#i’m sorry i’ve been deranged about them
diamantdog · 2 years
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okay, but hear me out here.
there's something about how this scene is taken. after finishing the series, we know that tyler is actually looking at his mother in the photo (pic 1). and we know that he/the hyde is motivated by revenge for his mother. in pic 1, we can see his mother clearly and tyler's eyes are focused on her.
but then, wednesday shows up behind him (pic 2), and the photo is out of focus immediately. tyler also looks up at wednesday instantly. then wednesday becomes the focus.
look, all i'm saying is. there's just something about how tyler's original intention (revenge) becomes out of focus as soon as wednesday enters his personal space.
i mean— yeah.
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theoldworldsrunnerup · 9 months
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Oopsies my hand slipped and I drew this
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Emily: “I’m really sorry Vaggie didn’t feel comfortable coming back here. If there’s anything I can do to change that-”
Charlie: “Probably not! It was kinda a sign of her endless love for me that she visited haven again at all!”
Emily: “Oh! Oh that’s nice!!”
Charlie: “Which I NEVER would have asked her to do anyway, if I’d KNOWN the truth about her history up here!”
Emily: “Right. I’m so sorry about that too, by the-”
Charlie: “I mean, I’m not the kind of girl who askes her girlfriend to go spend an afternoon sitting across from the people who ripped off her wings! And her eye! And left her slumped against a dumpster looking half dead!”
Emily: “A… dumpster?”
Charlie: “Making the woman you love relive all that without even rEALIZING it would be pretty fucked up, wouldn’t it??”
Emily: “V- very.”
Emily: “I’m sure it did!”
Charlie: “H Y P O T H E T I C A L L Y”
Emily: “Could! I could see that, yes, if it HAD happened, that would’ve been…”
Emily: “…”
Emily: “Are you- um, is she, errr.. doing better now?”
Charlie: “SO much better she’s doing SO great these days!!!!”
Vaggie: (lying face down on the hotel lobby floor) “I promise I won’t stop helping you morons when she dumps me. I won’t let her dream die just because I was dumb enough to think I could be part of it.”
Angel Dust: “That’s nice toots.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.”
Angel Dust: “Not sad or stupidly gay or anythin’.”
Vaggie: “Thanks.”
Cherri Bomb: “Sad? Angie, it’s perfect!” (takes picture) “I’ve been thinking this place could use a new rug…”
Niffty: (stepping on vaggie) “Squishy!”
Husk: “Get the fuck off her.” (at vaggie) “You, get the fuck UP.”
Vaggie: “Why.”
Alastor: “Hmmm, because this is PAINFULLY pathetic to watch, even for me?”
Vaggie: “Guess I’ll be here forever then.”
Angel Dust: “Vag-GAY c’mon, ya girlfirend’s not gonna dump ya. What’s the competition even!?”
Vaggie: “There’s an angel up in heaven who's helping Charlie work towards her life long dreams as we speak, and she's taller than me, got more wings than me, not as stabby as me, and also not a mass murderer or a liar or missing an eye.”
Cherri Bomb: "Hey!"
Vaggie: "No offence to the other one-eyed ladies here, but it's different when you've got a fucked up empty eye socket."
Niffty: (sighs dreamily) "I bet losing it hurt soooo baaaaad..."
Vaggie: "Never telling my girlfriend why I'd actually lost it or how it made me look like the deranged murder angel I was, even while she tried kissing it better for me, ended up hurting way worse."
Angel Dust: “That's a point….”
Angel Dust: “...alright, so Charlie’s PROBABLY not gonna dump ya-”
Niffty: “Oh that’s a weird sound!” (giggling) (bounces on vaggie) “I think she’s dying~”
Husk: “If you fucks kill her, I’m telling her demon princess girlfriend and pouring myself a drink to go with your fucking tormented howls.”
Vaggie: (muffled) “what if she’s my ex-girlfriend”
Husk: “…I’ll pour you a fucking drink and listen to your tormented howls.”
Alastor: “Dear one, perhaps if you were NOT standing on her skull and compressing her WRETCHED cries into the floor, we could be hearing them already.”
Niffty: “Whoops~ Heheheeh~”
Cherri Bomb: (recording it) “Damn, that groan’s been going on for ages… Bitch has some lung capacity on her.”
Angel Dust: “Point one for Vag-gay! Probs as good eating out as ya are at HOLDING out on ya girl!!!”
Vaggie: “uuuughhh…uaauuugghhaaaAAAAAAAAAAaaahhhhrrrgh..” (whimpers)
Niffty: “Okay.” (GIGGLES) “NOW she’s dying~” (bounces)
Charlie: “Everything’s totally fine I have NO idea why you’d even ASK!”
Emily: “You’ve spent the entire time up here staring at pictures of Vaggie on your phone?”
Charlie: “I’m allowed to look at my girlfriend!”
Emily: “While crying and sniffling into your sleeve?”
Charlie: (sobbing) (desperately patting down her jacket) “SHE’S THE ONLY ONE WHO KNOWS WHICH OF MY POCKETS HAS THE HANDKERCHIEF IN IT, OKAY??”
Emily: (smiling) “I think you two are going to be just fine.”
Emily: “…..not your clothes, though. You might need a new set of those.”
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storiesofsvu · 1 year
Gorgeous Girl
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Aaron Hotchner x reader warnings: teasing, alcohol consumption smut, heavy petting, make outs, nothing too kinky this time lol.
For once, being out of town for work wasn’t because you were chasing down some deranged serial killer in a distant state resulting in far too little sleep, far too much shitty coffee and coming home more exhausted than you left. While this week was technically still work, there was far less of it, a week of conferences, an hour or two of speaking and you could dodge all the rest out at a luxury sky resort in Breckenridge, Colorado. Two agents from the BAU were required to attend and you and Emily had pulled the ‘short’ straws (depending how you looked at it, of course). Some members of the team thought a week like that would be absolute torture, others thought it would just be too boring, or that having to socialize with that many other agents while representing the BAU was a walking nightmare. To you, the only disadvantage was that you weren’t taking the jet, the remainder of the team needed it, you’d be flying commercial.
You and Emily, however, were more than well prepared to have a girl’s week together off in the mountains, escaping into the small town to see what kind of fun you could find. You’d even splurged, using a bit of your own money to get a larger suite, one with a hot tub on the private balcony overlooking the mountains. One that you planned on drinking bottles of wine together in while gossiping and trash talking.
Which is why you were so surprised when you rounded the corner to your gate.
“Hotch?” You froze on the spot, confusion taking over your face at the sight of your Unit Chief standing in front of you. “Where’s Em? God, does Strauss think we need a babysitter or something?”
“No.” He chuckled at your instant annoyance, “Prentiss got specially requested for a case in New York.”
“Who has the power to pull that?”
“Her mother.”
“Ugh.” You huffed, crossing your arms over your chest. The surprise was wearing off and you suddenly shifted uncomfortably, pulling your blazer tighter around you, feeling Hotch’s eyes on you.
It wasn’t that the man made you feel uncomfortable, no it certainly wasn’t that. It was that he made you feel absolutely flustered. Nights when you laid alone in your empty bed unable to sleep and your hands danced their way down your body, it was him that you were thinking of, pretending they were his fingers touching you, stretching you out. That it wasn’t a silicone toy but his cock filling you so perfectly while he husked dirty words into your ear. As a result, you generally kept your head down around him, did your work and went about your life. He wasn’t totally sure that if it was that you just didn’t like him, if there was some underlying issue you had with men in power, or if it was simply that you were attempting to respect his authority.
“Sorry,” he suddenly spoke, “for ruining whatever plans you and Prentiss had. I know the two of you are close.”
“Mmhmm.” You nodded, staring out the airport window “s’okay.”
“When we get there I’ll see about upgrading, try and get adjoining rooms or something.”
“Already did that.” Your eyes flicked back to him briefly, “got one of the larger two bedroom suites that close off with like, French doors or whatever. We were planning on,” your cheeks flushed suddenly, realizing you were about to admit to your boss that you were going to play hooky, “taking…advantage of as many amenities as we could.”
“Hmm.” He chuckled, watching the way you quickly looked away so you could watch the planes drive around on the tarmac, basically refusing to look at him, “I’m sure that was all Prentiss’ plan.” That earned a huff of a laugh from you but you still didn’t dare look him in the eye, “do you have any idea how many of these things I’ve been to over the years? Guess how many times I’ve ditched out on them.” He smiled softly when your eyes flicked back to him, “places like this always have the best scotch, and the bonus is that it’s free.”
You swore he winked at you, a grin on his face that sent tingles shooting through your body and you were incredibly thankful when they suddenly announced boarding. At the very least, you and Emily had also upgraded to business class, you wouldn’t have to worry about minimal personal space for the flight, there’d be a barrier between you and Hotch. While you were distracted with your phone, he’d managed to disappear and you weren’t entirely sure where to, but you took the opportunity to open your text messages.
‘I cannot believe you.’
‘Oh come on, like I’m happy about this either. A week with my mother?! Who’d they end up sending?’
You didn’t have to imagine Emily’s laughter, you could practically feel it through the phone as the three little dots popped up, disappeared and then popped up again. She, of course, was the only one who knew about your crush on Hotchner, she’d been planning on teasing you about it all week, hoping that maybe you’d find some other brooding FBI agent to get under while out of town.
‘Maybe that’ll work out for you. You can enjoy the view and the hot tub with him, have a nice romantic weekend.’
‘I fucking hate you.’
The first two days of the conference were fine, you stayed out of Aaron’s way, went to the presentations you were speaking at and did the required amount of socializing. You found that he was usually gone before you in the mornings, but there was always fresh coffee in the pot waiting for you. He made sure to respect your space as much as he could, if he swung by the suite to change in the afternoon and you were there he wouldn’t linger, and he’d make sure to change in the bathroom.
Day three was a little more on the tedious side, sitting through a lecture you would have rather slept through, one that was meant more for younger agents but they’d asked someone from the BAU to sit in and help with the question period. You ran into Hotch at lunch and he inquired about your plans for the rest of the day now that the mandatory attendance parts were done, asking if maybe you wanted to explore the mountain town, maybe grab some dinner outside of the resort. You laughed awkwardly, praying your cheeks weren’t as hot as they felt and politely declined, he shrugged, teasing that you would be missing out, but to enjoy your night in. You were incredibly glad he wandered off after that, the butterflies in your stomach nearly too much to handle as you got accustomed to the more casual version of your boss.
Dinner was spent with an old friend from the academy, laughing as you caught up over multiple courses and a bottle of wine. You said an early goodnight to them, making your way back to your suite, happy to find it empty and your eyes drifted through the balcony window, lingering on the hot tub. Figuring there was no better time but the present you quickly stripped, changing into your bikini before swiping a bottle of wine from the fridge and a spare wine glass.
Aaron also ended up running into a couple of old friends while out in the town, friends who had worked this conference in the past and knew exactly where to go for the best meals and fanciest scotch. Free from the responsibility of running a team he had stated to loosen up on this work vacation, a little rougher around the edges, inhibitions lowered and that all remained when he returned to the hotel room. Toeing out of his shoes he hung up his coat before starting to unbutton his shirt as he moved through the room, wondering what was stashed in the bar that he could indulge into now, potentially coerce you into a drink with him at the very least.
He could hear music echoing from the balcony and his gaze got pulled out there where he caught sight of the steam rising from the hot tub into the cool night air. His eyes lingered on you, nestled in the corner of the tub you were fully settled into the padded seat, arms extended across the backs of it, your head titled back with your eyes closed as you relaxed, hair pulled up to the top of your head to keep it dry. He could see the shimmer of water and sweat on your skin and he instantly wanted to lick up the exposed column of your neck. His tongue darted out to wet his lips as his eyes sunk lower, not missing the curve of your chest just visible above the water, hot pink fabric clinging to your skin. You were at a complete level of peace that he’d never seen before and he couldn’t help but want to see more of it, want to explore how far he could push your boundaries and began to wonder just how professional he had to remain on this retreat.
Though of course, that had technically been his idea from the start.
As soon as Ambassador Prentiss called, Emily was groaning about how much of a waste it was that she was missing the conference. It only took a raised brow from him to get her to admit the plan was to ditch as much as the two of you could, that you’d splurged for the all inclusive package and a very private balcony and jacuzzi. He wasn’t assigned to take her place, and he didn’t jump at the offer to make it not so obvious, but no one else knew about the extra perks so he simply looked like he was taking one for the team.
Figuring it was now or never he retreated to his side of the suite, changing into his trunks before swiping a bottle of scotch and a glass.
You were more relaxed than you had been in ages, warm water bubbling around your body as the wine sunk into your system. The music soothed through you, pulling you further from reality and honestly, it was pretty nice to not be chasing after some psychopath right now, even if you were still kinda surrounded by talks of crime. You were almost considering calling Emily, checking in on how things were going with the team, updating her on how things were going here, no doubt she’d have mountains of questions and teasing about you sharing a suite with Hotch.
And that was exactly how and why you didn’t hear him come out onto the terrace.
“Think you can warm me up?”
His deep voice shook through the night air and you jumped, water splashing around you as your heart nearly burst through your chest while your eyes flew open.
“Jesus fucking Christ!” You swore, chest heaving as you finally took him in, trying not to gulp at his bare chest, “I didn’t hear you come in.”
“Sorry.” He chuckled, ducking his gaze for a moment, watching the way you sunk further under the water to avoid his lingering eyes, “you mind if I join? Or I can come back later.” He lifted the bottle of liquor in his hand, “just thought maybe we could have a drink.”
“Oh, uh, yeah.” You shook your head, “that’s fine, come on in.” You shifted further into the corner of the tub, turning your back while Hotch got into the water, wiping your hands on the towel to check your phone, unsurprised to have a couple of messages from Em. Once the water settled, you refilled your wine glass, turning back to face him as you sunk into the seat again.
“This is nice.” He murmured softly, letting out a relaxed sigh before pouring out a drink, “you and Prentiss really have a hack for these conferences.”
“Mmmhmm.” You replied over the brim of your glass, taking a hefty swig.
“You get up to anything fun tonight?”
“Ran into a friend. Had dinner at the steakhouse downstairs.”
Hotch frowned lightly, he didn’t miss the way you’d tensed up a little bit once you’d realized he was there, once he was in such close proximity and under the water with you. “Are you sure you don’t want me to come back later? I don’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
“No!” You practically yelped, grimacing at how quick you were to keep him there, “I’m fine. Totally fine, promise. I just… you’re… my boss.” Your gaze was redirected into your wine glass, “never really seen you in anything other than a suit and now…” You blindly gestured in his direction and then to yourself with a little laugh, “and I don’t think a pink bikini is exactly business casual and it’s not exactly my classiest one… thought Em would be the only one seeing it.” You muttered and then let out a little gasp, suddenly glancing up, “not that I brought it so she could see it! We’re not… that’s… no… we’re friends, I don’t swing that way.”
This time Aaron laughed, taking a sip of his drink, “it’s fine. You need to relax, alright?” He raised his drink out to you and you timidly clinked your glass with his. “Enjoy this while you can.” He gestured to the view, the night sky painting the mountains in gorgeous colours, “besides,” he smirked across at you, “I’ve seen you undercover and a few of those outfits leave very little to the imagination.”
You glanced up to him, noticing the flush in his cheeks, the smirk on his lips before he took another swig of his drink. There was a gleam in his eye that you hadn’t seen before that you didn’t exactly recognize and if you’d known any better, you would’ve said he was flirting with you.
“Are… are you drunk?” You suddenly asked, nearly regretting it the moment you’d said it and he laughed again, a sight and sound that made your insides weak.
“I think I legally shouldn’t drive anywhere, but I’m still completely in control of myself.” He nodded toward the half empty bottle on your side of the jacuzzi, “are you alright?”
“I’m so sorry sir.” You blushed, ducking your eyes again, “that was inappropriate. And yeah, I’m totally fine, big lunch, big dinner, high tolerance.”
“Don’t worry about it.” His smile softened, “and you can drop the sir, we don’t need to keep up that professionalism right now.”
“Oh..” You sank deeper under the water, taking another sip of your drink. Part of you wanted to disappear while the other part of you wanted to complain you were overheating, pull yourself up onto the ledge of the tub and flaunt your half naked body. The desire to throw yourself at him was only a few glasses of wine away and you knew it. Instead, the two of you sunk into a semi comfortable silence as you continued to drink, watching the night sky.
“You know, your talk the other day was fantastic.” He spoke softly, his voice floating across the water to you, “better than any other profilers have done on the topic.”
“Thank you.” You mumbled quietly, risking a very quick glance up at him before you were staring at the horizon again. Hotch let another few moments of silence pass before he spoke up again, the corner of his mouth curving up when he asked you,
“Why so shy?”
That caught your attention, your eyes flying up to his as you clutched at your wine glass, “what?” He laughed, shaking his head at you.
“I’m just saying, you’ve been so reserved, aware, quiet on this trip. You almost seem to make yourself smaller whenever I’m around and I’m not sure if it’s because you only think of me as your boss or if I’ve done something to make you at unease.”
“Christ.” You muttered, “I thought we weren’t profiling this week.”
“Have… I done something?” He asked, near worry taking over his face and you were quick to drain your drink before jumping to action.
“No, absolutely not! Hotch, please, you’re like, the most respectful guy I know. You make me feel… well, a lot of things, but uncomfortable is not one of them.” The words slipped from your lips before you could even think about them and you glanced up, your cheeks burning to catch his eyes widening slightly before he grinned, his hand catching yours, grounding you from whatever spiral you were about to drown in.
“So tell me.” He murmured, his voice silky soft as it hit your ears, his thumb brushing over your knuckles and he gently tugged at your hand after your glass found home on the edge of the tub, “come here gorgeous.”
The pet name nearly made you melt the instant it had left his lips and you felt the fluttering between your legs as you willingly moved through the water when he softly pulled you to him once more. Your breath caught in your throat when he guided you to straddle his lap, one of his hands hesitantly resting on your hip under the water while the other continued to play with your fingers gently.
“Well?” He asked, glancing up at you with a devilish look in his eyes and you let out a low breath, “what do I make you feel?”
“Flustered.” You managed out, your heart ready to beat itself out of your chest, feeling his thumb rub against your bare skin under the water, encouraging more responses from you, “unfocused, distracted…”
“Hmm…” he leant in, pressing a tender kiss to the underside of your jaw, “is that all?”
“Christ, Hotch.” You muttered, your eyes nearly fluttering shut as his hand let go of yours, moving so his thumb and forefinger could pinch your chin softly.
“Aaron…” He insisted, his eyes boring into yours as you opened them and you nodded softly, nearly whimpering at the way his thumb shifted to trace your lower lip. “What else?”
“Absolutely and incredibly fucking turned on.”
“Is that so?” He murmured, tilting your head to the side so he could kiss your neck, his lips brushing across your skin as he spoke, “is that last part just right now?”
“All week.” You replied, your pulse racing as he continued to litter your skin with tender kisses “all the goddamn time…”
“You think about me a lot hmm?” He nipped at your neck and you gasped, your body jolting towards him under the water, “what do you think about me doing?” He nuzzled into the crook of your neck, pressing a kiss just below your ear, “hmm?”
“Aaron…” you breathed out, your head tilted back with your eyes shut as his lips continued to dance across your skin. His hand gently pinched at your hip under the water.
“Don’t go shy on me now, tell me.. what do you think about me doing?”
“K- kissing me.” You managed out, unsure whether the heat in your cheeks was from the water, the way you were already putty in his hands or embarrassment of admitting it to his face. A gasp broke free of your lips at the sensation of his hand tracing up and down your spine and you automatically arched toward him, “touching me…” The hand he had under the water toyed with the knot of your bikini on your back, his dry one moving back to your chin, tilting your face back to his.
“I want you to look at me when you say the next one.” His thumb traced your lips, “come on gorgeous girl, I know there’s more you like to think of me doing, what is it?”
“Fucking me…” Somehow you were able to hold his gaze while the words floated out of your mouth, it was likely because your brain was already in a haze, first the wine, then the heat and now utterly intoxicated by Hotch’s touch.
“Bet you think about that one the most, don’t you?” He asked with a grin and you couldn’t help but nod, “when you’re alone at night, touching yourself, pretending it’s me. Picturing me naked, my cock stretching you out until your legs are shaking and you’re seeing stars.”
“Jesus Christ.”
“Oh no,” he chuckled darkly, “I’ll have you screaming my name by the end of the night sweetheart, just wait.”
You let out a whimper, it was all you had time to do before Aaron sat forward, capturing your lips in a heated kiss that swallowed down any further noise coming from you. The kiss was full of fire, Aaron quickly dominating it and you were completely happy to let it happen, sinking deeper into his arms as yours looped around his shoulders. His dry hand slid up the back of your neck, fingers sinking into your hair while the other hand ventured further south, groping at the globe of your ass. You let out a small moan into the kiss, giving his tongue access to your mouth and he eagerly dove in. You could taste the scotch on him as your tongue danced with his, the smallest hint of a cigar from earlier and you couldn’t help but groan, your hands starting to play with his hair.
He pulled back ever so softly, nipping at your lip quickly before his mouth trailed across the side of your jaw, he left a feather light kiss behind your ear that caused you to let out an airy breath, your head lolling back and he felt himself twitch, hardening in his trunks. His mouth pressed lazy kisses down your neck before he made home in the crook of your neck, alternating between kissing, sucking and biting.
“Oh Aaron…” You shifted in his lap, lightly grinding against his cock and he let out a low groan onto your skin, his hands clutching you impossibly close to him. He raised his face, eyes dark with arousal as he gazed across at you before his lips found yours again and you were moaning into the kiss, grinding harder down onto his lap, a small gasp leaving your lips when you felt him getting harder underneath you.
Aaron couldn’t get enough of you, he wanted more, he wanted all of you, he wanted his hands and mouth everywhere all at once, he was drunk on your kisses alone and craved every inch of you. The lingering of your perfume was wafting through his senses, the way your lips moved against his made his cock utterly ache as you brushed against it. As much as he wanted to bend you over right then and there he would be completely satisfied just kissing you all night, the internal battle doing its best to figure out what he wanted to act on while your fingertips scratched as his head. You only broke the kiss when you felt like you couldn’t breath anymore, gasping for air, your eyes half shut, forehead resting against his while his hands soothed up and down your sides.
“Still not the right name.” He teased, pulling a small laugh from you, one that you opened your eyes at, sitting back every so slightly before pressing a quick kiss to his lips. His hands trailed up your arms, coming to rest at the base of your neck, gently tugging at your bikini strings. “May I?”
“Mmhm.” You nodded with a wicked grin while your own hands splashed behind you to undo that knot and Hotch let the fabric fall from your skin, not even noticing it float away in the water as you sat up. His eyes raking down your body and over your chest, letting out a groan at the slight bounce as you settled, the way the water dripped down your tits, nipples hard in the cool air.
“Gorgeous girl.” He murmured, his hands gently groping your chest, squeezing your tits, thumbs flicking over your nipples and you moaned softly. “Such pretty sounds too.” You giggled softly, feeling the heat creeping back into your cheeks as his full attention was on your half naked body. His hands continued to play with your chest, rolling your nipples between his thumb and forefinger while yours came up to cup his face, ducking to kiss him again, unable to get enough.
Moaning softly into the kiss, his hands squeezing at your chest, you ground down onto his lap harder, feeling the bulge building between his legs. Your tongue dove into his mouth, doing what you could to keep control of yourself as he increased the pressure on your chest, pinching your nipples. After a few moments he broke the kiss, eager to duck down and suck a nipple in between his lips, teeth scraping against the pert bud. Your hands wrapped around his head, threading into his hair as you held him tighter to you,
“Fuck Aaron…” You groaned and you felt his lips curve up into a grin against your skin.
“That’s it sweetheart.” He murmured, blowing cold air onto your nipple before swapping to the other side, “say my name.”
“God Aaron,” your fingers tightened in his hair, nails scratching at his head, “that feels so good.”
He groaned in response, teeth scraping against your tender skin before he pulled off your chest, burying his face between them to leave a trail of kisses all the way up your neck before kissing you deeply again. When he finally pulled away this time his hands wrapped around your waist, lifting you while he stood,
“Up.” He instructed, “out.”
“Why?” You half laughed, finding your balance on your feet in the water as his arm wrapped around your waist.
“Well I can’t fuck you in the hot tub gorgeous.” He husked against your lips before picking you up in his arms, guiding you to wrap your legs around his waist and he was finally able to get you out of the tub.
Lips pressed against yours, tongue sliding back into your mouth he carried you back into the suite, managing to snag a towel from the back of the chair to toss down onto the bed before he let go of your legs. You let out a whine at the loss of contact, staying up on your toes to not break the kiss and he chuckled into your lips, hands groping at your ass. His hand cradled your face, pulling an inch away from you,
“Lie back gorgeous.” He muttered, stealing another kiss before nudging you back towards the bed, “I want to know how pretty you sound when you come.”
You collapsed down onto the bed and Hotch was quick to gently drop over you, catching himself with his hands as he caged you into the bed, his lips kissing at your skin again. Your arms wound around him, pulling him closer to you as your lips found his, tongue easily sliding into your mouth when he deepened the kiss. You moaned softly against his lips, back arching off the bed as your hips rocked up, eager for more friction. He let out a low groan at the feeling of you brushing against his cock through thin fabric, feeling himself throb inside his shorts. His free hand slid down your body, swiftly untying one knot of your bikini bottoms and then the other, pulling them away from your body while you lifted your hips to help before he was tossing them behind him.
Aaron cupped between your legs, palm rubbing on your clit while his fingers massaged your wetness, pressing against you, teasing you slightly as you whined into the kiss. A finger slid through your folds, spreading your juices around your cunt, dampening his fingers before he brought them up to your clit, rubbing slow circles on it.
“Aaron… please..” You whined, hips rocking up to his touch as you clutched him tighter to you.
He chuckled softly, finger dipping back down before it sunk into your pussy, pumping a few times before he added a second one. “Already so wet for me.” He husked into your ear, crooking his fingers in search of the sensitive spot inside you as he continued to pump his hand between your legs.
“Fuck…” you moaned, your body sinking into the lush bed as sparks began to fly under your skin, pleasure fluttering through you while his lips returned to yours, swallowing down your noises. His fingers twisted and scissored inside you, stretching out your warm walls while they skillfully fucked you. He curled them again and you broke the kiss with a gasp, body shivering against the bed as your eyes scrunched shut. You could feel your pussy pulsing around his fingers and you were sure your juices were dripping down his wrist already at this point. His nose nudged at your chin, giving him access to your neck again, nipping and sucking the sensitive skin while his fingers continued to toy with you. “Please…” you panted, “please fuck me already.”
Aaron’s breath was hot on your neck as he huffed out a laugh, pressing a kiss to your lips before he pulled away, sitting up on his knees between your legs, watching his fingers disappear into you for a few more thrusts before pulling them out of your cunt and sucking them into his mouth. He let out a groan at the taste of your juices, his cock aching at the thought of truly tasting you, wishing that he had more time but you were already whining again and he didn’t want to tease you anymore than he already had. Shifting, he quickly tugged his shorts off and his cock sprung free, hard and throbbing, he wrapped a hand around it, smearing the pre cum as he pumped himself a few times, his eyes falling shut while he let out a heavy sigh before a realization washed over him.
“What?” You asked, your eyes flying open, widening slightly at the sight in front of you now that he was completely naked.
“I don’t have any condoms.”
“I’m clean.” Was your immediate response, not wanting to delay things any longer, “and I’ve got an implant.”
“Are you sure?” He asked softly and you nodded eagerly.
“Please Aaron..” you whimpered, “I need you…”
He leant forward, hand guiding his cock, rubbing it through your lower lips, smearing your juices around it as you let out a small gasp before he sunk fully into you and you both let out a satisfied moan.
“God you’re tight.” He muttered, dropping over you again, burying his face into the crook of your neck as your legs wrapped around his waist, pulling him impossibly deep inside you. “Fuck…” He stayed still for a moment, feeling you fluttering around him, he knew if he tried to move he risked coming incredibly early, he was already throbbing.
“Fuck you feel so good.” You murmured, arms squeezing at him gently, moaning when he nipped at your skin and that was enough to get him going.
He set a steady pace, plunging into you with a roll of the hips, cock dragging over every inch of your walls, hitting the right spots with each thrust. You clung onto him, your hips rocking up off the bed to meet his with every push, your moans getting louder as he fucked you, pleasure soaring through your body.
“Fuck…” you whined, “harder Aaron, please.”
He pushed himself up, sitting back on his haunches while he grabbed one of your legs, resting it on his shoulder groaning when he slipped even deeper into your pussy. You gasped softly, your hands clutching at the bedspread while his hips came crashing into yours, the noises leaving your lips more frequent, your eyes scrunching shut.
“Christ,” he swore at the way you pulsed around him, squeezing him tight, the coil building deep inside his gut as he watched himself disappear into your cunt. His hands grabbed your hips, lifting them off the bed as he continued to snap his hips into you and you cried out at the new angle, your pussy clenching down around him. “Gon’ need you to come sweetheart.” He grunted, “m’not gonna last.”
“Don’t stop.” You groaned, fire prickling under your skin as your body shivered, “oh fuck!”
Aaron reached down with one hand, pads of his fingers rubbing furiously at your clit and your body shook, hips jolting as he continued to pound into you. You felt the pleasure burst, pussy clenching around his thick cock, juices dribbling across your skin as you cried out.
“Oh god Aaron!” Your hips jumped in his hands, body shaking, thighs clenching around him as your peak hit, a chorus of his name and breathy swears escaping your lips, floating around the room just enough to drive him absolutely wild. “Fuck… yes! Oh fuck Aaron.”
He didn’t let up, thrusting faster, the pressure on your clit harder as he leant forward, driving into you harder as he started to chase his own peak. He grunted, hips nearly faltering as your pussy continued to flutter around him, his arm winding tightly around your waist, holding you to him.
“C’mon gorgeous. You’ve got one more in you. Come again for me.”
You let out a whine, your hands gripping at his body, nails digging into his skin and you swore you practically blacked out when your second orgasm hit, letting out a cry as you tensed in his arms, twitching as you whimpered. Aaron groaned, fucking into you a few more times as his hips faltered and he sunk into your cunt with one last heavy thrust, hissing as he came, spilling into your pussy.
Panting, he gently collapsed over you, arms winding tighter around you in an effort to solidify this moment into his memory, not wanting to forget the way you looked, the way you felt wrapped around his cock, the noises you made when you came, how your lips felt on his skin, the sweetness of your taste. Under him you were slowly catching your breath, a happy hum leaving your lips when he placed a kiss onto your shoulder. One of your hands gently ran up and down his back and you felt him relax deeper into you, letting out a soft moan. Finally he pulled his head up enough to kiss you, lips moving lazily together until he gently rolled off you onto his side, letting out a quiet hiss as his cock slipped out of your warmth. You rolled toward him, happily accepting the arm he swung over waist as he pulled you toward him again, ducking down to nip at the tender spot forming on your neck before kissing you softly.
“Well that’s one way to enjoy a conference.” You murmured, your lips curving up into a grin and he huffed out a laugh, eyes sparkling down at yours.
“Fuck the conference. Let me give you a reason to stay in bed.”
“Is that an order Agent Hotchner?” You asked with raised brow and he smirked.
“A direct one.” He kissed you again, lips brushing yours as he spoke, “no way either of us is leaving this suite ‘til Friday. That’s why room service was invented.”
“I don’t think that’s right, but I’m not going to argue.”
“Oh but you love to prove you’re right.” He teased, smiling as you rolled him onto his back.
“Yeah, but I can think of a few better uses for my mouth right now.”
Aaron’s suggestion was exactly the way you spent the next two days, tangled in each other’s limbs, sheets barely covering bodies while you discovered every inch of the other persons skin. By Friday afternoon you knew just exactly how to touch each other so that you would see stars every single time. Aaron was about to suggest staying the weekend for a few more days of bliss when his phone went off and you were both called back to work. The team was already on the jet, meaning you were flying commercia to California to meet them there.
You were immediately roped into a coffee run with Emily, even if it was only to the breakroom and back, she had to get her complaints out about the days with her mother and honestly, wanted to know how things went being trapped in a hotel with Hotch all week. Scooping up your coffee you snagged a granola bar from the shelf, wandering back down the hall to the team as you caught up, you shoved the bar into your pocket so you could pull open the door and your hand hit something metal, your brow furrowing as you stalled in your tracks. In turn, Emily pulled open the door, propping it so Hotch could step through, no doubt on his way to secure his own caffeine, nodding to the both of you as he said a quick thanks.
“Aaron!” You called after him, having now pulled the item out of your pocket, realizing it was his watch and he turned back to you just in time to catch it as you tossed it to him. His head titled in confusion, glancing up at you as he slid it back onto his wrist, “you left it in the bin when we went through security, I forgot I grabbed it.”
“Thanks.” A flash of a smile crept onto his lips before he turned away, making his way down the hall.
“Oh… my god.” Emily quietly gasped, smacking your arm, “you hooked up and you weren’t planning on fucking telling me?!”
“What?” Your eyes shot to her, quickly stepping through the door to make sure Hotch wouldn’t hear you, “no. Em, don’t be ridiculous.”
“Please. When have you ever called him Aaron before? And I did not miss that hickey on his neck.”
Your eyes widened quickly, remembering how you’d made home in the crook of his neck while riding him, his arms wound around you, squeezing you softly as his cock plunged into your cunt. It was the same round he’d lavished your chest, his mouth barely leaving them, under your shirt you had your own set of hickeys and bite marks littered across your body. The memories were enough to bring a tingling down south, desire beginning to flood through you as heat crept into your cheeks. That of course was enough for Emily to confirm that her suspicions were right, trying not to gape as she attempted to form a coherent response. Before she could though, Hotch came back through the door, already hanging up a call from Garcia.
“Prentiss, take JJ and head down to talk to the family, Agent,” he turned to you, “grab your coat we’re going to the crime scene.”
“Yes sir.” You nodded, your cheeks flushing at the use of the title already and a possessive look shot through his eyes lightning fast, the corner of his mouth twitching up into a very brief smirk that Emily caught and did her best to hold back a laugh. He was back across the room in an instant, handing out tasks to the rest of the team and Emily pinched at your arm.
“Well, get ready for round two in the car.” She teased and you turned to her with a smug grin.
“More like round eleven.”
@alexusonfire @svushots @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @emobabeyy @daddy-heather-dunbar @mrs-ssa-hotch @hotchandspencearedilfs @mina2000alex @telepathay @darlingsfandom @ssamorganhotchner @hotchsdoormat @hopedoesntknow @thehauntingofbasingse @plaidbooks @niyizh @ababanana @tommyriddleobsessed @supercriminalbean @hotchs-bitch @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @emlynblack @ivyflowers13 @ratsnestinmyhair @silversprings-mp3 @originalbrunettecharacter @elz-artzzz @ssaaaronhotchnerr @itsrainingreid @speedynana @tgskitten @madamsnape921
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Dad!Eddie Munson x Mom!Reader: Boy Moms
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Good morning Hawkins I decided to take a break from my fanfic for a minute and write this short little thing out because fuck it I want to write little mundane crap about Dad!Eddie. Also because you know this GIF is how the fuck Eddie's sitting watching the conversation happen when some deranged boy mom starts speaking. Let me just preface by saying before I get mobbed: There's nothing wrong with whatever gender a child is, but boy moms scare the shit out of me. Seek therapy.
Warnings: boy moms (gags), sexism
“Having a boy is just life changing. I’m sorry that you’ll never get to experience true love.”
The silence was so palpable that you could almost hear the comedic sound effect of the metaphorical record scratch in both of your brains as all thought stopped. Eddie had been in the middle of packing the diaper bag in the stroller while you were putting your four-month-old in the bassinette. The two of you had been politely trying to cut the brunch date short.
You immediately wondered if you misheard the woman in front of you.
Not quite slack jawed, just with wide eyes, you and your husband both leaned forward over the pristine white linen tablecloth of the café table. One of your “mom” friends - a woman by the name of April Laurentis - sat back across from the two of you and flounced, the magenta of her Avon lipstick bleeding into the cracks of her mouth. She was admittedly not the typical company you kept. Rather a desperate attempt to connect with other parents in Hawkins, and so far had been the only mother to agree to have brunch with an impoverished pair of fresh out of school metalhead parents who lived in a new doublewide with an uncle in Forest Hills Trailer Park.
“I’m sorry, what?” Eddie asked, blinking away the confusion in his face.
“You had a girl, and girl mothers just do not have the same bond as mother and son.” April said, flouncing her blown out curls dyed autumn barley.
She looked right at you and pointed a manicured finger.
“You won’t know true love until you have a son.”
You mouthed a soft ‘what the fuck’ under your breath, watching as Eddie leaned his elbow on the table. His wide brown eyes were fixated on the older woman before him; the corners of his mouth drooping in a grimace that made his smile lines transform into deep trenches on his face. His fist went to his mouth, as if trying to stop himself from speaking.
But of course, Eddie and his big mouth…
“So you’re saying that my wife…” Eddie had to really emphasize the ‘wife’ part, “Like… the first actual girlfriend I’ve ever had, since high school… I’m not her first true love?”
Eddie was a lot of firsts: first boyfriend, first true love, first sexual encounter, first baby daddy to your unwed eighteen-year-old self until Uncle Wayne paid fifty dollars for the marriage license at the Hawkins courthouse after Charlotte was born. Now hopefully, he was your first and last husband.
“Of course not!” April scoffed, “Because little Charlotte is YOUR first love, daughters are always their father’s first love… Your wife will never know true love until you give her a son.”
April dismissed this with a hand wave while her two-year-old started banging a spoon against her chair. You and Eddie just stood there, unable to comprehend the woman’s delusions of a particularly horrifyingly obsessive nature.
“… so you’re saying that your son, little Timmy over here…” you pointed.
“Right, Tanner… you’re equating Tanner here to romantic love…?” you asked, dreading the answer.
“It’s just different.” She argued, “You’ll never understand the bond I have with my baby boy. He’s my whole world!”
“And our daughter is what…?” Eddie asked, “A statue? A ghost? An object? What exactly are you trying to imply here? That my kid requires a penis for them to be counted as a valid member of the family to be loved? That’s a little medieval fiefdom of you, don’t you think?”
No sooner did the words leave his mouth, April began to go off on you even though you hadn’t even said anything, ranting about how you would never understand the deep bond that a mother and son shared because you hadn’t birthed one. Her spiel devolved into a delusional, impassionate speech about how you and Eddie would never understand: her heart was breaking just thinking of her baby boy loving another woman other than herself, and how she couldn’t imagine how Eddie’s mother must have felt when you ‘stole her son away from her’.
You had to lay your hand across Eddie’s chest to prevent him from turning over the table at that comment, and with one last hateful look, April gathered up her child and left the café, slamming a ten-dollar bill on her untouched plate of mixed greens.
For a long time, both you and Eddie just stared after her retreating form.
“… Am I on glue or did that really just happen?” you ventured after a while.
“No… that sure did just happen,” Eddie replied, “That was definitely a real conversation, and it was batshit crazy.”
“I won’t know real love, until I have a son.” You repeated, looking at your baby.
Charlotte had her fist in her mouth, gnawing away at her chubby little fingers with her gums.
“So like… the whole high school sweethearts meeting, falling for one another during a gig at The Hideout, having insane amounts of sex, popping out a kid, moving into the trailer park together, and getting married… That’s not love?” you asked.
“Apparently not.” Eddie responded to your rhetorical question, “I guess your husband is just some dude who occasionally contributes sperm, and the kid is the true love? Mark that down as fucking gross.”
“… okay so you totally picked up on the weird Oedipus vibes from her right?” you quickly asked.
Eddie, still horrified, nodded.
“Oh, hell yeah I did.” He said, “That was definitely Oedipus Complex... you didn’t hear the banjos?”
“I was hoping I had misheard.” You admitted, giving a full body shudder.
The two of you stood, put a few crumpled bills on the table and flagged down a waiter to collect the tab, then began the long, awkward walk to the Gaucho. Both of you were still downright horrified at the turn the conversation took, wondering what sins you committed to get to this point.
“Um… so… Definitely blacklist April as a potential mom friend.” You said, pulling down the visor on Charlotte’s bassinette to protect her from the sun.
“Most definitely blacklisted, I don’t want to know what kind of screwed up family life she’s had leading up to that delusion.” Eddie said, pushing the stroller along the sidewalk, “And I don’t want to expose Charlie to it either.”
“Oh she totally grew up overshadowed by her brothers.” You said immediately, “That’s textbook Freud. And she probably still has all those residual mommy issues, plus a hell of an Elektra Complex.”
“One hundred percent.” Eddie said, “Deep-seated mommy daddy issues, and from the sounds of the first love comment, a dead bedroom.”
“Jesus H.” you laughed, covering your mouth while Eddie let out a dark giggle, “Oh my god… that’s kind of terrible.”
“It’s true!” he argued, “You can’t sit here and tell me she has a great marriage with comments like that!”
“Yeah but that’s gross to say!” you argued back, still unable to help the uncomfortable laughter.
“Trust me,” Eddie laughed, “I guarantee you she was rotting with jealousy. Especially when at the beginning she made comments like ‘It must be so nice that your husband babysits your daughter for you’.”
You shook your head, wrapping your arm around Eddie’s as you both began laughing and making hideous gagging sounds every time either one of you brought up April’s weird son complex.
“See this…” you said, waving your hand in a circle, “This encounter we just had, this is why the aliens won’t talk to us.”
“Amen to that, baby.” Eddie shuddered, “They lock the fucking doors when they drive by us because of ‘boy’ mothers like April Fucking Laurentis.”
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mosaickiwi · 1 month
Hi again! Hope you've been doing okay!
First off I just wanna say that you always deliver, I mean "Fall Unto Me"?? Four part+an epilogue of me being torn between wanting to baul my eyes out and wanting to melt into a puddle from the feels :')
But as for the request, could I ask for Angel and [REDACTED] redecorating his appartment? Getting rid of the gaudy furniture once and for all!
Don't forget to drink water and take breaks whenever you need to! My brain is also 105% filled with this skrunkly but the trick is to keep two neurons in a cell reserved for this >:] /silly
HEHE I’ve been ok! Hope you are too!! <3 thank u for appreciating my (deranged) brainrotting fic c: the suffering is my favorite part. I’m drinking lots of water cause summer hates my ass. 💖 Also sorry this is long I am clearly not winning at the "be normal" challenge.
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
“This one?”
The dark haired man peered at the laptop in your hands for a long moment. “It's… nice.”
“Yes…? You called the last three couches nice, too. Any other thoughts?” You gently goaded your partner.
Choosing new furniture with [REDACTED] was supposed to be easy. You'd pick something, and he'd agree. Except you wanted it to feel like home for both of you. He didn't have to say the mushy, obvious line: as long as you were there, it was home. So progress was challenging with some things. You were sitting together on the current couch—the ugly, lifeless one that came with his apartment for some reason. 
His brow crinkled as he searched for different words. Those soft blue eyes went back and forth across the screen until he said, “It’s cozy yet functional.”
“Did you just summarize the description to me?”
He confessed to the crime with a sigh. “Angel, all I think when I look at it is you. And how cute you'd look sitting on it. Like y’do right now.”
“I'm always cute. Focus on the couch, please. Not me,” you insisted.
“No promises.”
“Let's see…” You had to find some way to get through to them. An idea came to mind that you knew he wouldn't like very much, but you had to try. “Pretend we're not dating. Or maybe I don't exist? You come home—don't make that face! I said pretend—so, you come home after a very terrible day and you see this couch. Is it nice then?”
[REDACTED] still made that face as he answered you. “Annoying as fuck to clean.”
It was progress. You didn't want to dwell on why that would be what they thought about after getting home. “Did the first one I showed you seem annoying to clean?”
“Mm... a bit.” They reached forward to change the webpage back for another look. “Y’never showed me these.” 
You leaned over to see what he was talking about. There were a few humongous bean bag chairs on the furniture wish list you’d made. “I just thought they looked fun to take a nap in. But I’m not sure we’d both fit, so it’d be silly," you explained and tapped the mouse to continue skimming through your other selections. “We can think about the couch later. I found some wall art that doesn’t look like it came from a dentist’s office.”
His eyes carefully followed the scrolling page until the bean bags disappeared at the bottom of the screen, but he didn’t protest.
The new furniture had arrived—and been efficiently assembled by your boyfriend, despite your protest—while you were at the library, so you were excited to get home. [REDACTED] held one hand over your eyes as he unlocked the apartment’s door.
“I already know what all the furniture looks like, Ren.” Even so, you didn’t wave their hand away.
You could hear the door click as he guided you into the foyer. “I may have added a few extra things,” he hummed while you blindly struggled and failed to take off your shoes. “Actually… close your eyes f’me.”
“O—kayy?!” Just as you closed your eyes the floor slipped away under you, replaced by familiar arms cradling you to their chest. His quiet footsteps barely echoed against the marble as you got your wits about you. The living room wasn’t that far, so you were certain where he took you without seeing anything. You just didn’t know where exactly in the room.
They turned and came to a stop, rooted in place for a moment as if thinking to themself. “Y’gonna scream if I drop you?” 
“...Yes. Maybe.”
Without another word he let go. There wasn’t enough time to scream as you immediately landed against plush fabric with the faint crinkle of something below it. The fabric crinkled some more as you felt your shoes being taken off.
“Can I open my eyes yet?” you asked. You could already tell what one of the ‘extra things’ was. It felt like heaven.
“Sure, love.” Their voice was a little farther away than you expected. Probably from hurrying to put your shoes in the closet.
You found yourself nestled on one side of the room, with a perfect view of his handiwork.
A couch that was easy to clean, in a color you insisted he decide on, draped with a luxurious looking blanket that wasn’t in your list. A coffee table with rounded corners so they wouldn’t keep hitting their leg on it. Some wall art of Attack on Giants—with extra pieces from a show you sort of recognized, but definitely suited the man's tastes. A few shelves to show off merchandise from another of your favorites. And the enormous, navy blue bean bag he’d so rudely dropped you in moments ago.
Your darling hacker stepped in from the foyer and tossed their hoodie onto the new couch. “Everything good?” he asked, piercings pulling up in a smile.
“I think I love it.” Your eyes scanned the room again and eventually landed on the pictures. “And I love that you added your own stuff.” It didn’t seem to be a clone of your apartment that he just happened to live in, like you worried about. “What about you?”
“S’better than before. ‘Course, the best part is that I don’t have t’see some shitty couch when I open the door—I get to come home to you, trapped in a bean bag.” He stood up and walked over, eyeing you playfully from above. “Comfortable?”
You nodded, then immediately yelped when he fell forwards. Just before you were squished, he caught himself on tattooed arms, caging you in the crinkly, soft material. You only felt some of their weight on you like a heavy blanket. A soft laugh slipped past your lips as he got comfortable himself, clinging to you as best he could while you both sank further into the depths of the bean bag. It’d be impossible to get out.
You wiggled your legs, straining to even find the damn floor. No doubt a futile effort, you had to sigh, “At least we both fit on it."
[REDACTED] didn’t speak, already yawning from the exhaustion of setting everything up before meeting you at work. The walk to and from the library certainly didn’t do him any favors, either. In a matter of seconds, he was fast asleep in what surely felt akin to a nest, all four lanky limbs wrapped around you like a snake.
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joesalw · 5 months
I know you’ve probably gotten thousands of rants just like this one from newly turned ex-swifties, but I really need to get this out of me and you’ve clearly turned your blog into some kind of support group so…
I listened to “But Daddy, I love him”, and I’ve never been so pissed off by a song. Sorry that I don’t like your racist rat-looking boyfriend??? And then she dares to be like: “I’d want to live in the 1830s if it wasn’t racist.” I saw a comment on some social media, I can’t remember which one, but it was like “Taylor when racism in 1830: >:( Taylor when racism in 2023: :).” And it’s 100% true.
But I think the worst part is that now that I’m distancing myself from the hivemind, I’m noticing how delusional and deranged swifties are. I saw one swiftie saying we all should write an apology letter and sign it??? What do we need to apologize for??? Not liking racism??? What’s next, we ask black people to apologize for advocating for the dismantlement of slavery??? Or segregation???
And this wasn’t an easy realization, either, I was heartbroken when I first heard the lyrics, and read the stuff Swifties were saying. And I feel so stupid about that because it’s not like Taylor or Swifties have ever hidden their self-entitlement. She’s never spoken up about Palestine, she’s a carbon criminal, she’s a white feminist, and she’s never said anything about Swifties being racist to artists like Beyonce or SZA! 
Also, the album just sucked. I listened to all 31 songs, none of them stuck out to me, and I was bored within minutes. This sounds like something a sixteen-year-old would right, which is strange because she’s thirty-four. I could name five songs from the albums she wrote when she was a teenager that had better lyrics than anything on this album. Two years my ass. She cannot be serious.
welcome to the therapy session 🫶get it all out🫶
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simplydannie · 2 months
Veneer, who's prone to poison episodes, being forced to live with his father who hasn't been the dad he needed is not going to end well. Like, what if Veneer snaps and kills Vaughn in a poison episode after he resumes abusing Veneer?
What if Velvet is dead in that context, leaving Veneer all on his own?
Can you imagine Veneer reuniting with Floyd after killing Vaughn? Would Veneer be afraid of potentially killing Floyd next in a poison episode?
I think Clay, being the genius he is, would analyze the effects of troll poison once Floyd tells him what he witnessed and what he knows about V&V.
Oohh! I love how you think outside the box! I really want to answer this question lol some context first followed by a little WIP that brewed in my mind. Potential story once I get all my ideas in order:
Without the guidance of his wife, Vaughn was beginning to turn out like his father towards his children: cold and bitter. He never hurt them physically, but his words really did rub them the wrong way. He was REALLY hard on them. He knew that if he wasn’t around to protect them, no one would…I guess you can say it was a form of tough love, but Vaughn unknowingly mentally abused his children with words he would tell them. Though, Vaughn loved them, he never knew how to express it. Vaughn is more of an anti-hero than a villain, he’s definitely redeemable. He’s not really meant to die, but for this separate storyline he ends up dying at the hands of his own son, and Velvet has died at the hands of the Mistress:
“I Didn’t Mean Too”
Trigger Warning ‼️ Mention of st*bbing
“…. You’re weak. God knows I’ve tried to make you strong… but you’re hopeless…” Vaughn spat. He turned to face the window looking out into the under-city…. That’s when he bit his tongue… regret settling his heart… he shouldn’t have said that.
You’re hopeless. You’re nothing, a voice began to speak inside Veneers mind.
“Stop it. Please stop it.” He grasped the side of his head tighter trying to shake the voice off…
He doesn’t love you.
“Yes he does. Yes he does.”
No he doesn’t….
Vaughn let out a deep sigh… He turned around to his son… he was hugging himself, crying and shaking.
“….Im sorry….” Vaughn finally said. “I have no excuse for saying the things I said to you… or have said in the past.. I’m a horrible father. You and your sister didn’t deserve any of it, you were always good children… but…. But I pushed you away, didn’t I?” He approached his son. Veneer wasn’t listening, he wasn’t paying attention…he was to busy struggling with the voice inside him…
He hates you.
“No he doesn’t! He came back for me!”
He came back for your sister. But she’s dead.
“Shut up! Go away!”
“Veneer?” Vaughn approached and placed a hand on his son’s shoulder. That’s when he snapped, opening his eyes, Vaughn could see the pink hue around them, the crazed, deranged look. Veneer grabbed the closest thing he could find and stabbed his father right on the neck…
Vaughns eyes widened at what was happening…a pain scorching his body… but he knew this wasn’t his son… he knew well what was going on…
“Ven… Fight it…” he said in between breaths, struggling for air as Veneer drove the object deeper. “…. I’m sorry…..I….did this…. To you….” Tears began to roll down Vaughns eyes as he looked at his son, this wasn’t him. Vaughn never appreciated the kindness his son always had… and he was a fool for it.
“…Im…. Sorry….. I’m…. Proud of…..you…” He struggled with his words as he struggled to breath. He hoped Veneer could hear the words he was speaking, somewhere deep inside, “…..I…..I….love-…” His breathing stopped.
Veneer let go letting his father’s body drop to the floor. The pink faded. He blinked looking around the room…
“What happened?…. Dad….” Veneer approached his father’s lifeless body, “….Dad…”
His body trembled as he saw his father wasn’t moving. Veneer looked down at the object in his hand covered in blood…He tossed it aside, his body beginning to quiver, a stream of tears beginning to flow down his face.
“DADDY!” He ran to Vaughns side and shook him, hoping he’d wake up. “I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean too! Daddy please!” Veneer begged and cried.
Growing desperate, Veneer ran around the room hoping to find something, a first aid kit… anything.
“Hold on dad! I’m…. I’m going to help you…. I’m going to fix this okay.” He cried as he dug around every where. Veneer began going through his father’s desk in hopes he found something…. He did…. A letter, addressed to him and his sister… he opened it:
Vels and Ven,
I can never find the right words to say in person. Everything comes out cruel and unloving. So I write this, in hopes to present it to you one day…not a day goes by that I don’t miss you two.
I know my anger and bitterness towards you two drove you away from me. Your mother always believed I could be a good father, but I am not. I have turned out to be the wretched piece of garbage my father was to me… and I’m sorry. I have seen goodness in you two that I haven’t seen in the longest time down here. It hurts me that no one else can see it… which is why I try to make you strong. People will try to take advantage of you, and I won’t be around to protect you always. So you must learn, it’s what I’ve always tried to teach you… but never once did I show you how much I love the both of you…
Veneers hands fell limp as he read the last part…I love the both of you.
He had always loved them? All this time he was looking for them? Why couldn’t he have shown it before! Why did he have to be mean? Veneer resented his father for years… but he had always loved them..
Veneer went to Vaughns side and hugged him. He doesn’t remember the last time he was able to embrace him, but Veneer held on long and tight, his tears rolling down onto Vaughns chest…
“…I love you too…” He murmured as he began to cry uncontrollably. He wanted to hold him forever, but then voices were heard downstairs.
They’d come up and find his father dead, they would have no mercy toward Veneer… he’d be a traitor and he would be killed…. But he didn’t want to leave him….the voices grow closer…
“I’m sorry dad… I have to go… I’m so, so sorry.” He cried hugging him one last time. Veneer gathered the letter his father had written…and a picture…a photo of the four of them: the twins, their mother and father…
There was a knock at the door, “Boss?” The door was locked. This gave Veneer time to head to the window and make his way out. He stole one final glance at Vaughn as he lay on the floor motionless..
“… I know you loved me…I love you dad.” He whispered as he jumped out….
Alone. He was alone…but he didn’t want to be alone…. There was one more person he could go to… another father he had… he had to make it to Floyd somehow.
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twopoppies · 5 months
Hello Gina, I hope you have a good day, I don't know how to say this, but with Louis' last statement about Larry, it leaves me a little bored on the subject, I mean, the memes and some people on tumblr make it enjoyable, but I dislike them That always with these types of moments as a fandom it leaves us crazy and deranged, I have seen people outside the fandom speak badly of Larry, and I dislike it, I still believe it, but it bothers me that Louis always has to do this, I go to his concerts in Latam, and I was happy to buy merch, in addition to worrying about transportation that day, I know that that day I will forget everything that happened at the press conference, but at this moment Louis bores me a lot.
Sorry i dont speak english
Your English is fine, darling.
I think at various times a lot of people in this fandom feel bored and frustrated with both Harry and Louis. It’s unfortunately a by-product of paying attention to and dissecting every single detail of what they do. Doing that means the curtain is pulled back and we see the very ugly side of the music industry and it’s impossible to remove Harry and Louis’ involvement in the aspects of what we don’t like.
Years ago, it was easy to blame everything on Modest. Or Simon. Or Sony. These days, “the bad guys” are less clear and we have to admit that Harry and Louis both do things that might not align with our own morals or sense of how things should be handled.
For me, I’ve come to realize that I don’t know all the parts of the puzzle. What their careers and opportunities and decisions look like to me, may look completely different to them. And they really are the only ones who can judge whether they’re acting appropriately. I’ve said from day one that I think they are both fundamentally good human beings who are trying to maintain their sense of morality while also trying to be successful and create long term careers in an industry that’s controlled by absolutely vile people who would sell their mothers for a dollar. I still believe that.
But that doesn’t mean it isn’t hard to see them do some of the things they do. To be very honest, I think we would all be a lot happier if we pulled back a few degrees and enjoyed the music and the appearances and various interviews, but didn’t consume and analyze every single breath they take 24/7.
None of that is easy when you’ve been super involved for a long time. But everything about fandom, their careers, and most likely their goals, has changed and I’m not interested in stubbornly digging my heels in and insisting on it all being the same as it was 10 years ago. I’d rather adapt with the time and mourn my losses, but still be able to love these boys and their music like I always have.
I hope you can find a way back to enjoying Louis the way you used to. ❤️
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
It is my first time writing anything to anyone, and I’m a bit nervous. I’ve been reading super bullets non-stop. It is just too good. I saw your prompt list and I thought that I needed to know more about the characters. Could you please write about Judy and Rosie?
P.S. Sorry if it’s a long list, I got too excited! Love you 😍
1st prompt list Touch
2.running fingers through hair
16. massaging them
34. washing the other’s body( me trying to be naughty 😆)
22. falling asleep on the other’s shoulder
2nd prompt list OTP
20. “Why do you insist on misunderstanding me?”
24. “Don’t say that to me. That’s not fair.”
30. “Leave me alone.” 
“Is that really what you want?” 
21. “Then take me with you.”
3rd prompt list Subtle Love
21.sharing their food with the other
7.giving the other their space, knowing they need it
8.enjoying the sound of the other's voice
9. distracting the other when they see they're distressed and close to freaking out
HEY ANON!!! thanks so much for sending this in! and apologizes for the time it took to get to it! finals week was stressful and now that i finally have time, i was excited to get to this! thank you for the variety of prompts you sent!!! it gave me a ton of options (which truly thank you, your excitement made my day to see!) i went with 8. enjoying the sound of the other's voice, which i found to work best!! i truly hope you enjoy! <3 (and as a first time, you did lovely! thank you more than anything for stopping by <3)
through the war
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(a/n): a look into the early days of judy x rosie for those who want to get more flak house rosie and judy hehe!!! this is an idea i've had for some time and i think it finally fit here!!! :D i really loved this prompt and the way the writing went, more subtle at times, but really showing rosie and judy's connection in a way i loved! thank you and enjoy!
Sun-kissed and water-soaked skin were the highlight of the late morning as Carrie hung over the front side of the boat, absolutely losing her mind on Pappy in the other wooden excuse for a canoe, who was leaned back, splashing water over towards her as they cruised by one another.
"Fighters 12:00, Pauli!" Carrie yelled from the front of the boat, looking back over her shoulder towards both Paulina, in the back of the boat and Judy in the middle, "Get 'em good!" Laughter ensued as the three of them passed the boat from Rosie's Riveters, Pappy Lewis in the back splashing with all his might at them, and Paulina splashing back.
"Get 'em, girls!" cheers from the bank called, a few of the other women from Silver Bullets enjoying the friendly competition between the two B-17 groups that had gotten reprieve at the flak house. Carrie maneuvered the boat around a bit and looked back at the two women. Judy caught her gaze with a grin and watched as Carrie shifted her weight, leaning the boat a hard right as it spun.
"We're gonna hit 'em where it hurts, got that?" Carrie said, and Paulina mocked a salute as Judy let out a delighted cheer, a 'whoop-whoop' following, "Pappy Lewis we're coming for your head!"
"Not as long as I'm here!" Bailey yelled back at them, the boat nearing, splashing ensuing - only to end in the hard rock of Rosie's Riveters against Silver Bullets, enough for the boat to flop sideways and the three girls to go crashing into the water. Judy's body struggled a bit beneath the harsh suffocation of the cool river water, but she pushed herself to the surface, coming into an atmosphere of laughter, light and cheers. A smile crossed her face as she squinted her eyes open and found Carrie and Paulina in her field of view, Rosie's Riveters in the back, making way towards them.
"We'll get them next time," Carrie said with a laugh, running a wet hand down her face as she blew air from her cheeks and grinned, cheeks glowing red from laughter, "you have my permission to go as deranged as you please, Judy."
"On it." Judy said with a chuckle as the boat came over towards them and Bailey, Milburn and Lewis were offering their hands forward to pull them up.
"Got you there, Bergie," Bailey said as he and Milburn pulled up Carrie first, before reaching down for Judy.
"If I didn't have Pappy in my ear earlier making bets, then maybe we woulda won, asshole." Carrie said as Judy grabbed hold of Bailey and Milburn's hands and they pulled her up and out of the water and into the boat, laughing. Paulina was pulled up and let out a chuckle as she collapsed on the seat beside Bailey.
"I call rematch!" Paulina yelled as the boat burst into laughter.
Judy slowly glanced over her shoulder and up the embankment a bit, past where Annie was lounged up, aviators on, snoozing with Frank, the orange cat, by her side, and Marianne laughing with Margie and Kennedy by her side, and focused instead on Rosie Rosenthal. Her heart warmed the slightest bit at the gentle look of him - the loose blue button-up, the book in his hands, how relaxed he looked, sitting there up with the dazzling haze of the morning-blue sky and the glowing green of the trees and the grass around him. Suddenly, she wanted to be sitting right there next to him.
"Hey, you guys go on for another round, I'll sit this one out," Judy said, wringing some water from her hair with a graceful smile to the group, "might head in for lunch soon."
"You sure, Rybinski?" Pappy asked, "We could switch up the teams, I'll make you team lead?" Judy smiled and shook her head.
"It's all good, you guys have fun," she said, reaching the edge of the boat and flipping herself into the water and dunking herself under, the coolness of the water soaking her warmed skin. Coming up above the water, she looked up at the group and grinned.
"Carrie and Pauli? Make 'em pay, alright?" Judy said as she began swimming away, hearing the 'rah-rah' cheers from Carrie and Paulina, splashes following. Judy swam to the shoreline and then pulled herself from the water before heading over to the group on the grass.
"Looking great out there, Jude," Margie said with a smile, "I'd hate to be on the opposite side of that." Judy let out a laugh as Kennedy passed her a towel to which she wrapped quickly around herself and smiled, wiping water from her eyes.
"Well, I think Carrie and Pauli are gonna get 'em back pretty well off, so," she said looking at the group there, "you're all in for a treat."
"Where you going?" Marianne asked Judy as she wrapped the towel closer and stepped towards the hill. Judy's cheeks flushed and she bit back her lip.
"Saying hi to Lieutenant Rosenthal." Judy said quickly, "He finally looks relaxed, ya know?"
"He was asking where you were earlier, Judy," Annie said from her place on the towel, a smile on her face, where her hand was lazily petting Frank, "he'll be happy to see you."
"Have fun, Judy!" a few calls came as Judy smiled to them and headed up towards Rosie. Her heart began to pound a little bit more, the cool, late morning breeze making goosebumps run up over her skin, to the point where she realized she was in nothing but skin-slick shorts and a tank top, with a towel overtop going up to Lieutenant Rosenthal. Her cheeks heated as she looked up, watching him reading and looking near-picturesque against the backdrop of beauty that was the world around them.
Judy tossed herself from her reverie and found Rosie looking up from his book, squinting a bit in the sunlight, a small smile on his face. Her cheeks heated further as she stood there, hair tangled and wet, her cheeks red, the towel covering what she could and her eyes on his.
"Hi." she said quickly - slightly breathlessly at that, "Was wondering what you were up to." Rosie smiled that grin that got her heart pounding and then closed his book and watched her with those soft, baby-blue eyes.
"Figured I'd do a bit of light reading while I had the time," Rosie said, and she didn't miss the look he seemed to give her - admittedly trying to avoid looking at her more-than-bare-legs, his own cheeks dusting a glorious pink as he met her gaze again, "you? Or I could well….guess instead." And he nodded to her with that towel wrapped around as closely to her body as she could get it. She let out a laugh and instinctively went to cover her mouth and looked at him from behind the towel. They watched each other and Judy was sure he could see every inch of her the way he watched her, enough to make her warm all over.
"Your boys sure know how to have some fun," she said quietly, unable to control her smile towards him as she showed him her grin again, "and it reminds me of home. The creek, the water, the sun." You, she wanted to say, but that silent thought got bogged down by everything else around her. Rosie watched her, his smile growing on his lips like the setting sun.
"That they do," he said, his own voice sounding slightly constrained - breathless a bit like her, "would you like to sit?" With me?, seemed to be the silent question on his lips, but he didn't even need to ask. She would've given any time of day.
"Yeah, thank you." she said, with another smile towards him, before stepping forward, the grass itching her feet, as she turned and settled beside him on the towel he had rolled out. Judy pulled the towel tighter as she did crisscross-applesauce, and then glanced over at Rosie on her left side and smiled at his already persistent and present gaze on her.
"Whatcha reading?" she asked him softly, the pleasant noise of life and joy in the background of their quiet bubble there, side by side, her eyes finding his again as she leaned closer to his warm form.
"Of Mice and Men." Rosie said, holding up the book and showing her the cover, "Definitely a heavier read than some other things I've read, but it's good. You might like it. Listen, when I finish up, I'll lend it to you." Judy looked at him and smiled.
"Thanks, Rosie," she said softly, the instant his name left her lips, the corners of his lips perked upwards in a glorious display of his smile and his crinkly eyes when he grinned, "how are you liking it here?" Rosie watched her for a moment, and then looked down, before glancing towards the water where another round was ensuing of this game they had been playing - back and forth, splashing, laughter, freedom.
"Sometimes I just wish I was getting into that cockpit again," Rosie said, looking back over at her, "I don't know, just…it was simple, straightforward. It was mission, after mission, day after day. I was in a flow. A rhythm." Judy watched as he ran a hand over his face and dropped his rather broad shoulders a bit.
"But then I look at the men." Rosie said with a nod, and then glanced at her, "They need this." Judy watched him, his face a golden-honey hue, his eyes so deep and dark and distant all at once, and she nodded.
"They do," she said quietly, "we all do. You do, too."
Rosie was an enigma to her in a way other people had never been; so quiet at times, selfless, someone who wanted to get the job done, but didn't give himself time to rest. And in an opportunity like this, where that was the only option, he was mulling on thoughts of flying again. Despite not knowing him long, he was someone she found herself looking to a lot more often these days. And the selfless need to worry over him was something to follow.
He watched her for a moment, as if trying to believe her that yes, he and his boys needed rest just like the rest of them and yes, this all wasn't normal, but maybe for a second they could act like it and yes, for once they can focus on one another instead of a war in the sky. Rosie watched her for a moment and then smiled at her, and her cheeks bloomed red in a way she knew she couldn't stop.
"Plus," she said quietly, offering him another grin, "this is a good look for you." Rosie broke out in a bit of laughter at her mix between a joke and a compliment, but he took it all the same and nodded.
"You too." he said, but then they both seemed to freeze at his words, the casual phrase you normally said back after a compliment - the realization of what she was wearing seemed to strike both of them at the same time as a jumble of words left both their mouths, ending in nervous laughter and eye-catching gazes.
"What I meant to say was," he said, leaning an elbow on his upbent knee and a hand to his cheek as he looked at her again, "this. Being here. It looks normal for you. It looks good on you." Well if that didn't make her blush like a tomato she wasn't sure what would. But she nodded, and smiled a bit up at him.
"I practically grew up outside. When I was a kid, I mean. All of us, we were always outside. In the creek, with the animals on the farm, climbing trees, hiking," Judy said, "in a way, it reminds me of home being here. Being away from the war for a bit." She nodded. "Can't sleep well, but I guess for the time being that's okay, because I'm not in a ball turret and getting shot at." Rosie's face had grown serious and he watched her like the most delicate thing in the world was in front of him. He always looked so serious back at base that to see that same look cross his features nearly shot her back to that ball turret on the last mission.
"I haven't been sleeping too well either, if I'm being honest," he said quietly to her, then laughed a bit, "it sounds childish, but, I don't know. My mind's just running circles." Judy stared at him. She felt like for once, someone was experiencing what she felt nearly all the time. Constant running. Never-ending.
"Do you ever think it's like you're in some dream and that you'll wake up from it all one day?" she asked him, watching as he slowly nodded and turned to her.
"Sometimes." he said, "But then I go back and think, and I wonder how different things would be if all this wasn't going on. If, uh….well." Rosie looked to her and smiled slightly.
"To say the least, I wouldn't have met some of the people I've met here and I don't know if I'd be okay with that in whatever other world that would be." he said with a laugh and she smiled at him, "And if we're going to get back to any sort of semblance of life again, outside of this, like this, then we have to keep fighting back in this world, to keep it."
Judy looked up at him, and couldn't help but let her eyes traverse his face; eyes catching on how beautiful his long lashes were and how lively yet soft his eyes appeared underneath them, his solid cheekbones and jaw line, the slope of his neck dipping beneath his shirt, his hands and….Judy had to blink herself out of her wandering thoughts and instead ran a hand through her slowly drying hair that was sure to be a tangled mess and looked to him.
"One day we'll get the world back to that," Judy said, "and hey, maybe we can….I don't know, I can sit in the cockpit for once and experience what it's like? I can….be eye level with the birds instead of sticking out of the belly of the plane. Enjoy the sunset without knowing we're dropping bombs."
"I'll take you up on that." Rosie said, coming into her peripheral and leaning into her side a bit, his hand finding it's way to her shoulder half covered by a towel and half not, "Flying. You and me. When this whole thing is over and there's nothing left for us in England. I'll fly you home. You can be my co-pilot." Judy watched him, her heart pounding in her ears as her eyes searched his.
"You're too kind, Rosie, you don't have to…."
"No, no, I'll take you up on it. My promise to…I don't know, get us through the war." Us, Judy thought quietly.
Us through the war.
Judy stared at him fully this time, her entire mind consumed by him sitting there beside her, saying these things and making her feel all kinds of ways. Listening to his voice and expecting to act like it was nothing that he was talking as sweetly as he was to her. It was almost too much; these feelings, these emotions, someone felt nearly aligned with in life, yet the bulge of war was smack-dab in the center of it all. Judy brought the towel up to rub down her face and then sighed again.
"You okay?" Rosie asked her, placing his…very equally comforting and warm hand on her back, above the towel, "You went a little quiet." Judy looked at him, her heart pounding - even a simple acknowledgment of her quietness and she was spinning. Her mind scattered.
"Yes," she said quickly, a smile darting out, "all good, all good, just….." Mind, think, please, "thinking about lunch. Yes. Heard they were having a roast. Reminds me of home." With that, Judy stood to her feet and turned to Rosie, shivering slightly still, face and lips most definitely red, her hair a mess, her legs…..there.
And Rosie.
Staring up at her.
"I don't want to bother your reading anymore, so," Judy said, "I'll see you around, Rosie." She turned and looked over her shoulder, and with a burst of boldness.
"Come and look for me if you ever want to talk!" Judy's face was beat red the entire rest of the way down the hill.
And Rosie was left - stunned. And smiling.
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tyhxrondxle · 26 days
What are your top 5 favorite ships in TSC?
oh god hi!! this will probably make no sense sorry it’s 4 am!!
i’ve based my list on pure feelings, these are the ships I’ve felt most deranged about through the ten years i’ve been reading TSC and I THINK they are objectively my favorites too!!
i’d love to know your top 5 too!!!
(no particular order)
i liked Sizzy better than Malec in TMI which is wild considering Malec IS Malec, but Sizzy did something to my brain when I was 12 and i’ve never been the same ever since!
I tend to like those ships that do not have as much page time as the rest, so maybe that’s why I loved them so much
i never call them Kitty tbh, sorrY I hatE the nameship, i’m more of a heronthorn girlie!
do I even have to explain that i’ve been waiting six years to have them again? my page is based on how much I fucking love them and they ARE my favorite ship no doubt
i’m conflicted about them but i’m taking into consideration the fact that i became completely obsessed with them in 2014 and I waited for Lady Midnight like crazy. i ADORED them in LM, and maybe in LoS, not sure about queen, but overall they made me so happy when I was a child so they needed to be here
i mean they are married and have children and they are who they are. Alec and Ty are two of my top 5 shadowhunter characters💜
i’ve always been a Jessa stan, didn’t care that much about Wessa tbh. I LOVE who these two are now, they’re backstory and entire lovestory is wild and one of the most beautiful things Cassie has ever written. I would trade this one for Herongraystairs if Cassie had been brave enough to do what had to be done��
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s3thwrit3sstuff · 7 months
The blatant homophobia in the love and deepspace community is wild. Out of all the otome game fandoms I’ve been in, none of them have ever been this vile towards gay people (esp men). Not to mention the hypocrisy is wild, they complain about men ‘invading’ their space, yet they do the exact same thing with bl games (they’re heavily fetishized by fujos but they don’t wanna talk abt that) and dating sims with gn!mc like obey me where they constantly bash on male players and are homophobic towards them. Plus, bashing on their fellow fem players who mention that it would be cool to date one of the fem characters.
Sorry for that rant, this has just been really annoying me
Dude, I do not even go there. I don’t play otome games because I’m not interested, but hearing that they sponsored queer men to basically advertise the game was jarring to hear after everything else.
No worries about the rant, dude. After the shit, I’ve had to read I believe you. 😭
The community seems so deranged, overfilled with bigots and straight women who preach about how “this is for gxb only, go get your own game! The gays already have everything else!!! Leave some for us!!!”
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ryuichirou · 18 days
More replies!
We might skip posting replies tomorrow, but for now let’s roll.
Anonymous asked:
i've held off on asking bc it felt presumptuous but i'm relentlessly curious. hi, it's shroudswap anon! was that mini-comic with human ortho and wip robot idia on ko-fi inspired by my ask?
(this is the post Anon is referring to)
That’s not presumptuous at all, Anon, and I’m glad you’re still around and asked about it (and also saw that ko-fi comic! <3)!
It really was kind of inspired by your ask. I just kept thinking about the idea and how differently everything would’ve been (especially considering that Ortho is not as big of a technomagical genius as Idia), and Katsu liked it as well, so we discussed it a bit after I wrote the post. So after a couple of days I ended up wanting to draw something related to it. To be completely honest, the more I think about it, the more thoughts I get, this really is a nice fuel for angsty ideas…
So thank you for sending that ask. I hope it is okay with you though.
Anonymous asked:
What Disney movies and/or characters would each of you like to see in twst? :3
This is such a difficult question, Anon… all of my faves are already in twst 👌🥹 But I also have a huge sentimental soft spot for Brother Bear, so if I had to pick one movie for a twst event, I think it would be cool to have this one. It’s all about ~love~ after all.
Or maybe the Emperor’s New Groove?
Katsu: I’ve never been a huge Disney fan (mostly because the first time I saw any movies when I was almost 18 and still was ok with them), it’s actually twst is the reason why I decided to give them another chance and enjoyed them on their own much, much more. So it’s hard to name anything… I’d actually like to see some RSA??? I guess?? characters twisted from Mulan (or just have an Eastern event, not the New Year one, although I like those too) or Tiana… She was very enjoyable as a character, and the style of both of those movies is fun. As for villains… We had a weird shipping Hans/Anna phase, so I guess Hans??? lmao what a cursed concept. Thankfully, they don’t take 3D cartoons into consideration. Overall, I’m also very happy with what Twisted Wonderland has to offer in general, it looks wonderful.
Anonymous asked:
love when i get into a new fandom and see your old art pop up in the search results 🥺💖
sfiushdfis oh nooo my old art 😭 Which fandom is it, Anon??
I’m glad you like it!! With how many things we post I dread to even think about my footprint on this site 😟
Anonymous asked:
This made me think of a past drawing of yours: https://www.tumblr.com/blasterpals/760639422291165184/actually-begging-you-all-to-watch-this-absurdly
Oh my god it is indeed cuntilicious 😭 Thank you for sharing, Anon! I’m glad you’re thinking about that drawing hehehe
I keep remembering that I turned away one Anon that was asking about these two together months before drawing it… I am so sorry. Me still thinking about this ship is my karma 😔 I should draw them more. And make them cuntilicous.
Anonymous asked:
Have you ever heard of Kakegurui? I love how deranged everyone is and the boss b*tches, of course.
It sounds and looks familiar, so I’ve definitely seen it around, but we haven’t watched it. I did get the feeling that it had the vibes you’re describing though! But unfortunately I don’t have an opinion on it…
Anonymous asked:
thoughts on Malsil 👀👀
We don’t ship them, sorry Anon! Please read our pinned post.
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crimson-kisses · 1 year
Oh my gosh I love your writings so much. Don’t apologize for sending in work late, you do such amazing work and you shouldn’t feel pressured about it. ❤️ Anyways, I’ve been loving your “hetalia and nyotalia sharing a darling” writings, and I was wondering if you could do the same but with 2p Italy and 2p nyo Italy? Or If you don’t do 2ps anymore can you do Arthur and Alice? (I’m sorry if this is too much 😥)
thank you so much for the compliments my love, absolutely warms my heart to receive these messages from y’all. always a pleasure to read truly! and don’t worry I will try my best with the request. hope you enjoy honey ♡︎ @lady-cap
Warnings: Descriptive violence, non-con acts, blood and the like.
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"Il nostro tesoro prezioso"— 2p!Italy: Luciano Vargas || 2p!nyo!Italy: Lucrecia Raffaella Vargas
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Her auburn hair glows from the fireplace just behind her, ruby lips giving a peck to her smoking companion. The knife grasped loosely in her hand falls to the floor as she carelessly tosses it aside, a blissful sigh before a loud chuckle comes from her and the man besides her resorts to rolling his eyes.
"Ve~~~, that was quite fun, wasn’t it?", Lucrecia practically throws herself at him, hands wrapped around his shoulders as she rests her head on his shoulder, despite Luciano clearly being discontent with her clinginess. Nonetheless he stays completely silent, not bothering to entertain her any further and the lady slowly withdraws her arms back with furrowed brows then pouts playfully at the lack of reaction.
She stares as he scrutinizes their surroundings, cigarette still lit as he slowly spins it, a smirk slowly forms on his face, which she gives a crooked smile in response knowing he had something in mind for their precious treasure. There’s a deep breath from him and his bloody eyes seemed to pour ice on your soul as they stare straight at yours.
The tape all around your body felt as if they were burning, tightening with every second that passed, itching your skin and making you sweat with dread and possibly inducing a panic attack. If not the tape then perhaps the previous events which included a rude invasion of your boss’s mansion and the all out shoot out, murders that followed, the shards of glasses, blood stains, dead bodies slumped around being the core evidence, would probably be the prime reason.
You didn’t even realize what was happening until you were shoved aside by their men and you only ended hurting a few of them, nonetheless you weren’t going to give up despite only being an assistant to your boss, who wasn’t even a mafia boss for goodness sake. Apparently it was chaos, a battle even which ensued itself out of nowhere.
Though being aware of Luciano's inappropriate stares, whispers and touches, you presumed he was simply like that with all of the women he encountered, which was true, he was a goddamn fucking prick. You didn’t expect this from his counterpart though, although there were definitely a few signs that you probably missed or overlooked. But you weren’t aware of how absolutely deranged they were about you. A simple lady who was caught up in this mess.
"The fun has only just begun",
Identical blood red eyes continued to eat up your withering form, the atmosphere heavy with panicked breathing and the blistering heat from the fireplace, the sound of Lucrecia's heels echoed through the room as she giddily made her way towards you, Luciano watching her every movement until his eyes once again landed on your form.
You couldn’t help but flinch away from her as she got close to you, although with being tied, the armchair you were placed on wasn’t much spacious either, with a single confident stride she seated herself on your lap, her breath hitting your face as you cringed at the smell of wine and cigarette making her frown and sigh slowly.
Her fingers cautiously traced your jawline as you gulped, remembering the knife she had used to end several of your co-workers, she seemed to be studying every detail on your face, eyes unwavering and unblinking, it was unnerving and her sudden closeness to you didn’t make anything better, trying to move your body didn’t seem to deter her one bit either. If anything, she ignored your fidgeting much to your chagrin.
After observing the both of you on the armchair for a while, Luciano takes a long drag of his cigarette, his boots not making a sound yet his presence was hard to miss as he got closer to you both, gloved hands harshly grabbed your chin making you face towards him as he licked his lips, the scared look on your face was absolutely delicious, once again he gave a slight smirk and captured your trembling lips with his with no hesitation, and oh god, was the taste of your fear so exhilarating.
"What a belladonna".
Both of them are sadistic no doubt, I feel as if Luciano would control himself around you to not draw blood at the very least. Meanwhile, his female counterpart is far more sadistic than him, although with you she would prefer saving her blood thirst for when you really manage to piss her off. Or when she’s feeling extra unstable.
They aren’t much better for that though, Luciano is very controlling, even with Lucrecia who rebels against him in subtle ways. Although most of the time he lets her do her thing, she is surprisingly obsessive and clingy towards him, much to everyone’s confusion including his. She could be the most terrifying nightmare for most people so it’s confusing why doesn’t she head butts with Luciano more often or isn’t so violent as him (she is).
You can expect every aspect of your life to go according to what Luciano wants, and you can’t help but not utter a word since just because he’s more lenient towards you than he is towards other people, it doesn’t mean that he won’t be pissed off at your defiance. He won’t hesitate leaving pretty bruises on your skin for Lucrecia to tend after, and most of the time she ends up making it worse with an oblivious tone in her voice, but you just know that they both simply get off your pain, tears, bruises, so you have no choice really.
They will make you do several chores around the house, basically a personal maid just for them, you won’t meet anyone else in the house expect for few maids, who don’t converse much anyways, always scurrying about with heads down and mouth shut. Basically tidying up their beds, personal rooms, cooking just for them and tending to their needs. Your duties revolve around them. Wearing your pretty little dresses that leaves no room for imagination nor any cover against their advances.
Lucrecia is actually the dominant one in the relationship you could say, although her male counterpart is no pushover either, he willingly lets her take the reigns the most. I can see her being in charge of disciplining you as well, although there’s no specific structure for you to follow with them. She will gladly feed you until you can’t eat anymore, smother you with overbearing affection, make you wear embarrassing dresses, pinch your cheeks until it bruises, temporarily fracture your fingers because you did something she didn’t like, eat your ears off with her chatter, it’s fucking exhausting to be around her and it shows on your face whenever Luciano gets out of his office or comes home late.
Though he would just grumble and be bombarded by whatever bullshit Lucrecia spills, her clingy hugs and things about you which is the only part he bothers to pay half a mind to. It’s after a bottle of wine that his day truly starts tho, especially when you look so endearing and breedable with your maid costume showing off your curvy figure, he might accidentally spill some on you, feigning innocence as he attempts to help you but you know that he simply wants to take the damn thing off your body and bruise you all over again.
Surprisingly, Luciano prefers to take his sweet time ravaging your body, biteful kisses on your breast, as his hands hold your waist so possessively, straddling your waist and whispering dirty things, which quickly turns lewder, his touches rougher, your hair almost ripped off from your scalp, bites and scratches decorate you body, when he’s done with you and finally he falls right then and there, staining your walls white and burying his face on your soft chest. He’s almost playful after whenever the day he’s fucked you, in a cruel way though, pulling you on his lap, your hair, calling you names, basically just being a nuisance.
Lucrecia is rather spontaneous, like everything she does, pulling you by your dress as you are fixing the bed, drunk and high as fuck, blubbering about the things, the stuffs she wants to do to you, her hands always fixated on you hips as her nails claw at your waist, always wanting to pull a muscle and have you sore, pained when she’s done with you, her aftercare is showing her art piece off front of the mirror as she fixes you up, ignoring your tears, and whatever she had caused. In her eyes, it’s just the way she had always loved.
I would say both of them are insane and deranged, they don’t really differ much in that aspect but their perspectives on few things are different and a few quirks of their personalities as well. It’s probably easier to know when you are trapped with them, that’s for sure but also Luciano is more composed than his counterpart, more savvy and has bloodier moody issues.
No one is touching, seeing and even knowing about you, they both wouldn’t have it especially Luciano. Although you can expect Lucrecia to brag everything about you, and she wouldn’t mind showing you off to their most closest companions, although in their world such people are hard to come by. It’s safe to say it’s going to be a rough back breaking ride for their precious girl, that’s for sure.
"You are everything to us, our beloved"— Nyo!England: Alice Kirkland.
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Her voice is rather annoying, no scratch that, actually it’s making you want to commit a massacre. It’s as if you are listening to a plate being scratched by forks, yes definitely that, she can screech all she wants with her bloody haughty accent it won’t stop making her sound similar to a dehydrated chicken. Fuck's sake.
She had always been like this, compared to her Arthur was at the very least tolerable. You just could not deal with her constant mood swings, demands, insecurities and what not. Always wanting to prove that she was better than her male counterpart and how the past sexist world was so unfair towards her, basically trauma dumping and she just really needed to stop. She had always held a considerable amount of power, just that Arthur was mostly send off to conquer the world, during wars and shit, not on a bloody vacation.
There she goes berating you for one thing or another, sitting on the sofa across from you, knitting a sweater and very much upset that you couldn’t maker her a cup of tea as well. Or rather, that was the fact that brought up this whole speech of hers in the first place, frankly you did not want to and confined to sip your very delicious cup of tea. She could go—
"You are not listening to a word coming out of my mouth, are you?",
You slowly set your tea on the saucer and calmly stared right into her furious glare directed towards you, used to it at this point. She huffs and before she could utter another word,
"Perhaps you should stop claiming yourself to be a victim all the damn time and actually realize the privilege you have always had over the other truly underprivileged women whether you wanted it or not, quit whining and stop letting what happened in the past drag you down. Have you considered a bloody therapist? I am not your trauma dumpster Alice, I am tired too".
A look of surprise takes over her face which quickly turns into a sneer as she crosses her arms, glare unwavering and a reddish tint of anger still lingering on her appearance,
"Oh you are the one to talk, your generation of women are the privileged ones, you have no idea what …",
Soon enough, it’s safe to say that the whole manor would have been cleared by how loud, ferocious and bitter both of your tones were. Arguing back and forth, with heated glares and firm stances, Alice was probably going to break and honestly you would love a hot cup of tea to soothe your nerves because god forbid, if this woman doesn’t shut up
It wasn't that you didn't sympathize with her, as a woman you had done your best to support her when it came to such things, but what you wouldn't accept is her unwillingness to stop blaming others for her misfortunes in the past or painting herself as an absolute powerless victim. Sometimes you had to brush off your pain, get your ass up and fix shit, like most of the women in your family. Like you had done so, which is why you became a hardened deteticive with a strong resolve none could easily crack.
Not to mention, that you were trapped in her and his mansion with no escape in sight. Of course, you were going to annoy the shit out of her.
"Goodness, just what is going on in here?",
Arthur quickly took off his coat, eyes already scrutinising the scene in front of him, both of you were breathing heavily from all the yelling and he seemed to be beyond irritated himself. It was one thing to deal with Alice in this state, with you in the mix?
He could already feel the migraine he was about to endure from dealing with two stubborn, headstrong woman.
Honestly, both of them are a chore to deal with. I feel as if Alice is used to working harder and striving to be heard which mixed with her desperation, insecurities and possessiveness over her darling is bound to be exhausting quickly. Even aggravating since the only true victim over here is you, not her. If anything, she would treat you as her pet, it’s infuriating obviously.
Arthur on the other hand, would rather not paint himself that way regarding his pride, and is much more collected in the way he represents himself in front of you. He's much more intimidating than Alice, and would be the one to dish out the punishments, hence making you more wary and careful of him than Alice. As she prefers ofc, who do you think encourages Arthur to bring out the cane? She knows Arthur can be a hell of an intimidating person, it has always worked in her favor a lot of times. she bloody loves it.
Not saying that Alice should be taken lightly, when her mind is in the right state, she can be very manipulative even towards Arthur, she knows how to twist her words and render you into trouble. Both of them would be tricky, cunning and charming enough to strip you off your security by any law. Whether labeling you as a spy, as corrupt and spouting rumors. You won't even know what is going on until the answer is right in front of you.
Even though they both would bicker most of the time amongst each other, it’s more of a harmless banter at this point. It’s how they communicate since both of them most of the time than not, suppress their emotions which are bound to burst once they crack. And the target of their actions is you of course. They both are quite closer than they might seem, although Alice is more likely to piss Arthur off and have him torment you one way or another. It’s a power trip, a display of her cunningness which even Arthur gets caught in.
You could be a powerful lady, not in status but perhaps it’s your wits, the way you carry yourself and remain a distinct lady with her own bold ambitions she strives hard to achieve. Maybe one day, Alice stumbled onto you, umbrellas crashing to the ground as both of you curse each other as politely as possible, which quickly turns into playful arguments. Maybe it’s Arthur who looks into you after hearing Alice’s thoughts about you, calling you personally in his office and both of you hit it off from there. All it takes is a specific glance towards each other which seals off your life once and for all.
It won’t take much for an intelligent woman to understand what is going on, a bit too late or early even, not that it matters. You may punch and scream at them as much as you want, Alice does not hesitate retorting with sharp and hurtful words and Arthur isn’t the one to back down either. These both won’t always physically harm you, it’s more mental and emotional punishments with them. Chipping away at your insecurities, controlling your actions, monitoring your emotions and suffocating you with their possessive behaviors. Also I like the idea of Alice getting into petty fistfights with you, she would definitely do that once she’s off her high horse once in a while.
Obviously there is no escape, being as observant as both of them are, they have already planned quite ahead. They have powerful connections and allies who would be willing to help them, even if Alice has to act flustered in front of Antonio and drop her dignity to gain few favors if it concerns you, she will do it. You would be given the royal treatment as long as you stay on your tiptoes and behave mannered. If not, then punishments would be followed.
Honestly, Alice is the dominant one in this relationship I would say, not sexually necessarily, but she does has her way of controlling and manipulating any situation she is in, if she put her mind into it. It’s sort of a switch between her and Arthur, the gentleman though would rather drop dead than be the bottom and let her boss him around just like that.
Arthur does understand what’s going on, but he knows Alice more than anyone else does, and vice versa. They both have this understanding between them which is quite hard to explain and believe. With you in the mix tho, Arthur trusts Alice to share you with her, he knows she’s a cunt but she’s also the one who has soothed his wounds and he’s the one who endured her breakdowns. Even though they might have their moments, once you’re in the mix, they are dead set on claiming you as theirs. They both understand the loneliness they have gone through, your presence is an addiction to themselves.
Arthur is more likely to talk down to you while Alice would talk against you, as if your mere opinions bother her, as if she hates that you think independently and not follow what she says. Arthur, as said before simply disregards your stand on most things, such as why it’s morally unacceptable to hold a woman captive. You will suffer from being mentally unstable at some point, until things get worse and worse and the dam breaks. To them though? It’s entertaining. They love you, but there are few things that have to broken so that they may be mended in a more say, preferred form.
Of course, both of them would show you off to others, and also make sure you don’t misbehave and ruin their reputations in front of their peers, that would result in a swift punishment. You would be their pretty blooming rose, a wonderful woman who will forever be in a cage of their making, and no one’s going to save you darling, to beings like them? it’s more entertaining than anything. And these both would make sure to drill that in your head. The world is a disgusting place, not suitable for a beloved lady such as yourself.
Tempted to write a one shot
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tsukimefuku · 6 months
Overdue introduction post
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She/Her • bi/pan • AuDHD non-monogamous lady • professional tinkerer • this year I’m gonna be unstable unstoppable
If you like anything I write, please leave a comment. I do my best answer each and every one made :)
I don’t usually take requests because I came back to writing in order to let my AuDHD run wild like a toddler with a pair of scissors, completely unbound by earthly restraints. However, I do take suggestions, if you’d like to send one in my Asks.
Pen name and meaning: Tsukime Fuku or Fuku-Chan. I wanted something to resemble the owl I feel like, most of the time (I have terrible sleeping issues). Fukurou (梟) in Japanese means Owl, so I just decided to shorten it in katakana (フク). I wrote Tsukime in kanji (疲明) mixing up the gloomy and tired aspect from “Tsuki” with the bright one from “Me”. I’m a tired, gloomy, somewhat optimistic millenial owl.
My letters from the LGBTQIAP+ community: B for kissing multiple genders and A for demisexual (I can’t spell, sorry). Also, I’ve got a wife.
Where I’m from: A country well known for being God's wild random sandbox experiment 🇧🇷 For that reason, English is not my native language (you can communicate with me in Portuguese, Spanish and English. If by any chance you say something in Italian, please make it three-year-old friendly).
Current fandoms: Jujutsu Kaisen (main) and Hazbin Hotel (secondary).
Former or everlasting fandoms: Death Note, Fullmetal Alchemist, flanaverse, Bojack Horseman, Rurouni Kenshin, Avatar (both The Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra — I’m a Korra stan), Sherlock (books, stories, and BBC Series), Steven Universe, House MD, Supernatural, and other things I’ll add as I remember them.
Favorite genres of fiction: murder/mystery (b1tch! grew up reading Sherlock), terror, horror, drama and millennial comedy / dark humor. Currently, I’ve been getting into smutty fiction and rather enjoying it. I also want to write some chick lit stories, so...
Fun(?) facts about me I had enough time to come up with, instead of nervously sweating in the middle of a date thinking about them (this might get updated regularly, but probably won't - most recent will be at the bottom of the list):
Yes, I’m a criminal defense attorney. I love and hate my job multiple times a day.
I have a deranged type of humor (it's because of my inner demons. They have many voices. One of them is Carol)
I am unhinged and shitpost like a hell spawn. That's not a fun fact, it's a warning
I'm controlled by a monkey with a typewriter that lives inside my head. It feeds off of my anxiety during the day, then gives it back to me at night. It's lovely.
My writing process goes about like this: I get an idea. It plagues my every waking moment. If I don't write it, I realistically believe it might consume me into oblivion. So I write. Should I write because it's fun? Sure. Do I write to quench the thirst for dopamine of my inner demons (that have many voices, one of them is Carol)? Absolutely.
I got diagnosed with ADHD in my early 20's, and autism in my late 20's. These were definitely my roaring 20's, and we don't talk about it.
I try to be a kind person when I can. As a lady in her late 20's with some life and trauma experience involving mental illnesses, addiction, grief, and much more, you can always DM me if by any chance you need to talk about anything. I don't bite (much).
I realized I've been chatting with an online acquaintance that lives with a 12+ hour difference. That's how fucked my sleep schedule is — you can't fuck up your sleep schedule if you have none, amiright?
I need a soundtrack for everything I'm doing. It makes talking to people in real life very difficult.
I never know what day of the month it is. It's led me to receive happy birthday's unannounced and feel very confused at the people congratulating me on "my special day". I had done nothing special. It made no sense.
I tend to write very fast. It's the monkey's fault.
My most unpopular opinion: HIMYM ending was the correct choice, and made perfect sense for Ted and Robin.
My favorite quotes in English are the ending to The Great Gatsby (“so we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past”) and a tidbit from Wilde’s The Importance of Being Earnest (“Truth is rarely pure and never simple”).
My favorite poem of all time is "Tabacaria" by Fernando Pessoa.
Something you’ll NEVER see me writing in love stories is romanticized jealousy and possessiveness. Everyone has their thing, but that’s really not mine, and I don’t enjoy writing it. When I DO write about jealousy, I like to explore the underlying insecurity and pain behind it.
I’m here to spread the non-monogamy queer agenda.
If you read this through the end, thank you, and I'm slightly concerned for your mental well-being. Come on over and have a cup of tea.
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jmagnabo92 · 8 months
GGSB Fest 2024 - New, Hot Professor
Prompt - Professor Sirius
When Sirius returns after the war is over, McGonagall surprises him with a job offer for Harry's redo of his seventh year, which Harry is happy about until the girls try to use him so that they can get close to the new, hot professor.
“I’m sorry, you want me to teach?” Sirius asks, looking unbelievably at McGonagall.  “I’ve only been back like ten seconds, and I really just want to spend time with my godson –”
“Which is why you’re perfect as my successor,” McGonagall states.  “You’d have the opportunity to spend even more time with Harry once he’s returned to school.”
“Yeah, but I – I mean, he’d be in the dorms…”
“He could choose to stay with you in your rooms if he’d like?” McGonagall offers.  “I suppose with the attention he’ll gather; he might prefer some privacy.”
Sirius can’t deny that.  Harry has been rather… determined… to be out of the spotlight and was contemplating not returning to Hogwarts at all due to feeling like he’d be some sort of spectacle.  
“Okay, let me talk it over with Harry and… I’ll let you know.”
“Thank you.”
“You’ll be at Hogwarts?” Harry asks, delightedly, that night when Sirius had told him of the meeting with McGonagall.  “We could stay together in your quarters?”
“Er, yeah.  That’s the offer – if you’re okay with it?”
“It would make me feel a lot better about returning – having you there.”
“Well, alright then, I guess I get to be a professor.”
Harry’s grinning from ear to ear as Sirius is announced as the Transfiguration Professor in place of McGonagall, who’s now Headmistress.  He’s so happy to have Sirius here.  This past summer had done them both a world of good when it came to recovering, but Harry could admit that he still felt like he needed Sirius’ presence at times.  Someone to just be Harry with and someone who loves him for him.  
It's perfect.  
He’s so excited.
Well, until he hears the girls all chattering about how hot Sirius is and the things that they would love to do with him. 
Lavender, even being brave enough to ask Harry, “Hey, Harry, do you think the hot professor might be into breaking some rules together?”
He nearly gags on his food as Ron and Neville pat him on the back.
“Er, Lavender, you realize that’s my godfather, right?  He’s been like my parent – I don’t really want to be thinking about that kind of stuff.”
“Oh, come on, he’s young and hot, and he probably hasn’t gotten any action since before Azkaban –”
He does gag at that.  “I am so leaving this conversation.”
Then he moves as far away from Lavender as possible.
Of course, it doesn’t stop there.  So many of the girls around him kept trying to be his friend to be around the ���new hot professor’ or get detention with him just so they could spend more time with Sirius.  
It frustrates Harry to no end.
“How is this worse than when they thought I was a cheat or deranged?” Harry groans as he plops down on the settee in their sitting room.  
Sirius chuckles.  “You don’t find this funny at all?”
“Clearly, you do.”
“Well, I admit – it’s nice to be considered attractive after all that time in Azkaban.  Plus, at least no one’s bothering you about the war and things?” Sirius offers, a smug smile on his lips.  
Harry huffs.  “I suppose that is better, but you should hear some of the things they want to do to you – it’s all… “ he gags.  “… I don’t want to hear about that stuff.”
“Sorry, kid.  Just use silencio on them whenever they get too graphic, that’ll teach them a lesson.”
“Shouldn’t you not be encouraging me to use my magic like that?”
“Maybe, but I never agreed to be a good influence.”
Harry snorts.  “McGonagall didn’t know what she was doing when she hired you.”
“Oh, I think she did, but she realized that after everything… it was good to have me here.”
“Do you think you’ll stay after I leave?” Harry questions.  “I mean – do you like it?”
“I do and as long as you come visit and I still get to see you… I think being a professor might just be perfect for me.”
“Good, then I guess I can just make do for now.  As long as you’re happy with it.”
“I am.  Are you?”
“Yeah, yeah, I am,” Harry answers and he means it.  He’d put up with anything if it means spending time with Sirius.  “It was a great decision.”
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