#c’est la fucking vie
evilwizard · 2 years
from what i understand there are currently 19 large crows circling in the air above our great nation, and every now and again they swoop down and eat someone. and if they don’t eat the person then they at least maul them a bit. and a lot of people are saying “we can’t stop the crows, it’s better to just let them eat until they’re satisfied,” only weirdly enough it’s only people who can afford spiked, anti-crow roofs on their mansions saying this shit
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ploompkin · 1 year
I had a random urge to draw Roxy animal crossing style so here we are
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velnias1 · 8 months
I’m already bisexual, anxious all the time, depressed, burnt out, slightly manic half the time, adhd, and ever so SLIGHTLY ocd, I have circulation issues and shit eyesight I can’t be adding stomach problems to that list I forbid it just leave me alone and let me eat ice cream goddamnit.
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Casually spills laxative all over my boyfriends hoodie after I get home from a weekend with him and now it looks like there’s cum all over the hoodie but in reality it’s just me doing my ed things and relapsing again
Casually though, casual
Also it’s 2am and I have class in the morning :)
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scrilladge · 1 year
Please help I made this in like 30 seconds.
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quynhorlose · 1 year
saturday six!! i choose you :3
(ro you are the cutest ever)
You are at a fork in the road. You are tumbling into the hairpin turn. A promise. One good thing. A force you can’t get rid of. Time to choose, now.
James says, carefully, calmly, like he's not even the one saying it, "Your brother and I."
Sirius' eyes shutter.
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jjkxla · 2 years
seems like i’ll have to post all my fics again after all… maybe from oldest to newest??? although that’s 22 works I don’t have here and a few are of the chapter kind
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anordinaryextinction · 7 months
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TAKE THIS LONELY HEART Nothing But Thieves, Dublin, Ireland • 2018
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peachcitt · 1 year
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it’s about to be june everybody :)
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good-night-space-kid · 4 months
I cannot wait to be done with school. I’m so sick of spending 12 hours a day in class, working, or leading club stuff then having to come back and spend another 4+ hours on homework. I hate this actually. I want a 9-5 so bad.
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manicpixiedreamjop · 9 months
26 Solving for the prompts? :3c
“You’re going to jail for this.”
John started, looking around to see where the voice — strangely casual for its harsh words — had come from. He’d been certain he was alone at his little bench, tucked away in the corner of the park with his book, but he had forgotten there was another smaller path coming out of the trees behind him, connecting them to the other half of the park. He heard the man speak again before he came into view.
“You are. You’re going to jail. And I’m not going to do anything about it. They’re going to come and accuse you of theft and I’m not going to cover for you.”
His words were firm but slightly condescending, as if explaining something to a particularly stubborn child, and it wasn’t until finally he stepped out of the trees that John understood what was happening.
The man — the broad, hairy, unquestionably handsome man — had perhaps the largest, fluffiest dog John had ever seen with him, a tiny plush rat clamped delicately in its large jaws.
“Are you listening to me?” asked the man, still looking very seriously down at the dog. “You’re going to do hard time, Bear. Years, maybe.”
The dog, unsurprisingly, did not reply.
John let out a shocked little laugh before he could stop himself, and the man finally looked up, noticing for the first time that he and his dog were not alone.
“Well, shit,” said the man, fixing John with a grin that made his insides feel as if they were about to turn to jelly. “Look at that, Bear, you’ve got a witness to your crime. Now I’ll have to turn you in, can’t make this nice gentleman an accomplice.”
“I could be an accomplice,” John choked out, despite never having been an accomplice to anything in his entire life.
“Yeah?” asked the man, looking John up and down, taking him in from his sweater-vest to his freshly polished oxfords and smirking. “To what, tax evasion?”
John wanted to protest, but he hardly could, not when his boss quite literally had been arrested on charges of tax evasion not two years earlier.
“What’s he done, then?” he asked instead.
“Stolen this rat from one of the other dogs at the park,” said the man. “It’s so small and she’s so big I didn’t even realise ‘til we’d left already.”
“I walk through there,” said John quickly, words coming out of his mouth before he even had time to consider them. “On my way home. If you like I can put it on a bench or something. Maybe they’ll come back for it.”
“Oh, I can—” the man began, before pausing, seeming to consider something. “Yeah, alright,” he said finally, squatting down in front of the dog. “Guess you’re not a narc after all. Drop it, Bear.”
“High praise,” said John, and the man’s smile came back again as he caught the rat that Bear deposited gently in his hands.
“I’m Sol, by the way,” he said, getting back to his feet, stepping towards John, closer than he needed to reach out and hand him the slightly damp toy. Their fingers brushed as John accepted it. “We’re here Mondays and Fridays usually. If you want to let me know how it goes.”
“Sure,” said John, not quite understanding what he meant by it. It was only a stuffed rat. Why would John need to let him know how it goes?
It wasn’t until Sol and Bear had said their goodbyes and walked away that the realisation hit John that Sol might have been flirting with him. It wasn’t until John had dropped the rat on a bench and made it all the way back home that he allowed himself to accept that he didn’t think he would mind if Sol had been.
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fivestrandbraid · 3 months
The crazy thing about life is that you really do have to take the bad with the good which is……. challenging
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velnias1 · 2 years
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I very unintentionally wore this exact outfit yesterday
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People need to stop fucking making comments about the “dreaded freshman 15”
I have been at college for only one semester and i was so terrified about gaining weight that I lost 10 pounds and I’m still scared to eat, which makes learning properly even harder
And when I visited home for Christmas everyone I saw commented on how “skinny” I am now and everyone kept constantly trying to shove food down my throat
Why are people always so fucking focused on other people’s weight, I’m so tired I just want to be happy
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gayemeralds · 2 years
im still obsessed when sage talks about basically being in a family with eggman that orbot and cubot are involved but Metal sonic isn’t. eggdad might be real but not for metal sonic. disowned.
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ongreenergrasses · 5 months
nothing is quite the same flavor of inaccesible as an airport
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