#i’m trying i swear
Call me Daddy (Valentino x doll!reader)
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Word count: 2926
CW: Mind control, Valentino being Valentino, dub/noncon, creampie, cockwarming, Au Typical Events, objectification, humiliation, degradation, let me know if I missed anything!
"Daddy has to go to work, understand?” Valentino asked me, snapping his fingers in my face.
“Y-yes, sir!” I stammered, snapping out of… whatever I was thinking about. I couldn’t quite remember.
“I told you once, I’ve told you a million times: don’t call me sir,” he sighed and shook his head, exasperated. “Be a doll and call me Daddy instead, okay?”
A sort of fog seemed to creep into my mind and I froze for a moment before gathering myself. “Okay,” I said softly, a little dazed.
“Good. I’m going to leave now, be sure you’re a good little toy while I’m gone,” he said, walking past me.
“Wait, Daddy!” I said, grabbing his wrist. I froze. What was I doing? Fuck, the word had just slipped out- I was just going to call him sir again, out of habit and then… what was happening to me?
“Yes? What is it?” He asked impatiently- at least, he was acting impatient. I could see the flicker of delight that had crossed his face, and the curiosity he regarded me with. It’d taken a while to be able to read his emotions properly, but it paid off at times like this.
“I…” I hesitated, fidgeting with my free hand a little. I looked at the floor and gently tugged on his sleeve. “I don’t want you to go. Vox is gone and Velvette busy and… and I don’t wanna be left alone.”
“Oh? What exactly are you suggesting?”
“Can I…” god, I had never asked this before. I hated everything to do with him, I hated talking to him, I hated helping him with work, I hated listening to his stories, I hated him! I hated him. And yet… “can I please come to work with you?”
“Hm? What’s that? I didn’t quite catch what you were saying, doll face,” he said, bending down and looking smug. “Could you repeat that for me?”
“I… want to go to work with you, Daddy,” I said. Fuck. I bit my lip, internally cursing myself. There it was again! I kept calling him daddy and I had no idea why.
“Why of course! All you had to do was ask,” he said with a smile. He pulled me close and linked his arm in mine, forcing me to come with him. I struggled to keep up. “I’m glad you’re finally getting comfortable around here, Doll. I can’t wait to introduce you to everyone!”
“Oh! Um… can we… can we not do that?” I asked tentatively. “Please?” I seemed to shrink into him.
“Aw, is our little dolly shy?” He cooed, glancing down at me. He took a drag of his cigarette and led me into the limo. For once, it was just the two of us. “Look, doll, if you’re going to be hanging out with me theres a few things you gotta know.”
“Shhh! Daddy’s speaking,” he said, pressing a finger to my lips. I suppressed the urge to bite it off. “First off! No speaking without my permission. I’m going to busy directing, I don’t need you interrupting me or causing problems. Secondly, you’ll need to stay by side at all times. Vox would kill me if I let his favorite toy get lost or hurt. Third? You’ll have to pay me for my time.”
“I have to pay you… for letting me come to work with you?” I asked, giving him a look.
“Of course. My time is valuable, sweetheart. What, did you not hear me the first time? Is that dumb little doll brain of yours struggling to comprehend it?”
“No, Daddy, I understand,” I said quickly. “How should I…? I mean, I don’t get paid by Vox or anything…”
“Oh, don’t worry about that! I had something a little different in mind,” he said, waving a dismissive hand. “Now, you’ll have two options-”
“Wait wait wait,” I said, cutting him off. “You’re going to make me have sex with you as payment for going with you to your job? That’s not fair! I don’t- I don’t want that!”
“Well that’s too fucking bad, doll. We’re already on our way over, you should’ve thought about that before you asked to come along,” he said, narrowing his eyes at me. “You know, doll, I’m not appreciating all the disrespect I’m getting from you here. Be a doll and drop the attitude.”
“I…” I said quietly, slumping a little in my seat. My eyes glazed over and I seemed to space out for a moment before slowly speaking again. “Okay, daddy…”
“Fuck,” Valentino muttered, sitting up a little straighter. “Shit, I forgot how… oh god, you really do look like a doll when you’re like this.” He placed his hand under my chin and tilted my head from side to side. I didn’t react in any way.
“Fuck, just seeing you like this is making me hard.” He chuckled to himself and brought me into his lap, blowing his smoke directly in my face. He unbuttoned my pants and pressed his thumb against my clit, then spoke in my ear, his breath hit on my neck. “Be a doll for papí, would you? Be a good girl for me for the next few hours.”
He snapped his fingers and I sort of jerked awake. “Hm?” I asked, a little disoriented. Before I could do anything else, I felt a wave of pleasure wash over me. "Mmmn..." I moaned a little, before I could stop myself. I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“There we go,” he said with a grin, sounding pleased with himself. “That trigger phrase works like a charm, I swear! I might just prefer you as a doll… How are you feeling, sweetheart?”
"Daddy..." | groaned, leaning against him. I was still sitting in his lap, and I was starting to grind against him without realizing. My pussy was already wet with precum. “Doll… Mmmn… Daddy, what’s a trigger phrase?" I couldn't quite process it, especially not when he had me all dumbed down.
"Don’t worry about it, doll," He blew another cloud of smoke at me and I breathed it in without question or hesitation. He smiled, enjoying the way my body reacted. He couldn't help but reach down and slide his hand between my legs again, feeling just how wet I was already. “Are you enjoying yourself?”
"Daddy..." I moaned and pressed myself against him, desperate for friction. "Daddy, daddy please..."
"Good girl. Always so needy and eager for daddy." He chuckled and started to rock his hips back and forth, grinding my clit against his cock through his pants.
"Ahhh... mmngh..." I groaned at the praise- and the pressure on my clit? fuck, it was nearly enough to make me cum. "Mmmn..."
"You like that, don't you my little slut?" He pulled me closer, grinding harder against my clit as he spoke. "I can tell just how much you want it." He reached up with his free hand and brushed my hair aside, leaning over and biting my neck gently.
"Daddy!" I whined, squirming a little then- "Mmgh..." my eyes rolled back as I moaned and cummed for him.
"That's it, cum for daddy. You always cum so easy for me." He growled and wrapped his arms around me, holding me close as my orgasm rocked through me. "You're such a good girl, letting daddy use you like this."
“Mmmnngh…” I groaned as the limo came to a short halt at a stoplight, heat filling my cheeks.
“Now, I still have to go to work, and you still have to pay me for letting you come along. Since you like to be used so much… you have two options,” he paused for a moment to make sure I was paying attention. “Would you like me to use some toys, or do you wanna sit in Daddy's lap with his dick in you the whole time, warming it up like a good doll?"
I looked up at him with dazed, pleading expression, panting heavily as I caught my breath. "D-daddy's dick," I managed to say, my voice a little hoarse. I almost couldn’t believe what was happening- fuck, what was happening? It was hard to think, god… I wanted to feel his dick inside of me, filling me up completely. I didn’t even know why.
"Good choice!" he said with a grin, seemingly pleased with my answer. "Okay baby, here’s a little reminder for you. This is the last time I’m saying it, so make sure you remember. Daddy doesn’t like to repeat himself. You're gonna sit in my lap with my cock inside you the whole time, warming it up for me, okay? Think you can do that?"
"Yes, daddy," I said, nodding my head eagerly. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he drew me in closer, nuzzling against his shoulder and chest fluff. "I'll be a good girl and warm up daddy's cock for him," I said, not fully processing what that meant at all.
"Aww, such a good slut for daddy," He cooed, playing with my hair. "Now, we're gonna be sitting like that for hours, okay? My dick is gonna be in your ass the whole time, no breaks. Are you gonna cum for daddy? Are you gonna be a good doll and cum in front of everyone at work for me?"
My face turned red at his words, but I couldn't help the small moan that escaped my lips. I wanted to resist, but every time he called me a slut, i couldn't help but get wetter. I looked up at him and nodded, 90% sure that if I tried to speak it’d come out as an incoherent squeak.
"Perfect. See, this is why you're daddy's favorite whore," he said with a grin, pinching his cheeks playfully. "Are you okay with having your cunt out to everyone at work for me? Or do you wanna have something like a skirt to help cover you up while you cum for daddy like a good slut?"
I tensed and made a small whimpering sound at his words, my pussy throbbing at the thought of being exposed to everyone at work. I looked up at him, my eyes pleading. "I-I'll do whatever you want, daddy... I just want to make you happy..." I fidgeted with my hands a little, knowing full well that Vox likely wouldn’t approve. Not that I had a choice either way.
"Aw, how sweet. Such a good doll," he said sweetly. He thought about it for a moment- Voxteks CEO’s little toy, Vox’s little doll, sitting there in his lap at work. Fuck, the mere thought was getting him hard. He groaned and shook his head-Vox would kill him later, for fucking with his reputation, especially if it came to me.
"Okay baby, you can wear a skirt for daddy." Val sighed and pulled an extra out from a compartment in the limo- this was the one he drove his workers (and whatever poor souls that caught his eye at a club) around in, so there were plenty of clean spare clothes. He gave me the skirt, which was hot pink, one of Angel Dusts. "Put that on for me- and hurry up, we'll be there soon."
I took the skirt gratefully, blushing at the color. I quickly stripped out of my cum soaked pants, giving Val a peek of my ass before sliding on the skirt. I adjusted it awkwardly before sitting back down in his lap, looking up at him with wide eyes, then looking away, fidgeting nervously. "Is...”
"Is what, baby? come on, how many times do I have to tell you to use your words for papi?" He asked, hitching up my skirt and teasing my clit. "Spit it out, what did you want to say?"
"Is this... acceptable, daddy?" I gasped, leaning back against him as he teased me, my cunt already throbbing again. I bit my lip and squirmed on his lap, trying not to moan too loud. I was always so needy, especially when he touched me.
"Of course, l'm the one who chose it! Come on now," he said, taking my hand. He led me into his porn studio with a grin. "Daddy has to get to work."
I followed him sheepishly into the porn studio, looking around nervously at the cameras and equipment. I was always so shy in public, but when it came to him, I was insatiable. "Daddy..."
"Yes, baby?" He asked, finally taking his seat in the directors chair. He tilted my chin up so I'd look at him properly. "Is there a problem?"
"No, daddy." I said meekly, shaking my head. "I just... I don't really know what to do, and there are so many people watching..." I leaned into his touch, looking up at him, uncertain and a little… well, scared.
"Don't worry about that, just sit in daddy's lap and look pretty," Valentino said, motioning me over.
"Okay, daddy." I said obediently, sitting down in his lap- thankfully facing away from the camera. I looked a little nervous, but I relaxed against his chest, letting out a sigh. "Like this, daddy?" I asked, turning my head to look up at him.
"Not quite..." he said with a grin. He hitched up my skirt and slid his dick into me easily. "Like this. Isn't this better? How do you feel, doll?"
"A-ah... y-yes, daddy." I said, gasping as he entered me. I shifted my hips a little, trying to get comfortable. "I-it feels... good, daddy..." I moaned softly, leaning my head back against his shoulder. And getting caught in his chest fluff again. It was so soft, I hardly minded.
"Good girl," he purred. He let me get comfortable and gestured for the actors to get to work. He shouted directions at them for a little bit, then turned his attention back to me. "How are you doing? Is daddy's favorite slut feeling good?"
I was squirming slightly in his lap, clearly turned on by the scene he was filming. "I-I'm doing good, daddy." I said breathlessly. "I-l love how it feels when you fill me up like this."
"Think you can hold up for eight hours like this?" He asked, rocking his hips against mine slightly. a small movement, a small rhythm, but one he’d maintain for the entirety of the rest of his shift.
I moaned again as he continued to move against me. "I-I'll do my best, daddy." I said, a little shiver going through me. I was starting to get tired already, though, and wasn't sure if I could last eight hours like this.
"Mhm... I'm sure you will." another few minutes was all it took. He looked over at me, the expression on my face, and leaned down a little to whisper in my ear. "It's okay baby, you can cum for daddy."
I moaned even louder as he whispered in my ear, and a few moments later I cried out his name as I came, unable to hold back any longer. I slumped against him as the waves of pleasure passed through me, breathing heavily. "Thank you, daddy." I whispered softly.
"Don't mind her," Val said to his actors, with a small laugh. They hadn’t even been paying attention to us at all before he said that. "My little fuck toy here just gets a bit excited sometimes." Without warning, he pulled up my skirt for a moment to reveal my cum everywhere. It was only for a second, then he let it drop, but that was all it took for everyone to start laughing and murmuring among themselves. He kept rocking his hips against me, but only slightly now. It'd still be more than enough.
I blushed deeply as he made fun of me with the other actors, acting like it was only lighthearted banter. I wished I could go curl up in a corner and cry, but somehow I also couldn't help but moan softly as he kept rocking his hips against me, my hands gripping his waist as I tried to hold back from cumming again. "I... I'm sorry, daddy." I gasped out, my hips bucking slightly against his.
"It's okay baby, you can cum again," he purred, petting my head gently. "Cum as much as you need for daddy, okay? We'll be here like this all day long."
My eyes widened slightly at his words, and I couldn't hold back anymore. With a loud moan, I came again, my body shaking as I emptied myself for him. I panted heavily, hanging onto him as I tried to catch my breath. "I... Mmn… daddy… please…”
"Come on baby, I know you've got some more in you," he said. Hours and hours passed like this, me cumming almost nonstop. I was a whimpering drooling mess halfway through his shift.
"Who's daddy's favorite whore?" He asked softly, knowing I was too fucked out and blissed out to even comprehend anything- much less think for myself.
“I-I…” I whimpered softly at his words, my body still twitching with aftershocks of pleasure. I was completely spent, my mind a haze of bliss and exhaustion. I couldn't even think straight, let alone form a coherent thought or response. “Daddy…” I whined lightly.
“Be a doll and cum for me again,” he said with a grin.
Tears pricked my eyes as another orgasm rocked through me. I moaned softly and slumped against him again, utterly helpless.
(R.I.P. Angel Dusts skirt lmao)
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theglowingeyeballz · 4 months
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Soo… listened to the malevolent finale
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littledollll · 11 months
Y/n: “Man, why don’t I have a partner already?”
Beelzebub: “You’re literally unapproachable.”
Azazel: “Maybe because your love language is bullying.”
Mazikeen: “You physically freak out whenever lord Lucifer attempts to approach you.”
Y/n, completely ignoring all other comments, with complete gay panic: “THEY’RE TOO PRETTY TO LOOK AT!!”
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harryzroze · 4 months
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Happy Valentine’s Day folks!
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arianatwycross · 1 month
Fully believed that I could write four chapters before I go on holiday next week…I haven’t even finished one
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ur-local-ghostie · 2 years
Feanor: When have I ever done something rash or irresponsible?
Fingolfin, exhausted out of his mind: I have a list actually
Fingolfin: It’s alphabetized
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anonnie-in-wonderland · 5 months
The plan was Home Calls the Heart gets posted first since that’s what I figured everyone was waiting for, but at this rate it’ll be nightsong, then Home Calls the Heart, because HCtH is a much longer chapter. But hey, new content either way so followers who like my writing stay winning. 😅
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prose-for-hire · 4 months
I hope you know you are single-handedly feeding my Spike addiction. The show is on TV in my country and my sister started it and I joined and I swear wow. Anyway, I've already read so many of your works and saved some for later. It's always awesome! Are you still active writing wise? Because I haven't seen you post writing in a while. Just asking cause I love your stuff!
Watching Buffy and reading a lot of focs as a writer has made my brain come up with a fic plot myself lol.
Glad to be of service to your Spike addiction !!
I am trying to get over my year long writers block !! Seeing everyone’s likes and reblogs of my old work and lovely asks like this helps !!
The answer is I don’t know !! I hope to be more active and I’m trying to write a bit more !!
Thanks love (and I would love to hear or read your plot and story if you decide to post !!) 💖💖
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radioladynancy · 7 months
Omg is that a post that isn’t an art piece or a random repost? Gasp
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wren-kitchens · 2 years
every afterlife ficlet thing I do, I always start with ‘okay, this one is gonna be wholesome’ then accidentally make angst that makes people cry 
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Casually spills laxative all over my boyfriends hoodie after I get home from a weekend with him and now it looks like there’s cum all over the hoodie but in reality it’s just me doing my ed things and relapsing again
Casually though, casual
Also it’s 2am and I have class in the morning :)
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nintendadd · 1 year
Time go go cosplay as a functioning human for 8 hours
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lostryu · 11 months
bestie please tag more, so many good posts and takes but i gotta wade through the memes
no thoughts only quick reblog
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valleynix · 2 years
🌧️ rain: share a sad or emotional scene from your wip!(with context to avoid previous uhhh confusions 😅)
anyways 😒✋ /j
this one is subject to change, BUT-
now that the “reveal” of who the Reader was supposed to be is out, here’s a little scene i had planned for the “big showdown”:
(disclaimer: if you haven’t read the end to chapter eight and the beginning to chapter nine, i suggest doing that before reading this. otherwise, it’s a massive spoiler :) )
Miranda’s lip curls as she stares you down, clawed hands clenching into fists as her wings twitch behind her. “I have spent countless lifetimes attempting to recreate what was lost to me, and you’d try to take it away from me? You are nothing more than a pest in my way, and I will ensure your fate is worse than the mercy I have put you through.”
You stiffen at that, shoulders sagging as something within you screams to be let out. Somewhere behind you, Alcina’s claws unsheathe and it sounds as if she takes a step toward you-
You raise a hand back, your eyes on the monster in front of you.
How ironic, that the most human-looking one here was the most terrible.
“Mercy?” you repeat, your arm lowering as pain shoots through your fingers. Something pierces the skin on your back- “You would consider everything you’ve done a mercy?”
“Allowing you to live while you could have-“
“You should have killed me.” You stand a little straighter, something unfurling behind you. Someone gasps, but you pay them no mind. “You know how this will end.”
Miranda’s pale, golden eyes flick to the women behind you. Something black bleeds from her eye - so similar to what that lunatic has shown you in fabrications - dripping slowly down her face and jaw. “I will rectify my mistakes here.”
You glance behind you, jaw set as you look to the Dimitrescus. Daniela is held back by Bela, who looks equally as worried and ready to come to your side. Cassandra grips her sickle in her hand, mouth formed into a thin line as she glared at Miranda.
She watches you. Waits for your command, waits for you to make the first move. You see everything in her eyes - the adoration she holds for you, the pride, the pleas.
You have to come back.
She demands it.
Your lips twitch up as you look through them all again. “Let me do this alone,” you say, your voice rough. When you turn back to Miranda, she lifts her chin, watching you carefully. “Allow me to finish what you started, Mother.”
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jimmypesto · 1 year
me reading my own chloise fic: oh cool, she should update this
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wickedly-gelphie · 1 year
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this makes me:
1. extraordinarily happy
2. …feel extremely guilty for not updating more regularly .-.
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