#i'm ao happy to have my sister back
wraithwonder · 2 years
i do love the friendships that pick up where they left off, the ones where both parties grow and are able to reconnect. lately, i haven't had anybody to talk to and no one i feel close to anymore, no one to relate to, but then i reconnected with a friend who i had a pretty bad falling out with a few years ago. what made me forgive them? they owned up to what they did, explained to me why it was wrong, and proved that they were doing better. they listened to me as i owned up to my side and respectfully agreed, telling me about the stuff that had bothered them with me and i did the same. no one yelled or tossed accusations. we just talked. it was honestly a really wonderful experience to see someone i thought of as family for the longest time grow along with me despite us being separate and at odds with each other for so long. and to especially have closure for something that put so much weight on my shoulders for so long. and we spoke even more recently & officially have reconnected.
she had a baby recently and said i was her son's aunt too. i almost cried, not gonna lie. but i'm really happy it wound up this way.
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oosleepyfaeoo · 1 year
His Little Dragon
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A. Targaryen x Child!Reader
Summary: You gave him happiness but a what cost?
Warnings: a lot of angst, death, prepare to cry
Words: 1k
A/n: English is not my first language.
I got inspiration writing this because of this song sooo I'm gonna leave it here for you guys listening while reading.
The harsh wind ran past Aemond's slim figure. His pale skin was numb from the cold gust mixed with small drops of rain constantly flowing down his body. His tears blended with the rain. 
Vhagar stood a few meters away from her rider, groaning in sorrow as she senses his emotions. Behind him was his sister and mother. Both of them cried silently while hugging each other.  
Your joyful laugh still echoes through his head, and your mischievous smile still burned in his eye. Your soft floral scent still lingers in his nose.  
Walking forward, Aemond puts your favorite toy beside your fragile little body. Wrapped in soft white cloth. 
“Kepa jorrāelagon ao sīr olvie, ñuha zaldrītsos.” He whispers as he kisses your head. (Father loves you so much, My little Dragon.) 
You were his pride and joy. His little flame. 
The first time he saw you, you were fighting with a boy much bigger than you. Kicking his legs to make him kneel and get some bread from his hands. Desperately shoving a piece into your small mouth.  
Smiling softly, he walks toward you. Throwing some coins to the boy to make him leave, Aemond crouches down and offers his waterskin to you.  
Frowning, you eyed him carefully. Suspicious of his intentions. But you were so thirsty that you couldn’t care less if he would slap you, kidnap you or kill you.  
Drinking greedily, Aemond examines you closely. Seeing the miserable state of your dress, all dirty and full of holes. Your little legs were full of scratches and bruises as well your arms. But what caught his attention while he was visiting the Flea Bottom streets, was your long silver hair.  
You had the blood of the dragon in you, that Aemond was sure. But who was your father? The first person coming to his head was his pig of a brother. Aegon.  
You must be his.  
“What’s your name, child?” He asks gently.  
You give his waterskin back, empty now. “I-I don’t h-have o-o-one.” you stuttered. 
Aemond hums. “Do you know how old you are?”  
A proud smile appears on your round face. “I-I’m fi-five!” you said while thrusting your tiny hand to him, showing all your five fingers. 
Offering his large hand to you, Aemond smiles gently at you. “Would you like to see the Castle?”  
Nodding eagerly, you let him take you away from that miserable place.  
Since that day, you were his little dragon. His sweet daughter. He named you Y/n, relishing your sweet smile as you repeat your new name over and over again. 
His mother wasn’t happy with his action, afraid of what people would think of this mysterious silver-haired child. But her worries quickly disappeared as she observes you and Aemond interact, acting like you two knew each other all your lives. Never had she seen her son so happy before. 
Helaena was thrilled to have you in her family, playing with you and her children in the gardens while teaching you everything about bugs.  
Aegon didn’t even notice you, choosing to drown all his problems in wine and whores. Which was for the best since Aemond didn’t want him near you. 
You and Aemond would spend hours and hours in the library. He would teach you to read and write, ignoring Septon's pleas. Saying that he didn’t trust anyone else than himself to be your teacher. 
To Aemond's surprise, you were a quick learner. But you had an issue, you have a speech problem. Which made it difficult for you to make friends. Children would laugh and make cruel jokes about your speech every time you tried to communicate with them.
That would lead you to spend all your time with your adoptive father. You were his little shadow. Whenever he was, you weren’t far. 
Aemond took you to meet Vhagar one morning, laughing softly as he sees the look of awe on your chubby face.  
Your bravery also surprised him. You carefully ran to Vhagar, the big dragon lowering her head to your level, so you could pet her snout gently. Giggles left your mouth as you feel her warm breath tickle your face.  
You two would ride through the clear skies on Vhagar’s back all day. Aemond promise you that he would take you to travel through the seven kingdoms, showing you all the world's wonders.  
That night, while he was reading you a bedtime story. You grab his hand and make him look down at you.  
“W-Will I ever ha-ha-have a dragon, K-kepa?” You timidly asked. 
Aemond closes the book and put it away. He smiles down at you, putting a silver lock behind your small ear.  
“Of course you will, my sweet daughter.” He kisses your head and pulls the blankets up, keeping you protected from the cold night. “When you grow up, you will claim your dragon. Like I did... And then, we will fly together side by side.” 
Little did he know that he could not keep his promise. 
Winter has come and the Stranger walked through Westeros. Collecting lives from Lords, Ladies, Septons, servants, and especially... yours. 
One cloudy morning, Aemond runs through your chamber’s doors. The room is full of maids, working quickly around the room while Maester stood beside your bed. Where you laid there, pale as a ghost.  
The Maester tried everything to bring your fever down. Gave you every potion he could think of it, put you in a cold bath, and gave you a special tea from Free Cities which was said to be the cure for all illness. But nothing worked.  
You only got worse every day.   
“K-Kepa...” You whimper, a grim smile on your face. "It h-hurts..."
Aemond sits beside your limp form, cupping your face gently. Your skin was hot to the touch, but you shivered like you were in the middle of a snowstorm.  
“It’s okay, little dragon...” He says with a teary smile. “Kepa is here... You will be alright...”  
But that was a lie. 
Two days later you died. The city bells rang for days as the King’s Landing folk mourn their Princess’s death.  
On that day, Aemond also died. His soul becomes empty and joyless, the only feeling he felt the most being hatred.  
Hatred for the illness that killed. Hatred for the Maester for not being able to cure you. Hatred for the Stranger that took you from him. Hatred for himself for not being able to protect you like he promised he would... 
“My Prince... It is time.” Septon's voice brought him back, his lilac gaze focus on your frail form laying on the wooden pit. 
“See you soon, my little dragon.” He whispers, tears running down freely on his face. 
Take a step back, his eye never leaving your wrapped figure. You were with the Gods now and soon he will join you.  
Biting back a cry, he took a deep breath and finally let you rest in piece. 
Are you crying yet? >.>
Tag list: @cryptid-l0ver @saelwen @saelwen-shy-elf @papichulo120627
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p-taryn-dactyl · 1 year
Fail-Safe (2)
a/n: hi!! I'm so sorry for the wait, life hasn't been the nicest recently lol. I hope this ok!!
tag list: @sunshadesnrainbowz @wandaromamoff69 @tintedrose12 @m-12344
word count: 1.4k
prompt: Dreykov always had a back up plan, a fail safe, in case his empire fell. You grew up with Yelena and Natasha in the Red Room. But unlike your sisters, who became an Avenger or the greatest child assassin respectively, Dreykov had a different purpose for you. Now that he was gone, you were released from your cage - to hunt down the ones responsible for the death of the Red Room.
pairing(s): yelena belova x dark!sister!reader; kate bishop x dark!reader (not romantic); antonia dreykov x dark!reader
warning(s)/notes: mentions of murder; experimentations; Dreykov being a crap individual; mentions of AoS plot lines; crappy writing; Y/N shows emotions briefly and hates it, does not recommend
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Laura laughed out loud at the face you made once trying your latte, a free one you had received once being the one hundredth customer of the week. She covered her mouth with her hand as you glared at the offensive beverage, your guard lowered for a second. Clearing your throat, you pushed the drink away from you on the table and leveled your gaze on Laura, your objective once more ringing through your mind. You took on an inquisitive expression, feigning the appearance of something stalling in your mind. You picked up the coffee Barton’s wife had bought you, not the disgusting one you wanted to throw out the window, and took a sip before asking a question.
“Barton, Barton - why does that name sound familiar?” You made sure to keep your voice lowered, as to not get the attention of the other patrons in the cafe, and to give Laura a false sense of security. The woman smiled softly, taking a drink of her own coffee before answering.
“Probably from my husband, he’s a bit popular around this city.”
You let your eyes widen, brighten at her words. You snapped before pointing at her excitedly.
“Hawkeye! I wish I could’ve seen the battle of New York, I’ve heard it was a spectacle.”
Laura smiled at the child like excitement in your voice. Truth be told, you didn’t have to feign the emotion in your tone, some part of you truly wished you could’ve seen your sis- the Avengers in action. Laura’s phone beeped and she opened her message, looking at you with an apologetic look.
“My daughter,” she explained, waving her phone in the air, “something to do with a school project. Can we exchange numbers? I would love to continue this sometime.”
Something blossomed in your chest at the warmth in her tone but you were quick to squash it. With a quirk of your lips, you wrote your number down on a napkin, handing it to Laura. The woman nodded in thanks before waving back to you and walking away. You waited a few moments before getting up, taking the offensive coffee and marching over to the barista, who looked at you with false happiness.
“Hello ma’am, how may I-” he didn’t get to finish his words, as you focused on the gravitational pulls around his throat. You watched as his face turned red, his hands grasping at his neck, clawing at the skin. Calmly, you set the latte down on the counter and watched in amusement as the barista fell to the ground. Adjusting your jacket, you spun around, a panicked look on your face.
“Someone call an ambulance!”
Soon there was a crowd of people surrounding the barista, voices rising through the air as someone tried to get a hold of 911. You meandered away, your footsteps light as you made your way down the sidewalks of New York City.
“Sir, I wouldn’t recommend using her just yet - our other test subjects have been destroyed by the mere pressure this element puts on their bodies-”
Dreykov raised a hand to stop the scientist, his eyes trained on you as you sat curled up in a corner. You were shaking, pain still coursing through your body days after the last experiment, where your bones were covered in an indestructible substance. But that’s not what haunted your mind, not the burning of your bones or the heaviness that laced your body. No, what haunted you was the look on Yelena’s face before she was knocked out. She looked shocked to see you, shocked to see what Dreykov was doing but not…concerned. She looked like she didn’t care, like you didn’t matter.
Natasha was always the favorite sister.
Dreykov motioned for you and with heavy movements you stood up, making your way to the man. The scientist watched you with an apology in her eyes. You didn’t know what that meant. You were led down a hallway, Dreykov’s hand on your back - guiding you. Once inside a heavily armored room, Dreykov led you to a small chamber. You eyed the vials of levitating darkness with contempt, not wanting to feel anymore pain.
“Now, my georgin, this will only last a moment, then you will taste power only the strongest of men have feasted upon,” Dreykov paused, watching as the contempt into your eyes faded away, still lingering with fear but now drowning in a thirst that was reflected in his own. He raised a hand to move your chin so you were looking at him. 
“The…others who were gifted with this opportunity were weak, they crumbled under the weight of what was expected. They disappointed me. But, you won’t, will you, my rising feniks?” 
You set your chin, determination flooding your veins. The weighted material coating your skeleton felt lighter, no more holding you down but fueling your strength as you made your way into the chamber. As the door shut, you held back a hiss at the pinpricks of pain on your arms and legs from the needles. You saw Dreykov watching you, then you watched as he nodded to the scientist in your peripheral vision, and you closed your eyes. Focusing your breath, you steadied your heart, desperate not to show weakness. When the vials emptied into your system, you almost bit your tongue off with the force of your teeth. 
But you didn’t scream.
Oh no, you didn’t scream.
After a few moments, the pain disappeared, melting away as energy surged through you, whispers flooding your mind. It felt…empowering. 
It started with a chuckle, a mere movement of your shoulders in amusement, then it grew into a roar of laughter bursting from your lips. 
If this was the price of pain, you would thrive in its riches.
The street was crowded with bystanders, all panicking with the sight before them. Pushing through the crowd, Yelena felt her heart beating rapidly in her chest. 
It was you, she knew it was. 
The description that Kate and Clint had given her of the victim’s body only further proved her thoughts to be true. A young man with a crushed throat but no signs of force on his skin. His eyes popping out of the sockets with the amount of force used to destroy his airway, his face a disturbing gray while the rest of his body an unnerving natural shade. 
The two archers opted to stay behind at Kate’s apartment, hoping to find a way to track you down. But Yelena knew there was only one true way to catch you, someone who was equally as close to Dreykov as you once were. Someone, who could hopefully win in a fight against you, even with all your advantages. Yelena made it to the front of the crowd, where she saw the EMTs load the body into a truck, the police keeping everyone back as their CSI desperately searched the scene for any evidence. 
“They’re not going to find anything,” a voice rang out next to Yelena, accented and rough, “Even if she didn’t have her powers, it’s what we’re taught- to not leave a trace.” 
Yelena turned toward the other woman, nodding her chin in greeting. Antonia, once known as Taskmaster, nodded her own in return. She set her gaze towards the ambulance, ignoring the stares from others at her burn marks. 
“This is her second, da?” 
Yelena nodded, sighing as she rubbed her brow with her hand, curling it into a fist in frustration. 
“She’s playing with me, Antonia, leaving a note at Lana’s house, walking around the city, hiding in plain sight. It’s exhausting.” 
Antonia shrugged, a humorless smirk pulling on the edges of her lips. 
“I wouldn’t take it personally. You and Natasha killed my father and now that Natasha is out of the equation, you’re the only loose string left- excluding your parents.” 
Yelena turned her full attention to Antonia, question in her eyes. Antonia sighed, turning her body to face Yelena.
“Y/N is Dreykov’s fail-safe, Yelena, his avenger. You killed him, you’re her target. This,” she waved a hand towards the crime scene, “is just fun and games for her, none of it matters. This ends with your blood staining her hands. It’s what she’s programmed to do.” 
Yelena swallowed, sharp pains tugging at her heart. She lost one sister to sacrifice and one to the exploits of a mad man. 
At least one could be easily saved. 
“Well then,” Yelena faked a smile, looking Antonia dead in the eyes, “we have our work cut out for us then. I’ll call the archers and you go get your suit.” 
Yelena watched as the ambulance drove away.
“It’s time to start playing her game.”
a/n: hi!! I hope this was worth the long wait lol...thank you for reading!!
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thegeminisage · 1 month
star trek update time. earlier tonight, my eyes were cursed with star trek generations, a very very bad movie. if you don't know the big spoiler for this movie (the character death), please stop reading here. or keep reading actually i'm not your mom. fuck this movie anyway.
with the tos movies, i tried to keep notes on notepad as i watched so as to better type up a "liveblog" later. i was a bit spotty at remembering to do that this time, but i have enough to put together a reasonable write-up. here's kind of how it went
cried multiple times during this movie. first time was when kirk showed up because i knew it was the last time we were ever gonna see him. got bonus aftershock tears when i saw scotty and chekov - i was under the impression it was JUST kirk. second time, i THINK, was when he showed up again, though i just misted up a little. big boo-hooing when he mentioned spock, naturally. MORE crying when he finally bit it, though it was mostly because i was angry!!! and finally, even though i promised myself i wouldn't cry over data, i did start sobbing when he was reunited with his cat. gave myself a crying headache.
it was difficult watching kirk be on the bridge and want to be captain and he's not captain. and then crisis strikes and oh yeah he is. and really, the captainly thing to do WAS to go down to the lower decks and do whatever the fuck. needs of the many. he saved that guy's life. that would have been a fine death.
it was a little ruined by chekov going "was there somebody in there?" like to me it struck me more as funny than anything
oh, spotting guinan in the tos era made me absolutely thrilled btw. i missed her so much in s7 it was UNREAL.
OH YEAH AND. sulu's daughter. wah. ik aos sulu is gay do we think tos sulu is gay too. either way i;m very happy for him
apparently one of the guys in this is from succession. i'm choosing to blame this whole debacle on him.
switching directly to a fucking holodeck scene KILLED me. i HATE the holodeck. at first i thought they were giving worf a retirement party to send him to ds9 but they were just doing all of that for fun. deanna's outfit was hot though. also, data shoving beverly WAS FUNNY tng writers just hate autistic people
i have mixed feelings about data and the emotions chip. i was surprised they never covered it in tng proper and i think it would have been handled better there...data having the chip WAS the reason soren got away, which makes it plot-important, but it felt like a b-plot to a normal tng episode and this is supposed to be a feature film. instead it was a tng two-parter with a budget and william shatner. it was fun watching data experience emotions (happiness, terror) and struggle to control them, but there ironically wasn't enough time to really get into it, except when picard gave him the tough love speech, which i think was uncalled for. why is he so against suicide when it's data when he was out here telling worf to kill himself over an empty barrel??
titty klingon sisters. i never remember their names or their faces but i ALWAYS recognize those boob windows. at first it was really annoying because it is pretty sexist but honestly i've become very endeared. it's absolutely devastating that this movie killed them too. they were everything to me 💔
hey, sorry, side bar, were they watching geordi bathe through his visor? freaks.
also, geordi in the bondage gear while he was kidnapped. ALSO, wasn't he growing new eyes in the tng s7 finale? whatever happened with that???
stellar cartography looks better than it did in tng but it brought back memories of picard running around on poor beverly. idk what he's so worried about continuing his family line for wesley crusher IS his affair baby
hey, also, the lighting??? the "distant sunlight" atmosphere when the lights are off vs the brightly lit interior of the show? truly, the upgraded lighting was probably my favorite part of the movie. it looked SO fucking good. i really felt like we were on a spaceship.
no, wait, ACTUALLY my favorite part was data getting to say "oh, shit!" that was really good. they got one bad word for this whole movie and used it in the perfect place
no, my favorite part was the spock mention.
did not like kirk referring to picard repeatedly as the captain of the enterprise. kirk's the real captain here, bitch. picard doesn't have what it takes to die for his ship. he doesn't love his ship the way kirk loved his.
i did like the nexus reference to the tmp wife. in the novel she was named lori but she didn't show up in tmp proper much less get a name so i'm ok with them calling her the wrong name, but i just know it's the same woman. less okay with kirk's nexus dream being all about some random woman we've never met. he's in love with the IDEA of a woman to come home to, sure, but it's just lazy writing. we don't have any reason to care about this girl. at least if it had been carol ruth marcus or something we'd have SOME basis to give a shit on. the nexus was the perfect place for spock and bones! i wish they and uhura and sulu had had cameos...
i also liked him warning picard to NEVER retire/accept promotion, bc retiring wound up being so traumatizing for him. this is not really consistent but i'm making it that way in my mind palace.
also, kirk being a horse girl is FAKE. they just made him be into horses bc picard is into horses. gross. he was really good at chopping wood though lol
the scene with the kids evacuating the spaceship...WHY WOULD YOU HAVE CHILDREN ON THIS SHIP. i also worried about the pets the entire time, which is part of why i lost it when data found spot :(
it's sad that a piece of guinan was left behind in the nexus...does that happen to everyone? is a piece of kirk in there too? i really wanted to write a fix-it for this someday but they have given me so little to work with that it's hard to imagine a fixit that isn't just 80% "yeah we're ignoring that" which isn't very satisfying.
the crash was SO long. also, why was data holding troi? she's got 2 different boyfriends who could be doing that for her
since i was going into this knowing kirk died, i expected that he was gonna die because the nexus swallowed him or something. i was expecting something grand. instead it was like, tos scene, an hour and a half of very mid tng content, and then half an hour of rushed and poorly paced kirk and picard scenes. typical tng episode that it didn't get to the point until it was almost over, but jesus. i can't believe they got shatner for their movie and then barely had him in it. like, kirk at the end was a total surprise narratively (obviously everyone watching it knows bc of the opening at LEAST that he'll be back, but imagine if this guy had been some rando - it would have been so unsatisfying and weird).
see, this is the thing. the nexus actually has the potential to be incredibly compelling. the way picard's scenes were shot were very very good, if one could ignore the clothes from 1790 and the horrific portrait of himself looking like he stepped out of les mis and also how creepy his kids were and WHY WASN'T HIS WIFE BEVERLY I HATE HIM. kirk's were rushed and messy (he likes horses? his dog? none of this connects us to the character we knew in tos...), and picard's involved, well, picard. but the CONCEPT absolutely fucks, and i did love the creep factor in spite of it all. this whole movie had huge potential and instead it's a steaming pile of shit. i could have learned to live with a good kirk death but living with a bad one is gonna kill me. at least he had good last words. "oh, my" right before he dies kinda fucks tbh.
my final note is that i think sir patrick stewart got sunburnt filming some of those scenes near the end. there were a few shots where he looked quite pink. give the man some sunscreen. oh yeah also why did some people randomly wear the ds9 uniforms...what on earth
anyway, terrible movie, 0/10 stars, i'm never gonna recover. tng never disappoints in disappointing me.
NEXT TIME: back to ds9, thank god. we're doing "meridan" and "defiant."
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goldenchunkycat · 1 year
(Not so)Great | Happy Ending
Pairing: Neteyam x Ao'nung's little sister!Reader
Summary: "I HAVE NO WORDS FOR THE NETEYAM X AONOUGS LITTLE SISTER ONE OMG. super sad but so good. please write more of this trope but maybe a happy ending this time?"
Warnings: Hurt/Comfort, Ao'nung is an asshole, argument ?, use of the word 'Tsundere', not proof read
A/N: I kinda feel like Ao'nung is a bit OOC but I also think that he would be the type of guy who gives the cold shoulder when angry TT So idk but well, I hope you'll like it ♡ - If you want to understand... ➪ (Not so)Great ➪ A mother's love | Sequel to (Not so)Great
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When Ao'nung found out about your relationship with Neteyam, things got out of control. You can still remember Neteyam's limp body carried away by his brother and your friends after your big brother hit him, hard.
Was that it ? Were you going to not see him again ? Ever ? Were you going to lose your mate because you did not respected the traditions ? Because you lied to everyone around you ?
At some point, after spending weeks in your family's Marui, crying about your mistakes, you have come to an understanding. It was your fault. Everything could have happened differently, if only you were honest with your family. Now, you couldn't see nor Neteyam or Ao'nung.
"Sister, please, eat..." Tsireya carefully spoke, sliding a plate of food in front of you. You huffed then looked at her face, her sad expression, and reluctantly took the plate from the ground, eating slowly, grudgingly. "You know, I know exactly what's happening in that head of yours. It's not your fault, none of this. Ao'nung just..." she stopped talking, thinking carefully about her next words. "He trusted you to tell him everything. He really likes and cares for you..."
You put down the wooden plate on the ground, looking at the floor with teary eyes. You did not answered, nor looked at her. You did not wanted her to see you like this: weak, pathetic. You were the big sister and she was the one comforting you, what a pity...
"I know that I'm your sister and all, but your relationship with Ao'nung has always amazed me. You two were... I don't know but you share a relationship with him that I don't."
''No ! It's fine, really. I've never felt left out, don't worry. I just want to tell you that he just wants to protect you, you know ? Imagine that your baby sister that you really care for has been in a relationship with a man that you know but none of them told you ? Someone come to you and says 'Hey, I saw your sister kissing the forest boy behind a rock', he must have felt betrayed and, knowing him, humiliated, huh ?"
"Yeah... I have- I did not think about this that way..." you said sheepishly, fidgeting on the ground. Now that you think about it, Ao'nung really must have felt humiliated. "We should have been honest with him."
"Yeah..." Tsireya said as you both stayed silent for a moment, you trying to figure it all out and her waiting for you to react. "I think you should talk to him."
"Me ? He's the one who almost killed Neteyam !"
"Come on, don't be childish. He's probably thinking 'Me ? She's the one who went behind my back !'. You should have a mature conversation, the three of you."
"Fine." you rolled your eyes, knowing that your sister was right.
Later that day, when the eclipse casts a gloom over the ocean and the village, Ao'nung went back home from the hunt, tired and hungry. Yet, you knew that despite is horrible mood you had to talk to him, the sooner the better. Putting your awkwardness and pride aside, you walk to him as he was putting down his harpoon.
"Ao', can we talk ?"
Silence answered you as he walked past you, heading to the table were Tsireya was sitting, looking from afar your interactions. You shoulders slumped and your face fell. It was hard trying to apologize when the other one did no effort at all. Seeing your downcast expression, your sister discretely gave you a thumbs up, encouraging you to try one more time.
You walked towards your brother and sat beside him, fidgeting with your fingers as you shyly looked at him.
"I'm really sorry. For what happened."
You weren't used to apologize to someone, since you never caused any trouble, so apologizing to your brother was weird. You did not know where to start, what to say, how to do it properly, how to convey your thoughts, genuinely.
You big brother turned his head towards you, ears pinned to his head, almost hissing at you. You were taken aback, surprised, and a bit scared by his expression. But just as he was about to lash out at you, your parents came into the Marui and spoke, their voice firm, trying to understand why was the air so thick.
"What's happening ?" your father asked, frowning as he made his way towards the table. "Ao'nung ?"
"Ask her." your brother hissed, getting up on his feet, ready to leave.
"Where do you think you're going ?" your mother said in a low tone, defying him to leave the tent. "Explain. Now."
None of you talked. You just looked at the ground, ashamed, and Ao'nung only huffed, not wanting to utter a single words. Carefully, your sister spoke, trying to defuse the situation.
"They had a...disagreement."
"About what ?" Tonowari arched a brow, looking at your small frame shrinking into itself as Ao'nung was getting more impatient and angrier with each passing minutes. "Ao'nung." he said in a warning tone.
"About her company. Or should I say courtship ?" he spat the last word with venom, making you unconsciously shivering and tearing up for the second time of the day.
You did not wanted your parents to learn about your relationship that way. You wanted your father to go on a hunt with your mate, you wanted them to befriend each other and build a relationship based on trust and respect. You wanted your mother to grow found of the boy who took care of her daughter, who treated her daughter like a goddess. But none of that would happen because of your mistakes.
Your mother called out your name and you raised you head to look at her. Her stern look faltered a bit when she saw how the situation affected you and she approached you, sitting right next to you. "Tanhì, tell me that happened."
"I- I..."
"She fucked around with that forest boy !" your brother said angrily, balling his fist as a growl emitted from his chest.
Tsireya gasped and your mother snapped her head to your brother while your father looked a you, surprised. No one talked for a few second until your father cleared his throat, awkwardly taking a sit next to you while looking back and forth between you and the ceiling.
"Which one ? I hope it's not the dumb one."
"Dad !" Tsireya whined incredulously, not very found of her father's nickname for Lo'ak . She just knew that he was talking about Lo'ak.
"Oh. I guess it's the other one then." he murmured, lost in his thoughts for a few seconds before nodding to himself, making your eyes widened at the action. Did he just... "Yeah, he's...a good guy."
You felt like crying and engulfing him in your arm. Your father's reputation stretched beyond the seas, everyone knew about how tough he was, about how he was such a great leader. But no one knew that he was a soft touch with his daughters. He was such a great father to you and your sister. You would not talk on behalf of your brother though.
"I don't know what happened between you three and I don't care. I trust you, Tanhì, if you are in a relationship with this guy it means that he's the one, Eywa makes no mistakes. He'll always be welcome here, as long as he court you, properly." he said, insisting on the last word. You understood that he wanted Neteyam to ask for your hand in 'marriage' to him. He wanted to meet him, he wanted him to be a part of your family. You sobbed, overwhelmed by this warm feeling in your heart. Pure joy. Your father hugged you tightly, glad to see you so happy.
Your mother got up and made her way toward an incredible Ao'nung who just watched them he scene with big round eyes, incredulous.
"I expect you to respect your sister just like you respect me or any other women. She got to live her life like she wants, you're no one to tell her what is wrong, but you can help her. " she said, pushing him with a hand on his chest. "So that's what the fight was about ? I don't care if it hurt your pride. I don't care if your friend made fun of you. You should have told them that it's none of their business and that you're happy that your sister is happy, because you should." she said firmly, turning her back to her son walking away from him in order to hug and congratulate you. She glanced at him one last time, saying "Let the people talk and behave like the future clan leader that you will be, son."
"Nete' !" you said happily, running to him and jumping on his back.
Surprised, he hold you close to prevent you from falling and tried to fight back the smile who was slowly creeping up his face. It took him a good minutes to realize that you were here, in his arms, hugging him, and when his brain fully processed this fact, he hugged you closer and hid his face into your hair, taking a deep breath. After weeks without seeing you, you were finally here, you were in his arms, you were real.
"I'm so happy to see you again ! How are you ? My brother hit you hard, why didn't you fight back ? I'm sure that you could have punched him in the face." you said jokingly, getting back on your feet.
"I though- Weren't you-" he stuttered, looking at your beautiful face while trying to understand everything which was happening. It did not make sense, weren't you prohibited from seeing him ?
"My father really wants to meet you ! I bet that he'll like you more than me." you said, on cloud nine as you hold his hand and dragged him toward your Marui, rambling on and on about how you spent the last weeks thinking about him. "I don't know about Ao'nung though. He kinda was an asshole to me and you, but he apologized. He's too prideful to apologized to you so just pretend that it never happened." you said, pouting.
Neteyam did not know how to describe his he was feeling. Emotions were mixing up, thoughts were getting messy. The only thing he was able to think was pretty, pretty, pretty. He missed you so much. Your annoying jokes which weren't funny, your bubbly personality around him and only him, the way your face would lit up when you were talking about something that you liked. He was so lucky.
He suddenly stopped, making you turn around to ask him what was wrong. But suddenly, you felt like you were levitating. Stars were dancing behind your eyelids and emotions were making you stumble on your own feet. His lips gently caressed yours, so lovingly, so sweet and delicate. You felt protected. You felt loved. And he was the one who made you feel dizzy and lightheaded, lovesick. But do not worry, he was lovesick too.
"Hey forest boy !" Ao'nung came into the picture and that bubble disappear like foam on the shore. You resisted the urge to roll your eyes and frowned, ready to fight for what was making you feel like your heart was full, to fight for what felt right. Him and you. Neteyam looked at him with utmost respect, greeting him despite the fact that he ended up bedridden the last time he saw him.
"Do not do this in front of me or I'll have to rip my eyes off." he rolled his eyes and made his way toward the Marui, stopping when he saw that you weren't following. "What are you waiting for ?"
You and Neteyam giggled, bumping shoulders and making fun of your tsundere brother, jogging to reach him. Now, everything was great.
Some things were not addressed again so the question remained: out of you three, who was in the wrong ?
But well, who cares.
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🌺My beautiful flower🌺 2 🌺
Warning!! Stepcest NSFW!! Pregnancy, getting caught, coming to terms with what happened, happy ending 🐚
Ao'nung wakes up early before the sun rises and their parents wake up going to Sho'ree hammock opening it seeing her frame sleeping he smiles before climbing in with her rubbing her side.
"Are you awake my baby?" "Ao go to sleep." "I can't wait anymore flower I need your body so much right now."
She opened her eyes rubbing the sleep out of her eyes turning around seeing her brother looking at her with a smile on his face. "Hello my flower sleep well?" He said as he wrapped his arm around her "Yes I dreamt about you." He smiled thinking about what her dream was about.
"Really? And what was the dream about my love?" "We were.. like our parents." He smiled more "Were we making love like them?" "Yes and.."
"And?" "We were married it felt so real Ao'nung." She said before looking sad "But now reality has kicked in and now I- I won't be able to be with you."
She cried he hate to see her cry he holds her close to him "No no shh flower don't cry we're going to be together no matter what everyone else in the village saids I'll never stop loving you." He said wiping the tears away
"Don't cry." He said as he undid her top and her lionskin "Let big brother take care of you." He said rubbing her folds with his fingers "Mm Ao."
"Your wet my 🌺.. could it be your dream was sexual?" "Yes I..I dreamt about you and me making love." "I'm about to make your dream come true."
He stops and got up "Come my love." She gets up and they go to their secret hiding spot near the ocean he undress as well "Come to me my sweet sister."
He said as she wrapped her arms around him as he lift her up kissing her lips and neck causing her to moan and whimper "Shh Flower you'll wake up ma and father." He said placing himself inside her feeling her wet slick opening around him "Ah yes ohh Sho'ree you feel warm."
"Ao..oh Ao'nung yes yes." He thrusts deeper and faster inside her kissing her neck "So good.. ohh Ao stop before you leave a mark on me."
She said as he looked at her smirking "That is the point my love so no one will ever have you or ask your hand in marriage." She smiles as he looked into her eyes showing that cute cocky smile of his grabbing her ass gripping it hard "Your mine..all mine no other man will have you."
"Ahh yes ohh yes ahh Sho'ree Sho'ree I'm close ahh I'm so close brother's going to cum." "Ao the sun is rising!" "I know baby I know let brother cum in you let me mark you." "Ao no not inside me I'll get pregnant stop!" "Then so be it your my mate after all."
She moaned trying to get down but he lift her up pressing his back again the rock thrusting faster "Ao! Stop!" "I..I can't flower I can't I'm cumming baby!"
"Ao'nung please stop I'll do anything." "Really?" "Yes." He pulled her ponytail "Then carry my child right here, right now, as Eywa as my witness I'll make you my mate!" He then gasped almost at his orgasm as was she as he then wrapped his arms around her "Sho'ree I'm going to plant my seed inside of you."
He said as she tried to pull away from him but she was weak "Where do you think you're going love your going to carry my baby remember?" He said as she couldn't control herself much longer "Ao Ao!" "Ohh yes your such a good step sister making your brother cum with your pretty pussy."
Couple of more thrusts and he cums inside her feeling her tight walls squeezing him "Ohh Eywa yes!" He moaned gripping her hips "You did great my love you'll make a perfect wife."
He said as she trembled "It is time for breakfast my flower let's eat." "Yes."
"Yes what?" He said lifting her chin up to match his eye level "Yes.. brother."
He smiles at her as he pulls out of her "That's my special girl."
3 month later
Sho'ree was fine after what happened with her and Ao'nung but then she began feeling sick throwing up, she was hungry all the time, and there was one time she passed out Tsireya ran over to her "Oh no Sho'ree! Sho'ree my sister..help!"
"Ao'nung help! Ao!" He rushed over to them after his hunt "What is it?!" "It's Sho'ree she fainted!" "Go get help! Go I'll stay here." He looks at her "My flower wake up .. please." He pulled her close to him and whispered in her ear "Please my flower I cannot lose I can't lose I love you.. please wake up come back to me."
After that it was discovered that she was pregnant Her parents were shocked and were wondering how did it happen? When did it happen? Who's the father? Tonowari came back to tell his children the news "Tsireya, Ao'nung I have news on Sho'ree."
"What is it father?" Said Ao'nung "She is pregnant." Tsireya was excited she was going to be a auntie and Ao was going to be a uncle. "Yes!! Eywa has blessed her father!" "I am not sure my daughter but regardless we well support her." She came out with her mother and smiled "Daughter I was talking with your sister and brother and they will support you and help anyway they can."
Ao looked at her and smiled "I sure will." He said as his father, sister, and step mom left leaving them alone.
"I am going to be a -" "Uncle." She said letting him know others were around she took his hand and went to their secret spot "I'm going to be a father..I can't wait to see how your going to look pregnant." He said placing his hand on her stomach she hit him.
"Ow! flower what is it?" "This Ao! I'm pregnant.. pregnant ugh how could you do this?!" "It's alright my love I will take care of everything." He said as she fell to get knees "Ao'nung..I don't want..our baby to be seen as a freak! Disgusting! All the things people will say about our baby."
"They won't I promise you I will love, care, and protect our baby no matter what." He said as she cries in his arms he holds her close to him "It's alright it'll be alright."
"Sho'ree! Ao dinner!" Shouted their sister "Not a word to anyone yet alright my flower?" "Yes..Ao." he smiles as he kisses her lips.
"Good let's eat my child is going to need food to grow big and strong like their father." She giggled.
Months went by and Sho'ree was 8 months pregnant and was no longer allowed to go anywhere by herself and hunt. Ao'nung wouldn't let her hunt and he'd go with her while his step mom checked on the baby "My grandchild is strong growing up fast."
She said smiling as Ao'nung smiled as he caressed her Belly "I'll tell your father I'll be right back." She left the Mauri leaving them alone he kissed her lips "You look so beautiful my love." He said as he caressed her cheek before kissing her again "I love you Sho'ree and our baby."
"I love you too baby." She said as he kept kissing and rubbing his hands on her body "Mm." She moaned as he rubbed her clit through her loincloth "Your getting wet for me baby? Hmm your getting this pretty pregnant pussy nice wet for brother?"
"No-no.. Ao stop it." She said trying to push his hand only for him to move faster smiling at her looking at her "Stop? You don't mean it baby girl." "Brother please stop someone might hear us." He moaned gripping his hand into a fist "I'm getting horny love I know you're in your heat mood."
He said as she got sweaty "Yes..yes big brother I - I need it brother I need you."
He smiled before helping her up "Come on love let's go to our spot." The snuck out to the back going to their spot but he couldn't wait he needed her now.
"I can't go any further my love I have to have you here..I have to take you now."
He undid his loincloth and bend her over a tree and undid hers going inside her "Ahh yes! Ohh yes my love ohh Sho'ree yes!" "Ohh brother! Ahh yes yes Ao'nung Ao'nung! The baby I can feel the baby moving!"
He stopped feeling his baby shifting around he smiled and went back to thrusting inside her "Ohh yes! Haha my baby you probably wondering why I'm doing this?" "Momma is in heat and daddy's making her feel good your going to hear momma moan and say my name until your birth..my baby."
Their mom came back to see the Mauri empty she wondered where they went. She was going to look until she heard moaning she heard it from the back "What is that?"
She heard her daughter's voice it was her daughter.. moaning loudly and she heard something that made her stomach drop "Ohh Ao'nung I love you I love you brother you feel so good!" "You feel good too my love ohh flower my flower your mine no one in the clan will mate with you."
She slowly walked out and turned seeing Ao'nung and her daughter having sex "Ahh I'm cumming in your pussy again baby I'm cumming baby!"
"Oh brother put another load inside me!" "What is this?!" She shouted as Ao'nung and Sho'ree orgasm together she fell off her feet "What are you doing?" She got back up and pulled him off Sho'ree shoving him "Ao'nung what are you doing?! This is your sister!" "I do not see her that way!"
"Tonowari!!" She yelled he ran in "What is it my dear?" "Ao'nung was mating with his sister as if she was a woman of the village!" "I am ma and I love him!" She gasped before slapping her daughter having her fall over but not before Ao'nung caught her "Flower! What is wrong with you how could you hit your own pregnant daughter?!"
He said Tonowari was still wrapping his mind around this but he put two and two together he was upset "Ao'nung what is this?! Is this true?!"
"Yes father and the Child is mine." Her mother gasped before falling to her knees crying and speaking in Na'vi "No mother no not my child! No I will not believe it! That is your sister! Your little sister!"
"We are not related by blood! She has no blood connection to me, Tsireya, father just you." As upset as he was Tonowari knew his son was right and he had to defuse the situation before the village caught wind of this. "Ao'nung, Sho'ree go inside I will speak with your mother alone." She looked at him with tears in her eyes and they were red.
After telling his sister and everyone talked it out they found out that Ao'nung had feelings for her but after he married her mother he could not court her he was angry at her mother, he was angry at his father so to get back at them he started a incestuous relationship with his younger step sister who was adopted by his father.
He overheard his father and her mother talking about marrying her off to Ak'no the strongest and fastest on his hunting team for strong children so he got her pregnant out of spite towards him and his parents. "I want to marry her father you both owe me that." "What? You impregnate my daughter and you want to marry her?!"
"Yes ma'am I loved her first had you not marry we'd be happy right now married and your grandchild would have already been here she didn't want to do it but I couldn't help myself I love her so much and I love my baby."
Her mother saw how much he loved her daughter and Tonowari figured out why after they got married he was acting out and then out of the blue he was with her all the time, they were eating together, hunting, and slept in the bad hammock it all made sense to him.
"If you want to marry then you'll marry we must come to terms with this situation things will change but we'll still be a family." He said as her mother nod her head she knew separating them would only make things worse so they finally married them everyone was shocked but they knew, the whole village knew that the relationship with them wasn't normal so they came to terms with it as well.
After this they were no longer siblings but husband and wife and Ao'nung was happy as he was holding his son and his wife was holding their daughter twin babies. They were shocked at their births but he loved them none the less his babies meant everything to him they were beautiful but his daughter the youngest was smaller than her brother their mother said that she was sickly and wouldn't make it but she prove them wrong.
She's a daddy's girl and he's loves his baby girl. They taught them to swim when they were 6 months old and they got the hang of it he was so proud of his little ones swimming on their own he swam with them as they swam in different directions he got his son from the left and had him swim with his sister.
"My babies are growing up so fast." He said as his son wrapped his little hand around his finger "My boy my Lu'ka." He said as his mate was feeding their daughter he caressed her head "My Lo'na." He said as he kissed his mate "I love you." "I love you too Ao'nung."
The end!! 🫰🏾 Follow me for more!! If you like this then you can request 😉☺️
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strawsoldier · 8 months
Summer 2023 Anime-Round Up
A pretty mediocre season of anime tbh. But still some hidden gems to be found and appreciated. RIP to Zom 100 btw lmao. Anyway, here's the round up!
Anime of the Season: Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season
Best Opening: Ao no Sumika (Jujutsu Kaisen S2)
Best Ending: Akari: (Jujutsu Kaisen S2)
Drops: Tenpuru, Liar Liar
Plans to Watch at a later date: Bang Dream! It's MyGO!!!!! , Dark Gathering, Spy Classroom Season 2
Jobless Reincarnation: Season 2 - (6/10)
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They told me that this season was just Rudeus trying to cure his ED. Too bad I didn't believe them. Not a fan of the "Solve my heartbreak over one of harem girls dumping me by finding another one of my harem girls" narrative that went on for 5 episodes more than it needed too. Unsure if I'll come back for more of this. After 3 cours of this show, I think I can confidently say I just don't like Rudeus.
Horimiya: Piece - (8/10)
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Not every side-story worked for me, but most of them were pretty good. I just love how stupid and honest these kids are. Sometimes, the way anime glorifies high school life can be overbearing, but I can't help but wishing I enjoyed those days more whenever I watch this show. Gonna miss it.
Remi best girl.
Bleach: Thousand-Year Blood War Arc Part 2 - (7/10)
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Definitely felt the exhaustion I remembered when reading the manga. I'm not sure what's Kubo fascination with long strings of fights while the plot stands completely still. Didn't enjoy it during the Arrancar arc, not enjoying now. At least Squad 0 redeemed themselves (somewhat)
My Happy Marriage - (8/10)
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Still believe this show would be better if it didn't have all that supernatural stuff. Nevertheless, still enjoyable romance. Mio is a great lead and her development alongside Kiyoka was really good. We will be there for Season 2.
Reign of the Seven Spellblades - (6/10)
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Remember when "Magic High School" was the genre that was oversaturated? Me neither. This show was enjoyable but had some weird moments. Also for once, I'd like a magic show that doesn't obsesses over the reproductive system. Probably won't watch any foreseeable sequel. Still rooting for Nanao to get that kiss.
Bungou Stray Dogs 5th Season - (9/10)
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Actual Peak Fiction. Igarashi and his team at Bones just know how to make this show as stylish and cool as possible. Also this arc is by far the best one we've gotten so far. Could feel the tension at every episode where crazy shit happened. Shame I can't read the manga to find out what happens next lol.
Undead Girl Murder Farce - (8/10)
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Now this is a show that had style in every corner of its being. Undead Murder Farce with just so fun to watch. The trio of Aya/Tsugaru/Shizuku is one of my favorites in recent times and the side characters we very memorable. I think the last arc when one for 1 or 2 episodes more than it needed too, but still enjoyable nonetheless
EDENS ZERO 2nd Season - (7/10)
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This season was a lot more darker than what I usually expect from Mashima. Wish the presentation wasn't so exact to Fairy Tail, but it has some high points that exceeds it's sister series. Probably will check out the manga if a third season isn't announced sometime in the future.
Fate/strange Fake: Whispers of Dawn - (8/10)
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An anime series by the team that did all those FGO commercials is any fate fans dream. Cannot wait for the full show of this. I hope Aniplex gives them enough time to animated this (they probably won't)
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Damn do i actually have Thoughts? That's crazy
- I don't know all the juicy DS lore but I do know a little bit, and knowing that Lucien had fellow soldier friends is making his whole backstory cutscene a lot more heartbreaking. Were those his friends holding him down? His brothers and sisters in arms destroying not one, but two innocent villages (presumably along with all their people)? :(
- Lowkey I want to see more of Lucien back when he was just recently Shadar'd, before he was like a hundred years old. Probably looked just as depressed though
- Ni No Kuni I love you but What Is The Timeline. When did Lucien become Shadar? When did he destroy Bellicosia, and how much time was there between that and him destroying Halcyon? Alicia says she lived many happy days, so I'm assuming she had a sort of normal childhood, but I don't think getting your country Miasma Marsh'd counts as a good time (at least not in my book).
- Alicia...... what was her life like before the game's events? Where did she come from? Where did she go? I'd have been married a long time ago
- There really is something to the idea of the villain of a story being brought down by themselves (albeit themselves from another universe). The joy, optimism, and hope of Oliver winning out against Lucien's overwhelming despair? His younger other self restoring peace to the world and to both their souls? Mwah mwah
- I can't help but wonder what Oliver is going to feel like without a soulmate, though. Hell, what was his journey like having Shadar as his soulmate, even though he didn't know up until the end? I wonder if Oliver's going to feel like he's missing something he never knew was there in the first place. I guess Lucien will probably just be floating around in the afterlife until he gets reborn or smth. The way souls are talked about in Ni No Kuni is so cryptic
- Also how did the question of "hey so who's my soulmate" never come up for Oliver? He didn't even give it a passing thought? Really??
- Small child Alicia's outfit lowkey looks kind of like an Ao Dai, it's just missing the side cuts
- Just. Soul stuff. Ik the basic plot from here on out but I wonder if people really do feel sick or not whole after losing their soulmate in an unnatural way. I can't stop thinking about it and how weird it is that Oliver doesn't have a soulmate in the other world anymore
- literally who are the fireworks people I have not seen them even once in this game before why are they here
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wayward-wren · 4 years
it finishes 
that’s gonna take a second to sink in properly to be honest. 
slightly emotionally dead but it was a satisfying ending. I did think the whole ‘this is the last time we’ll stand in the same room together’ thing was kinda cheap? Like... why can’t they catch up once everyone is back on the planet? Like, I know people are busy and stuff but?? idk, seems odd. 
Anyway, Kora got the redemption she deserved! Daisy and Sousa and Kora starting SWORD that’s fun!!!! 
Thinking about Fitzsimmons finally getting their happy ending is going to make me tear up so I’m gonna take a minute. That last shot with Fitz and Alya though it’s what they deserve 
DAVIS! We get Davis back which is cool!!! And Piper shows up again those guys are great and im glad they get an ending I wasn’t hugely expecting them to. 
Mack is director of SHIELD it’s what he deserves 
May is a lecturer at the SHIELD academy!!!! And Flint lives I’m so happy for him! (Yoyo and Mack totally adopted him, right?) 
Okay but still kinda sad about Deke staying behind. They didn’t need to do him dirty like that let him be Uncle Deke to Alya who might be his mother but STILL
Anyway getting emotional over that last Fitzsimmons scene again I should go to bed is 20 past 1am. 
might write some more once it has had time to settle and I’ve processed everything and realized that it’s actually finished. 
Ftizsimmons got their happy ending after seven YEARS of beign TORN APART they got their happy ending and everytime i think of that last scene and they’re happy and fitz called her ‘little monkey’ and i c r i e d 
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dendylabyrinth · 3 years
What’s up with the Arc 2 girls having REALLY sad doppel summoning lines?
And I’m not even including the Main Story cast! Like look!:
Sakuya "Don't hurt me any further...!"
Moka "I knew it. I'm totally clueless..."
Maria "With a body like this...!"
Temari "Only the results matter..."
Hotori "I'm still so weak..."
Meguru "In the end, I'm nobody special..."
Ranka "I'll never do it again, so please..."
Rion "Why, Hotori...?"
Chika "In the end, I'm just human too..."
Yuuna "I have nothing whatsoever...!"
Jun "'Behind the times,' huh...?"
Mitsune "Don't look... [It] isn't me...!"
Sae "I have to keep acting, or else..."
Rui "When I became a Magical Girl, I was already..."
Ryouko "World peace? Or my happiness?"
Kushu "Big Sister..."
Don’t get me wrong, we do have some sad lines from Arc 1’s girls, but at least they are a mixed bag (freaking Hinano’s "Who are you calling SHORT?!" And Mayu’s "Why do they all get the wrong idea...?!" give you whiplash because their tones are so different from each other!) MEANWHILE IN ARC 2 THE NEW GIRLS ARE ALL SO DEPRESSED THAT WE RAN OUT OF (…) FROM HOW SAD THEY ARE! There is no happiness here in Arc 2; only guilt, identity issues, and general personal tragedies.
Actually you know what? Fuck it: here’s the Main Story cast’s bottom of the barrel level of sadness:
Yuna "I'm being swallowed by my emotions..."
Hikaru "Don't take her away from me...!"
Ao "This is my retribution..."
Chiharu "Give me back my wish...!"
Sunao "The darkness from my past returns to me..."
Shigure "I can't protect her..."
Hagumu "I'm no good, am I..."
Alexandra "My first love was..."
Nayuta "I'm utterly blind"
Mikage "Nothing Mii says can get through..."
Sudachi "Fumumu... fummumu..." (YOU KNOW SHE’S SAYING SOMETHING SAD)
Yozuru "And yet, I still feel nothing."
Livia "My heart is... by my wish..."
On the other hand, Arc 1’s main cast‘s lines are basically just different intonations of ‘FUCK YOU’ or ‘HOLY SHIT! THIS IS HAPPENING!’
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Study My Ass
Words: 1.8k
Leonard McCoy/Fem!OC, Jim Kirk
Star Trek AOS; Academy Era; Third-year; follows AOS movie
What would’ve happened when Jim walked away to ‘study’ for the Kobayashi Maru, leaving Leonard and Jordan on their own… She’s a Kirk, after all.
Warnings: PWP…You’ve been warned
Disclaimer: Don’t own Star Trek… (wish I did)
A/N: This piece was something I have been working on for a while… And Lordy, it was interesting. Proofread more than a dozen times. Be gentle please, it’s been years since I’ve written and published something. :)
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“Why are you so happy right now?” Leonard asked Jim as he took the steps with the twins. He had just finished his clinical rotation at Starfleet hospital and joined the two Kirks as they walked out of a strenuous lecture. When Jim didn’t immediately respond, he turned to Jordan. “Why is he so happy?”
Jordan shrugged nonchalantly and entwined her arm in his. “No idea, Len. I’m just his twin. We don’t share a telepathic link, thank god.”
Jim laughed at her comment and turned to Leonard. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
“No, I don't suppose you would know,” Leonard muttered under his breath. As they slowed their walk, Jordan leaned her head on his shoulder and sighed, enjoying the brief moment with the two most important men in her life. She rolled her eyes when Jim greeted a group of female cadets walking passed them and turned back to her and Leonard.
“I'm taking the test again.”
Yep, brief moment of actual peace ruined.
Leonard and Jordan stopped in their tracks and stared at him. Leonard scoffed, “you’ve got to be kidding me.”
“You can’t be serious, Jim!” she yelped in annoyance. Jim ignored them and continued his walking, leaving the two trailing behind.
“Yeah, tomorrow morning and I want you both there.”
Jordan threw her hands in the air. “Oh for the love of…”
“You know, we’ve got better things to do than to watch you embarrass yourself for a third time,” Leonard scolded and gestured between himself and Jordan, “we’re doctors, Jim, We’re busy.”
“It doesn't bother either of you that no one's ever passed the test?”
“Jim, we’ve had this conversation already,” Jordan argued, “we’re talking about the Kobayashi Maru. No one passes the test.”
“And no one goes back for seconds, let alone thirds,” Leonard added.
“I’ve got to study. See you two later.” And with that, Jim left his sister and his friend alone in the middle of the Academy courtyard.
“Study my ass,” Leonard mumbled and shook his head, turning to Jordan with pursed lips.
“He’s never going to understand.”
“He’s a Kirk, and a crazy one.” She shrugged her shoulders, and the two began walking in the opposite direction toward the dorm halls.
“What about you?” Jordan asked after a short silence.
“What about me?” Their walk slowed as they looked at each other. She smiled at him and bumped his arm lightly with her shoulder.
“Well, I know you’re done with your clinical rotation for today, and I do have that exam on Andorian infectious diseases in a few days.
“I see,” Leonard laughed and took her hand in his. “I believe you have to study, darlin’.”
A mischievous smile spread on Jordan’s lips and she wiggled her eyebrows. “I need all the help I can get. Wanna be my study partner?”
“You’re just as bad as Jim,” Leonard laughed as he pulled her to a brisk walk. “Your dorm or mine?”
“I like the way you think.”
When the door to her quarters slid shut behind him, Leonard dropped his bag unceremoniously on the floor and his hands immediately delved under Jordan’s cadet tunic, his warm calloused hands sending shivers through her body. His mouth worked on the pulsing vein on her neck, gently nipping and sucking eagerly, earning a longing moan deep from her throat, her hands fumbling with the zipper of her tunic, throwing off the harsh clothing, and then carded her hands in his hair like a lifeline.
“God, you smell so, so good,” Leonard murmured against her neck, his tongue licking a trail up to her ear, and playfully nipped her lobe. His hands moved to the front, pulling the hem of her shirt over her head and discarding it behind him. He held her arms by her biceps over her head, enjoying the way she responded to his ministrations, and hungrily kissed her, sucking her lower lip into his mouth with a groan.
“You’re talking like you’re drunk, Doctor McCoy,” she mused breathlessly, pushing him down on her bed and worked on relieving him of his cadet tunic and undershirt. His hands were on her waist, working efficiently on the zipper of her skirt and the cloth successfully pooled at her feet, leaving her standing in her silky bra and panties and her cadet boots. She brought a foot to the edge of the bed between his legs, his hands immediately working the zipper and pulled the boot off, followed by her other foot, and then she climbed on his lap, her covered sex nestled snuggly against his covered and very strained erection. His hands clumsily worked the fastenings of her bra as she tweaked her hips against his in a circular motion.
“I’m very sober, Doctor Kirk,” Leonard laughed when he finally pulled her bra off her shoulders, revealing her perky breasts in attention. His mouth was instantly on one of her nipples, lapping and sucking while his other hand kneaded her other breast. With her hands in his hair again, she moaned rather loudly, her head falling back as her eyes rolled backwards in pleasure.
“My title sounds very sexy when you say it, handsome,” she gasped as his mouth turned to her other breast and continued his assault. She mewled and rotated her hips again, her arousal very apparent to him, and his hand caressed down her stomach to the hem of her panty and his thumb slipped under and into her wet folds, eagerly circling her swollen clit. Her hands abandoned his hair and dove down to his pants, hazardously unzipping the front to expose his strained erection, her hand clasping around it softly and pulled up. Leonard groaned powerfully, bringing his mouth away from her chest and stared at Jordan, his hazel eyes dark and starved.
“I love calling you ‘doctor’,” he growled unashamed, the circular motions of his thumb on her clit becoming more prominent, his other hand coming around and placing it flat on her lower back. She rotated her hips to the attention of the onslaught of his thumb, searching for the release that was quickly building up. He smirked as her lips parted in short gasps. “It rolls off my tongue like honey.”
Jordan stood from his lap and discarded her panties on the floor while Leonard pulled off his pants and briefs, and she returned back to him, her swollen pussy hovering over his cock in a tease, rubbing his bulging tip against her sex. She placed her hands on his shoulders as he grabbed her hips, her stomach rubbing the planes of his muscled chest. She brought her lips to his ear, sucked his lobe between her teeth and whispered, “and I love screaming your name.”
“Like right now?” He gripped her hips and pulled her down, his cock entering her in one swift move to the hilt, giving her no time to react, a soft cry escaping her lips.
“Leonard!” It was a delicious feeling, her walls taut around his cock as they sat still for a moment to catch a shaky breath, and she squeezed him, earning a growl from him. His mouth clasped on the pulse of her neck, licking and sucking a trail to the hollow of her collarbone. She moaned as she brought her arms around his neck, a hand entwined in the hair on the back of his head while the other dug into his trapezius muscle, moving her hips closer to his, his cock sinking deeper into her, and his pelvic bone rubbed delectably against her sensitive clit. His hands were firm on her hips, fingers digging into her skin, and he pulled her back until his tip was just inside her. She whimpered a soft complaint but gasped when he pulled her back in, his cock sinking back into her as it rubbed the sweetest spot of her walls, and he repeated the process.
“Len, Len… Leonard…”
“Yes darlin’. Say my name,” he ordered as he guided her hips to move faster, the friction becoming almost unbearable. The rhythm was set, Jordan moving her hips in fluent strokes, chasing that sweet release that was slowly blooming. His hands found the globes of her ass and gripped them firmly, pushing her to move faster on his cock. She cried his name out a few times, her forehead against his shoulder, her movements becoming frantic and erratic.
Leonard quickly switched positions without breaking contact, laying her down gently on her back against the bed, her tawny hair on the pillow like a fiery curtain, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and he pumped his cock into her mercilessly. He took her wrists in one hand and gripped them tightly over her head, foreheads leaning against one another, growls and moans echoing through the dorm.
“You’re close, darlin’, I can feel your delicious pussy squeezing my cock,” he groaned, his other hand sinking down, his fingers rapidly circling her clit, “it feels so good, sweetheart. Feels so good. So gorgeous. Say my name, darlin’. Say my name when you come. Come for me.”
His naughty words enunciated in his thick southern drawl and his assault on her clit ignited that exquisite burn in the pit of her stomach, and as she cried out his name in a wobbly plea, her walls constricted in a mind-blowing orgasm. He pushed his hips into her, their skins slapping with sloppy contact until she felt his cock swell within her and his own orgasm shuddered him, shooting his load into her in countless waves.
Leonard laid his body over hers carefully, mindful to not squish her, and nuzzled his head in the crook of her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her sweat that trickled down her skin. Her arms automatically wrapped around his shoulders in a tight embrace and she let out a deep, satisfying sigh.
“This feels heavenly,” she murmured in contentment, one of her hands playing with sweaty strands of Leonard’s hair. She felt him smile against her neck and hummed in agreement. His cock was now flaccid within her, but neither made any attempt to move, pleased to just stay put for a few short moments longer.
“You’re heavenly,” he mumbled lazily, lifting himself on his elbows and looked down at Jordan’s soft grin, his hands pulling the strands of her sweaty hair from her face. Her hands on either side of his neck, she pulled him down and planted a soothing kiss on his lips.
“So, about that study session,” she mused.
Leonard laughed and lifted himself from her and stepped into the bathroom. “Andorian infectious diseases, right? How about we take a quick shower and I’ll help you out.”
“Maybe we can try this again afterwards? I promise I’ll behave, doctor.” Leonard poked his head out the door, an eyebrow raised with a smirk on his lips.
“At the rate we’re goin’, we’ll never get your studyin’ done.”
Jordan returned his smirk with one of her own. “I’m a Kirk, remember? What studying?”
Return to Master List
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I agree with what you said about how kate will be definitely different to Elizabeth bennet and that phoebe was much better. You also said she could have changed some things for the better, which I agree because I just saw dickensian and the three musketeers in which she was ao good. Can you elaborate more.
Oh hi! Certainly.
See, kate and Anthony sure do have the pride and prejudice energy, i.e, dislike at first meet, infuriating, tension between both of them but they do not realise it because they are clowns and for sure the epic enemies to lovers plot. I love them so much. But that does not warrant people to go and say 'huh, I don't think Simone will be great, bcs look at Kate she is nothing like Elizabeth Bennet' and that's so problematic because both Kate and Elizabeth Bennet while being headstrong stubborn women are entirely two different characters. Sure they'd be great friends but one is a Jane Austen character and the other Julia Quinn character. And both are wonderful.
Here's the thing you cannot compare present day historical romance characters to those written back at 1800s. It just makes no sense. Julia has never claimed to be Jane Austen and not everything historical has to do with Jane Austen or the Bronte sisters. It's not fair that Bridgerton is made fun of by being called Jane Austenesque when nor the author nor we as a fanbase claimed to be, it's just the media really. And you cannot judge by a one minute clip how good or bad an actress is. From what I've seen Simone is great, even in sex education with little screentime she captured my attention and also she radiates pure Kate energy and I love her.
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About Phoebe, honestly need I say more than the fact that she made me love Daphne even though I didn't think I could. Because while reading the book I wasn't interested in her. After watching the show I reread the book. She is....well, not a very interesting character I know and again you cannot compare her to the regency heroines written by Jane Austen and other authors. She's so conflicted but nor complex, she is filled with anxiety and the too perfectionist vibe which never bodes well for her. And seeing her on screen made me squirm with the discomfort she had to go through. Most of her expressions were a variation of sad, melancholy, disbelief, imperfect trying to be perfect, struggle and defeat. But I do wish Phoebe showed just a teeny tiny bit of 'smartness' more like the time she said 'i wish I weren't a bridgerton' or 'just because I'm a woman....'. I also wish she were shown to be a bit more happy, but that can be understood as the whole season was about Daphne being in burden because of her season and the issues that came with it. From what I've seen of her other works, she was more expressive, solely because the characters were allowed to be too.
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astaroth1357 · 3 years
My Favorite Songs to Write To (Angst/Hijinks):
Since I’m experiencing a spot of writer’s block right now, I’m writing whatever to get the juices flowing again. I listen to a lot a music when I draft and I do it primarily to capture a certain mood I want to convey. I’m a very emotion-driven listener/writer that way. So here's a list of some songs I like to fall back on when I need to write certain genres (mostly for my own future reference cause I have a habit of forgetting then “rediscovering” this stuff all the time).
Katharsis- TK from Ling tosite sigure (A God-tier angst song if there ever was one. It can sound sad, frustrated, desperate, mournful, and even hopeful all at the same time - it’s INSANE how versatile this song is. An absolute must in my arsenal.)
Streaks- ANIMA! (Not as heavy as Katharsis, but good at conveying the frustration and unease the uncertainty of life can bring. It’s good for a day-to-day kind of angst, that “Do even know what I'm doing?” angst that can be just as effective as the heavy stuff.)
Read My Heart- Shinya Sumi (I know that technically this isn’t a sad song... but motherfucker does it sound sad. Some of the angsty stuff I’ve written on the site came from this song in particular, it’s very good at capturing the feeling of mourning and moving on to me... Which I don’t think was what they were going for, but eh. My brain is different, I guess.)
Dancing On My Own- Robyn (Definitely not an obvious pick for a sad song because it sounds like a dance song... but if you focus on the vocals and not the production it's very lonely and hopeless. The song is drowning in envy and despair and you can tell the singer is miserable despite the heavy beats. If I pull this song out, then someone is about to be self-loathing in absolute misery.)
Happy Hijinks (Not a genre, but how else do you describe half my stuff?):
Ao to Natsu- MRS. Green Apple (I will spare you my love for this band to simply say: This song sounds like having an adventure with your friends over summer break. The Camping HCs came from this and that could not have been a more perfect choice if I tried.)
Kessen Spirit- CHiCO with Honeyworks (... Yes, a Haikyuu ending. I still don’t watch it aside when my sister does, but I fell in love with this song on the spot. It’s a good energy song, great for imagining big smiles and crazy antics which fits in perfectly with a lot of what I write.)
Rather Be- Clean Bandit; Jess Glynne (If Spotify is to be believed, this is probably my favorite song of all time. It’s happy in such a carefree way... The only word I have is, “effortless.” When being together feels so natural, it’s practically a given. Just a great song and perfect when you need to write lovesick fools having fun.)
Run Away With Me- Carly Rae Jepsen (Speaking of being together - this song. It’s less carefree than Rather Be and more... consuming. This is actually a song you could run away to - literally leave the world behind because you’re so happily, blissfully, and selfishly in love that you can’t even care. It’s teenaged lovebirds packing up their backpacks and hitchhiking across the world together - will it end well? Who knows? But it’s pure bliss in the moment and that's all that matters.)
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hkshirayuki · 4 years
Marco x Reader
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"that's right, I'm a pineapple human... Who the heck you calling, Pineapple human yoi! "
Y/n were to shock that she faint. Marco finally realized that he turn back to his human form. He was only happy that he is finally back. But he couldn't leave you be. So he just carry you back to the boat and sail to where is his ship.
"Oh your finally back, Marco" his crewmate greet.
"yeah, I am back, Where is Oyaji? " Marco asked.
"Oh if your looking for oyaji his having a feast in the deck, By the way whose the chick?"
Marco just stop out of his trance as he glance back at your unconscious body.
He just sigh as he carry you with him.
Thatch just send a sexy whistle at Marco.
" Oyaji! Marco bring his girl with him" thatch announced as for his pesky siblings. Just gather around and  give you and him a curious look.
Thatch just nudge him as he asked.
"so how's your days with her? Did you have fun?" Marco were only irritated. But he wouldn't admit that he was in his phoenix form and couldn't return back so he was treated as a bird pet. By you which is humiliating.
"Yeah, very fun" Marco said while gritting his teeth under his words.
"come on, share some details" thatch said and he just glare at him to quiet down. Marco is still carrying you in his arms.
Whitebeard just embrace him as a welcome back. Which woke you up. Finding yourself between the chest of Two unknown people.
Y/n were shook to the bone as she jump out of his arms.
"Where am I!?"
"Well you sure, did find a lively lady, Marco, Gurarara" Whitebeard said.
"yeah, But why are you drinking alcohol again! OYAJI! Your not supposed to drink sake! yoi" Marco said as he scold them for letting there Dad drink when he isn't allowed to drink due to his condition.
Y/n just find herself. Out of place as she doesn't understand what is going on? When she remembered that Marco is Ao. The phoenix...so she just point at Marco which is currently scolding the whole crew.
"Your really a Human, Ao!? I mean Marco, right?"
Marco stop his nagging, and his Pops and the rest of the family just give her a curious look. Marco soon were found beside you as he put a hand in your mouth to prevent you blurting the stuffs he didn't want for them to know.
" He sure grown up now, Man, I'm so jealous!" Thatch said.
"I told you, Marco wouldn't be please to know that Oyaji drink" Izo said.
"Come on, We all know he will still do it, even Marco his personal doctor banned him, after all were talking about Oyaji here" Vista said.
"I agree" Jozu said while nodding his head. Izo just sigh to himself as he is also worried to Oyaji's well being.
They all do, its just they inherit there stubbornness from there Oyaji.
Marco just bring you to his room.
"Where are you planning to take me!? Ao? I mean Marco?!"
"To my room"
"what! No! Explain it to me here!"
"Fine, I am a devil fruit user and eat the rarest zoan type, Model phoenix yoi"
"then your really a human?"
"yeah, I am, yoi"
"so... When I was talking to you, you understand it?"
Marco just nod as a response and y/n sudden gasp and remember something that make her flustered and ashamed to herself. She only covered her chest.
"Does it mean... Even when the time I change my clothes in front of you..." Marco just recall and Blush as he apologies for unintentionally crossing the line.
"no, its fine, it was my fault for being careless, So...umm, I'm sorry for treating you like a bird that time"
"Yeah, can't blame you for that as I was making bird noise only, yoi"
"By the way, why did you bring me here with you?"
Marco just rub the back of his neck.
"I just want to asked a favor, if its okay that yoi"
"Just don't talked about the whole bird story, yoi"
"Ah, I see, sure"
Marco just sigh in relief as the two walk out of his room.
The whole crew just give them a sly grin.
Marco just glare at them while y/n just smile in returned, she wave at them awkwardly.
"Is this seriously a pirate ship, your not gonna sell me, Right? Or do something bad?"
Marco just sigh at what you asked.
"we don't do those stuff, yoi" Marco said and hope it reassure you.
"I see" y/n replied as she grin at him.
Marco just look away as he isn't never used to you smiling at his direction. It make him feel mushy inside. The moment he look away, The whitebeard pirates just gather around as they warm welcome y/n to there ship.
As soon she had interact with them, she can sense there different from the pirates she had encountered in the sea.
"I'm quite overwhelmed, To think I'm currently on the same boat with the famous Whitebeard,It's an honour to be in your presence" y/n politely said as they laugh and tell her that she didn't have to be polite nor formal with them.
Whitebeard only laugh at how formal you are. Y/n just felt embarrassed but smile at them and replied "Okay"
Thatch just put an arm around your shoulder as he offer you, A Food he had cook. He will sometimes joke about something that you laugh as you find it funny. Marco only join the fun after he had released his anger.
Whitebeard just asked Marco about how was the week with you. Marco, Of course, just give him a pretty lie.
"Gurara so your the little girl that Marco spend his whole week with, Tell me Little girl, how was My son?" Whitebeard asked.
"He was smart and a Gentleman even he is in his bird form" y/n blurted out and Like that they stop in there trance as they were curious.
"Interesting, Tell us more details,
y/n-chan about the bird form" Thatch said with a very sly grin in his face.
Y/n were going to tell them everything as she is already drunk. When Marco overheard about it, He just covered your mouth with his hand to prevent you from telling the lame truth he want to hide as his secret.
"She is clearly drunk, yoi" Marco thought still covering your mouth with his hand, when his Pops speak
"Bird? Did The two of you make love, Your too young to do stuff like that, Marco" Whitebeard unamused said before chugging his sake.
Marco just blush as he clarify himself.
"What no!We didn't do that pops!" Marco hastily replied and putting his hands up like a gesture of surrender.
"Then what,did you two do then?" Whitebeard narrowed his eyes at his son.
"We were just getting to know each other, like that yoi" Marco said. As it was the truth, y/n observed him, she research about what kind of a bird species he is, It's more like you getting to know him more.
"Your currently blushing, Marco" Izo said.
"I am not, My face is only flushed because of the alcohol in my system, yoi" Marco replied.
"Really, Doctor?" Thatch said.
"Ao and I are Friends, pretty blue bird" y/n said in her sleep as she nuzzled to Marco's chest.
They only raise there eyebrows at him.
"Getting to know, each other huh?!" they all said. Marco only face-palm at himself as the last thing he wanted is to be the tease subject of the Whole Whitebeard pirates.
"I told you, yoi, its not like that" He said.
"Hold on? Who is Ao?" Thatch asked and they look at him.
"Stop giving me the look yoi! Let me bring her to the guest room"
They only pout but comply to what Marco said as they all call it a day.
Marco just bring y/n to one of there spare rooms in the ship.
"Geez, I almost got caught, yoi" Marco said to y/n that is completely asleep.
While he tuck her in bed and go to his own room.
The next day
Marco only woke up by the lively noise, Coming from outside his room.
"Morning" Marco said in a sleepy voice.
"Morning Marco" Izo said as he greet him back. Marco only sit beside him.
"Marco! Your awake, its very rare for you to oversleep" Thatch said as he was giving Marco a gesture.
"Seriously, Thatch" Marco and Izo said. As they both understand what it means and Thatch just laugh.
"I was just messing with you, so how's your sleep?" Thatch asked at the same time he give Marco his breakfast.
"Not that bad" Marco replied before eating.
"About y/n, Marco, Oyaji just asked if she would like to be part of the family" Izo said.
"I see" Marco said before he eat a spoonful of his breakfast again. He was still sleepy so he didn't quite understand.
"We got ourselves a sister now" Thatch happily said in front of Marco.
Marco is currently chewing the food inside his mouth. At the same time he is processing what Izo and thatch said. After processing it he spit his food and choke.
"wh-What!? Oyaji did?" Marco surprised asked.
"Why me" Thatch said as he wipe the food and spit in his face.
"I should have know, you were half asleep to understand it" Izo said offering Thatch a clean cloth to wipe the spit food in his face.
"Where is Oyaji?" Marco asked.
"His in the deck with the rest" Jozu said.
"Thanks" Marco said before leaving them.
Marco just walk towards the deck, only to see how his family enjoy your accompany. It looks like you were asked about your adventures in the sea. After telling them one of the embarrassing and funny moments that happen to you.
"Gurarara, You sure have a One of a kind adventure there, Little girl"
Y/n just bashfully scratch her cheek. While Vista, Rakuyo, Fossa just laughed along with there oyaji.
Vista just notice Marco and walk towards him, And put an arm around his shoulder.
"Marco, good timing, you just arrived at the right time, Oyaji was looking for you" Vista said and Marco just nod his head, and the two just walk towards Whitebeard who is still laughing about y/n's story.
"Marco, where did you find this lively girl, I like her" Whitebeard said with a laugh.
Y/n just blush and thanked Whitebeard for the compliment.
Marco doesn't know what will he react to his Dad statement. You get easily blend in to the whole crew for only a day.
And they are already in favor of you.
Marco just respond with a nervous laugh. "In the ocean, pops just drifting around yoi"
"Oh so it's love at first sight~" Haruta said. The others just smile in a very scheming way towards Marco.
Y/n just tilt her head, as she is oblivious about how Marco's siblings are to him.
Whitebeard just enjoyed seeing how his family tease each other.
" Damn it, Shut up, There is no Romance between me and her, yoi!"
"Yet" Whitey bay added and they all agree.
Marco just look like his going to produce steam of heat from his head.
"You sure guys, get along" y/n said unaware that she is involved.
"We got ourselves a cinnamon roll sister, That's so cute" they all thought and marco just neglect all of there accusation.
"you sure, Charm them all, huh... Young lady" Whitebeard said.
"I don't know... Did I? Really? I have no idea" y/n replied.
Whitebeard just chuckled at you, As he asked you again to join the family.
The whole crew just quiet down, When there dad asked you.
Y/n just thought that even in her first time to interact with them. they welcomed her like she was also part of the family. She just smile at Whitebeard and nod her head as a yes.
The whole family were delighted, As they announced "This call for a welcome feast for our new family member!" They all said in unison.
Whitebeard just laugh as he tell y/n to sit with him.
Part Three
Part one
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dendylabyrinth · 3 years
Can you post the doppel lines on another site? I really want to see them but Pastebin isn't working here
Hi! Sorry for taking so long to answer, but I wanted to check with the translation server and the translator themself (Glide) if they were comfortable with me reposting their translation, which they gave me permission to graciously.
So here are the Doppel Summoning Lines! (Under the cut) Courtesy of Glide!
Iroha "These are my true feelings…!" Yachiyo "Come!" Tsuruno "Go wild." Sana "Come out…!" Felicia "Let's bash 'em up!" Mifuyu "I won't look at anything…!" Touka "This is the energy of liberation!" Alina "It's here…! Alina's beautiful Doppel!" Rena "This is how Rena Minami's gonna win!" Momoko "I'm not spinnin' my wheels in vain…!" Kaede "Even if I'm slow, I'll do my best…!" Karin "Behold my true essence!" Asuka "Haaaah… I summon thee!" Nemu "My other self emerges from the depths…!" Ui "It's emerging again!" Kanagi "I won't stand for any further injustice!" Mitama "Regret the fact that you saw this." Tsukuyo "I won't listen to any objections!" Tsukasa "I'm trying my hardest too, you hear me…?!"
Yuna "I'm being swallowed by my emotions…" Hikaru "Don't take her away from me…!" Ao "This is my retribution…" Juri "I'm gonna do this however I want." Shizuka "I wanted to protect it all." Chiharu "Give me back my wish…!" Sunao "The darkness from my past returns to me…" Himena "Stop getting in my way…!" Shigure "I can't protect her…" Hagumu "I'm no good, am I…" San "I have to protect it…!" Miyuri "I feel faint…" Rabi "There's no chance of salvation now…" Asahi "I’m sorry, Grandpa." Alexandra "My first love was…" Urara "My intentions didn’t…" Nayuta "I'm utterly blind" Mikage "Nothing Mii says can get through…" Sudachi "Fumumu… fummumu…" Yozuru "And yet, I still feel nothing." Livia "My heart is… by my wish…" Kuroe "If it's either this or dying…!" Mikoto "I'm finally going to end this."
Swim Iroha "I think I might drown…!" Iroha-chan "With these Doppel-Unlocking Pills…!" Uwasa Tsuruno "Please, don't look." Felicia-chan "Feels like somethin's coming out…" Holy Alina "I can see the Earth's horizon…" Idol Rena-chan "Get ready to see Rena's embarrassing secret!" Sister Momoko "I want to be happy, too…!" Vampire Kanagi "Just what did we ever do…?!" Haregi Mitama "Down to Hell with you." Swim Amanes "This is our paradise." Sunrise Shizuka "I'll foretell the future!" Kimochi Rabi "I... will save..." Swim Kuroe "Summer will end…" Tanabata Yachiyo "Let us tour the skies together." Darkness Kanagi "Once I die, there will finally..." Darkness Mitama "So ruin really will arrive, after all..." Anime Yachiyo "Because of my wish…" Anime Iroha "Stop trying to destroy it…!" Infinite Iroha "I won't falter any more...!"
Madoka "Emerge from within me!" Homura "You'll regret this." Glasses Homura "You're in there, right?!" Sayaka "There's no way I'd regret anything…!" Mami "Come on out!" Kyouko "Here we go… c'mon out already!" Nagisa "I wanna eat it…!"
Ultimate Madoka "I'm going to borrow this power, okay…?" Haregi Madoka "Here's my very best New Year's gift!" Madoka-senpai "Uwah. Something popped out." Madoka & Iroha "We'll become an endless volley of arrows that can break through anything!" Swim Madoka "Summer's not going to end yet…!" Swim Homura "Right now, I'm sure I can…" Haregi Sayaka "Look at me!" Surfing Sayaka "Is this the only way…?" Holy Mami "If you please, Florence!" Swim Mami "I'll deal with that sin!" Swim Kyouko "I'm not gonna sink…!" V-Day Nagisa "Where's the chocolate…?"
Kanoko "I'll be borrowing this strength to wear." Natsuki "I'm an athlete, too…!" Hinano "Who are you calling SHORT?!" Sasara "Don't worry, I'll save you…" Nanaka "I shall take you on." Emiri "Feel free to come out…!" Shizuku "This isn't the place where you belong!" Akira "Time to use my ace in the hole…" Manaka "This is the taste of Walnut's…!" Ria "My beauty is the real thing!" Kako "Please…!" Meiyui "Devil, I summon thee!" Leila "No choice but to see things through…!" Seika "I should… be able to wield this!" Mito "Should I send it out now…?!" Kokoro "I am absolutely not going down here!" Yukika "What is this presence…?" Hanna "It came ooout…!" Ayaka "This is my power, too!" Himika "I'm gonna send this thing out too, y'hear?!" Sakuya "Don't hurt me any further…!" Aimi "Deliver my feelings!" Tsumugi "It's not enough… I can't hold back!" Ren "Don't kill my heart…!" Konoha "H-how about… this?!" Hazuki "May I borrow your aid?" Ayame "Time for you to get out there…!" Masara "I seem to be quite bored…" Konomi "Let me see your flower bloom!" Rika "Frustration level: MAX!" Mayu "Why do they all get the wrong idea…?!" Sayuki "Sayuki's friends are her…" Moka "I knew it. I'm totally clueless…" Riko "I don't want to feel lonely yet…!" Maria "With a body like this…!" Mel "Tenebra rises from deep within me…!" Mikura "It seems that time has come." Seira "H-holy crap…" Temari "Only the results matter…" Hotori "I'm still so weak…" Meguru "In the end, I'm nobody special…" Ranka "I'll never do it again, so please…" Rion "Why, Hotori…?" Ryou "I need evidence…!" Chika "In the end, I'm just human too…" Hotaru "Let me sleep…" Kanae "I'll disrupt it all…" Yuuna "I have nothing whatsoever…!" Jun "'Behind the times,' huh…?" Ashley "Sorry, Daddy…" Ikumi "Even though those are our dreams…!" Mitsune "Don't look… [It] isn't me…!" Sae "I have to keep acting, or else…" Rui "When I became a Magical Girl, I was already…" Akari "If only I could grow up faster…" Ryouko "World peace? Or my happiness?" Kushu "Big Sister…"
Konoha & Hazuki "We are three people in one."
Oriko "This is my reason for living…!" Kirika "I feel like I've been reborn!" Yuma "Yuma's not useless!" Final Oriko "The reason I'm alive is…"
Kazumi "Has this been inside me…?" Umika "This, too… is me." Kaoru "I'm gonna send out my best shot…!" Kazumi Subaru "I won’t…..despair….."
Darc "In order to bring light…!" Liz "Even if a shadow should vanish…!" Melissa "I regret nothing." Eliza "I swear on my pride!" Minou "You hateful, hateful, hateful, HATEFUL…!" Corbeau "Minou… Elder Sister…" Lapine "I won't forgive you." Pernelle "The light of truth…!" Isabeau "The time to spread my wings…"
Suzune "I've done something I can't take back…!" Matsuri "I'm… forgetting something…" Arisa "I'm always, always alone…!" Chisato "You can't survive on dreams alone…!" Haruka "So am I really not good enough…?" Tsubaki "What…? …Why?"
Hitagi "I'll beat you dead." Mayoi "Mom…" Suruga "Am I going to add another sin to the pile…?" Nadeko "I hate you…!" Tsubasa "…Drop dead." Shinobu "Shall I get serious?"
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