#i'll try to stick to an update schedule
farfromstrange · 1 year
Okay, so, I read through my WIPs and requests today, and I finally have some news for you. I'm going to make it quick.
Coming tonight:
Matt Murdock headcanons that are totally random
Coming tomorrow (Sunday):
Matt Murdock Smut (request)
Coming over the course of next week:
Chaos Theory (new chapter)
Foreigner's God (new chapter)
Planned but no idea when I'll be posting:
Matt Murdock wedding guest AU
I have also decided to participate in Kinktober. I'll make a post just for that with prompts and a schedule so you know when I'll post the respective smut fics. I'll be limiting Kinktober this year to Matt Murdock only.
And to add to that, I am about to add another character to my repertoire. I guess I'm going back to my fanfiction writing roots with this one, but for those of you who love Criminal Minds and Spencer Reid, it's time to get excited! I'm working on a little something for him.
That being said, I'll try to post a lot more regularly and interact more with you guys. My life's been such a mess and I'm trying to organize it more, which includes this community and writing more. Now that I still have the time, I need to get right back to it, and setting a schedule will help me. I hope so, at least. If life doesn't throw another curveball at me anytime soon, I'm pretty sure I can stick to it.
Kinktober post coming soon, and I will keep you in the loop about all of my projects. Or, well, I'll try to.
Sending you all hugs and kisses!
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directdogman · 9 months
ANOTHER quick thank you and an update on Dialtown in early 2024!!!
Hey, so, since I already made a very sappy thank you post very recently (foolishly not anticipating I'd have reason to write another so soon HHHHH), I'll largely try to stick to the topic of what's to come for this one, essential thank yous aside.
So, the two newest dialtown merch campaigns ended last night and the GITD randy plush hit 1038 sales & the pins hit 590. Wow.
To say that I didn't expect to sell 1628 units of Dialtown merch in the last 30 days is putting it mildly. DT game sales have also been really good during this Steam Winter Sale, selling over 100 copies per day consistently for the last few days. I'm absolutely FLOORED by the output of support this community has given DT (and me) as of late and for that, I must say thanks again.
Admittedly, I feel a lil bad that I'm not much further along in developing the Roger route DLC, as I teased it so long ago. This year has been somewhat privately turbulent and I did not anticipate I'd need to move places TWICE during the year, back when I confidently stated that Roger's route would drop by the end of 2023.
But, I'm committed to bringing you guys the content that you wanna see most in 2024 & will be making a big push in early 2024 to get the DLC ready, with at least another teaser in the early new year before the next campaign starts. I will get things back on schedule. As amazing as all this high quality DT merch is, I haven't forgotten that I'm a developer first and foremost, and new DT content, I shall bring in the new year - now that I have a reliable space to work in again.
To those who bought, posted about, drew fanart of and otherwise promoted the new DT merch releases... Thank you SO, so much. It helps keep the lights on, believe me. I'll be very busy this coming month, as DT's 2 year anniversary is just a month and a half away, and with it, the launch of a Phonegingi plush and more pins (you guys are free to speculate who'll be depicted in the next set :))
I'm mentioning these now so the dual-releases don't annihilate your unsuspecting wallets, heh heh (as two dual launches in a row without warning could be a tad cruel, otherwise.)
So, to circle back, thank you all again. And ofc, in particular, to my dear friend and valued collaborator, @uvfozz, who designs the DT plushies/pins and to the eternally supportive and diligent minds over at Makeship who are always a pleasure to collaborate with (and to whom I will send my direct thanks once everyone's back from Christmas break in the new year!)
2024 is gonna be a really busy year for DT with a lot on the horizon. I'll keep you guys posted in all things I do, but again, thanks. For everything. I'm very excited to see what 2024'll bring for Dialtown. Thanks, everyone! :)
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 13
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Word : 5k
Wednesday, November 4; 6:45 AM - Cafeteria
We’re all having breakfast together around the table in the cafeteria... well, almost. Leah is still missing. According to Alba, Engen got her out of bed this morning. I then had to explain how I got tricked by Bronze. They all had a good laugh at my expense, and they understood why Leah was absent. I don't regret my idea at all. I loved the evening we spent together. It could have ended badly, but it didn’t. The conversation we had allowed me to get rid of the knot in my stomach that I had all day. Leah finally shows up, slumping into the chair next to me. She must have gotten quite a scolding judging by her expression. Bronze had warned me she’d be in big trouble…
"Hey chica! You okay?" Alba asks him.
"You’re an idiot for asking that," Lotte sighs, rolling her eyes.
"Your mother’s the idiot," she mutters. "Stupid school. I have to deal with Bronze all day because of this crap!"
"Seriously?" I ask.
"Yeah," she sighs. "Thanks for trying to take the fall for me, though. Wiegman thought I forced you to do it, but Bronze defended me, saying it was your idea and you paid the price for lying," she laughs. "Did you really get punished?"
"In a way," I shrug. "Bronze knows how to find creative punishments… I had to do some rock climbing."
"Rock climbing? What a lame punishment!" she laughs.
"Oh, believe me, it was enough. I'm terrified of heights! She didn’t let me come down until I reached the top."
"Ouch, cruel," she mocks. "I hope I get the same kind of punishment."
I stick my tongue out at her in reply. She should just be glad she gets her breakfast. Bronze denied me more than one at the beginning. Leah barely has time to eat before it’s time. We all scatter to our obligations. Mine is to get to class on time. Bronze gave me a reminder this morning after yesterday’s events. She knows the reasons, but two tardies in one day are unacceptable according to her. Especially coming from her student. I'll try not to disappoint her too much today, especially since she seems to have a busy schedule. I'll try to keep quiet. I've managed before, so it shouldn't be too hard to do again.
Wednesday, November 4; 3:05 PM - School
I come out of my last class, relieved that my day is over. I hate classes. It's so boring to sit on a chair all day. One thing I was right about is that Bronze was indeed busy today. I didn't see her all day. Nor Leah, for that matter. Poor girl. I'm sure she’s giving her a hard time. Few people must understand what she’s going through. I do, and I feel for her. At the same time, I thank her. It's the first time I feel free at school. It’s a breath of fresh air. I walk through the halls with Alexia. We’ve decided to spend some time in the library on the ground floor to do our homework. I think I'll take the opportunity to catch up on my long backlog. It must be the Bronze effect. She makes me too serious. I could do without it, but I really need an update.
Alexia and I stop and turn to face my caller. I frown when I see Engen. We just walked past her office where the door was closed. She must have seen me on her way there.
"Good timing. Bronze wants to see you. You have to meet her on the field."
I groan in frustration. I thought I was done with her for the day…
"What do you think?" she retorts sarcastically.
I sigh in annoyance. This is really bad timing. I would have preferred to work on my classes rather than go see her. I nod to Engen, who is waiting for my response.
"Yeah, okay. I'm going."
"Go now. She's waiting for you."
As soon as she says it, she turns back to her office. I smile foolishly as I watch her walk away. This image would definitely please Mapi. She’s totally her type of girl. My contemplation is interrupted by a little shove on my shoulder.
"Sorry, but it was tempting," Alexia giggles. "What was that about? I'm starting to believe the rumors about you."
"What rumors?" I frown.
"About your sexual orientation."
"Oh, those rumors…"
Alexia looks at me curiously. Maybe she expected me to deny it. I should have, given the smile stretching her lips. I run my hand through my hair. I’m not ready to have this conversation.
"You know you can tell me anything, right?"
"Yeah, I know."
"So what? Are you into girls?"
I hesitate for a moment. I would have liked to give her an answer, but it’s hard to get it out. It’s not a trust issue this time, but rather about accepting myself. You never know how people around you will react. The few people who know about my orientation took it well, but there’s always that little doubt that lingers. Once the words leave your mouth, you can’t take them back.
"Can we have this conversation later? Bronze might not be happy if I don’t go to her right away. And it would be better to have this kind of talk in a more appropriate place."
" Ona, I won't judge you if that’s the case. I m gay you know"
I roll my eyes, regretting my overly intense look. It wasn’t even to ogle. Engen is beautiful, but she’s not my type. Now that I've planted the doubt in Alexia’s mind, she won’t let go without an answer.
"I don’t understand why these rumors started. It’s not like I’m interested in anyone here."
"Stop beating around the bush," she giggles. "You wouldn't have hesitated to reply if it wasn’t true."
"Okay, fine," I relent. "I might have dated a girl and I might be a lesbian"
« I knew it...," she whispers. "Why didn’t you ever tell me!?"
"I just did," I giggle, more at her reaction than my answer. "I don’t own up to it, and I don’t like the looks people give lesbians."
"That’s no excuse," she pouts. "It's not like I wouldn’t accept you! You should have known that."
I smile amusedly, seeing her cross her arms and pout. I feel like I’ve really upset her. Was I afraid of her opinion? Not really. I know she’s gay herself. It’s just that I’m not comfortable with the subject. I’ve never been, so I don’t bring it up.
"I never doubted,  Ale. The only friend who knows is my best friend... who is also my ex."
"Nobody else knows?" she’s surprised.
"No, so if you could keep it to yourself, that would be cool."
"Of course," she smiles. « So why did you reject my sister » she jokes
"It’s mostly that I don’t want a relationship. I live on the other side of the country, and I don’t plan on staying here once school is over."
I jump when I hear my name echo in the hallway again. I turn to Engen, who doesn’t look pleased to see me still here.
"Do I have to drag you by the ear?"
"No," I stammer.
"Then hurry up before I change my mind!"
"I'll meet you at the cafeteria if Bronze doesn’t let me go earlier."
I slip this sentence to Alexia before hurrying towards the exit under Engen’s disapproving eyes. I slow down once outside, taking a deep breath. I can’t believe I just shared one of my biggest secret with Alexia. I hope she keeps it to herself. If others are to find out, I want it to be from me. I quickly reach the field next to the school buildings. A smile comes to my face when I see Bronze overseeing other students besides me. I recognize Leah and another girl I don’t know well. It’s strange to see others in my place. I walk towards my supervisor, who is reading a book. I envy them! When it’s me, she doesn’t take her eyes off me for a second and encourages me if needed. I take a deep breath halfway to gather courage. I think I know why she wants to see me... I hoped she wouldn’t find out until tomorrow. I hope I’m wrong.
"Hey Bronze," I say as I approach her. "You wanted to see me?"
"There you are," she says, looking up from her book.
"Sorry, Alexia held me up a bit," I admit. "What’s up?"
"What’s up?" she repeats sternly. "You know very well what’s up."
"Oh, right…?"
I try to play dumb, but it doesn’t seem to work. She narrows her eyes in return.
"I know you talked back to your teacher and fell asleep in class,  Ona. Does that refresh your memory?"
"Oh, that..." I say, nervously running my hand through my hair.
Damn, she already knows... I thought I had more time since she’s busy with other students today. Looks like I’m in for another scolding...
"Did you really think I wouldn’t find out?"
"Well, I thought… Just… not right away since you’re busy," I say, pointing to the two running students. "I promise it wasn’t intentional. He started speaking rudely to me. I just defended myself," I argue.
" Ona," she growls. "That’s not the point. You don’t disrespect your teacher. That was one of my main rules I told you from the start! Talking back and falling asleep in class is a big sign of disrespect."
"Two even."
"Stop treating this like a joke!" she yells.
"Sorry!" I jump.
I didn’t expect her to raise her voice. I lower my eyes to avoid hers. Damn, she’s really angry... I only glance at her when I hear her sigh. She runs her hand over her face, looking exasperated. I’ve disappointed her, I can feel it.
"Do I need to change and join them?" I ask softly, pointing to Leah and the girl.
"First, you’re going to explain what happened."
"What?" I blurt out in surprise.
"You heard me. I know the only times you talk back are to tease me or because you’re upset. So I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt by hearing your side of the story."
I’m taken aback. I didn’t expect this when I came here. I thought I’d be punished, not given a chance to explain myself. She crosses her arms, raising an eyebrow. I gather myself as best I can to her surprising request.
"I-I... He yelled at me for talking to Alexia," I start. "It was the first time in class, and it was about something she didn’t understand. I defended myself by explaining, but he just got angrier. He called me a liar and said I only think about myself and never respect anything... H-he added that my father didn’t raise me properly... That’s what made me lose control," I admit. "I responded with some harsh words..."
I stare at the ground, not daring to look at her directly. I don’t feel proud, but I can’t control myself when someone insults my father. I feel nervous. If she knows what happened, she must have read the report my teacher filled out about the incident.
"That wasn’t a reason to lose your temper like that. Your words were indeed harsh, as you said."
It's confirmed, she read the report. She wouldn’t have so much detail otherwise. I avoid looking in her direction, not knowing what else to say. She’s right. From an outside perspective, my behavior was inappropriate and exaggerated. From my point of view, it wasn’t.
- It’s about your father, isn’t it?
I lift my head, surprised by her question. My mouth opens, but no words come out. How does she always hit the nail on the head? I bite my lip. I feel like an open book to her.
- The only time I mentioned him, I got a sponge thrown in my face, she reminds me. This time, you were told your father raised you poorly, and you insulted your teacher. You were lucky it was the end of the class; otherwise, you’d have ended up in the principal’s office, and I wouldn’t have been there to defend you.
- I know…
- I want to understand why you acted that way, but for that, you need to talk to me.
I close my eyes and shake my head. I know what she’s trying to do, but there’s no way I’m talking about him.
- Sorry, but I can’t.
- Ona... she sighs.
- It’s too much for me. I-I won’t talk about him, so just punish me and let’s get it over with...
I feel shaky. I look anywhere but at her eyes. One thing I know for sure is that I can’t talk about him.
- Fine, she sighs. I can’t force you, after all.
- Sorry, I murmur. It’s really a taboo subject for me... I’ve never talked about it with anyone.
- I understand, which is why you lose your temper whenever he’s mentioned.
- Uh-huh... Well, I’ll go get my gear, I say, glancing at the others.
- No.
- No?
- I’ll spare you this time. In return, promise me you won’t lose your temper on this subject again. It’s your choice not to confide, but don’t forget I’m here to help. The teachers don’t need to bear the brunt. They’re just doing their job, sharing their knowledge, and that’s it.
- I can’t promise that, but I’ll try.
She sighs, realizing she won’t get more from me.
- Well, I guess I’ll have to settle for that for now. Do you have any plans after this?
- Catching up on my classes.
- Do you have everything with you?
- I think so.
- Good, you’ll stay with me then.
- What? No, but I was supposed to mee-
- It’s non-negotiable, she interrupts. Keep complaining, and I’ll really punish you for your behavior.
I shut up, not wanting to provoke her. I just avoided one punishment; I don’t want to get another one so stupidly. She calls back Leah and the girl. She releases the girl and asks Leah and me to follow her. We head to her office where Engen hasn’t moved. She’s typing on her computer, not paying attention to us at all.
- Sit there and get your stuff out, Bronze orders, pulling a chair out in front of her desk.
I comply without thinking, given her authoritative tone. I put my bag on the second chair to make it easier to use my things. I glance at her as she starts explaining filing to Leah. I suppress a smile at her dejected look. I don’t even want to know what she made her do today. She looks exhausted.
- Get to work instead of daydreaming.
I turn around as soon as I hear her order. I hate that she knows what I’m doing without even looking at me. I take out my notes as she finishes with Leah. I pretend to be busy when she sits down in front of me. She quickly pushes her stuff—like her pen holder or keyboard—aside to make room for me. I spread out the papers Alexia lent me to catch up. This time I really get to work. It’s easier for me to focus when I know she’s keeping an eye on me, even without constantly watching. The room is silent except for Leah’s groans and the sound of pages or the keyboard. Time flies without me counting the minutes. I’ve never worked so efficiently. I’m so engrossed that I don’t hear Engen approaching from behind.
- So, Bronze, what’s the commander making you do this time?
I sit up from my slouched position, meeting her hands on the back of my chair. She removes them to massage my sore shoulders. I freeze for a moment before relaxing and leaning my head to the side as she bends over my paper, looking at it curiously. She furrows her brows, probably not understanding the content.
- I didn’t punish her, Bronze responds. She’s catching up on her classes.
- You didn’t punish her? Engen exclaims. You’re getting too soft, she chuckles.
- Oh yeah? Ask Leah for her opinion, she retorts.
- Leave me alone and keep me out of this.
We laugh at her grumbling. She must be fed up. Her posture suggests she’s about to collapse any moment.
- It’s not that I’m soft. I was just understanding this time.
- You’re lucky then. If it had been during her period, she wouldn’t have been as courteous.
I was afraid I misheard. I realize I didn’t when Bronze throws a pen that just misses my head. Engen barely dodges it. I chuckle at the thought of Bronze getting grumpy because of her period.
- It’s just a matter of luck, apparently, because she wasn’t courteous with me at all, Leah chimes in.
- Sorry for you, but Wiegman specifically said not to hold back, Engen laughs. She was really mad at you. You dared to touch her precious building, oh my! she mocks.
Tonight’s atmosphere is different from other days. They seem… More open, more relaxed. Yeah, that’s the word. There’s no pressure, no rules. It’s like I’m dealing with different people. Engen puts my bag on the floor to sit next to me. I didn’t imagine she could be so cool and funny. She’s usually so serious. I glance at the door. The hallway light is off. It’s motion-activated, meaning no one has passed by in a while. The only students who might be in the building are those going to the library, but that’s rare after classes. I guess they’re letting loose because there’s no one else around. It makes me curious about their real behavior outside of the camp. They must be cool.
- She’d better go have a drink to get over it instead of taking it out on me! Leah spits.
- If only, Bronze replies. She’s been on edge lately, she says to Engen. We have her breathing down our necks more.
- Yeah, she’s become annoying. By the way, are you feeling better after your week? she asks me.
- Yeah, I’m better. I’m dreading going home now...
- Where are you from again?
- Barcelona.
- Really? You’re from Spain ? Leah interjects.
- Yeah. I mentioned it on the first day.
- I must not have been there then, because I didn’t know.
- I probably said it before dinner since we only met at that time.
- Certainly! I would have known otherwise. I’ve always wanted to go there, she confesses. Is it a nice place?
- Let’s just say we have better weather there, I chuckle.
- Oh, that’s for sure. Nothing like here, Engen  laughs. You must have been thrilled to arrive.
- I was forced to come here, so I was already depressed before even landing, I share.
- Have you always lived there? Leah asks.
- No. I was born in Portugal and moved there when I was about twelve.
- Oh! We have another Portuguese then. Lucy is from Portugal, Engen says cheerfully.
It takes me a moment to realize who Lucy is. My eyes immediately fix on Bronze, who doesn’t seem pleased.
- Seriously, Ingrid ? she scolds harshly.
A smile spreads across my lips. I exchange a knowing look with Leah. We hold back laughter at Ingrid’s dismayed expression. She just realized her mistake.
- Crap, it slipped out, she says, biting her lip to hold back a smile.
- It’s not funny! It’s okay to relax, but you crossed the line.
I giggle to lighten the mood. This only earns me another glare from my supervisor. She should be intimidating, but I’m too euphoric for it to affect me. It must annoy her, given how strict she is about rules.
- It’s okay, relax, Leah intervenes. It’s not like we’re going to shout it from the rooftops.
- Look on the bright side, Lucy, I say, emphasizing her name. At least I won’t bother you about knowing your name anymore. It suits you, by the way.
She looks at me for a moment before sighing. I’ve been dying to know her name for so long. I knew I’d find out eventually. She hinted at it in one of our conversations. I think she didn’t expect it to be this soon. Maybe she just wanted to wait until the end of the year, which would also be understandable. Anyway, I mean it when I say it suits her. It’s unique, like her personality.
- Thank you, she replies. But I would have preferred if you didn’t know. We risk a lot by letting this kind of information slip out.
- I won’t call you by your first name if that’s what you’re afraid of, I roll my eyes.
- We both know you love breaking the rules.
- Yeah well, I giggle. I can’t help it if I enjoy teasing you!
- Of course. You can never help it.
- Hey, it’s fine, Leah says calmly. It’ll stay between us. This was by far the best evening I’ve spent ending up here. So I guess we can do this for you, she shrugs.
- Still, this rule is pointless.
- It’s there so you have more respect for us since we’re young, Engen explains.
- It’s to avoid you getting too familiar. We’re not your friends. Right, Ona? my supervisor jabs at me.
- I never wanted a friendship, I retort. Just a bit more friendliness, that’s all.
- Oh, she gives you more than you think, Engen laughs.
- I’m supposed to guide you to become better, that’s all, Bronze responds. Some students tend to forget that. That’s why I didn’t want to tell you my first name because I know you’re dying to use it.
I bite my lip. Yeah, she’s probably right. I feel targeted when she talks about students being too familiar, and it’s true that I’d love to use her first name. I understand better why this rule is important to her. I’m still the only student who dared to be so familiar with her. No one else even thought about it. To think it was just to annoy her at first. Now it’s more out of friendliness than anything else. I really appreciate Bronze.
- We won’t spread it.
- Good. Our surveillance has already doubled since the infamous relationship. The last thing we need is to defend ourselves over this, Engen says.
- What relationship? I frown.
- A relationship between a student and an instructor. Both were expelled, Bronze informs me.
- You’re actually the replacement for the student, Leah adds.
- I didn’t know that.
- Naturally, the principal kept it under wraps, Engen explains. We’ve had increased surveillance and additional rules because of it.
- That’s really lame.
- Let’s say you came at the wrong time, Leah says. You were cooler at the beginning of the year, to be honest.
- It’s not up to us. Believe me, if we could, we would be, Bronze admits. We were asked to be stricter with you because, according to her, there was a slackening.
There’s just too much information all at once. So the instructors are not only under control but also have to be less friendly and stricter with the students. It’s completely ridiculous. Okay, there was an inappropriate relationship, but that’s no reason to punish everyone.
- Anyway, Ona, Engen pulls me out of my thoughts. It’s rare to see a student come in the middle of the year. It’s actually the first time it’s happened. What did you do to end up here?
- Not much.
- Not much? Leah snickers. If you’re stuck with Bronze from the start, it’s surely not for nothing!
I frown, looking at the concerned party. It’s true that I was told she handles the worst cases since she arrived. She’s known for her cruelty. I shrug.
- If I tell you I didn’t do anything special. I found out my mother is friends with the principal, I explain. She just has no influence over me and wanted to place me somewhere. I never killed anyone or stole anything, I say ironically.
- Well. Strange way to place her daughter, Engen comments.
I smile slightly. That’s for sure. Well, the truth isn’t entirely there, but it’s kind of the summary. Lucy has been watching me from the corner of her eye for a while now. I avoid her gaze because I know she’s very observant. She’d quickly find out I’m not saying everything. I distract myself by putting away my copy that I just finished transcribing. I still have a lot to catch up on, but it’s starting to decrease slowly.
- Well, that’s enough for today, Bronze finally speaks. We’ll let you go. It’s dinner time.
- Hallelujah!
Leah drops to the floor the second she’s freed. We laugh, watching her. I think she’s had her fill for the day.
- Behave a little better, it’ll give us a break, she says.
- Oh, come on! We all know you love seeing us suffer, I tease her.
We laugh again as we pack our things. Leah gets up to put away the last folder she used. I sling my bag over my shoulder, waiting for her to finish.
- Batlle, my supervisor calls me.
- Yes?
- Since I didn’t punish you for your disrespect, you’ll do me the favor of coming here after your classes until you’ve caught up on all your coursework. Understood?
- I guess, yeah...
I’m in no position to complain. I know she’s punishing me in a way by reducing my free time, but I could have gotten much worse. If the other evenings go like this one, I’ll come willingly. Leah joins me at the door. We wish them a good evening and a good appetite before leaving. We decided to go directly to the cafeteria after checking the time.
- I feel like you might be the one to change things here.
- How so?
- It’s the first time since the incident at the beginning of the year that I’ve seen the instructors relax. It felt like going back a month in time but ten times better!
- I’m not doing anything though, I reply, shrugging.
- Yes, you are. You break the rules. That’s unheard of since she’s been here. The worst part is, she doesn’t even scold you every time you do it! I don’t even know how you stay so indifferent to the sanctions you receive. I just find it incredible. No one here reacts like you.
- If you say so, I murmur.
I don’t try to contradict her, even though everything she’s saying is false. It’s so much easier for me to play the role of the person everyone thinks I am. Apparently, I’m incredible and confident. Yet, I’m just a girl eaten up inside. I couldn’t be happier that Bronze is my supervisor. She’s understanding, and I feel listened to and supported. That’s what helps me accept my punishments. I know she’ll only inflict them if she has a good reason. I don’t find her as terrible as the rumors say after spending time with her.
- Well, I laugh. No one has ever been able to control me completely, and that’s not likely to change.
- Yeah, well, I don’t know how you handle Bronze. She made me endure some things today! I thought I was going to die more than once!
I giggle, thinking she’s exaggerating. Well, maybe not after all. Bronze did force me to scrub toilets one day. I think I’ll never forget that memory. Leah looks exhausted, so I don’t doubt she went all out. My supervisor is disliked by many students, if not everyone. Yet, they don’t know what they’re missing. She’s cool if you get past her cold side. Her punishments aren’t my favorite, but she’s always been fair with me. Our relationship has evolved too. We know each other now. I’ve reached the point where I’m starting to trust her enough to open up. She’s always been there to encourage and push me through my difficulties. That’s what I was missing, and that’s why I’m not afraid of her. I know she’ll be there for me if I’m feeling down. If I’m afraid, it’s only when she’s really angry with me, because then I know I’m in for a hard time. In those moments, I shut up and let her explode. Other than that, I know she’ll always be there for me. It’s with a smile on our faces that we pass through the cafeteria doors. Unlike Leah, I don’t think I’m the one who can change things here. A simple student like me doesn’t have the influence to change a school like this. All that matters to me anyway is finding myself, and I hope to achieve that.
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Hey everyone!! TYSM for 2K downloads!!! holy shit!!!!
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To the anon who sent in an ask about Kevin in a Muzzle here ya go heheh!
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Uncensored will be up on twitter soon!! :3 (Kactiikitty!)
ALSO! Sorry I disappeared! Things got incredibly hard and crazy this year, and made me not want to work on OLiE. It's depressing and I don't wanna put a whole diary entry up explaining why the hold up on OLiE. Things are still hard, but I've got a very lovely boyfriend (HI ILY <3) now, and the shit storm that has been 2024 so far has calmed a bit now! So, things are getting better and I'll try to get back on on a bit of a schedule now! Thank you all for sticking around for more silly little dingo game :3
OK! Here's what I've been up to while I was gone! (SPOILERS)
The customizer, is a mess, and not the most pleasant to look at, but it's basically done!! This gif doesn't show everything btw!! I was going to do that but I was taking too long lol
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-1000/10 never doing this again! • Worked on my art, did more poses backgrounds and animations! •More sketches, more writing, more routes, and adding in the new variables from the new customizer! • Spike remembers like all your choices, making restarting the game faster with your MC!
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• Designed new characters for one of the routes!
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• Added a plain text/font accessibility option!
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• Working on improving sprites! His tail and ears can now be animated :3 (Uncensored will be on twitter :3)
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It's not much, but we're getting there!!!
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khunyuki · 4 months
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Note/s: Got a prior engagement for the whole day today so I couldn't write but I finally got to make a schedule🤗💕 I'll try very hard to stick to it so you'll know when you can read the next parts😘
Masterlist: TOC, a
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June 11 (Tuesday)
Note/s: Side stories are currently in writing! It still takes place before the main timeline so yeahhhh
b. Jealousy, Jealousy
Uzui Kagami admires Captain Ashiro Mina but that doesn't mean it didn't bother her whenever she hears Soshiro talk about her all of the time.
Hoshina Soshiro doesn't really think of Captain Narumi Gen as a threat but with how clingy he is to Kagami, boy does it feel annoying.
c. We promised to take care of each other, didn't we? [Fluff, Hurt/Comfort]
After their very first mission as Defense Force Officers, Kagami and Soshiro promised to take care of each other when they got injured. That means taking the entire day/week off just to nurse them back to health.
A few years have passed since then without any significant injuries, that's why it came as a surprise to Kagami when a certain someone came knocking at the First Division's front doors.
June 13 (Thursday)
Note/s: Finally got to the main story! Might be a bit cliche but I'll try to write it the best that I can🥹! I might change the titles to better fit the contents. Intro focuses on Kagami while the rest is all about the two🫶🫶🫶
Intro: When foundations fall apart [Angst]
Kagami doesn't know what to do with all the pressure. So she decided to make a judgment without a second thought thinking it's for the better. It doesn't matter if she's unhappy, she's used to people taking away what she loves.
1. You are so far out of my reach now [Angst]
Kagami thinks that with how pathetic she is: being a burnt out adult, useless platoon leader, talentless heir, unreliable fiancee; as someone who succumbed to the pressure, she no longer deserves to be by his side. So she pushes him away.
June 15 (Saturday)
Note/s: This will be my first time writing anything spicy🌶️ so I really need a lot of courage cuz f^ck I might die out of embarrassment while writing from how much it feel like I am commiting a grave sin😭😭😭
2. I'll show you just how much you mean to me [NSFW]
Soshiro, who didn't notice just how much pressure Kagami was experiencing, felt extremely guilty. He thought he's been expressing his love for her clearly but it seems like it wasn't enough. So he better make sure his beloved fiancee will understand it all night long.
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jayujus · 1 year
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— 08 : alpha minji
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KAIA'S NOTE i'm alive i hate this omg i keep going inactive im so sorryy with school going on ive just been too busy and in the summer i obviously wasnt 😭 i will actually try to stick to the schedule i made but i'll try to double update maybe sometime during the week. on pic 7 i meant to say "i feel like someones talking about me" not "it" mb
TAGLIST (CLOSED) @yourmyst4r @nhularin @awkwardtoafault @yoontoonwhs @lesleepyyy @gyuudai @kimsgayness @pandafuriosa60 @wonqr @noascats @pkjay @rikislady @siasseltzers @sewiouslyz @jisooftme @jeindall777 @solarwoniii @soulphoenix1618 @elysianeclipxe @yerisdumbass @chichiuu @haechansbbg @ryujinbrat @m111nho @yunwonie @sserajeans
copyright © jayujus 2023 all rights reserved
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moonlight-prose · 1 month
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a/n: *hands the mic to wade* take it away dipshit. divider by the beautiful @saradika-graphics.
The squeak of the leather couch is what makes him smile.
"No don't write that."
Audible backspacing.
"Hello thots and whores (respectfully). It's your old pal Wade W. Wilson here to remind you: always wrap it before you tap it. Seriously the amount of condomless dicks on this website is ridiculous. And that's coming from a man who can only get it on to the sounds of chinchillas-"
*insert information you probably don't need to fucking know here.*
"Right. Off topic."
He shifts with another squeak, his hands clasped in his lap like a nerd on the first day of orientation-
"Now that's just rude."
His suit is leather, the couch is leather, and both don't make for a combination of fun. In all honesty this a waste of time, but he insisted on having a voice.
"I'm the one speaking here thank you. And not a combination of fun? Tell that to Hugh Jackman in Van Helsing. That movie is a leather pandemonium. I'm surprised he didn't get chafing on his penis."
He sighs...dreamily.
"But who can deny a long haired werewolf when he barks for you? I sure can't. And neither could Kate Beckinsale-"
Middle finger. Middle finger. Middle finger. Middle fing-
"RIGHT! Back to our regularly scheduled program of moans and groans. As you all have probably seen on that lovely little masterlist created by..."
He squints at the screen.
"The bitch who just wants to get this over with. I'm here to be your guiding light. Your candle in the window on a cold dark winter's night, as REO Speedwagon put it best. Because I certainly can't fight this feeling anymore."
"And you're probably wondering: but this is supposed to be a Logan fic. Where's all the smut? This writer sure likes to take her sweet ass time in updating. No worries. You have me to fill that empty void between your ribs and legs as Logan works up the nerve to finally stick it in."
In whispered hushed tones, he creeps closer. "He's shy."
"And that little magic button down below is the spot even Wolverine himself can't find. That's right my padawans the cli-"
Goes to shut down computer.
"No wait! Sorry I'll be good."
Another squeak echoes as he lays down as if he's Rose ready to be drawn like a French girl.
"Yeah that's good. That'll reel 'em in."
"So click that button and talk to me about our favorite two hundred year old man and the love life he's currently trying to find. Julia Roberts in Eat Pray Love has nothing on him, I can tell you that. I'll be here...waiting...and watching this shitshow of a fic go down like I do on a Saturday night."
"See you there."
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lakemojave · 9 days
Hey everybody, no cyberpunk today, still resting after an injury at work and seeing some family this evening. We'll likely be back to our normal schedule on tuesday with a couple off schedule events later in the month.
I'd also like to take this moment to apologize for very little off-stream content this year, for the scant Falling Sun updates or the lack of Complete History videos this year. I've had a lot of projects in the air this year combined with trying to apply for a new job and get out of my already stressful work situation. This has all been weighing on me for a while and I think it's a fine time to address some things in writing:
My mental health is real bad lately y'all. I've talked about this on recent streams but I figure that y'all deserve to hear that I might be taking a break from the channel pretty soon. The best thing for me would be to step away from being on camera some upcoming month unless things improve for me soon. I'm gonna stick it out through Subtember and see about the next couple of big event streams I'm planning, maybe get that Elden Ring video out before I make a call on an extended hiatus.
That being said, I really appreciate everyone who tunes in every stream, who sticks it out with me as I try and get this channel to where it was this time last year, and who have remained invested in the new stories I've been telling in the RP series. It means everything that I have this community and that folks have stuck around with me this long. I hope someday soon I'll be able to keep doing what I do on this channel with more stability and health in the various aspects of my life. Until that point, thank you all for your continued support 💜
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macabr3-barbi3 · 6 days
God, That's Good
Chapter 7: Wait
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Alastor tries to ease Lucifer's impatience, and Vaggie comes by for a favor.
Tags: more brooding, banter, A PROPER KISS
Before I rant about my writing wife some more, I do want to advise that once we get past this chapter, things will be getting quite a bit darker and more explicit. There's murder; there's blood; there's cannibalism; there's a little sex (not dark, but still warranting a warning I think LOL). If you know the musical/movie I'm sure you have a vague idea of what's coming. Be mindful of these things from chapter 8 onwards- I'll make sure to put specifics in the tags for each chapter but PLEASE don't read if you think these things might be triggering or upsetting to you.
Back to our regularly scheduled vibes- as always, huge thanks to @fraugwinska for helping me stick to a normal schedule and being one of my absolute best friends and most enthusiastic supporters 😍 ALSO thank you to everyone that has liked/reblogged/commented- this AU has me in a chokehold and I'm stoked that others are enjoying reading it as much as I've enjoyed writing it
PSSSST: Wednesdays have even more to look forward to! If you love Alastor being a questionable hottie as much as I do, check out @hazelfoureyes with A Doe in Fall that is ALSO updating on Wednesday evenings! I promise I'm very normal about this story and Hazel's writing in general (she said, lying, being very not normal about either thing)
Chapter 1 🥧 Chapter 2 🥧 Chapter 3 🥧 Chapter 4 🥧 Chapter 5 🥧 Chapter 6  🥧Chapter 7
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Despite her promise to visit soon, it’s a fortnight later and the Beadle still has not come by Lucifer’s barbershop.
He would be the first to admit that he broods on it. Between customers of his now booming business, he spends hours sat in his chair staring at himself in the mirror, trying to find the remnants of the man he used to be. He watches the tendons in his hands move as he shaves the gentlemen of New Orleans, thinking that they surely were not the same hands of Damien Diggory though they remained on his body all the same. Families came and went through his door, constantly reminding him of what he had lost, what the Beadle and Adam had to pay for, making his unease at her absence grow more every day.
He sat now in his empty shop with one of his razors in hand, staring down at the blue of his eyes reflected on the blade. He felt empty, numbness creeping from the pit of his stomach to his limbs and making his whole body feel like a hollowed out shell of a person- he looked the same, sounded the same, but the substance inside him was either missing or in the process of rotting where it sat. Charlie was still out of his reach, his revenge on hiatus until the Beadle saw fit to grace his shop with her presence. Everything was at a standstill, and the lack of activity beyond shaving was making him a madman, always pacing around the upstairs, approaching the entrance to his family’s old apartment and retreating like a coward.
A creak of the floor alerts him to the door opening, three soft knocks letting him know that it’s Alastor. He can hardly look the man in the eyes these days after he had embarrassed himself that night two weeks ago, when he had tripped into Alastor’s lap and pulled him into a kiss. It was embarrassment more than anything; thinking that he had reciprocated had been nothing but a figment of Lucifer’s drunk imagination, as Alastor hadn’t mentioned it since. Sometimes his eyes will fall on the younger man while Alastor is busy doing something else, and he uses those stolen moments to learn the curves of his face, imagining the blade skimming over his cheeks if he ever gave him the chance to give him a shave. 
Alastor comes behind the chair, leaning his elbows on the back above Lucifer’s shoulders. “I thought you had no customers today,” he says softly, watching Lucifer in the mirror. “What are you doing up here, hm? Plotting?” He smiles slyly, the corners of his mouth turning up and giving him a mischievous look. “Or pouting?”
“It’s been a fortnight,” he laments, snapping the razor closed and placing it on the stand beside him. “Why has she not come?” He stands from the chair and starts to pace- surely he looks like a madman, stalking between the apartment door and the sizable chest that held his spare towels and aprons, hands taking through his hair. 
Alastor sighs, his smile still in place. “Oh dear, a tantrum. How unbecoming. And just when I’ve started to think you were respectable.”
Lucifer scoffs. “Come now, Alastor- you don’t think it strange that she’s not arrived yet? You’d think such an ‘esteemed member of society’ could keep to a date.” Perhaps his air quotes and exaggerated accent were a tad childish, but it still makes Alastor laugh through his admonishment. “I’m… antsy, sitting around and waiting for her. They have to pay for what they did to Lilith, to me-”
“And they will.” Alastor leaves the chair to approach him, the proximity when he finally stops making Lucifer’s heartbeat pound in his throat. “Patience is key, my good man.”
“I’ve waited for so long already,” he groans. “Was fifteen years not enough? Must I wait another ten before I’ve avenged the wrongs against us?”
“So she’s a few days past when she said she would come,” Alastor says flippantly. “Do you not think that your over-eager manner won’t scare her off? Cause her to alert the Judge?”
Lucifer says nothing, not wanting to concede that he’s correct. He keeps his eyes on his feet, that hollow feeling returning to his chest and muffling the sound of Alastor’s voice as he continues talking. What would he do if she never came? Then surely Adam would never have reason to set foot in his parlor; he would never have his vengeance, Charlie would be lost to him, Lilith would be dead with nothing to show for his avenging her-
“Lucifer.” His head jerks up, and Alastor is watching him with narrowed eyes. “Did you hear anything I just said?”
He’s sure his face flushes. “Of course I did,” he lies, “you were… shit-”
The smile returns to his face. “I was saying,” he says softly, “that perhaps you can use the time to update your bearings. Get some flowers, hang some decor on the wall- that will likely sway the Beadle’s mind as far as recommending your establishment to the Judge, if the walls are not bare as though you’ve just moved in.”
“I have just moved in,” Lucifer points out petulantly. “I’ve only just started taking customers this last fortnight, I’ve not had time for bearings as you well know.”
Alastor claps his hands together, the sound making Lucifer jump. “I’ll send Husker for a floral arrangement for you- I think it will really cheer the place up.” He glances at Lucifer, a slow drag of his eyes up and down the barber’s body that almost makes him feel shy with the heat it contains. “I was also thinking that the unknown waiting period we find ourselves in is not a wholly bad thing. Perhaps I’m old fashioned, but I find that half of the fun in a plot is making the plan itself! Especially when one has a partner.”
And to Lucifer’s surprise he steps closer, bridging the already short gap between their bodies and taking Lucifer’s hands in his own. “I, for one, have also been enjoying this time simply getting to know you.”
He thinks his brain stops working, the way his mouth stammers to get out a response to that. “Oh! Well, I- I mean, I’ve also been, you know. Enjoying you.” Alastor’s head tilts in amusement, and Lucifer realizes what he’s said. “Enjoying your company, I mean! Fuck, I’m sorry-”
“There’s no need to apologize,” Alastor murmurs, and he releases one of Lucifer’s hands to slide around his back, pulling him fully into his chest. “We did say that we would revisit the intimate portion of that night when you were no longer intoxicated. Tell me, Lucifer, are you under any influence at this time?”
He doesn’t trust himself to speak, so he shakes his head. It shakes some logic loose- that kiss had been a mistake, the door wasn’t locked if a customer approached, he was less than ten feet from the apartment he had shared with his dead wife- but doesn’t stop him from allowing Alastor to lean in and press their lips together.
It’s so much better now that he’s not drunk. The kiss is soft and gentle for a bit, simply their lips touching as they learn the ways they fit against one another. It’s not until Alastor fists a hand in his shirt to keep him close that Lucifer even considers trying to deepen it. His hands tremble from nerves instead of liquor when he reaches up to hold the back of Alastor’s head, fingers threading through his hair while a broken noise tears itself from the back of his throat. Alastor responds in kind, making a soft sound that’s lost in Lucifer’s mouth as he parts his lips, his tongue shyly seeking entrance that Lucifer is all too eager to give him.
Lightning sparks behind his eyes, heat flooding his veins to pool low in his stomach, and he knows he needs to end the kiss before he does something that both of them may regret- though he hates to break the intimacy of the moment, ravishing Alastor in his parlor was not on his agenda for the day. He would need time to plan, to properly court the baker perhaps before inviting him to his bed- not to mention the extra time he would need to whisper pleading prayers to Lilith to forgive him.
Lucifer pulls back, his resolve nearly broken when he sees the way that Alastor’s lashes flutter, a noise of confusion escaping him. “We-” He clears his throat, embarrassed at the low rasp of it. “We should stop for now. Which is not to say that I don’t want to kiss you more! I do, very much,” he rambles, and Alastor merely blinks slowly and watches his mouth move as he had that first night. “Just, we should take this a bit more slowly. I don’t want to take advantage of your kindness-”
“Rest assured, Lucifer,” he purrs, “you are not.” And that makes him lose his train of thought for a moment, with how husky and low the words come from Alastor’s mouth.
“Haah, well, still. I would like to take this a bit slower and do it right. If you would allow me to, you know, properly court you, I would very much like to do so.” He sounds stupid, he realizes, like a child with a crush asking them to check ‘yes’ or ‘no’ on a piece of paper; he just hopes Alastor isn’t put off by the formal request. Perhaps he would prefer something unspoken, more blinding, unplanned kisses that steal both of their breath and leave them panting and wanting more.
But thank God, Alastor simply smiles at him and takes his hand again. “I would like that as well,” he says, and Lucifer thinks he could just collapse from the relief he feels. “We shall go at whatever pace best suits us- though I hope you’ll forgive me if I seem a bit impatient at times.” He watches Lucifer’s neck as he says this, and the barber knows he follows the movement of his throat as he swallows. “But by that logic, if I can wait for what I want, surely you can as well.”
Lucifer opens his mouth to respond- to admonish him, or perhaps pull him in for another kiss- when he hears the creaking of the stairs. He has just enough time to step back from Alastor before the door swings open, and he manages to hide his disappointment that it is not the Beadle, like he hoped, but Vaggie.
“Mister Morningstar!” She crosses the room to greet him with an enthusiastic handshake. “It’s been ages, I haven’t had much time to make it to this side of New Orleans but I’m happy to see you’re in business. And hello to you as well, sir,” she offers to Alastor, who gives her a small smile and turns to tidy something on the shelf behind him. “Mister Morningstar, I admit I have a favor to ask of you- there’s a woman, you see-”
Alastor scoffs behind them, and Vaggie’s eyes narrow into slits before she continues. “She is kind and beautiful, and stubborn beyond belief; she’s opened my eyes to so many new ideas and theories, and- her guardian poses a problem to any intentions I may have towards her, but late last night as we talked and the Judge called her away, Charlie slipped this into my hands.” She holds up a key, dark and dangling off a red ribbon. “It must be a sign, don’t you think?”
“Charlie?” He could hardly dare hope that it was her- that the Judge Vaggie spoke of was Adam, that such an opportunity to have her back was simply being dropped into his lap like this. “Charlie. And, the Judge, you say?”
“Charlie- Charlotte, I suppose, that is her name. And the Judge Cain and his lackey, the Beadle Sera Dempsey. They patrol the alley behind Cain’s home at random hours but despite this we’ve found days that we talk for hours before they can interrupt us. She is perfection, Mister Morningstar, and even if she doesn’t return my feelings I want to see her free from these jailers she’s in the care of. If I can convince her to leave with me tonight- perhaps later in the week, depending on when that horrid Judge is home- could I bring her here for shelter for an evening? Just until I can find a coach for hire to take her North with me, or wherever she wishes to go.”
She finally stops talking, taking a deep breath while she waits for Lucifer to answer her. He finds his words stuck in his throat- yes, bring her, please, bring her to me- and is dismayed to find a lump in his esophagus, halting his words behind the threat of tears. He clears his throat, blinking his eyes a couple times to rid himself of emotion. “You may bring her here,” he says, his heartbeat rapid in his veins, and Vaggie’s face lights up with joy. 
“You’re a blessing, sir, thank you! I hope to see you again tonight, but in any case, I’ll come with Charlie soon!” She shakes his hand again, the force of it making him stumble, before she releases him and is back out the door as quick as a flash.
He turns almost absently to Alastor, who gives him a smile. “Who could have guessed?” He says cheerfully. “You’ll have her back before the week is out- possibly even before the day is done!”
“Charlie will be coming here,” he says distantly, and then it hits him like a train. “Charlie is coming! Oh God, what will she think of me? I need to- shave, maybe, or- should I grow it out? My beard was grown out when she was young, maybe that’s why she no longer recognizes me-”
Alastor approached him slowly, like one might a feral animal- and that’s what he had felt like lately, some untamed beast stalking around his shop, so perhaps Alastor was right to take a cautious approach. “Perhaps we focus first on getting her here before you spiral about letting her know who you are, hm?”
“You’re right,” he says, and thank God for Alastor to help him keep a level head. “Of course, making sure she gets here safely is the most important part. But- we should clean the place up a bit! How soon do you think Husk can bring those flowers you mentioned? And I can dust the apartment, make sure that everything is tidy-”
He’s interrupted by the creaking of the stairs again, the bell at the bottom ringing loudly to signify someone coming. He expects Vaggie again, or even perhaps the Beadle at last. But to his confusion, it’s neither- Sir Edward Pentious stands in the doorway, his small assistant at his side and carrying a bag that was far too heavy for her slight frame and causing her to tilt to one side. 
“Sir Pentious,” he greets cordially, “and… young lady.”
“I’m Niffty, sir,” she giggles, reaching a hand out to vigorously shake Lucifer’s. “Nice to meet you when you aren’t beating my boss in a shaving contest- and his shop is way nicer than yours too,” she directs to her employer, and he flushes a dark shade of red. “Are you sure you want to be a barber?”
“Niffty,” he hisses, and gently shoves her behind him. “I was hoping to speak with Mister Morningstar alone,” he directs to Alastor, who shrugs with a soft hum and leaves Lucifer’s side.
He meets Niffty at the door. “Well, aren’t you just a little wisp of a thing!” He says when he sees the bag she carries. He takes it from her hands and gestures her down the stairs. “Come along, I’ll see if I have anything adequate for you to eat…”
His voice and Niffty’s enthusiastic reply fade as they descend, leaving only Lucifer and the growing grin of Sir Pentious.
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Again, a secret little 'so sorry, gotta do it' for the next chapter. Pour one out for Pentious y'all
Chapter 1 🥧 Chapter 2 🥧 Chapter 3 🥧 Chapter 4 🥧 Chapter 5 🥧 Chapter 6  🥧Chapter 7
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hekates-corner · 10 months
Apothecary Diaries • WN Translation • Masterlist
Hello, if you've never seen this blog before - I write up posts as I go along translating the web novel for myself. For now, I'm working on arc 9/soon to be V10 of the LN.
I translate the entire chapters, so be warned, as I go through telling you all that happens.
If you'd like spoilers, but less - my dms and asks are open!
I'll add my proper introduction at the end, to keep this rather user friendly.
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Arc 9
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3 • 🃏
Chapter 4 • 💭
Chapter 5 | Chapter 6
Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9
Chapter 10 • 🃏📍 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14
Chapter 15 | Chapter 16
Chapter 17 • 💭 | Chapter 18 • 💭
Chapter 19 | Chapter 20
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Masterlist Notes
The chapters divided by “|” are parts that link directly together. I'll usually provide the titles I get in the post, but since not all of them translate as well for me, I'll omit them from the masterlist for now.
I'm probably going to use three symbols:
💭 is for chapters that involve Maomao and Jinshi interacting
📍 is saved in case there should be any triggers - which I'll detail in the chapter posts
🃏 is for a change in narrator
For now I don't have a proper update schedule. I'll usually post once a day, if not then I'm probably working on a string of chapters that are tied together, or the chapter and I have some communication issues.
Just save the post, follow, or check the tags. If you'd like to get tagged in updates or be notified when I do, send a dm my way!
I originally had this intro in chapter 1, but since I'm getting things done quite quickly, we're here.
I picked this up because, like many, I would likely never hear the end of this story, if I kept waiting for the LN translations to get up to date. Out of sight out of mind is a real issue.. but I love the story, plus I've translated some bits and pieces before - so, I chose to not stick my head in the sand while all the content is right there.
I'm pretty transparent if I don't know something, this is all just for fun and a learning curve while trying the best I can. My main perk is that I can translate to both english and german, which is pretty much what I'm doing to try and raise accuracy.
Please note that there are differences between the Web Novel vs the finished Light Novels. I chose to go with the WN, so that the actual finished LN's remain exciting - it's also why I don't share the art that's out there.
So if you're up to go down poison alley with me/my posts - Welcome!
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kquil · 8 months
hello my darlings!
i've missed you all so soooo much 。°(°.◜ᯅ◝°)°。 as some of you may know, i've been on holiday for the past month with unstable wifi, hence the mini hiatus status on my pinned bulletin but i'll be back to posting now!
this year, i know i'm going to get super super busy and i really don't want to stop writing when times get tough and i have a break down (*cough* like i did in uni *cough*) so i plan on sticking to a posting schedule yayyyyyyyyyy! ٩(。•ㅅ•。)و
here it is :
SATURDAYS : requests / series chapter updates (can be for any series) SUNDAYS : timestamps / oneshots (can also be requests) (posted every 09:00 GMT time)
i'm going to limit myself to a maximum of 2 posts every saturday and sunday just so i don't burn myself out by being an over achiever and i wanted to work on my people pleasing tendencies this year too
i won't be saying what i'll be posting each time just because i've learned how that really deters me from even attempting to write due to self-inflicted pressure (if you know you know ⏤ *cough* perfectionist tendencies *cough*) nevertheless! you can bet that i'll try my darnedest to consistently post every weekend so there'll be something for you darlings to look forward to and read hehehe~
i've scheduled this announcement to post the exact day my plane home touches down and i've already scheduled some things to be posted on my first weekend back; i want to get back to writing as soon as possible even though i'll probably knock out for a few days from all the travelling
TAGLIST : @melinajenkins @aastonishment @until-i-found-you @corp0real @celestcies @lovelydoveval @inlovewithremusjohnlupin @calums-betch @futurecorps3 @hihihi1112 @simpingforthe80s @yrluvjane @chaosofmanyfandoms @storyofaromance @loving-and-dreaming @somewereinthegalaxi @ashreblogsficshere @cassandra-nerezza-black @stray-bi-kids @ttkttt @notasadgirlipromise @desikudisworld @volturissideslut @arilxup88 @rosaleenablack @samanddeansannoyingsis @marina468 @rosalyn-s @seungtelevision @raevyng @ghostgardn @mess-is-my-aesthetic @zesnuts
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bisoubisoubelle · 1 month
so i woke up early but i didn't workout. i will do it today but i have to find the right time so my parents don't notice how long i run for.
i have been fasting since last night and i weighed in just now
at the start of summer i was 30 lbs away from my ugw
the first week into summer i was 20 away
and now i'm 38.6 away...
it's really disappointing, but at this point i can't go back and change things, i just have to move forward.
during that first week of summer i was able to lose 10 lbs in 5 days by running 2 hours every morning and eating probably 500-700 calories a day.
so i'm going to try the same kind of routine when school starts on monday. for now i will try to be even stricter, omad and running for 3 hours.
i will weigh in every day, hopefully i can get to ~30 away before school starts at least. and then when school starts, i will adjust my routine and see how many i can lose each day following that. once i have an idea of how much i can lose each day i will make a full schedule and plan to estimate when i will reach my ugw.
right now i'm pretty sure i can get there before october if i follow through, but hopefully i can get there even faster.
i think i might start a challenge when school starts to help motivate myself and stay on track but i'll update about that later
i'm feeling optimistic but also a little worried. i know for a fact that it will work if i stick to it because it worked for me 4 years ago. i just need to be strong and hold myself accountable here.
anywho wish me luck and drink ur water
xx, belle
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batmanfruitloops · 1 month
Hi, I'm finally out of school!
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Now I can focus on this au again! Yippee! I will have to go on a family trip pretty soon, but I plan on writing ahead on the scripts while I'm away. Before then I'll see what I can finish comic-wise, otherwise, I'll try to finish up as many asks as possible. I would really like to be more consistent in posting comic updates before I go back to classes in the spring. I don't know what kind of schedule I can handle, maybe semi-weekly? Either way, you'll be getting comics.
Thanks for sticking around!
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gunthermunch · 1 year
PSA about Munch
don't go crazy this is just about my update schedule. and a little bit of a life update too?
so, besides college stuff, i'm moving countries mid july. this means im currently in the whole peak of the Process which is the most tedious and stressful part. nowadays im using the free time i have for resting and not so much for making poses setting scenes up shot edit and post them.
now about the schedule, I'll finish posting everything regarding Gunther and Lilith's wedding, I've been trying to post twice a week. then i'll go on a small break until i can settle down and go back to my life being Normal.
AND this means Munch is going to last more than i expected. it was meant to end in 2024 but now it clearly won't. Which is great actually, more time with these guys!
anyways that's all 🫡💛 thank you for sticking around and being nice and patient and cool!!
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shamelessbigbang · 1 year
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Round 12 is here!
Hey guys! Hope you are all doing well here in Tumblandia and out in the real world. It's been a minute but we are happy to announce another round of the Shameless Big Bang! There have been some updates that we're excited to share as we kick off another turn.
Since I have been quite busy and don't want to spread myself too thin this time around, @wehangout is back to help keep things running again this round, and @whaticameherefor is joining as well. I am so happy to have them on board so that we can keep the tradition alive <3
As a reminder, we are sticking with the original format of completing your work before posting. If you plan to participate, please try to be mindful of that when you commit. Also, while most people are good about staying in touch, we have people every round who have issues with communicating and responding to emails. We are going to continue to take a more strict approach with that if people aren’t responsive, especially once authors and artists are paired off and the posting dates get closer. We will not be confirming your sign up until the last day, so please wait until after then to reach out if you don't hear from us.
Please consider these things before signing up. Without further ado, here’s the timeline for the next round.
August 8 – Sign-Ups open
September 18 – First author checkpoint and LAST DAY TO SIGN UP
October 23 – Rough drafts due
October 30 – Summary previews for artists
November 3 – Artist claims open (authors and artists will be paired up on a first come, first served basis)
December 1 – First artist and second author checkpoint 
December 15 – Second artist and third (and FINAL) author checkpoint
December 22– Posting Schedule will be announced
January 1 – Posting begins!
You can sign up to participate here!!
Don’t forget that there are a few different ways to keep up with us:
The Shameless Big Bang Tumblr page is the primary source of information. If you’re new around here, you can find out more info about the Big Bang at our Info & FAQ page. You can find links to the art and stories from previous rounds, and the home page even shows our commonly used tags, which you can use to filter through posts.
The Twitter account! Our Tumblr posts automatically feed there as a convenient way for you to keep up to date on either platform. Follow our Twitter account if you’re active there!
We also have a Discord! If you provide your Discord information during sign-up, I'll add you automatically.
As a reminder, the Big Bang is a collaborative effort between authors and artists. Please be mindful about your time and how busy you are when you sign up. We don’t want you to have to drop out and leave someone in the lurch if we can avoid it.
If there are any questions, you’re always welcome to send me an ask or an email! Reblog and spread the word!
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moonspirit · 5 months
TOP 10 favourite AA fanfics? (if you have one)
Oh hello xD That's a great blog name! Does that mean more questions will follow ._.?
Anyways, my reading speed has taken a nosedive as of late; too many things have been going on and I'm trying to stick to my own writing schedule too... so my recs remain mostly the same as the previous times I've been asked. Still, here are a few of my faves:
Bury Me in the Shadows of Spring & My Yellow Light in Your Soft Whispers by @annawayne . Features some of the most compelling story-telling I've ever seen. The former is a historic AU set in the 1920s and holy shit the immersion? Anna comes armed with a deep, impressive knowledge base of history and so the fic takes you straight back in time, as if you were standing in the time period itself. BMSS is a story carrying very heavy themes, and the dive into the character's psyches is simply stellar.
As for the latter, a post-canon fic set 10 years after the Rumbling, MYLYSW is a story that takes an in-depth study into the ways that an intensely traumatic event can affect people - both the victims and of those around them. It's a wonderful telling of grief, heartache, unresolved ghosts from the past, with stunning imagery and descriptive writing. :3
Black Water & everything else in @distortedclouds 's collection. BW is, as another reader very aptly put it, the single best take I've seen on Annie's relationship with her father, and how it affects Aruani's relationship. Clouds' mastery in prose and narration is on a whole other level, and every chapter literally hurts your bones. Aside from that, all the other fics in the collection are simply wonderful reads, with everything ranging from fluff to angst to smut and everything in between! My wife is very talented you see :3 Unparalleled!
Little Bird by @aquietjune . Simply a fantastic Annie-centric post-canon story, with writing skills that simply leave you in awe. June takes a deep dive into many of Annie's issues and problems that are still left unresolved, though the world may be rid of titans. Her dedication to period-appropriate research, and the how's and why's of in-world problems make the story a truly delightful experience, and coupled with her talent of being able to tell so much in so few words, this remains one of the best post-canon fics I've ever read. Please also check out her other works, she has an uncanny ability to make you laugh until your sides hurt xD
Coveted by @honeytheriot . One of the first aruani fics I read after the S4 P3 P1 dropped in March 2023, and holy shit xD Every chapter is a smut-filled goodness and delight, and honeyriot makes it WORK with her writing!
Children of War by @/SeaTempest . Primarily a Jeanpiku fic with Aruani as a side-couple, this fic features some of the best writing I've ever seen. Smooth prose and convincing post-canon world-building, plus very good character monologues?? Hell yeah. Hasn't been updated in a while, but has plenty of content, absolutely worth a read.
Tater Tots & Heavy Thoughts by Anonymous and everything in this collection. TT&HT is a modern AU Aruani fic primarily from Armin's POV, dealing with some very dark and heavy subject matter. The writing is really good, and while I haven't caught upto later chapters, I highly recommend it. The other fics in the collection are great too :3
There are many more tbh, but my head is mushy for the moment xD However, I'll add some fics I've been following as of late!
on the path that led me to you by @the-last-thread-of-my-sanity & By Each Crime and Kindness (I'm bound to you) by @aruanimess - two Cadet Aruani fics taking place that are an absolute delight to read! Wonderful writing, wonderful characterization, lots of fluff, and the impending doom of angst~
Who painted the sky? by @dudewhy3 & Hiding in Plain Sight by @midnightraine131, two Modern AU fics that take a look into the issues Aruani deal with from their past, in a modern real-world setting. Engaging and fun, with sprinkles of heavy angst now and then.
A Force To Be Reckoned by @luciensdefenseattorney . Inspired by Bridgerton, this is a wonderfully written and highly engaging Aruani fic set in the regency era. You just want Armin and Annie to kiss and find out all about each other already.
Legends by @mimiwrites2000-fun . Canon-divergence and wonderfully written, this is an Aruani fic spanning 32 chapters and counting! Lots of emotional, heart-wrenching moments, Mimi is a writer who embraces angst with a passion and doesn't shy away from hurting you T^T
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