#i'm actually quite fond of the turn the original post took
heybaetae · 9 months
gifmaker / cc wrapped 2023!
thanks for tagging me my angel @jkvjimin 💜
i tried really hard not to choose all comp sets, but those take the most effort and therefore are what i'm prouder of than a standard set, but regardless...
here are my top 10 fave creations of the year:
bts chapter 1 insta feed // this was an insanely taxing project and is probably the most work i've ever put into anything, but i was really inspired to do it. it took about a week (one day for each panel) and was repetitive, i literally threw out my back by day 3 from sitting working on it that my body was in SO MUCH PAIN, but i wanted to get everything right and make it make sense which is why i wrote up a detail post breaking it down and explaining every decision that went into this. i still intend to make this a series and do one dedicated to their japanese discography (i actually started on one before i published this but didn't like the concept) and for their solo work, but it doesn't feel like the right time yet as things continue to release. but i look forward to it!
cheesy bts valentine cards // this was purposely corny, but the response was unbelievable! i had fun working on it and was so happy it made people laugh and smile. the tags were a joy to read on this post and it's my fourth most popular gifset ever. thank you!
bts guide to troubled birds // yet another corny idea, but i get a kick out of making silly comps and was inspired to make this. i started with jimin's as an experiment because his poem was the easiest to choose and built the rest of it from there, carefully deciding which poem to apply to each member and recreating them from scratch. i love celebrating their chaos in fun ways, so this was nice!
jungkook's sensitive tear ducts // sometimes i get really random comp ideas and spontaneously start making something with no plan. this was one of those times and it is now my third most popular gifset since making this blog in 2020 lol. ofc i'd never gif him upset about anything serious, so i only chose moments that didn't feel inappropriate to include to keep this set lighthearted and humorous.
long live bts (10th anniversary set) // i always knew i wanted to make something with the lyrics of that song because every word of it reminds me of their story. the 10th anniversary was perfect since it literally says "it was the end of a decade". i wanted the set to just be really simple so i went with a more desaturated look and focused more on choosing a scene from each year that fit the lyric per that gif.
love me again mv // this was my first time bothering to gif a music video in 4k. i usually avoid it bc it slows my computer down and takes a lot longer (i also have to reconvert the youtube download to a different file type to get it to play in my kmplayer, it's a whole process) but i waited a few days after it came out because i originially didn't think i could color it when it premiered so i just didn't gif it. but i gave it a try anyway when i didn't feel so pressured and i really like how crisp they came out.
jungkook's bday set // i didn't have a plan for this when i started, but i searched a lot for inspo and finally found something i felt like i could make something with so i came up with this very barbie-esque rendition for jungkook that i'm still very fond of. i purposely didn't write happy birthday on it anywhere so it could be shared year-round. it's probably my fave set i made all year and everyone seemed to like it too!
jimin's bday set // this was originally just going to include songs from FACE, but i decided it didn't celebrate jimin's work as a whole if i didn't include all his solo songs/endeavors so it turned into a big monster. i like how it came out though!
standing next to you mv // this year i was introduced to HD master files, so instead of rushing to download a new mv from youtube and giffing it fast, i'd wait for a higher quality rip from apple music to show up online. the difference is quite astounding. i made gifs with master files for all three of jk's music videos this year (seven, 3D), but i like how this one turned out the best.
vmin comp // just felt like giffing my two favorite people before they left and needed to channel my sad emotions into something before seeing them seperate for so long. i included moments i've giffed before and ones i've never had the chance to gif. i could have made this post so much longer but forced myself to stop lol. i like the pink and blue colors in it a lot <3 i miss them so much
thank for all your support on my work this year! i have lots of (old) new stuff in my drafts to share in the new year so please keep your love coming x
i'm going to tag @userjiminie @userjungkook97 @btsiu and @cordiallyfuturedwight to do this if they'd like to!
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drysaladandketchup · 10 months
Writing Meme
Tagged by my dear @irrelevanttous <3
RULES: go to your published works on AO3 and list the first fic you ever published there, the last fic you published, any fic that you wrote for a fandom/ship only once, your favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship that has the most works, the fic you wish more people read, the fic you agonized over the most, the fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort, and a work you are proud of—for whatever reason
first fic you ever published on Ao3: Spirit of Champions, for the Supernatural/Destiel fandom. I don't even know why I'm linking the fic, it was ten years ago I'd like to think my writing has improved a lot since then so... maybe don't read it lol. I actually have another fic that says it was posted on the same date but I think that's because I moved them both over from livejournal at the same time, so whatever
last fic you published: Acts of Devotion for the Hockey/Mattdrai fandom. Much prouder of this fic haha, though I was still getting a feel for hockey and these guys during it's construction. It hopefully won't be my last mattdrai fic though. Got a few ideas and WIPs sitting in my drafts
a fic you wrote for a fandom/ship only once: I don't think I've ever written just one fic for a fandom. Though I certainly have many abandoned WIP's and a few unpublished fics from days gone by. Also due to a lack of ideas or energy, I often end up publishing nothing for a fandom, despite my love for it. But I'll go with the fandom I only published two fics for. After Life's Fitful Fever, He Sleeps Well for The Terror. It's actually a platonic ship (if that counts? Depends on your definition of 'ship' I suppose), but it's still one I'm quite fond of overall
favorite fic you wrote in the fandom/ship with the most works: well I already mentioned Supernatural, so that would be the obvious answer lol. But I already did that, so I'm going to go with a fic from the next biggest fandom I've published for. Which I would say is String Theory for Final Fantasy XV. The only FF game I've ever played, but I had a grand old time, made a lot of friends and had a lot of growth in that community
fic you wish more people read: Can I say any of my fics from the Dunkirk fandom? No? Boo. It's a tiny fandom so I don't expect a tonne of interaction haha. But it is the fandom I've written the most for. Ideas just kept on coming (probably because I love history and angst). So I'd say... Where You Were, Where You're Needed. My first for the fandom, and one I still love dearly
fic you agonized over the most: Skybound, for Dunkirk. It's the only novel-length fic I've written, and it took me two years. I also didn't publish it until it was completely finished, edited, re-drafted, and remodelled within an inch of it's life so... yeah that one. Plus all the history research and story planning that went into it was a lot more than I usually do. It was fun, I'm glad I finished it, but fuck I don't know how people write novels regularly. Stephen King tell me your secret
fic that sprang fully formed from your mind without any effort: For The Glory, for the Hockey/Mattdrai fandom. Maybe the fastest I've written anything. Basically wrote it from start to finish within a couple hours, not including food and sleep. Not a monumental fic, no, but for someone with chronic fatigue and adhd... astounding. It was very much a result of conversations with M. and her determination to drag me into hockey and mattdrai. Successfully, clearly haha
work you are proud of: I'm going to say Skybound again. Small fandom, but a huge fic for me. One I could probably turn into an original piece with minimal finagling if I wanted. I would also like to think one could enjoy the fic without having seen Dunkirk. That being said, now that it's been over a year a half since I finished it, I'm already looking at it thinking 'I could have written this differently. I could have removed this or tweaked that.' Editor hell. But I'm leaving it as is, using it as a benchmark for my (hopefully) continued improvement as a writer. I think I improved over the course of writing it, even. A lot changed from inception to publication. But I'm no less proud of it, as a written work or as a story. I did what I wanted, and I wrote the exact story I wanted to read. So I'm happy :)
Thank you for the tag, M.! <3
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evelhak · 11 months
Old art #12: Fate/Once Upon a Time
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Some more ancient history. I used to be obsessed with Fate/Stay Night and could not swallow the ending of the Fate route of the visual novel/2006 anime when I was in high school, so obviously I drew several hundred pages of fan comic to fix it. I used to post it on DeviantArt, but life got in the way back then, so I left it in like chapter 3. (Yes it took like a hundred pages per chapter because I'm me). And I had something like 52 chapters planned, I think. I still pretty much remember the story, so I've been considering reposting the pages somewhere with a summary of how it would have gone, to give closure to people who loved it back then, even though it's very late, and it's pretty unlikely anyone from that time would stumble across it anymore.
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At least I had been able to draw and post the whole reason why I began to make the comic, by the end of chapter 1, so I wasn't completely torn about it when I wasn't able to continue. Anyway... in case anyone was curious, this is kind of where I come from. This was my start in fan works. It was a fix-it comic that consumed my life for a while. (Two years, I think.) I could not stop, I was drawing every minute I could. I remember carrying a folder with me everywhere, not only was I drawing on breaks at school and secretly in class, literally even during my folk dance groups' training camp I was already in some corner drawing if we had a five-minute break, same at backstage while someone was braiding my hair for a performance. I could not waste a minute. (My days were full already.)
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This was the first long story of mine that had readers I didn't know, who left comments and begged for me to continue. That was really something. I bet that really marks a turning point for a lot of storytellers. I had had ideas for fan works before, but I had always resisted because it "isn't original". Fate/Stay Night was the first time my need to create was too strong, it made me throw that philosophy out the window for a while. (I'm glad it did, obviously, even though part of the reason I quit was because I decided I had to focus on my original fiction at the time.)
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My English was still not great, and I had even more problems with anatomy than I do now, but this project definitely made me develop both of those skills a lot. It's always the uncontrollable need to create something that makes me get better at things, because there's just no other way to accomplish what I want than to acquire the skills I need for it, and my brain just doesn't accept not succeeding. If it weren't for this fan comic, I probably wouldn't have done a lot of things I have since then. So I feel like I owe a lot to Fate, and I have many fond memories of this project.
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Obviously, I also got mansplained a lot, since it was a pretty male dominant fandom. Guys who hadn't even bothered to read my story yet came to me like "Uuuuh do you have a clue how Fate works, I bet you don't so let me go on paragraphs of monologue" of things that I of course knew just as well as them. Or telling me that my story wasn't even possible because X, Y and Z problems would need to be solved before there could even be another Grail War as the Grail was destroyed... like, really? You thought I didn't think of that? You didn't even consider that maybe I actually have a brain and came up with entirely new concepts that don't exist in canon? (Not to mention, a gigantic franchise with multiple contradictory routes for the same story is a really stupid place to start telling people what is or isn't possible, geez. Why so small-minded?)
Or they were just dismissing me because my story "looked like a shojo manga". (Lol, I know, and that's not an accident. That's what's so great about it, actually. When you combine the high stakes and suspense of shonen with the aesthetic and emotional expression of shojo, how can you lose? When you combine conventions from two different sources, you'll always end up with something that doesn't exist in either of them. A union, a synthesis, is more than the sum of its parts. That's my philosophy, anyway...)
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And appearances can be deceiving. Once these guys actually read my story, they told me I was "so good at creating suspense!!!!" and the emotional catharsis of a particular scene had them writing to me that I made them cry. Hah. In your face. (I certainly thought that, even if I had too much manners to tell them.) Don't you just love changing people's minds?
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Anyway, looking back at this more than a decade old thing made me quite emotional.
Shiro x Saber forever. 💙💙💙
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deep-hearts-core · 2 years
2006 - semifinal
originally posted 7/18/20
Armenia This was their first entry, right? I really like it! It's catchy, and I really like the dance routine in the choruses. A well-done song overall - we're not gonna talk about the styling, it was 2006 - but Andre's vocals did seem really shaky at times. Bulgaria I'm not entirely sure what's going on here - this song seems messy and unstructured. Maria has a great voice and I enjoy the choruses, but it took me until the first chorus to figure out what the song was even doing because the beginning was so chaotic. I also wasn't a fan of the random background singer vocalizing during the bridge.
Slovenia Ok, firstly I'd just like to call out how Slovenia has started not one but TWO entries with "and you came to me one night, like a [something] light" - this entry and 2011. And in this instance, it's not even a good beginning. I like it a little more once it picks up - I don't hate the song exactly, but I do hate the presentation. The background singers were off-key, and also I don't understand why one of them was just wearing a bra. Anzej is an alright singer, but a little too nasal in tone for my personal taste. Andorra The overall impression here is that it's uncoordinated. Jenny has a strong voice that I actually really like, but that's about the only upside here - the backup dancers weren't lining up with her or with each other, and she and the background singer weren't in time for a little bit as well. I hate saying this about songs, but... I totally understand how this came dead last. Belarus Well, she certainly has a lot of energy. I don't know, I get a very "hello, fellow kids" vibe off of this one, and maybe it's my audio processing issues but I cannot understand a word out of Polina's mouth.
Albania Luiz starts off very quiet, but once his volume picks up I find myself actually somewhat enjoying this. Background singers seem a little uncoordinated and I'm wondering what the guys in traditional dress were actually doing onstage. But overall this is pretty good. There isn't too much I actively have a problem with. Belgium So, I know this song as "the one everyone was mad about missing the final" - and, it turns out, that reputation is for good reason. I LOVE this chorus and I really like the gimmick of the background dancers passing various microphones to Kate. Kate has a lot of charisma onstage too. Ireland Good on Ireland for scoring well, but I'm not fond of this. It's a nice enough song but it was pretty boring in its presentation and I don't like Brian's voice. They really went back to basics for this one... Cyprus Annet's got quite a voice on her! She seemed to be struggling at the beginning but solidified as time went on. This was actually pretty well put together, dare I say even ahead of its time - classy staging, simple outfit, strong voice. I am starting to see why ESC fans hate ballads, though. While this is refined, it's not as fun, which appears to be the vibe everyone was really going for back then. Monaco The first verse is cute. Uh, I'm aware that Severine did actually grow up on a Pacific island, but the entire presentation of this song is weird and I'm not sure whether or not it's appropriation? Even without that, though, Severine has terrible vocals on this. I wanted to like this, I really did, but it's hard considering she's so flat and out of breath on every line. North Macedonia I can't get into this. Ninanajna is one of those songs I went into expecting to like, because of all the hype the fandom has around it, but I just... can't. It's not for me. Poland It's just weird. The mock-period clothes, the rap, the weird mix of languages, the one dude with the neon green hair. The performance and song are both all over the place and it's just not for me. Russia  It can't be comfortable for that girl who has to sit inside the piano for two thirds of the performance. This performance is just... like, how did it place second? There were way better songs in 2006 than this! [gestures aggressively at Je t'Adore] The mullet, the tank top, the disjointed lyrics. I like Believe much better than this.
Turkey I love it! Nice high-energy song with good staging and a strong singer. The chorus is especially good here. Ukraine Strong opening here - I mean, strong performance all around but this opening is especially good. Ukraine's figured out their tried-and-true formula here - strong, singular female vocalist with a whole lot of show - and it works! Not wild about the horns in the chorus though. Finland Ah, yes. Lordi. My dislike of hard rock (and those freaky costumes) aside, it's pretty good. And it won because it was something so different, you know? Finland thought outside the box, and in the end it paid off.
Netherlands This would have been a lot better if half of it weren't in an incomprehensible conlang. It feels almost condescending. Vocals are bad too and I could have done with less of the girls shaking their hips at the camera. Lithuania This is REALLY FUNNY, but also it's a fucking catchy song? It's easy to see how this made it to sixth, and tbh it might even end up higher in my own ranking. The vocals are good, and this performance just has everything - a gimmick, a wild mood change, an impossible violin. I was dancing along to the "votes! votes! votes for the winners" part by the end. Portugal Ok, so, they won Barbara Dex for this, right? Right??? The song is actually pretty catchy and these girls aren't bad singers, but it's hard to take them any kind of seriously in those CLOTHES. Also, the first couple lines sound weirdly like Waterloo. Sweden This is good! Love the song. It's rare that a returning artist gets such a good song - Carola might not be Johnny Logan, but she placed top five all three attempts so like, props to her. I do wish she'd worn something a little different though. Estonia This is really energetic and fun! Mediocre vocals and poor outfits, but I do really like the song. Bosnia & Herzegovina  Idk, it's pretty? I don't hate it but I don't have many thoughts on this. We're far enough into the show that I've stopped having opinions about the littler things. One thing I do have to credit them for, though, is use of stage. By totally blacking out the weird wall things and blending them into the background, they created a really pretty starry night effect. Iceland The song itself... actually sounds pretty good? Like, yeah, Silvia Night is up here in Candyland acting for all the world like Krisse the """fan""" from 2007, but the song? Not actually terrible.
My personal qualifiers Belgium Armenia Finland Lithuania Sweden Ukraine Turkey Estonia Cyprus Iceland Miscellaneous thoughts That opening act was epic (haha, get it? Greek... epics... whatever). At first I was a little creeped out, but once I figured out that the costumes onstage were meant to represent actual Greek gods I was pretty into it. Especially once I figured out that the songs had been matched up to the deity, it was pretty cool! I also liked Sakis and Maria singing, too. I think hosts should sing more. Alright, so in the recording I'm watching of this, Sakis' performance at the interval has no sound - probably avoiding a copyright strike. I don't think I'm missing anything so I am gonna hold off on looking it up, at least for now. I did, however, really enjoy the honesty in the moment that Maria's mic fell off... lol.
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trensu · 5 years
You should totally write your werewolf AU with mermaids and I can continue doing dramatic slow burn sads and fandom will double benefit.
You are just full of great ideas!! Tbh, I’ve been tossing around ideas for the current wangxian werewolf au (mostly from LSZ’s perspective, like how does it feel for him to be the only human in a werewolf pack?) but i also love mermaids.
This a more lighthearted continuation of the original post that takes place not too long after LWJ finds out WWX is afraid of dogs. 
It comes out when they’re camping.
Why are they camping? Because LWJ is a sucker who goes weak in the knees whenever WWX bats his eyelashes at him, that’s why. LWJ had started pulling away, putting some time and distance between them, but then WWX asked him if they were still going on the camping trip we hardly get to see each other any more, he pouted. LWJ caved like–like–like a thing that caves very easily. LWJ doesn’t know, okay? He can’t think when WWX looks at him like that.
In his defense, when they originally planned the trip, LWJ was certain his family secret wouldn’t have been a secret to WWX anymore and he was going to take the opportunity to show off demonstrate, demonstrate his wolfy prowess.
But no, that can never happen now, can it?
So here they are. Camping. Well, hiking currently with the intentions of setting up camp. Somewhere. And there are mosquitoes everywhere. And LWJ cannot put on his wolf-skin. LWJ is not having a good time. The outdoors are much more fun when he’s furry and on all fours. How do humans tolerate this? he wonders as he watches WWX practically skipping up ahead, absolutely reeking of mosquito repellent. It’s disgusting. LWJ misses WWX’s natural scent.
“Lan Zhan, look! There’s a cave up ahead!!” WWX exclaimed. “We should go explore it. Maybe it has bats. Bats are so cute, don’t you think? I love their little faces and how they squeak!”
Cute?! Bats have rabies, which kills humans because humans are fragile, and WWX is very very human. But no, there he goes bounding ahead without a care in the world. If LWJ were not a werewolf, he’s sure he’d have succumbed to a stress-induced heart attack by now.
“Wei Ying, be cautious!” LWJ tells him and grits his teeth when WWX laughs it off.
“Don’t be such a fuddy-duddy, Lan Zhan. Where’s your sense of adventure?” he twirls around to aim a sunny grin at him. LWJ’s breath catches even as warmth pools in his chest. This is why he’s here, enduring the mosquitoes and smelly repellent and possibly rabid bats. Because he would do anything to keep that smile on WWX’s face.
The corner of his lips tick upward for a hint of a smile, but it seems WWX notices it anyway because his own smile grows wider. He runs back to LWJ and grabs him by the arm. He proceeds to all but drag LWJ into the cave.
“Come on, hurry up. You’re so slow,” WWX shoots him a teasing look. “Is it because your legs are shorter than mine?”
LWJ gives him a flat look and refuses to answer. WWX’s laugh rings and echoes in the cave. They slow to a more leisurely pace as they explore. The cool air in the cave is a welcome change after hiking in the sun for what felt like hours. After awhile, WWX huffs and lets himself fall to the ground dramatically.
“There’s not a bat in sight. What kind of cave doesn’t have bats in it?” he pouts.
LWJ lowers himself much more gracefully to sit next to him. The moment he does so, WWX scoots up close to him and leans his head on his shoulder with a dramatic whimper.
“I’m so disappointed. Distraught! I cannot go on,” WWX says, pressing even closer. LWJ catches a whiff of his scent under the fading smell of the repellent. “Let’s take a break here, Lan Zhan, so I can mend my broken heart.”
“Mn,” LWJ agrees mostly because he’s enjoying having WWX close. Catching his scent was dizzying in the best way.
As they sit there against the cool cave wall, LWJ feels WWX’s body slowly relax. His breath starts to slow. In a sleepy tone, he mutters into LWJ’s shoulder, “I’m glad we’re here. I’ve missed you.”
LWJ’s response (I’ve missed you too, I love you, please never leave me) sticks to the back of his teeth and refuses to come out. By the time he manages to hum in agreement, WWX had dozed off, his body limp and trusting against him.
LWJ allows himself to press his nose against the crown of WWX’s head and breathe in deep. Just for a moment, just this one time…
LWJ wakes to the sound of WWX hissing his name.
“Lan Zhan, wake up. There’s something in here.”
LWJ blinks his eyes open and sees WWX’s worried expression.
“I don’t know what it is but it sounds big. We need to get out,” WWX continues to whisper. LWJ smoothly goes into a crouch and motions at WWX to stay quiet. He cocks his head slightly towards where the shuffling, scraping sound was coming from. 
This was not how LWJ wanted his day to go. First mosquitoes, which are absolutely awful, and now this? Gripping WWX’s hand, he starts to slowly guide them towards the entrance of the cave. Unfortunately they did not get too far before WWX stepped on something that made a loud crunch. They look down.
“Bones? Bones? How did we miss that before?” WWX whispered somewhat hysterically, but it was mostly drowned out by a snarl coming from somewhere behind them and way too close. Immediately, LWJ shoves WWX  down the path that would lead to the mouth of the cave. He hears WWX stumble behind him but his eyes are locked on a great lumbering creature shuffling towards them from deeper within the cave.
“What the fuck is that thing?!?”
“Wei Ying.”
“I wanted to see bats. This the opposite of bats. It looks like a mutated bear, why is there a mutated bear–”
The creature – a yaoguai, possibly, LWJ thinks – meets his eyes. LWJ takes a calculated risk and flashes his gold eyes at it. Most creatures back down in the presence of a werewolf, so it’s possible they could entirely avoid a confrontation. The creature lets out a roar that leaves his ears ringing.
Well. That didn’t work. But he could still distract it. He could still keep it occupied so WWX could get away safely. He’s taken down big creatures before when they trespassed GusuLan territory.
“Wei Ying, run.”
“Yes, yes, we have to run. Why are you just standing there?!”
LWJ opened his mouth to respond, to entreat WWX to go on ahead and to trust him on this, but the creature was now running towards them and there was no time. Which was okay, really, because that meant he couldn’t dwell on the fact that this was probably the last time WWX will ever want to be near him.
Between one breath and the next, LWJ slipped into his fur and launched himself at the creature.
LWJ all but collapses on his side, great heaving pants whistling past his fangs. Whatever that creature was, it had tasted awful. His injuries were starting to stitch together, but that did nothing to remove the grime from his usually pristine white coat. His ears twitch back, catching the sound of someone shifting behind him. His tail wagged weakly when he realized who it was.
Wei Ying, Wei Ying is here!
But Wei Ying is scared of dogs
LWJ curled in on himself with a soft whine. Before he could get too distressed (emotions were simpler in his wolf form but they also felt much much bigger), WWX appeared in front of him. WWX was crouched in front of him and his hands were smoothing down the scruff of his neck, checking for injuries.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, that was terrifying and so cool, and I’m grateful you saved my life,” WWX let out a put-upon sigh.  His hands were now rubbing down his side. “But, you just lost me so much money. I’m poor, Lan Zhan! I can’t afford to lose money!”
LWJ blinked at him. WWX liked to ramble but usually LWJ can follow his train of thought. This? This made no sense...on the other hand, he did get walloped on the head a bit during that fight. WWX must have sensed his confusion somehow.
“I thought you were fey!!” WWX exclaimed. “You were just too pretty to be human, you know? Like Xiao Xingchen. He’s beautiful and he’s fey.”
LWJ squashed down the urge to immediately go hunt down this XXC person and tear into him. The adrenaline was addling his mind, obviously, since such thoughts of violence are unbecoming of GusuLan wolves. Wait, did WWX just call him pretty...?
“But Jiang Cheng said you weren’t that good looking! I couldn’t let him slander you like that! I had to defend your honor!! So I bet him you were fey and now I owe him a ton of money,” as WWX rambled, his hands wander, aimless now that he’d seen all the wounds had healed. They brush against his belly and his tail wags involuntarily.
WWX definitely notices, if the devious grin was anything to go by. Suddenly LWJ was getting the belly rub of his life. His tail wagged frenetically because everything was perfect. LWJ just took down a huge kill in front of WWX and he was impressed, and now WWX was laughing and petting him.
“Wow, you’re much more expressive as a wolf than in your human skin.”
And there popped his happy bubble. LWJ scrambled onto all fours and skittered away because WWX is scared of dogs, WWX will hate him. LWJ switched out of his wolf-skin so fast it nearly gave him whiplash.
WWX frowned. “Is it safe for you to change back so soon? Your wounds just barely finished healing.”
LWJ was confused. “You’re...not scared?”
“The bear-thing’s dead, what’s there to be scared of?” WWX’s brow was furrowed in the most adorable way. LWJ shook away the thought. He can’t get distracted. He had to focus and use his words, as LXC was constantly reminding him.
With a yelp, LWJ suddenly had a scared WWX  clutching the back of his shirt.
“There’s a dog?? WHERE? Lan Zhan, scare it away!!”
LWJ shook his head. Words, words, he needed to use words. Why was communication so much harder in human form?
“No dogs. Me.”
WWX’s frantic grasping stilled before flipping LWJ around to face him. He looked furious.
“Lan Zhan, who called you a dog? I will beat them up right now. You’re not a dog, Lan Zhan. Dogs are mindless mean animals that bite for no reason. Werewolves are people.”
There’s a moment of silence as LWJ absorbs the impact of WWX’s words. Relief courses through him as he realizes that WWX is not afraid of him. Not one bit. Werewolves are people. He knew he could trust WWX with his secret. 
Then he processes the rest of the conversation and frowns.
“Wei Ying, how do you know about the fey? And werewolves?” It didn’t make sense. Humans don’t know about these things. And their senses are not sharp enough to perceive most of their kind. WWX gives him an odd look.
“Lan Zhan, I was adopted by the Jiang family.”
LWJ blinks. He knows this already. What did that have to do with anything?
“...you know the Jiangs are merfolk, right?”
No, LWJ did not know that.
“You didn’t catch the fish smell? Nie Huaisang says my siblings smell like fish all the time. How did you miss that?” WWX laughs. LWJ felt his ears go warm.
“I was distracted.”
“By what? Nie Huaisang made it sound like it’s completely overpowering!”
“Your scent.”
“Aww, Lan Zhan, are you saying I smell better than fish? You flatterer,” WWX laughs again.
Like his scent is a joke. Like barely rates higher than fish when his scent is all LWJ can think about some days. Well, that’s enough of that. LWJ has had a long, stressful day full of mosquitoes, monster fights, and world-breaking revelations, and even he has his limits.
LWJ grasps the back of WWX’s neck and brings him in close. LWJ’s nose trails along WWX’s neck, taking a lungful of that wonderful, delicious scent. As he breathes in, he smells a thread of arousal seeping into WWX’s scent.
“Lan Zhan,” WWX squeaks. LWJ can hear his heart quicken.
“Wei Ying smells better than fish,” he responds, thrilling as his lips just barely brush against WWX’s racing pulse-point. He feels and hears WWX’s gasp. He brushes his face along the crook of WWX’s neck once more before taking a full step back.
He takes a moment to admire WWX’s stunned, dreamy expression before turning on his heel and marching out of the cave. He’s had a long day and his restraint is in tatters (at least i didn’t lick him, he thinks guiltily as his actions catch up to him, that counts for something, doesn’t it?). He needed a nap or  drink of water or something.
Behind him, WWX snaps out of his daze.
“W-Wait, what does that mean? I don’t smell like fish? Lan Zhan, wait for me! What do I smell like? LAN ZHAN.”
It was kind of nice having WWX chase after him for a change.
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demonsandco · 3 years
I searched through your blog and I'm honestly so surprised you don't have more Simeon content. That being said, if you're still doing it, can I get the WHOLE smut alphabet for Simeon?
You’re right! It’s a shame cause he’s very much one of my favorites now that we get to see more of him in game! Normally I wouldn’t do the entire alphabet like this because it’s… a lot, but Simeon deserves it uwu. This is nearly 3000 words, which makes it my longest post yet by a long shot!
A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex)
Simeon is such a sweetheart after sex. He’s not actually sleepy, but his limbs feel like jelly and he’s full of so many soft, loving emotions. All he wants to do is keep his partner close in his arms, slyly stealing kisses from their lips and whispering words of love in their ear. He’s not eager to get up or move at all, but he’s willing to have a bath or grab some water if they join him. Sex leaves him feeling rather emotional and vulnerable, and he really just wants to feel them near him and hear their voice.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
Simeon’s favorite part of his body is his hands. He wears gloves often to protect them, leaving his skin feeling so soft and smooth. He’s a very hands on type of person, and he’s quite skilled with them, too. One of his favorite things to do during sex is run his hands up and down his partner’s sides, feeling their warmth under his palms.
In turn, Simeon loves every part of their body. If he had to pick just one part, though, it would be their eyes. He’s a firm believer in the saying that “eyes are the windows to the soul” and he could lose himself in their gaze. He’s fond of maintaining eye contact, watching their expression shift as they get close and memorising the different shades and tones that make up their eye color.
(Cont under the cut)
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically)
Simeon cums so much, both in quantity and frequency, but he hates the messiness of it. It feels good in the moment, but it gets cold and sticky way too quickly for his liking. He really likes to see his partner covered in his cum, as though he marked them as his in a way only the two of them would know about, but he’s always quick to help clean them up before it gets uncomfortable.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Simeon really doesn’t have anything that he would call a dirty secret. All the sexual experiences he’s had in the past have been quite tame and he’s very much not the type of person to feel ashamed about his past actions or keep them secret. He’s an open book when it comes to relationships and sex.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?)
Contrary to popular belief, angels are allowed to have sex. As long as it doesn’t impact their duties, angels can do whatever they want with their private lives, and Simeon very much took advantage of that. He’s had quite a few partners in the past, especially before the war took place. His original rank as a Seraph gave him a lot of popularity among other angels. His experiences have taught him a lot about how to make his partner feel good in many different ways, but he never really had the chance to figure out what he enjoys. There’s a huge opportunity for them to experiment with his body and to teach him more than just the basics.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying)
Simeon is really open to experimenting and trying out new positions, so he doesn’t have just one favorite. However, the positions he enjoys most are ones where he can see his partner’s face, especially if the position lets him pull them against his chest when he feels the need for closeness. He’s open to just about any position, though, even if it seems rather absurd at first.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.)
Simeon isn’t goofy enough to ruin the moment, but his playful nature definitely shines through. If he’s in bed with someone, that means he feels close to them emotionally, too, so he feels comfortable enough to not stay serious all the time. Sometimes things go wrong in the moment or something silly gets said out loud on accident. He doesn’t see anything wrong with laughing it off or jokingly teasing each other. He’s good at telling when the mood allows for some laughs and when some composure is necessary.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Being an angel, Simeon’s body is almost entirely hairless. Besides the hair on his head, the only other hair on him is a small patch above his cock and a very faint happy trail. He doesn’t enjoy the feel of shaving, but he does keep it very neatly trimmed at all times. Colour wise, it matches the hair on his head perfectly.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect)
Simeon is quite romantic in the moment. Love and intimacy are very important aspects of sex to him, and that comes through in most of his actions. His pace, his preferred positions, everything reflects that intimacy that he craves. Through it all, he’s sweet talking to his partner, letting them know how good they make him feel, how important they are to him, and how much he loves them. He knows he might come across as too intense, but he wants to make sure they know that sex isn’t just about the physical aspect for him.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon)
Simeon rarely, if ever, feels the need to masturbate. Without a partner, sex really isn’t something he thinks about often, and if he does have a partner, he’d much rather take care of his need with them, rather than on his own. If he does end up jacking off, though, he always ends up fantasising about them, and he finds that he can’t actually cum without imagining them being there with him.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks)
Unsurprisingly, Simeon has a corruption kink. It came as a huge shock to him when he first realised it, but something about having his sweet little human tempt him and lead him down a path of “sin” excites him. It feeds into his rebellious nature that he constantly tries to control. It gives him a rush of adrenaline whenever they convince him to do something shameful or lewd and he finds himself enjoying it and even craving more instead of actually feeling shame.
As well, Simeon also has a massive praise kink. He always strives to please his partner as best as he can and getting positive reinforcement, something he rarely hears normally, sends shocks of pleasure shooting down his spine. The more praise he gets, the more eager he is to be good. If he’s being bratty, praising his good behavior in the past gets him to behave much quicker than a “punishment” would.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do)
Simeon’s preferred location is either his or his partner’s room. It’s a place that feels safe and familiar, while also offering privacy. They can take as much time as they want and be as loud as they feel like without having to worry about anyone bursting in.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
Getting Simeon turned on is pretty easy. All his partner needs to do is be direct with their advances. Their boldness excites him. He isn’t the type of person to get turned on by seemingly innocent actions, so their intent needs to be clear. That, alongside some suggestive touches, is more than enough to get him in the mood.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Simeon is usually open to trying anything once and there’s not a lot that he’s opposed to, but he is very serious with his boundaries. He refuses to allow sex with his partner to start impacting his day to day life. Skipping classes, missing meetings, or even risking being late to something, even if it’s not important, in favor of sex is a big no for him. He makes his boundaries very clear from the start, and will quickly become harsh if his partner doesn’t respect them.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
Simeon has almost no experience in oral, giving or receiving, but it quickly becomes one of his favorite things. He could spend hours between his partner’s thighs without getting bored. While he’s rather hesitant and unsure at first, he’s very skilled at reading their reactions and starts adjusting his technique to make them feel as good as possible.
He doesn’t enjoy receiving quite as much, but he still loves it! It’s so easy for his partner to make him cum or overstimulate him with just their mouth. The warm wetness of their mouth feels divine and their breath is so hot against his skin, he can’t help but cum embarrassingly quickly.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Simeon greatly enjoys taking his time with his partner, keeping a slow and sensual pace and exploring every inch of their body with his mouth and hands. He’s not a fan of rushing, even as he gets closer to his peak, he keeps his pace steady, his body molding against theirs. He’s not opposed to going faster if they prefer that, but his favorite pace will always be slow and intimate.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
Simeon is not a fan of quickies. He’ll be open to trying it at least once, but he knows from the start that it’s not his cup of tea. The whole thing just feels so rushed and impersonal to him. The most important part of sex to him is the intimacy and emotional connections, and quickies feel very lacking in comparison. If anything, they leave him craving his partner even more than before.
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.)
Simeon is very open to experimenting and he’s always excited to learn and experience new things. He’s willing to try anything once, even if it’s something that he’s pretty sure he won’t enjoy. The idea of taking risks also interests him, but it needs to only be a perceived risk for him to participate. Something like messing around in an empty classroom at RAD is exciting, but it needs to be afterhours when the school is empty and the door has to be locked for him to feel comfortable.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?)
Simeon’s stamina is not the best, at least at first. He can go for more rounds than the average human just because he’s an angel, but he’s so unbelievably sensitive that the rounds themselves are rather short. It’s been so long since he’s had anyone touch him sexually that he ended up cumming in his pants the first time he was with his partner. With time, his stamina will improve drastically, probably to the point where he could easily outlast them, but he needs some practice to get there.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?)
Toys aren’t something Simeon has ever really thought about using or has ever owned. When he sees the huge variety of toys that exist, he feels excited to try them out, mostly relying on his partner’s preferences and recommendations to pick some. He quickly learns that he really enjoys having them use different toys on him and, in turn, he loves the new opportunities the toys give him when it comes to pleasuring them in return. The possessive, prideful part of him that is usually buried very much prefers making his partner feel good on his own, without toys to help, but most of the time, he doesn’t mind.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
The first time he teases his partner, it’s entirely accidental, his habit of going slow and taking his time exploring their body ends up making him tease them. Once he sees the way it makes them feel, though, he starts doing it on purpose, wanting to see more of their reactions. He’ll relent, with a smug little smile on his face, if they start begging, but until then, he plays the innocent card, pretending not to realise what he’s doing.
As much as he likes to dish it out, Simeon really can’t take much teasing. He’s so sensitive and desperate that he’ll start begging immediately, willing to do anything just to feel more of their touch.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Simeon is naturally very loud and he lets out the prettiest sounds. At first, he tries to muffle them and keep his volume down. He talks quite a bit, at least while he’s still able to form coherent thoughts, and loves to whisper sweet things to his partner in a breathy tone. The closer he gets to cumming, the more his words devolve into delicate gasps and high pitched moans. When he cums, he lets out the longest, breathiest whine that no amount of gritting his teeth or covering his mouth could smother. He’s very vocal throughout, and without some sort of soundproofing, his voice can very much be heard through the walls.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Simeon has a hard time controlling his wings during sex. He can’t focus hard enough to keep them hidden and they tend to have a mind of their own, fluttering and puffing up depending on how he feels. They’re quite sensitive in the moment too, especially at the base. In the end, he finds himself wrapping his wings around his partner as he pulls them close, keeping them warm and safe under his feathers. Unfortunately, this usually means that the bed is covered in feathers from all his flapping and wiggling.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
Simeon has such a pretty cock, so perfectly smooth that it almost looks like a drawing rather than an actual dick. He’s large enough to be impressive without seeming intimidating, with just enough girth to feel like a stretch, but not be painful. It’ll still take some prep for his partner to take him, but it won’t be too difficult with some patience and plenty of lube.
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Simeon’s libido isn’t very high at all, and sex isn’t something that’s on his mind constantly. What matters to him most is spending quality time with his partner, regardless of what they’re doing together. They usually need to be the one to actually initiate things, since he has no qualms with pushing down his need to avoid ruining the moment. With how much he values physical touch, it’s not hard for cuddles to become something more, and as long as there’s time for it, Simeon will never say no.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Sex doesn’t exactly leave him feeling sleepy, but it does make him feel extraordinarily relaxed. He tends to follow his partner’s lead, staying awake longer if they don’t plan to sleep right away. With how warm and soft he feels, though, he has no trouble falling asleep quickly, cuddling them close to his chest to absorb more of their body heat. If it’s up to him, he prefers to share some casual pillow talk together, before falling asleep soon after. If he can avoid having to get up and be functional, he will.
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llendrinall · 3 years
I'm thinking of posting this on AO3. Might, might not. Since you asked me to write this. Here is part 1.
The first time is, oddly enough, with Yennefer. 
It happened when Yennefer had invited the bard for a drink after he had split with Geralt for the winter. She had honestly thought that the unresolved tension between the two men would have been sorted by now, but she guessed it was on point for the both of them due to Geralt being so emotionally stunted and Jaskier being, actually, she didn’t know why Jaskier never said anything of his feelings towards the witcher or of the incident on the mountain, however, she did know that it wasn’t her place to meddle.
Not to mention without all the insults and disdain they would share, it actually became rather easy to like the bard and with the new friendship that they were slowly and steadily working on she came to the realisation that she knew next to nothing of the bard. So she had invited him to a drink on the condition of getting to know each other. Hence, their current predicament of being a bit drunk off of the cheap wine that the inn had offered while the bard was sharing childhood stories.
"When my father and I would go out to hunt frogs out by the ponds near our estate, my mother would always come with us. Sometimes we’d just be there to catch frogs and go straight home, and other times the outing would have turned into a ridiculously competitive mud fight, always ending in my father being covered in unreasonable amounts of mud.” the bard was laughing with an unbearably fond look on his face. “Used to drive my one aunt up the wall when we showed up filthy to the bone”
"I thought it was a rule for nobles to be all prim and proper without the time for anything remotely fun in their lives.” Yennefer teased, causing Jaskier to let out another laugh.
"Well, my parents weren’t born nobles.” at her raised eyebrow, Jaskier explained.
"Funny story really. My mother was expecting me when they were making a trip to Lettenhove, and my father wanted to make a detour through Tretogor. And while they were there they saved a little girl from getting kidnapped, they escorted her back home and found out she was the princess of Redania." Jaskier took a sip of the wine before continuing, "Both of my parents were rather weary after the man had proclaimed that he was the king, and he kept offering them rewards. In the end, out of desperation, he offered them land with noble titles. Said it would be a good thing for their unborn child, they ended up settling on Lettenhove." 
"Why was he so desperate to reward your parents?" Yennefer found the story borderline unbelievable. "Apparently the princess was rather taken with my parents and on the spot after reuniting with her father, she had proclaimed that my parents were to be her new aunt and uncle, and that I was to be her baby cousin she had also told her father that she wouldn't take no for an answer." The bard had the audacity to shrug at that. "Growing up, she'd pop over and spend the winter in Lettenhove with us. She's actually coming down this winter with her husband, children and grandchildren"
Before Yennefer could ask for him to elaborate on the "Grandchildren" part,  Jaskier began to divulge more stories of his childhood. The stories ranged from tales of his parents, his aunts, his cousin, his older adopted sister and even to the origins of his name. 
Turns out that on one side of the Lettenhove estate there was an entire field of buttercups. His mother had gone into labour during an outing there and decided to name him after the flower. Yennefer was unfortunately too drunk to ask why his parents were spending time in a field of poisonous flowers.
As the night wore on, Yennefer learnt that beyond all else, Jaskier loved his parents more than anything. While she wouldn't admit it out loud, she could admit to herself that the stories of Jaskiers childhood filled her with both envy and longing.
The stories also explained quite a bit of Jaskiers character. 
How he was always so passionate about his music. "My father adores music, although not as much as he adores my mother.” “Ever since I was born he used to sing me to sleep, and as I grew older he taught me how to play every single instrument he could get his hands on." 
"He always called me his little song bird, still does. When I got my letter of acceptance from Oxenfurt University both of my parents were over the moon."
How he loved strangers easily and readily, but was weary of the love of those closest. "Growing up, my mother would always talk about how you couldn't go through life not letting people in, but that you also had to be cautious as to not get hurt beyond repair by someone you trusted. I came to understand why she would always tell me that when I was a teenager."
As the night passed, the stories went on.
Sorry if it sucks a bit. I've actually never written anything before.
Oh, look at this. I often say to go ahead and write the fic, but this is the first time I actually get the fic. What a rush! I feel the power. And it's you first story, which I cajoled you into writing! I hope it's the first of many more. On that note, let's do away with all those "sorrys". Sorry if it sucks? No, listen. This is your story, that you wrote, and that you are considering sharing with the world. There is nothing to apologize for. Even if it's not perfect, even if some people don't like it, even if some time down the line you read it with embarrassment because your writing has evolved so much... There is still no reason to apologize.
Just write the story and enjoy the process, and suffer the process too because writing is joy and suffering and losing an hour searching for the right word.
Also, I don't know if you are familiar with The Witcher canon or if you only know the series, I suspect the latter, but the fact that the title was granted by the king of Redania is hilarious because in the main books and games timeline Redania is going through a dark phase, persecuting sorceress, elves and anyone remotely "funny". So in this universe King Radovid would be encouraging witch hunts while one of the counts in his kingdom is a literal witch with horns and wings. Hehehe.
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ladyfawkes · 3 years
Eugene Appreciation Week - Day 1 - Childhood | The Trial and Tribulations of Fitzherbert and Schnitz
The Trial and Tribulations of Fitzherbert and Schnitz
Current word count: 3178
Current Rating: T for upcoming chapters
This is my version of that now-infamous RTA lost episode, "The Trial of Fitzherbert and Schnitz". Most of you are aware how I took issue with Disney having used both adoption AND Eugene's having adopted his lifelong persona as Flynn as a 20-minute throwaway plot. I'm gonna try to beef up that premise.
I suppose this is ALSO my way of refuting some of the (very limited) spoilery stuff I've read that's included in the upcoming traditionally published Flynn Rider novel.
My own plot line will be significantly darker than your average Disney plot, though.
Chapter 1: Sister Eunice
Several years into the past....
Arnie was skipping down the corridor just past the chapel, minding his own business, when suddenly a loud CRASH!!! sounded from just behind him. He whipped around to see an enormous new hole in a large ornate stained-glass window behind him that was intact just seconds ago.
Thinking one of the rowdier orphans to be at fault, Arnie ran to have a looksee outside. He was shocked to discover nobody except Sister Eunice opposite him next to the stone wall. Surely she couldn’t have been the one to shatter the window??
The young nun noticed him from outside the chapel though and hissed, “Arnie!! Arnie, don’t tell anybody you saw me here! Please. I’m trying to save Eugene!! I’m trying to save you all!! If anybody asks, especially Father Francis, tell them you saw Eugene throw a rock at the window. I can’t explain why, but it’ll help out. A LOT. Can you do that for me, please, Arnie? Would you do this to save your best friend, Eugene?” She was looking at him with frightened eyes, taking surreptitious furtive glances behind her.
Ten-year-old Arnie had stared back, wide-eyed, and had only barely begun to nod when Sis Eunice turned back, ran around the corner of the chapel toward Arnie’s right, and disappeared. Young Arnie was left standing there, mouth agape, wondering why on earth a nun - a nun!!! - would throw a heavy rock through a church-owned stained glass window. And especially a window that the children were told was hundreds of years old!
Not long after that, to his left, Arnie saw someone else outside out of the corner of his eye. The young boy instinctively hid behind the full partition of the wall where the stained glass window ended. It was Fr Francis, the priest for the local parish, walking at a brisk pace. And Arnie could’ve sworn the scary priest might be tracking Sis Eunice. Arnie and Eugene hadn’t ever been particularly fond of Francis. In fact, they went out of their way to avoid the older dour-faced man.
Although Fr. Francis was currently looking at the hole in the window from a ways off, he couldn’t see where Arnie was from his vantage point. Arnie slinked away to go find Eugene.
Turned out he bumped into Eugene almost immediately since Eugene had been in the chapel, waiting to meet up with Lord and Lady Boskin. Arnie stopped in his tracks at the sight of his friend, all freshly bathed, his hair combed, and so unexpectedly dressed in a new blue velvet skeleton suit, white stockings, silk shirt, and leather shoes. It was the latest modern fashion that all the rich boys were wearing in Vardaros. He knew that because Eugene told him every time they were fortunate enough to go to town with one of the sisters. Arnie would have to pry Eugene away from the shop window where Eugene’s face would sometimes get so close to the display that his nose print would remain on the glass. Arnie didn’t understand why Eugene cared about stuff like that. Fashion and velvet and lace. Orphans weren’t supposed to care. Food was more important anyway.
“I heard a terrible crash and came to investigate!” Eugene said breathlessly.
All thought of the broken window had flown from Arnie’s mind at the sight of his transformed best friend and he demanded, “What’re you wearing alla that for??”
Suddenly self-conscious, Eugene crammed his hands in his new pockets, stared at the floor, scuffed the sole of his new shoe against the mosaic tile and mumbled, “Fr Francis took me aside after breakfast to the rectory and said that Lord and Lady Boskin have chosen to adopt…..me.” He said it with the same amount of awe he felt when he first saw the suit in its parcel.
“....and….and you didn’t think to tell me any sooner? You were just gonna leave without saying goodbye?” accused Arnie, his eyes filling with tears. Eugene could see his pouting lips tremble from several yards away. “But...but I didn’t know either…!” protested Eugene, now fighting tears himself, before he was abruptly cut off.
As Arnie stood there simultaneously hating and envying Eugene, a whole crowd of people had arrived from both sides of the corridor, to all of the ensuing hullabaloo of the shattered window. Unfortunately, it was just in time to see these two boys standing by themselves right near the new gaping hole in the priceless stained glass window.
Fr Francis had reappeared inside followed by the Mthr Superior, Sis Eunice, several dozen children, and a few other nuns. Everyone was chattering and buzzing and arguing about which of the two boys had broken the window -- Arnie or Eugene. Perhaps both? Immediately they both protested their innocence and the bored aggressive older boys used the moment as an excuse to break out into a fight…
Two brawny red-headed boys quickly left the mob only to have one boy each bowl right into Eugene and Arnie. All four boys toppled over to the floor.
All of the other children started shouting, “FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!” and just before the redheads could land their first actual punches, Fr Francis easily intervened by grabbing both of their pulled-back fists, squeezing them, and ordering the boys to get up off their intended victims and up off the floor. They reluctantly complied. Then Francis ordered Arnie and Eugene off the floor and to follow him to his office.
As Eugene looked down in dismay at the visible dirt on his beautiful new suit, Sis Eunice surreptitiously put a comforting hand on his shoulder and said, in a voice so softly only he could hear, “Don’t worry -- these are play clothes. More than capable of taking a few layers of dirt from rambunctious young boys.” She always had a way to help him feel better….but this time, since he was effectively being frog-marched to the priest’s office over something he didn’t do, the good feeling didn’t last nearly long enough.
Two Hours Earlier…..
Eugene had been called to the rectory by Fr. Francis immediately following breakfast. Without any prior notice whatsoever, he informed Eugene that Lord and Lady Boskin had actually chosen to adopt him!!!
Young Eugene couldn’t believe his luck! He wondered why he’d been chosen. What had the wealthy young couple seen in him? Even though he’d only been formally introduced once or twice, and had spoken only a few sentences to them, they chose him. And he supposed they seemed nice enough.
Eugene and most of the orphans had already seen the younger couple several times. He learned from the nuns over the past couple of years that the pair were evidently unable to have children of their own and as such, had been growing their own family a different way. Twice per year for the past two years, they had chosen a new child from amongst the orphans at this orphanage. Prior to their more formal choosing-times for each child, they would come to the orphanage for several trips and take turns meeting and chatting with the children. Yet this time, they had actually chosen Eugene.
Sis. Eunice had entered the rectory right behind Fr Francis and his announcement; the latter then vacated the building. Sis Eunice had taken Eugene by the hand and led him to the home’s water closet. And already waiting for him was a fresh bath -- mid-week, even! He was accustomed to every Saturday at most. For the first time in his life, Eugene was treated to his very own bath where the water was actually extra warm and didn’t contain the sloughed-off post-bathing scoodge from a zillion other children lurking in the bottom.
Eugene had seen the nuns sniffle and get misty-eyed plenty of times when other children had been adopted. But their crying was always rather delicate and they always tried to smile through it. However, as Sis Eunice helped him to properly wash his fingers, toes, and ears during what Eugene thought of as his luxurious bath, Sis Eunice also kept repeatedly bursting into tears. And apologizing for it. She seemed genuinely….worried.
The nuns weren’t supposed to have favorites but Eugene knew Sis Eunice was easily the most fond of him. She had arrived at the orphanage during the height of a disease outbreak which had very nearly claimed little Eugene’s life. And it would have done so too, if it weren’t for Sis Eunice’s dogged persistence. They had originally bonded over their funny-sounding first names. She’d turned her own name into a joke to try and give him a reason to smile….and it worked. Most if not all of the other nuns were quite hands-off but Sis Eunice believed in healing touch. As Eugene’s stricken body fought the virulent infection, the Sister held him, rocked him, and sang to him. After that, she promised to come back to the room that housed the most ill children and read aloud a story once she finished her rounds. She had sat closest to little Eugene as she read aloud “Flynnigan Rider and the Pirates of Penzance” for the very first time. It was the first time Eugene had become familiar with the novels.
And though Eugene hadn’t really noticed before (nun’s habits often made it difficult to tell who was older than whom) right now, after he learned he would soon be leaving the orphanage forever that day, it was almost as if Eugene were seeing Sis Eunice for the first time. And for the first time, he noticed how young she truly was. She had a spray of freckles across her face and a little space between her front teeth. A halo of strawberry blonde curls framed her face and perpetually worked their way out of her wimpole. It’s possible Sis Eunice was even younger than Lady Boskin.
He couldn’t help but notice as she had him put on a clean slick-feeling shirt -- a brand-new one, just for him!! -- yet that was only the beginning. Apparently with each chosen child, the adoptive couple provided a freshly purchased outfit from the shops in town. Even Sis Eunice couldn’t help but smile this time as she presented Eugene’s new clothes to him. She asked him to tug open the string holding the paper parcel together. He stared at the parcel, eyes darting between the string and the Sister’s face. “Another present?” he whispered in awe. “For me?” Inside lay a brand new velvet suit. “It’s my favorite color!” he squeaked in delight. “Cornflower blue!” And Sis. Eunice nodded with the same huge smile on her face as him. “Shall I?” she asked softly, reaching into the parcel so he could see the whole suit. Eugene was utterly thunderstruck now. He stared wide-eyed at this beautiful boughten suit which was already quite familiar to him.
“But this is the same…..” he trailed off as Sis Eunice finished for him, “It’s the same suit you’ve had your eye on all year in that shop window?” Mouth agape, Eugene nodded slowly, clearly still in shock.
Eugene recalled how Sis Eunice had begun reading the Flynnigan Rider story with a splash, quite literally, and encompassed the first three chapters. The very first words of the book started with Flynnigan Rider on the mains’l full on the mast of a tall ship, shouting, “As long as I possess air in my lungs, I shall never surrender!!” And right before an enemy bullet could pierce him, Rider had sprinted and dove off the end of the mains’l to plunge down into the sea below. Sis Eunice had taken a fresh mildly damp cloth and spun it above her head, so everyone could feel the ‘splash’. That’s all it took for her to hook every single one of her charges. Sis Eunice had read aloud in every voice. Acted out each scene. She had as many props as feasible. And at the end of chapter 3 that first night, she closed the book amidst many “awwws”, protests, and left the children clamoring for more and some even wanting to help star in the show. Six-year-old Eugene had finally found the strength to speak for the first time in days and tugged Sis Eunice’s robes. “Tomorrow? Please?” he whispered breathlessly. The Sister knelt down close by his ear and pushed his hair away from his fevered brow. “I’ll tell you what,” she said softly. “If you think you can stick around for me by this time tomorrow morning, I promise to come back and read for you. Deal?”
And she turned to the rest of the room, “Tonight’s life lesson from Flynnigan is to hold air in those lungs -- by breathing deeply -- so that you can keep fighting.” Eager to prove to Sis Eunice that he could be brave like Flynnigan Rider, he concentrated on breathing as deeply as he could. Though it was by far the most difficult and painful thing he’d ever done in his young life, he followed through with it nonetheless. And Sis Eunice had returned each morning and night, as promised, to divulge more of Flynnigan’s adventures and life lessons. By the time he was well enough about a week later, she’d ask for Eugene to actually promise to wait for her the next night and bit by bit, little Eugene had found the strength to come back from the brink. And it was all because of one (or was it two?) very special people -- Sis Eunice and Flynnigan Rider.
“Shall we dress you smartly then? It’s not proper for a young man of your new status to be prancing around, half-dressed, you know,” Sis Eunice teased, bringing Eugene back to the present. Usually he’d act silly in return but right now….as soon as he had the new trousers on….Eugene was overcome and couldn’t help but throw his arms around the Sister’s neck. “Thank you,” he whispered, “so much.” It was the nicest clothing -- the nicest anything -- that anyone had ever given him. And Sis Eunice thought he was misinterpreting who’d provided for him this suit but he wasn’t. “I know it wasn’t your money,” as Eugene was well aware that the nuns scarcely had more than the orphans due in large part to their vows of charity and poverty. And yet he replied, still embracing her, “But I just know that you had something to do with it somehow, Sis Eunice.”
She briefly taught him the tricks with helping Eugene learn how to dress himself up in the fancy new suit. It had a lot of buttons. Big shiny brass ones. She was insistent that none of her charges was going to be reliant on servants to dress them, even after they left the orphanage. Once Eugene was fully dressed in his new comfortably-tailored playsuit, Sis Eunice also presented to him new stockings and new mahogany leather shoes.
Sis Eunice looked adoringly...and then somberly at Eugene as the thunderstruck little boy could not stop studying his own reflection in a full-length mirror.
Though most boys hated baths, he actually liked them (especially when they were warm with fresh water) almost as much as he liked playing in the dirt. He wondered if he’d have his own bed at his new home. He wondered if he’d get to have a mattress, bedclothes, and a pillow every night.
“Well, I suppose it’s time,” said Sis Eunice with a watery smile. The pair of them began to head over to the parish chapel just off the orphanage and across the compound from the rectory. Halfway through the walk, Sis Eunice asked him to continue onto the chapel and said that she’d meet up with him again in a very short few moments. And that was apparently where he was supposed to meet up with Lord and Lady Boskin to sign the final papers and officially become their latest son for real. His heart skipped a beat at the thought.
After his arrival in the chapel, and within 3 minutes, he heard a very loud crash outside in the corridor to the right of his vantage point near the front of the chapel. He thought maybe he should stay put just in case, but his curiosity got the best of him and he went to investigate.
Meanwhile, in the Office of the Clergy….
Arnie had been called into the clergy office with Fr Francis, Mthr Superior, and Sis Eunice. Eugene had been left outside to stew and fret by himself.
“So you witnessed Eugene Fitzherbert throw a rock at the stained glass?” said Fr Francis imperiously. Arnie’s wide frightened eyes kept darting back and forth between Fr Francis’s unpleasant features and Sis Eunice’s equally terrified eyes. She nodded imperceptibly to encourage Arnie to say yes. Arnie didn’t want to lie but he didn’t want to be the one who got in trouble either. Not to mention….it utterly broke his heart that Eugene was getting adopted and that he wasn’t even gonna say goodbye to Arnie. Thus Arnie looked to the floor and nodded downward at it half-heartedly.
Eugene was brought into the office and not even given a chance to defend nor explain himself.
“Naughty misbehaving boys who destroy priceless works of church art don’t deserve to get adopted,” Fr Francis began imperiously. “Remove that clothing at once. It’s no longer yours and you are no longer fit to wear it.” Poor Eugene recoiled in shock and horror and Sis Eunice stepped in to try and intervene. She shared scared looks with Arnie, even more frightened than before. “There’s no need for that, he hasn’t physically harmed anybody,” Sis Eunice reasoned, “there’s no reason to treat him like he’s a criminal. He just had an accident, that's all.”
Eugene kept backing further and further away, “Not adopted??” was all he could manage to say. “That’s precisely it,” Fr Francis replied coldly. “I’ll tell Lord and Lady Boskin not to follow through with the paperwork because misbehaving children are evil children, and they shan’t have evil brought into their perfect home. Now give back that clothing or I shall turn you in for theft of property.” Sis Eunice’s hands flew to her mouth in open dismay. Arnie had correctly deduced that this was definitely not a development she had anticipated. Now the Mthr Superior and other church lackeys outside the door had begun to put their hands on Eugene in effort to take back his new boughten clothes.
Clearly, not knowing what else to do, Sis Eunice pressed her advantage, knelt down by Eugene's ear, and said, “You must run, Eugene!! Stay as far away from here as you can! Make certain they can’t ever catch you. I’ll take care of the rest.” His eyes bugged out and still he hesitated before Sis Eunice hissed, “GO! NOW!”
Eugene spun on the heel of his new shoe, managed to just barely pull away from the sea of grabbing hands, and sprinted out into the great beyond. P.S. Yes, I have every intention of continuing this. And hopefully even seeing it to completion, like a real "episode", even though the timelapse will be more like a full hour as opposed to 22 minutes? In fact, I've already written a bit more beyond it. I just have to write other things for the time being.....
@gleamful-lanterns @kingreywrites @autumn-ravenclaw
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kisilinramblings · 5 years
Hello! I have a question regarding the episode. Since you are fond of analysis, and I'm fond of how reasonable & understanding your approaches are, I'd like to know your opinion on a "flutter of butterfly wings". It looks like first flutter was presented in Timetagger(?) How do you think it might be used in future episodes and how much our heroes are going to fix or not, given Bunnyx is the one who's, let's say, responsible for return of the "right" line, since she has access to "time-tags"? [1]
Also it seems like timelines are “overwritten”/erased with each intervention. I’m sorry if I expressed myself ambiguosly (though time related things are quite complicated themselves). 
P.S. I also liked that in your post you made accent on how Gabriel acted like a trash in _that_ timeline. Meaning we’ll keep in mind what he’s capable of, but not denying that in future something might influence on his decisions, either for better or for worse. Correct me if I misinterpreted. Thank you! [2]
It depends intrisically on how the time continuum theory is interpreted by the creator and his writing team which then defines how the ML universe works according to those laws they have set for the story and for themselves to respect no matter what.
Here’s a little video about time travel in fiction so you know where I start.
By concept, the Miraculous Ladybug superpower – the one that allows to set everything back to normal – is a form of time-travel superpower to fix the timeline back to its balance. All damaged are erased as if what has happened didn’t happened. If bystanders were brainwashed into minions, they don’t remember their experience because their state is revert back before that anormaly had caused them to not be themselves. And because there were not themselves, they took actions that they wouldn’t have taken otherwise. (ex : Princess Fragrance, Puppeteer, Despair Bear, Oblivio)
That doesn’t mean negative emotions are bad that they must be erased from the timeline. They are part of the balance. What isn’t normal however is there currently is a Miraculous Holder who is misusing his supowerpowers and provoking an imbalance by preying on those negative emotions. And when things go wrong, Ladybug has to erase the imbalance and find a solution, an alternative. This didn’t work and you were very upset by it? All right! Let’s try this instead, shall we?
In other words, ever since Marinette has started to be Ladybug, she is protecting the timeline to stay on the path of balance.  In fact, I think we could say the path of balance is one single continous timeline. So when LB is casting the Miraculous Ladybugs, she is putting the timeline back on track, on the path it has to follow, but the events are still part of it.
Of course, it’s not a complete do-over like Code Lyoko. In Code Lyoko, everything is resetted but the memories of a few selected people. In Miraculous, the time of the day doesn’t changed back. People who weren’t brainwashed by a supervillain still remember the Akuma attack and what damages they have caused.
However, this not much a time-travel thing than a general narrative rule. You don’t write a story to in the end have characters who learn nothing. You know, the “It was all a dream. The end” narrative? It’s really frustrating to get invested in a story and its character – whether it’s a book, a comic, a movie, a tv show or even a video game – for everything to be set back to the initial situation with characters who ultimately went through all of this no concrete impact on them in the very end. (Note : there is a nuance between a character who didn’t learn anything concrete from their experience and a character who chose to not learn anything)
That’s why it is of the utmost importance that something must be left of it and still affect the characters afterwards. Doesn’t have to be necessarily good, but there must be a reflection that is ingrained that will affect the character later on.
The true soft-resetter in the ML Universe is the holder of the Snake Miraculous. The Rabbit Miraculous is another level. Bunnyx must not interfere with events. If she does, it is because it is already written in some sort. Her interventions are already part of the balance. The Rabbit Miraculous being camouflaged as a watch and transmitted as a Kubdel heirloom so it reaches Alix (Timebreaker) for example. Or Bunnyx remembering the Timetagger events because she has lived it as her younger self, and thus meeting her Future!Self was part of the timeline. 
A detail shown when Chat Blanc was about to trigger the end of the world is that all of the holes of the Burrow showed static snow, including the one of the past dating before the terrible mistake has been made. Indicating that in the ML universe, everything is connected. Everything is part of the balance. Everything is part of the world itself.
When Bunnyx initially appears in the episode, she has no information but the date to find Mini-Bug, lead her to the Akuma and fix the balance. The only person who could have given her these indications is Future!Ladybug herself. Because Future!Ladybug remembers she had made a mistake that day and without Bunnyx intervention, there was no other way to fix the balance drifting to its end. 
Bunnyx realized this as she kept watching and invistigating the timeline drift.
First, Bunnyx starts disappearing. Next thing is with Licorne-Bidouchou, Rose’s plushie, who Rose wins it back in this drifting timelime – while in the original timeline – Bunnyx it supposed to still have it before the plushie vanishes out of thin air. 
So really, can the future truly be rewritten by a single flutter of the butterfly wings or is the flutter of the butterfly wings actually an integrated part of the time continuum for the world to keep its balance? I think it’s the latter. 
Because, even using the Ultimate Power granted by the unification of the Ladybug and Black Cat Miraculous which would alter the world as we know it, the world will always seek back its balance. The world will no matter what follow the balance as its true timeline and it will always find a way.
Thus why the Miraculous exist in the first place and why the Order of the Guardians of the Miraculous was established : to help the world keeps its balance.
Speaking of the Order, let’s talk on in Feast, Master Fu’s mistake was fix by the Miraculous Cure. The temple of the Order that was destroyed suddenly reappears after 172 years. The past was not rewritten. Allowing to preserve Master Fu’s mistake impacts. How his mistake shape the world how it is today.
So yeah, in Miraculous, everything happens for a reason. 
And about your P.S. Yes, you understood me perfectly what I was implying there ^^ That turn of events was erased, including Hawkmoth’s actions. Ladybug is only aware of the final result, not the details. That was Bunnyx’s role to show us a brief summary to what lead to Chat Blanc’s akumatization. Telling us Hawkmoth is capable to lead the world to its destruction. Telling us what extreme measures he is ready to take in order to accomplish his goal. This also tells us, that as long as Hawkmoth will want Ladybug and Chat Noir Miraculous, Marinette and Adrien will never have an happy ending together.
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spiritsncrystals · 5 years
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In honesty idk why i haven't posted this yet but this isn't exactly your normal Rainbow Dragon gijinka bc it's not really a gijinka, instead it's a past form. So allow me to introduce Asa. (or so I'm calling him for now) this was the person who is now known as the powerful magestic and beautiful rainbow dragon before He turned himself into this dragon for in what i believe to be for the protection of the Gem kingdom as war (aka the 2nd duel terminal where the gem knights came in) would one day approach. (this would be while the kingdoms Prince Mamo-sama was very young or before he was born that Asa would be around and then use magic to turn himself into this dragon)
Asa is a gentle soul yet also intelligent he's actually sorta a warlock/Wizard (still not sure on that) as he carries a book of spells and rites with him hence the waist bag.
He was also the first person to have the crystal beasts which seems obvious considering who he becomes after performing that one rite that would forever change his form to be Rainbow dragon, they were pretty much his family as he didn't really have any living relatives that anyone knew of although Ruby Carbuncle seems to very fond of him as she's always climbing onto his shoulder to snuggle his cheeks (which are pretty much Warm)
And yes he may be powerful, but not powerful enough to combat the literal force of the LOD nor to fully combat the corruption that happened when evilswarm hit
His inner spirit is inside of rainbow dragon yet nobody has quite seen him yet but the spirit of his original form is definitely inside of himself as the spirit of rainbow dragon (its not the same as johan's soul being trapped inside of RD when yubel took over his body)
Spirituality he's pretty much ancient (in terms of him being RD)
But as the spell user he was once he's pretty much a young adult and a very pretty guy too Apparently his golden eyes have sparkles in them but you can't really see them due to how the picture was taken
And he's about 6'1 so that partly adds to why RD is so big/long
And i tried to stick to colours of the colour scheme of rainbow dragon when coloring him
Anyways I hope you all like him and wanna give him plenty of luv
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snail-giggles · 6 years
Sides of a Hero - Ch2 Past Friends
Summary: Patton takes a trip down memory lane after the argument in the common room and realises there is trouble in the mindscape. Meanwhile, Virgil is dealing with the after effects of his trip down memory lane. Not all memories are good ones
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(Art inspired by @awkwarddoodles410 . Seriously go and check out their drawings. 100% better than what I can do.)
After the argument in the common area, Patton returned to his room and began flipping through one of his many scrapbooks of him, Thomas, and the other sides. He had crafted a photo of every special occasion. Their first video with Virgil - Virgil was not impressed with Roman’s original scripts. Their first physical visit with Thomas - that was scary for all parties involved. Thomas’s first Vine, first stage show - oh so many firsts. The days Virgil’s, Roman’s and Logan’s doors each appeared.
Patton sighed, staring at the page dedicated to their doors; eyes glued to the day Logan became…well…Logan. Before that day, Rational-Thinking, Learning and Conformity were all separate impulses roaming the mindscape. Patton had been so excited when they fused together to form Logan and he finally had another side to keep him company in the common area. Don’t get him wrong, fusing with Optimism, Sympathy and Morals was amazing, and becoming a main side of Thomas was mind-blowing, but…he had been lonely. Meeting Logan had been the best day ever and they became quite close. Working together to create the mindscape. Watching the other impulses fuse and imagining which ones would become core sides like them. Patton encouraging Logan to accept the ever growing Curiosity, and their inevitable fusion. Logan chastising Patton for fusing with the childlike Innocence. The two watching as Thomas’s various creative impulses slowly came together, and then watching the immaculate red door form in the common hall and seeing Roman emerge in all his glory. All three of them supporting Thomas in dealing with the ‘unkinder’ impulses and chasing them out of their rooms.
Patton's fond smile turned to a frown and his reminiscing was cut short by a sudden realisation. The other sides had been uncharacteristically frustrated lately. Very short fused...Patton stood and quickly walked out to the hall; knocking rhythmically on the other sides doors to get their attention in the least intrusive way possible.
Roman emerged first, sword in hand. "What's up, Pat? I was just practising my sword fighting."
Patton was about to respond when Logan opened his door; arms crossed and emitting a generally frustrated aura. "What do you two want? Come to belittle my opinion again, Roman?"
"Oh, come on! It was one mistake you..."
"Woah there!" Patton stood between the two, arms outstretched to keep the two apart. "Take a break from fighting for a second." A Kit Kat chocolate appeared in both Roman and Logan's hands.
Logan raised an eyebrow, "Really? Was that necessary?"
"Thanks for that Pat," Roman licked melting chocolate from his fingers. "You now have my attention."
Logan sighed, but Patton beamed. "Your welcome, Roman. Well, I called you out here because I think I worked out what has been happening lately."
"What?" Logan and Roman spoke in unison, and then glared at each other.
"Rage," Patton called out cheerfully. "The cheeky little devil is obviously playing games with us again."
"Ok. So, where is he?" Roman asked. "He can't be in my room. I have security for irritating impulses like him."
"Well he wouldn't be in my room," Logan spat. "Why would an emotion be in my room. He is obviously in Virgil's room."
Logan began banging on Virgil's door so hard that flakes of black paint began falling to the floor. Patton and Roman exchanged a glance and Roman drew his sword and pointed it at Logan.
Logan's eyes widened and stared at Roman; then they glimmered red as he smiled at the two sides.
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Virgil sat on the ground and leaned back against the solid wall of his room; still counting to keep his breathing steady. Two shadows lingered in front of him as Virgil continued to reel from his nightmare of a memory. He could still here Lust and Ego's voices in his head and felt the lingering guilt of his actions. Lust and Ego were neutral impulses; he should have been thrilled that Roman allowed them in his corner of the mindscape. Instead he had acted like a selfish jerk.
Admittedly, it was the other two that should have been jealous. Thomas' teenage years were a time when Virgil, Deceit and Rage had an increased influence in Thomas' life and were at their most powerful. They had managed to turn the impulses 'safe space' into a room; despite it lacking a door to the common area. Ego and Lust had every right to leave; they weren't feeling heard in that space and the kingdom was a lot more accepting. But all Virgil was worried about was losing his friends to the main sides; especially Roman. He was the least accepting of all of them.
Virgil sighed. He couldn't linger on his own nightmares, he still had a job to do. Thomas wasn't going to be able to deal with negative comments if Virgil hadn't thought through possible negatives beforehand. He pulled the shadows close and allowed the negative energy to fuel his thinking.
The shadows weren't too hard to deal with. Just the normal post video blues: That video sucked. Can you even act? That video was too long. What a waste of time. Should have made the video longer and actually taught your viewers something. That singing was horrible.
As much as Virgil hated it, he knew some of this would reach Thomas. He was just glad to have taken the brunt of the negativity. The others would step in soon enough and provide words of encouragement and inevitably ignore Virgil altogether.
A rhythmic knock at the door pulled Virgil away from his thoughts and broke his focus. Virgil froze, heart rate rising and throat tightening as the shadows thoughts mixed with his own anxieties of what was happening outside. Calm down. Calm down. Come on, Virge. Focus! Virgil massaged his hand and started counting his breathing again. No further knocking occurred, and Virgil felt calmer. He focused solely on filtering the shadow and remaining calm to not upset Thomas too much.
Virgil stood and started walking around the room, stretching his tense muscles and shaking off the last of the lingering negativity. A sudden banging at his door caused Virgil to jump. That is not a good sign at all. Virgil's hands shook, but he clenched his fist and teleported to the hallway.
Virgil appeared behind Patton and Roman and quickly took in the situation; Roman pointing his sword towards Logan. What the heck is going on now? Logan turned and locked eyes with Virgil; he smirked, and his irises flashed red. Rage! He wasn't just influencing us, he fused with Logan. Virgil's own anger flaring, he stared hard at Rage; his eyes flared purple.
"Logan?" Patton asked warily.
Logan|Rage winked and suddenly Logan and Rage separated. Virgil maintained eye contact with Rage and pulled the impulse into his room.
Logan swayed slightly before falling forward; Roman was quick to drop his sword and catch the falling side.
"I have no idea what just happened, but let's get this Sleeping Spectacle to his room." Roman hook Logan's arm around his should and Patton moved to do the same on the other side. Logan merely mumbled in confusion as the two sides took him too his room; all oblivious to Virgil's role in the situation.
Virgil stood in his room facing Rage.
"What's up, Anxiety?" Rage sneered. "Long time. No see."
Virgil noticed Rage's pale, papery skin. That fusion really took it out of him. "What was that all about?"
"Just a little fun. I was feeling ignored."
"So, you thought it would be a great idea to waste energy forcing a fusion and making us fight?"
"Gotta get my kicks somehow." Rage's legs shook slightly. He tried desperately to hide his exhaustion from Virgil; he didn't want to show any weakness.
"Take a seat you idiot."
"I can see your legs shaking. I'm vigilant, remember." Rage opened his mouth to argue but Virgil cut him off. "We don't need to talk. Just sit until you can get yourself out of here." Virgil moved to his bed and threw himself down.
Rage sighed and moved to sit on nearby lounge; sinking deep into the familiar cushions. As much as he hated Anxiety; he was glad to be in an accepting and safe space.
Patton and Roman deposited Logan on his bed and sat on a nearby sofa. Logan's room was very minimalistic and small. A bed, a desk and a sofa made up the entirety of the room; however, there was a door leading to a bathroom, another to a library and a final one to Logan's area of the imagination mindscape.
"Well that was a new level of low for a worthless, impulsive Dark Side." Roman commented.
"Now, Roman." Patton cooed, " Don't be so harsh on Rage. He didn't do too much harm. He probably just wanted to hang out with us. We haven't seen him around in a while."
"No harm? Oh, suuure. Logan always collapses in the hall after banging on Virgil's door like a maniac."
"Oh. well..."
"You can't always find the positives in people, Patton. The only purpose Rage's actions served was to take Logan out of the picture..." Roman suddenly looked at Patton with concern. "We need to check on Thomas."
Patton nodded and the two sunk out to check on Thomas, leaving Logan to sleep soundly in his room.
Thomas sat on the lounge staring at his computer; the video had already gone public and the first reactions and comments were appearing. Thomas was feeling the effects of Virgil and massaging a circle in the palm of his hand to remain calm. He was happy to see Roman and Patton rise up in their usual spots.
"Hey guys." Thomas glance around, "Where is Logan?"
"Oh, he's just taking a little nap," Roman said with a smile.
"Ok. Well, what do you think of the latest video?" Thomas looked down at the floor, "I already know Virgil's thoughts."
Patton and Roman moved to sit with Thomas and started sharing their thoughts on the video. Thomas felt much better listening to their comments, even if they were a bit over the top.
Virgil sat up as he felt Patton and Roman rise up to interact with Thomas. Rage was dozing on the lounge; his breathing steady and calm. Virgil couldn't help but smile as he felt a wave of nostalgia roll over him. Familiar sight. Rage passed out after making Thomas argue with a friend or family member, and then I get to work over time to make up for it.
Virgil went into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was a mess and his eye shadow had been smudged down his cheeks; truly a horrible sight. Grabbing a brush, Virgil quickly fixed his hair before washing off his old make up. Reapplication was a fast process and Virgil checked that Rage was still sleeping before teleporting to Thomas' lounge.
Thomas, Roman and Patton couldn't help but jump at the sudden appearance Virgil at the foot of the lounge.
"Sorry. I probably should have aimed for the stairs." Idiot. You scared them again.
"Probably should've stayed in your room," mumbled Roman, and Patton shot him a disapproving glance before looking back at Virgil.
"Good to see you, Kiddo. How are you feeling about the new video now?"
Virgil sighed and looked at his feet. "It was alright. Just..."
"We KNOW!" interrupted Roman. "It took too long to make, the sound was misaligned, the lesson wasn't ..."
"Roman!" Thomas was the one to interrupt this time, and Patton joined in giving Roman a disappointed head shake.
"What?" Roman feigned offence. "We know he doesn't have anything positive to contribute. He was upsetting you earlier, Thomas, and Patton, you heard his comments in the mindscape earlier"
"That will do, Princey. Virgil?" Thomas looked at the anxious side fondly. "You had something you wanted to say? You can be honest. I appreciate any and all feedback"
Virgil rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Um... I guess...I … Kind of liked the song. It was a good way to... Engage your audience. Even though I wouldn't normally sing."
Thomas beamed. "Thanks Virgil. I feel like the song really added to the conversation, and Joan did a great job writing it too."
"See Roman. Virgil liked your video." Patton nudged Roman with his elbow and smiled.
Roman sighed in defeat, "Thank you, Virgil. I... appreciate the feedback."
The sides all hung out with Thomas as the comments started rolling in at a faster rate. Virgil curled up in the corner of the lounge and focused on keeping his breathing steady and listening to Roman, Patton and Thomas talk.
They had been with Thomas for half an hour before Logan made an appearance.
"Hey, Logan." Thomas smiled, "Did you have a good nap?"
Logan appeared confused and Roman nodded vigorously behind Thomas to encourage Logan to play along. "Oh. Oh yes. I did thank you. How is the video going?"
Patton moved to sit on the floor, so Logan could sit next to Thomas and comfortably join the conversation. Logan made sure Thomas (and Virgil) were focused on the facts, which helped Virgil; who was beginning to lose his grip on remaining calm.
A few hours later, Virgil felt his eyelids grow heavy and saw Thomas was beginning to fall asleep. "We should go." The others nodded sleepily and sunk out.
Thomas stirred and looked up at Virgil. "Are you alright, Virge?"
"I'll try and keep my worrying to a minimum." Virgil stood and tucked his hands deep into his pockets. "You should go to bed and sleep. Joan and Talyn are coming over tomorrow...don't want to look like me, hey"
Thomas smiled weakly and repositioned himself on the lounge. "Thanks Virgil. You really are a good guy."
Before Virgil could make another comment, Thomas closed his eyes and fell asleep. The lounge wasn't the best place to sleep, but Thomas needed sleep so that was enough to satisfy Virgil.
He teleported to his room.... something was off. Virgil scanned the room for any lingering shadows but saw nothing except Rage still sleeping on the lounge.
"You can't hide Deceit. I know you're in here."
Thanks for reading.
Chapter 3
Want to read even more? Check out the link below
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Rage|Logan eye flash.
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hazystroll · 4 years
So I've been listening to Rain covered by Mafumafu (which is originally sang by Sekai no Owari) and am aspired to write a songfic bout it (*˘︶˘*).。*♡
do note that this'll be a miscellaneous pairing but let's see if I could note down what I had in mind whilst writing this at the end of the post!
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幸せなような 涙が出そうな
This is just like happiness but feels like my tears is flowing out
I wonder, what is this feeling?
(I ask), as I woke from a dream of a rainfall,
with tears that have gotten dry on my cheeks.
"(B)-san, you're spacing up again," said a person sitting across to the called up young male. It's not so often people reprimanded him for sequestering before he himself does. "You're good?"
It felt frustrating to have himself being picked out, he must admit, "Don't mind me, kindly presume." —it hurt the pride a bit.
"But (B)-san, you're shedding tears!"
Beforehand, he never thought how tardy his mind could get him. He thought he'll do better than this. "Hm? Is that so?" checking upon himself, there do exist several scants of salty water on both of his delicate cheeks.
"If you're not feeling pretty well, I think it'll be safe to say that today's study might be enough as it is," the second boy said, slightly leaning towards his opposite side of the table where (B) sat across.
"I wonder if that'll do the day enough," (B) replies him; pinning his arm on one side of his now not-so-damped cheek. "Didn't you ask me for a studying session at the onset?"
"I'll ask you for another day if today's been ill for you."
"Heh, bold of you to assume I have pretty enough time for you," scribble scribble, he started to dance the pen grace atop of the book with several question marks served before him now that he knows his consciousness wouldn't betray him for another time today.
".....you should've had an equestrian private class by this time, didn't you?"
"Then again, I think it's fine to skip a class for once, I always wanted to try it," he eschewed the hindrance, not even sure what to tell to express his storm, as well as almost finishing the equation (A) enquired him while he was spacing out.
The smaller boy falter back to his original seat, having a faint, minuscule clue to comprehend. "Recently you've been abating your tense, does that have any relations to this?"
'What a curious little head', the taller boy muttered to himself. "Are you here to intrude one's seclusion too or what?"
—oh, his bad. It wasn't meant to sound that harsh.
"I was asking nicely, though. If there's anything, at least perhaps I could help."
"You're shamefully certain with that," he paused as he's circling the end of the long formula he's been writing before. "To think that this turned out as a downfall session, I ought to dismiss myself. Take care."
He finished his duty for the queries and stood, walking away with no words aftermath leaving the guilty significance with the deafening hues of the heliac's afternoon grace.
"(B)-san, wait, I—"
Was it too late?
真っ白な夜に 遠くを走る汽車の影
In the pure white night, the shadow of the train running in the distance,
passing by leaving both of us with the silence.
Day to day, life's been making jokes on him recently. Seven of the evening now, and the father has just texted him his chauffeur sir is picking up his whomever-it-is niece?
Surely, a 'You'll do fine going home by yourself, wouldn't you?' has exploit his temper like a cherry on top, but sadly he's worn enough to do any dumb act of expression; even walking sounds more troublesome than ever now. Better serves the old man sire right next time, then.
A railway, of course. The lamp sign isn't broken, right? A train wouldn't suddenly appear from the corner, ready to send him to join the cult of souls, right? Ding dong, ding dong, rest assured, 'he'll be fine', he assured himself.
Has this district always been this quiet? Even footsteps that's changing pace into a running one from a distance could vividly be heard.
Wait, footsteps? who's behind him?
The lone youth peeks his left, seeing nothing before the tap on his right shoulder making him stock still along with a train passing by, unnoticed ahead of time. "(B), I haven't seen you for several days. Is our school ground that spacious?"
The tone he knows become unimaginably low he thought he's in trouble. It's on his right.........right?
They trade each other's gaze few moments until the sound of the echoing train could be faintly be heard ever again, as one of them fell into consideration.
"(A), I swear I'm throwing you just before that train the second time you're doing that."
"Pardon, I just thought I wouldn't catch up on you if weren't to do that."
"Tell your business this instant."
"I don't have any."
"It's late enough to clown around, (A)."
"It's actually nothing but simplicity," the shorter male rummages his bag, smiling a bit as if he's glad the male before him would like to appreciate his presence. "Grandmother made me a few charm, would you like to take one as a gratitude for five days ago?"
"No." —or not. Seems like he's not keenly fond of it yet. "Life will revolves as it is with or without it around me. Why would I?"
Another sound of a train could be heard. The pregnant silence has took a quite moment, now that the long mech has already passed its way already; leaving them with nothing but a deem to each other's scrutiny.
"If you're giving me nothing but that pity worth look, you're wasting my rest time, congratulations." Mercilessly, he whomst been offered a kindness left, again.
"Oh, believe me, I couldn't really care how's the world will do you," the young (A's last name) is catching up again, wouldn't really give a thorough business of the upcoming consequences. "But I'm leaving this heartful omen guardian on that hands of yours, regardless." —but he managed, unlike the other time, it isn't him the one who's get left behind.
And just like that, he merges his steps counterway with no intention of making the slight niggled guy talks back.
Something new within the stance of two silences, huh....?
逃げ出したいような 心踊るような
it feels like I want to run away, it feels as if my heart is dancing
I wonder, what's the name of this feeling?
The times when I turn my face away from the mirror,
it already feels like a long, long time ago
'He's messing with my head.'
That (A's last name), is this what they call sorcery of the innocency?
Enough of this. As if he's one worth of importance. Certainly he has greater deeds on his to-do list, and none of them associates with the chants of that young male's surroundings.
Truth unfold, the lingering feeling did felt great; rejuvenating. A wholesome aid after weeks of tyranny he wouldn't even dare to complain for the sake of what he strives until present from his long chronicle.
But that's it, no more going lulled unless he wants to get himself dulled.
"If there's anything I can help, then please let me! You're concerning, to be less said."
Ridiculous. Now his voice rings as if they're crystal clear.
"(B's full name), it's not a joke."
A joke......?
"What are you doing here?"
He thought the class has died minutes ago?
"I'm personally not sure, but it seems like an unfinished notion brought me here today," (A) replies, not tagging his tender trademark along. Why though?
"I recommend you to stop barging into a 'mere friend's businesses. Not everyone is pleased by that, I believe?"
"Do you really think few spits of you generously giving off your time tutoring me just only got us as a stranger?" young (A's last name) asked (B)'s query back. "—what happened to your dignity that only serves only the person of your ought? I'm not being jested around, aren't I?"
Dear Luna, (B's last name) thought it wouldn't be anywhere near this. He miscalculated the impressions.
"Those minor gestures, tone shift? It is as if I'm studying you more than my lessons if they keep on appearing in front of me!"
Is the tricker being tricked? It was never intended to be this grave. Where was the tranquil atmosphere of brief salvation he originally yearned?
"It's a period here, (A). You'll proceed nothing but only vain to feed that forsaken meddling."
where the rainbow spreads in the sky
I won't forget, on a rainy day like this, we gazed into the sky together
Then in a sudden, a downpour arrives like a thunder in the midday, coating the radius within with fluids and humidity.
the rainbow will vanish soon, but the rain will keep nurturing the plants
そうだ 次の雨の日のために 傘を探しに行こう
Yes, on the next rainy day let's look for an umbrella together.
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itsafoolmoon · 8 years
celestiyale here~ all of the oc questions because I'm an ass like that
I can’t believe you’ve done this to me 
1. Your first OC ever?
Technically my sonic oc I made when I was like what, 8?  
In all seriousness, I think it’s Kara. She’s can shapeshift into a wolf. 
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
I’d gotta say it’s probably Chase. He’s pretty upbeat and I think about what stupid things he’d get into. 
3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else?
4. A character you rarely talk about?
I barley talk about most of my OCs, you’ll just have to ask to see them 
5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be?
Kara. She’s apart of a story i’m trying to make and therefore if she’s popular than my other characters would be by association. 
6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related?
Chase and Mike. When I first did their designs freshman year of highschool they looked almost the same, thankfully I’ve fixed that a bit. Just in case though it gave me an excuse to pretend they’re brothers of sorts.
7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories?
Kara, Jasper, Bellona, and a couple others i’ve yet to name. They’re the ones that actually have a kind of story going on. still working on the others
8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here!
I haven’t RP’ed since elementary school @whimsicalsnail can vouch for me
9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else?
No, they’re all my children and I love them.
10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design?
None of them are very complicated actually...a bit too simple if you ask me...
11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”?
Chase or Kara
12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot
There are too many webcomics I’ve read for me to pick one
13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs?
Elliot, he’s in college and he’s a punk
14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory
Kara and Jasper. Their family and possibly clan were wiped out by a witch and wizard. Jasper takes care of Kara like a little sister and feels responsible for both their families fallen because he could have given a better warning. Since the attack, Kara has nightmares and if she get’s too emotional (anger, fear, sadness) something else takes over.... talk about cliche 
15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people?
Only ones that promise not to judge how terrible they all are 
16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)?
17. Any OC OTPs?
I don’t really ship any of my OCs together. I’ve tried making someone for Chase and Mike but...relationships are complicated and so is OC making
18. Any OC crackships?
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
I can’t say there’s one that “means a lot” to me...guess I don’t bond with them enough hehe
20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)?
Chase is a singer. He’s the lead singer of a little rock band he make called Rising Phoenixes (It’s a work in progress people). I made him when I first heard the song The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy. So his voice would be something like Patrick Stump with maybe a bit of Chester Bennington from Linkin Park and Michael Barnes from Red.  Obviously he’s really into rock music and he likes rap as well as some pop. 
21. Your most artistic OC
Technically Chase. The rest of em are goons. Elliot doodles somewhat but that’d when he’s not paying attention in class or procrastinating
22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how?
I wouldn’t know since not many people know about them 
23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like?
With complete honesty, none of my OCs have really changes much since I’ve made them. Design, yeah, but they have the same personality and goals and stuff. 
24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why?
Elliot or Chase. They’re both dumb and I love them. 
25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?)
Kara. When I made her in elementary I was basically trying to make myself seem more interesting...
26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will?
Nope. All the changes I’ve done are my own choices.
27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song?
Buddy, a lot of my OCs are based on songs. My problem is that I don’t remember most of them...
Mike - Basketcase by Green Day
Chase - The Phoenix by Fall Out Boy
Mia - Titanium by David Guetta ft. Sia
Bonnie - Cake by Melanie Martinez
28. Your most dangerous OC?
Realistically, Mia. She’s a spy and analyzes all situations with caution. 
Fantasy wise, Bellona and her brother. They use their magic with little to no regard for other life. 
29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going?
I would say Elliot but he’s a little turd so he’d tell everyone just to act like a tough guy.
30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection?
Mia. The semi stoic ones always have a soft side.
31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really)
Chase would have a social blog that probably promotes his band and there’s a bunch of selfies with him and his bandmates along with audio posts of their songs. Some grumpy Mike pictures are included.
32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why?
Mia. Since she’s a spy she’s got all the training to survive and she’s been trained mentally to adapt to situations. There’s a chance she’ll scream at some point though. 
33. Your shyest OC?
Elliot. He’s very socially awkward.
34. Do you have any twin characters?
Debating wether to give Kara a twin brother. I dabbled in wether I wanted a girl or boy and I can have both if they’re siblings. Still indecisive about it though. 
Might be repetitive though since Bellona and her brother are twins as well.
35. Any sibling characters?
Mike and Chase aren’t related by blood, but they have a sort of bond like siblings.
36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)?
I’m not sure I understand the question. 
37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human
Kara and Jasper are both shapeshifters. Kara originally turned into a black wolf but after the attack on her family, her fur is black and white. Jasper can turn into a red wolf. Bellona and her brother know magic and are able to turn into dragons. 
38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer?
I’m thinking that Mike was sent to ballet or some sort of fancy dance classes. Meanwhile I have another OC that GETS DOWN AT THE CLUB. 
39. Introduce any character you want
Jasper isn’t talked about much so uh. Yeah he’s a shapeshifter and acts much like a protective older brother towards Kara. He’s got a hint of Jakob from Fire Emblem Fates to his personality when it comes to Kara. He’s a typically polite young man and he tried to hide his emotions a lot of the time. He can be very caring and kind depending on the person though. 
40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share!
When I first drew Mike, my friend said he was hot. It was during theatre my freshman year. 
41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!)
@whimsicalsnail has, but they’re buried deep in our tumblr convo
42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods?
hmm probably Chase
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
I’m gonna be honest, I consider all of my OCs attractive and I would probably date the dudes. I’m guily of same face syndrome too probably. 
44. Something you like about your OCs in general
I like that i’m able to make them and that I don’t always have to draw fanart to feel satisfied
45. A character you no longer use?
I use all of them...in due time...some more than others...
46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly?
47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child?
I don’t tell people enough...@whimsicalsnail probably has
48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure
Either Chase or Kara
49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes
Elliot. He’s a college student, of course he’d be too into memes.
50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want
I usually create OCs based on songs, even if I can’t remember them all. There are a few songs that i’d relate to my OCs and think of them when listening to them. Kara is basically my self insert into the fiction world and I am ashamed but it’s too late now. I hope they all don’t have the same kind of personality too....
If you’re interested in any of my OCs, I’ll gladly do some doodles of them to show you what they look like!
@axioms-sassiest this took me almost an hour to do....why.....
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