#i'll eat up all your drabbles then come for your series
luaspersona · 2 years
omg, it made me so 🥺 when i read that you don’t normally get very comprehensive feedback because — that’s literally what you give so many of us?? i have a lot of catching up to do on my tbr tag & reviews, but I’M COMIN’ FOR YA, LUA 🫡
i know i’m not a mouthpiece for every other writer on here, but i feel kind of safe thanking you on our collective behalf for your service. out here doing the lord’s work, uplifting everyone 🥲
my blog is now a lua stan account idc 💁🏻‍♀️
aaa jade 😭
you see, i don't often receive long, extensive reviews, but i understand that i'm fairly new to the community, and i also have only like, two works posted so... it's ok! makes it even more amazing and rewarding whenever i do tho 🥹
and wow, uplifting everyone? it's the least i can do to thank you all for writing such interesting and creative stories. i mean, the fact that i get to read y'all for free? that's the lord's work for me 😭
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joonsytip · 6 months
All Too Well || Wonwoo
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Synopsis: With Wonwoo's dilemma hitting the wall and your perseverance getting stronger, will the events unfold as foreseen or the fate will turn its course?
Word Count: 2k
Third and final installment of Wonwoo drabble series (set in the Withering for You universe but can be read as a standalone drabble series).
[ SVT Masterlist ] [ SVT Flick - Fic Masterlist ]
Say Don't Go | So It Goes | All Too Well
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It's been a week since Wonwoo has seen you. When he woke up that fateful day along with nothing but the void you, it didn't take him long to recollect the happenings from within the car to his sheets. The slightly recovered bruises on his knuckles and the bloodstains on his bedroom wall are the witnesses of the frenzy state he was in, still is.
The guilt of sleeping with you eats him up. The regret of getting wasted and causing the slip of his true feelings and also his dick into you, makes him wanna get swallowed by the ground. He hates that his subconscious mind was conscious enough to hear your sobs but did nothing to stop them.
Wonwoo contemplates for the whole week that follows. He wonders if he should contact you or let you have your space and contact him whenever you're ready.
He's not clear in head, unsure of what he'd say on seeing you again.
Sorry, it was a mistake. He wonders if he should go ahead with the classic lie and be an entitled jerk, letting you berate him which would gradually help you in letting go those feelings for him.
It wasn't a mistake, I really meant everything I said and did but sorry we can't be together. This seemed too much of truth bombing in a situation where the other party (you) is already hurt beyond repair.
In his mind, he tries several other permutations and combinations but never considers that one way which would save everyone from the headaches and all the heartbreaks.
Everyone can sense the shift, something has definitely happened by the way you have been avoiding meetups and can guess the reason to be Wonwoo. They can't pinpoint exactly but they're sure it started right after that night's party.
"I need you to take everything off your chest while I'm asking you nicely.", your best friend tells you, "My patience has been thinned nowadays and don't make me loose my temper."
Your teeth sink into your bottom lip, as you look at her and Seungcheol whose eyes are begging you to comply with his wife because she can indeed be scary.
"Do you want Seungcheol to be gone from here?", she asks, her gaze softening, "It's okay, he won't mind."
Before you could answer, Seungcheol is already off his seat saying, "I'll head back to the office, have some matters to take care of.", and he leans to peck his wife on forehead, "Call me if you need anything and let me know once done, I'll come and pick you up."
After Seungcheol leaves, a comfortable silence falls upon.
"You're already showing.", you say smiling and your best friend mirrors one to you.
"Four months already", she says caressing her protruding belly, "Time flies by, I swear it feels like yesterday I took the test and it came out positive. Seungcheol had cried the whole night, holding me close. Though he has became a lot more sensitive than me.", she adds and looks at you, "But enough about us. I came here just to make you lift some weight off. I could have brought Gyu, but I thought we should have a one to one before letting the guys know if at all you're willing to."
When your gazes meet, you can tell that she already has an inkling because her hunch has always been accurate. So you squirm in your seat and after failing to keep the tears at bay you tell her what had exactly happened in a messy-teary state.
After consoling you, she waits for you to stop crying, blinking back her own tears.
"Are you planning to address this to Wonwoo?", she asks softly.
You shake your head, "He probably doesn't even remember."
"Bullshit." she scoffs, "Are you waiting for him to contact you? Do you want me to talk to him?"
You chuckle with all bitterness, "Yes, I wanted him to contact me but it's been a week already and honestly, I don't even want to see him now because he'll repeat the same words, which are not exactly pleasant to hear. I hate how right headed he is, how all his fears are legit. I wouldn't have done it either."
You lean up to look at her, "Also, I don't want you to talk to him and I'd appreciate it if you can keep this to yourself because we're in the same group and the guys would cause a ruckus if they become aware."
She strokes your hair in a soothing manner and you almost drift off until she nudges you to tell something but you're already dismissing her off, "Don't even think of trying to do anything. I've just accepted my fate, I'll gradually move on."
Another week passes by and Wonwoo thinks he's ready to confront you. He had taken the entire office, everyone in his circle by surprise by taking an entire week off. Seungcheol being an amazing boss and understanding friend easily granted his request in the best hopes of having his friend clear the clouds clogging in his head.
Wonwoo sends you a text asking you to meet him whenever you're free. He clutches the phone tightly in his hands, feet tapping anxiously as he awaits your reply.
When he doesn't receive one after an hour, he's calling you only to be unanswered. Rationality leaving his bones, he keeps on calling your number until it gets recieved and it's an unfamiliar male voice answering the phone.
There's a sharp pang in his heart when he gets to know that it's your blind date who has picked up the call since the phone kept ringing and you've gone to washroom. Though he wants nothing but to rush to whenever you currently are, he curtly ends the call and decides to wait for your reply to his text.
His unwavering gaze directed towards the phone might have worked because he receives a response late at night and he's meeting you tomorrow.
You are unfazed, never once thinking about Wonwoo. That's what you try to tell yourself, that's how you plan to act in front of him. You don't anticipate his arrival at your apartment, that's partially true because you know you're gonna get heartbroken again because even though you want to tie the loose ends, you're sure he's only coming to cut them off wholly.
So you tell your mother who has been nagging you to get married to set you up for blind dates and this time you promised you'd seriously consider them with marriage perspective. Hence, today you're going to another date with someone you know this time and not at all impressed about.
The doorbell rings and you check the monitor to confirm that it's Wonwoo before letting him in.
"Are you going somewhere?", Wonwoo asks as he settles on the couch and you take a seat on the chair.
You nod, "Going on a date with Minjun."
Wonwoo's jaw clenches, his hands ball into fists as he asks, "Kim Minjun? He's a womanizer, Y/N. Didn't you go on a date yesterday?"
You scoff, "And how does that concern you anyway?", your lips curl up, "People can change after marriage."
Wonwoo short circuits at your verbal jab.
"Marriage? How can you even consider Minjun out of all people?"
Your expression turns grim when you say, "If I can't marry the person I love then marriage for me would be just another business deal, another merge to benefit the company, solidify our social status."
Trying to maintain the unbothered facade, you ask, "Why did you want to meet?"
"Why did you leave me alone in the bed?", Wonwoo asks toning down, "When you left, you took all of the warmth with you."
You suck in a sharp breath, breaking the eye contact.
"Within these two weeks I went through all sorts of possibilities from never acknowledging the fact that we slept to being a jerk, dismissing it as a simple hookup to letting you down subtly.", he gets up and walks up to you, crouching in front of you, "But as I pondered over, the only honest answer residing within my heart was not to be a coward anymore and be honest about my feelings, be honest with you."
Your heartbeat quickens, as his hands encase yours, you feel the warmth seep from him.
"I love you, Y/N.", Wonwoo confesses, "Like you, I have also harboured feelings for you for a long time. I cherish every moment we've spent together."
You're eyes go wide, heart constricting in chest. You feel your inners catapulting. You thought you know him all too well to give up upon the possibility of being together but witnessing him stripping bare in front of you is something you've always wanted but never expected to happen.
Wonwoo gently holds your face, voice soft, gaze emitting tenderness when he says, "I'm sorry for hurting you. I'm sorry for projecting my fears and insecurities upon you. But I have realised that you're worth everything and above. For you, I would fight the world if you allow me to stay by your side."
Rendered speechless, your teary eyes look at him with such anguish that it makes Wonwoo want to beat himself for breaking your heart over and over again.
Moments pass by and you both fall into comfortable silence. You're now seated on his lap, head laying his chest as he gently strokes your hair.
"It won't be easy.", you speak, head still downed, as your hand takes in his, entwining the fingers, "But I'd go to hell and back for you if time comes."
You shift back to look at him, "And I promise to be your shield, if anyone tries to hurt you or Wonseok, they'd have to face me first. I won't let anyone hurt you.", your gaze softens, "All of your worries, fears and sentiments are valid, Wonwoo. But it would be nice if you share them with me from now on because you're not alone, we're in this together. I love you."
Wonwoo swears he doesn't cry easily but your words seem to have opened the floodgates as his loud sobs echo throughout the house.
"Thank you.", he smiles as you wipe his tears and leans in to kiss you.
As your lips graze, the shrill ringing your phone startles you both. You grab it from the couch and the screen flashes Kim Minjun as the caller.
There's a sharp change in Wonwoo's expression as he takes the phone from your hand, putting it on speaker and answering it.
"Uh sorry, who's this speaking? Could you please get Y/N on the phone?"
There's a terse movement in the muscles of his jaw as Wonwoo responds, "I'm Jeon Wonwoo, Y/N's--", his gaze shifts at you, lips stretching in a smile, "Lover. I'm cancelling the date and please don't ever contact her again."
As soon as he hangs up, you tease him, "Lover huh? Since when?"
Wonwoo grins like he's drunk in love, he might as well be, "Since the day, you got drunk and danced on the tabletop after the semesters ended."
You gasp, "What do you want in exchange for deleting this memory?"
He's so lovesick, giggling cutely and being all touchy, "What about making new ones and keeping this one in my vault, sealed?"
Your heart flutters at the insinuation. True to your words, you'd surely fight the world to keep him with you.
And your lover chants all's well that ends well to ending up with you, gratefully with all his heart.
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→ Do not copy, re-post, translate, or share any of my works on other platforms! All stories are copyrighted, joonsytip. ©️
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readychilledwine · 11 months
A Father's Love
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Summary - Eris comforts his pregnant mate after a small breakdown. Eris x pregnant!reader
Warnings - pregnancy and mental health
A/N - This isn't something I've previewed, but I had to use some of the things my baby daddy said to me in a drabble (because oof my heart exploded) and it felt nice to have an outlet for the icky pregnancy guilt and worries Im dealing with. Hopefully, you all melt at this, too..
ps- I'm thinking about adding a dad drabble series masterlist to my page. Let me know if you'd like that.
Word count - 550
Eris held your hand from across the table, the calloused pad of his thumb dancing across and between your knuckles as you cried.
"No one said it would be this hard," another round of sobbing shook your shoulders. "No one said we would ride this high and reality would hurt when it crashed." Eris just nodded. Staying silent and allowing you to vent while those amber eyes softened in love and concern.
You rose your shaking free hand, wiping the warm tears from your face. "And then to top it all off, I'm so selfish right now I did not even notice you were worried or a shift in your emotions. I didn't even feel it through the bond-"
"Stop." Eris demanded. His tone was still gentle, but he was firm, his face now set in a serious line. "Do not even concern yourself for a moment with my feelings or needs right now. We are talking about you."
"That's the problem, the past 8 months have been about me and what I want, what I need, what the I'll need after birth, what baby will need. What about you, Eris? When do we discuss what you need?"
He moved to you, then, feet guiding him gracefully across the floor as he placed your hands on his warm chest. You could feel his heartbeat, pacing in its soft rhythm, and it calmed you enough to bring you back from the tipping point you were approaching. "I am not the one whose body is constantly changing," he began. "I am not the one who is about to have to change my diet, my habits, and ignore my wants for the next year to feed our child." 
He leaned in kissing your forehead. "I am not the one who asked to wait a few more years then had to cry alone for several weeks until I was ready to talk about how our protection failed. I am not the one sacrificing so much. You are, my love. We will talk about me and my needs when they matter."
He smiled softly. "Besides, I picked her name. I picked her coming home outfit. I picked her nursery colors, her first stuffie, her toy room theme. If my opinion was given, you immediately compromised or switched plans." His hand went down to your swollen stomach. "You didn't even allow anyone else to feel her until you ensured I did first."
You still sniffled. "But aren't you mad?"
Eris looked slightly taken back, two fingers coming to tilt your fallen chin up and ensure you held eye contact with him. "You are growing my legacy, our child. How could I be mad at you for being in pain, tired, or crying? There's no words I can say to express how blessed and grateful I am." Your jaw trembled as he leaned in and kissed you. "Do you understand?" You nodded, and he stared at your stomach, waiting. "Someone needs her mommy to take a few deep breaths, drink a hot chocolate, and have a snack." Eris moved, instantly over to the cabinet you two had been hiding your cravings in and pulled out your box of chocolates. "Let's go be lazy, read in bed, and eat these." He held a hand to you, waiting for you to take it and smiled widely when you did. "There's my girl. Now, regular hot chocolate or fancy hot chocolate?"
You sniffled again, significantly more calm this time as he led you into your shared bed chambers. "Fancy."
He smiled again, kissing your forehead, then your nose. "Get changed, get comfy. I'll be back with hot chocolate smothered in marshmallows and whipped cream."
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hellsenthero · 8 months
The Roommate Series | The Christmas Gift
Roommate!Bucky X Reader
This is a drabble series based on my life with my roommate.
It was just before Christmas that you got a text from your roommate, Bucky.
'Hey, weird question for NO REASON'.
'What's your ring size?"
You laughed when the text came through, knowing exactly why he was asking. The two of you had been joking that you were practically a married couple living together, eating together, and shopping together. When Bucky first joked about it, you'd asked him,
If we're married, then where's my ring?
Don't worry about it. It's coming. Bucky had answered.
You thought he was full of it before, just going along with the joke. But now, you're not so sure.
You texted him back your ring size, a little smiley emoji next to it.
'Excellent, I'll do absolutely nothing with this info at all.'
You rolled your eyes at the text.
'As expected. Lol.' You texted back, but what you really meant was, sure, like I believe a word you say.
Come Christmas time, you found a bag, much bigger than what a ring would be in under your little tree. The bag was black and gold and you couldn't help but think it matched perfectly with his metal arm.
Bucky walked out of his room, dressed in loose fitted pajamas. He grabbed the bag from under the tree and sat down on the couch, beckoning you over. You happily sat by him, pulling your legs up and under you as you did so.
"For me?" You asked, nodding towards the bag.
"Of course," Bucky answered with a smile. He passed the bag to you, which was surprisingly light for the size of it. "Open it up."
With a large smile, you dug around the bag, grabbing hold of a small, black box. You eyed it for a moment before opening it up.
Inside the box sat a beautiful golden ring. A large oval gem at its center. In the low light of the morning, it glittered like fresh snow. On either side of the gem were small, triangular cut gems that pointed out in all three directions.
"You bastard," you breathed.
"I told you I'd get you a ring." Bucky answered.
"Yeah," you answered as you slipped the ring on your finger. "I guess you did."
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wriothesleybear · 1 year
Beauty and the Beast: Chapter 1
~warnings: wriothesley x fem! reader, slow burn romance?, possible ooc for wrio and sigewinnie.
~a/n: credit to @kiwasaji for the idea. i hope this satiates what you were looking for🥰 I was just going to make headcanons or a small drabble but this turned out to be longer than I expected so I'll probably turn this into a series with multiple chapters. It may not go exactly like the Beauty and the Beast movie but it's similar to it with some changes. I hope you guys enjoy :)❤️
~word count: 2,674
While going for a walk in the woods, you got caught in a snow storm. You got lost and stumbled upon a castle. The Fortress of Meropide. You heard stories of the famous fortress. The stories talked about a handsome Duke who was cursed by a witch and was turned into a beast. You never believed these stories because they were only rumors. I mean, a man turning into a beast. It couldn't be possible.
Shivering, you knocked on the large wooden door a few times but no one answered. You figured it would be empty. You tried pushing open the door and it opened with ease. You really didn't want to trespass but you had no where else to go in the blizzard and you didn't want to freeze to death. You take a step inside.
It was hard to see anything in the room due to the little light from the door barely being able to reach the inside. Suddenly the door slammed shut, making you jump. You begin to panic as you're left in complete darkness. You try to remain calm as you feel around for any source of light. You feel a lamp shaped object and twist the knob, praying that it works. You sigh in relief as the lamp shines with a dim light.
You look at your surroundings and discover you're in a foyer. "Hello, is anyone here?" Your voice echos in the large room. Silence. You begin to shiver again, noticing that it wasn't any warmer in the empty castle compared to outside. You decide to look for a fireplace to warm up. You walk around the room, having no luck finding a fireplace. You come upon a door.
Maybe there's a fireplace in here, you thought.
You open the door and discover that it leads to another dark room. Using your lamp to light the way for you, you look around the room. It appeared to be a large living room. You light up with joy as you spotted a fireplace. Luckily, there was some wood near by, but no matches to light it up. You begin to look around. While doing so, you heard some skittering behind you. You turn around, curious and noticed a box of matches on the floor. You thought it was a bit odd but didn't think much of it. You were just happy to have something to light the fire.
Finally having a fire, you were able to warm up. As you sit in front of the fire enjoying the warmth, you hear a noise from somewhere behind you. You quickly turn around, a bit scared. The light from the fire lit up the whole room, but you didn't see anything out of the ordinary. You did however feel like you were being watched. You tried to ignore the feeling, thinking it was just your imagination.
You walk over to a bookcase, figuring you would keep yourself occupied while waiting out the storm. The books were very old classics, which was what you loved to read. You pick a book and sit down in front of the fire.
You read peacefully for a while, engrossed in your book until your stomach starts to rumble. You weren't sure if you would be able to find anything to eat in this old castle, but it wouldn't hurt to try. Taking the lamp, you begin to explore nearby rooms. A few of the rooms were empty. While exploring, you noticed how all the rooms you had been in looked untouched and clean from dust. Was someone taking care of this place? You wondered. Room after room, you still couldn't find the kitchen. "Man, how big is this place? I'll never find the kitchen." You exasperated, close to giving up hope. Suddenly, something taps on your lower back. You scream, turning around and backing away from whatever touched you. You look down and see a cute little girl with bunny ears. You stand there surprised, with your hands covering your mouth.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." She said in a sweet, worried voice.
"It's okay. I didn't think anyone lived here so it just shocked me to find someone else." You tell her, hoping to relieve her worries.
"My name is Sigewinnie and I help take care of this castle and its occupants." She smiles. Her adorable smile helps you relax.
"My name is y/n." You return her smile. "I apologize for letting myself in. I needed a place to stay during the blizzard. I tried knocking but no one answered."
"It's okay. The Duke said that you can stay until the storm passes. I overheard you talking about a kitchen. I can show you where it is."
"Yes, that would be great."
She leads you to the kitchen and lights up the lamps in the room, giving you the ability to see clearly. It was a large and spacious room with shiny counters and fancy looking cabinets. As you admire the furniture, she walks over to the fridge and opens it. You're surprised to find it full of delicious looking food.
"Would you like me to make you something? I know a good recipe for homemade soup. It'd be good to have during this storm." Sigewinnie offers. Your stomach growls, agreeing with the offer. You both laugh.
"That sounds good. How about I give you a hand."
You both work together to make the soup. You notice some of the ingredients she uses look a bit odd. She told you they're a special kind of vegetables she grows. You also ask her a few more questions about the occupants she mentioned earlier. She said there were other 'melusines" like her that help take care of the castle and its owner. When trying to get more information about the castle's owner, all Sigewinnie would say is that he seems scary but he's actually really nice.
The soup smells so good when it's finished. It tastes even better that you finished it in no time. For dessert, Sigewinnie handed you a drink with a flower on top of it.
"It's a sweet drink." She says as you scan the glass carefully. It looks edible. You notice her watching you carefully, hope evident in her eyes. You take a sip, the sweet flavor filling your taste buds.
"It's delicious!"
"Really?!" She asks excitedly.
"Yes, I love sweet drinks and I was craving something sweet after that yummy soup we made." She jumps with joy in her seat. It was adorable seeing her like that. It caused you to laugh.
"It makes me happy that you like it because He never wants to try my drinks."
"Who's He?"
"The Duke of the castle." You wanted to try and get more information about him but suddenly, another melusine walks into the kitchen. This one looks a bit different compared to Sigewinnie. They don't have human like features like her, but they're still adorable like her.
"Hello, I'm here to show you to your room. The Duke has prepared one for you." You follow the melusine down a hallway, stopping at a door. They open it and your jaw drops. It's a beautiful room, with red and gold designs. There is a large bed with a couch in front of it, a dresser, a bedside table on each side of the bed and a door that leads to a bathroom. It's beautiful. Your trance is broken when the melusine speaks up.
"We hope it's to your liking. There is one condition you must follow during your stay. You cannot roam around the castle on your own. If you need anything, please let one of us melusines know." You respect the rule, but you have a feeling there's more meaning behind it. You keep your questions to yourself as you don't want to ruin the opportunity given to you.
"I understand. Please send my thanks and gratitude to the Duke."
"Understood. Have a good night." The melusine leaves, closing the door behind them. You sit on the bed, surprised at how soft it feels. It feels just like a cloud. You get up and prepare for bed. All the experience in the snow storm and exploring the castle really drained your energy. So much so that you fell asleep once your head hit the pillow.
With two glasses in hand, Sigewinnie walks up a staircase and down a long, darkened hallway. She stops in front of a large wooden door with a wolf symbol on it. She opens the heavy door and enters the dimly lit room. She closes the door behind her and walks towards the desk in the middle of the room. She jumps onto one of the chairs that is placed next to the only other occupant in the room. She sets down one of the glasses and pushes it towards the man. He notices her and sets down the papers he was reading. He sighs, realizing her plan. He reaches his hand out to grab for his cup of tea, stopping when he notices that he was reaching for the wrong drink. Sigewinnie watches closely with determination in her eyes. Her eyes shine as she sees the man reaching for her drink. He lightly smirks, enjoying teasing the girl. His hand changes direction and grabs his cup, pulling it to his lips to take a sip. Sigewinnie cries, disappointed. She grabs the cup and holds it out to the man, trying to get him to take it instead of his tea.
"You're so mean". She huffs. He doesn't react, continuing to read his paper. "At least y/n drinks my creations." This grabs the man's attention. He looks at Sigewinnie, silently waiting for her to continue.
"Yeah, she was happy to try the drinks I made. She said they were delicious. She's really nice. We made soup together. Also, Liath told me y/n sends her thanks and gratitude to you." Sigewinnie continues on, telling the man all about you. He listens closely, noticing how happily she talks about you. He just hopes Sigewinnie doesn't get attached to you. After all, you'll be gone once the snow storm clears.
You woke up the next morning, fully rested. You opened the curtains to the bedroom window and the blizzard was still going on strong. You slightly sighed but ultimately decided to get ready for the day. You planned to have breakfast and to ask Sigewinnie if she would give you a tour of the castle. You leave your room and do your best to remember the directions to the kitchen, but you end up becoming lost. It's not your fault the hallways look exactly the same. Eventually, you come across a staircase heading upstairs. You remember the kitchen being downstairs so you know this isn't the right way. You remember what the melusine told you about not exploring on your own, but your curiosity was getting the better of you. You put one foot on the first step of the staircase until you're stopped by the same melusine from yesterday.
"You can't go up there. Remember the Duke's condition for letting you stay here."
You step down from the staircase. "My apologies. I was trying to find the kitchen but got lost."
"I'll take you to the dining room. Sigewinnie just finished making breakfast. Next time, wait for me in your room." You nod your head and follow.
"I forgot to introduce myself yesterday. My name is Liath." The melusine says as you walk.
"My name is y/n."
"Yes, Sigewinnie told me. She's told me a lot about you and how nice you are to her. She's been waiting for you to wake up so she can have you try more of her speciality drinks." You giggle.
You arrive to the dining room. It's beautiful just like the rest of the castle. There is a long dining table with multiple red and gold cushioned seats and a red table cloth. Three large chandeliers hang from the ceiling, lighting up the room, reflecting off of the beautiful furniture. Sigewinnie is sitting in one of the chairs. Her eyes light up and she smiles wide as she sees you.
"y/n! I have your plate set up over here next to me." She says as she pets the seat next to her.
"Good morning Sigewinnie. I hope you weren't waiting long." You say as you take a seat.
"It's okay. Your food is still warm. For breakfast, I made an omelette with tomatoes with a bowl of fruit on the side. I also made a new special drink for you. It should give you energy to get you through the day." Sigewinnie says excitedly.
You can't get over how adorable she is. It makes you happy seeing how excited she gets. "Thank you Sigewinnie. It all looks delicious. I can't wait to eat it."
You two chat about random things while you eat. While Sigewinnie is passionately talking about the new stickers she made, you notice that the Duke of the castle never shows up for breakfast. You inquire Sigewinnie about it.
"The Duke? He doesn't eat in the dining room. He always eats in his office." She says.
"Is he always in his office?"
"Yeah. He usually stays in there the most compared to the rest of the castle. He rarely leaves it."
You would think he'd at least want to greet his guest. "Can I meet him?"
Sigewinnie takes a bit to answer, thinking about what she should say. "Hm. He likes to be alone really. He has us melusine greet and take care of his guests."
"Does he get guests often?"
"No, not really. You're our first guest we've had in a long time."
You're about to ask more but Sigewinnie changes the subject by offering to give you a tour of the castle. You accept her offer, wanting to explore more of the castle. You hold off on more questions about the Duke, saving them for later.
Sigewinnie showed you around the first floor first, most of it you already explored yourself. Next she showed you the second level which has the bedroom you slept in. Most of the rooms weren't that interesting to you until you came across the castle's library. It was a massive room with large bookcases that reached the high ceilings and covered every wall. Multiple books covered every shelf. You gaze in amazement, admiring everything.
"Hehe. I see you like the library." Sigewinnie giggles.
"Was my amazement that obvious?" You laugh. "I love books. I own my own bookstore in town, but the size is nothing compared to this. It's like my dream come true."
"The Duke also likes this room. He comes here in his free time when he isn't working to relax, but that's rarely."
"Would it be okay if I spent time in here, reading some books?"
"Yes! This is one of the places you can explore." You remember the staircase from earlier where Liath stopped you.
"Sigewinnie, where does that staircase on the second floor lead to?"
"Oh that one. That leads to the third floor where the Duke's personal quarters are. You're not allowed to go up there though."
"Is there a reason why?"
"Hm. The Duke likes his personal space to be respected and prefers to be alone." You contemplate what she said. While in thought, you don't notice Sigwinnie choosing a book off of the shelf. She walks over to you and hands you a book, breaking you out of your thoughts.
"Can you read this to me please?" She asks with puppy dog eyes. You giggle and say yes. You two take a seat on one of the couches in the room. You open the book and begin reading. Sigewinnie sits close to you so she can look at the pictures in the book while you read to her. You smile gently at her.
All the while, you don't notice the pair of eyes watching you from the darkness...
Part 2 coming soon
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sakuraryomen01 · 1 year
Sex Exercise /Jjk Characters x Reader/ Prt. 2
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warnings: based on a comic called "Sexersize" . reader is a little chubby . sex gym . working out with Sukuna as the trainer . gojo x reader x sukuna (sorta) . risky relationship with sukuna . jealous sukuna and gojo . [reader is also sort of caught in the crossfire of their pettiness and kept in the dark ^^;;] . more or less a sexual crush . gojo's a little mean/of a tease . oral sex (reader receiving) and a blowjob (sukuna receiving) . face fucking . multiple rounds, and positions; reverse cowgirl, scissor style, and missionary . getou also is back to his normal trainer position ^^
reader: female reader; slightly chubby
plot: smut + story . reader goes to a sex gym, having no knowledge of the actually training regimen
words: 4.635k
a/n:: hello hello! ^^ tbh i wanted to take another pause on Valentino as Easter is coming up in a few days! And, I just couldn't get over how popular this drabble was so I decided to make it series of sorts! i hope you're looking forward to getting more of this stuff out lol >_>;; i'm going to also post something with Getou soon! ♡
. . .
Thank you for reading this bit! Enjoy!
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It felt like the last month and a half was a fever dream, because you were wondering if Sukuna had decided to really give you special treatment.
He was usually texting you about newer and better sexual positions to test out for extra weight loss. And he also wanted you to come in more and more whenever you had the chance. Whatever this was, you really enjoyed the attention.
To be honest, you almost felt like an attention whore.
For whatever reason, you began to obey the man's commands. And, oh boy, did it pay off for you in the end.
Especially during every session you had paired with the pink haired trainer. It was like he didn't care that the rules in the policy existed, he treated them like helpful suggestions rather than rules when he was in the same room with you. Always daring to kneel behind you while you and your assigned partner for the day were fucking, grabbing some oil and lubing his hands before playing with your ever so soft tits.
"That's it," He'd coo, pressing a soft kiss to your temple before rolling your nipples in his rough fingers. "Make sure to keep your hips angled, sir. She likes it hitting deep inside."
Your partner would always blush a flustered pink before nodding and doing as instructed, grunting in pleasure whenever your pussy tightened around their cock.
"Good job, just don't cum yet."
Like any other day though, today wasn't like that. After Sukuna had gotten into the groove of playing with your pearly chest and precious clit, he wouldn't be prepared for the days to come. After all, fucking his client instead of being patient would have its consequences.
One day in particular might've set off the current chain of events.
"I've been called into a meeting?" Sukuna questioned, his phone raised to his ear after you finished your second session that week. "But, I didn't have anything planned afterwards. I was going to eat and head home."
"Well, you'll have to reschedule," Getou's cool tone echoed through the speaker. "It's not a request. The boss is upset with you after what you did a while ago."
Sukuna groaned, rolling his eyes and you and your partner dressed and departed. Although he seemed stressed and unhappy, you didn't want to meddle in his business, no matter how much it bothered you.
"I'll be there. When is it?"
"Right now, actually. He's waiting for you upstairs in the conference room."
With another curse under his breath, Sukuna cleaned off his fingers from before and headed to the showers. Quickly changing his clothes and washing himself, Sukuna made his way to the front of the gym and turned right. Going up the same stairs you went up your first day at the sex gym. While he didn't care what happened, Sukuna really wouldn't mind being fired.
With a perverted smirk, he huffed as his mind began to cloud once again with pictures of you.
If he got fired, he could fuck you whenever he wanted!
Trying to keep a cool head, and relaxed cock, Sukuna pushed open the door and came face to face with his boss immediately.
The white haired devil's eyes were a piercing shade of sky blue. Shining under his dark sunglasses and pretty white lashes. His head tilted, cheek resting against his palm, and his light grey button up slightly undone like he was some mob boss and not some shady gym owner.
"What is it, Satoru?" Sukuna grunted, closing the door quickly and crossing his arms.
"That's no way to talk to your boss," Gojo cooed in a mock whimper, as if to pretend to be hurt. "I wanted to talk to you. Please, take a seat."
Sukuna would rather not. He didn't know how many girls Gojo's fucked stupid in the room and he didn't want to find out.
After Sukuna was forced into the chair, Getou was soon summoned to join before Gojo started. "So, what's up?"
"That cute lil' client you banged," Gojo said rather bluntly, his charming smile never faltering as Sukuna's eyes glazed over. "When were you going to tell me that incident happened?"
Getou stood beside Gojo's chair, his hands in his pockets with his hoodie sleeves rolled up. There was a small smirk that made its way onto his features, eyes lazily looking between Sukuna and Gojo as the tension grew.
"Did you have your errand boy tell you?" Sukuna grumbled, arms folded and a vein bursting on his neck. He wasn't particularly happy that he was having this conversation.
"I'm wounded," Getou pouted, holding a hand to his chest. "I only watched from the sidelines."
"Whatever, that's not the point!"
There was a collective sigh from Sukuna and Getou, before Gojo butted in and continued his small rant.
"I'm going to do another workout with this Y/n girl and you're not going to get whiny about it, or, I'll make Suguru her new trainer."
That vein of Sukuna's neck was bulging with pure anger and pettiness. He didn't want to be switched with Getou, but watching Gojo fuck you would be just as torturous. Even if he did bang his client when he wasn't supposed to, he didn't want to go through a punishment because of Gojo's choices.
"..If you don't show up, I'll fuck her again," Sukuna threatened, standing and running a hand through his pink locks. "I don't want to leave her high and dry over your whorish nature."
"That's understandable," Gojo said, huffing with pouty lips, lifting his glasses up to rest on his head. His blue eyes practically glowed, shimmering as an amused glint shined. "Make sure I don't find out next time."
With a click, Sukuna left the conference room and headed down to the main lobby, seeing Shoko with her spiked coffee like always and a lazy glimmer in her dark eyes.
"Oh? Someone got your balls in a twist?" She asked, sitting up and removing her feet from atop her desk.
Sukuna grunted, picking up the session notes for next week. His maroon eyes scanned every column until they landed on yours, your cute little photo needed updating. You cheeks weren't nearly as chubby as they used to be.
Was that really a problem tho? Sukuna had wondered to himself, and this wasn't the first occasion.
Many a time did he wonder if your chubbiness was such a bother. Sure, wanting to look good and feel good about yourself was one thing, but Sukuna thought that you looked like an adorable plush pillow. One that he could squeeze in his firm grip and play with like a little ragdoll.
"Getting heart eyed, hm?"
Snapping out of his thoughts, Sukuna sent a glare Shoko's way even though all she had in store was curiosity. "Don't be so harsh. You'll chase off girls with such a 'fuck off' face."
"I don't care," Sukuna snapped, his nose crinkling in disgust. "All the girls that want me are whores running from their husbands anyways."
"So harsh," said the receptionist. Clicking her tongue and rolling the sparkling tongue piercing around her mouth before letting her tongue hang from between her glossy lips. "Don't be like that around that Y/n girl you're fawning over. She'll ask for a new trainer right away!"
Sukuna scoffed, looking at the partner's empty blank and writing in Gojo Satoru. Once he handed the clipboard back to Shoko, she raised her brow in confusion and looked at him.
"Again?" She asked, the corner of her lips turning up in a smirk. "Do you have a humiliation kink by any chance?"
With a grimace and a sigh, Sukuna walked out of the gym after grabbing his things from the trainers washroom. Whatever was going to happen that following week was probably fated to happen. And Sukuna didn't wish to witness it, but he didn't expect it to happen like the first time.
Gojo sometimes followed through on his threats.
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Sukuna was walking down the street with a homemade strawberry smoothie in hand, his phone occupying the other. His earbuds in, blasting some (S)aints on Spotify until he arrived at the gym. Although nothing strange had happened to him just yet, he was expecting some kind of a weird greeting from his coworkers.
He quickly finished his drink and threw the cup, walking over to Shoko's desk to sign himself in. She wasn't present at the time, but it was almost 8 in the morning, and she didn't normally like showing up before 9.
Before opening time, Sukuna started to clean his workout room and placed a fresh mat and pillow for his clients. Checked his clipboard and the positions, the AC and if the air was running properly. The oil, the lube, and the condoms— he checked it all.
When nothing out of the ordinary really showed up, Sukuna walked out of the freshly glorified room and made his way to the showers. Stripping quickly in one of the private stalls and bringing along some body wash and a loofah from home.
He washed up rather quickly, not really wanting to run into Gojo again and get bombarded with teases and jealous remarks, and got out to dry off. Though all of Sukuna's wishes weren't able to come true, and his boss walked into the washroom right as Sukuna was dressing in a loose shirt and shorts.
"Ah, you're here early!" Gojo chirped, a smile plastered on his pale face. "Didn't expect you to be so excited to see me naked. Are you a pervert, Sukuna?"
"Of course not," Sukuna responded, grabbing a water bottle from his bag and walking by the male. "I've been dreading this day for a while."
"See you later, Sukuna~"
It was almost twenty minutes later when Sukuna heard a knock on his door, and a cold shiver ran down his spine. Wondering who it was, it made him grumble with annoyance and jealousy. He didn't want to see what Gojo had planned for you, even though it was planned specifically for your workout schedule.
When he opened the door, a small sigh of relief was released at the sight a little you.
"Hey," You mumbled, a smile on your face and a blush tinting your cheeks. "I came a little earlier than normal since I have work later on tonight."
Sukuna nods and lets you in, only to make eye contact with your partner for today. Gojo's smile as shiny and smug as always, but there was also a shine in his eyes that made him look especially aroused. Gojo said hello to Sukuna again, before walking into the room and looking down at you.
"Hello," You waved your hand, already seated on the mat. "Are you my partner for today?"
"Mhm, I see Sukuna already informed you my name."
As you and Gojo exchanged pleasantries for a moment, he sat in front of you and glanced at the clipboard deciding whether or not to follow through with the planned positions or not. But, once Sukuna closed the door, there was an awkward silence.
Sukuna deeply regretted coming to work today.
"We're going to start with a massage," Sukuna instructed, kneeling beside you both and gesturing to the same golden vial of lotion that was provided each and every time. "If you're alright with it, please begin to—"
"I know the drill," Gojo interrupted, rolling his pretty doe eyes before landing them on you. Scanning your chest and waist like they were snacks, making you squirm in your spot and your cheeks flush pink.
"I'm just supposed to get this little lady's clothes off and play with her pretty nipples, right?"
Sukuna grimaced, putting the clipboard down and opening the lube bottle, making his way behind you and patting on your shoulder. Turning your attention to him, his maroon eyes sparkling as he lifted up your shirt. There was an annoyed groan from Gojo, watching as you got played with.
He didn't mind a show, but just watching and not getting to touch really got on his nerves. "Oi, I'm the partner- not you!"
Sukuna clicked his tongue, taking off your shirt and watching your tits bounce from their confines. A satisfied coo rumbling from your trainer's throat, seeing your pretty nipples again as if it was like his first time. And even then, his annoyance (and small hint of jealousy for Gojo) wouldn't make Sukuna hate them.
"Whoa," Gojo chuckled from his spot, although he wasn't in the same place. He had crawled closer and closer to you, eyes trained on your perky little breasts. "And I thought these looked good from the side lines."
With another click of the tongue, Sukuna uncapped the oil and lifted it above your chest. Tilting it until it began pouring the oil onto your skin, a shiver going down your spine at the familiar coolness that coated your body. You let out an almost satisfied sigh, closing your eyes as Sukuna's hands began to wander.
"Heh, there you go," Sukuna's calm whisper tickles your ear, his soft lips press against your neck, leaving small marks. "Is it too rough, miss? Doesn't hurt?"
You shook your head quickly, leaning into Sukuna's touch. Feeling his large hands on your chest again made you feel tingly down there, as if it was sparked by his hand. Whatever the reason, you watched his thumb rub against your nipples, fingertips pinching them and twisting them a few times.
Meanwhile, your soft moans and gasps had made Gojo's cock extremely hard. So hard, it was dripping and making a stain in his briefs, throbbing and pulsing underneath the fabric as if the sight alone was enough to make him hard.
"Hey, I'm getting blue balls here," He grumbled, trying to get some kind of attention. When your lidded eyes flickered up to him, a soft grunt left him. How could you be this cute?
"Shouldn't I be doing this?"
"..That's correct," Sukuna eventually answered, releasing his hold on your chest and snacking his hands down your hips, squeezing and pinching at the soft flesh like it was a plushie. "But I think she rather enjoys my hands than yours, sir."
A glare was shared between the two men, and a wave of jealousy and petty feelings entered the atmosphere. Making a shudder go down your spine, looking between the two men with a dumbfounded expression.
What was with the tension..??
"A-Anyways," You mumble, the duo's eyes light up— more or less —as they turned down to you. "Isn't it time for the man's massage?"
Gojo's smug smile definitely ticked off Sukuna again, a small squelch sound being made as he released his hold on your hips. "That's right."
Nodding, you picked up the oil bottle just as Gojo removed his shirt and laid down on his belly. You could tell just how excited he was with the light pink tinting his cheeks, his feet kicking a little as you climbed onto his back. Your bum rested just above his, right over his waist, and you coat your fingers in the sticky oil.
"Gentle around his nape," Sukuna suddenly said, his voice so low it was almost a whisper. "He's a bit of a sensitive tyke, and his hips too."
"Oi, don't go flirting while I'm right here!" Gojo pouted.
You nod again, spiral eyed as you started the massage. Never in your adult years did you think you'd be sandwiched between two men and their bickering. Whatever the reason their fighting continued, you hoped it wouldn't get too bad.
Pressing your thumbs down on his nape— an obvious shiver being sent down Gojo's spine —you started to work out all the knots and kinks that you could feel. Rolling your wrists and pressing your palms into Gojo's shoulders, focusing on his muscles relaxing while your mind begins to wander. Feeling him flexing underneath you when you hit a tender spot, watching him tense up with a small grunt. It was so cute and hot at the same time how much of a baby face your partner had, and you wondered what he'd look like during sex.
Would he look like a total demon? Or like he was having his first time?
As your mind swirled with all the possibilities, and more, you had begun to get wet. Dampening your panties and letting it soak like it was a waterfall between your thighs. Eventually, Gojo noticed this growing warmth on his lower back, turning his head back slightly and angling his eyes to catch a glimpse of what he thought might be true.
"Getting wet, are you?" His cool tone making you jump, pretty eyes catching you in the act of daydreaming. "Do you like a good body as much as I do?"
"Uhm," You mumbled, unable to respond after being caught. "I-I suppose so, sir."
Gojo giggled at your response, pushing you off gently and rolling back onto his bum. Pulling you into his lap, his white lashes fluttered against your cheek while his boyish eyes sparkled.
"My name's Satoru Gojo, ya'know?" He teased, kissing your cheeks and holding your face in his massive hands. "Call me by name, it'll get way too kinky if you call me that!"
With a whimper, you were placed down onto the mat, the pillow that was placed ahead of time resting under your head with a small poof sound. Gojo towered over you, looking down at you like a large cat about to devour its prey. He licked his lips, hooking his fingers under your waistband and tugging down. Pulling your shorts and panties off in such a swift and quick motion you worried he torn them.
"Gotta get a taste of that juicy pussy," Gojo purred, his eyes practically glowing when they shot down to the moist area. Seeing your folds soaking in their own slick made his dick throb in their confindes.
"Looking mighty savory, aren't you?"
The vulgarity was making you shiver, watching in stunned silence as Gojo's hands pressed against your inner thighs and he quickly leaned his head down to sniff you. Hid body soon follows suit and resting on the mat, and his tongue catches you off guard when it flicks at your clit.
"Waah!!" You cry out, hands making their way to tug at Gojo's fluffy hair. "Th-That was too sudden, be careful!"
Gojo responds with a very muffled "I got this," and continues working your pussy with his mouth. It was almost a complete contrast from how Sukuna did it. It was sudden, and Gojo didn't leave anything to chance. Paying lots of attention to your hole while thumbing at your clit, practically grinding his nose under the hood and incidentally pinching it between the two.
He let out little sighs of satisfaction at your taste, letting the fluids into his mouth and pushing his tongue into your hole. Feeling you clench around him and forcing another jolt from his cock.
"God, you're making me so hard right now," Gojo taunted, swirling his tongue around and chuckling over how hard your cunt was sucking in his tongue. "So welcoming, I can't wait to feel how tight you are down here."
A few short moments and he had you cumming from his fingers and lips, your thighs shuddering under the force of your orgasm and an unexpected moan erupting from you. Gojo was a little surprised as well how fast he got you to cum, considering how much stamina you must've developed exercising here.
"Must be weak for someone good with his hands, eh?" Gojo smirked, feeling Sukuna's eyes burning holes in the side of his head. It was so worth it.
After his teasing resided, he looked over at Sukuna and asked what the first position was. With a grimace, Sukuna lifted the clipboard and read it off the top; "Reverse cowgirl."
The male cooed with delight, a smile on his face as he began peppering your neck with kisses and nibbles. You yelp when you're suddenly lifted into Gojo's lap and flipped around, pressing against a very firm bump in his lap. He pushed down his shorts and briefs as you look back to see just how big he was, and what you saw made you shudder.
It was massive.
"Oh my.." You mumble, trailing off as Gojo ripped open one of the condoms Sukuna provided. "Are you even sure it'll fit?"
Gojo nods as if to play with you, slipping the condom over his dripping and pink mushroomed tip. "Of course it will! I prepped you good for my cock, and you'll take it like a good girl."
Gojo's hand gripped his base firmly, tilting your ass up so he could get a good look at your pussy. Tracing his tip on the outline of your entrance, he pushed it into your opening and sighed once your tightness enveloped him.
It felt like heaven inside you.
You pulsed and squeezed in all of the right places as Gojo continued pushing himself inside you, putting it inside like a sword to its sheath. Once he felt his balls pressing against your swollen clit, grinding them against you, he laid down on the mat and held your hips in his hands.
"Go ahead and start the work out," Sukuna muttered from his spot by the tinted window, arms folded and staring down at where you and Gojo were now connected. "Make sure to be gentle, she's not some blow-up doll."
Gojo scoffs, sending a glare to his worker and receiving one in return.
Once you managed to catch your breath, you pressed your shins into the mat and lifted your hips. The friction of Gojo's shaft rubbing your insides as if he wasn't even wearing a condom, your nails digging into his thighs skin and creating indents. You whimpered at the feeling of Gojo's cock being so deep inside, feeling it rub all the bumps and spots that made your toes curl.
Soon, Gojo decided to take matters into his own hands.
Jutting his hips up and rocking you against him in a fast paced rhythm. Knocking his leaking tip against your womb, rubbing your clit against his swelling balls with every thump. It was hard to hold back your orgasm like this, the pressure you were getting was almost perfect.
"..Five.. Six.. Seven," Sukuna counted, watching your tits bounce and your back arch for someone that wasn't him. He didn't even want to pay any mind to Gojo, but it was him that was making you feel so good.
Making your face morph with pleasure and bounce so perfectly. You looked so cute and sexy, that it made Sukuna grunt with lust. He's ashamed he's so horny for his client, seeing you everyday get fucked by someone that wasn't him and imagine it was himself doing it. He had that one chance, and he took it, and now his cock was being punished in its confines, dripping and oozing for you.
"O-Okay, time to move to a different position," He announced, looking at his clipboard and hearing a pop! "Scissor style. Miss, please lay on your side and we'll continue."
You nod, panting and shaky, already almost spent. It was a surprise that you weren't used to this, it was like the first time you ever walked into the gym all over again. Laying down, you lazily lifted your leg, watching Gojo come up over you once again and putting it over his shoulder. Slipping his cock back inside you and groaning quietly, looking down and watching your hole constrict around him as he started moving his hips, holding onto your leg and kissing your calf.
"Fuck, you feel so good," Gojo said, rubbing up your thigh and pressing his hand against your hip. "I want to come so bad inside you, but there's this fucking condom."
Your whimpers and moans were like music to Sukuna's ears, watching you struggle to hold your orgasm back after being edged. Seeing how tight your tummy was clenching just to handle Gojo's sharp thrusts, his pubic bone slapped against your thigh. He let out a groan, pressing his brows together as his movements became sloppy and desperate.
He really wanted to cum.
"..Nine.. Ten!" Sukuna clapped, startling both you and Gojo at the same time with his presence. Seeing as he wasn't normally as handsy like any other day, but oh did he want to.
"You'll now be switching to missionary, the final position for today. Anyways, before we do that.."
Sukuna took a few steps towards you and sat down a little ways from your head as Gojo released you from your compromising position. Your confusion made him smirk, watching in amusement as your face changed from a look of confusion to embarrassment and pure cuteness.
"You'll be sucking me off, too," He finished, undoing himself from his pants and letting his hard cock slap against his stomach. The tip was oozing with pre-cum, dripping down the underside and ending up trailing along one of the veins that was throbbing.
"You could get written up for that," Gojo interjected, glaring at Sukuna's dick like he was hoping it'd just fall off. "Against policy, y'know?"
Sukuna shrugged, fisting himself for a moment while you were still stunned and not paying attention to the argument at all. Looking up at the enlarged head until it was tapping its pearled up tip to your puffy lips, pressing and rubbing for you to invite it inside. Your eyes sparkled while Sukuna and Gojo continued their banter before you opened your mouth and began to suck on the tip.
"Just don't be a dick and let it—" Cutting himself off with a moan and slapping a hand to his face, turning his attention back down to you whom was already making around the halfway mark and suckling gently on his cock.
You let out a small purr at the taste, seeing as you had been wondering its flavor for quite some time, and having it finally was making you feel better than before. A large hand patted your head, causing you to look up and see Sukuna's proud smirk plastered on his face.
"Like it?" He asked, playing with your hair and gesturing to Gojo to get into the next instructed position. "Keep sucking, just make sure that you don't choke."
You nod, resting on your back as your partner lifted your legs over his hips. The familiar stretch of Gojo's dick pushed back inside your cunny, dripping and squelching as he started to move and press his thumb against your clit. Rocking his hips hard against you to try and get your attention back onto him, watching your mouth take Sukuna deeper and deeper into your throat.
"That shouldn't be so sexy, dammit," Gojo huffed, working up a sweat as he pressed his hands on the mat next to your hips. "Fuck.. so tight and warm.."
With each of your holes being filled up, you moaned around Sukuna's. Feeling the pleasure touching every nerve ending and limb that was being consumed. It was as if you were being welcomed into a hug, even though the people currently embarrassing you had some form of hate for each other.
Sukuna grunted, holding your head in place while he started to move his hips. His cock tapping at the back of your throat and your drool pooling around its middle, an almost harsh pace being set to where you wanted to choke.
"Is it too much?" Sukuna teased, looking down at your flushed face.
Although you couldn't speak, you let out a small whimper, running your tongue on the side of his cock and watching his brow twitch. He let out a chuckle, a groan following it, and a sigh. Feeling your soft lips around him made him want to finish already, and he most likely will even though Gojo was there and would tease him about it for the days to come.
While Sukuna's dick knocked at the back of your throat Gojo's cock rubbed at your sweet spot deep inside. Grinding his pelvis into your clit, squeezing at your hips until you knew they'd have bruises tomorrow. His large palms made they're way up your body, tickling at your sides until his thumbs grazed at your nipples.
Rubbing around them and playing with them while he moved his hips against you gently, even though he should've been going at a faster pace.
"Squeezing me so tight," Gojo mumbled, thumbing your nipples and cupping your tits. His eyes glowed with want as his hips started to pick up their pace. "Gonna make me cum so fast, Y/n."
"M-Mgh!" You responded in return, feeling Gojo's fingers pinch and tug at your nipples. Bending his head down to suckle on them, licking around your swelling nub until it was a bright red.
"Such sexy lil' nipples too. Wahh, I get why Sukuna was so protective of oyu now!"
The man in question grunted, his face flushed and rocking his hips into your mouth more. Panting and playing with your hair while his cock continued to drool and drip more into your mouth. Soon Sukuna's aching member gave a final throb and shot his load down your throat.
A warm and bitter taste on your tongue, you swallowed. Some of the excess dribbling down the corner of your lips and landing on the tatami mat, Sukuna's cock pulling from the heat of your mouth with a pop!
"Thanks, darling," Sukuna teased, watching your fucked out expression get worse. "You've got a great mouth on you."
Letting out a little whimper, Sukuna pinched your chin between his fingers, leaning his head down and pressing a small kiss to your bottom lip. It sends a shudder down your spine and made your toes curl.
His lips were so soft and warm even if it was for a brief moment. Once he pulled away, you noticed Sukuna's other hand trailing down between your breasts and down your stomach. Drawing an invisible line while Gojo's eyes followed, watching as it went further and further to meet your clit.
You gasp at the contact, feeling Sukuna circle his fingers in slow and gentle circles, Gojo's dick throbbing and pulsing between your folds adding additional pleasure. Sukuna started peppering kisses on your temple while his eyes continued to bore down at your little nub. Telling Gojo to go faster and make you arch your back, to which he did even though he had a grimace on his face.
"I'm gonna cum soon, shit," You whimper, reaching down and wrapping a hand around Gojo's wrist. Digging your nails into his skin as another orgasm began to wash over you.
"Fuck fuck fuck fuck!! Gojo!"
All he needed was your voice to cum, to fill up your insides while your pussy clenched. The soft moans leaving Gojo makes you blush, seeing him pressing his brows together and closing his eyes. A slight sweat collecting on his hairline and making his bangs stick to his forehead.
"Mgh! Take it, c'mon," Gojo grunted under his breath as if he wasn't talking to you specifically, pumping his cock and riding through your climaxes together.
Once his hips settled and your breaths calmed, Sukuna sat up and licked at his fingers. Tasting your slick on his digits while Gojo pulled from your now puffy and cumming pussy. The pair may not like each other, not in the slightest, but they both mentally agreed you were absolutely ravishing when you came.
"Good session everyone," Sukuna said after a few moments with his shorts and underwear pulled up. "Though I didn't like your partner for today, he was... alright."
"Alright?" Gojo scoffed, scrunching up his nose and panting. "I did amazing. That's the word you're looking for, mister."
While you patted yourself down with a towel Sukuna provided you with, your brain was still in a blur from your high. Looking from both of them, you hummed and sat up as best you could.
"Both of you made me feel good," You finally mumble as the duo turn their attention to you once again. "So thank you to both of you. I'll be looking forward to next time, maybe."
Now that you had dropped the pounds you felt were needed to be lost, you had been considering whether staying with the gym would be the best for you. And you could tell that on the two male's faces that they had gotten the gist of it, seeing a pout look on both of their faces.
"At least one more session wouldn't hurt, right?" an unfamiliar voice said from the door, causing a sudden shock of embarrassment wash over all three of you.
At the door stood Getou Suguru, one of the other trainers at the gym that was here to run you down about its policy in the first place. His black hair was tied up in a small bun, in a plain grey T and some gym pants.
"Your one month membership is going to expire anyways," He said matter of faculty, his lidded eyes scanning over your shaky figure. "It'll be like a fare well parting gift, I suppose."
You hum, trying to hide most of your body while Gojo continued to be stark naked in front of you. Getou shrugged his shoulders, stepping further into the room so he could close the door and tapped his side.
"It's not my choice though, so I can't comment."
You eventually dress, saying goodbye to your partner, Sukuna, and Getou before making your way to the showers to head home for the evening. While you didn't want to stay any longer, and you needed to at least get your friends off your back about the place, Getou's point did make sense.
It'd be a waste to just let your membership go to waste over one day.
After gathering your things, you walked over to the sign-out sheet and wrote your name. Placing one last session for you, and just waiting to see what was going to happen. Shoko had gotten to work a little after 9, but she was a tired little mess.
Her sleepy eyes glossy as they looked up at you from over the rim of her cup of coffee. "One more session, love?"
"Mhm," You respond, handing her the sheet and waving. "I'll be seeing you guys one last time, then it's back to my normal schedule!"
You walked out the glass paned doors and down the sidewalk towards your home. Inside, you knew you'd miss the place, but it was just convenient for your weight loss at the time.
"Man, it shouldn't be this hard to say goodbye," You chuckle to yourself, a smile on your face as you continued to walk home.
Waiting patiently for your last day at the sex gym you had grown to adore.
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a/n:: ty for enjoying and taking the time to read this! i didn't know where i was going with this, and honestly was hoping to post this sooner than now! Looking forward to writing the next part soon!! ^^ a/n::
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og drabble || next part
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skz317cb97 · 1 year
Shower Time
Seungmin x Female reader
Word count: 2.5k 🤪 ThEy'Re DrAbBlEs
Synopsis: After your messy time with Felix in the kitchen you need to get cleaned up and Seungmin offers to help.
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A/N: 18+ ONLY! I know said don't expect these quickly but shit at this rate I'll be done with this series by tomorrow lmao! I'm having so mush fun and I hope you are all too! If you like this part please reblog, comment, like, shoot me an ask! As always warnings and smut below the cut! 6/8
Warnings: 18+ ONLY MDNI! Cursing/strong language, slight voyerism (kinda), MC is worried about slut shaming (I don't know if that needs a warning but it's there), unprotected piv sex (please use condoms) cream pie, marking, guided masterbation, body worshiping (kinda), pet names (goddess, jagi, pretty etc), cum eating, I think that's everything this one is softer. If I missed anything please let me know and I'll add it immediately!
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Felix was leaned against the kitchen counter as you laid back on the cool tile covered in icing still. Smoke started to come from the stove and Felix cussed. 
“Oh fuck the cookies!” He opened the stove door and more smoke billowed out. He pulled out the tray and the cookies were charred and black. Felix’s face turned into a little pout and he got those big sparkly anime eyes again. 
“They’re ruined.” You stood up and walked over to Felix wrapping your arms around him from behind and resting your chin on his shoulder. 
“Aww Lixie it’s okay.” You grabbed a wet washcloth, turned him to face you and started to wipe the icing and your cum from his face. 
“Why don’t you run down to the corner store and grab some more stuff to make dough and I’ll take a shower. When you get back we’ll make another batch and make sure to not burn them. Okay angel? Now turn that frown upside down.” Felix smiled sweetly as you wiped the rest of his face and he nodded. 
“Good boy.” Felix grabbed his sweats and shirt then slid his sandals on and you pecked his lips before he headed out the door towards the store. You leaned against the wall for a moment and caught your breath. These men were going to be the death of you. You looked down at the mess all over you, shook your head and smiled then headed towards the bathroom to take a shower.
Since you were alone in the apartment and you were a sticky mess you didn’t bother putting your clothes back on. You walked bare assed through the apartment and as you made your way to the hall you ran into Seungmin coming from his room also very naked. You both froze and then Seungmin smirked looking you up and down taking in your appearance which you sure was an absolute fucked out mess. 
“Honestly thought you and Felix both left.” Your brain finally caught up and your jaw dropped. 
“YOU’VE BEEN HERE THE ENTIRE TIME?!” You tried to cover yourself a little, feeling very exposed. 
“No sense in hiding y/n I heard everything you and Felix said and I saw you run through the hall naked when you went to Minho’s room.” Your arms fell back to your sides since there was really no hiding anyway. Seungmin walked towards the bathroom, he looked in and wiggled his eyebrows at you. 
“We can save water showering together like you and Chan did if you’d like.” You almost asked how the hell he knew about Chan too and then you remembered he just said he’d heard everything you and Felix had said, including what happened with Chan. Seungmin walked towards you with his hand outstretched.  
“Come on don’t be shy jagiya...” You had honestly never heard Seungmin speak so sweetly. 
“You wash my back and I’ll wash yours...” He said with his eyebrow raised. You took his hand unsure of just what the fuck you thought you were doing and he led you towards the bathroom. 
“Wh-what about Lixie? He’ll be back soon.” You asked as he closed the bathroom door behind you and locked it. 
“He can listen if he wants.” Seungmin smirked, turned on the shower, and walked back over to you while it started to warm up. 
“Can I touch you?” You hesitated and chewed at your lip. You definitely should not be doing this. You’ve been with Minho, Changbin, Jisung, Chan and you just fucked Felix. You should not even be considering what you were at that moment. 
“It’s okay. If you don’t want me to I won’t. You can take a shower and I’ll just take one later.” Seungmin went for the door to leave and both your hands came up gently pressing against his chest stopping him. He looked at you and smiled knowingly. You nervously cleared your throat. 
“I... y-you won’t think... you don’t think I’m a.... slut?” Your words came out so small he almost didn’t hear them. When he realized what you asked his face softened and he ran the back of his hand down your cheek. 
“God no, what?! Of course not jagiya!” You shook your head, he didn’t know the whole picture though. 
“Seungmin you don’t know everything, Chan and Felix aren’t the only one’s I’ve been with.” You admitted. He shook his head understanding. 
“What you mean Minho? I know you and him didn’t really hide it.” You shook your head again. 
“Not just Minho.” He still looked at you blankly. 
“Okay... so. So you’ve fucked a few of the guys. You could fuck all of them at the same time for all I care. Look, we all love each other yea? So what’s so wrong with making each other feel good hmm?” You shrugged your shoulders as you rested your arms on Seungmin’s. He placed his hands on your waist. 
“Liking sex doesn’t make you a slut okay? Even if it’s with more than one partner. Am I a slut for wanting to fuck you right after Felix?” You shook your head. 
“No.” You said in your small voice. Seungmin wrapped his arms around you and pulled you close, unbothered by the sticky mess on your skin. One of his hands came up and cupped your face and he kissed you softly.  
“Do you know how pretty you are? You’re a fucking goddess.” He gently kissed down your neck. You’d never experienced tender Seungmin, you rather liked him.  
“Do you want to get in the shower with me? I’d love to wash you...” His nose grazed yours and he pecked your lips. 
“Touch you...” He nuzzled your cheek and kissed it. 
“Taste you...” Seungmin kissed you but not a peck like before. No this time Seungmin captured your lips between his, his tongue gently asked for entry and you parted your lips allowing him to tease your tongue with his own. You were already flushed and breathless. His lips trailed down your jaw and neck tasting the left-over icing on your skin. 
“Se-Seungmin...” He stopped and looked at you to make sure everything he was doing was okay. You gave him a soft smile and turned backing up towards the shower that was now running hot. You grabbed Seungmin’s hands and pulled him towards the shower with you. 
“Minnie?” He smiled humming as his eyes raked over your naked form. 
“Will you wash me...” Your hands trailed down the front of your sticky body and you started teasing your clit. 
“... here?” Seungmin licked his lips nodding. 
“You want me to?” He raised his eyebrow looking for a firm confirmation that you wanted this and you shook your head yes. 
“Of course I’ll wash your pretty pussy jagi.” You both stepped into the shower and the warm water running down your body felt amazing immediately. Seungmin turned you so your back was to him.  
“You wait right there gorgeous.” He grabbed a loofa and squeezed a little of his own bodywash on it then worked it up into a lather. He pushed your hair over your shoulder and started rubbing the loofa across your shoulders and back. You hummed and softly moaned. The other guys had all been a little rough with you, not that you didn’t like it, you were just surprised with how gentle Seungmin was being with you in comparison. As if you were glass and he feared breaking you. He scrubbed the loofa down your back. 
“Arms up jagiya.” You lifted your arms and then Seungmin wrapped his around you as he started soaping up the front of your body. You put your arms back down and leaned your head back on his shoulder relishing the touch of his hands and the loofa as he soaped your breasts and down your tummy. You parted your legs a little so that Seungmin could wash your pretty pussy, just like he said he would. His touch only lingered long enough to clean you. He kneeled down to wash your legs and you turned around to face him again. The suds ran down your legs and Seungmin stood back up.  
“God you’re so fucking beautiful. You really just have no idea do you?” You shook your head. You didn’t think you were ugly by any means but the way Seungmin’s eyes sparkled as they drank you in, you’d never seen anyone look at you like that before. He tossed the loofa and wrapped his arms around you pulling you into the stream of the shower more, running his hands all over your body rinsing the foamy soap off.
You kissed his neck and you could feel his cock twitch between your bodies. You kissed just below the last one and felt him throb again. You pulled back both of you with your arms wrapped around the other. You wanted to ask Seungmin something but you were nervous. You didn’t want him to misunderstand. He could sense your apprehension; two fingers were placed under your chin tilting your head up to look him in the eyes again. 
“What’s rolling around in that pretty head of yours jagi?” You bit your lip. 
“Min... will... will you...” You shook your head. 
“Never mind it’s stupid forget I said anything.” Seungmin leaned in and kissed your pouty lips gently. 
“Whatever you want y/n, just ask and I’ll give it to you. What do you want beautiful?” You took a shuddering breath trying to calm your nerves. 
“Seungminnie... will you... will you make love to me?” His brown eyes were so soft looking into yours as a small smile grew on his face. He kissed you and it was more heated, more passionate than the others. He backed you up against the shower wall and lifted one of your legs, wrapping it around his waist. He leaned in to whisper in your ear. 
“Can I have you raw jagi?” His hard cock pressed against your aching core an you nodded. 
“Yes.” It was breathy and quiet. 
“Can I cum inside you pretty?” He rubbed his dick against your cunt again and you moaned and nodded. 
“Yes.” Seungmin cupped your cheek with one hand and kissed you tenderly as he lined his leaking cock up with your wet hole and sank into you slowly. You both moaned into the other’s kiss. Seungmin held your thigh up around him with one hand and braced against the tile wall with the other as he thrusted deeper inside you. 
“Soft all over, feel so good.” He started kissing down your neck and shoulder as he took shallow thrusts pushing deep into you, his pubic muscle rubbing against your clit adding to the pleasure his cock was giving you. He rested his head on your shoulder panting as he started to grind into you a little faster. 
“Seungmin it feels so good, don’t stop, please.” He shook his head as it rested in the crook of your neck. 
“Won’t stop jagiya, wanna make you feel so good...” He pushed deeper and his dick brushed against your g spot. 
“Seungmin!” He groaned. 
“Yes beautiful, say my name, tell me sweetie... tell me who’s got you jagi?” You pushed your back into the tile wall and held onto Seungmin’s shoulders as he started moving faster, slightly pushing you against the tiles more each time. 
“Seungmin...” He kissed your chest and softly sucked a mark right above one of your breasts. 
“Louder baby...” You gasped when he hit your g spot again. 
“Seungmin!” He looked at you shaking his head. 
“Come on jagiya, who’s cum are you gonna take? Hmm? Scream it nice and loud so Felix can hear you beautiful.” He was pumping into you deep and you started to cum. 
“SEUNGMIN! SEUNGMIN! GOD PLEASE CUM INSIDE ME!” Seungmin started fucking you fast chasing his orgasm and prolonging yours. Your heel dug in his ass making sure he was going to be buried in you balls deep when he came. 
“Fuck pretty don’t worry I’m not pulling out, gonna give it to you.” You were pressed against the tile still holding on to his shoulders for support. Seungmin was looking down watching his cock disappear inside you. You ran one of your hands down his face and tilted his chin up making him look at you. 
“S-Seungmin... please... cum inside me.” You begged for his cum breathless. He bit his lip and buried his face into the crook of your neck, holding you down on his cock as he twitched and filled your cunt with his big warm load. 
“MMmmmm a fucking goddess and I get to cum in this pretty cunt? Fuck! Take it beautiful take it all.” You squirmed as he kept his hold on you, buried so deep, shuddering as his hot seed spread inside you. When Seungmin pulled out you could feel his cum trail down your legs. You ran your hand down your tummy and ran your fingers through your folds, rubbing Seungmin’s cum over your clit. You were about to pull your hand away and taste him but he grabbed your wrist and stopped you. He knelt down in front of you eye level with your pussy. 
“Play with it Jagiya, make yourself cum for me beautiful want to watch you squeeze my cum out of your pretty little cunt.” You did as Seungmin said and kept rubbing your clit, sliding back and gathering more of his cum from your hole before rubbing the sensitive bundle of nerves faster. 
“God you’re fucking perfect, faster sweetie rub it nice and hard.” You took his direction and rubbed your clit faster and harder. 
“Gonna cum Min gonna...” 
“Yes fucking cum for me beautiful!” Your back arched and your body buzzed as you came right in front of Seungmin’s face. He watched in awe as his cum was squeezed out of your clenching hole. You ran your fingers up and down your pussy messily, collecting the cum leaking from you and rubbing it all over your cunt before sticking four of your fingers in your mouth and sucking them clean. Seungmin grabbed the loofa again and stood up. He watched you suck his cum from each finger as he ran the loofa over your extremely sensitive cunt. You jerked and shuddered. 
“Sorry pretty, have to clean you up a little.” You smiled blushing and nodded in understanding as he finished wiping your swollen pussy clean. He tossed the loofa again and pulled you away from the wall back under the water that was surprisingly still hot. Seungmin wrapped his arms around you and you rested your head on his chest, his chin resting on top of your head as his hands ran up and down your back soothing you. 
“Well just... I just... I mean when... you know... when I said... make love...” You could feel Seungmin shake his head. 
“You meant you wanted tender... I can do tender.” You relaxed into his hold again and looked up at him smiling sweetly. You ran your hand down his cheek as you looked into his soft brown eyes. 
“Yes, I see that now.” You curled back into his embrace laying your head on his chest again. 
“Now can you be a tender to Yongbokie at tomorrow’s game night?”  
“Let’s not go that far sweety...” You pouted a little. 
“Pleeease?” You whined and Seungmin let out a heavy sigh. 
@acciocriativity @caroline-ds-world @chansynie @ughbehavior @jquellen27 @hyunelixies @fixation-dump @lachinitaaaaa @rinrinndou @bangchans-angel @laylasbunbunny @owo-manii-uwu @armystay89 @b00dyguts @purplenimsicle @caticorn61 @lauraneuuh @channieandhisgoonsquad @minnysproutgriffinteddy @3rachasninja
“I’ll try... only for you though...” You leaned up pecked his lips and laid your head on his chest as you hugged him close and listened to his heart flutter for you. 
Please do not repost or translate any of my works. My blog and stories are NSFW and 18+ ONLY! Minors, ageless, and blank blogs will be blocked!
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~ Bonded by a Ring | JJK
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Pairing: CEO!husband!Jungkook x writer!fem!wife!Reader
Warnings: arranged marriage, fluff, a bit of angst. (This is a light chapter tbh, I can't think of anymore triggering content. Let me know if I missed anything!)
Summary: We take a look at your life as Mrs. Jeon, wife of the rich heir to Jeon Enterprises, Jungkook. He was a handsome gentleman who you were able to call your husband yet the relationship between you both was entirely political and civil. Could feelings begin to sparkle between the cracks of marriage?
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: This was supposed to come out yesterday on Kook's birthday but I was busy and I couldn't edit it but here it is! I'll continue writing this small drabble series when I find the time while also working on other fics I hope to be able to publish soon.
Let me know your thoughts on this one in the comments, please! Drabbles are open for this au in case you want to request something my inbox is open!!💜
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It was dark outside. Dusk had settled a while ago and your husband was still not home. You worried for him, for his health. He worked so much and rested too little.
You were sitting on the couch, your laptop rested atop your folded legs. Glancing at the clock you noticed how it was nearly midnight. You sighed. This was not new for you. For Jungkook to always come home late, seldom were those times in which he dined with you.
Rarely did you ever go to bed together as you often found yourself curled in the large mattress without him to keep you warm during the night.
You and Jungkook have been married for some months now. A marriage that was arranged by his parents. A marriage that was of advantage to you both for he needed to have a wife and an heir to inherit his family's company and you, well you needed his name.
As an author who had published her first novel, you became really popular in the world of words and books and you could thank it all to your husband's marketing team.
There was no love between you two. But you didn't hate him either. The relationship between you and Jungkook was a polite one, he was ever the gentleman with you and in exchange he obtained your respect.
You cared for him to a certain extent. You always made sure he never left for work on an empty stomach and had ready some light dinner for when he came home late. You always made sure his shirts were ironed and his shoes polished.
And in return, Jungkook always gave you anything you could possibly need. Do you have an appointment with your editor? He'd make sure his chauffeur would drive you there. Do you need some new clothes? You could always use his credit card. Do you want to get Bam a new toy? He’d made sure to bring you the best catalogues he could find for you to choose what to buy for the spoiled dog who had earned your heart too quickly.
It was a balanced relationship. He respected you, you respected him. Jungkook had his life, you had yours. But to the public, you both were a happily married couple. While inside closed doors, you treated each other as an old acquaintance of another lifetime.
Your attention got stolen by the sound of the electronic lock as the front door opened and in came Jungkook. Even from where you sat, you could see the tiredness in his body. The exhaustion.
You put the laptop aside before standing up and walking towards him. You took his coat from his hands and presented his slippers to him.
If Jungkook hadn't been that tired at that moment he'd have thanked you with a soft smile.
"I'm glad you're home, do you want to eat something? I can heat you up some dinner if you'd like?"
He let out a sigh, the stress, problems and frustration from work were getting on his nerves. And to even think that he had to go back tomorrow...
"No, I'm fine, (y/n). I just want to sleep."
You nodded, placing his coat in the hanger while putting his shoes in its place. The scent of his cologne invaded your senses and your touch lingered on the heavy robe he previously wore for longer than needed.
Your eyes followed his figure as he disappeared in one of the hallways and into the bedroom you both shared. You have never minded sharing a room with him, let alone the bed. The other two rooms in the large flat were transformed in your study while the other was his personal gym.
Walking back into the living room, you saved the draft of the story you had been working on for some time now before you powered off your laptop.
For a moment, your eyes lingered on the city lights. They looked so close yet so far at the same time. The large glass windows that reached from the floor up to the ceiling allowed you to see such a beautiful view.
You felt a sudden sense of loneliness wash over you. Something that felt strange in you, something you couldn't describe, let alone place its source.
With a sigh you turned around, your arms were hugging your figure as you approached the couch once more. You placed the laptop on the coffee table before walking towards the bedroom, turning the lights off on your way.
Jungkook was already lying down on his side of the bed, his back facing you. With quick and silent movements you approached the other side of the bed and sat down before getting yourself under the covers.
You assumed your husband was already asleep as deep breaths could be heard in the quietness of the place. You turned on your right side, facing his back as you shut your tired eyes after having been in front of a screen for too long.
"Goodnight, (y/n)."
Those whispered words reached you before you fell into your deep slumber. You mumbled the words back as you succumbed to the tiredness in your body.
"Goodnight, Jungkook."
Little were you aware of the fluttering in your husband's heart at your words. Of the small smile that graced his lips at the little attentions you always gave him. By the way you were slowly entering his heart without you having the slightest idea.
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Jungkook was woken up by his noisy alarm and he cursed under his breath before turning the frustrating noise off. With a sigh he sat up, one of his hands ruffled his hair before he stood up and went to the bathroom as he needed to get ready to go to the company yet again.
After taking a shower and getting dressed, Jungkook stepped out of the bedroom, closing the door behind him with a soft noise that nearly echoed in the overly silent apartment.
"Bam, stop it. You already had breakfast."
He heard your voice from somewhere in his large home as the smell of coffee suddenly hit him. His feet carried him over the hallway and across the living room until he entered the kitchen that faced the dining area.
Jungkook saw how you had prepared a plate filled with fruit and some yoghurt as well as a cup of coffee. He couldn't help the smile that grew on his face, the moment itself was precious as if gotten out of one of the dramas he had caught you watching from time to time when you needed inspiration to write or to simply pass the time.
His stomach fluttered when you lifted your gaze from the large yet cute dog who stole your attention to look at your husband. A smile on your own was painted over your lips.
Time seemed to stop when your eyes met his, Jungkook didn't know for how long the both of you stayed like that. As if trapped in a loop of time of perfection. Almost like a real married couple did.
He broke eye contact and cleared his throat, as if snapping himself from some kind of spell. A spell only you conjure over me. The thought crossed his mind before he could stop it. Your smile disappeared from your face as you looked aside, your cheeks heating.
"Did... did you sleep well?"
You asked after a moment or two of silence. Even Bam stopped moving by your side as if somehow the canine felt the subtle tension rising in the kitchen.
"Yes, thank you."
Then it was awkward again. You didn't know what to say. He wasn't moving, neither were you. He didn't seem to want to lift his gaze as it was placed on the white floor beneath his feet. As if it were the most interesting thing in the world.
"I made you some breakfast. It is not healthy for you to leave on an empty stomach, Jungkook."
He hummed, walking toward the stool before sitting down, his breakfast resting on the marble counter.
"I'm going to take a shower."
You excused yourself and left the kitchen, not allowing your husband to say anything as the next second you were already walking down the hallway.
A sigh left your lips as you leaned on the closed door of your shared bedroom. What just happened? You thought to yourself while pressing the back of your hands up to your cheeks to try and cool down the skin that felt suddenly too hot.
You decided a cold shower would help you clear your mind so you didn't waste another minute to grab your clothes and hop into the shower, allowing the cool water to run down your body and refresh your mind.
Jungkook sat at the stool, spoon in hand as he ate the last of his yoghurt. His cup of coffee was already half empty when you emerged from the bedroom, your hair was wet and you were wearing fresh clothes.
The scent of your shampoo hit him and there it was, the fluttering in his heart, the soft churning of his stomach.
He emptied the bowl with his breakfast and downed the remnants of his coffee before he stood up.
"I have to leave now."
Your hands picked up his bowl and cup as you placed them on the sink.
"Have a nice day, Jungkook."
He didn't know what was happening. Everyday you woke up and prepared some breakfast for him, sometimes he ate it at the flat other times he took it with him to eat it at the office.
Why was he feeling so strange right now when what you were doing was completely normal?
You turned to look at him with a warm smile over your lips, ignoring the way your heart sped up a little by the mere sight of him or the way you felt your palms begin to sweat due to the nerves of being with him in the same room.
He mirrored your smile and you swore you had seen Heaven. You loved his smile. You had always found it pretty. It suited him. Not that you had ever told him that but it was a thought you had had since you first met.
"Don't forget to have breakfast, (y/n). I'll try to come back a bit earlier today."
Butterflies fluttered in your stomach at the thought of him coming home at a decent hour from work.
"Oh, that's good. Have a nice day, then."
You mentally face-palmed yourself. You already wished him a good day, idiot! But he chuckled, walking away from the kitchen and toward the front door. You watched him like every other day, you watched him put his coat on as well as his shoes.
Jungkook turned around and smiled at you before he was out of the door, the soft click of the lock echoed so loudly in the now nearly empty flat.
You sighed, going back to the kitchen to prepare something to eat for yourself. Just like Jungkook told you. The promise of his early arrival set a smile on your lips once more. Wanting to be with him again, even when he had just left not even five minutes ago.
The reason for this new feeling? You didn't know. But you couldn't say you didn't like it either. Jungkook was your husband after all, it was only natural to want to be close and spend time with the person one marries, right?
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"Jungkook, are you listening?"
His head turned to look at the side only to spot Jimin, one of his close friends and co-workers already looking at him with an expectant and curious expression over his delicate features.
"Sorry, what?"
Jimin sighed, a hand running through his blond hair.
"I was saying that we need to close the deal with Mr. Cha as soon as possible. It will help us increase our sales."
Jungkook let out a deep breath as his thumb kept clicking and clicking the pen that was in his grasp.
"I know. I'm sorry, hyung. I have a lot on my mind right now."
Jimin clicked his tongue as he put some files aside.
"Yeah, I figured. I'll ask Hoseok to look into this and bring you the contract for you to sign."
"Thanks, Jimin-ssi."
The latter smiled, more than smirked and said, his hands tangling in front of him over the table.
"Now tell me, what is bothering you?"
Jungkook knew his friend was going to ask that question sooner or later. He leaned back on his chair and said, fidgeting with the pen in between his fingers.
"It's (y/n)."
If Jungkook had been looking at his friend, he'd have seen how Jimin's eyes widened at the mention of your name. He had met you on a couple of occasions, one of them being your wedding with his younger friend, that's why he grew surprised when you were the centre of Jungkook's current state of mind.
"What happened? Did you two fight or something?"
The doe-eyed man shook his head, placing his pen on the table before his eyes locked with the curious gaze of one of his closest friends.
"What? No, I don't think I could ever fight with her."
Jimin hummed, allowing him to continue.
"It's just that... man I don't know. I can't sleep, I can barely eat. My mind is always racing with the mere idea of her. This morning I saw her smile and... I just thought of how beautiful she looked while smiling. I want to make her smile like that, you know? I want her to be happy and to smile at me like that everyday, Jimin."
There was a moment of silence between the two men. Seconds tickled by, the silence stretched. Nearly swallowing the younger man with his own thoughts and racing heart.
"What? Don't you have something to say, Jimin-ah? You are always teasing me and when I tell you something serious you stay quiet."
The blond haired man seemed to snap out of his own mind. The only thought in his head was the one of Finally!
"You like her."
Stated Jimin. There existed no ounce of hesitation in those three words.
Jimin rolled his eyes, if anyone had seen the scene they would have thought it to be comical.
"Shhh, don't shout like that. I simply said that you like her. You like (y/n), Kook."
Jungkook swallowed. The possibility hadn't even crossed his mind. Did he- did he truly have feelings for you?
"But how?"
Jimin refrained himself from smacking Jungkook on the back of his head. Perhaps they were both speaking as friends right now but the blond man had to remind himself that Jungkook was technically his boss too. At least his future boss.
"Jungkook, it's completely normal. She is your wife, she's been living with you for months now. It actually surprises me that this hadn't happened before considering your one year anniversary is in two weeks."
The heir to Jeon Enterprises was too stunned to speak. Jimin had revealed a reality his heart already knew but his mind rejected to accept for he couldn't deny his friend's statement. He liked you, he really did. And now, he saw his situation with way more clarity than before.
"What do I do now, Jimin? Should I tell her how I feel?"
The older man laughed a bit. His eyes closed with the motion.
"See? You didn't deny it! You really like her, huh?"
Jungkook rolled his eyes, not liking the teasing from his friend.
"You didn't answer my question."
"Aish, you are totally clueless when it comes to romance, aren't you? Listen, Kook, first you have to know if she likes you back. Don't just open your heart where there could be a field of thorns, gift her things and see her reaction, do things for her and pay attention to her words, if she gets flustered or not. And if she doesn't show any signs, well then you have to win her heart."
Jungkook still had so many questions, so many things he wanted to know in order to act on the feelings his heart was treasuring. You were his wife, wasn't a marriage supposed to be sweet?
What he had with you wasn't bitter, but he found himself craving as of lately that sweet love of the heart.
He wished to be with you like a husband loves his wife, not only bounded by a ring but by sentiment too. To be tangled in the web of feelings that threatened to blossom in his heart with every thought of you, every single memory of you.
And he was going to do just that. To fight for your love. To win your heart or claim it if his name was already written in your soul for him to live in such a sacred place.
Bonded by rings, destined by fate. Claimed by society, yearning for a life by your side.
☕Caffeinate me so I can keep on writing! ☕
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resowrites · 1 year
Jurassic Park - drabble request (scheduled upload).
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Summary: Henry’s parenting skills get a brush up…
Pairings: AU!Dad!Henry Cavill x Wife!OC/Reader
Warnings: fluff, parenting/family life, banter/British humour, pet names, dialogue heavy, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: <600
A/N: Got a request for more dad!Henry fluff, not sure if it’s supposed to be based on my previous series or not but either way, thanks and please enjoy. **This is a scheduled upload, while all interactions continue to be appreciated, they can’t be responded too at this time.**
Remember, this is pure fiction (as in completely made up), and not in any way meant to reflect reality. My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting.
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Jurassic Park - drabble request.
She'd just come down to fetch the new novel she'd hoped to read in the bath, when a commotion sounded from the other room. "MUMMMMMMMY!!!" She sighed, tucked the book under her arm, and headed for the kitchen.
"What? What's going on?" Their son Hal was sitting at the table with his arms crossed and a thoroughly annoyed look on his face. Henry's eyes batted from him, to her, and back again.
"Mummy, I let Daddy have little bite of To… to… cerpops," both adults bit back a smile, "cos you say it good to share. But Daddy ate the wing! How it sposed to fly now?!"
"It can still fly! Just in a circle--"
"Daddy, shush--"
"But it's not like I ate the head! If I did it wouldn't have been able to fly at all--"
"Daddy, be quiet! Then what happened, Hal?"
"I say 'naughty Daddy,' and he laugh!" Henry quickly looked down, only just disguising a giggle.
"How did that make you feel, darling?"
"And Daddy, how do you feel?"
"Honestly? Still a bit hungry--"
"What?! Besides, I shared half my peas--"
"Did Daddy apologise, Hal?"
"I was about to!" But she looked straight into his eyes and he immediately fell silent. Henry turned towards their boy. "I'm really sorry, Hal. Sometimes Daddy gets greedy and eats what he's not supposed to. Can you forgive me?" Their son smiled and patted him on the arm.
"That's okay Daddy, sometimes I greedy too." Hal stood on his chair so he could lean in for a cuddle. She couldn't help but smile.
"Right, Henry One, Henry Two, can I go back upstairs now?!"
"No! Mummy stay and have ice cream!" She struggled to know how to respond when Henry got up from the table.
"Not tonight Hal, Mummy needs some time out--"
"But she no in trouble!" Both adults laughed.
"Of course, not! Mummy's just tired, she's been very busy and taken care of us all day." Hal thought for a moment.
"But who take care of Mummy?" Henry smiled as he lifted him onto the breakfast counter.
"We do! And that also means giving her a break when she needs one. Now, what flavour would you like?" He opened the freezer drawer and pulled out a tub of Neapolitan ice cream.
"Silly Daddy! Want them all!" She quickly took the tub from his hands.
"You can both have two scoops each--"
"That's not fair!" They chimed. She shot Henry an exasperated look.
"Hal, clear your plate for Daddy then go play with Copper and Kal. I'll be in with your ice cream in a minute." He sighed but did as he was told, getting kisses on the head from both of them as he plodded off to the living room.
"Don't think you're getting an extra scoop just for that…"
"As if that was my intention!" They smirked at each other. "And why am I always Henry Two if I'm your husband?!"
"Because Henry One happens to be our son! And just how many dinosaurs did you eat off his plate?"
"Just half a Tocerpops!" She gave him a knowing look. "… As well as a rogue Pterodactyl and a couple of T-Rexs." She rolled her eyes.
"God help me. And if you eat any of his ice cream as well, God help you." She put the lid back on the tub and made for the stairs.
"Hey, there's no need to take it with you--"
"Course there is, otherwise I'd get none!"
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
@elizabetharegina @fanfictionaddiction99 @luclittlepond @caffeinatedfestivalsheep @summersong69 @ushijimbo @livesinfantasyland @jackjanira @geralts-yenn
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crazyunsexycool · 5 months
Can you write a drabble where Sugar and Bucky are telling Henry and Lottie that sugar is pregnant.
The kids don't really understand that they have to wait for a few months in order to see the baby!
So Lottie is like oh! I gets a baby sister! Okay where is she? Give her to me 🤲
And then Henry is like why is the baby inside mama? How did mama know there's a baby inside her? Did the baby tell her?🤨
Lottie is so disappointed that she has to wait so long in order to see her sibling.
Sugar and Bucky are having such a hard time trying to explain how pregnancy works to these little munchkins 😂😭
hahahahahaha. I'll do this because I'll be writing it a bit differently in the actual series. So here we go.
Warning: Talks of pregnancy.
Henry stared at you and Bucky as if you'd each grown a second head. Charlotte was looking around confused because she couldn't find the baby you were talking about.
"Where is baby sissy?" Lottie asks, looking up at you and Bucky.
"Well the baby is in my belly." You place your hand over where the baby bump would eventually be.
"Mama no!"
Henry yells causing Lottie to react. You and Bucky laugh as Henry walks over to you. He cups your face, worry written all over his face.
"Mama how will you get the baby out?"
"First of all, my sweet boy, I didn't eat the baby."
"When do you get the baby sissy mama?" Lottie had sat herself on Bucky's lap.
"Well the baby is going to grow in my belly for nine months and then the baby will be born. So we'll have to wait for a little bit."
Lottie pouted and crossed her arms over her chest at the though of having to wait a life time.
Bucky, who had his arm around you and couldn't stop smiling, added. "We still don't know if it's a bubba or a sissy though, doll. but now you get to be a big sissy. Aren't you excited?"
"Mmhmm. Can habe seepovers and tea parties. Babies wike pwincess mobiles?"
"Maybe our new baby will. But we'll have to wait and see."
"Yeah but you get to see my belly grow and fell the baby moving and you can even talk and sing to the baby while he or she is in there."
"Can wead night night books to the baby?" Lottie asks
"Mama if you didn't eat the baby, how did it get into your belly?" Henry asked.
"Well your dad-"
"You did this to her?" Henry sends a glare in his father’s direction.
You can’t help but laugh and bring him in for a hug.
“It’s ok Henry, you’ll be a big brother again.”
“So it’s good that you’re having a baby?”
“So good, bubs.” Bucky assured him.
“And the best part is we can decorate the nursery and my clothes and toys for the baby.”
“Can go shopping too mama?”
“Of course you can sweet Angel.”
Bucky leaned in and kissed your cheek. He couldn’t stop smiling and kissing and hugging you. It was a dream come true for both of you.
“So how did daddy get the baby in your belly?”
The smile you and Bucky both had faltered.
you were not ready to have that conversation…
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chaneajoyyy · 1 year
down bad series, forever is a long time series, obesessed with you series, revindicare series, flight rendezvous, bad for you mini series ( with 'where you belong and what happened in hawaii"), try me, daddy's got you, the artn of eating p*ssy, maps, super soaker, safety net, give me besos, full throttle, full throttle extended, cupid's kisses, touch starved, what kinks lewis has, "do i feel good daddy? you like that?", "look at yourself", cockwarming lewis, sinful and unholy thoughts 1&2, anal exploration, picture drabble, picture drabble 2, first time after pregnancy, never too mad at you, marks, case closed, it's been a while- @mauvecherie-writes
plus baby makes three, she calls me daddy now, one night; 1,2,3; if this is love... mini series; a long time coming series, just do it, show me, 4am drunk calls, forever & ever & ever & ever --- but not right now, lil' love, true peace, thirsty or parched series, taste the rainbow, love will remember, anon ask 'imagine... headcanon, forgive me, i am not a sinner mini series (search lewis hamilton fanfiction)- @royallyprincesslilly
i'll teach you, family hair day (search lewis hamilton x reader)- @shaytheeprettiest
, prompt list 8 "you said you wanted to be my friend", prompt list 7 "can you read my essay?", pormpt list 9 "can you pick me up?", it's just us against the world' jealousy, jealousy (search lewis hamilton imagine)-@thisismeracing
between us series (with: when our eyes met, clubbing night, i want you, not your girlfriend, commitment, grenanda, paddock time/paddock queen (2), tension/you got what you wanted/memories, yacht day, carnival days, you could never be me, paris fashion week, abu dhabi, welcome to namibia, halloween party/my little bunny, feels like vegas, welcome home, what are you afraid of? parts 1 and 2, bikini posts, wrong one, more tna a face, unimpressed, no matter how much they want it, i want it more; a part of you, lewis birthday, long distance relationship, confession, world champion, surprising paiama, twins dream, chocolate never tasted that good, family dinner, i know your secret, rovos rail, first red carpet, i wanted to protect you, just you and me, broncos game, pillow talk, friendly- @peyiswriting
cuff it, breaking point series (search: lewis hamilton x black reader)- @hopefulromantic1
instagram au, y/n pregnant headcanon-@words-4u
imagine series- @writinginfinite
the hamilton series- @yourstrulynix
bubble baths; god, i love you, motivate, wildside, we're meant to be, you're all mine, lace fantasy, baby angel, temporary fix/2, mykonos, partition, my champion, dress, the 1 series, purple frosting, baby steps, moments, on his thighs/ 2 (on his tongue), toffee- imthebadguyyy
call it what you want series- l@lew8s
lazy mornings, miami, fighting and making up, love songs, premiere, knight in a black race suit- @theundercoversquid
soft, soulmate shorts series- @itsfeckinwimdy
our cave, collapsing/epilogue, feel so close, freefall, in our humid afternoon, feel its idle hum, til kingdom come, ocean blue, when we're cheek to cheek (i feel it in my teeth), lay all your love on me, lights out, slow show, out your hands on me, between days, only now i see the light, a familiar home, take me back so tenderly, i stand in ruins behind you, both our skin, just the two of us, short form fics (lh)- @lewisyellowhelmet
the final push, matchmaker (search: lewis hamilton x reader)- @justjams2003
getting eloped (search: lewis hamilton)- @venus2eros
expect the unexpected, the best mistake, worth the wait-(search: lewis hamilton imagine)- @pierregas1yx
tiny hands (search lewis hamilton x reader)-@bellinghamilton
untouchable/2, the merc boys (search lewis hamilton)-@yungbludz
good boy- @tamix44
out of time series, acquainted series, professional series, rendezvous series, old flame series, forbidden fruit series, ina another life, miami, how do i make you love me?, the edge, into the nght, teammated, between friends, violet skies, ordinary life, the teacher, la petit mort, wicked games, rescue me, paris, his attention, boy dad, did it work?, our spot, the stranger, you know better, birthday girl, you're mine now, trouble, cabin in the woods-@lostinlewis
anonny ask: parents lewis x reader, anonny ask: breal, anonny asks: teasing, after hours, anonny asks: morning fun, off limits, anonny ask: post wedding s*x, anonny ask: babymaking, anonny asks: possessive!lewis, anonny ask: more than friends, anonny ask: overstimulation-@paradisehamilton
sweet escape series, falling through the cracks (search: lewis hamilton fanfic)- @lvis44
graduation- @saintslewis
antartica, workplace crushes and life lessons, little white lie, living the dream- @formula-hamilton
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bamdelune · 1 year
sickly dan heng x reader fluff drabble
notes: not proofread, just fluff in general, might be a little ooc dan heng because this is my first hsr work
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A series of knocks echoed through the archive room where a sickly Dan Heng laid as a virus threw punches at his body.
The Nameless had begun an expedition on a new planet where a Stellaron had been found. This time the planet’s climate was not-so-pleasant (read: never-ending thunderstorms) and Dan Heng had initially warned you to bring an umbrella.
Did you listen?
Of course not!
“We’ll manage, love. I’m sure it’s not that bad.”
You thought you would be able to manage because the towns were filled with roofs anyway but little did you know that little could be done to avoid the harsh rain and thus, finding out that the thunderstorms continued inside the numerous establishments of the city.
That day, you were the subject of a handful of unamused stares of “I-told-you-so” from your boyfriend.
Here you stood in front of his room with a tray in your hands, standing in a certain guilt. Lucky for you, your immune system had the balls to fight the cold that was creeping up on you whereas Dan Heng’s… not so much.
You slide the door open with your foot to create a space for your head to poke through.
“Hey, bud. You alright in there?” You ask sheepishly with an awkward chuckle.
With all the energy Dan Heng could muster, he shoots you a weak glare. If looks could kill, you might as well been buried way underground already by the time he makes eye contact with you. You sigh with a nod. “Right, right.” You then push the door open to give way for your body to come in.
You set the tray down on a free space on top of one of the shelves, praying to any entity above that it won’t drop as you tended to your boyfriend as it was halfway off the shelf.
“Sit up for me, please?” you say, kneeling down to his level on the floor, your hand finding a way to press on his back to support him. He grunts tiredly, shifting some of his weight onto your palm and sits upright. Dan Heng then leans against a shelf with a huff.
You shuffle over to where the tray was whilst on your knees and come back to Dan Heng’s side, placing the tray down on the free space on the floor.
“What’s that?” Dan Heng asks softly, prompting a soft sneeze from him right after. His face was mostly pale with pink blooming particularly on his nose. His voice was a subtly scratchy. You assume that he has a mild case of a sore throat as well from his cold.
You pick up a bowl, its evaporating steam following in a trail of movement. You gently spoon through the liquid to cool it down a little. “Porridge. Not the usual one you like though since Pom Pom said it apparently ran out so I had to manage.”
You catch an uncertain look on Dan Heng’s face and pout slightly, “Do you not trust my cooking?” You jest, feigning hurt.
“I trust that you wouldn’t want my reply on that, darling.” He coughs, turning his head to the side to avoid coughing in your direction. "In fact, I'm not sure I trust your judgement."
“You wound me."
He sends you another look,
"I'm sorry, I'll listen to you next time." You exhale in defeat.
You scoop some of the porridge onto the spoon as you bring it to close to your lips, blowing on it gently before you move it near Dan Heng’s.
“Open,” you nudge the spoon slightly to prod his mouth open.
Dan Heng follows with no reluctance when he feels the metal of the spoon on his lips, gulping down the warm porridge down his throat.
You take the spoon out of his mouth and settle it in the bowl, before looking back at him with hopeful eyes. “Is it good?”
Dan Heng nods, sniffling his nose afterwards.
You feed him the porridge until it’s almost finished, setting the bowl on the tray again after it has cooled down.
“Himeko told you to drink this after eating.” You hand him a tablet of medicine packaged securely in a tin packaging. He examines the label before picking the area around the medicine with his nails to take it out. Your hands reach for the glass of water and wait for him to pop the tablet in his mouth before giving it to him.
Once he finishes drinking, he returns the glass to the tray and sighs with relief and slumps down back into the duvet covers. You bend over to tuck him in properly and place a gentle peck on his lips.
“Don’t do that, you’ll get sick.” He mutters with a pout before clearing his throat.
You chuckle quietly at your boyfriend’s words before placing another one on his cheeks.
“Trust me, I won’t. Now get some rest.” You say as you pick up the tray and dim the lights of the archive room when you leave.
Suffice to say you spoke too soon when you wake up two days later with the same cold, earning you another “I told you so” from Dan Heng. But despite his words, the man is eager to take care of you just as you did.
© bamdelune may 2023. do not repost or plagiarize any of my works, thank you so much! reblogs, notes, and comments are always appreciated!
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99liners · 1 year
I missed you a lot here 💜 good to see you back!
I've been struggling with insomnia for a while now and I keep searching for soft ASMR or drabbles to fall asleep.
I have a soft taetaeme req (☠️) yeah I'll choose the most unusual genre of man to make you write fluffy drabble for me.
Kaiho!Jungkook (oops 🥹)
I want this inhuman to be like a human even if it's for a short span of time.
maybe could you write a fluffy drabble of him being all soft for her, back hugging her in the shower while she brushes her teeth half asleep with closed eyes but she woke up just to cook for him (even tho it's a sunday)
and he kisses her and maybe rewards her with sum intense oral uwu. You obviously do add and enhance according to your ideas.
Much love
Evie 🧚🏻‍♀️
opus kaiho, drabble number 3 / tatemae series 建前:
pairing: detective!jeon jeongguk x trophy!wife reader genre: fluff, smut, marriage!au, age-gap!au (7 years). words: 3.375. (cmon guys, it's been long established that i am incapable of understanding the meaning of the word 'drabble'.) warnings: i suck at fluff so brace yourselves for the second-hand embarrassment lmao, showering together, smexy times, eating out, fingering, pussy licking, orgasm (f), kaiho!jjk accidentally walks through a portal and becomes soft for a night ahaha, js. original one-shot: kaiho part of: tatemae; 建前 — a bts series a/n: i am sorry love that you are having sleeping issues. i have had insomnia since middle school now and at this point i have just given up on having a sleeping routine. i really hope you can return back to your rhythm very soon! i had to physically restrain myself from writing angst ahahah xD also, if it feels like jk is not that great at pleasuring his wife, it's intentional because although i wanted to make it super fluffy for you but kaiho!jk gotta stay true to his character to some degree uwu. hope you enjoy! <3
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jeongguk unlocked the front door with the personal key attached to his car keys and his desk-locker key from work. his head coming in contact with the material of the door briefly while his hands manoeuvred the lock to finally open the door as he let out a soft sigh.
he hates summers, it is brutal. while the world is enjoying summer breaks, he is working double shifts due to the sheer number of officers submitting requests for vacations.
bam greeted his owner at the doorway, sniffing jeongguk's pant legs while his tail wagged. he can always smell the faint traces of the police labrador retriever dog from his owner's work clothes.
"there's my good boy," a smile appeared on jeongguk's otherwise tired face as he scratched bam's head affectionately.
the detective made his way inside the house, with bam on his tail, taking off his jacket and discarding it on the kitchen countertop. he was expecting to see you in the kitchen, given you usually are arranging dinner at this time. finding the space empty, he meant to walk away to the bedroom but noticed two boxes of chocolate wrapped in a ribbon. they looked like they were about to melt so jeongguk stored them in the refrigerator before finally making his way to the bedroom.
taking off his department badge, he kept it away on the nightstand but owing to his carelessness, the badge fell to the floor in the narrow space between the bed and the nightstand. he would have picked it up but his mind was preoccupied with the sound of the shower running. barely unbuttoning his shirt, jeongguk pushed open the bathroom door with a soft nudge of his feet.
there you were, taking a cold shower to fight the summer. you were facing the shower, just letting it wash away the heat while some pop song blasted through your mobile that you had propped somehow to prevent it from touching the water.
jeongguk walked in through the crack in the shower curtains with his work trousers still on, "hey baby," his hands slowly wrapped around your waist, closing in a wrap with one hand on top of the other right above your belly button.
you wringed the water from your hair, which trailed down jeongguk's chest, before turning to him, "hi," a lump in your throat from the inactivity. it has been way too hot these days and you refuse to go out anywhere, only ever stepping out if it is an utmost necessity.
(the game of 'do i absolutely need this?' 'is it absolutely necessary for survival?' playing way too often on your mind)
earlier in the afternoon you noticed that bam's dog food had finished so you made a trip to the local supermarket with bam. you love shopping with him, because although he is a ray of sunshine but a doberman still scares the shit out of people so the annoying salesmen stationed at almost every other aisle these days with their free samples never approach you; an all-in-all peaceful shopping trip.
while you were checking out the items, at the cashier counter there were boxes of chocolates stacked with the tag 'buy 1 get 1!'. you cannot recall seeing your husband eating sugary food as much, he mostly eats meals at home and you do not really keep track of what he eats while he is at work. you would not necessarily call him a dessert person. so the debate went on for a while before you finally got one box and checked it out too. you are not sure why you bought them but you just wanted to get your husband some chocolates? what is so wrong with it? why can't you just get your husband some chocolates? :/
"you are taking an early shower today," your husband mentioned from behind you, his chin coming to rest on your shoulder, letting the shower water run over him.
"gguk, it's 1am," you mumbled, your hands coming down to rest atop his. unspoken, your bodies started swaying slightly to the tune of the song blasting through your phone as a slow song came on the shuffle.
for a brief moment he stopped moving but then continued the motion, "right. i am sorry, it's been so tiring these days. i've lost track of time. did you have dinner?"
"no." you replied with bated breath, a part of you was waiting for him to initiate something. i mean given his past nature, isn't it a given that this is going to lead to sex?
but your husband lives to surprise you. his hands never unclasped from your waist, but instead stayed firmly in place.
"you don't need to wait for me if i'm late," his face nuzzled in the crook of your neck, inhaling the scent of your body wash.
"it's not fun eating alone," you finally released the tension, letting your figure slump back on his.
"mhm," humming, jeongguk closed his eyes.
"hey hey hey," your sprinkled some water on his face watching him scrunch his nose up which made you chuckle, "i know you are going to fall asleep. let's go eat."
"noooo," there was a whiny tone in his voice, as he only tightened his grip when you tried to break free.
"you need to eat, don't you have duty in the morning?"
"i am going to set fire to that precinct, every time i finish some paperwork, another pile of files just get dumped on my desk."
"wow, any other pyromaniac tendencies that i should know of?"
"please let's just stay like this, just for a while," jeongguk turned you around to face him this time, to stare into your eyes as intently as he had on your wedding day while reciting his vows.
"you'll catch a cold, sick gguk is a whiny little complaining brat," you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck, your bare chest coming in contact with his.
"i don't care," he kept swaying with you, his hold around you comforting as his arms enveloped you whole like a warm shawl.
"we shouldn't waste water," you suggested once more.
"i don't care," he reiterated again. there was not a single ounce of annoyance in his voice, he seemed at peace with his face nuzzling into your neck again.
a few moments passed before you reached your hand behind your back to turn the knob off, "i got you chocolates."
"huh? why?" again, he was not annoyed, just genuinely surprised.
"what do you mean why? i can't get my husband some chocolates?!" you pulled away from the embrace, your hands propped on his chest, the vein in your forehead pulsing; ready to throw hands.
"whoa whoa whoa, baby, calm down."
"no tell me why! why can't i just get you chocolates? what's so wrong in that?" you glared daggers at him.
"you..." jeongguk let a soft chuckle, "you are so tiny and cute."
"i got you chocolates and you are going to eat them."
"won't say i'm much fond of them but i guess it won't hurt to try."
"yes, you're going to eat them and smile and say 'thank you my dear wife, you're the best. what would i possibly do without you'"
"is that so?"
"yes and then-"
he cut you off this time, "and then i will return the favour and maybe eat you out for the dessert after dessert."
you hit his chest laughing before finally breaking free of the embrace this time, "wash up, i will get dinner ready."
"where are the chocolates?" you asked as you walked into the bedroom after warming up the dinner.
jeongguk was sprawled across the bed, his eyelids drooping down with sleep, the water from his semi-wet hair being soaked by the pillow cover, "i put them in the fridge," he yawned mid-sentence.
"well, the food's ready. let's go."
"you take out the chocolates and i will be there."
humming, you walked out to the kitchen and opened the fridge door but did not find the box anywhere. rummaging around the vegetables tray and behind the other tupperware boxes, you opened the freezer door just to be sure and lo and behold, he had put it in the freezer over the ice tray and now the packet was frozen and sticking to the ice tray.
"jeon jeongguk!" you speed-walked to the bedroom only to find him fast asleep, soft snores filling the silence in the room.
next morning:
pressing on the volume up button, you quieted down the alarm blaring like a war horn on a beautiful sunday morning at 05:00. your husband gets early day offs on sundays but he has to clock into work early too.
putting on a headband to keep your hair away from the face, you walked to the washroom by muscle memory as your eyes were half-lidded from sleep. you reckoned if you had fallen asleep again, you might not be able to wake up on time so you pushed yourself off the bed. you squeezed the toothpaste tube on the bristles of your toothbrush, unsure if it indeed was the toothpaste or your facewash, you started brushing. your rhythm faltered every now and then as you kept falling asleep doing the mundane routine.
most mornings you wake up about half an hour before jeongguk has to leave for work. he is not a picky eater and eats whatever you put on a plate in front of him. actually, most mornings he is done making sandwiches by the time you wake up to make him something. you both then enjoy the sandwich he made as you see him off to work.
since he went to sleep last night on an empty stomach (and so did you, missy), you wanted to make him a heavy breakfast, something more than just two pieces of bread.
halfway through, you heard your alarm again and your eyes shot open. you must have snoozed your alarm instead of dismissing it and five minutes later it blared again. your brain must have lagged from the sleep because by the time you finally decided that 'oh hey i should turn off the alarm before jeongguk wakes up,' jeongguk already had woken up and appeared behind you.
"morning," he mumbled before walking inside to use the toilet.
you finally finished washing up and pat dry your face with the towel by the time your husband walked out, his eyes all scrunched up, his hand scratching an itch on his belly.
"why are you up so early?"
"to make breakfast for you," you said walking into the bedroom.
"i don't leave for like more than two hours, let's go back to sleep."
"i know," you hummed, fixing your hair.
before he could protest further and albeit successfully convince you to come back to bed, you walked to the kitchen and got the breakfast started.
you served two bowls of naengmyeon and galbitang before returning to the cooking station to finish the last dish which you mean to pack for his lunch at work.
by the time you turned the stove off after giving it a last stir, the bibimbap was perfectly cooked. still standing there meaning to clean up, you felt jeongguk sneaking up behind you, hugging you close. this movement and position are slowly feeling so familiar to you; you can get used to this.
"who is going to eat all this?" he asked softly, placing soft kisses along the side of your neckline.
"you are," you asserted, wiping away the spills from the stovetop.
"but then what about my dessert?"
"the chocolates?"
"no, you."
your head had a whiplash with the way you turned to him.
"what? you thought i was rambling last night? i remember everything i say, baby."
"you have to go to work," shrugging, you casually mentioned the time restraint.
"it's worth to be late 'cause of that."
"get ready," elbowing him in the belly, you tried to pus him away but jeongguk was unrelenting today.
his lips were already on your soft spot, his tongue darting out to allow soft kittenish licks — you held your place but what definitely pushed you over the edge was his hand, wrapped around your lower stomach, slowly creeping down, his palm taking shape to sculpt your mound. the moment his hand came in touch with the sensitive bundle of nerves down there, your spine bent over — almost in routinely motion to such ministrations — giving way for your ass to attach snuggly and poke into his crotch area.
"your body is so soft and sensitive to my touch," your husband mentioned from behind you. he took a step back and helped guide you to the kitchen countertop on the other side of the cooking station, urging you — with soft touches and gestures of his hands to get on top of the counter. you did as he bid, getting on your knees on the counter, your ankles slightly falling off the edge but were firmly supported by jeongguk's hands which crept up the satin slip dress. it already barely covered your asscheeks, all he had to do was push it up by a few inches and he had a clear view of your panties.
"so delicious," he hummed, more to himself, as he lowered himself to come face to face with your heat. his hands which crept up to your hips moved towards the hem of your panties — hooking his fingers on either side, he slid the material down to your bent knees. a single string of arousal connected to the crotch of your panties stretched, extended to its limit and broke into thin air following that movement. jeongguk licked his lips, the corners of his mouth watering at the sight in front of him — he is hungry, both literally and figuratively.
he let his fingers massage your clitoral hood, the thin flap of skin moving in a rhythmic motion, sending incomplete jolts throughout your body. feeling the bit of arousal now on the pad of his fingers, jeongguk used his index fingers to hold the flaps open to expose the tiny nub of flesh full of nerve endings to the open air. it felt both cold and hot at the same time, making your toes twitch.
it felt like eternity but in reality it had been only mere seconds before jeongguk's tongue protruded out and flicked against your little nub, slowly at first before picking up a steady tempo — stimulating that tight bundle of nerves as they let out tension, becoming putty at your husband's expense. all this time, you held your lips tautly together, only letting escape soft hums of affirmation; 'nnngh' 'mmhm'. one of your palms was connected flat out to the marble top while the other was curled at the edge, holding on to the cold surface to maintain your balance.
jeongguk touched your vulva with the base of his tongue and slowly moved his head upwards from the bottom of your vagina to the top till the tip of his tongue passed over your clitoris. he repeated the motion a few times, breaking contact every time he reached the top and then starting over from the bottom till he started feeling the arousal now leak out on his tongue. to cover as much of your vagina, he kept his tongue relaxed, wide and flat, letting his head and neck muscles do the work while his tongue stayed unmoving. (the secret to that killer jawline.) he was able to maintain the pace for a few moments before speeding up his ministrations.
a soft 'ah' left your lips, finally verbalizing your moaning but much like female masturbation, speed only takes you over to the edge but does not bring about that much needed final release. looking forward, you glanced at the clock in the dining hall which read 06:59 and your husband has to leave by 07:30 for duty. letting your upper body lower down to the cold marble — your nipples becoming hard and sticking out in a painful stance — you let your dominant hand reach down to that little bundle of nerves and started massaging it, accompanying jeongguk's movements.
"yes, just like that," you almost regretted moaning that out because your husband quickened up his pace. you made a mental note to tell him later that just like that does not mean speed up, it always means keep that steady motion.
bursting away those thought bubbles, you let yourself drown in the overstimulation, feeling yourself reaching that edge.
"let it go baby, let me taste it all," he lapped his tongue at the arousal, making sinful noises echo throughout the walls. this time when he started over, you did not feel his tongue on your vagina next but his lips as he sucked up your clit — sucking and releasing.
"fuck," your toes curled up, eyes closed shut as your fingers picked up speed as well.
"mine mine mine, yes," he let a slap on your right asscheek.
just a bit more of his growing unsteady ministrations along with your fingers working that coiled nub and you came undone on his tongue, finally letting your upper body completely flat on the countertop, your lungs taking in the air.
jeongguk took a quick shower and got dressed, trying to hurry up as he was going to be late.
"well what about the breakfast? i made all that for you!"
"pack it all, i will eat in the precinct."
"no you wont, i know your team will eat the most of it."
"i promise i will eat it."
"well you better, i am your wife and i made that food for you." you pointed your index finger and tapped at his chest.
"well of course you are my wife and yes that food is for me. now hurry up, baby," he gently spanked your left asscheek this time, making it even from earlier, after finishing buttoning up his shirt. you rolled your eyes walking out to the kitchen to pack the food.
jam-packing all of the food into bento boxes, you finished with keeping the box of chocolates on top of the insulated carry-on lunch bag.
jeongguk, now completely clad in his uniform, came out and took the bag from you in a hurry. well, it was 07:47 already so he was late, "bye," pecking your lips, he walked out.
after the door closed behind him, you took out last night's dinner and put it in the oven to warm it up since you still haven't eaten anything and just packed away all of the breakfast.
it hadn't even been ten minutes when you heard your phone ringing.
"hey, what's up?"
"i left my badge at home."
"where is it?"
"i think i put it on the nightstand."
you were already in the bedroom looking for the badge by the time he mentioned it, "nope, it's not here."
"then i don't know woman, i need it."
"men," you rolled your eyes before cutting the call.
after finishing your breakfast and retrieving the badge with the help of bam, you walked into your husband's precinct with the badge in your hand when you noticed the team gathered around jeongguk's table.
making your way over, the smell of food wafted your nostrils and you watched as the team relished the breakfast while your husband had maybe bit of it.
minjun turned after swallowing the last spoonful of the bibimbap, "oh mrs jeon, thank you so much for the breakfast. it's great!"
you gave him a close-lipped smile, blinking a few too many times before turning to your husband who took a visible gulp.
after the crowd in front of your dispersed you slammed the badge down on his table and meant to walk away, but jeongguk got a hold of your wrist.
"look i saved the chocolates for myself."
"ahha? you mean the one that i see in yoona's hand?"
jeongguk stared down at his desk in panic, his eyes searching for the box of chocolates that he had kept aside to eat later, "those sneaky bastards."
"i am never cooking for you again, jeon jeongguk."
feedback is deeply appreciated. ✨
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- jaimie
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youreyesholdgalaxies · 5 months
Favorite fics and authors?
Hey Anon!
Thank you for this ask! This is a really hard question as I'm sure I'll be forgetting some but to find all the authors I've read check out @thgfanfictionlibrary and the "Library of Authors" page!
Let's Begin:
@absnow (Abagail_Snow) literally read so many of the published works and ficlets on both AO3 and tumblr. Recently read Flatshare!
@awhiskeyriver (amelia_day) I kid you not, I have read The Bet so many times. Truly makes me wanna shake Katniss in a not nice way. Also !!!BIG BOY PEETA!!!
@muttpeeta (atetheredmind) I think i've almost read all of them with maybe a few missing. If you like the gang all together but for some reason Peeta and Katniss beefing but obvi wanting each other "Cabin Fever" is for you.
c_r_roberts: I mean, come on, more enemies to lovers with "Best Man" and then a getting together modern au with big boy peeta "Have Your Cake and Eat it Too" and countless more
You wanna have the longest most heart wrenching slow burn with so many missed moments and could've been(s)? Try Court81981's "Crash My Party"
@endlessnightlock Can't go wrong with any of them tbh. Re-read "Do You Need a Ride Home?" and "Diner Drabble Series" recently.
Modern au with puns and a sneaky Prim? "Size Matters" by hutchabelle was super cute!
@katnissdoesnotfollowback Literally can't go wrong. Highly recommend "Unmasked" and "Wrapped in Red".
@lemonluvgirl FAKE DATING and amputee!peeta in a modern au?! Sign me up with "The Holiday Stand In"
@mollywog again, reading through the whole library but "Senior Year" is a fav
titania522's Good Again was one of the first fics I read in the fandom
And to finish it off "A Painter, a Baker, and a Boy who Never Took Sugar in his Tea" by katiac. I could not put this down! Loved the look into Peeta's healing journey!
I'm sure I'm forgetting loads of my faves and will remember as soon as I wake up tomorrow but if you want more recs look at @thgfanfictionlibrary where I have begun tackling master-listing all the works I have read and now not read as well!
Thanks for the ask!
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thisapplepielife · 9 months
✨ Fic Writing Review 2023 ✨
Thanks so much for the tags @thefreakandthehair, @wynnyfryd @penny00dreadful & @cranberrymoons! (I just waited until I was done posting on AO3 for the year.)
Words and Fics
395,176 words posted on ao3, plus another 62kish for my Steddie NaNo project that hasn't been finished/posted yet. Plus any Tumblr drabbles and other random WIPs I didn't post on AO3.
22 fics published
1 multi-chapter fic finished (Tuesday's Gone With the Wind)
1 series completed (Wildflowers...and All the Rest, 15 parts)
1 drabble collection done (Steddie Holiday Drabbles, 30 parts)
5 one-shots (Let the Boy Be Merry, Yours for the Weekend, King Steve, If You Only Believe & Permanent 99.)
If my sloppy math is right, that is a 132% increase on words posted in 2023 compared to 2022. (I don't predict I'll beat it in 2024. Tuesday's and Wildflowers were a lot of words, lol.)
Top 10 Fics by Kudos
Tuesday's Gone With the Wind
Let the Boy Be Merry
Yours for the Weekend
If You Only Believe
King Steve
Collection: Steddie Holiday Drabbles
You Don't Know How It Feels
Permanent 99
Wake Up Time 
Fandom fic events I participated in during 2023
Upcoming Events and Projects for 2024
Spicy Six Winter Fanworks Challenge (Office Party Prompt)
Untitled (But Not Really) Steddie NaNo Project
Corroded Coffin Fanworks Challenge (Stay tuned!)
Maybe, Maybe...Maybe? (Digging Around in the WIP Junk Drawer)
Fic w/the Steddie-Coded Title
Here You Come Again
Reach Out and Touch Someone
Making Circles
Come As You Are
Rules & Tags below the cut!
Rules: Feel free to show whatever stats you have. Only want to show Ao3 stats? Rock on. Want to include some quantitative info instead of stats? Please do this. Want to change how yours is presented? Absolutely do that. Would rather eat glass than do this? Please don’t eat glass but don’t feel like you have to do this either.
Anyone else who wants to do this and hasn't, please do! I just waited until the end of the year, so I'm sure I'm pulling up the rear and late to the party. (What else is new?)
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onyourowndaisymae · 1 year
blog update
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hi! it's been awhile since i've posted anything substantial. some of you might have noticed that progress for the "when they fall in love" series has halted, that only little drabbles or shitposts have been posted as of late, etc etc-- i want to say my peace and get it all out there.
to make a long story short, blog posts will be slowing way down to accommodate for my declining health, but i am still looking to post drabbles and such until i am healthier. kink/flufftober prompts will be pushed back to a do-over kink/flufftober when i have the energy to do so. my "personal" blog is @oopsiedaisymae and that's where i'll be moving most of my reblogs, likes, mutual following, etc etc so follow there if you want to see my nonsense. this blog will not be shutting down. y'all are stuck with me.
to make a long story long... (cw for chronic illness, nausea, unintentional disordered eating, american nonsense)
last year, during finals season in college, i got sick as fuck with a stomach infection. since then, i have quite literally never been the same. i went from being a normal student to being plagued with abdominal pain, constant nausea (and i'm emetophobic so that sucked SO much ass) and being unable to leave the house some days. i've had ups and downs with my health since-- some days i can eat semi-normal, other days i'd be completely unable to stomach anything solid. as of now, we're on the worse end of that spectrum.
also around this time, i lost my health insurance. so the entirety of this calendar year i haven't had insurance, and although my primary care clinic is cheap, my issues are beyond what a primary care clinic can provide. because i'm in america, an uninsured trip to the ER would quite literally bankrupt me. so i've been waiting on insurance to get said proper medical care. i'm hoping that'll come sooner rather than later-- my birthday is next month and i'd like to not be in the hospital when it comes around!
with all of this, i have (understandably) not been eating well and have lost a significant amount of weight. eating hurts, and trying to eat a healthy amount makes me incredibly nauseated and in pain. the question every day is: do i want to not be in pain but be unable to think, or do i suffer physically to have some mental capacity for the day? it's a lose-lose situation.
this has really upset me bc writing has always been a place to escape to as my life falls apart, but now even stringing together words is hard. i want to write. before this most recent batch of hell i was stringing together a masterlist for kinktober, but i can't even finish the pieces i was already working on bc i can't think. shit sucks.
anyways. all this to say: once i get proper medical care, it's over for you hoes. i will start posting full-length fics again once i am able. in the mean time, expect little drabbles here and there. i will be hosting my do-over kinktober and flufftober events when i am able, even if that shit means i'm posting in may or something. i will be dicking around on @oopsiedaisymae, my personal blog, in the mean time. oh, and i'm into twisted wonderland now, too. so expect content for that when i come back in full swing.
i think that's everything. if i have anything else to say, i'm sure i'll mention it. in the mean time, feel free to explore my blog or my mutuals' blogs to get your writing content fill. thanks for sticking around :) mwah.
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