#i’ll do that later
kandavers · 28 days
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Piping hot redesigns here!!!!
Actually no, theyre cold and stale because some designs sort of changed after a while but yea!!! this is 2 months overdue!!!
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streetlightgoblin · 28 days
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So the underworld saga ammirite??
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queer-in-a-cornfield · 8 months
As per @shychick-52 ‘s request of
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Sick Day (578 words)
Gyro woke up to the sound of his alarm, grumbling. While he was never a morning person, today felt… worse than normal.
But no matter! He trudged into his small kitchen, willfully ignoring how out of it he felt.
“Good morning, Doctor Gearloose!”
Gyro’s eyes widened in surprise and he let out a startled squawk.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to surprise you,” Boyd apologized as he made his way over to where Gyro stood. “Are you alright?”
As 2-BO- no, wait, Boyd. As Boyd walked over and began to scan him up and down, Gyro fought off the fogginess in his head and eventually remembered “That’s right, I just got custody of him from the Drakes yesterday.”
“You have a fever, Doctor Gearloose.”
“What?!” He exclaims.
“You have a fever. 110 Fahrenheit.” Boyd repeats.
“No, no- I heard you the first time. Ugh, that’s gonna make work a lot harder today.” Gyro mutters to himself.
“Work? It’s best for your health to stay home and rest to allow your body to better fight off the illness.” Boyd explains, confused.
“While that is true, I have too much to do at work for that to be a feasible option.”
“Surely Mr. McDuck would allow you at least a day to recuperate. After all, he let you and Fenton fly to Tolkyolk for me with no notice at all.” Boyd argues back.
Seeing just how determined the boy seemed to be and feeling his symptoms more and more as he woke up, Gyro gives in.
“All right, I’ll call in sick.”
“Great choice!” Boyd exclaims with a small fist pump. Had Gyro been well, he would’ve asked why Boyd was so happy about that, but he was too busy trying to not cough up a lung while leaving his message.
As he hung up the phone, he turns and sees Boyd standing and staring at him expectantly.
“Do you… need something?” Gyro asks as he pockets his phone again.
Boyd grins and replies, “Do you want to watch a movie? You can relax and we can hang out at the same time!”
Taken by surprise, Gyro stutters, “Oh, uh, I don’t-“
Boyd deflates some at the lackluster reaction and Gyro makes up his mind.
“Oh, why not?”
Boyd instantly brightens again and exclaims “Great!” before dashing over to the couch.
Gyro follows much more slowly behind him, grabbing some blankets and laying down on one end of the couch, making sure to still leave enough room for Boyd, who was waiting on Gyro’s old TV to turn on.
When it finally does, Boyd happily asks, “Whaddaya want to watch?”
“I don’t know, I haven’t kept up with what’s on TV in a long time. So, whatever you’d like.”
“Ooh, how about Amphibia? Huey was telling me he and his brothers really liked it.”
“Sure, sounds good enough.” Gyro agrees.
As the pair spent their day together in front of the TV, Gyro thought it was funny how fatherly he was acting. Despite being initially uninterested, he kept watching the show anyway so Boyd could talk about it with him. He had allowed him to sit much closer to him than planned. He had even made them both lunch partway through. He rarely even made himself lunch!
It was weird, but also nice. He’d have to make some time to hang out with Boyd again. Though preferably without being sick. That still wasn’t fun, even with Boyd making him rest.
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sarcastic-clapping · 1 year
if kendall roy has a million fans i’m one of them. if kendall roy has one fan it’s me. if kendall roy has no fans i am dead.
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celtarican2 · 4 months
Did some drawing practice
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Super hero landing!
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crypticartist1366 · 9 months
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My Heavenly Mystic OCs!
I drew references for them in their day clothes, pjs, & swimsuits!
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vampyrobot · 1 year
Look at my otter pfp boy
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mydarlingdahlia · 8 months
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Anyways time to waste my time making videos
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badolmen · 5 months
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chaosangelmp3 · 4 months
kinda wanna rewatch jessica jones hmm….
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soggyspottytowel · 5 months
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anessthetic · 5 months
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happy new year everyone :]
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DO NOT SEPARATE the Abby and Bonnie FNAF plushies..
(Inspired by @/Jonnyblox post)
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projectdivamegamix · 1 year
ough i should redo my mobile theme again
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pyjamacryptid · 9 months
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something something magic kiss
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communistkenobi · 1 year
prefacing this post by saying that I am a big enjoyer of “this site has poor reading comprehension” jokes on here, but I think there needs to be better and more precise language about this sort of thing that isn’t bound up in like, the ability to parse text, which is always going to be tied to class and ability. I’m not saying every joke about this site not being able to read is classist/ableist, and I don’t think anyone is making any grand ideological proclamations when dunking on a stupid reply to their post, but the backing behind that kind of joke is, ultimately, “haha you’re an adult that can’t read.”
And aside from some potentially troubling baggage, I don’t even think that’s what’s going on in the first place! I think the more precise (but admittedly less catchy) term for “poor reading comprehension” is something along the lines of chronic incuriosity, or a rigid adherence to normative thinking. if you see a post saying, for example, women shouldn’t have to wear makeup to be viewed as human beings, and the comments are filled with “actually you can just wear some winged eyeliner and foundation it’s not that hard to wear makeup and also women love makeup stop gatekeeping,” what is happening is not a failure to comprehend the text in front of them. these responses are not made in ignorance, as in, they are not the result of a failure to understand the sentence they just read. these responses stem from a refusal to challenge base assumptions, and reacting emotionally to the mental dissonance this causes (probably something along the lines of “I think of myself as progressive but this person is challenging something I like doing and this threatens my weak political instincts”). These people are rejecting the opportunity to analyse the habits and behaviours they previously assumed to be non-political (eg, wearing makeup), and then externalising that rejection as a defence mechanism. That is not a failure to read a sentence, that is a demand to be intellectually coddled, which is very different.
Again, I’m sure people are already aware of this. I enjoy being a hater, and having people constantly swarm your posts with ridiculous and hysterical replies is incredibly frustrating (speaking from a lot of personal experience here lol). This is also not me saying you have to do the coddling and explain to them that they’re being ideologically incurious about the world, you don’t have an obligation to do any of that. but I think framing a person’s failure to be curious about their own biases as “they don’t know how to read” situates the problem as an issue of ignorance or lack of technical skill, instead of the much more prevalent problem of people refusing to be challenged or reconsider things in their life they didn’t think about before. Calling these kinds of people ignorant is just letting them off easy
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