#i’ve been in the feels about them a lotttt recently
charles-jpg · 9 months
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scheherazade | max verstappen & charles leclerc
that means it’s noon. that means we’re inconsolable.
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darkcircles4lyfe · 5 months
This doesn't have anything to do with anything, but i had a talk with a friend a few days ago, about shonen biasis and the way this shapes our expectations, and mha came up so i remembered how so many people apply those biasis HEAVILY into the manga, to the point that they sound like they're looking for a different story.
And one of those things that it seemed to be MOST talked about is exactly bkdk's relationship.
I have seen many times people from the fandom (sometimes really angrily) point out how in most cases Katsuki seems to basically take up not one, but four roles in Izuku's life and this includes putting him in situations that people associate with the MC's love interest, and it is weird that, despite Izuku "having a girl" for people to make assumptions about, he seems to completely repulse any female character that could be the counter part to Izuku's.
And this made us wonder if Katsuki's placement in those roles and lack of interest was made specifically because the author precisely did not want the actions that both do for each other as romantic but a whole another thing entirely, as a subversion for the these classic tropes, as he did by making the conflict between Ochako and Himiko not a "rivals fighting for the affection of a boy" but something that is connected to the plot of these characters instead.
Oh you bet! I am always down to talk about this, because I think about it a lotttt.
This reminds me, recently I remembered a funny habit I used to have with books I read. Like, back in middle school. I used to start by flipping directly to the last page and reading the final sentence. Usually this did not spoil anything whatsoever, but sure enough, by the time I read through the whole book, that sentence would take on new meaning.
So I started musing about what it would be like if only I could do this with bnha, if everything was already out. It made me feel so nostalgic…
Will the last panel be something grand, or something small? Hopeful or sad? Distant? Intimate? A parting message to the reader? Will it look like almost nothing of consequence to the unknowing eye—yet burst with hard-hitting subtext?
Of course I wonder about all the twists and reveals that might be still ahead of us, but it’s kinda soothing to think about how the whole thing could be put to rest. Because then I realize I’m not worried.
For once, this is not because the story is following so many tropes so predictably that I know exactly, in so many words, how it will end. It’s more like the story is a close friend who I’ve gotten to know well enough that everything they do is so “them” it makes me smirk. I'm often marveling at how Horikoshi has managed to pull all this off. How is it that (at least here in the west) people who aren't really paying attention call it basic and cookie-cutter. Even a Japanese animator called it "classic," and this interview shows such obvious dissonance between Hori and the interviewer, just... wow. But it's so clear that bnha has broken just about every rule in the book at this point, so much so that I struggle to condense it into words. I'm like--*gestures broadly at everything*--why haven't more people picked up on it??
Yet we still get bombarded with people saying "it's a shonen, c'mon, we all know how this will end." Um. No you don't. I KNOW there has to be a bunch of people who are secretly frustrated by Kacchan taking up all the roles and getting all the moments. It's not even in a mysogynistic way, because Kacchan is the most anti-dudebro character imaginable. Bkdk's relationship isn't intended for them and they know it... and you know what, I'm starting to ramble. You've heard all this before. The thing I should really be focusing on in your ask is the part where you mentioned how you and your friend were speculating about bkdk ending up as "a whole other thing entirely" rather than simply romantic.
Well, fuck it, I've been biting my tongue, but now might as well be the time I talk about this. I got into a bit of a disagreement with someone over it once and then I shut up. Because it's very difficult to approach the subject without being lumped in with those people who see bkdk as "brotherly" (ew) or otherwise try to push some "crisis of male friendship" agenda, or at the very least without being accused of enabling people to make excuses against bkdk being canon ad infinitum. So let me be clear that I do NOT want bkdk to have an ambiguous or open ending. I want their complexity and importance to be acknowledged. I want them to use their words. I think we may have created a bit of a false dichotomy there.
I am aromantic, and to suggest romantic relationships are inherently the most important and intimate goes against every fiber of my being. I also reject the idea that cut-and-dry gay representation is more desirable just because it is more easily understood by the masses than aspec representation or representation of relationships "beyond" both romantic and platonic. We recognize how ridiculous it is for people to expect Izu*cha at this point, right? Well, the reason they're so confident anyway isn't just because of heteronormativity. It's also because of amatonormativity, the assumption that romantic attraction trumps all: no matter how much focus bkdk get, Izuku blushed at Ochako, so that automatically makes them more "important." THAT is the notion that I want to challenge most. More than anything, I want bkdk's relationship to be fully acknowledged because they have so much more going for them than just attraction.
You and your friend make an excellent point, that it would be very much in line with Horikoshi's taste and the patterns of his writing so far if he chose to subvert the shonen romance trope not just by giving it to two boys, but also by disregarding its premise entirely. It's unlikely he'd try to stuff them into such a copy-paste ending right at the end.
So maybe they won't get the blushy confession, the obligatory kiss, the wedding, the 2.5 kids and a white picket fence. That's fine, we shouldn't pretend those tired tropes are suddenly revolutionary just because they're gay. But don't be disappointed! Without them, we have more room for things that are actually personally meaningful to bkdk to stand out and receive the nuance they deserve: talking through their feelings openly, building each other up like no one else can, understanding each other like no one else can, smiling at each other, embracing, holding hands, rushing to the other in the hospital, being glued at the hip (or even closer), healing mutual trauma, putting each other first in all things. Maybe we'll also get confirmation on Ochako's side as she moves on from her crush on Izuku. You know what other shonen manga took this exact angle as a way of subverting tropes and presenting genuine complexity? Blue Flag! There are so many ways to do bkdk justice.
Even a kiss isn't out of the question, if the right opportunity comes along. A perfect example of what I'm talking about is Good Omens (major season 2 spoilers) because the kiss between Crowley and Aziraphale was not at all about canonizing them. It was an expression of pain and desperation that just made sense at that particular moment. Neil Gaiman was adamant that if it took that kiss to understand the context of their relationship, you really weren't paying attention. I respect the hell out of that.
Recently I was even daydreaming about bkdk getting something similar to the sort of uh, shall we say tasteful nudity, that togachako got, because of how Izuku appears in the vestige realm.
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Ya know like not in an nsfw way but in like a "this is so deeply intimate and soft that I feel like I'm intruding" kind of way... yeah. Because it represents vulnerability and openness and acceptance of someone as they are. And I don't care if people call that bait. It's not. It's beautiful. It’s honest.
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hi friend, it's 🪼🩵
i currently have a three hour break before my next class so i'm here lol let me tell you what i did today !! 🩵 i was able to clean my room after procrastinating it for 6 months. i also got out of bed immediately and did not scroll on my phone for 3 hours. i'm a new person !!
alsoo, i need advice on smth 😓 i'm thinking of getting a job (part-time, i can't commit that much yet) like maybe a server? or like a cashier?? i just need extra cash to support my addiction of collecting things 🥹😓🤧
oh i need to mention i really like collecting makeup and i recently got into hirono figurines!! they're just so cute ugh i might send an imgur link so you can see them idk
you don't need to give advice, and if you do, it doesn't need to be lifechanging. i've js been thinking about it for like... 8 months so i feel like i should do something about it
oh, you're writing another chapter right? good luck with that my friend. i can't wait for your magnus opus. this will be equivalent to the invention of the light bulb i swear
i have quite the social energy today... i will tone it down a little. sorry if i drift between topics a lotttt it's a habit 😓 anyway take your time replying
as always thank u my friend and ily 🪼🩵
yessss cleaning your room (while sometimes the most daunting task ever) feels so refreshing! i used to leave my room so messy and i still can let it get pretty disorganized, but once i started making my bed every day i found i felt so much better. and when i don’t doomscroll, i also have a much better day!!! so good for you 😍
i think it’s a great idea to get a part time job. it can also be awesome for helping social skills, especially if you have coworkers (that’s the one thing i miss with my job. it’s just me by myself a lot of the time except when i meet with clients). i’m a petsitter and finally getting that job really changed my life. i had a lot of mental health issues and my job gave me something to focus on and a sense of purpose. it also allowed me to have some more independence, save money, and, of course, spend it on all the things i fangirl over. so i highly suggest!
and if you don’t have a block of set free time for a job, i can highly vouch for “gig work”. idk where you’re located but service jobs like rover/petsitting, doordash, instacart delivery, etc is a viable option but it comes with its own unique set of challenges as well. 🩷 whatever you choose, i think you’re making an awesome decision (even tho working does suck and we are also slaves to capitalism and so on and so forth. still gotta make money unfortunately)
also yes, send me your collections! i actually love looking at collections even if its not of my immediate interest.
taerae chapter should be finished soon 🤩 i also wrote hao’s ending and i love it sm. i’ve had too much energy the past two days, i need to calm down lol
🩵ily 🪼💘
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cancerfairy · 2 years
Exchange Reading
Hello there luv! Don’t worry about the late reply, I’ve been busy with school thing week too , also I hope your headaches gotten better! As for my questions, I was wondering if I could change them to : how will my April be ? And how will my prom go?
Your readings: your relationships dynamic
Right off the bat, I got that one of you may have a rocky past in terms of relationships. That can lead to, don’t quote me on this but, unhealthy habits in this relationship. They might be a the manipulative type and one of you may feel a bit unappreciated in this relationship. I’m seeing that in arguments there might be the tendency to play victim from either of you and the other may be a bit more forward. This dynamic kind of reminds me of a cat and mouse. The relationship might feel tense at times, not in a bad way, but there’s always tension of some sort between the two of you. Don’t worry though it’s not all bad but I do prefer to get the bad stuff out of the way first heh. I’m sensing no matter how many arguments and such, there is stability and abundance from the the both of you. Like there’s a lot of room for happiness in the relationship and even a childlike sense of joy that comes from it with stability. cards: Seven of Swords, Fives of Coins, King of Coins, Five of Wands, The Sun
First Impressions:
Ok so they see you as someone extremely intuitive and just as someone who can read the vibes of the room as well as control the vibes of the room. They see you first as someone who knows who they are but not in a bragging way but more so the lowkey way. They see you as someone who doesn’t ask for attention but attention gets drawn to you, you have a lot of presence. Between the two of you, there’s instantly a connection that can be felt from either their end or from both of your ends. They see you as someone who have their shit together like you have your life balanced out and your priorities straight. They definitely feel drawn to you at and connected in some way. As for you, you see them as someone who’s a hard worker and diligent in what they do. You might also see them as a bit tradition or even conservative? They seem like a very logical and analytical person to you, someone who has full control of their emotions yet in a way opposite to you. While they see you as someone who has control of their emotions, to them you are like that because you allow yourself to be at peace with your emotions whereas you see them as someone who simple bottles them up and is able to keep their emotions as bay. If it came down to thinking from the head vs the heart, you’d choose the heart while they’d go with their head. You could also know something about this person’s past pr their healing could be quite apparent. Your next partner has definitely been through things and you could sense them putting up a front when you both first meet. cards: (for you)the high priestess, two of cups, temperance (them) king of swords, ten of coins, five of swords
I hope you enjoyed your reading luv <3
hiii thanks!! my headaches are practically gone i just have to not push myself that hard with readings so they'll be closed for awhile. this reading resonated a lotttt tho! the relationship dynamic especially cause ik it's gonna be rough whew! the first impressions was interesting cause i didn't expect those cards for me :0
❥ your exchange: how will april be for you and how will prom go?
for you, april seems to have themes of ending cycles and it's funny because the song 'thank u, next' came on so i think this could have to do with you being done with a certain situation. this could be love or school ending soon? either way you've learned the lessons you need to learn. it might've been hard but you're ready to move on to the next stage in your life. this next stage will require some inner strength that you've learned recently to harbor. it'll also require you to step out of your comfort zone to get the things you want. but for now im seeing that the rest april will be pretty uneventful for you. you could end up feeling really bored just waiting for something to happen. you'll feel like you're really just over it and want to move on to may. i'm seeing this will be the perfect time to really settle into yourself and get in tune with your feelings. if you've been feeling sad or any mix of emotions, now would be the time to sit with yourself and feel your emotions properly. i see that you're going to be feeling guarded these days. you're going to be feeling closed off from everyone while trying to sort out your options of what to do in the future.
as for how your prom will go, lemme just tell you it's gonna be everything you wished for. im seeing you've been feeling hurt recently or during the week of prom? but i'm here to let you know that prom will make you forget all about that lmao it's like you'll immediately get over it and become so excited for prom. your focus will mostly be on the event. im seeing the event is gonna be super emotionally fulfilling for you and you're gonna have so much. it's fr gonna be perfect because we have the nine of cups here so it's gonna be like a dream come true for you. the queen of cups also came out in both readings so you're gonna be in the queen of cups mode, very emotionally secure like nothing can touch you or ruin your big night. you're gonna be the shining star and i'm seeing you might look really unique from your peers or friends. you're gonna look in the mirror and realize how far you came and how you'll completely own the night. it's like looking at all your hardwork and sighing in relief because it was all so worth it. from the cards i can just tell you're gonna be so beautiful :,) i also see you hanging out with your friends and you all taking pictures feeling like this really is the end of a great year (the world card here). prom represents the cycles i mentioned before that were ending in your life, aka school so it could be a really emotional moment for you.
channeled songs:
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aplaceforthesoul · 3 years
Anonymous submitted:
27/f i’ve never really been in a relationship my whole life. when i was young i had crushes, and i was *obsessed* with this one guy i really thought i was going to marry but he never reciprocated. fast forward to my adult life, everyone around me was in a relationship, getting married, or talking about being in a relationship except for me. the closest i had been to being in one is with this one guy i dated for about a year in my early 20s. But the whole time i was with him, i was REPULSED, and I was constantly looking for a way out but i didn’t like confrontation and i didn’t want to hurt his feelings. he would tell me stuff like how much i mean to him, and eventually told me he loves me, i pretty much gagged everytime he said that, so i broke it off.
i never had the motivation to pursue a relationship although i think in the back of my mind, i kinda do, but maybe there’s some social pressure to it also? like the idea of marriage and kids appeal to me on the surface, but everytime my mom brings up me getting married, i GAG at the idea.
recently i went on bumble and started talking to guys, and i had some REALLY good ones i was talking to. i liked one enough to give him my number, and once we started talking for a while, that repulsive feeling in my gut comes back. and i sabotaged it by getting distant until he stopped texting me altogether. and i was so mad at myself! like whats the problem?? he’s attractive, he likes what i like, he’s funny too??? and to keep this post short, i tried with girls too, so i know im not gay.
i recently discovered the term “aromantic” and immediately thought holy crap thats me! and i understand that it’s different for everybody, but personally i can maybe tolerate romantic gestures in small doses? until at some point it gets too much and i bail. but i still kinda like the idea of having one person to call your own, but i don’t know how to navigate that! like do i just tell someone, “hey, i really like you, this is an exclusive relationship, but lets just act like friends, ok?” i’ve read up on aromanticism and some said that they’re not capable of falling in love, and honestly, thats kinda scary to me?? i don’t wanna grow old alone, but i kinda do. like im not sure what i want in this regard, and i feel annoyed not knowing myself! and i can’t explain it to other people if i cant explain it to myself! (i really hope this post makes sense, im sorry of it doesnt )
hey there :* I’m so glad you mentioned aro (aromantic), because that’s the first thing I would have suggested to look into! while it can help a lotttt to read forums and other people’s experiences though, try to also take their comments or posts with a grain of salt -- just because that’s their personal experience doesn’t mean that it’s universal.
how to navigate the dating world though? it’s not easy, as there’s not a lot of information or websites set up for something like this. I don’t know of any aro-specific apps, AceApp has come up on a few searches but it seems more aimed at asexual people rather than aromantic. generally the main thing to focus on, is communication. it could help to put “aro / aromantic” in your bumble bio or other other dating apps you use -- it might feel weird, but honestly anyone who would judge you isn’t someone you’d want to match with anyway. if you aren’t keen on doing that? then yeah I really would say just that, “hey, i really like you, this is an exclusive relationship, but lets just act like friends, ok?”. sometimes being direct and straightforward is the best way to go, especially when it comes to people who don’t know you.
this post really does make sense, you’ve articulated yourself well. you don’t have to know just yet what you do or don’t want later in life? 0: it can feel pretty frustrating but honestly you really do have time to figure that out, a lot can change between now and then anyway! it’s difficult to know what you want if you haven’t experienced it before, maybe wait until you meet someone you feel a connection with? and then it might be easier to decide whether you can see yourself growing old with them or not. there’s a website called AVEN, they have a section dedicated to all things aro, it could help to chat to people there who can relate. all the best <33
- tash
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you-andthebottlemen · 5 years
58 - Original: Van taking care of you when you’re stressed (platonic)
So after seeing Catfish recently I had a lotttt of emotions and feelings. Also very stressed at the moment so writing this fic sort of felt like therapy. It’s a platonic Van x reader fic but take it how you want. I hope you enjoy it!
Love E x
Stress was one thing. What you were experiencing right now was something else entirely. The sort of stress and panic that filled your body with an uncomfortable burning feeling which made your appetite disappear and stopped you from being able to do anything at all. Completely paralysing.
You sat on the floor, laptop and notebooks spread out in front of you, just blankly staring at the screen. Your digital calendar with all the different commitments colour coded glowed dauntingly. You wanted to be sick. So much to do, not enough time and you had no idea where to begin. You were absolutely spinning out.
“Y/n. Here, have one of them peach teas you like so much,” Larry insisted as he walked through the door of your bedroom.
He held out a plastic bottle of peach iced tea, your favourite. You just shook your head, not taking your eyes off of the screen. He sighed and placed it down on your desk anyway after clearing a spot amongst all the papers and pens. Bless him. He’d been trying to help any way he could for the last few days. From bringing you your favourite things the way a dog brings their Person a toy as a sign of love, to offering to proof read your work and even attempting to cook you a roast. It meant the world but wasn’t any help once you were in this state.
The draft of your thesis was due in one short week and you were absolutely nowhere near close enough to reaching that deadline. Aside from that you’d been rostered on for extra shifts this week at work too. You just had no time and your brain couldn’t get anything straight. You just couldn’t see how you’d get everything done or how you would get through it all.
“C’mon y/n. You can’t keep going like this. What can I do?”
Larry stood leaning against the door frame. You groaned and fell back onto the floor, legs spread out. You drifted into a haze of weirdly calm panic, gazing into the off-white ceiling. You heard Larry sigh, shuffle away and put the kettle on in the kitchen.
Minutes or perhaps hours passed. You were only brought out of your staring match with the ceiling when you heard voices.
“Not even sleeping like, won’t eat. Nothing. ‘Dunno what to do...”
Larry was talking to someone, clearly about you. There was more said but you didn’t catch it. You heard two pairs of footsteps come closer and closer to your room. Staying flat on your back, eyes upwards, you didn’t look to see who Larry had brought over. But you didn’t have to look. Van walked over and wordlessly lay down on the floor beside you. He looked up at the ceiling too and rested his hands on his stomach.
“What’s goin’ on, babe?” he asked quietly, casually.
There was no sound of concern in his voice, no fear of saying the wrong thing like Larry always had when you got like this. You liked that. Sometimes, somehow, Van just seemed to get you more than anyone else and you didn’t know why. It made sense that Larry had called him as a last resort. You’d been mates with the boys for a few years now and house sat for Larry while he was away. Though you’d been staying there for the last few weeks despite him being home, working on your thesis; their wifi was better and ironically, they lived closer to the library than you did.
“Stressed,” you grunted back.
“Yeah. So, what, are you gonna stare at this wall forever?” he asked, teasing you lightly.
It worked, your eyes were pulled away for the off-white and snapped to his face instead.
He was looking at you now, a small smile curling up at the corners of his lips. His eyes glinted and his mouth hung open slightly.
“It’s a ceiling. And I guess not, no,” you replied, your voice weak but your racing thoughts put on hold for a moment.
Van cracked a little grin and sat up. He stood and stepped over you, one foot either side of your legs and held his arms out. As he looked down at you, his fringe flopped forwards over his forehead and his golden necklace fell from between his collar and hung in the air off his neck.
“Up ya get.”
You begrudgingly grabbed onto his hands. They were warm against your cold skin which was somewhat calming, and he pulled you to your feet with surprising strength. You felt like a rag doll being lifted about. Once you were standing, you wrapped your arms around yourself. You’d hardly eaten or slept and the sudden movement made you a little lightheaded. The anxiety was still going full force and your heart rate was so fast it was making you clammy. You glanced at the door; no sign of Larry, he’d left Van to deal with your shit alone.
“Come on. Bath. You look like shit love, sorry. Need to wash your hair and stuff,” Van instructed.
“Like you can talk!” you replied, reaching out to touch his usually greasy as fuck hair that was actually rather soft and shiny today.
Van smirked and guided you to the bathroom. You smelt lavender wafting from the open door; Larry had only gone and run you a bath, probably at Van’s instruction. You could have just melted on the spot. These boys were too, too good to you. It was oddly nice just being told what to do and where to go. Your brain didn’t have to operate for a little while which was a pleasant change to the constant state of overdrive it had been in.
Van left you to shed your clothes and step into the hot bubble bath. The heat warmed your bones and you could feel some of the tension leave your body. The big lights were off, only the dim lights around the mirror were switched on, creating a warm glow. You shut your eyes and breathed slowly. After a while, you dipped your head back into the water and let your hair soak.
Eventually there was a gentle knock at the door. You made a humming sound to invite whichever of the boys it was, inside. With a deep breath you brought your knees to your chest and hugged them, letting the bubbles cover you.
Van cautiously walked into the bathroom; probably afraid he’d see more of you than either of you bargained for. You just smiled at him sweetly and he placed a cup of tea down on the tiled corner between the bath and wall for you and your pyjamas on the sink.
“Thank you, Van. I love Larry. But I needed this, thanks for the push.”
“That’s alright, love. Larry’s good, but I’ve got more experience handling girls,” he replied smugly.  
You cringed a little but laughed softly. You loved Van’s easy confidence in himself.
“What! You’ve seen him, he’s a bit clueless…” Van chuckled, defending his cockiness. This just made you giggle more because Van was just as clueless, only in different ways.
“Oh don’t say that…but yeah. He’s been bringing me assorted drinks all day.”
Van joined in your laughter but was still radiating love for his best friend.
“Okay…well I’ll leave you to it,” Van said finally, standing awkwardly and looking down at you.
You felt slow and sleepy, at ease finally.
“No. Play me a song?”
“Yeah?” Van replied, his face perking up.
You nodded and shut your eyes again.
Van disappeared from the bathroom and you used this time to slurp up the tea he’d brought in. When he returned acoustic guitar in hand, Van shut the door behind him and closed the toilet lid before sitting down. You placed the mug back in its spot and lay back against the bath as Van began to softly strum some gentle chords in a melody that was slow and sweet. You had never felt so relaxed. Trying to respect your privacy, he didn’t look up from the strings, but you were too exhausted and drowsy to care anyway. A comfortable silence fell between you both and you let the sounds of the guitar reverberate against the bathroom’s acoustics, lulling you into a state of bliss.
You knew that all this wasn’t going to fix your problems, but it was good to switch off and recharge. You’d gotten yourself so worked up that you just stopped functioning. You were grateful that Larry had staged a Van intervention and forced you to calm the fuck down.
Once the bubbles began to dissolve and you were close to drifting off to sleep to the sound of Van’s guitar, you mumbled to him about getting your towel. Van held up the fluffy white towel and wrapped it around you as you stepped out of the tub. Just as before, he disappeared to give you peace and privacy.
You lazily applied some body butter to all your dry patches, the vanilla scent perking you up a bit. When you were done, you grabbed Larry’s dressing gown that was hung behind the door and put it on over your t-shirt and pyjama pants. You trudged out into the kitchen, expecting to see Van and Larry in there having a smoke, but it was empty.
After a quick glance in the mostly unfilled fridge, you settled on heating up some salty edamame beans. You took the bowl with you through the house and found the boys sat on Larry’s bed playing Fifa. When you walked through the door, Van paused the game and looked over at you with a raised eyebrow, curious about what was in the bowl.
In the bath, you sort of felt like you were on a cloud of lavender and bubbles and calm. Now, you just felt kinda numb and tired. The anxiety was mostly gone for now, and you’d gotten so used to it being there that you felt weird without it.
“Thanks,” you said again to the boys as you climbed over Van and sat between them.
You leaned back against Larry’s bed head and stretched your legs out like the other two.
“Dunno’ how Van got through to you but thank God he did, couldn’t deal with zombie y/n anymore,” Larry admitted, a dumb little smile on his face.
You gave him a look and bumped your shoulder into his.
“I got that magic touch,” Van replied smoothly, proud of himself for essentially bringing you back to the land of the living.
“That sounds wrong, mate…” Larry snorted.
You rolled your eyes at the two of them. Boys.
You sucked and chewed on the edamame beans, enjoying the salt and the satisfaction of popping the beans out of the pod with your teeth.
“Why’re you eatin’ peas y/n?” Van asked, not looking away from the screen as they’d resumed the game.
“Not peas,” you replied.
You explained what they were, and Van wanted to try. Larry had tried edamame a few times and decided he hated them. When the game was next paused, you told him what to do, reinforcing that you don’t eat the pod. This baffled Van a little, but it was cute and entertaining watching him work out the new food.
You and Larry watched carefully as Van’s face slowly transitioned through a range of responses as he put the pod in his mouth, he popped the beans and chewed.
“Don’t like the texture,” he said once he swallowed.
“Of the beans or the pod?”
“Both. Seems like hard work just for a couple peas.”
“Not peas, but yeah.”
Larry was giggling at Van’s response.
“More for me I guess,” you shrugged.
“Oi. Didn’t say I wasn’t having any more!” Van responded, his voice going all high.
With a laugh you placed the bowl down on your legs and let Van take another bean. He had the same confused and slightly disgusted reaction as last time, but you didn’t say anything because you knew he was doing it for your benefit. The laughter and the distraction were good. And so were the two boys sat either side of you.
You’d face the day tomorrow with a fresh start and knowing that if you got snowed under again, Van and even Larry, would be there armed with shovels to help you dig yourself out.
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dimplesandcurlsss · 6 years
my unapologetic love letter to the voltron fandom
This sounds like a goodbye, I promise it isn’t. It’s just me vomiting a lot of my feelings because I can’t hold it in anymore.
I was going to wait until the last season came out to write this, but I’ve been going through some funky mental things recently and I felt like now would be a nice time for a lil shoutout to all of you. A couple of years ago, I was a bit of a bigger mess than I am now. I mean, I’m still very much a mess, but a couple of years ago it was a lotttt worse. I have spent most of my life reading fanfiction tbh, in all different fandoms. Like, I started really young, and I loved it so much. It was so normal to me that I didn’t even know it was something other people considered “weird” or “nerdy” or “freaky” until I started talking about it in my daily life and seeing people’s reactions. 
Reading fanfiction made me discover so many things about writing. About my feelings, and my sexuality, and what I find beautiful in the world. It was kind of like my own version of a coming-of-age story. 
Writing fanfiction has been a whole new level to all of those things. 
When I started writing Drummer Boy it was honestly a shot in the dark. I had no idea what the fuck I was doing, or why I was even doing it. I felt dumb. But i just knew that whenever I sat down to write any of that shit, the rest of my life felt like it was melting away. And for someone with crippling anxiety and self doubt, that was a beautiful feeling. If you asked me why I actually posted it, I honestly don’t know. I knew nobody would read it. I knew that it was stupid and nobody would like it, but yet I posted it anyway and I have no idea why. It just felt like...it was time, I guess. It felt right. The first comment I ever got literally blew me away. I still remember it, word for word. I was so fucking excited, you guys. 
I’m so glad that I posted that first, mediocre-at-best chapter because....you guys this has been amazing. Like you don’t get it. I mean, you do, but you really don’t. I never ever imagined myself a writer. In fact, I always thought the opposite. I always thought I was horrible with words. With cohesive stories. Whenever I would tell stories to my friends, I felt like a dumb oaf, like I was too loud and tripped over my words and wasn’t intelligent or funny. How the hell could I be a writer if I couldn’t even tell a story without getting nervous? 
It’s sappy, but writing these stories has opened up a whole new world for me. It has made me question everything I have ever previously thought about myself. Because I see myself as a storyteller now. I see myself as someone eloquent. Someone who speaks with purpose. I see myself as someone with imagination and drive, and I’ve never, ever felt that way about myself before. It has made me question everything I previously planned on doing with my life. Really, it has made me want to create more. To make people feel things. To connect to people emotionally, make them realize that we’re all the same, and nobody is as alone as they feel, and everything is actually going to be okay, no matter how horrible it seems. 
I loved the characters in voltron enough to take a chance on them, and I don’t regret it at all. The show may not be as stellar as we all hoped, but I will never ever stop loving it, because of what it gave me. 
And to all of you--your messages, comments, kudos’, and kindness...you have been the most supportive community I have ever come into contact with. The fact that you take the time to tell me you liked the story. The fact that you come to me with your own stories, your own traumas, and your own feelings. I can’t believe that I have been given the privilege to reach so many readers, and make them feel a little less alone with their mental illness, or their sexuality, or their sick parents or rough past. It has been, and will continue to be, such a blessing to start these conversations with you. You have taught me so so much. This all has. and you are so supremely loving, kindhearted, and supportive. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart for everything everything everything. 
thank you to voltron, and thank you to all of you guys. i know this is all so random, but i love you from the bottom of my heart, truly 
Tania xxxx
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surveysonfleek · 5 years
Do you use a photo editor? i used to a lotttt when i was in high school, i was a pro at photoshop. i hardly use one anymore, just vsco to play around with colour.
Is your dad overweight? maybe reaching overweight.
Ever been honked at? haha duh.
Which do you prefer, doctor or dentist? doctor.
Name two things you put whipped cream on? brownies and my mouth. lol.
Favorite thing you’ve ever painted? nooo idea. i haven’t painted in years!
What’s your favorite type of sushi? a salmon and avocado roll :)
Have you ever had an ulcer? yes.
Do you have an imaginary best friend (i.e., someone you wish was your best friend but currently isn’t)? never had one tbh.
What’s the name of the most recent baby a friend has had? levi.
Have you ever taken medication to help you fall asleep faster? yes, back when i had to do morning shifts. they were terrible.
How did your parents pick your name? they liked it.
Can you taste the difference between Pepsi and Coke? definitely.
What is your current favorite song? no favourite.
If you had to move to another country, where would you move? usa or canada.
Do you have a balcony? nope.
Are you jealous of anyone, even mildly? If so, who? not really. i’m more jealous of people’s current places in life rather than them if that makes sense.
Have you ever done a craft you saw in a magazine? probably.
Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? yes.
What color is your teddy bear? i don’t have one.
Who is a singer that has given you chills? beyonce.
Do you watch America’s Got Talent? nope.
Do you think you could win America’s Got Talent? with what talent?
What act would you perform in a talent show? haha i couldn’t tell ya.
What area are you the most gifted in, do you think? i have an eye for photography i guess. not super gifted, but better than most.
Do you eat dessert every day? nope.
What was the name of your first imaginary friend? never had one.
What is your state’s bird (if you live in the US)? i don’t live in usa.
Which style of wedding dress is your favorite? no idea yet actually! i’m not entirely sure what would even suit me.
Do you wish on stars? no. i’ve never seen a shooting star before lol.
Do you enjoy editing videos? it’s pretty boring but i enjoy doing it. idk if my macbook can keep up anymore though.
Do you enjoy editing photos? sure.
Do you cry out to God in desperation frequently? no.
What is your birth order in the family? eldest of two.
If you gave birth, do you think you would want it filmed? ummm. i don’t think so lol.
Do you think it’s better to talk to a counselor or talk to a friend? depends on the situation. whoever the person feels more comfortable in sharing personal info with.
What would your dream job be? i have no idea :( things have changed so much in the work force, i just don’t know which direction to take. i just don’t want to waste any more time.
Who’s the last person you talked to about sex? irene.
Who was the last person to be on a bed with you? my boyfriend.
Are your parents divorced? no.
Who do you think is the most attractive actor? avan jogia.
Have any of your friends ever overdosed? no.
What’s the exact location of your house/car keys right now? they’re hanging on the usually place we hang our keys at home.
Who was the newest addition to your family? victoria.
Do you like Muse? nope.
Have you ever been caught doing something REAL embarrassing by your parents? haha only smoking.
Do you have any birth marks? In embarrassing places? yes and no.
Do you believe in reincarnation? not sure...
Do you have any of your neighbors as friends on Facebook? haha yes.
When was the last time you thought about sex, or sexual things? today.
If you married the last person that liked your Facebook status, what would your new last name be? i haven’t posted a status in years.
Does the sight of blood make you squeamish? only excessive blood. What was the very first social media site you signed up for? friendster. Can you see yourself marrying your current partner? perhaps! If you were in a coma, who would be making healthcare decisions for you? my mum. Do you have commitment issues? nope.
Are there any flowers planted outside your house? yes, plenty.
Are you cool with swimming in a lake? eh, i don’t like the idea of it. it depends how clean the water looks.
Do you have a drone? nope.
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floydig · 3 years
Ask Game
@dynazty thank you for tagging me, naz!! 💛💞❤️💗
1. why did you choose your url?
my name + 2 random letters = floydig !!
2. sideblogs?
I have a 911 / 911 Lone Star sideblog that I use occasionally
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I made this blog in summer 2020 to lurk. I didn’t start posting my own stuff until November 2020.
4. do you have a queue tag?
Sometimes I q things randomly for a couple days. I tag it #q because I m very creative. BUT I think I’m going to start queuing more things without tagging it.
5. why did you start your blog?
To lurk and look at gifs/posts about Ian and mickey 💛❤️💞💗💛❤️💞💗
6. why did you choose your icon?
I changed it very recently!! It looks like me... kind of lol
7. why did you choose your header?
It’s a picture that I took and thought it looked cool
8. post with most notes?
One of my older drarry microfics from when I was first starting out. It’s not one of my personal favorites though!! Just a popular trope I think :)
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I have no clue!
10. how many followers do you have?
A few!! Hi everyone!! I’m glad you’re here :)
11. how many people do you follow?
12. ever made a shitpost?
Not intentionally! (I rarely do original posts besides my writing)
13. how often do you use Tumblr each day?
It depends on the day and what I’m doing!!
14. have you ever had a fight/argument with another blog?
No, I just filter out things that I don’t like to see.
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I don’t like them and I skip them.
16. do you like tag games?
Yeah!! But sometimes I forget to do them
17. do you like ask games?
I’ve never done an ask game before. My asks are always open though! 🎉
18. which of your tumblr friends/mutuals do you think is famous?
I have no idea lol
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
😈😈 (jk I dont haha)
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velvetchen · 7 years
Anonymous | pt. iii
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[ back to masterlist ]
Scenario: Tumblr AU Pairing: Chanyeol/Reader Word Count: 1339 Rating: T
Summary: Can you fall in love with someone you’ve never met? You just shot to tumblr fame when the latest chapter of your webtoon went viral. Messages start flooding in – hundreds of people saying things good and bad alike. One anon catches your eye, and you find you just have to reply to them…
<< previous part x next part >>
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New message [Draft] [12:23 PM]
To: XXX-XXX-XXXX (Unknown number)
You: Hey C, S here ^^
Send a message…
Anonymous asked: Dear S, sorry if giving you my number was a bit too sudden. I mean I did say I’d like to keep my privacy, but I also really want to get to know you! You don’t have to reply if you’re not comfortable. Sorry again. Sincerely, C
New message [Draft] [1:36 PM]
To: XXX-XXX-XXXX (Unknown number)
You: Hey C, this is S!!
[Message sent] [1:53 PM]
[1:53 PM] You: I don’t mind texting. I would love to talk to you some more. 
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[1:56 PM] You: i can’t believe i just texted C 
[1:56 PM] You: >.< [2:01 PM] Jia: whoa you mean that anon from your tumblr  [2:02 PM] Jia: you got his number?   [2:03 PM] You: yeah he gave it to me…  [2:04 PM] You: i’m so nervous jia what if it’s a wrong number or he thinks i’m too desperate or he’s a pedophile stalking young girls on the web  [2:06 PM] Jia: calm down  [2:06 PM] Jia: has he replied?  [2:07 PM] You: not yet ;;;;; 
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Anonymous asked: how many followers do you have
It’s somewhere around 8,000 now and I don’t think it’s slowing down anytime soon ;;;;
Anonymous asked: how the fuck did you get famous? You’re trash and your webtoon is trash. I don’t understand why anyone likes it.
Well, I suppose everyone is entitled to their own opinion…
exordiums asked: S there are so many fan theories going around! Can you confirm or deny them because I’m at my wits’ end here
Nope! You’ll just have to wait till the next update ^^
Anonymous asked: what happened to C?
Anonymous asked: i’ve read a lot of webtoons and none of them are as bad as yours, honestly
Thanks :)
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[3 New Messages]
[4:43 PM] XXX-XXX-XXXX (Unknown number): Hey S! You won’t believe how relieved I am to hear from you [4:44 PM] XXX-XXX-XXXX (Unknown number): I thought I scared you off for a minute there [4:44 PM] XXX-XXX-XXXX (Unknown number): How are you doing?
Send a message…
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[4:48 PM] You: JIA HELP what do i say [4:48 PM] You: sent a photo [4:50 PM] Jia: you’re so dramatic [4:50 PM] Jia: just be normal [4:51 PM] Jia: it’s not like he’s your crush or something [4:52 PM] You: I know -.-
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[4:55 PM] You: Don’t worry, you didn’t! I’m doing well, I had a long day today. How about you? [4:59 PM] C: Good :) [5:00 PM] C: I had a long day, too. Work ran late, but it’s the weekend so I’m looking forward to resting. [5:01 PM] C: What about you, do you have any plans for the weekend?
[5:14 PM] You: Nope, no plans! I’m going to work on SS,  it’s actually pretty hard to do one chapter a week :( [5:15 PM] You: You’ll probably find me slacking off lol. Don’t tell [5:17 PM] You: Where do you work?
[5:32 PM] C: I can imagine. It takes me ages just to think of a concept for a song, I don’t know how you manage [5:33 PM] C: Haha I told you, I write music. I was lucky enough to make it my livelihood
[6:19 PM] You: Songs are a bit harder, IMO? You’ll have to fit a whole story in such a small amount of time, that’s a lotttt harder than writing a 100-episode webtoon [6:20 PM] You: Oh, that is lucky. Sounds like a dream job [6:20 PM] You: Maybe I’ve heard of you. Imagine that
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baeked-potato asked: I’m so sorry you’re getting hate already. SS is a great webtoon, one of the best, you should feel really proud of it~~ <3 Fighting!
Thanks so much ;A;
Anonymous asked: so are you going to answer any of our fan theories or no
No :)
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WEBTOON Highlight: Strawberry Shortcake sets record for fastest webtoon to reach 1M views!
In romance webtoon Strawberry Shortcake, girl-next-door Yoon-ah’s life is turned around when Jin-ho, a handsome vampire, takes an interest in her. But maybe everything is darker than it seems at first glance…
Strawberry Shortcake, written by author S, recently crossed 1.5M views on LINE Webtoon alone.
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Yoon-ah’s obviously going to end up with Jin-ho. I mean, he has so much depth as a character, and they complement each other so well. They have that classic chemistry everyone knows and loves. Yoon-ah is sweet and innocent, Jin-ho is that dark, brooding, protective guy. Do you guys remember from one of the earlier episodes when they were late coming home so he took her out for dinner and he was just so caring and gentle. The ship is real.
lol i can’t believe you’re just going to forget about the lake scene
Oh no way. Seong-jin is waaaay too extroverted for her. That lake scene was either a) a once in a lifetime thing or b) he was trying to get something out of her (or into her lololol)
I mean, who trusts a vamp who makes crass jokes and flirts like crazy one moment, then turns into a sweet lover the next? Nope
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[7:49 PM] C: Do you think so? [7:49 PM] C: I mean, I guess it sounds harder when you put it that way, but I’ve never really found it that difficult [7:50 PM] C: When you write music, it’s about you and what you feel inside...but when you write a book or a webtoon, you’re writing about another character that you have to create feelings for [7:51 PM] C: Or characters [7:52 PM] C: That’s just crazy. I don’t know what I’m feeling myself half the time [7:53 PM] C: Imagine ;) [7:55 PM] C: I’d say it’s pretty likely
[8:36 PM] You: When I think about it, writing a song is really scary lol [8:36 PM] You: Just the thought of putting my true feelings out like that and having people know it was me is just terrifying honestly. I’d rather hide behind my characters, I’m a lot more comfortable there [8:37 PM] You: And yeah I know you don’t have to write music about yourself specifically but what’s the point of making art if you’re not going to express yourself [8:38 PM] You: I hope you get it lol [8:39 PM] You: Seriously??? I’m not asking or anything, but now I’m really tempted to listen to one of your songs ^^
[8:44 PM] C: We have a totally different outlook, I’d say :D [8:45 PM] C: What’s so scary about revealing how you feel, though? [8:45 PM] C: It gets easier with time [8:46 PM] C: I understand. If I wasn’t allowed to write my own music I would’ve gone crazy [8:47 PM] C: Freedom is something a lot of us take for granted [8:49 PM] C: Hmm. I’ll have to hold out on you [8:51 PM] C: But maybe I’ll let you listen one day
[9:02 PM] You: Yeah, definitely different lol. It’s good to have another perspective once in a while though [9:03 PM] You: I don’t know, I think I’m scared of people using it against me? Or something like that [9:03 PM] You: I actually don’t know. I’ve never thought about it [9:04 PM] You: That’s a good question, I’ll think about it and get back to you [9:05 PM] You: How long have you been writing music? [9:07 PM] You: I’ll be waiting! :) [9:08 PM] You: Then it’ll be my turn to be your biggest fan
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Hi! So... recently I’ve wanted to experiment with myself. Being a young woman, who still lives at home, I feel like I need something that isn’t very obvious. I’ve discovered that fingers aren’t the only thing that can bring pleasure 😉. Do you have an recommendations? Thanks for your time!!!!
Hello! I’m not sure if you have preferences as far as an insertable toy vs one for outside stimulation vs double penetration, etc. There’s sooo many types of toys, so sometimes it’s experimenting with what you like/want. 
However, my go-to recommendation is a clit vibe that I swear by. I”ve tried various other vibrators, and none of them gave me the level of vibration needed to orgasm, which was really disappointing. However, this one was recommended to me by a fellow sexologist and holy shit, I will never not own one. It’s a-ma-zing. It packs a big punch and gives a lotttt of vibration, and it’s honestly really damn quiet. If I have it under a blanket, I can barely hear it. I have two cats who are super nosey, and they don’t even pay attention to it, even if it’s on in the same room as them while they’re sleeping. It’s also rechargeable (so yay, no batteries) and has 20 settings (although I hardly ever make it past setting 1 or 2, heh). I’ve had at least a dozen people order this after I recommended it, and the vast majority loved it. If you’re not into a lot of sensation/friction, it might be a bit overwhelming. I personally need a lot of vibration, and this thing more than delivers. 
HERE is the link to it. And since it’s through Amazon, it just comes in a regular Amazon box that you can take up to your room to open. I will warn that it eventually will burn out from use, and the lifespan of it depends how often you use it. I just recently ordered my third one, after my first two died, but it’s been about 5 years since my first one, so 3 in 5 years isn’t that bad, especially for the price and how amazing it is. 
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eruptiions · 4 years
@strcngwomxn​​ A S K E D : ‘ Odds 1-9 ’
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ONE: see my previous post!
THREE: see my previous post!
FIVE: if you HAD to choose, who’s your least favorite muse?
this makes me sad because i love all of them but i would probably say my least favourite would be maybe emmaline. literally only for the fact that she is incredibly underused because a lotttt of people haven’t listened to or read OB: the next chapter. and that’s fine!!! i love her character it’s just that she’s barely ever used. that’s okay though, still love her <3  SEVEN: which one of your muses has the most ships? UUUHHHHH i think that would be sarah!!! she might have this crazy thick wall up but if you can break off enough pieces she will love you to bits and there are a few people who have succeeded uwu NINE: why were you drawn to each one of your characters? imma make this short and sweet. it also totally derails by the end. sarah manning: her ferocity and impulsive nature really got to me. her backstory and also being a major outlier in the ob story. delphine cormier: her loyalty and devotion to the clone club made me really fall for her but she is also my favourite character from ob  so that also is probably why. cosima niehaus: i’ve always been drawn to cos but i never wrote with her much until recently. that was heavily influenced by cophine as a ship and a certain someone- @jcyfulmess​ gave me the encouragement to really get into her as a muse UWU kira manning: kira always showed so much potential in the show and i adopted her as a muse to really flesh that out fully and ob: the next chapter has also certainly helped with that emmaline francis: listening to the next chapter series made me appreciate the new faces in the ob universe and something about em being to passionate about her work really spoke to me! beth childs: i’ve always loved the tragedy, pain and discovery in beth’s back story and i connect a lot personally with her character as well.  emily prentiss: emily is my favourite character from cm and has been since i was a wee lass. i have a strrrrrong feeling that it was the way that paget brewster herself played such a hand in emily’s strong apperance on-screen that has always made me love her. eve polastri: sOOOOO i just super love sandra oh and eve is just such a great character??? hello she has aN OBSESSION with hired hitmen and she’s just like a weird fangirl over villanelle kind of??? like it’s totally wild but she works so well and yeah. love her. villanelle: SHE’S MY INSANE BABY OKAY I JUST LOVE HER IDK HOW ELSE TO DESCRIBE IT JUST WATCHED KILLING EVE AND NEADED TO BRING HER IN. cheryl blossom: cherly is a mean bitch and i love that about her. her also being big gay makes it even better and i relate!~ zelda spellman: zelda can step on me any day of the week and i would say thank you. but apart from that i love the way that she’ll stop at nothing to protect her coven but she also has a soft side seldom seen. i love witches, what can i say?
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places-people · 7 years
a small gay Australian aka @abeautifulrestart tagged me in a thing so like here I guess (only cause I like you Ben) Under a cut because it’s long and I’m considerate like that guys really 
5 Things You’ll Find in My Bag 1-5) I do not carry a bag (I could never deprive the world of the small portion of my chest and back the strap would cover)
5 Things in My Bedroom 1) a box full of letters and memories from friends 2) five books with tucked corners yes I am reading them all you don’t know my life 3) a box set of Harry Potter books displayed (minus one being read) because I do know my life 4) a giant “Intervention” Banner  5) Ridiculous things like Keegan Whicker’s “book” (Bc I’m Selfish’s mvp according to him lol), a photo of me offering coke to Tyler Hoechlin, and a large wooden sound making frog to name a few.
5 Things on My To-Do List 1) Get abs like @mas0nj4r jfc I’m going to the gym right after I do this 2) do something fun for my birthday on Monday 3) I need to make dinner does that count at all 4) I need to make my bed? 5) get over a boy smh
5 Things People May Not Know About Me 1) Idk I’m 6′4″ 2)  I have extremely vivid dreams. I use to have night terrors and would wake up screaming/in pain from them but that happens less often and now I just have intense plot lines that feel real that I can remember all but perfectly (I’ve had this... not reoccurring dream so much as continuing dream that’s been going on for about a year about my closest friends and I but with powers fighting a melevolent force and demons to try and save the world that’s been happening for over a year that we all just refer to as The Series because it almost always picks up right where the previous dream ended (except in a few cases where it was more dramatic to show something else or it had a filler episode honestly it’s a wild ride currently my friends are finally all back together after we had been separated this entire time with our different but converging plot lines and we’re trying to repel an invasion opening in Antarctica but turns out that was a distraction dun dun dun) 3) I’ve never had a boyfriend and only recently had my first good date/second date (then it was quickly downhill anyway sigh boys are the worst) 4) I am very poor and often didn’t have enough food growing up. Also as a two-fer I’ll elaborate saying I’ve monetarily supported myself since I was 18 and my parent’s kicked me out after I graduated high school  5) omg I use to be super fucking into One Piece like that was my SHIT but I didn’t watch any other anime lol (I’m talking a few years ago, like when I was 18. Not as a kid- I watched the Sailor Moon Movie a lotttt when I was 10. Crap now the theme song is in my head smh) anyways this was long so like I’m not forcibly tagging anyone but if you read all this and want to feel free? You can say I tagged you I’ll back you up on that. Okay I’m going to the gym bye xoxo
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whereimfeminine · 7 years
Fandom ramblings
Lately, but particularly after yesterday, I’ve been thinking a lot about the role I/we play in the fandom, especially with regards to posts I sometimes make/reblog criticizing behavior by Larries. I often wonder things along the lines of why I am spreading this, is it accomplishing anything, should I just be extra about Harry and move on with my life, etc. Realistically, I don’t actually think my post calling out misogyny in Larrie posts or whatever else is going to change the mind, even remotely, of any Larrie blog with a huge follower count that has its heels dug in deep. 
So then I’ve been concerned that maybe I’m just writing these posts so that people who already agree with me will reblog them and we’ll all feel validated in some way. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. But I worry that maybe it deters/scares away people who are on the fence/recently stopping believing in Larry because they think we’re this amorphous notion of an “anti” that has been painted as terrible. Which, I don’t even really consider myself an “anti” although I think that’s how I’m probably viewed at this point. I don’t have any set view on what I think Larry’s history is/was, because at the end of the day, we really don’t know anything for sure and I’m not going to pretend otherwise. 
But I don’t consider myself an anti because I mean, I started more or less as a Larry blog and I don’t think it’s inherently bad to have believed they were together at some point, maybe even until pretty recently. And I think a lotttt of us have struggled because it feels like many antis are hostile due to once believing in Larry, and many Larries are hostile because #defection. So we’ve been building our own place and gaining support from others, but it can still feel weird leaving such a large community like larries. 
I always felt fine with supporting larry when I entered the fandom because it felt fun and harmless--I was just supporting (without pretending to know for sure) the idea of two boys in love. And there are some pretty darn convincing reasons to believe that. But then as 2016 wore on, the people I followed got more and more hostile, misogynistic, critical, etc. And then I saw people being really really terrible to people who I followed and really liked/respected who spoke about changing their minds (y’all who dealt with that and remain so kind/open to others are the tru mvps 😘), and it suddenly just stopped feeling....fun. It felt mean. And I felt really uncomfortable at the notion that if you change your mind, you should be silent and not talk about why (especially since the people speaking out that I knew were all women, and it felt like another attempt at silencing them). I had most feet out the door but was still intrigued when the news of Jay’s passing broke. And for me, that made me realize it wasn’t harmless, not in the least. Jay was harassed, criticized, etc, all over social media because of larries. I think Louis’ approach to social media with his son is shaped in large part by larries. Even if Larries are right and it’s not his kid, I realized I was unwilling to take the risk of being wrong on that and causing harm to a family that was already hurting so much. 
So that’s left me here, making weird long pointless posts like this. I started this all with the intent, I think, of saying that I’ve realized particularly the past few days that having posts by people coming from this mindset criticizing larries is important because it feels, in a way, like a perhaps more accurate “source of news.” Like popular larrie blogs have shaped this narrative that Louis is a horrible, terrible dad. And if you’re in the mindset of larries/following only larrie blogs, it’s easy to get disenchanted and buy into that. So even though that anon was a troll yesterday, it was important to me to show that if you look at things from another way, it’s clear he really isn’t a terrible dad. And it’s insulting to him to say he is. That video showed us how much he loves his son and beams at him. And we have to let him be a human and make life choices without jumping to critical conclusions. I guess that’s why I feel like those posts are worthwhile-- for people who are on the fence, recently changing their minds, aren’t sure, etc. There are other ways of looking at things. 
And the behavior by many Larries is, truly, terrible. I know we all could just be Extra about our faves and move on, but to me, I’d rather see the fandom become a better and more positive space. I don’t want the misogyny and negativity and disillusion towards Louis as a father that is pervasive in many larrie blogs to become the norm. I think speaking out and saying “this is not normal, this is not okay” is important in this fandom and especially right now, in real life. I know this may be “just a fandom,” but I also know that posts I read on tumblr have and continue to really shape how I view the world. Especially because there are so many young people in this particular fandom, it scares me to think that they’ll read posts about violence against women, objectification, etc, and view that as “normal” and consistent with allegedly espousing a feminist viewpoint. It’s not. 
All of this to say, if you are a fence-sitter or uncertain or have questions or whatever, I hope this helps you understand why I post some things you may perceive as hostile, and know that they’re not meant to deter you from talking to me (or many other wonderful people). I’m happy to chat about things and talk through things or just be nice to you if others are being nasty. I do post critical things, but it’s because I think it’s important to attack the norms being generated, and not some of you as individuals. 
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gethealthy18-blog · 4 years
Zero Waste Hacks for Your Entire Home
New Post has been published on http://healingawerness.com/news/zero-waste-hacks-for-your-entire-home/
Zero Waste Hacks for Your Entire Home
As most of you guys know, I have been on a journey over the last few years to lead a more sustainable lifestyle and try to be less wasteful. As with all areas of my life, I didn’t want to make a huge, abrupt change, I just noticed where I could make small, sustainable changes and where I could be less wasteful. Which is where the idea for this blog post came about! Sure, you could go buy a bidet or purchase a bunch of reusable items but I wanted to give you some simple, practical changes for all areas of your home. Some things you likely already have and some you may need to invest in, but I promise they are worth it. I’m hoping you get some good ideas out of this post to help you embrace a more sustainable lifestyle. Let’s jump in!
Food storage – Do you have empty pickle or kimchi jars? What about mason jars laying around your house? Glass jars are the perfect container for seed, nut and leftover food storage. No need to invest in fancy Pyrex… use what you have!
Paper towels – Be honest: how many paper towels do you use in a day? I used to use A LOT. Something about knowing you’re grabbing a fresh, clean towel to wipe your hands or the counter… But not anymore! Cut up a stained old t-shirt or use cloths or rags instead of paper towels. Don’t have any spare rags at your house, invest in some “unpaper” towels. Store all of the clean towels in a cute jar on your countertop and then have another jar or container under your sink to put the dirty ones. When your dirty pile is big enough you can do a load of wash and reuse.
Spice containers – Do you toss your spice container as soon as it’s empty? Think about reusing them! You can bring your empty spice container to most grocery stores to refill. If you have other small jars laying around, use those for your spice jars!
Saran wrap – This stuff makes me cringe but I will admit… it works well so I understand why people use it! BUT I have a substitute for you. These silicone stretch lids work soooo well, are reusable and super easy to clean! Bee’s wrap is also a more sustainable choice.
Sandwich/snack baggies – I feel like I used these A TON growing up but use them less so now. Now, I’m obsessed with reusable silicone bags. I love these Stasher or (Re)Zip bags. 100% worth the investment. Alternatively: reuse what you have! Yes I’m the girl who washes her ziplocs…no I have zero shame about it!
Grocery Shopping
I considered making a separate blog just for grocery shopping but for now, I’ll leave you with two simple tips!
Be conscious of what you’re grabbing at the grocery store.
Do you need plastic bags for your produce? No! Just wash them when you get home. If you really need a bag for your produce consider buying the reusable cloth bags.
Are you purchasing a lot of packaged food that you could either skip or purchase in bulk using reusable containers?
Instead of buying individually packaged products (like cheese or fruit) buy in bulk and portion them out yourself.
Look for “free” produce instead of packaged. (i.e. greens, brussels sprouts, etc)
Bring your reusable bags. You’ve heard this 125320 times but I’m reminding you again! You don’t need a fancy, trendy reusable tote. Work with what you have. Most of my reusable bags are the Outdoor Voices fabric bag.
Soap – Do you use one bottle of soap and then throw it away? Think about using a bar of soap or buying soap in bulk and refilling a reusable container! Lots of zero waste stores are popping up where you can bring a container to fill of laundry detergent, hand soap… alllll the things.
Razor – You may not know this but there are reusable razors! And I’m not just talking about the good ol’ Venus razors with replacement heads (still wasting!). I looked up a lotttt of razors and what I found is this: brands either have a program to recycle the blades for you or they make blades you can recycle on your own. I didn’t find any that will sharpen and send you back your blades so if you know of any of those brands please let me know! Albatross has a cool blade recycling program and Package Free gives you instructions on recycling your own blades.
Menstrual Cup – I did a whole post about why I switched to using a menstrual cup (and why I’ll never go back to tampons) so check that out for the full details BUT have you thought about how much you waste every time your period comes around? Not only are you tossing countless feminine products but also the individual packaging. Highly, HIGHLY recommend switching to a menstrual cup! I use the Lena Cup but have also heard great things about Saalt, Lunette, Dot Cup, Dutchess or OrganiCup.
Cotton Pads – Do you use cotton pads to apply toner or remove your finger nail polish? Did you know there are reusable fabric pads? Buy a pack of super affordable fabric pads or make your own if you’re feeling fancy! Toss them in the wash with your towels and you have reusable fabric pads. Again, you can just use an old t-shirt or towel for this purpose as well!
Makeup Remover Wipes – Instead of using a single use makeup remover wipe each night, use a microfiber cloth to remove your makeup. You can use it all week long and then toss it in the wash for a deep clean!
Cleaning + Laundry
Laundry Detergent – I mentioned this earlier but did you know that you can buy laundry detergent in bulk instead of buying multiple plastic containers a year? I couldn’t find any online but lots of local zero-waste shops sell their own detergent that you can stock up on. Shop small and waste less = win, win! Branch Basics also had a refillable laundry detergent option.
Dryer Sheets – Besides being potentially toxic (source) we used to go through soooo many dryer sheets! A super simple swap is to use wool dryer balls! If don’t have any, they’re super affordable on Amazon or better yet grab some tennis balls lying around! If you like the scent that dryer sheets add to your laundry, add a couple drops of essential oil to the dryer balls.
Sponges – I didn’t know this until recently but there are reusable sponges! If you’re a sponge lover, grab a couple reusable sponges so you waste less. Hint: if you don’t want to buy anything, you can always just use old rags/cloths and keep reusing them! A few months ago I picked up some wool scraps from a vendor at a farmer’s market. They make the perfect biodegradable sponges but as soon as I’ve used them up I’m buying some reusable sponges since I know wool scraps can be hard to come by.
All-purpose cleaners – So many cleaning products and especially all-purpose cleaners come in plastic bottles. Think about grabbing some reusable spray bottles or using some you already have to make your own cleaning products! I’m obsessed with Branch Basics and use it to clean my entire home. Seriously. Grab your Branch Basics starter kit here!
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itismetheperson · 6 years
My Essentials For Fall
This is my first collab of the month and I've decided to do fall essentials with the awesome Lanie! It's so fall now. Like it's november y'all. Winter starts in december, we don't have long. I thought it would be fun to roundup some of our top essentials and just things we need for this fun season. :) *there are some links in this posts that are affiliate links which means if you buy something through the link I will get a small comision to no extra cost to you
Blanket One of my favorite thing ever probably year round is cozying up in a blanket but it's even better in the colder months. I am literally under a blanket as I type this. They just make me feel so cozy and calm.
Use my code "hottowncoolgirl" to get 15% off
Cute sweaters Sweaters are freaking great y'all. I think some people don't realize the greatness of the sweater. It saddens me honestly. Like that's not cool. You can slip on this thing which is probs supes cute so you'll be even cuter than you already are, you'll be warm, and it's comfy. Seriously the amount of times I've worn that one sweater that my grandma made for me is too many to count.
Use my code "hottowncoolgirl" to get 15% off
Hoodie  I was just talking about sweaters but hoodies are a whollllle other level. Hoodies don't even compare. For most of the year I like sweaters better because I can actually easily take them off easily where with hoodies I really can't. For those like two days that it's actually cold in houston though? YEAH HOODIES ARE MY BEST FRIEND. They can be so cute and are just so cozy which is I guess the theme word for this post haha. Hot drink I have been drinking these hair hot chocolate things that cocoa locks sent me recently like every night and it's probably not good?? But I'm still going to because it tastes really good and it's supposed to be good for your hair so like IT'S HEALTHY OK DON'T JUDGE ME. I also drink (herbal) tea a lotttt. I just love warm drinks especially at night cause it calms me down and is good when it's cold.
Something orange Fall is the season of halloween and just all things orange so for fall of course you need orange things. It could be a whole t-shirt or maybe it's room decor. A mini pumpkin alllllways works. I have this cute little hair clip that has a little spider on it and its orange and black that I've been wearing lately that I think is super fun and just puts me in the mood.
Leggings I lovvvvve leggings so much!! I actually don't have that many though so like if anyone wants to change that I would be soooo fine with. Leggings are perfect for fall when it's too cold for shorts but it's either not cold enough or you're just not feeling, lets say, pants. Plus you can layer them and they're just super comfy.
Boots I love boots of allll shapes and sizes (shoutout to my two pairs of converse boots that have now both broken, someone get me new ones please and thanks) but I've especially been loving my booties I've been wearing a lot lately!! You can dress them up and down and just ahh I love.
Yayyy that was fun. I hope y'all love that! Make sure to go check out Lanie and all of her fall essentials. :) Comment down below what your fall essentials are! 
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