#i'll upload it separately in a moment :3
spencerreidsreads · 14 days
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(Links to parts 2 and part 3)
hi hi hi! if I have put your work on this list and you'd like it removed please let me know! But these are a bunch of authors and fics that I absolutely adore and you should definitely give them a read/follow ❤️
Note: This list was so long I've had to split it into 3 parts. I will link parts 2 and 3 here once I have posted and uploaded them. Parts 1 & 2 will be Spencer fics and part 3 will be for Hotch!
If there are any mistakes you spot please let me know and please like and reblog to share these fics! thank you :)
Spencer Reid:
@pastanest - Heaven Sent... A Smile... Mean It
@sundrop-writes / @tenpintsof-sundrop - The Patron Saint of Liars and Fakes... Careful (series)
@strawbeerossi - You Think, Genius?... Just Know I Love You
@violetrainbow412-blog - Decoy... White Lies...Emergency Room
@lechemoon - The One Where Spencer Reid Doesn't Want To Just Be Your Friend
@incognit0slut - All I Need... Hypothetically
@springtyme - Sticky Evidence... Checkmate
@cherriemi - Trivia Night
@rebelliousstories - Jasmines and Vanilla
@avis-writeshq - Sparks Fly (series)
@pathologicalreid - No Sign of Danger... A Father's Daughter... Puzzling... Work Song...Separation Anxiety... Stepping Up
@astrophileous - A Well Kept Secret... Every Single Day
@reiding-writing - Forgiven... Melatonin and Oxytocin
@shewroteaworld - I'll Hold Your Weight When You Can't
@mindfullycriminal - Third
@sweatervest-obsessed - Second Chances Are For Winners p1 & p2
@irndad - In Every Other Life
@michelle-is-writing - Wedding Mornings
@alwaysmoncheri - Say Don't Go
@imagining-in-the-margins - Different Dialects... Impromptu... Not Your Backup... My Angel... My Only Chance... From The Tree... Passing in the Night...Studious Shadow...Appalachian... Pipsqueak
@foxy-eva - Morning Cuddles... Heart Language
@babymetaldoll - Spilling Drinks on My Settee & p2... Birthday Wishes & p2 ... Stargazing... The Carnivals Challenge... Baby Reid
@weird-is-life - Here For You
@boldlyvoid - Hypothetically (series)... Amethyst You So Much & p2 & p3... Professional Hair Dresser (PH.D)... Wisteria (mini series)
@mcntsee - Her Voice
@donald4spiderman - The City
@eideticmemory - Darling and Dandelion
@007reid - Coffee Caramels
@fortheloveofwonderland - A Memory Locked in the Heart
@halsteadlover - Shattered Love... My Safe Haven... First Steps
@waywardxrhea - Hearts Desire
@cookiescribble - Take Me Home
@queerpumpkinnn - Lover Boy
@reidsaurora - The Office Party
@tacticaldiary - Revelations and Reverence p1 & p2
@dreamwritesimagines - Twisted (series)
@luvingspence - His Picture In a Gold Locket
@rynbutt - Pierced pt 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
@sinfulspencer - Made of Stone... Last Breath... The One That Got Away... Coincidences
@writer-in-theory - Tell Ourselves a Good Lie... Holy Ground... To Know You... I'm Feeling 22
@literaila - This Vast Empty Space & pt2
@shemarmooresfedora - Splish Splash
@reiderwriter - The Lightbulb Moment
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moonliched · 5 months
Oh dear l, I love your fic! It's one of my favourites. I am tapping my tippy toes at the thought if you introducing sun! How is next chapter going (No pressure, just curious c: )
Also how do you plan your fic? Do you have crucial moments for every chapter written down, and just go with a flow with small things? Or you just go with the flow?
Kisses 💋
agajjddhkfksjdksl thank you sm!!!! next chapter is almost done, and i think ppl will like it! but i'm also suspicious bc it seems ready to post with minimal editing, which makes me think i've missed something. so i'm combing it for any issues before i commit to uploading the next chapter😅
generally i start all my fics with a scene i really want to write, and then i build a story around it! i usually have an idea of the plot as a whole including the beginning and ending before i start writing. i make brief notes of scenes or plot ideas during this time, and decide on the crucial moments.
if i'm writing and posting the fic as i go, i'll keep a separate document of story ideas and gradually work them into main document. this includes small fluff details like Y/N getting their hair ties stolen by Moon - it's not essential to the story but it's fun :3 this is what i'm doing for my mer fic!
i used to write fics all in one go before posting! i'd write a notes version of the entire plot first, each plot point no longer than a single line. then when i'd finish, i'd start again from the top writing the notes into a story, deleting the notes as i go down. now i actually prefer writing and posting together, bc i get to see everyone's reactions as the fic unfolds in real time!
thanks for the ask😊🍓
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harukadrawsthings · 9 months
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EDIT 7/10/2023: Wow, in less than 24 hours I already got the 5 slots filled! Thank you to everyone and my apologies to those who didn't manage to have a slot in time. There's always a next time! As soon as the replies become ready I upload them but there's no deadline. Stay tuned!
Original post 6/10/2023:
Hello, everyone, hoping that this start of Autumn is being good for you!
I've been a little busy dealing with mental health and quotidian stuff but over two thirds of the next part of the comic of Soul(mate)s of Light has been already developed. Thank you for your patience once again, expect its upload in the near future once it's ready to show.
In order to maintain the focus on the comic strips creation I'm re-opening the Ask box for a very short time once again. This post will be updated as soon the inbox gets closed.
After validating the questions of 5 different users made that include at least one to AU characters I'll temporarily close the Ask box once more. First come, first served. So if you were saving questions in the meantime, hurry up and ask them now while slots are available!
Last time in August when I was checking the pending messages and validating the questions that were suitable for replies I’ve observed a few things that I want to bring out some attention, as well reminding about a few factors:
There were users not respecting the “Maximum three character-directed questions per user” rule. Please consider there are other people that send questions and it’s not fair for them to have to wait longer because somebody made more asks.
For a better management of posts, I also want to ask to please make those three questions in a single post whenever it’s possible instead of sending them separately.
If someone sends me more than 3 character-directed questions per wave of replies, I’ll either only respond to the three first questions and suppress the others, or select the best 3 questions of that message.
Please don’t ask the characters questions about crossovers with IRL IPs unrelated with Pokémon. It’s 99% certain I won’t answer them. I reinforce that I reserve the right to not reply to questions that I find them inadequate to my AU standards or for other reasons not listed in the rules.
Although I don’t forbid questions done to characters that aren’t part of the main/secondary cast of the AU story, please consider that questions made to characters outside that circle are subjected to be unanswered if I conclude that replying them doesn’t bring anything relevant either to the readers or to the AU itself.
If the Ask Button isn’t available it’s because I’m not accepting character-directed asks at the moment. Do not use this thread to send character-directed asks. Please wait for a reopening and save your questions for next time! 😊
Author-directed questions are quicker to be replied than character-directed ones (especially if there's no character-directed ask included in the entire message). If I see it helps to speed up the inbox cleanup I can consider giving priority to answer this type of questions.
A reminder about the original rules to also be considered
Be polite, don't use foul language/swearing.
SFW asks, only! NSFW asks will never be replied.
Gore scenarios are very unlikely to be replied or if it involves a trigger subject that requires a real graphical depicting as well.
I reserve the right to not reply to a character ask if I find it inappropriate or for any other reason not mentioned here.
Maximum three character-directed questions per user. If author-directed questions are included alongside with character-directed questions, please don’t surpass 3 character questions and 2 author questions (making it a total of 5 questions per user).
Due to my personal life and the development of a new comic, replies to the asks won’t have a fixated deadline to be developed and published. Please be patient!
If I find the asks to be suitable for replying I might take some time to draw the character answers since it's something I have to do in parallel with ongoing projects like AU comics or illustrations (and there's my personal life to consider as well, of course!).
The more questions in the same ask message I receive, the more time I'll need to draw them as well since I have to submit every answer on the same post!
I give priority to draw answers for the asks I receive first in my inbox. Asks sent after someone has done it first will be in the drawing queue.
While I don't discard the possibility of drawing replies to questions directed to characters that don't have much relevance to the AU I can consider to do them if I conclude it's doable. However, I recommend that the questions are done for characters that are more prominent to the story.
I highly advice that the questions are asked in English, although I understand questions done in Portuguese or Spanish without having to use automatic translators for other languages.
Thank you in advance!
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singular-yike · 8 months
Getting into Len'en Lore: Part 3
This'll be the end!
★ Spinoff Game: Book of the Cafe
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Curious title screen, isn't it? You can't even see the game logo yet! JynX said that it'd be revealed one day, but until then, here's the 5th released game in the series, though officially it's the 0th game.
This is Len'en Cafe ~ Book of the Cafe (abbr. BotC), and is the mobile social network game that JynX is actively working on at the moment.
Story Reading Order
The game's story is separated into three sections, the Main Story, Sub-stories and Back Issue stories. There's no particular order between these three, so I'll only list the order within each of them:
Main Story
Chapter 1
Back Issue Revisit past games' stories, learning new information about them!
EE — Yabusame Houlen's Route
EE — Tsubakura Enraku's Route
Sub-stories None exist yet.
Additional Reading
There's a lot of non-plot, and even non-lore related text in this game, here I'll list the pages that have major flavour texts and such. Though feel free to explore the BotC pages to learn more.
Compared to the other 4 games, these aren't nearly as crucial, and are more just fun reads. maybe with the exception of the 1st item.
Skill Names and Flavour Text
Music and Music Comments — Trioid Toykeat — Len'en Cafe ~ Re:Boot — Trioid Toykeat (ONAIR-version) — Mnemonic => Extraction — Infinite Zero-Point Ego Eris
Cafe design item descriptions
In-game Notices (α Version, β Version & Full Version)
Memory Archives stage descriptions
Items Descriptions
Other Important Reading, Videos and Characters
And that concludes all the reading you would need to do for all the series' main entries. Now for other important reading to supplement the main series entries:
Video: Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell
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Critical Point Bidding its Last Farewell, full title Fumbling Dimensional Tour ~ Breaker and Pursuer /* B-P-B */ Protection against Breach ~ Request Colorful Dreams, Detest Empty Illusions (yes it's that long), is a music video uploaded onto Niconico back before Len'en was even released.
It was unclear if and how it related to Len'en, but with the release of AWTIF, it became clear that the characters depicted in the video are the main characters of the albums.
Additionally, it introduces the "Wings of Magritte", an interdimensional transcending limited express train that gets a brief mention in BPoHC.
As for reading, I can't really introduce much of an original source for it, but its page on the wiki and the Wings of Magritte's page is recommended.
Reading: Interviews with JynX
There has been 3 interviews with JynX so far, all overflowing with lore, of course. A 4th one is currently in the works too, so look forward to that!
2015 Interview
2017 Interview
2021 Interview
Not much else to say about this one, just go check them out!
Reading: Peing
Peing is a Q&A social media platform where fans could've sent JynX questions back in 2019. JynX has since abandoned its use, in fear that it'd make information too scattered, but what was answered has been documented.
April Questions
February Questions
Videos: YouTube Videos
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Above: Thumbnail of the second video featuring the androids, depicting Rei.
JynX also has a YouTube channel, run by the "Vtuber androids" Rei and Zelo (and Lin too), more on these three later.
The channel has official soundtrack uploads, videos about the androids and videos where the androids announce Len'en-related news. They'd mostly be to get a grasp on the android's personalities, I'd say, though there are lore scraps in there as well.
They're all translated up on the wiki, so go check them out here.
Characters: Monochroids (Rei, Zelo and Lin)
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Above: From right to left, Rei, Zelo and Lin, all in their chibi yukkuri forms.
Specifically speaking, these androids are actually called monochroids. Despite them mainly having appeared in videos and on Twitter only, there's a surprisingly amount of lore to them, especially on Rei.
It's a much deeper rabbit hole than one'd imagine, so go check it out!
Reading Materials
Wiki page on the Monochroids
Wiki pages for Rei, Zelo and Lin
Other Minor Sources of Information
Once all that's exhausted, you should already be quite the lore master, I would wager. Though if you really want to go the extra mile, here's just a bit more for you to chew into.
Art: Illustrations by JynX
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Above: The first explicitly Len'en-related illustration JynX ever made, released even before the character's own appearance in-game.
JynX occasionally does illustrations for various occasions, be it seasonal events or the Len'en anniversary. They sometimes come with little comments, which you can read here.
Events: Len'en Anniversary
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Above: The 2nd anniversary's celebratory art, which, while not canon at all, comes with a few pieces of dialogue.
The Len'en series celebrates its anniversary on 11th November, not the day the games became available to the public, but the day JynX finished work on the first two Len'en games.
Often, JynX will release a YouTube video on the day, which we've already covered up above, but sometimes it'd be just an illustration instead, with some text to go with it.
All the anniversaries and their related celebrations can be seen here.
Blog: Unreal Indolence Record
This is JynX's old blog, the only real lore-related piece of information you'd find here is when JynX changed the kanji for Len'en, and even that's only tangentially related.
Though if you're interested, the blog is translated here.
Blog: pixiv FANBOX
Technically speaking, pixiv FANBOX is a monetization platform first and foremost, allowing fans to donate to their favourite creators. You can do so to support JynX too, and in return you'd get a sneak peek into upcoming Len'en content.
Additionally, JynX also uses its posting system as their new blog these days, and there are actually quite a lot of lore-related and adjacent information here, like the music comments I linked to previously.
They are translated and available for reading here.
Vtuber: Kanae Tabinoki
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Yep, JynX is also a Vtuber! Their Vtuber persona is called Kanae Tabinoki, and have near daily streams where they usually work, chat or game.
Strictly speaking, they're not really related to Len'en, though being played by JynX, it's rather inevitable that scraps of lore slip through their mouth.
All lore scraps are documented on the appropriate page on the wiki, though if you'd like you can also read their page and summaries of their streams to look into the details.
Social Media: Twitter
Finally, we come to the end. There are 5 twitter accounts that are relevant to the Len'en series in one way or another. They are:
@mugen_Jinx: JynX's own twitter account
@TN_Rei: Rei and Zelo's shared twitter account
Now these two are absolute gold-mines of lore, back when JynX didn't really realise how crazy fans will get about the lore, they would just drop random scraps onto twitter.
They don't do it much anymore, probably for the same reason Peing isn't used anymore, but I've started a project where I collect and translate all JynX and Rei/Zelo tweets, for future posterity.
The project isn't complete yet, but what is there can be found here. I've already found all lore scraps and documented them onto the wiki though, so there's no urgent need to read these at all.
These two are accounts belong to in-universe characters, and so in fear of spoiling things, I've left their names out.
Being much more important tweets, part of the overall narrative of the series, they have their own dedicated wiki page to translating them here.
@Kanae_Tabinoki: Kanae's twitter account
To be completely honest, in terms of lore, Kanae's account is barely relevant. He mostly uses it to announce upcoming streams. I'm just listing it here for completion's sake.
Final Note: On the Len'en Wiki
Like I mentioned in part 1 your best friend really will be the Len'en wiki, the primary sources and their translations on the wiki are 100% trustworthy, be it game dialogue, associated files or even tweet quotes.
Pages where information needs to be synthesised on the other hand I would be slightly more careful with, there's not a lot of us wiki editors so many of those pages remain un-updated beyond the bare minimum. Misinformation should be kept to a minimum, though.
However, I will guarantee the quality of the Origin and Name sections! I've poured many hours into research for those, and I'm quite proud of them.
Also, there's a glossary navigation box that has a lot of pages for terms, key items and organizations listed there.
I mention this cause while the characters and location navboxes are probably easy to come across, this one might be a bit more obscure. The Youkai page is one example where it can be found.
Finally, the Len'en kanji change and what it signifies is detailed on the Len'en Project page, specifically under Name and Concept & Story Arcs, so there's also that to check out.
And that! Concludes everything you have to know to start fully immersing yourself into Len'en lore, to the point where you can drown in it like I have.
There are also announced but yet unreleased games and things of the like, but you can explore the wiki to find out about them, or even just ask other fans!
I must reiterate, I wouldn't be too worried about learning and reading up on whatever I've mentioned here in part 3. Part 1 and 2 are already a lot, after all and they're really the main basis you need to dig into the lore, getting immersed in all that does kinda snowballs into the obscure stuff naturally though, so you'll be back~ :)
And finally, to be completely shameless, I do some pretty neat Len'en related analyses and theories here that I feel aren't quite solid enough for the wiki. So if you somehow manage to consume all this and still hunger for more, come visit, yeah?
Anyways, I really, really hopes this helps. And happy lore-ing~!
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Hi! This may be a silly question but is there any easy way to change the code in game to alter the "love/crush/indifferent" etc etc meter while using the same files (as to not replay the whole game from step 1)?? Most of the times when replaying the game i don't want to change my answers or repeat any moments in a separate file but just change the meter so i can romance baxter and not cove as an example. Sorry if this is worded strangely i can ask again, and thank you for all you do!!
I think I understand, no worries! And yes, I can absolutely help you~
(by the way, prepare for me to make every possible assumption on what your save file may or may not be, as I tried to prep for most situations)
Firstly, you'll need a save file editor. There are a couple of online ones (here, here, and here), then an offline one I found. In my experimentation, this online one is the easiest to use and most consistently comprehensible, so I'll be using that. I do have another method that could be used offline, but that will be a post for the future.
I'm going to use your example as a reference. We'll say that I have a save file where my MC confessed to Cove in Step 2 (so they're dating), but I've changed my mind and now I want my MC to not be crushing on nor dating Cove anymore, with the reverse being true for Baxter.
Just in case, I'll add extra factors on the chance that your save might not be at the exact start of Step 3 (example being if you've passed the introduction with Baxter and chosen "Fond" instead of "Crush"). I suppose one could also use this for a headcanon of the MC actually breaking up with Cove and then pursuing Baxter.
(Obviously make sure you backup your save file, by the way, for safety.)
Anyway! After opening the site, we're going to load our save file by clicking "Upload" and then choosing the save file you want to edit.
If you're using the offline program instead, then uncheck both boxes below and then hit "Load Ren'Py Save":
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A ton of variables are going to pop up, but don't worry! I'm going to walk you through it.
We'll start with the idea of a save file that begins right after the Step 3 Cove Creator (so right as the in-between narration background appears).
If your MC confessed to Cove in Step 2 and you are at the in-between of Step 3 before anything has really happened, then all you have to do is look for a Boolean variable titled, "step2_confession_cove"
For the online version, you'll want to find the variable with "store." at the start for any of the variables I discuss, but the offline won't have that (so I'll be putting store. in parenthesis when mentioning variables) and you'll simply find two variables with the exact same names, so you'll just have to change both.
Set the value from True to False. This is to prevent the game from remembering such details and assuming that the MC has been dating Cove. However, if your save is further down Step 3 to where the game has already confirmed that the MC and Cove are dating (during the cell phone conversation with Lee), then you'll want to look for "(store.)relationship_cove" and make sure that value is set to False.
Depending on whether the MC is at Love with Cove or Crush, you might have to change the interest variable as well. Search for an Integer/Number "(store.)interest" variable.
This is how the MC feels towards Cove. 1 is Indifferent, 2 is Fond, 3 is Crush, 4 is Love. If you're at Love and haven't met Baxter yet in the save, you'll have to turn the value down to at least 3 (4 locks you out of crushing on Baxter).
The Baxter equivalent is "(store.)baxter_interest" and the number system works the same. You can't be at Love with Baxter in Step 3 so you'll have to settle at 3 for Crush, though you'll only have to worry about editing it at all if you've already passed the point in the save file of meeting him and choosing your interest level.
Other Boolean variables I can think of are "(store.)crush_step_3" or "(store.)love_step_3" depending on what the MC's interest in Cove was (being at Love will actually set both of them to True). Baxter's version is simply "(store.)baxter_crush".
There are actually many variables to Cove specifically because the game will keep track of how the relationship has progressed throughout all steps.
For example, "(store.)crush_step_2" is a variable noting that the MC had a crush on Cove in Step 2, and it will calculate during Step 3 how the relationship has progressed until then, so if the MC went from Fond in Step 1 to Crush in Step 2 and then to Love in Step 3, a variable called "(store.)fond_crush_love_step_3" will be set to True.
I'm going to set it so that my MC has simply always been friends with Cove (you can change such things accordingly if you'd prefer to keep the crush and just not have the MC act on it), so I'll make sure "(store.)fond_step_1" is True and "(store.)crush_step_1" isn't, that all "(store.)crush_step_2", "(store.)crush_step_3", and "(store.)love_step_3" variables and variations are set to False, as well as that "(store.)fond_step_2", "(store.)fond_fond_step_2", "(store.)fond_step_3", "(store.)fond_fond_step_3", and "(store.)fond_fond_fond_step_3" are set to True.
If somehow all you have is a save that has passed Sightseeing without having dated Baxter and you want your MC to do so, then search "(store.)baxter_dating_s3" and set it to True. If you want your MC dancing with Baxter in Soiree to be part of the canon but it didn't happen in your actual save file, then look up "(store.)soiree_dancing" and "(store.)soiree_dance_stranger_accepted" (plus "(store.)baxter_dlc_met_at_soiree" if the save you're editing is after Miranda suggests getting chow mein in the Step 3 intro) and set the values to True.
So to recap/simplify...
On disabling a relationship with Step 3 Cove:
if the MC confessed to Cove in Step 2
set "(store.)step_2_confession_cove" to False
if the MC has already gotten into a relationship with Cove
set "(store.)relationship_cove" and any variations to False
if the MC is at Love with Cove or the player simply wants to lower him off of Crush
change "(store.)interest" (1 for Indifferent, 2 for Fond, or 3 for Crush)
change all "(store.)love_step_3" variations to False; other changes depend on what how you want the MC's relationship with Cove to have developed (setting the one you want to True and the ones you don't to False), such as:
(going to use screenshots from the offline version here because they're more compressed)
○ "(store.)[MC's S1 interest]_step_1" / "(store.)[MC's S2 interest]_step_2" / "(store.)[MC's S3 interest]_step_3"
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○ "(store.)[MC's S1 interest]_[MC's S2 interest]_step_2"
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○ "(store.)[MC's S2 interest]_[MC's S3 interest]_step_3"
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○ "(store.)[MC's S1 interest]_[MC's S2 interest]_[MC's S3 interest]_step_3"
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(yes, the spelling of "indiff" sometimes has an extra or one less "f"; I didn't do that, it's just an error in the variable's spelling)
And then on changing things to romance Baxter...
if the MC has already met Baxter and missed out on their chance to set their interest in him to Crush (such as if Cove had been set to Love)
set "(store.)baxter_interest" to 3
set "(store.)baxter_crush" to True
if the player wants their MC to have danced with Baxter in Soiree but they didn't in the actual save file
set "(store.)soiree_dancing" to True
set "(store.)soiree_dance_stranger_accepted" to True
set "(store.)baxter_dlc_met_at_soiree" to True (only required if the save file is past the point where Miranda talks about Chinese food in the Step 3 intro)
if the save file is past Sightseeing and the player missed out on their MC dating Baxter
set "(store.)baxter_dating_s3" to True
And I think that's all of it. There may be variables I'm missing and I'll update things if so but those are the major ones.
It sounds like a lot of work/variables to change but at least on my test file (where my MC confessed to Cove in Step 2, went Fond->Crush->Love from Step 1 to 2 to 3, then the save file stopped at the very start of the in-between narration), I don't think it was too bad. These were the values I changed:
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If you're using the online version, then you can just hit "Download" to get the file and replace your old save with it. If you're using the offline version, then you'll have to hit "Apply Changes" which will overwrite the save file you put in.
Hopefully that wasn't too overwhelming. There are just a lot of variables keeping track of Cove's relationship with the player.
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madrabit · 2 months
Hello!! ❤️
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in Intertwined? And🪜?
Heho 😊🩷✨️
🎡 Your favorite scene to write in Intertwined?
That changes all the time cause I like multiple moments, although I must admit that every scene with Igor immediately makes me happy while writing cause I have to think about my little fur baby (and I have to be true and admit that I do base a lot of Igor's traits and characteristics on my own cat), this also extends to the little scene where Bojan interacts with Oli, which also made me happy while writing!
🪜 Tell us a random fact about any fic!
I originally planned to post chapter 2 & 3 of Intertwined as one large chapter, but noticed while writing it would be way too long (which didn't bother me too much immediately the next update huh). While writing on the second chapter, I already started working on the smut in chapter 3 in a separate document simultaneously and so I just named it "sth sth Intertwined_chap2_prn". I kinda just kept with it, even when I decided to post them as separate parts and so now chapter 4 is chapter 3 for me and I also think the next chap I'll upload is chapter 4. Sometimes, I think back to where I put what information and constantly confuse myself.
That might not have been the funniest fact, but I thought it was kinda interesting 😂
Fanfic writer's game
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yexiwuu · 1 year
230704 Chuu Weverse DM Log Translation
may contain inaccuracies
please credit @yexiwuu for translation when reposting
Full Translation under the cut
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6:22 PM KST
as soon as i got home, i washed up and ate lunch
y/n 💕💕💕💕💕
[pic 1]
y/n what are you doing
i went to my english academy and it took 4 hours to review ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
when i'm working super hard on something
i'm like that and i even bought my own textbooks but right now
i'm in hell so i just have to do my homework and duolingo and then i'm done
i'm like this . so .
you don't like it?
thank you 🤓
let's live to the fullest and eat healthy foods too
then that makes every single day very solid
eating healthy foods is my choice
because the food that makes me happy is healthy food (butter)
it's oily?
when i call your name, what does y/n get called from me?
i am able to see your nicknames but the names can be different, you know
i should just call you as your nickname?
if your name is chuu log, then chuu log have you eaten? like this?
you're saying it's possible to set up a nickname separately
then what are your nicknames/fandoms from different singers?
huh you haven't fallen for it!!!
i'm conan
that's right, there isn't anyone besides me, right?🥰
only the members (of loona) are allowed
i am thinking about what to change my pfp to · ᴗ ·
what should i do
wait a moment 🙆🏻‍♀️💕
i'm choosing right now 💓
please choose between 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 randomly
i'll look at y/n's feel
i'll go change it
it's number 4
[pic 2]
oing but is the resolution
it's probably a picture from the day before yesterday?
ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ i put on the stickers
what i have left are stickers, you know
[pic 3, 4, 5]
ta-da i'll just give it you all🌸
oh yeah c'mon (t/n a meme in korea where they pronounce the c'mon as C-mon)
someone on twitter said that the 6s is the best for resolution vibes when taking pictures
so of course i did it💓
right now the 14pro doesn't have a good resolution vibeㅜㅜ
i can film a movie myself since it is so clear
because i want to send lots of pictures to y/n, i bought 1TB (of storage)
i think that there's only about 65gb since the 6s is small
but i'm going to post more on instagram too. this is just a pre-upload for y/n
i bought it separately for taking pictures
i'm a sweet girl?
sugar cane girl ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
as i was thinking about XS and 6s, i bought it
· ᴗ · i like the compliments
i ate my food so now i'm talking with y/n
but now i have to go practice so i'm going to go brush my teeth🥰
you want me to call you?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ what's y/n's phone number
i don't know your phone number so how should i call you~
this person
is strong, it seems..
i must be going crazy
oh my
a professional absenteeㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
an absentee ambassador
there are many international numbers being sent
i'm going to go practice singing ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ y/n stop with the phone numbers
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ so funny
my phone number is 01019991020
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ i'm joking
y/n, don't tell me you don't know my birth year and month, right?
pretty pretty
ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ cute
also make sure to eat dinner and leave a message💕
you got it, right?
y/n go eat soon!
pretty pretty
make sure to eat fruits too and take your vitamins💕
while brushing my teeth, i go chikapukachichikapukachichi
i should also brush my teeth after eating fruits
there are cherries, apples, and tomatoes at my house
i'm going to eat cherriess
who keeps an ostrich egg in their home
ostrich egg sherbert
i'm going to practice singing until around 10pm
i have to wake up early tomorrow to prepare for recording so today i'm going to sleep early
💕 look forward to it since it's🎹 a real crazy doremi song!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (t/n don't know how to translate this well but she combined doremi and crazy in korean to make it a pun)
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that-sweet-jester · 2 years
Tumblr media
I posted 2,930 times in 2022
27 posts created (1%)
2,903 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 610 of my posts in 2022
#mcyt - 83 posts
#dsmp - 83 posts
#arcane - 75 posts
#the batman - 58 posts
#dsmp fanart - 41 posts
#the batman spoilers - 38 posts
#dream smp - 36 posts
#the batman 2022 - 25 posts
#technoblade - 24 posts
#my art - 20 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#one moment i'm watching some minecraft roleplay about destroying a country and then i go on the news and see a real country being destroyed
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Idk I just found it funny how quickly they went for the bell
3,215 notes - Posted February 8, 2022
love your batman art, keep the vengeance up :P
He's a freak I love him
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3,682 notes - Posted April 5, 2022
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3,709 notes - Posted March 17, 2022
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See the full post
9,338 notes - Posted March 7, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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So long King❤️
I've been introduced to mcyt and dsmp by my best friend and thanks to her I could discover Techno. For the past 2 years he had impacted my life a lot, through inspiring me to improve my skills on character design and art overall, to become more outgoing and full of passion for things I do. Because of covid and me finishing high school and going to university I had been struggling a lot with my mental health, but every time I saw a new upload or upcoming stream my day would instantly brighten up. He brought so much joy and love to the community and I'll forever be thankful for that.
This whole day had been a mess since I woke up and saw the news, it still feels unreal and when I think I'm alright, the feeling comes back again. Never thought that a person I didn't know, almost at all, would make such an impact on me.
I'm still going to make art of his character, I think that's something he'd want, to continue his legacy and for his character to still bring people joy.
I don't normally write much stuff here, only post art and reblog stuff, but I had to vent a little. I just wanted to thank Techno for everything and send love to anyone who is struggling about this too or is in a bad place overall. I hope you'll get better and everything will be ok❤️
And the universe said I love you
And the universe said everything you need is within you
And the universe said you have played the game well
And the universe said you are stronger than you know
And the universe said you are the daylight
And the universe said you are the night
And the universe said the darkness you fight is within you
And the universe said the light you seek is within you
And the universe said you are not alone
And the universe said you are not separate from every other thing
And the universe said you are the universe tasting itself, talking to itself, reading its own code
And the universe said I love you because you are love.
And the game was over and the player woke up from the dream. And the player began a new dream. And the player dreamed again, dreamed better. And the player was the universe. And the player was love.
~End Poem
12,064 notes - Posted July 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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waitmyturtles · 1 year
(SPOILERS, for those of you who haven't watched The Promise!)
Alright, more on The Promise, episodes 4 and 5 (my first review of episode 4 is here). Somehow, through some cosmic fluke of the uploads, we were able to get two episodes of this LOVELY show this week (and as @respectthepetty noted yesterday, the second half of the series will start up again on April 19th).
Since there's going to be a lengthy break, let me just say here: where exactly are we in the series? Nan and Phu, two inseparable childhood friends, originally from Chiang Mai, go to college together — and are then separated for 10 years, as Phu presumably moved to Melbourne to be with his mother. The move comes after Phu promises to never leave Nan’s side upon graduation, and in the course of a drunken post-graduation night, we see in one flashback scene that Phu steals a kiss from Nan. What happened in the immediate moments after — we’re not sure. (And there was another accidental bumping of the lip regions, a surprise moment that was captured in a photograph that Phu keeps secretly hidden.)
When Phu comes back to Bangkok after 10 years, both men are in their early 30s, Nan with a successful career in marketing, and Phu with a dream of opening a coffee shop. The first few episodes are concentrated on the rekindling of their friendship, Nan making slick moves to help Phu get his dream space for his coffee shop, and Phu being pulled into Nan’s life, through sweet Oliang (Nan’s cat) and Nan’s work (when Phu is recruited by Nan’s team to be a presenter for fancy men’s skincare).
Episode 3 sets us up for getting to know Nan better through his professional slickness -- even though the first two episodes demonstrated that his personal life had been a mess before Phu showed up again, and we see the indication that it was a mess BECAUSE of Phu's disappearance.
So when Phu comes back, so does Nan's center of balance, and Nan grabs control of a major project at work (the skincare presentation that ultimately brings Phu into the fold), and also nabs the coffee shop location that Phu had previously failed to land.
Episode 4 takes us to a reveal -- Party, Nan's dear work colleague, a homey (as of now) (he may end up being Phu's rival) who spills Nan's secrets to Phu about how Nan has shown up for Phu time and time again over the course of Phu's reappearance. Party lets Phu know -- you disappear for 10 years, then come back, lean on Nan for his help, even if you didn't know it was happening, and you can't show up for your friend, when your friend needs your help with a major work project?
Episode 5 sews that up. Phu shows up and tells Nan's team: I'll be your presenter. Thank you, Phu, for coming to your senses, at least this time.
I think, like some fam on The Promise tag, that I, too, want to see Phu get some sort of suffering, or just like, some rib pokes, for disappearing on Nan and not offering any sort of clear explanation right away. For literally the first four and a half episodes, Nan gets basically nothing from Phu by way of an understanding of what the hell happened.
But.... at the same time, I can see why Phu might be fearful, and confused. Why he might have wanted to run away for so long.
During the Romeo-and-Juliet college flashback, we see that Nan had encouraged Phu to kiss him on stage -- but Nan only clarified after that he meant that Phu should give Nan a "fake kiss."
And Nan not picking up on Phu's gazes during the practice photoshoot of the skincare campaign.
And Nan presumably not picking up on Phu's body language and underlying meaning of the question, "if you know me so well, how do you not know who I like?" (I'm paraphrasing here.)
We know that Nan's solid at work. Nan's a dependable guy. But Nan is also complicated, like Phu. Nan's personal life CAN get messy. He's physically messy, his place is messy. He can be forgetful.
What I loved about the previous episodes and Nan and Phu rediscovering their friendship, is that it seemed to establish equilibrium -- AT LEAST FOR NAN. Nan was able to stand up straight again and be great in the world and at work. To be honest, I'm not sure it did the same for Phu... BECAUSE we know that Phu is STILL incomplete.
While Nan SEEMS to be complete, Phu is still empty, even while being at the side of Nan.
And so. The campaign ends successfully. There's a little confusion about the reemergence of Dina, a college friend of the guys, who holds a crush for Phu, and Nan seems Phu and Dina in Phu's bedroom. The confusion clears up, but maybe the unsettled feeling that Nan seems to indicate lingers. Dina leaves.
The guys get into the conversation about who Phu likes. Phu leans in. Nan's phone rings.
Nan begins walking back to Phu. And sees the text from Phu's mother, in Melbourne, lamenting that Phu hasn't seen her in 10 years.
And Nan realizes... Phu had never been in Melbourne. And immediately starts the inevitable confrontation. (Finally.)
(I just want to say at this moment that I think it's likely that the subs for episode 5 were off. AT LEAST I SURE HOPE SO. I think it was very unfortunate that during the fight scene, that Nan was translated as using a word that was translated into the English word "freak" as both a noun and an adverb. I REALLY want to think that was mistranslated. I'll look to fact-check against the Devonte version of the episode that'll drop next week on YT. But in any case, if Nan called Phu a "freak" for disappearing, then.... okay, but I just think that whole dialogue, as translated with the word "freak," in the context of a QL, was jarring.)
The confrontation scene itself is heartbreaking and gorgeous. The guys acted the hell out of it. Nan finds out that Phu had been with his grandmother, and encouraged the grandmother to cover for him, while Nan searched for Phu in Chiang Mai -- damn. Nan ends the fight by walking away, and saying he never wants to see Phu again.
And Phu calls out to the empty night, saying, "I love you, but I'm not brave enough to tell you."
Cop out? Maybe. Maybe Phu has convinced himself that Nan is REALLY not open to this conversation. What else have we not seen by way of history between the two of them, that convinces Phu that Nan might not see things Phu's way?
We don't know what happened in the immediate aftermath of the post-party kiss in college. That likely had something to do with the post-it on the fish tank, and Phu's sudden disappearance.
I can appreciate that these are details that we don't know yet. Do I feel sorry for Phu? I think so. But I think the writing and the directing are excellent enough for me to feel, if not convinced of Nan's righteousness in this moment, then at least comfortable with it. This is a good place for a break. (Not that we needed a break.) (But this is the right kind of mid-series cliffhanger, and the right time for it.)
I'm just VERY happy with this show, and excited for this twist and change in pace that's coming up in April. Khom Kongkiat (I still want to keep calling him Uncle Tong, dammit) is treating both Phu and Nan with compassion. He's giving them space and time to develop and unwind. That definitely leads to long episode runtimes, but.... I'll always love a slow pace. It's a WHOLLY different vibe than Khom's work in KinnPorsche, and I just like this style so much better. It treats two guys who have lived life a little longer than your average BL character (no twenties/college/high school here) with the space to discover and contemplate their present and past existences, as adults in their thirties often do, as future aging is just on the horizon.
I'm pulling for the dudes. Nan has the upper hand -- let's see what he does with it.
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so i've been extremely overwhelmed by....... i guess everything online lmao, it's really hard to focus on things when you're constantly bombarded with things you don't really need at the moment
i'm trying to get back into journaling but damn it's so hard. i know my head isn't empty, i spawn walls of texts almost daily, but my mind goes blank when i'm in front of an open notebook because i don't know what's truly worthy of writing down? it's kind of like with drawing at this point. i'm stuck with the art block because i don't know what's worthy of drawing. and guess what made me feel this way? the social media lmfao. i hate that literally every idea i consider cool i never depict because my brain immediately goes like, "who cares about this?", "this won't get noticed and also you're too late, so don't be cringe", etc
i hate this so much idk. anyway, i think i'm going to make a list of things to focus on, both personal projects/artistic inspirations and fandom related ones. i do have things i overfixate on for years, so why am i letting myself be distracted by some random content ideas that only matter to me for like a day or two...?
i should also start limiting inspirations in general, looking at my folder rn and realizing that there are just WAY TOO MANY things i want to incorporate into my work and it really overwhelms me. reminds me of various artists saying that "less is more" and holy crap i should start limiting myself. this is something i slowly started to realize on my own when i did some pixel art, which is limited already due to its nature, with some color palettes instead of randomly staring at a color wheel for half an hour, not being able to decide which one to use.
also i found out about artfol, social media for artists, and so far it seems promising? haven't tried it yet, maybe i will upload some stuff there later. also maybe i'll finally sort everything here on tunglr dot com and make a separate art blog and will use this one as my "main"-diary-esque blog where i won't post much. it's not like i'm on here anyway, my dash feels overwhelming so i don't even scroll past 3-4 posts a day anymore on here. i'm tired of social media. it doesn't feel personal anymore, it's not fun, not interesting...
fomo effect used to fuck me up before something clicked and i stopped scrolling things. because due to nature of the modern internet, i have more chances of stumbling across useful/interesting information if i just keep scrolling through junk. since as you know, google is dead anyway, shit is hard to find these days, and indeed, every cool thing i managed to find was through random braindead scrolling (post 2016 i mean, i miss mid 2000s era when stuff was actually GOOGLEABLE and you didn't need to scroll long ass feed to stumble across cool things, you could get there at your own pace while just surfing the web). so the habit was made worse by "damn what if i miss some obscure post that features obscure cool thing that will matter to me once i get to know it??" but i'm just so fucking exhausted... everything i love about the internet because so dormant, niche even. the internet, as i define it, is dead to me. it's really heartbreaking
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dsumpsbluey · 1 year
Unofficial Bluey Timeline: Part II
Welcome to another post of my Unofficial Bluey Timeline. This part will be focusing on "The Weekend" through "Hotels". I will also be highlighting the recently found 2017 pilot of the show, since it pretty much is plot-for-plot a remake of one of these episodes (P.S. if you haven't done so, always read the alt text).
**But first, an update regarding my last post. While making the videos for this week, I stumbled upon a program called HandBrake, an open-source video transcoder. This was because the episode backups I mentioned were MKV files and couldn't properly work on my editing app. There, I found that it could do way more than simply convert file types, but also change resolution, apply video filters, and much more; so I found myself experimenting with how to enhance my copies, especially for the season 1 episodes. To keep it short, the program made the episodes better presentable (no distracting interlacing!), and I'll likely use them for any future video uses.**
So, without further ado, lets get in.
The Weekend - Episode 6 (and the pilot)
Bluey scams Bandit into buying magical statues.
Debuts and Details:
The walking leaf (which as of last week's recent ep "Slide", is apparently named "Leaficus") makes its grand debut.
Being as this was built off the pilot of the same name, the animation moves similar despite changes in the characters' models. This is why the episode feels janky and off-model compared to the rest of the season, b/c it is.
In the pilot, Bingo sleeps on a separate room opposite to Bluey's. While this would switch to both sharing the room in the final show, that exact room wouldn't show up in another episode until "Bedrooms" 3 years later. It's there where we learn that both girls used to occupy the room as babies before moving into their current room, which somehow lines up with the pilot (Bingo, the youngest one, occupying the leftmost room).
It would take ages dissecting every single change here, so I made a quick comparison vid of some key moments.
(Pilot video came from original Streamable upload [Just learned it was taken down :(]; Final video came from Internet Archive, as I hadn't set up HandBrake to clean my copy atm)
Differences in Character pilot design: Bluey: minimal differences aside from different orientation of back spots (They're not Disney-shaped, as I call it) Bingo: Snout shape and size bigger; Dark orange top is now two round spots on each side; back has many spots instead of just one. Bandit: Only left side of head is dark (reminiscent of a spot); no tan belly. Has the more drastic design differences of all. Chilli: Her dark brown spot is often not present, or swapping around sides. In the final episode, her brown spot overlaps her snout, other than the other way around.
What a weird way to make an episode about the weekend. This episode doesn't really rely on plot, and just shows us a glimpse of the Heeler family, which is still neat. As for the placement of this episode on the timeline, by rule the final version of the episode is considered canon as opposed to the pilot. Despite both version's plots being very similar, and the separate room pointed out earlier, it doesn't seem fair that an older version of an episode would be in the timeline, as it doesn't fit with the rest of the series.
Favorite part: The walking leaf scene, I quote it everyday w/ an exaggerated accent.
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BBQ - Episode 7
Bingo prepares a pepper capsicum salad.
Debuts and Details:
This serves as the introduction of Uncle Stripe (Bandit's brother), and his side of the family, featuring Aunt Trixie, and cousins Muffin and Socks.
There is a mention of a "Auntie Mary" and her salad dressing recipe, but she is never mentioned in another episode again.
This is the first of many episodes that have been altered in international releases. For this, every mention of 'capsicum' is replaced with 'pepper'; no significant cut of scenes occurs, as mouth flaps were the only aspect changed between versions.
Streamable link, cuz I just learned there's a one video limit
The intro scene with Bluey and Bandit prepping the grill serves as the first of a recurring element of the two copying each other, either through movement or verbal.
5 cans and a water bottle were destroyed during the episode.
Bingo learns how to turn on the hose
Chill episode, you get to feel the struggles of Bingo wanting to relax, while also tasked with creating the best pepper capsicum salad imaginable.
Favorite part: When Bingo is getting the salad dressing. The scream, in particular, gets me everytime.
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Fruitbat - Episode 8
Bluey learns to dream in order to become a fruit bat.
Debuts and Details:
This marks the debut of Mackenzie, his dad, as well as Rocko
This is the first episode to span multiple days, going from night to next morning (2 days)
The stairway wall has no changes from its last appearance, however the fridge is reoriented to how it was in "Keepy Uppy"
Bluey is revealed to like fruit salad.
Fun episode. However, the main plot doesn't exactly start until 4 minutes in. Wish there was more to the dream than just flying and eating fruit, though; perhaps something more imaginative.
Favorite part: Bingo's iconic shot of her sleeping.
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Horsey Ride - Episode 9
Bluey and the gang ride their dad's as horses.
Debuts and Details:
Polly Puppy, Bluey's special toy makes its debut
Bandit and Stripe play as Gallahop, and Sparkles, and they are technically married at the end.
There's what seems to be a porch in the backyard, that I swear never shows up ever again (unless it does, in which I've haven't seen it)
Universal Rule #1 of imaginary play - Animals can't talk; there is a clear violation by both horses during the wedding scene
Fun episode, nothing to say other than flirty Bandit is my favorite screencap.
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Hotel - Episode 10
Bandit books a room at the Heeler Hotel.
Debuts and Details:
Bingo is Slobber-Dobber, I guess? Aside from that, there's really nothing else to bring up
The episode, while being fun, doesn't really have much to talk about, timeline wise and in general. It's not bad per se, but it's very minimalistic.
Favorite part: Bluey smacking Bingo's head on the bed.
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With that, part II is complete. While there were some interesting details with this batch of eps, they haven't caused too much of a dent in terms of the timeline. Surely, next week, we get some nifty details for our timeline. As always, leave any comments about details I may have missed, and I'll see you next week.
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azikarue · 1 year
2022 Fic Recap
At the beginning of 2022 I told myself I wanted to write more and publish less. This was to allot myself time to work on longer projects I had sitting on the back burner.
Fast forward to the end of the year, and I definitely feel proud of what I've accomplished. If I had my way entirely, I would have made more progress on ongoing fics and WIPs, but you can't have everything. I'm super happy to have participated in MayBlade - it makes up about 99% of my content for 2022. 😅 I look forward to working it (and the baby bout of burnout that follows) into my writing plans for next year.
Before I get into that though, here's a super quick recap of fics I updated or published in 2022.
Summary: Life isn't always easy, but there's a certain bliss in tackling it together that makes everything worthwhile. Pairing: Max/Mariam Chapters: 5/15 Words: 28,911 (so far) Rated: T
Chapter 5 (Undecided) is the one addition to Bliss I managed to make this year. I remember spending January and February agonizing over it, only to still need most of March to finish it. Considering it's about 12k words and not the original idea I had for this chapter, I don't feel so silly. I hope to update more this year. 🤞🏻
As a reminder to anyone following it: Bliss is a little jaunt through Max and Mariam's relationship as adults, including plenty of cute domestic moments to make my heart happy and some big conversations/milestones for them to navigate. (Latest chapter is a doozy of a conversation.)
Since starting it, I have mentally had it separated into three loose sections: 1) Boyfriend and Girlfriend, 2) Engaged/Newlyweds, 3) Expanding the Family/Married with Kids. I plan on still following that for the most part, but the sections may not be equal in length. That's mostly because I doubt, in my limited audience, many people have an interest in their children or life past a certain point? Just feel like everyone's headcanons are probably so different for things like that. We'll see how we go lol. This is a very self-indulgent fic, so I'll weigh any feedback I get against that knowledge.
Just A Moment
Summary: A collection for MayBlade 2022 (and beyond). Pairing: Multiple Chapters: 31/31 Words: 48,864 Rated: Varies (everything from K to M)
This fic is the one that took up all my mental capacity for the year. I loved working out the prompts for this and challenging myself to write without overthinking as much. I'm sure there are some prompts that I could have executed better if I took all the time in the world on them, but when I reread them I don't hate how any of them turned out.
I did struggle to keep up with the intense write, edit, update cycle on a daily basis. I found that if I had anything planned on a weekend, then I didn't get as much writing done as I would have liked and it set me behind. I don't know if that means I need to give myself a SUPER strict word count restraint (I tried, but some prompts got longer than I intended), or if I just need to start earlier next year. One thing I don't want to do is restrict my character usage. I wrote about a lot of characters I've never utilized before in this fic and I enjoyed testing myself, even if it's one of the things that made the event more time consuming for me.
The last five chapters of this took me forever to finish and upload. I feel like I lost so much steam pushing myself so hard throughout the month of May, that I needed time to recoup. I took more time than I strictly needed, and I want to find some way to combat that if MayBlade happens in 2023. Tbh, I also felt some discouragement after the event was over, knowing the last few chapters weren't going to get as much feedback after everyone else was done with MayBlade. But I always knew I was going to finish for myself, and that's what I did and I'm SO HAPPY!
This is also a fic I love to look at the stats for. Different chapters did better on FFN versus tumblr, and I enjoy comparing notes and reviews and seeing what people had to say. I get imposter syndrome really bad, where I think I suck at writing and should quit, but this fic gives me some proof that it depends on what I write about and who happens to see it. It's nice to be seen and have a little validation sometimes.
On another note: I plan on posting an index of sorts for Just A Moment, since each chapter is so different. If anyone is hunting it down in the future (i.e. me) it will be linked HERE when it's finished, as well as on my tags page. ♥
And that's 2022! This year went by in the blink of an eye! I know they say time goes faster as you get older, but I thought I had at least a few years left before it would go this fast.
All things considered, I'm proud of what I accomplished this year. It may be a little list of two fics, but there's 32 updates between them, so I won't complain.
For 2023, I want to update Bliss (at least once or twice), participate in MayBlade 2023 (without disappearing off the face of the earth for months afterwards), and work on/complete some WIPs (especially a multichaptered one I've had in the works for a while now).
It sounds like a tall order, but I'll do my best to push myself. If 2023 is anything like the last couple years, I'll make myself proud one way or another. I'm excited to see where next year takes me, and forever grateful to have anybody reading this or following my stories along for the ride. ♥
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bonojour · 1 year
Hi, can you post a short video clip of Russell reciting John Gillespie Magee poem in For the moment? If you want and wenever u want ofc, idwana disturb, buttt i just think that scene is absolutely beautifully played by him and deserves to be shared. 🙈 thank u anyways for your Russell's sharings 🫡🩵
sure! i still have 'for the moment' on my laptop so it shouldn't take long to find it and upload it for you! :-) i'll make it a separate post. <3
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Panya Interludes
I'm back for my monthly upload! This is something I've been sitting on for a while and though it's not my regular medium, it still fits my theme. Set in Voltron Force (2011) starring Pidge and OC Anya as per usual!
There was only one word to explain the day that just happened for the lion pilots and their new cadets,
And that was exactly how the Arusian news channel Pidge had pulled up explained it. Chaos, anxiety, and panic were everywhere after being attacked by the 9th Drule Kingdom. A threat thought to have been put to rest a little more than 5 years ago.  
But while the public worried about future 9th attacks and how the princess would use Voltron to handle them, the team and their allies focused on a secret and more immediate threat.
Pidge worked through the castle controls, labeling every Garrison ship in the castle database as threats to the defenses. He thought back to how Wade put just enough effort to fool the public into believing he'd been there to help. And as if on cue, the news anchor talked about the Sky Marshal's work, how the citizens of Arus voiced their thanks for the backup and protection. Then a clearer voice piped up, reeling Pidge back into focus,
"I know you guys brought the lions out into the fight but, being near the ground out there was really intense"
Pidge looked to the call screen where the voice came from. A woman the same age as him with brown eyes, a beauty mark under her left one, and matching shoulder-length hair, was there to look back. Though she couldn't be entirely seen, she wore a pastel blue jumpsuit with sleeves ending in white and gold, a white chest piece that reached up her neck, a golden diamond shaped belt, and matching white boots that ended at her knees.
"Keith and Larmina were out there on foot," he replied, "we got a report from them and from the sounds of it, intense was an understatement."
Recalling their words, Larmina barreled through multiple Wade-bots and 9th loyalists just to reach a child that was caught in the middle of open fire before being swarmed by the bots once more. Keith got there just in time, getting them both out and safely returning the kid to their parents. But the lull didn't last long, and once again the two had to fight through a wall of enemies.
Pidge sighed, "I know Wade wouldn't do something this big unless there was a cover, so why the hell did the 9th comeback now of all times and hand him a chance like that?"
Aside from being at the front of the first war with the 9th, Pidge had multiple personal problems with them. But hoping they were the only thing he had a major issue with was apparently too much to ask, as the Galaxy Garrison had also given him many additional ones, even before Wade came into the picture.
Pidge turned off the news and turned to focus on the one person he'd much rather listen to at the moment,
"Whatever," he mumbled, "Hey when are you coming back? The guys and I were sad not seeing you here to greet us."
The woman smiled, "I'm bummed I didn't get to see you either, I'll be back the day after next so hold out until then 'k?"
"With all the work we have to do now, I'm sure I'll almost miss your landing, Anya!"
The two laughed, it had been 2 years since they've seen each other in person and another 3 since they've lived at the castle at the same time. They grew up together before Pidge left for the Garrison Academy, and after they reconnected at 16, it hadn't taken long before Anya was scouted for the position of royal advisor by Coran and of course he'd be the one to train her for it.
Obviously, their connection wasn't why she was offered the position, needing to be thoroughly worked on for her to really be ready, Anya at least had the beginnings of a great advisor. Pidge was happy about having someone somewhat separated from his job to talk to.
For a few minutes more, they spoke about anything and everything. But their easy conversation didn't last for long, and Pidge heard Anya be called back to handle more work.
"I guess that's our cue," Pidge said, "sorry I kept you for so long."
"Me? Pidge I called you while you were still working in the control room! It's the other way around." Anya retorted,
He raised an eyebrow, "Yet I still finished my work!"
They eyed each other through squints, waiting for the other to break. But not being able to stand the seriousness for long, they both broke out into light laughter.
"Okay, okay, arguing is pointless. You better not come back later than promised, alright?"
"I'll do my best," she gave a small two finger salute, "see you soon Pidge"
"See ya..."
With a wave goodbye on both sides, the call ended. Pidge didn't feel as restless as he did before, so he let his thoughts linger on Anya and her promise of return.
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ariapmdeol · 1 year
Ah, Oops, that's on me! It's painfully obvious, in hindsight, but the "playable character" part threw me off. My bad! That makes a whole lot more sense. Ough.
Record 5 has sent me through the five stages of grief in the span of that simple hour and I just have to wonder why this game is a hidden gem?? When it's this ridiculously good and expansive and thought out???? At least for English-speaking fans, unsure of the proper Japanese community. It's probably because of it not being officially translated, which is always a shame.
CoE gives you mental illnesses you thought you couldn't have <3 and I am determined to drag as many friends down with me as I humanly possibly can. If they'll allow me. I don't think I'm going to be successful, but I will certainly try!!
I will contact you tomorrow!! Ish!!! Thank you once again!
O u g h those songs are good and they fit. At this point I could make entirely separate playlists for characters and dynamics. It's filling up my brain at alarming speeds and I'm having so much fun doing it.
The best type of brainrot is the one that haunts you every step of the way from the moment you started the descent. CoE is no exception <3
I have also had some time to try and process and!! There's a detail I noticed??? And surely this have been noticed by most others but I feel like talking about it in case I made wrong connections or there's more about it others noticed.
It's the vague feeling that Atou mimics Hajime's "keep eyes closed unless making a specific expression" habit? I haven't gone back and checked on how often it happens, but it struck me and it's not quite leaving because it feels like it could make sense as to why for obvious reasons. I don't think anyone else but them actually keep their eyes closed like that as their neutral expression like those two do.
And on the subject of Hajime's expressions: his "are you fucking kidding me?" confused/irritated look every time Seodore does anything in Record 5 is absolutely golden.
- 8:11 anon
COE is such a hidden gem fr!! I Think it's in part that the youtube TL is so new (they only started uploading about 2 years ago) and the fact that there's no playable eng TL definitely does not help... I have been doing my part in the COE propagandizing o7 (have gotten several people to play it)
there is a substantial Korean community (there is a playable KR version) and i've seen a lot of Chinese fans as well! I've seen some Japanese fans too, and our little english corner is very close knit! . It's very interconnected, which is nice. Everyone talks to each other <3
COE has given me so much mental illness <3 it spreads very much through word of mouth, so YES PROPAGANDIZE!! I'll be around tomorrow so no worries :D
They talk about it a bit in the QNA, but yeah Atou started closing his eyes like that at some point, and he says there wasn't a particular reason for it (though hajime does wonder if it's because of something else). you should read the full qna! it's so cute, i cant believe i forgot to link it earlier.
Hajime's expressions are SO GOOD!!! He and Seodore are fascinating honestly congrats to seodore for winning worst dad in the polls... he really earned it SDAKLJADSLKJADS
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siarven · 5 years
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WIP Introduction: Hope Beyond
✿ Magical Realism | Hope Punk ✿ mixed-media story ✿ 3 POV characters ⇢ 3 types of chapters (limited perspective)  ✿ comic, novel (3rd person), diary entries (1st person) ✿ currently in the planning stage; to be started during Inktober and NaNoWriMo ✿ standalone, webseries/webcomic which I will update weekly once it gets rolling :3
WIP Page | Tag | Pinterest Board | Wordpress | Tumblr
Hope Beyond is about a young imaginative girl, her (adoptive) book-and-cats-loving sister, and their next-door neighbor, a veteran who loves to paint with Bob Ross. It’s a story about recovery and letting yourself heal, working through your trauma, and making the world a better place through kindness and compassion. (Because I need more stories like that ;W;)
After ten years on life support, ALIA’s awakening and subsequent (impossible) recovery are nothing short of a miracle. The problem? Lia’s family is dead. Her adoptive parents died in the car crash that nearly killed her, too, back when she was only nine. The only one she has left is Morgan, the adoptive sister she only knows from stories and pictures, who ran away from home and cut off all contact before Lia even got adopted. But all that doesn’t matter, because Lia has returned with a quest: To make the world a better place, one person at a time. Morgan will be the first, even if she doesn’t know it yet. (Good thing that Lia has Rhisíl, then, her Guardian snake from the dreamworld she spent the past ten years in...)
After watching Lia recover in less than half a year, MORGAN decides that this is obviously a sign. So she packs their things, quits her teaching position in the city, and moves out to the countryside with Lia and all 5 of her cats… to give this thing called “family” another shot, even if it’s a bit more unconventional this time around. Lia needs help if she’s ever going to fit into society, and (even if Morgan won’t let herself see it), she herself needs help, too. There’s a lot of built-up pain, rage, and guilt to work through, after all. 
It doesn’t take long to befriend their equally new next-door neighbor, a veteran in her late forties named PHAEDRA, who recently lost everything (including her job and a leg), and who is in desperate need of friends. Even if they come in the form of a strangely endearing, bouncy teen who behaves like a little kid and sees magical creatures everywhere, and a young bookworm/crazy cat lady, who is overwhelmed by suddenly having a child to take care of.  Actually, these two might be perfect. 
Sometimes a family is three weird women who have all been through hell. And five cats. And a huge (possibly imaginary) flying snake made of interlocking branches that only one of them can see. ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
I’m SO! EXCITED! about this project and plan on starting with the art and the writing during Inktober and NaNoWriMo this year, as a sort of intense marathon session :’D Let’s see how that works out! also someone plz kill me why am I making another wip
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About the POV characters:
ALIA NYX. COMIC. She sees the darkness in the world, but chooses to focus on the light and magic. She’s an optimistic ray of sunshine and suppresses all bad memories aggressively. She also sees creatures everywhere, because she’s brought the dream realm she created during her coma with her. Internally, she’s still 9, so that’s how she looks in her comics. (She’ll age slowly over the course of the story as she learns to deal with her trauma, until she reaches her actual physical age). Bby :’3
MORGAN. NOVEL. 3rd person. She’s aro-ace and until recently lived together with only five cats and a ton of books. She ran away from home when she was 16 after some bad encounters with her parents, and managed to become a teacher through a photographic memory, working several jobs, having somewhat understanding grandparents, and a general love for knowledge and teaching. She consists mostly of coffee, spite, guilt, and rage. She also doesn’t trust people. I love her so much
PHAEDRA. DIARY ENTRIES. 1st person. She joined the army after school, a decision influenced and supported by her family. She enjoyed the comradery (and the training, if not the fighting) so she stayed... until a year ago, when her whole platoon got blown up, she lost her leg, and was sent home. Disillusioned with the past, the army, and war in general, she’s finally moved as far away from her family as she could, hoping to start a new life somewhere else. Nowadays, she spends most her time painting because she watched Bob Ross on youtube and decided that it was the perfect therapy. (Her therapist agrees). Happy little clouds all the way. :’))))
If you want to be tagged in future posts, please tell me <3 tagging some of the usual peeps to get this rolling:
@madmoonink @wilde-writing @prismalicht @sincerestaffect @romenna @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword @asttralhell @raiswanson @kittensartswriting @fynniana @lynnafred @random-stuff-thrown-into-a-pot 
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