for knocking up Batman’s long lost daughter,” Guy pointed to the ultrasound photo pinned on the fridge. “I don’t envy you one bit man. And you must be the lovely wife. Guy Gardner, great to finally meet the mysterious lady Rayner’s been hiding from me.”
“How’d you know we’re married?” Kyle looked alarmed and confused.
“Well, you do have your wedding pictures laying ‘round the place.” He pointed out to the living room where the photos had been conveniently placed on the coffee table.
With a sigh and shake of your head, you held out your hand to Guy. “Y/N Rayner, pleased to finally meet this doofus’ best friend he speaks highly of.”
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strangerthingsn · 5 months
Part 5
summary: You live in your car or a hotel, you sell your body to men for money, but got accidentally pregnant by the only one Alan Munson(Eddies dad). He was in jail before, for the same thing he did to you. But lucky he has a son who cares and helps you out.
Warings: 18+ (all parts), throwing up, birth, blood, emotional people
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You’re leaning above the toilet throwing up the food that you ate this evening. Eddie is holding your hair and rubs your back. It was already two months ago when Eddie and you ate by bennys burgers and did the baby shopping. Your morning sickness got worser but you loved to feel the little one kicking sometimes. Besides you just needed a couple weeks before giving birth.
“Just a couple weeks to go baby, I know it’s simple saying that for me but you’ll survive it sweetheart” Eddie kisses your shoulder.
“t-towel” you throw up again and Eddie turns around to get a towel from the counter.
“hire” Eddie gives it. “You’re feeling good again.?”
“a little”
“Ill put a bucket next to your bed, yeah?” Eddie kisses your head and grabs one.
“thanks” you wipe off your mouth and you walk into the kitchen.
“You okay kid?” Wayne had walked in behind you and looks worried.
“oh shit, did I wake you up?” You look at him.
“no its fine, just wanted to be sure you’re okay”
“I’m alright, thanks” you grab a cup and you fill it with water.
“Okay, try get some sleep yeah?” Wayne grabs the door handle of his room again.
“I will, good night” you wave.
“Good night” he smiles quickly and disappears in his room. You drink the water and you up the cup down after, then you walk back into the bedroom and Eddie is already laying down. You smile turning the light off and you lay down next to him.
“You seen the bucket?” Eddie looks at you with his brown doe eyes.
“yes” you nod kissing his nose.
“If you’re getting sick you wake me up, yes?”
“You don’t have t-“
“yes?” He interrupts.
“okay okay” you smile, hes so sweet and takes such good care of you all the time. You cuddle up to him and you fall asleep again.
—the next day—
“Can I?” You smile gently putting the beer down you got for Eddie.
“Yeah sure” Eddie nods.
“I mean… maybe you should put this sentence hire and this one hire…” you draw lines on the paper Eddie is trying to write a new song on. You’re with the band in Jeffs garage with all the instruments. That’s were they always practice.
“Yeah that will work I guess”Eddie looks at the paper.
“Ey I think I’ve got something you guys” Gareth brights up.
“let us hear it” Jeff looks at him.
“alright” Gareth grabs his drumsticks and starts playing in a rhythm, it sounded good. After Gareth played it he looks back at you all.
“Yeah that will totally work with the thing I wrote” Grand says.
“go play it together” you smile.
“yes Lets do that” Gareth nods. Eddie suddenly grabs your hips and pulls you towards him on his lap. You look at him trying to get up.
“I’m heavy” you sigh as Eddie pulls you down again. In meanwhile the other boys started playing together.
“you’re heavier then you way months ago but that’s totally obvious with this beauty in your belly” Eddie lays his hand on your belly.
“fine” you lay your hand on his. You notice Eddie started drinking and smoking more, you assume he’s worried about you and the baby.
“but you need to sleep, I’ll tell the boys to be silent when we go upstairs, yeah?” Eddie gives a kiss on your cheek.
“okay” you nod getting up with a little bit help from Eddie.
“guys y/n is gonna sleep” Eddie says loudly so they stop playing.
“good night!” Gareth smiles laying his drumsticks down.
“Sleep well, also for you” Jeff looks down at your belly.
“bye” grand smiles. Eddie kisses your hand and you wave at them all.
“see you in the morning guys” you walk out and into Jeffs house, his mom was home but she said he could have a sleep over, she was really nice.
“I got you something, most of the stuff is not used and I bought it for you” she gives your a box full of baby toys and clothes. “I just wanted to do something nice”
“for me?” You smile exited.
“for your baby actually” she winks.
“Right” you chuckle. “Thank you so much” you go through the stuff, finding multiple outfits, toys, pacifiers and other stuff.
“no problem darling, just let it stand hire on the kitchen and we’ll put it in Eddies van tomorrow.
“Thank you” you say again.
“No problem, Don’t worry about throwing up or something everything can in the washing machine” she smiles.
“the floor can’t”
“but I can clean it up, you know what I mean” she winks.
“Okay okay”
“And if you’re tired of the guys you can always sleep in my room” you nod and walk upstairs.
“good night miss”
“good night sweetheart” she waves with a smile. You were so lucky you met such nice people, you were so happy about Mary, your coworkers and the boys.
After brushing your teeth you lay down on a mattress on the ground in Jeff’s room with your pyjamas on. You hear the boys still play and you tied to fall asleep.
—around 3 am—
You wake up from some cramps and the feeling you needed to pee. You open your eyes and get up to see everyone sleeping except for Eddie. You probably woke him up.
“sorry” you whisper. “I need to pee”
“It’s okay” Eddie whispers back. You walk out of the room and into the bathroom.
. “Hey Eddie?” Gareth looks at him.
“oh you’re awake too?” Eddie looks at him back.
“yeah, is y/n okay?” He whispered.
“Yeah I think so” Eddie sits up placing his hand in a wet spot. “What the-“
“what’s wrong?”
“it’s wet hire” Eddie looks down.
“Did she pee or-..” Gareth says after realizing it in the same time as Eddie.
“fuck her water broke” Eddie gets up as fast as possible. Gareth follows him and they both rush into the bathroom seeing you already pushing.
“E-Eddie …p-please help…” you are all sweaty and out of breath.
“O my god, why didn’t you call for us?” Eddie sits down next to you immediately holding your hand.
“should I call a ambulance? Or wake Jeff’s mom up?” Gareth asks in panic.
“Both!!!” Eddie looked so scared. Gareth nods and walks out of the bathroom. Eddie looks back at you and lift your head up and lays your head on his lap.
“it’s gonna be okay sweetheart” Eddie was drunk and high but still acting fine, he got kinda used to all the weed.
“Help Eddie…” you whisper.
“just keep pushing baby” he was definitely trying to stay calm but that didn’t last long…
“Eddie? Gareth? Where are y-“ Jeff walks the bathroom in. “HOLY SHIT”
“I KNOW. WHAT DO I DO?” Eddie couldn’t hold it anymore. “What do I need to do baby?” Eddie looks down at you.
“UH, I DONT KNOW!! I GET MY CAR” Jeff runs out of the bathroom and bumbs into his mom.
“no Jeff you can’t drive her now, she’s already giving birth” She walks into the bathroom. “Give a towel Gareth” Gareth walks into the bathroom and grabs a towel.
“two?” He grabs them.
“Uh.. yes” She takes it from Gareth.
“What can I do miss.?” Eddie looks at his mom.
“You just let her break your hand” She smiles.
“that’s pretty boring, can’t I do something other then that?” Eddie looks at you.
“shut up.” You snap between the breaths. Eddie was definitely surprised by your reaction and nods after swallowing.
“Jeff grab a scissor make sure it’s good cleaned” His mom ordered.
“okay” He grabs a scissor and washes it with water.
“no dude do it with.. like-..” Gareth grabs a bottle “this, you don’t wanna have bacteria on it”
“What the hell is happening..” Grand looks at you all, he slept the most of Yall.
“Y/n is giving birth, uh.. can you wait downstairs for the doctor?” Gareth looks at him.
“Yes, okay” Grand walks out again.
“okay, tell me if this isn’t cold anymore Eddie” Gareth lays a soaked cold towel over you and that felt so good.
“no Gareth leave her” Eddies hand is grabbing the towel but you slam his hand away.
“see, she likes it” Gareth smiles.
“Almost, just keep pushing sweetie”his mom says.
“IM TRYING!” You snap again.
“Ouch” Eddie pulls his hand away.
“EDDIE” you grab his hand again.
“SORRY” He looks panicked. This situation was crazy.
“WHERE IS THE FUCKING DOCTOR” Jeff panicks. You were kinda in your own world and forgot everything, the only thing you knew is you need to keep pushing.
You wake up from your thoughts from a loud crying sound.
“I’ve got him, you did a great job sweetheart” You were just laying on the ground still processing what just happened.
“Eddie you can cut the navelcord.” She smiles. Eddie nods and lifts your head gently up and lays it on a towel instead of his lap. “Scissors Jeff”
“hire” everyone was silent the only thing you could hear was the crying sounds of your newborn. Jeff gives the scissors and Eddie cuts it carefully.
“I-i…” Eddie starts crying having the baby in his arms.
“Awh” Jeff his mom rubs Eddie back.
“hire” Eddie whispers giving you your son carefully.
“a boy” you whisper.
“Yes..” Eddie nods wiping his tears. But when you bursted out in tears he couldn’t hold his own anymore.
“uh… congratulations guys” Jeff says still confused and looks at the baby.
“Thanks” Eddie sobs out and looks at him.
“let’s give them a minute alone boys.” Gareth, Jeff and his mom get up leaving the room in silence.
“He’s gorgeous” Eddie kisses your head and rubs your back. You sit up and get comfortable.
“I know..” you sob.
“I can’t wait to see his eyes” Eddie smiles while crying. You don’t know why but the little boy stopped crying, he probably fell asleep.
“He’s lazy” you chuckle a little with the tears in your eyes.
“He’s got that from you” Eddie chuckles too.
“he’s got your dads dark curls” you smile.
“you don’t like that.?”
“I like it, you have them too” you look up at Eddie, he wipes your tears away and kisses your nose.
“I was so fucking scared” Eddie starts crying again.
“me too” you nod. “But we survived it, because of Jeff’s mom, if she wasn’t home I wouldn’t have survived I guess, with you dumb guys skipping school and biology” you roll your eyes.
“Gareth doesn’t skip biology tho” Eddie smiles.
“I noticed, he was the only one who atleast knew about the scissors and he stayed calm” you both look at the door open.
“hire” Jeff’s mom gives some diapers.
“Thank you” you smile taking them. When she walks out you put the diapers on.
“Fuck. We need a name..”
“fuck.” You look at him with big eyes.
“That’s not a problem, what was the name you told me last week?”
“yes, that one, I like that one” Eddie smiles looking at the little baby. You look at Eddie noticing he was looking at your son.
“you wanna hold him again?”
“please” he nods and You give Eddie the newborn carefully.
“fuck, he’s really a combination between my dad and you… I wish he looked more like you”
“he’s perfect Eds” you lay your head on his shoulder.
“he has my dads curls”
“makes him look like you too” you whisper, the vibe was still very emotional and special.
—40 minutes later—
“your kid is very healthy luckily” the doctor smiles.
“Thank you miss” you sigh with relief. When the doctor came she helped you with pushing some other shit out. Also she gave you some help with feeding and you learned if he don’t burb after he’ll throw up. Now Elias is sleeping in his ‘dads’ arms.
“Please let us know if you think something is wrong” you nod and with that Jeff’s mom walks her back to the front door. You were exhausted right now.
“I wanna sleep” you sob. You’re laying in the room of Jeff’s mom, it’s 5 pm and she told you she wasn’t sleepy anymore.
“that’s fine, is it okay if i take Elias with me to the boys.?” Eddie sits next to you.
“yes but do not be too loud, let him sleep”
“I will baby, if he wakes up I’ll just come over and gelty wake you up to feed him” he kisses your forehead.
“thank you for everything today Eddie” you give him a kiss on his cheek.
“yeah ofcourse babe, i love you” Eddir waves and walks out.
Eddie walks into Jeff’s room with the boys waiting impatiently.
“okay you’ve gotta be really silent and careful guys but… meet Elias.” Eddie sits down on one of the mattresses. The rest sit around them.
“What color eyes does he have?” Gareth looks at Elias.
“we don’t know yet” Eddie looks at him too.
“His hands a feed are adorable Eddie” Grand holds one of his little hand, he didn’t expect the baby to grab his finger.
“Yeah now he gots you” Eddie chuckles.
“his strong, Jesus” Grand smiles.
“how is y/n doing” Jeff asks.
“she’s fine, just really tired.”
“and they are both healthy?” Gareth smiles.
“mhm” Eddie nods.
“Should I get the box from downstairs and should we dress him? I mean its February, not that warm”
“Yeah that’s a good idea Grant” Eddie looks at him getting up.
“alright I’ll get it” He walks out and the rest are still watching the little one.
“Hes also pretty much identical to you Eddie” Jeff smiles.
“y/n kinda said that too” Eddie chuckles softly. “You wanna hold him?”
“can I?” Jeff looks with big eyes.
“sure be just really careful” Jeff nods and Eddie hands him the baby carefully.
“he’s so tiny actually”
“yeah he is born 16 days early” Eddie shrugged his shoulders.
“How did that happen?”
“probably just happened, they don’t know” Eddie looks at the baby.
—3 hours later—
“baby, your son is hungry” Eddie shakes you gently. You wake up and rub your eyes. Eddie holds your crying son in his arms.
“Oh” you sit up and take the straps of your top down, you already ha don bra on so it was easy.
“also, his eyes opened” Eddie gently hand him to you.
“grey” you smile. Elias immediately starts drinking and looks at you with his teary eyes.
“I changed his diaper already by the way”
“you’re my hero, thank you Eddie” you kiss his cheek.
“I didn’t call Wayne cause he will rush over to hire, let’s just surprise him when he comes home” Eddie plays with your hair.
“okay” you nod. “You gave him clothes?” You smile looking at the onesie and little socks.
“he had a pyjama on” Eddie smiles.
“I see, suits him”
“he’s adorable, the boys love him”
“how could they not” you take his little tiny hand. “Go sleep Eds”
“you sure? What about Elias?”
“I’ll keep him with me” you look at him.
“really Eddie.” You kiss his nose “go sleep”
“thanks sweetheart” he gets up and walks out waving. You wave a little back as much as possible. When Eddie is gone you make some place next to you. You take away the blanket and pillow on the other side so Elias could lay there safely.
“you slept by daddy huh?” You talk to him silently.
“you’re a gorgeous little man” you stroke his hair. He has your grey eyes, Alan his hair and probably lips cause he has the same as Eddie. He was just adorable. You should call Mary tomorrow, and also your coworkers. Maybe you can invite them if Wayne and Eddie are okay with that.
After a little while Elias finished drinking, you let him burb and when he did you lay him next to you. He was already sleeping so that was pretty simple.
“hey” Jeff’s mom walks in.
“hi” you smile.
“tired?” She chuckled.
“is that so obvious?” You joke.
“just a little” she smiles. “I just wanna say I’m going to work, I’ll see you around and don’t forget to take your rest”
“I won’t forget, good luck at your work” you smile back.
“bye bye”
“bye!” You wave while she walks out. You lay back down and it didn’t take long for you to fall asleep too.
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Sorry this part is short and I made it quickly. Thanks for you patience 🙏
tagg list:
@bethexo07 @kellyxo1 @daisyridleyss @ilovetaquitosmmmm
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borathae · 1 month
Chapter 9
THE WARNINGS oh my god ooh ma gad im excited for this but im scared after last chapter
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
If he messes up the little markings you put in there, you will personally end him. PERIODT
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
Don’t read this, it doesn’t make sense” oh so this is the one that might be true huh
This story however is claimed to be the babbling of a drunken person did jin make it haha
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
holy shit now we dont know if he is lying or not
nah yall aint gonna study, its going to be jimin pt 2
Namjoon’s steps are silent another sign yall
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
they just look a little intimidating. they do until u see them for more than a minute
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
OH MY GOD HE IS WEARING THE SLUTTY GLASSES 😋🤤😩🥵 the smut is understandable
lmaoaooaoao ME FR jfjasdjf also a black turtleneck. the smut is understandable.
Uhm…not really, but do you have to? mood💀
fjdasjf me when men
ooh vampire books, she is trying to connect stuff i see u gurl
omg the tension is still there even after a week damn
akdfkasj me fr like he could get it so hard
oops joon was here to study welp or is he?? 👀everything is sus here, its soo sad ........... i love it (jimin is such a slytherin for saying that xd)
JDFJAJFS no but what was he doing there fr??
Oh dear, really?” Namjoon gasps. hunty i can hear the fakeness through a screen and thats saying something
JFJASDJF he is like *acts shocked* oh no
oh my god im cringing and dying please joon go away, get a stomachache or something and go to the toilet, let there be an earthquake, urgent phone call aaah😭😭
lmaoao the fear is understandable
as if someone else was controlling it for a moment while your consciousness is still trapped inside and is trying to escape. But it can’t, so you have to do what your body tells you to do whilst panicking inside. no, but similar one is anxiety attack from the moment you woke up, your consciousness all confused cuz there is nothing to panic but ur body does anyways
fun fact? i took inspo from my panic attacks JFAJDFJ help me god
list soo long, she wrote it down damn 😭😭
like she is so clever for that though
is joon genuinely shocked about the bite marks NO SHE TOUCHED HIS CANINES I-
"genuinely shocked" HAHHAHAH yes indeed very shocked indeed. also her touching his teeth is so funny like HFHADSHF
my canines were really sharp when they were new, and i bit a girl cuz she accidentally choked me and there was 1 deep puncture and small puncture on her hand 😭😭thankfully it didnt get infected
honestly deserved cause why is she at your neck?
holy crap, I literally can’t remember.” did joon do that, or is it all jimin and tae's "good night's sleep"?
mhmhmmh indeeed mmhmhmmh
im losing my mind seeing her losing her mind and joon just scaring both of us AAAAH
me fr
I thought you were a complete snob, but you are actually really sweet aHa aHa 😃
“Oh ___, you are adorable im starting to think anyone saying this is weird
NO BUT YOU AREN'T WRONG FOR THAT JFASJDFAJ imma stick with Yoongi who is rude af to us JFJADSFJ
I’ve talked with you enough to know that your mind has enchanted me OH MY GOD AJBFQ XLAH;CWOUIRA he is not weird/scary and im not scared TAKE ME DADDY IM YOURS
jfajdsjf felt.
BRO NO JOKE ME FR lmoaoa you losing your ass over the smut is so me like if he wasn't so weird about it, i'd be on my knees gobbling him up
STOP WE U APPEARED IN FRONT ME STOP LYING AAHAHHAHAJ she is having the same conversation again gosh aaah what power does that screaming have? shit its wednesday and she doesnt know fuck
im more confused and scared and pls just hang out 2seok and kook bye 😭😭😭😭😭
honestly?? she should really do that cause 😭
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floridaboiler · 2 years
How children perceive their Grandparents......
1. She was in the bathroom, putting on her makeup, under the watchful eyes of her young granddaughter, as she'd done many times before. After she applied her lipstick and started to leave, the little one said, "But Grandma, you forgot to kiss the toilet paper good-bye!" I will probably never put lipstick on again without thinking about kissing the toilet paper good-bye....
2. My young grandson called the other day to wish me Happy Birthday. He asked me how old I was, and I told him, 80. My grandson was quiet for a moment, and then he asked, "Did you start at 1?"
3. After putting her grandchildren to bed, a grandmother changed into old slacks and a droopy blouse and proceeded to wash her hair. As she heard the children getting more and more rambunctious, her patience grew thin. Finally, she threw a towel around her head and stormed into their room, putting them back to bed with stern warnings. As she left the room, she heard the three-year-old say with a trembling voice, "Who was THAT?"
4. A grandmother was telling her little granddaughter what her own childhood was like. "We used to skate outside on a pond. I had a swing made from a tire; it hung from a tree in our front yard. We rode our pony. We picked wild raspberries in the woods." The little girl was wide-eyed, taking this all in. At last she said, "I sure wish I'd gotten to know you sooner!"
5. My grandson was visiting one day when he asked, "Grandma, do you know how you and God are alike?" I mentally polished my halo and I said, "No, how are we alike?'' "You're both old," he replied.
6. A little girl was diligently pounding away on her grandfather's word processor. She told him she was writing a story. "What's it about?" he asked. "I don't know," she replied. "I can't read."
7. I didn't know if my granddaughter had learned her colors yet, so I decided to test her. I would point out something and ask what color it was. She would tell me and was always correct. It was fun for me, so I continued. At last, she headed for the door, saying, "Grandma, I think you should try to figure out some of these colors yourself!"
8. When my grandson Billy and I entered our vacation cabin, we kept the lights off until we were inside to keep from attracting pesky insects. Still, a few fireflies followed us in. Noticing them before I did, Billy whispered, "It's no use Grandpa. Now the mosquitoes are coming after us with flashlights."
9. When my grandson asked me how old I was, I teasingly replied, "I'm not sure." "Look in your underwear, Grandpa," he advised "Mine says I'm 4 to 6." 10.. A second grader came home from school and said to her grandmother, "Grandma, guess what? We learned how to make babies today." The grandmother, more than a little surprised, tried to keep her cool. "That's interesting." she said... "How do you make babies?" "It's simple," replied the girl. "You just change 'y' to 'i' and add 'es'."
11. Children's Logic: "Give me a sentence about a public servant," said a teacher. The small boy wrote: "The fireman came down the ladder pregnant." The teacher took the lad aside to correct him. "Don't you know what pregnant means?" she asked. "Sure," said the young boy confidently. 'It means carrying a child."
12. A grandfather was delivering his grandchildren to their home one day when a fire truck zoomed past. Sitting in the front seat of the fire truck was a Dalmatian dog. The children started discussing the dog's duties. "They use him to keep crowds back," said one child. "No," said another. "He's just for good luck.. " A third child brought the argument to a close."They use the dogs," she said firmly, "to find the fire hydrants."
13. A 6-year-old was asked where his grandma lived. "Oh," he said, "she lives at the airport, and when we want her, we just go get her. Then, when we're done having her visit, we take her back to the airport."
14. Grandpa is the smartest man on earth! He teaches me good things, but I don't get to see him enough to get as smart as him!
15. My Grandparents are funny, when they bend over, you hear gas leaks and they blame their dog.
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Closed starter for @writingxthexsilence​
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She should have had noticed....she was a biologist for Christ sake. 
If her unhealthy habits were not becoming more destructive for her body by the day, maybe she would not misread the symptoms. Hardly, since this was something that never came as a possibility. Clare took all the necessary precautions to prevent such a thing, designing a pill that was not only 95 percent efficient, but also a healthy choice for the organism. After all, the medication was quickly being distributed by her firm, earing her another promotion....and now, one of her best achievements failed her.
Still not opened bottle of whiskey was placed next to the sink of the bathroom, as another thing hit the bathroom floor with a silent ‘tump’. Shaky fingers unwrapped a new small box, number 13 in a row, as she tested herself again. Same disbelief, anxiety and dismay presented themselves on her face as she stared at the two thick lines appearing on the pregnancy test. 
“No..it can’t be..it can’t. “
Hand landed on the glass bottle filled with brown alcohol, as the other reached for the cork to open it. As the plastic broke when she twisted the cork, her pine-green eyes fell on the floor again. Fourteen positive tests staring back at her. The bottle was returned on the sink, as a tear fell from her eye and on her trembling hands that opened the phone for the god knows which time that morning. Scrolling down through the messages, the third name on the screen made her stomach turn. Literally. 
Clare managed to turn to the toilet in the last moment before she threw up for the fifth time that morning. Only when she was done, washing her face and hands, did she opened the messages again. 
O.L. : Mine
You: Ok.
O.L.: Yours
You: No, yours
O.L.- Fine
You: Car
O.L. : No
You: Leaving in 3 minutes
O.L. : Fine...
O.L. - Yours 
You: No. Yours
Text were not making sense to the easily deceived eye, but it was maybe the only sort of communication they had...mostly her fault. Simple initials of his name, to hide it from any preying eye, with even more simplistic code word to where they would meet. Mine or yours, describing  her or his place...but he never got to hers. Clare always dodged the man coming to her apartment, risking having him staying there longer than it was ‘needed’. After sleeping with him, she was able to just leave without even saying goodbye, no explanation, nothing. Just picked her clothes up, got dressed and disappeared from his sheets as if she was never there. 
It started with anger that turned into raw, untamable passion, having them overdosing on each other like heroin. It should have been just once. Then it happened again. They didn’t even discuss this little arrangement, she was just the first one to send a text :’Your place’, sentence that quickly became just ‘Yours’. 
Every time the man opened his mouth and something not resembling a growl of satisfaction or sex talk was threatening to leave it, she would either shush him up with a hungry kiss that instantly casted the raging flames of desire high, or if it was after, ‘ Bye’, was the only answer on whatever it was that he planned to say. Red headed woman was fighting the battle she could not win,  vigorously being against that the universe just dictated them to be made for each other. Another wave of nausea made her grab her mouth, waiting for it to pass away. 
You: I need to tal
You: Something hap
You: I am pregnant 
Tear fell on the screen as she wrote then deleted the last message. This could not be happening..it just can’t be. It took her an hour to finally get up and get dressed, shoving the only thing that seemed as it could help her in the trash can - the bottle of whiskey. Her subconscious prevented her to chug down the poison that would not effect only her...not any more. Grabbing the keys, Clare rushed out the door...heading to his office. 
The woman on the front desk sized her up with obvious disapproval and suspicion. 
“ Can I help you miss? “
Clare’s lips went in thin line when the woman’s eye again scanned her snake tattoo exposed under the torn parts of her jeans, then the left side of her ribs were under her tank top one tiny demon “exiting” her rib greeted her with a sinister grin. 
“ Is Osc...”
She stopped, swallowing his first name, and reminding herself that they were not that close for her to be asking for him like that in here. Specially when she could feel the curious and somewhat condemning gazes glued to her back. She lowered her head a bit, a reaction not even a bit resembling her usual self.
“ I need to speak with agent Lockmoore.” 
The woman lowered her eyebrows before casually flipping the page in front of her.
“ You have an appointment? “
Clare could feel her muscles tensing as she clenched her jaw. 
“ No. But I need to speak with him. “
Woman didn’t even look at her no more, grabbing the cup next to the pile of envelops, sipping the coffee for a whole minute before answering. 
“ I am afraid  that is not possible then. If it is an emergency, you can file a report here, and if needed, an agent will contact you depending on the nature of it. “
Clearly giving her the answer that it might not be Oscar, Clare already saw how she is bashing this bitch’s head on the table, shoving that cub of coffee right into that filthy mouth. However, her exhaustion and distress made her stay in place. Just before she wanted to speak again, with the corner of her eye...she saw him. Walking from the office towards the coffee machine. Clare uttered a “Thank you but its fine.” to wash the suspicion off of herself and started walking towards the exit, just to take a sharp turn to the left in the last moment, rushing quietly down the hallway. 
When she finally reached him, her heart dropped in her stomach. The content of it threatening it will go back up, no matter that it was nothing in there but water. She reached for his forearm from behind his back, pulling him to the side before finally stepping in front of him. The not so pleasant surprise rising in his eyes on the sight of her here made something inside of her break. Clare released the grip on his arm and hugged around herself,holding tight 
“ I need to...”
Her voice barely a whisper, before she cleared her throat and started again.
“ I need to speak to you about something...now..”
Her thumb grazed her stomach thoughtlessly, before she realized it was there, and pulled it back under on her arm. She was not sure can she even mouth those words, still being mortified with the situation. They hated each other...or so they pretended. What they had was nothing more than curing themselves of the unexplainable attraction that end up as wild sex, as a shot of a medicine for the pain in the chest that grew every time she had any thought of him, no matter what it was, was he there or not. A thing they refused to embrace- that being apart was destroying them from within. 
“ Something..something happened..and I..I need to talk to you about it. “
Clare didn’t know why she was even here. What would it change to tell him? She was not here to ask something from him, to blame him, she just went with the instinct that screamed and demanded for her to come and tell him. 
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pixie88 · 2 years
Eight months later...
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Chapter 1 - Enough.
A/N | I’m a little nervous about releasing this series, it was never suppose to see the light of day because it was just a fic I wrote for myself when I got bored or stuck on writing for my published fics. But now it’s out there, I hope you like it. I will be doing weekly chapters just, so there is no pressure on me or you guys to keep up. I am still adding/editing this fic.
Summary | It’s Dana’s parents anniversary dinner...
Word count | 1.5k
Warnings | 18 + Only!
Disclaimer | This is a @pixie88​ original story and character.
The series Master list can be found here which includes the face claims, characters back stories and the Enough playlist.
Pairings | Ellis x Dana.
Reblogs make us happy!
Let me know if you would like to be tagged!
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"Boys have you packed your overnight bag?" Dana shouts up from the bottom of the stairs, she heard them both grumble, "nearly!" Myles calls down to his Mum. She shook her head at them, looking up at the time. He will be here in fourteen minutes, if he is on time, she thought, then her phoned rang out.
"This better not be you cancelling again!" she muttered under her breath making her way to the kitchen where her phone was against the counter, the screen is lit up, thankfully Domenica's name flashed up on her screen.
"Hey Dom, you alright?"
"Hiya, I'm going to cut to the chase because I'm in the toilets at work. Ian is on my back about making personal calls at work, but listen girls' night at mine tomorrow six pm!"
"Dom, I can't! I've got the boys tomorrow night."
"Get Ellis to have them another night! Please!"
She knew if she asked him, he would probably say yes, "fine, I'll ask him!" Domenica squealed on the other end of the phone "right, I gotta go! See you tomorrow, bye!"
"Bye!" she hung up placing her phone on the counter as she saw him pull into the driveway through the kitchen window, "Boys your Dad is here!" she calls up. Soon she heard the rumble of them racing down the stairs, they open the door before he gets to it, "Dad!" Arlo excitably calls out as he rushes his Dad wrapping his arms around him.
"Hey kiddo!" Ellis smiles, pulling his shades off and placing them on top of his head, Myles is standing in the doorway waiting shyly.
"Hey, you! Not going to give ya old man a hug?" Ellis looks over at Myles, who slowly moves forward. Dana is still standing in the kitchen staring out at them, it was always awkward when he would collect or drop off the boys, they had gone from greeting each other with a kiss when he came home to just a wave from a distance as he picked up the boys.
She took a deep breath and wander into the hallway, he looked up at her "Hi, you look nice," he looks over her outfit, she lets out a little laugh "thanks, I'm heading over to my parents for their anniversary. They are having some people over"
"Oh, did you not want to take the boys? I can always have them tomorrow night instead?" he smiles softly at her, "no, it's fine, I doubt the boys want to sit round a table with a load of boring adults, but if you want to have the boys for an extra night I wouldn't say no to you having them an extra night...Dom is having a girls night...I was hoping to go"
"Yes, of course. You didn't even have to ask, an extra night with these monkeys. I'm up for that!" Arlo cheers finding out he is spending another night with their Dad, "you two better go upstairs and grab your bags!" she tells them, they run past her and up the stairs.
Ellis wandered over to his car, opening the passenger side before grabbing something and making his way back to the house, "Here's a card for your parents," he hands her an envelope "Oh, you remembered?!" she seemed surprised, he nods with a smile, "yup, I put in a restaurant voucher in there for them"
"Thanks they will really appreciate that," she felt warmed by the gesture, the boys come thundering down the stairs "did you pack extra for tomorrow night?" she nags the boys, "Yep!" Arlo begins to put his shoes on, Myles wanders out the house to the car.
"Hey buddy! We brought you are with better manners than that! Come back and say bye to your mother!" Ellis orders him back over, Myles sulks walking back to the house, he hugs his Mum and kisses her cheek, "have fun and behave for your Dad, ok?!" Myles nods as Arlo wraps his arms around her hip, she hugs them both tightly, "I'll see you both Sunday! I love you!"
"Love you too, Mum!" Myles makes his way to the car, "Love you Mummy!" Arlo runs off to the car, she looks towards Ellis, "I know any problems, I'll call!" he smiles sweetly, "thanks, make sure yo..." he stops her mid sentence, "remind Arlo to take his inhaler before bed. Yes, I will! Have fun tonight, say hi to your parents from me!" she nods with a smile as he walks over to the car.
He turns back to her halfway, "oh, if you get drunk enough to booty call me again, Shane's over tonight for a few beers, so no need to worry about a babysitter!" he winks making her shake her head and turns walking back into the house.
Later that evening...
"Mum, will you just stop! Ellis and I are over!" she hissed.
Every time she visited her parents since the split her Mum - Daisy would remind her what a stupid mistake she made letting Ellis go. Of course her Mum would say that Dana hadn't told her the real reason why they split, she fed them the same lie, she fed everyone else, they fell out of love which was the furthest thing from the truth. Sixteen years down the drain, he hadn't cheated, but he did lie as well as never keeping his promises which it all got on top of her.
She believed the real reason was between them and no one else.
"You won't find another man like him!" she let out a breath, rolling her eyes at her Mum, "also if you are over why aren't you filing for divorce?!" she asked her daughter, this was a question not even Dana the answer too, "I haven't got round to it!" she says as she helped her Mum prepare a salad bowl.
"Because you know once you filed for divorce that means it's really over!"
"What's really over?" Harley came in questioning them both, "your sisters relationship!"
"Well done Sherlock! It's been over for months!" Harley teases their Mum "thank you, Harley!" Dana says looking over her shoulder at him, "plus what goes on between a married couple is between them, isn't what you always tell us?" Harley reminds their mother.
"But she's not with him anymore!" Harley puts his hand up to stop her talking, "Mum, just stop. Let's enjoy the night without arguing"
"Here! Here, son!" Jonah wanders into the kitchen, "J, do you want your daughter to be alone all her life?!" Daisy hisses at her husband, Jonah huffs "if being alone makes her happy then I'm happy. She not alone, she has two boys and Ellis, he might not be in her life full time, but he's not one to just turn his back on her because they aren't together anymore."
"That reminds me, he sent you both a card," she reaches for her bag and hands the card to her Dad, "did you tell him that he was invited?" Daisy says, "no! I didn't!" Daisy lets out a long huff, "why not?"
"Because I didn't want to sit with my ex husband with people whispering about it all night!" Dana groaned at her mother with annoyance, "Aww bless him, he sent us a voucher a generous lad that one. Now come on the food is getting cold!" Jonah orders them out.
At the dinner table, they were all in couples, she was the odd one out. She heard her phone, "Dana turn that off!" Daisy calls over, "Sorry Mum, it's the boys!" she moves away from the table.
"Hey the boys just wanted to say Goodnight. How's it going?"
She softly sighed, rolling her eyes.
"Eye rolling bad, huh?" he tried to sound neutral, but she could detect the hit of smugness in his tone, he knew how over baring her mother was, he was the only one that ever got her through these family gatherings. "You know how she would always sing your praises before, well, she's doubling her efforts now"
He chuckles "I can always make an excuse saying one of the boys are ill and want their Mum?" she grinned at the fact he was still willing to help her, "no, it's fine! Plus there's wine, so it makes it bearable"
"Dad, is that Mum?" she heard Arlo in the background, "Yeah, I'll pass her over. Enjoy your night, D!"
"Hey Mum! How's Nana and Gramps?"
"They're great sweetheart, what have you been up to this evening?"
"We beat Dad at Fortnite..," she laughed at him, "has he played before?"
"No!" Arlo laughs smugly, "that's not very fair!" she laughs at them winning when Ellis had no idea how to play, "all's fair in love and Fortnite! Mum, I'm going to put Myles on. Night, I love you"
"Goodnight sweetheart! I love you!"
"Hi Mum!"
"You alright pudding?" Myles groans at his nickname, "I'm great, I am just in the middle of my homework"
"Oh, ok. I'll let you get back to it then"
"Cool, see ya Sunday. Love you!"
"See you then, I love you more!" Myles hung up the phone, "how are my two favourite nephews?" Harley said, she hadn't seen him sneak up behind her. "They're fine, Mum told you to come over and get me off the phone?"
"And Ellis? No, she didn't," she rolls her eyes at him, "eh, he's ok! Come on, let's back before Mum sends the search party!" she pulls him back to the table.
She couldn't wait for tonight to be over she needed to let off some steam with the girls...
Chapter 2 - Girls Night
@secretaryunpaid​ @aussieez​ @munstysmind​ @palmaviolet​ @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​ @reallyloudstudent​ @pixie-b​ @wombatsxkookaburras​
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storymaker14 · 1 year
To start: any of these can develop into a physical relationship; however, I much prefer a slow burn romantic roleplay. I love NSFW but I need plot and story. If you're looking for pure smut, you're not looking for me.
Would, of course, prefer to move this to Discord when and if we get started. But message me here if you're interested.
First off, the general stuff.
Preferred roles/genres: romantic slice of life, modern setting, realistic or some fantasy elements, plot-based and story-heavy
Kinks: Teasing/flirting/foreplay, impregnation/pregnancy, cuddles/snuggles, aftercare, age difference (female younger but everyone legal), oral (giving and receiving), breast/nipple play, taboo/secret relationships
Limits: toilet stuff, cruelty, permanent damage
Before we get to the more specific stuff, please note that the starters below are constructed as primarily M/F combos. THIS IS NOT A REQUIREMENT. I am open to any combo that my partner and I can agree upon.
Starter #1
It was Friday night, and Muse A and her best friend were still celebrating and chatting happily in the back seat of the car as Muse B -- A's friend's dad -- drove them. They'd just won their intramural volleyball championship, and as a reward they'd all gone out for pizza and ice cream afterwards, all still proudly in their uniforms. Once the party had wound down, though, Muse B had unsurprisingly offered to take them both home.
The first stop was the house of Muse B's ex-wife; unfortunately it was her weekend with their daughter. "Bye, [Muse A]!" her friend said, giving her a big hug. Then, wrapping her arms around her dad's neck from behind, she said, "Bye, Dad! Love you, see you Sunday!" She grabbed her back, climbed out of the car, and walked up to her mom's door, unlocking it and going inside.
Both Muse A and Muse B watched her go; once she was safely inside, though...
(Well, one of them talks first, clearly. Let me know who you want to be, and who starts.)
Starter #2
The Batmobile raced through the streets of Gotham, the emblem of the city’s hero lighting up the sky. It came to a halt in an alley close to GCPD HQ, and the Bat himself emerged, shooting a grappling hook upwards and climbing to the roof.
Once there, in the light of the signal, he found someone unexpected. It was not Commissioner James Gordon; it was Harley Quinn, the former Dr Quinzel. “Harley,” he said, raging and braced for a fight or a trap. “What is this?”
She looked at him... and she was crying, unashamedly. “He... Mr J... he... oh God.” She looked away. “He said he’d kill me. He said if he ever saw me again, he’d slit my throat. It wasn’t a joke.” She sniffled. “Why wasn’t it a joke...?”
Batman stirred uncomfortably. Give him a plot to destroy the city or kill the mayor, he was in his element. A crying, broken woman? That was far more difficult. “Harley... I don’t—“
She fixed her eyes on his, and in all earnestness, she asked, “Can you keep me safe? Please?”
(Heavily influenced by Sean Murphy's White Knight series, but, I have no interest in re-telling that story. Just would love to play something where the two of them have a flirtation, a romance, or possibly even more. If there's just a touch of Mr J drama, all the better.)
[Notes on 3 and 4... I discovered that I'd written two very similar starters without really noticing, because [a] they were from different sites/apps, and [b] I wrote the one and got tired of it, then apparently had a hankering for that general idea again. And so...]
Starter #3
Some people wondered how a petite, skinny, almost pixie-ish woman like Muse A survived in the military. They wondered up until they found out she wasn’t just cute as hell; she was also smart as hell and tough as hell. As medic for their company, she saw all of them, including Muse B, at their worst and restored them to their best. She was trusted, she were family; they all were to each other. As much as a foreign tour of duty could be wonderful, it was.
Until it wasn’t.
Muse A was laughing at some stupid thing Muse B said, probably something about it being dumb for them to be in the medical tent for a kidney infection, when the unmistakable whistle of an incoming shell filled the air. “Get down!” she screamed just before it hit and the world went black. The next thing Muse B remembered was the medevac team carrying them into separate copters, her looking a hell of a lot worse than he did. That was the last time they saw each other face to face for three years.
They kept in contact, of course; she said she needed the distractions during her physical therapy. He tried not to feel guilty that his stupid minor problem cost her the use of her legs, where all he paid for it was a scar on his cheek. She was released from the military with a generous pension; he stayed in.
Three years later, he was on leave... and he knocked on the door of her house, excited to finally see her again.
Starter #4
The morning started like most others: Muse A woke up in her bed hoping it had all been a bad dream. She pulled aside her bedsheets, and... no. Her left leg was still gone, and her right was basically useless due to nerve damage. She scooted herself into position and carefully transferred herself to her chair -- her crutches were usable but barely, and she'd never really liked the prosthetics she'd tried -- then wheel out to the kitchen.
Three years ago, she'd been an athlete, and one of moderate fame. There were even rumors of a shot at the Olympics. But then, a car accident put an end to that. Now left with only one barely-functional leg, all that was in the past. She briefly considered pursuing the Paralympics, but months of surgeries and more months of PT had sucked the motivation out of her. At least the love and gifts of her supporters right after it happened had allowed her to find a very comfortable and accessible place to live; now, the recognition was gone but the house was still hers free and clear.
Once she had her coffee and eggs for breakfast, she went back to her bedroom and pulled on a nice-ish top and a skirt. After all, she was expecting company soon: Muse B.
(Now, who Muse B is, I leave a bit open. Her PT person? A friendly neighbor, a good friend? Something else entirely? The intention is for Muse B to be very caring toward Muse A, whether she likes it or not, and for things to bloom from there.)
Starter #5
Muse A and Muse B had been playing an MMORPG together for a few months. They'd never met in real life, but in game they had become good friends. What they didn’t know about each other, though, is that they’re both playing a character of the opposite sex: Muse A, male in real life, is female in the game; Muse B is female in real life but plays a male character.
A few days previously, they discovered that they actually lived only about half an hour away from each other. Once they found that out, it was clear: they had to meet in real life. As the arrangements were made, they were both expecting to surprise the other with their true sex.
The day they met, Muse A got there first. About five minutes later, Muse B showed up as well. They both carefully described what they’d be wearing so they’d know each other. He spotted her and came over... and then they finally saw each other and were both greatly surprised.
At last Muse A spoke. With a huge grin, he said, “Okay, that’s funny as hell...”
(You can decide where they meet and anything else you think we need to add.)
Starter #6
It was, for better or worse, the holidays. Muse A has retreated into the basement of his wife’s aunt’s house, needing to get away from the noise and chatter. It’s not that he doesn’t like her family; he likes at least half of them. There are just so damn many of them; being from a small family, he was often overwhelmed with these gatherings.
He was there, comfortably alone and apparently unmissed, for a good long while. But eventually, he heard footsteps coming down the stairs, and turned to see Muse B just coming into view. She saw him, and smiled in surprise. "Oh! Sorry, didn't know you were down here. I can leave you alone..."
"Nah, don't worry about it," Muse A said. "You needed to get away too?" Muse B rolled her eyes with a laugh. "You know it. Mind if I join you?"
(The intention was for Muse A to be at least a little older than Muse B, but that's not set in stone; we can discuss whatever relationship you want her to have to his wife. All told, though, this is intended to become a forbidden relationship with cheating aspects.)
Starter #7
Every Saturday morning, Muse A works at the local diner; every Saturday morning, Muse B comes in with a beautiful woman and they have breakfast together. Muse A honestly doesn't know whether they're married, dating, or maybe even just friends; all she knows is that she thinks Muse B is super cute, and the person he's with is super lucky.
Then one Saturday, Muse B came in alone. Muse A was immediately worried, but some small part of her was hopeful. So she came over to his table to get his order, but instead of asking what he'd like – he ordered the same thing every time, so she already knew – she asked, "Hey… everything okay?" and put a hand on his shoulder.
(It's intentionally left open if you want to decide how this plays from here. Did he just go through a messy breakup, leaving him in need of a shoulder to cry on? Or are they really just friends, and she's been keeping her distance for no actual reason?)
Starter #8
Muse A is a kindergarten teacher, and it was the night of an open house at the school. The purpose is of course to let parents get to know their kids' teachers and see their classrooms and artwork and the whole nine yards. It's slightly chaotic in the K room, but that's to be expected with kindergarteners; Muse A wouldn't have it any other way.
She's mingling with the parents as their kids show them around, finding a few nice things to say about every single child in her class. In time, though, she comes to one of her favorite kiddos; for this one, it's not hard to come up with nice things to say. "Hi, [kid's name]!" she said, then turned to Muse B, their father. "Hi, I'm Ms [Muse A]; you must be [kid]'s dad. Great to meet you!"
Muse B smiled back at her, offering a hand to shake. "Nice to meet you; I've heard a lot of good things about you."
"Well, they're all true," Muse A laughed. She quickly glanced around the room; there was no one clearly here with Muse B but his child. Was his wife not here tonight? Or... was he a single dad?
(The original intention was yes, Muse B is a single dad, and it's a really sweet story of them bonding over a kiddo they both think is amazing. However... literally as I write this, I'm wondering if it would work as a cheating role. I haven't decided yet; I wouldn't object to it either way.)
Starter #9
Muse A was sitting on the edge of the hospital bed in a hospital gown, counting the bad decisions that led her there.
One: running away from home at 16.
Two: thinking a 23-year-old squatting in a dingy apartment was boyfriend material.
Three: not running the moment she found out he was a drug dealer.
Four: not using a condom.
She stroked her stomach, wondering what the hell she was going to do now. Going back to Jimmy isn't an option; thanks to the police, he was in jail awaiting trial and sentencing, and likely to stay there a long time after. Going back to her parents, also not an option; if she came home with my tail between her legs and a baby in her belly, she'd be dirt for the rest of her life.
At least she was clean. That was a dumb decision she'd managed not to make, ever.
The doctor came in, and beside him was Muse B, a cop. She immediately tensed, thinking they'd found some reason to toss her in jail, too. But the doctor saw her expression, held up a hand, and smiled. "You're okay," he said. "The officer here was just going to take you to a facility where you can stay until you get back on your feet. It's actually a really nice place; the rooms aren't huge, but they're comfortable. And if you're there long enough…" His eyes went to her belly, which she was still idly stroking. "Well, it'll be good enough for the both of you."
She looked at the doctor, then Muse B. She bit her lip a moment, then finally spoke. "Okay. Let me get dressed, and then we can go." It's not like she needed to pack anything; all she had was herself, the clothes she was wearing when she was brought to the hospital, and the baby in her belly.
(Muse B does not have to be a cop, if you have another idea. Just, someone a bit older, rather sweet whether he shows it or not, and whether immediately or gradually, very caring and supportive for Muse A and the baby.)
Starter #10
Muse A's phone bleeped, and he checked it: text from a number that looked familiar but he couldn't place. He opened it.
It said: Hey, it's [Muse B]. I'm pretty sure you remember me.
Oh, he did. He'd met Muse B at her sister's wedding to his best friend; as maid of honor and best man, they'd had to be close during the run-up to the wedding and during the wedding itself. Not that either of them had minded. They'd really hit it off when they met, and after the wedding and the reception... well, weren't the maid of honor and best man supposed to end up sneaking off together? It was tradition. Unfortunately neither of them had lived anywhere near the site of the wedding, so after a very intense but way-too-short time together, they'd gone back to their own homes. Almost immediately, they'd lost touch; this was the first contact they'd had since then. He kept reading.
I don't know if it's too weird or anything, but I was just thinking about the wedding and how great everything was. Especially you ;) I'd love to get back in touch and stay that way. If you're not interested, that's fine, but if you are, drop me a line back, okay?
He read it again, then for a third time. Then he smiled, took a deep breath, and started a reply.
(If you want to continue from there, awesome. If you want to go back and write the story of their "very intense but way-too-short time together", equally awesome.)
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Drunk Night Out
Part 1 - 2
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I woke up tonight in a jail cell rolling over on to my back, the smell of barfs blurt out of me.
My eyes pop open sighing upward as the walls close on me and slide it open.
They walk in grabbing me by my arms yank me out and pull me on the dirty floor.
I stood up realize that I am stark naked in a police department.
I stare in to the mirror at the hot face and hot body I occupy now.
My head hurts pounding on a warmth flash current of waves overtake me.
I could not believe it grabbing a average size pack of toilet paper.
Quickly I place it on my cock covering up my private area in a freight.
“Who the hell are you? Where the fuck am I?” I yell out loud.
“Relax! Do you remember last night?” The man ask me annoyed.
“The fuck? Am I in jail?” I shout out loud at a total odds,
“You were streaking on the city streets last night.” He swears in my face.
“Oh Yeah! You are a bloody liar.” I yell back my finger pointing at him.
“Fuck you!” I continue on slamming things on the floor.
Part 3 - 4
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His wife rolls in to the police station slams a fist on to the desk.
He she slaps me hard paying to get me swiftly out of the station.
She smacks my head hard shoving me out of the station.
We drive off in silence with my head in a tail spin of it all.
I ignore her walking in to the bathroom in a huff getting undressed
The clothes fall to the ground reaching for the shows knobs and turns it on.
The water rains down over me as I step in to the shower and back up.
My hands go in to my hair trying it rub away the craziness of that night.
“Well at least this new body is damn fine.” I tell myself.
“This hot water feels so miraculous.” I add.
“This body tall, massive, and tone so built.”
I continue.
“What do you think of me?” I reply to myself happily.
“I love you babe” I feel my hand sliding all over it.
“Let grab the soap”
“Smoothing, spreading and washing the soap”
“Ooooooohhhhhh bbbbaaaabbbyyyyy”
Part 5 - 6
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I wrap the towel around my waist exiting out of the bathroom I sigh.
I walk out a new man leaving the main bath room window open.
I waltz back in to the bathroom I put a comb through my air.
After leaving my hair in a sexy state and the get dress.
His wife is fast a sleep on the couch a glass in his hand.
It falls out of his hand on to the floor snoring loudly.
I crack up myself heading in to the bedroom to pack and leave her.
I wrote a note leaving it on the table and pack all of my bags.
“I am so hot and I can’t wait”
“I am so fucking hot”
“Fuck this bitch”
“I am about to bounce”
“This ass is so tight”
“I am going to show off”
“Watch this ass”
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The end
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Okay well ummm before I go away I'm just gonna say that even though Harry Potter is cringey you have NO RIGHT to attack the author just because she didn't fail her biology class :) I don't like JKR since, you know, she's a feminist who wants to force abortions on young women but at least she knows that you can't change your gender no matter how much makeup you smear all over your face. Anyway, bye now you dumb bitch. Your pfp is retarded by the way 💖
prev asks
okay, first of all it's not "attacking someone" to be like "lmao these rampant bigoted remarks ruined her reputation", least of all when you're not even saying that to her or saying it at all, just reblogging a post on tumbly saying it. second of all, you know that a single biology class doesn't teach you everything you need to know about biology, right? like, gender is complicated and so is sex, it's not impossible to change the vast majority of sex characteristics, of which sex is an aggregate. I have full rights to joke about jkr's inability to grasp how sex and gender actually work, because she'd rather fearmonger about toilets, despite ample evidence that bathroom violence doesn't increase when you allow trans people into the right bathrooms - in fact, trans people are more likely to be victimised, especially if they're forced into the wrong bathroom, as we saw again recently (linked below). and it makes sense, no person is fully on board with committing a random rape against a stranger (something that makes up a miniscule percentage of rape cases, as most are committed by people close to the victim), but then they go "hmm, better not go into the wrong room though" - people can easily sneak into a bathroom and hide in a stall. jkr is woefully misinformed and spreads so much misinfo.
that said, jkr doesn't want to "force abortions on young women" - it doesn't matter how much of a cunt she is, lying about her is still a dick move. nobody wants to do that, you're just a radical cunt and a dumb bitch yourself. what makes you think makeup is what is being used to change sex characteristics? there's this great stuff you can buy called "hormones" and it changes sex characteristics very effectively, right down to your blood and bones. great value for money. makeup is just a fun little art project to do on the side.
and finally, don't insult Five with a gun, that is not gonna end well.
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joshuasearing · 3 months
Friday 5th April 2024
Hey journal so last night I really struggled to get a sleep but after a good while I finally manage to.
Now for this morning I really struggled to get up. But after a while I got up and was 30 mjkties late to work. Since I have been at work I have been on instore. My brother and mum also came in to get some food and drink and my bother got a porridge. Then also my mum ordered a toffee latte for my dad that is at home. Anyways since I have been on break I have wrote in my journal, went a toilet and had my food. Anyways speak to you later journal, bye journal!
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artcalledwind · 4 months
That iceberg is not connected any more it’s just floating on global toilet waiting for melting Damn that Iceberg Left the planetary grounds Spaciousness running around water Can a boat Capture some water for sale Call Thelasticeshite Lasticeshite For All for All a sale 499.99 an ounce It’s in the brand name Sucka’s Of global weather change It’s just normal global weather change wether you believe it or not It’s a normal Florentine Going back with milk (don’t drink oleander) Sit by the table fed by Parents Eat UR crackers And That iceberg is not connected any more it’s just floating on global toilet waiting for melting Um and ah uh ha ho woah Um an ice melts faster with nothing to hold on to, it’s just truth Add the sun Shining everywhere With depleted ozone By bye Iceberg Bye bye Now salty Tha tha thummm they ahhhhh da do ah Said this is Salty Puckered my Lips Melting Icebergs in my opinion Is a fucking grossing humunglunglousy Human air breathing Doing fucking lousy Is what was intended My head presses the oiled fake keyboard Is oil used in ( could be ‘on’ rather ‘in’) new phones? I just changed subject, would have to read all that I already wrote But why It’s Earth It’s leadership Sinister You no you, just watch TV That iceberg is not connected any more it’s just floating on global toilet waiting for melting
The wether fore golf casted weather
Will be today
Oily fucking awful
Unless UR rich!
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