#i’ve literally got nothing for selina harley ivy
chronicwhorebatman · 5 months
flirting with the idea that all of batman’s rogues are the other side of the coin, so to speak. so far i’ve got harvey is what happens if he stops believing in the justice system, joker is what happens if he stops caring, penguin is what happens if he were more corrupt, riddler is what happens if he valued his intelligence over everything else, scarecrow’s what happens if he values the fear aspect over his ability to also comfort people…
you get me?
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marauderundercover · 3 years
Taking Chances Ch. 18: Girl’s Night (Heroes/Villains)
Teleporting back into her room in Gotham, Marinette flops onto her bed. Passing Kaalki sugar cubes and Tikki a cookie, she suppresses the urge to scream into her pillow. She was sick and tired of Hawkmoth. Sick and tired of being the one who has to fix everything. She just wanted one week with no Hawkmoth, no akuma attacks. But no. Of course not. Of course he just had to send out a stupid akuma every single day. Because why not. How’re people supposed to know he’s still being the main villain of Paris if he takes a freaking day off? Once she finds out who he is, she’s going to punch him in his stupid face. A knock on her door pulls her from her plotting ways to get back at Hawkmoth. 
“Come in.” She sighs, sitting up and forcing a tired smile on her face. 
“Marinette, your father wanted-” Selina starts, pausing as she looks her over. “Come on kitten, we’re having a girls day.” She says. Marinette raises an eyebrow. Sure she’d met Selina before, but they hadn’t really hung out yet. 
“What?” She asks. 
“You look exhausted and angry, sweetheart. Spending too much time with these boys isn’t going to help. So you’re gonna grab anything you need for an overnight trip and we’re going to go watch movies and eat junk food til we’re sick.” Selina instructs. Marinette grins, jumping up and shoving stuff into her backpack. She puts Kaalki’s glasses into her purse and lets her and Tikki fly in before she turns to Selina. 
“Ready!” She says, practically bouncing up and down in excitement. It’d been ages since she’d had a girls day with anyone. She was so ready to just take a break and be silly. 
“Well come on then. Harley and Ivy are going to adore you.” Selina says, slinging her arm around Marinette’s shoulders. Somehow, they manage to not see anyone on the way to Selina’s car. Which is weird, but it is a weekday so everyone probably had something to do besides sit around the manor. Pulling away from the manor, Selina flips on the radio, the new Jagged Stone song blasting full volume.
“Nice taste in music.” Marinette says with a wide grin. Selina smirks. 
“I have to like the man at least a little, his designer is one of my kids after all.” She says. Marinette smiles, a warm feeling flooding through her. Selina didn’t have to accept her with open arms, she didn’t have to treat her like she was her own daughter. But she did, and Marinette was so thankful for that. Thankful that even so far away from her Maman, she still had a Mom there for her. The two nod along to the music, scream singing the chorus together as the car pulls to a stop in front of an apartment building. Marinette glances at the building, suddenly nervous. Would Harley and Ivy like her? Or would they just tolerate her for Selina. 
“Don’t make yourself nervous, sweetheart. Harley and Ivy are two of the sweetest people I know. They’re gonna love you.” Selina says reassuringly, reaching over and squeezing Marinette’s shoulder. Marinette lets out a breath before nodding. 
“Okay, let’s go.” She says, grabbing her bag and jumping out of the car. She follows closely behind Selina, not wanting to give anyone the chance to get between them. You could never be too careful in Gotham. They walk into the building and go straight into the elevator, Selina pushing the button and leaning up against the wall while they wait. Marinette bounces on the balls of her feet, excitement and nerves bundling together. The second the elevator stops, Marinette’s out, following Selina down the hall. She pulls out a key, winking at Marinette before turning and unlocking the door. 
“Honey, I’m home!” She calls, and Marinette’s jaw drops. The apartment was quite literally covered in plants and vines. They were beautiful. She grins as one of the vines near her leans towards her, a small flower blooming at the end of it. 
“And who did you bring with you?” A tall woman with red hair asks, walking into the room. The designer inside of Marinette instantly has a million questions about the woman’s outfit. It seemed to be made entirely of plants, but she could also tell that they were still alive. She had no idea how the woman had managed that, but she guessed that it was something that couldn’t be replicated for someone else. 
“I’m Marinette. Nice to meet you!” She says with a wide smile. The woman, who Marinette assumes is Ivy, grins back. 
“Nice to meet you, Flower. I see you’ve already made a friend.” She says, gesturing to the vine which was now wrapped around Marinette’s wrist. Marinette giggles. 
“Well, I was hoping they liked me and that’s what this was. I have a garden back in Paris, and I’d hate to find out plants actually hate me.” She says. Ivy shakes her head. 
“No worries there. They adore you, it’s a little odd if I’m honest.” Ivy says, dodging Selina who tries to flick her. 
“Did I hear Selina?” Another voice asks, a short blonde woman walking into the room. Her hair was short and choppy, the small pigtails at the top of her head dyed pink. Marinette grinned at the woman’s outfit- a Gotham Amusement Pier t-shirt, Batman pajama pants, and hot pink fuzzy socks. She wondered if her dad knows that Harley Quinn has Batman pj pants….probably not. 
“Yes, with a guest.” Selina says, plopping onto the couch and gesturing over to Marinette, who was still standing by her new vine friend. 
“Hi! I’m Marinette, it’s nice to meet you.” She says, smiling and waving with her free hand. Ivy whispers something and the vine squeezes a bit before letting go, letting her move away from the door. 
“Well aren’t ya just the cutest!” Harley squeals, running forward and giving her a big hug. “Didjya finally join your boytoy’s adopting habits?” Harley adds, still clutching onto Marinette. Selina snorts. 
“No, he beat me to her. But she’s definitely mine, too.” She says, making Marinette’s face turn red. Harley coos at her, ruffling her hair before stepping back. 
“So what brings ya here? Get annoyed with Bats already?” Harley asks. Marinette blinks in shock. Harley knows? She thinks about it for a minute, and realizes it just makes sense. They’d been fighting long enough and then he started his relationship with Selina, who was one of Harley’s best friends. It just made sense that Harley (who was extremely smart) would put two and two together. 
“No, just thought that Mari could use a girl’s day. She’s been stuck with just the boys for over a week.” Selina explains. Harley gasps. 
“The horror!” She says, making Marinette giggle. “Come on pumpkin, I’ve got the comfiest jammies ever. Oooo, and we can paint our nails! Ivy, find the movies, Selina, you’re on snacks. This is gonna be so much fun!” Harley orders, grabbing Marinette’s hand and tugging her along to one of the bedrooms, Selina’s laugh echoing throughout the apartment. 
“I did bring pjs, ma’am.” Marinette says, once Harley stops tugging her and starts searching through a drawer. 
“Bet that can’t be comfier than the ones I’ve got for ya! And call me Harley kiddo, or Auntie Harley if ya wanna.” She says, looking up from the drawer to smile widely. She looks back and cheers in victory, pulling out a pair of bright red pajama pants. Marinette snorts when she notices the logo all over the pants. 
“Really?” She asks, giggling. Harley smirks. 
“We’ll have to take a picture of us and send it to your old man. Really get ‘im riled up.” She says. Marinette nods excitedly, taking the Robin pants from Harley. This was gonna be awesome. 
Bruce sighs, looking at the news report from Paris from earlier. The damned butterflies were hard to track. He was used to figuring out problems quickly, and this one was taking too long for comfort. It wouldn’t bother him as much if it was anywhere else, but it was directly impacting his daughter. She was being hurt daily, and she’d even died and now she was plagued with nightmares. All because of a man with some magic jewelry. God, he hated magic. A knock on the study door stirs him from his thoughts. 
“Come in.” He says.
“Hey B, have you seen Mari? I was gonna ask her if she wanted to go get ice cream with me and Little D.” Dick asks, leaning against the door frame, Damian standing next to him with his arms crossed.
“Not since breakfast. There was another akuma attack earlier, but it wasn’t a bad one. She wasn’t injured.” He says, remembering the completely strange battle from earlier. It was some man with pigeons, and apparently this was the 34th time the man had been akumatized over pigeons. 
“Did you not check her room after the battle?” Damian asks, eyebrow quirked. Bruce sighs. 
“It was the pigeon one again. I assumed that she’d want to take a nap, if anything. She still hasn’t been sleeping well. Tim said she’s awake every morning when he comes up for coffee, whether it’s three or five, she’s up.” Bruce explains, frowning at the thought of his youngest daughter’s sleep habits. He certainly didn’t need another sleep deprived coffee addict like Tim. It wasn’t healthy. 
“Well I already checked her room. She wasn’t there.” Dick says, and Bruce frowns, pulling out his phone to send a text to Tim and call Jason. One of them had to have seen her. She never left the house without telling one of the family, unless it was for a battle. 
“What.” Jason says gruffly, Bruce is just grateful he answered. Up until a couple of months ago, Jason would have rather thrown his phone in the river than answer one of Bruce’s calls. 
“Have you seen Marinette?” He asks, getting straight to the point.
“No? Why? What’s wrong?” Jason asks, and Bruce hears shuffling as Jason rushes around wherever it is he is. 
“Nothing. I’ll call you back.” He says, hanging up. He glances down at his texts and notices Tim hasn’t seen her either. He frowns, but doesn’t panic yet. Pulling out his computer, he pulls up the tracker that was on each of his children’s phones. He scans the map, frowning when he sees that her phone is still in the manor. In her room. He stands and swiftly moves past his sons to get to his daughter’s room. He knocks, waiting for an answer. None. 
“Marinette?” He calls, knocking again. “I’m opening the door.” He warns, pushing it open. He frowns at the empty room, nothing appearing out of place. 
“Do you think she had to pop back to Paris for something?” Dick asks, coming up behind him. Bruce shakes his head. 
“No, she would have told us. Suit up, she has to be somewhere in-” He stops as his phone chimes. He looks at it and feels all of the tension leave his shoulders. 
Took our youngest daughter for a girl’s day, back tomorrow XO. Of course Selina had her. 
“She’s with the Sirens. She’ll be back tomorrow.” Bruce says, suppressing a smile at the annoyed look on his youngest’s face. She was safe, and that’s what matters. Even if he was certain he’d have to listen to Damian complain for the entirety of patrol. 
“Make all the boy moose go WAAAAAAAAA!” Harley says with the movie, laughing loudly. Marinette chuckles, passing Tikki a cookie in her purse before sticking another spoonful of ice cream in her mouth. 
“I still like the first one more.” Selina says, taking a sip of her wine. Harley sticks her tongue out at her before turning her attention back to the movie. 
“Do you think Mia is secretly a superhero?” Marinette asks, frowning in thought. 
“What on earth are you talking about?” Ivy asks, eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Even Harley pauses the movie to turn and stare at her. 
“Stan Lee.” Marinette says with a shrug. 
“Is that s’posed to mean something to me, kid? Cause I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about.” Harley says, obviously confused. Marinette huffs. 
“Stan Lee makes a cameo in this movie. And Stan Lee is the creator of Marvel, right? He’s made a cameo in like, every single Marvel movie. So is Mia secretly a superhero? Is that why he’s in the movie?” Marinette rambles, almost flinging ice cream at Selina as she gestures crazily. 
“Sweetie, how much sleep have you had in the past three days?” Selina asks after a few moments of silence. 
“Not important. Is Amelia Mignonette Thermopolis Renaldi, Princess of Genovia, also a superhero? Does she secretly work for SHIELD? Or is she more like Iron Man, like a freelance superhero? Was she a hero in San Francisco too? Or did she take over a hero's mantle when she moved to Genovia? Cause she was really clumsy in the first movie and also super awkward, but now she’s less clumsy and she seems to be more put together, but are heroes really put together? I don’t think so. I think sometimes heroes pretend that they’re put together to make everyone else feel better when in all reality they’re seconds away from a breakdown themselves. Is Stan Lee coming to recruit her for SHIELD? Is that why he’s in Genovia? Does SHIELD have any jurisdiction there? Is there a Genovian branch of SHIELD?” Marinette rambles, suddenly stuck on the topic. Seriously, why is Stan Lee in Princess Diaries 2 if Mia isn’t a hero? Why would he-
“Kitten, take a breath.” Selina says, her hands on Marinette’s shoulders helping her to ground herself. Marinette takes in a deep breath, letting it out slowly. She blinks a few times, instantly feeling bad. 
“I’m so sorry.” She says, frowning. 
“What for?” Harley asks, looking confused. 
“For ruining girl’s night.” She says quietly. Selina pulls her into a tight hug and Marinette sinks into it. 
“Sweetheart, you didn’t ruin anything. I don’t know everything that’s going on. But what I do know, is that you rambling out a conspiracy theory about the movie we’re watching is not ruining girl’s night. Trust me. One time, we invited your brother Dick, and he ate all of the cookies by himself.” Selina says, Marinette snorts. Of course he did. “Now that’s a way to ruin girl’s night.” She adds, squeezing her once more before leaning back.
“Let's watch something that we can just get lost in and not have to think at all.” Ivy suggests, looking through the stack of dvd’s. Marinette glances over, eyes instantly catching one of her favorite movies. 
“Legally Blonde?” She suggests, Harley squeals. 
“That’s it, you’re officially ours. Brucie can fight me.” She says, putting in the dvd. Marinette laughs, laying her head on Selina’s shoulder, grabbing a handful of popcorn. She could get used to nights like these.
Next Chapter
Bonus chapter: Harley Vs Bruce
Drawing of Harley and Mari’s pajamas
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miss-choco-chips · 4 years
From Baby to Babe~
I once wrote this  https://miss-choco-chips.tumblr.com/post/190983954737/theres-a-point-in-all-the-rouges-gallerys-lives and @theturdis wanted a fic about it, so... Just remember, you asked for this hon. This ain’t my fault.
Tagging @animemangasoul who just told me to tag them the next time I wrote something. 
Fair warning everyone, I somehow did this in one sitting, and, I can’t stress this enough, there’s no edit whatsoever. Like, none. Enjoy, if you can ignore the eyesore of my multiple mistakes.
Bruce despairs in the knowledge of his sons growing up hot.
When Dick came back to Gotham as the new Nightwing for the first time ever… well. 
Bruce didn't like to think about the first suit, back then. All those feathers and glitter, the plunging V neck, the mullet… His son had insisted on it being the trend at the time. Bruce just couldn't grasp how was he supposed to blend into the night and take anyone by surprise. There was too much... everything, and not nearly enough stealth.
He was an innocent man, back then. He looked at a horse gift in the mouth and was completely blindsided when it raised on it’s hind legs and kicked him where it hurted.
When Selina approached him a few weeks after N had come to him with the blueprints of his new suit, he had been quiet relaxed. Or as relaxed as one can be when crouched like a gargoyle and looking over the city. He was just getting back on track after… Jason (it still hurted, and probably always would, to think about him), his new partner helping in ways he couldn’t foresee, violence tampered by Tim’s brilliant smile every time he came to Bruce with the answer to a particularly difficult riddle he had been having trouble with. He had to get his act together, because Tim was so bright, mind so beyond what Bruce could ever aspire to, and he was at such an impressionable age… If Batman allowed himself to fall deeper into despair, he would set a dangerously bad example to the kid, which could be really damaging… to the world at large. He was the kind of kid that B wanted on the side of Justice, because the opposite would be quite catastrophic.
So yes, he had been very distracted lately, merely glancing over Dick’s blueprints, noticing the lack of brilliantine and gold, and giving his wholehearted approval. 
Stupid, innocent man he was. He had needed Catwoman of all people to open his eyes.
(To this day, he still wondered about Alfred’s reason for not warning him sooner. Perhaps, and this was the theory he had running, the old butler had been just so delighted at seeing the Disco suit gone, he would approve almost everything in its place, and Dick’s virtue had never been his responsibility to preserve, so to hell with it.
Betrayal always hurted the worse when it came from those closest to you)
-Hey handsome.
She rolled her eyes, already beyond his brood, and just walked out of the light, joining him into the shadows with a sigh at his dramatics. 
-No theft today?
The woman grimaced a bit, letting herself fall at his side with as much grace as she did everything else. Diamond claws scratched at her scalp, carefully not tearing the frail skin, and Batman finally conceded and turned his head to look at her directly. She was never so hesitant.
-Look. I really, really don’t want to be the one telling you this. I would literally rather leave this to anyone else, but… it’s getting out of hand.
-What is it?
-Nightwing. Hadn’t you noticed anything about him?
That got whatever rest of his attention she hadn’t already caught. Speaking of his sons always had that effect on him.
-What happened to him?
-Nothing, just… He’s been out a lot, hasn’t he? I thought he didn’t operate in the city as much…
She was stalling, which was worryingly out of character for Selina. But since this was about Nightwing, he had to be patient and let her talk her way into whatever information she was going to lay on him.
-I’ve been… -training a new Robin, not that he could tell her that- busy, lately. He’s picking up the slack while I’m focusing on it -a.k.a helping him both patrol the streets and teach Tim. 
-I noticed the changes, yes, whatever therapy you’re doing is great for you -she encouraged, more honest than he thought her capable of. He could already see her deadpan when she figured out the reason for his change, his ‘therapy’ as she put it, was an eleven year old thrusting himself at this dangerous life of his.
-Well… Anything noteworthy about him lately? Crime Fighting related?
Since she was stressing the words so much, he gave them deep thought.
-He has been on a streak lately. A lot more arrests… What’s your point?
He could almost see the second she internally said ‘fuck it’ and just blurted everything out.
-That’s because his new suit is, and this is coming from me, B, indecent, and every criminal out there is focusing more on his ass than his punches and flips so he’s kicking ass easier.
Bruce kicked his way to the forefront of his mind, the father in him hip checking the vigilante out of the way so he could properly freak out.
What? He knew the suit was a lot more tight than the former one, but he’d been so relieved at it being mostly black he hadn’t given more than a cursory look… and he barely saw the man in it, often training together in workout clothes and coming and going to patrol at different times. He… wasn’t prepared for this.
-Excuse me?
-I’m sorry, someone had to tell you. Normally, I’d be completely on board with a suit change from boring to daring, and you know of my good relationship with leather, but I’ve literally seen that kid grow up. If I have to listen to Harley talking about Nightwing’s ass one more time, Ivy won’t need to worry any more about the Joker killing her, because I will do it myself.
He wanted to thank her for standing up for his son, but he was still busy internally screaming.
-You want to hear Riddle’s last work? While looking directly at N, he asked ‘is buttcheeks one word? Or should I spread them?’. And then he winked. Winked, B. At your eighteen year old kid. You need to get your ass on gear and make sure Nighting changes his. I mean, I’m getting used to it, but you’ve been doing great lately, violent wise, and I’d hate for you to relapse because you heard Zsaasz asking N to tie his ropes tighter and harder.
B… needed to go back to the cave and call N back early. They had to talk.
When Jason came back, the first thing to break past the ‘holy shit my son is alive’ wall surrounding his brain was just how tall he had grown. How strong, how broad, how big. The little boy he had picked up from the street, underfeed and hurting everywhere, had turned out almost bigger than B himself and twice as brave. The wave of pride he felt was massive, but the feeling was short lived. 
Jason was killing criminals, had even attempted to murder Tim. Even if the father in him could, in his desperation, try and overlook the first bit, the same side couldn’t get past the second. Tim was as much his as Jason, and he couldn't turn a blind eye to it.
The relief of him being back that overflowed from Bruce clashed horribly with Batman’s unbending morals, and the two sides warred for days for control. The attack on his youngest son had been the deciding factor in who finally won; Bruce couldn’t fight the darkness in him when he needed it to help protect Robin from his predecessor, as much as it pained him.
Theirs was a long road, a difficult path to come back together as a family after so many mistakes on both parts (more his than Jason’s, he knew, but admitting so was so hard…), but they had finally, finally came back together. All his children, sitting around the dinning table at the manor, throwing food at each other behind Alfred’s back, Dick failing to give Jason a noogie, Tim succeeding in elbowing his way past both of them to claim first picks over the brownies, Damian rolling his eyes while sneakily drawing in his notebook what B suspected was a portrait of the three of them, Cass and Steph laughing at their antics… His heart felt like it could give out.
Again, his mind was anywhere but in… that. Already used to the dirty looks aimed at Nighting, he focused his anger into strength behind every punch, taking care to kick specially hard when aiming at the criminal’s genitals as light punishment for the lust they aimed at his oldest, but not longer trying to essentially castrate them.
He had the hang of it, and it was just one child. He could do damage control with one, it wasn’t that hard. Stephanie wasn’t really his, just under his protection as a mentor, and even then, she was mostly Barbara’s; Cass could and would take care of anyone who dared look at her in a way she didn’t like, so she was also good. Seventeen year old Tim and thirteen year old Damian were babies, so they wouldn't be an issue for a long, long time.
And then. And then, Steph had opened her mouth.
-Why can’t Tim do this? -she had whined, raising the heels to eye level and studying them with profound distaste- I hate fighting on these. He’s much better than me at that anyway, and he makes a hotter chick than I when he goes full out on his undercover gig.
Red Robin, who was walking past her on his way to the training mats, high fived her.
Barbara’s voice came from the Batcomputer, Oracle’s voice filter not needed while they still were on the Cave.
-Because he and Jason can’t act like a couple for more than two hours before one of them breaks into hives or laughter, and this is an all night long gig. 
-Then why can’t Tim and Dick go? You just need a girl as pretty arm candy distaction, the guy is the one who’s gonna do the work, and Nightwing can take care of a few drug dealers himself.
-While Dick is certainly pretty enough to gain permission to enter this very private party -the man, stretching with Tim, stopped mid motion to give the computer finger guns. Barbara coughed to cover a laugh and kept going-, the goal is for him to be invited into the boss’s personal office, and we can only do that if he’s interested in what he sees. From what Tim gathered for me on his last recon, he favours… Jason’s body types more than Dick’s.
Bruce, who was just getting out of the locker room, suit fully in place except from the cowl, raised an eyebrow at that, stopping to analyze his second oldest. Tilting his head, and still as confused, he asked what would undoubtedly bring him an unhealthy amount of regret in the very near future.
-What does that mean? Jason’s...body type? You mean tall? Dick is also pretty tall.
There was total silence in the cave for a few moments. Dick and Tim got up from their positions, shared a look, and made a run for the showers, claiming they were ready for patrol (they weren’t, not warmed up enough, but he had other things to focus on now). Damian, already fully suited, tutted and dragged the hood of his cape over his face, almost completely covering it. Cass looked on impassively, and Stephanie seemed to be getting a worryingly amount of glee from whatever this was.
Jason himself was… blushing? What?
-Who’s gonna tell him? -finally asked Barbara, amusement breaking her professional facade.
-Oh, me, me! Let me do this!
Apparently still a naive man, he nodded at the blonde, ready for someone to clear this up for him.
He was regaled with a half an hour long rant about biceps, pecs, and thighs that could compete against tree trunks and win. It was supported by apparent citations from different criminals that ranged from appreciative to full on scandalous.
In the end, everyone left the cave, Batgirl with a notorious spring on her step, and Bruce had to stay home instead of going out, needing the night to fully process about his second son, almost twenty one but twelve in his mind’s eye, apparently featuring in multiple Arkham calendars. 
He came out of that realization a scarred man, to say the least.
It was barely a few months after his traumatic chat with Stephanie when it happened again. He’d like to say he was ready for this.
He wasn’t.
When Conner Kent found him, he was completely focused on his WE’s work. For once on the office, with the TV providing some white noise in the background, he was fully prepared for a day catching up. He couldn’t keep letting Tim take over most of the work, the kid deserved to have a normal (or as normal as any of them could achieve) teenage life.
He was of course notified the moment the meta breached the city’s limits, but figured he was here on Titan’s business or hanging out with Tim. The light knock on his office window was a big surprise.
-This is unexpected, Conner. What can I do for you? -he greeted after letting him in- Tim isn’t here today, he’s giving a press conference.
-Yeah, I know. I’m actually here for you. We, the team, heard from Tim you’re making the blueprints for his next suit.
This conversation was already going in a very confusing way. Why did they care about Tim’s gear?
-Well, you need to double check with us before you show anything to him -something akin to indignant surprise must have shown in his face, because the meta quickly raised both hands-. We don’t mean that as you needing our approval, of course you’d know better how to keep a non-meta well protected. We know jackshit about kevlar and armor. But it’s the… style, that has us worried.
He let the anger bleed out of him, replaced with puzzlement.
-What do you mean?
Conner looked down, as if gathering strength, then up and straight into Bruce’s eyes, a feat very few younger heroes could achieve. This was serious.
-Tim isn’t big like Jason, or as… stretchy as Dick, but he has… very, very attractive features. I won’t go into detail with you about how thin his waist is, how shapely his legs or cute his ass. That’s not something I need to say or you to hear.
Yes, it definitely wasn’t. Bruce was having an inkling as to where this was headed, and he didn’t like it. Tim was a baby! Barely eighteen and so damn small!
-But I do need to tell you, his ugly ass suits have been good at keeping that all on the downlow. We made fun of him for them, sure, but never encouraged him to change, because we know what will happen if he does. It would be awful. You think Nightwing and Red Hood have it rough? Tim has Ra’s Al Ghul’s undivided attention and appreciation. If we add attraction to it? Mayhem. Absolute mayhem. We can barely keep him from being kidnapped by older, nasty villains as it is. We don’t need the extra work, sir. I’m begging you on behalf of the team, don’t let him get anything that would look good on him. Like that Untranet suit he told me about, for example. That one would be so bad. Or the Red Robin one with tighter pants and a domino under the cowl so he can take it out and flash the world his luscious hair. 
Bruce fell back into his desk chair. Elbows resting on the table, he buried his face into his hands.
A long silence filled the room.
-You already approved and made one of those, right?
A small, shaky nod.
-...The Ultranet one?
A firm shake. 
-Fuck me. The Red Robin with tighter pants and domino?
Another nod. Conner sat abruptly on the empty chair in the other side of the desk, like a puppet with its strings cut.
-Well, fuck. 
Fuck indeed. 
Bruce despaired.
This time, he would be ready. He swore it on his honor, on his oath, on his parents.
So when Damian turned sixteen, growth spurt kicking in (he towed over Tim, and it wouldn’t be long until he left Dick in the dust as well), he made a thought but necessary call.
He phoned Talia.
-We need to talk. About Damian, and… sex appeal.
Her shock was evident even through the phone.
-Excuse me? My son is a child. He has no such thing.
He closed his eyes. Once, a long time ago, he’d been just as naive. Now he knew better. 
It was a hard lesson to learn, but she needed to. And quickly. Damian was growing faster than his other children. Time was of essence.
-Let me tell you what I wish I knew years ago, when Dick decided to change his Nightwing suit.
She was probably going to hate him for opening her eyes like this, but Bruce just couldn't do this alone. 
He could deal with Talia’s hate, but criminals lusting after his baby son? Hell no. He might actually go rouge.
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x-gotham-rogues · 4 years
Scarecrows: A Guide
Here to aid anyone who doesn’t want to spend hours scrolling Scarecrow blogs just to find out a few of the general consensuses; Apologies for any mistakes or missing elements. In fact, the list isn’t complete yet due to my staggering lack of knowledge in the Scarecrow fandom, so DM me if you’ve got anything to correct or add!
BTAS/Muppet!crow: Precious baby, must be protected at all costs. Universally acknowledged within the Scarecrow fandom that if anyone tries to harm the muppet baby, they will suffer the consequences. Some people take it too seriously, though looking at you toxic Lyle Bolton haters. Somehow a redhead. The animators should’ve decided on how he actually looked like because there are so many versions of BTAS Scarecrow you couldn’t count. Also, the whiplash from this scene: https://youtu.be/zHPJcN0CvnY is the most iconic thing ever.
Year One: Very good-looking, considering his predecessors. I think he’s the only Scarecrow who’s been confirmed to actually be from Georgia, but comics screw the canon over anyway, so basically all Scarecrows are southern now. You’ve got Year One to thank for that, though I’m not complaining. I want to kiss him.
Lantern!crow: Kind of underrated, a Yellow Lantern. Had his ring taken STOLEN from him. I’m not supposed to put personal opinions here, but he definitely deserved that ring, and it’s a shame he doesn’t get to keep it. He earned that ring 100%, fair and square. Not to mention, he’s actually hot as FUCK. He’s a smexy, smexy man
Nolanverse/Murphy!crow: The pretty one, period. He’s just so good-looking, is he even Jonathan Crane? The most handsome Scarecrow in all the land, but I would recommend enjoying content of other Jonathans as well. There’s nothing wrong with being entranced by how gorgeous this Jon is, it’s a common feeling, I assure you. My favourite? Not really. His smile though, be still my beating heart
Gotham!crow: From the TV show, and the one I’m most familiar with because Gotham was the show that got me into the DC fandom. This Jonathan is younger than all the other rogues in his universe, with a possible exception of Selina Kyle (and Ivy, if you don’t count all those incidents). Him in season 1 is adorable, but Gerald really screwed him up. Quite literally my first crush, ever, and the beginning of my love for Scarecrow in general.
Sale!crow: Pretty much no one dislikes this version of Scarecrow because he’s just so iconic. Almost always talks in rhymes and/or stories. When being talked about in a light-hearted sense, it is common for him to be referred as the one with the long face, the one with the tol hat, or the tallest of the tall. Named Sale!crow because he was created by Tim Sale, that had me confused for a while.
Harley Quinn!Scarecrow: Adorable baby boy, on par with Muppet!crow. Maybe had a crush on Joker. Should’ve had more screen time. We demand justice for the baby boy, who was killed via acid to the face because he unmasked Batman. Damn you, Joker.
Arkham!verse: Sir Shirtless, Lord Lanky, evil in a good way. His VA is absolutely precious and is one of the coolest guys ever. One of the most popular incarnations of Scarecrow (along with Murphy!crow, Year One and BTAS), some fans of this version of Scarecrow hold grudges against Croc. If you know what happens in the games, you’ll understand why.
New 52: Most controversial of all the Scarecrows, one of the major factors being because he hurts children. I don’t know much about this one, since content about this Scarecrow is very limited, once again thanks to the debate around him. The facts I do know about him are: a) he wears round glasses, b) he’s got major daddy issues, and c) a lot of people don’t like him.
Masters of Fear: The OG Scarecrow from the Masters of Fear comic. Actually very cute. He looks thin enough to snap in half, but for some reason I still want to hug him despite the knowledge that if I do there’s a 99% chance of his spine breaking. Under-appreciated, even though he’s the original, and I love him.
HHSD: From the movie Happy Halloween, Scooby-Doo! Basically BTAS Jon if he was even more edgier and no longer a redhead. They’re both cranky old ex-professors and I want to shower them both with kisses because I love them. Canonically an Elvira fanboy (welcome to the bandwagon, we’ve got snacks).
Got any more facts and/or Scarecrows I’ve forgotten or don’t know about? Please don’t be afraid to DM me more stuff. I’m learning new things about Jonathan Crane every day!
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kideternity · 4 years
For the ask game: Helena Bertinelli, Selina Kyle, Cassandra Cain, Harper Row, Dinah Lance, Diana Prince & Stephanie Brown
Oh god oh yea okay hold on op this will get long (under read more)
Helena Bertinelli
How I feel about this character: I adore her 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 literally my wife my muse my love
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Dinah, Karen, Renee
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Helena and Eel, John Henry and Zauriel ^_^ also think she and Vic Sage should have “LETS GO LESBIANS LETS GO!” Energy together
My unpopular opinion about this character: I love Barbara dont get me wrong but shes an AWWFUUUUUULL friend to Helena 😭😭😭 like I LITERALLY CANNOT GET OVER HOW BABS CANONICALLY BEFRIENDED HELENA SOLELY TO MANIPULATE HER ORIGINALLY... not to mention all of that unnecessary beef over dick and like OTHER PEOPLE calling Helena batgirl.....
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I wish she stayed with the justice league for more time so much 😭😭😭 I have a soft spot for JLA (1997) always its my fav critically examined run but MAN helena getting fired when the first run was ending pissed me off!!!!
my OTP: Probably right now Dinahelena? Tie between Reneehelena and that one
my cross over ship: I don’t have a ton of non dc media I like but Liz sherman from hellboy maybe
a headcanon fact: She has a wine cooler in her car at all times for people to grab a drink from if needed, the only rule she has is to try not to spill it everywhere because it’s a bitch to get out of her leather seats
Selina Kyle
How I feel about this character: Admittedly idk a ton about Selina I need to haul ass on reading catwoman solos 😭 I've had a complicated relationship with her but as of right now I like her! I think she’s cool
All the people I ship romantically with this character: All i'm turning up is Zatanna bc my friend writes really good zee/selina fics wjwjajajwua stan randy!!!!!
My non-romantic OTP for this character: I am like OBSESSED w the small little friendship tidbits Helena B and Selina have....... its not suer amazing or anything but huntress year old Selina insta best friending helena made me 🥺
My unpopular opinion about this character: IM NOT REALLY SURE WHY SELINA IS CONSIDERED A GOTHAM CITY SIREN NGL.... like its most likely definitely me knowing nothing Abt popular characters but its just always struck me as kinda weird/the only thing ivy harley and selina have in common is like. The most well known bad women in gotham
my OTP: idk sry !
my cross over ship: Felicia hardy purely because its just really fucking funny to me
a headcanon fact: Selina fucking hates Gnort more then anything imaginable
Cassandra Cain
How I feel about this character: I like her!!!!! Definitely my second favourite batkid after Duke ^_^
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Steph
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Duke! Ultimate siblings. Also just like the idea of Lonnie and Cass getting along bc they tell old men they suck
My unpopular opinion about this character: Cass should not be able to beat everybody. She should not be able to beat people of unimaginable power such as Dr Fate. Like I think she could defeat normal fighters, or maybe enhanced fighters, but actual metas and magic casters etc I don’t think she would be able to, especially since iirc she almost fucking died fighting metahuman assassins??? So
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: I know we all say it but let cass be batman v_v but also let her be batman and let carrie Kelly be her batwoman so that they can absolutely hate each other I wanna see that play out
my OTP: Stephcass im basic
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: Duke introduced her to heavy metal now she cant get enough of it
Stephanie Brown
How I feel about this character: I like her! I still need to continue reading her batgirl solo and more but I like her! Good character!
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Cass
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Lonnie ^_^ Rebirth lonnie is literally so OOC and nasty I don’t wanna hear any bs abt how its ‘better’ but I did like the idea of Steph and Lonnie being friends and I think it'd work still with Lonnie’s good characterisation
My unpopular opinion about this character: Timsteph is a bad ship its objectively bad and I hate it a lot also Steph kissing Tim knowing he was dating Arianna was shitty writing/a dick move on her part i just hate all of it its comp het the ship
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: OKAY I NEED TO READ MORE STEPH COMICS FIRST but I am perpetually haunted by my idea of steph in the future becoming huntress.... I Ponder It
my OTP: Stephcass lol
my cross over ship: Gwen Stacy and Steph could be fun :O
a headcanon fact: She doesn’t like condiments unless it’s say, syrup for waffles
Harper Row
How I feel about this character: I used to be like obseeeeeeessed with harper used to think abt her 24/7 but ive mellowed down a lot.... havent read her comics in like literally ages...... still love her a lot tho
All the people I ship romantically with this character: nobody 😔
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Steph and Cass being Harper’s friends was always cute to me also I like when I think both or just Steph was Harper’s roommate it was fun
My unpopular opinion about this character: Mostly nobody seems to fucking care about her 🙄 you guys cry for gay batkids 24/7 but you wont even acknowledge harper existed........ smh
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: that she stuck around more : ( i liked how her brother cullen sorta became this like oracle esque figure so I like the idea of her being a vigilante in some place like bludhaven maybe w Cullen giving tech support
my OTP: n/a :/
my cross over ship: not really a ship but maybe Miles and Harper teaming up one time?
a headcanon fact: Would really like to own a pet snake
Dinah Lance
How I feel about this character: I love women.... I love this woman.......
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Ollie, Helena
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Babs :] best friends 4ever !
My unpopular opinion about this character: Dinahs done a lot of fucked up things and like i dont even mean like in a “its bad writing way” i mean just like consistently dinah is not perfect and she shouldnt be regarded as such and i dont like when people do
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: Wish she stayed with the JSA longer :[ I really liked her with the JSA it was fun!!!!
my OTP: Dinahelena 💜🖤🤍💛
my cross over ship: n/a
a headcanon fact: She's really bad at cooking most dishes
Diana Prince
How I feel about this character: I LOVE HER a very interesting character with a lot of interesting lore
All the people I ship romantically with this character: Zatanna, Natasha Teranova
My non-romantic OTP for this character: Clark and Bruce ^_^ they are her close friends and teammates and I want absolutely nothing to go on between them. Ever.
My unpopular opinion about this character: Not abt diana specifically But damn yall when the fuck you guys gonna actually.... talk about diana.... like when are you going to make metaposts about her and hot takes and so on as much as you do for ppl like bruce
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon: She and Natasha should have gotten married whilst in space together period it was homophobia to have Natasha just go back to russia and never show up ever again
my OTP: Wondermagics
my cross over ship: not a ship again but LET HELLBOY TEAM UP W DIANA
a headcanon fact: She's really good at pottery! Especially during the sculpting stage
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drawingsanddrabbles · 7 years
July 19th
i felt kinda bad that I didn’t know it was tim’s bday until it was already nine pm where i live so this is partially made of guilt. 
Happy bday timberoonie, i love ya dude <3
Summary: Some people in Gotham wish Tim a happy birthday, it’s not who you think. 
ao3    ffn
Despite the fact that it was summer, the air was cold. Then again it didn’t help that Tim happened to be standing on the top of the tallest building in downtown Gotham.
Tim liked it here. He liked the cold and the fact that he could see all of Gotham below him. He liked the way the streetlights and cars sparkled from this height like stars, and he loved that he could smell the sewage from the piers and factories not five miles away from where he stood. He liked that he could see the dusky clouds that were never clear enough for stars so the night always looked like a grayish-black and that the moon was nothing more than a fuzzy circle behind one of these clouds. He liked that he could swing down from the building whenever he wanted and he also liked watching airplanes fly past. He liked the way the wind blew through him and how when he stood on the edge of the roof he felt like he could fly. He also liked watching sunrise and sunset from here.
The batsignal shone dully in the sky, against a canvas of dusky, ever moving clouds. He watched from his perch. He never thought he would end up having ‘a perch,’ Bruce had one, and so did Dick and Jason. These places high up in the city where they liked to stay and just… watch. But Tim had one, and it was here. Far far away from the street below, and whatever crimes might have been happening, whatever merriment might have been celebrated, whatever lives people might have been having.
Tim liked it here. He liked being away from the hustle and bustle of the never empty streets. The calm and clear of the sky was what he lived for. He lived for swinging through Gotham’s twisted and dark streets. He lived for that one last mugging of the night that he stopped, swooping in and barely having to fight because it was so late that even the mugger himself was falling asleep. He lived for base jumping from these tall buildings, and he lived for the showdowns in front of the giant clock in the center of town, where, usually, someone was trying to kill someone else and they’d fight, dodging the ticking hands (what could he say, Clock King had recently had a crime-spree which led to just such a situation for Bruce).
“Fancy seeing you here.” Someone said.
Red Robin turned to see Selina Kyle saunter up to him. “I would have said ‘oh look what the cat dragged in,’ because, you know, cat-based pun. But I figured it would be too tacky.” She walked over to where Tim sat on the edge of the building, kicking his legs over the side, and sat next to him.
“Isn’t this a little high for you, Selina?” Tim asked.
Selina shrugged. “No worries, even if I do fall, I always land on my feet.” Tim resisted the urge to roll his eyes. “There, obligatory cat pun over.” Selina said, grinning.
“What brings you here?” Tim asked.
Selina didn’t listen to him, instead staring out into the city. “Beautiful, isn’t she?” Tim didn’t respond, he only followed her gaze to the sparkling, not so pretty city before him.
“Yeah.” He agreed.
“You know, people claim Metropolis is the most beautiful city, but… I think our girl has her beat. Despite maybe not being as… boy-scout-y as her.”
“Dark. I think the word most people would use is dark.”
Selina shrugged again. She looked at Tim and studied his uniform. “Don’t tell me you’re patrolling today.” She said.
“Why wouldn’t I? I mean, I’m not, but why wouldn’t I?”
“If you’re not patrolling then why are you wearing your uniform?”
“I like wearing it. Plus, you wouldn’t have been able to recognize me if I was me, just sitting up here in civvies.”
Selina snorted. “Oh please. Give me some credit, Red, I could tell who you were.”
“I really doubt it.” He said, an amused smile flickering onto his lips.
There was a pause, then: “Happy birthday, Tim.”
Tim froze. “Wh-what?”
Selina grinned. “Didn’t think I knew that, did you?”
“I-it’s not my birthday!” Tim said, flustered.
“Technically it is, as of right now, twelve oh one AM, so yeah, it is your birthday.”
“I have learned a lot about you all from your father, kid. Your birthdays? Please, that was one of the first things he told me.” Tim looked down at the street. “I… know, he doesn’t always remember on time, but he does know. Not that that exempts him, oh no, if he doesn’t remember your birthday this year I’m going to shame him until eternity to come, but… he does know.”
Tim still said nothing.
“Plus I think it’s only fair, you know my name and everything about me, I should be allowed to know your name and your birthday.” Selina said.
“Uh-huh.” Tim said, amused.
There was another pause and Selina mimicked Tim in his kicking of his legs. “Soo… I do have a little present.”
“A present.” Tim repeated. Selina nodded. “For me.” Selina nodded again. “From you.” Tim finished processing the statement. “Well, I sure hope you didn’t steal it.”
Selina rummaged around in a pocket that seemed to appear from nowhere on her suit, finally pulling out one of those little jewelry boxes they give you to hold your necklace-present-thing in. It was red, and about two inches by an inch, with black polka-dots and a matching black ribbon tied in a bow. “Don’t be ridiculous, I wouldn’t give you something stolen. You’d just return it. This you can’t return. Oh, it’s not just from me. It’s from all of us.”
“All of us?” Tim repeated warily. He took the box carefully from her, as if it might explode.
“Yeah. Me, Ivy, Harley, Riddler, Scarecrow, Penguin, y’know, all of us.”
Now Tim really did think it was going to explode.
“Oh don’t worry, Tim, it’s fine. They don’t know it’s your birthday so no secret-identity spillage there.” She waited patiently for Tim to open it, but he didn’t. “Aren’t you going to open it?”
“How do I know it won’t explode?”
Selina rolled her eyes. “Red Robin, clearly you haven’t been in Gotham that long-”
“I have lived here my whole life.”
“-Gotham villains network. And sure we’re usually very evil and crazy, and a good bunch of us aren’t invited to other villain shindigs because of it-”
“There are ‘villain shindigs’?”
“-but we do care about our enemies, believe it or not. Well, sometimes. On a good day. Anyway, we thought you deserved this, it just happens that it’s happening on your birthday. Plus, Mad Hatter got a handful of people to help because they just really want to feel important enough for you to use this for them.”
“You have got to be kidding me.”
“If we were in Metropolis, I would be. This would probably be a trap, and then five other villains whom I have been secretly working with to lure you into this ambush would jump you and we’d do a villain monologue and have a stupid, alliterative name, but no. This is Gotham. And in Gotham… well, there’s a reason your father usually sends us straight to Arkham.”
“You’re saying a bunch of villains got me a birthday present, because they want… to see me use it on them?”
“Not really on them, more for them. It’ll make more sense when you open it.” Selina said. Tim looked at her, concerned, and she gave him an encouraging smile.
Slowly Tim unraveled the ribbon and opened the small cardboard box.
It didn’t explode.
Well, that was a good start. He opened his eyes hesitantly, and was (honestly) a little let-down by what was in side.
“Thanks,” Tim said as he picked the present off of it’s cotton cushion, “I’ve always wanted a USB drive.”
“Go home, and open it the file. You won’t be disappointed.” Selina promised as she stood. She stretched her arms over her head and cracked her back. “And don’t patrol tonight. Invite some friends over, maybe have a movie marathon. You’re only young once, Tim, don’t waste it away chasing us.”
“Thanks Mom.” Tim said.
Selina grinned. “And give your father a kiss for me.”
“Give him one yourself.” Tim said as she flicked out her whip.
“You know, it’s funny, usually you and your siblings are trying to tell me the opposite. I do recall a recent event where I kissed your father and you harmonized your fake-throwing-up.”
“Yeah… that was Steph’s idea. One of the good ones too.”
Selina chuckled. “Use it in good health,” she said, nodding to the USB, and then she jumped and was gone.
Tim decided to go home to see what horrors the villainy of Gotham had wished him for his birthday. Maybe he’d patrol a little after, just to spite Selina. Though he had to say, this was one of the most comfortable talks he and she had had in a long time.
Also he was going to kill Bruce for telling Selina when his birthday was.
He slipped into his apartment and changed into sweatpants and a t-shirt. As soon as he stepped foot into his bedroom he had an undeniable urge to fall face first into his mattress and not wake up until Steph would inevitably bound through the door with his birthday waffles (complete with candles and all) during an ungodly hour like nine am. But he pulled out his computer instead and stuck in the flash-drive, praying that he wouldn’t get a virus.
He didn’t.
What was on the drive was something… surprisingly better.
Security footage from the top of the Police Station that Commissioner Gordon worked at, the one on which the batsignal had been placed, shining, as it was at the moment, ever so brightly. A beacon of hope and comfort to the everyday residents of Gotham City. At first, Tim saw nothing out of the ordinary, then it happened.
Villains began to seep onto the top of the building like ants to honey (some of them, like Clayface, literally seeping). They swarmed the roof, some even waved to the camera, like they knew Tim would be watching this. They worked and worked, bringing pieces of scrap metal and wires and glass? Tim watched as the huddle five feet from the batsignal seemed to pulse as people walked back and forth. Sometimes the huddle grew larger, and sometimes it grew smaller. Villains left and came, and Tim watched for thirty minutes as this continued, but not once did he get a clear picture of what they were huddling around.
Then they all turned to the camera, waved as one, then they began to disappear, sliding and jumping and walking and flying from the rooftop.
That’s when Tim understood, because then Tim finally saw it. They’d built him his own batsignal, one with his Red Robin logo on it. Right next to Batman’s.
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