#i’m right cause i’m always right
ceanwinchester · 2 years
idgaf what anyone says. you can write several research papers. you can do several analysis’. you can do whatever tf you want to but i will never believe that misha accidentally came out as bisexual.
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magpie-trove · 14 days
“After all he’s done he doesn’t deserve—“ listen can you honestly say YOU *deserve* a happy ending?? There is no deserve!! A happy ending is a happy ending cause it always always always comes as an unexpected gift. There is always always always the 2/3 point in the story where it is undeserved and unattainable and not going to be given. Because it can only be given!! And yet!!! Still it comes!! A eucatastrophe!! For you and me!! Undeserved!!!
#shut up about deserve!!!!!#also 99% of the time this rhetoric is deployed it’s in a scenario where the Good Guys Who Deserve A Happy Ending ‘deserve’ it simply cause#they are labeled the Good Guys#and they’ve been crossing the same lines as the Bad Guy Who Doesn’t#examples: Ward betraying everyone and everyone treating him like an irredeemable monster when they are SPIES it’s their JOB to trick and#betray people and they have all done that for much less reasons! but because it was *them* that’s different#also this post is in response to some tweet about Flynn I had the misfortune to see and that’s actually the least arguable because#literally everything Flynn has done they have done at this point too#each and every one of the team has killed someone in a scenario where they didnt *need* to be killed (if you can even say that)#they’ve stolen tech for their own goals they’re ruining history to eradicate Rittenhouse and get their own loved ones back like#they’re court martial Ed government most wanted a#the only thing Flynn’s done they haven’t is actually go to jail for it cause he was un sanctioned by the Declarer of Rights and Wrongs-#What The Government Wants#murdered historical figures? so have they#like. there is no moral line between them#no reason they ‘deserve’ it and he doesn’t#I’m terribly sad but also there is beauty to that ending#but tweet person from the crew you are WRONG#you can’t put a moral dividing line like that between ‘us’ (always good) and ‘them’ (don’t deserve happiness too bad)#because one day you *will* find yourself on the other end of that line#and then you will have labeled yourself doomed and undeserving#mercy is everywhere dummy let’s all get some!!
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larapaulussen · 6 months
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misslovasstuff · 13 days
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blaithnne · 6 months
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I’m literally fine I don’t care its not even that big of a deal it’s whatever who’s Hilda
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theoakleafpancake · 2 months
After the celebration had finally ended, Halt decided he’d had enough of formalities and appearances. A grand homecoming to Araluen was not what he’d wanted. Now that he had Will back, all that was left to do was to return to the little cabin in Redmont and sleep for a week straight. If it weren’t for the assembly the King called for, he’d be able to do just that.
Someone knocked on the door. He gave a final tug on the straps of his pack before heading over, heaving in a silent sigh. But when the door swung open, he was met with an unexpected face.
Well, not entirely unexpected. It was bound to happen sooner or later. He’d rather it would have been later, but alas, Fate seemed to be enjoying her time with him.
“Crowley.” He stepped aside, allowing the Ranger Commandant in the room. “I thought you’d have left by now.”
“Really?” The sandy-haired man turned to look at him. “Eleven months, and that’s the first thing you have to say.”
“Eleven and one week,” he said quietly. “And I seem to recall giving you a full report earlier. So no, that is not the first thing I have said to you.”
Crowley ran a hand through his hair. “And one week.” A breathy chuckled escaped the other man. “Do you think I haven’t been counting each day?”
He raised an eyebrow. “A Ranger Commandant has more important things to do than wait for the prodigal son to return.”
“I’m sorry.” The older Ranger reached a hand towards his arm and then faltered, those light eyes desperately seeking his. “If I could go back in time, I would change everything. I would have broken you out of prison. I would have covered it all up. No one would have ever known.”
“Having everyone know was a part of the plan.”
“But why, Halt?” His voice broke. “Why would you put us through that?”
Halt raised his eyes to the ceiling. After all this time, his friend still had the nerve to ask the same question. “I don’t give you as much credit as I should. You’re not stupid, Crowley. You know the answer.”
It was the boy. Will. He would have burned the world for his apprentice if necessity demanded it of him. He had given up his life for some cheeky, over-talkative child that had somehow become an integral part of his life. Losing Will had been like losing an arm. He could have said all this and more, but he wasn’t sure if the other Ranger would ever truly understand.
“Crowley.” He laid a land on his friend’s shoulder. “You have your loyalties and I have mine. Surely you didn’t think I’d change over the years?”
“No. I never would have expected that.” The older Ranger turned away. “You always were a stubborn one.”
“And I don’t intend on changing that. I became a Ranger to help you. Not to pledge my full allegiance to a King.”
“That’s exactly what being a Ranger is.” The silver Oakleaf felt heavy around his neck. Halt knew what the Oakleaf meant. Running away from Clonmel, he was given a second chance, and that chance had been Araluen and its Rangers. He liked Duncan a great deal more than he cared to admit—certainly the Araluan was a far better King than either him or Ferris. But against all odds, that’s just what Duncan was.
A King.
“I just wanted to make sure you were okay,” Crowley said quietly. “But it seems to me you’re doing fine in that sense.”
Halt let go of the man’s shoulder. “You thought too highly of me. That’s your mistake.”
“I think just enough of you.” The redhead sighed. “My only mistake was turning you away. I’m sorry, Halt.”
He met his friend’s eyes, and saw the pain inside them, pain he was responsible for. “I am, too.”
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frnkiebby · 2 months
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fucking PRECIOUS~🎃
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jasontoddenthusiastt · 7 months
Imo Jason is “irredeemable” by default because I don’t see what he needs redemption from.
#I don’t know if I’ve mentioned this before but joining this fandom made me fucking hate the word ‘redemption’#no person I’ve seen who is in love with the concept knows the who what where when why or how it should work in a story#apparently it isn’t just themes and tropes anymore people don’t understand the proper use of the word ‘villain’#kelseethe#also hilarious: Jason should recieve sensitivity training HR style from Bruce ‘I’m the government and children are my cronies’ wayne#if Jasons headstrong/‘answers to no one’ attitude towards vigilantism is what makes people think he's villainous#I hate to be a broken record but the baddie you’re describing is Bruce#nobody thinks he’s a villain for only trusting in his own methods/self and repeatedly isolating himself#and on top of that gaslighting and hurting people around him in attempts to do what HE **thinks** is the right thing#you people always thought *him* heroic not problematic for all these traits#the only difference is Jason isn’t psychologically abusive & controlling#yet he’s still the bad guy just cause he liberally kills folks in the crime business.#l'd argue goth ham war is the b*tman story to remind you of everything that makes Bruce authentically himself#Idk how to tell you that Bruce mentally compromising/crippling his son in a twisted attempt to ‘save him from himself’#is perfectly in line with slitting the same son’s throat because he couldn’t stand to see him avenge his own killer#and yk what a redemption arc could be interesting for someone like Bruce#because he rarely questions or doubts his choices esp wrt Jason. no matter how morally dubious they may be#I think it would be quite fun to witness his extremely restricted worldview be challenged/shattered he deserves that humbling experience
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rosicheeks · 22 days
Aka Riders Lullaby from Centaurworld
Lay your head on my chest so I can sing you a lullaby and gently run my fingers through your hair until you slowly drift off to sleep 🥰🫶
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midnight-ramblingswfc · 5 months
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As a starter and a vital part of the danish national team she’s already a great talent and has a very promising future, so good to see that she seemingly still has a place in arsenals long time plans.
But she’s young so to evolve she’ll need game time and with a fit-ish arsenal team and new players coming in that will be limited minutes so‬ certainly the best move for her game. She’s a great player especially technically, and minutes will only help her develop her game, including her decision making and confidence. And it’s a team already full of Danes
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cinnamontoads · 5 months
lesbians when they see the most conventionally unattractive middle aged man and/or malnourished skinny nerd walk into the room
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Swap Springtrap just won’t ever leave my mind, and I keep thinking of how a bunch of stuff would go. The certain swapped stuff just usually depends on the version.
I’ve already probably mentioned a few bits before, but like, among the other stuff going on throughout it, but I keep thinking about how Pizza Sim would go in a swap deal.
One way, Swap Springtrap would take Henry’s role from the original game—such as causing the fire to free the others, including his daughter. Which... either she’s still Scrap Baby, or she’s swapped with Charlie for who they possess.
But... xlskajwhq... I always love when he cares, and this is also a swap—so, under the scenario of him taking Henry’s role, I’d just love for there to be some sort of reunion—he hasn’t seen his kid in a long time.
Elizabeth and the others arrive, he manages to have a talk with her or something—and Elizabeth is so happy to see her father—and then, later, the fire occurs.
But I’ve also always loved the idea of Swap Henry still having his role—with causing the fire and everything, but for completely different reasons, rather than trying to stop Scraptrap and free the others.
Whether or not Swap Springtrap knows he’s there or not, I can at least imagine him arriving at the pizzeria and managing to get inside, and then having a much needed reunion with Elizabeth.
But then the fire happens—unfortunate. And he’s just trying to find a way to help his daughter get out—which may or may not happen.
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wolfstarisswag · 3 months
https://www.tumblr.com/pollsnatural/743774601447882752/its-not-even-shipping-wise-dean-just-forgets?source=share let's win this. Vote for sam and please share
Yeah guys go vote 🫡🫡
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garciamorales · 3 months
Only Oscar Isaac as Leto Atreides could pull me back from my slumber onto this hellhole nearly a year after I last posted… the power of Leto still controls me clearly 😵‍💫 Also seeing Dune again in the cinema gave me whiplash so hard I am SO READY for part two tomorrow I’m SCREAMING
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spacelazarwolf · 1 year
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i can’t explain why but comments like this give me absolutely rancid vibes as a jew.
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marimbles · 9 months
the agony of enjoying MULTIPLE THINGS AT ONCE. How do people do it….
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