#i'll use my spanish as a weapon..........>:)
bloody-trio · 1 year
"Allan porfavor, deja de andar como boludito entre las sombras y habla, no es que te vaya a morder. O puede que si, si andas de acos-"
"Joder, no te puedes quedar en silencio un rato, Nico? N-No lo acoso, solo lo admiro desde lejos...Y tampoco digas eso! Ahhhh, así dan menos ganas, gilipollas."
"Yo digo lo que quiero, te llevo escuchando hablar de este pelotudo hace como 3 semanas, ya no te soporto, con cariño."
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vashtijoy · 9 months
Idk if you’ve talked about this before, but in the event where ren and akechi are playing that shooting game together there is a very funny interaction and my fellow shuake fans and I are unsure what it means.
In English, Akechi jokes that he’s practicing gunplay to take ren out. Clearly this could either be a murder joke or a date joke. In Spanish, he apparently uses a phrase that can only mean a date.
What does he say in japanese? Was it ambiguous there too or was it clearly a murder joke or date joke? Again, sorry if you already explained it lol
…also this is kinda awkward but was the usage of the term gunplay intentional or does it have multiple meanings and fanfic has just ruined me orrr…
Hello! I am so happy to be able to go over this with you. Many thanks to @platinumdream, @minkhollow42, @somethingpersonarelated and the r/spanish subreddit for verifying this one for me.
This line stands out because the Japanese and English (and also the Spanish) translations are all radically different—different enough that what we have here is a stellar example of "the Xerox effect".
Let's take a look.
the scene in japanese
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Akechi 気付いた? そうだよ、いつか君も懐に忍ばせたこれで⋯ kizuita? sou da yo, itsuka kimi mo futokoro ni shinobaseta kore de... [lit. you noticed? that's right, some day <see below>...]
Let's take a quick look at the grammar of this line, which I think is dual-meaning in Japanese just as it was in English (and if any of this seems like bullshit please get in touch, as it never ends well when I try to produce sentences of my own):
Akechi does not finish this sentence—he's left off the verb. So, as often happens with him, his meaning is ambiguous. Let's take the obvious one first:
いつか君も懐に忍ばせたこれで【ある】 itsuka kimi mo futokoro ni shinobaseta kore de [aru] Some day you, too, will have one of these concealed in your pocket.
Short and sweet: "I carry one of these, concealed, and some day you will too". Note that there's nothing here about practicing, as there is in the English.
But there's another possible meaning here:
いつか君も懐に忍ばせたこれで【撃ってあげる】 itsuka kimi mo futokoro ni shinobaseta kore de [utte ageru] Some day I'll [shoot] you, too, with this thing concealed in my pocket.
WELP. Like I say, I'm not entirely sure, but I do think the strong likelihood is that this dual meaning exists in Japanese.
I should say I don't think there's necessarily a suggestion here that he carries an illegal gun (though since Naoto has one in P4, it's very possible)—I think it's a metaphorical pocket, his inventory in the Metaverse.
Though I don't think this is really what's going on, there are also a startling number of idioms with futokoro that suggest embracing....
but what is the futokoro?
Idiomatically speaking, 懐 futokoro often translates pretty cleanly as "pocket". But something else is going on: your futokoro is explicitly your breast pocket.
Originally, it was the flap in the front of your kimono where you tucked things away. And so it also appears in a lot of idioms relating to the bosom, or the heart. 懐に飛び込む futokoro ni tobikomu is to throw yourself into someone's arms. 懐に入る futokoro ni hairu, for instance, means to worm your way into someone's affections, or to win someone's confidence—sound familiar at all?
But there's something else going on, of course, with Akechi concealing a weapon in his breast pocket:
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Yep. Here's the payoff for this line in rank 5. Akechi tucks that silencer away in his breast pocket—just like he told Joker he would. And then he laughs. So did he know at rank 5 that this was going to happen, or did he bring this up for some other reason? Well, you decide.
By the way, here's Joker's question about gunplay:
Joker 撃ち慣れてる? uchi nareteru? Are you used to gunplay?
The Japanese just means "Are you used to shooting guns?"—I'm not sure it has any of the more, er, fanfic connotations of the English "gunplay". @specterthief agrees there doesn't seem to be any innuendo to the Japanese line.
the scene in english
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Akechi: Ah, you noticed? Well, I'll need as much practice as I can get if I'm going to take you out.
Let's look at what's happening here, because it happens very often. Like much of Akechi's dialogue, this line in rank 5 was originally a double entendre—it has a very obvious, and relatively innocuous, meaning, but if you squint, you can see Akechi is hinting at something far less innocuous.
Wordplay of this kind takes a lot of time, thought and skill to translate. So what happens in practice is that the translator has to choose one meaning to put front and centre. The English translator has decided, very reasonably, that Akechi's implied "I will kill you" is more important than the joke about the concealed weapon.
To be clear, this was probably the right call. I love the relative subtlety of the Japanese and the 11/20 callback, but it's important that people playing the game understand what's going on—even if, over here in blorboland, it's clear that He Would Not Fucking Say That.
the scene in spanish
Do sit down.
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Akechi: ¿Te has dado cuenta? Bueno, tengo que practicar todo lo que pueda si quiero invitarte a salir.
Now, I need to be as up front as I can possibly be about the fact that I do not speak Spanish. But I know a lot of people who do, and they have responded with one voice:
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"Ask you out"? "ASK YOU OUT"?????
This is what is meant by "the Xerox effect".
We start in Japanese, with the relatively subtle "I have a concealed weapon", which becomes "I'm going to shoot you with a concealed weapon" if you think about it a little more. Then, in English, we become more blatant, with "take you out" having the up front meaning that Akechi will shoot Joker; rather than being subtext, it's now the point of what he's saying. And it's introduced something new—the alternate alternate meaning, of "take you out [on a date]".
It is possible that the Japanese line has a third meaning, very similar to this reading of "take you out"—you would have to torture the context here to get dating from the English, in the same way you'd have to torture the Japanese to get embracing from it.
But there's no torture in the Spanish. Oh, no. Spanish Akechi, as they say, just fucking goes for it. and why the hell not.
but what happened here?
The Spanish localisation is an indirect translation, translated not from the Japanese original, but from the existing English translation. It retains any and all errors in the English script because of this. And when the Spanish translator looked at this line of Akechi's, they saw not the original Japanese dual meaning, the one the English translator saw, but the one the English translator introduced—the dual meanings of the English "take you out".
And the Spanish translator, again, had to choose which of Akechi's seeming dual meanings to keep. Should they keep the line about shooting Joker? Or should they keep the line about taking Joker on a date?
Just like photocopying a photocopy, detail and accuracy are progressively lost, and errors accumulate. Of course, these indirect translations are not without their positives—translating from English allows for a far wider range of translations to be done quicker and more cheaply. Without them, far fewer languages would see official translations at all.
Also, it's really funny and that Spanish translation is a gift.
revision history
click here for the latest version.
v1.1 (2024/01/11)—confirmed no innuendo on uchi nareteru.
v1.0 (2024/01/10)—first posted.
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dotthings · 4 months
Some tea from Richard Speight, Jr. about filming Cas’s testament scene has surfaced from DLC6. [x]
nothing cut from script to screen but they added things, such as Cas having to paint the sigil on the door and leaving the bloody hand print on Dean’s shoulder [my note: wbk about the additions during filming. There's still the matter of the spanish dub because the latam dubbing team felt a verbal I love you from Dean, made sense. And a few other lingering questions that have not actually been resolved and we may never know, but I'll go along. If Rich is happy with what was filmed and got to screen in the US, I'm glad. I love 15.18 either way. Rich's comments also goes to show how collaborative making tv is and how fluid the process can be.]
Rich said the scene wasn’t intended to be about Dean’s reciprocation, it was to give Cas his moment to speak his truth, to speak his love for Dean, and Cas didn’t expect an answer back, he just wanted to be heard, wanting Dean to know. [my note: makes sense to me, and it’s what I’ve thought about Cas pov. Cas pov not being the same as audience pov and what the story might need next and what Dean’s needs are. But for that scene, Cas feels complete. It also very much means the emotional story from Dean's side is not resolved. Dean wasn't given his chance yet, by creative design, perhaps because the only way they could get this greenlit at all is if it was only Cas who got to speak. We'll see what happens next.]
Rich saying because they did many takes of the scene with Dean’s emotional reactions, there are shots where Dean is crying more, or crying less. Editing put together different angles from different takes. [my note: the irony that naysayers are already trying to weaponize this to shut down the idea that anything got cut when per Rich himself, the facts on the ground are that the full range of Jensen’s acting for Dean’s response got reduced. No shade on Rich. But let's not erase or deny what was going on with Jensen's acting and how Jensen gave 110% and what wound up on screen was about 80% of whatever work Jensen did. Dean wept more than we saw, even before Dean was on the dungeon floor sobbing. Jensen’s performance as it stands is beautiful and powerful and full of emotion. It has taken an inordinate amount of hate and erasure, which is 100% cynical concern trolling to deny Dean’s feelings for Cas. More shots of Dean crying openly wouldn’t stop it, there’s no excuse for those responses. What’s there is loud enough. Only the most willfully cynical gaze could deny the love and anguish Dean showed.]
Rich said the parallel for John and Mary’s confession in TW 1x07 to 15x18 is a “coincidence” yet went on to talk about the trope of confessing love in a life or death situation and cited Leia and Han Solo among others [my note: it was also used again by an ep Rich recently directed in another piece of media I won’t say so I don’t spoil it. Also I’m laughing about how it seems he answered this. Total coincidence!! And spn 15.18 is like TW 1x07 is like Han and Leia and love confessions in dire situations is a common (romantic) trope. Pls, if anybody is taking away from this some kind of shutdown on creative recognition of the Destiel implications of it all, I don’t even want to know, I’ve had my fill of poor comprehension skills, poor critical thinking, and poor media literacy, oh my god]
Rich saying he was glad Cas’s words meant a lot to queer fans and that he feels it was important and a “bold” move that Bobo and Misha fought for. <3
So that's confirmation from director now, to add to writer intention, both actors, and an EP who greenlight Bobo's pitch for Cas’s testament as romantic. That is canon. That is a lock.
Cas's testament started out carefully padded into an “open to interpretation” zone. We have watched it be eased out of it and into the open.
I’m pleased it's openly acknowledged for what it is...and what I knew it was when the ep aired. I did expect it would be eventually, and would take some time. I’m glad it's here now.
As always, my appreciation for the work Rich, Bobo, Jensen, Misha did on 15.18 <333
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charlioak · 10 months
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full reference for my fallout new vegas companion oc, oviedo! realized I never made him a ref, so I wanted to make his extra special <3
extra info below! (it's a lot)
Introductory Stuff! oviedo vasquez is an NCR ranger. he is stationed at the colorado cliffside at the order of the NCR, observing the legion through his rifle's scope. it is intended that the courier can meet oviedo while working the NCR questline, and can even elect him as a companion after completing his companion quest, MOON RIVER. oviedo can be swayed from the clutches of the NCR and into the courier's debt after the completion of his quest. he is a very faithful man, and very dangerous, too. he will stay by the courier's side unless they side with the legion, to which he will not tolerate them any longer. oviedo also has a long-lost daughter named cassandra; the last remnant of his past he desperately struggles to find. he doesn't talk much about her, nor his past... Personality Notes! oviedo is very blunt. he is standoffish at first and can be read as rude, but beneath that rough exterior is a very loyal, and very hurt, man.  the NCR has molded oviedo into a lethal sniper, thus he is potent with his weapon of choice and very resourceful out in the mojave. he's been with the NCR long enough to become a ranger. if you can stand his distance and periodic blunt insults, you'd find oviedo to be a very useful companion.  he cares about you. a lot. even if it seems like he doesn't. Character Design Notes! some notes on the Cool Dad Companion...... this info has been borrowed from his artfight profile, so some of the language is based around helping others draw him!
oviedo has four jagged scars on the right side of his face. they trail down his neck and stop before his collarbone
he has a golden upper-right canine
hairstyle can be played with! he often sports the mullet. the graying hair is integral
facial hair pretty much stays the same :]c
outfit generally stays the same. for a simpler approach, i'll just take off his hat, duster, and glasses.
lastly, but most importantly, oviedo is latino. please don't whitewash him!
BONUS: Companion Quest and Perk? Huh? MOON RIVER is oviedo's companion quest! working the NCR's questline, the courier can meet oviedo at his post by the colorado river. he'll ignore you until you mention you've been ordered to work with him, and he really cannot ignore his orders. the legion is planning an attack on the NCR encampment across the river - or so is the NCR's hunch. they need someone inconspicuous to retrieve proof of this hunch, and that someone is you, of course! totally not because oviedo wants to be left alone and so he sends you into the legion incognito, risking your life - nope, not at all! under oviedo's guidance and sniper protection, the quest is easily completed. the pair of you present your findings together afterwards. oviedo will then pull you aside and be honest with you, informing you of how you'd overcome his expectations and that he is in your favor. now you can travel together! the courier can also complete MOON RIVER without working the NCR questline. to do this, you can find oviedo at his post by the colorado river and pass a few incremental speech checks. if speech checks fail, the courier can persuade him with charms using the black widow or confirmed bachelor perks. oviedo is... kind of a hopeless romantic and likes praise. so yeah. HAHAH if the courier has a negative reputation with the NCR (i.e. legion build) then oviedo will shoot at you before you can get too close. just... instantly aggro'ed by scent I suppose? EYES OF THE HAWK is oviedo's companion perk. it is a VATS enhancement. while traveling with oviedo, you have increased VATS chances of 50% using a scoped weapon, or increased VATS chances of 30% using a non-scoped weapon. Trivia!
you made it this far. here, take this. (gives you oviedo... no quest needed!)
oviedo is bilingual! spanish is his first language :-)
he has a daughter named cassandra. she's 23.
you can take his hat!
you can take his sunglasses!
you can even take his gun!
if you place cigarettes in oviedo's inventory, he will scold you and not smoke them.
oviedo is terrified of fire geckos. he will run from them.
oviedo's dialogue gradually gets nicer the longer you two travel together! <3 awwwww!
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neoarchipelago · 1 year
Madripoor High (Part 1)
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A/N: ok so hum... First part of something new... I have no idea for a title so please throw some ideas in the comments... Yes i have added a little hint of marvel but it is not in the marvel universe! I just love Madripoor. I kinda have the tittle 'Madripoor High' in mind but I'm not sure... Don't even know if I'll keep this going just... Let me know in the comments. Also edited this on my phone... Kinda sucky, I'll put it back correctly if I do keep it going.
Warnings: sexual talk, weapons etc.
Cars passing by and people walking to their destinations. The busy city boomed around you, muffled by the headphones on your head. Your music blocked the chaos of London. You enjoyed London. You found it beautiful. Amongst all the countries you've been to… and that list was quite long, you enjoyed the weather. Exactly. The gloomy, rainy weather. The black umbrella shielding you from the crystal droplets as you walked to a small cafe. You were greeted as you entered, dropping your shield at the entrance before taking place at a table in a corner far from others.
Your coat was removed, your backpack opened to free your laptop. The nice waitress walked to you after several minutes, asking for your order.
"I'd like a hazelnut cappuccino and… the crumble please" you answered with a smile.
As she walked away you looked around, the almost empty cafe was quiet, the few people chatting or working. You smirked, turning to your laptop you went to check for your payment. You smiled as you watched the enormous figure in your credit account. Yes. Credit. Because in the underground, money is important, but credits… Those are so much more valuable. The Madripoor currency.
Sighing, you let yourself lean back on the sofa chair, crossing your arms. You were proud. After everything you've gone through, you have managed to become one of the most prized citizens of Madripoor. The hard work you've put in has paid off, the contracts have piled up, the price tag always climbing up. Your speciality? Tracking. To get into details, it was hacking. Now you mostly used it to track down targets for big mean people who always have something against another big mean one. You were good. You were the fucking best. So yes. You were proud, even if you had no one to be proud of you.
Cup placed in front of you, you were taken out of your daydream. You smiled up, thanking the waitress, closing your laptop and pushing it to the side to bring your little treats closer to you. Contract over, now you were free until you accepted the next one. It would fall quite fast, yes, but you thought you might get some rest. Go back to Madripoor, to Hightown, and rest.
You took a bite of the crumble, feeling the sweetness of it making you relax. You thought you might go shopping once you'd got back. Maybe you'd stay in and play, watch some movies. Maybe you'd go to Downtown…
A soft buzz captured your attention. You grabbed your phone, looking at the screen. Someone was calling. No one called. Very few… barely anyone had this number. It was used for emergencies only and it had been a year and half since it rang. You frowned. It foreshadowed something entirely different than a break. You sighed. Curiosity eating at you. Before it was too late you answered.
You frowned. A woman's voice. A woman who knew your screen name. Only people from Madripoor knew it. Or people extremely close to Madripoor.
"Be quick." You said.
"You were never patient muñeca."
Muñeca. Doll. In Spanish. You sighed, closing your eyes.
"Valeria, you fucking bitch, I thought you were in jail."
"I was. I got out. Then that cabron de Alejandro trapped me."
You smirked. Alejandro. You haven't met the man, but by the amount of times she had complained about him, it's like you knew him already. A little voice was heard behind her, notifying you that she wasn't alone in that call.
"Where are you calling me from?"
"A military base. I need your help."
"You didn't listen."
"Go on I'm listening."
"We need help to find-"
She sighed. Helping her? It was already risky. You could. You could get her out and free her but she'd get herself into trouble again. Helping the military? You? Tangled in the deepest roots of criminality? It was the stupidest thing to ask of you.
"Come on. You love a challenge. And I have one just for you."
"It doesn't matter if I love a challenge. You're on high speaker aren't you?"
"Of course you are. They wouldn't let you call anyone without supervision. They know who I am? They know what I do?"
"They do." She said, a hint of amusement in her voice.
"So what's going to happen? I help and then what? They got pretty little pink handcuffs for me?"
"Well you can ask the skull face to put them on. Or the ADHD Scot." She answered even more amusedly.
"Valeria… what?" You asked confused.
"Come on. It'll be very interesting. I know you're curious. And this… is like tracking a sin cara."
"A no face?"
Damn. She might succeed to make you interested. But she might be bluffing as well.
"Yes. We need to find Echo."
"Echo? The scientist working for various cartel's and Mafia bosses? The man that no one has ever met or even seen?" You asked, irony dripping from your tongue.
"Are you skeptical?"
"Echo doesn't exist. It's a stupid invention from some idiots to sell products at a higher price. You're wasting my time. Goodbye and good luck Valeria" You rolled your eyes.
"I have proof."
You froze. Proof? Now curiosity prickled your skin. What kind of proof? How did they get it?
"Shut up. I'm thinking."
She chuckled on the other side.
"We've heard that your work is based on contracts. We'd like to offer you a contract." A voice rang.
The raspy voice was soft but commanding. A man, probably in his 40's. He sounded calm, determined.
"And who might you be?" You asked, taking a sip of your cappuccino who was growing cold.
"I'm Captain John Price."
A captain. Fair enough.
"What kind of contract?"
"You help us, we find Echo, we neutralize him and get Intel. You get immunity on this mission and after your part is done, you have 24 hours to vanish."
You thought about the question. Finding Echo. Might be the golden contract for you. Not that you needed it. But this… this was a challenge. Not the boring easy tracks that you had to do. You knew how even the high table of Madripoor was starting to get annoyed about this intriguing character. Countering rules in Hightown and Downtown. This might be an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. You looked around you, at the calm cafe. Fuck… you might not get that break after all. You closed your eyes, preparing yourself to accept a deal you might regret.
"48 hours. Full immunity from the moment I step into your base until the end of the contract. I do things my way. You get your guy, your Intel. That's it. I'm not getting in the middle of the cartel's and other big brainless gorillas." You stated.
"Fine." You heard after a few pending seconds.
"Alright. I'll think about it." You finished.
"Didn't you just agree?" Another voice rang.
This time it was more… alive. The Scottish accent meant it was one of the men Valeria had mentioned.
"I'll agree when you'll receive the contract. I have to check something before I agree. I'll contact you and travel to you. Don't worry, you'll get an answer in the next few hours." You explained, opening your laptop.
"Should we send you a location? An email?" Another voice again. British accent but cute voice.
"No. I know where you are. I know how to contact you. I'll do so when the time's come."
"How?" The Scottish voice echoed in your ear.
"Oh… she'll have no problem with it." Valeria answered.
"See you soon." You concluded, hanging up.
Entering the base was easy. The new recruits keeping the gates were easily distracted. You infiltrated the base, making sure to deviate the cameras and stealing a 'visitor' badge.
You walked around, white wool shirt, black shorts with tights. Thigh high socks over your tights and comfy running shoes. Your black backpack and phone in hand. Sometimes, the best way to hide is to get attention… especially from men. You'd feel the looks, the way they were directed to your thick thighs, or neck, in plain view as you had pulled your hair back.
You were chubby, not exactly thin, tummy showing and chubby cheeks. At least, that was what was usually romanticized, the thighs, ass and boobs being overly sexualized. You wanted to roll your eyes. But eventually sometimes, men or women easily fall for it.
You took your time to walk around, discovering the grounds, the badge often being watched by what seemed to be higher ups. You'd fain innocence and bat your lashes when getting caught in places you shouldn't be, before letting them turn their backs and walking straight to where you wanted to. You weren't exactly wanting to be hidden right now. You were good at it. Hiding. But right now you wanted to explore.
The contract had been sent, signed and sent. You had gotten a chance to engage with the high table who agreed to such a contract. You didn't really need their approval. But you didn't want your place in Madripoor to be compromised by working with 'the good guys'. Not only did the high table saw no problem in it but they greatly appreciated you going after Echo. You were right, the character was definitely getting on their nerves, the echoes of him creating some ruckus in downtown.
You walked around a huge warehouse, military gear sprawled around. Most were used for training. You heard some noise not too far, deciding to hide behind big wooden shipping boxes. Voices echoed through the big place. You tried not to look too much. If you can see them, they can see you. You'd rather use your other senses to localize them. You only took one glance at two men standing back to you near a table full of items. One was overly talking while the other one rummaged through what seemed to be his gear bag. The man talking had a mohawk. It made you smile. The other one… was obviously wearing something over his head, but with their backs turned to you, you couldn't make out any more details.
The light reflected into the shinny blade of a combat knife. You blinked, almost hypnotized by it. You wanted it. The two men walked away, still babbling. You waited a few minutes before stepping out of your hiding place, going straight for the bag. You opened it, looking through the different things, looking for the pretty black mat combat knife. You almost jumped in place when you found it, taking the thingy with you before skipping back to your little exploration. This time, in a much more concealed way.
You watched, you spied. You wanted to understand how the base worked before letting yourself meet your contractors. Above the training ground, higher up in some kind of level that was used to put away all the training mats and other training things. It was the perfect spot to look over the training grounds, inside of the warehouse. You watched the men fight each other. It was almost entertaining. Your eyes caught the mohawk boy again, teasing another man. The boy with a cap seemed to joyfully indulge in whatever he was saying.
They looked next to them, a big figure stepping into view. You frowned. The man's face was veiled with a mask, a skull… it wasn't printed. Was it a real skull? You put two and two together, now realizing this was the owner of the combat knife. You chuckled to yourself. As he stopped into the training ring, young recruits palling, your interest peaked.
Thirsty minutes passed by in a flash. You watched in amusement and almost in awe how the mountain of a man threw around the soldiers. He was strong. Fast. You could hear him scold every wrong move of the poor soldiers who faced him. He seemed to look around swiftly every time he had a break.
You stretched, feeling your limbs getting sore from sitting here watching the show. You blinked, watching down again, telling yourself that you should get going.
Eyes. Dark eyes. Looking straight at you. Your breath caught in your throat, a cold wave running through you. His gaze was cold looking up through the mask. You immediately rushed back behind something to hide. How? How?! You wore nothing shiny. You made sure that nothing could reflect light. You were hiding perfectly. How?!
You wanted to take another glance but it was too dangerous. You decided to get moving, your position now compromised. You hopped around to reach ground level. You skipped your way into an empty part of the warehouse. You remained as silent as possible, making sure that even your steps were inaudible. After twenty long minutes you allowed yourself to breathe. Maybe he hadn't seen you in the darkness and you were fine. It had been three hours that you were on base, and you were getting slightly hungry. Perhaps you'd get a snack before finally meeting the contractors.
You looked around, trying to figure which way out could lead you to a building where there was food. The empty warehouse only seemed to echo the voices of soldiers outside, barely audible and muffled. You grabbed your phone, walking towards a back door. Maybe you'd get off base to eat and then come back. You were craving pizza, perhaps-
You slammed against a wall. Not exactly a wall. A wall of a man. You looked up. Eyes falling into a skull mask. Shit. Something told you. That playing innocent. Batting your lashes, won't help with this one. You took a step back, his brows furrowing. You both froze for a split second, tension giving you goosebumps before you reacted the only way your brain could at the moment. You ran.
Throughout the warehouse, jumping over gear, boxes and other stuff that you didn't mind to look at. Why were you running? You were supposed to have immunity. But he didn't know who you were. Not yet. The sound of his heavy boots was the only thing you could hear. Shit the man was swift. He was fast and nimble. You parkoured your way to the back door, almost reaching it until you were tackled against a wall. The shock made you wince, cursing out. You were stuck. Stuck in between a wall, and a strong body. Unfortunately you had both run to a dark corner of the warehouse. You could barely see his eyes in the darkness. You were panting.
He shared your gaze. Eyes never leaving yours. The darkness of them made you shiver. It was odd. That tingly feeling all over you. You barely realized how your wrists were pinned above your head, in his large hand. Didn't even notice his other hand… around your throat. He wasn't applying pressure. He was securing you in place, warning you. You were trapped. You have been trapped very often at the beginning of your… career. However, it had never made you feel like this. Small. Hunted. Like a prey under the claws of a predator. There was no ego, no dumb boy trying to prove something. He had chased you down on instinct, caught you in a primal way. Honestly. It was hot. Thrilling.
"Who are you?" His deep voice said.
Shit… even his voice was hot. Putting your new kink aside, you frowned, gaining back some composure.
"Santa Claus." You let out ironically.
The hand around your throat squeezed menacingly. You gasped. He remained silent awaiting your new answer.
"I.. I'm a visitor." You tried, maybe the innocent act would work.
He pulled on your wrists, having you on your toes now. A last warning.
"T..tracker…" you mumbled.
He seemed in thought for a few seconds before releasing the pressure on your neck and wrists, but keeping them in his hold.
"How did you get in?" He questioned.
Ah yes… the usual interrogation.
"The young boys at the entrance are easily distracted…" you mumbled again.
You weren't pissed. You weren't exactly pouting… maybe a bit. You weren't expecting to be caught, or to be put in your place. You weren't expecting to be under someone's hold like this. You looked away.
"You armed?" He asked.
"I have my phone. It's the only weapon I need." You said, keeping the combat knife a little secret. Mostly because you wanted to keep it and he won't let you. He straightened himself, towering over you.
"I'm going to let you go. You better behave." He warned.
God.. you wanted to brat. You wanted to anger him and test him. You rolled your eyes at him, as the hand holding your wrists released. However the other remained on your throat. You frowned looking up at him, as your hands wrapped around his wrist. He stepped closer to you, eyes never leaving yours. Now what was he doing? He said he was letting you go…
Eyes widening, you felt the other hand roam your waist. You tried to push him away but he squeezed at your throat keeping you in place, your hands flying to his chest to fist in shirt. The hand traveled to your sides, down your back, then back to your side to finally reach your thighs.
"S..stop!" You let out, blushing.
"Breathe… I'm checking for weapons." He said in a chuckle.
He frowned, his hand meeting the handle of… shit. The combat knife was tucked into the back of your shorts, hidden by your shirt. You closed your eyes as he pulled it out.
"No weapons huh? You're already-" he stopped looking at the handle. "That's my fucking knife. You stole it?"
"I borrowed it. Sharing is caring right? We're on the same team…" you answered with a smile.
He put away his knife before spinning you around, bringing your back to his chest. How the hell did he move so fast?! How did he manage to pin your wrists behind you… and HANDCUFF YOU?
"Hey! Where's my immunity?" You complained.
"I'm not arresting you."
"You're handcuffing me to satisfy a kink?" You teased him in a bitter tone.
"I'm keeping you from stealing again. And I'm taking you to Price."
No answer, he simply pulled you forward, holding your wrists behind your back. Well. Wasn't this the perfect start to a contract?
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violetmuses · 2 months
Beacon - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹 🫂
Title: Beacon - A. Aretas ❤️‍🩹 🫂
Fandom: “Bad Boys” Film Universe
Character: Armando Aretas
Pairing: Armando Aretas + Female Reader
Main Storyline: Mike, Marcus, and Armando cross paths with you after McGarth hijacks the federal transport.
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“You are the only person who can identify whoever framed Cap! We should get them before they get us.”
Stranded through woods, Detective Mike Lowrey pulled his son Armando Aretas by his prison uniform collar.
“There is no us!” Armando grits his teeth and steps from Lowrey, pissed off beyond words.
“Hey! What's going on here?” You shouted in the distance. Mike and Armando turned around with Marcus Burnett.
“Oh, shit! Um…” Mike walked toward you first while Armando observed near Marcus. “I'm so sorry.”
“What happened?” You questioned, noticing Lowrey's damp clothes.
Mike glanced around the natural space, realizing that you set up this tent and organized essentials here.
“We lost our plane.” Mike dulled this explanation to avoid scaring you.
“Where are you going?” You point toward your car that's set across the seemingly remote campground.
“Miami.” Lowrey breathed through his quick response after handling the terrible water.
“Wait, aren't you a cop?” Truth hit once you acknowledged Detective Lowrey.
“Yes. We just need to get back home.” Mike lifted both hands just in case you'd bring out weapons for yourself.
“There's a criminal with you.” You whispered right here. Someone waited in this drenched orange prison uniform.
Mike turned around to see Armando lurking. Even Marcus peered in return.
“Oh, please don't panic.” Mike stepped closer to you. “This is my son Armando.”
“Your son?” You can't believe what's going on this time.
“I know it all sounds crazy, but could you please help us out?” Mike almost pleaded
“I'm leaving soon.” You somehow agreed with this unexpected plan. “If you're not around, I won't help.”
“Deal. Thank you.” Mike nodded quickly, jogging back to Marcus and Armando.
“You're welcome.” You accepted this reality and packed up various belongings.
Returning to your camp from this separate nightmare, Lowrey, Burnett, and Aretas stole clothes from two idiots, running off without fail.
At first sight of everyone's wardrobe, you hide this opportunity to laugh for a second. Even Armando looked out of place.
Armando his Bud Light shirt and this trucker hat veiled his eyes. Jeans covered both legs and boots stepped along dirt that trailed outside.
While four of you piled this vehicle, Armando takes the passenger seat, quiet when the air conditioning immediately cools everyone down.
Mike Lowrey gives you the address to a Miami boathouse.
Apparently, someone named Dorn stood as a tech genius for this team called AMMO, the current unit.
When you start driving away, Marcus Burnett talks from this backseat.
“Don't worry about Armando. He doesn't like us, either.” Burnett cut the silence found beyond your car's navigation system.
“All right.” You slightly ignored Marcus and continued focusing on the road.
“Stay here.” Mike Lowrey warns Armando as your car finally reaches the boathouse.
“No soy un perro.” Irked, Armando grumbled through his native language of Spanish.
“Hey, listen. We might follow this plan, but watch your mouth.” Mike defended himself. “I'm going with Marcus.”
Exiting the car with his longtime partner, Mike Lowrey prompted you to stay near Armando.
And believe it or not, Armando started talking first rather than you.
“Sorry.” He apologized while offering slightly accented English. “What's your name?”
“I'll accept your apology, but my name doesn't matter.” You kept certain info private.
“Fair enough.” Armando quietly watches as you unfasten the driver's seatbelt.
Aretas is observant for many reasons. Earlier, no one else joined your side of the campground and you didn't sport a wedding ring, either.
His own incarceration has definitely stopped time now, but Armando still noticed how beautiful you are despite acknowledging the coastal heatwave.
The awkward silence lingered as you scroll through your phone and won't continue speaking with him.
“Who are you texting?” Nosey, Armando started talking once more.
“None of your business, actually.” You defended yourself.
Armando smirked for a moment before quickly reaching out and grabbing your phone, taking the device from you.
“Hey!” You lean inward to reach the phone again, but Armando raises his arms higher.
“Uh-uh.” Smiling over the brim of his trucker hat, Aretas chuckled for the first time in a while. You look so cute from this angle.
At that moment, he opened the passenger seat door and ran by this dock, still carrying your phone.
Dashing in return, you follow him after locking the car.
“Give it back.” You crossed both arms while facing him.
“Not yet. Hold up.” Armando then smiled once more and tapped away, biting his lip.
“What in the world?” You squinted past daylight this afternoon.
When Armando finally returns the phone, you discover one surprise:
His number.
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pedripics · 3 months
Charlando con PEDRI en la EURO 2024 | xBuyer - Translation
JAVI: Guys, we are here, as you have seen in the title, the thumbnail, nothing more and nothing less than a little chat with Pedri. Pedri González, my friend...
ERIC: How are you maestro?
JAVI: Brother of a former xBuyer team player and most importantly, Spanish national team player.
ERIC: By the way, first question, why did you change your number, man?
PEDRI: Because I've taken it. The truth is that it goes by internationality. I mean, when you arrive you choose the one with the most caps or whichever one you get.
ERIC: Whichever one you get.
PEDRI: They gave me a choice and I was the 26 again, but I said so to change. ERIC: He has stolen it from you. PEDRI: No, I changed it. I mean, I have more internationals than him, so I chose before him.
ERIC: It has a bit of personality.
JAVI: Well, have you seen? (pointing to his jacket)
ERIC: I was going to say Pedri. What do you think of my brother's jacket?
PEDRI: It's fine, but this has changed already.
JAVI: Yeah, but all you've done is criticize me.
PEDRI: Because it has changed.
JAVI: But a little bit of retro, man, this.
ERIC: But, listen, but this is one of the last collections they did retro.
JAVI: First question. Did I put the mic on?
ERIC: I put the mic on. First question was...
JAVI: How are you?
PEDRI: Good, good, here.
JAVI: Sunny. The facilities are really good.
PEDRI: Sunny??
JAVI: Second question. How are you? I know you're fine, but everyone knows you're from Troncos.
Clip Pedri: I became a Troncos. They had never asked me which team I was from and I didn't have a team, but of course when they asked me I had to say one and I became a Tronco because of Verdú, man.
Clip Ibai: Very good, but you watch the Kings League a lot.
Clip Pedri: Yes, I watch it, so I don't miss a game, but yes.
JAVI: We explained it well to your little team. We didn’t just beat them, we burned it.
PEDRI: Well, basically the Troncos let them win because, of course, they didn't want to win.
ERIC: They let themselves win from the first minute, no.
JAVI: We're going on holiday early and that's it.
ERIC: It's OK, it's still Troncos. Verdú. The same, he's not going.
PEDRI: If Verdú doesn't continue, I'll have to reconsider.
ERIC: Who would you say you have a face from Móstoles?
PEDRI: I used to like El Barrio at the beginning, but now I don't like it at all. I don't know who I would go to.
ERIC: Dude, he doesn't say the Buyers (their team)
PEDRI: Let's see, no, the Buyers too.
JAVI: I don't even want him to say it anymore.
PEDRI: The only one I like among the Buyers is Beguer.
ERIC: And Fuad?
PEDRI: Well, he's good too.
ERIC: That's good eh.
PEDRI: But Beguer is very top.
JAVI: Let's see if we can keep him.
ERIC: What about my penalties?
PEDRI: Pff, what a blast, eh?
ERIC: But I've scored 3
PEDRI: Yeah, but how many have you missed?
ERIC: Three
PEDRI: 50%.
ERIC: How many penalties have you taken in your career?
ERIC: Have you scored?
PEDRI: Yes, against Betis in the Super Cup.
ERIC: Good, good
PEDRI: I have 100%.
JAVI: I'm not saying anything because that's where I'm shitting myself.
PEDRI: But why don't you shoot?
JAVI: Because he does it well. I give him his share... (pointing at Eric)
ERIC: Of course, but I do it well. I mean, I don't shoot badly, but I don't score. So, ee have to look for something.
JAVI: I only commit myself that, if there are shootouts, I'll shoot them. And I'll score them.
PEDRI: Yes, but the shootout is more complicated.
JAVI: No way, it's very easy if you are left-footed.
ERIC: (laughs) It's very easy if you are left-footed. But it's the same thing.
PEDRI: It's the same.
JAVI: You'll see. The truth is that I have a lot of little things. I have secret weapons.
PEDRI: So tell Geri to do shootouts.
JAVI: That's going to be done.
ERIC: He tells us that if you get shootouts, it's two goals.
PEDRI: So you can choose between a normal penalty and a shootout? Is it worth double?
ERIC: It's double if the president takes it.
PEDRI: That's not a bad one.
JAVI: It's not bad.
PEDRI: It's not bad.
JAVI: And that's where I'll come in. Clack.
PEDRI: A double goal, but you have to score it afterwards.
JAVI: But okay, Eric, shoot it, shoot it. Question. We're fucking around.
ERIC: You were the best young player at the last European Championship, who will it be at this one?
PEDRI: Lamine
ERIC: Are you sure?
ERIC: (at Lamine off-camera) Lamine, are you going to be the best or no?
JAVI: And who are you sharing a room with?
PEDRI: Nobody. Alone.
JAVI: Alone?
ERIC: No shit.
PEDRI: Everyone is alone. Everyone. Everyone. The XB guys shared, right?
JAVI: Team and he shared. Pablito Beguer with Roger Carbó.
PEDRI: Well, Roger also scored goals.
ERIC: You have a powerful squad. How do you approach this European Championship from what you learned from the last one? What do you think you can change to win it?
PEDRI: Let's see, the last one. The truth is that we did a good job.
ERIC: We did a good job.
PEDRI: To be honest, it's difficult to beat it, but...
ERIC: You have to give it your all.
PEDRI: That's why overcoming it is complicated, but I think we have a good team. There are also young people who help us (smiling at Lamine off camera). And above all we have a good vibe, man, which is important at the end of the day.
JAVI: It's funny that Pedri says ‘we have young people who help us’.
PEDRI (getting very defensive lmao): Well, yes, I look like a veteran.
ERIC: You've been with us for five years now, haven't you?
PEDRI: I've been at Barça for four years.
ERIC: You've been to the Spanish national team, you haven't been to the youth teams, have you?
PEDRI: Well, I went to the U16 World Cup (it was U17 lmao) when I was at Las Palmas and then I went twice, I think, to the U21 or U19.
ERIC: I though you didn’t when you were younger…
PEDRI: Yes, I was with De La Fuente, I was in the U21s. Well, and the Olympic Games.
ERIC: But there you were already playing for Barça. Right. Okay, good.
JAVI: Then a little question. Today I went for a couple of rounds while you were training in your facilities.
PEDRI: Do you like it?
JAVI: You have lots of little things.
PEDRI: They are nice, eh?
JAVI: This year's facilities are strong. What do you do most to pass the time? Because I've seen that there's ping pong, that there's everything.
ERIC: Don't say Play, that's clear.
PEDRI: Let's see, the Play, I play tennis. I'm there playing a lot.
ERIC: Some other people who also play?
PEDRI: Dani Olmo. Well, we'll each play one of them.
JAVI: Of course, so that you don't share a screen, otherwise it gets buggy. The one on top gets buggy.
PEDRI: And I play darts the most, I play quite a lot.
ERIC: Darts. I saw that you were throwing darts. Against whom?
PEDRI: With Ferran, Vivian, he's not bad, and Remiro is a spectacle. He's the best at darts.
JAVI: Incidentally, not long ago I had an interview with Lamine and he said that at table football (foosball) he's the best, that at foosball no one beats him.
PEDRI (pointing at Lamine): He said that I am his goalkeeper, so all good.
JAVI: But is it true that he is very good?
Clip Lamine: Pedri, my goalkeeper in table football.
Clip Javi: What do you mean, he's played as a goalkeeper by himself?
Clip Lamine: Goalkeeper.
Clip Eric: What are you playing? Four against four?
Clip Lamine: Two against two
Clip Javi: Who is the best foosball player on the team?
Clip Lamine: Oriol. Top two me 100%
PEDRI (directed at Lamine): He dribbles even in foosball.
ERIC: The best in the team?
PEDRI: Well, foosball is a one-legged game here, you know?
ERIC: Yes, of course, you can't hold the ball.
ERIC (at Lamine): You lose your potential.
*Lamine complaining off camera*
PEDRI: You play with the two-legged one and the one-legged one gets complicated.
JAVI: Okay, Eric, any questions you have there, like quick ones. Player to follow from this EURO, not from Spain?
PEDRI: To say one from Germany that we are here, Wirtz.
ERIC: Food from Spain that you're going to miss, even though we've seen that the cooks bring a lot of Spain? Do they put sweet potato in it?
JAVI: What's wrong with the national team?
PEDRI: They always put it in, and I tried it one day and I really like it.
ERIC: How many kilos of sweet potato did you say you ate? Two or three?
PEDRI: Crazy. Well, there's sweet potato in every meal.
JAVI: You've always been particular about food.
ERIC: Do they let you eat croquettes here?
PEDRI: No, I wish. No, but nothing. What I eat most... I don't know, fish anyway. I don't know, like sea bass.
ERIC: Oh, they put sea bass in it?
PEDRI: Whatever they put in. I mean, I can't order whatever I want.
ERIC: The day we went to lunch anyway you asked for a sea bass.
ERIC: Promise if you win the EURO?
PEDRI: I was going to say I'll do my profile picture, but of course you haven't seen my profile picture.
JAVI: What's your profile picture?
PEDRI: I don't have my phone here. But it's me, bald and with a moustache. I mean, shaved and with a moustache.
ERIC: You don't have the balls to shave your head and grow a moustache.
ERIC: Imagine showing up for the pre-season with a bald head.
PEDRI: No, I will let them shave me in the locker room.
ERIC: Do you like being bald?? (valid question lmao)
PEDRI: I will let them shave me in the locker room. But not zero, eh. Buzzcut.
ERIC: You get in here with a buzzcut. Okay, I like it. I was going to say the same thing, but is Pedri Prime coming to the Euro?
PEDRI: I hope so.
JAVI: I'm a betting man too. I'll tell you one thing, if you score five goals in this Euros…
PEDRI: You sell the xBuyer Team.
JAVI: I'll sell it now.
ERIC: That depends on how much you give us.
JAVI: I'll shave my head.
ERIC: But listen, the one you put the fifth one in, you have to dedicate it to him, you have to do something like this
(they proceeded to show him what celebration to do)
JAVI: I don't know whether to be happy or cry.
PEdRI: If that happens. But I don't take the penalties myself, in theory.
JAVI: In theory.
ERIC: Yeah, but Javi, you think that if Pedri scores five. We've come a long way.
JAVI: And now I'd like to ask you a little bit of a trickier question: any argument or something that the coach said to you in anger? I mean, something that you've said to yourself, ‘Wow, I remember this one all my life’?
PEDRI: I mean, any coach? Well, I haven't had many arguments myself. No. But I'm also a good guy. I'm quiet, I don't get into trouble.
ERIC: Because he doesn't miss much either. Pedri catches the ball, passes back, whatever.
JAVI: I think there's Lamine who's going to answer me.
PEDRI: Lamine, Lamine. (directed at Lamine) What are they going to say to him if he's been here for a year and they only say good things?
JAVI: But surely, he's had some in the lower categories.
PEDRI: Lower categories? (laughs)
ERIC: Next one, also a little bit tricky, but chill. Who is the worst dressed player in the national team?
PEDRI: (laughs)
JAVI: You know it
PEDRI: No, let's see, I haven't seen many, but Unai Simon.
ERIC: Unai Simon? Does he look like...?
PEDRI: Dressed very badly.
ERIC: Unai. I see him in a polo shirt, jeans... I mean, he doesn't get complicated.
PEDRI: Yes, Unai Simon (looks at Lamine) or Nico Williams (laughs again).
ERIC: No, Nico has style.
PEDRI (pointing at Lamine): He knows why I say that.
JAVI: You get along good with Nico, don't you?
JAVI: And any new nickname from this squad?
ERIC: Do they still call you what you used to be called? Pepi, right?
PEDRI: No, yes, but nobody calls me that, only my brother, man. My brother is the only bastard who gives me a nickname. And a nickname like that? Buah, none. (looks at Lamine) Well, there was one, but it's gone.
ERIC: So let's leave him, let's respect him.
ERIC: And in the national team there has always been Pepe Reina. But who is the soul of the national team now?
PEDRI: Morata :)
ERIC and JAVI: Morata?????
ERIC: Morata is shy, isn't he?
PEDRI: Morata telling stories is the best there is.
ERIC: I like it.
PEDRI: I think Morata would take the microphone if there's a celebration.
ERIC: And now, the penultimate one, when we win, if we win the Euro, where are you going on holiday?
PEDRI: Tenerife.
ERIC: Tenerife. But you’ve seen it a lot already?
PEDRI: But I like to be at home, quiet, with my family.
ERIC: You're not going anywhere else?
PEDRI: Well, first to Madrid to celebrate and then to Tenerife with Lamine. (laughs) I'm not taking him on holiday.
ERIC: I'm a bit scared of Lamine in Tenerife.
PEDRI: He's already been there. He was there. Ask him about it later.
JAVI: And finally, you know that there is a teammate who has not been able to come, at Barça, Gavi, which is hurting us. Do you have any message you want to leave him in this video? Because I'm sure he sees it.
PEDRI: Now he is starting to run. He's doing very well. Keep it up, we are waiting for him with open arms. Me too, I want to humiliate you/ beat you at ping pong.
JAVI: I saw the video.
PEDRI: He plays well right?
ERIC: Table tennis, darts, tennis, everything.
PEDRI: Anything that involves sport and passes the time, I'm all for it.
JAVI: And keep an eye out because soon we'll be uploading a Pedri vs Lamine. Let's see who knows more about EUROs players.
ERIC: Any questions you want us to ask him (Lamine)?
PEDRI: (laughs again) How was it in Tenerife?
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wizzdot · 2 months
The Patron Saint of One Way Trips
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Description: action heavy chapter - mainly from the guys’ POV - laika is held by Graves… next chapter is gonna be JUICY!!!!
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*Ghost's POV*
Johnny had fallen asleep briefly on our drive over. He wakes up when I pull the car up to a halt. It's early morning, the rain has finally stopped..
"Where are we?" Johnny asks - "Alejandro's safe house. Gave me the location just in case" I reply - "Why didn't he tell me?" - "It was need to know" - "What if I needed to know..?"
I roll my eyes - "Shhh, Johnny.." stepping out of the car..
As we approach the building, I sharply come to a halt, stopping Johnny in his tracks too. "Booby trap... Stop Johnny.."
"It's a pressure plate LT.." - "Alejandro rigged it" - "Smart bastard.."
I look up at the building and spot a window that will get us inside. "There, Johnny - look" I nod my head in the direction of the window. Johnny jumps through first and I climb through just behind him. I see a red laser point from the darkness - pointing right at Johnny.. "Don't move".
I remove my knife and throw it towards the shadows, roughly where I think the laser is pointing from. I hear it hit wood - missed.. FUCK. Johnny raises his rifle and takes aim at the dark shadow..
¿Quien esta ahi? a voice calls out. Fucked if I know what that means.. "Rodolfo!!!" Johnny shouts. "Soap, Ghost.. You're alive!!
"Affirmative" I reply
Rudy pulls my knife from the wooden beam and walks towards us. "Good to see you, amigos" - "Igual, amigo" Johnny replies in dodgy Spanish. My knife is handed back to me, I nod in thanks.
"Nice throw. Where were you guys?" Rudy asks in his accented voice. He is brave for an Omega..
"On the run" I reply.
"I was on the run. Ghost waited for me" Johnny cuts in.
"Of course, no?" Rudy asks as if it should be obvious - it was obvious...
"No" Johnny says at the same time I say "Yes-"
Johnny looks at me, surprised.
"We're pack... This happened on my watch and I'll need help to fix it. No one fights alone. We need to find the others.." I say, trying not to worry too much about Laika or Alejandro. I should never have ordered to stay in the room. The Shadows knew exactly where she would have been. I hope she is safe - otherwise it's my fault.. my mistake..
Johnny nods.
"Why did Graves turn?" Rudy asks
"We don't know" - "Las Almas can corrupt anyone" - "Not us"
"For now, General Shepherd, Laswell, and anyone else outside this room is considered a hostile. With one exception"
"Alejandro...?" - "We need him back"
Rudy nods in agreement and turns to a map on a table. "Graves is holding Alejo here - my team are there too"
"And Laika..?" Johnny asks. "Most likely - I couldn't find her when they started detaining us though.. she had already gone"..
My stomach drops and a growl escapes my throat. "What do you mean, 'GONE'?!" I bark. I feel a little guilty when Rudy steps back. It slipped my mind that he is an Omega.. I need to keep my cool..
"That doesn't matter right now, LT - How do we get 'em all back, Rudy?" Johnny steps in, somehow staying calmer than me - he was usually the hotheaded one...
"By breaking in" I grumble, head screwed back on.
"And that's why I love the Ghost" Johnny teases.
Rodolfo walks over to a huge door and slides it open, revealing an armory full of weapons and gear.
"It's well-stocked" Rudy explains, nodding to the vast array of weapons and equipment..
Johnny laughs, amazed by the selection. He always gets excited by this sort of thing.. like a kid at a sweetie shop.."My man- We're gonna need new wheels. Preferably up-armored" he says to Rudy.
At that, Rudy tosses me a set of keys and turns on the lights to the building. We had been standing in the darkness this whole time. As the lights flash on, it reveals an armored vehicle. That'll do!
"Alejandro thought of everything" I say, respecting the Alpha's preparation.
"Yeah, he did. Let's go get them"..
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
"Sweetheart?" I wish he would just leave me alone..
"C'mon sweetcheeks, I'm gettin' bored of this now.. we have almost arrived - tell me..? You wanna share a cell with your buddy Alejandro..? Or do you wanna stay with me.. I'll keep you safe, you can be my little attack dog, huh - so good at following orders..?
I stay silent. "Maybe we should call the Russians, ask them how to re-wire you a little bit.. what buttons to press.."
I gulp. He chuckles at my reaction.
"Alejandro doesn't like me.. thinks I'm a rat.." I whimper, trying to manipulate Graves, by telling him little truths, sprinkled by a little white lie here and there..
"Does he now, Princess..? S'that why he made you leave the meeting on the roof..? Stupid sonovabitch played right into my hands there!" he chuckles "Oz led you back like a lamb to slaughter.. pity you'd already pissed off when we came back for you.. smart, by the way - probably wouldn't have caught you if you didn't have such an obsession with helping civvies.. your file says you've always been disobedient in that way.." he laughs. “Look at the bigger picture, princess - acceptable losses are - necessary.."
Bastard. Fucking Bastard!!!!
"Yes, commander.. it's a vice I'm unable to shake" - "Well, if you're gonna be useful to us, you better start fuckin' shaking it, asset"
Graves turns his attention to the soldier driving the car. "Fuck this, Shadow - take us back to HQ, buddy. I don't want her at the prison with the others. She stays with us.. Understood?"
"Yup yup"- the car makes a sharp turn and speeds in a different direction. "Your buddies will not be able to find you, you're on a one way trip to America, sweetcheeks.. you look good in Shadow gear, I could get used to it"
Creep. Fucking slimy, pervy fucking creep!
*Ghost's POV*
We pull up outside the old prison facility. Rudy grabs a huge rucksake, filled with guns and weapons for his men once we'd freed them.
Rudy speaks up once he has hauled the rucksack onto his back "Graves'll have this place locked down".
"Let's hope they're alive" Johnny says with a hint of anxiety..
"Count on it, amigo"
Johnny starts asking Rudy questions - he does this when he is nervous, I have noticed. A distraction, or coping mechanism..
"Rudy, how long've ya known Alejandro?" he asks
"20 years. Signed up together. Toughest dude in the regiment. Turns out we weren't just friends, he claimed me five years ago now"..
"I wouldn't wanna mess with him..." Johnny says, seriously.
Rudy laughs "We used to say 'el unico que puede matar a Alejandro es Alejandro...'"
I furrow my brow, not understanding "What's it mean?" I grunt.
"The only thing that can kill Alejandro is Alejandro..."
"Glad he's on our side, then, amigo" Johnny replies.
"Two snipers, first tower. Soap- you take one, I'll get the other" I bark orders. The Shadows are shot down quietly.
The sound of a helicopter roars from above. "Looks like a supply drop!" Rudy shouts over the noise..
We move quickly through the facility, using CCTV to guide us. The place is crawling with Shadow soldiers, we deal with them quickly and quietly.
I go off on my own with guidance from Johnny and Rudy. I plant a few bombs and settle behind a barrel for temporary cover. I speak over the comms "We're all set here, Johnny. Have we located Alejandro?"
Rudy's voice cuts through the radio "Perfect timing. I found him on CCTV".
"Where?" Johnny asks, studying the screen in front of him.
"He's in solitary. Two Shadows on the door" Rudy points.
"I see 'em. Ghost, we got him. He's alone, no sign of Laika. Two Shadows on guard"
"Vamos!" Rudy shouts - I know that word. Lets fuckin' Vamos then!!
"Ghost, what's your status?" Johnny asks
I stand from my hiding spot and make a move to start towards them "Comin' your way".
The sound of another helo comes from above. They must be onto us by now..
"It's locked!" Johnny shouts - having reached the cell block door.
"We'll need to breach it" Rudy replies
"No, Rudy- Knock.." I suggest, finally having caught up with them.
"On me..." Rudy says, as he stands and bangs the door in the same way a returning guard would. Stupid fuckin' Shadow opens it immediately That was too easy..
We ambush the guard as soon as the door cracks open. Bullets rain from above, balconies lining the upper floor of the cell block.
"Light 'em up-!" I bark
We make it through all of the Shadow's for now.
"There's Alejandro's cell... Open it up, I'll cover you" Rudy shouts.
I remove the bolt cutters from my belt and cut open the lock.
Johnny enters the cell immediately. Suddenly, Alejandro grabs Soap from behind and shoves him against the wall, ready to punch him. Rodolfo steps in and stops Alejandro.
"Al- It's me, hermano" - Johnny says, shocked by the sudden attack.
"Alpha! Calm, tranquilo - it's us.. we came for you" Rudy speaks softly
Alejandro calms down, happy to see his Omega, they have a fast hug and Alejandro grumbles happily before speaking..
Soap!! Rudy, Ghost...!" he sounds surprised..
"Didn't think we'd leave you, did you...?" Johnny jokes, shaking hands with a grateful Alejandro.
"What the fuck took you so long, pendejos?" he jokes back..
I roll my eyes at his joke before replying "place is crawling with Shadows. There'll be hell ahead. Let's get Laika and then make a move. Rudy, go get your Cowboys.. Alejandro - where is she?"
Alejandro looks confused, then. I feel anger rising to the surface.. "Alejandro..? Where are they keeping her..?" trying to keep a lid on my anger..
"Amigo, I don't think she is here.. And I don't think she is on our side. Be careful who you trust.."
I growl, "What the fuck do you mean by that" I bark at him, grabbing the neckline of his jacket and shoving him backwards.
"She has been here before. I recognised her as soon as she arrived. Almost killed me a few months back - missed her shot. She's a sniper, amigo. A spy.. A rat..?" he explains.
Johnny looks utterly betrayed.
"Alejan.." - "NOT NOW RUDY! I KNOW WHAT I SAW" he shouts at his Omega.
I take a step back, lifting my lips angrily, like a growling dog. FUCK!
"We find her - I don't care. Find her first, ask questions after. That's a fuckin' order. We came for you Alejandro, now you fuckin' help us find her" I bark.
Alejandro shrugs "Fine, if that's your call. I wouldn't be shocked if she isn't in league with the Shadows, amigo. They've proven that they are not to be trusted.. but I will help you find her if that's what you want.."
I nod, mulling his words over in my head "It is what I want.."
"Let's go then - we've wasted enough time" Alejandro shouts.
Rodolfo hands Alejandro a BAS-P submachine gun.
"Let's fight fire with fire" Alejandro laughs as he storms towards the cells his men are being held in.
We make good progress in freeing the soldiers,
Johnny speaks up and asks Alejandro "You seen Graves here?"
"No, but I plan to pay that cabron a special visit" he replies - "Aye, Me too...he might have our girl.." - "Don't get too attached, amigo - she cannot be trusted..."
We move outside into the open yard of the facility. There are several Shadow soldiers ahead. FUCK -
"Riot shields-!" Alejandro shouts in warning.
"Soap, throw whatever you got at them!" I shout, knowing that Johnny loves his flashbangs and grenades.
After a series of bangs and crashes, Johnny laughs "Think we're clear, LT."
The freed Vaqueros rally around Alejandro and Rudy, collecting weapons and readying themselves to help us fight our way out of here.
The front courtyard is saturated with Shadows. We are massively outnumbered, even with the addition of the cowboys..
Alejandro speaks to his men "Weapons hot, hermanos. Stairwell leads down and out... We'll link up with the other and exfil the fuck out of here"
"Exfil vehicles are set. Ghost planted charges to help us get out" Rudy explains.
"With Johnny's help.." I add, I didn't plant all the bombs on my own, after all..
Alejandro laughs "I can't call Soap "Johnny"..."
"Don't" Johnny smiles "Only pack can pull that off".. I nod and give him a quick pat on the head before moving off.
"We'll have to cross the yard to get everyone out" Rudy shouts.
We reach the doors leading out into the prison exterior, but come under fire from the Shadows.
"Sniper on the roof"
"Sniper down" Johnny shouts.
"Good shot, hermano!"
Soap, and Alejandro lead Los Vaqueros down the road, but a pickup truck arrives and offloads more Shadows.
"Johnny- That truck's got one of our charges on it. Detonate it" I bellow
" With pleasure, LT - Here it comes"
"Ka-freakin-boom, baby-!" I roll my eyes at Johnny's happiness. He always has loved explosives..
Shadows start to organise their position. They're surrounding us!
We keep trying to get closer to the exfil point but the Shadows have us held. The sound of an approaching helicopter catches my attention. If that is more Shadows, we are fucked..
"You hear that?" Johnny asks
"Helicopter-- Searching for us! - Take cover, amigos!" Alejandro shouts.
The enemy helo opens fire on the first group of Los Vaqueros. We stand no fuckin' chance now!!
Our comms growl to life simultaneously.
"All stations, this is Bravo-6- Get down!" - I could cry - but I won't - It's Price.
I glance up to the perimeter wall and see Price fire a rocket at the helicopter. It hits and plummets to the ground with a huge explosion.
"Hell fucking yeah!" Johnny shouts, elated.
"All Bravo and Vaqueros... Top o' the wall. Get here and I'll get you out. How copy?" I hear through my earpiece.
"Loud and clear, Alpha. Comin' to ya...!" I reply
"Who is he?!" Rudy asks, anxiously
"Our Alpha..." Johnny replies - Rudy raises an eyebrow. "You're a pack of all Alphas.. unusual, no?"
"We make it work.." Johnny answers.
"I like him already" Alejandro laughs.
We all hurry to the wall where Price lowers ropes for us to climb.
*Johnny's POV*
As I reach the top of the wall, two arms reach to help me. "Gaz" I laugh, climbing into his arms, hugging him and stuffing my nose into his neck.
He laughs along with me, re-scenting me as well.. "Well, what happened to your arm, Soap..?" he teases "Fuckin' Graves is what happened".
Gaz steps to the edge of the wall and scans all of the soldiers climbing up. He turns sharply, the smile wiped from his face.
"Where is she, Johnny...?." He growls.. I pause - not able to think of how to tell them.. that we didn't exactly know, and that Alejandro has reason to believe she is a traitor. I can't bring myself to believe it though. Not Laika, not our girl..
"Sergeant MacTavish..." Price warns from behind me. "Kyle asked you a question.. where is she..?" he warns..
"I - We don't know exactly.. we thought she'd have been brought here when HQ was taken.. but we haven't found her.."
"We need to find her. Laswell thinks she is in danger... Soon as Shepherd and Graves went dark, she called us" John explains as we load up into the exfil vehicle.
"Laswell, still solid as a rock - we weren't sure who to trust.." Simon grumbles "You trust pack, Simon.." John growls back, angrily.
Alejandro appears at the top of the wall then, he quickly makes his way towards us.
"Colonel Vargas, meet Captain Price and Sergeant Garrick" I introduce - "Thanks for the assist" the Alphas shake hands - "You need to help us find our girl" John growls.
"Let's get the fuck out of here, hermanos" Alejandro orders his men
"Down the wall... WE ARE LEAVING!" Price barks, too.
We start getting in the vehicles - "Captain, follow me" Alejandro speaks, jumping into the drivers seat of the first jeep.
"Copy. Gaz, drive!"
Gaz starts up the vehicle and drives away from the prison.
"Shepherd burned us" Ghost says as we follow Alejandro's vehicle.
"He sent Graves and his Shadows to kill us and round up Los Vaqueros" I explain
Price growls and nods his head.. "We know why"
I raise my eyebrows, surprised.. "Why..?" I ask.
Gaz answers from the drivers seat. "Laswell did a bit of digging..."
"What did she find?" Simon grunts
"The truth...The truth about the missiles. And - the truth about Laika.. we need to find her.." he growls, absolutely livid.
Alejandro leads us back to his safehouse.
*Laika's (Y/N's) POV*
Graves has been pacing up and down in front of me for the past hour. I'd been cuffed and my head covered with a sack. He has been on a video call with General Shepherd. The computer starts making a ringing noise and a familiar voice joins the conversation. Before Shepherd answers, he tells Graves to stay silent so he doesn't pick up that he is on the call. Graves walks over to me and roughly puts his hand over my mouth so I can't make a noise.
"You hid this- Why...?" a rough growl comes through, angrily - "We all keep secrets, Captain Price.. some more than others.." he laughs. I whimper from within the darkness of the sack. Graves shakes me roughly to shut me up.
"Why the hell wasn't I informed?" - "Consider yourself well-informed now, John"
John laughs in a terrifying tone "Oh, that's really fuckin' helpful, General. Thank you. But, you're a day late and a missile short. There's three of them- we only found two. And, you've taken something of ours. I want her back.."
"Then, point yourself in that direction and fix it" The General snaps back.
"And who fixes you, eh?" John says, threateningly. "I don't need fixing. I'm a patriot protecting my country".
I hear the scuff of a chair sliding sharply. Price must have stood up in anger.
"You're protecting your own ass" he growls. I'd never heard him so angry. He was radiating pack Alpha energy.
"I do what needs to be done, Captain, and no one holds me down with a roll of red tape. I know what's best for the cause"
"You've lost your fuckin' mind, General"
"And you've forgotten what you're fighting for, John. To do good, you gotta do some bad. When we shit, we bury it, that's how it works"..
"Yeah... But we don't bury each other with it, do we? Where is she..?" he growls again.
"You need to turn off that side o' your head and face down the real enemy" - "she ain't our enemy.." John interrupts.
"You need to call off your Shadow, NOW"
"You mean Graves...?" - "Yes!" - Shepherd laughs "Now, Captain.. He's a dog with a bone, and I highly recommend you don't try and take it"..
"This is your last chance to change your mind" John warns..
"Then what?" Shepherd taunts..
"Then after I kill him... I'm coming for you" the laptop slams shut.
*Captain Price's POV*
I slam the laptop, shutting off the uplink. I nod to the other four soldiers in the room. "Graves has her" I growl, angrily.
"Hey- Vaqueros, pay attention" Alejandro shouts into the large safe house.
All of Los Vaqueros gather around Alejandro us at the table.
"Alright, listen - We are taking back your HQ. We are getting our girl. We are killing Commander Graves" I order.
"When?" Rudy speaks up
"Now" Ghost grunts
"We are not 141 and Los Vaqueros on this. We're a team...understood..?" I growl
Ghost empties a bag full of skull masks onto the table.
"...Ghost Team" I nod, clenching my fists. The Alpha in me was desperate to get loose and rampage the HQ with little regard. But as Captain, I needed to keep my head.. No being a hero. Get in, get our girl, kill Graves, get out.
Ghost removes his mask in front of everyone. I nod and smile at Ghost.
"Good to see you again, Simon" I laugh, he rarely took it off in public. I hadn't seen his face since we had taken Laika, come to think of it..
I remove my boonie hat in solidarity and notice that Kyle takes off his 'lucky cap' too.
"If you're in, take a mask... If you're not... Don't" I order.
Everyone around the table takes a skull mask.
"My troops know the Fuerzas Especiales facility better than the Shadows. So, we'll have the advantage - Be advised, they'll be on high alert because of the prison break. We'll infiltrate the base with two Ghost Teams....Team-1 is Captain Price, Gaz, me, and one pilot.. Team-2 is Ghost, Soap, Rudy, and Los Vaqueros.. Team-1 will use the tunnels to get to the tarmac and commandeer a helo. My pilot will take the Captain up. Team-2 will stand by outside until Price fires on the entry gate and lets them in to fight their way to Graves, and the girl... I suspect he'll be in my HQ defended by his best shooters" Alejandro describes. I nod along in agreement. This has to work...
"we will see how this plan goes and once the place is clear, Gaz and I will locate and secure Valeria... The rest of you will look for the girl and Graves... and Kill him.." he growls.
"Lets fuckin' go" Johnny shouts, marching towards the vehicles.
Lets go get our girl..
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mactavishwritings · 2 years
Mi Amor
Alejandro Vargas x Reader
You're an undercover spy for the CIA sent out on a mission. Little do you know, Alejandro and the boys are also after the target.
tw: violence, weapons, suggestive, terribly translate Spanish,
maybe i'll turn this into a series? let me know if you want it to be!
part two
You were the best of the best. You could become anyone the CIA wanted you to be. You could adopt any persona, any character, anything. The CIA loved this about you; they held you in their back pocket for any mission involving undercover work. They sent you in to be their eyes. Your code name was Serpent; working secretly and never getting caught, sliding through crowds like it was water.
This mission was no different. You were dressed in a simple black dress that reached the floor, gold heels that clicked with each step, your hair curled and pinned into a style that strategically hid your comms. You surveyed the room, accepting a flute of champagne from a well dressed waiter. "How we looking in there?" You heard your commander ask you and you raised your glass, thumb in front of your lips to hide them. "Looking good. Target still not located." You looked around the room again and clocked a man in a suit. He wasn't the target, but he very clearly was out of place.
"Teller. We got any other agencies on this?" You whispered into your comms and looked for any other suspicious looking people. "Not that I'm aware of. Zero, you see anything unusual?" You C.O. asked you sniper, who was posted in the office building down the street, who said they did not see anything. You shrugged it off after seeing your target enter the ballroom.
Alejandro looked around the party, nodding at Soap who was standing on the other side of the room. The two had gone undercover to gather information about the next weapons trade. "Lookin' good, hermano." Alejandro chuckled to himself as Soap covered his words with his glass. "You as well. Ghost, how do we look from up there?" Alejandro turned his head to look in Ghost's general direction. "Distracted. Do you have eyes on the target?" Alejandro turned his head and his breath caught in his chest as his eyes landed on the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
His eyes raked up and down her body, the black dress hugged her curves in the most delicious way. He forced his head back towards Soap, who had an eyebrow raised at Alejandro. "Cat got your tongue?" Soap joked and Alejandro rolled his eyes. "Hey. Please do try and stay focused." Price's voice came through the comms.
You made your way towards the target, Benjamin Turnswell. He was the son of a very rich weapon's dealer and he was also very stupid. Reckless even. You were hoping he thought with his dick and not his brain. You just needed his phone that he carried in his left breast pocket. It contained everything your team needed to make the arrest on Ben's father. You swayed your hips as you walked up to the man, catching his attention immediately. "Well hello." Ben said, dropping the conversation he was having to greet you.
You giggled and held your hand out to him. "Hi." Your voice carried a slight accent that was different than your usual. The man took your hand and kissed your knuckles. You smiled at him and leaned closer to him. "Thank you for inviting me and my father. I'm sorry to say he was unable to join us." You recalled the fake story your C.O. gave you and Ben shook his head. "Oh don't worry beautiful." He smiled and gently took your elbow in his hand.
You smiled back at the man and your eyes shifted quickly to notice the man from early looking at you two. You looked back at Ben before leaning closer to him. "I apologize for my forwardness, but perhaps we can discuss," you lightly dragged your manicured finger down his chest, "elsewhere."
As soon as you two entered the elevator, his lips were on your neck. Your arms were loosely wrapped around his shoulders and you faked a moan to motivate him. He quickly pressed a number and the door closed. Ben grabbed your thigh and you took the hint to lifted your leg and wrapped it around his waist. His hands were unskillful and it made you cringe on the inside.
Soon he brought you to his office. This was part of the plan; you were to get him to his office, get the phone, get rid of Ben, and get out as fast as you could without being seen. It was easy, you were already in the office, now all you had to do was get the phone and get out. Ben picked you and carried you to the desk where he placed you. You tilted your head back and sighed, knowing what came next. "How about you show me what that pretty mouth can do?" Ben smirked, going to undo his pants. You smiled sweetly before grabbing the pin that held your hairdo in place. It was a long, gold pin that was thicker at one end and thin on one end. You stood and moved towards him before driving the hidden weapon into Ben's chest.
The knife quickly ended the man's life after a couple quick stabs and you went into his jacket to grab his phone. "Teller. It's Serpent. I got the phone. The kid is dead. Getting out now." You slipped the phone into the front of your dress and cleaned the hair pin off. You moved Ben's body so that it was hidden from view and slipped out into the hall.
You frozen when you heard voices. You turned your head and saw the man from earlier walking quickly down the hall with another man who had a mohawk. "Shit. Teller, got some heat." You turned and started walking away from the two men. "We see you on the monitor. There's a staircase down the hall that will lead to an exit where Zero and Ocean will be in a car waiting. Next left." You nodded and moved as quick as you could in heels.
Alejandro and Soap moved through the hall, hands on their guns incase of enemy fire. "Office is three doors down. I got two...make that one heat signature. Something weird is happening." Ghost stated over the comms and the two men saw a door open in front of them. "Think that's the door?" Soap asked. "Well, Ben did leave the party with a woman." Alejandro watched as the figured looked in their direction before quickly turning and walking away. The two men made it to the office, finding Ben dead inside. "Shit! He's dead. Someone got to him before we did. Who the else is here?" Price's voice was angry and Alejandro looked down the hall and saw the woman moving fast. "Her. Soap." The two men nodded at each other before moving to catch up.
"Fuck. Teller they better be there." You muttered, hearing the other men find the body. This shouldn't have happened. "Serpent. Get out of there." You heard Zero over the comms and you started to panic. You ripped your heels off and sprinted down the stairs. "SPECIAL FORCES STOP RUNNING!" Your heard a Spanish accent yell after you. "Special forces? Teller! Why am I being chased by Special forces?!" You shouted into your comms. You looked behind you and saw that they were starting to catch up. You burst through the exist door seeing your team's car waiting for you.
You knew you weren't going to be able to reach the car so you grabbed to phone out of your dress and tossed it at Zero, who sensed your planned. Zero caught it before closing the door and having Ocean drive off, just as the Hispanic man grabbed your arm roughly.
Alejandro growled angry as he watched the car take off. "Who the fuck are you?" Soap shouted in the woman's face, but she didn't react. Alejandro roughly grabbed both her arms and brough them behind her back. Being so close, he finally noticed the clear wire that was so familiar to him. "A comm?" Alejandro looked at Soap, who came forward. "Serpent. We will come get you. They cannot hold you. Do not say a word about the miss-" was the last transmission that went through before Soap ripped it out of her ear.
"Serpiente? Is that your name?" Alejandro leaned closer to you, just as Price and Ghost rolled up in the Humvee. "What do we have here?" Price asked, getting out. "A lost lamb." Soap stood back and the Serpent smirked. "Let's take her back to base. See what she knows." Ghost handed Alejandro cuffs and he placed them on the woman. "Ya know, Serpiente, I was hoping to do this in a better situation."
You sighed as you sat in the cell the men placed you in. You had been waiting for hours for someone to come in, either your team or theirs to interrogate you. You were just so bored. Soon the same Hispanic man from before entered the room. You looked over at him with a raised eyebrow. "Hola hermosa." He smirked at you before leaning against the wall. You leaned forward, "Hola guapo." You copied his accent, something you had always been good at doing.
His face read a bit shocked before straightening out again. "How do you know Turnswell?" You smiled before leaning back, crossing your arms over your chest. "Handcuffs huh? Never had that one." You were quick to change the subject away from the mission, buying yourself time. "No. Turnswell." The man pushed himself off the wall and moved towards you. "Or do you prefer ropes? I find I can wear them longer." You winked at the man.
Alejandro felt himself get hot, trying to refocus the interrogation. "Tell. Me. About. Turnswell. How did you know him? Did you kill him? Why did you throw the phone?" He asked angrily, the woman in front of him just sat there. She looked up at his hulking figure and sighed. "I will tell you he was a terrible kisser. I wonder if you'd be any better." Alejandro groaned angrily and was about to start yelling again when the door opened.
"Alejandro. Stop." It was Price. He was standing with a man he had never see before. "Alejandro. That's your name. Good to know." The woman said. Price sighed angrily and rubbed his forehead. "Alejandro, meet the head of the CIA's special task force Angel 626, Milo Teller." Alejandro nodded his head toward the man. "What does this have to do with anything?" Alejandro angrily asked.
"We at 626 have been following the work of the Turnswell family very closely for the past 6 years. You have actually manage to arrest the head of our team and we are here to get her back so if you will please release special agent (Y/N), we would appreciate it and maybe we will even share her findings." Teller smiled tightly at the man and Alejandro looked at you with shock.
You finally stood up, grabbing your heels and stood beside your boss. "With Ben Turnswell dead, we only have a matter of 36 hours to arrest his father which you have spent the last 6 of trying to get information out of me so I suggest you hide your erection and get to work, yeah?" You looked over to Alejandro, who was standing in awe.
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betyloca · 7 months
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Kurt wagner x mutant reader
summary: after the attack on the x mansion you went with logan and the boys to bobi's house where they later met up with jean storm and a new friend
note: you are a Spanish teacher at the academy and your mutation is that you are a symbiote
You were in the kitchen of Bobi's house, you didn't want to get involved in Bobi's conversation with his parents. You were looking at a fixed point until you heard someone enter.
Logan: Are you okay? - I ask.
y/n: yes I'm just a little hungry
Logan: As if you didn't have it all the time - he said while smiling.
Logan was my friend since he arrived at the mansion, they got along well, they both liked to bother Scott.
You approached the pantry, opening the doors to look at some cookies.
Y/N: Do you think they won't notice if I steal a package? - You said smiling while you took some, putting them in your coat.
Logan: I don't think so.
y/n: well if they notice I'll blame you
You saw him smile but it didn't last long.
y/n: gloton what's wrong?
You saw how police officers appeared out of nowhere pointing at everyone. You went to where the boys were. They began to leave the house while pointing their weapons at him.
y/n: get behind me and don't separate - you told them, standing protectively in front of them. As soon as they saw Logan's claws, they shot him in the head. You put your arms in front of the boys to protect them.
police: hands up and on the ground
y/n: kids downstairs
rouge: logan
y/n: everything will be fine
You watched John use his mutation to set cars on fire.
You saw Logan get up and immediately you picked up Rouge and Bobi. You noticed how the plane appeared. They started running towards him.
y/n: john, let's go - you said, grabbing his hand.
You saw how a police officer was aiming at John and you immediately formed a symbiotic tentacle, throwing the officer away.
When you got inside the plane you checked the boys if they were okay.
y/n: are you guys okay?
rouge and bobi: yes
you fucked john while the others sat down
y/n: what do you have mi vida ?
John: Why do they hate us so much?
y/n: people fear what I don't understand that's why they act like this
You told him as you put your hands on his cheeks, you loved John like a son.
He looked at you and just nodded.
y/n: okay cariño go sit down
John: Okay.
before you left you saw him stop
John: Thanks for saving me from the police.
You started to go to Asia where Logan was and the others, you saw Ororo and Jean sitting.
y/n: where the hell were they? it took centuries
you said entering
Jean: It's nice to see you too y/n
y/n: you too, pretty - you said, throwing her a kiss, holding her laugh.
You turned to look for a seat when you saw a blue guy looking at you.
The stranger said, you waved at him, taking a seat.
y/n: hello
storm: y/n this is kurt wagner kurt this is y/n rodríguez
y/n: nice to meet you, what beautiful brands you have.
you said inspecting his face.
Kurt: Thank you - he said looking at the ground which seemed cute to you.
Logan: I'm interrupting something.
y/n: jealous?
You asked, watching him roll his eyes.
y/n: I love you too
During the trip everything was going well, you were sitting eating some of the cookies you had eaten while you played with your symbiotic clay out of boredom.
Bobi: give me a cookie
y/n: don't buy the tuyas
you said, showing him your tongue, making rouge jean and logan laugh.
Storm: Y/N, you're an adult, stop acting like a child.
y/n: okay take bobi
you said spreading the package
Bobi: Thank you.
y/n: don't believe it hahaha - you said, removing the package before he could take it while some people laughed.
Y/N: Just kidding, here you said, handing him the package while Bobi laughed.
You could notice yellow eyes looking at you. You turned and saw Kurt looking at you who immediately looked away.
It all happened very quickly for you until you realized that the plane was going into a nosedive. You had your seat belt on when you saw Rouge struggling to put hers on. You got up, taking off yours to help her.
Rouge: I can't, I can't help me please - he told you with fear in his voice.
y/n: calm down rouge yes - you said fastening his seatbelt when you noticed that the roof of the plane flew away trying to take you with rouge he took your hand
rouge: y/n hold on don't let go
You took her hand but you slipped and flew away.
John: Y/N
Rouge: No.
You were flying through the sky you were getting dizzy when something caught you and you went back to the plane you clung to what was holding you tightly until you felt them stop.
You looked and saw Kurt who had caught you.
Kurt: Are you okay?
You only nodded when you noticed something slimy that surrounded you. You looked at your sides and noticed some tentacles that were holding you. You frowned looking at what was coming out of you. You looked at him thinking that they disgusted him so you shook it off.
Y/N: I'm fine - you said a little dryly.
You looked at the others who were unbuttoning their seat belts.
y/n: are you okay?
Rouge: I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to let you go.
you saw her with glassy eyes about to cry
y/n: mi vida it wasn't your fault yeah
you said kissing his head
They started to leave the plane when you noticed Magneto next to Mystic.
y/n: great, just the person I wanted to see.
Erik: This is how you thank the person who saves everyone.
Y/N: You're right, thank you Magneto for stopping the plane, I love you very much, you said, deforming your face, making your smile huge, showing your pointy teeth and turning your eyes white.
Later it was night everyone was resting you were outside looking at a fixed point you felt someone watching you you smiled knowing who it was
y/n: kurt you look like a weirdo looking at me like that
you saw how he teleported next to you
Kurt: I didn't mean to look.
y/n: don't worry - you said looking at nothing
Y/N: Hey, thanks for rescuing me.
Kurt: I had to do it, you flew away.
You smiled remembering how you flew out of there.
Kurt: Can I ask what your mutation is?
y/n: I am a kind of symbiote I can create tentacles symbiotic web I can create claws deform my face
He looked at you listening to everything you explained to him carefully while they sat on the floor.
y/n: what if I'm hungry all the time
you said laughing a little
Kurt: I can see.
You looked at him doubtfully before extending your hand, creating some tentacles. Kurt took your hand gently, looking at the tendrils you formed.
Kurt: It's beautiful.
He said looking at you you looked at him as he grabbed your hand letting the thick material take him.
y/n: I think you are beautiful
He looked at the ground shaking his head.
Kurt: I'm not.
y/n: of course you said, putting your free hand on his cheek.
y/n: God made us all different, you are one of his most beautiful creations I have ever seen.
He looked into your eyes with amazement.
y/n: you are beautiful just the way you are
you said kissing his cheek.
y/n: go to sleep tomorrow you will have to use a lot of energy
You said, lifting you up, he put his hand on your cheek where you hugged him.
Y/N: Maybe after that you'll ask me out and show me your stunts that you mentioned you did at the circus, you said, winking.
y/n: rest mi amor
you said blowing him a kiss as you went to your tent.
Kurt: Good night, Liebling
he said smiling as he left, also excited to have met someone like you.
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delopsia · 7 months
If Outer Range's characters truly are loosely based on the Greek Gods, then Royal is Chronos, Cecelia is Rhea, Rhett is Zeus, and Maria is Hera.
Let me explain.
The moment Outer Range's season one starts, we open up with a stormy shot of Royal and his horse, Tilly, riding in a dark field with Trevor's body.
Voiced over the shot is Royal speaking to the audience, "You know anything about a Greek god called Chronos? He carried a sickle. He used it to cut a hole. A tear in the cosmos, between heaven and earth, to separate this world from the next. To separate the known from the unknown."
Immediately, we establish a link to Greek Mythology, and this is repeated later in the episode when Autumn catches Royal throwing Trevor into the hole. Through season one, we learn that Royal has used the hole to time travel on three occasions.
To escape the shame of accidentally killing his father
When Autumn pushes him into the hole
And when he jumped back in after the hole transported him three years into the future.
Through this, it's somewhat implied that Royal is Chronos. He doesn't carry a sickle yet, but he is deeply linked to this hole; he's the only one aware of its presence aside from Wayne. The hole is consistently there when he needs it. To escape his father's death. To hide Trevor's body. To show him what will happen in three years, if he does not change fate. And it deliberately returns him to the exact time period he just left.
But that isn't the only thing.
I've seen a lot of debate on whether Cronus, God of the Harvest, and Chronos, God of Time, are the same entity. For this interpretation, I'm arguing that Royal is based on both because he shares characteristics of both of them. For simplicity's sake, I'm just going to keep saying "Chronos" since that's how they spell it in the show's official subtitles.
Royal is depicted as a cattle rancher; he's a harvester of some fashion. In art, Chronus is often depicted with a gray beard, and I find it fun that Royal happens to share this feature. Is it exact? No, but its a detail in common.
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Now here's where I get to the big thing. When Royal was nine and jumped through the hole, it brought him to "present time" as we'll call it, where he was taken in by the Abbott's as their own, and lived along side Cecelia, who he later married. Technically speaking, Cecelia was Royal's adoptive sister.
What did Chronos do? He married his sister, Rhea, the goddess of the Earth. Establishing Royal as Chronos and Cecelia as Rhea.
Now that I've laid that groundwork let me get to something nifty.
Rhett is Zeus.
Here is a photo shared by Amazon Prime on their Instagram.
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This photo originates from the S1E2 scene when Royal reveals what happened after Autumn pushed him into the hole (refresher: he traveled roughly three years into the future). As pictured below, it's the same outfit.
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You're probably wondering what the hell an outfit is supposed to tell us. Well, I'll show you. The belt buckle.
Here's his S1 buckle compared to the one in the future.
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We can assume that this is the buckle Rhett earns during episode 8, after he wins the Amelia County Rodeo Finals. It's a huge tradition that bull riders win buckles, and they wear these literal trophies with pride. With how Rhett has been chasing this dream for a decade, we can assume he's going to wear the ever-living hell out of that buckle.
But do you see that on his buckle? That, my friend, is a lightning bolt.
Who is the God of Lightning? Zeus. The lightning bolt (or thunderbolt) was his most iconic weapon.
But we can't draw from that, no no no. I have something else.
In S1E1, we are introduced to the fact that Rhett sleeps around a lot, a trait Zeus is infamous for. Who haven't they slept with? Until his childhood crush, Maria comes back into town, and he's still just as crazy about her, despite her never reciprocating his advances (until now) and telling him (in Spanish) that she doesn't usually go out with men like him.
Similarly, Zeus was enchanted by Hera, the Goddess of Marriage. (Haha, get it, Maria...Marriage...similar words...I'll stop) but she didn't want a damn thing to do with him. But as the story goes, both Maria and Hera come around and agree to be with them.
Which establishes Rhett as Zeus and Maria as Hera.
Edit: I remembered another detail, Zeus and Rhett are both the youngest sons!
I don't have a solid standing on this portion, but Perry reminds me a bit of Poseidon.
Poseidon was angry with Odysseus for blinding his son, Polyphemus. While Perry doesn't have a son, he does have a daughter, Amy. Who was "blinded" by her past and became Autumn. It's a stretch, but I wanted to share the thought lmao.
This...does partially concern me about how Rhett's relationship with Maria may be depicted in season two, but you know what? I am ✨brilliant✨at sticking my head in the sand.
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belit0 · 1 year
2000 Word Commission (Uchiha Madara / Fem Reader) @moroseu
"I was wondering if you could write Madara falling for reader who was one of the many shinobi he had to fight during the war era. He never had the chance to actually act out on his feelings until the creation of Konoha, where he saw her for the first time outside of combat, during a diplomatic meeting of sorts. She is not wearing armor, she seems a lot more gentler unlike on the battlefield and for the first time, she greets him with a smile. Who will make the first move!? Will he chase after her when the meeting ends or vice versa!? That will be left up to you!"
As I was editing this, I noticed how I changed the meeting situation and got an angry Madara instead, I just hope you like it, my darling Roseu💕😭🙏 Thank you so much for always trusting me with your amazing ideas, I feel truly honored🛐💫
EACH COMMISSION COMES WITH AN EXTRA SECRET SCENARIO, THAT I UNIQUELY AND ESPECIALLY ADD FOR THE BUYER. (I'll leave you an example of it at the bottom, but in Spanish, so you don't cheat.)
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 Madara is angry, in such an intense and terrible mood that makes him look like a hedgehog poised for a fight. Those who know the Uchiha usually avoid getting close to him in this state, aware they will get nothing but a threat and at worst, a glimpse of the Sharingan.
Obfuscated on his desk he tries to read Hashirama's indecipherable handwriting, whatever he tried to explain in the document he left for him. Peaceful times brought out the worst in everyone, and while the Senju leader stands out as the shinobi god, he has no freaking clue about what he's doing in office terms.
Madara, adopting the position of Shadow Hokage, spends more time between trips and physical negotiations than sitting behind a piece of wood, but every time he has to deal with his best friend's errands, his blood boils inside his body.
Is this motivation enough to start another war? Maybe…
"The... a-village of... con-no.oga? What the..." He sighs to himself, abandoning the document on the table and leaning back against his chair. One hand travels to his hair, running through the completeness of his scalp anxiously, and the other to his face, wishing he could disappear into the darkness his gloves provide.
He could ask for help, interpretation, or assistance, were it not for the fact that both Senju brothers decided to disappear altogether, leaving him with total responsibility for the situation. Izuna? Of course not, he doesn't count, he is more of an enemy than an ally when it comes to administration.
With his eyes still covered he remembers those times when everything was simpler and complicated at the same time, where the paperwork was not important and the only decisive thing was blood, sweat, and effort. His body tends to miss those scenarios where it was a matter of killing or getting killed, when the only meaning was to protect his own and to return home with as many as possible, to make sure that Izuna was safe, that the family was still complete.
War times were as terrible as they were wonderful, moments where only Tajima had to deal with annoying elders and combat strategies, Madara being a free young man with the only goal of bringing the Senju heir's head in arms and presenting it before everyone as a symbol of power.
Of course, he did not count on becoming the best friend of this Senju in question, nor running a village with him.
Blood used to flow smoothly, screams rang out from all sides, weapons roared against each other, and she looked as beautiful as ever in her armor and-.
"STOP!" The Uchiha suddenly shouts, standing up and planting both hands on his desk. Eyes wide open and hair tousled, he's grateful to be alone in the office and avoid having to give embarrassing explanations to anyone.
His inkwell spills onto the paperwork because of how he slams the desk, and the document which was already illegible because of Hashirama's handwriting now becomes even worse. The half covered by a huge black stain is given up for lost, and Madara holds his hair yet again, this time itching to rip it out of his head.
"SHIT!" He vowed to never think of her again, to deny that woman place and space in his mind, to eradicate her from his memories and exile her from any corner of his brain. For years he battled against that beautiful face captured in his thoughts, charming eyes, and the ferocity with which she tried to kill him over and over again in the name of the Senju.
She was not part of the clan, but her family allied with them to avoid being massacred for lack of decision. Hashirama worked with her side by side, and the woman dared to stand up to Madara on countless occasions when the leader had to attend to other fronts.
Never had he seen anyone but Hashirama or his stupid brother dare to look him in the face, avoiding his eyes of course, but with their heads held high and proudly puffing out their chests. "Now… what is the name of this warrior who dares attempt to end my life?" He had asked her with a smirk, expecting a perfect escape rather than a coherent answer.
"(Y/N)" she confessed to him before attacking, lunging with savagery and impressive speed at him, the only time she almost succeeded in slashing his neck. He had let his guard down in front of the woman, inviting her to dance a deadly tantrum from which he himself almost ended up losing his life.
The girl proved to be unbeatable, with will and strength of steel, always with an ace up her sleeve. At some point, the confrontations against the Senju took on a new flavor, giving the Uchiha the chance to see her, to fight against her, to have the privilege of admiring her raw power, and to be the recipient of all her assaults.
She was the only warrior he could not kill while holding her at the end of his weapon.
That time, (Y/N) had gotten careless after hours of combat, almost zero chakra left and few physical resources to use. Only the last several warriors were left standing, including the two of them. There had been hours of terrible exchanges, hard blows, and worse answers, but the girl gave an easy access entrance, an opportunity Madara did not hesitate to use.
When he had her on the ground, surrendered under his body and the strength of his hands, he could feel how she gave herself to destiny, how she submitted to whatever life wanted to happen to her, and that distracted him. The kunai was resting on her neck, all he had to do was press lightly, pierce the skin, and tear her throat as with countless enemies.
Instead, his hands were diverted by the warmth of her skin, the sharpness of her eyes, how soft her lips seemed even after hours of fighting and little to no water. Her presence became intoxicating, to the point where it managed to steal his goal of slaughter completely off his mind. She was the only opposing presence the Uchiha dared to forgive, and instead of finishing her off with the edge of his hatred, he allowed her to live.
He allowed her to live.
Her face has been hunting him ever since, unintentionally etched on his Sharingan and chasing him even with closed eyes. That was their last confrontation before the peace treaty, and he never knew what became of her once the war ended, feeling incapable of asking Hashirama about her whereabouts.
He felt fortunate to have had the privilege of witnessing her, meeting her, fighting as an equal opponent against her, yet that was all. He decided to ignore the reminders of (Y/N)’s presence in his mind, to bury her in the depths of times that are no more, and allow himself to move on without regretting not enquiring about her, searching for her.
Odds are that, if he did, she would spit in his face.
The man looks at the ruined sheet and decides to try and fix it, not to give up in the face of adversity caused by horrible penmanship and bad luck. He approaches Hashirama's desk and proceeds to rummage through all the visible and hidden contents in hopes of finding a copy. If the Hokage followed his advice and instructions, if he deigned to listen to Tobirama's damned recommendations, then he should have written it twice.
Or so he hopes.
Papers fly here and there as his frustration mounts, that wonderful dream of finishing his pending assignment looking farther and farther away, embarrassing decorations from his best friend raining down on the floor. He lets out another angry scream, thankful again to be alone in the room, pounding on the wood to the point of breaking it completely.
"Bad day?" A female voice asks, and it sounds way too close for him to have imagined it. He knows that voice, yet it is not a petulant memory from the past, but an actual event in the same room. Memories come flooding back, the same tone he heard over and over again when she tried to impale him with her techniques. It takes him a minute before he dares to look up, but when he does, he understands not to be imagining anything.
"You look bad, need a hand?" he can't answer, can't find words to speak, and feels heat rising to his cheeks. It's one thing to see the girl you like fighting against you and always in a context of death and destruction, yet a totally different one is to appreciate her after years, casually dressed and with no deadly intentions.
(Y/N) looks even more beautiful than how he remembers her, stunning body covered by civilian garments, coaxing eyes looking at him with a tone of laughter on her wonderful face. The lack of armor allows him to admire the gorgeousness of her curves, how smooth her skin looks, and-.
"Madara?" She shakes him out of his stupor with a snap of her fingers, forcibly bringing him back to earth and landing on his ass. He blinks a few times and produces a few babbles before finding coherence inside his head again.
"Yeah, no, I mean... (Y/N)?"
"The one and only." She smiles harmoniously, her face beaming with the gesture and making him reassess whether he is dreaming or not. "I was instructed to bring this to you, you know how politics works." She hands over a sealed scroll, one the Uchiha receives with clumsy hands. He ends up having to take off his gloves for accurate finger control, opening the delivery's contents and feeling his soul returning to his body.
"Tobirama figured it would be beneficial for you, he didn't have much hope for the Hokage's work." She simply explains with a relaxed posture, like not having a care in the world. While Madara feels like he might pee his pants at how intimidatingly beautiful he finds his wife... the, woman, she seems totally unaffected.
He confirms this is the document he screwed up, but it's a legible, polished version, traced by the albino's handwriting and thoughts, proofread probably about three times before having the final product. Composure returns, and he feels like an idiot for the scene he put together, such simple solutions delivered by the angel in front of him.
"I see you're still as fierce as ever, huh? You should learn to control that anger, dear. War is over and life is beautiful." The woman winks and pats his arm, smiling again before turning and heading for the door.
It's now or never.
"WOULDYOULIKETOHAVEADRINKWITHME?!" The question sounds more like a barked demand than an invitation, but it gets (Y/N) to look back at him with amusement. She comes closer again, each step executed with both grace and elegance, making Madara feel like a little boy in front of the love of his life.
Is she the love of his life? Probably, yes.
"Are you asking me out, Uchiha?" she purrs mischievously, savoring the taste of having her former enemy basically at her feet. Madara never felt so vulnerable, and he hates every second it took him to work up the courage to ask her out. Impulses are not always good, and just as he is about to retract his proposal, the woman invades his personal space to give him a kiss on the cheek.
"When and where, Madara?"
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qrosewinter · 8 months
Description : Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3... To be continued.
Summery: Where a girl from New Zealand goes to brooklyn to live with her Auntie and Uncle, mets a brooklyn boy with secrets and a voice like honey with pretty hazel green eyes.
Where a brooklyn boy mets a girl from New Zealand with an accent he's never heard before, who he can't seem to forget.
And a Polynesian girl struggling to find who she is in the concrete jungle of NYC so far from home.
The start of the most unlikely relationship between two people starts to bloom, between a brooklyn boy who's just a little misunderstood.
Will this relationship bloom or stay untouched? Maybe we should let fate take the lead for this one.
Fic summary: slow burn, obvious to flirting, a little bit of angst, romance, revenge, anger.
WARNINGS ⚠️: Horrible attempts at slang, Horrible attempts at Spanish, Swearing, Weapons, Gore, Drugs, Alcohol, Mature themes, Spelling mistakes.
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Chapter 2: Am I seeing shit again.
Are you hearing voices again? -Unknown
It's been about 3-4 days since I went to Visions and walked right into someone making a damn fool out of myself, but then again, what's new?
Not gonna lie it wasn't one of my best moments how awkward I felt I mean like, why in hells name did I say 'Have a good day' so god dammed awkwardly, why the fuck did I even say it at all!?
Could have said something like, "Well, sorry about that, but I gotta go, see ya. But not you had to go and say".
'Have a good day?', if I could punch myself so hard right now to make myself forget I ever said that I would, in a heartbeat.
But too bad you can't now can you :/
I'll be starting at Visions next week though, so I guess I have more chances to male myself out to be a fool, they did tell me during my little interview thing or whatever you wanna call it.
They didn't have any dormrooms ready for me at the moment.
so I won't be moving to the dorms anytime soon, which is fair.
I did so happen to start up at that school. What? A little past first term or semester, I think they call it here in America?
I don't know. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the education system here, and I still don't understand a damn thing.
But anyway, I won't be put in a dorm room yet until they find an either an empty one or someone without a roommate, which I don't think will happen anytime soon.
But the good news is I don't live very far from school. The bad news is I'd have to wake up earlier to get ready and be out the door before school starts, which sucks ass.
But beggers can't be choosers, so I'll take it, means I won't have to share a room with someone I don't know that's a plus, I guess.
Still don't know how I'll handle seeing that guy. It'll be awkward. That's for
《 ○ 》
"Y/N!" My Auntie lily yelled from the kitchen, and I snapped out of my thoughts and looked away from the little notebook I was writing in seated at my desk.
"Yeah?" I called back out to her as I leaned back in my desk chair, tilting my head towards the door and waiting for a response.
But when I didn't get one, I groaned, frustrated, and rolled my eyes.
I hated when people did that. Even when parents did that, call out your name to get your attention, but don't say a damn thing, so you gotta get up to see what they want.
Only to be asked to do the most simplistic things ever, like pass them the TV remote.
But it's right in front of them on the coffee table, or they don't even remember anymore and tell you never mind.
I got up grumbling to myself under my breath as I walked out of my bedroom.
in the simplest outfit of an oversized black hoodie with a small red and white mushroom on the front over my left breast and two bigger ones on the back, with the words 'Let's take a trip' and just some simple army green shorts that used to be pants before I cut them up into shorts.
My hair was pulled back messily into an attempt at a bun before I gave up and left it as is.
I walked down the hallway towards the kitchen, my bare feet barely making any sound on the carpet until I got to the kitchen.
And I leaned against the doorframe. "Yeah?" I said to my auntie, lazily raising an eyebrow at her with my hands stuffed into my hoodie pocket.
"Ah there you are, Me haere koe ki te toa maku ki te tiki i etahi mea maku, he rarangi takuKa taea e koe te haere ki te toa maku, ki te tiki etahi mea, he rarangi taku me etahi moni hei tiki." my Auntie said to me as she said to me as she picked up a list she had written out for me and held it out for me to take, along with a few bills to pay for everything on the list.
I groaned tipping my head back "ko te iwa i te po ka hiahia koe kia haere ahau ki te toa ko ahau anake" I said back to her as I dropped my head forward and took the list and money reluctantly.
"Yes, you'll be fine. Just take a knife and put it in your pocket." My Auntie huffed at me, waving my words off as she turned around to finish putting the dishes away.
I grumbled but didn't complain openly at least as I plucked a semi-sharp knife from the knife block and shoved it into my pocket as I turned and walked back to my room to get my jandels (Flip flops for the Americans :) )
I slipped them on, pulled my hood up over my messy hair shoved the list and money into my pocket along with putting my phone in my back pocket and taking just one earbud out of my JBL case and putting it in my ear.
Before I left the apartment, after going down some stairs out of the apartment building.
I tapped the side of my earbud about two times to skip through the songs I didn't want to listen too until I settled on 'Never enough by Six60' a classic song from a band back home.
"Still can't shake the feelin' in my bones, it won't leave me, it won't let me go," I sung under my breath to myself as I kept walking down the dark empty streets to the store about three blocks away.
It was dark besides a few lightposts lining the streets, some flickering others doing just fine. Brooklyn in the daytime was so different compared to the nighttime.
At night, it was dangerous. You had to keep your guard up, and I wasn't stupid. I knew crime ran wild at night in brooklyn.
I'd seen enough of it on TV, hearing people tall about it, and so on. It's the reason this city had a curfew, and why it kept getting early depending on just how bad it kept getting, and so far, it was getting worse before it's ever going to get better.
The once lively streets looked so much darker, like something out of a horror movie, not a sound besides the faint buzzing of streetlights.
feral cats digging through trash, the odd whisper of something in the alleyways and the sound of TV's playing from inside buildings.
But I wasn't completely dumb, I knew as quiet as it was, as empty as everything seemed around me.
I wasn't actually alone out here tonight, there was others out here, none with good intentions and anyone who did.
well, let's just say they wouldn't be there for long.
which is the reason my aunt made me take a knife with me for self-defense.
And what I knew I had to do was keep an eye out so I was, I kept an eye on my surroundings.
but made sure to make myself look relaxed and not all tense knowing that I'll just draw attention to myself if I did.
I glanced up and around me, though the streets were dangerous at night. I couldn't help but find them strangely beautiful too.
The way the stars just barely, peeked through the clouds in the sky under the pollution in the air, the way the street lights cast light on curtain parts of the streets and slowly left the others bathed in darkness.
The way the colours played off of everything around me was just in a strangely weird and beautiful. It's in its own dark twisted kinda way, of course, but still had a certain charm to it.
"There was a time when you would've given me everything that you own, The only thing you left me was alone.." I sung to myself under my breath as I kept my hands in my pocket.
my right hand gripping the handle of the knife loosely judt in case.
I sighed softly, sqinting my eyes as i looked in front of me.
I was tired from not sleeping properly the past few nights.
for some reason staying up until five in the morning then going to sleep, which yes I know is fucking stupid.
But I just couldn't get to sleep, for some stupid reason or another.
But still, I kept walking. I had just 2 more blocks to go before I hit the store to grab a few things, and then I could go home, collapse in bed, and die until tomorrow afternoon hopefully.
~I guess our time is up, I've given you too much, I just need to keep on movin', cause I still crave your touch, why won't you fade to dust?~
~so I can line you up, enough is never enough (ooh-ooh), enough is never enough(ooh-ooh), with every single does (oh-oh-oh), losin' all control (oh-oh-oh), never is never enough(ooh-ooh)~
( Miles's POV)
Meanwhile, with Miles....
~as I walk though the valley of the shadow of death, I take a look at myself and realize there's nothin' left, 'cause I've been blastin' and laughin' so long that, even my mama thinks that my mind is gone~
Miles hummed along to the music playing in his ears from his earbuds plugged into his phone shoved I his front pocket, as he he slipped on his jacket, a a dark purple nearing black in the low light of his Uncle's apartment.
Just another night as the prowler, and another night of getting his Mami the supplies she needed for the hospital she worked at.
so underfunded sometimes patients who needed their medicine who didn't get it in time, didn't make it.
~but I ain't never crossed a man who didn't deserve it, me be treated like a punk, you know that's unheard of, you better watch how ya talkin' and where ya walkin'~
Music was one of the ways Miles pumped himself up as he got ready to go out there with hi mask on, on the streets that he remembered used to be so beautiful before the corruption sunk its claws into his city and with it his Dad.
~or you and your homies might be lined in chalk, I really hate to trip but I gotta loc, as they croak, I see myself in pistol smoke, fool, I'm the kind of G that little homies wanna be like, on my knees in the night, sayin' prayers in the steertlights~
Miles clenched his jaw and shook his head, rolling his shoulders.
'Naw ain't got time to think like that, get your in the game Miles' he thought to himself as he finished suiting up, he took one look at himself in the reflection of the windows in his Uncle's living room and stood a little straighter.
~we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've keep spendin' most our lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise, we've been spendin' most our lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise~
'I'm gonna make you proud Dad, swear it' Miles thought as he took his earbuds out and unplugged them from his phone the music of 'Gangsta's paradise by Coolio, L.V' spilling from his phone as his mask smoothly slid over his face.Lookingng back at Miles was the prowler in his reflection.
"Ay Neph time to ,go," Uncle Aaron called out from the door, and Miles nodded.
"On my way, Unc," Miles said to Aaron, his voice distorted by the voice changer in his mask as he made his way to the door.
Long since having paused his music as he put his gloves on with a Sharp click.
~look at the situation they got me facin', I can't live a normal life, i was raised by the stripes, so I gotta be down with the hood team, too much television watchin' got me chasin' dreams, I'm an educated fool with money on my mind, got a ten in my hand and a gleam in my eye~
Miles followed Aaron to the rooftop of the apartment, building his clawed hands clenching and unclenching as he walked.
"You remember the plan?" Aaron said, walking in front of miles looking through his phone at the time, before he tucked his phone back in his pocket
"Mm, I remember get the shit be in be out," Miles muttered to his uncle as they made it to the rooftop, and he looked over the buildings around them.
Some had fires going on top of them, others didn't, but you could see the gleam of neon lights of tall skyscraper buildings in the distance and people moving around under the glow of lights shining though there apartment windows.
~I'm a loc'd out gangsta, set trippin' banger, and my homies is down, so don't arouse my anger, fool, death ain't nothin' but a heartbeat away~
"Got yo earpiece?" Aaron asked Miles before he got ready to leave, handing Miles a black backpack.
"Yeah, it's in," Miles replied as he shrugged on the bag, Aaron handed him.
"Eyes sharp," Aaron said to Miles, nodding at him, standing back and tapping his earpiece in his own ear to turn it on.
"Mind steady," Miles said back with a nod before he was off using his grappling hook in hand to swing odd through the city under cover of the night towards the docs where a new shipment of medical supplies were waiting.
~I'm livin' my life do-or-die, uh, what can I say, I'm 23 now, but will I live to see 24?, with way things is goin', I don't know, tell me why are we so blind to see, the ones we hurt are you and me~
Miles weaved in and out of alleyways High above on the air, flipping through the air and rolling along the side of buildings to build momentum as he headed for the docs using his titanium claws to grip onto the ledges of buildings to throw himself forward.
~we've been spendin' most their lives livin' in a gangsta's paradise~
(Y/N's POV)
Seeing the store up ahead, I signed in relief.
"Thank fuck man" I grumbled under my breath as I pushed the door open and walked inside taking the list out of my pocket pocket I picked up a basket nearby from the door.
And started on my walk around the store for the items on the list my Auntie gave me.
"Dried chilli's, tortilla's, milk, bread and a juice" I mumbled under my breath reading over the list with a nod to myself as I repeated over and over in my head what was needed as I shoved the list in my pocket.
I walked around the store, throwing what was needed into the basket, and then, lastly, the juice.
I grunted softly, feeling how heavy the basket was now. The juice was in it.
"Damn," I muttered under my breath, gripping the handles of the basket just a little tighter as I walked towards checkout.
I paused, looking down at a shelf with some lollies on it- sorry, correction candies, my bad, I forgot I was in America.
I snorted softly to myself, amused as I picked up an interesting looking candies I'd never seen before or tired.
"Milk duds? Looks interesting, " I muttered to myself, and with a shurg, I dropped the box in the basket, a little treat for myself when I was walking home.
Making it to checkout, I set my basket on the counter.
"Hi, just these, please," I said politely to the casher, who looked like she'd rather be anywhere but here right now.
I shoved my hands in my hoodie pocket, standing there a little awkwardly as she checked them out for me.
'Mood, I feel you, my G', I thought to myself, glancing up at the girl at the counter, checking out my items for me.
She was actually really pretty, dark skinned with cornrows, and really pretty blue eyes that contrasted beautifully with her skin.
"That'll be $36.50, cash or card?" The girl spoke up a little drly, sounding tired, which is fair, so I didn't hold it against her.
"Cash, thank you," I said to her with a small smile as I counted out two $20's from the cash my Auntie gave to me and handed it to her.
"You wanna a bag?" She asked me as she counted out my change, which came to $3.50 as she handed it to me, and I took it, putting the change in my pocket.
"Yes, please," I said to her as she bagged up my items and handed me the bag.
"Thank you, have a good night," I said to her before I left, more in habit really from growing up in New Zealand, anytime.
"Mm," the girl muttered as she went back to playing on her phone, what she had been doing before I got to check out.
And I once more started on my walk home, glancing up at the sky every once in awhile hoping to see stars but only really managing to see planes or helicopters flying around
I frowned in disappointment before shrugging it off with a sigh.
With the bag of stuff in my left hand, I reached into my pocket with my right hand for my phone and used my fingerprint ID to open it.
I scrolled through my playlists, looking for a song to listen to as I walked, something I was in the mood for.
I scrolled for a bit as I walked every once in awhile looking up to make sure I didn't walk into anything, as I kept scrolling not finding a song I was interested in as I switched between another playlist had.
And when I thought I found a song, I heard the rustling of clothes, pained grunts, and low voices speaking coming up ahead from an alleyway.
I kept walking curiosity peeked, even in my tired state. i couldn't help but be nosey.
I shoved my phone back in my pocket, coming to a stop next to the alleyway, and I turned my head to look down it.
And there was a man being pinned to a wall, an arm against his throat making it hard to breathe for the overweight white man, a hand pinned to the wall by metal claws gleaming in the faint moonlight.
And the one holding the overweight man, he was interesting, to say the least.
Purple and black dominating his outfit, from the shoes to the accessories on his clothes, a mask over his face, like pixels on an old ass box TV, the kind before flat screen TVs, but not really as pixilated as yours think.
And two braids running down the back of his head that looked familiar stopping just past his shoulders.
They both seemed to pause after hearing my foot steps and turned to look at me.
But me being tired, overly exhausted, blinked at them lazily and confused, my brows frowned.
"Fuck I need to sleep more I'm starting to hallucinate again" I grumbled to myself my voice echoing a little down the alleyway as I started walking away rubbing at my eyes unimpressed at myself.
Just chalking what I saw up to my imagination fucking with me for not sleeping properly, honestly wouldn't be the first time, always had a shitty sleeping schedule.
Very few times I'd get the maximum eight hours of sleep, I'd either go to bed between 11pm to about 5am, cause I'm that stupid to stay up that late, only to be pissed off and tired the next day.
I shrugged and let my hand drop from my eyes.
I walked slightly hunched and legs feeling heavy, it felt like my legs were gonna give out on me, but well mama didn't raise no bitch, so we keep on going.
I didn't realise when I started daydreaming, or maybe i was dissociating again?, who knows.
But by the time I snapped out of it, I was home, standing in front of my apartment door, before I ever realized where I was.
"Mm," I mumbled to myself, paying it no mind as I opened the door and stepped inside, kicking off my jandels by the side of the door.
"I'm back," I called out as I walked into the kitchen and dropped the bag on the kitchen counter, digging through it for my milk duds I got.
Once I had the box in hand, I shoved it into my pocket and wondered off to my room.
"Any trouble well you were out, bub!" Lily called out from the living room.
"Nah, it was algoods, Auntie!" I called back out to her as I crawled into bed, flinching just a little when I felt something sharp poke my stomach.
Reaching into my hoodie pocket, I dumped out everything that was in it, from my phone, the change and extra cash I was given, my milk duds, and finally, the knife I forgot I had.
"Forgot about that," I mused to myself as I dumped the change and knife on my bedside table, picked up the box of chocolate covered lollies, and opened the box.I dumpedng a few in my hand before popping them on my mouth and chewing.
I scrunched my nose up at the taste. It wasn't the best candy I'd ever had or lollie for that matter, tasted too well fake to me, far too artificial then anything I'd ever tasted before.
So I dropped the box of sweets on my nightstand and picked up my water bottle. I always left on my bedside table and took a swing to wash out my mouth with a small grimace.
"Well that was disappointing" I muttered to myself setting my water bottle back down, as I picked up my phone and slid down more in my bed to get comfortable as I pulled the blankets up to my neck.
Turning it on, I went onto Tiktok and used the automatic scrolling feature, as well as plugged my phone in as I propped my phone up against the wall.
Watching the random videos that played as my eyes grew heavy.
Before sleep finally claimed me, and I was out like a light.
Miles had just gotten home after taking a bit of a detour after dropping off the supplies at his Mami's hospital.
He grunted as he kicked off his shoes, and dropped his jacket on the floor, taking off the black collar around his neck that held his mask and dropped it into a box he kept all his dad's all accessories and his own.
He stripped off the layers of his Prowler suit and replaced it with his own tank top and some sweats before putting on his purple durag that had little gold crowns on it over his braids.
He then picked up the pieces of his suit and dropped them into a box he took aw, y hidden in his closet.
He then dropped onto his bed with a si. Onene had taken behind his head as he picked up his phone to check for any messages from his mami.
He tapped on his Mami's contact after seeing an unread message from her.
'Gonna be working late again tonight, leftovers are in the microwave, Te amo duerme dormido ❤️'
Miles signed softly, another night shift. Made him glad he cleaned the house before heading over to his uncle's.
He pulled his hand out from behind his hand and started to type a message.
'Te amo Mami, no trabajes tan duro ❤️'
He hit send, plugged his phone in, and shifted to pull his blankets over himself as he rolled over to go to sleep.
'That girl again, huh shame I still ain't know her name,' Miles thought to himself amused.
Remembering how those sleepy tired eyes had looked at him tonight, or should he say the prowler.
How she had looked at the prowler had convinced herself what she'd seen was nothing but hallucinations cause she was so tired.
He was sure he'd see her again, and he knew just like the first time, and the second it'll just be as interesting as the first.
Then maybe, just maybe next time he'd know where she was from, know what that accent she had was.
Until then, he'd sleep. He had school tomorrow after all.
So he shut his eyes, got comfortable, and let himself relax enough to maybe, this time, sleep a full night.
And if not, well, he'd deal with it in the morning.
Hi! Sorry for the delay in this chapter, I'm gonna try and write at least two before I post another and work on a schedule to be able to post them.
I try and work on them when I'm not busy at home, and when I'm not busy at work, I'll let you guys know now. Until then, happy reading.
Ka taea e koe te haere ki te toa maku, ki te tiki etahi mea, he rarangi taku me etahi moni hei tiki. = can you go to the shop for me, and get a few things, i have a list and some money to get them.
ko te iwa i te po ka hiahia koe kia haere ahau ki te toa ko ahau anake = it's nine at night and you want me to go to the store by myself
Te amo duerme dormido = I love you, sleep tight.
Te amo Mami, no trabajes tan duro = I love you Mommy, don't work too hard.
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imachaoticghost · 8 months
Athena "Karma" Hansies (COD x Marvel OC)
For anyone wondering, this is the oc that Karma was based on. This (other than the name) is all canon for Black Widow! reader/ Karma. This is not proof read.
Note that this is also my visualisation for the many drawings I'll do of her.
Warnings : mentions of abuse, scars, blood, death, child death, child exploitation, SA, child experimentation, suicide, SH,
Name: Hanah "Karma" Leiner, (previously Athena Hansies)
Age: 19 (MW I) 24(MW II)
Height: 170 cm
Aliases: Theseus, Athena, Karma, Child (by Ghost, Soap and Price), sweetheart (by Graves), (by Valeria)
Gender: Non specific/ fluid (AFAB)
Pronouns: She/They/Him
Date of birth : january 1st (given by the Red Room)
Nationality: Russian
Ethnicity: Unknown
Place of Birth: Moscow, Russia
Languages: Russian, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Portuguese, German, Dutch,
Sexuality: queer
Occupation: Reaper (previously), Task Force 141
Eye Color: Ice blue
Hair Color: Light brown, blood red
Haircut: Short wolf cut
Hair Type: loose waves
Eye shape: Almond
Eyebrows: Soft arch
Special Features: Scars along the left eyebrow corner and right lip corner, general little cuts along her limbs.
Piercings: Tongue piercing, Two ear rings and one ear chain (left ear), one ear ring and three metal beads (right ear)
Character moodboard:
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Color(s): Black, red, green
Flower: Red rose
Animal: Snake
Aesthetic: grunge
Song: She used to be mine by Chloe Adams
Food: Anything slimy
People: Graves, The Red Room, governments
Humourous, sarcastic, mocking, sassy, : basically a gen z, don't mind her, she's trying to cope
empathetic/people reader : she'll know how you feel, whether you like it or not. She's been trained for it.
loyal, loving, overprotective : basically a lost puppy, she takes loyalty to the people she loves very seriously.
strategic, logical : she's a widow, she can't not be it. Also, her mind is just running every possible situation in her head to choose the best one, it's her training.
street smart : she had to fend for herself during a year and a half, how can she not?
cold : the poor girl is trying to protect herself, just give her time.
impulsive, reckless : she's had rules for too long, she feels the need to not care and break them. She most likely won't think of the consequences that it'll involve for her unless it hurts someone else
blood lusted, people pleaser : She's traumatized. Yes, that'll be my only explanation.
stubborn and argumentative : no, she is not wrong.
touch starved, emotionally deprived : again, she's traumatized.
Has a big problem with authority : Trauma? Also, she's just ✨chaos✨ 
can't take herself or anything to do with her seriously : she's coping, I swear
mimicking mechanism : she's been taught to fit in, so she copies what the people do
Amazing intuition : This girl ha a sixth sense I tell you. She'll know when something's off.
Yes, she has PTSD. (I'll do my best, I promise)
Fighting, shooting, sneaking, killing, flexibility and fitting everywhere because she's an Elite spy ( an : the more I'm writing this the less serious I get)
Weapons: Anything, but she does prefer precision rifles and blades
Price gave her her callsign when he picked her up, realizing that she was driven by spite and chaos and that her morality was to give back what she receives. He promised to help her burn the Room to the ground.
She has slowly learnt to switch on and off from her reaper side thanks to Price and Gaz.
She swears, like a lot. If she's swearing in russian run for your life.
She has a snake tattoo all along her left arm.
She scratches her arms when anxious to keep herself aware.
She's buried deep in the abuse she has gotten from the Room and the people she's been loaned to. She often gets nightmares and anxiety attacks from her past trauma. But thanks to that she developed a dissociation technique.
She's worked in many dark places when she was too young.
She was loaned as a sex slave for a few months in an illegal club when she was young.
She was loaned to Valeria's organisation where V took care of her after a while there.
She lost her young sister to the program. She had to kill her herself because she didn't know how to follow orders.
She was the test subject for many modifications the Room brought to its widows
She was taught ballet and still dances to try and cope, bringing more artistic liberty to the traditional ballet she was taught.
She still fights to survive. Both against the room and herself, but Ghost now helps her once he first found her attempting to end herself.
Price is her dad, whether she wants it or not :)
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atvace · 8 months
Lady Dior and the Seven Dilfs
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Chapter 11: Her Desire
"My sources told me they hosted a drinking party between the elites," He dropped down a few papers consisting of a few highlighted texts scattered around the table. "There will be the VIPs all around Las Almas gathering in." He rolled a map of Las Almas and pointed at a specific manoir.
"La casa de sin nombre?" Soap raised his eyebrow reading the manoir name in the map, "Actually no, it's one of their lugartenientes." Alejandro shrugged. "A cartel lieutenant..." The huge forehead chuckled, "You're learning, hermano." he ruffled some of the papers.
"Some are invited to the meet some are uh..." Alejandro rubbed the back of his head awkwardly, "Volun-told?" Graves raised his eyebrow "Yes-". Soap peered at the map, examining the terrains around the house. "What's the gathering about?" He asked, "Well, apparently they do this every Sunday night but this time there'll be a meeting too." He took a ballpoint and scribbled a few. 
"And maybe about us too." He drops the pen down and tilts to Graves. "Las Almas is burning, and they want to know how lit the fire." Alejandro bit the inside of his cheek.
"Sin Nombre will be there, yeah?" Ghost rests his hand on the table. "No guarantees but this is our best shot. The least we can do is have a little more detail on intels." 
Graves gripped his own vest before clicking his tongue, "So, how do we make it inside? It's a drinking party we can't just violently get in. We need El Sin Nombre alive." Everyone gazes at each other, then slowly shifts at you munching on Mexican ghost pepper chips. 
"What?" You asked with a stuffed mouth.
Alejandro let out a cheeky grin before tilting his head to Ghost, "Don't tell me." The Lt shook his head, "Dior, can you speak basic Spanish?" Ale turned to you. 
"Se espanol basica? si." You raised your eyebrow at his objection. Alejandro smiled, "Rodolfo, Give her something fancy! and a party mask." He walks towards the weapon armory. "Yes, boss." Rodolfo left the room in a swift. "That'll honestly do, I'll have my men on overwatch." Graves shrugged.
"Dior, you will infiltrate inside the mansion as a prostitute," Alejandro stated from afar. "Oh, fuck yeah. my time to shine, bitch." You excitedly put the bag of chips on the table and rubbed your stained finger to the vest, unbuckling it because you're going to change clothes anyway. 
"You go by car with Soap, we'll drop you off by the main entrance. my men will be there to escort you inside," He grabbed something from a compartment. "He has a green suit, yeah?" He threw a set of small earpieces towards you which you caught with your left hand. "Easy does it." You slip it inside your right ear. It was too big for your ear entrance so you just slip it slightly. 
"Don't engage with any mafia, be careful with your words, your fake name is..." Alejandro paused for a moment, "Valentina." You cooed jokingly. "Sure." Your lips parted in shock, you made up that name as a joke. "Pack up, vamos!" Alejandro left to get in the garage to announce the operation.
You pouted your lip trying to think of something, but you felt a presence in your side. "prostitute?" Ghost's deep voice could never fail to startle you now. "Yea, what about it, Casper. you want a piece of my pussy?" You sneered. "Thought it belonged to the cowboy hence he made you quite loud last night." He said whispering to your ear level before leaving.
'AIN'T NO GODDAMN WAY I WAS THAT LOUD LAST NIGHT' You shot his back with a small smile, even though he didn't see it he can feel it. your eyes twitched in embarrassment and your hand turned into a fist irritatedly.
Grave's hand was about to land on you but you uncomfortably dodged him, He turned his palm into a fist and awkwardly rested it to his hips. "So, Dior the sneaky infiltration again?" He chuckles at you, "Yea." Your short remark was enough to make him accept his defeat and leave with Alejandro. 
Soap catches up to you which draws back your mood, "You okay, Dior? What'd Ghost said?" His smile warms your head by little. "Oh, nothing. He's just threatening me to not fuck this up." You lied, rubbing the back of your head awkwardly. 
"I think you're a great lurker," Soap said to you as you two walked together. "Well, this time I'm going undercover. I hope I didn't get carried away." You sneered at the thought of dancing on the floor in front of mafias. "Well, then don't! gather info and flee." He remarkably said. 
"Easier said than done." 
You smeared your Glossier lipgloss across your lips giggling, kicking your feet, So excited about your mission. this is definitely your type of mission, you love your job, you live for this moment, and you are going to execute this with no hassle. Rodolfo definitely has a taste! he gave you a bodycon red slit dress with a long satin gloves in the same color. You look divine. (You always do)
"Excited, are you?" Soap's claim made you tilt, "Ah- Of course! Who wouldn't be?!" You grinned, "I love lurking in, pretending to be the spy girl in the mansion. I'm going to be the center of attention!" You swayed your hair.
"Yes, but you shouldn't expose your thighs too much, yeah?" Your smile drops and you look at him ferociously, "You've got exactly three seconds to take back what you say before I rip that fucking mohawk." His shoulder flinched a bit, his hand reached his pocket. "I'm so sorry, my lady I did not mean what I said earlier- Captain Price wanted me to give you this." He lends you what seems like a black belt with a knife pocket in it. "For emergency." He smiles as your eyes soften.
"My hands are full. Just put it beside me." You said reapplying a mascara. He paused for a moment before bending down to your side, You stopped whatever you were doing and watched him shift his hand to your knee and then your left thigh. the harsh surface of his gloves sharpens your breath, and the way he adjusted the belt thumps your heart harder. the way his fingers softly contact the soft flesh of your thighs turns you slightly red. He tightens the strap creating two hills between the black belt.
"That'll do." He got up and sat back to the seat.
You were stunned by the action he pulled. regaining consciousness, you pull your dress down so the strap isn't visible. "Very well, Mr. Soap. Very well," You look away at the car window watching the near-dusk scenery of Las Almas until the car stops in front of a cab. 
You watched Soap exit the car and open the car door for you, lending you his hand. As you got up, he slowly held your hand escorted you to the white car, and opened the door for you again. "Stay safe, yeah?" "Thank you, Soap." You got in gracefully and stayed in the car.
As the car drove, you rested your chin on your hand looking out the window. scanning the mansion from your naked eye; there were multiple spots that were exposed to the outside. you figured your team should set up a sniper from. one of the taller buildings. seeing the tall black gate visible from the distance, you pull the party mask to your eye level, enough to give a little anonymity to your face. "I'm green." You coded to the radio. "Good, get back one piece." Ghost tuned into your earpiece.
The green-suited man has a mask covering his face like Ghost's but in grey. his eyes gave you the look before slithering his hand around your waist. As the two of you walked into the mansion and entered the elevator, his hand slipped a piece of paper into your gloves. you tapped twice at his finger as a code that you received it. 
the sound of the elevator ding is heard and you walk outside toward the crowd of people. there was multiple outdoor pool with the green hills you saw when you were outside earlier. "Senora." A waiter handed you a tall drink, "Gracias." You awkwardly accept it and scooted  over to the crowd light dancing.
you swayed your hips a few times and hummed to the unfamiliar lyric music blasting in a not too deafening volume. You rejected a few hands that tried to pull you. but in multiple times you gazed and one specific eyes, but you're not sure whos orbs those belong to.
A few men and woman with mask covering their faces lent you their hand but you dont plan on making any contact with those people. hence you're undercove rwith a knife up in your thighs.
In the left corner of your eye, you saw a glimps of a dark hazel orbs piercing at your shoulders like an eagle observing their prey. You tilt your head to the side slightly to see a woman few olders than you menacingly watching you from afar. 
'Gyatt dayum,' you look away from her again. 
You tilt your head to her again to check her out, 'Ooh she's a short hair.' you mentally giggled to yourself while pretending to look away.
You tried to steal another look of her but you've lost her. sighing in defeat, you decided to walk out of the crowd towards one of the outdoor pools. You expose yourself outside while pressing your bottom lip with the fancy glass, "All stations, I have eyes on Dior." Ghost's voice buzzed into your ear. You raised your glass to the hill where you think Ghost is and went back inside. But as you turned around, you bumped into someone and accidentally knocked your own glass to your chest, pouring the alcohol all over your torso. "Ah-" 
Everyone's eyes pinned on you in an instant. "Dior, report on the situation. Why is everyone stunned?" Grave's voice echoed to your radio. "Ah, Lo siento, senoras." The woman that bumped into you walked towards you. "Dior, do you copy?" Ghost's voice gave a hint of annoyance. 
"Ah, esta bien." You try to pat your soaked chest but nobody can get their eyes off you. The woman seemed irritated at the people staring at you. "Siguema." She grabbed your hand, pulling you into her close. the two of you fast walked toward a different elevator. you saw her tapping a card and pressed floor 2.
'AINT NO GODDAMN WAY SHE'S THE SAME PERSON EARLIER' you thinly smile to yourself as you stare at your arm squashed by her palm. she has a similar combat gloves as Alejandro's. 
you were stunned at everything happening too fast but you tried to picture the woman that is probably helping you right now. She has cold-dark brown eyes with short black hair and a sharp eye. She wore some kind of a black turtleneck with dusty white jeans. in a few moments after staring at her, the elevator revealed the second floor. you followed her to a room with a large sofa and a few wardrobes. 
"Sientate, te lo debo." She walked to one of the wardrobes and slid it open. You sat on the sofa and tried your best to gather your composure. after a few minutes, she turned to you and threw a pair of black sweater. "Pontelo. Mi agradecimiento." She stated with a slightly cold tone. You rest your palm to the folded sweater and looked at her, "que?" She crossed her arm to her chest whilst looking down on you.
"...Gracias, tu eres linda." You softly said, trying to sound convincing. You dug your head inside the sweater and poked your head out of the hole, but you see her face an inch close to yours, "I knew that you're not from around here. Who are you?" She squinted her eyes to see you. You felt caged but you need to improvise. "I'm a prostitute." You blurted out.
"What the fuck," She sneers which made something inside you twitched. "Puta prostituta." She nodded slightly at your stance. "..si?" You gave an obvious guilty smile. Out of the sudden, she slapped and grip your left thigh. You got slightly startled from her sudden action, letting out a soft moan.
She raised her eyebrow at your reaction and laughed, "Oh coño, you poor thing. Did I startled you, conejita?" She sneered at you degradingly. "I mean it's technically MY job," You gulped. "But since you gave me this sweater, maybe I'll let you have me for free?" You shot her an innocent stare. after a slight pause between the two of you, she scoffed and flashed a wicked eye.
"Who do you think am I?" She gripped your jaw to make you look closer at her. "My next." You confidently answered. "es esto lo que esperas de mi?" She poked your groin as you arched your head back. "maldita perre zorra, Es esto lo que quieres?" She knitted her eyebrow and pinched your clit through your dress. "Oh God-" "What tis your name, maldita?" She lets go of your crotch now crawling to you whilst pinning your hands beside you. one of her knee edged your clit.
"Answer me, you imbicile." She placed a pressure to your wrist and sensitive abdomen. "V-Valentina." You gasped for air. "Valentina? que interesante." She snickered. "Me pregunto si Valentina quiere que Valeria la ponga como una, puta." She whispered to your red ear and chuckled at your whinings.
You prayed to God she leave your panties alone because your undercover will be revealed. she thumped her knee multiple times into your sensitive covered sensitive entry while now devouring your neck, whispering unladylike wordd in spanish whilst her sharp long nails with coated red polish bruised your underjaw. 
"Enjoyed checking me out, down there, Hm?" She shift her hand to make you face her. "Didn't expect you to look different from their papers," She smirked. "They didn't joke about sending me the best one." Your eyes widens at her remarks. 
"Cuando bailas ahí atras", she impatiently flung one of your legs onto her shoulder "Me llamaste la atencion." She dug her knee even deeper into you. probably now bruising your entrance. "ahora tengo el tuyo." she smirked at the mess she making you.
The way she draws your body with her hands, shifting from your wrist to your collarbone and teasing the shape of your breasts between her sweater. you felt her hand gliding up and down motioning to memorise your body through her touch.
"tu gusta este?" She smirked in your cheeks while the tip of her thumb circled your cave slowly. you eyes rolled inside your skull, still mentally praying she didn't notice the knife strap Soap wore for you. "Make more noises, puta." Her thumb presses harder making a damp with your wetness.
Your whines turned into a moaning mess, your well-do hair is now a bird nest. She laughs at the side of your neck biting your earlobe, "Me gusta tu voz, let's take thi-"
Her words are cut off by a knocking door. "Boss, tienes una persona." a man spoke from the other side of the door making her groan. "Callate!" she shouted towards the door before grunting in annoyance, "Hey." She places her finger on your chin, "Don't think I'm done with you." She said leaving with a smile. "I'll get your contract extended."
Watching her left, "contract extended?"  you quickly took out the paper that Alejandro's intel slid into your gloves. carefully reading the handwriting, it said 'segunda planta, 02 02 19' You rolled your eyes and crumpled the paper. "Very helpful, thank you."
You sat on the sofa dumbfounded with soggy panties. you looked behind you and saw a dark-tinted glass window, Without thinking twice you tapped the window and gazed around it. From up there, you saw Soap getting checked up by the guards before his head was sunk into a sack and forcefully manhandled into the mansion.
you gasped softly at the sight and tried to get into your radio. "This is Dior from the seco-" Your hand felt empty and your eyes widened after realizing your earpiece was gone. "Oh shit." You dug your whole palm inside your ear just to find it empty.
You quickly shuffled towards the door and turned the knob multiple times. just to have another realization that the door is locked from the outside. "OH SHIT." You breathed heavily and held your forehead to balance out your mind with the situation that happened. "No fucking way I'm trapped here to be a sex slave. fuck!" You walked around the room to think of a solution. "...And she DOES hiring a sex buddy. WHAT IF I GOT CAUGHT," You frustratedly run your mantled fingers across your scalp.
Let's learn how to break through your problem. You lost your earpiece, you have no contact with your teams whatsoever. Your only weapon is your knife but you can't use that yet because we don't want to break the glass with it, it'll be too noisy. You have a ticking time bomb before the REAL prostitute actually comes. 
'Check the wardrobes.' The insides of your head echoed a voice in your mind.
You sprinted to one of the wooden wardrobes and furiously opened every single one of them. just to be disappointed that there are only dark-colored random clothes. 
There was a military vest, few cargo pants, multiple pairs of jeans, and a hat. you took out the jeans and a few sweaters out of the wardrobe and ran back to the window, calculating the height of the building. 
"This is some Rapunzel shit," you muttered whilst trying to tie the jeans and sweaters together.
"Dior, Do you copy?" Ghost tuned into the radio watching you unfolding a scene by the pool. "Dior- bloody fucking hell." He gripped his sniper holster in annoyance, "What's wrong, Ghost?" Soap took out a telescope to see you from the distance getting dragged by a woman. "Oh yeah, that's bad." 
"Did the princess drop her earpiece? Her signal seemed disconnected." Graves stared at Soap while staring at his combat tab and munching on a bread he packed himself for. "Well, that's on me. I think I gave her the wrong size." Alejandro rubbed the back of his head. "Fair blame." Ghost scoffed.
"If we decided that she's under hostage situation, I've got enough shadow to take over the whole damn country." Graves threw his wrapper off the building and walked towards the other. "I prefer if you didn't." Alejandro felt a little grudge in his tone.
Graves scoffed, "I'm just sayin, one house and a hostage wouldn't be a problem." He flexes. "We need el sin nombre and Dior alive." Alejandro knitted his eyebrow, "well... what if we meet him in person." The commander tilts to Soap.
"Give them what they want. Dior is out of reach with no coms, but I'm sure she figured something." Graves gripped his vest. "Tell them intel, they wanna know whose here? tell 'em." Grave's expression stayed relaxed.
"In person?" Alejandro sharply stared at Graves. "Correcto." He slightly nodded. "Get one of us inside, find Dior, get to the boss, pack 'em up." He palms his knuckles. The three men paused for a few moments before Soap broke the silence. 
"I'll do it." 
Alejandro's eyes soften to Soap, "You go in there, they'll kill you, Hermano. we're not even sure if Dior is still alive." He slightly shook his head. "That's fine, I'll take my chances. Dior is inside, there's a possibility she's still alive. There's a missile we need to stop." Soap convinced. "I'll get inside, find Dior then offer intel to El Sin Nombre." 
Ghost's sigh is heard as Soap continues. "And if they're there, we pounce." He finishes. Alejandro chuckled like a proud dad before resting his hand on Soap's shoulder. "Demonios si. tienes las pelotas es cabron." 
Alejandro took off his vest, "To make it in, you'll need eyes and ears. I'll go too." He smiles. "I'll stay on overwatch again. Shadow circles the target on a helo." Ghost turns to Graves after Alejandro's decision. "Roger that." 
Graves was about to reach his radio but stopped, "Oh if they want proof." He ripped off a Shadow Company badge from his vest. "Show 'em this." Soap took a good look at the ripped badge before fist-bumping Graves. "Call me when you need me." Graves walked towards the other side of the building. "Alright, let's gear up and get after it."
a little longer than a few minutes later
Soap's face was shoved into the elevator after getting questioned by El Sin Nombre. The female Sicaria leaned herself to the side of the elevator watching Soap stumbled. Diego slaps three of the buttons going from the basement to the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd floor. "Penthouse." He mumbles.
"Los Vaqueros is moving fast," He faced Valeria. "I'll be in the penthouse with sin nombre." She said in a cold tone whilst the sound of the elevator went up. "When do I see el sin nombre?" Soap's question made the two sicarios snickered. "Valeria is going to speak with the boss, you will wait with the others," Diego said with a hint of threat.
"I have a feeling, El Sin Nombre will be... very interested in talking to you." Valeria spat venom through her words. After a minute, the elevator dings. watching the elevator door unraveling, Soap flooded out his overthinking while it was greeted by a guard with a mask. 
Soap walked out of the elevator, "This is where you wait, Soap." The mohawk slowly walks out of the elevator with a guard leaning by the side outside the lift. "Estaré en la ofrenda. No interruptan." Diego spoke coldly as the guard shoved soap against the window. "Si Señor." The guard deepen his voice as he patted Soap's body down.
"You're alive..." Alejandro's familiar voice relieves Soap's tense muscle. "Alejandro? You too mate." He muttered back. "El Sin Nombre's in the penthouse, third floor." "We'll need a keycard." Alejandro replied again.
"Diego has it." Alejandro searched his pocket. "Take this." he handed soap a throwing knife. "Sweet." Soap gladly stored it in his pocket. "This too," He handed Soap a white full head mask. "Why a mask?" Soap wore it anyway. "Some people here can't be seen with the cartel. comms are hooked in." 
"Got it."
"You're good, let's head out." 
Alejandro and Soap tried their best to not be seen too close together as they walked towards what seemed like a kitchen. The people on the floor have either left or somewhere else. it wasn't so crowded like earlier. "What've you got?" Ghost turned into Soap's radio. "El Sin Nombre is in the penthouse. third floor." Soap spoke softly. 
"None of Dior?" Soap paused himself before answering, "Negative." Ghost's sigh is heard faintly through, Alejandro frowns at his concerns. "Don't worry. We'll give a shot on the elevator, we just need Diego's keycard." He looked around the mansion watching a few guards and a backdoor to the garage.
"Where Diego?" Ghost's shifting his sniper is heard on the radio. "Ofrenda, second floor." Soap said. "I think I know how to get to him." Soap stared at an unoccupied ladder with a few vines beside it and a vertical window. "Vamos, we'll get our hands dirty,"  Alejandro smirked beneath his mask.
end of flashback
You sat by the window, ripping and tying some of the clothings. you felt bad for doing this but you need to get out of there. It's been around 45 minutes since you realized your earpiece is gone. the sky has turned dark and surprisingly the music is fading. You could only hear people on a phone call or just chatting with one and another.
After finally finishing the last piece, you tied the end of the long handmade rope to the sova and walked towards the window. 'It is what it is' You pulled out your knife and broke the window by the butt side and threw the rest of the rope out of the window. As you jumped out, you were flabbergasted to see someone climbing up right beside you. he had a grey shirt, dark pants with a white robbery mask. the two of you stare at each other for a good few minutes.
'PSSAT' a bullet pierced close to the two of you. Soap drew out his gun and shot the guard right in the head. "Holy shit, what did you do?!" You gripped on your rope tighter. "No time to explain! Quick, take my hand." He lent out his hand as you grab him back. He lifted you over his shoulder and threw you to the 2nd-floor balcony on the other side of your window. "Go get cover, I'll explain later." He said grunting whilst climbing. "Solid copy." 
You sprinted into the building facing guard, "Hold this!" You slashed their throat by throwing your knife through their jugular vein as they dropped to the ground with a seizure. You slide on your knees to take your knife back, "Ay, 'm takin this back. thank you!" You got on your feet and ran again. the sound of alarm blaring through the hallways eeried your ears. 
You stumbled across a closet and pulled it open to see a medium-sized safebox, "Let's see what you're worth." You put in the code from Alejandro's intel, As it clicks open, a few papers fly out and you grit your teeth in annoyance.
"A fucking shotgun..." 
"A fucking shotgun." 
You jerked your head back to see Soap leaning into the content and cluck the close-range weapon to himself. "Dior, you want my USP instead?" He offered his gun. You took it and checked the mag to see it's barely used. "Fair offer." 
The two of you walked towards another balcony to get on top of the rooftop. But unfortunately, there were several guards on watchout. You peeked and threw the knife at one of the guards, jumping over to get inside and shoot the remaining guards. Soap struggled to hop inside the top with his shotgun which resulted in you getting harmed fighting alone.
"Argh-" You shot a guard's knee before kicking him down with your heels. Another guard aimed their gun at you but their head explodes from a sniper. You looked up towards another building a few miles away to see a reflection of a light showing Ghost on overwatch. "Fuck, I'm sorry. You okay?" Soap got to your side. "Just a gash, let's go." You ignored your bleeding arm and quickly caught up to Alejandro.
The three of you looked at each other before Alejandro pointed at a certain chimney. "Elevator this way, we have no time left." Soap and Alejandro sprinted towards the ladder as you tried to catch up. You grunted in pain holding your left arm that spilled out blood. 
Soap jumps inside to get on the top of the elevator as Alejandro realizes you're not there. He looked down to see you holding your arm in pain, "Cariño, estás bien?" He shouted from the top. You waved your hand away at him "Go without me!" 
He furrows his eyebrow and tries to lend his hand to you, "It's too dangerous!" You shook your head, "Go get El Sin Nombre, I'll be fine I promise you!" He paused for a moment looking through your eyes before deciding to leave with Soap. you sighed in relief and went the other way. 
You swore you saw something when you opened that safe. The papers that flew out weren't just ordinary papers, You tried to navigate yourself back to the 2nd floor. You saw multiple guards coming but you hid and shot them from behind counters. 
outruning them from the hallways, you hid yourself inside the same closet earlier. You sat and took all of the papers trying to read it in thin light. But out of a sudden, you feel a breeze from your side from the guards opening your closet door with a rifle in his hand. you screamed in fear but he dropped to the ground in an instant. Your pupils dilate at the sight of one of the words in those papers as it flutters in the air shifting away from you.
'duties signed under Ma-'
Your gaze was locked on a shadow with a handgun in his hand as he lent you his hand again, "Dior, right? we caught El Sin Nombre. Let's go!" You tried to get up but the pain in your arm stopped you and made you drop the papers down. "Shit okay-" 
He picked you up by the waist and carried you, "I'm sorry," he mutters softly.
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emlee81 · 4 months
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Javier Pena-Hurt
You're working with Javi and Steve and Javier ends up injured. You're worried sick he won't make it.
Then he says he cares about you, but you don't feel the same way.
Swearing and violence.
As bullets fly right next to your head, you have to focus. You hear angry shouts, in both Spanish and English.
You look at Javier and Steve. Both if their faces are tight with tension. You know yours probably looks similar. Javier slides closer to you, gently brushing his fingers over your arm.
You frown. What the hell? Is having some sort of mental issue right now? You know that he's... into you.
But you're really not into him. Not that way. You care about Javier, but just as a friend. Yeah, he's a handsome guy. And smooth and cool.
However, this track record with the opposite sex isn't exactly squeaky clean. He fools around too damn much for your liking.
You decide to ignore Javier's crazy gesture and refocus your attention on the assholes that are in the process of trying to put you six feet under.
You slip out aways and fire your weapon. Several bullets come flying in your and Javier's direction and he suddenly cries out. Shit! He's been hit.
Steve is by him in two seconds flat and checking to see how bad Javi was hit. You join them and can see the blood slowly starting to soak through the shoulder area of Javier's right shoulder.
You tear off the bottom part of your jacket and start to wrap it around Javier's gunshot wound. He grunts in pain and his brow is drenched in sweat.
You fight against the urge to gently kiss him. He suddenly shoves your blood stained hands away and struggles to stand. He nearly falls over and Steve grabs Javier's arm in a firm grip.
"Easy there, Pena. I don't need you passing out on me. Just stay here. Y/N, you come with me."
You take one last look at Javi. He's starting to look pale and drawn and you hate to leave him alone. He gives you a tight grimace, that's probably supposed to pass for a smile.
"I'll be fine. Just get those assholes." You give him a wink.
"I'll do my damnedest."
Once everything has quieted down, you hurry to find Javi, who's been taken back to DEA headquarters, to get medical treatment.
You and Steve finally locate him in medical wing of headquarters, his shoulder properly patched up with crisp, white medical bandages.
"How you holding up?" Steve asks as you lean against the doorway, arms crossed over your chest.
"I've had better days," Javier replies, his dark eyes focused on.. your face. Your cheeks burn with embarrassment and you quickly look down at the floor.
"Looks like you'll live to see another day," Steve remarks, grinning.
"Unfortunately. Steve, if you don't mind, I'd like a few minutes alone with Y/N?"
Your head snaps up and Javi catches your eye. You know damn well what he's going to say and you'd rather be anywhere else.
"Sure thing, partner. I'll catch up with you later." Steve winks at you as he slips out the door and walks down the hallway.
You walk over to Javi, your arms still protectively wrapped around yourself, as if that'll stop Javier from penetrating your heart.
"Javi, I already know what you've going to say. And please, just save yourself the embarrassment now and don't even go there, okay?"
"I can't help how I feel, you know." Javier looks so sad that you can't just turn away from him. You step closer and give him a one armed side hug before stepping back.
"I know, Javi. I'm just not sure that's such a good idea for us to, you know, hook up."
"Right." Javier hops off if the examining table he's sitting on a d reaches for his blood drenched shirt.
You watch him struggle with his shirt for a few minutes before offering to help.
"Thanks." You gently slide each of Javier's arms into the sleeves and gently pull it around the front of him.
"Would you like me to button it for you or no?"
"Just up to the middle," Javier replies gruffly. You do as he requests. You step back.
"I do care about you, Javier," you say softly, taking his hand and leading him out of the examining room and down the hallway.
"I guess that's better than you hating my guts."
You don't mean to laugh, but you do.
"I'd say that's definitely better than me hating your guts." You push the elevator button, still holding Javier's hand as you both wait.
Once the elevator arrives, you both step inside and you push the button for down.
"I was scared when I seen you were hit," you murmur softly, giving Javi's hand a gentle squeeze.
"I saw the look in your eyes. I knew."
"I know you can't swear that'll never happen again, but try to at least be a little more careful?"
"I'll try." You reach your floor and exit the elevator. Javi goes to pull his hand away, but you hold on.
"It's okay," you whisper. "This time."
Javi is suddenly pushing you up against the wall and gives you such a gentle kiss that it makes you tingle all over.
"What about that?" Javier asks softly. "Was that okay?"
" Yeah. Just don't get used to it, Pena." Javier flashes a grin.
"I know better." You finally release his hand.
"Damn good thing, too." You take off down the hallway, sashaying your ass, hoping that Javi gets a nice, long look.
"Watch it, Y/N!" He calls after you. "It's not nice to tease!" You just laugh and flip him off before scooting into your office.
What an asshole.
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